Thursday, November 1, 2012

Costume Party winners announced: Aggiemom and FotK!

Thank you everyone for coming to the costume party. The two winners that were drawn this evening are:

Comment 99 from Aggiemom:
"I think I'll be a lunchbox with a day old sandwich in it.
or maybe a grape..."

You're cute as a button, Aggie!

And the second winner is FotK, who brought organic slop dip to the party, which no one ate, though that doesn't disqualify her from the prize.

Comment 117 from FotK ... 
Why is no one eating the slop - er, um - organic dip I brought? Honestly. I mean, to be honest. It is NOT mediocre. There's lots and lots and lots of cheese and organic canned black beans in it. And guacamole. It's supposed to be served with those 503 loaves of bread I baked in my 2 Cuisinart breadmakers

Mmm, cheesey and bready.

Please e-mail with the e-mail address you wish to use to collect your prize--a $25 Kindle or Amazon gift card, your choice!

1434 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   401 – 600 of 1434   Newer›   Newest»
Many in the morning said...

All these straw man arguments that bring in Jon and his latest distract from the fun of watching his badly sprayed tanned, unemployed (employable?) ex make of fool of herself.


Really? There's like almost 400 comments here about Kate and what a fool she is. In fact, a couple of those post are from me. So we agree. Good.

Let's get to the OTHER parent of these kids. He often slips by unnoticed BECAUSE all the attention is on Kate.

Can we not even have, like, 2% of the posts here criticizing Jon, too?

If you've read my posts, there is no straw man arguement being made. But thanks for weighing in whoever you are. ~ Administrator said...

Can we not even have, like, 2% of the posts here criticizing Jon, too?


That's because what Jon does makes up for about 2% of the total package of this saga.

Jon hasn't DONE anything in forever to criticize. He hasn't said a peep and the only thing to do is grasp at straws over a few twitter pics which frankly, were adorable, that HE didn't even tweet. Oh someone saw HIM trick or treating with the kids and so we said oh well that's good. What more could we SAY?

What has he done to criticize? I'm serious about this. There is no material to work with here. We can speculate which we've done, but even that you can only do so much with not knowing a thing. We talked about the dog pics TONS. We talked it to death. There's nothing more to SAY on it. Meanwhile in the short time those pics came out Kate has tweeted like 10 asinine things to talk about not to mention her next project thing whatever that is.

Incidentally, if Kate went "dark"/quiet she would put people in the same dilemma. Nothing to talk about. When someone never says anything publicly and never is seen publicly except doing normal things like just hanging with your kids, you quickly run out of things to say.

Mandy, I kind of resent to implication Jon is protected here. It's not a matter of that. It's a matter of no material.

Mandy in the morning said...

Ok, admin. I'll agree that a couple of those scenarios most certainly could have happened.

If Jon didn't know Liz posted the pics, yes, he's a man (LOL - good one!) and may have assumed Liz knew how he felt about it. But it's poor judgement on his part for that.

If Jon did know and thought, eh what's a couple blurry-ish pics gonna do? Then he's changed his mind ONCE AGAIN about his kids' privacy stance.

You're right we are talking in circles. I guess you know how I feel. ha ha

Nice blog. Enjoyed the back and forth. G'nite.

Unknown said... (Administrator) said... 200
''.........A fifth scenario: Liz was posting pics for National Pit Bull Day like everyone else does not thinking ANYTHING OF IT because sometimes people just don't think.''
''A fourth scenerio: Kate keeps lying or lying by omission about having the kids and Liz, Jon or both got fed up and decided to just post a few pics to subtly say F-U Kate we DO have the kids and you don't and you know it. And they plan to leave it at that, the point has been made.''
I've said before that I'm inclined to believe your fourth scenario. Liz was posting for National Pit Bull Day, and thought the photo of her pit bull being loved by a child was as she said, about her first photo, ''The most pure and genuine kind of love & affection''.

However, IF the fourth scenario is the reason for the photos, I'll admit that wouldn't bother me all that much. In my opinion, KK deserves a knot jerked in her tail every so often. I don't see how Jon keeps his sanity, having to deal w/that stuck on stupid waste of space!!

Abigail said...

, IF the fourth scenario is the reason for the photos, I'll admit that wouldn't bother me all that much.

It wouldn't? To me, that means the adults are playing passive aggressive games with these precious children and that is wrong, wrong, wrong.

Sure, we expect Kate to do it but Jon was always the safe parent for those kids.

Children should never be used as weapons in adult's childish games. That's my opinion.


grandee4 said...

Stuck on stupid, wasted space! Love it, ba ha ha ha ~ Administrator said...

You know in thinking about this more, Liz, being a woman and mother, is probably doing quite a bit of motherly things for these kids when they are with her. Everything from meals to laundry to storytime to homework to cuddles with the dog.

It must get pretty darn annoying not only to be giving so much to the kids without any credit (as we all know only one person and one person cares for these kids, Kate, well and the not a nanny sometimes), but to have someone act like you are not even around the kids at ALL let alone mothering them. Scenerio 4 seems rather likely, and I can't say I'd be a strong enough person not to do it.

grandmomma said...

If you're scenario is correct, then Liz is putting her ego ahead of the kids. That's never a good idea. She knew who Kate was when she got together with Jon. This is why I feel Jon needs to put HIS ego ahead of his kids and stop this need to be in a relationship all the time. Poor choice for a GF again, Jon.

Admin, you seem like a caring person and I do think you'd be able to put your children's needs first. Especially their privacy. If you don't think you could do it with a partner's children, then you shouldn't be in that relationship to begin with.

Liz would garner, and HAS garnered more respect for just silently being a step mother. If it's getting to her to the pint of resentment then it's time for her to step back and get out of the relationship. And, yes, again the kids would be missing another caring adult in their lives. Better that than be caught in the middle of a

grandmomma said...

Sorry posted before finishing my last sentence.

Better for Liz to bow out now than for this silly feud between her and Kate gets really out of hand.

I agree, it's is hard to raise another's children. I don't think anyone expects Liz to be perfect at it but it seemed she was doing a pretty damn fine job for a while.

Unknown said...

Abigail said... 5
''.....Sure, we expect Kate to do it but Jon was always the safe parent for those kids.
Children should never be used as weapons in adult's childish games. That's my opinion.
Your opinion is a valid one, Abigail. I guess I'm just sick and tired of KK always getting the slack cut for her, because she is the female parent. You just said that we expect Kate to behave that way, but Jon was the ''safe parent''. Having Liz post two photos of his children loving and being loved on by a dog...obviously calm and relaxed doesn't do one single thing to prevent Jon being the safe parent.

Liz's photos (with or without Jon's approval) clearly showed everyone that the children are loved, relaxed and cared for, which is a GOOD thing....and doesn't prove that the children are being 'used' at all, in my opinion. It also proved that the kids were w/Jon, when KK still allows her fans and others to believe he doesn't have them 50/50. Why can't Jon for once out KK as lying once again?

I suppose MY bottom line is why on earth does it always have to be JON that sucks it up and takes KK throwing him under the bus over and over? Why do KK's fans think it is fine to trash him over and over and still he is somehow expected to keep his mouth shut, because ''we expect that from Kate''.....but Jon has to say nothing at all, or HE is being a user?

Right or wrong, that is what I think, and if it's not the pc thing to do, then so be it. I own my opinion. ~ Administrator said...

It kind of begs the point that Jon can't seem to do anything right.

He was called a wimp and pushover and worse for not standing up to Kate during the marriage. When he does stand up to Kate's crap (if that is what happened) then oh no how dare he he should keep his mouth shut!

So which is it, should he keep his mouth shut or stand up to her? Because clearly either one draws criticism.

Bottom line, this is one of the worst cases of parental alienation I have ever seen. There is no reasoning with this kind of parental alienation, there is no logic, there is no common ground. IF, speculating, someone finally snapped and said screw it we're telling the world we have the kids and you don't, deal with it, then someone finally snapped. Everyone has their breaking point. They held out a lot longer than most would.

Abigail said...

I suppose MY bottom line is why on earth does it always have to be JON that sucks it up and takes KK throwing him under the bus over and over? Why do KK's fans think it is fine to trash him over and over and still he is somehow expected to keep his mouth shut, because ''we expect that from Kate''.....but Jon has to say nothing at all, or HE is being a user?

I think it's because, at least I HOPE, Jon realizes the kids come first before his need to be 'right'. In the end, the kids suffer for it. That's a sad reality but as a parent you just suck it up and do what's best for your children. Jon shouldn't care what anyone thinks about him EXCEPT for his children.

I just hope those pics don't spark the kids' mistrust in their dad. Are they wondering, especially the older girls, "gee, ARE we really safe to be ourselves at daddy's place if he's posting pics of us on the internet?" I don't know, just voicing my thoughts out loud.


Unknown said...

grandmomma said... 9
''Better for Liz to bow out now than for this silly feud between her and Kate gets really out of hand.''
I don't think it's been established that there IS a silly feud between Liz and KK. In my opinion, all that has been established is that KK's fans are as always, very happy to jump into a twitter war, blaming Jon, Liz, Pit Bulls, and anything else they can think of to trash Jon and prop/enable that stuck on stupid, self-absorbed idiot KK!!

Once again, JON (and now Liz also) is expected to suck it up and keep their mouths shut. They are vilified for having two freaking photos of his children for gods sake!! The children's faces can't be seen and they are HIS kids too. Why in the hell is he not allowed to have photos of the children he loves and is so proud of on his girlfriend's site?

I see no reason at all for Jon to end his relationship with Liz. Why on earth should Jon not be in a relationship...especially with a woman who loves his kids? That is beyond the pale, in my opinion.

Unknown said...

OK...I'm getting testy. It's past my I'm outta here for the night.

grandmomma said...

Probably because he's said ad nauseum that his kids were 'off limits' and it appears he's changed his mind once again. Makes him look like a hypocrite or at the very least, wishy washy.

especially with a woman who loves his kids?

Because it's been noted, even by admin. herself that Liz may have posted those photos because she's tired of Kate not admitting they are with Jon 50% of the time. And if this IS the case, then Liz is showing resentment at looking after them.

Starz22 said...

Have you seen this?? A man in Northern China sued his ex-wife for having a very ugly child.He went to the courts saying he could never make an ugly baby.Come to find out the wife had over 100,000 in plastic surgery and the ex believes she deceived him.If he had know how ugly she really was...he would have never married her! The paternity test proved he was the father...The man ended up winning his case,and receiving 120,000 in "damages".

Starz22 said...

I just posted my last post at 3:19 says 1:19 am...just wondering why the time change is this Cal time that the blog is set to? ~ Administrator said...

