Kate's been to Alaska and now L.A. with the kids this week. Just last week she took them to New York during a heat wave for filming. Shortly before that, she dragged them down to Florida to celebrate their birthday and film some more. Sure is a lot of filming for just a few sporadic "updates." Yeah, right.
So what is their father doing while his children work, besides collecting his hush money from TLC? Well, Jon's official Twitter account is very revealing. On June 20, he tweated that he has "decided to tweet about my life. Kids are great and I am fine. thank god last year is over. constant reminders. oh well. who cares?"
Six weeks later and we now know what this twit has been doing with his life:
7/27/10: Asked fellow Twitters if they liked Inception
7/26/10: Watched Green Zone (Matt Damon)
7/23/10: Watched Cop Out (Bruce Willis) with girlfriend Ellen.
7/23/10: Walked Ellen's chihuahuas
7/23/10: Ran some errands, went swimming
7/23/10: Played Farmville on Facebook
7/22/10: Watched The Wolfman with Ellen
7/21/10: Watched E.T.
7/20/10: Relaxing
7/20/10: Did some online surveys for pay. Says he makes $1-$5 a survey.
7/19/10: Watched Bounty Hunter
7/19/10: Got puppies on Farmville
6/30/10: Played Mafia Wars on Facebook
6/14/10: Had lunch with friends at the W hotel.
We have two words for Jon. The first starts with D. The second with B. Stop sitting on your butt while your children work their summer away to make their "father support" payments to you every month. You're supposed to pay the child support, not the other way around.
So what is their father doing while his children work, besides collecting his hush money from TLC? Well, Jon's official Twitter account is very revealing. On June 20, he tweated that he has "decided to tweet about my life. Kids are great and I am fine. thank god last year is over. constant reminders. oh well. who cares?"
Six weeks later and we now know what this twit has been doing with his life:
7/27/10: Asked fellow Twitters if they liked Inception
7/26/10: Watched Green Zone (Matt Damon)
7/23/10: Watched Cop Out (Bruce Willis) with girlfriend Ellen.
7/23/10: Walked Ellen's chihuahuas
7/23/10: Ran some errands, went swimming
7/23/10: Played Farmville on Facebook
7/22/10: Watched The Wolfman with Ellen
7/21/10: Watched E.T.
7/20/10: Relaxing
7/20/10: Did some online surveys for pay. Says he makes $1-$5 a survey.
7/19/10: Watched Bounty Hunter
7/19/10: Got puppies on Farmville
6/30/10: Played Mafia Wars on Facebook
6/14/10: Had lunch with friends at the W hotel.
We have two words for Jon. The first starts with D. The second with B. Stop sitting on your butt while your children work their summer away to make their "father support" payments to you every month. You're supposed to pay the child support, not the other way around.
While Jon screws around on Facebook watering virtual crops and building barns, and gets up to speed on all the latest and greatest crap-ola movies, his kids are being dragged around the country pissing away their summer with a film crew in tow, and only making 15% on all this. Jon had our support for so long. He's burned that bridge now.

196 sediments (sic) from readers:
*shaking head* Sheesh Jon.
The term "slacker" just doesn't seem to capture Jon's lack of interest in being a productive member of society.
Jon does need to get off his azz and find some work. But again, TLC is preventing him from working in the media. He is still under contract with TLC.
That shouldn't stop him from getting a regular 8-5 job. BUT, he's been off the job market for 3 or so years. No one is going to offer him a good paying job. If he finds a job at McDonald, would that be enough?
Also, it's not like Jon can pull the strings. TLC and Kate has him in a bind. Jon tried to take the kids off TV but he is no match for TLC high priced lawyers. TLC SUED JON. And used his kids are bargaining chips.
Jon is an idiot we all know that by now. He is not going to accomplish anything. The only way to stop this is by not watching period.
As long as their are viewers Kate and TLC will keep pimping the kids. Bashing Jon won't accomplish nothing. NOT TUNING IN and giving the show the worst rating possible will do more damage than bashing Jon.
Yes he's a dead beat. So what? Calling him a dead beat and then watching the show at the same time, supporting TLC and their advertisers. What does that accomplish exactly?
I'm not quite sure what kind of 'work' in the media Jon is suitable for. Another reality show watching him do this kind of stuff ... how boring!
If Jon is so wowfully unqualified for anything other than 'burger flipping' or 'media' should he not be spending his time getting qualified to do something?
As an aside, I've noticed that the post on the blog of the Mum of Kate's baby sitter regarding her 11th hour call up has disappeared. Is it just me or have other people noticed that?
So Ashley's mother blog post where she casually mentions that Ashley has 2 hour notice to pack is now "missing".
This tidbit does not surprise me whatsoever.
FTR in addition to TLC interns and KG's PR team, I do believe that Kate reads these blogs. Why? Because during DWTS she and Tony talked about doing so on a daily basis.
I used to be on Team 8 and Team Jon but now I'm only on Team 8.
I agree with Jibberjabbers that the only way to SAVE THE KIDS by getting them OFF THE TV is NOT TO WATCH THE SHOW.
So it seems that an old photo of Jon that was taken in NY last year was used by E! this week because Jon was seen in LA. Gee, it just so happens that so is Kate and the kids!
Since Kate + 8 lost over a million viewers, it seems to me that TLC is getting desperate to regain viewers. As proof I have noted that TLC's sister network Discovery is showing the original episodes of J&K+8 Monday through Friday. We also know that the kids are being dragged from NY to Alaska and now L.A.
Where Jon just happens to be too. Will TLC film a segment with Jon this week in order to boost ratings? I'm thinking yes.
Still I WILL NOT WATCH THE SHOW. My goal is to stop this show and the only way to do so is NOT TO WATCH.
No viewers = No ratings
No ratings = No sponsors
No sponsors = NO SHOW
I don't watch. Jon and Kate are manufactured celebrities, they have no talent or appeal, but they are trained in making a scene and getting noticed. That is why Kate is first out of the gate at the airport, the tups are in matchy outfits and she holds a girl tup by the hand - the boys just aren't cute enough in her mind. Wierd hair, slutty outifts and a married bodyguard has kept Kate in the tabloids for 2 years now. And she is making millions.
Does anyone know what Jon's contract with TLC permits him to do?
what I have to say does not fit in a message.Here it is: http://roxyhelen.wordpress.com/2010/06/01/kate-plus-8children-endangerment/
Let me know what you think
Why would he choose to let the world know how lazy and shallow he is? I used to think Jon was the lesser of two weasels. I'm now convinced both are very much alike. Kate is just slightly more driven by greed, while Jon is mostly driven by sloth.
I'd like to have a talk with ( smack upside the head) the original people who told these two nonentities that either of them has "Star Quality".
Jon can speak reasonably intelligently and can be funny on occasion; but so can 10 million other American men; certainly not well enough to sustain any kind of fan base in a show of his own.
Kate has negative star quality; people watch her because she is so bad.
Jon needs to get rid of his spoiled rich kid upbringing and his delusions of fame, use his brain instead of his kids, and train for a real job. If his life coach is advising him otherwise, she is a poor excuse for a life coach. IMO.
Jon had our support for so long. He's burned that bridge now.
I'm sure Jon is devastated to have burned his bridge with a complete stranger who blogs incessantly about his family.
roxyhelen, I can't get your link to work--can you do a copy and paste?
I agree with above posters. I gave Jon some slack before, but not now. How can any man laze around and have any pride? The only kind of friends that attracts are like kind, looking for their 15 min. of fame. I don't care what kind of contract he supposely signed with TLC or whoever, there should be a clause to get out of it or pay the consquences and act like a grown man and earn some support for his kids. He should also fight to get more time with them instead of using the excuse of custody limitations. If a father insists on having more visatation rights wouldn't the courts listen? I am appalled he would allow the childhood of his children be taken away like it is so he and want-to-be star Kate live off of them. Summer vacation is too short to be spent being dragged all around to make more fun money for mommy & daddy. That this is allowed is crazy and until someone with authority and power speaks up and finally does something sbout it, other children and the Gosselin children will continue to be used and their childhoods abused by this system. The dollar is all that counts to some and it does not matter how it is made or who it hurts in the process. If even a few "celebrity" people got on the bandwagon to protect these kids that would cause more public awareness. But keeping Kate in the spotlight continues to make money for so many that will not happen. I call it Judas money..
Anonymous said... Jon had our support for so long. He's burned that bridge now.
I'm sure Jon is devastated to have burned his bridge with a complete stranger who blogs incessantly about his family.
Sure he is! See, the blogger used to be a viewer and Jon knows he needs VIEWERS to watch the show to keep it on the air so he can stay home and do nothing.
FTR he burnt the bridge with this former Team Jon blogger too, and I don't watch the show anymore either. I'm also sure to add at the bottom of my posts:
Anonymous said... Jon had our support for so long. He's burned that bridge now.
I'm sure Jon is devastated to have burned his bridge with a complete stranger who blogs incessantly about his family.
July 29, 2010 6:56 AM
I knew a troll was going to pop on here to say that! Congrats on being the first.
I read your post located at:
Welcome! We are former fans of the show who knew something did not smell right and found that we are not alone.
You are right - the only way to help the kids is NOT TO WATCH THE SHOW.
It's like the Twitter account of a 15 year old on summer vacation. Who cares what constraints TLC has put on Jon's media career, for god's sake do something man! Go to school and train for a career because trust us, Jon, the media career isn't going to happen no matter what TLC does.
I can't stand Kate but at least she is working with her kids (kids who shouldn't be working at all). Jon is content being fully supported by his WORKING children. WTF!?! This is what all his time in therapy has accomplished.
I always hoped those kids had one parent looking out for them, but clearly not. Do they look happy as clams when with Jon - of course. He's fun dad. No responsibilities, just fun - fun - fun. The fact that the kids are happy in their rare moments with him does not make him the better parent IMO. They both suck.
Jon's twitter account should look like what the kids should look like if they had one.
They're the ones who should be sitting on their butts watching movies, playing games, and walking dogs.
This is such a bizarre role reversal.
I don't know what is worse, the fact that he plays Farmville and collects his hush money, or the fact that he has no shame doing it.
I would say Jon having no shame is worse.
A former 'cheerleader' for Jon.
The reality of Jon and working is that there is no there there. He is even less trained than Kate, dropped out of college, did some "IT" work (read 'I can mess around with computers') for a friend, got fired from a job for doing personal work on said computers and has been coasting on his 'celeb' status for way too many years. In today's economy, to get a real job would put him into competition with much younger players, who have real training and college educations. This is no excuse by any means, I think he is a D-bag to the extreme, but I also think he will continue to play the spoiled child role he was playing when he met Kate, and yes, what a tool to live off the backs of your offspring.
Me, I'm even more productive than he is on my summer break from my job in education - no Twitter; Farmville and all that stuff is blocked on my FB - OK, I confess to spending time over here as a guilty pleasure, but I work, have worked, and raised my children to pay their own bills. And I no longer watch TLC.
Administrator said...
Jon's twitter account should look like what the kids should look like if they had one.
How true this simple statement is.
Until recently,I was a member of his cheerleading team and just continued to sit on the sidelines and cheer him on, but to do nothing and Tweeter about it is totally wrong!
He is supposed to support his kids , not continue to ride their backs to the local money mover like their mother.
I just reread Jon's tweets for the past 6 weeks. What 33 yo father of 8 is not even looking for a job to support his family or at least going back to school? Oh that's right, Jon Gosselin because he is paid by TLC not to work because he said it was OK for his children to work to support him instead.
Let me guess Jon, you don't even have a buddy to play with you during the day because all the guys you know have a real job to go to, right?
TLC pays Kate very well too but yet Kate still complains on national TV more than once about not having enough money.
Yep that's right, Kate still says she has no money to put her 8 kids through college while at the same time she is on the cover of People getting $7,000 in hair extensions that have to be redone in 6 weeks and lives in a beautiful McMansion with a lot of people working for her.
Since this past spring Kate and the kids have been seen in Los Angeles, Florida, New York, Alaska and now in LA again. No doubt about it, the kids are in California to WORK.
Both Jon and Kate don't have real jobs because their 8 children are w-o-r-k-i-n-g to support their parents.
Kate+8 is losing viewers. Why? Because you can't go on 6 vacations in 3 months dragging unhappy kids that have to work while their mother claims she needs the money when it is obvious that she has at least 8 bank accounts.
The mess in the gulf is impacting several families and will for a long time. Two weeks ago I found out another friend has lost their home to foreclosure. Real families are financially struggling in this economy ... why would anyone want to see Jon and Kate do NOTHING but allow their 8 children to WORK just to support their lazy lifestyle?
It is not hard these days to find parents who need to find jobs to support their families but cannot find a job so they are trying to survive on unemployment. True single parents who do not have cooks, nannies, gardeners, etc. are doing the best they can.
All things considering, why would people want to watch Kate+8? It was one thing when it was how to get kids ready for school with the dad going off to a real job, but it is another thing as to how a mom packs for vacation after vacation (after paid staff have done the laundry and folded clothes) when a lot of families can't afford to even think about getting away in these tough economic times.
The show is tanking - as it should. TLC you can't cram a woman who believes her own PR down our throats anymore. Take this show off the air, give the Gosselin children their privacy and childhood back. It is time.
Westcoaster said... Me, I'm even more productive than he is on my summer break from my job in education - no Twitter; Farmville and all that stuff is blocked on my FB.
My 12 year old is more productive on summer break than Jon! More responsible too. He's in charge of lawn mowing and is doing great. Jon doesn't even have that much to do since he's apartment living.
Westcoaster, you rock. So impressed by the intelligent women/men on this blog.
I don't tweet, I don't twitter, so I'm not familiar with this. However, this surely doesn't represent what he does 24/7, does it? Each listing here, such as watching a movie or walking dogs, represents what...maybe approximately two hours. How do we know what he does the other 22 hours? Could he be looking for a job, could he be taking an online class...WHO KNOWS? He's not giving an account for everything that he does.
The point is, we really don't know what is going on in his life since this isn't a complete picture of what goes on during his day.
Can we all agree vanityfair is a reputable mag???
YES WE CAN!!! This article was wrote by a reporter who followed Kate all day and here are her thoughts... Enjoy, it shows Kates true colors
Jon Gosselin appears to be a selfish, self-centered, lazy immature man who in spite of loving his kids and being the better parent of the two still can't manage to do right by them. e.g. why didn't he rent a home with a yard so he could reclaim the kid's german shepherds Kate got rid of last year?
Julianna said... I don't tweet, I don't twitter, so I'm not familiar with this. However, this surely doesn't represent what he does 24/7, does it? Each listing here, such as watching a movie or walking dogs, represents what...maybe approximately two hours. How do we know what he does the other 22 hours? Could he be looking for a job, could he be taking an online class...WHO KNOWS? He's not giving an account for everything that he does.
The point is, we really don't know what is going on in his life since this isn't a complete picture of what goes on during his day.
Well we do know one thing: in recent weeks Jon spent at least 12 hours getting a tattoo. IIRC wasn't it estimated to cost at least $2,000?
Toni, that article is from October 2009, but it is very revealing...I didn't know it was possible to dislike, no HATE, Kate Gosselin more than I already do...but I do.
I went over to BM's site this morning and found BM is not happy that Kate is being called a bitch on another site.
Since I went to the offending site and found it entertaining, I thought I would share it:
So someone who did not even know about the Gosselin blogs still seems to share some same viewpoints. Imagine that.
