Off the New York again after just getting back from there last week with her boyfriend, I mean bodyguard, Steve. Kate really can't resist the urge to spend the kids' money for more than a few days.
She and Steve stopped to get coffee on the way to the Big Apple in a limo. Maybe Kate should be saving her money. You know, in case the house of cards falls anytime soon.
143 sediments (sic) from readers:
Does this woman have no shame?
Where is Steve's WIFE? And SONS? When is he HOME? My gosh, that is sad. There could end up being TWO families torn apart. And for what?
Steves' wife does not exist anymore, I'm thinking these two are ready to come out of the closet, isn't it obvious by now.
I'm more than convinced that Steve has moved into the Gosselin kids' home. There is no way in hell he isn't separated from his wife. No way, no how. She fooled ya, Gina.
Nice to see Kate living up to the TLC morals clause that Jon had to abide by, isn't it?
Is that a limo? Why does she rate a limo? Oh, yeah, I forgot, she's a A-list celebrity.............NOT! Seriously? A limo!
Is it raining in this photo? I'm thinking that Steve may not be her boyfriend. If he did care about her wouldn't he have an umbrella to protect those golden tresses from being messed up by rain? My own husband walks me out to the car, on a rainy day, under an umbrella so that I don't get wet. Guess my hubby is more devoted to me than Steve is to Kate??
Saw the pics earlier and could care less about this D.Lister. Her fame is fleeting, her image is like a Ford Edsel and her appeal is like that of Clara Peller, you know, the woman back in 1983 who was a pitch person for Wendy's Restaurants yelling, "WHERE'S THE BEEF".
Kate will be a laughing stock before the end of the year. She will be a household word by the end of the year like the ever popular car "Yugo"
Sadie said...
Does this woman have no shame?
August 23, 2010 6:43 PM
That was a hypothetical question wasn't it? I don't think narcissists do 'shame' (on themselves anyway).
Interviewer: Kate, are you and Steve having an affair?
Kate: It's disgusting, it's unthinkable, it's nauseating, its unfathomable!
But she never said "NO"
Even if you assume that Gina and Steve are happily married and everything is just fine....doesn't she miss him TERRIBLY???
The guy is out of the state all summer long, I would want my husband home with me.
I'm curious as to why NY again. Botox touch-up before the Emmys? She just had the hair done last week, right?
How much does a limo ride from Reading to NYC cost?
Did the kids pay for this?
I'm sure the sheeple will say TLC paid for this. But think about it, who is making bank for TLC? The kids. Whether it's out of Kate's pocket or TLC's pocket, the kids still paid for it.
Heck, if Steve is such an asset to TLC, can't they spring for his wife and sons to go on some of these trips, too?
Yes, that's a limo. The only people who ride in stretch limos today are high school kids going to a prom or....perhaps the Housewives of New Jersey.
People with class, on the east coast that have the money for a driver, ride in a Town Car or an Escalade or something that is nondescript. Stretch limos went the way of last years calendar but then again, so has Kate.
Pulling up to a coffee shop in a stretch limo is like going to a boy scout jamboree in a Boeing 747. Kate is still stuck on Pennsyltucky and she'll continue to dress like Ellie May and wonder why the doorbell rings and each and every time, there is someone on the porch. Clueless. Totally Clueless.
I bet they will be spending time in New York en route to L.A. for the Emmy show. Her highly touted TLC show is toast and the way she is dressed (undressed) in this picture makes me think she is self-promoting herself for future sex videos.
What is her reasoning for being back in NY already?Dont tell me she needs some more "me" time already.She has been on vacation all damn summer long.( remember, they are not working..they are just living thier lives in front of a camera)
Is she doing a talk show about he new show? Is she trying to sell another book?Is she promoting anything? You know...the only reason she would ever want to be away from the kids is to make money to put food on the table.This from a woman who has cried over and over again about how everything she does is for the kids.I'm not sure how running off to NY with her maybe lover is FOR the kids.But /shrug
I am a SAHM and I'm lucky to get a night of me time maybe once a month.With kate having everyone else doing everything for her,I have yet to understand why she's never with the kids unless its time to film.That woman is only happy when shes being pamperd and away from the kids.Super mom can do kate is nothing but a phoney...like magic...its all done with smoke and mirrors.Kate my dear...the smoke has cleared,get ready to have your sorry ass boo'ed out of the spotlight!
The way she thrust them boobs out in full view like she does I guess there is NO SHAME.
They rode a limo from PA to NY? THAT'S ridiculous and unnecessary.
Um, so her kids that she LOVES SO MUCH are starting school full-time Wednesday, right? And she's running off to NY today and apparently staying at least tonight maybe tomorrow night?
And then immediately after that, she's off to LA for her half a second of getting made fun of on the Emmys, right? So the kids getting on the bus will be a photo op and then poof, off she goes.
You know what most moms are doing this week? GETTING THEIR KIDS READY FOR SCHOOL. Things like getting back into a regular routine, making sure they're getting enough sleep in the days leading up to school, enjoying the last few days of laziness before the hectic school year begins. Hell, my kid's in high school and we spent the last few days watching movies, making cookies, and trying to get back to a normal sleep schedule (I'm off in the summer, too).
Boy, she's just mom of the year, that one. It would bug me to be away from my kids as much as she is, especially when I knew I had enough money to quit and be with them.
Someone said that he advised her on what kind of Boobies to get, do ya think he HAPPY with the procedure? =)
Oh Nooooo... Hope she is not going to appear on Regis and Kelly, I enjoy that show.
Here in Toronto there's such a thing as a coffee shop drive-thru window. They come in right handy on rainy days!
and it is much colder in New York today, I wore a light sweater under my rain coat and the rain did not stop. Kate is dressed for the beach.
And why New York, again? Hair, Nails, Nabu?
Who knows why she is in NY or why she dresses like a HO, it just seems so inappropriate for a mother of 8 young children to be doing this. Am I the only one that feels this way?
I made a prediction on here a few days ago that she'd be heading out to LA before the first day of school and she won't be back until after the Emmys. I wonder if Jon's replacement is escorting the queenie to the airport?
I have it on very good authority that Steve and Kate are not a couple, never have been and never will be. Steve is still very happily married, him and his wife have a very strong relationship and ignore all this BS. He is just doing what he is paid to do, babysit!!
Admin, I don't know about Gina but if my husband spent that much time away from me and my kids in the company of a newly-divorced woman, I would certainly NOT be happy about it. I agree with what another blogger said recently - it's the "appearance of impropriety" that hurt Kate's husband in their marriage, hurts her children now, and causes her to look like the homewrecker that she may well be. I personally have never believed that Jon stepped out first...I believe it was likely Kate. Given the lengths she and TLC have gone to, to make Kate the victim in this ridiculous soap opera, I would think they might want to be a bit more careful.
Maybe Gina threw Steve out of the house and he's living in the Gosselin garage apartment. Kate probably turned the apartment into a bed and breakfast for Steve with a 24 hour hooker heel wearing personalized service. It makes sense why Steve had the huge landscape trees put in front of his new home.
One more thing that has occured to me, I remember seeing a clip of Kate in California last year when she and Steve were entering a building and one of the Paps yelled "it's the stepfather of 8" Both Kate and Steve looked startled, but it was obvious even then. What a bill of goods the public was sold though, about Jon being the adulterer with Deanna. Kate was with Ratclaws way before that.
