How does Kate stack up against her competition? We break it down:
Pam Anderson. She's incredibly fit, which is good for dancing, and she has expe

rience dancing ...
topless on Elton John's piano. She's worked hard her whole life and will undoubtedly work very, very hard at this, too. Moreover, we have first-hand knowledge that Pam Anderson trumps Kate in the Mommy department. Your administrator once nannied for a good friend of son Brandon Lee's, and saw Anderson
chaperone a school dance, pick up Brandon and Dylan from school, volunteer in class, and never miss a Pop Warner football game. Good for her. She'll make it past the half-way mark.
ad Ochocinco. Probably only on the list to try to bring in a few male viewers, or at least not completely torture our husbands and boyfriends when we tune in. Football can be technical and very physical, but it's not dancing. No guarantees he will "get it." Also has a history of injuries. And those teeth will weigh him down. Won't make it to the half-way point.
Buzz Aldrin. Have you ever heard of a mechanical engineer who can danc

e? We didn't think so. But his extensive military background means he's going to learn all these dances or die trying. Still, he's 80 years old. Won't make it to the half-way point. Maybe even out first.
Evan Lysacek. We enjoyed watching his cute Gold Medal self at the Vancouver Olympics b

eat that Russian who looks like Adrien Brody with a bowl cut. Olympians traditionally do very well on
DWTS. Speed skater
Apolo Ono, and ice skaters Kristi
Yamaguchi and Shawn Johnson all won their seasons. Olympians come to the competition already in top physical form, and they know the time and dedication it takes to learn something and learn it well--that's why they have medals. Did we mention how cute he is? I'm glad I don't have the baggage of eight kids if I ever run into him. As an ice skater,
Lysacek understands music, lines, and everything else it takes to do this kind of thing well. Final three and he can win, easily.
cy Nash. Oh, God, she is so annoying on her stupid show Clean House! She is so annoying in general! And she looks like a drag queen! Probably won't make it to the half-way point, but she could be a wild card, who knows. She will be a lot funnier than Kate, and her weave is better, which means Kate will see her as huge competition.

Aiden Turner. Oh, my eyes hurt. He's adorable, and English. The English have done well on this show. But he has to commute back to the East Coast just like Kate--that's where he lives. It's tough doing that commute every week, and he has a wife and baby at home. Doesn't make it to the second half.
in Andrews. Another cast member added to try to draw in male viewers. Yawn, come on guys, she's not even that pretty. However, she has sizable dance experience. In college she was on the University of Florida's competitive basketball dance team. Will work hard and has some dirty moves up her sleeve. Top half.
Shannen Doherty. She's a beast! And she's Kate's biggest competition in the female depar

tment next to Nicole
Scherzinger. Shannen has been acting her little heart out since she played Jenny on Little House on the Prairie. She can relate to being a child star and she and Kate will be instant enemies if Kate isn't too busy hating Neicy Nash and her weave. She also has extensive horseback riding experience, which can actually translate quite well to dancing in terms of posture and form. Also competes with Kate for creepiest wonky eye.
Doherty is determined enough to make it to the top three, for sure.

Nicole Scherzinger. She's a true professional dancer with The Pussycat Dolls, and has some acting experience to. If she cares enough about this, she will make it to the top three.
Jake Pavelka. Oh, so that's why the cast was announced on The Bac

helor. Gimmicky! Pavelka claims he can dance, but he's spent too many hours above the dance floor in his plane to take that seriously. He'll be beautiful eye-candy for a few weeks, then he's gone in the first half.
11. Finally, t

he one and only
KATE GOSSELIN! Kate has no acting, dancing, or performing experience that we know of. Running around shrieking at your children and husband while a production crew tapes it all is not acting. She's comfortable around cameras and media, but so is everyone else in this competition. But the reason she makes it to the top half? Voters will keep her on for awhile just to see what she will do or say next. Also, she loves money enough to dance her heart out for it, like waving a banana in front of a trained monkey and watching what happens. She makes it to fifth place.
Top Three: Nicole Scherzinger, Shannan Doherty, Evan Lysacek. Winner: Evan Lysacek
Kate: Fifth place
Kate will feud with: Shannon Doherty and Neicy Nash. Most women.
Kate will get along with: Umm .... crickets. Buzz Aldrin? She lets him meet the kids, they love him as a surrogate Grandpa, then she estranges him four weeks later.
15 sediments (sic) from readers:
I posted this on your other DWTS thread too. It links to ABC/DWTS message board
Niecy Nash: ..."She will be a lot funnier than Kate, which means Kate will see her as huge competition."
I had to laugh when I read this one. My first thought, my old ratty houseshoe is funnier than Kate.
Admin. Isn't 11th contestant The bachelor from tonight? I didn't even pay attention to his name since I don't watch.
I was just on TMZ reading about Erin Andrews being on DWTS. Interesting but they left Kate off of the list of "stars" competing. I wonder if that was an error or because Harvey Levin hates the Gosselins. Funny any way you look at it.
Yes the initial list I saw didn't have him on it. But he's confirmed so I added him. 11 cast members.
I keep meaning to say something about Kate having to go back to PA to be with the kids.
Come off it! She will be dancing the whole time, what is the point??? But Kate is caught between a rock and a hard place. She can't stay in LA for 10 weeks, how would that look? So she sort of "has to" go back to PA even if she's training the whole time, to "be with the kids." Doesn't exactly fit her image to stay in LA even if she'd prefer to. I bet the handlers told her she has no choice.
I think so too and I think she's probably not very happy about it. The Days Inn (if she needs to make it an overnighter) certainly isn't the Beverly Wilshire Four Seasons in LA, is it?
A hundred dollars on Evan Lysacek to win.
Off subject slightly -- but thank you Administrator for making the heading more readable for those of us having trouble.
I think Niecy Nash will be more sympathetic to Jon after spending time with Kate. She ripped him on The Insider.
Also, Kate was on Kimmel last night, it's on you tube already. For all the practice wearing high heels, she lacks grace when she walks. Clodhoppers comes to mind when I watch her walk.
Hi all,
I was just on TMZ. They have a little clip of the "stars" going to celebrate at a nightclub. Kate is the 1st one to go in. She does not talk to TMZ, but, Steve walks in right behind Kate. You only see the back of his head, but, it's him. He's still around.
I hate to say it but Teflon Kate will win. Somehow this jerk has something us mere mortals don't have. Clout. She will win because she has 8 count 'em 8 kids, is a single parent, and can't pay the bills she carries in her super-sized purse. Never watched DWTS. Never will.
Who knows...maybe there will be a Palin-Gosselin ticket in the future. Now THAT would be scary.
Hi my9cats,
Well, I have enjoyed reading your posts at several sites. Do not fear my9cats. The scoring for their dances are half from the judges, the other half of their total points are the call ins. Call-ins alone will not win for Katie Irene, no matter how many times her kids and BabyMama and Sage call in.
Hi my9cats,
Well, I have enjoyed reading your posts at several sites. Do not fear my9cats. The scoring for their dances are half from the judges, the other half of their total points are the call ins. Call-ins alone will not win for Katie Irene, no matter how many times her kids and BabyMama and Sage call in.
Hi all,
I was just on TMZ. They have a little clip of the "stars" going to celebrate at a nightclub. Kate is the 1st one to go in. She does not talk to TMZ, but, Steve walks in right behind Kate. You only see the back of his head, but, it's him. He's still around.
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