Monday, October 29, 2012

The Hurricane Shelter Thread

Hunker down here, let us know how you are doing, share photos, Kate's idiotic tweets, etc. And snark is always welcome, too!

813 sediments (sic) from readers:

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dee3 said...

OMG...I just realized it's an ABC network show...not a cable channel one.
She must feel she really hit the big time being on an ABC network show....right up there with DWTS. No wonder she was so happy and seemingly unaffected by losing her CC job. I'd imagine that at the time, she'd have seen it as leaving it in the dust...on her way to the big-time. wouldn't be a long-term gig. Perhaps she thinks this will provide the stepping stone she needs to make it in the entertainment industry and get her own show.
Yeah....I could see Kate thinking that. She likely saw the CC job as inconsequential compared to being on a successful show on ABC. Now it all makes sense.

Great puzzle-solving to those who may have figured this out.

TLC stinks said...

What will be interesting, if true, what Jon has to say about it all. Maybe he made a cameo appearance? I would be so disappointed. Like I said, we will find out when the 2013 cast is revealed. Robert doesn' have to reveal his source, just let us know if we are on the right track. How about it?

Fahnette said...

TLC stinks said... 2
What will be interesting, if true, what Jon has to say about it all. Maybe he made a cameo appearance? I would be so disappointed.

Didn't she have a habit of dropping the "going off for filming" thing on him right before it happened? Wouldn't surprise me if she just didn't tell him, that way he couldn't it's interesting that all this went down what, a week before Murt's bill was signed into law?

Tucker's Mom said...

AuntieAnn said... 199
Meh. We all know Kate's going to spend the rest of her pathetic life wandering from one stagnant gig to another to try to keep her wretched self out there.
It seems so desperate to live gig to gig, doing anything to keep your face out there. It would be a fascinating study to look at these people's psyche.
Gary Busey, that country singer John Rich? is his name. It's like they have no sense of pride and will embarrass themselves. Nothing wrong with that, but if you have kids, what example are you setting?

dee3 said...

On that Celebrity Wife Swap there ALWAYS someone to take the spouse's place if they are not married/divorced? Is there always either an ex-spouse, a fiance or a boy/girlfriend?
Would one expect that either Jon or Steve would have to have taken part in the filming or have they ever had a single parent participate with no significant other whatsoever? I've never seen the show.

I could not even remotely imagine Jon participating in the filming. I would literally be stunned if he did.

mim said...

Dozens dead but the Tweeties thing Kate was brave and strong, and that's all that matters.

AuntieAnn said...

iAm Wise ‏@iAmTheWiseOne

It's not the situation, but wheather we react (negative) or respond (positive) to the situation that's important.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin

I rest my case.

Localyocul said...

Whole Lot of Speculating said... 6

What I love is that you have created this scenario in your head based on no concrete evidence and are now criticizing Kate for the scenario that you created.


It's called circumstantial evidence..putting a puzzle together. We know it's not confirmed and that we are speculating but the evidence is there. Are you from Pinellas County, FL ?

Anonymous said...

If I was a fan, I would be VERY, VERY turned off and upset by her #superfunsandy tweet. She really is a self-centered, egotistical bitch who has no empathy for anyone. I can't believe that anyone would support her after that stupid comment.

Also, Milo, I wish her well because I think Kate is really leading her around by the nose and making fun of her by not tweeting a picture of Shoka. If Shoka is gone why not just let everyone know? Why play this stupid game? We already know what a mean, spiteful bitch you are Kate. Any revelation you make about Shoka will not surprise anyone.

As for the wife swap, all I can do is laugh. This is what she deserves. She is such an idiot to believe that this is good for her "career". This is just another show where all of the bottom feeders go who can no longer get on T.V. and Kate is definitely a bottom feeder.


AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 4

AuntieAnn said... 199
Meh. We all know Kate's going to spend the rest of her pathetic life wandering from one stagnant gig to another to try to keep her wretched self out there.
It seems so desperate to live gig to gig, doing anything to keep your face out there. It would be a fascinating study to look at these people's psyche.
Gary Busey, that country singer John Rich? is his name. It's like they have no sense of pride and will embarrass themselves. Nothing wrong with that, but if you have kids, what example are you setting?

All three of those people are narcissists, so I would think they believe their kids worship them. It's a strange kind of mental disorder.

Anonymous said...

Localyocul said... 9
Whole Lot of Speculating said... 6

What I love is that you have created this scenario in your head based on no concrete evidence and are now criticizing Kate for the scenario that you created.


It's called circumstantial evidence..putting a puzzle together. We know it's not confirmed and that we are speculating but the evidence is there. Are you from Pinellas County, FL ?

This is kind of my point too.

And make no mistake, I cannot stand Kate, I think people here know that. But the speculation is tough to take sometimes. I know, scroll on by, don't read it, etc., but in trying to figure out if something is indeed true, you have to read it through. Other than repeatedly posting, "has this been confirmed," I'm not sure how else to figure out if it is true.

And, as I posted before, last week everyone was convinced she was filming a pilot for dating show.

And Kate is getting her rocks off giggling with glee with her box o wine, that this blog is spinning its wheels trying to figure out what she is doing.


AuntieAnn said...

Well whatever she was up to after she was FIRED it's a safe bet she wasn't in India teaching Hindus new yoga positions.

It's Kate Gosselin. She always makes a big deal out of her next fun, exciting (secret) project and it turns out that "project" is a piece of junk everytime. Bottom line is it's entertaining as hell to speculate on her failures.

Improbable Dreams said...

Heather said:

And make no mistake, I cannot stand Kate, I think people here know that. But the speculation is tough to take sometimes. I know, scroll on by, don't read it, etc., but in trying to figure out if something is indeed true, you have to read it through. Other than repeatedly posting, "has this been confirmed," I'm not sure how else to figure out if it is true.

And, as I posted before, last week everyone was convinced she was filming a pilot for dating show.

And Kate is getting her rocks off giggling with glee with her box o wine, that this blog is spinning its wheels trying to figure out what she is doing.

Agree 100%. It's fun to speculate, but not at the expense of credibility. I think we might do well to think how we might best address that. Not as a blog, per se, but in the context of our own entries.

Tucker's Mom said...

Bottom line is it's entertaining as hell to speculate on her failures.
So what if we speculate. I don't think anyone here cries in their milk if they got it wrong.
I don't know what Kate's been filming, but I strongly feel that she is/had. And she'll keep chasing fame at any cost.
I truly hope she finds something to get a positive cash flow. It just makes me sad that she will spend so much time away from her kids.
But hey, that was speculation and it came true--Kate would give up a share of custody when she didn't need access to the kids for filming.

PatK said...

Okay. So let's just suppose Kate has done a Celebrity Wife Swap episode and added another few thousand to her bank account.

Then what? Another year before some other D-list opportunity comes her way? It's not exactly earning a continual living, is it? And at some point, this aging woman will no longer be marketable at all, even in the D-list community.

Dwindle said...

canadianmom said... 74
Hey all! My family and I have been watching the hurricane updates this evening and my thoughts are with you all! Hoping you all stay safe and sound! My 8yo got to stay up an hour past his bedtime because he was glued to the tv watching updates, he even got his atlas out and highlighted the Ny coast and hurricane zone.

Just wanted to let you guys know that Canada is thinking of u! :)

October 29, 2012 7:48 PM


This is so cool canadianmom! You mean he didnt whine coz his reality show got interrupted? Of course not! YOUR 8 year old took the gift of modern day media and learned something about the planet earth, of his own motivation! Tell him a lady in Ohio says HI!

Improbable Dreams said...

I don't think there's anything wrong with speculating. It's fun, and harmless. But I think Heather's point is worth considering: How do we make it clear, over the course of numerous points, that it's conjecture and not fact?

I don't want us to be a rumor mill. That doesn't do anything to enhance our credibility, much less the causes we're supporting.

Dmasy said...

Canadianmom, 74 and
Dwindle, 18 ...

I am betting that smart little 8-year-old will get out his atlas and find Ohio, too. I just smile at that kind of parenting story.

Canadianmom, you didn't get all angry when the atlas got marked up and probably has some bent corners.

Good moms -- both of you!

Sweet Tart said...

The Wife Swap show has offended my sensibilities from the moment I first saw it advertised. To me, it's another sign of how far our society seems to be descending. I think of the fall of Rome, when they became caught up in physical pleasures, shallow and frivolous things, to the point where their society crumbled into nothingness, and that's what I think Wife Swap, Kate Gosselin and reality tv in general reminds me of. Behaving the fool while all around society is crumbling.

I temporarily liked Kendra Wilkerson when I saw how much she seemed to love her husband and child. I thought "oh, there is a spark of very real goodness in her." She does seem like a fairly loving mother, but she's so caught up in making money, being on tv, and presenting that stupid tough party girl image, it's hard to have much respect for her as a woman. If she and Kate were both on Celebrity Wife Swap, that ought to be a rude wake-up call to Kendra, as in "you're no better than Kate Gosselin! Do something beyond superficial with your life."

Did Steve stay at home with the Gosselin kids in the role of "father"? Ha - I doubt Kate would go for that. If Kate were paired up with Hank, I'm not so sure she'd try to put her skanky moves on him - remember, he's black and I suspect Miss Katie Irene is a closet racist. You would be hard pressed to find a paler man than her Stevie boy. Of course, he might have that deathly pallor from being forced to be in Kate's company for any length of time.

(I know this is all pure speculation, so my comments are more of the same.)

Dwindle said...

Virginia Pen Mom said... 177
@deannatweeting are you guys ok this am? Looks like it was worse for you in NYC then us here in my part of Pa...


Gosh, Kate, do you think so?? Wow. Just wow.

Carrie Ann said it the best: Hate has zero self-awareness.


Is it just me or is she sounding astounded to find out that someone other than Katie experienced a bit of wind and rain too? She is a danger to society, she belongs in a hospital. My god. Just when I think she cant possibly express anything more stupid than she did an hour ago...

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Kate's tweets show her stupidity. Who would say the stuff she puts out there? You can't fix stupid, but we can feel outrage with her statement against closing the schools during and after the east coast storms. She doesn't want to be bothered with her own children unless they are being used to support her and her lavish lifestyle.

