Kate has always claimed that she will stop filming when the children don't want to film anymore (despite Jon stating on more than one occasion the children indeed do not want to film). However, 10-year-
olds and 6-year-
olds cannot possibly understand the lifelong implications of selling their privacy, and therefore, are mentally and emotionally completely incapable of making such an important decision, just as Jon correctly pointed out in his most recent statement on Tuesday. Moreover, it speaks to Kate's
elementary understanding of child development that she would think for a moment that children of that age are even close to old enough to participate in this kind of decision-making process. Note to Kate, if a child is not capable of writing a coherent essay about the topic of Privacy Rights, a child is not capable of deciding whether he would like said privacy rights violated.
Maybe pictures will help make it clearer to Kate why children need an adult to help steer their boat and not the other way around:
Good morning. Hmm, what should I have for breakfast today?. I know, gummy bears!
Brushing my teeth? Yuck what a chore. Bye-bye, toothbrush!
Eh, I don't like homework. I'll skip it today. Maybe I'll skip it this week, too. And all year. And I might as well skip school while I'm at it.
Dinner time!
No more baths. I don't like my hairbrush either. Life is good.
Who needs a bedtime when you can watch TV all night?

Fortunately in Jon's world, he's finally realized that it's for a parent to decide what is in these children's best interest. Keep up the good work, Jon. Better late than never.
126 sediments (sic) from readers:
Kate did say she'd stop filming if the kids wanted to stop and she does have a poor grasp on how to parent, but I don't believe for a second that she'd allow those kids to stop filming unless she was forced to. Those kids probably DO tell her they like filming the show because they are terrified of that monster. In addition, they are sent many subliminal and not-so-subtle cues from their mom that they must continue filming OR ELSE (Mom will be mean/mad, we will be poor, we will have to move and change schools, we'll never go on vacation, etc). We all witnessed what happened to Jon when he said he didn't want to film anymore. Those kids may hate filming (I'll bet they do), but probably do not feel safe expressing that sentiment to their mom. She is famous for bullshitting to suit herself. This is the woman who claimed the kids looooove the film crew and cried when filming stopped, yet they don't like spending time with their beloved father. Kate won't even let them eat lunch in the order that they want. She just pretends that those kids have free will. She is far too controlling and unconcerned with her kids' happiness to let them decide anything for themselves that she hasn't already predetermined.
Kate needs to read some child development books or go take a class at the local community college. Certainly 6-year-olds and usually 10-year-olds as well strive to please their parents. They are not quite old enough to rebel or to not care what their parents think or say.
Right now, the kids worship Kate and Jon as most kids do. They will do and say what they think their parents want to hear. Kate has made it clear over and over she loves this job and wants to continue filming. Make no mistake the kids are not stupid I'm sure they have picked up on that. A child that age wants to make Mommy happy, hence sure Mommy I love the cameras. Their statements whether they want to film or even not film are not credible whatsoever. The kids aren't credible. It's the nature of their ages.
Regardless what they are saying, as Jon said, it's not for them to decide.
And in fairness, the kids might pick up on the fact that Jon doesn't want to film, and tell him what he wants to hear. It goes both way.
As I said, they have no credibility either way on this issue. Moreover, how conflicted does a poor child feel when one parent is making it her life's work to continue the show even fighting it in court, and the other is desperately trying to stop it?
Good point, Admin. Because of their young age and desire to please their parents, the kids may very well be telling Mommy that they like filming and Daddy that they don't, especially the tups. And they may like some aspects of filming and dislike others. But Jon is right. As the parents, he and Kate need to make the best decisions for their children. Unfortunately, I honestly do not think that Kate is capable of making selfless decisions; she is THAT narcissistic and IMO THAT evil. Those kids must be so torn, as you point out. Jon probably cannot work in sync with Kate because it's her way or the highway. Her hostility, stubbornness, vindictiveness, and obsession with fame/ money probably makes it impossible for the two of them to present a united front to the kids, even though this is in the kids' best interest.
I agree with "the kids 'love' fimlimg"'s comment. There's no way Kate would let a little thing like her children's feelings get in the way of more money and fame.
Since Kate is the "parent in charge" she should learn the definition of the word "parent". She has a moral and legal responsibility to set the guidelines and be the adult which means to think like one. Her excuse that the children want to keep filming is inexcusable as you so wisely illustrated with the above pictures and captions. Even my "adult" self sometimes wants to make the "child" choices but reason and consequences win out! I always told my children every action has a consequence so think things through before acting on them. Sadly, the children will pay for her selfishness throughout their lives and Kate will always blame others, starting with Jon for the problems. I also have a very low opinion of the "entertainment" industry including the photographers who get paid to continue this train wreck. I don't care how much money it pays, put yourself in the childrens position or at least stop and think, would you do this to your own children? As for the thought that Kate has to continue to film to support her family, there are millions of large families who have managed to do that without ruining their childrens lives. Cut the rich and famous lifestyle and get back to basic living and it can be done. However, Kate has planted her feet in the high profile lifestyle and loves it too much to give up. Guess what Kate, it is only going to get harder and harder to keep up so now is your chance to jump off the wheel and get in the slow lane and par down. You are not doing the kids any favors by continuing to give them the sense of self-entitlement and with multiples--well do the math!!
Kate is not stupid.She knows that the kids are too young to make the decision. She just doesn't care.
