Thanks to some observant Alaskans, or as CNN would call them, iReporters, who managed to find an internet connection up there and get on Twitter, we know a little more about the trip now: Kate and the kids and Steve and another bodyguard and at least two nannies were spotted at the Alaskan zoo where the kids noticed the tourists taking more pictures of them than of the caged monkeys, oh the irony.

They were also seen at the Alaska State Fair. I wonder if they show 4H dairy cows there too.
And also outside a touristy gift shop with Steve on his cell. Maybe he's calling Sarah Palin to set up a playdate?

So basically the entire premise of Kate Plus 8 is let's watch the kids go on various vacations and get chickens? Got anything original, TLC?
62 sediments (sic) from readers:
It wasn't reported here by me until I was sure, but apparently someone in the know "knew" that they had taken an 8 hour flight somewhere, and then I think people just assumed Europe. I think most people assume an 8 hour flight from the East Coast would be Europe. I did. Turns out, Alaska is exactly 8 hours going the other way.
What does it matter, both are exhausting trips for kids just dragged last week to New York. I hope it is wonderful for them but I can't help but wonder if kids just want to enjoy the brief summer they get in PA and swim in the pool. That's what Jon said, remember? He said they don't WANT to travel they want to be in the pool. So either Jon is lying or Kate is lying but they both can't be telling the truth.
I'm with you...there is absolutely no reason to drag these kids on exhausting trips. Wait, I forgot. It's all about culturing and giving them opportunities they would not have otherwise. Seems it's more like giving Kate the traveling experiences she was so denied in her youth.
So TLC continues to give us vacations taken by a poor, struggling single mother who worries about putting food on the table for her kids. There's got to be a word for this that's printable, only I haven't thought of it yet!
Those poor children. They look absolutely miserable. Then again, they always look that way when they're with their Mommy Dearest. She does't look any happier either. As Kelly once said she has this "who farted" look on her mug.
(My apologies to Burt Bacharach....)
Gettin' and goin' and askin' and takin'
Plannin', connivin' and usin' and rakin'
in all the perks
it just proves you are jerks!
Show us that you care just for YOU
Do the things YOU want to do
Wear your hair like you do 'cause
It looks like crap and attracts the paps
Thinking and a-praying, wishing and a-hoping
All you got to do is hold them and drag them and point at them and smack them
Yeah, just do it
And after you do, you will be a media whore
SOrry, can't sleep and I have the "simples"
Wow, Europe is only 8 hours! Down here in the great land of Oz, we travel around 26-27 hours to get there, not including stop overs (usually somewhere in South-East Asia).
Sorry to be off topic. I'm wondering WHY labour officials aren't down shutting this down. If this happened in Australia the government would be all over it, as would unions not to mention our outspoken child advocates. I just can't get over how this just keeps going!
If I recall Katie mentioned that she wanted to go to Alaska...
Thanks on behalf of Canadian bloggers for the props!
Look, the kids are wearing Real Shoes!
Puddymoors, I like to think the same thing would happen in Canada.
This has become surreal! What 6 year olds can benefit from all this exhausting travelling around with cameras in their faces?
When is Jon going to say "That's enough!"?
"chesterctymom said...
If I recall Katie mentioned that she wanted to go to Alaska... "
Yup she certainly did. Last year when Jon shut the production down and Kate was on her pity party on most channels, and interviewer asked her where the KIDS wanted to go. She said ALASKA. "I" have always wanted to go to Alaska. There was an uncomfortable pause, I am assumming they were waiting to hear where the KIDS wanted to go, but she said nothing else. LOL She got HER trip. The high temp in Alaska right now is around 55.
OMG -- don't these kids ever get to be real kids. Hiking around instead of swimming in the pool is mind boggling. How are they coping with flies & mosquitoes? Maybe they will bump into Joe McGinness. Hey maybe a panel in Doonesbury.
"Maybe he's calling Sarah Palin to set up a playdate?"
Does Kate even know who Sarah Palin is?
"There was an uncomfortable pause, I am assumming they were waiting to hear where the KIDS wanted to go, but she said nothing else. LOL She got HER trip."
