Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Kind-Hearted Woman, Part 2 (full episodes posted here)

By the end of Part One of David Sutherland’s Kind Hearted Woman, Tribal Social Services had taken Anthony and Darian away from Robin, deeming her an unfit mother. The resulting custody battle led to a pivotal court appearance for Robin, but she was left in limbo after Tribal Social Services failed to show up The custody fight continues in the gripping conclusion to Kind Hearted Woman, but for Robin, Anthony and Darian, there are also new beginnings, new conflicts, new struggles and new triumphs.

Part 2 of Kind Hearted Woman airs Tuesday, April 2 on most PBS stations or you can watch online, starting at 9 pm EST (check your local listings here). 

Watch Part One in full for free via Frontline:

Watch Kind Hearted Woman Part Two on PBS. See more from FRONTLINE.

Watch Part Two in full for free via Frontline:

Watch Kind Hearted Woman Part Two on PBS. See more from FRONTLINE.

Thank you Frontline for making this important documentary available so quickly.

1399 sediments (sic) from readers:

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capecodmama said...

Haven't been on this site in awhile so I've no idea what's going on with regard to Bullyville but a couple of questions. If Kate felt threatened (don't know if she did) by any tweet why wouldn't she contact her local police and if she felt she needed to take legal action, why wouldn't she contact her own attorneys? It's really sad how this woman thrives on drama. It really does suck to be her.

Admin. What did you do that you apologized for?

First car stories. It was in 1978 and I bought a 1974 Plymouth Duster. Dad co-signed the loan but I made the monthly payment. I believe I paid $1800. That thing could haul and this was in the days of nobody wore seatbelts. Sold it when my husband and I moved overseas.

Jane 148...You had a Hillman Minx. Husband bought an orange Hillman Hunter when we lived in Scotland. Have to say it was a piece of sh!t.
We ditched that and husband decided we needed an MG convertible. When I was six months pregnant. I continually asked him where we were putting the baby and he said we'll figure it out when it gets here. It was a fun ride for three months but once our daughter got here it was gone. We sold it for what we paid for it so no loss. He's a sports car fan so in 1995 he bought a beautiful blue 1970 Corvette Stingray which we still have. At our age it's getting a little hard to get in and out of however. I still drive my 1995 Chevy Tahoe with 247,000 miles on it. The most dependable vehicle we've ever owned. I won't give that thing up for anything. It's a tank!

mamaK said...

Let's assume for a minute that Jon is involved with the book and Robert is lying (I doubt it, but lets assume). So, Kate, you are going to take your child's father to court and fight a nasty court battle over this? That's low.

I really don't believe anything will come of this. Kate doesn't want the other information out there, and it is very telling that she hasn't come out and said Robert is lying, but that he stole her information.

Kate's not in it for principle, or because she wants to retrieve stolen property, or to save her reputation (obviously). She is in this for revenge. Pure and simple. And that speaks volumes for her character.

TLC stinks said...

Bring it on. This has Kate's fingerprints all over it. This falls in line with her saying she thought Jon and Robert in this together and she wanted Jon to go to jail. The only one who would go with this ridiculous story is Bullyville. So if Jon has all this money, how come he's renting a small house and supposedly can't pay his child support?

I think Robert is LOL at McGibney. BRING IT ON. Why, oh why, did Kate not sue Robert for defamation and libel? Because the documents are true. And even if, even if, Jon provided Robert with the material, is that illegal? Kate must really, really want to move to LA. Anything to get rid of Jon.

Just Down The Road said...

And she could have taken a cab or called a car to take her home from wherever the car was dropped off by the tow truck driver.


That's what I couldn't figure out. Why not call a cab to take her home? Where are all of her friends (the ones who would die for her) who would rush right there to pick her up and take her home?

If she just had one car (the one that had to be towed), it would be understandable that she needed to rent a car to replace that car while it was being repaired. But the fact is that she has two other cars waiting for her at home that she could use until the sports car is fixed. It doesn't make sense.


"I just don't get on she went from "I got my tires served" to I broke down.

Her car place should have inspected her car right?"


No. They replaced her tires. They do not inspect the car to check for any mechanical problems if they are only putting new tires on the car. Even if she was due for a state inspection (which she doesn't say was done) it wouldn't necessarily mean they would have found a mechanical problem.

swimgirl said...

Pastebin may be 100% legal; however, it is not right to post the names of all the women living in an apartment building just because BV thinks a hater may live there.

We should be more concerned with doing the right thing rather than justifying actions by saying it is legal. Just because it is legal does not make it right.

Just Down The Road said...

. I ditched AAA awhile back because I don't use their maps anymore (another thing cell phones have changed) and Geico was so much cheaper.


I didn't ditch AAA because of the discounts on hotel rooms. What I've saved on rates more than pays for my monthly AAA membership. I've also had AAA to jump start my car and change flats. It's so much easier than going through my insurance (which requires the service to be paid up front, and then I'm reimbursed). With AAA, nothing comes out of my pocket.

I'm just amazed that with three cars and eight kids, she has neither AAA or an insurance policy that covered it. I wonder if she even thought to check with her insurance. I didn't read the blog. Did she say she called her insurance company?

TLC stinks said...

Kate's fingerprints:

Feb. 8, Kate claims she's a victim of bullying

March 6, Kate wants Jon in jail over book, wants to sue, no attorney will take the case

April 1, Bullyville jumps in defending Kate

April 3-4, Bullyville taunts Jon and Robert

April 5, Bullyville threatens Jon

Conclusion: If there is a conspiracy, it ain't Jon and Robert

TLC stinks said...

swimgirl, ITA. Why does McGibney even assume the tweeter was female?

The Shiitakemushroom is hitting the fan said...

KittyFitzGerald ‏@kittyFitz50 6m
PLEASE do not let this get uglier for the sake of 8 children @kateplusmy8 @bullyville IMO both adults need intense therapy. Think, please.

KittyFitzGerald ‏@kittyFitz50 now
It's time for @Kateplusmy8 & @BullyVille to stop this & handle it privately. 8 kids will suffer and that is just wrong. Kate? Step up!

Paula said...

I think posters had it right when they said that Kate was unable to stop Robert's book legally, so she has resorted to hiring "Bullyville" to attempt to "bully" Robert into not released the book. I wonder how much Kate paid "Bullyville"?

Anyway, what relevance is it if Jon did give Robert the info? It doesn't make Kate's own words any less true.

Kate, and this situation, is totally out of control.

Just Down The Road said...

I agree about the tweets etc being vicious and filthy, but where does it cross a line a being illegal? It certainly crosses the line of vulgarity, but if wishes someone harm in no uncertain terms is illegal, then Msgoody2shoes21 should be in a jail cell for the harm she wished upon Jon.


Yes, and she's joining the class action lawsuit. Ironic, isn't it? Some people just shock the heck out of me.

TLC stinks said...

Kate will never back away. Robert should prove the MONEY TRAIL between Kate and McGibney. I repeat, how does Bullyville make its money?

Just Down The Road said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 10m
@Kateplusmy8 Happy end of the wk day...Friday! When U find out abt ur lil car...we will weep w/U!

Oh, my word.

TLC stinks said...

ITA, Paula. Jon can collaborate with someone on a book. As long as he tells the truth and can back up the info, she can't sue him. I truly believe she did indeed throw out all of Jon's stuff from the garage apt. She was raging, as usual. Robert found it and probably asked Jon if he wanted it. He said no, it's yours, and there we are. My theory.

Jane said...

Jane 148...You had a Hillman Minx. Husband bought an orange Hillman Hunter when we lived in Scotland. Have to say it was a piece of sh!t.

Yup - that says it all!

Jane said...

Tucker's Mom said... 185
OMG, remember those flip book "tripticks"? I remember planning a trip and going to a brick and mortar AAA to get it mapped out.
Times sure have changed.


Wow, yes I do remember them! The kids would get so excited when one would magically appear - it meant road trip! Now we use GPS. Meh ... thos trip packs were fun.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 10m
@Kateplusmy8 Happy end of the wk day...Friday! When U find out abt ur lil car...we will weep w/U!

As it has often been said, you cannot make this stuff up. Yep, the nation will weep over the fate/bill of KG's car.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 10
Kate will never back away. Robert should prove the MONEY TRAIL between Kate and McGibney. I repeat, how does Bullyville make its money?
Where does this Jon-Robert money trail begin? Where and when do/did they collude?
Is this in reference to Jon allegedly tipping off paps for cash? Or about money to be made off of Robert's book, which will make practically nothing?
Implying something does not make it true. But, if BV's tweets are on the up and up, he will be providing cold, hard facts as proof, so let's see it.

FYI said...

If BV wants to expose people ID's on line so be it. Robert(or anyone for that matter) has the same right to expose Kate for what she really is. Robert should make the book public for free for all to read.. That would settle this mess.

obie said...

Might one ask, exactly what is it that Kate has won, in your mind?

In my mind, Kate won by getting public apologies, haters to leave her timeline and, like I said, one of them having a very public nervous breakdown.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else see the irony in bullyville threatening to release personal information because they released personal information on Kate? Ha!

obie said...

Actually, I think everyone has lost.

Yes, exactly. Everyone has lost their dignity; the ones who sheepishly apologized, the ones who got publicly shamed, and even Kate.

Millicent said...

Lukebandit, I am so glad you are out of the hospital and back in the nursing home. Sending lots of positive energy your way :)

My very first car was one I purchased from my older brother - it was a silver Mustang II, a heavy, clunky two-door that really had no right calling itself a Mustang. I owned it for less than a year, because as I was driving one day, the entire rear left tire/wheel came off, causing me to spin out of control and ram the center median on the freeway. Thank goodness no one was hurt but the car was a total loss.

I have to laugh when I read FORD, found on road dead. I remember that catch phrase. However, I had a 1990 Ford Escort that ran, and ran, and ran. I racked up nearly 200K miles on that car before I sold it. Later, I owned a 2000 Ford Focus - and it was utterly dependable too. Now I have a 16-year old Lexus sedan that has low miles and runs great. I can haul around 3 teenage boys plus their backpacks and sports equipment. I have bought used cars for years, because I don't want a monthly car payment.

I have not checked out the dustbin or whatever that McGibney created, whereby he reveals the names, addresses, etc. of all women who live in a certain apartment building. I wonder if anyone has alerted these women, because if someone was publishing my name and home address online, I'd like to know about it. He claims to be an ex-Marine, and all I can say is he's really dishonoring the Marines by his behavior. I love our US Marine Corps and I really get angry when someone dishonors the uniform. They say there are no ex-Marines, but I think they ought to make an exception for McGibney.

Also, I thought I posted some links to info I had found about McGibney through simple Google searches. But I don't see that post. Anyway, one was a PDF of the complaint McGibney filed in Nevada District Court against someone named Hunter Moore. He claims that he won in that lawsuit, getting an award of $250,000. I'm curious if that story is true. Anyone can post a document (which didn't show a case number or file-stamped mark) and claim they won a lawsuit. I'd like to know if that claim is true.