I don't care if she filmed one episode or two dozen episodes, this woman does not deserve to be coming across anyone's television screen. Sickening, and I say again, "stupid."

berks resident said...

hey all, just checking in! We did lost power late last night, but it is back on now and all is well at least here. Hubs was out this morning helping others around here cut up fallen trees, etc. We used our generator this morning to make coffee.

Please keep those who have lost loved ones in your prayers. There was a terrible tragedy here in Berks...

I want to give a thumbs up to our power company employees. They were right on it and to them I say THANK YOU. ~ Administrator said...

Whole? It's a given this is speculation. We'll see if we're proven right.

Dwindle said...

AuntieAnn said... 77
Wow. She's getting antsy over the kids being at home and this is only Monday. If the schools are still closed by Friday they're gonna need an animal control pole to get her the hell out of that house. She'll be absolutely wild.

Animal control pole!!!!!!!! OMG Auntie, I am still LOLing over here!

Bearswife said...

Glad to be reading here that most of our regulars have checked in and weathered the storm. My own family is in upstate NY and are fine (no power but after Ivan my dad installed a propane generator).
Interestingly enough, my dad gets all of his news via the NYT website and w/o internet was pretty much in the dark about what had happened in the city (and Jersey). So he just got all his news from up here in Canada! They were in shock, to say the least, especially my little bro who is in University in the city (but thought to go home for the weekend). There was a tanker that ran ashore in my hometown and I am curious to see how devastated the areas I grew up in were affected.

ANYHOO, back to KG. She is utterly (or is that udderly - lol) clueless and tasteless. #Superfun!! YAY!! Even though I am not affected personally by Sandy, there were tears shed in this house. It's called empathy, something we all know KG has none of...

My mom lost her house in 2004 to Hurricane Frances and I will never forget how horrific that was for her.

Kristine (soul-sister), good sleuthing! Now we have to wait and see.

Stay safe everybody!! ~ Administrator said...

Heather, speculating has always been allowed here. Please stop complaining about it and as you said, scroll on by. I'm not going to tell people not to speculate when there is this much circumstantial evidence out there. It's not like it's being pulled out of thin air. Clearly something is going on according to Kate herself. ~ Administrator said...

Since no one has claimed to know what she is doing for sure your point makes no sense. Move on. You don't dictate what's allowed here.

Dwindle said... (Administrator) said... 159
This Kendra thing all adds up and now I think it had a bigger role than I thought in her firing at CC.

CC probably had certain obligations they wanted her to fulfill that week that she told them she couldn't do. She also may have in her contract that she is supposed to inform them about other projects she takes part in for approval, since she is a representative of them. (Just like how Jon said TLC wouldn't let him do that Super Bowl commercial.) When they found out it was Kendra, this wholesome midwest family values couponing company told her she couldn't do that and still work for them.

Kate being Kate of course picked being on TV for ONE EPISODE over her long term gig at CC and told them screw you I'll film what I like you can't stop me just you try to fire me. Scott couldn't believe she would spit in their faces like that after all they've done for her, bending over backwards for her. He also couldn't believe this "wholesome" mother of eight would really choose this project. His eyes were open that she was inauthentic, hypocritical and the like. Scott saw his company and all his charities in jeopardy for associating with her and this project. So Scott said screw you back and fired off that letter. He called her bluff. Makes sense to me.

If any of this is true, and I too thought Kendra from the beginning, I can see where it would make sense in Kate's mind. She will spend a week or whatever it is, playing with one baby for the cameras and displaying her oogygoogy sweetiemommy loving schtic for future promotional purposes. "See? Kate is a GOOD mom! It is only because no one knows how to help her with EIGHT count em EIGHT, that she gets a teeny bit testy sometimes! You would too!"

And then Kendra will be all stressed from 8 count em 8 and it will throw the GKIDS under the bus in order to rehab kate's loveydoveySaintKate image.

After all, those 8 arent doing her any good right now, except sucking up her resources. So she might as well get some prop$ by throwing them under a bus, at least until they are of legal age to leak a sex tape and start earning her some serious profit again.

Tucker's Mom said...

We have a pretty good track record here.
The Spanker in the car? We couldn't believe that everyone ignored it, yet we knew Kate was hitting the kids with it.
We were also right (well, not me personally) about CC keeping Kate around for about a year because we knew it just wasn't going to be what would make Kate happy in the long term. We were so right and Kate got canned in a spectacular way. Talk about going down in flames.
Jon getting more custody when it suited Kate? Yup, that happened.
Kate never taking the kids anywhere when TLC's funds dried up. Yes, absolutely. One grifted trip is all the kids got.

This ain't our first rodeo. I think we can smell when something's a brewing.

IDModo said...

What makes me really curious: Jon could easily put everyone's minds at rest by simply sending an email to Admin telling us what happened to Shoka. Why the silence? We only want to know if he is alive or not, not necessarily any details.

Maybe they have told the kids that Shoka has a new home with loving people when really he is six feet under, and Jon doesn't want them to find out the sad and upsetting truth. That's one possible explanation.

Jon's silence is enabling Kate's game playing, though, and I wish he would say something.

Anonymous said...

Heather, speculating has always been allowed here. Please stop complaining about it and as you said, scroll on by.

Then can people post SPECULATION like we did with SPOILERS so those that are looking for FACTS can scroll on by?


Anonymous said...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with speculating. It's actually fun. I love the detective work and people on this blog are good at it. Don't know why some are bothered by it.


Improbable Dreams said...

To be fair, I don't think Heather's suggesting an all-out ban on speculation. Leastwise, that's how I read her comments.

If I'm interpreting her posts correctly, it seems as if she's expressing concerns about harmless speculation getting morphed into "fact." Or twisted into a different "truth" altogether, over the span of numerous comments. You know, like that old-fashioned game of Telephone.

Speculating's fun, and that's part and parcel of this blog & others like it. But no one wants to experience that red-faced feeling that eventually comes of spreading rumors parading as fact.

RonnieandMaggie said...

Still no power here in northern NJ. Thank you to my neighbor for allowing my fridge to be hooked up to his generator. Thank God for gas stoves. Trees down everywhere here. It is really hard to know what else to say at this point except I am thankful it is over.

Tucker's Mom said...

RonnieandMaggie said... 37
Still no power here in northern NJ.
We have family in NJ and they're going to be out of power for days and days. Moving in with in-laws for a while.
A shore house may or may not be totalled, we don't know yet.
So, we got away lucky.
The birds are famished. I haven't seen so many since the last snow.

Dwindle said...

berks resident said... 24
hey all, just checking in! We did lost power late last night, but it is back on now and all is well at least here. Hubs was out this morning helping others around here cut up fallen trees, etc. We used our generator this morning to make coffee.

Please keep those who have lost loved ones in your prayers. There was a terrible tragedy here in Berks...

I want to give a thumbs up to our power company employees. They were right on it and to them I say THANK YOU.

All of our power company emergency workers headed east days ago to assist as needed, but our remaining crews are working hard hard. Lots of rerouting and such, we are told, which is why my house had brownout. Several blocks over, there are garage parties going on, attached garage doors are open for the neighbors, grilling, barrell fires, etc as folks are working on yards and sharing thawing food. Not all power is back up at all, and it is still so windy here! Dangerous for workers to climb poles to repair wires, I know I couldnt/wouldnt do it!

Heard about your area loss. So horrible... ~ Administrator said...

No one said this was a fact did they? I missed that. I just read back and most posts are careful to use words like "if" and "may". It's pretty clear to me people are just having fun sleuthing and making educated guesses.

There are some facts in this though, Kendra's tweets, Kate's tweets.

If someone erroneously says its fact correct them but that hasn't happened here.

dee3 said...

PatK said... 17
Okay. So let's just suppose Kate has done a Celebrity Wife Swap episode and added another few thousand to her bank account.

Then what? Another year before some other D-list opportunity comes her way? It's not exactly earning a continual living, is it? And at some point, this aging woman will no longer be marketable at all, even in the D-list community.
I could easily see where she might view this as the opportunity that will grant her entry into the entertainment industry again....especially since it would be a major network, ABC....and not just a cable channel.

People like Gary Busey, for instance, probably now realizes that D-list celebrity is where he'll likely stay and at this point, isn't fantasizing that going on these shows will make him a big star......but for someone like Kate G......I could see where she might be thinking this could be her big break.....especially when you consider what happened during DWTS and at that time, she did attract a significant viewership.

Seriously....if you had some narcissism issues....can't you see where she could be thinking this would be her big break into stardom? The incidentals wouldn't matter to her....those pesky little things like the fact that during DWTS, she was still on a reality show on TLC.....and that was then and this is now.

To have gone from a reality show on a cable blogging for CC, tweeting with a few fans and getting interviewed on TV on rare occasions..........TO getting to be on a reality show on a major network. I can easily see how she might really have her hopes up.

After all, if she saw herself as most of the rest of us see her...talent-wise......she wouldn't be so sure and so driven that she has a future on TV. But she doesn't look at things the way we do.....and she especially doesn't see herself like we do.

And IF our speculation turns out to be true.....hell, even I'm a little on major network. The question will be....what will she make of the opportunity? Will she put more work and effort into it than she did on DWTS (and with her CC blog)?
As far as the speculation goes....Robert DID throw all those alluring clues out there. And to be fair....Kate herself went on twitter and threw a bunch of hints out there about what she was doing that just way too enticing not to speculate.

But good point from heather regarding how to tell if what's being discussed is speculated or confirmed. ~ Administrator said...

Red faced feeling over a wife swap rumor? ;) I'm not really worried or planning to turn red. If it's not true of well, the tweets really seemed to line up and it wasn't a bad guess. And if it is true I get to recap. A win win. The other option is to not discuss this at all and that's not fun.

Dwindle said...

Anonymous said... 151

There are some concerns with flooding in one of NJ's nuclear power plants.


thanks for the link, heather.

Taking a break from clean up. I am finding myself scrolling a bit through the Kate snark in order to get to everyone's storm check-ins! LOL how's that for some reversal of mood? But lo and behold, my scoll button is in fine working order!

TLC stinks said...

Blogs are speculation. I think we have been careful. Nobody says the Kendra thing is fact. We simply do not know. Robert also cannot confirm, he just heard it from a reliable source (I think it had to be Jon, if they are still speaking).

