Dancing With the Stars kicks off again this month, and Tony Dovolani's partner couldn't be more of a firecracker. And an inspiration. Forty-three-year old Leah Remini has had steady work in Hollywood since she was 13 years old, and eventually, like many seasoned stars, found her way to the Church of Scientology. For years she was a devoted follower, until she started seeing some things that just weren't right. When she tried to say something about it, she ignited a war with the church.
Here is a summary of what happened this summer, from the L.A. Times:
Leah Remini made headlines in July when she publicly left the Church of Scientology. In August she filed a missing persons report for church leader David Miscavige's wife, Shelly, who allegedly hasn't been seen in public for six years.
"We can confirm that the missing person report has been taken, and that's all the information we have at this time," a Los Angeles Police Department spokesperson told Us Weekly.
TMZ confirmed that an ongoing investigation into Miscavige's whereabouts is underway. LAPD did not say whether Remini had any connection to the case, but a source told the site that Remini had filed the report shortly after cutting ties with the church last month.
Previous reports indicated that the "King of Queens" star left the church because it allegedly bars members from questioning leaders' management and reportedly forces them to "disconnect" from family members deemed "suppressive persons" if they choose to leave the church.
Remini told People that "no one is going to tell me how I need to think, no one is going to tell me who I can, and cannot, talk to."
Any previous tension Remini may have had with the church is surely being exacerbated amid these most recent reports.
In the past, Remini was allegedly derided by Tommy Davis, the former head of the Scientology Celebrity Centre, for asking about Shelly Miscavige's whereabouts at Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' wedding in 2006. The incident was among the alleged reasons that Remini broke ties with the church. Davis reportedly scolded her and told her she didn't have the "rank" to ask about Shelly.
Former Village Voice editor Tony Ortega runs the Scientology blog Underground Bunker, which chronicles the church's inner workings. Ortega, whose reliability has been denounced several times by the church, reported that Remini filed the report recently. He also said that in 2006 Shelly was transferred to a "secret compound near Lake Arrowhead in the mountains above Los Angeles." The place is the headquarters to the Church of Spiritual Technology and is home to about a dozen Scientologists who are "completely cut off from the outside world," he said.
The church's response was that this is "harassment."
Tony's partner is a breath of fresh air. The only bully here is Scientology.
1215 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1215 Newer› Newest»1. See something your gut tells you is not right. Say something about it. Do something about it.
2. Ostracized, accused of harassment, threatened, bullied, cut off.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 51
Yes she was. They both were. From Wikipedia: "She is best known for her role as Carrie Heffernan on the CBS sitcom The King of Queens and as Stacey Carosi on the NBC sitcom Saved by the Bell."
My bad. Apologies.
Neither of which seems like it's within the realm of reality. They'd have to have a lot of sock accounts.
Either, or both, of them may have posted stuff, but I can't see that any individual would be able to post the vast amount of negative comments by themselves, nor have the funds or ability to recruit so many other people to do it for them.
She acts like it's a single person orchestrating all the negative stuff from their leather couch.
I think this is when she starts to really look like there is a break from reality. Any rational person can see that this was all here way before Jon and Robert came on the scene. Any rational person can see the entire entertainment world, when asked, has nothing but negativity things to say about this situation and lately a bunch of LAUGHS. How one or two person could have possibly orchestrated such a thing is absurd. Not to mention, insulting, as it suggests that people can't think for themselves and form their own opinions based on what they see and hear themselves. That they need some sock to tell them how to think. I don't think so.
As I recall, a good many people directed quite a bit of hate at JON too when he was still participating in the show and even when he left but was still showing up on interview couches and doing publicity. It wasn't until ages later when he made his break and straightened out he regained some fans again. So, Jon orchestrated hate against himself just to get to Kate? Come on, it's just plain irrational.
Not once have I ever seen anyone on that side acknowledge that when this all went down was exactly when they were smack dab in the middle of duking out the FINANCIALS of their divorce. This was RIGHT when they were both accusing the other of pulling from the account, like within WEEKS of it. Financials can obviously be the most contentious portion of working out your divorce. It would be perfectly normal to want to collect as much info as you can to help your case. That's a perfectly reasonable and logical reason why someone would start collecting their documents and computers. The idea that it was all orchestrated to start some hate campaign or to write a book is just irrational. Yes, someone did decide to write a book at some point, but I see no evidence, none whatsoever, any of this had anything to do with the original intentions of obtaining these documents.
It basically has the feel of an out there conspiracy theory that five people believe. Ones that, while once in a blue moon are actually right, most of the time is just not all that rational and at times, just downright nuts.
She got a taste of seeing herself on TV, of walking red carpets, of being catered to day and night, and then she lost it all. She is desperate to get it back
From the other thread, I was thinking about what this must feel like. Say your passion really was to be famous, be on T.V., be a celebrity. I don't pretend to understand that passion, but I can imagine it. Now imagine your dream came true and you were a celebrity. But it only lasted a few years, and then people got tired of you and discarded you like so many others have been discarded before you.
I think it's almost worse to be given a taste of it then have it ripped away. Better to not get that taste at all. Sort of like, she tasted the apple. Now she knows how good it tasted to her. Better to never have a bite in the first place.
In that sense, I kinda do feel sorry for her. Or rather I feel sorry for people in general who get a taste of their dreams and then have to kiss them goodbye for whatever reason. At some point I will do a post on Kevin Pierce's documentary. The same thing is happening to him. He is dealing with having to say goodbye to snowboarding. It's heartbreaking to watch because it really is who he IS as a person. Fortunately he is finding other ways now to be a part of it without getting on the board, but watching him go through that slow grief process is just awful.
Again here is where therapy would come in and be very helpful in terms of dealing with loss. Kevin got and is apparently still getting extensive therapy to help him deal with the loss. I've come to realize that this is like a death for some people. Your dream is gone and there needs to be a grieving period for it before you can be healthy and normal again.
TFW is still in stage one of the grief process. Denial. It's just not healthy to be stuck there for this long. I wish she could find a way like Kevin did to move on.
I enjoyed watching King of Queens because Leah and Kevin were such a great pair. Leah seemed like she was the same person off camera as she was on, i.e. someone who shoots from the hip and doesn't tolerate any BS. That's why I was disappointed when I learned she was a member of that cult. Glad to hear she got out of it.
I may just watch DWTS again
And from the last thread, laughed out loud at "a barnacle on the ship of life that is society". Describes TFW perfectly!
Leah has always had a loud mouth and been outspoken but she'll be the first to admit it. A lot of people are turned off by it but at least you know where she stands. She doesn't talk in circles like TFW.
Hello, I enjoy reading the views posted here and I feel so sad the Gosselin children were "money makers" for most of their lives and applaud Jon for trying to overcome many mistakes he has made in raising his family. Kate has such an inflated view of herself and will use any means to keep her "celebrity" status. She certainly can downsize her lifestyle and live in the real world so many of us do.
I wonder if anyone has watched the new show on A&E Modern Dads? It is being sold as a reality show. I have watched some of it but am really concerned again about children being exploited and having no say in how their lives are being exposed on television. I was especially upset about the father who lives with his girlfriend and she was trying to get him into the bedroom while the kids were in the family room. He went on about the noise they would make, etc. and the camera would go back and forth between the kids in the other room and the couple in the kitchen. The young girl looks about ten years old and I feel so bad for her. I am sure schoolmates and friends know about the show and how embarrassing for her. How can any parent allow their lives to be so public and put their children in this position? How are these children going to feel like as they grow up, seeing every thing from diaper changes, meltdowns, normal everyday things being laughed at? Is there anyone to protect children from being used as moneymakers for adults? These children cannot speak for themselves. How sad
I posted this on the last thread and am bringing it over because it has to do with DWTS.
LOL! The following is from a DWTS article on televisionwithoutpity.com They have TFW's number!
"Granted, Dancing with the Stars has always used to the term "stars" pretty loosely. It's also been pretty lenient with the whole "giving attention to headline-grabbing celebrities, whose only discernible talent is staying in the spotlight and being a barnacle on the ship that is society" thing. Case in point: former seasons have included the likes of Kate Gosselin, Nancy Grace, Bristol Palin, Tom DeLay and Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino."
Do you think it's possible both of these fans only now saw that alert?
Carrying this over from the previous thread...
Possible, but then Gypsi has her Septembers and Octobers confused:
sarah @gypsi001 17h
@Paige_Kate8fan @Kateplusmy8 me too. Arnd oct 1st I think
TFW is still in stage one of the grief process. Denial. It's just not healthy to be stuck there for this long. I wish she could find a way like Kevin did to move on.
It doesn't help with you have the obsessed fans, like Milo, egging her on, telling her that the world loves her, she's super busy with the media/interviews, she's the main attraction and people just love her and she has worldwide fans. All of the positivity platitudes must be so confusing in her stuck-in-there-for-this-long stage. I think she actually believes that there is a place in the entertainment industry for her, and to accept that her light has gone out is very difficult. She's hanging on to Twitter in a death throe -- it's all she has left, just those fans who claim that they believe in her, want the show back, watch it for days on end. But it's the teens and very young adults who comprise her fan base -- the ones who don't know the brutal competition out there in the entertainment industry. It's a cut-throat business. They think that just because they miss the show, it would be very simple for her call a network and launch a new show. They don't know that it doesn't work that way, and so they persist with this, "bring back Kate" campaign, suggesting petitions, and what have you. The sad thing is that she is encouraged by it.
That's one of the reasons why she is stuck in this time warp. If her fans truly had any concern for her mental well-being, they'd say thanks for the good years, we wish you well, and then leave it at that.
However, because of this Hatfield-McCoys sparring, neither side is going to back down, and the sheeple have something to prove...Kate is still loved, still will find her niche in the industry she so desperately wants. To admit that she is done would be, for the fans, to admit defeat, and they are never going to let the "haters" say, "We told you so."
And from the last thread, laughed out loud at "a barnacle on the ship of life that is society". Describes TFW perfectly!
I had to laugh, too, Auntie. It reminded me of that darn "Barnacle Bill The Sailor" song with the dirty lyrics...hadn't thought about that in decades!
I really don't think Kate can be compared to Kevin Pierce. He has talent, and worked extremely hard for everything he got. Kate had no talent. She lost her show when Jon was no longer there and the kids were no longer toddlers. She had many opportunities given to her where she could have stayed in the limelight, i.e. guest appearances on talk shows, a chance at a clothing line, etc. She is an evil, untalented, spiteful person. Apparently she was always that way. This does not happen overnight.
In contrast Kevin's family told him sweetheart we love you but snowboarding is over. They all cried telling him. It would have done him a disservice to lie to him and tell him his career will be able to be back to where it was before. Tough love is hard sometimes but they did the right thing. Now he does sportscasting and made a film and is finding other positive ways to channel his love. What if they had said yea Kevin you will be in the Olympics just keep going back out there! He could have been killed. He could barely jump two feet. Sometimes love means saying no no matter how much it stings.
