Thursday, January 2, 2014

Discussion Thread: Couples Therapy episode 1, 'Therapy Begins'

Jon and his girlfriend Liz are on the popular VH1 reality show tonight. Check local listings.

968 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tucker's Mom said...

AuntieAnn said... 195
rainbowsandunicorns said... 189

I've been doing the cacciatore for some time and I've added different things to it, depending upon what I have on hand.


And I'll bet a hundred bucks you've never added snowpeas OR string beans.
I can kind of sort of see the string beans, but the snow peas is barfable.

Over In TFW's County said...


Update on my outside kitties, for those who were interested in my saga and gave me such good advice.

After a sleepless night last night, wondering if I should get a heated cat shelter, electric blankets, or what, I called my vet. He suggested I bring them inside, and if HE said that the cats were in danger of not surviving outside, then I knew it was urgent. He said as long as I kept them "quarantined" and away from other pets, everything will be fine. That's what I'm doing.

So, we emergency de-fleaed them and I set up the spare room for them with a very warm fur blanket, some boxes with pillows, a litter box (one went in it right away), their food and water, and a perch to look outside. There was no resistence at all to coming inside, which was surprising. Even the dog barking didn't spook them. I just checked on them, and they seem to be very happy, sleeping by the heating vent. Even the garage is too cold in this brutal weather. After watching a report on the news about bringing all animals inside, I knew I had to do what I had to do. Windchills are going to be minus 30 tonight, with a high of only 6 tomorrow. I have never known it to be this cold. Ever.

I got some catnip toys for them, which I they were batting around. No, I am NOT going to give in and make them permanent inside cats. At least I don't think so. Well, maybe...

Over In TFW's County said...

Personally, I'm in the camp thinking the G8 aren't likely to see or hear about Jon's comments on CT (at least, not if both parents are doing their job) but those pics in the cookbook were really humiliating. JMO


I don't think that one can keep that quiet, especially if their mother gets very angry with him and tries to alienate them from him. I would certainly hope that she doesn't throw it up in conversation, either deliberately, or just lets it slip unintentionally..."look what your father did, that no-good _____"
I hope I am wrong.

Tucker's Mom said...

LeeLee said... 196
You're not alone in thinking that. Kate was apparently on a rampage that evening and probably the next day. She TOLD Jon and Robert she'd throw away anything and everything that was left in the apartment, so yeah, it could have been a golden opportunity.
I have no sympathy for Kate, and do not blame Jon if he could foresee this happening but did nothing.
If it were me, I'd want the world to know all about the smoke and mirrors, including and especially the physical abuse of the children.
I LOVE that there is proof of what a liar Kate is. Specifically, look at the total bs she wrote on The Stir about potty training. Lies, lies, lies, as Jon's shirt aptly pointed out.
I just wish Robert would release the second book. Sigh.

Over In TFW's County said...

Would you leave your charges in his care for a weekend?


Yup, wouldn't hesitate. I have seen zero evidence of him being abusive to children. I wouldn't leave them with her for 5 minutes.


I'd leave mine with him for a week, as long as he takes them to "his" restaurant for a good dinner every night and invites me to go along.

Seriously, I'd have no problem leaving them with him, and I'm the biggest Mama Grizzly ever.

Call Me Crazy said...

OrangeCrusher1 ... 197

Thank you so much for the information. I really appreciate it.

Tucker's Mom said...

LeeLee said... 199
I agree with your points, but I do think the kids will see Jon on CT. I just don't know how in the world they wouldn't. Not amount of policing will stop them from finding out.
If Mady snuck downstairs to watch Kendra shacked up with 2 other woman and a wrinkly-balled millionaire, she surely can catch the late late showing of CT.

Over In TFW's County said...

Every Saturday I head out early to do grocery shopping and usually pick up a roast or other large piece of meat (sometimes a tri-tip if on sale).


Millicent, sounds wonderful. What cut of meat do you use? I'm using eye roasts and they are not getting as tender as I like.

Tucker's Mom said...

Over In TFW's County said... 2
God bless your kind heart! Thanks for the update. Those kitties are very lucky.
I've got a heated water bowl out and the little critters are going to need it tomorrow- might be record-breaking cold here.

handinhand said...

I just want to clarify in case I didn't express myself as I intended.
I don't think Jon is abusive.
I simply think he's in a zone of "if it feels good, do it".
He showed poor judgement, imo, with that Philly reporter. Whether that interview was just an aberrant blip or a way of life for him is open to interpretation. With so little known about what he truly does privately (as it should be) it's hard to say for sure. And because there is so little known about his lifestyle, I asked the question. Given what we now know, would you leave your kids with him for a weekend. Not because I think he's abusive. On the contrary, I've little doubt that he loves his kids, that the kids know that and that he wants the best for them.
Sticking his toe back into the vortex of celebrity invites along with that public commentary. With his experience in this arena, I'm surprised he didn't give a better interview or pick a better project than CT.

Ex Nurse said...

Jon has said that he has no rules for the kids when they visit. And, I doubt he bothers to put away his beer cap collection. He has said they they have unrestricted access to the internet. If his parenting is all about not being TFW, then this is not really parenting at all. I agree that he is a loving parent, but kids need healthy boundaries and freedom to make mistakes, and feel the consequences. Since they are free to use Google, they will certainly know about CT. Since Liz said (in a clip) that he moved someone else in, then they would be aware of that. So, I strongly disagree that Jon's lifestyle choices are not affecting his parenting.

Tucker's Mom said...

Over In TFW's County said... 2
God bless your kind heart! Thanks for the update. Those kitties are very lucky.
I've got a heated water bowl out and the little critters are going to need it tomorrow- might be record-breaking cold here.

Over In TFW's County said...

It's not "public knowledge." The $250,000 per episode figure is rumor, not fact. The rest of the story you pieced together is heavily laced with your own personal spin.


It seems like you post with a chip on your shoulder. Why the attitude?

Tucker's Mom said...

Millicent, sounds wonderful. What cut of meat do you use? I'm using eye roasts and they are not getting as tender as I like.
Eye isn't really a braising cut, if that's how your cooking it (low and slow). For that, you need chuck or brisket. ~ Administrator said...

Oh for Pete sake Ex Nurse. Welcome back lol. Jon didn't say the kids have no Internet restrictions. He said he's not stupid and he knows how easy it is for kids to google things. He is right, it is hard to hide things from your kids these days because of the pervasive Internet. He was being REALISTIC about the realities of kids today, not intentionally lax.

I don't recall him ever saying he has no rules for his children. I recall him saying that they could be more carefree away from Kate. If he sounded hyperbolic, whatever. Less regiment is a good thing. Their regiment made Kendra CRY. Their clothes were nearly hanging, their fishing poles neatly stacked, the house neat and clean, surely they have some expectations of what is expected of them. I doubt Jon has the time to go around cleaning up after eight kids without their help.

I don't like what he is doing on TV but the bending, twisting and distorting of everything else is too much, although predictable.

Tucker's Mom said...

Since Liz said (in a clip) that he moved someone else in, then they would be aware of that. So, I strongly disagree that Jon's lifestyle choices are not affecting his parenting.
That really surprised me. Gawd, Jon moves quickly. Personally, I don't like the idea of moving your lover into your home where your kids are. ~ Administrator said...

Oh and I saw a photo of them waiting patiently in line for frozen yogurt with Jon, quietly studying the menu with daddy. Whatever he is doing with them, they are polite and appropriate in public and that is more than can be said of a lot of kids these days.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jon has few rules, but that doesn't mean the kids are allowed to run around like hooligans.
Agree, Admin, Kendra's crying said it all.

Formerly Duped said...

Over In TFW's County said... 2

I agree, you are very kind-hearted. ..maybe this cold weather snap is an indication they should be indoor

lukebandit said...

The said on the news that Minot, MN was colder than the Antarctic right now. That is crazy! I just checked. At 5pm Minot, MN was -8 F and Antarctica was -9 F. Pretty close.

TFW couldn't care less if a National Football Championship game is on tv tonight or not! Even though I am an old school Alabama Bear Bryant girl, I hope Auburn beats FSU!!!

Alabama (3 wins), Auburn (1 win) have been National Football Champs since 2009. Now Auburn has a chance now to make it 5! To have 2 colleges in the same state to be NFC 4 possibly 5 is just fantastic!

IIRC, Robert said that he had been going through TFW's trash all along before finding her journals. IMO, he finally hit the mother lode.

The box and receipt of the med for her to ovulate, the abuse of the kids and animals, pictures, some may be very damning, pictures of her with that hard plastic pipe she beat the kids with, and much more.

He needs to either pull the trigger on the book or put it back into the holster. After supporting him all this time and hoping and praying that justice would be carried out for those precious kids and nothing, just nothing since it was pulled for TLC's copyrighted contracts only, not because of what TFW wrote in her journal. ~ Administrator said...

Not every parent feels they need a million rules to parent properly either.

General rules like respect yourself, dad and your siblings covers just about everything. These are the chores and we all pitch in equally until they were done then it's time to play, cuddle with the dog, etc. Not every kid responds well to being bogged down with all the nitpicking Kate loves. How In the world CT got interpreted as Jon provides a bad home life for his kids is beyond me.

Jumping In said...

Jon may be the better parent, but it doesn't mean he is exempt from making poor choices. He may not be the parent exploiting his children, but he will soon be embarrassing them with what looks like questionable behaviour on Couples Therapy. Athough he says he signed on for "free therapy", obviously he did this show for the money, while getting back at Kate at the same time. Sure, he needs the income and a chance to tell his side of the story, but this just seems to highlight his immaturity and lack of good judgement.

So, is it irony that Jon has been exploited himself on a reality television show, or; did he jump in willingly, knowing it was trash and just took the money? Either way, his kids will feel the effects of this, while providing another platform for Kate to stage a rebuttal tour. It is a vicious circle with these two, and the kids just keep going through the wringer of dysfunction.

lukebandit said...

Here is to the poster asking about Beverly Blvd.

Here is some info about Beverly Blvd. If it were me, I would call the police station's non-emergency phone number and ask for information.

Layla said...

Over in TFW's County (2)
You are so kind to hep those poor cats. They won't know it, but they will probably owe their survival to you.
My cat won't set foot outside in this cold. She normally likes to go out when the dogs go out. She sits on the back steps while they do their business or just play, and then moews at them when she decides it's time to come in. They come running when they hear her, but if one of them lags, she will bat him (or her) in the face to show her displeasure. She doesn't appreciate the recent cold weather, however, so she sits inside and watches them through the sliding glass doors. When they head back for the doors, she will turn and meow at me so I know they are ready to be let in. She cracks me up.
We were worried about all the birds in this cold. We have a bird feeder, but the kids went out and scattered birdseed all over the yard. We can't do much about the cold, but we can keep them from going hungry.

Sheri said...

LeeLee said...(199)

"Jon going on CT is unfortunate, and I feel a little duped by the past 2+ years of Jon laying low, devoting himself to being a regular, working dad while speaking out against reality tv. He made some really positive gains with his public image, had begun to widely shed the Ed Hardy reputation. CT lays waste to all those good intentions. However, as others have noted, lots of celebs with kids do a raunchy interview, movie/show or interview from time to time. Diligent parenting can absolutely ensure the children aren't forever scarred by something like this.
The fact that the kids themselves are celebrities may be a factor, sure, but I still feel that I'd much prefer either parent working on their own merit, even tacky crap like CT, than to continue to use the kids. Personally, I'm in the camp thinking the G8 aren't likely to see or hear about Jon's comments on CT (at least, not if both parents are doing their job) but those pics in the cookbook were really humiliating. JMO


You had me right up until the "I still feel that I'd much prefer either parent working on their own merit, even tacky crap like CT, than to continue to use the kids."

How are they not using their kids? Their kids are the only reason either of them get any press at all.

So, the kids' photos in a cookbook are humiliating but their father going on prime time t.v. to work out his issues is not?

How is Jon Gosselin getting work on a "tacky reality show" done by his own merit? He got the job because he is Jon Gosselin, FORMER reality star of J&K Plus 8 fame.

No offense intended at all but I laughed out loud at...

"Diligent parenting can absolutely ensure the children aren't forever scarred by something like this."

