Thursday, January 16, 2014

Discussion Thread: Couples Therapy episode 3, "New Couple Controversy'

Although two episodes have already aired without them, Jon and his girlfriend Liz make their first official appearance on the popular VH1 reality show tonight. Check local listings.

Meanwhile, the fallout continues from the twins awkward and uncomfortable appearance on Today yesterday

Watch Access Hollywood's excellent panel discussion on the debacle. They get it.

1043 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Paula said...

I think one poster had ir right: Since The View was taped prior to The Today debacle going viral, the hosts would have no way of knowing what went down. However, could The View edit that segment out of Monday's show? Or do they want the ratings bounce more than protecting the twins? I think I know.

Tucker's Mom said...

Starz22 said... 172
#164 abby

Like the kids, Jon is also damaged from being in TFW's world. Yes he is a grown man...but yet he is injured. What he went through with TFW will effect him til he dies. As much as people should think he should just get over it! It's deeper than that.
Abuse stays with you for ever.
10 years of that is a very long time. I had 6 years of it and it took me a long time to become "me" again. So, when Jon say's that people started to tell him that "Jon was back", I know exactly what he means.
Jon IS a victim of abuse, and Liz has to accept that fact and learn how to empathize with him and help Jon work with his conditioned reactions.
You can come back from abuse. I think it's infinitely more difficult when you share children with an abusive ex-spouse, because you must interact with them on some level.
If your abuser changes and gets some help and therapy, it can go smoothly, but Kate will never. She continues to abuse Jon; making him do all the transportation for the kids, refusing to let him on her property, refusing to speak with him.
I can't even imagine...
In about 8 years, when the kids are adults, Jon's interactions with TFW will diminish and he will be able to truly extricate himself from her claws.
Here's what I believe- Kate enjoys every minute, every second of this cat and mouse game that she's playing.

She is a Cow said...

I believe she also clapped to get their attention before reciting how to eat the food in their lunchbox. In unison, sandwich, fruit, crunchie things.....

Tucker's Mom said...

On another note, I went to You Tube to look at some of her old interviews. Most of her talk show career, is about setting the record straight about something or other. It's actually quite hilarious. If I was a bit more tech savvy, I'd put all the clips together about all the hosts introducing her about setting the record straight. It would go on forever!
Alberta Girl, it's Sienfeldesque, really. All about nothing. That was the Sienfeld punchline- a show about nothing became one of the most successful sitcoms in TV history!
Kate has made a career, or at least a part-time job, out of making guests appearances. It's uncanny.
Two YEARS after her reality tv show was cancelled, and she's basically not had anything that resembles a job, let alone a "career", she's still parking her bleached asshole on interview couches.
I'll give her this much; that IS a talent of sorts...

Grammie said...

Looks like Kate "happied them up" after the Today show. My heart breaks for those girls.

Wowser said...

I think it's very telling that TFW has not tweeted that the girls did better in the other interviews they did later in the day....she actually hasn't mentioned it at all....I would think if they had "overcome their stage fright" she would have tweeted that for damage control. Monday's revelation may only make it worse for TFW. Either way I hope to God that the Today show debacle and exposure if TFW's TRUE agenda has finally put to rest that she will NEVER get another TV show....too bad it had to be at the twins' expense but it may be worth it to them in the long run.

Hoosier Girl said...


WTH?!?!?! I used to think Kate was forever stuck at age 14, but that hash tag sounds like she's 4!

Vanessa said...

WOW is right Carol

Who is that guy?!! Love him! He can't have been following this saga since the beginning? He has her pegged! Wonder what the turn around for Billy Bush was though? He was a borderline sheeple in the past.

Vanessa said...
Poor Mady :(
tfw-"that's enough negativity"
just shut up bitch ~ Administrator said...


Holy moly this is EVERYTHING we have said here. This is surreal.

People are finally using the words we've been saying. Exploitive, it was payback that the kids clamped up, I bet she lit into them after, her fundamental problem is me, me, me, this is really about the divorce and ding her bidding against Jon (YES!!!) , she's out of touch, you don't ask 9 year olds to make a family decision, etc etc.

I loved this too: "Kids say the darndest things....Or they don't." Ha!

Vanessa said...

Virginia Pen Mom said

OH.EMM.GEE! Really, I see evil right there. Please tell me I'm not the only one? It can't be all that effing around she's done with her face?

Vanessa said...

Just the fact that Kate sat in between them shows that he children are her possessions
Yup, they are "things" to her. And she is ALWAYS front and centre, ALWAYS. No way she was giving up the spotlight. ~ Administrator said...

Most of her talk show career, is about setting the record straight about something or other.


Yes, it's amazing how she's built a house of cards on stirring up some controversy then doing the rounds to set the record straight. Wouldn't you at some point think sheesh why am I always having to set the record straight maybe, just maybe, it's ME? I think people sort of went along with it for years because it was just kind of pathetic but funny most of the time, sort of what will she say/lie about next. I think she went too far with the public though when she decided to involve her children in it too, which she really hasn't done on this level before. It's one thing to film them on vacation, quite another to make them her mouthpiece. The public had a line, thank goodness, and she crossed it. Boy did she ever cross it. This backfired almost even worse than the lawsuit, and I thought that was a pretty epic backfire.

Vanessa said...

Layla said...

Tucker's Mom (2)
Oh, she absolutely loves every moment of this game. Jon enraged her by walking away, and now she feels the need to make him pay over and over and over again. She is also enraged that he got this CT gig while she has nothing, after her telling the world that, in a nutshell, he is mediocre and she is not because she wants to be on reality tv. The fact that he got a show, to her, is throwing that statement in her face, and she will not tolerate that. So, what to do? Of course, like she always does, she resorts to using the kids to get back at him because she knows that is what will really hurt him. He just said on WW that he would object to the kids being filmed again, he just said in an interview that the kids were damaged by TV. What better way to tell him FU than to stick the twins in front of a camera to deny that they are not damaged, to have them publicly throw him under the bus, and also use them to further push her agenda of another reality show. In her blind hatred, she never thought of the consequences, never considered that she might fail. Jon must be punished at all costs! And the world saw her unmasked. The world saw her trying to use the girls to hurt the father they love. When she snapped her fingers, she showed complete contempt for Mady. When she tried to put words into Mady's mouth, she showed the extent of her manipulation of her kids. The girls' demeanor, showed the extent of the emotional abuse and control. And mouthing Mady's words proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was all an evil, carefully planned ploy to force her daughters (against their will) to push her agenda.

Kate went too far this time. She still thinks she can explain it all away and pretend it was stage fright. Her narcissism prevents her from realizing what the rest of the world saw. She thinks this will all blow over.
It won't. Kate killed her TV/media dream on Friday. This is the end, even though she doesn't know it.

Next time Ms Goody feels like bashing Jon with that "nail her coffin" comment, someone needs to remind her that, ultimately, it was Kate who nailed her own coffin, not Jon.

Formerly Duped said...

I'm worried if the twins speak more in the next interviews or if they don't. Either way they are sure to feel the wrath of Mommy, severely.I feel for them.

Layla said...

OMG, the website for The View has been changed from just "Kate Gosselin" to "Kate Gosselin is joined by her 13-year-old twins, Mady and Cara, with an update on life inside the Gosselin house". The View is throwing those girls to the dogs. ~ Administrator said...

We've said it so many times. Any normal person would be MORTIFIED that Access Hollywood is having a panel discussion about how you are one f-ed up mother and person.

I added the video to this post, it's that good. Thank you Access Hollywood for having such a serious panel discussion about the real issues here.

Tucker's Mom said...

Virginia Pen Mom said... 193
About the link I just posted, now I see what's happening. They're watching the video montage of themselves just before the interview starts. Kate's smiling because she sees KATE.
I took it another way. I think Kate knows that particularly on Today, the guests are filmed and shown on and off as they're waiting for their live segment, hence the perma-smile.
It's fake-- she doesn't want to be caught wearing her usual BRF (bitchy resting face).
The Today show is and has been in Kate's stable of kneepads, so she knows the drill. Plus, I watch nearly every day and this is their format.

NJGal51 said...

I don't really know who Segun Oduolowu is (other than an actor) but I like him. I especially liked his "dance for me show pony" comment while he was snapping his fingers. I also liked his comment about Kate "it's all me, me, me, my, my, my, I, I, I". He had her pegged just by watching that small clip. One of the hosts asked if they'd watch a show with TFW and the twins and Lori Laughlin said that she didnt watch it when it was originally on (said she didn't even know the name) and she wouldn't watch it now. I guess Full House won't be the favorite show in the Gosselin house any more. I must say that at almost 50 Lori Laughlin looks better and younger than TFW. ~ Administrator said...

She is also enraged that he got this CT gig while she has nothing, after her telling the world that, in a nutshell, he is mediocre and she is not because she wants to be on reality tv.


I think in general she hates Jon and is jealous of Jon and has been for years, but I think this is a very important point. I think the way she's sort of revved up this hate the past few months has EVERYTHING to do with this show. Boy does she ever HATE that he's on this show. And she knows, deep down, if the offer was extended to her she would go on it in a heartbeat. In...a....heartbeat. She has such jealousy issues and such resentment she can't just be HAPPY that her ex got work, is getting money, and has be able to move closer to his children and support them more with that money. A normal person would be HAPPY for someone that things worked out for them, even your ex. He's her children's father and they love him, for her CHILDREN she can't even just take a deep breath and be happy for him. Rather she wants to SABOTAGE him so badly she will even parade the kids out to try to do it. And that is pretty darn sick. Full blown mental really.

Paula said...

I continue to love Cara's expression in those "still" pictures. It's like "I've got your number and I'm not playing your game". ~ Administrator said...

I don't know who Segun Oduolowu is or what he does but he GETS it and he isn't afraid to say it


He sounded a bit like Tucker! Or NJ! You've been outed, hehe!

Vanessa said...

Layla @ 15

Say it sister!! applause

jbranck1980 said...

I find it interesting that people are commenting on TFW's snap/clap to Mady and how they don't even do it to their pets. Remember when TFW freaked out on Jon in the toy store? As they were loading their stuff, Jon said "You yelled at me like I was a dog in there."

Vanessa said...

this is a little long, but check out from about the 3:00 mark. ~ Administrator said...

One of the hosts asked if they'd watch a show with TFW and the twins and Lori Laughlin said that she didnt watch it when it was originally on (said she didn't even know the name) and she wouldn't watch it now.


Wait that was Lori LAUGHLIN? AUNT BECKY????

I totally missed THAT. And I think it's flipping awesome that she says she will NOT watch this show if it ever comes back. Saint Lori, thank you. And yep, that's the end of Full House in the Gosselin compound, see ya.

Vanessa said...

Scroll by if not interested...

Mel said...

TFW looked positively giddy before the show started.

The twins looked uneasy. You could see the stage fright starting. And then the question was a hard one, and they couldn't bring themselves to lie. Then TFW spoke for them and that was the end of any cooperation. ~ Administrator said...

I still maintain Cara went in there with a plan, even if it was a last minute one, that she wasn't going to talk. She was overwhelmed by the lies and canned answers and she thought like many 13 year olds would think, if I just clamp up and sit here at least I can't say anything wrong, better this than to screw up. Look at Cara when the cameras start rolling, she had already shut down and was looking away before the interview even started.

On the other hand Mady seemed to be TRYING to talk and get it out, but as others have said it just hit her at that moment how screwed up this is and she couldn't spit out the lines and lies.

Kate claims to be proud of them but she doesn't even understand how proud of them the people who have watched them since they were preschoolers are.

Vanessa said...

Kate claims to be proud of them but she doesn't even understand how proud of them the people who have watched them since they were preschoolers are.

So true!

Mel said...

Notice in that clip that for the last half M is sitting with her arms crossed in front of her. At first it had a self protection vibe, but then after TFW said something to her and she responded, it morphed into an 'I'm pissed' vibe.

Sure would love to know what M said to TFW. Whatever it was, TFW didn't like it. Look how her expression changed from giddy to pissed off. She dismissively says, 'all right' (as in shut up, we're not dealing with this) and looks away from M.

librarylady said...

I wish I could read lips, wonder what she's saying to her daughter who is sitting there with her arms crossed tight. Then the tight lips again.

Mel said...

Notice that TFW didn't tweet that the second interview went better, now that they got over their nerves, yada, yada.

She will now though, once sge reads this. :-)

Kelly said...

