A lot of boring discussion about getting ready for Kate‘s dream trip to Australia because she wanted to see koalas. I think it’s cute how little kids don’t quite understand just yet the concept of time. How long did it take you to get there? someone from production asks the kids on the couch. “Like, one hour,” Leah says cutely. Aw. Kate reminds us that they were supposed to go to “Korea” a few years ago. Kate needs to double check the little globe she has the kids look at, as there is no such thing as “Korea.” I hope she’s not the one home schooling the kids, crikey. Kate neglects to add that mean awful Jon messed that whole trip up by stopping the show, but that’s certainly what she’s hoping we’ll remember.
“I don’t know any parent who would have the opportunity to send their kids on a trip that would say 'No, I don’t want them to go.' That‘s insane!” Kate says defensively with a dramatic sigh and roll of her eyes. “My kids were thrilled to go!”
Hi, Kate! Talking to us? I love how Kate completely, and I’m sure purposefully, misses the entire point. It’s not the trip itself anyone is against. I think Australia would be a great place to go and actually, probably way more geared toward younger kids than say, history-laden Europe. It’s exploiting the kids to get this trip and filming the whole darn thing, not to mention pulling them from both Dadd

a crate of apples but you are told that they have worms in them, and Kate stands there rolling her eyes and passing them out to the kids saying, I don’t know any parent who wouldn’t want their kids to have a nice shiny healthy apple, they love them! No, Kate, it’s not the apples we are against--we just don’t want kids to get worms. She will never get it.
Also, Jon didn’t want them to go. This is a backhanded insult at Jon. How could any parent, much less their own father, not want his kids to be happy?! Because he doesn’t want his kids exploited, Kate. And also because it was his year to have them on this holiday and it’s just plain unfair to usurp that. Usurper! If Jon tried to take the kids on your holiday, you and your fans would raise Cain and you darn well know it.
Kate goes on to imply that the children wanted to go “100%” even though they would miss their daddy, the trip was worth it. She is very obsessed with Jon, and more defensive than a linebacker. Indeed, Linebacker U is just a little ways up the road, maybe she could be a walk on next season.
More boring packing, I’ve seen this same exact episode so many times I feel like King Sisyphus. Only instead of rolling a boulder up a hill I have to watch people pack suitcases the rest of my life. Oh, this absolutely takes the cake, Kate says that Ashley and their current babysitter went on the trip, but that the current babysitter would not be on camera “to protect them from the world.” What exactly is she doing to her kids then? How come a grown adult gets to be protected from the public eye, but not these precious kids? I also love how she fails to mention Steve-o went too. What, ashamed? It’s a little odd I don’t recall seeing the other babysitter in any of the paparazzi shots. Were the paparazzi instructed not to photograph her, too?
And they flew to Australia. The whole thing is about as boring as you might imagine a long flight like this would be. Poor Leah got a bloody nose, probably from all the dry air? Kate claims the kids slept through most of the flight and it was all no big deal. Once in Sydney they try to get into their van on the right side only to realize that is actually the driver’s side. Ha. Kate says “we’re backwards drivers” and I get this funny image in my head of Kate thinking everyone in Australia literally drives in reverse everywhere.
Of course she meant they drive on the left side of the road. I hope. Once on the bus, Kate “decided to let the kids call Jon” to let him know they arrived safely. I’m shaking my head at first, thinking how generous of Kate to let the children actually talk to their own father.
But then it is a tremendous relief to see that, surprisingly? Kate is able to have a civil, cordial conversation with Jon about how the flight went, the rough time change, and how they’re about to go get something to eat. So it’s not true they aren’t speaking as the tabloids tend to want to imply, I guess because that‘s far more dramatic. I cannot stress enough how important it is to be polite and kind to your ex while your kids are right there watching. Kate’s fans need to get on board that Kate clearly doesn’t hate this man, and if even she, the Queen of Stop Breathing, Jon! and so on, is at least able to be kind to him now, maybe they should just let it go? Look, is Kate obsessed with him, absolutely. Will she ever get over the way he tried to derail her dreams of riches and fame and get his precious children away from all that venom? Probably not. But she doesn’t seem to hate him anymore and she was actually quite civil to him here. She can talk to him. Hey, it’s a start. The kids are thrilled to call Daddy. Aww. Lots of “I love yous” and so on as they pass the phone around. Why any of this is a part of this episode and for what purpose I have no idea. This is their private conversation with Daddy, and it’s none of our business. Coming up, the beach and Mr. Speedo! Sweet.
We’re back on beautiful Bondi Beach. Joel is so bored he is slouched on the couch. Kate thinks it’s hysterical that they are going to the beach on New Year’s. Yes, it’s hot outside. That’s how it works in the Southern Hemisphere. Weird, maybe. Hysterical? I mean, I guess. I’m back to pushing my boulder again, watching the kids play on the beach.
What can really stink about being a celebrity, depending on how you look at it, is perfect strangers will approach you and start talking to you while you’re trying to do something with your family, as if you‘re an old friend they ran into. I experienced this working for a celeb and I found it incredibly awkward and uncomfortable. For instance we would be trying to go out to sushi to celebrate a birthday and perfect strangers think they have the license to just interrupt you while you‘re trying to eat. Even in the airport bathrooms while we were trying to just get the kids’ hands washed and then make our flight, they would come up to her and start yapping away. It’s very rude, and it’s hard on any kids there. Remember, Kate is these kids’ Mommy. She’s not a celebrity to them. And there are enough kids already who need Mommy’s attention not to add other people to the mix vying for it too.
Anyway, as expected random strangers are approaching Kate on the beach while she is trying to play with the kids. Sigh. Some mom with quads talks to her for awhile and, good grief, she said something about how Kate is her inspiration. Bernie Madoff should be your inspiration before this woman, come on now. The only thing worse than a man in a Speedo is a man in a Speedo who tries to talk to you. I know, I know, some people love those little things. But I don’t, and I’ll tell you why:

Haha, this is great, Kate agrees with me! She says she and Ashley think Speedos should be outlawed! Amen. I hate to say it, but this is the second time this episode I kind of like how Kate handled herself. Number one, she was nice to Jon. And number two, she thinks Speedos have no business being on anyone at any time under any circumstances, much less the beach.
Cara gets to surf. Aw, good. Interestingly, Cara does not do one interview on the couch for this entire episode. Wonder if she doesn’t want to anymore. At least if that is the case, she is not being made to do them. Not that you can make a 10-year-old do anything. Next up, boomerang school. I like the metaphor here, boomerangs are just like Kate, we just keep trying to throw her away and she just keeps coming back. By this time Joel is completely reclined on the couch on his back, just stretched out across the entire couch. Poor guy, it‘s tiring having a full time job at six in addition to school! Coming up, New Year’s Eve meltdowns. Ugh.
New Year’s Eve party in the hotel. I don’t know, I find that kind of depressing to be celebrating in some strange hotel with no friends or family or anyone. The best New Year’s Eve I had ever was the year 2000. I was with my entire family at my grandparent’s house. And not two minutes after the ball dropped, my grandmother pulled out from nowhere a beautiful birthday cake for my cousin, who happened to be turning 16 that same day. She made a huge fuss over his birthday, she just didn’t want his big 16th birthday to be overshadowed by all the hoopla of the millennium. That’s just the kind of thoughtful amazing person she was and I will always, always remember that. We weren’t in a hotel or on some fancy trip, we were just at home with those we loved the most. And through her actions? She was teaching us kids about what it really means to be thoughtful and love your family. The whole evening probably cost $80 for the food. And that’s one of my best memories. Go figure.
Next up, they head over to the fireworks. Cara has a meltdown because she wants to sit next to Kate. Some of the other kids are crabby. Cara just gets worse and worse until Ashley has to take her to the bus. Kate clearly has no clue what to do. I think they’re just exhausted. Poor things. Naturally Mady gets wrapped up in this conflict like Kate always does to her. No clue what she did if anything, and even Mady is saying, quite desperately, “I didn’t do anything, I promise I didn’t do anything!” but she gets shipped off to the bus, too. Why is it that Mady is always being punished for absolutely no reason at all? Is it just bad editing? Alexis twists her knee and even had to go see the medic. She’s fine fortunately. The problem with Kate is she doesn’t know when to call it quits. With freaking anything. She will never quit her show. Her show will have to be ripped from her well-manicured paws. They stay for the entire show even though everyone was miserable.
Yawn, I’ve seen enough, but when I check my Tivo timestamp I realize I’m only halfway through! I can do it, I can do it. Kate goes shark diving, and it’s a two hour trip. Damage control time! Kate explains she couldn’t take the kids after the way they vomited on the boat trip in North Carolina. Or TLC just told her they could not explain away putting the kids through that again. Mercifully, the kids have a relaxing day at the beach with the nannies. Might I remind Kate even when her kids were puking their guts out, she refused to turn the boat around. But when she went camping in Alaska and she didn’t like it, everyone had to go straight back to the hotel. Whatever.
Kate is freaked out about this a bit; this is not my idea of fun either. Also I have a huge problem with baiting sharks to cages. They were out there eight hours and there were no sharks, which really disappointed Kate. Even the sharks knew to avoid this shrew. Kate does some deep sea fishing. She loves deep sea fishing, she says. When TLC pays, I’m sure she does! The following is such a textbook example of how a narcissist operates it bears a detailed recap. Kate arrives on shore with all the fish she caught, greeting the kids excitedly, like a kid herself. Look what I caught, look, kids! Collin is off the side, holding in his little hand what looks to be maybe a little bitty crab or something. “Mommy, look what we caught for you!” he replies animatedly. Kate flat out ignores him, going on and on about how she caught eight fish, one for each kid. By her own admission she has been gone more than eight hours. Not one single question about what they did today, how they are, what’s that you caught too, Collin? Just me, my fish, the sharks, and me some more. It is all about her, and very little is about the kids or their day. Very classic narcissism. Very sad, too.
Next up, they hang out with some aboriginals. Is this like those people who dress up as pilgrims at the Mayflower? Or is this the real thing? The briefly recap the utter disaster of the Sarah Palin camping trip. This time they’re going to go camping with the aboriginals. Now you might think, more whining and complaining and bitching from the moment she got off the plane, as Chuck would say, but nope, you are forgetting there is no competition here! Sarah Palin is all bundled up warm with the family up in Alaska in the dark, busy being a good Mommy, and is of no concern to Kate anymore. (Note: I still cannot get over that Kate walked out on someone who is quite possibly our next president.) You see, as long as it is all about Kate, she will do anything. She would smile while hacking off her own arm better than Aron Ralston ever did as long as it were all about her. I find it a little offensive TLC is putting all these subtitles up for the aboriginal talking to the kids. Sheesh, I understand him perfectly.
Well, at least the kids learned about the traditional musical instruments didjeridus. It’s dark now, but production is shining huge bright lights in the kids’ faces. No matter every other kid is home by now, relaxing and maybe doing some homework. These kids still have to work, even at night. As the aboriginal explains some more, both Collin and Joel turn away from the bright production lights and cover their eyes. Ouch, bright lights hurt. Reminds me of when Cara was rudely awoken by all the studio lights once, and production laughed at her. It’s not funny, you sick people. Here is a screen cap of the boys. Unfortunately my DVR is not set up on my LED at the moment, but you can tell even from this low quality screenshot anyway what‘s going on:

Camping goes well. “I think it was really good for the kids to see my positive attitude. When the conditions are right camping is great,” Kate says. And by conditions, she means, no future presidential candidates who are good mommies around. Sadly though, what her kids are learning, is to be spoiled. Have fun when things are just right, and don’t make the best of things when things aren’t perfect. It has to be said.
The kids loved it, says Kate. Well, they loved it in Alaska, too. “I think I’ll just leave them here,” she jokes. Why is she always joking about abandoning her children? It’s weird. Like people who joke about killing others. Stop that. Kate prattles on about how camping in Alaska was oh so very different, but this time it was great. I think I learned maybe two remotely useful things about Australia in this entire episode. Thanks The Learning Channel! I've learned a lot from you over the years:
And as we come to a close … wait, where are Australia’s own favorite exploited kids, Bindi and Robert Irwin? Oh, no, this means there will be another episode squeezed out of this whole boring trip? I’m reminded of Betty White, who said so accurately about Facebook, “Who wants to look at vacation photos? In my time, that was called torture.” Betty, I still call this torture!
Kate claims the kids thanked her a million times. Funny we didn’t see even one time of that. And wait a minute, shouldn’t Kate be thanking the kids? Thank you for giving up your time with Daddy, thank you for missing school, and thank you for paying for all this grandeur. After all, she didn’t make this lifestyle possible, her eight innocent children did.
270 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 270 Newer› Newest»Kind of off-topic, but since you mentioned it, I'll bet ten thousand dollars Sarah Palin doesn't run for president.
This recap was probably 100 times more entertaining than the episode itself. I can't believe they got two episodes out of that. No, yes I can.
...wait, where are Australia’s own favorite exploited kids, Bindi and Robert Irwin? Oh, no, this means there will be another episode squeezed out of this whole boring trip?
Linda G. said...I can't believe they got two episodes out of that. No, yes I can.
Unfortunately, according to TLC's Kate Plus 8 listings, there are two more Australia episodes.
Australia Zoo Visit
Two reality TV families meet when the Gosselins visit Australia Zoo --the legacy of the late Steve Irwin and home to his family Terri, Bindi, and Robert Irwin. As the kids interact with exotic Aussie animals, Kate tries her hand at feeding a crocodile.
New Zealand
Kate and the kids have one more country to tackle before heading home - New Zealand! The family wastes no time learning about the native animals and tribes, but when Mady and Cara decide to do a Sky Jump, will Kate join them while conquering her own fear?
This recap was probably 100 times more entertaining than the episode itself. I can't believe they got two episodes out of that. No, yes I can.
THREE episodes actually
1.Australia Adventure
2.Australia Zoo Visit
The Gosselins visit the late Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo, where the kids have an opportunity to meet unique Australian wildlife and Kate attempts to feed a crocodile.
3.New Zealand
The Gosselins finish their adventure with a stop to New Zealand, where they meet native animals and Maori people. When the twins decide to Sky Jump from Sky Tower, will Kate be brave enough to follow?
