Last time …. The graphics guys had a lot of fun making Buzz’s lower body a rocket ship and blasting him off into the world of cast-offs, and to having his life back. All the dancers salute him, and Kate finally catches on to what the party is doing and salutes too, talking and laughing as she does so while everyone else shows quiet dignified respect.
Coming up, they are getting really gimmicky this season. Tonight they will get two scores--for Performance and Technique. I like how the preview clip of Kate is just her shrieking … still think everyone on DWTS loves her? I kind of don’t mind all the ratings gimmicks. I find this show inexplicably mind-numbing, and all this stuff relieves my boredom ever so slightly, such that I feel like maybe I’m reading Moby Dick, instead of War and Peace.
Live! This is Dancing … With the Stars!
I hate the part where the stars come down the stairs for like ten minutes, it’s like a bad cruise ship variety show. Neicy’s boobs are huge, I mean huge. Why is this never talked about? Derek trips, haha. When you’re seven-years-old you’re still rather clumsy.
Tony is in all black leather and chains, he looks like Zorro and Michael Jackson had a baby. I think Kate looks surprisingly decent tonight, she has on this silver metallic sleeveless number with a really flowy skirt, like a really expensive prom dress, and her hair is pulled back modestly with flowy tendrils. Tony’s smile at this point looks like a Ken doll, and why does he keep avoiding our eyes? Maybe he’s embarrassed at the nonsense he says in their segment, which we’ll go into later.
Len, Bruno, and Carrie Ann sit down in an empty room at this round table with a black table cloth. It‘s all dark and smoky. They look like they’re in the basement of an Italian restaurant in Queens discussing how they’re going to cause an unlucky accident to befall the guy who ran over the boss’s 12-year-old. But really they’re just talking about what a terrible dancer Kate is and how she‘s going to butcher The Tango. They give the other dancers some constructive criticism and then some professionals come out to show us how The Tango is really done, with pyrotechnics! Cool, but wouldn’t that be a lot more appropriate to save for the Bitch from Hell?
Erin Andrews. She says her favorite athletes are those who never talk about their injuries and don‘t lose any playing time. Exactly. Are you hurt, or just injured? I love Erin so much for this statement (and by the way, I‘m the biggest Penn State fan you‘ve ever met this side of the Mississippi, and Joe Paterno‘s team never complains!). I think this philosophy could apply to emotional turmoil as well, or anything rough going on in your life. Just get out there and get on with it, quit your crying. Because I can, I’m going to take this as a passive aggressive dig at Kate, even though I don’t think she meant it that way. After all, they went out of the way last week to prove to us that Erin and Kate are “friends” because they text on their iphones! I think she is getting better and better every week, this is a real treat. Her Tango really shows off her long legs. Technique: 18 out of 30. Performance: 21 out of 30. 39 out of 60, rather underscored I think.
Evan. I like that he’s doing The Tango, he could be a young Al Pacino. When you’re a nanny you meet a lot of other nannies, and I once was actually pretty good friends with someone who worked for Al Pacino. One year Al Pacino didn’t have a date for the Oscars … so he took Ariana. It was maybe five years ago? I know some sheeple out there don’t believe my stories, so I suppose you could dig around for old Oscar pics to find him with the nanny. Believe me a lot of celebs would not do that, they would sooner hire an escort than take the lowly “staff,” especially the nanny who is just a step above the Guatemalan gardener. Flashbacks to 1998 and The Backstreet Boys, they’re using a chair as a prop. I do not think The Tango works with “Boy Why You Trippin’ Like That.” Have you ever noticed Brooke always passes the microphone back and forth in slow motion? Technique: 26/30. Performance: 26/30. 52 out of 60.

It’s back to the basement for the judges. Leave the gun, take the cannolis, says Lenny. It’s not personal, Kart, it’s business, says Bruno. In Sicily lifts are more dangerous than shotguns, Crazy Ann opines. Why did you go to the police, why didn't you come to me first? the Godfather demands. Lenny, Bruno, and Carrie Ann are total mob names, which makes this all the more hysterical. The professionals show us the real Rumba, to Kelly Clarkson. This show.
