What's wrong, TLC? Don't you want all minors protected? What's wrong with limited hours, making sure children are paid for their work, and having an advocate on set? What are you trying to hide?
Petersen still has a lot of unanswered questions for TLC, including: "Where is the independent Advocate for the Gosselin Eight? Who negotiated the terms of the contract with these children? What Court approved this contract? What person…with a license to lose…is going to oversee the day-to-day production of "Kate Plus 8?" Who will guard the "health, safety and morals" of the minors?" Paul closes his letter with this: "As for the adults you employ? They can fend for themselves. They are not my concern. But when you take advantage of a child in the entertainment business you're going to hear from us…now or later."
On one good note, at least TLC knows the kids are beautiful just as they are. We hate that the kids are being filmed again, but we think their promo photo is a heck of a lot more natural than People magazine's.

112 sediments (sic) from readers:
Yes, hooray for the kids!
Shame on Eileen O'Neill. She continues to make money off the backs of the Gosselin kids...
Yea for Paul Petersen.
Boo for TLC. What are they afraid of?
I think the TLC & People pics were taken at the same time. Cara and Mady are wearing the same outfits and the tup girls hair is identical. Only difference? One picture is heavily photo shopped.
UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! This is all going to come back and bite them in the where the sun don't shine. Mark my words! Someday the public will look back at all this with horror and disgust that Kate plus TLC robbed these children of not only their privacy and childhoods but the RIGHT to be protected and advocated for!!!
Pardon me while I violently vomit!
I don't think anything is going to stop TLC. They are the lowest of the low.
I have been watching and observing the show, the kids, the whole drama from the beginning, I am no expert, I am not a lawyer, I am just someone who love reaching for the truth. I think as long as Kate wants to roll in green she will perpetuate this indecency of a paycheck. I am glad that some are sticking their neck out to protect the kid's best interest, but I am afraid that as long as the mighty dollar rules this battle it will not stop.
I have said it before and have sent proof, writen and video of their fake life, they are manipulating facts and fiction and combining the elements around the kids to make a non-reality show. Kate's books and all of her media appearance as her photoshoots and her body as a matter of fact is fabricated.That in my opinion is the most appaling, that not only are the sextuplets and twins exploited, but they are not aware that most people watch tons of lies and false images about them, will they ever have a sweet vacation planned by mom or dad where they will not have to be directed on where to go and what to do with a camera in their face. That is sad, when you think that your childhood is just a big lie on tv and in magazines as well as books soley for a profit.
When they are 18 will they turn Lindsay Lohan because they feel they never had a childhood?
It remains to be seen, one day there will be 8 , yes 8 talking adults to spill the beans, unless of course she puts an injunction on that too.
Does TLC realize how screwed up and obsessive it looks to hire a LAWYER to stop a law that might just slightly restrict your filming schedule???
It's soooo f-ed up. They will stop at nothing to continue the Dionne---sorry Gosselin circus.
Marlene, don't worry it doesn't take a lawyer to see something is wrong here. :)
My son is starting kindergarten in Sept and he went to an orientation today. All the parents were given a booklet and I had to type this out because it is so fitting for the Gosselin kids.
Children Learn What They Live
If a child lives with criticism,
He learns to condemn
If a child lives with hostility,
He learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule,
He learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame,
He learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance,
He learns to be patient.
If a child lives with praise,
He learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness,
He learns justice.
If a child lives with security,
He learns to have faith.
If a child lives with approval,
He learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship,
He learns to find life in the world.
I wonder what J&K has taught their kids? I feel so helpless for them. Has anyone heard from Kelly about the protest today? Any news..good or bad? Media coverage?
Marlene. That is a great post!
Yes, this is the Komplete Korporate takeover of a family.
Hiring the lobbyist reminds me of that breach of contract lawsuit with Jon. They took the high powered attys in and they broke Jon.
Then TLC wants to say they don't want the public thinking they sued Jon to film the kids. Isn't that exactly what they did?
Here's what the problem is. We are like the Who's down in Whoville! No one can hear us except our Horton (Paul Peterson) (sorry, I think in analogies...lol)
TLC has all the money and power. They have manipulated the public and have been successful in doing so. Many people see through it but many do not. TLC knows this. They are banking on their money and power to drown out our voices. So far it's mostly working and THAT is the scary part.
It makes me wonder what else in the media that I don't follow super closely is being fed to me as a lie in truth's clothing? I don't have time to research every single topic that I have an opinion on, yk? I'm sure this is true for J&K followers as well. It's all so ick :(
She sure is lucky she does not live here in Canada, would NOT be getting away with this abuse of power over young,innocent children,wether she birthed them or not.Lucky cow,but just for now!
Well, TLC is nervous and has brought in a hired gun to derail this child labor bill. So now is the time for every resident of PA who is concerned for children in these reality shows to start flooding their representatives with phone calls and emails urging them to support this bill. Be loud and unrelenting. You CAN make a difference.
An strong and excellent post. I love this part:
"PA's Third Circuit Court in 1985 noted that "the common law rule that minors…may disaffirm their contracts has as its basis the public policy concern that minors should not be bound by mistakes resulting from their immaturity or the overbearance of unscrupulous adults."
And then his end statement:
"But when you take advantage of a child in the entertainment business you're going to hear from us…now or later."
If TLC is doing nothing wrong and is perfectly comfortable that these children are being treated by them, why are they running around hiring a big-shot attorney to try to stop a child labor law???
GUILTY, case closed.
Surely some of your clients were 100% sure they did nothing wrong, but hired an attorney to get them through a legal issue.
I don't even have words....I'm just sickened by this...what IS TLC hiding?
It's fine to hire an attorney when you are being sued even if you are inncoent. But this isn't a legal court case. No one is suing TLC. No one has filed a case against them. It's a child labor law. TLC is running in inserting themselves into this with a lawyer for a GENERAL child labor law in a state they are not even based in. They are trying to stop a child labor law that applies to EVERYONE just because they want to keep filming and HIDING what they are doing. They got their hands caught in the cookie jar, sorry.