Well, it sounds like a boring episode...congratulations on hanging in there 'till the end admin, I know it couldn't have been easy.
What parent in their right mind lets 10-year-old's "Decide," to sky jump??!! At 10 I wasn't yet allowed to decide for myself if I could cross the street by myself. But this is Kate who lets her kids decide everything I guess. Sure let's just let 10 year olds decide to eat cake for a whole week. Yeah, I can just see how this went:
Kids, "Mom, we want to go to Australia to sky jump!"
Kate, "Sure, as long as TLC comes and films you!"
Fantastic recap again, Admin. Thank you so much.
Part 1/3
I watched the tivo'd show at my neighbor's last night and thought it was an expensive attempt to revive a failing series with a LOT of damage control thrown in for good measure. I thought TLC and Kate's attempt at trying to be on the "offense" rather than playing defense this season was laughable and much too obvious.
They had Kate mention almost everything the blogs had criticized her for; to beat us to the punch. lol
*Saying the kids loved the plane trip and it was no big deal
*the call to Daddy to head off speculation they had no contact with Jon although I noticed she had her hand out to take the phone while each kid talked making me feel that they didn't say much more than hi and love you. (you said she was nice to Jon on the phone -- of course she seemed nice -- she was on being filmed)
*to head off criticism of pulling the kids away from Jon for so long and over the holidays she made a special point to say that "children who are products of divorce are torn by who to spend time with, but they all wanted to go 100%"
*they even had Ashley tell the exact time the kids went to bed and how long they slept the first night
*even the camping trip was preceeded by a long explanation about her reasons why she has different feelings about camping in AK and Australia (primarily weather)
A couple of things that struck me:
*Congrats to Ashley. She's moved up the ladder and had a speaking part on the show and with that promotion should have come a raise. Did Kate actually allow TLC to put her on the official payroll? I wonder if helping the child exploiter is worth the criticism and postponing a semester of school just for this trip?
*Before they left when she had the kids gathered around the kitchen table (still in their booster-chairs and eating from the same divided plates and cups with lids) looking at the globe to see where they were going, Kate made a huge production with their passports which reminded me of her instructions to them before the first day of school. "When I hand you your passport, first of all it's very important, you will NOT leave this country and get into another one without this. Find your picture page and open it, fold it open until I say you may close it." The kids looked at their passports and then she collected them. WTH was all that about? Were they that desperate for good footage that they showed that crap along with the whole packing ordeal. There wasn't anything more exciting about the trip to show viewers than that?
*It didn't look to me like the LATE NIGHT flight from Philly to LA went as smoothly as she says the one to Australia was. They showed the kids walking over each other in the seats and passengers behind them trying to read or rest looking up at the commotion. (Not saying they were out of control, but they were certainly being noticed by others trying to have some peace and quiet in a DARK plane.)
*Leah's bloody nose. They tore off a piece of napkin and stuffed in her nose, tilted her head back and continued to walk through the airport with Kate announcing to everyone who didn't know or care who she was: "just a bloody nose here".
*At Bondi beach a lifeguard asked Cara if she'd like to surf and she leaped at the chance and while the guard was on the back of the board she was still standing on her own 2 feet when they got back to the beach. She looked so happy and I actually thought I heard Kate be happy for Cara.
Part 2/3
*The fireworks scene was upsetting. The kids had been on the go since early morning at the beach, yet they HAD to get the Sydney Harbor fireworks into the show so she HAD to keep the kids up. Normally, I doubt the kids would have had such a long day. Another example of the show altering their normal "reality". When she was sending some of the kids to the bus she grabbed one of the girls and it reminded me of the death grip she had on Alexis's? arm when she was caught spanking her for blowing the whistle.
*The shark trip was after New Years Eve and she looked really, really rough. She told a crew member with a shaking voice "I don't mind the sharks, I'm just worried about the cold water thing" and they chuckled a bit and said, we have wet suits and she went...huh (like what are those)? She had the same untrusting demeanor with them as she had with the float plane pilot in AK about not being sure about the trip. She freaked out when she was instructed to put her face in the water when they tried to see the sharks. I'd call her petrified, or in a panic about her mask not fitting and having to breathe through the mouthpiece when she got in the water. I was impressed she did it, but I wonder how long it took to actually get her in. From the tone of their voices, the crew was getting a little impatient with her. And, she had her savior Steve there in what looked like a
white-knuckle grip. There was some coaxing and persuading from him to get her all the way in, too. Her voice-over was: "I am challenging myself and grabbing hold of opportunities because the more I do the more my kids want to do things ...so I decided to challenge myself". We don't care, Kate!
*Deep sea fishing? Hardly. She caught fish smaller than bass or trout in freshwater lakes and pet them like they were kittens.
*Camping went well, but there was quite a bit of trepidation spread around the whole group. Did you hear one of the girls say to Kate, "Mommy, I don't want to go camping" and Kate said "shhhh" and whispered, "don't say that here, it's OK." She said "It's good for the kids to see my positive attitude camping is ok when conditions are alright". She repeated 3 times that camping is alright when it's summer and it's dry and temperatures are ok and "conditions are right" (she must have practiced that new line quite a lot).
Part 3 is next
Part 3/3
*And, Kate's hesitation of being near snakes and bugs? One of the boys was interested in a bug and Kate caught herself in mid screech telling him "Do NOT pick that up" but realized where she was and lowered her voice and said "please not".
*Do you think the didjeridus went in the trash when they got home like their Sunday School projects or that she kept it?
*Did Kate do any couch interviews? I remember only the kids. Will the couch interviews be added to the kids job responsibilities now, too? So, let me get this straight; they don't merely run in and out of the shots playing, but they are now doing all the couch interviews?
*BTW, Kate's "narration" or attempt at script reading reminded me of a 2nd grader reading a story they'd written about their summer vacation it was so BAD.
I have to give Kate credit for trying; trying to be a better sport and try new things. But it's too little, too late and too obvious and she hasn't changed, she's still the same horrid person and the show just wasn't good and the kids were still working and away from their father and friends over the holidays and they still missed school. Kate tried to make a huge point of how valuable travel is because of all of the learning opportunities, but someone needs to tell her there are LOTS of things right here in the USA that she can teach her kids.
My apologies for this being so long.
I can only imagine what the phone calls between J&K are like when the cameras aren't rolling and Kate isn't in full blown damage control. Sure she likes camping in Australia. The food was probably catered and the wipes were probably there. Who does this woman think she's fooling. She is so transparent it's almost funny.
Wow Admin, you outdid yourself. Thanks for that great indepth recap. I'm sure it was very time consuming and painful to do. It's very appreciated though:)
Someone asked a few threads back for a list of advertisers of this show.
IDK what TLC's advertising rates per second were for the show, but these are prominent companies; too bad not that many people saw their ads. lol
Home Depot 2 - Behr paint and Maytag washers
Clorox bleach 2
Special K cereal - Kellogg 2
Jimmy Dean Delights sausage
Narnia Awaits movie
Delta Faucets
Allstate insurance 2
Disney Parks
Olive Garden
Glade lasting impressions
Crayola - color wonder paper
20th Century Fox - the movie Rio
GMC/Chevy 2 - Acadia and Malibu
AT&T - Atrix phone by Motorola
Gerber Baby.tv/138 insurance
Sierra Mist - soft drink
Lindt - Lindor truffles
Garanimals - Walmart
I LOVE that TLC Promo you have at the end. Hysterical.
As an Aussie, who has not watched the show I wanted to add a few things.
1) Our Pay TV is wowfully behind, some viewers might wonder where Jon went if they missed the episode where Kate cried about divorce.
2) 'Aboriginal' when used to refer to the native people of Australia should have a capital A.
3) The instrument that they are playing is actually a 'didgeridoo' although your spelling did give me a giggle!
I hope you don't consider this snotty, just wanted to get things right!
I'm off to Sydney tomorrow, still trying to work out which building it was that Kate jumped off the side of. I'm sure there are regulations to prevent kids doing that!
Admin said...(on another thread)
And I agree I think summer camp would be FANTASTIC for these kids. Overnight, for at least a few weeks for the older kids. Summer camp was life changing for me as a kid, I adored it. And my parents only sent me about one week each summer.
We are sending my son to summer camp for the first time this year. I am terrified, nervous & anxious. He is excited, happy, & anxious. He has never been away, the way it works is that it's a 2 week camp. I was very against this, until my husband showed me the website & I talked to the camp guy & realized all of the activities my son would be doing. My son was ALL for it. He said "Mom, you have to let me go. I'll make all these great friends, I'll be doing all these great things! You have to let me go!" And I realized that last sentence meant more than just 'letting him go' to camp, I have to let him grow up too, be his own person. I do that already, but he needs to thrive, learn, do things I can't teach him.
Kate will never let her children do these things. They will forever be stuck in the McMansion. Will they ever have outside friends? When the twins are older, they will experience this things called independence, Kate won't be able to control it, & she will be screwed. Those girls will be running towards life faster than Kate runs to a camera. And if they are smart, which it seems they are, they will get out of Kate's grip & leave.
Side note: Glad I missed the stupid show. Seems like any other of her damn shows. Same old, same old. Beach, bitch, beach, ME ME ME, well, I already did this, didn't I? Thanks for recapping Admin! Fine job, as always!
TLC needs to milk as many episodes as they can from the trip because of the cost and length of time spent there.
And I know strangers do approach celebs, but I'd bet my first born child that those folks were first approached by the production crew to be in the show. Nothing is left to chance.
Thanks for the recap. Didn't watch and have no desire to. Used to be I'd catch it on Youtube just to see what everyone was commenting on, but now I feel on curiosity at all.
It's a shame about Mady and Cara. It's like Kate and crew love to push those girls' buttons for the drama of a meltdown.
Admin, what all do you take to help get you through this torture? If it were me, I'd need my virtual whiskey that N.E. Pscyh. provides me with when I let myself get suckered into her KRAP.
This show (apologies to REAL shows) is so boring, tacky, badly edited, and, again, BORING, it is amazing that tlc has that kind of $$$$$$ to throw away on the likes of her. When I think of all the friends 'vacation movies' I passed on, I can't imagine one reason why I would watch hers. At least I like my friends and their kids. Kate, not so much!
Blech... Pass the Alka Seltzer.
Thank you for sitting through that Emmy Award Winning episode.
Same crappola, different Continent.
admin wrote: "Indeed, Linebacker U is just a little ways up the road, maybe she could be a walk on next season. "
As a Penn State alum and mom to a soon-to-graduate student, I think I can safely say that she would NOT be welcome. Our "mantra" is "WE are Penn State" -- Kate's would be "I am Penn State" NOT something that would go over well at all. I don't think she could handle Joe Paterno either unless maybe he could use her as a practice dummy...
Of course the Kate fans are saying that Sylvia LaFair is probably going after Kate for counseling Jon did, but since he doesn't have money LaFair is going after Kate since she was married to him at the time.
However, Jon and Kate were BOTH in CA in March 2009. There's a video of them on TMZ so yes, Kate and Jon were both there. They both probably went to see Sylvia LaFair and that's probably when Kate refused to do the counseling (per Jon).
Here are the video and the story link.
Ah, well once again thank you for taking one for the team - we had the opportunity once upon a time to briefly visit Australia, it was a wonderful adventure. And once again, let me apologize to all Australians, New Zealanders and their native peoples for the invasion of K8 and TLC. And we still have the obnoxious Irwins to come, can hardly wait.
Great Recap!! And the TLC promo is hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing. Dwarf hoarders!! LOL. Glad I saw that first thing this morning because how can I have a bad day after seeing that?
As for the recap, sorry you had to suffer through that, Admin. Your efforts are appreciated though. Your take on it is really funny but I bet the real episode was painful to watch.
Kate go$$elin is a sociopath!!!!!!! She is a sick, sick piece of crap.
To: "I watched"... thanks for the list of advertisers!! It was me who asked for them. NO ADVERTISERS, NO KHATEPLUS8. So, HOW do we boycott these scumbag advertisers? Anyone??? Administrator, can you help us out here?
Great recap! Thanks.
I find it very upsetting to hear they are still showing meltdowns on the show. Those children are not toddlers anymore. The twins are ten years old. Stop embarrassing them already.
The local Philly tv station ran the original report of Dr. Lefair suit against Kate. There's also a video clip on their site of the newscast of the story.
Reality TV Star Focus of Civil Complaint for Unpaid Bill
White Haven, Luzerne County-
The I-team obtained a copy of a civil complaint filed against Kate Gosselin. It was filed in district court and alleges that she did not pay a bill for marriage counseling in 2009.
The counseling was provided by a company called 'Creative Energy Options' which runs a Country Place Retreat and Conference Center in White Haven. Among its many services, the center offers counseling for relationships. Kate and Jon Gosselin's marriage was on the rocks and played out on their cable tv reality show "Jon and Kate Plus 8". They have since divorced.
According to court papers, Kate Gosselin requested that Dr. Sylvia Lafair, the president of Creative Energy Options, fly to Los Angeles to perform marriage counseling. The paper states Kate refused to pay for services or travel fees totaling $10,476. The counseling took place between March 4th and March 23rd of 2009.
Retreat officials said it could not confirm at this point if Kate Gosselin was at their center at anytime because of privacy issues.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said...
To: "I watched"... thanks for the list of advertisers!! It was me who asked for them. NO ADVERTISERS, NO KHATEPLUS8. So, HOW do we boycott these scumbag advertisers? Anyone??? Administrator, can you help us out here?
You're welcome.
There's always writing polite letters (so that they are read and taken seriously) to the advertisers telling them you'll boycott and not buy their products as long as they support child exploitation and/or Kate Plus 8 on TLC, etc. I did this quite often when I first became upset about the show. I've also seen people start FaceBook pages about things like this (although that often takes a long time to pick up speed).
This was on repeat Tuesday afternoon as I was looking for the time for What Not To Wear and I saw bits and pieces (clicked back and forth during commercial breaks). You showed GREAT restraint from what I saw. I caught the beginning and wondered if Kate forgot her skirt and why she had on 6" spike heels to herd 8 kids through an airport. Much boobage. Then I saw the New Years Eve party scene in the hotel. Again, she forgot her skirt and looked absolutely ridiculous in some clingy low-cut sequined mini with heels - for WHAT? Her kids? There was nobody there! She was very rude to one of the boys when he wondered why she was eating so much dessert. On the couch, her boobs were literally falling out of her top. I also caught a scene with the aborigines and she was incredibly disrespectful to them, asking, "Are they serious?" when they were doing a native dance and laughing. She is just so rude, so unsophisticated, so disrespectful, and her attire combined with gum chomping only adds to that. I only saw a few minutes and it was boring as hell. She's boring, the kids are boring on the couch, it's just dumb.