Oh good heavens, please tell me this trip to NYC means she's is not going to do the talk show rounds...
You know what I am surprised at is that ROL use to be the first to post a picture of this skank, now not so much. Did the love affair between ROL and her end?
That picture of Kate's boobs hanging out is pathetic.I hope Stevie is happy with the size he picked out.
I think Kate and Stevie are in a relationship.If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck. Jon called this one right.
It looks like Kate is afraid of melting if she gets wet in the rain.
It reminds me of the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz and how she melted into a pool of green goop when she got wet. I wonder if the same thing would happen to Kate, only the goop would be different shade of orange and tan. LOL. Sorry, but I couldn't resist.
Could she possibly bend over a little more so her boobs will fall all of the way out? Looks like she is purposefully trying to show her girls to Steve.
They are totally boning each other.
When do the children start school? If it is this week than why is she running to NY when she should be home with them?
I just read the lastest "blog" from Kate on Pressi's site (can't give TLC a hit). If you dare read it, I recommend an empty stomach and a pair of hip waders. It's perhaps the most delusional entry yet.
I think it is more two coffee brakes...the pictures are différent, they where not taken at the same time. Some of them, Steve has glasses on a string and others he has not....Look the back round also, not the same...It is hard to beleinve that Chriss follow her all the way but he does.
Well if Steve is Kate's boyfriend then that is why he supervised the placement of the trees. We will never know when he is there. Kate liked it when there were no trees so could have the kids out in front playing for the paps..I mean Chris.
It costs fifty bucks to take AMTRAK in air-conditioned comfort from Philadelphia to NYC. Big seats, and a whole lot nicer than any airplane anyone's seen in the past couple of decades. It's fast, pleasant and relaxing.
The self-absorption and sheer selfishness of this person is astonishing on every level imaginable. What a message to give your kids: "Mommy can't stand us unless we're filming."
The kids will find out about how the money for which they gave up their childhoods was spent later.
When it's all over, this parasite will be ditch those kids as fast as possible, handing them over to her ineffectual husband, and informing the state of PA that it's the taxpayers' turn to support those poor children.
"How much does a limo ride from Reading to NYC cost?"
I've actually done this quite a few times. I hate driving into NYC. It depends which service you use. Some charge a flat rate; others charge a rate by the hour, which includes travel time plus the fuel charge, and if traffic is really heavy, you're in for a shock when you pay the bill. I'd say on a good day, medium traffic, it runs about $250.00 (one way) plus a mandatory fifteen percent gratuity.
Of course they could have taken the train for $94.00.
Admin, I think Steve and Gina are history but as a 30 year military spouse, some of us have to adjust to husbands who must be gone for their jobs. And Kate is about as bad as being in a war zone.....
@Kelly...Her fame is fleeting, her image is like a Ford Edsel
I'm assuming you mean the 1959 and 1960 Edsels. The 1958 actually was rather cool!
Can't quite put my finger on why...but that Do Not Enter sign in the background seems appropriate.
Kelly exactly, rich people take town cars. Kate is so new money it's hysterical.
I rode in town cars several times working for various wealthy people. We never took limos. Last time I rode in a limo was a funeral. You don't even really see limos around LA anymore, people take town cars or black SUVs if the party is big.
Maybe the limo was sent for Kate?
Kate is extremely demanding and it wouldn't surprise me if a "limo provision clause" is written into her contracts. For instance, ABC had to pick up the extra charges for the 5 nannies that Kate hired while she was on DWTS.
Kate is too stingy to pay for her own limo. But then again, you never know.
I would have preferred an Escalade rather than a limo.
The talk shows like The View are on vacation so we should probably be spared that. There are the early morning shows, but I doubt it. Probably a fashion thing for the Emmys. Or she's going to audition for a strip club. :)
When Kate wouldn't ride in the suv to the ice skating gala in CT after one of the ice skating mother drove to Washington DC, she made Steve get a limo with a block out screen between the drive and them. Maybe that is why she has to have a limo so not seen or head by the driver.
Didn't Kate and Steve take a limo to NYC when they were going to a concert? I think they took the twins to Taylor Swift, left them with nannies and headed to the West Coast.
"AuntieAnn said...
I made a prediction on here a few days ago that she'd be heading out to LA before the first day of school and she won't be back until after the Emmys. I wonder if Jon's replacement is escorting the queenie to the airport?"
School starts on the 26th (half day for the tups; full day for the twins). Should be interesting to see if she's back home by then...before she heads off to LA.
There's been so much talk about her responsibility to be home for the first day of school. Of course, any normal mother would be. However, in this case, and with her history and all that has gone down in that family, at this point do you think the kids really care? As pathetic as that sounds, and considering their hysteria when dropped off at the house, wouldn't you think that they are actually better off NOT having her there? If she's not at home for the first day of school, it would be so nice if they were at Jon's, and he drives them to school, or to the bus stop. Having the parent with them -- the one who makes them smile -- isn't that what's really important?
After watching that Kate's World "special" (still scrubbing my eyes & ears to get the ick out) I no longer believe she & Steve are having an affair. Steve is, as someone above noted, her babysitter. He acts as the man on the ground steering Kate, handling her tantrums and doing what he can to get the best value for TLC's dollar.
But I also believe Jon's assessment that Kate was having an affair with Steve. Just not the kind we're thinking of. More of a one-sided (her side) relationship where she started relying more and more on Steve, taking his opinion above Jon's. It's quite possible she had (still has?) a one-sided emotional affair that works out much better for her than being married. At least in this 'relationship' she doesn't have to coddle or worry about poor Stevie's feelings, whereas in a marriage it's a give-and-take. She doesn't have to give to Steve! He's basically a 24/7 concierge whose job is keeping her happy.
There might have been a reason why they drove rather than travel by train. Maybe they had "business" to discuss (other than monkey business) and wouldn't have the privacy on the train. Perhaps after the beach episode in NC, they didn't want a gaggle of gawkers at the train station, or gathering around them on the train, waiting to see if their legs were touching, or listening to any snippet of conversation that would be reported on the internet.
Or...maybe they just don't like train travel -- not everyone does!
Anonymous said... Maybe Gina threw Steve out of the house and he's living in the Gosselin garage apartment. Kate probably turned the apartment into a bed and breakfast for Steve with a 24 hour hooker heel wearing personalized service. It makes sense why Steve had the huge landscape trees put in front of his new home.
Of course the trees were for "her" privacy w/ Steve--had nothing to do w/ privacy for the kids, and Steve was there to supervise the whole thing. And I suspect she's doing "Today" at some point this week...there's a TLC/Today connection. Puke.
She could still be in talks for The Apprentice. What I don't get about that gig, though, is that the usual "prize" for winning is a major JOB with the Trunp Organization. HaHaHaHaHaHa. I feel sorry for her prospective team mates.
On the radio this morning, I heard the song "Life's Been Good", by the Eagles.