Which parent do you think is going to be diligent about this?

The one who signed them up for Celebrity Wife Swap or the one who just did a stint on Couples Therapy?

No amount of diligence is going to keep their kids from someday seeing all of this on the internet.

And I'm being passionate not antagonistic.

WalktheTalk said...

Over In TFW's County said... I came in today just to see how the kitty saga was going. Animal lover here, especially kitties. I have two and their spoiled rotten. We also take care of the local baby raccoons when all the mommas bring them by in the cold to eat. It's been cold even here in the Seattle area.

Layla said...

Nor Factual (187)
I also don[t believe that Kate made $250,000 per episode. Jon and Kate together were widely reported by many sources to have paid them several times what they actually made. Kate has denied that she made $250,000. I just don't see why, if TLC paid Jon and Kate together only $22,500, they would suddenly decide to pay Kate 11 times that amount. This when they didn't know if she could even carry the show by herself. And after a few episodes, it was clear that the show wouldn't be pulling in huge numbers. It just wouldn't make any sense, from a business perspective.

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 16
Not every parent feels they need a million rules to parent properly either.
What really bothered me watching Katie at Kate's is that Kate takes all the credit and glory for that laminated chore list. It's not about giving credit to the kids who seemingly cooperate fully and willingly, it's all about how wonderful Kate's mothering is.
Those kids do a boatload of chores and don't bellyache. But can Kate manage to let them shine, and talk about how helpful they are? Nope.
She just implies that all hell would break loose if she let them up from under her manicured thumbs for one moment.

AuntieAnn said...

TFW's County,

If I could I'd hug you right now. Thank you dear soul for what you're doing for those kitties. And everyone else who thinks of the outside animals, thank you too. It warms my heart to know you kind people.

May said...

Millicent, sounds wonderful. What cut of meat do you use? I'm using eye roasts and they are not getting as tender as I like.
Not to be a buttinski, but I discovered a great way to prepare an eye roast. I coat it with dijon mustard and peppercorns. Place on a rack in a 400 degree oven for about one hour. The outside becomes crisp and sears in the flavors. The inside stays very medium rare. After removing from oven it does continue to cook so just be careful you don't leave it in too long. A good horseradish sauce goes well with this meat.

Anonymous said...

handinhand said... 192

Whoa...who said anything about abusive?


I did. I didn't mean to imply that you were implying...

I was talking about their mother.


AuntieAnn said...

I still like how Bethenny told Kate not to bullshit her on the money. She said she knew what was to be made in reality tv and Kate choked and said oh no it's not what you've read. Sure Kate. It's probably double that. Cut the bs.

Jon said she's sitting on a pile of money too. Kate is greedy, that's her biggest problem. One of them anyway. ~ Administrator said...

The way she's kept up a posh lifestyle is the biggest indicator she made buckets and buckets of money off her kids. The bank wouldn't let her keep her house and three cars if she couldn't back it up with real numbers. This isn't 2007 anymore and you better be able to prove you can afford such things to the bank.

Unknown said... (Administrator) said... 16
''Not every parent feels they need a million rules to parent properly either.''
You are so right. In the interview Jon gave on 7/22/13, he was talking about rules at his house and said:
''They have to put their clothes away and they have to fold their laundry. My two rules are pick up after yourself and don’t jump on the furniture. That’s pretty much it.''

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

ukebandit said... 22
Here is to the poster asking about Beverly Blvd.

Here is some info about Beverly Blvd. If it were me, I would call the police station's non-emergency phone number and ask for information.

Thanks for that link, lukebandit. Brings back memories. We used to love Tommy Burgers. My brother lived out that way and that's where we'd eat when we visited.

Over In TFW's County said...

If I could I'd hug you right now. Thank you dear soul for what you're doing for those kitties. And everyone else who thinks of the outside animals, thank you too. It warms my heart to know you kind people.


Aw, Auntie. I'll take a hug from you! lol! If you get over here in our neck of the woods, all of us locals will have to get together with that big keg of rumspringa! I could also give you a cat to take along home with you!

The kitties are so happy that they are actually purring. I just checked on them, and I thought I saw them smiling. Momma Cat rolled over and wanted her tummy rubbed, and she was using the litter box! At least I'll be able to sleep tonight just knowing that they aren't outside in this brutal weather. They are, however, using one of the good faux fur throws, but it was the only thing I had handy! I almost couldn't find the cat because she's the same color as the blanket and she all snuggled up in it. For cats that have never been inside a house, they certainly are adapting quite well. They make no attempt to escape when I open the door to the room.

Stay safe and warm, everyone. We aren't used to weather like this, and I hope never to see it again any time soon. Schools tomorrow are delayed or cancelled. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that the cars will start, even though they're in the garage.

May (29)...I'm going to try your eye roast idea. I like when the outside crisps up. Never thought to do a mustard rub!

Question said...

Is masturbating bad? My child is taking sex-ed in 9th grade and they are not to talk about homosexuality, same-sex sex or masturbation. What century are we in?

Greedy Gosselins said...

Jon going on CT is unfortunate, and I feel a little duped by the past 2+ years of Jon laying low, devoting himself to being a regular, working dad while speaking out against reality tv. He made some really positive gains with his public image, had begun to widely shed the Ed Hardy reputation. CT lays waste to all those good intentions.

- Yes, yes and yes. The guy's an idiot at best.

Over In TFW's County said...

You had me right up until the "I still feel that I'd much prefer either parent working on their own merit, even tacky crap like CT, than to continue to use the kids."

How are they not using their kids? Their kids are the only reason either of them get any press at all.

So, the kids' photos in a cookbook are humiliating but their father going on prime time t.v. to work out his issues is not?


Yes, the kids are being used, maybe not directly, but I agree it's because of them that both parents got a show. Reality show by Munchausen? I don't know what you call it, but clearly, the kids are involved even though they are not being filmed. Only time will tell the effect this will have on them, and how much they will be told about it (or find out on their own). The kids aren't living in a vacuum.

Mary said...

He has said they they have unrestricted access to the internet

I thought he had no internet?

Not clutching my pearls said...

I happen to think that Jon's decision to do CT was misguided for many reasons. One of them is that I believe that anyone who signs up for a Reality TV show must be narcissistic, dim-witted and masochistic. Another is that over-sharing and stupidity seems to be a norm for Reality TV, which seems to be getting increasinglt tacky.

Having said that I'm rather astonished by the pearl-clutching here about masturbation. The G kids (even the 9 year old sextuplets) are due for a sex talk. I hope that most parents these days tell their children that masturbation is not dirty or wrong, but a normal activity which will not cause them to go blind or grow hairs on the palms of their hands.

LeeLee said...

Lukebandit, 19
I don't remember reading that Robert made a habit of checking the Gosselin trash, but that certainly gives credence to his version. I was really just playing devils advocate a bit there.

Sheri, 24
Your welcome for the laugh, lol. I'm not about to stand up in support of Jon or Kate being good parents at this point, but I have seen them pull off some major truth interference on those kiddos (fake Christmas and fake vow renewal come to mind). I'm also not suggesting that the kids will never hear of it either. Let's say I am arrested as a suspected old lady mugger and the local news channels, websites and papers are all making me out to be guilty and evil. You better believe that my very internet savvy kids will be shielded at all costs from seeing that stuff, and that my husband and I will sit them down and discuss with them all they need to know, from our side. I believe both j & k have been doing this for years. Do you think they haven't given the kids the "if it didn't come from us it's not true" speech? Or the "it's the realest reality tv show, except for all the editing" speech?
If they are on the same page, unlikely I know, they do have the ability to both shield and influence their own kids perception of them. Otherwise, some of those kids would surely have read about the book, the suspected abuse, exploitation, laws passed in their names, affairs, etc. I hope j&k are still capable of shielding them from all that. ~ Administrator said...

You are so right. In the interview Jon gave on 7/22/13, he was talking about rules at his house and said:
''They have to put their clothes away and they have to fold their laundry. My two rules are pick up after yourself and don’t jump on the furniture. That’s pretty much it.''


Right and pick up after yourself can include a heck of a lot of stuff, including meal clean up, play clean up and general house maintenance.

I don't take his comment that literally. The point he was making was clear. He tries to keep it simple. He does not bog down the children with a bunch of rules and chores. They are children, not housekeepers.

I don't require parents to do everything I do to be "good" parents. One parent might do better with more structure, one child might want more structure, while other children may thrive on being given more freedom and houses might run more smoothly that way. The kids were at first a bit taken aback by the freedom Kendra gave them, but they quickly adjusted and thrived. They were happy. These kids would do just fine with a little more freedom and have. The kids have plenty of choring. They don't lack for chores. There is no reason that shouldn't be simplified at Jon's. If your parenting style works for your family, is not emotionally or otherwise abusive (as so many of Kate's mind games are), and the kids thrive, then have at it.

Also, his house is a lot smaller. When you downsize and live within your means, not only does your wallet benefit but the chores list and rules list suddenly gets shorter. We grew up in a very small house and it was always pretty clean. With that size house, it was easy to get it all squared away within a few hours and you're done. At times it might have been nice to have a small space. My home now is only 1,000 square feet but it's an open floor plan. I guess I could probably afford more, but we recognize that with more house includes more responsibilities and I don't want any family member having to do hours upon hours of choring every day because I felt like getting a McMansion. I like how easy it is to maintain. I like how this frees up time for more important things. I like how long lists of rules and regulations are not necessary to keep this particular house running.

Over In TFW's County said...

Jon has said that he has no rules for the kids when they visit. And, I doubt he bothers to put away his beer cap collection.


He didn't say that they have no rules, and he didn't say that there are no internet restrictions. In fact, I thought he said that he didn't have a computer. So if he has some beer caps in a bowl he's a bad father, the kids run wild like they're in a fraternity house, with no rules, no guidelines, spending the weekend with a beer guzzling, lazy father who takes them nowhere and lets them tear the house apart? Good grief.

I don't agree with his choosing to do the show. I wonder if he even thought this through, considering that this may, over time, affect these kids. That doesn't mean, however, that his parenting skills are nil when he's with them. ~ Administrator said...

I don't think masturbation is wrong either. We know better now. I think it is private. The problem is when you pearl clutch too tightly around privacy it can be misinterpreted as there is something dirty or shameful about it. IF the children even hear about what was discussed, the problem is they may interpret other's reactions as just that--it's something that is dirty or shameful. When really most of the reactions are how appalling it is that it is not private. That is not the way such things should be framed for them. Same goes for sex and everything else personal discussed. They may mistake outrage over things that should be sacred, with shame. They are too young to understand the difference. ~ Administrator said...

the kids run wild


Yes really. Wild children!

I have never seen the children wild in any pics or video of them with Jon, except when they first see him and are running to him.

The few photos Liz posted some time back showed these kids as calm and relaxed as I have ever seen. They seem peaceful at Jon's. Their artwork also reflects peaceful, calm kids.

If your kids are being calm and peaceful and behaving, why in the world would you bog them down with a bunch of rules? Good kids deserve a little more respect than that. ~ Administrator said...

I remember when Jon said that I interpreted that as sort of a knock at Kate.

If I recall that comment was in response to some latest bad behavior from Kate (maybe she made a comment about them not having the internet unless she was there??? Can't remember) and Jon was saying look if you think none of this matters because our kids don't see this stuff you're living in a fantasy world. They HAVE internet they know how to google they're not STUPID. As I recall, some even interpreted this as sneaking onto smartphones or the internet at friends or at Kate's.

He said absolutely nothing about having uninhibited access to internet when they were with him.

The way I saw that comment, I thought Jon was far more realistic and in touch with 13 year olds today than Kate. He lives in this world, not outer space. And that's an important first step in good parenting.

LeeLee said...

If your kids are being calm and peaceful and behaving, why in the world would you bog them down with a bunch of rules? Good kids deserve a little more respect than that.

Words to parent by. Very nice, Admin.

Over in TFW's County,
Enjoying the kitty updates, and wonderful of you for inviting them in.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

We keep our wine corks in glass containers on our counter. We do not put them away when our grandchildren visit. This fixation on a bowl of beer bottle caps as a reflection of good/bad parenting is ridiculous. ~ Administrator said...

