Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Alaska ratings hit all time low of 1.3 million

Is it finally over? Ratings are in for Alaska, Here We Come! and they were the worst ever for Kate Plus 8.

Sunday’s 9pm show averaged 1.331 million viewers. The second-lowest rated episode was Pirates, Kites and Turtles, which clocked 1.389.

87 sediments (sic) from readers:

kidsRablessing said...

You mean there are still people torchering themselves by watching this travesty? There is no way I want Kate's perspective on Alaska, for her its a freebie to scratch off the list and to make money off her kids....once again. For the real world folks, we would have to scrimp and save for a trip of a lifetime to Alaska. What a waste of airtime.

Anonymous said...

she did it to herself, all by herself, and her self alone. no one can be this naive. she must have wanted out or she is the dumbest person on the planet.

"Mine all mine."
"i'm eating!!!"
"I sit by the phone, waiting for the call."
"Steve and I never go anywhere alone."
"It's a good bra."
"I don't get it. I just don't get it." Now there is a quote that everyone can actually relate to, eh?

Mimi to 3 said...

Such fantastic news!

Lauren said...

Is it finally over? Ratings are in for Alaska, Here We Come! and they were the worst ever for Kate Plus 8.

Sunday’s 9pm show averaged 1.331 million viewers. The second-lowest rated episode was Pirates, Kites and Turtles, which clocked 1.389.


Anonymous said...

Its a nice continuous drop I'll admit that, but I gave my hopes up for having it below the 1 million.

Just out of curiosity here, what's the lowest any cable network such as TLC will continue to pay to have episodes filmed? I mean Gilligan's Island was dumbed for higher raitings than that if I'm not mistaken. How much farther will this show have to fall into raitings before it is canned? Seriously?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

My understanding of what actually plays a bigger role than the ratings themselves is WHO is watching of that 1.3 as well as what kind of advertising dollars they are getting.

For instance if the demographic was older people who historically have already made up their minds about brand loyalty and are not likely to be swayed by any kind of laundry detergient commercial, these are bad ratings. But if the demographic is younger people, head of households who make shopping decisions and they're going out and buying all the products they are advertising, these are decent ratings.

Which is a big reason why some people think it's very important to contact the advertisers and let them know you're not buying their products. Pulled advertisers equals a pulled show.

It all comes down to that magic sweet spot, a complicated formula of actual numbers, demographics of those watching, advertising, cost of production including Kate's outrageous salary, bad publicity--a magic formula in which TLC will say it's no longer worth it. What that will take I don't know anymore.

Mary Ann said...

To be fair, I have to say this. Kate is really pretty in that picture (the one with the fork).

Anonymous said...

I don't buy any products that sponsor her show(s) or any show she is on and I am in that % that is bad for her and the show, so are many of my friends, together we are campaigning for many others to not watch, guess what-it is working and so thankful!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think that is low enough to cancel the "specials"...it's a cable show and it was up against Desperate Housewives and, due to the football delay, Amazing Race. (Probably similar audiences...younger women/mothers)

TLC ship is sinking said...

Well, considering this is a 'special' airing during November sweeps...1.3 million viewers are not impressive numbers.

This only shows how much Kate Plus 8 NEEDED Sarah Palin's Alaska as a lead-in show to increase her ratings; however, she burned that bridge and her show is finally facing the consequences of those actions.

Have we seen the last of Kate Plus 8? I'm still pessimistic since they were filming less than two weeks ago. It's possible Figure 8/Kate might want to film holiday specials Gosselin style which have yet to air since the divorce was final. Now that the kids are apparently celebrating Halloween (when some commenters have said they didn't before), they could possibly film the Gosselin kids meeting Santa. Maybe there's a Santa's village somewhere in the US the show's producers can convince to agree to filming. (If you grew-up in Southern California, some may remember Santa's Village near Lake Arrowhead, CA which closed a long time ago.)

Melissa said...

With VomitFest 2010 so fresh in viewers' minds, perhaps the previews of the kids on another boat actually acted as a deterrant rather than an enticement to tune in.
Not to mention the shrieking and the hand flapping. Viewers with preteen daughters get enough of that without turning on the TV to watch Kate do it.
It was TLC's fault. If only they'd shown more Alaska and less Kate, more people would have watched.

Not Watching TLC said...

Hopefully, these kids can soon gain some privacy.

Canuck said...