TLC is all about protecting it's revenue.
It could care less about what is best for any of the kids on its "reality" shows, IMO.
Premieres June 6.
TLC AIRS BACK-TO-BACK “KATE PLUS 8″ SPECIALS ON SUNDAY, JUNE 6 AT 9 AND 10 PMOn Sunday, June 6, Kate Gosselin and her loveable brood are back in two KATE PLUS 8 specials airing at 9 and 10 PM. Starting at 9PM, Kate plans a surprise trip to Orlando for the kids to celebrate the sextuplets’ 6th birthday. As she prepares for her first trip with the kids as a single mom, Kate attempts to keep everything a surprise while managing logistics and containing the inevitable chaos. Highlights include the kids feeding sting rays at Discovery Cove, swimming with the dolphins, feeding exotic birds, riding in an air boat and taking in the sights of the Everglades, partaking in an orange juice squeezing contest, and enjoying a very special surprise birthday cake.At 10 PM, TLC gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look into the daily life of the newly single Kate in “Inside Kate’s World”. After the abrupt ending of JON & KATE PLUS 8, a lot has happened quickly for the famed mother of eight. From extreme hair makeovers to single-motherhood to Dancing with the Stars and press tours, this special provides a unique, never before seen glimpse into the day-to-day routine of the single mother, entrepreneur, best-selling author, dance partner and friend. With input and special guest interviews from TV personalities, journalists, and first time interviews with those who know Kate best and have been in the media spotlight with her along the way, viewers will find out exactly what Kate has been up to in the recent months, and what’s truly driving her ambitions.
Kart's new post - so you don't have to click. I don't like that she calls it "visiting" when the kids stay at Jon's. Just bugs me.
WARNING: Tooth Fairy! Prepare Yourself!!!
[From the TLC Editors: TUNE IN! Kate returns with the kids on Kate Plus 8 airing Sunday, June 6, at 9 and 10 PM! Check the TV Schedule for details.]
Well. It has happened ... the onslaught of tooth loss!
My little tiny Leah (of all kids!) announced a few weeks ago that she had a loose tooth. Of course I didn't believe her until I watched her tiny fingers “wiggle” it in front of my very eyes! I couldn't believe that my tiniest child, my second to youngest child, would be the first to shed a baby chomper, but she proved that it was indeed true!!! I witnessed it dancing inside her mouth!
I mentally chose to ignore this imminent event because this meant there was no going back ... my babies are growing up!!! All moms understand the finality of this moment! So I braced myself and waited.... And I just got word that the tooth has been lost...
To my dismay, it's an event I could not be present to witness because Leah was visiting -- along with her brothers and sisters-- at her dad’s. (Insert frowny face here!) It's yet another reminder that there WILL be moments I have to miss in the lives of my babies! It makes me really sad that I will have to wait to see the fresh gap in Leah’s precious and irresistible smile!!!
But don't worry ... Miss Tooth Fairy understands -- as does Leah -- and she will be on the ready to make her initial visit once Leah is back at home in her own bed! And all I can say is: Miss Tooth Fairy, you had better set your pearly white nav system for the shortest route to our house and get your change purse ready, too, because very soon it will be raining Gosselin teeth in a very BIG way!!!
It's a beautiful day! :0)
Other than that this was actually a nice post--surprisingly. Normal, she's excited her baby lost her first tooth. It's not really all about HER for once.
March 16, 2009
Pennsylvania Labor Secretary arrested
Posted: 05:32 PM ET
Editor's Note: A lot of you were outraged about our story last week detailing how states are issuing unemployment benefits via debit cards, and banks are charging fees on those cards. In our attempt to find out why, we literally chased down Pennsylvania’s acting secretary of labor. But Sandi Vito decided she did not want to be interviewed and took off like a politician caught in a scandal. We thought it was rather odd behavior. Now we’re learning the rest of the story. Hours after that encounter, Vito was under arrest. Here’s the news version of what happened.
Sandi Vito, Pennsylvania's acting labor secretary, has entered a rehab program, the governor's spokesman says.
Drew Griffin and David Fitzpatrick
CNN Special Investigations Unit
Pennsylvania's Acting Secretary of Labor and Industry has entered a rehabilitation program for at least two weeks after her arrest on a public drunkenness charge, only a few hours after she ran away from a CNN Correspondent who was attempting to ask her questions about the state's use of debit cards to pay unemployment benefits.
According to Gov. Ed Rendell's chief spokesman, Chuck Ardo, Sandi Vito, who was appointed Acting Secretary of Labor and Industry in February of 2008, "has entered a treatment program for two weeks."
"The governor awaits her return before making any final decisions on her future," Ardo told CNN on Monday.
CNN had been invited to a public appearance Ms. Vito was making in Allentown, Pa., to ask her about the fees banks impose when the unemployed receive debit cards in Pennsylvania. Those fees range from forty cents to check a balance by telephone to $1.75 if the debit card is used outside the two free withdrawal periods banks allow. Approximately 925,000 Pennsylvanians were unemployed in February of 2009 and most used debit cards to receive payments, Pennsylvania officials said.
"Arrangements have been made for you to interview Department of Labor & Industry Acting Secretary Sandi Vito in Allentown tomorrow at approximately 1 p.m., to discuss our unemployment compensation debit card program," David Smith, a spokesman for the department emailed CNN prior to the encounter.
Yet when CNN Correspondent Drew Griffin, accompanied by a camera crew, attempted to interview Ms. Vito, she said she did not have the time and ducked out the back door of an elementary school where the public appearance was being staged.
Later that same night, Ms. Vito was arrested on a charge of public drunkenness at the Hilton Hotel in Harrisburg, Pa., according to Harrisburg Police Chief Charles Keller. News of her arrest did not become public until late Friday.
"I deeply regret that my actions earlier this week caused embarrassment to the administration and the commonwealth," she said in a statement issued to CNN by her office. "I take full responsibility for those actions."