KIGgy's beginning to resemble a crocodile. She already had the cold blood. All it took for complete transformation was too much botox and perhaps an eye lift combined with those blinding white veneers. Maybe the Irwins will give her her very own exhibit at the zoo? Krocodile Kate Sans Her 8. She ate them for breakfast! ~ Administrator said...

When someone says they've texting, that implies a back and forth. Unless your Milo whose texts go unanswered apparently.

I don't expect a rundown I said this then they said this then I said this then they said this. I assume he didn't tell us what they said because that's private.

Carole said...

She still thinks she can explain it all away and pretend it was stage fright.

Yep! And, she's also still counting on viewers falling back on the inaccurate reports of Jon being a cheating husband who left his children to run around with a bevy of girlfriends and side with her, the poor ex-wife struggling to 'put food on the table' and give her a pass. She didn't count on the curtain finally being pulled back on the extent of her manipulation, exploitation and abuse. It sure took long enough but finally people are seeing through her and aren't afraid to call it as it is.

Winsomeone said...

I wish there were some way that Jon could prevent the abuse of the kids from happening, instead of giving interviews about it after the fact.

Mel said...

If life truly was good wouldn't M have happily easily just said that? She would have happily said oh yeah we're doing great i love school i'm in a play cara does soccer i love violin the little kids are lots of fun.

The mistake was to have given her a script to follow, giving her lines to say instead of letting her talk naturally.

Berks Neighbor said...

There's a point in the amateur YouTube video that was posted where "C" turns to 'Ãœber smiling' TFW and asks her something.

I think this is what was said:
C: "What are you smiling at?"
TFW: "See, they are filming us and taking pictures"
C: "Oh" (and she turns away thinking "what the heck am I here for?")

It's like a zoo display if you haven't been to 30 Rock (or even the FOX studios outside in NYC).

The amateur video was shot from the 'other side' of the window which is why you can hear all the street noise.

TFW put her kids on 'display' like a zoo exhibition...and was all smiles. The girls weren't having any of it.

Layla said...

I'm wondering about the View running the Gosselin segment. They updated their website to include the twins, so obviously they are going to run the segment. The question is, why? Either they value controversy and ratings over the well-being of the kids, or...they are helping the world to see, once and for all, what a monster TFW truly is. If the second interview is bad, and with the fallout from Today show, there will be nobody in the entertainment industry who will touch TW ever again. That will be the final straw. Maybe they feel that this is best for the girls, ending any further plans for manipulating them that their mother might have.
It's hard to say. But deep down, I hope the View interview is bad, even if it's not as bad as the Today show interview, to reinforce to everyone in the media that the G kids need to be left alone. And that their mother is pure poison.

Winsomeone said...

After seeing and hearing Liz, I now see why the older girls refuse to stay at Jon's house. I can't imagine having her around young children with that nasty mouth. Sometimes, it seems like Jon plays the victim role a bit too well.

Vanessa said...

wish there were some way that Jon could prevent the abuse of the kids from happening, instead of giving interviews about it after the fact
He only found out after the fact. He IS doing something, he's fighting for his kids. The law has allowed this to continue.

NJGal51 said...

I think that the twins had been happied up by the time they got to the View interview. They'll be like that puppy who pee'd on the rug again and knows he shouldn't have and knows he's in trouble. He comes up to you the minute you walk in the door wit that silly grin on his face and the "I know I'm naughty but I'll do anything you want me to now!" That's how I see the girls, as that poor, scared puppy because they know that there's going to be hell to pay when they get back to the conpound because TFW has already told them that they'd better perform and "use their words" at the next interview or else! Couple that with getting the stink eye from bitch face and you can bet the show ponies are going to dance.

Vanessa said...

Again, another good one if you're interested.

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 21
I don't know who Segun Oduolowu is or what he does but he GETS it and he isn't afraid to say it


He sounded a bit like Tucker! Or NJ! You've been outed, hehe!
I am... a proud black man.
Outed! ~ Administrator said...

Too bad Marlee Matlin is not here, she could read the lips for us.

Another Seinfeld reference, where Jerry dates Marlee and George convinces him to take her along to parties so she can eavesdrop on everyone's conversations and report back to them, haha. The funniest is when George tries to cover his mouth with his hand and Marlee knows what he's saying anyway. LOL. Marlee was so great in that, so sassy.

Anonymous said...

Kristine said :Did anyone see Shmecky's tweets last night, airing on Showbiz Tonite? (HLN)
Can you please explain this. Was Showbix Tonight discussing her tweets? If so, what tweets? THanks

Carole said...

What better way to tell him FU than to stick the twins in front of a camera to deny that they are not damaged, to have them publicly throw him under the bus, and also use them to further push her agenda of another reality show. In her blind hatred, she never thought of the consequences, never considered that she might fail.

It's so telling that she's going through with this destructive plan to carry out her vendetta against Jon by having the twins do People, tv interviews, etc. Is there no one in her life except enablers? No one to say, hey Kate, I don't think this is a good idea, C&M are too young to make decisions like this and it's your job as a mom to shelter and protect them from exposure and the possible negative backlash? NO ONE who is looking out for the kids, not even a manager or bodyguard who has any influence?

Were there ever any responsible people in her life or has she always surrounded herself with yes-people? If her whole 'circle of friends' (I use the word friends loosely) is made up of sheeple/enablers like Deanna, then it's no wonder we see her narcissism playing out on a national stage.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sure would love to know what M said to TFW. Whatever it was, TFW didn't like it. Look how her expression changed from giddy to pissed off. She dismissively says, 'all right' (as in shut up, we're not dealing with this) and looks away from M.
That's my take, Mel. M. was sitting with her arms crossed and barely would look at Kate. Kate was momentarily upset by whatever she said. C. looked like she was going to vomit just before the segment started.
Really, really worried.

Layla said...

Sadly, Kate has learned nothing from what happened. To her, anyone doubting her version of things is just another hater. She will be more determined than ever to "prove them all wrong". She will push harder because, of course, haters are her motivators. She will praise herself for being strong and will push the kids harder to help her make her dreams come true. She is not capable of learning a lesson from her failures.

Vanessa said...

Last one, I promise. Thanks for putting these up Admin:)

Again, scroll by if it's of no interest to you:)

NJGal51 said...

OT - It was reported that "Jerry and George" were seen going in to Tom's Restaurant (Monk's Cafe on Seinfeld) and it was confirmed that there was some filming being done. Is Jason Alexander going to be on Jerry's show "Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee" or could there possibly be a reunion show in the works? Larry David was seen leaving shortly after Jerry and Jason.

Bitchy Pants said...

Tucker's Mom -- My mother rang a cow bell to call me and, sometimes, my father in for meals or whatever. I never considered it abusive or embarrassing though. It was the only workable option. My dad liked to do woodworking to relax after teaching all day. His workshop was in the garage, which was detatched from the house and at the end of our lot. If he had the power tools running, he couldn't hear her call to him and she couldn't always physically go out and get him. There were no other kids on our block so I was usually on the next block playing with friends. The bell sound carried and, as she always said, it beat yelling out the back door like a fishwife. Thanks for bringing back some good memories!

Vanessa said...

I can't imagine having her around young children with that nasty mouth.
As opposed to their mother's nasty mouth?

Vanessa said...

My mother rang a cow bell to call me and, sometimes, my father in for meals or whatever. I never considered it abusive or embarrassing though
I can totally see this. A loving mom with her apron on ringing a bell with a smile on her face.
NOT what my memories are, and I'm sure the G8's too ~ Administrator said...

I can't imagine having her around young children with that nasty mouth.
As opposed to their mother's nasty mouth?


I imagine like most responsible adults, she shuts her cursing and potty mouth off around the children.

I've let some real F bombs and other things fly in my day, but never once around children. Not once.

Vanessa said...

I think the fbomb is nothing compared to words that are used and meant degrade, control, manipulate , insult, abuse, delfect, critcize ...sheesh ~ Administrator said...

Haha youtube has the Marlee clip!

"Sure, I'll do it!"

Winsomeone said...

I don't know whether or not Jon is fighting in the courts for his kids. If he is, they sure are not listening to him. I just don't see how rushing out and giving an interview about the abuse after it happens accomplishes much of anything.

Meagler said...

LOVE the Access Hollywood segment!!! To have visual media saying what we have been saying all along.. cha-ching. Kind of validating isnt it!?

So, this "orange room" they were interviewed in, does it also face the street like that amateur youtube video seems to show? Does anyone know?

In that before video, Kate is all smiling and looking and absorbing the me, me me. She isnt paying any attention to the girls. You dont see her asking " you okay?" any loving glances or a touch of the hand on their shoulder or a sideways hug.

If I was as "concerned" as Kate is, about the way the world viewed me with my family, I'd have been displaying all kinds of motherly love towards my kids.

Oh yes, I forgot, she isnt an actress, and since she doesnt have a maternal bone in her body, she isnt even going to be able to fake it.

The view has quite the deciisin to make:
1. Air the taped segment and get high viewership, but critical pushback. ( So far there has not been any negativity I have heard towards the Today show. However it was live and not in their control. )

2. Not air the segment, get positive feedback, but not get the high ratings.

It will be interesting to see which way they go.

If they doair that taped segment they will be categorized in my world the same as TLC. The Loser Channel that exploits vulnerable people to make a buck. It is nothing more then a modern day " freak" show. ( I hate saying that word, but am only saying it now to make my point!)

T said...

Some scattered thoughts: (1st Kate)
The View- it was filmed after their regular live show, so she & the PR professionals will have had some time to create some damage control. I expect it went well and was not a repeat of the Today show disaster, or they would have leaked previews and hype. Nope....expect the usual pass they give her.

Don't forget the $$$$$- They made TLC and others lots it, so I'm sure that there are people who love to capture that lightening in a bottle again. That's why she has received chance after chance. Too bad she has blown every single one.

Spin Baby- There is a vast network of PR folks, managers, media professionals, industry executives, and the like, who all make deals with each other. Just take a look at how quickly Jon and Kate reversed the villain rolls when the industry machine decided to back her instead of him.

Happy- For someone who has had so many 'dreams' come true, Kate doesn't look too happy. Neither do the kids. I think the the montage they showed prior to The Today Show interview got overlooked in comparison, but if you can overlook the obvious not organic condiments shown when she and the kids are in the kitchen, all you will see is too much tension and yelling to be ever labeled 'happy'. The little girls behind the counter shrieking, the twins at her side ready to assist, the invisible boys, to way her jaw is clenched when Kate is murderously chewing, are all the evidence anyone should need

librarylady said...

I'm sure The View appearance went better after that. Probably some people are actually hoping it went the same, but really that's not fair to the girls, they do have to face their peers daily and really weren't equipped to be placed in that situation. Their mother put herself out there to be seen in her "real" reality, finally, and it can't be taken back now regardless of how well they do. People will just assume the girls were scolded and now performing for her.

That "candid" video is rather telling, though! I still think that one just is camera-shy, as I would very much have been, and without purposeful rebellion, but after seeing that I think the other wasn't going to put up with the flak from her mother.

That smile - good grief, it practically blinds you. She was THRILLED to be there, until it ran off the tracks and she couldn't contain her real self.

T said...

Some scattered thoughts: (2nd Jon)- Sorry for the length. Ugh! ; (

Who am I?- Jon has no idea who he is. He takes on the identity of whoever is his partner at the time and quickly changes when he gets to the next one. The roles he has played for his partners include: Christian husband, preppy suburban dad, beer pong unhappy husband, pot smoking dad, ski bum dad, maybe I should be Jewish dad?, & effn' woodsy/beer drinking/chain smoking/ I'm just ordinary dad.

Costumes- These roles even come with wardrobe. He dressed like Kate when with her, then Hailey, and now is ensconced in the hoody's and torn jeans that Liz favors. His desire to please is so great, that he has not even considered who he is. This is not unusual when you are in your early twenties and still trying to figure it out by maybe trying on the biker girl persona when you date someone with a Harley, or developing a sudden interest in mountain biker because your bf/gf is into that, but Jon was already deep into his dad of multiples role when he was in his early twenties.

Pass/Fail- Now maybe I can give him a pass on some of this early post divorce, but it's been years at this point and frankly with 8 kids to care for he no longer has, nor should be given the luxury of 'finding himself'. He and his children are at risk of being taken advantage of AGAIN. He can no longer afford to repeat the mistakes he made with Kate and Hailey, (who both used him for their own agenda's).

