What do you suppose they bribe the kids with to so boisterously scream and shout all their lines on the couch? Peanuts, Hershey kisses? Dogs? Kate used to think Halloween was tacky, creepy and evil, but now she thinks it’s fun. Translation? If you pay me $250,000 I’ll like whatever you want me to.
It’s Kate at Party City without the kids, and do you remember that completely a

So did she have a coupon for that severed foot? I thought we don’t buy things without a coupon--clap, clap!
Who are all these other moms Kate is running into and actually talking to? They must be extras; Kate usually doesn’t make eye contact with the slaves rowing below. I actually thought you were supposed to stop what you were doing and turn and face the wall as she walks by, but these women are acting like they just bumped into their best girlfriend they haven‘t had a chance to see in awhile. It’s pretty convincing acting actually, Emmys all around. Apparently Kate has finally realized that just because you don’t have eight kids doesn’t mean you don’t bust your butt just as much as she does to give them a nice holiday. She really does think she owns the patent on martyrdom for your kids. Says Kate, Whoa, other moms who have “less kids” than her are scrambling about Halloween, too. It’s nice all the other moms in the world are finally getting credit.
Kate wants a medal for basically bringing the Party City stuff back to the house and picking up the kids from school, which is what most mothers do on a day-to-day basis--get things done that need to be done and then pick up the kids. I hope those orange sunglasses she is wearing are one of those giant joke pairs she maybe just bought ... or are they seriously the Beverly Hills type Chanel things all the faux rich women wear? I really can’t tell.

Kate claims she picked up the children from school and brought them back to Party City where she just was, but two of the children, hmmm incidentally Alexis and Collin, are in regular play clothes, while the rest are in uniform. So if Alexis and Collin were already kicked out of school at this point, where were they all this time?
Since they didn’t bother to take care of this until the day before the children’s school Halloween party, all the costumes are picked over and the kids aren’t all that thrilled about what is left. One of the girls finds one she loves but, bummer, they don't have her size. Had she been taken there just a few weeks before she could have gotten what she wanted, but I suppose the camera crew couldn't come then. The kids are very well-behaved and cooperative. Kate won’t let Collin be what he wants to be, some costume with a red star, because it’s too scary. After just telling them to look at the costumes and pick out one, which is exactly what he is doing, she grabs him by the chin and whips his head toward her, ordering him to “look at me when I‘m talking to you please!” This precious little boy was doing absolutely nothing wrong and everything right, and does not deserve to be treated with such disrespect. I find it ironic (I know how to use the word correctly!) that Kate is implying he is disrespectful by not looking at her, but to solve the problem? She does one of the most disrespectful things you can do to a person--grab them by their chin and force them to look at you. As I’ve said so many times, you can’t treat a child like this, then get mad when that child is having problems socially. Collin is a great kid who has demonstrated as such time and time again, and that’s all I’m going to say because it’s not worth belaboring what we all already know.
Joel looks so interested to be on the couch! He’s wrestling Aaden, hanging off the back of the couch, etc. I’m guessing his bribe was in the form of sugar.
Kate is going to be a “She-Devil.” So a devil costume, the epitome of evil and scary, is allowed, but not Collin’s costume? How so very fair! Kate’s She-Devil costume consists of hooker heels, skinny jeans and an Ann Taylor cardigan. Wait a minute.
There have been various reports of how long the children actually spent in Party City, but Kate herself says it was a “long, long trip.“ Guess that settles that, filming does indeed take a “long, long” time, according to Kate. Kate says the kids behaved very nicely, which they totally did given that it was all Kate's fault for not taking them here earlier when the costumes weren't so picked over, and it’s nice to see her praise them instead of just criticize.
Cheap-o scary music plays from probably an intern on a synthesizer. With all those big-budget trips TLC has to make cuts somewhere. Kate orders the children to waste toilet paper times eight and wrap themselves like mummies while she works on a big “surprise” for them. Sara Snow would not approve. Naturally, the surprise is all about Kate. She got “Mommy of a Lifetime Award” for it. I’m guessing whatever it is, it’s probably something to undermine Jon. Like those parents who sneak $100 bills into their children’s pockets on visits and tell them not to tell Mommy. Sometime later, Kate orders the kids to get their shoes and go outside and line up in front of the garage.
Aw, it’s Shoka. Shoka’s back. I am both horrified, and thrilled for them. The children obviously adore Shoka, just adore him. But this family has no business having a dog and we all know why. Jon was very clear, Shoka and Nala were neglected at the compound. Kate herself even said Shoka chewed his way out of a crate, which simply never should happen when a dog is trained correctly and treated humanely (absent perhaps a dog with a very abusive past, which wasn't the case here). Also, I haven't heard this mentioned too much, but remember one of them swallowed a toy and had to have dangerous surgery and could have died. I remember the first thing my vet said to me when I brought my darling 12-week little peanut-head in, puppy proof your house and watch your dog please, most of the dangerous surgies I have had to do on puppies are because of careless owners.
And just as I suspected, this move is very shitty. Toward Jon. Jon rightly, even though it was painful, sent the dogs back because they were being neglected. He had to do it for the love of the dogs. By Kate bringing Shoka back, she sends a clear message to the kids that‘s as glaring as a fire siren: Big mean awful Daddy took your precious doggies away because he’s mean! But now sweet loving kind Mommy is bringing them back because she would never want to hurt you like Daddy does. Think kids don’t process that exact message out of all this, think again. Shitty move, Kate. Below the belt.
To top it all off, Kate explains that Shoka will be an outside dog. Dogs are pack animals which is why this is so wrong, except in uncommon situations where the family really is outside all the time like farmers or ranchers--this family definitely isn’t! Unless you can plow a field or herd cattle in Jimmy Choo’s. Even the Humane Society says forcing a dog to stay outside when humans aren’t out there is psychologically damaging. Oh hell no, Kate wants Nala back someday, too! Is she flipping kidding? So Nala will just remain in limbo like she’s an unwanted foster child while this family takes their sweet time to get ready for her. Why can’t they just unselfishly actually want her to go to a great home right now even if it's not them? A home that will actually allow her to be inside with her pack, the humans. Who is this breeder that would make a dog wait for such a selfish family? These people have no business owning dogs, none whatsoever. As a dog owner and lover, I find it plain sick. Somebody stick some Betty White on them.

Cue the creepy music again. What’s with the shot of the goat? Are they neglecting goats now too in addition to chickens and dogs?
Collin, always a little sweetheart, helps Aaden zip up his Peace, Love World product placement hoodie. The kids play on a bunch of hay bales and a couple of the girls start violently wrestling, but since it’s the girls no one says anything. I’m surprised Kate isn’t talking about how cute and sweet it is they are beating each other to a pulp.
Kate pulls Collin aside and tells him this is the Collin she likes to see. “When things make us angry we need to deal appropriately with it,” she explains. So, does that include, hit the other person, make fun of them for breathing or scratching, and throw them under the bus on the Today Show and Regis and Kelly Live?
Someone posted in the comments here an absolutely fabulous analogy as to why this little conversation is such a gigantic bummer. Imagine you just broke up with your significant other and you and your girlfriends all go out for drinks and have a great time. Then one of your friends pulls you aside during the middle of all the fun and says “Isn’t this great you are not thinking about Bob right now and all the crap that happened with him and can move on from that tonight?” Yeah, not so great to hear something like that. Deflate the balloon. Thanks a lot.
Other people have said this conversation would have been wonderful if only it had been when she was tucking him into bed that night, and obviously, without the cameras. I couldn’t agree more. A kid just loves to hear from his Mommy that he had a great day, but in privacy. I want to make this clear--I have absolutely no problem with what Kate says to her child here. The problem is, it was done in the middle of him having a great time, and more glaring, it was done for the cameras--in front of me and 1.3 million others. That’s the problem. Why Kate has such a need to prove her motherhood to the public who knows but it's gross.
Naturally Collin, a boy, is the one with all the issues, and nothing is breathed about Alexis, who is also not in school and also, clearly, has issues. I don’t know why Collin hasn’t been blamed for Alexis’ issues too by now. According to Kate, Collin is angry, he has post-divorce issues. She has researched this. Did she stumble upon any research that says never, ever, under any circumstances, talk negatively about a child’s father? How about anything on Parental Alienation? She fits the mold of an "obsessed alienator," would she like to read this article as part of her research? Acting out is normal, Kate explains. Eh, perhaps, but it’s not so normal to trash their father on live TV. If she does that on television, what does she say about him behind closed doors? She really needs to get over him and move on.