Kate could easily ask the judge for an order he is not to consume alcohol when he is with his children. These are as common as apple pie. I've never heard she asked for such a thing. It would go both ways, and I'm betting she wants her glass of wine to drown her sorrows.

I watched a parent for years get a pass for practically passing out drunk every night by 730 because it was "just wine" so they're not "really" an alcoholic. They WERE and from what I've heard have still not gotten help and are still passing out drunk every night. It is not any more or less dangerous just because it's cheap beer. I stand by my comment the bottle caps seem a little much, but lots of adults hang onto things other people aren't into, it has nothing to do with their parenting. Is this any different than family friends of mine who collect old alcohol signs? Budweiser and the like. They are by no stretch of the imagination drunks and they are wonderful parents to their child who is genius level. His father was a respected correspondent for ABC for years, you would know him.

TFW could also ask the judge to order alcohol testing. Never heard that happened either. There is a family law judge involved here who is always supposed to be aware of what role alcohol may be playing in the family, and knowing Kate I'm sure we'd hear all about it if drinking was an issue when either of them are with their children. Until then, we're making baseless, and quite frankly unfair leaps. As TFW County said, even with all this going on, it does not prove he has no parenting skills while on the job. A judge, rightly so, it's not going to tell a parent they can't drink when they are not with their children unless they're a proven alcoholic who should always be sober. Until someone can scrounge up evidence of that for court, Jon can do what he likes when he's not with his children. He is not a child and in our country, thank God, courts are not supposed to tell people how to parent unless the children are truly in danger.

Anonymous said...

I also don[t believe that Kate made $250,000 per episode.
This is why I believe it. Jon and Kate Plus 8 made hundreds of millions off of Jon and Kate Plus 8 through the years. Think of how much money that is off of one lousy 1/2 hour TV reality show. And the $22,500 per episode or even $75,000 per episode was very low pay to be split 10 ways. (I know the money was not "officially spilt" that way but I think you know what I mean). The $250,000 was for 9 stars of the show. TLC knew that Kate was scheduled to do DWTS right before this Kate Plus 8 was to air. And TLC knew Kate would do a lot of mainstream programs like Jay Leno, Good Morning America, Jimmy Kimmel, etc. She was the face of TLC and they knew it back then. Kate wasn't just another reality star for them. TLC went out of their way to sue Jon so they could continue to film the kids. They wanted them that bad. They even apparently tried all kinds of things for a long time to get another TV show from Kate called Twist of Kate. She was their shining star out promoting TLC. That is hugh and Kate knew that too..They wanted Kate and the kids and I feel certain Kate played hardball with them. I don't blame her. The free advertising alone that Kate did by mentioning Kate Plus 8 and Twist of Kate on DWTS was gold for TLC. And being introduced as Kate from Jon and Kate Plus 8 from TLC was money for them. Not to mention she was on 2 People magazine covers during that short period. More free advertising for TLC courtesy of Kate.

And Kate Plus 8 was originally suppose only a few specials a year when it came out. If you read the press releases it was not going to be a weekly program. SO this $250,000 per hour episode was not suppose to be every week as thought of when she signed the contract. The ratings must have not been that bad in the beginning because TLC sure did increase the amount of episodes.

But bottom line, just like Admin. said, the proof is in how Kate is living and will continue to live. The super expensive schools, the very super expensive to maintain house, the 3 cars, the plastic surgery, etc. She is not living off of the split $22,500 from J&K Plus 8 nor her books. She had to been making huge bucks from Kate Plus 8. That is why she is much, much richer than Jon. Sure Jon blew money on high rent in NY and expensive cars, etc. but the majority of Kate's millions was from 2010-2011. So what if TLC paid her $250,000 an episode. Was she not worth a few mere million in salary they were earning lots and lots of millions off of her and also getting free advertising for their network,

Blowing In The Wind said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 21m
@Kateplusmy8 Mediocrity that Kate referred to was abt a state of mind of just not wanting 2better oneself..not having any goals/aspirations.

Milo wins the Spinner of the Year award. I remember Kate referred to Jon's JOB as mediocre...she didn't say anything, nor did she imply anything about a state of mind.

If I were Kate, and even if Milo defended me to the ends of the earth, I would be pi$$ed as heck to have her speak for me. I'd end that pretty darn fast. Enough is enough, and that's crossing the boundaries of fandom.

Greedy Gosselins said...

The problem is when you pearl clutch too tightly around privacy it can be misinterpreted as there is something dirty or shameful about it. IF the children even hear about what was discussed, the problem is they may interpret other's reactions as just that--it's something that is dirty or shameful. When really most of the reactions are how appalling it is that it is not private. That is not the way such things should be framed for them. __________________________________

Yet if Jon didn't bring it up in the FIRST place, this wouldn't even BE an issue. ~ Administrator said...

For you maybe, Pensive. Not in our house it hasn't. ~ Administrator said...

Yet if Jon didn't bring it up in the FIRST place, this wouldn't even BE an issue.


Of course, but that's been discussed to death. People are making good points that I don't want to just dismiss as 'well Jon just shouldn't have done that in the first place.'

Blowing In The Wind said...

I don't think masturbation is wrong either. We know better now. I think it is private. The problem is when you pearl clutch too tightly around privacy it can be misinterpreted as there is something dirty or shameful about it. IF the children even hear about what was discussed, the problem is they may interpret other's reactions as just that--it's something that is dirty or shameful. When really most of the reactions are how appalling it is that it is not private.


Agree, but as kids, you never think of your parents doing that. In fact, you never want to believe that they have sex, either. They are your parents! ;) I think that's what would affect them...not only that this was made public, but the fact that it was their father. ~ Administrator said...

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 21m
@Kateplusmy8 Mediocrity that Kate referred to was abt a state of mind of just not wanting 2better oneself..not having any goals/aspirations.


Nope, sure wasn't Milo. Look at the context of the mediocrity quote. She was talking directly about how she needed to put the children and herself on reality T.V. to make buckets more of money, and that Jon didn't want to do this and was therefore content with not having buckets of money, or being "mediocre". And she felt his choice did not measure up. Not much other way to spin it. It was a terribly hurtful comment to the millions of parents who raise their children just fine on very limited amounts of money, and an awful slam at parents who chose not to live in the public eye or chase after the dollar. As if they are not doing "enough" for their children. It was an elitist, have and have not comment that she should have apologized for. She even explained the comment later saying that what she meant was that T.V. provides a better lifestyle for the kids than "nursing" would--effectively solidifying her awful comment and insulting nurses directly to boot! ~ Administrator said...

I agree with Leslie. A good manager could EASILY ask for 250 million during the last season or two. The show at that point had made something like 50 million for TLC. This was unchartered territory for TLC and a manager held the cards. Any good manager could get 250 out of that in a renegotiation. If they couldn't, they should be fired. 250 will add up real quick even if it were only a few seasons. If she were smart and invested it, with the past couple decent years we've had in the stock market, especially 2013's 30%, it makes a lot more sense how rich she lives.

Call Me Crazy said...

Over In TFW's County - Bless your kind soul. You may just have saved some little kitty lives with your kindness.

lukebandit - Thank you for the link to the Wiki entry about Beverly Boulevard and your suggestion. Much appreciated.

May 29 - Your eye roast sounds delicious. I don't enjoy cooking much, but I think I will give this a try. Thanks!

Tucker's Mom said...

t was an elitist, have and have not comment that she should have apologized for. She even explained the comment later saying that what she meant was that T.V. provides a better lifestyle for the kids than "nursing" would--effectively solidifying her awful comment and insulting nurses directly to boot!
How that comment didn't end what's left of her "career" is beyond me. It was insulting to the working moms and dads all over America.
Calling a middle class lifestyle mediocre was beyond the pale.

Tucker's Mom said...

She was talking directly about how she needed to put the children and herself on reality T.V. to make buckets more of money
Kate had to audacity to sit there, serious as can be, and basically say that she needs to be given another tv gig so she can spoil her children, because that's the lifestyle they've become used to living.
It was so entitled I can't believe Matt Lauer didn't fall off his chair.

url/URL said...

Until then, we're making baseless, and quite frankly unfair leaps.((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

But the same leaps have been made about Kate. There have been accusations of mental disorders and her being an alcoholic.

Why is it different for Jon? I seriously ask, not trying to be argumentative. :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe when the kids are with Jon, they take those beer caps and build a beer cap wedding for Jon and Liz.


Anonymous said...

Remember that Dr. Phil made a comment (I think) on The View about who promised her (Kate) that she would always be on TV. Does anyone remember the exact comment. It sounded like he was disgusted with her behavior after she was fired from TLC stating everywhere that she NEEDED to continue on TV to provide for her kids. Kate thought that was where "she belonged". HA! And yes, that comment should have ruined her reputation too. She probably still had backing from TLC powerhouse(even though she was just fired) to quiet that storm.

lukebandit said...

In the National Enquirer, the headline is Duck Amuck!

Just in 2013, A & E made 886 MILLION DOLLARS in revenue off Duck Dynasty! TFW made a killing and is a SELFISH MISER beyond belief to her kids. ~ Administrator said...

But the same leaps have been made about Kate. There have been accusations of mental disorders and her being an alcoholic.

Why is it different for Jon? I seriously ask, not trying to be argumentative. :)


Couple reasons. Number one, Kate herself provides far more information about what exactly is going on in the home directly with the children. We don't have that same information with Jon to start making the same kind of guesses about home life that are much easier to do with Kate due to much more information to work with. With the exception of a few things, I don't see most of the speculation as wild and baseless, most of it has quite a bit of bearing on what she herself has said.

Number two, most of us gave Kate the benefit of the doubt for years before finally having had enough. Jon doesn't have the long history of abusive and public behavior where he's out of chances. It's an eight episode (seven for him) reality show. Kate provided us well over 100 not to mention a daily dose of tweets. If this becomes a regular thing for him that would be another matter. I think it's clear he's certainly pushed the boundaries here and that any more stunts like this and he won't see the same restraints when it comes to everything going on.

Amy2 said...

Even if Kate made a ton of money, she still has to pay taxes on it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, one final thought about why I think Kate earned $250,000 an episode. Remember that that J&K Plus 8 had 9 or 10 million viewers for that one episode and very high viewers for the remaining of that season. And the amount of press that Kate received during that summer, fall, and winter of 2009 was staggering. She was super, super hot in the media when she signed that contract for her new TV show..

Sue said...

Admin @ 55...."A good manager could EASILY ask for 250 million during the last season or two." 250 million? Lordy be she's richer than we thought.

url/URL said...

Jon doesn't have the long history of abusive and public behavior where he's out of chances

Is this YOUR opinion? because he's out of chances for many of us. Also, he's chosen to be in the public eye again, so he should be judged just as harshly and farily as Kate.

Sheeple Herder said...

Tweet from TFW:

I'm ready for bed... But wanted to tell you that good things are happening this week... Keep your eyes peeled.....

Shall we start making predictions?

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 23m
I'm ready for bed... But wanted to tell you that good things are happening this week... Keep your eyes peeled..... #dontsayIdidntwarnyou

Oh, what?

AuntieAnn said...

I feel bad that the kids are sitting there with two parents vying for another chance to show their mugs on reality tv. Easy money and all that.

The G8 are older now and should have lives and friends of their own. Can they make plans or do they have to worry about some stupid production schedule they have to arrange their lives around because their mom has signed them up for another one to keep that golden platter full? Do they have to try to shrink out of sight when it's career day at school and are asked what their parents do for a living?

Honest to Pete, I'd like to take both Jon and Kate by the shoulders and shake them until their teeth rattle (figuratively speaking). They need to grow up and get over themselves. They're not the first divorced couple in the world with eight kids.

Not that it matters to him apparently, but I was kind of hoping Jon was on that path. It's starting to look like we may have to hoist him up and hold his feet to fire again. There's no hope for Kate.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 44m
@Kateplusmy8 How has the #IceControl been going there? That's a long driveway 2worry about? I see U have a toasty 6degrees there tomorrow!