No surprises here - it's not a good show, plain and simple. It's boring. The mother is a lying, shrieking, immature and insufferable cow, the kids are ill-behaved, the bodyguard/boyfriend is a disgrace. What appeal can there possibly be? So when it's all said and done, this woman has wrecked her marriage, wrecked her kids, wrecked her face and turned herself into one of the most hated characters in recent times. For what? Fame? Money? Hope it was worth it Kate. Funny...you seemed happier/prettier a few years ago before you insisted, despite your husband's reluctance, to send your family careening down this path to fame. Or maybe better to say...to destruction. Silly woman.

Denise said...

Marie, not sure what it all means but here is an article:
TLC now has 21 series exceeding 1 million viewers now and grew its ratings in the third quarter despite tough year-ago comparisons from Jon & Kate Plus 8, he told an earnings conference call and highlighted the upcoming debut of Sarah Palin's Alaska on TLC on Sunday Nov. 14.

PaMa said...

Not to worry ... the downward trend is there. The episode probably got a slight bump in ratings from first-time Alaskan viewers checking out the spin on their state. That bump won't be there for the corn maze/Halloween activities show.

Betsy said...

Well I didn't watch but read the recap(thanks Admin) and I have to say that it seemed like a boring episode with another freebie stashed under the Gosselins sleeve. Hopefully TLC will get it and keep the woman home next time.

Wontgetridofherbywatchinghershow.... said...

This is not low enough obviously there are more than just sheeple watching the show so at this rate it will never be cancelled.

Get used to having Kate around. It would appear those who like and dislike Kate want to continue to see her on their tv. That is what is disappointing. These ratings are not low enough to cancel the show. On this site and other sites that are against the kids being on tv people are still tuning in so they are not a solution to the problem they are contributing to the ratings which means they support the kids being on tv. Which means they are also part of the problem. Alot of the reasons people are watching saving the admin who does the recap are poor excuses.

PatE said...

WHO in their right mind would want their product associated with the "World's Most Hated Mother"???

Talk about negative advertising....

BeDoneNow said...

There still might be footage to show. Still some stuff from Alaska, and the staged, fake Halloween stuff. (Maybe the cornmaze staging was specifically intended to contrast with the first Halloween where Aaden got 'lost'.)

I would be surprised if TLC just eats that film. They have already paid for it, they might as well run it. Unless advertisers are directing their minutes to be used elsewhere.

Given the number of folks even on here that admitted they watched, ('I was just clicking through'; 'I was simply curious';) I am truly surprised the numbers were not higher.

They will disappear for some short months and then an "Update!!!!!!!!!!!!" special will appear and everyone will be 'curious' to see the kids and folks will 'just click through' and we will play this game with these children for years to come yet.

DH said...

I still think this is bad news for Kate, demographics or now. When you factor in the costs associated with this particular episode, above and beyond the quarter mil salary she's getting? The cost of sending Kate plus Kids plus Bodyguard (really, WHY?) plus Entourage, made this episode nothing more than a big black hole into which TLC watched their money disappear.

DH said...

Do sponsors actually choose a specific SHOW on which to advertise? Or do they say, "we want this type of audience to see our commercials" and purchase a block of ads with the network choosing when and where they will air?

Just curious, there is alot of questionable info out there.

mama mia said...

Kate is not smart enough to realize she threw away her tv career turning herself into a stilleto wearing boob flaunting dumb blonde bimbo. She is not a comedien, she is not an actor, she is not an entertainer. So that pretty much leaves reality show contestant. And the public hated her on DWTS because she didn't put in the effort to learn to dance. Her carefully crafted Christian Mom image is long blown. Unless TLC comes up with a show that can star the likes of Omarosa and Kate, I'd say her reality show days are numbered. Crap, hope I didn't give TLC any ideas!

SAHM said...

Me Like! Wish there was a thumbs up or a "like" button for the ratings being so low!! Keep up the good job everyone of NOT watching!! Maybe this will be the year that Kate disappears from TV or at least the Gosselin children for that matter.

Crabitha Codswallop said...

HollyBaby is reporting that TWO of the tups have been expelled from school.

Karrie said...

Kate G. and her kids just don't have the "IT" factor. No one wants to watch a family go on lavish vacations and listen to the mom "shrieking" into the microphone. Times are lean in many households and we don't appreciate having our noses rubbed in the affluence and good fortune of the greedy grifter Gosselins. Enough already! Wish them well, just not on the tv screen.

Livvy said...

Hoping this isn't true but its being reported.


Either way that House of Cards that Kate built is crumbling quickly.

Sad for the children IF true.

Michelle said...

If the HollyBaby story that Alexis and Collin have been expelled from school and are now being homeschooled is true, Jon better get his ducks in a row for the upcoming custody hearing (if there still is one).

