Saturday, February 1, 2014

Recap: Couples Therapy episode 5, A crumb of a boyfriend

Last time on Couple Therapy, Wu-Tang was on his grind when he met Kelsey and still is. The lesbians had a fake fight, and Liz thinks Jon is a pussy. Thanks to Urban Dictionary I learned that on my grind means you're working. You know, plugging away at putting food on the table and such. Maybe I'm dense, but it just occurred to me that Wu-Tang might not exactly mean sitting at his desk job filling out spread sheets when he talks about on his "grind."

Coming up, Dr. Jenn rightly calls Liz out for being such a jerk to Jon, and Duck Lips makes an awesome and epic duck face! We never thought it possible, but Wu-Tang is actually an even bigger jerk than before, because apparently he's been seeing another woman while he was with nice, patient, loving Kelsey. Kelsey can only take so much, and gets him back for it by throwing juice in his face. Which I'm sure felt good and was certainly well-deserved so I don't care how immature it looks. Let's face it, he had that juice coming.

Did I mention the independent music on this show? It's not half bad and a great way for raw talent to get their music played. Right now they're spinning "I Want You" by Lindi Ortega. She seems like she's sort of a cross between full-on punk and a bad-ass country singer. Even in her video she has this jet black emo hair, yet bright red cowboy boots. Heh. She's Canadian too! Never heard of her before but I dig it.

Everyone's eating, or working out, or getting ready for the day. Kelsey is giving Wu-Tang the biggest stink eye behind Wu-Tang's back. Ha! This is one of those times where he deserves every bit of her passive aggressiveness. I never expected to care so much about the other people on this show, Kelsey especially and I quite like the lesbians too. That's what happens when you get sucked into such a reality T.V. vortex, which is why it should be avoided in the first place, and I'm really rooting for Kelsey to get out of this horrific "relationship" and find a man who appreciates her for the awesome girlfriend that she is.

Group sessions. Today, Dr. Jenn says, we're going to start talking about S-E-X! Start? I thought that's all we've been talking about that I noticed.

Brrrr, Jon makes Kate sound as frigid as a Nor'easter. Their marriage was pretty sexless or when they did have sex it was a chore. Jon is very attracted to Liz and appreciates their physical relationship. I've always felt like anthropologist and pastor Gary Chapman's five love languages theory is one of the best ways to describe how people give and receive love. Chapman's theory is essentially that people tend to understand love either by words of affirmation, doing acts of service for someone, giving gifts, just spending time together, or physical touch. Depending on what language you best speak, you might not be compatible with someone who speaks a different one. For instance someone who just wants your time, might not understand a partner who spends all day away from home looking for just the right gift. They'd rather just have you around. The partner who then brings home the perfect gift that ends up not being all that appreciated, is crushed. People who speak different languages can work out if they just learn what language their partner speaks and make an effort to cater to that.

Kate's love language is bitterness and hate but since that's not one of Dr. Chapman's options I'm going to say if she speaks one of these at all it would be gifts and acts of service. Of course she would speak the things you can more or less put a price tag on, because she only understands dollars and cents and a points system. It's clear that while Jon tried to run around like a madman doing her bidding, deep down he always craved a more physical relationship, and she withheld it.

Jon said he was going to masturbate the other day, and then Liz walked in. I'm pleasantly surprised that Dr. Jenn gives Liz what for over her juvenile reaction, calling it hostile and emasculating and says she humiliated him over a private moment. That's right, masturbation is something private, and normal, and Liz needs to grow up. And as we recall from last week, Liz admitted she was withholding sex from him, which is passive aggressive. Wow, Liz looks so ashamed of herself she's nearly tearful. Well, it's nice to see she understands. Duck Lips twists and contorts her giant duck lips into an amazing sneer! I can't tell whether that's a sneer toward Liz or Jon or maybe just a fuzzy on the couch but it sure is funny. Jon says when Liz does stuff like that it reminds him of Kate. Oh, Jon, no one is quite like Kate, that's blasphemous.

Dr. Jenn actually agrees Liz is being just like Kate, oh snap! I love that that's such a huge insult, just to simply say you're like that person in general. Usually when you say someone reminds you of someone it's supposed to be a compliment. I bet Kate is watching every minute of this, winding and rewinding all the parts with Jon, and it's fun to picture her face. Dr. Jenn tells Jon that Liz's name calling is not acceptable and that if she does it again he is to immediately step up and tell her that she cannot talk to him like that. That's good, because I think so many of Jon's problems over the years could have been mitigated had he simply stepped up right there and then and said excuse me TFW (or TLC, or whoever) but that is not acceptable. He lets things go on too long. He's like a pressure cooker, steaming and hissing for so long until the lid finally pops off, but by that point he's so mad he can be irrational.

Liz and Jon both say they want to be more responsive to each other's needs, Jon just says he doesn't want to feel ashamed of masturbating and Dr. Jenn says he shouldn't have to be. I've been nodding along so much to what Dr. Jenn is saying the past few episodes I feel like a bobble doll.

Woo-hoo, we turn to Teen Duck Lips, who says her dad caught her having sex when she was 15 and then everyone knew, and her family is just so gosh darn judgmental about it. Well, I should hope to baby Jesus her family was judgmental if they caught her having sex at 15. Good grief. She had sex at 15. She was careless enough to get pregnant when birth control these days is almost foolproof and easier to get than a stick of gum. She had the baby. Then she more or less dumped the baby on her parents. And she acts like how dare they tell her what to do. I really cannot imagine the poor Abrahams having this nincompoop as their child, they must have been beside themselves. Please bring them onto this show, pretty please with sugar on top?

Teen Duck Lips is confused why all her boyfriends always want to have sex. Because they have a weiner, that's why, it's not personal, Teen Duck Lips. These days Teen Duck Lips has shut down sexually, she doesn't even masturbate. Umm. Even Dr. Jenn is like okay, moving on now, Wu-Tang and Kelsey?

Dr. Jenn says Wu-Tang lives in a world where men are encouraged to be #&$*^&*^@#$@#$.

Where men are what? I have no idea what she just said but I think it's awesome that Dr. Jenn can just throw out a word so bad it needs that much beeping and not a stick straight hair moves out of place on her head. Dr. Jenn goes Walter White on us for a moment and explains that after a woman has been with a man for a few months her brain releases oxytocin, the hormone responsible for the bonding that occurs in relationships.

Kelsey has bonded to Wu-Tang of all people and Dr. Jenn says that surprises Wu-Tang. It surprises all of us too. Kelsey was with her son's father for seven years and when they split she didn't have sex for a year before she jumped back in the sack with Wu-Tang. Wu-Tang is like, um, whoa, didn't know it was that special. He looks really guilty about something right now. We will soon find out what.

Kelsey feels very disrespected and wants an apology. "I'm sorry, again," Wu-Tang says in that snotty tone that says he's not sorry at all, he's only sorry he got called out. Kelsey, get rid of this dead weight.

Commercials, and we're back with the lesbians. They have a few minor sexual issues that are rather boring. Whitney says their relationship is sort of a mother-daughter dynamic. I never saw that but I'll take her word for it. I like how Liz is gazing at them, without judgment and fully attentive to what they're saying. She does this to everyone. I give her a lot of credit for giving this 100% of her effort.

Dr. Jenn says profoundly, sex is never just about sex. Have a nice day everyone!