Hahahaahahahahaha!!! "Uterus Cannon" on Tuesday night? The TLC promo is priceless!
Wednesday Night Lineup:
7:00 Idiot Family
8:00 Dr. Drew's Second Chance, Bad Odds
9:00 Hasty Home Surgery
10:00 Old face, New Vagina
11:00 9 Fat Kids, 1 Dessert
TLC the learning channel. For some reason....
I am getting an orange tan for my kids, a French manicure for my kids, and six new pairs of stilettos for my kids,okay I will get eight pairs cause I do have EIGHT count me EIGHT kids. Phew, life is super busy when you are a SINGLE mom of EIGHT kids. I just wish they would look a little more happier to see me, it doesn't make me look very good at all when they stand around looking tired and disinterested and uncaring about me. I shall speak to the producers about making the kids more excited to see me for the next trip we take and I abandon them.
Radar Online has just picked up the story about Kate being sued and the sheeple are frantic trying to blame who? Why, Jon of course. They aren't smart enough to figure out that the reason she sued Kate is because it's Kate that owes the money and I'm sure that if Dr. LaFair felt she had grounds to sue Jon she would. The comments are predicable and a$$inine while they try to defend their idol.
Oh, I'm so sorry but this sheeple comment on the law suit was so so funny that I just had to share it - guess this is how they think.
>>What RIPOFF! Dr. Sylvia shouldn't get any money. she had to have know the marriage was doomed yet counseled them anyway! It didn't take a genius to see it wasn't going to work Dr wa in it for her 15 mins. of fame<<
Guess as a professional of any kind, if you KNOW it's not going to work (counseling, surgery, whatever) you simply should not offer your services, nor attempt to charge for your time. Shame on you Sylvia LaFair.
Sorry, still laughing.
Guess as a professional of any kind, if you KNOW it's not going to work (counseling, surgery, whatever) you simply should not offer your services, nor attempt to charge for your time. Shame on you Sylvia LaFair.
That's priceless (literally!). That's why doctors perform so many surgeries for free -- they do it for the experience! They know that taking out that cyst isn't going to work because it's going to grow back, but, hey, at least they get some practice doing it! I guess the patient hopes that the surgery will be unsuccessful because then he/she won't be getting billed!
Is this really the intelligence level of the sheeple? I knew that they were "off" somehow, but I didn't realize that it was that bad. These people are running around out there unsupervised, and some of them are parents?
Thanks for the laugh!
Westcoaster said... Oh, I'm so sorry but this sheeple comment on the law suit was so so funny that I just had to share it - guess this is how they think.
>>What RIPOFF! Dr. Sylvia shouldn't get any money. she had to have know the marriage was doomed yet counseled them anyway! It didn't take a genius to see it wasn't going to work Dr wa in it for her 15 mins. of fame<<
Guess as a professional of any kind, if you KNOW it's not going to work (counseling, surgery, whatever) you simply should not offer your services, nor attempt to charge for your time. Shame on you Sylvia LaFair
Can't post....can't stop laughing.....I think I just snarfed my water!!!!
Thanks Admin, EXCELLENT recap of episode #872 of the traveling narcissist. I admire your fortitude.
It may seem trivial but the most heart wrenching part of this story for me is Collin's little gift to his mother. Kate is such a bitch about competing with her kids. Of course her fish trumped his little crab...she doesn't have the slightest idea that that's the sort of reaction that sticks in a kids mind. She may as well have told him straight out she's bigger, better and smarter than him, so don't even try. Or did they edit that out? And Cara learned that she's not worthy of sitting next to the queen mother. Mady is punished for being Mady which is reason enough for Kate to get her out of the way too.
I guess we all got a lesson here. Taking your kids out of school and away from their father to work on the other side of the globe is very rewarding for Kate. Very educational. Thanks bunches Learning Channel.
I watched said...
(naming the sponsors)
Special K cereal - Kellogg 2
Dammit. That's all I eat for breakfast. My Special K Chocolatey Delight cereal. Nothing else on the list really pertains to me, so no big, but that Special K thing bites. I don't care, I'm not gonna stop buying it & eating it though. Sometimes it's all I eat during the day because of my pain thing, which in turn makes me nauseas (sp) which in turn makes me not hungry sometimes. So...yeah. Is that as bad as watching? I refuse to be a hypocrite. Dammit, I'm confused now. If I still buy my 2 boxes a week, does that make me a bad person? Am I contributing to that stupid show?? I would like to think I'm contributing to "Cougar Town", who also advertises Special K. It's a conundrum, it is!
The energy the sheeple spend to defend a position they have on something (the Jon Lie) is AMZAING! YET they have no proof and just continue to spew more lies to enhance the original lie and stomp their feet. I have a question for anyone who believes the "Lie" Why would any rag mag site or Blog change the "story"? What is the motive? Who are these blogs and sites afraid of?
Westcoaster said... RE that comment. I swear, I am laughing so hard. Amazing, just amazing. Sure they are business to turn away clients if they "know" it is really over. My..I can't even say what I really want to say. LMAO They have to be teens. HAVE TO BE.
ADMIN: re the phone call First I agree this in no way should have been filmed. It was to make Kate look like a super mom, once again. Even though she was very amicable on the phone, and yes it should be this way, I can't help but think - this WAS FILMED. Of course she wants to sound all cozy and friendly. I HOPE it is this way, I do HOPE you are right.I HOPE it is the way they speak to each other.
Re the dissing about the parent not wanting the kids to have a trip like this. You are right, she doesn't get. She NEVER will get it. When that news came out, about Jon and the court, fans were saying just about the same thing. LOL Except that Jon was "jelous" because he couldn't go. No concern about all the days out of school, nor that Jon missed his holiday. But then, what have come to expect? Same mentality.
Thanks for doing this, but I already KNEW it was boring LOL
Troy, I found the information about Jon talking to the kids in about 8 places but the sheeple are convinced that they ALL changed it. That is an example of how ludicrous they are.
Hippie "So...yeah. Is that as bad as watching? I refuse to be a hypocrite. Dammit, I'm confused now."
Of course not, do what you have to do. Don't be a "sheeple". (Just joking) You are an independent woman, it appears. It is certainly only something that some people do, some do, some don't. 2 boxes isn't going to put much into anyone's pocket.
Guess as a professional of any kind, if you KNOW it's not going to work (counseling, surgery, whatever) you simply should not offer your services, nor attempt to charge for your time. Shame on you Sylvia LaFair.
OMG, the sheeple are just...are their brains...I'm sorry, I don't want to be mean. OK, let me get this straight here. My sister in law had hip problems, & she gets surgery to better her quality of life, the doctors KNEW this will change EVERY aspect of her life for the BETTER. So, the surgeons do the surgery, my SIL is off her medications, & living a PAIN FREE LIFE? What if the docs had said, "Well, we're not sure, so forget it". DUR.
A woman wants to get bigger boobs. She is ADAMANT about it. The docs say, "No, it's risky, with your background, blah blah blah, we won't do it". The woman goes to some surgeon who doesn't have much experience, doesn't check her records, gets her boobs done, 3 weeks later, she dies from complications. (my friend. I miss her. She did this, no one knew until it was too late)
MY husband & I were on the rocks 8 years ago. There was nothing saving this marriage. Seriously. I was a frigin drunk who stayed out late partying & being stupid. ( I NEVER did drugs though. YUCK!) I screwed up, my husband screwed up, but we decided to try counseling for the sake of trying, & because we did love each other. Lo & behold, counseling did wonders & we are stronger than ever & more in love than we've even been.
So tell me why again, you small minded sheeple, why people don't TRY to make things better in their life? Isn't life's little goal to make things better, to fix a mistake if something has gone haywire, to salvage a marriage if you love someone enough, to teach your children to TRY and TRY again when life beats you down? To be UNselfish & care about others more than you care about yourself? (sorry this post is so long, I just don't understand what people think sometimes. And I know nobody can change the way other people think, but I had to voice my opinion). Thanks Admin :)
Thank you for the recap. I refuse to watch anything this woman is on but I have become addicted to following her downfall on your website. I hope the next Australian and New Zealand episodes draw considerably less viewers.
Now the sheep are saying the Lawsuit is an attempt to make Kate look bad and that Jon always does this when good things happen to Kate... baaa baaaa baaaa. Some are even trying to say Kate wasnt in LA during the time.
Uterus Cannon????? Is that the name of her new show?
Some thoughts as I read the recap (thanks, Adm.)
1) The current babysitter was NEVER shown, anywhere. But Steve was there. Could Steve be the current babysitter? Kate does not mention whether the sitter is male or female, right?
2) Speedo Guy. Steve's job as bodyguard would be to guide people away from Kate. He would have seen Speedo Guy coming close, right? It looked from the promo tapes that SGuy actually stood there for a few seconds before talking to Kate. So...he must have been already approved for this by TLC producers and Steve and Kate.
Otherwise, Steve failed miserably as a bodyguard.
Taking both of these into consideration, could Steve have given up bodyguarding and become a babysitter?
I repeat, having been raised around a swimming pool in the 1960's where everyone on the team wore speedos, I find nothing objectionable about them. Nothing. They are not, and have never been intended to be, sexy. They are sports gear, just like leotards that show everything. I find them highly appropriate for beaches and pools, although I would object to someone wearing one into a restaurant or Target.
Hold on, this show is still on????
ADMIN this thing with the guy in speedos. Ok many people don't like them, obviously Kate and Ashley do not, but in many countries this is normal for men to wear. This guy sounded was out of line asking that, I agree, but why make fun of what he wearing, on national TV? Why not keep that private between the two of them? If she ever went to Europe she would not know how to handle it. The country bumpkin. I can only imagine the embarrassment of that guy.
The camping? she really thinks this will redeem her acting a spoiled 2 year old? I mean really? Stupid "logic" (just like some fans)
I am just angry that these kids are put on camera with their "meltdowns". Especially the twins. I did hear about "fear" being in Mady's voice, you called it desperation. These things are NOT entertainment. I am so sad that TLC, Kate and fans thinks otherwise.
I have read the Aboriginals were very real in the show. They have had a horrible history and very proud people. They love sharing thier traditions and dances and skills with tourists. I read that she laughed when they did one of their traditional dances? You didn't mention that. Laugh? Ugly American comes to mind if this is true.
So they showed very little of that beautiful country? Nor explained much to the children? On camera anyway. They can show a personal phone call, but not real teaching moments? Other than the Aboriginals?
Thanks again
h8k8 said...
The local Philly tv station ran the original report of Dr. Lefair suit against Kate. There's also a video clip on their site of the newscast of the story.
Reality TV Star Focus of Civil Complaint for Unpaid Bill
White Haven, Luzerne County-
The I-team obtained a copy of a civil complaint filed against Kate Gosselin. It was filed in district court and alleges that she did not pay a bill for marriage counseling in 2009.
The counseling was provided by a company called 'Creative Energy Options' which runs a Country Place Retreat and Conference Center in White Haven. Among its many services, the center offers counseling for relationships. Kate and Jon Gosselin's marriage was on the rocks and played out on their cable tv reality show "Jon and Kate Plus 8". They have since divorced.
According to court papers, Kate Gosselin requested that Dr. Sylvia Lafair, the president of Creative Energy Options, fly to Los Angeles to perform marriage counseling. The paper states Kate refused to pay for services or travel fees totaling $10,476. The counseling took place between March 4th and March 23rd of 2009.
Retreat officials said it could not confirm at this point if Kate Gosselin was at their center at anytime because of privacy issues.
OH GREAT!! Another reason for Kate to go on another talk show to set the story straight.
My guess is her next appearance will be at The View.
Maybe she was counting on TLC to pay it ;o) ??
REGARDLESS, it would be a very good idea for Kate to pay for the services rendered.
Not everything in life is free, huh Kate?
I just have to say, it doesn't matter if WE approve or not of speedos, that is really not the point. The fact is other countries accept them as normal beach wear. Why discuss this man on national tv? I don't know, but it may be quite acceptable to wear in Australia. If so, what do you think the Aussies feel being made fun of on TV. It could insult them. You just can't make fun of every danged thing in public when you are in another country. That is where "ugly American" came from. Tourists talking loudly laughing about "you drive on the wrong side" making fun of things that are normal to them. hawheehaw Just like a braying mule. It is embarrassing. This is one small thing, but it is an example of stupidity, imo.
Thanks for the re-cap, Admin. Great Job! Same ole stuff, different day it seems. Also, we know that the "realist reality" show doesn't exist so that poor man on the beach was certainly pre-approved to approach Kate or Steve-O would not have allowed it. Doesn't take much to figure that out, does it?
Kate has some stupid nerve criticizing the Speed-O when she runs around in her barely there attire. That, too, was scripted. I don't trust anything out of her mouth.
The only man who should be seen in a speedo, in my opinion, is Daniel Craig. The scene in one of his Bond films, where he comes out of the ocean? Yum!
So typical of TLC - Australia is a beautiful country, and yet what do they focus on? Guys in speedos, Kate's rude behaviour with aboriginal dancers, hotel room NYE party (with Mom of 8 in her sparkly 'ho duds), kid meltdown. Have we not seen the same old, same old wherever they go. And without having seen any NZ footage, the biggest thing is this jump off a building. And the Irwin zoo adventure, ho hum, another zoo.
Yes, the audience that TLC thinks is their focus are really going to be impressed with the travelogue, particularly as many have said in an economy where they fill lucky to have a weekend family vacation this summer. And the ratings? If, after all the hype and all the expense of this trip, all K+8 pulled in for a "season opener" is the same as what they did in the waning last season, well, good luck holding that audience through weeks of more same old, same old crapola.
Admin wrote "A lot of boring discussion about getting ready for Kate‘s dream trip to Australia because she wanted to see koalas."
