Wednesday, September 11, 2013

'I've never had a job in my life that I was better than. I was always just lucky to have a job. And every job I had was a stepping stone to my next job, and I never quit my job until I had my next job. And so opportunities look a lot like work.'

Ashton Kutcher's profoundly honest, tough-love speech in an unlikely venue was something every helicoptered kid needed to hear. And maybe some adults, too.

Don't waste your money on Jobs, but listen to this speech.

"I believe that opportunity looks a lot like hard work. When I was thirteen I had my first job with my dad carrying shingles up to the roof. And then I got a job washing dishes at a restaurant. And then I got a job in a grocery store deli. And then I got a job at a factory sweeping Cherrio dust off the ground. And I've never had a job in my life that I was better than.  I was always just lucky to have a job.  And every job I had was a stepping stone to my next job, and I never quit my job until I had my next job.  And so opportunities look a lot like work."

1109 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Winsomeone said...

Since the show with Katie Couric was taped in PA, doesn't that mean there had to be permits and a set teacher, etc? If so, is there some sort of public record where people can check to see that Kate Gosselin is finally following the law that was passed to protect kids like hers?

Blowing In The Wind said...

Just Kate alone isn't going to do it, but for many people, an hour of watching the kids again will be must-see viewing.


So is this the big surprise TFW was teasing about? ~ Administrator said...

KG invited KC to HER turf, which means "I'M in charge here".


I thought the SAME THING. Well played. Put them on your territory. Gives you the control and power. Somehow it's harder to ask someone really tough questions when you're sitting in that person's living room. ~ Administrator said...

How do these people think a teacher controls a classroom of 25, 30 or more students? Classrooms aren't in constant chaos. There is order.

They may say well that's not full time. Well then I give you boarding school. They control large groups of kids just fine.

This is only eight kids. Eight. Any teacher's dream of a class size.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Oh, here's the kitchen where I created my fabulous recipes, it wasn't easy, you know I have 8 kids. Here's the chicken coop, here are my 5 freezers. Fluff and more fluff. Meh and more meh.


...and here's my yogurt maker with the French outlets I installed; the commercial meat slicer, and my awesome bread machine that I use to make those awesome (YUM) amazingish garlic knots. Here's my leather sofa, my three cars, and my salt water pool, and all of this land as far as the eye can see is MINE, ALL MINE! Funny if she would ask about those trees that were all destroyed during the October snow storm two years fast they all were rejuvenated!

I hope both washing machines were in working order. Nothing worse than not being able to show that she needs TWO, count 'em TWO washers and TWO dryers for all of that laundry she does all by herself. ~ Administrator said...

I don't watch any of these Tyra and Ricki and Kris and Katie shows except it's often on at the gym. This daytime stuff is just a waste of space. Just mind numbing. They offer so little and just encourage D-list celebrity culture. I really don't understand why Katie ever signed up for this in the first place, or Anderson. I can't imagine they would be happy doing this.

Really I think many soaps were better than this crap.

Meagler said...

And this is why these 8 kids did their own manager or stage mom...

Why would you have katie come to the gosselin household, and also have the kids go to NYC all in the same day?

That picture tweeted showed it is quite dark out so I wonder how long their day was, and did they follow the hours per day rule for working/filming kids?

However I guess if you do it over a few different states in one day it kind of flies in the face of the law doesnt it???

Yes, TFW knows she doesnt sell anymore, so lets throw the kids in as bait...

Do those kid even know when those pictures are taken they are being splashed out for the world to see? If they did know, would they agree?

fidosmommy said...

Oh, I think one kid would agree to have pictures splashed...

Amy2 said...

So school starts, Kate pulls the kids out of school to film the KC show, then a child "forgot" their homework and she electronically sends the homework to the teacher. IMO education and responsibility mean nothing to Kate. Kids should be in school, learning. Now the kids were spotted in NJ at a McD's. Did she pull them out of the school for more than one day?

This sends a message to the kids that school is secondary to filming. This has been their lives for a long time. Pull them out of school whenever they need to be on camera. When they go back to school they missed the in class project work and have to play catch up. As a student always playing catch up its frustrating. And from a teacher's perspective how frustrating for him/her to have to deal with this because this is how Kate wants it. This is extra work for the teacher because the kids might be behind in their studies. And with a class of 25-27 students how much time does the teacher really have to help these students. And because of filming this could go on throughout the school year.

Teachers already have to help students who are out due to medical reasons and help students with special needs. Those are legitimate reasons to miss school, not filming. And one more thing, in middle school there is more work and harder to make up.

I'm not an educator but I have a lot of respect for those that are. It's not easy to have a student succeed when the parent thinks so little about education.

Anonymous said...

Just a feeling, but I think the kids will have an ultimatum at 18. I think Kate will feel she's done her job, wants her freedom, wants to lose the responsibility and will kick them out.

I totally agree! However, the fab 6 will be entering their senior of highschool at age 18 and will start college at 19. So they will have one more year of living in their mother's home. Unless they reach their braking point and move in with Jon or a friend. In my opinion, I can see if one of the kids becomes of age and wants to move out, that their mother won't give them a dime! They would probably have get a minimum wage paying job while TFW insists on living in luxury!

Over In TFW's County said...

That picture tweeted showed it is quite dark out so I wonder how long their day was, and did they follow the hours per day rule for working/filming kids?


If those kids were filmed (working) in PA, then they would have needed work permits, and they would have been required to follow all of the new child labor laws, including having a set teacher present. It would be interesting to find out if this was done.

The only way it wouldn't have been applicable is if they found away around it by claiming that they weren't working, but rather just being interviewed. I don't know, though, if that would fly. I wonder if the DOL knows that those kids were photographed for the cookbook and for the Katie filming. ~ Administrator said...

This is one of my favorite posts. "Teachers are not to blame for educational lapses when kids are put to work" Usually I just post the information but this is one where I treated it sort of like a real opinion piece. About Kristen Stewart complaining that her teachers weren't very understanding about her celebrity life and being away from school.

Anonymous said...

Just another comment, I read a very interesting article on narcissist mother in laws. NMIL's tend to stick their noses in their child's family and cause havoc. Can you imagine what it would be like to have TFW as a mother in law? I see a lot of heartache in these children's future. I hope I'm wrong.

AuntieAnn said...

Except for catching Ellen once in awhile, I quit watching day time talk shows when Phil Donahue went off the air. And I think if I added up the minutes, I might have seen an entire hour of her royal majesty Oprah Winfrey over the 300 hundred years she was on tv. Never liked her or the brand she pushed. Case in point: Dr. Phil.

Formerly Duped said...

Alexis is sitting cozily on Katie Couric's lap. Not much has changed.

PatK said...

If Kate hauled the kids out of state, Jon certainly would have been made aware of that, correct? I know she was given court permission to drag them hither, tither and yon for "working" purposes, but Jon still has the parental right to know, from what I understand.

Perhaps it would go something like this: "Kids, one of you let your dad know, because I'm suing him and am not allowed to communicate with him."

fidosmommy said...

I got disinterested in Oprah when 1) she kept going on about how rich she was, even if it was in small ways - she seemed braggy to me and 2) when she started affiliating herself with new ideas from the likes of Mary Ann Wilkinson (something like that) and some OB/gyn who kept gushing on about the beautiful uterus. It got really odd there for awhile and Oprah was mesmerized by it all. I also noticed her book choices leaned toward very dark stories, which I tend to avoid.

Tucker's Mom said...

fidosmommy said... 7
Oh, I think one kid would agree to have pictures splashed...
I ask this respectfully.
Can we ease up on you know who?
She just can't win for losing. At age 6 she was labeled the "difficult" one, the "brat", even a "bitch". Now, at 12, she's obviously become more like Kate and who knows why.
This is probably a combination of who she is and who Kate expects her to be and who she thinks Kate expects her to be.
Either way, she's 12.
Forgive the pun, but she has enough on her plate. I mean, just look at who her mother is!
Thanks for considering this.

PatK said...

Formerly Duped said... 15
Alexis is sitting cozily on Katie Couric's lap. Not much has changed.


Actually, I think these kids are too old to be sitting on anyone's lap anymore!

Jeanne said...

A couple of thoughts.

1) How is that law written? If no one is being paid does the law apply or not?

2)I don't for a moment believe she was in Piscataway. It is not on the way to NYC. Either you go 222N to 78E to NJ then N to NYC but you're north of Piscataway and wouldn't go there. Or you pick up the turnpike in Reading, connect to the NJ turnpike and go N to NYC. You would not be in Piscataway.

3)She never takes the kids with her to NYC for hair appt, etc. That's her "me" time and no kid would be invited.

4)She has to take Steve or someone along for these appearances. Remember how she couldn't even drive into Reading without help? There is no way she can get to Paramus and find the B&N alone. I also think this is why she's always at Target an Chipotle and whatever her routine is. She is hopeless at getting around.

Suzee said...

@katiecouric: Guess who I spent the day w yesterday? Guess why I can't get out of bed today? #eightismorethanenough!


No school for the kids but it looks like they still had to get up very early for the shoot or they worked into the evening because it's DARK outside.

School was in session yesterday. Orange Crusher, you hit the nail on the head when you said " Funny how one day that homework was soo important it had to be delivered by Iphone, and just a few days later, no one needs to go to school at all.

TFW herself, is no draw without the kids or controversy. She couldn't even write a cookbook w/o plastering them on the cover and throughout the book, and now she's exploiting them even more with the tv interviews. The kids are nothing special now, except for their birth history and being on a reality show years ago.

How much longer will consumers keep buying into this exploitation and continue to fund her? All she is doing is SELLING her family and I don't understand why people are buying "them" (how sick to be profitable selling children's lives.). It's shameful that TFW's doing it, but imo, it's even worse that the public and so called journalists participate and are supportive.

Anonymous said...

The kids will possibly have two questions very soon to TFW:

Where is our money, all of it?
What did you do to our dad?

Did it kill her claims in the lawsuit with all of the promos she is doing?

The kids looked forced and unsure in the twitter pic. Bad to use them on twitter or for promos. Dad might of said no to kids going on show, so the show came to them. bad bad bad pr stunt bad......really really bad..............................

Why does KC have her shoes off during a professional interview? ~ Administrator said...

1) How is that law written? If no one is being paid does the law apply or not?


The way it's written if it's a T.V. production minors need to be paid. But this is a major problem with almost all child labor laws. It's easy to say well this doesn't really qualify because this is just Katie Couric stopping by for a few questions, no different than if a local reporter knocked on your door to interview you about the house fire next door. They don't pay you. It's very possible Kate isn't paid for the interview. It is not very common for these shows to pay for interviews. The payment is the publicity. So what do you do when it's industry practice not to pay the adults, when there are minors involved? They have to be pulled out of school and work for no payment?

That's exactly how TLC got around existing child labor laws in PA. They said oh well it's a reality show so we didn't really need to pay the kids.

Child labor laws have come a long way but they haven't come nearly far enough. I still don't think they spell out clearly enough what situations this applies to.

Tucker's Mom said...

AuntieAnn said... 14
Phil Donahue is a classic. My, how the bar's been lowered.
When Oprah started to push b.s. like "The Secret", I lost all respect.
No one person should have that much money or power. It just skews the curve.