Having two children with enough emotional issues that they are kicked out of kindergarten be homeschooled by Kate is a recipe for even further disaster.

Jon knows the damage Kate can cause a person's emotional health better than anyone and needs to get custody of the kids. Get them to therapists, now! If Kate never did, they have a father perfectly capable of doing so.

The Gosselin story just gets sadder and sadder.

alyssa said...

NAMES were give this time.According to inside source AlEXIS and COLLIN were expelled from their private school for repeatedly hitting classmates and for using ugly words all the time.They are supposedly homeschooled now. Whether this is true or not, things are so out of control,this is a whole new level.There has been no more news concerning Kate or Jon ,now all the tiltles contain kids' names... Shame on you Jon(yes Jon it is also your fault,sorry to say) and Kate for RUININIG your children's lives forever.SHAME ON YOU! I am speechless...how I feel about this situation cannot be described by words...

Anonymous said...


NT said...

I have never heard of a child being so bad at the kindergarten level that he or she had to be expelled!!! I feel sorry for the kids. Kate must have gone ballistic. Life is probably intolerable in that house. Those poor kids.

Dr. G. said...

If the children were expelled from their private school for emotional problems, the public school district will provide a home school teacher. It is unlikely that Kate is homeschooling them.

Suz said...

PatE said...

WHO in their right mind would want their product associated with the "World's Most Hated Mother"???


Weirdly, even though they have apparently never been a sponsor, I have found it harder and harder to go to Target in the past few years, just because of the negative association with this screaming harridan.

Not very fair to Target, is it? But I just get a bad taste in my mouth now when I see Target red.

Tucker's Mom said...

I really don't want to believe this, but I'm having a hard time imagining that the this outlet would report not just suspension, but expulsion without having a darn good source or sources.
I know that school policies have changed since I was in elementary, and are much more sensitive with far lower tolerance, but expulsion?
Wow....I mean..that was for the really bad troublemakers. And these are 6 year olds?
Is it just me, or does this not seem to comport? Yes, I know, I know, they've hit and tussled with their siblings, but I just can't believe a kindergarten-aged child could be so terrible as to be kicked out!
Sad, if true.

Button Button said...

The situation with those little kids is just tragic. I feel so bad for all of them. If Collin and Alexis were truly expelled, it seems like that would come only after many, many warnings. Who expells kids that young!

Collin has been shown hiding his little face from the camera several times, and Alexis has been portrayed as not taking a lot of guff without defending herself.

I wonder if they weren't reacting to being teased and made fun of many times. Kids do that, we know. Kids can be unbelieveably cruel without really realizing how they are affecting others.

Most children would defend themselves against others being mean to them and making fun of them. Heaven knows there is plenty of ammunition other kids could use against them ... such as potty training, vomiting on themselves, a shrieking mother, etc. etc. etc.

Dena said...

Dr. G. said...

If the children were expelled from their private school for emotional problems, the public school district will provide a home school teacher. It is unlikely that Kate is homeschooling them.


A teacher provided by the district will be a mandated reporter, in which case it's not much of a stretch to suspect that much of what goes on in that house would quickly become the state's business.

A qualified teacher hired by the parents would also be a mandated reporter. I'm guessing that inviting a mandated reporter into this home is the last thing the custodial parent wants.

HOWEVER, "homeschooling" covers a lot of ground. An untrained "nanny" could be hired to "homeschool" the children.

Or, A horrible parent could claim to be "homeschooling" the children, and could even be attempting to do so (though that seems quite unlikely in this case, since the parent in question clearly can't stand to be around the children except for pay).

It could take a full school year before the state catches up to serious inadequacies in those programs.

As ever, the only hope for those kids rests in their other parent. Poor, poor damaged children.

CTmom1 said...

IF IF IF the HollyBaby story is true....
My heart aches for those 8 children

Anonymous said...

'If the children were expelled from their private school for emotional problems...'

All right, all you Kate supporters out there (and I know you read this blog). Tell us, once again, what a WONDERFUL mother Kate is and how being in front of a camera isn't harmful to the kids. Or are you going to blame it all on Jon, yet again?

SoCalRosie said...

Admin.... If there is homeschooling, can TLC step up and cover that?? If so confidentally agreement signed by a teacher? and I will assume that they are mandated reporters. IMO Kate can only keep up a good front for so long. why did they HAVE to say which kids it is??

Has Enough in NJ said...

