Oh, hey, remember when the paps caught Britney barefoot? Wasn't that right before her big breakdown?

But seriously folks, we've been to Liberty Island twice and up to the lady herself once (and never saw the paps waiting there to see if a celeb might show up), and we're guessing Kate finally realized that high heels are not the best foot apparel when climbing all those winding steps. Talk about ouch. Maybe she'll wear sneakers instead tomorrow.
One more thing, we remember the Statute of Liberty was not air conditioned. Sure enough, their official web site confirms our recollection, warning people that indoor temperatures can be as much as 20 degrees higher than temperatures outside and recommending visitors drink lots of water and people with respiratory conditions opt out of the climb.
162 sediments (sic) from readers:
Wonder if Kate and eight actually climbed the Statue. Remember when the family (including Jon) were in NC and she would not climb the light house, too many stairs and afraid of heights. But wait, now she's Can Do Kate, of course she went to the top.
She never should have worn those shoes in the first place. What on earth was she thinking?? She wouldnt let the kids walk around the carpet barefoot in the hotel but she will walk all around nyc without shoes. Loser!
I hate to think about what is/has been on those sidewalks...yet, she thinks the rain 'disinfects' them! Seems to me that the PA hospitals ought to be counting their blessings that she is not working as a nurse for them!
Eating that sucker the way she is, isn't because she wants it. It's all being done for the benifit of the pictures. She really does have mental problems.
You know how paps yell nice stuff to the stars just to get their attention? Khate actually believing what they say. Please, I'm begging for everyone to skip this crapfest coming up Sunday. She won't go away and those kids will never have any peace if everyone keeps watching.
I saw a clip and it is the same pap that follows her in PA, same voice. That proves that he is pay for taking pictures and videos of her / them.
Well. Isn't that special? Jon's latest tweet:
Having an excellent week with@ellen_ross1 enjoying our alone time together."
Wonder how his kids' week was?
Notice the paper bags are from Whole Foods? Guess she didn't pack the reusable bags that she made such a big deal of climbing into the back of the kiddie mobile to place.
I don't consider myself a germ phobe but thing I wouldn't be doing is walking on the sidewalks of NYC without shoes especially since the cement must have been burn the bottom of your feet hot.
That really is gross. I hope she didn't walk around barefoot in the hotel for the next germaphobe guest.
I hear Jon was spotted in Avalon, NJ yesterday.
I do hope the kids had a nice time at the Statue of Liberty. I just find it very annoying that they were only able to go once they started filming again. Sad.
Do you suppose Ratclaws demanded that little girl hand over her camera (behind Kate).
Hawkes Fan,
I think we already know what the show will be about anyway don't we? Chicken coops and Kate shrieking. Maybe a tree planting thrown in there. Good grief, could it get any more dull than that?
I for ONE will avoid the Sunday crapfest (how well stated).
I just walked to the mailbox without shoes. The ground was cool (it's late) but I stepped on a tiny rock and said the "S" word.
I'm not clicking on the pics (never do) but I'm glad the kids were happy. I agree, big meltdown coming down.
What is going to happen to this blog when Kate's time is up? When TLC stops paying this ONE FREAKING GUY to go around taking pictures of her like she's a freaking celebrity? When the show's been inevitably canceled for lack of interest?
What is this blog going to do without twice daily pictures of her doing nothing interesting at all?
I need to remove the bookmark to this place. The rest of the world is, appropriately, losing interest in this awful person; I suggest you do, too.
And it's "heels," not "heals."
You know, I don't want to come off sounding like some pompous asshole but there are a few places in this country that are monuments and deserve respect. The Statue of Liberty is one of them. The White House is another. Arlington National Cemetery is one also and Ground Zero rates among them as well.
When you visit these monuments, these places of dignity, you do so in awe and with some self dignity. Kate walking around in bare feet at a monument that welcomes the world, the poor, the tired, the hungry, those seeking freedom and thinking nothing about walking through that gateway to millions who cherished our lifestyle and sacrificed everything to get here is just so wrong.
She is such a complete idiot and what a lousy role model she's set herself up to be for her kids. Perhaps on her next TLC jaunt, they'll take her through Arlington National Cemetery and she'll dress up like a slut, walk without shoes all over the graves and cackle away.
Really, she should have participated in a lesson with her kids and told them what this monument means to the world, other than walking through it sucking a lollypop, walking in bare feet and treating it like it was another day at Sesame Street Live.
I'm sorry but this is just beyond the pale. She is a pig.
Oh my God- This woman really is a self-absorbed pig! First, hooker heels with shorts, boobs hanging out for all to see, then no shoes walking the streets of NYC! WTF! How about some flip-flops or sandals in the first place! What a moron.
Never mind her boobs hanging out! Pays no attention to her kids one bit because she is too busy repeatedly doing slurpy shots of her sucking on a lollipop. WTF! This woman has come completely undone. She is not funny or amusing. She is completely pathetic. There is something really wrong with this woman. Get help for God's sakes. I think she has become so twisted, she doesn't have a clue of what image she is trying to spin on a day to day basis, all of which are getting more and more grotesque and bizarre by the day. EWWWW... how many shots of the lollipop sucking ... something is really wrong here. God help the G8!
Kelly, as always, I totally agree with your comments. Unfortunately, once again, K8 shows us all that she has ZERO CLASS.
I would bet money Kate doesn't have a clue about Ellis Island, it's history, where the Statue of Liberty came from....nothing at all. She's a dumb stupid inept narcissistic bimbo and getting worse as time goes on.
They'll be looking for good homes for the kids pretty soon because she's going to end up in some treatment facility where they lock the doors.
Slightly off topic, but this photo reminds me of the videos Jon took of her on their honeymoon. She spoke in a ridiculous baby voice (Hi Honey, we're going shopping today. I'm gonna buy lots of stuff). She ran around Disneyland like a 12-year-old who just got $100 to spend on herself. It looks like she's reliving the past, without Jon.
I just came back from taking the dog out and Kate was on ET (which was playing in the background). She said she has a shoe problem and showed off a pair of shoes that can best be described as dominatrix (sky high stiletto and double ankle straps). Yikes. I go to NYC a lot and we took my mother-in-law and she wore new shoes and her feet were killing her, so she took off her shoes in a rain storm and my husband (her son) was MORTIFIED. She told him the relief at having the shoes off and the water hitting her feet was so nice until he reminded her there could be broken glass that she couldn't see with all the rain. I couldn't do it.........and I go barefoot a lot around our home/outside.
Kelly...Well said and my thoughts as well. She makes the whole trip look like a ride through a Hooker House of nightmares. Her slutish clothes and her attitude of no respect for a FREE trip for her family to some great historical sites and the benefits of not having to spend one dime out of her pocket shows only that she is self centered and selfish. Her kids will look at this one day in shame that their mother acted like a pouta'
"Please, I'm begging for everyone to skip this crapfest coming up Sunday. She won't go away and those kids will never have any peace if everyone keeps watching."
I will also beg all bloggers NOT TO WATCH KATE PLUS 8 until AFTER it has been announced that it is off the air.
Kate is waaaay outta control - it seems to me that the +8 are just mere PROPS, after all she has first billing in the show title.
Not only are a lot of the photos about Kate but I just saw a commercial for the upcoming K+8. Kate is clucking like a chicken, she is cackling and screaming and out of the 5 scenes, only 2 of them had kids.
So I don't feel it is a stretch for me to say that the 8 little moneymakers are now downgraded as unloved props, only used in token scenes. I sincerely hope that their status in the family is still just a tad above the dogs.
MickeyMcKean, My Irish friend, I too won't be watching this crapfest on Sunday. Won't tivo it, won't Youtube it and don't care about it. Watching a second of this fraud only fills he coffers with cash and cash is her only God.
Kelly, you reminded me about something that happened about 12 years ago. We were in the Louvre in Paris and it was hot. For those who don't know, the Louvre was a magnificent royal palace now used as a museum. These other Americans (they had Chevrolet name tags on) walked into the same gallery we were in, which had marble floors, and they were carrying their shoes. The guard said something to them in french and they ignored him and I looked at him and them and said, "I think he's trying to tell you something." He said in english, "Shoes on feet please." He was very clear. They completely ignored him and kept walking. The guard was stunned, and then pissed. I was so ashamed to be affiliated with them in any way at all. Your post reminds me of that day, because you are 100% correct.
I echo what Mickey said. If you really care about the kids, please, please don't watch.
Kelly, I agree Kate has no respect. 2 summers ago I was at ground zero and my hubby had to hold me while I cried. We didn't make it to The Statue of Liberty b/c it was too darn hot and the lineup for the ferry was long. We peasants have to wait in line y'know.
The lollipop? Between that and the boogage, either she's trying to get Stevie all hot & bothered or TLC is trying to get young guys to watch.
I will not and have not watched their show since their fiasco divorce announcement last year. Don't intend to watch anything Gosselin ever again. I just like to read the remarks people state about this immature, sluttish behavior of a woman who says everything she does is for her kids, Hogwash!!!
I'm still baffled that this idiot would wear heels to go site seeing in NY.
Kelly, I so agree with you. There are sacred parts of this nation that deserve respect. Kate, of course, has no clue about any of them because in her mind, the world is all about her. So of course she wouldn't have the common sense to show the proper respect. She doesn't care about any of that because it's not about her.
On Entertainment Tonight, Mary Hart asked her about dating and she said that she is lonely especially when she has a glass of wine at night when the kids are in bed. She is looking for a man or what!! Some man will date her ONLY for the publicity he will receive from it. When Kate starts dating, can you imagne the problems she will face. She can't have the guy sign a confidentiality agreement so when they break up he will bear all her secrets. Like why isn't her family around. What a mess that is going to be and how confusing for her kids too.
I just saw Herself screeching on a preview -- egads, kids were facedown in front of (what we know is filthy) chicken coop. That woman and TLC are equally certifiable. While I appreciate that I'm a fool to be here, I won't be at the crapfest Sunday or on future Sundays.
She will do anything for attention.. we know that but really? up on the roof of the house in a short skirt? with men on the ground looking up? she has gotten desperate and pathetic. It looks really bad on you, Kate.
Kate's look-at-me behavior, slutty boob-baring clothing, and pornographic lollipop escapades are beyond narcissistic showing off; this woman may be certifiably batshit crazy. She appears to be an unfit parent; those kids NEED their nannies as she doesn't appear to care enough about them to actually take care of them. Parading them around New York in a dangerous heatwave while she dresses behaves like a retarded high school slut is shameful and damaging to the psyches of those poor children. If Jon wanted to pursue regaining primary custody of the kids, he could probably get it. Kate has no business tending to any child. Give the kids to their one loving, sane parent and let Kate run around acting like the fool she is. As it stands, she is endangering her children physically and emotionally.
Kelly said...
You know, I don't want to come off sounding like some pompous asshole but there are a few places in this country that are monuments and deserve respect. The Statue of Liberty is one of them. The White House is another. Arlington National Cemetery is one also and Ground Zero rates among them as well
I couldn't agree more Kelly!!! It's not so much she had bare feet but she was probably able to cut all lines and march her and her "crew" ahead of everyone else. (not saying she did that but, we know she does at most of her "tapings" and obviously if TLC and Kate can not shut down the statue of Liberty - so that is why I assume she cut) If I was at the Statue of Liberty and anyone tried to cut with their camera crew I would be furious (as I would be there with my family to show them something so beautiful)!! It would be one thing if the family needed to go first (specials needs, elderly etc...) BUT for KATE GOSSELIN - NO THANK YOU!!!!!! UGH!
