Jon was snapped smoking in Hawaii. After taking Morgan to
Sundance last week, he showed up on the Pacific island yesterday with her. Jon has not been spotted
publicly with the kids since January 16.
Update: Jon appears to be with his brother or another relative in Hawaii

47 sediments (sic) from readers:
Well, Sundance was not last week. And of course there have not been any pictures of him with the kids. The current TLC mantra is to make Jon appear like an absentee Dad - it's the only way to make Kate (or at least try, anyway) to make Kate appear to be a "good Mom".
I'm so tired of this double standard between Jon and Kate. Kate's management and public relations team are always trying to paint Jon as the deadbeat dad. They should paint Kate as the deadbeat mom, she is the one who wants to exploit her children.
where's he getting the money to go to Hawaii?! doesn't he have children to support? And doesn't he need to save his money to fight TLC in court?
Cheap fares are to be had everywhere these days. Even middle income people with child support payments and lawyers fees are able to fly across country to visit family. Are you saying it's a different standard for Jon? I'm guessing, in a large part due to tabloid/TLC smearing, family is about all he's got left to support him.
That's why I said Jon has not been spotted "publicly" with the kids. Other sites are saying Jon has not been with the kids since Jan 16th. How do they know? That's only the last time he was caught by cameras with them. Who is to say he hasn't flown back and spent several weekends with them in quiet?
Heaven forbid he might actually have a weekend with the kids in PRIVATE and not troop them out in front of the paparazzi like Kate does all the time. Maybe he's actually being a good dad and keeping them secluded and away from the public.
Seriously now there's no such thing as a cheap fare to Hawaii, I've looked into it. The girlfriends family probably paid for it.
I have to agree there I fly a lot and airfare really isn't cheap anywhere. Even though the economy is bad, gas prices are up and ticket prices have gone up, plus it costs a fortune if you dare to check a few bags. I used to be able to snag a good deal cross country for $250 if I booked far enough in advance. Now I can't do it for much less than $380 and depending on when you book, it can be as high as $600. Hawaii isn't cheap, but I don't begrudge him spending time with family since Kate refused to let him see them for so long. He was also spotted with his brother there.
Of course, Christie might have paid for the ticket. So might have his family. So might have Jon. He might have frequent flyer miles(do those even exist anymore?), he might have paid full price. The point is, we don't know. I hope Jon's there to get out of the spotlight, clear his head and get some perspective on some of the decisions he's going to have to make. If I were in his place I'm sure I would turn to family. Wasn't he supposed to see the NY police this week? I've heard nothing on that.
I personally believe Jon really does love his kids and am glad we aren't seeing pics of them all over the place with him because their time should be private.
I just think Jon should try staying close to home for a while if he really does care because public perception of him is so bad. I think it does look bad for him that he was in Utah for a week and now he's in Hawaii.
I don't think it's wrong if he goes on vacation when he doesn't have custody but unfortunately when they only show pics of him traveling all over the country he looks bad. Right or not.
Maybe Jon has money. Kate got the house but maybe he got an amount equal to his share of it aside from all the money that Jon claims they really did have in the 11 accounts.
Jon isn't broke. Jon is paying a 5 figure a month in child support payments. That's at least 10k.
The courts calculates those payment by looking into your income and assets.
Since Jon has no income, it's safe to say that Jon's asset is well over 120k. Either that or the courts are just making up numbers for Jon to pay out of spite because he "cheated" on the single mother of eight.
Once again, courts cannot order Jon to pay child support out of SPITE or PUNISHMENT. It is based on a complicated formula, mostly income and assets, that's correct.
The bottom line is if Jon only makes 300 bucks a month, the court simply can't order him to pay $10,000 in child support.
I know team Kate wants to think the judge was sticking it to him, but that's completely false and ridiculous. That's not how child support works. This is the 21st century!
As for the house, yes Jon most likely got something of equal value in return, like money. Kate probably bought him out.
I bet that is the bodyguard that the witch liked with the name Shoka.
Schmecky girl--I agree that Jon should try to stay close to his children because public perception of him is so bad. However, it like he's screwed either way. When Jon and Kate were still married and he spent much of his time at home taking care of the kids, there were people that still called him "lazy" and lauded Kate for being out there trying to "support her kids." Kate was jetting all over the country with her bodyguard, first class, staying in places like the Beverly Hills Hotel, going to spas, tanning, etc. and she was praised for being such a "good" mother by her fans. So maybe the guy feels like he can't win either way--so he might as well travel when it's not his time with the kids.
