According to Radaronline (which has often got it wrong lately), two cameramen got into a fight outside the Gosselin property today. Allegedly, Jon took the kids into the woods to get them away from it.
To us it just looks like the kids are playing in the woods, but anything's possible.

144 sediments (sic) from readers:
This story smells a bit fishy to me.
so sad the kids can't play in their own yard without a photo being taken then torn part for meaning..sheesh..PAPS..shoot the parents..Parents shoot the PAPS..but leave these poor kids horrible for be "on for the cameras" every time they step outside their own home on their own property..there must be a law against this invasion of kids' privacy.
sorry again..but just thought of one trick I taught my NON-STAR daughter..if someone points a camera at you do the 5-star with your hand in front of your face..and she has..even came home yelling about some guy wanting her pic in the alley behind our house, neighbours chased him down..she did the 5-star hand in front of face...maybe it's because we live in a big city, but I too was always taught to shield my face except when I wanted it to be seen...
being native may play a part in it though..but still...
This is rubbish.
I think the kids playing in the woods was not a reaction to the paparazzi fight. The report even said that Kate came by on her non-custody day.
I think Radaronline is being sloppy because it's such a slow day.
I think the whole thing was staged. The kids can play in the back without being photographed.
BTW are you sending the Gosselin Kids their 15% of the money you are making off of this blog?
The article also says Jon had food delivered to him in the woods. What carryout does that and just where do you tell them to meet you in the woods? "Ah, this is Jon Gosselin, meet me with the order near the tree with the moss on it".
Gosselins are still playing for the cameras and still playing all the people too. Maybe Jon will find a buyer for his car in the woods to.
Herd the kids into the woods rather than let them into the house...things that make you go hmmm...
franky said...
so sad the kids can't play in their own yard without a photo being taken then torn part for meaning..sheesh..PAPS..shoot the parents..Parents shoot the PAPS..but leave these poor kids horrible for be "on for the cameras" every time they step outside their own home on their own property..there must be a law against this invasion of kids' privacy.
It appears that the only way to get the kids off camera and out of the spotlight is for the parents to bow out of it as well, but obviously they've made decisions that will keep the kids the center of attention on every tabloid rag. You can build a fence around the property as high as you want, but the only way to really protect the kids is to give them back their privacy. For whatever their reasons, Jon and Kate have decided to not do this.
Yes, the woods thing, all of it is very strange. I don't know who's writing the script now for TLC/ROL but they seem to be going a little overboard on the drama and story telling. jmo
What the....?
One ROL article made it seem like one pap that has exclusive rights to take pics was fighting with one that doesn't.
Frankly to me it seems like a PR stunt. Kate just happens to show up on the day there is more than usual one paps. Didn't they just supposedly decide to work to together without going to court.
The other day Kate comes back with the kids from CA (we just happen to have shots of them at the airport something that never usually happens). Then paps photos of her leaving quickly barely acknowledging the sad confused kids, low and behold we all start clicking on sites for more info. Then we get photos of Jon with the kids and Kate shopping in NY.
I think we are all being played by their PR people. They need to keep them in the news for the book and the shows coming out. I for one will not read the ROL etc. anymore. I'm just going to read here and at WG.
If it's a PR stunt, it's a really bad one and a sloppy one as well. lol
PR stunt - TLC has to do anything and everything to keep the Gosselin "drama" out there before the new starts.
Further evidence of this being a PR stunt, it was overcast all day with rain and thunderstorms in the Northeast, unless of course, Kate demanded sunshine yesterday so Jon and she could get the optimum photo shoots.
Another PR Stunt by TLC and ROL to make this couple look better than they actually are and that's going to take an act of God, not TLC.
It is such a PR stunt. How come there are no pictures of Kate this weekend. I would bet she stayed in NY. There are paps all over New York City so why no pictures?
I admit I am fascinated/horrified by paparazzi if you are reading get some pictures somewhere besides the nail salon!!!
I think the pics of the kids are from Saturday. I was in PA on Saturday and it was a beautiful, warm sunny day. Sunday it was overcast and rainy-ish. ;)
Now they have a story claiming that Jon and Kate were at the house together on Sunday but no pics of them together. I say Jon left Sunday and Kate came home. They make it seem like they were hanging out together.
(Skeezy pap video)
Since WHEN does Kate speak to paparazzi? Thursday at the airport, Saturday in Reading? Trying to revamp your 'bitch' image, Kate?
"Since we have a 'complicated relationship'" Says the cameraman.
What's THAT all about, you think?
Thanks Katesucks!
In that clip Kate actually speaks to the paps! And she tells them what they should write and they say they only take the pics, they don't write the story and she tells them to take notes then!
It also shows Kate pulling up in the driveway and Jon waving hello to her...
Here is a clickable link:
Jon Kate Pap Video
Click above^
Where is the clip of Kate speaking to the paps at the airport?
PR Stunt fersure. The new ROL pics show Jon playing with the kids. The kids all look so happy to be with him. Jon looked bored!
I watched the showbiz video. It reminds me of a crowd standing outside a cage and zooming in to get a good look at the animals up close. Except these animals happen to be children. Jon, Kate and TLC have created a media circus that uses the children as one of their main attractions. I had to look away. In what world is that okay?
Here's the deal, people: she's off DWTS. Her other two shows haven't started airing yet. And her "book" isn't doing too well.
So they've got to do SOMETHING to keep her name out there.
Expect more of this weird stuff, by the way. I suggest people just ignore it, though.
And to anonymous with your comment about sending 15% to the kids from this blog: you have a lack of basic understanding of things, don't you? Unless the kids are WORKING for this blog, it's called REPORTING STUFF. You know, like newspapers, magazines, and websites do ALL THE TIME? Do you understand that concept?
I swear, I get so sick of stupidity. Just think through your thoughts for two seconds and you'll figure it out.
Now, I'm back to my regularly scheduled ignoring the fact that Kate Gosselin even exists. I'm excited because I get to ENJOY DWTS again!
Did Kate say, "Just ask the kids, I have to be gone?"
Huh??? It was hard to hear.
SchmeckyGirl said...
Where is the clip of Kate speaking to the paps at the airport?
I haven't been able to find it online, but all of the tabloid entertainment shows had it Thursday/Friday. She talks about how she has to drink 2 pots of coffee to wake up.
Good ol Chatty Kart.
I have no problem admitting I will miss Kate dancing on DWTS. It was so entertaining to watch her! But I do like the show now and I will continue to watch. If Pam does well tonight I will definitely vote for her. Maybe throw a couple of votes to Niecy and Chad too if they do well.
She said something like "When Jon has the kids I have to be gone." I guess she wanted them to put that online so people will stop saying Why isn't she home with the kids???
They said they don't write the stories, they just take the pics, and she told them to take notes then!
So what about when neither Jon or Kate are home and the kids are with the nannies???
Got it!
Strange. Sounds like same pap as in above video, doesn't it?
The main reason I've thought that most of the photos shot in the yard/driveway are PR shots is because of the fact that Cara and Mady are always out there with the 6 younger children. From observing my own 3 children and my multiple nieces and nephews, it would be more likely that the older twin girls would not be "playing in the yard", especially with their 6 younger siblings.
Girls the age of Cara and Mady, are not likely to want to "play in the yard with little kids" unless they were baby-sitting. And the Gosselins seem to have plenty of household staff that would be indoors so that Cara and Mady could be in there doing what most girls that age with their friends, go on the computer, work on projects, hobbies, schoolwork, etc.
I had all boys but even with them being boys and more likely to "play out in the yard", the oldest (4 and 1/2 years older than the second child) rarely "played in the yard" with the two younger boys (who were closer in age). And my multiple nieces, at the twins age, rarely, if ever, played in the yard with their younger siblings.
