"I'll be honest. I actually haven't stayed in touch with her, she hasn't stayed in touch with me." He added: "I needed a break. I got a break with my family, and she's not someone I worry about. I am more concerned with my own family."
Tony tweeted last month that he was meeting with TLC. Guess that never panned out! Maybe he didn't like the gag order they wanted him to sign. Or maybe Kate decided to estrange him before he could estrange her.

And when I met Tony in April at the one and only book signing for I Just Want You to Know, I specifically asked Tony if he keeps in touch with one of his former partners who happens to be a friend of my family. Tony said with a big smile, "Yes!" He spent the entire night grinning from ear to ear and posing for pictures with fans while Kate cried to her bodyguard in the closet.
119 sediments (sic) from readers:
I agree, that meeting was TLC doing damage control. I wonder if they paid him off or tried to intimidate him into silence.
I am so curious about that meeting now.
-TLC wanted to do a child exploitation show starring Tony and his family. Tony said thanks but not thanks.
-TLC wants to do some kind of crossover show about Kate and her friendship with celebs like Tony. After reviewing the constraining contract Tony said take a hike.
-TLC was worried about what Tony might blab about Kate and tried to pay him off. Tony said f-u.
Tony did his time, he deserves a medal.
In any case I'm glad Tony decided he deserves better than TLC.
Kate hasn't come to that conclusion. Then again, she DOESN'T deserve better than what she has.
Tony is finally free and speaking for himself. Remember when Kate was booted from DWTS, her sobbing about missing her new family on DWTS??? All BS!!! They couldn't stand her. Poor Tony I wish him all the best. He got sucked into working with kate and like all of us couldn't leave because his family needed the paycheck. All Kate has left are paid employees and those poor 8 who have no escape. Hopefully help is on the way in the form of Rep. Murt.
I think TLC did their best to pay Tony off to keep him quiet. I am so proud of him for not allowing it. They are finding out that not "everyone" can be bought.
Since DWTS I've been watching Tony, Maksim, Erin, Evan, Cheryl etc. all tweet each other. They also were together last weekend for ESPY awards. Tony's team won the ESPY golf tournament fundraiser. Many close friendships were formed during DWTS.
For me, the jury is still out on Tony. I don't know if I think he's a gentleman for not dissing Kate or a man with an agenda for saying even as much as he did. I don't know if he's looking for opportunities to capitalize on his time with Kate by talking about her or trying to answer questions as minimally as possible because he wants to be polite.
I can't really read Tony at this time. Time will tell.
I don't think Tony has any motive here. He has never been a fame whore. He never says anything controversial. Even this statement was rather polite. He had plenty of time to say something about Kate and didn't. I think he was finally put on the spot and asked a pretty much yes or no question.
I think Tony just couldn't hold back anymore. He was asked if he kept in touch with Kate and he didn't want to lie so he said really rather politely no actually I don't keep in touch we have gone in different directions.
He didn't throw Kate under the bus but he got the message across. To me it's sort of a validation, a shout out, without actually being rude.
Administrator, you are spot on. Tony IS a gentleman and has no sinister motive--he's just had his fill. Kate tried to get him fired on DWTS, tried to tell him how to teach, didn't always show up for practice, and was consistently late. I think he's been a saint considering. Tony teaches the pros how to dance--he is well-known and well-respected in his field. He doesn't need the likes of Kate Gosselin telling him how the cow ate the cabbage.
I think what's not really well understood is that the dancers get paid more when they make it further with their partners. So Kate going out early means Tony makes LESS money. If I were him I'd want to smack her.
I don't think he minds if you give it your all. But here's Kate whining and saying she only rehearses for four hours. Hopefully it's well understood most of these people are busting ass putting in 12 and 14 hour days on that dance floor. Then here's lazy Kate bragging she doesn't know her moves on Saturday before the show and bragging about how little rehearsing she does. I would be ...fed....up....if I were Tony. That's MY money she is taking away.
Really it's amazing he didn't say something before now. Somebody like Macks would have just really torn his hair out.
Like we all didn't know any of that already. We all knew he only said all that stuff so he wouldn't get voted off for being with such a hated celebrity. We all knew their "friendship" would end once the show did.
Glad he finally admitted it. I'd like to hear more.
I love reading the sheeple comments. They say that Rep Murt is just looking for his fame off the issue of permits. I can't stand ET or Access/Insider because they slobber all over each other how Kate is this and that. These shows are 1 step above the Enquirer rag.
I wonder how they will spin the permit story? Maybe Merideth Viera can come on Kates next special and tell the world they are best buds and new BFF's beacuse Merideth lost all respect in the main media (IMHO) and she certainly cant report on ANY aspect of the Permit story or Kate without looking foolish (or at least a serious conflict of interest).
Speaking of BFF's, what happened to Jamie? Was she only paid to be the BFF on the one show that Kate mentioned her?
idosmommy said...
For me, the jury is still out on Tony. I don't know if I think he's a gentleman for not dissing Kate or a man with an agenda for saying even as much as he did. I don't know if he's looking for opportunities to capitalize on his time with Kate by talking about her or trying to answer questions as minimally as possible because he wants to be polite.
I've watched DWTS since they have been on. Tony is a class act, and wouldn't say anything else, IMO. He's a true gentleman. Besides, it's always not to burn your bridges.
When asked if he's been tuning in for her TLC show Kate Plus Eight, he said he's been too busy to watch. "I missed it," he told me yesterday at Armani Exchange's Chill Truck bash. "I'm too busy working and traveling."
And he won't be TiVo'ing it either, because he told me he already reached his limit with the mom of eight...