I guess Robert cannot confirm about Shoka either. Eventually it will come out. She can't keep everything in her "cone of silence" forever. We are right about one thing...Twitter will be her downfall. She just can't help herself with the lies. And her stupidity. And her greed.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

@steelergirl1014 @mylilabbster @Kateplusmy8 Im sure Kate will share w/her kids what has happened now that danger has past. #KidsWellEducated

How can Kate educate her kids on the devastating impact of this storm when she has no idea what has happened? She lives in her own little fantasy world. She was oblivious to what was happening in the next county and why there was no school for two days. How could she be expected to share anything with her kids now that the danger has past? There are still 8,000 people here in Lancaster without power, many rescues last night, roads closed, major bridges closed, cars being swept away. It was a horrible night and anything but super fun.

She has absolutely no awareness in anything that doesn't involve herself. I've never seen anything like it.

The kids will be back in school tomorrow. No need for animal control. At least not this time! ~ Administrator said...

No, I'm not going to ask people to label posts with "speculation." When people use words like if, maybe, suppose that's plenty enough to understand the context.

Anonymous said...

Improbable Dreams said... 36

To be fair, I don't think Heather's suggesting an all-out ban on speculation. Leastwise, that's how I read her comments.

If I'm interpreting her posts correctly, it seems as if she's expressing concerns about harmless speculation getting morphed into "fact." Or twisted into a different "truth" altogether, over the span of numerous comments. You know, like that old-fashioned game of Telephone.

That is my exact point, thank you.

At times when posters start piling on, it sometimes seems like "fact" when it is not. Especially if you check in after 100 posts have been added.

I really wasn't sure if Wife Swap was confirmed or not. If you are skimming through, it actually reads as though it is a 100% done deal.

People seem to enjoy the speculation, so speculate away. I'm sort of over it because it feeds her NPD and I have no desire or energy to wonder what she is doing, I'd rather just have the truth.


Improbable Dreams said...

LOL, Admin ~ Have to admit, the recap would be tons of fun to write/read!

Kirkland said...

If she did film this, I don't understand how she got permission to put all 8 kids on TV. Did Jon give his permission?

Also, were the kids off school the week this was filmed?

This is all so strange.

TLC stinks said...

Good luck to all of you without power. The power crews are heros. ~ Administrator said...

Tucker we are seasoned cowboys ain't we?! Saddle up, 9 times out of 10 we hold on.

What about the cruise? We called that one, right down to the month it would be cancelled. Just before final payment was due in may. Even Hitlers secretary in the hitler video saw that a comin'.

Tucker's Mom said...

People seem to enjoy the speculation, so speculate away. I'm sort of over it because it feeds her NPD and I have no desire or energy to wonder what she is doing, I'd rather just have the truth.

The real, unvarnished truth will never come from Kate, unless you find it in her trash!
This blog is a great source of information, but it's not gospel. It's amazing what we've found out, given Kate's smoke and mirrors.

PatK said...

Hmmm...aren't the sheeple SPECULATING that RH stole Kate's journal and/or "doctored" it up?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander, so tough it out.

Anonymous said...

I hope the Kendra show is not on because it would be so fake! Kendra would be in Kate's house with eight kids, no nannies, no housekeepers, no chef, doing it all on her own. Viewers would think that's Kate's life!

Kate would be in Kendra's house with a sugar sweet personality to try to change her image! Look at me I'm a really sweet person!

What happened to CHILD/ANIMAL ABUSER KATE?? Has that been pushed under the rug and her TV shelf life of 7 years ( oops , I mean 15 minutes) going to continue?? Talk about rewarding bad behavior!!

I guess that is an understatement !!

Let's Throw Tomatoes

Improbable Dreams said...

Ha! Great job yet again, Sue Buddy!

Sue Buddy said...

New article:

BREAKING NEWS-Kate Gosselin Takes Care of Her Kids During Hurricane Sandy

Mel said...

Agree that the speculation is loads of fun. I love putting all the pieces together and seeing what we come up with. Especially when Kate goes to such lengths to keep everything top secret.

If she was more open, the speculation wouldn't be nearly as much fun. (Except that the speculation about the dog isn't fun. I wish that she would just come out with. I HATE the idea that something has happened to the dog...either given away again(!), or dead.)

But I do agree with Heather that sometimes things kind of evolve...not really stated as fact, but we all start speculating and next thing you know, whatever it is, is accepted as a given, when there aren't exactly any facts to back it up yet.

In this case, there are some known facts. So clearly something is up. Put it all together and what do you have? Hmmm.....this is the fun part.

We also have the good bra. Even the mainstream media now takes that as a given. :-)

Sue Buddy said...

Thanks very much, Improbable.

You got the link up before I did! :) How did that happen?

dee3 said...

Hahahaha.......that was great, Sue Buddy. Keep them coming. :D

Boy, they really were kissing the hem of her garment over there on twitter, weren't they? Soon they'll be lavishing praise on her for managing to breathe on her own.

The icing on the cake would be if we were to ultimately learn that the kids weren't even there.

Dmasy said...

Sue Buddy -- another good one. Great analogy about praising your sweet dog's bathroom "skills". Please don't stop writing.

Improbable Dreams said...

Sue ~ I spotted it on Kate's Twitter, and rushed right over. LOL, I'm a very fast reader.

Love the "atta girl" tweets. Somebody's getting head-pats, and it's a fair bet it isn't Shoka. :(

Virginia Pen Mom said...

canadianmom said... 87

Hey Virginia Pen, how's your weather so far? I have a brother out there. Hope your all safe and snug out that way


Hi candadianmom,

Thanks for asking. I'm sorry I missed this yesterday. We were hunkering down and preparing to lose power, which thankfully didn't happen. We had endured a tornado and derecho (separate events) in the same weekend during late June, so this was much easier for us. The Richmond area survived very well, but the areas east, north, and west in Virginia suffered a lot of flooding or snow.

carolina peach said...

Administrator said #192 On the bright side, if this is what she filmed.....


October 30, 2012 8:24 AM

Recap or recrap? Sorry, couldn't resist.
Glad yall are ok. So much recovery ahead.

Sue Buddy said...

Dee3, dmasy, thank you for reading and commenting.

Dee, I imagine that will be next, Kate gets kudos for breathing. She didn't do anything differently than several million other parents did by keeping their children safe. When Kate does it it's an extraordinary achievement.

Dmasy, I suppose as long as Kate is going to continue tweeting I'll be commenting from time to time. Her outlandishness can't be ignored, can it? She's good for a laugh.

I'd like to say, I kept up with you all on the east coast and am relieved to hear you've come through the storm relatively unscathed. I hope you know I took the storm very seriously. It's only Kate and her fans I've targeted with some snark today.

Anonymous said...

I should change my name to, " The Nagative One " because I am not going to give Kate an inch.

What is going on with the love affair with Kate?? US magazine once wrote From Mom To Monster now they refused to comment on her CHILD/ANIMAL ABUSE allegations but did have a story on Smoking Hot Kate in the Fashion Show!

Now they put her first in the twitter comments from celebrities about Hurricane Sandy.

All I have to say is WTH????????????

Let's Throw Tomatoes

Mel said...

Read Sue Buddy's latest post. A good post (as usual), but good grief those tweets are inane!

The tweetie would know all that how exactly?

Sheri said... (Administrator) said... 43

"No, I'm not going to ask people to label posts with "speculation." When people use words like if, maybe, suppose that's plenty enough to understand the context."

Though I normally stay clear of this part of the blog dialogue, I just have to say that this is exactly why Mr. Hoffman's vague and teasing posts are so frustrating.

So far we are trusting that what he posts is based on truth, especially after all the legal trouble he's had getting the book published in the first place.

I mean, why would he subject himself to losing credibility now after all the work he has put in?

Unfortunately, the "just askin'" entries simply encourage people to speculate. Seriously, Mr. Hoffman, if you know something say it. If you can't say it outright, then why tease?

If Kate did have the kids filmed again we know that she did it purely too keep HERSELF relevant and to try and resurrect HER, now defunct, "celebrity" career.

Either way, based on her twitter alone, she's still exploiting her children, it's still sad and it's still very frustrating for those of us who believe that the Gosselin children deserve better than to be used like this.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Sue Buddy, thanks for your latest article, "Breaking News: Kate Gosselin Takes Care of Her Kids During Hurricane Sandy.

It's incredibly odd how Kate's sheep/dingle berries praise her for her incompetence.

Not becoming, at all.

ProudMammaOfFour said...

It's been a long time since I have posted, although I have still been reading here regularly. Just wanted to say hello and that I hope all of my fellow "East Coasters" made it through the hurricane safely and with minimal damage to property. We rode out the storm here in NH and were among the lucky who did not lose power, nor any major tree limbs. My heart goes out to those that were not so lucky, especially those that live on the coast! For now, I am enjoying yet another day off from school / work, in hopes that there is enough power restored to our town so that the kids can return to their normal routine tomorrow. Thank you so much to those who were not affected by this storm, but sent their prayers and words of support to those of us who were. Have a wonderful week everyone!

Sheri said...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 65

"dingle berries"

OMG! Haven't heard that expression in ages...thanks for the LOL Pink. :P

AuntieAnn said...

Dwindle - they'll be drawing straws to see which poor bastard has to go in and drag her out. "You do it Sam"
"No way Ralph I was on badger duty last week. Your turn"

Sue Buddy - you nailed it. Two thumbs up. Kate and her adoring sheepl make me want to lurch.

mamaK said...

So, Ms. Can Do, Super Organized Kate is just NOW working on getting her kids halloween costumes? Good luck with that. Between the Halloween clearance sales (which started last week to make room for Christmas!) and the storms, the pickin's will be slim.
Plus, around here, most of the parties were this past weekend. Library trick or treating, the shopping center trick or treating event, fall festivals, house parties, etc. were all this last weekend. We spent all weekend in costume celebrating! Guess all her kids will get to do is wear thrown together at the last minute costumes to school. Sad.

Wowser said...

You know....if Kate did do the swap it could potentially bite her in the sss! Kendra does not like seems that networks are enjoying embarrassing Kate ( WWHL) and I think because the swappers don't know who they are swapping with til they get there, that the network purposely chose someone who doesn't like with that said it would make sense that Kate has not previewed or pre-approved what was taped. She may be assuming that because it was all "fun fun fun" for her that it was the same in PA for Kendra. Who knows what things the kids may have said that was filmed that Kate may not know about. This could actually end up being really embarrassing for Kate and Kendra might have the last laugh.

wayward said...

mamaK said... 69
So, Ms. Can Do, Super Organized Kate is just NOW working on getting her kids halloween costumes? Good luck with that. Between the Halloween clearance sales (which started last week to make room for Christmas!) and the storms, the pickin's will be slim.