Anonymous said...

Shaking head and unable to even try to respond to the school allowing these kids to miss class again so mommy can be a stah.

Do the people that allow TFW to use her kids for promos, or does KC, understand how much you miss from school in just one day?

There is no set school tutor for these children, is there? If not, it is up to each of them to make up any work missed. And forget about the class lectures and teachers lessons each time they miss.

This is sad...really sad. Did mommy ask them which they would rather do without bribes? Stay home or go to school and be with friends their own age?

A real of any books, knows the importance of education, and how a not a stah cook book, not a novel, not a fiction or non-fiction, not a bio, not a chef, just a stay at home mom cookbook is more important than sending your 8...count em...8 kids to school. This is the most most stupid and ridiculous crap ever seen.

There is no way the dad can not bring this to the attention of the family court? There was no legal reason for the kids to be a part of a cookbook tour or interviews. Jeeze bejeeze wtf is wrong with people and that private school?

School should say, "Absences are hearby UNEXCUSED!"

Jumping In said...

What a perfect set-up for TFW. She managed to get another film crew inside her house to remind her former viewers what they have been missing! Brilliant, especially fish tailing this coup so soon after the PEOPLE cover. Combine this with a cookbook, complete with her 8 kids singing her praises and she must believe the momentum Is shifting back her way.

If the network sent Katie Couric out to TFW's place to partake in this sham, then KC has lost all credibility as a so-called journalistic reporter. Obviously, to give her the benefit of the doubt, we will have to watch and see what transpires, but I feel a lot of fluff is coming this way.

Her is my revised prediction:

There will be no hard questions. KC and TFW will talk about how difficult it is to raise 8 children as a single mother. The sextuplets will be busy taking on KC (all at once) to emphasize how difficult it is for Kate to cope with all the frenzy. Meanwhile, Mady will help Kate push her agenda and that is to get them back on TV of course! Cara will endure (likely as instructed) and take another one for the team.

The cookbook is the bait, it seems someone had to take it, and it looks as if Katie C. was instructed to bite! This interview will be about the fans wanting them back, the cookbook simply a sidebar, served up with a lot of salt to rub in our wounds!

I must agree, this is one of her better "piece and patch" efforts; network television broadcast from HER turf. She will never give up, or go away apparently! Just ASTOUNDING how convoluted the "entertainment" business is these days how the common denominator is lowered accordingly.

PatK said...

Tucker's Mom said... 18
fidosmommy said... 7
Oh, I think one kid would agree to have pictures splashed...
I ask this respectfully.
Can we ease up on you know who?


This won't be a popular response, Tucker's Mom, but I'm of the opinion that if you're put in the public eye for all to see, you are fair game for commentary.

Tucker's Mom said...

Gigi Be said... 13
Just another comment, I read a very interesting article on narcissist mother in laws. NMIL's tend to stick their noses in their child's family and cause havoc.
Connected to AuntiAnn's post (14), Dr. Phil keeps bringing back this wacko MIL, now ex MIL, who did nothing but spend her days trying to destroy her daughter's marriage with unabashed hatred for her SIL.
Somehow, in a way that I've never got, Dr. Phil seems to find something about her funny, and adorable and... incoriggible, I guess.
Mostly, she gets ratings, so he brings this horrible, wretched, evil woman back over and over and over.
Crap, she's as bad as the "Dr. Phil Family". They're a horrid lot that needs to go away.

Tucker's Mom said...

PatK said... 24
Thanks, PatK. I get what you're saying. Thanks for responding.
Ultimately, it is up to Kate (and Jon) to protect the children.

Tucker's Mom said...

Why does KC have her shoes off during a professional interview?

Kate runs a "no shoes on in the house" kind of home. Except, of course, when she's being filmed by a shoeless crew, so her legs look better.
Seriously, this was on Oprah.

Anonymous said...

This post may piss some people off, but sayn it anyways.

When I was a baby all the way through grammar school, and up until age 11 years old (when I finally said no freakin more) my dear Mummy would invite her dear work or social friends, and family over, and she would make us kids KISS them or HUG them or get in their lap to make us look so sweet and loving. The perfect family. G-d if you only knew how much like TFW she is, you could understand how bad it was. Put on a good show for Mummy...

Do you know how many of them had bad breath, coffee breath, stinky stank avon perfume. stinky feet, or bad hygiene or who stank of alcohol or cigs? YUCK!

Looking back, wish we could have told good ole mom, you kiss them or sit in their lap if you want it so bad. We be done with that chit.

I never allowed my kids to kiss anyone. And if they wanted to hug any "peoples", let it be their idea. I would have a stroke if they encouraged or picked up my child for a lap dance.

Hope the kids learn to say "no" to mommy real soon.

This woman isn't family. Can't TFW just say no to touching the kids to everyone who comes near them?

How much more can they take? Wife Swap was just a minute ago with more strangers all over them in their own home. This has to be hard on them. It's hard for me to watch.

Bitchy Pants said...

PatK -- I disagree with you. Respectfully, the kid in question IS PUT into the public eye. She isn't putting herself in the public eye. If she were putting herself there, then I'd agree that she's open for comment. However, it's her mother and her mother's giant ego that keeps thrusting her into the forefront. We all know what would happen if she refused. The Spanker would be employed to "happy her up". As long as the kid is doing what it takes to survive, she deserves to be left alone as much as possible.

Tucker's Mom said...

Actually, I think these kids are too old to be sitting on anyone's lap anymore!
I agree. What's the feminine of avuncular? Whatever it is, that's Katie C., but you know, she really isn't Aunt Katie and the kids don't know her from Adam, so how she's got a 9-year old on her lap is beyond me.
I'm pretty sure I had established boundaries by that age.
But, Kate's always extolled the virtues of how quickly her kids will glom onto adults they don't know.
Katie's a beloved and trusted public figure by many, but still, the whole tickling, sit on my lap thing is more for a 4-year old.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Formerly Duped said,
Alexis is sitting cozily on Katie Couric's lap. Not much has changed.
Wow, I find it sort of strange for a nine year old to be sitting on a stranger's lap. Was this just a pose for a picture? It makes sense if it was set up that way. I didn't check out any links, just wondering why a nine year would be comfortable sitting in someone's lap. My kids stopped doing that around age six or so. Maybe even earlier.

Just my 2 cents said...

Oh, good grief! So now it is okay to comment and criticize Mady because she turns her head in pictures and is behaving like Kate.

She is 12 years old! ~ Administrator said...

Agree. Criticizing the kids is unnecessary.

Mady is probably only doing it to please Kate anyway.

Wowser said...

I'm sure TFW TOLD Katie Couric NO SHOES allowed in the was probably on a sticky note attached to the front door!

Tucker's Mom said...

fidosmommy said... 17
I got disinterested in Oprah when 1) she kept going on about how rich she was, even if it was in small ways - she seemed braggy to me and
Me too!
She'd talk to newly minted "stars" and yap about what they thought when they realized they'd never have to worry about money again, and buy that Lamborghini or that set of Louis V. luggage or that mansion.
It was sickening!
One of the things that put it over the top for me was when Hermes made their President? or CEO? or head PR person? at the time go on her show to apologize for the Paris Hermes turning her away when she wanted to go in at the end of hours to buy Tina Turner a gift.
It turned into the biggest boot-licking, ass-kissing display I've ever, ever seen.
If dignity were blood, Oprah would have made that man exsanguinate on her stage that day. ~ Administrator said...

This is the thing too. Katie Couric is not "Katie Couric" to a 9 year old. They cannot possibly understand her or how famous she is or the milestones of her successful career. They cannot possibly understand the significance of spending a day with her.

This is where adults project. TFW thinks oh WOW KATIE COURIC is interviewing us. Where as a nine year old doesn't give a crap. It's just another woman with questions for them. Just another woman to take their picture with.

This is one thing I like about kids. It's a level playing field. THey don't care who you are, they judge you only on that moment.

Bottom line is, what is amazing and once in a lifetime to someone like TFW is nothing to a kid and provides them little to no benefit. They would have been better off in school.

Anonymous said...

I know it has to be hard not to comment on the kids. But, it is not that child's fault her Mother taught her to pose like that for the camera. Bless her heart. Hope some of the other child actors will reach out to her someday to help her cope with what she and her siblings have been through.

Oh, I am so poor, but, no way no how would I trade for the life these children are living for any amount of money.

I agree with Admin, how she is only doing what her Mother wants her to do, and is surviving the only way she knows how. For now...

Maybe if the show give away more cars and trips, more and more white women will come to the show or watch it, and you won't get cancelled. That way, you won't have to exploit 8 innocent children who should have been in SCHOOL instead of with you!

What a way to stay on air.

A Mom said...

It's just possible that each Gosselin child doesn't get enough affection from their Mother. They probably miss the hugs and when given the chance they grab for it. Like in the Australia pic when Alexis is again being held by someone other then her own Mother. Kate talks about hugs/kisses, but really prefers to be left alone. She will be alone eventually.

chefsummer #Leh said... (Administrator) said... 36

Mady is probably only doing it to please Kate anyway.

Right remember if the kids don't go along with mom's rule she penalizes them $$ that they worked for.

Susan said...

Great new post at

It would be a brilliant move for Robert to re-release the book the same day Kates book is released. Go Robert.

Katykat said...

In that pic, I only see two kids really smiling, 5 faking it, and one so totally over it she can't fake it anymore.
I hope Katie C. had enough common sense not to ask about children's father while she sat in that living room that the children paid for. To be invited into THEIR house and to encourage demeaning THEIR father---which the children will see/hear would be despicable.

Anonymous said...

A child's home is geared to be a safe haven, right? But, for these children, they never know what to expect day to day on who will be waiting on them when they come home from school, or who will be coming to THEIR home (didn't she say the house belonged to them?) on any given day.

So they go around the laws again to film the kids or have their pictures taken and gives the middle finger to their dad, the private school and anyone else who disapproves.

Kids are kids, and soon TFW is going to learn that when they finally say no, that no means no and it will be over.

Will it be the 6 or the 2 that finally say no more?

KC the kids said to mail THEIR check out asap for dancing the green back boogie for y-o-u.

Wowser said...

A little flashback article that certainly goes along with Robert:

Kate Gosselin's sister-in-law Julie Gosselin writes on her blog that everything that happens on "Jon and Kate Plus 8" is totally fake and that we should all STOP watching!
She even lists some fake takes in the show's history:
"When the show first started, Kate made a wishlist of things that she wanted, and that became the theme of each episode – the carpet, twins' room, bunk beds, cow, hair plugs, teeth whitening, trips, etc. EVERYTHING that you see them do or buy is completely paid for out of the budget for the show or traded for free advertising. Kate went on and on about saving up for special days, you saw her paying for things, she talked about budgeting, etc. It is all for the appearance that they are a struggling family with 8 children. They needed to be relatable. They didn't pay for any of it.
"The episodes are also staged. Here's how it works...there is a staff of people reading these blogs and they base the shows around what people are talking about. I haven't watched many episodes, but I do know some of the behind the scenes events.
Keep reading for the behind-the-scenes scoop.