Neicy has to rehearse on the set of Clean House. I never got that show. Is it Hoarders (yeah, it wishes it were that awesome)? Is it about how to throw a great garage sale? Is it a forum for Neicy to tell dumb jokes? Trading Spaces? It tries to be all of that and as a result, is inexplicably obnoxious, which is why it’s buried up in cable no man’s land somewhere about 1 a.m. on channel 312 or some such. Neicy works 10 to 12 hour days on the Clean House set, then after rehearses. Wasn’t Kate just remarking how she puts in a long and exhausting six hours of work each day? Phew! The thing is, the sort of sad truth about making it in show business? You have to be that rare person willing to put in 10 to 12 hour days on the set, then rehearse for hours and hours after it‘s a wrap. If you don‘t want to do the time, you probably don’t make it. Lots of coffee and possibly speed helps. Neicy also suggests an angel. Ha, what? Realize that most people do not just fall into celebrity (as Kate so wants us to believe), they work like dogs to get there at the expense of everything else including their time. It is a strange anomaly to see someone as lazy and worn down as Kate be this famous for this long. There’s something missing in Neicy’s Rumba. The judges try to figure it out, Len saying there were no highlights and Bruno saying she was in a trance. Yowser, big bitch face from Neicy; Kate, you’ve got some competition. Technique: 18/30. Performance: 18/30. 36 out of 60.
Why does Aiden always sound like he has a bad head cold? Is it just his British accent? Pretty much everyone still has other commitments to take care of during DWTS, but Kate still thinks she wrote the book on multi-tasking and also you better give her a medal for flying back to PA every week (for just one day this week), and the medal should be mounted too. And since it’s DWTS, have glitter on it. For Aiden, he had to do a cruise this week. Oh, Susan Lucci is here. Did I mention Tony brought her all the way to sixth place? The woman was like 63. She wasn’t qualified to tell him how she should learn things. Edyta is wearing pretty much nothing. She literally has one metallic sleeve and some pasties on. This wasn’t that good, I think his biggest problem is they have absolutely no chemistry, pasties or not. He’s just one of those guys who is so fiercely devoted to his wife and baby he’s never going to look that good with another woman. Technique: 15/30. Performance: 18/30. 33 out of 60.
Up next, Pussycat and the Kid. Derrick is scarfing down potato chips, I hope the boy knows that will just make the acne worse. Naturally Pussycat’s Rumba is excellent, although it looks like she’s wearing a bed sheet, which I find rather inappropriate actually. Isn’t Ballroom Dancing sort of supposed to be something classy and dignified? Americans insist on adding sex to everything, it’s a shame I think. Americans would find a way to sex up bocce ball if they could. By the way if you missed it the first 22 times they told us, Tom Burgeron is going to be on Castle tonight. My friend keeps telling me what a great show that is, but my Tivo is already away from her kids almost as much as Kate, I hate to ask her to do one more thing. Technique: 25/30. Performance: 25/30. 50 out of 60. Pussycat is tearful, aww wasn’t that good enough for the dance major/professional dancer?
The Bachelor. His Tango looks pretty traditional. It’s weird how he’s smiling goofily, I thought it was supposed to be a really serious dance. He trips a little on his shoe but he keeps going. The judges criticize the technique, which they’re right about. The connection is missing. Technique: 19/30. Performance: 19/30. 38 out of 60.
Kate’s finally up, not exactly last, but close enough. Last week: Paparazzi. What in the holy fuck baby Jesus hail Mary blesset art thou among women was that? is all I have to say. Do you see the incredible irony that Kate’s whole story was how much she “hates” the Paparazzi, and yet in her book, which we got our grubby little hands on yesterday, Kate says, and I quote, “I truly enjoy the campaigns, books, shows, media.” Do those two things really reconcile? Drink every time Kate lies in this segment. On second thought don’t, you better not, you’ll end up drunker than a Southern Baptist Preacher at a High School Dance.