I agree she has no respect b/c you know she thought her and her "money makers" were more important than anyone else there.
She had no respect for the country unless it's a photo op - had flags for Memorial Day and her photo op but they were gone come 4th of July. Most folks I know I keep flags out from Memorial Day until Labor Day. I live in Cali so weather wise I can keep mine hanging longer. As a granddaughter of a military family (grandfather, father and a LT COL in the Marine Corp brother in law who is currently fighting) I have the MOST RESPECT for things as sacred as the Statue of Liberty and even more so the FLAG!!! She obviously has none.
I learned at a VERY young age a FLAG NEVER TOUCHES THE GROUND!! When she did a photo op - NONE of the them even cared about the flags they were putting in the ground. They were toys and it was nothing but a "taping" to them....UGH!!!
Many times it has occurred to me that TLC and radaronline decided long ago that Kate is as bad as we think she is. I can't believe they keep her around for any reason other than they want to continue the joke for as long as possible. Surely they see the tragicomedy that is Kate. Money for them, sure. But c'mon,
there is a temptation that goes beyond the cash that keeps them lauding her for all the wrong reasons. The more prolific the praise the more ridiculous and transparent she becomes. I think they're in on the joke, but have simply
chosen to make her their corporate jester.
Just an opinion.
Look at those ROL and INF pictures. Surely that is not love of Kate being displayed. Look at the promos for K+8. They make a total fool of Kate. If that were not the motive, why choose those particular shots for a promo? And the captions for the pictures, painting her in the ridiculously angelic light when clearly she is doing nothing at all for such rave comments. I think the message is: The woman is beyond description, everyone! Come see! Tune in Sunday and watch the stupidity unfold! Yes, it only gets worse, and you have GOT to see it to believe it. She's wacko. But she's OUR
wacko, and we love what she does for us.
Silly me, I just asumed they hired a preteen to practice using adjectives. You're so much more clever, fidosmommy. :):):)
This was all for the P-people. She looks like she is about to start dancing ...ahhhh my eyes, my eyes!
Not watching this farce on TV it only feeds her ego and her "beauty" regiment fund ... college funds my a$$.
I think this is the look that Kate's is heading for:
How ironic that Kate goes barefoot in New York and says that the rain will wash off the germs but picks up a chicken on her new special and complains about the "dirty" chicken foot scratching her.
Oh, one more thing--remember the "dirty, smelly dogs" that she got rid of and then said they would be coming back because of all the bad press she received over that? Well, they never did go back. I'm an animal lover and would just like to know if anyone knows what the fate of those dogs was. I hope they found good homes--they deserve better than the likes of Kate Gosselin.
Why do we waste our time and energy on Kate Gosselin?
I’m asking this as a serious question and hope it might spark some conversation. Why do we come to the blogs and the gossip sites day after day, gobbling up any snippet of information about her? It’s a question I can’t even answer for myself fully! I don’t honestly know what it is about this woman that causes us to be so interested in her.
I’m not going to lie – I do click on the ROL pictures, and the TMZ comments, and the Z on TV articles and the Lillian Glass dissections of Kate’s body language. I read the blogs daily. And I don’t do these things accidentally, or because I just ‘happen to be looking for something else’. It’s become a habit! The only thing I can truthfully say is that I don’t watch her TV shows. Are any of you the same? Why do you think we waste our time like this?
I’m no Kate fan – I think she is a talentless, low-class, abusive, self-absorbed, lying, user. I don’t see that she has a thing to contribute to the entertainment industry that is worthwhile in any way, shape or form. I believe she is hurting her children in her quest for fame and stardom – I think she knows it and I don’t think it matters to her.
Some of us would say we’re keeping an eye on Kate’s goings-on because we’re concerned about her children. When I saw the faces of those little kids being dragged through NYC this week, I asked the question on one of the threads – “isn’t there someone out there who can stop this?”, or words to that effect. Suddenly it occurred to me that there are lots of “someones” who can bring her “career” of exploiting her children to a dead stop. And it’s all of us!
We get on our computers every day and snipe at length about her hair, clothes, shoes, tan, boobs, eyebrows, plastic lawn chairs, bodyguard, sexual preference, tree-planting, dancing, nannies, hob-nobbing, media-manipulating, marriage, etc., etc. And none of this has kept the cameras out of those poor kids’ faces, or prevented her from assaulting us with her presence on our TVs and computer screens. We offer up our wisdom on everything from whether or not she should allow her kids to wear crocs on their feet, or be in private schools, or be fed more than a couple of grapes on a paper plate, etc., etc. And it has made no difference at all. Yes, Rep. Murt may be investigating, but I predict he will fail in his efforts to get these children off TV – at the very least, it will be an extremely long time coming.
The only thing I can think of that will stop Kate Gosselin, is complete disinterest – from people like us. We know her ‘people’ read these blogs – how many times have we seen them try to re-craft Kate into something more palatable? She finds the boys ‘yukky’? Let’s get her out there spending time with the boys… She darn near pulls the kids arms out of their sockets when she’s ‘holding their hands”? Next photos show the adjustment. She’s mean to Mady? Mady & Mom have a spa day – just the two of them. I could go on and on – it’s quite funny. But has any of it made a difference, really? Have we been able to chase her away? No. She’s still out there hawking her ‘star-quality’ and using her children to do it.
How quickly would she fade into obscurity if we all just stopped? Stopped looking, stopped commenting, stopped being so interested in her. Pretty quickly, I think. So why don’t we do it? Just stop. Stop putting a single dollar in her purse. Because it’s really those of us who are so interested in her that are padding her bank account. I think we even know this is true, but we keep coming here with our coffee cups to seek her out and snark about her.
Any thoughts?
Why do we waste our time and energy on Kate Gosselin? I’m asking this as a serious question and hope it might spark some conversation. Why do we come to the blogs and the gossip sites day after day, gobbling up any snippet of information about her? It’s a question I can’t even answer for myself fully! I don’t honestly know what it is about this woman that causes us to be so interested in her.
I’m not going to lie – I do click on the ROL pictures, and the TMZ comments, and the Z on TV articles and the Lillian Glass dissections of Kate’s body language. I read the blogs daily. And I don’t do these things accidentally, or because I just ‘happen to be looking for something else’. It’s become a habit! The only thing I can truthfully say is that I don’t watch her TV shows. Are any of you the same? Why do you think we waste our time like this? I’m no Kate fan – I think she is a talentless, low-class, abusive, self-absorbed, lying, user. I don’t see that she has a thing to contribute to the entertainment industry that is worthwhile in any way, shape or form. I believe she is hurting her children in her quest for fame and stardom – I think she knows it and I don’t think it matters to her.
Some of us would say we’re keeping an eye on Kate’s goings-on because we’re concerned about her children. When I saw the faces of those little kids being dragged through NYC this week, I asked the question on one of the threads – “isn’t there someone out there who can stop this?”, or words to that effect. Suddenly it occurred to me that there are lots of “someones” who can bring her “career” of exploiting her children to a dead stop. And it’s all of us!
We get on our computers every day and snipe at length about her hair, clothes, shoes, tan, boobs, eyebrows, plastic lawn chairs, bodyguard, sexual preference, tree-planting, dancing, nannies, hob-nobbing, media-manipulating, marriage, etc., etc. And none of this has kept the cameras out of those poor kids’ faces, or prevented her from assaulting us with her presence on our TVs and computer screens. We offer up our wisdom on everything from whether or not she should allow her kids to wear crocs on their feet, or be in private schools, or be fed more than a couple of grapes on a paper plate, etc., etc. And it has made no difference at all. Yes, Rep. Murt may be investigating, but I predict he will fail in his efforts to get these children off TV – at the very least, it will be an extremely long time coming.
The only thing I can think of that will stop Kate Gosselin, is complete disinterest – from people like us. We know her ‘people’ read these blogs – how many times have we seen them try to re-craft Kate into something more palatable? She finds the boys ‘yukky’? Let’s get her out there spending time with the boys… She darn near pulls the kids arms out of their sockets when she’s ‘holding their hands”? Next photos show the adjustment. She’s mean to Mady? Mady & Mom have a spa day – just the two of them. I could go on and on – it’s quite funny. But has any of it made a difference, really? Have we been able to chase her away? No. She’s still out there hawking her ‘star-quality’ and using her children to do it.
How quickly would she fade into obscurity if we all just stopped? Stopped looking, stopped commenting, stopped being so interested in her. Pretty quickly, I think. So why don’t we do it? Just stop. Stop putting a single dollar in her purse. Because it’s really those of us who are so interested in her that are padding her bank account. I think we even know this is true, but we keep coming here with our coffee cups to seek her out and snark about her. Any thoughts?
Dazed and Confused: I think the public enjoys watching a train wreck ... like Khate, Lindsay Lohan, Heidi Montag, Real Housewives, the Bachelor/Bachelorette, Mel Gibson ... need I go on ... there is so many more! Unfortunately with Khate it also involves helpless children who are mere walking ATMs. I am losing interest ... I do not watch any of these shows nor click on ROL or any link to Khate. I have not watched anything TLC for over a year. I'm disgusted by all the wealth these people are accumulating because of my interest in train wrecks. I still read GWOP, 15 minutes and JibberJabbers but my comments are getting fewer as my interest is waning. Guess we all slowly wean ourselves off of all the crap cause it is happening with me. I am tired of it all and one day soon I will stop clicking on any of it all together. Life's too short to spend so much time on it although some laws seem to be changing for the benefit of reality tv children ... thankfully! Anyways its JMHO. Lucy from Calgary ... YaHoo! Greetings from the Stampede city!
Dazed and Confused in Canada:Maybe you are absolutely right in what you are saying.
I think many of us, myself included, are really caught up in the idea that something we say or do collectively or individually will stop the train wreck. Our seeming success with Rep. Murt and the PA legislation has only served to give us more hope.
We wonder what it will take for someone in authority, with a shred of decency or integrity, to pay attention and do something about all this.We think that if we express our views loud enough and often enough, someone will listen. Maybe we are totally wrong.
The attention to petty details (Kate's dress, her hair, her breast augmentation)I believe is part of painting a cumulative picture of how damaging this woman is to her children, due to her visible slide into outrageousness.But nobody outside of bloggers seems to think that this behaviour is an important clue.
It's hard to realize that TLC, ROL and their ilk has the power to overrule anything we might say to try to change things. So we blog on..., frustrated, angry, and impotent.
We need to take what you have said seriously and give it some honest thought.
Canada, I have asked myself those same questions. Yes, it's obvious her "people" read these blogs. All of a sudden, she's holding hands with her children everyday. It's almost comical and even more comical that TLC thinks we don't see their "recrafting" of Kate based on negative comments. I think that, for myself, I am intrigued by the pure evilness of this woman: her total self-absorption; her shameless lies to promote herself; her utter lack of concern for others unless they can benefit her undeserved celebrity; her inability to maintain a relationship with her family and her lack of concern that her children don't have normal childhood relationships with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins; her inability to maintain friendships; her coldness toward animals; her not supporting friendships for her children with other children (they might talk); her self-entitlement and attitude of using others for monetary reward, etc. This woman is NOT real from the inside out--she is NOT REAL--she is not authentic. She has ice flowing through her veins, and those children deserve so much more. And I am sick of her--sick of reading about her, sick of seeing her plastic face plastered all over the place, sick of her ONLY pap following her around as she goes to Target or wherever. It's apparent that the general public is also sick of her, because even the gossip sites (with one exception) are sick of the Kate Gosselin DRIVEL that permeates and invades our lives.