"This incident has had a profound personal effect on me," her statement continued. "Today, I am entering an alcohol treatment program because it is the right thing for me to do."
According to public records, Ms. Vito earns a salary of $136,120 annually. Her appointment as permanent Secretary of Labor and Industry was to have been brought before the Pennsylvania legislature in a few weeks.
NancyB said...
Best selling author & friend? WTF! Seriously WTF!
"first time interviews with those who know Kate best and have been in the media spotlight with her." Again, WTF? I wonder who they're paying to say they've known Kate and are her friends unless it's BFF Jamie.
Admin, Kart didn't write that blog. She doesn't talk that articulately so there is no way in heaven she'd write articulately. Some TLC flunkie was her ghost writer. If it was Kart it'd be along the lines of "I am going to have to play tooth fairy because MY kids are losing teeth. I am so happy MY kids are losing their teeth, YA KNOW" (all the while chomping her donkey teeth on gum.
NancyB said...
Best selling author & friend? WTF! Seriously WTF!
"first time interviews with those who know Kate best and have been in the media spotlight with her." Again, WTF? I wonder who they're paying to say they've known Kate and are her friends unless it's BFF Jamie.
Admin, Kart didn't write that blog. She doesn't talk that articulately so there is no way in heaven she'd write articulately. Some TLC flunkie was her ghost writer. If it was Kart it'd be along the lines of "I am going to have to play tooth fairy because MY kids are losing teeth. I am so happy MY kids are losing their teeth, YA KNOW" (all the while chomping her donkey teeth on gum.
I thought it was a narcistic post as usual with Kate insisting life for the children only happens at HER house when Leah is in HER bed nobody but Kate can be the tooth fairy. It is "put your life on hold kid until Mommy is there to claim all the glory". Sick.
No way in hell do I believe she writes this crap.
Yes, a nice post - but something a Mom writes in a baby book/diary/email to family or personal blog. NOT something to showcase to all of America and then exploit for good TV. There is the difference. And why can't Dad have some of the 1st's too? That's what happens when you split families....
Riddle me the need to say MISS Tooth Fairy.
No TV on here on 6/6 for sure. Give those kids a break!
Just another girl....
Oh but it is all about her - because poor Leah has to wait until Kate is around (whenever that'll be) for "Miss Tooth Fairy" to visit. She just couldn't let Jon take care if it that night, nooo it has to be Kate! And if that means Leah will have to wait, and probably hear stories from Mady & Cara, and classmates how the Tooth Fairy visited that same night they lost the tooth, well too bad, because it's all about Kate. Probably make an episode of it, is what I mean! Hey Leah, I think "Miss Tooth Fairy" should give you the amount of money your mother gets for making this episode!
Hmm, if these kids don't believe in Santa, then how do they believe in the Tooth Fairy? If it is filmed, then that would perhaps make the kids think hmm, we had fake Christmases filmed, and we know Santa isn't real, so because we are filming this, the Tooth Fairy must be fake too?
"Miss Tooth Fairy understands -- as does Leah -- and she will be on the ready to make her initial visit once Leah is back at home in her own bed! "
I'm sure Jon handled it quite well, Kate. The Tooth Fairy can come to his house too.
EXCELLENT post! Bear repeating!!!
mommyinca said...
Here's what the problem is. We are like the Who's down in Whoville! No one can hear us except our Horton (Paul Peterson) (sorry, I think in analogies...lol)
TLC has all the money and power. They have manipulated the public and have been successful in doing so. Many people see through it but many do not. TLC knows this. They are banking on their money and power to drown out our voices. So far it's mostly working and THAT is the scary part.
It makes me wonder what else in the media that I don't follow super closely is being fed to me as a lie in truth's clothing? I don't have time to research every single topic that I have an opinion on, yk? I'm sure this is true for J&K followers as well. It's all so ick :(
Seriously. Would she have a 'frowny face' if she missed it (tooth loss)while SHE was 'visiting' LA?
Vapid wench.
That blog entry is obnoxious as all get out. First of all, again, it doesn't sound like her.
Secondly, drop the exclamation marks, my God.
Third, and the worst part to me, WHY CAN'T THE TOOTH FAIRY VISIT DAD'S HOUSE?
One of the biggest things you have to come to grips with if you are co-parenting with an ex-spouse is that you are going to have to let go of some things. Not everything is going to happen when YOU are there. That's the deal.
She's immature.
Since she says she saw her wiggling the tooth that was weeks ago. So she missed it not because the kids were visiting Jon's but because she was visiting DWTS in CA. She didn't miss it because of the divorce but because she chose to be across the country.
They weren't allowed to believe in Santa but the Tooth Fairy is acceptable?
Re 'Inside Kate's World'...does this mean we'll see Steve, Gina and Jamie speak? They ARE her only friends, right?
The loss of a tooth is not the only thing in these kids past, and I'm sure the future, has Kate missed.
And I'd bet my own teeth that she doesn't even know who is babysitting them from one day to the next.
Now that is very disturbing to me.
Admin, please please do as somebody on the DWTS thread asked. Find a picture of Donkey from Shrek and a picture of Kate on the crane and post them side by side. Won't that drive the sheeple mad.
BTW I figured out why the crane - it's the only way they could get that moose to do a lift.
People like this are the reason that blogs like this one even exist.
Also the reason that TLC and Discovery is making megabucks ,like Kate Gosselin ,off the backs of innocent children.
This is a post on DWTS.
" Kate may be away from her children more than some people feel she should be but the choices that she is making is letting them have a life that so few children get to experience."
As Kate would say...."I don't get it. "
I wonder if "Tiny Leah" will get 1/8 of 15% of what the tooth fairy normally brings.I'm sure Kate and TLC will take their cut.
I can't believe that TLC thinks this drivel is entertaining or informative!Although I can see it appealing to sheeple, it's just too cutesy-poo for anyone with a brain.
Bloggers, do any of you know women who talk this way about their school-aged children?