Funny, what happened to pulling a leftover clown wig out of the toybox and calling it a costume? I thought she was all set with recycled costumes? She can't keep her lies straight- but hopefully the kids are getting to go out this year.

We are all good here, we didn't lose power and we didn't get the extreme wind gusts other areas endured. Prayers to those who didn't fare so well. This is a dangerous storm and she's not done yet. Unbelievable.

I am on board with Wife Swap being the show Kate and the kids are participating in. IF TRUE... at least it's only a one time deal.. but really? The show description states that the wives provide a manual of how they want things done and the new wife is to follow it, then mid week the wives do their own thing with the other family. This is going to play right into Kate's ball breaking and strict organic diet schtick. The IMBD page has a list of producers, I think we should drop them a line and let them know what we think of this fakery.

Someone once said the judge in J&Ks custody case is not pro-Kate, he is pro-money. That is why he ruled to let her take them out of school and to Austrailia. At what point though, will the man say "look Ms. Gosselin, you're not finding work in the entertainment business. You have to find another viable means of income?" Call me biased (because I am) but the Gosselin children should not have to be forced to participate in a reality show where they are being taken care of by one of Hugh Heffner's ex girlfriends for a week so Kate can live like a celeb. Does Kate NEED 3 cars? Do the kids NEED to go to private school? Do they NEED a 1.2 million dollar home?

It's all making sense, though. I'm speculating, cuz that's what I do, but I am now wondering if that's how the 50/50 got done. Jon may have had to agree to let them be filmed (People article.. "they miss it") if an opportunity arose. IF that's the case, I don't blame him. It's way better that they spend half their time with him and maybe be filmed once in awhile. It stinks, but I get it.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Wowser said... 70

Yupe Kendra dissed Kate when she went on DWTS and left the 8 alone with the nanny.

wayward said...

PatK said... 50
Hmmm...aren't the sheeple SPECULATING that RH stole Kate's journal and/or "doctored" it up?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander, so tough it out.

Lol.... just like the sheeple keep speculating that the original custody arrangment is in place. Because Kate said it is.

Never mind that Kate goes on extended twitter absences when Jon has the kids, never mind that they've been seen and photographed with Jon in the community on numerous weekdays, never mind Jon himself tweeted last Spring that there was a custody change and never mind that in PA, one cannot absolve another parent of child support once an order is in place. The court will not allow it without a custody modification.

All the signs are there. Instead, they choose to believe Kate and speculate that Jon gets them two weekends a month.

chefsummer #Leh said...

wayward said... 73

Kate could tell them the sky is falling and they will believe it.

Kate could tell them to sell their things cause the world is ending.

I bet they would sell ever things cause they believe her.

Dwindle said...

Sue Buddy, great job! I dont always comment but I ALWAYS read your posts.

All that tweetie crap, which frankly sounds like it is from only 2 people, makes it clear that they think the kids are still the toddlers they remember from TV. "Kids that young" "No need to upset them"; good grief.

When *I* was 9 years old, I helped bolt plywood to our windows, helped my dad chain the car between two light posts, and sat up all night helping my mom and dad mop up the hurricane water that was coming in under the door and windows. But Kate's 12 year olds are too delicate to be told about the weather?

Kate hadnt bothered to look outside yet? We were out in the elements at 6:50 this morning with flashlights, trying to check for debris and damage to our property.

She is an affront to humanity. Not because she is merely stupid, but because she smugly mocks us all for not being as stupid as she is.

PatK said...

More about this SPECULATED Celebrity Wife Swap thing: Can any of you imagine Kate even allowing someone else (other than her housekeeper/nanny)to use her kitchen? And I wonder which kids had to give up their bedroom for the "swapee"? Because no way was Kate going to allow anyone to sleep in HER room.

Oh, the contract stipulations must have been incredible. lol

Tucker's Mom said...

Can any of you imagine Kate even allowing someone else (other than her housekeeper/nanny)to use her kitchen?
Yes because this is the "germaphobe" who walked on the streets of NYC barefoot.

wayward said...

PatK said... 76

.."Oh, the contract stipulations must have been incredible. lol"
Tee hee... This is one case where Purseboy's services might be needed and called for. Hank Baskett would probably be wanting to hurt Kate by mid-week.

Anonymous said...

Friday, January 14th, 1977 the Blizzard of '77 hit Columbus. I have a very special fond memory of that day that has nothing to do with snow.

Dwindle said...

dee3 said... 56
Hahahaha.......that was great, Sue Buddy. Keep them coming. :D

Boy, they really were kissing the hem of her garment over there on twitter, weren't they? Soon they'll be lavishing praise on her for managing to breathe on her own.


They'll orgasm in unison if she ever learns to wipe herself without Steve or Mady to LEADDDDD her.
Nah, I take that back. They probably insist that Mady wiping Kate's butt is the least the preteen can do, after all the horrific sacrifices Kate has made for the kids. I mean, she gave birth TWICE, count em TWICE, and I heard she once nearly chipped a nail on a wooden spoon. What a woman. Deserves everything good in life after her exhausting sacrifice.

Dwindle said...

Flight of the Kiwi said... 79
Friday, January 14th, 1977 the Blizzard of '77 hit Columbus. I have a very special fond memory of that day that has nothing to do with snow

My imagination is making me smile for you, Flight.

carezee said...

Flight of the Kiwi.... The Blizzard of 77 hit Columbus on the 14th of January? Or is it a different kind of blizzard? In Buffalo we got hit on Friday the 28th.

carolina peach said...

... 60
Administrator said #192 On the bright side, if this is what she filmed.....


October 30, 2012 8:24 AM

Recap or recrap? Sorry, couldn't resist.

When I posted this, thought it sounded witty. Want to clarify if it didn't. What I meant was since her new adventure show will be full of dingleberries(thank you, Pink Straight Jacket for Kate) then the recap would have to be, too. Dingleberry in, dingleberry out. Am I digging myself deeper? Aww, just tell me where to send the Target gift card.

wayward said...

Tucker's Mom said... 77
Can any of you imagine Kate even allowing someone else (other than her housekeeper/nanny)to use her kitchen?
Yes because this is the "germaphobe" who walked on the streets of NYC barefoot.
Probably one of the more humerous relevations in Robert's book, that Kate is a slob. The ex boyfriend had said she was a slob as well.

That was another one of our speculations that turned out to be true. Those photos of her bedroom looked like a teenager lived there and she blamed it on packing and unpacking.

Dwindle said...

wayward said... 78
PatK said... 76

.."Oh, the contract stipulations must have been incredible. lol"
Tee hee... This is one case where Purseboy's services might be needed and called for. Hank Baskett would probably be wanting to hurt Kate by mid-week

With the wooden spoon she'll use on his son.

Oh the cackling and 7th grade flirting would be out of control. ~ Administrator said...

Carolina I laughed I got it! Just didn't actually post my laughter here. :)

Jo said...

Just "speculating" but I wonder if she made Hank bring her coffee in bed, then he would have to get the baby up, fed and dressed before she came crawling out of her room. Or did she leave Hank Jr. in bed crying with a dirty diaper until she woke up. Would Hank Jr. have to take a 4 hour nap in the afternoon? Oh, I could go on and on.

Sweet Tart said...

If the speculation proves correct, and Kate did participate in one episode of Wife Swap -- what a nice break for her children. Anyone would be worlds better than Kate. For that week of filming, the ones I would feel sorry for are the other children (whether it's Kendra's two kids or someone else's), and the other wife's husband.

But who would fill in as Kate's partner? How could she do this show? Who is swapping her?

wayward said...

Dwindle said... 75

"She is an affront to humanity. Not because she is merely stupid, but because she smugly mocks us all for not being as stupid as she is."
Spot on, Dwindle.

"You would do it to" -Kate Gosselin

She is quite smug that she shattered the accepted norms of parenthood and put her kids on teevee to make her rich. She looks down on the rest of us who earn a living to support our children, not exploit them. It must be so hard for her not to flaunt her wealth and all her paid lackeys like she'd like to, as it's bad for the grift stroll. Whatever.

I look at it this way. Bless his heart, I'm married 20 yrs. to that wonderful guy who puts up with wayward. I will have a relationship with my kids when they are older. My kids have loving relationships with their grandparents and extended family. I will spoil and enjoy the living heck out of my grandkids someday (can I just get a little girl in there somewhere? :)

Kate's life is so shallow, so empty and so hopeless, if it makes her happy to be smug about it, more power to her. It's all she has. Kate firmly believes that anything and anyone can be bought. Love, loyalty, blood and familial ties are for wusses. She is so emotionally and spiritually bankrupt, she can't have a relationship with someone unless she's paying them and they don't "have an opinion."

And don't even get me started on #SuperFunSandy. There are no words. She's just a despicable, disgusting and insensitive human being. Get help Kate. Octomom just checked in today for script med abuse. You need to follow suit to address your many issues.

Maggie said...

Robert reads this blog then comes up with something on his web site he thinks you all want to read. Now Robert blames Kate for a neighbor's house collapsing? The neighbor's death? While Kate blogs happy things or whatever she did? I wish I had something happy to listen to after that storm knocked out our power.Nothing could be done as trees falling around here. Winds sounded like trains coming through the house. Nightmare, last night was a nightmare. My husband is sick and I was prepared to leave here. Two neighbors lost houses and beautiful trees and all along the road coming out of my road were big, big trees pulled out by their roots. Frightening. Robert this one is not Kate's fault. Why don't you get original Robert? You need help with your web site you idiot, who did you help during the storm, you live in that area where Kate is, what shelter did you help at? You write about a person who lost their life and blame Kate Gosselin? You are crazy and the more I read on your web site the crazier, teasing you are. Idiot.Stop lying, tell the truth about yourself. Your day will come too, KARMA
I hardly post but that made me sick to read Robert's accusation of Kate Gosselin. This was a terrible storm.

Paula said...