Yes, tlc reads the blogs.
Krazy Kate is entertainment, that's why we watch.
And the biggest monkey on a stick is Kate herself. All her money and fame.
And she WILL fall on her face. One day.
And the tragedy is that she will take 8 kids with her.
Poor Jon got out, but the kids are stuck.
Love? Look how she treated the dogs, which I am sure are living their lives in a cage waiting for the bitch.
Kate only loves Kate. And she will crash.
Don't like her mostly because the way she treats animals, ya can tell alot about someone by jus how they behave around animals.
It's encouraging to see that many people are seeing that continuing to post links to gossip magazines and the constant talk about Kate is doing nothing but promoting her show and basically enabling TLC to keep her on TV.
We need to rid ourselves of the need (habit/addiction) to check up on her latest shenanigans and let her star explode, implode or fade away, whichever comes first.
Nothing that has been said since day one of the first gossip blog arriving on the web has changed a thing other than cause Kate to be more outrageous, and of course, that makes for good gossiping. It's a circle jerk, folks.
All the photos promote curiosity, anger, frustration, and gossip. Gossip fuels curiosity and the curious (even though they may say they won't watch) tune into the show to see if she's really being as outrageous as it appears in the photos.
Thanks, all you people who are beginning to speak out about giving Kate exactly what she deserves - NO PUBLICITY WHATSOEVER. Nothing else has worked.
TLC counts on it. Kate gets a huge check for it and the kids get dragged around in over 100 degree temperatures as a result.
Canada, interesting question. I, too, cannot stand Kate and think she is evil, greedy, infuriating, obnoxious, and stupid. It's especially annoying that she is so impressed with herself and has gotten freebies and fame simply by exploiting those kids and being the exhibitionistic, lying bitch that she is. I absolutely HATE that Jon and the children have suffered so much in the wake of her greed and narcissism. I think I pay attention to her comings and goings because I can't wait for karma to finally smack her upside the head. I admit to delighting as Kate is ridiculed for her homeliness, unfortunate manner of dress, pathetic attempts to be sexy (it ain't gonna happen), desperate bids for attention and stupid soundbites. I so want her to finally be laughed off of tv and the tabloids. I just wish those kids didn't have to suffer, and they will, whether she is a success or not. She will disappear in a heartbeat when TLC finally tires of her. All the supposed paparazzi interest in her is supplied by TLC wag-the-dog style and is as fake as her hair, nails, and boobs.
Admin, a quesiton. Just curious, who is "we" in...
One more thing, "we" remember the Statute of
Liberty was not air conditioned. Sure enough, their official web site confirms "our" recollection, warning people that indoor temperatures can be as much as 20 degrees higher than temperatures outside and recommending visitors drink lots of water and people with respiratory conditions opt out of the climb.
Is this site a collaborative effort? I vaguely recall an gossip columnist writing in the same style, using "we" when there was only "I".
Thanks for the responses thus far - I think many of you are right...it's like watching a trainwreck. Even though we know we shouldn't rubberneck at such things, we do it anyways. I do notice that as time passes, interest in her seems to be waning a bit. I had an interesting experience myself recently - was on vacation with hubby & kids for 2 weeks with no cell service, no TV, no computer. The last thing on my mind was Kate G. - not even a single thought. But darn it anyways, within a few days of getting home I was back at it again...snorting and pffttt'ing in front of my computer about the latest antics of this ridiculous b**ch and continuing to be astounded at the attention she's paid. I think I'll make an early New Year's resolution to wean myself off. I truly wish our blogging would get those kids into a normal life, but I think not. Heck, even in reported child abuse cases, it's very difficult for a total stranger to supercede a parent.
Shout out to Lucy - hiya from a born & bred Calgarian (living north for the time being, and anxiously awaiting a return to Cowtown)!
It's just a writing style, no I obviously don't have a staff of 20 helping me run this little blog. Sheesh.
Canada~ I could have written your post! It's become a habit to me too. I can't speak for others but for me, I am just hoping to log on one morning and find that Kate has been exposed for the liar and manipulator she is. Although, as much as I'd like to see her knocked off of her high horse, I don't want the kiddos to suffer and they will. If Kate's "career" implodes, Kate will lose her identity and that will transfer to her children. She has built herself up and created an image that I'm starting to think she really believes in. Has anyone wondered if Kate has convinced herself that she IS a hard working mother doing the best for her children? Maybe she's been telling the lies for so long that she's starting to believe them? I don't know...maybe not.
As far as tuning all of this out goes, I don't know if the few hundred of us hardcore Kate bloggers are what's keeping Kate relevant. Maybe we are serving TLC their damage control material....but for every one of us, there are a dozen "casual" Kate viewers that are probably bringing in the actual ratings. Again, I could be way off but somehow I'd like to think that our collective "detective" work, has helped more and more people see that Kate is not a role model.
Canada, I tune in to the blogs hoping they will report Kate and her shows got cancelled, the lies and shame revealed, and some payback for all the misery she is causing her children. Likely won't happen but it keeps me tuning in. I don't watch TLC, I don't buy her books, I don't buy tabloids and so I feel I am not contributing to her child exploitation income. At least I hope I am not!
On another topic, why do you think she ditched her Christian gig? Was it too hard being a Christian while drinking wine by yourself at night and parading around in slutty outfits while simulating a sex act with a sucker?
I'm not trying to downplay the role of blogs, I really don't know for sure what their role is in keeping the show alive, but when you look at the numbers, 3.4 million people watched the show. I can tell you right now I'm not getting 3.4 million visitors to this blog.
I'm flattered people think this blog keeps her in the news but I just don't think so.
Hi mommyinca... Of course you're right - the number of bloggers is really quite small overall so probably doesn't make a huge impact as far as her TV ratings are concerned, at least. And I also agree, now that I think about it, we have done our part to expose her. Have to think that many people who had never even heard her name uttered before DWTS, for example, might well have done a Google search and ended up on one of the blogs. No question that it exposes her for what she is.
As for what Twisted Kate thinks/believes? Yes, I think Twisty ACTUALLY BELIEVES she is a hard working "single" mother, that she is a high-road taker, a gift-of-the-gabber, a role model, a sacrifice-maker (all those weeks on bedrest so many years ago), a dancing diva, and a star extraordinaire! Otherwise, why the attitude when anyone tries to contradict her or question her on these matters (witness the repeated 'stink-eye' to the DWTS judges!).
Worse than what she thinks of herself, in my opinion, is what certain legitimate news reporters seem to think as they fawn over her and interview her as though she had a thought in her head that was original and worth sharing (Meredith...Barbara...you get the picture). Beats me - always has.
I have to agree with Sasquash post. I am waiting to see her eventual downfall also. I frequent the blogs here and there, but agree that they probably keep her in the public eye. One thing is obvious, she is fast becoming a tragedy waiting to happen. She seems unhinged and with 8 kids to care for it is becoming increasingly uncomfortable for us the public to take. We are all worried and concerned for the kids, but it doesn't matter. They are her kids and she will do whatever it takes to keep her status of living high through the kids, whether it is dangerous or not. She makes bad decisions for those kids on a daily basis, and continues to allow strangers to get to close to those kids. This is all about Kate and her kids are her victims. All in all, I hope these kids get justice one day, but it will be a long time from now, and it will be or already is too late for them. But with the new laws being put in place, they are probably saving other kids whose parents may already have the famebug in mind for their kids. I think many of us who frequent the blogs will eventually move on to other stories of interests. For me, I only read after I have done all the important things in my daily life. For example providing a normal childhood and funfilled, carefree summer for my kids. I do think though the blogs do open the eyes to many of those who are finally seeing the Gosselin train wreck and many are eventually going to stop watching the show. She is going to become a has been very soon. No celebrity(I say that hesitantly) ever has the spotlight forever, someone is on the heels of Kate's fame and she is about done. It will happen.
mamamia - I don't think Kate has ditched her Christian gig at all...I don't think she'd ditch any 'gig' that would continue to keep people interested in her. I think if she thought it would further her 'career' in any way, she'd be back to panhandling at churches under the guise of guest speaker gigs, wearing a cross around her neck again, praying and saying grace on TV. But then, I never quite believed her Christian devotion in the first place...
Hi Canada -
I come here to VENT my anger and frustration at this greedy famewhore. I don't always click on the links because I don't want to give ROL or any other outlet added traffic. I also no longer send angry emails to The View, The Today Show, etc because they definitely feed on the controversy. I do NOT watch ANYTHING with K8 on it - just the sound of her voice makes me ill.
And it does bum me out that so many (not necessarily here) continue to watch the shows knowing how it is destroying those kids' lives but at the same time, I can't control what others do, nor do I think it's my place. I can only control what I do, and that is NOT WATCH.
I am not being snarky, but I was concerned when I heard Kate drinks wine alone at night. For some reason people think wine is no big deal.
Well, I worked for an alcoholic and the only thing she drank was white wine. She would start drinking every day at 3 p.m. and wouldn't stop until she passed out on the couch, usually around 8 p.m. Her work involves a lot of traveling and when she does she drinks on the job no matter what time it is. To this day she still hasn't gotten help because it's "just wine" and it's just to "relax" her and other lame excuses. She is a very bitter and mean person when she is not drinking. When she is, she's loopy and tired.
Risk factors for alcoholism, does Kate have these?:
-Have depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, or schizophrenia .... maybe?
-Have low self-esteem or problems with relationships ...sure sounds like it.
-Live a stressful lifestyle .... absolutely.
-Live in a culture where there is high social acceptance of alcohol use ....absolutely.
Hopefully she doesn't have a problem with any substances. In all honesty though it will be tragic if when this finally ends not only does Kate have no money, kids who have turned on her or are about to turn on her, but also a substance abuse problem, too. Hollywood sure has made her life better, huh? Or not.
Oh and by the way, of course drinking alone is a well known sign of alcoholism.
Kate & drinking... Totally agree Admin - these wine-drinking stories have been in the background of everything else Kate-related for awhile now. For sure, she often looks like she's coming off a bender or is hung over. I also agree, that if (and that's a big if, in my mind) Kate ever takes a moment in introspection about the life she has created for herself, sacrificed her marriage and family for, turfed her friends for, etc. - she would reasonably have some regret, don't you think? The problem is, Kate appears to be a completely self absorbed person who is bent on chasing the tiger's tail. Believe she'll get the teeth before she ever gets hold of the tail. What a waste...on SO many levels.
Time for me to start my 'real day' and get this crazy fool out of my head. Farmer's Market, a bit of gardening, then BBQ... Fool doesn't know what she's REALLY sacrificed.
I see a bit of a disconnect between those who, on the one hand, think TLC/Kate/ROL, etc., are reading the blogs and acting accordingly (having Kate change what she's doing based on what is read on the blogs, for example) and on the other hand, saying these blogs putting out free publicity aren't keeping her on TV.
TLC/Kate/ROL etc., have found willing participants to help them in their quest to keep her face out there for the public to see.