Hi Mickey,
I haven't watched their show in almost 2 years. I went a couple of steps farther with my vendetta(ha!). I do not watch TLC at all. Ever. I also do not watch their sister channels. i do not watch Animal Planet, Discovery or Discovery Health. I managed to get my husband and sons to go along with the ban of these channels. I am not going to give them my viewership ever again.
I used to be a Jon supporter, too. I felt a kinship with him because he was the stay at home parent for 2 years. You get very little appreciation for that job. Ever since, Jon caved with the lawsuit, I am, not on his side any more. I will never like Kate again. But, I think Jon is lazy and I do not understand how he can just sit on his ass and let his kids support him. No respect for him either.
If you read this, I have an idea for you. Start a Korean Restaurant. Get recipes from your Mom and Grandma. You can be the door man who says Hi and talks to his patrons.
Here Kate or Jon, here are 2 more ideas. Have a cartoon version of your kids adventures in Gosselin land. Or a series of kids books about their adventures with positive messages about life. Kate, you would not even have to write them. Get someone with writing talent. It will sell better. Your kids could have their privacy back and be a lot better off.
Jon, you should have aligned yourself with Paul Peterson. But, regardless, how can you see your daughter Mady ( who looks so much like you) say she wants to die and do nothing? How can you look at yourself in the mirror?
Hi JudyK, I knew the article was from 2009 but just that morning she was on the Today show crying bullets about Jon taking all the money so she couldn't pay all the bills she had in her purse...LOL, I remember thinking, OMG u have got to be kidding me, crying on NATIONAL TV about something as private as that, "I don't even have words." Then that article came out that was written on the same day... SERIOUSLY ????????????
Some think they would only hate Kate when they get older but after what Jon did taking pay to put them back on TV they will probably hate him more for having done that. I don't care that he's nice with them when he spends time with them he's a terrible father because he is using his children to give him and income while he can roam free and run around. They will be angry at Jon for removing them from TV and then agreeing to put them back on for pay. While he sits and does nothing but run around and act like a immature kid. I think Jon deserves to be called a user as he is using his kids for a paycheque just like Kate is. He is no different to Kate looking out for himself and his needs.
How sad for so long people held out for Jon to do something right for his children and he was commended for taking them off tv but his motives were only to get a paycheque for himself so he wouldn't have to work. Sorry I am not buying that he can't work at a job outside of being on reality shows he just doesn't want to work. He likes getting a paycheque at his kids expense I believe that all the Jon supporters were duped by his "nice guy" act. I honestly think he is as manipulative as Kate is.
JJ- your response regarding Jon & his battles with TLC describe what I used to believe regarding Jon's butt sitting. I no longer give him any pass. He had so many chances to stand up and do the right thing for his kids. He has clearly made his choice and his tweets reflect his decision. It is BALONEY to continue to blame TLC for Jon's actions/inactions with respect to protecting his children. Paul Peterson made it crystal clear more than a year ago that Jon would have the full support of AMC, which would have included legal representation by Gloria Allred who is their attorney of record. I do NOT believe for one minute that TLC would have been this successful in any legal battle that she was involved in. I believe that the outcome would have looked very different and that includes giving up all of the marital assets. He is a lazy fool and poor excuse for a parent. SAD.
I admit I have not read all the posts on this thread, so forgive repeats.
I also think Jon should buck up and get himself some kind of a job. In my small town there are some jobs available; I'm sure there are in his part of the country. The problem is, they don't have glamour and they don't increase fame.
They only yield a paycheck, steadily.
However, these Tweets are only a glimpse of a few hours of his day. I am employed full time
and have pets that need care and friends I like to visit, and still I have time in my day to get on 3 blogs to read and write about the mess that is Gosselin. It is a small portion of my day. I can't really say that Jon ONLY does the things he tweets about, but they seem to be the things he thinks people care about the most.
Did I just defend Jon? Oh no! Aaaacckkk! :-)
OK...I'm just gonna try to be fair here...as fair as possible. And let me say that I agree with what everyone is posting regarding Jon...about 95%. But the other 5%? I just feel like I am missing WAY too much information.
Do we actually know for a fact that the contract with TLC says that only entertainment jobs are not allowed? Or is it ALL jobs? Do we know for sure?
And if he's not allowed to work, how did the courts determine his child support payments should be $25,000/month? And is TLC paying him 5 grand/month as reported or much more?
And if it would be reasonable that there should be judges who would agree with him regarding the children on TV, why have we not heard of one lawyer offering to represent him pro-bono? When in fact, every lawyer he's had has seemed to screw him over?
I've seen MANY cases of attorneys taking cases pro-bono if they are high-profile. And this would be not only high-profile but might easily be something the attorney would want to take a stand on (on behalf of the children).
And I remember that until recently, we were all wondering just HOW far did TLC's power go? How far-reaching were their tentacles? They seemed to have unlimited power and influence...in the entertainment industry, the dept. of labor in PA, etc. And here is this one guy going up against this behemoth.....and we have very little info. regarding how much and what type of a squeeze they put/have on him.
Plus...according to some reports, the custody dispute is NOT settled....and perhaps he is still attempting to get something done on behalf of the children. Family court is a real bitch when it comes to child custody...esp. regarding what one spouse can do with the children when it is their visitation time period.
Don't get me wrong. Things do not look good. But it's not a matter of me finding endearing things about Jon. It's that there are just way too many things that don't add up and there is way too much info. that's not available.
Toni said... Hi JudyK, I knew the article was from 2009 but just that morning she was on the Today show crying bullets about Jon taking all the money so she couldn't pay all the bills she had in her purse...LOL, I remember thinking, OMG u have got to be kidding me, crying on NATIONAL TV about something as private as that, "I don't even have words." Then that article came out that was written on the same day... SERIOUSLY ????????????
I well remember that interview and being totally turned off by Kate, the actress--just as I always am.
dee3...I so agree with everything you said ~ and I also agree with fidosmommy. Unless a high-profile attorney like Gloria Allred agreed to represent Jon pro-bono, he would not have the capability of finding an attorney with even a fighting chance against the machine that is TLC.
Wasn't his contract with TLC up in May? The lazy fool went and resigned with them. Selling his kids childhood is a much easier buck that going out and getting a job himself. He could have gone to school or gotten some on line training in all these months he's been sitting on his ass. He could have started up an on line business where nobody would have even had to know it's him. But that would cut into his movie watching and game playing time.To become unknown isn't something he wants either. It's not as strong as his famewhore ex wife's desire, but he also likes the limelight. Take a look at his spiffbox account http://www.spiffbox.com/S/com.spiff.member.S_M_View?id=14531 Still describing his occupation asa Film/TV - Reality TV star. Since when? He's a has been with NO occupation. He's a lazy sloth. I hope one day his kids wise up about him too and see right through his BS. Those kids don't have ANYBODY on their side except the bloggers.
I though Jon couldn't get out of the contract, that the wording was such that if TLC wanted to cut him off, it could, but Jon cannot break the contract himself. Am I remembering correctly?
Yeah I used to like the family and I still like the kids but not because they are tups or anything,simply because I love all kids and I plan to go to med school and become a pediatrician.Up until two months ago I was making vids of the gosselinkids on youtube I have like ten of them just cute vids with cute songs and effects I didn't see anything wrong with it but now I've stopped.I didn't delete them but I have no intention of making more.And no it wasn't a channel dedicated to them.I was getting no profit of them so I shouldn't feel that guilty right? I mean I didn't even get more than 100 hits(if even that) one each...
I believe that part of Jon's "agreement" with TLC is that as long as he lets them film the kids he's paid at least $5K per month and they (TLC) pick up the child support payments.
Paul Petersen offered to help Jon. It sounded pro bono to me. Usually communications with any GOOD attorney will be confidential. If I offered to help Jon I wouldn't run to the papers the next day and announce it. If he said no I would simply go on my way. We have no idea what was offered to him. What I would have said to him we can get your kids off TV that's not a problem but you won't be paid by TLC anymore. I suspect that's what most attorneys told him and he ultimatly decided it wasn't worth it, literally.
You can always abandon any contract. A contract is a civil remedy, not a criminal one. You may have to pay damages but anyone can walk away at any time. Jon could have walked out, he did. He was sued, you deal with the suit. He settled, he did not HAVE to settle. I predicted TLC would never take him to trial too much would come out that was bad against them--they would brow beat him until he settled CONFIDENTIALLY. I was exactly right.
You have to rememeber what TLC had control of. TLC had control of THE MONEY and only THE MONEY. They used the kids as leverage...basically they said you don't let us film your kids you don't get our money anymore. At no time did TLC ever have custody of these kids, nor could they legally. TLC is a company. Jon and Kate are the kids' parents and have always had joint custody over them. They are their kids to decide where they will go, what they will do, whether they will work for TLC. So many people have misstated that or misunderstood what power TLC had. They had no power over the kids, the parents have the power.
I do not accept as an excuse that Jon "couldn't" walk away from TLC. Absolutley he could, and take his kids too. Of course he's not going to get paid by them anymore but he can't have it both ways! He wants TLC to pay them for not having the kids on anymore? Not gonna happen.
He pulls the kids, he deals with the breach of contract like any big boy would with the free help offered by Paul Petersen, and he gets a real job and goes on with his life in privacy. This is not rocket science.
This was always about Jon wanting the money over the kids, period.
ITA with you admin. about what a loser Jon has become. Who knows, maybe he always was. These 2 parents are despicable.
Mickey, although ITA with your sentiments about both Jon and Kate and your input is really good, could you please, please just drop the the thingy at the bottom about not watching. I understand why you are saying it, but after awhile it just loses its punch. Most people make up their own minds anyway about whether they are going to watch or not. I'm not trying to make you angry or start anything, really I'm not. You make a lot of really valid points. But just skip that part please.
Admin, I agree. However, we have to remember that Jon would not only have to deal with TLC and having no income (until he got a job), but also with Kate. There is no wrath like a woman stripped of her TV show. I am certain Kate has always made Jon sorry he ever met her, but imagine the methods of revenge Kate would dream up to make him even sorrier for his decision.
If Jon walked away from TLC, he would have to have a much tighter reign on his rights as a parent, IMO.
That would be "rein", not "reign". Gee whiz. It's not even the middle of the night, either!
With parents like this, the children could end up as wards of the State.
Anonymous said... With parents like this, the children could end up as wards of the State
Do you think they would notice the difference?
Paid caretakers.
To: Jon is a D.B. for sure
If you look up above, you will see that I do not put the thingy at the bottom of all my posts. I do not do this because I agree with you - the message will lose its punch.
However, as we get closer to the next airing of the new Kate+8 I will try to remind people why it is important not to watch.
Fact is the bloggers already know what is going to be on the next show because TLC in trying to keep the interest going has leaked photos, etc. from their trips.
These days it seems to me that TLC is counting on the haterz aka child advocates to keep tuning in to keep their viewer numbers up! TLC hopes that the bloggers will watch the show so they can post their negative thoughts as to what they just saw on the show on the blogs.
Yes, I'm saying that I think there are more haterz than loverz these days that are tuning in to Kate+8. If only the haters could watch something else on that day and forget about posting on a blog.
If only the haterz would be happy in reading Admin's recap here versus watching it too.
Anon above who wrote that the children do not have ANYBODY on their side except the bloggers. Well ITA their own parents don't seem to give a rip about their welfare, but I would have to add that some of the "bloggers" who do not blog have more power than others to make a difference and are behind the scenes trying to help these kids :)
But Mickey, as i said, I agree with your message and I know you have the right perspective on things, but it has to be up to each individual person whether they will watch or not and for what reasons. I haven't and won't watch any more. i can't take her toxic personality and entitlement issues any longer. And I completely agree that the only way to make this show go away is to STOP WATCHING! Ratings tanking is the only way to stop it. I also agree it is the non fans that watch that are keeping those ratings up. I just don't think reminding people is going to work. They're gonna do what they're gonna do so to speak. I hope I haven't made you angry, that was not my intention at all.
"Well we do know one thing: in recent weeks Jon spent at least 12 hours getting a tattoo"
Six hours one day, possibly six hours the next day out of the past 30 days, which is a total of 12 hours out of 720 hours (it was a month ago). My point is...do we really know what he is doing the remaining hours?
Could he be looking for a job? Is he meeting with an attorney to discuss possible separation from TLC?
We just don't know because things have been relatively quiet on that side of the fence. I really don't think he is going to tweet that he's cutting off TLC and ending the show. He's just tweeting about the benign things that won't cause a media frenzy.
I'm not a Jon hater or a Jon lover. I'm neutral on that one. Granted, he's done some pretty insane things, but I do know one thing. He's the one who supports his kids in their activities during the school year. ALL of their activities, when their mother is just too busy to do so.
I'm hoping for the sake of the children, that he does get his life on track and turns himself around, finds a job, cuts off TLC and pulls the plug on the show. If he has the will, there's a way. We just don't know that nothing is in the works right now to end this filming and thus the exploitation of these kids.
"Paul Petersen offered to help Jon. It sounded pro bono to me."
Admin., do you know how he offered to help? Find him attorney? Where and when was this reported, and was the help he offered just general help, with nothing specifically noted?
I'm waiting for the day when one of the blogs post "If you watched the show so you could come here and blog about all the things that are wrong with K+8, don't bother, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. The recap is up and we can all read."
I know this will never happen, but a girl can dream. :)
Admin - I think a great majority of the time you are logical and fair but when I took a second look at Jon's tweets, I hardly think the content reveals much at all about his life except activities that are common to almost everybody; movie watching, dog walking.
Within that month and a half worth of tweets is a twenty day gap where he doesn't tweet. Way too little info there to be saying he isn't doing anything productive.
That's my problem too....there is just so little we actually KNOW/or can corroborate, as fact when it comes to Jon. I am really not understanding how they assessed his child support to be 25 grand a month if he's unemployed and not extremely wealthy. That's a HUGE child-support amount. How and why did they decide on that figure?
I absolutely have to defer to the Administrator when it comes to breach of contract...but I do know that even though the issue of the children being on TV would be relevant in BOTH a breach of contract dispute AND a custody dispute....they are in two totally different courts. And I can see where a reasonable case could be made for taking the children off TV in family court....but not completely sure what TLC possibly CAN do to him or hold over him regarding the breach of contract situation.
It's my understanding that he did not re-sign a contract...but that he settled out of court with TLC when they sued him for breach of (the most recent) contract. I don't know if we actually KNOW when that contract ran out or has even run out....or even what's in it, for that matter.
And I assume that what is decided in family court would have no real bearing on what would be decided in a contract dispute....which I assume would be straight-up contract law....whereas a judge would have some discretionary leeway in family court.
But even with that....there is no guarantee that the judge would agree with him. Up until recently, almost everyone on the planet seemed to agree with Kate....much to my dismay and frustration. And that is why I remember it SO well....because I was SO flabbergasted with the impression that TLC could literally do anything it wanted and pull it off.
I'm not claiming anything. It's just that I'm not absolutely 100% sure that we may not be over-estimating what Jon CAN do. I could be completely wrong....I just feel I don't have enough information to make it 100%....not to mention that I'm still reeling/stunned with the things TLC apparently COULD and DID do in the past.
Julianna, thanks for a great post above.
It got me wondering. Could Jon just be biding his time for now, until he gets things worked out better? I understand why he would only blog about benign things and can't talk about job searches, attorney conferences, etc, and so
maybe he's actually doing some of the things we wish he was doing. He may be letting TLC feed and clothe him UNTIL he yanks his kids off and can take care of them himself.
