Dylan and Cole are 21 now, and Dylan has decided to leave acting, go to college at NYU and work in a restaurant (Cole goes to NYU too). Inevitably, the "rock bottom child star" rumors followed. Dylan was so offended by the gossip, he took to tumblr to set the record straight. Dylan called the comments about his new profession "pretty rude" and said that he is financially secure but wanted to try out a new job. He said being a host is "a way to try a new experience, working somewhat below the means I’m used to, as well as a way to socialize and get out of the house. I feel most comfortable when I’m working and doing something, to criticize someone of that is pretty odd. I will potentially return to acting someday, but in no way do I think any experience is a step down for me, but rather a new step in another direction."
Good for you, Dylan. There's nothing to be ashamed about when it comes to living a normal life and working hard.
425 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 425 Newer› Newest»Has anyone ever been to the Saddle Peak Lodge? The first time I ever went to that place I saw them there too. They were with a male who I believe from photos is their acting coach, as well as a few friends. They must have been maybe 10 at the time. They were very well behaved, waiting patiently for their table and talking quietly with their friends and coach, though they seemed happy. They had a quiet and very grown up meal nearby my table. Saddle Peak is not really a kid restaurant, so I thought that was an odd choice. No Applebees for them.
One thing about child actors is you kind of do have to be very mature because you're working just like the adults on a set. If you're misbehaving and holding things up and behaving like a rambunctious 10 year old, no one wants to waste their time with you.
My son is a senior at NYU and Dylan probably needs the job to pay the bill. It's the most expensive college out there! Ha! Just kidding a bit. Anyway, my daughter was a waitress this past summer and LOVED it! She is a theatre minor and it was a true study of people! One of the Sprouse boys also served as an RA at one of the dorms and I understand he did a great job. These boys just want to experience normal life. There's nothing wrong with that at all! I applaud them!
Loathe yes I read in one of the articles about this one of them had been elected as president of their dorm or something which is supposed to be a big honor. The other one does photography. Dylan wants to design video games I believe. They have normal interests aside from acting.
I really liked that he decided to speak out. It IS rude to look down on someone for this and it IS rude to say he lost all his money. I can see how he would be offended by that and see it as a slam against him and his family for not handling their money better. I think it's great that he said excuse me I *want* to do this and you don't need to worry yourself about my money it's fine--don't ASSUME!
There are also some paparazzi style photos of him on the NY subway with his ipad and hanging out at cafes. There are photos of Cole just hanging in his small dorm room. They're trying to just be college kids.
Yes NYU is expensive! I really liked what I read about NYU but decided not to apply there because of the sticker shock. But a degree from NYU will be forever respected, good for your son!
I don't even blame TFW for the "rock bottom" comments towards Jon. It's the mainstream media. Wonder how many bloggers, tabloid writers etc. have had to wait tables? How many would have to return to that line of work if they were let go?? Disgusting. And now a young man of 21 "has hit rock bottom"? WTH?
I feel like waiting tables is sort of a right of passage and I'm really sick of the media spinning it as something bad. Is there anyone who hasn't done it or at least something similar at some point?
It's also a go to second job because of the usual flexibility, 40 plus hours or 10 hours you can usually find something--you can seek to do the breakfast, lunch, dinner or late party shift depending on what you want. They can get you in there and up in running in days and you're making money. There is nothing wrong with it, for whatever reason you want to do it. For fun, for the money, for extra money, whatever.
I really would have thought by now that the snobby remarks about certain jobs would have stopped--there are millionaires who delivered pizzas so they wouldn't lose their house. So what? The good news is most comments seem to be overwhelming positive in favor of anyone who works hard at an honest job. The media may not like it but the public does.
Vanessa maybe it's projection. They too had to wait tables and maybe were made to feel embarrassed by the same people who write these articles today. They now have to take out their insecurities and embarrassment about past jobs on these poor kids who are just trying to be normal. Really, really sad.
To me- hitting rock bottom is NOT having a real job and desperately trying to re-enter into television. Even Emmy Award winning actors with REAL talent have trouble getting their career back after being typecast in a specific role! Administrator- my son has been an RA for 2 years so he gets free room and board and he also received scholarships for being salutatorian of his high school class- otherwise- we could not have afforded NYU!
I've been thinking about this so-called "book tour" and I think I see her strategy now. She knows that the book won't sell on its own like most books. Instead she files a lawsuit against Jon to generate rag-show controversy then gets booked on these shows knowing that story line will cause more to tune in vs a cookbook show about a non-cook. Then she writes into the contract the requirement that all guests in the audience get a book and wham! Her sales are boosted. Once again, she has to go the cheating route. Then she'll claim that "thousands" have been sold. A fake just like her fake hit counter, just like her purchased twitter numbers. I love it that Jon's attorney mentioned in his response that the lawsuit conveniently coincided with her book tour. And all of her appearances talking about the lawsuit and "safety for her kids" is more ammo for Jon's case. Can anyone name anything she has done in a genuine manner with a real work ethic?
Kids first agree 100%. It was a very, very dumb move to talk so much about Jon when his attorneys are accusing her of using this lawsuit for publicity. She played right into their hands. It was that easy. The credibility of her lawsuit is slim to none after this tour.
There's nothing wrong with working and earning you own pay they and Jon have nothing to be ashamed of.
Didn't Dylan and Cole play Ross Geller's son on Friends, too? Good for them, pursuing an education and working hard.They seem like nice well-rounded young men.
I see Robert has released another little nugget of inside information about TWF. He's not letting up.
Just Cole was on Friends yes! They also did a couple Adam Sandler movies. They were pretty huge not 10 years ago.
While I was in school I work two restaurant jobs as well 6hrs of school and then 10hr shift and I loved it.
kids first said... 12
I see Robert has released another little nugget of inside information about TWF. He's not letting up.
For Kate this is kind of like death by a thousand cuts.
Voxtar @voxtar 30m
Kate Gosselin & Jim Carrey are going to be at Indigo in October for book signs. Looks like I'll be buying some new books.
Yes, but not on the same day. Wrist bands will be handed out at 10 a.m. for Carrey's signing, with books signed at 1 p.m. Nothing about wrist bands for TFW's appearance!
Ann @ IW @Ann_IW 1h
@Kateplusmy8 any chance you will be in the Lehigh Valley? (Make it a weekend, please!)
Oh, sure. She'll set it up just for the fans in the Lehigh Valley. What day works for them? Saturday, or Sunday? Name the time and she'll be there. Is 3 p.m. okay, or would evenings work better?
They just don't get that this thing is over. Done. Three signings and that's it! Lawsuit indeed coincided with this tour. With only a few people showing up, was it worth it? How many books were sold during this "tour?" Going on television to discuss her relationship with Jon probably wasn't a good idea. Let her go -- she'll shoot herself in the foot. Bet his attorneys knew this all along and figured to just let her go.
Jim Carrey at 1 PM and TFW at 7 PM...never the twain shall meet.
I loathe this "woman" and "her" entire brand! said... 2
My son is a senior at NYU and Dylan probably needs the job to pay the bill. It's the most expensive college out there! Ha! Just kidding a bit. Anyway, my daughter was a waitress this past summer and LOVED it! She is a theatre minor and it was a true study of people! One of the Sprouse boys also served as an RA at one of the dorms and I understand he did a great job. These boys just want to experience normal life. There's nothing wrong with that at all! I applaud them!
My son went to NYU also and John Ritter's son Jason lived in the same dorm across the hall. What a nice kid, generous and down to earth. When his parents would visit, they sure didn't have bodyguards. They were just regular people, parents visiting their son, totally unpretentious.
If it weren't for waitstaff jobs, I'm sure many of us never would have made it through college, myself included! Those jobs were a valuable education on so many levels.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 10m
Dear @Kateplusmy8 Looks like U had a happy/successful day! pic.twitter.com/ObiAq92x6K Sorry I could not make it...I'm so very far away! :(
No, you're not, Milo. You are a two-hour plane ride away from Baltimore. You could make it if you wanted to. What's stopping you?
Kudos to Dylan. 10% of the US work force is in the restaurant industry.
$660.5 billion: Restaurant-industry sales projected for 2013.
I had to laugh at the "Hit Rock Bottom." line. As if reporting or writing for a low brow, morally corrupt tabloid is something to be revered.
Interesting restaurant facts.
A little funny....Since I have no idea who the Sprouse twins are, I googled them. I watched a Good Morning America clip of Sam Champion interviewing them. Right after he thanked them for coming Sam did a teaser for the next segment - Kate Gosselin is in our studio cooking meatloaf!
I googled that interview and she was very specific that she cooks organic meals. Of course at that time she was married and could say Jon's name without hissing. Maybe organic left the Compound the same time Jon did.
From the Bethenny site:
"Kate Gosselin is here for a candid interview about her finances and her family. Plus, she offers tips on weathering a messy divorce.
Weathering a messy divorce? Is the topic on parental alienation...how to poison your kinds' minds against their father? Ways in which to go after him every chance you get? If so, then this forum should be right down her alley! Her attorneys approve of this?