"The Christmas episode from 2007. Producers told Kate that the viewers wanted to see her show appreciation to their helpers. They told her what the episode was going to be. I think they baked cookies and then went caroling (of course this was probably one of their many 'traditions" – those are all fake too). Kate threw a fit. She didn't want to do it, but she did ... because they were trying to pacify the viewers."
Kids can be trained like seals:
"Don't believe everything you see. The children are also being prompted to say or do certain things. They signed their lives away to TLC and they will continue to spin the show to keep the viewer's interest. I don't believe this show will go away until the viewers decide that they don't want to be played anymore."
The cookbook promo:
"Of course, you've all figured out that they are showing Kate cook/bake to promote her upcoming cookbook. The show has now turned into a show about a family with a reality show – move to a mansion, cross-over shows, book tour, talk shows..."
Season finale:
"Please don't watch on Monday. You're not going to learn anything new by watching. They will only show what they think people want to see and it isn't real anyway. They will probably drag this out (J&K's 'relationship') for the entire season. They just string the viewers along hoping that they will come back for more."
What do you think? Is the show fake? Is the marriage?
Or is the impending divorce fake?
Related Dish:
Is Kate Gosselin planning 'Kate plus 8 minus Jon?"

Photo credit: TLC.

TLC stinks said...

I made an observation, not a criticism of Mady. She is being groomed by her mother and it angers me how Kate is manipulating that child. I will not and have never watched Katie's show, but I would bet that Kate goes out of her way to get Mady extra camera time. It is so obvious what her scheme is for that girl.

jbranck1980 said...

I just love how this is just another nail in TFW's lawsuit. Her career and reputation have suffered? Really? She's on a daytime talk show with Katie Couric! I wish my career would suffer like TFMJG's.

fidosmommy said...

I was not criticizing Mady. Hasn't she herself indicated an interest in acting or at least something Disney? I think she is pleased she gets this warm-up to what she hopes lies ahead. If I wanted to be a teacher I would jump at the chance to be a mini-teacher any time I could. I think Mady feels like that about spotlight work.

My comment was not intended to be mean to Mady. I have really liked Mady over the years.

Katykat said...

Someone tech saavy to send Robert's newest post to Katie C.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Looks like KK can't bully Robert into submission.

Luke's Mom said...

Tucker's Mom said... 38
fidosmommy said... 17
I got disinterested in Oprah when 1) she kept going on about how rich she was, even if it was in small ways - she seemed braggy to me and
Me too!
She'd talk to newly minted "stars" and yap about what they thought when they realized they'd never have to worry about money again, and buy that Lamborghini or that set of Louis V. luggage or that mansion.
It was sickening! ....

I used to watch Oprah so many years ago.

The last show I watched was the one where she cleaned out her closet of clothes that she didn't want anymore to sell to some chosen fans.
She held this "yard sale" in a room the size of an airplane hanger (and she filled it too.)

I remember feeling such disgust when she proudly displayed a set of tables as long as a football field (maybe abit of an exageration but it was at least 40 ft long) and they were stacked FULL of cashmere sweaters!

Keep in mind these were the sweaters she no longer wanted. So there had to be at least the same number (if not more) that she kept in her closet since she went on and on about how much she loved cashmere sweaters.

I was so disgusted by her flaunting of the frivolous spending on cashmere sweaters. The shear number was a HOARDERS type of excess but to the 9th degree.
I stopped being a fan and having respect for Oprah after that show. Oprah became the ugly face of fame and fortune to me.

Anonymous said...

Not a bash, just the biz would say, Mady G has no special exotic look or talent or even specialized acting/modeling training or significant resume' to offer for print or screen.

Extra camera time won't help land her a gig to support her agent, the TFW, and the whole G family including daddy.

TFW should have started training years ago. What a huge burden for a child to carry.

Maybe Mady can go to school and decide for herself what she wants to do.

JMC can try and get her a gig, but at some point that would require the child to attend an audition of some sorts, and be allowed to actually leave the house.

Molly12 said...

I wonder how Katie could sit there and listen to Kate tell her how she is a "struggling" mom and "piecing and patching" together since she has now seen the McMansion with her own eyes? McMansions do not equal struggling.

Anonymous said...

RH please, either post the date of release or just shut up about it. Your teasers and bantering are worse than hers. At least she does come through on something when she tweets her suspense type teaser novels on twitter. What you are doing is immature with the taunting. Don't do that. Just don't...Fly the plane.

Luke's Mom said...

No surprise that Kate is enjoying her time back in the spotlight. Hair Salon in NY. Private time with Steve traveling and staying in hotels and eating out. Interviews with Today Show and Katie. Book signing in Baltimore...

Yes, she is back to believing she is a star again and most likely is using the kids money to travel like a star (Steve isn't going for free).

But the stats don't lie. The cookbook is not selling. By October, the cookbook interviews and signings will be over. She will be back in PA with no one in the media answering her calls anymore. Steve will be gone. And her dark roots will start to show as her color fades along with any interest in her cookbook or her.

I hope Kate enjoys the next two weeks because it will be over very soon. And she will know it ended with her cookbook failing and no one caring to hear from her again.

Over In TFW's County said...

Not a bash, just the biz would say, Mady G has no special exotic look or talent or even specialized acting/modeling training or significant resume' to offer for print or screen


She actually does (the exotic look) when you see her in person. Television does nothing for her. She's at the in-between age when she's not a cute kid, but not mature enough yet to be model-attractive. Give her another five years or so, and she will be quite can tell by her features.

The Plot Never Ends said...

I've ALWAYS thought that Alexis was the beauty and the talent of the family. IMO she looks just like Jon's Mom, a beautiful and smart woman.

Alexis is handful of everything, Beauty, savvy, and a love for everyone of God's creatures. God Bless her precious little soul. ~ Administrator said...

Interesting quote about all the "stories." TFW has been peddling that this is all just made up "stories" for a very long time:

“I’m waiting for Mr. Right,” she told the mag. “It would be nice if somebody noticed me, sure! Maybe even after reading all those stories about how horrible and mean I am, somebody will be brave enough to appear, but sometimes I worry I’ve scared the world away. There’s nobody out there who has come forward, and it’s depressing. Where is he? All I can say to this mystery man is hurry it up! Every woman I pass is holding someone’s hand, and that annoys me. I’m lonely, and I need help.”

PatK said...

Luke's Mom said... 56


Well said, Luke's Mom! I totally agree.

Luke's Mom said...

Over In TFW's County said... 57
Not a bash, just the biz would say, Mady G has no special exotic look or talent or even specialized acting/modeling training or significant resume' to offer for print or screen


She actually does (the exotic look) when you see her in person. Television does nothing for her. She's at the in-between age when she's not a cute kid, but not mature enough yet to be model-attractive. Give her another five years or so, and she will be quite can tell by her features.
But "quite pretty" does not equal "model-attractive" nor does it make someone talented enough to be in show business. And if "television does nothing for her" than that certainly would not help her become a star either.

I am glad she will be "quite pretty". My town is full of "quite pretty" girls and many girls who are quite BEAUTIFUL. I think Mady or any of the other Gkids are no more special looking or talented than the kids I know.

Kate can not stop herself from exploiting her kids and using them in her desperate attempts to stay relevant and in the media. And not surprising, Kate NEEDED to use her kids to get on the Katie Couric Show.

But very SAD that Katie Couric became a participant in the exploitation of the Gosselin kids and posted that picture with them.

And I agree that having one of them on her lap with her arms all over her was not appropriate behavior for an interviewer or Talk Show Host, especially since the Gkid is 9 years old (not a toddler like Kate wants everyone to keep believing). I think it was abit creepy for Katie Couric to do that.

The Plot Never Ends said...

In the end, it doesn't matter much if Kate is on ''Katie's'' show. Most of the American public don't watch it anyway, including me.

What a bunch of nonsense. Katie Couric has a zillion bucks and a new fiancée. I've never liked her much, and now even less. Good Luck to her when she finally retires....Thank God!! ~ Administrator said...

I agree, lots of kids turn out quite pretty. Or, she might not turn out pretty. Who really knows how things will shake out. The bottom line is if she is serious about a career she needs to be in L.A. or at least NYC. She really needs to move there really. Not that I think that kind of life would be good for her, but it kind of speaks to how serious TFW really is about helping her to make this happen in that she hasn't bothered to send her to where she needs to be. It is virtually certain to never happen unless she joins Presley and all those wackadoodles to be one of 600 kids auditioning for the same pilot.

fidosmommy said...

Does anyone think TFW may actually believe she has 160,00 friends on Twitter who love her and would support her cookbook - or another tv show? Or is she just using those padded numbers, knowing they are not valid, to support her self promotion for jobs? I'm not sure which it is, but it all seems so dysfunctional.

Pioneer Woman's book is outselling hers by >10 to 1. PW must have at least 5,000 real live people who are interested in what she cooks. ~ Administrator said...

On another note, I actually think this might just be a stage. LOTS of kids this age, especially little girls, want to be actors/singers something in entertainment. How many of them are still saying I want to be an actor when they are 18 and graduating? Maybe one out of 100.

localyocul said... (Administrator) said... 65
On another note, I actually think this might just be a stage. LOTS of kids this age, especially little girls, want to be actors/singers something in entertainment. How many of them are still saying I want to be an actor when they are 18 and graduating? Maybe one out of 100.


True. In 6th grade my daughter wanted to be a professional soccer player. Then she didn't even make the middle school team. She ran a fast 100 m dash in track though

localyocul said...

So TFW made the nanny be "as stern as possible" and take notes on who deserved a spanking when mommy got home. NICE

chefsummer #Leh said... (Administrator) said... 65

I remember when I was little and a pre-teen I wanted to be everything lol.

One day I wanted to be an actress then the next day a surgeon then an astronaut.

Kids/pre-teen change their mind hundreds of times a day.

Maddy maybe an A-list actress someday or a surgeon. I just wish her mother would let her choose like mine did.

AuntieAnn said...

Luke's Mom said... 56

No surprise that Kate is enjoying her time back in the spotlight. Hair Salon in NY. Private time with Steve traveling and staying in hotels and eating out. Interviews with Today Show and Katie. Book signing in Baltimore...


Oh yes, she'll be high as a kite for the next couple of weeks or so.

I don't know though, if we can call it the "spotlight". More like a 40 watt bulb.

Lalalalala said...

- While she is away, Kate tells the babysitter that her job "is to be as stern as possible!!!! Seriously!”


Who the hell would tell someone this?? And how "stern" is stern to someone else? Stern to me may be a time out where as stern to someone else may be tying a child to the bed and not giving food or bathroom breaks or beating the child with a belt or WORSE!! TFW is bat shit crazy!

AuntieAnn said... (Administrator) said... 65

On another note, I actually think this might just be a stage. LOTS of kids this age, especially little girls, want to be actors/singers something in entertainment. How many of them are still saying I want to be an actor when they are 18 and graduating? Maybe one out of 100.

I didn't want to be an actor or a singer, I wanted to marry Michael Landon and I wrote him and told him so when I was about 10 years old. The bugger declined. But he (or rather the person in charge of fanmail at NBC) sent me a stock photo of him and his Bonanza family in the mail. Close enough.