Oh, MIlo, Milo, Milo, Milo. If you are the weather watcher that you proclaim to be, then you'd know that there is no ice. It was in the 40s last night and this morning. Everything melted. Kate is no longer in extreme danger of an ice attack from her driveway. Everything is fine. She is safe inside a warm house, just cooking up a surprise for you all, according to her latest tweet. Now go to bed (LOM is calling), dream about the surprise she has for her fans, and pester the living daylights out of her until she reveals this good thing that she warned you all about.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 58m
I'm ready for bed... But wanted to tell you that good things are happening this week... Keep your eyes peeled..... #dontsayIdidntwarnyou

capecodmama said...

I not only have scantily clad women on my computer at the bottom of Admin. blog, but I now have very larged breasted women (think TFW) in barely there bikinis jumping up and down with breasts adancing in an ad for a game (I'm assuming a video game) called League of Angels. They are positioned right next to an ad for Derry Psychotherapy. Okay Amin.,what gives? :)

We ended up with 18 inches of snow but the time it ended on Friday. Today was 58 degrees and it all melted. Tomorrow 6 degrees. Crazy weather. Everyone stay warm and safe.

Over in TFW's County...Thanks for the updates on your furry "guests". Glad they're doing well. ~ Administrator said...

Is this YOUR opinion?


Um, of course it is. I don't think Jon's home life is fair game. He made a reality show (that for the record, I don't like) 3,000 miles AWAY from his home life. It does not make what happens in his house fair game. People are making wildly outrageous accusations about his house being a frat house and other serious accusations, that have absolutely no basis in reality. What's more, we have a few trusted locals who have been here for years who are insisting, absolutely insisting, that is utter nonsense. To speculate as such I think is cruel and unfair.

Anything he puts on T.V., have at it. But to judge what happens among those four walls when he has consistently made sure the cameras and media know next to nothing about what goes on in his home, is wrong. Kate is not the same. Kate chooses to make money off what happens in her home and as such, it will be judged. It's not the same, period. You asked why we speculate about Kate's home and not Jon's home. That's my opinion and answer and THAT is why I won't judge his home life unless he chooses to make it public.

Also, please don't accuse me of not publishing your comments because I don't want to discuss things before giving myself or the staff time to do so. We all have (private) home lives too.

Molly12 said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 58m
I'm ready for bed... But wanted to tell you that good things are happening this week... Keep your eyes peeled..... #dontsayIdidntwarnyou

She will probably announce the big winners of her non-contest.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

I not only have scantily clad women on my computer at the bottom of Admin. blog, but I now have very larged breasted women (think TFW) in barely there bikinis jumping up and down with breasts adancing in an ad for a game (I'm assuming a video game) called League of Angels.


Yes!! I have the same one right now. Those things can really bounce, can't they? ~ Administrator said...

Even if Kate made a ton of money, she still has to pay taxes on it.


I bet that little corporation they set up has everything to do with tax sheltering. I bet she's as good at getting tax breaks as she is at grifting.

At the end of the day though, taxes on 250,000 especially if you're funneling it through a corporation is still a ton of money.

Rhymes with Witch said...

It was so entitled I can't believe Matt Lauer didn't fall off his chair. 58

I find it interesting that the only interviewer who called her out on tv was Bethany, who parlayed her reality persona into success in other areas. Pot meet kettle and pot is smarter. Not a fan of either. ~ Administrator said...

I find it interesting that the only interviewer who called her out on tv was Bethany, who parlayed her reality persona into success in other areas. Pot meet kettle and pot is smarter. Not a fan of either.


That was surprising and I don't like her. I think she was coming from a place where she had been on a similar reality show about her family and put her child on that show. She knew what Kate was peddling was crap and said so. Kate found Bethany's Achilles' heal: trying to tell her how things are on reality T.V. when Bethany knows first hand that's not true. ~ Administrator said...

Heel lol!

Rhymes with Witch said...

Kate found Bethany's Achilles' heal: trying to tell her how things are on reality T.V. when Bethany knows first hand that's not true. 76

I think Bethany found Kate's Achilles' heel.

Over In TFW's County said...

Over in TFW's County...Thanks for the updates on your furry "guests". Glad they're doing well.


Thanks. I'm expecting to walk past their bedroom door and find that they've left a menu card on the doorknob with their room service breakfast requests for tomorrow.

I turned off the light in their room and put a nightlight in there for them...a cat nightlight, of course!

I just checked the windchill and it's now at minus 18. My friend in northern Florida just told me her "real feel" is now 9 degrees. So much for escaping to Florida for warmth!

Salt in the Wound said...

BTW - I think Liz. Is prettier than Kate is or ever was.
I also doubt that she has had any surgical enhancements.

AuntieAnn said...

Over In TFW's County said... 83

Thanks. I'm expecting to walk past their bedroom door and find that they've left a menu card on the doorknob with their room service breakfast requests for tomorrow.


haha! Cats have entitlement issues. Give them an inch...

Santa brought our two cats the Cat's Meow for Xmas. Neither of them like it. I've bribed them with everything but one is afraid of it and the other just sits and stares at it. Today after the battery ran down the Boss went over and peed on it. He's never peed anywhere but his litter box! Okay, I got the message.

Rhymes with Witch said...

I'm expecting to walk past their bedroom door and find that they've left a menu card on the doorknob with their room service breakfast requests for tomorrow. 83

I expect you'll run to the store to meet their requests. :)
Seriously, bless you for keeping them safe.


FYI said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2h
I'm ready for bed... But wanted to tell you that good things are happening this week... Keep your eyes peeled..... #dontsayIdidntwarnyou

She's going to announce that all the entries to her not-a-contest were so great, that she couldn't decide on just 12 winners. One of the children(pick a name) then said "Mommy, why not give everyone a copy of our book?" So everyone who sent an entry is going to receive a signed copy of her cookbook!!

Jumping In said...

A Lego wedding creation, a hint of good things happening this week, I am putting my money on her finally getting that dating show she has been pitching for so long. Or, perhaps she is doing her best to deflect the attention she knows Jon will be getting this week. With TFW, we know it could be anything, but the Lego thing seemed like a tip-off to me.

Ex Nurse said...

From Dad's round table interview, part 2
"Have you had to censor what the kids see on the Internet or TV or have you tempered it with ‘Listen, this is what you’re going to see so…’?

I don’t even have television. I have apple TV and download what my kids can watch and that’s it and that’s how I regulate. The Internet? They’re going to go to school; they can sit in the library and Google themselves. So why would I censor it here? And people have gone, ‘Oh, that’s bad’ but I’m sitting right here, if they want to go to YouTube they can."

From Part 1
"My two rules are pick up after yourself and don’t jump on the furniture. That’s pretty much it."

So, I stand by my internet statement, but I do concede that Jon does have 2 rules. But, thanks for the welcome back!

And, I absolutely agree that Kate is a prison warden. It just isn't the best strategy to do the opposite of someone else. It just seems like such a schizophrenic life to bounce from one extreme to the other. I just feel so sorry for the kids.

Ex Nurse said...

Sorry Admin, I sent a reply before reading your comment that Jon's home life is out of bounds. My comments were based on public statements he made in published interviews, not wild speculation. But, your blog, your rules.

fidosmommy said...

Jumping in, I'm thinking the same thing. That Lego® wedding was so off the path it had to be a "message" of some kind. Otherwise, what was the point of it? Kate rarely does anything without a message or motive behind it.

Ex Nurse said...

I just want to add that having structure is not about chore lists. It is about having boundaries in place that give your children safety. It is about putting their needs above yours and being a role model. What exactly is the role model that Jon is providing by participating in CT? Is it really surprising to anyone that the topic of sex is brought up in a show about relationships?

Wasn't he the one who said that he would lose a job before letting it interfere with his responsibilities as a parent? How is this decision consistent with that statement? Parenting isn't about what you is about what you do. Some people here think that he sets a fine example for his children. I respectfully disagree.

Molly12 said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2h
I'm ready for bed... But wanted to tell you that good things are happening this week... Keep your eyes peeled..... #dontsayIdidntwarnyou

She's going to announce that all the entries to her not-a-contest were so great, that she couldn't decide on just 12 winners. One of the children(pick a name) then said "Mommy, why not give everyone a copy of our book?" So everyone who sent an entry is going to receive a signed copy of her cookbook!!


I agree with this is assessment but only because she probably didn't even get 12 entries. My guess is that if she does announce all entries in her non-contest will receive a book, she won't announce how many that will be since it could be an extremely low number. She will announce Thursday evening since that is when CT airs again.

Thanks for everyone helping out the animals during the bitter cold. I am lucky enough to be in an area that isn't being affected by the cold at all but as I watch the news, I can't help but worry about all the people and animals that don't have shelter.

PatK said...

Over in TFW's County, bless you for bringing those kitties in!! You didn't just bring them in, but you went above and beyond with all those little extras!

Anyone else picturing Milo sequestered in her bathroom staring at her phone and drooling waiting for Kate's earth-shattering announcement?

Tucker's Mom said...

Good frigid morning! We're in single digit temps, some areas at or below zero.
I see about a half dozen deer in the woods out back, and they're moving slow and decided to curl up in the leaves for a while. I guess that's just a little bit of insulation.
Hopefully, they'll take advantage of the sunshine and warm up a bit.
Stay safe, everyone!

Midnight Madness said...

Some people here think that he sets a fine example for his children. I respectfully disagree.

I haven't read anything here from anyone who said that his being on CT is setting a fine example for his children. Of course, I haven't read all of the posts, but could you please point out the comments on this?

Layla said...

The main reason I don't believe Kate made $250,000 an episode for K+8 is because she refinanced the house to a 30-year mortgage as soon as the show ended. At 250K an episode, times (I think) 28 episodes, she would have hade millions in a very short period of time. But to then immediately refinance the house to a mortgage she'll be paying well into her 60s, rather than use just a fraction of those millions to pay it off, makes no sense. The only reason to go with a 30-year mortgage is to have a lower payment. It saddles her with hundreds of thousands in interest alone. And the loan was an ARM (in a time of record-low mortgage rates), which means that after 10 years, the monthly payment could soar. For whatever reason, she worked this loan out so that she could have the lowest monthly payment possible, even though that would only be short-term. If she had millions, she would have paid it off and avoided paying all that interest. JMO.

Good things happening, huh? Once again, she wants her fans in a tizzy, thinking there is going to be a new show, and the real explanation will be signed cookbooks. How many times can she build them up, then let them down, before they get sick of it? She's like a cat playing with a mouse.

Midnight Madness said...

Santa brought our two cats the Cat's Meow for Xmas. Neither of them like it. I've bribed them with everything but one is afraid of it and the other just sits and stares at it. Today after the battery ran down the Boss went over and peed on it. He's never peed anywhere but his litter box! Okay, I got the message.


I kept seeing that advertised and thought about getting it, but didn't! My cat loves those little red laser lights that you can buy in the dollar stores. It's like a tiny flashlight with a red beam. She goes crazy over it, and it so funny to watch her think that it's a bug or something on the rug that can be caught, especially when I shine it on the wall. I let her pounce on it and she just sits and looks at it, wondering why there's nothing to catch.

Midnight Madness said...

Anyone else picturing Milo sequestered in her bathroom staring at her phone and drooling waiting for Kate's earth-shattering announcement?


LOL~ I was thinking about that the other day when she jumped on Twitter immediately after Kate tweeted, wondering if she has an alert on her phone and if she carries that phone to the bathroom with her!

Dmasy said...

Auntie, I have been thinking about you and enjoying your posts.

How is your husband's recovery progressing?

Hope everyone here is warm and well. We are having a virtual heatwave today. Temperatures are risen to -9 (with a wind chill at -20). What hubby plowed out yesterday is drifted back closed today. Most of the county roads haven't been cleared yet.

We have heat, electricity, food and two snuggly dogs. What more could I ask for?

Midnight Madness said...

Kate will announce that she read the author's book...finally!

"Parenting isn't about what you is about what you do."


Yes, I'll agree with that, but that doesn't mean that when the kids are with him it's a frat house existence in his home, which is what you accused him of providing for them.

Dmasy said...

I am missing the soft porn ad. I have Flo from Progressive Insurance at the bottom of my page.

Tucker's Mom said...