To me, it's just not typical behavior of girls who are the age of the twins and leads me to believe that they are strictly PR shots....and that the twins are told to be out there while the shots are being taken.
Thanks! Yeah, it's funny that now she speaks to the paps after a year of dead silence. How does she explain to the kids that all of a sudden the paparazzi are okay to speak to? I couldn't tell about the pap voices though...
Kate said "Jon has the kids, I have to be gone".
And where is Ratclaws might I ask? In the trunk? How come he wasn't there to protect his girlfr I mean Kate from those guys. Does he only protect her from female lawyers?
I can totally see the twins being made to go outside and play... not being given a choice.
I'm not sure about the age difference thing though. Maybe it's different with siblings but when my daughters are together with all their cousins they all play outside together. There are 8 of them and their ages range from 3 1/2 to 12. Like I said, maybe it's different because they are cousins and aren't always together.
The whole "bodyguard" thing is bizarre. If Kate has "death threats" against her what are the chances they would get into DWTS and do something in a crowd of people and security with cameras around, as opposed to when Kate is all alone in a parking lot with no one around?
Also, Steve seems to protect Kate from the paps when he's with her but there is no one to protect her from the paps when she's out and about in her little town. Everyone knows where she lives... where she gets her nails done... where she shops.
I personally do not believe Kate is in any danger. And what about her children? Why be worried about her safety only but not about her children's?
Odd how they have 26 acres to roam around in and Jon plays with the kids in range of the cameras when he's there. There's lots of room out of sight behind the house. Unless ROL is sending helicopters in to get some overhead shots, that would be the place to play if they don't want their pics taken. This has stink all over it.
And why didn't they have that takeout delivered to one of the crooked houses? They have three of them. Actually four if you count the big one.
I think this is all PR to keep her relevant to launch the 2 new shows. I am like Kelly...expect more weird stuff.
Have a great day everyone. I hope Jake does his best dance of the season tonight. I am really looking forward to the show. I bet the cast had the best couple of days with the Queen of fakeness gone.
I agree that Kate said, "Jon has the kids, I have to be gone"
Since when is Kate so chatty with the paps?
Should we expect more of these stupid little conversations until the kids are out of school for the summer?
BTW, when does school end in PA?
I think in one case she was slamming the paparazzi when she said, can't you ask a better question than that? Or something similar. Did anyone else hear that? I don't want to have to watch the video again.
Knowing Kart, she probably knew nothing about any damn volcano, that's why she couldn't answer! ;-)
That's what she said.
And after she said Jon has the kids I have to be gone, she said "That's what you can write IF you can write" in that snarky tone of hers she used to use on Jon. Those two guys must be of no value to her. She's much more pleasant to the paps in CA and NY.
MickeyMcKean said...
.......Should we expect more of these stupid little conversations until the kids are out of school for the summer?
BTW, when does school end in PA?
The G kids have only six weeks of school left. Their last day is Thursday, June 3rd.
When have we ever seen paps pictures of Kart IN the grocery store?? I thought that was odd.
AuntieAnn said...
Those two guys must be of no value to her. She's much more pleasant to the paps in CA and NY.
The paparazzi can take great pictures of you or they can make you look your worst. I think I'd be a little careful about verbally flipping off the guy behind the camera.
On DWTS she said something to the effect of they (paps) are there when you need them and when you don't need them. So she admits she needs them but can't control all of them to her advantage. My that must be frustrating. My heart bleeds for her.
1. How did the Paps know which nail salon Kate was going to?
2. How did they get into the foodstore without management exercising it's right to kick them out for harrassing the customers
3. How did they know Kate was going to the car wash
4. How did they know film Jon, waving to Kate in the driveway
5. How did the sub shop know where to find Jon in the woods to deliver his lunch
6. How bored were the twins, having to play with the tups?
7. Why are the kids sitting in a perfect row, on the sidewalk near kates car in view of the camera?
8. Just how many times is Jon going to ride his ATV for the paps?
9. Why didn't the paps follow Jon when he left but they follow Kate?
10. Why are their no shots of Jon at his brothers house, his new apartment in Reading or his old apartment in NY?
11. Why are there no pictures of the nanny's coming and going each day?
12. If the paps are really following Kate and Jon, why aren't they searching the trash when it's put out at the curb? That's what the real paps do.
13. Why are their no pictures of children coming and going to play with the Gosselin kids, EVER?
All of these pap shots are pre arranged by Kate and Jon for maximum exposure. It's not by chance that they are showing up and just finding the Gosselins out and about. They are being given direction by the Gosselins.
I find it so sad that it doesn't seem like the kids are involved with any extra curricular activities. Hopefully they are and it's not recorded and its 'their time'. My boys are 5 and 3.5 and just started T-ball with their local little league. They love it and learning a team oriented sport has been great for their social development and meeting new friends.
All the Gosselin Kids should be given an opportunity to do 'kid things' and not just ride around on their drive way or back yard. It will be a cruel awakening when they have to go out in the world and try to make friends that is not their own siblings. I hope at least at school they are able to have friends and not be isolated with just each other.
Kelly said...
Further evidence of this being a PR stunt, it was overcast all day with rain and thunderstorms in the Northeast............
SchmeckyGirl said...
I think the pics of the kids are from Saturday. I was in PA on Saturday and it was a beautiful, warm sunny day. Sunday it was overcast and rainy-ish. ;)
These photos WERE from Saturday! The Radar Online article had it wrong. The Gossip center article clearly stated both in the article and in referring to the photos, (as well as underneath each photo), that this all took place on Saturday (which was a warmer, sunny day in PA while Sunday was overcast, cool and rainy in parts).
That's why on the previous post here, after Carolina gal supplied both links, I actually posted both articles in one of my comments, together with clickable links to each article and to the photos at each site (I'm now bolding the Saturday, April 24th part):
(1)Gossip Center:
Gosselin Family Weekend Drama
Posted April 25th, 2010
Always bringing their fair share of drama, the Gosselin household turned into a bit of a spectacle on Saturday afternoon (April 24).
Now having more free time as she's finished with "Dancing with the Stars," Kate Gosselin paid a visit to the family house despite the fact that it was Jon's day of custody - with the TLC reality mom
being turned away.
Meanwhile, two paparazzi staked out at the location ended up getting into a verbal fight over access - with one seemingly power-wielding shutterbug telling Jon to hide himself and the kids.
Listening to the directions, Jon proceeded to take the children into the shrubbery of a hunting forest at the Reading property - with a paparazzo alleging Jon as proclaiming, "If a photographer comes onto my property i have the right to shoot him."
After having lunch brought to the forest locale while waiting for the unexpected photog to leave, Jon and the kids finally emerged from their outdoorsy perch and headed inside to clean up.
Enjoy the pictures from the Gosselin home in Reading (April 24).
>>>> Link to photos: PHOTOS
(2)Radar Online:
PHOTOS: Jon Gosselin: 'I Will Shoot You.'
Welcome inside Jon's world.
In a series of bizarre antics at the Gosselin's Pennsylvania compound, the former reality television father -- on dad duties while Kate was out and about -- allegedly warned a paparazzo that he'd pop a cap if he got too close.
"If a photographer comes onto my property, I have the right to shoot him!" Gosselin threatened one photographer, who relayed the altercation to
In an apparent attempt to conceal his activities from the waiting shutter bugs, the father of eight even had take-out food delivered into a nearby hunting forest.
Then Jon proceeded to take the children into the shrubbery while waiting for the photographers to leave. Sound normal? Of course it is.
