Saturday, February 1, 2014

Recap: Couples Therapy episode 5, A crumb of a boyfriend

Last time on Couple Therapy, Wu-Tang was on his grind when he met Kelsey and still is. The lesbians had a fake fight, and Liz thinks Jon is a pussy. Thanks to Urban Dictionary I learned that on my grind means you're working. You know, plugging away at putting food on the table and such. Maybe I'm dense, but it just occurred to me that Wu-Tang might not exactly mean sitting at his desk job filling out spread sheets when he talks about on his "grind."

Coming up, Dr. Jenn rightly calls Liz out for being such a jerk to Jon, and Duck Lips makes an awesome and epic duck face! We never thought it possible, but Wu-Tang is actually an even bigger jerk than before, because apparently he's been seeing another woman while he was with nice, patient, loving Kelsey. Kelsey can only take so much, and gets him back for it by throwing juice in his face. Which I'm sure felt good and was certainly well-deserved so I don't care how immature it looks. Let's face it, he had that juice coming.

Did I mention the independent music on this show? It's not half bad and a great way for raw talent to get their music played. Right now they're spinning "I Want You" by Lindi Ortega. She seems like she's sort of a cross between full-on punk and a bad-ass country singer. Even in her video she has this jet black emo hair, yet bright red cowboy boots. Heh. She's Canadian too! Never heard of her before but I dig it.

Everyone's eating, or working out, or getting ready for the day. Kelsey is giving Wu-Tang the biggest stink eye behind Wu-Tang's back. Ha! This is one of those times where he deserves every bit of her passive aggressiveness. I never expected to care so much about the other people on this show, Kelsey especially and I quite like the lesbians too. That's what happens when you get sucked into such a reality T.V. vortex, which is why it should be avoided in the first place, and I'm really rooting for Kelsey to get out of this horrific "relationship" and find a man who appreciates her for the awesome girlfriend that she is.

Group sessions. Today, Dr. Jenn says, we're going to start talking about S-E-X! Start? I thought that's all we've been talking about that I noticed.

Brrrr, Jon makes Kate sound as frigid as a Nor'easter. Their marriage was pretty sexless or when they did have sex it was a chore. Jon is very attracted to Liz and appreciates their physical relationship. I've always felt like anthropologist and pastor Gary Chapman's five love languages theory is one of the best ways to describe how people give and receive love. Chapman's theory is essentially that people tend to understand love either by words of affirmation, doing acts of service for someone, giving gifts, just spending time together, or physical touch. Depending on what language you best speak, you might not be compatible with someone who speaks a different one. For instance someone who just wants your time, might not understand a partner who spends all day away from home looking for just the right gift. They'd rather just have you around. The partner who then brings home the perfect gift that ends up not being all that appreciated, is crushed. People who speak different languages can work out if they just learn what language their partner speaks and make an effort to cater to that.

Kate's love language is bitterness and hate but since that's not one of Dr. Chapman's options I'm going to say if she speaks one of these at all it would be gifts and acts of service. Of course she would speak the things you can more or less put a price tag on, because she only understands dollars and cents and a points system. It's clear that while Jon tried to run around like a madman doing her bidding, deep down he always craved a more physical relationship, and she withheld it.

Jon said he was going to masturbate the other day, and then Liz walked in. I'm pleasantly surprised that Dr. Jenn gives Liz what for over her juvenile reaction, calling it hostile and emasculating and says she humiliated him over a private moment. That's right, masturbation is something private, and normal, and Liz needs to grow up. And as we recall from last week, Liz admitted she was withholding sex from him, which is passive aggressive. Wow, Liz looks so ashamed of herself she's nearly tearful. Well, it's nice to see she understands. Duck Lips twists and contorts her giant duck lips into an amazing sneer! I can't tell whether that's a sneer toward Liz or Jon or maybe just a fuzzy on the couch but it sure is funny. Jon says when Liz does stuff like that it reminds him of Kate. Oh, Jon, no one is quite like Kate, that's blasphemous.

Dr. Jenn actually agrees Liz is being just like Kate, oh snap! I love that that's such a huge insult, just to simply say you're like that person in general. Usually when you say someone reminds you of someone it's supposed to be a compliment. I bet Kate is watching every minute of this, winding and rewinding all the parts with Jon, and it's fun to picture her face. Dr. Jenn tells Jon that Liz's name calling is not acceptable and that if she does it again he is to immediately step up and tell her that she cannot talk to him like that. That's good, because I think so many of Jon's problems over the years could have been mitigated had he simply stepped up right there and then and said excuse me TFW (or TLC, or whoever) but that is not acceptable. He lets things go on too long. He's like a pressure cooker, steaming and hissing for so long until the lid finally pops off, but by that point he's so mad he can be irrational.

Liz and Jon both say they want to be more responsive to each other's needs, Jon just says he doesn't want to feel ashamed of masturbating and Dr. Jenn says he shouldn't have to be. I've been nodding along so much to what Dr. Jenn is saying the past few episodes I feel like a bobble doll.

Woo-hoo, we turn to Teen Duck Lips, who says her dad caught her having sex when she was 15 and then everyone knew, and her family is just so gosh darn judgmental about it. Well, I should hope to baby Jesus her family was judgmental if they caught her having sex at 15. Good grief. She had sex at 15. She was careless enough to get pregnant when birth control these days is almost foolproof and easier to get than a stick of gum. She had the baby. Then she more or less dumped the baby on her parents. And she acts like how dare they tell her what to do. I really cannot imagine the poor Abrahams having this nincompoop as their child, they must have been beside themselves. Please bring them onto this show, pretty please with sugar on top?

Teen Duck Lips is confused why all her boyfriends always want to have sex. Because they have a weiner, that's why, it's not personal, Teen Duck Lips. These days Teen Duck Lips has shut down sexually, she doesn't even masturbate. Umm. Even Dr. Jenn is like okay, moving on now, Wu-Tang and Kelsey?

Dr. Jenn says Wu-Tang lives in a world where men are encouraged to be #&$*^&*^@#$@#$.

Where men are what? I have no idea what she just said but I think it's awesome that Dr. Jenn can just throw out a word so bad it needs that much beeping and not a stick straight hair moves out of place on her head. Dr. Jenn goes Walter White on us for a moment and explains that after a woman has been with a man for a few months her brain releases oxytocin, the hormone responsible for the bonding that occurs in relationships.

Kelsey has bonded to Wu-Tang of all people and Dr. Jenn says that surprises Wu-Tang. It surprises all of us too. Kelsey was with her son's father for seven years and when they split she didn't have sex for a year before she jumped back in the sack with Wu-Tang. Wu-Tang is like, um, whoa, didn't know it was that special. He looks really guilty about something right now. We will soon find out what.

Kelsey feels very disrespected and wants an apology. "I'm sorry, again," Wu-Tang says in that snotty tone that says he's not sorry at all, he's only sorry he got called out. Kelsey, get rid of this dead weight.

Commercials, and we're back with the lesbians. They have a few minor sexual issues that are rather boring. Whitney says their relationship is sort of a mother-daughter dynamic. I never saw that but I'll take her word for it. I like how Liz is gazing at them, without judgment and fully attentive to what they're saying. She does this to everyone. I give her a lot of credit for giving this 100% of her effort.

Dr. Jenn says profoundly, sex is never just about sex. Have a nice day everyone!

The lesbians are still strung out about the group session and now they're fighting. I think in general couples therapy is good for a couple. But I think this is one of those rare instances where this is a couple that was doing well and didn't really need therapy, and all it's doing is picking at old sores and making them bleed. The lesbians seemed healthy and happy when they came into this experiment. I think Dr. Jenn's "therapy" is in effect stirring the pot, making issues out of non-issues, and getting them upset when they were just fine before.

The morning of Day 8. This is the moment where I liked Liz again. She tells Jon she's sorry about their stupid argument, and that if he has certain needs he just needs to tell her. Liz screwed up, talked about it in therapy, listened to her therapist's suggestions, was contrite, and made a real effort to change. And therein lies the difference between normal people like her, or the lesbians, or Kelsey, versus people like your Duck Lips squared, Wu-Tang, or Kate. Humans are flawed, some more than others. But I will never write off anyone who is putting in a sincere effort to change and grow. And I think it's worth noting that Liz is still a relatively young woman. Other than her ex-husband whom she must have been with awhile to have three kids, how many real relationships has she really had? I think if she can get to where she just got at only 28 or so, there's a lot of hope for her. Liz makes Jon laugh, and he looks at her like we've never seen him look at Kate. That sort of glazed over, quiet look like he can't see anything, or anyone, else in the room. The look every woman needs. Jon is truly in love with her, and I wish them the best.

Dr. Jenn does a one-on-one with Wu-Tang. I've realized that when this show does a one-on-one that means something really salacious or shocking is about to happen so I perk up.

I love women, women love me, Wu-Tang claims. What? Not this woman. Wu-Tang complains that Kelsey is moving too fast. Huh? They've been together a whole year already. Too fast how so?

I think I figured Wu-Tang out. Wu-Tang Clan was an immensely popular group about fifteen years ago, and I'm sure he lived like a rock star for it for many years and made buckets of money and had buckets of women who wanted his buckets of money. And so he didn't have to behave like a good boyfriend in any of those relationships because he didn't need to because he had the money and lavish lifestyle to make up for it. Wu-Tang Clan is still popular, but nowhere near the way things used to be, and he is finally with a woman who doesn't care so much about who he is or his money, but rather just wants a good boyfriend. Not only does he have no idea how to be that but he seems almost offended that he is required to change how he's been living for so long. Like she should just worship him any which way he is because he's Wu-Tang. To break down and just be a good boyfriend like every other man has to be is almost like admitting that the height of his fame is a thing of the past.

Wu-Tang admits he's been with another woman for two years. That's why he looked so guilty earlier!  He thinks it would be a scathingly brilliant idea if Latrice and Kelsey met each other. He thinks the only way he can really decide who he wants to be with is to see them in the same room. Jeepers, you're not choosing wallpaper, Wu-Tang. What a pig.

Uh-huh, says Dr. Jenn, slowly nodding. Um, yeah, that's a terrible idea, you oaf. You can tell she's sort of torn about the ratings, but I also think she's gotten to like Kelsey just like viewers have. Dr. Jenn is basically like hey, I wouldn't be opposed to talking to Latrice, but we are not going to hurt Kelsey in the process, okay? Here, here!

Does the other woman know about this whole Couples Therapy thing with Kelsey? Dr. Jenn asks. Oh, come on, Dr. Jenn, you already know the answer to that--of course she doesn't know. Except I guess she knows by now!

Commercials. From all these Twizzlers and hot Cheetos commercials I think I have a pretty good idea what demographic watches VH1.

People in the house seem to like Jon and Liz, which says a lot. Kelsey is tossing a football with Liz, and invites "J" to come join them. Aw. Jon says he'll be right there. He talks to Whitney, who is looking really bummed about things. Jon empathizes with her, telling her he's been there. At least I got all my masturbation talk out of the way, Jon quips, making her laugh. Ha. And aw. He's totally the type of guy that doesn't mind listening to your girl problems and just wants to see you smiling again. Unlike sort of the Todd Palin types and many other men who just run the opposite direction and avoid such conflicts at all costs. It's nice to have a guy friend like Jon.

Whitney goes to Sada who, oh dear, is crying. Sada claims she's really needy and needs affection, yet when Whitney tries to go to her and hugs her, she pretty much blows her off. Okay, whatever. Dr. Jenn says it's time to sit down with the lesbians and get to the bottom of this.

Dr. Jenn says Sada needs to treat Whitney better (yes) and that really sets Sada off because she thinks she treats Whitney like a queen. I don't think she understands that rejecting a sweet and sincere hug when you are crying is not treating your wife very nicely. Whitney doesn't like the bickering in their relationship. Sada admits her parents' relationship was pretty tumultuous. Dr. Jenn asks if there was abuse, and Sada says calmly look I signed up to air my own issues, but I don't think it's fair to air the dirty laundry of my family members in the process. Even though I think her childhood is probably something she is going to need to confront at some point, I can respect that. She can get therapy in private later to talk about her childhood. VH1 need not be the place.

Dr. Jenn to her credit doesn't pressure her about that and just says they're going to need to change things or the relationship is doomed.

Day Nine. Duck Lips and her douchebag fiancé are eating outside. Hey, how come Duck Lips has barely said a word the past two episodes? It can't possibly be that she's behaving herself and not doing much anything of interest. I have a conspiracy theory that after her stupid diva blowup over the heat in the bedroom, production decided to "punish" her for it by editing her out of almost everything. If there's one way to get to a narcissist, it's to edit their ugly mug out. Ha!