It could be Khate's song:
I have a mansion
Forget the price
Ain't never been there
They tell me it's nice
I live in hotels
Tear out the walls
I have accountants (children)
Pay for it all
They say I'm crazy but I have a good time
I'm just looking for clues at the scene of the crime
Life's been good to me so far
My Maserati
Does one eighty-five
I lost my license
Now I don't drive
I have a limo
Ride in the back
I lock the doors
In case I'm attacked (by BM)
I'm making records (Twist of Kate)
My fans they can't wait
They write me letters
Tell me I'm great
So I got me an office
Gold (hooker shoes) records on the wall
Just leave a message
Maybe I'll call
Lucky I'm sane after all I've been through
(Everybody sing) I'm cool (He's cool)
I can't complain but sometimes I still do
Life's been good to me so far
I go to parties
Sometimes until four
It's hard to leave
When you can't find the door
It's tough to handle
This fortune and fame
Everybody's so different
I haven't changed
They say I'm lazy but it takes all my time
(Everybody sing) Oh yeah (Oh yeah)
I keep on going guess I'll never know why
Life's been good to me so far baby,
inside the Sad Cafe.
They ride with a driver so Kate and her "companion" can be alone in the back seat. And those limos have the blacked out windows for privacy. Really, how much proof do you need? This guy is NOT a bodyguard.
Kate couldn't open her own door? Purse boy had to come around and let the queen out flashing boobs of course. She is so pathetic
Where the African American bodyguard?? Boytoy Steve is just a servant..I will never believe Steve was a bodyguard for the wealthy,and the famous,and if he was why would he give up being a bodyguard for the wealthy,and famous for just a common housewife& a mom of 8 at the time?????
Feh... not impressed at all.
She's definitely nouveau riche, but that girl has alot of catching up to do- actually, scratch that. It's more like she has alot of growing up to do.
How long before she steps out for coffee wearing a tiara and a feathered boa?
Well, she might as well be giving us the finger like Jon. She flaunts the fact that she has used HER CHILDREN'S $$$$ to:
1) get fake boobs
2) Ride in a limo
3) Rid...er....go on trips with Steve
4) Pay for ridiculous-ish hair extensions
5) And to overall, be a bad mom and leave her children
People STILL pay her to do, whatever she does!
The jokes on us I guess.
Anonymous said... I have it on very good authority that Steve and Kate are not a couple, never have been and never will be. Steve is still very happily married, him and his wife have a very strong relationship and ignore all this BS. He is just doing what he is paid to do, babysit!!
Nope, I'm not buying it. He's with Kate more than he needs to be.
Wow, so the paps just HAPPENED to be at the very same Dunkin Donuts when K8 appeared ?
Poor, poor Katie Irene.
Anonymous said... I have it on very good authority that Steve and Kate are not a couple, never have been and never will be. Steve is still very happily married, him and his wife have a very strong relationship and ignore all this BS. He is just doing what he is paid to do, babysit!!
Identify yourself and who your source is if you want people to believe you or give the information to a tabloid so they can check it out.
Jon also confirmed that's his official twitter account on his web site last year, we did a post:
Oy! Last week Ms. Gosselin was 15 minutes away from my home at the Promendade shops. Yesterday, hubs and I took a day off to go to NYC and visit the AMNH--that woman is stalking me, lol!
Seriously, though, I was in NYC yesterday and it was quite cool (and damp)on Central Park West. I had on long jeans and a long-sleeved thin cotton top. When my hubs and I went into the restaurant to eat lunch, the AC made me feel a little cold. It was waay too chilly for that outfit on Kate. She's dressing for the paps, IMO.
When WAS the last time Steve was with Gina? Has he been home in months? Where was she July 4? Will he be spending Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas with his own family? Or will he be fluffing Kate's pillows and carrying her purse?
The whole thing smells to high heaven. WHY is she always with him and NO ONE ELSE? WHERE ARE HER "FRIENDS"?
Hm.. if they come clean in about 6 months, do you think their relationship will become a feature of the show?
..possible ratings gold?
THEORY 1: Anonymous said... Maybe Gina threw Steve out of the house and he's living in the Gosselin garage apartment. Kate probably turned the apartment into a bed and breakfast for Steve with a 24 hour hooker heel wearing personalized service. It makes sense why Steve had the huge landscape trees put in front of his new home.
THEORY 2: Anonymous said... I have it on very good authority that Steve and Kate are not a couple, never have been and never will be. Steve is still very happily married, him and his wife have a very strong relationship and ignore all this BS. He is just doing what he is paid to do, babysit!!
Here are two possible theories, suggested both by Anonymous (note: I am assuming two different people are too lazy to identify themselves as anything but Anonymous).
First of all, IMHO the trees arrived a year late, this should have been done last year. So why now?
1. TLC wanted the trees in to hide the fact that they are filming more hours than they are legally allowed to do.
2. It is to keep paps from taking photos of Steve using the garage apartment. Even if nothing is going on between Steve and Kate, that it is just where Steve stays versus going home between these "vacation trips" because it is convenient (I have no idea how far it is to his home), Steve has to know that ANY photos being shot would be hurtful to HIS wife and sons. Because of the year delay, if this theory is correct, I bet Steve did push for the trees and used the excuse it was in the best interest for the Gosselin 8 but knowing it was for the Neilds too.
I think it is #1 - TLC has something to hide. Still when the show is over the kids deserve their privacy so the trees are a good thing in the long run.
I am in a very strong relationship with a very good looking FLIRT who is a long haul trucker which means he is on the road for weeks at a time. I know about the "lot lizards" at every truck stop and yes I still 110% trust him. I mention this because I believe it is possible that Gina and Steve could also have a strong relationship.
If so, Gina would be OK with Steve babysitting because by now he is probably being paid $2,000/day = $60,000/month. If I were Gina, and if I trusted my husband of many years, I would allow him to work as much as he could right now because this Gosselin gravy train is coming to an end and who knows where his next assignment will be.
Two different theories and to me they both are strong possibilities.
Bottom Line: I don't give a rip if Kate and Steve are doing it because it does not impact my life one iota! Besides we won't ever know the answer for sure unless it is officially announced or until the show is a done deal and then only if Steve is still showing up in Wernersville without this wife and sons.
But since we all know that Kate is a loose cannon and can fire up at a moment's notice - and since it is obvious that Steve is able to neck rein Kate - it is my personal opinion that TLC is paying Steve very well to babysit Kate. There is no doubt that Kate relys on Steve but not necessarily for sex.
What worries me the most though is what will happen when the show is over? If nothing is going on with Steve and Kate, Steve will be gone and will be now babysitting someone else. Will this tidbit that even the hired help has left her be the straw to break Kate? If so, what will happen to the kids?
OK I have tried but I cant agree that Steve and Kate are having an ongoing affair. Maybe they slept together one time. Kate hates men in a pathological way, and it would disgust her and frighten her to be touched on a regular basis. She wants to be WANTED, not had.
I believe that Kate has had several mini-breakdowns in her life, one of which was last summer and another one being in about her junior year of high school, based on her early 1990's taste and style and behaviors. She is trying to 'fix' it now, by proving how lovely, desirable, tough and untouchable she is.
She is obsessed with proving something to somebody, and I dont think it's Jon. She is determined and obsessed with flashing, flaunting and looking trashy simply because she knows she shouldn't. She is obsessed with proving that the rules of society DO NOT apply to her - she will simply not allow them to. She believes she finally has the power to be "In Charge" and "In Control" of whoever or whatever it was that made her so helpless until that junior year of HS.
She is not capable of loving her children like a normal mother because that gives the kids emotional power - however it IS her responsibility to realize that she needs mental health help and guidance.