>>>> Link to photos: The Gosselins Hide in the Bushes as Photographers Get in a Fight
Also, at Gossip Center, if you look at that one photo of Khate in her car:
it appears that Khate is wearing that same sleeveless light pink/blush colored top that she's seen wearing in the photos and video from her trip to the nail salon on Saturday.
That photo of Khate in the car appears to simply be a shot of her driving away from the house on Saturday when it was her time to leave because it was Jon's time with the kids.
I posted that link in a comment on the book post here on Saturday evening:
Kate Gosselin's Reading Weekend
In several of the purported photo's taken on Saturday, Jon is wearing two different t-shirts. Must have spilled his "hand delivered, in the woods lunch on his other T.
I have lunch delivered to me all the time in the woods. I just call Pizza Hut, give them my GPS coordinates and WALA....that delivery boy just parachutes right onto the spot I'm waiting on, deep in the woods.
Here's a heads up delivery people: I'll be on the Chesapeake Bay on Saturday, weather permitting. I'm looking for a meatball sub, a side order of Thrashers French Fries, some ketchup, a twelve pack of Bud Light and plenty of napkins. See ya there.
Off topic but I just did a quick check of Kart's book on Barnes and Noble website. Today it is ranked 1,474 by sales. A few days ago when Admin posted on NYT's "bestseller" list, I checked B&N and posted that it was ranked at about 750.
Kelly said...
"I have lunch delivered to me all the time in the woods. I just call Pizza Hut, give them my GPS coordinates and WALA....that delivery boy just parachutes right onto the spot I'm waiting on, deep in the woods."
Hahahahaha!! That's really funny!
Yes, it was beautiful here Saturday until some time in the later afternoon, when it clouded up and was very cloudy and drizzling Sunday (and today).
Yes, all the cousins will be out in the yard...IF we are having a bbq out there, or a birthday party out there, etc. And...the nephews and uncles will play ball in the yard...but the nieces the age of the twins and older rarely, other than that, played with the "little ones" out in the yard.
All the boys would be more likely to play in the yard than the girls were and even then, the older boys didn't hang out with the little ones. And almost ALWAYS, odd and assorted neighbor kids and friends were over (and we lived in the suburbs with yards that were 1/4 to 1/2 acre each) but RARELY are friends ever seen with the G. children.
Speaking of the book, is Kate not planning a book tour?
IMO the expenses (1st class etc) would be more
than what would be recouped in sales.
But who knows what will happen in Gosselin Land.
I would hope, after reading the dismal reviews and seeing the more than dismal ratings, i.e. Amazon = 575, Barnes and Noble = 1474, there isn't much sense in Zondersham spending anymore money on Kates travel expenses. This tour would be more like arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
If I were Kate I'd lay low and pretend I didn't sign my name to that cover because after reading the reviews, browsing it with my own eyes, in the bookstore, cover is what she's going to need in a really bad way. I've read more enlightening stories on a paper place mat at the local sub shop.
I just checked that link to ROL.
"After a fight breaks out between two photographers, Jon takes the kids into the woods where he then has food delivered."
Hahaha! What happened...were they locked out of the house? Or did they forget that they actually DO have a house/home there? WTH? regards to Jon's alleged threat to the photographers:
I'm not sure if and how much it might vary in different states, but it's my impression that you CANNOT just shoot someone because they come on your property. That you must be in imminent deadly harm....that you can only use deadly force if threatened with deadly force....and just going on someone's property does not legally justify shooting them. You CAN tell them to get out of your yard and you CAN call the police but you can't shoot them if their only weapon is a camera.
Celebrities have gotten in legal trouble for just punching the paparazzi or smashing their camera.
Here's my new book that is hopefully going to be published.
"I Just Want You To Know"
Letters on Faith, Family and F'ing up".
By: Kelly
Dear Kids,
You're older now. So am I. Thanks for making me grow old FAST. I have FAITH that you won't be hitting me up for gas money anymore. I have FAMILY in other states, hit them up while your at it. As for F'ing up, WHO KEEPS PUTTING THE EMPTY MILK CARTOON BACK IN THE FRIDGE????
Love Dad.
I thought I read where Zondervan had signed Kate for 4 or 5 books - can't remember. Is this the last one for which they are obliged? Or is there another piece of trash on the way?
I just wish one of those paparrazi people would have responded to Kate after she told them "Jon is with the kids, I have to be gone. Can you write that or do you know how to write"
If ONLY one of those camera dudes was smart enough to reply, "Yeah Kate, we can write. Obviously, you can't". That would have made my day and I'm sure, Kate's day too.
Just another clueless idiot posting at HuffPo:
Kate Gosselin and Fame - Collision Course or Just Being a Good Mommy?
I checked the bio of this "Nancy Doyle Palmer,
Journalist and screenwriter in Washington DC" and it says:
Nancy Doyle Palmer is a writer based in Washington, DC. She is a screenwriter who also writes for Washingtonian Magazine and most recently, for O, the Oprah Magazine. She is married to former NBC anchor and correspondent John Palmer – they have three daughters.
Kelly said...
"I have lunch delivered to me all the time in the woods. I just call Pizza Hut, give them my GPS coordinates and WALA....that delivery boy just parachutes right onto the spot I'm waiting on, deep in the woods."
Kelly, for future reference, what is the politically correct percentage tip for a Pizza Hut delivery guy that parachutes in with your order?
Enquiring minds what to know :)
Lol kelly, I'll buy your book. But don't forget to add "With special thanks to D.J., P.H., A.C., H.Y., B.M., R.P., L.W.,D.D., W.F. and every other set of secret initials anyone could come up with." Good lord, did you see the list at the back of her book?
I have one more question to add to your previous post:
Why don't the paps follow her to her mystery hideout when it's Jon's turn with the kids?
A correct tip for the delivery boy parachuting in would be to give him directions out of the woods. In Jon's case, he has to wait till he sells his "Beloved" BMW so he can properly tip the guy who delivered his meal, "Robin Hood Style" in the woods. Hope this helps.
That's a good question. They don't follow her because it's obvious, the Gosselins are making deals with the paps. One very telling thing they could do which would really show the Gosselins in their true light would be to search their trash cans when they are put out at the curb.
It's done all the time in law enforcement. Once the trash is put to the curb, the contents then become public property and those contents are quite revealing, in and of themselves. You'll find organic food packaging or non organic. You'll find wine bottles, wine boxes, beer cans, prescription containers, a joint or two and a few unpleasantries but hell, they're the pap people, we aren't. Let them do their job. 40 bottles of wine and a few roach clips are far more telling than a posed shot standing in front of the garage.
Steve is neither a bodyguard nor a lover, IMO. He is what the British call a "Minder", someone who takes care of the subject's immediate needs and keeps him/her out of trouble.Security may also bee involved in the job description but it's mainly sort of a "Nanny"job.
Even Kate has a Nanny!
Usually British children graduate to a governess before they are 35.....but it depends on the maturity level of the subject..
Kelly- You are good--I've been calling them Zonderfake but ZonderSHAM is so much better!!!!
Paula - My understanding is that the overseas cookbook was #1, Letters book #2, so she has one more book to do as part of 3 book contract with Zandersham.
On a different topic - Evan fell on his head during training and had a small concussion - Ouch! and Derek from the swing dance bruised his sternum nd abraisons on both forearms.
I think that TLC/Discovery needs to ratchet things up a little with Kate Gosselin. Put her on a show called Wife Swap with Sarah Palin and ship her complete with her size 14 big toe all the way to Wasilla to learn a thing or too from Todd Palin.