Sorry, Maggie, Robert did not blame Kate for anything. He merely pointed out her "insensitivity" at calling it "SuperfunSandy". Did you even read the post? ~ Administrator said...

Maggie I've been the first to hold Roberts feet to the fire but I think you misunderstood what he wrote. He never blamed Kate for any of this. Just said that in light of the death and destruction near her, she was tweeting very insensitive things. Of that he is absolutely right.

Tucker's Mom said...

Maggie said... 90
Robert never blamed Kate. You've missed the point, which is with all the devastation that Sandy caused, Kate chirps a ridiculous hash tag line. It was inappropriate and inconsiderate.
But, while we're asking, what did Kate do for anyone besides grift a generator?

Unknown said...

Maggie said... 90
''......I hardly post but that made me sick to read Robert's accusation of Kate Gosselin. This was a terrible storm. ''
I was sick too when I read KK's '' - #SuperfunSandy''. It was a terrible storm, and was nothing ''Superfun'' about it. How dare Robert call attention to KK's self-absorbed, insensitive twitter storm diary! Whatever Robert did during the storm, one thing he did NOT do was to post #SuperfunSandy.....only KK did that!!

Dwindle said...

Published: Oct. 30, 2012 at 1:49 PM

ORANGE, Calif., Oct. 30 (UPI) -- Nadya Suleman, remembered as "Octomom" for giving birth to octuplets in January 2009, has entered a drug rehabilitation program, a representative said.

Her children will be cared for by three nannies, two friends and a driver while she is undergoing treatment at the Chapman House Drug Rehabilitation Center in Orange, Calif., for a dependency on the anti-anxiety drug Xanax, TMZ reported Tuesday.

"Nadya wanted to get off the Xanax she was prescribed by her doctor and learn to deal with her stress, exhaustion and anxiety with professional help. Nadya wanted to deal with her issues and make sure she is the best mother she can be," said Suleman's representative.

Paula said...

Maggie, are you watching the coverage of Sandy? People are dead, others have lose their homes, the NYC subway system is down and people will be unable to get to work to earn wages to feed their families and you want us to feel sorry for Kate because mean old Robert called her out? No, I don't think so.

Sorry for the snark. I'm tired.

Dwindle said...

Maggie said... 90
You write about a person who lost their life and blame Kate Gosselin? You are crazy and the more I read on your web site the crazier, teasing you are. Idiot.Stop lying, tell the truth about yourself. Your day will come too, KARMA
I hardly post but that made me sick to read Robert's accusation of Kate Gosselin. This was a terrible storm.


Woe-ahh. Maggie, dear, I am unaware of any site that Robert has where he posted that! Could you tell us where that site is? I know of his regular site where he said

""A man died in a collapsed home near Kate Gosselin.

But she is so self-absorbed and insensitive to others that she would take to her Twitter account to declare #SuperfunSandy.""

In THIS post he didnt say it was Kate's fault that a man died, just that she was insensitive to call all the crisis "Super Fun".

I will be the first one to jump on his back if he is posting somewhere that Kate should have been working at a shelter to help others instead of home, or that her lack of awareness is somehow the cause of the hurricane, and it's tragedies and destruction. Please, Maggie, point me to where he is saying those kinds of things. I am very sincere, you are so upset I do believe you read it somewhere.

Jo said...

Maggie may have been reading her sheeple tweets on Twitter. That's just a guess though. Or maybe one of the pro-Kate blogs. Kate can never do anything wrong.

chesterctymom said...

Maggie said... 90

Your day will come too, KARMA

You're not threatening Robert, are you Maggie? Sounds like it...

wayward said...

Dwindle said... 20
Virginia Pen Mom said... 177
@deannatweeting are you guys ok this am? Looks like it was worse for you in NYC then us here in my part of Pa...


Is it just me or is she sounding astounded to find out that someone other than Katie experienced a bit of wind and rain too? She is a danger to society, she belongs in a hospital. My god. Just when I think she cant possibly express anything more stupid than she did an hour ago...

Gee, Kate. What things in NYC looked worse than urgent weather updates ruining your evening of DWTS watching there in Wernersville?

Was it the 20ft. crane collapsing? The power substation exploding? The subway system being underwater? The huge fires in Queens?

Kate is so clueless and so self absorbed, she couldn't even fake having some worried concern for Deanna. This is beyond narcissism. Narcissists can put on a good show when they have to. Admin said her narcissist was a pro at it. Kate cannot even pretend to be appropriate when the situation calls for it. She. Does. Not. Care. about anyone but herself. How sad it is that when PhillyChitChat was threatening to tell some kind of secret, she was clearly beside herself, in a complete panic, desperately tweeting back and forth with him as if her life depended on it. But for a storm that has wreaked absolute devastation, death, and months of reconstruction to come... #SuperFunSandy!!! "It's ridiculous that school has been cancelled two days for this." ~ Administrator said...

Karma? No one did anything wrong by pointing out that a funsandy tweet is insentive. Way to turn it around on the whistleblower.

Dwindle said...

Parent In Lancaster County said... 42
@steelergirl1014 @mylilabbster @Kateplusmy8 Im sure Kate will share w/her kids what has happened now that danger has past. #KidsWellEducated

How can Kate educate her kids on the devastating impact of this storm when she has no idea what has happened?

See, this is why I feel so strongly that Milo is in a care facility somewhere. Day after day, she creates these "Very Special Episodes" of Milo&Kate: Together At Last. Kids Well Educated? Very Healthy Meals? And she prefaces every fanstasy with "I'm sure that..." as she makes it up. No one can function in reality in this fugue state she is in. Isnt kate embarrassed by this? Or is she lapping up these fantasies happy she didnt have to strain herself creating it all on her own. Maybe she knows Milo is locked up and will never bother her so it is ok to lead her on like kate does.

aggiemom09121416 said...

OT, so scroll on by...(lol)
I just watched a commercial for a money lender, in small print it said an average loan of $10,000 had a % rate of 89.95%.
good grief!

AuntieAnn said...

You got it all wrong Maggie. It's all JON'S fault.

wayward said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 103
OT, so scroll on by...(lol)
I just watched a commercial for a money lender, in small print it said an average loan of $10,000 had a % rate of 89.95%.
good grief!
Lol.. I think that's the one that is run from an Indian Reservation. Our rules don't apply. I'm sure alot of people take them up on it though :(

The Maggie outburst above is a reflection of how Robert has the ewes all riled up in the barnyard. I think they know and accept that he has the goods. Kate will not refute the book and "make it all go away" likes she usually does. This uncertainty is killing them.

The theme today is that we/Robert are blaming Kate for the storm, so it doesn't surprise me that one came over here to drop a few sheep turds.

jl dent said...

I thought if you wanted to be on the wife swap both parents had to live in the house according to the rulesis it different for celebrity? I doubt if Kate would even take any ideas feom someone else cause with her its her way or no way. Wonder if they will have to find a dog for shoka

Audible Click said...

Maggie try to read for comprehension. Robert did not state anything was Kate's fault. He was highlighting the fact that she has no empathy or compassion which was very apparent when she used the hash tag #SuperfunSandy. Hash tags are used on Twitter to emphasize the point you want to get across, she is disgusting in her deliberate ignorance of the deaths and destruction cause by the storm but her time will come.

Anonymous said...


Here in central OH in '77 we got hit in mid Jan. We had another huge storm in Jan of '78. Technically, I think, the storm that hit upstate NY and Ontario is called THE Blizzard of '77 which was the end of Jan. On that Fri the 14th back in '77 I was making a sack lunch for DH, a fried egg sandwich, and my water broke. We did a slip slide (in our AMC Gremlin no less) to the hospital. My little bundle of joy and I stayed in the hospital 2 extra days just because of the storm and all the power outages and road closings. The insurance agreed..fancy that!

I grew up in NE OH on Lake Erie. Used to lots of snow. Here in Cols, below the squall line, usually not so much. Buffalo gets lots of snow, yes? The winter of '77 was a bad one all around. That's for sure LOL

barbee said...

The premise for Celebrity WIFE Swap is that one Celebrity WIFE is swapped for another Celebrity WIFE and they each live with the others' spouse, right? So WHAT spouse does SHE have for the actual celebrity spouse to live with? SHE'S NOT MARRIED. How do these rumors start and how do people believe them? ~ Administrator said...

Barbee it's more like a family swap. You don't have to have a husband. They might have thought 8 kids was interesting enough.. Look at Kendra's tweets from the same week. Look at Kate's. It's pretty coincidental how it all lines up perfectly. I guess we'll see.

Wayward speaking of my narcissist they got reality tv offers like this all the time. And said no all the time. Sure it was money. Sure it was fame. And sure it was the family's dignity. Real celebs say no to things like this.

aggiemom09121416 said...

AuntieAnn 104 said
You got it all wrong Maggie. It's all JON'S fault.
lol, my laugh for the day!
You are right though, Jon has spoiled a lot of Kate's plans...he outed the fake marriage which in turn killed the teevee show, which killed her love is in the mix cookbook and the kid's clothing line...
his not being on her new K+8 show killed that one too...
his getting 50/50 custody blows a hole in her mother earth persona as well.
Yep, it's all Jon's fault.
(and can't forget Robert is buddies with Jon!)

Localyocul said...

by Kara Wild -- 01/16/2005
This week is a bit of a twist on the ol' Wife Swap format, as we get a single mom whose kids are rowdy and the house unkempt swaps with a married woman who lives in perfect order. It's not MUCH of a twist, but we'll take what we can get.

NOT that wife swap is a done deal or anything, just pure SPECULATION

TotallyDisgusted said...

If Kate did do Wife Swap how does her buddy Deanna fit in? I thought they were together that week.

Call Me Crazy said...

I apologize in advance for the rant you are about to read. I have gone round the bend.


SUPERFUNSANDY???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? Kate Gosselin, you must be THE most insensitive, ignorant, self-serving, pathetic, vapid, ignorant (again), selfish, self-absorbed, terrible excuse for a compassionate human being on this planet! How can you be so clueless? How dare you act so flippant in the face of the misery and tragedy and agony and hardships so many people are experiencing!

People have been killed, including an 8-year-old Pennsylvania boy who was hit by a tree limb!

People's homes have been destroyed.

Jersey shore towns, including Atlantic City, Ocean City, Beach Haven and Long Beach Island are under water.