The lesbians are still strung out about the group session and now they're fighting. I think in general couples therapy is good for a couple. But I think this is one of those rare instances where this is a couple that was doing well and didn't really need therapy, and all it's doing is picking at old sores and making them bleed. The lesbians seemed healthy and happy when they came into this experiment. I think Dr. Jenn's "therapy" is in effect stirring the pot, making issues out of non-issues, and getting them upset when they were just fine before.

The morning of Day 8. This is the moment where I liked Liz again. She tells Jon she's sorry about their stupid argument, and that if he has certain needs he just needs to tell her. Liz screwed up, talked about it in therapy, listened to her therapist's suggestions, was contrite, and made a real effort to change. And therein lies the difference between normal people like her, or the lesbians, or Kelsey, versus people like your Duck Lips squared, Wu-Tang, or Kate. Humans are flawed, some more than others. But I will never write off anyone who is putting in a sincere effort to change and grow. And I think it's worth noting that Liz is still a relatively young woman. Other than her ex-husband whom she must have been with awhile to have three kids, how many real relationships has she really had? I think if she can get to where she just got at only 28 or so, there's a lot of hope for her. Liz makes Jon laugh, and he looks at her like we've never seen him look at Kate. That sort of glazed over, quiet look like he can't see anything, or anyone, else in the room. The look every woman needs. Jon is truly in love with her, and I wish them the best.

Dr. Jenn does a one-on-one with Wu-Tang. I've realized that when this show does a one-on-one that means something really salacious or shocking is about to happen so I perk up.

I love women, women love me, Wu-Tang claims. What? Not this woman. Wu-Tang complains that Kelsey is moving too fast. Huh? They've been together a whole year already. Too fast how so?

I think I figured Wu-Tang out. Wu-Tang Clan was an immensely popular group about fifteen years ago, and I'm sure he lived like a rock star for it for many years and made buckets of money and had buckets of women who wanted his buckets of money. And so he didn't have to behave like a good boyfriend in any of those relationships because he didn't need to because he had the money and lavish lifestyle to make up for it. Wu-Tang Clan is still popular, but nowhere near the way things used to be, and he is finally with a woman who doesn't care so much about who he is or his money, but rather just wants a good boyfriend. Not only does he have no idea how to be that but he seems almost offended that he is required to change how he's been living for so long. Like she should just worship him any which way he is because he's Wu-Tang. To break down and just be a good boyfriend like every other man has to be is almost like admitting that the height of his fame is a thing of the past.

Wu-Tang admits he's been with another woman for two years. That's why he looked so guilty earlier!  He thinks it would be a scathingly brilliant idea if Latrice and Kelsey met each other. He thinks the only way he can really decide who he wants to be with is to see them in the same room. Jeepers, you're not choosing wallpaper, Wu-Tang. What a pig.

Uh-huh, says Dr. Jenn, slowly nodding. Um, yeah, that's a terrible idea, you oaf. You can tell she's sort of torn about the ratings, but I also think she's gotten to like Kelsey just like viewers have. Dr. Jenn is basically like hey, I wouldn't be opposed to talking to Latrice, but we are not going to hurt Kelsey in the process, okay? Here, here!

Does the other woman know about this whole Couples Therapy thing with Kelsey? Dr. Jenn asks. Oh, come on, Dr. Jenn, you already know the answer to that--of course she doesn't know. Except I guess she knows by now!

Commercials. From all these Twizzlers and hot Cheetos commercials I think I have a pretty good idea what demographic watches VH1.

People in the house seem to like Jon and Liz, which says a lot. Kelsey is tossing a football with Liz, and invites "J" to come join them. Aw. Jon says he'll be right there. He talks to Whitney, who is looking really bummed about things. Jon empathizes with her, telling her he's been there. At least I got all my masturbation talk out of the way, Jon quips, making her laugh. Ha. And aw. He's totally the type of guy that doesn't mind listening to your girl problems and just wants to see you smiling again. Unlike sort of the Todd Palin types and many other men who just run the opposite direction and avoid such conflicts at all costs. It's nice to have a guy friend like Jon.

Whitney goes to Sada who, oh dear, is crying. Sada claims she's really needy and needs affection, yet when Whitney tries to go to her and hugs her, she pretty much blows her off. Okay, whatever. Dr. Jenn says it's time to sit down with the lesbians and get to the bottom of this.

Dr. Jenn says Sada needs to treat Whitney better (yes) and that really sets Sada off because she thinks she treats Whitney like a queen. I don't think she understands that rejecting a sweet and sincere hug when you are crying is not treating your wife very nicely. Whitney doesn't like the bickering in their relationship. Sada admits her parents' relationship was pretty tumultuous. Dr. Jenn asks if there was abuse, and Sada says calmly look I signed up to air my own issues, but I don't think it's fair to air the dirty laundry of my family members in the process. Even though I think her childhood is probably something she is going to need to confront at some point, I can respect that. She can get therapy in private later to talk about her childhood. VH1 need not be the place.

Dr. Jenn to her credit doesn't pressure her about that and just says they're going to need to change things or the relationship is doomed.

Day Nine. Duck Lips and her douchebag fiancé are eating outside. Hey, how come Duck Lips has barely said a word the past two episodes? It can't possibly be that she's behaving herself and not doing much anything of interest. I have a conspiracy theory that after her stupid diva blowup over the heat in the bedroom, production decided to "punish" her for it by editing her out of almost everything. If there's one way to get to a narcissist, it's to edit their ugly mug out. Ha!

Kelsey is outside doing some yoga poses. It's going to take more than a little yoga to fix this, Kelsey. Dr. Jenn meets with Kelsey and Wu-Tang. Kelsey said she's afraid of losing Wu-Tang. Sigh, why??? Lose him!

Be careful when you just let someone give you crumbs in a relationship that you don't start thinking that's all you deserve, Dr. Jenn says. Wow, that is a good one, Dr. Jenn. Put that on a platitudes poster. I love food analogies, too.

Wu-Tang breaks the news that he's seeing Latrice. Oh, poor Kelsey, she looks absolutely devastated, as expected. Despite Dr. Jenn just telling Wu-Tang what a terrible awful no good very bad idea it is to bring in Latrice, Wu-Tang still persists with the notion that he wants Kelsey and Latrice to sit down together. Gaa!


What the heck is that about, Kelsey asks, are you trying to get us in the same room so you can see us together and pick who you want? Yep, that's exactly the sick thing he was thinking, Kelsey. Just like wallpaper. Would you like your drink now because I happen to have some apple juice on hand!

Wu-Tang tries to say Kelsey is no better springing her past on him, about her being a stripper.

Oh don't you even go there! Dr. Jenn immediately jumps in, raising her voice for the first time all season. And here I thought her flat and frozen monotone was the only thing she could do because of all the Botox. Boy was I wrong. She gets those lips moving somehow and says something Kelsey did four years ago she's never done since is not anything like what you're doing presently, you tool! Haha!

Are we done now? Wu-Tang asks, like this is all Kelsey's doing. Oh, don't even think about it; we're done "when Kelsey says we're done," Dr. Jenn says. Oh!!! Dr. Jenn can't even look at Wu-Tang right now, she's that pissed.

Wu-Tang tries to apologize and Kelsey says yeah right you're not sorry and storms out. Cough, so, I take it now we're done?

Commercials. We're back, and poor, poor Kelsey is wondering well geez am I the "side chick" or is she? That's funny I was wondering the same thing and I am kind of afraid Kelsey is really the side chick. That's f-ed up, Kelsey says. Sometimes things really just are f-ed up.