We don't know how much money Jon has or if his new gf is paying for these trips--I would hope Jon is paying his child support, and I imagine if he isn't, Kate's PR team would be all over it.
The thing that gets me is that Kate can travel hither, tither and yon--all the while saying it's "work"--and the media skews that in a positive light. As if she doesn't enjoy her trips--she LOVES the limelight, she enjoys her hotels, trendy restaurants, and spa visits, too (who wouldn't?)--so she mixes plenty of "pleasure" with business, yet her fans she her as a "struggling, hard-working mom" and Jon as as a lazy bum. Jon I guess could look for a regular job and live a quiet life (that would be my advice if he was my brother)--but I guess he also likes the good life.
They aren't going to quit picking on Jon until TLC punts Kate out the door and they all go away. I also think Jon knows there is no "right" thing he can do that will get him positive press so he's just moving on with his life. They're on a witch hunt with TLC and Kate backing it. Tabloids love it because it gives them ammunition to up their sales. Kate loves it because now she's riding to her supposed fame on the backs of both Jon and the kids. Kate is a one woman scorched earth entity. Everything in her path is destroyed. I almost feel for those who actually look up to her as some sort of role model. Quite shocking, actually. JMO
Jon can look for a job and live a quiet life, but people will still continue to bash him.
So Jon finds a regular job that pays 40k.. How will he be able to pay 10k month in child support?
I don't think Jon nor Kate can find a regular job that will pay them anything over 40k.
The only way they can continue to live their current lifestyle is by making easy money thru media.
Child support payments can be modified if there's a change in circumstances. If he goes and gets a 40k IT job he can go back to the child support dvision and get his payments reduced accordingly, assuming no other income or significant assets.
True, but then they will still find something to complain about. Oh, Jon isn't paying enough. What a deadbeat. He's only paying $1k a month now? 8 kids? and a Million dollar mortgage on a Mansion? So on and so forth.
BUT Jon and Kate don't HAVE to continue to live in the lavish lifestyle their kids worked for them to become accustomed to. And poor writing on this article, because the gentleman in one pic with Jon looks Asian, that is a relative? The people who were at the vow renewal were NOT close relatives of Jon's and most he didn't even really know. None of his stateside family were at the wedding, just the cast of Hawaiian vow renewal. If Jon gets a 40K a year job, his child support should be re-evaluated to coincide with his earnings. They could support their kids very nicely on both working for $40-50K a year but not like Mr. and Mrs. Astor (who they ain't). I do agree with the comment that Jon truly loves his children, his actions showed that over and over. And I stated from months ago, let's judge Jon and Kate using the same standards, which TLC has not and will not do, Kate is allowed to peddle her butt all over the media, travel non-stop, get more and more freebies; and Jon has been allowed to.. well, actually Jon HAS NOT been allowed to do.. well, ANYTHING.
"And poor writing on this article, because the gentleman in one pic with Jon looks Asian, that is a relative?"
I'm pretty sure that's Jon's brother, there was a guy who looked just like him over at the house several months ago with Jon, identified as his brother. Look at his lips, mouth, and hands...they are just like Jon's, there is a strong family resemblance. And let's be honest, they're both beefy.
Anyway I think it's at least a relative for sure. I'm glad Jon is able to hang out with family. It's not normal to never see family.
I agree that Jon will be in a no-win situation for a long time. Unless Jon has a lot more money than we know about and is just waiting until his contract is up, I think he should have tried to get a regular job until the contract is over. It would have just helped his image and right now it needs all the help it can get. Although maybe he did try and in this economy there just aren't any. I do think that Jon should be able to do whatever he wants now that he is divorced, as long as he continues to be a great father to his children. I'm not sure what to think of Jon sometimes. I felt the same way about him as I did Kate while they were both under TLC. Once he left them I had hoped he would have gotten his act together and improved his reputation and public image. And I don't just mean for show.
That guy in the pic looks too dark to be Jon's brother..
Isn't this his brother?
I don't think that's Jon's brother. That guy looks Hawaiian. Jon's brother just looks Asian.
I'm curious. Why does it say Jon got "caught" smoking? Is he a teenager hiding behind his parents garage? He's 32 years old and he's allowed to smoke, isn't he?
Also tired of people calling the new GF a skank. Until she poses for a trashy cover or realeases intimate details of her private relationship, she's just a young woman dating Jon. She's educated and doesn't seem like to type to be "smitten" with him overnight.
I'm not saying she's NOT a skank. Just give her a break until she proves otherwise.
