Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Jon to file for contempt, and seek custody of the sextuplets

"It's the only way I can protect the younger six."

Jon tells InTouch that Kate is in violation of their custody agreement because he has "right of first refusal" (Kate is required to offer the kids to him first before getting a babysitter). Kate did not inform him she was leaving the sextuplets behind with a caregiver in Pennsylvania when she took the twins to New York City to go on Today and The View. Had Jon known, Jon could have exercised his right of first refusal and had the sextuplets stay with him during the twins' media tour. He said this stunt was the last straw.

610 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Anonymous said...

franky, bless you for your kindness, but could I make a little suggestion? It's better to ask if you could buy him breakfast or a sandwich. You'll know he got a meal into him. Cash could go to a dubious purchase.


gotyournumberKate said...

My mother married a man when I was 7 years old who wanted her children to have nothing to do with our biological children. My stepfather would take us away and hide us an hour before our father was to arrive for his custody. Our father lived 100 miles away so he would drive all this way and not be able to see us. If my father was late on his child support payments my stepfather would have the police there waiting for him to take arrest him. I would cry and scream to no avail and my mother allowed it to happen. Eventually my father gave up and allowed my stepfather to adopt us. He went on to start a new family with the woman he cheated on my mother with. I didn't see or talk to my father for 5 years. Little did he know the man he allowed adopt his children was sexually molesting me. I told my mother at 6 years old this before she even married this man and she went on to marry him anyway. No one protected me, no one fought for me. It wasn't until I witnessed the abuse happening to my younger sister when I told anyone who would listen what was going on and it ended. My sister died at 42 years old from a drug overdose. I struggle every day with relationships with men. I'm still in therapy trying to understand why I can't trust men. Parental alienation is real and it's devastating to the child for the rest of their lives. My father spent every day for the rest of his life feeling guilty for giving up on us. I hope Jon doesn't make the same mistake.

Anonymous said...

Well, BV, have you watched the train-wreck interviews? Have you read what's going on? Poison Ivy? Hasn't seen his son since August? Hasn't seen his twins in a year? Have you heard the comments she's made about her ex on national t.v.? I'm not defending some of the tweeters, but there were people out there, legitimately concerned for these children and you tried to muzzle them. I really wish you had done your research before you got involved in all this. You backed a horse that kicks, bites and throws its riders.

I hope, for your sake, your wife doesn't ever do this to you.


gotyournumberKate said...

Sorry for the typos. I meant my stepfather wanted us to have nothing to do with our biological father.

localyocul said...

Got your n!! I've lived it with my daughter. It's deliberate, calculated and devastating.

Admin, I feel so for you and your family. 60 is so young. My daughter's grandmother has dementia. It started about 75 years ago when she would call me every few weeks claiming my ex never gave her his phone number and I would give it to her over and over. I wish I realized then. Anyway, at this point she is pretty much in her own world but as soon as she sees my daughter, who was the apple of her eye, she lights up like a Christmas Tree. My dd gets her laughing, talking about memories of things they did together. She smiles when she seems me but not as much as my dd who sometimes is the only one who can break the vacant stare. Stay close to your dad, you will stay part of him.

localyocul said... (Administrator) said... 160
Ha Andy Cohen just referred to episode 12 of Little House on the Prairie where Miss Beadle let the kids out of school in a blizzard.

That is one of the most talked about episodes ever for the teacher's stupid decision. He has Melissa Gilbert on. She actually knows how to twitter and instagram in a manner that is normal and interesting.

I love that Andy Cohen.


I love Melissa Gilbert and I could recite any LHOP LOL. I follow MG on Twitter. She is living in Michigan with her new hubby Timothy Busfield and it's fun to watch her acclimate to the different environment, climate and socio-economic.

localyocul said...

In one of the preview clips of CT, Jon was on the phone demanding to talk to his kids. I wonder if any of this alienation will show up on CT ~ Administrator said...

I love Melissa Gilbert and I could recite any LHOP LOL. I follow MG on Twitter. She is living in Michigan with her new hubby Timothy Busfield and it's fun to watch her acclimate to the different environment, climate and socio-economic.


Yes I'm loving her posts about Michigan. Her love life I'm surprised doesn't get more attention because it's a bit dramatic. She tends to fall for people hard and fast. She was with some French guy on a whirlwind romance and was taking her son to France all the time. Then before you could blink and eye that was over. I think this latest guy she only dated 6 months before they were married and MOVING to Michigan. For a California girl from a Los Angeles dynasty that's a pretty dramatic move, plus for her son who's always been a CA boy himself.

Part of me thinks she's still in the honeymoon stage with this Michigan thing. Two or three more hard winters like this one and she may change her tune. Or maybe she'll stick it out. Either way her instagram is fun to follow. She wrote a cookbook too. And she banters back and forth with Alison Arngrim. They've remained good friends.

Vanessa said...

Wow wow wow
There are as many new topics as the amount of days I was gone!
I'll have a lot of reading to do....

I never once doubted that the tups were still being abused physically. You DON'T turn that off. They are still young and small enough for her to use them to get her "frustration and stress" out. The twins?-well until you've lived it (I truly envy those of you who had a great childhood, "honestly":) lived through very covert underhanded, hard to "prove" manipulation don't blame the twins.
The Colin thing is something that baffles me...but be assured that there is a more sinister ulterior motive for this new found "love" of him.

Winsomeone said...

"Is it a coincidence the child labelled TFW's "helper boy" is the one staying behind? Someone's gotta feed those chickens."

I think those chickens are long dead by now. With the bitter cold this winter, unless she had heat lamps, I doubt they made it. She seems to get young chicks in the least she did in a couple of shows, and then she blamed Shoka for killing the old one. ~ Administrator said...

Justin Bieber was arrested this morning. I think he is 19 years old.

And this is sort of our point. We won't really have a good idea whether these kids are going to be fine about their childhoods or not until they too are about 19 or perhaps even older. It is ridiculous to parade your teens out on the talk show circuit to declare all is fine in the Gosselin household. They are THIRTEEN. Goodness, I would hope at only 13 they are fine. If they're already screwed up at 13 what will they be like at Justin's age?

Jon seems to understand that the after affects of this dysfunctional childhood won't show up until later, and is doing what he can NOW, before it gets to that point.

Oh, and Justin Beiber said in his documentary that it is very tough growing up famous and sometimes he just wanted to be normal and not have all the pressure and commitments, so he definitely felt the downside of fame. ~ Administrator said...

Remember, she sued him and perhaps that suit was punishment for complaining about not seeing the twins and Collin. I would not put it past her.


What's the number one question we were asking here back in August? Why now? What gives, when this book has been out ages and she's been whining for ages about him and that book? And the book was truly long forgotten by then by everyone but people who follow the Gosselin saga closely like us. And why draw Jon into it on such a tenuous connection? Why frantically search high and low even so much as contacting old girlfriends to find that connection?

Now we know why now. Nail in a coffin is right. She took his children away then tried to sue him for every last cent so he couldn't go to court and fight her. The book was a RUSE to cut Jon off from his kids. ~ Administrator said...

Lily @LilyatIW 33m
@Melon_Monroe @Kateplusmy8 Yes, google is your friend. … No such thing as Parental Alienation Syndrome #childabuse

Please tell me these sheeple aren't this vacuous. I googled the term and came up with pages and pages of hits, including scholarly articles and legal cases.


The only people these days who deny parental alienation are those defending the alienators who try to frame it like it's some bizarre theory or dirty legal tactic. Talk to a kid who has been alienated and realized it. It's no "theory" it's REAL.

It's become far too documented and accepted now though for these few remaining people to be taken seriously.

Paula said...

Obviously Kate was going to be the way she is regardless of whether or not she was on "tv", but did the show and all the nonsense after exacerbate her condition? It's so sad that our conversation has now morphed from the effects of reality tv on children to the mental illness of Kate and the abuse of her children due to that mental illness.

People want to stop the discussion by Jon; I disagree. We, as a society, have got to have continuted conversions about mental illness and its effect on us or we will continue to see the Newtowns, the Colorado movie theater shootings, etc.,

Formerly Duped said...

Admin, I too am sorry to hear about your dad. 60 is certainly young for this. He is lucky to have your love and attention. It's hard on everyone in the family. But making him happy in the here and now, and allowing him to reminisce , if he does, are wonderful gifts.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Lily @LilyatIW 33m
@Melon_Monroe @Kateplusmy8 Yes, google is your friend. … No such thing as Parental Alienation Syndrome #childabuse

Then what is this?

or how to break it.

JoyinVirginia said...

Thank you to all the posters who have shared your stories about your own experiences with divorce and alienation and narcissistic mothers. it is very enlightening, to learn what lengths some people will go to get their way.
I just saw the news about Justin Bieber being arrested for drag racing, dui, and not having license, I read details on so sad, he is only 19 and it seems he won't take good advice from anyone, and is surrounded by a”crew” that is encouraging him to act out this way. He may not make it to 21. Drag racing is a good way to get killed young, or end up in prison for killing someone else. Maybe this incident will make it possible for a judge to order him to get help.

Carole said...

He kind've 'outed' them, didn't he? Outed them to their mother that they want to live with him.

I didn't know that the info was a secret from TFW, in fact I'll bet she's known they felt that way for a long time. When kids are upset with a parent they'll blurt out things like 'I want to live with daddy' to try to hurt them. Jon speaking out and saying what he plans to do might be news to her, but as I said I don't think this is news to TFW.

Formerly Duped said...

Just read identical boy triplets were born in Ca to a family with a 5 year old girl, with no fertility treatment.

Agree, Joy, JB is on a downward spiral and needs help.Doesn't it seem more and more young celebs are going down this path? ~ Administrator said...

Jon actually mentioned a long, long time ago that some of the children wanted to live with him and some with Kate. That shouldn't be news to Kate. I found his statement about that normal and credible.

TLC stinks said...

I wonder if Kate spends her time dreaming up ways to screw people over? I've never heard anyone be boastful about having the ability to "mastermind", which sounds sinister to me, more of plotting than planning. And the worst of it is that she has money to hire attorneys to intimidate. There's a reason why Jon says he's not "afraid" of her anymore. I wish him the best of luck although I sincerely wish he could raise money without going public, but then I think about poor Collin and he just needs to press on. ~ Administrator said...

