Still unable to catch a break from the relentless filming schedule that has gone on all summer long, the kids were spotted out today getting shoes while Kate Plus 8 filmed. The shoe store was shut down for filming.
130 sediments (sic) from readers:
Looks like the other day was the "real" shopping when Mady was wearing her Live Simply shirt, and today was the show shopping for Kate Plus 8.
How so very real.
I just don't get the last picture from Radar. All the kids are huddled around a pole hiding their faces but the car is RIGHT THERE! Why would Kate not let them just get run to the van? No instead they have to stand there scared while TLC gets it all on film??? Cruel Cruel Cruel and NOT ENTERTAINING!!
Does anybody else wish we could tie Kate down and cut her hair so it didn't keep flopping in her face? She has her hand on her hair more than she has it anywhere else. Except pointing.
It is not a style for a 35 year old with aging skin.
On INFDaily there is a video called Celebrity News Report for August 20.
The last 20 seconds or so of this video are of Kate shopping for shoes with the kids.
But to backup what was posted here on this blog a few days ago, INF is NoT a Kate fan so to be a little snarky, INF also added a clip from last year, and then fast forwarded to this week with both Kate and Jon's unique salutes to the one (1) pap named Chris.
To end this traveling circus, remember:
Why am I not surprised. Kate did this same stunt last year, walking out of a Target or some store in Reading while the crowd was roped off and shouting "We Love you Kate" and she just continued to walk. This is such a stunt and an "IN YOUR FACE" photo op.
Not surprised at all. Desperate people do desperate things.
MickeyMckean-I'm with you. TLC lost this viewer long ago.
Who the HELL is going to watch this show of some shrew taking their kids shopping for shoes. Holy Go to War MS. Murphy.....if your life is that dull that you will spend an hour or a half hour or however long this perpetual family photo continues to roll around on a loop, you've got to really get a life.
They've milked this cash cow so hard the utters are starting to look like Lincoln pennies. Another few minutes of Kate on the Kouch, talking about how hard her life is and all the chaos, a few shots of the kids running rampant in a shoe store, Steve doing a security sweep around the Buster Brown section of the shoe store making sure fans don't pop out of the Nike size 8's and Kate showing the world what a mother she is.
I'd rather watch maggots eat a pound of honey baked turkey meat than watch this over the top woman and her kids do anything. It's getting old Kate. Real old Kate. We DON'T want to watch anymore family vacation photos. We don't even watch OUR family vacation photos.
So is Kate trying out for Girls Next Door? By the looks of that outfit she IS.
Oh wait, Hugh Hefner turned Kate down. Sorry Katie Irene, you wore your pink call-girl shoes for no reason.
The only reason for Kate to get dressed up is when they are filming the show or for her weekly photo-op.
No friends to go out on the town or for a girly weekend in NYC.
The only person who tolerates Kate is her paid bodyguard errr... *cough* boyfriend.
Maybe the title should be "Kids filmed GETTING shoes." Considering this is probably the same store they were videoed in last year getting back-to-school shoes, and their mother's propensity for taking freebies, I am sort of assuming the shoes were comped for a little product placement/publicity for Stride Rite. I seriously doubt Kate (and crew) would drive an hour to get shoes for the kids unless they were free. For herself of course, $300 per pair is no object!
"To end this traveling circus, remember:"
It's not going to end, is it? It's just not going to end. As I sit here typing this, there's a commercial on television, "Gosselins invade NYC."
This is never going away. I just know it. They'll be filming Kate buy two pink matching wonder bras for the twins, their first trip to the gynocologist, and the boys' bachelor parties. Heavens to mergatroypd.
Hi Kate,
I know you're at home at the childrens stalag, reading all the blogs just to see what people say about you. You'll probably stumble across this one, later in the night when all the money makers are fast asleep and you have those 4 or 5 hours to polish off that box of wine.
You'll probably wake up tomorrow morning, long after the money makers woke up and had their teaspoon full of Frosted Flakes, a grape or two and a sippy cup filled 1/8th of the way with orange juice.
Your "Not a Nanny" will bring you a cup of fresh coffee after she found the keys to the double locked deadbolt on the bedroom door. You'll take the cup, complain a little about how bright it is in the room and how you can't focus yet and then ask "what time is it"?
The not a nanny will be playing traffic cop with all the kids, telling them to pick this up or pick that up, stop hitting each other, wait till your mother wakes up and put the fear of God in them like you do 24/7.
You'll probably text Steve the "handler" and ask him why he didn't text you first and continue to berate him for not calling you earlier to wake you up.
Reluctantly, you'll get out of the pillow soft mattress, spend an hour or so in the shower and then make a telephone call to the Paps that you'll be shopping at Target once again for school supplies.
Jon will once again, show up with his own Paps in tow to pick up the kids for his duty weekend and try to pretend that he's the "good" parent. Yeah, we'll all see the photo ops all weekend.
You'll dither around the shoe closet to see if the strap on heels that go all the way up to your knees will be sufficient for your walk of shame and then decide on one pair.
Jon will take the kids, you'll have the day to yourself and the pink phone will be fast dialing anyone or everyone in the press that you can muster up to be their while you fill your car with gas, head to the Giant or Target and then head back home to your self imposed exile and hope you've kept yourself on the media radar.
Later during the day, you'll check the fridge to see if the box of wine is full and ready for another evening of indulgence and hope that the next day brings you more face time in the media sans kids.
We all know what next week brings so we'll save your from planning. A first day of school at the Target Store, dropping the kids off at the school bus with all the P people you can guarantee an exclusive with. We'll also see Jon show up as the dutiful dad, wanting to be part of the media opportunity and not part of the kids first full day of school and OMG, we'll read about how sad you are to send all of the kids off to school for a full day for the first time.
Spare us Kate. Your schedule and your media ops are like a broken watch. It's only correct twice a day. You and Jon are so incorrect all day. We know what's in store. It is so predictable. We're not impressed nor interested anymore. Don't forget to close the fridge when you tap the box of wine. The organic eggs will go bad.
I was just looking at the photo above, and I have to giggle a bit. Pardon my nic-pickin', but nobody else has on 4" heels while shopping, except Katie. All that I can see have sensible shoes on.
I never wear heels to go shopping, only on special occasions (Weddings etc...). Now doctors report that the constant wearing of high heels causes problems to the knees, back,ankle,and hip joints. You get bunions, heel pain, toe deformities, shortened Achilles tendons, trapped nerves and shortened calf muscles. Not worth it!!
But I have a funny feeling that Kate does not care, as long as her legs look lean she's a happy camper. The same goes with her tanning habit...
But I digress, what I find really sad is that those poor, little children can't do something as simple as shoe shopping without a camera or strangers gawking at them. Shame on their mother-thing!