Kate doesn't need lessons in child development, she needs to put down the plastic spoon and the threatening comments ("I'll find a big policeman to make the kids behave"), remove her head from her anal cavity, and do what she knows is right for the children.
The children are being abused.No amount of outcry from their father, legislators or the public has any impact on Kate, TLC, the PA Labour Department, or the PA Family Court.
I fear that a tragic event will have to happen before the children are allowed to live their life in peace, stability and privacy, unless someone with power and a conscience is able to step in and help Jon reach his stated goal of getting the kids off TV.
Kate is a narcisstic bull-shitter, and that is all she is. Her comment about stopping filming if the kids wanted to was simply a comment for the camera, and note she does not say it now. Actually she hardly says anything, her life is pretty much a parking lot photo opp and whatever the TLC intern writes on that blog. My suspicion is that most of her adult life decisions come from whatever hole in her childhood that she perceives was missing, and note I say perceives. It's pretty much all in her head. I doubt she has any interest in books about child development, let alone courses. She has convinced herself that this path she is on is the best, and only, one that will benefit herself and her family. Her kids are torn between pleasing her and trying to keep the 'bad and mad' mommy contained, and probably they still harbor feelings that if only they are good enough then Daddy will be able to come home.
It's a holy mess that Jon and Kate created, and only Jon seems to have matured enough to see that the madness needs to stop. But as long as Kate and her friends at TLC drive the train it will keep going until the ratings drop pull the plug. Just MHO.
Apropos of this thread, I'd like to add to the idiocy of having children make life decisions.
From INF Daily:
The National Enquirer reports that the real reason Katie and husband Tom Cruise haven’t had another child is that 4-year-old Suri has nixed the idea, preferring to remain an only child.
I'm guessing the e-meter sussed this out for Suri during her daily auditing session.
Kate G. loves the perks of filming. We all know what that includes. She considers this a "chance they couldn't afford" without the show. Very greedy, cheap, ungrateful, pseudo-celebrity in my view. She probably has enough money, but to her she will never have enough. Probably can't continue to be a grifter to sweet innocent people, so filming is the next best thing. No respect for her what so ever coming from this home. Still on the fence about Jon.
It looks like famewhore, Hailey Assman has crawled out from the gutter and has an 'exclusive' with ROL about Jon's tweet.
Why does ROL always gives 'exclusives' to famewhores like HG, KhateG, her attorney...basically anyone that bashes the heck out of Jon. It's definitely proof that they are on TLC's payroll and anything to discredit the father of 8 innocent children is alright in their book. What a bunch of useless, deceptive, lying, idiots.
Can Hailey be sued for slander or defamation of character? It seems all she does is spew lies after lies but nothing ever comes out of it. She doesn't get sued, she just gets more 'exclusives'. Doesn't seem right to me.
But but but Kate's children want her to have diamond rings with pearls....and newly remodeled kitchens, and spa days....and shopping non-stop on the internet...and, and, and,,,,
You could insert Hayley's name where Jon's is in that "exclusive" interview. Her whole rant could and should be directed at HER.
Just ignore Hailey Glassman - she just is looking for attention...she has no credibility and no one but the sheeple care what she has to say anyway. Hailey is irrelevant in all of this.
Good Morning all...
If anyone gets a chance please read this from AMC's site...it is the story of Child actor Jenna Malone
I hope it helps raise awareness for what is at stake here.
Wow I just read Hailey's Radar article. Vanessa you are spot in on everything she said she might as well be talking about herself. Didn't she break up with him over a year ago???
She needs to get over Jon. She needs to take her problem with money to the court of law not the court of Radaronline. She needs to grow up. She needs to find a new man and move on. She is trying to discredit Jon's OPINION. Jon thinks filming is bad for the kids--that has nothing to do with lying, it's how he's saying he feels. She needs HELP. The sheeple called her a whore when Jon was with her. Now that Hailey has become a sheeple herself will they welcome the one that was lost back to the flock?
The kids probably hate the cameras (invasion of their privacy) and all the 'work' parts of the show but when puts it to them like "do you want to do the show and get all the stuff and go all the places" or do you want to quit the show and have nothing and go nowhere and just be here, what the hell do you think they're going to answer? I'd film nonstop if it got her out of my face.
Admin... seems to me in one of the early seasons it came up, if they didn't film then Mommy and Daddy would have to get "normal" jobs and that the kids would never see Mommy or Daddy again and that is how she explained it to the kids, and she worded it that way. my thought at the time was why would you tell a child that? Now I understand it. of course the kids would want to keep filming or "never see Mommy or Daddy again" does anybody else remember this episode?
Sorry this is off topic, but on the subject of Suri Cruise, did INF forget she's got two older siblings already?!
And on this subject, it's ridiculous that a woman who doesn't trust her own children to eat their lunch in the "right" order says they have decision making power over filming...yeah....right.....whatever, Kate!
I don't recall if Kate said it directly to the kids but she's certainly told the camera that this "job" allows her to be home with the kids unlike a real job (i.e. jon that doesn't exploit the kids).
I don't know how she figures that. This job took her to LA more than a dozen times last year, Mexico, NYC and so on, all without the kids. She needs more hired help now than she ever had in the past.
They aren't allowed to decide what flavor of ice cream they want, but Kate's comfortable with them deciding whether they want to be exploited or not.
Just echo-ing what Irene recommended. A Minor Consideration has a cautionary story of the actress Jena Malone. Worth the read- especially for people that think the Gosselin 8 should continue filming...