Ahh. So that's how it works. Katie wants to see a koala, Katie gets to go Australia to hold one. Okay then. I pray to the almighty gods of grant-wishing that Katie wants to cuddle a warthog in Africa. Then maybe it'll be the last we see of her.
Retreat officials said it could not confirm at this point if Kate Gosselin was at their center at anytime because of privacy issues.
I don't think that Kate would have been at their center because of privacy issues, but rather marriage issues! Oh, wait, they meant to say, "Because of privacy issues, retreat officials said it could not confirm at this point if Kate Gosselin was at their center."
Off topic but I'm confused about something. The Z blog is accused of lying because...?
I so agree, "no regrets." You are spot on. Kate is embarrassing and the fact that TLC promotes this trash is so insulting to our country and any that they visit. I would think anyone associated with this farce would be embarrassed as well. I've always suspected that is why Beth Carson disappeared from the show. It was beneath her and still is. The Gosselin kids need better role models. Doubt they ever get any. Jon excluded since he's not part of the "show" and doesn't promote making Kate rich and famous. Maybe even he became embarrassed by the whole fiasco.
No regrets said...
ADMIN this thing with the guy in speedos. Ok many people don't like them, obviously Kate and Ashley do not, but in many countries this is normal for men to wear. This guy sounded was out of line asking that, I agree, but why make fun of what he wearing, on national TV?
I second that, I come from an European country and speedos are the normal beach wear for men. Seriously,I am kind of bothered that you guys keep focusing on that it's kind of like insulting my country/continent.Nobody here wears you type of bathing suit but we don't make fun of it nor do we criticize it :(
Anyway, they expect us to be curious to see if Kate jumps off that building? Come on is that supposed to be a cliff-hanger? I remember when I first found Jon and Kate Plus 8 on Youtube I was interested in watching because I was curious to see how two parents handle so many kids, where they have room for all of them,do they ever go out in public with them,are they well-behaved and so on.I watched a couple of episodes from season 1 and season 2 and even season3 was okay(what I saw of it there are so many episodes I never saw).
My first problem( I didn't see them in order) was Joel being put on the laundry floor, then I got sick of Kate yelling at Jon then I didn't like how Jon was sometimes either and it was downhill from there. I wasn't that interested in watching anymore since they took more and more trips and they fought over everything and I just wasn't interested in watching a telenovela.
I am pretty sure I am not the only one who feels this way which is why there aren't many people left to watch except for those people who become unusually obsessed with people they've never met and they become weirdly attached to them and have a hard time letting go and-creepy-they feel they know them.But I don't think there are that many people.
Also, regarding the ratings, compared to the first season premiere these are bad ratings. Next week the Irwin fans will definitely watch and in two weeks whoever is holding their breath to see if Kate jumps will watch.BUT, I highly doubt there will be many viewers left for the Philadelphia episode(which was filmed before Christmas) or the Easter episode, let alone Kate's b-day.They may tune in to see the tups' 7th b-day if the show's not canceled by then.JMO(and I really hope I'm right)
Hippie Chick
I too had my marriage on the rocks years ago and through counseling we were able to help our marriage, among other things. We still do some counseling to help our marriage and we have been married almost 22 years!
Sheeple are delusional and need to get a grip and stop defending that succebus(?).
10 sheeple who thinks she great vs millions who think Kate is horrible!! Sheeple she's going to be a gonner real soon!
K8 has no concept of what a family vacation making memories is about. For normal parents things like their child finding a crab and showing it to them are the point of a vacation and how memories are made. I just keep picturing some day when the kids manage to subvert the entire travesty. Something like blurting out on the couch that they hate filming and holding up signs behind K8 that they want to go home. TLC would run those shots because they'd be entertaing.
fidosmommy said...
Some thoughts as I read the recap (thanks, Adm.)
1) The current babysitter was NEVER shown, anywhere. But Steve was there. Could Steve be the current babysitter? Kate does not mention whether the sitter is male or female, right?
There were photos of the new sitter in the airport in Australia or NZ. She's a female and she was walking with the kids with Kate and Ashley. She has long reddish hair and is the same one who was pictured with two kids last fall walking around outside. Whether she's still with the family now, idk. Maybe Steve's responsibilities include babysitting too, but the question would be "he's watching who, Kate or the kids?"
Bit of a double standard concerning the Speedo, don't you think? Why should women be the only sexual objects on the beach? Should women go back to wearing one piece suits with skirts?
Just for the fun of it, I checked "kate's" tweets. Almost every issue our blogs have brought up, she is sneaking in a tweet about it. She does dress in "Mom's clothes often" only when she doesn't have a meeting! She is going to a recital tonight! Of the twins. Even though not sure who has cooked, or has helped the kids with anything, this "Kate" has hardly taken a break for several hours. Not sure when the recital is, I Hope the PR person remembers to sign off. Tomorrow, no school and no helper! Wow, Mom can't play on twitter all day? Or? SO these last few days the kids have been taken care of by her helper, since Kate has been on the computer? LOL Now how does this woman, mom of 8 kids stay on the computer for hours and hours. People are just blahing blahing away. LOL This woman who hardly even looks at fans, let alone speak to them, has suddenly become a magpie, talking about kids, cooking everything under the sun. LOLOL It is too funny. Such naive people.
I had read how so concerned fans were worried about "haterZ" tweeting "Kate" There are hardly ANY negative posts. But when one does come in, they are viciously attacked AND the attack is also sent to "Kate". Oh yeah, they don't have to worry about "haterZ" at all. The fans are doing really well. Quite well, indeed. Why did Steve say he was hired again??
Hippie Chick,
I totally agree with you about the lack of reasoning and logic skills as far as the sheeple are concerned.
It's unknown if Dr. LaFair flew to LA and if Kate refused to see her or they went through the counseling or not. Either way, if an agreement was made I guess they think it's fine for her to ignore her obligation for whatever reason and that their beloved Kate can do whatever she wants to do simply because she's Kate.
I guess they think that because I had cancer surgery and the doctors thought I was cured, but that it came back in 3 years, that all of my treatment should have been free because they didn't cure me. Do they live in a dream world where everything is free and no one has to be responsible or accountable for their obligations?
I honestly wonder if they're that delusional and if they really believe the nonsense they spew or if they make it up. I sometimes wonder if I should place the blame on her teenage fans who don't know any better (but they really should at 16-17 yr old, IMO), but I know that's not the case because some of the worst commenting being done about the law suit and Radar changing the phone call story, etc, etc comes from self admitted middle aged women.
It's scary that they think this way about logical and provable situations. Do they do this to people they work with, family members, customers at work, employers, etc? As much as we snark about them I wonder if there's something incredibly wrong with their reading comprehension skills and their ability to perform basic deductive reasoning or logic. It makes me wonder how people deal with them in face to face.
Great recap. You didn't mention how Kate shrieked and cried like a baby about the cold water when she was supposed to go "swimming with the sharks" and they had to try over and over again to even get her in the water. And no sharks? Duh, what a shock. No sharks were ever intended...how convenient that no sharks happened to show up on a shark encounter expedition. But TLC counts on the naive public to buy into this utter bullshit. The no sharks was set up to make Kate look like a trooper for trying and then being disappointed--it's obvious they went to an area where there would be NO SHARKS. And then she "just happens" to catch exactly 8 fish...how charming. And Mady was terrified at the fireworks when she threw her arms in the air and screamed and pleaded, "I didn't do anything. I promise." Those children are TERRIFIED of this monster. It was also interesting how Kate dolled up for the private New Year's party with the children in a sparkly dress and spike heels and then goes dressed down in running gear directly after to a fireworks display. Really? Really! I don't believe for one second that this was all taped the same night, much like their FAKE Christmas episodes. This whole show is a FARCE...it is fake and contrived and manipulated, and anyone who buys into the fact that Kate is a better person needs counseling. Oh, and the kids thanked Kate profusely for taking them on this trip? HUH? They need to be thanking TLC who pays for everything associated with this show, including the mansion they live in. Vent over.
"On seeing a therapist, Jon says, "I learned about myself. If she's not going to therapy, she's not going to fix herself, then it's not going to work. It takes two people. I have a $22,000 therapy bill. I mean, I tried to have marriage counseling. I did it myself. She refused to go."
Is she being sued for her half??
Is it just me or does Kate seem totally out of control with that twitter account? She reminds me of a teenager. She is giving away too much personal information about herself and the kids and she is going back and forth with some very over-enthusiastic fans (nice way of saying obsessed). I think they are sending her packages to her UPS store and looking to get together with her. Many live in her area. It would of been a blessing if it indeed was some TLC intern running the account, but I believe it is her! Oh, she also posted a pic of her feet in hole-y socks this morning.
So when Kate Plus 8 is cancelled does anyone not think Kate will get agents for her 8, count them 8, kids so they can get into the biz on their own? Just wondering.
Interesting comment from Ashley Judd (from the Radaronline website) ""I loved my mother, but at the same time I dreaded the mayhem and uncertainty that followed her everywhere...I often felt like an outsider observing my mom's life as she followed her own dreams," Ashley wrote.
Is history repeating itself with the Gosselin children?
Hippie Chick said... I watched said...
(naming the sponsors)
Special K cereal - Kellogg 2
Dammit. That's all I eat for breakfast. My Special K Chocolatey Delight cereal. Nothing else on the list really pertains to me, so no big, but that Special K thing bites. I don't care, I'm not gonna stop buying it & eating it though. Sometimes it's all I eat during the day because of my pain thing, which in turn makes me nauseas (sp) which in turn makes me not hungry sometimes. So...yeah. Is that as bad as watching? I refuse to be a hypocrite. Dammit, I'm confused now. If I still buy my 2 boxes a week, does that make me a bad person? Am I contributing to that stupid show?? I would like to think I'm contributing to "Cougar Town", who also advertises Special K. It's a conundrum, it is!
I feel your pain. I love Spec K and the Chocolatey Delight is awesome!!
Don't let Kate and her show stop you from enjoying something you love. You're not a bad person if you continue to purchase it. There are a lot of sponsors that you can boycott instead of Kellogg's. Pick one of them to boycott.
As much as we snark about them I wonder if there's something incredibly wrong with their reading comprehension skills and their ability to perform basic deductive reasoning or logic. It makes me wonder how people deal with them in face to face.
No. They're just plain intellectually-challenged, a politically correct term for "stupid"! People don't deal with them face to face because they never leave the house. They sit at home all day, fawning over their beloved Kate, and now, following her in her inane tweets
As far as sponsors, I was getting ready to change insurance from State Farm to AllState...uh, that ain't gonna happen now.
She is going to a recital tonight!
no regrets - what time was the tweet?
Ahh. So that's how it works. Katie wants to see a koala, Katie gets to go Australia to hold one. Okay then. I pray to the almighty gods of grant-wishing that Katie wants to cuddle a warthog in Africa. Then maybe it'll be the last we see of her.
LOL, Auntie! I was thinking more along the lines of that giant rat...what is it called? We always called it giganticus ratticus! Um...Capybara, a 200-pound giant rodent!
My daughter told me today that she and her family were asked by Niellson (sp?) to tell them what tv shows they were watching for a week. They asked her how many tv's they have and are sending them a journal for each one. Every show they watch they are to write it in the journal. In the packet will be a self stamped envelope for them to send back at the end of the week. Niellson will then send them $30. They are to do this now once a year. This is not how I thought it worked at all.
Admin, I appreciate the time you took to watch and recap this episode in-depth. I usually love your spin on things, but I was left feeling rather bored at the end. It's not your fault; it's more of a reflection on what must have really happened in this episode. Nothing.
It sounds like any other Gosselin trip episode. Same family. Different location. Australia sounds more like a back-drop where I was left wondering, 'What's so special about Bondi beach? Because it's a beach? Yeah, got a ton of those in California.' Camping with aboriginal people? Is this something normal tourists can do or was it only for tv families? Yeah, this sure makes me want to travel to Australia.
This all sounds like the making of one really boring travel show with a bad host. I feel bad for Australia's tourism industry if they actually sponsored a portion of this trip to promote their country as one family-oriented adventure.
There are usually shots of the Gosselins on the plane, but there was no mention of it this time. Is it possible that they didn't want to show the Gosselins enjoying their 21 hour or so flight in the comfort of first class as opposed to the economy/coach class? Maybe that's why Kate claims it was one of their best plane trips.
Trust me, I too would also have one of the best plane trips if I could fully recline my seat and sleep comfortably during a long flight. Flying in economy class from LAX to China wasn't the best experience but I wanted to spend my money on doing things in China, not so I could get a good night's rest on an airplane.
Admin, I would never want for you to have to trudge through these boring episodes just so you could recap to appease your readers. Whether you recap or not, it wouldn't change my mind about not watching anything Gosselin.
Mon in Lancaster.. as I look on Twiiter it says 6 hours ago, from now the post was made
Mom In Lancaster and her last tweet (after a LONG day of tweeting) was 2 hours ago.
On the boat ride out to the sharks,I saw Steve pass behind a boat crew member while the guy was trying to explain to Kate about what she had to do. Why did she need a bodyguard on a boat that only carried her, the crew and the film crew? There were 8 kids running loose on a beach in a strange country. Wouldn't it be reasonable to have had Steve guard them?
I cringed at her behavior in Australia, the laughing that they drive on the other side, at the Aborigines, her screeching while throwing a boomerang. etc.
As for her camping overnight and "unzipping her tent window to look at the stars" she is so full of it, she would have been eaten alive by mosquitoes. In my experience some where big enough to throw a saddle on.
Kate comes across as an ignorant bimbo and gives Americans a bad name. Keep her at home on a leash!
Interesting. I just saw the ratings for the new TLC show Extreme Couponing (aired last night)and it had 2.1 million viewers. Hopefully more shows will be ratings winners and TLC will decide that K+8 isn't cutting it and drop it from the schedule.
Oops, the ratings for Extreme Couponing was 2.3 million for the premiere. They had a special in Dec. that had 2.1 million viewers. Sorry about that mix up.
gotyournumberKate said...
My daughter told me today that she and her family were asked by Niellson (sp?) to tell them what tv shows they were watching for a week. They asked her how many tv's they have and are sending them a journal for each one. Every show they watch they are to write it in the journal. In the packet will be a self stamped envelope for them to send back at the end of the week. Niellson will then send them $30. They are to do this now once a year. This is not how I thought it worked at all.