I thought she was doing this for the kids...giving them opportunities they never could otherwise experience. You know, the "culturing." Guess she's the one who is getting the traveling experience that she never had as a child. It's always about HER.
"Moose Mania said... I thought she was doing this for the kids...giving them opportunities they never could otherwise experience. You know, the "culturing." Guess she's the one who is getting the traveling experience that she never had as a child. It's always about HER."
Exactly~ that is why her answer stayed in my mind. It was all about HER, as usual. This woman really makes me ill. TLC keeps feeding into her ego and using the kids. Some day... karma is REAL, and frankly, I cannot wait.
Let me clarify, I do not wish any HARM to the kids or even Kate. I just hope to see one day TLC to lose millions because of their obsession with making Kate a "star", when they know good and well she is NOT a star in any way shape or form. Thus, they have to keep using these poor children to make their money. Kate has plenty of money to live the rest of their lives without her "working". If she doesn't there is some serious mismanagement somewhere. Just give me ONE million and I can make it work for me and my kids AND grandkids.
Ah geez. Mady and Cara are back to dressing alike. And again, Kate and Steve are twins.
Alaska and its waters are beautiful, awe inspiring and full of Inuit culture. It's a wonderful place. However, I really do believe the 6 year olds would do better at appreciating it in about 3 years. Frankly, right now I would guess the experience is going to get blurred with N. Carolina and other places they have visited in their short (young) lives.
Hope Kate and Steve are enjoying their vacation together, while the "other" bodyguard and the two nannies watch Kate's eight sources of income.
I think the Cornelia Marie is still being re-fitted in Dutch Harbor... wonder if they'll attempt to look thoughtful and respectful and pay a visit to one of the most important of the sister network shows?
DLCF said...
I think the Cornelia Marie is still being re-fitted in Dutch Harbor... wonder if they'll attempt to look thoughtful and respectful and pay a visit to one of the most important of the sister network shows?
Good God I hope not. Kate wouldn't have a clue who Captain Phil was and would make some inappropriate and ignorant comment.
And they finally begin to surface. It's so nice to see what a wonderful time the kids are having in Alaska.Not!
Not a smile to be be found on these little used moneymakers.They all look miseable, as always. Kate looks as miserable to. The only thing she's happy about is the private room she and Stevie Boy get to share.
@Linda in NS--
And then Andy would show up. He's really very cute (aside from the new Trump hair) and I'm sure Geico pays well so he and Jon are making some green. She'd melt like butter on crab legs at a wealthy guy who does the manliest job on the planet.
In my version Sig offers to show her the inside of a pot and then locks her in.
Is this "Alaska" trip going to be a show?? TLC sure spends lots of money on a show that is losing viewers and going down the tubes. What gives? Does TLC realize we are in a recession, and nobody wants to watch this self absorbed narcissist go on trip after trip and then claim "poor". For once I just wish she would tell TLC forget the trip and donate the money to a deserving charity. Kate plus 8 is nothing but a commercial for the travel industry and should be on the Travel Channel. The whole thing is just disgusting. The future is bleak for this family, once these kids can get on their own.
My daughter has been to Alaska twice now w/ her grandparents at the age of 10 and 11. She enjoyed it and understood the beauty of the State.
I have to say that I am glad that Cara and Mady get to experience Alaska. They are around my daughter's age when she went and will probably understand the beauty of it and really enjoy the trip (for the most part - probably except for having to work and having to deal w/ their mom's meltdowns).... HOWEVER.... the 6 little ones... have no clue. They might get a thrill out of seeing a bear or two and if Kate allows them to do a whale watching tour, they might get a thrill out of that.
I just don't understand why Kate can't take a decent vacation w/ the kids w/out the cameras and w/out it being for "work". She doesn't do anything w/ these kids unless its to make a buck or two.
I'm still stunned from a comment from 2 entries ago.....does Sarah Palin REALLY ask "where is my retarded baby?" when asking for her youngest child? Is that really true? Seriously?
From the same woman who had a fit about a relatively innocuous comment someone made in the past regarding the disabled/Special Olympics?