Seaside Heights and Cape May are covered in sand where roads and yards and homes used to be.

Sea Isle City is inaccessible.

The entire borough of Moonachie, NJ, is under water after a levee broke, and brave men and women are risking their lives to rescue stranded residents.

80-100 homes in Breezy Point, NY, burned to the ground while surrounded by flood waters.

NYC subway tunnels are flooded.

Millions are without power.

Ground Zero (you know...that place where buildings that were hit by "bombs or whatever" once stood) is completely flooded.

Did I mention that people have DIED?!?

And that is just a small sampling of what has happened.

Does ANY of that sound at all SUPER FUN???

Kate, can you look away from the mirror, and pull your ear or fingers from your iPhone, for a few seconds to show some sincere empathy for the plight of others? Can your tiny little "me me me" brain begin to comprehend any of this? Do you even know how to show concern or compassion for others?

And to all you rabid Kate fans and apologists who come here to stir up trouble: Are you AT ALL capable of recognizing such gross insensitivity and disregard for others?

I challenge even ONE of you, or just ONE of you fans who express their undying, unquestioning, unfaltering love and affection and admiration for Kate, to show you have an ounce of human compassion and sense and publicly acknowledge that Kate and her "#SuperfunSandy" was completely, totally, inexcusably insensitive. Can one of you do that??


OK. Deep Breath.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled blogging.

Audible Click said...

Maybe Deanna was there to trowel on the makeup.

Anonymous said...

Great article AGAIN Sue Buddy!

LoveMyGrandsons said...

I just wanted to stop in and say that it's so good to see posts from many of our east coasters! Thank you for letting us know you are safe.

I was glued to the weather channel last night and was in shock over some of the videos and pictures. My heart and prayers continue to go out to everyone who has suffered through this terrible storm.

And there's Kate who is tweeting, the kids upset about not being able to watch DWTS, and by mid morning, she still had not gone outside to survey her own home or see if others need help. How clueless and selfish can one person be.

Anonymous said...

Poor Kendra... if this Wife Swap is true can you imagine the lists she would have had to follow. The way I see it, Kate would have saved on the expense of a Nanny, Housekeeper, personal Chef, etc, for a week.
And if Deanna went she probably did Kate's makeup and hair. ~ Administrator said...

Just a general note about Wife Swap, especially the celebrity version where they are picking really D-list, horrible celebs with often a questionable past. And then to hear that you are not told ahead of time who are you are swapping with?

What woman in her right mind would willingly turn her children over to someone they didn't know??? Look at Garey Busey. He was on this show last season. He had a motorcycle accident in the 80's that did permanent brain damage. He reportedly acts impulsively as a result. He also has a drug and domestic violence history. You're just going to leave your kids with him??? That's craziness. I can't believe the reality show crap that is on these days.

Anonymous said...

Speculation of celebrity wife swap -

I get that you don't have to be a traditional family to participate.

But, if true, who would have stayed with the kids during this time? Khate would love it if they portrayed her to be "alone". Nannies behind the scenes? Deanna behind the scenes? Skeevo behind the scenes? Jon behind the scenes?

Mind boggling. ~ Administrator said...

But, if true, who would have stayed with the kids during this time? Khate would love it if they portrayed her to be "alone". Nannies behind the scenes? Deanna behind the scenes? Skeevo behind the scenes? Jon behind the scenes?


I'm sure for anyone on this show it's all of the above. I don't think all reality shows are scripted, I think some are more authentic than others, but this one screams SCRIPTED, and as Scott would say, unauthentic. Hehe.

Dwindle said...

Call Me Crazy said... 114
I apologize in advance for the rant you are about to read. I have gone round the bend

I luv ya CMC any day of the week, but especially since you used the phrase 'gone round the bend'. It's right up there with 'takes a powder' as one of my favorite but hard to use correctly phrases.

Loved your rant, no apologies needed for me!

Dwindle said...

TotallyDisgusted said... 113
If Kate did do Wife Swap how does her buddy Deanna fit in? I thought they were together that week.

In order to film Wife Swap, there would have been a production crew of MULTIPLE people attached to Kate's ass. Deanna was one of them, and while Hank Jr was locked in his room for 1/2 day at a time, Deanna started up the concrete mixer and got out her trowel.

QUESTION: How many vultures give their lives and feathers to keep Kate Gosselin in false eyelashes? And WHY does she wear them on only ONE EYE? What is up with THAT!?

I am feeling snarky x8 tonight.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Call Me Crazy, that was an excellent post. No need to apologize for that.

berks resident said...

Just my 2 cents, but with the way Kate was tormented about her ridiculous persona of "whining, helpless Kate " during last year's Oct. 29 storm, I have a feeling she put her acting pants on to make everyone know that this time she was "fun, big girl Kate" so she wouldn't be ridiculed...but as she always does, takes it way farther than necessary to the point of being a jackass.

She doesn't get tact, she just gets tackY.

Oh and regarding Robert's clues, I think you all did a fabulous job figuring them out!

TotallyDisgusted said...

Thanks Dwindle. I forgot about her being a makeup person. Was going to say artist, but don't know if she really qualifies as one.

Dwindle you're too funny. Love reading your posts. ~ Administrator said...

Deanna being there is a big red flag this is a PRODUCTION not a reality show. There is no makeup department on authentic reality shows. See, The Farmer's Wife.

Dwindle said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 103
OT, so scroll on by...(lol)
I just watched a commercial for a money lender, in small print it said an average loan of $10,000 had a % rate of 89.95%.
good grief!


There was one that Gary Coleman was doing commercials for (before he died, of course) and the interest rate was 99.99%.

aggiemom09121416 said...

There was one that Gary Coleman was doing commercials for (before he died, of course) and the interest rate was 99.99%.
I missed that one. I was flabbergasted when I saw the one on tv today. I didn't name it, but the earlier poster knew exactly which one I was referring to. I was also stunned that I could actually read the %rates; usually commercials like that print it so small no one can read it. This has to be illegal. There are usury laws. I can't imagine being in such an unscrupulous business, taking advantage of people like that. It's horrible.

carezee said...

Flight of the Kiwi...

Awww that is such a nice story. You have an adventure you were able to share with your little bundle of joy and your grandbabies. I remember the the AMC Gremlin. LOL

Yes Buffalo is known for having snow. Ever since that Blizzard we've had a hard time living that reputation down. We do have nice weather here but people seem to think we always have snow. LOL. Yes we get our weather from Lake Erie too. That must have been an especially bad winter for you too. I thought I had read that you were hit with our blizzard that year too. Perhaps I am mistaken though.

By the way I may seem crazee but I am really carezee. LOL

JoyinVirginia said...

Dh and I have been out and about this afternoon and evening. On the interstate 95 heading north, saw convoys of power company trucks from NC, Florida, and SC all heading north. Extra help is on way for communities without power.
I think Ms Kreider s fun was just another twitter episode. I doubt the kids were with her.
This is one of three things I am geeky about. Hurricane season is the perfect time to teach kids practical lessons. Get a hurricane tracking map from Red Cross or NOAA website. You learn latitude and longitude, wind patterns, ocean currents, geography, difference between tropical depression and storm and hurricane, lots of things. And you can start explaining about emergency preparedness to little kids! Protecting children includes explaining things in an age appropriate way.

NJGal51 said...

I sent Andy Cohen a tweet suggesting Kate as his jackhole again for her "#superfunsandy" tweet during worst of the storm. Send him an email or tweet if you agree.

Anonymous said...

Oh Carezee - forgive me! I am the crazy one - not you...ack. I confess, I see 'crazee'

I blame ambien...

NJGal51 said...

Call Me Crazy - You need to send your rant to Anderson Cooper, Bill O'Riley and anyone else that does a "dumb shit of the day" segment. You have pointed out very well what a dumb shit Kate really is.

JW said...

Just some of my thoughts and comments right now:

Admin, you mention the Celebrity Wife Swap filming would involve a production crew. So couldn't there have been production vehicles parked at Kate's home (like at their prior home) while Kendra was there, that neighbors or maybe even Robert could drive by to see them? And just speculating, but maybe Robert did some asking around to learn what was really going on there?

I was just re-reading the ROL article where Robert is hinting at having a bombshell and he said:

“I don't know anything for fact… I got a call from a source who told me about Kate filming the kids with someone else in the past two weeks for a new reality show. The person is a big name,” Hoffman told Radar exclusively.

I wouldn't consider Kendra Wilkinson a "big name", even though I knew who she was. And I'm hoping that since they may not even air until next January, with Kendra being a D list star and Kate far below her, that it may not even see the light of day.

Admin, you also mentioned above that you think her possibly going away to do this filming caused her to get fired from CC. I think it was the straw that broke the camels back because someone who was 'allegedly' in the know said she had received 4 written warnings, etc before getting canned. So who knows!

Linda said...

Power just came back on in my town in York Co., PA after being off 28 hours. I am thankful we only lost power. My heart goes out to those who lost homes homes and businesses. All are in my prayers. ~ Administrator said...

JW yes I bet it was the straw that broke the camel's back. I bet they had their list of issues they had with her but when Scott didn't like her associating with Wife Swap (i.e. his inauthentic comment) and she told him too bad I'm doing it, his hands were tied, he had to fire her to protect his wholesome company and his charities. She pushed him one too many times. I bet she honestly thought he would never actually fire her. Narcissists never think this could happen because they are the greatest, can't be replaced.

readerlady said...

Call Me Crazy 114 -- Brava!! Brava!! Brava!! You haven't gone 'round the bend at all. You sound remarkably sane to me, and have put into words the outrage I've been feeling ever since I read about that incredibly stupid and insensitive tweet of KK's. If you are always this eloquent when you "go 'round the bend", I hope you do it more often.

Tucker's Mom said...

Something went down at CC for Scott to fire Kate so publicly and strongly worded. I think her insubordination just got to be too much. Remember, CC came out and defended hiring Kate, which was big of them to do. For CC to turn around and fire her like this must have been precipitated by something more horrible than Kate's useless posts. I mean, they actually did post them!

Wowser said...

Check out this picture of the 11's are crazy and it must have been right after the birth of the "girls". Holy crapola!

Tucker's Mom said...

btw, do you think Kate's tweeting about making Halloween costumes is a big f-u to CC? Or maybe her posting that she just wasn't going to do Halloween was the middle finger.
Strange that she'd make such a big deal about making costumes when she basically said "Halloween? Don't do it!"