I can also understand not wanting to admit it, especially when one is invested in the blog, being either its creator or having a habit of checking in that is very difficult to break.
Meanwhile, as we're discussing what the effects are of blogging, gossiping, snarking about Kate's continued celebrity, 8 little kids have to suffer being paraded along the streets of New York City in the stifling heat.
I'd consider those kids when denying any responsibility whatsoever in keeping them as slaves to Kate and TLC. I'd give some very serious thought to stopping my blogging, gawking at photos and links, offering them up for public consumption. The blogging goes on and so do Kate and her suffering children. I'd give serious thought to the fact that blogging has basically done nothing to keep her off TV and consider perhaps total silence and ignoring her will do it. Other talentless people disappear into oblivion, what hasn't Kate?
I feel sorry for them in the sense that she doesn't seem to realize that this show and being famous has brought so many bad things. What GOOD has it brought? Memories? They'll sure remember the divorce. Money? She was in a better financial situation before the show, she said so in her book. She only sees the good--the fun clothes, makeup, hair, travel, brushing elbows with celebs. She doesn't see it. It's sad.
The bad things:
-Lost her marriage
-Man she clearly wants to be with won't let it happen
-Kids lost their privacy
-Kids distressed by the paps
-Big house but empty house
-Living on an airplane
-Lost friends
-Lost family
-Turning to alcohol
-Public thinks she's a horrible mom
I mean we're talking about her losing some of the top things that most people want to have a good and happy life: Family, friends, spouse, financially comfortable, privacy.
Really sad.
Administrator: Just my opinion. I know you cannot see how your blog and others is keeping Kate going but I feel very strongly that this is true. All this controversy is why she is still around. Although the kids are cute as they get older there is less interest. Without them Kate is nothing. She has no talents of her own. All TLC can do at this point is capitalize on the hatred for her.
Even the fan blogs can't find enough good things to talk about Kate so they spend a majority of their time reading these blogs and talking about the "haters". They don't get it that the haters and not the fans are what is keeping their precious Kate around.
As far as the amount of people watching her show I think at this point many of them are watching as others have said to see Kate make an ass of herself. I bet a lot of them never watched her show or knew who she was until all the controversy started showing up in the media.
Look at what is happening just because Kate had her picture taken with Donald Trump. Just mention the idea of her on the Apprentice and the controversy starts. That is what TLC loves to see because they can use it as a marketing tool to get her on TV.
This is not meant as anything personal against you and your blog. It's just my view of how we are all helping TLC keep Kate in the spotlight.
I do beg to differ slightly, there is some good in all the hype. All the publicity caught Rep Murt's ear and he's done something about it. Also now they are trying to actually film them legally. They got the right permits in NY. Think they would bother with that before Rep Murt started watching? Heck no, they would just show up in NY and start filming away. I also think the next family who has multiples will think of this situation when an innocent documentary filmmaker knocks on their day and maybe say, eh, that's not for our kids. We will never know about it, but it will happen. This also might fully satisfy the public's interest in multiples such that there really isn't interest in this kind of thing anymore, it's been exhausted. Don't get me wrong I think the hype is very concerning but it's not ALL bad.
I remember I was on an email list (back before blogs and forums were the way to go) for a popular TV show in the 90's. The show was really excellent the first few season. Then the producers openly joined the email list to read everyone's opinions about the episodes, the characters, what should happen, even corresponded with some fans. I remember thinking I can't believe they would do that, but they did. They actually crafted several episodes and directions based on fan input. Guess what? The show tanked. It was never the same.
The thing is they had a good thing and they knew what they were doing, and they wouldn't trust their instincts. They listened to all the squaking fans and didn't trust themselves to know where to go with it.
TLC had good instincts on this show but now they're jumping at everything we say (come on, Work day and KIDS PLAY? Gimme a break). That may be the downfall of the show, actually listening to us.
Bettie, when I say I think this blog could be keeping Kate kicking, the Kate enablers laugh at me for being arrogant and delusional. If I say it's not doing much to keep Kate around (the show gets 3.5 million viewers, I get 3,500), the anti-Kate people jump all over me. Since I can't win, I think I'll take my advice to Kate and say "no comment."
I read somewhere that Kate said she gets "opportunities" every day. Here's hoping she takes advantage of the opportunities so that her children can retire and be given the opportunity to be children not performers maintaining her lifestyle.
I'll not be watching the production tomorrow night. I saw a promo of the drama queen squeeling - that's plenty for me.
Hey D&C in Canada,
I wondered the same thing about myself not long ago. Why am I so fascinated with this woman, the discussions and the coverage? I realized it's a few things. One is the trainwreck factor. Another is the quest for justice for those kids. Then there is the entertainment factor of the comments on all the blogs, including Kate's. And finally, there's this pet peeve of mine, I like the truth. I don't like being handed lies and watching some b!tch get away with making a ton of money off her children's backs and a web of lies. Then cry about being broke on top of it. So I sort thru the blogs and postings and hope that somehow the truth will eventually come out and she gets what she's got coming to her.
It is good to see the comments on her blogs getting less and less numerous and less hateful. Her fans sound like idiots more and more without our help. But I think us "haterz" ignoring her is the better route then giving her more hits trying to fight this fight. :)
The clock is ticking.
The only reason shows like ET, Extra, Insider, etc. keep kissing Kate's toes is because they don't want to lose that train wreck's draw. If they say anything negative, TLC will end the party.
Mario Lopez makes me sick when he slobbers over Kate and her body and how wonderful she is. I don't consider him a real reporter though so I wouldn't expect him to EVER ask a tough question. I for one am so tired of seeing her on everything, but then I also think I watch too much TV sometimes.
I love Cake Boss, scripted or not. It's funny and has the family dynamic full on. Of course they run ads for Kate. Did anyone catch Kate screaming to the kids "I'm in CHARGE and thats never going to change!" ?
TLC is fully aware that people love drama and they provide just the right clips to enrage the masses into either watching or blogging about it. I don't think blog sites keep shows alive, look what happened to Hero's. That was a show with a huge fan base and NBC said goodbye, regardless of what the fans screamed about on the web (of course NBC and the Leno fiasco didn't help).
Administrator, I absolutely disagree with you about Kate drinking wine alone after the kids go to bed. I never give her the benefit of the doubt, but this is over the top. I LIVE alone and have been divorced for a very long time. I have a glass or two every night ALONE while watching t.v. Enjoying a glass of wine alone simply means that I AM alone. I'm also a gourmet cook and enjoy wine with my meals and think this is a ridiculous jump and assumption, and it will be the only time I will ever give Kate Gosselin a break.
Oh Judy I've had a glass of wine by myself before too! Lots of people are able to do that. I am not and have never been an alcoholic or addicted to any drugs.
I said I was "concerned" about Kate drinking alone. It's not a stretch to be concerned about anyone using a mind-altering substance. Given her state of mind right now, given all the stresses, given we've heard reports she has had a hit and run before, etc. Although many people drink alone without a problem like yourself, it is one of the SIGNS of alcoholism. In other words, just because you drink alone in no way means you're an alcoholic, but the fact that you drink alone may be one sign you're an alcoholic. Just like the fact that you have a bad stomach ache might mean you have a kidney stone, or it might mean you just have an upset tummy.
When you look at all the signs of alcoholism, Kate fits the bill for many of them. MANY people when faced with stardom turn to substances to help them cope. Do I know if she has a problem? Not at all. I'm concerned for her, woman to woman. The entertainment world is full of people turning to this stuff. I don't see anything about Kate that sets her above the many good people who become stars and start doing drugs/alcohol/pills.
I don't hate this woman. I want her to have a happy life in private with her children without any problems. I don't want her to be an alcoholic. If she's not, that's a relief. If she is turning to something in an unhealthy way, that' sad.
I guess I should say I'm hyper sensitive. A close friend of mine has an addiction to an illegal substance. She got off it for a year and was doing wonderful, our friendship was great. I was her strongest cheerleader.
She relapsed in January. She hid it from me until May. Even when I found out she STILL lied to my face and said she was clean. The ache in my heart when I found out was hard to bear. I felt betrayed. She isn't returning my phone calls, I think she's ashamed to face me, so I've stopped calling. Drugs destroyed our friendship perhaps permanently. And destroyed her relationship with many other people in her life.
I never want to see anyone go through that, whether you are the addict or the friend.
I think I should add one more thing. If I'm drinking alone and a friend feels the need to approach me about that, I hope I'll appreciate them for being concerned and can of course assure them nothing is wrong.
But if I'm drinking alone and everyone ASSUMES everything is fine and never calls me on it, and says oh it's just wine, or oh it can't be that bad....and no one ever intervenes? What if I were to be an alcoholic? And no one reached out to me.
Always air on the safe side when it comes to these things.
Administrator, I also had a friend like that (long ago) and understand your points. How did I miss the hit and run story? Can you tell me what happened? (I tried to post this while ago but keep getting error messages.)
I haven't posted the alleged hit and run story because I haven't been able to verify it. I think Preesi the master sleuth broke that one but I can't remember. Maybe someone else with a better memory than me can fill in the details. I believe there was also some stuff broken about Kate's juvenile past which of course would have been expunged since she was a minor.
I think the deal is that each of us can only control what WE do. For myself, I have decided that every little bit of attention counts.
I haven't watched her on TV since early in the Jon and Kate days (and I barely knew who she was and was disgusted by how she acted) and I refuse to EVER watch her on TV, even if it's just a little appearance on some other show.
I never click on Radar Online links and on other celeb gossip sites such as Celebitchy, DListed, etc, I never EVER comment on stories about her. I have noticed they have decreased (both the stories and the comments). On Celebitchy in particular, the stories about her have greatly decreased and when she is put up as a story, she averages maybe 20+ comments now, 100% of them negative and most of the time, they are people asking for a boycott of "this nobody."
I'm heartened to see that.
I obviously have no control over this blog, but I do think, as I said, that every little bit of attention helps her cause.
Since this blog has a larger aim (children in reality TV shows), I do suggest that admin focus on other situations, even though I obviously have no control in that area. Not my blog. But NOTHING makes Kate, TLC and her supporters more upset than a lack of attention for Her Highness.
I do think recently these constant pictures of her from a fake pap doing absolutely nothing of interest is over the top. I can only control myself and I'm turning away from this trainwreck. If you (general you) feel the same way, then turn away, too. It's inevitable that her time will run out, anyway, I mean she has NO talent and interest in her kids is really waning. But why do anything to extend it, even a little bit?
So to do good by my words, I'm out.
Ha, I Googled and found this about the hit and run:
Cover Up of Reality Star’s Hit and Run
Even though cameras seem to follow reality stars constantly, there are still many incidents that never make it to your small screen. For example, it wasn’t until recently that you learned that this reality couple split up last year, but continued to act like a couple for the cameras for at least eight months after the breakup. With the encouragement of the show’s producers, they covered up the truth for the sake of ratings and dollars.
Here’s another example: It seems that one star of the same show was involved in a hit and run last year, but managed to completely skirt any legal ramifications. She hit a parked car, causing substantial damage, but continued on her way without stopping. Well, witnesses wrote down the license number – which was not difficult to remember as it was a vanity plate – and the police soon came knocking at her door. According to two different neighbors, the reality star began yelling “I did not stop because I’m a public figure! You can’t charge me, I’m a public figure!” Despite this admission of guilt, she was never charged with a crime, nor was it ever mentioned on the reality show. Fast payouts to the municipality and to the car’s owner may have had the effect of soothing ruffled feathers and rumpled fenders.