Kate goes on some nonsensical rant about how there are so many “negative” things about the kids and that you can forget that Collin is a great kid. Take your crazy pill, Kate. Does TLC pick up that tab too? There are way more positives than negatives about your kids, by a landslide, and Collin is and always has been a great kid. None of us ever forgot that. Except his own crazy mother!
Just a note, that the children’s issues are not just related to the divorce, and even Kate herself admitted it to Mary Hart. I actually found her comment to show quite a bit of self-awareness, which is very unusual from the same woman who put on…that…and danced/shuffled around to Papa-paparazzi in front of millions. Kate specifically said that the divorce issues, in addition to the “pressure” the children felt, were causing their problems. Why a six-year-old should feel pressure about anything more than whether to watch Spongebob or Dora is beyond me. By the way, a talking sponge squashed Kate in the ratings. And divorce issues go both ways. She may think they are upset at Jon, yet doesn't even let the idea enter her mind that maybe, just maybe, all the trash talking she has done about him especially in the last several months has gotten to them, too. That is, after all, their daddy she's talking about.
Next up, a hayride. We’re only twenty minutes into this episode? I am already so thoroughly exhausted between watching these children shuffled and lined up all over Reading and listening to Kate wax on about how negative they are and how many issues they have--well, the whipping boy has. I guess if she can’t pick on Jon, then Collin is next in line. I’ve learned that a bully has to have someone to bully. If they don’t they go stir crazy. If one victim disappears, they find someone else.
They show some flashback clips from the first ever episode of Jon and Kate at the pumpkin patch, conveniently leaving Jon out of all the clips. You can cut Jon out of the clips but you can‘t cut him out of your children’s live‘s, Kate! Hahahah--cue the evil Halloween laugh.
It’s not Halloween that is all that creepy, what’s creepy is that when Kate asks the kids if they remember their first trip to the pumpkin patch, they talk about the “episode.” Their life is a series of episodes and they know it, and what‘s more, they act like it‘s normal.
The kids pick out their pumpkins which, not surprisingly, is no more interesting than watching any other kid in America do this.
It’s Supermarket Sweep again, at the pet store now. They fill a cart with dog food and a bunch of unnecessary dog stuff. Make sure you pick up the M&M super bonus for an extra $250! Hurry, ten seconds left! Sigh, now Aaden is climbing over the back of the couch. These kids are so bored and tired of the couch interviews, I cannot imagine. Especially when you’re only getting 15% for this, that’s b.s., man. I’d be hanging off couches, too. I love that Kate is as honest as the pilgrims about feeding Shoka a treat in the store that she wants to be sure the cashier charges her for, but not honest about a dozen other important topics in her life, for starters, trying to convince us, despite all the photos and footage to the contrary, that Jon was not involved with the children until recently. I mention the pilgrims because it’s actually Thanksgiving. Halloween was like decades ago in TV time.
The kids are so loud and enthusiastic on the couch I cannot even understand them. Something about holding bunny rabbits. It almost seems like they took them to some cheap acting school where the acting coaches who have only ever been an extra themselves told them to remember to be excited! Smile! Think big!
Collin grabs one of Shoka‘s dog biscuits and shoves it into his mouth, I guess thinking it‘s a cookie. No, no, Collin, it’s Daddy who is a dog, not you! Kate, who claims they need a bodyguard, has to page the “Gosselin children” over the loudspeakers. Geez that’s not dangerous at all! Although no more dangerous than filming 150 episodes worth of their private moments and broadcasting it to the world.
Now they’re at a corn maize. I thought they were just there, I’m confused. I guess the hay bales was some other thing? Gosh this is tiring. Was this all in one weekend? Phew, a shoot more grueling than Titanic’s.
“Don’t go this way, you’re gonna get lost!” Kate warns the kids. Kate, ever consider maybe the children are trying to lose you? Kate basically yells at the children the entire time in the maize. “I’m just glad we got out alive before we died of starvation,” Kate deadpans. Her humor is weird. I don’t like dead people jokes.
More synthesizer music. I have to admit Pennsylvania is a great area for a spooky Halloween, lots of creepy woods and nice brusque weather. I think I’ve mentioned it, I lived in Pennsylvania for awhile and spent several Halloweens there and it was fun.
Apparently it’s the crew’s job not just to film every private moment of the children’s lives but also to build them a haunted house downstairs. They basically do it all while Kate, in typical fashion, orders and points. The kids go through the haunted house and love it. No friends, no cousins to enjoy it with them. Just the eight kids. My mom threw the best Halloween party ever for us kids when I was about 10. I’ll remember it forever. We didn’t spend a ton of money, but we didn’t need to. She had this wonderfully creative thing where she set up a creepy “Horror Workshop” in the basement where we sat around a table, she turned off all the lights, and we got to feel various “bowls” in the workshop like eyeballs (grapes), blood (heavy cream), and brains (jello). I think she set up the whole thing just from ingredients on hand. We screamed like crazy. I had about eight friends over and we still talk about it sometimes. The point is, without friends to share these moments with, it’s just not the same.
If I didn’t mention it, Collin and Alexis are doing all their interviews together. Nice, so now that they are not in school there is more time to film them?
Pumpkin carving time. Kate doesn’t enjoy carving pumpkins because, you guessed it, it’s all about Kate. It always was about Kate and it always will be about Kate. The kids obviously need a lot of help and Kate does help them. “Hang on, I’m getting to you. There’s one of me and eight of you,” Kate says. Someday, the children are really going to appreciate those odds.
Kate is a martyr for cleaning eight pumpkins. Well, I might give her that. Carving a pumpkin is fun but taking the seeds out really is a total drag. Times eight? Ugh. I think I have a good excuse to show the pumpkin I carved this year, if you’ll indulge me! I like doing the carving itself, but I didn't like taking out the seeds.

Instead of just saying we had a great time I can’t wait for next year, Kate has to get all defensive and claims that the children told her they love these action-packed weekends, and they get to “go out in the public and do great things” (right, sure a six-year-old said just that). “Honestly, I don’t think there is anything that could have made this weekend more fun.” I’ve pretty much figured out that when Kate begins a sentence with “honestly,” get ready for her nose to grow another inch and a few more branches to pop out the sides. She should have been Pinocchio for Halloween. Kate is absolutely right about one thing, Halloween is more about spending time together with those you love and less about the spooky. I thought this was sort of something all parents knew intuitively. I didn’t realize you suddenly had to have a great epiphany and finally realize life is not about what you do, but who you do it with.
Have you noticed she is always claiming the children tell her this or that, mostly having to do with supporting everything she does for the cameras, but we never actually hear them say it? Things that make you go “hmm.”
102 sediments (sic) from readers:
Children should not be suffering from a divorce to this extent a year and a half after the parents "officially" separated (even though we all suspect they were sleeping separately for several months prior to the "official" split).
Here are some things Kate and Jon could have done to prevent these "behavior things" (Kate's words) the kids are having:
1. Jon could have stayed in PA from the start instead of running off to New York
2. Jon could have NOT had a girlfriend the second he got a chance to go out of the house unsupervised
3. Kate could have NOT had Steve the "bodyguard" tightly intertwined in all their lives (funny, I first typed "lies" and the sentence actually works either way)
4. Kate and Jon could have continued the rotation of parenting time in the main residence while the other parent was either off the premises or in the garage apartment (you can't tell me buying that house with a garage apartment was just a coincidence)
5. OR Jon could have moved back into the Elizabethtown house - in my opinion this would have probably been the best option
6. OR Jon and Kate could have sold the Wernersville property and purchased 2 less extravagant homes that both had plenty of space/bedrooms
7. Jon and Kate would have taken the children to a therapist from the start to give the kids a safe, neutral place to "expel" their emotions (nice, did you see how I did that?!)
8. Kate would have either halted or greatly minimized the filming schedule
9. This past summer, Kate could have let the children stay home long enough to enjoy the swimming pool and all the space to play instead of taking them on one trip after another and almost constant filming
10. Kate could have NOT been on the cover of magazines and on talk shows talking about how the kids are handling the divorce
11. Jon could have - SHOULD HAVE - fought harder for equal parenting time
12. Jon should have gotten a decent attorney and not changed attorneys several times...I swear I wonder if TLC paid off Jon's attorneys to screw things up for him
13. Both Jon and Kate should have - still should - make more of an effort to spend time with the chilren individually. They've gone EVERYWHERE as a group, either a group of two, a group of six, a group of eight. Singling the children out for some one-on-one time to help them see who they are outside of "a sextuplet" or "one of the 8" would do wonders for them. Kate could be doing this regularly because she has nannies around to watch the other kids.