Remona, it's okay. :)

Sure we speculate about Kate but at least we know we're doing it. It's kind of interesting to me that the fans however are allowed to speculate about Liz and her motivations and then morph it into fact. At the end of the day it still could be a scenerio where someone simply wasn't thinking anything more of it and innocently posted a couple photos for Pit Bull Awareness Day. Simple as that! Lord knows we've all done things without really thinking only in hindsight to realize oh, oops guess that wasn't a good idea. But of course such a simple explanation has been completely ruled out by the fans lol. ~ Administrator said...

The blog is on PST time.

Abigail said...

Admin, is this your way of calling me and others critical of Liz and Jon's latest (and admittedly, first) blunder Kate 'fans'? Say it ain't so! :)

Abigail ~ Administrator said...

Abigail read my posts. I specifically said that the people here had very rational reasons for believing what they did and specifically distinguished the Kate fans motivations from the folks here. It pays to read all the posts! :)

amyf said...

Oh my. From

Amazing how MTV and Jersey Shore’s response to Sandy’s aftermath was more sensitive and thoughtful than Bravo’s. In a press release, Bravo said, and this is very real: “Hurricane Sandy may have rained on our Halloween parade, but nothing can dampen Andy Cohen’s spirit as he hosts Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live…” Really? Raining on Halloween? Yeah, that’s what matters.

Dutch Tulip said... (Administrator) said... 153
Oh I loved the wire, great show! (breaking bad is allso great, to bad we have to wait ontil next year to see how it ends( and Walt is so creepy)

Cold weather sucks said...

I've been gone for a bit and about 3-4 threads behind... Could someone help give me a quick update on what I've missed please.

1) did Jon or new girlfriend call Kate/dummy out for saying she has kids full-time?
2) any signs of shoka?
3) kids go trick or treating?


miss lilly said...

Morning Cold - it is hovering around 1 degree C here brrr
1. Nope
2. Nope
3. Sounds like they went with Jon tweet says she gave candy to them

Sue Buddy said...

Cold weather sucks said... 24
I've been gone for a bit and about 3-4 threads behind... Could someone help give me a quick update on what I've missed please.

1) Big storm, Hurricane Sandy. Kate dubs it "SuperFunSandy." Laments eating ice cream and says "Sandy" isn't good for her figure.

2) Kate canonized by fans for keeping children occupied during storm. Fans will be erecting statues in her likeness throughout country and declaring a national holiday in her honor.

2) Thousands homeless, death toll rising. Kate celebrates her hair salon reopening:

RT @JasonBacke Yesssss! @tedgibson tedgibson BACK IN BUSINESS!!!!!! #sandy @ Ted Gibson Salon HALLELUJAH! So happy!

3) Kate's non fans call her stunningly self-centered and thoughtless, lacking empathy. Fans pretend they didn't see her blatant tweet of sheer callousness.

JoyinVirginia said...

Great summary, Sue Buddy! The tweet about the hair salon reopening is enough for a new article (not that we are asking nicely or anything... Please?)

FYI said...

Sue-great recap! But you forgot one.

5) Kate declares her love for Milo-

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@MyBorderCollie @MiloandJack @deannatweeting yes milo I love you in twitter life and in 'real' life & you know it I think!:) xo

JoyinVirginia said...

OT about Hurricane Sandy. It is terrible about the destruction in NJ, NY, and the loss of life. Watching the coverage of the aftermath and hearing about people who died just makes me wonder. Did the people who did not evacuate NOT watch TV? Did they not see satellite pictures of how huge this storm was? That poor weather channel girl was on the Outer Banks all day Monday getting pummeled by the storm, and the center was hundreds of miles away. Jim Cantore always goes to where they think the disaster will be the worst, and he was at the southern tip of Manhattan.
I feel sad hearing the stories of the deaths. I only hope that when the next big storm comes, wherever it hits, that people will remember what happened here and evacuate.

Formerly Duped said...

We're expecting a Nor'Easter this coming week. It's not a hurricane, but makes one realize we are at the mercy of Mother Nature- a little planning for emergencies goes along way. So it begins again for the season.I too was offended by Kate. Can you imagine the complaining if she lost power or ? She really does live in a self-absorbed shell. Right on, Sue Buddy.

Lilly said...

A bit late on the subject of dogs but just thought I would share this story about dog bites - a 3 lb dog no less .... Hope you get a laugh..

1.4kg Molly declared dangerous dog

A CANADIAN city has declared teacup chihuahua Molly a “dangerous dog” and ordered her muzzled after she bit a postal worker.

“I don’t even know if they have muzzles that size,” says Molly’s owner Mitzie Scott.

“I just think it’s kind of silly, to the extreme.

“The dog is literally three pounds (1.4 kg) – it’s the size of an adult shoe.”

The controversy erupted after Molly bit a female postal worker’s ankle after escaping through an open gate at Ms Scott’s home in Windsor, Ontario.

That meant under a city bylaw that Molly must be registered as a “dangerous dog” and the owners obliged to obtain a million-dollar liability insurance policy, muzzle Molly and keep her on a leash at all times.

The city also ordered the family to put up signs which read “Warning: Dangerous Dog on Premises” on the doors of their home.

Ms Scott’s appeal to the city’s licensing commission to have the designation overturned was turned down.

Any dog that causes injury to a person or a domestic animal in most Canadian cities must be registered as dangerous.

The mailman was prescribed an antibiotic cream by her doctor for the injury - four small puncture wounds.

Windsor now has a total of 24 dogs on its dangerous dog registry, including another chihuahua – one that weighs 3.6kg.

Sue Buddy said...

Kate is a twit said... 28
Sue-great recap! But you forgot one.

5) Kate declares her love for Milo-

In the name of everything that is holy I do believe Kate and her few troubled fans have gone around the bend before our very eyes.

FYI said...

Joy-not all the deaths were caused because people didn't evacuate. Some were caused by falling trees, live fallen wires, and carbon monoxide poisoning. But yes, there will always be people who refuse to evacuate, even those who went through Hurricane Irene last year.

JoyinVirginia said...

One more OT r Sandy. The Outer Banks is used to getting hurricanes, and evacuations are ordered a couple days in advance. This time they were surprised by how hard the effects of Sandy were, because it was so fat out to sea. The island of Ocracoke was two feet underwater at one point, that is the entire village where people live. There were twenty people such on Portsmouth Island, just off Ocracoke, at a fishing camp there. The wind came up too quickly for the tiny ferry to get everyone off. Ocean overwashed all of the beach road from Southern Shores to Nags Head, and the sixteen mile stretch of road from Oregon Inlet bridge to Rodanthe. Loss of life: zero. Because people there are prepared, stay aware of what's going on, and respect the water and the power of the ocean.
No one living in NJ or NY has ever seen the water this high, or this destructive force, where they live. But the weather channel did all they could to warn people as well as they could. I how people listen the next time. No matter where or when the next time is.

aggiemom09121416 said...

(my personal experience growing up on the coast, so this is my .02 cents)

I am sure everyone knew all about the power of this storm.
Some people just won't leave. It doesn't matter how bad the storm is, they are going to hunker down at home.
Some want to protect their home from looters, some can't afford to takes money to evac, gas, food, lodging,etc..some may not want to leave due to health reasons, etc.

I grew up on the Gulf of Mexico, so we spent a lot of hurricane warnings boarding up and heading to Dallas. Of course we NEVER had any damage. One yr, parents decided we were not going to evac. Hurricane hit. We did not sustain water damage but it was literally lapping at the back porch. The wind was unreal.

I can understand (to a point) why some didn't evacuate. Some people also like the thrill of riding one out. Some also get immune to the threat of a hurricane, since their areas are always threatened and most of the time the hurricane turns, weakens, or does not damage.
The ones that rode Sandy out, most of them will never evac again....they will say, they rode out Sandy, a once in a lifetime storm, so they can ride out anything....

Anonymous said...

I go to bed and miss the 'Angela' nonsense, LOL.

I'll tell you what annoys me- and I know you didnt ask- it's people (and Kate especially) acting like this saga is some super-secret case- and top players involved have to have hidden identities or 'be insiders' and have 'privileged information' .
This is not directed at admin, who has admitted to a source and says she will not reveal- very standard in journalism. I am talking the 'angela' types. And Kate keeping her schedule a secret. She is not a govt politician! She is not the leader of a country! She does not hold secrets that are vital to or would cause grave to our nation should they get out! Knock off the secret squirrel already! It irritates me- I work in that atmosphere- the secret squirrel atmosphere- Where is Layla? She knows what I mean. Real secrets. Real Top Secret stuff. This is a freaking joke when these posters come in "I know" and then wont say anything further. Please- it's a has-been actress. If you 'know' TELL or STFU. You are not bound to anyone to keep it a secret. The FBI does not come around every couple of years to remind that all you see and hear are national security secrets - so you are off the hook! Spill it or be quiet! Attention whores.
Sorry for the rant, but man, some days these 'posters' are too much. Over inflated importance is common factor among Kate and her sheeple. An ugly trait.
Have a great everyone!! Who's excited for the holidays? Whoever suggested a Turkey day thread- I second it- recipe swap here we come!

JoyinVirginia said...

Kate is a Twit, thanks for mentioning other causes of death. During Hurricane Isabel years ago, my county had three deaths, ALL THREE from people going outside during the height of the storm to check on trees, which them fell on them! And there was no one who could come out in the height of the storm to help either, and people had been told that. In a neighboring county, after the storm, two teenagers were severely burned then died because they were refueling a generator and didn't know about letting it cool down so you don't ignite gas fumes. The electrocution risks I don't think many people even think about,.and the source doesn't need to be that close.

Cold weather sucks said...

Thanks for the updated summary ladies! Much appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Should say Have a great weekend! LOL
whew- sorry for the typos- maybe I can't write on a 4th grade level let alone 5th grade ;)

She's come undone said...

I personally think what Liz did is just fine. As Remona said, Kate gets a break about everything, she lies through her teeth continuously about how she has the kids all the time. So Liz just quietly proved she was lying. The picture was no big deal and I seriously doubt the kids feel exploited because of it. And the idea that in the future the kids will see all this on the Internet is ludicrous. There is so many tons of crap about Kate out there I doubt a simple picture of one of them with a dog, partially obscured, will even be noticed.


canadianmom said...

Starz22 -16

Holy crap! The guy sued his wife because he thought their kid was too ugly??? AND WON? Ok, now I've heard it all...

Mel said...

I don't think the Liz pics were a big deal, but I still kind of wish she hadn't posted them. It just provides unnecessary fodder.

It must be incredibly frustrating to have to deal with Kate's lies, but I do wish that Liz and Jon would never put anything out there about those poor kids. The kids must cringe whenever they see a camera cuz they can't trust that the photo isn't going to be shared with the public.