You are so right. We don't know. We can only guess from his Tweets and lack of gainful employment of the usual type that he's a slacker and intends to keep up that as his main occupation. There may be more going on with Jon's plans than he's letting on.
I'm willing to wait this out. I hope it's not going to be too late. I just wish, in my own mind, that we had some evidence that Jon was trying.
IF ONLY Jon, while sitting on his butt and sending out tweets, would have another epiphany and pull his kids off the TV once and for all!
Anonymous said ...
"I'm waiting for the day when one of the blogs post "If you watched the show so you could come here and blog about all the things that are wrong with K+8, don't bother, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. The recap is up and we can all read."
Anon, you are not alone!
@Jon is a D.B. - I'm not mad re your request at my thingy. Since the time Jon allowed filming of his children to start up again, I have been very frustrated with this whole mess, and I know that ultimately it will be up to the viewers themselves to get the show off the air.
Mickey said:
I do believe that Kate reads these blogs. Why? Because during DWTS she and Tony talked about doing so on a daily basis.
I never heard or read where Tony and Kate read any blogs. It was said either by Tony or Kate or both that they read the tabloids every morning. Big difference.
Diana said: Jon start a Korean Restaurant.
How can Jon possibly start a restaurant when he does not even have money to purchase a home. Any equity he had left over is probably gone due to his $21,000 a month child support payments. But let's say for the sake of this post Jon does have cash let over from the divorce. You think he should spend it on a restaurant (very high rate of failure) instead of supporting his 8 kids? Diane also wrote, here are 2 more ideas. Have a cartoon version of your kids adventures in Gosselin land. Or a series of kids books about their adventures with positive messages about life.
Again what money does Jon have to publish comic books or a series of books with? Even if he had the money to do so, wouldn't he be using his kids and their adventures for profit for himself.
His future career and earnings should have zero to do with his kids. Also, Jon is disliked by the vast public. Who would visit his restaurant or buy his books?
I thought that the Today Show appearance and Vanity Fair interview were both on the day that Kate sobbed about her ring. Here's the YouTube link:
Go to the 4:30 mark. Viera asks Kate about her ring (oh.. remember the whole saga about the ring?) and Kate audibly *gulps*. She then does her best to puddle up while she apologizes to Viera.
Then...wait for it...wait for it....the pregnant pause.
She wells up and begins to dab tears that have yet to emerge.
In the silence of the aforementioned pregnant pause you hear ....CLICKCLICKCLICKCLICKCLICKCLICKCLICK
That's the sound of more than one still camera capturing the money shot. On the Today show set.
Go see and listen for yourself.
Kate cries=cameras click.
Nice job, Kate. Now you can go to Nobu.
I cannot shake the image of Jon Gosselin leaning back in his office chair six years ago, hands folded behind his head and announcing to his co-workers/boss that "my kids are going to make me rich", after he got off the phone with sealing the deal with this "wonderful" man Bill Hayes (Jon's description of the man, NOT mine)
The saddest part of all of this is that Jon and Kate talked about giving birth to sextuplets as if it was a tragedy the moment they found out they were having them. It's as if they decided someone needed to be punished because they were unable to provide for them and whether it was done consciously or not, ultimately they chose to fault the children...and they're still working and being penalized for their parents' incompetence.
Jon is no different now than he was when he bummed around Europe on his daddy's money before he met Kate.
elise said...
Mickey said:
I do believe that Kate reads these blogs. Why? Because during DWTS she and Tony talked about doing so on a daily basis.
I never heard or read where Tony and Kate read any blogs. It was said either by Tony or Kate or both that they read the tabloids every morning. Big difference.
Tabloids are not published on a daily basis but information and/or comments on the blogs do change each and every day!
Therefore, when Tony and Kate used the term tabloid I believe they meant all information readily available on the Internet. This would include but not be limited to ROL, People, ET, etc. and of course the blogs, both pro and con.
Also, taking into consideration the numerous times something is posted on a blog and then a change is noted either on the show or something that Kate says or does, it also gives me the impression that she is well aware of what is being said on the blogs.
The most recent example I can think of is when there was a lot of debate about a pair of white shorts and whether or not Kate and Jamie were wearing each other's clothing. Next thing I see on this blog a few days later is a photo with both Jamie and Kate in a pair of white shorts which of course ended the debate.
I'm waiting for the day when one of the blogs post "If you watched the show so you could come here and blog about all the things that are wrong with K+8, don't bother, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. The recap is up and we can all read."
I haven't watched the show in a couple of years. However, there's something about the statement above that just rubs me the wrong way. Do some people think this should be a blog for people with just their points of view; i.e., no one who has watched the show is permitted to give his opinion? Wouldn't that make for a great blog? ... all one-sided ... so all the bloggers could stroke each others' backs and compliment them for not watching the show. It's such an elitist attitude and so sad to read.
Tuckers mom, Yes thats the interview, Kate is also crying about all the money that was taken out of her account, She says... I have a purse full of bills that I can't mail because I have no LIQUID ASSETS to pay them, R U KIDDING ME, She has the gull to talk about liquid assets in a time where so many people are loosing there homes, and there jobs, all the why'll she has vanityfair with her for the day reporting the TRUTH. Good grief I still can't get over that!!!
Hi elise,
I am not sure who would go to Jon's restaurant, if he had one. If I were in PA, I would. And, yes, if he or Kate wrote a series of children's books featuring the Gosselin kids images ( or a cartoon series) they would be using the kids images, but, the kids would not be used in the same way as they are now. They would not be drug around everywhere, like they are now.
As far as the money aspect goes, the Gosselins did not have any "real" money before they did the tv show. The G's did not pay for the initial tv show. TLC did. Same thing with Kate's books. Kate did not pay to have her books published. She found a publisher who was interested.
I would prefer that their kids were not used, at all. But, if they have to be, I'd rather it was in a cartoon version.
Elise, do you know Jon? I doubt you know how much money he has. If a court ordered him to pay $21,000 a month in child support.....the Gosselins must have a lot more money than any of us think. If you like, you can go back into the archives of this blog to find out information regarding the formula used to determine how much child support is paid. Admin. told us the court will not ask someone to pay child support in an amount they are not able to. Courts want the non custodial parent to be ABLE to pay their child support.
Elise, I do not have any idea how much money Jon has. And, I don't go to restaurants because I like the owner. I go because I like the food. These were just random ideas I threw out. I doubt that Jon or Kate would take any of my ideas.
Have a good day elise. Peace.
Toni said...
Tuckers mom, Yes thats the interview, Kate is also crying about all the money that was taken out of her account, She says... I have a purse full of bills that I can't mail because I have no LIQUID ASSETS to pay them, R U KIDDING ME,
This was a later Today Show appearance on 10/9. I can't believe she spoke of this publicly. Wait a minute....of course I can.
Jon and Kate are both reprehensible and beyond help.
I find it equally reprehensible that NO ONE, not one person that is family related or worked closely with those two freak show whores (with the exception of Kevin and Jody) have the gonads to stand up for those kids!
In a perfect world TLC and Jon and Kate would ALL be held civilly and criminally liable for the THEFT of the innocence and childhood of 8 young children!!
Dee3- Jon's lawyer, Anthony List(Jon's father's friend) filed paperwork in April for primary custody of the kids, alleging that Kate “abuses” the terms of the custody agreement in place. When Kate went back to L.A. for DWTS, Jon called her right away and said 'look, I'll move in. I'll watch the kids while you're gone.' Kate said no.
His child support payment was $22,000/month according to the agreement that was reached in arbitration. This was all disclosed when List appeared on the Nancy Grace show. Days later Jon fired List but it wasn't until June that the custody lawsuit was rescinded. He hired some other lawyer recommended by TLC but I can't remember her name. He renegoitiated his TLC contract sometime in early June, I think and we do not know any details about that except that now Jon thinks filming his kids is just fine. The TLC monthly payments of $5000,00/mo. were disclosed by List and part of the old contract. Suffice it to say he improved his payola from TLC and here we are.
"As far as the money aspect goes, the Gosselins did not have any "real" money before they did the tv show.'
I think it was bantered back and forth that he inherited a nice sum from his father, but that both of them made the statement that they shouldn't have to use their own money to take care of the kids, thus they asked for donations and the state's continued support to extend beyond the first year.
Hi PAMom,
You are correct. I was meaning they did not have millions of dollars back then. I think now they do or at least, Kate does.
Listen, I'm in no way defending Jon....but to me, the bigger evil here is TLC. And so much is speculation. We have NO idea how they came up with that child-support figure...or if he has money from his father, etc.
I remember Jon justifying the children on the show PRIOR to pulling them off...not only afterwards. He's gone back and forth and I just can't make heads or tails out of it. In fact, what really stumps me is that if he was ALL about the money only....why did he even cause problems with the show in the first place? Why didn't he just play along and collect his paycheck?
And everyone seems to agree that if he wrote a tell-all book, it would sell like hotcakes and he could make a fortune. So why isn't he doing it? Or has not yet? If it's only about the money?
Clearly something significant happened just prior to him firing List.....but what it was, we can only speculate. I remember thinking it made NO sense at the time.
And then another thing I just don't get is WHY, if this guy is really interested in a career in entertainment......would he not ride in on his white horse to save the children...now that public opinion has swayed so much in that direction? Is he planning to have a career only as a villain?
I don't know....he is either the STUPIDEST person EVER born....or there is something significant we are not privy to.
Julianna said...
Admin., do you know how he offered to help? Find him attorney? Where and when was this reported, and was the help he offered just general help, with nothing specifically noted?
Julianna, early on in the show J&K+8, Paul Petersen (please NOTE the correct spelling of his last name, it's PetersEn, not sOn) posted on his site, A Minor Consideration.org a blanket offer of help to K&J and told them they have attorneys that can get them out of the contract, etc. I can't be sure, but I believe he also sent a letter to J&K stating the same. If you go to his web site, http://www.minorcon.org/, and dig a little, you can find the letter/posting he made. I believe it would be at least 2 yrs. ago. So yes, he offered any kind of help they wanted/needed to get out of their contract w/TLC, up to and including free attorneys, who were in the entertainment industry.
PA MOm, you are correct. Kate did appear before a committee saying that the state had an obligation to take care of those with multiples since science promotes it.
Typical liberal. Take my money and save yours. If the state was banging Kate and as a result, she had the 8 kids, yeah, the State has to pay up. From what I gather, no one was banging Kate. Kate conceived in a doctors office. Maybe the doctor should have to help out. Obviously, Jon isn't stepping up to the plate.
"Paul Petersen (please NOTE the correct spelling of his last name, it's PetersEn, not sOn)"
Did I spell his name incorrectly? I wasn't aware that I used his name in my post that you quoted. If I did, I apologize.
"Julianna, early on in the show J&K+8..."
I found the editorial, "Time To Exit," August 27, 2008, which was written a little more than a year after the premiere of the show. He writes: "It’s not too late to limit the damage. Remove the cameras from your house, dismiss the film crew and tell them thanks. Whatever deals you have made can be undone, and we have the lawyers to help you. Disavow any and all contracts."
I believe this was a plea for them to turn off the cameras before any damage was done. He saw what was happening and it had disaster written all over it.
But why would Kate and Jon want out of a contract two years ago? This would have been before the divorce while the two were living high on the hog, the show had great ratings, and they obviously were enjoying all of the perks that came their way.
There is no mention there of pro bono help, though. Perhaps if there were, it may have gotten their attention...another freebie!
Thanks for the info...
The one thing that is abundantly clear is that a TV network has told a parent what he can and cannot say about his own children.
And that's one of the sickest things I've ever heard.
I think the reported custody battle issues came about because Kate was beyond horrible as a dancer/contestant on DWTS and had such an awful attitude regarding the practice and work involved, that Jon and the supposed custody battle was used as an excuse to get her eliminated from the show. Jon's child support payment per month also didn't just get pulled out of thin air. A divorce arbitrator uses income and earning potential, parenting time etc. to compute the monthly support payment, down to dollars and cents. TLC may have squeezed Jon's big belly with the lawsuit, but he is the father of these eight children and he should be working to support them, not the other way around. Even if he finds a temporary job with a local landscaper, Target, Best Buy, Giant Eagle or delivering pizza, he should be working and not just twittering about relaxing, playing computer games and watching movies. He's been on an extended vacation for too many months now. I can't stand fake Kate and her TLC employed phoney bodyguard Steve either. I don't care who these parents are in bed with or if they sleep with rats, they are both lousy parents who exploit and live off their kids.
Think I've figured out why Jon and Kate are both in L.A.--remember when Kate was "house hunting in L.A."--well, I think she's there to find a house and Jon will have to be included in one way or another since he is the other parent and also since an agreement probably has been reached in the custody suit.
Just a thought, but if Jon was currently 'in L.A', wouldn't ya think he'd be including that tidbit in his hourly Tweets?
Julianna said...
But why would Kate and Jon want out of a contract two years ago? This would have been
before the divorce while the two were living high on the hog, the show had great ratings, and they obviously were enjoying all of the perks that came their way.
There is no mention there of pro bono help, though. Perhaps if there were, it may have gotten their attention...another freebie!
Julianna, first, I wasn't directing that comment about the spelling of Petersen's name to you, I was just reminding people of the correct spelling of his name. We seem to throw his name about so much, I just think people should have the respect of spelling anyone's name correctly. Secondly, J&K DIDN'T want out of the contract or program. Mr. Petersen is an advocate for children in the entertainment industry. I'm sure it had come to his attention what was happening w/the Gosselin kids, and he was just trying to help, i.e.. do his job. I think he knew they were way too caught up in the monies, and was just putting it politely. I don't believe PP is stupid, he knew they were money grubbing famewhores.
That comment, BTW is one that always gets me when Kate is asked in an interview, "well if you don't like all the paps, notoriety, etc., why not just stop the show"? Kate always answers with her rehearsed spiel, "it's too late, they wouldn't go away, we'd still be dealing with them". Yeah sure you would Kate....in your dreams.
This is in reference to Kate's appearance on the Today Show on 10/5/09. She states that Jon took $230,000 from their LIQIUD/money market account and Kate had no money for food or money to pay for the roof over their heads.
In the above document, note that on or before the 5th of each month, Kate and Jon are to deposit $7,5000 EACH to a working/checking account (not the liquid/money market account that Kate said Jon stole from). And I remember Jon hit all the talk shows at that time and he said he did deposit the $7,5000 every month.
So the point is Kate went on the Today Show to cry that Jon stole money from their account and she can't feed her kids or pay for the roof over their heads. It is a lie. Yes, Jon took $230,000 from their liquid/money market account. But Jon had just deposited his $7,500 in their working/checking account. Bottom line, there was at minimum $7,500 in their working/checking account for Kate to pay for the food and bills on 10/5/09 when Kate went on the Today Show. The documents state that the food and everyday bills come out of the checking/working account NOT their liquid/money market account.
Kate screwed around with the facts on national tv. Kate wanted the world and her kids to think that Jon literally stole their food money so the kids would not have anything to eat.
What was the purpose of Kate going on the Today show to discuss all of this. I can only think of two reasons: pity from the public and to severely damage Jon;s (her kids' father)reputation.
Note that Kate admitted she took $100,000 from the account without permission and had to put it back. And note her new car was $69,000 not $60,000.
Jon and Kate's financial matters should only be discussed in private with their attorneys and arbitator...not the Today Show. Shame on Kate!