14. This is the biggest one in my book - Jon should always have first dibs on pareting time with the children when Kate is away for any reason.
15. Kate could have worked harder to maintain stability in the children's lives by not shutting out extended family, and by keeping the same babysitters
It is absolutely normal for a child to have difficulty understanding, accepting, and adjusting to a divorce, but it's NOT normal for the issues to be this severe, this long after.
One thing I think a lot of people don't realize is that the sextuplets have been attending this school for over a year now - they went to "Junior Kindergarten" there last year. When people hear "expelled from Kindergarten" they're thinking the kids started school in August and lasted about 2 months but were having behavior issues, when the truth is they were there all last year AND since August.
This means they have either had behavior issues all along and the school was doing its best to deal with it, OR the "behavior things" began or were rapidly exacerbated after school started in August. This makes me wonder what changed for the kids in that time frame that caused the behavior to become so bad they had to be pulled out of school? One obvious thing is that they were filmed extensively over the summer.
Great recap as usual. I felt like I was there, but glad I wasn't. My hate towards Kate over the dog situation is so intensified that now I have to hate the stupid breeder as well.
Werny Gal has an article about her visit to the corn maze when the taping was taking place and reveals how they twisted it on this 'episode'.
I don't know how to link this but I think if you just google Werny Gal it should be easy to find.
Admin, another great recap. Thank you.
Between your recap and Werny Gal's new thread on reality vs reality TV as to what really happened that day in the corn maze, the truth is getting out.
Again I think it has been a good day now that Barbara Walters jumped the shark and mentioned Kate on THE VIEW today. Until this morning I was admit I was wondering if Barbara would name Kate again in her top 10 list, but now that mainstream media has caught on to Kate's antics, that she is in denial about the problems that are going on under her own roof, I think it would be "journalistic suicide" for Barbara to do so.
"Why Kate has such a need to prove her motherhood to the public who knows but it's gross."
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the relentless criticism she receives about her parenting skills.
If she would have taken her family out of the public eye, oh say, after the 50th or so episode, I doubt she would have to worry about people criticizing her parenting right now.
Also if Kate is so confident that there is nothing wrong with her parenting and that everything is a hundred percent a-okay, why this need to show us this conversation with Collin? Is it not enough for her to know in her heart she is a good mother? She needs the validation of 1.3 million strangers?
This recap made me laugh and also made me want to cry too. I just feel so sad for Collin and Shoka.
Poor Collin, sneaking a dog treat as if he's a prisoner suffering from malnutrition. Why isn't he getting enough to eat? Is Kate depriving this precious child of food as a way to punish him, perhaps. I wouldn't put it past her considering what she does with the lunches.
And Shoka. Where do I start? That poor dog is without his companion and will probably be very lonely. I just hope someone in that house will take care of him. Pets are amazing, loving companions and it makes me sad and angry knowing that the dog won't get the care it needs.
Admin, you did a good job of bringing humor and a little snark to a sad situation.
If your parenting skills are being criticized relentlessly, you think maybe there could possibly be something wrong with your parenting skills?
Lauren Collin didnt steal a dog biscuit he was given the biscuit to give to the dog and mistakenly thought it was for him.
We have all seen how Kate "parents", she is ALWAYS yelling, ordering, demanding, threatening. She talks down to them, she expects unrealistic behaviour. She frets and screams about the craziest things but then lets TRUE misbehaving go without a "realistic" consequence. Dr. Phil yesterday had a mom on who admitted to being "that" mom in the supermarket. Kate IS that mom too! Why can't SHE admit what she's is doing is NOT working and seek help?
What a stupid, stupid, woman. I didn't watch the show, so the recap was quite interesting to me. Evidently nothing has changed in th at house despite the difficulties the kids are having but there were a couple of things that were especially disturbing. I can't help wondering what impact it will have on the older girls to watch this episode of their lives with flashbacks to previous family outings, but with their Daddy removed...erased... The little ones likely won't remember the events, but the older girls would. How cruel, and how thoughtless. Kate has told us for years that the kids don't watch much television, but they are allowed to watch "her" show. Imagine how that must feel? Does no one ever think of how their careless decisions and editing choices might impact these young ones? Daddy erased...even though they probably CLEARLY remember him being there. Shocking emotional abuse, in my opinion. And the return of a family pet that was gifted to them, given away, and then returned again to those children for the sake of what?... Ratings? I saw the commercial for the big "surprise"...the look on Mady's face as she rushed to the garage was heartbreaking. Clearly, a very highly-charged emotional moment. My grown sons still speak of a dog they had when they were young who died. He was their best friend and a constant companion in their lives, who greeted them every day after school and curled up with them while they watched TV. And to FILM it all? For what?... Ratings? She is a very cruel mother, this Kate Gosselin. These are but two examples.
I think someone close to Jon is mistaken about Jon not seeing the kids when Kate was in Mexico. That was the weekend of September 13, 2010. There were pics of Jon and Ellen on a picnic with the kids the same day that there were pics of Kate and Steve in Mexico.
I can understand Jon being mad about the kids being left with such a young nanny but he did get to see them that weekend.
Bubbles, you forgot one more on your very extensive list of things Jon and K8 should/should not have done :
They should NOT have told their children they would be together forever and ever during that faux vow renewal. Deceiving the children in order for K8 to get her freebie trip to Maui was cruel and heartless.
Also if Kate is so confident that there is nothing wrong with her parenting and that everything is a hundred percent a-okay, why this need to show us this conversation with Collin? Is it not enough for her to know in her heart she is a good mother? She needs the validation of 1.3 million strangers?
Same goes for her need to tell her children how much she loves them in her "book" I Just Want You To Know....
Watched on Youtube...
Did you notice that Aaden said he "likes policemen"?....(as in that's how he identifies Steve).
Did you notice that Cara was walking back to the van from Party City with a scowl on her face and away from the group? I think something must have happened about a costume in the store and that's why she didn't wear anything.
Did you notice in Party City the kids mentioning how much they missed their dogs...do they have ESP or did they know what the "big surprise" was? Too much of a coincidence.
I would be curious to know just how many houses Kate actually went to with the kids when they trick or treated...looked like three to me. And those boobs hanging out. She looked trampy and could barely walk in those high heeled boots. And I wonder what happened to the candy the kids received because the tup boys only talked about a couple of Jolly Ranchers and a lollipop. Did the evil She-Devil take their candy away? Probably a good thing because those kids can't sit still. Geez. Who in their right mind has white furniture with eight kids?
Bubbles- great assesment. I agree with so much of it! I think Jon was so glad to get out of Khate's life that he went on the dating frenzies to get her back. Hey Khate- look at how many people I can date and you're all alone and have no friends- except for the married bodyguard. I wish someone had spoken with Jon to give him better PR tips during the divorce. If he hadn't had dated Haley- or Kate Major (a complete Tool) and if he had been better advised about talking on TV shows, Jon would have looked so much better in the public eye. It's like TLC set him up because he looked better during Jon and Khate + 8. Now the tables are turning and the public and media is finally starting to see more of what Jon put up with for all those years. When I saw the video of their 1st wedding- I thought Khate was extremely fake at the get go! I bet the only reason Jon agreed to the vow renewal was so that he could see his family on the free trip to Hawaii- none of Khate's family was there. The ceremony had zero romance and it was awkward watching it. Like I've said before, I've seen teenagers dance closer at Bar Mitzvahs than they did at their renewal.
Who cares how the kid got the biscuit, he was apparently hungry and from the sound of this crazy work schedule cramming this filming in, probably no time for a meal. He ate the biscuit cause he was starving. As for the poor dog, I feel so bad for this animal. He was brought in to do this episode and to make this witch feel good about her ugly self. Leaving a beautiful pet outside all winter while the kids are in the house is pure evil. Them kids like to lounge around the house all day and smack each other, even Jon said at one time they don't like the outdoors. The whole episode sounded ridiculous and so glad I didn't have to watch like our poor Admin did. Anyways, hope the dog gets a new caring family soon and I can't phrase real soon enough here. The kids pounding each other, well at least the girls sounds like much hasn't changed in that house.
I don't think the dog should have come back, but way back when the breeder was interviewed, he stated that he would be training the dogs and then returning them to the Gosselins. So it isn't any surprise that Shoka is back, though of course, it would be better for the dog if the breeder had re-homed him.
The dog biscuit thing is getting too much attention. There's a huge pet center here and they keep the dog treats by the cash checkout so people can take home a free treat to their pet. The checkout lady told me that she's seen countless people eat them, thinking they are human treats. Which reminds me--they have some beautiful iced cookie treats my two dogs love--I must go in today.