I don't really see Kate as the "trip to Alaska" type. I see her as more of a "fun in the sun" resort type...sunshine, bikinis, etc....plenty of staff to order around, etc. I don't really see her enjoying roughing-it in Alaska.
If she said in the past that she'd like to go to Alaska, I suspect it was said in anticipation of a planned filming there for a show....and not her true preference. Traipsing around in the cold with lots of outwear on doesn't seem like something she'd choose on her own.....too rustic for her taste, I'd think....so I'm wondering just how happy and thrilled she's gonna look in that show....how many smiles versus frowns there will be. :)
What sad little faces....
The comment you are referring to was alledged by Levi Johnston, Sarah's future son-in-law. You might recall that last year he did a media blitz? IMO he figured the best way to make money and/or get his name out there was to stir things up. He posed for Playgirl and then Sarah referred to it as porn ... so the games continued.
Now Levi and Bristol are getting married and Sarah was not in the loop in being told about it so the games are continuing.
For the record I don't think Sarah would say such a thing about her son. In this case I consider the "source" and the fact that he is young.
SAHM is right about the little ones having no clue at this age, and I don't mean that in a bad way. When we were stationed in Germany our son was that age. We did alot of traveling throughout Europe and he doesn't really remember many of the trips, even when we show him the pictures. What he does remember are the weekends that we spent at the German indoor swimming pools. He also remembers the zoos. We went to the zoo in every city that we visited so maybe the G8 will get some enjoyment out of this trip.
Well I guess I'm not surprised that Kate eventually showed up ... I was pretty sure she had to be somewhere on this planet!
As for whether or not Kate knows who Sarah is, didn't I read somewhere that Kate said that her last book - the one that sold a measley 10,000 copies - was going to outsell Sarah's book?
I posted a link of Jon and his weight loss. But..I was thinking when I looked at them again, on a different gossip sight,I sat for a few minutes and thought...yes it is nice to finally see Jon coming back to the human race, but why the hell is he not working somewhere...anywhere !
Linda in NS said...
DLCF said...
I think the Cornelia Marie is still being re-fitted in Dutch Harbor... wonder if they'll attempt to look thoughtful and respectful and pay a visit to one of the most important of the sister network shows?
Good God I hope not. Kate wouldn't have a clue who Captain Phil was and would make some inappropriate and ignorant comment.
It's funny, a while back I posted about how it would be hilarious to see Kart wobbling around the deck of a crab boat with those hooker heels LOL. Now she's in Alaska. Poor Alaskans.
As for Captain Phil (RIP Captain-it's smooth sailing from now on), of course she wouldn't know who he was, or what a great man he was. He was not a Hollywood mover and shaker.
I would love to see Kate treated the same way the Wizard treats greenhorns. Now to me that would be funny, having these surly fishermen critisizing the way she does everything! LOL. I can see Monty and Keith now giving her and Steve good ole fashioned call down LOL. What a funny image.
And I bet Steve wouldn't last 1/2 hour on a crab boat up there! LOL.
Levi Johnson has since said he lied about Sarah Palin calling her baby that.
Oh and one more comment, I am amazed that Kate actually had the kids dressed appropriately. At least it seems like it's chilly day since they are wearing jackets. I'm surprised she's wearing one. Usually she likes to wear mini skirts and tank tops in February. And she has never dressed those kids for the appropriate weather conditions.
Then again, maybe it's like 80's degrees that day in Alaska but since Kate is ignorant about anything that is not about her, maybe she thinks Alaska has winter all year long?
What I said about poor Europeans now extends to Alaska. We were there last summer and I remember thinking we would love to come with our grandchildren when they were about 10, so I hope the twins enjoy the trip. Love to see the pics of entering a souvenir shop, which is for many the 'real' Alaska. What a shame. But really what else is left fot TLC - 6 year olds are not as cute rolling around their home as 2 year olds, so now it's the G8 Traveling Circus, at great expense, and yes, it's all about what Kate did not have as a child - attention, trips, the big house. Not a word anymore about her faith, or anything like that. That shark was jumped a whole long time ago.
Too bad her new values are giving her children and herself a lifestyle that none of them will be able to afford in a few years. Great parenting and role-modeling.
Admin, congrats on beating ROL to the news that Kate and the kids are in Alaska!
