Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Recap: Celebrity Apprentice Ep. 3: Mrs. Rivera's check is real.

Editor's Note: Guess what? This is our 1,000th post! I can't believe it. The thanks all goes to you all, who have stayed here, some of you many years, through thick and thin, good times and bad, the world falling apart and the world coming together. The hysterical times, the snort your rumspringa times, and sometimes even tears. A special cheers to my attentive staff, the pool is always clean and the lawn tidy thanks to you. The porch we've all helped build throughout all these 1,000 posts is quite nice, thank you everyone.

Last time on Celebrity Apprentice, a montage of Kate Goz-land stuffing her face. The ladies were "starved" for direction with that doofus at the helm so Brandi and Leeza had to take over as the defacto PMs. Nice pun, writers. Because of some other circumstance, Kate skated by on both tasks, even though she stunk both times. Remarkably, even though Kate was PM, they won the Neat challenge. Despite Kate. It's become sort of the running joke on the blog that, as PJ here so eloquently put it, Kate has horseshoes shoved up her ass. Even though she undeniably sucks at this game, each and every time something else will happen that has nothing to do with her, somebody else needs to be fired as a result, and there she is again, veneers twinkling, to live another day. You can't get mad about this stuff, you just have to laugh.

Shawn is still upset that Vivica told Trump on national television Shawn got her period. As I said last time, that is a pretty clear violation of the girl code, except Shawn was the one who disclosed this information on national television in the first place, so this is sort of bizarre. She could have just said she felt the flu coming on. Shawn compares this to talking about one of her teammates going through menopause. Is she suggesting these ladies are old enough for menopause? Vivica gives her a well-deserved look. Shawn's kind of a bitch. There, I said it.

Whoever did the makeup for the women's interviews I have to agree it's kind of creepy how different they look. They look like they're wearing a painting of themselves. Shawn looks like a completely different person. I think it's great the way makeup can help women feel good and give them a pick-me-up, but if you look so different you're not yourself what's the point?

Geraldo appreciates the love from the ladies but the reception from the men upon his return is a bit icy. I think they were all very fond of Gilbert so this was a blow. He is right that the men's team is working against themselves. (For that matter, so are the women at times.) Geraldo is annoying but he's a strong player, and they need to just embrace that and move on.

Trump gathers the contestants in a grand courtyard.

I am happy I actually recognize these iconic steps as part of Central Park and a quick Google search pinpointed this particular area as Bethesda fountain. I have only been to NYC three times in my life, so I recognize almost nothing usually. What a beautiful setting! Production takes their roles seriously on this show, and I appreciate it. The production values are above average, like the time and effort that goes into the locations we see. Seeing what a great job production has done capturing it this season makes me wish for the first time I knew this city better. It's really blossomed.
The teams are going to create a four-page fitness editorial for Cosmopolitan magazine. Doofus over there is blown away. Wow!!! she exclaims. Yeah, not bad for Wyomissing, PA, right Goz-land? Seriously, she's so out of place here. What is she even doing here?

Johnny the cute baseball player and Jamie the snowboarder are going to be the PMs. I think that makes perfect sense and it's nice to see both of them stepping up immediately when in past weeks everyone has avoided this role.

Jamie's charity is to protect our winters. It's going to be hysterical if her team wins because then Trump will have to give the show's money to something he has called the "GLOBAL WARMING HOAX." All caps, lol. He caused this big ole dustup on the inter webs last year during the polar vortex with tweets like that, remember that? There is some real science behind the belief that global warming is not really happening or if it is, it's just normal temperature fluctuations that have been going on since time began and certainly long before pollution, but I'm guessing you're probably not going to get anyone to listen to an idea different than the mainstream just by hitting that caps lock and labeling all the other side's views a "hoax." At the very least, some of the most prominent global warming theorists are acknowledging there has been a "pause" in the warming trend for at least fifteen years, some admitting even longer, that they've been struggling to explain. But it's Trump, so he's never able to present what might be a good point in any kind of reasonable fashion let alone at a normal decibel level. How in the world Ivanka was sired by him is also a great conspiracy. Perhaps even a HOAX. I myself think she really must have been conceived by velvet and cream puffs and I'm sticking to my theory.

Jamie has a sort of "the devil made me do it" look in her eye when she talks about her charity that makes me think she knows full well Trump doesn't believe this shit, but she's going to pry that money away from him and give it to a cause she loves and he despises because that will just be fun. So far, I like her.

Okay, these editors are amazing. As Jamie crows about how their cover should focus on natural beauty, they cut to a shot of Kenya, then Kate, then Brandi, the three most plastic members of the team. Haha, so well done. Why does Kate still look confused? No one is asking her to understand the concept of a scanner scanning in a receipt or bake a pie or anything difficult like that. It's a magazine cover for pity sake.

Shawn has an idea to feature the two Olympians on the team with the theme "coached by an Olympian." Not bad. Kenya points out though Cosmopolitan is a very sex-focused magazine and so maybe they should be sexier. True, but the executives didn't say anything about sex, unless it was edited out. They want a spread about fitness. Bless her heart, Jamie's goal is to just keep the peace on this team. She is one of those naive PMs who thinks she can both win and keep the peace. At a certain point though she is going to have to stand up for herself and her fate as PM if something is happening that could cause them to lose. I'm worried for her on this task.

Lol, Brandi makes a joke about how Kenya could just "buy" more booty rather than do squats and Kenya's death glare is priceless. Brandi just can't help herself, can she?

Over at Team Vortex, the men are once again looking much more organized. They are quietly studying old Cosmopolitan magazines like it's the GMATs. They quickly realize that Kenya is right, the magazine's focus really is on sex. My boyfriend has a wife???? But he's never mentioned her before!

The boys have this idea for some kind of spread invoking the popular "selfies." I love that Geraldo boasts about how he had a very successful "selfie" a short time ago. Well, right, as the butt of the joke, Geraldo. I will certainly not link to that particular selfie or post it here, because I care about you all. If you are a disturbed person and really want to see it again, I will leave you to find it on your own or ask our blog historian. What I will say is that when that selfie came out everyone was making fun of him for it, but he either doesn't realize this or just doesn't care. And this is the beauty of successful people, bad things slip right past them like they're teflon and not only that but they have an uncanny ability to just embrace the bad or even turn it around into something good, like on this task. Dare I say we could learn something from Geraldo and the selfie that America will never be able to erase from our minds.

Johnny is going to bring in his wife who is a model (of course she is) for the cover. I think Johnny is really trying to say something else, but the way it comes out is that women who read Cosmopolitan are perfect women. I imagine some men feel we should all be reading this. Maybe so ... or not. I don't read it and I don't feel I'm missing anything. I don't get the sense this guy is that bright but he seems pleasant enough.

Geraldo has some creepy ideas where he and Johnny will hug and be naked and take a selfie. Johnny and Ian are doing a Kate "ummmm" face. Which is all you can do in this situation. Ian thinks Johnny should have at least gotten Geraldo dinner and a movie first. Lol.

Jamie sticks Kate on the useless job of "counting, time management, etc." Et cetera, lol. These are the jobs you don't really need someone on but you have to assign to someone on the team who is a nuisance to your progress to keep them out of you and your team's hair extensions. Yea! I think she's finally on to her! Great idea, Jamie, stick Kate on counting, lol. Here Kate, count these sandwiches.

Kate's bored of counting already, instead she's texting. Naturally Kate wants to get rid of Brandi, the second strongest member of this team, because Brandi has conflict with Kenya and it's a side show. And Kate would know, she's been the ring leader of an eight-ringed circus since 2004. But Brandi is right, the model should not be Kenya. Kenya doesn't make sense for their theme. Brandi correctly suggests that the models should be their two gold medalists and then a third random male model. That's not conflict that's just stating the facts. Also quite honestly it's on the PM to tell Brandi and Kenya to knock off this little feud for the task and get down to business. Butt out, Barnum. Everything Kate says sounds like a question. 

Commercials! This question thing is not a regional thing, it's an American thing. And it's gotten worse by the year. Especially people under 30, it's like they must never have any certainty in their lives. We need to stop doing the little question uplift at the end of every sentence. Ask anyone British how an American sounds to them these days and they will tell you to please stop asking questions. If it bothers an American it must sound just infuriating to them. Awww, they're going to train guide dogs on the Today show. A friend of mine got a dog last year who detects when she's going to have a seizure, and he has changed everything for her. For the first time in her life she's not afraid to be left alone in her house, or go out on her own. She can have a social life now, even date. Dogs are beautiful, wonderful creatures.

Ohhhhh, now the girls want Brandi to be the model. In Brandi's defense, she never suggested herself. She's basically like well whatever you decide, if that's really what you want, but I did say it should be a man. This is all really pissing off jealous Kenya, who has to take a breather.

Johnny's wife arrives and she is indeed gorgeous, but please, no more duck lips photos. Lorenzo is so sexy when he directs. Even Lorenzo, who is so nice, admits that Johnny really isn't much to write home about of a project manager so everyone else is stepping up too. I really never got the sense Johnny is anything special. You have to be careful going on a show like this if people don't know you're not special. You don't want to accidentally let the cat out of the bag. I think despite his slow start, Lorenzo is shaping out to be one of the strongest players on the men's team and certainly one of the smarter ones.

The women modeling are going to wrap themselves in a flag and it will look like they are naked. Oh, well Kate knows about that. Kate feels this is "spot owwwwn." I don't know, wrapping yourself in a flag has been done only about a million times before. Seems kind of unoriginal. And also, maybe a bit disrespectful to imply you're naked under there.

Jamie's got this, she sends Kate and Vivica to get props and is like, one hour max, people. Lol, after last task's shitshow that's wise. Based on this and the way she's marginalized Kate, I think it's safe to say Jamie is now up to speed on what this doofus really is all about. Welcome, Jamie. I can't picture Kate puttering around with a "superior" Vivica glaring down on her for more than an hour so that should be okay. I think it's hysterical that we so accurately predicted that Kate will always be the one sent off on little mostly unimportant errands and such just to get her out of the way. Called it.

Kenya is trying desperately to make Brandi's butt pop but I'm afraid Brandi is, well, not Kenya. I can't believe this. Kate's useless to this task, so useless all she can do is count sheeple, but there's all this tension and conflict between Brandi and Kenya, and sweet Jamie can't really handle all this big dog fighting that well, so once again some other circumstances that have nothing to do with Kate, like really nothing to do with her, are probably going to keep her safe, again. Lol, this is just too much.

Ian is rather fascinated with how ripped Terrell is. He can't stop talking about his bumpy road of muscles. Simmer down there, Milo, or we'll turn those lights right on out. Hey, that's my camera! The Canon 5d Mark iii. It's the most perfect camera ever made which is why it's probably responsible for most of the photos you see these days including these ones. You could buy a nice used car with the same amount of money it costs, but it's the only electronic I know out there that is actually really and truly worth that kind of expense.

Kenya is not happy with Jamie's PMing because she's asking everyone else what to do. Kenya really hates Brandi's shoot and wants it to be sexier. Take it off, take it off. Brandi is obviously uncomfortable with this, she's like I've had two kids, I haven't worked out in months... But finally she says whatever fine I'll do it, it's for charity, and strips down to her bra and panties. Good for her. Jamie suggests Photoshop. Lol.

Commercials. Did time-lapse guy get fired? All my favorite time-lapses are missing from this episode. A little too much horsing around with the tilt shift lenses and not enough work? Kate and Vivica come back from shopping after "forever" according to Jamie. Oops, should have kept Kate on the counting job. At least Vivica has a pep in her step as she rushes back to the group. They quickly finish up the shoot with the Olympians wrapped in flags and then begin assembling the magazine.

Leeza, the strongest member of the whole team, is worried that they have two different themes going on here, one being sex and "touch me," the other being the athletes and exercising. Leeza, now sex and exercise do go together. You can burn a hundred calories having sex. If you're Brandi maybe even 200.

Ian wants to include a story in their magazine spread about his wife taking pole dancing classes. I really resent hearing about his wife much less her pole dancing. I guess this magazine does sort of feature stories like that. Geraldo thinks the story is too long. He thinks the photoshoot that goes with it is boring and cheesy. They need something to spice up this spread or they're toast. Geraldo to the rescue. Solution: Geraldo in only his socks, shoes and underwear, pumping dumbbells. Genius.

Geraldo thinks he started the trend of selfies. Heh, no, Geraldo, it's amazing you didn't stop the trend of selfies. I imagine he also takes credit for inventing spot news reporting, and talk shows. Certain shades of narcissism are more amusing than anything and mostly harmless. Lorenzo thinks all joking aside Geraldo is just too old for their target market, which is mostly 20 and 30 somethings.

Johnny does an okay job presenting, and good for him getting up there instead of leaving this job to a more obvious choice like Geraldo. Interrupting the presentation to take selfies is awkward, but at least they were trying to tie the presentation into their spread. Their spread looks professional, but the selfie of Geraldo doesn't fit. And is creepy.

Jamie also presents, and she's nervous and a bit stumbly, but again, good for her when she could have just passed this off on Leeza who is always phenomenal at presenting. I'm not quite understanding their concept but their spread is just as professional looking as the men's. The photos turned out beautiful, all of them. Then again, both teams had several unknowns sitting around computers and operating cameras for them on this task. It's not going to look like your fifth grade English assignment with staff like that. It's kind of questionable how much of this can be attributed to the teams and how much to the helper elves.

Boardroom time already again! Another problem with these fast edits this season is that you don't really get to see much of who and what were really the problem on the tasks. 30 second snippets here and there just aren't enough to delve into and analyze all the weak points, which is one thing that is so fun to do as a viewer. What a shame.

The men had a disagreement over what the title of the project would be and felt maybe they were all a little old for this demographic but overall my boyfriend thinks they won. Jamie also thinks her team won, and Kenya thought she was the star of the team. Well, she did work hard to get that booty of Brandi's to pop. Jamie actually agrees Kenya was really helpful here, she claims she did a lot of the work on this project. To me that didn't really come through that strongly in the edit I saw. I mostly saw her picking at Brandi and at one point even excusing herself from the room. I find it admirable though that Jamie can just move on from the little spat she had with Kenya last episode, which in her time was probably only just yesterday, and admit it when she feels Kenya did a good job and was helpful to her. That said, for all her praise, she probably just found out when she saw this episode that Kenya was talking poorly of her to the cameras throughout the task. That's Kenya.