Some how Kate will spin the children's school mis fortune into book or a series of magazine interviews and or be the new spoke person for something related to this ..... she won't pass up any opportunity not to make a dime off these kids. I wish she would do the right thing get a real job - live within her means and appericate the children God gave her.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

This is another reason for Kate (and Jon) to get away from any form of t.v.

If this isn't a wake-up call for either parent, I don't know what is.

After all the trouble these children are having emotionally and socially- what kind of a person would continue to consider it entertaining to watch these kids on t.v.?

I wish I did not have to say this but, we warned them.


Judy said...

If this information is true..shouldn't this give Jon all the amunition he needs to stop Kate from further destruction of these children?
What has to happen to these children to get a judge to listen to reason?
Does she really not realize that she has forever ruined a change for a healthy,happy, productive future for 8 beautiful children that God trusted her with ?
Where do they go from here?

alyssa said...

Guys the sheeple are claiming this is a false story sold by JON and ELLEN to the tabloids in order to make money off the kids.I am ready to bet any amount of money that this is because Kate is painted bad in this entire story-because if jon were presented as the bad guy they may have said "SEE?? SEE what Jon did?" but since tabloids are blaming Kate darn it it's a lie from Jon!

Dena said...

Tucker's Mom said

I know that school policies have changed since I was in elementary, and are much more sensitive with far lower tolerance, but expulsion?


No private school with any standards can tolerate fighting, biting, cursing, name-calling students, whether they are six or fourteen.

If the Gosselin kids are behaving like their mother, if they are behaving as they've been reported to be, how long would it be before the parents of their victims started pulling them out of the school?

Emotionally disturbed, bullying children with poor impulse control don't go to this kind of school.

There's no way parents of "normal" kids would tolerate this behavior - they aren't paying thousands and thousands of dollars to have their own children aggressively abused by poorly-socialized, emotionally-troubled classmates.

The school is not going to stand by and watch all the other parent vote with their feet - and wallets. If there's choice, the anti-social kids will be shown the door, preferably before too much damage is done to the other students and to the school as a whole.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

If this is a false story I hope these parents sue the pants off these publications. If it's clearly false then a defamation lawsuit should be easy.

It would be an interesting legal question whether the children themselves would have to prove actual malice, since they had no say in whether they are public figures, and the public policy behind making public figures prove actual malice is because we should be free to criticize public figures--I don't think that logic should apply to CHILDREN just trying to go to school in private.

Contact an attorney and SUE. Unless this is true, then contact a therapist stat.

Judy said...

Werny Gal apparently has known about this for some time, but chose to remain quite. I admire her for that.
My heart is simply broken for these children and I will admit that I am MORE concerned now than before this news broke.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Dr. G. said... If the children were expelled from their private school for emotional problems, the public school district will provide a home school teacher. It is unlikely that Kate is homeschooling them.


I don't think so. Speaking as a 14-year homeschool mom and support group leader (albeit in a different state), typically public, private and homeschools function separately based on the laws of that state.

If the children truly were expelled, Kate could have found another private school, put them in public school, or filed to homeschool.

The public school typically does not get involved in home ed unless a child WANTS to be in the public system and is unable to--then a teacher is provided. Expelled from public school--public school teacher perhaps provided. Expelled from private school, I don't think so--not unless a trial at the public school was done first to determine emotional unsuitability or perhaps psychological testing determined that unsuitability would likely happen. At least, I've never heard of that here in VA.

In VA, a parent must be the responsible party for the education, although parents may hire tutors, put the kids in classes, etc. I imagine Kate hired an educational consultant or tutor to plan the rest of the year out for her. Although Kindergarten is a very easy year to deal with educationally at home, I just think Kate would (and probably should) seek advice. It's particularly difficult for a parent who has to deal with a sudden removal--and I do mean usually a problem arises and the PARENT determines public or private school is not the best place for their child. I've seen parents start their kids in a perfectly normal school week, call for "emergency" advice Tuesday, and remove the child from school by Wednesday. However, I've never had a parent come to me to say they'd started homeschooling because their kindergartner (or young elementary schooler) was expelled.

The children may require testing at year end (I don't know the PA laws), but I don't think there will be much watching over the shoulder. PA does have a reputation as being a tough state for homeschooling, however, and all state laws are different.

I wish those children, all eight, the very best. They've not had an easy road.

franky said...

Had to send Kudos to Storylady's post..ROFL about it still, and yes, my teen daughter screams and hand-flaps enough for me too..LOL

Exhibit 'A' Your Honor said...