I think I still have it tucked away somewhere. Ah, youth.

Over In TFW's County said...

But "quite pretty" does not equal "model-attractive" nor does it make someone talented enough to be in show business. And if "television does nothing for her" than that certainly would not help her become a star either.


I didn't say that she is talented (she very well may be) or that she is pretty now, only that she has an exotic look and features that will be attractive when she is older. My opinion only. If you look at the age progression from when she was a toddler, you can see that her facial features, as she has matured, most definitely are not unattractive. A friend of mine has a daughter, half Asian, who was not the cutest of kids. At age 18, she is absolutely stunning, a model, with that exotic look that makes heads turns. Looking at her in Kindergarten, you never would have guessed what 13 years could do!

I also never said that "quite pretty" equals model attractive. Television really doesn't highlight her features, and whether or not she has what it takes to be a Disney star will depend on what the networks are looking for. I never thought Miley Cyrus was particularly attractive, but she seemed to have that certain something (I don't even think it was talent) that appealed to the network and viewers. Networks don't always hire the prettiest of the pretty.

Admin is right -- wanting to be an actress right now may be just a phase and as she grows up, she might find a passion for something completely different.

Luke's Mom said...

fidosmommy said... 64
Does anyone think TFW may actually believe she has 160,00 friends on Twitter who love her and would support her cookbook - or another tv show? Or is she just using those padded numbers, knowing they are not valid, to support her self promotion for jobs? I'm not sure which it is, but it all seems so dysfunctional.

Pioneer Woman's book is outselling hers by >10 to 1. PW must have at least 5,000 real live people who are interested in what she cooks.
No, I think Kate can't believe it because she knows she bought most of the twitter followers. She has the bank statements to remind her.

But I believe Kate delusionally thinks she is loved with a big fan base if only she can get back on TV.

Why else would she foolishly publish a cookbook (and one that is not very good). She knows it is not selling; she can't ignore the sales numbers. But she will blame everyone (including Jon) and not face the reality that no one is interested in what she is selling anymore. She continues to believe that no one has seen behind the curtain (or under her bra) to see that Kate is FAKE.

Kate's twitter and her website is a means to an end: To GRIFT. Whether for a gift card from a fan or Chipolte...Or to prove to herself and the media that she is still loved and relevant enough to get another show... any show... even if it involves exploiting her kids.

Anonymous said...

SN the master manipulator ...why doesn't he put his son in KC lap and take his son out of school for travel with his job? Why that would not make any sense you say!

Neither does it make sense for TFW to do the same.

Calling all you master sleuths who love to dig. Get out your shovels and start looking for Grant $$$ in some of the dba's and shell corporations popping up.


localyocul said...

So TFW took all 8 kids to Skyzone today. Is that where Kendra took the kids? It appears that, despite dire predictions, panic did NOT ensue.

Anonymous said...

and your number jus happens to be 69 shame for shame on u


I dreamed of ML every night, my prince charming who would come and rescue me on a white horse.

The Plot Never Ends said...

I agree Admin, That Mady might be going through a stage. She may change her mind a dozen times before or even after she goes to college, if indeed she does go. She might meet ''Mr. Right'' in high school.

Poor Kate, When the kids realize that they have never had any privacy, and every move they make in high school is watched and sold to the tabloids....

If she doesn't stop, RIGHT NOW, I hate to see the fallout for one misstep by any one of the kids. Will they be harassed on social media till they have a breakdown, or worse??

Wowser said...

Sky zone must have been the bribe together to perform for Katie Couric and spend the day portraying the Von trapp family

Wowser said...

Uggghh auto zone must have been the bribe to get them to perform

Hook 'em Horns said...

As a teacher, I just have to weigh in on how difficult it is to have children absent. On any given day, 60 or so pieces of paper cross my desk. Each set has two or three missing for one reason or another. The next day, those children come back, I try to get them caught up. In the meantime, two more are gone. For illnesses, I understand. And I'm really lenient in the make up work. But for vacations in October because it is "less crowded"? Or the one child whose mom took him to every commercial tryout in the area? Less so. It is a daily struggle to move the class forward each day while catching up those who are behind.

Lynne In RI said...

I didn't want to be an actor or a singer, I wanted to marry Michael Landon and I wrote him and told him so when I was about 10 years old.


lol, Auntie! When I was a kid, I wanted to marry Michael Parks...Then Came Bronson. Somewhere I still have an album with him singing, "Long Lonesome Highway." He couldn't sing worth a darn, but gosh was he cool in a bad boy sort of way!

Anonymous said...

Jon, if I could I would call you up man, and take you out for a beer. I sense that you are really beside yourself, but you are going to have to wait this out with patience. People, yea even strangers, do care about you, but it's not like we have a way to tell ya that. Just hang tight man. It might be a long wait, but it will be worth it. The kids are going to be there for you in the future. Keep your agent close by. You just never know what might come your way.

Luke's Mom said...

If Kate wants Maddy to get into show business, I would think she would approach it the same way she does for herself: Why would she encourage (or pay for) training or lessons to learn, and improve the skills needed to succeed. Only minimum effort is needed because others will do the work for you and make you a star just because you are a Gosselin.

Kate had others do the work she was supposed to be doing. Kate's image was and still is FAKE. And She is still portraying a LIE about her life.

I have no doubt that Kate would be thinking it worked for her so why shouldn't it work for her kids too.

Also, Maddy has seen enough of Kate's work ethic (sit and order others around) to know that fame and fortune come with little work. And Maddy was old enough to understand and remember that TLC did all the work for Kate behind the scenes.

ncgirl said...

"I wanted to marry Michael Landon and I wrote him and told him so when I was about 10 years old. The bugger declined."

LOL Auntie Ann. Don't take it personally. He had three wives. He was busy. :)

OrangeCrusher1 said...

"But the stats don't lie. The cookbook is not selling. By October, the cookbook interviews and signings will be over. She will be back in PA with no one in the media answering her calls anymore. Steve will be gone. And her dark roots will start to show as her color fades along with any interest in her cookbook or her."

I think the same. And oh really, after a whole boring summer, she hires her bodyguard to take the kids on an outing today? Suspicious timing yes? A little bribery for playing kissyface with Katie Couric?
Wait, she took them out in public and pandemonium did not ensue? Imagine that.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting about the children all leaving home as they turn 18. When that happens they the sextuplets wil be finishing their junior year in high school so will be 19 when they graduate. Jon may get them full time after all.

My son's best friend was kicked out at 18 -- his mother had told him on his birthday he had to move out (as she had been forced to do). However, he still had 3.5 months of high school to finish so he moved in with us for about 6 months. Great kid -- he knew how to take care of himself, was polite and ate everything I put on the table. He was working part time and paid us $10 a week for room & board. I hope the Gosselin 6 are as lucky as Sean was.

Lynn W.

Ingrid said...

"There’s nobody out there who has come forward, and it’s depressing. Where is he? "
She had one, "Iwana". He wasn't good enough for her.

Hook 'em Horns said...

And regarding the photo of homework: I have accepted that as well. And emailed pictures of home work have been accepted, too. The kind of parent that does that is the kind of parent that it is not worth fighting the battle over. Not for that. Those kind of parents give a teacher plenty of other battles. You have to pick. Especially since with a class of 20, there are probably 3-4 of those parents.

Lynne In RI said...

SN the master manipulator ...why doesn't he put his son in KC lap and take his son out of school for travel with his job? Why that would not make any sense you say!

Neither does it make sense for TFW to do the same.


Steve's kids weren't part of a reality television show. The fans want to see Kate's kids because they had a show. They feel like the Gosselins are part of their own family so for them (and Kate) it makes total sense for her to travel with the kids and throw them out to the public. Nobody has ever seen Steve's kids on a television show. They don't know them. In fact, we've only seen a picture here and there of his kids (several years ago), which is why it wouldn't make sense for them to travel with him.

Luke's Mom said...

Wowser said... 77
Sky zone must have been the bribe together to perform for Katie Couric and spend the day portraying the Von trapp family

September 14, 2013 at 6:24 PM
Wowser said... 78
Uggghh auto zone must have been the bribe to get them to perform
YES! Just what I was thinking too.

Can't you just hear Kate the night before and how she would order the kids to behave and what to say:
Say how much you love me.
How much you love my cooking.
How much you want to be back on TV.
How you miss the crew.
How you want to travel.
How you have the bestest mom ever.
How I look like a barbie doll.
And you better talk and act all cutesy like little toddlers too.

If you follow my orders, I will unlock the gate and take you to SkyZone.

BUT If you are not obedient, you will be spanked and punished with severness!

Now go clean the bathrooms, put the dishes away, fold the laundry, mop the floor, clean the chicken coop, make dinner, weed the garden, and don't make me remind you to do the other 60 chores on the list! (Hands clapping in their faces) RUN! When you help me you need to RUN! SHeesh! It's like I am working with children (as she sips her coffee and tweets).

PatK said...

localyocul said... 74
So TFW took all 8 kids to Skyzone today. Is that where Kendra took the kids? It appears that, despite dire predictions, panic did NOT ensue.


I don't think Skyzone is where Kendra took the kids. Skyzone is all about trampolines only, if I understand correctly.

Of course, I imagine Kate arranged to have a private area reserved just for them, lest she mingle with commoners. ;)

Over And Out said...

Milo is such a hoot. One has to wonder if she really is "all there." There were four people today and one last night who claimed to have seen her. This means that all of America loves her (according to Gladys)...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 11m
Amusing 2see all the tweets fr folks that saw Kate & her kids 2day...everyone was so excited 2see them...USA still loves @Kateplusmy8 :)

Jeremy said...

Not going to be popular, but I think several are jumping to conclusions and being hypocritical. The pic katie posted DID show that it was dark outside. Why is it assumed that the kids missed school for the day? K &K could have done their interview during the day and then after the kids came home from school they participated. Day in the life . . . Kate making dinner, picking them up from school . . .
It seems from the tweets of several teens that kate took the kids to skyzone today. She took her kids on an outing and didn't blab about it on social media. Isn't this what has been asked of her, to do things with her kids not for publicity? Why the attacks? And I could be wrong and we might find out this was filmed, but why not at least reserve snark for instances it is deserved.
Also, I googled B &N in Staten Island and Kate's appearance is listed NOT cancelled.

Susan said...

I admire what RH is doing. One day he will be known as the one who spoke for these children.
Kate Gosselin has had a stranglehold on family and Jon for some time now. Not on RH. It is time to pay up KateG. When the book comes out, and I hope it is within two days before any appearance the Witch makes, I will buy it.

Unknown said...

Anonymous said... 55
''RH please, either post the date of release or just shut up about it. Your teasers and bantering are worse than hers. At least she does come through on something when she tweets her suspense type teaser novels on twitter. What you are doing is immature with the taunting. Don't do that. Just don't...Fly the plane.''
Robert...don't listen to this person that won't even choose a name! Tease and banter and poke TFMJG as much as you like! I think that your taunting is great fun, and I love seeing you poke and poke and poke at her. You ARE flying the plane in the direction you choose. Keep it up, Robert...I simply can't wait to buy your book and read all you have to say. GO ROBERT!

pixie said...