"I had a lot of Kate this last season...I could use a break!" he said. (Sounds like he's pretty happy to be done dealing with her.)
oops, 'always BETTER not to burn bridges...'
"For me, the jury is still out on Tony."
I totally agree. People's perceptions can be very different, and some may say he's a class act, but what do we really know about a person or his agenda just because he's a gentleman on a national television show?
Well, I know hearsay is hearsay. But like I said we have a mutual friend who was one of his partners and she says he's wonderful and a class act. That's why I was so shocked when he walked out and was heard to say things about Kate. People tried to say well everyone does that. Maybe, but TONY doesn't do that according to our friend.
Kate may start suffering from Kathy Griffin Syndrome. Kicked off this show, banned from this show, prohibited from this network, not welcome back on this one.
Keep burnin' those bridges.
Honestly where does Kate get off pissing off real celebs? She is Kate she had no business brushing elbows with astronauts and Olympians and then blowing them off.
Administrator said...
I think what's not really well understood is that the dancers get paid more when they make it further with their partners. So Kate going out early means Tony makes LESS money. If I were him I'd want to smack her.
Kate didn't care, her monies were already fixed and guaranteed. BTW, Donald might want to give Tony a call. Is the Donald really up to dealing with Kate and all her drama? Wouldn't that be a hoot if she had drama akin to what she had on DWTS; Donald would chew her up and spit her out! I guarantee you she wouldn't be telling HIM he doesn't know how to 'teach' her how to advance in business. Oh, I do want to see Kate be an Apprentice, lol, having to take orders from the team leader as well as Donald, would be good for sooo many laughs! Those women are catty, they won't talk sweet about her behind her back like the DWTS folks did.
The Donald has the biggest ego in the business. Kate would be mincemeat in his hands!
Not only would the Donald chew her up and spit her out, but her own teammates would throw her under the bus at each and every boardroom. The fastest way to get yourself kicked off is to not pull your weight. The slackers are the first people they go for.
I would like to see Kate on this show. I don't think she knows what real work is and it would be nice to give her what she so desperately wants.
Admin, I sure don't want to break Rule #2 here, but I remember when so many of us were hurrahing
Jon for pulling the kids off the show. He was such a great guy, he had such a great lawyer, and everyone was cheering about these 2 great men. Then we saw a bit more closely that it wasn't such a grand thing going on after all.
I'm just holding out an opinion on Tony until things either close down or blow up. I'm pulling for him being a good guy, just like your friend said.
"I don't think she knows what real work is and it would be nice to give her what she so desperately wants."
Do you think that she would work? She has no work ethic. Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Would't it just be a repeat of DWTS? She thinks she gets a free pass for everything.
I've never watched The Apprentice (Trump turns me off), but I'd definitely watch Kate for what would be another guaranteed epic failure for her.
I just wanted to let folks know I'm sitting on this permit story for now. This appears to be more of a flaw or mistake in the law rather than PA actually intending that babies and young children could never work on TV. Obviously little ones work in TV all the time whenever a TV couple has a baby. They will have to fix the law and it will be nothing to get too excited over. Or maybe PA will decide it's not prudent to have kids under 7 work. Fat chance, but if that happens we'll report it.
As for Rep. Murt just wanting publicity, well then he must be a glutton for punishment because he's gotten more bad publicity than good in my opinion, and has had to face a lot of criticism. Do people honestly think he didn't realize he would be accused of latching on to someone who is hot right now? He's not an idiot. He did this despite knowing what could happen.
And another thing, I am skeptical this has anything to do with his campaign. He is a Rep. He is up for election every 2 years. You learn in poly sci that reps up every 2 years can either campaign constantly or just do what they're going to do and not obsess over the constant campaigning necessary. There was no "good time" for him to do this without being accused of campaigning. His first hearing was only about one year into his term--so he was at the half point. You don't see people accusing Obama of campaigning and he's about at the halfway point. Besides a lot of people see the "benefit" to the state of the Gosselins. He sure is risking losing a lot of votes as much as gaining them. He's got the kids' best interests at heart I think he's just not exactly sure how to stop this train that is only concerned with money for Kate and money for PA and a little left over to hush up Jon.
"Do you think that she would work? She has no work ethic. Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Would't it just be a repeat of DWTS? She thinks she gets a free pass for everything."
That's why I want to see it. It would be DWTS only this time she really wouldn't get a free pass. She would be no less washed up than any other celeb on that show and no one would care. Bet you anything her team is thinking seriously about how to NOT put her on that show.
Anyway it's a project that doesn't involved the kids which is a plus. And it's another nail in the coffin.
Maybe the solution isn't to turn away. Maybe we should just overexpose her to death, put her on every show she can until the public wants to vomit they're so sick of her. I don't care what you choose to do but I'm just throwing that out there.
Admin~ You obviously have more legalese (is that the right word?) background than most of us here, but I would think that even if it was a glitch or oversight, it was still the wrong permit. If there are other children being filmed in PA under the age of 7, then what permits did/do they obtain?
Also, I think the more interesting point about this whole permit thing is the fact that TLC didn't obtain them in the first place and Sandy Vito has dodged all of Murt's calls. Something here just doesn't add up and you're right, it may be nothing, but I hope it's "something" due to the simple fact that there has been a lot of sneaking around on TLC's part. Someone needs to call them out on it and this seems like a good opportunity to do so.
Sigh..... Kate will be sprayed with Teflon. then get yet another pass, this time from the Donald. Wearing her size 12 gladiator shoes and hootchie mamma clothes, Kate will climb the slippery pole (lolly in mouth) and be crowned Queen Apprentice.
I'm not surprised Tony hasn't talked to her since her DWTS stunt, her real family doesn't talk to her as well.
Troy Chula Vista said...