Wowser said...

Oops...forgot the link. : )

Tucker's Mom said...
Kate's face has morphed into another person's face since that photo was taken.
My goodness, she makes that face an awful lot.

readerlady said...

Marilyn Beck and Stacy Jenel Smith, who are Hollywood gossip columnists, have a tacky taste award every year. They are taking nominations now for this year's award, which will be announced Thanksgiving w/e. I nominated KK, and you can too, if you like. You can email them at or go to their blog at and make your nomination in the comment section. KK's been on their list every year for the past 3 years. I say it's time she wins it!

Wowser said...

Tucker's mom....that's because she is always chewing on a wad of gum ( see it in the side of her mouth) and she's always making the disgusted "you don't know how to help me" face or the "I just don't get it face" ~ Administrator said...

Something went down at CC for Scott to fire Kate so publicly and strongly worded. I think her insubordination just got to be too much.


Yes I agree.

I think part of her insubordination was I'm going to film what projects I want to film when I want to and don't expect to hear from me and I don't care what you think of this project.

Basically she left her employer in the dust to run off to LA and do what she wanted to do no matter how trashy it was and no matter their concerns that it was associated with them and reflected on them, a wholesome midwestern company. Scott could have waited until it aired to fire her but he had to do it right when he was filming to make it clear he didn't want to be associated with this project.

Her attitude was probably, I dare you to fire me. And for the first time, someone DID, lol!

Kirkland said...

I know this is off topic, and I hope it's okay. But my state (Washington) has an initiative to allow charter schools in the state.

I know absolutely nothing about charter schools. Yes, I've searched the internet and it seems like a good thing. I've read pros and cons, but each side seems to make their case.

I was hoping to get a point of view from someone who already knows about charter schools, and maybe has personal experience with them.

Thanks. And again--my apologies for going off topic. Sometimes I just get so tired of Kate and her drama! :)

readerlady said...

Ooops! That email addy for Marilyn Beck and Stacy Jenel Smith should read

Mel said...

Kate always thought she was too good for CC. You could see her practically sniff when she had to say their name. I think she was embarrassed by them.
I can' t figure out why she even took that job. For the free travel with Steve, I guess.
I think that if something better came along, she planned on ditching them in a heartbeat.
So much for being a contract-honorer.

Sue Buddy said...

Mel, A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate, AuntieAnn, Dwindle, koop dedoo, thank you all for your comments.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

I have a question about Kate's twitter feed. Sometimes people say things that are insulting such as quit making food a big deal, your girls will have issues etc. And instead of Kate blocking them, she will answer that tweet in a nice way without taking defense.....what is that about? I don't get why she is being nice all of a sudden and rationally answering someone who has just slagged her. ~ Administrator said...

Yes I think she was waiting until she could ditch them for something better. Heck just like how she lives her life in general, use people and things up then discard them.

I think she thought she could just let them simmer on the back burner while she did whatever she wanted that was more exciting, then she could just pop back in when she needed them to pay for her trips to L.A. and things like that.

They actually wanted her to do her JOB, that was not gonna fly.

carolina peach said...

Wowser said... 142

October 30, 2012 6:54 PM

Must have left the good bra drying on the shower rod. Damn, woman. You are not 18 and neither are those puppies. Oops, they're more like 3 or 4, right? They need a good training bra.

capecodmama said...

call me crazy...loved your rant and Agree! Agree! Agree!

Tucker's Mom said...

So much for being a contract-honorer.
And a high road-taker.
I think Kate hated that her new moniker was Coupon Blogger. Let's face it, she was headlining a tv show a year earlier, so it's a demotion. She looked in pain when interviewers intro'd her as the CC blogger, like she was *this close* to one of her famous eyeball rolls. ~ Administrator said...

And she never wanted to talk about CC either. It was always only if they brought it up then she would recite her little script, then go back to talking about her true loves: exploiting the kids and how much they miss the crew, how much she hates Jon, and of course her favorite subject of all, herself. ~ Administrator said...

Off topic has anyone tried the program Evernote?

I've been looking for a great way to organize all my recipes and sync it across computers, iPad and iphone so I can access it anywhere, and I think this is it.

And it's free!

Mel said...

Kendra's tweet said she didn't even know where she was going to be honest.
Does that jive with the swapee's not knowing who they're trading homes with?
What else could she have meant? Why would one travel across the country and not know where they were going? That doesn't even make sense, does it?

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 156
And she never wanted to talk about CC either. It was always only if they brought it up then she would recite her little script
Yes, it was "money in your pocket" and that was about it.
It really does amaze me that Kate could just pretend she didn't just lose her job and so publicly. I guess I've never known anyone who can pretend like that and live in their own little bubble.
I'd be sick to my stomach if I got fired and left rather unamicably with the CEO telling the world that I wasn't a good fit. Most people want to do well, want to please, want to excel at their job because it makes you proud for your accomplishments. Kate's efforts seem so half ass, but her perception is that no one works harder than she does.
It's so odd.

NJGal51 said...

OHW.MY.GAWD! Kate is on a forced twitter silence due to a service disruption in her area. But never fear...she talked with Dianna and to her to let the thundering herd of sheeple know that she'd be back as soon as she could and that all is well. ~ Administrator said...

I've known people like that, although never to this extreme. Always pretending to be so busy, so overworked, so tired. When really they do almost nothing. I think in general, some people in middle management can adopt this kind of false reality. Strange how that happens.

capecodmama said...

My thoughts are with everyone who was devastated by this storm and the families who lost loved ones. I can't believe the destruction in NYC and New Jersey. I saw on the news they had to close parts of Lake Shore Drive (I think that's the name of the road) in Chicago because of the waves from Lake Michigan. Unreal. A weather reporter said the storm was so large that it reached the Arctic Circle. We didn't lose power and no trees or even branches came down. My mil has had no power since 5:30pm last night. She in CT. What a mess. A house can be rebuilt, material things can be replaced but a loved one can't be replaced. Kate is an effing asshole.

Tucker's Mom said...

capecodmama said... 162
Those poor people in NYC who had to watch their houses burn down while standing in 4 ft. of water.

AuntieAnn said...

Haha. I went to to find out more about Wife Swap. I think I watched it once when a woman had a nervous breakdown because she was stuck with a family of heathens or something like that. Anyway I got a kick out of the tags.

More Info About This Show



abrasive parent, bad parenting, blatant misogyny, catfights, cringeworthy

I think there's every chance Kate will be on this show.

Anonymous said...

OK Let me get this straight. It is ok to speculate and cause rumors but it isn't ok to say you saw Kate at such and such date at such and such place with her kids while she was gone. ~ Administrator said...

OK Let me get this straight. It is ok to speculate and cause rumors but it isn't ok to say you saw Kate at such and such date at such and such place with her kids while she was gone.


No, it's fine if you can verify it. Rule 2.

You have to understand the sheeple LOVE to get people all in a tizzy. They love to, when certain blogs allowed it, hang out there and say they saw Kate here, there, doing this, that, then sit back and laugh as people fall for it. Unfortunately a few bad apples have ruined the ability for insiders to share on a regular basis.

Insider stories are allowed, they simply need to be run past me via email first.

Time will tell what she was up to that week so just be patient.

Anonymous said...

But you will swear she is doing wife swap without verifing it. Interesting? The rumors you have created are already in twitter and not one single person can verify it. Just speculation that is turnng into a rumor yet again.

grandee4 said...

Call Me Crazy, please don't apologize for your rant, you said everything I tried to tweet Kate this morning after reading her Fun Sandy comment and not forgetting her bomb or something statement about 911.

I sure hope this will be the last vile thing out of her mouth. People are blasting her on twitter and on other sites.

Again, I am a Katrina and most recently, Isaac survivor, we lost everything and still putting the pieces together. Some here still have not rebuilt. Our lives have changed forever and the same is happening right now on the East Coast. Watching NBC special and tears fill my eyes watching this happening again. OMG, I wish I could help in some way.

I think everyone should notify anyone who may have her as a guest on their show, interview her or hire her and let them know how hateful, cold and vile this woman is. She has ice flowing through her veins.

I don't think there is anyone in this great USA that has not been affected in some way with the recent weather activity and it's only going to get worse. Her insane statements will be noticed and will destroy her.

Hope everyone is safe tonight and picking up the pieces, trying to get back to normal. My heart hurts for all of you. Much love sent your way. Take care.

AuntieAnn said...

Anonymous said... 167
But you will swear she is doing wife swap without verifing it. Interesting? The rumors you have created are already in twitter and not one single person can verify it. Just speculation that is turnng into a rumor yet again.

Uh oh. I think And Yet is back. ~ Administrator said...

Anonymous, I didn't SWEAR anything. I haven't the foggiest notion if she is doing Wife Swap. I think she could be, but I don't know for sure. I think it sure adds up based on her tweets and Kendra's tweets, but I certainly don't know for sure.

I didn't "create" any such rumor. There were three things that happened here. Earlier in the month Kate tweeted about being off doing a project and being wiped out, then Robert posted that he thought she might be doing something with a former Playboy girlfriend, then we found tweets from Kendra at the same exact time. None of them had a thing to do with this blog creating anything.

This is called making educated guesses based on what little we know. First some of us thought it might be a dating show and then as we received more pieces of the puzzle we revised that guess. Some of us like puzzles, oh well deal with it.

What is the big deal if people think she is doing Wife Swap or not? What is the big deal if it's a rumor? It's really not a big deal. Either she isn't and we had some fun speculating, or she is and I'll have some fun recapping. This isn't the Cuban Missile Crisis. It's just celebrity speculation. It's fun. Now take a deep breath and either join the fun or move on. ~ Administrator said...

Aren't speculating and rumor about the same thing? LOL. A rumor is a rumor. It's not necessarily the truth although it could be.

Kate is a big girl and if she has a problem with this rumor she is welcome to speak up. She doesn't need rescuing all the time from her sheeple.

AuntieAnn said...

Kate is the one who instigates the speculation. She likes to play 'guess what I was doing' which leaves it wide open for conjecture. It doesn't do her any good it just makes her look even more idiotic - if that's possible. Most people would be happy to share what they've been up to and promote it. Kate does the opposite because she's just plain stupid about the business. ~ Administrator said...