12....I swear I wonder if TLC paid off Jon's attorneys to screw things up for him.
Really not that far-fetched, considering what they're willing to do to the kids...
THAT WAS AWESOME!!!! Thanks Admin for suffering through this disaster of a show and posting such wonderful work! I am sure you would rather have run your nails down a chalk board but thanks for doing the hard work. :)
Admin, I like that you mention that Kate ALWAYS speaks for the kids. I notice in your recaps, she does that a lot doesn't she? I don't watch, but you always mention something that Kate says "The kids said that THIS made them happy", or "This made their day", etc, but you mention that it never comes from the kids mouths. What's up with that?
I also remember reading someone mentioning that Kate said they never carved pumpkins before on another blog. I specifically remember them carving pumpkins awhile ago & Kate had to stop them mid-way through & clean up. That was one of the last episodes for me. I remember thinking "Who the EFF stops their kids from having so much fun because there's a mess? Who cares??" (Jon was pissed too) Kate has always been a controlling bitch. So, another lie. On TV. Small lie or big lie, they are ALL lies, she just cannot help herself, can she?
Thanks for the recap.
Blech, I don't know how you do it.
As an animal lover, I am FRIGHTENED for Shoka.
I pray to God, that poor creature has not been returned to that family, only to be banished to an outdoor doghouse. I hope the Pa. ASPCA has been put on alert.
Lord have mercy, my heart breaks for the Gosselin 8, the chickens, and now Shoka. The adults in their lives aren't worth a plugged nickle.
I keep thinking of the Pa. winters- they're rough and tough.
Now that you've seen the screen capture of Kate's sunglasses, votes on whether they are real or a joke pair???
About the kids telling others about the "not a Santa Claus", the Gosselins bragged on one of their first shows about how Mady and Cara went to school and told the other kids. They thought it was funny! It happened to my daughter and I phoned the girl's mother. Just like the Gosselins that mother said she didn't believe in lying to her kids. That's fine, but teach your kids to keep their mouth shut. Santa Claus is a fun part of most families' Christmas. The Gosselins are arrogant and smug and believe their own hype. Kate is the worst, but Jon gets no pass from me. He has not properly protected his children.
Thanks, admin for the recap. Must have been painful to watch and listen. Fake and phony to the max. The kids need help and so does Kate. She is in such denial and delusional about her star power it has become sickening, really.
Great recap! Between you and the posters, you have covered it all. Your last sentence pretty much sums up Kate's mental illness. My vote on the sunglasses is that they are real and she is that dumb.
Just this morning, we let the dog get in the bed with us for a few minutes. He loves that part of the day, he shoots out of his bed and eagerly awaits to be lifted up, gives us both a lick and nestles between us and just lets out a huge sigh of contentment. Today, my husband asked, "Why do you think he likes it so much? Is it because our bed is more comfortable, or that we're his pack?" Of course, I said I thought it was the latter. Dogs need to be with their pack. Period. Although...........not defending Kate, she did buy a big dog bed, something that would sit on the floor inside the house normally. That gives me a glimmer of hope that Shoka will not be outside alone all the time.
Have a great day, everyone!
Re: the dog biscuit. I think it is actually very natural for kids to be curious about how the food they feed their animals tastes. Growing up, I remember a number of my friends and I doing the very same thing, sometimes as a dare and sometimes just to satisfy our curiosity.
I do believe that Kate has food issues and that it affects the kids, however I think on this one people are more outraged than perhaps the situation warrants. That's just my opinion.
Admin, ya know I love ya. I really do. But the whole time I am reading this recap, I am bored bored bored. Boring recap.
And then it occurs to me DUH! that you werent given much to work with, were ya?
The whole episode sounds like a bunch of drivel, thrown together by the film crew at the last minute. Sounds like they bribed Kate to do Halloween. Boy, how she must resent those kids all being in school now and coming home with actual expectations for things like Halloween.
Hold on tight Katie Irene, because they are getting smarter and more exposed to real life. You think you can control it, but there is not enough grip in your glued-on plastic nails to keep them all down much longer.
Anyway, Admin, thanks for the recap. You clearly put a lot of effort into it and I am sure you did the best you could given what you had to work with. LOL.
One thing that made me angry was when they were at the pumpkin patch and Collin had picked a big pumpkin that Kate wanted for herself because it was "the biggest" yet would not bend down to pick it up, instead she told Collin to carry it for her and when he said he couldn't because it was too heavy, she said "well why not. What's wrong with you?" The way she said those words while standing over him just made me so angry. Then later she claims to find a pumpkin for herself and has Collin carry it to the wagon.
TLC stinks said...
I wonder what happened to the candy the kids received because the tup boys only talked about a couple of Jolly Ranchers and a lollipop. Did the evil She-Devil take their candy away?
Yes, TLC, she did! When one of the tup girls gleefully held up the giant sized Kit Kat bar, Kate said "you're never going to eat it, it's never going to make it to you!" Pretty cruel, huh?
As for the kids being "sugared up", it seems more likely to me that they might have some form of ADHD from the way they can't sit still.
And Admin, I vote that the glasses are real. Kate doesn't strike me as the type that would wear fakes!
"One thing that made me angry was when they were at the pumpkin patch and Collin had picked a big pumpkin that Kate wanted for herself because it was "the biggest" yet would not bend down to pick it up, instead she told Collin to carry it for her and when he said he couldn't because it was too heavy, she said "well why not. What's wrong with you?"
I'll have to find the video and rewatch it, because I did not hear that conversation at all.
"Kate doesn't strike me as the type that would wear fakes!"
Except for her boobs, tan, botox injections and hair.
Stewmama said... One thing that made me angry was when they were at the pumpkin patch and Collin had picked a big pumpkin that Kate wanted for herself because it was "the biggest" yet would not bend down to pick it up, instead she told Collin to carry it for her and when he said he couldn't because it was too heavy, she said "well why not. What's wrong with you?" The way she said those words while standing over him just made me so angry. Then later she claims to find a pumpkin for herself and has Collin carry it to the wagon.
What a BITCH. He rolled one of the pumpkins because it was too heavy for him. Good recap Adm...and I agree that Kate should have gone as Pinocchio.
Admin, thank your for the great recap.
Regarding Nala and her emergency surgery for removal of a foreign object from her stomach; Jon and Kate both demonstrated why they should not have puppies, and perhaps not even *A* dog.
Kate bitched about the expense of the surgery. Look, it's costly and completely unexpected, but hey, welcome to dog ownership (I have 3). I thought it was stingy and uncaring of her to dwell on the money, rather than the fact that the puppy could have died.
Second, Jon said to the camera that the doctor explicitly told them that Nala was to REST. No playing. No running. No jumping. His response was along the lines of "Pffft....like that's going to happen with 8 kids". OK, well then, don't be surprised when Nala ruptures some stitches and herniates her intestines through her belly. I mean, that's is the very real risk that they took.
They *both* didn't get it.
Thanks for letting me vent on the dog issues! I just picked up one of my dogs from the vet. He had been dropped off for blood work this morning to monitor his Cushing's disease, which costs us probably over $1000/year to manage. Do you see me complaining? No! Here's my credit card! I just want my dog to be happy and healthy.
Must Love Dogs said...
Who cares how the kid got the biscuit, he was apparently hungry and from the sound of this crazy work schedule cramming this filming in, probably no time for a meal. He ate the biscuit cause he was starving.
He was handed a cookie for Shoka that he thought was for him. It was a simple mistake and not a sign of starvation. If you hand a cookie to a child, the overwhelming majority will eat it. The overwhelming majority of children are not being starved.
If anyone wants to report Kate about the dog, here's the site:
Go to contact us on the left hand side and you'll see where to report her for neglect, etc...
There's a phone # and an email. The fact that these dogs were abused before & NOW this dog will be left to its own devices, OUTSIDE in the harsh Northeast winter, brought back for ratings, the fact that she was reported before, the fact that a dog chewed its way out of a cage, the fact that Jon said these dogs were being neglected, the fact that Kate travels all the time, the fact that the kids won't be outside with the dog, the fact that people have said Kate abuses her own children...why wouldn't she hurt an animal? Although we have not seen anything with our eyes, there is proof on film. Please do not jump down my throat for my beliefs. I am a vegetarian, a member of PETA. I would have 20 animals in my home if I could. I feel what Kate has done is unforgivable with that dog. Like what she has done with her kids.
I can understand Jon being mad about the kids being left with such a young nanny but he did get to see them that weekend.