Take her out on that fishing boat and really earn a meal for her kids. On the other hand, they can have Sarah Palin spend a week with Jon. Ole Jon boy, the stud muffin he is could show Sarah Palin what it's like in the warm waters of the backyard hot tub. I can just hear Sarah Palin shouting at Ole Stubby as they carouse together in their birthday suits, "I Can See It All The Way From HERE!!! You BETCHA"
Meanwhile, back in Wasilla, Kate gets to wear her heels and babydoll dress on the fishing boat as she tries to land a couple of pots of Opies and King Crabs. This is a show I would watch.
There are two Margarets on here. I will be Margaret S just so we don't get confused.
I love the premise, but please don't insult the Opies and King Crabs!
Kelly said...
Meanwhile, back in Wasilla, Kate gets to wear her heels and babydoll dress on the fishing boat as she tries to land a couple of pots of Opies and King Crabs. This is a show I would watch.
Since it was 'reported' that Kate was hanging all over the guys from Deadliest Catch at the Discovery/TLC gala, don'cha know that Kate could probably get the guys to help her out. All she'd have to do is sit in the cabin barking out orders from the little intercom. Screaming that they are doing too much snarfing and that they're breathing too loud (as they try to work in the sub-zero temps with those heavy crab pots).
Sadly, just read that the 8 have been cleared to return to be filmed on t.v..
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
Just another clueless idiot posting at HuffPo:
Kate Gosselin and Fame - Collision Course or Just Being a Good Mommy?
Talk about naive. I just had to comment.
Kelly -
You are incredibly funny! Even if I didn't know who J&K were, I would enjoy your comments.
"I Can See It All The Way From HERE!!! You BETCHA"
LMAO! That was a true LOL moment.
Tell me you're a writer. You must be!
If she's really strapped for cash she could open up a dance studio in her basement and teach people the Kate Gosselin Robax method. She'd be working from home just like she always wanted to AND be an inspiration to "everyday" people.
Cherier1-was reading your comments on BM site a couple days ago,agreed with your strong opinion, but you sure did catch it from the other katelovers!
Kelly @ April 26, 2010 10:44 AM
Meanwhile, back in Wasilla, Kate gets to wear her heels and babydoll dress on the fishing boat as she tries to land a couple of pots of Opies and King Crabs. This is a show I would watch.
Kelly, you seriously need to be a consultant for TLC!! You could do undercover, investigative research OR add a comical flavor to their so called "Learning Channel."
I'm smarter now, whenever I read the blogs, I leave the drinks & food away from the computer. I'm laughing so hard, its a great way to start my day! Thanx for the laughter!
Good idea. She could be dancing down the basement all day, teaching the mennonite women how to put a little more pep in their step all the while she is baking cookies and casseroles in her head for the kids upstairs.
It's a win win for everyone.
In an interview with E! Online, Pennsylvania Department of Labor spokesperson Troy Thompson had this to say:
"It'll have to be reapproved for every six months...That's noted on the permit and it was noted in the permits following the investigation of 'Jon and Kate Plus 8.'"
To: Ms. Nancy Doyle Palmer, Huffington Post
Re: Your article found at
I would like for a legitimate journalist to do a REAL expose on the Gosselins. Not just Kate, but Jon and Kate. I'm not talking about an "armchair overnight" story, but a real investigative reporter story. Like in the old days. Are you up to the challenge?
I believe it is time for someone with a journalism background to find out what all the fuss is about. Why is it that with Kate in particular that there are "lovers" and "haters"? Why are there blog wars?
Another poster in this comment section who was in the media years ago has provided you with links from the local newspaper. The fuss is not just about recent incidents; it has been going on for a long time.
You admit you did not watch DWTS so you did not see how Kate used the "mom card" with every comment and appearance. Continued exploitation of her children at every turn. But you write a story about what a great mom she is and always has been.
I noted that you did not mention the nannies, housekeepers, landscapers, etc. that she has to do the work these days, things that mothers in the real world cannot identify with her. Kate is not struggling, and unless she continues to film the children, to make them work long hours even when they will only be paid 15% of the episode proceeds - to share/divided by 8 - Kate will have to go out and get a real job and it appears in her mind that is beneath her.
When did society decide it was OK for children to be born into a job? Since when is it up to the children to support their parents because the parents used medical science to create their multiple births on purpose?
At this point in time I feel that as a viewer something does not smell right. No, I'm not talking about the old show being called a reality show when as it turns out it was scripted. I'm talking about TLC paying off media folks to do "soft interviews", where it is obvious that they know what they can and cannot ask before Kate shows up. The interview with Nancy Morales, where TLC was incahoots with ABC to legitimize Kate was IMO a joke. Nancy asked some questions but after getting a response, Nancy did not follow through. Then to see that Kate was wearing an earpiece so she was being coached during the entire interview ... well, this is just a tip of the iceberg as to what all the fuss is about and why it has been going on for years.
So Ms. Palmer, how about it? Who knows, you might wind up writing a best selling book. Course if you want the easy way out, you probably could just ask TLC what it is worth it to them not for you not to go any farther than the article you wrote above.
Again, if there is any journalist out there who wants to write it from both sides, or better yet, an expose about what it is like for the children living in a fish bowl with their private moments forever captured on film, be my guest to do an expose.
I, for one, am interested in someone digging into what is going on behind the scenes in the Gosselin world and letting the viewing public know what all the fuss is about.
MickeyMcKean said...
To: Ms. Nancy Doyle Palmer, Huffington Post
Re: Your article found at
I loved the letter you wrote to the journalist at Huffington Post and I hope you get a personal response, not a canned one full of PR B.S. That is one thing that stumps me. Most journalists would kill to do an expose and investigate if they smell a good story. Why is it the public that can 'smell a rat' and not anyone in the media? With the exception of David Z. at Baltimore Sun and I sense Anderson Cooper is definitely not a fan where is everyone?
GKWay said,
Why is it the public that can 'smell a rat' and not anyone in the media? With the exception of David Z. at Baltimore Sun and I sense Anderson Cooper is definitely not a fan where is everyone?
I don't know where they are, but they SHOULD be at the proctologists getting their heads pulled out of their asses.
Kelly, You crack me up!
For the record I had trouble posting on the Huffington Post comment section, and it pissed me off.
The following is what I referred to in my post above. This poster was able to post on HuffPost:
"As a member of the media I have been covering this story since almost day one. When I first went to the news conference in Hershey I was so excited for the Gosselins They seemed liked good people and they had so many people really pulling for them.
However, as time went by they became, how do I say, unlikable. They no longer seemed genuine. They had such a transparent agenda.
I was at the house the day the television crew came to film "Home Delivery" and I was just appalled at things that were said by Kate once the cameras were turned off and she thought her voice couldn't be heard. She complained about the nursery saying the murals would scare her kids and that the twin’s room was "horrendously horrendous"...a phrase I just can't forget. She then went on to say "thanks for nothing..." I couldn't believe my ears and I am not a naive person.
So, my advice to the Gosselins is.endear yourself to people.make them want to like youYou have become so very unappealing and just down right self-righteous.No one wants to help affluent self-righteous people when there are so many good people in dire straits that also need a hand. Andlastly,Kate stop talking.stop giving interviews,stop pleading for help, stopYou are beginning to sound a bit like a nut.a selfish,wishyoucouldchangeyourmind kind of mother as well.
These are must reads in the Gosselin story, they explain the GREED and Nasty ENTITLED behavior of them, and the way they used good church volunteers:
One of these, top two, Jon actually talks on:
Dear Mr. Anderson Cooper,
I DVR’d Friday’s episode of Regis & Kelly and I noted that you said how you were “mortified” about your mother and how Kelly’s son was “mortified” about her.
I also noted you did ask Kate Gosselin some “hard” questions that were not really answered. I know you are not a Kate Gosselin or Paris Hilton fan.