Winsomeone said...

"In my mind, Kate won by getting public apologies, haters to leave her timeline and, like I said, one of them having a very public nervous breakdown. "

Where I come from, after someone wins, the game is over. Yet this saga with Kate seems to continue after she has supposedly won..why is that?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

NJGal51 said... 163

Our (as in all kids of driving age in the family shared it) first clunker was an old brown Ford pinto. We called it "the turd". It got us where we needed/wanted to go. You had to top of all fluids at least once every week and a half. It had kind of an odor about it - not quite the BO from the Seinfeld episode but something that we could never quite put our finger on. It smell was just there. Damn car ran like a top though.


Hahahahaha, NJGal51!!

Your comment made me smile from ear to ear.
I think everyone can indentify with your car experience.

Is anyone familiar with Adam Sandler's song, "POS Car (Piece of Sh*t Car)"?

[Excerpts from ADAM SANDLER's - "POS CAR", heavily edited because it is FILTHY]

My car's a big POS cause the shocks are ***** shot,
and my seatbelts ***** broken,
I got to tie em in a knot.

bald ***** tires
no rearview ***** mirror
7 different colors
***** rag for a gas cap
tailpipe making sparks fly everwhere
whoaaaa the whole town thinks im a loser
cabbie give me a push!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Anonymous said... 20

Anyone else see the irony in bullyville threatening to release personal information because they released personal information on Kate? Ha!


It's amazing. This situation screams for adult intervention.

Amy2 said...

I've been reading the posts for the past few days about Bullyville and Kate and here's my take on it.

Once again Kate stirs up trouble, gets someone to do her dirty work, and cries poor bullied me. In the meantime some media picks up on the story, doesn't do their research and takes Kate's side. Kate started this s**t and then steps back and watches the results.

She is the most manipulated person I have ever seen. Nothing and nobody will get in kate's way on her quest for fame and fortune again.

AuntieAnn said...

Obie - Kate did not lose her dignity. She cannot lose something she's never had.

Millicent said...

I just posted, questioning whether McGibney's lawsuit against Hunter Moore was real or made up. I should have done more Googling first.

I found what is supposedly a final judgment entered by the District Court, Clark County Nevada in March 2013, in which judgment is entered against the defendant (Moore) for $250,000, for defamation. However, the defendant never made an appearance in the case. That means he was served but did not file an answer or otherwise try to defend himself in the lawsuit. When that happened, McGibney's attorneys took a default, then presented some expert testimony to back up their request that the Court order an award of damages against Hunter Moore.

Case No. A-12-667156-C (or possibly O)
McGibney v. Moore
I noted that McGibney incurred costs of $1,588.50 for filing the lawsuit, and attorneys' fees of $19,584. That's over $20,000 that he's out of pocket for this empty victory over Hunter Moore.

This Hunter Moore guy probably doesn't have any assets, and unless he wins the lottery or suddenly becomes rich and famous, he's judgment proof. So what did McGibney win after all?

However, if anyone gets served with any lawsuit brought by McGibney or this rag-tag group of Twitter cry babies, they should not ignore it. If nothing else,they should turn it over to their homeowners (or renters) insurance company.

Lynne In RI said...

All I can say about this mess is that this is some fine kettle of fish Kate got herself into this time. She just will never learn.
What is Bully's point in all of this...to show that Jon and Robert conspired to bring Kate down, and that the info in the book is nothing but lies? If Kate's attorneys didn't sue Robert for libel, then how does Bully think he is going to accomplish that?

I really don't care how the journals were obtained. If a hawk was picking through the trash, grabbed the disc or whatever it was, and dropped it off on Robert's porch, so what? That doesn't mean that those weren't Kate's words in her journal.

westcoastie said...

Can someone (ANYONE??) explain to me why the cuntessa of cooterville has left this tweet on her timeline?

Kate Gosselin ‏@
RT @Noreenj @Kateplusmy8 you are a fucking asshole for abusing your dogs. Why would u even get dogs with all those kids? #idiot @BullyVille

That line in her twitter bio about the kids being so proud of her? EPIC FAIL

Susie Cincinnati said...

I just posted, questioning whether McGibney's lawsuit against Hunter Moore was real or made up. I should have done more Googling first.


So he won by default. Very interesting.

Will the defendants in this class-action lawsuit each have their own attorneys, or do they hire one attorney to represent all of them? In any case, they can't ignore it or they will lose by default. I would think that in the case of a class-action suit, the plaintiff's attorney would represent them on a contingency basis, but what about the defendant's attorneys? They'd have to pay out of pocket, wouldn't they?

Let's throw tomatoes said...

I just called Radar. I told them I am a fan of radar but I will not be if they let David Purell continue to write biased one-sided articles about Kate and Bullyville. I think that others have also called! Told Radar that I want both sides of the story and not only what Bully tells him without proof!!!

I've been thinking a lot about this Bully guy and my theory is maybe he has info on David Perell. I read on another sight that they sent David written proof about Kate and Bully, David said he would print it and he didn't!
Hmmmmm...........Bully also runs Cheaterville !

I don't think I (we??) should let Kate and Bully get away with this horrific behavior without putting up a fight!

Admin. I know that you purposely did not post my comment , maybe because I said you didn't legally have to write an apology but I have been a loyal reader for years and commented for a while! I can go else where!

BTW..... Where is my BFF Aggiemom? Miss your comments!

chefsummer #Leh said...

westcoastie said... 31
Can someone (ANYONE??) explain to me why the cuntessa of cooterville has left this tweet on her timeline?

Kate Gosselin ‏@
RT @Noreenj @Kateplusmy8 you are a fucking asshole for abusing your dogs. Why would u even get dogs with all those kids? #idiot @BullyVille

That line in her twitter bio about the kids being so proud of her? EPIC FAIL

I think she left so she could say "See I am being bullied just look Mr. judge man look at my twitter".

Lynne In RI said...

Now I have a 16-year old Lexus sedan that has low miles and runs great. I can haul around 3 teenage boys plus their backpacks and sports equipment. I have bought used cars for years, because I don't want a monthly car payment.


That car will go for 200,000 miles. Trust me. Been there, done that with that make and year.

Anonymous said...

I think the ones who win in this are the haters. They are forced into doing something they should have done a long time ago. ignore the Queen of Mean.


WhoDat said...

The majority of the people who left kate's timeline were not scared off. They are stepping back & letting BullyVille & his minions take over that timeline & show themselves for who they really are. Show's not over, folks. We're only at halftime.

GosselinComeFirst said...

OrangeCrusher1 said... 18
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 10m
@Kateplusmy8 Happy end of the wk day...Friday! When U find out abt ur lil car...we will weep w/U!

As it has often been said, you cannot make this stuff up. Yep, the nation will weep over the fate/bill of KG's car.

Disturbing and offensive, as there are people dealing with much more serious issues daily such as cancer, severely ill children, unemployment, domestic violence, child abuse, military men and women coming home alive and safe, etc.. .... and Milo is worried about Kate's car bill. Get a grip Milo. Other people have more serious day to day worries, so your tweets are offensive. Seriously? Enough to annoy a saint!

Snickdog said...

I have a silly question (I'm not on Twitter so please forgive me if I'm way off)

My question is this: Do celebrities (or those who think they are celebrities) normally use Twitter in the way Kate uses it? I mean, does Taylor Swift or Tom Cruise interact with their fans the way Kate does, or is it just a vehicle to get information out to their fans (i.e. "Hey, new album coming out!" or "Join me at the premiere of my new movie!")

It seems to me that Kate is inviting the very thing that she's complaining about, isn't she? If she doesn't like what people are saying, does she HAVE to read it and subject herself to it? It's not like she has anything to broadcast to the mediocre world, right? So use it as a way of getting information out there. Do celebrities even READ their Twitter comments? Or is it more of a one-way thing?

People are typing things on their computer or phone that are unpleasant to Kate. If she chooses to not read them, are they harming her? If she didn't have Twitter at all, would anyone have an avenue to say unpleasant things to her? It's not as though they are driving past her house (at least I'd hope not) or sending her harrassing letters in the mail....

Could she simply just walk away? At this point, still? It seems to my naive mind that she is opening herself up for 99% of this so-called bullying.

It seems to me that even mediocre moms like me know better than to do this.

Country Gal At Heart said...

Here's my theory...

Kate doesn't sue Robert because one, she knows those are her words; and 2, it would cost her at least a hundred thousand in attorney's fees for a case that would take years to settle.She wants revenge, but doesn't want to shell out the money to get it.

So, she joins forces with Bullyville. Her main target is Robert Hoffman, but is suing ALL haters and asking others to join so that it becomes part of a class action suit against haters. This, of course, includes Robert, the person she's really after. She pays no attorney's fees, Robert is sued, and whether she wins or loses, she has the satisfaction of knowing that his life is being made miserable because of the suit. And it costs her nothing, at least not in cash.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tucker's Mom said...

Country Gal At Heart said... 41
Here's my theory...
There's a name for that: Shit Stirrer.

AuntieAnn said...

westcoastie @ 32 - She probably left that tweet there so her new bullyguard can hunt down the person who tweeted it.

I have to wonder if she would have RT'd it if it had said the same thing except without the cuss words.

Melissa NV said...

Hmmmmm...........Bully also runs Cheaterville !


Yes, he does, and has for some time. He was interviewed by admin's boyfriend, Anderson Cooper.

"Admin. I know that you purposely did not post my comment , maybe because I said you didn't legally have to write an apology"


Admin did the right thing because she felt she owed an apology. She's an attorney, and she knows what she legally does or doesn't have to do. She's explained why she posted the apology and that it's time to move on.

Tucker's Mom said...

I kind of wonder what Steve thinks of this 3-ring circus. For some reason, I get the sense that he had to try really hard to rein Kate in and keep this from happening when he was handling her.
As Kate's buffering layers slowly peel away, there's little to keep her from herself.
There's no way the kids aren't seeing this. Them, and all their friends at school, and all their teachers and all the parents. What a spectacle at a time when you're growing up and DO NOT want to garner special attention or stand out, especially because your parent are feuding publicly again.

JoyinVirginia said...

This whole episode is fascinating in a can't-look-away-from-the-wreck kinda way. But more important things are coming up this weekend... NCAA BASKETBALL!!!!!!!!
Very funny interview and top ten on letterman last night with Kevin Ware, the Louisville player who broke his leg during the game with Duke on Sunday. Here is URL for video:
Scroll down to Top Ten section, the video with Kevin Ware is clearly titled and, as of April 5, is the first one.
Example of twitter being used positively, is people tweeting words of support to Kevin after his injury, including celebrities and altered and reporters.

Unknown said...

Random thoughts as I play catch up.......