Maggie, Thank you so much for bringing that up.
I did a post on this appalling media spin back in October 2009 where I pointed out that although Jon improperly withdrew money, SO DID KATE!
The judge told BOTH OF THEM they BOTH withdrew money improperly and they BOTH need to put it back. But at the time, pretty much everyone just reported Jon stole. Appalling one-sided coverage.
Anonymous said... The one thing that is abundantly clear is that a TV network has told a parent what he can and cannot say about his own children.
And that's one of the sickest things I've ever heard.
I agree, but find that a parent allows it even sicker. Remember the scuzzy Michael Lohan tapes where Jon is talking about the fact that he put his kids out there for pedophiles and they didn't even get directly paid for it. How is that even a conscious thought in your head yet you allow it to continue all to make your life easier.
Why isn't the media as smart as you guys?!? They let Kate continue to whine about needing the show because the kids don't have fully funded college funds, yet her and Jon combined took over $300,000 for their own personal use. For what? That right there could have funded 8 college funds. Why such expensive cars if your main concern is your kids' college funds? Why isn't a $35,000 car good enough? A $69,000 car is necessary over your kids' college funds.
The only thing I'd ever watch with Jon or Kate would be a hard hitting interview with questions like this.
It was reported somewhere the Kate's SUV was a gift from TLC, while Jon got a motorcycle ... which they promptly withheld from him.
To me, Jon is 1/3 responsible, Kate is 1/3 responsible, and TLC is 1/3 responsible.
TLC should not have brow beat Jon into a settlement, but Jon should not have agreed to it.
They are HIS kids, I am sick and tired of them acting like they belong to TLC and their hands are tied. This isn't 18th century Georgia where you can just enslave someone's kids.
I too want a reporter to ask why they didn't put the $300k they STOLE from the kids in a 529 college account. By the time the kids are 18 they'd be more than set.
TLC can call that ridiculous car a gift all day long but since it's obvious it was given to her in exchange for trucking along to keep working for them, that's not what Uncle Sam is gonna call it. Uncle Sam is gonna call it INCOME in the form of a car.
I can call a sweater a bird but that doesn't make it a bird.
"They let Kate continue to whine about needing the show because the kids don't have fully funded college funds, yet her and Jon combined took over $300,000 for their own personal use. For what? That right there could have funded 8 college funds."
Close, but no cigar. It certainly could have made a dent in the college expenses, but not totally cover the tuitions. Even if they would attend one of the least expensive Pennsylvania state colleges, the four-year college tuition for all eight (at today's cost, and not taking into the tution increase by the time they get to college) would be approximately $500,000...not including books and various other fees.
Didn't I read somewhere that Kate's car was an "anniversary" gift from TLC? Or am I dreaming?
"It was reported somewhere the Kate's SUV was a gift from TLC, while Jon got a motorcycle ... which they promptly withheld from him."
Sorry, PA, I read from the bottom up and didn't see your post. Gotta stop doing that, right? ;-)
Even if they would attend one of the least expensive Pennsylvania state colleges, the four-year college tuition for all eight (at today's cost, and not taking into the tution increase by the time they get to college) would be approximately $500,000...not including books and various other fees.
That's IF all eight of the kids attend college. God knows what they'll be doing in a few years.
Midnight, I respectfully disagreeing. You are leaving out one important factor. COMPOUND INTEREST.
Stick the 300k in a good 529 account with moderate to moderately aggressive to even aggressive investing since you have THIRTEEN YEARS before the kids go to college, a lifetime in the financial world, and you will double even triple your money.
Any financial advisor who can't work with 300k today and set you up completely to never have to worry about a dime a decade from now is a quack.
The $300,000, if invested now, would increase exponentially by the time the children reach college age. Regardless of tuition increases in the future, their college educations would be covered.
Administrator said... To me, Jon is 1/3 responsible, Kate is 1/3 responsible, and TLC is 1/3 responsible.
I have to disagree. I hold J&K totally responsible. TLC is in the business of making money, not parenting. They have no concern or interest for those eight kids other than the money they bring to the table, nor for J&K for that matter, except for how they can manipulate them. Those parents are the ones that brought those children into the world, the kids are THEIR responsibility. As such, it is up to them to see they are fed, clothed, sheltered, protected, taught life's lessons, and most of all, loved. That has never been TLC's responsibility. I cannot help but believe that J&K will one day have to answer, for the harm they have done to those precious children that God so richly blessed them with.
Quite frankly I think $200,000 would be enough with investing and compound interest .... you might even be able to manage it with $100,000.
Now is a wonderful time to invest because the economy is bad and everyone is pulling out. The smart people stay in when the going gets stuff. Buying stocks now is basically like one giant sale.
I am excited about my 401k right now, which is invested very aggressively. When you have a long time until retirement or college or whatever your goal is, aggressive is the way to go. Statistically it has ALWAYS made money if you leave it alone long enough.
Of course I'm sure very basic financial principals escape Jon and Kate the way they blow money like they are rocks stars.
That 65k car bought today could have been invested instead so she has 165k a few years from now.
Anonymous you have a fair point and I once felt that way too. But I've come to believe that the safety and protection of children should be the responsibility of everyone whether you are their parent or not. If these kids weren't our business why would any of us even be here wanting these kids off our TVs and to have some privacy? Not our kids! Not our business! Or ... are they?
"It's not my kid" doesn't work when you murder a child who isn't yours, doesn't work when you hurt a child who isn't yours, and shouldn't work when TLC steals money from and exploits children who aren't theirs either. Yes they are all about the money, but no one should be allowed to make money in something that is morally and ethically wrong. Prostitution is illegal, drug sales are illegal, and a host of other money-making schemes are illegal because they are morally and ethically wrong. What TLC does should be illegal, too.
What TLC is doing is wrong whether these are their kids or not. It does not change the fact that what Jon is doing is wrong and what Kate is doing is wrong is too. They are ALL wrong.
Someone with more financial savvy than me should figure out what $300,000 invested now in even a conservative fund would be worth in 8 years (1/4 for the twins) and 13 years (3/4 for the tups).
Compound interest calculator:
Let's assume they only manage to make 5% over a 10 year period. That's pretty conservative and that assumes your financial advisor is an idiot. The money has still ALMOST at HALF A MILLION! And that's if you add absolutely NOTHING to it but your original 300k. $488,668.39.
Now what we really have is a 13 year period until the Tups are of college age. Let's assume a good investor who gets you 10% on the money over the years, which is completely realistic over such a long time period. If you add NOTHING to it, in 13 years you've made over A MILLION DOLLARS. $1,035,681.36!!! People, this is adding NOTHING to the original 300k. Think if you added 10k or 20k a year.
All those medicures, pedicures and hair extensions really are costing the kids MILLIONS in future compound interest.
And you can see why I keep saying over and over they are STEALING from the kids.
Administrator said..
What TLC is doing is wrong whether these are their kids or not. It does not change the fact that what Jon is doing is wrong and what Kate is doing is wrong is too. They are ALL wrong.
Yes, TLC is wrong. But, it would be a moot point if the parents were doing their 'job'. No one held a gun to J&K's head. As far as I'm concerned, J&K should be standing before a court of law, explaining why they felt filming their children, for the public's entertainment and for THEIR financial gain, was a good idea, and is acceptable. It's the parents' role to protect their children. If they can't, then the state needs to step in, IMO. Clearly, J&K are unable to raise their children. I think many here feel this is child abuse, I know I do.
I think in the beginning though TLC really took advantage of two very young, money hungry, unsophisticated people from rural PA who had never even known someone from California let alone know how things work in Hollywood, probably haven't even seen a contract before!
It reminds me of that scene in The Client where the district attorneys are trying to interview the child witness and he asks if he needs a lawyer. They tell him: Lawyer, naawww you don't need a lawyer! All lawyers do is mess everything up and take all your money. Bet TLC convinced them they could trust them. That's improper and unethical.
There are a lot of reality stars being taken advantage of because they don't know what they are doing. This is why there are agents in Hollywood because it would be really messy if actors just negotiated everything themselves with big powered networks. Networks would walk ALL OVER these people just like they walk all over reality stars.
I truly do believe Jon and Kate had no idea what they were getting into when they signed in the beginning. I do believe they know full well now and are CHOOSING now to take them money over the privacy. But back then, no I think they were stupid and I think TLC took full advantage of that.
TLC has got to be standing side by side with them in court so they don't take advantage of anyone else like this ever again.
But you are absolultey right Jon and Kate are responsible. Unfortunatly we cannot trust parents to protect their own children or there would be NO NEED for child labor laws--every parent would protect hteir own children. Lawmakers have made it crystal clear, parents CANNOT, SHALL NOT be trusted with their own kids when it comes to money.
Ahhh The beauty of compound interest!! Works every time, especially if you start when you are young like Admin.
Administrator said... I think in the beginning though TLC really took advantage of two very young, money hungry, unsophisticated people from rural PA who had never even known someone from California let alone know how things work in Hollywood, probably haven't even seen a contract before!
Oh, I totally agree. Perhaps there needs to be laws governing this. Perhaps these networks, when engaging a non-professional in a reality show, are required by law to have an impartial attorney there to represent said client, who is too naive/uneducated/unsavvy/stupid/trusting, to know what they're getting themselves into. LOL
I couldn't agree more. There should be an impartial attorney to negotiate each contract, perhaps taken from a pre-approved panel list. And NOT someone who works for the network who would have a conflict of interest.
There is something in contract law that sort of applies called "undue influence" where a contract negotiated by a person with real power and influence over the other person can be found to be invalid. But that usually applies more like if someone's very sick old mother is about to pass away and you as her child bully her into changing her will in favor of you. It's hard to prove. If I recall they might have tried to argue that when Jon initially sued, I know his lawyers definitely brought up that they had no representation, I would have to look at the legal documents again to see if the actual legal term undue influence was used.
NancyB said...
Ahhh The beauty of compound interest!! Works every time, especially if you start when you are young like Admin.
Not really. Just ask people who lost substantial sums of $ when the market crashed.
Reality Check -
I hear what you are saying but I am talking about investing over a 30 year period of time. For a lot of folks the crash devasted their plan. I was lucky that I had moved it out before this happened, so what you are saying has truth behind it. If you look back in history over 20 to 30 yr spans of time, usually the beauty of compound interest proves very successful.
Reality Check said... NancyB said...
Not really. Just ask people who lost substantial sums of $ when the market crashed.
Uh oh you got me started on a topic I'm very interested in! No one lost anything unless they pulled out. Your money is invested in stocks if you were in the market. Maybe you bought the stock for a dollar. In the bubble it went up to 4 dollars, in the crash it went down to 50 cents. But until you SELL, you've lost nothing. Yes the actual number of your 401k was scary, but that number is just really an abstract thing until you reach retirement age and cash in.
If you were about to retire, you should be in conservative investments at that point anyway and not in the stock market. If you are still a good 10 years from retirement, you will recover and be just fine.
Since the stock market began it has ALWAYS, OVERALL, made money. It has ALWAYS had more good years than bad. It has ALWAYS been on an upward trend.
If you can ride the ups and downs and stay in, it is statistically a guarantee you will make more money than what you started in.
It's the people who get scared and pull out when the going gets tough who lose money. Not those who stay in.
If the stock market were a lose-lose situation or a GAMBLE, then financial investors wouldn't be telling you to put your money in there. It is not a gamble at all even though on paper it sounds like it is. It is counterintuitive, but if you have more than 5 years to invest you should throw everything into a variety of aggressive stocks.
NancyB said...
Reality Check -
I hear what you are saying but I am talking about investing over a 30 year period of time. For a lot of folks the crash devasted their plan. I was lucky that I had moved it out before this happened, so what you are saying has truth behind it. If you look back in history over 20 to 30 yr spans of time, usually the beauty of compound interest proves very successful.
Yeah, I know. I'm just pointing out that there is risk involved and it's not an automatic win.
Let's just say I have the privilege of writing off losses for the next several years because my mutual fund lost far more than the max. you can write off annually and leave it at that. ;)
Administrator said...
Uh oh you got me started on a topic I'm very interested in! No one lost anything unless they pulled out. Your money is invested in stocks if you were in the market. Maybe you bought the stock for a dollar. In the bubble it went up to 4 dollars, in the crash it went down to 50 cents. But until you SELL, you've lost nothing. Yes the actual number of your 401k was scary, but that number is just really an abstract thing until you reach retirement age and cash in.
If you were about to retire, you should be in conservative investments at that point anyway and not in the stock market. If you are still a good 10 years from retirement, you will recover and be just fine.
Since the stock market began it has ALWAYS, OVERALL, made money. It has ALWAYS had more good years than bad. It has ALWAYS been on an upward trend.
If you can ride the ups and downs and stay in, it is statistically a guarantee you will make more money than what you started in.
It's the people who get scared and pull out when the going gets tough who lose money. Not those who stay in.
If the stock market were a lose-lose situation or a GAMBLE, then financial investors wouldn't be telling you to put your money in there. It is not a gamble at all even though on paper it sounds like it is. It is counterintuitive, but if you have more than 5 years to invest you should throw everything into a variety of aggressive stocks.
Please spare me the lecture on the stock market. I'm familiar with the concept and well aware of the repercussions of pulling out. You seem to be forgetting that in the Gosselin scenario they would have to pull the $ out at a specific point in time to pay for the children's education. You cannot predict with 100% certainty that the amount of $ needed would be there at that point in time. For you to claim that there is no risk involved is patently false.
Anybody can advise people to ride it out, yada yada. That hollow advice doesn't always jibe with people's reality.
I'm not lecturing, I thought we were having a conversation about the Gosselin's disgusting financial misfeasance. You said two things I disagree with. You said people lost money when the stock market crashed. I say nobody lost anything unless they pulled out. If you have 100 shares before the crash and didn't pull out, you still have those 100 shares. How have you lost? You haven't.
You also said the stock market is not an automatic win. I also disagree with that completely. For most people who are not reaching retirement, it is an automatic win. For those at retirement, hopefully they got into stocks when they were younger and have slowly become more conservative as retirement gets closer. If you have 10 or more years to invest, and if you are able to invest across a wide area of stocks, if you have done these two things in any given 10 year period since the stock market began, you WOULD come out on top. It's just a fact. Stocks have always outperformed any other investment, this is a fact. There is no reason to think the stock market won't behave as it ALWAYS has, up and down and up and down, and the same results will happen--people who stay in and people who stay in for more than 10 years win, always. Few things in life are certain, ironically the most up and down financial resource there is, is a certain!
That's why young people are repeatedly told to invest aggressively because if you have time on your side, it is an automatic win. You disagree fine, we'll see who has more money in 10 years. The Gosselins I'm sure won't!
The Gosselins have at least 10 years to invest for college. Of course they can ride it out. They could ride out 5 years. Stocks are on SALE right now they should be going in there like crazy, maybe they are. They could invest conservatively and still come out on top if they're too stupid to be in stocks. The bottom line is even a conservative investment would pay for their children's tuition 10 times over with the amount of money they have made so far.
Motley Fool really explains my beliefs (and the beliefs of most financial advisors) a lot better than I can. The short story as they put it is this: If you're young and will be making regular contributions to your 401(k) plan over a number of years, history shows that allocating all of your deferral into stocks will likely produce the highest returns.
"If the stock market were a lose-lose situation or a GAMBLE, then financial investors wouldn't be telling you to put your money in there."