So is it possible that TFW has violated the custody agreement intentionally to orchestrate their removal? She has certainly forced Jon's hand. And while she has a "marshmallow" brain, she is still very cunning.


She's very cunning, like a fox, and extremely manipulative. So much of what she does has ulterior motives, like constant ulterior motives. Can a fox sit down and do algebra, no of course not, but he outsmarts the hunter.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

And let's not forget TFW's own admission: that what "works best" for
her family is that she's home one week, and away working another.
And that she's learned to love her children "from afar." So all this family togetherness is seriously cutting into her treasured "me time." But she must win at all costs, and if that means "hoarding" her children, then so be it.

In light of all this new information, TFW's happy chirpy tweets are chilling. That's not called ignoring negativity -- that's flat-out denial.
And it's a symptom of mental illness.

Hoosier Girl said...

Wasn't it just within the last 6 months or so that Bieber's mom and preacher were making the talk show circuit talking about what a great kid he is ... making good decisions ... kind compassionate ... a lot of responsibility but he was handling it well ...

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see .. or however that saying goes.

Surround yourself with 'yes' people, rid yourself of any 'no' people, set up a family dynamic where kids are supporting all involved, parents lose/give away the ability to parent. Sounds like another family we know.

Grammie said...

Admin, so sorry about your Dad. My mother suffered from Alzheimers for 10 years before passing. It is beyond sad. I'd like to recommend a book for those caring for family members with Alzheimers- "Still Alice" by Lisa Genova. It is a novel written from the point of view of the Alzheimer victim. I wish it had been written before I had to deal with my mothers disease.

TLC stinks said...

She is alienating the kids, success with some but not others, because she knows and has known some want to live with their father. I am sure their visits to Jon are a welcomed break just to be a kid and do normal activities. Because her brand is Kate plus MY 8, she is determined that Jon will not split up the kids. I believe she will fight tooth and French nails to keep Jon from destroying her one claim to fame. I hope Jon has a better attorney than Heller (Why was he speaking out anyway? What a publicity hound!). Surely there are some groups or organizations that can help Jon in preparing for this upcoming battle?

TLC stinks said...

"Still Alice" is a great book for those who have loved ones with dementia.

terri said...

Wendy Williams just discussed Jon in her hot topics segment. She sure does like Jon, calls him a new friend on the show. He is getting an awful lot of good press from Wendy and she does give him good advice in as he should do everything above board because everyone is watching. She also slammed Kate for dragging her kids on those shows and "prodding" the kids to answer questions.

Dmasy said...

Admin, thank you for sharing the personal information about your father. Some of us have been through the sad days of losing a parent while they are still alive. We can be support for you.

Vanessa said...

The stories that have been shared here have shocked some and consoled others. How many of the posters here ever dreamed that she was physically abusing toddlers? Others saw their own mother in tfw, it was all there in black and blue. The abuse would have happened regardless of the show. She managed to abuse WITH a crew of people there...imagine what's going on now?
This isn't War of the Roses, it's a very true case of child abuse and neglect. She's committed a crime for God's sake! Every day there are news reports of child abuse, should they be kept "private"?
"I just don't get it"

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Those of us who watched J&K+8 early on witnessed first hand the film of the children being treated in horrible ways. If that is what we saw on TLC it stands to reason that in private the treatment was much worse! It became too uncomfortable to watch at some point. Like I said before, "I wish I didn't know who these people are."

Therapy is needed for the entire family. Jon and Liz are not the only ones who need it. I would imagine that the 8 children are instructed to not tell anything that happens behind those iron gates. Thus, the absence of friends, extended family, etc. Secrets are the norm for them. Sad, sick story.

Vanessa said...

Saw this on Pinterest today

"It is easier to build up a child than to repair an adult...choose your words wisely"

Andrea said...

Funny I had the same question. These are questions lawyers argue over for days.

On the one hand, following the plain meaning of the order Kate is out of town and leaving the children with a caregiver, so Jon has his right to intervene and have the kids stay with him.

But obviously she can't leave the kids with Jon or that defeats the whole purpose of the kids being with Kendra.


I am a chemist not a lawyer so I dont have the education to say for certain. But, I would assume that Jon could make a strong case about this. The children were left with a complete stranger. The children did not know that this was going to happen until it started. He could also make the case that this caused undue stress on the children.

Kate did this for money. She did not care about the effect it would have on her children. ~ Administrator said...

I am a chemist not a lawyer so I dont have the education to say for certain. But, I would assume that Jon could make a strong case about this.


Yes, I think so.

I think if Kate wanted to do this on the up and up, she should have just been honest. She should have petitioned the court for a one week exemption from right of first refusal so that the kids could do CWS. The judge probably would have been fine with it just for her having been courteous enough to clarify with the court.

If I were Jon I'd bring that up too.

Localyocul said...

TLC stinks said... 27
"Still Alice" is a great book for those who have loved ones with dementia.

Yes it is! I was going to suggest that as well

Mel said...

But she must win at all costs, and if that means "hoarding" her children, then so be it.

The most over-riding thing for her at all times is that she must win. It's her very top priority, above anything/everything else.

Would be interesting to get a psychologist's take on what that's all about.

TLC stinks said...

I watched the two youtube videos posted by somebody on the Today Show set prior to the live show with Kate and the girls. I believe someone here mentioned them. First, Kate had the Cheshire Cat grin going the whole time while the girls seemed overwhelmed with all the bustling. The second video proves the sheep are lying that Savannah did not warm up the girls. It shows her sitting there chatting them up and they are talking to her, particularly Mady.

TLC stinks said...

Kate thinks the rules don't apply to her. ~ Administrator said...

Today, a broad array of recent psychological research has led some researchers to conclude that hypercompetitiveness resembles a diagnosable mental disorder -- a volatile alchemy of obsessive compulsiveness, narcissism, neurosis and sometimes a dose of paranoia.

Psychologists have even linked the hypercompetitive personality to such seemingly disparate conditions and behaviors as road rage, drunk driving, eating disorders, addiction and depression.

It's a style and temperament that affects all other relationships and which, over time, becomes fundamentally impairing, causing fractured families, social isolation and even the disintegration of careers.

Psychologists, therapists and psychiatrists are examining the forces that may create these personalities, and trying to figure out ways to better help them.


Those who are externally motivated often think "their self-worth is contingent on winning," says John Tauer, a professor of psychology at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn., who has studied achievement and internal motivation. "When they start any activity, their first thought is, 'I need to win.' "

Motivation isn't the only thing that shapes a pathological competitor. Another noxious ingredient may be needed, according to a study published in the Journal of Personality Assessment in 1997. Richard Ryckman, a psychologist from the University of Maine, and coauthors conducted psychological surveys of hypercompetitive and healthily competitive undergraduates.

They found that both groups scored high on measures of achievement and striving for an exciting, challenging life. The answers of the hypercompetitive people, however, indicated that they valued "power and control over others." Their responses, unlike those of the healthy competitors, also exhibited lack of care and respect for others.

"The gist of this kind of competition is self-aggrandizement at the expense of others," Ryckman says.....

Hypercompetitive people typically may succeed in many parts of their lives, but interpersonal, especially intimate, relations are often deeply troubled, says psychiatrist Eickelberg. A 2002 study in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology examined romantic relationships of hypercompetitive people and found these people "reported lower levels of honest communication with the partner, greater infliction of pain on him or her, stronger feelings of possessiveness, higher levels of mistrust, stronger needs to control their partner, lower ability to take their perspective, and higher levels of conflict."

Despite this list of problems, hypercompetitors tend to lack both insight and empathy and rarely enter the door unless a crisis or an ultimatum shoves them through it, psychologists say. It typically happens in middle age. Many, Eickelberg says, enter his office and announce, "My wife said I had to come."

Others see enormous successes and achievements interrupted by jarring moments of reckoning: burnout, depression, divorce, a rift with a child, hitting a wall. A wake-up call eventually intrudes on the self-absorbed drive to win.

Clinicians who work with hypercompetitive individuals say treatment is a long, hard, therapeutic slog. When winning has been paramount for one's entire life, the therapeutic dialogue is likely to be characterized by anger, challenges and endless jockeying for dominance with the therapist. The very dynamics that a spouse or partner in life found intolerable are in florid display in a therapeutic setting.

The empathy gulf can be huge. Eickelberg sometimes asks his patients to figure out what a spouse is thinking or feeling. "I often get the response, 'I drew a blank' or 'I think she was doing good.'

Jane said...

Admin - A diagnosis of Alzheimers, while so upsetting, can open the door for very special times. I had a friend whose mom had this diagnosis and after an initial stage where things went downhill a bit, it stabilized and several years. I hope this is the case for you and your family. Over the years I've learned that when these crises happen, it's important to take care of yourself - hard to do but ultimately beneficial to everyone. My sister is a geriatric nurse and oversees the Alzheimer's section of a nursing home - she has lots of tips and ideas and I'd be happy to share them with you!

PatK said...

Someone tweeted that Kate has copyrighted the name Growing Up Gosselin. Does anyone know how to verify this?

Vanessa said...

She's very cunning, like a fox, and extremely manipulative. So much of what she does has ulterior motives, like constant ulterior motives. Can a fox sit down and do algebra, no of course not, but he outsmarts the hunter.

That's what you're dealing with! You don't think she can manipulate a judge?? She is NOT REAL so she can be whoever she needs to be at the moment. You don't think the twins are going batshit crazy when they've got the smiley/happy mommy who was "appearing" on the Today/View and then the OTHER mommy who scowls, berates, insults etc AND WORSE? So yes Jon, expose expose expose, it'll only help your case.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Dyed in wool nonCPFA ‏@ashymama2 27m
@Kateplusmy8 Attention: If anyone sees Kate Gosselin's paid PR again using hashtag GROWING UP GOSSELIN it's because K8 copyrighted this

I haven't seen evidence this. Is it true?

Anonymous said...

Kate bought the domain name last winter. She is pitching a show for her and the twins.


rainbowsandunicorns said...

Justin Bieber was arrested this morning. I think he is 19 years old.