And if it was truly only about Nat'l Pit Bull Day, already a controversial topic by itself, why not a pic of one of
Liz's children instead?

If Liz's kids' photos are set to private, the Gosselin kids should be even MORE private, since they aren't even her kids.
I don't get why one would never post public photos of your own kids, but then post public photos of someone else's kids. You wouldn't.

IMO, this was an fu to Kate. A subtle way of saying that Jon has the kids, they're happy with him.

While it is a tempting thing to do, I still wish Liz had taken the high road and not done it.
IMO, the best fu they can give to Kate is to never comment publicly about anything to do with anything. Anything they say only gives that fame 'ho attention. Why indulge her?

aggiemom09121416 said...

Remember the ugly email Kate sent Jon way back in 2006 while they were still married? She was bitching him out about how he didn't do enough around the house and if he didn't comply he would be miserable?
Fast forward to now....he outed their marriage as a sham, which in turn ruined her chances of her cookbook and clothing line, then later on he said no more filming....then the show was canceled...then her show without Jon sputtered and died a quick death...
now he has 50/50 custody, she doesn't have his 22,500 a MONTH coming in tax free in child support.
Liz has said on twitter Kate treats her and her kids worse than 'filth', she has reached out to Kate to be friends and has been rudely rebuffed.

Now Kate has to see pics of HER (they *are* only hers, right??) kids on twitter taken by another woman! Can you imagine the profanity and wrath that ensued when she got wind of the pictures?? I bet she reamed Jon so bad he couldn't sit down for a week!
I am sure she blames Jon for everything bad that has happened. EVERYTHING.

Sue Buddy said...

New article:

Kate Gosselin-Sitting In Her Nowhere Land

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Sue Buddy, that was one of your best. Thanks for putting it so succinctly.

Jo said...

Great article, Sue Buddy. You said it all.

aggiemom09121416 said...


great article.
I think one of her truest words Kate ever spoke were these:
"I just don't get it."

FYI said...

Fantastic article, Sue. You've outdone yourself! Perfect analogy with the song "Nowhere Man". Also, brings to mind the Beatles song "The Fool on the Hill".

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Excellent article, Sue Buddy!

Dmasy said...

Sue Buddy said, "...ignore it all and wrap yourself in the tatters of the fluke of your short “career” ...

Perfectly stated. Tatters. Fluke.

She still thinks she is the famous Kate Gosselin with 1st class accommodations in all aspects of life. She is so clueless that she does not realize she is a less than a mediocre Midwest divorced woman with an over-priced home and some average-sweet children.

She had a "fluke" chance for fame (and fortune). She used her enormous ego and short-sighted business sense to make fatal decisions.

"Tatters" -- she is hanging on by a thread.

Sw very well said, Sue Buddy.

Sue Buddy said...

Peper Plates (funny name :)),Jo, aggiemom, Kate is a twit, LovemyGrandsons, thank you very much.

Kate is a twit, that is a perfect song for Kate, "The Fool on the Hill."

I see Kate just tweeted that Jon has to "settle with the elec co." so he and tups are staying with friends of Jon's. How utterly callous.

FYI said...

Well, it's "Let's throw Jon(and Liz) under the bus Day".

First, she retweets articles that someone tweeted her about pit bulls attacking children.

Then, after someone asks her what she is doing today, she tweets:

@xxxx just sent my littles 2 a friend of their dads w him (til he settles w electric co) &now c/m & I have lots of things planned :)

She just had to mention that Jon has a problem with the electric company? Was that really necessary, Kate? All the person asked was what SHE was doing today, not what the kids were doing, not what Jon was doing.

At least she admitted that the tups are with their dad.

Mel said...

This was the title of a different article at Kate Gosselin's Kids Photographed with Dad's Girlfriend's Pit Bulls

Um....aren't they Jon's kids, too? Why wouldn't the title say "Jon Gosselin's kids photographed with girlfriend's pit bulls?" Talk about a biased headline!

How about this headline: "Jon Gosselin's kids exploited by their mom....again." Or "Jon Gosselin's kids beaten by their own mother." "Jon Gosselin's kids' mother abuses the family dogs."

Was it pit bulls, plural? Looked like a single dog to me.

aggiemom09121416 said...

just sent my littles 2 a friend of their dads w him(til he settles w electric co) &now c/m & I have lots of things planned :)

uh. what? anyone care to elaborate Kate speak? Is she saying he doesn't have power or that he didn't pay his ele bill?
She really is a bitch isn't she.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

I can' believe she tweeted that about Jon and the electric company (well, yes I can). No matter what the issue is, it is NOT her place to tweet about Jon's business. Again she has crossed the line of decency in her never-ending need to bash Jon and try to publicly humiliate him. ~ Administrator said...

just sent my littles 2 a friend of their dads w him(til he settles w electric co) &now c/m & I have lots of things planned :)


Forgive me but are you f-ing kidding me.

readerlady said...

Another great article, Sue Buddy. You always manage to come up with just the right words to nail her hide to the wall. Please don't ever stop.

Not everyone is able to evacuate in an emergency. As other posters noted, finances, health and transportation are all factors. There's also another group of people who can't evacuate. The essential personnel -- first responders, nurses and doctors, veterinary personnel and shelter staffs, volunteer rescue workers. Unfortunately, they are also not immune to injury or death during the crisis. One of the casualties of Sandy was a firefighter, who was killed by tree limb that fell on his truck. I want to say it was in New Hampshire, but I'm not sure of that. God bless the ones who stay to help. ~ Administrator said...

First, she retweets articles that someone tweeted her about pit bulls attacking children.


She's a passive aggressive immature little brat, period. Why doesn't she call Jon and Liz up if she has a problem with this? How about call her lawyer, go to the judge. (By the way she would get no where.) She is a fool and a half and a parental alienator.

How about someone passive aggressively sends her articles about the dangers of German Shepherds? Would she like that?

aggiemom09121416 said...

Regarding her outing him on the ele bill, Jon needs to call his atty and use Kate's favorite words:
"Can we sue?"

OrangeCrusher said...

I think he may not have power, she wants her twitter word to think he has not paid his electric bill. Doubt she knows the difference. What a total bitch.

Aother fine example of parental alienation.

Brava Sue Buddy.

Oh so happy she has lots planned for her bff twins. ~ Administrator said...

What do you wanna bet "settles" with electric company just means he's had some power on and off since the storm due to weather. And not what it IMPLIES that there are bills to be paid. She is evil like that.

FYI said...

For one thing-where was it ever said that Jon was having trouble with the electric company? That's what Kate's enablers assumed when Liz tweeted a picture of Jon and said:

Liz jannetta‏@LJisGaia
We've got this rare still and silent night together. No footsteps nor electric. Hot Tea and candles and a ne

All of them jumped to conclusions that the electric company turned of Jon's power. It could have just meant they decided to forgo electronic items for the night. Now, they may not have power because of Sandy.

Sue Buddy said...

Dmasy, thank you so much for your insightful comments.

Readerlady, thanks. Kate's behavior is becoming more outrageous. Her tweet about Jon this am is unbelievable. I'll probably not be going far considering.

Formerly Duped said...

Sue Buddy:

Perfect, and echoed much of what I was thinking and no doubt others here. Loved this line:

'You have chosen to ignore it all and wrap yourself in the tatters of the fluke of your short “career” retweeting insignificant platitudes and calling that positive thinking.' ~ Administrator said...

I think I'm going to afford myself a little bow here because like three years ago I called this woman what she is, a parental alienator. I don't recall that term being used before for her.

Some people hadn't heard of this new buzzword and I did several posts on it until the concept of what this is became common knowledge.

I like when people use it when it happens because that's exactly what this is.

Blowing In The Wind said...

@Kateplusmy8 Kate..U have every rt 2b concerned! U always want 2know who Ur kids R around N terms of people & strange dogs, etc.


Since Milo is on such intimate terms with Kate and knows everything that there is to know, someone should ask her if the crew members all had background checks, since they were left alone filming the kids naked and on the potty.

I bet Milo had very sweet dreams last night!

Dmasy said...

There is just one word missing in her slimy text...she forgot to say that c/m & I have lots of FUN things planned.

I don't think Jon is a saint. But, I think he has tremendous restraint.

He should have an arsenal of nasty facts to release regarding Kate. He hasn't. Just an example -- surely there is some low-life magazine that would gladly pay for a copy of her hospital bill for the "better bra". He could pay his electric bill with the proceeds of Kate's secrets for sale.

He hasn't done that -- and, all the better for him that he hasn't.

She took an embarrassing jab at him. Says everything about her and less about him. ~ Administrator said...

I'll tell you what annoys me- and I know you didnt ask- it's people (and Kate especially) acting like this saga is some super-secret case- and top players involved have to have hidden identities or 'be insiders' and have 'privileged information' .


LOL exactly. They act like she's just so darn IMPORTANT that someone would have to have some big government secret about her.

Newsflash, there is no big darn secret, she's not that important, there is nothing to hide, and calling it a "source" really places too much importance on the entire thing--how about, a little bird told us.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Admin, I sincerely mean no disrespect, just voicing my opinion. When someone brings up pit bulls, you have been countering with German Shepards. We had to put our shepard down in March and he was one of the best dogs we ever had. I know you don't have anything against German Shepards and are just using that breed to make a point, but every time I read a comment like that, it just bothers me alittle. I guess I'm still feeling the loss of Cody.

Okay, just had to say it. I'm sorry and please know that I meant no offense whatsoever. ~ Administrator said...

N terms of people & strange dogs, etc.


Strange dogs? How is a dog strange if you've been around them all the time?

Strange people? Like the crew? The one that clearly was rotating in and out per Kate's OWN JOURNALS? ~ Administrator said...

I know you don't have anything against German Shepards and are just using that breed to make a point, but every time I read a comment like that, it just bothers me alittle. I guess I'm still feeling the loss of Cody.


I'm so sorry :(

I LOVE German Shepherds. I even went to a K-9 show a few weeks ago that featured mostly German Shepherds.

When the sheeple try to point out pit bulls are "dangerous" I'm merely trying to say how uninformed and hypocritical they are and that if they are going to complain about Liz's dog (which is ludicrous) they should complain about Shoka too, who is statistically slightly more dangerous (which would also be ludicrous.) In short, I'm saying they're stupid. :)

I don't think EITHER dog is dangerous and I don't think EITHER dog should not be around the kids.

Call Me Crazy said...

JoyinVirginia said... 29

OT about Hurricane Sandy. It is terrible about the destruction in NJ, NY, and the loss of life. Watching the coverage of the aftermath and hearing about people who died just makes me wonder. Did the people who did not evacuate NOT watch TV? Did they not see satellite pictures of how huge this storm was?