Kelsey is outside doing some yoga poses. It's going to take more than a little yoga to fix this, Kelsey. Dr. Jenn meets with Kelsey and Wu-Tang. Kelsey said she's afraid of losing Wu-Tang. Sigh, why??? Lose him!

Be careful when you just let someone give you crumbs in a relationship that you don't start thinking that's all you deserve, Dr. Jenn says. Wow, that is a good one, Dr. Jenn. Put that on a platitudes poster. I love food analogies, too.

Wu-Tang breaks the news that he's seeing Latrice. Oh, poor Kelsey, she looks absolutely devastated, as expected. Despite Dr. Jenn just telling Wu-Tang what a terrible awful no good very bad idea it is to bring in Latrice, Wu-Tang still persists with the notion that he wants Kelsey and Latrice to sit down together. Gaa!


What the heck is that about, Kelsey asks, are you trying to get us in the same room so you can see us together and pick who you want? Yep, that's exactly the sick thing he was thinking, Kelsey. Just like wallpaper. Would you like your drink now because I happen to have some apple juice on hand!

Wu-Tang tries to say Kelsey is no better springing her past on him, about her being a stripper.

Oh don't you even go there! Dr. Jenn immediately jumps in, raising her voice for the first time all season. And here I thought her flat and frozen monotone was the only thing she could do because of all the Botox. Boy was I wrong. She gets those lips moving somehow and says something Kelsey did four years ago she's never done since is not anything like what you're doing presently, you tool! Haha!

Are we done now? Wu-Tang asks, like this is all Kelsey's doing. Oh, don't even think about it; we're done "when Kelsey says we're done," Dr. Jenn says. Oh!!! Dr. Jenn can't even look at Wu-Tang right now, she's that pissed.

Wu-Tang tries to apologize and Kelsey says yeah right you're not sorry and storms out. Cough, so, I take it now we're done?

Commercials. We're back, and poor, poor Kelsey is wondering well geez am I the "side chick" or is she? That's funny I was wondering the same thing and I am kind of afraid Kelsey is really the side chick. That's f-ed up, Kelsey says. Sometimes things really just are f-ed up.

Why can Wu-Tang never get out of bed to have a serious conversation? Get off your ass. It's so disrespectful. If I were Kelsey I wouldn't even talk to him when he is reclined like that. Get up off the bed, sit up straight, and look me in the eyes like a man. Why is Kelsey even listening to him at this point?

Latrice should be more mad than you because I was with her first, Wu-Tang says irrationally. Huh? They both should be furious, what does it matter who he thinks should be madder?

My heart is not a toy, Kelsey says. No, it's not. So just stop this and get out. Wu-Tang rubs her leg, holds her hand, tries to touch her face. Ugh, stop! "Who the f---- are you?" Kelsey blurts. Inexplicably, he asks her to be a doll and go get him some apple juice, his poor throat is just parched. Kelsey is like oh you want apple juice? Oh, sure I'll get you some apple juice. Apple juice, comin' right up. Heh.

You didn't spit in it did you? Wu-Tang demands.

Oh, no she didn't spit in it, Wu-Tang. In one quick motion Kelsey tosses it all in his face, then turns around and walks away. Ahh, that felt good. To Kelsey and to us viewers.

Next time, finally Duck Lips is back in action and can smell a rat from a mile away. She may have impressive lips but don't be fooled, her nose is in tip top condition too. So far I haven't heard one peep out of her fiancé except for him to complain how hot he is. I hope Duck Lips is talking about how Dr. Jenn is falling for Teen Duck Lips's sob story about her childhood the rest of America doesn't believe since, oops, so much of it is on film and we judged for ourselves who really was the bad guy in the family (hint, it's Farrah). I really think Dr. Jenn has not seen Teen Mom, how could she have? Maybe she should do some binge watching this weekend before she goes taking up for Teen Duck Lips like this over the rest of her family. Look, Debra is a nut, no question, and Michael is a pushover, and neither of them are very patient or would win any parenting awards. But Teen Duck lips is a true sociopath, like straight jacket crazy. It was not easy for them to raise her, that much was clear.

Predictably, Latrice shows up, and whoosh there they go. Kelsey and Latrice sit in the same room like pretty little wallpaper swatches, just like Wu-Tang wanted. I knew Dr. Jenn couldn't resist that ratings bonanza.

494 sediments (sic) from readers:

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chefsummer #Leh said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 190

Speaking of germs

Don't forget playing in a mud fight on K+8.
Don't forget being bare foot at a gas station.
Don't forget standing barefoot with Jamie while cleaning her over vet.

chefsummer #Leh said...

What she did was dump the contents of boxes on the plates, bought some little cakes, and purchased some cut up veggies at Giant. Took all of 10 minutes.

2 be fair KK does dump cans of food into pots that she made into a cookbook sooo what ya expect??-(LOL)

OrangeCrusher1 said...

I believe I called it earlier; open bags, dump in Super Bowls. And oh yum, kale chips for a football party. I have no objection with a party snacks dinner every now and then, but hers always looks so unfulfilling. And for dessert, one mini, mini cupcake per child. She's probably vacuuming around them while they eat. ~ Administrator said...

What's sad is the's still pretty under there without all the studio makeup caked on and her hair dolled up.

PatK said...

I wonder if Kate called her attorney after the David Beckham commercial to see if she can sue for the emotional trauma her children suffered. ~ Administrator said...

What's sad is that every single year it's always just her and, allegedly, the kids. What is she going to do with herself when it's Jon's weekend or the kids grow up and have their own friends to go to for Superbowl weekend? I was about 10 when I started going to friends' houses for the Superbowl. I think I was only home that day a few times the rest of my growing up years.

No friends, no family, no other houses to go to for the Gosselins. She is going to be beside herself when these kids start having lives of their own.

Over In TFW's County said...

I'm bewildered that you can feel sorry for such a vile, malevolent person. I feel sorry for the 8 @ her mercy, her slaves.


No need to feel bewildered. I am not a sheeple, but there are times that I feel sorry for her because she has done this to herself. I feel sorry for her because she doesn't learn from her mistakes. She's burned bridges, she has nobody left but some internet strangers, and she has to tweet them on Super Bowl night to be praised for her party table, and for being an amazing mom. She's alone and taking pictures to feed her own ego, and I don't care how vile and disgusting she may be, it still is sad. ~ Administrator said...

Secondly, the only reason Allen wasn't brought on criminal charges was to spare Dylan from going on the witness stand and experiencing further trauma.


I've dealt with maybe 100 sexual abuse/molestation cases and I have never once in my life heard that given as a valid reason not to press charges. Testimony of children is taken in chambers, with just the judge and the lawyers. A safe environment is created so the child feels more comfortable. Most research show most kids cope just fine with testifying and many actually even feel better for it.

Dylan herself says she wanted him prosecuted. Why then didn't she go along with the prosecution that was supposedly ready to go if only she would go on the stand? This case wouldn't be so suspect to so many people if Mia wasn't such a nut. She muddied the waters of it, especially with that horrific videotape she had no business making, and Dylan needs to hold her accountable for that too.

Math Girl said...

Over In TFW's County said... 184
There's nothing special about her SB food. In fact, it's mediocre, but she still needs strangers to fawn over her.
How dare you call that mediocre. She opened and dumped 4 different boxes of crackers!

Beyond DIsgusted said...

Martha, 195, said,

"The bags she ripped open for her feast, and spread on plates, are no more than hors d'oeuvres. 8 kids are to subsist on that? Where's the protein? Sure, there's raw vegetables. That's about it.
She should be jailed."


Jailed for what? For putting out snacks for the kids? Maybe they had dinner before the game. Pizza? Perhaps. I thought I saw chicken wings on that table. She tweeted earlier that wings were on the menu. At least the kids can help themselves to whatever they want...much better than one piece of cheese and two crackers that she's put on their plates in times past! ~ Administrator said...

I also just can't get past the nanny saying she flat out SAW Mia coaching Dylan along. That Dylan wasn't saying much of anything and Mia kept pushing and guiding and pushing her to say it, stretching out the videotape over TWO DAYS. That is CLASSIC coaching, the mom sitting across from her daughter saying now honey I know you remember this what did daddy do, remember??? Another nanny says Woody was barely ever alone with her for more than a few minutes.

The former nannies have no reason to lie about that all this time. I doubt 20 years later she's still a nanny that needs to stay on Woody's payroll. It certainly isn't black and white, which is a shame.

Wowser said...

Boy can you tell inherent sulfite hat she wear hair hair pieces or extensions when she does her tv rounds....her hair looks brunette(or dirty) and VERY thin in that selfish....deflect deflect deflect!! SEE!! I love my boys. Again....looks like the twins are missing.
Cueing TFW as she reads here...MAdy, Cara!!!! Get downstairs now!!! I have to take your picture for twitter!! Hurry!! You should be running at all times when I call you!! I know you don't want your picture taken with it and I will buy you iPads? What?? You'll do it but only if you don't have to spend time with me in my room tonight?!? Ugh! Alright! I have been sacrificing for you since I was on bed rest for 102 weeks! Oh wait, that wasn't for you! But I sacrificed something for you and I will scream it at you when I think of it now get over here and get your damn picture taken for twitter!!! Heil Kreider!!!!

Kelly said...

Steve Pratt certainly lives up to his name. Courtesy of Urban Dictionary:

Basically someone whos a major idiot, or is delusional and dumb. Acts against logic and thinks hes self-righteous. AKA: Major dumbass.

Good example: Percy from HP and from 5th book
"You stupid prat!"

I knew I'd heard that term before in England, but couldn't recall it's exact meaning. Creepers like Mr. Pratt are yet another reason for KIGgie to get off Twitter.

OT: RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman. I'm so saddened by his passing.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin, you said you're thinking about TFW being sad when she's alone in years to come and the kids are gone. But, my gut instinct about this woman is, she's not having fun today. She's doing what she has to do to keep the "machine" going -- to keep up appearances.
From the hundreds of hours of footage we've seen of her with her children, many of us have come to the same conclusion -- she's not a warm, caring, kind, or involved mom. Today is a great example -- she's tweeting up a storm. How can she be present for those kids when she's distracted that way? Eight different kids, eight different sets of tastes and preferences and experiences. Why not put the phone in your purse for 5 hours on a Sunday and revel in that?

Yeah, she'll be upset when she's alone someday. But not because she misses those sweet children. It's because she will finally have lost control, and that is her worst nightmare. Remember, she's in charge, and "that's never gonna change." Except, it is.

fidosmommy said...

Not a cup lid in sight in the Super Bowl pic. Maybe almost 11 is the time to stop making the kids toddlers.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Looking good for Seattle, but I'm not sure about Zorro. She tweeted a picture of him with his feathers ruffled. There are a few reasons a parrot may do this, and one of them is tension. If the feathers stay ruffled, it could be a sign of pending aggression -- watch out, I'm not happy, and yes, I may bite.

Time to put that bird to bed, Kate. ~ Administrator said...

Another thing about sexual abuse is that the initial interview is very important. A forensic interviewer highly specialized in child molestation cases is brought in. There are a certain way to ask questions that don't taint the investigation. There are mountains of literature about how to conduct it. For instance you never ask, where did daddy touch you, because that is a foregone conclusion dad touched you. You asked open ended question, what happened, where, did anyone hurt you? where? how? And so on. I've seen many of these tapes and I've had moms be so frustrated, why aren't they just asking flat out about dad I know she'll say it! I have to explain that's not how these interviews are conducted.

There is a famous case about a whole preschool that went along with saying they had been molested even though they really hadn't, and they later determined most of it was because of poor interviewing, leading the kids along. None of the kids were being malicious, they really were led to believe it.

The point being, Mia conducted her own interview that was probably terrible because she's just a layman. Even if Mia had everything but good intentions, and even if the sexual abuse is true which it may very well be, she basically destroyed the case by doing the interview herself.

FYI said...

ROL has an article about Woody Allen responding to Dylan's letter through his rep and his lawyer.

Guess the ROL editors took the day off. The last line in the article says:

"Allen has always insisted he abused Dylan."


Wowser said...

Autocorrect is hilarious sometimes!! Lol. Inherent sulfite hat?!?!? It was suppose to say "in that selfie". Lol!!! Although she probably has an inherent sulfite hat that she grifted from somewhere! ~ Administrator said...

I think Kate leads such a sad sad life. Her only "friends" are twitter friends. I mean really....that is really really sad.


And her kids, who shouldn't be your friends until they are adults and completely financially independent of you. Only then can you be "friends" with your child in a manner that is healthy.

Martha said...

Beyond Disgusted, I'm hesitant to click on her twitter links: does it give her hits, help her? I just couldn't help clicking on the one photo...the counter spread with nachos, vegetables, snack-type stuff. Didn't realize they were being offered wings!
I think it's criminal to deprive children of nourishment...the tableau on the counter caused me to think thus.
She also said she hadn't been watching the game because she was still serving! Who metes out snacks?