And of course his fans will say "so what, all kids do this." Sheeple all belong to the same flock. They refuse to see what's right in front of their faces.

Amy2 said...

The cunning like a fox comment up thread rings true to me. Kate has always managed to stay one step ahead of everyone (family, friends, Jon, the kids). As has been stated many times here, all she wants is fame and fortune, and the perks that go along with it. She is always scheming for the next big strike (venture). Bella Bars anyone?

It was her idea to have HOMs, get a TV show, stay the limelight at all costs, get media coverage for the divorce, continue to throw Jon under the bus. But now, she has become a broken record. She has nothing to sell or talk about. Ho hum, yawn. The public has moved on. But here she trots out her twins for the talk show circuit. And the coverage is not what she expected. And she probably did not expect Jon to fight her in court.

So having said all that, what's her next move? Darned if I can figure it out. All I know that she's continue to stay in the limelight one way or another. Doesn't matter how or why, only that she will. And with that...the crazy like a fox just fits her.

Only difference, is she is joining the Paris Hilton Who? group.

getofftwitter said...

Like I had posted on other thread, after the terrible Today show appearance, Jon will be going to court a lot in the future. I would not be surprised that Kate has already filmed, episodes of : Growing Up Gosselin,(since this phrase has appeared 3 times now) I really think it was a test on the Today show & View and People, to see if there is interest in the twins for another reality show, centered around the twins, and Kate as the ring master, and has been trying to sell it to anyone who would buy it. Doing all this in secret, under the radar. Buying the kids silence, from dad and everyone else, with material things. Jon did not know of the CWS filming, the twins interview, the trip to NYC, probably the Kentucky derby. I would even throw in the cookbook tour, I'm sure she did not even tell him about it, just went and did it.
The problem with Kate is, she thinks she is above the law. The children are her property, and cause, she has primary custody she can do what ever she wants.
Kate, has probably gotten away with things, lies, using people as a kid and teen, that, that has carried over into adulthood. Kate, knows she is violating the custody agreement, and filming under the radar. She is playing a game. It is to see how much she can get away with, before she gets caught. Then cries poor mom of 8 count them 8, or I'm piecing & patching finances, yeah: $500 + bird, $165. sheets, brand new car, kids still in private school, still in expensive house etc. Kate herself ever said a long time ago, how she would do things and her brother took the blame. Kate must have been very wild as a teen. Got probably into a lot of trouble, but found out how to get around all of it.

Kate is a sneaky low life.

As for Justin Bieber, good for you! you deserve to be arrested. The things you have been doing, you should be ashame of yourself, that is not how to be an adult. I know your young, but you are being stupid, and not respectfull of others. You have been going down a spiral, for quite sometime. Hangin with bad, people, who are leeches. JMO

Kelly said...

Admin: I am so sincerely sorry for your Dad's Alzheimer's DX. My maternal grandmother died from it and now her daughter is in the final stages. I was so terrified at the prospect for myself that I recently underwent the 23andme DNA screening. Thankfully I have a risk of 4.3% out of an average of risk of 7.1. I'm not banking on that info, but it did make me feel a bit better. I have bookmarked tons of interesting articles regarding Alzheimer's from various news sources, and I will list some of the best ones on here once I get a chance to look them up.

If there's any silver lining for you, I believe I read in the AMA that men, with early onset, usually do not progress as quickly as women. But I guess that's of little comfort as an Alzheimer dx is still an Alzheimer dx.

Best wishes to you and your Dad. Keep checking world wide news stories as there always seems to be some sort of Alzheimer study in the works. I find the ones conducted in the Netherlands always seem to have really good, accurate information.

Anonymous said...

Is Barbara Walters losing it?

Published on Dec 9, 2013

At 84 Barbara Walters seems to be wandering around the set of THE VIEW. Sherri Shepherd had to get up too and hold Barbara steady while she told her something. Barbara turned around, looked confused, and mouthed the words "Oh!" And then went back to her seat.

Formerly Duped said...

I think it's so hypocritical that Kate even uses the name Gosselin and maybe copyrighted it, only because it was the name they were 'famous' with.

getofftwitter said...

Just think if Jon gets, custody of some of the kids, this will screw up Kate plans. Kate will go off the deep end. She will try to file all kinds of law suites against Jon, for everything she can. Child abuse, sexual abuse, stealing, lying, everything. Including going to the media with the boohoo story.
So, this means, we are gonna be bomb-barted by non-leaking stories from Kate & camp, that Jon made up,but is probably innocent & has not leaked anything. And Kate lackeys/fans /sheeple, will go to great lengths to defend Kate. So, a MEDIA blizits is in the making & coming.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate said during an interview-(Today show or GM American ) that she didn't tell Jon about WS hell she bragged about not telling him.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Regarding the domain name. "Growing up Gosselin,"

Registrar URL:
Registrant Name: Jorge Vasquez
Registrant Organization:
DNSSEC: unsigned

chefsummer #Leh said...

Well if Kate is running the website we have nothing to worry about since Kate is lazy as s**t.

chefsummer #Leh said...

No it was the view when Kate said she didn't ask Jon.

It's from min 3:29-3:50

Kate saying No I didn't tell Jon Me and the kids made the decision to do the show.

Jon should use Kate own word-(from the view) against her in court.

PDMan said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 52
Regarding the domain name. "Growing up Gosselin,"

Registrar URL:
Registrant Name: Jorge Vasquez
Registrant Organization:
DNSSEC: unsigned


Jorge Vasquez is a senior manager at According to an online bio, "SocialOrbits is maker of a travel web app that let’s you devise plans and make reservations collaboratively with other people. SocialOrbits creates a completely private and intimate environment in which it’s users can organize time together with friends and family, and then provides tools to make that organization a more collaborative experience. It allows every user to join a small group of people they like to travel with, called an “orbit.” People in the same orbit share a calendar and a contact book so that everyone can see what everyone else is up to."

JoyinVirginia said...

I will be watching the rest of Couples Therapy with great interest. Maybe Dr. Jen and company did do some good with Jon on a personal level. maybe this has just been a gradual awakening for him. Jon does not have to be afraid of TFMJG. if CT helped him really believe this, and feel capable of taking action, then good for him!
And yes, for the folks who say don't talk about this. It would be great if there were two mature parents who could agree and discuss things reasonably. This is not what is going on. I wish the judge could order mental health family counseling for the entire crew, but we all know TFMJG would find some way to not show up.

Berks Neighbor said...

Just a quick little bit of information: Notice the date it was created. Not sure it's owned by TFW as Jorge Vasquez seems to have registered a lot of domains... Who knows...

Created 15-Jun-2009
Updated 27-Jun-2013
Expires 15-Jun-2014

Registrant Name: Jorge Vasquez

Anonymous said...

Someone tweeted that Kate created a new website called "". I googled it and got this message, "This application is undergoing maintenance right now. Please check back later."

Has anyone heard anything about this. I hope it is not true.

AuntieAnn said...

Copyright schmopyright. Wants to go there, does she. She used a title from another book and changed one letter in for Multiple Bles8ings. Yep she stole it.

Kate can't come up with anything original. Remember Growing up Gotti?

Katykat said...

Re: SocialOrbits...does that mean she's going to charge the Sheeple to see her kids like animals in a zoo?

Mel said... has 4 years old, Its seo score is 48.5%. IP address is, and its server is hosted at Scottsdale, United States. Last updated on Thu, 23 Jan 2014 19:24:01 GMT. is created by n/a, it has 4 years old. It will be expired on 15 Jun 2014. The sponsor is GODADDY.COM, LLC.

Domain Name:
Domain Age: 4 years 224 days old
Time Left: 142 days

Creation: 2009-06-15
Expiration: 2014-06-15

Mel said... says it's offline for maintenance.

I wonder how long it's said that. Snark.

capecodmama said...

Just watched WW hot topics segment and her mention of Jon. She's definitely on Jon's side and not a fan of TFW. However, she needs to get his last name correct. She calls him Jon Gossling.

JR said...

Is she trying to sell a show now..."Growing Up Gosselin"? It should be comical to watch her trying to line up some sponsors....How funny are those conversations going to be? Has she been aware of the publics reaction to her lately or is she losing whats left of her mind....shes like a drug addict that can't stay stop. Nobodys buying what she trying to peddle anymore. I don't know when she will accept that. "GIVE ME A SHOW, DAMN YOU..I WANT TO TRAVEL AND SQEEZE YOUR NETWORK DRY....I DEMAND A SHOW...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (as she goes screaming down a long hallway)

T said...

njay said... 192
As far as why the kids don't just go talk to teachers or counselors at school. THEY LOVE BOTH PARENTS. Just like they didn't bash Jon in the two shows, they don't want to bash Kate either. Kids have a fear that if they say something they will be taken from them. And regardless of how they are treated, they want to be loved by their parents
Well said njay and goes back to what I was saying in my earlier post, that maybe they don't want to have to lie to Jon's face, keep secrets from him, or face punishment and retaliation from Kate if they don't. So they just try to avoid it by staying home with her instead. Conversely, maybe Jon recognizes how difficult this must be for them, and hasn't pressed to force them into being with him for his full custody time, (he does say that he sees them, just not for nearly as much time as he is legally entitled to).

I also think that once he saw the obvious pain (and no win situation) that Kate was putting them in by trying to get them to discuss all this in the National Media may be the reason that he finally did speak out. He wanted to relieve them of their "moral dilemma" and took the fall for them. He put Kate's message out there (kids don't see dad), so they wouldn't have too. Sure he looks like as ass spouting to the media, but maybe he's doing it for his kids after all? He told their secret, so they wouldn't have to. And one more thing....maybe the master manipulator knew this all along, and figured that if her kids failed to be her mouth piece, that Jon wouldn't be able to take seeing her put the kids through this and would spill the beans if they didn't. Either way, she got what she wanted, but unfortunately her mask slipped in the process.

Mel said...

Someone tweeted that Kate created a new website called "".

It's not new. Old news. I think I saw it on Preesi when she was still active on the gosselin stuff.

AuntieAnn said...


Growing Up Gotti (2004–2005)
TV Series - 30 min - Reality-TV
Your rating:
Ratings: 3.4/10 from 445 users
Reviews: 29 user | 3 critic

Camera crews record the everyday experiences of Victoria Gotti and her three sons.