Why can Wu-Tang never get out of bed to have a serious conversation? Get off your ass. It's so disrespectful. If I were Kelsey I wouldn't even talk to him when he is reclined like that. Get up off the bed, sit up straight, and look me in the eyes like a man. Why is Kelsey even listening to him at this point?

Latrice should be more mad than you because I was with her first, Wu-Tang says irrationally. Huh? They both should be furious, what does it matter who he thinks should be madder?

My heart is not a toy, Kelsey says. No, it's not. So just stop this and get out. Wu-Tang rubs her leg, holds her hand, tries to touch her face. Ugh, stop! "Who the f---- are you?" Kelsey blurts. Inexplicably, he asks her to be a doll and go get him some apple juice, his poor throat is just parched. Kelsey is like oh you want apple juice? Oh, sure I'll get you some apple juice. Apple juice, comin' right up. Heh.

You didn't spit in it did you? Wu-Tang demands.

Oh, no she didn't spit in it, Wu-Tang. In one quick motion Kelsey tosses it all in his face, then turns around and walks away. Ahh, that felt good. To Kelsey and to us viewers.

Next time, finally Duck Lips is back in action and can smell a rat from a mile away. She may have impressive lips but don't be fooled, her nose is in tip top condition too. So far I haven't heard one peep out of her fiancé except for him to complain how hot he is. I hope Duck Lips is talking about how Dr. Jenn is falling for Teen Duck Lips's sob story about her childhood the rest of America doesn't believe since, oops, so much of it is on film and we judged for ourselves who really was the bad guy in the family (hint, it's Farrah). I really think Dr. Jenn has not seen Teen Mom, how could she have? Maybe she should do some binge watching this weekend before she goes taking up for Teen Duck Lips like this over the rest of her family. Look, Debra is a nut, no question, and Michael is a pushover, and neither of them are very patient or would win any parenting awards. But Teen Duck lips is a true sociopath, like straight jacket crazy. It was not easy for them to raise her, that much was clear.

Predictably, Latrice shows up, and whoosh there they go. Kelsey and Latrice sit in the same room like pretty little wallpaper swatches, just like Wu-Tang wanted. I knew Dr. Jenn couldn't resist that ratings bonanza.

494 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Lalalalala said...

NJGal51 said... 188

One year I made the bourbon/honey mix and took a shot of it every night and I didn't even have a cough or a cold. Just wanted to try the recipe.



Dwindle said...

Meagler, caffeine is a natural bronchial dilator and will help you breathe easier and also will help make each cough more productive. HOT is best as in strong black tea or coffee. Try to eat something, friend, even if just a few crackers or some toast. I know you dont feel like it, but you need something in there to help process all that fluid. WHEN you go to doc, dont be alarmed if he/she tries to give you a little somethin' somethin' with a narcotic in it. Yes, it will help you sleep, but many of them also have the added benefit of relaxing the muscle/tissue on the inside of the lungs. See above re breathing and coughing productively.

Good luck tonight, I hope you can rest. Any fever at all? I feel for you. Been there.

Dwindle said...

Just watched the movie on Netflix "What Maisy Knew". Not about sexual abuse, but neglect/emotional abuse of a child in a divorce tug of war. I was wondering if Admin or any readers here have seen it? I was sorry when it ended.

Sherry Baby said...

Millicent said, "I wonder if Milo, unconsciously or not, fears the day when Kate actually does fade into obscurity. Gone would be Milo's sense of specialness because she knows a "celebrity" and gone too would probably be Kate's twitter."

What I find intriguing about Milo is that no matter how lavish her praises are for Kate, and regardless of the extent of the love she shows for her, Milo is not embarrassed. She's been called out, she's been told she's making a fool of herself and is a laughingstock, but it doesn't seem to faze her, and she continues to do so. In fact, she seems to be pushing any boundaries in showing her obsession for the love of her life, is brazen about it, and she doesn't care.

I wonder if there's some kind of a development problem going on with her. Not necessarily a learning disability, but something in her brain wiring just isn't making contact the way it should.

Dwindle said...

Lalalalala said... 1
NJGal51 said... 188

One year I made the bourbon/honey mix and took a shot of it every night and I didn't even have a cough or a cold. Just wanted to try the recipe.



My mother used to make a little saucepan of hot honey and whiskey when we had a cough and then ladle it to us a spoonful at a time. So sometimes I do that, just, you know, for old times sake, for the memories, to feel close to mom... oh hell, I switch the ratios and make hot whiskey with a bit of honey instead of the other way around, pour it in a fancy brandy snifter and just enjoy! ~ Administrator said...

Barbara is woefully ignorant about sexual abuse. Many of them are perfectly nice, upstanding, respected members of the community.

That is often HOW they get their victims. They play the respectable coach, or teacher, or director, or pastor, and lure their victims and often their families in too. Stick to the facts of the case, not anecdotal observations. She has got to go. This is not "journalism." ~ Administrator said...

Just watched the movie on Netflix "What Maisy Knew". Not about sexual abuse, but neglect/emotional abuse of a child in a divorce tug of war. I was wondering if Admin or any readers here have seen it? I was sorry when it ended.


Haven't seen it, I've sort of been avoiding it to be honest. My blood pressure goes up enough hearing about Kate's alienation. It looks hard to watch.

I think Jon needs to ask that Kate get a psychological exam, he should have asked for it years ago. ~ Administrator said...

I wonder if there's some kind of a development problem going on with her. Not necessarily a learning disability, but something in her brain wiring just isn't making contact the way it should


Her social skills are very poor, which could indicate all sorts of things. Autism spectrum maybe. She doesn't "get" things that you and I get Like the family running off in the middle of the night, while funny, is also pretty indicative of how very clueless she apparently was when it came to interacting with them. She's interesting I'll admit.

Tucker's Mom said...

I hope that Kate is ordered to get a psych exam and that the children are, too. The kids need an independent therapist to evaluate what their needs are.

This snowy weather is really something. We might be affected by the Sat./Sun. storm.

Tucker's Mom said...

I also hope Jon can enforce seeing ALL of his kids. The fact that the twins haven't seen him is disturbing. That shit has to stop. It's just not healthy for those girls who have loves him all their lives.
Yup, the twins' media tour failure is really coming back to bite Kate in the ass. HUGE red flags were raised by their odd behavior. ~ Administrator said...

I hope that Kate is ordered to get a psych exam and that the children are, too. The kids need an independent therapist to evaluate what their needs are.


Exactly, and if it comes out fine it comes out fine. But even if you discounted all her behavior documented on film, the things she says on Twitter alone are not normal. I have a hard time believing she would be able to come through a psyche exam without a least a "possibility" of some kind of personality disorder I hope Jon has his ducks in a row to be able to justify ordering it. As a gesture of good faith he might agree to submit to one as well.

A psyche exam that comes out she's this or that might be able to help her. It could help guide the judge to ordering appropriate treatment even with the kids in the home. I don't see how it could hurt. ~ Administrator said...

She couldn't fool America with that little stunt with the twins. She won't be able to fool a psychologist either. She thinks she has such control of the situation--she has no idea what she may be about to submit to.

The fact that she can fool six sheeple is not going to help her at the doctor's office.

Tucker's Mom said...

If Kate does indeed have a personality disorder, it doesn't mean she will lose the kids. The kids need both parents. I just think that the situation may need a case worker.
At this point, 5 years after the marriage ended, the fact that they are still not co-parenting is harming the kids. Kate can fart all the rainbows she wants, but it hurting the kids and just might affect them for life if they can't get the train back on the tracks.

lukebandit said...