Yes Leah is genuine. You may not like her but you can't say she's not authentic. I would much rather you own it than lie about who you are.
I wonder if Milo's "positivity" and praises only serve to do the opposite of what she is trying to do -- convince Kate and the fans that Kate is such a draw, that her cookbook will be a success, Kate is loved by millions, etc., when she tweets things like this...
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 Busy busy day? Media stuff and interviews? Well, time 2slow down & take a break > Relax > http://t.co/32tH3EtLjt Gnite! :)
It would seem to me that all this is doing is conjuring up memories for Kate, memories of the good old days when she had so many interviews, went on trips, was top dog in the media. It's got to be a downer for Kate, knowing that the paps aren't breaking down her door, very few are demanding interviews, and she's a laughingstock among television hosts.
Is Milo just too far gone in her delusions to see that the talk of Kate's glory days might serve only as a reminder of what it once was?
This is a fascinating article about Paul Haggis, who also left Scientology.
Leah Remini's parents are Scientologists and I have seen other reports that indicate she was raised in this "church" but it's hard to find any information in simple google searches as to when exactly she became a Scientologist. I have also read that she still believes the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard, but left Scientology because of the harassment she was dealing with. Either way - hope she can get away from that cult. I am slightly bothered by the fact she still believes the teachings, but I guess to each his or her own.
On principle, I usually will not watch any programs or movies featuring a Scientologist. Haven't seen a John Travolta film in years, nor any with Will Smith. Won't watch Kirstie Alley's new show either (but it doesn't look like a winner anyway).
I enjoyed King of Queens and at the time was unaware that Leah was a Scientologist. I'm glad I didn't know, because it would have ruined my enjoyment of the show.
Good luck to Leah and all the contestants on DWTS.
I think what I like most about Leah Remini is how hard she worked. She was on so many shows as a bit player, had a bunch of failed shows, but she kept working. She always struck me as a scrapper, going for the next job no matter what.
TFW cannot relate to that in any way.
She had many opportunities given to her where she could have stayed in the limelight, i.e. guest appearances on talk shows, a chance at a clothing line, etc. She is an evil, untalented, spiteful person. Apparently she was always that way. This does not happen overnight.
True, and she can't seem to find herself. What happened to running and her marathons? She wanted to be a fitness instructor, have a show on television, write for a magazine. It never happened. She had so many irons in the fire but nothing worked out. She would just move from one thing to another. You know this coupon thing isn't going to last. She'll never write another cookbook.
She just can't seem to find herself, and I almost feel sorry for her, but darn it, it's her own fault. She's unliked, and she has nobody to blame for that but herself. All she had going for her was her kids, and let's face it, they are beyond the cute toddler stage, and they are just kids, like thousands of other kids. The world of entertainment has seen its share of children and unless there is something very special about any or all of them, they will always be known as the Gosselins who once were on reality television for a few years. She can't count on them being a draw anymore, no matter how many photos she posts on her blog page, or how many picture books she puts out featuring the kids. It's over.
Admin...I hope you do a post on Kevin Pearce. My husband and I watched the documentary on ESPN and we were in tears. What he and his family went through was heartbreaking. But they made it. And he is starting to move on from participating in snowboarding to reporting on it. That's great. But the family part is where the difference is with Kevin and TFW. He has his and she doesn't. He didn't throw his family aside when they all sat down and told him snowboarding was done. Kate had family telling her things and she just tossed them out like the trash. She'll never get it.
I think Leah and Katie Holmes need to sit down and have a drink and chat about their experiences with Scientology. I loved how Katie pulled the wool over Tom Cruise's eyes and in turn Scientology. That was brilliant.
Can Kate still claim loss due to defamation if her fans are still sticking by her 100%?
We see them all on Twitter still fawning over her and defending her, even against Hoffman's book.
Wouldn't their devotion to her even after the book show that Kate didn't suffer any loss?
I don't know who Kevin Pierce is, so forgive me if this is a disingenuous comparison, but this reminds me so much of 1. Child Actors and 2. Women's Gymanstic Athletes.
Child Actors always think they'll have a job in Hollywood, but make the transition from child actor to adult actor is very hard and few make it. Look what happened to Jodi Sweetin of Full House fame, Amanda Bynes, etc... I don't think either of their families were terribly screwed up, they just weren't equipped to handle the difficult transition from being somebody to regular person.
The same goes for Women's Gymnastics. It never really hit me until recently. I've been a fan of Women's Gymnastics for a while, but with Nastia Liukin, Alicia Sacramone, and Shawn Johnson, they all had heart breaking ends to their careers. They've been trained since 2-3 years old. It's all they know. And then maybe they have a shot at one or two olympics, and it's over by the time they get into their early twenties. What do you do after that? You have to build your life over, and create a new life.
And that's what TFW needs to do. She needs to recognize that her old life in the spotlight is over, and now she needs to build a new life.
Going Clear is a book about Scientology and Paul Haggis is written about a lot. I got about 200 pages in and just gave up; it was too weird. Paul Haggis' story was the most interesting part of the whole book!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 5m
Have you seen my 👍review of @NoNetzSuits ? Go here to read AND see cute pics of my boys: http://www.kateplusmy8.com
Good lord, what is this? Nothing new -- my boys have been wearing no net swimsuits for years,
I need help. I steeled myself and went to Amazon to look at her "cookbook" and see the pages inside the book that Amazon lets you see. On the second page is this really strange disclaimer about food allergies and nutritional needs and consulting your doctor.
Is this normal in cookbooks now? I've never seen it.
Does she think this would indemnify her from lawsuits? Is it legal enough?
Do people really sue over recipes? It said I had to use peanuts so I did even if I'm allergic.
Shamelessly using the boys to sell swimsuits. The kids don't realize it now but they'll see it someday. Good luck to you Ms. Gosselin on that day.
Fleecing The Sheeple said...(10)
"That's one of the reasons why she is stuck in this time warp. If her fans truly had any concern for her mental well-being, they'd say thanks for the good years, we wish you well, and then leave it at that."
I have to question the mental well-being of the fans to start with...particularly the adult fans.
It would seem to me the very fact they go on and on about what a great Mom Kate is, how she "rocks a bikini", is such a great organizer and an inspiration to the world at large begs the question whether or not they're all playing with full decks.
My guess is No on that.
JMO of course. :P
BTW, love Leah Remini. I remember her from a short lived sit com about a group of teen girls who worked as models (I think) living in a house with their mentor/agent. I want to say it was a spin off from Facts of Life? I could be wrong though...it was 30 years ago. :D
Anyone else remember this?
Thank you admin! For new post, and for a new picture of Tony! I am expecting him and Leah to do well! Leah had an established fan base with the perpetual reruns of King of Queens. I am not sure how big are the fan bases for Corbin, Christina, jack, Elizabeth. Keyshawn is the only sports figure. If bill Engvall is halfway decent and if his huge comedy fan base votes, he will go far. Bill Nye science guy, not sure about him. Valerie will get the nostalgia vote and a mega sympathy vote at least to start.
When the competition starts, it does have a lot of popularity contest aspect to the voting. The veteran dancers have their fans also who will vote to keep them on the show even if their partners don't start out that well. We just have to see who will vote, and what scores the judges give.
My bad...the sitcom was called Living Dolls and it was a spin off of Who's the Boss, not Facts of Life.
There, I'll be able to sleep tonight. ;)
I wonder why Kate waited until now to let people know she'd written about NoNetz swimsuits? I saw it on her blog a couple of days ago but didn't say anything because I wanted to see how long before she said anything. Weird. I wonder if NoNetz saw she hadn't promoted them on Twitter and said something? Why blog about it then wait two days to tell your fans?
Must be part of that giant conspiracy by the dreaded "they" to keep her from working and destroying her image.
And that's what TFW needs to do. She needs to recognize that her old life in the spotlight is over, and now she needs to build a new life.
One that doesn't involve using her kids to do it. Can it be done? Of course, with any normal person. With Kate, I'm not so sure.
Can Kate still claim loss due to defamation if her fans are still sticking by her 100%?
I would think that she'd have to prove that she had millions of fans and that she lost them due to the book, and that's the reason she's not getting any lucrative employment. I don't think the remaining 12 die-hards on there would be enough to prove that she didn't suffer any loss. What would the damages be even if she could show that defamation resulted in her loss of followers?
sarah @gypsi001 20m
@Kateplusmy8 @NoNetzSuits Cool! My boys hate the net bcuz it's so tight arnd their legs. I always have to cut the elastic band with scissors
Oh geez, Sarah. Just go to the store. Look for swimsuits without nets. They are everywhere.
Shaking my head...
Thank you admin! For new post, and for a new picture of Tony! I am expecting him and Leah to do well! Leah had an established fan base with the perpetual reruns of King of Queens.
Unfortunately, having a fan base isn't going to do it. She has to be able to dance. Wynonna had a fan base and she didn't get very far. I read that Elizabeth has been a dancer since she was five years old when she was enrolled in a dance company, and has danced ballet in several productions. She may have an advantage.
I hope that once again Tony does get a partner who does well. Heaven knows he suffered through Kate's bad attempts and bad attitude.
Insert Creative User Name Here...Kevin Pearce was a talented snowboarder who won several competitons (think X-Games) and was training to win a spot on the Olympic team when he had a horrific crash while snowboarding that left him in a coma. The documentary that aired on ESPN followed him and his family from the accident, through the months of therapy, doctor's appoinments, the struggles Kevin and his family went through and his final realization that he was never going to be the person he was and he needed to move on. The family lives in Vermont so he grew up skiing and snowboarding, he was good at snowboarding so he pursued it. Athletes know that careers are short lived and they don't last forever. Some careers are a lot shorter than others. But you have no choice but to move on. On a side note, it didn't dawn on me while watching the documentary that Kevin's dad is Simon Pearce, the glass blower, even though there was a scene of Kevin blowing glass and then his dad showing him what he was doing wrong. I saw his dad's name in the credits and it was then I made the connection. I've been in one of their stores and the merchandise is gorgeous but expensive.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 5m
Have you seen my 👍review of @NoNetzSuits ? Go here to read AND see cute pics of my boys: http://www.kateplusmy8.com
Good lord, what is this? Nothing new -- my boys have been wearing no net swimsuits for years,
If she is hawking for this company and getting reimbursed for it, isn't she supposed to put #ad or #sponsor after her tweet?
Grifting again! Now, we know what Kate does all day> goes on the net soliciting companies to try out their products and get the product for free. What a tool! Amazing how quiet she has become. And so has some of her lackeys, 2 even got suspended. Truely amazing!
It would seem to me the very fact they go on and on about what a great Mom Kate is, how she "rocks a bikini", is such a great organizer and an inspiration to the world at large begs the question whether or not they're all playing with full decks.
My guess is No on that.
And a little bit behind on Kate news!
@april__lirpa a people with Kate gosselin on the cover! It's new!
Hannah&Leah: May we play subway surfers on your iPad? Me: Is it educational? Hannah: No, but it's excercise-onal for your fingers!
