Sources are reporting that Kate was never really a serious contender for the show with Deen. "Quiet" and "shy" on set, she was more likely to just be a guest. http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/marc_malkin/b159755_kate_gosselin_never_actually_on_deens.html
10 sediments (sic) from readers:
I'd like to think that the people who wrote to Paula Deen and the production company refusing to watch the show if Kate was a part of it had something to do with the decision, too.
This blows me away. I am shocked that E! online is reporting a somewhat unflattering story about Queen Khate. In September Radaronline and E! reported that Kate was getting her own talk show. Then it was reported that it was Paula Deen's show and Kate might be part of the panel. And NOW it comes out that she was only considered as a guest. Okaaaaayyy.
Have the payments to these tabloid websites stopped? Because for awhile it seemed like they were on TLC/Discovery/Figure 8's payroll with all the spin stories they were writing about Kate.
The only problem I have with this article is it does not name the sources. It could very well be true but it could very well just be spin. Kate doesn't care what kind of attention she gets as long as she is getting it.
I agree that it is surprising to see negative reports about Kate especially by Radar. However, I also feel that the closer we get to the TLC vs Jon trial date the less support Kate will get from TLC. After the case is settled it will be bye-bye Kate!
What am I missing? Is this negative about Kate?
"Quiet and shy on the set" is pretty flattering, IMO.
She may not be suited for her own talk show, though she'd do a good voice over, IMO. I think she could easily to product endorsements.
Anon 10:01 - E! is finally reporting that Kate's only involvement with Paula Deen's talk show is for a guest shot only.
In September it was reported that Kate was getting her own talk show.
In November Kate was supposed to be part of the panel.
In December she was "bounced" from the show for being too controversial.
The tabloids have been stretching the truth on this story for quite some time.
Yes, Lauren nothing, about nothing, doing nothing.
"The tabloids have been stretching the truth on this story for quite some time."- Lauren
Never trust the tabloids. They just make 80% of this stuff up because Kate/Jon/Hailey is so intriguing (love or hate her) to so many people. Look at the Radaronline comments. There are 100s for any Gosselin story and barely any for everything else.
Yes, and my guess is TLC has some elves working overtime once in awhile. Thanks for reminding me anonymous
What am I missing? Is this negative about Kate?
"Quiet and shy on the set" is pretty flattering, IMO.
She may not be suited for her own talk show, though she'd do a good voice over, IMO. I think she could easily to product endorsements.
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