As Albert Einstein once said, "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything."

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 24
Phil Donahue is a classic. My, how the bar's been lowered.
When Oprah started to push b.s. like "The Secret", I lost all respect.
No one person should have that much money or power. It just skews the curve.


Tucker's - Yes! Donahue was great. He was the reason I bought a countertop tv back in the 80's. ha! He really brought on some interesting guests and he never stole the show. He let them talk.

I'd love to hear his take on today's talk shows and reality television.

Loves to Read said...

swimgirl said... 191
Katie's show has not been officially cancelled. There are rumors it is going to be cancelled and that Katie will be the replacement for Barbra Walters on The View.

I read Kim Weiss's facebook post and I think she was being sarcastic with saything the author is an A lister. In the comment section, Kim posted to another commenter that she was a pleasure to work with and the word, you, was in all caps.

September 14, 2013 at 10:16 AM


swimgirl, I checked Kim Weiss's Facebook and yes, Kim is responding to another author of an HCI published book - Mary Jo Buttafuoco. Her book was published in July 2009, and she has since remarried and goes by Mary Jo Tendler:

Mary Jo commented that the press schedule Kim posted sounds like hers from "back in the day", and Kim responded that they had fun back then and that SHE (Mary Jo) was a pleasure to work with (unlike Kate?):

Kim Weiss
September 12
12 city radio Satellite tour, Today Show, Katie Couric Show, 2 B&N signings (NJ), Entertainment Tonight, Inside Edition, Extra, Marilyn Denis Show (CA), Steve & Chris Show (CA & US), Chapters event (CA) - that's the lineup for my "A" list author. More deets to come. Lovin' it!
Like · · Share
9 people like this.

Mary Jo Tendler That line-up reminds me of us back in the day! Have fun!
September 12 at 1:03pm · Like

Kim Weiss What fun we had, too, right? And, YOU were a pleasure to work with!
September 12 at 1:08pm · Like · 1


Mary Jo's Facebook:

Mary Jo's book: ~ Administrator said...

Kim Weiss What fun we had, too, right? And, YOU were a pleasure to work with!
September 12 at 1:08pm · Like · 1


As much as Kim's passive aggressiveness is funny, it's getting a little immature at this point. You don't bash your clients. Especially current ones. If I were publishing a book and someone working with me was doing that I would be shocked. ~ Administrator said...

If the kids went to school all day and were only home a few hours, THAT exhausted Katie? Really? Geez the kids probably ran off to do homework and then they eat dinner, what could possibly be so hair raising?

And if the kids were just home from school in a matter of a few hours they were cozying up to Katie and sitting on her lap? That's concerning. Have they ever even MET her before? ~ Administrator said...

I'm pretty sure it was Donahue who did a long interview with Christina Crawford. And some of Joan's sheeple called in. Donahue did a great job.

Back when daytime was decent.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

And if the kids were just home from school in a matter of a few hours they were cozying up to Katie and sitting on her lap? That's concerning. Have they ever even MET her before?


Weren't they sitting on the young fan's lap at the Connecticut run, and they had never met her before? ~ Administrator said...

Hook em thanks for your perspective on that. It never occurred to me the teacher might just be picking her battles by agreeing to accept that text. GOod point. I could never be a teacher, period. ~ Administrator said...

It's funny that two things we never see them do--McDonalds and the trampoline place, happen right when the Katie Couric interview took place.

I wouldn't say it was a bribe if these kind of sightings were more common place. But the only time we hear stuff like this is when they're with Jon.

Melissa NV said...

Also, I googled B &N in Staten Island and Kate's appearance is listed NOT cancelled.


Melissa NV said...

At least she does come through on something when she tweets her suspense type teaser novels on twitter.


Not always. There have been several times when she hinted and teased and nothing ever came of it. Then there was that sealed with a kiss thing that we never did find out what it was all about.

AuntieAnn said...

And if the kids were just home from school in a matter of a few hours they were cozying up to Katie and sitting on her lap? That's concerning. Have they ever even MET her before?

The sad part is we see pics of them hugging the bodyguard, sitting on a young girl's lap at a run, and on an interviewer's lap, but I can't recall any photos of them sitting on their mother's lap in the recent past. Not since they were tiny "littles". Now they only POSE with her.

But wait. Now that it's been brought up, she'll be sure to post one.

fidosmommy said...

If asked, Kim could spin that pretty easily. YOU were a pleasure for me to work with, but I KNOW I was a pain in the neck for you.

Shelby said...

Why would someone be angry at Oprah for promoting The Secret? It's true. Like attracts like. Always has, always will.

Without knowing the exact amount of money Oprah donates to charity, why the hate?

I guess it doesn't really matter as she has millions and millions of people who eat up her every word.

AuntieAnn said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 11m
Amusing 2see all the tweets fr folks that saw Kate & her kids 2day...everyone was so excited 2see them...USA still loves @Kateplusmy8 :)


Uh...maybe take a poll on that one, Gladys.

Staten Island said...

Jeremy said... 93

Also, I googled B &N in Staten Island and Kate's appearance is listed NOT cancelled.

It says "Cancelled" in big red letters, twice:

Loves to Read said... (Administrator) said... 104
It's funny that two things we never see them do--McDonalds and the trampoline place, happen right when the Katie Couric interview took place.

I wouldn't say it was a bribe if these kind of sightings were more common place. But the only time we hear stuff like this is when they're with Jon.

I wouldn't be surprised if a film crew from Katie Couric's show filmed the McD's trip yesterday and the Zone outing today all to be used as part of their B-roll footage when they talk about what Kate and the kids are up to these days.

In other words, just more PHONY BS from the "mom of eight" who didn't do a damn thing with her kids all summer.

Somewhere In Time said... commented that a poster had admitted that he/she had used another name awhile back. Just wanted to say that you were correct!

Meagler said...

McD's and a trampoline place???

Either filming, or damage control.

A Mom said...

B&N Staten Island is cancelled, B&N Paramus, NJ on the 25th is still on to have Kate there for signing; so far anyway!

As for McDonald/Skyzone it could very well be a bribe or maybe Katie C paid Kate G and Kate G decided to take kids and be the bestest mom!

Hope Robert is not blowing smoke & Mirrors and his book comes out soon!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Staten Island said... 111
Jeremy said... 93

Also, I googled B &N in Staten Island and Kate's appearance is listed NOT cancelled.

It says "Cancelled" in big red letters, twice:

Same store, two different URLs: - shows the event as canceled - does NOT show the event canceled.

JoyinVirginia said...

Auntie Ann, ”the spotlight is actually a forty watt bulb!” Love it! I enjoy your snark!

Jumping In said...

Shelby 109.....A negative comment is not hatred, it is an opinion. I find Oprah disingenuous, but I do not hate her, I do not know her. Opinions are based on impressions we form over time based on the actions of people we observe.

Kate Gosselin's actions are deplorable in my opinion, and yes, I look forward to her being exposed by Robert Hoffman for her cruel exploitation of the very children she should be protecting. Ultimately, TFW will be exposed because there is someone determined enough and brave enough to do so.

I have no interest is spewing hatred for anyone, least of all Kate Gosselin. Eventually, the truth will come out, and this blog offers a patient place to theorize, analyze and poke, but hatred does not live here, I can assure you of that.

Katykat said...

So Kate told the babysitter she HATES to come home after traveling...What real mom hates coming home to her children? WHAT A BITCH!

TLC stinks said...

I think Kate figures that with her "connections", she can continue marketing Mady and voila! Mady will get a Disney gig. In Kate's world, if she mentions it enough, it will come true.

Sounds to me that Katie's show paid for the kids' outing to film what fun they have with mommie dearest during a typical day. Kate Gosselin would NEVER, EVER take the kids out like that unless it was filmed and paid for by someone else. Loves to Read, you got it right.

JoyinVirginia said...

Why one former reality TV participant will never go back. This is link to blog from former Big Brother winner Jun.

TLC stinks said...

BTW, I think ALL the kids are great looking kids but that doesn't mean that any of them will end up as models or celebrities. There are plenty of very talented mixed race kids out there but Kate thinks she has an "in" because her kids were filmed. They were cute as buttons when toddlers and it was totally natural, but as they got older the forced reciting of their lines and the planned reactions for filming were contrite, fake, and not funny nor cute (kids and Kate). If they could act, the show would still be aired. With the loose scripting, a successful reality show needs talented performers.

TLC stinks said...

From Robert's GBOOK Report:


- For the poor fans out there who bring Kate gifts when she makes appearances or to her book signings - just like the gifts that you’ve left at her front gate thinking that she will read your notes and treasure your trinkets - don’t hold your breath. They get thrown directly into the trash, by someone else. Kate only ever sees the ‘good stuff’. Most everything is thrown directly into the trash by her handler, Steve Neild.

- After a book signing, Kate asked Steve if there was ‘any good stuff in that fan junk?’ To which Steve replied - No nothing exciting I am afraid - a few nice cards and letters. Some socks for the girls and some cars for the boys but nothing you would want to keep.

Kate had asked Steve about the “bags he had carted away" from a signing. She asked if he found anything interesting and told him that it “better be REALLY good to bring it back to her.” She told him to make a dumpster visit after HE had fun reading EVERYTHING! After hearing about the contents of the fan ‘Junk” Kate told Steve that she would pass on it all and joked to him that she hoped he had fun reading all the cards and letters as he thanked them while shredding them and throwing them in the trash!!!!! She ended that thought with a big smiley face.

Sorry fans. Gift cards or cash only.


Oh boy. If Steve were ever to write his own book, he would have great material, but I bet he's locked into a CA until the end of time. So ungrateful and selfish. The show made people think the Gosselins accepted gifts from fans but it was just a ploy for grifting for "good stuff".

Bitchy Pants said...

AuntieAnn 107 -- Even when the kids were very little, we rarely saw them interacting physically with their mother, unless she was steering them somewhere, dragging them somewhere, or yanking clothing on them. When it came to hugging, cuddling and lap sitting, it was usually with Jon.

Summer Days And Nights said...

Kate's TL is a mess. She needs to take that thing down. Young fans read that garbage. What kind of a message is that sending to them? I don't believe that those tweeters showed up before her alliance with BV, did they?

Tucker's Mom said...

Bitchy Pants said... 124
AuntieAnn 107 -- Even when the kids were very little, we rarely saw them interacting physically with their mother, unless she was steering them somewhere, dragging them somewhere, or yanking clothing on them. When it came to hugging, cuddling and lap sitting, it was usually with Jon.
Amen. Kate is rough, really rough.
Once, I remember Kate passing out in the recliner and a girl glomming onto her, not the other way around.
As I mentioned a couple weeks ago, on vacation with family, the parents (my BIL and SIL and their spouses) constantly showed affection and attention to our nieces and nephews. From ages 6-19, they were just in love with their kids. You could see them cherishing the moments.

Tess said...