Go for it Kate. You tool.

AuntieAnn said...

chefsummer said... 54

Well if Kate is running the website we have nothing to worry about since Kate is lazy as s**t.


lol! Exactly Chef.

She'll come on all gangbusters because she's SOOO excited to introduce her new "__________" (fill in the blank). Then it'll fizzle out like a dead fuse, like everything else she's tried.

boo said...

"Growing Up Gosselin" hasn't been copyrighted or trademarked. As for the web domain name, it is common for people to grab sites that they think may be valuable some day with the hope of selling them later. This happens all the time.

T said...

Admin, I am so sorry to hear about your dad's diagnosis and will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers, (as I do for many others here with heartbreaks of their own).

As far as Babs W- I agree she needs to retire, but she may be being taken advantage of by her producers. She does wear an earpiece, and may have been directed to ask these inappropriate questions, but due to her decline, seems to have lost the ability to do it without being abrupt. The producers know that America loves a train wreck, so they happily comply.

That was a pretaped show, and they certainly had the ability to edit out Barbara's faux pas. It was intentionally left in to create controversy. Harvey Levine (in his TMZ live show) made a great point about Savannah Gunthrie- it took journalistic skill and restraint to allow those silences to occur. She knew that sometimes what 'isn't being said' is just as important as what is. The View lacks this courage, and not only immediately jumped in to fill any potential silences, they covered for Kate as well by asking leading questions that often contained the answers they were trying to solicit from twins in the first place. Ex: "tell us girls, how annoying are your younger siblings?" The answer is in the question, right down to the adjective.

Hoosier Girl said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 53
Regarding the domain name. "Growing up Gosselin,"

Registrar URL:
Registrant Name: Jorge Vasquez
Registrant Organization:
DNSSEC: unsigned

I wish Mr. Vasquez would give that domain to Carlos! Now THAT would be HILARIOUS!! :-)

Hoosier Girl said...

Per TMZ Bieber's dad was one of the 'friends' blocking traffic for the drag-race and had been at the club with him all night. There really should be an application process to become a parent.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

It looks like Kate purchased the domain name in June 2009. This has been her plan for a while.

General Information: | Research

Domain Age: 4 years 222 days old
Domain Expires On: 2014-06-15
Domain Updated On: 2013-06-27

Whois Record:

Registry Details:
Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Created On: 2009-06-15
Expires On: 2014-06-15
Updated On: 2013-06-27
Name Server:
Name Server:

Anonymous said...

Didn't the Duggars write a book called "Growing Up Duggar"? If this website is related to TWF she is less than creative. ~ Administrator said...

T, you are right. Brilliant analysis.

Jon put it out there what's going on so Kate could stop making the kids do it. And for that he is a good father who did what he had to do to take the pressure off them even if it could make him look bad. Wow.

Sheri said...

Anonymous said...(44)

"Kate bought the domain name last winter. She is pitching a show for her and the twins."



The domain was first registered by a Jorge Vasquez in Chicago on June 15, 2009. It was renewed June 7, 2013.

All the registrar, admin and contact info is listed as the same. It is registered with GoDaddy.

Not saying Kate doesn't own it, just saying it's not in her name and was registered long before last winter.

Sheri said...

Bahaha, VirginiaPen, you beat me to it.

It's all public record.

Sheri said...

And Hoosier apparently beat both of us to it.


Vanessa said...

He wanted to relieve them of their "moral dilemma" and took the fall for them.
I agree with this T., and I wanted to add that maybe he put it out there so she'd think twice about really doing a number on the kids. The underhanded sh#t will continue but maybe, just maybe, she'll lay off the spankings or unjust punishments. Knowing that it's really out there now, more so thanwith Hoffmans' book or even Eric Roberts astute observations, she may just be "a'scairt" to push it.

Flo said...

Just as Kate always used a Beverly Hills address for her supposed marathons and uses a bunch of made up names for her various corporations where she hides her money, I'm not surprised the domain isn't registered to her. I'd be surprised if it was. I don't think the three interviews referencing 'Growing up Gosselin' are a coincidence. She wants this on peoples' minds.

Michelle said...

From Jon's July 2013 interview with Dads Roundtable:
So there is still a battle. Do you think it will ever get better?

That’s because my former wife sees it as ownership and not as togetherness. I just want to do what’s best for the kids. It doesn’t matter to me. I took off from work today to do this interview and to spend time with them.

(Jon had 5 of his 8 kids with him. The Twins and his middle son Collin were with his former wife.)

I think I sacrifice more on my end because I’m not on the network anymore. I’m not making the money I used to. I have to go to work, I have for 4 years. The lying, all the crap in between, is just ridiculous. I’ve seen couples work together in a divorce.

AnnieD said...

Re: Justin Bieber
It seems that it's become a right of passage or badge of honour for young celebrities to have a police mug shot. It's a really sad commentary on our society where we elevate these young, talented people to celebrity status, chew them up and spit them out when we're tired of them. There are just too many of them going down this dangerous path to ignore and sadly, too many of them have died at too young an age.

Gabby2 said...

After a few days of reading comments....I have come to the conclusion that KK REALLY REALLY wanted her daughters to dump on Jon in public. She stabs Jon in the back every opportunity she has, but that is NOT ENOUGH for her.

Now her mini-mes have to do it as well. What I saw was that neither girl was prepared to stab their father. This made KK get overly stimulated, and emoting like crazy. KK acts like a 10 year old, with all her over the top facial expressions.

I think she practiced ad nausesum with the twins as to what she wanted them to say on TV, when the girls refused to use "her" words....she finally ordered them to use their "own" words.

She didn't get Steve to leave his wife, and now Jon continues to try to protect the kids from reality TV....she blames him for everything.

And another lie the girls were forced to say, that the crew was the same....I saw different people taping different seasons.

Jane said...

Good news!

MKS & Associates ‏@MKSandAssocInc 3h
@A1letheia @AlfredoCocozza 2/2 Mr. Heller gave an interview on his own accord, not on behalf of Jon.

MKS & Associates ‏@MKSandAssocInc 3h
@A1letheia @AlfredoCocozza 1/2 Mr.Heller is not Jon's attorney. Jon spoke w/ him as he is familiar w/ Jon's divorce & custody stipulations.

Gabby2 said...

T and Admin, I am sure the questions asked were preapproved by KK and her "manager".

Whoopi went off Barbara was forced to open the door for trashing Jon.

Why these commentators put up with KK, I will never figure out. I wish they knew about this site!

Flo said...

Kate said on one of the shows that one guy (Scott maybe?) was the only one who survived the Gosselins. He was the only original. It may have been the last K+8 but I'm not really familiar with the shows having only seen clips on Youtube.

Not Society's Fault said...

AnnieD said... 83
Re: Justin Bieber
It seems that it's become a right of passage or badge of honour for young celebrities to have a police mug shot. It's a really sad commentary on our society where we elevate these young, talented people to celebrity status, chew them up and spit them out when we're tired of them.
Nobody chewed Justin Bieber up and spit him out. He is quite simply an entitled, obnoxious 19 year-old with way too much money and way too many yes men. Society at large is not to blame for Justin Bieber's behavior. Let's start with the father who supposedly spent the night clubbing with his 19 year-old and then blocked the road for him so he could drag race.

Layla said...

Flo said... 87
Kate said on one of the shows that one guy (Scott maybe?) was the only one who survived the Gosselins. He was the only original. It may have been the last K+8 but I'm not really familiar with the shows having only seen clips on Youtube
You're right. Kate said she promised to get him a t-shirt that said "I survived Kate and her 8". So the thing about the crew staying the same is a lie.

Flo said...

Admin, just as research shows that bad fats are possibly an indicator for Alzheimer's, good fats are shown to be very helpful, notably coconut oil. Please google coconut oil and Alzheimer's. It's shown to be a miracle for some people. If you go that route, please use a good cold-processed coconut oil, preferably organic. The cheap stuff doesn't cut it.

Anonymous said...

Gossenlinbookteam tweeted this about the weeding that he personally witnessed. It is from the book that Robert wrote:

TLC stinks said...

Absolutely true Kate said on a show that Scott was the only survivor from the original crew. And Jen Stocks, the original producer left too.

I also read a neighbor said Kate used the crew as babysitters.

I think someone bought that domain name so Kate would have to pay them for it. I believe this happens often.

And I do agree that Kate fully expected the twins to trash their father. It may be true they haven't seen him for months, but whose fault is that? The girls know it. They were not shy or had stage fright, they were CONFLICTED. It was painful to watch. And the really sad thing is that Kate was furious instead of a lightbulb going on that this is crossing the line.

Tucker's Mom said...

Making a kid weed who gets poison ivy is cruel. I never had PI until a few years ago, and my reaction was severe. Each time I got it, I wound up on prednisone and antibiotics. It's torture.
Collin staying behind on the compound is very troubling. I have a feeling that he stays behind to care for the zoo animals, because Kate would let them starve.

denni don't like kate said...

Just saw this article and immediately thought of TFW:

To Be Honest
You're probably trying to be polite when you preface a difficult conversation with a verbal tee-up like, "To tell you the truth …" But your opening line could do more harm than good.

Described by language experts as "performatives" or "qualifers," seemingly harmless phrases like "I want you to know" and "I'm just saying" signal bad news, insincerity or dishonesty, reports the Wall Street Journal. And suddenly, your attempt at politeness rings false, says Dr. James Pennebaker, who studies these phrases at the University of Texas.

Take, for example, the phrase, "To be perfectly honest ..." Not only does it sound condescending and suggest that you're about to drop some sort of bomb, it hints at the fact that you're not always "perfectly honest."

Another doozy to avoid? "Don't take this the wrong way …" According to the experts, it's a "doomed attempt" to avoid the backlash certain to follow.

Pants on Fire said...

Flo said...
Admin, just as research shows that bad fats are possibly an indicator for Alzheimer's, good fats are shown to be very helpful, notably coconut oil. Please google coconut oil and Alzheimer's. It's shown to be a miracle for some people. If you go that route, please use a good cold-processed coconut oil, preferably organic. The cheap stuff doesn't cut it.
Admin, I, too, am so sorry to hear about your dad.