Trump is pressing Brandi to throw Kenya under the bus because the producers I'm sure told him about their conflict during this task, but good ole Brandi is like I want to be a team like the boys so my answer to that is, I think we won! Lol, she's cute at times, oddly enough. Why is Kate making a shocked face when Brandi says they won? Way to back up your team. Kate's probably not going to be on the chopping block this time around, due to this other circumstance, of course. As usual.

Brandi can't help it, she says Kenya is "evil." Yikes, evil? Kenya is explaining Brandi has been way out of line with her since day one and Kate is sitting there nodding wildly and saying "I agree." Shut up, Kate. This has nothing to do with you. What's more, this feud obviously started way before this show, so what do you know about how it all went down, who started what, and which side to pick? You just hate Brandi because she is on to you. You hate her so much you'll support somebody who is obviously equally a basket case if not more. Everyone else is smart enough to just stay out of this one. Does Kate not understand the second Brandi is gone Kenya will just find somebody else to throw under the bus, and it could be Kate next? Guess what, sure enough nine months later Kenya was the only one to directly rat you out about Steve sharing your hotel room. And here you are wildly supporting her, lol. Doofus.

And just for the record, it is simply not true, Kenya (and Kate who is nodding), that Kenya never does anything to provoke this and always just ignores Brandi. This episode was crammed full of Kenya picking at Brandi and making equally snide and immature remarks about her booty and other things, making her take her clothes off in an obvious attempt to humiliate her (which backfired, Brandi looked great), etc. That's hardly ignoring her. She is no innocent here. It's a bitch fight, and they're both guilty.

The executives overall liked a whole lot of things about the men's "selfie" spread but felt it lacked in a specific takeaway. Fair enough. As for the women, the executives liked their buzzwords, but just like Leeza pointed out ages ago, the spread wasn't cohesive, it kind of jumped around. If they want to win these tasks they really need to talk to Leeza more. She knows how you get a message across, that's her entire career. Maybe Leeza needs to speak up louder when they're screwing up, like Geraldo does. The men win it.

Johnny's charity is a charity he started and helps out in a variety of areas, like wounded warriors. He chokes up, as he is a celeb who truly believes in this stuff. Well, he gets credit for being sincere.

When Trump tells the men to get outta here, he makes a grand sweeping gesture like he's a conductor wildly cutting off the French horns. He's so flamboyant and doesn't care.

Trump wants to know whose fault this was. The Housewives, Jamie explains, because they wanted the attention of being the main model. I'm not really sure what in the world she is talking about. Brandi was very clear she did not want to be the model, and had to practically be dragged kicking and screaming into the shoot. For a couple minutes Kenya did want to be the model but once it was decided that wasn't going to be the case I don't recall her ever mentioning it again. Jamie may be smart however to twist her way into a pretzel to blame this on the Housewives. They both hate each so much they're sure to blame each other in the boardroom and take the heat off Jamie. Well played. Ivanka explains that really Jamie is ultimately responsible for missing the boat on not having the four pages relate to each other or showing what the result will be. Oh, now Kate's all nodding at all this?? She used Jamie for what purpose she could, now it's see ya sister, anybody but Kate. Also she seems to have made a few inroads with Kenya by taking her side in her silly feud with Brandi, so the minions are no longer as much use to her I suppose. What a transparent, fair weather friend she is. It's kind of interesting most of the other women aren't really saying much or even defending themselves when Jamie blames them. I think they all know Jamie is done for and it's best to just try to stay out of it. Mel here on the blog pointed out that Kate always makes sure she's sitting or standing near the strongest player so she can bobble her head and act like it was the two of them versus all the other dolts. It's so true. I'm sure the producers must arrange them sometimes, but Kate surely has a role in where she ends up at other times, and it's just too coincidental how she's always right there in the thick of it, having done absolutely nothing of significance to contribute to the task but still bobbling away like she was all part and parcel to everything. What a doofus.

Wow, amazingly enough Brandi decides to swim upstream and wants Kate fired! Lol! She's all like not withstanding all these other issues all Kate does is shop and zone out and how is that at all helpful? If you want to know how I feel about it fire Kate, Trump. You know, if the team got together on this they could make this Kate thing happen but once again, because of all these other things going on distracting people from the fact that she's a doofus, Kate is pretty much sailing on through these tasks and boardrooms giving 10% effort but for Brandi calling her out. How embarrassing it is that despite Brandi's nasty feud with Kenya, she would still fire Kate? How bad is she anyway?

But, but, "doing errands with Vivica and 'et cetera' was assigned to me," Kate says in her defense. Lol, she's so damn literal. Et cetera, lol. Kate, you forgot counting. I want to know how that went, that was assigned to you too.

Trump gets bored with her before she can even finish her sentence and cuts Kate off to ask her who she would fire, haha. Predictably, she would fire Brandi. Because Brandi is on to her. Haha, Trump gets bored again and cuts her off to ask Vivica something. Vivica says quite honestly you know who drives me nuts? Brandi and Kate.  Fire them. LOL!

I think a lot of stuff was left on the cutting room floor on this episode. I mean, we didn't see any of the entire shopping trip with Vivica. That's a lot of time to drive Vivica bananas we weren't privy to. We didn't see much at all of Kate but she must have done something to have these women tearing their extensions out over her when really they should point to Jamie since it's obvious that's what Ivanka wants. Jamie's a shoe-in, but the women are still going after Kate! Hehe.

Kate manages to sound like a tool when she responds to Trump demanding to know why she isn't stepping up, by saying the reason I don't step up for certain roles is because I'm comfortable in all roles. I.e. the other ladies are only good at some things so I wouldn't want to step up and grab something and take it away from such-and-such if it's going to be the only thing that such-and-such is good at, so I'm just being accommodating to all of their shortcomings, your honor. What a narcissist, and what incredible spin, Steve. Trump really can't stand to listen to her for more than a few seconds before he cuts her off again to move on to someone else. Leeza's shaking her head when Kenya's trying to throw Brandi under the bus saying she's toxic to the team. Leeza says she thinks Brandi's great. I'm going to trust Leeza on this, she's the best player here. Ohhh, Jamie brings back Kate and Kenya. That's really not a bad choice at all. Kenya was responsible for so much on this task she could try to blame the failings on her, and enough people have thrown out some ammunition about Kate tonight she could use that as her backup plan.

The men are baffled why she won't pick Brandi. Eh, Brandi's not going to get fired at this stage. She's too hard of a worker and there's nothing about her feud with Kenya that had anything to do with the outcome of this task. Oh, man, Kenya is pissed that Jamie brought her back. The only problem with this is if you get somebody like Kenya mad enough she's going to fight ten times as hard as you ever will, the boxing gloves are going to come out. Eek.

Oh no, Jamie actually tells Trump maybe she made a mistake bringing Kenya back. Oh, no, oh, no. No you didn't, Jamie, you made a great choice because Kenya did all the layout of this project and was very involved with everything they did wrong, and now you just look indecisive, and bullied. Bonehead move. Sure enough Trump turns this right around on her and says this is just part of the problem, you're indecisive. Sigh.

Oh, how nice of Kate to say Jamie sucked so badly at this because she just loves everyone. She's so patronizing and she's not fooling anyone, least of all I would hope Jamie, playing this off like oh I'm so disappointed my minion just isn't up to snuff but I love her anyway, oh well, keep in touch! Bitch, please. Ivanka acts like maybe bringing Kate back wasn't the best move either. Ivanka! She kind of sounds like she has a head cold, so I can only assume that was some momentary lapse with reality.

Jamie finally says I guess I brought Kenya back because she was so involved with this project. Yes, yes, yes, now you're getting it. Unfortunately she should have been pounding away on that two hours ago. It's too late now. She wants Trump to change the rules and fire Brandi but he acts like, change the rules, what, never! Even junior jumps in to say come now, Jamie, you can't be serious. Heh.

Trump says look I could spend time asking Kate and Kenya who he should fire, but that would make him want to tear the rest of his hair out one strand at a time so let's just skip all that shall we? Thank you, Trump. Jamie, you're fired. Trump seems relieved he doesn't have to give a dime to that global warming hoax charity. It's incredible the way Kate tries so hard to act like something she's not. She is so fake. She gives Jamie this awkward bear hug, swaying her side to side like you would your daughter as she goes off to college, stay positive you're just so wonderful and I love you blah blah blah. Stay positive, lol. It's a reality show for gosh sakes. You knew this woman all of what, a week? Good grief.

Jamie doesn't understand that her mistake here was not that she didn't bring Brandi back. That's irrelevant. The mistake was in not explaining why this was all Kenya's fault, as she was more or less in charge of exactly what they screwed up. She should have used Kenya's own words against her! Before they found out they won, Kenya herself said that she was the "star" of this task. She gave herself all the credit. Then it was revealed they fucked up. So who do you blame but the self-proclaimed star? It's so simple. Why no one else seems to get this except Leeza is beyond me, but I think quite frankly, Kenya intimidates a lot of them. As is her right, bullying is part of her game play.

In the car ride home Jamie says this was "almost" her first time being fired in life. Almost her first time? Hehe, I want to hear about the first time!

Oh thank goodness, timelapse guy is back with some cool night shots of city traffic.

Predictably, Kenya just gets cockier about herself having made it through the boardroom. You got through because some 25 year old or whatever couldn't get her thoughts together. Big whoop, doesn't mean you're any good. Look at, Kate. This is her second boardroom and she still sucks at this game.

It seems to me a good many of the players here like Kenya, or at least don't mind her. Terrell touches her ass and discovers it feels real. Brandi thinks it's quite interesting the way she's manipulated them. I don't know if that is the case. I think it's just not the best idea to go around picking fights with people on a show where everyone has a say in who is getting voted off. I think it's as simple as that. Surely at least some of these ladies darn well know, at least Leeza, that Kenya was more or less in charge of a task that utterly failed. I mean pretty much everyone has been shaking their head about Kate, but only Brandi has been actually actively picking a fight with her to her face. That's just game play. Somebody might drive you bonkers, but you might put up and shut up about it because you don't want to call attention to yourself.

The next morning it's pouring rain, who doesn't love New York in the rain, and they meet at the gorgeous Central Park Boathouse. I love it, it's so Dirty Dancing. The task is to sell wedding dresses and raise money for charity. They can charge whatever they want for the dress.

Trump mixes up the teams and the new teams are Kenya, Brandi, Leeza, Johnny, Terrell and Ian as their PM. (Leeza? You're going to have to step up sometime if you are serious about winning this.)

The other team is Kate, Vivica, Shawn, Lorenzo, the crab fisherman, and Geraldo as PM. Geraldo sounds a little bummed he has to step up as PM again so soon but he's like look, I looked around at my team (especially at Kate, right?) and realized I am really the only one who has any business stepping up on a fundraising task. True enough. I am mad Kate got separate from Brandi, the only person willing to call her out to her face. Crab fisherman's lucky if he can figure out how to set an oven timer correctly let alone worry about giving Kate a hard time. Nobody else here is going to give her much grief except Geraldo but chances are he'll be too busy doing actual work and such to bother.

Vivica is so relieved to get some "new energy" on her new team.

If Jamie was a Type B personality, just get along with everybody I don't even realize when someone is upset with me, Geraldo is such a classic competitive, type A personality that you just have to laugh. You cannot stop people like him. Getting mad at them just makes them work against you harder. As Geraldo explains, having Ian on the opposite team, Ian who used to be aligned with Jonas brother, just motivates Geraldo to work harder. I guess Geraldo strongly associates Ian with his nemesis Jonas brother. That feels like ages ago but Geraldo has not set things right yet about that in his psycho mind. It's not really about his charity as much as it's about showing Ian because he is just wired this way, he simply must show Ian. And that's the mistake boyfriends like Ian make. They get in a game with that nut thinking it's poker on a Friday night with the boys, meanwhile Geraldo acts like it's Vegas and the world series and it's Doyle Lawson on his left and Ian on his right and a quarter of a million dollars posted as the small blind. He's just playing this completely psycho competitive crazy thing that nobody else is or ever has before on this show and he's smoking everyone as he goes.

Geraldo is getting the game plan together and there's Kate right next to him sort of in the Barney Fife role, vigorously scribbling down notes for him as if that is at all helpful.  Geraldo wants to know estimated fundraising numbers from everyone.

"I'm pretty comfortable saying 50," Kate says with a straight face. 50, what? 50 bucks, it has to be. Surely not $50,000. Baw-hahhaha. Baw-hahaha.  How do you go from zero on the first task to $50,000 three days later? Rat Claws better have inherited the DuPont estate in the past three days or she's lying.

Ew, Geraldo is one of those men who doesn't cut their nails that often. I have always found that so gross. A man should not have nails unless he plays guitar.

Ha, the crab fisherman, Shawn and Vivica, who are all in the other van, have the same reaction as me! They're just like, 50 grand? You've got to be joking, Goz-land. I love that she's the butt of the joke for just about everyone, even if most people don't feel like saying it to her face. Other reality stars are making fun of her, like crab fisherman and Brandi. She is a joke even among jokes, it's so bad.

Vivica lets us in on the fact that in the Pie Face episode Kate had promised to bring in $25,000 and nothing showed up. That's great information that they never told us before. So Kate was telling everyone that mythical check was for 25 grand?? Hahaha. Kate's not above lying to act like she has any business whatsoever among these real celebs. It's pathetic, sad, and most of all hysterical. Color me shocked that crab fisherman seems to be implying that if Kate pulls that kind of crap fill in the blank. Sounds like he means to see to it she's fired. Wow, and I was just saying I didn't think he had any interest in her. This is awesome. Carry on!