This is the actual video of Dorothy and Blanche and the mirror!

Start at 13:15

OrangeCrusher1 said...

I was just watching E news and it said coming up tomorrow ,a one on one interview with Jon Gosselin, more about the custoday lawsuit and why he wants Kate to undergo a psychological evaluation.
Uh-oh, a one on one interview coming up, TFW must be furious. And while I wish neither of them was talking about custody issues, WTF did she think was going to happen after her stunt with the twins on national television? Oh right, she thought it would lead to a new show for her. Major backfire. And now her ex is going to tell a tv show he wants a mental health evaluation for her. Furious may not even be strong enough, and she's been stuck at home with kids, in the snow. And we all know how much she loves that. Bet her fury could melt the driveway. ~ Administrator said...

If Kate does indeed have a personality disorder, it doesn't mean she will lose the kids. The kids need both parents. I just think that the situation may need a case worker.


Absolutely it doesn't mean she'll lose the kids. People with all sorts of things can keep their kids. In fact the law actually favors the mentally ill keeping their kids. My hope is that if a mental exam takes place it is used as a tool to HELP her and most of all to help those kids. If you don't even know what you are dealing with how can you help?

I also think the kids should be with both parents as long as Kate gets help. Unlike Milo, I have no desire to see eight sweet happy kids pulled from EITHER parent. Two parents in their lives as much as possible is ideal.

NJGal51 said...

@Kateplusmy8: M&C went up2say GN 2 littles aft in bed.
Aaden:I was sleeping. U interrupted my hibernation. It's been a long day4the big bear.
Give me an effin' break! Dwindle, after that tweet I think I need my "medicine" in a brandy snifter to ight!

ncgirl said...

All this talk of hot toddies makes me think of the TV show Golden Girls' line in an episode where they were sick: "You know how many of these stinking hot toddies I have to drink to keep on a happy face."

We had the snowstorm last week, and it's 70 degrees today. Only in the South. ~ Administrator said...

Uh-oh, a one on one interview coming up, TFW must be furious. And while I wish neither of them was talking about custody issues, WTF did she think was going to happen after her stunt with the twins on national television?


Gosh if you had talked to me 7 months ago I'd be horrified he's going public. Now I feel like fair is fair and if she's going to push it THAT far then she deceives every bit of it. She DID shut up for quite awhile the last time Jon went public.

Going public seems to be the new thing in vogue. If we're going to say sexual abuse victims can and should go public I don't see why anyone else shouldn't go public when bad things are happening.

DaniellB said...

That smug smile on her face when Barbara Walters asked the girls if they see their dad should be enough to warrant a psych evaluation. I'm usually at work but since it was MLK Day I had the day off and watched the View. Wish I hadn't, I wanted to reach through the TV and slap that smile off her face!!

Like many people have said here before, she needs to learn to just bite her tongue, and encourage her kids to spend time with their dad.

I was watching some of the old episodes posted here the other day, and it's like she's not even the same person anymore! She actually had nice things to say about Jon. In the epi that showed her preparing to go away for her tummy tuck, she said something like "He's great, but he doesn't cook". And to me it didn't seem bitchy, she was just stating a fact. She didn't do an eyeroll, or look off to her side like she does now, like she's sharing a secret with someone off camera.

It's pretty obvious that she's feeding Mady and Cara some line of bull about Jon. Or they feel guilty leaving her alone to spend time with him. That is emotional abuse. Mady even said she thought Kate took the divorce harder than any of the kids. Those kids should have not one iota of an idea how hard things were for their mother. It's her job to protect them from all the adult worries at a time like that, not the other way around!

The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said...

Absolutely. She through down the gauntlet with that hashtag (#dontsayIdidntwarnyou), so she had to expect some blowback from Jon--or should have.

Alia said...

Gosh if you had talked to me 7 months ago I'd be horrified he's going public. Now I feel like fair is fair and if she's going to push it THAT far then she deceives every bit of it. She DID shut up for quite awhile the last time Jon went public.

Going public seems to be the new thing in vogue. If we're going to say sexual abuse victims can and should go public I don't see why anyone else shouldn't go public when bad things are happening.
I don't think she should have put the twins out there, but the fact is that was AFTER Jon called her an asshole and said the children had developmental issues. It could easily be argued that her recent antics were in response to his, not that she was the instigator.

I'd like to see a judge put a gag order on both of them.

The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said...

*threw* not through (down the gauntlet).

Darn you, Autocorrect! :) ~ Administrator said...

I don't think she should have put the twins out there, but the fact is that was AFTER Jon called her an asshole and said the children had developmental issues. It could easily be argued that her recent antics were in response to his, not that she was the instigator.


Kate has been talking about Jon publicly for ages. It has never stopped. As I understand it she was preventing the twins and Collin from seeing him for over six months, and that's all documented on twitter by her own admission too, every weekend tweeting about the "three kids" with her. All the tweets confirm her own alienation. The "everyone knows she's an asshole" comment was not made in a vacuum or out of the blue or for no reason, and it was accurate.

Layla said...

Jon is going to be on ENews tomorrow? Oh, my, TFW just might blow a gasket. So many years of her prancing around on all those shows, merrily throwing him under the bus, and now the tables have completely turned. Now it's his turn to speak, while she is left alone and ignored in rural PA. She had it coming!

I have no doubt that, 10 years from now, TFW will be broke, alone, and living in complete obscurity, and Milo will still be there tweeting her to hold out for her dream. Milo is so far gone that I don't think she can let go. Supporting Kate is such a huge part of her life, and it doesn't seem like she has anything to fill the void if she gives that up.

Tucker's Mom said...

The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said... 20
Absolutely. She through down the gauntlet with that hashtag (#dontsayIdidntwarnyou), so she had to expect some blowback from Jon--or should have.
I know Jon wasn't mad about the twins dissing him in the People article. They were just saying what Kate's drilled into their heads.
It really was a disgusting move to have the girls speak poorly of their own father in a magazine.
I can only imagine one day, they're going to feel really awful about throwing Dad under the bus. ~ Administrator said...

By the way how do you "instigate" a mother to exploit and humiliate her children on national T.V.? I don't get that and no judge will either.

Tucker's Mom said...

I hope that a judge orders Jon and Kate into counseling and parenting classes. ~ Administrator said...

I just think it's so funny Jon is living the celebrity lifestyle when Kate always complained he was so mediocre. This is what she wanted.

OWN, E!, VH1, The View, celebrity Super Bowl parties. I'm sure I'm missing a lot but those are pretty big and all things Kate knows darn well she'd love to do.

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 26
By the way how do you "instigate" a mother to exploit and humiliate her children on national T.V.? I don't get that and no judge will either.
At some point, Kate was going to use her own children to do her bidding. Dragging the twins onto live TV to discuss their father was beyond disgusting.
"Setting the record straight" should not fall on the shoulders of 13-year olds. The psychological stress must have been enormous. ~ Administrator said...

I think Jon needs individual counseling and co-parenting. I don't think he needs parenting, that can be addressed in counseling.

I think Kate needs individual counseling, a psyche exam and follow all recommendations in the exam, domestic violence counseling for perpetrators, co-parenting, parenting and anger management.

Sherry Baby said...

I have no doubt that, 10 years from now, TFW will be broke, alone, and living in complete obscurity, and Milo will still be there tweeting her to hold out for her dream.

...or living with her!

"I think Jon needs to ask that Kate get a psychological exam, he should have asked for it years ago."