Regarding Kate's hit and run accident. Kate was driving the blue bus, had an accident and fled the scene.
The police tracked Kate down and she said she couldn't stop because she was too famous.
I've searched Preesi's site, GWOP and Julie's site but I can't find much on it.
But I have read that it did happen, Kate fled, the police tracked her down and some people think that TLC paid it off.
If someone has more info or corrections please speak up.
Grammar police, I know it's err. It's a TYPO.
I'm very close to making a rule to stop treating this blog like it's a grad school thesis and you're a copyeditor and correcting everyone's grammar and spelling. It...is...a....BLOG. I don't want FIVE rules for pity sake.
It's called simple human error. Enough.
"I haven't posted the alleged hit and run story because I haven't been able to verify it."
Ah, yes, the one that allegedly happened in my neighborhood. Featheres were ruffled and then suddenly unruffled.
Hawks Fan said...
Eating that sucker the way she is, isn't because she wants it. It's all being done for the benifit of the pictures. She really does have mental problems.
I don't know Hawks fan....she looks like that might have been the first taste of something sweet she's had in awhile. (Diet and all) I think she really was diving into that sucker. LOL
CG, I think it's nothing more than a photo op for her deep throating a sucker. The more outlandish the behavior, the more attention she will receive. This was done simply for the benefit of the camera. She knew good and well that pics were being snapped that were going to appear on INF and ROL. Since she has her own personal pap, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if she has a say on what gets published. After all, he's in her and TLC's pocket.
She's not on any diet. Any weight loss she MAY and experienced came from a mixture of antidepressants and wine with some stress thrown in worrying about when and where her next photo op will take place. The woman is an attention whore,
About the wine drinking....
It was reported that Kate is on Zoloft and uses sleeping pills. It is a big no-no to drink alcohol while using those medications.
I don't understand the need for sleeping pills if she is drinking wine at night to unwind. IMO, this means she's hit a tolerance level from frequent use and needs more and more of some type of substance in order to sleep. AND it is well documented that using sleeping medications regularly causes irritability and anger issues.
Pamela said...
About the wine drinking....
It was reported that Kate is on Zoloft and uses sleeping pills. It is a big no-no to drink alcohol while using those medications.
I don't understand the need for sleeping pills if she is drinking wine at night to unwind. IMO, this means she's hit a tolerance level from frequent use and needs more and more of some type of substance in order to sleep. AND it is well documented that using sleeping medications regularly causes irritability and anger issues.
Maybe you shouldn't assume that every rumor you hear is accurate.
Hawks Fan said...
CG, I think it's nothing more than a photo op for her deep throating a sucker. The more outlandish the behavior, the more attention she will receive. This was done simply for the benefit of the camera. She knew good and well that pics were being snapped that were going to appear on INF and ROL. Since she has her own personal pap, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if she has a say on what gets published. After all, he's in her and TLC's pocket.
It's called a sucker for a reason. You're supposed to SUCK it. Do you have any idea how ridiculous you all sound going on and on about Kate "deep-throating" a lollipop?
If Kate did it for the cameras, then guess what? You and all the people making endless sexual references are playing right into her hands. Congratulations.
She's not on any diet. Any weight loss she MAY and experienced came from a mixture of antidepressants and wine with some stress thrown in worrying about when and where her next photo op will take place. The woman is an attention whore,
How in the world would you know whether she is or isn't on a diet?
You can assume Kate could be an alcoholic or you can assume she is NOT an alcoholic but both are assumptions.
Do you see that stating Kate is not an alcoholic is on its face ALSO an assumption? So are assumptions she is not on other drugs/pills. So are assumptions she's not depressed, or not having a breakdown. All we can do is see what we see.
What we do know is Kate drinks, she said so!
"Seriously, STOP paying attention to her. said...
What is going to happen to this blog when Kate's time is up?"
I'll probably leave it up to serve as a record of what happened. If there are other child actor/reality star safety issues to report I'll report them. Other than that, I'll move on!
If she took the kids to Ellis island maybe she would stumble upon the story of my grandmother Anna, who was processed there from Sicily when she was 7 years old and didn't know any English, with her mother, father, two sisters and baby brother. Her family moved to rural New York where they lied about her age, making her 2 years younger than she actually was, so she wouldn't be embarrassed to be so old and just starting school. The new age stuck such that later when she was having fertility problems and suffered six miscarriages, her doctor never realized she was actually 38, not 36--a big difference when you're trying to have a baby and one that would have been helpful for the doc to know. She eventually had my dad, and then twins, one of which died and one who had cerebral palsy. She was a woman whose life was full of challenges. And who managed to raise two very wonderful kids.
In Italy they were poor and had no education. They had faith in God and found friends in other Italian Catholics in their little town in America.
A couple months after they came to NY their father died of pneumonia. So it was just Mom and the four kids in a strange, REALLY SNOWY country. Mom managed to get a job at the local hospital as a cleaning lady to make it. The church also helped. They were probably just as poor here as they were in Italy.
Grandma Anna spent most of her childhood translating for her mother. Her mom never really caught onto English. But being so young, Anna and her siblings picked it up a lot faster.
That was America circa 1930.
I'm proud of my heritage.
Personally I think it's wrong to assume that Kate or anyone that has a glass of wine at night alone or not alone is an alcoholic. Red wine is good for you. A little... Not a lot. Kate said she has A glass of wine, not a bottle.
That being said I couldn't believe she even said it when I heard it. After all the tabloids about her drinking etc I think it was dumb of her to say it. I wonder what her publicist said. I don't think there's anything wrong with her saying she has a glass of wine but it did sound odd saying it along with "I'm lonely." ???
We don't put our kids on TV to pay our way. We are not public figures. We want our privacy and earn our own money like everybody else in America earns their own money and support any minors in our households with our own money, not the kids' money. We don't do interviews with ET telling them we drink wine alone and crying about our loneliness then begging people to watch our kids so we can afford our crappy hair extensions and boob jobs.
That's the difference. The big difference.
After all those licks on that lollipop, as hot as it was that day, I'm just wondering what would she do with a Klondike bar.
My Grandparents came through Ellis Island as well so it holds a special place in my heart and heritage. My grandmother didn't have a birth certificate and as a result, couldn't get a job or income after her husband, my grandfather left her for better opportunities, leaving her to raise my father and his four sisters. She ended up cooking dinners for out of work families and ironing.
She was Irish and the Irish were treated like trash in that era but she and my father rose above that. Ellis Island is a monument to those who wanted a taste of the American dream and those who took the initiative and had the guts to come through there for a better life, thus many of us being here as a result, the testament to that gateway should always be respected.
I'm proud of my Irish heritage and deeply grateful for the gumption and nerve that my ancestors had to be here, through that gateway and make the sacrifices they made so we all could benefit.
It's not a lollysuck moment, nor a barefoot moment when you see this monument. It's an open mouth, in awe moment that will make you think, "What If".
First of all it is hotter than July on those NYC sidewalks. Her feet would be burned.
Second, do you know how many people spit on those sidewalks? Yuck and double Yuck
Administrator said...
We don't put our kids on TV to pay our way. We are not public figures. We want our privacy and earn our own money like everybody else in America earns their own money and support any minors in our households with our own money, not the kids' money. We don't do interviews with ET telling them we drink wine alone and crying about our loneliness then begging people to watch our kids so we can afford our crappy hair extensions and boob jobs.
That's the difference. The big difference.
No, that's not the big difference. Putting oneself in the public eye does not give the public carte blanche to spread nasty rumors. Since you've just admitted that you have no problem with people spreading rumors with no basis in truth by saying it's equally okay to assume that Kate is or is not an alcoholic, I would love to see Kate Gosselin come after you and test the legal waters on libel and Internet blogs. If you want to talk about "big differences" -- here's one for you: assuming and stating as fact that Kate Gosselin is an alcoholic with no proof whatsoever to back up that assumption is defamation. Assuming that she is not an alcoholic is not.
My father came through Ellis Island and I couldn't give a rat's ass if Kate Gosselin wants to walk barefoot there, although I personally wouldn't walk barefoot on the dirty streets of any city.
I think there would have to be a discovery process there and I'm betting chicken coops to german shepherds coming home that Kate would want to walk away quickly from discovery.
I'm not an attorney but from the birthday celebration she filmed for Jon in Florida to her own admissions, I think there would be some question by AA standards as to Kate's appreciation of the grape.
Discovery is a bitch when it doesn't suit you.
I guess Kate figures since Ellis Island symbolizes freedom and starting over, she can
follow that theme by letting her toes, her torso
and her legs be free from incumbrances, and she
can start her new life as, well, you know.
Pamela said...
About the wine drinking....
It was reported that Kate is on Zoloft and uses sleeping pills. It is a big no-no to drink alcohol while using those medications.
Where was it reported. Do you have a link?
Eww. The sidewalk had to be hot and sticky. Kate's so about "planning ahead". FAIL!
Administrator said...
Bettie, when I say I think this blog could be keeping Kate kicking, the Kate enablers laugh at me for being arrogant and delusional. If I say it's not doing much to keep Kate around (the show gets 3.5 million viewers, I get 3,500), the anti-Kate people jump all over me. Since I can't win, I think I'll take my advice to Kate and say "no comment."
It's interesting how everyone has their reasons/explanations for being here. I think the majority of them are common to all of us. The train wreck factor is often cited, another of course is, I just want to see her fall flat on her face, though I suspect that's not 'how' Kate's exit is going to happen. I'm betting she will not go away in such grandiose manner, as a breakdown, or contrite and admitting the 'error of her ways, nope, not in a whirlwind and a storm, but more like, in a whimper. The 'excuse' that we want to see the laws changed for children in reality TV, etc., is pretty much gone, since Rep. Murt is doing everything he can to change that. Many of us always follow up with, I never click on ROL, or any of the other links and NEVER watch the show. But, what IF the 3.5 million viewers were represented by say, 1% of the bloggers, what if that is how TLC gauges the interest in Kate? As Dazed and Confused noted, all our blogging has done absolutely nothing to get Kate/the kids off TV, so.....what IF, each one of us, made the decision not to blog anymore? Obviously, each person here has to examine their own personal feelings as to whether they think they are or are not, contributing to the kids still being on the air.
I think we can all agree that those 3.5 million viewers alone, isn't the reason why so many other shows like The View, DWTS, ET, The Apprentice(?) etc. are looking to Kate be on their show, in hopes of boosting their ratings. No, it's the controvery that surrounds this woman, that is keeping her "relevant", no the viewership. These shows along with TLC only know of the controversy as a result of blogs, which in turn prompts ROL, ET, Celeb. Gossip, etc. to print, what bloggers are talking about. Sure, I can tell myself, well, if I quit blogging about her, hundeds of others will just keep on, so why should I stop?
As with any change, it starts with just ONE person, wanting to make a difference.
about the sleeping pills...
"AND it is well documented that using sleeping medications regularly causes irritability and anger issues."
Where is it well documented? Link? Has the study been done on OTC sleeping pills (Diphenhydramine), or only on prescription meds?
"stating as fact that Kate Gosselin is an alcoholic with no proof whatsoever to back up that assumption is defamation."