Ian is talking to his team like he is William Wallace, trying to get them all motivated. The goal is to raise money. The plan is now. His charity is for children who have a genetic disease that causes sores on their skin. Why did he pick this charity? Because he loves skin care. And kids. Thus, a charity about skin care and kids. Ian's even dressed in plaid. Braveheart's army never looked this bored.

And dying in our beds one day, Brandi, will you trade one chance, just one chance, to beat Kate Goz-land at the wedding dress challenge on Celebrity Apprentice? Brandi's eyes glaze over. I had no idea my boyfriend was such a Hollywood fruitcake. I think we may be breaking up in this episode.

Holy shit, Ian has almost $200,000 locked, loaded and ready to go! Way to barely bring out hardly any of that in the Pie Face challenge, geez Louise. There was more game play going on in that Pie Face challenge than I gave these dumb clucks credit for. There is no way Geraldo is going to anticipate Ian has that much he could bring in, is that real? This is the best episode yet so far, mixing the teams around was like a double shot of espresso. I'm ready now.


Ian's team, every single one, are all working the phones like crazy. Exactly what you should do on a fundraiser challenge. There's a ton of food around and everyone is chowing down but the editors aren't editing this to make fun of anyone for eating. That's just saved for Kate. Brandi is ten feet away trying not to have drama and have some quiet for her phone calls. Ian wants her to rejoin the group, like I said ten feet away. She's like eh, no thanks. Terrell gets bored after a few phone calls and stops calling, eats a sandwich, yawns, and so on. Kenya tries to encourage him to get back to it. I think he is one of the biggest duds but I haven't heard a single person flag him as a weak link. Odd.

Over at Geraldo's team he too is on the phone. Kate's in the background sort of playing with her phone but not actually talking on it. Even Lorezno, Sig, and Shawn are making calls.

Kate is worried that her nonexistent money might not come in again. Why? It's not snowing anymore. It's not even raining. Maybe the abominable snowman melted along with the check?

Oh God, I hate what a good idea this is. Ted Gibson stops by and Kate sets him up to agree to give a free hair consultation for those buying dresses. Was this all Kate's idea? It can't be, it's too good. I'm skeptical about the responsible party. Kate claims it's her idea. She also has this idea that she and Geraldo will dress up as a bride and groom and stand outside getting people to come in. It's better than just a boring sign. I would have bet money on that being someone else's idea to just get her out of the way. Who is this woman and what was in that coffee Steve gave her this morning? She's actually contributing something more meaningful to the task than her usual shocked and appalled faces and knick knacks from Bed Bath and Beyond. I get the sense it's really important to her to impress Geraldo. I know he's PM and all, but she seems really overly eager to please him, almost like a strange sort of father figure type psychology going on here, you know what I mean?

You know the sad thing about this? This just proves Kate does have it in there. There are good ideas to be had in that little noggin ready to go and she can work if she would just apply herself once in awhile and not be so darn lazy and zoned out all the time. Aw, Geraldo gives her some nice encouragement, calls this sudden brainstorm session quite enterprising of her. I guess you can't fix stupid. Kate doesn't know what enterprising even means, lol. Shoulda asked her kids, I'm sure they could tell her, they've lived it.

Kate's thrilled they finally have men on the team so they can do all the heavy lifting of carrying the dress racks inside and she can assume her usual role of ordering others about. If those are what I've lifted before, those racks are darn heavy. Team Estrogen, the crab fisherman mutters. Hehe.

No one can find Brandi. Oh no, she took off. She calls Ian and said she had a panic attack and went back to the hotel and will work from her bed. Oh, dear. Kenya thinks this is because Brandi is all intimidated by Kenya. Nah, I don't think so. I do think it's because she has difficulty controlling herself at times and shuts down. She doesn't want to explode on Kenya or anyone and cause a problem so she checked out.  She's like this on the Real Housewives show, too. She slips into bad places and does unwise things and makes unwise comments. I've thought at times she is the survivor of some kind of abuse, I don't know by whom. She needs a lot more therapy than even she already has gotten, but I do think she means well under all these issues. And, why do I feel like once again some other circumstance that has nothing to do with Kate is going to result in somebody else getting fired other than Kate. Yep.

Lorenzo the rat tells Geraldo Ian has told them his number is $180,000. I like that Lorenzo's the narc here. This is his new team now and if he is not here to win why is he here at all? Ian was a real dummy to tell anyone that number until he absolutely had to. Of course all this information does is motivate Geraldo all the more. Now he has a number to aim for, and that's bad news for Ian. The only way this could ever work out for Ian is if Geraldo did not know his number. Now that he  knows it? Game over for my boyfriend and I'm breaking up with him, too. Kate's all giddy because she's sitting front and center and being treated like a real live team member and confidant. Geraldo doesn't have time to do anything but just act like he's accepted her, he has bigger fish to fry and a sleepless night ahead coming up with more donors.

It's the morning, and look at how peppy and talkative Goz-land is this fine morning. She is finally in her element. She's self-appointed herself Geraldo's assistant and loving the ego inflation from it, Brandi's not in her hair extensions anymore, a semi-real celebrity Ted Gibson is on his way over to help her win and so is a big fat check she hopes. Look at her out there in the wedding dress, laughing and joking with Geraldo about her eight kids and so on. This is just nuts the way she came alive. She's been hibernating this whole time.

Brandi is back and dressed up all nice and looking much better and already bringing in some donations. Good, I hope that's all over with. But Geraldo's team brings in a $100,000 check early. Good Lord, that is so much money. All kidding aside, can you imagine writing a check like that? Rich people are another world.

Ian brings in the Chip 'n' Dales. Hello.

Kate's being all clever and stuff. Kate must have an earpiece in her ear, she has to. She's like Sig was wrestling in women to the store like he must wrestle fish. Well, crabs are better described as crustaceans, but I'll let that go since at least she's making an effort to say interesting and funny things. Guess what, if you make an effort to be cute and clever, you suddenly get edited into the cut a lot more.

Noooo, Ian gets a check for $165,000. You know, I have to say for as silly as this task is I'm almost tearful here. Man alive, the generosity out there makes you really want to believe in the human race again. Who throws around that kind of money at charity? A lot of people, apparently.

Eric Trump comes over to check things out and wants to know where Kate's check is she promised. There's only minutes left. On it's way, she says. Lol. I wonder if Kate ever thinks about this idea that whoever her donor is obviously isn't taking her all that seriously to flake on her the first task and cut it down to the wire on the second. That's not very respectful of her.

Terrell sucks, some of his donors are falling through. At least Kate is hustling on her phone trying to get an ETA. Terrell explains that the reality is he really isn't comfortable begging for money. I see. I mean, I get that. It's the last thing I would want to do. But I'm guessing a lot of people don't like doing this, but they've done it because it was for the team and for the win and it's what was expected of them. If this is really not something you're willing to do then you shouldn't have bothered with this show.

Like a knight in shining armor Kate's donor pulls up in a beautifully crisp Mercedes. Who is this guy? He looks cool, like I own a minor league baseball team and a software company in Austin cool. I skimmed some mutterings about who he was on the blog but haven't had a chance to read most of the comments so I'm in the dark still.

Somebody pointed out a common theme when editing this show is to show some kind of dud contestant making a real turn around, and this was indeed Kate's redemption edit. That was the cliche storyline straight out of the playbook, and they fit her into it. Life's a funny thing.

Final boardroom of the night! Ian sells Brandi out about her little incident, and says it was because of Kenya. Brandi said it had nothing to do with Kenya, she just had a panic attack and felt really sick and even threw up. That does sound like symptoms of a real panic attack and they really aren't necessarily triggered by something big like some huge feud with Kenya. I find it hard not to believe Brandi when she said she would continue to make calls from her bedroom and then once it was over was right back there ready to work the next morning and bringing in money without skipping a beat. It's not like she was checked out the whole task as Kenya loves to spin it. Even Trump said a panic attack is not really "checking out," that's hardly fair.

This is really being set up as Kenya vs. Brandi, and someone will have to go and soon.

Barney Fife just loves her boss. She's in awe of everything about him, it was an honor to work for him. He's marvelous. Lol, what is Trump's response to all this ego stroking? Do you have a boyfriend? Haha, he just blurts it out like your grandfather would in front of everyone at the Thanksgiving table. Kate's like uh, uh, well no, but I'll be Geraldo's next ex-wife. Lol. Oh, Kate, it's not as much fun to make fun of you when you're joking too.

It's amazing what a little self-deprication and loosening up will do, Goz-land. I will never say I actually liked her in this episode, but she didn't grate on my last nerve and I wasn't bringing out the doofus term as much as usual, which is saying a lot. You know what, I think she's so intimidated by other strong women she just can't hack it. She shuts down, can't control herself when provoked. She gets along with people like Geraldo because she responds to people who either are much younger and she can mother, or those so much older and wiser they take on a fatherly role toward her. Nobody was going to mother or father Kate on the women's team, that's not how women are in this competition usually. Thus, she reverted to an ineffective doofus. I have a sneaking suspicion this is why she loves Steve so much, he too fulfills that fatherly role for her she responds to so well, and brings out the best in her.

Trump's still playing the grandfather. He's like hey you over there, Shawn, you've really grown up! Haha, that's all he says to her. Poor Shawn.

Trump said there was $600,000 raised with only about a $2,500 difference. Wow! That's unbelievable! His solution to this is to allow the project managers to each keep their own money or go for broke and stick to the deal with winner taking all. There's no way they're not sticking to this deal, they're both too psycho and Type A, and splitting the pot will always make a Type A feel like they didn't really win even if they did.

Geraldo admits that going for broke would just be an ego move, which is entirely true, and begrudgingly he will have to put that aside and just split it. I'm shocked. Good for him and nice for the charities. How wonderful for both charities. I can't even imagine what a small charity like Camp Barnabas would do with this sort of money. I mean it would change everything for them. You could make a freaking endowment in perpetuity with that sort of money and never have to worry about fundraising ever again. As much as money doesn't have to be important in one's life, it can also do a lot of powerful, amazing things.

Geraldo's team wins. Wow. Geraldo says artistic again to mean autistic. So that wasn't just a fluke, I think he thinks that's how it's pronounced, hehe.

Oh this is so sad. How can Trump fire anyone on a team that brought in almost $300,000? How crazy. Geraldo knew they won because he could actually just add in his head and the numbers Trump was throwing out plus the number he knew he had told him they won before it was announced. I was thinking that. Anyone who can add in their head would know the result of this. But of all these dolts only Geraldo could figure it out. The rest were just sitting there waiting in suspense. Hehe.

Trump agrees to round off both men's numbers to $300,000. Ian admits Brandi raised about $40,000, even from bed at home. Based on that, I say her panic attack is a complete non-issue at this point. Kenya only raised $30,000 without a panic attack, so. Leeza raised a respectable $20,000.

Geraldo says based on those numbers you can't justify firing either Brandi or Kenya. Lorenzo thinks Leeza is safe too. Uh oh, that only leaves Terrell and Johnny. Either one of them is a dud so it doesn't matter to me. Trump is confused how people like Terrell and Johnny with their contacts can't come up with much of anything. It's pretty simple, because some people are shy about cold calling asking for money even if it's for charity even if it means they'll be fired. Ian is absolutely correct to bring back Terrell or Johnny. I imagine these men are shocked he would bring long-standing team members back over the women they just joined up with, but Ian is playing to win so you can't blame him for that. If he does something stupid like bring someone back who raised $40,000, next thing you know Ian will be gone. One of them is done and Ian will be safe, but I'm afraid Ian and I? We've broken up. I'm fine. I'll just box up his stuff and he's going to pick it up tomorrow when I'm not home. Really, I'm okay. Ian is in disbelief that one of Terrell's donors that fell through would have been enough so that they won. That is crushing. Terrell seems ready to go, I think he's had about enough.

My ex has his moments where he's a real nut. "Inspiration" is how he raised this kind of money. Huh? Freak.

Terrell, you're fired. Dud from day one. See ya.

The future will deliver, William Wallace says in his plaid suit as he gazes into Terrell's eyes. It's inside of you. Freedom!!! You know Beverly Hills High was built on an oil well. It pumps $300,000 in profits a year of that stuff believe it or not. Maybe the fumes have finally caught up to him.

Aw, next week the great Joan Rivers will be an advisor on the show. What sweet justice that one of her final acts on this earth is to take Kate Goz-land to task.

Fun fact. Kate and Vivica are the only women to have won their tasks as Project Manager so far. Fun fact, Kate has been to the boardroom twice and come out alive twice. We live in a parallel universe, folks. Happy 1,000th!

961 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   401 – 600 of 961   Newer›   Newest»
chefsummer #Leh said...

If I was Kate I would be sadden if my daughters didn't look up to me as a mother.

If I was Kate I'd be sad if my daughters needed a parental figure besides myself.

Midnight Madness said...

lol! That's why she so exhausted and busy and has to set 15 alarms in order to get awake in the morning. She's been driving from hospital to hospital, from med center to med center, all day, every day, trying to find someone who will hire her. She so badly wants to go back to nursing that it's consuming her every waking moment.

It's been five years since the divorce. I wonder how many resumes she's sent to hospitals since then, only to find out that she's been rejected because some non-fans didn't like her. She and her attorney are sitting back ready to strike. I guess they are waiting to enlist the aid of BV again, but he appears rather preoccupied with something else at the moment...probably finalizing that class action lawsuit against the haters!

Rainbirdie said...

I find it interesting that when an article comes out about poor lonely Kate wanting to remarry, the reader comments are never about how terrible it would be to take on the responsibility of her 8 kids. It's always about how horrible it would be to take on Kate & her rotten personality. Being single is one thing she can't blame on the kids.

Midnight Madness said...

ellen day ‏@stevedaysays 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Hannah is really starting to look like you! #likemotherlikedaughter #beauty

Good lord. How can anyone in their right mind look at a photo of Kate and Hannah side by side and say that those two look anything alike? Are they serious, or is it snark? That's like saying that Mady is the spittin' image of Kate.

PJ's momma said...

Formerly, yes, we are two different people. PJ is my dog.