He could have asked, but she would have laughed her head off. This time, though, it might not be so funny if it were court ordered.

The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said...

Agree, Tucker's Mom. It was a deplorable situation, with no real options for those poor girls, save for silence--which they resorted to, on the TODAY Show. I truly believe they were scripted, under penalty of severeness, if in fact they actually said what the People Magazine article quoted them as saying. I can't imagine how TFW got to the point where she'd consider it acceptable to manipulate her kids in such a damaging way.

Tucker's Mom said...

OWN, E!, VH1, The View, celebrity Super Bowl parties. I'm sure I'm missing a lot but those are pretty big and all things Kate knows darn well she'd love to do.
And nothing involving filming his children.
I see Kate is still calling the 6 "littles". Prison plates and cups with tops- she's still trying to sell them as babies. ~ Administrator said...

Just read that the DA has charged Andrea Michelle Cardosa. The school teacher in the youtube video who molested two students. I guess they weren't worried about inflicting further trauma on her or the SOL.

If the DA has evidence they will charge. If they don't have it they won't. It's not much more complicated than that. I don't like that other NY DA implying his case does not rest solely on whether he had the evidence or not, that's nonsense and an insult to the profession and to victims.

Meagler said...

Lots of interesting ideas for dealing with a cough! Thanks everyone...

Oh yes codeine, would work wonders. That is part of my problem, I am allergic to codiene and a few of the other ingredients that are in most cold remedies. I seem to tolerate buckleys, but even that isnt working...

I just tried the vicks in hot water. I had been putting vicks on my chest and feet, and holding my head over a warm mist, but not the 2 together. I have now poured myself a very strong cup of Coffee, so see how that all warms me up. Hope the laxative component of the coffee doesnt kick

Later tonight, right before bed, I am going to have a hot bath, a hot toddie, and then will try the olive oil and vineger, prayer and sleep.

If it doesnt work, what can I lose. Oh yes, I also gargled with warm salt water. My throat is just so raw and irritated.

I like Jon's idea of asking for psych eval, for Kate and he to undergoing one too. heck all of them.

I had thot her previous silence might have been a gag order to stop talking about the kids in public. Who knows maybe there is/was one and to her enuf time had passed that she felt twitter didnt count.

I vaguely recall the whole WA and MF story, but never followed it as it kind of grossed me out. I was a young adult and WA kind of looks like pictures of my grandfather who died before I was born. I didnt want the WA rumors to interfere with my made up memories of my grandfather. Does that make sense?

I sure hope my daughter doesnt get this cough, if she does have a tear in her aorta, I am sure all this coughing wouldnt be good for that!!!!

Ah well, here praying tomorrow is a better day! Thanks everyone.

Tucker's Mom said...

Feel better, Meagler!
Several years ago, I had what started as a dry, hacking, constant cough. I did not stop coughing until I passed out from exhaustion at night. It went into full blown bronchitis.
I went on antibiotics and would never wait that long again to get meds.
I also get the flu shot yearly now.

Smoochie said...

Meagler, I've been very lucky and haven't been sick at all this year, so my sympathies!

However, many of my family & friends have been and can't kick the cough. The only thing that seems to work is a 5 pill (or 6, can't remember exactly) regimen and a puffer taken over 5 days and that clears it up quite well. More than likely you're pre-pneumonia, so take care of yourself and don't use any suppressants, which will only make the situation worse.

Ex Nurse said...

Millicent said... 164
OrangeCrusher1 said... 123
Admin, with all due respect to the Woody Allen/Dylan/Mia situation, I think some of us who are old enough to remember what was happening at the time will see things a bit differently
''Yes, I too remember and I have never been able to feel the same about Woody Allen ever since, nor watch any of his movies with the same complete enjoyment.''
''The fact alone that he dated and eventually married a young lady who was essentially his daughter is just plain creepy. It may not have been technically illegal, but "that ain't right" in my book. You raise a child, or act as step father to a child, then don't date them, or marry them.

Mia Farrow may have some problems of her own, but Woody Allen's behavior gave me serious pause then and still does.''
Like OrangeCrusher and Millicent, I remember all this happening in real time, and from the beginning the very fact that he took nude photos of his partner/girlfriend's daughter make Dylan's abuse probable in my eyes. Here is another link that from Allen's own mouth that are a perfect example of why I loathe that man!

As far as I'm concerned, HIS behavior is his and stands alone.
Been out of town, just seeing these. All if us who are old enough to remember this, also remember that there was a time that claims like this were not even taken seriously. I really hesitate to pin this on Mia--as others said, wA showed that he is capable of crossing a pretty big boundary. There is no proof that Dylan is a liar. I don't know what happened, but I tend to believe the victim. Particularly in conjunction with self-mutilation by cutting and a food disorder.

Sherry Baby said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1h
M&C went up2say GN 2 littles aft in bed.
Aaden:I was sleeping. U interrupted my hibernation. It's been a long day4the big bear.

Can't you see it now? One of the boys gets married and the invitations read...

"...requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her son, Little Gosselin..."

FYI said...

This was a twitter conversation from November:

Bully AWARE ‏@jaxx62105134 · Nov 22
@Kateplusmy8 Im having a antibullying program called Bully A.W.A.R.E.-Autographs With A Real Effect, can u send autographs for the program?

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · Nov 22
@jaxx62105134 sure! Email me where to send it.
Go here:

Then in January, and then today:

Bully AWARE ‏@jaxx62105134 · Jan 23
@Kateplusmy8 I emailed ur website about the Bully AWARE program but i dont know if they got email Do u know if they sent any autographs? :)

Bully AWARE ‏@jaxx62105134 · 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Ms Gosselin do you know if the autographs for the Bully AWARE program got sent? :)

Seems like another broken promise on Kate's part. The least she could do is reply to this person.

Kate never follows through on anything unless it is to her own advantage. How are would it have been to seen this person some autographs?

I guess the not-a-contest is another thing that Kate has completely forgotten about. Maybe she meant the entries had to be in by Dec. 25, 2014. That way she still has almost 11 months to announce a winner.

chefsummer #Leh said...

@Kateplusmy8: M&C went up2say GN 2 littles aft in bed.
Aaden:I was sleeping. U interrupted my hibernation. It's been a long day4the big bear.

What????-(maybe Kate does need a mental exame)-

Did the twins tell her this or was she in Aadens bedsroom when this happend or did she make it up?

FYI said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1h
M&C went up2say GN 2 littles aft in bed.
Aaden:I was sleeping. U interrupted my hibernation. It's been a long day4the big bear.

So now instead of Kate putting words into the younger kids' mouths, she using M&C to do it. Isn't that called hearsay?

Meagler said...

Tucker's Mom... I am so getting the flu shot from here going forward. I have had this 2 x already this winter. lasy time was not this bad tho....

getofftwitter said...

Meagler: I got a flu shot and my allergies and sinus, acted up, enough to had me thinking I had the flu. But that is just what it was, sinus & allergies, and for the last couple of weeks my tonsil, has been acting up as well, no sore throat, just the tonsil swelling a bit, I can feel that thing. With a constant nasal dip, on the side where the tonsil is. Very annoying. Along with inner ear fluid. It's like having cotton in your ears.
I had the flu several years ago , and last year had a very mild case of flu after I got the shot. My Doc says i probably already had the flu, the shot eased it, so it was not a full blown flu.

Other than taking musinex, wal phed(antihistamines), strongest cough med you can get, chicken soup, or any type of broth, wear a depends if you are coughing heavily, a warm heating pad to the chest, lots of rest, don't laugh too much, and ride it out.