Those children are in for a major breakdown by their mother. But I dont think there is anything that anyone can do, except remove the children from their mother's presence.
Rant over. Welcome Ellen and hugs to you, but I wish for the children's sake that you would not have made your presence known.
K8SUCKS said...
Wow, so the paps just HAPPENED to be at the very same Dunkin Donuts when K8 appeared ?
Poor, poor Katie Irene.
LOL! Exactly. The photog was probably riding in the limo with Kate and Steve. Same thing in Alaska, where a photog was with the family taking publicity shots.
Just a few short years ago, Jon bought her clothes. She had NO idea how to dress or even buy her clothes. She STILL hasn't learned to dress properly. I know TLC has gotten many complaints, even from fans. She really has no self awareness at all. She looks like a clown, dressing like this ALL the time now. Not much respect shown to her children, nor to Steve's wife. This doesn't surprise me, when Jon had doubts about their "relationship", she didn't even have the respect for her own husband to get another bodyguard. I suppose this really proves that MONEY does NOT buy CLASS.
After looking at the picture at the top of this thread, two thoughts came to mind:
What's left for this woman..... pasties?
She looks like she's taking a dump.
(Sorry for being crude. Kate brings out the very worst in me.)
It's gratifying to see so many negative articles popping up about her. I guess people have finally had their fill of her parading around half naked.
I find it difficult to believe this woman has the capacity for any type of intimacy, so the thought that she and Steve are having an affair doesn't ring true for me.
If Kate and Steve ARE having an affair, I imagine she has a list of “instructions” posted above the bed:
1-Remove clothes in bathroom and put in hazardous waste bag;
2-Thoroughly scrub using 1 cup of antibacterial soap and HOT water;
3-After drying, put towel into hazardous waste bag and slip paper foot covering on feet;
4-Tell me you’re coming out and I will turn out the lights;
5-Slip between sheets while telling me I am the most talented, creative, funny, brilliant and sexy woman you have ever known…tell me this for at least 20 minutes;
6-When “you’re done,” run into bathroom, do not “drip,” repeat instruction #2 and put on cargo pants and polo shirt;
7-Strip dirty, yucky sheets off bed and collect hazardous waste bag and run them down to laundry room and wash in HOT water on extra-heavy duty setting;
8-Go to kitchen and fill decanter of wine and bring it to me in the bedroom and do not return until I beckon you again;
9-Put towels in dryer and then go to your garage apartment and wait further instructions.
The Steve and Kate relationship reminds me of Howard Stern and Anna Nicole Smith relationship. Howard was hired as her attorney, but played the role of helping keep her in line (as to what she said and did) and cover up her drug abuse (plus keep her stocked in drugs). I'm NOT saying Steve is supplying Kate with drugs - I want to be perfectly clear about that, nor am I saying Kate is using drugs. I do, however, believe Steve's role is to keep her words and actions appropriate to TLC's requirements. Whether he is getting side benefits, well, that will be eventually come out if he is or not. I have to totally agree with someone who said that if the tables were turned and it was Jon who was traveling with a woman (particularly while still married) the public outcry would have been enormous and it would have been considered highly inappropriate. In fact, a lot of what is happening regarding Kate would be viewed much less favorably if it were Jon. I look forward to the day when all (or at least most) is revealed. I am very certain there is a lot we don't know and will be surprised to learn and some things that were suspected will be confirmed. I can totally see TLC capitalizing on it, too, with cutting room floor footage and episodes on the story of their downfall - leaving TLC's part out of the equation, of course.
emschick1128 said: "Kate couldn't open her own door? Purse boy had to come around and let the queen out flashing boobs of course. She is so pathetic."
I just can't believe how a "good bra" caused Kate to grow 3 cup sizes! And why is it that some bra company has invented a bra that grows large, perky breasts but has chosen to only share their discovery with Kate Gosselin?! (snicker ;)
Hot In PA said...
Of course, any normal mother would be. However, in this case, and with her history and all that has gone down in that family, at this point do you think the kids really care?
Hot In PA,
I totally agree. We are thinking on the same track, in fact I said exactly that in the prediction post I referred to earlier last week. I think they'd be better off without her around at the bus pick up. I'm sure the embarrassment she causes them by now is beyond anything we can comprehend. And let's face it, that first day of school thing isn't about the kids on Kate's planet. It's all about her as usual which means her priority would be her appearing at the Emmys, even if it's to make an ass out of herself.
I guess we'll find out on Thursday if we're right.
How ironic is it that of all the places to just so happen to run in to a paparazzo, there just so happened to be one there at the very Dunkin Donuts that she shows up at. This woman stages everything in her life.
Even in the rain she doesn't cover up her "naturally" bra enhanced boobies!!! What a tool!!To Steve's wife, "Are you that naive???"
If she had a coffee pot at the orphanage she wouldn't have to get out of the limo in the rain!
Such a cheap-skate.....come on TLC buy the "poor" woman a coffee pot.
@TLC Stinks..."Identify yourself and who your source is if you want people to believe you or give the information to a tabloid so they can check it out."
Now you know that's never going to happen. One thing about trolls...they roam free, and are here today, gone tomorrow!
GEE! Kate looks like she in pain getting out of the limo..
I've been thinking for a while now that there are 2 possibilities about Kate and Steve.
1. He really was hired as a bodyguard by TLC to protect her from the 'overzealous fans'. But Kate is so high maintenance that his job morphed into a baby sitter. Which begs the question -- after all this time why not just hire another sitter/bodyguard to quiet the speculation about them? Easy answer for that one -- because Kate will never back down, never give up, never allow anyone to tell her what to do. So why would Steve still be around. I think there is a possibility that it is because he has learned how to 'handle' her. I think possibly he sees her as a child. And then there is the money. This theory, which is probably not true, would mean his wife is aware of exactly what is happening and is in agreement because the money is SO good. She's a pretty strong woman if this is true. In this scenario, they both look at her as a paycheck and they are probably stashing mega bucks in the bank for when her 15 minutes are up.
2. They are and have been banging each other for a very long time.
inf daily is reporting they are staying at the Essex House "staying together" to be exact. She must have changed clothes before reaching the hotel; I can't imagine she would have been allowed to check in in that outfit - she would have been turned away with a stern "not here sister".
Anonymous said:
"Anonymous said... I have it on very good authority that Steve and Kate are not a couple, never have been and never will be. Steve is still very happily married, him and his wife have a very strong relationship and ignore all this BS. He is just doing what he is paid to do, babysit!!"
I think that Anonymous is quoting the same good authority that said that the kids love to be filmed.
There is just too much attention being paid about Kate's hooker outfits, boobs and shoes. That's just what she wants...ATTENTION...good or bad, it's all the same to her. She has more press now that she dresses slutty and so she's going to continue. And I think she is encouraged to do so by TLC. Let's pay no attention to her and she'll have to go away.
Gossip Cop is full of you know what...and an obvious TLC payee. Not even well-written. And not the first time I've noticed their cover-up attempt.
I agree with you, Sadie.
I really think Kate sooooo desperately wants everyone to say to her "Oh my! It's hard to believe that you had EIGHT kids! WOW!"
But, the fact is, she had two pregnancies.