All the best to your little friend and good luck to you too. When I said wheelchair, I meant this:

redbirdsings said...

The host on QVC with Isaac Mizrahi is just awful. Don't know her name. She has TFW's porcupine haircut and just belittled and cut down a caller from the South. She was calling from NC and she said that you have talked to me many times and IM was remembering her and she said that she has bought a lot of IM's things.

The host said she was trying to remember the small town that she lived in NC, couldn't remember, like she was really trying and then she said, oh, the little town that has the one red light! Then she asked the lady, How is that little red light doing? What the heck?

The lady didn't answer that horrendous stupid question, she just said that she has bought a lot of IM's things and enjoyed them.

Sounds exactly what TFW would say.

Tucker's Mom said...

Formerly Duped said... 196
Thanks PJ, PJ's Momma- are you two different people??, and Tucker. My dog is having the surgery right now! They said the first 24 hours are critical if function is to return. The conservative measures I would have preferred of course.Never heard of a dog wheelchair, amazing what's available. $8000! But this hospital seems great, with MRI and full neurosurgery staff, one nurse per dog.You can even Skype your dog. I am more worried about post-op at home since she was never a crate dog and had full run of the house, couch, beds etc.Also some of you may recall my medication struggles with this fuzzy one, oy!
You might want to set up a pen instead of a crate.
Here's a pen/gate that we use

You can set up a blanket and bed, and get right into the pen to pick up and put down your dog.
Your cost is about what we paid. Yes, expensive, but once I saw that herniated disc, which compressed his nerve roots and actually shifted his spinal cord, I knew there was no other option.
This is way beyond acupuncture and the dog will lose neural function beyond recovery, permanently, if the pressure and disc material is not removed.
When we got our Bichon home, DH built an Excel spreadsheet for his meds and it helped keep everything tracked.

Tucker's Mom said...

Formerly Duped said... 196

Also, your pup will be on heavy meds at first and won't want to do much but sleep, and won't be bothered by sleeping in a pen or crate ;-)
Believe me!

PJ's momma said...

Do some of these twitter people understand hashtags? My gosh, Milo has some doozies. #SorryTwasABadOne.......hashtags are meant to join similar tweets/posts together. Click on that one - only hers comes up. Uggs' are even worse. It's so DUMB! There is a place for them; my husband's company uses them, especially during special events, so people know where to go, or can download apps, or see pictures from the event. But when your tweet or post is the only one there, it means absolutely nothing. I know young people who have more hashtags on their posts than the actual number of characters in the post!

FYI said...

Looks like Kate is in California. NBC is giving there Television Critics Association presentation today for the TCA Winter Press Tour which is being held in Pasadena.

Dave Nemetz @Dave_Nemetz
· 7m 7 minutes ago
Here at NBC's #TCA15 day. About to live-tweet the #CelebApprentice panel, so fasten your seat belts. Trump is in the building.

Dave Nemetz @Dave_Nemetz
· 5m 5 minutes ago
Full #CelebApprentice panel: Trump, Mark Burnett, Vivica A. Fox, Leeza Gibbons, Brandi Glanville, Kate Gosselin, Lorenzo Lamas... #TCA15

Dave Nemetz @Dave_Nemetz
· 4m 4 minutes ago
... Kenya Moore, Geraldo Rivera, Ian Ziering. Lots of potential for fireworks, even if they muzzle The Donald. #CelebApprentice #TCA15

FYI said...

Dave Nemetz @Dave_Nemetz
· 3m 3 minutes ago
Geraldo, Kate Gosselin, and Kenya Moore got stuck in the back row. That has to hurt. #CelebApprentice #TCA15

redbirdsings said...

PJ's momma, I watched a little bit of the World Dog Awards and a little Chihuahua, he was so small, he did not have his 2 front legs. The mother disowned him and his brother and sisters pushed him out of the way and he was going to be put down, but a kind couple fostered and then adopted him and got him a little harness with wheels in the front and he is now flying around now. His name is Turbo-roo. He is the sweetest little thing! He got an award last night.

swingsandroundabouts said...

Formerly Duped said... 177

My cockerpoo herniated a disk in her back and is now paraplegic (Happened after a slip on ice last night).


I'm so sorry. I haven't had that with any of my dogs so I have no real advice. I do however send you and the dog my best wishes and hopes for the best outcome.

Tucker's Mom said...

PJ's momma said... 9
Do some of these twitter people understand hashtags? My gosh, Milo has some doozies. #SorryTwasABadOne.......hashtags are meant to join similar tweets/posts together. Click on that one - only hers comes up. Uggs' are even worse. It's so DUMB!
They follow Kate's example, let's hashtag everything 'cuz we're so hip!

FYI said...

Some of the press people are live tweeting the NBC TCA presentation. I'll post some of their tweets here. Some of the CA ones are funny.

Danielle Turchiano ‏@danielletbd · 5m5 minutes ago
Trump says his second [hour] is the number one show on TV right now. "WHAT?" the row behind me exclaims. #TCA15

Michael Schneider ‏@franklinavenue · 6m6 minutes ago
Donald Trump proclaims the second hour of #CelebrityApprentice as the No. 1 show on television. FWIW, it is not. #tca15

Andy Dehnart ‏@realityblurred · 4m4 minutes ago
Mark Burnett still describes Apprentice as "an American business show promoting American business." Maybe he means product placement? #TCA15

Rob Moynihan ‏@robmoynihan · 5m5 minutes ago
.@MarkBurnettTV notes this season of #CelebrityApprentice raised $2 million for charity. #TCA15

longtime lurker said...

Formerly Duped, so sorry to hear about your pup...healing thoughts being sent your way. I typically don't post much but just had to chime in on your concern re: home care. Please don't worry about crating upon her return home. She will most likely settle right in to it, recognizing that it is a safe place for her to recuperate.

Last December while out hiking in the woods one of my dogs chased after a squirrel and when he came back to us he had a dime size hole in his side. We took him to the hospital immediately, and long story short he required surgery where a 9 inch stick was cut out of him! I too was very nervous about home care once he came home because we never crated him either and he was coming home with a stomach pump that we needed to keep our other dog away from.

All of the worry was for nothing! He willingly went into the crate and remained there except for potty breaks for the entire 2 weeks before his staples were removed-never stressed and never really fought us to go in. In fact-here we are a year later and he now sleeps in the crate BY CHOICE! I think they innately understand when we are trying to help and can recognize a "safe place" when they find one.

Best of luck and please keep us posted

PJ's momma said...

Tucker's Mom, I've seen that. The first time I saw it, I thought it was #LOLfunny!!!! but now I want to punch the screen. But it's still funny.

FYI said...

Some more:

Diane Gordon ‏@thesurfreport · 5m5 minutes ago
Trump: Geraldo's been a tough player. He's earned a lot of money. People just don't like the guy very much. #CelebrityApprentice #TCA15

Jim Colucci ‏@jimcolucci · 10m10 minutes ago
Ian Ziering: #CelebrityApprentice is "expedited MBA from Trump U." I believe you can also get that degree by mail by drawing a turtle #TCA15

Brian Lowry ‏@blowryontv · 6m6 minutes ago
Donald Trump: "If I lose credibility the show would not do very well." Shockingly, room does not erupt with laughter. #TCA15

Michelle Carlbert ‏@Mokibobolink · 4m4 minutes ago
"I'm still hoping to be verified by Twitter." - Lorenzo Lamas on what kind of career bump he hopes to get from #CelebrityApprentice. #TCA15

Diane Gordon ‏@thesurfreport · 4m4 minutes ago
Trump says the Republican party wanted him to run for Governor of NY state but he didn't want to do it. (I believe nothing he says) #TCA15

localyocul said...

Kate is a twit said... 10
Looks like Kate is in California. NBC is giving there Television Critics Association presentation today for the TCA Winter Press Tour which is being held in Pasadena.


Oh jeez. Again, she can't date because she can't find a sitter (hello fourteen year olds?) but can be on CA and IN CA? Bet it's awful awkward in there since several have sent TFW nice tweets and she has ignored them and she's obviously bitter about..something (well everything, but..)

FYI said...


Dave Nemetz ‏@Dave_Nemetz · 3m3 minutes ago
Kudos to @HitFixDaniel for calling out Trump's ratings lies! He backpedaled further: "That's what I heard. That's what I was told." #TCA15

Of course, Kate has to mention that she has 8 kids:

Danielle Turchiano ‏@danielletbd · 2m2 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin: "I wish I could be on #CelebApprentice every day." It's easier and less stressful than raising 8 kids alone. #TCA15

Jarett Wieselman ‏@JarettSays · 2m2 minutes ago
It's really crazy that we're still talking to and about Kate Gosselin. #CelebApprentice #TCA15

Dave Nemetz ‏@Dave_Nemetz · 2m2 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin, single mother of 8: "I wish I could be on #CelebApprentice every day. It was a lot easier. Even this is a nice break." #TCA15

I didn't bother to post all the tweets. If you want to see them, do a twitter search for #TCA15.

TLC stinks said...

Kate Gosselin on which is harder, raising kids or this show: I wish I could be on #CelebrityApprentice every day. #TCA15

Kate Gosselin would abandon her kids in a heartbeat to do #CelebrityApprentice every day. #TCA15 (I kid, I kid. Sort of)

Rhythm Of Life said...

@msgoody2shoes21 @GeeWhiz__ @SandieBellz They'll never let her get even a job at a hospital.They want to destroy @Kateplusmy8 . Hope K sues


Which one of the six silly sheep came up with that gem? Kate working? At a hospital? Yeah, right, and I have some land in the Everglades to sell. Any buyers?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

So TFW's in LA. Didn't she recently say she never gets out of the
house -- probably while these plane tickets were stuffed in her
purse (with the unpaid bills)?

Hopefully the G kids have the holiday weekend with their dad.

localyocul said...

Variety ‏@Variety 16m16 minutes ago
Donald Trump and the #CelebrityApprentice cast are at #TCA15. Trump's talking Cosby: …

Ummm. I don't think everyone in that picture is there.

FYI said...

KSiteTV ‏@KSiteTV · 7m7 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin finds Celebrity Apprentice a break vs. raising 8 kids alone. I'd be so angry if my mom said she'd rather work over raising me.

Damian Holbrook ‏@TVGMDamian · 7m7 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin says being on #CelebApprentice is easier than raising 8 kids. How would she know? #tca15

You can read more of the tweets here:

localyocul said...

Oh that's nice:

Dave Nemetz ‏@Dave_Nemetz 9m9 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin, single mother of 8: "I wish I could be on #CelebApprentice every day. It was a lot easier. Even this is a nice break." #TCA15

TLC stinks said...

Kate Gosselin says being on #CelebApprentice is easier than raising 8 kids. How would she know? #tca15

localyocul said...


Damian Holbrook ‏@TVGMDamian 10m10 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin says being on #CelebApprentice is easier than raising 8 kids. How would she know? #tca15

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate is a twit said... 10
Looks like Kate is in California. NBC is giving there Television Critics Association presentation today for the TCA Winter Press Tour which is being held in Pasadena.

Thanks so much for posting the tweets from this. Wow, Kate's still on her media tour. I'm shocked, shocked!
Why is it every time she says she's always there for the kids, in sweats, no make up, hair up, cooking, never leaves the house, not even for a date, she's always away for a HUGE break?
I'm sure she's trolling for another tv show.

You know, it occurs to me, that the kids might be stealthily telling Kate that they need another adult in the house so that when she leaves for days or weeks at a time, and she does a lot, they won't be stuck with the nanny du jour.

Millicent said...

chefsummer #Leh said... 1

If I was Kate I would be sadden if my daughters didn't look up to me as a mother.
If I was Kate I'd be sad if my daughters needed a parental figure besides myself.
I don't believe the children really say stuff like that to Kate, or if they do, they've learned to say that in order to please their mother.

Like Kate, I am a single parent, meaning that I'm not married to the father of my child. Unlike Kate, I have custody of my child 95% of the time. Unlike Kate, my son's father is involved in his life and we are amicable. But my son has been raised in a household where I'm the primary parent and decision-maker, etc.

I think we've discussed the fact I'm single on a handful of occasions. We once discussed how it would be different for us both if I got married again. For example, there would be more money coming into the household. There might be other kids around and my son might have to share his bedroom. There might be another person voicing their opinion on where we would go on vacation, what to have for dinner, what to watch on tv! It was just a brief discussion and no big deal.

Never once has my son said anything about wishing he had another parental figure in his life. Why would he (or the Gosselin children) think that, when he has a father in his life (as do they)? It's just not realistic. Jon was a hands on father from the very first. The only reason he didn't see the kids as often as he liked after the divorce is that TLC helped finance Kate's custody battle. He loves his children and they love him. No way do any of those kids talk about how they wish they had a "new daddy" in the house. (I bet they often wish Jon would come back and act as buffer once again though!)

redbirdsings said...

Oh, my, these Trump tweets are hilarious!

localyocul said...

Sorry if these are a repeat from Twits but LOL:

Andrea Reiher ‏@Zap2itAndrea 12m12 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin would abandon her kids in a heartbeat to do #CelebrityApprentice every day. #TCA15 (I kid, I kid. Sort of)

Jarett Wieselman ‏@JarettSays 13m13 minutes ago
It's really crazy that we're still talking to and about Kate Gosselin. #CelebApprentice #TCA15

Danielle Turchiano ‏@danielletbd 13m13 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin: "I wish I could be on #CelebApprentice every day." It's easier and less stressful than raising 8 kids alone. #TCA15

And this:

The Apprentice ‏@ApprenticeNBC 25m25 minutes ago
"A true American who did so much for others." - @MarkBurnettTV on Joan Rivers #CelebApprentice #TCA15

I didn't realize Mark Burnett produces CA. There you go!

Tucker's Mom said...