The premiere will include guests to rave on about her in order to convince us what a swell mom and ambitious woman she is? Oh, please.
I'm not surprised she makes it sound like missing Leah's first tooth loss was because of Jon, rather than because she was out in L.A. Spin, spin, spin.
Exactly right, nanb. It's not like Kate missed Leah losing her tooth because Jon had custody. It was because she was gone again on one of her trips to make money off those kids. TLC may be exploiting these children and trying to thwart every attempt to rein them in, but it is Jon and Kate that are ultimately allowing the filming of those kids. This is all their fault. Unfortunately the kids are the ones to suffer in the long run.
It is clear Kate views her children as commodities, little people to visit so she can gather more funny or cutesy anecdotes to sell on tv or in print, just as the children themselves have been sold. Their whole lives are being documented for future release by a mother who is so mentally ill, even their craps are not off limits. A mother who lies and twists the truth to the point where she can't relax. Who is Kate today? Hmm, that depends on what Kate wants out of life, she might be faking it as a mother, or faking it as a co-host, or an interviewer, but what is clear is that it is all lies and fakery. These children need a safe haven and they'll never have this with Kate. Kate is rubbing her hands with glee thinking of all the events in their lives she and TLC can exploit (film) sell. Tooth loss is just the beginning, puberty is around the corner, and thank God she has Jon to blame for all the chaos.
I truly feel sorry for the kids, and as for Kate, I will not miss seeing her face or hearing her voice now that she is back on TLC, a channel we don't turn on in our home.
what life? go on vacation? have a swimming pool? go to school? get a 4x4 toy car to drive around? Sorry people, I have a very smart and mature 10 year old and an amazing artistic and straight A 8 year old.....they go on vacation... we just spent 2 weeks at a Disney resort in FL, we have done Universal and Sea world.... fed sting rays at the st louis zoo.... they have been to Canada countless times (my home town is Quebec) we have Six Flags season passes and my son is currently in the pool while I am typing this!!! lol
Well I don't know what kind of life they are talking about, but I am a part time teacher and my husband is an electronics engineer we pull $58,000 a year....together and I am home with them and I have never missed a tooth loss:0)
So much for boohoo little Kate... you reap what you sew.I don't feel bad for her.
I can't begin to imagine what I could do with all the money she has.It's what you make with what you have, if you have a heart at all, you can do anything for your children.PERIOD.
HI Admin:
I'm sorry but I'm not sure where to post this but I was on preesi's site and she had the scan of L&S which talks about Kate sneaking the kids to Florida without Jon's knowledge. Can't he take her to court when that happens?
If the article if true (even a little bit), it breaks my heart for the kids and wish Jon would just stop letting Khate get away with her crap.
Kate's blog entry was so sweet and sappy I could feel my blood sugar rising.Kate can try to control everything and everybody around her,but the one thing she can't control is mother nature.I'm glad Jon got to experience the very first tooth loss.Jon has his faults, believe me,but one thing for sure he loves his kids and is more nurturing to them.I'm sure he handled it just fine.
Admin - The Labor Secretary arrested with DUI- do you think that her personal issues have had a hand in the 6 week delay in response to Murt about background checks? She reports directly to Governor. Both of them are lame ducks--I am starting to think that they can just continue to stallstraight through the end of the year. Very dysfunctional Pa Labor & Industry Dept. Sad.
Am I seeing a pattern or just overly suspicious of TLC? The first show filmed in Florida, the People photoshoot done in New York. Nothing seems to be filmed in PA. Are they trying to avoid PA laws? It does makes it harder to track vololations if they hop from state to state. If they avoid filming at home they can claim they are respecting the children's privacy.
" Kate may be away from her children more than some people feel she should be but the choices that she is making is letting them have a life that so few children get to experience."
THANK GOODNESS so few children get to experience a life with countless nannies, an absentee mother, an invasion of privacy, and the deprivation of a normal childhood.
nanb, even if she was not in LA, she would have missed it, because it was the kids' custody time with Jon.
Can we get off unmoderated comments yet? It's frustrating not getting new comments. I know ADMIN is busy and can't monitor this blog all day but would be nice to keep the conversation going. JMO
cherier1 -- I agree.
Recently, I had my grandchildren overnight. While getting ready for bed, my granddaughter lost her very first tooth. Of course, we called her parents with the exciting news....BUT the Tooth Fairy most definitely found her at my house. Probably in Kate's mind, the Tooth Fairy wouldn't visit Dad's house because he isn't as good as she is. (Eyeroll) We all know that the Tooth Fairy could have visited at Jon's apartment easily.
Kate is so busy playing the tooth fairy that Jon is the responsible one when the kids need to go to the doctor. Stay quiet Jon ---she'll go down with the ship-soon I hope.
So I went to IMDB to check to see if I could find out the crews from the show to see how they changed over the years and I found something interesting the night of the "new show" Kate + 8 minus Jon. Seems TLC is really going full steam, they are going to relive some of the low points of the last year. Besides the two episodes of the new show on June 6th they are also going to show
Season 5, Episode 1: Turning 5 & The Future! (last years b-day) and the Season 5, Episode 6: Houses & Big Changes (otherwise known as crooked houses, crooked corporations)
Please folks do not watch at least the first run of any of these shows. TLC is rerunning them in the overnight so if you must tape it then and watch the next day. Please do not watch and contribute to the ratings. If we don't watch she will go away, not fast but let her fade away.
I'm surprised how many people think Kate authors that ridiculous blog on the TLC website.
She is seriously lacking in the vocabulary and grammar departments. Her poor communications skills don't suddenly improve when she takes pen to paper.
She has no desire to communicate with her "fans." She's never liked her fans and now, with her thinking 90% of them don't like her, she certainly isn't "keeping them updated" on her activities. She's been in L.A., probably trying to weasel her way onto Entertainment Tonight and looking at properties, not writing blogs. She couldn't even manage a 4 word "tweet" when she was on DWTS.