Weathering a messy divorce?
Ugh. SHE made the divorce messy. Not every breakup has to be this messy or even close!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 8m
@97Shania @Kateplusmy8 Ugh...I hear ya. Same issues 4me...I'm way south...she usually travels up north! Well, be sure & buy her book! :)
But, but, but...Kate is loved world-wide! She has fans all over the country. Why is she just traveling up north? Why only THREE signings, Milo?
She was in the south for speaking engagements. Milo missed her then. What was her excuse at that time?
I was thinking about admin's comments regarding why Milo doesn't meet Kate, and I think that could be a big part of it. Milo is a so much an in-your-face person. She's even admitted a few times that she annoys the heck out of people. It's possible she really is afraid that she will say or do something to alienate Kate. It's safer the way things are. She has set herself up as Kate's Top Dog...
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 17m
@97Shania Her e-mail address - kate@kateplusmy8.com E-mail her and request her address...put in subj. line "Getting My Book Signed".
,,,and to do anything that might throw a monkey wrench into her role as Head Sheeple and PR person would totally destroy her emotionally. It's a symbiotic relationship. Kate throws her bones once in awhile, telling her to come to her signings, mentioning her name on television. Milo gets rewarded and feels good because she maintains her status as Kate's number one fan, being able to brag about their close relationship. Kate gets something out of this, too. Her ego is fed.
The two are perfect for each other. Why take the chance that a meeting would ruin everything that Milo took such a long time to build up?
Of course, that whole theory could be shot all to heck if it's discovered that Milo is just a Catfish!
I see Robert has released another little nugget of inside information about TWF. He's not letting up.
For Kate this is kind of like death by a thousand cuts.
I need glasses. I read this as "death by a thousand cats," and thought -- what now? LOL!
Ally said (from previous post)
Does anything supersede a confidentiality agreement?
Yes, child abuse!
Yes, legally proven abuse would release someone from breaking their silence in a CA. However that was never proven here.
I imagine for a laundry girl, caterer, teenage nanny, contract law, a lawsuit involving a media giant and TFW would be a daunting concept.
But now, that being said, I think the time is right! The public is open and paying attention, Jon is speaking up. I am certain Hoffman’s book will be released.
I believe if previous staffers got together and at least spoke with the defense attorneys they would be protected. The majority of the American public would support them.
I pray they come forward and get it all out in the open, the truth, whatever that may be.
On one’s own however, proving, heck even garnering an investigation into such a matter is an uphill battle.
I need glasses. I read this as "death by a thousand cats," and thought -- what now? LOL!
For someone like me who's allergic to cats, being around a thousand might be death. LOL
I waited tables during my college years, and it's a hard job. You have to deal with all sorts of people, and some of them take their frustrations out on you for no other reason than they can. But overall, I enjoyed the work, and the comraderie that develops with your fellow servers. While I was waitressing, I met some wonderful people.
One was a divorced mom in her late 40's. Her husband had left her for a younger woman, and was basically stiffing her on the child support. She had been a SAHM all her married life, and had no other real skills. So she waitressed and that's how she paid the mortgage. A cheerful, good natured, fun lady.
Another was also a divorced lady, but her ex did pay child support. However, same situation - no real other job skills, so she waitressed to help add to the household income. She met her second husband when he was seated in her section one night. After that, he'd always ask for her, they began dating, and ended up married.
Waiting tables is a great way to gain perspective on all sorts of people. It requires you to develop people skills, to remain pleasant in the face of rudeness, to remember who ordered what, etc. To do the job well, you have to be able to make people feel comfortable, at ease, and at least slightly pampered. I was renting a one-bedroom apartment at the time, and it was my tip money that paid the rent. I put my paychecks directly in the bank for school expenses.
I applaud this young man's response. I think the twins' parents must have raised them well, so that they understood acting was just a means to an end, and not their whole life. Sounds like they are enjoying the fruits of their labors (having the $$ for the college of their choice). Good for them, and congrats to their parents on a job well done.
Sarah said... 27
Ally said (from previous post)
Does anything supersede a confidentiality agreement?
Yes, child abuse!
Yes, legally proven abuse would release someone from breaking their silence in a CA. However that was never proven here.
Do you suppose that's why that former nanny talked to the National Enquirer about the time TFW took one of the boys into the bathroom and wailed on him?
The person's name who reports the incident would also be kept confidential by child services, would it not? Kate wouldn't even know who it was.
The person's name who reports the incident would also be kept confidential by child services, would it not? Kate wouldn't even know who it was.
You're right, the parent would not know who made the report. CPS in my state accepts anonymous abuse calls (idk if all states are the same).
Heading out for the Baltimore Book Festival! I'll give you all the details when I get back.
Have any of Kate's fans noticed what seems to be a broken toe, can see the white tape sticking out of her shoe? She wasn't in heels at the book fair. She never wears flats. Poor Paige, couldn't even get a manicure without copying Kate's French. How boring for a young girl. Wonder if she'll go blonde next?
What will Kate be doing on a stage at 4:30 today? Ummming, oh I mean talking or demonstrating her "cooking skills"?
I think Kate has everyone running scared with these Confidentiality Agreements. As a mandated reporter in CA, you are taught to file a report on Suspected abuse. Just a suspecision triggers a report.
There is no way a CA would be upheld in court for a person who suspects abuse and makes a report. Yes, Kate may try to sue, but she wouldn't have a legal leg to stand on. And the blowback from the press getting wind of the situation would probably be enough to stop her (ok, encourage her handlers to stop her) from filing. Can you imagine? Kate suing her nanny cuz the nanny reported abuse? The press would have a field day.
I seriously hope that if someone working for Kate truly believes that those kids are in danger, or worse, has first hand knowledge of abuse, that that person would contact the authorities!
I was surprised Kate did not sue, or maybe we did not hear about it, the nanny that did go to the tabloid about her spanking the boy tup in the bathroom. I would think Kate knew from the description of the incident exactly who it was unless this is a common occurance. Maybe she is afraid to sue because it would be such bad press about abuse allegations, which would trigger an investigation and Jon getting custody. Regardless, if anyone signed a CA and wants to call CPS, they could certainly consult an attorney first. At the very least, they could contact a Jon or his attorney. It is time for the "helpers" and crew to come forward.
I suspect TLC or Figure 8 has all the film tucked away in a safe place to use as leverage if she were ever to go after them. And she knows it too.
I don't know if for sure a report to CPS is confidential. How come on Judge Judy the plaintiff sues a defendant for filing a false report to CPS?
High Sodium Content (aka Kate's Cart) said... 34
Have any of Kate's fans noticed what seems to be a broken toe, can see the white tape sticking out of her shoe? She wasn't in heels at the book fair.
It's not a broken toe, it's a blister according to this tweet from one of the authors that was there:
McLaughlin Kraus @NannyDiaries 17h
@Kateplusmy8 so great chatting w you today in the green room. Hope ur foot heals quickly--and wishing you a blister-free future :)
8:15 PM - 27 Sep 13
mamaK said....
And the blowback from the press getting wind of the situation would probably be enough to stop her (ok, encourage her handlers to stop her) from filing.
I agree. I wish they would band together and come forward. Again whatever the truth may be...a simple conversation with the defense attorneys in this case would be a safe start.
That nanny doesn't get enough credit. She was the first or one of the first to come forward. The fact that no one paid attention at the time, except some of us, doesn't mean she's less of a hero than anyone else who speaks out about abuse. There is no way for anyone to sue her if it's true. But as what I assume to be one of the young nannies, it would be unlikely she would know that for sure. She either consulted with an attorney and/or really just felt like it was the right thing to disclose even if there were repercussions. Maybe she was trying to wake Kate up. She wouldn't be the first nanny to feel that way.
The weight of Hoffman's book and even two staffers if on the same page I think would be powerful.
From last thread:
Blowing In The Wind said... 76
Not according to him. They had been in chats and communicating off Twitter and out of the blue she told him that they should chill with the chatting. It was before they met.
Okay. Didn't realize she'd ended it before he went to meet her. No wonder she was creeped out.
What? TFW is left the Book Fair last night on a golf cart? Was it taking her to her waiting limo/Steve?
I noticed the flat heeled shoes, too. Somewhere in these many, many pages of comments there is mention of a broken toe. It was probably a tweet, but who knows whose tweet.
I don't know if this has been mentioned already but I believe it was one year ago TODAY that Robert released his e-book, at least according to my little calendar from last year where I'd write notes on it of what I did/what went on that day. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I was one of the lucky few who got it before it was yanked but now I can't find it on my laptop. I didn't have a Kindle and got it the way others on here had mentioned but I can't find it anymore. I know his new one is coming out but if anyone can tell me how I can find it on my laptop, I'd appreciate it!
Just watching (not a regular watcher) that show about Kody and his pleural wives. They can't pay for a daughter's college education!?! One of a couple dozen kids!!
Brought back the memory of myself, my ex husband and his fiance sitting in a room together. I hadn't thought of that in years! But we sure did.