I'm a middle school/high school teacher of kids with emotional/behavioral problems. I teach at our district's "last chance" school. About a year ago I had posted on another blog that, Mady aside, my #1 concern was Collin. I kept reading how lots of posters saw Collin as a sweet, polite, obedient little boy. But I just picked up a different vibe from him - can't really describe it, I guess. Just from my experience. He just always seems like he's stewing - ready to blow. Who wouldn't, living in that insane asylum. I thank God that so much evidence is captured on tape. Like, Kate telling Nana Janet to just ignore the kids' fighting. Exhibit 'A' Your Honor. That stupid lazy self-absorbed bitch should get her worthless ass thrown out of the orphanage.....and Jon should move in and gain full custody. Too bad I live so far away. I would LOVE to tutor Collin & Alexis. We would have a ball, they would behave themselves, and maybe actually learn something besides what order in which to eat their lunch.

Anonymous said...

I know private schools have strict standards but I don't believe children of kindergarten age would be expelled unless there was a very serious behavior problem. This is a situation that would have been brought to the parents' attention before such a drastic measure was taken. Those poor little children.

Hippie Chick said...

God help those 2 kids if Kate is teaching them. She is dumb, plain & simple. Whether it's an act or whatever, it's not cute, & she is teaching her children NOTHING acting like that. When my son asks me questions & I do not know the answer, onto the computer we go, googling the question. Kate is lazy. She didn't want kids so she could mold their minds & grow them into commendable members of society. She wanted kids so she could make money of their backs & become famous, or rather, infamous.

As for the ratings, I agree with the posters who are saying it is not just the sheeple watching. The "clickers", the "I just watched for a second" & the "I only watched for 10 minutes" are contributing to ratings whether you think so or not. Yep, it IS a trainwreck, & maybe it's hard to look away, but think of it like this; Do you really want to give Kate Gosselin any of your time? I know we are here on the blog voicing our opinion, but sitting in front of your TV, is it worth it? She is not worth ONE view from your eye or ONE sound from your ear. This is just my opinion however, & I will not tell people how to live. The problem I have is the hypocrisy of it all. Most say they want the kids of TV, if that's true, then don't add to the ratings.

Vanessa said...

Expelled and it's only the beginning of November? We've all seen the hitting/shoving?. Mom or Dad weren't there to discipline or steer them in the right direction. Many times we've seen them look right at the camera man after they've hit or shoved and NO CONSEQUENCE! If this guy seems to think it's ok, than it's ok I guess. They've been living the real Lord of the Flies. What did the adults in this situation think was going to be the outcome? The discipline was so "sporadic, yet often", she only had teeny boppers as "nannies" still in school themselves, she kicked out the only person who was on her side and on the kids side.
How does this happen to the childreof a self-procalimed Supermom who gives advice and speaks like she's a parenting expert?

Lorrie said...

I feel terrible for those poor children. I posted a while back that, as a first grade teacher, I could pretty much size up a child's home life within the first few weeks of school just by watching them and interacting with them. Those kids are certainly paying the price for their parents' (more so Kate's, as of late) greed, aren't they?

F&M Alumna said...

Question: Isn't the mother of the college-age sitter ASHLEY (who went with the family to Alaska) a homeschool teacher? I recall reading that CARLA, who also occasionally helped out Kate with the children, is a homeschool teacher. Perhaps she's been engaged to homeschool the two who have been expelled.

JudyK said...

"Exhibit 'A' Your Honor said... I'm a middle school/high school teacher of kids with emotional/behavioral problems. I teach at our district's "last chance" school. About a year ago I had posted on another blog that, Mady aside, my #1 concern was Collin. I kept reading how lots of posters saw Collin as a sweet, polite, obedient little boy. But I just picked up a different vibe from him - can't really describe it, I guess. Just from my experience. He just always seems like he's stewing - ready to blow. Who wouldn't, living in that insane asylum. I thank God that so much evidence is captured on tape. Like, Kate telling Nana Janet to just ignore the kids' fighting. Exhibit 'A' Your Honor. That stupid lazy self-absorbed bitch should get her worthless ass thrown out of the orphanage.....and Jon should move in and gain full custody. Too bad I live so far away. I would LOVE to tutor Collin & Alexis. We would have a ball, they would behave themselves, and maybe actually learn something besides what order in which to eat their lunch."


Vanessa said...

I read that the two who were expelled were given chances, including having monitors with them at all times. Even that didn't solve the problem. How bad could it be that they needed MONITORS? How bad could their behaviour have been that they were expelled? Pluse Kate does not have the skills to deal with what's going on, those two (actually all of the kids) need professional help and counselling. I can just imagine the dialogue going on at home...Please Kate, can you for once put someone other than yourself first?