"I love reading the sheeple comments. They say that Rep Murt is just looking for his fame off the issue of permits."
I got a kick out of reading those comments on fan sites. Wait a minute....if the fans are the majority and we "haters" are just an annoying minority...then why would a politician be appealing to the much smaller group to get re-elected?
Skewed Logic.....not to mention, skewed math.
I agree with the Administrator that this issue with the permits seems to be an interpretation issue but I think that there are peripheral positives coming from this situation...especially because it is making all the mainstream news. It is putting a very negative spin on the whole TLC reality TV with children issue....and getting wide coverage.
And....many folks don't pay attention to details...they perceive certain news and/or rumors, etc. as either positive or negative and develop opinions simply from that.
And I am just speculating here, but I'm wondering if some advertisers would be reluctant to advertise on a show that appears to have run afoul of the law.
I doubt any sort of outcome like stopping the show, etc. will occur...but I do think it just adds another nail to the coffin of this chapter of exposing the emperor with no clothes.
What I'm surprised about is the fact right after Tonys' DWTS with this fame seeker was over, his little girl took ill and was in the hospital for awhile, hard to believe she never texted him to see how his child was doing. She did text him to bring her coffee every morning but couldn't even find out if his child would be okay....real nice
She claims her kids PLAY in front of the camera, So why the WORK permits? TLC should be seeking PLAY permits instead.
Here's hoping it will all be soon over. Here's what Z has posted:
The permits were made out to Figure 8 Films, the production company located in Carrboro, North Carolina. They were not made out to TLC. The permits cover April 20 to October 20, 2010, and they are only for "Kate Plus 8."
It was reported in the media that there were permits for "Twist of Kate" too. Either that show is never going to happen or they are going to film in other states which would totally disrupt the kids' schooling. Let's hope the "Twist" show is not a real deal but TLC is waiting to see the numbers on "Kate Plus 8". Keep up the good work and not watch this trash.
Myfoxphilly printed the permits and the name of the guy who granted them was Robert Kuzysnki, Acting Director, Bureau of Labor Law Compliance, PA Dept. of Labor and Industry.
If Kate does appear in Celebrity Apprentice, you can be damn sure it will be a snooze fest. TLC will have EVERYONE sign agreements not to pick on poor little miss Katie. Kate will probably end up "winning" because TLC says she must. Seriously, I totally believe that.
She is always protected, and everyone has to say nice things about her REGARDLESS of her atrocious behavior. The show itself would be a complete joke, not a smackdown.
My first post here, though I read regularly. Kate and Celebrity Apprentice has a huge flaw in "Kate Logic" -- she could not claim that she was working for her kids...she must be away from them to support them. THe celebrities give their winnings to charity!
If Kate does appear in Celebrity Apprentice, you can be damn sure it will be a snooze fest. TLC will have EVERYONE sign agreements not to pick on poor little miss Katie. Kate will probably end up "winning" because TLC says she must. Seriously, I totally believe that.--
I really don't see Trump going for that. He may be a lot of things, but trifling isn't one of them.
"THe celebrities give their winnings to charity"!
Well we could set up a charity "Free the Gosselin 8"...maybe she could donate her winnings to that lol!
Trump is too big to be intimidated by TLC. He apparently offered Rachel Uchitel a spot on the next Celebrity Apprentice three (3) weeks ago--about the same time he was pictured with Kate, so I think it may already be a done deal. It's obvious he's looking for controversial people for ratings.
JudyK said...
I think it may already be a done deal. It's obvious he's looking for controversial people for ratings.
I agree JudyK. When I saw that pic with Donald, I knew right then, that she was probably already signed.
It might surprise you if you Google.. "How much do the celebrities get paid on Celebrity Apprentice"?
What nanny would take on the responsibilty of caring for eight kids, 24/7, for 6 weeks while the so-called mother is off making a fool of herself once again?
DLCF said...
If Kate does appear in Celebrity Apprentice, you can be damn sure it will be a snooze fest. TLC will have EVERYONE sign agreements not to pick on poor little miss Katie. Kate will probably end up "winning" because TLC says she must. Seriously, I totally believe that.--
I really don't see Trump going for that. He may be a lot of things, but trifling isn't one of them.
JudyK said...
Trump is too big to be intimidated by TLC. He apparently offered Rachel Uchitel a spot on the next Celebrity Apprentice three (3) weeks ago--about the same time he was pictured with Kate, so I think it may already be a done deal. It's obvious he's looking for controversial people for ratings.
That's why I don't believe it would ever happen. I may be wrong, but I cannot see how Kate would agree to appear on the show unless she got special SUPERSTAR treatment. Also, isn't Trump's show tanking or on its last legs? Kate's name is always in the press and the Donald is not squeaky clean. He's probably using her right now just to get people talking about the show with no intention of EVER putting her on it. TLC would have to cut a deal, just like they did with DWTS, to ensure that Kate stay on--which, again, would mean that EVERY contestant would have to sign an agreement to make nice with her. Would that ever happen?
I agree with Frequent reader....
Why do her children require work permits if what is being implied by TLC/Kate is that the kids aren't working just her. If she is working she should be able to do a show by herself without needing her children to be on tv with her so that she can get a paycheque.
I don't think that the Don would give her a free pass if she were on the Apprentice. Darryl Strawberry was on last year and the Don loved him. Anyway, Strawberry dropped out because (basically) it was too hard and he didn't like the hours he had to work. The Don really slammed him for that and basically called him a quitter. The name of the game on the Celebrity Apprentice is cut throat! Oh no, I don't think that she'd be treated like the royality she thinks she is. The other women on her team would eat her alive. I would love to see her in the boardroom! One more thing, the next Apprentice is going back to "old school" with the unknowns trying for a job in one of the Don's enterprises so the next Celebrity Apprentice won't be on for at least a year. I'm sure her star will have faded by then and people will be saying "Kate who?" just like they did on DWTS.