Right. If Kate hadn't said anything about some project and all that she said what could we really say?

She put the bait out there and we can't be blamed for taking it and running with it.

AuntieAnn said...

What we do know for sure and can swear by is it won't be anything spectacular.

JoyinVirginia said...

I agree speculation about Ms Kreider is made because she is a lying liar who lies. I do not believe the kids were with her during the storm.
She is also boring. And despicable. And does not have sense enough to take care of a pet rock, so I am sure there is no living dog on her property now. And probably no chickens either. She did not venture out to care for them, so no living chickens any more either.

Maggie said...

Thinking Robert lies to stay in print. Teasing here and on ROL Got a call can't say anything.He wants the big money. If Gosselin films, Jon gets paid to.Gosselin, Robert & Jon are all crazy enjoying this blog trying to figure them out.Just crazy. Now the dog's photo appears? To long as this blog and robert exist she stays on top to. I agree with Heather that speculation should not be by Robert either. Ignore him Gosselin makes him money. Karma and why would I care about any of them? They don't think of anyone not even admin who pushed his book.Snubbed by Robert!Haven't been on here in months and same old same old who hates gosselin hair, looks, clothes but she doesn't stop. Anderson Cooper got fired today and no one mentions it? He hates gosselin.Everyone who appears on TV, acts, reality gets fired at some time. No one cares.

gabby2 said...

Twitter question: how do we if 100,000 of KK's followers aren't blocked non-fans just comin' to tell her what they think of her, and the other 23,000 aren't paid hacks?

wayward said...

AuntieAnn said... 169
Anonymous said... 167
But you will swear she is doing wife swap without verifing it. Interesting? The rumors you have created are already in twitter and not one single person can verify it. Just speculation that is turnng into a rumor yet again.

Uh oh. I think And Yet is back.
Darn it, AuntieAnn, was it my turn to set the Havasheep trap or was it yours? I can't remember. I am out of Purina Sheep Chow to bait the trap with, could you make sure it's set tomorrow? It has worked so well, but there's that one pesky sheep who keeps finding their way back after being released into the interwebs ;)

Anonymous said...

Ok I just did a political survey at 9:30 pm.
Why did I think they had to stop calling at 9? Oh well anyways speculations become rumors and the first speculation of this wife swap I saw here. Then I saw it on twitter. Maybe it is true but most likely not. Rumors seem to get started here then move to twitter then to tabloids. Want Kate to go away stop the speculation. Just my opinion of course. You don't need to agree with me and you certainly do not need to point out why my opinion is wrong just so you know. ~ Administrator said...

Hey my boy Anderson wasn't "fired", his talk show simply wasn't renewed. He still has his job at CNN. It's a non story which probably explains why no one cares. Lol.

Military Family Member said...

Did someone mention of putting an avatar of The Unknown Soldier on this blog? How dare you if you do. Show respect. Family members of so many of us will not appreciate that. Please don't do that, please.

gabby2 said...

omg, I just thought of something. Regarding the speculation of KK's new "project", and possibly talking with K she getting advise on marketing (leaking) her purseboy video porn. Hey it worked for Kim.

LOLOL....Krazy Kate Does PurseBoy X 8!

Did I go too far??

AuntieAnn said...

wayward said... 178

Darn it, AuntieAnn, was it my turn to set the Havasheep trap or was it yours? I can't remember. I am out of Purina Sheep Chow to bait the trap with, could you make sure it's set tomorrow? It has worked so well, but there's that one pesky sheep who keeps finding their way back after being released into the interwebs ;)

We slipped up. I thought they'd be glued to Kate's #SuperFunSandy diary. We'd better get the economy size cuz the whole flock is gonna show up here if Kate's twitter is down.

Kristine said...

What's everyone doing for Halloween? Be safe!

Hubby & I just got our pumpkins, and re-upped on more candy. When I entered the Game Room just now... he had a long folding table all set up with them on it. White paper, and all the J&K+8 fixens'.

I shrieked aloud, "OMG... 10 Little Pumpkins!" Then I yelled... "Jon, Jon! Clean up that table now, it's turning me into a crazed animal- get that rabies pole out, stat!"

*Waving at Bearswife* (soul-sister). I had not realized you lived in Canada, and are from NY. My step-mom is from upstate, originally. I love it when our neighbors to the north, contribute on anything Kate. So fun.

(Speaking of FUN-- No, it's not FUN not to speculate here... the Kendra theory seems rather plausible, and FUN :)

I remembered what the beef between Kate and Kendra was years ago, now. Kendra Wilkinson tweeted/interviewed that she could never take off and leave her kids (she just has baby Hank) for months on end, to tape something like DWTS. She referenced Kate Gosselin, and then went back and said that was just not HER personal mothering style. Granted, when K-Dub appeared on DWTS in a later season, she lived here in L.A. County.

JoyinVirginia said...

Anderson Cooper has more talent in his toenail clippings than Ms Kreider has in her entire body.
And doesn't he look gorgeous reporting on the hurricane and aftereffects in NYC! Love that Anderson!

Maggie said...

Can't help it. Gonna blow Robert out of the water!

Kris Jenner offered a Talk Show on FoxTV and Kate Gosselin is her co host.

You got it from me first, not Robert! ~ Administrator said...

The photo of the guards is all over the Internet. What is wrong with that? It should be shared. It's a moving tribute to patriotism. I'm not understanding why it's offensive to want as many people to see it as possible. People here often have things worth sharing.

Kristine said...

Kate co-hosting with Kris Jenner, Maggie? Now that's something, if it's true. Also, celebrity suicide for Kris Jenner.

I forgot to mention... I can't figure out what to make of my pumpkin! I told hubby, I'm about to finally tape a cheap blonde wig on it, with our BIG wooden kitchen spoon, and call it a Katie Irene day. (Sorry, Gosselin kids.)

carezee said...

Maggie said... 186
Can't help it. Gonna blow Robert out of the water!
Kris Jenner offered a Talk Show on FoxTV and Kate Gosselin is her co host.
You got it from me first, not Robert!

Well there is one certain way of making sure it is a flop and won't get picked up:)

Another Military Family Member said...

This site is not one of patriotism nor is it one of seriousness.Child Abuse being serious but your avatars are jokes about Kate Gosselin. Why would condemning people of Kate Gosselin have The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier as an avatar on this site? You don't have avatars about children, child abusers, child murderers, pedaphiles, leave The Tomb alone, the Military is sacred and their loss of life is also. Be respectful about the Military. We are at War. You place Arlington Nat'l Cemetary on this site and you disrespect my family and those my family members loved who rest there. You people would put it up for halloween you are so wicked in your thinking.

Reality Bites said...

Bethenny doesn't have a co-host. Why would Kris Jenner have one much less someone as unlikeable, unpopular as Kate Gosselin?

Maggie is pulling your chain.

Maggie said...

Don't know anything about Kris Jenner but she is always on talk shows as a co host and is funny She is a mover and shaker and making a fortune. She could train Gosselin. Most viewed shows were Gosselin shows, they got more viewers than Honey boo boo. But Robert didn't get it here first, teasing like a fool. It is all over the talk show circuit if I even got the call.

NJGal51 said...

I am a REAL military family member and do not have a problem with the picture of the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown being posted as an avatar. It was done at the request of someone who couldn't pull up the picture that so many were talking about yesterday. I asked my husband his opinion and he doesn't have a problem with it. HOOAH!

Expect more sheeple traffic in the site. As I said above, Kate is on a forced twitter silence due to service disruption in her area.

carezee said...

Maggie if Tony couldn't teach Kate to dance I highly doubt Kris could teach her to be a co- host. If she is anything she is a poor student. She already knows everything. No one knows how to help her. Doncha know?

Greedy Gosselins said...

Military Family Member, I'm crossing my fingers that this blog respects the military enough to honor your request.

Can't we admin? It's really not a big deal since it seems to much to this poster.

Since I'm in request mode, can we not respect everyone's post here? Calling everyone who doesn't agree with the blog 'a sheeple' seems so high school clique-ish.

Smoochie said...

Flight, I lived in Columbus during the blizzard of '77 too. Now live in Canada, but at that time, we were stationed at Rickenbacker AFB and I was in middle school. That winter was carazy.

Our school was closed for I believe a month (hard to remember exactly, but seemed like forever to me at the time) due to the energy crisis. We had to pick up lessons from the elementary school beside the base, complete them and turn them in. They also programmed and aired 'courses' on public tv which we had to watch and complete work on also. We weren't back in school a week, when the pipes froze, busted and we were back out for another week (temps turned down at night to save energy ... fail)!

gabby2 said...

Military family members.....remind me again why you came to this site??

...also, I remember the good old days when Krazy Kate said she would NEVER have a nanny. LOL

wayward said...

NJGal51 said... 193
I am a REAL military family member and do not have a problem with the picture of the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown being posted as an avatar. It was done at the request of someone who couldn't pull up the picture that so many were talking about yesterday. I asked my husband his opinion and he doesn't have a problem with it. HOOAH!

Expect more sheeple traffic in the site. As I said above, Kate is on a forced twitter silence due to service disruption in her area.

I don't think any of our other military families would disapprove either.

This is just predictable old CJ 'socking it to us' lol... thinking that she is so clever by coming up with different names and different, nonsensical ways that we are offensive to mankind. So creepy. {shudder}

carezee said...

Flight of the Kiwi....

Oh Carezee - forgive me! I am the crazy one - not you...ack. I confess, I see 'crazee'

I blame ambien...

Nothing to forgive. It made me laugh. Yep more often than not I am crazee and I don't even need ambien:) ~ Administrator said...

One person does not speak for the entire military and what the entire military thinks is appropriate. Furthermore, I am wracking my brain trying to figure out why in the world this would be in the least bit disrespectful. I think it's wonderful to bring awareness to things like this. For instance I know this blog introduced a lot of people to the wonderful film Taking Chance. By the way, if you have HBO, you can sign up for, which I believe is usually free if you have HBO. For me it is. And then you can see Taking Chance right now. I've already seen it, but last night in bed with hbogo on, I watched it again. So I was a little tired the next morning but I just had to finish it all the way through. It's such an important film.

This photo has been shared all over the place, especially Facebook. Several of my military friends shared it, including my friend whose husband is a guard, currently. I am at a loss why this is an issue whatsoever.

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