Kate, they are kids. Kids come up with these things all of the time. God bless them, but it's nothing special. Why even mention it...just to get the sheeple to do their ooing and ahing? Do you need attention this much?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 5m
Have you seen my 👍review of @NoNetzSuits ? Go here to read AND see cute pics of my boys: http://www.kateplusmy8.com
The "AND see cute pics of my boys" the and in caps, is an eff-u to all the critics and us here.
I think Leah and Katie Holmes need to sit down and have a drink and chat about their experiences with Scientology. I loved how Katie pulled the wool over Tom Cruise's eyes and in turn Scientology. That was brilliant.
I agree, brilliant, but a little scary that it had to be this covert top secret operation. I'm convinced the divorce was settled so quickly because she held all the cards, I think she was going to expose a lot.
Wow. Kate's blogging opinion pieces on merchandise now? Didn't Jon's old girlfriend Ellen do that? And Kate's fans ripped her apart?LOL how the mighty have fallen.
FNC gave some former super-model her own show about fitness/nutrition a couple days a week. She seemed really down to earth and pleasant, talking about her struggles after modeling and her body changing with age.
I could only think - Isn't that Kate Gosselin's dream job?! Why oh why would FNC give it to anyone else?
I guess all Kate's fans should have been Tweeting FNC instead of TLC and Discovery and Food Network, etc.
@xxxxxxxx @Kateplusmy8 hahaha it's crazy how fast the kids are growing up!! I started watching the show when I was 12 and I'm 15 now lol
WOW! It's crazy how fast you're growing up. I mean, you started watching when you were 12 and now you're 15! LOL! - Sometimes you just have to shake your head.
Doesn't TFW have to put some sort of disclaimer on her tweet letting everyone know she's being paid to advertise the swimwear?
TO "FIDOSMOMMY" (from previous thread): Thanks for the "TFMJG" clarification! I get it now.
No Netz - Anti Chafe Swimwear shared a link (on Facebook).
21 hours ago near Carmel, NY.
Kate Gosselin did a product review of our suits! We are really going places now..... :)
I see Kate is bragging yet again> her dog eats Blue Basic, expensive dog food. Anywhere from $32- $50 a 40lb bag. If you can afford that kind of dog food, I say go for it, but most normal/average/mediocre person can not. I buy at Menards>their High protein dog food, when it is on sale> for $18-$19 for 50lbs, I have 2 dogs to feed, and can not afford a $32-$50 bag of dog food, I also have other pets, to feed.
And that's what TFW needs to do. She needs to recognize that her old life in the spotlight is over, and now she needs to build a new life.
In my opinion, among TFW's many issues and problems is the fact that there are accounts that from a relatively young age, she had this plan of having multiples, and gaining fame and fortune. It seems that for most of her life, her entire focus was on one goal, which she achieved for a brief period of time. Then, being TFW, she managed to ruin it all.
Her mind has run along this single groove for so long, it's doubtful she has the ability to re-focus and work toward a different goal. I really think she is physically and mentally incapable of accepting the reality - it's all over. There will never be another TV show, either for her alone or her with the children. There will never be another opportunity to be guest host on The View; guest interviewer on Extra, participant in a dancing contest, dating show, or anything else.
That's it for Kate. She has now joined the ranks of all the cast-asides of Hollywood and reality tv. The "where are they now" people. Lighting isn't going to strike twice. For a brief few years, she had something special to offer viewers - adorable young children. She milked that opportunity for every single penny it was worth. It's important to remember that at the time the show started, Kate was first the "average frazzled housewife," fairly relatable to many moms and wives. Then she began to have little procedures done, yet retained her natural good looks. She was abrupt, but her true nature wasn't yet so obvious.
But now she looks plastic, phony. She's aging. She's unpleasant and uninteresting. She has nothing to offer the general public. Heck, she barely knows anything about current events. She can't hold a conversation, nor conduct an interesting interview. She doesn't know how to dress appropriately. She apparently has refused to do an update show because TLC insists that Jon be included. (Even TLC has finally realized that if Jon isn't part of the show, their viewing numbers will be low.)
But Kate's mind simply cannot grasp that her single-minded goal in life was an arc, not a permanent destination. She worked and planned for the goal, she achieved the goal, she sat on her laurels and barked orders, and then the brief shining moment in the sun faded, life moved on, children got older, her marriage ended, she burned every bridge she crossed, and she has landed back down with the rest of us mediocre human beings, in obscurity.
The difference is, I like living in relative obscurity. I don't desire fame or notoriety. My child's childhood and his privacy are not for sale. Plus, I like working - it gives me a sense of accomplishment.
At some point I will do a post on Kevin Pierce's documentary. The same thing is happening to him. He is dealing with having to say goodbye to snowboarding. It's heartbreaking to watch because it really is who he IS as a person.
Kate has been handicapped by her narcissism. It's caused her to go blind to reality, deaf to rational advice and dumb to speaking truthfully. She is suffering from self-inflicted wounds. If only she could see that.
On principle, I usually will not watch any programs or movies featuring a Scientologist. Haven't seen a John Travolta film in years, nor any with Will Smith. Won't watch Kirstie Alley's new show either (but it doesn't look like a winner anyway)."
Greta Van Sustern (SP?) on Fox News is also one..that really surprised me.
Admin, have you seen the clip of Kevin riding a board for the first time since his injury. While he may never compete again, how wonderful that he has made such a recovery. Traumatic Brain Injury can be devastating and I think he is an inspiration to others with the same condition.
I applaud his family, though, for being straight with him and helping him to move forward. I just had the impression from your comment that he'd never get on a board again and I was thrilled for him that that wasn't the case. No, he'll never be able to be at a level to compete and that must have been devastating for him but he can still get out on the snow and enjoy himself. What a blessing that is.
Those look like any bathing suit for boys to me. Why does TFW put 'boys' in quotation marks? One good thing- it's Joel I think jumpinmg off the board- he's the one who didn't like to swim iirc.
But way to go, expoliting your kids' privacy to sell suits.
Formerly Duped said... 50
''But way to go, expoliting your kids' privacy to sell suits.''
And, whatcha wanna bet that TFW got more than just free suits for the boys. Will they get any $$ for being models? Why no...TFMJG did all the work, and you can plainly see, the boys are just running around and playing! The money is her's all her's. (Are the apostrophes correct? It didn't 'look right' without them!)
Sillimom his doctor explained that even a small fall could kill him because his brain is so weak. It happened to many others who had a TBI. This is why his family and doctor was not happy when he took that ride. I have seen it and he was very shaky and fell many times. He made his mother sick with worry. It was unfair and selfish. He did get back on but later changed his mind and no longer rides.
I dont think it's wonderful he got back on. His family is 100% correct in discouraging him from even taking a bunny ride on a board. What is wonderful though is he's found other ways to stay involved without risking his life and putting his family through hell again. Watch the documentary. The amazing thing is he gets it now and is putting love for his family over himself.
Remona Blue said... 51
(Are the apostrophes correct? It didn't 'look right' without them!)
lol. No, no apostrophes in her's. Just remember "his" has no apostrophes so neither does "hers." Same applies for its (for possession).
If you really are asking, it's "hers". Thanks.
Speak The Truth @Allisstair 35m
@HCI_Books @FFierceFFeline Is Kate Gosselin self-publishing? Amazon's sending emails saying book's delayed.
HCI Books @HCI_Books 16m
@Allisstair @FFierceFFeline Kate Gosselin's book is publishing on September 24th & is being published by HCI Books.
So Kate isn't self publishing, and I guess Gypsi received that email in error or she didn't understand what she read.
He made his mother sick with worry. It was unfair and selfish. He did get back on but later changed his mind and no longer rides.
Much to his mother's relief too, I'm sure. I don't know why they think they're infallible at that age. One of my sons is a little younger than Kevin and over the years has been in and out of the ICU a few times after experiencing some severe diabetic episodes. I don't worry excessively about him, but his condition is always there, at the back of my mind. Last weekend he announced he was going sky-diving with friends and away he went. He is of age and I couldn't talk him out of it. Apparently this is the latest thing to do...jumping out of airplanes, after one hour of instruction, while attached to a complete stranger, whom you have no idea whether or not are of sound mind.
Coincidentally, I just noticed this week my hair is starting to turn gray.
Interesting they didn't say 'no she's not self publishing.' Carefully chosen words. Lots of self published authors use services like HCI and Createspace to "publish."
I was going to try and explain how to use apostrophes but this website does a much better job then I ever could:
Anonymous said... 56
Interesting they didn't say 'no she's not self publishing.' Carefully chosen words. Lots of self published authors use services like HCI and Createspace to "publish."
"being published by HCI" seems clear to me. What am I missing?
Thanks for the perspective, Admin. I hadn't even heard of him until you mentioned him here and came across that clip via a google search. The clip made it seem as if he was doing really well with maintaining his balance. As you said, he has made an incredible sacrifice not only for his own well being but the well being of his family. Thank you again for the additional information.
I haven't seen the documentary but it looks very interesting. I'll have to wait for it to come out on video and rent it on Netflix.
HCI and Createspace both "publish" self published books. But they are not the books' "publisher" in any traditional sense. I think Kate bought a self-published plan where it looks like a real publisher but really isn't. It probably cost her a pretty penny and she bears all the risk.
Leah is writing a book on Scientology, apparently. Wonder what she will expose.
I'm laughing at Kate's lame attempt to copy Ellen. Ellen's blog is really good, her blogging skills are a million times better than Kate's could ever be.
Truth Teller @Truth_Teller201 21m
@Kateplusmy8 @NoNetzSuits Thanks for the review. I'm going to order one from grandson!
Truth Teller @Truth_Teller201 9m
@HCI_Books @FFierceFFeline Yay! I pre-ordered and look forward to receiving my copy. @Kateplusmy8
Not sure you can keep Kate in sports cars but give it a shot. LOL
getofftwitter - Sometimes the "best" dog food isn't the best for your dog. When we got our current bully (he's 4 now) I decided that I was going to go with the "best" and we started to feed him Blue. After a while we knew that it wasn't right for him because he wasn't "firming up" (you dog people know what I'm talking about). After trial and error we found that Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Diet was best for his lazy bulldog lifestyle and his digestion. The high protein in the Blue was too much for him and he didn't digest it well. I'm quite sure that TFW has never checked Shoka's poop to determine if the food she's feeding him is right for him. I wouldn't buy Blue even with a coupon because we found out the best isn't always the best.
while attached to a complete stranger, whom you have no idea whether or not are of sound mind.
TFW attaches herself to complete strangers and has no idea if they are of sound mind. Gladys, for one. I guess this is the "in" thing to do. In her case, though, this might not have a happy ending.
and I guess Gypsi received that email in error or she didn't understand what she read.
lol, Tweet! Not out of the realm of possibility, but Paige got one, too.
So Kate isn't self publishing, and I guess Gypsi received that email in error or she didn't understand what she read.