As for Hailey Glassman, her timing is always suspect, and I think it's going to backfire on her. Unfortunately her rants are of no interest to the public. It's a case for small claims court.
I may be wrong, but I would not be surprised if Hailey is being paid off by TLC to smear Jon.
Go figure....
Here's an interesting thing I found:
They began thinking of having more children and, according to Kate, a biracial infant of a teenage girl named Jamie became available to adopt while Kate was an obstetrics nurse. They decided not to adopt baby Jeremiah, as he was later named, but instead returned to fertility treatment.[13] In October 2003, Kate became pregnant again. Five weeks later, (after being hospitalized for over-stimulated ovaries) at the initial ultrasound, the doctor announced that there were six sacs with seven yolks (embryos). According to Kate, this was emotional news for them. The doctor suggested selective reduction, but the couple was strongly against it.
1.The child they were supposed to adopt was A BOY. I wonder who was against adopting him...
2.They began thinking of having MORE CHILDREN
Kate's statement:"Than,when we decided to try for just one more..."
3.Kate says she's happy that all six were bor and were healty,rarely/never mentions THEY WHERE SEPTUPLETS.Aaden,Collin Alexis,Hannah,Joel and Leah are NOT the Gosselin Sextuplets, they are the surviving 6 of the Gosselins septuplets..
Here's a link with some more info on this
I remember something alone those lines. Was this the new house episode? I clearly recall one of the kids asking her how much a new house costs, and she said, "That's why mommies and daddies work." I thought...huh? Mommy and Daddy didn't work. The kids worked and bought the house. I remember shaking my head, not believing that she had actually made that statement on national television.
This did come up when "I Just Want To Lecture You About How Difficult You Made My Life" dropped back in...when was it? Anyway, the media spun it to the point that the seventh Gosselin baby was a stillborn girl and NOT a clump of cells that failed to develop. No one from the family came forward to correct this, if I recall rightly.
In the book it was Kate herself who decided that the undeveloped embryo (what sounds to me like "vanishing twin", Google it) was a girl even though she couldn't possibly have known that at that stage. She even had a name for her. Alyssa, I believe. I think it's terrible to lose a baby whether it is a clump of sells or a full term baby. But I find it awfully typical Kate decided it was, of course, a girl.
And does anyone remember cute little Anissa Jones, "Buffy" from "Family Affair" in the 1960's and early 70's? Anissa felt she'd been typecast after being turned down for additional roles. She was a lost soul after that. Her parents' divorce and custody battles threw her over the edge. She became a shoplifter and runaway, dying at 18 from an overdose of drugs. Another statistic due to early fame.
Having a narcissist for a mother is a lot like living under the supervision of a six-year-old.
What do you expect from the narcissistic Kate with her own emotional six year old self?
Just saw this on GWOP:
Purseboy Lives said...
Steve was at Jon's hearing, so he's still in the picture. This came from someone who attended. I had hoped he was gone for good, but no such luck.
That would gall the crap out of me if I were Jon.
I think Kate said the vanishing twin was to be named Emily Rose (wonder who figured it was a girl?).
First, isn't that the name of a horror film (The Exorcism of Emily Rose)?
Second, I remember thinking that didn't "fit" with the other girl tups' names. Jon and Kate mentioned specifically in one episode that they named the kids alphabetically. Furthermore, all the girl tups' middle names are related to the Fruits of the Spirit. Seemed to me that Kate made up a name on the spot when asked about the 7th baby. IMO, she likely didn't/doesn't think much about him/her, but came up with something (like naming the baby) to garner yet more sympathy.
Remember Rusty on "Make Room For Daddy"? (I do but I am OLD) This happened near me:
On January 18, 1990, Hamer died at age 42 of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head in DeRidder, Louisiana.[2] His death raised awareness of the potential mental fragility of child performers, and inspired fellow child actor Paul Petersen to found A Minor Consideration, a support group striving to improve working conditions for young actors, as well as assisting former child stars in making the transition from past fame to adult life
@ SoCalRosie & Moose, I remember that episode too and questioned why a little girl that age would even ask about the price of a house and who was paying for it. Three and four-year-olds aren't usually interested in the cost of a house. Then again, I'm sure it was always the main topic of conversation with Kate so it rubbed off on the kids.
I wonder if she bothered to tell Leah that she and her brothers & sisters were being secured as collateral for the mortgage.
There is a video of Kate (I think it's with Billy Bush) in which he asks about the seventh baby, and Kate said that she sat down with the kids, and "we" (meaning all of them, I guess) "decided" that the baby was a girl and that her name was Emily. If you find the interview, it's near the end. I don't have a link. If she said in the book that "she" decided, it's not what she said on the video.
Admin said: The sheeple called her a whore when Jon was with her. Now that Hailey has become a sheeple herself will they welcome the one that was lost back to the flock?
Oh they did! Many months ago she became another one of their "go to totally credible sources". Hailey is a pathetic fame whore with absolutely no integrity or class.
Does anyone here know what Glassman does for a living? Where would she get 200K to loan to Jon?
Hailey, go have another drink.
One thing that has never made sense to me is her logic of the house:
1) "it is the kids house" - including multiple times/lies of saying 'we will switch off becuase it is the kids house, it is THEIR's, so myself and Jon will alternate" blah blah
2) The kids don't work. They play in front of the camera. THEY DO NOT WORK.
So....how do unemployed children buy a house?