Your daughter must be participating in a different survey for Nielson than for their tv ratings. Nielson uses boxes that transmit data based on what channel their tv is tuned to for their nightly ratings numbers.
TLC ship is sinking said...
There are usually shots of the Gosselins on the plane, but there was no mention of it this time. Is it possible that they didn't want to show the Gosselins enjoying their 21 hour or so flight in the comfort of first class as opposed to the economy/coach class? Maybe that's why Kate claims it was one of their best plane trips.
They spent quite a bit of time showing them on the plane. You'd think they could find more exciting footage from a 3 week trip to show other than from a boring plane ride, but they were doing lots of damage control and had to keep their story going about how well the kids tolerated the trip. They made sure to show the kids getting things out of their activity bag like coloring books, maybe, etc.
From Philly to LA the kids walked across each other in the seats while other passengers were trying to read or rest. This was a late evening flight and the plane was dark and it was obvious the people trying to relax were being disturbed.
Then from LA to Sydney, they showed them getting on the plane, lot of voice overs about how wonderful the flight was and before you knew it they'd landed.
My other post didn't show up so I'll do it again, in case that post about Extreme couponing looks strange.
Initially I posted that Extreme Couponing Tlc's new show had 2.1 million viewers but the correct amount was 2.3 million. 2.1 was for the special they aired in Dec.
So hopefully, with other TLC shows pulling in higher ratings, maybe they will finally get K+8 off the air due to low ratings. (Fingers Crossed).
Nielson collects ratings in more than one way. I did the TV diary thing once 15+ years ago. Some people have boxes on their tv that transmit the info.
Not exactly Speedos but it's made me change my mind!! If this were the guy on the beach Kate would never have come back. (Holy crap, me neither!)
Thank you for the recap Admin. Not that I was waiting with bated breath but you do have a way with words and can make even this drivel sound partially interesting.
TLC stinks, you and I are at the same degree of evolution(?!) I used to catch a youtube just to see what was being discussed. But now, other than a very mild desire to see the extra short, low cut sparkly turquoise costumely (sic) thing she wore for New Year's there is nothing I have curiousity about. I figure someone will at some point post a picture of that turquoise thing and all my curiosity will be sated. If they don't then oh, well, my mental image will hold me just fine.
Years ago, probably about 1965, Nielsen sent us a log to write the shows that we watched. Now they are paying $30.00? Wow! Guess how much they sent in 1965? They sent me two quarters!
One of Kate's recent interviews, one where two of her children she said are being, "slowly intrigated," back into school--whatever that's supposed to mean. Why is it Kate seems to stress her kids are at the top of their class?
1. Cara and Madelyn are at the top of their class
2. My kids are now reading at the top of their kidnegarten class.
I mean not saying her kids can't read well but come on...seriously? After its been pointed out her kids asked what a triangle is you expected to be believed they can read at a top level? Why stress this so much? Just feels to me Kate is trying to maintain her kids are the absolute brightest there is at their school. Not to call them dumb, or that kids are incapable of reading but it just seems she stresses this point to frequent. It screams, "look at me, look at how much better my kids are then yours!" Type thing...or again is it just me alone here?
Oh my word! I've been reading Kate's tweets. Her misuse of "big" words (two syllables and above) is sad and mind-boggling as well. Some of her tweets don't make any sense.
One of her fans tweeted that TLC contacted her (she works at a juvenile detention facility). They (TLC) were considering filming a "Twist of Kate" episode there. Kate tweeted back how FUN that would have been. Egads - fun? I'm trying to picture the possibilities of that scenario. Fun didn't come to mind.
I just figured out she tweets once every 17 minutes during her waking hours, which are approximately 17 hours long (the two 17s are just a coincidence). That is a LOT! I follow a journalist who is in the middle of all the stuff going down in the Middle East (@blakehounshell, he's wonderful) and he doesn't even hold a candle to her! It's part of his JOB to tweet updates and he averages one every 30 minutes!
I'm sorry but with 8 kids, even with help, you can't tweet on average once every 17 minutes all damn day long. That woman doesn't do shit. And no one can tell me otherwise, the evidence is her own twitter feed.
I didn't think it was possible to have less respect for her than I did, but I guess you can go lower than zero. Tweeting is her job now and it's almost exclusively responding to fans, something she would normally be loathe to do, so I'm positive this was something TLC made her do.
1. Cara and Madelyn are at the top of their class
2. My kids are now reading at the top of their kidnegarten class.
um, well, um, to be perfectly honest, there ARE no distinctions such as this in Lower School. There is no "top of the class" in 4th grade; and there is no "reading at the top of their class" in Kindergarten. They may be reading on a certain level, but it's not disclosed that a student is at the top of the class. In fact, they won't know that until the results of the standardized testing comes in, and even then class ranking isn't a factor.
I think you were FAR too nice to Kate. Do you honestly think that phone conversation on the bus was anything but a show? The camera was about 5 inches from Kate's face when she is "being nice to Jon." PLEASE! TLC spin all the way. That call was preplanned, they told her what to say and how to say it.
Any of the kids at ANY time should be able to pick up the phone and call the parent they are not with at the time. There is no one parent "allowing" the other to talk to the children. Just insane.
Marie said...
One of Kate's recent interviews, one where two of her children she said are being, "slowly intrigated," back into school--whatever that's supposed to mean. Why is it Kate seems to stress her kids are at the top of their class?
1. Cara and Madelyn are at the top of their class
2. My kids are now reading at the top of their kidnegarten class.
I mean not saying her kids can't read well but come on...seriously? After its been pointed out her kids asked what a triangle is you expected to be believed they can read at a top level? Why stress this so much? Just feels to me Kate is trying to maintain her kids are the absolute brightest there is at their school. Not to call them dumb, or that kids are incapable of reading but it just seems she stresses this point to frequent. It screams, "look at me, look at how much better my kids are then yours!" Type thing...or again is it just me alone here?
I see Kate's motivation for continually mentioning the kids school progress differently. I think the reason she keeps stressing their excellence in school is to shut down the critics of the show who say the kids shouldn't be filming and that they should be kids and in school and having fun.
I believe she's trying to say, in an 'in your face' kind of way that filming isn't interfering in any way with her kids school progress and in fact they couldn't be doing better. IIRC, she started using with school progress lines around the time 2 of the kids were expelled; I think she's defensive and trying to say despite what everyone may say otherwise, her kids are perfect.
I really don't think it's got much to do with a need to make her kids the brightest ever born, but more to do with defending her decision to keep doing the show. Whether fact or fiction, excellence or failure, their progress in school should be none of the public's business. But, that's Kate; she can't keep her mouth shut for whatever reason.
what happened to kate going to bed at 7.31pm ?
Yup, Linda G., that WITCH seems to spend all day either tweeting or "preparing for her glorious "1/2 marathon". She's so great. She does it "all". Hate her. She is one of the BIGGE$T phonies and con-artists ever to walk the face of the Earth. Hate her.
No regrets said...
I just have to say, it doesn't matter if WE approve or not of speedos, that is really not the point. The fact is other countries accept them as normal beach wear. Why discuss this man on national tv? I don't know, but it may be quite acceptable to wear in Australia. If so, what do you think the Aussies feel being made fun of on TV. It could insult them. You just can't make fun of every danged thing in public when you are in another country. That is where "ugly American" comes from...
I agree No Regrets... it may be in their culture as perfectly natural. I didn't watch so have no clue. And again, it was probably a set up to get Kate's reaction, & as usual, according to Admin's recap, she made herself look bad. WHO cares what the guy was wearing? He was on a public beach, enjoying the sunshine. I think we should let this speedo guy go & move on.
Mom in Lancaster...
To be clear there is no exact time on Tweets. It only indicates "6 hours ago' etc. Up checking my mail this AM, checked her tweets MY OH MY this woman is truly superMOM. Taking care of 8 kids on twitter for hours and hours. She was gone for 3 hours to the recital, then came back and blah, blah for a few more hours!
A fan says that non fans don't believe it is her, it is a TLC intern, she replies OH this is me, I wouldn't let TLC have someone pretend to be me. LOLOL Then she says if it wasn't me it wouldn't be verified.
Wow, naive fans, so naive...Paris Hilton is verified, all the others who use PR reps to update their twitter are also verified. Kate says it, it must be true. LOL
And she is right back on twitter early this am, no school today and no helpers she said. And on twitter. LOLOL Doesn't it even occur to them who is taking care of the kids? Cooking? Laundry? Or maybe this is what they do all day, stay online, neglecting thier households too? Amazing.
Didn't Jon get crucified because he even MENTIONED his kids? One fan said say hi to the kids. Kate said "they say hi back". LOL This is so funny, and yet very sad that people are so naive. TLC interns are working so hard!! "LOL"
Well, I don't have 8 kids, but I do have things to do. Can't stay online all day. I MUST hire more 'helpers' to do all my work! "LOL"
Sheeple reasoning abilities said...
Hippie Chick,
I totally agree with you about the lack of reasoning and logic skills as far as the sheeple are concerned.
I guess they think that because I had cancer surgery and the doctors thought I was cured, but that it came back in 3 years, that all of my treatment should have been free because they didn't cure me. Do they live in a dream world where everything is free and no one has to be responsible or accountable for their obligations?
I pray that things are/get better for you. I really do.
That was exactly I was making. You said it best. Why the sheeple think that Kate (or anyone for that matter) do not need to take responsibility is beyond me. This is exactly the struggle we are going through with my son right now. We are having the hardest time with his lying, conning ways & he refuses to see what's right there, in black & white. Kate & her flock are the SAME WAY, & I refuse to bring my child up the same way. Of course, he's 11 & hitting his tween years & learning from his friends that lying is easier, but as you said, middles aged woman doing this type of thing? It is just plain deceitful. What are THEY teaching their kids? What is Kate teaching her kids? That no one has to live up to what is expected of them?
It irks me & I said it in my last post. Don't we want our children to be at least 50% better off than we are? Don't we want to teach our kids that when we make a mistake, we try to learn from it & build upon that experience & try again? We take responsibility for our actions. We don't lie, we tell the truth , even though it seems it harder at first, but it ends up being easier in the end.
Again, my thoughts are with you in this time. Stay strong!
So, she's tweeting her every move with the kids...bus pick up, going to a recital, whether they're sleeping etc.. etc.. For someone who's made it her mission to complain about the "paps", for someone who claims she's followed EVERYWHERE, for someone who claims she needs a bodyguard to protect her from the "fans", to go on and then divulge her every location is UBSURD! I think she's trying to recapture the attention she was getting at the height of the tabloid shennanigans, hoping maybe a "pap" other than Steve or Chris shows up to one of her outings. Also, she's a lazy b-with an itch, tweeting all day long??? And I agree with the poster who mentioned she's tweeting all evening long, WHEN THE KIDS ARE HOME! Do it all day long if you must, but turn your computer/phone OFF when they are home. You have EIGHT kids right??
SquatmunkieRN said... "I think you were FAR too nice to Kate. Do you honestly think that phone conversation on the bus was anything but a show? The camera was about 5 inches from Kate's face when she is "being nice to Jon." PLEASE! TLC spin all the way. That call was preplanned, they told her what to say and how to say it."
I am in complete "agreeance" Squatmunkie! I also think that mommie dearest may have been court ordered by the judge who ruled that the kids could be taken to Australia on their Dad's custody time to let the kids keep in phone contact with their father. There is no way that Kate is supporting the children's relationship with Jon, given her public statements making him seem like a deadbeat dad. I also think she is baiting Jon at the same time to try and get the Jon/Kate conflict back on the front burner to generate ratings. Mentioning him several times in this show, on the Today Show and now even the unpaid counseling bill controversy. Kate/TLC are trying to use what worked in the past to increase viewers and that is the continual saga of what was once Jon and Kate. I hope Jon continues to take the high road and not respond to Kate. This is the best approach to work against her manipulation. It is certainly best for the kids to not have this in the press, yet again.
I have to hit post serveral times before I get a "Your comment will be visible after approval" Sorry if this means you receive multiple posts from me, I know what I am saying is not that important!
I wonder if Kate will have the kids filming, since there is no school today? (she states there is no school on her twitter)...
Also, it is interesting that one of her fans brought up a planned filming of Twist of Kate that never went ahead as planned (in a juvenile detention facility). It makes you wonder what TLC is doing with that series. Is it cancelled? Did they ever film any episodes? Did these women write to TLC and tell them about their challenging jobs to get selected?
Kate opening a twitter account is just another distraction from her kids. I can just see them now "please mommy" answered with "ask the nanny, can't you see I am busy?" No wonder those poor kids look depressed. I wish Jon would get custody.
No, you are wrong to vilify men in speedo bathing suits, that is a cultural thing. I have traveled int'l all my working life. No one has a hang up with men and speedos'....other than USA. Kate stood there in less material on her pubic area. Her breasts were falling out of her top. Usually in these countries, beaches, which are hot climates have plenty of speedo men and au natural.
I was surprised that you condoned Kate and a college girl making fun of the men in speedos. It is another jab at men by Kate, which is what Kate does.
Also Kate is obsessed with Jon, but we do not know that she actually had a conversation with Jon, but she did talk into the phone. Cannot believe Jon was on the other end, other than talking to his children.
This is all about Kate's new image of "adjusting for the sake of her children"...she would put a bullet in Jon, if she could get away with it.
The new nice Kate, wrong, a still self centered bitch who ignored her twins, Cara was not trying to get close to Kate during the fireworks, she ws on the end of the bench with the resting arm pushing into her side. Kate wanted the tups on that bench, not Cara or Mady. So Cara suffered the consequences, once again. These twins are a concern to me and should be to TLC and everyone watching. They have no reason to be in the filming other than to help babysitting, nothing more.
I don't even know how she's taking care of basic household stuff twittering this much all day long. Do they imagine that no one will ever think "hey, shouldn't she be....I don't know, busy?"
I have a friend with four kids, half her number, and she only gets the chance to get on twitter maybe once a day, after all the kids are in bed, and that's only if no one is sick and there's not major stuff to clean up. Of course, she doesn't have an army of "helpers," nor is she a neglectful mom.
And the fact that she's tweeting about the kids' every move is highly disturbing.