Does anyone else think the kids look embarrassed? Meanwhile, Kate looks as pleased as a pig in shit.
Think about it this way - the kids are paying for their own school supplies and wardrobe while at the same time putting food on the table of the film crew, publicist, bodyguard, etc. And people wonder why the only ones who speak up for the Gosselin kids are the ones not benefiting in any way, shape or form from their reality tv show. It's the money, stupid.
Shame on Jon and Kate Gosselin and everyone else connected with these two celebrity wannabes. They are all disgusting!
So I can't figure it out -- are all those people lined up because they can't enter the shoe store until the queen bee finishes her taping OR are they devoted fans??? Any thoughts?
Reality Bites,
You are so correct. While Kate pimps the kids for freebies, Jon stays at home, during the day, while most Dad's are working and he's playing video games on his Wii or his playstation. What a Dad.
BUT.....but..... he does show up to pick up the kids. OMG he is a hero. He brings all 8 kids over to his 1 BEDROOM Apartment for his cursory visit. WHAT A DAD.....
These kids LOVE Jon. They are so happy to come over and sleep on the floor on sleeping bags for three days every other week. That's living. That's living large.
Woohoo! Another shoe shopping episode!! Man, I just can't get enough of THOSE!
And the red shoes with the pink top. What the...?
Tick-tock, Kate.
Those people are plants from TLC. No family wants to hang out at a shoe store in 90 degree weather with humidity being 81 percent just to get a view of the Gosselins.
TLC did this same photo shoot last year at the same time and everyone was yelling "I Love You Kate" as she brushed by them without any acknowledgement.
How would all those people know that Kate Gobbelin was going to shop at that shoe store, at that time, on this day????? It's a photo op and more spin from TLC.
Quite frankly, if I wanted to shop at that store and was denied entry because Kate Gosselin and her kids were there, I'd never shop there again. Who the hell does she think she is that they close a store so she can shop and I can't. That is bad PR for Stride Rite.
IN fact, I'm going to call the Stride Rite store tomorrow in Quakerstown and ask them if they will close the store for me while I shop for shoes. I encourage others to do the same thing.
Thanks Kelly, your comment definitely has the ring of truth!
When you look at those pictures on ROL it breaks your heart. Those kids don't want to be treated differently,they don't like being singled out. They want to be like every other kid.
I bet the Dilly sextuplets can walk down the street and not even get a second glance.They probably don't have stores close down for them when they shop.Except for an occasional update, we never hear about them.Kudos to their parents who put their kids first before $$$.
If I was told to wait on the sidewalk while Kate Gosselin and her brood shopped, I would be highly pissed.I would NEVER shop there ever again.This is to pathetic for words.
Kelly said...
IN fact, I'm going to call the Stride Rite store tomorrow in Quakerstown and ask them if they will close the store for me while I shop for shoes. I encourage others to do the same thing.
Funny you'd say that. I was just googling Stride Rite, Quakertown. There's no such animal, although there is a Moyer's Shoes that carries Stride Rite. I don't want to get the wrong store.
If Admin will allow me to post the address and telephone number of the store, I'll do so. Otherwise, I don't want to ruffle any feathers. I've been known to do that a little lately.
Poor kids can't even buy back to school shoes without being filmed by TLC. And mommy can't even take them shoe shopping alone unless it is being filmed so that she can get FREE shoes for the kids. You can bet they were free or heavily discounted. I can't afford Stride Rite for my two kids as much as I would like to. I bought one pair that was on sale at a consignment shop. They are expensive.
I bet those kids are silently thinking "d*mn, we can't even shoe shop without being filmed mom. What's up with that? You know the kids are going to pick on me at school."
While I'm on this soapbox, if you really want to see this charade end, start calling the sponsors and the product placement companys that support this show and let them know your thoughts.
Blogging isn't enough. Yeah, it lets us vent and most or not all of the sponsors don't read these things. When they get negative calls about their contributions to child exploitation, they'll have second thoughts. Emailing them does nothing but get your message deleted at the stroke of a key. Calling them ties up their switchboards and totally pisses off the receptionist. Call them. They all have 800 numbers. Use your phone not your keyboard. Get MAD.
What I tell you ladies and gentlemen, she was going to squeeze in one or two more film weeks before they step in the door at school. She is not done, she will BOO HOO all about how sad she is about their first day of school, she is full of shit. Just like when she said there is loads of paps outside her door...haha, cats out of the bag..Katie
As of now, this is the only blog that I read or post on but here is a challenge to each and everyone of you on here. Pass it on. Share it with the blogs you are on and make sure you are emphatic about it.
Call at least one of the sponsors of this show on Monday. Tell them of your disdain for them contributing to the exploitation of minors. Start with Stride Rite. Go with Crooked Houses. Pick and choose any of them but do it and don't talk about it any longer.
Tell them you will not purchase their product as long as they are part and parcel to a show that exploits minors. Mention Kate plus 8. Let them know how you feel. Tie up the switchboard and be proactive. We've been saying the same things, day in and day out about the Gosselins and nothing changes. We post our dribble, look to see who agrees or not and either challenge them or come up with something new.
I am as guilty as everyone else. I snark on them all the time. Monday, August 23, 2010, we all call the sponsors and voice our disgust. I know some that I WILL call. Share with the rest of us those you want to call. I'll do it. I'll do it every Monday until we begin to make a difference. Let's make this a plan other than just responding to posts about what these phoneys continue to do.
Kar said...
Poor kids can't even buy back to school shoes without being filmed by TLC. And mommy can't even take them shoe shopping alone unless it is being filmed so that she can get FREE shoes for the kids. You can bet they were free or heavily discounted.
There's a Stride Rite outlet store a half hour away; and another one 40 minutes away...closer than the store they went to in Quakertown. Why didn't they go there, or don't the outlets offer freebies?
Is there a list of the sponsors? I thought I saw it posted somewhere, and is it current?
When nine year-olds have to carry six year-olds out to a van because they're hiding their faces in a lamp post, maybe it would be nice if an eyewitness would come forward and report this instead of posing for pictures with that maniac. A pig in mud...absolutely!
A mother?...hell no!
Sorry, pig in shit was the quote. Much more appropriate..credit to more freebies.
TO the poster OMG!
I so agree with you that is my concern not Kate's shoes. The kids had an open path to the car in which the door was open. Any real mother would tell the kids quick run get in the car (not in a panicky voice but I think you know what I mean) But instead she tells them to stand at a post and cover their faces and let all the idiots (including TLC) take photos of them. I jsut don't get this. This is one case were I would want Steve and the other bodyguard to protect the kids. Stand around them (kids are short if the have adults standing around them in a circle it protects them) and get them to the car. Guess too much talk about Stevie boy being too hands on so TLC said Steve we don't want you on camera anymore....UGH!! I HATE THESE PEOPLE!