Math Girl said...

Kate is a twit said... 18

Guess the ROL editors took the day off. The last line in the article says:
"Allen has always insisted he abused Dylan."

They've fixed it now - added the word never.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Math Girl said... 8
Over In TFW's County said... 184
There's nothing special about her SB food. In fact, it's mediocre, but she still needs strangers to fawn over her.
How dare you call that mediocre. She opened and dumped 4 different boxes of crackers!

LOL I laugh good with this.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I think Kate leads such a sad sad life. Her only "friends" are twitter friends. I mean really....that is really really sad.

Um what about the ones she's pay's helloooo? ~ Administrator said...

That clip of Surviving Twins...OMG. Who has 8 kids under 7 and gets up at 8?


Who has ONE kid under 7 and gets up at 8?

Kirkland said...

That clip of Surviving Twins...OMG. Who has 8 kids under 7 and gets up at 8?


Who has ONE kid under 7 and gets up at 8?


haha.... so true!

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Although she probably has an inherent sulfite hat that she grifted from somewhere!


That feather thing she wore at the Derby? ;) ~ Administrator said...

The fact alone that he dated and eventually married a young lady who was essentially his daughter is just plain creepy. It may not have been technically illegal, but "that ain't right" in my book. You raise a child, or act as step father to a child, then don't date them, or marry them.


The whole thing is just a convoluted mess. See, HE says he was NEVER a father figure to her, she was never essentially his daughter, and he never acted as a stepdad to her, or even hardly ever saw her. She was a stranger. Apparently he never even spent the night at Mia's home. He says it was MIA who had to push him to get to know her, and when he did, she was 19. Icccckk factor yes absolutely. Gross. Bleck. You don't date your girlfriend's DAUGHTER even if you never met her! But she's a consenting adult and can date who she chooses to. I mean, it's lasted and they have two kids. Mia too dated men decades and decades older than her and that whole thing with Sinatra is just bizarre. The two of them are both dysfunctional and neurotic, not unlike their characters in the movies. Whether it was abuse only the people who were actually there know.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 U have set a good example 4ur kids abt #NeverGivingUp...they have seen U #DoIt time & time again! Mom never quits....:)

Kate has give up several time on TV so WTF are you talking about. ~ Administrator said...

Thanks Ruthie! I think next episode of CT with Teen Duck Lips will be great.

chefsummer #Leh said... (Administrator) said... 27

Yeah but Woody's like what 30-35 years older than her.Which plays into the ick factor.

Now I dated a man older 10-12yrs than me when I was 19-20 I could not date someone my fathers age but that's me.

Formerly Duped said...

I didn't think the snack table looked bad considering it's a late game. What struck me was that it was an almost identical picture to last year's when the kids were squished around that little table....also though Collin looked very detached in the selfie

Meagler said...

I am glad the kids are having fun and taking elfies with their mom.

I wonder if they realize as soon as she takes it, she posts out there for all to see.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Lets call farrah the camera crier lets leave duck lips for Taylor.

ncgirl said...

Somebody asked if the twins were home. TFMJG is quoting Mady on twitter.

The Woody Allen story is sad. Ronan Farrow is so funny on twitter. He has a show coming on MSNBC. He may replace Anderson as the hunky newsman.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 13m
@Kateplusmy8 U have set a good example 4ur kids abt #NeverGivingUp...they have seen U #DoIt time & time again! Mom never quits....:)


Why does Milo persist in treating Kate like she's a poor downtrodden soul who needs to fight her way back to the top? She does this over and over again. If I were Kate, this would really p**s me off big time. I think Milo is too dumb to know that she's doing it.

Millicent said...

Greedy Gosselins said:
Secondly, the only reason Allen wasn't brought on criminal charges was to spare Dylan from going on the witness stand and experiencing further trauma. The prosecutor said he believed Allen did it, and Judge Wilk also said the same, though less explicitly.
I did not follow the investigation closely, so some of this info is news to me. All I can say, especially after reading Dylan's own words about what happened, is that she sounds extremely credible. I am reminded of how long the abuse continued to occur at Penn State and how many people turned a blind eye because it was someone in power committing the abuse. That's the same thing here. Woody Allen held all the cards and still remains powerful in the entertainment world.

As I say, after reading Dylan's own words, I am even more firmly convinced that justice was not done. In the end, Allen will get what he deserves, but it may not be something the world will witness. ~ Administrator said...

Moses Farrow is also a terribly talented photographer. I could stare at his winter New England landscapes for hours.

I was shocked to find out he's shooting on just a little canon Rebel which is a low end SLR that a beginner would get. Why isn't he investing in better equipment? His mom can't get him a Mark iii or 7d? And yet just goes to show you can take something beautiful with a cheap camera.

Millicent said...

We are grimly hanging on to the bitter end in the 4th quarter, wondering of Peyton Manning and the Broncos can at least make the final score not completely uneven. If it were the 49ers playing, I'd be much more interested in the outcome. My son has a friend over and I decided to watch on my own bedroom TV - boys are rowdy! LOL

As to food and beverages - I am no Martha Stewart. Started off with popcorn and rootbeer, with carrot sticks. Then they got chicken nuggets and a dipping sauce, rice a roni, and fresh strawberries. Later on, they were still starving, so some deep dish pepperoni pizza followed by homemade chocolate cake. And since it's not even 7:00 here, I have a feeling my son will be finishing up the leftover pizza later on tonight!

Zoe said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 U have set a good example 4ur kids abt #NeverGivingUp...they have seen U #DoIt time & time again! Mom never quits....:)
With that hashtag it looks like Milo is calling TFW a dolt! LOL

PatK said...

This fan hasn't been paying attention!

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy83h
Altho I have yet to see the tv (still serving party dinner), we are off to a gr8 start with this! #yum #X2sit&enjoy

@Kateplusmy8 what's the occasion? ~ Administrator said...

I am reminded of how long the abuse continued to occur at Penn State and how many people turned a blind eye because it was someone in power committing the abuse. That's the same thing here. Woody Allen held all the cards and still remains powerful in the entertainment world.


I believe the allegations against Sandusky but then there is an investigation that supports that belief. I was thinking the same thing you are about it being similar, although I think there is a huge difference.In the Penn State scandal, an investigation uncovered the abuse was credible, it's just they were reluctant to really go forward with making it public and just wanted to quietly fire him and the kids to go away. In this case, the huge difference is a lengthy investigation cleared Woody. If you can't even back up your allegations with a few experts on your side the public can't expect you to go forward. People keep saying they were paid off but most doctors and forensic specialists are COURT ORDERED. What incentive do they have to come out on Woody's side? They get paid either way. These are their licenses on the line. Are we to believe that two separate doctors who said they couldn't find a single sign of abuse on her were lying? Couldn't another doctor look at the records and pictures and show that they were lying if they were? And if Mia had a problem with the investigation, she could always hire her own experts. Why didn't that happen? Why did an adoption agency clear him to adopt knowing his history? If an adoption agency has a client who molests their kids that agency could be FINISHED. They have NO incentive to clear a child molester. Something must have assured them he was not going to hurt their kids. The whole thing confuses me, it just doesn't add up like the Penn State scandal added up. I suppose I find it a little scary to accept that an investigation could be this wrong. We rely on these things to protect our kids and we depend on them to get it right. If we TRULY believe it's not right, we need to ask that a new investigation be ordered.

I did find her comment about his thumb rather credible. It would be difficult, though not impossible, for someone making it up to think of something like that. Same with the train. It's either true or someone who has read a lot about sexual abuse. ~ Administrator said...

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 13m
@Kateplusmy8 U have set a good example 4ur kids abt #NeverGivingUp...they have seen U #DoIt time & time again! Mom never quits....:)


Why does Milo persist in treating Kate like she's a poor downtrodden soul who needs to fight her way back to the top?


When I read that tweet the first thing I thought was she acts like Kate is a cancer survivor or something. It really is embarrassing for both Kate and Milo.

Kate has a CHARMED life. STOP, Milo.

Millicent said...

Admin - if you have a chance (and the inclination), I hope you would read Dylan's own post about the abuse, which she says did occur. Dylan is an adult now, married with children of her own. She seems to be living a stable life. I don't see any reason for her to bring this ugliness all up again, and expose herself to the doubts and skepticism (and I'm sure worse) that probably comes her way whenever people hear her claims. I do agree that unfortunately, the way Mia Farrow handled the situation probably did not make it any better and quite likely made it worse (as far as prosecuting the claims). I fear that a terrible crime has been left unpunished and just like with Roman Polanski - people want to ignore or excuse the behavior because they think Allen's work makes him a genius and worthy of not being held to the same standards as everyone else.

Millicent said... (Administrator) said... 25

That clip of Surviving Twins...OMG. Who has 8 kids under 7 and gets up at 8?
Who has ONE kid under 7 and gets up at 8?
That was my first big "HUH?" moment when watching the show. Hearing that Kate got up at 8:00 in the morning. By the time I first started watching, my son was probably in early grade school, but I still clearly remembered the infant/toddler days, and if he woke up anytime after 6:00 a.m., I counted myself lucky! There was never a time he slept in until 8:00. So it sounded unbelievable to me that six children would all be late sleepers. Yep, that was the first clue for me that something was off there. ~ Administrator said...

Millicent I actually did read every word of Dylan's post when it came out.

I believe Dylan is speaking her truth. Sadly, like many people I'm just not sure if that's the truth truth, or what Mia told her to when Dylan was but 7 years old and Mia wanted to take her away from her father. The whole thing on Twitter was ridiculous and cast doubt on the whole thing; I wish Dylan could understand the reason so many people don't believe her is not personal but rather because of Mia. This is not Mia's fight anymore. It is up to Dylan now what she wants to do. Had Mia just quietly stood by her daughter, never trying to influence the situation and just letting things play out as they may, I'm sure I would believe her. The main reason I am skeptical is because of Mia's behavior, behavior I have seen many times from a parent coaching a kid.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 11m
@Kateplusmy8 And might I come U don't have ONE darn wrinkle on ur forehead! LOL I know U worry...looking too young girl!

Can you believe she tweets this stuff? Dumb! Hey, Milo, take a look at Kate's forehead a few years ago. Look at the lines between her eyes. If she doesn't have wrinkles now, it's because she's had work done even though she denies it...and Milo has to call attention to it!

Kirkland said...

Millicent said... 39
We are grimly hanging on to the bitter end in the 4th quarter, wondering of Peyton Manning and the Broncos can at least make the final score not completely uneven. If it were the 49ers playing, I'd be much more interested in the outcome.


Millicent , sorry to hear you'd be more interested in the game if the 49'ers were playing. I guess the Seahawks were just too much for your team!

I, however, thought it was a great game! And the right team won. Go Seahawks!! I'm enjoying our victory. First time Superbowl win for our team, and the city of Seattle is ecstatic!!

chefsummer #Leh said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 U have set a good example 4ur kids abt #NeverGivingUp...they have seen U #DoIt time & time again! Mom never quits....:)

KK never quits right..LOL

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Kate really has some strange guys "wanting" her"

Tweet-le Dum ‏@deatleychris 4m
#EsuranceSave30 can help me take out @Kateplusmy8

Tweet-le Dum ‏@deatleychris 32m
@Kateplusmy8 obsessed with you

Hey, Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB...this isn't anyone you know, is it? LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Seahawks. Well done.
We had 11 people for dinner. We served a home made hot crab dip and home-made chili con queso. We also had Emeril Legasse's pulled barbeque pork on a bun; we slow roasted it yesterday for 7 hours . Caesar salad, coleslaw and hot corn fritters. Warm apple pie and ice-cream for dessert as well as a fresh fruit salad (not from a can)
I don't know how we pulled it off, what with us being mediocre and all...


Rainbirdie said...

Millicent said... 44
--------- (Administrator) said... 46
I am not a Woody Allen fan - don't think I've ever seen one of his movies. In fact I find him rather odd & unappealing. But there doesn't seem to be any evidence that he abused Dylan Farrow other than her mother says so. Allen took & passed a polygraph, Mia Farrow refused. I have always said that if a child claims abuse, they should be believed. But per medical & legal experts involved in the investigation at the time, it appears this child did not claim it until after being coached by the mom. My brother & I told a story of a childhood adventure so often that our younger brother tells it as if it was his story too - and he hadn't been born yet. I wonder if it's the same with Dylan - she & her siblings have heard the story stated as fact for so long that it's become part of her life story - true or not. Either way it's a shame because she has truly suffered abuse - we just don't know for a fact which parent was the true abuser.

gabby2 said...

OK...OK....3 1/2 naps.......BUT someone remind me what she did to the 6 when they got out of their cribs....