However, because you have a reputation of showing both sides of an issue, perhaps you are the journalist who may be willing to dig a little deeper to find out why Jon and Kate Gosselin, Kate in particular, has so many lovers and haters on the Internet.
Seriously, as a journalist aren’t you just a tad curious about what all the fuss is really about?
But more importantly, how about an expose from the viewpoint as to what is happening in the lives of the eight children?
I was a faithful fan of Jon and Kate Plus 8 until one day something did not smell right. I went to the Internet and found the Gosselins Without Pity blog and discovered I was not alone. Now there are other blogs but we all ask why is it that no one in the media asks Kate any real questions?
I believe Kate used her medical training as a nurse and used medical science to purposefully have multiples. Kate did not want "just one more"; no, she was hoping for a bunch and when it did not happen the first time, she tried it again and hit the jackpot with the six pack. As proof please note that Jon and Kate were marketing the kids before they hit the ground when they created the web site
Jon and Kate have made a career out of exploiting their children and are continuing to find ways to do so. As it is they kept the six pack from starting regular kindergarten in September 2009 so they would be available for filming the TV show during the week. But when Jon had his “epiphany” and it mucked up the show schedule. Nevertheless they determined that an education was secondary to the children supporting the entire Gosselin family.
I assume you are aware of the recent hearing where Gloria Allred, Paul Peterson and others met with Representative Murt about rewriting child labor laws in regards to reality TV shows filmed in Pennsylvania. Kevin Kreider, Kate’s brother, and his wife, Jodi Kreider spoke at the hearing. Interesting to note that they mentioned the long hours the children had to work, the scripted episodes, and that the original TLC camera crew went to them regarding “moral issues” and then left this show to work elsewhere.
But perhaps the most disturbing thing to hear was that the State of Pennsylvania Labor Board took 19 months to investigate. They determined that (1) no work permits had been obtained and (2) the eight children should split 15% of the proceeds of the show. Not each child was to get their own trust account, no these eight children are to share 15%! This is criminal!
These children were born to work. Others are seeing what the Gosselins have done and have followed in their footsteps, i.e., Octomom and the Balloon boy family.
As a journalist who had to grow up with a famous parent, would you please consider doing a real expose on this Gosselin train wreck from their children’s point of view? Where two parents have no problem in living off the backs of their children? How these children growing up in a televised fish bowl with all of their private moments being captured on film and labeled as entertainment is harmful?
Please? Before one or more of the Gosselin children wind up in the headlines in some form of a self inflicted tragedy?
If your schedule is too busy or if you have a conflict of interest, can you at least find a journalist who is willing to take on this challenge? As it is I feel I’m a viewer who is being manipulated by TLC because they obviously are controlling the Gosselin stories popping up on Is the money to be made off the Gosselin children worth sacrificing them?
Thank you in advance for reading this email,
Mickey McKean
I am sick and tired of hearing "it's all about the ratings".
Well, if you really want the ratings to go through the roof, it seems to me that if a journalist does a legitimate story on the Gosselins it will be a best seller.
I don't care if it is a televised expose or in a book that I'm sure will be a best seller for months, I want the truth to come out!!!
So folks I'm writing letters to journalists and asking them to do an expose. Writing on a blog is one thing, but something more needs to be done behind the scenes.
To say that I'm riled up this Monday morning would be an understatement.
I have to do something, and I've posted two letters that I wrote today. I will continue to write them and will not stop until I know that the Gosselin children are off the air and can live their life outside of a fishbowl.
It goes without saying that if others join me in writing letters it can only help to SAVE THE EIGHT!
Mickey are my hero =) I hope someone takes you up on an expose, and really takes the time to look at the last 6 years..thank you
On Wiki answers I found this info about royalties:
What is the value of the 'Jon and Kate Plus 8' book deal?
Los Angeles Film School
It as a 1.9 million dollar book deal for Multiple Blessings + Royalties of over 60% of the value of each book sold
prairiemary said...
Cherier1-was reading your comments on BM site a couple days ago,agreed with your strong opinion, but you sure did catch it from the other katelovers! "
I did, but that's ok with me. I try to post within their guidelines. I don't care for either parent's 'parenting'; I just like the kids and I think they should be able to have a normal childhood. Enough is enough! BM knows how I feel and as long as I'm respectful, she lets my differing opinion get posted.
NancyB, the royalies you have listed sound incredibly generous. Anyone from a publishing house ready to chime in?
Cherier1-I totally agree, all I care about are the kids,too. Mickey McKean, good for you to email to journalists about doing this story for the sake of the kids, have you sent one out to Lisa Ling? I think she would be perfect, as she was on the View once when kate was a guest host, you could see that if it was not for the fact the Barbara Walters was there that day, Lisa had some good questions for kate, I don't think she likes her ways very much.
As Franky mentioned in her too are my hero! We should do some research and see who else would be open to doing an 'expose' on the Gosselin Grifters. My initial list would be:
Lisa Ling
Michael Moore
John Stossel (sp?)
Anyone else?
I don't believe for a second that these are "real paps."
They are as phony as everything and everyone else related to J&K, TLC.
The guy asking questions in nail salon parking lot is the same one who "interviewed" Jon in his car last year - when Blubber Boy said something like "The kids are Kate and I's business and nobody else's..." WHY do the two of them screw up their pronouns like that EVERYTIME they use them in a sentence? WHY doesn't TLC give them a crash course in grammar and public speaking?
Imo, J&K are Z-list "celebrities and not likely to garner the kind of attention that would make real paps hang out in their hometown; they'd wait until J&K limoed into NYC or L.A..
Just wait, we'll not soon hear THAT particular paps voice again anytime soon; he's over-audio-exposed!
Thanks for the kudos but please join me in writing letters to any journalist you can think of who might be willing to help the children.
I just posted these letters to demonstate that it can be done. Also it is easy to do via email but hey, snail mail works too.
Besides if a journalist sees that there is interest, he/she just might look into this matter a little deeper than before.
If Michael Moore was approached to do a documentary on Reality Television in general, he would probably think it was a good subject; especially if he felt that there were things to be exposed.Once into it he could not help but do part of it on children in reality tv, in which case the Gosselins would be front and centre.His former documentaries seem to have a broader scope, but you never know - it's worth a try! I will email him if I can find his address and suggest both scenarios.
Is there anymore US Magazine News?
PrairieMary - Lisa Ling is a real favorite of mine. She is also tight with Oprah who seems to still support Kate.
IDModo - A doc on reality TV in general is a great idea.
MickeyM - Your letters are well done. Would you mind coming up with a list of talking points that we could use? If you have time. You have a flair for writing that I do not have! I always think respectful and concise is best when writing.
Kelly - I think you should write a J&K satire for The Onion! I bet you could get it published!
Michael Moore is a gas bag of immense proportions. His docudramas are nothing but smoke and mirrors and his lifestyle is contrary to the "home movies" he's produced over the years. Michael Moore won't ever consider doing and expose on the Gosselins any more than Hugh Heffner will. Neither one gets anything out of it for themselves. Heffner is grossed out about Kate and Michael Moore and Jon Gosselin have too much in common.
In all seriousness, Trey Parker could do more to expose the Gosselins with his cartoon "South Park" than any of the lame stream media would ever endeavor. The problem with the lamestream media is, they don't want to step on the toes of mothers and those who sympathize with Kate Gosselin, despite all of her lies. They feel like they are going after the children by exposing her lies so they want to stay with the status quo.
The media will let Kate Gosselins candle burn out all by herself so she will be her undoing. I think, in an elaborate way, the media is overexposing her for just that very reason. Seriously folks, the letter campaigns will only justify the media to further Kate, their ratings and her hysteria.