Crude & Crass or Saintly Lass? - He has been fortunate with Ellen and (as far as I can tell so far) Liz, as they both appear to have good intentions. Liz comes across as someone who clearly does not want to be in the fame spotlight, but she also comes across as ...hmmm how shall I put it politely- less than successful? She may have a heart of gold, but she comes across as a bit low rent. And while there is nothing necessarily wrong with this, and I don't think that everyone out there needs to have lofty goals or be the princess of manners and deportment, it also does not make her the best partner for someone like Jon whose only aspirations seem to reflect and follow those of his partners.

Victim/Hero- To be clear, I am not trying to say that Liz's bartender/DJ/backwoods Barbie/hoody fetish lifestyle is wrong or not good enough for Jon. No. On the contrary, he she loves him and the kids, and they are kind and supportive of each other and their kids, I say yippee! But Jon does need to consider what is best for his kids and what is his best way of going about. If that means he has to suck it up and go back to the dreaded cubicle world so be it, or he can always go back to school like we often urge Kate to do. Frankly, I am even okay with him returning to the media spotlight if that provides the most bang for the buck, as long as it does not harm anyone else in the process. Anyone includes not only his children, but his current and past partners as well. Having been a victim to media spin and scrutiny in the past he must of realized that there was potential for Liz to be cast in unflattering light (at the least). You can't cite love when creating the opportunity for her to subjected something like that. Additionally, I know how difficult it must be to remain silent about Kate or others who have caused you pain, but you must also consider the cost to your reputation and your children's feelings when making your voice heard. It can be a very high price to pay no matter how many zero's are on the check.

Vanessa said...

That's my take, Mel. M. was sitting with her arms crossed and barely would look at Kate. Kate was momentarily upset by whatever she said. C. looked like she was going to vomit just before the segment started.
Really, really worried.
As much as Mady seems to be the latest golden child, she's the one I think has her mother pegged and "pushes her buttons"
(ie. defies her) tfw saw that this could go even worse, she nipped it in the bud, backed down in front of the cameras, so to speak. It probably could have escalated into much worse, Mady REALLY saying something.

Winsomeone said...

I have never heard Kate talk like Liz on national TV, but I certainly have heard Liz. How is it that you know how Kate talks at home? You say Liz shuts it off around small children, and yet she was unable to shut it off on national TV?

chefsummer #Leh said...

NO ONE who is looking out for the kids, not even a manager or bodyguard who has any influence?

She gets rid of the people that do look out for the kids. Jon gone Jodi& Kevin gone Ashley & Jamie possibly gone the nannies and sitter that cared/or reported Kate done/gone Kate other family who didn't agree banished from the kids lives.

Who kissed KK's a$$ Steve who doesn't give a crap about the kids just money still here and.

Deanna still here who also probably being used for her connection and makeup skills but if she grows a brain she done and will be called a hater by Kate.

Kelly said...

New hashtag idea: #4shitsnKIGgles. Okay I'm done. It's back to painting the living room for me :( ~ Administrator said...

. I just don't see how rushing out and giving an interview about the abuse after it happens accomplishes much of anything.


Under normal circumstances not much. But it's the only thing Kate understands. And what he said was perfect, so he did a great job.

It's perfectly reasonably to believe the family law courts aren't going to get too involved with this even for an appearance like this that went so badly. While most everyone sees how emotionally abusive this is, family courts tend to tread very lightly around emotional abuse. Probably because it's so hard to define and quantify. The few cases of emotional abuse that warrant intervention are so rare and SOOO bad you would be shocked. And besides what if Kate just says but your honor the girls BEGGED me to do it and even after they bombed they BEGGED me to go on the View, don't look at me it's not my fault? This woman would be difficult to pin down in the family law courts, I can see that a mile away. She is very manipulative, an excellent liar, and good at exploiting weaknesses in the courts and Jon. It would be a tough sell to a judge. Remember judges are loath to intervene over every little squabble or court would never end. Many a judge would rather say "WORK IT OUT."

As the case law says, courts don't get involved in "shoddy" parenting, which is what this is. They just don't. And would we want them to? I don't know, but it's a fair question.

Tucker's Mom said...

Winsomeone said... 42
After seeing and hearing Liz, I now see why the older girls refuse to stay at Jon's house. I can't imagine having her around young children with that nasty mouth. Sometimes, it seems like Jon plays the victim role a bit too well.
Here's a thought that just came to me. It looked as though Jon and Liz arrived late in the day, but since they were late to the filming schedule, they were hustled into the therapy room quickly.
At least I seem to remember this is what they were wearing when photos were Instagrammed of Jon and Liz when they were stuck during a layer on the way to L.A because of the shooting at LAX.
They were drinking, and maybe a bit tired and "lubed" up, and then BOOM! Lights, cameras, action on a relatively young woman who evidently does not come from a place of refinement to begin with...

This is more of an observation than a slam, coming from another woman who is older than Liz- she's immature for her age.

Meagler said...

Love this Article!!!

chefsummer #Leh said...

I can't imagine having her around young children with that nasty mouth.

If Liz was so bad don't you think her kids father would tell Jon so or he wouldn't let tier kids around mom?

I'd rather have a foul mouth mom than a mother like Kate Gosselin.

T said...

Grammie said... 5
Looks like Kate "happied them up" after the Today show. My heart breaks for those girls.

I saw those too yesterday, but I suspect they are labeled wrong and were actually taken prior to the appearance. The hair and make up are different. What happened to the curls that were in Kate's hair on the today show couch? Also,wouldn't they have headed over to the next taping before coming back to the hotel, although maybe these are post The View?

pym said...

That was a good comment that this was payback for TFW not giving M a sip of water, but I am thinking of another horrible interview. It was on the show when TFW and M were on the couch discussing their trip to San Diego. M was sitting straight and proud on the edge of the cushion telling how she selected a present to bring home to Cara. It was a stuffed animal. Immediately TFW jumped in with 'of course everyone knows what a useless, wasteful horrible choice it was' and M froze with a sick look on her face. What could she do, she was on camera! She flopped to the back of the couch while her mother went on and on about the fabulous time they had and how close the became on the trip. All the while I'm sure M could still feel the knife between her shoulder blades.

To top it off, TFW finished by turning to M and asking 'whose your favourite parent
now?' referring to a comment M made much, much earlier. All M could manage was a nervous laugh.

Kate, if you're reading here, humiliation runs both ways.

She's a cow, if you hadn't picked that name I might have. I didn't actually shout at the TV, but I was thinking loudly 'you cow, you stupid, stupid clueless cow'. ~ Administrator said...

I know for a fact how Kate talks around her children because it's all on film. We just saw her snap or clap at them, order them to perform, and tell them to use their words like they are 3 years old. That's enough for me.

I've never seen how Liz talks around the children, so it's pure speculation whether or not she behaves herself around young children. What I have seen of the kids around her dog are kids who are happy, relaxed, at peace. That's the only bit of info I have to go on. Anything else is pure speculation. That said, she has custody of her kids and there is no order she can't be around the Gosselin children, and that says a lot. Courts give you a lot of leeway with your own kids but if you're bringing some girlfriend around who is detrimental there will be a no contact order for that girlfriend faster than you can spit. I'm sure Kate would have been able to get that by now if she were so bad.

Kelly said...

OT NJGal51: How cute is that bully of yours? Love the pic. I already have puppy fever and have been sorta stalking the breeders site...this just may set me over the edge. My husband could very well come home to a partially painted living room and a new pup. I guess I can't tell him I found it along the road... ;)

Not a Liz Fan said...

I watched a bit of Couple's Therapy and then saw the preview for next week.

Here's my FIRM stance: I did not back Kate while she berated Jon on national TV. Sometimes, I agreed with her frustration and found her issue valid, I still didn't agree with her publicly shaming him.

I will not back Liz publicly berating Jon and talking to him in such a cruel manner. I don't care if her points are valid. It wasn't right when Kate did it and it's not right when Liz does it.

Note: I realize this show is to talk about the problems in relationships. There are respectful ways to address problems, especially when you are fully aware that you are in a public forum.

AuntieAnn said...

Virginia Pen Mom said... 193
About the link I just posted, now I see what's happening. They're watching the video montage of themselves just before the interview starts. Kate's smiling because she sees KATE.


I don't know what she's saying to Cara and Mady but I know what she's thinking.

Look at me! I'm on teeeveeee again. I'm here to tell MY story and the bus is parked and running, ready to back over my horrible ex-husband. Oh someone is looking at me I'd better put the smile back on my face. I'M A STAR. Gotta keep my big beautiful veneers polished. Wait til Jon finds out I brought two of my props with me, that'll fix the SOB. The girls will back me up on this. He'll be sorry. I'm just going to sit here and smile... Oh this is my shining moment. The world will understand me at at last and I'm gonna get my dating show with a whole bunch of men and they're going to date me and my growing up 8... Oops here comes someone I'll SMILE my big ol' smile at them. Look at me, I'm beautiful and I'm in New York and everyone loves me and ... ..

Paula said...

Additionally, I know how difficult it must be to remain silent about Kate or others who have caused you pain, but you must also consider the cost to your reputation and your children's feelings when making your voice heard.

TOTALLY disagree. This is the type of attitude that allows abusers to continue with their abuse. I would even go so far as to say that it is Jon's responsibility to now go public to protect his children. This is apparently the only way to fight Kate.

chefsummer #Leh said...

. I just don't see how rushing out and giving an interview about the abuse after it happens accomplishes much of anything.

Keeping quite isn't doing anything either.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I can't for the life of in my 26yrs of living ever remember my mom clapping or snapping at me or at my siblings.

T said...

Vanessa said... 9
Poor Mady :(
tfw-"that's enough negativity"
just shut up bitch

How about the RAGE exhibited during the couch slapping and Mady's attempted slap back? There is an OBVIOUS cut in between them at the 3:27 mark. I would love to see what was intentionally left on the cutting room floor. I am OUTRAGED how much evidence of abuse is out there, but ultimately swept under the rug. Mady even outs her about the spankings and nothing was done. It's shameful....

Interesting that video is resurfacing in the wake of Thursday's events, n'est pas?

Thanks to Tucker's mom for the original posting of it. If anyone of you haven't seen it yet, I am implore you to take a look.

Tucker's Mom said...

Bitchy Pants said... 54
Tucker's Mom -- My mother rang a cow bell to call me and, sometimes, my father in for meals or whatever. I never considered it abusive or embarrassing though
Oh, it wasn't abusive, it was... quirky ;-)
It was practical, but Mom would ring that bell even if we were hanging out right in front!!
Now, I guess kids get called to dinner via text!

Bitchy Pants said...

Admin 59 -- That's a tough question. Most parents make a shoddy, or semi-shoddy parental decision at least once in their lives. Parents are humans, and everyone has bad days. However, when the ONLY decisions being made are shoddy, then I think the courts need to get involved in order to protect the kids. At the very least, it should be required for the court to review any major decision like a Natonal TV appearance or a National Magazine interview. The kids don't have a fighting chance otherwise, no matter how hard the other parent tries to cushion the blows and minimize the damage. Jon said it all when he said in an interview that TFMJGTP views parenting as ownership.

Michelle said...

And I agree with the others who say Liz' face just beamed when someone mentioned how cute Aiden is. She completely agreed and her face showed genuine joy and love. All the footage of Kate over the years and I can't say I have ever seen a look of pure genuine love towards her kids on her face.

AuntieAnn said...

Vanessa said... 65
As much as Mady seems to be the latest golden child, she's the one I think has her mother pegged and "pushes her buttons"
(ie. defies her) tfw saw that this could go even worse, she nipped it in the bud, backed down in front of the cameras, so to speak. It probably could have escalated into much worse, Mady REALLY saying something.


ITA. Wasn't it Mady that told her in a very authorative manner to quit being so inspirational when they were getting ready for the tug-o-war pull with ChirpieBird Couric? I think Kate is intimidated by her, just like she was when Jon snapped back at her on some of the episodes. It must depend on her mood of the moment, but there are times she'll actually shut up. Rare, but I've seen her do it. ~ Administrator said...

TOTALLY disagree. This is the type of attitude that allows abusers to continue with their abuse. I would even go so far as to say that it is Jon's responsibility to now go public to protect his children. This is apparently the only way to fight Kate.


Every time I try to force myself to think of this situation in the reverse, if Kate were the father and Jon were the mother.