As for the "special guests" on "Inside Kate's World" ... Isn't it telling that the interviews of those who "know her best" are TV personalities, journalists, and those who have been in the media spotlight with her? Where are the friends and family? (yes, it's a rhetorical question in Kate's case). As usual, only the un-alienated and richly compensated folks will pretend to be in Kate's corner. All of them relative (no pun intended) strangers who will read their scripted praise of Kate as the ink dries on their TLC-signed paychecks. So who do you think will stoop so low as to endorse Kate's famous-for-being-nothing-ness, while simultaneously not-so-subtly throwing Jon under the bus? Immediate sell-outs who come to mind: Meredith Viera (her softball interviews of Kate were positively vomit-provoking); Kate Coyne (from People Magazine, who seems to have taken permanent residence up Kate’s butt); Tony Dovalani (who will do it grudgingly, but who also can’t pass up face-time on camera); Ted the (cough) Hairdresser (more like “straw recycler”).
Is it really necessary to dedicate an hour-long special to Kate’s “daily routine” as a single mom? We’ve already seen it over and over ad nauseum: Target run, manicure, tanning, mail pick-up, first flight out of town to get the hell away from the kids. There. That’s the special.
I’m sorry, but somebody please remind me why this woman is famous!!!???????
If you DVR or Tivo it, they get credit. I watch a guy who also has a radio show and he says If you must, Tivo his show. They DO get credit. Please wait for the recaps on the blogs or watch it on youtube or just don't watch. It's really not that hard to do.
I asked David Zurawik about the Neilson rating system and he told me that everything is counted for at least 7 days. Tivo, later viewings, DVR, etc. Even YouTube keeps a count.
So if any of you feel like you have to watch them, please wait until the following week. TLC runs repeats all the time. Personally, we blocked TLC from our cable over a year ago. I don't want anything to do with that channel.
I guess we're supposed to all drop down on our knees, face the east, bow and give thanks that Kate has survived a marriage break-up and we are graciously allowed to watch as she rises above all the tragedy she's had to endure. Screw that.
Kate Gosselin has facilitated TLC, and more specifically Eileen O'Neill, by agreeing to have her kids filmed for the purpose of exchanging those films for money. She is a madam and TLC is the procurer of the entire arrangement. I won't participate in the further destruction of the lives of eight children by watching this show.
Pa Mom Too said...
" Kate may be away from her children more than some people feel she should be but the choices that she is making is letting them have a life that so few children get to experience."
THANK GOODNESS so few children get to experience a life with countless nannies, an absentee mother, an invasion of privacy, and the deprivation of a normal childhood.
Hi Pa Mom Too. :)
I saw your comment and was thinking I didn't remember posting that... LOL ! Then I realized you have the same name, but are using caps where I don't. Anyway, I totally agree with your comment. The sheeple will never "get it" because they want Kate's life.
One has to wonder how much $$ this blog is making off the Gosselin Children. You have quite a few ads going on here, that I did not see over at the Sage Way Express. Nice child advocatin' you got going on here.
I haven't read the comments here yet but I have to say that the fact that TLC is trying to put a stop to laws that protect children in reality tv is very telling. VERY TELLING!
They do NOT have the children's best interests at heart. Not that we ever thought they did, but this proves it.
TLC has a problem with children working past 10pm? Children getting paid for their work? Why are they hiring a lawyer and inserting themselves into all this? They aren't being sued as someone pointed out. This is just a law in a state they aren't even based in!
Anyone read the People article where Kate said Cara was upset she forgot to sign her up for something at school and Kate told Cara that SHE had a hard year, etc. What about Cara? I think Cara had a harder year than Kate did.
Here is the quote:
[Nine-year-old daughter Cara] was upset with me because I forgot to sign them up for something at school,” Kate, 35, tells PEOPLE in a new cover story. “I said, ‘Cara, I had a really rough year. This is a new year. You’ve got to give me that. Let’s start over.’ So I’ve really worked to keep my word with them.”
Well said, Admin. While we have been accused of ignoring other children on reality tv and focusing too much on the Gosselin kids, TLC has made it ALL ABOUT THEM by their actions. The only game they have in PA is Kate plus 8. I could see them fighting a federal law that would cover wherever they film but to go to such trouble for one little show filmed in one state? That show must account for a huge percentage of their profits.
Thanks Just Wondering. That is a great tidbit.
Everyone have an awesome Memorial day weekend. Take a load off have a great barbeque.
I saw the promo for Kate plus 8. Same chair, same dungeon in the basement. Only difference on the set is a pic in the background of Kate with the kids (though we know they have a father that contributes time & 20,000 a month to their care)
I have the recap nailed down. Hour #1 The Gosselin kids WORK to have a 6th birthday Hour #2 The Kate defense league (remember the Morales earpiece fed lines) calls defense witnesses ( yes, paid by TLC) to try to put lipstick on a media pig. Ok....now everyone can have 2 hours of their lives back.
Kelly...where are you? Please get off that boat and chime in. We cannot make it without your wit on the blog!
Just Wondering - That is very helpful info on Neilson. Thank-you!
"for something at school" - Kate was so intent on her own rough year, she didn't even mention what the "something" was which obviously was important enough to Cara that she was upset. If anyone has cause to complain about a rough year it's those children.
Someone better tell that idiot Kate that it's almost June. The 'new' year is half over.
"So I’ve really worked to keep my word with them."
Uh...what the hell does that mean?
AuntieAnn said...
She is a madam and TLC is the procurer of the entire arrangement. I won't participate in the further destruction of the lives of eight children by watching this show.
I think AuntieAnn pegged it for me. She's right....
Kate Gosselin is a madam and TLC is the pimp.
The problem is that they are selling out innocent children and in the REAL world, that is illegal. Just why can't people see this?
It's bad enough to sit back and hear the fans of this sick woman praise her for using her children for monetary gain, but to see all these networks padding KG's pockets simply for ratings,is just sick. She is a disgusting human being and doesn't deserve those precious children.
