Rep. Murt, who ran against Democrat newcomer Robert McGuckin, tonight is projected to win with over 68% of the votes--a landslide. Rep. Murt did not need to associate himself with anyone famous to win--he had this in the bag. And apparently, his views on the Gosselins did not dissuade his electorate, who have made their voices heard--reelect Murt. Makes you wonder, if all politicians never had to worry about a reelection, like Murt, what causes would they really take up? Here's to all of PA's children finally being property protected during his next term. Meanwhile, Jon tweeted to his followers tonight to get out there and vote.
24 sediments (sic) from readers:
What's the sheeple's theory on why he would go after poor poor Kate now? Because it certainly wasn't for votes. Isn't that what they used to say, the guy just wants votes? He could have won this election in his sleep.
So what if Murt was reelected. kate Gosselin just earned $250,000 for the Alaska episode and another $250,000 for the Halloween costume/cornfield episode. Murt is useless and ineffective in stopping Kate Gosselin. Big deal he won by a landslide. Big woop. Kate gosselin is still set for life.
Actually Kate said on camera to Billy Bush just last spring she was not set for life at all. And why is that Kate? Because she blew money like she just won the lotto. It's the very fact she admits she's NOT set for life why we need better laws to protect children's money.
Murt's efforts might help, they might not. But I support anyone willing to take a stand, especially a very public one, and say "this is wrong."
The Sheeple have an overly inflated sense of Kate's "celebrity" status. In their world, she's the Queen -- the woman they all aspire to be .... While they continue to aggrandize her with their nonsensical postings, the rest of the thinking world is quickly forgetting who this latest reality-star-turned-butt-of-the-joke is. Bottom line: the story of the G8 thrust into relief just how seriously lapse child labor laws are in PA. Rep Murt has no interest in the persona non grata that is Kate Gosselin. It's simply that her abuse and exploitation of her eight kids have provided a convenient entre' into a discussion of child labor laws in PA. The Sheeple can be as up-in-arms as their twisted panties can get them, but at the end of the day, it's NOT ABOUT KATE. [Pause for collective gasp from the Sheeple ... and Kate, too, if she's reading this in between box-tippings]. Rep. Murt is concerned about all children in PA, including the G8. Murt's concerns and proposed changes to the laws have never been ABOUT KATE ... rather, they're about protecting all working minors in PA. The Sheeple need to get their collective bleeting heads out of Kate's ass and realize the bigger picture here. Oh, but then they'd actually have to face reality ... and have to think. Okay, my bad.
While I can say Kudos to Murt for his wim, I think the State of PA had bigger issues on the table than the G's kids. If he continues to ride this issue, people will be very upset. Kate is not a political issue in the state!!
But that's why it's so nice to be in Murt's shoes because he doesn't have to worry people will be "upset." He can advocate for what he feels is right in his heart without fear he's out of there. And if people were really upset they could have voted him out--they chose not to, they chose to keep him in office with overwhelming numbers. I have yet to hear anyone from his district speaking out against him saying they're upset. The reality is most people don't really care or know what their politicians are up to.
Plus it's not his only issue for heaven sake, look at his web site he dabbles in all kinds of causes. Like I said, it would be amazing to see what politicians would really be interested in if they didn't always have to worry about the issues swaying voters. We might actually get things done.
Gosh Rep Murt was such a problem for the sheeple before, now they don't care if he is reelected now it doesn't matter--sure it doesn't.
Suzanne said -- Murt is useless and ineffective in stopping Kate Gosselin
You really are out of the loop, aren't you? This isn't about money! This is no time for a defeatest attitude. Rep. Murt doesn't want to "stop Kate Gosselin." This isn't about Kate Gosselin. That was never his intention. She's not that important. This is about protecting ALL children, present and future, who find themselves the victims of unscrupulous entities like TLC. This is to change the laws so that ALL children have a set teacher, someone to look out for them, to protect their rights, to make sure that they are not being taken advantage of. Rep. Murt's purpose is not to pull the plug on such shows, but to make sure that laws are written so that there are no gray areas, no loopholes, such as the antiquated ones we have in Pennsylvania.
You betcha his win was a victory for all children on reality television. He is fighting the good fight. Anyone who cares this deeply about children in the entertainment industry cannot be regarded as "useless and ineffective." Useless people stick their heads in the sand and pretend that if there are problems, the best way to deal with them it to ignore them. He's brought the inefficiency of our laws to the attention of the public, and by darn, he has, and will continue to, make a difference. I've know him for some time, and have had long talks with him about this. His heart is breaking for what kids go through on reality television. He's a fine family man, with a real passion for making sure that all children have advocates to make sure that, in the absence of parents, there will be laws looking out for them. If parents won't protect him, then the state must.