Once again, her segment is basically, “waa, waa, waa.” Tony is acting like he’s falling for this, which is incredibly disappointing. First Kate claims she’s been going through shit for two years. Wait just a minute. Did Kate just get Kaught? We long suspected that the marriage has been a sham for years. In August 2008, she and Jon renewed their vows in Hawaii, promising to be together forever. That’s a year and a half ago, not two years. So, that REALLY WAS a sham! Good to finally see her admit it.
Kate next claims that she wakes up every morning and checks the news to see what her day will bring. Hopefully she also checks our blog, which is the most up to date on her shenanigans/lies if you don‘t mind my saying so! And she can pull it up on her iphone! First of all, though, that’s incredibly unhealthy. Most very famous people will tell you not to read the tabloids, they will just make you ill. Second of all, I thought she didn’t care what the press says. Now she wakes up every day hanging on their every word? How sad for you that you base your day around what some 25-year-old writer who really would prefer to work for The New Yorker is saying about you in US Weekly. I think she just likes to read about herself in print, she gets off on it, but Kate tries to play it like they are causing her to have poor self-esteem and all those magazines just want to be big meanies to her.
Kate then brings up the custody stuff going on right now. Aren’t her kids at home watching this with five nannies and eight bowls of popcorn? Kate is so majorly busted right now thanks to Jon finally retaining a real lawyer at least half as good as I am, let me count the ways. I have to work and my ex is a deadbeat … but Jon pays you 22k in child support a month: BUSTED. Jon is an absent father who never sees his kids …. But you control his visitation schedule and won’t let him see them and now he‘s filing so you don‘t have the final say anymore. BUSTED. This is all for the kids …. But you just put it in writing in your book this is all for the publicity. BUSTED again! I love it. Let’s keep going!
Tony then says, “If you fail this week, he wins. Will you let that happen?” I’m trying not to lose all respect for Tony because I actually really like him, but that statement is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard, and absolutely something the children have no business ever hearing. In fact several judges (bench officers, not DWTS panel people) I know would give Kate a serious smackdown for discussing an open family law case involving five-year-old children on national TV and accusing their father of just trying to “win“ something. If I were the judge, I would threaten to hold her in contempt of a court order if she discusses the case publicly one more time. I can only hope Tony was just saying that to get Kate to suck it up and get back to rehearsing, I don’t know. First of all, Tony, I love you, but DWTS has absolutely nothing to do with Jon, I don‘t think Jon really cares what all campy D-lister reality shows Kate embarrasses herself on, the point is she is not home. And Jon doesn’t want Kate to fail nor is he trying to “win“. He wants the kids when Kate is not home, what is so damn terrible or hard to understand about this? Kate, you are never home! Why can’t the children be with their father when you aren’t? Everything Jon has said about her being on this show has been very supportive. It’s not all about Kate, as Tony and Kate are spinning it. The suit wasn‘t filed to screw Kate over. I know that‘s hard for her to understand since everything she‘s ever done in court was to screw Jon. But see, unlike Kate, Jon actually goes to court for the kids. This is about the kids being with their father more, and a mother who is never home. Was not even home a full DAY this week (see the Kate Kalendar, where travel days count as whole days to us, giving Kate the benefit of the doubt). That’s all it’s about, pure and simple. Of course we all know what the custody suit is really about, we’re not stupid, and we’re not falling for this narcissistic mumbo-jumbo confusing the issue and other lame victimish tactics. God I hope the rest of America isn’t falling for this either, I have faith.
Kate wants us to believe that all the contestants have huge advantages. Okay, I’ll give her Evan and Erin. But The Bachelor has an advantage because he loves performing? Haha, oh, Kate. I don’t think anyone loves performing more than you, that’s impossible.
More waa-waa-waa, Tony doesn’t deserve her (actually you don‘t deserve Tony!), I can’t get voted off or I‘ve quit, I don‘t believe in myself---Oh, shut the fuck up and all that jazz.