Luke!!! :)

Kate this is to YOU, you will never convince me with a few tweets that you are a good mother, especially to the boys. Damage is done.

gabby2 said...


NJGal51 said...

Lukebandit - Although BB has ended maybe Jon can get a guest appearance on "Better Call Saul". Those who watched BB will know that Jon's real storyline would be right up Saul's alley.

I never liked Woody Allen or his movies.

Why is TFW's forehead so (unnaturally) unlined Milo? #BOTOX

I still have to wonder why TFW would post pictures like the selfies. It's only going to make the non fans begin tweeting about the boys' teeth again.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Dylan herself says she wanted him prosecuted. Why then didn't she go along with the prosecution that was supposedly ready to go if only she would go on the stand?
Dylan Farrow was 7 YEARS OLD. Her mother may well have coached her brought some of this, but she is not coaching her now. Again, I think you had to be there in real time for most of this to make sense. Woody Allen may be a talented director, but he is also a selfish narcissist, and very likely a child abuser. I find no excuse for his behavior. ~ Administrator said...

That's another thing Mia did Dylan no favors with. Woody took, and passed, a lie detector test and Mia refused. That makes Mia look guilty. Why would she refuse? SHE's not being investigated or charged with anything. Woody is nervous and neurotic, scared of small spaces, death, of flying. I find it hard to believe a lie detector test wouldn't scare the crap out of him if he were guilty and result in him failing it every which way but Sunday. Instead he went in there and willing took it and passed it. The facts bear out that the only evidence was Dylan's statements. There was nothing else and many witnesses who spoke to the coaching, the tape, the little time she spent with him, a clean forensic exam, outrageously unusual for a little seven year old. I can only speak for the other sexual abuse cases I've seen but it's rare that the ONLY evidence is the child's statements. There's almost always another child who saw it, or a positive forensic exam, or a parent getting tripped up over their story, or something.I've been involved with enough of them to know what smells funny and what doesn't. The Sandusky case doesn't smell funny He did it, no question. THIS case smells odd. This case is lacking in evidence, has a psychotic parent involved ranting and raving on Twitter, has witnesses supporting a completely different doesn't add up.

Speaking for myself, Woody being a talented director has nothing to do with my opinion. I do really love some of his movies, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be prosecuted if he did this. Sandusky was a talented football coach but he was still a child molester. I hate child molesters but I hate people who brainwash kids too. A child should be free to say what happened without fear that they won't be believed because of their mother. It is people who coach and alienate kids that are responsible for the public being skeptical about this story. Again, Dylan should be upset with Mia for behaving like a lunatic during all this and tainting the case.

lukebandit said...

Is that Colin on the left, and Colin sitting down looking. See how much darker his eyes are? He looks so tired. Is that Alexis sitting next to him? Wow. They look so sad, defeated and so tired.

Couldn't TCFW make some good chili, grill some hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, regular sized cupcakes?

Oh, I have a picture of my 8 month old grandson sitting in a regular chair at the table with a tray that fits on the chair.

She is so freaking crazy forcing them to sit in those high chairs for 7 freaking years! I believe she would of kept them longer in them if not for the backlash from it.

Those kids in the SB picture look so uncomfortable sitting and eating on their knees. Why can't she get a large long rectangle coffee table OR a wooden picnic table would be better so they can eat and put their legs in and feet on the floor??

Amy2 said...

My Broncos lost (big time). Sigh. Well, there goes the $1.00 I bet on the Broncos.

PJ's momma said...

Kirkland, we are just down the road from you and ecstatic! Jumping up and down and near tears! Our poor dogs are terrified. What a year/season/day/game!

capecodmama said...


Thanks for the info on Aaron Paul. I didn't watch Breaking Bad so had no idea who he was.


That game S.U.C.K.E.D. big time. I'm not bothered that the Seahawks won but the fact that the Broncos played like a Pop Warner team. Yikes. The only redeeming part of the game was Bruno Mars (he put on a great show) and David Beckham running around in his undies. I thought my husband was going to lose it when the Audi commercial came on where they mated a Doberman with a chiuaua(sp). What that had to do with a car I'll never know. He had tears in his eyes he was laughing so hard. I went into the other room at 9:00 when the score was 29-0 to watch Downton Abbey. Peyton and the Broncos are so much better than that final score.

JoyinVirginia said...

The New Girl episode after the super duper bowel was really funny, Prince looked like he was having fun! ~ Administrator said...

Also no one is excusing Woody. People are saying based on what they've read they are not sure it happened in the first place. That's not excusing. Excusing is, well looks like he did it BUT it's okay. That is not what anyone is saying that I've seen around the interwebs. If he did it that's outrageous and he should go to jail and never be around children again.

Kern County, CA in the 80's decided to really push sex abuse prosecution in an innocent attempt to "crack down" on them, and were able to get kids to say almost anything. A lot of innocent people went to jail.

There is no statute of limitations for felony sexual abuse in Connecticut and New York State. If testifying is the only hold up, why don't prosecutors put her on the stand right now? Greedy says that's why they didn't prosecute. She's ready willing and able now so go for it.

Another thing to keep in mind that research suggests the rate of false allegations of sexual abuse could be as high as 35%. It is common and especially common in bitter breakups and custody battles, as we have here. Research has also shown that most people tend to believe sexual abuse when they hear it, so to say people are just looking the other way just because he's famous 's not really fair since people generally tend to believe it (UNLESS given good reason not to, such as here.) I think people actually love to see famous people fall flat on their faces--but they still want it to be a just fall. ~ Administrator said...

I don't know what to tell you greedy but I've met and represented sooo many mothers of molest victims and very few of them behaved like lunatics. Their child needed them to be supportive and rational, not fly off the handle and mess up the case. They were able to be that for them without issue. The few who behaved like Mia did and still is were usually coaching the kids.

NJGal51 said...

There's this: @Kateplusmy8: I looooove the Cheerios commercial! Mady said 'that is ME!' and I totally agree! #watchout

Say what? Des the hash tag #watchout mean that TFW is going to try to get Mady into commercials? There's a lot of competition out there and I don't think the Gosselin name is going to be opening too many doors.
And then there's this: @Kateplusmy8: My kids fave commercial bc of Full House Cast appearance #oikos #obsessedwithFullHouse

I guess TFW didn't see that interview with Lori Laughlin. G to Roberts site Kate and take a look. I don't think you'll be quite as #obsessedwithFullHouse

Pants on Fire said...

lukebandit said... 58

Those kids in the SB picture look so uncomfortable sitting and eating on their knees. Why can't she get a large long rectangle coffee table OR a wooden picnic table would be better so they can eat and put their legs in and feet on the floor??

I know! That basement is huge. Like you say, why not get a table & chairs set large enough to seat the entire family if they are going to eat down there sometimes. A large table would also come in handy for crafts, projects, etc.

Over And Out said...

Why is TFW's forehead so (unnaturally) unlined Milo? #BOTOX


It's because the wrinkles moved down to her neck. I have never seen such loose skin/wrinkles on the neck of a woman in her 30s as Kate's. With all of the work she's had done, I'm surprised that she didn't get that taken care of. ~ Administrator said...

I guess TFW didn't see that interview with Lori Laughlin.


Ha, GUESS NOT! ~ Administrator said...

I also think it's funny Lori was sure to point out she never saw the show. I know it's hard for TFW to believe but some people never even cared to bother with them to begin with. And Lori said she certainly wouldn't' start now. ~ Administrator said...

I should add that almost ALL mothers have an initial reaction of WHAT, Noooo that can't possibly be no way.

It's not so much thinking their child is lying or not supporting them, but I think it's just a mother almost sort of wiling it not to be true. As if maybe if I just refuse to acknowledge this, it won't be true for my precious daughter. It's natural. They usually come around pretty quickly once the initial shock phase passes. Just like grief, the first stage is almost always denial, even if brief.

I find the idea that Mia didn't go through a "no way this can't be" denial stage highly suspicious.

Pants on Fire said...

NJGal51 said... 55
I still have to wonder why TFW would post pictures like the selfies. It's only going to make the non fans begin tweeting about the boys' teeth again.
Question please: do all or most of the girls have braces on their teeth? If they do, I wonder why TCFW would wait to get braces for the boys.

It's not like TCFW has to stagger the ortho bills like most families do. She can just dip into her stockpile of moola that the kids earned.

It must simply boil down to the usual = boys are icky. ~ Administrator said...

There's this: @Kateplusmy8: I looooove the Cheerios commercial! Mady said 'that is ME!' and I totally agree! #watchout


Wait, the only Cheerio commercial I saw was the one where the father was telling his little girl she was going to have a baby brother.

That child was four years old. Why would Mady say that's me or identify with that? She was a BABY.

Also leave it to Kate to make a Super Bowl commercial about the family, WTF. Does she remember when her people stopped Jon from making a killing on a Superbowl commercial then bilked him for everything he had in child support?

Over And Out said...

ate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1h
@Mrsmcdreamy thanks! I use @Kiehls faithfully& exclusively! Their products are amazing! #wrinklesbegone


If you're piecin and patchin, you don't spend $85.00 on a moisturizer. You go to a discount store and get Loreal, Neutrogena or Olay for fifteen dollars with a coupon.

gabby2 said...

The two pics around that table look like they were completely different day.....glasses, clothes back ground, etc.

Really, Kate? And no one watching game.

chefsummer #Leh said...

That child was four years old. Why would Mady say that's me or identify with that? She was a BABY.

I believe KK was speaking for Maddy again...You know she seems to do that a lot.

sparkle said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 11m
@Kateplusmy8 And might I come U don't have ONE darn wrinkle on ur forehead! LOL I know U worry...looking too young girl!

It's called Botox, Milo! With a Juvederm chaser.

What's next Milo? "And may I add... how come U have TWO young, perky breasts after havin 8 kids? Lookin 2 good girl! What's ur secret!?"

NJGal51 said...

That child was four years old. Why would Mady say that's me or identify with that?

Now that I think about it, I think Mady was probably relating to the bribe in the commercial, i.e., (Dad) soon you're going to have a baby brother (Gracie) AND a puppy (Dad) deal.

We've always said that Zorro was a bribe for something. #suspicionsconfirmed

sparkle said... (Administrator) said... 68

There's this: @Kateplusmy8: I looooove the Cheerios commercial! Mady said 'that is ME!' and I totally agree! #watchout


Wait, the only Cheerio commercial I saw was the one where the father was telling his little girl she was going to have a baby brother.

That child was four years old. Why would Mady say that's me or identify with that? She was a BABY.

Also leave it to Kate to make a Super Bowl commercial about the family, WTF. Does she remember when her people stopped Jon from making a killing on a Superbowl commercial then bilked him for everything he had in child support?

Ugh, is this TFWs warning that Mady is going to be in a commercial? Because otherwise, that made no sense. Why would Mady compare herself to a preschool aged child?

Connie said...

Hey, LoveMyGrandsons, (34) someone agrees with you - another Grandma. We may be old fashioned, but I am also very disappointed in Jon. He had kept his cool for so long, not saying or doing things to cause problems for his kids.

And don't anybody think his kids won't hear about this, and won't get razzed about it.

Adult stuff doesn't need to get back to the kids. Morality has changed, apparently, but kids still don't need to know this stuff. Jumping into bed with several people in a short amount of time says to ME that this person has very little self-esteem.

Kirkland said...

PJ's momma, fireworks are going off outside (must be left over from the 4th of July). The streets of downtown Seattle is one big party. I'm sure glad I'm sitting at home watching all the partying though, instead of being in the middle of it!

Funny, Doug Baldwin just jokingly called Richard Sherman "mediocre" on TV. All in fun! But that word...mediocre!

silimom said...

I'm not sure if this has been posted but it's an interesting Vanity Fair article on Mia Farrow from 1992. They also have a more recent piece done in 2013 which you can find on google.

I'm not sure what the truth is in this situation, but it is a tragedy no matter what.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

I guess TFW didn't see that interview with Lori Laughlin.




Especially the part where Lori Loughlin snapped her fingers and said that she doesn't even do that to a dog. Priceless and spot on.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

I know English isn't her first language, but this tweet is funny:

Efimova Alexandra ‏@SashaDoubleMam 1h
@Kateplusmy8 What young and beautiful mummy! ! !

Jumping In said...

Those kids must be so sick of the sight of each other. They seem so sequestered, so defeated in those pictures. They need exposure to others, their friends, their cousins, their aunts, uncles and grandparents. How long can she keep them so isolated from all that is missing from their lives?

I don't have children, but at age 9 wouldn't one of these kids ask their mother if they could have a friend over? I think she keeps them in this never-ending holding pattern, separate and apart from others so there will be nothing to extract them from if a show comes along. If she gives them an opportunity to have an outlet, to treat them as individuals, she may not be able to reign them in when her big break comes along.