Do you mean ADVISORS, also known as brokers or financial consultants? Of course they would...it's called commission!
The stock market IS a gamble, especially in this volatile market. If you made an investment in 1989, your broker worked the numbers and gave you a projection for maturity. The figures showed that in 20 years you'll have a million dollars! It looks great on paper. You think that you are financially set for retirement. But then along came the hit you took during the 9/11 disaster, and the recession, and you've found that your investment has not only NOT grown to a million dollars, but you've lost much of the money you put into the pot. Just ask some of the folks who had invested for the long term, tried to ride it out, only to find out that retirement isn't in the picture right now and they'll have to work 5-10 years longer than they planned.
It happens. Most of those who believe that the market is NOT a gamble are the twenty-somethings who have little experience with investments, or who believe in a perfect world. Retirement is lightyears away for them. We live and learn, and experience tells us that reality is what it is...it hits us in the face when we least expect it. It can be unpredictable and devastating.
People have different views on the market, fine. That's why there are different investment strategies.
What most of us seem to agree on is that it's not looking very good for the Gosselin kids to have much left to invest however they see fit when they are adults and can manage their own money.
At least I have the freedom to do with my money what I want without Jon and Kate taking their 85% cut first.
One Up On Wall Street said...
It happens. Most of those who believe that the market is NOT a gamble are the twenty-somethings who have little experience with investments, or who believe in a perfect world. Retirement is lightyears away for them. We live and learn, and experience tells us that reality is what it is...it hits us in the face when we least expect it. It can be unpredictable and devastating.
Exactly. Paper and reality are not one and the same.
"Since the stock market began it has ALWAYS, OVERALL, made money. It has ALWAYS had more good years than bad. It has ALWAYS been on an upward trend."
LOL!! I guess you didn't have any shares of Pan Am, did you?
"What most of us seem to agree on is that it's not looking very good for the Gosselin kids to have much left to invest however they see fit when they are adults and can manage their own money."
I don't think that the question is whether the kids will have anything to invest, but if the parents, with their wild spending, CURRENTLY have anything left to invest for the kids.
By the way, if you're interested in the market, I'd recommend "One Up On Wall Street" by Peter Lynch. Interesting reading...
"LOL!! I guess you didn't have any shares of Pan Am, did you?"
The stock market isn't made up of all Pam Am stocks now was it? Doesn't change the fact that the stock market as I said previously OVERALL, has always, always, been on an upward trend. Are you disputing that? Where is your source that says the stock market has overall done poorly? Obviously if you are dumb and invested all your eggs in Pan Am then one you're stupid and two no you wouldn't make money, but people who were in a variety of stocks would have. I have most of my money in hundreds of different large cap stocks, the rest in a variety of other areas like international. If one company goes bellyup I haven't lost my whole investment.
Here is a good chart that shows how the stock market since the year 1900 has gone up, up, up and away. http://stockcharts.com/charts/historical/djia1900.html
It also clearly shows many more up years than down. So please explain where you differ with this graph of actual numbers, of what has actually happened.
This debate will be over with if people can't debate without laughing at other people.
I read financial books, too. My views are not pie in the sky crap, they are based on years or reading every financial tool I could get my hands on. I recommend Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover as well as Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter. It's my view, you have yours and that's fine. You sound bitter, like you may have lost a lot of money, which would be understandable.
I made fudge and missed the conversation...I actually fall strongly in Admin's camp. By the way, you know a lot about this subject and could probably teach me a thing or two! I am close to retirement and had switched out of aggressive mode. I have a a friend who began saving decades after I did and was still in an aggressive portfolio and now it is a problem for her. Reality check I hear what you are saying and depending on where one's 401K is I believe you that 9/11 & recent near depression has left a big hole. Hopefully, those folks can keep their funds in for another 10-15 yr cycle so it will balance out. Overall, I think Admin's mindset on the market is accurate, JMO.
You either believe the real numbers or you don't. People who believe the real numbers don't get scared by 9/11 dips, crashes, etc. People who get scared by that stuff tend to never make much money and then turn around and tell people who DO stay in, you can't make money that way!!! I guess if they can't make money they don't want anyone else to.
The only person I've ever heard advocate to be conservative at my age is Susie Ormond and it's pretty much universally agreed she's a hack.
All I can do is read as much as I can, listen as much as I can to people who understand this way better than I do, and not try to think I know better than them.
Two people walked out of our 401k meeting this year when the same advice I've believed in for almost 5 years now was repeated. I get that there are people who strongly disagree with this strategy but I can't help but think it's that they think they know better than the experts, that they have a very hard time accepting something that seems SO counterintuitive. Last year, the aggressive investment at the company that manages my money was the only one to make money. This was during the big crash and everything. I made money during the crash, I stayed in, I didn't panic.
Vegas is for gamblers. I don't go to Vegas. The stock market is like the house, it's gonna win. I put my money with the house.
But like anything it's our money to do what we like. Too bad the Gosselin kids can't do what they like with their money.
Actually, pull your money out. Because people in aggressive count on people pulling their money out so they can buy up their stocks on sale.
I have to agree with MM here.Simple as it may be...Dont Watch! I'm sorry if you'r tired of hearing it..BUT its that EASY!!!
I have to laugh and agree with the lovers who call us-you haterz out...OMG...my cat stepped on the remote..I got caught in a bear trap and couldnt get to the remote,,,I was FORCED to watch kate. I was busy doing housework and my 3 year old(who has no clue) turned the show on...I have no power over my 3 year old so I HAD NO choice!! I was being held by gun point and the robber insisted that I watch kate + 8...Please people...if you need to watch...just admit it...if you cant look away just say so!!
I havent watched since b4 the divorce...really its that easy...I dont CLICK on anything and everything kate.I really dont give a shit...
If it bothers you that a VERY few people say Dont watch...then I think you are trying to handle your own guilt...cause not many on this blog say dont watch...help the 8...dont give into the raitings.....
When we go quiet is when the Go$$elin kids will get the quiet they SO deserve!!!
I am close to retirement and I have aggressively invested, during the recession, in RBC (Royal Bank of Canada)& Scotia Bank. That stock is pure gold! I invested at a low of $25.00 with RBC and my stock is worth over $60.00 per share today. Scotia Bank split two for one. Unlike the banks in the States ours are regulated and are considered a safe stock.
AuntieAnn said...
Even if they would attend one of the least expensive Pennsylvania state colleges, the four-year college tuition for all eight (at today's cost, and not taking into the tution increase by the time they get to college) would be approximately $500,000...not including books and various other fees.
That's IF all eight of the kids attend college. God knows what they'll be doing in a few years.
July 29, 2010 7:37 PM
If Kate has her way, the kids will still be in kindergarten in 10 years. Gotta keep 'em babyfied ya know!
Busy, busy.
Jon is lazy from not having a real job for years. They saw that big check being deposited into thei accounts and both of them quit their jobs, it took him a little bit longer to make it look good. As for hi, being under contract with TLC, hahahaha, those days are over. The man is no longer an employee of TLC, they bought his kids from him and then he ran with the money.
Really interesting that there are no pics of Kate and the kids since landing in L.A., which is even more proof that all of her photo ops are "call aheads." And I still say she is there to either (1) look for a house or (2) meet with Trump or (3) both.
I'd be extremely happy if no one ever posted another pic of Kate doing anything. *sigh* Wishful thinking, I know.
In all of this, what completely baffles me is the "hush hush" about anything TLC has done with this family (yeah, J&K are to blame too)and others left in the wake of Figure 8 productions. I was in the Military, in Intelligence (nevermind, I've heard all the jokes) and I swear TLC has figured out a way to keep people quiet that Cuba would be proud of.
Too bad Nixon didn't have a contract with TLC- we would have never know about the tapes.
Happy Friday all!
*WHAT IF* Kate is in CA to look at houses.
Kate will be able to find a house large enough for her and the kids, and even in a gated community. But Kate will be unable to duplicate the PA McMansion estate with all the acreage - even with all the foreclosures going on - so not a surprise the chickens will stay in PA :)
My problem with Kate moving to CA is that I don't see her being employable long term in Hollywood. Oh, she may get Celebrity Apprentice, but isn't that filmed in NY? Also IF she survives the duration of CA (yeah right), how long does a season last?
So unless Kate pays cash for the house, I don't see where she will be able to make the monthly mortgage payments after a few years - unless eventually she dips into the money allegedly set aside for the kids. Also, if she cannot sell her current home for less than what she paid for it, she will have duplicate house payments which will also impact her current nest egg.
The facts are Kate can't write a book by herself that sells, she can't dance, she failed as co-host of THE VIEW and as an interviewer on ET because she tries to turn the conversation back to HER and ignores the subject matter, the only acting she seems to be able to do is to cry on cue, and as for singing ... that is still TBD. But unless Kate turns out to be another Susan Boyle, I don't think anyone is going to produce her CD.
That is, not after Kate's 15 minutes are up and folks, I really believe this whole Gosselin fiasco is coming to an end. When Kate+8 tanks - when all the haterz can prevent themselves from watching the show just to snark later - the show will be off the air and the children will have their freedom.
The kids are no longer as cute as they used to be, they are growing up and are becoming just regular kids. Nothing special. I'm not being mean when I say this because I love these kids, but I love them enough to LET THEM GO and live their lives as private citizens.
It also occurred to me that *IF* Kate is seriously looking to buy in CA, it may be to push one or more of her kids into TV or movies. But which kid shows they have "it" that Hollywood looks for? The kid will have to have "it" because here again her backstage diva actions on DWTS may keep producers from looking at her kids at all - they know she will be the backstage mom from Hell, complete with a bodyguard.
IMHO I think Kate and kids should stay in PA. It is a good place to raise kids. Besides I hope that when this train wreck ends Kate will be able to swallow crow and mend some fences, especially with family. If not, the kids will do so on their own and Kate will be left all alone.
Bottom line, stock market or not, you could take the $300,000 J&K pissed away on materialistic crap for themselves, dig a hole in the backyard and bury it for 13 years, it would still benefit the kids more than whatever they did with it.
IMO J&K should be living the lifestyles of an IT tech and a nurse. How many IT techs go off and rent $5,000 NYC condos? How many nurses buy multiple pairs of $300 shoes and $300 purses. Fine, treat yourself OCCASSIONALLY with a pedicure, etc. but your personal lifestyle should be that of a nurse. The big bucks only exist because of your kids, so stash away as much as possible for them.
I've wanted to smack her every time she cries that it kills her when people say she profits off her kids. SHE DOES! HE DOES! Those kids should have college and graduate school covered if that's the route they choose. The parental greed is unbelievable.
Here is my opinion on watching the show - or anything Gosselin related. I am a guy and follow sports via the web and the paper. I can afford to attend professional games but do not because I can't relate to the players lifestyle. I will attend minor league venues and college and high school events but will not fork over a couple of hundred dollars to attend the NFL, MLB, etc with my wife and/or kids. It's as simple as that - they don't need my money.
So, make your own decision, but I don't find these youngsters (all ten of them) entertaining nor do they need my money. To each his own.
Just one more observation: I believe that episode of sprucing up the house and all the new trees was for a quick sale. And no one needs to worry about Kate making mortgage payments, etc. TLC will do that. Besides, she has millions--she can well afford to move. And I've heard her say that there is a substantial amount of money in each of her children's bank accounts and that it won't be touched. She is such a liar that she may have contradicted that since saying it, but she did say it. And I saw a document where the kids' college tuitions were paid for by the state of PA as long as they remain in PA--the problem is that I can no longer find it, but many other people saw it as well and all have commented on it numerous times on another blog site--and I'm not talking about the establishing a fund for contributions thing.
"Also, if she cannot sell her current home for less than what she paid for it, she will have duplicate house payments which will also impact her current nest egg."
I don't know exactly (down to the penny) what she paid for her house, but in today's market, she could expect it to appraise at approximately $835,000 - $850,000. She would take a loss on it.
Hollywood would chew her up and spit her out, and she would have nobody to come home to -- no family and no friends. She has miles of fences to mend.
"The kids are no longer as cute as they used to be, they are growing up and are becoming just regular kids. Nothing special."
You're right. The toddler factor is gone. They're beautiful children, but there is nothing that sets them apart from other kids. Does she have viewers because of the kids, or because of the Kate factor -- tuning in to see how nasty she can be? Has it always been about an interest in the children, or do the majority of viewers have a morbid interest in rubber-necking -- seeing how miserable she's going to be to everyone around her? Isn't that what attracted viewers during the last season of J&K+8...watching her dump on her husband, while at the same time showing what an annoying wife and mother she could be? How many people actually watched the show because of the kids, or because of the kids' mother?
How many people actually watch the show NOW because of the kids, or because of her?
It wouldn't surprise me that in the future there will be a book written about her -- a psychological study of sorts as to the Kate phenomenon...the reason for its rise and fall (a REAL book, not a compilation of blogs and tabloid gossip), and a look into how a talentless wife and mother whipped the media into a short-lived frenzy
If all 6 of the youngest ones are in college at the same time, they are better off having not saved anything or making a ton of money - more financial aid. And if they go to a private university, they can probably go for "free" (paid for with endowments at those schools).
How come we don't hear anything from Jon's lawyers? Remember a few months back, he had so many different lawyers running around making statements to the press? I think that was all a publicity stunt by Jon and Kate to drum up interest in all their pitiful lives.
"And I saw a document where the kids' college tuitions were paid for by the state of PA as long as they remain in PA--the problem is that I can no longer find it, but many other people saw it as well and all have commented on it numerous times on another blog site--and I'm not talking about the establishing a fund for contributions thing."
As far as I know, there is no such account. PA did not pay for the kids' tuition. There is the fund that was set up when the kids were born, still open for donations and available as long as the kids attend a college in PA. I don't think their physical address has to be in PA...just that the college they attend is in the state.
We have no knowledge of how much cash is in her bank account or in non-liquid assets. It could be substantial. It could be minimal. We have no idea how much TLC pays for. It could be everything. It could be nothing. If she's paying the mortgage, all of the maintenance on the house, all of the paid helpers, the utilities, taxes, tuition, etc., her "millions" aren't going to last but a few years unless the gravy train keeps rolling. With those kind of expenses, and no help from TLC, the well is going to run dry when her 15 minutes run out.
Why is everyone speculating on Kate moving to CA? I thought she was in LA to change planes to get back to PA. Before making a whole thread about Kate maybe moving to CA, why not wait and see. I'm sure ROL will have the "story" up soon.
It's pure speculation. I have no idea why they are in L.A. Here's what we do know.
1. Jon was spotted in L.A. too.
2. There is a nonstop flight between Philly and Anchorage they were on. Why wouldn't they take the same nonstop back?
3. They got off the plane and went to baggage claim in L.A. They wouldn't be doing that if that was just a layover. Plus L.A. is hardly a layover spot between Philly and Anchorage, it's way out of the way. Eight hours out of the way.
"Why is everyone speculating on Kate moving to CA? I thought she was in LA to change planes to get back to PA. Before making a whole thread about Kate maybe moving to CA, why not wait and see. I'm sure ROL will have the "story" up soon."
It hasn't been a recent speculation, but has been on-going for a few months, with various reports that she's been house-hunting in CA, looking for a place with a recording studio. The discussion was resurrected when she was seen at the LA airport, changing planes to head home. It would surprise me if she did move, but, then again, who knows what turns the wheels in her mind? If she thinks the PA DL&I is giving her a hard time, wait until she has to deal with the CA child labor laws.