Have y'all noticed a LOT of damage control? it wouldn't surprise me if her followers were plants and given questions to ask. She's said she loves the dog, yes they still have chickens (who takes care of them???), apparently the twins play instruments, damage controlling like crazy and at the same time unwittingly SHOWING everyone that she doesn't take care of the kids!
Add me to the list of those who think Kate tweeting is a very bad idea. I'm not a twitterer (tweeter?), but I've read her page.
Here's an example. One man has tweeted her quite a few times, seemingly trying to prolong the conversation. One question he asked was about Alexis specifically, and Kate happily answered it. Seriously, is Alexis's personal health a concern to anyone but her immediate family? It's creepy--creepy that he asked, creepier that she answered!
Out of curiosity I went to this man's page, and one of his recent tweets was INCREDIBLY crude--very nasty. Way to go, Kate. Expose your children even more. He's somewhat good-looking, however. So--knowing Kate--that's going to be the winning factor.
I also think filterless Kate is going to make herself look even worse by this incessant babbling on Twitter, both by the quantity of tweets and the inanity of what she says.
If katie was so offended by the speedo why the hell did she stand there for that length of time talking to him?
She must really be in her glory, finally having people to socialize with on Twitter. This is as close to have friends as she is going to get. But all it will take is one misstep by her 'friends', say the wrong word, or more likely, have HER take something the wrong way, AND, BYE BYE, they're at the curb as fast as her fingers (with the useless manicured nails) can key them into oblivion.
Wish that feat were as easy for those of us that have had enough (MORE THAN) of her.
When I see episodes where the kids are just begging for some one-on-one attention from Kate, this Twitter thing is just even more sad.
I think one of the hardest parts about eight kids is knowing that you will never be able to give each one of them the kind of individual attention you could had your family been smaller. There are many good things about big families, but it has to be admitted that's a major down side.
So instead of trying to give the eight as much of herself as possible, she's far too busy with her fans. We saw this on Bondi beach, the kids were playing and she talked to fans. We saw this when she didn't give Collin's crab the time of day and instead left them with nannies all day long. We saw how much Cara just wants a MOMENT of Kate's attention and wants to just sit next to her at the fireworks. Her kids are screaming for a piece of her, and she's given most of her pieces to Twitter.
Another downside about a school 45 minutes away is not just the kids on the bus. When there's after school things like recitals, that's 45 minutes each way to get there and back. On a school night, you've basically blown the entire night away. Commute time you could have spent at home with the other kids.
As far as the speedo goes I understand the concern that "stupid Americans" don't understand other cultures and so on. I don't really see it that way though. I see it as light-hearted, certainly not meant to be malicious, teasing.
I spent a lot of time in Europe when I was a teenager and I remember a lot of "teasing" from my European friends about Americans wearing cowboy hats, Americans and their obsession with wealth, Americans and their stupid presidents, and so on.
They tease us too. I never got the impression they were actually trying to be mean to me. They tease me about cowboy hats (I've never even worn one, lol), I tease them right back about speedos, etc. For me, it's just banter if I make a teasing remark about a speedo. Now whether it's wise to do that on a national TV show is another matter.
I was surprised that you condoned Kate and a college girl making fun of the men in speedos
There is nowhere (that I see) that Admin CONDONED Kate and a college girl (Ashley) for making fun of men in Speedos. She said that she agrees with Kate that Speedos should be outlawed. It's a matter of opinion, and Admin shared her opinion. I'm not sure what Ashley being in college has to do with anything.
"No, you are wrong to vilify men in speedo bathing suits, that is a cultural thing. I have traveled int'l all my working life. No one has a hang up with men and speedos'....other than USA."
It's an OPINION. If someone doesn't like Speedos, they don't like them. To say that someone is wrong to vilify men wearing them is saying that you are right and the other person's opinion is wrong. Unless a survey was taken by those outside the US, how can it be said nobody else has a hang up with men and Speedos? One of my former college friends, who is a native of Greece and lives there now, hates them with a passion. I remember her telling me that when she got engaged one of the "conditions" was that her boyfriend get rid of his Speedos. I was reading some of the message boards, and there are opinions from women overseas...in the UK, Germany, as well as Canada, who likewise think they should be outlawed - so it's not just in the US where people just don't like to see them.
I don't have a "hang up" with them. I just don't like to see guys wearing them on a public beach. It's not because of a hang up about semi-nudity, or seeing too much skin. I just think they look ridiculous in them, probably because I've seen too many 300-pound, orange, wrinkly men think that they are 20-something toned, athletic guys!
"Cannot believe Jon was on the other end, other than talking to his children."
She was talking into the air? Was she a good actress?
"This is all about Kate's new image of "adjusting for the sake of her children"...she would put a bullet in Jon, if she could get away with it."
That's kind of harsh, isn't it? I don't think that she's gotten over Jon or the divorce or the fact that he is happy with someone else, but I really don't think we have another Betty Broderick on our hands!
Kate said she ran to the store this morning and showed a picture of the Six rubber playballs she bought.
Last night she said she had no babysitter for today and the kids were home from school.
So....who was watching the kiddos while she was out shopping? She did not bring the kids with her.
Things that make me go #hmmmmmm
Kate makes all Americans look bad. She should never be able to leave the country, in my opinion, & represent American moms. That's like Mark David Chapman representing gun control, or Hugh Hefner going on a world tour telling women to cover up. It just shouldn't happen.
SquatmunkieRN said... I think you were FAR too nice to Kate. Do you honestly think that phone conversation on the bus was anything but a show? The camera was about 5 inches from Kate's face when she is "being nice to Jon." PLEASE! TLC spin all the way. That call was preplanned, they told her what to say and how to say it.
Or perhaps Jon wasn't on the line at all, and the kids were told to pretend they were talking to Daddy. Was Jon's voice heard? TLC isn't known to show things the way they really are. To wit: Christmas
When there's after school things like recitals, that's 45 minutes each way to get there and back.
What's done by students who commute long distances, in that case is to stay after school (there is an after-school program) until the event. The parents then come (as to the recital or sports event)early. The student is already at school, and he/she often go out to dinner with the parents before the event. It saves much travel time back and forth for the student.
In the case of an athletic event, they don't go home after school and then back to school. They stay at school because there is usually practice before the event, or they leave right after school for an away game.
Maria in RI, I'm sorry that I didn't read your excellent post before writing mine. You had already questioned whether Jon was actually on the phone. You said it first, and better.
She should never be able to leave the country, in my opinion, & represent American moms.
Heck, Hippie...she shouldn't even be allowed to represent American moms in America!
Since I have no use for Twitter, perhaps what I say is not that objective, but this is already out of hand, after what, a week? And yes, if this is Kate online and not the TLC interns (which I am inclined to suspect could be true because all that attention is what she craves), it is both a violation of the court order and a bad, bad, judgement call to post details about the children online. For god sake's these creepy people KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE. Yack about yourself if you want (still stupid IMHO) but I understood that talking about the kids, the divorce, those details were off limits to both parents. She is such a tool. And frankly, a tool who should not have anywhere that much time to Twit away when the children are in her physical presence. What may have started out as damage control now seems to be creating a whole new arena of damage for her - are they that stupid over at TLC? I guess it amuses me, but the boundaries seem to have no lines whatsovever with this group.
This speedo issue is a little out of hand. LOL Of course the ADMIN didn't 'condone' anything. Many do not like them. Plus they are just not common here. As I said earlier, this man's face was shown on tv, wearing a speedo. I have traveled many times, and have been so embarrassed by the "ugly Americans". It has made me much more sensitive to issues such as this. Out of line or not with his question, his face was shown on tv, with Kate making fun of what the man was wearing. He was pleasant and seemed to follow her story.
I just cringed. To me, it is just another example of her thoughtlessness concerning other people. And of course we all make jokes or talk about an "oddity" of another country as well as our own, amongst friends. I caught all sorts of stuff when GW Bush was president.
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do" was coined for a very good reason. That was MY whole point. (Last on the speedo issue for me)
As far as that phone call to Jon. It should have NEVER been filmed. Of course, the children talked to him. To think they all pretended is just not realistic. But the pleasantness of Kate? Very doubtful that this is her usual convo manner with him. Makes me wonder if Jon was thinking, "what is wrong with YOU" when she was being so amicable. I do hope this is the way they are now conversing. For the kids sake.
Wow, I am stunned. I just got an email that someone tweeted "Kate" with this little scheme cooked up by Jon & Sylvia is going to blow up in both their faces - Kate keeps movin' forward! To which she replied..
'You are correct. Never fun to have to clean up others messes, is it? Or pay their bills...'
Wow, this is incredible. I am truly lost for words.
ADMIN your thoughts?
BerksPA, I wondered that, too. She said she has no help today, kids are home, but she went to the store by herself???
So either she's lying and does have help (totally likely) or the twins had to babysit six kids (sadly, also totally likely).
This twitter thing has really driven home for me more than anything else has how much she just sucks as a mom. I mean, SUCKS. She has EIGHT kids, is it not possible to pay attention to them once in a while?
Some people don't know what blessings they have.
No regrets, wow that was what that was about? I wondered what she was talking about. Of course she's shit-talking Jon on twitter, she does it on national TV, why not twitter?
Why is there such a damn double standard with this vile hag? If he twittered anything about her at ALL, she'd be hell on wheels, but SHE can say whatever she wants. Classic abuser/controller behavior.
Linda G. said...Yes.. I am truly stunned. Yesterday a few "fans" were going bonkers because Jon retweeted someone saying "watching her show now, don't know how you put up with her. Then congrats to him and Ellen.
They were very upset by that. But NOTHING about this? I am truly beyond words for this.
From what I can gather of Khate's newfound way to glorify herself, I have come to the conclusion that she is indeed a very sad and lonely person who is unable to find any joy or comfort in the company of her children. I must say that upon making this conclusion I had just the tiniest ever so slight very brief tinge or pity for her, but then I thought of the children and it was gone in a flash.
I didn't see the show so I don't know about the phone call except what I have read. But I do know that TLC is prone to staging things for the episodes. I would not put it past them to have Kate fakechat with Jon. I don't think that to say that is unrealistic. There is so little that is realistic about the filming of Kate+8.
This twitter thing has really driven home for me more than anything else has how much she just sucks as a mom.
I hope Jon is working with his lawyer on putting a stop to her tweets about the kids. She can yap all she wants about herself to anyone who really gives a shit, but she should shut up about her children. How much more of their privacy does she want to give away? Has she never heard how pedophiles use their computers as a mode for stalking children? Her all-consuming need for every ounce of attention is putting those kids in dangerous territory more than ever now that she's twittering. She's sick.
Did Kate make her account private? I do not see anything about the balls or her bashing Jon.
so is twitter part of Kate's "career"? She has to ignore the 8 so that she can take care of her "career"! Shhhhhhhh, Mommy is working and has to igmore you!
I just looked at that twit's tweets, and you all called it. It's a narcissist's wet dream. She will probably go over a grand total of 200 today, a day she claims to have no help while the kids are off. That would average about 50 per day. 50! I see she reached out twice to Brooke Burke, who of course never responded. Because she usually doesn't, as she appears to use it only to keep her fans informed, not as a way to interact with them. Wowee, I am just amazed. For her sheeple, it's their wet dream too.
Katie needs a new image (again) said... You have to go back to "12 hours ago" that was the first tweet to her bout the case, she answers it 5 hours later, I see no other tweets between then and the response to bring such a reponse.
Not sure what time the "balls" bs was posted, I seriously cannot look at that anymore. She is passing off a recipe as her own, for no bake cookies. One adoring fan thinks she is superduper for giving the recipe off the "top of her head" LOL
That recipe has been around for YEARS. I can't take anymore. Do they NOT wonder who is parenting these children while alledgely sits on twitter? I mean are they really THAT gullible? I cannot take it. LOL
Image...it's all still there on her twitter. I'm sure there are some people taking screen shots of all this out there. She is WAY too active on twitter. I can't imagine someone with 8 kids at home can tweet all day long - incessantly about her life and read/respond to tweets. What is up with that? All of a sudden she has all these 'friends'. She keeps saying she was lonely, and she loves the adoration. It's going to get old pretty soon.
I'm thinking no one wants to have her on there shows to wine/whine about her life anymore, so she's taking it to the streets, or in this case, twitter, where her sheeple can eat it up.
Oh...and to set the record straight not only on all the kids stuff, but apparantly she is now 'extension-less'.
Admin, do you or anyone here really know why Steve is still around? Why was he even hired in the first place? I've read snarky comments about his employment with TLC/Kate, but does anyone know why he ever was hired? I just don't understand why Kate needs him when top-shelf stars go about their business with their children and appear to be on their own, no security in sight? The fact that she has "security" around must make her feel even more important.
About bragging about her kids being at the "top of their class." It reminds me of insecure friends/relatives who must embellish everything about their lives in order to one up yours'. Must be on top, you know! We've all met them. Some I've met and read about will lie just to one up everybody. It's sad, really. Such a phony way to exist.
TLC good job, I have learned a few more things new about Kate with this twitter.
1) She truly does nothing. Anyone who can stay on twitter for 17 hours is useless.
2.) She neglects her children.
3.) She is talking about Jon again, and discussing a case pending. Where is her lawyer? Or JON's??
4.) She neglects her children.
5.) She is more stupid than I imagined.
6.) Her fans are truly nuts and very naive.
7,) She neglects her children.
(No, I still don't believe this is the idiot twittering, perhaps she is giving them the responses to post)
Someone did post asking why is she on twitter, get off and mother your children, you moron. Suddenly, the tweets were spaced out more and more from her. LOL
Not very many "haters" tweets at all. A few here and there, and several this AM. I see no reason to tweet the twit, she doesn't care. Nor will she listen to anyone. A waste of time, useless.
Hope I covered most of it. I have to go throw up now.
It is really funny to read how the sheeple have basically decided the bill is Jon's and he is sticking it to Kate because she has more money and the lawsuit is his way of raining on her parade. Whaaaaat? The lawsuit is Kates, where does it even mention Jon? Just because he made a random comment that Kate wouldnt do any therapy. No one knows for sure how much and who had therapy (except for Jon, Kate & the counseler).
One thing I did forget, and now the dang tweet is gone, but yesterday she was asked how she dealt with all the "haters" to which she replied, she learned in high school that anyone who hates her is just "jealous" and she learned to ignore them.