Jon has a PR team and I wonder why they aren't working harder for him. Maybe it's time for him to get a new one and a new attorney. The Heller father/son team appears to be doing more harm than good.
IMO if Jon was with the kids there would be pictures of it. His bodyguard is a pap and I really believe he has some sort of side deal going on with this guy. (There is no proof of this...just my opinion).
He obviously has money or his child support payments wouldn't be so high. Kate does not have control over how much the courts decide he should pay in child support.
Jon is not allowed to be paid for media appearances due to the non compete clause in his contract. Kate is allowed to do them because she is not in breach of her contract, but she still has to get approval from TLC. I don't understand why this concept is so hard to understand. When someone signs a contract and doesn't abide by the terms there are consequences.
Well, Jon's only been seen smoking a few times, hence "caught." I don't have a problem with him smoking. I may personally not choose it for myself but I don't care if he does it as long as he isn't exposing the kids to second-hand smoke. But I think it's notable that TLC which claimed to show all the good and bad of this "real" family never once showed Jon smoking in their 100 plus episodes. Are they ashamed to show the truth? It just goes back to how staged and fake the whole thing was, despite Kate's claims over and over they were just living their lives. Bullshit, they were a commodity, still are, they were shaped and molded by TLC as a brand and it was as far from "real" as you could get.
Not a hater, answer this for me. Why does TLC continue to allow Kate and her plastic image to be splashed everywhere and on as many shows as they can book? Her "look" last weekend in NYC was horrendous and reflected bad on her = but hey, TLC was okay with it. The photos of Kate spanking Leah, the photos of her "shushing" Collins - those are pretty horrific as well, but TLC obviously does not care if Kate makes them look bad. The show is not on television anymore, so exactly what is Jon "competing" against? No, this is all about TLC punishing Jon for taking the kids away.
Dunwoody Mom, I agree with you. I also think, that if Jon had not taken his kids off the show...there would be no lawsuit. I believe that TLC sued Jon because he took the kids away. If not, then, why did TLC not sue Jon sooner?
Not a genius....
TLC didn't pull the breach of contract lawsuit until AFTER Jon pull the kids from the show.
I don't get why this "concept" is so hard for Kate fans to understand.
Yes Kate has no control of the amount to be paid, but she did request that Jon pay child support. Knowing that TLC is suing him. And she is using this to PRESSURE Jon.
Again, not sure why this is so hard for you to understand.
Here it is in simpler form.
* TLC is doing this out of spite...
* Kate is doing this to pressure Jon...
Responding to some points:
"IMO if Jon was with the kids there would be pictures of it."
The kids go many days without being seen. Someone is with them. Why is it assumed if there are no photos, it didn't happen? The truth is we DO NOT KNOW who is with the kids when we don't see them. Can we speculate? Sure. Can we assume if Kate is in NY and Jon is in Utah or Hawaii, a nanny is with the kids? Sure. But only when photos show up every few weeks ago of them, do we know who is really with them. Maybe Jon actually wants to see the kids without trooping them in front of the paparazzi. It can be done.
"Kate does not have control over how much the courts decide he should pay in child support."
Actually, she does have some control. First, she can ask for child support. She doesn't have to ask for it. She can spend $7000 of her money on the kids and not her hair, isntead of taking Jon's money. And she can manipulate the custody arrangement so that he has less time with the children so that he has to pay more. The less time you spend, the more you pay. She can also present proof of her income and situation, as well as Jon's. Child support is a complicated formula, but some of it IS influenced by the mother and her actions.
"When someone signs a contract and doesn't abide by the terms there are consequences."
I agree with others, suing Jon was a direct retaliation for pulling his kids. And by the way, Jon WAS abiding by the contract in that it had a clause that said HE COULD PULL THE KIDS. He was doing other stuff like appearances TLC didn't like as far back as January 2009 when he was seen with a teacher. TLC waited until Jon actually pulled their little money makers before doing anything. Also, the contract was unreasonable, overbroad, and took advantage of unsophisticated parents. You shouldn't have to abide by a contract that is unfair, and that is exactly what Jon is arguing in court.
He shouldn't have to abide by a contract that should have been null and void when TLC announced the name change and how they were "limited" his roles to pretty much nothing.
TLC didn't even notify Jon of the name change. Any changes to TLC made should have went thru Jon.
I mean, my bank and phone carrier sent me a letter notifying me of the new terms and conditions and they also sent me a letter when they were changing their name. It also stated that if I didn't agree to the new terms and conditions, that I had a right to pull out of the contract.