Here we go, The Tango. It’s a shock to be able to watch this without wanting to tear my hair out one strand at a time. It’s an improvement. Kate’s nailing her footwork although it‘s simple, her expressions are right for a Tango--in other words she doesn‘t look like she‘s passing a kidney stone tonight, and she’s got a few moves up her sleeve, like the way Tony spins her around over his knee for the finale. Of course when the first week you were a Shopping Kart, the second you were a Stepford Wife, and the third you were a Bitch From Hell, how can you go anywhere but up? I predict the judges are going to be pleasantly surprised, and sadly, we’re not going to get a good Bruno-ism this week. Aw.
The folks who post on the blog are hysterical. I hope Kelly doesn’t mind I repeat a few observations from him: He says watching Kate is like waterboarding, Tony looked like a striped bass being off loaded onto the cutting board, and Kelly’s Yorkie can lift his leg better. Haha!
Bruno calls it a “mini breakthrough.” For a moment, he actually believed she was dancing. I agree, for a moment, I wasn’t sick to my stomach. Carrie Ann has respect for her, although calls her out on a lift. Have you seen Kate dance/stomp around? Carrie Ann is truly worried about a lift? Tony argues with Carrie Ann a bit about the lift, and man he got pis

I think it’s nice that Len points out it’s easier to have a partner who’s really talented (cough, Derek). Instead, Tony has a tough assignment and he’s got such mad Shopping Kart skills by now he should own a Ralph’s. “Kate is speechless, this is awesome,” Tony quips backstage. If Jon knew all he had to do to get Kate to STFU was Tango with her? I’m guessing he wouldn’t be dolling out 22k in child support right now. Technique: 14/30. Performance: 18/30. 32 out of 60. Scores aren’t too great for all the praise the judges gave them.
There are a number of conspiracy theories going around as to why Kate’s Tango was so much better than her other three dances. I don’t really know, but I think my take right now is it was a combination of things. She got a lot of quiet rehearsal time since she spent most of the week in NY, not with the kids. The Tango is easier--the steps are simple, it’s easy to stay on beat, it plays to some of her, um, strengths, if you can call it that. And the way the Tango works is Tony does a lot of leading and guiding, Kate is not left to stomp away on her own which is always when it gets really really bad.
Ochocinco. I think he gets better every dance. This is a little disjointed though. Carrie Ann liked his hip action. They are together, it‘s official. Chad gave her a ring/ROCK, and it’s on her engagement finger. Technique: 21/30. Performance: 23/30. 44 out of 60.
Pam Anderson. Just a quick story this week, Pam volunteers in Dylan and Brandon’s classes. Their public school may be “good” (and these days in CA, that‘s not saying much), but they still require donations, parent volunteers, etc., just like every other public school. Most celebs send the nanny to volunteer, it’s part of your job as a nanny. In fact most celebs even put the nanny’s cell phone on class phone lists. I know because I was on one. The school requires either a parent or nanny to volunteer in class at least a few times a month. Pam does it. Pam does it every single time. In jeans, a t-shirt, and no makeup. Just hands on Mommy. If Pam or her people ever by chance happen to stumble upon this, I want her to know what a gift of love and security she is giving Brandon and Dylan. Something I fear the Gosselin Eight may never truly experience. Is she a perfect Mommy? No, no one is. But she’s a THERE Mommy. And frankly, 90% of motherhood is just being a presence in your children’s day-to-day lives, I firmly believe this. Leave your children enough, and they learn not to depend on you, to be able to get along without you. And let me tell you speaking as a nanny, it’s really heartbreaking to see an eight-year-old who has already learned how to get by without his mother.
Pam is single right now, frankly those moments are few and far between. I think one of her biggest flaws is her dependence on men. She’s dated everyone and your mother. I am going to cry, this is beautiful. She looks like an angel. “I Can’t Make You Love Me” just seems so appropriate for Pam. She’s had all these failures in the men department, several failed marriages, miscarriages, Tommy Lee gave her Hepatitis C, and here we are now and she’s got two middle school aged boys and she‘s alone. You can tell she really, really wants to have Prince Charming in her life for her and the boys, but it‘s almost like she‘s not sure she really deserves it. She deserves it, I hope she knows that. The judges love it, just a few nitpicks with her arms. Technique: 23/30. Performance: 24/30. 47 out of 60, good job Pam!