But the same leaps have been made about Kate. There have been accusations of mental disorders and her being an alcoholic.

Why is it different for Jon? I seriously ask, not trying to be argumentative. :)
Just responding, not argumentative, too!
What I'm thinking is that Robert's book gives some basis for these assertions. I'm basing this on my belief that Robert did due diligence before any of these reports of Kate's drinking and mental disorder were put into writing in his book. Although Robert could not cite specific sources, other than "family members", I believe that he did indeed interview family members and they were forthcoming with the stipulation of anonymity, when they revealed that Kate had been abused and was diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder, but refused medication.
I am not aware of anything as substantive as this when it comes to Jon.
However, Jon himself has admitted to interim alcohol dependency/abuse and the danger alcohol poses to him due to his family history.

Tucker's Mom said...

Ex Nurse said... 89
From Dad's round table interview, part 2
"Have you had to censor what the kids see on the Internet or TV or have you tempered it with ‘Listen, this is what you’re going to see so…’?

I don’t even have television. I have apple TV and download what my kids can watch and that’s it and that’s how I regulate. The Internet? They’re going to go to school; they can sit in the library and Google themselves. So why would I censor it here? And people have gone, ‘Oh, that’s bad’ but I’m sitting right here, if they want to go to YouTube they can."

I remember that. I would sure as hell hope that Jon, being in IT for many years, would place blocks on his computer(s) so that the kids can't Google *anything and everything* they want.
That's just parenting 101, whether your parents have been trash tabloid staples or not.
I get the sense that Jon was (not so eloquently) trying to say is that he's not going to try to hide these true and not-so-true stories because they are going to find it anyway. It's futile.
I think he was opposing Kate and her insistence that she can control everything when it comes to social media, tabloids, tv gossip etc.
She can't and I think Jon was pointing out how ridiculous it is to assert that you can keep this information away from them.
It's simply not possible, and I don't care what school they go to.
It does, however, explain to me at least, why Kate isolates the kids on the compound so damn much.

Tucker's Mom said...

Midnight Madness said... 95
Some people here think that he sets a fine example for his children. I respectfully disagree.

I haven't read anything here from anyone who said that his being on CT is setting a fine example for his children. Of course, I haven't read all of the posts, but could you please point out the comments on this?
There's been very little support, a bit of indifference, and a whole lot of skepticism.
I have a sense that what little support there is will continue to wane as we see the salacious crap that these shows peddle in order to draw eyeballs.
This ain't Jon's first rodeo. He's a big boy and fancies himself a reality tv expert, so he knew exactly what he was walking into.
Liz, I'm not so sure. ~ Administrator said...

but I do concede that Jon does have 2 rules.


Four, you left out they also are to fold their clothes and also are to put their clothes away.

And you're deliberately spinning things in a way that as usual makes Jon out to be evil. You could have 20 rules about house cleaning: Make your bed, clear your plates, load and unload the dishwasher after eating, sweep up after eating, clean up toys after playing, clean and stack fishing poles after fishing, put away apple control after watching, etc etc etc Or you could have one rule as Jon does: Clean up after yourself. Either way, the 20 things are getting done. So to paint it as he has little to no rules is just flat out nonsense, Ex Nurse, and incomprehensible.

Besides if parenting is not about what you say as you claim, then why are you so hung up on him dividing his simple rules into a million little tiny nit picky ones?

Your tiresome complaints are about different ways to parent, not bad parenting. There's a difference. His "keep it simple" stupid seem to work just fine for his children, who always seem relaxed and pleasant with him. If the judge has a problem with it, he can order him to do something else. He has not.

As for his internet, you're also deliberately twisting his words. He made a comment that instead of just telling the kids you can't go on this or that site (when he KNOWS they go anyway at school and what have you), rather he lets them go but sits right there with them. He was not talking about porn. He was talking about Google and Youtube. Two sites with plenty of appropriate things for kids to look at. Isn't that the best way of all to parent the internet that most experts recommend, actually WATCH what your kids are looking at? Props to him for caring and props for him to following exactly what the experts say to do. If he lets them go on any site on the internet, then what is the point of him sitting right there? Obviously he meant that rather than have sweeping no-no rules (that he knows they don't follow ANYWAY outside the home), he sits right there and monitors it. ~ Administrator said...

Another great thing about being right there is if they want to google their name or Kate's name or what have you, Jon is sitting right there. Whatever hits they come up with and look at, Jon is there to support them and talk about what they see.

As a parent, I would know googling is going to happen. So wouldn't I rather be THERE when it happens to talk about it with them, rather than have them be alone or off with friends who might tease and distort things?

Bottom line is I saw his comments as realistic. It is going to happen, be it things said about our family or just things on the internet that kids find. (It is). I just want to be THERE when this happens.

Layla said...

When Jon said, "I'm sitting right here", I took that to mean that he does monitor what the kids do on the internet. He doesn't limit what they look up, but he is aware of what they are doing, and the kids are aware that he is right there. He is allowing them to make choices. I don't think he is ignoring them. ~ Administrator said...

There's been very little support, a bit of indifference, and a whole lot of skepticism.


Yes and I don't see comments that "his home life is separate" or "who cares what he does" or "as long as he doesn't put his kids on T.V. whatever" or "you're pearl clutching about drinking and masturbation and bottlecaps" as "support."

Don't confuse such opinions with "support". I don't think there are many people who think this show is a wonderful thing whatsoever or support him in doing it at all. Saying you're getting too strung out over masturbation and making it sound like you think it's dirty and wrong, has nothing to do with supporting Jon discussing it on T.V.

I happen to think CT is a terrible thing and that he should get off T.V. now because it's too risky that his children will find out and be hurt and embarrassed by it. Same goes for Kate and her silly projects. I draw the line at the frat house comment though and implying he is drunk around his children, that was absurd. I can snark about the show and worry about what affect it will have on his kids, but I'm not about to start making giant leaps that his home life looks like that without further proof.

We also need to remember how scripted this show has PROVEN itself to be. While I think it's pretty sad anyone would allow themselves to be used that way and scripted that way especially about things so sacred, it doesn't change the fact that it's heavily scripted. Who knows how much of it is really Jon and Liz being that trashy and how much of it is just encouraged by the producers. It's not good that it's going on T.V., but if most of it is exaggerated why even worry that this is how his home life is. He's described his home life as pretty normal and boring, he said they tend to just play board games at night. That is hardly frat like. The bottle caps could simply come from cracking open a cold one over Monopoly for all we know. ~ Administrator said...

Layla, yes, and with Dad sitting right there, that's a good deterrent isn't it?
I highly doubt a 13 year old is going to go to an inappropriate site too old for her with DAD sitting right there. How embarrassing!

What he does is what every expert recommends. He participates in their internet use and monitors it himself. Instead of relying on computer programs or a lengthy list of rules when he knows the kids and most kids have ways around that. But rather the best way to monitor--HIM.

Did you hear about the high school in L.A. that started a pilot program to give every student iPads? They programmed the iPads so that you could only visit school sites and couldn't use apps and things. Well, this was 2013. The high school kids easily found a way to "hack" the iPads and use them normally. They were using all kinds of apps, the web, etc. Point being, adults think they can restrict the internet but they can't. The ONLY way to make sure kids are going to good sites is to watch with your own eyes.

Maybe if all those kids had Mom or Dad sitting right there, it wouldn't be an issue.

Suzy said...

Some people are bringing up the house refinancing. I rent so I don't know how that works. Doesn't it mean the bank paid off the original loan & isuued a new loan with lower monthly payments? For that ridiculous amount to borrow, she would have to prove she has steady & sufficent income to cover the new debt, yes? I always wondered why she didn't use her DWTS earnings or the millions from TLC to pay off the balance rather than refinancing. Is it possible she could have had TLC or Steve as co signer in order to qualify for it?


Confused said...

While I think it's pretty sad anyone would allow themselves to be used that way and scripted that way especially about things so sacred, it doesn't change the fact that it's heavily scripted. Who knows how much of it is really Jon and Liz being that trashy and how much of it is just encouraged by the producers. It's not good that it's going on T.V., but if most of it is exaggerated why even worry that this is how his home life is.

Funny . . . because that's one of the reasons that Kate is discussed ad nauseum on here. She has said in the past that the way she is depicted on the show is not how she is in real life and people on here have observed that the the Kate Plus 8 show was very scripted. NOT a REALITY show. And that the kids were really working. Now that the shoe is on Jon's foot, it seems that you are giving Jon the benefit of the doubt about the show being scripted and that is probably not how Jon REALLY is in real life. I guess I have always had a problem with you, Admin, and others on here, always giving Jon a pass for the same things you criticize Kate for. ~ Administrator said...

Funny . . . because that's one of the reasons that Kate is discussed ad nauseum on here. She has said in the past that the way she is depicted on the show is not how she is in real life and people on here have observed that the the Kate Plus 8 show was very scripted.


But then she said that the show is the realist reality show out there. So which one to believe? Kate has also admitted she was too high strung in the past and has mellowed. I believe most of the scenarios in the show were scripted. They had to me. Who just hops on a plane to Alaska, Australia, NYC all in six months? I do not believe her bad behavior was scripted.

This is not jut an "oh it's all scripted" standard excuse. We have proof CT is scripted and that they peddle outright lies. Farrah's friend provided numerous documents about this specific show that talk about how they had one couple slated to talk about porn so they couldn't use them for that, how they wanted them to put forth a fake relationship, and on and on.

Not the same thing as Kate bellyaching about it being scripted, which so many do, without ponying up any proof that it is. If Kate wants to provide documents, emails, and so on that show the same sort of scripting as CT, I'd love to see it. I'd love to see an email in which they talk about how Kate will act like a bitch and say this and that mean thing to this and that person. I'd love to see that.

TLC stinks said...

I am sure her tease tweet is nothing more announcing who won the contest and their prize of an autographed cookbook. If she were to get a dating show it would involve her financing her own pilot and peddling it. Not a chance in hell anyone would bite.

Confused said...

Not the same thing as Kate bellyaching about it being scripted, which so many do, without ponying up any proof that it is. If Kate wants to provide documents, emails, and so on that show the same sort of scripting as CT, I'd love to see it. I'd love to see an email in which they talk about how Kate will act like a bitch and say this and that mean thing to this and that person. I'd love to see that.
I must have missed the part where Jon said it was scripted. Unless I have proof from Jon himself that what he does and says in the show was scripted, I will continue to believe that what we see on the show is what we get with Jon. ~ Administrator said...

I don't see anyone here giving Jon a "pass." How many times do people have to say I hate this show and hate that he is on it?

I see outrage that someone would then take the leap of accusing him of providing his children with a frat house like existence. That is not giving him a "pass." That is simply demanding facts. This is not Jon's first rodeo but neither is it Ex Nurse's first rodeo with making outlandish, baseless, cruel accusations about him.

Tucker's Mom said...

He's described his home life as pretty normal and boring, he said they tend to just play board games at night.
Robert's account was actually heart warming. Jon making jewelry with the girls, grilling, eating Dunkin' GASP Donuts!
By the accounts that we have, the kids enjoy being with Jon and the people that he trusts to be there when the kids are with him. Jon makes a HUGE point about being discerning about who gets to be around the kids.
Kate, otoh, opens her doors wide open for filming any chance she gets.
I can not think of any interview Jon's done, in or out of his home(s), since the separation and divorce, that he's involved the kids. So, I'm thinking Jon's home is far from a party house on any level. Rather, it seems a soft place to fall, which God knows, those kids need.
Actually, I hope Jon's place is where some rowdiness and dirtiness is not only tolerated, but encouraged. ~ Administrator said...

I must have missed the part where Jon said it was scripted. Unless I have proof from Jon himself that what he does and says in the show was scripted, I will continue to believe that what we see on the show is what we get with Jon.


You can believe what you want. I think what we see is what we get with CT. If they want one couple to be something they are not, I can easily believe they want it for all of their couples. I also think his latest interview was a publicity stunt. It doesn't change the fact that I think it was deplorable. The two are not mutually exclusive. ~ Administrator said...

The house refinancing....not something I would do. However, could a reasonable financial advisor suggest it might make sense? If you refinanced at a good low interest rate, that would free up cash for investments and other schemes to make the money grow faster than just stuffing it into house payments. She could always pay it early later on, once she's got a good cash flow going.