Can you imagine anyone, ANYONE telling a mother she needs to just shut up and do this quietly when a father is being this emotionally abusive and manipulative? She would be a HERO for speaking out and standing up for her kids. She would be a damn hero.

When I think of it that way, I stop thinking that Jon should be quiet.

Not a Liz Fan said...

Initially, I really wanted to like Liz. I want Jon to be with a good person who treats him and his children with respect.

Maybe I'm being picky, but I was shocked by the way she appeared on CT with her hair a mess and looking she just climbed out of a hamper. What on earth? She knew she'd be filming and she couldn't put on an attractive outfit and fix her hair? I don't mean that she needed to get made up like Barbie, but simply put a little effort in.

To me, she gave off the vibe that she truly doesn't care about anyone's opinion, including every viewer. It's no different than someone showing up for church dressed in sloppy sweats and a t-shirt-- that's not the place for that. (I realize that some churches are more casual, but clean clothes are usually the bare minimum on standards)

RonnieandMaggie said...

If anyone watches the video again, look at Mady every time T.F.W. says "family made decision." The look on her face and her eyes tell the whole story.

AuntieAnn said... (Administrator) said... 10


Holy moly this is EVERYTHING we have said here. This is surreal.

People are finally using the words we've been saying.


Yes, verbatim!

I'd like to say to them well DUH are you just discovering this now? What took you so long?

Over In TFW's County said...

I just don't see how rushing out and giving an interview about the abuse after it happens accomplishes much of anything.

It would be kind of tough giving an interview before the abuse happens. Child abuse laws in PA have changed considerably. They've come a long way, but still have quite a way to go. That said, from what I have heard (and read), the courts are much more serious about the effects of emotional abuse, recognizing that it is just as dangerous in childhood development/mental well-being as physical abuse.

I would think that if Jon really wanted to push this, he is now armed with that video, plus all of the negative reports that have been put out in the media. He didn't have this before, which is why the "after the fact" plays an important part here. Would this be his ammunition in family court in proving emotional abuse? I don't know, but it certainly would be worth a shot. He needs to do whatever he can to make his case that these kids are under the control of someone who is willing to put them out there to satisfy her own agenda.

Paula said...

Admin, I think we, as a society, are still trying to handle and process the reality that women can be as abusive, emotionally, mentally and physically, as men. Society still looks as being the protector of our spouses/partners/children. We are appalled and often times in denial when we read about or come across the "Kate Gosselins" in our world.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I agreed with her frustration and found her issue valid,

What frustration?

I watched Jon to all most ever thing for his kids on Jon&Kate while Kate was lazy and bitched while she order Jon and the kids around.

And now she's snapping or clapping her had cause her daughter won't lie and follow the script.

Mel said...

It occurred to me that perhaps M is one of those people who is sensitive to chaos/sound. Sends her right over the edge.

We hear over and over from her, even in that clip when she was about 6, how 'loud' the sextuplets are.

I bring it up because I am very much the same way. Very sensitive to chaos/loud environments. I can only handle it for so long and then I need time by myself, for a long time.

In that household I would expect that between the shrieking of the kids, and the shrieking/clapping hands of TFW that there isn't much quiet time for M.

Vanessa said...

TOTALLY disagree. This is the type of attitude that allows abusers to continue with their abuse. I would even go so far as to say that it is Jon's responsibility to now go public to protect his children. This is apparently the only way to fight Kate.
Sooo with you on this. Silence only protects the abuser

Vanessa said...

Can you imagine anyone, ANYONE telling a mother she needs to just shut up and do this quietly when a father is being this emotionally abusive and manipulative? She would be a HERO for speaking out and standing up for her kids. She would be a damn hero.
Yes admin. yes yes yes...

Tucker's Mom said...

pym said... 73
That was a good comment that this was payback for TFW not giving M a sip of water, but I am thinking of another horrible interview. It was on the show when TFW and M were on the couch discussing their trip to San Diego.
Was Kate wearing a T-shirt that said: "I went to San Diego and all I got was this new pair of boobs"?

Mel said...

I really want to like Liz, too. And it does seem that she is probably good with the kids. Loved how her face lit up when talking about them.

But she might be a little much for older girls, the little kids being oblivious to all the nuances. The older girls might hate that she appears to treat their dad a different way than TFW, but with the same end result.

If Jon is doing that hang dog thing in front of the kids, those older girls must just hate it....that it's happening *to* him, and that he doesn't stand up and stop it.

I can certainly see where TFW would convince the older girls that they hate it. That they as Gosselins are much 'better' than Liz.

You know, with TFW's good breeding and all.

I wonder if we'll ever see Liz snap her fingers/clap at the kids. I'm thinking not. I would expect that she's pretty good with the kids.

Vanessa said...

My goodness, CPS has been called, this video that was posted, the other overwhelming video evidence, the piles and piles of eyewitness accounts, crew members, nannies...THEY didn't manage to get her to lose primary is it all on Jon?

Tucker's Mom said...

Thanks to Tucker's mom for the original posting of it. If anyone of you haven't seen it yet, I am implore you to take a look.
You're welcome! It just bugged me to see Kate claim "stage fright!", as if the twins have never been on live tv before. They have. Plenty of time- and Jon confirmed this.
I think that video is also the one that shows Kate squeezing the cartilage of of one of the little girl's shoulder, to get her to sit quietly.
It looked really painful.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

After being happied up, the girls probably did much better on The View. But the real damage has already been done, and the question of why that cow dragged them out to 'set the record straight' has been the talk of the media world since Thursday. The real question is what kind of parent puts their children on tv to talk about their life after divorce? At 13? If she honestly thinks this is going to lead to any media offer for her, she is completely delusional. And the worst mother of any year.

Upstater said...

I like Liz. There's nothing fake about her. She tells it like it is. She may not use the words that I use but she's honest. If Jon has custody this weekend I can see her giving the twins a great big hug and telling them how beautiful they are and if they want to talk, she's here for them.......

Just the way I see it.

Susantoyota said...

Grammie said... 5
Looks like Kate "happied them up" after the Today show. My heart breaks for those girls.
Good Morning All. Jumping in with a few questions and observations. I'm not sure when the picture above was taken, but who is Splash News? Is that where you take your own picture and submit it for publication? I'm not saying this right, but hopefully someone knows what I mean. If it is, then Uncle Skevee earned his $1600. TFW is all smiles, wonder where her hands are though, certainly not around the twins' shoulders. Mady's expression is very uncertain. She's smiling, but it's a very uneasy smile and she's cradling her phone in both hands. Maybe so she can look at Jon's text for comfort. Cara has positioned her upper body across TFW's and is smiling broadly, yet her left hand is somewhat clenched. Would be interesting to know when this was taken.

Then with regard to TFW constantly pitching shows to networks . . How does that work? Is she calling up network execs every week or does her publicist do that for her? At some point, wouldn't the network execs just refuse to take her or her publicist's calls? Some sourcers say she's been pitching the same type of shows for two years, dating, bachelorette, cooking, etc. Is she hoping to find a new network exec who's never heard of her that will bite?

Winsomeone said...

Can you imagine anyone, ANYONE telling a mother she needs to just shut up and do this quietly when a father is being this emotionally abusive and manipulative? She would be a HERO for speaking out and standing up for her kids. She would be a damn hero."

There are many ways of speaking out, like speaking to your lawyer and the court. Why does it have to always involve having his mug on TV? Of course he needs to speak out about abuse to his kids, but to the appropriate people, people who might be able to stop it. I doubt the TV scandal rags can do much about the abuse..just get Jon a bit of face time is all. His interviews were not necessary, as everyone who watched the Today Show saw the abuse for themselves.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I just did something I told myself I wouldn't do because I didn't want to raise my blood pressure. I looked at Milo's timeline. My bad!

She's trying to get in on a conference call with some so called celebrity ghost writer for all the gossip about Jon:

c. ‏@prettyplusmore 36m
@TEB2350 @BlckdByJilZarin @Kateplusmy8 Jon is a piece of work. You should call me one day, I'll blab, but I can't here.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 21m
@TEB2350 @prettyplusmore @BlckdByJilZarin @Kateplusmy8 Ha...can we do a conference call? I can add my 2cents! :)

c. ‏@prettyplusmore 20m
@MiloandJack @TEB2350 @BlckdByJilZarin @Kateplusmy8 I say we so it! #freeconferencecalldotcom

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 15m
@prettyplusmore @TEB2350 @BlckdByJilZarin sounds like a plan....please do let me know! :)

Vanessa said...

I agreed with her frustration and found her issue valid,

What frustration?
That they went off script, they didn't "perform" to her liking?

Remember-- "Jon, if you would just ask me what can I do to help you, I wouldn't get so frustrated/frazzled" (or whatever the hell she said)

Classic abuser--YOU make me act this way. If YOU didn't do/say this...if you wouldn't this/that...just because it's coming out of a woman's mouth, doesn't mean it's not ABUSE

Mel said...

I never saw the San Diego show. I just went and you-tubed it.

OMG! Watch it. There's Steve standing in the background, guarding the entrance so the riff raff doesn't accidentally get into the frame.
1:50 minutes, there he is.

Anonymous said...

Boy Auntie Ann you really hit it on the head in your post #77. I agree that is exactly what goes through her freaking sick mind.

And watch Kate's face change in the video when the kids say they want another reality show. She gets this very smug, conceited look as if to say, "See I told everyone that it really, really their chose to film again". What she doesn't seem to realize is 13 & 9 year olds cannot be trusted to make such serious decisions. She even said this same old line when all the 8 kids where under 9 and 6. She will never get it.

Paula said...

Why does it have to always involve having his mug on TV

sheeple having a hard time diverting this conversation.

Over In TFW's County said...

Holy moly this is EVERYTHING we have said here. This is surreal.

People are finally using the words we've been saying.


Yes, and it's all because of the Today show interview, which was all Kate's doing. Once again, she's shot herself in the foot; her little plan at getting back at Jon backfired, and I'm wondering if she's going to pull herself out of this one unscathed (as she's done in the past).

She can't THINK ahead, has no ability to consider what the consequences could be if this happened or that happened. She just forges ahead with her schemes and she never learns. She'll do something else really stupid and mind-blowing. It's only a matter of time.

AuntieAnn said...

Jon did say he was going to discuss this with the appropriate people and others who are concerned about his family. I think that's what he said at the end of the telephone interview with Harvey, anyway.

I'll bet Jodi and Kevin are among the people he'll be talking to. They can relate.

Carole said...

Another great analysis of TodayShow interview:

pym said...

Was Kate wearing a T-shirt that said: "I went to San Diego and all I got was this new pair of boobs"?


Yes, the very one.

JMO said...

What healthy able-bodied individual puts their 13 year old through this? Did she bribe Mady with 1 D tickets in order to perform? She really is a piece of work (POW).

It is totally different to do an article where Kate speaks for them, as opposed to a live interview. Cara was having none of it and Mady was rightfully avoiding speaking the "script" Kate gave her as much as possible.

Should be interesting to see The View interview on Monday. Wondering if POW threatened they would not be able to go to 1 D concert if they didn't comply? This is one twisted woman who started by taking the twins to a talent agency, sent videos of herself while pregnant with tups, hoping for a show. And now she moved back to the twins, trying to get a new show. She is totally without a soul, because everything she does is for HER in the end. Get a job POW.

As for the clap/snap- I agree- either is her way of commanding they comply with the "script" and totally disrespectful to the girls. This was the true Kate. Can't imagine what they deal with on a day to day basis.

chefsummer #Leh said...

She will never get it.

Well neither will her sheep they should join the #Ijustdontgetit club Kate can be queen of the club and Milo her co-queen while Steve is the bodyguard,

Ingrid said...

I am waiting to see more of CT. It is an edited reality show not live. I am skeptical of anything that can be edited now.. Maybe Jon and Liz were told to over dramatize things like her personality so they didn't look mediocre compared to the others. It wouldn't help the ratings for the show if they were boring. Liz may have went with the messy and mouthy style so Jon didn't look like he found a Kate clone. Who knows what ended up on the cutting room floor.

Alaskan Mama said...

The YouTube video that resurfaced with the slap has been deleted. Interesting.

PatK said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 104


What.the.hell?? Milo's REALLY "fired up" now!! lol

rainbowsandunicorns said...

sheeple having a hard time diverting this conversation.


lol!! They have no idea how to handle this one. I imagine Milo frantically running in circles around her kitchen, yelling "what to do, what to do...don't bother me now. Get your own dinner. Crisis at hand. Call Kate. Text Kate. E-mail Kate. DM Kate. Why isn't she answering? What to do? What to do?"