MabelD said...

I saw a Swedish movie recently, "The Hunt," in which a beloved male kindergarten teacher was accused of an inappropriate act toward a little girl. The girl's mother told the school principal, the school principal called all the parents together and suggested that it may have involved other children as well. The other students agreed that something happened in the man's basement - they could even describe the color of his sofa and rug. The police investigated and found that the man didn't even have a basement. Even so, he was shunned by the whole town, thrown out of grocery stores and assaulted, in addition to losing his job. The little girl tried to tell her mother that nothing really happened, but the story had taken on a life of its own and almost destroyed the man's life. Eventually, everything was resolved, apologies were given, and everything continued as if nothing had happened. ~ Administrator said...

Seems like another broken promise on Kate's part. The least she could do is reply to this person.

Kate never follows through on anything unless it is to her own advantage. How are would it have been to seen this person some autographs?


Wow nice find Kate is a Twit. She didn't say I'll look into it or email me and we'll see. She said "SURE." She agreed to it. It's disgusting that she can't follow through with such a simple request three months later. She doesn't even WORK.

Math Girl said...

Meagler said... 36

Oh yes, I also gargled with warm salt water. My throat is just so raw and irritated.
I have a couple of ideas for symptomatic relief.

First, remember aspergum? It was orange-flavored gum infused with aspirin. As you chewed it aspirin was released directly onto your throat, numbing it. They don't sell it any more, but you can make a fake version by embedding baby aspirin in ordinary chewing gum.

Second, once when I had a very sore throat my doctor prescribed something that numbed my throat enough so I could swallow comfortably. I believe it was a liquid that I gargled. Unfortunately I can't find the bottle and can't remember what it was. But it was cheap and it worked.

Third, you can add crushed aspirin to you salt-water gargle.

You really should see a doctor, if you haven't. Even if it isn't serious, he or she may be able to give you something to make you more comfortable.

FYI said...

Admin-the girl tweeted several other celebrities and tweeted pictures of their autographs. She got a response from MamaJune on Nov.9, and had the autographs on Dec. 9.

Bully AWARE ‏@jaxx62105134 · Dec 9
Thankyou @MamaJune_BooBoo for sending autographs to help the Bully AWARE program!

And MamaJune and BooBoo DO have a TV show!!

There's no excuse for Kate at all. ~ Administrator said...

I have said this for years that there are two kinds of people, doers and talkers.

A talker is that person who says oh I'm going to go on this trip, I'm going to go to school and study this, I'm going to get this job, I'm going to do this or that, I'm going to have a house like that. They're always talking about the next great thing but there is very little follow through.

A doer when they say they are going to do something, if they say so at all (most just shut up and do it), they follow through. They DO IT. They simply do not SAY they are going to do something without intending, 100%, to follow through. Doers usually cannot coexist with talkers because a doer assumes when someone says something they mean it and is annoyed and upset when a talker does not follow that same values set.

Kate is a talker if I ever saw one. She will talk talk talk about all the things she is GOING to do, from getting a show to running a contest to sending autographs, but it hardly ever pans out. Hardly ever. When it does it's often just a fluke, or done very "half-ass" (her website), or someone else handled it for her.

I've come to believe talkers actually really enjoy just TALKING about things they're "going" to do. Like one might enjoy fantasizing. I think they must get some kind of satisfaction about fantasizing about the things they could do. They really don't care so much to actually follow through with it. Whereas a doer who does not follow through would feel badly, like they let themselves and others down, like they went back on their word.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Bully AWARE ‏@jaxx62105134 · Dec 9
Thankyou @MamaJune_BooBoo for sending autographs to help the Bully AWARE program!

And MamaJune and BooBoo DO have a TV show!!

Maybe Mama and Boo have a pr group who handles this, kind of like a fan club that organizes and runs all this by them and presents pictures and such to them for autographs.

Kate has nobody. It goes in one ear and out the other. She can't follow through on anything, even with her exceptional organizational skills.

lukebandit said...

I used to cough really bad. I started taking Tessalon Pearls. Will stop a cough. I don't know if it has codeine in it for people who are allergic to codeine.

I can't believe TCFW retweets Bullyvilles tweets and Agrees by saying SURE! to send her autographs back on programs to be auctioned off. Maybe that guy needs to get in touch with Jon. I think he would do it. I think I am going to tweet her and ask her if she has got the winner's list ready to announce.

My goodness, I can't stand her the way she treats people. Not right at all.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Why would anyone ask Kate to help in an anti-bully campaign she's a bully herself and she's freaking lazy.

lukebandit said...

I have an unusual hobby. A bank in my hometown printed a list of unclaimed property owners in my state of AL.

It was fascinating seeing how many people’s names you recognized on the list. I found a lady’s name who I am

Good friends with who she and I are members of the same church. I went to the State Treasury’s website and

Found that she was owed 2 claims for insurance each over 100 dollars. I contacted her and told her and she

Filed a claim, there is no charge, beware if there is a charge and received her money in a couple of weeks. She

Was thrilled. Also, when looking for my family, I found an uncle had 2, and a girl who has my maiden name is owed 7

At minimum 100 plus. >100! I have been trying to find her for a couple of years, and a reporter at the paper said

She would help me find her. I am going to email her when I get a chance.

So when I got into the Nursing home a lot of the C N A’s are working for low wages and barely

Making ends meet. I would tell them about my hobby and I have found a ton of money that they were owed!

Insurance refunds, telephone bill, gas overpayments, deposits. It is exciting.

Like if you working a job and you get fired and didn't get a chance to get your last check, or put a deposit down on a utility, by law in each state has to turn it over to the state and they are suppose to get it to you.

There is over 12 Billion dollars in NY and they give back over a Million a day.

Just google your state's treasury dept. unclaimed money. Many states have signed with a company called MoneyQuest.

Hope ya'll find something!

Andrea said...

I think pintrist is a great example of modern talkers. They pin all of these wonderful projects but never get around to doing them. I understand that it can be useful for planning events like weddings. But most people I know pin stuff then never look at it again.

I wonder how much notice the twins had before the Today interview. Did they know a week before, the day before or the day of the interview. I am inclined to lean of them knowing the day of the interview. They were not prepared.

Math Girl said...

There is a new young adult novel called "Something Real" by Heather Demetrios coming out soon. Its central character is a 17 year old who was on reality TV with her family for the first 13 years of her life, then off for 4 years, who is reluctantly going back on TV. There are lots of favorable reviews of the book on Goodreads. No reviews on Amazon yet because it isn't officially out, but it should be interesting to see how much buzz it gets. I found the excerpts on Amazon quite well-written and engaging.

Ex Nurse said...

Admin said...
Going public seems to be the new thing in vogue. If we're going to say sexual abuse victims can and should go public I don't see why anyone else shouldn't go public when bad things are happening.
I don't think that Jon going on an entertainment show to out TFMJG bad behavior is in the same category as a victim speaking out on their own behalf in the nEw York Times. The kids'lives are not entertainment--or, are they?

Meagler, sounds similar to what I had in the fall--lasted over 3 months. After several visits to my internist, and several rounds of prednisone and antibiotics, I took a pulmonary function test and was seen by a pulmonary specialist. He diagnosed it as asthma, and after yet another round of antibiotics and prednisone, with the addition of an emergency inhaler (albuterol) and a maintenance inhaler (with prednisone) it finally resolved and my last pulmonary function test was normal. I was coughing so hard, I seriously strained the muscle and broke a rib in my upper back. I am slowly weaning off the inhaler now.