Wow, I don't really see the hordes of paparazzi that supposedly follow her everywhere in any of these pics?
They just got back from vacation (work week) last week and again TLC is there to film shoe shopping. How wonderful it must be to have even a simple thing as buying shoes filmed for the country to see. (NOT) If I were Mady and Cara I would demand my privacy. Who would stand outside of a shoe store and wait for Ms Grifted to step out and scream "WE LOVE YOU KATE", not I.
All those men swarming around the kids, holding the cameras, holding the boom, the sound tech guy, whatever the hell else all you men do, are you proud of yourselves that you are earning a paycheck filming the emotional and physical abuse of small, innocent children? Everyone knows Kate's sick, but what are your excuses? How do you look at yourself in a mirror? How do you sleep? Oh, I know, you gotta feed your kids, right? How many people are those little children supporting, directly or indirectly. So tuck in your kids with their full bellies, compliments of Mady, Cara, Collin, Aaden, Joel, Alexis, Hannah and Leah Gosselin. They can take it. Childhood is overrated, right?
Oh, and P.S. You're all going to hell. You know that, right?
Good grief! I just looked at the first two photos on ROL. Are those bazooms getting larger? Admin should post those pictures next to one where she's flatter than the proverbial pancake!
I want that bra!!
I agree with Kelly. A well organized and publicized boycott of the major sponsors of Kate Plus Eight would go a long way toward ending this charade especially in concert with any/all proposed legislation intended to actually protect the rights of minors who come in contact with reality tv programming regardless of what state they live/film in.
Those bazooms look like they're getting awfully heavy for that poor, old cow.
Oh, the burden of exploiting your kids for profit and fame.
The photo of the kids hiding their faces against the lamp post is disturbing.
I have a feeling the "evil paparazzi" who took this photo is the same TLC photographer that was seen in an INF video taking paparazzi type shots of Kate and the kids when they were in Alaska.
Kate certainly is manipulative isn't she. She would scare the crap out of her kids to make herself look like a victim.
If Chris the lone photog had approached the group during filming they would have shoo'd him away. I have a feeling that Chris wouldn't have gotten this close.
The photog who took this is standing right next to the TLC film crew...you can see it in the photo. So he's got to be a TLC photographer.
I feel sorry for these kids. No one will protect them.
There is a clip filmed in Chinatown on INF and Chris has to be walking right by Steve Neild.
In the radaronline photos, one of the people taking pictures is Steve. You can see his reflection in the store window.
They are getting sloppy - hope it means that the ship is sinking.
I jsut don't get this. This is one case were I would want Steve and the other bodyguard to protect the kids.
I agree. The way the people standing at the curb who've probably been ordered by RatClaws to stay back.... that is more disturbing than anything. He's as big an a-hole as Kate. What does he say? 'Get back folks, the Gosselin 8 and their famous reality show mom are emerging from the store, please don't touch the exhibits, please do not feed the animals' ??
It's so sickening what they're doing to those kids. What must they think of themselves? That they're just show-pieces? I cannot wait for Kate's day to come when they stand up to her and say ENOUGH.
Udder Nonsense said... Good grief! I just looked at the first two photos on ROL. Are those bazooms getting larger? Admin should post those pictures next to one where she's flatter than the proverbial pancake!
I want that bra!!
August 20, 2010 8:56 PM
They look HUGE!!!! Good lord have mercy.
It is so laughable that she denied a boob job when her knockers are this big now, and when the show first started they were deflated and flat. The scary thing is she lied sooooo easily about not having implants and didn't even flinch when she lied ( on The View ), so she must lie pretty regularly about anything and everything. The thing about her, though, is I think once she lies, she truly believes her lies.
"Lying is a trait and vehicle which narcissists have acquired for self-preservation. It is a cover that works time and again until their credibility is impeached by facts. Because a narcissist doubts himself and has little or no self- regard, he doesn't believe anyone else will accept him also. Lying props him up to the outside world."
"The attitude of the narcissist towards lying is very childish and simple: If the narcissist lies and gets away with it, (s)he interprets this as being clever and superior to others. In this sense, while common sense clearly sees lying as a social ill, the narcissist views lying as an excellent tool to obtain what (s)he wants and as a means to demonstrate how stupid others are."
Sound about right?
Denise said... Sound about right?
Yes, it does. A poster from a different blog said this about narcissists and lying. Kate was the first person who came to mind when I read it:
"Sometimes I think that the worst torture one could devise for these freaks would be to lock them in a room all alone for about three days. After about an hour, they would probably have their socks on their hands like puppets, just to have someone to lie to."
Denise, I saw you tried to reason with "others" at that blog. You gave it a good try but they refuse to allow opposing opinions. Does your head hurt from banging it against the wall? hee hee
Some of us were inspired by that blog .....
I am not the only Denise around the "Kate blogs" but I have tried to discuss reasonably and get NOWHERE. There are people that seem under some kind of spell and are willing to excuse ANYTHING Kate does.
And yes, her boobs look huge. I am glad that they look huge because all the millions of people that heard her lie on the View (twice-rerun) and in People magazine will know that she is a liar. And can't she match her shirt with the shoes. Yuck!!! The pinks don't match. The kelley greens didn't match. And the reds didn't match. No taste at all.
Wow! Maybe with photo of the kids standing around the pole with their eyes shut is their rebelling. Look how one of the twins is picking up one of the smaller ones. And Kate is carrying Joel.
Do you think that this may be a GREAT sign...the sextuplets are rebelling in public?
Another thought about the poster saying that Steve was there because you could see his reflection in the glass. Why would Steve be there? Didn't he go home after a full week in North Carolina? So he returned to PA after being home a mere few days so he could protect the Gosselins for their walk from the car to inside the shoes store? Gee, Gina I have to return to PA to guard the kids trip to Stride Rite! No. I am beginning to believe that maybe he and Kate are in love. Think about it. Why in the hell is he there for a mere few steps from the car to the store. It doesn't make sense. Did he EVEN go home after the NC trip. Any thoughts?
I abhor Khate, but I'm hoping the kids were playing a game before getting into the van. Carrying boy child into the van did bother me tho.
Bags carried by kids seemes to have MORE than one shoe box. Nice......
My thoughts are that one day in the future this circus of a show will end. And when that day comes if Steve & Kate are not a couple and his interest all along has been congruent with Kate's namely lots of $$$$$; then when it is finally over he will just walk away. Walk away like the boom guy and the camera guy, the sound guy and the whole TLC greedy outfit. My concern is that Kate & Steve have had him "filling" Jon's role with the kids. They must have strong emotional bonds with him. When he just walks out of their lives it WILL be another trauma. My belief is that these kinds of painful disappearing acts (here & close one day and totally gone the next) are wounds that you do carry for many years to come.