I agree with Flo: please check out coconut oil for your dad. Wishing the best for you both.

getofftwitter said...

OT: Justin Bieber: Just saw one of the TV mag rag, and they had the police report & some video of the arrest & release. Justin was not one bit sorry. He smiled, with a smile as saying, so what! what a joke this is! My lawyers will get me off! Second as he was leaving in a van, he stood up from the passager side and waved to fans, like see, a big nothing, they arrested me for nothing, cause, nothing will happen. They also show video from the court, and he was very sober. His partner in crime, some rapper? took his arrest very seriously, there was no so what smiling. Justin showed no remorse, no guilt, acted like it was a joke. If his father was there he should have been arrested too. Both of Justins parents are enablers. They must be getting well paid by Justin to be enablers, yes parents, and to turn a blind eye to what ever he does. A recent interview, which someone here saw, Justin, mom said her boy is a good boy, yeah, woman in front of you, you were not with him, and even if you were, like daddy was, he must be paying you both well to shut up and not say anything or interfear. Disgusting, another Lindsay?

capecodmama said...

Re: Justin Bieber. WW also commented on him on her hot topics. She said his parents failed miserably with him and I agree. Sounds like both parents may be on his payroll. Just like Lindsay Lohan, it's not good when the kid is supporting the parent because the kid ends up with the upper hand. Unless something changes, TFW's in for big trouble when her kids get older.

NJGal51 said...

I agree with TLC Stinks. I think someone bought the domain name "growingupgosselin" and if TFW wants it she'll now have to buy it from the individual. TFW thinks that she owns all things "Gosselin" and if I were Jon I'd try to put a stop to it. It's his name and only hers by marrage and when she divorced him she should have given it up. She's not keeping it for the sake of the kids as she's said in the past, she's keeping it because the name is recognizable whereas Kreider is not.

Millicent said...

Nobody chewed Justin Bieber up and spit him out. He is quite simply an entitled, obnoxious 19 year-old with way too much money and way too many yes men.
Well, yes and no. The entertainment industry is voracious and always looking for the "next big thing" that will appeal to tweens and make lots of money. Justin Bieber is just one in a long line of adolescent tween hearthrob stars who are given too much fame and fortune too early, and cannot take it.

I occasionally watch World's Dumbest, and one of the regular co-hosts is Leif Garrett. For awhile in his younger days, he was quite the tween heartthrob and although was never at the level of Justin Bieber, the crazy ride to fame is pretty similar. Along with the crashing to Earth afterwards.

Maybe it's because I was one of those tweens who crushed on Leif - but it makes me happy to know that he survived and seems to be off the heavy duty drugs and content with his life. I don't know how far Bieber is going to need to fall, but the problem is he's got a lot of money left to burn through. He will probably continue to spiral out of control for awhile. I hope he doesn't spend every dime and end up with nothing but a lot of failed rehab attempts.

Fame and fortune come at a heavy price, and I am actually thankful that my own child has intelligence, sweetness, humor but very little marketable talent. I believe Bieber's mom used to feel pretty confident that she could shield her son from the worst aspects of fame, but it looks like she was wrong.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 3h
Hey @Kateplusmy8 Let's just pack up the kids and GO! >> :) So tired of winter....

Milo dreaming of sun and the sand with her lady love!

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Admin, sorry to hear of your father's diagnosis. Thank you for the great job you are doing with this blog. Best wishes to you and family.

Lalalalala said...

Oh jeez...we are under a BLIZZARD WARNING in my neck of the woods. As if we don't have enough snow already!

Millicent said...

Admin - I am sorry about your dad's Alzheimer's diagnosis. (I missed your post and was trying to figure out for awhile exactly what your dad's situation was.) It is so painful when a loved one begins to fade away from us. I know people who are more knowledgeable than I are posting helpful links and information. I wish your dad and your family all the best.

njay said...

Does anyone remember when Collin and Alexis were expelled? Kate stated that he was taking the divorce the hardest and acted out. Here is a short quote about it. "They've been the ones to verbalize the most that they miss Daddy. I could see that they're the ones struggling the most. [Collin] was upset and saying things out of frustration – he'd crumple his papers and throw them on the floor. Alexis was angry in a different way."

I don't think she is trying to punish Collin. I think she is trying to punish Jon. Also, I think Jon was keeping Collin from Kate's wrath by not forcing him to come. I think that Jon is just trying to keep peace for the kids by sacrificing his feelings and wants so they won't receive hell for wanting to see him. She is vindictive and doesn't care about the children's feelings, only hers and how she can get back at anyone who goes against her.

John 15:13 "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." In this case, his feelings for his children.

It's a hard decision for a parent to know what is really the best thing to do when your children have to sacrifice one or be damned by the other. Especially when Jon LIVED/LIVES her wrath. He couldn't even breath right in her opinion and lived the emotional abuse for it. How his heart must hurt minute by minute for his kids. He knows what goes on behind the gates of that compound. How can anyone judge him harshly for the decision he makes and gets shot down every time he tries. My heart breaks and I'm not even related. I'm pretty sure he cringes every time he tries to do something on their behalf and has to realize that it will cause them harm by their vindictive, evil mother.

For me, I will offer prayer instead of criticism. I wish there was a place where I could go to offer him words of support and an ear to listen with no accusation of him playing the victim. After all, the reality is, he and the children ARE a victim of an evil, devil guided entity.

TLC stinks said...

I have scars from poison ivy. She couldn't take the time to oversee the weeding and point what not to pull? Lazy ****

I think it is highly likely Collin is ordered to stay at the house to take care of the chickens. I agree with you, Tucker's Mom. I questioned a while ago about what happens to the chickens when the boys are at their dad's. And there it is. Kate's very own little slave. You know what I think? I think Kate and/or the twins did not want to take care of the chickens and Collin (Kate's least favorite) drew the short straw.

Somewhere In Time said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 3h
Hey @Kateplusmy8 Let's just pack up the kids and GO! >> :) So tired of winter....

Milo dreaming of sun and the sand with her lady love!


She, he or it is one scary person. If I were Kate, I'd be extremely concerned about this person. It's not a joke anymore. It's not cute. This person really thinks that she, he, or it is part of Kate's life.

NJGal51 said...

Justin Bieber's probelm is that he IS that tween heart throb. He wants to move out of bubble gum and do something else. Much like Miley Cyrus he is acting out because he wants street creds. Unfortunately for him it's going to be very hard to get rid of that "Mmm Bop" type of image. He needs someone to step in before he kills himself or someone else with his antics.

PatK said...

Jane said... 85
Good news!

MKS & Associates ‏@MKSandAssocInc 3h
@A1letheia @AlfredoCocozza 2/2 Mr. Heller gave an interview on his own accord, not on behalf of Jon.

MKS & Associates ‏@MKSandAssocInc 3h
@A1letheia @AlfredoCocozza 1/2 Mr.Heller is not Jon's attorney. Jon spoke w/ him as he is familiar w/ Jon's divorce & custody stipulations.


Oh, thank goodness. lol

Marie said...

She, he or it is one scary person. If I were Kate, I'd be extremely concerned about this person. It's not a joke anymore. It's not cute. This person really thinks that she, he, or it is part of Kate's life.
Who knows? She could be!


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

@kateplusmy8 What happened to the $1,000,000 U withdrew from joint account w/Jon between Feb 2008 & June 2009? Not saying? Should I tell K8?

Never heard Kate took $1 million out of joint account. She made several transfers and took out something like $58,000 which she had to put back.

Amanda, Iowa said...

Its the second item in this line-up. Kate didn't fool these people either.........Milo is quickly becoming the lonely ranger, the lonely misguided ranger

Luke's Mom said...

It saddens and infuriates me so much to hear that Kate is keeping Colin from seeing his father. This should NOT be happening.

Colin is too young to make that decision on his own. Kate is doing so much harm to Colin by not encouraging his visits with Jon. I can't even imagine the pain this must cause both Colin and Jon to be estranged from each other because of Kate's actions. She is such a ......!!!!!

On the other hand, I almost can understand why the twins do not spend nights at Jon's. And I believe Kate deliberately set it up so that both Cara and Mady made this decision because of CLOTHES and MATERIAL THINGS. Kate has manipulated them and most likely bribed them with material things to get them to bend in her favor. The twins are at an age where fitting in, wearing the right styles, having the best of....have become important. And Kate has capitalized on it by restricting what they can take to Jon's.

Jon said in his interviews that the reason he does not pay CS is because he PROVIDES for all the kids expenses including a 2nd set of clothes, shoes, etc... for all of them when they stay with him. He said they do NOT bring their clothes and other stuff from Kate's house with them. He supplies everything.

So, Kate buys the twins expensive designer clothes, jewelry, etc... but will NOT let them take it when they visit Jon. And Kate knows Jon can not afford to buy the twins expensive stuff. After the View appearance, someone tweeted about one of twins wearing desinger boots that cost over $300.

And how is Jon even going to go out and buy the clothes for the twins? He would need to take them shopping to make sure it fits and they like it. And if Kate makes that difficult, then the twins will not go clothes shopping with Jon. Buying the right clothes is alot harder to do for two teenage girls who are used to being bribed with the best of everything from Kate than shopping for 9yos. who Kate has a history of dressing in clothes that are too big for them.

I feel so sorry for Jon and those kids. Kate clearly shows she has emotional and mental problems when she refuses to see how much she is hurting the kids.

She needs to get over herself, be a REAL mother and show some love for her kids which includes recognizing that they have a FATHER who loves them and should be an active participant in their lives.

Tucker's Mom said...

I think Kate and/or the twins did not want to take care of the chickens and Collin (Kate's least favorite) drew the short straw.
If he's as sensitive as Robert says, then he probably takes a lot on his shoulders. I mean, it would make sense given his outbursts at school. I'm betting he was and still is harboring feeling about the divorce. ~ Administrator said...

Oh thank god. Just was given the name of the firm representing Jon. Highly respected and experienced. Huge national powerhouse. Not Heller. GREAT choice.

Tucker's Mom said...