I wonder if KK does have insurance that would have covered her car breakdown and a rental car, but she is too dense to know it?

Lukebandit...happy to hear you're out of the hospital.

I just read the ROL stuff when Bullyville said: ''Addressing Hoffman directly, McGibney told Radar: “You had your chance to come clean about all the lies and deceit you based the book off of but you are such a narcissist you and Jon decided to just go ahead.”...........Sounds as though Bv believes everything KK told him. See? KK has punked Bullyville!!!

Ingrid, when I responded to your comment, I included the entire quote from Robert. He is only talking about his book....NOT everything he has. I just checked....it is still up on his site: http://gosselinbook.blogspot.com/

WhoDat said... 38
''The majority of the people who left kate's timeline were not scared off. They are stepping back & letting BullyVille & his minions take over that timeline & show themselves for who they really are. Show's not over, folks. We're only at halftime''

Millicent said...

Susie Cincinnati said... 33
Will the defendants in this class-action lawsuit each have their own attorneys, or do they hire one attorney to represent all of them?
* * * *
Each defendant would have their own attorney, and yes, that attorney would probably charge by the hour. If I got served with such a complaint, I would first turn it over to my homeowners insurance carrier, to see if my policy might in any way cover such a lawsuit.

pym said...

Yesterday I was thinking that this was one tempest that Kate had stirred up that Jon could watch from the sidelines. Nope. She won't be satisfied until that man is skinned alive. However, I think this time her spiteful spirit has launched her into a stinking mess from which she cannot recover.

Robert, keep hold of that tiger's tail.

I do love cheese popcorn.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

GosselinsComeFirst I agree with you. We have a friend who is having a difficult time supporting his family. He finally found a job a few states away but is leaving family behind until he feels he has a secured job.
Kate doesn't know how lucky she is! Ungrateful !!!

All of Bully's threats are much worse then the hater's words( they are not threats, wishful thinking at best) maybe gross, but maybe that's only what I have read or seen.

Their case is going to get thrown out of court! But I don't think Bully and Kate care! Their purpose is to knock Robert out of the water or to taint the book so badly that it has no merit!

Kate will be able to continue to try to get on TV or get her kids on TV when they are older! Win-Win !!
This whole thing is really ( excuse the language) pissing me off!

I'm off to a hair color appt. so no commenting for now!

Ingrid said...

Remona this is what I had read and was going by. I thought it was in RH's blog but it was in this article.


“The other 90 percent of the material that I possess will not be published, ever, but you can be sure that if I’m falsely accused of anything and drug (sic) into court, or called a liar by Kate Gosselin or her lawyers, this information will come out then, including photographs,” Hoffman wrote to Radar.

Jennifer said...

"So, she joins forces with Bullyville. Her main target is Robert Hoffman, but is suing ALL haters and asking others to join so that it becomes part of a class action suit against haters. This, of course, includes Robert, the person she's really after. She pays no attorney's fees, Robert is sued, and whether she wins or loses, she has the satisfaction of knowing that his life is being made miserable because of the suit. And it costs her nothing, at least not in cash."

That's assuming she isn't paying BV for their "services."

Anonymous said...

I just a facebook post for Alana (Honey BooBoo) and it was a pic of her and her tutor. Glad to see her education is being tended to while she works.

Ingrid said...

Let's throw tomatoes said... 50
I feel for your friend and her family. My daughter's husband is working 20 hrs away and only gets home once every 4-6 weeks in order for her to go to college full time to get her doctorate. (He makes enough money there so she doesn't have to work while going to school plus raising 3 kids) I wish the best for your friend.

AuntieAnn said...

Millicent said... 30

However, if anyone gets served with any lawsuit brought by McGibney or this rag-tag group of Twitter cry babies, they should not ignore it. If nothing else,they should turn it over to their homeowners (or renters) insurance company.


But isn't he tossing the ball back into Kate's court when he tells someone they "should probably lawyer up when Kate gets ahold of your internet service provider with a subpoena."?

I interpreted that to say he's leaving it up to her whether or not to sue.

Unknown said...

Ingrid said... 51
''The other 90 percent of the material that I possess will not be published, ever, but you can be sure that if I’m falsely accused of anything and drug (sic) into court, or called a liar by Kate Gosselin or her lawyers, this information will come out then, including photographs,” Hoffman wrote to Radar.''
Ingrid, when you read the quote carefully it says ''drug (sic) into court, or called a liar by Kate Gosselin or her lawyers''

Neither KK nor her lawyers have called Robert a liar. Bullyville is the one running his mouth...NOT her lawyers or KK. (And that is the reason KK punked Bullyville into doing the dirty work that KK is afraid to do herself.)

Silimom said...

Someone asked whether it matters if Jon gave Robert the files or not. It does in the sense that a) if he did, then Robert has lied to try and maintain his credibility and b) it compromises the integrity of the data Robert claims to have, in that Jon could (and has) been accused of tampering with the evidence.

I don't think it's a stretch to think Jon conveniently threw out the files on cd rom and let Robert know they were there. So was there collusion? Probably. Can Kate or this other guy prove it? Doubtful. I suspect Bullyville will simply dig up whatever dirt they can on Robert or Jon and try and ruin their reputation/credibility. I doubt they will find any smoking guns.

What's amazing is just how stupid Kate is being aligning herself with this guy. For someone who claims to want to be working in show business she has a funny way of showing it. Most people who are even aware of this say "Kate who?"

As some have said, the only losers here are the kids. Just a sad situation.

Zoe said...

I think Kate's main target is Jon. Poor guy is just trying to live a peaceful life and now he's being vilified by Kate and the bully. And worse, poor kids. Why would she do this to her kids?

Unknown said...

Jennifer said... 53
"So, she joins forces with Bullyville..........She pays no attorney's fees, Robert is sued, and whether she wins or loses, she has the satisfaction of knowing that his life is being made miserable because of the suit.''
BUT....Bullyville hasn't filed any lawsuit. He is SAYING he is filing a class action suit, but it has NOT been filed, and in my opinion, will never happen. Period

Sheri said...

Snickdog said...(40)

"It seems to me that Kate is inviting the very thing that she's complaining about, isn't she? If she doesn't like what people are saying, does she HAVE to read it and subject herself to it?

It seems to my naive mind that she is opening herself up for 99% of this so-called bullying."


Excellent points Snickdog. It's exactly what I said yesterday and what Admin reiterated today.

The use of social media is not a right protected by law and it's ridiculous that Kate is acting as such.

No, Kate does not HAVE to read any of it. She is a grown woman that is choosing to be a victim.

Another more serious point is that Kate, by participating in all of this nonsense, is minimizing the suffering of children who are actually being bullied to the point of desperation.

This from a person who wanted to her align herself with the First Lady in a nationwide anti-bullying campaign.

The whole thing has gone from silly to absurd practically overnight.

I love the analogy of provoking Mr. Hoffman as being akin to poking a sleeping bear. (Kudos to whoever made that observation, spot on.)

If I recall, Mr. Hoffman made it clear that if he were to be called out as a liar he had no qualms about backing up his claims.

How stupid is Kate to challenge that? Worse, is that when she realized she had no legal recourse she would defer to a hacker to take up her cause.

Really Kate? Your lawyers tell you you have no case so this is your recourse. Well, should we be surprised? No never really means no to you, right?

I've said it half a dozen times but I think it bears repeating, this would all be frickin' hilarious if there weren't 8 innocent children in the crosshairs.

Pathetic that this woman is still trying to paint herself as just a mom of 8 trying to do right by and protect her kids.

Dmasy said...

pym, 50...on my blogger profile, where it asks for a favorite saying, I entered -- "He who rides a tiger, dare not dismount."

That thought has kept me on the right path and kept me off the wrong path more than once.

I liked your tiger tail reference.

TLC stinks said...

Whatever you guys do, do not go to McGibney's website he set up against Gosselinbook. This guy will track your IP addresses. There may be cookies embedded too. Do not trust. If you can't stand it, use the computer at your public library.

Also, any info he puts on that website has come from Kate.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

David Perel of ROL is on Twitter saying that Kate's emails can be considered copyrighted (as all emails) and that's why Laverne & Shirley were able to get RH's book removed.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Why would anyone need to feed Mr. Hoffman information? Watch the programs and learn, learn, learn all about the phoney, greedy grifters who gained fame by having eight kids and filming every most intimate part of their little lives for television. No need to bully. The facts of the matter are out there for all the world to see. Many of us here were fans before we "woke up and smelled the coffee." All this talk of being bullied is sure getting a lot of attention for a grown woman who should be able to remove herself from the source of the so called bullying. Not falling for any of it, are you?

TLC stinks said...

Kate's twitter is DOA. She was on this a.m., now she hasn't tweeted for 7 hours. Must be on the phone with attorneys and BV.

Ingrid said...

Well, I think since Kate has joined up with BV it is close enough. Robert had no idea when he made that comment that there could be some other type of person/business besides kate or her lawyers who would be helping her shut his book down or he would have included other entities in the statement. It was written months ago

NJGal51 said...

Don't you think that if there was any type of money trail out there Laverne & Shirley would have found it? BV will only provide information that Kate or the fans have provide to him. Information that was probably provided to Laverne & Shirley who, in turn, told Kate that it wasn't enough for a case against anyone. If there was a smoking gun they would have found it and taken the appropriate action.

On our second tour in Germany we purchased a used Beemer. It was a great car and ran until the day we PCSd back to the states. The only thing I never got used to was the fact that the turn signal was on the right hand side of the steering wheel AND if you wanted to turn left you flipped it up and flipped it down for a right turn. Completely opposite from any car I've ever driven. When we were ready to leave we donated it to the American HS auto shop and took it as a tax write off.

Anonymous said...

Lol dmasy, that reminds me of Aesop's fables.

The frog and the scorpion. So true.


Unknown said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 64
''David Perel of ROL is on Twitter saying that Kate's emails can be considered copyrighted (as all emails) and that's why Laverne & Shirley were able to get RH's book removed.''
ROL can SAY anything he pleases...that does not make it the truth. Just stop and think for a moment, and anyone would realize that since Robert has publicly made all his book, and all supporting documents available for newspeople, Would/Could he do that if ROL was correct? Of course not.

Unknown said...

TLC stinks said... 66
''Kate's twitter is DOA. She was on this a.m., now she hasn't tweeted for 7 hours. Must be on the phone with attorneys and BV.''
KK probably is on the phone with Bv and Laverne & Shirley, but in my opinion, she isn't on twitter because Jon has the kids this weekend. Remember....tweeting all day = KK has kids. Off twitter = Jon has the kids!!

Jane said...

obie said... 23
Yes, exactly. Everyone has lost their dignity; the ones who sheepishly apologized, the ones who got publicly shamed, and even Kate.


Kate found dignity? How did I miss it? Did she grift for it -- @dignity?