I wonder why Jon should have been held to a contract for a "reality" show once there was no longer a "Jon and Kate Plus 8". They were separated or living apart since late 2008.
Therein lies such a big reason why this contract is such a problem. They are holding Jon hostage now six months after he ended the show. How long will they hold out? How long can an entity legally prevent someone from doing something?
The contract didn't seem to take into account if the parents got divorced, one of them didn't want the kids to be filmed anymore....or what about heaven forbid a kid got sick or something and they needed to end things and take care of them. Would they force them to keep going with this or pay damages???
It's just so ridiculous how restrictive this contract was. It is an unconscionable contract.
Good for Jon that he went to Hawaii to visit his family. After their split, Jon was free to do whatever he wanted. A lot of his choices were CRAZY & stupid BUT he made a few good choices:
1. To stop filming. That came at a heavy price because TLC & Kate joined forces to aggressively start a smear campaign against Jon. No matter what the reasons, the kids are off camera, hopefully trying to live a 'some what' normal life.
2. Re-establish his relationships with his family & friends. Some of his newer relationships were definitely questionable. He had poor judgement in discerning who were true friends and who were leechs & fame whores trying to make a fast buck off on his coat tails.
Isn't it interesting that Kate's relationships are primarily with TLC's hired help? The only relationship she appears to have some consistency with is Jamie. But wasn't Jamie's services paid as Kate's personal trainer? Everyone else is on the payroll. Steve (body guard/handler), Ted & his staff (hairdresser), Jamie (friend/personal trainer), anyone else? Hummm, how interesting.
Also, if Jon was as bad as the Kate lovers proclaim then why was Kate saying, in numerous interviews, that she missed the old Jon. Is that the Jon who allowed her to emasculate, verbally & physically abuse him & the kids? Is that the same Jon who shut his mouth, TLC assigned body guards who was forced to play out Kate & TLC's LIE from October 2008? Is that the Jon who agreed to Kate's travel all over the country to promote her book while he stayed home as a full-time dad/parent? How long was that 1 year, 2 years? Didn't she also brag in an interview that she never called home while she was traveling? Is that the same Jon who was suspicious about Kate's relationship with Steve the body guard/handler but she refused to replace because she may have had something going on with Steve? Oh I see, she wants the Jon back who she bullied, lied to, manipulated, controlled, violated, ....any more?
Hopefully Jon can rebuild his relationships with family & friends, grow up, man up, build a new PR/handler/legal team and take back his life, FOR THE SAKE OF THE KIDS.
"Not a hater said..." could you please a link to the contract I would like to read it thanks!
The contract has never been disclosed publicly. It has been talked about in declarations and other court filings, and Jon and TLC have mentioned some things in it, but we've never seen it. I find it no coincidence TLC hasn't disclosed it. Are they embarrassed or ashamed of it? If they stand by it, why not just disclose it?
I just had to do a big swiffer of posts that otherwise were fine except for one or two sentences that were not acceptable.
Remember, no talking about other posters. This includes:
1. No insulting other posters
2. No picking fights with other posters
3. No refusing to let things go and move on
4. No insulting/threatening/trolling the Administrator or the Blog. If you don't like something, share your concerns like a calm and rational human being, and your comment won't get rejected.
And no saying this blog is unfair or just another hate site. Most of the people who post here have done a very good job stating an opinion and backing it up with evidence, and I'll continue to delete posts that keep whining that this is a hate site. If you think something is unfair or hate, why not present an intelligent counter-argument in a respectful matter, backed up by evidence. Evidence does not include a contract that has never been disclosed.
If it happens again, we're back to moderated comments which is no fun and a pain in my butt. Thanks.
Maybe Kate needs to take lessons from Elin Woods who handled herself with class & dignity. Elin made a choice, for the sake of her children, to keep the problems in her relationship with Tiger, PRIVATE, even after his philandering was exposed.
Kate made a conscious choice to expose the dirty details of her relationship with Jon. She chose to succumb to a strategic plan to demonize Jon in numerous forums such as TV/media interviews, magazines, etc. The paps publicized photos of Jon's escapades BUT no one really knew the details between J&K until Kate decided to expose herself in interviews.
Jon & Kate plus 8 was a LIE. The public was led to believe J&K+8 were a family intact. Didn't they recommit to their relationship in a '10 year renewal ceremony' June 2009, in Hawaii? In that episode, Kate told her children that she & Jon would be married forever. When she said, "I do," didn't she make a commitment to Jon and her children before God? What about that contract? Guess Ms. Contract Honorer (her words) selectively chooses which contracts are worth the most $$.