I am just sick over the idea that TFW would ask a babysitter to keep track of spankings earned. What hell those kids have been through. She leaves over and over and when she returns the first thing is to dole out spankings. No words. I didn't speculate out loud before, but always wondered if the reason the kids were screaming and crying when returning to her, was because they were facing a punishment of some sort. I knew those kids were being mistreated from almost the beginning and it is the only reason I've followed this for so long. I just want the truth to be out there. I also can't help up speculate that the kids being afraid to make even the smallest mess when on CWS, was because they knew she would see/hear about all of it and they would be punished when she got home.

Formerly Duped said...

I remember how sweet Aunt Jodi was with the kids, especially Joel when he was sick. She cuddled him and talked softly to him, despite his runny nose and and germs. Contrast that to being yanked out of bed and put in the laundry room, all alone, while TFW muttered complaints about his 'vomitous' comforter.

Aunt Jodi also really played and baked with the kids, depite having four of her own as well.

Anonymous said...

Just took a look at Kate's timeline on twitter. Absolutely disgusting. All the little BV followers have come out to play. I guess you reap what you sow. Hope she's proud of herself.


TLC stinks said...

Her penchant for written instructions has bitten her in the butt. Looks like a babysitter (s) saved some notes or emails and from Robert's description of the fan "junk", she left instructions or email to Steve to toss it unless it was something "good". I guess Robert must have gotten the all clear to publish these juicy tidbits. No wonder she is so adamant to stop him. I suspect Robert has real people backing up his accusations this time.

chefsummer #Leh said...

TLC stinks said... 120

Sounds to me that Katie's show paid for the kids' outing to film what fun they have with mommie dearest during a typical day. Kate Gosselin would NEVER, EVER take the kids out like that unless it was filmed and paid for by someone else. Loves to Read, you got it right.

Just like when TLC footed the bill KK would take the kids any where any time.

But once on TV the kids got nothing and got to go nowhere unless they were working.

So I bet when the kids got to go to NY/NJ and out to play KC play for it.

TLC stinks said...

How come Bullyville gets to post private emails and tweets, but Robert can't? Well, discovery works both ways, Kate.

TLC stinks said...

I remember that clip posted of the kids screaming in the van when Jon dropped them off. My question: why didn't Jon report what the kids were wailing about and showed that clip to a judge? Or maybe he did? Not surprised the kids are whipped into submission. Makes sense given her temper, demands and slapping of Jon on TV.

jeremy said...

thanks Tweet Le D, for posting the B & N discrepancy. I didn't want to keep arguing, but i think the truth about KG in general is bad enough without having to spread non-truths. Glad it is a B&N error. I have a work committment I am trying to get out of on the 25th, as I live driving distance to Paramus, and a KG appearance is just too tempting, so I have a vested interest in knowing how to determine if it is cancelled before i change plans.

Summer Days And Nights said...

Just took a look at Kate's timeline on twitter. Absolutely disgusting. All the little BV followers have come out to play. I guess you reap what you sow. Hope she's proud of herself.



If you go back 10 hours or so, you can see what Kate's twitter has become. She has a problem, though. She can't end it. It is now their personal playground for insults and obscenities, but she won't take it down because it's her lifeline for the support and praises of strangers. Moreover, whatever would she do when her lint filter needs to be cleaned, or the dishwasher leaks?

Ex Nurse said...

TFW lacks the work ethic to do what would be required for any of her kids to land any kind of media role. If anyone knows someone who became ultra famous, those people just ooze charisma, and seem larger than life. When they walk into a room, there is a discernible shift and all eyes are on that person. I just didn't see that kind of star power in any member of the family.

For those that lack that natural charisma, they need to learn the art of acting. It is like kids who have natural athletic ability--they rise to the top very quickly. But even the biggest star, or most gifted athlete has to always earn their place. And this is done with practice, hard work and dedication--qualities TFW lacks. If a child wants that spotlight, then, that makes 2 people who will need to work hard. The biggest liability those kids would have is their nightmare of a mother, who has demonstrated over and over again, that she is not a team player.

The fact that TFW is too self-centered, lazy and cheap to invest any money or effort into any of her kids may be a blessing in disguise. it gives them the possibility of a few normal years.

Mel said...

Keeping track of spankings earned....would that explain the kids' unease with Kendra? Who seemed like she genuinely wanted to be nice to them?

It seemed like the kids were so on guard with Kendra, which is very odd considering how they glom onto other strangers. How come no one was sitting cozily in Kendra's lap?

Oh, because the kids are used to babysitters tattling on them, and Kendra was filling a pseudo babysitter role? They didn't know if they could trust her?

Whereas TFW's top priority with Hank was how could she discipline him, how could she force him to do stuff.

chefsummer #Leh said...

AuntieAnn said... 107
But wait. Now that it's been brought up, she'll be sure to post one.

Of course it will lol.

Formerly Duped said...

You would think these tales of throwing out fan gifts would turn her few remaining followers off. How rude and unappreciative! I wonder what real celebrities actually do with the things they receive- most I'm sure are grateful but could not keep every little thing.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Mel said... 137
Keeping track of spankings earned....would that explain the kids' unease with Kendra? Who seemed like she genuinely wanted to be nice to them?

It seemed like the kids were so on guard with Kendra, which is very odd considering how they glom onto other strangers. How come no one was sitting cozily in Kendra's lap?

I remember when they were making tacos and one of. The kids spilled the food and they all were freaking out beyond belief.

I thought the way the freak was not normal for kids but now it makes sense.

URL said...

Just read Robert Hoffman's blog update. What a POS TFW is. Sorry, but that's all that I can think of to say.

It's beyond me why she would be seen at McDonald's off highway 287 in Piscataway, NJ with her children after doing an at home interview with Katie C. Something doesn't add up. Did she drag the kids to NY for another promotional book interview during the same day? Does she plan on exploiting some of her kids at these book signings? TFW and her accomplice Ratclaws are beyond pathetic.

Anonymous said...

What kind of mother is more concerned about how 'bad' a childhas been and how many spankings s/he is getting? no wonder they had acted out in the past. all that unhappiness & angriness toward their mother. That made me sick to my stomach.

Spanking does NOTHING. It will not stop the messiness children will always make.


Dmasy said...

That report about her accumulating spankings from a distance makes me ill. She is cruel and a tyrant.

I am away from my dogs this weekend -- pets, not children.

I miss them. I keep texting the dog sitter for updates. Going home means will be complete with jumping up and down greetings.

WHERE is her heart?

PatK said...

TLC stinks said... 132
How come Bullyville gets to post private emails and tweets, but Robert can't?


THIS is one of the things that makes me feel I'm living in a world I no longer understand.

URL said...

Even though so much is brought up regarding TFW being narcissistic, Robert's new revelation regarding her need for the babysitter to keep track and her need to spank her children after she returns home from trips, in my mind is someone who has sadistic tendencies also.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Dmasy said... 143
That report about her accumulating spankings from a distance makes me ill. She is cruel and a tyrant.

I am away from my dogs this weekend -- pets, not children.

I miss them. I keep texting the dog sitter for updates. Going home means will be complete with jumping up and down greetings.

WHERE is her heart?

I don't think she has one.

I'm not a mom yet but like you I have 2 pups that I love and miss when I'm gone.

My brother's ex left her bf hurt my 5yr nephew and.

I called DCFF on her I didn't see him for two months I was so sad but I would do it again in a second. ~ Administrator said...

I hope every single nanny told her the kids were good as gold while she was gone and didn't need a single spanking.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

jeremy said... 134, you're welcome. I find it so odd that there would be two URLs for one location and they would have conflicting info. I guess you'll have to call them if you're planning on attending, which would be great if you can swing it.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Katie Couric's hashtag of herself with the kids: #eightismorethanenough!

If eight is MORE than enough, then who is the one child too many? Or the two children who surpass being "enough"? What the heck is wrong with this pair of Kates? What a thoughtless hurtful comment just to be clever. These poor kids--always being told there are JUST TOO MANY of them.

Blowing in the Wind--love the word "antidote" in the review of Kate's cookbook! ~ Administrator said...

I really didn't like that whole dust up about Oprah and the expensive handbag in Switzerland. The woman who was working there said Oprah turned her life upside down with the media frenzy over that. She explained that she simply told Oprah the handbag was absurdly expensive, 25,000 euros, and that there were cheaper bags just as good. She would have said that to anyone. She was trying to HELP. It's pretty cruel to call someone a racist who was not.

Anonymous said...

My opinion of the sky zone adventure is that they were filming it for the KC show to show a typical day in the life of TFMJG. I'm not on twitter but I wish that someone who is would ask the kid that worked there if there was a cameraman or photograph present or if KC was present (hence way she was sooooooo tired). It may have been somewhat of a bribe but you can bet there were some type of cameras present. TFMJG had the entire summer to take her kids out. Why now when she's doing the KC interview?

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 126

Bitchy Pants said... 124
AuntieAnn 107 -- Even when the kids were very little, we rarely saw them interacting physically with their mother, unless she was steering them somewhere, dragging them somewhere, or yanking clothing on them. When it came to hugging, cuddling and lap sitting, it was usually with Jon.

Amen. Kate is rough, really rough.
Once, I remember Kate passing out in the recliner and a girl glomming onto her, not the other way around.
As I mentioned a couple weeks ago, on vacation with family, the parents (my BIL and SIL and their spouses) constantly showed affection and attention to our nieces and nephews. From ages 6-19, they were just in love with their kids. You could see them cherishing the moments.


Yes, Jon was the one who did all the natural huggy-bear kind of things most people do with their kids. I do remember her sitting on her white chair in the driveway with one of the boys on her lap. I think it was the one where she was barking at Jon for roller blading his way to freedom...Oh wait she was barking at Jon in all the episodes...anyway, that's the one that sticks out in my mind. Of course she'd say that she was too busy to sit down and cuddle all the time.

But I agree with Admin. It's concerning that there is a photo of a NINE-YEAR-OLD child sitting on the lap of a woman they barely know, or may not know at all.

Tucker's Mom, yes she really did handle them roughly. I wonder if she ever dislocated their little bones. I remember how she pulled them along like she was lugging a sack of potatoes behind her.
And I always thought it was so cruel that they got hauled out of a warm bed in the wee hours of the morning to appear on a talk show or when there was filming at a location, yet when she was home "alone" with them she couldn't get her ass out of bed until 8 o'clock and then made the twins keep an eye on them until she was ready to get them out of their cages I mean cribs.

AuntieAnn said...

She was trying to HELP. It's pretty cruel to call someone a racist who was not.

Oh gee I missed so much by not watching that show.

I did see her rip that author Frye (?) a new one for lying to her about something. ~ Administrator said...

Oprah didn't seem to care that woman could have lost her job or even been in danger. She escalated a misunderstanding into a racist event. It was shameful and if she hasn't she should apologize to that poor woman.

AuntieAnn said...

I didn't realize this just happened this summer. Wow. How does refusing to get a handbag off the shelf get turned into a racist remark?
Unless the woman said, Sorry, no one of your skin color can afford to buy that handbag.

In the end, what the...? No purse is worth that amount of money anyway, no matter if you are the richest woman in the world. Does it come filled with gold bullion? That is just the epitome of rapacity. ~ Administrator said...

The clerk says she never refused to show her the bag she was only steering her to a cheaper collection because the one on display was outrageous. Instead of pushing her most expensive bag she was trying to do the right thing and say hey these are cheaper but just as good.