Can you imagine having your kids with you and then leaving them with a 19 year old - a year removed from high school? Take it a step further. Those little angels, I imagine, are a handful. How many times do you think the babysitter heard something along the lines of "you're not my mother and you can't make me"? I suppose the babysitter could have threatened to call their father....but was under orders not to.
At what age do these children have to be to not get the free pass anymore? Is anybody tired of comments such as: "I don't blame the kids, it's the way they were raised" and the like. Obviously the school decided that age six was a good time to be responsible for their own behavior.
Must Love Dogs said... Who cares how the kid got the biscuit, he was apparently hungry and from the sound of this crazy work schedule cramming this filming in, probably no time for a meal. He ate the biscuit cause he was starving
No, he ate the biscuit because he misunderstood that it was for the dog. Kate does plenty enough to snark on without making up crap.
Great recap Admin. Loved the Jimmy Choos comment.
After watching a few clips of the show, the thing that stares out at me glaringly is the way the kids are laughing and smiling and there is no drama or hitting or melt downs. TLC is up to their normal tricks. They need Kate to look like the good mommy that she isn't so they wipe out any scenes with the kids being what we have seen them being in the past. All of a sudden they are these well behaved lovey dovey, everyone gets along with everyone else show. And what Kate did with Collin was just cruel. That was a very private moment -- excuse me, it should have been a very private moment -- if indeed it was sincere. She needed to get that out there for everyone to see. What a *itch.
"The kids are really coming into their own and they want to be treated as individuals," said the insider.
Did you hear that Kate? The kids do not like to be treated as CLONES!
On a different note, Admin thank you so much for pointing out that Alexis came out spotless in this episode...
As for the Santa Clause story, we heard about two years ago that the tups do not believe in Santa because Mady and Cara ruined it for them. So do you think we'll see on T.V. the real Christmas or the one where they're "pretending
for the cameras"(as they were told when they were 4 and initially believed their parents who told them it was Christmas Day)
Of course the Christmas episode will run somethime in January, on Christmas we will see the Thanksgiving episode..
Getting Shoka back wasn't about making the children happy it was about making Kate look good, which we all know is an impossibility. I don't buy into her story about the kids telling all their problems to the dog. What they need is to tell all their problems to a psychiatrist who will help them deal with the erratic and delusional life their mother has condemned them to. Leave the dog out of it. The poor thing has enough to deal with having eight kids and a wacked-out nutjob of a woman screaming at him.
Re: Her stupid sunglasses. I say they're the real thing even though Kate looks like a joke wearing them. The only recognition that witch deserves is a Point-and-Laugh trophy, not the Mommy of a Lifetime award she thinks she's worthy of. Someone, anyone, please get the hook and drag that idiot off-stage.
Oh Kate, you forgot that Alexis and Collin were hitting the other kids, throwing things around that could hurt the kids and teacher. You would not sit still, you did not know how to socialize, so you kept hitting. This went on for a month, then Collin and Alexis ganged up on another child who was injured. The Counselors stepped along with the Private Attorneys for the School Board and had the children “refused to admit and cannot return to the school”
Question Katie the Queen on that. Kate was accused of not bonding with her children by the school counselor as the other tups also have problems with socialization and not hitting.
Very sad situation she has created, she should move out, give the children to Jon. She can take them to film and that way she stays in the limelight and out of their lives and they can grow up with a parent who loves them and bonded with them.
Yes, the truth hurts you Kate lovers. More important that these little children get breathing room away from here. and how is that bodyguard who sleeps in the basement?????
Read more: http://justjared.buzznet.com/2010/12/02/kate-gosselin-rumor-control/#ixzz174RabM1V
I don't think they held anything back. Kate is practically in tears at one point.
Two things come to mind when I think of Katie Irene's obsession with being the dominant one.
"Divide and Conquer"/ "Divide and Rule"
By definition, the aim is to gain and maintain power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy.
This is why she kept her husband away from his family, and why her children have limited exposure to other children (for example- school). It explains how she controls every single aspect of her children's lives- even if unnecessary. It also explains why her friendships are limited (if she has any).
Every single facet of her life has been/is about power, and how she can get the upper hand.
Not too many people stick around a person like that.
Clip of Kate on Sarah Palins show to air this Sunday, Dec. 5. The usual whining and crying Kate. LOL
Kate' horrible behavior and chronic selfishness appears to be front and center. No one is any longer buying that it is in the best interest of the 8 kids to be filmed. (Unless you live under a rock and don't have a brain in your head.)
Here's an interesting snippet from Werny Gal:
I had heard stories of the kids acting out before and the version I heard had Kate refusing to take responsibility for her kids when they bullied others at school , saying she couldn't be responsible for what they did when she wasn't with them. This included a refusal to apologize to the other parents or have her children formally apologize to the kids they were bullying.
Actually, Kate, I believe that's the law. You're responsible for your kids and their actions until they turn 18.
I've decided I'm actually glad Kate has given so many interviews. They have given us more insight into how manipulative she really is. Who can forget the Natalie Morales interview where she had an earpiece she was trying to hide telling her what to say! Loved that!
Each one of her appearances has just been more eyeopening than the last about her strong denials and outright lies.
And they're all on video! So maybe the interviewers were inept and unfamiliar with the subject matter, and maybe even sympathetic to her phony plight, but their questions provided us with a lot of answers...they just weren't the answers Kate WANTED us to have!
I just found this video preview of Kate in Alaska with Sara. Check it out.
She is crying about the food in one scene.
Admin said, "I’m surprised Kate isn’t talking about how cute and sweet it is they are beating each other to a pulp."
Admin, you owe me a new keyboard. Mine now has tea all over it, thanks to that zinger!! :)
Thank you for the detailed recap and commentary. The Sister Wives photo is priceless! Admin, you do a really good job for us. I have googled Youtube unsuccessfully half a dozen times looking for the Halloween episode. I don't want to search anymore and have my clicks count. Does any one have the link to watching the show on Youtube?
I found this link to Kate & Sara camping. I guess it did happen. Kate is upset about the food. Check it out.
So TLC didnt leave Kate on the cutting room floor. I wonder how the super mom feels about crying about the food?
Thanks again Administrator for taking one for the team once again. Bonnie Fuller who once was a big supporter of Kate has written a rather scathing article published in Huffington Post
"Kate doesn't strike me as the type that would wear fakes!"
Except for her boobs, tan, botox injections and hair.
You forgot fake teeth, fake tummy, fake eyelashes, fake nails, fake personality, fake parenting .... uggh.
A quick thought on Jon and custody.
When the divorce went down and he tried to get them off TV, kHATE had her money and the backing of TLC to fight him. The Dark Side obviously all wanted to continue exploiting those kids for money and were motivated to battle him for the right to do so.
I am just wondering (hoping) that Jon did fight to get 50/50 or some sort of better arrangement than he received. We all know he had money problems, and the money he got for his half of the house he had to pay back to her in the form of support payments (dont get me started on that con job.) Maybe he couldn't AFFORD to fight for the kids? Without the financial means to battle a corporation possibly it was a hopeless fight?
As a father, I just cant believe you wouldn't want to be with your kids every damn day and for every single moment of their lives. I am no Jon supporter until he earns my praise but he is OBVIOUSLY the lesser of two evils here.
As for the early 'relationships' he jumped into, just look at what he was leaving. That woman berated him on TV every week and barked orders at him for the duration of their marriage. She belittled him and made him feel inferior, weak and worthless. It makes sense that the first woman who showed him some attention and treated him as a human being he might be attracted to ... I am definitely not defending his actions but merely understanding how they could have happened.
Admin - Real not joke sunglasses & UGLY
Kate left Jon no choice but to take the dogs away. I can't find all the articles on this now as this occurred more than a year ago but I did find this one.
Kate "Just Needed A Break" From Family Dogs
Kate Gosselin says that though Jon Gosselin called the breeder and had their two family dogs taken away, "They'll come back I'm sure at some point. But for now, I just needed a break."
She explained: "He called the breeder and took them back for a short period of time. I'm feeling like I have not enough time to take care of my kids, let alone give the dogs what they need, and the kids surprisingly weren't that upset about it." Kate added that she's amazed by the strength of the dogs saying, "They sleep in a metal crate... a huge metal crate. They bent the bars and got out. I think in the winter I'm going to have them pull the kids in a sleigh." [Radar Online]
On last night's episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8, Kate Gosselin took her kids to an Amish farm, then took her daughter Cara to the radiologist to get her foot scanned. Jon did not appear on the episode and Kate said, "It feels very normal to be here by myself, to take care of the kids not with Jon but with a babysitter... It's starting to feel like the pity party is gone." [People]
alyssa said...