Tweet! Bingo! lol!! Too funny!
sarah @gypsi001 5m
@Snotty_Girl @Kateplusmy8 sorry for confusion. She sent me email that I shld receive 1st of oct
rainbowsandunicorns said... 65
TFW attaches herself to complete strangers and has no idea if they are of sound mind. Gladys, for one. I guess this is the "in" thing to do. In her case, though, this might not have a happy ending.
HAHA!! I think Gladys would love nothing more than strapping TFW's smokin' hot bod to hers (?) and falling through the sky.
'Close to You' never had deeper meaning.
Well, the mystery is solved. Gypsi got an email from Mel (the woman from Atlanta) NOT Amazon! Good grief!! She's something else.
HAHA!! I think Gladys would love nothing more than strapping TFW's smokin' hot bod to hers (?) and falling through the sky.
'Close to You' never had deeper meaning.
Oh, geez...every time I hear that song I think of them! I wonder if you''re allowed to wear a rockin bikini when you're jumpin out of planes! Do good bras act as inflatables so a parachute isn't necessary?
Paige is in Canada. I think someone else from Canada tweeted a while back that she received a similar email. I guess the books shipping to Canada are being delayed.
NJGal51 - Totally agree about the dog food. We had the same problem when we started using Blue Buffalo. He's a 60 lb Lab/Pit mix and as you said, he just wasn't firming up.
Next we tried the Kirkland Costco brand to save money. Same problem. So we went back to Nutro Natural Choice and he's been fine ever since. Makes backyard clean up so much easier.
Well, the mystery is solved. Gypsi got an email from Mel (the woman from Atlanta) NOT Amazon! Good grief!! She's something else.
Just a tad bit on the airhead side? ;)
Why would the Atlanta woman be e-mailing Gypsi telling her when to expect the book?
I give up. Time for a drink.
Do good bras act as inflatables so a parachute isn't necessary?
I don't know, but if they splash down in the Atlantic they'd probably stay afloat for days.
So HCI has decided to go ahead with the book. I really expected it would get yanked out of good common reasoning sense. I hope they don't lose anything and I sure hope the kids' accounts don't lose anything either. TFW? It may take a few more losses to come to her senses.
Thanks for all the apostrophe responses. I was thinking possessive...as in all the money belongs to TFW. lol
Re: Leah Remini and TFW
I would prefer to deal with a person who is honest and direct without being mean to dealing with a person who lies and deceives without being kind.
I don't know, but if they splash down in the Atlantic they'd probably stay afloat for days.
You got that right. With Gladys still strapped to the smokin hot bod and enjoyed every minute of makin waves out there!
So, if she is still getting requests from companies to "try" products, how exactly has her reputation been damaged by Jon and RH? Her review of the swimsuits should be exhibit A for the defense.
So, if she is still getting requests from companies to "try" products, how exactly has her reputation been damaged by Jon and RH? Her review of the swimsuits should be exhibit A for the defense. (79).
It could also be exhibit A for the plaintiff, who could claim that a review of swimsuits on a blog is the only endorsement she could get...merely peanuts compared to what she could have gotten had her rep not been damaged.
"Gypsi got an email from Mel (the woman from Atlanta) NOT Amazon! Good grief!! She's something else."
Gypsi does seem ditzy. Isn't she always pregnant or has a lot of children?
I remember Leah on Who's the Boss and the spinoff. She played Zach's love interest on Saved by the Bell.
She gets work and she gets work even though she couldn't write her way out of a paper bag. Where are the damages here?
That review was so poorly written, didn't tell me much about the product (all I know is that it's mesh-free, which lots of suits are), and had a snake-oil feel to it. Buy this 100% guarantee, folks! The product is grrrrreat honest my kids even stopped everything they were doing to run to me and tell me how grrrrreat these suits are. (kids just want to jump in the pool few kids that age, especially 9 year old boys, would care two hoots what they're wearing) Yeah right.
I didn't understand the comment that they come in big sizes to use for next year. Wouldn't most kids' clothing offer something bigger or do they all tend to stop offering bigger sizes when your kid is about nine? What a silly thing to say. Of course you can order up as you can for most kids' clothes. This is not something special or unique.
Please, TFW, read a professional mommy blog and see how a review is done. Start with PW. I only wish some needy kids could have gotten those suits. They may not have a pool but a lot of low income families have slip and slides and sprinklers and could use a good pair of trunks. It's been a brutal summer in many places this year.
Don't all D listers eventually have to scrape the bottom of the barrel like this? I'm always running across some embarrassing endorsement some poor has-been celeb finds themselves lending their name to. Welcome to the life of a D lister. You either have to lower yourself to do such things or get out of the celebrity lifestyle and get a real job.
TFW's situation is different because?
It could also be exhibit A for the plaintiff, who could claim that a review of swimsuits on a blog is the only endorsement she could get...merely peanuts compared to what she could have gotten had her rep not been damaged.
While I do understand your point, I have to agree with admin on this. Many former TV and movie personalities have to resort to shelling products as their popularity fades. (The example I think of is Luke Wilson. He was in a VERY popular movie (Old School) and 10 years later he's doing commercials for a cell phone company.)
You can't sue people and claim they are the reason you can't get a job when you are still getting jobs. Keeping them is HER responsibility which is something she doesn't seem to understand.
Melissa NV, based upon TFW's complete lack of talent, hawking swimsuits is more than she deserves.
Melissa NV said... 80
So, if she is still getting requests from companies to "try" products, how exactly has her reputation been damaged by Jon and RH? Her review of the swimsuits should be exhibit A for the defense. (79).
It could also be exhibit A for the plaintiff, who could claim that a review of swimsuits on a blog is the only endorsement she could get...merely peanuts compared to what she could have gotten had her rep not been damaged.
I think it should be Exhibit A for the defense team proving why Kate can NOT get better jobs. And why Kate was FIRED from Coupon Cabin. And why Kate was not kept on at the Stir (though I think she was FIRED again).
Kate can NOT write. Kate can NOT blog. Kate did NOT and still does NOT work hard at improving any skills that would get her a job.
Kate expects to get jobs just because she has 8 kids and TWO years ago she WAS on TV. And if and when she gets a job, she expects others to do the hard work for her or she does the minimum expected.
The defense has one of the easist jobs of just pulling from the years of Kate on TV and in print as their Exhibit A to Zs and then back to AAs to ZZs. There is overwhelming proof that Kate is the ONLY reason she is DONE in the media and why people like me "Hate" her.
That's one aspect of the celebrity lifestyle I found I really detested. You are constantly selling something. A constant salesperson. Mostly you are selling yourself but often you are selling projects you're involved with (even if you know it's a total flop) and of course cheesy products. Some of the savvier, bigger celebs may be able to find products they really believe in are sincerely passionate about, but most of them are left peddling swimsuits and granola bars and I don't believe for one second there is true passion there. It's a swimsuit for heaven sake.
I don't like the idea of telling people what to buy especially when I'm getting a substantial cut. I find it embarrassing and maybe a bit disingenuous sometimes if you don't really believe in it.
I think you actually really have to LOVE being in sales, being a salesperson, to even come close to being successful as a celeb. You have to get past the "I don't really believe in this product" and believe in this idea that even if it's not your cup of tea someone else might really benefit. I never got the sense TFW really loved sales. Nursing was never about sales. If she really liked it I'd expect her to be in some kind of business area or something. I think she just liked the results of it, not the process itself. Her blog posts and other ads always strike me as lazy and half-baked. The bare minimum work, like a C+ freshman year essay.
In contrast, going back to PW since it's often such a perfect example, I believe she truly does love the "sales" aspect. She just loves to sell, sell, sell. She either has a natural talent for it or has done a great deal of self-study on the subject, as she is very good at it.
Luke's Mom 100% agree. How did the "haters" have a single thing to do with how poorly that blog was written? I mean it was just absolute garbage. If I didn't know any better I would think that's some 14 year old's blog. She can't write. Some people can't, it's nothing to be ashamed of, but why blog if you stink at such things?
I had no idea she was peddling swimsuits. No one ever tried to interfere with that. Apparently the free suits arrived, she posted about it, and all went very well without interference from anyone. In fact according to Tweet this blog post was up there for days before we ever even noticed.
Check your search engine. Yahoo or Google.
EVERYTHING pertaining to the lawsuit has disappeared! Just type in Kate Gosselin. Who does this BITCH know?
I pray to God that Jon or Robert has screen shots!
If her career as a celebrity (and I choke when I say that) is any indication of how she handles a job, I don't hold out much hope she's employable in very many fields.
I wonder how long she worked as a nurse before she sold her kids and quit? It could not have been more than six or seven years.
All the lawsuit stuff is still there that I see, although there hasn't been much about it in recent days. But I saw this quote from Razzamatazz: “Forget about the law, just think about what a violation it is of someone’s privacy to enter into their private files like this,” Randazza says. “Would you break into someone’s house and steal their diary? You most certainly wouldn’t.”
I think that's a completely ridiculous analogy, since Jon Gosselin was her husband and could access whatever he wanted to at the house. It would be up to a judge to divide it up equally later, but until that divorce goes through all that stuff is his too. I also think it's completely hypocritical since the greatest violator of privacy is the TFW toward her precious children.
The article goes on to say this is a good reminder to password protect your stuff and not be so darn careless. Ha-ha, I like that nice little blaming of the "victim". Amen. Don't want people to steal your diary, password protect it! :)
When you get married, in most states, perhaps all, everything you do and acquire is your husband's too. If you want to keep a journal private for him, you literally have to put that in writing and designate it as separate property. Fair is fair, everything is half hers to, which means she could take his wedding ring, as reported. The judge would have to decide later whether she has to buy out his half of the ring or return it or what have you, but until then, she can take it and there is nothing he can do, not even the cops would make her return it. Diaries come up more often than you would think and in really nasty ways. For example, in a domestic violence case a husband might steal his wife's diary to show the judge she was writing entries about having good sex to prove they were getting along fine. Sounds wrong, but it's perfectly legal.
Here's the thing, if you find this his and hers concept a little disconcerting, the answer is simple: Do not get married. Problem solved.
It's crazy to think a 38 year old woman really only has a good five or six years in the REAL workforce under her belt and the rest just sort of media foo fooing around. If she ever does want or NEED to get back out there, her resume is going to be woefully inadequate.
Jon is smart, he is resume building right now. He is putting himself in a much better position for future careers. And quite possibly might end up making more money long term than she will.
I think another point is that TFMJG is used to getting free things AND money. Perhaps now she is getting one or the other (hence her piecing and patching comment). It would be hard to pay an electric bill with swimsuits. Just a thought although if she is getting money also we all know it isn't nearly the amount she was making a few years ago.
I think it's probably absolutely true that piecing and patching is going on here.
But again, this is totally normal and there's no way that can be directly tied to any "hate". Any person who lost their show two years ago would be struggling right now.