A few years ago it was quoted in People Magazine that Mr. Gray, as we called him in the beginning before we new his name, was being paid $1600.00/day. Can you only imagine the amount his compensation has sky rocketed since then? Now if they are really a couple then this is a moot point. Except as these children mature and at some point whether it be in their 20's, 30's, 40's when they do examine their childhoods and how they were raped of the experience of just living a normal childhood, I'm pretty confident that they will hold Steve in disdain to some degree as well. How ironic that his title is the “Body Guard”. Who has ably enabled and directly assisted in their exploitation. How proud Kate, TLC and Steve must be for providing such "fine" protection of the 8.
It appears TLC and the Daily Mail are working together to make Kate a hit in the UK. They are using the same ole tired lines about poor struggling Kate having the expense to outfit 8 kids for school, hinting now that she needs a new van for the kids - that will be another episode and Jon of course is her evil womanizing ex. The sheeple meanwhile are giddy with glee about only having one week to wait for Kate to take over Manhatten,ugh,
i am from the uk and have seen john and kate +8 on the discovery channel
however kate plus 8 hasnt been on.
today i saw an advert on the discovery channel for new series little people big world and 19 kids and counting but no mention of kate plus 8 so we can only hope it isnt going to be aired in the uk.
Denise said... In the radaronline photos, one of the people taking pictures is Steve. You can see his reflection in the store window.
That was the first thing I noticed Denise but decided to read ahead before posting it to see if anyone else also picked up on it. I depise this woman so much that it is beginning to nauseate me to even read about her.
Udder Nonsense said...
Good grief! I just looked at the first two photos on ROL. Are those bazooms getting larger? Admin should post those pictures next to one where she's flatter than the proverbial pancake!
I want that bra!!
She's got the invisible good bra on. Back of ho-wear shirt is cut out.
I recognize the shopping area (Promenade) that they were at--it's about 15 min from my home--and technically, it's in Center Valley. Why would they go all the way to this Stride Rite when there are many that are closer to her? Perhaps this one allowed filming and could close the store for them?
For your Saturday morning snarking pleasure, I give you jongosselin1's latest tweet:
"might have an odd name but Butt Paste is AMAZING, works great for babies sponsor http://spn.tw/tul7n about 21 hours ago via Sponsored Tweets"
Butt Paste and Jon Gosselin. Pretty synonmous, I'd say.
KateJonandTLCSuck said...
For your Saturday morning snarking pleasure, I give you jongosselin1's latest tweet:
"might have an odd name but Butt Paste is AMAZING, works great for babies sponsor http://spn.tw/tul7n about 21 hours ago via Sponsored Tweets"
Butt Paste and Jon Gosselin. Pretty synonymous, I'd say.
August 21, 2010 5:46 AM
Correcting spelling of 'synonymous'.
NancyB said... So I can't figure it out -- are all those people lined up because they can't enter the shoe store until the queen bee finishes her taping OR are they devoted fans??? Any thoughts?
Hi NancyB. My thoughts are that a few are customers waiting to get into the store. They are ALSO passersby who were interested in seeing how a TV filming works. Others had no idea, just saw a crowd and wondered what was going on. Notice that a great many of them look like bored kids, hanging out while their moms did their shopping nearby.
I was once "backstage" at the filming of a Hank Williams Jr music video, because my daughter ran the place where they were filming. It is very interesting to see the equipment etc.
I contacted the shoe store this morning to find out if they would close the store to the public so I could purchase some shoes in private. They said they weren't sure and would have to check. After being put on hold, they came back and said they couldn't do that.
I guess I don't have big enough boobs.
Why is Jon tweeting about Butt Paste? That's what I use on my 1 year old for his diaper rash!
The children worked all summer ,and still working,and paying their way threw life.. I hope they got the best pair of shoes to wear..Puta Kate,she does not pay for anything.....
I will never believe Steve is a bodyguard...I will never believe Steve was a bodyguard for the wealthy and famous people...Steve is just a servant for puta Kate,and Jamie,that divorce her husband and left her children for puta Kate is another servant as well...
Kelly said... I contacted the shoe store this morning to find out if they would close the store to the public so I could purchase some shoes in private. They said they weren't sure and would have to check. After being put on hold, they came back and said they couldn't do that.
I guess I don't have big enough boobs.
Awwww nice, nothing like having all your classmates watch you pick out them special pair of shoes and argue with your mom that you don't need velcro ones anymore. Those people in the background are the same people who tie up traffic when they see a accident across the highway.
Lorrie said...
Why is Jon tweeting about Butt Paste? That's what I use on my 1 year old for his diaper rash!
August 21, 2010 7:11 AM
Up next, plugs for Zim's Crack Creme and Preparation H...
Looks like Jon is tweeting about Butt Paste because he may be getting some money from the manufacturer for mentioning it.
I sure hope Jon didn't break a sweat while typing the products name on Twitter. Looks like he may have completed a full days work doing so.
He is such a hard worker, that Jon boy is and he's quite the smart fellow too. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually meant to tweet about Duct Tape. Now THAT stuff REALLY works.
Isn't Butt Paste what Kate puts in her homemade marinara sauce?
I don't think we'll be reading about Jon tweeting about Preparation H. He will never use that stuff. He's hoping those little bumps in the back get bigger than the little bump in the front so ole Stubby will look at least half way presentable to his next girlfriend.
That Zim's Crack Cream really works! You just smear it on your biggest crack. LOL.
Kate makes the rich and famous I've encountered look like Gandhi.
The most famous person I worked for sure she had nannies. But when the nanny was off one time she just took her son to the mall 15 minutes away, walked into a shoe store, and helped him pick out new sneakers. The next day her son proudly showed me his new pair of sneakers. He was so excited to do something like that with just mommy. Sheesh at least she didn't make a huge specticle of herself everywhere she went. At least she did normal things with her kids.
Steve may have been taking a picture for the woman posing with Kate using her camera? Just a thought.
These poor kids have no private life. They are like animals on display at the zoo.
Today is Saturday. This past week they went school shopping and then a trip for FREE shoes.
I figure to keep interest going for the upcoming new episode of Kate + 8 there will be another photo op this weekend. My guess it will be the kids swimming in the pool at Jon's apartment complex.
Mickey, don't forget the Emmy appearance! I am sure we will get some "back to school" bus stop pictures also. Anything for publicity - never mind if it hurts those kids.
This is going to be over someday. It might be a lot of years from now because even if Kate gets dumped by TLC she'll find another way to exploit her kids. That's her career. But it WILL end someday and when it does, who the hell are the G8 going to turn to when they realize what's been done to them, besides their therapists. Not their dad, he may love them but he'll never be mature enough to help them. They won't be able to go to Jodi and Kevin because Kate has probably poisoned their minds against them. She's more than likely told them that their aunt and uncle tried to ruin their lives. Kate's vindictiveness knows no bounds. I just hope they don't turn out like their mother. I hope when they're older they don't hold the same sense of entitlement as she does, and that the world owes them everything.