Mom of 3, Nana to 2 said...

This is an incredibly sad situation; for a child to be expelled from school at the age of 6, 3 months into the school term, there had to be extremely compelling behavioural issues. I understand that these kids even had been assigned monitors, and that both physical and language issues were factors. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think I read that children in PA are not legally required to be enrolled in school until the age of 8. And now, two little ones are going to roll around the All Mine Mansion probably without much discipline or educational structure, under the supervision of babysitters and nannies since the angry (and embarrassed) parental unit is certainly not going to give up trips to Target, the tanning salon, etc.

Counseling for the children, behaviour therapy of some kind as well, and family counseling would be my recommendations for this mess. Sad, sad, sad days for these children.

Dena said...

Anonymous said:

This is a situation that would have been brought to the parents' attention before such a drastic measure was taken.


And almost certainly was - why would you assume otherwise? No private school throws children out recklessly. T

hese kids weren't expelled because they had one bad day, or called one kid a bad name once. There's a whole lot of back story here that isn't being reported, which is just fine.

Nothing's going to change their mother, and their father, whose heart is surely a far warmer one, is overwhelmed and under-mature. Every one of those kids has enough on his and her plate with every little detail of their transgressions being played out.

No surprise the expulsions are getting reported, though. That's exactly the kind of publicity KG signed up for when she put her little moneymakers out on the marketplace. What a horrible excuse for a mother.

Anonymous said...

You all know Ellen and Jon will be blamed for this or they will be blamed for being the "sources" who reported this to the media? Any time something negative comes out about Lil' Ms. Katie Irene, the accusations of Ellen and Jon start flying.

REALLY? Do the lovers of Kate really believe she is all that and a bucket of sunshine?

I am sorry but to quote Kate "I don't get it."

Maria R.

Dr. G. said...

I am in New York State. If a child here is "classifed" as needing Special Education services (speech therapy, occupational therapy, counseling, etc.), the local school district will provide such services for a child enrolled in a private school. If a classified child is unable to function in a classroom setting (be that private or public), the child will be given services and tutoring in the home, until such time that the child is able to return to a classroom setting.

If the parent hired a private tutor, they would be subject to a complaint of educational and/or emotional neglect if equivalent services were not provided.

We don't know if any of the kids were classified in need of Special Education services, but if they were, Kate may very well not be the one doing the teaching.

Denise said...

F&M Alumna said

On Oct 5th Carla posted:
Had two new kids today that I will be back up for. I am hoping they become regular at some point.

justme said...

I don't know the track record for hollybaby as far as reporting the truth, but I tend to believe this one.Wasn't it just a few weeks ago Jon stated that some the kids were acting out and having behavioral problems.Fast forward, and now we find out that two of the tups were expelled from school.I wonder if trouble was brewing in school when Jon made that statement.

Bullwinkle said...

"That stupid lazy self-absorbed bitch should get her worthless ass thrown out of the orphanage."


Is this the kind of language teachers use?

"We would have a ball, they would behave themselves, and maybe actually learn something besides what order in which to eat their lunch."

I think that these kids need much more than a tutor having a ball with them. If the school, monitors and appointed counselors couldn't deal with behavioral issues, I'm not sure that a tutor could fix what's wrong and make them behave. Their problems obviously go much deeper than this.

karen said...

the expelling news is spreading faster than an epidemics I swear.Now In Touch has the story too and yahoo question "Why were collin and alexis expelled?" And look how many results there are on google:

It's as if the whole America suddenly is up to date with the news and all in a matter of a couple of hours! Poor Gosselin kids!

AuntieAnn said...

"Numerous incidents of animals escaping from circuses, rebelling against trainers and workers and injuring the public occur every year around the world." (animallaw.com)

Enough said?

PA Mom ALSO said...

Compulsory education in PA is eight years old. By law, these kids do not need to be in school -- public, private, or home-schooled.

"The school is not going to stand by and watch all the other parent vote with their feet - and wallets. If there's choice, the anti-social kids will be shown the door, preferably before too much damage is done to the other students and to the school as a whole."


Absolutely. So much for the theory that was tossed around awhile back that Kate has the school wrapped around her little finger -- that they bow down to her because of who she is and that they cater to her every whim.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I read the article. It was foolish of Khate to not get the kids therapy, their daddy took care of them all of their lives. That was a very hard blow for them but they didn't miss a beat at filming, instead it was stepped up.