I think what TFW forgets is that very few people are really able to make a lasting career in this industry. The truth is most people's IMDBs consist of a project here and project there and that's it. It is a rare thing to make a career out of this. It simply is not built for a career. Especially for women, and especially for reality shows. You can count on two hands the number of people you can say have TRULY made careers out of this. Even Elisabeth Hassleback who is one of the most famous examples just got fired. This industry is brutal and you may be #1 one day and fired the next.
I can think of dozens of celebs who have disappeared. There are thousands of others. Dozens who never had a single bit of hate thrown their way. It's the nature of the industry. If that's not for you there are many more steady jobs that you can depend on that can't fire you because your looks faded or you lost your acting touch or the next big thing came along to replace you like HBB or the Ducks.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 88
Luke's Mom 100% agree. How did the "haters" have a single thing to do with how poorly that blog was written? I mean it was just absolute garbage. If I didn't know any better I would think that's some 14 year old's blog. She can't write. Some people can't, it's nothing to be ashamed of, but why blog if you stink at such things?
I had no idea she was peddling swimsuits. No one ever tried to interfere with that. Apparently the free suits arrived, she posted about it, and all went very well without interference from anyone. In fact according to Tweet this blog post was up there for days before we ever even noticed.
I have a 14yo that does write better than Kate. But then again my 14yo works hard at producing something he is proud to say is his work. And then he studies more, learns, and improves on his work the next time.
I am just glad that Kate's blog was just about swimsuits and not TOILET PAPER (like she once tried to grift). I don't even want to imagine what she would write or the exploitive intrusive pictures she would post. EWWW.
Admin, the suits come in GENEROUS sizes so they can be worn next year too. In other words, they are a little big this year as evidenced ny the picture of J jumping off the diving board. Just like their shirts, yes?
She is also hawking dog food, it looks like. Expect a poorly written review of Blue Basic.
Check your search engine. Yahoo or Google.
EVERYTHING pertaining to the lawsuit has disappeared! Just type in Kate Gosselin. Who does this BITCH know?
Type in Kate Gosselin lawsuit. It's all there.
Admin, the suits come in GENEROUS sizes so they can be worn next year too. In other words, they are a little big this year as evidenced ny the picture of J jumping off the diving board. Just like their shirts, yes?
I still don't get that. Is she saying the sizes run on the big side? That's not necessarily a plus, because usually you want to know what size you are really getting so that if you want to buy up, you can, knowing what you're getting.
For instance if they run in generous sizes and you're seeking to buy a size up, not knowing they run big you might end up buying something that really runs more like 2 sizes too big and looks ridiculous, rather than just the one size too big you were seeking.
It's just another reason her writing is so bad, you shouldn't be left confused.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 91
.... since Jon Gosselin was her husband and could access whatever he wanted to at the house. It would be up to a judge to divide it up equally later, but until that divorce goes through all that stuff is his too. ....
The article goes on to say this is a good reminder to password protect your stuff and not be so darn careless. Ha-ha, I like that nice little blaming of the "victim". Amen. Don't want people to steal your diary, password protect it! :)
When you get married, in most states, perhaps all, everything you do and acquire is your husband's too. If you want to keep a journal private for him, you literally have to put that in writing and designate it as separate property. ... Diaries come up more often than you would think and in really nasty ways. For example, in a domestic violence case a husband might steal his wife's diary to show the judge she was writing entries about having good sex to prove they were getting along fine. Sounds wrong, but it's perfectly legal.
So true. I have a friend whose husband LEGALLY used her own words that she wrote in her journal against her during the divorce and custody rulings. She was very depressed during their marriage and writing about it helped her at the time. Unfortunately, it was documentation for her ex. later and hurt her more.
And just to clarify, he did not have possession of the journal. He knew about it and the content of what she wrote. He told his lawyer who added it to the discovery. She had to produce it since it was still in her possession.
Here's a well written Swimsuit review for the same product TFW blogged about (from July 2012):
I've been reading a lot of fiction and non-fiction books about the 18th and 19th century. I've come across the term "rag and bone man" several times. Kate's like a 21st Century rag and bone man. She's hawked Ab Champ, Bella Bars, Wantables, what have I forgotten? She peddles them ineffectively on her ill-maintained blog and to her community of few tweeties. Considering the response she receives, she's probably not making more than those rag and bone men made.
Here's a well written Swimsuit review for the same product TFW blogged about (from July 2012):
Well thanks to realmomreviews now I actually know what this product is, why it's different, and why it might be a good choice for little boys. She even has a list of all the features you're getting, and is honest about the hefty price tag.
The contrast between that and TFW's is so glaring it's embarrassing.
katherine @flargon12 2h
Kate Gosselin has SOME nerve. She has yet to respond to my emails. We'll see who has the last laugh when I don't show up to her book signing
Berks Neighbor said... 98
Here's a well written Swimsuit review for the same product TFW blogged about (from July 2012):
I see that blogger put the Federal Trade Commission disclosure at the bottom of her posting. Did TFW do the same?
God. What a buzzkill. The kids want to play a game on her Ipad and she won't let them unless it's "educational"? Drop the phony I-am-the-perfect-mother-who-monitors-every-second-of-their-life crap Kate. Let them be kids and let them play a game once in a while that isn't educational. Even though you think your diligent parenting will still draw believers in to your great scam, it's over now. Too late, let it go now dear. Your tight rein on those 8 is about to loosen up a little as they age and I hope you are prepared.
Michelle - I just checked and There is no disclosure after the product review. I guess she forgot that she's required to do that. Let's look for it to magically appear now that it's been mentioned.
TFW vs Realmomreviews is another fine example of how TFW ruins (ed) her reputation ALL BY HERSELF!
The comparison should be added to RH's website.
But they are SUPER stylish, and SUPER " big boy" looking....
SUPER...her favorit-ish word of the day.
TFW ...your boys are big boys, but would pefered to NOT be caleld that! trust me..
The reason the other blog is so good, beside how tight and smart the writing is, is it follows the classic formula. Problem, solution, WHY this is the solution, and any catches.
Problem: Some boys are bothered by mesh in their trunks.
Solution: A new product that is meshless.
Why it's the solution: Six or seven bits of detailed info about the product explaining how it works without resorting to mesh.
The catch: It's pretty pricey.
If she follows this simple formula every time she peddles the latest snake oil her blogs will sound infinitely better.
I thought her review was crap too, but why must the haters go after every thing she does? They went after No Netz on Twitter and presumably facebook too, before that post about her was removed from the facebook page. What good does it do? The vast majority of people can't stand her and don't care what she thinks. Why must this handful of people go after everything she does? This is an American company that manufactures their goods in America. That's a good thing!
PJ are you saying people complained to the company? Where was this?
Like most every time this has happened I think that's silly. It actually sounds like a great product for boys who are bothered by mesh. I couldn't care less if someone giving them a good review can't write. I'm only interested in this to the extent it proves she sinks her own career. The company itself, I wish all the best. And American too, all the better.
That said, it is a shame if they grifted their products to someone like her instead of the needy, but it's a free country and that's pretty standard business practice in this new blog era.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 111
PJ are you saying people complained to the company? Where was this?
It's on Twitter. Some of the haters started questioning NoNetz about whether the kids were paid and some were insulting and NoNetz removed Kate's endorsement from their website.
Those tweets actually support what the lawsuit contends, although in a small way. Not very smart, IMO.
Yes, on Kate's twitter feed. I use the link that someone provided here to look at it real time. Sorry I do not know how to make it a hyperlink. https://twitter.com/search?mode=realtime&q=kateplusmy8&src=typd
I thought she said companies are used to haters gonna hate and are very understanding of that aspect of her.
The thing is though, maybe they did their research on her and decided given what's going on with her maybe they shouldn't associate with her. Or maybe they just have a weak spine. But if you truly have clean hands no company will drop you over just a few negative tweets. The bottom line is a few tweets don't stop a career that is otherwise solid, the very idea is ridiculous.
Admin, she said companies who EMPLOY her are used to hate (I think). This is a small company that's just trying to make it. Maybe they don't realize the backlash against this mother of 8. But even if they do, they don't deserve to be treated like that. I agree with Tweet-le, it supports what the lawsuit contends.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 29
I wonder why Kate waited until now to let people know she'd written about NoNetz swimsuits? I saw it on her blog a couple of days ago but didn't say anything because I wanted to see how long before she said anything. Weird.
And leave it to TFW to blog about a product at the very end of the season in which it would be most useful. How very helpful.
Hold on here. Actually I just looked and in fairness, NoNetz started engaging with the nonfans spouting off about how they don't care who people's parents are they just want to sell suits to little boys, and that people were being negative and wanted drama. They also accused someone of taking out their anger on their ex on their company. That was outrageously unprofessional. Can you imagine if Nike or Nordstrom tweeted such a thing to a dissatisfied customer? They should have just ignored it or thanked them politely for their feedback. They also admitted that they gave the suits in exchange for a review, effectively outing TFW as not complying with the FCC.
And the non-fans had a good point. Were the boys paid for this, like any other model would have been paid? Honestly, it's a fair question. We should have a discussion about whether all these bloggers, not just Kate but PW and many others, can just dress their kids up like this without paying them. Is this really an exception to child labor laws, because everyone acts like it is. But is it? I wouldn't care to tweet them but that doesn't mean that it's wrong to ask these questions.
From what I see most people were being quite respectful. It was this company that got a little snippy.
Paper Plates, remember when Aunt Jodi gave the kids one piece of candy each, Kate heard about it, scowled, rolled her eyes and muttered "Was it organic?" When told it was not she tugged on her earring even harder than usual and decided one piece probably wouldn't do too much harm. But she was sure miffed.
Organic, educational...it's the mantra du jour.
And leave it to TFW to blog about a product at the very end of the season in which it would be most useful. How very helpful.
LOL that's so true. Amateur hour.
PJs Momma,
In answer to your comment... Yes, I did tweet the company NoNetz. I had seen that they had the G boys pics on THEIR website (not Kate's) and asked them if the boys were paid for modeling their suits or having their images used.
I didn't accuse them of anything. I asked them. I asked if the other models were paid, and if so, were the G kids paid also.
Seems to me it's one thing for Kate to exploit her children on her blog and another for a company to do it.
Those children should be paid by a company if they are going to use their images to promote their product.
Although they weren't crazy about my question the photo is no longer on their website. I like to think that's a good thing. Especially since it confirms the boys weren't paid.
Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if Kate herself saw that they were using HER copyrighted photo and wanted to be paid.
It wasn't about Kate and whether or not SHE represented their company. It was about the boys.
Seems to me it's one thing for Kate to exploit her children on her blog and another for a company to do it.
Those children should be paid by a company if they are going to use their images to promote their product.
I 100% agree this time.
Normally I have absolutely no interest in contacting companies and think it's ridiculous when other people do it. But this was presented here like people were just needlessly harassing this company. That was not the case. You noticed that a completely separate web site had highjacked their photo and you simply wanted to know if they were properly paying these young defenseless minors for their MODELING as any other minor would be paid.