Thanks, Admin., for posting this. We, here in PA, know what a fine and effective lawmaker Rep. Murt is. He goes above and beyond the call of duty...always has, and always will.
What is the objection to limiting the hours that children can be in front of a camera? What is the objection to having a neutral third party (set teacher) on set to make sure they are safe? I seriously want to know why anyone would object. I want to know what is bad about this.
Besides, if Kate is self-regulating and protecting their children anyway as the sheeple claim, why is anyone worried about having a law written in stone that does the same?
I forgot to mention that we (PA) have a new governor, Tom Corbett, current Attorney General. In his speech last night, he said that he wants to do what is best not only for the people of Pennsylvania, but for the children of Pennsylvania. I hope he means what he says, and does what is right for kids in the entertainment industry.
"Besides, if Kate is self-regulating and protecting their children anyway as the sheeple claim, why is anyone worried about having a law written in stone that does the same?"
That has always puzzled me, too. The only thing I can figure out is that the sheeple are afraid that if there are laws, there will be people appointed to watch out for the kids and to make sure that TLC behaves,, and in doing so, may uncover goings-on that currently aren't on the up and up.
As a New Yorker I would like to add, Rep Murt for President!
Are you KIDDING ME? ? Big Woop? Who Cares because Kate is set for life?
You need to expand your horizons and look beyond the arse of Kate.
Rep Murt is looking out for children present and future who are and will be working in the television and movie industry in PA. He's not out to 'stop Kate' from making a living. He's working to protect the children from leeches like TLC who make millions off of filming and displaying private lives of young children who don't know their boundaries.
Get a grip woman! ! Take a walk around your neighborhood and see the forest from the trees.
and please-for sanity's sake...stop drinking the Kool-Aid.
Congratulations to Rep. Murt!
God bless.
Suzanne said...
So what if Murt was reelected. kate Gosselin just earned $250,000 for the Alaska episode and another $250,000 for the Halloween costume/cornfield episode. Murt is useless and ineffective in stopping Kate Gosselin. Big deal he won by a landslide. Big woop. Kate gosselin is still set for life.
Don't worry, Suzanne. Kate is not the issue here. The fact that her children have no rights, or voice to complain about all the hours they are being forced to work, is the issue. Thank goodness for Rep. Murt.
I thought it was very clever of you when you wrote, "Murt is useless and ineffective in stopping Kate Gosselin". You made her sound like a Godzilla-ish creature.
It's funny, but when she grits her teeth smiling, she does look a bit like Godzilla!
Eeeeek! Murt is useless and ineffective in stopping Kate-zilla! Roar!!!! Screech!!! Roar!!!
Good call!
I thought that everyone but Maddy looked pretty happy in that group shot, and boy, was she having some issue. It happens, but a caring parent would not release that shot, but would insist on vetting the pictures, and ask to have another one taken - god knows they were having photo shoots everywhere in Alaska. I will say that there are a few other pictures from that site, and one in particular with Kate and the twins on a glacier where they look postively normal and happy. I guess she left the stilettos at home for this trip. All that said, I won't watch the show, no interest in the exploitation and again, one point about the timing - it's fall holiday time now, who cares to watch what happened on a summer vacation. Part of the reality show concept with kids IMHO is that there should be some seasonal reality. Still not watching.
Thanks for the morning giggles, A Pink.
Dani said...
Thanks for the morning giggles, A Pink.
You are so welcomed ;o)
westcoaster said...
... I won't watch the show, no interest in the exploitation and again, one point about the timing - it's fall holiday time now, who cares to watch what happened on a summer vacation. Part of the reality show concept with kids IMHO is that there should be some seasonal reality. Still not watching.
This episode was originally planned to air as a lead in to Palin's Alaska premiere on Nov 14, but about 2 weeks ago TLC moved this show to air a week prior to Palin's. The separation and unseasonable airing of a summer vscation makes no sense to many people and Admin posted a separate entry about the change when it happened. Showing their visit to Alaska in conjunction with Palin's show is logical, but not completely separate and with no ad mentions --- it makes about as much sense as TLC airing the footage of their recent Halloween activities after the holiday, too.
westcoaster said...
... I won't watch the show, no interest in the exploitation and again, one point about the timing - it's fall holiday time now, who cares to watch what happened on a summer vacation. Part of the reality show concept with kids IMHO is that there should be some seasonal reality. Still not watching.
