Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ratings for Australia Adventure

Kate Plus 8 (TLC, 10pm) 1.306 million viewers
-0.9/1 HH
-0.5/1 A18-49

via TravisYanan

154 sediments (sic) from readers: ~ Administrator said...

Kate is talking constantly on twitter, about her kids, nyc, blah blah. Then she says it is her dream to be the voice of a Disney cartoon.

Finally she tweeted this: Will u do more eps@ home rather than traveling? Yes.doing some of both. Exciting eps coming...all 9 can't wait!

Is she saying....there are NINE EPISODES in the can? Or is she referring to the nine Gosselins minus Jon?

Nine episodes? Good God.

Anonymous said...

Quite a tumble in the ratings. Was the show that bad or is it that people are just not interested any longer (I hope)???? Any chance of a re-cap/review for those of us who helped contribute to the low ratings by not watching.

roxyhelen said...

Admin I think it's quite possible that there are 9 episodes to come...they have enough footage

3 Australia/New Zealand episodes
2 Philadelphia
1 with home suff(including footage from that store)
1 Easter episode
1 episode from wherever they go on spring break(I have no idea when that is or if it passed since I don't live in the USA)
1 Birthday episode
1 episode about Kate's b-day and more random stuff

Those new haircuts need to be included in an episode.Also Kate said they are filming EVERY WEEK-END she has them.

"As for the former couple’s children, Kate told Access the Gosselin youngsters – Maddie and Kara (the twins, born in 2000), and sextuplets Joel, Aaden, Colin, Alexis, Hannah and Leah (born in 2004), are enjoying their escapades that involve the cameras.
“The kids love it and every weekend that they’re home we have something planned. Every vacation, they look forward to it, and we still love it,” she said. “I certainly would not be needing to coerce them into this. If they didn’t love it, we wouldn’t do it any more, but they’re loving it, we’re having the most amazing experiences.”

Don't doubt for one second that they DO have enough footage for nine episodes.

She's going nowhere said...

Kate's not going anywhere. These ratings are good enough to keep her going, the TV by the numbers guy said she was number 5 in TLC's lineup and that as much as she is reviled, she is not going anywhere. I think Kate will be around for a long time because people tune in to reality TV for the drama and nothing else. And she knows how to create the drama. She obviously reads the blogs because she addresses so many of the issues we all talk about all the time and she uses that to keep the talk and the drama going. TLC only wants to keep her around because she creates $$ for them because of her nasty personality and she is smart enough to know what to do to keep people watching. Her bottom line always has been and always will be money.

Please don't kid yourselves that she is going away. She is here to stay. TLC wouldn't still be filming if she were not making money for them.

Not Watching said...

Interesting that Khate was top on searches via the Internet the last few days but her show tanked. ROFLAMO!!!

"Fame" doesn't translate to ratings TLC! Loving it!

Ratings this low go LPBW cancelled. Keep it up people!

AuntieAnn said...

She said they just filmed another episode this past weekend. Seems like those kids have no free time.

Pam said...

I think she's referring to all nine Gosselins can't wait ( for the episodes to air ).

She is seriously trying to convince the world that the kids enjoy doing all this filming ( Jon, Jody/Kevin, Beth and everybody else who thinks the kids are being worked to death.)

I think she is trying to convince HERSELF of this more than anybody. I think deep down she knows some of her kids are sick of it.

I truly truly TRULY feel like she is trying to cover her ass for the future, when some of the kids start publicly verbalizing how much they hated filming, and Kate will defend herself saying, "Seeee, back in April 2011 you said you loved it. You told me you couldn't wait to film. Don't you remember? "

She knows damn well she's in the wrong, but the money is too good and the fame too addicting to stop. She is planting beliefs in her kids' heads that they love something they really don't. ~ Administrator said...

The kids are really approaching the age where their weekends are going to be filled with soccer practice, baseball practice, tennis lessons, homework, school friends, sleepovers, music lessons, church group activities, and all the other normal things other kids do. How are they going to do this if they are filming? Or does their work schedule interfere with any of that? Filming every weekend? No wonder they crash on the coach and just want to watch TV at Jon's, according to a source. Poor tired babies.

I remember when I was nannying, the kids had things planned every day, between sports, lessons, school and so on. They weren't allowed to watch TV during the week. If their parents weren't home, at the end of the week the poor kids would just CRASH on the coach and watch TV, they didn't want to move. If their parents were home they couldn't do that, they had to practice or do homework or keep moving. It was ridiculous. They used every spare moment away from them to just veg out. They deserved every second of rest.

It sounds like this is what is happening to the Gosselin kids, they work like dogs when they are with Kate and when they are away from that they just crash.

Linda G. said...

I think she means all nine of THEM, the NINE GOSSELINS, as she has taken to saying lately.

She's disgusting. And she'll NEVER be the voice of anything in any animated or stop action film, because her voice is one of her many, many HORRIBLE qualities. Who in the world would pay MONEY to listen to that voice? Her enunciation is bad, she's got way too much of a regional dialect (I'm not from PA, so I can definitely hear it in her voice--they don't like regional dialects in voice actors), and she doesn't have enough range in pitch. Range in pitch is important not only in singing but in spoken voice work. It takes actual talent and hard work. She doesn't have the former and is allergic to the latter, so she can just dream on.

P.S. Admin, if my comments are looking like they're being submitted multiple times, I apologize. I hit it once and get a red dot, twice, get a red dot, then finally the third time it seems to go through. So apologies.

Linda G. said...

Admin, I can answer that about the kids' activities and weekends: they won't be ALLOWED to do those things.

Seriously, as they get older, we'll really see her true colors regarding working for that cash even more than we do now, because you're right: older kids get involved in activities. However, she'll use the excuse that with eight of them, she can't possibly let them each do whatever sport or activity they want, so they'll just keep on filming to make that paper! Whooo hooo! Sorry kids, no childhood or normalcy for you.

AuntieAnn said...

I also have to wonder if those kids are even enrolled in extra-curricular activities at school or outside of it. They need to develop some sense of life outside of filming with people their own age. I sure hope Jon has some say in it and pushes for it. ~ Administrator said...

The fact that she has to say over and over and over the kids just love filming suggests she is being very defensive about something. And we all know when people get defensive, it often means they have something to be defensive about.

If the kids love it, why the obsessive need to convince a bunch of strangers of it? Be confident and comfortable in your kids happiness, no need to convince the world of it. You're the mom, all that matters is YOU know they are happy. What is Kate's problem?

Well, her problem is she knows she is lying.

It gets increasingly impossible to believe that all eight kids at this age could possibly all love anything all at once. It is increasingly impossible to believe they all want to miss out on all the school they did, the activities, the friends and so on. Kate would actually be more credible if she said well there's moments where we would rather just have a relaxing Saturday at home but that overall it's worth it because of what we get in return. To suggest they all love everything about it all the time is just not credible. These kids are far too unique and opinionated to believe such a lie.

LisaNH said...

Administrator said... The kids are really approaching the age where their weekends are going to be filled with soccer practice, baseball practice, tennis lessons, homework, school friends, sleepovers, music lessons, church group activities, and all the other normal things other kids do. How are they going to do this if they are filming? Or does their work schedule interfere with any of that? Filming every weekend? No wonder they crash on the coach and just want to watch TV at Jon's, according to a source. Poor tired babies.


Admin, I agree with Linda. Kate will never allow those kids to do anything on the weekends because filming comes first for her. The only way she would allow any of them to have extra curricular activities is if TLC and film the kids doing and Kate being there to screech, whine and jump up and down and wear really low cut blouses to the events.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

I, too, have questioned any of the kids being able to have extra-curricular activities. If Kate puts the skids to any fun with friends for her kids, this will backfire. I think she will continue to film the "puddin" out of those kids as long as TLC wants them. She is no doubt working those kids emotionally as well. I can just imagine her telling them that all the trips, fun, money, etc. will stop if they don't film the show. She is a master at manipulation and appears to always get what she wants. She garners sympathy from people (how I'll never understand). Kate is addicted to attention, both good or bad and doesn't care what we think unless it hits her in her pocketbook. Someone at TLC loves this woman.

AuntieAnn said...

Kate would actually be more credible if she said well there's moments where we would rather just have a relaxing Saturday at home but that overall it's worth it because of what we get in return.
Don't be surprised if she repeats what you've just said verbatim. It's going to be her next spin on the whole thing for damage control purposes. The heat is getting turned up on her for having those kids filming all the time. Matt Lauer more than alluded to it the other day by asking her if it was a positive thing in their lives.

Linda G. said...

Yeah, I seriously doubt they are involved in anything or will be.

Though like LisaNH said, I can see one episode in which the GIRLS are allowed to play soccer or something (all on one team!) and the whole episode is how KATE dealt with it, how tired KATE was from getting all the gear together, how HARD it was for KATE, how AMAZED she is about EVERYTHING, you get the idea. She'll screech on the sidelines, other parents will give her the hairy side eye, and that'll be the only time you ever see the kids do anything kid-like. IF that's even allowed.

(The boys and twins will be sitting all surly on the sidelines, the twins giving their mom more of a hairy eyeball than the other parents.)

Boy, she's in for a treat when the twins get to the age (they are rapidly getting there now) that their mom embarrasses the living crap out of them for EXISTING. Forget screeching, just existing embarrasses teenagers. She's in for it. As a narcissist, she'll still make it all about her--and alienate her daughters in the process.

Linda G. said...

I forgot, she'd also be on the soccer field sidelines wearing six inch stiletto pumps. She'll trudge to the playing field wearing those, bitching the whooooooole time, but too stupid to wear appropriate shoes.

Honestly, it's not just the ratings that are going to do her in, but the kids' ages. Admin is right, there's no WAY all eight kids LOVE this filming. Nope. Not possible. I wouldn't even believe three kids would all love the same thing all the time. As they get older, they *will* get a little braver (some of them) and start to test out those boundaries and rebel. God help her then.

mama mia said...

How many times did TLC attempt to put Jon's name in that episode? I hear they called home to Jon, a bystander on the beach asked about Jon and Kate referenced or hinted about Jon. Then she goes out on her media tour and it is all about Jon. So pretty much there is no show without Jon. And Jon is living off camera. Ha. Kate best let a boob slip out or break a heel chasing after Charlie Sheen cause this show is dead in the water of denial.

Sport said...

"The kids are really approaching the age where their weekends are going to be filled with soccer practice, baseball practice, tennis lessons, homework, school friends, sleepovers, music lessons, church group activities, and all the other normal things other kids do"
How old are these kids now? This stuff should have started a few years ago for the little ones interested in sports, and 5 years ago for the older girls. How sad that none are allowed any sort of individualism or self identity.

Let's just keep parading them around in matching outfits, making them all eat identical meals, and making absolutely no effort to promote them having separate friends, interests or lives.

barbee said...

since the kids are all there for bus pickup, there are no extra after school activities in those kids lives. And we've seen the one time trek to the gym, which is just one example of the way the kids are allowed to participate, ONCE to have it filmed and then she can add it to her backwards bucket list (you know, where you do something and then write it on the list).

kateismyqueen said...