They SWIPED the boys' photo and printed it on their web site without paying them. That is wrong and depending on their state's child labor laws, may even be illegal.
These kids have no voice. It is one thing for their own mother to exploit them. It is quite another for some company to join the game. This is not a freaking free for all here with their images and talent free for the taking however you feel like using them. Are you freaking kidding me?
I applaud this. And they obviously felt guilty, because due to just one person speaking up they immediately swiffered that photo. If they didn't think it was wrong they would have left it up. They KNEW they were out of line.
Kate's review is still there and she is welcome to do reviews and post pics all she wants. But you cross the line when a company starts doing it without properly payment to these children.
Unless and until the public is willing to speak up and say NO to this crap, children will continue to be exploited without even so much as writing them a check for a couple bucks. If it were YOUR picture up there, how would you feel?
SG, I was not referring to you. I agree the kids should not be exploited on their site, nor on Kate's either. But she will never stop.
You are not the only one who contacted them and others were just nasty. Yes, the company's response was unprofessional. They should have ignored instead of engaging.
I only saw their picture on the Facebook page. I never saw a picture on their website.
I don't believe they ever had the picture on their website. They posted a link to Kate's blog post on their Facebook page and it automatically picks up the picture when you link it.
@NoNetzSuits: @DWTS_Participan Don't take out your anger towards your ex on us. All we did was ask for a review and that's what we got #bitter
I'd say that the tweet from the company was a bit inappropriate. I agree that the non fans should not go after everything that TFMJG does. All she got out of this was some swimwear. Throw a dog a bone.
The reason the other blog is so good, beside how tight and smart the writing is, is it follows the classic formula. Problem, solution, WHY this is the solution, and any catches.
Problem: Some boys are bothered by mesh in their trunks.
Solution: A new product that is meshless.
Why it's the solution: Six or seven bits of detailed info about the product explaining how it works without resorting to mesh.
The catch: It's pretty pricey.
Which is slightly different from TFW's formula:
Problem: She needs some free swimming trunks. God forbid she'd spend her own money.
Solution: Surf the internet until you find a company to grift from.
Why it's the solution: She has eight kids and no job. Even if the boys don't like them, give the product a thumbs-up X 9 anyway, write a sloppy blog about it and she'll put the spanker away. When Mommie Dearest is happy, everyone is happy.
The catch: Pricey for the average family, but free for TFW, so who the hell cares.
The picture was not on their website but on their Facebook when they linked the review. Sorry but it's completely different then putting the photo on their website.
The new updates are not actual laws, they are merely guidelines set forth by the FTC to provide a more open and honest consumer experience. That doesn't mean that the FTC won't give you a warning or take some type of action.
Here is a review by a blogger where they posted a link on their Facebook page. Take a look at how they posted this review on their Facebook page. It pulls the picture from the blog post.
If it were MY picture in those NoMesh suits, I'd feel half naked, that's how I'd feel. ;-)
Sorry. Couldn't resist.
Didn't see it, I only saw it on facebook too, after reading about it here, and it wasn't a swiped picture, but the link to her blog, which has a picture. It's gone now anyway.
This is an unclean hands problem. While it's inappropriate for people to be so rude, I lose sympathy for this company the second they stoop to that level. If they can't handle this I'm not sure how they would handle it if they ever grow any bigger. If you have a company, reviews are part of the process and few get by without a few bad ones. Even very successful companies have bad reviews.
There are plenty, plenty of companies that would simply ignore the criticism or politely thank people for their feedback. There is no excuse why they can't do the same.
This company did not get bad reviews. They were being harassed.
"That's 1 brand of boys wear to stay away from. Do not trust anything reviewed by a Has Been."
"I guess @NoNetzSuits think it pays to have famewhore @Kateplusmy8 review their products & link to her blog. #Losers"
I just came across a recipe website that is absolutely great!
It is called 12 Tomatoes and the recipes are classy, but simple instructions are what got me interested.
The photos of the finished food are beautiful and stunning. You can tell they hired a professional photographer, professional chef and a professional food stylist. Did you get that TFW?
And about the 3rd or 4th recipe is Chicken Catchatori!(SP?)puts TFW's to the ULTIMATE SHAME! The picture is beautiful, so freshly made!
I watched a chef make shrimp stir fry today and at the end he put about 2 teaspoons of SOY SAUCE for the whole shebang. And he didn't put it on a paper plate. TWF's culinary skills are so very mediocre.
I am no Kate lover but the tweeters in question were not giving reviews, they were harassing the company.
Sue I do not agree with such nonsense. I was only referring to the legit question about the boys being unpaid.
That said, even legit companies can get scathing reviews. Just look at Yelp or any travel site. People can be just as nasty as that if not more. This is not a special situation and no one should be losing their job over a few nasty comments, companies understand this is part of the net. Unless and until she can provide proof a company turned her down due to comments like this, her whining is without merits.
For many reasons that get deep into psychology, the internet has really become this place where people, some people, feel liberated to say the most outrageous vile nasty things they can come up with. I guess it feels good since you normally can't say that in real life without dire consequences. This is what the internet has become. In some ways, it's rather sad. But at the same time, if you don't like comments on the internet it's very easy to avoid it. It is fair to say that this is normal. You can find trolls ANYWHERE. To file a lawsuit and claim she is some special case is absurd, especially since she still gets plenty of work.
SG said it was on their web site. If it was just their FB page that's different. I know how that works and yes it does automatically pull up the first pic when you link to a site. In fact I'm not even sure you can disable that, it just does it. They should be free to link to a review form FB. They should not be free to swipe some picture and post it on their web site. SG?
The photo WAS on their website. I never went to their FB page. It was one of the 6 or 7 photos that you can scroll though at the top. It was the third or fourth one I think. I saw it there myself. Several times. After I tweeted them and saw they made some tweets to Kate fans I went back to the site and it was gone. But it was there.
That last Anonymous comment was me (SG). I can't choose a name on my iPhone for some reason.
It is typical with reviews for the product received to be the only type of payment. Ask any review blogger. They were not used by this company. They were not pictured on this company's website. There was a link to the review posted on Facebook. That is it.
Pretty sure it was only facebook. They have a nice website with nice photos - why would they muck it up with Kate Gosselin's grainy cell phone pictures? On their review page, they link to reviewers' blogs. Just like they do on facebook. Which they did, but it's gone now.
The photo WAS on their website. I never went to their FB page. It was one of the 6 or 7 photos that you can scroll though at the top. It was the third or fourth one I think. I saw it there myself. Several times. After I tweeted them and saw they made some tweets to Kate fans I went back to the site and it was gone. But it was there.
Ok then. I take issue with that. I really do. I don't think that's right and I think it's perfectly fair to ask them about it. The other stuff, unnecessary.
OK, if it was on their site, that's bad. I stand corrected and I apologize.
So true about the reviews. I have a new business, and the fifth person who reviewed us, trashed us. There was a legitimate issue, which they did not bring to our attention, which was the fault of an employee. But they didn't stop there--they launched an all out attack on our integrity, and hurled all sorts of unrelated insults, incuding holding us responsible for record breaking heat in our area.
I responded politely, said that there was a legitimate problem that was not unacceptable, and that the problem would be fixed. I addressed each of her assertions and thanked her for bringing it to our attention. We got extrememely positive feedback, because we handled it professionally, took responsibility and remedied as best we could. If we had matched her tone, we would have been sunk, not to mention unprofessional.. She looked like a completely unreasonable, complaining wretch, and we came out looking good.
Sue said... 130
This company did not get bad reviews. They were being harassed.
"That's 1 brand of boys wear to stay away from. Do not trust anything reviewed by a Has Been."
"I guess @NoNetzSuits think it pays to have famewhore @Kateplusmy8 review their products & link to her blog. #
Eh, that's part of doing business these days. No matter who you might have as a spokesperson, someone won't like them. I would not call these tweets harassment. In fact, they are fairly mild in comparison to some things I've seen posted about various companies.
But Ex Nurse,
These were not reviews. They were nasty tweets upset because someone they disliked reviewed this company's product.
What is kind of funny is that on the No Netz website, they promote their professional photographer:
"Meet the NoNetz photographer, Mindy Tanimoto.
She does such beautiful work that we wanted to share her , and her portfolio , with the world.
Mindy will be exclusively shooting the NoNetz lines from here on out.
Based in California, Mindy's artistic vision is enhanced by her attention to detail, lighting, composition and consistency.
Even her throw away shots are gorgeous.
We are so lucky to have found her."
So, I am guessing that they probably pay the models too. So, why do the boys have to work for their swim shorts? That is a legitimate question.
I went to their site directly from their Twitter profile. Their dot.com site. I didn't even know they had a FB account.
It IS normal. It really is.
I think it gets a bit tiresome to hear oh Kate and her companies are harassed and have us even agree with it when so many other companies face the same thing every day and no one says they're harassed.
Let me be clear, I don't agree with people who feel the need to be this nasty on the internet. I think it's immature and completely unproductive. But it is normal. I have become a big fan of yelp because most of it is so helpful when trying out anything new be it a new restaurant or gym. However, nasty, scathing, harassing reviews are EVERYWHERE there. I mean way nastier than this. Amy's Baking Company will give you a good idea how people post these days.
For some reason, this sort of nasty, straight shooting, vile TRASHING is acceptable now. I'm not sure what we need to do to change it, but most review sites like Yelp do give the companies a chance to respond. Certain codes of conduct depending on your profession actually FORBID you from responding to negative reviews (attorneys for one). They should count themselves lucky they are even permitted to respond so they could dish back that incredibly immature and just as vile comment about someone's men issues.
I wish them all the best, I think their idea is GREAT and I wish they never had to read anything nasty ever again about it--however, they may have to develop some thicker skin if they want to make it in this day in age. They certainly are not alone in this.
Ah one of the few times I regret we're not obsessively grabbing screen captures of everything we see like apparently some people used to do lol. Actually does come in handy once in awhile.
Those tweets actually support what the lawsuit contends, although in a small way. Not very smart, IMO.
I respectfully disagree. I believe the lawsuit contends that Jon illegally took computer discs and/or a hard drive from the home, gave them to Hoffman, who then wrote a book with the info obtained from them. I believe Kate is alleging that the info in the book damaged her reputation and further, that Jon and Hoffman conspired somehow to gain financially from the book's publication.
Unless the tweeters specifically reference that they are outraged because of revelations they learned from Hoffman's book, there is no way to directly connect the allegations of the lawsuit to the tweets.
I agree with Admin that the NoNetz representatives handled this unprofessionally and look like amateurs. Way to embarrass themselves. I picture some small business being run out of a garage, with the owner hoping to get on Shark Tank one day. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
And if you want to look professional, then behave like a professional. If you want to look like an idiot, respond rudely to tweets about utilizing a review from a roundly disliked has been. I had never heard of NoNetz before. Now i have a negative opinion of them and if I were considering buying a swimsuit for a boy, I would definitely not purchase from them. That's not because Kate wrote a review for them either. It's because their lack of professionalism in this small way makes me think they would handle other customer concerns in the same rude fashion.