Normally a refinance to 30 year would indicate trouble, but I think there are prudent financial reasons to do it sometimes. As I recall that family in Florida who made the Queen of Versailles show did a lot of refinances. They DID end up in trouble eventually but that is not why. The reason they did it when they were living large is because the guy wanted a lot of cash flow so he could work with it. It drove him crazy when he piled money into mortgages and couldn't "work" with it.

Winsomeone said...

Maybe Kate doesn't want the house paid off. If something were to happen to her, or Jon somehow got custody of the kids, maybe the house would go with them, and she sure wouldn't want Jon to have a paid for house. ~ Administrator said...

Jon reminds me of those parents who tend to let their kids get away with more BUT the catch is they have to be involved. So you can go to the R rated movie but I'm going to go with you. You can have your wild party but it's going to be in OUR backyard. You can go to Mexico for spring break but I'M coming. You can google what you want but Dad wants to look at it with you.

Is that how every parent parents? No of course not. But it's a parenting style that has gotten a lot of praise because people say it WORKS (it has also of course gotten a lot of criticism). But, if we all parented in exactly the same way, the world would be pretty boring. My issue has never been with Kate having a different parenting style, which is the spin the sheeple love. My issue is I see nothing that works about her parenting style, no redeeming value in it, I see kids making Kendra cry, I see emotional abuse. That's my issue. My issue was never a pearl clutching 'she does things different than how *I* would' thing!

Anonymous said...

Maybe her announcement is that she is going to be on The Bacheloret. Or maybe that dating show is finally seeing the light of day, that would explain all the Lego wedding carp. ~ Administrator said...

The house price also fell as I recall. She was underwater on it for awhile there. So basically to pay it off early with a low interest rate you would be pumping money into a depreciating asset that you would not be able to sell for what you bought it for. You'd also lose the tax break, and you'd tie up a huge amount of money, 1.2 or whatever it was.

Personally, I'd just pay the sucker off. The freed up money is worth it to me in the long run. But I can definitely see how more risk adverse people get uncomfortable with all that money tied up in a building and would actually rather have a mortgage and have the freedom to do what they want with their millions, rather than have their money parked in a house.

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 118
The house refinancing....not something I would do. However, could a reasonable financial advisor suggest it might make sense? If you refinanced at a good low interest rate, that would free up cash for investments and other schemes to make the money grow faster than just stuffing it into house payments. She could always pay it early later on, once she's got a good cash flow going.
Refinancing has never been better than in the past several years, with interest rates being low. We refi'd a few YEARS ago now, so rates have been low for a while.
One thing about doing a refi is that it lowers your monthly mortgage and makes it easier to squeeze out an extra mortgage payment or two a year, which puts you way ahead of the 8-ball.
That said, I can't imagine doing a refi if you have as much money as Kate.
I don't know what to believe about her financial situation, but I have suspicions that Kate hoarded a great deal of their income, and has it in a tax shelter off shore. It think she's got it squirreled away for later. Mine all mine and all that.

Mel said...

I wonder if TFW realizes that she's actually expected to marry the guy (Bachelorette), since she tends to only see one step ahead.

I get to be on Teevee!!!! Oh! What?? I have to marry the guy?? What!???

Would it be gross to see someone so old on Bachelorette anyway?
Isn't that concept more for young women?

TLC stinks said...

Whether the show is scripted or not, heavily edited or not, it doesn't matter because Jon is not naive when it comes to reality shows and how they are produced. He made a decision to sign up knowing full well what was going to happen.

Kate is a blatant liar. Of course she would deny the old shows were scripted. And the editing? I think part of it was to portray her as a witch, but she just kept giving Figure 8 the material. Besides, family and acquaintances have repeatedly reported she is a witch in real life. ~ Administrator said...

Just responding, not argumentative, too!
What I'm thinking is that Robert's book gives some basis for these assertions


Sort of what I was trying to say the other day. There is just so much more information out there about Kate to work with. These days most of my opinions about her come from her own words on Twitter. Even if Robert never said a thing, the woman has made an astounding 22,700 tweets. That is a lot of information to form opinions about. Are there 22,000 tweets from Jon? His twitter was usually private then closed for good.

If the information load was the same for Kate and Jon I'd say OP has a point. But you're comparing apples and oranges. Why don't you rag so much on Jon? Well for me personally, I don't feel I have the INFO to work with. Which brings up a good point. There are celebs out there who behave badly but are not the object of much "hate" even if it might be well deserved. The reason for this is their behavior is kept pretty private. They don't tweet or put much info out there about their private life. When you don't do that, there's not much to say even if it may be deserved. The odd times when a few things do come out, it's just not that much to work with. You need more context. Such is the boat Jon is in and why I am perfectly willing to judge and criticize the individual behaviors he puts out there recently, but in no way am willing to start making global statements about all his behavior in general, as is much easier to do with TFW. ~ Administrator said...

That being the case.....If you do the math right, a 30 year refinance might actually make you come out on top, like Tucker was getting at. IF you have the money to play your cards right with it. If you don't, it could bury you.

If the interest rate is rock bottom, Kate could refinance at low payments and then start funneling that extra money into investments that are doing well for her. Then maybe in five years, pay off the balance with the profits from her investments with room to spare.

So I don't think a refinance is proof she isn't rich. In fact it might just be the opposite, proof she is rich and can use a refinance to her advantage financially. I still think it's risky. What if we have a bad year, investments don't go as well as you hoped. I never took her for very savvy financially, yet sometimes it feels like whatever she is doing is definitely working out for her. It could just be a case of Steve you take care of it, and the money grew from there. ~ Administrator said...

Whether the show is scripted or not, heavily edited or not, it doesn't matter because Jon is not naive when it comes to reality shows and how they are produced. He made a decision to sign up knowing full well what was going to happen.


No it doesn't matter in that sense, agree. It does matter however when it comes to Ex Nurse making the assumption that he is behaving trashy at home, following the script at home. Usually you get to leave the script behind when you go home and can just be yourself.

NJGal51 said...

I'm going to hazard a guess and say its not a new show because all the new shows have already been announced and are beginning to air this week. Shows like the Bachelorette are always announced by the network never by the star. In fact, all new shows are generally announced and publicized by the networks and only after having been announced do the stars start doing publicity. She may have worked a deal where she's going to get a couple of more guest spots on Home & Family at something similar but a new show? I just don't see it unless she's finally going to announce a YouTube channel as so many of her fans have told her to do. I agree that she's going to announce that everyone who entered the not-a-contest is going to win a copy of the book. After all, since she got HCI involved in it there would have had to have been some kind of rules, disclaimers, etc. that everyone could go to and see if they were eligible. My final thought is that Zorro is lonely so they're getting him a mate. Now off to the gym for me. I'm off this who,e week. Yea me!

Vanessa said...

Kate is a blatant liar. Of course she would deny the old shows were scripted. And the editing? I think part of it was to portray her as a witch, but she just kept giving Figure 8 the material. Besides, family and acquaintances have repeatedly reported she is a witch in real life

Also, there was no editing in her JOURNALS

Tucker's Mom said...

Would it be gross to see someone so old on Bachelorette anyway?
Isn't that concept more for young women?
I don't think Kate's age is gross or so out of line for that show, I think it's just the fact that she's Kate.
I think unknown women play better on that show. The "ingenue", if you will. She's a pretty face with which is like a new toy that one unwraps. We find out about her and her life along the way, and join in a journey of discovery about her/him.
Kate's story has been played out ad nauseam. There is no mystery and what new incarnation would many people want to see?
She's done the teeth, the extensions, the bleached hair, the tanning, the tummy tuck, the other nip, tucks and fillers, the botox and of course the boobs.
Kate's done the money-saving couponing mom, the yoga mom, the running/marathon mom.
She changes her image every time she changes her unawears.
Hey, it could happen, I just don't see the draw of Kate, even though she's a household name. She's just not liked.

Anonymous said...

My guess, she is giving all those who emailed to her, descriptions of their acts of kindness, an autographed copy of her cookbook. This way she avoids that whole "judgment winner thing," and sees this way as being a lovely surprise. She believes she will appear even more generous.
Will her fans see this as a slap in the face? probably not.

PJ's momma said...

Over in TFW's County, I am so touched by what you are doing for those kitties. You may have to buy them a little bell soon, so they can summon you for their next, newest luxury. Maybe you could put it on a silver (or golden) platter for them.
You are so generous and caring and have such a sweet heart. Thank you for caring for them and all creatures. You are very inspiring.

Call Me Crazy said...

Dmasy said ...100

We have heat, electricity, food and two snuggly dogs. What more could I ask for?

A crazed, lunatic stalker who repeatedly asks you if you are OK?


Dmasy said... 102

I am missing the soft porn ad. I have Flo from Progressive Insurance at the bottom of my page.

Hey now. Some people think that that Flo is pretty darn hot!

Sorry D. I don't know what's come over me today. I can't even blame Flight of the Kiwi's Ambien, so I will blame it on the frigid cold.

By the way, where are you FotK and chefsummer? I miss your posts.

AuntieAnn said...

I'm ready for bed... But wanted to tell you that good things are happening this week... Keep your eyes peeled..... #dontsayIdidntwarnyou


My guess is that it will be #1 on Kate's worst moments of 2014. Nothing like getting an early start.

Ex Nurse said...

Admin said...
No it doesn't matter in that sense, agree. It does matter however when it comes to Ex Nurse making the assumption that he is behaving trashy at home, following the script at home. Usually you get to leave the script behind when you go home and can just be yourself.
Actually, the frat behavior was his latest interview in which he pissed on a friend's driveway.

Also, where did the idea that Steve manages TFW's money come from? The word Steve written on a piece of paper. Sounds like a wild assumption to me!

There are all sorts of assumptions treated as facts about TFW, with much less evidence than the description of Jon's behavior. And since Jon does answer questions about his home life, why is that off-limit?

Oh we'll, I surrender! My comment about a fraternity was meant exactly the same as calling TFW's home Alcatraz. No one has ever called me out on that. Those kids are screwed, no matter what either of them do from now on. They have been so harmed by the joint decision that those two parents made to put the kids' and their own lives on public display, there is nothing that either of them can do to recover those lost childhoods. Jon has said as much--it is one of the few things he has said that I respect. Which makes it that much more outrageous that he turns around and puts himself back on display. Not DWTS, or a Super Bowl commercial, but a show that will be delving into his most private behaviors and feelings. Even if Jon is a sterling example of fatherhood at home, it doesn't change the fact that he continues to violate his children's right to privacy. Jon is on that show because he is the father of eight, and has made headlines for his behavior after the divorce. Before the man in the woods story broke, Jon referred to his PR team in the Dad's interview. Does that sound like someone trying to live a quiet life

Call Me Crazy said...

NJGal51 - I think you may be onto something in thinking that TFW is going to dip her big toe into the YouTube or YouTube-like game. She knows the clock is ticking and she HAS to get those kids back in front of the masses so their light will reflect onto her. The problem is, she is just too darn lazy and does everything so half-assed, that there is no chance she will ever succeed with any scheme she comes up with. Even having "professionals" such as HCI couldn't rescue her "Disastrous, Most Unappetizing Recipes on the Planet" misadventure.

She just can't come to grips with the fact that there is almost no interest in the kids anymore, and her window of opportunity to use them has pretty much slammed shut. But hope springs eternal, I guess.

getofftwitter said...

I see Kate is doing the,unoriginal crap tease. I guess, she has to since Jon took the wind out of her, with the reality threapy show. Kate is desperate to stay in the media. I wonder what crap she thought up this time. Perhaps, she is still eyeing that co-hosting on the View or the Home & whatever show. She would fit in there real good, the women on there are idiots like her. Or is she gonna sell some more useless crap.

Thanks to you guys about, talking about Nursing as a part dirty job. Something Kate would not do again. I saw a lot when I was in the ER after Thanksgiving, those Nurses & Doctors & staff, do put up with a lot, from body fluits to out of control people to gunshot victims etc. I was very nice to the Nurses & staff at the er/hospital. They in turn got me something to eat at 1am. Brave people.