If it's been posted, I'm sorry. Haley Glassman spouts off on Jon. What a famewhoring HO. Get a clue Haley!!! She is so dumb. She's as bad a Kate.
Sorry to post again...I'm a mother to a 10 year old kid. He is defiant, defiant, defiant! My friends kids are the same way. I assume this is the age, so what I wonder is why Mady & Cara don't speak out more often. Now, I tend to wage a guess & say that Kate probably threatens them with "We'll have none of this & that", but kids crave structure, & haven't they had enough of the trips? Mady especially seems fed up, from what I read. It just surprises me that the older kids aren't speaking out more against this filming. Then again, they probably are, & maybe this is Jon's way of saying so. Kate would NEVER admit it. She enjoys the trips, the toys, the spas, etc, too much. Kids at 10 are, sorry to say, little brats who toe the line with their parents as much as possible. They argue, fight, talk back, you name it. This is a hormonal year for kids. It would not surprise me if Mady & Cara are the driving force behind Jon's recent rants.
You are yesterday's news and have nothing relevant to add, certainly nothing about the welfare of the Gosselin Children. Stuff it!
I thought the lost infant's name was Emma Rose, but I could be wrong. Also, I had read somewhere on the Internet that Suri Cruise doesn't like traveling and would rather stay home, just as the G8 would rather do.
Also, I found a link that talks about Suri Cruise being frightened by the paparazzi. The author of the article says "I think there should be laws in the US that children are off limits to photographers. I love seeing celebrity children and babies, but it should not be at the expense of their well being and safety - no matter how open their parents are to getting their photos taken." http://www.celebitchy.com/13624/paparazzi_make_suri_cruise_cry_shes_been_cowering_for_days/
Unfortunately, Kate is VERY open to having her photo taken, and doesn't care if her kids like it or not.
Admin, I ventured over to the 'dark side' and someone posted that they wrote to Petco or Petland because she saw an ad on your site and couldn't believe a company would support a 'hate' site. That totally cracked me up!
Don't pay attention to Hailey.
It's no accident she released that
right after Jon's twitter statement.
She could have released it at any other
time. You can be certain that this was
orchestrated to divert attention away
from Jon blowing the whistle.
Do not watch Kate + 8
Do not tape Kate + 8
Do not YouTube Kate + 8
Free the Gosselin 8!!!
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain"
- from The Wizard of Oz
Clearly they have no clue how internet advertising, or typically, advertising in general works. I have no control over what ads are posted. Google cycles them through based on a complicated formula. Usually ads are personal to you. For instance if you were browsing Flip phones earlier, as I was the other day, the ads shown at web sites you visit might be for flip phones. I'm guessing they have tracked the person viewing that ad and determined she has a pet based on her internet habtis, and are showing her pet ads. It's a pretty high tech and brilliant system. When I worked at other publications I also had no control over what ads were posted next to my work. Typically the editorial side has little to no interaction with advertising. But I believe in free speech. She can write them all she wants. I'm sure they will place it in the high priority file!
In the NYC episode, when they were on the open double-decker tour bus and fans were screaming at them and taking pictures, Kate ordered the children to WAVE AT THE FANS....WAVE AT THEM. Joel cowered away shyly and then gave them a little wave.
It was one of the most disturbing moments ever shown, forcing children to interact with fans and total and complete STRANGERS like that. Disgusting, I was sick to my stomach.
Other celebrity mothers give their children a hug and try to get them out of there when fans are harassing them.
I just posted this on IW. I've been a long time lurker on here and I think I'm done with the whole thing. I'm sure you're all very nice people and I hope some day this madness will end.
I don’t understand either side in this Gosselin debacle. On the one hand the GWOPpers call Kate evil and criticize sites like these for bashing the children’s father, and on the other hand pro-Kate sites like this criticize GWOP and the other sites for bashing Kate, while doing the same to Jon. I smell hypocrisy.
I think Jon is a lying moron. I think Kate is a lying shrew. I think we should all mind our own business. This debate has brought out a lot of ugliness on both sides from people I assume are probably very nice in person. The fact is, everyone is getting so up in arms defending one or finding fault with the other that I think everyone forgot that we don’t even know these people. I know this will probably fall on deaf ears, but I think it’s about time we just leave this family alone, and stop giving an audience to this tabloid fodder. We don’t want the kids to be followed around by paparazzi? How about we stop posting links to tabloid sites and posting comments on those pages? We want to look out for those kids? How about we leave that up to their parents – BOTH parents.
obviously kate doesn't let the kids choose unhealthy things to eat for meals and to not do homework.
i take what kate said as meaning that when the kids don't want to film they won't force them to; ie if the kids did want to film but she felt it was harming them in some way she would stop it.
and she also said that when they don't feel like being filmed they don't film them. like in the summer when the kids didn't want to be filmed and they wanted to swim...they swam. when mady didn't want to go on the boat...she didn't go.
i think this is making a mountain out of a molehill.
Elenasaurous said...
I don’t understand either side in this Gosselin debacle. On the one hand the GWOPpers call Kate evil and criticize sites like these for bashing the children’s father, and on the other hand pro-Kate sites like this criticize GWOP and the other sites for bashing Kate, while doing the same to Jon. I smell hypocrisy.
I think we should all mind our own business. This debate has brought out a lot of ugliness on both sides from people I assume are probably very nice in person. The fact is, everyone is getting so up in arms defending one or finding fault with the other that I think everyone forgot that we don’t even know these people. I know this will probably fall on deaf ears, but I think it’s about time we just leave this family alone, and stop giving an audience to this tabloid fodder. We don’t want the kids to be followed around by paparazzi? How about we stop posting links to tabloid sites and posting comments on those pages? We want to look out for those kids? How about we leave that up to their parents – BOTH parents.