Hi Joy. I know it seems incredibly irresponsible for people to have not evacuated, given all the forewarning and reports, but there are many reasons why people choose to stay with their homes.

Some simply had nowhere to go. This storm was so far-reaching that, even if they had the resources, they couldn't just travel to the next state over to be safe, because the next state over wasn't safe either.

Some simply couldn't afford to go anywhere. People who had enough money and transportation could go to motels to get out of harm's way, but many people who were affected by this storm lived in areas where they did not have that option. There were shelters set up in Atlantic City, but those ended up being unsafe as well.

Some elderly people need assistance or are more afraid of leaving their homes, and possibly their beloved pets, than staying.

Some were in areas that were supposedly safe, and not announced to be at great risk.

Some understood the dangers, but stayed to protect whatever property they might have left if they got hit hard.

Even now, on Staten Island, people whose homes have been completely destroyed are staying put on their properties, amidst the rubble, because they want to salvage and protect what little they have left.

It is all so very complicated...and so very sad.

Blowing In The Wind said...

What do you wanna bet "settles" with electric company just means he's had some power on and off since the storm due to weather. And not what it IMPLIES that there are bills to be paid. She is evil like that.


It's nobody's business! Why in the world would she even mention it? There really is something wrong with her. I don't know if it's a lack of intelligence, social skills, behavior issues, or what it is. She can't stop doing this. It's like she wants to put out fodder for the sheeple to run with, speculating that he didn't pay his electric bill. She's not bashing Jon directly...she's just laying the groundwork for the sheeple to do it so she can sit back and laugh.

Not only is she nuts...she's nasty and conniving.

Sue Buddy -- great article. Now that song is going through my head! You write so well. It's succinct and says exactly what needs to be said.

Sue Buddy said...

Orange Crusher and Formerly Duped, thanks so much for reading.

I'm so annoyed with that woman right now. I'm going to walk my dear dog and breathe some fresh air and mingle with the good people I see along the way.

Dmasy said...

Administrator, I am one of those people who had not heard the term "parental alienator". (And, I went through a divorce with a child involved -- back in the stone ages.) I guess I learned the fullest definition of the phrase here.

Sad to say....

Blowing In The Wind said...

Newsflash, there is no big darn secret, she's not that important, there is nothing to hide, and calling it a "source" really places too much importance on the entire thing--how about, a little bird told us.


Yes, but don't you wonder what else Robert knows about her? :)

Michelle said...

DH is a mailman and over the past 20 years has had no bad experiences with pitbulls. The ones on his routes have been some of the sweetest dogs he's encountered. They'll come running right up and flop down for a belly rub he says.

DH has only been bitten once in his career, by a 10 pound terror! DH and his co-workers all agree that the smaller they are, the more aggressive they tend to be. Granted if they rip into your leg, the damage won't be as severe, but they are far, far more likely to rip into your leg in their opinions.

I just hate to see negative generalizations of breeds as a whole, but wouldn't expect any less from Kate and her brain trust of tweeties.

aggiemom09121416 said...

As far as why people don't evacuate, I'd like to add to my earlier post.
Unfortunately, there are some people that just get a thrill out of riding it out.
Some people just like bragging rights that they 'rode it out'.

FYI said...

@Kateplusmy8 Kate..U have every rt 2b concerned! U always want 2know who Ur kids R around N terms of people & strange dogs, etc.

How concerned was Kate when she met a complete stranger in CT and let her kids sit on her lap, and play with them? Was it okay because Kate "knew" her just like she "knows" Milo--throught a twitter account.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Oh, Admin, thank you, but there was no need to apologize. I know what you meant. It's just me still feeling the loss, I guess.

I agree that the problem with most dogs that have issues are because of the owners not loving them, training them, and spending time with them. ~ Administrator said...

I guess it's more honorable to perhaps film something like Wife Swamp with an ex-Playboy girlfriend because hey, at least you can keep your electric paid.


Oh and whatever the reasons, be it just mother nature or some other issue like maybe someone has been too busy with their kids and Halloween and making sure they are happy and relaxed that they forgot? It happens....whatever the reasons, it's despicable to use it to paint him as a dead beat dad. Kate didn't YOU have an issue settling up a water bill a long time ago? Guess what, disputes happen even to people who aren't deadbeats. I once typed in the wrong routing number to pay a bill and they didn't tell me it didn't go through, I was very busy that week and wasn't checking to be sure it did, and all of a sudden I got slapped with some late fees. So yeah, there was a dispute, and it was an innocent mistake, and I fixed it, so F-OFF. Maybe he's disputing a charge, WHO KNOWS but I do know she had absolutely no right to tweet that about ANYONE but her own electric bill. "She's Come Undone" has the right user name right now. Or maybe she's come UNGLUED. ~ Administrator said...

1) Big storm, Hurricane Sandy. Kate dubs it "SuperFunSandy." Laments eating ice cream and says "Sandy" isn't good for her figure.

2) Kate canonized by fans for keeping children occupied during storm. Fans will be erecting statues in her likeness throughout country and declaring a national holiday in her honor.

2) Thousands homeless, death toll rising. Kate celebrates her hair salon reopening:

RT @JasonBacke Yesssss! @tedgibson tedgibson BACK IN BUSINESS!!!!!! #sandy @ Ted Gibson Salon HALLELUJAH! So happy!

3) Kate's non fans call her stunningly self-centered and thoughtless, lacking empathy. Fans pretend they didn't see her blatant tweet of sheer callousness.


And all this only over the course of like five days. And Mandy was wondering why Jon makes up only 2% of the discussions. Well because then there would be no room to discuss this crap??

Great Cliff Notes version Sue, lol.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

I am one of those who have negative feelings about pit bulls, and I wish I didn't. Our son and his wife adopted a pb mix puppy from a shelter, trained him and that dog is the sweetest thing, actually a bit of a scaredy cat really. He's very gentle with their 2 year old and the young cousins, but I am vigilant with any kids around dogs.

Liz's tweet implies power loss due to hurricane, K8 is obviously seizing what she thinks is the opportunity to implie they have not paid a bill. Her grasping at this is pathetic desperation IMHO. It must kill her when her tups come home happily relaxed from a normal day with dad and Liz. And she probably takes C&M out to buy them "things" when she just has the two. Interesting that she never seems to have the tup girls or tup boys alone for any period of time. She really isn't interested in them, especially the icky boys. C&M have become, in her twisted mom mind, her peers, her buds, her pals. Give that 2 years.

Formerly Duped said...

Sue Buddy:

That's exactly what I did! It's nice and crisp but sunny here, and I love taking my dog out. we chatted with a few neighbors as people are starting to get back to normal, cleaning up yards etc. Going to get more lawn bags soon...


Our mailman brings milkbones with the mail to all houses with a dog. I often replenish his supply in my dog's name. I say 'You've got mail!" to her, and she loves mail trucks now. I heard though, that this practice was frowned upon, in case dogs chase a truck hoping for a treat and into the road. But for us, it's a thoughtful thing, and we love our mail carrier- same one on the route for 17 years

FYI said...

I wouldn't be surprised if Kate is now reading Liz's twitter feed, and saw all the tweets to Liz from her enablers. After Liz's tweet about "no electric" they started making fun of Jon not paying his electric bill--in fact, they're still doing it. Now she's doing the same thing--she tweets to feed their frenzy. ~ Administrator said...

No to mention, how utterly insensitive and arrogant about those who HAVE had legitimate problems paying bills. Like maybe her sheeple?

Guess what, some Americans work very hard, do the best they can and STILL can't make ends meet because it's tough out there. I don't think they are deadbeats, I don't think they are losers, I don't think they are not doing everything they can to fix the situation, I just think they have it TOUGH because things are tough. They need our support not our parental alienation.

How DARE she embarrass anyone, much less her children's father, over such a thing. How dare she.

One of these days when the ex-Playboy girlfriend reality t.v. gigs truly dry up and suddenly it's her electric bill that's an issue, would she want someone to do that to her? She wouldn't and she knows it. ~ Administrator said...

Oh and one last thing Kate.

Most mothers would sit in the dark every day for the rest of their lives than PIMP OUT THEIR KIDS to pay their bills.

Have a gr8t DAY!

Anonymous said...

If you really care about the kids who are in your care and custody, it wouldn't matter what it "appears" to be in the eye of the public or that you be given "credit" for taking care of them and acting as a mother figure. JMO

Posting pictures of the Gosselin kids for public consumption is a violation of their privacy - it doesn't matter who is doing it. And to do so just to prove that you are taking care of them seems pretty small minded.


Formerly Duped said...

What a nasty tweet! It's typical Kate- could mean Jon lost power, so 'settling' is waiting for service to return as many of us had to, or...she leaves that open. Her 'littles' gone to a friend of his? Not sure how to interpret that in Kate-speak. And I agree with whoever said the tups are rarely seen or reported to be out with Kate. She begs the mob scene' excuse but I think she's just too lazy.

AuntieAnn said...

Sue Buddy said... 32

Kate is a twit said... 28

Sue-great recap! But you forgot one.

5) Kate declares her love for Milo-

In the name of everything that is holy I do believe Kate and her few troubled fans have gone around the bend before our very eyes.


I think you're one hundred percent correct. I predict they will now, like rats, start chewing each other's heads off.

Kate's asininity is quickly metastasizing. It will all be over soon.

Great article too, Sue Buddy. Very well said. I feel and share your anger at that woman.

Michelle said...

Formerly Duped - DH carries Milk Bones too! It is frowned upon, but being buddies with the dogs on the route is much more effective than spraying that horrible dog spray at them. In 20 years, DH has never had to spray a dog (even the 10 pound terror!).

Since our 16 year old terrier passed away last year, DH really looks forward to seeing the dogs on his route. He's not ready to get another dog yet and those dogs that look forward to his arrival every day help fill the dog void.

Anonymous said...

As for people thinking its okay to show the pictures of the kids to prove that Kate is a liar, Kate does a good job over and over again on Twitter of showing what a lyin, vindictive and self centered person she is.


A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Oh Sue (Buddy)- thank you so much for writing "Kate Gosselin-Sitting In Her Nowhere Land".

I am so disgusted with Kate. I just cannot stomach her anymore.

I used to think that there was hope for Kate to change her selfish, boorish ways.

Not so much anymore. ~ Administrator said...

As for people thinking its okay to show the pictures of the kids to prove that Kate is a liar, Kate does a good job over and over again on Twitter of showing what a lyin, vindictive and self centered person she is.



I think there is a difference between saying it's okay, and saying you understand it. A big difference.

In any case all of this seems rather silly compared to Kate's shenanigans this morning. She even seeks to disrupt a calm, relaxing, quiet time with Jon and a dog they adore, she's that much of a parental alienator.

Mel said...

Hmmmm....who's the better person here?