Another quote from a certified nutZ:

"We all know that ROL and such sites are the most reliable, but when we see them go in and change and entire article and it's title, too, mercy, that's really, really bad."

Well, I guess thats how you hide a lie, stand up and say they changed everything, how low of them. I wish Judge Judy (as much as HER grandstanding annoys me) could grill this blogger on her sources and the alleged lies Jon made.

Fahnette said...

Anxiously awaiting the sheeple spin on the whole "filming every weekend" announcement. Straight from the horse's mouth, kids--now justify it. Go ahead. We'll wait.

E-town Neighbor said...

Admin, I agree with Linda. Kate will never allow those kids to do anything on the weekends because filming comes first for her. The only way she would allow any of them to have extra curricular activities is if TLC and film the kids doing and Kate being there to screech, whine and jump up and down and wear really low cut blouses to the events.


Filming is not permitted at any events on school property. The thing is, though, that all of the sports that Admin mentioned is six years away. Lower School doesn't have organized sports teams. Church groups? Do they even go to church? School friends? The Gosselins are in a unique position here because they do not live in the same community as the school. Getting together with school friends during the week doesn't happen; on weekends, the scheduling/transportation presents a problem because the kids don't live in the same area as their friends. Extra-curricular activities? There are opportunities for these kids at school. Remember, these are young children going into first grade. Most after school events are over by the time they need to get the late bus. Being out of the area, they do miss out on any evening activities, such as theater, musicals, etc. that are held throughout the year, UNLESS they have someone willing to carpool or parents/nannies to accompany them. Reading kids are at a disadvantage. There would be activities within their own community in which the kids could participate, but I can't see her slumming with the locals.

I would think that they would want to be with their father on HIS weekends. Filming is done on HER weekends. Right now things would seem to remain at the status quo, but it's not always going to be like that.

I would hope that when these kids get to MS, TLC will be history. Of course, the twins will be in MS in two years. Music lessons (Mady) take place during the school day. Cara most likely would be involved in sports - soccer, tennis, basketball. But that's two years away. Kate's going to have her hands full with the athletics schedule - driving to school late at night to pick them up at school when the bus gets back from away games, or she will have to hire additional staff to do it for her!

Anything can happen between now and home, new school, perhaps even boarding school.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

It will get tougher for Kate to keep lying as the children get older. They'll call her on it--someday. Home life will not be pretty as the kids age and filming goes away. Kate will complain about every penny they are not making. Mark my words. This woman is addicted to money and the lifestyle she has become accustomed to. Not pretty.

Linda G. said...

E-Town Neighbor, is there not a local YMCA the kids could play on a soccer team for? That's what we did when our daughter was this age--she signed up for YMCA soccer. Later, she did basketball. Loved it.

This is all probably a moot point, as she would never allow something to get in the way of filming until TLC cuts her loose. I hope that's soon. Wasn't her contract with them going to be up this spring or next spring or something?

Troy Chula Vista said...

I think it's funny that Kate did ALL her appearances in 1 day. Awesome PR team for her. ET, JOY, ACCESS & Today (I think, I wouldnt want to lie about it) On the ET interview, she says that she told her girls that she is "glad to be sitting on this leather sofa watching the season of DWTS" Gee Kate, you sure it's not a micro fiber sofa? snark.

E-town Neighbor said...

"since the kids are all there for bus pickup, there are no extra after school activities in those kids lives."

I commented upthread. There is more than one bus. There is the late bus for after-school activities. Unless the photos of them at the bus stop at time-stamped, we don't know which bus it is.

The little ones are in Kindergarten. They come home from school, eat, do homework, veg out a bit and go to bed. At their age and the way they are worked on weekends and on breaks, I would think that this would be enough for them in their young lives. The last thing in the world they need is to be put on overload, cramming all kinds of events and activities into their already-full days.

Westcoaster said...

By the time my children were 10 years old they were involved in many activities outside of school (probably too many :)): community sport teams, Scouts, Sunday school, piano lessons. And with 3 children our weekends were more than busy, but that was the way of life in our community. We also lived where they could walk to school. On the other hand, the G8 either go to school, or film and spend precious few hours with their father on alternate weekends, that is, unless their mother has them on a plane for yet another filming vacation. Oh, and they spend several hours on the school bus too. So what normal life with typical kid activities could they possibly be involved in? It is a real shame, simply put. I cannot even imagine how tired and stressed they must be most of the time. Shameful.

E-town Neighbor said...

Linda G. said...

E-Town Neighbor, is there not a local YMCA the kids could play on a soccer team for? That's what we did when our daughter was this age--she signed up for YMCA soccer. Later, she did basketball. Loved it.


When would they play? Not after school, since I would imagine that their evenings are busy with homework. Don't they go to bed at 7:30? Weekends? They film on her days; they are with him on his days. That said, there is no way that she would ever allow those kids to be involved in the local Y. Can you imagine all of the COAs that would have to be signed? She wouldn't allow those kids to associate with Y kids. Not if her life depended on it.

You know what would be wonderful for them this summer? Overnight camp. Let them be with other kids doing everything that kids do in the summer. There are wonderful camps that are in the area. It wouldn't have to be all summer -- maybe a two-week camp for the little ones, and a month-long camp for the twins.

Oh, wait...filming. More trips. Scratch that idea. ~ Administrator said...

E-town said: At their age and the way they are worked on weekends and on breaks, I would think that this would be enough for them in their young lives. The last thing in the world they need is to be put on overload, cramming all kinds of events and activities into their already-full days.
That's my point, instead of their days be filled with a production schedule, their days should be filled with activities and socialization. I don't think she should ADD more activities to their exhausting lives, I think she should take AWAY filming and replace it with what normal kids do.

And I agree I think summer camp would be FANTASTIC for these kids. Overnight, for at least a few weeks for the older kids. Summer camp was life changing for me as a kid, I adored it. And my parents only sent me about one week each summer.

E-town Neighbor said...

Oh, and they spend several hours on the school bus too.


Only in nightmare traffic, which doesn't happen often! It's a 45-minute trip each way, not several hours. ~ Administrator said...

It's an hour and a half at least a day, but when you add it all up, it means they are spending almost eight hours a day a week sitting on a school bus. That's almost an entire workday! No school is worth that much time sitting on the bus for kids these age, I don't care how great a school it is. All because Kate has to have "the best". It leaves even less time for normal activities. ~ Administrator said...

The 45 minutes doesn't even count the time it takes to get them to the bus stop from home, right?

E-town Neighbor said...

I don't think she should ADD more activities to their exhausting lives, I think she should take AWAY filming and replace it with what normal kids do.


Yes, absolutely, but then again, WHEN? Not during the school week for reasons I already mentioned. During HIS weekends? No. These are his times with them. So we have HER weekends...two weekends a month they do away with filming and let them do whatever they want to do. That's really not much time, though, is it?

This is NOT a normal situation because of the school location, the custody issue, and travel time involved to see their school friends. She should have thought of what moving out of an area close to school would mean to the kids and the social restrictions it would place on them.

They really do need an entire summer off to do whatever they want to do and just be kids.

Chingada said...

Like everyone else has said those kids won't be able to participate in activities because it will interfere with filming. I'd just like to add that if Kate is ever questioned about it, she will probably blame the cost. I can hear it now. "How can anyone afford dance lessons for eight, count 'em, eight kids?" Imagine her screeching about how pricey costumes, and uniforms are. About how she can't afford the gas used to chauffer them around.

I have a mother who has narcissistic tendencies. She made me take dance lessons even though I hated it, and wanted to do school plays instead. The only time she payed attention to me was when I was on stage. Now when I talk to her she acts like she was mother of the year because she drove me to lessons I didn't want to go to. She didn't even cook dinner for us, my grandmother did all the housekeeping. Kate is like my mom but even worse. At least my misery wasn't broadcast for millions to see.

E-town Neighbor said...

The 45 minutes doesn't even count the time it takes to get them to the bus stop from home, right?


Just down the road. Not far at all.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Admin, but I'd like to post this anonymously because I don't want it to be about 'me' however-
This is exactly why Kate should not have a twitter account:

What I've learned from Kate's twitter about Kate (and sadly, the kids whom she shouldn't be tweeting about since Jon shouldn't tweet about them) in one day:
~She tells (time stamp) us exactly when she takes the kids to the bus stop ( I won't be listing the times here)
~And when she picks them up. (I won't post the time, but anyone with twitter can figure out the time stamp).
~She didn't get the laundry dried (too late up tweeting perhaps? her last tweet was around midnite) sent one of the kids to school with damp coat.
~She was lonely before twitter - "NO more," she says
~She is setting up a date with someone she's never met, through someone on twitter - that she's never met who is into wrestling.
~She is hinting to SherriS. that she needs to 'see' The View ladies soon.
~Her biggest fan (contrary to popular belief) is a teen age girl who wrote a song about Kate. Best line in song 'boobies aren't plastic, new bra fantastic'
~When the kids get home from school they do their chores and dinner and then do homework. (Guess no play time)

It goes on and on and really divulges too much information. Really too much.

Tired of this drivel - literally she tweeted all day long! Why doesn't she get a real job if she has all this time on her hands? She has 3834 fans. (hasn't changed much since last night)

I'm not following her, she has an open account for anyone to see.

Linda G. said...

Eight hours a week is still an awfully long time to sit on a bus, and I would say that even for older kids. I have a 16 year old and I would hate to think she was spending the equivalent of an entire school day just getting to school and back.

You're right, she should have thought this through when moving where she did, etc.

If the show ends, and it will, how is she going to afford to continue private school for eight kids?

E-town Neighbor said...

It's an hour and a half at least a day, but when you add it all up, it means they are spending almost eight hours a day a week sitting on a school bus. That's almost an entire workday! No school is worth that much time sitting on the bus for kids these age,


I wouldn't do it to my kids, but students from that area have been doing it for many, many years with no worse for wear. It doesn't leave less time for normal activities. The bus is designated for those kids. If they would live in the same area as the school and ride a bus for local kids, it would make many stops. Some kids who live in the area and use the local school bus get home at the same time (or later) than the Gosselins. Some local kids are on the school bus for an hour one-way!

E-town Neighbor said...

Tired of this drivel - literally she tweeted all day long! Why doesn't she get a real job if she has all this time on her hands? She has 3834 fans. (hasn't changed much since last night)


Let her go. She'll slip up and say or do something and is going to get called on it. She's not the brightest bulb. Why in heaven's name would anyone make her life public, especially someone who is so controversial?
I hope she doesn't slip up on something that could put the kids' security at risk. She doesn't think before she or twits or twats or whatever it is.

Hippie Chick said...

She's going nowhere said...
Please don't kid yourselves that she is going away. She is here to stay. TLC wouldn't still be filming if she were not making money for them.