The photo at the top of this thread is too similiar to what happened to the Dionne quints to be ignored. The letter they wrote to the McCaugheys was testimony to the damage that's done when you treat children like a circus act..." Our lives have been ruined by the exploitation we suffered at the hands of the government of Ontario, our place of birth. We were displayed as a curiosity three times a day for millions of tourists."
Anyone who thinks the Gosselin children are going to sail through this debacle and come out unscathed by it has to be just as ignorant as Kate.
Is anyone from the state of Pennsylvania paying attention to this? Not just from a child labor standpoint, but from a child abuse standpoint? Why does a woman have to carry her six-year old child to a car? Is she trying to infantilize the kids so the sheeple will still keep calling them babies? Is she trying to hide the fact that her kids are so emotionally distraught they can't handle a trip to buy shoes without some kind of "meltdown", yet filming should continue? If we found out something is wrong with Joel and she's been travelling and primping and ignoring it, then what? Why are they hiding their faces? Did she make the kids do that to hide the fact that Joel is falling apart? There was no one around them except the film crew. No swarms of paps, but they must be scared of something. What does that witch say to these kids? Does anyone from PA who witnessed this care enough to file a complaint? What does that say about people? They freak out if an animal is left in a car, deservedly so, but these kids are being systematically abused by their insane mother and a large corporation and ***crickets***
"They are using the same ole tired lines about poor struggling Kate having the expense to outfit 8 kids for school,"
LOL!! The kids wear uniforms. They will need three polo shirts, two pair of shorts, and two pair of slacks. They went shopping at Old Navy. The shirts are eight dollars; pants are ten dollars. If they didn't have the khakis at Old Navy, Penney's has them. Been there, done that, still doing that! I'll do the math. That's a total of $512.00. I didn't figure in the cost of shoes, because I don't know if those were freebies. If not, add another $500 to that, because I'm betting they were discounted. If each child wants the school sweatshirt, add $124.00 to that, and another $64.00 for PE shorts.
So, for about a $1200.00, those kids have their school clothing this year. I'm sure with her proceeds from DWTS and his child support of $20,000 a month, the cost of the children's clothing isn't going to make a dent in her bank account.
Of course, with cooler weather coming, she'll have to buy them coats, jackets, gloves, boots and various winter gear if last year's are too small. Maybe that will be filmed in another episode and they'll find some place willing to donate to the cause.
Kelly I love your posts! They are always well written and with great wit! I guess your boobs weren't big enough. I can't believe how big her boobs looked in that pink shirt! She looks so absurd dressed like that for of all things shoe shopping? Or for any errands for that matter. What real busy Mom dresses like that. Seriously though, who the hell is interested in watching a bunch of kids get fitted for shoes?? I can't wait for the promo for that snooze fest. While watching reruns of Property Ladder today I saw a promo for a new family the Jones. The first thing out of the mothers mouth was something like "The cost of raising these 5 babies is huge" I thought oh no here we go again.
disgusted in PA said... I recognize the shopping area (Promenade) that they were at--it's about 15 min from my home--and technically, it's in Center Valley. Why would they go all the way to this Stride Rite when there are many that are closer to her? Perhaps this one allowed filming and could close the store for them?
August 21, 2010 5:30 AM
They probably called around looking for handouts. Needed a place who would close for them AND give them the shoes for free. They probably also had to find a place where the employees would sign confidentiality agreements.
And it wouldn't surprise me, either, that they searched for a place willing to allow TLC to scout the place first and redesign the shoe displays and widen shoe aisles to accomodate a camera crew. The employees for that shift were probably also handpicked and told to look their best and kiss Kate's butt.
There is no way this place was willy nilly chosen at random that day and they just showed up with cameras in tow. This was planned well in advance and produced/written/directed just like all the other episodes.
Just like in Al's book, how the Bed & Breakfast place that Jon and Kate were going to stay at was scouted and the owners spent weeks cleaning up/redecorating the place and preparing it for TLC...until Jon got caught screwing around and they canceled the reservations a day before they were supposed to come.
"Does anyone from PA who witnessed this care enough to file a complaint?"
File a complaint with whom? Someone should have called the police or child services because a mother carried her son to the car? We have no idea why she carried him. Pehaps he was wasn't feeling well. To think that she's carrying him to make him look like a baby is really stretching it! You don't call the police or CPS because you think that a child is having a melt-down! Yes indeed we think that exploitation is abuse, but in the eyes of the law, there must be proof of physical abuse. Emotional abuse is even more difficult to prove.
Of course there are people in PA who are up in arms because these kids are being forced to support their mother. You better believe voices have been heard in various state departments. You have no idea the number of people who have been tirelessly working on this issue for many, many months. Why do you suppose our legislators are working like dogs (with the help of Paul Petersen) to make sure that a set teacher is there for every filming, checking on the welfare of each child? This person isn't just there to carry out educational duties -- she/he is on the set to make sure laws are being followed and to address any issue that comes up with the child. That includes melt-downs.
The new laws cannot come soon enough.
Well, I saw an LLBean in the background. Maybe TLC will strongarm them into hosting a Gosselin freebies day for cold weather gear. But the way Kate starves and infantilizes these kids, I'm sure their stuff from last year fits quite well.
I'm also sure they'll be strapped into those booster seats until they're sixteen.
Kate may be a national joke, but this national joke is still abusing and traumatizing her children. And just like the Dionne's, in a few years, when these kids are snorting coke, abusing alcohol, being arrested, in rehab, people will say, why wasn't anything done? How could people have thought that was entertaining?
Child Protective Services cannot come without a complaint. I would have complained if I saw Kate look at them funny. They need someone to call to start a file on her.
It's not the people of PA I'm talking about, it's eyewitnesses to abuse or children in extreme distress who wait to have their picture taken with Kate. Tell me there aren't plenty of people who have witnessed the hell these kids are in, starting with the film crew. They are disgusting. Confidentiality agreements don't mean squat next to children being abused. They could contact Paul Peterson. He would go to the ends of the earth to protect someone who would spill the beans on that alcoholic, whore, child abuser.
Has anyone here ever had a six year-old that had to be carried 20 ft. to a car, other than if their leg was broken? How abut a nine year-old that had to pick up and carry a six year-old sibling because she was hiding her head? This smells rotten. There is something wrong with those kids and there are people covering Kate's ass, and it's sickening.
Remember Kate's fabulous new book that no one seems to talk about any more?
It's now selling on Amazon for under three bucks for a new copy.