Talking about people that are still watching the show, I for one cannot bear to watch it - it makes me feel dirty, like I am seeing something I shouldn't be privy to - subtle nuances just beneath the surface or even barely masqueraded - like the ice cream (offering them ice cream that wasn't fit to eat and shoving it at them) and giving the little boy all that attention; you know it is there and that it can raise its ugly head at any time. And even when she is trying to be nice it makes me sick and the kids aren't buying it - just not believable at all. She reminds me of the mean girls from HS who were very popular but would eat you alive if you weren't one of them. They used that same sickening sweet overly dramatic over the top voice.

I tried homeschooling my son and it is hard....very stressful especially if there are behavioral issues and as they get older and learn more it gets even harder to keep them engaged and it is also expensive. I really really feel for the kids that have to endure that w/ a mother who is so totally incapable.

Can this really be true? said...

IF, IF, IF this story is true, I can only imagine how crazed Kart must be. She would be pissed beyound belief and shrieking at the school. Then off to the house and shriek at the tups. Behind closed doors, the wooden spoon would come out and she'd yell, "you're embarrassing me".........


I'm beyond sad for these kids.

Karen said...

If this story is true, any surprise? They have learned to fight and be physically mean to one another at their own home. Lazy, lazy parenting is the cause of this. I've worked with young children in a school setting for years and I've never seen any child age 6 be expelled. This is just too sad. Keep up the "good" work, Jon & Kate. Not!

fatima said...

Maybe I'm giving TLC too much credit here. After all their number 1 priority is money, not their reputation. However, in light of the behavior issues the children are having, TLC may start to distance themselves from this family and view them as a liability. People may start to blame TLC as much as they do Kate for the children's problems. I hope it's not just wishful thinking.

I just wanted to add I feel worse than ever for the kids. I hope they get the help/counseling they need to deal with so many issues that most children their age never even know about.

Anonymous said...

A female reporter who was on vacation during the Bald Head NC filming, witnessed a girl tup spitting on one of her brothers at the beach. They were supposedly with a nanny and the real bodyguard. Besides hitting and biting, spitting is despicable behavior for a child and indicative of anger issues. If the story is true, that two of the tups were expelled from school, all the children need therapy asap. Also, hopefully the two children expelled will not have to be kept locked up in the prison house and can attend another school, even if they are sent to public school. At least in public school, they would have the option of placing the children in separate classes. In a smaller private school, they wouldn't have this option and maybe separate classes for some of the children would actually be beneficial to them. The children should not be filming, especially during the school year.

Anon725 said...

In a smaller private school, they wouldn't have this option and maybe separate classes for some of the children would actually be beneficial to them.

Actually, they do have this option. There are a few private schools in the area that have separate kindergarten classes. Although the six kids all were in Pre-K last year, they were in separate classes.

Not Watching TLC said...

Ratings of this level is comparable to Little People, Big World, which IS cancelled and ending this season.


The reality is that Khate was overexposed last year, and the Cash Cow is now dry. It's only a matter of time, before TLC moves on.

Furrball said...

Mark my words, news of her kids being booted out of school is a ploy to get more viewers and pave the way for her next endevor. She will apply for help from SuperNanny(TM) and togeather they will make half of a season of it. In then end, they will most likely blame it all on that bad influence in the children's lives (the bad apple 9th child - Jon). Then TLC will bill Kate as the new "Nanny 911"(TM) while re-using that old title they wree kicking around - "Twist of Kate". The sheeple will love it!

Just you wait - the wicked witch of PA isn't forked just yet! Bram Stoker suggests a *silver* fork next time, not some cheap Target brand silverware.

Button Button said...

Is there anyone on here that goes to the bus stop where the kids get on their bus? Did all 8 get on?

K8SUCKS said...

Exhibit "A", great comments.

Interesting that you had a vibe about Colin. I would say then, that you must have a similiar vibe for "sweet, quiet" Cara. She has always been the more reserved of the twins, but lately she looks downright pathetic in almost every picture. Totally defeated.

Mady and Alexis are the children who have always been spunky and spirited because, IMO, they knew what was going on around them.

Regarding K8 homeschooling : that's one rumor I know will never come to fruition. K8 is too self centered to put any effort into something as trivial as ensuring her kids get an education.

Anon 1 said...

Hell, Kate's probably thinking 'wow, the interest in ME is heightened again', we can keep the show going now! Sick puppy.

Insomniac said...

Not Watching TLC said...

Ratings of this level is comparable to Little People, Big World, which IS cancelled and ending this season.


TLC didn't cancel the show, though. Contract renewal time was at hand, and Matt decided not to continue the show.

No Pain No Gain said...