Umm, OK. Why do people keep saying that? Wishful thinking or...don't mean to be snappy or snippy but seriously now. 1.3 million for a TWO week Australian/ New Zealand adventure for how many? 9 Gosselins, a "bodyguard", a couple nannies, a camera crew, a producer, a lighting guy, a boom mike guy, & a couple more people, that adds up to a shit-ton of cash. I am sure that TLC was banking on more than 1.3 million, & I'm also sure that TLC was banking on Kate promoting the hell out of her stupid show, but bummer for Kate for being so nasty, NO ONE wanted her on their show; why you ask? Because she is not relevant anymore.

I *honestly* think she is hanging by a thread. She has been tugging that thread for awhile now, unraveling it & unraveling it, & it has maybe a quarter inch left. 1.3 million viewers for a season premier of a show that used to pull in tons more when Jon was on? That must sting. That must chap Kate's ass. Hey, it's not 2009 anymore! There is no more dynamic anymore. According to "plop", it's the Kate+Kate show, & the kids make cameos. We've all said it; Kate cannot carry a show by herself. Plus, the kids are older. Plus, from what I read at plop, the kids act unbelievably self-entitled, like mommy. Plus, Kate plain sucks & nobody likes her.

So, tell me again why she is here to stay? NO reality show personality is EVER here to stay. :) ~ Administrator said...

E-town Neighbor, I have to completely disagree with you, with all due respect of course. How do you figure losing an entire EIGHT HOURS just on a bus leave kids "none the worse for wear" and "leave less time for normal activities." They are losing an entire eight hours that could be filled with sports, violin, homework, or just spending time with family. I don't think any kid should be on a bus that long be it going to a local school and making lots of stops, or going to a school far away. Have you polled the kids, how do you know this kind of grueling commute isn't affecting them?

Even for an ADULT I think a 45 minute commute is on the long side, although people in LA do over an hour sometimes. Doesn't mean it's good for you, or your family, and everyone's mental health. There have been tons of studies out there about long commutes and its relation to stress and fatigue and even depression and obesity, just google it. Now this same commute is imposed on a six year old?

I think it's scary we've become the kind of society that accepts that this kind of lengthy time in a car is acceptable and doesn't hurt us. I think it very well could, and does.

Donna said...

Why, oh, why do people continue to keep watching this trainwreck? What is it going to take to finally put an end to this nightmare? I've been watching "Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood" today. Althought she has her faults, I like Tori primarily because she's a wonderful mother. She is a perfect example of what a mother should be and it shows in the joy on her children's faces. She allows them to explore the world around them, she constantly plays with them, she communicates with them on their level, she puts their needs and wants above all else, and I could go on and on. She doesn't worry about them getting dirty or that their toys are cluttering every room or that they want to jump in the bathtub with her or that they just need cuddles, hugs and kisses, etc., etc. Her kids are truly loved and are genuinely happy. But as I watch the show I suddenly realized this: It wouldn't have mattered if Jon and Kate had never had a TV show, because their children would never have had a happy childhood. Kate would have been an unfit mother regardless. She is a neurotic, psychotic, obsessive and compulsive narcissist who should have never had ANY children, much less 8 of them. All the show did was display her warped behavior to the world. Had the show never taken place those poor kids would still be living in this nightmare...we just wouldn't have known about it. I am appalled by the way she treats the children when the cameras are rolling, so I can only imagine how she treats them when the cameras aren't there. Even though I desperately want the show to end, I shudder to think about what life will be like for those children once the cameras are gone. In some ways, the camera may offer somewhat of a reprieve for the kids because Kate may actually be on her best behavior when they're filming. And if what we see is her BEST behavior, can you imagine what her behavior is like when she's alone with the kids and no one is looking? The thought of it scares me to death, and I am truly afraid for those children once the show ends. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that once the show ends life won't be any better for those children. Kate will still treat the kids like crap, and she will have no use for them once the little moneymakers aren't bringing in the money anymore. God help those poor, poor children.

E-town Neighbor said...

Keeping them in the same school would have been fine if they had stayed in the area. They wouldn't have had to ride the bus at all. She or the nannies could have driven them. Usually, when making a physical move, the parents' first consideration is the location of the school from the prospective property.
Not so in this case. ~ Administrator said...

By the way I have both a nice short commute, about 20 minutes, and one day a week I have a long commute, 45 minutes wouldn't you know it, to up to an hour and a half depending on traffic. I hate my long commute, when I get home all I want to do is veg out. For me it's truly a recovery period after battling LA's freeways.

Linda G. said...

Anonymous is that the right account? Celebrities and public figures are impersonated on twitter all the time. I found the Kate Gosselin twitter account and it has 12,424 followers and just a few boring tweets like "What's your favorite part about tonights show that you have seen already?" --Kate

E-town neighbor said...

I have to completely disagree with you, with all due respect of course. How do you figure losing an entire EIGHT HOURS just on a bus leave kids "none the worse for wear" and "leave less time for normal activities."

I think I just explained that. I didn't say that it leaves THESE kids none the worse for wear. I said that Reading kids have been doing this for years and years and years. They get used to it. It's a matter of routine for them. There are "lifers" at school who have spent every school day on the Reading bus from Kindergarten through 12th grade.

Many local kids going to public school spend that much time on the school bus, depending which bus they take and how many stops it makes. My friend's daughter lives in the same township as the public school. The bus leaves at 3:10 p.m.; she gets home at 4 p.m.

You are assuming that the kids are going to
"play" or be involved in activities in the morning. Highly unlikely. Being on the bus in the morning is not wasted "normal activities" time. They get home from school at the same time other kids in the area do. I'm not sure how else to explain it.

AuntieAnn said...

It's an hour and a half at least a day, but when you add it all up, it means they are spending almost eight hours a day a week sitting on a school bus.
That's an hour and a half a day she doesn't have to be with them, unless of course they're filming, then she pulls them out. Kate's shuffled those kids off on someone, no, anyone else as much as she possible could since they were born, starting with the nurse provided for her the first year. Volunteers, Jon, babysitters, Jodi & Kevin, Beth, Nana Janet...the list is long. She even wanted a bigger house to give her more breathing space away from them, she said so herself.

The private school wasn't important to her, the distance from home was. It's giving her the precious time away from them she likes. Remember the four hour naps in the afternoon?

I've said it before...they're props. They get taken out of the prop room like potted plants when she needs them for filming.

Tweens Need Privacy said...

On that fan blog they are discussing one of the twins "maturing" and their daughters asking if she's wearing a "b r a". (Don't want that to come up on a google search if the girls ever happen to google themselves. (Although they will find it on the fan blog!)

So my point is that I think those girls would be so embarrassed to know that people are discussing that. Yes, it's normal and natural but as a child you don't want people discussing that stuff about you! Those poor girls. ~ Administrator said...

E-town, I guess the fact that other kids in Reading do it does not make it right to me. I don't care if every kid in PA is spending 8 hours on a bus, that does not make it more okay in my mind. In fact, I find that disturbing. I don't think a culture where kids are spending this much time on a bus, on the road, just commuting, should be okay with us adults. What can we as the adults do so that these poor kids are not just COMMUTING away their childhoods? Why have we structured our schools in such a way now that this is now happening? Why are we not a culture where if you love a great school, you don't move close to it? I know people in LA who ship their kids ungodly distances to go to posh private schools. It is sad that there are not schools closer that they are comfortable with. Maybe the root of the problem is bad schools and not enough good schools to go around--hence the commute.

The Gosselin kids are up and at 'em at 5 a.m. I'm not even awake that early and I'm a working gal. Of course there are not usually school activities in the morning, although somtimes there are sports practices. But it's time away from your family, from Mommy and Daddy. Some of the best moments in my childhood was having a nice breakfast together that Mom made for me. You just can't get back that TIME.

Think about this, if you are up so early to go to school, you have to go to bed even later. Again, more lost time with your parents. Maybe these kids could have gotten in a phone call to Jon, instead they are off to bed exhausted.

Linda G. said...

Tweens, UG, that is just GROSS. But she has made them public figures, with their permission or not, and public figures get discussed. Unfortunately.

I can't even imagine subjecting my daughter to that. She was a late bloomer and was already pretty self-conscious about that just among her peer group. Forget having to think there were ADULTS out there discussing her approach to puberty.

Ug, gross.

The twit is tweeting said...

The child exploiter is at it FULL FORCE with her brand new Twitter account - the twit. The Sheeple can't blame Jon for blabbing to the press about the kids and they can't blame anyone but Kate herself for tweeting about the kids and Kate can't blame anyone but herself for the paps and the pesky public when she's tweeting about their location herself.

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin tweeted:
Raining here just in time for my kids to come tumbling off the bus.. Oh joy! Can we skip the April showers and go right to the may flowers?

NikkiGirl1980 Nikki Reed tweeted to @Kateplusmy8: isn't that like totally screaming out to the paparazzi - Hi come find me at the bus stop with my kids. not smart!

Not exactly the same said...

Other kids may do a long bus commute but do they have to work on their weekends?

Yes it is Kate's Twitter said...

That is the correct twitter account. It has been twitter verified.

Linda G. said...

Well then kategosselin_08 must be the "TLC" version, because TLC posts tweets as themselves on that account.

Why does she have two twitter accounts? She just posted to the kategosselin_08 one on Monday. I will look at this other one, but I won't follow her.

Ah, yes, she is very much tweeting stuff she shouldn't tweet about her kids. Just goes to show she doesn't give a rat's ass about their safety, much less their privacy. Damn.

Linda G. said...

Twitter is the PERFECT platform for a narcissist. People FOLLOW you. They read every word you write. It's like having a constant audience in your pocket (on your phone). No wonder she's tweeting so much.

E-town Neighbor said...

You know what, though, Admin? Thinking about this "survey," - that's not a bad idea. I've know quite a few kids who, over the years have used that bus, many of them for much of their school years. I'll ask them exactly how they felt about it - whether it was very grueling for them, and how long it took them to adjust to that schedule...what they absolutely hated about it, and what they liked about it.

E-town Neighbor said...

At that age? No. Older kids? Some may have jobs on the weekends. Do the Gosselins work EVERY weekend, or just those weekends that she has custody? Even on HER weekends, do they film every weekend she has custody? I don't know. Guess, though, with her twittering, we'll find out!

Not Kate on that Twitter said...

TLC is not tweeting that other Kate Gosselin twitter. She is just retweeting TLC's tweets.

Linda G. said...

And in thinking about this further: this Twittering is a total PR move. She's only following three people, but she tweets to her just over three thousand followers and so far, is answering a lot of their tweets to her. It honestly reads like a fan session and that's when it hit me that this is a desperation move.

The ratings were bad for the season premiere, they probably feared they would be. They're trying to do something different, have her talk directly to people.

She sounds even more unintelligent on twitter than she does normally, and that's pretty amazing. She doesn't seem to have any interests or interesting thing to say, no humor or sparkle or wit, nothing intelligent to say. It's all "WE'RE MOMMIES! I'M A MOMMY!" type stuff. Ug.