Wonder what his motive$ could be? said...

The truth will out but sometimes it takes awhile. Look at the Joseph McCarthy frenzy--people tripping over themselves to "out" their neighbor or co-worker. People being forced to stop everything and come in and be interrogated by government officials because someone, somewhere hinted that maybe they were RED. Some very nice (and innocent) people got hurt very badly in that brouhaha. And that insanity went on for close to five years. (apropos of nothing: A saying we were taught in college: If you are not a communist at 21 you are unfeeling but if you are still a communist at 30 you are uneducated.)
Mr. McGiveme seems to have different motives than Mr. McCarthy but the shark tank feeding frenzy seems much the same.

Just Down The Road said...

It's too bad all of those who were fleeced out of the love donations never filed a class action lawsuit. If Kate was still collecting donations in 2009 when she went solo on the speaking engagements, there's still time, though...SOL is four years in PA.

Ex Nurse said...

Obie said...
"In my mind, Kate won by getting public apologies, haters to leave her timeline and, like I said, one of them having a very public nervous breakdown. "
See, this is the problem. People digging in their heels, as if they stand to lose everything. I think that Admin got it right.What did it cost her to apologize? nothing. Who cares if Kate "wins" or the haterz win? This is supposed to be fun! How did things get so twisted and inflated to this giant scale in people's lives.

If she wants to write her stupid blogs and tweet her personal business--so what? It only effects me if I choose to pay attention. I freely choose to invest my time discussing her antics with all the great people who post here.

As far as her exploitation of the kids, I can't believe that it is better for them to have this very public spectacle. Those kids are doomed by virtue of their clueless irresponsible parents, and they will have a very sad and compelling story. You know what? So do a lot of other kids. Like kids who lost parents in a stupid endless war, or survived a natural disaster or any number of things. Kids who are raised in families that are famous, or, infamous, live very different lives than the mediocre. So unless every celebrity that has a kid is forced out of the spotlight by deranged fans and haterz, why does it matter?

Maybe, in the end, this will all come down on the side of free speech. But, it doesn't make it right, or ethical or justified--it makes it legal. Well, there are a lot of legal things that can be done that most of us wouldn't do.

It saddens me that people here cheer for the sordid details of the negligence and beatings the kids were subjected to and treat Hoffman as a gallant knight in shining armor. If his childish back-and-forth on Twitter doesn't show that he is just another hater bent on destruction, using the kids as proof of his pure intentions, I don't know what does. And, it will backfire. It will just do more of what the haterz have already done--it will elevate Kate to the level of a persecuted martyr. Of all of the marginal characters that have latched on to this tragedy, he has got to be one of the worst.

Just Down The Road said...

Whatever you guys do, do not go to McGibney's website he set up against Gosselinbook. This guy will track your IP addresses. There may be cookies embedded too. Do not trust. If you can't stand it, use the computer at your public library.


I am totally computer illiterate in things like that. As I understand it, IP addresses only tell your location. If a computer at a library were used, isn't it going to tell the same thing, which is your location?

TLC stinks said...

Email does fall under copyright law, something I did not know, but portions of emails can be published under fair use. We've seen emails published in print and on TV. I thought maybe the copyright infringement had to do with the contracts Robert published. He really did not think through all the stuff he published and some of the comments he made.

Call Me Crazy said...

If I remember correctly, RH's book was pulled due to complaints he was divulging trade secrets (printing actual contracts, etc.).

RE: Copyright law as it pertains to emails. While emails are protected material, they are still subject to "fair use" rules. Here is some clarification:

"There are a few limitations on the rights granted in section 106. One of the most important is "fair use," found in section 107. Fair use allows the reproduction and display of literary works, including emails, for educational, research, critical, commentary and news reporting purposes. Whether a use is acceptable depends on four criteria: the purpose of the use, the nature of the work, the portion and "substantiality" of the work used and the effect on the market value for the work. This effectively means that portions of an email may be copied, forwarded, printed and displayed in print or on television if deemed for a legitimate purpose. Additionally, filing suit without registration with the U.S. Copyright Office is extremely difficult."

Country Gal At Heart said...

Tucker's Mom said... 43

Country Gal At Heart said... 41
Here's my theory...
There's a name for that: Shit Stirrer.


I'm not sure why I am being called a Shit Stirrer. I did nothing of the sort. I was only offering my theory as to why Kate may have become involved with Bullyville, which is to take Robert down and not having to pay to do it. It may be her only option at this point. I am neither a shit stirrer nor a sheeple.

Of course, IF a lawsuit is filed. Personally, I think he's just blowing hot air, but is leading Kate on in hopes that one will be filed.

Country Gal At Heart said...

Why would she do this to her kids?


Because she CAN.

TLC stinks said...

Just down the road, true but McGibney is a hacker. Easy to embed the website with cookies to track your browsing, passwords, etc. also read the fine print if you go to Bullyville web site. They keep track of everyone who goes there. I just don't trust this guy. Sorry I ever went to the site to read it.

libraryleg said...

Technically email falls under copyright law - but only to an extent. Fair use law also applies and portions of emails, etc.,generally are not protected. Exceptions where copyright does not apply - journalistic purposes, legal.

Because of the huge online scope, the law is unbelievably murky right now and no one really knows where any of it stands. Under current law, every single tweet could technically be considered copyrighted...or not. No one really has a legal leg to stand on either way.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

",,,and Milo is worried about Kate's car bill. Get a grip Milo. Other people have more serious day to day worries, so your tweets are offensive. Seriously? Enough to annoy a saint!"


Milo will pester Kate about this until the cows come home. How long has that car been in the shop? Is it really taking this long to find out what the problem is? They hook it up to the computer and it runs diagnostics and the codes tell them what to fix. Will her blog next week be "Car In Shop, Part II?"

Silimom said...

Remona - I am not a lawyer, so please note that these are my own speculations.

I would think Robert would be allowed to make his source material available to news agencies without fear of repercussion since news agencies need to do due diligence in their fact checking. Said news agencies can confirm, as Radar has done (and I shudder that I just called them a news agency), that they have seen the material and what they have seen is legitimate.

However, when it comes time to re-publish his book, if that is his intent, he will be unable to post her emails in their entirety. He will be able to quote from them, but that's it. At least, that how I read it from the comments people have made here. But again, I'm not a lawyer.

librarylady said...

Oops, sorry, I typed in "libraryleg" instead of "librarylady", lol! Now that's an interesting handle...

TLC stinks said...

Oops, spoke too soon. Kate is baaaack on Twitter with a platitude. She and McGibney must have worked out what to put on his twitter and website.

Unknown said...

Ex Nurse said... 75
''It saddens me that people here cheer for the sordid details of the negligence and beatings the kids were subjected to and treat Hoffman as a gallant knight in shining armor. If his childish back-and-forth on Twitter doesn't show that he is just another hater bent on destruction, using the kids as proof of his pure intentions, I don't know what does. And, it will backfire. It will just do more of what the haterz have already done--it will elevate Kate to the level of a persecuted martyr. Of all of the marginal characters that have latched on to this tragedy, he has got to be one of the worst.''
Robert Hoffman is the ONLY person who not only has the proof of what KK has done, but was brave enough to publish what he has. When KK/Bv attempted to bully Robert, he tweeted quotes from the PROOF he has, and invited newspeople to review his book and the supporting documents.

I totally disagree with your assessment of the developing situation...I feel as strongly that Robert is a hero as you think the opposite. We will just have to agree to disagree, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

ex nurse . . . well said. those poor kids. parents publicly fighting and one parent claiming the other one is out to destroy her. how do you ever reconcile something like that and what does it do to the relationship between the accused parent and the kids.


SwingsandRoundabouts said...

Kate, stop it now for the love of all that is holy and for the love of your children. If you truly love them, get off Twitter, get a job, take care of your home and provide those kids with some peace and stability.

If you choose this path of craziness, then you are a BAD MOM, a BAD MOM, a BAD MOM.

Millicent said...

-it will elevate Kate to the level of a persecuted martyr.
* * * *
I doubt it, except in her mind and the minds of her 6 or 7 devoted fans.

I'm surprised to read that you think posters on this blog "cheer for the sordid details of the negligence and beatings the kids were subjected to." I never once read anything by any regular poster here that sounded like excitement, cheering, or otherwise loud expressions of glee over the fact that Kate abused her own children. Shock, yes. Sorrow, yes. Expressions that our worst fears were confirmed, yes. Cheering, no.

Millicent said...

Auntie Ann said:

But isn't he tossing the ball back into Kate's court when he tells someone they "should probably lawyer up when Kate gets ahold of your internet service provider with a subpoena."?

I interpreted that to say he's leaving it up to her whether or not to sue.
* * *
I don't think McGiveMe has any standing to file a lawsuit in this situation. It sounds like he is trying to get incriminating information put together so that if Kate, or a Kate fan, wants to try to sue a non-fan for saying mean things, they can try to do so.

I would think that if Kate wanted to file a lawsuit against Robert, or against any annoying Tweeter, she would have already been pestering her attorneys about the matter. So far, no lawsuit. Hmmmmm.

I think this is a tempest in a teapot. I think it makes Kate look bad, because she is stooping to the level of a bully that is threatening people. The last thing this will do is turn Kate into some public martyr. That ship was already floated out to sea, on the "my purse is full of unpaid bills" cruise around the morning talk shows a few years ago. I heard that the plumbing failed, there were over-flowing toilets,and everyone was begging to be let off the boat.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Tucker's Mom said... 46
I kind of wonder what Steve thinks of this 3-ring circus

If Steve is truly done with KK I bet he is so happy that he finally got away.

I know I would be.

chefsummer #Leh said...

iAm Wise ‏@iAmTheWiseOne 11h
It is much more valuable to look for the strength in others. You can gain nothing by criticizing their imperfections.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin

Guess this wasn't around when she was bashing Jon and her family members.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Look at the Joseph McCarthy frenzy--people tripping over themselves to "out" their neighbor or co-worker.


Salem, 1692. We still haven't learned. Instead of public hangings, we now have class actions, led by some guy who resembles Judge John Hathorne.

What a sad, sad circus this is becoming.

Millicent said...

Marie said:
parents publicly fighting and one parent claiming the other one is out to destroy her
* * * *
I don't see Jon publicly fighting. Where do you see this Marie? I'm talking about recent events, not back when they were getting divorced. Kate is tweeting away, Bullyville is tweeting away, but Jon has been silent (and private). So I think the characterization that "both parents" are publicly fighting is incorrect. Would you agree or disagree?

TLC stinks said...

RWA has a screenshot dated Feb. 14 proving Kate collusion with Bullyville.

Zoe said...

Country Gal, I didn't take it that you were being called a shit stirrer, but that Kate was, based on your description of her behavior.

Meagler said...