October 20, 2010 1:26 PM
i think is one of the most sensible things i've ever read on a gosselin blog!
i'm sure you're going to get a bunch of answers and most will be founded in the old they-put-themselves-on-tv-so-they're-fair-game spiel...but i agree that no matter if someone has put themselves in the public eye we each choose to comment or not, therefore perpetuating the very thing some are arguing against.
i think it's this: just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.
Jon apparently chaperoned on a school field trip today:
Jon Gosselin
On Wednesday 20th October 2010, @jongosselin1 said:
Went on an awesome field trip today with my kids to Gnome Countryside in Lancaster. It was actually very educational. Teaches kids about wildlife conservation.
"I thought the lost infant's name was Emma Rose, but I could be wrong"
Nope. You're right. I had Emily Rose in my mind, but that's the name of the horror movie with Anthony Hopkins. Thanks for the correction.
@ Elenasaurous & kimmie, Then I respectfully ask why you are posting on the blog(s)? You are doing what you're telling others not to do.
Kimmie said..."i think it's this: just because you can do something doesn't mean you should."
...and if we CAN put an end to child exploitation (either by not watching the show, or increasing public awareness by bringing this to the attention of our legislators), then we shouldn't do it?
Geez, just when you think that Hailey Glassman has left the building and is doing something with her life she comes back in to rant about old news. Her mom needs to stuff her daughters mouth with a sock and leave it there for good. Where did she come up with a quarter of a million dollars? The girl has never worked a day in her life!
Admin - To clarify, that was meant to be my final post. Now this one is.
My apologies - That comment was directed to AuntieAnne - ok, now I'm really done!
Jon said: "Went on an awesome field trip today with my kids to Gnome Countryside in Lancaster. It was actually very educational. Teaches kids about wildlife conservation."
Jon is the one who is hands-on with his kids at all school activities. Always has been. Gnome Countryside is wonderful for Kindergarten kids. I'm laughing here as I try to picture Kate negotiating the hilly terrain in spike heels. It just wouldn't be her thing to do. I can't imagine her at the end-of-Kindergarten activity at Kelly's Run Pinnacle Trail nature hike. It would be too much like doing the Alaska camp-out thing! Jon will love it, though!
I'm sure you are a very nice person too, Elenasaurous :o)
I wish I could walk away from this Gosselin mess, but I can't. How can I?
The Gosselin 8 need a voice. They need people to complain for them, to fight for them, to open up the eyes of adults- that are not aware of their situation. The little Gosselin kids are surrounded by powerful people that do not care about their mental stability or desire to live normal lives. The only thing Kate & the TLC corporation care about is spitting out the next episode and making money from it.
And as far as Jon & Kate; we are all fully aware how broken that relationship is. Plus Kate wants her children to continue filming, and Jon does not. So you see, their home base is a bit shakey.
Sadly, children that have been in the same situation as the Gosselin 8, have not ended very well. In those cases, maybe a few people (if any) knew what was happening. So when something bad happened, it came as a surprise. But in the Gosselin case, we have been bombarded with scenes on t.v., and information on the internet. So no excuses, we know what is (and has been) happening here. Shame on us, if we allow this to continue, knowing it's inevitable how these children will end up.
I know how exhausting all this is, and it is certainly your perogative to walk away. Afterall, we all do have lives to lead.
I just think that I will stick around, and protest in my own little way.
Take care, and thanks for posting.
I never thought I'd see the day when the sheeple were holding Hailey (Hailey???) up as some sort of paragon of virtue.
They want to punish Jon, however they can. Had he and Hailey stayed together she would still be evil.
Now Ellen is taking the heat and will only redeem herself (in their eyes) if she breaks up with Jon and makes crude comments about him.
Elenasaurous - I think most everyone here agrees the filming of the G8 is flat out intrusive to their lives, not to mention the harm it's caused them. I just don't that agree discussing it perpetuates TLC's filming of them. That difference of opinion has been tossed back and forth many times over. Nothing would make us happier than to see it stopped. There will always be other topics to ruminate about when it's over - which hopefully will be soon.
Hi Kimmie, first, thanks for posting.
My opinion is that if someone sees that something is not right (especially where children are involved), it is your responsibilty to report it & protest where applicable.
In this case, the Gosselin 8 deserve a voice to protect their rights. If we don't speak up, who will? History continues to repeat itself with these childhood actor cases, and they almost always end up badly.
If you wish to walk away and say nothing, that is your right, but surely you do understand that there are people that disagree with the Gosselin 8 situation, and must speak their minds.
Nothing changes, if nothing changes...
kimmie said: "i'm sure you're going to get a bunch of answers and most will be founded in the old they-put-themselves-on-tv-so-they're-fair-game spiel...but i agree that no matter if someone has put themselves in the public eye we each choose to comment or not, therefore perpetuating the very thing some are arguing against.
i think it's this: just because you can do something doesn't mean you should."
If it were your neighbour and you saw they were abusing their children would you shut your door and say "just because you can do something doesn't mean you should"? Of course not, you'd get involved. Call the police, child protective services and DO something to help those children.
If it were just Jon & Kate slinging mud at each other I'd agree. But there are 8 children here who need public support to get laws changed to protect them and other children from future exploitation.