Of course the Christmas episode will run somethime in January, on Christmas we will see the Thanksgiving episode..
That's because they were busted for staging fake holidays for filming purposes. also the kids are too old to be fooled anymore.
Many things are being staged inside the house and filmed in advance, however the children are not being lied to, to the extent they had been in the past.
It is not only the fact that Jon didn't know this girl but how long had Khate known her before she took off and left her there alone. If she can't handle her kids how she expect a 19-year old to without even the option of calling their dad. Wonder if she has the no news is good news don't call me I will call you policy, my guess is yes. You never see Khate with the phone glued to her hand when she is with Steve.
Great recap, Admin.
Bonnie Fuller continues to see the light:
Kate Gosselin Is Using Her Kids For Her Own Fame And Fortune
Can I get an Amen?!
No KitKat said "Kate... isn't the type to wear fakes"
Yes she is. She's just not the type to ADMIT she's wearing fakes.
For example:
Fake hair
Fake boobs
Fake smile
You get the gist.
Another lightbulb moment from Bonnie Fuller:
Bonnie Says: Kate Gosselin Stop Attacking Jon on TV, Living Off Your Kids — You’re Hurting Them!
I don't think Kate ever wanted the kids believing in Santa Claus. She wants credit for buying, wrapping and paying for those gifts! She wants those kids thanking her and showing their gratitude. If they believe in Santa, less attention for the narcissist.
It just doesn't make any sense to me. But then I would like to think I'm a more reasonable person. Why would you take your kid a day or so before Halloween to get costumes, tell them they can pick what they want, but then tell them they can't be anything scary and the costume has to be approved by you? Doesn't it sort of defeat the purpose of letting a kid have some enjoyment? I mean sure you can have the approval within reason given their age but seriously? Then to dress up yourself as the devil? As Christian I find it very tacky and also very immoral of a parent.
The horror I had in reading other's post about Kate telling Collin what his problem was about carrying her large pumpkin is just sick. I never went to a pumpkin patch, my dad always went a bought the pumpkins, my mother never took us trick or treating, she said it was a dad's job. But then to turn around and tell your daughter she's never going to get to eat her candy is just twisted. Sure, parents limit their kids candy intake on Halloween and inspect it for safety reasons but to take away that joy by being that cruel is just wrong.
Just the way you speak to a child is going to shape them for the rest of their life, and while some of the time you might not have meant what you said and would always be truely sorry wen you have hurt your child's feelings doesn't excuse the fact that that is what your child is going to remember is what you said in that moment, not the apology. And since Kate see's nothing wrong with it, its going to be a sad day when all her kids are in their teens...
Michelle said... I don't think Kate ever wanted the kids believing in Santa Claus. She wants credit for buying, wrapping and paying for those gifts! She wants those kids thanking her and showing their gratitude. If they believe in Santa, less attention for the narcissist.
Right on target Michelle. And I just read on Radar that TLC is airing Kate's bitchfest in Alaska on Sarah Palin's Alaska on Sunday. Sorry, but that one I AM watching!
The Huffington Post has a clip of Kate's bitchfest while camping and it shows her throwing something down like a two year old in a fit because she's hungry. I WILL watch that Sarah Palin show.
Stewmama said...
Then later she claims to find a pumpkin for herself and has Collin carry it to the wagon.
December 3, 2010 8:02 AM
kate asked him if she could have that one cause it was too big for him and he agreed and rolled it to the wagon. then when he was the last one to choose one she found one that was smaller and nice and round she asked him if he wanted that one and when he said yes she said he had picked hers and she had picked his.
re the new article on rol, i think it's apparent that ellen is the source. who else would know that jon was called by the parents and what was said? who else would know about jon's mom's plans and how she is?
i see all these stories from a source on rol as jon's way of dissing kate and speaking out by using someone else's mouth and not his own. looks like he found a way around the gag order.
"These kids are so bored and tired of the couch interviews, I cannot imagine. Especially when you’re only getting 15% for this, that’s b.s., man. I’d be hanging off couches, too."
Haha, one of my favorite lines.
Except it's even worse!
With 8 of them splitting the 15% they are each doing it for roughly 1.9% - I wonder if they know, and I wonder how they will take it as they age and *DO* understand. In 10 years when these kids look back at all the filming and exploitation of their childhood I hope they each have a nice little nest egg of money for schooling and other things.
If they really do go there and show Kate having the fit, it's the most brilliant move they could have made with the show--and not for ratings purposes, but for yanking that last chair out from under her.
"We won't talk about the alleged smacking of Mady, but we will show the tantrum so people see how out of control you really are."
December 5, be there!!
Hmmm...is TLC trying another bait and switch tactic?
Posted this a couple of days ago in a previous thread:
RE: Kate Gosselin in Sarah Palin's Alaska
From Reuters - "Sarah Palin's ratings recover a little from slide":
"The Alaska episode to watch will be in two weeks, when Kate Gosselin guest stars."
December 1, 2010 12:28 PM
Today, media is reporting that Kate will appear on this Sunday's Sarah Palin's Alaska episode.
HOWEVER, checked the TLC tv listings for Palin's show and saw this:
Dec 05, 9:00 pm
(60 minutes)
Sarah Palin's Alaska
She's A Great Shot
Sarah's freezer is almost empty and winter is approaching. She embarks on an epic caribou hunting trip with her father, Chuck and friend Steve Becker. They travel 500 miles from the nearest city, above the Arctic Circle, in search of a caribou for food.
Dec 12, 9:00 pm
(60 minutes)
Sarah Palin's Alaska
Episode 5
Sarah welcomes Kate Gosselin and her children to Alaska. To prepare for a camping trip with the kids, Sarah takes Kate to a bear safety class for rifle practice. Then Kate and the kids experience the wilderness braving the challenges of camping in Alaska.
As of when this is posted, TLC's weekly schedule still has the original episode, "She's a Great Shot" listed for this Sunday.
Last Sunday's next week's previews did not show Kate Gosselin but rather caribou hunting with her father, which corresponds to the episode descriptions above.
Has the media been misinformed about Kate's appearance in hopes of garnering more ratings for Palin's show, which has slipped in ratings even with a slight increase last week? (Like TLC did last week with Sister Wives/Kate Plus 8 tv listings confusion.) Draw viewers in thinking they'll see Kate Gosselin on this episode but discover, only later in previews, that she's actually appearing the following week.
Or, has TLC decided to switch the episodes while the Gosselin media train is still hot? In which case, why haven't they updated their weekly schedule/tv listings for Sarah Palin's show to reflect these changes?
NT said...
The Huffington Post has a clip of Kate's bitchfest while camping and it shows her throwing something down like a two year old in a fit because she's hungry. I WILL watch that Sarah Palin show.
Enjoy NT :o)
As much as I would love to see Sarah torment the crap out of Kate, it's just too aggreviating for me to tune in.
I can't stomach watching an adult, behaving like a child, to get what they want...
It just brings out the worst in me.
Can't do it.
Shame Shame said... It is not only the fact that Jon didn't know this girl but how long had Khate known her before she took off and left her there alone. If she can't handle her kids how she expect a 19-year old to without even the option of calling their dad. Wonder if she has the no news is good news don't call me I will call you policy, my guess is yes. You never see Khate with the phone glued to her hand when she is with Steve.
Great recap, Admin.
I still can't believe this either. When Admin put the post up about the new nanny back in Sept. (which was the 19 yr. old in question) the person who posts here sometimes with inside tidbits said the Asian nanny, Judy, whom the children love, had her hours cut for communicating with Jon. Another case of someone the children are attached to being kicked to the curb because they crossed Kate. Kate chose to leave her kids with a very young, new nanny for days at a time instead of Judy because Judy had to be taught a lesson. I wonder if she's still around? I can only imagine the attachment issues these poor kids have and how this kind of instability is going to affect their relationships as adults. Kate's "My Way or The Highway" approach to life and parenting is going to came back to bite her in the ass again and again and again. In fact, as evidenced by the two children already unable to function properly in a school setting- it's already starting.
Oh. Em. Gee. This is just too much awesome-ness for me to handle. I'm almost peeing my pants. It looks like the Kate Monster actually CRIES while camping! CRIES!!! And I'm no fan of Sarah Palin but it looks like she's gonna be laughing her a@@ off with the rest of us.
Sorry! In my excitement and glee I forgot to post the link to the preview http://www.usmagazine.com/moviestvmusic/news/first-look-kate-gosselin-goes-camping-with-sarah-palin-2010312
When I was the tups' age, my mother taught me to be gracious and polite when people invite you over... and that if they serve you something you don't like to eat, you don't say anything and you try to eat it. Say please and thank you. BE A GOOD GUEST. Simple. Manners.