Discussed how their marriage, any future children, and our co-parenting was going to work. In both a financial and family ways. Very civil discussion.
All did not work out exactly as discussed that day. There were many discussions/debates/arguments to be had in the intervening years. All done face to face and in the same civil manner.
Twenty years later, we have two wonderful boys between us. They have since divorced, yet we all three talk, text, facebook on at least a weekly basis.
Happy to say, my child and their child love, respect, and spend time with all three of us.
When the three of us are gone, they will have one another and a foundation already built for them.
We don't pat ourselves on the back for that. That's just the way all three of us thought it should be for the good of children.
After this crap on TV ... I'm pat pat pat pat pat pat patting ALL of us on the back. I had NO idea parents let their selfishness overtake their responsibility to their children ... then came reality TV.
McLaughlin Kraus @NannyDiaries 17h
@Kateplusmy8 so great chatting w you today in the green room. Hope ur foot heals quickly--and wishing you a blister-free future :)
Kate had on a pair of classy looking heels when she was on set and the night of the Staten Island book signing. I am guessing they were new and not broken and did a bit of cutting into her foot, so much so, she is now wearing flats. She had on flip flops for the pictures/interview taken by ET I think it was.
People who make comments that working restaurants is " hitting rock bottom" are likely the same people who would not take whatever job was required to bring in money if they were broke. Its called PRIDE, and sometimes it doesnt work well for people.
Those prideful people are the ones livin the life they can not afford spiralling into debt, and then have to claim bankruptcy so the rest of us can pick up their pieces.
I am glad to hear the Sprouse kids are trying to live a normal life preparing for their future. They know they likely will not be actors for ever. Some smart parents raising smart kids! Lets hope they stay a success! A model for other parents with kids in showbiz.
Kate's "cooking" demonstration apparently is how to make a salad. It must be her "famous" Kate salad!
Mary Jo Rohrer @maryjorawr 1m
In case you were wondering, Kate Gosselin is still alive & is currently making a salad in the middle of Baltimore pic.twitter.com/fLV8uyD58C
Kate Gosselin is still alive
She died? I missed the rumor she died. I did get the impression that Kate is a single mom and Jon died.
At least she had her hair up while she was making her salad. One thing I noticed in the Katie video, when she was making the pizza, is that her hair was swinging back and forth over the pizza. I wonder how many hairs ended up as a pizza topping.
Yes, I always needed a demonstration on how to make a salad! But I guess since Kate's demographics seem to be young teen girls, making salads is a good place to start, and since Kate is a beginning cook herself, people have to start somewhere.....
WT??? Making a salad is NOT cooking! Embarrassing if that's all she's got.
She picked something where she just has to assemble, not actually cook, haha. According to Next Food Network star though, these demonstrations are incredibly hard. I can't picture this. I really can't.
I finally had time to watch the clip of TFW on Katie.......
I paused when I saw the close-up of the laminated chore chart on the fridge and stared dumbfounded at it for a while.
There is a a child assigned to rinse all of the toothbrushes each evening after dinner? Any reason each child shouldn't be rinsing their own toothbrush after it is used?
Another child is assigned to clean up the shoe/coat area, which we saw on CWS. Again, shouldn't each child do this for themselves? I have a toddler and a preschooler (an actual 4-1/2 year old who attends preschool, mind you, not a 7 year old going into first grade I have infantilized) and both manage to hang their coats on the proper hooks and put their shoes on the mat underneath every time we come inside the house, without me even prompting them.
And many chores require "adult approval" before they can be checked off the list. Not even "mom approval," which alludes to the fact that someone else is often supervising.
No help except 20 hours of babysitting? Still a lot of "help" during the school year for a mom of school-aged children who does not work outside the home. Adding up all the hours of school, babysitting, time with dad, and sleeping, I can't even fathom when she manages to spend even a few minutes on actual interaction.
Seems to me TFW would have a lot more time and less chaos/stress if she stopped "masterminding" everything, and simply taught her kids to take care of their own selves and belongings.
Today, every time my little "mediocre" munchkins do something normal, I laugh at how TFW has made it impossible for her kids to preform the simplest task of self-sufficiency. Then I am sad that these children are not being taught, by their mother at least, the life skills they need to become capable young adults.
Well, I better get going as, ironically, my small ones wish to play restaurant and serve me puzzle piece and Lego "cookies" at the coffee table. Totally more fun and memory-making than masterminding any day!!!
Turtle Logic
LOL. Hairs in the pizza. Probably so. I bet her hair is falling out.
Can't believe she made a salad as her demonstration. How hard could that be? So unbelievably lazy.
Where is it that Kate had to use a golf cart because of her blister? Really? She can't walk because of a blister on her pinkie? Did she get a handicap sticker too? LOL!
From that tweet snarking about Kate being alive, sounds like not everyone in that audience was a fan. She is such a freak show now.
When TFW did her recent tabloid show interviews, she made it quite clear she pays no attention to "the decisions Jon makes"(from the Extra interview) as they have been divorced FOUR years. She clearly seemed annoyed having to waste a moment of HER screen time on him until realizing she could use the gun incident in her favour, as she has to protect HER children.
Now, suddenly, she is revisiting her divorce, and is going to discuss her finances on Bethenny. Imagine how her children will feel having their mother dredge up the divorce from their father 4 years on. Of course she will say that all she ever wanted was "peace" for her children. She'll likely spin the finances using the "piecing and patching" nonsense and hoping to get steady "work" back on television.
Yet again, another lightweight show giving TFW a platform to spew her version of events, which is built on lies, lies she perceives as her truths of course.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2m
Please @Kateplusmy8 get a video of ur cooking demo here > making a salad in middle of Baltimore pic.twitter.com/bFVk2fyyOc We need this 2post!
Her 'cooking' demo was a salad? Someone tell me this is a sheeple gag ... Please?!
Holy moly! She made a SALAD? I'm guessing it was her famous salad that she eats seven days a week? Whoopie!
Millicent said... 30
''I waited tables during my college years, and it's a hard job.''
You're not kidding that it is a hard job! I wonder if those that say being in food service have ever tried it? I did, and I'm pretty sure that I was the worst waitress in history! The job required skills that I simply could not master. I couldn't remember who ordered what, how to carry the trays of food w/o dropping the entire mess, how to deal w/the idiots that thought it was cute to untie my apron ties or make rude suggestive comments, and on and on and on.
I stubbornly tried for two weeks...going home with aching feet and legs, and beating myself up for being such a failure. After two weeks, I just put on my big girl panties and quit, realizing that I did have to work, but simply was not suited for that job. Two days later, I got a job in an office doing accounts receivables. SUCCESS!
She'll likely spin the finances using the "piecing and patching" nonsense and hoping to get steady "work" back on television.
I can't remember which recent interview it was where she hinted that she hoped there would be "TV for me or for me and my kids..." or something along those lines. She's ALWAYS thinking of getting back on TV!
The fact that she did not cook any food on any of the talk shows and only prepared a pizza for Katie and a salad at the book fair says that SHE knows she can't cook!
Her cookbook is her biggest scam of all! I feel sorry for the people who bought her book and thought they were buying a REAL cookbook!
But I feel even more sad for the people who bought it for the pictures.
@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 This is 1st step > pic.twitter.com/bFVk2fyyOc 2ur future #LoveIsInTheMix cooking show on @FoodNetwork Thinking positive here! :)
I think it takes a little more than making a salad to get a show on The Food Network. Many talented chefs (yes Milo chefs as opposed to cooks) have not been able to cut it and many of them deserve a show more than TFW. TFW is a cook and, judging by many of her recipes, a lazy, open a can and dump it in the pot cook. If she really wants a shot at it tell her to try out for celebrity (and I use the term loosely) chef cook off or a show similar to that. She wouldn't last a minute with some of those celebrity cooks. Get a grip Milo, it takes more than her wanting to be back on TV to get a job. A little talent, any talent goes a long way. Unfortunately, TFW hasn't shown that she has any talent.
Remember on the RV trip how Kate argued with Jamie about whether you should chop or tear lettuce for a salad? I hope TFW had figured this out prior to her amazing demonstration of cookery skills.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy83m
@r3boz @MiloandJack Hey friends down south..wouldn't a book signing trip to Nashville &Atlanta..be a wonderful thing? I say YES! @HCI_Books
Someone's grifting again!
I would have thought TFW would actually cook something. Stir fry is fast once you've prepped the vegetables and meat. Even Collin Thomas Hummus would have seemed more appropriate than salad. I guess her brain and my brain circle in different directions.
Layla, I hope you and the guys got through it ok.
Did Kate just out where Milo lives? She replied to this tweet and her response was only to this tweeter and Milo.
rhonda @r3boz 1h
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack unfortunately, yes.:-) Nashville would n perfect! Congrats on ur family book!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 12m
@r3boz @MiloandJack Hey friends down south..wouldn't a book signing trip to Nashville &Atlanta..be a wonderful thing? I say YES! @HCI_Books
I would love to see KK on food nextwork star or chopped.