And nobody answers her...they just laugh.

Vanessa said...

There are many ways of speaking out, like speaking to your lawyer and the court. Why does it have to always involve having his mug on TV? Of course he needs to speak out about abuse to his kids, but to the appropriate people, people who might be able to stop it. I doubt the TV scandal rags can do much about the abuse..just get Jon a bit of face time is all. His interviews were not necessary, as everyone who watched the Today Show saw the abuse for themselves.
I highly doubt he hasn't spoken to the appropriate people, in fact, I believe that's ALL he's done. People go "public" when they've exhausted all avenues and do not get results. Kind of like when people go to their local paper when they've exhausted all other avenues, ie- a STOP sign, a bylaw, a garbage pickup issue...yada yada

He also is a victim of abuse here. She continues to abuse him, PUBLICALLY. She GOES AFTER HIM publically. She's chasing him, goading him, my God. He's coming forward, he's speaking HIS truth after years and years of being muzzled. The means justifies the end, and hopefully the end is near.

T said... (Administrator) said... 86

TOTALLY disagree. This is the type of attitude that allows abusers to continue with their abuse. I would even go so far as to say that it is Jon's responsibility to now go public to protect his children. This is apparently the only way to fight Kate.


Every time I try to force myself to think of this situation in the reverse, if Kate were the father and Jon were the mother.

Can you imagine anyone, ANYONE telling a mother she needs to just shut up and do this quietly when a father is being this emotionally abusive and manipulative? She would be a HERO for speaking out and standing up for her kids. She would be a damn hero.

When I think of it that way, I stop thinking that Jon should be quiet.


I'm not saying he should be quiet about abuse, nor am I saying he should shout it from the rooftops, I am saying he needs to make considered choices. If he needs to speak out to protect his kids, by all means he absolutely should, but he should be careful about the way in which he does it. Everything is in the presentation- sometimes what you say isn't as important as how you say it. For example- instead of saying 'everyone knows she's as a$$jole' after fun night of bar hopping and alternative restrooms, he could say 'Kate is responsible for her own negative reputation' over coffee and traditional restrooms. Does that make better sense? Same point made, just presented more effectively. He could discuss his own struggle overcoming abuse in the context of parent alienation as well. In fact, this might be just the opportunity to do that.

BTW- I was trying to say in my earlier post (and failed I guess), was that he needs to get his sh$t together. I know first hand about the lingering effects of abuse, so I know how challenging it is to break old patterns, but he is running out of time. Those kids need him ASAP, and every minute they spend in the presence of Kate's malevolent machinations and manipulation is a minute too many. They are in peril.

Layla said...

Kate has been pitching new shows for far more than 2 years. She has been pushing for a dating show since 2009. The talk show pilot she filmed with Paula Deen was in 2009. She has also been pushing a fitness show, a travel show, cooking show, another K+8-type show. There's probably more, but those are what I remember. This started in 2009 (if not earlier and we just didn't hear about it that early). It is now 2014, and none of these shows she has begged for have ever been picked up by anyone. Not a single one of them.
She seems more desperate than usual lately. She was quiet for a log stretch, but then the publicity for the book came, followed by one People mag cover, then Hallmark H&F in November, then another People mag, then this. She is really pushing hard lately. Is is desperation over Jon's new show? Did she realize that interest in her is waning? Is the money starting to dry up? Something is going on that ramped up her desperation to the point of frenzy. And then she went too far.

Millicent said...

Paula said... 78

Additionally, I know how difficult it must be to remain silent about Kate or others who have caused you pain, but you must also consider the cost to your reputation and your children's feelings when making your voice heard.

TOTALLY disagree. This is the type of attitude that allows abusers to continue with their abuse. I would even go so far as to say that it is Jon's responsibility to now go public to protect his children. This is apparently the only way to fight Kate.
Agree with Paula. Even after making some progress regarding domestic abuse, there still remains this ugly stigma associated with it, as if acknowledging abuse is somehow wrong, and that people shouldn't "air dirty laundry." This attitude is a boon to those who abuse, and helps the cycle of abuse to continue.

I believe that exposing the abuse, by whatever avenue possible, is going to be painful but is still crucial to putting an end to the abuse.

TFW is abusive. She was verbally and physically abusive to her husband during their marriage; she was and is verbally and physically abusive to her children. This is ongoing. Keeping silent about it does nothing except help TFW continue to abuse.

Michelle said...

Even if Kate's spin that they had "stage fright" were true, Jon summed up perfectly what makes it even worse: "Kate was rolling her eyes [with] no sympathy, no empathy, no encouragement, no arm around them. Nothing!"

If she truly thought her kids were experiencing "fright", way to help them through it Supermom.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I saw those too yesterday, but I suspect they are labeled wrong and were actually taken prior to the appearance

I believe that it was be for as well.

Winsomeone said...

Why does it have to always involve having his mug on TV

sheeple having a hard time diverting this conversation. "

Are you trying to say that I am a sheeple? I have read and posted here almost from the beginning..I came here along with many others from GWOP. Just because I have a different opinion than you, doesn't make me a sheeple, and give you the right to name call. Next you will claim I am jealous of Jon. I manage to give my opinion without name calling, and expect the same in return.

sparkle said...

librarylady said... 63
I'm sure The View appearance went better after that. Probably some people are actually hoping it went the same, but really that's not fair to the girls, they do have to face their peers daily and really weren't equipped to be placed in that situation. Their mother put herself out there to be seen in her "real" reality, finally, and it can't be taken back now regardless of how well they do. People will just assume the girls were scolded and now performing for her.

Librarylady, I do believe you are spot on. I fear TFW "happied" the girls up between the Today spot and The View taping. Since The View interview is obviously planned to be broadcast, the girls surely smiled, recited their lines and spewed TFWs propoganda. Or else.

TFW will then take to twitter with her smug "I told you so" #finallyachance2speaktheirtruth #chattiestgirlsonearth #TheViewladiesarePros #knewhowtomake2fabulousteenscomfortable #FUSavannah

The sheeple, who have been hiding in the barn since Thursday and quaking with fear, will stampede back out to celebrate the twins condemnation of their father on national tv.

Anyone care to wager?

Millicent said...

Tuckers Mom said:
Here's a thought that just came to me. It looked as though Jon and Liz arrived late in the day, but since they were late to the filming schedule, they were hustled into the therapy room quickly.
At least I seem to remember this is what they were wearing when photos were Instagrammed of Jon and Liz when they were stuck during a layer on the way to L.A because of the shooting at LAX.
They were drinking, and maybe a bit tired and "lubed" up, and then BOOM! Lights, cameras, action on a relatively young woman who evidently does not come from a place of refinement to begin with...

This is more of an observation than a slam, coming from another woman who is older than Liz- she's immature for her age.
I didn't watch the show but as I read people talking about how Liz' hair was all messy and her clothes very rumpled, I was thinking the same thing. I remember their flight delay and wondered if they just rushed them from the airport straight to filming.

I hope that Liz might be open to some suggestions regarding her choice of words, her attitude, etc. and do a little maturing while on the show. Anything is possible. It sounds like she needs to gain a better insight in domestic abuse and the fact that it happens to both men and women. Whether she cares enough about Jon to make that effort remains to be seen.

T said...

Tucker's Mom said... 99
Thanks to Tucker's mom for the original posting of it. If anyone of you haven't seen it yet, I am implore you to take a look.
You're welcome! It just bugged me to see Kate claim "stage fright!", as if the twins have never been on live tv before. They have. Plenty of time- and Jon confirmed this.
I think that video is also the one that shows Kate squeezing the cartilage of of one of the little girl's shoulder, to get her to sit quietly.
It looked really painful.
Yes Tucker's mom. Did you see the cut they made when the slap occurred? It's crazy that there is not more uproar about it, and I know that I am basically begging all you to view it, but I am posting it again. Once you see the second half it, you will know why Tucker's Mom, Vanessa, me, and (hopefully many of you as well are all riled up).

Please, please, pretty please take a gander.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

She's trying to get in on a conference call with some so called celebrity ghost writer for all the gossip about Jon:


Aw, not dear, sweet, little Milo who wouldn't hurt a fly, who always has something good to say about everyone...the Milo who is full of positivity, who wouldn't think of being a 'naysayer,'...this is the Milo who is willing to blab about Jon, whom she calls a piece of work? They teach her that in her Sunday go-to-meetin gatherings?

The hypocrisy is mind boggling.

Okay, Robert...WHO is Milo? lol!

Layla said...

I am wondering about something, and I'm not sure if anyone here would know the answer, but...
We know Kate has been pitching new show ideas for years. How does she do that? I assume she doesn't just call someone up at some network and say, "Hey, Bob, I really want a dating show. Will you give me one?". Wouldn't someone have to come up with the premise of the show and write up a proposal for consideration? Like a book proposal-type thing, only for TV? She would have to outline the concept of the show, what her demands would be as far as budgeting, scheduling, etc. Then it could be sent out to networks. Maybe she even would film a bit of the concept to include with a proposal. But then--who would do all the actual work? Each time a show is rejected, you'd think the concept or proposal would have to be re-worked before it was submitted again.
So, does anyone know what goes into something like this? Kate would have to pay whoever would be doing the actual work. I think there are things she has been spending big money on that we don't know about, and it is all geared toward getting back on TV.
Wow, Kate's dark roots! What's wrong, couldn't Jason get her in for a touch-up? Deanna tweeted that Kate and the girls visited her the night before the Today show appearance. So, she was in NYC, and could have gotten her roots done. maybe Ted Gibson is now expecting her to pay for hair care and she didn't want to pay. She had to know how bad it looked, and she was in NYC. Why no touch-up?

RonnieandMaggie said...

If anyone watches the video again, look at Mady every time T.F.W. says "family made decision." The look on her face and her eyes tell the whole story.

Winsomeone said...

Once I am called a name, and then respond, my response is seldom published. One more thought, and then I am done with the subject. It's funny how only a small hand full on this blog are allowed to criticize Jon and now I see since Liz is his new lady love, she also seems to have a protected status too.

Carole said...

I don't know whether or not Jon is fighting in the courts for his kids. If he is, they sure are not listening to him. I just don't see how rushing out and giving an interview about the abuse after it happens accomplishes much of anything.

If Jon has asked family court to help him, and we know he's tried a couple of times at least, and they're not, then perhaps the court of public opinion will shut her down. It may seem like he's going about this the wrong way, but I think it might be the only remedy he has left. If I were him I'd be hoping that the public's eyes were finally opened to her manipulation and abuse and they'll voice their objection to her antics and tune out anything she's doing. I'd be hoping her exploitation would stop being aided and abetted by those who've been enabling her with interviews and articles and publicity.

sparkle said...

c. ‏@prettyplusmore 36m
@TEB2350 @BlckdByJilZarin @Kateplusmy8 Jon is a piece of work. You should call me one day, I'll blab, but I can't here.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 21m
@TEB2350 @prettyplusmore @BlckdByJilZarin @Kateplusmy8 Ha...can we do a conference call? I can add my 2cents! :)

c. ‏@prettyplusmore 20m
@MiloandJack @TEB2350 @BlckdByJilZarin @Kateplusmy8 I say we so it! #freeconferencecalldotcom

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 15m
@prettyplusmore @TEB2350 @BlckdByJilZarin sounds like a plan....please do let me know! :)

Haha, oh Milo you and your wacky, slapstick antics!!! I'm sure you do have some info on Jon! Did he pee in your driveway? Do a Jager shooter? Did his car break down and he buggy jacked an Amish family? Do tell!!!

However, I'm sure it's not near as interesting or horrifying as Kate writing a journal about abusing her toddlers (picking them up by their hair, whipping them into their cribs, leaving them in their cribs all day because she thought she might hurt them, daily spankings for not staying in their room for 4 hours a day) and then copyrighting the journal. You know, the journal in Robert's book? The journal you all called lies? So, you know..... whatever. Whatever you and your new gossip friend have on Jon will never be as heartbreaking or as disgusting as what Kate has done to those kids as toddlers or what she did to her twins last Thursday.

Deflect, deflect, deflect, deflect, deflect, deflect, deflect, deflect.

AuntieAnn said...

Leslie said,

And watch Kate's face change in the video when the kids say they want another reality show. She gets this very smug, conceited look as if to say, "See I told everyone that it really, really their chose to film again". What she doesn't seem to realize is 13 & 9 year olds cannot be trusted to make such serious decisions. She even said this same old line when all the 8 kids where under 9 and 6. She will never get it.