I will be very curious to see if kate is driving a new car right now. ( even if just new to her) . This part of her bog sounds like she was doing some foreshadowing:

"One day, over a week ago, I took my “little car” in for normal service and new tires. No big deal, right? While they had my car, I borrowed a loaner from the car place (and, as a side note, I fell in love with it) but nothing was unusual up to this point."

Why did Kate feel compelled to tell us about the Loaner car and how she fell in love with it? How convenient for her, that her own little car experienced such a horrific break down, right after getting normal service for it.

Typically if something like that occurred after getting " normal " service, others would have been on the phone with the car company, asking them them to come get the car and bring another car along so we could continue onto our meeting.

Kate also never named the car company, or the Tow truck Driver because IMO, I believe she may have not had this story happen this way. She may not be able to name Mr. Tow Truck Driver because perhaps there never was a Mr tow truck driver???

Her story is so long and full of such menial information, IMO is an attempt to baffle her way with BS hoping her " fans" will not catch the truth hidden between the lines .

I can not help but wonder if Kate took her car in for new tires and some service. Drove a loaner car, and fell in love with it ( her words) and then went back to the dealer ship and traded her car for one like the loaner.

The first paragraph of her blog, may be the truth, the rest could be smoke and mirrors creating her alibey(sp?) for when a picture shows up of her driving a new car.

IMO only...

Midnight Madness said...

Ex-Nurse said: "It saddens me that people here cheer for the sordid details of the negligence and beatings the kids were subjected to and treat Hoffman as a gallant knight in shining armor."


I have been reading and posting here for a long time and I can't ever recall anyone here cheering to know sordid details of the beatings the kids endured. Never once.

If anything, people were shocked when they read these details. What I do recall being posted are the kudos that finally someone called her out for allegedly doing these things while at the same time she was presenting herself as a Christian mother, loving parent...and everything she did was for her kids. I think people were just sick of the hypocrisy.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

TLC stinks said... 81
Just down the road, true but McGibney is a hacker. Easy to embed the website with cookies to track your browsing, passwords, etc. also read the fine print if you go to Bullyville web site. They keep track of everyone who goes there. I just don't trust this guy. Sorry I ever went to the site to read it.


Don't the various malware software such as Spyhunter,stop tracking cookies,etc.?

Unknown said...

Silimom said... 84
''Remona - I am not a lawyer, so please note that these are my own speculations...
Said news agencies can confirm, as Radar has done (and I shudder that I just called them a news agency), that they have seen the material and what they have seen is legitimate.

However, when it comes time to re-publish his book, if that is his intent, he will be unable to post her emails in their entirety. He will be able to quote from them, but that's it. At least, that how I read it from the comments people have made here. But again, I'm not a lawyer.''
Silimom, thanks for your thoughts on this issue....they 'sound' logical to me, and may very well be correct. (Logic works for me better than anything else!) IF Robert is unable to re-release his book due to the issues you listed, I'm grateful that I got his book downloaded to my computer!

Just Down The Road said...

Just down the road, true but McGibney is a hacker. Easy to embed the website with cookies to track your browsing, passwords, etc. also read the fine print if you go to Bullyville web site. They keep track of everyone who goes there. I just don't trust this guy. Sorry I ever went to the site to read it.


Thanks, TLC. I didn't know that. I don't have a Twitter account, but I can still go to his Twitter page. Is there any way he can access any of the information you mentioned through his Twitter?

I am such a dummy when it comes to things like this.

Laurie said...

This really has gone too far and Kate needs to step up and tell everyone to take a deep breath and drop it. If she doesn't, I must repeat what SwingsandRoundabouts said, she is a BAD MOM, a BAD MOM, a BAD MOM X88888888!

Unknown said...

Millicent said... 90
''I never once read anything by any regular poster here that sounded like excitement, cheering, or otherwise loud expressions of glee over the fact that Kate abused her own children. Shock, yes. Sorrow, yes. Expressions that our worst fears were confirmed, yes. Cheering, no.''
THANK YOU! I totally agree.

Just Down The Road said...

I just looked at Kate in Realtime. Are these Twitterbots who are tweeting links and photos to the articles about Kate and Bully? It's swarming with them! All strangers and drivebys?

Unknown said...

Meagler said... 97
''I will be very curious to see if kate is driving a new car right now.....I can not help but wonder if Kate took her car in for new tires and some service. Drove a loaner car, and fell in love with it ( her words) and then went back to the dealer ship and traded her car for one like the loaner.''
OH! I bet you're right. When it is confirmed, we'll be able to say 'Told you so!'. You have her ''KK speak'' number.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

Ex-Nurse I disagree with you 150%! If Kate comes out of this smelling like a rose, she will continue to be an abusive mother! Weren't the views you have similar to how people reacted to her behavior from the beginning, to ignore her and she would eventually go away. Seven years later and her horrible temper, attitude, grifting lies, etc. etc. continue!

If Robert ( and it sure won't be you or I ) doesn't expose her, when he has all the evidence , she will be here for a looooong time!

Robert exposé Kate Gosselin, and help her children in the process!!

Tucker's Mom said...

Zoe said... 96
Country Gal, I didn't take it that you were being called a shit stirrer, but that Kate was, based on your description of her behavior.
I threw the term, Shit Stirrer, out there to describe Kate's behavior. She stirs it up and then sits back and watches the show.

RonnieandMaggie said...

Not sure how Kate's cookbook sales are ranking these days but you would think she would be hawking this venture rather than BV drama. Has she forgotten about it?

Speaking of pre-orders of books, I am happy to report that Jackie Hance has written a book that you can pre-order on Amazon which is coming out later in April. Here is the link:


For those of you who do not know who this is, she is the Mom from Long Island who lost all 3 of her children in a car crash 3 1/2 years ago. The car was driven by her sister in law and she was legally drunk (and in my opinion on a suicide mission). I know her and her family and I am very proud of the work she and her husband have done in establishing a foundation in the girls' names. I hope everyone considers reading what I believe will be a truly inspirational book.

Anonymous said...

Millicent, you are right about not fighting publicly recently. I am talking about previous.


WjWow said...

It seems some people think it's funny or entertaining that a "hater" is having a public emotional breakdown.

Sad. I hope she's okay and doesn't lose her job due to Kate's obnoxious and vile fans.

Anonymous said...

Joy, I'm addicted to Pretzel M&M's.
Have you tried freezing them?

Anonymous said...

just so everyone knows, it isn't easy to get a subpoena for your internet provider. calling someone a poopuhead on twitter ain't gonna cut it. McNiblets is blowing smoke.


Over And Out said...

I see that the one person outed by Bullyville (the one who tweeted vile and obscene comments to Kate) is back on Twitter under another name. So much for the apology offered.

You just have to wonder why some people never learn.

PatK said...

Zoe said... 96
Country Gal, I didn't take it that you were being called a shit stirrer, but that Kate was, based on your description of her behavior.


I'm just now able to start catching up here for the day, and this is the first thing I wanted to comment on. I agree that YOU were not being called the Shit Stirrer, Country Gal.

NJGal51 said...

although critics have given bad reviews to Gweneth Paltrow's newest cookbook there's a 4 month backlog of pre-orders. As of today Kate has sold 22 (11 in March and 11 in April) in the US and 1 in Canada (novel rank tracking Amazon sales). So lets be generous and say that the same amount have been purchased from B&N. that's 46 books sold.

Kate, if you've got 150,000 twitter followers then 149,954 of them need to step up to the plate and pre-order your book.

Snickdog said...

Meagler said... 97

I had that same thought yesterday! Except my thoughts were that Kate bought herself a cute little Fiat, then a thought popped into her fried bleached head "Oh wait, what if someone sees me driving this? That might make me look less victimish. Better make up a quick lie--ooh and I'll kill two birds with one stone by making it into my new bog post! I'm so darn smart, I amaze myself!"

AuntieAnn said...

TLC stinks said... 81
Just down the road, true but McGibney is a hacker. Easy to embed the website with cookies to track your browsing, passwords, etc. also read the fine print if you go to Bullyville web site. They keep track of everyone who goes there. I just don't trust this guy. Sorry I ever went to the site to read it.

Please pardon my use of the phrase but IPs are like assholes, everybody has one. I remember back in the good old dial-up days when some sites showed your IP address at the bottom of their page.

I've looked at his various "Ville" sites and it's like going to a overcrowded convenience store. Way too much going on. I won't be going there anymore either.

Tucker's Mom said...

RonnieandMaggie said... 108
Aunt Diane?
My goodness, I was haunted by this story. I will definitely look into Jackie Hance's book.
May God bless her and her 3 Angels.

Country Gal At Heart said...

I'm just now able to start catching up here for the day, and this is the first thing I wanted to comment on. I agree that YOU were not being called the Shit Stirrer, Country Gal.


Thanks. I couldn't figure out what I may have done to be called Shit Stirrer, but I also didn't see what Kate's behavior in my "theory" as to why Kate may be involved in all of this could be construed as being a shit stirrer. I really don't see it as such, but I guess it demands on how you look at it. To me it's really just immature behavior (and yes, perhaps devious), but planned out as such to get revenge on Robert.
No harm done. Thanks for your comment!

Michelle said...

It boggles my mind that they still think they have grounds for a class action lawsuit with 61 plaintiffs. Let's assume they sue 10 haters. So you have a class action suit with 61 plaintiffs v. 10 defendants. Plaintiff 1 was "bullied" by defendants 4, 6 and 8. Plaintiff 2 was bullied by all 10. Plaintiff 3 was only bullied by defendant 2. And on and on and on for all 61 plaintiffs needing to prove claims against a variety of defendants that may not universally apply to all of them.

Good luck getting a class action attorney to take that on! Especially considering the lack of a big money defendant.

Anonymous said...


does anyone take twittering seriously?

144 characters or less. I think.

birds twitter, do you ask what they say, it's all background noises.

dat's it, Dat's all.



LaLaLandNoMore said...

Kate is looking for new fans to buy her cookbook. Remember, everytime she wants extra attention there is a story on Radar. Not falling for it at all. If you want to know about true bullying, read the stories of the young people who have been driven to suicide. Horrible, sad, true stories are out there. Starved for attention grown-up stories of bullying just make me sick.

Melissa NV said...

Sad. I hope she's okay and doesn't lose her job due to Kate's obnoxious and vile fans.


Why would she lose her job because she tweeted her opinion of Kate on Twitter?

Tucker's Mom said...

NJGal51 said... 115
although critics have given bad reviews to Gweneth Paltrow's newest cookbook there's a 4 month backlog of pre-orders
I read a kind of funny review of her book in the Washington Post Food section yesterday. The writer poked a bit of fun at "Gwinney", what with her penchant for arcane, crunchy-granola ingredients and buying $5000 purses on a whim (and suggesting you do the same!). Somehow, people can actually connect to Gwinney and all of her colon-cleansed, new-age cum hippie wonderfulness.
No, I'm not going to buy the book, but I find it amazing how people are going nuts over her cookbooks!