I would love to she her explain her cooking and her dishes and go against real cooks/chefs.
I bet when she's asked to explain something we'd get ummm's and like and her eye going crossed and her hiding in the pantry.
I think it should be mandatory (ha) for everyone to work as a server or work in the retail industry. I've done both. I learned more life lessons from working those jobs than any other job I ever had. It's very hard but also very rewarding. Those kinds of jobs tend to round a person out.
Seems to me TFW would have a lot more time and less chaos/stress if she stopped "masterminding" everything, and simply taught her kids to take care of their own selves and belongings. 54
Turtle, well stated. This has been her MO from the beginning. Post
it notes all over the house for the volunteers, never bothering to
teach the children skills that they can master (no tie shoes!) and get
a sense of accomplishment from. No, she masterminds without actually DOING anything, then takes credit for all of it.
Her cooking demonstration was a SALAD?
One of the ways I would help with dinner, starting around the age of 8
or so was to make the salad. I even used a knife to slice cucumbers
and tomatoes. Gasp! I was also tasked with measuring the oil,
vinegar and water for the salad dressing mix. I also learned to set a
proper table. Meals were served family style. No paper plates except
at picnics.
I have to add that my beloved grandmother taught me to make bread.
No machine needed.
Did anyone else notice the open book on the counter TFW was using for the demo? Sure looked like the new book, which begs the Q: Can't TFW make a salad w/o a script???
So, Kate's cooking demo(biggest joke in the cooking world) She made: brace yourselves: it's earth shattering, takes a lot of brain power, and effort: ready people: SALAD!!!!...... OMG! One of the most hardest cooking dishes to make, salad. I'm just beside myself! I am at a lost for words! I felt the earth move! Kate's the greatest chef in the universe! SALAD people! Salad!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2m
Please @Kateplusmy8 get a video of ur cooking demo here > making a salad in middle of Baltimore pic.twitter.com/bFVk2fyyOc We need this 2post!
wow, a salad......applause, applause, I hope she didn't burn it :-)
So, I was talking to my son today. He broke up with his long time girlfriend about a month ago. He was worried because he has no feelings for her one way or the other anymore and he wondered if he was weird or if that was normal. I guess he was expecting a long grieving process or something. I told him that he simply fell out of love. I also told him that THE OPPOSITE OF LOVE ISN'T HATE. THE OPPOSITE OF LOVE IS INDIFFERENCE and it sounds like he's reached that point.
I think Kate hates Jon sooooo much that she can't move on because the past is ever present in her mind. Her feelings are still so strong for him. Jon seems indifferent towards her, in my opinion. He's moved on. I wish she would too.
I'm a bit late with my comment (last one didn't get published, I swore).
Watching Barbara Walters grilling Jon made me want to scream! She actually said, "What role do you play in the kids' lives?"
I wish he would have said, "I'm not playing any role, I'm their father."
She was mean. She was stupid. She needs to retire.
Kate is a twit said... 48
Kate's "cooking" demonstration apparently is how to make a salad. It must be her "famous" Kate salad!
Mary Jo Rohrer @maryjorawr 1m
In case you were wondering, Kate Gosselin is still alive & is currently making a salad in the middle of Baltimore pic.twitter.com/fLV8uyD58C
Please, please I hope someone took a video of Kate telling Baltimore how to make a K8 salad. Just imagine the hits on You Tube!
PatK said... 65
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy83m
@r3boz @MiloandJack Hey friends down south..wouldn't a book signing trip to Nashville &Atlanta..be a wonderful thing? I say YES! @HCI_Books
Someone's grifting again!
But isn't she grifting from herself and/or the kids at this point? All the talk of her paying to self publish and do a media tour is confusing, but I thought she basically paid for a package which got her book published and a book tour? Or does HCI foot the bill for the book tour?
There is a pic from today of Kate with another author, and geez, kate did you not have a brush or comb, your hair looks terrible.
Did it occur to any of you that perhaps they don't have a kitchen set up at the book fair (no oven, stove, etc.) so making a salad was her only option?
It looks like she was following the cookbook page to make the salad recipe. I hope that's only for show and she doesn't actually have to refer to it...
Seriously, she release a COOKbook, travels to a book signing and COOKING event in Baltimore and prepares a salad ... a 5 year old can prepare a salad. You take what you like throw it in a bowl and toss on some dressing!
Bad enough that during her television appearances she's not pushing the cookbook, but you go to an event specifically about it and you don't COOK ... O_o
Gotta say what a great hairdo Kate! http://instagram.com/p/e0jgrWx4I1/#
Did it look this bad while 'cooking' her salad?
Pics from yesterday's visit to the Baltimore Book Fair. Is that Steve in the passenger seat of the golf cart? If so...great body guarding? #EyesInTheBackOfHisHead
Did it occur to any of you that perhaps they don't have a kitchen set up at the book fair (no oven, stove, etc.) so making a salad was her only option?
In the photo, there are clearly two ovens directly behind her. It's harder to tell, but I think that's an electric burner on the island as well.
She's got some nerve wanting to extend the "book" tour.
It looks like she was following the cookbook page to make the salad recipe. I hope that's only for show and she doesn't actually have to refer to it...
I saw that! Well, that's a first. lol. For your salad, seriously?
She's got some nerve wanting to extend the "book" tour.
Why not? The my ex from four years ago is evil tour hasn't nearly reached every corner of the U.S. and UK.
I bet Milo WOULD go to a book signing. She would not have to identify herself as Milo, but could use her real name for her book. TFW would never know that the woman in the blue shirt was her biggest fan and personal Twitter interceptor. Since the signings aren' t busy, she could spend some time with her Kween.
Anonymous said... 79
Did it occur to any of you that perhaps they don't have a kitchen set up at the book fair (no oven, stove, etc.) so making a salad was her only option?
No, "Anonymous", that didn't occur to me at all--especially because the picture I saw of her little salad demonstration specifically showed ovens behind her.
Thanks for playing, though.
Let's throw tomatoes said... 62
The fact that she did not cook any food on any of the talk shows and only prepared a pizza for Katie and a salad at the book fair says that SHE knows she can't cook!
Wanna bet her secret recipe for homemade pizza sauce is "rip the labels off 2 - 15 oz cans of Don Pepino pizza sauce and call it your own".
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h
Please @Kateplusmy8 get a video of ur cooking demo here > making a salad in middle of Baltimore pic.twitter.com/bFVk2fyyOc We need this 2post!
Yes Kate, please do submit your demo cooking tape to Food Network. One thing you're good at is making an ass out of yourself.
I hope Layla doesn't have a repeat performance of Admin's experience at the great author's book signing. lol. Stay safe Layla.
Susantoyota said... 77
PatK said... 65
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy83m
@r3boz @MiloandJack Hey friends down south..wouldn't a book signing trip to Nashville &Atlanta..be a wonderful thing? I say YES! @HCI_Books
Someone's grifting again!
But isn't she grifting from herself and/or the kids at this point? All the talk of her paying to self publish and do a media tour is confusing, but I thought she basically paid for a package which got her book published and a book tour? Or does HCI foot the bill for the book tour?
Good question. It would seem to me if she's footing the bill for travel and accommodations, she could basically select her own tour cities, no?
I think it should be mandatory (ha) for everyone to work as a server or work in the retail industry. I've done both. I learned more life lessons from working those jobs than any other job I ever had. It's very hard but also very rewarding. Those kinds of jobs tend to round a person out.
Me too! I did dishwashing duty, prep and bussing at a catering place that mostly did weddings/parties. Where to begin with the life lessons?
I remember being so thrilled when I got a 50 cent an hour raise. It makes you appreciate every penny. I remember as Remona said my legs just ACHING. I remember sleeping like a log. I remember making friends for life and having so much fun. We had a laundry list of inside jokes. That's where I learned about this amazing company called Cisco (yummm) and to never stick a glass into the ice bin for ice because if it breaks we have to throw out the whole thing.
I had more fun there than anywhere. When one of the other employees got in a serious car accident, it was like it happened to our own brother. This kind of work is just good for the body and soul.
I'm as confused as you all about HCI and who is paying what. I think there is a lot of stretching of the truth going on, as per the usual, so it's hard to come up with a reasonable explanation when you don't have the right facts.
Yupe that good old Steven. I guess he's not playing the photo police anymore.
KitK said... 71
Did anyone else notice the open book on the counter TFW was using for the demo? Sure looked like the new book, which begs the Q: Can't TFW make a salad w/o a script???
Can't be....According to TFW herself, a REAL cook doesn't need a recipe.
KK is looking rough I mean breathtakingly beautiful. And it's nice to see Steve doing his job.
I mean look how he's protecting her with the back of his head.
I usually don't comment on physical attributes, but that picture of TFW and the young author looks like TFW Is really losing her hairline over her forehead. There's one spot right in the middle...I see Rograine® in her future.
Anonymous said... 79
Did it occur to any of you that perhaps they don't have a kitchen set up at the book fair (no oven, stove, etc.) so making a salad was her only option?