Re: Kate lifting one of the boys -
It could be nothing more than Kate pretending to be the strong, caring mommy rescuing her babies from the mob gathered outside the store.
The little boy was probably embarrassed. Kate has yet to catch on that kids have feelings.
I'm sure she'll have some stupid explanation when it airs and she does her freaking boring monotone narrative. "As we left the store, a throng gathered around us....we had to get out of there before we were mobbed...." [insert Kate's heinous cackle here]
"It's now selling on Amazon for under three bucks for a new copy."
That's still three dollars more than it's worth.
She can spin it all she wants. The only throng in that picture is the exploitation, I mean camera crew, excited because it's pay day, compliments of eight childrens' childhoods.
A six year-old boy being carried by Mommy? Something smells. My boys would rather have walked with two broken legs than be carried by their mommy in front of strangers.
What's wrong with Joel, Kate? Have you ever noticed him? Is he fragmenting? Do you even care? Silly me, of course you don't. When one of your kids has a psychotic break from the severe stress they're under, will you film it? Will you get your hair done just so? Will Steve advise you how your boobs should look when you go to the mental hospital to visit? What's appropriate cleavage for a psych ward?
When I take my children to try on shoes, I make sure they are wearing socks.
Gossip Center has pictures of more back-to-school shopping today (Saturday). Steve was driving the van but when filming started, Kate got behind the wheel. So much for reality!!
if the store was closed down to allow the Gosselins to shop, someone better tell the man and child that appear to be shopping in the shoe store that they have to leave...or could they be fill-ins so it appears the gosselins shop along with the everyday people when they air this episode?
HOLY CRAP!!! You've got to see the way she is dressed today doing MORE back to school Grifting at Boscovs. She looks like she just graduated from the Danielle Staub School of Pole Dancing and Fashion. Check out those FUGGLY Shoes she's wearing today.
OH. MY. GOD. !!!
"It's not the people of PA I'm talking about, it's eyewitnesses to abuse or children in extreme distress who wait to have their picture taken with Kate."
I think we can assume that most of the people gathered at the scene WERE people of PA. You said, "Is anyone from the state of Pennsylvania paying attention to this?" What do you think these eyewitnesses should do? What's your solution to the problem?
"They need someone to call to start a file on her."
Do you know for a fact that there isn't one already in existence?
"There is something wrong with those kids and there are people covering Kate's ass, and it's sickening."
Of course there is! It's called exploitation. They'll have a brief respite from this hell when they begin school on Wednesday. They'll be there full-time, five days a week. Their lives will never be normal, but at least they won't be dragged all over the country. That is, unless Kate has their weekends booked for such trips.
"They could contact Paul Peterson. He would go to the ends of the earth to protect someone who would spill the beans on that alcoholic, whore, child abuser."
It's been done. He's in California, but has made several trip to Pa for this very reason. I would believe that there's so much being done behind the scenes that we don't know about. Petersen doesn't go down without a fight. HOW should he protect these kids? What specific measures should he take, other than the ones he has undertaken? Legally, exactly what can he do? SPECIFICS, please!
"Tell me there aren't plenty of people who have witnessed the hell these kids are in, starting with the film crew."
Yes, and word was that the film crew did report this to various people, but because of a CA, no details were given on the "moral" objection they had to filming. The original film crew was replaced. Film crews are a dime a dozen, and TLC is always going to find someone to do the work. If the crew sees things and objects, they call in another film crew.
The sad fact is that, having obtained work permits, they are within their legal rights to film these children. Morally, it's an entirely different ball of wax, but unless it can be proven that these kids are physically and emotionally abused, the law is on their side. Is it right? Of course not! But for now, until new laws are written, that's the way the ball bounces, and the kids are the victims in this travesty. Kate and TLC are laughing all the way to the bank while the kids are hiding their faces and screaming in their van because they don't want to go back to the house of horrors.
Has the wonder bra, new hooker shoes and another low slung belt.
What Mom exposes her breasts like this to go school shopping??????
"It's not the people of PA I'm talking about, it's eyewitnesses to abuse or children in extreme distress who wait to have their picture taken with Kate."
I think we can assume that most of the people gathered at the scene WERE people of PA. You said, "Is anyone from the state of Pennsylvania paying attention to this?" What do you think these eyewitnesses should do? What's your solution to the problem?
"They need someone to call to start a file on her."
Do you know for a fact that there isn't one already in existence?
"There is something wrong with those kids and there are people covering Kate's ass, and it's sickening."
Of course there is! It's called exploitation. They'll have a brief respite from this hell when they begin school on Wednesday. They'll be there full-time, five days a week. Their lives will never be normal, but at least they won't be dragged all over the country. That is, unless Kate has their weekends booked for such trips.
"They could contact Paul Peterson. He would go to the ends of the earth to protect someone who would spill the beans on that alcoholic, whore, child abuser."
It's been done. He's in California, but has made several trip to Pa for this very reason. I would believe that there's so much being done behind the scenes that we don't know about. Petersen doesn't go down without a fight. HOW should he protect these kids? What specific measures should he take, other than the ones he has undertaken? Legally, exactly what can he do? SPECIFICS, please!
"Tell me there aren't plenty of people who have witnessed the hell these kids are in, starting with the film crew."
Yes, and word was that the film crew did report this to various people, but because of a CA, no details were given on the "moral" objection they had to filming. The original film crew was replaced. Film crews are a dime a dozen, and TLC is always going to find someone to do the work. If the crew sees things and objects, they call in another film crew.
The sad fact is that, having obtained work permits, they are within their legal rights to film these children. Morally, it's an entirely different ball of wax, but unless it can be proven that these kids are physically and emotionally abused, the law is on their side. Is it right? Of course not! But for now, until new laws are written, that's the way the ball bounces, and the kids are the victims in this travesty. Kate and TLC are laughing all the way to the bank while the kids are hiding their faces and screaming in their van because they don't want to go back to the house of horrors.
Part I @Shame:
"It's not the people of PA I'm talking about, it's eyewitnesses to abuse or children in extreme distress who wait to have their picture taken with Kate."
I think we can assume that most of the people gathered at the scene WERE people of PA. You said, "Is anyone from the state of Pennsylvania paying attention to this?" What do you think these eyewitnesses should do? What's your solution to the problem?
"They need someone to call to start a file on her."
Do you know for a fact that there isn't one already in existence?
"There is something wrong with those kids and there are people covering Kate's ass, and it's sickening."
Of course there is! It's called exploitation. They'll have a brief respite from this hell when they begin school on Wednesday. They'll be there full-time, five days a week. Their lives will never be normal, but at least they won't be dragged all over the country. That is, unless Kate has their weekends booked for such trips.