Next Celebrity Apprentice starts filming late THIS YEAR. The Donald has apparently already offered a spot to Lindsay Lohan--he's scraping the bottom of the barrel this year, huh?
As far as Tony being a nice or not, I'm sure he is. But don't forget that everytime his picture was snapped in Wernersville and posted online HE GOT PAID.
Like driving around in a fancy convertible with Kate in the passenger seat,looking like an over grown, hormone crazed,teenage girl in heat. Or when they were going into the tanning place together, HE GOT PAID.
I have watched every season that DWTS's has been on the air and I have not seen any Pro dancer going to anyone's house to practice.
Tony like Kate, can be bought off, IMO.
Maybe that's why he was going to meet with TLC.
As far as Tony being a nice or not, I'm sure he is. But don't forget that everytime his picture was snapped in Wernersville and posted online HE GOT PAID.
Like driving around in a fancy convertible with Kate in the passenger seat,looking like an over grown, hormone crazed,teenage girl in heat. Or when they were going into the tanning place together, HE GOT PAID.
I have watched every season that DWTS's has been on the air and I have not seen any Pro dancer going to anyone's house to practice.
Tony like Kate, can be bought off, IMO.
Maybe that's why he was going to meet with TLC.
That's because Kate is a SUPERSTAR. Tony probably HAD to sign a billion different contracts. TLC ensures that she is treated differently than the other participants. Which is why I think the whole Celebrity Apprentice thing is for publicity's sake only.
Piers said he made $16,000 for Celeb Apprentice. Not counting his charity winnings.
It's very possible though that each celeb enters into separate negotiations for their pay. Hotter celebs like Jesse James may manage to make more.
With D listers a dime a dozen though Trump might be able to get away with offering low pay like that. D listers can be desperate people. And maybe some people actually do it to get money for their charity, just a hunch!
I cannot picture Kate settling for 16k. Yeah right. That only covers a couple hair extentions! But I don't think Trump will give her a free pass. I've been watching that show since it first started. I've never seen anyone get a free pass.
If Trump does in fact give Kate special treatment, CA is done. I can't imagine anyone giving him any credibility after that
Anyone remember how long Trump kept Omarosa around just for the drama? I think he would do the same with Kate unless everyone else is just so good that he can't keep her without being very obvious.
I think Trump, like anyone else, would do whatever it takes for ratings, however, I do think he can only go so far with that while keeping true to his show's premise.
I don't think she will be on CA. Donald has a new reality tv show called "Donald J. Trump Presents the Ultimate Merger" it is a dating show like the bachelor with the contestant picking from 15 guys with Donald's help. The current bachelorette is Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth.
Why strange?
I enjoy Tony's tweets. He seems like a fun guy who really loves and respects his family.
escape here... (not able to log in)
Get a life - Why is this a strange blog?
Don't watch Kate & 8. It is creepy!!!!!! It is like these kids have a peeping Tom looking in all their windows. The more I think about it, the creepier it seems.
My opinion about Tony is that he is one of the good guys. I think he was very professional during DWTS and continues to refrain from saying what he thinks about Kate. I bet he was totally disgusted with her and her parenting skills and figured no amount of money TLC paid him would be worth being connected to that train wreck.
"What nanny would take on the responsibilty of caring for eight kids, 24/7, for 6 weeks while the so-called mother is off making a fool of herself once again?"
Probably the same one (s) that took care of them while she was on DWTS, or the same one that took care of them while she was on book tours, television shows, etc., while she was gone weeks at a time.
Too bad Jodi and Kevin couldn't babysit?
They were good enough when Jon got his implants and all the kids were sick. They were good enough every single Friday. But, oh yeah, they are gone.
"The Sheeple are as delusional, narcissistic, and creepy as Kate. I think I'll start referring to them as Creeple." Just read that on GWOP. Funny!
I have a question, are they Pro or Con Kate? Last year they seemed Con, now I'm not sure. Maybe I just need more java.
TheresaB said...
when Jon got his implants
I about cracked up while reading thos post. It sounded so funny..."when Jon got his implants".
Thanks for the belly laugh TheresaB..
It's been a crappy day so far.
Schmecky Girl said...
Anyone remember how long Trump kept Omarosa around just for the drama? I think he would do the same with Kate unless everyone else is just so good that he can't keep her without being very obvious.
One big difference, Omarosa could hold her own with the competitors, is intelligent and has a killer business instinct. Kate on the other hand is not so intelligent and has never really had to deal with business decisions or confrontation of any sort. It seems she is just always allowed to say and do whatever she wants and nobody challenges her. I think if somebody actually did she would put her tail between her legs and whimper. The only ones she can stand up to are little children.
gummy bear said...
Schmecky Girl said...
One big difference, Omarosa could hold her own with the competitors, is intelligent and has a killer business instinct. Kate on the other hand is not so intelligent and has never really had to deal with business decisions or confrontation of any sort.
I really don't know. It's possible Kate has all those attributes and we've just never seen them.
She was not at all motivated on DWTS on the show or behind the scenes but I will even be willing to give her a HUGE benefit of the doubt that the fact that she sucked at dancing could have been a contributing factor.
I'd be interested to see what her "real" work ethic is... her business sense, her drive, her killer instinct and her interaction with others in a business atmosphere. I'd be more than willing to say Wow, she really is driven and gets the job done! Wow, she is really an intelligent woman and can really get along with her coworkers when she needs to! I'd be impressed if she did it and if it didn't seem "fake" on everyone else's part... like it did with Tony on DWTS.