Umm, no. It's a cooking stage dedicated for cooking demonstrations by cookbook authors.
Anonymous said... 79
Did it occur to any of you that perhaps they don't have a kitchen set up at the book fair (no oven, stove, etc.) so making a salad was her only option?
Did it occur to you that perhaps Kate can't cook her way out of a McDonald's paper bag?
chefsummer said... 96
KK is looking rough I mean breathtakingly beautiful. And it's nice to see Steve doing his job.
I mean look how he's protecting her with the back of his head.
LOLOLOL!!! You kill me Chef.
KK is looking rough I mean breathtakingly beautiful. And it's nice to see Steve doing his job.
I mean look how he's protecting her with the back of his head.
********** *
HAHAHAHAHA! Good one, Chef!
Anonymous said... 79
Did it occur to any of you that perhaps they don't have a kitchen set up at the book fair (no oven, stove, etc.) so making a salad was her only option?
So all the cookbook authors demonstrate salad, instant pudding and deli sandwiches?
I thought for sure she was going to make pizza! Salad?
I'd place bets that if Kate goes to Nashville or Atlanta, Milo will suddenly be absent from twitter, undergoing some sort of treatment, or suddenly can't walk 5 feet, or business commitment, training, etc. She will not travel even 100 miles to meet Kate for one reason or another, total CATFISH. LOM will never let her go. Still no reason why "successful" business owner didn't make the weekend trip to the DC/BWI area with her daughter. Flights a month ago would have been cheap on a weekend.
What I really don't understand is, if someone had no idea who TFW was, when she did mention the crookbook, she prefaced it by saying she wasn't a cook or a chef. Ummm, then why would you 1) write one and 2) expect people to buy it with that ringing endorsement??
She's got some nerve wanting to extend the "book" tour.
I think she knows that when this tour is done there's a severe narcissistic drought in her forecast.
She wants to extend the tour? Sounds like someone doesn't want to go home....she can't stand the thought of going home to her kids..not after another taste of the spotlight. Hasn't she heard how crappy her sales are...or does she even care. She's loving all this attention....boy is she in for a rude awakening.
We're back! First of all, I got there late. I had a hard time finding the cooking tent, and someone directed me to the tent she was pictured in last night--the one with the bank ropes. The ropes, it turns out, are set up for whoever is in that tent. They were there tonight, and unlike when WOS was there, they were actually needed to keep the line in order. I don't know who it was there tonight, but whoever it was, there was a long line for signing.
Once we got to the cooking demo tent, TFW had already made a salad, from what we were told. She was just standing there, propping up her book on the counter so everyone could see it, and droning on. I was really surprised at the turnout. (more on that later. Hee-hee) There must have been 100 people there. Steve was standing off to the side, in a blue suit, with his arms crossed. Some people were asking questions, but it was hard to hear them. All I could hear were her answers. There was something about cooking for a big family, and TFW started with, "I've been divorced for four years..." What the...why the heck does she feel the need to throw that out there during a talk about cooking? At least she now admits that the divorce was four years ago, not two like she said on CWS. There was a question about kitchen safety, and her answer didn't really make sense. She said she has 8 kids (DUH!) and when she turns on the broiler she yells out that the broiler is on so the kids know it's hot. Someone asked if any of the kids had any interest in cooking, and she hesitated for bit, like she had to come up with an answer. Then she said that Cara is interested in cooking. I don't recall her ever mentioning that Cara had an interest in cooking before. Maybe that was why she had to hesitate...she had to come up with a plausible lie. There were lots of ummmms, and then at exactly 5:00 she disappeared through the flap of a tent. Her segment was from 4:30-5, and she did not spend an extra second out there.
People clapped, and someone announced that TFW would be signing copies of her book in the tent just to the side of the cooking tent. Some of the people from the audience stood up to walk over, and some didn't. Most of the people who had been standing then jumped to take the vacant seats. What the??? I looked over at the cookbook signing tent, and there were probably 25-30 there getting books signed. Mostly women with bored-looking husbands in tow. Some even had the TFW reverse-mullet cut, circa 2008. So, what happened to the other 70 or so people? The stayed seated, and after a few minutes it was clear who they were there to see. Brian Boitano came bounding into the cooking area, huge smile, tons of energy. He was running back and forth to and from his tent, bringing out food, chopping vegetables while chatting up the audience. He wasn't scheduled until 6, but he was already there, cooking and keeping everyone entertained. He had helpers who were also bustling around, getting things ready way in advance.
I left to find my kids, who had ditched me as soon as they found a comics tent. Some bodyguards they are! Coming back, I saw that TFW's line was gone. She was just sitting there, staring off into space, while Steve chatted a few people up. I checked the time 5:33. 33 minutes into the signing, and nobody there.
(continued because this is getting long)
Is this woman for real....she can't make a simple dish but she wants a cooking show???? What does she think..she can fake her way through it. Just unbelievable. This is the most ridiculous situation she's been in yet. All theses shows she went on she didn't cook one thing. Because she CAN'T!! What a charade.
There were cooking facilities. She could make whatever she liked, of course - I probably wouldn't want to "cook" in that situation myself. I do think salad is an odd choice, though, for someone who is trying to make (not so) subtle suggestions for a cooking show.
Brian Boitano also did a demonstration.
Layla, thank you. Waiting...waiting for part 2, 3 and hopefully 4.
Great job.
Kate needs Gordon Ramsay to taste her cooked food, especially the pizza sauce. She would not last no more than 10 sec with him. He would taste her food and spit it out, and ask her what is this crap.
I just watched my recorded first episode of Master Chef Junior. Those kids, some as young as 8, were so talented. They were poised and confident and skilled. Kids with aspirations and personality.
I am sorry to say that the Gosselin children don't appear to have any of those traits. She has truncated their lives and their personalities.
Thanks Layla: Very interesting so far...funny the crowd was for the next speaker. I was shocked for a minute there! ...heehee indeed
Of course she wants to extend it. Anything to be away from the kids and close to Purse Boy.
Seriously Hilarious that the cookbook author made a SALAD. Only thing worse would have been her gourmet meal of yogurt, grapes and crackers on a plate.
Book Fair, continued
Admin, I don't recall if you mentioned this from your encounter, but I was surprised at how short Steve is. I'm fairly tall (5'8"), and when I walked by, I could tell that I'm taller than he is.
So, back to the book fair...Brian B started his demo at 6, and he made crab-and-avocado crostini and sopapillas. His helpers came out and passed around trays of crostini (soooo yummy), and he was cooking the sopapillas on stage while chatting and answering questions. That guy really knows cooking! People were suggesting alternates to recipes (tuna instead of crab for the crostini, for example), and he instantly came up with ways to change the recipes to use different ingredients. He knows nutrition, too. BB was animated and fun to watch. So different from TFW standing there propping up her book. I looked off to the side (toward TFW's tent) and saw that Steve was watching BB's presentation. I wonder what he thought about it all. BB had someone there with a microphone, taking it to people who were asking questions so they could be heard. BB was cooking his sopapillas and then taking them to people in the audience.
Just before BB finished, I noticed that Steve had FOUR uniformed cops at TFW's tent. They all huddled together for a bit, then they all (with TFW) disappeared. Seriously? She needed four uniformed cops and a bodyguard to help her get out of there? It's not like anyone was paying attention to her by that point.
One of BB's helpers came out and announced that it was time for him to go to the book signing tent (the same one TFW just left) to sign books. BB said, "Wait, I need to cook for a couple more people". And he did. Then everyone headed over to the signing tent. Everyone. The line curved around and down the street. BB took the time to chat with everyone and take pictures. No bodyguards, no cops. I got some pictures, and a book that he signed "To Layla, let's get our cook on!" I asked him my kids' burning question---what's it like to be an olympic champion and a superhero, too. He threw his head back and laughed, and said, "Look, it was South Park. I was just relieved they didn't make fun of me!"
Too bad TFW wasn't watching BB. She could have learned a lot from him. Or maybe not--he has loads of personality. She does not.
Confirmed. Cookbook is a failure.
Thanks, Layla for info!
Hope you and kids had a great time! Will read part two when I return from the movies. Gonna see Don Jon.
She was probably all giddy that she had so many book buyers out there and they were waiting for Brian Boitano. That's Hilarious!
Jbrank1980: that is just like, when she told People I don't have hired help or purseboy anymore, and Couric tells the world she has hired help 20 hours a week and purseboy is with her on the book tour.
So, why couldn't kate make some other than salad, she tweeted or said in an interview recently, that she has her kids pretend to be audience, while she pretends to do a cooking show, what happen? Reality struck!
KK made salad cause Kraft services wasn't there.
Layla, your play by play just proves that Kate is a legend in her own mind. I'm still laughing. I wonder if Steve is embarrassed to be around her by now.
I bet Milo WOULD go to a book signing. She would not have to identify herself as Milo, but could use her real name for her book.
No go. Milo tweeted some time ago that Kate knows her real name. She would have to make up another name.