Kate is a, without a doubt, a total spoiled brat. No wonder her kids have problems at school - this is their example in life!! Who acts like this at the age of 35 or however old she is now?
Fantantic recap! I really enjoyed it. In reference to the kids acting out because of the divorce, I would like to point out that Kate making Jon pick-up and drop off the kids at the foot of the driveway is no doubt horribly confusing and very hurtful to the kids. This has not been pointed out enough. This replay of switching the kids back and forth on the street happens many times every month. This is terrible for the kids to witness their father NOT being allowed on THEIR property or in THEIR house. What! Their OWN father is not allowed to step foot on their lawn or even drive up in their driveway! The kids have numerous memories of their Daddy playing with them on the grass or taking care of them in their home and all of a sudden he can't do that anymore. I think that is definetly contributing to the kids angst and acting out. And it is 100% Kate's fault. It is shows she really doesn't care about her kids.
Kate crying and throwing something to the ground while camping with Palin. Typical idiot.
Just A Thought said... "Why Kate has such a need to prove her motherhood to the public who knows but it's gross."
Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the relentless criticism she receives about her parenting skills.
Kate has parenting skills?
One thing that made me angry was when they were at the pumpkin patch and Collin had picked a big pumpkin that Kate wanted for herself because it was "the biggest" yet would not bend down to pick it up, instead she told Collin to carry it for her and when he said he couldn't because it was too heavy, she said "well why not. What's wrong with you?" The way she said those words while standing over him just made me so angry. Then later she claims to find a pumpkin for herself and has Collin carry it to the wagon.
I remember in one episode, the kids are walking to a neighbor's house (who also happens to be a farmer) to see animals and get milk (this was the episode where Kate claimed they had so much chocolate milk that they didn't have supper that night). I'm not sure how far it was from their house to the neighbors house, but Aaden was saying his feet hurt and his legs were tired, and Kate told him "Be a man, Aaden."
Then on the Sextuplet's 6th Birthday episode, they have an orange juice squeezing contest, and one of the boys (can't remember which one) said it was hard and couldn't squeeze the orange to get the juice out. Kate told the boy, "You're a boy; you have muscles." Why does she expect them to act like men? They're freaking 6 YEARS OLD!!!
After reading so many articles, it sounds to me like kate is competing with her kids, as if she is a kid, and not an adult.I think this will get ALOT worse as the kids, especially the twins, get older. She will always want to be the popular one,the one who is the best at whatever the kids are doing. I hope I am wrong, but right now I feel strongly about it. And as a dog-lover, I have 3 small dogs, and a 4th Border Collie I rescued, when his owners decided to throw him away.I love them all very,very much, there is no way kate should have a dog, just no way!
Well I am curious to see how the gosselin kids interact with the palin kids..The G8 have not been thought to properly interact with other children(well, I have almost never saw them interacting with other children except for their 5th birthday and once or twice with their cousins).So this might give as a glimpse of their social skills(or lack of more likely)
Oh well. I'll wait for the youtube post
K8SUCKS said...
Bubbles, you forgot one more on your very extensive list of things Jon and K8 should/should not have done :
They should NOT have told their children they would be together forever and ever during that faux vow renewal. Deceiving the children in order for K8 to get her freebie trip to Maui was cruel and heartless.
I recall clearly when Kate was explaining about the Maui "wedding" to the kids... she said it meant that she and "daddy" would be "together forever" and MADY asked "You WILL???" with a look of surprise,disbelief, and pleasure.... as if she had already assumed otherwise....
K8Sucks, you're right - I didn't even think of that one when I was on my little tangent the other night. What's especially weird about Kate's insistence on "reassuring" the kids that she & Jon would be together forever is that usually kids don't even question that, unless they happen to have a friend with divorcing parents or family members who are divorcing.
In my opinion, a vow renewal is a time to celebrate the love and respect a couple have for one another, and should be an opportunity for the couple to express how grateful they are to have been fortunate enough to find their spouse. It's not about reassuring children! Parents can't promise their children they'll be together forever anyway, because sometimes things outside of their control interfere. What if one parent dies for some reason? Children don't usually care much about how much their parents love each other - they're usually concerned with how much the parents love them. Not that Kate could think of someone besides herself long enough to figure that out...
Mary Ann, the Halloween episode is in 6 parts on YouTube. Here are the links in case you want to put yourself through the torture of watching it.
K8Sucks, you're right - I didn't even think of that one when I was on my little tangent the other night. What's especially weird about Kate's insistence on "reassuring" the kids that she & Jon would be together forever is that usually kids don't even question that, unless they happen to have a friend with divorcing parents or family members who are divorcing.
In my opinion, a vow renewal is a time to celebrate the love and respect a couple have for one another, and should be an opportunity for the couple to express how grateful they are to have been fortunate enough to find their spouse. It's not about reassuring children! Parents can't promise their children they'll be together forever anyway, because sometimes things outside of their control interfere. What if one parent dies for some reason? Children don't usually care much about how much their parents love each other - they're usually concerned with how much the parents love them. Not that Kate could think of someone besides herself long enough to figure that out...
One thing that made me angry was when they were at the pumpkin patch and Collin had picked a big pumpkin that Kate wanted for herself because it was "the biggest" yet would not bend down to pick it up, instead she told Collin to carry it for her and when he said he couldn't because it was too heavy, she said "well why not. What's wrong with you?" The way she said those words while standing over him just made me so angry. Then later she claims to find a pumpkin for herself and has Collin carry it to the wagon.
I remember in one episode, the kids are walking to a neighbor's house (who also happens to be a farmer) to see animals and get milk (this was the episode where Kate claimed they had so much chocolate milk that they didn't have supper that night). I'm not sure how far it was from their house to the neighbors house, but Aaden was saying his feet hurt and his legs were tired, and Kate told him "Be a man, Aaden."
Then on the Sextuplet's 6th Birthday episode, they have an orange juice squeezing contest, and one of the boys (can't remember which one) said it was hard and couldn't squeeze the orange to get the juice out. Kate told the boy, "You're a boy; you have muscles." Why does she expect them to act like men? They're freaking 6 YEARS OLD!!!
When I was the tups' age, my mother taught me to be gracious and polite when people invite you over... and that if they serve you something you don't like to eat, you don't say anything and you try to eat it. Say please and thank you. BE A GOOD GUEST. Simple. Manners.
Kate is a, without a doubt, a total spoiled brat. No wonder her kids have problems at school - this is their example in life!! Who acts like this at the age of 35 or however old she is now?
NT said...
The Huffington Post has a clip of Kate's bitchfest while camping and it shows her throwing something down like a two year old in a fit because she's hungry. I WILL watch that Sarah Palin show.
Enjoy NT :o)
As much as I would love to see Sarah torment the crap out of Kate, it's just too aggreviating for me to tune in.
I can't stomach watching an adult, behaving like a child, to get what they want...
It just brings out the worst in me.
Can't do it.
Hmmm...is TLC trying another bait and switch tactic?
Posted this a couple of days ago in a previous thread:
RE: Kate Gosselin in Sarah Palin's Alaska
From Reuters - "Sarah Palin's ratings recover a little from slide":
"The Alaska episode to watch will be in two weeks, when Kate Gosselin guest stars."
December 1, 2010 12:28 PM
Today, media is reporting that Kate will appear on this Sunday's Sarah Palin's Alaska episode.
HOWEVER, checked the TLC tv listings for Palin's show and saw this:
Dec 05, 9:00 pm
(60 minutes)
Sarah Palin's Alaska
She's A Great Shot
Sarah's freezer is almost empty and winter is approaching. She embarks on an epic caribou hunting trip with her father, Chuck and friend Steve Becker. They travel 500 miles from the nearest city, above the Arctic Circle, in search of a caribou for food.
Dec 12, 9:00 pm
(60 minutes)
Sarah Palin's Alaska
Episode 5
Sarah welcomes Kate Gosselin and her children to Alaska. To prepare for a camping trip with the kids, Sarah takes Kate to a bear safety class for rifle practice. Then Kate and the kids experience the wilderness braving the challenges of camping in Alaska.
As of when this is posted, TLC's weekly schedule still has the original episode, "She's a Great Shot" listed for this Sunday.
Last Sunday's next week's previews did not show Kate Gosselin but rather caribou hunting with her father, which corresponds to the episode descriptions above.