Cmmon, Schmecky. No one has it harder than Kate Gosselin!!!! you have no idea how hard her life is!!! (said with tongue in cheek)
You do realize that the next week, leading up the premiere of the show is going to be full of ROL/US Weekly/People "drama" don't you? I fully anticipate the Jon bashing to begin full force again, or more diva behavior from kate - ANYTHING to keep her relevant for that show as I really do feel the viewing public is quite sick of her.
Regarding the tooth: I betcha the Tooth Fairy left a copy of the latest book under the pillow.
I ran across this article which was written in June 2009 immediately following the divorce announcement episode on Jon & Kate.
The author, Matt Semino, is a New York attorney and legal commentator. He is a graduate of Columbia Law School, Cornell University and is a Fulbright Scholar. His comments are thoughtful and insightful, and since a new season of exploiting the Gosselin children is about to begin, I think these thoughts still apply today.
This article is quite lengthy so I've copied only the first few paragraphs here. Click on the link at the end to read the entire article.
CELEBRITY SCALES: The ‘Jon & Kate’ Sideshow: Star-Studded Legal Commentary for the Celebrity Obsessed
By Matt Semino, ESQ. • on June 26, 2009
On Monday night’s much hyped episode of TLC’s wildly popular “Jon & Kate Plus 8,” the Gosselins announced that they are divorcing. Documents to initiate a legal split were conveniently filed in Pennsylvania on the afternoon just prior to the show’s airing which drew a record 10.6 million viewers. A mutual “agreement” on child sharing arrangements also appeared magically by the show’s scheduled time slot. Monday night’s episode was the most-watched program ever in TLC’s history and it had the highest ratings for any cable TV show this year. The episode also broke the record set by the “Jon & Kate” season premiere which brought in 9.6 million viewers. Even with all of its ratings records and devoted followers, the season five spectacle has had a tacky, carnivalesque quality to it. Fruitless attempts have been made to masquerade the underlying sadness of the troupe members’ actual lives through illusionary tricks and sparkling costumes. It is really hard to take this shtick seriously anymore. The Gosselin’s adventures, filled with gratuitous cross promotions and product placements, are simply not genuine, enjoyable to watch or even believable for that matter. Anyone who still thinks “Jon & Kate” is a cute depiction of an authentic American family needs to get a reality check on this reality mess.
Despite stellar ratings, TLC made the surprise announcement that it is placing “Jon & Kate” on hiatus and will resume filming again in August. The channel claims that the break will give everyone time to regroup and that when the show returns, a new modified schedule will be in place to support the family’s transition. Is a one month pause even enough for this disaster in the making? Given the Gosselin’s fragile circumstances, should this circus continue rolling? If so, what message does that send about the values espoused by Jon and Kate as parents as well as all parties involved in promoting the show? By continuing to peer at the “Jon & Kate” sideshow, is the public also complicit in enhancing the Gosselin’s notoriety at the expense of their non-consenting children?
This season’s viewers have witnessed the rapid but predictable deterioration of the Gosselin’s marriage. While the children are still adorable, Jon and Kate have demonstrated less sympathetic personality traits. The extensive media coverage of the couple’s crumbling relationship has been replete with rumors of infidelity and petty fighting. The tension between the two parents has been evident in the tone, body language and emotions that each has displayed during their separately filmed interviews. Adding to the chaos was an investigation by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor into the show’s possible violation of child labor laws, an allegation that TLC as well as Jon and Kate have vehemently denied. All of this negative reporting has only further exposed this family’s internal discord and led some segments of the public to look less favorably on the couple, their parental choices and their stated motivations for continuing with the show.
continues at the link below:
Today is one of my grandchildrens birthday. She is 10 today.My husband and I am going over to our sons house to celebrate her birthday.
We are grilling out and of course having her favorite cake. Not a big deal, but she had her fun sleepover party last weekend with 5 of her friends.
Tonight is just family. A cookout, cake and ice creme to follow. There will not be any $400 cars,spa visits,Fl.trips, paid friends , nannies, bodyguards or production crew. Just 2 sets of loving grandparents and a Mom and Dad that truly love her and the other 3 children, with all their hearts. Throw in a cake, ice creme and a few gifts and she will be happy.
Sorry that the Gosselein children can't experience this type of family love and fun.
Memories are made of special days like this.
Hi Pa Mom Too. :)
I saw your comment and was thinking I didn't remember posting that... LOL ! Then I realized you have the same name, but are using caps where I don't. Anyway, I totally agree with your comment. The sheeple will never "get it" because they want Kate's life.
Shoot. I'm sorry. That was supposed to be PA Mom ALSO. I'll be more careful (or change my name!!)
"I guess we're supposed to all drop down on our knees, face the east, bow and give thanks that Kate has survived a marriage break-up and we are graciously allowed to watch as she rises above all the tragedy she's had to endure. Screw that."
Right. Like no other woman on the planet has ever survived a divorce and picked herself up, rising from the tragedy of it all.
And yet one more reason the Gosselin kids should not be filmed, it was just announced that Gary Coleman, child actor, died. How sad and one more example of fame at an early age.
Okay, I admit it - I clicked the preview of the 'premier' on USMagazine.com - in a word, nothing new! More and more of the same. It was deja vu of so many episodes. And her best line was something about 'didn't matter what was happening between her and Jon the kids were having a birthday and needed a party. ' - like it was a HUGE chore that must be done. Can't imagine hearing my mother talk like that.
Tuning out when it plays live....
Just another girl
Thank you,itsaboutthekids,for the link to Matt Semino's article. He is spot-on in his analysis of the Gosselin/TLC situation. Can this article be forwarded to Rep. Murt and Paul Peterson? Perhaps Mr. Semino can assist them in the pursuit of protection of minors.
How about posting the link on Kate's TLC blog?
This is a clip from the new show from People--I can not believe that she says "This was supposed to be nap time" Napping STILL -- my gosh these kids are 6 y/o! Maybe I am crazy- my kids sure did not do daily naps at 5 or 6y/o. How about you other mothers with grown children and moms with kids currently???
excerpt from 2009 interview:
Coleman told The New York Times at the time that "I want to escape that legacy of Arnold Jackson. I'm someone more. It would be nice if the world thought of me as something more."