So, a last few disjointed things about the book fest:
Steve posed for pictures with a lot of the people who had TFW sign their books. I thought that was odd. He's supposed to be her bodyguard, yet he's posing for pictures with fans.
Steve is far more personable than TFW. He was chatting people up the whole time, and her interactions seemed forced. People would step up, she'd plaster on the fake smile, sign a book, plaster on the smile for a picture, move on to the next one. Steve was mingling. We have heard so often about Jon being a people person, not TFW. Now Steve seems to have taken on the "people person" role. Perhaps TFW needs a man like that around to balance her out a bit.
Steve irritated the heck out of me when an elderly man and woman walked up to look at cookbooks. The tent was set up so that TFW (and later BB) were on the left, and books were for sale on a long table to the right (B&N was selling them). TFW's books were closest to her, and when the woman picked up one to look at it, the man--to her left--was partially blocking the view of TFW. Steve came over, put his hands on the man's sides, and moved him off to the side so TFW could be seen clearly by passers-by. That just made me so mad, seeing him pushing someone around like that. He did it gently, but you could tell the man was startled.
B&N had the long table of cookbooks for sale, but TFW had all her books there. MB, 8 Little Faces, IJWYTK and the cookbook too. No other non-cookbooks were on that table--just hers. Guess she was hoping to unload a few more while she has the chance.
There was one woman who just wouldn't leave! She had the reverse-mullet and bright green pants, so she kind of stood out. She just kept coming back to TFW's tent over and over. After a few stops, Steve would intercept her before she got to TFW's table and chat with her. After a bit, she would leave, but then a few minutes later she'd be back. I figured TFW ordered Steve to keep her away.
Layla-was Kate still in the book signing tent at 6:20? I noticed she popped in on twitter and tweeted to a few people, mostly about her book, nothing about the festival. That's also when she tweeted that tweet Milo and that other person about hoping HCI would send her to Nashville & Atlanta.
Meanwhile, Brian Boitano tweeted this:
Brian Boitano @BrianBoitano 44m
I had an fabulous time and got to meet a lot of great people. Thanks @BmoreBookFest ! pic.twitter.com/QwVGdvnxRe
Didn't see anything like that from TFW.
My own comment at 113...I think it might sound as if I was being critical of the Gosselin children.
I think all children, including the Gosselin 8, have astounding potential. If they are encouraged and set free to learn and are allowed to discover what interests they have, I think any child can explode with enthusiasm.
I know a 12-year-old who has been diagnosed in the Autism spectrum. He has difficulties relating is groups. He seems withdrawn until you ask him about the last book he read. Then he becomes animated and verbal and excited.
Those young cooks on Master Chef did not get there without a lot of help and support from their parents.
In my opinion, Kate has not extended much effort into developing her children's skills or interests. She does not allow them freedom of choice or individuality. Maybe Jon is providing an environment where they can bloom.
I hope so.
One of the reasons I have stayed to watch this play out is so I can know what happens to those eight little souls.
I am sorry if my earlier comment sounded harsh toward the kids. I really was being critical of Kate's mothering choices.
Layla, I forgot to thank you for your review. Brian B sounds like a really swell guy. I'm glad you got to meet him.
Thanks again!!
Dmasy, I don't think you were being critical. Very few kids have the spark for TV. Most children have talents elsewhere. The sad part is not facing reality and allowing the children to try different activities so that they may find their individual giftedness.
Kate had on a pair of classy looking heels when she was on set and the night of the Staten Island book signing. I am guessing they were new and not broken and did a bit of cutting into her foot, so much so, she is now wearing flats.
If she bought shoes that fit maybe she wouldn't get blisters. When your toes are always hanging out over the front of the shoes you're bound to have some sort of foot problems.
Dmasy said... 125
I understood exactly what you were trying to say, Dmasy and I agree.
Layla, THANK YOU for the report! So glad that you got to see what Brian Boitano makes! Now I will be humming that song from South Park the rest of the night!
So interesting, the dynamic between TFMJG and purse boy and interactions with fans.
I hope your kids found some good stuff at the comics tent!
First I cannot believe TFW made a salad today. In actual fact I couldn't believe it when she went on all of the TV shows this week as part of her media tour and didn't cook or even mention one of YUM! Dishes. Trisha Yearwood (who I'm unfamiliar with) caught my attention on live with K & M with her cooking demo. She truly loves food and has other talents and has a successful husband (3:0) to her against TFW.
Steve posed for pictures with a lot of the people who had TFW sign their books. I thought that was odd. He's supposed to be her bodyguard, yet he's posing for pictures with fans.
What? How ridiculous. LOL!
Kate is a Twit (124)
She was in the tent until shortly before BB finished his demo. He was supposed to be done at 6:30, but stayed a bit later to cook for a few more people. She was pretty much done when I walked by at 5:33, but there were a few more people who wandered by after that, mainly the woman in the green pants and some who were looking at the display of cookbooks. She could have been tweeting there at the signing table. It's not like she had anything else to do by that time!
Great review of the BBF, Layla. Thank you so much. And the story of the crowd ready to jump into the first empty seat to see Brian..,.
I'm still laughing. Poor TFW.
Re: Kate in the golf cart. Not special treatment. They're used for transport in the area during events like this (or they were last yr when my SIL helped an author) for those who want/need to use them - SIL says she walked! lol
The pic of TFW and the teen author> Can you say too lazy to get up and wash her dirty hair! She should be embarrassed to have shown up looking like that!
Steve came over, put his hands on the man's sides, and moved him off to the side so TFW could be seen clearly by passers-by
Why couldn't Steve just nicely ask this man if he could move out of the way so that people could see the Queen? That's totally rude and out of bounds to place his hands on him-I don't care whether it was done gently or not. He had no right to touch anyone. Bodyguard, road manager or whatever, he should keep his hands to himself.
Thank you for the report, Layla.
None of Kate's children are interested in cooking probably because she won't let them be .You know how she is about children in the kitchen. Plus one of them might be a better cook than her(which wouldn't be hard), and that could not happen.
I know she wasn't there, but the woman in the green pants sounds like Milo.
I wonder if Steve isn't beginning to get embarrassed being around Kate at these things. He knows that Kate still thinks she is a big time celebrity and he also knows that isn't true. He has to feel foolish when he is suppose to be a bodyguard and there is no one around to protect her
I cannot believe that Kate liked the idea of Steve having his picture taken with fans. Nobody upstages Kate. He better watch it or he will get kicked to the curb like so many others.
So Kate was the warm up act for BB. Ha Ha.
Layla, thank you for your interesting report about the book fair. I had to LOL about the crowd in the tent mostly there to get a seat to see BB rather than TFW. Reading about Brian's samples made me hungry. Now I need to grab a snack!
Remona Blue @ 60 said:
stubbornly tried for two weeks...going home with aching feet and legs, and beating myself up for being such a failure. After two weeks, I just put on my big girl panties and quit, realizing that I did have to work, but simply was not suited for that job. Two days later, I got a job in an office doing accounts receivables. SUCCESS!
I'm glad you got a job you liked much better! Another thing that you deal with as a wait person - you smell like grease when you get home. It's in your clothes, in your hair, it's as pervasive as cigarette smoke. The first thing I would do is shower, toss my clothes in the laundry, then lie down on the couch and put my feet up on the arm, for at least half an hour. I was worried about varicose veins.
Some people were asking questions, but it was hard to hear them. All I could hear were her answers.
Layla, thank you so much for reporting back to us! I felt as if I were there.
Kate, with the gift of gab, is showing her lack of experience as a speaker. If the audience doesn't have a mic, it's a good idea for a speaker to repeat the question so all can hear it. An answer doesn't do much good if people have no idea what the question is!
For example, TFW could have said, "She's asking whether I cook the salad at 350 or 375 degrees. Well, I prefer the higher heat because it melts the cheese..." lol.
I can envision Katie talking looking down her nipped nose at a server in a resturaunt and complaining in every way about something. Bet you someone has spit in her food many many times. Never diss your server, she is the one that brings it back to the chef and she is the one that boxes up that doggie bag.
For example, TFW could have said, "She's asking whether I cook the salad at 350 or 375 degrees. Well, I prefer the higher heat because it melts the cheese..." lol.
Mary, your observation is intriguing. How dare purse boy pose for pictures? This was TFMJG book tour, TFMJG fans, TFMJG photo op with her fans. Purse boy better watch it!
Layla - thank you for your 1st person account. Brian Boitana used to have a cooking show on one of the channels (maybe he still does?) and I watched several episodes. It was fun to watch, and I tried a couple of his recipes and loved them. He is full of energy - plus, and this is super important for any celeb, he loves the attention and the energy he gets back from his fans. It's a mutual thing. Sounds like he was a great draw and I am sure he sold many books and strengthened his bond with his fans. Kate could never come close to that sort of natural warmth and energy.
What in the world with the four uniformed officers to help her leave the tent? Steve isn't enough anymore? I wonder exactly how paranoid she is at this point?