By the way don’t forget to watch Tom on Castle!
Results show: Aiden gets voted off. At least his scores really weren’t that much better than Kart’s. This could start to get really violent if she stays longer than say a Pussycat Doll or Erin or Evan. Just in case there is any confusion, just because they always wait until the very last second to tell us Kate is safe, doesn’t mean she’s not getting the most votes. We have no idea how close she is to the bottom because they don’t tell us that. For all we know she could be winning every round of this, which is frightening. But I also think by manipulating it so she’s almost last every time, it makes fans nervous and gets them to vote more, which I find inherently unfair. You need to rotate the people who finish almost last week to week, it is not fair to use Kate every … single …. time.
Next week, the gimmicks continue. They’re supposed to do a song from a movie. I like this since as much as I watch too much bad TV, I’m almost a bigger movie buff. I’m trying to decide what would be my wet dream movie for Kate: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? Psycho? Wait, wait …. Mommy Dearest, of course! No …. wire …. hangers!
32 sediments (sic) from readers:
I'm actually a little confused. Wasn't that last dance move of theirs considered a lift? Weren't both of her feet off the ground?
I think it was a lift, I just think it's ridiculous Carrie Ann is being that picky when Kate is so disasterous in so many other areas.
Admin.. Are you going to be posting a review on the Amazon site? They really could use a few more!
Oh.. We have our own chat room!
I'll review it on Amazon but I have to read it first! I'm going to try to read it this weekend.
OK.. Off to bed with me. I had to wait until husband finished Mafia Wars before I could use it. Will be checking here right after the hearing tomorrow. Should be interesting! G'night!
Well done!!
I am just amazed that Tony could actually lift that buffalo! Must have taken everything he had to lift those thunder thighs.
Great recap. BTW, I've heard Tony and Carrie Ann use to date. I remember reading about it somewhere.
Wonderful. Great recap. I'm grateful you're taking one for the team... or two... or three.
How is foul language going to help protect the kids?
I'm having a problem keeps telling me it's "bxw89vit"...some sort of problem with "blogger"(?)
And she gets another week to show that she is not a mom.
I think she should the movie Jaws, Best little Horror house in Texas, or even cats. But, how much monkey munch you bet it is gonna be a movie the Gosselin children want her to dance too.
This is the way it is. Her 15 minutes is on a time out. But, with all the re imaging & PR she is still the Nasty & Wicked Kate, the tabloid staple. seems that it won't allow me to post one that's long. I've tried multiple times. So let me figure out how to divide it in half...I'll have to go and split it into a WORD document so I don't lose the 2nd half when I go to post the first half.
Boy, hope I don't mess this up. Not all that familiar on using WORD on a MAC computer. I learned on Microsoft...but let me try. First third:
Shoot, just lost a really long comment I'd written. It said the problem was "bX-w89vit", whatever that means....some sort of "blogger" problem.
I'll have to remember to copy this one before I try to post it. I can't believe I lost that it's the longest one I've ever written here (maybe it was just TOO long, actually. Well, let's see if I can summarize what I'd written (or even remember, lol).
First...BRAVO to the administrator for a GREAT recap. This was better than most of the articles I've read recently. I didn't watch the elimination last evening...and in fact, rarely watch anything with Kate in it anymore because I can quickly get the recaps here.
However, I was quite ambivalent about whether I wanted to see Kate voted off...but was heavily leaning towards NOT wanting her voted off...mainly because the longer she's on, the more it corroborates Jon's claims in this latest custody (and child support) battle. Not to mention all these TV appearances now scheduled.
She's literally handing damaging evidence against her to Jon's attorney on a silver platter. In fact, to me, it looks like she's flipping the bird/giving the big FU to the family court in PA. by just scheduling even MORE appearances. Great move, Kate. I'd imagine lawyers must love to cross-examine narcissists...or even just go up against a narcissist in any legal action. I'm picturing Mr. List's paralegals scrambling to collect all this damaging evidence Kate's so happily giving them.