JudyK said....."And I saw a document where the kids' college tuitions were paid for by the state of PA as long as they remain in PA--the problem is that I can no longer find it, but many other people saw it as well and all have commented on it numerous times on another blog site--and I'm not talking about the establishing a fund for contributions thing."
You can't find it because it doesn't exist. The tups and twins have the account you mentioned, the TAP fund which was opened for them in 2005 by the Treasurer of PA at the time Catherine Baker Knoll. She called the tups "PA Treasures" and welcomed the public to make contributions to the fund. Initially, the PA TAP fund was to save for a child's tuition at any PA state college while also "locking in" the current tuition rate of the colleges the year the fund was opened. Now, a look at the PA TAP website shows that a student can now use the funds at private PA colleges and out of state colleges as well. I would have loved to been a fly on the wall when Kate was informed the kids were getting an empty fund people could contribute to! Bwahahahaha! The MacCaughey septuplets received paid in full tuitions for their children from the state of Iowa, and it has been widely reported Kate was using the MacCaughey donations as the bar for what she was entitled to.
It's enticing to think that Jon and Kate already snagged free college for their kids and then lied about needing money the the kids education. Since they have the morals of an alley cat, I wouldn't put it past them. However, the sad reality seems to be (as evidenced by the recent work permit dust up) Jon and Kate HAVE NOT put any of the money the kids have worked so hard for. They have spent it all on themselves. So when they were whining about college at the church talks, I believe they were being truthful, they just didn't mention to the audience that they were looking at $1 million dollar properties, that why they couldn't save for the kids. As recently as a few months ago Kate was sniffling on TV about college. IMHO, she still holds out a desperate hope for some university to step forward and offer free tuitions so she doesn't have to save the majority of the kid's money for this huge expense. We are outraged when Kate complains about not having enough money but she's right, she doesn't have enough money to live in the manner the Queen is accustomed and entitled to AND save for the kids. There's no way she can keep her mansion and staff, send 8 kids to private school and save enough money to pay for all their college tuitions. Sadly, thanks to the gray area of "reality show" and weak PA enforcement of child performer laws, I fear these kids will never see a dime of their money when they are of age. And when that happens the PA Dept.of Labor, BM, Kate's 12 sheeple at Radar and Eileen O'Neill will say "Kate Gosselin who? Never heard of her."
PA Mom ALSO said...
....who knows what turns the wheels in her mind?
One very exhausted gerble? lol
No, I think Steve and the godfathers at TLC do all her thinking for her. She is fast running out of things to do and places to go (as in television). Maybe they are advising her to tidy up her image, although her stupidity is what attracts attention, so it's hard to say just what she's up to next. After stinking up DWTS, who would want to have much to do with her. Donald Trump has me baffled. I just can't see her going on Celebrity Apprentice. She jumps into these things with gusto, as phony as it is, but can't keep up the momentum to stick with it after she starts. She's basically a lazy ass narcissist who would rather not do the work, as she's proved time and again.
If nothing else, we can almost count on seeing her in a new pair of hooker heels and maybe a new hairdo/color... you know, those things that take priority over the well-being of her kids.
When Kate was whining to the viewing audiences about her lack of resources for college, and when she was on her speaking missions, do you know if she mentioned the TAP fund, suggesting that it was open for donations?
Inception was a great movie! I bet Jon didn't understand a second of it, though. WAYYY to complicated for the likes of him. ET, however, sounds right up his alley.
I think the next episode with Kate and the Kids will probably be her last one. This episode of camping with the Palins is really going to jump the shark. There is waining interest in this family and more contempt.
Even the media is now turning against her and calling her out for the famewhore she is. After all, how many more episodes of her going to the dentist, the zoo, the ball game, vacations and all the other boring things they do, going to capture the ratings and the viewers they need?
I also do not watch TLC or Discovery and do not hesitate to tell anyone I meet why. I tell them I feel they are exploiting children and I do not want to contribute to that. Many people I have told that to say they never thought of that and they have stopped watching also. I feel I can verbally start a "chain letter" reaction and others will pass it along and stop watching.
I also feel the producers of the so called "reality shows" basically look for gullible people and in essence say let us run (destroy) your life for a lot of money and we don't care how you spend it or if you save it, etc. Many viewers have stopped watching these shows after finding out they are "scripted".
Also, as a woman I do not understand how any other woman would find Jon Gosselin attractive. I don't mean his looks, but the fact he is lazy and is letting his children support him and earn their own support. I admire my husband so much for being such a contributing person who supports his family by working hard and putting us first, not himself.
Another PA Mom...This isn't meant to be disrespectful--just to tell you that I actually saw the document and actually read it. It was a Proclamation, so, unless the document was a phoney, it does exist and was read, not only by me, but by a number of other bloggers. I am degreed and have spent most of my life as a Legal Assistant, so I'm not easily fooled by such things, but I suppose anything is possible.
Maybe Kate will try out for one of the judges spots on Americal Idol. There are 2 openings now since Ellen quit.
PA Mom, I love your style of writing. You and Admin should both submit articles!
I love reading the sheeple comments on ROL or other sites (Z, etc). I compare the pro kate slobber fest to that vintage cartoon of the sheep dog and the coyote. As one punches in, the other punches out and they mumble a quick goodnight. These sheeple actually say things like "well I'm outta here, been a long night" "see ya in the morning" "we really need to tear them a new one" "did ya catch that hater who .." and the time lines of these people. Some keep the thread going every few minutes for hours!
Took 1 hour out of my life (I'll never get it back) and watched Jersey Shore. Another reality show that boggles the mind. The only thing being exploited here is everything! Don't we all wish we could be paid to get drunk, dance with the all the people, have hang overs, never work, live in Jersey - but party in Miami and call it Jersey? Oh well, maybe we shouldn't watch it .. never mind not gonna go there ;)
"This isn't meant to be disrespectful--just to tell you that I actually saw the document and actually read it. It was a Proclamation, so,"
I seem to remember that when the tups were born in 2004, Catherine Baker Knoll did sign what was called a "Proclamation," proclaiming them PA's Treasures. It definitely was touted as a proclamation, but there was nothing about PA paying for college tuitions. I think you are confusing the two documents.
The TAP fund was established in May, 2005, a year after the tups were born, and a year after they were proclaimed the State's Treasures. The text can be found here:
The Proclamation was issued a year before. If, in that document of 2004, it was announced that the state had already determined that it paid for the children's college education, then there would have been no need in 2005 (a year later) to set up a TAP fund!
Lori Anne said... Maybe Kate will try out for one of the judges spots on Americal Idol. There are 2 openings now since Ellen quit.
Actually they are down to 1 now. "Kara DioGuardi -- Out at 'American Idol'" headline from TMZ. She got fired per the story. The story also indicates new judges might be Jennifer Lopez & Steven Tyler. Not sure the ratings will climb with this line up.
PA Mom ALSO said...I seem to remember that when the tups were born in 2004, Catherine Baker Knoll did sign what was called a "Proclamation," proclaiming them PA's Treasures. It definitely was touted as a proclamation, but there was nothing about PA paying for college tuitions. I think you are confusing the two documents.
The TAP fund was established in May, 2005, a year after the tups were born, and a year after they were proclaimed the State's Treasures. The text can be found here:
The Proclamation was issued a year before. If, in that document of 2004, it was announced that the state had already determined that it paid for the children's college education, then there would have been no need in 2005 (a year later) to set up a TAP fund!
July 30, 2010 11:45 AM
No, the link you provided is NOT WHAT I READ. What I read was a legal document--this is NOT. I copied it at the time, but my computer crashed and had to replaced. I'm not spending too much time on this because I have things to do, but if I can locate it again, I will post it.
On one of my visits to the dark side I was surprised to learn that the loverz are under the impression that basically 'the haterz are so jellus that they will never be happy unless Kate loses everything and becomes homeless'.
This is certainly not what I personally want to see happen when Kate's 15 minutes are up.
It has been said before by many people: if Kate does not downsize/modify her current living expenses and lifestyle, she will spend everything and wind up with nothing in a short period of time.
I happen to believe that Kate should be able to live comfortably at this point in time by living off interest. But chasing fame after her 15 minutes are up is just plain stupid, not to mention costly.
I really believe that *IF* Kate is in CA to look for a house thinking that she has a future career in Hollywood it will be a huge mistake. She needs to stay in PA in the McMansion. It is a gorgeous piece of property and she cannot duplicate it here in CA and her kids do have privacy especially with the new landscaping.
When TLC kicks Kate to the curb, and it will!, it is easy for me even 2,500 miles away to see where Kate can cut living expenses. But will her ego accept the changes that will need to be made so she does not eventually have to go out and get a real job to make ends meet?
Seriously if she does it right she may never have to work a real job again, that is if she can live without a few things which she has become used to these days.
But based upon the reports of her behavior from numerous sources, I don't think so.
Once again it comes down to the kids who really don't ask for a whole lot at this time in their lives. Food, shelter, clothes and some toys. I really believe the kids are happy visiting their dad even if they have to sleep in sleeping bags on the floor. Again the simple things are all what they need at this point.
Now as the kids get older they will probably become materialistic just like everybody's else kids. Fact is the Gosselin kids have already earned what they may want in the future but again, if Kate does not downsize her life when the need arises I'm sure she will go through their money and justify it as "mine, all mine" until it is all gone.
Not to start a firestorm but...I agree with the poster who said that the "haters" always have excuses for why they watch the show, even though they promised & swore up & down they weren't going to. It is so hypocritical. I am not a fan, & I certainly will never watch, I will never give into her ratings. I can't stand the show, I can't stand Kate's entitlement, & I think those kids deserve a chance at a normal childhood, but seriously, no more excuses. You know the Sheeple are laughing at you when you watch, right? They call you hypocrites. And so do I. If you want those kids off TV so bad, if you hate kate so badly, why the hell are you watching? Morbid curiosity? Whatever it may be, it makes you look foolish when you blog about how much these kids should not be on TV, & then you go & watch them, giving them ratings. You're not helping their cause one bit.
JudyK said...
PA Mom ALSO said...I seem to remember that when the tups were born in 2004, Catherine Baker Knoll did sign what was called a "Proclamation," proclaiming them PA's Treasures. It definitely was touted as a proclamation, but there was nothing about PA paying for college tuitions. I think you are confusing the two documents.
The TAP fund was established in May, 2005, a year after the tups were born, and a year after they were proclaimed the State's Treasures. The text can be found here:
The Proclamation was issued a year before. If, in that document of 2004, it was announced that the state had already determined that it paid for the children's college education, then there would have been no need in 2005 (a year later) to set up a TAP fund!
July 30, 2010 11:45 AM
No, the link you provided is NOT WHAT I READ. What I read was a legal document--this is NOT. I copied it at the time, but my computer crashed and had to replaced. I'm not spending too much time on this because I have things to do, but if I can locate it again, I will post it.
If so many bloggers read this document, surely someone has a link or a copy. If you are going to make a claim such as this, you should be able to back it up.
judyk said
No, the link you provided is NOT WHAT I READ. What I read was a legal document--this is NOT.
Why are you yelling? I think most of us are of the understanding that PA did not pay for the kids college.
As for Kate mentioning the TAP accounts where people could donate to the college funds, probably not, she would have much preferred monies be donated to her.....for the obvious reason. She couldn't get to the TAP funds, but...
Anonymous, do you read all the posts or just what you post? I ALREADY SAID MY COMPUTER CRASHED after I had made a copy of it and I had to get a new computer. This was 1-1/2 years ago. I am above reproach in my honesty and integrity, so do not challenge me in that area.
JudyK said...
Anonymous, do you read all the posts or just what you post? I ALREADY SAID MY COMPUTER CRASHED after I had made a copy of it and I had to get a new computer. This was 1-1/2 years ago. I am above reproach in my honesty and integrity, so do not challenge me in that area.
You are a complete stranger to me; I have no idea if you are or are not "above reproach." I do know that when people make factual claims, they should be able to back them up, rather than SCREAMING at someone who dares to post the "wrong" document.
Judy -- call the state treasury's office at
(717) 787-2465, or the press office at (717) 787-2991 and ask them how you can obtain the proclamation that states that the Gosselin's college education is paid for. Tell them you had the document, it was available online, and you need to know how to access it. Tell them it was public information about a year and a half ago and your computer crashed after you had saved it as a file.
I know quite a few people in state government, and if I get a chance to do so, I'll make some inquiries about it. I do know, however, that the state did not pay for the children's education. I have no idea what you read.
I'm trying to help you...no need to get defensive or yell.
An apology if it appeared to anyone I was yelling--I was just trying to be emphatic, but I understand how that might come across. Not having a good day--I'll leave this discussion/argument/disagreement to the rest of you. It's not even that important in the overall scheme of things.
It's hypocritical... said... Not to start a firestorm but...I agree with the poster who said that the "haters" always have excuses for why they watch the show, even though they promised & swore up & down they weren't going to. It is so hypocritical. I am not a fan, & I certainly will never watch, I will never give into her ratings. I can't stand the show, I can't stand Kate's entitlement, & I think those kids deserve a chance at a normal childhood, but seriously, no more excuses. You know the Sheeple are laughing at you when you watch, right? They call you hypocrites. And so do I. If you want those kids off TV so bad, if you hate kate so badly, why the hell are you watching? Morbid curiosity? Whatever it may be, it makes you look foolish when you blog about how much these kids should not be on TV, & then you go & watch them, giving them ratings. You're not helping their cause one bit.
Bravo! I fully believe there are far more "haters" watching than "sheeple". Time to stop calling Kate a hypocrite if you choose to be one yourself by watching yet claiming to want the best for the kids. Every time you watch, it's another nail in the coffin of the kids' childhood and another dollar in Kate's purse.
JudyK, I respectfully disagree. A document seen on the Internet does not make it legitimate or binding, even if it's made to look like an official PA proclamation. Had any ironclad proof turned up that PA was really footing the bill for the kids educations the anti-blogs would have been all over it. The remarks made by Catherine Baker Knoll in the wiki-answers topic was an actual newspaper article from May 2005 which can now be obtained from the archives of the Patriot News and the Reading Eagle.
"I do know that when people make factual claims, they should be able to back them up, rather than SCREAMING at someone who dares to post the "wrong" document."
Anon, she's frustrated, and I posted the phone numbers where she can find help. There should be someone there who can answer her questions and direct her to the document she's requesting. I tried locating the document she wants, and I can't find it either.
Judy -- do you have a date when the proclamation was issued? That would be really helpful.
anotherpamom: Do you remember that "Proclamation" when the kids were born, in which the late Ms. Knoll called them State Treasures? I can't seem to find a copy of that one.
PA Mom ALSO, you are a class act! Well handled.
I have a suggestion. Perhaps the Reading Eagle newspaper has an archived article in regards to the college tuition. I have read so many accounts of what the tuition situation is that I cannot say for certain what is going on with it. However, if there's proof that their college is paid for, then Kate will be proven to be a liar once and for all. Personally, I would not be surprised if the governor made arrangments for the tuition to be taken care of if the kids went to college in PA. That has been my impression but I don't recall why I think that. That's why I think there's a newspaper article.
another PA Mom and PA Mom Also: I agree that just because I saw an internet document that looked legitimate does not make it so, but others seemed to have inside knowledge that it was legitimate. I am sorry I cannot produce it now--I have tried more than once--this was more than one (1) year ago, and, no, I do not remember a date. Thanks for the phone numbers and I will make a call. I am glad that at least TLC Stinks has a vague memory of the same recollection as I do. Again, I apologize to anyone I offended. Reading about Kate Gosselin not being able to make it even with banked millions just sent me over the edge today, as I am currently facing some hardcore financial issues which will probably result in my having to sell my home. Please forgive me for losing it today. Judy
JudyK said... "I am glad that at least TLC Stinks has a vague memory of the same recollection as I do."