I will add one more alcoholic suggestion, which is hot B&B. I don't drink now, but I used to use it for sinus infections. When hot, it sends out vapors and a warming sensation to the chest. But, I really recommend not letting it go too long without seeing the doctor.

To Barbara Walters said...

No one knows where the truth lies in this situation, but the knee-jerk responses to defend Allen, call out "liars," and worry about how allegations—allegations for which he cannot be charged - will impact a stupid award is ridiculous. Those in Hollywood who are framing the situation as a premeditated awards-season attack on Allen shows just how far the industry will go to avoid uncomfortable conversations and defend their gods.

prairiemary said...

Admin., this afternoon I sent my first post from my new kindle fire, it is taking me awhile to play with it, had to find a stylus because the screen would change if I breathed on it! Any ways, the post was cold info for poor Meagler, but it does not look like it go to you. Could you let me know if it is backed up, or just not there? When you have some extra time. Thanks:)

Unknown said...

Those who work with a child molester SHOULD suffer. I have no pity for the man. He met Soon Yi when she was 8. He took nude pictures if her. The man isn't right in the head. I believe Dylan 100% and she shouldn't be punished bc Mia is kinda nutty. Did frank Sinatra or Andre Previn know Mia when she was a child?

Woody married his lover's child. Period. His own actions speak as loud as Dylan's letter. How in the world he was approved to adopt more girls or, future victims, is a mystery.

Or not. $$$$$$$

I'm also disgusted with Celine Dion and Rene. He started managing her when she was 12. I'm SO not a prude but CHILDREN should be off limits to men who help "mold" them (or groom them).

I want to puke.

gotyournumberKate said...

About 2 weeks ago I started feeling sick at work. I was achy, coughing, had chills and fever, and the worst headache I think I ever had. I literally slept for 4 days straight and still felt weak when I tried to go to work on the 5th day. I turned my car around and came back home. That night I saw my doctor and this flu had turned into full blown bronchitis. He prescribed an antibiotic, inhaler, and a steroid. I'm now on my 2nd antibiotic because after 4 days the other one wasn't working. I just finished the steroids yesterday and am finally starting to feel semi-normal again but still have a deep cough. I wish I would have gone to the doctor right away but was told by his office I had the flu which was viral and could only be treated by treating the symptoms. This is the first time in many years I have felt this bad. Meagler, get to the doctor as soon as possible if you can. From what I am seeing with myself and others this doesn't just go away on it's own. Feel better.

gotyournumberKate said...

Admin said.......
Kate is a talker if I ever saw one. She will talk talk talk about all the things she is GOING to do, from getting a show to running a contest to sending autographs, but it hardly ever pans out. Hardly ever. When it does it's often just a fluke, or done very "half-ass" (her website), or someone else handled it for her.

In a nutshell, Kate is lazy. Because she has sextuplets she feels entitled and expects to get help from everyone around her. When I watch those old clips of J&K+8 with her sitting in her white plastic chair barking orders at everyone around her yet doing absolutely nothing herself it makes me sick. Look where she's ended up though....she has no one around any longer to bark orders to. She went through dozens and dozens of employees and volunteers who she treated like dogs. Her website alone is a great example of her never carrying through with projects. Also, what happened to her coupon site? She does everything half ass yet continues to believe she's the greatest at all she does. She never talks of running now.Even her cooking is mediocre at best. She's a lazy wench who thinks everything should be handed to her on a golden platter. Personally, I picture her all day long Googling herself and reading tweets on her own timeline. The only thing she is half good at is plotting ways to take down her naysayers. Saying she needs a psych evaluation is like saying she needs to eat to stay alive. There aren't many who need evaluated by a shrink more than this lady does. I hope she is forced to have it done.

Vanessa said...

Two very different perspectives, but they are BOTH at least respectful to the alleged victim. Barbara is just tanking her own show. When Sherri is the voice of reason? Time to go.

Vanessa said...

And Mia's brother has been jailed for, you guessed it, child molestation. I'm going to throw this out there, but maybe MAYBE he was Dylan's abuser.

Vanessa said...

@Kateplusmy8: M&C went up2say GN 2 littles aft in bed.
Aaden:I was sleeping. U interrupted my hibernation. It's been a long day4the big bear.
WHAT?! Lordy Beeeee!!! She HAS lost it

Vanessa said...

Ah well, here praying tomorrow is a better day! Thanks everyone

Feel better! Haven't read all the posts but have you gone to your doctor and asked for antibiotics?

Vanessa said...

I can't imagine how TFW got to the point where she'd consider it acceptable to manipulate her kids in such a damaging way.
She's been at that point all along, only the kids don't have the capacity or maturity to exit her life. See how they are the only ones left? Everyone else she felt she had the RIGHT to manipulate and control are gone. There will be enablers in her life, always, but THEY too will have major mental health issues ALONG with the ones who manage to cut her out.

Serendipity said...

foot sniffer ‏@Alan_binky 1h
@Kateplusmy8 huge fan for years..just wanted to say that you have the prettiest feet I've seen! Could you please post a picture Ty :)

What is it with Kate and feet? The fetish freaks are coming out of the woodwork! Kate sure attracts them!

JoyinVirginia said...

The more I read about the Woody Allen accusations, the more I believe the version of the story that he did nothing wrong, yet his daughter and son believe that he did.
It's a very sad story for all concerned. the Vanity Fair story reads like a lifetime movie script. The journalists who have spoken up for him have compelling stories. an independent panel said there was no evidence of abuse. It's sad on all sides. I'm not a huge Woody Allen fan. I do remember Mia Farrow from Peyton Place on TV years ago, and her films, and her tabloid days in her youth labeled a home wrecker.

localyocul said...

Math Girl said... 56
There is a new young adult novel called "Something Real" by Heather Demetrios coming out soon


That looks good!

Berks Neighbor said...

Thank you! My husband and I just claimed TWO unclaimed properties. One was for between $25 and $50 and the other was for over $100. I'll let you know how it goes!

It felt like finding a $20 in your coat pocket by surprise ;-)

Gabby2 said...

Between the description of what Allen did and taking photos of an 8 year old, but me in the column of he did it. This man has no boundaries.

I support Dyan.

localyocul said...

Berks Neighbor said... 71
Thank you! My husband and I just claimed TWO unclaimed properties. One was for between $25 and $50 and the other was for over $100. I'll let you know how it goes!

It felt like finding a $20 in your coat pocket by surprise ;-)


Hey I have one too! It's a dividend from 2003 and it also has my ex husband's name and it's his old address from right after we divorced. It's less than 100 (and then divided by 2 of course) but what fun!!

njay said...

This is a really good movie about the pedhphile witch hunt in CA quite a few years ago. One of the two boys involved had a hard time not remembering if the abuse really happened because of how the got information/confession from him. It is such a horrible and sad story. I'll post a web site that gives more info on what really happened. It's all so crazy.
The movie:
The story:

njay said...

OOp's Pedophile, silly me!

chefsummer #Leh said...

.she has no one around any longer to bark orders to.

Sadly she still has M&C to bark and squeal at.

Formerly Duped said...