Eh, go back to Constitutional Law and read again. First of all NO ONE said she was an alcoholic here. The only thing that was said was that some of us were "concerned" because SHE SAID she drank alone and was lonely. Drinking alone is a well-established signal of possible alcoholism, go talk to AA. This is not pie in the sky stuff. We were in turn, "concerned." It wasn't something that we came up with out of thin air, Kate brought it up. There has not been one mention of Kate's drinking here until she gave an interview and brought it up. Don't want people talking about drinking? Don't say you drink. No one here was talking about it until Kate decided she would share with the world her drinking habits.
And besides, it's not defamation if it's true. It is not on its face defamation if we call her an alcoholic. Perhaps I should dig out my old ConLaw outline.
We disagree as to public figures. If you willingly put information out there, such as I drink alone and I'm lonely, yes we have a right to discuss it. Especially when you exploit your kids in the process. Anyway Kate's on my side, says Kate herself, I made my life your business.
Lol. If Kate sues this blog because I'll sue her right back for Malicious Prosecution and Abuse of Process, two Torts Kate has likely never even heard of, report her attorney to the applicable state bar for filing a frivilous and malicious lawsuit, and make them pay my own attorney fees too.
If this blog is defaming Kate for the past 10 months, why haven't they used us already? They sure had no problem suing Jon, why not sue a blog that gets 3500+ readers a day? Oh wait because we aren't doing anything wrong. We have not defamed that public figure in any legal way, not once. Show me where we have.
KATE said she drinks, not us. I guess she's defaming herself? Maybe she is dumb enough to sue herself.
"I would love to see Kate Gosselin come after you and test the legal waters on libel and Internet blogs. If you want to talk about "big differences" -- here's one for you: assuming and stating as fact that Kate Gosselin is an alcoholic with no proof whatsoever to back up that assumption is defamation."
Defamation lawsuits are extremely difficult to prove, and sometimes very unwise if the plaintiff is a public figure. The media would salivate just knowing there was a lawsuit to cover. Would Kate want that, knowing what skeletons might be revealed in a deposition?
Defamation is also very difficult to prove if the statement is given as an opinion rather than a fact.
"Maybe she is dumb enough to sue herself."
LOL!! I know a situation where this actually happened. A fellow was a founding member of a business enterprise.
He started a business of his own, but remained a director of the first business. When the first business sued him for copyright infringement on the second business, since he was still a member of the first business, he was, in fact, suing himself.
Yes PA Mom good points.
For example if you say XXX (who is a public figure) is an alcoholic it MIGHT be defamation. MIGHT. They would have to prove they're really not an alcoholic (and the public figure has the burden of proof in doing that--in other words, a court assumes you're an alcoholic unless you prove otherwise). How do you prove you're NOT an alcoholic when you've already blabbed you drink alone? There is no "test" for alcoholism. Tough burden.
But if you say, I'm worried because XXX said he drinks alone he MIGHT be an alcoholic, I'm worried he has signs of alcoholism, I think he might have a drinking problem .... that is usually not defamation. The moment your words become opinion, especially based on evidence, defamation just got a whole lot harder to prove.
Now not to get too complicated but just labeling any old thing your opinion doesn't mean it's NOT defamation....some opinion pieces have been sued, rarely won though. Basically what typically has happened is someone will write an opinion piece say about some shady politician, and fill it with some false information about him stated like it's true when it's not, like say they say he hired his best friend's son and the opinion writer thinks that's wrong because of a, b and c. Then you get into the defamation territory.
Just so everyone knows I take defamation seriously. I have no desire to defame anyone. I have a journalism degree so I was actually trained in defamation and my area of expertise was incidentally First Amendment law, plus I have a law degree where I got additional training in defamation in Constitutional Law. I am conservative and when I recognize possible defamation and I try to delete it as soon as I see it.
Fortunatly I haven't seen it here much.
If you click on the ROL pics of the kids it links to tags to purchase their clothing. This was a photo op. Distract some paps while other paps have a long time to photograph the kids. How else would ROL know what brand each item of clothing was and where it could be bought?
$$$$ Money.
But what if..: I think it's more likely that comments, positive and negative, on sites like ROL are causing the controversy that keeps Kate in the public eye.More people read the tabloids than the blogs.
Rep.Murt is only dealing with reality kids in PA, and the blogs have gone far in alerting people to the fact that this is a nation-wide problem.I don't feel that "excuse" is over.
"stating as fact that Kate Gosselin is an alcoholic with no proof whatsoever to back up that assumption is defamation."
Eh, go back to Constitutional Law and read again. First of all NO ONE said she was an alcoholic here. The only thing that was said was that some of us were "concerned" because SHE SAID she drank alone and was lonely. Drinking alone is a well-established signal of possible alcoholism, go talk to AA. This is not pie in the sky stuff. We were in turn, "concerned." It wasn't something that we came up with out of thin air, Kate brought it up. There has not been one mention of Kate's drinking here until she gave an interview and brought it up. Don't want people talking about drinking? Don't say you drink. No one here was talking about it until Kate decided she would share with the world her drinking habits.
And besides, it's not defamation if it's true. It is not on its face defamation if we call her an alcoholic. Perhaps I should dig out my old ConLaw outline.
Right, someone here merely said that she is taking sleeping pills frequently and has developed a high tolerance level. That was based on what, exactly? Please enlighten me.
You made the claim that it is acceptable to assume she is an alcoholic. No, it is not acceptable. If that assumption is made and stated as fact with no proof, and Kate is not an alcoholic, that is defamation.
You have admitted to drinking alone and made sure to let everyone know that you're not an alcoholic. Sounds like a classic case of denial to me. I think I'll just assume you have a drinking problem and state it as fact. That wouldn't be defamatory according to you, so I really don't see how you could have a problem with it.
PA Mom ALSO said...
"I would love to see Kate Gosselin come after you and test the legal waters on libel and Internet blogs. If you want to talk about "big differences" -- here's one for you: assuming and stating as fact that Kate Gosselin is an alcoholic with no proof whatsoever to back up that assumption is defamation."
Defamation lawsuits are extremely difficult to prove, and sometimes very unwise if the plaintiff is a public figure. The media would salivate just knowing there was a lawsuit to cover. Would Kate want that, knowing what skeletons might be revealed in a deposition?
Defamation is also very difficult to prove if the statement is given as an opinion rather than a fact.
I'm well aware that public figures rarely bring defamation suits. That doesn't mean that a) it couldn't be done or b) that it's okay to defame someone because you don't think you'll be sued. There's also a little thing called ethics that comes into the equation.
Much of what is said here is not stated as opinion, but as fact.
Just for information purposes - I have read that people who work for Kate reported that she drinks wine frequently and in excess.
"For example if you say XXX (who is a public figure) is an alcoholic it MIGHT be defamation. MIGHT. They would have to prove they're really not an alcoholic (and the public figure has the burden of proof in doing that--in other words, a court assumes you're an alcoholic unless you prove otherwise)."
Innocent until proven guilty does not apply?
innocent until proven guilty... I think that's applies only to the defendant. Kate would not be the defendant in this case, the blog owner would be.
Schmecky, you're getting the examples that are being given here confused.
If you make a claim that a person is an alcoholic, who is the defendant, you or the person you make the claim about?
No innocent until proven guilty does not apply to defamation when it's a public figure. That's in CRIMINAL CASES. If someone gets pulled over for DUI and is charged, yes innocent until proven guilty applies.
If someone wants to sue someone for saying they are an alcoholic (which by the way was never said here), that's not a criminal case that's a CIVIL case, a tort. The burden of proof is on the public figure suing to PROVE that what was said was NOT true.
Kate would be the plaintiff, the blog would be the defendant. The blog does not have to prove anything, it's Kate's case.
Kate is not the defendant in THIS case. No one is bringing her to court and charging her with alcoholism. It's not illegal to be an alcoholic.
So if a blog says a public figure is an alcoholic the public figure must sue to prove they are not?
No Kate would be the plaintiff if she wants to sue. It's illegal if you hurt someone when drunk....what's your point?
I agree though that it's messed up someone can make an accusation like that and Kate would have to prove otherwise.
I think if anyone was going to sue it would be TLC. They have a vested interest in Kate and the money to back it up. Not sure they would though.
I still think Kate was crazy to mention being lonely and drinking wine at night after all those rumors. Just an "innocent" statement but still... Opens a can of worms. Right or wrong.
"Don't drink alone said...
So if a blog says a public figure is an alcoholic the public figure must sue to prove they are not?"
YUP, if they want to sue the blog for defamation they sure do. Which explains why it's so hard to sue and WIN for defamation, as someone above explained.
People throw around threats about defamation not really knowing the law other than maybe wikipedia, but the reality is when you actually read all the caselaw on this facinating topic, most things said are not defamation at all.
Think if the person suing DIDN'T have to prove what was said was not true. They could go around willy nilly suing anyone and everything, (blogs, newspapers, whatever) and hope that maybe one or two can't prove what they said was true and the plaintiff wins. It would create a massive amount of defamation suits and clog the courts.
You RARELY hear about defamation suits, let alone defamation suits that win. It's simply too hard to prove that what was said wasn't true.
The reason the law has been set up such that it's so hard to prove for a public figure is because there is a compelling interest and a general public policy in letting the public have free discussion about those people who often run the country or have decision making power. They don't want to create a chilling effect on the public being free to comment as they like about people who make their lives our business.
Kate wanted to be a public figure, well she GOT IT with all the consequences.
I am trying to understand this statement you made:
"For example if you say XXX (who is a public figure) is an alcoholic it MIGHT be defamation. MIGHT. They would have to prove they're really not an alcoholic (and the public figure has the burden of proof in doing that--in other words, a court assumes you're an alcoholic unless you prove otherwise)."
If you say a public figure is an alcoholic the court assumes the public figure is an alcoholic and the public figure has to prove they're not?
"I agree though that it's messed up someone can make an accusation like that and Kate would have to prove otherwise."
I don't think it's messed up at all. She's a public figure. The public should be able to have a liberal conversation about our public figures without fear of a lawsuit. Now I agree Kate thank goodness isn't in charge of anything that affects us, but the law is there for THOSE public figures.
She's lumped in with all the public figures, too bad so sad. Look at it this way, what if she were chief of surgery at a famous hospital and so visible that the law deemed her a public figure. Then she tells us she drinks, alone. What if because of a law the public were afraid to discuss this bit of information? Then the chief of surgery goes in for a high profile operation to separate conjoint twins and is drunk off his butt and botches it all up. THIS is why the public is given pretty free to discuss things like this, to prevent that from happening. If the public were too scared to discuss it corrupt people would continue to serve in office without any checks.
Do you see the compelling interest in this law? The Supreme Court has reasons behind what they do. It's really not messed up at all.
"If you say a public figure is an alcoholic the court assumes the public figure is an alcoholic and the public figure has to prove they're not?"
Pretty much. They assume your defamatory statement is true until proven otherwise by the person suing.
My comment was a reply to Don't Drink Alone. My point was the same as yours. Kate would be the plaintiff not the defendant.
Kelly said...
It's not a lollysuck moment, nor a barefoot moment when you see this monument. It's an open mouth, in awe moment that will make you think, "What If".
I so agree with this statement. These areas are symbols of American pride, know-how and sacrafice for those born here and those who chose to make this country their home. That in and of itself is why they should be treated with reverence.
Yesterday, I received an email from a soldier who is serving in the Desert right now. He wanted to thank me for the care packages we sent to his unit. They don't have a BX where they are so care pkgs are the means for them to get personal care items.