Their facebook is the top link on their twitter profile.
Millicent said...
Eh, that's part of doing business these days. No matter who you might have as a spokesperson, someone won't like them. I would not call these tweets harassment. In fact, they are fairly mild in comparison to some things I've seen posted about various companies.
I am often amazed at some of the reviews on Amazon. When someone launches into an 8 paragraph rant about a $3 phone charger cord, I often wonder about that person's mental stability. It is like posting comments is the way to make up for all of the disappointments and unfulfilled expectations in their lives. No filter or appropriate sense of proportion to the importance of the cord. Is it annoying when a cord conks out? Yes!!! Is it the end of the world? No, I can go to 6 of my neighbors to charge my phone until I get a new one.
One of the first tweeters directly linked to the hoffman book site. she was the first to tweet the company.
No need to apologize. But I accept. ;)
I personally wasn't nasty to them nor did I bash Kate personally, although I did refer to her exploitation of her children. But I think that is valid.
However, from what I read I think the company excitedly posted on their FB account that Kate Gosselin reviewed their product. They can't expect people not to respond to that. They brought it up. I don't know... Are people really that ignorant when it comes to Kate? I mean, she was all over the news the past couple of weeks suing her husband and accused of child, even animal, abuse. How can they not think its relevant if they are using her in their marketing schemes?
If that was a dig at us, anonyous, our "caricature" of the kids tell a tragic story. They are all covering their faces. It symbolizes a lost childhood, lost income, a loss of privacy. It is satire to make a tragic point, not sell swim trunks.
When we were working with Emily Anthony, the artist, it was very important to both me and her that the children's faces and images were not shown. You can't recognize them from Adam based on what she rendered and I'm very happy with it.
Emily Anthony is a local from Philly who has long been concerned about the Gosselin kids. Her CV is impressive, with work done for the Philadelphia Phillies, the Philly Museum of Art, and UPS.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 83
Don't all D listers eventually have to scrape the bottom of the barrel like this? I'm always running across some embarrassing endorsement some poor has-been celeb finds themselves lending their name to.
This reminds me of Hot in Cleaveland, the character Victoria Chase hawking Lady Pant's Beneficial Dryness Force :) And even funnier, the stomach firmer that keeps zapping her.
I know what FB is. I already said I saw it on the .com site. The BOTTOM link on their Twitter site.
I am sure it was the .com site. It was in the middle of the photos with the dots below them that you click to see the next photo.
I had never been on the FB site until just now when I went in to see where the top link led.
I wish I had thought to take a screenshot myself.
They brought it up. I don't know... Are people really that ignorant when it comes to Kate? I
I'm guessing as a small company they were happy to get any kind of celebrity endorsement. They probably feel they don't yet have the luxury of being so picky. This is a hard lesson for them and actually it's probably better it happened now rather than when they hit it big, which I think they could given this product. I like it and I think it could really make it.
What if, say, someone much worse suddenly started endorsing their products? It's important to do your research before jumping into the pool head first only to realize there is no water.
Again, it's absurd some of what was said to them, but it's also the real world and something they will have to deal with as a business that is seeking celebrity endorsements. Kate is not the only celebrity people don't like out there. Try having a Kardashian endorse them and see how that goes for them. Instead of a dozen nasty tweets they will get thousands. Only this time they will have experience with how this works and will be better equipped to handle it.
Not for anything... But if I had accused them of posting pics of the G boys on their website and they actually hadn't wouldn't they have replied saying so?
SG I believe you and yes I think they would have told you they never did such a thing had they not. But lets give them credit for immediately taking it down so quickly, even if they had to be snide about it. That's more than could be said of a lot of people. It was apparently gone so quickly that most people will probably never even see it, and that's great.
Another thing to ponder, for every vile and nasty tweet toward them, there could be a dozen other people who are much more respectful and wouldn't tweet such nastiness....and yet who were still put off by this. TFW? That has-been who was so nasty to her kids and ex and now is suing him....eh, I'm not impressed!!
It might not be such a bad idea for them to see that she is not all that popular, pretty much universally, to save some of their less vocal customers from quietly being turned off by this. I know if some company I really liked accepted the endorsement of a controversial celeb I'd wonder what they were thinking. It's tough out there having a small business, as it is for everyone.
By the way, if they had just been the slightest bit professional or replied without making a personal jab at me I would have possibly bought a couple of their bathing suits. 2 minimum. One for my nephew and one for my husband to try.
Worst part is they REMOVED the pic. Why not just reply saying my input was appreciated, the photo was removed and offer me free shipping for caring enough and possibly trying out their suit? I would have ordered 2 and they would even have been able to give Kate the CREDIT for my sale since she was the reason I found their great product.
The more I think about it the more genius I think their product is. I think they need to just take a deep breath. If they can develop something like this they are smart enough to navigate the big bad inter webs.
Yes, even after their not so cordial reply to me I told them I support their company. I told them I thought it was a good product. It was their attitude that turned me off to them. I understand if I had been nasty to them but I don't think I was. I wasn't even accusatory. I ASKED them.
If I wasn't from NYC myself I might have given them a little leeway for just having a NY attitude. ;)
To be honest, I was surprised they took it down so quickly. In fact, that's what made me think that maybe it was Kate who contacted them for posting HER copywrited pic (of her exploited children) on their site without paying HER.
Now that wouldn't surprise me.
Just to back up SG, I went to their site earlier today because I was actually curious about the product. It's not a bad idea, actually. There are many kids out there who have sensory issues and this could provide a solution for both them and any other boy or man who hates chafing in that area.
No, Kate's review was not well written. But as someone said earlier, these Twits on Twitter need to think about the long term picture when they go after these companies. SG's was a valid question. The other tweets posted tonight were not. Some people just have to be mad at the world, I guess.
Should the company have handled it more professionally? Of course. But it sounds like they're a small company and I would cut them some slack on that. If I were in their place and random people started attacking my company just because we had sent some swim suits to a has been reality star who sent us a letter asking to do a product review and we figured "Hey, that's something we can put in the review page of our website! Endorsed by Reality TV Mom Kate Gosselin!" because we didn't know about all the controversy surrounding her , I'd probably be a bit testy too.
Kate has been grifting free products in the name of her children since before they were born. She isn't going to stop any time soon.
She's tried to do the advice blog, the anecdotal blog, and now she's focusing on the product review blog. So I say, c'mon Hater Twits, put aside your ire and self righteousness and think about it rationally for a moment. This is a has been reality star who is desperately trying to grasp 15 more minutes of fame. Despite what her counter says, there's probably what? 20 people who visit her site on a regular basis (and that may be being generous). I don't think this company is going to see a sudden uptick in their sales profits now that Kate Gosselin has reviewed their product.
The only thing you've done, Hatertwits, is to reinforce Kate's tired line about how there are people out to get her and ruin her career and life.
Millicent said... 151
Those tweets actually support what the lawsuit contends, although in a small way. Not very smart, IMO.
I respectfully disagree. I believe the lawsuit contends that Jon illegally took computer discs and/or a hard drive from the home, gave them to Hoffman, who then wrote a book with the info obtained from them. I believe Kate is alleging that the info in the book damaged her reputation and further, that Jon and Hoffman conspired somehow to gain financially from the book's publication.
I know what the lawsuit says. We've been talking on here for days how the "in excess of $5000 damages" pertains to her loss of work and saying her loss of work is her own fault.
And I stand by what I said above. I don't think it was a smart thing to do by the non-fans considering there's a lawsuit in the works. It DOES prove that when Kate engages with a company the non-fans interfere in a negative way.
"@Kateplusmy8 @NoNetzSuits Should Kate's tweet have an ad by it? If NoNetz is involved with her aqt all I'm done with them"
"@SchmeckyGirl2 I guess @NoNetzSuits think it pays to have famewhore @Kateplusmy8 review their products & link to her blog. #Losers"
It doesn't matter if that's just the way things are these days. The attorneys could use what happened with NoNetz as an example. Furthermore they could say because of the lawsuit many of the non-fans have become more quiet on her Twitter timeline and that there were more negative comments in the past. It's an example for all to see.
Although I agree that the negative responses by NoNetz was very unprofessional, I'm having difficulty grasping why all this negativism about them here. They asked Kate for a review:
NoNetz Bathing Suits @NoNetzSuits 8h
@UseCmmonSense All we asked for was a product review. We are not in any way affiliated with Kate.
silimom said... 165
I agree with you 100% and you said it much better than I.
I clicked publish before I could correct my errors. And I meant to say at the end of my comment above that NoNetz asked Kate for a product review, and I assumed the picture was part of the deal. No? When I looked at the photos on her website I figured they were taken by a professional, not Kate or Mady with their iPhone.
As far as the boys being paid, yes they definitely should be paid. They were modeling for NoNetz. Were they? Who knows? I wouldn't expect a company spokesperson to answer that question on Twitter.
Admin, she said companies who EMPLOY her are used to hate (I think). This is a small company that's just trying to make it. Maybe they don't realize the backlash against this mother of 8. But even if they do, they don't deserve to be treated like that. I agree with Tweet-le, it supports what the lawsuit contends.
I don't follow twitter, but my question about the vile comments: were they mostly about her exploiting her children? People were calling her out on that from the very moment she conceived. It has nothing to do with the book, the internet bullies, the lawsuit, Hoffman...
From the very first critics (Dana Hoffman, that Z guy, the Huffington Post) to this day, it's been the same response. You'd think she'd be used to it! lol
If her career as a celebrity (and I choke when I say that) is any indication of how she handles a job, I don't hold out much hope she's employable in very many fields.
Exactly on the nose Auntie Ann!
I never got the sense TFW really loved sales. Nursing was never about sales. If she really liked it I'd expect her to be in some kind of business area or something. I think she just liked the results of it, not the process itself.
Narcissists work for a goal, too, but it's a different goal: they want power, authority, adulation. Lacking empathy, and lacking also context and affect, narcissists don't understand how people achieve glory and high standing; they think it's all arbitrary, it's all appearances, it's all who you know. So they try to attach themselves to people who already have what they want, meanwhile making a great show of working hard. Narcissists can put in a shocking amount of time to very little effect. This is partly because they have so little empathy that they don't know why some work is valued more highly than other work, why some people's opinions carry more weight than others'. They do know that you're supposed to work and not be lazy, so they keep themselves occupied. But they are not invested in the work they do -- whatever they may produce is just something they have to do to get the admiration and power they crave. Since this is so, they really don't pay attention to what they're doing, preferring the easiest thing at every turn, even though they may be constantly occupied, so that narcissists manage to be workaholics and extremely lazy at the same time.
I went to FB and the pic wasn't there. I guess since I never saw it there myself it was never posted, right?
So they removed the pic from FB before some people saw it... Yet it's not believable that they removed the pic off their website before some people saw it?
Why did they remove it from Facebook? Same reason they removed it from their site. Why is one more believable than the other?