Jon, who publicly said Kate is a mom, they get along great now.

Or, Kate, who feels free to tweet whatever personal issues Jon might be having to the world?

No, I'm not giving Jon an untarnished halo, but in light of his restraint in not publicly bashing Kate and not pimping the kids for his own good, I may give him a tarnished one!

FYI said...

I'm sure Kate knows that ROL follows her tweets. So is she hoping that there will now be a story about Jon having no electricity, and how Kate is concerned about her kids being around a pit bull titled "Kate Gosselin Concerned for Her Children"?

Every time I refresh this page, I want to smack that picture of her at the top.

wayward said...

Remona Blue said... 185 (Administrator) said... 182
''I think part of this, frankly, has less to do with anyone having a serious problem with a couple blurry pics posted, but rather with the sheeple wanting to distract and get rid of the fact that these kids look happy, relaxed and are WITH their father when Kate acted like they were with her, a man they like to pretend has passed away.''
I agree. Milo almost stroked out, and more than a couple of KK's fans had no problem trying to bully Liz.

I think this is it in a nutshell.

When Kate posted a full leg shot of her pre-teen daughter wearing 5 inch heels, the sheeple (incorrectly) claimed that pic was wholesome, adorable and perfectly appropriate.

Liz posts a picture that ACTUALLY WAS wholesome, adorable and perfectly appropriate by all standards, they go ballistic. The only reason being is that photos like this inch towards outting the 50/50 custody arrangement. They looooove believing the complete fabrication that their martyr Qween Kate relieved Jon of child support, but he still only gets them two weekends a month. Since they claim to be such intrepid detectives, I'm sure some of them have checked into the legalities of this or maybe even called a PA DR office. I'm sure they didn't care for the results of that "research" or they would have been bleating about their findings.

What I don't understand is why the secrets and lies? Obviously, Kate has managed to have to 50/50 gagged. Why? Why is it that Jon has to remain silent about the 50/50 and no one is allowed to talk about Shoka, but Kate has been allowed to freely go on TV and lie about and trash Jon? The only thing I can think of is that she wasn't supposed to do these things but her only consequence was a fine. Although I have always felt like the judge in their case was kind of a tool, I also feel a little sorry for him. He might actually have to sit there and issue gag orders to protect the sham that is Kate's image. All so Kate might try to squeeze a few more bucks off that fake image.

SPECULATION, ONLY SPECULATION: As I said last week, I believe that Kate agreed to the 50/50 only if Jon would relent to let the kids be filmed again in some capacity. I have sneaking suspicions that the People article in June was part of the deal too, he had to allude that he might allow filming again, he apologized to Kate and may or may not have actually said she was a good mom. I'm sure he would have rather eaten live scorpions than have to do this, if this was the case. I've not always been his biggest fan, but I truly believe he knows he made his bed and he has to lie in it for a lot of years. He is putting the kids and their well-being first, whereas Kate ALWAYS puts Kate first, her children are merely just bargaining chips to her. I'm sure the kids are so much happier spending half their time with their Dad, not always having to be with Kate and her 90 personalities and moods, or with the nanny of the week. ~ Administrator said...

If there's still power issues she COULD be the bigger person, leave the house for the afternoon to go get her hair fried or manicures with the twins or something, and let Jon come over to the house and hang out with them.

Nah, that would be too big of her.

Why would the Tups go to a family friend and not just back to her when there are power issues? That makes no sense at all. So, if it's his custodial time she doesn't want them even if he is having a problem as serious is that, is that what this is? It's his problem to deal with where they will go while power is restored?

What's Next? said...

Personally I love the pictures because they are candid and spontaneous and not staged. The children's faces are not identifiable and anyone not following this saga would not have a clue as to the who the child is. Then it becomes even more reduced by the number of people likely to access Liz's photo and you have an extremely small percentage of the population who would 1) see the picture and 2) know the identity of the child in the picture. Then also factor in that the majority of the US population are focusing their attention on the upcoming Presidential election and the aftermath of Sandy and this is really just a teeny tiny microscopic blip on the radar of the general population. It falls under the category of the small stuff in comparison of everything else is that going on currently. ~ Administrator said...

Kate is a twit said... 96
I'm sure Kate knows that ROL follows her tweets. So is she hoping that there will now be a story about Jon having no electricity, and how Kate is concerned about her kids being around a pit bull titled "Kate Gosselin Concerned for Her Children"?


Kate is a Twit might I suggest one word that would say everything you just said and save you time too? DIABOLICAL.

Mel said...

If posting pics of the Gosselin kids wasn't invading their privacy, after this morning's tweet from Kate, I'd say, Liz....have at it!!
But it IS invading their privacy. So she shouldn't.

I can just hear it now. Kate saying, what? innocent little me? I didn't mean anything *bad*, I just meant the power was out. Y'all know that.

Yeah, sure we do. What a bad mom.

FYI said...

I think the "friend" she referred to is probably Liz.

And I totally believe that Kate is "just jellus" of the kids relationship with Liz, her kids and her dog.

It's also funny that we've been talking recently(as late as yesterday) about how Kate never mentions the kids going to Jon's, and then today she finally mentions it. Same as how we've been talking about Shoka, and she finally after all this time tweets a picture(albeit an old one).

She's loving every minute of this-sticking it to Jon,Liz and the "haterz", while watching her enablers fall all over themselves supporting her.

AuntieAnn said...

@xxxx just sent my littles 2 a friend of their dads w him (til he settles w electric co) &now c/m & I have lots of things planned :)
She sent them there? Sent?

No no no Kate. You share custody of the kids with their father. You don't send them anywhere, Ms Pondscum.

Anonymous said... (Administrator) said... 11
It kind of begs the point that Jon can't seem to do anything right.

He was called a wimp and pushover and worse for not standing up to Kate during the marriage. When he does stand up to Kate's crap (if that is what happened) then oh no how dare he he should keep his mouth shut!

So which is it, should he keep his mouth shut or stand up to her? Because clearly either one draws criticism.


Your position is predicated on the false premise that having his girlfriend tweet a pic of one of the kids was the only way he could "stand up to her." If he indeed was behind it, he is using his children in a passive aggressive game and that is not okay. He could "stand up to her" by releasing a brief statement about his custody arrangement, if in fact it is 50/50. Playing games in Twitter is not his only option.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

Kate is a twit said... 96
I'm sure Kate knows that ROL follows her tweets. So is she hoping that there will now be a story about Jon having no electricity, and how Kate is concerned about her kids being around a pit bull titled "Kate Gosselin Concerned for Her Children"?


She knows that Jon has taken the high road and hasn't said anything about anything. I wonder if she is baiting him, taunting him to respond to this so she can do public battle with him, get herself on television to once again set the record straight. I wouldn't put it past her to pull a stunt like that.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

“@Kateplusmy8 just sent my littles 2 a friend of their dads w him(til he settles w electric co)


"til he settles w electric co"- WTH choice of words, huh?

They've been divorced for a while, and she's still a bitter hag.

She respects no one, and deserves respect from no one.

Mel said...

What if Kate had said, "Oh, Jon. I'm sorry. Why don't I go to a hotel for the weekend and you guys all come over here?"

Then she could have tweeted that's what she was doing, without saying why (she's respecting Jon's privacy, you know), and she'd be a hero in some people's eyes. ROL could do a story about what a martyr she is, she could go on TV shows to spout about she is such a good mom that she gave her HER OWN HOUSE to the ex for the weekend.

That woman has ABSOLUTELY no sense in how to spin this into publicity for herself, does she.

Anonymous said...

Her latest tweet re Jon is vile. She really is an empty shell.

bm ~ Administrator said...

Mel, I think the ladies on this blog could have made a FORTUNE rehabbing Kate's image. If she did half the things we suggested she would be a saint. ~ Administrator said...

And I totally believe that Kate is "just jellus" of the kids relationship with Liz, her kids and her dog.


Well that's painfully obvious. Kate doesn't have pictures of the children like this. Or film for that matter. She simply doesn't have them. That is making her very bitter. She will never see this in a healthy manner, as in, hey, the more positive people around my kids the better. The more people to encourage them to be happy and relaxed and loved the better. She sees it as a competition.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

He could "stand up to her" by releasing a brief statement about his custody arrangement, if in fact it is 50/50.


Why? He doesn't owe anyone an explanation about anything. Kate makes her business public, but that doesn't mean that he needs to do this. He's damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't. People want him to make a statement about the dog, but not about anything concerning the kids. It's like selective speech. He's called out if he says something or kids' pictures are posted, but he's criticized if he doesn't make statements about something that people want to hear, like the dog's whereabouts or the split custody.

Kate tells all -- her fans believe that she owes it to them. If non-fans demand to know certain aspects of his life, then we are no better than the sheeple who believe they have a right to have insight into certain aspects of his life that should remain private.

Sweet Tart said...

Agree with She's come undone ~ 2 pics w/faces semi obscured, posted on Liz' twitter feed, are unlikely to make the Gosselin children lose trust in Jon or suddenly feel exploited. Consider the extended exploitation by their gestational carrier and TLC.

None of us can say with certainty why Liz posted those pics. Most here are specifically saying their opinions are based on speculation. Some however have jumped from speculation into accusing Liz of exploitation to pettiness to being a bad potential stepmom. Wow. All because of two rather sweet pics. ~ Administrator said...

There was nothing wrong with Kate's tweet if there is nothing wrong with Liz's pictures.


I guess you missed the part where the vast majority of posters, including ME, said she shouldn't be posting those pics. That there WAS something wrong with it. Your red flag is your reading comprehension.

And to compare a simple, adorable photo of a child you can't even recognize to outing someone's problems with an electric bill is absurd. The pic was of the kids, not outing something Kate did or didn't do.

Mel said...

You see that drop-down at the bottom of the comment section?
Click on the down arrow. Choices come up.
Choose "Name/Url".
Put in a name, using the same one every time.
Leave URL blank.
Click "Continue".
Click "Publish".

See how easy that is? Hmmm. If you're not using it, I really have to wonder why not.

Is that you, Kate? Hi!!!! Done any dog-beating lately? Or is it Steve/FufK?

Anonymous said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 113
He could "stand up to her" by releasing a brief statement about his custody arrangement, if in fact it is 50/50.


Why? He doesn't owe anyone an explanation about anything. Kate makes her business public, but that doesn't mean that he needs to do this. He's damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't. People want him to make a statement about the dog, but not about anything concerning the kids. It's like selective speech. He's called out if he says something or kids' pictures are posted, but he's criticized if he doesn't make statements about something that people want to hear, like the dog's whereabouts or the split custody.

Kate tells all -- her fans believe that she owes it to them. If non-fans demand to know certain aspects of his life, then we are no better than the sheeple who believe they have a right to have insight into certain aspects of his life that should remain private.