It's very telling that she chose to make a salad as her "cooking demo". So you have all your ingredients chopped, sliced or diced and ready to go; toss them in a bowl; show the crowd how to mix oil, vinegar, etc. and voila! A salad. Geez. Why not show them how to make muffin pizzas. Cut English muffin in half, toast in toaster. Spread pizza sauce and grated cheese on top plus some sliced olives, put in toaster over until cheese is bubbly. Another super duper recipe! Loved the comment that Kate couldn't cook her way out of McDonald's bag!
The best thing about this vanity tour is that the she's away from the children. So if she wants to extend it permanently, I say go for it.
Layla said:
Steve came over, put his hands on the man's sides, and moved him off to the side so TFW could be seen clearly by passers-by.
This is the height of rudeness. The only reason I would consider attending a TFW book signing or other free appearance in my area would be to see if Steve tried any of that crap on me. It would not end pleasantly. Most people are not expecting their personal space to be rudely invaded and don't know how to react. Someone needs to paste him one right in the nose.
Anonymous said... 79
Did you see the oven over her shoulder. The booths are set up for cooks, salad makers go home
So terrible that those awful people at the cooking demo set up ovens/cooking facilities for Brian Boitano and gave TFW nothing to work with!
The poor thing. All she could think of was to prepare a salad.
This is all Jon's fault!
Layla said...
Just before BB finished, I noticed that Steve had FOUR uniformed cops at TFW's tent. They all huddled together for a bit, then they all (with TFW) disappeared. Seriously? She needed four uniformed cops and a bodyguard to help her get out of there? It's not like anyone was paying attention to her by that point.
See, this where Kate Gosselin and Steve Nield need to come to terms with the facts.
If she needs protection like that, it's not because she's about to get swamped by her fans. Six sheep do not need four cops and a bodyguard to herd them into a corner. People don't like her, so the paranoia and extra security is understandable.
So Kate, for God's sake, go home, quit pretending you're a star, marry Shorty the Bodyguard and shut the hell up about getting a show about... anything. Get some help at your local mental health clinic and find peace with yourself. This is past stupid already.
Layla - thank you for taking one for the team. You are a real sport.
Virginia Pen Mom said...
For example, TFW could have said, "She's asking whether I cook the salad at 350 or 375 degrees. Well, I prefer the higher heat because it melts the cheese..." lol.
"And sometimes as a shortcut I stick it under the broiler, because I've been divorced for four years."
What must have gone through her mind when she realized those 70 people weren't following her to the signing table? And had been waiting for the next demonstration all along. What a hit to the ego. I really do have some pangs of sympathy for her about that.
Dmasy - I also watched the first episode of Master Chef Junor and thought those kids were amazing. Their cooking skills would put TFW to shame. Their ability far surpassed TFW's brag about one of her kids walking by and telling her to put sesame seeds on something. I set my TiVo to record the entire series because it grabbed me right away. I'd love to see TFW put her skills up against any one of those kids.
Kate is a Twit (137) and Millicent (138)
I was furious when I saw Steve do that! This was an elderly man, and Steve startled him, as well as pushing him off to the side. What if the man had fallen? That was just so unnecessary.
Millicent, BB mentioned his cooking show. Someone asked if he cooks for old skating chums, and he mentioned having Kristi (Yamaguchi?) on his show to cook, but she didn't want to cook--she just wanted to eat. He laughed about it. He also told stories about cooking for his family, and how much he loves cooking for his nieces and nephews. He shared a funny story about his first taste of sushi in Japan--he thought the ginger they put on the side was sliced turkey, and popped the whole slice in his mouth and bit down--and to this day, he cannot stand the taste of fresh ginger. Stories, anecdotes. TFW had none.
Another thing--BB and his helpers passed out napkins and samples of his cooking. Afterward, people were putting the napkins into the trash bin. I didn't see anyone putting anything in the trash after TFW's demo. If she passed out samples of her salad, they would have had something. I wasn't there yet when the salad was made, but I'm pretty sure she didn't let the audience sample it. Such glaring differences between TFW and BB. Putting them back-to-back just made it so obvious.
I guess TFW should give credit where credit is due. The original tweets were from 7 jan 2012. Oops!
@Kateplusmy8: Feeding dinner... Sloppy joes, fries, steamed broccoli/and 'colly-flower', named by none other than Collin :)
@CJR17: @Kateplusmy8 Sloppy Joels!! :)
@JoeysStreet: @CJR17 @Kateplusmy8 I found this old tweet- did Cynthia's idea back in Jan '12, of "Sloppy Joels" make it into the cookbook?! How fun!
@CJR17: @JoeysStreet @Kateplusmy8 If Kate used my idea of "Sloppy Joels" - then I'm honored! I can't wait to try that recipe!! :)
Think about this, Fidosmommy (#152): TFW would NEVER have any pangs of sympathy for you.
Layla, thank you for your great commentary on the Book event. What you wrote was informative but not surprising. TFW has never put any effort into anything, whether it's selling books or raising her children.
Like many others here, I too take offense to the media slamming Jon for what he does for a living. He's working! Yet the media gives TFW a total pass. She could work but won't because she's waiting for a TV show. Why doesn't the press ask her "Why don't you have a job? Jon has 2 jobs but you're not working at all?"
Layla said.... 108
There were lots of ummmms, and then at exactly 5:00 she disappeared through the flap of a tent.
I am surprised they had a utility room behind the tent. Usually there are just port-a-potties at these outdoor functions. Wait...dont' tell me...OMG! That's like ... being... HOMELESS!!
Any pics Layla?
Auntie Ann, you continue to slay me.
Thank you.
Layla, Thank you so much for such a great report of your experience! That was really awesome to hear first hand!
I'm just curious... how did TFW and Steve interact with each other? Did they seem chatty with each other? Were they distant? I would love to hear your first hand opinion on this. Thanks so much!
I have no sympathy for her. She did this to herself. And Steve is a dirtbag hanging around feeding that ego of hers. WTF with the four uniformed cops? Does she want the world to think she is that big of a Big Shot or that Jon will run up and shoot her between the eyes in a public venue? She has got to be paranoid or has totally lost touch with reality.
Thanks Layla for your report back. Steve getting his picture taken is the oddest thing. I guess he does consider himself a celebrity too and maybe he and Kate are made for each other. He's not stupid so what is his end game with her? I think he is her business partner out to protect his cash cow, er Kate, maybe with side benefits thrown in.
The salad making is bizarre. The cookbook is about feeding a large family, so why not cook something for the audience. Layla, did the audience even get to sample the salad?
Layla thank you for taking one for the team. I checked BB's twitter. He posts pictures almost every day of a different food. The pictures are beautiful and make you want to try the food. He also has been a guest on different shows where he actually cooked on them while touring with his cookbook.
Just a thought here. Maybe she didn't want to give BB the signing tent. The only way to get her to go was to get 4 uniform cops to get her to leave.
I bet the 4 uniformed cops were for her safety, because don't you know, her ex is a crazed gunman!
Turtle Logic
@PJCheezeman: So awesome to meet @Kateplusmy8 today! Can't wait to make that chocolate cake! pic.twitter.com/evVQiLJFcp
Wow! She really does look less than breathtaking.
Fidosmommy said...
What must have gone through her mind when she realized those 70 people weren't following her to the signing table? And had been waiting for the next demonstration all along. What a hit to the ego. I really do have some pangs of sympathy for her about that.
I think that many of us are more embarrassed by this than she is. It is inevitable that it would come to this, since her so over media career will have to be pried from her cold, dead hands.
Maybe the four policemen are for Kate so she can feel like the Kate of 5 years ago. Those were her glory days!
Did the book fair pay for the policemen??
LAYLA you were supposed to be there to keep an eye on TFW and it's clear you were instead enchanted by BB! Clearly, you found it hard to keep your mind (and tastebuds) on task.
Really though, you clearly identified some problems with her. Her problems have been suffered and overcome by many people she is not unique in that regard.
Her public speaking skills are nil. All this time we've waited for her to educate herself about something other than herself, and she hasn't. She will never be a public speaker until she does.
Half of your fear comes from not knowing anything. You can fake stupid, but you can't fake smart. You have to be able to relate to your audience. She can't. You need a giving heart to get something. "Nuff said. BB demonstrated all that is wrong with her. He thinks enough of his audience to make sure they understand questions and was happy to be with them. He gave them food. He gave them the smell of cook stuff. They were happy to buy his book.
Although I think I know the answer to this question already, I'll ask anyway; did you notice security standing by for the other authors at their booths or just TFW?
My SIL helped an author friend on tour last year that included a couple of book fairs and expos and she said that she doesn't remember seeing any security for any of the authors - and there were some big names that attended! She said that most traveled alone or with a publisher's rep, but generally they were pretty independent. I still contend that Steve is her handler/road manager and as chefsummer so astutely pointed out, " And it's nice to see Steve doing his job. I mean look how he's protecting her with the back of his head."
Layla - Thanks for the recap. I just don't get it. How can Kate do an event like this and not see how little interest there is in her? She really is disconnected from reality.
Brian Boitano sounds like a hoot! A real entertainer and all around nice guy.