So there you have it, we are all just "jelus".
Have a good afternoon. This entire thing is really, really sad.
In response to No regrets:
That 'jealous' comment that she posted (yes I saw it as well) and all the time she has to 'tweet' I wonder if she actually was pretty active on the fan blogs as an alter identity. They are always big on calling the 'haters' jealous. Especially on ROL.
She has so much time on her hands. She could actually get a 'real' job. She just doesn't want to.
Is it possible that someone at TLC clued her into Twitter as a way to stop her from bothering them several times a day on one of the pink phones? And from above, still laughing about it being a "narcissist's wet dream". Oh, look how many friends I have. And thanks to everyone who actually is following her on Twitter or reading the page for those of us who cannot or will not - funniest couple of days for us. More seriously, I am quite sure the twins know exactly what Twitter is, and now they can watch their mother act even more like a juvenile than she does with her wardrobe. Sigh.
So there you have it, we are all just "jelus".
Have a good afternoon. This entire thing is really, really sad.
I am so very jealous that I think I'll find someone to serve me with a $10,000 lawsuit in district court! I need a little more stress in my life to make everything perfect.
have to share a couple of things:
This just came through the twitter:
RobotKeaton Keaton Howard
@Kateplusmy8's twitter info:" I'm joining modern Tweeting society. My kids will be so proud!" At least they have one thing to be proud of.
She has personally mentioned/tweeted (like when you do an @soandso) to Brooke Burke twice...trying to be all friendly. Brooke not only isn't responding, but hasn't even 'followed' her.
BTW...Jon still has over 70k (that would be a 7 with 4zeros after it) followers on his PRIVATE twitter account, although he's weeding them out bit by bit. Kate is at 4000 on her public one.
Most 'stars' post inciteful things. Projects they are involved in, charity events, even plugging a friends show here and there.
Kate on the other hand treats twitter as her personal chat room. It's really really odd.
Is there a rule that says those Gosselin kids are never to be treated with respect? I just watched the Aussie milkshake episode and could not believe the way the hired help talked down to these kids. Ok she is an adult and they are kids but there is no reason to not take three extra minutes when getting them a treat and actually find out what they want. There are eight of them, not eight thousand. You really can get eight children to tell you what they want, order it, hand it out and still have some "episode" time left over. This crap of "You get what you get and you don't get upset" is a Kateism and is what a bully says. If it is so difficult to get the order straight for eight children, why not just give each child a few bucks and let them order their own? They are not babies. They probably are quite able to say Chocolate, or Vanilla or Strawberry or whatever flavor they want. "Joel, would you like nothing at all?" made my blood boil. There is no reason to talk to any child that way, much less the children who have EARNED ALL THE MONEY YOU ARE BEING PAID. Those kids need hugs, they do not need one more oppressor.
No regrets said...
TLC good job, I have learned a few more things new about Kate with this twitter.
I totally agree. I haven't read any of them, but judging from what is posted here, I have learned that this person is really not quite right on so many levels. What bothers me most is her stupidity at thinking that this is going to make her even more "popular" - is TLC trying to humanize her? It's backfiring big time! Why is she doing this? What is the purpose? She's revealing things that shouldn't be revealed.
I knew since the post-divorce, that she couldn't keep anything private, especially when she announced that they were dealing with on their own, and in the next breath was on television discussing it. But this twittering nonsense is so wrong and I think that we now see that those who talk about her narcissism have been so very right all along. I don't think we realized how bad it is.
We do now. She doesn't even deserve any benefit of a doubt on anything. She's just plain nuts.
I wonder how many people in high school hated her, since she referred to that in one of her comments. Why did they hate her? Again, this is something that should not have been said, because it opens up a whole new course of discussion...to admit that you were hated.
Westcoaster said....I am quite sure the twins know exactly what Twitter is, and now they can watch their mother act even more like a juvenile than she does with her wardrobe. Sigh.
Well at least now they'll be able to get a hold of Kate through twitter to find out when the nanny's making dinner.
Berks said,
"Most 'stars' post inciteful things. Projects they are involved in, charity events, even plugging a friends show here and there.
Kate on the other hand treats twitter as her personal chat room. It's really really odd."
Berks, I know! Why does she think that she has to do this, and who is telling her to do this? More importantly, is anyone standing by to make sure that she doesn't really spill the beans on something that shouldn't be discussed? I'm betting that in the near future we are going to see TLC do damage control because she couldn't control her mouth (or fingers!). Let it rip! TLC - don't say we didn't tell you! You heard it here first!
Her kids are proud of her? Wouldn't you think that in the time she spent on idle gossip in this personal chat room she set up for herself, the kids would be really proud if she spent time with them on a one-on-one basis? Take Cara to dinner at Austins -- just Cara and her...or take one of the boys to a basketball game. Kids love this. It makes them feel so special, and each one gets private time along with mom (or dad).
Wait a minute, though...maybe being alone with Kate would be more hell than heaven. Who knows?
Kart has no idea who she is tweeting with. This is just further exploitation of the children and their privacy and it is dangerous. She could be tweeting and exposing her childrens' whereabouts to perverts and child molesters. She'll end up receiving letters, packages, strange gifts and worst some lunatic will start showing up at the house or places the children are and following them around in their daily lives. She's tweeting too much personal daily information regarding the children and even herself. Jon should take her to court to stop the twittering asap. Her incessant twittering shows her lack of judgement regarding the childrens' welfare and safety.
Oh good lord, the sheeple ultra nutZ now have a link to the original story by ROL about Jon saying Kate wont go to the therapy and he has a $22,000 bill. So I'm guessing this will be the smoking gun again that Jon is lying or that the bill is HIS and not kates. She also pasted the tweet where Kate says she is "paying someones bill"
I hope Jon is quietly building a slam dunk case against her and the numerous times she speaks about the kids or him.
If they incurred the "bill" for therapy while they were married, regardless if only Jon went, it's concievable that the bill was split as a debt both paries were responsible for? Admin, your thought?
So if people who "hate" are just jealous of Kate may we assume that when Kate hates on the children's father she is just jealous of Jon? If the shoe fits!
@Kateplusmy8's twitter info:" I'm joining modern Tweeting society. My kids will be so proud!" At least they have one thing to be proud of.
Same old story. It's always about how the kids will be proud of HER! It's NEVER about how proud she is of them. NEVER!
When Kate's supporters hate on Ellen, is it because they are JEALOUS too? Ellen gets to spend quality time with those kids that they MISS SO MUCH. Ellen is loved by those kids. They are just the audience. I think they are extremely jealous of Ellen.
Ha ha! Nice one, Admin!
What I find rather funny about this whole Twitter thing are these people who just joined twitter just so they can constantly tweet with Kate. Moreover, some tell Kate they became her supporter or fan BECAUSE of all of these non-fans/anti-fans/"haterz" and tweet about what us, non-fans, say about her.
I don't know about you but I don't become a fan of someone/something because I feel sorry for them.
If Kate isn't really bothered by all the negative comments, then why does she feel compelled to respond?
This thread just goes to show how much interest there is for this new season of Kate Plus 8. Not much. Other than the speedo debate, it seems like more people are interested in Kate's twitter than her actual show.
What makes absolutely NO sense is fact that when Jon tweets about his kids, (i.e. about Cara and Mady's birthday at Olive Garden) its considered wrong and incrusive to the kids' privacy. But when Kate tweets about going a kids' recital, what they ate for dinner, that they are asleep, she picked them up from school...uh, yeah I'm sorry...its this EXACTLY the SAME THING???!!! But then I remind myself, no this is Kate. In her world, whatever she does is right whether or not if someone she doesn't like does the same thing.
I don't know about anyone else but even the beginning of Jon and Kate plus 8, I was tuned out in the first few episodes. Just something about Kate struck me as one should be considered. Can't put my finger on it, but her little circus and "reality" tv show is going to come crashing down and she'll have nobody to blame but herself for all her poor choices.
If anyone is jealous it was Kate of the McCaughneys and of Beth when she was her temporary bff. I'd wager she's been jealous of every celebrity she's every had an interest in, Brooke Burke being one of them... we all know Kate would have loved to have HER job. That tweet about jealousy is very telling. Twittering is throwing her over the deep end BIG time. I think she's drinking tiger blood.
Kate will do or say anything to stay relevant. Who would even consider being her friend in real life? Wouldn't last long if you made her jealous. The twit is tweeting now. So what? She will not go quietly into the night and just budget her money and take good loving care of her children. Kate is addicted to the fame and fortune those kids have attained for her. She is desperate to keep the gravy train going no matter what she or the kids need to do to satisfy TLC's need for the dramatic. Really, really sad.
36 tweets so far today since about 8 am her time. 11 hours. If you ONLY followed her (don't follow her, I don't), she'd tweet enough to fill an entire news feed.
It's only 7:17 her time, she tweets until about 10 or 10:30 each night, so three more hours.
She's still averaging a tweet every 15-20 minutes for about 15 hours a day for the last four days. I've never seen anything like this. It's so obviously damage control and I wonder if some of the one's she's following aren't TLC employees
asking set up questions.
She's still talking smack, by the way. Someone told her "I thought divorce meant you got to stop dealing with their problems" and she said "I've learned it's just the beginning, sadly..."
WHAT EXACTLY IS JON CURRENTLY DOING TO HER? Nothing. I can't believe she's even crazier than I thought she was. But she is.
Twittering is Kate's latest diet phase, she needs to keep her hands active out of fear she might slip up and eat a cracker.
"It's only 7:17 her time, she tweets until about 10 or 10:30 each night, so three more hours."
How can that be? She said that the kids are in bed at 7:30 and she's in bed at 7:31. Guess that means she goes to bed and tweets!! Does she also report when she showers, and does her personal hygiene stuff? If not, wait...it's coming!
Maybe she figures that this is won way to vent about Jon. If she's not invited back on national television talk shows anymore, she has to find some outlet for her anger
I hope Jon is paying very close attention to this!
Troy Chula Vista said...
Oh good lord, the sheeple ultra nutZ now have a link to the original story by ROL about Jon saying Kate wont go to the therapy and he has a $22,000 bill. So I'm guessing this will be the smoking gun again that Jon is lying or that the bill is HIS and not kates.
It doesn't matter how much digging they do. They can rummage around for the goods on Jon until the cows come home. In a court of law, the attorneys will sift through this mess and determine whose name is on the contract, who paid for what services, what services were actually rendered, and so forth.
The sheeple, who think tort is something that you make with apples, can post anything they want, but without knowing who entered into an agreement with the plaintiff, it's just a moot point. Sheeple don't know the difference between a breach of contract and a breach of promise; or the difference between a suit filed in a magisterial district and a suit filed in the court of common pleas. They certainly wouldn't be able to figure out who is responsible for what part of the bill.
She tweeted until after midnight last night, eastern (her time zone).
She calls the people who talk to her her "tweeties." And yes, she only seems to stop for 15-20 minutes at a time. I don't know how she's taking care of herself, much less any kids. That phone has to be glued to her fingers and eyeballs.
The kids definitely know where they stand with her. She had babies. She's not a mom.
There's a guy (I guess) whose twitter name is IwanaDateKate. Seriously. AND SHE ENGAGES HIM.
Either he's a TLC plant or she's the stupidest f****** person alive for engaging this guy. After saying the kids are gone for the weekend (yay everyone can still track them, now that we know they're at their dad's! sheesh), he talks about enjoying a glass of wine together, etc and she responded.
Hs profile reads: The username says it all! I truly believe if given the chance, I could be Kate's Superman. Ready and willing. I am willing...are YOU ready?
How f***** creepy! I thought maybe it was a joke profile but I read his tweets, they're all to her and pretty crazy.
I'M creeped out and I'm not her. Why would you want this? He's all but stalking. He's says he's glad he has a way to "communiKATE" with her.
(vomit) wow.
Linda G said: I'M creeped out and I'm not her. Why would you want this? He's all but stalking. He's says he's glad he has a way to "communiKATE" with her.
Maybe they'll do a made-for-television movie about this when she finds herself in deep doo-doo for engaging a stalker! Has she no clue about the dangers of internet relationships with strangers, and where they can lead? If she's doing this just in a teasing way, what happens with the other person finds out that she's not serious, and he becomes vengeful? How does she even know it's a male? I remember a television movie in which the female, unhappy in her marriage, entered into an online relationship with Chris. She thought that "Chris" was a guy. Turns out it was a female who persisted in engaging her in a bizarre fantasy.
Isn't twittering with strangers just a socially accepted way of stalking?
Someone told her "I thought divorce meant you got to stop dealing with their problems" and she said "I've learned it's just the beginning, sadly..."
She is the reason this divorce has gone on and on. She won't let anything go. She usurps court orders including his visitation time, she constantly puts down Jon, on camera, in interviews, now in tweets. The double standard here never ceases to amaze me.
Funny how now that we have a running commentary of her (frightening) headspace--every 15 minutes, we were right all along. She is the absolute worst narcissist I have ever seen or heard of ever in my life. She is barking mad.
I went to that guy's profile too and it's way creepy. He's tweeting someone else saying:
@paige_Kate8lvr I prayed about it this morning...God is listening. If it's meant to be, it will come together. Not gonna get too excited tho
The timing of Kate's Twitter account is highly suspect. Just when her new season is starting and she's been put on notice that the show is in danger of ending if it doesn't get good ratings she starts tweeting. Hummm. It looks to me like this is nothing more than her and TLC's desperate, last ditch attempt to keep her relevant.
The paps don't follow her anymore unless they're called for something special, she's not making the online tabloids like Radar or TMZ, and she's not even in the weekly print magazines. No one cares anymore. All the articles say her draw power has faded and she's on her way out.
I think her tweets are borderline dangerous for the safety of the kids, definitely violate their privacy (what they have left of it thanks to her), and are nothing more than Kate further exploiting her children for her benefit.
She'll do anything and right now the special of the week for her to get attention is Twitter. I think she's going to end up causing herself and TLC more grief tweeting than the dumb idea was ever worth. The age, IQ, maturity level, and stability of many of her followers is that of teenage girls who fawn over a teen heartthrob or mean girls. Throw in the men who are following her and saying some pretty foul things and asking questions about the kids which absolutely creeps me out, plus the women who make it their goal to libel and harass blog owners along with her obsessively frequent tweets leaves little room in any rational person's mind that her continued tweeting like this is going to bring little reward and lots of trouble.