Formerly Duped said...

I had Flo yesterday, today Sprint. Actually I can't stand Flo!! I guess she's popular as they have made many ads featuring her. She just irks me for some reason. I never got the dancing boobs, either, Dmasy.

I agree with all of you who think the great news is 'everyone's a winner'

Tucker's Mom said...

Jon referred to his PR team in the Dad's interview. Does that sound like someone trying to live a quiet life
I was surprised that the McCaughey's arranged their recent PR interviews through their agent. This was when the HOM's turned 16, last year, I believe.
I guess once you've become public, it's a good idea to have PR people, managers and agents in your e-Rolodex.
Years later, someone wants an interview and it's best to leave it to the pros for your own protection.
But yes, both Jon and Kate are still carefully honing their brands, and it's not going to stop any time soon.

TLC stinks said...

Didn't Steve refinance his house and take money out?

Tucker's Mom said...

the Home & whatever show
I think the host, Mark (?), likes Kate, but Christine Ferrare seemed to look at her like she had 2 heads!
The task supervisor thing/tattle tale snitch thing that Kate crowed about had Christine kind of freaked out!
We do know that Chef Jake is headed back, and he doesn't have to be cryptic about it. He was shouting it from the rooftops with excitement.

JoyinVirginia said...

Love the kitty stories! Auntie Ann, the boss definitely wants that thing out of the house and knows peeing on it is probably a good way to get it out fast!
Over in TFW country, if any off your guests do urinate on any towels, blankets, etc I have had good results getting rid of the smell using detergent and borax, washing on hot with cold rinse, and doing extra rinse. Sometimes I will pre soak in borax and water, or use pinesol. Natures Miracle makes a formula for cat urine that works well also, but borax is lots cheaper.
Glad they are using the litter box!

Vanessa said...

Jon has said as much--it is one of the few things he has said that I respect. Which makes it that much more outrageous that he turns around and puts himself back on display. Not DWTS, or a Super Bowl commercial, but a show that will be delving into his most private behaviors and feelings.

On this one ExNurse, I agree with you

JoyinVirginia said...

I watched the first episode of Couples Therapy last night.
Taylor and lawyer guy: how many times is she going to drag her dead husband thru the mud? Why do her lips look so weird? they must be getting paid a boatload of money for attorney boyfriend to appear on the show.
I like the lesbian couple, I can't remember their names but they are tattoo girl and dreadlock girl, and they seem like the most normal people here.
Ghost and Kelsey must be there to promote their music careers and make boatload of money.
What is with this Farrah chick? Boo Hoo about make believe boyfriend of five months but where is your child Ms Teen Mom?
My prediction: Jon and Liz, along with tattoo girl and dreadlock girl, will be most normal couple. Probably boring, so the producers have to show them talking about sex.

Marge said...

Jon has said as much--it is one of the few things he has said that I respect. Which makes it that much more outrageous that he turns around and puts himself back on display. Not DWTS, or a Super Bowl commercial, but a show that will be delving into his most private behaviors and feelings.

Paula said...

Not DWTS, or a Super Bowl commercial, but a show that will be delving into his most private behaviors and feelings.

Why do you care? They are HIS behaviors and feelings. It has nothing to do with you.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Over in TFW's county, I, too, am touched by your concern for the outdoor kitties. Stuff like that really makes the comment that this blog is a "cesspool of hate" sound, well, kinda misinformed. Sharing kind acts, recipe exchanges, comments about favorite TV shows, concern for the ill relatives of strangers...yep, this place is a regular cyberden of iniquity!

Confused said...

There are all sorts of assumptions treated as facts about TFW, with much less evidence than the description of Jon's behavior. And since Jon does answer questions about his home life, why is that off-limit?

I totally agree with this.

Dmasy said...

Over in TFW -- I have been following your compassionate and sweet kitty story.

Our WILD cat (I think a male) had not been seen for a couple of weeks. I kept putting out food, which was always eaten -- but by which wild animal?

This morning I caught a glimpse of Wild One as he left an out building. I think he can even sense me peeking out the window. He looked over his shoulder and raced away.

I am relieved to know he is well.

Soon, I think that you will be telling us about your rescues first visit to the vet!

Susie Cincinnati said...

Oh we'll, I surrender! My comment about a fraternity was meant exactly the same as calling TFW's home Alcatraz. No one has ever called me out on that.


Probably because we've seen what kind of tight ship she runs there, and with all of the rules and regulations, it may resemble a prison environment. On the other hand, we haven't seen Jon and the kids at his house, so it's only an assumption as to how they live there.

Susie Cincinnati said...

Actually, the frat behavior was his latest interview in which he pissed on a friend's driveway.


I think, Ex-Nurse, that what is being overlooked here is that yes, his behavior with the reporter was questionable and many here have called him out on it. The difference is that when he urinated in a driveway, he was NOT with his kids. It was two adults who spent time together. Does that make it right? No. There is a time and place for everything, and that is something you just don't do. However, the assumption was made that because his behavior was such during the interview, and because he has few rules at his house and the kids have unlimited access to the internet and are not monitored, that they are exposed to frat house behavior during their time with him. We don't know how he parents when he has the kids, nor what kind of behavior they see. The comment about the beer caps in the house was so over-the-top, leading to the assumption that the kids live there with a beer-drinking father that lets them do whatever they please, whenever they want to do it. I just don't believe that's the way it is.

Susie Cincinnati said...

By the way, where are you FotK and chefsummer? I miss your posts.


I know chefsummer (I believe she wasn't feeling well for awhile), but who is FotK? lol!

Paula said...

Peeing in your driveway is not limited to frat boys - good grief. Neither is there anything wrong with peeing out in the middle nowhere.

Millicent said...

I guess once you've become public, it's a good idea to have PR people, managers and agents in your e-Rolodex.
I agree with this sentiment (sediment). If you can afford to use a PR person who knows how to navigate the rather confusing and often dirty world of being a public figure, you would be wise to do so.

Susie Cincinnati said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1h
Three days of a non heating microwave was enough! Thanks to @MrApplianceCorp we are back in business! Gr8 service! #MOREhomerepairissues

Well what did you expect? You wanted a big house, you got it, along with home maintenance. Houses don't take care of themselves, for Pete's sakes, and appliances do bite the dust. No oven until Mr. Repair Person shows up?

Such a whiner!

Millicent said...

Ex Nurse said:
there is nothing that either of them can do to recover those lost childhoods. Jon has said as much--it is one of the few things he has said that I respect. Which makes it that much more outrageous that he turns around and puts himself back on display. Not DWTS, or a Super Bowl commercial, but a show that will be delving into his most private behaviors and feelings. Even if Jon is a sterling example of fatherhood at home, it doesn't change the fact that he continues to violate his children's right to privacy.

I agree that it is impossible to turn back the hands of time and thus the Gosselin children cannot undo the events that have already transpired. But I do still think there is hope for them to move beyond their childhood and become happy adults, given the opportunity to do so. They will eventually all become adults, and hopefully with help from their father, other family members, therapists and friends - they can remove themselves from the toxicity of their mother and forge their own lives. I know this is possible because we have posters here who have shared their own stories of growing up with a narcisstic parent, yet they found happiness in their own adult lives.

And I understand the point you are trying to make about Jon putting his private life on display, but you are saying that by doing so, he is also violating his children's privacy. I don't agree that the two are one and the same. While I would never participate in a reality show, it's not illegal, nor is it necessarily immoral or grounds for an automatic finding of "bad parenting." The children are not on the show. If he does not discuss the children specifically, then how is he violating their privacy?

By the mere measure of his participation on a reality show, equating to him violating his children's privacy, then would that be true across the board for any parent who ever has or is currently on a reality tv show?

What about people who are on Survivor and we see them backstab and lie, and then tearfully claim to be doing so in order to provide a better life for their children?

How about celebs who are on DWTS? Many of them talk about their past troubles, their personal lives, and their children.

Jon is no worse than anyone else who has ever participated in a reality show. He's more balanced than some, more likeable than some, and dumber than others. But one thing is for sure - he is worlds better than his ex-wife when it comes to parenting and loving his children.

Vanessa said...

Well said Susie

Tucker's Mom said...

JoyinVirginia said... 145
I watched the first episode of Couples Therapy last night.
Taylor and lawyer guy: how many times is she going to drag her dead husband thru the mud? Why do her lips look so weird?
Taylor had a botched lip implant. I think it might be better to leave it in than risk removal and scarring/disfigurement.
I know, who would do this to themselves (aside from some disfiguring event)?? ~ Administrator said...

Exactly Susie. We've BEEN in Kate's house, on CWS. Unless I missed it no one has ever filmed the children in Jon's house to judge.

Tucker's Mom said...

This morning I caught a glimpse of Wild One as he left an out building. I think he can even sense me peeking out the window. He looked over his shoulder and raced away.
Wow, that is a Wild One! Apparently, well fed too!
I have several bird feeders and unless they're placed where squirrels can't get to them, they wind up feeding the birds and the squirrels.
I had a squirrel waiting for me at my front step this freezing morning. I throw out some food there too and instead of scampering away when I tossed the food, he actually approached me.
Yup, buddy, here's your food ;-)

rainbowsandunicorns said...

"I guess I have always had a problem with you, Admin, and others on here, always giving Jon a pass for the same things you criticize Kate for."


You're kidding, right? Giving him a pass? I think that perhaps you need to go back a thread and read the posts about the interview and his being on CT. Did you miss those? Comments hardly painted him in a positive light and many have said that they are surprised by his behavior now, when in the past he tried to stay private and took the high road, but now puts himself out there by making his private life public. Many expressed disappointment in him, and giving him a pass was most certainly NOT what was done.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jon is no worse than anyone else who has ever participated in a reality show. He's more balanced than some, more likeable than some, and dumber than others

Come to think of it, and not for nothing and certainly not to defend, but when Jon talks about his concerns about the childrens' development, has he specified WHICH child in particular?
Or, has he related anecdotally about any of the kids by name recently? You know, how Kate seems to constantly quote her kids' "kidisms" of late?

Tucker's Mom said...

Oh, muhgawd... go buy a cheapie microwave and use that on the counter for a couple days.
How hard is this?
I'm virtually certain she's got one in the basement/"dog kitchen" and there's not one in the apartment?

Vanessa said...

I agree with pretty mucheverything you said Millicent except the part that implies all reality shows are the same. You can't lump the likes of real housewives/teen mom/CT/big brother etc. With survivor/dwts/chopped/Duggars etc. Most certainly you see a difference?

Tucker's Mom said...

You're kidding, right? Giving him a pass? I think that perhaps you need to go back a thread and read the posts about the interview and his being on CT. Did you miss those?
*raises hand here*
I was none to pleased to hear that Jon and Liz were doing CT, and that's what his trip to L.A. was all about.
I think I might have come close to needing a time out in the corner!
Just kidding, Admin.
No, many of us voiced our disapproval in no uncertain terms, so stop the cherry picking, please.
This is a polyphonic blog with respectful opinions expressed, not an alter to fall prostrate to Admin, or Jon, or Robert, or anyone really.

Vanessa said...

I agree with Rainbow-maybe 1 or 2? posters have given him a pass? And have had some good points as to why.

Vanessa said...

Wonder if tfw is little miss sunshine lately because she comes here and the discussion is STILL Jon? Haha

Call Me Crazy said...

Susie Cincinnati said... 152

I know chefsummer (I believe she wasn't feeling well for awhile), but who is FotK? lol!

Sorry, Susie! FotK is an abbreviation for Flight of the Kiwi. She is a regular (infrequent poster now) who always had the most interesting stories about her DH and a certain recliner. I hope she checks in soon.

Sherry Baby said...

Paula said,

"Peeing in your driveway is not limited to frat boys - good grief. Neither is there anything wrong with peeing out in the middle nowhere."

I don't know that it was in the middle of nowhere. It was in someone's driveway, with a reporter present. That's the difference. A huge difference. One expects that this behavior, while some may believe there is nothing wrong with it, isn't done in the presence of a stranger when you know that person will be writing a story about you. One thinks ahead -- exactly how is this going to make me look?

Sherry Baby said...