The turn of events came when they moved into the big house - that is when Steve was living in the basement and Jon was living over the garage and they were continuing the farse and the kids were warned of punishment of severeness if they set foot in their parents bedroom. What kids of that age don't get to come and pile up in their parents bed and floor on a weekend and quietly watch TV and snack while the parents sleep in a bit. After coming back from a break it was like a whole different set of kids. They showed the boys and they were saying horrid things to one another, filmed and unchecked. And they were using some words that you would not have expected even then. Quietly filmed - no mom in sight - no intervention. Numerous times the kids came running to Khate for an intervention and she cut them off, the complaint department is closed. Even made a blog about it. Work it out which means more name calling and fighting and the meanest walks away the victor. TLC should have stepped in then and said we are not going to film this, the kids need help, but alas filming of these incidents were stepped up if anything. Who could ever forget the screams of bloody murder from upstairs which their mother just raised her voice and tried to talk over being ever so cutesy for the camera at the same time she was treating the organizing ladies like trash. That one made the Soup. The kids have been crying out for help in the only way they know how, surreptitiously, for quite some time now, completely unchecked.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Even though Matt Roloff is voluntarily walking away from Little People, he may have done so just when he knew TLC was probably on the cusp of cancelling it. The ratings are pretty poor lately. Matt's business mind is a million times more sophisticated than Kate's, he knows that it is better to pull out with your head held high on your terms rather than get a call that the axe is falling on TLC's terms. I think he bided his time right up until the moment he knew that axe was coming. Sort of like how many of the best shows out there decide when the right time it is to be done, like Lost and Seinfeld. Go out with dignity I say. There is nothing more pathetic than a show trying to stay afloat and retool for the last two or three years. It often ruins what was once a great thing. ER comes to mind.

Kate will be damned if she will ever pull out of this first.

Anonymous said...

We enjoyed Jon and Kate Plus Eight when it first aired. The children were adorable and the trials and tribulations of raising eight children were easy to relate to. But all too quickly it became a travel log and a product placement vehicle with the Gosselin clan as the beneficiaries. Every episode revolved around what product, service, or trip they were getting with the children being a means to an end.

At a time when most Americans are in survival mode financially, watching Kate continue to profit off her kids backs is like rubbing salt into a open wound. Shame on TLC and Kate for continuing to exploit the children for the sake of a dollar. It's time for the sun to set on that show and for Kate to go quietly into the night so that the rest of us can go about living our own reality.

Furrball said...

Mark my words, news of her kids being booted out of school is a ploy to get more viewers and pave the way for her next endevor. She will apply for help from SuperNanny(TM) and togeather they will make half of a season of it. In then end, they will most likely blame it all on that bad influence in the children's lives (the bad apple 9th child - Jon). Then TLC will bill Kate as the new "Nanny 911"(TM) while re-using that old title they wree kicking around - "Twist of Kate". The sheeple will love it!

Just you wait - the wicked witch of PA isn't forked just yet! Bram Stoker suggests a *silver* fork next time, not some cheap Target brand silverware.

Anonymous said...

A female reporter who was on vacation during the Bald Head NC filming, witnessed a girl tup spitting on one of her brothers at the beach. They were supposedly with a nanny and the real bodyguard. Besides hitting and biting, spitting is despicable behavior for a child and indicative of anger issues. If the story is true, that two of the tups were expelled from school, all the children need therapy asap. Also, hopefully the two children expelled will not have to be kept locked up in the prison house and can attend another school, even if they are sent to public school. At least in public school, they would have the option of placing the children in separate classes. In a smaller private school, they wouldn't have this option and maybe separate classes for some of the children would actually be beneficial to them. The children should not be filming, especially during the school year.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said...

This is another reason for Kate (and Jon) to get away from any form of t.v.

If this isn't a wake-up call for either parent, I don't know what is.

After all the trouble these children are having emotionally and socially- what kind of a person would continue to consider it entertaining to watch these kids on t.v.?

I wish I did not have to say this but, we warned them.


CTmom1 said...

IF IF IF the HollyBaby story is true....
My heart aches for those 8 children

Dr. G. said...

If the children were expelled from their private school for emotional problems, the public school district will provide a home school teacher. It is unlikely that Kate is homeschooling them.

Betsy said...

Well I didn't watch but read the recap(thanks Admin) and I have to say that it seemed like a boring episode with another freebie stashed under the Gosselins sleeve. Hopefully TLC will get it and keep the woman home next time.

Not Watching TLC said...

Hopefully, these kids can soon gain some privacy.

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