Maybe it wouldn't have been a major problem if Kate did not involve the children in her product review. I hear pictures were posted too..I think that's going too far because the children does not need any more media exposure at their expense. I KNOW children are the target for these swimsuits. Why pick a product that she absolutely knew would revolve around the children and they would be forced to try the swimsuits for her sake of getting paid. That's the gist of the lash back because the children had to use them and pose in them in order for her to be 'successful' with her review of the dang products.
Next time Kate, pick something non relevant to your children! Maybe review a dang color hair product! But do not bring in their opinion of your hair colors. That is still using them to make your review 'successful'. USE OTHER PEOPLE THAT ARE NOT YOUR CHILDREN FOR THEIR OPINION.
I saw the picture on their FB page, and I saw it on their website. 100% sure of that. It wasn't a static picture. It popped up on the screen in rotation with other images. It's gone now but I can confirm SG's account.
Narcissists attract abuse. Haughty, exploitative, demanding, insensitive, and quarrelsome – they tend to draw opprobrium and provoke anger and even hatred. Sorely lacking in interpersonal skills, devoid of empathy, and steeped in irksome grandiose fantasies – they invariably fail to mitigate the irritation and revolt that they induce in others.
I agree with you Admin. I think this company should have handled this different just like EM Tanner should have handled it different on their part also.
I saw what happened on Twitter as it happened. Just from memory, SG did ask about being paid. She was respectful. However, some of the haterz, like sharks to blood started in on saying things like "why would we buy anything a famewhore endorses? Don't buy from this company blah blah". They even tried to include SG who did not take the bait and said she was just interested in the payment question. That being said, I DO think the haterz supported K8s point. Also, in regards to this:
Anonymous said... 125
@NoNetzSuits: @DWTS_Participan Don't take out your anger towards your ex on us. All we did was ask for a review and that's what we got #bitter
I'd say that the tweet from the company was a bit inappropriate.
Does anyone else think K8 told the company that Jon is out to get her and has a band of haterz he conspires with to do her in? Doesn't it sound like the company is talking as if they think the hater is JON?
I wish the haterz would leave well enough alone. This company didn't deserve the harassment they got. And it was harassment, SG excluded.
Vanessa said... 174
should have quotation marks
LOL I stand corrected. I said maybe K8 told the company about Jon's conspiracy but I just looked at their twitter. The person who tweeted this:
DWTS_Nominee @DWTS_Participan 17h
@SchmeckyGirl2 I guess @NoNetzSuits think it pays to have famewhore @Kateplusmy8 review their products & link to her blog. #Losers
And got this response:
NoNetz Bathing Suits @NoNetzSuits 11h
@DWTS_Participan Don't take out your anger towards your ex on us. All we did was ask for a review and that's what we got #bitter
has Jon as their profile pic. I think the company really thought that was Jon tweeting them.
Does anyone else think K8 told the company that Jon is out to get her and has a band of haterz he conspires with to do her in? Doesn't it sound like the company is talking as if they think the hater is JON?
Yes! You're absolutely right about them thinking that comment was from Jon. The "hater" uses Jon's picture for her avatar. Didn't dawn me because I'm so used to seeing those Jon avatars the haters are using. Great catch. LOL
localyocul said... 176
Doesn't it sound like the company is talking as if they think the hater is JON?
NoNetz Bathing Suits @NoNetzSuits 11h
@DWTS_Participan Don't take out your anger towards your ex on us. All we did was ask for a review and that's what we got #bitter
You may have a point there, especially since the hater they responded to has a picture of Jon as their twitter avatar.
I also can confirm that the boys' picture was on their website. I think SG had legitimate questions, but the other haters' tweets were out of line.
Just FYI, NoNetz most definitely used these photos WITH Kate's permission. She has to have given (or sold) them to the company. Otherwise, they'd have had the "Copyright 2013" watermark attached to them
And FWIW, I checked both their site and their FB right after Kate tweeted their info. The pics were definitely on their site. I never saw anything on their FB, which I thought was odd.
OT in other news: the weather at OBX is fabulous, Manteo has the First Friday art walk and free waterfront entertainment, and the tide comes in and out twice a day, no matter what people do. over in the alligator river wildlife refuge, there used to be a town, Buffalo City. It was named that because the first people who started it were men from Buffalo New York, they came to NC to have a sawmill and ship wood north. When the mills went OT of business, it became the home of some of the largest moonshine producers in the USA. After WWII, that all went away, people moved away, and now all that's left is some rusted railroad tracks in the woods.
Life goes on. Real life, geological life, time and tides. It just makes you appreciate that mother nature will cover up mans achievements when people move on.
PS there is some primo and relatively affordable waterfront land for sale in Stumpy Point NC!
You were close enough, local. I'm sure NoNetz thought they were tweeting to Jon so the hater inadvertently portrayed Jon in a bad light. Maybe the haters should make new avatars.
ROL is at it again. They have a new story up that insinuates that Robert is running scared. Says that his blog has been erased in the wake of the law suit being filed. What a joke. I commented to them that they need to do a better job at investigating since that blog was gone a long time ago, but his Gosselin Book site was still up and running. I just love how they always make a story lean in Kate's favor. Oh, and it does say Jon is not worried about the suit. That also is not really news to me as I already knew in my heart that he's not.
ROL has a new story about Robert saying that he wiped his website clean due to the lawsuit. However, they only looked at http://gosselinbook.blogspot.com and not at http://gosselinbook.com, which is where Robert has a new picture of his book cover and links to tons of articles that are negative about Kate.
Apparently, no one at ROL does any research.
Before the ROL article, the only thing Robert had still posted on his BlogSpot site was a 3 Stooges video. Since the article, Robert has added back some of his previous posts.
Forgot to add the link to the ROL article:
Thank you to those that were able to back up what I saw on their website. Much appreciated.
It's funny though... I can understand how some people will start to question what they saw with their own eyes once they are questioned over and over and told otherwise. It really can play tricks with your mind. I can see how some people may actually begin to doubt what they saw and know for a fact. I KNOW I saw it there. I KNOW it was the ONLY site I went to. And I KNOW it was on there long enough for me to go back and see it another time before it was removed. I've seen it in movies where a person is questioned by the police or a lawyer so many times they begin to doubt themselves. It's very interesting.
All that being said, I'm still 100% confident the pic I saw was on their website, not their FB page. But I appreciate those that confirmed what I saw.
P.S. I'm still opposed to Kate reviewing products using her children, even on her own website. Especially when she tweets to check out her review AND see cute pics of her kids. She's marketing and using her children and doing all she can to keep them in the public eye.
A number of days late and as usual, a number of "facts" wrong.
RadarOnline has another 'exclusive'. LOL
"The man at the center of a computer hacking, identity theft and wiretapping multi-million dollar lawsuit filed by Kate Gosselin has wiped his blog clean of all articles prior to the filing, RadarOnline.com is reporting.
Prior to the filing of the lawsuit, Hoffman used the site as a sounding board for all things Gosselin, in particular his bombshell claims against Kate and what type of mother she is.
All that remains now is a YouTube video of a clip from The Three Stooges."
Had they (or the person who fed them this 'exclusive') been paying any attention at all they would have noticed that Robert changed his blog in the spring and only rarely posted there anymore. He's been adding content to the book site, not his blog! What numbskulls.
I don't understand why ROL writes articles with a bias toward TFW but then often attaches a very unflattering photo of her.
Please, please, if anyone can contact Robert and have him add a link to his website at The TOP of his blog!!!!!!!
I've seen it in movies where a person is questioned by the police or a lawyer so many times they begin to doubt themselves. It's very interesting.
Amanda Knox. She told police a hundred times that she spent the night at her boyfriend's and they had dinner, watched a movie and had sex. They told her so many times she was mistaken and that she must have been with Meredith that about six days into it she started to think well gosh maybe I was there.
Even if the company thought they were talking to Jon due to the avatar, their tweet was still unprofessional. If they're smart they'll apologize for the little twitter war that they got sucked into and in the future just answer negative tweets with a "thank you for your opinion and please try our suits because they speak for themselves".
ROL has a new story about Robert saying that he wiped his website clean due to the lawsuit.
The defective detective again?! And they just listen to her. So annoying.
I saw the pic on the website after SG tweeted abt it. It was there. 3 boys with their arms crossed. 100% positive.
Even if the company thought they were talking to Jon due to the avatar, their tweet was still unprofessional. If they're smart they'll apologize for the little twitter war that they got sucked into and in the future just answer negative tweets with a "thank you for your opinion and please try our suits because they speak for themselves".
Exactly. I can't feel sorry for them. They accused someone of having man issues. WTH?? That is outrageously rude and unprofessional. Again I say can you imagine a company like Nike tweeting that? I think that would make the news.
I once left a very bad review for a gym because it was really shameful not to mention annoying how run down it was, and I went to the same company's gym 20 minutes away and it was night and day. Someone from the company responded and said they will do their best to make it cleaner and make sure the machines are in working order and thanked me for taking the time to leave feedback.
This is how a professional company handles feedback.
SG said...
P.S. I'm still opposed to Kate reviewing products using her children, even on her own website. Especially when she tweets to check out her review AND see cute pics of her kids. She's marketing and using her children and doing all she can to keep them in the public eye.
I'm with you, SG. I've no problem at all if she wants to review products till her fingers bleed, but when she markets her blog and drives traffic to it by USING the kids, I object.
I also wish she'd follow the FCC guidelines for open disclosure and mark her tweets and blog appropriately. But, I guess I shouldn't expect her to something ethical like that when she is so shameless in grifting and exploiting. ugh
And she wonders why people don't like her.
Doesn't it sound like the company is talking as if they think the hater is JON?
NoNetz Bathing Suits @NoNetzSuits 11h
@DWTS_Participan Don't take out your anger towards your ex on us. All we did was ask for a review and that's what we got #bitter
Hey, I think you're right! Where did the "anger toward your ex" come from if not about Jon?
Oh now THAT's professional. Choosing sides in a nasty public divorce, accusing the ex of having anger issues and using the hashtag #bitter? COME ON.
I guess they need to do some reading to realize who really has anger toward their ex. Hint, her initials are TFW.
Any bit of "oh this poor harassed company" feelings I had are completely gone. They deserve what they get and I have NEVER said that about any other company she worked with. Wanna sling mud, then don't come home crying about it.
Oh, and it does say Jon is not worried about the suit. That also is not really news to me as I already knew in my heart that he's not.
It's kind of funny how obsessed TFW is with being rich because Jon, who doesn't have very much money, also doesn't have the stress of what comes with having that much money. It's sometimes a nice feeling to be so "free." Money is nice but it's stressful too.
Jon knows even if he lost he has no money to pay the judgment. That is a very liberating feeling. He also knows this is a civil action so he's not going to jail. And further, I'm pretty sure he knows none of this shenanigans will affect custody, as it wouldn't.
So why would he be worried? Like Kate flutter around like a mad woman and focus on your kids. No skin off his back.
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