Danielle Turchiano ‏@danielletbd · 2m2 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin: "I wish I could be on #CelebApprentice every day." It's easier and less stressful than raising 8 kids alone. #TCA15

Jarett Wieselman ‏@JarettSays · 2m2 minutes ago
It's really crazy that we're still talking to and about Kate Gosselin. #CelebApprentice #TCA15

Dave Nemetz ‏@Dave_Nemetz · 2m2 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin, single mother of 8: "I wish I could be on #CelebApprentice every day. It was a lot easier. Even this is a nice break." #TCA15
C'mon, lickspittles, spin this. Please, I want to know how this makes Kate a great mom.
How many times does Kate have to say that she'd rather not be with her kids all the time (50% is her sweet spot) for them to realize she's jut not that into being a mom?
Lately, I don't know how to begin to pick the most evil and hurtful thing she's said, when it comes to affecting her kids.

I hope Jon is there to be their constant, because Kate is on a HUGE ego trip right now.

Millicent said...

Kate is a twit said... 11

Dave Nemetz @Dave_Nemetz
· 3m 3 minutes ago
Geraldo, Kate Gosselin, and Kenya Moore got stuck in the back row. That has to hurt. #CelebApprentice #TCA15
LOL! I wonder who was in charge of the seating arrangements, and if this was at The Donald's request/insistence? I read a gossip story online that said Kenya was fired because she took Vivica's cell phone and sent out a tweet pretending to be Vivica, complaining of menopause. When The Donald heard about it, he supposedly fired her on the spot. If true, could explain why she was shunted to the back row due to being a disgraced former competitor.

localyocul said...

That comment of Kate's is taking off. Whoops! She HATES being a mom IMO

Tucker's Mom said...

Andrea Reiher ‏@Zap2itAndrea 18m18 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin would abandon her kids in a heartbeat to do #CelebrityApprentice every day. #TCA15 (I kid, I kid. Sort of)
Well, Kate's not kidding, that's for sure.

Rhythm Of Life said...

How can she be in CA? She never gets to leave the house, other than to shop for groceries. Does Milo know that she's away? Did she get her approval? So many questions, so few answers!

localyocul said...

Again, dingbat, YOU divorced JON. You are the reason you are rasing 8 kids ALONE. If I said "I wish I could do__everyday it would be easier than dealing with my teen alone" she would be DEVASTATED. What a see you next tuesday

Rhythm Of Life said...

C'mon, lickspittles, spin this. Please, I want to know how this makes Kate a great mom.
How many times does Kate have to say that she'd rather not be with her kids all the time (50% is her sweet spot) for them to realize she's jut not that into being a mom?
Lately, I don't know how to begin to pick the most evil and hurtful thing she's said, when it comes to affecting her kids.


Either she really dislikes those kids and hates being a mom, or she's just so darn stupid that she blurts out whatever she thinks is cute and witty at the moment, never thinking about how it could be interpreted, or how hurtful it may be to her kids. Maybe it's a combination of both. She's never learned to think before she speaks and most likely never will. If she didn't need those kids to keep herself relevant she would have shipped them off to boarding school by now. No question about it.

FYI said...

Jim Colucci ‏@jimcolucci · 19m19 minutes ago
Maybe Trump came up with his crazy ratings number boast for @ApprenticeNBC by staring at Kate Gosselin, then doing Plus 8. #TCA15

Bruce R. Miller ‏@siouxbruce · 4m4 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin says she's not sure about marriage -- for her -- anymore. Reality TV allows her to provide for a huge family. #TCA15

That's it for the CA panel.

So Kate's in CA--hope Jon has the kids for the holiday weekend.

TLC stinks said...

Blowing In The Wind said...

I think we've discussed the fact I'm single on a handful of occasions.


On what occasions aren't you single? lol! I know what you meant!

Millicent said...

Michelle Carlbert ‏@Mokibobolink · 4m4 minutes ago
"I'm still hoping to be verified by Twitter." - Lorenzo Lamas on what kind of career bump he hopes to get from #CelebrityApprentice. #TCA15

Diane Gordon ‏@thesurfreport · 4m4 minutes ago
Trump says the Republican party wanted him to run for Governor of NY state but he didn't want to do it. (I believe nothing he says) #TCA15
My affection for Lorenzo Lamas continues to grow. Who knew he had such a self-deprecating sense of humor? Sometimes participating on silly reality shows provides the audience with a different perspective on a fading celebrity and revives their career. I hope being on CA brings Lorenzo some lucrative work because I think he deserves it :)

The second tweet I copied just made me laugh, and I see that Trump and Geraldo share the same high opinion of themselves.

Tucker's Mom said...

Millicent said... 30
Thank you for continuing to share with us here. At least for me, it helps keep me sane when Kate goes on these "jags", which I've come to believe are a manifestation of a profound personality disorder.

TLC stinks said...

TCA press tour being held at Langham Hotel in Pasadena. There was an event last night. My guess she's been there for several days.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Schadenfreude alert: I must admit it delights me that TFW is
sitting in a roomful of TV critics, grinning like a chimp, and
not realizing they intend to use every stupid comment she
makes to insult her. And, no sirree, they are not gonna be
objective. But on a happier note for Gladys, TFW may be
trending again any minute!

Tucker's Mom said...

localyocul said... 35
That comment of Kate's is taking off. Whoops! She HATES being a mom IMO
January 16, 2015 at 11:35 AM
Good. Let Kate's unguarded truth be the story, instead of this planted b.s. about dating an alleged wife beater and deadbeat dad, with whom she's doing a "business deal" with.
Let's talk about Kate loving to talk the talk, but not walk the walk.
She can't be taking care of her kids when she's busy promoting herself from coast to coast.
Seriously, getting in one question in Pasadena is worth leaving her kids for days and days?
Who the hell helps these kids with their homework??

FYI said...

Diane Gordon ‏@thesurfreport · 4m4 minutes ago
Trump says the Republican party wanted him to run for Governor of NY state but he didn't want to do it. (I believe nothing he says) #TCA15
This one made me laugh, because as a New Yorker, I remember when Donald gave an interview(on Fox News, I think) where he said that he would only run for governor if there was no primary and he was the only choice to be the Republican candidate. The NY Republican party wouldn't agree to that.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

You know, maybe there really is something wrong with her in addition to be a narcissist. This isn't snark. For most normal people, by the time they've reached Kate's age, they know what's the socially acceptable thing to say in certain situations, and they speak accordingly. She can't do that. She sticks her foot in her mouth all the time. It seems like the wires in her brain are in some kind of weird disconnect and she just can't control what comes out of her mouth.

AnnieD said...

Damian Holbrook ‏@TVGMDamian · 7m7 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin says being on #CelebApprentice is easier than raising 8 kids. How would she know? #TCA15
Priceless! :)

Millicent said...

Blowing In The Wind said... 42

I think we've discussed the fact I'm single on a handful of occasions.

On what occasions aren't you single? lol! I know what you meant!
LOL! Too funny picturing myself as going through a string of men, with only the occasional "single" break.

Mel said...

I don't think TFW really means that stuff either. It's just a 'cute' thing to say, in her mind. To keep getting the "i have 8 kids" thing out there.
Lest anyone forget.

That's one of her schticks....being 'cute'. Except that it doesn't work when you're 39. That only works when you're 10.

Lanc Native said...

I guess she forgot about the twins' transition breakfast at school this morning. It's an important event for all parents. But, hey, being away is a sacrifice a celebrity has to make. The show comes first.

TLC stinks said...

Swanky hotel. Wonder if she and Steve are sharing a suite, LOL. Let's see if we can guess when she's back at the Konpound (tweets will abound about having to wake up early and she's soooo exhausted).

Nice to see TV critics have a low opinion of her. ~ Administrator said...

Exactly. Short-term thinking. That only lasts for 6-8 episodes and then you're done. It's not like she can have a dating show for the next 10 years.


I've noticed this too, every silly little thing she has done her entire life has been one big short term plan.

Somehow it has worked out for her so far but it won't last forever. Eventually you run out of short term plans, you run out of D list reality shows to go on, America moves on to other things. Short term plans don't usually allow you to live your next 50 years comfortable and secure. A short term plan does not a retirement fund make.

Formerly Duped said...

Thanks again, ladies! This is what I mean about talking to 'friends' who have been through things and can offer advice and support!Some of you have real horror stories but I know as so many of you have pets you love, I thought I'd share here and ask for advice :)

Thanks for the pen link- good option.

Just heard from the neurosurgeon who said things went well but it maybe weeks before we know if function will return. That I didn't know. I thought there would be some little twitches etc as she wakes up from anesthesia? What do I know? Just a mediocre 'humans' nurse!

#thankyouall ~ Administrator said...

I've been by that hotel. Pasadena has lots of old money hotels like that, I like the noir feel to parts of that town.

She never of course thinks to include her tweeties in on her fun. Not even so much as an "off to LA tweet ttys!" She must have at least an hour wait at the airport lounge where it could be easy to pick up her phone and include them. ~ Administrator said...

Oh jeez. Again, she can't date because she can't find a sitter (hello fourteen year olds?) but can be on CA and IN CA?


Lol, it's so ridiculous you just have to laugh. Does she hear and process what comes out of her mouth or does it just sort of come out.

Paula said...

Lol, it's so ridiculous you just have to laugh. Does she hear and process what comes out of her mouth or does it just sort of come out

I think it just comes out...Kate's not very bright or well-spoken.

I guess she forgot about the twins' transition breakfast at school this morning

I think the Mady and Cara know Kate's priorities by now and knew not to expect her. Hopefully their Dad was able to make it.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 45
TCA press tour being held at Langham Hotel in Pasadena. There was an event last night. My guess she's been there for several days.
My guess is that this is the Regis and Kelly show (now Kelly and Michael) all over again.
"I sit home by the phone and wait for the kids to call me to pick them up from Jon's".
"Steve! Where's the limo? We've got a plane to Cabo to catch!"
"What? Me? Go home? To PA? To 8 kids?.. F*ck that! I've got an all-expense paid trip in Mexico, baby! Hasta la Vista!"

localyocul said...

Lanc Native said... 53
I guess she forgot about the twins' transition breakfast at school this morning. It's an important event for all parents. But, hey, being away is a sacrifice a celebrity has to make. The show comes first


That's TERRIBLE! For High School? I hope Jon went...

localyocul said...

TLC stinks said... 45
TCA press tour being held at Langham Hotel in Pasadena. There was an event last night. My guess she's been there for several days.


She can't have been there several days! First, according to Gladys, the paps would be all over her! Second, if it wasn't photographed, it didn't happen! Ergo, she wasn't there.

Vanessa said...

Pretty sure a lot of you have see/heard of the video with the pizza delivery guy? Those A-holes uploaded the video THEMSLEVES! On par or pretty close to the social faux pas(s) and foot in mouth crap that tfw has said/done.
She proved us again with her comment about CA being easier than working as a SINGLE mom of EIGHT kids. Agree, so enjoying that what is getting picked up is THE comment and not her pathetic attempt at a dating show. Everyone has her number.

Ewes on Dewty said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 46
Schadenfreude alert: I must admit it delights me that TFW is
sitting in a roomful of TV critics, grinning like a chimp, and
not realizing they intend to use every stupid comment she
makes to insult her. And, no sirree, they are not gonna be
objective. But on a happier note for Gladys, TFW may be
trending again any minute!

I second that!

Vanessa said...

Here's the link to the pizza guy

Tucker's Mom said...

Just heard from the neurosurgeon who said things went well but it maybe weeks before we know if function will return. That I didn't know. I thought there would be some little twitches etc as she wakes up from anesthesia? What do I know? Just a mediocre 'humans' nurse!
My Bichon was walking very shaky a couple days after. It *does* take weeks and months to see the maximum recovery.
He also dragged his toes for a while (I think I mentioned) and to protect them, I used Pawz to protect his toes and nails, as they were scraped easily.
Your baby might need this kind of protection, and I went through all sorts of dog booties/snow shoes before trying these. Pawz stayed on and were low profile so they didn't inhibit his gait.
Yes, they look like balloons, but they worked for us!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Does anyone else think the kids must feel like it's effing Mardi Gras
when Mom goes out of town? I don't know if anyone remembers
the Little Caesar's Pizza commercial with the people dancing in
a conga line, with a big white poodle at the end. I can just imagine
the 8 G kids, giddily lining up, with Shoka picking up the rear
(with Zorro perched on his head). Viva la revolucion!

FYI said...

Couple of pictures from the TCA.
Yep, Kate's in the back row---but she's standing between her BFF Mark Burnett and Geraldo. Ha, Brandi got to sit next to Donald.

Wonder if this is when Kate made her comment, since she's the only one with her mouth open. Mark Burnett looks like he's thinking "oh, shut up about the 8 kids already".

Wonder why Kate's face looks so puffy in this picture. Too much partying the night before?

Vanessa said...

Oh jeez. Again, she can't date because she can't find a sitter (hello fourteen year olds?) but can be on CA and IN CA?
Oh geez, it's like a broken record! And yes, who's watching them RIGHT NOW AS.YOU.SPEAK.IN.CALIFORNIAAAAAA??? ugh! she's so effing annoying

getofftwitter said...

There are 4 pics at the TCA winter tour of Kate w/CA .

just look up: NBC Universal Cable 2015 Winter TCA arrivals

or AP NBC Universal cable 2015 They are AP images, and are dated 1/16/2015

So Kate is in CA.

Nice mom Kate, miss an important school thing, for your own selfish need. .

AuntieAnn said...

She never of course thinks to include her tweeties in on her fun. Not even so much as an "off to LA tweet ttys!"


Not to worry. Goody Almighty will impart her forgiveness upon her.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Oh jeez. Again, she can't date because she can't find a sitter (hello fourteen year olds?) but can be on CA and IN CA?


Lol, it's so ridiculous you just have to laugh. Does she hear and process what comes out of her mouth or does it just sort of come out.


Why doesn't she try :)

Blowing In The Wind said...

TwitTart ‏@TwitTartwif 11m11 minutes ago
@Tweetle_0 @nochanceofrain @ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 looking like a bubblehead smiling & nodding in agreement with everything DT says.

LOL!! Is a bubblehead a cross between a bubble brain and a bobble head?

jbranck1980 said...