Where does TLC Stinks say that??
Regarding the issue of non-fans continuing to watch the show (and therefore contributing to keeping the children on TV)....I completely agree with "It's hypocritical".
I stopped watching the show years ago...because I didn't like Kate (disgusted with watching her abusiveness)....BUT....even IF I WAS one of the non-fans who have continued to watch...I'd have no problem stopping because not only can you read Administrator's excellent recaps but there is stuff about Kate (plus the 8) all over the internet, etc....providing no end of fodder to blog about.
I also tend to agree that the majority of the viewers, at this point, are non-fans. Some may be watching just for campy entertainment (ie: it's so bad that it's good) but for all the ones who want to see the children taken off TV, there is NO reason to have to watch in order to have info. to blog and comment about. There are more than enough re-caps, articles, etc. for this. So yes, it IS hypocritical.....just STOP watching! NOW!
Any non-fan (aside from those who provide recaps) who still watches this show should not even be blogging about wanting the children off TV, IMO.
"Not having a good day--I'll leave this discussion/argument/disagreement to the rest of you. It's not even that important in the overall scheme of things."
Oy. Nobody was disagreeing or arguing. You popped on here asking for that document, and I've been wasting my time trying to help you because you sounded frustrated and "emphatic,"
And now you say it's not important. Geez...
You're welcome.
IBM62 said... Inception was a great movie! I bet Jon didn't understand a second of it, though. WAYYY to complicated for the likes of him. ET, however, sounds right up his alley.
Hey! Don't diss ET! It's a wonderful, classic film. Agree with you about Inception though. I bet right after he twittered people about whether they liked it, he asked them to please explain it to him. Lol
Judy -- I typed my response before I read your apology. No harm done. I hope things work out for you. Kate, with all her freebies and never-ending flow of money right now does raise the blood pressure of so many who are struggling financially. When she whines about how poor she is, it really sends people over the top!
I really wish I could help you, but as a resident of PA with a good knowledge (at least most of the time) of the happenings of our state goverment, I can't for the life of me figure out what proclamation you mean. If the state indeed has the kids' college tuitions paid for, I'll be the first to admit my mistake -- and my total surprise!!
Candace, even the so-called film experts, critics, writers, analyzers can't figure it out, so I can't imagine Jon understanding it, although you never know. Sometimes the people you least expect to "get" something, are better at comprehension than the experts who tend to over-analyze!
Is this what you are looking for re: state of Pennsylvania TAP 529 accounts?
I don't know about the Pennsylvania college funds. I am from Mississippi and bought my son one in 2007. There are two types of accounts in MS with many variables.
We picked the program where my son can go to community college 2 years and senior college up to 3 years. It cost me over 10 years $16,640 investment. It locks Ms college tuition prices today in for tomorrow. My hubbie and I felt it was the least we could do for our youngest...and I wish I would have done it with the 4 I have in college now...because the every little bit helps.
I believe like Admin if you put the money say 300,000 in the other type of account that is in essence investing the money...this would make a big dent.
Remember if the kids academically get scholarships etc that plays in too.
I was driving my dad to an appointment and was listening to the radio....and the (DJ?) mentioned Omarosa...having to do with some D.Trump show that's currently on TV, apparently (I don't remember the name he mentioned).....and that made me think back to when Omarosa was on the show "Surreal Life" and I remember, from watching that show, realizing that most of Omarosa's narcissistic obnoxiousness was an act/shtick....and that she was actually a fairly nice person.
BUT....Kate is not. She is the real deal, NPD-wise. And THAT, IMO, is why she will not have much luck having a future career in the entertainment industry....even more than the fact that she has no discernible talent. She's GOT to be extremely difficult to work with. Really GOOD actresses have lost jobs due to ultra-diva-like behavior behind the scenes.
And I think that's what accounts for what really IS a phenomenon. The person who commented on that here was 100% IMO. Omarosa was interesting as a villain...and even she bottomed-out at some point. But with Kate being the real deal, people, IMO, are fascinating just watching her. You rarely get the opportunity to see a show with someone with a textbook case of NPD. If there were no children involved, *I* might actually watch her....due to the fascination factor.
BUT....*I* and I think most of the rest of us here feel fairly certain that she has no long-term future in entertainment. It's a true fluke of a phenomenon that she even got as far as she did (even though yes, I do acknowledge that this would never have happened without the children). I honestly believe that they will attribute that part of the "phenomenon" was due to Kate being the real-deal when it comes to true narcissism.
Lt. Governor Knoll Remarks
"Gosselin Six" Birthday Party
May 12, 2005
There is no need to be coy about this celebration today.
This is far more than a birthday party. It is recognition that the Gosselins have given a whole new meaning to the concept of Mother’s Day!
I am a proud, outspoken, no-doubt-about-it fan of the great treasures of Pennsylvania. I can bend anyone’s ear about Valley Forge National Park or Independence Hall or the Library Hall or the Pocono’s, or Pennsylvania Dutch Country or the Carnegie Institute, or a hundred other places---but today, in this place, at this time, the Number 1 Pennsylvania treasure is the Gosselin Six.
I’ve been asked often: “Who are the best-known people in Pennsylvania?”
The temptation is to answer with names like Benjamin Franklin, Marlan Anderson, Arnold Palmer, Grace Kelly, Johnny Unitas, Margaret Mead---so many others---but the short-form response about Pennsylvania’s best known people is simply to say: Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah, and Joel, and, of course, their beautiful big sisters, Cara & Madelyn.
My amazement continues. When this hockey team was born a year ago, I instantly recalled the responsibility and workload I experienced in raising four children---and their arrivals were spread out over a period of time.
To have six show up at the door on the same day, each saying, “Feed me. Clothe me. Shelter me. Guide me.” ---well, that is a challenge of staggering dimensions.
But a challenge the Gosselins have energetically accepted.
And so has the “village.”
By that I mean the “It-takes-a-village” reference Hilary Clinton made so famous. The way friends and neighbors, and in many instances, the whole state, have rallied around this family is a very special story.
As Don Harold once said, babies are such a nice way to start people!
I’ve always believed that a baby is God’s opinion that life should be regarded as precious, and that no child should be starved for food, for education, or for love.
Every year in Pennsylvania we welcome over 140,000 new babies. That the Gosselins chose to escalate that number dramatically in 2004 is an occasion worthy of all the celebration we can bring it.
I try to picture 49 years from now when Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah, and Joel will get together for their 50th birthday party. There will be more candles at that event than there were at the Vatican a few weeks ago. It will look like the runway lights have been turned on at an airport.
Somewhere in between this birthday and that one, there will be a lot of other milestones to celebrate -- multiplied by six. Six first days of school, six first dates, six drivers’ licenses, six college tuitions…
I know that all parents think about these milestones, especially how they are going to provide their children with a college education. For Kate and Jonathan, I’m sure they think about this often.
That is why, for my gift to the Gosselin Family on this very special occasion, I am opening accounts for all eight of the Gosselin children through the Tuition Account Program, which I had a hand in creating when I served as Pennsylvania State Treasurer.
Contributions to these accounts will accrue throughout the children’s lives and be available to them once it comes time to attend college.
If you would like to make a contribution to the Gosselin Family’s TAP account, you can do so by making your check payable to “TAP 529,” writing “Gosselin” in the memo portion of the check, and sending your contributions to: Gosselin Sextuplets and Twins Accounts, TAP Bureau, 218 Finance Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120. More information on the Tuition Account Program can be obtained by calling 1-800-440-4000 or by visiting the Treasury website and clicking on Tuition Account Program.
Happy Mother’s Day, Kate and Jonathan. Pennsylvania is proud of you and this wonderful six-pack whose birthday we honor today. Congratulations, and many blessings for a healthy, happy, and prosperous future for your family!
Lt. Governor Knoll Remarks
"Gosselin Six" Birthday Party
May 12, 2005
There is no need to be coy about this celebration today.
This is far more than a birthday party. It is recognition that the Gosselins have given a whole new meaning to the concept of Mother’s Day!
I am a proud, outspoken, no-doubt-about-it fan of the great treasures of Pennsylvania. I can bend anyone’s ear about Valley Forge National Park or Independence Hall or the Library Hall or the Pocono’s, or Pennsylvania Dutch Country or the Carnegie Institute, or a hundred other places---but today, in this place, at this time, the Number 1 Pennsylvania treasure is the Gosselin Six.
I’ve been asked often: “Who are the best-known people in Pennsylvania?”
The temptation is to answer with names like Benjamin Franklin, Marlan Anderson, Arnold Palmer, Grace Kelly, Johnny Unitas, Margaret Mead---so many others---but the short-form response about Pennsylvania’s best known people is simply to say: Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah, and Joel, and, of course, their beautiful big sisters, Cara & Madelyn.
My amazement continues. When this hockey team was born a year ago, I instantly recalled the responsibility and workload I experienced in raising four children---and their arrivals were spread out over a period of time.
To have six show up at the door on the same day, each saying, “Feed me. Clothe me. Shelter me. Guide me.” ---well, that is a challenge of staggering dimensions.
But a challenge the Gosselins have energetically accepted.
And so has the “village.”
By that I mean the “It-takes-a-village” reference Hilary Clinton made so famous. The way friends and neighbors, and in many instances, the whole state, have rallied around this family is a very special story.
As Don Harold once said, babies are such a nice way to start people!
I’ve always believed that a baby is God’s opinion that life should be regarded as precious, and that no child should be starved for food, for education, or for love.
Every year in Pennsylvania we welcome over 140,000 new babies. That the Gosselins chose to escalate that number dramatically in 2004 is an occasion worthy of all the celebration we can bring it.
I try to picture 49 years from now when Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah, and Joel will get together for their 50th birthday party. There will be more candles at that event than there were at the Vatican a few weeks ago. It will look like the runway lights have been turned on at an airport.
Somewhere in between this birthday and that one, there will be a lot of other milestones to celebrate -- multiplied by six. Six first days of school, six first dates, six drivers’ licenses, six college tuitions…
I know that all parents think about these milestones, especially how they are going to provide their children with a college education. For Kate and Jonathan, I’m sure they think about this often.
That is why, for my gift to the Gosselin Family on this very special occasion, I am opening accounts for all eight of the Gosselin children through the Tuition Account Program, which I had a hand in creating when I served as Pennsylvania State Treasurer.
Contributions to these accounts will accrue throughout the children’s lives and be available to them once it comes time to attend college.
If you would like to make a contribution to the Gosselin Family’s TAP account, you can do so by making your check payable to “TAP 529,” writing “Gosselin” in the memo portion of the check, and sending your contributions to: Gosselin Sextuplets and Twins Accounts, TAP Bureau, 218 Finance Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120. More information on the Tuition Account Program can be obtained by calling 1-800-440-4000 or by visiting the Treasury website and clicking on Tuition Account Program.
Happy Mother’s Day, Kate and Jonathan. Pennsylvania is proud of you and this wonderful six-pack whose birthday we honor today. Congratulations, and many blessings for a healthy, happy, and prosperous future for your family!
Lt. Governor Knoll Remarks
"Gosselin Six" Birthday Party
May 12, 2005
There is no need to be coy about this celebration today.
This is far more than a birthday party. It is recognition that the Gosselins have given a whole new meaning to the concept of Mother’s Day!
I am a proud, outspoken, no-doubt-about-it fan of the great treasures of Pennsylvania. I can bend anyone’s ear about Valley Forge National Park or Independence Hall or the Library Hall or the Pocono’s, or Pennsylvania Dutch Country or the Carnegie Institute, or a hundred other places---but today, in this place, at this time, the Number 1 Pennsylvania treasure is the Gosselin Six.
I’ve been asked often: “Who are the best-known people in Pennsylvania?”
The temptation is to answer with names like Benjamin Franklin, Marlan Anderson, Arnold Palmer, Grace Kelly, Johnny Unitas, Margaret Mead---so many others---but the short-form response about Pennsylvania’s best known people is simply to say: Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah, and Joel, and, of course, their beautiful big sisters, Cara & Madelyn.
My amazement continues. When this hockey team was born a year ago, I instantly recalled the responsibility and workload I experienced in raising four children---and their arrivals were spread out over a period of time.
To have six show up at the door on the same day, each saying, “Feed me. Clothe me. Shelter me. Guide me.” ---well, that is a challenge of staggering dimensions.
But a challenge the Gosselins have energetically accepted.
And so has the “village.”
By that I mean the “It-takes-a-village” reference Hilary Clinton made so famous. The way friends and neighbors, and in many instances, the whole state, have rallied around this family is a very special story.
As Don Harold once said, babies are such a nice way to start people!
I’ve always believed that a baby is God’s opinion that life should be regarded as precious, and that no child should be starved for food, for education, or for love.
Every year in Pennsylvania we welcome over 140,000 new babies. That the Gosselins chose to escalate that number dramatically in 2004 is an occasion worthy of all the celebration we can bring it.
I try to picture 49 years from now when Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah, and Joel will get together for their 50th birthday party. There will be more candles at that event than there were at the Vatican a few weeks ago. It will look like the runway lights have been turned on at an airport.
Somewhere in between this birthday and that one, there will be a lot of other milestones to celebrate -- multiplied by six. Six first days of school, six first dates, six drivers’ licenses, six college tuitions…
I know that all parents think about these milestones, especially how they are going to provide their children with a college education. For Kate and Jonathan, I’m sure they think about this often.
That is why, for my gift to the Gosselin Family on this very special occasion, I am opening accounts for all eight of the Gosselin children through the Tuition Account Program, which I had a hand in creating when I served as Pennsylvania State Treasurer.
Contributions to these accounts will accrue throughout the children’s lives and be available to them once it comes time to attend college.
If you would like to make a contribution to the Gosselin Family’s TAP account, you can do so by making your check payable to “TAP 529,” writing “Gosselin” in the memo portion of the check, and sending your contributions to: Gosselin Sextuplets and Twins Accounts, TAP Bureau, 218 Finance Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120. More information on the Tuition Account Program can be obtained by calling 1-800-440-4000 or by visiting the Treasury website and clicking on Tuition Account Program.
Happy Mother’s Day, Kate and Jonathan. Pennsylvania is proud of you and this wonderful six-pack whose birthday we honor today. Congratulations, and many blessings for a healthy, happy, and prosperous future for your family!
Every year in Pennsylvania we welcome over 140,000 new babies. That the Gosselins chose to escalate that number dramatically in 2004 is an occasion worthy of all the celebration we can bring it.
I try to picture 49 years from now when Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah, and Joel will get together for their 50th birthday party. There will be more candles at that event than there were at the Vatican a few weeks ago. It will look like the runway lights have been turned on at an airport.
Somewhere in between this birthday and that one, there will be a lot of other milestones to celebrate -- multiplied by six. Six first days of school, six first dates, six drivers’ licenses, six college tuitions…
I know that all parents think about these milestones, especially how they are going to provide their children with a college education. For Kate and Jonathan, I’m sure they think about this often.
That is why, for my gift to the Gosselin Family on this very special occasion, I am opening accounts for all eight of the Gosselin children through the Tuition Account Program, which I had a hand in creating when I served as Pennsylvania State Treasurer.