The other part of that is she has always denied all of the help, many nannies, etc...and she sooooo desperately wants everyone to compliment her and think she must be SuperMom, if she can be all dolled up while dealing with 8 kids, laundry, meals, etc...I do believe that in her little mind she thinks everyone will see her as SuperMom, even though we all know the truth.
Adding to her daydreams of SuperMom is the fact that so many interviewers in the past couple of years have emphasized her role as mother to so many. She actually believes her story.
"Jon Gosselin and leadership coach Dr. Sylvia Lafair are writing a book together about the lessons the reality dad has learned as the father of a large -- and famous -- family.
"Jon is still deciding what exactly the book will be about, but knows he wants to focus on his parenting skills," a friend of the father of eight tells me. "There is no deal yet or timeline, but the [interest] in Jon from publishers is huge right now, so he's going to strike while the iron is hot."
The former TLC reality star thinks this is his chance to show the world what a stand-up father he is and how other moms and dads in similar situations (because having 8 kids is so common!) can learn parenting tips from him.
This would also be Jon's answer to Kate's successful turn as an author of parenting-ish books like 'Eight Little Faces' and 'I Just Want You to Know.'
Jon met Dr. Lafair 12 months ago when he sought help dealing with the changes going on in his life (you know, his high-profile divorce from Kate and all those prickly dating troubles). Now, the two have become friends and are determined to work together on this parenting book.
Lafair's no novice in the publishing game -- she's the author of the award-winning 2010 business book 'Don't Bring It to Work' -- and has said Jon is motivated by his desire to be a good father to his kids.
"Expect the book to include Jon's journey from high school to father of sextuplets by age 27," an insider tells me. "What the book won't be focusing on is how quickly he moved on, after Kate, with two much younger girlfriends, his partying nights in Las Vegas or his new huge tattoo that covers his entire back."
In other words, don't expect too much of that little thing called reality!"
That quote was from Hollywoodlife.com
Admin.. I still get such a kick out of your banner. Cracks me up every time. Wouldn't hurt to make that one eye even wonkier, though. A wonky eye is a sign of the devil, you know.
From INF Daily--
"Who needs coffee to start your day when you can have a fresh cup of wholesome Kate Gosselin? Kate’s in New York City with her “bodyguard” (and longtime rumored boyfriend) Steve Neild. The two are staying together at the Essex House near Central Park. Kate’s sure in NYC a lot lately. It seems whenever she spends a considerable amount of time with her kids, she’s got to follow it up by getting out of town for a day or two.
No five hour trips to the beauty salon this time. But we can’t help but wonder what Kate was doing here."
INF has other pics of her and Steve and you know what? In some shots, you can tell that top is cut so low, it's almost down to her high waist.
What was all that talk a couple of years ago about her teaching modesty to her girls?
I'm thinking that if Kate and Steve were really having an affair, they would be much more discrete. I think they like that people think they're having an affair.
Geez--she is BARELY dressed!! I sure hope she has enough sense to not let her soon-to-be pre-teen daughters dress like that--I can hope.
No self respecting mom, parent or grown woman should be dressed like that! Good grief!
I keep waiting for the curtain the crash...and waiting, but like I said--
Let's assume Steve & Gina are still a team... ok?
What a freaking insult to your friend Gina to dress like that, Khate!!!
And the limo? I call it Motel 6 (no stretch of my imagination).
Access Hollywood just announced that they have a scoop on the Steve & Kate relationship and will air the story tomorrow.
Access Hollywood is doing a segment on Kate and Steve tomorrow. I just watched the little preview for it. gag!
Sarah said... Access Hollywood is doing a segment on Kate and Steve tomorrow. I just watched the little preview for it. gag!
August 24, 2010 3:41 PM
What kind of segment? An "are they having an affair?" segment, or a "they are not boinking each other" segment?
WOW! kate must be loosing her minions. The latest posting on ROL is 8 pages in! She isn't the main topic anymore. Her fans must be besides themselves. The rudest commentor on there has stopped commenting. Maybe she finally got called on her behaior? It appears that the ROL site has NO moderation at all(other than to shut off the comments).
Sarah... what was the blurb about on access? We all know how much Billy Bush just loves him some Kate (I wonder if Steve is poised to strike if Billy touches her?) I wonder why the tabloid shows arent disecting Kates Hooker wear? Probably so they can still get her on the shows for ratings.
I saw an ad for the K8 on 8/30. TLC is very aware of the comments out there. They are using a sound bite from one of the little girls, "I dont't care. it's too hot" for the promo. What kid should ever have to say that while working.. er excuse me, playing.
"Kate couldn't open her own door? Purse boy had to come around and let the queen out flashing boobs of course. She is so pathetic"
The driver, who isn't seen in the photo, most likely opened the door. That's his job. Steve just walked around there to help her out and make sure she doesn't slip on the wet macadam in her heels!
"This guy is NOT a bodyguard."
Of course he's not. He's a "handler," but we won't get into exactly what it is that he is handling.
Re: Kate & Steve on Access Hollywood-
Hi Sarah :o) Thanks for the warning, but I think I'll pass on anything with Kate in it.
It's just another sleezy PR ploy to garner extra ratings for Access Hollywood & to keep Kate alive until her next episode of Kate +8.
Ready for my predictions of what she's to going to talk about?
Let's see: Kate and Steve are going to deny all rumors of having an affair. She's going to talk about the upcoming Kate + 8 show, and how she is going to miss her children now that they're going to be attending a full day at school. She's going to talk about her upcoming appearance with Jimmy Fallon at the awards show.... yada, yada, yada...
See? Nothing to see & hear that's new. Just the same old boring drivel/noise coming out of her lying face as usual.
About the Access Hollywood segment..They just talked about how there's rumors going around about Kate and her bodyguard. Something about them taking long walk at night together and holding hands..rumors of a possible photo of them getting close. Something to that effect. I'm sure it will be nothing though. I agree, it's just gossip to get more viewers interested in the next episode of Kate plus 8.
Anonymous said... "I have it on very good authority that Steve and Kate are not a couple, never have been and never will be."
Unless your source is either Kate or Steve, you have no more idea than the rest of us what's going on between them. There's no "third party source" in the back of the limos, in the hotel suite(s), in the over-the-garage apartment, in the closet with them at failed book-signings.
Whatever their "relationship" is, the fact that it has had the appearance of inpropriety from day one should have spurred Kate and/or TLC to find a new bodyguard. The fact that neither she nor TLC replaced Steve -- even just for the sake of [moral] appearances -- speaks volumes. In fact, their relationship seemed to become MORE inappropriate over time -- with Steve vacationing with the family in casual clothes, walking casually in his beach shoes, holding the hands of his "client's" kids; attending family dinner outings, concerts and social events as her escort; making decisions about landscaping; driving her van for her; choosing her boob size; and the list goes on. Bottom line: Steve is not the only person qualified to babysit Kate. He could have -- and SHOULD have -- been replaced by another babysitter a long time ago. But he wasn't. Hmmmmmmm, wonder why.
Maybe Take is heeding our advice and went back to the "5 star" salon to have her roots redone. After all, the Kate Moss greasy hair with black roots heroin addict look is SOOOO '80s, isn't it? She just can't quite get "it."
Someone said they thought Take did have a stylist, courtesy & free thanx to TLC, but that Hate would always have the last word anyway, being the power and control freak that she is; I agree. She MUST put her own spin on EVERYTHING because she thinks she knows it all.