I didn't say he owes anybody an explanation. What I said, and will reiterate so you get it, is that there are other ways to "stand up" to his ex-wife other than passive-aggressive game playing on Twitter, if in fact that is what is going on. If the purpose of the picture was to "prove" that he has the kids more often than Kate implies, that could be accomplished in a different manner. ~ Administrator said...

Oh I'm sorry isn't there a court of law set up to protect children? And CPS? The family court judge, the lawyers? They aren't capable of handling Kate's complaints? Or maybe she has complained and they've told her too bad so sad. Clearly both parents are still around these kids.

I didn't realize Twitter was family law court.

Anonymous said...

Angela, Kate didn't say that Jon didn't pay his bill. She said he needed to settle with the electric company. Could mean that he is waiting to get his power back on due to the storm. Kate likes to play word games to get shit stirred up on ROL. She likes to see her name in the headlines and she hasn't gotten much of that lately. She is after all a fading reality show bottom feeder. You have to ask yourself why someone would insinuate something like that on twitter, especially about the father of your children. It is a very small mind that thinks like that. No matter what Jon is, he is a saint compared to Kate. Jon would never say something like that about Kate.


LoveMyGrandsons said...

Admin, glad you banned Angela, but you know she will probably pop up with a different name.

Why is it that every single time Kate tweets something incredibly stupid and insensitive, the crazies come here and attack us and Admin? And they do it using the most ridiculous arguments and yet always avoid the real subject. ~ Administrator said...

13. Other reality T.V. kids shows: The Duggars, Dance Moms, The Dionnes, The Farmer's Wife, Real Housewives, Sister Wives

Mary said...

I don't know exactly where Jon is living right now and who he has as his electric company. I believe there are 2 in Berks County. The majority of Berks is serviced by Met Ed. In our local paper this morning they state that as of 11:00 pm last night Met Ed still had over 5,000 people without power. John could be one of those.

Regardless, her tweet was disgusting. Once again she played with words so that it could be taken in different ways. That way when the truth comes out she can always cover herself and say people misunderstood what she said.

Sweet Tart said...

Several years ago, Jon Gosselin was on a reality tv show. Since the end of his marriage and an ill chosen foray into cahing in on his celebrity, he returned to life as a private citizen. As such, his business is just that - his. Angela, Jon doesn't need to share his private business with you or anyone. It's a bit disturbing that you claim knowledge about his utility bills. Have you been digging into his life? How would you feel if strangers started digging into your business?

The difference between Jon and Kate are many. One is that Kate still seeks the limelight while Jon seeks the privacy and peace of a normal private life. ~ Administrator said...

Vanessa said...

Jon HAD an effing job!! The SAME effing job KHATE HAD!! You know the one where Kate scammed him out of his fare effing share?? The same job that has allowed that bitch to sit on her ass while at the same time living like the queen.she thinks she is?
And even IF it were true that he had his electricity shut off, it's all BECAUSE OF KHATE AND TLC

Anonymous said...

Haha . . . Kate pays her bills all of the time. That's why she got sued by her marriage counselor. Nonpayment of bill.


PatK said...

I do give kudos to Angela for keeping the same name for over 12 hours.

As far as this electricity hoopla, I'm going to admit that Liz never should have put that tweet/pic out there.

However, the results re-affirm that Kate always has been and still is a bitter bitch of the highest order. ~ Administrator said...

Kate owed a water bill and a counseling bill and Hoffman even said she owed a propane bill and no one took to twitter to bash her for it. End of story. ~ Administrator said...

I repeat, I will sit in the dark for a hundred years rather than to leave them with Kendra Wilkinson so I can pay an electric bill.


Fleecing The Sheeple said...

What I said, and will reiterate so you get it, is that there are other ways to "stand up" to his ex-wife other than passive-aggressive game playing on Twitter,


You don't need to reiterate it. I got it. It was quite clear in your sentence...

"He could "stand up to her" by releasing a brief statement about his custody arrangement, if in fact it is 50/50."

That's pretty darn clear. He could release a statement. Period. Where should he do this? On twitter? On ROL? In the NE or the Star? Should his attorney send out a press release? How about the family court judge? Would it be believed, or would the fans demand documented proof?

My opinion is that there is no reason for him to release anything because he doesn't owe anyone an explanation. I have no idea why the photos of the dog were posted and to offer an explanation of it being a manifestation of passive-aggressive behavior would be nothing more than speculation. We can go through all the "ifs" and "whys" we want, but the bottom line is that they were posted and we will never know the reason, or whether Kate sanctioned it (unless she plays one of her sneaky games and throws it in a tweet somewhere).

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what Jon owes or doesn't owe or how much money Kate and Jon have. Jon is a richer person by far than Kate. Jon has friends and family and children who love and care about him. Kate . . . not so much. She is turning into a bitter, vindictive person who is as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside. I shudder to think of what she will be like in 10 years.


Anonymous said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 128

You don't need to reiterate it. I got it. It was quite clear in your sentence...

"He could "stand up to her" by releasing a brief statement about his custody arrangement, if in fact it is 50/50."

That's pretty darn clear. He could release a statement. Period. Where should he do this? On twitter? On ROL? In the NE or the Star? Should his attorney send out a press release? How about the family court judge? Would it be believed, or would the fans demand documented proof?

My opinion is that there is no reason for him to release anything because he doesn't owe anyone an explanation. I have no idea why the photos of the dog were posted and to offer an explanation of it being a manifestation of passive-aggressive behavior would be nothing more than speculation. We can go through all the "ifs" and "whys" we want, but the bottom line is that they were posted and we will never know the reason, or whether Kate sanctioned it (unless she plays one of her sneaky games and throws it in a tweet somewhere).


If you don't like the speculation, perhaps you should take that up with the blog's administrator, who chose to lay out possible explanations for why Liz tweeted the picture. I didn't initiate the discussion.

wayward said...

LoveMyGrandsons said... 118
Angela, I have to ask: how do you know that Jon didn't pay his electric bill? Does the power company have a website that lists customers that are behind in payments? Or did Jon call you and tell you that himself?

Exactly, LMG. Kate is not exactly the shining beacon of truth. If Jon was accusing Kate of something like this, the sheeple would laugh and say PROOF?! WHERE'S THE PROOF? HE'S LYING!!!! LINK PLEASE!! SOURCE?

Kate hates Jon more than she loves her children. It's worth it to Kate to expose her children to ridicule from their peers by accusing their father of having an unpaid utility bill. It's worth it to her to use her children as pawns in her never ending vendetta against their father. Whatever. This is all on the record for these kids to digest as they get older. Unless she swiffers this immature dig as fast as she did the 4th of July drunk tweet (saying that it was hard on her and the kids for Jon to have extra time with them)

How ironic that the sheeple demand that this blog be shut down because they claim that the content will hurt the kids. Funny, Kate does the same exact thing to her own flesh and blood, by leaving an everlasting trail of contempt and vile hatred for thier father. Video, radio, internet, twitter, she leaves no medium untouched by her black heart.

AuntieAnn said...

PatK said... 125

I do give kudos to Angela for keeping the same name for over 12 hours.

lol!! ~ Administrator said...

LIkely he's just without power and one of the 5,000 especially since he's rural back in the woods and they tend to get to those fast.

Kate knows FULL WELL by using the term "settle up" she is implying he didn't pay his bill. She is a vile bitch and a parental alienator and should be put in a straight jacket. A pink one. ~ Administrator said...

LAST not fast. Anything but fast when you live in the boonies, I learned that one the hard way!

LoveMyGrandsons said...

wayward, before Admin banned her, Angela did a couple more posts. However, she didn't respond to my question in any of them. What a surprise. Lol!

AuntieAnn said... (Administrator) said... 134

Kate knows FULL WELL by using the term "settle up" she is implying he didn't pay his bill. She is a vile bitch and a parental alienator and should be put in a straight jacket. A pink one.

She's also violent AND abusive towards her kids. She shouldn't be around them when she's in this manic state. I fear for them more than ever when she goes into this stage of her illness and refuses medication.

Sheeple would rather win an argument by bashing Jon than urge Kate to surrender herself to treatment.

Over In Kate's County said...

Mary said...

I don't know exactly where Jon is living right now and who he has as his electric company. I believe there are 2 in Berks County. The majority of Berks is serviced by Met Ed. In our local paper this morning they state that as of 11:00 pm last night Met Ed still had over 5,000 people without power. John could be one of those.


I do know where he lives and I know that the area was without power. I haven't heard if it's been restored, but since it was so chilly the past few nights, it was reported that some families have been staying at local motels.

My question is why Kate would even have tweeted about this. Was it because of a power outage or a problem with the bill? Why even mention it other than to cast him in a bad light (pun intended)? I don't understand the word "settles." You don't settle when your power goes out. It comes back on, and life goes on.

Dmasy said...

Just me, I don't think the tweet on 10/25 is proof that Jon didn't pay his bill. I live in the middle of Illinois -- in the country. Hurricane Sandy didn't hit here. 3 times in the last 2 weeks, we have been without power.

Our power bill is paid.

FYI said...

Just another thought--Liz tweeted "no electric" with a picture. However, she did not say where they were. It could even have been at her house and everyone, including us, is assuming it was at Jon's. ~ Administrator said...

My power went out Thursday and I even posted about it, apologized for being late for the drawing of the winners! There was no hurricane. It was 72 degrees. It happens. (Administrator) said... 25
Well we lost power for a few hours but it wasn't because of a hurricane. Something just done broke apparently! So I'll do the drawing in a couple minutes here now that I have internet again.

Anyway the bigger point is it's really no one's business unless the person who has the bill want to share it. She has no right to discuss such things. No one talked about all her unpaid bills--the water, the counseling, until lawsuits or liens were filed and it became public record.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Kate is a parental alienator biotch, her tweet this morning says volumes towards that descriptor.

And nowhere is there any proof that a) Jon Gosselin has not paid his electric bill, an absurd dig given the post hurricane situation in his area ( hi Kate, remember #superfunSandy?) and b) Liz does not have primary custody of her children.

Angela is probably late for her playdate with Kate and the twins.

Buttercup said...


So if you truly are an insider why can't you just say what you know instead of appearing like the cat with the canary in its mouth? You are not protecting national secrets. As Butterfly pointed out its not like the FBI/CIA is going to storm your house. Just spill what you know rather than make sly insinuations regarding how little we know of the truth.

Anonymous said...


Same here. I posted last week about our weekly random power outages. Our bill has always been paid, Though sometimes I wonder why we don't hold some back :) Yes. Yes. Sheeple, I know one only pays for what one uses. But there oughta be a rebate for just for the inconvenience ;)

Power grids are strange things. During a massive ice storm last year,I think(time moves in a funny manner after age 55), Transformers were blowing up creating this eerie blue lightening in the sky. Our side of the street had no power. Across the street only every other house had power. 'Twas so odd.