Why would anyone follow that? I follow people who are intelligent, witty or well-informed (one guy, a journalist, is based in the Middle East and often tweets things going on there before the news knows it).

AuntieAnn said...

Kate better be careful that SHE doesn't get busted for contempt now that she discovered twitter.

Back in October her lawyer Momjian said "the court was very clear in its orders to maintain privacy for this couple and their children and the issues they are dealing with"

Notice it didn't say Jon - it said "this couple"

Does she think she's above a judges orders?

Midnight Madness said...

"The Sheeple can't blame Jon for blabbing to the press about the kids and they can't blame anyone but Kate herself for tweeting about the kids and Kate can't blame anyone but herself for the paps and the pesky public when she's tweeting about their location herself.


Too stupid to have kids if she can't keep their whereabouts private. She's just plain nuts. She's asking for trouble. Didn't Jon get reemed out for putting out information about what he did with his kids?

Linda G. said...

Sorry to post so much, but unlike someone I don't have eight, count 'em, eight kids.

I have a question. In reading her tweets (she has tweeted every hour for the past two or three days except for eight hours at night!), she talked about picking up her kids, then has tweeted FOUR times since kid pick up, all responses to tweets to her (you have to read them, hit the response thing, type your response out, post it).

HOW is she doing that and driving? Or is someone else driving? Seems like if eight kids are so crazy, you couldn't tweet responses to four different people in the 20 minutes after you do bus pickup, could you? It's kind of manic.

silimom said...

Admin, I agree that 8 hours a week on the bus isn't wonderful, but there are times it is necessary My five year old is in special education. Law requires that she be placed at a school that offers a program that is the Least Restrictive Environment for her. She leaves the house at 8:00 and arrives at school 45 minutes later. She leaves school at 2:45 and arrives home at 3:30. That's an hour and a half each day. Is it my ideal? No, but the program is a good program and it's worth the 7 and 1/2 hours a week travel time. In addition, for her specifically, the bus helps her to transition between school and home very smoothly. She loves riding the bus. I thought after the first month of school she'd tire of it, but nope. She gets excited each day it pulls up.

And we still have time throughout the week for homework, free play with the neighbor kids, tv time, girl scouts and ballet once a week at the YMCA. So, not necessarily speaking about Kate and her 8, but for the other Reading parents who have their children bussed, the benefits of the education they're receiving may be worth the trade off and I bet those kids also get to do outside activities just like my kid.

And for the record, my 2nd grader attends special ed at our home school which is 2 blocks away, so I have a basis for comparison. Riding the bus or walking to school, both girls have time for school work, rest, relaxation and outside activities.

Sport said...

My son started playing Sports at age 5, daughter at 7. I have played sports my whole life so we are pretty active and I am sure why they were so interested. If that is too young what about sleepovers, park play dates, camping trips, having friends over to swim, bike riding, water balloon fights, throwing a Frisbee around etc?

It's important to get some social interaction - if sports aren't your thing then there are many other routes. Bottom line, if you are thinking about fun stuff for your kids to do and trying to engage them and enrich their lives it is not hard to find fun activities for you all to do together, even if you dont get paid and filmed doing them ...

You suck kHate. Bigtime.

Rating info said...

Carrying this over from the previous thread:

Ratings said...
The Ratings Game said...

Regarding the ratings game. Could someone please explain exactly how this works. Over on another site (that rhymes with plop) a mod has commented that unless a viewer is being COUNTED, it doesn't matter whether or not we watch or talk about the show because it's not going to count in the ratings. This sounds to me like we all can watch and it's not going to affect the ratings one way or another. Is this correct?


I read that, too, about six times. The bottom line, if the article there is correct, is this - whether a show is being hyped on talk shows, (The View, Entertainment Tonight, etc.) or in People Magazine et al., that hype has absolutely no effect unless you are one of the ones being counted by Nielson.

There is a lot more that goes into ratings than just counting the Nielson box numbers. It uses a % point system that involves DVR's, time of day the shows were watched, etc. This info comes from the site that posts the ratings and explains how the numbers come to be:

PatK said...

Oh, dear heavens. Who has the time to sit around all day and read every stupid tweet from that uninteresting famewhore? It really sounds like she's going gung-ho on revealing waaaay too much stuff she shouldn't be. I pray it bites her in the butt.

PaMomOfOne said...

Admin said:
The fact that she has to say over and over and over the kids just love filming suggests she is being very defensive about something. And we all know when people get defensive, it often means they have something to be defensive about.


Reminds me of her "we'll always be together" comment from the Hawaii trip.

h8k8 said...

roxyhelen said...
.....Also Kate said they are filming EVERY WEEK-END she has them.


Holy crap. I missed that interview. When/where did she say they were filming EVERY WEEKEND she has them? Do by chance have a link to the interview? TIA.

dee3 said...

Donna said~

"All the show did was display her warped behavior to the world. Had the show never taken place those poor kids would still be living in this nightmare...we just wouldn't have known about it."
I completely agree with you. The biggest issue for me, however, is the fact that so many people were convinced that Kate was a "role-model mom" for a period of time, initially....when in fact, she is the poster child/textbook picture of how to NOT be a role-model mom. It concerns me that so many people didn't see her coming....when to me, she was clearly a malignant narcissist....and could not have been more of an example of how to NOT be a role-model mother. It was worse than the 'emperor with no clothes' wasn't that she was wearing no clothes, but that she was a horrible mom wearing sheep's clothing....and it wasn't very hidden to boot. Yet so few seemed to notice it initially.

It does concern me, actually.....that so many can be so easily fooled or so easily convinced that what they are clearly seeing is something quite the opposite....and that's not OK, IMO. It's the underlying reason why propaganda works so well.

Westcoaster said...

Honestly I don't know why this Twitter nonsense is being allowed, or perhaps it will be shut down soon, since it seems crystal clear that she is completely violating that court order by tweeting about the kids, where they are, etc. Just imagine if Jon were doing half that. Actually I'm surprised that it has taken Kate and TLC this long to hook her up on Twitter - now at least she and her pink phones have a purpose. And yes, Twitter is the perfect place for a narcissist. But in the legal sense, she needs to be stopped.

My husband commutes an hour each way, on LA freeways, and it's tough.He does it because he made a career change, and we like our house and neighborhood, which is closer to my job. In his old career, he was 10 minutes from his office and the hospital, and that was by choice. He hardly missed a high school football/soccer game and he was an OB/GYN at the time. Priorities. Kudos to whoever said that these kids are and having always been props for Kate - she is only in love with babies, the ones who nap all day. Crazy messed up woman.

h8k8 said...

RoxyHelen, please ignore my previous question about filming. Duhhh, if I'd only read through the whole post I'd have found you posted all the info and answered my question. My bad.

Get off my TV screen, Twit said...

Hippie Chick, I laugh out loud every time you write “plop”!! Infuriating as they can be, it’s just as bad currently at another blog we all know of. They’re coming up with destination ideas for Kate to do a travel show on her own without the kids. Seriously?? That’s the only trade-off for the kids to have their lives back… we have to watch their famewhore mother cackle and whine her way around the globe for free while getting paid? I don’t know what the blogging world is coming to. This is the only safe place to be :)

url said...

TLC will regret hooking her up to twitter. How are they going to control what she tweets when she's alone in the evening with her favorite boxed wine? TLC controls her during taped interviews with an earpiece, scripted answers, and Steve standing off camera. Will they have Steve screening and approving her tweets 24 hours/day? I give it a few more days before a TLC intern completely takes over this account.

dee3 said...

To Administrator~

I totally agree that Kate is starting to sound really defensive at this point.....and really sets off big, red, "she's lying" flags. She "protesteth too much" basically.

And regarding the constant filming and no free time, in addition to not having fun and not getting down time to relax, the G. children will not get the peer interaction so necessary for proper/healthy social and emotional development at this age. In fact, IMO this would have been a clear factor in the behavior that caused the expulsion of two of the tups.....being unable to appropriately interact with their peers.

Also...participating in sports and extra-curricular activities at the younger ages sets the stage for participating in these activities when they become teens.....when these things really count on college admission forms. Most good colleges want to see the applicant involved in these activities to show that they have a well-rounded personality.....and the lack of such can negatively affect their chances of getting into competitive colleges.

Unfortunately, with their mother being a narcissist, it's ALL about her and sadly, the well-being and futures of the children are not her priority. Others just exist for her convenience.....and this would also include the children.

Kate's Cart said...

OMG - How can Kate expect anyone to believe she is cooking dinner when she describes it as:Home made spaghetti with meat sauce over angelhair garlic bread and steamed broccoli rabe for dinner in the gosselin house. Whatcha makin'?

She serves spaghettti over angle hair pasta?

Anonymous said...

Administrator said... The kids are really approaching the age where their weekends are going to be filled with soccer practice, baseball practice, tennis lessons, homework, school friends, sleepovers, music lessons, church group activities, and all the other normal things other kids do. How are they going to do this if they are filming? Or does their work schedule interfere with any of that?
My husband's mother is a narcissist and an exact clone of Kate. He and his 3 brothers were not allowed to have friends over or go to other friends' houses when they were growing up. They also were not able to join any kind of sports team because she refused to take them to practice and the games. They also have a baby sister who was the 'golden child' and she was in dance lessons and every beauty pageant within a 200 mile radius of their home. She hauled her to every dance lesson and every pageant, but her boys were not allowed to do anything but have paper routes to earn their own money so she didn't have to spend any money on them. No lie. They had to buy their own clothes and anything else they needed from their paper route earnings (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.). And of course, she NEVER took them on their paper routes. They were responsible for doing that themselves or their father took them before he left the house in the morning to go work 1 of his 3 jobs to keep the $$ rolling in for his narcissist wife to spend.

And how did his mother reward their father at the end of the day for working 16-17 hours? By asking him what he brought home for dinner when he walked in the door at 9-10:00 at night! I wish I was making this up. This happened every....single....night. She shopped and sunbathed by the pool all day and didn't bother to feed her 4 children dinner, but rather waited until her husband returned home after working 3 jobs that day and sent him back out to scrounge up whatever fast food he could find at that hour. This was way before fast food was as readily available as it is now.

These kids will never be able to have a 'normal' childhood that includes sleepovers, birthday parties, school dances, sports, and drama or dance. It simply will not be an option as long as they live with her. Now, if at some point they decide they want to live with Jon full time and once they reach the age that they can make that decision legally (I think it's 12 years old in our state), then they might have a shot at being able to live a life that includes these activities. Kate of course will not allow this to happen without a fight because this will mess up her gravy train, but I see more than 1 of these kids doing this at some point. Jon's certainly made a lot of mistakes as a dad and human being, but who hasn't? He's doing the right thing now by laying low, working and trying to be the best dad he can be to those kids. That's a whole lot more than Kate is doing for them. She's only using them to get what she wants. She absolutely does not care about those kids in the sense that a normal mother would. She's not capable of doing so because of her NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). Narcissists do not see other humans - including their own children - as people. They see them as tools to get them what they want. Everyone is disposable when they fail to meet her demands and her children are no exception. It's a sad fact as it relates to narcissists.