Just another photo-op for TFW, displaying her children, but not seeing them, there is simply no joy in their faces.

Ingrid said...

I hadn't heard this before. Do all men who deal with her need therapy later? LOL

Vanessa said...
That's just seems like a very uncomfortable picture to me.
Her skin looks great? Because she's laying on her back!
The day was simply a photo op for her, nothing more, nothing less. Remember she's always "playing" the role of the day, yesterday was part of the Super Bowl "in" crowd.

Paula said...

Poor Kate...I guess the word hasn't gotten to her that she is a laughingstock, irrelevant and nobody buys the "Good Mom" act anymore...

Terri said...

Could Kate be anymore transparent with all of these photos of her and the boys and how happy they all are. She goes for months on end with nary a mention of the boys then when Jon says he 's going for custody, BAM all sorts of talk of the boys and photos. And one more thing, it seems like Kate doesn't keep that house very warm, looks like in a lot of her pics they are wearing sweat shirts.

Vanessa said...

Ugh, is this TFWs warning that Mady is going to be in a commercial? Because otherwise, that made no sense. Why would Mady compare herself to a preschool aged child?
Ugh is right! I makes ZERO sense. Lame lame lame. Always trying to turn the discourse back to her. Can she at least make it somewhat relevant or even comprehendible?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Jumping In said... 85
Those kids must be so sick of the sight of each other. They seem so sequestered, so defeated in those pictures. They need exposure to others, their friends, their cousins, their aunts, uncles and grandparents. How long can she keep them so isolated from all that is missing from their lives?

Sad isn't it?

I remember when I was growing up me and my brothers could get away from our extend crazy family.

I also had neighborhood pals and a cousin & aunties I couldn't get rid of. I feel for the poor 8.

chefsummer #Leh said...

This looks forced to me KK like I can't wait till this photo is over. My grandma hated taking pic and she would smile like KK doing.

Pooshanella Goober said...

Google wouldn't let me sign in...

Question please: do all or most of the girls have braces on their teeth? If they do, I wonder why TCFW would wait to get braces for the boys.

I would never try to stick up for TFW, but the boys may not have braces yet due to their physical/oral maturation. Boys develop slower than girls, and the orthodontist may be waiting until they lose all of their baby teeth or something else developmentally occurs. My son did not get braces until he was in 7th grade due to slow loss of baby teeth; whereas his older sisters got their braces in 4th/5th grade.

~Pooshanella Goober

TLC stinks said...

gabby2, I agree about the photo difference. Looks like one may be from last year?

Kate continues to hawk Mady. So obvious.

TLC stinks said...

Compare the "selfie" pics she took of HERSELF with the boys. Then look at the basement pics. The photo on the right is current because they are wearing the same clothes; the photo on the left the have different clothes on. Probably from last year. The the hell would she do something like that? It makes no sense.

I'm thinking that if Mady said what she said, perhaps she asked for a puppy when Jon and Kate told the twins that they would have brothers and sisters?

Have you noticed how long her face is now? I do believe she had a nose and chin implant. She looks like a different person although I am surprised she took a picture with little makeup and greasy hair.

Call Me Crazy said...

And then there's this: @Kateplusmy8: My kids fave commercial bc of Full House Cast appearance #oikos #obsessedwithFullHouse

She is a nitwit. As an adult, I thought that yogurt commercial was hilarious. If I was a parent watching with young children, however, I admit I would have been squirming just a bit, wondering if they had picked up on the intent of JS (who is still adorable) "accidentally" dropping the yogurt on his lap. TFW is clueless.

lukebandit said...

gabby2, the photo on the left is 2012 and the one on the right is 2013. I am concerned at is it Colin that has the really dark circles under his eyes, they are not that dark in 2012 and is that Alexis sitting next to them? Like someone said they look defeated. To me they look tired, sad, bored out of their minds, defeated, like they have no hope.

The only one smiling is Aaden from 2012. I am just glad TCFW didn't make Very Sloppy Joels and we see VSJ's smeared all over his mouth. Thank you Jesus! Gosh, I can't STAND HER for the way she treats her kids. Milo was tweeting to TCFW and I sent multiple tweets because it just makes me ill her over positivity supporting that mentally ill woman!

About TCFW's smooth forehead, remember on the Golden Girls Dorothy told Blanche to get a mirror and sit it down on the stove and look over it and she did and flipped out because she looked so bad. Then Dorothy told her to put the mirror up and hold her head back then she would look like she just had a facelift! She said, What? Blanche then couldn't believe the difference and said, I am going to have to meet men, lying down! haha

About Woody Allen, I always thought he was weird and by his body language screams guilty. Dylan said remember Diane Keaton. I love the movie Baby Boom and now I am going to think about that when I see it. I hope it was not true about WA, but why would Dylan when she is married and settled bring it up? There was no reason for WA to put his thumb in her mouth. Why in the heck do that? Did he do it once or all the time? Since there is no SOL, haul him back into court. Make him prove he didn't do it.

Remember when Jon freaked about the editor man who was I can't remember about what he did about children, arrested or what and Jon was really upset about it. TCFW didn't say a word against the man. She refused because it would make her look bad in the industry and might hamper future endeavors.

Thought Steve was such a great vetter. Exactly what did he do? Oh, yea, carry her purse.

The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said...

Connie & LoveMyGrandson~I'm also in the minority, unapologetically so. Not pearl-clutching, as that's not my style or sensibility. But I suspect it's pretty clear to most observers that Jon's behaviors on CT (and the mindset behind them) are very self-indulgent & immature.

He's an adult, and wholly capable of making his own bed & lying in it. And I do give him credit for seeking therapy, and perhaps also for earning some money in the process. But the things he's made us privy to in those CT episodes are, to my way of thinking, unbefitting a father of 8, whose young & impressionable children will no doubt see/hear him in action, at some point. Some things--behaviors, emotions, and the therapy designed to address all of it--should remain behind closed doors

Mel said...

The two photos are from 2013 & 2014 according to her description. Bolding is mine.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 15h
Super Bowl, Gosselin style: 2013&2014.Different teams, different menu but same company&celebration style.

PatK said...

Another day of manic, meaningless tweeting from Kate?

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy84m
According to Hannah, this insane amount of snow 'is an outrage' #Itendtoagree #GoawayOldManWinter

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 50
Kate really has some strange guys "wanting" her"

Tweet-le Dum ‏@deatleychris 4m
#EsuranceSave30 can help me take out @Kateplusmy8

Tweet-le Dum ‏@deatleychris 32m
@Kateplusmy8 obsessed with you

Hey, Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB...this isn't anyone you know, is it? LOL!!

Oh my!! LOL

That guy's creepy. ~ Administrator said...

If you're piecin and patchin, you don't spend $85.00 on a moisturizer. You go to a discount store and get Loreal, Neutrogena or Olay for fifteen dollars with a coupon.


Where is this money coming from to live such a lavish lifestyle? She's not really working that I can tell. I hope it's not from the kids' reserves.

By the way Kate there are some very highly rated moisturizers and beauty products that will only set you back 25 bucks or so. Olay is one of them. I hate to see your sheeple go out and just buy what you buy.

LisaNH said...

My only issue with Dylan's letter is the way she brought in people's names who had nothing to do with the abuse or her case. She mentioned Diane Keaton, Alec Balwin, Scarlett Johansson ect.....These people had nothing to do with any of what happened between Dylan and Dylan and her parents. It was pointless to bring those people into the fight. She clearly has a lot to deal with between Woody and her mother, but these folks knew nothing, saw nothing, were not even around when the abuse took place so why even bring them up? ~ Administrator said...

I also saw she said Mady rooted for the Broncos because according to Kate she just wanted to do the opposite of what Kate was doing.....Kate thinks this is funny. I think this is TELLING. Good luck, she's only 13 and already doing just the OPPOSITE of mom JUST BECAUSE. Lol.

Also if you are really into football you don't just switch you allegiances just like that. Your allegiance and loyalty is a carefully thought out matter. I do not believe for one second this family really cares or is "into" this sport.

localyocul said...

chefsummer said... 76
That child was four years old. Why would Mady say that's me or identify with that? She was a BABY.

I believe KK was speaking for Maddy again...You know she seems to do that a lot.


Yes, Mady was saying "that's me" because the girl is about the age she was when the babies came along and like the girl, wasn't thrilled about it. Another diss at the kids. ~ Administrator said...

I guess she's saying those people should refuse to work with Woody? I agree, what does Scarlett know, she was just a kid herself at the time. But if we can't rely on a thorough and extensive investigation that involved multiple layers of experts (they were all in on a coverup? every single one?), our entire legal system crumbles.

The Vanity Fair article was interesting to me in that wouldn't you know it, all of Dylan's allegations line up perfectly with what Vanity Fair said. Every single one. What are the odds? Memory is a strange thing and it really would be interesting to know if she isn't just "remembering" what's been told to her and written about her over and over. Like the way a child "remembers" the trip to Disney World but really is just remembering your story of it or the video of it.

They should do another investigation, with another panel of independent experts that Mia approves of. These allegations should be gotten to the bottom and all the parties deserve a final answer. Carrying on about this on Twitter, all the passive aggressive tweets and statements from his ex and children, I do not see as very helpful to other victims.

Formerly Duped said...

One pic had the kids in clothes, one in PJs. Wild Alexis was with the boys in one. I also suspect in the selfie Kate has on a designer, not sure which, but the part of the logo looks familiar; in fact it may be a 'teenage' brand like Abecrombie, hmm No twins.

Vanessa said...

According to Hannah, this insane amount of snow 'is an outrage' #Itendtoagree #GoawayOldManWinter

Again, does this sound like something a 9 yr old would say? Wonder where they get their displeasure of winter from? Maybe if she'd let Jon take them skiing? Maybe she could open up her purse strings and pay for it? Instead of buying overpriced wrinkle cream (that plug was staged, I'm convinced) she could use some of the money she swindled from HIM?

 ~ Administrator said...

That snow is nothing. Try living near the Great Lakes. Why did you park the car outside when you knew it was going to snow? Now you've just created a bunch of extra work for yourself getting it all cleaned off.

Even so I don't get the constant bellyaching about the snow and weather. All winter long. If you don't enjoy the seasons, move. Pack everything up and move. I don't like the constant cold and long winters so I MOVED.

You live in PA. It's cold. It's snowy. It's icy. It's windy. Six months out of the year and sometimes longer. Deal with it TFW or get out.

Formerly Duped said...

Oh! I see the two different years- her traditions look almost identical. Looks like Hannah has braces again?

LisaNH said... (Administrator) said... 106
I guess she's saying those people should refuse to work with Woody? I agree, what does Scarlett know, she was just a kid herself at the time. But if we can't rely on a thorough and extensive investigation that involved multiple layers of experts (they were all in on a coverup? every single one?), our entire legal system crumbles.

The Vanity Fair article was interesting to me in that wouldn't you know it, all of Dylan's allegations line up perfectly with what Vanity Fair said. Every single one. What are the odds? Memory is a strange thing and it really would be interesting to know if she isn't just "remembering" what's been told to her and written about her over and over. Like the way a child "remembers" the trip to Disney World but really is just remembering your story of it or the video of it.

They should do another investigation, with another panel of independent experts that Mia approves of. These allegations should be gotten to the bottom and all the parties deserve a final answer. Carrying on about this on Twitter, all the passive aggressive tweets and statements from his ex and children, I do not see as very helpful to other victims.


I belong to a forum where this topic was being discussed. The majority of posters did side with Dylan and believe her 100%, however, there was one gentleman who addressed an number of statements from the letter. He was not kind in his opinion. He wasn't mocking her but he simply didn't believe the abuse allegations and really did bring up good agruments against it. Like most, he blamed Mia for stirring the pot. His final comment was in answer to her last question "What is your favorite Woody Allen Movie?" He was less than kind.

I tend to look at this case with confusion. I question why, after all these years, these comments, tweets and posts are coming out from Mia's son, now Dylan. I hate to sound skeptical or uncaring but could all of this be a coincidence with Mia's son starting his new show on MSNBC? Trying to drum up some ratings for him? I mean MSNBC's ratings have been in the toilet for a few years now and they seem to be trying to gain attention any way they can by making outrageous tweets and comments which I think is their way of getting attention for the network (a dying network too, I might add).

This is another problem I have

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... (Administrator) said... 109
That snow is nothing. Try living near the Great Lakes. Why did you park the car outside when you knew it was going to snow? Now you've just created a bunch of extra work for yourself getting it all cleaned off.

I wondered about that too, then remembered Kate has TWO vans...the one covered with all the snow is the smaller of the two, right? Maybe the big one is protected from snow by being in garage?

wowser said...