So many of her fans rave about her "work ethic" while I'm not sure I've seen one. I would like some examples because I just can't recall any. I think Kate is pretty good at delegating work.
She directed the water softener guy where to go in her basement, she instructed Jon as to where she wanted things to go in the garage, she told the professional organizers how she wanted things done, she told the chicken coop guys were she wanted the coop assembled, and she had some fun running a power washer for about two minutes.
I know she talked about organizing the garage one day but I don't recall seeing her doing it. Has she ever gotten down and dirty doing anything? I'm actually asking because I can't recall, not out of sarcasm.
She directed the water softener guy where to go in her basement
Did you hear when she told him the unit was "over hereish" lolol
It wouldn't be just Kate on CA, they'd have to park old Stevie boy in a chair behind her. She can't make a move without her sidekick whispering in her ear. I don't think that would go over too well with the Donald.
I laughed after I saw that because I *meant* plugs, which, I guess, are implants.
I'm having a crappy day too.
Did she really say over hereish??? LOL! I'm sure that stuff won't go over well on Celebrity Apprentice. Unless maybe she plans to trademark and then market the "ish" on the show.
Here is an online article that someone else directed my to regarding watching the show on tv vs watching it online:
She also said she went into the house to do her "lunchly duties".
Notice that there has not been any news or pics of the "Ice Queen" since the show aired?
Judy said...
Notice that there has not been any news or pics of the "Ice Queen" since the show aired?
Yeah, and Kate is probably really POed at Mel Gibson, The Barefoot Bandit and Lindsay Lohan. They are sucking up her celeb space. How dare they!
Wilma said...
I don't think she will be on CA. Donald has a new reality tv show called "Donald J. Trump Presents the Ultimate Merger" it is a dating show like the bachelor with the contestant picking from 15 guys with Donald's help. The current bachelorette is Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth.
OMG! She'll be on this show! She said on the View she wasn't going to be the next "Bachelorette" meaning the show on ABC. If the Donald has Omarosa as a bachlorette on his dating show, then it seems likely he could have Kate on there too.
First of all, I think she's up for CB--not some dating show, because Steve wouldn't have it. Everytime Kate has been asked about someone she'd like to date, she has said someone older with salt and pepper hair--yeah, she's already got exactly that. Now, to quote Schmecky girl and respond:
SchmeckyGirl said...
She directed the water softener guy where to go in her basement, she instructed Jon as to where she wanted things to go in the garage, she told the professional organizers how she wanted things done, she told the chicken coop guys were she wanted the coop assembled, and she had some fun running a power washer for about two minutes.
Yes, and she kept saying she "did not want to get wet." She sounds like my housekeeper who, when questioned about why she wasn't using the hose I had attached to the shower head in order to help her out, said, "Don't you think I might get wet if I did that?" OMG.
July 16, 2010 7:43 AM
Administrator said...
Piers said he made $16,000 for Celeb Apprentice.
As an aside, speaking of Piers Morgan, I read he is being considered for Larry King's job. As far as I know, (I'm sure y'all will correct me if I'm wrong), this is about the last "acceptable" reality show Kate could or would go on. She sure as heck isn't going on Survivor, so what else is there? $16000 for being away from her kids 6 wks AND being in front of a camera....she'd take it in a heartbeat.
I googled salaries for Celeb. Apprent. and while I didn't find any, I saw where Don and NBC had been considering OJ Simpson for the past show. Maybe he'll get him this time and Kate and OJ might hook up...'nuff said.
Carolina Gal said...
I googled salaries for Celeb. Apprent. and while I didn't find any, I saw where Don and NBC had been considering OJ Simpson for the past show. Maybe he'll get him this time and Kate and OJ might hook up...'nuff said.
I'm confused. O.J. Simpson is in prison in Nevada serving a 33-year term.
A little off topic** The advertisement on the sidebar for fertility treatments working 6X faster made me chuckle**
I think that DT is just using all the speculation to raise awareness of his show. He did not get where he is in life by being stupid and using her for press fodder is one thing. Tanking his show is a totally different thing IMHO.
Sorry 'bout that, I didn't notice the date....
Carolina Gal said...
Sorry 'bout that, I didn't notice the date....
LOL, that's okay--I figured it was something like that. Easy to do.
"She also said she went into the house to do her "lunchly duties"."
"Did you hear when she told him the unit was "over hereish" lolol"
She also referred to the water filter as "the filterish thingy."
But my favorite was when she described her obsessive compulsiveness as "my weirdities."
That's why I'm amazed when people think she has enough words in her vocabulary to write that blog.
Finally !
Administrator said...
"I just wanted to let folks know I'm sitting on this permit story for now. This appears to be more of a flaw or mistake in the law rather than PA actually intending that babies and young children could never work on TV."
Could you elaborate on what you said above? I don't understand what you mean by a flaw or mistake in the law. Thanks.
"That's why I'm amazed when people think she has enough words in her vocabulary to write that blog."
Or host a television show!
The original child labor laws are nebulous. When child labor laws were written in PA, they were directed at minor kids working (such as summer employment), as newspaper carriers, on the farms, etc., and the laws did not address children in reality television. Legislators hadn't even thought about this when the laws were written. They didn't have a crystal ball and couldn't foresee that there would be an entity known as TLC who would employ eight young children on a weekly television series.
There are child labor laws in PA, but nothing specifically to protect minors on television. Therefore, the existing child labor laws are subject to interpretation when they are tried to be applied to minors on reality television. The law refers to children age 7 working in the motion picture industry, but fails to mention children younger than that working in television. It doesn't specifically state that they can't, but neither does it say that they can.