Gary Byers ‏@gary681 1h
@Kateplusmy8 could a dad and a hungry 9yo son get that Beef Stew recipe?

lol!! Just google "beef stew" on the internet! Gosh almighty.

Sherry Baby said...

"Oh, muhgawd... go buy a cheapie microwave and use that on the counter for a couple days.
How hard is this?
I'm virtually certain she's got one in the basement/"dog kitchen" and there's not one in the apartment?"

I was just going to say that! Walmart and Kmart have some good ones with great reviews on sale right now -- $55, and up. I was checking them out as a donation to a shelter that had one of their microwaves blow up a few days ago.

localyocul said...

Susie Cincinnati said... 155
Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1h
Three days of a non heating microwave was enough! Thanks to @MrApplianceCorp we are back in business! Gr8 service! #MOREhomerepairissues

Well what did you expect? You wanted a big house, you got it, along with home maintenance. Houses don't take care of themselves, for Pete's sakes, and appliances do bite the dust. No oven until Mr. Repair Person shows up?


Didn't she brag er blog about having two countem two microwaves?

Rhymes with Witch said...

Tuckers 162, I cannot remember Jon expressing concern about a child by
name, unlike tfw, who puts word in their mouths.

Vanessa, I disagree about the Duggars. Not going to elaborate because this is not the place for that discussion.

handinhand said...

I don't know that it was in the middle of nowhere. It was in someone's driveway, with a reporter present.

And after he had just left two places, a bar and a gas station, which arguably had bathrooms.

Ex Nurse said...

Rainbowsandunicorns said...
Comments hardly painted him in a positive light and many have said that they are surprised by his behavior now, when in the past he tried to stay private and took the high road, but now puts himself out there by making his private life public.
I think that I am not entirely alone on not being surprised, or seeing this as out of character. There are parallels to the kind of behavior seen after the divorce. IMO, we are seeing him cycling through a pattern. This type of behavior is widespread when coming from an alcoholic family. Some members may be unaffected, some may become addicted to a substance or a behavior and some may find themselves in relationship with an alcoholic or addict. As far as I know, there hasn't been a specific gene found for addiction. It is the learned family dynamics that echo generationally. Jon is clearly very likable, well-meaning and truly loves his children. But he is, IMO, emotionally immature. He himself has acknowledged that he has the potential to abuse alcohol. It isn't about the bottle cap collection proving or disproving that he is an alcoholic--it is just a juvenile thing to do. IMO, of course. Maybe he doesn't think to put them away when the kids are there, and maybe he does. Again, it is just an immature thing to do when there are 8 kids that look up to you. What you say means nothing--kids learn from what you do. So why wouldn't he make sure that the Jon who showed up at the View was the same one who gave that last interview? Those interviews were like day and night. Why is that? Well, one thing we know for sure was that there was alcohol during the second interview. He looked pretty clear-eyed and was very well-mannered and articulate on the View. He was swearing and pissing on a friend's driveway for the second interview. But, to link his drinking with his thoroughly obnoxious behavior, and to question whether he has the same poor judgement in front of his kids are wild assumptions.

handinhand said...

I don't put this reality show on a level playing field with all others.
What therapist in their right mind would invite kids to sit in and listen to their parent's relationship therapy? That is likely what will happen here.

Sherry Baby said...

Sorry, Susie! FotK is an abbreviation for Flight of the Kiwi. She is a regular (infrequent poster now) who always had the most interesting stories about her DH and a certain recliner. I hope she checks in soon.

I thought it was typo for PatK!

AuntieAnn said...

Gary Byers ‏@gary681 1h
@Kateplusmy8 could a dad and a hungry 9yo son get that Beef Stew recipe?

Oh dear. Kate will make you buy the book. Just open a couple of cans of Puritan Beef Stew and call it a day.


My ad at the bottom of this page is a diagram of a naked human body with what looks like a lot of medical problems including fatigue, constipation or diarrhea, itchy burning eyes, white coated tongue, and genital itching. It says "250m Americans infected".

Sounds like a nasty hangover to me. I am not going to click on it.

Rhymes with Witch said...

@Kateplusmy8 could a dad and a hungry 9yo son get that Beef Stew recipe?

Did she tell him to buy her book?

handinhand said...

While Jon may not get a pass entirely here, it does seem as though deeper examination of his actions sound alarms of too much/ too far.
That is very rarely the case when the discussion is about Kate.

Carole said...

Layla said...
The main reason I don't believe Kate made $250,000 an episode for K+8 is because she refinanced the house to a 30-year mortgage as soon as the show ended. At 250K an episode, times (I think) 28 episodes, she would have hade millions in a very short period of time. But to then immediately refinance the house to a mortgage she'll be paying well into her 60s, rather than use just a fraction of those millions to pay it off, makes no sense. The only reason to go with a 30-year mortgage is to have a lower payment. It saddles her with hundreds of thousands in interest alone...

Admin said...
The house price also fell as I recall. She was underwater on it for awhile there. So basically to pay it off early with a low interest rate you would be pumping money into a depreciating asset that you would not be able to sell for what you bought it for


I don't really think Kate's income has anything to do with her refinancing the house. Her original mortgage was a balloon 10 yr mortgage with a VERY high interest rate (10-11% I think) due in 2018. It had to be refinanced at some point soon anyway and it was smart of her to do it when the interest rates were the lowest we've seen in decades.

The new mortgage has a *fixed* adjustable rate rider, meaning it limits the amount the interest rate can change at any one time and the maximum rate the borrower must pay. The new initial rate is 4.25% and isn't due for adjustment until 2022. I think it is smart financially for her to carry a mortgage so that she can deduct the interest from her taxes as well as free up the monies for other investments.

Yes, Admin. At one time in '10-11 she was underwater on her mortgage. I believe the property was appraised at @ $650,000 and she still owed @ $750,000. There was speculation at the time that she might try to sell but there was no way that she could have ever gotten her money out. Idk awhether the property values have changed enough for her to be able to get her money, or I should get the KIDS' money, out of it now either.

Admin said, "So I don't think a refinance is proof she isn't rich. In fact it might just be the opposite, proof she is rich and can use a refinance to her advantage financially."
I agree completely.

They Both Do The Same Thing said...

Tucker's Mom said... 162
Jon is no worse than anyone else who has ever participated in a reality show. He's more balanced than some, more likeable than some, and dumber than others

Come to think of it, and not for nothing and certainly not to defend, but when Jon talks about his concerns about the childrens' development, has he specified WHICH child in particular?
Or, has he related anecdotally about any of the kids by name recently?
Yes, he has. Excerpts from Dads Roundtable interview:

"They don’t plot against me and I know whose lying. I don’t go to the girls because they’ll lie right to my face. I’ll go to Aaden. He’ll look right at the ground every single time...."

"Alexis gets up at 5:30 in the morning so now I have to make sure she doesn’t wake the other kids up so she comes down, watches TV, does her thing, gets cereal and then the other kids wake up and it’s like ding ding ding and then you hear the fighting, “get out of my room, get out of my room,” then I come out."

"There are partners. The boys are always together. Usually Joel and Aaden are together. Collin comes in the mix too. Hannah and Leah are together and Alexis is more of a tomboy. She is really in to animals so it’s her and Aaden a lot. You’ll see Alexis more with the boys just because of personality. It fluctuates but all in all we all get along."

AuntieAnn said...

Dmasy @ 101- DH is in holding position and still needs assistance with most things. This cold weather has slowed both of us down. It's hard to get out there through all the snow and ice, so we spend a lot of time indoors finding ways to stave off cabin fever. I'm finally able to beat him at cribbage, but I'm feeling guilty about it. lol! Thank you for asking, you are sweet.

Midnight @ 98 - I got suckered in by that Cat's Meow ad on tv and bit. I'm sure lots of cats do enjoy it but mine are just too picky. They want human interaction when they play, IF THEY are in the mood. Cats. Go figure. Their Xmas present will be donated to the local animal shelter, after the cover comes out of the wash.

Molly said...

One expects that this behavior, while some may believe there is nothing wrong with it, isn't done in the presence of a stranger when you know that person will be writing a story about you. One thinks ahead -- exactly how is this going to make me look?

The reporter drove up and caught Jon doing this. I don't think, or at least I hope, Jon wouldn't just start peeing in front of someone. I hope he'd ask for privacy and/or walk away. I'd also hope that if he'd been able to plan ahead for this he would have. lol

Unknown said...

handinhand said... 178
''I don't put this reality show on a level playing field with all others.
What therapist in their right mind would invite kids to sit in and listen to their parent's relationship therapy? That is likely what will happen here.''
What? Are you actually saying that Jon's children will be on CT? What on earth would cause you to even think such a thing, much less post the comment for everyone to read? Good Grief!

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Oh poor Kate, ONE of her microwaves not working for 3 whole days. She sure has really little, or nothing, to share on Twitter. If only she had thought to call St. Milo, who would have driven through any amount of winter weather to bring her a new one.

And sorry, tired of people who come here only to ream Jon in multi-paragraphs, in a tiring discourse. We get it, you really, really dislike him. Actually I like the fact we all don't agree, but most of the conversation here flows in short posts. Anytime I see past 5 paragraphs, my eyes start to glaze. I know, scroll, scroll, scroll.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Lordy! More talk about the peeing in the driveway? That wasn't thoroughly covered already?

Math Girl said...

Remona blue said ... 187

handinhand said... 178
''I don't put this reality show on a level playing field with all others.
What therapist in their right mind would invite kids to sit in and listen to their parent's relationship therapy? That is likely what will happen here.''
What? Are you actually saying that Jon's children will be on CT?
I understood handinhand's comment to mean that since CT is on TV, and the kids can watch it, that it is LIKE inviting them to the therapy sessions. Not that CT actually did invite them.

I agree with that. Therapy on TV is really cringe-worthy.

Mel said...

I understood handinhand's comment to mean that since CT is on TV, and the kids can watch it, that it is LIKE inviting them to the therapy sessions. Not that CT actually did invite them.

That's how I took it, too. That you wouldn't normally invite kids to participate in the parents' relationship therapy, but in this case it's likely that the kids will view it at some point. Now. Later. Sometime.


Rhymes with Witch said...

Or, has he related anecdotally about any of the kids by name recently?
Yes, he has. Excerpts from Dads Roundtable interview: 184

I stand corrected, but I also take the format (Dad's Roundtable) into account. JMO.


While Jon may not get a pass entirely here, it does seem as though deeper examination of his actions sound alarms of too much/ too far.
That is very rarely the case when the discussion is about Kate. 182

IMO, that is because kate has and continues to provide ridiculous
amounts of minutiae about herself and her kids. Not to mention her shrewish behavior whenever she's on tv.
Who fights a battle of wills with someone else's 3 year old? (CWS).

Unknown said...

Thank you Math Girl and Mel for explaining what you think handinhand @178 was trying to say. I wasn't sure, which is why my response to her had question marks.

JoyinVirginia said...

Tweet Le dee, didn't you like the pissing contest?
Ducking and running, couldn't resist!

handinhand said...

Math Girl and Mel for the win!
I meant the kids will have free viewing access to all of this...but Jon will be sitting right next to them when they pull it up on Youtube.

Be careful out there! said...

To all of you with the semiporn bouncing boobies, and Auntie Ann with the 250mAmericans infected, you have picked up a virus. DO NOT click on it Auntie Ann. Clear your recent memory or restore your computer to an earlier period and start running strong anti-virus programs. They attach themselves to innocuous web sites and drop into your computer as cookies. I think they are not dangerous if you don't click on them but who wants them around??

Greedy Gosselins said...

handinhand said... 182
While Jon may not get a pass entirely here, it does seem as though deeper examination of his actions sound alarms of too much/ too far.
That is very rarely the case when the discussion is about Kate.

I agree. It appears people are spitting hairs when it comes to Jon.

Serendipity said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 189
Lordy! More talk about the peeing in the driveway? That wasn't thoroughly covered already?


I think Ex-Nurse brought it up again. I also think that it's been pi$$ed to death here! LOL!

Serendipity said...

Sounds like a nasty hangover to me. I am not going to click on it.


Maybe "they" know that Rumspringa has been discussed here and saw your keg/Saint Bernard.

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