. My heart breaks and I'm not even related. I'm pretty sure he cringes every time he tries to do something on their behalf and has to realize that it will cause them harm by their vindictive, evil mother.
It's a tough call. Do you force your kids to visit?
I have no doubt about Kate being a parental alienator. The more I think back on the Kate+Twins set the record straight tour, the more it disturbs me, especially Mady's lying.
On The View, she said she didn't recall when her parents divorced, which I call BS on. The way she looked at Kate like she needed reminding that she was 9 when they split publicly.
Come on! That's one of those lightbulb memories that you will recall the rest of your life as if it was yesterday. Anyone here a child of divorce who doesn't recall what age they were?
Mady also lied about not doing any chores. I can't think of a sane reason why. I mean, she outright lied, and I don't think she was being ironic.
Sad to see a 13-year old become a pathological liar like her mom.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Great to hear Jon's got a good firm on his side! Will this, finally, be the time that no does mean know for TFW?

Paula said...

Great news Admin! Great for Jon and great for those kids!

Eyes Wide Open said...

Jon -- Please contact "A Minor Consideration" for advice & help. The best lawyers, psychologists, therapists, and psychiatrists can be made available to you through AMC & for free. ALL the children need a independent court-appointed ad litem guardian. Please do the right thing.

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 109
Oh thank god. Just was given the name of the firm representing Jon. Highly respected and experienced. Huge national powerhouse. Not Heller. GREAT choice.
I'm glad to hear this! Jon needs Big Guns on his side.
If Kate has any common sense whatsoever, NOW is the time to reach out the olive branch and ask Jon to go to mediation and counseling with her.
Once this goes to court, it will be out of her hands. So stupid.

SCgal said...

Oh thank god. Just was given the name of the firm representing Jon. Highly respected and experienced. Huge national powerhouse.
Go Jon!!! That's great news!!

Susan1956 said...

Oh thank god. Just was given the name of the firm representing Jon. Highly respected and experienced. Huge national powerhouse. Not Heller. GREAT choice.
Yay! So does this mean the contempt and custody motions will be filed soon or have already been filed?

Not sure if you can say. However, when the In Touch interview came out, I wondered when it was actually given as I believe Jon wouldn't have said anything unless he was very close to filing & had the money to do so. Maybe he just needed a little bit more. Hopefully, his attorneys will be able to make some kind of arrangement like Mr. Tuma did with Jon in exchange in order to be in on the ground floor of writing case law re: the continued exploiatation of minors when one parent is trying to stop it.

That sentence is pretty long . . . hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

Also, if Jon's attorneys are so good, would there be a good chance that TFW might go ahead and agree to whatever Jon asks for in order to avoid the cost of defending herself and publicity?

Mel said...

If you were TFW, wouldn't you wonder why more than one nationally known, highly respected, experienced law firm is signing on to take his case(s) against you???

Wouldn't that take you aback? Wouldn't you think, hmmm, maybe I should re-think what I'm doing?

Nah. Not TFW. She's always right, no never means no, and she WILL ALWAYS WIN!!!)_)(*$%

cathyn518 said...

Admin said:
"Oh thank god. Just was given the name of the firm representing Jon. Highly respected and experienced. Huge national powerhouse. Not Heller. GREAT choice."

Thank God! Best news yet,things are at a crises point now and I think if Jon isn't able to rescue those children there just isn't any hope for them.

Hmmmmm said...

@Kateplusmy8 hey kate. You ever get the boys to the dentist? Nah didn’t think so!

TJ said...

So good to hear he has experienced representation

TLC stinks said...

$300 boots?! For a 13 yr old?! Did she use a COUPON?!!!!!!

marie said...

Good for Jon! I wish him success. Who knew one person could be so evil.


marie said...

Good for Jon! I wish him success. Who knew one person could be so evil

Tucker's Mom said...

She needs to get over herself, be a REAL mother and show some love for her kids which includes recognizing that they have a FATHER who loves them and should be an active participant in their lives.
Kate is so far from that it's not funny. The constant "the 9 of us" is pathological. She keeps trying to sell the world on Jon being dead.
I do know without a doubt that this will come back to bite her when the kids realize how she tried to cut Jon out of their lives, and how she lies and lies and lies about their feelings about their father.

JMO said...

JoyinVirginia said... 57
I will be watching the rest of Couples Therapy with great interest. Maybe Dr. Jen and company did do some good with Jon on a personal level. maybe this has just been a gradual awakening for him. Jon does not have to be afraid of TFMJG. if CT helped him really believe this, and feel capable of taking action, then good for him!
And yes, for the folks who say don't talk about this. It would be great if there were two mature parents who could agree and discuss things reasonably. This is not what is going on. I wish the judge could order mental health family counseling for the entire crew, but we all know TFMJG would find some way to not show up.

I agree- In light of recent events (interviews, etc..), the Judge in this matter should order therapy or some type of intervention for both parents. It is getting ugly and I don't see it slowing down. What I hate about this back and forth the most, is that the kids have to go to school every day, and face the other kids, who apparently are aware of what is going on. The Gosselin kids deserve better.

I still think WOS is a WOS= all about ME, ME, ME and my accessories but these kids have to be mortified by her insane behavior and all of the articles/interviews coming out..

She is like the Energizer Bunny in a very bad way. She is showing no signs of ceasing use of her kids to keep her mug out there. And has pretty much become a national disgrace.

I am dead serious- how does this WOS keep getting interviews on prime time? Something really stinks to high heavens. Or as WOS said on DWTS." I just don't get it.: "

Formerly Duped said...

I think Mady said she didn't do chores as a 'joke' to give Cara something concrete so she could answer a question, too. Kate's idea of prompting. She gave Mady the 'funny' lines and Cara the bland stuff she could handle. 'Dramatic silence' would have fallen flat if Cara said it IMO

Blowing In The Wind said...

Wouldn't that take you aback? Wouldn't you think, hmmm, maybe I should re-think what I'm doing?


I just can't figure out where her mind is. She screwed up by filing the lawsuit, figuring it was a slam dunk because he's never be able to hire a good attorney, and snap, he got Tuma on his side. Wouldn't she learn? But no, then she goes and drags those kids on national television, expecting him to roll over and play dead. Why does she keep on digging her hole deeper and deeper? I've never seen anything like this...someone who just doesn't think ahead what the ramifications might be.

I sometimes wonder if she has some kind of a death wish, or if she's just plain stupid.

Tucker's Mom said...

I wish Paul Peterson would weigh in on Kate parading the twins around for this latest media tour and magazine, and of course, their odd behavior.
Particularly, I'd like his opinion about them saying they'd love to have another show.
Paul Peterson is a heavyweight in the industry and he could help draw attention to this- kind of shame shows that give Kate a platform for this abuse.

AnnieD said...

Tucker's Mom said... 113
If he's as sensitive as Robert says, then he probably takes a lot on his shoulders. I mean, it would make sense given his outbursts at school. I'm betting he was and still is harboring feeling about the divorce.
I think Collin is sensitive and is probably desperately trying to win his mother's approval by staying to do the chores. Kate may also be laying the guilt on him about leaving her. There was an episode when he was much younger where Kate had told the tups not to go past a garden hose or some such thing. Little Collin was on his tricycle and would not cross that line without her permission though he wanted to join the others. He wandered all over the place to find her. She was very dismissive to him when he did find her. I felt bad for him at the time because he was trying so hard to please her.

JMO said... (Administrator) said... 114
Oh thank god. Just was given the name of the firm representing Jon. Highly respected and experienced. Huge national powerhouse. Not Heller. GREAT choice.
Oh thank God! Something has to give here. WOS is so out of control.
Admin- Will keep your dad in my prayers and know he has a great daughter!

Blowing In The Wind said...

but will NOT let them take it when they visit Jon. And Kate knows Jon can not afford to buy the twins expensive stuff. After the View appearance, someone tweeted about one of twins wearing desinger boots that cost over $300.

I wouldn't put too much stock in that. You can buy knock-off boots, or the real deal at discount stores, outlets, for a fraction of the price.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Admin. for passing along the great news. I trust your opinion and am so happy for Jon and the children that they will have great representation.


sparkle said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 110
@kateplusmy8 What happened to the $1,000,000 U withdrew from joint account w/Jon between Feb 2008 & June 2009? Not saying? Should I tell K8?

Never heard Kate took $1 million out of joint account. She made several transfers and took out something like $58,000 which she had to put back.

I don't remember the amount, but Robert did mention in the book that after they moved into the new house, Kate began quietly moving money out of their various accounts into one that was just in her name :( Once again, reaffirming that as soon as she got her flat ass in the manse, she began planning Jon's exit. I will try to locate the exact passage if I can.

JMO said...

TLC stinks said... 126
$300 boots?! For a 13 yr old?! Did she use a COUPON?!!!!!!
Ummm,uhhh, ummmm .......

Yoga pants and jeans needed NOW! NOW!!

Blowing In The Wind said...

DENISE ‏@Mydmaxx 3m
@Kateplusmy8 Are all the Gosselin's staying warm in COLD PA?

Sheeple say the dumbest things. Why, no, duh. The Gosselins are spending the days outside with Shoka in his not-a-heated-house. They're not going to school because the school is heated. They'd rather be outside. During the night, when it reaches minus 30, they snuggle with the chickens in the coop. Pick-A-:Little, Talk-A-Little. Cheep, Cheep Cheep.

JMO said...

Formerly Duped said... 131
I think Mady said she didn't do chores as a 'joke' to give Cara something concrete so she could answer a question, too.

I think Mady got a lot of crap after she said," All I have ever known is work," on CWS and she decided this time to say the opposite, as we all know that WOS gave her a huge earful about that comment.

Blowing In The Wind said...

She will try to file all kinds of law suites against Jon, for everything she can.


I think she'd rather be in an Essex House suite with Steve.

Call Me Crazy said...

Admin - I am so sorry to hear about your Dad's diagnosis. I hope you have many, many more years of sharing good memories with him. Spending time listening to his life stories and collecting family history will be a huge blessing that will help soothe you through some difficult times.

I don't know your Dad, but I feel grateful to him and your Mom for raising such an intelligent and compassionate daughter. Your blog has brought me more hours of enjoyment than I care to admit. You have created a very unusual place of sharing here, where we faceless friends have learned and laughed and debated and gotten frustrated and angry, and kept each other company through this terrible saga that has caused such pain to 8 little children.