One day, these kids will want to access the money they have worked so hard to earn and I can GUARANTEE you that Kate will prevent them from getting their hands on it.....assuming there is anything left. This will be how she will effectively alienate them from her life AND try and gain sympathy from the public. She will cry "after all those years of working so hard to give you everything on a golden platter (her words), and this is how I'm repaid?" This scenario will absolutely happen. Mark it down.

thankyoufairy said...

I rode the bus for a full hour each way when I was growing up. I had to be out the door to the end of the driveway by 6:35 am and I arrived home around 4:00 pm. My parents were farming and we lived on the end of the route. I was so jealous of the people who lived closer. It was tiring but my older brother and I managed without many too many problems. My younger brother had more trouble with hay fever and ear infections. The ride was much harder on him so my mother started working at his school as a volunteer and drove him to school. Soon she was working as a paraprofessional.

To this day, I try to locate myself as close as possible to work so I don't have as much of a commute.

No regrets said...

I checked that twitter account of Kate's. Her first post was 11 hours ago. She has posted almost continually all day, just chit chatting away! With an
hour break here and there, I am assuming for mandatory breaks and shift change. What a supermom who is SO busy. All this twittering while making a homemade pasta dinner with all the trimmings. LOL Amazing. Just amazing. ~ Administrator said...

Anonymous, before you post a snide comment asking if I'm "equally critical" of all kids who ride the bus with them, read my comments.

I said: "I don't think any kid should be on a bus that long be it going to a local school and making lots of stops, or going to a school far away."

I said ANY KID. So yes, I am equally critical of ALL kids who spend this much time on a bus. I think it's too much. I went on to discuss how as a culture this happened, and other people chimed in about IEP placements and so on. Then someone else pointed out that none of those kids also have a full time job working for the cameras in addition to their long commutes--bam.

You're still banned by the way. ~ Administrator said...

Hey I thought it was pretty cool I found a photo of a woman walking a tightrope in hooker heels! Any comments?!

E-town Neighbor said...

I said ANY KID. So yes, I am equally critical of ALL kids who spend this much time on a bus. I think it's too much.


Admin, just so there is no misunderstanding about my comments concerning the kids riding the bus, my personal opinion is that it's too much. I agree with you. However, it's that way even in the public school system. I was just talking about this with a friend of mine who told me that on Monday their bus (public school) was "hung up" in traffic, and her son left school at 3:15 and never got home until 4:20.
That's why my children have never used the bus, nor do they ride the bus. The commute is just too long. However, for parents who cannot take their children to school, or pick them up, it's their only option.

"Also...participating in sports and extra-curricular activities at the younger ages sets the stage for participating in these activities when they become teens.....when these things really count on college admission forms. Most good colleges want to see the applicant involved in these activities to show that they have a well-rounded personality.....and the lack of such can negatively affect their chances of getting into competitive colleges."


And therein is one of the problems with the school systems. Push, push, push. Get the Kindergarteners in as many activities as possible. Burn them out so that when they get to MS and US they are sick and tired of everything. My brother's children weren't involved in extra-curricular activities until they were in 9th and 10th grades. There was no problem getting into colleges. One graduated from Cornell; the other from Dickinson, and the "baby" was accepted at the U of P. I would say that these are competitive colleges.

No regrets said...

Admin I saw that pix, but it didn't register what whe was walking on Cool pix. Very appropriate. LOL

E-town Neighbor said...

You're still banned by the way.


LOL!! Is this the same anon who tried to sneak in here not too long ago under various names and was banned? Persistent, huh?

url said...

That's what happens after a couple glasses of wine. Homemade spaghetti is served over uncooked angelhair pasta, frozen cold garlic bread and unthawed broccoli. Open the lunch boxes and there's desert.

Regarding the thread photo, it's all wrong. Nothing about Kart is sexual. Put a photo of a donkey or a wrinkly skinned chicken walking the rope wearing heels and put her head on it.

Charlene said...

About the bus ride - it is much more common than you think. I live in a rural area where our school district encompasses 128 square miles. Which means that a lot of students are in for a looong bus ride. When my daughter was in elementary school her bus ride was about 35-40 minutes. (one of the first kids on in the morning, last off at night) When my son was in middle school, we lived 5 minutes away by car, but he was on the bus at least 30 minutes in the morning, but after school he was the first to be dropped off. I would take him in the morning if my work schedule allowed it, but I felt so bad for my daughter having to be on the bus so long. But we made the choice to move and get our kids away from the city schools which were getting downright scary. My son is now 20 and my daughter is a senior, both involved in many after school activities. You find ways to let them be involved, most times there was a bus to take them home, or arranged to share carpooling with other parents. It is doable, and I have to say my kids are no worse for the wear either.

gotyournumberKate said...

It must be exhausting for Kate to try to address and justfy all the negative things said about her on the blogs. She's all over the map doing this. Only someone who reads the blogs would understand it. In my opinion it looks to me like Kate is desperate for an image makeover. I don't know who she really thinks she's kidding.

She's going nowhere said...

Hippie Chick: I didn't mean to give anyone the idea I am a fan of Kate Gosselin. Gross. She makes me sick. I just don't think she is going away any time soon. I was only repeating what someone from TV by the numbers was saying in response to another commenter who said he hated her and wanted her to go away. This guy seemed to me to be a guy that worked at TV by the numbers. He said that based on the numbers she posted last night that she is going nowhere, that even though most of her following is negative, people are still watching. The people from 'Plot" have to be nuts. They rag on her all week, day and night and then turn around and watch her show. I don't get that. I truly don't. And I am first in line to wish she would go away, somewhere far, far away. I just don't think it's going to happen any time soon. I hope to goodness I am proven wrong!!!

TLC ship is sinking said...

She's going nowhere said...Kate's not going anywhere. These ratings are good enough to keep her going, the TV by the numbers guy said she was number 5 in TLC's lineup and that as much as she is reviled, she is not going anywhere.

I've read previous blog posts/comments from this guy and he keeps referring to this as the reason why TLC continues Kate's show. However, I've noticed in the past that TLC staggers their shows - new seasons for a few shows mixed in with repeats of past seasons for other shows.

Think about it this way: If TLC is airing new episodes/seasons for only 10 shows, you could say that Kate is still in TLC's Top 10 but really she'd be at the bottom of viewership in regards to new programming for TLC.

Anyone know how many TLC shows are currently airing a new season? This is the comparison that guy needs to do, instead of lumping Kate Plus 8 among all TLC shows.

Linda G. said...

Yeah, she posted about that dinner, then six minutes later, was answering someone else to say sorry, no leftovers.

Holy crap, how did they all eat dinner in six minutes?

LOL, I'm laughing so hard. Twittering might just being her undoing. There's NO WAY she's taking care of eight kids and twittering as often as she is. She's not even just saying her own thing, she's answering other people's tweets, which takes longer. ALLLLLLL day. So I guess that's her new job.

Kartie Dearest said...

Like someone said on the other thread, that 1.3 mil is a terrible rating for a cable premiere that once pulled in 4-5 million average (or 10 million on the divorce episode). Ratings rarely go higher than the premiere numbers.

What if all of the future shows bring in only 500K-700K viewers per episode? That's less than other cable shows that were cancelled due to "poor ratings."

Also, this sudden PR damage control campaign is a little too late. They are scrambling around trying to repair her image from the Alaska show. Hello - try going back 3-4 seasons.

About Twitter, I dont think that is Kate tweeting. Who uses exclamation points in every tweet. Those heart symbols are just so teenager-ish (ha ha). Sounds like a young college grad is on the TLC payroll. but if she tweets, "headed to the nail salon", "going to the fake n bake", "flying to new york solo" or "gave my menu to the hired chef", then I'll know it's really her.

-A said...

When I was a kid I rode the bus to and from school in a small town. I was the last off at the end of the day and it was about half an hour of a ride. I did it from kindergarten to about 5th Grade and had no ill effects. The only time sports or activities would be a problem (here, at least) is high school. Activities for younger kids here are weekends or around 5-6, to coincide with parental work schedules.

LisaNH said...

Okay, so whenever I do something mundane (for me), like ironing my clothes for work, taking a shower etc. my mind wanders. So tonight I was thinking about Reality Tv and comparing it to J&K+8 and K+8.

One show my husband and I used to love was Ghost Hunters. We couldn’t wait for Wed. nights when it was on. We’d tape it and watch it again over the weekend. Initially we liked the fact that the show centered on a couple of New England blue collar guys (plumbers by day, ghost hunters by night) that had a show that made it to national TV. In fact everyone in the cast was a local person who worked a regular job by day and ghost hunted at night.

Now, 5 or 6 seasons later we no longer watch the show. Why? Because they had a similar turn as Kate’s show. No, they didn’t have plastic surgery and they don’t run around in designer clothes but they have lost their roots.

Here is what I came up with for comparison (anyone familiar with Ghost Hunters will know some of the things on here):

Started out investigating private homes, now they primarily investigate commercial properties (hotels), museums and historical sites.

Started out filming their day to day activities. Now they go all over the world to fancy places.

The first season, TAPS analyzed their investigations in a construction trailer in the back yard of one of the founders’ home. Now they have a bigger office in a rented building with all kinds of fancy equipment. And the founders purchased a hotel in NH.

Started out in a 2-3 bedroom home in a suburban neighborhood, now they live in a Mansion.

Jason and Grant were plumbers for Roto Rooter. Now they film them pretending to be plumbers but everyone knows at this point with the money their making, they aren’t plumbers anymore.

Kate used to prepare meals (on camera) for the family, now she pretends to prepare meals or go grocery shopping for filming.

Sorry this is so long, I just wanted to make a point about Reality TV and how it can affect people on the shows.

Now I in now way think Jay and Grant are exploiters like Kate, nor did they seek fame, but there are similarities to the Realty Show affect.

Linda G. said...

Kartie Dearest, it totally sounds like her. Even if it's not her, why would they want to make it look as if she just tweetsmall day long? That looks bad.

I don't follow her, you can just search for kateplusmy8 on twitter and read all her tweets.

It's total damage control, even saying the kids have used the pool, and explaining her twitter name, explaining how she's able to tweet so often all day (she has iPhone fingers!).

E-town Neighbor said...

About the bus ride - it is much more common than you think. I live in a rural area where our school district encompasses 128 square miles. Which means that a lot of students are in for a looong bus ride. When my daughter was in elementary school her bus ride was about 35-40 minutes. (one of the first kids on in the morning, last off at night)


Thanks for reporting, Charlene, that it's just not here in this public school system. I was thinking about it today after I posted, and thought that's really a long ride on the bus for kids who live in the area and in the same township! Their ride in the local area is as long as the Gosselins' ride to Reading!

Linda G. said...

She tweets 6-15 times an hour almost every hour except in the middle of the night. She tweeted that she had to go to bed, then tweeted four more times after that. Is she even aware there are time stamps?