Too bad Stevie-boy can't convince her she doesn't know shit.
And how absolutely STUPIDLY OBVIOUS, "stopping for 1/2 oz. of coffee." GEEEEEZZZZZZ. There was NO reason (as usual) for BOTH of them to get out of the car to get it. Hell, the driver could have gone in, for an additional $50.00 charge; if you're going to flush the children's money down the toilet, you might as well flush it fast and furious.
I wonder what it FEELS LIKE to be ADDICTED TO the sound of a camera clicking or film rolling and someone shouting your name... Do you think, even in an empty parking lot when Chris is the ONLY PAP, it's mandatory that he shout "KATE! OVER HERE. KATE!"?
I'll bet it is.
How far apart do the Neilds live from Kate?
(Admin, get rid of the house numbers if you choose--or drop the addresses period.) By the way, this information is easily available by googling. Hey, Steve, maybe you can get the internet to delete its information about you if you "ask sternly," haha.
The Neilds bought a house in Nov. 2003 at 11612 Everglade Ct, North Potomac, MD. It appears this house hasn't been sold since.
Kate is at 298 Heffner Road, Wernersville, PA.
Google Maps puts the drive at a little over three hours. So, presuming the Neilds still live at the North Potomac house, he certainly stays someplace when he's babysitting--body-guarding, whatever the heck he does--Kate. The garage aparment would be the logical choice--affair or no. I think he stays there.
The item on Blind Gossip said (paraphrasing) "Two reality stars, one still married, were giving the network a hard time because they wanted to COME OUT as a couple. However, the network was desperately trying to keep their long standing affair a secret until it would 'pay off' for everyone concerned, in a much bigger and 'apple pie and baseball' kind of way."
The pics on the road to NYC sure look like two desperate chomping at the bit fame hoes to me.
I'm going to call it quits. I am so tired of everything Kate and Jon, I am just not going to be blogging about either of these two losers anymore. Yes, they are both losers. Sorry Ellen but it is what it is.
The more we watch the show, she gets ratings. The more we blog, the two of them read it and plan their next publicity shot. The more we snark, the two of them, Jon and Kate read it, act on it and do something else to stay relevant.
Jon is a loser to the umpth degree. His lack of concern for his kids and his lack of drive to find gainful employment and support his brood is beyond explanation.
Kate, on the other hand, is working it like a hooker on a Navy dock during shore leave and she too is reading the blogs, testing the waters and reading the poll numbers on what works and what doesn't.
I won't be part of it anymore. Jon and Kate are the biggest losers that this country can put forth on any television show. I could care less that Ellen Ross is reading the blogs and thanking us for being kind and understanding. I wasn't being either of them. I was being blunt and forthright and if Ellen thinks that these blogs are kind and forthright, she needs to stop drinking the Gosselin Koolaid.
I'm done, I'm otta here and I wish you all well. This charade just keeps going on and the two biggest losers in this country, Jon and Kate, are loving the discourse, the dialogue and keeping their names front an center.
Jon, if Ellen has the stones to show you this, here's the skinny. I have been in law enforcement my entire life. I have seen nothing but heartbreak, heartache and stone cold losers. The worst that society offers. You don't even rate on that scale. You are what we called scabs and you've proven it with your money grubbing ways and pimping your kids. Your lack of balls to protect your children shows that you have no character. You can't buy character either.
Your ex wife, she's just as bad as you. The slut factor, the b.s she spews and the way the two of you play the public to live the free wheeling lifestyle while you pimp those kids is beyond explanation.
Grow up, get a life and protect your kids. Otherwise, the teen years will haunt you 8 times worse than you ever imagined.
I'm outta here gang. Peace to all
Hard To Keep said:
"What a freaking insult to your friend Gina to dress like that, Khate!!!
And the limo? I call it Motel 6 (no stretch of my imagination)."
Amen to that. If I were Gina, I'd hate to keep looking at those photos of the "girls" on display, knowing that my husband helped to choose them. I'd wonder if he was pleased with his selection.
Quacks said...
Anonymous said... "I have it on very good authority that Steve and Kate are not a couple, never have been and never will be."***********************
*Unless your source is either Kate or Steve, you have no more idea than the rest of us what's going on between them.
Actually if Kate and/or Steve deny an affair it doesn't mean it's true. They could just be hiding it. My point isn't that I think they are having one, just that their denying it doesn't mean they aren't. I really have no idea either way. Only time will tell.
SchmeckyGirl said...
Actually if Kate and/or Steve deny an affair it doesn't mean it's true.
Yep, every word that comes out of that hole underneath Kate's nose is a lie. If she ever decided to tell the truth, I doubt if she'd start with the relationship between Steve and her.
I don't know what Kate and Steve are or are not doing~it seems to me that he is more of psychiatric nurse for her than anything.
She could be completely dependent on him psychologically and he may be the only person who can get her to do anything, and TLC is making it well worth his while to stay on, and his wife understands this. Of course, one of the reasons I think this is because she is so completely asexual in my view, clothing (or lack of it) and all.
Whatever the situation is, I hope he stays. I believe he has helped to keep the kids safer than they might have been had he not been around. JMO.
I so agree with Kelly. Everything she wrote about the losers, J & K, is what I believe. Best wishes to all here, but I'm out of the Gosselin mess. It's all sickening and we have been "played" for years. Please end all of it soon, and Kate if you are reading, please, please cover up! Leave something to the imagination.
Kelly said... "I'm done, I'm otta here and I wish you all well. This charade just keeps going on and the two biggest losers in this country, Jon and Kate, are loving the discourse, the dialogue and keeping their names front an center.
I'm with you, Kelly. This whole blogging thing has morphed into some kind of weird symbiotic relationship. Kate/TLC reads the blogs and reacts, then the bloggers react to Kate's reaction and on and on it goes. Yes it IS a circle jerk. I'm tired of it all. One days they'll be gone and I'll think, "I can't believe I devoted so much time to those losers."
I have faith in Rep Murt and Paul Petersen that they'll be watching and working for comprehensive child labor laws to protect all children working in the entertainment industry.
I hope and pray the G8 survive their lousy parents.
"KateHasControl said...If Kate and Steve ARE having an affair, I imagine she has a list of “instructions” posted above the bed:"
THAT was FUNNY!! LMAO (you did forget the instructions would be on the yellow post-its!! LOL)
Awwww Kelly, sad to read you don't want to come back here. I loved reading your quacks on the gosselins cause all was and is true. I like coming here and getting everyones prospects on this strange couple. The reason I say strange is because what normal people really allow a camera into your home and tape your family? Ahhhh I don't know any that would. Anyways I will still be here from time to time posting and hoping for the best for the kids and when the curtain comes down may K Gosselin finally start doing what she has proclaimed all along, "its all about the kids" and finally be a hands on mom, without the damm HOOKER outfits. =)
She is by no means fat, but she's looking chunkier again. In the pics from NYC she looks slimmer, now she looks puffier. Bulimia??
Remember Princess Di? She yo-yo'd up and down, not dramatically, but it was obvious. She was an admitted bulimic.
It was 111 degrees in Northern California yesterday and since I don't do well in 3 digit temps anymore, I fell asleep very early and woke up around 1 am. Shortly after I woke up ACCESS HOLLYWOOD was on so I watched it.