If bloggers want equal representation, then its clear, in the media & by TLC, the scales have been heavily weighed in Kate's favor. She & TLC have been calculating in insuring Kate's image/brand is favorable, for the sake of the all mighty $$.
The perpetuation of a LIE in the J&K+8 "documentary" was a slap in the face for many who were once strong supporters.
At the end of the 4th season, it was evident that Jon wanted to stop filming BUT Kate stated, "...we're ironing out our differences..." Remember that episode? When Jon refused to concede, maybe that is when Kate decided "...I don't know how we are going to survive..." And maybe because she wanted to continue filming with entitlements, she decided to throw Jon under the bus, just as she did with all the other relationships in her life.
Speculation but it sounds reasonable. Put the puzzle pieces together. It doesn't take a forensic person to figure that one out.
Well, I'm not sure how my posts broke your rules. I guess I do not need to visit this blog any longer.
Dunwoody, I've never had a problem with your posts. There was one poster here, not you, who was picking fights. I just deleted all the posts in that particular conversation to end it. I don't even remember if you had a post in there but I pretty much deleted everything after a certain point to stop the fight. You are certainly welcome here and are not a rule-breaker.
That IS Jon's brother I just found this photo from this summer when he was at the house:
They are both fat but that's not the same guy IMO. One looks Hawaiian and the other looks just Asian and a much paler version.
Good for Jon that he went to Hawaii to visit his family. After their split, Jon was free to do whatever he wanted. A lot of his choices were CRAZY & stupid BUT he made a few good choices:
1. To stop filming. That came at a heavy price because TLC & Kate joined forces to aggressively start a smear campaign against Jon. No matter what the reasons, the kids are off camera, hopefully trying to live a 'some what' normal life.
2. Re-establish his relationships with his family & friends. Some of his newer relationships were definitely questionable. He had poor judgement in discerning who were true friends and who were leechs & fame whores trying to make a fast buck off on his coat tails.
Isn't it interesting that Kate's relationships are primarily with TLC's hired help? The only relationship she appears to have some consistency with is Jamie. But wasn't Jamie's services paid as Kate's personal trainer? Everyone else is on the payroll. Steve (body guard/handler), Ted & his staff (hairdresser), Jamie (friend/personal trainer), anyone else? Hummm, how interesting.
Also, if Jon was as bad as the Kate lovers proclaim then why was Kate saying, in numerous interviews, that she missed the old Jon. Is that the Jon who allowed her to emasculate, verbally & physically abuse him & the kids? Is that the same Jon who shut his mouth, TLC assigned body guards who was forced to play out Kate & TLC's LIE from October 2008? Is that the Jon who agreed to Kate's travel all over the country to promote her book while he stayed home as a full-time dad/parent? How long was that 1 year, 2 years? Didn't she also brag in an interview that she never called home while she was traveling? Is that the same Jon who was suspicious about Kate's relationship with Steve the body guard/handler but she refused to replace because she may have had something going on with Steve? Oh I see, she wants the Jon back who she bullied, lied to, manipulated, controlled, violated, ....any more?
Hopefully Jon can rebuild his relationships with family & friends, grow up, man up, build a new PR/handler/legal team and take back his life, FOR THE SAKE OF THE KIDS.
Not a hater, answer this for me. Why does TLC continue to allow Kate and her plastic image to be splashed everywhere and on as many shows as they can book? Her "look" last weekend in NYC was horrendous and reflected bad on her = but hey, TLC was okay with it. The photos of Kate spanking Leah, the photos of her "shushing" Collins - those are pretty horrific as well, but TLC obviously does not care if Kate makes them look bad. The show is not on television anymore, so exactly what is Jon "competing" against? No, this is all about TLC punishing Jon for taking the kids away.
Dunwoody Mom, I agree with you. I also think, that if Jon had not taken his kids off the show...there would be no lawsuit. I believe that TLC sued Jon because he took the kids away. If not, then, why did TLC not sue Jon sooner?
Cheap fares are to be had everywhere these days. Even middle income people with child support payments and lawyers fees are able to fly across country to visit family. Are you saying it's a different standard for Jon? I'm guessing, in a large part due to tabloid/TLC smearing, family is about all he's got left to support him.
I'm so tired of this double standard between Jon and Kate. Kate's management and public relations team are always trying to paint Jon as the deadbeat dad. They should paint Kate as the deadbeat mom, she is the one who wants to exploit her children.
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