PS has anyone notice one poster that drops by every now and then is hung up on "passive/aggressive"?

And admin - just how big IS your thumb anyway, you know, the one I am supposedly under?. How do you choose who is under your thumb vs who is up your butt? Is it a favoritism thing or do you rotate us? When can I be a bee in your bonnet?

A toothpick can help get rid of a troll stuck in your craw.

gabby2 said...

Jon has more love and compassion in his finger nail than KK has in her whole body, the only compassion I have seen her express was for herself....poor meeeees. Never changes....."poor miserable me".

That's why she hangs with a married man and that she pays hundreds of thousands of dollars to be at her side.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

If you don't like the speculation, perhaps you should take that up with the blog's administrator, who chose to lay out possible explanations for why Liz tweeted the picture. I didn't initiate the discussion.


I'll reiterate so you get it (your words). I didn't say I didn't "like" speculation. Theories are fine, but the bottom line is that we just don't know why she tweeted the picture. At this point, and unless an explanation is given, it's speculation. There's no need to take it up with anyone.

Dmasy said...

Angela, I am reluctant to encourage you. I think Administrator has been more than patient with your relentless posting.

Buttercup, gave you one good suggestion. May I add another?

Email Administrator directly with your super-secret credentials. Share all the inside info that you are privy to with her. She will then decide the best way to relay the FACTS.

We could then respect your contributions.

AuntieAnn said...

Angel said... 141
But you are completely right. When you're power is out for other than non-payment you don't have to "settle" to get it to come on.

Angela (you forgot the a) Please forward that bit of info to Kate. She's the one who said it. She thinks she's clever with her words, but her command of the english language is very poor and her sneaky little misnomers are horribly transparent. Oh and while you're at it, tell her she should be careful where she disses her children's father. She may think she can get away with it in private but her twitter is public. It could land her in even more hot water. She really is a JACKHOLE.

gabby2 said...

Reason that KK can't let go of Jon, is she's just so miserable. She can't help herself...literally. LOL.

And that idiot Milo person, so full of light and love....but can't help herself, has to attack Jon every chance "they" can. Why? :)

Anonymous said...

@Kateplusmy8 just sent my littles 2 a friend of their dads w him(til he settles w electric co)

Since speculation is such fun, perhaps "a friend of their dads) is RH? bwahahahaha

Totally unnecessary tweet - as is most of her tweets.

Does she refer to the twins as "bigs"?

We could always start the rumor that her time in "twitter jail" was because of her past due cell phone bill. But we're too nice to do that.

AuntieAnn said...

Angela said...1xx

Baa? Ba. Baa aaa baa.
Ba ba ba. Ba babaaaaaaaa. Baaa baaaaaa. Baa aaa. Baaa! Baba. Baaa? (baabaa) Baaaa. Baaaa.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Kiwi #143 - I laughed out loud when I read your questions to Admin! Some of you ladies are so incredibly funny.

Anonymous said...

Angela said... 142 (Administrator) said... 140

Anyway the bigger point is it's really no one's business unless the person who has the bill want to share it. She has no right to discuss such things. No one talked about all her unpaid bills--the water, the counseling, until lawsuits or liens were filed and it became public record.
November 3, 2012 10:29 AM


The bigger point is if Liz can post pictures of Kate's kids to get back at her for something then Kate can tell people on twitter that her kids are at a friends becuase Jon hasn't settled his bill with the electric company.

And the difference is that back then it wasn't Kate's bills it was JON and Kate's bills.

So back then Jon still wasn't able to take care of his family financially, is that what you're saying Admin?
get your facts straight- Liz posted pics of JON'S kids

have a GR8T day!!! ~ Administrator said...

Kiwi I use the Dewey Decimal System to organize my thumbs. Now happy up and have a gr8t day!!!!

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Angela, I'm still waiting for your answer to my question as to how you know that Jon didn't pay his electic bill. Stop changing the subject and going off on others and just answer my question.

All This Is That said...

There's so much that Kate does that is wrong on so many levels, but I have a problem when the non-fans make statements that have no basis in fact:

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Mady, and Cara have plans ? Guess that means the 2 seater again and one of the kids will NOT be in a SEATBELT.

There's no proof that Kate took the kids anywhere in the sports car and not the SUV, and the two-seater does have a seatbelt in the back. Granted, it's a tiny seat, but a backseat passenger does have a seatbelt to use.

If Kate's going to be bashed for anything, and goodness knows there's no shortage of things from which to pick, I would think these people would at least get the facts straight first before they go off and start a whole new condemning campaign over something that's just not true.

FYI said...

"Does she refer to the twins as "bigs"?"

She may--but she's not talking about C & M.

All This Is That said...

"Does she refer to the twins as "bigs"?"

She may--but she's not talking about C & M.


Okay. That's a good one. Post of the Day! :)

SaveThe8FromEvilKate said...

The worst breed ever is the bitch Kate Gosselin.

Dmasy said...

Radar Online picked up the pit bull story. Photo of Kate is MEAN looking. The article doesn't say much, but it is not flattering to Kate.

Paula said...

What is pathetic is Kate and her sheeple who think that they can build up Kate by tearing down Jon. You know what, though? This says more about Kate and the sheeple than it does about Jon. Congrats Kate and sheepl on continuing to prove your are the lowest of the low.

Midnight Madness said...

Angela, I'm still waiting for your answer to my question as to how you know that Jon didn't pay his electic bill. Stop changing the subject and going off on others and just answer my question.


LMG -- she's (or he's) been banned, and I would hope that banned means banned. As tempting as it is, there's no need to feed the trolls, the sharks, or the lost sheep! Let's just send them back to their own bridge, tank, or pasture! ~ Administrator said...

Paula, it's just a cheap way to win an argument. Their father could be the worst father in the world or the best father in the world, it doesn't do a single thing to change what Kate has done.

It's what you do when you are first learning how to debate in debate club. Look see here, I don't like your views on gun control.

But but look over here look at how bad the economy is! Deflect deflect!

Okkkay, the economy may or may not be bad, that doesn't change whether or not your views on gun control are correct.

This thing with the pit bull is so out of control. I've had it, they all need to work out their issues in family law court or shut up about it. Good grief.

Mandy said...

If Kate or Jon want to post their children's phots it is not our business,Kate posts on Facebook like a lot of us, but it isn't Liz' place to do it either. She is posting for Jon and loves him enough to take the hit, so be it.

Crazy, all crazy behavior.We don't know that the G8 have no after school activities. That is secret. Scout meeting are held at houses as well as at schools. Unless you are in her house you really don't know. Not a fan but someone said the kids don't have activities and I don't believe that to be truthful.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Midnight Madness, yes Angela was banned, but she snuck back on long enough to make 2 more posts, one insulting Auntie Ann. That's why I posted asking her to respond to my question. You're right, though, I should ignore them, but sometimes it's just dang hard when they come here with stupid statements that they claim are facts. Sorry for the run on sentence!

Anonymous said...

Flight of the Kiwi said... 143

Same here. I posted last week about our weekly random power outages. Our bill has always been paid, Though sometimes I wonder why we don't hold some back :) Yes. Yes. Sheeple, I know one only pays for what one uses. But there oughta be a rebate for just for the inconvenience ;)

Power grids are strange things. During a massive ice storm last year,I think(time moves in a funny manner after age 55), Transformers were blowing up creating this eerie blue lightening in the sky. Our side of the street had no power. Across the street only every other house had power. 'Twas so odd.

PS has anyone notice one poster that drops by every now and then is hung up on "passive/aggressive"?

And admin - just how big IS your thumb anyway, you know, the one I am supposedly under?. How do you choose who is under your thumb vs who is up your butt? Is it a favoritism thing or do you rotate us? When can I be a bee in your bonnet?

A toothpick can help get rid of a troll stuck in your craw.
Bee in her bonnet? And does Admin ever get ants in her pants?

gabby2 said...

We should know by now, every time Krazy falls on her face, her paid and unpaid defenders come out to deflect.

So where is her newestish project? No where?

Anonymous said... (Administrator) said... 153

Kiwi I use the Dewey Decimal System to organize my thumbs. Now happy up and have a gr8t day!!!!

NOOOO, NOT The Spanker...then again...ooooo The Spanker. It's a CHOICE people!

Anonymous said...

If my ex had another new girlfriend with a pit bull I would be furious. My ex has gone thru as many girlfriends as Jon Gosselin. I worry about the new g/f and how they live and what they tell my kids to do. My ex is devious and he always has g/f with kids, women with kids will settle for anything sometimes because its hard to get a man when you have kids. If this Liz wanting to be on TV and in the news? Sounds like it. Last thing those kids need is another adult using them for publicity.

Ex Nurse said...

persona non grata said...
Seriously, calm down, already and focus on that idiot "mother of eight" and pondering what her next faux pas will be.
Speaking for myself, I have no problem focusing on two bad parents wh9 just never seem to learn from past mi9stakes. Having someone else post pictures of the kids gives Jon cover--as admin so kindly provided. Typical passive-agressive move--Jon style. Get someone else do get the attention (Robert) and then sit back and watch the fun, free of responsibility. Always the victim.

Someone just posted an opinion--why is she being told to calm down? Why don't you calm down? It was one comment about Jon (now two), amid a sea of negative comments about Kate? Kate is a problem and so is Jon who always seems to avoid taking respnsibility for anything. The pictures were taken during HIS custody--therefore, he is 100% responsibility.

Michelle said...

I just saw the photos of the kids with the dog on Radar for the first time. I must say, they are absolutely beautiful pictures. In all of her posted photos of the kids, I can't recall one where they look that relaxed and comfortable in their own skin. Talk about a difference in environments. Kicked back on the couch with a cuddly dog by your side or lined up on the stripe on the rug.

Midnight Madness said...

You're right, though, I should ignore them, but sometimes it's just dang hard when they come here with stupid statements that they claim are facts.


I know, I know. But they love when you comment because they thrive on the attention. They think they've captured the board. They are great baiters. Masters, in fact. Sit on your hands if you must, but responding to them just makes them smirk and it pumps up their ego. Maybe if we're lucky they'll burst on the way up and nobody will pick up the pieces!

readerlady said...