Yes, that's right, I went to ROL this morning and was stunned to see that TLC has not supplied them with any photos so ROL can let their readers know where Kate is this week.
Yet here on this blog, thanks to Twitter, you have the information complete with photos!
Again, way to go Admin!
Perhaps Kate is in Alaska to be interviewed by Sarah Palin for a position as her "speech-writer". I think it's a perfect match!
Levi did a big interview awhile back, I want to say for Vanity Faire or something like that, where he told all about Sarah Palin.
I never saw him retract and say that was a lie. Maybe he did but I never saw that.Anyway the interview was facinating and shocking....basically about how Sarah Palin is sort of a Kate-ish mother who doesn't enjoy the kids and always orders takeout and watches TV. Haven't seen her sue him for libel soooo....
While some people were skeptical, if you know a narccisist that article just made SENSE.
Yes, Levi said a LOT of things about the Palins. He also did an interview with People Mag on July 6th where he did say "Last year, after Bristol and I broke up, I was unhappy and a little angry. Unfortunately, against my better judgment, I publicly said things about the Palins that were not completely true."
He did not specify exactly what was "not completely true" however. LOL That is another circus and train wreck.
Admin btw, I LOVE the new design of your site. The artist did a GREAT job with the above pix of Jon and Kate!
I'm so glad I posted what I did at 7:34 am because 56 minutes later the story appears on ROL at 8:30 am.
Again, way to go Admin in beating TLC and ROL to the punch :)
Did anyone else notice that the kids actually have tennis shoes on instead of crocs?
I hope nobody takes this the wrong way, but I have to say it anyway.
With those kids making all the money they apparently have made and their famewhore mother, why are they always dressed like they were playing in the fields of "Little House"? They always look so unkept.
Hell, they have a mother,stand-in father bodyguard, and 2 nannys, and they look like ragbags !
I think Kate is a horrible mother, than cares only for herself. The kids are just there to allow her to live the lifestlye that she thinks she deserves.
I just hope that someday soon, someone will bring her back to the "Real World".
Hmmm. Comments to the Kate/Alaska photos on Radar have been disabled. I have been offline for a few days so this trip is news to me. Where people on Radar making mostly negative comments?
As a Canadian I'd like to thank you for the kind words about Canada. Our laws are stricter ... however ... were formed in light of the shameful lesson we learned years ago with the exploitation of constant filming the Dionne Quintuplets. History repeats itself. The Gosselin 8 are now reminding us all to always work to protect society's future generations from the hands of greedy parents and companies.
This is probably going to end up being a Kate Plus 8 special that segues to the premiere of Sarah Palin's show. It's TLC's perfect opportunity to rank in tv ratings having Kate Plus 8/Sarah Palin on the same night. (Although, there hasn't been much mentioned about Sarah Palin's reality show about Alaska. TLC paid a hefty sum to get her on their network.)
As for Deadliest Catch, in respect for Capt. Phil and the rest of the DC crew, I wouldn't want Kate near one of the best TRUE reality shows, if not one of the best TV shows period. She's in a different boat - a sinking boat, that is.
"Judy said...
Did anyone else notice that the kids actually have tennis shoes on instead of crocs?"
Yes, Judy, I did! I cannot tell in these pix, but when Kate showed packing the tennis shoes for them on their last (or was it the first trip) I noticed they were ALL had velcro closings. I remember that subject coming up before about the kids not knowing how to tie shoes. I cannot believe even at 6 they still might not be able to tie their shoes? Also somone must have told Kate to wear sensible shoes this time around. LOL
My thoughts about going on all of these trips, is so when TLC gets shut down, they will have plenty of footage in storage, so they are able to put together a few shows from the trips to wherever.
If this idiot would take her kids somewhere without a damm camera crew in tow maybe she wouldn't be so obvious, but then again how would she get her mug on the news..
Kate and kids are walking billboards and they can go anywhere in the world for free. Alaska Tourism is paying TLC millions of dollars to film a show there. In Canada, the Prince Edward Island government paid the Regis and Kelly show $2 million to bring their show to the Island. TV is is all about product placement and selling.