Yes, mission accomplished, or so she thought.

The girls faces did light up. They've been svengalied into believing it's the only way of life for them. Although, I'm sure the idea of places to go and things to see is alluring to them. It gets them out of the konpound where there are people around other than their mother, the nanny and Steve. To Kate it means more exposure and more $$$.
Kids easily forget the gruelling schedule that goes along with it and all the other garbage, when they are promised the world on a golden platter if they'll just agree with mommy.

Formerly Duped said...

Carole, that was an excellent summary. I think the girls froze and then after Kate jumped in with their lines, they had nothing left to say anyhow. They were probably wondering if they veered from the 'set script' if Mommy would be mad. And she was. I'm sure they will have new lines for The View, and I wish them well; the damage to Kate is already done, but hopefully the twins can recover their self-esteem and face their peers.I hope they know Jon was sympathetic and there for them.

sparkle said...

Over In TFW's County said... 109

Yes, and it's all because of the Today show interview, which was all Kate's doing. Once again, she's shot herself in the foot; her little plan at getting back at Jon backfired, and I'm wondering if she's going to pull herself out of this one unscathed (as she's done in the past).

I actually entertained the thought that Kate planned this. I thought maybe Today wouldn't agree to total softball, Jon is the devil questioning. Maybe she didn't want Savannah and was told too bad. So maybe she told the girls to clam up. However, Kate needs Today as they are one of the few remaining shows that will have her. I can't imagine she would cut her shaved nose off to spite her face.

I do think The View interview will be flawless and the girls will trash their father. If Whoopie sits in for this and/or says nothing, I will be extremely disappointed.

Somewhere In Time said...

Tweet-le (104): Milo appears to have the insurmountable task of defending the love of her life against the criticism that has ensued, so she is doing the only thing she can think of -- trashing Jon, making HIM out to be the bad guy in all of this. It's all his fault. Kate needed to prove to the world that she is doing everything right in the family, Jon is the bad guy, Jon is the root of all the evil in the world.

What a sad, pathetic little person she is.,

Not a Liz Fan said...

I made a mistake in the way I stated my first opinion.
I didn't agree with Kate's frustration every time. I often felt she was impatient and selfish. She was mean and she was a bully.

However, there were a FEW times that I saw her point, mostly because Jon was being passive/aggressive. I'm sure his actions were in response to hers. I didn't mean to suggest that I found her frustrations valid 100% of the time. Not even close.

As for Liz, in the preview I saw she was confronting Jon and she called him a (slang name for female body part or what some people might call a kitty)-- that is not acceptable and it's not something I'd ever support.

I want to be consistent. Verbal abuse and disrespect is wrong in every circumstance. ~ Administrator said...

the courts are much more serious about the effects of emotional abuse, recognizing that it is just as dangerous in childhood development/mental well-being as physical abuse.

I'm glad to hear that though I have to say that's not true in CA, which is considered one of the most progressive states when it comes to child abuse. It's like pulling teeth to see any action in an emotional abuse issue. The few times court's intervene it is BAD, i mean HORRIFIC. Not even close to what we know Kate has done. Not even close.

capecodmama said...

Hey guys! What candid video are you talking about?

Even if the girls have at better interview at The View , it won't make a bit of difference. The people who were outraged at the Today show interview will be saying the same things we say here. They'll be outraged that TFW put the girls through another interview and also that the girls were either threatened or "happied" up. People were disgusted by the Today show interview and a good interview at the View isn't going to change their minds. They're going to think TFW is more of an ass than they thought after the Today show. And it's only going to reinforce it more that TFW uses her kids.

Carole said...

Here's a thought that just came to me. It looked as though Jon and Liz arrived late in the day, but since they were late to the filming schedule, they were hustled into the therapy room quickly.
At least I seem to remember this is what they were wearing when photos were Instagrammed of Jon and Liz when they were stuck during a layer on the way to L.A because of the shooting at LAX.
They were drinking, and maybe a bit tired and "lubed" up, and then BOOM! Lights, cameras, action on a relatively young woman who evidently does not come from a place of refinement to begin with...

Tucker's Mom, I had the exact same thoughts.
Jon and Liz's had either been enroute to the airport, waiting to board, or on a plane for probably 10 hours at least even before their delay which grounded them for who knows how long. The clothes they were in while traveling are the same as they had on when arriving at CT. They arrived after dark. I wear comfy clothes when I travel too. Ripped jeans aren't my style but from what I've seen, they're popular with many people and can cost an arm and a leg and just because they're torn doesn't mean they're old or dirty. After a long day, flying, drinking, and not eating well, I'm sure the last thing they thought would happen was that they'd be put on camera and interviewed yet that night. I'm sure they were exhausted - they looked like they were. I think Liz may have not taken the same charm school classes I did as a teen (yes, I took them and they were actually pretty good - although I didn't think so at the time! lol) but that doesn't mean she's any less of good, loving, kind, caring person than the next one. If it were me, I'd have combed my hair and changed my clothes, but she's not me. lol

Not a Liz Fan said...

Yes, I agree Liz is not fake. Just because she's genuine, doesn't mean her behavior is appropriate.

I've been reading her for years and I'm actually very surprised that there is not more of an outcry about how badly she spoke to and about Jon. I fully expected to log on and see a myriad of comments just like mine. I'm confused.

T said...

Alaskan Mama said... 117
The YouTube video that resurfaced with the slap has been deleted. Interesting.
WHAAAAATT!!!!!!! Was it the one I was so upset by?

Wow. I am stunned. I know it's all about the $ and 'the brand', but c'mon...Who in good conscience scrubbed this?

T said...

Alaskan Mama said... 117
The YouTube video that resurfaced with the slap has been deleted. Interesting.

Nope. Whew! It's still there Alaskan Mama.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Once I am called a name, and then respond, my response is seldom published. One more thought, and then I am done with the subject. It's funny how only a small hand full on this blog are allowed to criticize Jon and now I see since Liz is his new lady love, she also seems to have a protected status too.

I should just scroll past, but this poster seems to particularly stuck here. Neither Jon, nor Liz, get 'passes' on this blog. Most of us really don't care to discuss them ad nauseum. If what Liz says on VH1 affects the G kids, maybe I would care. But I don't. If Jon were pimping out the kids to network tv, or any other media for that matter, I would care. He isn't so I don't. Seriously hope you mean what you say and are done with the topic.

Again, nothing that the girls may parrot on The View come Monday negated what happened on The Today Show, when their mother was exposed for the pimp that she is. These children should NOT be talking about their lives, the divorce or anything. They should be left alone, but they are not. No wonder their father is upset.

Somewhere In Time said...

It's funny how only a small hand full on this blog are allowed to criticize Jon and now I see since Liz is his new lady love, she also seems to have a protected status too.


How in the world did you arrive at this conclusion? There have been many here who commented that they are reserving their opinion until the end of the show. Liz isn't getting any passes or protected status. There have been posts here in which the comments aren't favorable to her. I don't think that Liz has been trashed, nor has she been glorified. There have been initial opinions of her, how she presented herself in the opening episode.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Look at me! I'm on teeeveeee again. I'm here to tell MY story and the bus is parked and running, ready to back over my horrible ex-husband.


Laughing out loud here, AuntieAnn! There goes Kate, revvin' that bus.

NJGal51 said...

Kelly thanks. Bully's are the best.

Not a Liz fan - I give Liz a break on how she looked. They were stuck in an airport for a day or so and if they filmed them when they finally arrived at the house, well, you'd look like that too.

The twins may perform perfectly on the View, however the real damage was done the minute she snapped/clapped and told Mady to use her words and then coached her to say what she said in the magazine not to mention when TFW blatantly threw Jon under the bus with her comment about inaccuracies being said about them.

Vanessa said...

Winsomeone you're allowed to criticize, obviously, your posts are coming through. I should be allowed to respond right? I thought that's what was happening? You criticized Liz for swearing, used that as a reason for the twins not wanting to be there. I responded. You criticized jon for doing interviews, I responded. I thought that's what this blog was all about?

Paula said...

Yes, it seems that Mlo and the sheeple have decided on how best to turn the conversaton from Kate - it's all Jon's fault, he's the bad one, not Kate. How anyone could still find any redeeming quality in Kate Gosselin is mind-boggling.

FYI said...

Once the View episode airs, I'm thinking that Kate may get even more flack from the media. She claims that the twins had "stage fright" on Today, but yet she has them do another interview?

After the debacle of the Today show, what mother would push her children to do yet another interview? Wouldn't a "normal" mother think "Ok, that didn't work out. We're done".

But no, Kate's mindset is "it didn't work out the first time, but we'll do it again and get it right this time".

It's similar to filming a movie--the first take didn't work, so we'll try again and again until we get it right.

If anything, I think it'll show her in more of a bad light, because after the Today Show fail, she had them do another interview. Just shows that she didn't care about her daughters' feelings, but only her own agenda.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

pym said... 73
That was a good comment that this was payback for TFW not giving M a sip of water, but I am thinking of another horrible interview. It was on the show when TFW and M were on the couch discussing their trip to San Diego. M was sitting straight and proud on the edge of the cushion telling how she selected a present to bring home to Cara. It was a stuffed animal. Immediately TFW jumped in with 'of course everyone knows what a useless, wasteful horrible choice it was' and M froze with a sick look on her face.


I'm in the minority here in that I never really watched the show until the divorce made the news and drew my attention to the blogs and the bad behavior. But I've heard enough and seen enough clips to have a sense of gum-gate, vomit-gate, furniture-store-gate, and all the rest.

I had never heard of this incident before, and just thinking of it makes me ill. That is absolutely cruel, horrible behavior. Almost any knucklehead knows that when a child proudly chooses a gift for a sibling, you praise them. Particularly when the sibling didn't get to go on the trip. That was Mady's sweet way of saying, "You weren't there, but we sure missed you!"

For what Kate did above--for that alone--she deserved everything she got on Today. And we all know there are thousands more incidents, at the very least.

Carole said...

Upstater said...
I like Liz. There's nothing fake about her. She tells it like it is. She may not use the words that I use but she's honest. If Jon has custody this weekend I can see her giving the twins a great big hug and telling them how beautiful they are and if they want to talk, she's here for them.......
Just the way I see it.

You're not alone. The only thing I haven't been too keen about is the way she reacts to how Jon deals with conflict the way he does and I'm hoping we see a change after they've had some CT.

Ingrid said...

Michelle said... 124 Even if Kate's spin that they had "stage fright" were true, Jon summed up perfectly what makes it even worse: "Kate was rolling her eyes [with] no sympathy, no empathy, no encouragement, no arm around them. Nothing!"

I saw TFW do supposed comforting pats on the girls legs. I bet Kate was wishing she could just dig her claws in those legs to 'happy' them up.

Susie Cincinnati said...

This is the person that Milo has now aligned herself with, and wants a conference call:

c. ‏@prettyplusmore 1h
Every person here spouting about the Kate scene they remember has screamed at kids, had a marital tantrum & (most have hit, shoved spouse).

@TEB2350 @BlckdByJilZarin @Kateplusmy8 Trust me, you would have murdered him in his sleep. She gets judged just for being "annoyed" at him.

c. ‏@prettyplusmore Jan 17
She's not perfect, but she's probably less crazy than your ass. @Kateplusmy8

c. ‏@prettyplusmore Jan 17
And if you are a @Kateplusmy8 hater, find another TL to stalk. I don't want to hear your bitchin' because you can't get a flat stomach.

Real nice person there, Milo. Real nice. Classy. Go for it.

Luke's Mom said...

Layla said... 131
I am wondering about something, and I'm not sure if anyone here would know the answer, but...
We know Kate has been pitching new show ideas for years. How does she do that? I assume she doesn't just call someone up at some network and say, "Hey, Bob, I really want a dating show. Will you give me one?". Wouldn't someone have to come up with the premise of the show and write up a proposal for consideration? Like a book proposal-type thing, only for TV? She would have to outline the concept of the show, what her demands would be as far as budgeting, scheduling, etc. Then it could be sent out to networks. Maybe she even would film a bit of the concept to include with a proposal. But then--who would do all the actual work? Each time a show is rejected, you'd think the concept or proposal would have to be re-worked before it was submitted again.
So, does anyone know what goes into something like this? Kate would have to pay whoever would be doing the actual work. I think there are things she has been spending big money on that we don't know about, and it is all geared toward getting back on TV.
I agree that Kate and Steve with their corporation have been filming a new show and trying to pitch it. The Today Show interview was the reveal of the newest one: "Growing Up Gosselin". Look at the film they showed behind them during the interview. The "Growing Up Gosselin" was not just words but a carefully created LOGO for a new show. She can't use Kate Plus 8 as that is owned by TLC. So they created a new name and LOGO and even had Today use it in the banner at the bottom of the screen during the interview.