Look at those before her that have noteriety:
Eric Massa
Jesse James
Tiger Woods,
Governor Sanford
Elliott Spitzer
Their candles are going out real slow because the public is tired of hearing about it.
The more you plug Kate Gosselin to the media, the more they will cover her just for the splash factor.
Here's a couple of writers you might approach to do an expose on the G's. I personally have done all I'm going to do. I've written and/or called, spoken with, etc. all kinds of folks over the past 2 yrs., that I can think of. That includes TLC, Bill Hayes, sponsors, and govt. officials in Pa. Rep. Murt is I think until we stop writing about them, watching their program(s), etc. the G's are here to stay.
Lisa Ling
Michael Moore
John Stossel (sp?)
There aren't many real investigative journalists anymore. Sigh. Matt Tiabbi with Rolling Stone but he's a political writer.
Vanity Fair. They have done one article and do indepth reports on topical people (e.g. Tiger Woods). I'm not sure if it's (reality TV/J&K) in their reader demographic, however.
I tried to email Michael Moore with a suggestion but they won't accept my email without a valid URL. I don't have a website so don't have a URL.Here is what I wrote:
"An enormous concern for many people is the treatment of children on so-called "reality TV".They are being exploited on a regular basis by their parents and the networks, who are making millions of dollars filming their everyday lives.
These children have been filmed in situations including full frontal nudity; their homes have been turned into studios, with cameras and lighting in their bedrooms and bathrooms. They are too young to provide informed consent, and have no choice in the matter.They are not paid for their appearances, although these appearances are often scripted rather than spontaneous.
Hate blogs are springing up on the Internet that vilify these children. They have become prey for pedophiles. And yet, apparently, NONE OF THIS IS ILLEGAL.
Children deserve the same freedoms as adults: the right to privacy, safety and security;the right to say no to abusive situations; the same rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that are guaranteed to adults under the Constitution.
Please consider an expose of this injustice. You are someone who is able to get the attention needed to improve these children's lives."
Anybody who has a URL, please feel free to use this letter if you think it would achieve some help for the Gosselin Kids.
Here is what all the blogs should be writing to John Stossel, Michael Moore, Anderson Cooper, Geraldo Rivera and all the other so called journalists about and having them feature people like this.
Lance is an intensive care nurse. He's an amputee. He works overtime so he can use the money he earns to help others who are disabled. He gives the equipment he invents, FREE to those who need it. He does this all on his own.
He was featured on CBS News tonight. He's not out buying Mercedes Benz SUV's, BMW M3's, getting 7,000 dollar hair extensions, eating at NOBU, whoring himself out to pad his bank account.
He's doing this out of the goodness of his heart. Funny thing, he's a nurse. He's spending his hard earned money on others that are less fortunate and not bitching about how he can't get buy on a nurses salary.
This is the person we should be blogging about and perhaps his star will rise while the Lioness of Greed Valley will find herself in obscurity.
Go vote!
Showbiz Exclusive Poll
"Kate Plus 8": Should the Gosselin kids return to TV?
Look, the fastest way we can ensure that the kids can get a life outside the public cameras is to make sure their mom's 15 minutes is up. The most effective way to do that is to ignore her--and I'm talking about the media biggies. Even an investigative report gives her legitimacy, just like getting on DWTS at first gave her legitimacy (in the end, it seemed to hurt her more than anything due to her lack of effort and horrible attitude).
I'm not dissing anyone's efforts here. I think there's value to uncovering what she and TLC have been doing--in my opinion, it is ABHORRENT to sell childrens' private lives for public consumption, to make them a public commodity.
But really I think the faster way to get the kids out of the spotlight is to get their mom out of the spotlight. There's a reason Andy Warhol said 15 minutes and not 15 months or years--the public attention is fickle and changes fast. Think about all the F List "celebs" that aren't even spoken of anymore and haven't been for a long time--no wait, you probably can't remember them. That's the point.
Make her irrelevant.
You are SOOOOOO Correct.
I may not be on the Kate Gosselin Blogs much longer. It has come to my attention that Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble are starting to pimp their kids out as "Rock Stars" and I just think this is so wrong. Seriously, there is nothing I can do by blogging and hoping to stop Jon and Kate from doing what they are predisposed to do.
I realize that the more critical I am of their insidious ways, the more I contribute to them. After all, they want the limelight and any press is good press. This is what they want and need.
When no one talks about them, eventually they will wake up one morning, scan the google hits and see, "DAMN, no one is talking about me". That's what will work.
The more we talk, the more they earn and the more their kids are put out there for the parents and their love offerings.
For now, I intend to change the channel when they mention Jon or Kate, hit the back button on the browser when a news hit mentions their names and refrain from further comment so as not to keep their name out there for anyone to know except the IRS.
I'm going to concentrate on these friggin Yorkies of mine who are more needy than Kate and Jon. I just wish they, My Yorkies, would get a serious case of Laryngitis because I find their "yapping" almost as obnoxious as Kates. Perhaps I could send both of my Yorkies, along with Kate to some sort of rescue so all three of them learn how to behave, stop bitching and for God's sake, we're all tired of cleaning up after them.
Peace out everyone.
I see the interest that a shallow person like kate generates from 2 books that teach others nothing at all, so I have decided that there is no way a company like zondervan would ever care about publishing the true life medical miracle that happened to me, and what happened to my child, no way at all.
Surely if Kitty Kelley can publish a book exposing the most powerful woman in media, then she should have no problem with one about the Gosselins?
As noble a cause as it is that people want to write to journalists, I doubt if there isn't one of them who doesn't already know what it's all about. I'm afraid I've become jaded by the whole cartoon strip and think it's too late for the kids. They've been brainwashed by their mom and TLC and told they enjoy being filmed. For whatever reasons this woman has succeeded in making a mockery out of motherhood, she has nevertheless succeeded.
I applaud and support Gloria Allred and Paul Petersen and especially Jodi and Kevin for what they're doing. I do think though that the best that will come out of it is there is going to be more stringent laws for kids on reality tv, but it will not stop them from being on tv. It's a sad fact that if Kate follows the rules, she'll keep the attention on herself through them as long as she can. As long as she's not physically abusing them, there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it. after that. Narcissistic mothers have a huge control over their children.
And Kelly, you're a hoot. I've often wondered myself why SouthPark hasn't had their way with Jon and Kate Plus 8. Maybe someone should email them.
Interesting . . .
The permits' language spells out certain restrictions, mostly regarding hours on camera and mandatory days off, that are to apply to all future reality shows filmed in Pennsylvania, said Troy Thompson, a spokesman for the Department of Labor and Industry, on Monday.
The permits also bar any filming of children while they are naked or in their bedrooms or bathrooms
Apparently we were not the only ones glad to see Kate gone from DWTS.
Maks' new tv guide blog article is interesting. Here is link:
Some interesting excerpts:
"I think that Kate left because at the end of the day it just seemed as though she wasn't able to really let loose and enjoy herself. Tony is a great teacher, one of the best in country.. Dancing with the Stars is.. a chance for celebrities to come out of their shells.. and unfortunately it just seemed like Kate stayed in her shell and resisted Tony.. She may never have been the best dancer on the show but she could have had the best time out of anyone... If my celebrity partner told me she didn't care.. she would've lost me as a person, as a friend and someone who gave a crap about her staying on this show. Even if I don't physically quit, I would quit mentally."
I just received yet another call from Rep. Murt (9:30 pm EST). He does seem genuinely concerned for the kids, but stated they did file for the permits in the past and have done so again so on that front there's not much that can be done. He commented that he hates to see her family mistreated, as he has spoken w/them and they are good people, they know there's a problem, (and of course, they have been pushed away for speaking up) and they are all ready to 'forgive' her and welcome her back into the 'foal' and help w/babysitting or whatever else is needed.