What struck me about this picture is how she genuinely seems happy to be there. Compare that with what is being shown on TLC when she is 'forced' to take care of her kids. And her neck looks MUCH better. Maybe she did get some work done over the Christmas break.

Formerly Duped said...

Tucker, you're wonderful. Thanks.

(Sorry to anyone disinterested by my dog saga but it's how things roll here)

Anonymous said...

Oh jeez, if anyone does NOT deserve to have a freeby stay at my beautiful Langham in Pasadena, it is most certainly KG. Oh and that includes the flying monkey too. Guess she's not raising those 8, count'em 8, kids all by her lonesome when she jaunts around like this. And seriously, on the verge of her 40th birthday, how can this be considered a long range plan. You can only ride the coats of the lil' moneymakers for so long, and whe it is over, she will only be older and still unlikeable and non-marketable. Cannot come soon enough.


chefsummer #Leh said...

God she look horrible.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Not to worry. Goody Almighty will impart her forgiveness upon her.


LOL!! That's all that matters in this world. Goody's forgiveness. Blessings will be given to go and sin no more.

I wonder, though, why Goody Almighty can't come up with the cash needed for car repair for one of Kate's fans. I think the Terri sheep was in charge of that. How is that working out for her?

AuntieAnn said...

Formerly Duped said... 74

Tucker, you're wonderful. Thanks.

(Sorry to anyone disinterested by my dog saga but it's how things roll here)


I'm not disinterested I just start tearing up when I read about sick/hurt animals and don't know what to say.

I hope your furbaby has a full recovery and lives happily spoiled for years to come.

(and ITA with you about Tucker!)

Millicent said...

Tucker's Mom said... 44

Millicent said... 30
Thank you for continuing to share with us here. At least for me, it helps keep me sane when Kate goes on these "jags", which I've come to believe are a manifestation of a profound personality disorder.
Aw thank you! I check in here every day, usually multiple times. The posters here are smart, funny, and good people, and that includes you :)

FYI said...

Some more pics of Kate, with Leeza Gibbons.

What is with her face?

In this one, she looks totally scary. And what's with the wide open mouth?

FYI said...

Formerly Duped-I'm sorry to hear about your dog. Wishing him a speedy recovery.

FYI said...

Some more pics of Kate. Her right eye looks swollen.

This one hardly looks like her.

You can see the rest of them here:

Click the search button or refresh the page after you look at them, because they keep on adding new ones.

Mel said...

I don't get how she can look so different from one time to the next. You'd swear she was 10 different people.

Tucker's Mom said...
After seeing a few pics, it looks like Kate got more filler. It's changed her smile and her eyes.
She's overdone it before, looking very puffy. Take a look at how flat her face and cheeks were before.

In fact, if you scroll back and forth through the images linked above, you can really see how she's changed her cheeks, and how her cheeks are very different, changing, for no reason.

Formerly Duped said...

Thanks AuntieAnn and KIAT/ Somehow I gravitated here although I can't get interested in TFW today...I know not everyone has a comment or interest re: dogs, but so many of you do...

FYI said...

Convo between 2 members of the press that were at the TCA.

This one is an editor at BuzzFeed:

Jarett Wieselman ‏@JarettSays · 3h3 hours ago
It's really crazy that we're still talking to and about Kate Gosselin. #CelebApprentice #TCA15

This one write for the Daily Beast and The Atlantic:

Jason Lynch ‏@jasonlynch · 3h3 hours ago
@JarettSays She was seething that she hadn’t been asked a question until that last one.

Millicent said...

What strikes me about this picture is that's the best I've seen Kate looking in a long time. She looks better with her hair parted on the side rather than in the middle. Her skin (or rather, her make up job) looks natural. The smile is phoney and her teeth are clenched, but it's a decent pose nonetheless. Just shows you what a difference a professional hair and makeup stylist can make.

Tucker's Mom said...

Mel said... 85
I don't get how she can look so different from one time to the next. You'd swear she was 10 different people.

That's how botox and fillers work. Kate's also had subtle work done on her face. If you look at older photos, you can see her cheeks were flat, the "11" lines were there, her nose appeared wider and her jaw line was ill defined.

FYI said...

Article about Kate at the TCA. Seems like she gave this guy an interview.

What does this gobbledygook mean? She said this about the kids watching her on CA:

"My kids watch this, they see me in life, and just being myself is really my goal,” Gosselin says.

“My little kids watch like it’s just another show,” she says. “They’re more interested as they get older".

Did she mean they're more "interesting" as they get older? Maybe it's a typo on the author's part. She had this to say about the twins watching:

" And my teenagers critique what I’m wearing, how I look and, “‘Oh, my gosh! Did my mom just say that?'”

Then there's this gem:

"Gosselin says she and her family will continue to do Kate Plus 8 as long as it feels right to them"

Right for "them"? And WHO decides that? Well, gee, Kate, of course.

And Kate, you only continue to do Kate plus 8 until TLC no longer wants to.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Most of the smiling in the CA photo look fake and painful.

Ewes on Dewty said...

Jason Lynch ‏@jasonlynch · 3h3 hours ago
@JarettSays She was seething that she hadn’t been asked a question until that last one.

That horrible, ungrateful b*tch!!! Excuse my language. My head just exploded.

She's in a beautiful city, gorgeous hotel, perfect weather (78 in Pasadena today), hobnobing with celebs and away from those pesky, demanding kids (according to Kate) (all the things her greedy, grifting heart desires) and she's seething. I need a drink or two or ten. Think I'll go beat up a pillow. Grrrrr

Vanessa said...

Really, what did she get done this time? Her upper lip space between the nose and lip looks totally different. The nose looks more upturned, something between Teri Hatcher and a Who from Whoville. Please,fix the neck if you insist on using the money your kids earned to "de-age"

Wowser said...

Omg...she really is in love with herself...delusional much? She actually said that people will want to see them as they go through college?!? wtf TFW?!?

Vanessa said...

Oh, and here's a compliment -her choice of dress works this time, gives her a waist.

Mel said...

Link above is to all TFW Getty pics. She sure looks mighty unhappy in the latest group shots. Teehee.

Anonymous said...

Well now we know what she was getting fixed up for during her Xmas break disappearance. You know, the one where the childrens' dead father took them for a week so she could get filled, Botoxed, extensions, etc. California, it was all for you, she's ready for her close-up now. Her phoney baloney close-up. Not even a good stylist can do something about the souless smile and the dead eyes.


FYI said...

Article that basically sums up most of what the CA crew said:

They show how Donald was caught in the lie about CA being the #1 show on television, and even called Geraldo out on some things he said when talking about Joan Rivers.

This statement just shows how Donald just bloviates nd stretches the truth. He said this about Joan Rivers, who makes 2 appearances on CA:

"She was fantastic," Trump said. "She was strong. She was vibrant. In fact, when she left the second show, which was just three days before [her death], I said, 'She'll be around forever.'"

She finished her second appearance three days before her death? She died in September. CA wrapped up filming in April.

He's as bad as Kate in twisting things around and forgetting what happened or what they said.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

So funny that last night a fan tweeted about poor TFW not being
able to get a nursing job, and today we see her 3,000 miles from
her kids, playing her favorite role -- Hollywood wannabe. That
woman will never be a nurse again.

Have we gotten the sheeple spin on TFW's awful comments
yet? Perhaps they'll applaud her courage for being so honest
about her feelings. CandidMama#Gr8RoleModel#JonSux ~ Administrator said...

I think trump is just so in his trump world alternate reality he doesn't even know all the lies he spews out. In his mind they are the number one show. Even though they're not that doesn't much matter to him. Pesky details.

Anonymous said...

Formerly Duped said... 196

Thanks PJ, PJ's Momma- are you two different people??


Okay, blogger ate my comment.

Yes, PJ's Momma is not my momma and her dog, PJ is not me.

PJ's Momma and I are two different people. But I'll bet her PJ is way smarter than me.

Formerly, I'm hoping for a fast and complete recovery for your pup.


AuntieAnn said...

Millicent said... 89

What strikes me about this picture is that's the best I've seen Kate looking in a long time.


Yeah well that's from not-dating Steve in their beautiful Pasadena hotel room last night. It's called business afterglow.

PJ's momma said...

Formerly, even for the nonsurgical intervention for PJ, it did take time to see progress with him. He didn't get his cart for a couple of weeks but had a little movement back by then. Lengthening his spine after the disc had sort of subsided (just like my hubby experiences) helped a lot. He was never 100% but he's pretty good! Yours most likely will be too. He/she may always be weaker on one side. PJ has never been fully paralyzed again, despite all his jumping and running up and down the stairs. We gave trying to stop all that. It's funny. When he goes peeps, he stands on his stronger left side and swivels his right leg up. We tell him that if it wasn't for gravity, he wouldn't even hit the ground. I think your pup will do fine after healing. We had a little bichon mix that had back problems that were painful, and he too would do much better with rest and healing. Just like us!

So Kate flew all the way to CA to sit on a panel, missing an important school event for her oldest girls? Wow. Lots of people from her own season are not even there. Looks like not one of the athletes are there, nor Keshia that I see. But it was so important for her to be there. Maybe they have JOBS.
This is so sad. I feel sorry for those kids. Their experience is so weird. It may be 'normal' for them, but it's just weird. And it will get weirder when they start googling her name and see all the vitriol aimed directly at her. They may wonder why she was gone so much when it was obvious that people couldn't stand her.

getofftwitter said...

In those getty pics, Kate does not look too happy. Maybe the press were ignoring her.

If you go to any of the about getty pics, you can go to the top of the page and type Kates name there and it will pull up all pics on Kate, there are pics of Kate standing alone posing in that black/white dress, and then there are older pics of her.

PJ's momma said...

Yes, PJ's Momma is not my momma and her dog, PJ is not me.

PJ's Momma and I are two different people. But I'll bet her PJ is way smarter than me.


PJ, that made me snort. MY PJ is about as smart as a bag of hair, so no, you are WAY smarter than he is, I promise! A minute ago, he was chewing on a bone with his remaining teeth. I just happened to be looking at him when he stopped and barked twice, and then resumed as if nothing happened. But nothing had happened. If I hadn't been looking, he would have scared my hell out, like he does at least 8 (hahaha) times a day. Seriously, PJ is DUMB!

T said...

That sure is a lot of bling for someone who is piecing & patching. She has been wearing this jewelry for a long time, but I think this is the first close up pic that I have seen. Wasn't there some speculation in the past that the ring was supposed to be for the big vow renewal?

As for the differences in her face, it sure does look like she got some new fillers and Botox when she was in NYC doing her Kate plus 8 interviews earlier this week. I noticed in those interviews that some of the Botox and fillers had worn off a bit because you could see the "11's" in between her eyes coming back. So I think she got a bit of tweaking done this week before her trip to California. In some of the up close pics, you can see that her skin is still problematic w/ adult acne.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Damian Holbrook ‏@TVGMDamian · 7m7 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin says being on #CelebApprentice is easier than raising 8 kids. How would she know? #tca15


Yes, truly priceless. ~ Administrator said...

Wow she looks great in those photos. She definitely got a nip tuck recently.

PJ's momma said...

Her nails are so damn hideous. You can see the line where the filler is. The other ladies have long and pointy nails. I don't like that look either, but at least they are on trend. Hers are very dated and so ugly.

AuntieAnn said...

She looks pretty good in those photos. You'd never know from looking at her that she's an abusive child exploiter.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Formerly, wishing the best for your pup.
Please keep us posted.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

How many of us predicted TFW would "freshen up" while the
kids spent part of winter vacation with their dad? And to think
she laughed off the suggestion that she'd gotten breast
augmentation by saying something like, who has the time
for that? Maybe when she said she was "piecing and
patching," she meant her body parts.

Tucker's Mom said...

PJ's momma said... 110
Her nails are so damn hideous. You can see the line where the filler is. The other ladies have long and pointy nails. I don't like that look either, but at least they are on trend. Hers are very dated and so ugly.
Ugh, I'd hate to be a slave to fillers. Looks like Kate's about a week out from her manicure.
I don't like the pointy nail, either. Reminds me of being a kid and getting "witchypoo" nails with Bugles.

ncgirl said...

Funny article about Kate's dating.

redbirdsings said...

CA is being shown on CNBC at 8 o'clock Central Time. The Season Premiere.

When TFW said that her kids were watching her on a show, that "My kids watch this, they see me in life, and just being myself is really my goal,” Gosselin says.

This is how psychopathically DETATCHED she is from her kids. Being herself is her goal? She has had YEARS to achieve the goal to be normal! She is no where near that goal! She is already there in her mind and she comes off as a entitled, snotty, demented, twisted, psychopathic, sociopathic narcissist that screams, beats, belittles, puts down her kids and animals on a daily basis!

I think my head is about to explode too!

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Maybe when she said she was "piecing and
patching," she meant her body parts.


She should have done something with her brain while she was piecing and patching.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

She looks pretty good in those photos.


I agree. She looks darn good. I bet Kravitz printed them out, zipped off to her local UPS Store and had them enlarged to poster size. She's probably putting them on her bedroom ceiling as we speak.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Can you guess what "formerly" obese sheeple, who runs a blog that bashes this one all day long, who has made fun of anti fan miscarriages, and ragged on Jon all day long for driving after a beer, has a son who has a DUI conviction?


I don't know, but should we care, and why?

Anonymous said...

So how do you think the conversation goes at the Kompound when Mommy Dearest returns from one of her nip/tuck vacays? I know Botox and other procedures are not terribly noticeable, but chemical peels, or some real nipping and tucking? Does she tell the kids she tripped over 8 doors? She is never gone for what I think would be enough time to heal. Those kids are not that young, or that naive.

What big event did the mother of the year miss at school for this CA jaunt?


FYI said...