There is the argument that commenting on Kate's clothing or Jon's stupid choices isn't helping the kids but it does help keep the discussion going, more discussion = more exposure = more awareness of what the kids are going through. And quite frankly Jon & Kate are in fact fair game as long as they each choose to involve the public in their ongoing dispute.
Hailey can shove it up her...well, you know. All of a sudden, she's a hero & a martyr (in her eyes, anyways). Keep jumping on the Jon bandwagon honey, it will all be over soon. There will soon be no Gosselin news to speak of. Nice try!!
And for those speculating where she may have gotten that cash, I think she got it from her daddy. Was that Kate's booby doctor? Ugh. It smacks of desperation.
Awwww Jon went on a field trip with his kids, how great is that!!!! He is and always has been the attentive parent. I remember when they lived in the old house, he would walk to the corner and wait for the twins bus to arrive and the girls were so happy to see him. Kartzilla was never around, probably in the house on the phone complaining to someone on how hard her life is.
If Jon wants privacy for his children, then why even twitter about being a chaperone on a school field trip? He shouldn't disclose where the childrens' school even takes their students for field trips. Jon gives out personal information that involves other children as well as his own.
Jon posted the information after they had gone. No pictures I am hoping. The field trips are often mentioned on the school site - that is a bigger problem
There's a big difference in talking about something after the fact. Jon didn't announce he was going on the field trip, she talked (briefly) about it later.
Poor guy just can't win with the sheeple.
Jon gets heat for twittering about a field trip, but yet Kartzilla takes her kids to NC and claims it will be a family trip every year and silence.
@ Anon, Jon disclosed a tweet about a field trip he had attended with his kids, not one he was going to attend to. Big difference there. BTW, kids have been attending that school for years, sure someone can just google it and find out where it is. Plus the mother gets her weekly photo op at the bus stop with her buddy Chris, someone could find out very easily where that takes place too. Keep up the good work Jon!!
Denise, Jon makes his Tweets private for a reason. Should we be posting them in public?
Elenasaurous, I agree with you and kudos for having the courage to post an very unpopular opinion.
I believe one day the whole phenomenon of the "Kate Blogs" will be discussed at length, but people are so personally involved this isn't the time. The mere suggestion that blogging prolongs the publicity is not well accepted by either side.
This, too, shall end...someday. Sigh.
I don't understand the whole Twitter, Facebook, texting thing. Apparently anyone under the age of 35 thinks that every thought and action they perform needs to be put out there for people to see. I don't know how our civilization made it before we had 24/7 instant communication
He shouldn't disclose where the childrens' school even takes their students for field trips. Jon gives out personal information that involves other children as well as his own.
It's public information on the internet. If anyone wants to find out, it's available there through various resources on the web. It's really not rocket science to figure it out. You just have to know where to look. He posts it after the fact, not before.
I do agree with Just A thought, though. Nothing is private anymore. Our society thinks, for some reason, that they owe others a look into their personal lives.
"Denise, Jon makes his Tweets private for a reason. Should we be posting them in public? "
I saw it on a anti-Jon site first. Apparently, they have tricked their way into his "inner sanctum".
Anon., there's a big difference in filming and preening for the pap's as Kate does, and Jon tweeting about something AFTER the fact. How in heck is it hurting anything that he mentions where they went on a field trip AFTER the fact? Sheesh.
AuntieAnn said...
@ Elenasaurous & kimmie, Then I respectfully ask why you are posting on the blog(s)? You are doing what you're telling others not to do.
With all due respect, when someone wants to comment on what people are doing, where else should they go but the place where the activity takes place?
I, too, have been mystified at how much interest continues in this fallen "star." And I think it's a topic worthy of discussion.
As far as being a voice for the children, they have Jon and Ellen, Kevin and Jody. A Minor Consideration and of course Rep. Murt with his genuine concern and tireless efforts in trying to improve the labor laws for children working in the entertainment industry.
Kudos Elenasaurous said...
As far as being a voice for the children, they have Jon and Ellen, Kevin and Jody. A Minor Consideration and of course Rep. Murt with his genuine concern and tireless efforts in trying to improve the labor laws for children working in the entertainment industry.
And, the children have supporters like me who are concerned about them. Had hundreds of people not written to Paul Petersen (my first letter was sent @ 2 years ago) and Rep. Murt in the first place, sounding the alarm that we thought the Gosselin children were being exploited and/or abused who knows how far behind this movement would be. Yes, they're the ones who can craft the laws, but we're still needed to be their eyes and ears and to keep the focus on the topic.
Paula said...
Just ignore Hailey Glassman - she just is looking for attention...she has no credibility and no one but the sheeple care what she has to say anyway. Hailey is irrelevant in all of this.
Seems to me that quite a few people here care what she has to say based on the number of comments in response to her ROL interview.
Lecturing people to mind their own business and to stop talking about an issue is just a cop out because they cannot actually address the valid points we are making. They can't refute the points made so they have no option but to tell us to shut up. It is a red herring. What is the sheeple's objection to the children coping with a very contentious divorce in private? I have yet to hear this point even addressed period, let alone addressed adequately.
just because you can do something doesn't mean you should."
This kind of attitude is why bullying goes on in schools. Parents tell their kids, oh just ignore it. Teachers (some, not all) think the best way is to just ignore it.
"It's none of my business" is why a staggering amount of child abuse goes unreported or not reported soon enough. In court cases I've seen involved abuse, the abuse went on an average of at least a year before social services was ever alerted. That's 365 days of abuse.