It's time for a brand new set of laws to be drawn up so that there are no gray areas. In the meantime, all we have are various interpretations of the existing child labor laws.
I'm not defending PA. This is wrong on so many levels, and is embarrassing, but I would expect with the right legislators on our court, it's going to be corrected.
That's what I meant by the flaw. PA didn't leave out kids under 7 because they intentionally didn't want kids under working on TV. It appears it wasn't much of an issue because there isn't a lot of filming there, much less of minors. There wasn't a big need for it, it wasn't on anyone's radar, so it wasn't written in.
Laws are written by humans who aren't perfect. They don't always imagine every possible scenerio and laws are often and frequently rewritten when they are not right the first time.
They mentioned motion pictures but not TV. This is a very simple argument to say this should apply to TV too and nothing will come of it. Which is why I said I need to think about this a bit more before posting it because I'm not so convinced this is BIG news yet or that it will cause a single darn thing to change.
I want to see these kids off TV because there is something morally wrong with what is being done, not because a law was written sloppily on a technicality.
Schmecky Girl said:
I'd be interested to see what her "real" work ethic is... her business sense, her drive, her killer instinct and her interaction with others in a business atmosphere. I'd be more than willing to say Wow, she really is driven and gets the job done!
Trust me! Kate's work ethic is nothing more than those poor pitiful people you see, standing on a traffic island at a red light with a sign, "Will Work For Food"
The only difference between Kate and the traffic panderers is, Kate stands in front of a camera and the panderers stand in the center of traffic.
The Gray Area (In PA Laws) said... The original child labor laws are nebulous. When child labor laws were written in PA, they were directed at minor kids working (such as summer employment), as newspaper carriers, on the farms, etc., and the laws did not address children in reality television. Legislators hadn't even thought about this when the laws were written. They didn't have a crystal ball and couldn't foresee that there would be an entity known as TLC who would employ eight young children on a weekly television series.
There are child labor laws in PA, but nothing specifically to protect minors on television. Therefore, the existing child labor laws are subject to interpretation when they are tried to be applied to minors on reality television.
I’m not understanding why the law has to be “specific.” Television is mentioned here:
Pennsylvania’s Child Labor Law, Act 177 of 1915, P.L. 286, Section 7.1(a) states, “The Department of Labor and Industry is hereby authorized to issue special permits for the employment of minors seven and under eighteen years of age in theatrical productions, musical recitals or concerts, entertainment acts, modeling, radio, television, motion picture making, or in other similar forms or media of entertainment in Pennsylvania where the performance of such minor is not hazardous to his safety or well-being...” (emphasis added). This appears to be the relevant permit for a minor to participate in a television show.
Re: Kate's work ethic.
That's why so many people would love to have a chat with the nurses Kate worked with.
That's why so many people would love to have a chat with the nurses Kate worked with.
Go to the following link to hear her co-workers and a former patient talk about her. And it is not good.
"I’m not understanding why the law has to be “specific.” Television is mentioned here:"
It has to be specific in regards to the age issue. That's why we have child labor laws. These are minors. The law states that special permits may be issued to minors age seven and under eighteen years of age...in the television industry. The Gosselins are six years old. They were issued permits when the law do not address the fact that permits may be issued to those UNDER the age of seven. The law SPECIFICALLY says SEVEN. It does not say SEVEN AND UNDER. The law does not say that the special permits may be issued to six-year-olds, but neither does it state that one must be seven years of age to work in the television industry. That's the problem here.
Some (people, business entities, various entities) look for loopholes in laws to get around them. That's why laws must be specific.
Buh Bye K8 said...
Finally !
Thank you for this link Buh Bye,
Listening to Rep. Murt convinced me that he is genuinely concerned. I get the distinct feeling that he was addressing the Gosselin children more so than any others in the way he worded his comments i.e. the toilet training.
He said there will be very tight restrictions on the work permits, but his emphasis was on the SET TEACHER. Aside from the educational needs their MORAL SAFETY and SECURITY would be ensured. That sure puts the kibosh on Kate's supervision.
It sounds as if he really listened to Jodi, Kevin, Paul Petersen and Gloria Allred. If the bill passes, the Gosselin childrens' lost privacy and childhood may not have been completely in vain.
The Gray Area (In PA Laws) said... The law does not say that the special permits may be issued to six-year-olds, but neither does it state that one must be seven years of age to work in the television industry. That's the problem here.
Thank you. I get it now. Children under the age of seven have not been addressed at all regarding performing in television. So, regarding the tups, TLC lawyers can argue this point, if it comes to that.
Regarding the twins, 9 years old, it appears they were issued permits (as were the tups) for "public performances" not television. This according to David Zurawick (who has obtained copies of the permits) on his "Z for TV" blog:
Were they issued the wrong kind of permits?
I'm not trying to be a pest, merely trying to understand the ways that TLC attorneys may argue.
I agree. Rep Murt was calm, cool and collected.
He most definitely was referencing the Gosselins!
It was also refreshing to hear REAL conversation about this among him and the 2 co-anchors. No kissing TLC's butt, no "poor K8, she's a single mom" BS.
"Were they issued the wrong kind of permits?"
If they were issued permits for public performances and not television, then yes, they were issued the wrong permits. The question is whether the state just messed up and didn't know it, or if it was done deliberately for some reason. My concern is why the production company didn't review the permits and notice that they were issued for performances rather than television and call attention to it. I would think that they would have seen it. Perhaps they did see it and didn't want to call attention to it because if they had, the state may have taken a closer look at ALL the permits and noticed that the tups are under seven and shouldn't have been given permits at all. Why would TLC open a whole can of worms? Maybe they just kept quiet for this reason.