Then I looked at the photo of Kate, scampering around the symbols that this soldier (and many others) are defending and it makes me mad that this woman has no respect for that which others have and continue to sacrafice for.
She probably has no clue about what is going on on the other side of the world because 1. She doesn't read newspaper and stay current on events that don't involve her. And 2. It's not about her.
Well I think it's messed up if it's NOT true. I also think it's one thing to discuss her drinking and another to state she must be an alcoholic because she has one glass of wine alone. I agree she put it out there though...
"it's one thing to discuss her drinking and another to state she must be an alcoholic because she has one glass of wine alone"
I agree. This blog discussed her drinking. This blog discussed what drinking alone and being lonely could or could not mean. This blog did NOT state she must be an alcoholic. Show me where. Such a thing was never stated and would have been deleted if it was said.
That said, even if I did a post right now titled "XXX is an alcoholic" I highly doubt they would win a lawsuit. But since we do try to be fair and not jump to conclusions, we don't do stuff like that anyway.
What I'm having a bit of trouble with is, if a person says they have a glass of wine after the kids go to bed (and they live alone-as in don't have a mate, I guess), they are called a drinker.
"I Have Questions said...
What I'm having a bit of trouble with is, if a person says they have a glass of wine after the kids go to bed (and they live alone-as in don't have a mate, I guess), they are called a drinker."
So...when does someone become a drinker then? Two glasses of wine? Three? Four? Or does wine not count as drinking? It does have alcohol in it.
If you drink alcohol, you are a drinker. I'm a drinker. I only drink maybe once every 2 weeks but that's still drinking.
Saying someone drinks and saying someone is an alcoholic are two separate things.
I didn't actually say THIS blog said she was... We were discussing if a blog did say it and if she sued.
I do think it was suggested here which is not the same as stating she is. I just think going from a glass a night or once a week to having a drinking problem is a big jump. Or maybe a medium jump.
Again I agree it's open to discussion though. She brought it up herself on national television.
Admin ~ I'd like to jump into this fray for a moment. Please correct me if my opinion is wrong.
"If you say a public figure is an alcoholic the court assumes the public figure is an alcoholic and the public figure has to prove they're not?"
Pretty much. They assume your defamatory statement is true until proven otherwise by the person suing."
My interpretation is if the Public Figure doesn't have a law suit over this, then the court has absolutely no opinion at all... as far as the Court is concerned, it never happened/ never brought before them.
Also, said Public Figure could choose to ignore the entire statement/ article like so many others in that position do. .. Unless it is Sooooo defamatory/ over the top that it requires action.
Can we follow rule #2 now?
Here's the source of the drinking rumors. I found it on JibberJabbers under "wooden spoon" in the archives:
You canlink to it directly in the comment on JJ's site.
Actually calling someone here an alcoholic is not the same thing at all. We're not public figures. So using me as an example doesn't work. Private people don't have to prove actual malice-- Kate does, she's a public figure. Ah, karma. And one more time no one here called Kate an alcoholic. She said she drinks alone, not us.
"Much of what is said here is not stated as opinion, but as fact."
Ah, but that's where it becomes really tricky. The old opinion vs. fact. The plaintiff would have to prove that much of what is said here is stated as fact. Courts are confronted with difficulties in attempting to draw the critical line between statements of opinion and fact. Sometimes determining the difference is a matter of opinion -- it's a gray area and the plaintiff must prove that the statement was made as fact and not opinion. Opinion cases often involve those writing about sports teams, or giving critical reviews of restaurants or movies, and in this case, a blog.
If Kate is an Alcoholic, that is her business. Whether her addiction is booze, tanning, plastic surgery, attention, fame, shopping or exposing herself, the woman is an addict of some kind. IN MY OPINION.
Didn't Carol Burnett sue and WIN against National Enquirer (owners of RadarOnline) for saying she was drunk in public?
IDModo said...
But what if..: I think it's more likely that comments, positive and negative, on sites like ROL are causing the controversy that keeps Kate in the public eye.More people read the tabloids than the blogs.
Rep.Murt is only dealing with reality kids in PA, and the blogs have gone far in alerting people to the fact that this is a nation-wide problem.I don't feel that "excuse" is over.
Posibly more people read the tabloids than the blogs, but have you ever READ any of the comments on the tabloid sites? They sound as if they're all written by 13 y/olds. It is the blogs that go into detail about how she holds her kids hands, the shoes she wears, the 'girls' showing too much, privacy in the front yard, etc. Hadn't this blog been talking about putting some trees up to protect the kids privacy, when all of a sudden, voila, a truckload of trees shows up at the McMansion. Or when she goes out of her way to 'be nice' to the boys, after the blogosphere has talked about how she thinks boys are 'icky' and treats hers accordingly. I could go on, but you get the idea, right? The tabloids are commented on by idiots, the blogs are commented on by women, who in many cases, are raising or have raised their kids and know what seems 'right' and what is 'off'. I just think TLC takes some of their cues and possibly story lines, from the blogosphere.
I don't drink anything stronger that a diet coke(never have had aclohol), but after all this talk about Kate being an acloholic,drunk,drinking,lawsuits,dirty feet,plantiffs,statements,court,assumes and all the rest....I'm going to go fix me a stiff one !
I truthfully have never drinked because my older sister is an alcoholic, like my mother was when she was alive.Living in it for many years,lets just say that it wouldn't surprise me if Kate was or headed down that track.
One thing I learned about alcoholics is, that they lie so much they loose track of the truth.Who does that sound like?
BTW...I love this blog!
Kate may not be an alcoholic but I think she is an addict of some sort. Tanning, fame, shopping, etc. are all addictions.
"worked the steps said...
Didn't Carol Burnett sue and WIN against National Enquirer (owners of RadarOnline) for saying she was drunk in public?"
I looked that up out of curiosity. She won a verdict over 1.5 million at the trial level, The Enquirer appealed and sort of won on appeal, getting her award cut in half. The appellete court thought she should win but thought what she was awarded was outrageous.
The circumstances of that were nothing like anything that has ever been said here. The Enquirer stated as fact that she was drunk and rowdy at a party with Henry Kissinger and other VIPs. They didn't say they got a tip, they didn't say a source told them, they didn't say it was their opinion she was "acting" drunk--they said she WAS. She could prove she wasn't drunk with all the witnesses at the party who could testify that she was acting appropriately and wasn't drinking. She was sensitive because both her parents were alcoholics.
It's really only a rare scenerio like that where you can manage to win your lawsuit. Of course it took her three years to do so. After that publications were a lot more careful. It was actually a pretty landmark case for the tabloid industry. Everyone thinks tabloid stories are just made up stuff....well, not so much anymore because of that lawsuit. If you're going to say something like that you better be sure you have a good source on it to back you up. Tabloids have nasty reputations but I think it's more because they print gossipy stuff, not that they are necessarily printing lies. They simply can't get away with printing flat-out lies--defamation laws are liberal but they aren't THAT liberal.
No one here said Kate was drunk and rowdy at a party with Henry Kissinger and other VIPs. No one here said Kate was ever drunk at all.
To CLARIFY, I said that assuming Kate is an alcoholic is just as much of an assumption as assuming she is not. I never gave cart blanc freedom to say such a thing, what??
Just like when we say the kids are unhappy, we are assuming so, and people who claim the kids ARE happy are ALSO assuming so. Does Kate come here to set the record straight? No. No it is not the same thing as calling anyone here that because we're actually here to set the record straight, and we're not...public...figures....exploiting....our ..... KIDS....why is this so hard to understand?
My point was to show the hypocricy. You can't accuse people of making assumptions when you yourself do the same exact thing. Kate's fans have made HUGE assumptions--the kids are happy, the kids won't be affected by filming, the kids love going on trips and getting free things. Every single damn thing they say about this family is just as much of an assumption as what we say. If we all knew the real truth there wouldn't be such discord. Just appreciate that people have different opinions after seeing the same evidence, it's called critical thinking. Two people look at a hammar, a screwdriver, and a bat. One person thinks well I suppose they're about to go fix the dishwasher then take their son to little league, how could it be anything else? The other person thinks that guy is about to go beat his wife with those.....both are assumptions based on the evidence, neither is patently absurd.
For pity sake I did not say it was OKAY to say anything. I've repeatedly said here it's NOT okay and would be deleted! Stop twisting my words and I'll start posting your posts.
To CLARIFY, I said that assuming Kate is an alcoholic is just as much of an assumption as assuming she is not. I never gave cart blanc freedom to say such a thing, what??
Just like when we say the kids are unhappy, we are assuming so, and people who claim the kids ARE happy are ALSO assuming so. Does Kate come here to set the record straight? No. No it is not the same thing as calling anyone here that because we're actually here to set the record straight, and we're not...public...figures....exploiting....our ..... KIDS....why is this so hard to understand?
My point was to show the hypocricy. You can't accuse people of making assumptions when you yourself do the same exact thing. Kate's fans have made HUGE assumptions--the kids are happy, the kids won't be affected by filming, the kids love going on trips and getting free things. Every single damn thing they say about this family is just as much of an assumption as what we say. If we all knew the real truth there wouldn't be such discord. Just appreciate that people have different opinions after seeing the same evidence, it's called critical thinking. Two people look at a hammar, a screwdriver, and a bat. One person thinks well I suppose they're about to go fix the dishwasher then take their son to little league, how could it be anything else? The other person thinks that guy is about to go beat his wife with those.....both are assumptions based on the evidence, neither is patently absurd.
For pity sake I did not say it was OKAY to say anything. I've repeatedly said here it's NOT okay and would be deleted! Stop twisting my words and I'll start posting your posts.
"worked the steps said...
Didn't Carol Burnett sue and WIN against National Enquirer (owners of RadarOnline) for saying she was drunk in public?"
I looked that up out of curiosity. She won a verdict over 1.5 million at the trial level, The Enquirer appealed and sort of won on appeal, getting her award cut in half. The appellete court thought she should win but thought what she was awarded was outrageous.
The circumstances of that were nothing like anything that has ever been said here. The Enquirer stated as fact that she was drunk and rowdy at a party with Henry Kissinger and other VIPs. They didn't say they got a tip, they didn't say a source told them, they didn't say it was their opinion she was "acting" drunk--they said she WAS. She could prove she wasn't drunk with all the witnesses at the party who could testify that she was acting appropriately and wasn't drinking. She was sensitive because both her parents were alcoholics.
It's really only a rare scenerio like that where you can manage to win your lawsuit. Of course it took her three years to do so. After that publications were a lot more careful. It was actually a pretty landmark case for the tabloid industry. Everyone thinks tabloid stories are just made up stuff....well, not so much anymore because of that lawsuit. If you're going to say something like that you better be sure you have a good source on it to back you up. Tabloids have nasty reputations but I think it's more because they print gossipy stuff, not that they are necessarily printing lies. They simply can't get away with printing flat-out lies--defamation laws are liberal but they aren't THAT liberal.
No one here said Kate was drunk and rowdy at a party with Henry Kissinger and other VIPs. No one here said Kate was ever drunk at all.
I don't drink anything stronger that a diet coke(never have had aclohol), but after all this talk about Kate being an acloholic,drunk,drinking,lawsuits,dirty feet,plantiffs,statements,court,assumes and all the rest....I'm going to go fix me a stiff one !