OK, part 2 of 3:
I went over to read the Amazon book reviews, after learning about these from others here. And surprise! The big Kate fan over there is accusing (in fact, seems to be totally confident) that those giving the negative reviews did NOT read the book...and there are several there where it's very clear that the negative reviewer read the book, IMO. Classic fan accusation. Right up there with "you're just jealous".
In addition to concern for the Gosselin children, other issues that really interest and fascinate me about this entire debacle are 1) learning all about the machinations of an entertainment corporation/TLC and all the dirty dealings that seem to go on behind the scenes and how much control and influence they seem to have in terms of spin....literally creating a celebrity out of someone who has NO talent or redeeming qualities, actually. I've learned about a whole host of things I'd had no idea went on in the entertainment industry. I'd only known of this level of spin in the political arena.
And 2) also very fascinated by the fans (sheeple) phenomenon. I prefer to call them fans because 1) I'm not sure every single fan is a sheeple...a term I consider to mean having a serious lack of critical-thinking skills (and some may just not realize what is really going on) and 2) some of them actually qualify as child abuse advocates, IMO. I was horrified about many of the fan responses supporting hitting children after that episode where Kate was caught on camera hitting her little daughter. I never hit my sons and they turned out to be wonderful adults....I don't support hitting children...and certainly NOT for just blowing a whistle.
And part 3 of 3
I've been intrigued by the predictable responses of the fans to opinions they do not like. I moderate a message board r/t a particular medical issue....specifically, a particular treatment for this medical issue. We've been stealth-bombed by the equivalent of the fans/sheeple by those who do NOT LIKE and are threatened (for no reasonable or valid reason) by the choice of treatment chosen by the board and the regular members/posters. And their first accusations were that the board members were "Jealous". And in this particular situation...ANY ONE of the members with this particular medical issue could have changed their mind and switched over to the treatment chosen by the it was totally and completely ridiculous.....just to show you that it doesn't matter if it makes sense or not. How could any of our board members possibly be jealous if they could/can go and get the exact same treatment that the accusers were/are using?
These folks will follow the same predictable pattern...."you're just jealous".....and eventually deteriorating to ad hominem attacks, usually questioning the mental stability of the ones whose opinion they are threatened by.
And if you compare the fan responses to the non-fan responses all over the can see that although they call us "haters", they are clearly much more hateful and more concerned with our opinions than we are of theirs. They seem to take our opinions much more seriously than we take theirs. They certainly don't seem to be chuckling at our opinions. Not that there has not been some really nasty things said on both sides...but in general, they seem much more upset and angry that our opinions happen to differ from theirs. I have rarely, if ever, seen a non-fan come across as thinking that the fans are not ENTITLED to their opinion. That they should not be allowed to have the opinion that disagrees with theirs.
This comment/post is turning out to be way too long in conclusion, I would like to again congratulate the administrator on a great recap and also on having a GREAT blog. I used to come and read here often back when the Gosselins were getting divorced because I loved to get info and questions answered by a real attorney here. Later, I'd not realized the name had been changed but am SO glad I came across a link and found it again. I think this is just a fantastic blog....I really enjoy reading it and participating.
(OK..let me now go and copy it just in case)
Whew...can't believe I figured out how to make it a document and copy it in sections.:o)
Hey Admin! I know/knew one of Al Pacino's bodyguards, Tom. Great guy. That's nice he brought his nanny with him to the Oscars.
LMAO! at Michael Jackson and Zorro's baby, Tony.
It's funny that the "fans" (not all) are just as obsessed as the "non-fans" are. Even more so because not only are they obsessed with Kate but they are obsessed with the non-fans too.
They follow all the hate blogs, and keep tabs of all the comments against Kate.
They complain that the "haters" email companies so they email the same companies and warn them about the haters. Then they email the blogs and websites and media outlets to complain that people make negative comments about Kate.
They stand vigil at to monitor the tags and discussions.
So not only do they know about all things Kate, but they know about all things anti-Kate. It's pretty funny.