Part II @Shame:
"They could contact Paul Peterson. He would go to the ends of the earth to protect someone who would spill the beans on that alcoholic, whore, child abuser."
He's in California, but has made several trip to Pa for this very reason. I would believe that there's so much being done behind the scenes that we don't know about. Petersen doesn't go down without a fight. HOW should he protect these kids? What specific measures should he take, other than the ones he has undertaken? Legally, exactly what else can he do? SPECIFICS, please, not just "spill the beans..."
"Tell me there aren't plenty of people who have witnessed the hell these kids are in, starting with the film crew."
Yes, and word was that the film crew did report this to various people, but because of a CA, no details were given on the "moral" objection they had to filming. The original film crew was replaced. Film crews are a dime a dozen, and TLC is always going to find someone to do the work. If the crew sees things and objects, they call in another film crew.
The sad fact is that, having obtained work permits, they are within their legal rights to film these children. Morally, it's an entirely different ball of wax, but unless it can be proven that these kids are physically and emotionally abused, the law is on their side. Is it right? Of course not! But for now, until new laws are written, that's the way the ball bounces, and the kids are the victims in this travesty. Kate and TLC are laughing all the way to the bank while the kids are hiding their faces and screaming in their van because they don't want to go back to the house of horrors.
Sorry for the double post. I got the message that the first one was too long, so I split it in two. I guess Ms.Blogger had a change of heart, and the first one went through!
Again, apologies!
From Gossip Center:
According to a paparazzo source on the scene, bodyguard Steve Neild drove the family van as the group pulled into the local Boscov's retail center for their bulk purchases.
With a film crew from TLC was there to capture all of the action. Kate quickly popped over to the driver's side so the cameramen could start shooting scenes.
Full post here:
Just keepin' it real! The realest reality show out there!
AuntieAnn said... "It's now selling on Amazon for under three bucks for a new copy."
That's still three dollars more than it's worth.
What's the going price for a roll of toilet paper?
I say she is trying to hide something with that hair over her right eye. I think she use some sort of hair gel that glues it to the area over her brow. You NEVER see a picture without it.
I'm in SHOCK that kate is carrying a bag-ALL BY HERSELF. Wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it.
That "thing" over her eye is called "A RUG". Lots of balding men wear them too.
He is now a chauffeur and a body guard too!!! This guy should be named "Jack" of all trades. =)He also advised her about landscaping, what size boobies she should get, he just seems to do everything, sounds like a boyfriend to me.
Life & Style magazine has an article about kate working the kids all summer....duh..really?
Also mentions the kids not smiling and looking tired. The truth hurts!!! KATE-GET A JOB and quit pimping out your kids.
Jamie out of the picture for awhile? Who will go to the Emmys with kate? She can't/won't go alone-never does. Are the Emmys live or are they taped on Sat. or on Sun. with a time delay? Anyone know?
"I say she is trying to hide something with that hair over her right eye."
It's her lazy eye. She's worn her hair like that for some time, even when she had the possum cut. Some call it a wonky eye. Personally, I would never make fun of something physical that she has absolutely no control over, but that's just me.
It could be, depending upon how tired she is, or how much emotional stress she is under, the eye wanders more. She's hiding it, and probably feels more comfortable if her eye isn't noticed and thus, discussed on all of the blogs. It might well indeed be her Achilles heel.
Sorry for the double post. I got the message that the first one was too long, so I split it in two. I guess Ms.Blogger had a change of heart, and the first one went through!
Again, apologies!
OH. MY. GOD. !!!
HOLY CRAP!!! You've got to see the way she is dressed today doing MORE back to school Grifting at Boscovs. She looks like she just graduated from the Danielle Staub School of Pole Dancing and Fashion. Check out those FUGGLY Shoes she's wearing today.
if the store was closed down to allow the Gosselins to shop, someone better tell the man and child that appear to be shopping in the shoe store that they have to leave...or could they be fill-ins so it appears the gosselins shop along with the everyday people when they air this episode?
"It's now selling on Amazon for under three bucks for a new copy."
That's still three dollars more than it's worth.
Child Protective Services cannot come without a complaint. I would have complained if I saw Kate look at them funny. They need someone to call to start a file on her.
It's not the people of PA I'm talking about, it's eyewitnesses to abuse or children in extreme distress who wait to have their picture taken with Kate. Tell me there aren't plenty of people who have witnessed the hell these kids are in, starting with the film crew. They are disgusting. Confidentiality agreements don't mean squat next to children being abused. They could contact Paul Peterson. He would go to the ends of the earth to protect someone who would spill the beans on that alcoholic, whore, child abuser.
She can spin it all she wants. The only throng in that picture is the exploitation, I mean camera crew, excited because it's pay day, compliments of eight childrens' childhoods.
A six year-old boy being carried by Mommy? Something smells. My boys would rather have walked with two broken legs than be carried by their mommy in front of strangers.
What's wrong with Joel, Kate? Have you ever noticed him? Is he fragmenting? Do you even care? Silly me, of course you don't. When one of your kids has a psychotic break from the severe stress they're under, will you film it? Will you get your hair done just so? Will Steve advise you how your boobs should look when you go to the mental hospital to visit? What's appropriate cleavage for a psych ward?
Kelly I love your posts! They are always well written and with great wit! I guess your boobs weren't big enough. I can't believe how big her boobs looked in that pink shirt! She looks so absurd dressed like that for of all things shoe shopping? Or for any errands for that matter. What real busy Mom dresses like that. Seriously though, who the hell is interested in watching a bunch of kids get fitted for shoes?? I can't wait for the promo for that snooze fest. While watching reruns of Property Ladder today I saw a promo for a new family the Jones. The first thing out of the mothers mouth was something like "The cost of raising these 5 babies is huge" I thought oh no here we go again.
The photo of the kids hiding their faces against the lamp post is disturbing.
I have a feeling the "evil paparazzi" who took this photo is the same TLC photographer that was seen in an INF video taking paparazzi type shots of Kate and the kids when they were in Alaska.
Kate certainly is manipulative isn't she. She would scare the crap out of her kids to make herself look like a victim.
If Chris the lone photog had approached the group during filming they would have shoo'd him away. I have a feeling that Chris wouldn't have gotten this close.
The photog who took this is standing right next to the TLC film crew...you can see it in the photo. So he's got to be a TLC photographer.
I feel sorry for these kids. No one will protect them.
I agree with Kelly. A well organized and publicized boycott of the major sponsors of Kate Plus Eight would go a long way toward ending this charade especially in concert with any/all proposed legislation intended to actually protect the rights of minors who come in contact with reality tv programming regardless of what state they live/film in.
Good grief! I just looked at the first two photos on ROL. Are those bazooms getting larger? Admin should post those pictures next to one where she's flatter than the proverbial pancake!
I want that bra!!