Please tell your Dad "thank you" from me. I wish you and your family strength and peace.

PatK said...

Fired Up 4 Kate‏@MiloandJack2 mins
@Kateplusmy8 Everytime we see him he looks like he just walked the #PamperedDogShowRedCarpet :) How is our spoiled 9thGosselin? #KatesBaby



Hey, Milo? shutup shutup shutup ~ Administrator said...

Milo is starting to get way more creepy than funny. You are not on vacation with them, their bird is not your bird, their weather is not your weather!!! Gaa! #shutupshutupshutuuuuup!

NJGal51 said...

Good for Jon!

I wonder if Laverne & Shirley have washed their hands of TFW.

Admin - Good luck with your dad. My thoughts and prayers will be with your family.

Berks Neighbor said...

Here's the entry from Robert's book:

"I came across something very interesting in the Gosselin divorce documents though. I know for a fact that Kate had control of all of the family’s money. Why would that be a problem when they were happy and working together? It wouldn’t be. The problem though, is that once the marriage was on the rocks, Kate still had total control of the money and Jon was at her mercy. This is from a petition filed by Jon’s attorney.  
f. Paragraph 3 – Wife failed to provide a written explanation for the disposition of withdrawals on the Spreadsheet of Accounts created by Husband’s counsel within twenty (20) days of the date of the Award. These withdrawals totaled over $ 1,000,000 between February 2008 and June 2009.  

That’s right about the time that their marriage started to crumble and Kate was moving on with her life. Kate withdrew over one million dollars from the joint accounts without accounting for it to Jon?"

Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 12571-12584). . Kindle Edition.

sparkle said...

Found it!

This is from a petition from Jon's divorce attorney

Paragraph 3 - Wife failed to provide a written explanation for the disposition of withdrawls on the Spreadsheet of Accounts created by husband's counsel within (20) days of the date of the Award. These withdrawls totaled over $1,000,000 between February 2008 and June 2009.

I don't remember reading about this the first time around, Kate kicked Jon out of her bed in June, 2007. The bed in the basement of the E-town house was Jon's. When they moved to the new house, he went straight to the room over the garage.

Serendipity said...

@Kateplusmy8 Chili, Mommy Style from #LoveIsInTheMix minus beans (hubby doesn't like) is on the stove. Warm & Yummy

What in the world is that mess? It looks like pink Gravy Train. If it doesn't have beans, then it's not Kate's Mommy Chili, is it? ~ Administrator said...

Chili without beans lol that's great sheeple.

Lalalalala said...

JMO said... 141
I think Mady got a lot of crap after she said," All I have ever known is work," on CWS and she decided this time to say the opposite, as we all know that WOS gave her a huge earful about that comment.


That's it in a nutshell!
Prayers going out to your dad Admin.

LancasterCountyMom said...

PatK said... 41
Someone tweeted that Kate has copyrighted the name Growing Up Gosselin. Does anyone know how to verify this?
January 23, 2014 at 8:12 AM

Can she do this if someone else thought it up first? See below:

Just My Few Canadian Cents said...
"Aldergator Pie: The Childhood that Wasn't" by Alexis Gosselin

"Two was most certainly enough" by Mady Gosselin

"Together forever: and all other lies my parents told me, before, during and after their Hawaii vow renewal ceremony" by Aaden Gosselin

"Growing up Gosselin" by Cara G.

"My Mother's Favourite" by Hannah Gosselin

"Blowing the Whistle on Child Exploitation" by Leah Gosselin

"A life that's full of s**t: My lifelong struggles with impacted bowels" by Colin Gosselin

"The Not-A-Nanny's Diaries: Life in the Gated Konpound" by the Gosselin nanny, ghost written by Joel Gosselin
10/24/2009 6:22 PM

Serendipity said... (Administrator) said... 150
Chili without beans lol that's great sheeple.


lol!! It reminds of of Dan Conner in Roseanne telling his son that chili represents the three stages of matter -- solid, liquid, and eventually gas.

localyocul said...

Nancy Grace talking about the Gosselins now! NG has trashed Jon in the past. I think she devoted a whole show to him once.

localyocul said...

She will talk about TFW and JG after the Biebs, some chick who tried to hire someone to murder her ex (yikes) and something else.

Serendipity said...

I don't remember reading about this the first time around, Kate kicked Jon out of her bed in June, 2007.


What did you learn that?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

It just hit me why Twitter is the perfect vehicle for TFW. The characters are limited, so she can keep everything short and sweet, and light and breezy. How else could she appear to be so la-di-da
as her house of cards is collapsing around her? She can focus on whatever trivia strikes her fancy, and her minions are thrilled just to have a crumb thrown their way. Oooh, looky here -- a picture of our bird! We can't remember a time before we had him!

Via Twitter, TFW has created the illusion of a relationship with these strangers, who apparently are satisfied with the little she offers them.
But notice that no one has the nerve to ask about that not-a-contest, so it'll just fall by the wayside. Next it'll be...Valentine's Day! Hearts and smiles X8! Then TFW's birthday, complete with funny comments from her kids about how young she still looks! Stay tuned for fun fun fun! Pay no attention to that custody battle behind the curtain...

Serendipity said...

Milo is starting to get way more creepy than funny. You are not on vacation with them, their bird is not your bird, their weather is not your weather!!! Gaa! #shutupshutupshutuuuuup!

...and Kate's bed is not your bed.

Darn it, huh, Milo?

localyocul said... (Administrator) said... 114
Oh thank god. Just was given the name of the firm representing Jon. Highly respected and experienced. Huge national powerhouse. Not Heller. GREAT choice.


Gloria Alred? Nah, maybe for Kate

Over And Out said...

I know we joke about Milo, especially about being Gladys, but you know what...there is something seriously wrong there. She has used this "our" more and more recently. Kate needs not only to hide the bunny, but the dog, fish, bird and children as well. I hope someone has kept screenshots of her Tweets. They might be needed in the future if there's a restraining order filed. I'd be very careful if I were Kate.

I really wonder if Milo could become a danger if ignored. Nothing would surprise me. It's happened before with others who have Celebrity Worship Syndrome.

Over And Out said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 22h Heller rides again.... #JokeAttorney

Well, Milo, old buddy. Guess the joke's on you this time. Heller is not Jon's attorney.

Serendipity said...

But notice that no one has the nerve to ask about that not-a-contest, so it'll just fall by the wayside.


I believe that she has been asked several times about the contest, but more by the non-fans than by the fans.

Kelly said...

KK will never, ever extend the olive branch - even if it's in her best interest. She is incapable of it because of her mental illness. Therapy would not work for her either. Normal remedies need the subject to look inward and evaluate their actions. I hate to be so blunt, but she's a lost cause. Everyone needs to pray that Jon gets primary custody. She literally beat defenseless toddlers. Imagine the HELL those kids will go through when they reach the teen years. It will be WWIII because some of them are bound to mirror their mother. So in essence, she'll be fighting with mini me-s and so will poor Jon.

I do think a lobotomy or EST would help TFW. Who wants to set up the gofundme page?

sparkle said...

Serendipity said... 156
I don't remember reading about this the first time around, Kate kicked Jon out of her bed in June, 2007.


What did you learn that?

While I was looking for the book passage about Kate transferring around money well before the divorce. I've only read the book once and I literally felt numb while reading it. I'm sure I missed alot.

Robert discusses how the Gosselin marriage was toast as far back as 2007. Kate makes mention in her journal that she and Jon had an "important marriage discussion" in their garage- that was April of 2007. Robert also said one of the biggest selling points about the Konpound was the apt. over the garage for Jon.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

PatK said... 41
Someone tweeted that Kate has copyrighted the name Growing Up Gosselin. Does anyone know how to verify this?
January 23, 2014 at 8:12 AM


It would have to be a trademark, not a copyright, since you copyright works and trademark names. I searched the US trademark database and the only thing I can find with Gosselin isn't related to Kate. Growing up Gosselin returns no results at all, so I think that sheeple just had some wool in her eyes.

Unknown said...

Over And Out said... 160
''....I really wonder if Milo could become a danger if ignored. Nothing would surprise me. It's happened before with others who have Celebrity Worship Syndrome.''
I also worry about Milo being a danger. I really REALLY worry about Jon. I worry that she/he will somehow decide that that Jon is causing her beloved WOS too much trouble and do something about it.

Ex Nurse said...

Localyokul said...
Gloria Alred? Nah, maybe for Kate
That was my guess, too. She would be perfect for this.

JMO said...

I don't know what is going on with Colin, but if WOS is keeping him from Jon, for whatever reason, this needs to end ASAP!
How many kids, other than C & M, have to tend to WOS's needs? This is getting absolutely ridiculous, if this is true.

WOS should never ever encourage keeping the boys from their father. This is simply insane, if true. Intervention is clearly needed if this is the case.

localyocul said...

Jon and Kate "nastiest custody battle ever" coming up on NG. Again I'm sure she'll be proKate

AuntieAnn said...

Over And Out said... 160
''....I really wonder if Milo could become a danger if ignored. Nothing would surprise me. It's happened before with others who have Celebrity Worship Syndrome.''


Yeah, that's crossed my mind. She's past creepy.

Maybe we should hang a placard around her neck too.

"Please Don't Feed the Milo"

PatK said...

Ya know...if Milo & her girlfriend Kate have "other ways of communicatin'", then why doesn't Milo use those other ways to convey her words of praise/uplifting quotes/nosey questions to Kate so that the rest of us who read Kate's TL don't have to suffer? ~ Administrator said...

I can say this because apparently it's already public record. Jon's attorneys are the same firm he had several years ago, the law firm Blank Rome. Several years ago Mary Vidas was his attorney. Not sure if it will be her or someone new. This is the one who I understand was able to get him that midweek visit, right of first refusal, and the change in the ridiculous child support order. We did a post on her and everything looked great about her. She's an expert who even teaches at family law conferences. They are good and he's setting everything up to file in the next few weeks. His new home has five bedrooms.

JMO said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 157

I don't use Twitter, but from what I have seen of WOS's twitter account, it is majority twitter bots, a few fans left, and I do mean a few. And people responding to twitter bots, and a lot of rag magazines.