This episode was originally planned to air as a lead in to Palin's Alaska premiere on Nov 14, but about 2 weeks ago TLC moved this show to air a week prior to Palin's. The separation and unseasonable airing of a summer vscation makes no sense to many people and Admin posted a separate entry about the change when it happened. Showing their visit to Alaska in conjunction with Palin's show is logical, but not completely separate and with no ad mentions --- it makes about as much sense as TLC airing the footage of their recent Halloween activities after the holiday, too.
Dani said...
Thanks for the morning giggles, A Pink.
You are so welcomed ;o)
Thanks for the morning giggles, A Pink.
Congratulations to Rep. Murt!
God bless.
Suzanne said...
So what if Murt was reelected. kate Gosselin just earned $250,000 for the Alaska episode and another $250,000 for the Halloween costume/cornfield episode. Murt is useless and ineffective in stopping Kate Gosselin. Big deal he won by a landslide. Big woop. Kate gosselin is still set for life.
Don't worry, Suzanne. Kate is not the issue here. The fact that her children have no rights, or voice to complain about all the hours they are being forced to work, is the issue. Thank goodness for Rep. Murt.
I thought it was very clever of you when you wrote, "Murt is useless and ineffective in stopping Kate Gosselin". You made her sound like a Godzilla-ish creature.
It's funny, but when she grits her teeth smiling, she does look a bit like Godzilla!
Eeeeek! Murt is useless and ineffective in stopping Kate-zilla! Roar!!!! Screech!!! Roar!!!
Good call!
As a New Yorker I would like to add, Rep Murt for President!
Suzanne said -- Murt is useless and ineffective in stopping Kate Gosselin
You really are out of the loop, aren't you? This isn't about money! This is no time for a defeatest attitude. Rep. Murt doesn't want to "stop Kate Gosselin." This isn't about Kate Gosselin. That was never his intention. She's not that important. This is about protecting ALL children, present and future, who find themselves the victims of unscrupulous entities like TLC. This is to change the laws so that ALL children have a set teacher, someone to look out for them, to protect their rights, to make sure that they are not being taken advantage of. Rep. Murt's purpose is not to pull the plug on such shows, but to make sure that laws are written so that there are no gray areas, no loopholes, such as the antiquated ones we have in Pennsylvania.
You betcha his win was a victory for all children on reality television. He is fighting the good fight. Anyone who cares this deeply about children in the entertainment industry cannot be regarded as "useless and ineffective." Useless people stick their heads in the sand and pretend that if there are problems, the best way to deal with them it to ignore them. He's brought the inefficiency of our laws to the attention of the public, and by darn, he has, and will continue to, make a difference. I've know him for some time, and have had long talks with him about this. His heart is breaking for what kids go through on reality television. He's a fine family man, with a real passion for making sure that all children have advocates to make sure that, in the absence of parents, there will be laws looking out for them. If parents won't protect him, then the state must.
Thanks, Admin., for posting this. We, here in PA, know what a fine and effective lawmaker Rep. Murt is. He goes above and beyond the call of duty...always has, and always will.
Actually Kate said on camera to Billy Bush just last spring she was not set for life at all. And why is that Kate? Because she blew money like she just won the lotto. It's the very fact she admits she's NOT set for life why we need better laws to protect children's money.
Murt's efforts might help, they might not. But I support anyone willing to take a stand, especially a very public one, and say "this is wrong."
The Sheeple have an overly inflated sense of Kate's "celebrity" status. In their world, she's the Queen -- the woman they all aspire to be .... While they continue to aggrandize her with their nonsensical postings, the rest of the thinking world is quickly forgetting who this latest reality-star-turned-butt-of-the-joke is. Bottom line: the story of the G8 thrust into relief just how seriously lapse child labor laws are in PA. Rep Murt has no interest in the persona non grata that is Kate Gosselin. It's simply that her abuse and exploitation of her eight kids have provided a convenient entre' into a discussion of child labor laws in PA. The Sheeple can be as up-in-arms as their twisted panties can get them, but at the end of the day, it's NOT ABOUT KATE. [Pause for collective gasp from the Sheeple ... and Kate, too, if she's reading this in between box-tippings]. Rep. Murt is concerned about all children in PA, including the G8. Murt's concerns and proposed changes to the laws have never been ABOUT KATE ... rather, they're about protecting all working minors in PA. The Sheeple need to get their collective bleeting heads out of Kate's ass and realize the bigger picture here. Oh, but then they'd actually have to face reality ... and have to think. Okay, my bad.
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