A couple of years ago, I came home from work on a hot, sticky August day, looking forward to a nice cool shower and discovered I had no water. Checked with the neighbors. They had water, so I called the 24 hour help line. They informed me my water had been shut off for non-payment of the bill. Well, I knew I had paid it, because I had the receipt. Read the receipt number to the "customer service" person and was informed there was no record of the payment. So I had to take a day off work and go to the office in person with my receipt and a copy of my cancelled check from my bank. They finally acknowledged that I had paid my bill, but it was 2 more days before they got around to restoring my water service. No apology, no acknowledgement of their error, no adjustment in my bill for my troubles. So, I can testify that utilities can be shut off for other than non-payment. And electrical service is very capricious in the best of times. Suicidal squirrels have caused power outages in my area twice in the last couple of months. I also notice that KK very carefully did not say settle bill", leaving herself plenty of wiggle room if someone calls her out on that despicable tweet.

Anonymice -- Jon can't issue a simple statement confirming his custody arrangements if there's a gag order on discussing the arrangements. And there very well may be. There have been gag orders in the past relating to Jon and KK's arrangements.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 168
If my ex had another new girlfriend with a pit bull I would be furious. My ex has gone thru as many girlfriends as Jon Gosselin. I worry about the new g/f and how they live and what they tell my kids to do. My ex is devious and he always has g/f with kids, women with kids will settle for anything sometimes because its hard to get a man when you have kids. If this Liz wanting to be on TV and in the news? Sounds like it. Last thing those kids need is another adult using them for publicity.
Sounds like you have issues- maybe therapy is in order. You wouldn't want to pass on your issues to your children.
The only thing that concerns me about me ex (did- kid is grown now) is if GF was drug user (never was) but other than that, I trusted him to be a good parent, or at least not a bad one, since I did have a baby with him- he must have some endearing qualities.
Moms and Dads will have different opinions about the raising of their kids- your opinion os not right and his is not wrong- doesnt work like that.
PLease- get help. For your kids sake.

Heide said...

She's come undone said... 40
I personally think what Liz did is just fine. As Remona said, Kate gets a break about everything, she lies through her teeth continuously about how she has the kids all the time. So Liz just quietly proved she was lying. The picture was no big deal and I seriously doubt the kids feel exploited because of it. And the idea that in the future the kids will see all this on the Internet is ludicrous. There is so many tons of crap about Kate out there I doubt a simple picture of one of them with a dog, partially obscured, will even be noticed.


I agree.

NJGal51 said...

The pit bull in the latest picture wasn't kissing the tup he was tasting him to see if he wanted to eat him. Go ahead sheeple, run with that statement as if it were fact. It's just as inane as some of the things you're posting. Kate's comment about Jon having to "settle" with the electric company is beyond disgusting. Does she want her kids to hear "your dad's lights are out because he can't pay the bill" from their friends on Monday? Kids are cruel at that age and that's something that they'd pounce on.

Heide said...

"Kate's asininity is quickly metastasizing."

AuntieAnn, you make me laugh out loud all the time. I thought this was hilarious. ~ Administrator said...

If my ex had another new girlfriend with a pit bull I would be furious. My ex has gone thru as many girlfriends as Jon Gosselin. I worry about the new g/f and how they live and what they tell my kids to do.


What worries you? If you have real concerns you can go to family law court just like if Kate has real worries she can go to family law court. Anything else starts going into the territory of parental alienation, including public comments about an ex's signifiant other or even her loving and adorable dog. Blogs and twitter aren't the place to hash out girlfriend issues. Kate is 37 years old and should know this by now. It's pathetic.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Kate is a problem and so is Jon who always seems to avoid taking respnsibility for anything.


That's a blanket statement. How is it known that he's not, nor has he been, taking responsibility for anything? "Anything?"

Perhaps you should know which parent takes the responsibility for the kids' school involvement/activities. Hint -- it's not Kate.

Anonymous said...

Midnight Madness,
OMG you are in top form today. Oh, my belly hurts from laughing! ~ Administrator said...

NJ exactly.

It's really irrelevant how or why the power is out. Be it the storm or random outages or the bill. Completely irrelevant.

NJGal51 said...

Midnight Madness @171 said (in part): They are great baiters. Masters, in fact.

OK, maybe it's just the Jersey in me but does anyone want to guess the first thing that popped into my mind when I read that?!

Unknown said...

I just read KK's comments about dogs, Jon, and electricity...and steam is coming out of my ears.

Before reading another word, I just want to say that in my opinion, KK's latest comments validate every single word I was ''testy'' about last night!! AND, I'm even more ''testy'' now!! That stuck on stupid, waste of skin causes me to use all my wits to avoid speaking my second language (obscenities) when discussing her!!

Off to make a pot of coffee, to drink as I read the rest of the comments.

Dutch Tulip said...

I think Kate didn't like the spotlight on Liz so she tweets and like magic the spotlight is on her ( she really hates having to share the attention...even with her kids)

Heide said...

NJGal51 said... 181
Midnight Madness @171 said (in part): They are great baiters. Masters, in fact.

OK, maybe it's just the Jersey in me but does anyone want to guess the first thing that popped into my mind when I read that?!

Me too. Haha

PatK said...

NJGal, it's probably the same thing that popped into my mind. I'm thinking it was meant that way. lol

FYI said...

NJGal51 said... 181

Well, if it's the Jersey in you, it must be the New York in--because I thought the exact same thing!

readerlady said...

This whole dust-up with KK's tweet and all the other "fun" J & K kerfuffles reminds me of an old Joe South song. "The Games People Play"

Oh the games people play now
Every night and every day now
Never meaning what they say now
Never saying what they mean

And they wile away the hours
In their ivory towers
Till they're covered up with flowers
In the back of a black limousine.


La da da da da da da
La da da da da da de
I'm talkin' about you and me
And the games people play.

The song's too long to copy the whole thing here, but it goes on and on and much of it is very on point, especially relating to KK. Google the lyrics and see what you think.

AuntieAnn said...

Michelle said... 170

I just saw the photos of the kids with the dog on Radar for the first time. I must say, they are absolutely beautiful pictures. In all of her posted photos of the kids, I can't recall one where they look that relaxed and comfortable in their own skin. Talk about a difference in environments. Kicked back on the couch with a cuddly dog by your side or lined up on the stripe on the rug.

Michelle - I'll lay odds this is what's sending Kate into anger stratosphere. Her infamous rant about no one making money off "her" kids also likely applies to anyone who dares to take photos of "her" kids. She goes ballistic when she thinks anyone is infringing on what she believes is her chattel. So a nasty little tweet from her was expected and sure enough it came in the form of "til he settles w electric co".

We can almost guarantee Liz's twitter will go private now. Kate bullies people into getting what she wants and what she wants right now is for Liz to go away. The kids probably LOVE to spend time with her and her kids and dogs and it's driving Kate batshit crazy.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

readerlady, I know that song and I agree with you 100%! Classic comparison.

readerlady said...

Butterfly, I have no Jersey in me at all, and I thought the same thing, LOL. Maybe it's the Irish in me?

FYI said...

Took a look at the ROL article. It's really does put Kate in a bad light. There was no mention of Jon's(or Liz's) electricity problem-so I guess Kate didn't get what she hoped for. A couple of excerpts:

"Kate Gosselin is none too-subtly going after her ex husband for allowing their children to nuzzle and play with a pit bull dog."

It then shows Kate's retweet about pit bulls and children.

"Kate has also been clumsily tweeting about Superstorm Sandy. She retweeted a couple of her followers' requests for donations to the Red Cross."

"But she was most excited that her hair salon, Ted Gibson, had its lights back on!"

It also mentioned how Robert's post about #SuperFunSandy.

Basically, it points out what an idiot Kate is.

AuntieAnn said...

Heide said... 176

"Kate's asininity is quickly metastasizing."

AuntieAnn, you make me laugh out loud all the time. I thought this was hilarious.

Heidi - She used to commit only one or two wacked out antics in a week. Now it's up to about five or more. Odd to watch.

Midnight Madness said...

OK, maybe it's just the Jersey in me but does anyone want to guess the first thing that popped into my mind when I read that?!


You got it right! What you're thinking is what I meant. I just wanted to do it indirectly...and I'm not from NJ or NY! I figured that you all would pick up on it. You can't put anything over on you guys, except, of course, when a few bottles of Rumspringa fogs the brain!

wayward said...

NJGal51 said... 181
Midnight Madness @171 said (in part): They are great baiters. Masters, in fact.

OK, maybe it's just the Jersey in me but does anyone want to guess the first thing that popped into my mind when I read that?!
Me too! Twisted minds think alike! lol

I was rolling yesterday when I read about your dog being insulted by the Trick or Treater calling him a fat doggie- he is just big boned :) One of our dogs passed almost a year ago and in her later years she became a bit stout. The kids would always say that she was "festively plump" which is a South Park reference I'm told, but I must say she preferred that endearment over being called fat any day. She had a habit of walking up to things and then backing up to walk away. Hubby would make beep noises as if a piece of large equipment was backing up- she didn't appreciate that either ;)

JoyinVirginia said...

Wayward, you summed up things perfectly. Ms Kreider hates Jon much, much more than she loves her children. Actually, the more she posts her inane twits, the more I believe she does not understand what love is at all. #mskreiderisboringignorant

Blowing In The Wind said...

@Kateplusmy8 my friend said that all she watches is J&K+8 and she blames me for her addiction. I'm fine with her being addicted. I love it 2


Way to aim high with educational stimuli, broaden your perspective on world events and acquaint yourself with what's happening in politics, health, science, and humanitarian concerns. Watch J&K+8.

Sheeple really aim high, don't they? ~ Administrator said...

Proud Mother of a nurse and docto, when posting under multiple names and professions, remember to put a space in between your sentences.

Every time you do this you don't put spaces between your sentences and it's a dead giveaway it's the same person.

Over In Kate's County said...

I would love to bring Milo up here, introduce her to Kate, and stand by and watch what happens. Would groveling be involved? Feet kissing? Passionate hugs and kisses? Smelling salts to revive Milo when she faints dead away and Ratclaws has to pick her up?

That's assuming that Milo is of the female gender. It would be even funnier if she is a male. Then I'd charge admission and donate the proceeds to charity.

Over In Kate's County said...

admin said,

Proud Mother of a nurse and docto, when posting under multiple names and professions, remember to put a space in between your sentences.

Every time you do this you don't put spaces between your sentences and it's a dead giveaway it's the same person.


Oh, yes, it is! ;-)

Ex Nurse said...

ramona blue said...
I suppose MY bottom line is why on earth does it always have to be JON that sucks it up and takes KK throwing him under the bus over and over? Why do KK's fans think it is fine to trash him over and over and still he is somehow expected to keep his mouth shut, because ''we expect that from Kate''.....but Jon has to say nothing at all, or HE is being a user?
Because that is how mature adults and parents behave. His childrens' privacy is more important than his reputation. He says one thing and then does another, and can never be pinned down without people enabling him by excusing his behavior because he was victimized by Kate or someone in his sphere did something without his knowledge.

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