Wise words and thought provoking ones.
RIP Gary
Gary Coleman won a million dollar settlement against his parents for, you guessed it, stealing his money.
The Gosselins are allegedly getting paid now, but what about all the years the kids weren't paid? TLC SAID they weren't paid they admitted it.
Wow Itsa. thant is a magnificent article. TY for sharing it.
I'm going to read it again and comment later when I have more time.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Sorry - on phone with big clumsy fingers!
Meant "That is "
AMD, I posted this on the A Minor Consideration facebook page which is administered by Paul Petersen and Janet Palazzotto, on the 4-8 Boycott Kate Plus 8 facebook page and I'm going to email the link to Rep. Murt. I'm not familiar with Matt Semino but I also thought the article was a great summary of what everyone has been saying and I totally agree with his insight on this.
BTW, the link to A Minor Consideration facebook is:
The "A Minor Consideration" website is:
and there's a wealth of information at this site as well as some interesting conversation on the FB page.
I posted that Matt Semino article on my blog when it was originally posted. I follow him on Twitter and he's also written about Lindsey Lohan.
The fans will say Gary Coleman has NOTHING to do with what the Gosselin kids are going through. After all, he was on a comedy and they star in a tragedy.
Curiosity got the better of me and I watched the preview clip to see if there would be any changes (a more positive spin perhaps?) to Kate Plus 8 from its original show.
It's only a one-minute preview but already there were two clips of the Gosselin kids shown in a negative way as examples of what Kate called "the meltdown" - Mady complaining about her wetsuit and Colin worried about his missing shoe. (Why must TLC continue to show Mady in such a bad light? After reading the People article, I would assume Mady was in a bad mood because of all the attention her siblings received due to their fake birthday. Favoritism at its best.)
Kate claims she is a great organizer (and likes to control things) so why hasn't she learned to arrange the filming schedule around her children's needs? There have been previous trips where she knew that the children would miss their naps and witnessed its outcome yet she never resolves this problem. My issue isn't why the kids are still taking naps because we've seen in earlier episodes that Cara likes to sleep, etc. Kids are all different. Obviously, she wants to keep filming her kids. I don't agree with it, but someone needs to advocate what the kids need if they are to remain on film. I would think Kate knew the day's filming schedule; therefore, she should have put in (or demanded at least) some down-time/free time for the kids so they could decompress from all the filming (and let them decide if they want to take a nap or do something else, etc.). She sets her own children (even herself) up to have these "meltdowns". Again, where is the advocate to protect the children's rights? Do these kids even receive any proper breaks, just like working adults?
I don't agree with filming but if kids HAD to be on tv, I would at least make sure they were shown in a more positive way - having fun and enjoying themselves. If things got bad, turn the cameras off. It doesn't make for great television but makes great memories.
Kate, we know you did not go solo on this trip. Besides Steve (whom the kids seem friendly with) and the TLC crew (whom your kids "missed terribly"), there is a TMZ pic of the family in Florida with Jamie, your best friend which you reduced down to "helper" in this preview.
Gosselin Gossip,
melt-downs = drama and how tough it is to be a mom to these children
drama = "better" TV
better TV = higher ratings
higher ratings = more fame
more fame = more money
kids? It's all for the kids.
Hi TVSnark,
The article did have a familiar ring to it when I read it so I bet I saw it at your site last year. It does say a lot, doesn't it?
IATK, yes, it's a good article and he's a smart man. I wish he would get more involved but his first and only Gosselin article attracted the fanatics to his comment section. I think he doesn't want to touch the topic.
Have I 'missed' anything from Kelly? Has he been here to post how, or if, the picketing went? On another thread maybe? Thought I'd pretty much read through all to date.
Uh, good luck emailing Murtha. He died on February 8.
Anonymous - Who is "Murtha". If you mean Rep. Thomas MURT, he is alive and well in PA, working to establish laws for children in television, reality or otherwise. Geez...
Anonymous, it was Rep Murt that Itsaboutthekids was emailing; not Murtha.
NancyB said...
This is a clip from the new show from People--I can not believe that she says "This was supposed to be nap time" Napping STILL -- my gosh these kids are 6 y/o! Maybe I am crazy- my kids sure did not do daily naps at 5 or 6y/o. How about you other mothers with grown children and moms with kids currently???
I have 4 kids, and they took naps until they were maybe about 3 1/2 yrs old... except for my 2nd son who voluntarily took naps until he went to kindergarten at the age of 5 years & 1 month.
Why is she talking about packing for a special trip and a birthday party ? They already have a birthday party at the house. How many birthday party shows is TLC going to have ? I realize TLC has to put on a big birthday show, but for Kate to act like they have to have a party when they already had one, makes me sick. And poor Mady....did they really need to film her being upset over her wetsuit ? omg, TLC and Kate are disgusting beyond belief.
Anonymous, Murt and Murtha are 2 different people.
"Anonymous - Who is "Murtha". If you mean Rep. Thomas MURT, he is alive and well in PA, working to establish laws for children in television, reality or otherwise. Geez.."
Jack Murtha was a PA Rep who died after complications from gallbladder surgery. It appears "anonymous" hasn't been following the saga of Rep MURT and child labor laws.
The clip was revealing in itself, but Kate's comments underneath were even more so:
Discovery Cove......Of course, though, there’s drama. “There was just so much new and different about the situation,” Gosselin tells the camera, noting that she’s chaperoning the trip solo. When the kids get distressed during a swimming session, she says, “I was thinking [that] we were setting up for disaster.”
Chaperoning solo? I think NOT. Setting the kids up for disaster because they're 'distressed'? I think YES. WTH is she letting them get 'distressed' to be 'set up' for disaster? NM, the show had to go on.