Melissa NV said...

A grand total of 23 books have been pre-ordered on Amazon, if their count is correct.

Meagler said...

ROL most recent article does confirm that Hoffman has documentation that is legit, but posted a disclaimer that they are not sure if ALL the documentation is legit.

They seem to be back pedaling here..

Sadly, I am thinking no legit news organization either on line or otherwise, is going to pick this up. Think about it. Its so toxic, would you, as a business owner, want to get involved in this? And really, Kate is a no body.

Kate is a FORMER reality TV star, who receently had a 1 episode show, and may continue to get one episode shows here and there because of the short term ratings she might bring in, but her becoming the STAH she thot she was back in her heyday...is unlikely to occur again.

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm just now able to start catching up here for the day, and this is the first thing I wanted to comment on. I agree that YOU were not being called the Shit Stirrer, Country Gal.
Definitely wasn't calling Country Gal that! Her description was so spot on ;-) We all know someone who is a shit stirrer.

Mel said...

msgoody2shoes21 RT @Fact: More than 70% of all apologies are meaningless. @Kateplusmy8 @BullyVille2 mins ago

Then why is BV demanding them, if that's how they feel about them?

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Personally, I find this whole twitter/Bullyville thing pretty boring. It's just crazy and I don't want to waste anymore of my time on it. I'm going to check in again after this topic blows over. Take care and many blessings to all of you.

LeeLee said...

Amen to LaLaLandNoMore (65). Kate and the primary fans who are complaining of bullying are adults (to my knowledge), who can utilize Twitter's block and privacy features to insulate themselves from anyone whom they do not wish to engage with or read tweets from. Easy. Kate's own website does not allow comments, so she has complete control over her image and message there, but Twitter is not hers, and all Twitter users have the same rights and access to read, post and comment, as long as they obey Twitter's rules. (BTW- revealing other users identities is against those rules) If they don't like the way Twitter operates, they don't have to use it. Just like they do not need to read here, or any where else.
I see this as Kate's attempt to scrub the world clean; to make it the Kate-friendly, only believe what I say, I control the message world she once had when TLC had her back. But they don't have her back anymore, and she's in the real world, just another regular Jane like the rest of us. Except she hung her dirty laundry out in exchange for a few dollars, and Robert Hoffman has the key to the closet where she hides her skeletons.
This crusade to scare off the bullies/haters is only serving to benefit this BV character and Robert Hoffman's upcoming book re-release. Nice job Kate: no one is talking about your cookbook, fans and non-fans alike are scared to visit your twitter feed and website (because no one wants to be tracked by anonymous bullyville hackers), and bullyville is bringing to light the very negative comments/parodies/etc that you do not want out there...Pointless.

Mel said...

Agree that Kate has bought herself a new/different "little" car.

So....bets on when we see the first photo of it? Maybe some non-fans will commission Chris the pap for a few days....he knows her haunts.

Melissa NV said...

Kate, if you've got 150,000 twitter followers then 149,954 of them need to step up to the plate and pre-order your book.


And don't forget that she loves THEM for being so supportive. Funny I'm not seeing that love being reciprocated. They are certainly not showing it by pre-ordering her book!

WjWow said...

The hater closed her twitter and told someone she wants to die. I hope the fans are proud of themselves. This "hater" wasn't even one of the extreme ones (as if it matters) but she was targeted by BV and now she's having a massive breakdown.

When is enough enough?

Anonymous said...

From T.
I don't think that Kate is paying BV in a traditional manner, but rather that it's a reciprocal relationship , in that he gets Pubilicity and she gets her haters identified.

As to Robert and Jon and whether or not they are in collusion, I suspect Al Walendis (sp??) name will be involved and mentioned soon....

Sigh....this whole ordeal is just so unnecessary on every level....whatever happened to civility and common sense?

Barb Gilman said...

I missed this whole week on the blog but I am just catching up today. I was in a serious rollover accident in a van that was taking me and 6 others to our hotel after landing at the airport. My friend and fared the best out of all the passengers but we still have a long road to recovery.
I have had many people help me out this week, from EMTs, to ER Drs, to nurses, to taxi cab drivers, valets and just people on the street opening doors for me. I thanked them all. Many times, I had a chance to ask their first name, and thanked them by name. I also gave tips to the many service workers.

NJGal51 said...

Meager said - Sadly, I am thinking no legit news organization either on line or otherwise, is going to pick this up.
If no "legit" news agencies pick any of this BV fiasco up (to include Robert's offer to preview his material) it's good news because that will show everyone that Kate isn't worth with air time or print time. She's a has been and i really believe that shes done in the business. Her reputation preceeds her. As someone said, she'll get an appearence here and there but her glory days of demanding (and getting) things her way are over. they may not be commenting its safe to say that people in show business are watching this little drama unfold and are laughing and breathing a sigh of relief that they didnt take that meeting with kate. Polarizing and controversial are one thing. Ass-hattedness is another and Kate is showing that she is a compete and utter ass-hat. If Roberts book comes out again it will sell better than Kate's cookbook.

Barb Gilman said...

Part 2
After reading Kate's blog at the stir, I realize she clueless and more self absorbed than I thought. I think she missed the common social nicety gene too. Please forgive my typos too. I couldn't correct them on the iPad on my posts and I'm still beat from the accident!

pym said...

Scroll on by if you've heard this one before, but I am reminded of this old joke.

A woman phones the police to complain that from her window she can see into a neighbour's window and they are doing digusting things that really offend her. The police should come right away and make them stop. The officer tells her she should pull down her blinds (I told you this was and old joke). She replies that she did, but when she stands on a chair and leans way over she can still see them.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I read the Gweneth Paltrow cookbook review and I thought it was hysterical. I don't think this woman is a hater I think she's just being snarky, there's a difference. I think the take away from this is any celebrity who is being ridiculous is probably going to get called out on it and poked fun of at some point. It's really not that big of a deal. Gweneth and Kate are both part of pop culture and the masses talk about pop culture. There is nothing wrong with this. It should be fun. Criticism is not always hate, it's just the American way.

Ive never heard of Gweneth calling her detractors bullies. She just keeps on drinking her kale smoothies and goes on with life, who cares?

CrackOpenTheStory said...

I would love it if someone would email Hoffman's information to Sara Ganim of the Harrisburg Patriot. She is the gutsy reporter that won a Pulitzer prize for cracking open the Sandusky story. She could certainly do a story on how the taxpayers of PA supported this family and all the kind-hearted church people that were deceived.

Ashton Dumb said...

Ashton didn't defend or support Sandusky. He questioned why Paterno was being fired. He didn't know the story and left Twitter because he felt like an idiot and wanted to show remorse for being so stupid.

Miley Cirus has left twitter too. Many do when they realize they are giving their haters a platform.

Laine said...

Barnes and Noble doesn't have any thing reporting actual book sales that I could find, however they do give sale rank. Kate's book started out at 290,700+ last week and today has shot up all the way to 130,463. For comparison, Gwyneth Paltrow's book sales rank is 49.


Melissa NV said...

Good luck getting a class action attorney to take that on! Especially considering the lack of a big money defendant.


Especially when Plaintiff #2's only "proof" of being bullied by Defendant #3 is that Defendant #3 called Plaintiff #2 a "bitch."

I'd love to hear the laughter erupting from the law office. Attorneys love class-action suits against big companies. That's where the money is for them. I don't imagine they're going to jump at the chance to get involved in a Twitter war where, even if there is a judgment in favor of the plaintiffs, no serious money is going to be awarded.

Sherry Baby said...

@Kateplusmy8 Are you going to do a book tour for your cookbook release? Perhaps to the Northwest??

LOL!! I doubt if Kate wants to sit in any more closets and cry!

chefsummer #Leh said...

lorna ‏@gram75_11 2h
Hey Kate, just wondering if there r any plans to do a followup show? Sure do miss seeing your kids:)

Why not tweet TLC and ask them lol.

LeeLee said...

I cannot see a lawsuit happening. No lawyer(s) is going to take this case on for free with no guarantee of a payout (like when going up against an insurance company or corporation who is likely to settle anyway), any possible payout will be relatively small for all the work involved (private citizens cannot be forced to pay millions in damages if they only have a few hundred dollars in the bank) and this is not going to be a celebrity case where a lawyer stands to gain notoriety for their involvement (see Casey Anthony's entire law team).
If Kate and her "bullied" fans have to pay the retainer for a lawyer and the costs of depositions, research, travel, paperwork, stenographers, etc., a case of this size could bankrupt them all before being heard. Can anyone really envision Kate Gosselin filing a lawsuit, sharing legal fees and sitting through endless meetings with her tweetees? This is a woman who wanted a free cruise at the expense of her most devoted fans. Finally, if (big if) they should actually win in court, the losing parties will likely file bankruptcy before paying a dime (again, see Casey Anthony who's bankruptcy filing will "wipe out" her unpaid legal bills and anything Zenaida Gonzales may be awarded in her lawsuit). In the end, they will receive little or nothing in monetary compensation while racking up their own legal debt. But, perhaps, no one will bother them on Twitter ever again. Yeah, right.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Sara Moore ‏@SaraBethBoo 3h
I pray that when I become a mother, I will be half the mother @Kateplusmy8 is. You are such an inspiration!

Why not be like your own mother?

God these people need help.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 129
I read the Gweneth Paltrow cookbook review and I thought it was hysterical. I don't think this woman is a hater I think she's just being snarky, there's a difference. I think the take away from this is any celebrity who is being ridiculous is probably going to get called out on it and poked fun of at some point. It's really not that big of a deal. Gweneth and Kate are both part of pop culture and the masses talk about pop culture. There is nothing wrong with this. It should be fun. Criticism is not always hate, it's just the American way.

Ive never heard of Gweneth calling her detractors bullies. She just keeps on drinking her kale smoothies and goes on with life, who cares?


Sure, but Gwyneth Paltrow has nothing to prove to anyone.

On the other hand, Kate is always trying to prove something to someone (IMO).

MJ said...

Dmasy, Oh... just seeing the word Corvair brings back such wonderful memories! My Mom (who learned to drive just 1 year before me) had one when I was getting my license. My younger brothers and sisters used to love to sit in it and read/play. We all still talk about it. It was such a NEAT car. I'd give anything to have one now! Remember the back seat and the nifty dash and instrument panel with the gear selection on the dash? Ahhhh, a trip down memory lane.

JoyinVirginia said...

Millicent, I love you're analogy of Ms Kreider s purse full O'bills tour to a disastrous cruise with overflowing toilets!
Peony, I have never frozen pretzel m&ms, gotta try it!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Wow a couple more googles of Gwyneth Paltrow and it's clear this woman has been mocked on the internet for years. But I haven't seen anything that isn't all in good fun. I'm sure when she set up her goop.com web site (lol) about healthy living that she knew there was going to be some teasing. Anyone who drinks lemon juice for breakfast has to know they're trying to sell something a lot of people think is silly.