The good news is that the short blurb that Kate's bodyguard may be more than a body guard these days is based upon Katy Hall's recent article when she was visiting her parents on Bald Head Island when the Gosselins were there too. So mainstream media has noted the Huffington Post article!
Several things from the article were mentioned - the touching legs, Steve asking Katy to delete a photo from her cell phone, Steve and Kate taking walks on the beach, and that Steve is getting more parental around the kids (and once again I wish I had been a fly on the wall when Kate & Steve realized that the "tourist" was an entertainment reporter from Huff Post!!)
Anyway, what I also noticed is that it was mentioned twice that Steve is a married man, and yes, it was hard not to get the impression from the blurb that something is going on.
So whether or not Kate ever addresses this issue, I think that viewers who saw this blurb will think of Kate as a homewrecker! Especially since most of this episode was about Elin's new article in People coming out about surviving after finding out that Tiger had a bunch of mistresses.
Tick tock tick tock tick tock ...
PS to my above post re ACCESS HOLLYWOOD blurb on Kate and Steve:
Billy Bush ended the segment by reminding viewers about what happened in the movie THE BODYGUARD between the bodyguard and his client!!!
Now taking into consideration that Billy has met Kate and no doubt Steve, I'm sure Billy has insider info :)
Again, since the majority of the episode was about Elin surviving a cheating spouse, viewers will be under the impression that Kate is a not only a mom of 8 but also a homewrecker.
Oh TLC, even if nothing is going on and Steve is just a highly paid babysitter, how will you do damage control now?
Tick tock tick tock tick tock ...
GossipCenter has pics of Kate taking the kids to the bus stop. She parked the van right next to the door of the bus. The kids got out of the van and stepped right up on the bus. Don't know how safe that was. Also,the pics say SplashNews so they might not be from INF or Chris.
Kelly, if you decide to take a peak back on here, just know, your wit and your wisdom will be missed, but I totally understand where you're coming from. It seems the last few weeks I've started suffering from "Gosselin Fatigue" as well. I just hope you change your mind and pop in once in a while, especially if things finally come to a much needed conclusion for the Jon and Kate fiasco. It will have to stop at some point and their time in the spotlight is beginning to fade.
TO: Kelly
I also want to say that not only your wit and humor will be missed, but your male insight will as well. I fully understand where you are coming from when you say it is time to focus on other things. More than once in the last 2 years I also have been there, but then I remember the 8 innocent and helpless kids and dammit I will ride this train wreck until it runs out of tracks.
TO: Ellen
I agree with everything Kelly wrote above about both Jon and Kate. They are both pond scum as far as I'm concerned.
FTR even though I think Jon was clueless that Kate purposefully wanted multiples only to get famous, once he saw the freebies he jumped on board. I also cut Jon all the slack in the world when he first cut loose from Kate - I could care less if he wanted to be a hound dog.
When Jon pulled the kids off the air last fall it just proved to me that he was always the better parent, that he loved his kids and they were more important than his own life. But when he caved in to TLC it appeared to me that he simply used his own kids as leverage for more money.
When TLC pulls out - and I do believe that day is almost here - who is going to protect the kids from Kate? She fires up so easily and anyone and everyone in her path suffers her wrath. When the show is over - when Kate no longer needs the kids - will Jon finally once and for all man up and save his kids?
I know you can't answer this question. Guess we *ALL* will have to wait and see what Jon's true priorities are in this life. Please note I hope and pray that his first 8 priorities are Cara, Mady, Alexis, Hannah, Leah, Collin, Aaden, and Joel.
"FTR even though I think Jon was clueless that Kate purposefully wanted multiples only to get famous, once he saw the freebies he jumped on board. I also cut Jon all the slack in the world when he first cut loose from Kate -"
Could it be that Jon jumped on board because he HAD to? Because he knew that she was a control freak, and whatever she said, he had to do or life would have been a living hell had he not gone along with it? If he writes a book, I guess we'll find out!
"FTR even though I think Jon was clueless that Kate purposefully wanted multiples only to get famous, once he saw the freebies he jumped on board. I also cut Jon all the slack in the world when he first cut loose from Kate -"
Could it be that Jon jumped on board because he HAD to? Because he knew that she was a control freak, and whatever she said, he had to do or life would have been a living hell had he not gone along with it? If he writes a book, I guess we'll find out!
PS to my above post re ACCESS HOLLYWOOD blurb on Kate and Steve:
Billy Bush ended the segment by reminding viewers about what happened in the movie THE BODYGUARD between the bodyguard and his client!!!
Now taking into consideration that Billy has met Kate and no doubt Steve, I'm sure Billy has insider info :)
Again, since the majority of the episode was about Elin surviving a cheating spouse, viewers will be under the impression that Kate is a not only a mom of 8 but also a homewrecker.
Oh TLC, even if nothing is going on and Steve is just a highly paid babysitter, how will you do damage control now?
Tick tock tick tock tick tock ...
"KateHasControl said...If Kate and Steve ARE having an affair, I imagine she has a list of “instructions” posted above the bed:"
THAT was FUNNY!! LMAO (you did forget the instructions would be on the yellow post-its!! LOL)
I don't know what Kate and Steve are or are not doing~it seems to me that he is more of psychiatric nurse for her than anything.
She could be completely dependent on him psychologically and he may be the only person who can get her to do anything, and TLC is making it well worth his while to stay on, and his wife understands this. Of course, one of the reasons I think this is because she is so completely asexual in my view, clothing (or lack of it) and all.
Whatever the situation is, I hope he stays. I believe he has helped to keep the kids safer than they might have been had he not been around. JMO.
I so agree with Kelly. Everything she wrote about the losers, J & K, is what I believe. Best wishes to all here, but I'm out of the Gosselin mess. It's all sickening and we have been "played" for years. Please end all of it soon, and Kate if you are reading, please, please cover up! Leave something to the imagination.
I'm going to call it quits. I am so tired of everything Kate and Jon, I am just not going to be blogging about either of these two losers anymore. Yes, they are both losers. Sorry Ellen but it is what it is.
The more we watch the show, she gets ratings. The more we blog, the two of them read it and plan their next publicity shot. The more we snark, the two of them, Jon and Kate read it, act on it and do something else to stay relevant.
Jon is a loser to the umpth degree. His lack of concern for his kids and his lack of drive to find gainful employment and support his brood is beyond explanation.
Kate, on the other hand, is working it like a hooker on a Navy dock during shore leave and she too is reading the blogs, testing the waters and reading the poll numbers on what works and what doesn't.
I won't be part of it anymore. Jon and Kate are the biggest losers that this country can put forth on any television show. I could care less that Ellen Ross is reading the blogs and thanking us for being kind and understanding. I wasn't being either of them. I was being blunt and forthright and if Ellen thinks that these blogs are kind and forthright, she needs to stop drinking the Gosselin Koolaid.
I'm done, I'm otta here and I wish you all well. This charade just keeps going on and the two biggest losers in this country, Jon and Kate, are loving the discourse, the dialogue and keeping their names front an center.
Jon, if Ellen has the stones to show you this, here's the skinny. I have been in law enforcement my entire life. I have seen nothing but heartbreak, heartache and stone cold losers. The worst that society offers. You don't even rate on that scale. You are what we called scabs and you've proven it with your money grubbing ways and pimping your kids. Your lack of balls to protect your children shows that you have no character. You can't buy character either.