Time will tell who is at fault here and what corrections they are going to make, if any. It all comes down to the interpretation of the law by Corbett and what Sandy Vito is going to do about it. It should be interesting. I don't believe it's going to be swept under the carpet. Not this time. It's become too public an issue.
You're not being a pest. Even the state doesn't understand it!
I have to wonder if things were not gummed up on purpose. The longer it takes to get the right things granted, the longer the filming can go on before it's stopped. At this rate they will have their entire season of "specials"
all in the can before the right permits are in the mail. And nobody can say much because it all looks like simple error with unclear laws.
Meanwhile, the kids work at McCoop.
"Aside from the educational needs their MORAL SAFETY and SECURITY would be ensured. That sure puts the kibosh on Kate's supervision."
That's exactly correct. Many are under the assumption that a set "teacher" only takes care of the educational needs of the child when, in fact, it is that person's duty to make sure that ALL aspects of filming is in the best interests of the child. This includes physical safety, dealing with illnesses, documenting rest periods, ceasing production if there is a problem or physical conditions for filming that is detrimental to the health and well being of the child.
Can you imagine Kate having another person in her kitchen when they are filming, making sure that they get the required lunch breaks and that the kids are being fed healthy foods during filming? She was in a frenzy because of the water guy. What is she going to do with a set teacher hovering over her?
Thanks, Grey Area.
I hope you're correct about this not being swept under the carpet. Judging by Rep. Murt's actions so far, it doesn't sound like it will be. It certainly could take a good long time though.
However, these permits were issued for April - October. TLC has already done some filming (if not all) for the August episode (NYC/Statue of Liberty), so they can only film two more episodes "legally" which probably isn't the right word considering the permits issued are incorrect in every way.
Just curious, how much are you getting paid to keep Kate's name "out there"?
Anonymous said...
Just curious, how much are you getting paid to keep Kate's name "out there"?
July 18, 2010 11:40 AM
LOL! Kate? TLC?
Anonymous said...
Just curious, how much are you getting paid to keep Kate's name "out there"?
A lot less than Kate gets paid to exploit her kids.
Thanks, Grey Area.
I hope you're correct about this not being swept under the carpet. Judging by Rep. Murt's actions so far, it doesn't sound like it will be. It certainly could take a good long time though.
However, these permits were issued for April - October. TLC has already done some filming (if not all) for the August episode (NYC/Statue of Liberty), so they can only film two more episodes "legally" which probably isn't the right word considering the permits issued are incorrect in every way.
Anonymous said...
Just curious, how much are you getting paid to keep Kate's name "out there"?
A lot less than Kate gets paid to exploit her kids.
"Aside from the educational needs their MORAL SAFETY and SECURITY would be ensured. That sure puts the kibosh on Kate's supervision."
That's exactly correct. Many are under the assumption that a set "teacher" only takes care of the educational needs of the child when, in fact, it is that person's duty to make sure that ALL aspects of filming is in the best interests of the child. This includes physical safety, dealing with illnesses, documenting rest periods, ceasing production if there is a problem or physical conditions for filming that is detrimental to the health and well being of the child.
Can you imagine Kate having another person in her kitchen when they are filming, making sure that they get the required lunch breaks and that the kids are being fed healthy foods during filming? She was in a frenzy because of the water guy. What is she going to do with a set teacher hovering over her?
I agree. Rep Murt was calm, cool and collected.
He most definitely was referencing the Gosselins!
It was also refreshing to hear REAL conversation about this among him and the 2 co-anchors. No kissing TLC's butt, no "poor K8, she's a single mom" BS.
The Gray Area (In PA Laws) said... The law does not say that the special permits may be issued to six-year-olds, but neither does it state that one must be seven years of age to work in the television industry. That's the problem here.
Thank you. I get it now. Children under the age of seven have not been addressed at all regarding performing in television. So, regarding the tups, TLC lawyers can argue this point, if it comes to that.
Regarding the twins, 9 years old, it appears they were issued permits (as were the tups) for "public performances" not television. This according to David Zurawick (who has obtained copies of the permits) on his "Z for TV" blog:
Were they issued the wrong kind of permits?
I'm not trying to be a pest, merely trying to understand the ways that TLC attorneys may argue.
escape here... (not able to log in)
Get a life - Why is this a strange blog?
Don't watch Kate & 8. It is creepy!!!!!! It is like these kids have a peeping Tom looking in all their windows. The more I think about it, the creepier it seems.
My opinion about Tony is that he is one of the good guys. I think he was very professional during DWTS and continues to refrain from saying what he thinks about Kate. I bet he was totally disgusted with her and her parenting skills and figured no amount of money TLC paid him would be worth being connected to that train wreck.
"I’m not understanding why the law has to be “specific.” Television is mentioned here:"
It has to be specific in regards to the age issue. That's why we have child labor laws. These are minors. The law states that special permits may be issued to minors age seven and under eighteen years of age...in the television industry. The Gosselins are six years old. They were issued permits when the law do not address the fact that permits may be issued to those UNDER the age of seven. The law SPECIFICALLY says SEVEN. It does not say SEVEN AND UNDER. The law does not say that the special permits may be issued to six-year-olds, but neither does it state that one must be seven years of age to work in the television industry. That's the problem here.
Re: Kate's work ethic.
That's why so many people would love to have a chat with the nurses Kate worked with.
DLCF said...
If Kate does appear in Celebrity Apprentice, you can be damn sure it will be a snooze fest. TLC will have EVERYONE sign agreements not to pick on poor little miss Katie. Kate will probably end up "winning" because TLC says she must. Seriously, I totally believe that.--
I really don't see Trump going for that. He may be a lot of things, but trifling isn't one of them.
JudyK said...