That's the thing, if you want to sell a lifestyle, including eating, health, or parenting, people are going to snark. Again it's not a big deal. If anything ever becomes a threat there's always the police. Otherwise just laugh it off and carry on.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Just down the Road, Geico has their own discount program called Geico Privileges that is included as part of your insurance, it has just as good discounts on hotels, rental cars and the like. I don't have to pay for towing then get reimbursed, it's paid. They also do things like give you free onboard credit on cruises or random good coupons for pretty big discounts at common places to shop. I also get good discounts from the State Bar (their discount on Hertz is spectacular) and AA miles. AA is free. Orbitz also runs deals all the time. Therefore I saw no added benefit to keep AAA. Shop around, sometimes what seems like a good deal through AAA can be matched or almost matched just by a free points or coupon program. I actually wonder what the future is for AAA given so much of what they do these days is done as well or almost as well by others, cheaper. Perhaps they will reinvent themselves. They should partner with google maps or something. For towing purposes any mother of eight needs something, anything, any of these companies. Just any! It's all part of being responsible.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

I, we, or the viewers did not create the monster who beat her own babies. She is a monster all on her own! But the fact that TLC offered her a show and we watched gave her the time, the opportunity,and the power to commit what in many other states is called a crime to beat babies in such a terrible way! It brings tears to my eyes to think an innocent baby gets pulled by the hair!

It's not a win-lose situation ! It's the right thing to do! If we watched Kate even for one season, we need to help Robert any way we can! In a way we gave her the opportunity to beat her kids and she took it!

This is not a time to stand by and do nothing. We can not change the past but maybe we can change the present and the future! For the good of the kids!!

Have a nice evening!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Personally I think trying to draw Jon into this just makes the person doing it look vindictive. Given that by my calculations we haven't heard a single peep out of him in over six months and the last time he insulted Kate was maybe three years ago. And he certainly has never been guilty of bullying anyone. They are having a battle with an invisible person. Unless and until anyone can pony up something that proves he had a thing to do with the book it looks, frankly, a little nuts to me.

I find it very scary how ignored the child abuse gets in all this because people are so busy debating over the messenger. That was what they wanted, they wanted everyone to get distracted by the messenger so the message could be lost and buried. Scolding people for being proud that someone has stood strong in the face of that just leaves me speechless. It's child abuse, not some tabloid-equ information that Kate doesn't really have a good bra or something. We as a society should encourage, not scold those who come forward with this information. Until we are willing to do that, child abuse will remain stigmatized.

TLC stinks said...

I don't know anything about twitter and I need to go back and reread what McGibney posted on pastebin how he figured out names and addresses. Lots of info on the Internet and I think he found some people through Facebook.

I think he also figured out email addresses and sent one of those fake emails with a link for a person to click on and got info. I know RWA warned not to open any emails from unknown people.

I'll go back and find that pastebin info.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Peony, I have never frozen pretzel m&ms, gotta try it!


Oh, my gosh...what kind of containers do you use? Do you separate the colors? Do you put them on the top shelf of the freezer? What is the temperature setting of the freezer? What kind of freezer do you use...side-by-side or chest type? How long does it take to freeze them? Do you thaw them before you eat them? If so, how long does it take to thaw them?

All snark, of course...

LeeLee said...

I do not comment often here (two in one day is a big deal for me) and had taken a nice long break from Kate's shenanigans this winter, but I would like to take a moment to complement Admin and all the regulars whose conversations I have so enjoyed over the past couple years. This is such I lovely place to come and read about Kate's antics (yes, our distaste for her has brought us all together), family, cooking, gardening, documentaries and everything else.
I do have a question and am curious how you all may answer. I personally have not seen any comments from this website that constitute a threat to anyone, ever. I believe that comments made here about Kate or her tweetees do not equal bullying, as they have no obligation nor expectation of reading here (this website is openly critical of Kate- is that fair to say, Admin?) However, when it comes to making critical comments directly to Kate or her tweetees on their twitter feeds, I am unsure. As a public figure, who is still actively putting herself out there (new book, The Stir, CWS) it is my opinion that Kate is fair game for both positive and negative feedback (not threats, obviously). However, if her fans, whether they provoke or not, are receiving daily/constant insulting tweets I do feel that is probably wrong. The same goes for any non-fans who may also be receiving daily/constant insulting tweets. What are your thoughts on this? Where do you draw the line between expected online friction/conflict and bullying/harassment? I wonder if it is fair to claim harassment, when they could easily use block, privacy settings or get off Twitter to avoid the unwanted commentary. Would it not prove harassment if the so-called haters followed them to another social media site, or emailed them, or phoned them with their insults? If they stay on Twitter, read and respond to the insults, dish out a few of their own, and choose not to go private, and if the haters do not contact them in other ways, doesn't that show that the argument was mutual and therefore there is no harassment? Oops. That was more than one question...

Last thought: Outing anyone's actual identity is just so beyond the scope of normal online behavior that I condemn anyone who takes it upon themselves to do this as a scare tactic or for revenge. Our privacy online is protected. If we did not have the right to privacy online, then we could easily be forced to use our real names to log in everywhere. Even when groups like Anonymous out real bullies and criminals, it is condemned by law enforcement because even a$$holes have a right to privacy. JMHO

Just a blog sister who can't seem to pick a regular name said...

Barb in Nebraska:
Oh how horrible. Here is hoping for a speedy and steady recovery. Stay strong.

Unknown said...

WjWow said... 134
''The hater closed her twitter and told someone she wants to die. I hope the fans are proud of themselves. This "hater" wasn't even one of the extreme ones (as if it matters) but she was targeted by BV and now she's having a massive breakdown.
When is enough enough?''
If that person harms herself, do you think that KK will accept one tiny shred of responsibility for Bv outing her? I don't.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Remember the back seat and the nifty dash and instrument panel with the gear selection on the dash?


Coolest thing ever! The gear section was to the right of the steering wheel and it was like a little throttle that you put up or down. My aunt had a fire engine red one, circa 1965. I was at an antique car show recently, and there it was...the same Corvair, same year, same color, and I swear, the smell was the same, and the memories came flooding back.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

LeeLee glad you popped in.

I think the simplest answer to your question is anyone who thinks they are being harassed show talk to a lawyer in their jurisdiction and ask them about the harassment laws/elements required to get a restraining order. In CA you have to prove a CURRENT danger. So if someone was threatening you a year and a half ago and you come to court complaining about it now, odds are you're out of luck. Then you should discuss whether the behavior toward you would fit into that and whether it's worth the time, effort and money to try to take it to court. Laws vary state to state. If someone were asking me this I would tell them wouldn't it be a heck of a lot more cost effective to just leave Twitter? I would hope most others would say the same. It kind of irks me to hear about such things because myself and I know many others here have seen domestic violence like you can't even imagine. It irks me that anyone would take up a judge's time with twitter when there is a mother waiting outside with her babies, bruises across her face and down her arms, praying to God to get a restraining order so hopefully her ex doesn't kill her over the weekend. Excuse me but this is what the court of law should be worried about not some grade school battle.

The internet complicates this since you might not be able to know the person and it's unclear where you should sue, where twitter is located, where you are, where the other person is? Someone else said earlier today this is huge uncharted territory. It's so true. It's created this vast black hole of uncertain legal issues that no one seems to be all too eager to resolve. And I think it's also made people feel very brazen and above the law because there really isn't much "law" out there about it. The internet really is the new wild wild west.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I am really enjoying the "my first clunker" stories! Lovely! :)

Wowser said...

Well Kate sure is on a tweeting frenzy now...all her "I am so full of energy and never stop" "my biggest concern is my safety for my kids" "I have sports events and have to WORK tomorrow"....same bullsh*#, different day. Why can she not for the love of God can she just please DISAPPEAR from public viewing both visually and audibly?!?!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

The only thing that has come of all the "work" she claims to have up her sleeve in TWO YEARS is a few humble brag blog posts about her cars, pool and mansion, and one episode, one 42 minute episode, on ABC, half of which she had to split screen time with a much more popular and relevant personality.

Like I said before, I get a kick out of it when she pretends she works like real people do.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

BY the way Bullyville did acknowledge our apology on twitter, just looked, saw it from the other day. I guess we missed it, no one mentioned that here. So I'll consider the matter closed now and good luck to them hopefully they can channel all their energy and motivation into something more productive. I like their tweets about legit bullying, I read an interesting story about a special needs child in Washington who was able to film an incident in which he was being beat up. I can get behind calling awareness to such incidents, 100%. Maybe they could focus more on that stuff, it is worth our time.

Anonymous said...

So they're exchanging pictures now?

@MiloandJack: @irishfan47 @Kateplusmy8 LOL...I'm not asking 4 a date! Kate already knows what I look like! :)


Unknown said...

ROL says:
''Jon Gosselin Was Behind Malicious Tell-All Kate Book & Provided Hard Drive To Writer Pal, Says Source''
Ahhhhh. There it is. Wonder if ''Source'' has initials AW?

Blowing In The Wind said...

Why not be like your own mother?


Maybe there are reasons, such as she died while the person was young and she didn't really know her, or her own mother was an alcoholic or addicted to drugs. Not everyone has a June Cleaver for a mother.

That said, why anyone wants to emulate Kate is beyond me.

"In the end, they will receive little or nothing in monetary compensation while racking up their own legal debt. But, perhaps, no one will bother them on Twitter ever again. Yeah, right."


You have to remember that these are sheeple. They have absolutely no idea how this works. All they see right now is a big payout from haters. I really don't think that they are able to understand how this lawsuit would work, even if someone sat down and explained the logistics of it to them.

"The hater closed her twitter and told someone she wants to die. I hope the fans are proud of themselves. This "hater" wasn't even one of the extreme ones (as if it matters) but she was targeted by BV and now she's having a massive breakdown."


Was someone able to contact her to make sure that she's okay? That is very sad...and all for what? Because someone criticized Kate? Not everyone is able to handle a situation like this and let it roll off their backs...people have different levels of emotional tolerance.

I think that it was a bad move, a very bad move to involve Robert in this. He's not stupid, and this may very well backfire on Kate and Bullyville.

TLC stinks said...

McGibney sends a email from a sock account to the person and if they respond, he uses some " script" to track their emails and is able to get their IP address which he triangulates the longitude and latitude and gets a street address. From there he does Internet searches and finds out who lives at that address. Then he takes that info and digs up info from the Internet about your family, job, etc.

He is also able to track IP addresses if you use your phone to email.

He is also able to triangulate your twitter location. Above my pay grade as far as understanding, but like I said, he's a hacker. Claims it's legal but I don't take his word .

Insert Creative Username Here said...

The psychology nerd in me is fascinated by all of this silliness. If we had any doubt that the only Kate followers left were crazy, we now have proof!