Remember, it was Aunt Jody who spoke up for the children when they a break from filming. She's gone now and their take-no-prisoners/the-show-must-go-on mother is in charge now, with no on-set advocates, heck, probably no work permits in other states. NO ONE looking out for the best interests of the children. Will TLC exploit the 'distressed' kids 'melt-downs' even further or will they try to rebuild Kate's image as a caring mother showing her stopping filming so the kids can nap?
Are they going to try to edit this Florida trip like Kate was by herself? We'll have to see. Because if they do, we have picture proof Jamie and Steve were there. And eyewitnesses saw FOUR nannies in the airport.
bbsak said...
The clip was revealing in itself, but Kate's comments underneath were even more so:
Discovery Cove......Of course, though, there’s drama. “There was just so much new and different about the situation,” Gosselin tells the camera, noting that she’s chaperoning the trip solo. When the kids get distressed during a swimming session, she says, “I was thinking [that] we were setting up for disaster.”
Chaperoning solo? I think NOT. Setting the kids up for disaster because they're 'distressed'? I think YES. WTH is she letting them get 'distressed' to be 'set up' for disaster? NM, the show had to go on.
Who the heck does she think she's fooling ? All the pictures were out with her, Jamie, and Steve...and everyone knows she doesn't go on those trips without a handful of nannies too. Even when they went to the beach last year during the kitchen remodel, there were many different nannies shown. How far over the "delusional edge" is this woman already ? And I'd love to know why someone who is interviewing her on tv doesn't call her out on all of her lies. Instead, the idiots just sit there and smile at her, and let her ramble on and on about how she does everything herself.
Are they going to try to edit this Florida trip like Kate was by herself? We'll have to see. Because if they do, we have picture proof Jamie and Steve were there. And eyewitnesses saw FOUR nannies in the airport.
NancyB said...
This is a clip from the new show from People--I can not believe that she says "This was supposed to be nap time" Napping STILL -- my gosh these kids are 6 y/o! Maybe I am crazy- my kids sure did not do daily naps at 5 or 6y/o. How about you other mothers with grown children and moms with kids currently???
I have 4 kids, and they took naps until they were maybe about 3 1/2 yrs old... except for my 2nd son who voluntarily took naps until he went to kindergarten at the age of 5 years & 1 month.
Why is she talking about packing for a special trip and a birthday party ? They already have a birthday party at the house. How many birthday party shows is TLC going to have ? I realize TLC has to put on a big birthday show, but for Kate to act like they have to have a party when they already had one, makes me sick. And poor Mady....did they really need to film her being upset over her wetsuit ? omg, TLC and Kate are disgusting beyond belief.
I posted that Matt Semino article on my blog when it was originally posted. I follow him on Twitter and he's also written about Lindsey Lohan.
The fans will say Gary Coleman has NOTHING to do with what the Gosselin kids are going through. After all, he was on a comedy and they star in a tragedy.
They weren't allowed to believe in Santa but the Tooth Fairy is acceptable?
Yes, a nice post - but something a Mom writes in a baby book/diary/email to family or personal blog. NOT something to showcase to all of America and then exploit for good TV. There is the difference. And why can't Dad have some of the 1st's too? That's what happens when you split families....
Riddle me the need to say MISS Tooth Fairy.
No TV on here on 6/6 for sure. Give those kids a break!
Just another girl....
Kart's new post - so you don't have to click. I don't like that she calls it "visiting" when the kids stay at Jon's. Just bugs me.
WARNING: Tooth Fairy! Prepare Yourself!!!
[From the TLC Editors: TUNE IN! Kate returns with the kids on Kate Plus 8 airing Sunday, June 6, at 9 and 10 PM! Check the TV Schedule for details.]
Well. It has happened ... the onslaught of tooth loss!
My little tiny Leah (of all kids!) announced a few weeks ago that she had a loose tooth. Of course I didn't believe her until I watched her tiny fingers “wiggle” it in front of my very eyes! I couldn't believe that my tiniest child, my second to youngest child, would be the first to shed a baby chomper, but she proved that it was indeed true!!! I witnessed it dancing inside her mouth!
I mentally chose to ignore this imminent event because this meant there was no going back ... my babies are growing up!!! All moms understand the finality of this moment! So I braced myself and waited.... And I just got word that the tooth has been lost...
To my dismay, it's an event I could not be present to witness because Leah was visiting -- along with her brothers and sisters-- at her dad’s. (Insert frowny face here!) It's yet another reminder that there WILL be moments I have to miss in the lives of my babies! It makes me really sad that I will have to wait to see the fresh gap in Leah’s precious and irresistible smile!!!
But don't worry ... Miss Tooth Fairy understands -- as does Leah -- and she will be on the ready to make her initial visit once Leah is back at home in her own bed! And all I can say is: Miss Tooth Fairy, you had better set your pearly white nav system for the shortest route to our house and get your change purse ready, too, because very soon it will be raining Gosselin teeth in a very BIG way!!!
It's a beautiful day! :0)
It's fine to hire an attorney when you are being sued even if you are inncoent. But this isn't a legal court case. No one is suing TLC. No one has filed a case against them. It's a child labor law. TLC is running in inserting themselves into this with a lawyer for a GENERAL child labor law in a state they are not even based in. They are trying to stop a child labor law that applies to EVERYONE just because they want to keep filming and HIDING what they are doing. They got their hands caught in the cookie jar, sorry.
Here's what the problem is. We are like the Who's down in Whoville! No one can hear us except our Horton (Paul Peterson) (sorry, I think in analogies...lol)
TLC has all the money and power. They have manipulated the public and have been successful in doing so. Many people see through it but many do not. TLC knows this. They are banking on their money and power to drown out our voices. So far it's mostly working and THAT is the scary part.
It makes me wonder what else in the media that I don't follow super closely is being fed to me as a lie in truth's clothing? I don't have time to research every single topic that I have an opinion on, yk? I'm sure this is true for J&K followers as well. It's all so ick :(
Marlene, don't worry it doesn't take a lawyer to see something is wrong here. :)
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