Somehow in Oprah's head she decided the woman wouldn't show her the expensive bag because of the color of her skin. The clerk was dumbstruck when she heard this. This is another case of something that could have been resolved with a simple phone call. I just read Oprah apologized but not before putting a private person through hell. Plus I really don't think Switzerland is known for racism. I can think of dozens of times when clerks have not shown me the most expensive thing in the store first and plenty of times when they recommend something because it's cheaper but just as good. The heck?

Amy2 said...

The children are learning two things; fear their mother and don't trust sitters. They could carry these problems into adulthood. Fearing their Mom, why would they want to have anything do with her when they're grown. If they did interacted with their Mom it would only result is unneeded stress. Thus avoid the Mom. Not trusting sitters can translate into being wary of others would could do them harm. A co-worker who reports a problem to the kid's supervisor when a problem doesn't exist. Also fear and lack of trust could lead to a problem with developing good relationships with future sponsors. Only time will tell how this all works out for the kids.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

" She explained that she simply told Oprah the handbag was absurdly expensive, 25,000 euros, and that there were cheaper bags just as good. She would have said that to anyone. She was trying to HELP. It's pretty cruel to call someone a racist who was not."

Gonna have to disagree here. The Swiss are well known for a certain elitism, and there are blogs that have many, many comments by Europeans who are quite sure this happened exactly as it did. Racism, perhaps not. But if you are shopping at that level, then it is not the role of the salesperson to tell the CUSTOMER that certain merchandise is too expensive and steer them to less expensive goods. The customer should ask. The manager of the store acknowledged as much. Glad I don't deal with that kind of attitude in my level of very occasional shopping. ~ Administrator said...

Oh I agree clerks in Europe can be snooty. But being snooty is not racist.

Minka's Tail said...

A question and an observation:

1. To those who know the area and the school, etc., does Mady show any real talent? Is she the star of school or community plays? Does she perform in talent shows? If not, I don't see how she has a lot of hope of being a child star just because she "played herself" on a reality show. It's different from acting.

A perspective on the "Vanessa" posting:
I was a designated "special needs kid" friend several times in my school years. They are not happy memories for me. On the big school trip, I was in a group of three with a special ed girl (who I didn't know) and another girl who was a little slow. We had to sit in the last row because there were three of us on the bus, (and we had to sit on the long bench seat) while all the "cool" or "neurotypical" girls sat in the front of the bus. I was an honor student who would win the English award a month later. I did not learn compassion from this incident. I just felt humiliated and wondered why my teachers thought I had anything in common with those two. I was not as nice to them on that trip as I should have been, though I wasn't a bully or anything like that, but I desperately tried to get away from them and mix with the other girls every chance I got. No, I'm not proud of my behavior, but to this day I wonder why we couldn't sit in the front with the other girls and just have an empty seat next to one of us.

About three years later, I had to play doubles badminton in gym class with a developmentally disabled girl. She had some coordination issues and we were creamed during every game. Then she would ask "Did we win?" I seriously considered beating myself with the racquet.

In retrospect, I realize that I was chosen in this role because I was nicer than many of the cliquish "cool" girls I admired so much in 8th grade, and the high school toughs in my gym class. I didn't see it that way back when I was 14, though. I thought I was chosen because I was a loser.

As a teacher, I've seen a couple of instances where mainstreamed kids struggled to fit in. In one case there was bullying. In the other, just exclusion. In both cases, the kids acted much, much younger than the others and a friendship as equals wouldn't be possible. So I can see where Vanessa is coming from. The teacher should not have forced one person and only one person to be this girl's friend. Hopefully, she'll find a true friend soon, or the other kids will see the good in her so she can fit in with the group as a whole.

Luke's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 158
Oh I agree clerks in Europe can be snooty. But being snooty is not racist
I agree. When I heard this story on the news, my 1st comment was that I, too, would have been treated the same way but probably worse.

I have traveled to Europe multiple times in my life and shopped (or just looked) in expensive stores too. I am not rich nor do I dress rich. It would not surprise me if I was snubbed at a high end designer store because of my dress/appearance. Would I have cried "Racism"? No because I can't. I am white.

But I also don't expect the world to treat me better than the "mediocre" little people...

"Don't you know who I am ?! "
"I am OPRAH! (or Kate)"

I am sure all the people who truly are discriminated against could relate to the trauma that Oprah experienced that awful day, when all she wanted to do was buy a $50,000 handbag. How DOES Oprah go on after such treatment?

Anonymous said...

Maddy maybe an A-list actress someday or a surgeon. I just wish her mother would let her choose like mine did.

My gut feeling tells me that Maddy doesn't really want to be an actress. I would bet that TWF is whispering these ideas of dreams of stardom Maddy. "Don't you want to be on every magazine cover? Go on trips? Make lots of money?"
I hope for her sake that she ends of with an everyday career and a normal life away from the cameras.

I mean someone has to support mommy dearest, right?

Millicent said...

I did see her rip that author Frye (?) a new one for lying to her about something.
I think Frye might have been the one who wrote a supposedly autobiographical book about his addiction/rehab etc. Turns out, it was a work of fiction. I read the book before Oprah "discovered" it and found it rather poorly written, and I did wonder if it was semi-real mixed with fiction. The problem with Oprah is that she didn't use any critical thinking when reading and reviewing the book. She raved on and on about how well it was written (huh?) and what an amazing story. Then when the truth started coming out that it was fictional, she didn't want to acknowledge she'd been made a fool of and tried to ignore the situation for awhile.

She finally had to admit her error and then she roasted the author, when in fact she should have been a little more discerning to begin with. At that point, I was just done with Oprah. Her pride and ego kept her from acknowledging that she too is human and prone to error, until she got backed into a corner.

It was also yet another lesson in how we, the general public, get fooled all the time in order to sell us something. Frye originally offered the book as a work of fiction, but the publisher told him it would sell better if it were autobiographical. So he went along with the suggestion. Who cares if the public is fooled, as long as we spend our money and enrich someone else. Sounds all too familiar when compared with "reality tv."

Jen said...

I have no idea how to look up court cases but maybe someone here does? There's been some twitter chat about something happening on sept 23

TLC stinks said...

Robert said that if he got sued he would reveal worse information. I have to say my jaw dropped open when I read what he posted. I should have not been surprised, though. The spankings I totally believe. The callous throwing away of fans' gifts I totally believe. She and ratclaws chuckling over the dumb fans, yeah, he's just as bad as she is...a perfect couple.

I hope this information gets picked up, even by a tabloid, because those few remaining fans out there need to hear it. There is only so much denying a person can do before you just have to admit you have been lied to.

And to top it off, if a fan gave something that Kate did not want or need, why not donate it? She has never given back unless there is publicity in it. What a shrew.

TLC stinks said...

Nobody is going to hire Mady, talent or not, because it's a package deal with Kate as the stage mother.

Inquiring minds want to know said...

Jen said... 164

I have no idea how to look up court cases but maybe someone here does? There's been some twitter chat about something happening on sept 23
September 15, 2013 at 12:47 PM
What timeline did you see those tweets on? I haven't seen anything about Sept. 23 on Twitter or anywhere for that matter. Sounds like maybe you have some inside info LOL! Come on! Share!

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

You would think these tales of throwing out fan gifts would turn her few remaining followers off


They'd never believe it because Robert wrote it. Everything in his book is a lie; fabricated, altered, whatever, so it wouldn't bother them. They'll just keep bringing gifts.

" I wonder what real celebrities actually do with the things they receive- most I'm sure are grateful but could not keep every little thing."


I have no idea what all real celebrities do, but I can answer for one of them who has been around for ages and ages. He keeps most gifts that fans bring to him. In fact, he has a few rooms in his house dedicated to just that purpose...things that fans have sent to him over the years he keeps in those rooms. He values them because he loves fans and they love him. Of course he doesn't keep every single thing (like pencils or paperback books, for example) because logistically it wouldn't be possible, but he's quite adamant about not throwing away gifts, especially homemade ones because those are the ones that come from the heart. Oh, and whenever possible, e-mails are sent to thank the fans who sent the gifts. He feels very strongly about having the gifts acknowledged.

The polar opposite of Kate, but I suppose that's why he has celebrated longevity in the business and TFW is a low lister on the entertainment ladder. Nobody has written a book about how he fooled the world.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

@SiobhanR111 It was nice 2see all positive responses fr these young ladies. Folks miss @Kateplusmy8 & they & obviously would love an update!

Milo, you indeed are a tool. I read back over the timeline and there were less than half a dozen tweets and they were from young teens. Nobody mentioned that they miss her and they would love an update.

NJGal51 said...

I wish TFW would tell Emily happy birthday already. Emily has been going on about her birthday for days now (if not longer). If TFW isn't careful she'll never get that invite to Paris.

Tess said...

I am still trying to wrap my head around the idea that after she returned home after not seeing her kids for a week, that the first thing she wanted to know was which one(s) to hit and how many times. Absolutely sadistically sick.

Staten Island said...

jeremy said... 134
thanks Tweet Le D, for posting the B & N discrepancy. I didn't want to keep arguing, but i think the truth about KG in general is bad enough without having to spread non-truths. Glad it is a B&N error.


Jeremy, no one was arguing with you or spreading non-truths. I, along with at least one other poster, simply posted a link that we had for Barnes & Noble indicating that the Staten Island signing was cancelled. It wasn't a personal challenge to what you posted.

Tweet-le De, thank you for pointing out that there are two different links for that Barnes & Noble book signing.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Inquiring minds want to know said... 165
Jen said... 164

I have no idea how to look up court cases but maybe someone here does? There's been some twitter chat about something happening on sept 23
September 15, 2013 at 12:47 PM
What timeline did you see those tweets on? I haven't seen anything about Sept. 23 on Twitter or anywhere for that matter. Sounds like maybe you have some inside info LOL! Come on! Share!

IndianaAnny ‏@CandyDishes 20h
Sept 23 will be interesting. Especially the 1 o'clock hour. 2013D3

Unknown said...

Tess said... 168
''I am still trying to wrap my head around the idea that after she returned home after not seeing her kids for a week, that the first thing she wanted to know was which one(s) to hit and how many times. Absolutely sadistically sick.''
I agree with you, Tess. Once again, we are slapped in the face with the realization that TFMJG is not only not 'normal', but that there is something seriously wrong with her! Each and every time something horrific is exposed about TFW, I think that nothing could be worse...then something incomprehensible to me is exposed, and I'm just flabbergasted about how really awful she is!

MickeyMcKean said...

As you know on Sept 4 I responded to your question which is now buried on an old thread. Not a surprise there were responses which of course they made me LOL, but then one does need a sense of humor and open mind due to all the theories and opinions expressed when it comes to the G blogs. One of the reasons I was on them for 4 years is because laughter is the best medicine and you can't make this stuff up. Anyway I wanted to acknowledge and thank you for your response to my post.

I noted one blogger made a specific comment and since I assume this blogger is not a local and as such would have no personal knowledge one way or another, nevertheless they made this comment based upon their opinion. So whether or not the statement is fact or fiction -- I did note it was posted as if it was "set in stone". I saw this as an example of what Hoffman has been saying - he used the word "diskette", a blogger used the word "hard drive" and hard drive is what stuck and is even mentioned in the lawsuit.