Trump is too big to be intimidated by TLC. He apparently offered Rachel Uchitel a spot on the next Celebrity Apprentice three (3) weeks ago--about the same time he was pictured with Kate, so I think it may already be a done deal. It's obvious he's looking for controversial people for ratings.
That's why I don't believe it would ever happen. I may be wrong, but I cannot see how Kate would agree to appear on the show unless she got special SUPERSTAR treatment. Also, isn't Trump's show tanking or on its last legs? Kate's name is always in the press and the Donald is not squeaky clean. He's probably using her right now just to get people talking about the show with no intention of EVER putting her on it. TLC would have to cut a deal, just like they did with DWTS, to ensure that Kate stay on--which, again, would mean that EVERY contestant would have to sign an agreement to make nice with her. Would that ever happen?
"THe celebrities give their winnings to charity"!
Well we could set up a charity "Free the Gosselin 8"...maybe she could donate her winnings to that lol!
My first post here, though I read regularly. Kate and Celebrity Apprentice has a huge flaw in "Kate Logic" -- she could not claim that she was working for her kids...she must be away from them to support them. THe celebrities give their winnings to charity!
Myfoxphilly printed the permits and the name of the guy who granted them was Robert Kuzysnki, Acting Director, Bureau of Labor Law Compliance, PA Dept. of Labor and Industry.
She claims her kids PLAY in front of the camera, So why the WORK permits? TLC should be seeking PLAY permits instead.
Admin~ You obviously have more legalese (is that the right word?) background than most of us here, but I would think that even if it was a glitch or oversight, it was still the wrong permit. If there are other children being filmed in PA under the age of 7, then what permits did/do they obtain?
Also, I think the more interesting point about this whole permit thing is the fact that TLC didn't obtain them in the first place and Sandy Vito has dodged all of Murt's calls. Something here just doesn't add up and you're right, it may be nothing, but I hope it's "something" due to the simple fact that there has been a lot of sneaking around on TLC's part. Someone needs to call them out on it and this seems like a good opportunity to do so.
I just wanted to let folks know I'm sitting on this permit story for now. This appears to be more of a flaw or mistake in the law rather than PA actually intending that babies and young children could never work on TV. Obviously little ones work in TV all the time whenever a TV couple has a baby. They will have to fix the law and it will be nothing to get too excited over. Or maybe PA will decide it's not prudent to have kids under 7 work. Fat chance, but if that happens we'll report it.
As for Rep. Murt just wanting publicity, well then he must be a glutton for punishment because he's gotten more bad publicity than good in my opinion, and has had to face a lot of criticism. Do people honestly think he didn't realize he would be accused of latching on to someone who is hot right now? He's not an idiot. He did this despite knowing what could happen.
And another thing, I am skeptical this has anything to do with his campaign. He is a Rep. He is up for election every 2 years. You learn in poly sci that reps up every 2 years can either campaign constantly or just do what they're going to do and not obsess over the constant campaigning necessary. There was no "good time" for him to do this without being accused of campaigning. His first hearing was only about one year into his term--so he was at the half point. You don't see people accusing Obama of campaigning and he's about at the halfway point. Besides a lot of people see the "benefit" to the state of the Gosselins. He sure is risking losing a lot of votes as much as gaining them. He's got the kids' best interests at heart I think he's just not exactly sure how to stop this train that is only concerned with money for Kate and money for PA and a little left over to hush up Jon.
"For me, the jury is still out on Tony."
I totally agree. People's perceptions can be very different, and some may say he's a class act, but what do we really know about a person or his agenda just because he's a gentleman on a national television show?
idosmommy said...
For me, the jury is still out on Tony. I don't know if I think he's a gentleman for not dissing Kate or a man with an agenda for saying even as much as he did. I don't know if he's looking for opportunities to capitalize on his time with Kate by talking about her or trying to answer questions as minimally as possible because he wants to be polite.
I've watched DWTS since they have been on. Tony is a class act, and wouldn't say anything else, IMO. He's a true gentleman. Besides, it's always not to burn your bridges.
Like we all didn't know any of that already. We all knew he only said all that stuff so he wouldn't get voted off for being with such a hated celebrity. We all knew their "friendship" would end once the show did.
Glad he finally admitted it. I'd like to hear more.
I think what's not really well understood is that the dancers get paid more when they make it further with their partners. So Kate going out early means Tony makes LESS money. If I were him I'd want to smack her.
I don't think he minds if you give it your all. But here's Kate whining and saying she only rehearses for four hours. Hopefully it's well understood most of these people are busting ass putting in 12 and 14 hour days on that dance floor. Then here's lazy Kate bragging she doesn't know her moves on Saturday before the show and bragging about how little rehearsing she does. I would be ...fed....up....if I were Tony. That's MY money she is taking away.
Really it's amazing he didn't say something before now. Somebody like Macks would have just really torn his hair out.
For me, the jury is still out on Tony. I don't know if I think he's a gentleman for not dissing Kate or a man with an agenda for saying even as much as he did. I don't know if he's looking for opportunities to capitalize on his time with Kate by talking about her or trying to answer questions as minimally as possible because he wants to be polite.
I can't really read Tony at this time. Time will tell.
Tony is finally free and speaking for himself. Remember when Kate was booted from DWTS, her sobbing about missing her new family on DWTS??? All BS!!! They couldn't stand her. Poor Tony I wish him all the best. He got sucked into working with kate and like all of us couldn't leave because his family needed the paycheck. All Kate has left are paid employees and those poor 8 who have no escape. Hopefully help is on the way in the form of Rep. Murt.
I agree, that meeting was TLC doing damage control. I wonder if they paid him off or tried to intimidate him into silence.
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