Your ex wife, she's just as bad as you. The slut factor, the b.s she spews and the way the two of you play the public to live the free wheeling lifestyle while you pimp those kids is beyond explanation.
Grow up, get a life and protect your kids. Otherwise, the teen years will haunt you 8 times worse than you ever imagined.
I'm outta here gang. Peace to all
K8SUCKS said...
Wow, so the paps just HAPPENED to be at the very same Dunkin Donuts when K8 appeared ?
Poor, poor Katie Irene.
LOL! Exactly. The photog was probably riding in the limo with Kate and Steve. Same thing in Alaska, where a photog was with the family taking publicity shots.
THEORY 1: Anonymous said... Maybe Gina threw Steve out of the house and he's living in the Gosselin garage apartment. Kate probably turned the apartment into a bed and breakfast for Steve with a 24 hour hooker heel wearing personalized service. It makes sense why Steve had the huge landscape trees put in front of his new home.
THEORY 2: Anonymous said... I have it on very good authority that Steve and Kate are not a couple, never have been and never will be. Steve is still very happily married, him and his wife have a very strong relationship and ignore all this BS. He is just doing what he is paid to do, babysit!!
Here are two possible theories, suggested both by Anonymous (note: I am assuming two different people are too lazy to identify themselves as anything but Anonymous).
First of all, IMHO the trees arrived a year late, this should have been done last year. So why now?
1. TLC wanted the trees in to hide the fact that they are filming more hours than they are legally allowed to do.
2. It is to keep paps from taking photos of Steve using the garage apartment. Even if nothing is going on between Steve and Kate, that it is just where Steve stays versus going home between these "vacation trips" because it is convenient (I have no idea how far it is to his home), Steve has to know that ANY photos being shot would be hurtful to HIS wife and sons. Because of the year delay, if this theory is correct, I bet Steve did push for the trees and used the excuse it was in the best interest for the Gosselin 8 but knowing it was for the Neilds too.
I think it is #1 - TLC has something to hide. Still when the show is over the kids deserve their privacy so the trees are a good thing in the long run.
I am in a very strong relationship with a very good looking FLIRT who is a long haul trucker which means he is on the road for weeks at a time. I know about the "lot lizards" at every truck stop and yes I still 110% trust him. I mention this because I believe it is possible that Gina and Steve could also have a strong relationship.
If so, Gina would be OK with Steve babysitting because by now he is probably being paid $2,000/day = $60,000/month. If I were Gina, and if I trusted my husband of many years, I would allow him to work as much as he could right now because this Gosselin gravy train is coming to an end and who knows where his next assignment will be.
Two different theories and to me they both are strong possibilities.
Bottom Line: I don't give a rip if Kate and Steve are doing it because it does not impact my life one iota! Besides we won't ever know the answer for sure unless it is officially announced or until the show is a done deal and then only if Steve is still showing up in Wernersville without this wife and sons.
But since we all know that Kate is a loose cannon and can fire up at a moment's notice - and since it is obvious that Steve is able to neck rein Kate - it is my personal opinion that TLC is paying Steve very well to babysit Kate. There is no doubt that Kate relys on Steve but not necessarily for sex.
What worries me the most though is what will happen when the show is over? If nothing is going on with Steve and Kate, Steve will be gone and will be now babysitting someone else. Will this tidbit that even the hired help has left her be the straw to break Kate? If so, what will happen to the kids?
Oy! Last week Ms. Gosselin was 15 minutes away from my home at the Promendade shops. Yesterday, hubs and I took a day off to go to NYC and visit the AMNH--that woman is stalking me, lol!
Seriously, though, I was in NYC yesterday and it was quite cool (and damp)on Central Park West. I had on long jeans and a long-sleeved thin cotton top. When my hubs and I went into the restaurant to eat lunch, the AC made me feel a little cold. It was waay too chilly for that outfit on Kate. She's dressing for the paps, IMO.
Anonymous said... I have it on very good authority that Steve and Kate are not a couple, never have been and never will be. Steve is still very happily married, him and his wife have a very strong relationship and ignore all this BS. He is just doing what he is paid to do, babysit!!
Nope, I'm not buying it. He's with Kate more than he needs to be.
Feh... not impressed at all.
She's definitely nouveau riche, but that girl has alot of catching up to do- actually, scratch that. It's more like she has alot of growing up to do.
How long before she steps out for coffee wearing a tiara and a feathered boa?
Where the African American bodyguard?? Boytoy Steve is just a servant..I will never believe Steve was a bodyguard for the wealthy,and the famous,and if he was why would he give up being a bodyguard for the wealthy,and famous for just a common housewife& a mom of 8 at the time?????
Kate couldn't open her own door? Purse boy had to come around and let the queen out flashing boobs of course. She is so pathetic
Anonymous said... Maybe Gina threw Steve out of the house and he's living in the Gosselin garage apartment. Kate probably turned the apartment into a bed and breakfast for Steve with a 24 hour hooker heel wearing personalized service. It makes sense why Steve had the huge landscape trees put in front of his new home.
Of course the trees were for "her" privacy w/ Steve--had nothing to do w/ privacy for the kids, and Steve was there to supervise the whole thing. And I suspect she's doing "Today" at some point this week...there's a TLC/Today connection. Puke.
Didn't Kate and Steve take a limo to NYC when they were going to a concert? I think they took the twins to Taylor Swift, left them with nannies and headed to the West Coast.
The talk shows like The View are on vacation so we should probably be spared that. There are the early morning shows, but I doubt it. Probably a fashion thing for the Emmys. Or she's going to audition for a strip club. :)
Can't quite put my finger on why...but that Do Not Enter sign in the background seems appropriate.
"How much does a limo ride from Reading to NYC cost?"
I've actually done this quite a few times. I hate driving into NYC. It depends which service you use. Some charge a flat rate; others charge a rate by the hour, which includes travel time plus the fuel charge, and if traffic is really heavy, you're in for a shock when you pay the bill. I'd say on a good day, medium traffic, it runs about $250.00 (one way) plus a mandatory fifteen percent gratuity.
Of course they could have taken the train for $94.00.
I think it is more two coffee brakes...the pictures are différent, they where not taken at the same time. Some of them, Steve has glasses on a string and others he has not....Look the back round also, not the same...It is hard to beleinve that Chriss follow her all the way but he does.
I just read the lastest "blog" from Kate on Pressi's site (can't give TLC a hit). If you dare read it, I recommend an empty stomach and a pair of hip waders. It's perhaps the most delusional entry yet.
Could she possibly bend over a little more so her boobs will fall all of the way out? Looks like she is purposefully trying to show her girls to Steve.
They are totally boning each other.
You know what I am surprised at is that ROL use to be the first to post a picture of this skank, now not so much. Did the love affair between ROL and her end?
Maybe Gina threw Steve out of the house and he's living in the Gosselin garage apartment. Kate probably turned the apartment into a bed and breakfast for Steve with a 24 hour hooker heel wearing personalized service. It makes sense why Steve had the huge landscape trees put in front of his new home.
I have it on very good authority that Steve and Kate are not a couple, never have been and never will be. Steve is still very happily married, him and his wife have a very strong relationship and ignore all this BS. He is just doing what he is paid to do, babysit!!
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