"They complain that the "haters" email companies so they email the same companies and warn them about the haters. Then they email the blogs and websites and media outlets to complain that people make negative comments about Kate."
Seriously? I can't even figure out the logic of that. I mean, wouldn't the companies be like "gee thanks, but we'd figure that out ourselves when we read them." What exactly do they warn the companies OF? Some people who don't like Kate Gosselin are going to e-mail them and complain? And are going to tell the company that they will no longer buy the advertised product as long as they continue to be advertisers for her?
How is that in any way accomplishing anything? What could they pre-warn them about that would give them some sort of advantage or edge to get ahead of this?
That's pretty comical...unless I'm just somehow not able to figure out the logical angle of it.
I always find myself seeing a 14-15 year old teen girl typing when I read the fan comments. I just can't picture them as adults. I felt almost touched back in the beginning....thought they were pre-teens who had no clue what the real world is like for adults. That it was just pre-teen typical fantasy-land. I still have some degree of difficulty seeing them as adults when I read the fan comments...even though now I know most of them are probably adults.
When you go to more mainstream CNN, for example, you will see many more negative Kate comments than you'll see at certain celebrity fan sites, esp. ROL. I don't even check there at all's pointless. I just get the impression that Kate fans are more likely to be celebrity site readers whereas the average mainstream media commenter tends to be more of a non-fan, rather than a fan. The non-fans outnumber the fans on those particular least that's how it appears to me. (I'm trying to be tactful here, SchmeckyGirl...referring to education level, if you follow me) ;)
I do know what you mean. I think you see that at places like ROL. Those kinds of fans I understand. However, I know quite a few die-hard Kate fans that seem quite mature and intelligent and those are the ones that I don't understand.
The ones that I really don't understand are the ones that agree that Kate has made them cringe or that don't like how she treated Jon (and some others) yet they still defend her. I don't get it. I don't care if she's a mother of 8 kids and is driven and doesn't give up, etc. There are plenty of other women to admire that have those qualities but treat others with respect.
I'm sorry but I can't overlook how she treated her husband (who she supposedly loved) and I don't care if she's outwardly nice and friendly to all the celebrities around her. Of course she's going to be... she's happy in that element and she's not stupid... Once she realizes all her moves are being reported she's going to behave.
It's how you treat someone when they are "lower" than you are, when you are not in a glorious environment, and when you are stressed or not in a great mood that counts. Having a bad day is not a reason to treat someone disrespectfully. Ever.
Why is it that NO ONE in the media (TV, WEB, Mags,) brings up the rumored deal Kate's PR people negotiated for her? Guaranteed the most amount of money and not to leave B4 a certain date (that how she knew she "would miss the other's dancing")
DWTS is now offically rigged! They must not care how the public or Fans of the show feel. Why even bother voting if they are just stacking the Celebs (and kate) in the order they want?
See, I don't actually know anyone who is a Kate fan. In fact, nobody here but me really follows her. A poster named Linda G. wrote a great paragraph on a different topic...I'll have to see if I can find it....commenting on why people support Kate...and I thought it sounded really on the money.
She referred to women who had similar issues and also women who focus in on just one aspect (such as a guy cheating on them and relating to Kate on this one issue)...and ignoring all the other facts and behavior. They think Kate's situation, about one specific thing, is exactly like they only zone in on that. This sounded quite reasonable to me, as I have seen many fans seem to specifically focus on one specific aspect.
I'll see if I can find Linda G.'s comment.
Troy Chula Vista~
I do know that the rumors of DWTS being rigged are all over the internet. I don't usually watch the celebrity news shows on TV but from reading on the internet, my perspective on this is that IF there was any rigging done, it was a decision based on riding the wave of the train-wreck factor and going for big ratings right now...BUT...that I personally think that they could be running the risk of alienating their core fans.
If a contestant is obviously not a good dancer and not nearly as good as others on the show and if the show is seen by their core fans AS a dancing competition, not as a popularity contest...they would be turned off to the show, I'd suspect.