Midnight Madness said...

LOL, I'm laughing so hard. Twittering might just being her undoing. There's NO WAY she's taking care of eight kids and twittering as often as she is. She's not even just saying her own thing, she's answering other people's tweets, which takes longer. ALLLLLLL day. So I guess that's her new job.


It's going to bite her in the butt. She doesn't know what she's doing, and it's going to be her undoing. She's going to come off as a laughingstock and is going to have some 'splaining to do about what she does all day when the paid employees run the house! So much for the poor, over-worked, single mom. I can't believe that TLC has sanctioned this!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Administrator said...

Hey I thought it was pretty cool I found a photo of a woman walking a tightrope in hooker heels! Any comments?!


Yes- it's a great visual, Administrator. Kate has become a circus act, and sadly her children have become a sideshow act for her.

Wouldn't it have been PERFECT if the photo had 16 little feet walking on that tightrope instead of the hooker heels?

Since I'm commenting, I might as well offer to you Marilyn Sparks (from the Examiner) comments on Kate plus 8:

*My favorite paragraph is where Marilyn Sparks says, "However, the freak appeal of the 36-year old mother will only last for so long as her popularity continues to slip. Also, if Gosselin intends to remain in show business, she will need to find new jobs for her 8 children"....

Kateismyqueen said...

Now the Z nut is spreading her lie to BM site. She says "it would be interesting to find out when a story is changed on ROL..."

GIVE IT UP Z nut! You lied and made up BS and got called out on it. What in the world would make ROL or anyone else change a story? Certainly not a crazy Z blogger or because something happened on K+8 show. ROL is the bottom of the food chain, but I think they could care less what people say or WHAT ROL says for that matter.

kidsRablessing said...

Your post is spot on. I too agree the G8 lives would have been dysfunctional with or without the show. When the kids are old enough to read about their mother's agenda for them from pre-conception, I think all hell will break loose. These kids WILL seek out answers, and evetually they will figure out all kids do not live their lives like theirs.
Its a gross injustice to these kids that they have had their lives on crappy reality tv their WHOLE lives. I do not care how many opportunities they have had from the show, it is still a crappy way to grow up. A life with absolutely NO privacy in any aspect of their lives. Kids lose interests in things pretty quick, something can be cool for awhile and then be annoying the next.
Kate lies when she says these kids loved to be filmed still.
When Jon wanted to stop filming I think he was trying to do it because he already saw what impact it was causing on his kids daily life.
To think that Kate ignored all that and pursued the show anyways, the kids be damned, makes her the scum of the earth. A truly loving mother WOULD never put her needs in front of her child's well being. NEVER.

fidosmommy said...

Re: local children having long rides home from
the private school:

Does that school need more buses in order to get the children home at an earlier hour? With the tuition they pay, it seems to me that having
adequate transportation would be an expectation.

I went to public school, but when our school boundaries grew to include more children, the ride home got quite long. We got a couple of new buses and the problem was solved.

Of course, Kate would probably vote for a limo
to go pick up her children - and her children alone. Why, she might even make the trip to drop them off and pick them up every day, right at the front door!

stupid is said...

I think it would be wonderful if the kids had a limo. At least the money they earned would be used for THEIR comfort and not Kate's.

readerlady said...

There's a report on one of the other blogs that Hannah got sick at school and when the school called Kate to see if she wanted to come pick her up, Kate told them to put her on the school bus. Apparently there are pix from today that show Kate carrying her from the bus and neither are looking very happy. Great mothering that. It's bad enough to be at school and feel sick, I can just imagine how much worse it feels to be on a school bus for 45 minutes or so. What a great mother NOT!

Re long bus rides. I live out in country. No kids, but quite a few in the neighborhood. The school complex is about 1 1/2 miles away, but because walking or riding a bike would mean having to cross a 4 lane, 65 MPH speed limit highway, everyone rides the bus, they drive, or their parents' drive them. Most of the kids are on the bus for at least 1/2 hour and the kids in my neighborhood are on it for 45 minutes to an hour. Right now, the middle and high school kids are getting home at 5:30 or later. We had so many missed days due to snow, ice and flooding that they are having to go to school an extra hour a day to make up the time. Elementary kids are getting home around 5. That makes for a VERY long day.

Aeris said...

No regrets said...

I checked that twitter account of Kate's. Her first post was 11 hours ago. She has posted almost continually all day, just chit chatting away! With an
hour break here and there, I am assuming for mandatory breaks and shift change. What a supermom who is SO busy. All this twittering while making a homemade pasta dinner with all the trimmings. LOL Amazing. Just amazing.


This just made me realize that we're going to see a LOT more "pap" photos of her playing with that damn, pink phone of hers. Now she doesn't have to pretend to be talking to people anymore - she'll be sending tweets on her phone constantly. All she needs is another distraction from her kids! No offense to college-aged people, but Khate desperately wants to be one of you guys and relive those years.

Linda G. said...

Readerlady, wow that should not surprise me by now, but wow. Vomiting or fever are two surefire ways to get me to go get my child from school and she's 16!!! Of course, this is the same woman who put one of the boys on the laundry room floor when he was throwing up, with a bucket (how nice of her). I think he was three? So again, this should not surprise any of us.

As for what she was so busy with, that should be obvious: twittering! Between the time she dropped them off and picked them up, 30 tweets. I know that since she tweeted when she dropped them off and tweeted when she picked them up. She's making it super easy.

Chingada said...

Re: the school bus. While a long commute is not ideal, I don't feel that it is that terrible. I used to love riding the bus to school. I think we are forgetting that kids socialize and do their homework on the ride to and from school; it isn't like they are sitting there idle and silent.

barbee said...

Admin, since Kate obviously has allowed photoshopping for magazine covers, can't you photoshop some 'cankles' for her? It would certainly add to the realism of this.

Anonymous said...

I happen to be in college at the moment, for about 3 years now, and I find it a tad bit shameful people, college or not are online for facebook/twitter or whatever all day! Yes, I have facebook account, am on it every five minutes to tell all my friends about my day or this or that? No. Do I have Twitter account? HECK NO! I have yet to figure out why it is even really necessary....but maybe I'm just slow.

It is beyond me why a 36-year-old woman on a reality TV show, who has 8 children, the woman who previously took her ex-husband to court over his own Twitter activities would suddenly have a 180 change of heart and Twitter ALL DAY. It just doesn't make any sense.

There maybe those college-age or young kids who are on facebook/twitter/email 24/7 but I sure am not one of them. I can barely phathom as to why adults would do it when they complain we younger folks that's all we do. Hipocracy much?

I used to live in the high desert of south CA for a time, I walked maybe 1 or 1/2 mile to the bus stop, took the bus ride of 20-30 minutes, this to and from school five days a week. Granit it way things were laid out where I lived my mom was home and could see my route through our kitchen window, I don't see anything wrong with 45 minute bus ride, but I do see the problem with them getting home at 4:30 and having to to bed at 7:30. I went to bed as a kid at 8:30, sometimes 9 if I could talk my dad into it. My thought is, the sun is still up most the time, why shouldn't kids be? By dusk okay close to bed but that hour is ridiculous.

Am hoping the empire that has become Kate (minus or plus her 8) will end quickly the whole thing is outrageous, pointless and should have stopped well before they got a divorce. But no sense in beating a dead horse I guess but it will eventually end. And Kate will have to figure her next move, because no show reality or sit-com, lasts forever!

C (Is for cookie) said...

It will be interesting to see what Kate does about their educations once the gravy train derails. My guess is that she hasn't thought that far ahead at all. If she has, by some chance, she probably figured, "Well, the money will magically appear, because (sniff) I'm a single mom with eight--count 'em, eight kids--and I'm (sniff-sniff) unemployed; I'm owed the help!"

You know, beg for charity, scholarships, love offerings, call it what you will, but that woman won't dig deep to keep her kids in that school. Now, her tans, nails, and shoe collection...that's a whole 'nuther story.

GoPoshGo said...

"Being on the bus in the morning is not wasted "normal activities" time."


That would be true if you don't count *sleep* as a "normal activity." These kids wouldn't need to get up at o'dark-thirty if they didn't have such a long commute to school.

OT, this is also where Kate's claim of cooking a full-on breakfast of pancakes, eggs, etc. is a load of crap. Where is the time to prepare (much less eat) that kind of meal when the kids are on the bus at the crack of dawn??

I think Kate (a) enjoys the "prestige" factor of a private school, and (b) loves having the kids away from her for as much of the day as possible. This commute to their school is just the updated version of their toddler mandated 4-hour afternoon naps. It's Kate's current method for NOT having to deal with her kids for too much of the day.

Pam said...

Marie said... I happen to be in college at the moment, for about 3 years now, and I find it a tad bit shameful people, college or not are online for facebook/twitter or whatever all day! Yes, I have facebook account, am on it every five minutes to tell all my friends about my day or this or that? No. Do I have Twitter account? HECK NO! I have yet to figure out why it is even really necessary....but maybe I'm just slow.

It is beyond me why a 36-year-old woman on a reality TV show, who has 8 children, the woman who previously took her ex-husband to court over his own Twitter activities would suddenly have a 180 change of heart and Twitter ALL DAY. It just doesn't make any sense.


That's easy.

She KNOWS she skating on thin ice with ratings and is doing everything she can to try to draw in more viewers and keep her name out there.

I'm pretty sure she knows if the ratings drop anymore, she's done.

But...I also think somewhere along the line of starting her Twitter account, she discovered, "Hey! I had no idea I could use this as a way to embellish my reality to keep up my supermom persona."

For someone who just started twittering, she has completely gone overboard. The number of tweets she's made since starting is absurd! Good god, when does she have time to be a mom?

Oh, that's right. Other people deal with the kids. She probably made all those tweets from the tanning bed or while getting her toes done.

Steam this said...

Kate's Cart said... OMG - How can Kate expect anyone to believe she is cooking dinner when she describes it as:Home made spaghetti with meat sauce over angelhair garlic bread and steamed broccoli rabe for dinner in the gosselin house. Whatcha makin'?

She serves spaghettti over angle hair pasta?


LOL. Even worse ... who steams broccoli rabe???? That is one of the most bitter vegetables you'd ever eat. I don't know a single child (much less most adults) who can stomach it -- at least without a good saute and LOTS of seasoning. This is NOT a vegetable one would prepare for children. I haven't followed Kate's tweeting nonsense, but I'm suspecting TLC has hired an intern to do it for her. I highly doubt Kate even knows what brocolli rabe is .....

AuntieAnn said...

There's a report on one of the other blogs that Hannah got sick at school and when the school called Kate to see if she wanted to come pick her up, Kate told them to put her on the school bus.
I wonder how anyone would know the school called Kate. Is there an informant in her house or at the school? Oh dear, don't tell me the bus driver did it.

It's like a game of Clue.

Anonymous said...

Look at which reality star is being sued....wouldn't be good for the ratings.

FreeG8! said...