Laws do not change because people sit on their hands and feel they shouldn't get involved. Thankfully a group of people concerned for children in the entertainment industry have lobbied for stricter laws in California since the Jackie Coogan days, and have had grand successes in that state. They have made real and positive changes in a child's experience on set and with his money, because they decided that these children WERE their business.
There are people here who aren't going to turn their backs on this until this unique segment of the entertainment industry is, reality tv, has sufficient protections for its kids. No amount of "it's none of your business" is going to change that.
One more point. When all parents, across the board, prove that they are all capable of protecting their own little money makers on their own, we won't need laws. Unfortunatly history has shown time and time again that SOME (not all) of parents of children in the business are going to exploit them. Therefore, because of the some, all must follow the law.
Laws like these aren't necessary for families like the Roloffs. But because families like the Gosselins decided to push it, we need laws for all families who choose to put their kids on TV, to protect against those who seek to take advantage.
obviously kate doesn't let the kids choose unhealthy things to eat for meals and to not do homework. i take what kate said as meaning that when the kids don't want to film they won't force them to; ie if the kids did want to film but she felt it was harming them in some way she would stop it.
Kimmie, you are missing the point. The point is not that Kate lets them skip homework or eat bad food. The point is that she doesn't allow a child to skip homework and doesn't allow a child to eat bad things, why is that? It's because they are not old enough to decide for themselves. Then why is she letting them decide whether they will be filmed? And again, as has been pointed out many times, the children cannot be trusted to state with any credibility whether they want to film or not, whether they want to skip a certain filmed event, and so on. They are being dragged back and forth like pawns between their parents and it has to stop. Frankly I don't think they should ever be asked another question about filming again, unless it is by their appointed Guardian ad litem.
It is very, very rare to see a child miss a filming event. Mady missing the boat ride was not typical. It is almost always all six or all eight. When has Kate ever said that if the kids don't want to be filmed they won't be forced to? That's a big assumption. I would love to hear this out of her, it would show some comprehension from her thick head. If anything she has said more than once she has no regrets, that she cannot go back, and other very stubborn and arrogant comments showing a complete lack of understanding for the consequences of her choices and inability to take one ounce of responsibility for what she has done to her children. Jon is the one starting to accept his role in all this. Kate just acts oblivious to it or blames everyone else. Anyone but Kate herself.
Correct me if I am wrong here people, but didn't Kate say this at one point, then one of the boys, Joel or Collin...after they moved into the house, the episode I remember Jon said, "the boys are older now, I can do stuff with them." Or something like that, the boy said to the camera as the man stood there and filmed him, "I don't want to be filmed right now." HELLO?! yet he stands there and FILMS him! Just sick and wrong right?
Marie said..
Correct me if I am wrong here people, but didn't Kate say this at one point, then one of the boys, Joel or Collin...after they moved into the house, the episode I remember Jon said, "the boys are older now, I can do stuff with them." Or something like that, the boy said to the camera as the man stood there and filmed him, "I don't want to be filmed right now." HELLO?! yet he stands there and FILMS him! Just sick and wrong right?
Marie can you remember what the episode was about? Like what did they do that episode?
k I found the episode.It's called All you wanted to know S04E30 and Joel says "I don't want to be filmed".The scene is used to reinfirce the idea that the kids are allowed to express their unwillingness to film in a certain day.Before the footage of Joel is shown, Kate says that if one kid doesn't want to film but would rather go to a friend's place they have that option.They also show the footage with Mady and the "keep cameras out only if invited" sign.Back when it was first shown,Kate insisted it had nothing to do with the cameras,that it was just Mady being jealous because they were visiting de NICU and the focus was on the sextuplets.On this episode it looks more like Mady actually didn't want to be filmed...As for Joel, my guess is he was prompted to say this for the production of this episode..He was smiling and had the same atitude he usualy has when he is prompted to say "On this epidode of Jon and Kate Plus 8"...
Regarding Mady not wanting to film on the boat... Yes, that's one possibility. However, I think Mady just didn't want to go on the boat or didn't want to go fishing. I don't think filming had anything to do with it.
I personally think if it was an activity that Mady really wanted to participate in she would have went even if she didn't want to be filmed.
I truly believe that the children want to participate in all the fun activities and know if they want to participate they are going to be filmed. How sad is that?!?!
If I'm wrong, and I could be, it's even sadder if the child really does want to participate but decides not to because they don't want a boom mike or camera stuck in their face or following them around.
Jon & Ellen, keep up the fight and know that the kids will realize your efforts and always appreciate it.
Since this is such a public issue, the videos, publications, audios etc. will always be there for them to see and when they look back on their lives they will see a greedy, narcissist Mother and a Father who made mistakes but acknowledged them, and is trying to undo damage caused before it is too late. Thanks also to Paul Peterson, A Minor Consideration, Kevin & Jodi, Werny Gal & pals and you, Administrator of this blog and any other advocates I missed, for working to protect children from greedy people and businesses. The world has become so unsafe for minors and even though it is daunting at times, thankfully some take on the challenges and do the right thing. Kate has been given chances to change, time after time but refuses to accept reality and instead puts money and fame ahead of everything and everyone else. I don't understand how any of her family or friends can support her choices. She is a pampered, spoiled fool who is impacting her children for life. Sadly, I cannot find one good thing to admire about her and hope Jon can help before it is too late. Let Kate have her public life but without the kids.