I thought that some of the film footage (that was not from TLC) shown in the background looks recent filming which I think Kate/Steve had to direct and film as part of the promotion to try to sell a new show.

And as everyone agrees, any show interviewing Kate is given an 'Approved" set of questions that Kate (and the twins) prepare in advance to answer. Interesting that the LAST question asked by Guthrie was about doing another show. Of course! Because that is Kate's only agenda. A Show! Any Show!

Even if I have to EXPLOIT my children again and again!

The end (fame, money, freebies, trips, Steve, freebies, pampering, chef, paid staff, freebies....) will always justify the means (divorce, exploiting the kids, destroying Jon, manipulation/control of kids, putting adult problems on the kids, denying kids a normal life, exploitation of kids, exploitation, exploitation....)

Lalalalala said...

Winsomeone said... 133

Once I am called a name, and then respond, my response is seldom published. One more thought, and then I am done with the subject. It's funny how only a small hand full on this blog are allowed to criticize Jon and now I see since Liz is his new lady love, she also seems to have a protected status too.


Who called you a name? That's not something that goes on here. And as far as Liz goes, I said I didn't appreciate the fact that some here were judging her by the way she was dressed. That just seems very superficial to me. We haven't seen enough of Liz yet to really judge her on anything. That's what I said and I stand by my statement.

Carole said...

So far there has not been any negativity I have heard towards the Today show.

The morning of the interview, the tweets to Today about their part in this were brutal. Since then, Today has generally been left out of the fray with the negativity concentrated on TFW. I hope that The View receives the same backlash that was given to Today for helping TFW exploit the twins and if the script is followed, most likely also trash their father.

Tucker's Mom said...

We know Kate has been pitching new show ideas for years. How does she do that? I assume she doesn't just call someone up at some network and say, "Hey, Bob, I really want a dating show. Will you give me one?". Wouldn't someone have to come up with the premise of the show and write up a proposal for consideration?
Often times, surreptitiously. Kate has been pitching show ideas while either making appearances or filming her shows for years now.
An interview I found from 2011 showed Kate on the Today show with Ann Curry, HEAVILY pitching a dating show. Several times, she said she'd like her "best friend", ie: Jamie, to go around the country and scout men for her to meet.
All she needed to do was make sure Curry asked her about dating post divorce, and Kate was off to the races.
The dating show was pitched by both Jamie and Kate on Kate + 8.
Kate used her children on Kate + 8 to pitch a dating show by having them answer questions about Mommy dating and marrying, asked by the producer.
Kate used her children once again with her cookbook, featuring them prominently so she'd look like a candidate for a family cooking show. She further reinforced that during her first interview with Savannah Guthrie on Today, when she was (supposed to be) promoting her cookbook, by saying that all the kids gather at the kitchen island and watch Mommy's cooking show!
Bullshit. They hover around the food, waiting for crumbs to fall or a morsel to be given out, just like my dogs.
I'm betting my dogs get more nibblies than those kids.
N.B. that when Kate sets herself up as this amazing cook, she NEVER includes the kids in the experience of food, and when she does, it's absolutely painful, with constant reprimands about letting a "granule" spill.
Cooking is not a shared experience, with Kate passing down her love of cooking and the skills that are necessary to do it. It's all about the attention and appreciation given to her when her kids shriek over the food she makes.

Carole said...

He dressed like Kate when with her, then Hailey, and now is ensconced in the hoody's and torn jeans that Liz favors. His desire to please is so great, that he has not even considered who he is.

I actually think Jon dressed the same when he was with Kate and Hailey and Ellen as he is now with Liz. I don't see a difference. There are many photos of him in jeans, Tshirts and hoodies when he was still married. He threw a sport coat over a T or button-down shirt when he had to 'dress up' which is what he's still doing today.

Jon may be struggling to define who he is independent of the women in his life but I don't see how his clothes are telling the story.

Localyocul said...

sparkle said... 135
c. ‏@prettyplusmore 36m
@TEB2350 @BlckdByJilZarin @Kateplusmy8 Jon is a piece of work. You should call me one day, I'll blab, but I can't here.


This person talks like they know J and K personally. Profile says she is a celebrity ghost writer. Hmmmm

Tucker's Mom said...

And watch Kate's face change in the video when the kids say they want another reality show. She gets this very smug, conceited look as if to say, "See I told everyone that it really, really their chose to film again". What she doesn't seem to realize is 13 & 9 year olds cannot be trusted to make such serious decisions. She even said this same old line when all the 8 kids where under 9 and 6. She will never get it.


Yes, mission accomplished, or so she thought.
Or so she thought is right. I think it went right by Kate, that Savannah cleverly had the twins choose between filming for fun, or filming to put their lives out there, knowing that this is a Hobsonian choice.
There is no choice between the two. You can not have one without the other, as they are inextricably linked.

Which, folks, proves our point. The twins, even at 13, do not understand this inevitable sequelae of filming.
Which, folks, completely undermines Kate's (ongoing) assertion that the kids can decide something like this, and that it's a family decision.
The children simply can not see around corners at this age, even though they've lived through paparazzi and the crush of media for years now.
Fun filming? Yes please!
Consequences? What?????? Gimme what feels good now!!!!

Again, I submit to you, "Jordon fades back, swoosh, and that's the game!"

Tucker's Mom said...

You know what I bet? I bet that the twins especially think that if the camera crew comes back and filming resumes, that Ashley will come back, too.
You know those twins adore her and her loss was deeply felt, especially by Cara.

Lalalalala said...

I don't know what's going to happen on The View on Monday because it seems they're trying to put out their own firestorm concerning Sherri Shepherd. She pretty much said that she is anti-gay and thinks gay people will burn in hell for eternity. I didn't see it, just stating what I've read on the View message boards and different news venues. Remember, this is the same person who thought the earth was flat. She has no credibility in anyone's eyes about anything so it will be interesting to see how she reacts to Kate, if they don't cut out her segment, that is.

Honey, she broke the kids said...

Kate might have finally done herself in thanks to her harebrained idea for an interview to set the record straight. I do hope that this is truly the beginning of the end. Unfortunately she seems to have more lives than a cat. For years now we have said her 15 minutes were up, she is swirling the drain, etc Lordy bee I hope her goose is finally cooked.

Carole said...

I think it's a shame that quality of the person Liz is is being determined based on a few minutes of tv showing her clothes, messy hair and colorful language. Whether she wears torn jeans or not, which could have cost a heck of a lot more than Taylor Armstrong's designer jeans, or uses colorful language, I'm dismayed that what's on the outside is being used as the yardstick rather than things like morals, kindness, and in the case of Jon and his 8, her ability to be a soft place for them to go for comfort and security. I can overlook messy hair and language as long as she's a good person. Degrees, high level jobs and income rank very low on my geiger counter for value and success.

Carole said...

But Jon does need to consider what is best for his kids and what is his best way of going about. If that means he has to suck it up and go back to the dreaded cubicle world so be it, or he can always go back to school like we often urge Kate to do.

Jon has said that his IT job with the cubicle, set hours, etc., didn't allow him the flexibility to be available for his children. I think he's already made the decision that that is not for him and that the hours at the restaurants suit his schedule better, at least for the time being. I'll bet that had he been working for a larger company in IT that he'd have had to quit the job to do CT.

Tucker's Mom said...

Winsomeone said... 133
Once I am called a name, and then respond, my response is seldom published. One more thought, and then I am done with the subject. It's funny how only a small hand full on this blog are allowed to criticize Jon and now I see since Liz is his new lady love, she also seems to have a protected status too.
If you were the poster here referred to as a sheeple, than I call foul on that. No reason to call you that, if you were the intended. Your posts, while not pro Jon, are not disrespectful.
I think where people are getting prickly is that when I point is made, I think posters can agree or disagree, but when it comes to trying to "right fight", well, there's little room for that.
I think pro and not pro Jon comments should be tolerated, and are for the most part. Just know you've said your piece and that it might get some push back.
At some point, we move on to the next point, and don't worry about being right.
Unless you're told that your posts won't be allowed for whatever reason, assume your input is valid here.
Again, the sheeple comment, if meant for you, was out of line.
We've had some serious sheep dung spread here from time to time, but not from you!

westcoastie said...

Re: the twins
Two words
Stockholm Syndrome

Paragraph #2 from Wikipedia
Stockholm syndrome can be seen as a form of traumatic bonding, which does not necessarily require a hostage scenario, but which describes “strong emotional ties that develop between two persons where one person intermittently harasses, beats, threatens, abuses, or intimidates the other.”[4] One commonly used hypothesis to explain the effect of Stockholm syndrome is based on Freudian theory. It suggests that the bonding is the individual’s response to trauma in becoming a victim. Identifying with the aggressor is one way that the ego defends itself. When a victim believes the same values as the aggressor, they cease to be a threat.[5]

JMO said...

Layla said... 122
Kate has been pitching new shows for far more than 2 years. She has been pushing for a dating show since 2009. The talk show pilot she filmed with Paula Deen was in 2009. She has also been pushing a fitness show, a travel show, cooking show, another K+8-type show. There's probably more, but those are what I remember. This started in 2009 (if not earlier and we just didn't hear about it that early). It is now 2014, and none of these shows she has begged for have ever been picked up by anyone. Not a single one of them.
She seems more desperate than usual lately. She was quiet for a log stretch, but then the publicity for the book came, followed by one People mag cover, then Hallmark H&F in November, then another People mag, then this. She is really pushing hard lately. Is is desperation over Jon's new show? Did she realize that interest in her is waning? Is the money starting to dry up? Something is going on that ramped up her desperation to the point of frenzy. And then she went too far.

Layla- I agree. I think she is stooping to the lowest level by using the twins, and think that since nothing else worked, she is in the "desperation mode." Now that both of their "TLC" contract obligations have been ended, it is getting ugly.

I feel bad for all 8 kids with all of the media stuff going on. On the other hand, now that the TLC contract has ended, am hoping something positive comes out of this for the kids. Although very skeptical as both parents are in the media non-stop. Does this help the kids or hurt them? Not sure, but it seems the kids have more than earned their right to privacy at this point, and Jon seems to be more on board about not using the kids. Who knows? What a circus.

Maybe this means that Kate needs to start dipping into "her" money for books she wrote and book tours, which she would clearly view as her own, as author (LOL). Thus, her money. Never mind she chose to have 8 kids, and is financially accountable, as well, for their support.

Tucker's Mom said...

Looking back on that old Access Hollywood clip, wow, Billy Bush has known the Gosselins for many years now, with the whole family making appearances since the tups were toddlers.
So, I think it says something when he comes out and says basically, not good! Divorce is tough and Kate wanted to use her twins to exonerate her etc. That's pretty telling.
I'm sure Billy Bush has seen first hand, just how much Kate has changed inside and out. Years ago, she's on his program saying what a miracle her HOM's are, and now, she's outright using her kids on many levels, for her own gain.
Keep keeping it real, Billy. Oh, and don't let Kate drag her kids onto your show to make her point and do her bidding.

Tucker's Mom said...

I do think The View interview will be flawless and the girls will trash their father. If Whoopie sits in for this and/or says nothing, I will be extremely disappointed.
I think I'm more interested in seeing Whoopie's reaction and body language. I get the sense that she can't stand Kate. Heavens knows Whoopie called Kate out before.

JMO said...

Formerly Duped said... 137
Carole, that was an excellent summary. I think the girls froze and then after Kate jumped in with their lines, they had nothing left to say anyhow. They were probably wondering if they veered from the 'set script' if Mommy would be mad. And she was. I'm sure they will have new lines for The View, and I wish them well; the damage to Kate is already done, but hopefully the twins can recover their self-esteem and face their peers.I hope they know Jon was sympathetic and there for them.

I agree that Kate bullied them with a new script for The View after their silent appearance on Today Show. The sad part if that she is pimping her girls out once again, more significantly, to make HER point. She will stop at nothing.

terri said...