I believe why Mady said "it's like me" regarding the commercial and TFW said "#watch out" is because Mady is saying that she does NOTHING for TFW without getting SOMETHING in return......and TFW knows that's true - which is why she said #watchout.
Mady goes the opposite way (team) than TFW and probably lots of other things too. It would make sense that TFW would have to bribe Mady to get her to do something TFW wants her to do. Mady is no dummy.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Let's see " this insane amount of snow is an outrage". Sound like a 9 year old to you? Not to me. The 9 year olds I know would use 'crazy' for 'insane', and probably nothing for 'outrage'. More like 'Mommy, that is a crazy lot of snow". Sorry to nitpick, but you would think when she makes things up, she could remember to use a 'real' voice.

Anyway, so happy Super Bowl party of themselves is over. Ex got to go to a real celebrity bash and is still on tv. He is also probably moving forward with some legal action. What's on your busy calendar Kate? A tweeted invite from a Minneapolis radio host, and oh a snow covered car. Have a gr8 day as you like to say.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Didn't the twins or one of the twin have braces on J+K a few years ago? I then saw-(during the view appearance) that they both still have braces or got new ones.

How long does a kid wear braces? Why would they have to get new ones if they all ready wore them be for hand?

I'm confused??? Help

NJGal51 said...

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy84m
According to Hannah, this insane amount of snow 'is an outrage' #Itendtoagree #GoawayOldManWinter
At least she's moved one of the kids out of the toddler stage with her language skills. ~ Administrator said...

Some dentists are doing an early round of braces these days depending on the issues. One round in elementary a second round in high school. A lot of parents think it's a scam.

PJ's momma said...

Kirkland, lots of fireworks here too, as well as after the last championship game win. I'm taking my aunt to the parade on Wednesday! Maybe I'll be wishing I was watching THAT from home, but that's my free day and our condo is only 3 blocks from the start, so I can park there - and enjoy the mystique of Zeek afterward! Cheers!

JoyinVirginia said...

Pooshanella Goober, just posting to say your name is my favorite board name!

gabby2 said...

I wonder this morning if Kate has finally come to a very slim realization how she is damaging her children, especially her boys??

The damage done in the early years is forever. Children don't miss big houses they miss the undying support and security of the love from a parent. How a parent treats them influences how they feel about themselves. I have to think a A type personality is not the best type of parent. A parent that is always so self-involved they have no time for the development needs of their children.

It's always about Kate's dreams, what about her children's needs? And not forcing them into the entertainment industry, as this is a very difficult life.

Hard to fit in her children needs when 100% of her time is spent on her own dreams.

Kelly H. said...

That is a tiny amount of snow. That is her big story line for today? And... my nine years olds have quite the vocabulary and I cannot hear them saying that it is "an outrage". The only reason I can understand her daughter saying something like that is that it is phrase that TFW uses often and she repeats it

Formerly Duped said...

Agree, Kelly H. We get way more snow here in MA. TFW seems to have something against winter, always complaining about the outdoor clothes she needs to dress the almost ten-year-olds in, alleged tree damage, the cold...wants to move to LA, by chance?

Mel said...

Her 'kid requested' selfie...I imagine they did request a pic be taken.
They probably DIDN'T request that she post it on Twitter for the public to see.

They are too young to understand the consequences of posting on twitter. That's a decision the parent should make...NOT to do.

She's just tryin' to horn in on the selfie craze, but doesn't quite get it, as usual.

silimom said...

According to the original prosecutor, the SOL ran out about 15 years ago:

Maco, who retired in 2003, told the AP on Sunday that the statute of limitations on Dylan Farrow’s accusations ran out at least 15 years ago. He said he hopes Farrow was able to watch his news conference and read his statement about his decision not to prosecute Allen.

Jumping In said...

Kelly H....121

I tend to agree, if Hannah said that the snow "is an outrage", she is mimicking her mother. For example, "it's an outrage your father is on television with THAT woman". Or, "it's an outrage your father is at a Super Bowl party"! A abundance of snow should not qualify as an outrage to a 9 year old, where is the joy is this household?

TLC stinks said...

I missed the tweet included last year's date. I guess she wants to show she does have a yearly tradition. The kids haven't changed much in a year.

In stead of bitching about the snow, she ought to remark about how pretty it looks.

I get the feeling the kids have picked her her odd vocabulary. Remember Mady saying "honestly" on the Today Show? I cringed. Literally.

That basement seems cold, not cozy looking at all. Can't understand why she always has the kids on the floors everywhere. Can't be very comfortable.

Well, I am sure she will start hinting about her upcoming 39th birthday and no daddy in the house. Typical.

TLC stinks said...

Milo hits the nail on the head exactly why Kate posted those selfies:

@Kateplusmy8 Awwww, you and your boys! No one needs 2ever ever think of taking these love bugs away from you! #RightWhereTheyBelong :)

Rhymes with Witch said...

TFW seems to have something against winter, 122

This is the same woman who dressed scantily, in peep toed shoes and no coat in the dead of winter when the paps were still interested.

9 year olds are capable of pulling on boots, jackets mittens, etc. She's gull of it

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 102
I saw Blue Jasmine and hated it by the way. I don't know why this movie is being considered one of his finest. HIs films always have cynical characters but they're always likable. This one no one was likable, which was a huge missing element.
Catching up, so sorry this is so far behind, but....OMG, me too!
I was thinking "ugh, this is such a cliche, and how can this person function in life without being in a loony bin?"
So Blanch DuBois. Yawn.

lukebandit said...

Just watched the View talking about Woody Allen. I knew Barbara Walters would take up for WA. Boy, did she ever. Sheri went ballistic and I had respect for Sheri for the first time. BW must live in a fantasy world that child sexual abuse does not exist period. Remember how she treated Cory Feldman?

BW got really testy, mad and kept butting in when Sheri was trying to talk. Sheri said his step-daughter, he married his step-daughter, she was 17 when he started dating her. BW was raising her hands. She said, WA has a wife and 2 daughters and they are lovely people.

They just showed Sheri, BW and Dan Abrams talking about the lady teacher that had relations with Villi her 12 year old student. Now Leterno? is 51 and Villi 30+. BW was more upset about this than WA. She couldn't see how the pretty teacher wanted him. She met Villi and said something like he was blah, bland.

If TCFW's hair is this thin and greasy how can she go to blonde hair with curly locks and back to brown and thin? Wig perhaps? But why does she have a wig that has a black streak from the front to the back on top? Jason won't color a wig? haha

Can believe Hannah said outrage. She is parroting her mother. For Hannah to say that, she very well could of heard her mother say, this snow is an outrage. But also, I believe she over uses that word more that we will ever know.

So worried about Zorro biting one of the kids. Someone posted about his ruffled feathers. I know that is not a good sign all is good in TCFW's mansion. I got so ill at Milo last night tweeting to her love that I sent multiple blessings, just kidding. Multiple tweets asking her questions. Why do you tweet about the kids. Stop it. And I love the Milo SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP. My favorite new hashtag! I put it on almost everyone. With the # it is 19 characters so you can get it in. hahaha

Kelly H. said...

My kids would be out the door with their snow gear on in a hot second. We live in Lake Ontario country and get our fair share of snow (up to 200 inches annually) and they never get sick of it.

Math Girl said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 112 (Administrator) said... 109
Why did you park the car outside when you knew it was going to snow? Now you've just created a bunch of extra work for yourself getting it all cleaned off.

I wondered about that too, then remembered Kate has TWO vans...the one covered with all the snow is the smaller of the two, right? Maybe the big one is protected from snow by being in garage?
I thought about the multiple vehicles as well. She has so many cars she can just ignore the snow-covered one until the snow melts. We kinda do the same, as one of our cars is not suitable for snowy/icy roads. Note: we have two people, two cars, one is a 1998, so not over-carred or bragging!

The bad thing about this as a strategy for TCFW's is that the snow-covered car is the one most suitable for snow, if it has snow tires. But TCFW probably doesn't know about anything about snow tires. Too mediocreish for her. After all, she never pumped gas until after her divorce.

Paula said...

We'll be able to tell if Hollywood chooses to defend or ignore the allegations against Woody Allen. The tell-tell sign will be if talk shows all ignore Dylan's accusations. ~ Administrator said...

Careful choice of words from the prosecutor. Felony sex abuse SOLs certainly have not run out. Lesser charges yes the SOL is over. But Dylan wasn't making a lesser charge. What she's describing is a felony.

High Sodium Content said...

That's the amount of food (snacks) for 9 people? Are those supposed to be chicken wings? Looks like they get one a piece. Hope that at least got a big lunch. There was no effort put into that "spread". ~ Administrator said...

I doubt Barbara knows a thing about the case or could explain in any rational matter why some people are not sure about it. She'll take up for anybody if they're a friend. I have no problem if you can support your opinion with the evidence but she just picks whatever side suits her agenda at the time and then spews it out. She needs to go.

High Sodium Content said...

KellyH...I hear ya about kids and snow. I couldn't keep my kids in during the winter. We'd be sledding at the local golf course, skiing. We live in a cul de sac where the plows piled the snow high, kids dug all kinds of tunnels for forts. They were rarely sick. Kids that stay in all the time are the ones that are always sick.

Vanessa said...

Found it!! Finally!lol
The talk about Golden Girls and TFW laying on her back to look "more smooth" reminded me of this episode.

PJ's momma said...

Has anyone wondered if Jon went to the game? He was at the pre-game party! He wouldn't announce it publicly, but the kids would know. Wouldn't that just kill his former wife if he got to go to the game, while she was stuck at home, opening packages of crackers and cupcakes? LOL!

OrangeCrusher1 said... (Administrator) said... 102
I saw Blue Jasmine and hated it by the way. I don't know why this movie is being considered one of his finest. HIs films always have cynical characters but they're always likable. This one no one was likable, which was a huge missing element.
Catching up, so sorry this is so far behind, but....OMG, me too!
I was thinking "ugh, this is such a cliche, and how can this person function in life without being in a loony bin?"
So Blanch DuBois. Yawn.
I so agree. Cate Blanchett may be winning awards for her acting, but the movie itself was pretty bad. And cliched. As is Barbara Walters - she brings only a parody of her former self to the table. A fine example of why you should retire when you are still on top of your game.

PA Dutch Mom said...

That's the amount of food (snacks) for 9 people? Are those supposed to be chicken wings? Looks like they get one a piece. Hope that at least got a big lunch. There was no effort put into that "spread".


Maybe she just put the hot ones out and was keeping the others warm until they finished the ones that were on the table?

It's clear that she was alone with the kids for this big blast. At least she made some kind of effort to have it just a little bit special for them, even if it meant emptying boxes of snacks and cooking chicken wings.

The snow really packed a punch here. No school, and everything is shut down, even county offices and the courthouse (and they rarely close). Another storm coming tomorrow night into Wednesday, and another one at the end of the week. I hate this. absolutely hate it.

foxy said...

I remember when Woody Allen was accused of molestation. He took a lie detector test and passed it. Mia refused. Independent medical forensic people tested the child and said she was not molested. All the nannies said it was not true. Mia Farrow now says Frank Sinatra could be Ronan's father. This is such a messed up situation. To me it sounds like Mia wants revenge no matter what and no matter how long it takes. She has alienated the kids from him and even changed names on some of them. Why aren't any of the other siblings speaking out about this? If the allegations are true, this is really a sick person.

I know I will be lambasted for my thoughts, but there is really no proof.

Kate is going to be the same way. Jon will never escape her wrath.

getofftwitter said...

Kate SB table looks like everything was store bought. With the exception of the Kate chips. I was at the local Jewel yesterday, early and they had football cakes, party trays of veggies, and for the cupcakes you can take a tray of plain cupcakes, and have the bakery put the football design on it(at Jewels you can) if Kate bought it at Giant foods, than maybe they have cupcakes designed that way.
Hey, Kate was any of the food stuff organic? or is organic just for you?
I see eating at the small round table in the basement. I do not believe Kate cooked any of it, with exception of the Kale chips, all store bought. She even said she went to store.

So, Kate is trying to throw people off, from the past events. Still trying to come off as a shiny penny, a virgin one that has not been touched or used. Good luck with that. I see she also took a pic of her favorite child, and had to take a pic of the boys, cause we had talked about them, earlier. She so reads here.

PA Dutch Mom said...

The bad thing about this as a strategy for TCFW's is that the snow-covered car is the one most suitable for snow, if it has snow tires. But TCFW probably doesn't know about anything about snow tires


Do drivers still use snow tires? I thought that was a thing of the past! She has an SUV. Generally the SUVs have all-weather tires. You just purchase good tires that perform in winter weather conditions and you don't change tires in the least not here.