Hmm PuddymoorS, I dunno about that, you only have to look at the more famous, Australian children who are exploited as much, if not more (well one of them definitely is) than the Gosselins - the Irwins! Bindi is not a normal child - she's been exploited for so long now, it's her identity. I read somewhere that she did not know how to play with and interact with other kids (she's homeschooled). She has such a fake persona (overexaggerating, like her father) that whereas for Steve, it was part if his act, but sadly for Bindi, I believe it's really who she is. All because her mother has made her such a public figure. The Gosselin kids still have a chance - their lives are normal compared to Bindi and Bob's. They really live in a zoo lol. Hey, TLC probably saw how Bindi had to work through her father's death, with little to no time to mourn, and thought the Gs can do that too, after all, it's not like Jon died or anything! So, I believe our government would not care at all about the Gosselin kids welfare on a reality show. Then again, they pretty much stopped Big Brother here (so many politicians were against that show, so when it came down to it I think their opinions/influence had a big hand in it's demise).
Admin, in labeling each person in the photo, you missed the line-leader: Steve's up front, leading the whole group like any good, attentive dad -- I mean body guard -- would.
The only time these poor kids get to go anywhere or do anything is if it's filmed (i.e. on TLC's dime). Kate's so stingy that she won't even spend her own money to take her kids places so she has to wait and wring out as many trips and freebies out of TLC as she can. She'll spend thousands on hair, nails, tanning, clothes and shoes but she won't take her kids to the freakin Statue of Liberty unless someone else is picking up the tab.
Ironic that Kate resents her parents to this day for not taking her on trips as a kid. Her own children can resent her for the very same thing. She has never once taken them on a non-filmed, non-TLC sponsored trip. Therefore they have never been on a true vacation. Ever. Not even to Philly or New York or the beach.
as for the shoe comment those are the skechers she bought them to go on the Florida aka Sea World trip... but you might want to notice those shoes are NOT tennis shoes, they have holes in the sides... one of the pictures shoes Leah from the back and you can see her heel through the back of the shoe, she doesn't appear to be wearing socks either.
check out Leah's foot in this pic
They've only got another month left before school starts. I wonder how many free trips they can jam in before then for filming?
Congrats for beating ROL to the punch, Admin! lol
Regarding that picture, Sienna:
If looks could kill, Mady would have wiped out the entire camera crew!
YAY, Mady!
Alexis looks like she wants NONE of that crap anymore... poor kid just is bored as hell.
"Traipsing around in the cold with lots of outwear on doesn't seem like something she'd choose on her own.....too rustic for her taste,"
That's probably why she chose to do it before the weather gets brutal. It's in the 60s there right now. And at least there is a non-stop flight from Philly to Anchorage and they didn't have to go through the lay-overs and flight changes.
Heyt OzNTM. I'd never thought about Bindi Irwin like that. I suppose because she doesn't have a reality TV show. You raise some intersting points.
I must say that I saw Bindi on TV the other night (7pm Program) and both she and Robert were beautifully poised and well spoken.
to westcoaster, thanks for the apt Title: Traveling Circus. It really tells all.
The sad thing about it for the kids even if they were having a good time and excited about the trip, they are not allowed to act joyous around their mother.
to westcoaster, thanks for the apt Title: Traveling Circus. It really tells all.
Ironic that Kate resents her parents to this day for not taking her on trips as a kid. Her own children can resent her for the very same thing. She has never once taken them on a non-filmed, non-TLC sponsored trip. Therefore they have never been on a true vacation. Ever. Not even to Philly or New York or the beach.
Hmmm. Comments to the Kate/Alaska photos on Radar have been disabled. I have been offline for a few days so this trip is news to me. Where people on Radar making mostly negative comments?
Levi did a big interview awhile back, I want to say for Vanity Faire or something like that, where he told all about Sarah Palin.
I never saw him retract and say that was a lie. Maybe he did but I never saw that.Anyway the interview was facinating and shocking....basically about how Sarah Palin is sort of a Kate-ish mother who doesn't enjoy the kids and always orders takeout and watches TV. Haven't seen her sue him for libel soooo....
While some people were skeptical, if you know a narccisist that article just made SENSE.
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