Synopsis of the CA show airing 2/2/15


02/02/2015 (08:00PM - 10:00PM) (Monday) : JOAN RIVERS RETURNS AS BOARDROOM ADVISOR In the first task, each team must create a "photo bomb" and hashtag campaign for King's Hawaiian. An incident involving two celebrities ends in an explosive Boardroom showdown. Boardroom Advisors: Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump. In the second hour, the teams must write and produce a 30-second jingle for Bud Light Lime Ritas flavored beverages. Both Project Managers have to deal with unruly teams, and a heated Boardroom concludes with a shocking decision by Mr. Trump. Boardroom Advisors: Joan Rivers and Eric Trump. TV-PG DL

This must be the episode where Vivica and Kenya have the fight about Kenya stealing her phone.

If Kate got fired the previous week after the golf related task, she missed out on the hashtag campaign--the one thing she has major experience at!

I wonder if the shocking decision is that Trump fires 2 people after the second task. That is the 11th task, and if fires only one person, that will leave 5 remaining. He has to fire 2 people somewhere along the line in order to get down to the final four.

Since The Voice returns on the 23rd, the last Monday show will be on the 16th. 2 more tasks on the 9th will get them to the final 2, so I wonder if they'll have another Sunday episode for the final task, with the live finale being on the 16th.

Does that make sense to the long time watchers of CA?

PatK said...

The one who keeps mentioning needing $600 for car repairs is at it again.

xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx·6 mins6 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack Hi Kate can I ask u 2 pray I need$600 to fix car that was mom's who died very recent I'm on disability help pray

reader said...

Another objective party bears witness and I again realize I am not insane.
I don't have twitter, but if I did I would retweet this all day long,

Jarett Wieselman ‏@JarettSays 7h7 hours ago
It's really crazy that we're still talking to and about Kate Gosselin. #CelebApprentice #TCA15

Jason Lynch ‏@jasonlynch 7h7 hours ago
@JarettSays She was seething that she hadn’t been asked a question until that last one.

Admin thank you for this blog.

PatK said...

Kate's really on top of the world right now, isn't she? She knows this is IT...she's gonna make it far and be a STAH!! Gonna ride those kids all the way through college and weddings courtesy of TLC!

Ummmm, yeah....okay. LOL

FYI said...

Video of an interview today with Kate and Leeza.

Kate actually gave an interview and didn't mention that she had 8 kids!!!

But she's really got that bobble-head thing down pat.

Rainbirdie said...

ncgirl said... 115
Funny article about Kate's dating.
Spot on quote from the above article: Kate will always be the epitome of "It's not me, it's you."

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate doesn't like paying for her own stuff why would she pay a bill for a fan.

Lanc Native said...

Orange Crusher asked, "What big event did the mother of the year miss at school for this CA jaunt?"

It's an event (early breakfast) for parents of eighth graders, called a "transition" meeting for the purpose of making the change from Middle School to Upper School. It's not mandatory, but attendance is very much encouraged. Parents are informed what to expect in Upper School, academically, socially, because its such a big change from Middle School. You better have a darn good reason for missing it, but I guess being in California is valid enough. After all, Kate just tweeted that she's a CA girl at heart, so I guess mediocre Lancaster, PA, isn't really high on her list of favorite places, and to blow off a school meeting is fine and dandy. She has much more important and enjoyable things to do.

Blowing In The Wind commented, "I wonder, though, why Goody Almighty can't come up with the cash needed for car repair for one of Kate's fans. I think the Terri sheep was in charge of that. How is that working out for her?"

Not too well, I guess, because the fan just tweeted

Traci Chapin ‏@TmChapin 26m26 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack Hi Kate can I ask u 2 pray I need$600 to fix car that was mom's who died very recent I'm on disability help pray

Um, Traci, I really don't think your car repairs are a priority for her right now. Better ask some of the other fans to offer up prayers.

Lanc Native said...

Bud Cooper ‏@userback 26m26 minutes ago
@nochanceofrain @Sassccha @All433 @Kateplusmy8 Oh she gave me the third degree and then blocked me. I'm not supposed to assume her finances

Is this Bud non-fan still complaining because Kate blocked him? How long has it been? Years, right, if I remember correctly? That's a long time to hold a grudge!

reader said...

Kate now making public comments about drama and how it only gets one so far....on CA she told Brandi, "Don't default to drama." Are you kidding me...hahaha, really Kate? Does she think of herself as level headed intelligent and poised? What are Ted Gibson and purse boy feeding her these days?
When Kate had to deal with adults on Jon & Kate plus 8 there was plenty of drama, slamming doors, panic attacks over markers pumpkin carving (on a COVERED TABLE ina GARAGE!), unused coupons, gum, lotsa drama!
On Kate plus 8 there is the infamous RV trip, plenty of drama there too.
Not capable of having a civil relationship with the Father of your children after being divorced for 5 years, theres drama.
Alienating both sides of the family, (each and every member for over 5 years) I would say is drama.
I wonder if they have removed all adults from the current series of Kate plus 8 specials.
She works best without anyone over the age of 18. Much less drama that way.

reader said...

Bud Cooper ‏@userback 26m26 minutes ago
@nochanceofrain @Sassccha @All433 @Kateplusmy8 Oh she gave me the third degree and then blocked me. I'm not supposed to assume her finances.


Bud isn't complaining, he finds it humorous that he gained a following of tweeters because Kate snapped at him. He likes sharing the story.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Tariq Jamal ‏@tariqj333 13m13 minutes ago
how r u?i'm Tariq from Canada i really like to talk to u very important plz call or text me at 416418xxxx tweet me thank's

Okay Veranda Ladies. Let's all call or text Tariq, who is probably only 2.8 miles from all of us, except for AuntieAnn who is so lucky to be much closer to him/her! LOL!!

PJ's momma said...

Kate tightened up and refined her explanation of Camp Barnabas. Good for her. Much better!

Granny in Nebraska said...

I am surprised that as many pictures that have been taken of Kate, that she still does now know how to stand to make herself look slimmer, one foot in front of the other. That is the first thing that is taught in modeling school. She looks like she does not know how to stand.

FYI said...

In the interview, Leeza and Kate were talking about CA. Kate starts talking and using her "gift of gab".

Describing the work on CA, Kate's says "You're giving it your all. It's your physical energy, it's your business sense. It's, uh, you know, um..." (then Leeza coaches her and says "tenacity")

Then Kate continues "Your tenacity, your perseverance, your determination. And so, you can only put on, you know... (falters and looks a Leeza) ...your loud voice and dramatics can only carry you so far. Which is so neat about this show, because you're just like basically worn out till the end of It, and I guess, may the longest liver win".

Longest liver? As compared to a short kidney?

AuntieAnn said...

It must have been the camera and the lighting because she appeared younger and fresher in the photos but she looks like the same old Kate in video with Leeza. She sounds the same, too.

Pass the ear bleach, please. I just cannot listen to that voice.

Sue_Buddy said...

Admin, I have a question for you. Would it be alright if I posted my thoughts on Kate's latest shenanigans here? I've been away doing other things, but this latest resurgence of her clawing efforts to stay relevant caught my attention. Although I didn't much like Gather, it was a place to put my thoughts but I saw today that they've changed their format.

What I wanted to express is about four paragraphs long ... just some words rattling around in my brain that are screaming to get out. LOL

I wanted to ask, not just post them since it is rather in the form of a journalistic critique, so to speak (whatever that means.)

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Bud isn't complaining, he finds it humorous that he gained a following of tweeters because Kate snapped at him. He likes sharing the story.


I guess he really likes sharing it because he's done so quite a few times! Would it be a safe bet to say that he's not on Kate's dating list? He sounds like a nice guy, though, and good for him for finding some Tweeting friends.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I guess, may the longest liver win".


What is she trying to say?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

But she's really got that bobble-head thing down pat.


Didn't she learn that from Deanna? I guess there really is someone who knows how to teach her. Poor Tony certainly didn't!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

PatK said... 122
The one who keeps mentioning needing $600 for car repairs is at it again.

Well, Nicole the Author kept it up for a year, so it's still early in the game for this one.

AuntieAnn said...

Longest liver? As compared to a short kidney?


lol. She was almost there ... and then she had to make up a word. She just can't help herself.

fade2black said...

and I guess, may the longest liver win
Oh please tell me they showed a close up of Leeza's face when Ms. Gift O'Gab dropped this little pearl of wisdom.

Call Me Crazy said...

Kate is a Twit -

I have been meaning to tell you for the longest time how much I appreciate your work as the blog historian and archivist! It is amazing how quickly you find things! Thank you, too, for posting Twitter comments for those of us that don't tweet or twit!! ~ Administrator said...

Totally off topic. Just saw Whiplash. Incredible!

I love me some J.K. Simmons. ~ Administrator said...

Admin, I have a question for you. Would it be alright if I posted my thoughts on Kate's latest shenanigans here? I've been away doing other things, but this latest resurgence of her clawing efforts to stay relevant caught my attention.


Sure! We love you Sue! ~ Administrator said...

may the longest liver win".


No. Oh, no.

What was she TRYING to say? LOL!!!! Poor Leeza. #Dolt

reader said...

I guess, may the longest liver win".

What is she trying to say?

That was an odd thing to say. Kate's only thought was to keep her mouth moving. As much as Leeza tried to put her at ease, Kate was still intimidated by being interviewed alongside Leeza. ~ Administrator said...

Look at the difference between her interview with those teenage twins and the interview with Leeza. She is in her element when it's teens or other people she feels she has the upper hand with. Stick her with someone sharp and together like Leeza and she turns to bumbling jello. Liver flavored. ~ Administrator said...

Fleecing lol we had the same question. What was she TRYING to say? Funny.

Formely I am sending all good thoughts to your fur baby I am so glad you got the surgery.

Anyone wondering why they held this press conference on a Friday afternoon, the traditional "dump day" for the press? Are they trying to dump something? Not that I saw anyway.

DWINDLE said...

Dont mean to derail, but HAPPY ANNIVERARY 15 MINUTES!!! Congrats to Admin for a fun blog and to all who pull up a seat at the veranda, sip that rumspringa, and just be real. Carry on.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lanc Native. Missed the transition meeting? She is truly a piss poor excuse for a mother. She would miss high school graduation for an opportunity to put her face in front of a camera.

Yay, looking forward to some thoughts from Sue Buddy. Let 'er rip.

Since we have moved to northern CA, guess I have some distance from KG prancing around Pasadena. She really does think her stint on CA is going to be opening those golden doors for her, deiusional d-lister that she is.


Sue_Buddy said...

Cool. Thanks, Admin. :)

The Media Has Kate's Number and It Isn't 8

How completely delightful, refreshing and uplifting to see some of the comments via Twitter that came from the Celebrity Apprentice panel on the TCA (Television Critics Awards) presentation. The sheep who graze in the small pasture called Kate's fandom would have us believe that there are just a handful of haters all 'et up with jealousy of an over-bleached, bobble-headed bimbo who happily leaves her children at the drop of a hat to further her ”career" that would be non-existent if she didn't have 8 kids, someone who speaks gibberish saying things like "Strategy is my life" and ".... just being myself is really my goal." It's hilarious when you think about it, Kate with her painfully limited vocabulary and when she does manage to cobble a few words together they are nonsensical. Yeah I'm real jealous. I'm sure all the "haters" out there are thinking, "Gee, I wish I were that stupid."
So yes, it was refreshing to see that people in media have her number and to see them actually Tweet what they thought, especially during the sheeple high those in the pasture were experiencing over what TLC led them to believe were awesomely high ratings for her first in a series of new yet old exploitations and embarrassing invasions into the privacy of her children's lives. Predictable how her sheeple never gave a thought to the fact that, after being exposed to 6 million Celebrity Apprentice viewers (who also obviously have Kate's number), not even a million drifted over to TCA to increase last spring's tedious foray into yet another birthday carnival for her doomed six-pack.
The sheep were very quiet while Twitter was abuzz with negativity toward their shepherd. I wonder if they were busy collecting all those hateful Tweets and sending them to Kate's attorney for inclusion in the all-encompassing lawsuit-against-meanies that's been threatened forever. If Kate has actually found another attorney, I hope this one has a GPS.

DWINDLE said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 132
Tariq Jamal ‏@tariqj333 13m13 minutes ago
how r u?i'm Tariq from Canada i really like to talk to u very important plz call or text me at 416418xxxx tweet me thank's

Okay Veranda Ladies. Let's all call or text Tariq, who is probably only 2.8 miles from all of us, except for AuntieAnn who is so lucky to be much closer to him/her! LOL!!


I always KNEW Stephanie had loose morals... what a 2 timer...

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Just curious how boobs can go so far south. In this photo, they are high, perky and very, very pointy:

But in this photo, you want to sing, "Do your boobs hang low, do they wobble to and fro?" They are on her not-a-waist:

I guess it's all about the good bra and how much it is (or isn't) inflated.

DWINDLE said...

PS... Dear FlimsyFlamsy, I got your Holiday greetings (through the grapevine). Thank you so very much for thinking of me and I wish you the best New Year.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Do you think that if we offered LOM enough money he would give Gladys her ice cream right after dinner and have her in bed by 7?

Question for the long-time posters. When Milo commented many years ago on various sites, did she use the name "Heidi" or am I thinking of someone else? ~ Administrator said...

I still haven't watched the new episode of Kate Plus 8 but I'm going to try to do the recap over the long weekend.

I DVRed one episode from the marathon, the RV trip, because I wanted to see Yellowstone since I went there for the first time this summer, wanted to see what I recognized.

Anyway, we've talked about how some of us really hate that she doesnt tell the kids where they are going. At the beginning of the episode she explains why she doesn't tell them where they are going, that they are just going to drive up to places and when they step out they'll see them. She says this: "Not telling them and not getting out means we have more peace and a more enjoyable trip."

I just found that answer to be completely nonsensical. More peace how? Because they won't be bugging her about the places they're going in the weeks prior?

If she is referring to it being leaked to the paparazzi, gimme a break. The paparazzi are not going to show up in droves to the Grand Tetons, or tail them on highway 15 or wherever. They're not Prince William. Plus having been there, there are hundreds of people there in the summer anyway and people are going to take photos of them and bother them whether they leak it or not. I daresay the vast majority of people who are bothering celebs are those that had no idea they would run into them in the first place.