Has the media been misinformed about Kate's appearance in hopes of garnering more ratings for Palin's show, which has slipped in ratings even with a slight increase last week? (Like TLC did last week with Sister Wives/Kate Plus 8 tv listings confusion.) Draw viewers in thinking they'll see Kate Gosselin on this episode but discover, only later in previews, that she's actually appearing the following week.
Or, has TLC decided to switch the episodes while the Gosselin media train is still hot? In which case, why haven't they updated their weekly schedule/tv listings for Sarah Palin's show to reflect these changes?
Here's an interesting snippet from Werny Gal:
I had heard stories of the kids acting out before and the version I heard had Kate refusing to take responsibility for her kids when they bullied others at school , saying she couldn't be responsible for what they did when she wasn't with them. This included a refusal to apologize to the other parents or have her children formally apologize to the kids they were bullying.
Actually, Kate, I believe that's the law. You're responsible for your kids and their actions until they turn 18.
Oh Kate, you forgot that Alexis and Collin were hitting the other kids, throwing things around that could hurt the kids and teacher. You would not sit still, you did not know how to socialize, so you kept hitting. This went on for a month, then Collin and Alexis ganged up on another child who was injured. The Counselors stepped along with the Private Attorneys for the School Board and had the children “refused to admit and cannot return to the school”
Question Katie the Queen on that. Kate was accused of not bonding with her children by the school counselor as the other tups also have problems with socialization and not hitting.
Very sad situation she has created, she should move out, give the children to Jon. She can take them to film and that way she stays in the limelight and out of their lives and they can grow up with a parent who loves them and bonded with them.
Yes, the truth hurts you Kate lovers. More important that these little children get breathing room away from here. and how is that bodyguard who sleeps in the basement?????
Read more: http://justjared.buzznet.com/2010/12/02/kate-gosselin-rumor-control/#ixzz174RabM1V
Must Love Dogs said...
Who cares how the kid got the biscuit, he was apparently hungry and from the sound of this crazy work schedule cramming this filming in, probably no time for a meal. He ate the biscuit cause he was starving.
He was handed a cookie for Shoka that he thought was for him. It was a simple mistake and not a sign of starvation. If you hand a cookie to a child, the overwhelming majority will eat it. The overwhelming majority of children are not being starved.
"One thing that made me angry was when they were at the pumpkin patch and Collin had picked a big pumpkin that Kate wanted for herself because it was "the biggest" yet would not bend down to pick it up, instead she told Collin to carry it for her and when he said he couldn't because it was too heavy, she said "well why not. What's wrong with you?"
I'll have to find the video and rewatch it, because I did not hear that conversation at all.
TLC stinks said...
I wonder what happened to the candy the kids received because the tup boys only talked about a couple of Jolly Ranchers and a lollipop. Did the evil She-Devil take their candy away?
Yes, TLC, she did! When one of the tup girls gleefully held up the giant sized Kit Kat bar, Kate said "you're never going to eat it, it's never going to make it to you!" Pretty cruel, huh?
As for the kids being "sugared up", it seems more likely to me that they might have some form of ADHD from the way they can't sit still.
And Admin, I vote that the glasses are real. Kate doesn't strike me as the type that would wear fakes!
Re: the dog biscuit. I think it is actually very natural for kids to be curious about how the food they feed their animals tastes. Growing up, I remember a number of my friends and I doing the very same thing, sometimes as a dare and sometimes just to satisfy our curiosity.
I do believe that Kate has food issues and that it affects the kids, however I think on this one people are more outraged than perhaps the situation warrants. That's just my opinion.
Now that you've seen the screen capture of Kate's sunglasses, votes on whether they are real or a joke pair???
The dog biscuit thing is getting too much attention. There's a huge pet center here and they keep the dog treats by the cash checkout so people can take home a free treat to their pet. The checkout lady told me that she's seen countless people eat them, thinking they are human treats. Which reminds me--they have some beautiful iced cookie treats my two dogs love--I must go in today.
Who cares how the kid got the biscuit, he was apparently hungry and from the sound of this crazy work schedule cramming this filming in, probably no time for a meal. He ate the biscuit cause he was starving. As for the poor dog, I feel so bad for this animal. He was brought in to do this episode and to make this witch feel good about her ugly self. Leaving a beautiful pet outside all winter while the kids are in the house is pure evil. Them kids like to lounge around the house all day and smack each other, even Jon said at one time they don't like the outdoors. The whole episode sounded ridiculous and so glad I didn't have to watch like our poor Admin did. Anyways, hope the dog gets a new caring family soon and I can't phrase real soon enough here. The kids pounding each other, well at least the girls sounds like much hasn't changed in that house.
Also if Kate is so confident that there is nothing wrong with her parenting and that everything is a hundred percent a-okay, why this need to show us this conversation with Collin? Is it not enough for her to know in her heart she is a good mother? She needs the validation of 1.3 million strangers?
Same goes for her need to tell her children how much she loves them in her "book" I Just Want You To Know....
We have all seen how Kate "parents", she is ALWAYS yelling, ordering, demanding, threatening. She talks down to them, she expects unrealistic behaviour. She frets and screams about the craziest things but then lets TRUE misbehaving go without a "realistic" consequence. Dr. Phil yesterday had a mom on who admitted to being "that" mom in the supermarket. Kate IS that mom too! Why can't SHE admit what she's is doing is NOT working and seek help?
Admin, another great recap. Thank you.
Between your recap and Werny Gal's new thread on reality vs reality TV as to what really happened that day in the corn maze, the truth is getting out.
Again I think it has been a good day now that Barbara Walters jumped the shark and mentioned Kate on THE VIEW today. Until this morning I was admit I was wondering if Barbara would name Kate again in her top 10 list, but now that mainstream media has caught on to Kate's antics, that she is in denial about the problems that are going on under her own roof, I think it would be "journalistic suicide" for Barbara to do so.
Children should not be suffering from a divorce to this extent a year and a half after the parents "officially" separated (even though we all suspect they were sleeping separately for several months prior to the "official" split).
Here are some things Kate and Jon could have done to prevent these "behavior things" (Kate's words) the kids are having:
1. Jon could have stayed in PA from the start instead of running off to New York
2. Jon could have NOT had a girlfriend the second he got a chance to go out of the house unsupervised
3. Kate could have NOT had Steve the "bodyguard" tightly intertwined in all their lives (funny, I first typed "lies" and the sentence actually works either way)
4. Kate and Jon could have continued the rotation of parenting time in the main residence while the other parent was either off the premises or in the garage apartment (you can't tell me buying that house with a garage apartment was just a coincidence)
5. OR Jon could have moved back into the Elizabethtown house - in my opinion this would have probably been the best option
6. OR Jon and Kate could have sold the Wernersville property and purchased 2 less extravagant homes that both had plenty of space/bedrooms
7. Jon and Kate would have taken the children to a therapist from the start to give the kids a safe, neutral place to "expel" their emotions (nice, did you see how I did that?!)
8. Kate would have either halted or greatly minimized the filming schedule
9. This past summer, Kate could have let the children stay home long enough to enjoy the swimming pool and all the space to play instead of taking them on one trip after another and almost constant filming
10. Kate could have NOT been on the cover of magazines and on talk shows talking about how the kids are handling the divorce
11. Jon could have - SHOULD HAVE - fought harder for equal parenting time
12. Jon should have gotten a decent attorney and not changed attorneys several times...I swear I wonder if TLC paid off Jon's attorneys to screw things up for him
13. Both Jon and Kate should have - still should - make more of an effort to spend time with the chilren individually. They've gone EVERYWHERE as a group, either a group of two, a group of six, a group of eight. Singling the children out for some one-on-one time to help them see who they are outside of "a sextuplet" or "one of the 8" would do wonders for them. Kate could be doing this regularly because she has nannies around to watch the other kids.
14. This is the biggest one in my book - Jon should always have first dibs on pareting time with the children when Kate is away for any reason.
15. Kate could have worked harder to maintain stability in the children's lives by not shutting out extended family, and by keeping the same babysitters
It is absolutely normal for a child to have difficulty understanding, accepting, and adjusting to a divorce, but it's NOT normal for the issues to be this severe, this long after.
One thing I think a lot of people don't realize is that the sextuplets have been attending this school for over a year now - they went to "Junior Kindergarten" there last year. When people hear "expelled from Kindergarten" they're thinking the kids started school in August and lasted about 2 months but were having behavior issues, when the truth is they were there all last year AND since August.
This means they have either had behavior issues all along and the school was doing its best to deal with it, OR the "behavior things" began or were rapidly exacerbated after school started in August. This makes me wonder what changed for the kids in that time frame that caused the behavior to become so bad they had to be pulled out of school? One obvious thing is that they were filmed extensively over the summer.
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