Quite frankly, it is pathetic at best.

localyocul said...

Hmmm Pro Jon Nancy can't believe Kate went on both shows. Wants to know how mad Kate was after the Today Show. Bonnie Fuller (usually pro Jon) says they did then froze and now Jon is suing for custody. Now NG wants to know why just wants the 6. Says it's wrong. Bethany Marshall thinks twins clammed up because they were mad at their mom not because they are frightened. Bonnie Fuller says TFW is looking for reality show. NG mentions the right of first refusal. Now looking at Today Show clip. NG: "OK, yeah. That did not go well." But she thinks it's not grounds for JG to snatch custody away (of course not it's more than that). Courts do not like breaking families apart. Contempt is different (just paraphrasing here). NG says as the children age and they find out the dad wanted the six but not the older two is harmful to the twins.

OK now onto a lady who killed a pregnant woman. YIKES

localyocul said...

Well I must say for someone who was so pro-Jon NG was more reasonable. As Mady would say though she doesn't have the whole story.

gotyournumberKate said...

I've only seen a small part of her so far but I really like Liz. She's not like Kate at all, she's just a no BS kind of person. She seems very nervous on the show which is natural for someone who has never been on TV before. She's a tough girl on the exterior but I'll bet she's a really kind, sweet person. I have a feeling that she's put up with a lot in Jon's situation. I think she's good for Jon and wouldn't be surprised if she's not somewhat behind him having the courage to finally speak up and take control of his kids. CT is going to edit this show to make it look like she's emasculating like Kate. ~ Administrator said...

I know we joke about Milo, especially about being Gladys, but you know what...there is something seriously wrong there.


It's escalating. Oh I know she's always acted part of the family but it usually was only once in awhile she would make a blatant tweet using words like "we" or "our" when it's not WE Milo it's THEM. Now every tweet you would think she's Kate's blighted ovum or something. It's getting really creepy. ~ Administrator said...

"Blowing the Whistle on Child Exploitation" by Leah Gosselin


Ha, good one.

localyocul said... (Administrator) said... 174
"Blowing the Whistle on Child Exploitation" by Leah Gosselin


Ha, good one.


LMAO ~ Administrator said...

I've only seen a small part of her so far but I really like Liz. She's not like Kate at all, she's just a no BS kind of person.


I must be in the minority with you because I liked Liz too. I think she's exactly what Jon needs (other than to just be single for awhile and focus on his custody battle). He needs someone to tell him stop playing victim. I understand he has many reasons to feel victimized and those may be valid but wallowing in it won't help. I liked her way better than Jon and I give her a lot of credit for hanging in there with a man who has massive baggage and I'm not just talking about eight kids.

I have to wonder if Liz may have had a role in convincing him he's got to try for custody one more time.

Then Do Something About It said...

Tucker's Mom said... 93
Making a kid weed who gets poison ivy is cruel. I never had PI until a few years ago, and my reaction was severe. Each time I got it, I wound up on prednisone and antibiotics. It's torture.
Well, then, maybe Jon should have stepped in and showed his child the difference between weeds and poison ivy, rather than complaining months later that his child had poison ivy "all summer."

localyocul said... (Administrator) said... 172
I can say this because apparently it's already public record. Jon's attorneys are the same firm he had several years ago, the law firm Blank Rome. Several years ago Mary Vidas was his attorney. Not sure if it will be her or someone new. This is the one who I understand was able to get him that midweek visit, right of first refusal, and the change in the ridiculous child support order. We did a post on her and everything looked great about her. She's an expert who even teaches at family law conferences. They are good and he's setting everything up to file in the next few weeks. His new home has five bedrooms.


Five bedrooms? Awesome! I guess that's what he "blew his CT money on" as per the sheeple.

localyocul said...

You know, the chances he will get custody are pretty slim but I will bet that this will at least result in more time with Jon and tighter stipulations.

prairiemary said...

I would love for Jon to have Roy Black as his lawyer, can just imagine what he would do to tfw! ~ Administrator said...

Now NG wants to know why just wants the 6. Says it's wrong.


I understand what they're saying but he probably has no chance of getting the twins. They're too old and too estranged and have too much going on to disrupt them. What he's doing is smart. Go for the sextuplets first and see if that can work out. If he can get custody of the kids and things are more stabilized, then he can start working on the twins. Maybe starting some conjoint therapy with them and working on building the damage Kate has done. This really is a baby steps thing. I think it looks better for the judge too not to ask for the moon. What he's asking for is reasonable, especially since Kate is more focused on the twins now anyway. Asking for full custody of the kids when the don't even have regular visits isn't reasonable right now. It may be later.

localyocul said...

Wow. That IS a huge law firm with offices all over the country.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

a know...if Milo & her girlfriend Kate have "other ways of communicatin'", then why doesn't Milo use those other ways to convey her words of praise/uplifting quotes/nosey questions to Kate so that the rest of us who read Kate's TL don't have to suffer?


Yes, really! She has to do it on Twitter because if she did it in their private communicatin, then the rest of the flock wouldn't know how close they are and couldn't gush over her friendship with Kate. She thrives on people thinking that she knows Kate personally, as well as everything that goes on in Kate's house. She needs Twitter to be Kate's faithful mouthpiece ~ Administrator said...

You know, the chances he will get custody are pretty slim but I will bet that this will at least result in more time with Jon and tighter stipulations.


Yes I'm betting the judge will split the baby and give him more time maybe even more time than Kate. I doubt he will get full custody.

However, I don't think it's just about winning custody. I think a lot of it has to do with being able to tell the children someday he at least TRIED. They will need that I think. Even if it doesn't work out, it's good to be able to tell his children Dad did what he could.

AuntieAnn said...

Now every tweet you would think she's Kate's blighted ovum or something.


Mwa ha hahaha!! Good one Admin! ~ Administrator said...

Mwa ha hahaha!! Good one Admin!


Ha, watch someone's going to set up a twitter account @katesblightedovum


localyocul said...

Janes Insane ‏@janesinsane 12m
i can't wait til Kate Gosselin's twins turn 18 & write a book. I hope they've been keeping diaries! @NancyGraceHLN

Sarah Hall ‏@SarahHall83 2m
@NancyGraceHLN both Jon and Kate are horrible examples of divorced parents. Both are alienators and need counseling.

localyocul said... (Administrator) said... 179

You know, the chances he will get custody are pretty slim but I will bet that this will at least result in more time with Jon and tighter stipulations.


Yes I'm betting the judge will split the baby and give him more time maybe even more time than Kate. I doubt he will get full custody.

However, I don't think it's just about winning custody. I think a lot of it has to do with being able to tell the children someday he at least TRIED. They will need that I think. Even if it doesn't work out, it's good to be able to tell his children Dad did what he could.


Yes, I agree. I

rainbowsandunicorns said...

I also worry about Milo being a danger. I really REALLY worry about Jon. I worry that she/he will somehow decide that that Jon is causing her beloved WOS too much trouble and do something about it.


What's really a concern is that we don't know who or what it is. Is this someone who lives in the Deep South, a fifty-something woman with a degenerative illness who is the parent of two teens? If so, I can't imagine her physically going after Jon. However, if this is someone who is not as she says, perhaps a catfisher who would have access to the Gosselins, especially Jon, then yes, there might be a danger there. Problem is...we just don't know what this person is capable of.doing simply because it's not known who it is.

sparkle said...

Over And Out said... 160
I know we joke about Milo, especially about being Gladys, but you know what...there is something seriously wrong there. She has used this "our" more and more recently. Kate needs not only to hide the bunny, but the dog, fish, bird and children as well. I hope someone has kept screenshots of her Tweets. They might be needed in the future if there's a restraining order filed. I'd be very careful if I were Kate.

I really wonder if Milo could become a danger if ignored. Nothing would surprise me. It's happened before with others who have Celebrity Worship Syndrome.

I think Milo is the fake or paid tweeter Robert hinted at back in November. She/he/it is just way too over the top. She/he/it lacks a back story. Too vague. Something has not smelled right with this individual from the start. Beginning with her @name. FiredUpForKate. This person got on twitter just to support Kate? None of the other sheeple have Kate in their handles, I don't think.

This ... thing seems to love and adore Kate as much as Kate loves Kate. What is very telling to me is how it always pushes Kate's financial interests so feverishly. It is way too obsessed with Kate's body. And it is extremely hateful about Jon, although not as bad as Goody. These happen to be the same things that Kate just loves!! She loves talking about how hot (she thinks) she is, she loves money and most of all, she loves to hate Jon.

I am convinced Milo is the faker and I wish that Robert would just reveal this one. What could Kate do to him? Sue him for exposing her fake twitterer? Throw us a bone Robert! Please!!

JMO said...

Admin 172- I really hope that this law firm can address visitation (the boys need to see Jon), the brainwashing and alienation (C&M), and all of the damage WOS has caused these kids in her egomaniac need to be "the best parent ever." It really is quite sick.

Jon should also try to engage his boys in events they have an interest in and pay for same, if need be. This would be great bonding moments for him and his boys. I think with 8 kids, he needs to start somewhere before it is too late.

Jenna said...

LOL Admin, there has been a Twitter account called HerBlightedOvum or KatesBlightedOvem for quite awhile. It pops up about twice a year. ~ Administrator said...

It's so hard to respect Nancy Grace when she pulls crap like this interview with Elizabeth Smart:

I'm glad she's somewhat coming around about Jon. But she was a big sheeple and just goes to show that her priorities are not being respectful of others or putting people's feelings first much less over something that happened to a child. She was grilling a barely adult about kidnapping and sexual abuse that occurred when Elizabeth was a child, even when Elizabeth asked her to please stop. I doubt someone like this really cares about what's best for the young Gosselin kids.

localyocul said...

Jon calls his marriage to Kate a "business transaction". He mentions the sticky notes LOL ~ Administrator said...

It pops up about twice a year.


Ha! I'm surprised it doesn't pop up once every 29 days!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... (Administrator) said-172

Great news!! Sounds like Jon's been working on a plan for a while now. Five bedroom house, excellent law firm, money in the bank from CT.

Hey Kate, Jon hasn't been quiet because he's a wuss. He's been getting his ducks in order.

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