Not only does he seem to understand what the kids have been through, but he also seems to have gotten a crash course on Kate herself. He knows all about the scripting of the show, the pics in front of the house, etc. and he brought that up. He knows she is caught up in the fame/money, and is hoping for a chance at Hollywood, but he believes she is being pushed upon the public so much, that it's only a matter of time before they get sick of her and stop watching.
NancyB - Again, would you post this at Preesi's, for what it's worth. And, can you tell me HOW to post there. I click on Reply and nothing happens, is there something I should be doing differently?
I realize that the more critical I am of their insidious ways, the more I contribute to them. After all, they want the limelight and any press is good press. This is what they want and need.
Kelly, I will be joining you. WE keep giving them just what they need, and what is required, to keep them in the spotlight, by blogging about them incessantly. I for one, am through talking about the G's, they are 'dead' to me, and I won't be watching anything coming through the tube, that has any of them in it. I think that's the only thing that will 'make them go away'.
Off subject, but after reading about Rep. Murt, I want to ask the Americans this...We here in Canada have stringent laws for children and rules as to what constitutes abuse, but more than that, in every school from Kindergarten on, children are reminded of a kids help phone line number, they know it by heart, it is written in their "agenda" (not sure of english word, but the book they get at beginning of year to chart their progress)
My daughter once yelled at me she was going to call them to say she needed help, I was abusive...LOL..because I threeatened to ground her for a week...=)..but just there a national program in the States like that, aimed at the kids, given to them at school..I think it's great, and I even tell my daughter if she can't talk to me, at least talk to your school nurse or call the hotline to figure things out.
Maybe I am just weird in thinking it takes a village to raise a child, and big city girl here has her neighbourhood village helping to raise all the kids..we all look out for them, for their protection.
Who else in the neighbourhood is looking out for the *?
looking out for the 8 keyboard
Bless your heart Franky for telling your daughter to speak with the nurse or call the helpline. You are a very wise mom.If there were more moms like you I would have been out of a job, and happily so.
I hope the Gosselin kids have such an outlet for their fears and concerns.Sometimes in Canada we take our services for granted, when we shouldn't. If there is such a helpline in America I hope it gets a lot of support.
Werney Gal has her latest entry up.
Nothing we haven't all suspected. Kart is evil and I think mentally unstable. Jon gets no pass for allowing this behavior. All the more reason for him to keep the kids from her. I wonder if she allows the nannies to spank since she thinks it's a good disciplinary tool?
I agree with Kelly overall that nothing may change until Kate's 15 minutes finally run out.
Yet, I can not give up. Go read the new post at WG's site and see if you can.
I did some research last year and learned that America is the most permissible country. If you don't leave a mark . . .
I'm not sure what to do about the Kate kalendars now since Kate has decided she might as well let the children be with their father when she's not around. It's not fair to ding her for being gone when the kids are with Jon, I actually agree with her.
Perhaps the Kalendars played some role in her decision to let the kids be with their FATHER instead of nannies, as well as her statement to the paps the other day about how she can't be with the kids they're with Jon so there. Ha.
Ha is right Admin!
You could make a symbol for Jon's days...Somehow I doubt that she'll stay home for long.
Hmmmm, sounds like WG's source may have a book in progress. That would be definitely be one I'd stand in line for.
Carolina Gal - I posted it at Preesi's.
To join go to the very top of the page and click join. Then it will ask for your email address and a password. It will cue you from there of how to do your profile and select a username/screenname. If that doesn't work for you let me know.
I agree with cherier1, her being home will be temporary, I say keep the kalender! I just spent time reading on an old site,called "",and wow,did I ever learn alot about those early days,all that kate asked for, how the kids each have a college fund from the state set up for each of them,so much info, anyone who wants to know more,this is the place! The long letter from Julie,is on there,too,I had NO idea about most of it.Someone needs to let babymama know about it,and the rest of her followers,so they can make better judgements, instead of just being a herd of sheeples!
NancyB, I'm pretty sure Preesi has to approve your membership before you can post. It should come in an email if your account has been approved.
Koopdedo - I agree about that Wiki Answers & royalties. But, who would have thought that she would get a 1 million dollar advance for selling private letters to children. I wish I knew someone that had some knowledge base in publishing so we could get a more reliable source.
TVSnark said...
I did some research last year and learned that America is the most permissible country. If you don't leave a mark . . .
tvsnark - Thanks for posting this. It was very good information. You did a good job!
Admin - I think that you should not give them up completely. Her book tours and new shows will be starting up in the near future. They have been a very valuable tool, IMO. Even if you decide to shelve them temporialy I think fairly soon they will be important again, JMO.
Sick of Kart's & Jon's Krap - Thanks, yep I forgot about that ...but Carolina Gal was having trouble requesting to join. Preesi responds very quickly to any requests to join.
This is a blog post from Dr. Lillian Glass that she wrote last September. It forecasted Kart's stint on DWTS with a lot of accuracy.
Kate Gosselin Didn’t “Make Friends or Influence People” On Her Recent Visit to L.A.
Perhaps the book that Kate Gosselin needed to read on her plane ride back from Los Angeles was Dale Carnegie’s classic book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” becuase she was alledegly doing neitherof those things on her recent visit in Los Angeles.
We have all seen Kate Gosslein be rude and downright verbally, emotionally, and physically abusive to husband Jon on the air. We have even seen her be rude to her children like taking a sip of cold water before she was to go on the air and not giving a sip to her thirsty daughter Maty, who retorted by telling her mother how “mean” she was. We have even heard how rude and selfish Kate was from interviews with her own brother sister in law, Aunt Jody. We have all read the reports that she apparently fired over 40 (that’s a big number) nannies, nurses, house cleaners, and other staffers who no doubt could fill volumes about their firings and unhappy experiences with Kate.
But on her recent visit to Los Angeles where she appeared in the media to trash husband Jon and do some image control and PR spin so that she would look like the “angel” next to Jon’s “devil” her controlling and diva like image managed to leaked out. Her behavior apparently turned off many in her wake, according to many staffers on the scene whom I personally interviewed.
Even though as a formally trained journalist, I will never name names or reveal my sources, suffice it to say, I took personal offense when I heard how rudely Kate treated some cherished people in my life.
There are a lot of people behind the scenes whom you don’t see on camera, who are the backbone of the media industry. They are the producers, makeup artists, hair stylists, directors, writers, cameramen and camerawomen, sound people, gaffers, assistants, food service people, lighting people, and limo drivers, and security staff among others. They are there to help. They are not servants. They are not the “little people”. They are in factm “big people” .They are valuable cogs in a machine that allows everything to flow smoothly and effectively and therefore must be treated with the same respect and dignity as one would treat the host or the star of a show.
It came to my attention from numerous sources that Kate on her recent visit to Los Angeles was not too pleasant to a number of these behind the scenes people. In fact word had it that she was attempting to run the show and take control of situations where it was inappropriate for her to be in control. Thankfully, she was put in her proper place by many of these individuals who refused to let her run amok and run over them.
The comments I heard from the numerous people with whom I spoke, in various venues, essentially said the same thing- that “Kate seems to believe her own press,” that” she thinks she’s a super star “and appears to be “taking herself way too seriously”, “acting like a diva” and being “demanding and commanding”.
Now I don’t know it all of this is true because I didn’t see it with my own eyes. But the fact that I heard what is essentially the same story from various people in a variety of positions and in a variety of places on a variety of different days lends me to believe that their stories are most probably credible. What leads me to believe that their stories clealrly ring true is the fact that none of the people whom I interviewed knew the other people whom I interviewed in the different venues and in different parts of the city.