I think it is disgusting how Kate Gosselin always remarks again and again how many times her slaves, I mean children said thank you, mommy-- after a party, outing or yet another working vacation. After the many times, we have seen words put into those kids' mouths--further stressing them out--it is just disgusting. It is all about Kate, and everyone should bow down and thank her to her self-absorbed, narcissistic butt. Typical narcissistic mother! TLC, you are destroying 8 kids' lives, period. ~ Administrator said...

I finished the recap tonight, it will post at midnight just because I don't want two posts in one day. Enjoy.

Also if you click on the "ratings" tag at the bottom of this current post, you can see all the posts here about ratings of the shows in the past. ~ Administrator said...

By the way recap post is on an automatic "timer" which is kind of a cool way to time posts. :)

Why is she tweeting? said...

E-town Neighbor said...
Tired of this drivel - literally she tweeted all day long! Why doesn't she get a real job if she has all this time on her hands? She has 3834 fans. (hasn't changed much since last night)

Let her go. She'll slip up and say or do something and is going to get called on it. She's not the brightest bulb. Why in heaven's name would anyone make her life public, especially someone who is so controversial?
I hope she doesn't slip up on something that could put the kids' security at risk. She doesn't think before she or twits or twats or whatever it is.


Why did she join Twitter, why is she tweeting non-stop, why tell personal details about the kids? I think she's desperate since TLC has made it quite clear that the show has to be successful so that their efforts to keep it on the air haven't been in vain.

Almost every article I've read this week has said that if the show doesn't hold it's own, that it's done and that her popularity and 'celeb power' has dropped considerably and is bordering on pitiful.

I honestly believe she'll say or do anything to try to stay relevant and that tweeting like a fool about things that should be kept personal is her way of doing that. I guess I shouldn't be surprised she tells the world she's picking up the kids or that she sent one to school with a damp jacket on or that she was tweeting until midnight the previous night. Because of her frequent interviews spilling information about the kids that should have never been made public I know she exercises poor judgement and has no filter and will do and say anything to keep the exploitation of her kids going.

just wondering said...

Local PA news story and video about Kate being sued for money owed to Dr. Sylvia Lafair, the therapist she & Jon were both seeing. She has apparently refused to pay more than $10,000 in services and travel fees.

This is another golden nugget found by Preesi's superior undercover crew.. Credit to EmBreeo..

fidosmommy said...

AuntieAnn said... There's a report on one of the other blogs that Hannah got sick at school and when the school called Kate to see if she wanted to come pick her up, Kate told them to put her on the school bus.
I wonder how anyone would know the school called Kate. Is there an informant in her house or at the school? Oh dear, don't tell me the bus driver did it.

It's like a game of Clue.


It wouldn't be hard. A likely scenario would run like this: She probably started getting sick in the classroom, during exercise or at lunch - at least somewhere people were around. She was probably taken to the office and her mother was called. She was returned to the classroom, she told the kids and/or the teacher that she was to take the bus home like usual.
Kids talk about it with other kids at school and with parents/older siblings at home. Before long, the anonymous poster hears about it and writes it to the world.

No need to sniff out an official informant when there are regular people milling around.

E-town Neighbor said...

I think Kate (a) enjoys the "prestige" factor of a private school, and (b) loves having the kids away from her for as much of the day as possible. This commute to their school is just the updated version of their toddler mandated 4-hour afternoon naps. It's Kate's current method for NOT having to deal with her kids for too much of the day.


How do you figure? Depending where they lived in the public school system, they would be away from home the same amount of hours in the day. See posts upthread about the amount of travel time.

Linda in NS said...

ADMIN: I am in my mid-50s now. When I was a teenager I lived in the country and had to take a bus to school. We got on the bus at 7:30 in the morning for a 9 AM school start. In the evening it was another 1.5 hour trip home. From grade 7 to 12 it was the same thing. In a perfect world kid would not have to be on a bus that long but this isn't a perfect world. Where I grew up it is still the norm; a very long, boring, tiring bus trip. When we got home we had dinner, did homework and went to bed. There was no time for extra-curricular activities.

Mary said...

E-Town Neighbor said:

How do you figure? Depending where they lived in the public school system, they would be away from home the same amount of hours in the day.


Actually from where they live it would save a lot of travel time. There is a newly built beautiful elementary school in a great school district about 5 minutes from their home.

If they went there they could sleep an hour later in the morning and after school be home in 5 mintues. They could save at least 1-1/2 hours travel time.

Kate's Cart said...

Steam this - I know on the broccoli rabe - I sauteed it once in olive and garlic - it was horrible. Guess you have to blanch it first. And my family eats tons of veggies. I agree - unless the kids are starved, they wouldn't want to eat it. But I guess she serves very little protein, so they'll eat almost anything they are allow on the cafeteria style dinner plates. They poor kids don't even know what a sit down family style dinner is on a real plate.

kidsRablessing said...

Pretty sure this is not the last time Kate will be sued, when the gravy train stops and the huge credit card bills, bills for services done, scammed churches, etc. come in she will be in trouble. Oh and probably a few unpaid parking tickets too.

Laura D. said...

I just looked up broccoli rabe and found out it's rapini - one of my fav veggies which has been available here in Canada for years. I've got 5 kids and they all hate it. It's too bitter for kids even after blanching & sautee. This was just an attempt by Kate to seem hip & trendy.

Donna said...

Admin, thanks for the recap of the Australia trip. You made it possible for us to know what happened on the trip without having endure the agony of actually watching the show.
As far as Kate's Twitter account goes, I can't believe that TLC didn't have more sense than to allow her access to it. We all know that it is impossible for Kate to tell the truth about anything. Now that she has Twitter the public will be able to see just what a liar she really is.

GoPoshGo said...

E-town Neighbor said...

How do you figure? Depending where they lived in the public school system, they would be away from home the same amount of hours in the day. See posts upthread about the amount of travel time.


As a local, I can say for sure that they could attend excellent schools without a ridiculous BUS commute ... esp. since their mom doesn't really work and could actually DRIVE them to school. If Kate (or the fleet of not-a-nannies) actually drove the kids to one of the local public schools, the G8 would have a lot more time to sleep, play, and be normal kids. The problem is that Kate has no interest in her kids' education, other than to have the "private school" moniker to brag about.

As to your comment, E-town, sure, there are lots of kids who make long, ridiculous commutes to and from school every day. Doesn't make it right. I don't think the majority of kids should make such a trek. Moreover, the Gosselins don't HAVE to be making this commute. They DO have options that would allow them to sleep in later and spend less time in transit. Kate's ego and self-absorbtion have once again gotten in the way with her kids dealing with the relationship she has with their father.

E-town Neighbor said...

As to your comment, E-town, sure, there are lots of kids who make long, ridiculous commutes to and from school every day. Doesn't make it right. I don't think the majority of kids should make such a trek


I don't think they should ride the bus, either. That's why mine have never used the school bus. Public school kids in the area (in the county where they live, or in the county where the school is located) often ride the bus for the same number of hours. Why? Because in the public school system there are multiple stops along the way, with a considerable amount of traffic at that time of the day. With the transportation they use now, the bus is designated just for the Reading kids, without multiple stops at every corner, which is why their commute time is the same as many kids in the area of the school who ride the bus.

What are the other options? None, if they stay in their current school (other than moving). Putting them in a public school system within their area isn't the answer if they are going to ride the bus. Putting them in a public school system within their area and having someone drive them to school every day would be one solution to the long commute.

darwin said...

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Administrator said...

I finished the recap tonight, it will post at midnight just because I don't want two posts in one day. Enjoy.

Also if you click on the "ratings" tag at the bottom of this current post, you can see all the posts here about ratings of the shows in the past.

Mary said...

E-Town Neighbor said:

How do you figure? Depending where they lived in the public school system, they would be away from home the same amount of hours in the day.


Actually from where they live it would save a lot of travel time. There is a newly built beautiful elementary school in a great school district about 5 minutes from their home.

If they went there they could sleep an hour later in the morning and after school be home in 5 mintues. They could save at least 1-1/2 hours travel time.

fidosmommy said...

AuntieAnn said... There's a report on one of the other blogs that Hannah got sick at school and when the school called Kate to see if she wanted to come pick her up, Kate told them to put her on the school bus.
I wonder how anyone would know the school called Kate. Is there an informant in her house or at the school? Oh dear, don't tell me the bus driver did it.

It's like a game of Clue.


It wouldn't be hard. A likely scenario would run like this: She probably started getting sick in the classroom, during exercise or at lunch - at least somewhere people were around. She was probably taken to the office and her mother was called. She was returned to the classroom, she told the kids and/or the teacher that she was to take the bus home like usual.
Kids talk about it with other kids at school and with parents/older siblings at home. Before long, the anonymous poster hears about it and writes it to the world.

No need to sniff out an official informant when there are regular people milling around.

Why is she tweeting? said...

E-town Neighbor said...
Tired of this drivel - literally she tweeted all day long! Why doesn't she get a real job if she has all this time on her hands? She has 3834 fans. (hasn't changed much since last night)

Let her go. She'll slip up and say or do something and is going to get called on it. She's not the brightest bulb. Why in heaven's name would anyone make her life public, especially someone who is so controversial?
I hope she doesn't slip up on something that could put the kids' security at risk. She doesn't think before she or twits or twats or whatever it is.


Why did she join Twitter, why is she tweeting non-stop, why tell personal details about the kids? I think she's desperate since TLC has made it quite clear that the show has to be successful so that their efforts to keep it on the air haven't been in vain.

Almost every article I've read this week has said that if the show doesn't hold it's own, that it's done and that her popularity and 'celeb power' has dropped considerably and is bordering on pitiful.

I honestly believe she'll say or do anything to try to stay relevant and that tweeting like a fool about things that should be kept personal is her way of doing that. I guess I shouldn't be surprised she tells the world she's picking up the kids or that she sent one to school with a damp jacket on or that she was tweeting until midnight the previous night. Because of her frequent interviews spilling information about the kids that should have never been made public I know she exercises poor judgement and has no filter and will do and say anything to keep the exploitation of her kids going.

kidsRablessing said...

Your post is spot on. I too agree the G8 lives would have been dysfunctional with or without the show. When the kids are old enough to read about their mother's agenda for them from pre-conception, I think all hell will break loose. These kids WILL seek out answers, and evetually they will figure out all kids do not live their lives like theirs.
Its a gross injustice to these kids that they have had their lives on crappy reality tv their WHOLE lives. I do not care how many opportunities they have had from the show, it is still a crappy way to grow up. A life with absolutely NO privacy in any aspect of their lives. Kids lose interests in things pretty quick, something can be cool for awhile and then be annoying the next.
Kate lies when she says these kids loved to be filmed still.
When Jon wanted to stop filming I think he was trying to do it because he already saw what impact it was causing on his kids daily life.
To think that Kate ignored all that and pursued the show anyways, the kids be damned, makes her the scum of the earth. A truly loving mother WOULD never put her needs in front of her child's well being. NEVER.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said...