Here is another example from 2011 and since I have personal knowledge of the situation ~ in July 2011 I sold my home in CA and was looking to buy horse property. I have family in PA and own property in OH so I retained a realtor in Pittsburgh to see if there was any horse property which might strike my fancy. In August I got a call from my friend in Wernersville (can't mention her name here without ruffling feathers LOL) to let me know that rumor had it that Kate was looking for a realtor to list the McMansion for $2.5 million but that no realtor would touch it.

We just busted up laughing. No way, no how did the McMansion appreciate $1.5 million! Then she asked me if I would be interested in moving to Wernersville because the former owners (her doctor) of the McMansion had 2-3 horses so there was a good size barn which would work for my ponies. Then she sent me an email of the marketing presentation created by the former listing agent which showed the *entire* house and barn which was very impressive.

I believe K+8 was canceled by this time so there was a lot of blogging going on as to whether or not Kate should sell and downsize or if she was sitting on a pile of cash. After seeing the entire house with the doctor's furnishings I most definitely was an interested buyer so I decided to make an offer ... but if Kate wanted to start at $2.5M I would make an offer on her property for what zillow was stating the property was worth around $250,000 -- my way of reminding Kate she took a hit on their last house and the current economy sucked.

The offer to buy the property was posted on my friend's blog and within minutes she got slammed because she did not realize that I wanted her to post my name as the buyer not as anonymous. So to clarify the situation I posted on 15 to say I was the buyer, it was legit, and I got slammed for being "insensitive", "taking advantage" and "no one buys a property without seeing it first". This made me LOL, not only did I see it on TV but I had the realtor's presentation on my computer. (Also months later Roseanne Barr had a reality show and she said she bought her nut farm sight unseen off the Internet so it does happen.)

Not a surprise there was no response from Kate and I did consider having my PIT realtor contact local realtors when she returned from vacation. So even though 15 bloggers thought it was a joke, the fact is I was prepared to make an offer on the McMansion based upon current appraised value and other contingencies, but certainly not at Kate's bloated "celebrity" price tag.

For the record about 10 days later I got a call from a realtor in CA and I wound up staying on this west side of the Mississippi. I figured out that driving time to PIT was the same as flying in from CA so I stayed on the west side of the Mississippi.

AuntieAnn said...

Her pride and ego kept her from acknowledging that she too is human and prone to error, until she got backed into a corner.

Thank you Millicent. I didn't know the backstory to that. All I can recall is that she was firey-eyed and SO angry, screaming something like "why did you LIE to me?!!" at him as if it were high treason.

jbranck1980 said...

I always thought it was weird how the kids didn't seem at all happy when TFMJG got back after doing CWS. They looked hesitant to greet her and very timid. Now, I know why...they knew the first thing would be her doling out punishments. How sick. I really hope that whatever comes out in her bogus lawsuit results in either Jon getting full custody or more custody. ~ Administrator said...

I'm not sure why Barnes would put on their site something was cancelled if it was not. More than likely the mirror site has not been updated with the cancellation.

But yes no one was arguing. Just saying what they saw. I saw it too, and it's still there.

Summer Days And Nights said...

Hilarious! Two sheep are acknowledging that Kate has been vicious, hateful and rude, but the haters have been more so!

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 2m
The @Kateplusmy8 trolls are way more vicious and hateful than she's ever been. They need to move on. #TeamKate8!

Truth Teller ‏@Truth_Teller201 3m
@msgoody2shoes21 H8RS complaining #kateplusmy8 was rude is a joke. In 2+ yrs on twitter they've been more rude than Kate ever was!

And then msGoody, who is hellbent on hating on Jon, wished he would be in a coma, calls him every nasty name in the book, tweets this:

FYI HATERS RT @wizdom4you: Being rude doesn't portray matter ones educational achievement..... @Kateplusmy8

@ljohnson2006 @Kateplusmy8 They can't help it. It's their nature to be mean and spiteful.

You just have to shake your head...

Bitchy Pants said...

One thing I always noticed when TFMJG was walking with the kids and holding their hand, was her habit of bending her arm up at the elbow, so that the kids were forced to fully extend their arms in order to hold her hand and walk with her. Who does that? It had to be miserably uncomfortable, if not downright painful for them, but she seemed oblivious. Her "I don't notice other people" extends to her kids as well.

Minka's Tail -- I'm not a local, but the couple of times I've seen Mady sing on TV (and I did manage to view the school video of her solo in one of the school concerts, too, before TFMJG had it locked down), she does have some musical talent. I'm not an expert, by any means, but I studied piano and voice for over 20 years, so I'm not completely ignorant in musical matters, either. Whether that talent is enough to get her any further than a featured soloist in a good church or community choir, I can't say. She certainly should be encouraged to continue with her music, though, IF THAT IS WHAT SHE WANTS. As for her desire to be an actress, that's something fairly new. She'd said a number of times previously that she wanted to be a veterinarian. I suspect she may be telling her mother what she wants to hear, just to avoid being the family scapegoat any longer.

Summer Days And Nights said...

I have family in PA and own property in OH so I retained a realtor in Pittsburgh to see if there was any horse property which might strike my fancy. In August I got a call from my friend in Wernersville (can't mention her name here without ruffling feathers LOL) to let me know that rumor had it that Kate was looking for a realtor to list the McMansion for $2.5 million but that no realtor would touch


Zillow had the value listed at around $250,000? Appraised value or assessment?

I seem to remember that the "Oh, yes, she does" poster reported that Kate had the house listed privately with a New York realtor and out-of-state cars were seen there on a daily basis. Which reminds me -- whatever happened to that poster? Her jobs as flight attendant, child welfare worker, museum curator, etc. etc. always reminded me of Frank Abagnale. ~ Administrator said...



I suppose it's possible, but that doesn't look like a normal case number to me. It looks more like the year and courtroom number.

Blue Moon said...

Mickey said,

"After seeing the entire house with the doctor's furnishings I most definitely was an interested buyer so I decided to make an offer ... but if Kate wanted to start at $2.5M I would make an offer on her property for what zillow was stating the property was worth around $250,000 -- my way of reminding Kate she took a hit on their last house and the current economy sucked."


I've heard of people making offers on houses without seeing the property (in fact, I've done it) but it's unusual to make an offer on a blog without even knowing that it's for sale. I'm not surprised there was no acknowledgment -- when an offer is low-balled by that much, a seller wouldn't take any offer seriously.

for the kids said...

Pennsylvania Eastern District Court
Case No. 5:2013cv04989
Presiding Judge Jefrey L Schmehl
Cause: 18:1030 The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

Over And Out said...

Cristina Rich ‏@Sienna_Star 24m
@Kateplusmy8 I really like them & I want to know if they come in adult sizes! let me know.

What does she want in an adult size? ~ Administrator said...



Now that looks like a case number.

MickeyMcKean said...

Summer Days and Nights 182

I just checked the offer (Aug 23, 2011 on the other blog) -- Zestimate was $219,000 and since rumor had it that Kate liked the numbers 2 and 5 ($2.5M) I made an offer of $250,000.

Yeppers I can be a little ornery at times.

I also remember hearing that the house was listed elsewhere -- at one point I did look for it but I did not find it anywhere and this was before I got the telephone call that she was trying to find a local realtor -- still I knew that any buyer, even one from out of state or out of the country, would have the house appraised and it would not meet her asking price. ~ Administrator said...

Pennsylvania Eastern District Court has the WORST search program I've ever seen. I've nearly given up. Goodness gracious, you should be able to just type in your case number and be done with it.

Wowser said...

Are Robert and Kate and Jon scheduled for court on sept. 23rd?

Over And Out said...

Wowser said... 187
Are Robert and Kate and Jon scheduled for court on sept. 23rd?


How could they have conducted depos that fast and gotten a court date already? ~ Administrator said...

For what it's worth from what I can tell you can see all the parties and attorneys who are in this particular court and I don't see Kate, Jon, Robert or Razamatazz ANYWHERE. Doesn't mean I'm doing this search right or it's current!

And no there's no way they're ready for anything major IF something is happening on the 23rd . If there is a court date, it's probably nothing more than some kind of trial setting date to get an idea what we're looking at here. I don't think there's even enough time to file a demurrer or motion to dismiss outright. Much ado about nothing. ~ Administrator said...

I found this on Justia:

Filed: August 26, 2013 as 5:2013cv04989
Cause Of Action: The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Court: Third Circuit > Pennsylvania > Eastern District Court
Type: Other Statutes > Other Statutory Actions ~ Administrator said...

I can't find much of any complaints about Judge Schmehl. He was appointed by Obama and has been trying to get on federal court for 10 years. That suggests he is patient but persistent. He also comes from experience in the D.A., the P.D. and in private practice. This is good, this shows he understands things from all perspectives. As a P.D. and D.A. he will be familiar with various tall tales and how to sniff them out. I don't like judges whose experience is only D.A. or only P.D. Sometimes they tend to side with where they came from. He looks good to me.

localyocul said... (Administrator) said... 190
For what it's worth from what I can tell you can see all the parties and attorneys who are in this particular court and I don't see Kate, Jon, Robert or Razamatazz ANYWHERE. Doesn't mean I'm doing this search right or it's current!

And no there's no way they're ready for anything major IF something is happening on the 23rd . If there is a court date, it's probably nothing more than some kind of trial setting date to get an idea what we're looking at here. I don't think there's even enough time to file a demurrer or motion to dismiss outright. Much ado about nothing.


What link are you looking at? I'm familiar with this: but it's criminal cases, and no Federal cases ~ Administrator said...

I'm looking at Pacer, which is their search system and allegedly has all their cases.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said...

To summer Days (#181): Is TFW listing her property? At $2.5 million? I'm confused.

Summer Days And Nights said...

I just checked the offer (Aug 23, 2011 on the other blog) -- Zestimate was $219,000 and since rumor had it that Kate liked the numbers 2 and 5 ($2.5M) I made an offer of $250,000.


Market value or assessment? I know that the housing market was really down at that time, but even Zillow wouldn't make an error like that and report market value that low. I'm assuming you didn't believe Zillow's zestimate? I have no idea how they come up with market value without pulling comps and figuring out current square footage price plus the land, but that's ridiculous. ~ Administrator said...

That could have happened. I saw that on Million Dollar Listing. Basically you shop around your property quietly see if you can work out some kind of deal with another wealthy buyer without disclosing it to everyone.

I forgot what they called it. Soft listing? Private listing? They make it seem like it's only for the wealthiest most exclusive buyers. Part of the reason seems to be to keep out the riffraff from checking out your place. A lot of people with no intention of buying will want to look at exclusive properties.

I can just see TFW thinking she's important enough for a private listing. She also probably doesn't want it to be known since that might send the tabloids talking about how she's desperate. ~ Administrator said...

If it's that low I'm buying it. Sounds like some kind of error. The property should be at the bare minimum in the 700,000 range.

localyocul said... (Administrator) said... 195
I'm looking at Pacer, which is their search system and allegedly has all their cases.


Thanks..jeez that site is not user friendly at all!

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