Not only is she mean to deny them the fun anticipation of waiting for a great trip, but she can articulate NO GOOD REASON to do so. ~ Administrator said...

Another thing is she is on the twins' asses for not hurrying . She says they need to be running when they are helping her.

This from a woman who spent 6 hours shopping when her PM specifically told her to get the fuck back to the bunker. So I get it, she's allowed to putter around thumb up her butt for hours doing whatever when she is helping someone but when someone is helping her they better move it or lose it.

Shmoopy really is a bitch. I feel sorry for these kids they have to listen to this for 18 years.

Oh and the RV had a permanently mounted camera inside, in well view of a huge portion of it. I did not notice that before. ~ Administrator said...

Kate's really on top of the world right now, isn't she?


Yep was thinking that a few days back. Gypsy Rose Lee. She's made it.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I just found that answer to be completely nonsensical. More peace how? Because they won't be bugging her about the places they're going in the weeks prior?

Or the kids might not want to go the place Kate picked and they might acted out..She can't have that.

NJGal51 said...

When I studied theatre in NY the first thing we were told to do was "get rid of that atrocious accent". I guess TFW didn't get that memo. She really does grate and sounded even worse because Leeza is so polished and articulate.

JoyinVirginia said...

Sue Buddy, I love to read your articles and observations! Please share.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Not only is she mean to deny them the fun anticipation of waiting for a great trip, but she can articulate NO GOOD REASON to do so


She can't articulate period, but may the longest liver win.

FYI said...

may the longest liver win

I'll take a shot at translating Katespeak.

I think she was trying to channel her inner Obi-wan Kenobi and say "may the one who lives(i.e. survives) the longest win". But that's really a no brainer because the one who does survive the longest IS the winner. Yep, a no brainer-just like Kate.

I think we should all make that the blog hashtag. It makes me laugh every time I see it.


FYI said...

Sue Buddy--Great post!! You've been missed!

Just one clarification. TCA stands for Television Critics Association.

FYI said...

Anyone wondering why they held this press conference on a Friday afternoon, the traditional "dump day" for the press? Are they trying to dump something? Not that I saw anyway.
The TCA tour started on Jan. 7 and lasts for 2 weeks, ending on the 20th.

Each day is allocated to a network for it's presentation. Today just happened to be NBC's day.

Kate should be even more grateful that she didn't get fired in any of the first 5 episodes. I doubt she would have been invited if she had been.

redbirdsings said...

TFW was so out of place in the interview with TCL, get ready to add Joy! TCL, The Classy Leeza! She was SO out of place, and to me, it was teeth grinding to watch. Bobble head check, eye rolling check, look at Leeza for help check.

She must of listened to someone about CB! She said children with physical disabilities and did not say the parents drop them off for a break from their child. I couldn't believe she said she had an opportunity (code speak for paycheck) YEARS ago to speak at CB. She made it sound like 12 or 15 years ago! It was barely 2 and a half years ago.

So funny when she would bobble her head, rolling her eyes, her lips, the way they were pursed, and look at TCL and her eyes were begging her to help her come up with words! Then when she said she hope the longest LIVER wins, SO funny when TCL looked at TFW and said smiling, WELL SAID, KATE, WELL SAID!

Gosh, she just should of not been interviewed with TCL! I thought TFW was going to give away some secret things that happened. Like brawl? did she say, and TCL had to take over. When TFW would say um huh, whatever, then TCL would jump right in as a breath of fresh air! TCL is SO articulate and experienced in media that it is not even funny!

Does TFW actually have a long liver? Is that why she is so confident in winning CA? Bwahahaha!

redbirdsings said...

Yes, Sue Buddy! Loved your thoughts!

You are most Veranda worthy!

Formerly Duped and longtime lurker, hope your doggies makes a full and speedy recovery! So sorry for the stress!

Does anyone know of a Australian Shepard rescue organization that helps rehome Australian Shepard dogs?

Tucker's Mom said...

Anyway, we've talked about how some of us really hate that she doesnt tell the kids where they are going.
It does make sense, in a sad way- more than keeping filming locations a secret, Kate and TLC want to be able to film the "wow!! weeeee! look at that (with copious pointing)" coming from the kids.
It's all for the show.
Of course it doesn't make sense in terms of normal parenting and child development and anticipation, but this is Kate, and she'll use her kids and manipulate things for ratings any day, any time.
You know Kate "gets" what makes it to the highlight reel.
Vomit fest, anyone?
Just look at what TLC packaged as episode teasers- all screeches, screaming and rebellion.

Suze said...

Formerly Duped said...
... Somehow I gravitated here although I can't get interested in TFW today...I know not everyone has a comment or interest re: dogs, but so many of you do...


No worries, FD. Our fur babies are man and woman's best friends! I'm glad you told us about your dear pup; the more positive thoughts, info, and support, the better, right? And, if someone doesn't particularly like the OT discussions, of which there is always a variety to be found (which, I believe, help bond us veranda patrons and make this blog the comfortable and inviting place it is) they can scroll right on by. ;-)

I hope your dear pup is back home and in your care very soon. Fingers crossed for consistent progress towards a full recovery.

Suze said...

... so I wonder if they'll have another Sunday episode for the final task, with the live finale being on the 16th.


CA is scheduled for only a 2 hour episode on Feb 2 and then the 2 hour finale on 2/9.

Suze said...

DWINDLE said... 150

Dont mean to derail, but HAPPY ANNIVERARY 15 MINUTES!!! Congrats to Admin for a fun blog and to all who pull up a seat at the veranda, sip that rumspringa, and just be real. Carry on.


Dwindle!! Good to see your name in the comments! How have you been? Come right in and sit a spell whenever you have a chance. We miss you.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Dwindle, happy to see you on the veranda! I saved the wicker
rocker for you (although Dmasy keeps trying to put her purse
on it - tsk, tsk...).

"The Longest Liver" -- TFW may have just given TLC an idea for
a new medical reality show.

So TFW admitted wanting family vacations to be about "peace?"
She may have put that wooden spoon away, but I think she
continues to abuse those children with her control issues.
"More enjoyable" -- for who? Heifer, it's 8 against one.
When your younger 6 are 18, you can worry about what's
best for you. But until then, it's your bloody JOB to do
what's best for them.

redbirdsings said...

On the GG's, Blanche's daughter, Janet's son, David came to stay with her because to him as a teenager, things got bad. After rebelling, living with 4 women, things got better. Blanche decided that she wanted David to live with her and she wanted to raise him. The reason why is because she felt so guilty for the way she raised his mother, Janet.

She told the girls, how do you think I felt on Christmas morning, all the kids would run and hug the NANNY, instead of her. And it bothered her. She wanted the chance to raise her grandson to make up for the way she raised Janet.

Do you think that TFW will regret one day for the way she has done her children? Unfortunately, I doubt it. I can't imagine having 8 kids and firing and getting rid of family members, nannies, adults that mean something to those kids out of their lives and having the wrath come back through their rebelling in the next year or two.

I feel bad for Nanny Judy. She did the girls hair, it was so pretty.

I also wonder about the gingerbread house that TFW refused for them to eat, and one nanny finally gave it to them. I wonder if TFW even realized it was even gone, thrown out, eaten. I would like to know how did the kids eat it and possibly escaped the wrath of kate!

redbirdsings said...

I agree, she is a poop poor parent for not going to the twins transitional breakfast! That is so important. I just pray Jon was able to go! I would love to see Jon on DWTS and CA. The only downside to that is the kids would have to be with their mentally ill mother a lot! And that makes my stomach turn!

Localyocul said...

If the Leeza/kate interview diesnt shiw what an inarticulate boob Kate is I don't know what does. Leeds is SO intelligent, quick thinking,deep thinking, and with a wide vocabulary range! They must have paired her with Kate knowing Kate couldn't put a coherent thought together

TLC stinks said...

Gosselin says she and her family will continue to do Kate Plus 8 as long as it feels right to them. “As much as we do it for us, I know that there’s a fan base that says, ‘You went away for a couple years and we missed you and we wanted to know what happened,'” she says. “They’re going to want to see the kids going through college and all of that, which is really hard for me to imagine.”


FlimsyFlamsy said...

I'm sure TFW felt really smug when she typed that "#TooScared"
tweet about Leeza -- only to be standing side by side with the
woman 10 days later. Again, she is her own worst enemy.

Dmasy said...

Sue Buddy! Dwindle! Be still my beating heart!

Flimsy, I will move my purse, my knitting, my snacks and my Croc shoes off the rocker for this special day! ~ Administrator said...

“They’re going to want to see the kids going through college and all of that, which is really hard for me to imagine.”


I thought she made some comment some time ago as soon as these kids are 18 we'll never hear from her again.

How delusional is this woman if she actually thinks these kids are going to be filmed in COLLEGE, much less that anyone will have any interest.

Formerly Duped said...

OT dog update: My dog is very anxious and restless post-op, which causes increased respiration and heart rate. A sedative was prescribed but isn't working.Refusing water by mouth. I wish I could do something! She is being watched for signs of blood clot formation and loss of deep pain sensation- no limb movement but that's to be expected. Man, this is stressful!! Dr recommends we don't visit given her anxious nature- she takes after her mama ( me)

Thanks again to all who send good wishes and advice :)

Sideline Observer said...

"...may the longest liver win."


TFW must've been knocking down box wine by the gallon to stretch her liver out like that.

redbirdsings said...

I hope that when Mady and Cara go to college and TFW wants to film them, I hope that the papers that they have to sign, I hope that they take them and tear them up in her face!

Pennsylvania, 13 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. § 3305 (infancy is a defense), 23 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. § 5101 (persons over age 18 can enter into binding contracts). ~ Administrator said...

Dmasy said... 178
Sue Buddy! Dwindle! Be still my beating heart!

Flimsy, I will move my purse, my knitting, my snacks and my Croc shoes off the rocker for this special day!


High holy day on blog!

Dmasy said...

Formerly Duped, I am thinking of you and you furry family member. We lost one of our Min Pins a month ago. I would have given anything for the Vet to offer us hope or a chance. Or only choice was comfort and care and a compassionate good bye.

All the loving pet owners on the verandah are cheering for your fur baby and wishing for the very best outcome.

PJ's Momma you are a wealth of articulate knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Dwindle, condolences, my heart reaches out for you.

I miss you all,

Miss Lilly

Vanessa said...

She says this: "Not telling them and not getting out means we have more peace and a more enjoyable trip."

I think she also means they (or at least one of them) won't whine or complain. When she told them about that fun place, whatever it was (where she beat mady at that game) or the carnival birthday, they all had negative reaponses and they all were talking/shouting above one another. Between beds, who sleeps where, clothing, meals...someone is ready to say "black" when she says "white" . Much like their mother

Anonymous said...

There's a short story about Jon as a DJ on TMZ site. I've heard that successful DJs can make really big $$$$. I hope he makes it!


localyocul said... (Administrator) said... 158
Another thing is she is on the twins' asses for not hurrying . She says they need to be running when they are helping her


I haven't seen that since it aired, but IIRC, when she snapped Mady sheepishly said "sorry mommy". That was what, three years ago? Now she would have said F-u "Mommy" I don't have to help you at all!. Just wait a few years til she has 6 kids this age.

Vanessa said...

Woah-ho, great post Sue Buddy! Love your writing style

Vanessa said...

Woah-ho, great post Sue Buddy! Love your writing style

NJGal51 said...

Formerly Duped - my thoughts are with you and your beloved pup. Healing prayers are being sent your way.

JoyinVirginia said...

Red bird sings, your term The Classy Leeza has been fully noted and added to the official acronym list.
Hi dwindle!

Tuckers Mom said...

Duped...quick post from my phone. Our Bichon was also very anxious post surgery and we wound up taking him home early.
The drugs will help keep him calm and when he gets home he will settle.
Hang in there!!

Vanessa said...

@reader 129
Bang on!
Another example of her pointing out HER OWN BAD BEHAVIOR by pointing at someone else.
Her long winded speach (speech?) to Colin about him saying his sister's hair was ugly?
Did she not say while packing their clothes this last epiaode, "I don't care if you look ugly. You can look ugly after...." and I don't recall the rest. Something like that. Or who can forget her comments about Cara's hair? Doing her Cousin It impression? "Helllo. I'm Cara" while "DRAMATICALLY" pulling her flap of hair over her eyes?

Dmasy said...

Miss Lilly! So good to see you here.

This is, indeed, a special 15 Minutes Day.

Vanessa said...

How delusional is this woman if she actually thinks these kids are going to be filmed in COLLEGE, much less that anyone will have any interest.

she probably thinks that if the roloff kids are beong filmed in college....?

Rhymes with Witch said...

Sue Buddy and Dwindle, you have been missed! On topic, off topic, please stick around.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

“As much as we do it for us" -- but, TFW, you told Larry King you
were doing it for America, to show what it's like to have twins and sextuplets. Surely you weren't doing it for you that whole time,
were you?

"They’re going to want to see the kids going through college and all
of that" -- all of what? Dating? Job interviews? First day of work?
These are your children, not freaking lab rats running through a
maze. And she talks about them "going through college" as if
she sees the tups at 18 carrying color-coordinated backpacks in
the same school. But I see at least one of those kids going to
college 3,000 miles away and never looking back. And I agree
with Redbirdsings -- she won't even feel bad. It'll give her yet
another chance to play victim -- her favorite role.

Tucker's Mom, I'm feeling like you right now -- there is so much
deplorable behavior from TFW that I don't know what makes me
maddest. But I hope those poor children enjoy their reprieve
from the warden this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Well done, Sue! I'm sure you'll be at the top of the list for being sued. ;>)

I have friends in PA and I think their little accent is adorable. Hers? On t.v.? Ugh! It's so country bumpkin. And "longest liver" will never NOT be funny. Just how dumb is she?

NJGal51, I saw an episode of RHONJ where Teresa was trying to get Gia involved in the entertainment industry and the agent said she needed to lose the accent. They were like, "What accent?" She asked Gia to say, "Coffee". It was hilarious. She says, "Cwaw-fee." I wish I could find it on youtube.

Formerly, how was your pups first night?


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