My goodness, that tweet! First it makes Aaden sound silly pretending he's a bear at almost ten, and why didn't TFW say goodnight to 'the littles?" I see she is going through the tups and tweeting cute comments & pics,or so she thinks. We've had Lego from Collin, Alexis' bird remark by the oven, Leah 'wearing' the bird, Hannah's weather report, now Aaden's imaginary life as a bear. Joel must be next.

meagler, feel better. My advice I think was lost, but it was to drink plenty of clear fluids, stay upright, and take lots of hot showers for the steam.Also splint your chest with pillows to avoid muscle strain from coughing.

Anonymous said...

The Bank of Canada has a website too. I found $4600.00 for a distant cousin that was left in his mother's bank account when she died. After 10 years of inactivity, it's handed over to the Bank of Canada. It's kind of a fun exercise.


Somewhere In Time said...

foot sniffer ‏@Alan_binky 1h
@Kateplusmy8 huge fan for years..just wanted to say that you have the prettiest feet I've seen! Could you please post a picture Ty :)

What is it with Kate and feet? The fetish freaks are coming out of the woodwork! Kate sure attracts them!

foot sniffer ‏@Alan_binky 6m
@Villagegolfnut @Kateplusmy8 I thought I would try..dosent hurt to ask..she does have amazing feet and legs #justsayin


Here's another one from the same person. I thought maybe it was Milo just pullin her leg!

foot sniffer ‏@Alan_binky 8m
@Villagegolfnut @Kateplusmy8 I thought I would try..dosent hurt to ask..she does have amazing feet and legs #justsayin ~ Administrator said...

I think pintrist is a great example of modern talkers. They pin all of these wonderful projects but never get around to doing them. I understand that it can be useful for planning events like weddings. But most people I know pin stuff then never look at it again.


Ha, good point! Maybe that's why I never got into Pintirest. It kind of drives me crazy to "pin" things I know I'm probably not going to do. If I pin something I feel like I would have to do it, almost like a contract with myself lol.

Somewhere In Time said...

Paige C ‏@Paige_Kate8fan 3m
@Kateplusmy8 my faveourite item! Yes I spelled faveourite right that's how we spell it in Canada, eh!

That's a new one! I've seen it spelled favourite, but never the way she spelled it.

Carole said...

Maybe Mama and Boo have a pr group who handles this, kind of like a fan club that organizes and runs all this by them and presents pictures and such to them for autographs.

June runs their FB, twitter, fan mail, etc., with the help of a family friend. She's definitely hands-on and very personally involved in everything they do whether for the show or in the community. She still doesn't use a manager/PR firm.

The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said...

Pinterest isn't a to-do list, at least not for me. It's more like window shopping, or thumbing through catalogues and dog-earing certain pages.Pinning, for me, is akin to taking things home, so that I can try them on in front of my own mirror.

Our lives are so busy--time is fractured by competing obligations. Most of us have to-do lists a mile long! So I think things like Pinterest serve a real purpose, in that they call out to our creative sides, invite us to consider unexplored possibilities, encourage us stay awhile and play.

TLC stinks said...

So if Jon publicly says Kate needs a psych eval, does this mean that perhaps this is something his attorney is demanding in the custody suit? Hooray!

I agree you can have psych issues and raise your kids, but it's a problem if the parent refuses treatment and the kids are suffering. He has said publicly she's a narcissist, but it would be interesting to see what else is diagnosed, like an eating disorder. In the end, if this custody suit results in Kate getting counseling and some drug treatment, then it's worth it if she can learn to act like a normal mom. Good for Jon pressing the point that she needs psych help. We can see it, he can see it, surely it's true when it's so obvious to everyone but Kate. She will have to agree to the eval if she wants to keep the kids, IMO.

Doubting Thomas said...

Paige posted a pic of her autographed LIITM book. Am I the only one who thinks that Alexis and Collin did NOT sign their own names? Joel's signature is suspicious also, but not as much as A & C's.

Doubting Thomas said...

Sorry, I forgot the link to Paige's autographed book. ~ Administrator said...

No idea, but Kate's handwriting looks like a 14 year old's. I've always thought that.

I let that comment through but please please do not change your name to fit the situation. Just stick to a name. If this continues I won't publish such comments.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 84
So if Jon publicly says Kate needs a psych eval, does this mean that perhaps this is something his attorney is demanding in the custody suit? Hooray!
When is Jon's interview being aired? I want to set my dvr (amazing to do this via a smartphone!).
I think this just might be a watershed moment in this family's saga. Yes family. They are still a family. Of 10, not 9.
Married? No. Family of 10? Yes.
Since the divorce, 2 tups have been kicked out of school for behavioral problems so bad, that weeks on intervention could not correct the disruptive nature of the situation.
One son does not visit Jon and the twins also have not spent custodial time with him for almost a year.
This is failure to co-parent and a complete breakdown of a parental relationship. This is a dire situation and I think if Jon calls Kate's mental status into question, things must be bad.

chefsummer #Leh said...

When is Jon's interview being aired? I want to set my dvr (amazing to do this via a smartphone!).

The new e-news-(Jon's interview) is on at 6pm-(here in chicago EST) & again at 11pm.

Carole said...

This is failure to co-parent and a complete breakdown of a parental relationship. This is a dire situation and I think if Jon calls Kate's mental status into question, things must be bad.

I think things have been bad since before the divorce was final. Despite what TFW says to the contrary, I don't think she's changed a bit. I think TFW still not letting Jon come thru the gate to drive his children to their front door is a perfect example of how unreasonable, inflexible, unrealistic she is and how serious her mental illness is. If she refuses to change her stance on something this simple can you imagine how she is with things that are really important like promoting good relationships between the kids and their father?

I believe Jon's gone thru hell trying to get TFW to co-parent with him and it's not working. With the status of the twins and C* not visiting him (and probably so much more than what has been said), things obviously need to change and I don't fault him in the least for taking whatever steps he feels are necessary.

Tucker's Mom said...

Here's a link to a preview of Jon's interview.
Jon looks quite good- coifed, focused, sartorially appropriate. Jon's language needs to be cleaned up, but I feel the dude's frustration!
He gets this look on his face when he's mad/frustrated and pointed in what he's trying to say, and he had that wrinkled nose in this interview!

I think Jon's asking for a whole lot here. I support him, I just wonder how much of a long shot it is to ask for full temp. custody until Kate can be evaluated (and maybe the kids too).
Somehow, some way, a "reset" button has to be pushed, and maybe this is the way to do it. Otherwise, these kids are facing a myriad of problems growing up, and perhaps for their entire lives.

FYI said...

Math Girl said... 56
There is a new young adult novel called "Something Real" by Heather Demetrios coming out soon. Its central character is a 17 year old who was on reality TV with her family for the first 13 years of her life, then off for 4 years, who is reluctantly going back on TV.

Here is a video of Heather Demetrios talking about her book. She said that seeing a cover of People magazine with Kate and the kids was her inspiration for this novel.

High Sodium Content said...

Meagler, someone mentioned a throat spray - Chloraseptic might be what they were thinking of.

Tucker's Mom said...

I think TFW still not letting Jon come thru the gate to drive his children to their front door is a perfect example of how unreasonable, inflexible, unrealistic she is and how serious her mental illness is
I was watching a LIITM interview Kate did, in Canada, I believe. The host asked Kate some fairly pointed questions, and the subject of visitation/custody came up.
Kate said, "I do the whole pick up, drop off thing" and I couldn't believe my ears! Jon has said repeatedly that he does all the driving and as you point out, is not even allowed on the compound to drop the kids off.
Sure, she "does" the pick up , drop off, as in, that's how the kids are exchanged. It's not that she actually drives to and from Jon's home, or even to a fricking parking lot!

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