In life, you cannot stop someone from saying something mean to you. You can't. Do I agree with the non-stop tweets to Kate on either side? Of course not! But is there anything you can do about it? Other than block, ignore, and report, no there's nothing you can do. Trying to come up with a way to prevent people from saying something is futile.

The reason why the tweeties are in a tizzy about the crazies saying mean things is because they are crazy themselves. They just cannot...walk...away...from...their...computer. Seriously, they are so upset because they cannot tweet Kate without someone tweeting back something mean. Here's a solution; don't tweet Kate! She's not your friend! She's a random person on twitter who was famous for five nano seconds. There's more to life than this woman.

This reminds me of political blogs. No matter what side you're on, there's always someone from the other side coming on to the comments section posting something asinine. Most people ignore it, but there's the few that feel compelled to reply. Why? The person clearly wants attention. Just ignore them and move on.

The people most offended by the crazies are crazies themselves. The best way to get them to stop is to block and ignore them. They'll move onto something else when they don't get any attention.

As for the "lawsuit" and vague threats from BV...I'm not even going to dignify them with a response because I'm not going to give crazy people attention for being crazy.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Wowser said... 164
Well Kate sure is on a tweeting frenzy now...all her "I am so full of energy and never stop" "my biggest concern is my safety for my kids" "I have sports events and have to WORK tomorrow"....same bullsh*#, different day. Why can she not for the love of God can she just please DISAPPEAR from public viewing both visually and audibly?!?!
So KK is worried about "HER" safety?

She didn't say that she worried about her 8 kids safety now what kind of mother say's that?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2h
@MiloandJack School sports .. And work tomorrow :( but anything beyond 5:45am is a sleep in so= yes! :)

Again what job does she have???

chefsummer #Leh said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 3h
@Kateplusmy8 I mean how often does he get 2pick up such a pretty momma? Story 2tell when he went home. :)

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 3h
@MiloandJack oh, hadn't thought of it that way... Whatever. He was very nice.. And I'm thankful!

Yes Miio Mr. Tow truck man went home and told his family that he met gasp Kate Gosselin.

U and KK need to get over KK.

LeeLee said...

Thanks for the response, Admin. Agree completely that there are much more serious issues out there, and hope others will see that this case of alleged bullying is not comparable to the news-making and too often tragic cases in the headlines of late.
Your comparison to the wild, wild west is spot on and is why I posed the question. If someone makes a person to person threat, follows you around town and calls you dozens of times a day, there are definite legal steps to take, but online, where you could easily avoid them (assuming they are not also making threats, stalking and calling), I even wonder if it is harassment. Kate and her fans response is also questionable. They seem more driven by revenge than safety and justice. Does it make sense to get someone fired from their job and then to sue them? If someone's threats or harassment truly scares you, do you go out of your way to anger them, and all their friends?
BTW- thanks again for leading the way here. You have a great group.

Over And Out said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 30m
@MeInAtlanta @kateplusmy8 No problem 4me 2have a SPA day..I can have one whenever. It's our Kate that needs one BADLY! Weeks w/out a break!

Break from what?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 48m
@irishfan47 @Kateplusmy8 LOL...I'm not asking 4 a date! Kate already knows what I look like! :)

Milo never met Kate. What does Milo do -- send her photographs of herself?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

LeeLee, for what it's worth, a restraining order request from a woman who keeps showing up at her ex's house, his girlfriend's house, his workplace, and his church, taunting him and egging him on until he finally curses her out and creates a scene, has a good chance of getting thrown out or at least be a MUTUAL restraining order which is really no victory--that means BOTH parties are told they are being ridiculous and both get restraining orders against the other. This is more common then you'd think. When it's hard to tell who really is the victim, you punish them both.

It's sort of an unclean hands thing. You don't get to be up in someone's face goading them on and on and on then complain they are harassing you.

I imagine the same thing would happen on twitter. I don't think it's fair you let someone come into your "house" when you could have easily shut the door, then get to complain about them.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Yes Miio Mr. Tow truck man went home and told his family that he met gasp Kate Gosselin.


I think it's hard for them to grasp that many people really wouldn't care one way or the other if they happened to run into her. They act like it's just like you just happened to run into the First Lady today, which would be a story.

Over And Out said...

A fan asked Kate what to do when her 19-month old has a tantrum. Kate's answer:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1h
@KrystalRansom ignore her. Walk over her (If on floor, throwing fit). She is looking for a reaction :) don't give her one:) GL...

chefsummer #Leh said...

Over And Out said... 174
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 30m
@MeInAtlanta @kateplusmy8 No problem 4me 2have a SPA day..I can have one whenever. It's our Kate that needs one BADLY! Weeks w/out a break!

Break from what?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 48m
@irishfan47 @Kateplusmy8 LOL...I'm not asking 4 a date! Kate already knows what I look like! :)

Milo never met Kate. What does Milo do -- send her photographs of herself?

Maybe it was Milo pepping into KK windows taking photo's.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I think it's kind of insulting she keeps calling the celebrity lifestyle work. I've never heard other celebs rub it in so much how much their charmed lives are "work." In fact i've heard the opposite, this is a great life and so much fun and I'm so blessed.

When you punch in, that's work.

Jane said...

I thought this tweet from Kate tonight was interesting. Is the frowny face because she has to take kids to sports events or because she has to work? If she had a legit job she'd be tweeting about it, not using a sad face. Paper work for BullyVille and the attorneys? Weeding the garden? Pumping gas in a halter top and Daisy Dukes?

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1h
@MiloandJack School sports .. And work tomorrow :( but anything beyond 5:45am is a sleep in so= yes! :)

obie said...

The wringing of hands over a 'missing' tweeter is actually kind of entertaining. Like a real live soap opera.

People, calm down. Someone has called for a welfare check on this 'missing' person.

Out. of. control.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 176

I was making a funny lol.

Over And Out said...

Like I said before, I get a kick out of it when she pretends she works like real people do.


Milo asked Kate if she plans to sleep in tomorrow. Silly Milo...still fascinated with Kate and her sleep schedule.

Kate replied:
@MiloandJack School sports .. And work tomorrow :( but anything beyond 5:45am is a sleep in so= yes! :)


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Are we seeing the future of Kate's twitter tonight? Very few tweets, mainly between Kate, Milo and the Irish guy. Milo's clone popped in and Milo and the clone declared their undying love for Kate. That's about it. Deader than a doornail.

NJGal51 said...

Barb - So sorry to hear about your accident. My prayers are with you for a speedy and full recovery.

I agree with those of you who think that Kate's gotten herself a new car. The bog was just to lay the groundwork in case anyone sees her in it. It's only a matter of time before someone asks her about it on twitter.

OT - I'm a fan of the Alex Delaware novels (by J. Kellerman) And I'm currently reading the new one (Guilt). The name of one of the main characters is Milo......dear Lord, whenever they mention Milo by name I just get the picture of Kate's biggest fan in my head. YUCK!

Another OT - Did anyone watch Hannibal last night? Wat did you think of it?

foxy said...

I think all the legit media are not going to be jumping on the band wagon to view Robert Hoffman's documents because Kate Gosselin is nothing. To quote the great Joy Behar, "So what, who cares?".

Over And Out said...

BY the way Bullyville did acknowledge our apology on twitter, just looked, saw it from the other day.


Did Kate? She acknowledged this one:

Thank you, @steelergirl1014 for the apology. Apology accepted. And appreciated. :)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Thank you, @steelergirl1014 for the apology. Apology accepted. And appreciated. :)


Well color me surprised. If Kate can do it maybe there is a chance, a chance it will help defuse things and get people to just move on.

Wowser said...

And what exactly does Kate NEED a break from? Oh...wait...i know!!! She needs a break from her "I have a not a nanny, not a cleaning lady, nail polishing, toe polishing, hair frying, Audi driving, wine drinking, tweet bitching DAY!" Sounds exhausting! Lol. Milo is certifiable!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1h
@KrystalRansom ignore her. Walk over her (If on floor, throwing fit). She is looking for a reaction :) don't give her one:) GL...


This isn't the worst advice however wouldn't a parenting book to read or your pediatrician be better to talk to? It really depends, what if the tantrum is because they are ill or in pain?

Susie Cincinnati said...

But the fact that TLC offered her a show and we watched gave her the time, the opportunity,and the power to commit what in many other states is called a crime to beat babies in such a terrible way!


I'm not understanding this. it sounds like you are saying that TLC and subsequently we, the viewers, contributed to the abuse. She would have spanked the babies hard for not potty training fast enough regardless if she had a show or not.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I agree with those of you who think that Kate's gotten herself a new car. The bog was just to lay the groundwork in case anyone sees her in it. It's only a matter of time before someone asks her about it on twitter.


You guys are SMART.

I bet the Fiat was her present to herself for suffering through Celebrity Wife Swap. What did the kids get?

This way she can spin it like, well my old sports car broke down and so I ended up buying the rental car! Funny how life works out!


On a side note I think the Fiat commercials where they go off the coastal road in Amalfi are scary.

Wowser said...

Advice from Kate?!?! Well....she is an EXPERT at ignoring her kids while they were forced to take 4 hour naps! That was an easy one for her to answer!

Susie Cincinnati said...

This isn't the worst advice however wouldn't a parenting book to read or your pediatrician be better to talk to? It really depends, what if the tantrum is because they are ill or in pain?


Or what if the child is thrashing around on the floor and is in danger of hitting her head on the floor of a piece of furniture? You just ignore it?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

According to BV there are now 77 "victims" who have jumped on the lawsuit bandwagon and the lawsuit is against one "hater." BV is hoping the ACLU will handle the case.

I am now off to watch Netflix. Good night all.

Tucker's Mom said...

On a side note I think the Fiat commercials where they go off the coastal road in Amalfi are scary.
Me too! They freak me out.
It is highly unusual that you would have to wait over a week to hear what is wrong with your car. I'd have my car towed away from such a lousy place to a reputable Audi dealer. It's unacceptable and unheard of nowadays.
I didn't think Kate' story sounded like 3-day old fish initially, but it's not adding up. Especially if she's paying for a rental out of pocket all this time.
Doesn't make sense.

Susie Cincinnati said...

Well color me surprised. If Kate can do it maybe there is a chance, a chance it will help defuse things and get people to just move on.


If she's sincere. Could it be that someone is telling her to redeem herself and appear human? It would help her in the "I'm being bullied" claim. See, I'm a victim in all of this when I'm not really a bad person. With Kate, you just never really know.

Susie Cincinnati said...

Milo's clone popped in and Milo and the clone declared their undying love for Kate.


lol, Tweet-le! Are Milo and the clone declaring their love for each other? That would make it a threesome.

Call Me Crazy said...

Barb in Nebraska -

I am so sorry to hear about the accident you were involved in. I hope you heal well and quickly. Take care. It is nice to see your here.

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