While Kate Gosselin may present a very physcially attractive picture of a mother of eight with buff arms and a bright smile, and a slim figure, the old saying “ you can dress a pig, but its’ still a pig” may very well hold true here. Pretty is as pretty does. And Kate did not act very pretty to numerous people in Los Angeles who shared their personal experiences with me.
If Kate wants an after life in show business when the show finally ends (and it will) she needs to start to loosen up on trying to control everything and everyone. Most important of all, she needs to learn that she is NOT the center of the universe. And even more important than that, she needs to learn how to treat people- all people with whom she comes in contact- with respect and dignity and graciousness.
If she acts without these qualities, one can only imagine what will happen to those 8 children growing up without a role model teaching them respect, dignity and graciousness when it comes to others.
So my helpful suggestion to Kate is to read Dale Carnegie’s classic book so you can not only incorporate the valuable information in your own lifem but so that you can ” influence” your 8 kids” in a postive way so that they won’t grow up following in your rude footsteps.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 at 8:20 pm
Dr. Lillian Glass
The laws protecting children vary from state to state; they are not federally regulated.PA has very lax regulations regarding the physical and psychological wellbeing of children. If Kate wants to beat the crap out of those beautiful children, she's picked the perfect state to live in.
If she lived in California, where I live, those kids would be living with relatives by now.
My two cents.
I mean no disrespect to the residents of Pennsylvania, by the way.
"I'm not sure what to do about the Kate kalendars now since Kate has decided she might as well let the children be with their father when she's not around. It's not fair to ding her for being gone when the kids are with Jon, I actually agree with her." Admin
I think that you are right to reconsider the Kalendar. I like to think that this whole experience may have taught Kate that she will need Jon's help in the future if she wants to fulfill these dreams in her heart of having a career. By no stretch of the imagination am I a Kate supportor in saying this. I just believe that if one of them is not going to be at the orphanage the other should be.
Also, I think that Tlc & Kate are just trying to stay on the media radar. Pulling back now for a little while may be prudent in extinguishing this Kockroach of a fake mom.
There was an argument between two paps at the Gosselins yesterday. It didn't come to actual blows but it looked like it was going to and others there broke it up before it got out of control. One of the paps who is frequently at the property is known to be hotheaded and it was between him and another photographer. My friend who is writing the book I've been excerpting on my blog worked as a reporter for one of the major rags over the past summer, and he told me about it yesterday. But the picture above may or may not be related to it. That might just be a regular old picture of the kids going into the trees.
Whenever the kids are in front of the house we can assume it's a photo oppotrtunity. When they want privacy they go to the back of the house where the swingset and pool are.
The photographers know the property boundaries and they are usually respectful of them. The police go by often, by now most regulars know each other, and everyone has a working relationship. Everyone's trying to make a living in their own way. The picture of Kate slapping her daughter's behind was taken by a photog who had snuck into a field on the side of the property. Kate had no idea he was there and no doubt thought she could hit her child without being seen or photographed. The photographer made a lot of money on that picture, I believe the highest ever for a Gosselin picture, even more than the one of Jon in the car with Deanna Hummel. Even though Kate doesn't think spanking is wrong, she wouldn't be dumb enough to do it in public.
Jon has guns and keeps them on the property and in his cars. He has been known to say, when pissed off, that he would shoot this or that person if they did this or that. He isn't threatening anyone, he just sometimes says stupid things. He also sometimes tips off the photogs and he has specific relationships with some of them. I'll be blogging about this soon.
Werny Gal - I love your insider posts! Keep 'em coming, please!
The laws protecting children vary from state to state; they are not federally regulated.PA has very lax regulations regarding the physical and psychological wellbeing of children. If Kate wants to beat the crap out of those beautiful children, she's picked the perfect state to live in.
If she lived in California, where I live, those kids would be living with relatives by now.
My two cents.
I mean no disrespect to the residents of Pennsylvania, by the way.
Kelly -
You are incredibly funny! Even if I didn't know who J&K were, I would enjoy your comments.
"I Can See It All The Way From HERE!!! You BETCHA"
LMAO! That was a true LOL moment.
Tell me you're a writer. You must be!
Just another clueless idiot posting at HuffPo:
Kate Gosselin and Fame - Collision Course or Just Being a Good Mommy?
I checked the bio of this "Nancy Doyle Palmer,
Journalist and screenwriter in Washington DC" and it says:
Nancy Doyle Palmer is a writer based in Washington, DC. She is a screenwriter who also writes for Washingtonian Magazine and most recently, for O, the Oprah Magazine. She is married to former NBC anchor and correspondent John Palmer – they have three daughters.
In several of the purported photo's taken on Saturday, Jon is wearing two different t-shirts. Must have spilled his "hand delivered, in the woods lunch on his other T.
I have lunch delivered to me all the time in the woods. I just call Pizza Hut, give them my GPS coordinates and WALA....that delivery boy just parachutes right onto the spot I'm waiting on, deep in the woods.
Here's a heads up delivery people: I'll be on the Chesapeake Bay on Saturday, weather permitting. I'm looking for a meatball sub, a side order of Thrashers French Fries, some ketchup, a twelve pack of Bud Light and plenty of napkins. See ya there.
MickeyMcKean said...
.......Should we expect more of these stupid little conversations until the kids are out of school for the summer?
BTW, when does school end in PA?
The G kids have only six weeks of school left. Their last day is Thursday, June 3rd.
The main reason I've thought that most of the photos shot in the yard/driveway are PR shots is because of the fact that Cara and Mady are always out there with the 6 younger children. From observing my own 3 children and my multiple nieces and nephews, it would be more likely that the older twin girls would not be "playing in the yard", especially with their 6 younger siblings.
Girls the age of Cara and Mady, are not likely to want to "play in the yard with little kids" unless they were baby-sitting. And the Gosselins seem to have plenty of household staff that would be indoors so that Cara and Mady could be in there doing what most girls that age with their friends, go on the computer, work on projects, hobbies, schoolwork, etc.
I had all boys but even with them being boys and more likely to "play out in the yard", the oldest (4 and 1/2 years older than the second child) rarely "played in the yard" with the two younger boys (who were closer in age). And my multiple nieces, at the twins age, rarely, if ever, played in the yard with their younger siblings.
To me, it's just not typical behavior of girls who are the age of the twins and leads me to believe that they are strictly PR shots....and that the twins are told to be out there while the shots are being taken.
Frankly to me it seems like a PR stunt. Kate just happens to show up on the day there is more than usual one paps. Didn't they just supposedly decide to work to together without going to court.
The other day Kate comes back with the kids from CA (we just happen to have shots of them at the airport something that never usually happens). Then paps photos of her leaving quickly barely acknowledging the sad confused kids, low and behold we all start clicking on sites for more info. Then we get photos of Jon with the kids and Kate shopping in NY.
I think we are all being played by their PR people. They need to keep them in the news for the book and the shows coming out. I for one will not read the ROL etc. anymore. I'm just going to read here and at WG.
Kelly said...
"I have lunch delivered to me all the time in the woods. I just call Pizza Hut, give them my GPS coordinates and WALA....that delivery boy just parachutes right onto the spot I'm waiting on, deep in the woods."
Kelly, for future reference, what is the politically correct percentage tip for a Pizza Hut delivery guy that parachutes in with your order?
Enquiring minds what to know :)
so sad the kids can't play in their own yard without a photo being taken then torn part for meaning..sheesh..PAPS..shoot the parents..Parents shoot the PAPS..but leave these poor kids horrible for be "on for the cameras" every time they step outside their own home on their own property..there must be a law against this invasion of kids' privacy.
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