Contributions to these accounts will accrue throughout the children’s lives and be available to them once it comes time to attend college.
If you would like to make a contribution to the Gosselin Family’s TAP account, you can do so by making your check payable to “TAP 529,” writing “Gosselin” in the memo portion of the check, and sending your contributions to: Gosselin Sextuplets and Twins Accounts, TAP Bureau, 218 Finance Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120. More information on the Tuition Account Program can be obtained by calling 1-800-440-4000 or by visiting the Treasury website and clicking on Tuition Account Program.
Happy Mother’s Day, Kate and Jonathan. Pennsylvania is proud of you and this wonderful six-pack whose birthday we honor today. Congratulations, and many blessings for a healthy, happy, and prosperous future for your family!
VERY sorry about those posts. I kept getting the notice that it was too long and would not be accepted. So I then went to the comment section, and pasted it in sections. Sorry.
This isn't what Judy was looking for. She said it was a legal document. When the tups were born, there was a letter, written in the form of a "proclamation" by the late state treasurer, Catherine Baker Knoll, who declared the kids "a state treasure."
A year later, the TAP account was opened. Judy says she read the legal document which states that the state paid the college education. She said this was about a year and a half ago. I'm not sure if the document was written at that time, or if she SAW the document at that time.
I am unaware of any such legal document. This is not to say that there isn't one, but it certainly wasn't in effect in 1985 when the TAP fund was created. There wouldn't have been such a fund for donations established if the state had already set up an account (and paid for by the state) which took care of their college tuitions.
Sorry -- make that 2005! The kids aren't 25!
So, the kids are back in PA.
Thanks Markiesnana and PA Mom Also. Yes, I saw the document over a year ago, but it was authored long before that. And I have to admit it's been so long now I can't remember the exact wording except that it was fairly concise (one page as I recall) and formally signed. I may very well be confused and am going to make a call in this regard next week and will report back at that time. Thanks again for providing a phone number.
dee3 said...
Regarding the issue of non-fans continuing to watch the show (and therefore contributing to keeping the children on TV)....I completely agree with "It's hypocritical".
I stopped watching the show years ago...because I didn't like Kate (disgusted with watching her abusiveness)....BUT....even IF I WAS one of the non-fans who have continued to watch...I'd have no problem stopping because not only can you read Administrator's excellent recaps but there is stuff about Kate (plus the 8) all over the internet, etc....providing no end of fodder to blog about.
I also tend to agree that the majority of the viewers, at this point, are non-fans. Some may be watching just for campy entertainment (ie: it's so bad that it's good) but for all the ones who want to see the children taken off TV, there is NO reason to have to watch in order to have info. to blog and comment about. There are more than enough re-caps, articles, etc. for this. So yes, it IS hypocritical.....just STOP watching! NOW!
Any non-fan (aside from those who provide recaps) who still watches this show should not even be blogging about wanting the children off TV, IMO.
Once again I want to say that GWOP, the web site you probably found when you first thought that something did not smell right in Gosselinland so you hit the Internet and discovered that you are NOT alone, has IMO decided by adding to their rule #10 that NO PLEADING is allowed asking their bloggers not to watch.
This means of course the GWOP welcomes and encourages the comments of their bloggers after they have watched new episodes of Kate + 8. GWOP has to be aware that their bloggers as viewers are being counted by TLC in their ratings numbers, which of course is keeping the show on the air and the children working!!!
IMHO GWOP cannot have it both ways - if it wants to be known as a Gosselin child advocacy web site they should not at the same time want to allow and encourage their "child advocates" a place to "snark guilt free".
Talk about the true definition of the word "hypocrite".
It is no wonder that the loverz have fun blogging on the pro Kate web sites about all the haterz who call themselves child advocates while at the same time calling them hypocrites. I, for one, happen to agree with the loverz on this issue.
dee3 said...
Regarding the issue of non-fans continuing to watch the show (and therefore contributing to keeping the children on TV)....I completely agree with "It's hypocritical".
I stopped watching the show years ago...because I didn't like Kate (disgusted with watching her abusiveness)....BUT....even IF I WAS one of the non-fans who have continued to watch...I'd have no problem stopping because not only can you read Administrator's excellent recaps but there is stuff about Kate (plus the 8) all over the internet, etc....providing no end of fodder to blog about.
I also tend to agree that the majority of the viewers, at this point, are non-fans. Some may be watching just for campy entertainment (ie: it's so bad that it's good) but for all the ones who want to see the children taken off TV, there is NO reason to have to watch in order to have info. to blog and comment about. There are more than enough re-caps, articles, etc. for this. So yes, it IS hypocritical.....just STOP watching! NOW!
Any non-fan (aside from those who provide recaps) who still watches this show should not even be blogging about wanting the children off TV, IMO.
Once again I want to say that GWOP, the web site you probably found when you first thought that something did not smell right in Gosselinland so you hit the Internet and discovered that you are NOT alone, has IMO decided by adding to their rule #10 that NO PLEADING is allowed asking their bloggers not to watch.
This means of course the GWOP welcomes and encourages the comments of their bloggers after they have watched new episodes of Kate + 8. GWOP has to be aware that their bloggers as viewers are being counted by TLC in their ratings numbers, which of course is keeping the show on the air and the children working!!!
IMHO GWOP cannot have it both ways - if it wants to be known as a Gosselin child advocacy web site they should not at the same time want to allow and encourage their "child advocates" a place to "snark guilt free".
Talk about the true definition of the word "hypocrite".
It is no wonder that the loverz have fun blogging on the pro Kate web sites about all the haterz who call themselves child advocates while at the same time calling them hypocrites. I, for one, happen to agree with the loverz on this issue.
This isn't what Judy was looking for. She said it was a legal document. When the tups were born, there was a letter, written in the form of a "proclamation" by the late state treasurer, Catherine Baker Knoll, who declared the kids "a state treasure."
A year later, the TAP account was opened. Judy says she read the legal document which states that the state paid the college education. She said this was about a year and a half ago. I'm not sure if the document was written at that time, or if she SAW the document at that time.
I am unaware of any such legal document. This is not to say that there isn't one, but it certainly wasn't in effect in 1985 when the TAP fund was created. There wouldn't have been such a fund for donations established if the state had already set up an account (and paid for by the state) which took care of their college tuitions.
Inception was a great movie! I bet Jon didn't understand a second of it, though. WAYYY to complicated for the likes of him. ET, however, sounds right up his alley.
Sorry -- make that 2005! The kids aren't 25!
JudyK said....."And I saw a document where the kids' college tuitions were paid for by the state of PA as long as they remain in PA--the problem is that I can no longer find it, but many other people saw it as well and all have commented on it numerous times on another blog site--and I'm not talking about the establishing a fund for contributions thing."
You can't find it because it doesn't exist. The tups and twins have the account you mentioned, the TAP fund which was opened for them in 2005 by the Treasurer of PA at the time Catherine Baker Knoll. She called the tups "PA Treasures" and welcomed the public to make contributions to the fund. Initially, the PA TAP fund was to save for a child's tuition at any PA state college while also "locking in" the current tuition rate of the colleges the year the fund was opened. Now, a look at the PA TAP website shows that a student can now use the funds at private PA colleges and out of state colleges as well. I would have loved to been a fly on the wall when Kate was informed the kids were getting an empty fund people could contribute to! Bwahahahaha! The MacCaughey septuplets received paid in full tuitions for their children from the state of Iowa, and it has been widely reported Kate was using the MacCaughey donations as the bar for what she was entitled to.
It's enticing to think that Jon and Kate already snagged free college for their kids and then lied about needing money the the kids education. Since they have the morals of an alley cat, I wouldn't put it past them. However, the sad reality seems to be (as evidenced by the recent work permit dust up) Jon and Kate HAVE NOT put any of the money the kids have worked so hard for. They have spent it all on themselves. So when they were whining about college at the church talks, I believe they were being truthful, they just didn't mention to the audience that they were looking at $1 million dollar properties, that why they couldn't save for the kids. As recently as a few months ago Kate was sniffling on TV about college. IMHO, she still holds out a desperate hope for some university to step forward and offer free tuitions so she doesn't have to save the majority of the kid's money for this huge expense. We are outraged when Kate complains about not having enough money but she's right, she doesn't have enough money to live in the manner the Queen is accustomed and entitled to AND save for the kids. There's no way she can keep her mansion and staff, send 8 kids to private school and save enough money to pay for all their college tuitions. Sadly, thanks to the gray area of "reality show" and weak PA enforcement of child performer laws, I fear these kids will never see a dime of their money when they are of age. And when that happens the PA Dept.of Labor, BM, Kate's 12 sheeple at Radar and Eileen O'Neill will say "Kate Gosselin who? Never heard of her."
"And I saw a document where the kids' college tuitions were paid for by the state of PA as long as they remain in PA--the problem is that I can no longer find it, but many other people saw it as well and all have commented on it numerous times on another blog site--and I'm not talking about the establishing a fund for contributions thing."
As far as I know, there is no such account. PA did not pay for the kids' tuition. There is the fund that was set up when the kids were born, still open for donations and available as long as the kids attend a college in PA. I don't think their physical address has to be in PA...just that the college they attend is in the state.
We have no knowledge of how much cash is in her bank account or in non-liquid assets. It could be substantial. It could be minimal. We have no idea how much TLC pays for. It could be everything. It could be nothing. If she's paying the mortgage, all of the maintenance on the house, all of the paid helpers, the utilities, taxes, tuition, etc., her "millions" aren't going to last but a few years unless the gravy train keeps rolling. With those kind of expenses, and no help from TLC, the well is going to run dry when her 15 minutes run out.
IBM62 said... Inception was a great movie! I bet Jon didn't understand a second of it, though. WAYYY to complicated for the likes of him. ET, however, sounds right up his alley.
Hey! Don't diss ET! It's a wonderful, classic film. Agree with you about Inception though. I bet right after he twittered people about whether they liked it, he asked them to please explain it to him. Lol
Bottom line, stock market or not, you could take the $300,000 J&K pissed away on materialistic crap for themselves, dig a hole in the backyard and bury it for 13 years, it would still benefit the kids more than whatever they did with it.
IMO J&K should be living the lifestyles of an IT tech and a nurse. How many IT techs go off and rent $5,000 NYC condos? How many nurses buy multiple pairs of $300 shoes and $300 purses. Fine, treat yourself OCCASSIONALLY with a pedicure, etc. but your personal lifestyle should be that of a nurse. The big bucks only exist because of your kids, so stash away as much as possible for them.
I've wanted to smack her every time she cries that it kills her when people say she profits off her kids. SHE DOES! HE DOES! Those kids should have college and graduate school covered if that's the route they choose. The parental greed is unbelievable.
*WHAT IF* Kate is in CA to look at houses.
Kate will be able to find a house large enough for her and the kids, and even in a gated community. But Kate will be unable to duplicate the PA McMansion estate with all the acreage - even with all the foreclosures going on - so not a surprise the chickens will stay in PA :)
My problem with Kate moving to CA is that I don't see her being employable long term in Hollywood. Oh, she may get Celebrity Apprentice, but isn't that filmed in NY? Also IF she survives the duration of CA (yeah right), how long does a season last?
So unless Kate pays cash for the house, I don't see where she will be able to make the monthly mortgage payments after a few years - unless eventually she dips into the money allegedly set aside for the kids. Also, if she cannot sell her current home for less than what she paid for it, she will have duplicate house payments which will also impact her current nest egg.
The facts are Kate can't write a book by herself that sells, she can't dance, she failed as co-host of THE VIEW and as an interviewer on ET because she tries to turn the conversation back to HER and ignores the subject matter, the only acting she seems to be able to do is to cry on cue, and as for singing ... that is still TBD. But unless Kate turns out to be another Susan Boyle, I don't think anyone is going to produce her CD.
That is, not after Kate's 15 minutes are up and folks, I really believe this whole Gosselin fiasco is coming to an end. When Kate+8 tanks - when all the haterz can prevent themselves from watching the show just to snark later - the show will be off the air and the children will have their freedom.
The kids are no longer as cute as they used to be, they are growing up and are becoming just regular kids. Nothing special. I'm not being mean when I say this because I love these kids, but I love them enough to LET THEM GO and live their lives as private citizens.
It also occurred to me that *IF* Kate is seriously looking to buy in CA, it may be to push one or more of her kids into TV or movies. But which kid shows they have "it" that Hollywood looks for? The kid will have to have "it" because here again her backstage diva actions on DWTS may keep producers from looking at her kids at all - they know she will be the backstage mom from Hell, complete with a bodyguard.
IMHO I think Kate and kids should stay in PA. It is a good place to raise kids. Besides I hope that when this train wreck ends Kate will be able to swallow crow and mend some fences, especially with family. If not, the kids will do so on their own and Kate will be left all alone.
Really interesting that there are no pics of Kate and the kids since landing in L.A., which is even more proof that all of her photo ops are "call aheads." And I still say she is there to either (1) look for a house or (2) meet with Trump or (3) both.
I have to agree with MM here.Simple as it may be...Dont Watch! I'm sorry if you'r tired of hearing it..BUT its that EASY!!!
I have to laugh and agree with the lovers who call us-you haterz out...OMG...my cat stepped on the remote..I got caught in a bear trap and couldnt get to the remote,,,I was FORCED to watch kate. I was busy doing housework and my 3 year old(who has no clue) turned the show on...I have no power over my 3 year old so I HAD NO choice!! I was being held by gun point and the robber insisted that I watch kate + 8...Please people...if you need to watch...just admit it...if you cant look away just say so!!
I havent watched since b4 the divorce...really its that easy...I dont CLICK on anything and everything kate.I really dont give a shit...
If it bothers you that a VERY few people say Dont watch...then I think you are trying to handle your own guilt...cause not many on this blog say dont watch...help the 8...dont give into the raitings.....
When we go quiet is when the Go$$elin kids will get the quiet they SO deserve!!!
Actually, pull your money out. Because people in aggressive count on people pulling their money out so they can buy up their stocks on sale.
I made fudge and missed the conversation...I actually fall strongly in Admin's camp. By the way, you know a lot about this subject and could probably teach me a thing or two! I am close to retirement and had switched out of aggressive mode. I have a a friend who began saving decades after I did and was still in an aggressive portfolio and now it is a problem for her. Reality check I hear what you are saying and depending on where one's 401K is I believe you that 9/11 & recent near depression has left a big hole. Hopefully, those folks can keep their funds in for another 10-15 yr cycle so it will balance out. Overall, I think Admin's mindset on the market is accurate, JMO.
One Up On Wall Street said...
It happens. Most of those who believe that the market is NOT a gamble are the twenty-somethings who have little experience with investments, or who believe in a perfect world. Retirement is lightyears away for them. We live and learn, and experience tells us that reality is what it is...it hits us in the face when we least expect it. It can be unpredictable and devastating.
Exactly. Paper and reality are not one and the same.
NancyB said...
Reality Check -
I hear what you are saying but I am talking about investing over a 30 year period of time. For a lot of folks the crash devasted their plan. I was lucky that I had moved it out before this happened, so what you are saying has truth behind it. If you look back in history over 20 to 30 yr spans of time, usually the beauty of compound interest proves very successful.
Yeah, I know. I'm just pointing out that there is risk involved and it's not an automatic win.
Let's just say I have the privilege of writing off losses for the next several years because my mutual fund lost far more than the max. you can write off annually and leave it at that. ;)
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