I love it--Jon's a maniac for having a gun but I need four bodyguards. Lol that's great.
OMG, did she get another BOOB job. Are you kidding me? She is losing her mind. How is that supposed to further her career. Let's see how big they will get. Can't wait until the next plastic surgery installment. YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Layla for the first hand account and for going above and beyond. I'm not sure I would have made the effort but I love the fact that you did and reported so wonderfully on it.
"And sometimes as a shortcut I stick it under the broiler, because I've been divorced for four years."
My morning laugh!
Layla said:
Steve came over, put his hands on the man's sides, and moved him off to the side so TFW could be seen clearly by passers-by.
Millicent said... 148
This is the height of rudeness. The only reason I would consider attending a TFW book signing or other free appearance in my area would be to see if Steve tried any of that crap on me. It would not end pleasantly. Most people are not expecting their personal space to be rudely invaded and don't know how to react. Someone needs to paste him one right in the nose.
Yes, it's inexcusable. We've seen Steve has no issues invading people's space and property. What presumption to ask people to delete their photos! (Weren't they on the beach?)
And to physically move someone along is just wrong. What if this gentleman had arthritis, bursitis, heart problems, recent surgery--or any number of other things? You just don't do it. And the man wasn't heckling Kate, for gosh sakes! They were looking at books. That's what the festival was for.
Why does she wear leggings as pants? The top looked like something I'd wear around the house. Wouldn't you think as the author doing the signing you might try to dress up? Show some respect for your audience?
The long stringy greasy hair is not a good look for her, but the pulled back hair is even worse. Man, she looks terrible. Kendra looked so cute in her pony tail, TFW just looks horsey.
TFW has a big face, not the cute little petite face Kendra has.TFW has a big head, and on top of a too thin body the pony tail look is just completely the wrong look for her.
You'd think you'd learn after a while what looks good on your body. But she doesn't seem to ever get any better at it.
I've been trying to do catch-up all weekend. Great comments and welcome newcomers and lurkers!
Layla, thank you for your account! I'm so glad you got to see Brian Boitano-- he sounds like fun. I watched his show, which I believe had a few episodes on Food Network. I was really surprised to see that he's got cooking chops!
BTW... for you locals in PA Dutch country... I made BB's quick sauerkraut to go with some kielbasa and pierogies and it was very, very good. Yes, different from the fermented stuff, but a really delicious and a sort of "fresh" twist on that wonderful stinky stuff ;-)
OK, OMG, Kate made... a salad?
Was this an entree salad? A warm salad?
If it was her pathetic "Kate" salad, then I'm embarrassed for her.
It's Fall, it's chilly, it's the perfect opportunity to showcase a nice oven roasted butternut squash over mixed greens, with a maple dijon vinaigrette!
Why did Kate feel the need to bring up her divorce? My gosh, she lives in the past. Way to bring the audience's mood down.
Cooking demos are all about fun. No one is there to think about the cook's problems, or their own for that matter.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 172
I love it--Jon's a maniac for having a gun but I need four bodyguards. Lol that's great.
You can cut the irony with a knife.
I'd be mortified if 4 police officers were called to whisk me away from my book signing.
Tax payers in Maryland can now join taxpayers in PA and every other state, who have WASTED their hard-earned tax payer dollars on this diva.
NJGal51 said... 166
@PJCheezeman: So awesome to meet @Kateplusmy8 today! Can't wait to make that chocolate cake! pic.twitter.com/evVQiLJFcp
Wow, if you told me Kate's head was photoshopped onto someone else's body, I'd believe it.
She looks malnourished.
I'm not bashing, really. I've always thought Kate a pretty woman. But clearly, she has an eating disorder. She was always thin, as we saw when she dated Jon, and even from her school photos. But this is beyond thin. This is scary skinny.
I hope someone steps in to help her, or, although highly unlikely, she reaches out for help.
Clearly, she's suffering on some levels.
Healthy people do not look like that.
I read a blog (Tom & Lorenzo) written by two Philly guys. They review fashion and TV with a healthy dose of snark. Funny stuff. Recently they said some critical things about a contestant on Project Runway -- basically too much drama, poor designs. The designed flipped out on Twitter, accused them of cyber bullying, and then wished death on them. It reminded me, again, that criticism is to be expected if you choose to go on TV. If you can't take it, don't put yourself out there.
@CJR17: @JoeysStreet @Kateplusmy8 If Kate used my idea of "Sloppy Joels" - then I'm honored! I can't wait to try that recipe!! :)
If Kate used your idea without your consent, then she plagiarized. Clearly, Kate tweeted that she made Sloppy Joes. She did not call them Joels. If that was the sandwich's name, historically and organically speaking, she would have called them Sloppy Joel's.
So, Joel can thank this sheep for having to pose with his face smeared with food.
Wonderful commentary Layla. The kindness of most who post here is evident by the wishes Kate would seek professional help and find some balance in her life. Speaking from experience, that is never going to happen. If forced into that situation she will never be able to connect the advice to her behavior because she does not see a need to change, only those around her need to change, i.e. they don't know how to help-teach-insert verb here-me. But we continue hope for the better which makes us realistic dreamers, just what the world needs.
Thank you Layla for the informative details of the book festival.
What I find upsetting is that Steve feels he can physically move someone without their knowledge and/or permission. Why couldn't he just ask the man to move? That is sooooo wrong!!
"And sometimes as a shortcut I stick it under the broiler, because I've been divorced for four years."
Ah hahaha! And I have 8, count em, 8 kids!
NJGal51 said...
I guess TFW should give credit where credit is due. The original tweets were from 7 jan 2012. Oops!
@Kateplusmy8: Feeding dinner... Sloppy joes, fries, steamed broccoli/and 'colly-flower', named by none other than Collin :)
@CJR17: @Kateplusmy8 Sloppy Joels!! :)
Good catch, NJGal. So, TFW not only 'stole' recipes and called them her own, but she also didn't credit the fan responsible for the name of one of her dishes. Why am I not surprised?!
Although I doubt anything will ever be said, if I was the fan I'd be hurt that she didn't at least mention it as a little anecdote.
I always wonder what do they tell the police that they feel obligated that they have to use their resources to bodyguard this wannabe? Seems like a waste of taxpayer dollars just to feed someone's ego.
the 4 police officers? Maybe Steve was asking about a restaurant or for directions. lol I don't believe she was in need of uniformed security at that book fair, especially when bigger stars like BB were a few feet away from her with none at all.
This is not breathtakingly beauitiful. But I thought ahe was rocking the long fake hair on the back of the golf cart in Baltimore; did one of the 4 security guards help with a quicky makeover? Look out Canada, here comes s supahstah. Yawn.
AuntieAnn said... 159
I am surprised they had a utility room behind the tent.
Nah Auntie KK hide in the pantry among the pots and pans I even bet she had her own pantry.
You know the 5-star treatment for chef Kate.
Fidosmommy (#152):
So times I feel sympathy for KK the I remember she's still using her kids who have to choice in the matter.
The I remember she bashed her ex-husband and uses her poor sheep and is a shameless grifter.
NJGal51 said... 166
@PJCheezeman: So awesome to meet @Kateplusmy8 today! Can't wait to make that chocolate cake! pic.twitter.com/evVQiLJFcp
I hate to comment on her appearance, but oh my, she is TOO SKINNY! She needs to EAT SOMETHING!
Also, did she know this was a public event? Even I, who much prefer sweatshirts and jeans, would have dressed up for this had I been an author attending. She was in leggings, an oversized long sleeved tee, and her hair was unwashed and shoved up.
I hope HCI doesn't cave in to her demands for more book signings. Clearly, she can't be bothered to make an effort.
"And sometimes as a shortcut I stick it under the broiler, because I've been divorced for four years."
LOL that has to be our new inside joke. I'm going to make tortellinis for lunch, because I've been divorced for four years.
Seriously why is that even in the conversation when you're cooking? What does divorce have anything to do with cooking??
Turtle, I think I love you
Ps, khate still sucks
A lot
I loved Layla's recap too...so how many books are being sold by TFW at each signing, maybe 30, tops?
I find it so weird that 'fans' are sporting the reverse mullet!! Even Kate has moved on from that, to her bleached Afghan dog look.
"And sometimes as a shortcut I stick it under the broiler, because I've been divorced for four years."
Then I have to toss the salad because I have 8 kids.
What I find upsetting is that Steve feels he can physically move someone without their knowledge and/or permission. Why couldn't he just ask the man to move? That is sooooo wrong!!
He did it to me too! He grabbed my arm FIRST then asked me to leave. As long as the person is not being threatening, and I certainly was not unless you count asking for a comment on a current even threatening, why can't you put yourself between that person and the celeb and politely ask them to leave? I would have left, and even when he grabbed my arm I said whoa okay hey I'm leaving. He's going to get himself in trouble one of these days being so grabby. Someone won't be as nice as myself and just let it go.
Don't forget to slice the avocados because my children's' safety is my priority.
Maybe Steve has eyes in the back of his head, LOL.
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