I truthfully have never drinked because my older sister is an alcoholic, like my mother was when she was alive.Living in it for many years,lets just say that it wouldn't surprise me if Kate was or headed down that track.
One thing I learned about alcoholics is, that they lie so much they loose track of the truth.Who does that sound like?
BTW...I love this blog!
"Much of what is said here is not stated as opinion, but as fact."
Ah, but that's where it becomes really tricky. The old opinion vs. fact. The plaintiff would have to prove that much of what is said here is stated as fact. Courts are confronted with difficulties in attempting to draw the critical line between statements of opinion and fact. Sometimes determining the difference is a matter of opinion -- it's a gray area and the plaintiff must prove that the statement was made as fact and not opinion. Opinion cases often involve those writing about sports teams, or giving critical reviews of restaurants or movies, and in this case, a blog.
Here's the source of the drinking rumors. I found it on JibberJabbers under "wooden spoon" in the archives:
You canlink to it directly in the comment on JJ's site.
I think there would have to be a discovery process there and I'm betting chicken coops to german shepherds coming home that Kate would want to walk away quickly from discovery.
I'm not an attorney but from the birthday celebration she filmed for Jon in Florida to her own admissions, I think there would be some question by AA standards as to Kate's appreciation of the grape.
Discovery is a bitch when it doesn't suit you.
Administrator said...
We don't put our kids on TV to pay our way. We are not public figures. We want our privacy and earn our own money like everybody else in America earns their own money and support any minors in our households with our own money, not the kids' money. We don't do interviews with ET telling them we drink wine alone and crying about our loneliness then begging people to watch our kids so we can afford our crappy hair extensions and boob jobs.
That's the difference. The big difference.
No, that's not the big difference. Putting oneself in the public eye does not give the public carte blanche to spread nasty rumors. Since you've just admitted that you have no problem with people spreading rumors with no basis in truth by saying it's equally okay to assume that Kate is or is not an alcoholic, I would love to see Kate Gosselin come after you and test the legal waters on libel and Internet blogs. If you want to talk about "big differences" -- here's one for you: assuming and stating as fact that Kate Gosselin is an alcoholic with no proof whatsoever to back up that assumption is defamation. Assuming that she is not an alcoholic is not.
First of all it is hotter than July on those NYC sidewalks. Her feet would be burned.
Second, do you know how many people spit on those sidewalks? Yuck and double Yuck
After all those licks on that lollipop, as hot as it was that day, I'm just wondering what would she do with a Klondike bar.
I am trying to understand this statement you made:
"For example if you say XXX (who is a public figure) is an alcoholic it MIGHT be defamation. MIGHT. They would have to prove they're really not an alcoholic (and the public figure has the burden of proof in doing that--in other words, a court assumes you're an alcoholic unless you prove otherwise)."
If you say a public figure is an alcoholic the court assumes the public figure is an alcoholic and the public figure has to prove they're not?
Hawks Fan said...
CG, I think it's nothing more than a photo op for her deep throating a sucker. The more outlandish the behavior, the more attention she will receive. This was done simply for the benefit of the camera. She knew good and well that pics were being snapped that were going to appear on INF and ROL. Since she has her own personal pap, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if she has a say on what gets published. After all, he's in her and TLC's pocket.
It's called a sucker for a reason. You're supposed to SUCK it. Do you have any idea how ridiculous you all sound going on and on about Kate "deep-throating" a lollipop?
If Kate did it for the cameras, then guess what? You and all the people making endless sexual references are playing right into her hands. Congratulations.
She's not on any diet. Any weight loss she MAY and experienced came from a mixture of antidepressants and wine with some stress thrown in worrying about when and where her next photo op will take place. The woman is an attention whore,
How in the world would you know whether she is or isn't on a diet?
About the wine drinking....
It was reported that Kate is on Zoloft and uses sleeping pills. It is a big no-no to drink alcohol while using those medications.
I don't understand the need for sleeping pills if she is drinking wine at night to unwind. IMO, this means she's hit a tolerance level from frequent use and needs more and more of some type of substance in order to sleep. AND it is well documented that using sleeping medications regularly causes irritability and anger issues.
Administrator: Just my opinion. I know you cannot see how your blog and others is keeping Kate going but I feel very strongly that this is true. All this controversy is why she is still around. Although the kids are cute as they get older there is less interest. Without them Kate is nothing. She has no talents of her own. All TLC can do at this point is capitalize on the hatred for her.
Even the fan blogs can't find enough good things to talk about Kate so they spend a majority of their time reading these blogs and talking about the "haters". They don't get it that the haters and not the fans are what is keeping their precious Kate around.
As far as the amount of people watching her show I think at this point many of them are watching as others have said to see Kate make an ass of herself. I bet a lot of them never watched her show or knew who she was until all the controversy started showing up in the media.
Look at what is happening just because Kate had her picture taken with Donald Trump. Just mention the idea of her on the Apprentice and the controversy starts. That is what TLC loves to see because they can use it as a marketing tool to get her on TV.
This is not meant as anything personal against you and your blog. It's just my view of how we are all helping TLC keep Kate in the spotlight.
I see a bit of a disconnect between those who, on the one hand, think TLC/Kate/ROL, etc., are reading the blogs and acting accordingly (having Kate change what she's doing based on what is read on the blogs, for example) and on the other hand, saying these blogs putting out free publicity aren't keeping her on TV.
TLC/Kate/ROL etc., have found willing participants to help them in their quest to keep her face out there for the public to see.
I can also understand not wanting to admit it, especially when one is invested in the blog, being either its creator or having a habit of checking in that is very difficult to break.
Meanwhile, as we're discussing what the effects are of blogging, gossiping, snarking about Kate's continued celebrity, 8 little kids have to suffer being paraded along the streets of New York City in the stifling heat.
I'd consider those kids when denying any responsibility whatsoever in keeping them as slaves to Kate and TLC. I'd give some very serious thought to stopping my blogging, gawking at photos and links, offering them up for public consumption. The blogging goes on and so do Kate and her suffering children. I'd give serious thought to the fact that blogging has basically done nothing to keep her off TV and consider perhaps total silence and ignoring her will do it. Other talentless people disappear into oblivion, what hasn't Kate?
Kate & drinking... Totally agree Admin - these wine-drinking stories have been in the background of everything else Kate-related for awhile now. For sure, she often looks like she's coming off a bender or is hung over. I also agree, that if (and that's a big if, in my mind) Kate ever takes a moment in introspection about the life she has created for herself, sacrificed her marriage and family for, turfed her friends for, etc. - she would reasonably have some regret, don't you think? The problem is, Kate appears to be a completely self absorbed person who is bent on chasing the tiger's tail. Believe she'll get the teeth before she ever gets hold of the tail. What a waste...on SO many levels.
Time for me to start my 'real day' and get this crazy fool out of my head. Farmer's Market, a bit of gardening, then BBQ... Fool doesn't know what she's REALLY sacrificed.
Oh and by the way, of course drinking alone is a well known sign of alcoholism.
Hi Canada -
I come here to VENT my anger and frustration at this greedy famewhore. I don't always click on the links because I don't want to give ROL or any other outlet added traffic. I also no longer send angry emails to The View, The Today Show, etc because they definitely feed on the controversy. I do NOT watch ANYTHING with K8 on it - just the sound of her voice makes me ill.
And it does bum me out that so many (not necessarily here) continue to watch the shows knowing how it is destroying those kids' lives but at the same time, I can't control what others do, nor do I think it's my place. I can only control what I do, and that is NOT WATCH.
Hi mommyinca... Of course you're right - the number of bloggers is really quite small overall so probably doesn't make a huge impact as far as her TV ratings are concerned, at least. And I also agree, now that I think about it, we have done our part to expose her. Have to think that many people who had never even heard her name uttered before DWTS, for example, might well have done a Google search and ended up on one of the blogs. No question that it exposes her for what she is.
As for what Twisted Kate thinks/believes? Yes, I think Twisty ACTUALLY BELIEVES she is a hard working "single" mother, that she is a high-road taker, a gift-of-the-gabber, a role model, a sacrifice-maker (all those weeks on bedrest so many years ago), a dancing diva, and a star extraordinaire! Otherwise, why the attitude when anyone tries to contradict her or question her on these matters (witness the repeated 'stink-eye' to the DWTS judges!).
Worse than what she thinks of herself, in my opinion, is what certain legitimate news reporters seem to think as they fawn over her and interview her as though she had a thought in her head that was original and worth sharing (Meredith...Barbara...you get the picture). Beats me - always has.
Thanks for the responses thus far - I think many of you are right...it's like watching a trainwreck. Even though we know we shouldn't rubberneck at such things, we do it anyways. I do notice that as time passes, interest in her seems to be waning a bit. I had an interesting experience myself recently - was on vacation with hubby & kids for 2 weeks with no cell service, no TV, no computer. The last thing on my mind was Kate G. - not even a single thought. But darn it anyways, within a few days of getting home I was back at it again...snorting and pffttt'ing in front of my computer about the latest antics of this ridiculous b**ch and continuing to be astounded at the attention she's paid. I think I'll make an early New Year's resolution to wean myself off. I truly wish our blogging would get those kids into a normal life, but I think not. Heck, even in reported child abuse cases, it's very difficult for a total stranger to supercede a parent.
Shout out to Lucy - hiya from a born & bred Calgarian (living north for the time being, and anxiously awaiting a return to Cowtown)!
Canada, interesting question. I, too, cannot stand Kate and think she is evil, greedy, infuriating, obnoxious, and stupid. It's especially annoying that she is so impressed with herself and has gotten freebies and fame simply by exploiting those kids and being the exhibitionistic, lying bitch that she is. I absolutely HATE that Jon and the children have suffered so much in the wake of her greed and narcissism. I think I pay attention to her comings and goings because I can't wait for karma to finally smack her upside the head. I admit to delighting as Kate is ridiculed for her homeliness, unfortunate manner of dress, pathetic attempts to be sexy (it ain't gonna happen), desperate bids for attention and stupid soundbites. I so want her to finally be laughed off of tv and the tabloids. I just wish those kids didn't have to suffer, and they will, whether she is a success or not. She will disappear in a heartbeat when TLC finally tires of her. All the supposed paparazzi interest in her is supplied by TLC wag-the-dog style and is as fake as her hair, nails, and boobs.
Dazed and Confused: I think the public enjoys watching a train wreck ... like Khate, Lindsay Lohan, Heidi Montag, Real Housewives, the Bachelor/Bachelorette, Mel Gibson ... need I go on ... there is so many more! Unfortunately with Khate it also involves helpless children who are mere walking ATMs. I am losing interest ... I do not watch any of these shows nor click on ROL or any link to Khate. I have not watched anything TLC for over a year. I'm disgusted by all the wealth these people are accumulating because of my interest in train wrecks. I still read GWOP, 15 minutes and JibberJabbers but my comments are getting fewer as my interest is waning. Guess we all slowly wean ourselves off of all the crap cause it is happening with me. I am tired of it all and one day soon I will stop clicking on any of it all together. Life's too short to spend so much time on it although some laws seem to be changing for the benefit of reality tv children ... thankfully! Anyways its JMHO. Lucy from Calgary ... YaHoo! Greetings from the Stampede city!
How ironic that Kate goes barefoot in New York and says that the rain will wash off the germs but picks up a chicken on her new special and complains about the "dirty" chicken foot scratching her.
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