"That basement seems cold, not cozy looking at all. Can't understand why she always has the kids on the floors everywhere. Can't be very comfortable. "


My kids are always on the floor in the downstairs rec room, even though there is comfortable furniture there (NOT leather sofas). They watch television on the floor, put together puzzles on the floor, and I always wondered why, and so I asked them. I was told that they could "spread out" better that way and they like the floor. They eat on the floor at the coffee table the same way her kids do. Go figure.

We got a good eight inches here -- not sure how much Kate got northeast of us, but this is a heavy that could bring down power lines. It's not just a dusting this time, and it's still coming down. I'm with Kate on this one. Enough is enough. This is just one storm after another and I'm really tired of it. This is not usual for this neck of the woods. The last winter we had like this was in 1994.

getofftwitter said...

High Sodium: Kate would never take her kids to anything local. Remember they would cause a riot, and chaos. Kate would only go to where the celebs go to ski, sled, ice skate etc, she does not go where the riff-raft/regular/mediocre/mundane/average/normal people/Jon would go. She above/entitled to everyone.

LancasterCountyMom said...

We got a good eight inches here -- not sure how much Kate got northeast of us, but this is a heavy that could bring down power lines. It's not just a dusting this time, and it's still coming down. I'm with Kate on this one. Enough is enough. This is just one storm after another and I'm really tired of it. This is not usual for this neck of the woods. The last winter we had like this was in 1994.

Agreed. It would be one thing if the roads were drivable, but around here the favorite method of snow removal is solar removal. :/

PA Dutch Mom said...

Kate and the outside car...

Initially school was delayed, closing wasn't announced until later. Maybe she got up early, got the car our of the garage, ready to go to the bus stop, and then found out that school was cancelled. It's possible.

However, if I lived so far away from school, and the roads were as bad as they were this morning, even if school was in session, I wouldn't send them. I'd worry about them being on a bus...accidents all over the place. Then again, I'm really a Mama Bear. Maybe she isn't.

Meagler said...

That bird has bit Mady on the finger. Kate tweeted about it and hashtagged #sosad I was surprised she shared that information.

My kids loved the snow. They liked winter better as they said there was more things to do. Do these kids ever play shinny on the driveway? Do they have a basketball hoop? When you clear the driveway, pile all the snow in one place and let them be " kings of the castles". I know they are not clearing that driveway by hand. Have they ever gone sliding? Have they ever made snow angels in the fresh snow?

Nope nada...the only time they likely get outside is when the 2 boys go to the chicken coop, and from vehicle to house. Or when swimming in the pool. But they need to get outside in winter too.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 32m
@Kateplusmy8 U able 2drive at all? 4wd vehicle there? Well, if U do get out...U be extra careful!! Be safe...:)

Good grief, Milo. She has an AWD. It's not three feet of snow, and she's not "snowed in." PA does have snow plows (granted, PennDOT leaves much to be desired), but yes, she can get out, and yes, they do plow the roads...sometimes not as fast as we'd like, but they do get cleared.

What is wrong with Gladys? Is she really this crazy, or is this a matter of being in the weather panic mode again?

Localyocul -- I was thinking about you this morning. I saw you were the last ones to transition from rain to snow. I saw the report that it was raining, and 45 minutes later there was snow covering the ground in your area. Ready for the next one tomorrow night?

PA Dutch Mom said...

Have they ever gone sliding? Have they ever made snow angels in the fresh snow?

Nope nada...the only time they likely get outside is when the 2 boys go to the chicken coop, and from vehicle to house. Or when swimming in the pool. But they need to get outside in winter too.


She's tweeted a few times that the kids were out playing in the snow. I remember her saying how long it took to get them dressed to go outside.

Millicent said...

Kirkland said... 48

Millicent said... 39
We are grimly hanging on to the bitter end in the 4th quarter, wondering of Peyton Manning and the Broncos can at least make the final score not completely uneven. If it were the 49ers playing, I'd be much more interested in the outcome.


Millicent , sorry to hear you'd be more interested in the game if the 49'ers were playing. I guess the Seahawks were just too much for your team!0

OH SNAP! Some football trash talk LOL. There is always next year - but congrats to the Seattle Seahawks on this year's big win :)

NJGal51 said...

Not for nothing, but you can get kale chips in a bag at either Sprouts or Wole Foods. Good for her if she took the time to make them. I can't fault her spread because they were Super Bowl snacks. She never said it was a Super Bowl dinner. We had a late brunch and only had snacks out (and she had more of a variety than us).

Has hell frozen over? I just defended TFW.

PatK said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 146
Kate and the outside car...

Initially school was delayed, closing wasn't announced until later. Maybe she got up early, got the car our of the garage, ready to go to the bus stop, and then found out that school was cancelled. It's possible.


But she can't get all eight kids in that SUV...she has to use the Sprinter. Right?

Math Girl said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 146
Kate and the outside car...

Initially school was delayed, closing wasn't announced until later. Maybe she got up early, got the car our of the garage, ready to go to the bus stop, and then found out that school was cancelled. It's possible.
Does the car shown have enough seats for all the kids? I thought only the BBB had enough seats for all.

AnnieD said...

Another viewpoint re: Woody Allen...very interesting.
Written by Robert Wiede who produced a 2-part PBS special on Woody.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Does the car shown have enough seats for all the kids? I thought only the BBB had enough seats for all.


It's an eight-passenger, but it probably handles much better in the snow than the BBB. Maybe she just crams one extra person in there. Who knows?

Hoosier Girl said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 32m
@Kateplusmy8 U able 2drive at all? 4wd vehicle there? Well, if U do get out...U be extra careful!! Be safe...:)

No Milo, Kate can't get out and drive. You can't drive on snow. Everyone in the mid-west and northeast goes to the grocery store in October and we can't leave our homes again until May.

Sheesh. Her stupidity is really starting to grate on my last nerve.

As is this weather. My sidewalk and parking area have 3-4 inches of solid ice. I am in the 9-12" swath from 3pm tomorrow through Wed. And another significant storm predicted for the weekend. And possibly another on the 12th and 13th. All of these come with 30-40 mph winds and the temps bottoming out. I'm so sick of WINTER!!

Our weatherman is trying to make us feel better though ... he predicts 50 degrees on February 19th!!

gabby2 said...

Poor bird....looks stressed out.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Agreed. It would be one thing if the roads were drivable, but around here the favorite method of snow removal is solar removal. :/


lol! You are right about that. Or we just wait until it rains and washes everything away!

I just heard on the news that if everything comes together this weekend, we could be in for a foot and a half of snow. Milo will be manic tweeting. She didn't know if Kate had a 4WD, which surprises me. I would have thought she'd know the VIN numbers and mileage of each car, along with the inspection and registration due dates. She's really slipping up on her job.

Meagler said...

PA Dutch r right, she did tweet the kids went out after that storm that " took all her trees down" and how long it took them to get dressed.

So question...sorry western canadian here, but does PA not get snow over winter on a regular basis?

To read Kates tweets, she gives the impression that it is not a regular occurance? I know another person tweeted they got 8 inches of snow, and that is dump even by my standards. But here, we might have a slow go at it in the morning, but everyone would still be expected to be at work and school. The rural buses might not run, but rare is a day that city busses dont run.

Home from work sick with influenza. tired off coughing. Hoping we dont pass it on to kidlet. Sure dont want her sick right now. We are waiting for an apt for an MRI. They want to be absolutely certain that what they think they see, is actually what they see. A tear in the abdominal aorta just does not happen for teens unless due to trauma. Got all her activites put on hold last week. Should have MRI in next 3 weeks.

So for this coughing, I have tried.. Vicks on chest back, under nose on soles of feet with socks, lots of tea and honey, sleeping upright, cough meds, cough candies, hot steam, loads of vitamin C. I just read pepper mixed with honey. 1 TBSP every 2hrs. Am desperate.

Any other remedies out there??

localyocul said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 148
Localyocul -- I was thinking about you this morning. I saw you were the last ones to transition from rain to snow. I saw the report that it was raining, and 45 minutes later there was snow covering the ground in your area. Ready for the next one tomorrow night?


Channel 6 said it was raining here but it was actually sleet by about 6 am. NO I am not ready!!!! I just got a weather alert about it. And Channel 6 said next weekend we might be talking about snow in feet instead of inches!!

It looks like we got about 6 inches but there's about 2 feet's worth at the end of my driveway I have to dig out. :(

Layla said...

Yikes, Kate's got some major dark roots there! What happened to he every-six-weeks trip to NYV to have Jason do her hair, followed by fish in paper at Fig and Olive? Her roots were very noticeable on the Today Show/View appearances, too. Why no side trip to Ted Gibson for a dye job, since she was in NYC anyway? I suspect that her hair care is no longer "comped". It's not like she would be bringing them any business in exchange for free haircuts and dye jobs, and after so long it's not likely that she'll get another show so they can claim her as a celebrity client. Looks like she goes without rather than pay for it.

It's kind of creepy how Milo keeps pumping Kate up, telling her to keep going, don't give up. If Kate were to "give up", what would that even mean? Getting a regular job instead of waiting for her fairy godmother to drop a new show in her lap? Refusing to get out of bed in the morning? I get up every day and I drive my carpools and cook and clean and do laundry. Where's my praise? Why isn't anyone praising me for being so strong and following my dreams?

The WA situation is so strange. There's something so off about the way he downplays his relationship with Mia, says he never even spent the night at her house, yet he had a biological child with her and adopted two children with her. And then he took nude pictures of her teenage daughter. He definitely has a problem with boundaries. Hard to say how far he went, but I believe Dylan. If it were all made up, she wouldn't be bringing it up now.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Has hell frozen over? I just defended TFW.


I know the feeling. I dislike the things she does as much as the next person, but sometimes the nit-picking really gets to be a bit over the top, especially on Twitter.

Beyond DIsgusted said...

Quite a few comments here on the Woody Allen thing:,,20782517,00.html

LancasterCountyMom said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 148
...PA does have snow plows (granted, PennDOT leaves much to be desired), but yes, she can get out, and yes, they do plow the roads...sometimes not as fast as we'd like, but they do get cleared.

Do you see the news about the PennDOT plow turning over on 81?

LancasterCountyMom said...

Meagler said...

Holy Hannah... I think Pennsylvania gets more snow then we can get in the Canadian prairies, however we get way colder it looks like from what I found when I googled around.

Last year we had snow from mid october till May and THAT was a tiring and long winter.

It just seemed from TFW tweets this is so out of the ordinary to have snow.

Okay...of to figure out how to stop this darn dry hacking cough.

JoyinVirginia said...

I just read the article by Robert Weide ” the Woody Allen allegations: Not so fast”. Excellent piece, that covers some old ground I had forgotten about.
Mia Farrow was 21 when she married Frank Sinatra age 50 at the time.
Mia farrow was 24 when she became pregnant by Andre Previn who was 40 and still married.
Around 1980 Mia and Woody get together, but never live together.
1987 Mia gets pregnant with Ronan who she now says may be frank Sinatra s son.
1992, fact that SoonYi age 19 and Woody age 55 are dating becomes public, he and Mia start negotiating about custody, etc.
August 1992 alleged incident takes place in Connecticut. To quote: ” if Mia s account is true, it means that in the middle of custody and support negotiations, during which Woody needed to be on his best behavior, in a house belonging to his furious ex girlfriend, fooled with people seething mad at him, Woody, who is a well known claustrophobe, decoded this would be the ideal time and place to take his daughter into an attic and molest her, quickly, before a houseful of children and nannies noticed thru were both missing.”
No crime charged, exhaustive investigation, medical exams.
Medical professionals investigating child abuse allegations take this VERY seriously, it's an ethical thing.
So i'm in the side that this is very sad, for all concerned. And there were no charges, and no trial.
Woody and SoonYi have been married now for 16 years, longer than he and Mia were together. They were approved as adoptive parents for two children.
I never knew details before. it's weird he started dating his girlfriends daughter. but they seem happy.
The fact that things were put out there on twitter does not seem an effective way to take action.

willowmom said...

Meagler (at 159), if you "indulge" try a little brandy or whiskey in your hot tea with honey & lemon. I was sick last year & my husband brought me one of those every hour. May not cure the cough, but you'll sleep well. Take care, hope the young ones don't catch it.

Beyond DIsgusted said...

Yikes, Kate's got some major dark roots there!


Yes, and even with dark roots, she looks much better than with that bleached platinum blond thing she had going on. She needs to cut that mess, go back to having just highlights on her brown hair, and it would be so much of an improvement.

NJGal51 said...

Well, I guess I'm glad that we're stationed in AZ. It was only 58 today and we were complaining that it was cold. We were also wishing that we'd get a little snow so that we could have a snow day. We got about 1/4" a couple of years ago and they closed the post because this part of AZ is not equipped to deal with any amount of snow. LOL

PA Dutch Mom said...

So question...sorry western canadian here, but does PA not get snow over winter on a regular basis?

To read Kates tweets, she gives the impression that it is not a regular occurance?