Wow, I don't really see the hordes of paparazzi that supposedly follow her everywhere in any of these pics?
TO the poster OMG!
I so agree with you that is my concern not Kate's shoes. The kids had an open path to the car in which the door was open. Any real mother would tell the kids quick run get in the car (not in a panicky voice but I think you know what I mean) But instead she tells them to stand at a post and cover their faces and let all the idiots (including TLC) take photos of them. I jsut don't get this. This is one case were I would want Steve and the other bodyguard to protect the kids. Stand around them (kids are short if the have adults standing around them in a circle it protects them) and get them to the car. Guess too much talk about Stevie boy being too hands on so TLC said Steve we don't want you on camera anymore....UGH!! I HATE THESE PEOPLE!
Is there a list of the sponsors? I thought I saw it posted somewhere, and is it current?
Kar said...
Poor kids can't even buy back to school shoes without being filmed by TLC. And mommy can't even take them shoe shopping alone unless it is being filmed so that she can get FREE shoes for the kids. You can bet they were free or heavily discounted.
There's a Stride Rite outlet store a half hour away; and another one 40 minutes away...closer than the store they went to in Quakertown. Why didn't they go there, or don't the outlets offer freebies?
Poor kids can't even buy back to school shoes without being filmed by TLC. And mommy can't even take them shoe shopping alone unless it is being filmed so that she can get FREE shoes for the kids. You can bet they were free or heavily discounted. I can't afford Stride Rite for my two kids as much as I would like to. I bought one pair that was on sale at a consignment shop. They are expensive.
I bet those kids are silently thinking "d*mn, we can't even shoe shop without being filmed mom. What's up with that? You know the kids are going to pick on me at school."
When you look at those pictures on ROL it breaks your heart. Those kids don't want to be treated differently,they don't like being singled out. They want to be like every other kid.
I bet the Dilly sextuplets can walk down the street and not even get a second glance.They probably don't have stores close down for them when they shop.Except for an occasional update, we never hear about them.Kudos to their parents who put their kids first before $$$.
If I was told to wait on the sidewalk while Kate Gosselin and her brood shopped, I would be highly pissed.I would NEVER shop there ever again.This is to pathetic for words.
Reality Bites,
You are so correct. While Kate pimps the kids for freebies, Jon stays at home, during the day, while most Dad's are working and he's playing video games on his Wii or his playstation. What a Dad.
BUT.....but..... he does show up to pick up the kids. OMG he is a hero. He brings all 8 kids over to his 1 BEDROOM Apartment for his cursory visit. WHAT A DAD.....
These kids LOVE Jon. They are so happy to come over and sleep on the floor on sleeping bags for three days every other week. That's living. That's living large.
Does anyone else think the kids look embarrassed? Meanwhile, Kate looks as pleased as a pig in shit.
Hi Kate,
I know you're at home at the childrens stalag, reading all the blogs just to see what people say about you. You'll probably stumble across this one, later in the night when all the money makers are fast asleep and you have those 4 or 5 hours to polish off that box of wine.
You'll probably wake up tomorrow morning, long after the money makers woke up and had their teaspoon full of Frosted Flakes, a grape or two and a sippy cup filled 1/8th of the way with orange juice.
Your "Not a Nanny" will bring you a cup of fresh coffee after she found the keys to the double locked deadbolt on the bedroom door. You'll take the cup, complain a little about how bright it is in the room and how you can't focus yet and then ask "what time is it"?
The not a nanny will be playing traffic cop with all the kids, telling them to pick this up or pick that up, stop hitting each other, wait till your mother wakes up and put the fear of God in them like you do 24/7.
You'll probably text Steve the "handler" and ask him why he didn't text you first and continue to berate him for not calling you earlier to wake you up.
Reluctantly, you'll get out of the pillow soft mattress, spend an hour or so in the shower and then make a telephone call to the Paps that you'll be shopping at Target once again for school supplies.
Jon will once again, show up with his own Paps in tow to pick up the kids for his duty weekend and try to pretend that he's the "good" parent. Yeah, we'll all see the photo ops all weekend.
You'll dither around the shoe closet to see if the strap on heels that go all the way up to your knees will be sufficient for your walk of shame and then decide on one pair.
Jon will take the kids, you'll have the day to yourself and the pink phone will be fast dialing anyone or everyone in the press that you can muster up to be their while you fill your car with gas, head to the Giant or Target and then head back home to your self imposed exile and hope you've kept yourself on the media radar.
Later during the day, you'll check the fridge to see if the box of wine is full and ready for another evening of indulgence and hope that the next day brings you more face time in the media sans kids.
We all know what next week brings so we'll save your from planning. A first day of school at the Target Store, dropping the kids off at the school bus with all the P people you can guarantee an exclusive with. We'll also see Jon show up as the dutiful dad, wanting to be part of the media opportunity and not part of the kids first full day of school and OMG, we'll read about how sad you are to send all of the kids off to school for a full day for the first time.
Spare us Kate. Your schedule and your media ops are like a broken watch. It's only correct twice a day. You and Jon are so incorrect all day. We know what's in store. It is so predictable. We're not impressed nor interested anymore. Don't forget to close the fridge when you tap the box of wine. The organic eggs will go bad.
Maybe the title should be "Kids filmed GETTING shoes." Considering this is probably the same store they were videoed in last year getting back-to-school shoes, and their mother's propensity for taking freebies, I am sort of assuming the shoes were comped for a little product placement/publicity for Stride Rite. I seriously doubt Kate (and crew) would drive an hour to get shoes for the kids unless they were free. For herself of course, $300 per pair is no object!
Who the HELL is going to watch this show of some shrew taking their kids shopping for shoes. Holy Go to War MS. Murphy.....if your life is that dull that you will spend an hour or a half hour or however long this perpetual family photo continues to roll around on a loop, you've got to really get a life.
They've milked this cash cow so hard the utters are starting to look like Lincoln pennies. Another few minutes of Kate on the Kouch, talking about how hard her life is and all the chaos, a few shots of the kids running rampant in a shoe store, Steve doing a security sweep around the Buster Brown section of the shoe store making sure fans don't pop out of the Nike size 8's and Kate showing the world what a mother she is.
I'd rather watch maggots eat a pound of honey baked turkey meat than watch this over the top woman and her kids do anything. It's getting old Kate. Real old Kate. We DON'T want to watch anymore family vacation photos. We don't even watch OUR family vacation photos.
Does anybody else wish we could tie Kate down and cut her hair so it didn't keep flopping in her face? She has her hand on her hair more than she has it anywhere else. Except pointing.
It is not a style for a 35 year old with aging skin.
Looks like the other day was the "real" shopping when Mady was wearing her Live Simply shirt, and today was the show shopping for Kate Plus 8.
How so very real.
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