The twins' dad, Jon Gosselin, was also in the concerned camp. In a statement to E! News, the now-restaurant waiter and cabin-dweller said he was "heartbroken watching my children on TV this morning. If Kate wants to do interviews, fine, but it is completely inappropriate for Kate to try to use our children as her mouthpiece.

"They need to be in school, playing sports, and going to the mall with friends, not giving interviews on national television," he continued. "I love my kids and want the best for them. Hopefully, after today, Kate will think twice before subjecting them to this again. I desperately hope she realizes they need to be free to live a normal life, away from the cameras."

Anonymous said...

(Leslie) I saw this on the web. Thought it was great!

The twins' dad, Jon Gosselin, was also in the concerned camp. In a statement to E! News, the now-restaurant waiter and cabin-dweller said he was "heartbroken watching my children on TV this morning. If Kate wants to do interviews, fine, but it is completely inappropriate for Kate to try to use our children as her mouthpiece.

"They need to be in school, playing sports, and going to the mall with friends, not giving interviews on national television," he continued. "I love my kids and want the best for them. Hopefully, after today, Kate will think twice before subjecting them to this again. I desperately hope she realizes they need to be free to live a normal life, away from the cameras."

Tucker's Mom said...

People were disgusted by the Today show interview and a good interview at the View isn't going to change their minds
I agree. The twins can recite their lines perfectly, but their credibility is gone. People will say that they're just towing the party line.
fwiw, I think those pics of Kate plus the twins outside of the hotel were after filming at least the Today show, as they showed Kate getting out of the limo SUV.
I think Kate's hair looked different because her extension/clips were taken out.

Carole said...

I'm actually very surprised that there is not more of an outcry about how badly she spoke to and about Jon. I fully expected to log on and see a myriad of comments just like mine. I'm confused.

I can only speak for myself, but I think that since Dr. Jenn already addressed this with Liz and Jon that there's not much more than can be said other than I agree. I think you'll find comments reflecting this in this thread and the previous one.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Every person here spouting about the Kate scene they remember has screamed at kids, had a marital tantrum & (most have hit, shoved spouse).

Really Milo. Oh surely we all have done all that, and with cameras rolling. Speak for yourself, fool. Seems like things are not so happy happy in the kingdom of KG adoration this weekend.

Not a Liz Fan said...

I was once on my way to a conference across the country. My flights were late, I was stuck at an airport for hours, and what should have been a 3 hour journey ended up taking nearly 12 hours. When I arrived at my destination I had to go straight to the conference and didn't have time to stop at the hotel.

I hit the airport bathroom, used the items in my carry-on to freshen my makeup and pull my hair into a neat pony-tail. Once I retrieved my bag, I hit a second rest room to slip into a suit and heels. i arrived at the conference looking like a professional.

So, no, if that happened to me, I would not have arrived to be filmed looking like Liz did. There's no excuse except she didn't take the time to fix her appearance.

All that aside, her appearance is not my major issue with her. I don't like how rude she is to Jon. Maybe that will improve as CT goes on. I hope so.

Tucker's Mom said...

Virginia Pen Mom said... 154
As if Kate paid for that stuffed animal in the first place.
TLC's dime paid for that, as well as every other tchotchke and bouble snatched up on every trip.
Kate just thinks of Kate and how one more stuffed toy will affect her.

Tucker's Mom said...

NJGal51 said... 150
Kelly thanks. Bully's are the best.

Not a Liz fan - I give Liz a break on how she looked. They were stuck in an airport for a day or so and if they filmed them when they finally arrived at the house, well, you'd look like that too.

The twins may perform perfectly on the View, however the real damage was done the minute she snapped/clapped
Agree on both point and to the latter point, even if the twins recover nicely, their appearance on the show, airing Monday, will trigger another news cycle about the Today show fiasco.
If they had not done a show to be aired later, the news cycle would have died by the time they go back to school.
So, here's Kate not thinking at all about the kids, and just about her.

T said...

Radio hosts Opie and Anthony have her number too, but I have to warn you that they are very graphic, and neither the language, nor their subject matter are for the faint of heart. And so much for everyone that meets her 'loves' her as Kate preposterously suggests- they've met her and call her a c u next Tuesday.....

Starts at 7:50 min mark.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Of course Billy Bush thinks the twins are 15, that's how close he stays interested in this story. If there is a god, The View will just not show what is probably all of 5 minutes. But then, the wrath of Kate will just fall back onto the shoulders of her poor daughters. Give it up Kate, no one wants to put you back on tv.

chefsummer #Leh said...

But Jon does need to consider what is best for his kids and what is his best way of going about. If that means he has to suck it up and go back to the dreaded cubicle world

Kate could also suck it up and go back to be a nurse at a hospital.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I desperately hope she realizes they need to be free to live a normal life, away from the cameras."

I hope so to but I highly doubt it.

Sheri said... (Administrator) said...(10)


"Holy moly this is EVERYTHING we have said here. This is surreal.

People are finally using the words we've been saying. Exploitive, it was payback that the kids clamped up, I bet she lit into them after, her fundamental problem is me, me, me, this is really about the divorce and ding her bidding against Jon (YES!!!) , she's out of touch, you don't ask 9 year olds to make a family decision, etc etc.

I loved this too: "Kids say the darndest things....Or they don't." Ha!"


Thank you Carol for finding that clip and to Admin for adding it to the post. It's actually quite monumental in a way considering how long the media has supported her and defended her, either downplaying or justifying her actions.

A little frustrating on one hand that it's taken this long for people to acknowledge that there was truth to what we've been saying all along and that we're not just a bunch of "pearl clutching haters".

But Karma works on its own schedule and it really was just a matter of time before Kate hammered her own nail into that "career" coffin.

I suppose it's also better too in that no one, not her "fans" and not even Kate herself, can say that anyone did this to Kate. Nope, Kate can just find a big ol' mirror if she's looking to blame anyone.

We have been literally begging Kate for years to stop trying to pimp out the kids, to just move on, get some therapy and live quietly and privately for the sake of her children.

I'm not going to defend Jon but neither am I going to criticize him. We have no idea what lengths he's gone to privately change things for his kids.

All I know is, that even with his recent CT stint, he's not putting his kids on t.v. to speak for him. He's not clapping or snapping at them to perform, to "spit it out" or to try and redeem his reputation like Kate is.

Straw (the Today interview) meet camel's back (media support).

Rumspringa's all around!

chefsummer #Leh said...

In the today show pic above Kate looks like she got either a wig or a weave in.

Rhymes with Witch said...

I'm picturing the twins collaborating on a tell all titled: "Growing Up Gosselin"

cathyn518 said...

Library Lady said:
TFW will then take to twitter with her smug "I told you so" #finallyachance2speaktheirtruth #chattiestgirlsonearth #TheViewladiesarePros #knewhowtomake2fabulousteenscomfortable #FUSavannah


Unknown said...

Winsomeone said... 42
''After seeing and hearing Liz, I now see why the older girls refuse to stay at Jon's house. I can't imagine having her around young children with that nasty mouth. Sometimes, it seems like Jon plays the victim role a bit too well.''
Using myself as an example, I am going to disagree with you. I've said many times that my second language is obscenity, and that is true...''potty mouth'' is tame compared to my second language! HOWEVER, I never ever spoke that way in front of my children, or any adult that common sense told me would object or be offended. The kids today use that language in their everyday speech, unlike when my children were growing up. Therefore, even IF Liz and/or Jon use that language in front of the children, I suspect they would take it in stride and not react the same way adults of my generation or my children's generation would.

Once again, I will suggest that Jon's ''victim'' role could be instead his inbred desire to avoid confrontation...being translated into a perception of others as being a ''victim'' or being passive.

Tucker's Mom said...

I've been reading her for years and I'm actually very surprised that there is not more of an outcry about how badly she spoke to and about Jon. I fully expected to log on and see a myriad of comments just like mine. I'm confused.
I can't speak for anyone else here, but I'm waiting for context. We've seen a few minutes of edited footage, showing Jon and Liz literally diving into filming after a hell of a slog to L.A.
There's just not enough data for me to judge whether she would be a blessing or a curse for Jon's kids.
We just don't know.
Photos and articles of Jon and Liz, looking very put together. I know there's video out there of prior interviews with Liz, but can't find right now.
For now, see:

Also, remember, reality tv participants are CAST in Roles. However the producers decide to present the cast, they WILL manage to make it happen.
Did you see Taylor look and Jon and Liz like someone let homeless people into the house? TV magic!
The poor, PA redneck schlubs meet the nipped, plumped, injected, tanned, botoxed, boobed Barbie from CA.
See how this works?

I'm reserving my true opinion until I see a bit more and then, I'll feel free to give it respectfully (hopefully!).

AuntieAnn said...

Grammie said... 5

Looks like Kate "happied them up" after the Today show. My heart breaks for those girls.


They seem cheerful. Makes me wonder if those photos were taken before they went on the Today show. hmmm.

Tucker's Mom said...

I think Liz may have not taken the same charm school classes I did as a teen (yes, I took them and they were actually pretty good - although I didn't think so at the time! lol)
Carole, first, I think charm classes are really great. Etiquette, civics and basic home ec. are wonderful to learn.
I'm reminded of the movie, "A League Of Their Own", when the girls are forced to take etiquette classes so that they present themselves better to the public, and drum up support for the league.
When the very proper and well-coifed instructor "reviewed" the girls in a line-up, she came to (the very homely looking) Marla Hooch, she was asked what she would suggest for Marla's look.
"A lot of night games".

Still cracks me up!

Rhymes with Witch said...

I hit the airport bathroom, used the items in my carry-on to freshen my makeup and pull my hair into a neat pony-tail. 181

You KNEW you were going straight to a conference. It's not at all clear they knew they were going to be on camera without being given a chance to freshen up.

Also, most people who attend conferences have been told to pack professional clothes in their carry on luggage "just in case."
Less seasoned travelers may not think this way.

Count me in the camp that says the little we've seen of the kids at Liz's says a million times more than her clothing choices, on or off camera.

Sheri said...

OrangeCrusher1 said...(180)

Every person here spouting about the Kate scene they remember has screamed at kids, had a marital tantrum & (most have hit, shoved spouse).

"Really Milo. Oh surely we all have done all that, and with cameras rolling. Speak for yourself, fool. Seems like things are not so happy happy in the kingdom of KG adoration this weekend."


Are you freakin' kidding me? Did Milo really say/tweet that. "Most have hit, shoved spouse"...

Okay, now I'm convinced that Milo is really Kate or at least a paid lackey.

No Milo, I've been married 19 years, some of those years were tumultuous and unpleasant, we even went through a trial separation once.

But NEVER, NEVER (and I grew up in a physically abusive home), has either my husband or myself raised a hand to each other.

What an enabling, sycophant, out of touch with reality thing to say.

Absolutely Disgusting.

Not a Liz Fan said...

Tucker's mom-
Thank you for your well put response. I think you made some good points. Maybe I'll change my name to 'Want to be a Liz Fan"-- I like what you said about context.

I actually do want to like her. I hope she's good for those kids, but mostly for Jon. He's proven to need a strong, supportive woman in his life.

Carole said...

... Kate and Steve with their corporation have been filming a new show and trying to pitch it. The Today Show interview was the reveal of the newest one: "Growing Up Gosselin". Look at the film they showed behind them during the interview. The "Growing Up Gosselin" was not just words but a carefully created LOGO for a new show. She can't use Kate Plus 8 as that is owned by TLC. So they created a new name and LOGO and even had Today use it in the banner at the bottom of the screen during the interview.

I thought that some of the film footage (that was not from TLC) shown in the background looks recent filming which I think Kate/Steve had to direct and film as part of the promotion to try to sell a new show.

Very, very interesting and unfortunately, I think you're right.

Anonymous said...

In the today show pic above Kate looks like she got either a wig or a weave in.
Chef, I agree with you. I think Kate has clip on weave pieces that add length and fullness. In certain shots, you can clearly see that the bottom of her hair is a different color than the top. And she does not have that much fullness in real life. I wonder if she needs these clip in pieces because of her poor diet. All the bleaching and dieting could be causing her hair to thin or fall out.

And why and the heck didn't she cover her roots for the People cover shot and her "media tour". They are practically black. All the money she spends on her hair (or all the free grifting she receives) from her fancy, super expensive, NY salon, you would think her hair would would be in great color condition for something this important.. Sheesh! I get better coloring doing it myself at home...not kidding either.

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