She's right. We've been lucky the past few winters. I think that last winter I had the broom out one time. We didn't have to shovel all winter. We do get some snow every winter, but NOTHING like we've had this year, with one snow after another, and they just keep coming. This is unusual for our area. Most times it's just a dusting to a few inches, and sometimes there's a good nor'easter that whips up the coast, but those are few and far between. I just heard that major blizzards that dump ten inches or more in one day are rare events that happen only twice every ten years.

Local: I heard that report for this weekend. This isn't even funny anymore. It's not going to end!

High Sodium Content said...

Meagler said...Are coughing up "stuff"? Try Mucinex to thin and break it up, lots of fluids, (old stand by here is ginger ale with real ginger) to thin it. I was sick in the fall, used a few boxes of tissues. Is it bronchitis? Don't mess with it if you feel like $hit, don't want it to turn into pneumonia. My husband almost died last January from it, 2 weeks in hospital, missed a month of work.

gotyournumberKate said...

Here's he crazy lady, Barbara Walters, defending Woody Allen. She needs to keep her mouth shut. Can someone help me out here? A few months ago BW was also defending someone else like this and I can't for the life of me remember who. She was scolding someone for telling about sexual abuse in Hollywood. I just was Corey Feldman. What a nutcase. She needs to retire before she completely ruins and chance of a good legacy.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Do you see the news about the PennDOT plow turning over on 81?


I just heard about it on WGAL a few minutes ago. Geez. I don't think I've ever seen that before!

Millicent said...

I think the "usual" weather patterns for all around the globe are changing. In California, we are facing a very scary and severe drought (although we were thankful to have a rainy day on Sunday). Water restrictions are going to hit soon and it will cause increased cost of production for many food items. I hear that Las Vegas is running out of water too. Meanwhile, across the country, people are getting slammed with snow storm after snow storm. The climate, it is a-changed and we're going to have to get used to this new normal.

Millicent said...

It's kind of creepy how Milo keeps pumping Kate up, telling her to keep going, don't give up. If Kate were to "give up", what would that even mean? Getting a regular job instead of waiting for her fairy godmother to drop a new show in her lap?
I wonder if Milo, unconsciously or not, fears the day when Kate actually does fade into obscurity. Gone would be Milo's sense of specialness because she knows a "celebrity" and gone too would probably be Kate's twitter. If Kate were suddenly no longer accessible, seems like Milo's existence would suddenly become very barren. I think her encouraging tweets are because she too panics at the thought of a mediocre Kate living a private life once more.

Tucker's Mom said...

Baba Wawa is bat shit crazy. OK, Babs, Woody is so nice, therefore, is innocent. Huh?
I dont know what to believe at this point, but if his step daughter is telling the truth, all of this has to be very painful.

I find it hard to believe that Kate's kids think this snow is awful. Snow days were the best!

Tucker's Mom said...

Baba Wawa was so mean to Corey Feldman and the way that she sticks up for anything Scientology is creepy.
At her age, its odd to be so afraid to speak truth to power. She's an 86 year old suck up.

jbranck1980 said...

I find it hard to believe that Kate's kids think this snow is awful. Snow days were the best!


I did too but I also had neighborhood friends to play with when school was closed. I'm sure these kids look forward to the only social interaction they ever get plus it is a break from their militant lifestyle with TFW.

Jeanne said...

Winter in PA varies a lot. Some winters like last year we barely get any snow. I had hired someone to shovel for me and he never came. It just melted the next morning. This year I've paid him 4 or 5 times already. I'm not happy with all this snow but what can you do. Kate has very little reason to complain. Someone plows for her. She has no job to punish her for not showing up. She doesn't need emergency child care because school is canceled. She has freezers full of food. Her only complaint is the kids are home annoying her by their existence.

The braces thing: sometimes twice is warranted sometimes not. I had them for the first time in 4th grade. My two front teeth had come in pretty far behind because the baby teeth weren't gone in time. If I didn't have the first set to fix that, it would have been almost impossible to fix later. Then everything else was fixed in junior high. I don't know if any of the tups really need braces now or could wait. I hope they are getting regular checkups and cleanings.

jbranck1980 said...

Just saw a photo special on People showing what celebs ate during the Super Bowl and TFW got mentioned. Ugh, seriously who in the world is she sleeping with there? They completely ignored the whole Today Show/View debacle and are now praising her mothering skills? Sick.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

I wonder if Milo, unconsciously or not, fears the day when Kate actually does fade into obscurity. Gone would be Milo's sense of specialness because she knows a "celebrity" and gone too would probably be Kate's twitter. If Kate were suddenly no longer accessible, seems like Milo's existence would suddenly become very barren. I think her encouraging tweets are because she too panics at the thought of a mediocre Kate living a private life once more.


Good point, .Millicent. I've wondered the same thing. She no longer would be able to stop someone in the grocery store and say, "Oh, Kate is my best friend." If she did, she'd only get a response, "Kate, who?" and that would be devastating. "Knowing" Kate (even though she never met her) is her claim to fame, and fills some void in her life. We really don't know what that void is and it isn't our business, but if knowing that Kate's show was cancelled would have delayed her surgery recuperation, then it's a sure bet that Kate is a very important part of her life.

Formerly Duped said...

Meagler: sorry you're ill. Warm showers, lots of clear fluids and all you are already doing. Splint your chest/abdomen with a pillow- a persistent cough can really pull your muscles.

Oh dear, is it daughter who may have a ruptured abdominal aorta? My goodness, you've had your share. Hope she's ok. best wishes for health in your household! ~ Administrator said...

Barbara said Corey was trying to ruin an entire industry. No one could believe it. If someone in good faith believes they were molested they should say so if they want to. It is not Corey's job to worry about how it will affect the industry.

Math Girl said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 143

Do drivers still use snow tires? I thought that was a thing of the past! She has an SUV. Generally the SUVs have all-weather tires. You just purchase good tires that perform in winter weather conditions and you don't change tires in the least not here.
Drivers in Canada still very much do use snow tires (they call them winter tires now). They are now mandatory during the winter in Quebec,
and are mandatory during the winter on many highways in BC. An alternative in BC is to carry chains, but during a storm you may encounter a roadblock and be required to put the chains on or turn around. Believe me, putting on and driving with chains is no fun.

Every fall the newspapers are full of articles explaining why you need winter tires, like this one:

There are two types of tires other than winter: all-season and all-weather. All-season tires are misnamed; they're really 3-season. All-weather tires are fairly new: they are certified as winter tires, but can be left on all year. One problem with all-weathers is that as the tread wears, they can lose their winter performance capabilities while still looking OK and being good for the other 3 seasons.

Winter-rated tires (pure winter and all-weather) have a logo on them of a snowflake in a mountain. I just went and looked at my tires, and the logo is quite small and hard to see, but it's there.

The problem with AWD in winter is that the AWD lets you start up easier, and steer better, but does absolutely nothing for braking capability. So AWD can just encourage/enable you to have your accident at a higher speed. You see an awful lot of SUVs in the ditch in winter, and that's why!

So yes, all-weather tires can sometimes be as good as winter tires, but don't confuse them with all-seasons!

Meagler said...

Hey, I think later tonight I will try a hot toddie with rum. Thanks for that idea Willowmom.

If this doesnt settle down by tomorrow, I will hit the doctor office. We have high rate of influenza right now, so the dr offices are packed.

High Sodium.. I am drinking tea, ginger ale, and hot my tummy is feeling yucky. If I am not sipping on something the dry hacking cough starts, and all that I cough up is a lung.... ugh.I can breath pretty deep so dont think their is any bronchitis or pneumonia..ut am keeping an eye out for that.

back to the couch...

Wowser said...

Meager: Have you tried a COOL mist vaporizer? Cool air works much better than steam....

NJGal51 said...

One year I made the bourbon/honey mix and took a shot of it every night and I didn't even have a cough or a cold. Just wanted to try the recipe. ~ Administrator said...

PA didn't get much snow when I was there but I had a mountain of constant snow to compare it to. It did get just as cold, windy and rainy. They get a fair amount of snow that anything but the most violent of storms shouldn't really take any long time Pennsylvanian off guard. It's just not the pounding that some areas do.

Aunt Connie said...

Did Baba Wawa also defend Jerry Sandusky? What is wrong with that disgustingly stupid woman? Defend the stars, not the kids whose lives were so ruined by sexual deviants?

Serendipity said...

laura ‏@adidasqt6 16m
@Kateplusmy8 what Kiehls products do u use and where do u find them? I'm looking for a lotion for my sensitive face/eyes!!!

These tweeters use Twitter so I am assuming that they have some knowledge of the internet. Have they ever heard of Google, or do they want Kate to take them by the hand and lead them around?

Vanessa said...

So let me get his straight. Barbara's point was because Woody is a "nice man" and that the "handful' of times she saw him with his kids, he didn't show any type of behavior that would indicate he was a child molester??! Is she serious? What does she have, pedophile radar? And then she said she couldn't understand why Letourneau was "attracted" to Villi? Didn't get what she was attracted to? SHE WAS AN ADULT, HE WAS A 12 YR OLD CHILD, IT WAS CHILD RAPE. What? Because it was a WOMAN??
Whether all this happened to Dylan or not, I'll leave it to them, but to pishaw on the whole accusation because SHE couldn't see it just baffles me. After all the countless interviews she's done over the years, you would think SHE of all people would KNOW that the majority of abusers are close relatives or friends of the victim. They ARE nice people because that's how they continue to commit their crimes. Victims each deal with it in their OWN way. If it took her THIS long to go public, that's HER decision and the victim shouldn't have to have a set time to deal with the abuse. Whether she was fed her memories or not, I DO believe SHE/DYLAN believes it happened.
And to INSINUATE that this is all coming out now because he's up for an award?

I am One of Eight said...

I was just watching E news and it said coming up tomorrow ,a one on one interview with Jon Gosselin, more about the custoday lawsuit and why he wants Kate to undergo a psychological evaluation.

Over In TFW's County said...

They get a fair amount of snow that anything but the most violent of storms shouldn't really take any long time Pennsylvanian off guard. It's just not the pounding that some areas do.


Let's see what happens this weekend! I think that the weather people know what's going to happen, but they are afraid to tell us until after we get through this next storm tomorrow and Wednesday! There was some mention of a "classic coastal storm" brewing, parts one and two, and if both of them come together on Saturday/Sunday, we're talking a big time storm, one for the record books.

Apparently, according to one meterologist, there's been a change in the "split flow," whatever that is, and for the rest of February we should expect this multiple stacking of storms that has lots of moisture along with the cold temperatures. They're lining up like planes on a runway waiting to take off.

I'm looking for cruise deals right now. As much as I'm not fond of being out on the open sea, anything is better than this.

Over In TFW's County said...

Sorry you don't feel well, Meagler!

I still have a bottle of cough medicine with codeine (probably 100 percent codeine) that my grandmother got from the doctor in the 1950s -- when the old family doc dispensed the bottles from his basement.

That would probably do the trick! :-) I don't think there's an expiration date!

Anonymous said...

Meagler, I'm going to tell you of a cure my psychic Turkish friend taught me. Rub olive oil on your chest, wipe vinegar on your feet, say a prayer and go to bed. Sounds insane, but my son had a relapse of pneumonia and I told him it was back to the doctor in the morning if he didn't allow me to do it for him. By morning his fever had broken and the worst of it was over. I've given this "cure" to others and they were sceptical, but it worked. Placebo? Psychosomatic? Who knows. But what do you have to lose at this point?


Over In TFW's County said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 10m
@Kateplusmy8 I just saw this pic ..missed it last nite?? Let me say U set a really cool, colorful & yet so healthy a table of food there! :)

Milo missed something? Well stop the presses and shake up the world. No wonder Kate had problems sleeping last night. She was awake tossing and turning because Milo didn't fall all over her culinary creations! Whew. Glad that got straightened out.

Jumping In said...

Meagler.....My husband has a dreadful flu last month and two things helped with his cough and cold symptoms. The first, was putting a teaspoon of Vicks in a bowl of boiling water and having him inhale the steam, wow did that clear out his head and throat. The second, was a hot-tottie at night with rum, lemon and honey, he slept like a baby and no coughing!

We live in Vancouver, and the flu really ripped through here this winter. We both had flu shots, but both were sick this year. Hope you are better soon, and the best for your daughter too.

Vanessa said...

Ok, now I'm even more angry. Just saw the View clip!
Sherri (who I normally cannot stand) spoke up and was "trying" to give HER opinion and that geriatric, stick a fork in her, senile ostrich with her head in the sand would NOT let her speak!
How does she still get to run that show? Enough!

Anonymous said...

Jon will be on Enews tomorrow talking about custody issue & says he wants TFW to have a mental evaluation!


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