She's proving to the world that her attention is not on the kids and that she'll say almost anything, just like she does on every interview she gives. Her overexposure was a big problem last year and helped draw attention to the ugly person she really is and it resulted in steadily falling ratings for the show and now she's overexposing herself on Twitter. Her bitterness is showing with her insinuations about Jon and just like she did with her excessive interviews last year she's doing the same thing now with Twitter.
paige is a teenager!!
Now Kate is putting others in danger too!!
that paige girl is Kate's uber #1 fan who's 16 years old and wrote a song for/about Kate with the stimulating lyrics: "My boobs aren't plastic, new bra's fantastic."
Kate sure can draw the winners can't she.
The 'self proclaimed "Protectors" of Kate are swatting the 'flies of khaters' away to protect her.
This is a train wreck and Kate is the conductor.
Indian Lake said...
Has she no clue about the dangers of internet relationships with strangers, and where they can lead? If she's doing this just in a teasing way, what happens with the other person finds out that she's not serious, and he becomes vengeful? How does she even know it's a male? ......
Slightly related to your comment above.
The fans are patting themselves on the back for thinking they're pointing out to Kate that there are fake FB accounts with the kids names on them. She didn't know?????? B.S. So, she asks for the particulars and someone gave her a link to one. So then Kate tweeted back saying thanks it's being taken care of.
WTH!!!???!!! She's either playing DUMB or she really is and they're believing her and think they're guiding their idol through the dangers of online communities. NO WAY is she that naive to not know that these accounts have been around for almost 4 years, that people are obsessed with and do and say crazy things about the kids. And, they're believing, the super security that TLC hired to protect Kate, Steve, the purse and package carrier, didn't know about this and stop it before now? The sheeple are delusional to believe her nonsense.
What is frightening is that she doesn't seem to care. I'll never believe that she wasn't aware of the fake FB accounts or that Steve and TLC weren't aware of them before today. The accounts were left up on FB because TLC/Kate wanted them to be there. They'll do anything to keep the "brand" in front of people no matter how dangerous, exploitative, or offensive and Twitter is only making it worse.
If you are so clueless as to the dangers of exploiting your kids to the world that you don't even realize this family is ALL OVER facebook and in a very creepy way, you are not qualified to make the decision to expose those kids in the first place.
Kate is essentially telling us she jumped into a pool of lava without realizing it was hot. Well then you're just dumb, stupid, or lying.
This is the Facebook profile for the guy engaging her on twitter:
Read his about me.
You know, if I were Jon, this would take things to a new level of alarm for me regarding the kids. Not the fact that some guy is stalking her but that she's TALKING TO HIM.
If you can't see it, here it is:
Kate, please email me! You ask for the mystery man to "please hurry it up". Well...I can only do so much without being considered as a stalker. This is my only way I can think of to try to contact you ...please find me and we can take it from there!
I seriously want to get to know Ms. Gosselin. I feel that if we could email each other, she would see how much we have in common and that I could be her "Mr. Right". I have always been attracted to Kate, since the beginning of the show. I am not some weirdo or stalker type that is star-struck, and I have several celebrity friends, so I am quite used to being in public with a swarm around. I too have been on National Television (over 2000 hours on the air), and I truly believe I would be great with the kids. I am not looking for money or fame, just want to share my life with someone that I feel so attracted to. So much more to say....Kate...I AM your Knight in Shining Armor and you have not "scared" me away! Please contact me!!!
Anonymous, then we'll have to disagree. I do not think Kate has a right to bash the children's father or air the dirty laundry of the divorce publically, as I believe--no, I know from firsthand experience in family law, how incredibly damaging it is on the children. She is a parental alienator, has been since the divorce. Every negative breath either one of them breathes can damage the children. On the other hand, you think it's her God given right to damage the kids however she wants. That's your opinion I guess. My question is what right do the kids have to a good, healthy, positive relationship with both these parents without either one speaking badly of each other? When do Kate's rights stops and the kids' rights begin?
It is not just ONE TIME Kate was upset with Jon that makes her obsessed and vile and you know it. This is only the 100th or so time Kate has dragged his name through the mud. It is the COMBINATION of that, in addition to today's tweets that makes her obsessed and vile.
And yes it's logical to be mad at the person suing. It doesn't take a lawyer to know that.
She is ranting and raving like someone who knows they are guilty, and not someone confident they did nothing wrong and will be vindicated.
Was that 2,000 on air when he was on Cops, Hoarders, Maury Povich, or a combination?
That 'taken care of' thing about getting the fake facebook pages taken down made me laugh out loud. I know a bunch of 11-year-old kids made a fake facebook page in the name of my friend's 11-year-old daughter, to bully her. I reported it (there is a process) and a month later: NOTHING. They violated a bunch of criteria: underage, vulgar images (they are saying this kid is a lesbian and have unbelievable pictures up), impersonating, etc. The page is still there. The mom's reported it, I have reported it, the KID has reported it. This kid's dad committed suicide a month ago; these kids KNOW this and won't take it down. But Kate's taken care of it. Good luck with that, you stupid, fake, orange idiot. I don't think even the self-important ooompa loompa long arm of Kate is that powerful.
Kate either has to admit she agreed to counseling and didn't follow through or she has to admit that she refused any counseling whatsoever. No matter the outcome, she comes out looking like she completely gave up on her marriage without even mildly attempting to try and work things out.
Once she realized that Jon wasn't going to bow down to her anymore, he was H I S T O R Y. No reason for therapy because she didn't want an assertive Jon. She wanted her punching bag, pack mule and sperm donor. That's all he ever was/is to her.
Hey Sheeple!
Wake up and smell the poo that is Kate Gosselin.
If I were following Kate I'd be a little ticked right now. All of her tweets, etc. would be showing up on my timeline. She needs her own chat room, twitter is not meant for what she is using it for. Talk about an open book, she's setting herself up for something bad to happen.
She calls her sheeple her "Twitter Girlfriends". And FYI about the necklaces: She said they were given to her on each b'day by her manager and she said she just lost one.
EVERY RUMOR out there she is trying to set straight, in between downing glasses of wine and flirting with creepy guys who won't even show their pictures.
The thought just scares the bejezzus out of me. I would NEVER do what she is doing. Definitely not safe.
She's announced to the world that she is alone in that house. She's an idiot!
I truly believe I would be great with the kids. I am not looking for money or fame, just want to share my life with someone that I feel so attracted to.
Well, darn it, right there and then one knows that this is a nut job, because nobody in his right mind would "feel so attracted to" Kate. It's called masochism.
Administrator said...
Was that 2,000 on air when he was on Cops, Hoarders, Maury Povich, or a combination?
To Catch A Predator!
Kate should be concerned about her own safety if she's letting the world know that she's "home alone" for the weekend. Everyone knows where she lives! She should pull the plug on this account immediately...if not for her own sake, at least for "the sake of the kids".
I think her tweets are borderline dangerous for the safety of the kids, definitely violate their privacy (what they have left of it thanks to her), and are nothing more than Kate further exploiting her children for her benefit.
BORDERLINE? This IS dangerous! Can you say Jon Benet or Elizabeth Smart? What is wrong with this woman? Where are her advisors? Where is super-bodyguard Steve...holed up in the basement, sharing a crate with Shoka? Is keeping her out there so important to TLC that they sanction this?
Admin said,
She is the absolute worst narcissist I have ever seen or heard of ever in my life. She is barking mad.
Gosh, Admin, I don't believe I ever "heard" you go on like this! I think that this latest exploit of hers (tweeting) has brought so many things to light -- such as, "she's barking mad!" We knew it before, but we didn't know how loud the bark was!
80 tweets today, almost all to her followers. That's not a twitter feed, that's a chat room.
Someone claiming to be a cop warned her not to engage people who create a profile with your name in it, for the sole purpose of following YOU. Good advice. Except she's still engaging him.
And still making fun of Jon, agreeing she doesn't need "another child." Nice. I hope Jon is taking a screen shot of every single tweet.
Ok I'm done with being in her headspace, like admin said it's downright disturbing.
Berks said: The thought just scares the bejezzus out of me. I would NEVER do what she is doing. Definitely not safe.
She's announced to the world that she is alone in that house. She's an idiot!
We don't know that, though. She could be lying through her teeth. Steve could be sitting there, both of them enjoying the fruit of the vine and laughing hysterically that there actually are delusional fans out there believing this stuff...
Moose said...she's barking mad!" We knew it before, but we didn't know how loud the bark was!
Moose I knew her Twitter account was going to be like poking a hornets nest but I honestly thought it would take at least a few days before we would start seeing an inappropriate tweet here and there. I thought we would see "slips." Turns out her entire account is a slip! Never did I expect this....her tweets are beyond inappropriate she is outright putting herself and her family in danger. And this has also proven every last thing we ever said about this woman.
Admin's recap: Kate is able to have a civil, cordial conversation with Jon about how the flight went, the rough time change, and how they’re about to go get something to eat. So it’s not true they aren’t speaking as the tabloids tend to want to imply, I guess because that‘s far more dramatic. I cannot stress enough how important it is to be polite and kind to your ex while your kids are right there watching. Kate’s fans need to get on board that Kate clearly doesn’t hate this man, and if even she, the Queen of Stop Breathing, Jon! and so on, is at least able to be kind to him now, maybe they should just let it go?
Linda G. said...She's still talking smack, by the way. Someone told her "I thought divorce meant you got to stop dealing with their problems" and she said "I've learned it's just the beginning, sadly..."
Some have speculated upthread that they don't believe Kate's conversation with Jon was real.
What Admin mentioned in her recap sounds completely different than how Kate acts on twitter and in her tv interviews in regards to Jon.
Her recent tweet doesn't sound like someone who can carry a civil, cordial conversation without underlying feelings of hatred, bitterness, or jealousy for the person on the other end.
I'm starting to believe those who said she was being nice for the cameras.
P.S. By manager, is Kate referring to Steve? Is that what she calls him these days? No wonder he's always by her side, managing her every move so she doesn't look like a complete fool.
The only reason I don't really believe Kate's conversation with Jon on the phone was "fake" is because she's such a horrible actress.
I think Kate must have stopped developing emotionally around 13 (for many reasons), and this tweeting thing is beyond creepy. She seems to have no clue that she shouldn't be encouraging a total stranger. How can she not know that?
If the kids are with their father this weekend, now would be a good time for him to get a court order pronto to keep them there for their own safety. Kate is unraveling fast.
No wonder he's always by her side, managing her every move so she doesn't look like a complete fool.
He's slipped up royally in this last assignment, because she not only looks like a complete fool, she's assumed the persona of the court jester.
Was that 2,000 on air when he was on Cops, Hoarders, Maury Povich, or a combination?
Don't forget Springer.
Unbelievable. A woman in her 30's with 8 children is so lonely that she goes on twitter to have friends. Does she realize that the majority of these new friends are pre-teens and teenagers????
If this guy was on TV and has TV contacts there are others ways he could have got in touch with Kate. She is so immature she doesn't realize the danger she is putting herself and the children in.
No matter what he says he could be thinking he could benefit financially or maybe he wants to be seen with a celebrity (at least in his mind). He could be a child molester. He might figure if he gets to date her for a while he will get some juicy gossip and then turn around and make money selling it to tabloids.
I would think that Jon already knows this is happening at least I hope so. I would think he would legally be able to get her to stop talking about every move that the family is making as well as not being allowed to slam him.
I came here to see if you guys noticed how much she's been tweeting and you beat me to it.
Good Lord! She is burning up that stupid iphone with tweets.
Who the hell has 8 kids and a dog and has time to tweet 10 times and hour?
I also noticed she's still taking pot shots at Jon as much as she can. It's so ridiculous.
I think it's hilarious that Jon has 70,000+ followers to Kate's 4,000....and hers was announced on tv on the Today Show and Joy Behar.
I think Kate is in absolute desperation mode. She knows she's on a sinking ship and is scrambling to lure in viewers.
But this over tweeting is INSANE!!!!
The girl obviously has NO FRIENDS and is desperate for attention.
I bet IwanaDateKate is Steve or someone else she knows, that's why she's not worried.
Now, wouldn't it be a hoot and a half if the guy
saying he wanted to date Kate was Jon, and Jon and Ellen are sitting on their couch with a bottle of wine laughing at the whole thing.
Not that I think they would actually do that, but the thought has made me chuckle.
I would think that Jon already knows this is happening at least I hope so. I would think he would legally be able to get her to stop talking about every move that the family is making as well as not being allowed to slam him.
I'd let her go for awhile and gather more ammunition. She's going to say something REALLY incriminating, so I hope he's documenting all of this. The down side of watching and waiting is that the family's safety could be in jeopardy.
I bet IwanaDateKate is Steve or someone else she knows, that's why she's not worried.
Or it could be some big ol' ex-con named Bertha.
HAHAHAHA she's deleting tweets! It was over well over 300 and now her total is 275.
I bet she's remove any tweet having to do with Jon. What a slimy hag.
IwanaDateKate is only following two people -- Kate, and that little 16 year old with the I Love Kate video. It's probably some kid.
Anyone see this ?
K8 being sued for failure to pay her share of counseling :
I was following Jon and had sent supportive tweets here and there and 100% supported him...
and now he dropped me as a follower :(
I'm bummed.
Why is he weeding people out? Why me? I only ever said nice things to him and was on his side.
Or it could be some big ol' ex-con named Bertha.
Or someone who still is in The Big House, in which case she won't have to worry until he/she gets out on parole!
K8SUCKS said...
Anyone see this ?
K8 being sued for failure to pay her share of counseling :
Where have you been, K8? There's a thread for this that was opened up on Wednesday...
Pam, send a message to Jon asking if you were deleted accidently. A while back the same thing happen to me, and I was told that it was a mistake and added back on.
Regarding Kate's tweet on the necklace meaning. Her answer confused me. She said her "manager" buys her one every year for her birthday. She lost one recently, so she only has been wearing the one.
Now the part that confuses me: she had 2 diamonds, and just had a birthday so she should now have 3. She lost 1 recently, so shouldn't she be back to 2 diamonds?
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