Administrator said...

Hey I thought it was pretty cool I found a photo of a woman walking a tightrope in hooker heels! Any comments?!


Yes- it's a great visual, Administrator. Kate has become a circus act, and sadly her children have become a sideshow act for her.

Wouldn't it have been PERFECT if the photo had 16 little feet walking on that tightrope instead of the hooker heels?

Since I'm commenting, I might as well offer to you Marilyn Sparks (from the Examiner) comments on Kate plus 8:

*My favorite paragraph is where Marilyn Sparks says, "However, the freak appeal of the 36-year old mother will only last for so long as her popularity continues to slip. Also, if Gosselin intends to remain in show business, she will need to find new jobs for her 8 children"....

Linda G. said...

Kartie Dearest, it totally sounds like her. Even if it's not her, why would they want to make it look as if she just tweetsmall day long? That looks bad.

I don't follow her, you can just search for kateplusmy8 on twitter and read all her tweets.

It's total damage control, even saying the kids have used the pool, and explaining her twitter name, explaining how she's able to tweet so often all day (she has iPhone fingers!).

TLC ship is sinking said...

She's going nowhere said...Kate's not going anywhere. These ratings are good enough to keep her going, the TV by the numbers guy said she was number 5 in TLC's lineup and that as much as she is reviled, she is not going anywhere.

I've read previous blog posts/comments from this guy and he keeps referring to this as the reason why TLC continues Kate's show. However, I've noticed in the past that TLC staggers their shows - new seasons for a few shows mixed in with repeats of past seasons for other shows.

Think about it this way: If TLC is airing new episodes/seasons for only 10 shows, you could say that Kate is still in TLC's Top 10 but really she'd be at the bottom of viewership in regards to new programming for TLC.

Anyone know how many TLC shows are currently airing a new season? This is the comparison that guy needs to do, instead of lumping Kate Plus 8 among all TLC shows.

She's going nowhere said...

Hippie Chick: I didn't mean to give anyone the idea I am a fan of Kate Gosselin. Gross. She makes me sick. I just don't think she is going away any time soon. I was only repeating what someone from TV by the numbers was saying in response to another commenter who said he hated her and wanted her to go away. This guy seemed to me to be a guy that worked at TV by the numbers. He said that based on the numbers she posted last night that she is going nowhere, that even though most of her following is negative, people are still watching. The people from 'Plot" have to be nuts. They rag on her all week, day and night and then turn around and watch her show. I don't get that. I truly don't. And I am first in line to wish she would go away, somewhere far, far away. I just don't think it's going to happen any time soon. I hope to goodness I am proven wrong!!!

E-town Neighbor said...

You're still banned by the way.


LOL!! Is this the same anon who tried to sneak in here not too long ago under various names and was banned? Persistent, huh?

E-town Neighbor said...

I said ANY KID. So yes, I am equally critical of ALL kids who spend this much time on a bus. I think it's too much.


Admin, just so there is no misunderstanding about my comments concerning the kids riding the bus, my personal opinion is that it's too much. I agree with you. However, it's that way even in the public school system. I was just talking about this with a friend of mine who told me that on Monday their bus (public school) was "hung up" in traffic, and her son left school at 3:15 and never got home until 4:20.
That's why my children have never used the bus, nor do they ride the bus. The commute is just too long. However, for parents who cannot take their children to school, or pick them up, it's their only option.

"Also...participating in sports and extra-curricular activities at the younger ages sets the stage for participating in these activities when they become teens.....when these things really count on college admission forms. Most good colleges want to see the applicant involved in these activities to show that they have a well-rounded personality.....and the lack of such can negatively affect their chances of getting into competitive colleges."


And therein is one of the problems with the school systems. Push, push, push. Get the Kindergarteners in as many activities as possible. Burn them out so that when they get to MS and US they are sick and tired of everything. My brother's children weren't involved in extra-curricular activities until they were in 9th and 10th grades. There was no problem getting into colleges. One graduated from Cornell; the other from Dickinson, and the "baby" was accepted at the U of P. I would say that these are competitive colleges.

No regrets said...

I checked that twitter account of Kate's. Her first post was 11 hours ago. She has posted almost continually all day, just chit chatting away! With an
hour break here and there, I am assuming for mandatory breaks and shift change. What a supermom who is SO busy. All this twittering while making a homemade pasta dinner with all the trimmings. LOL Amazing. Just amazing.

dee3 said...

To Administrator~

I totally agree that Kate is starting to sound really defensive at this point.....and really sets off big, red, "she's lying" flags. She "protesteth too much" basically.

And regarding the constant filming and no free time, in addition to not having fun and not getting down time to relax, the G. children will not get the peer interaction so necessary for proper/healthy social and emotional development at this age. In fact, IMO this would have been a clear factor in the behavior that caused the expulsion of two of the tups.....being unable to appropriately interact with their peers.

Also...participating in sports and extra-curricular activities at the younger ages sets the stage for participating in these activities when they become teens.....when these things really count on college admission forms. Most good colleges want to see the applicant involved in these activities to show that they have a well-rounded personality.....and the lack of such can negatively affect their chances of getting into competitive colleges.

Unfortunately, with their mother being a narcissist, it's ALL about her and sadly, the well-being and futures of the children are not her priority. Others just exist for her convenience.....and this would also include the children.

Get off my TV screen, Twit said...

Hippie Chick, I laugh out loud every time you write “plop”!! Infuriating as they can be, it’s just as bad currently at another blog we all know of. They’re coming up with destination ideas for Kate to do a travel show on her own without the kids. Seriously?? That’s the only trade-off for the kids to have their lives back… we have to watch their famewhore mother cackle and whine her way around the globe for free while getting paid? I don’t know what the blogging world is coming to. This is the only safe place to be :)

PatK said...

Oh, dear heavens. Who has the time to sit around all day and read every stupid tweet from that uninteresting famewhore? It really sounds like she's going gung-ho on revealing waaaay too much stuff she shouldn't be. I pray it bites her in the butt.

Not Kate on that Twitter said...

TLC is not tweeting that other Kate Gosselin twitter. She is just retweeting TLC's tweets.

E-town Neighbor said...

At that age? No. Older kids? Some may have jobs on the weekends. Do the Gosselins work EVERY weekend, or just those weekends that she has custody? Even on HER weekends, do they film every weekend she has custody? I don't know. Guess, though, with her twittering, we'll find out!

Yes it is Kate's Twitter said...

That is the correct twitter account. It has been twitter verified.

The twit is tweeting said...

The child exploiter is at it FULL FORCE with her brand new Twitter account - the twit. The Sheeple can't blame Jon for blabbing to the press about the kids and they can't blame anyone but Kate herself for tweeting about the kids and Kate can't blame anyone but herself for the paps and the pesky public when she's tweeting about their location herself.

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin tweeted:
Raining here just in time for my kids to come tumbling off the bus.. Oh joy! Can we skip the April showers and go right to the may flowers?

NikkiGirl1980 Nikki Reed tweeted to @Kateplusmy8: isn't that like totally screaming out to the paparazzi - Hi come find me at the bus stop with my kids. not smart!

Linda G. said...

Tweens, UG, that is just GROSS. But she has made them public figures, with their permission or not, and public figures get discussed. Unfortunately.

I can't even imagine subjecting my daughter to that. She was a late bloomer and was already pretty self-conscious about that just among her peer group. Forget having to think there were ADULTS out there discussing her approach to puberty.

Ug, gross.

AuntieAnn said...

It's an hour and a half at least a day, but when you add it all up, it means they are spending almost eight hours a day a week sitting on a school bus.
That's an hour and a half a day she doesn't have to be with them, unless of course they're filming, then she pulls them out. Kate's shuffled those kids off on someone, no, anyone else as much as she possible could since they were born, starting with the nurse provided for her the first year. Volunteers, Jon, babysitters, Jodi & Kevin, Beth, Nana Janet...the list is long. She even wanted a bigger house to give her more breathing space away from them, she said so herself.

The private school wasn't important to her, the distance from home was. It's giving her the precious time away from them she likes. Remember the four hour naps in the afternoon?

I've said it before...they're props. They get taken out of the prop room like potted plants when she needs them for filming.

Linda G. said...

Anonymous is that the right account? Celebrities and public figures are impersonated on twitter all the time. I found the Kate Gosselin twitter account and it has 12,424 followers and just a few boring tweets like "What's your favorite part about tonights show that you have seen already?" --Kate

Donna said...

Why, oh, why do people continue to keep watching this trainwreck? What is it going to take to finally put an end to this nightmare? I've been watching "Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood" today. Althought she has her faults, I like Tori primarily because she's a wonderful mother. She is a perfect example of what a mother should be and it shows in the joy on her children's faces. She allows them to explore the world around them, she constantly plays with them, she communicates with them on their level, she puts their needs and wants above all else, and I could go on and on. She doesn't worry about them getting dirty or that their toys are cluttering every room or that they want to jump in the bathtub with her or that they just need cuddles, hugs and kisses, etc., etc. Her kids are truly loved and are genuinely happy. But as I watch the show I suddenly realized this: It wouldn't have mattered if Jon and Kate had never had a TV show, because their children would never have had a happy childhood. Kate would have been an unfit mother regardless. She is a neurotic, psychotic, obsessive and compulsive narcissist who should have never had ANY children, much less 8 of them. All the show did was display her warped behavior to the world. Had the show never taken place those poor kids would still be living in this nightmare...we just wouldn't have known about it. I am appalled by the way she treats the children when the cameras are rolling, so I can only imagine how she treats them when the cameras aren't there. Even though I desperately want the show to end, I shudder to think about what life will be like for those children once the cameras are gone. In some ways, the camera may offer somewhat of a reprieve for the kids because Kate may actually be on her best behavior when they're filming. And if what we see is her BEST behavior, can you imagine what her behavior is like when she's alone with the kids and no one is looking? The thought of it scares me to death, and I am truly afraid for those children once the show ends. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that once the show ends life won't be any better for those children. Kate will still treat the kids like crap, and she will have no use for them once the little moneymakers aren't bringing in the money anymore. God help those poor, poor children.

E-town Neighbor said...

Linda G. said...

E-Town Neighbor, is there not a local YMCA the kids could play on a soccer team for? That's what we did when our daughter was this age--she signed up for YMCA soccer. Later, she did basketball. Loved it.


When would they play? Not after school, since I would imagine that their evenings are busy with homework. Don't they go to bed at 7:30? Weekends? They film on her days; they are with him on his days. That said, there is no way that she would ever allow those kids to be involved in the local Y. Can you imagine all of the COAs that would have to be signed? She wouldn't allow those kids to associate with Y kids. Not if her life depended on it.

You know what would be wonderful for them this summer? Overnight camp. Let them be with other kids doing everything that kids do in the summer. There are wonderful camps that are in the area. It wouldn't have to be all summer -- maybe a two-week camp for the little ones, and a month-long camp for the twins.

Oh, wait...filming. More trips. Scratch that idea.

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