And if there were huge suspicions that rigging was done, they would also lose fans, IMO.
dee3 -
That's what I dont understand. They seem to be less concerned with core fans than short term ratings. I hope the ratings tank next season and they realize the error of thier ways. DWTS stars can't even call itself a popularity contest, who is Kate popular with?
Of course NO ONE on any ABC station will lay into Kate too bad, they all fear The Mouse. I want to see fireworks (on the Insider?) if Neisy gets voted off before Kate.
I did notice that some of Kate's fans have mentioned being divorced and cheated on. Others have multiples. Others seem to have the same temperament as she does so they would have to defend that I guess or they would be wrong too. Others are working mothers or working single mothers or are just single mothers so they defend her based on that. I don't think any of those issues alone are enough should be enough to defend Kate. No one is saying because Kate is a working "single" mother she is bad. It's so much more than that in this instance. It is to me anyway.
One thing that annoys me is some Kate fans think it's just about Kate having a career. They refer to stay-at-home mothers (and "housewives") negatively. Like we are all the "barefoot and pregnant" type. Some of us had our careers, made our own money, have investments, etc. Some of us gave up our careers to stay at home and raise our children because it is what we wanted to do. We didn't marry at 17-years-old and "live off our husband's hard earned money".
They write to warn the companies that there are a few lunatic haters out there out to ruin Kate so please ignore them. lol.
"That's what I dont understand. They seem to be less concerned with core fans than short term ratings."
Troy Chula Vista~
That's EXACTLY how I see it also. It's going to be very interesting to see how long they allow her to stay once it's only her and the really good dancers. The longer she stays, the more the "it's rigged" rumors will fly.
I also wonder how carefully ABC is following the rumors...or if they are even concerned about them. They may think their true fans will return and simply forget about those rumors next season.
I'm not a regular watcher of these shows like DWTS or AI so this is not really familiar to me..the whole judging/audience voting thing. So very interesting for me to see what's going on regarding the rumors, the concerns of the core fans, etc.
See, this whole thing about the working mom versus SAHM angle is contradictory. Initially, Kate was supposed to be this SAHM, and therefore supposedly able to give out all this advice on child-care, child-rearing, recipes, etc. But NOW, she's this fast-track, high-profile working mom...who's rarely at home and has nannies and what would now make her any sort of child-care expert since she really doesn't even care for her own children most of the time?
She shouldn't be able to have it both ways...but this is another example of how the fans will zone in on one narrow angle and conveniently disregard the facts. Who is she supposed to be a role-model for? The SAHM's? Or the high-profile career mom who hires people to take care of all the "mom" duties?
It's the disregarding of the inconvenient facts. Because she ended the marriage first, before Jon ever cheated..she is NOT just like the women who were cheated on. And because she gets hefty child-support payments and because Jon DOES show-up and cares for the children during his allotted/allowed times, she's NOT just like the women who get little to no help from their child's father.
And because she has nannies and housekeepers and is rarely home, she is NOT just like the moms who have to work AND care for their own children most of the time.
This is why I'd always pictured these comments being written by pre-teens. Kids will do that because they're kids...and have no real-life adult experience yet.
We know that the interview with Natalie Morales was pretaped last week and Natalie is asking Kate if she is surprise to be on after 4 weeks...In 2 videos we could hear from Kate that she knew she would stay on the show.
Around 4:50
We know that the interview with Natalie Morales was pretaped last week and Natalie is asking Kate if she is surprise to be on after 4 weeks...In 2 videos we could hear from Kate that she knew she would stay on the show.
Around 4:50
"That's what I dont understand. They seem to be less concerned with core fans than short term ratings."
Troy Chula Vista~
That's EXACTLY how I see it also. It's going to be very interesting to see how long they allow her to stay once it's only her and the really good dancers. The longer she stays, the more the "it's rigged" rumors will fly.
I also wonder how carefully ABC is following the rumors...or if they are even concerned about them. They may think their true fans will return and simply forget about those rumors next season.
I'm not a regular watcher of these shows like DWTS or AI so this is not really familiar to me..the whole judging/audience voting thing. So very interesting for me to see what's going on regarding the rumors, the concerns of the core fans, etc.
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