Here's another lie:
The family was featured in a special on Discovery Health in September 2005 entitled Surviving Sextuplets and Twins. A year later they were featured in another special entitled Sextuplets and Twins: One Year Later. With high ratings from the specials, Discovery Health signed the couple to a reality series that aired beginning in April 2007, called Jon & Kate Plus 8, which documented their lives.(Source Wikipedia)
This is not true...At the end of the second special,there is footage from the episode Twins turn six which aired during the first season.If they were offered a contract to film one season only after they had high ratings, than why had they already started filming for the first season(for the 5th episode of the first season) ? It was NEVER about just two specials..after the first one they already planned an entire season the second special was more like a sample of the money they knew they would start to receive..
oh please, Jon is no better than Kate. He smokes in front of the kids, goes thru young girlfriends like water and God knows what else. I seriously doubt he has the kids in bed by 8pm and serves them nutritious foods at mealtime. He is just as lousy a parent as Kate is, just in different ways. Praising Jon because of this tweet is as blind as critising Kate for wearing high heals. Neither is relevant and neither means a damn thing.
Anonymous said...
oh please, Jon is no better than Kate. He smokes in front of the kids, goes thru young girlfriends like water and God knows what else. I seriously doubt he has the kids in bed by 8pm and serves them nutritious foods at mealtime. He is just as lousy a parent as Kate is, just in different ways. Praising Jon because of this tweet is as blind as critising Kate for wearing high heals. Neither is relevant and neither means a damn thing.
It's not worth my time to try to explain the differences between the message and apology in Jon's tweets and Kate's high heels to anyone who obviously doesn't want to understand what is wrong with the way the Gosselin children are being exploited and the need for laws to protect them and others.
Each time many sheeple open their mouths they show their ignorance of the issue (not meant in any way to insult anyone - just stating what I think is an obvious observation after reading many of their posts). I'd like to laugh at them, but I can't because I think they're serious.
"I seriously doubt he has the kids in bed by 8pm and serves them nutritious foods at mealtime."
You're there, are you? You can make a determination about this? Are you also at school to see which one is the hands-on parent, who HAS ALWAYS BEEN involved in, and supports the children in all of their school activities? If not, then you really don't know which one is the "better" parent. At least Jon is making an attempt to make his "wrongs" right. That's more that can be said about the other parent.
Jon is being given the support and validation that he needs to be the kind of father that he feels is best for his individual children.
Most of us will say that is easy for a grown man, but few of us have been on the receiving end of the ridicule and criticism that Jon had received day in and day out for over a decade.
It is not easy to trust himself and his insticts at this point, but he is doing it. And that means quietly supporting his children in their school functions and other things.
re Jon's tweet about "Pizza Night": I made a favorite family recipe the other night, and I posted about it on Facebook. My adult children and many of their old friends replied with enthusiam and jokes about coming for dinner. Jon is a young man with friends and family and there is no reason he cannot 'tweet' something about what he had for dinner or what he did the day before. It's nearly 2011 and for the most part, it's done often now; whether or not Jon ate pizza last night in no way impacts his children. It's just fun. How much of his life is Kate allowed bully away from him anyway?
Not sure if this is for real but a bit of good news is always good: This was posted on GWOP:
10/21/2010 11:16 AM
Sshh said... The industry rumor is that Kate is history. I heard that there is only one episode left and unless it gets outstanding ratings, the show is over. I don't work for TLC, but that is what is going around a certain production company.
Getting off my soapbox now..:)
Anonymous @ 1:56 p.m. said..."Each time many sheeple open their mouths they show their ignorance of the issue (not meant in any way to insult anyone - just stating what I think is an obvious observation after reading many of their posts). I'd like to laugh at them, but I can't because I think they're serious."
Seems like another one has wandered away from the flock, bleated its way over here, left its pungent droppings, until the ewe found it and brought it back to the fold.
Since when is an 8 p.m. bedtime an earmark for a good parent? It could be that he doesn't WANT them in bed by 8 p.m. so that he can spend some quality time with them, unlike their mother who makes them go to bed at 7:30 p.m. (by her own admission) so she can be free of them to be in bed by 7:31 p.m.!
Since when is feeding a steady diet of nutritional food an earmark for a good parent?
Betcha Joan Crawford made sure her children were in bed at 8 p.m. (to get them out of her sight) and their kids were fed nutritional food by the nannies, and we know the evil deeds that Mommy Dearest was capable of doing!
"Neither is relevant and neither means a damn thing."
Contrary to what a lot of people believe not much that is discussed is relevant or means a damn thing. What will mean something to the Gosselin children will be to have Rep. Murt's bill passed, and if Paul Petersen continues his efforts to get fair laws passed nation-wide so all children working in the entertainment industry will be treated fairly and with compassion.
When you look at the bigger picture how can discussing hooker heels and breast implant scars mean much of anything to anyone?
Jon may have dated younger women in the past, but I hardly think being in a committed relationship for seven or eight months means he's going through young girls "like water". Oh, and BTW, I don't think someone in their twenties should be called a "young girl". No offense, Ellen! :)
How many followers does Jon have on twitter, thousands? Family and friends are different than thousands of strangers following twitter and millions who have watched their show. Does Jon even have a clue who all his followers are? I don't use twitter, but I think Jon's tweets regarding his parenting time spent with his children should be kept personal and is an invasion of their privacy. For example, the school is the childrens' one place where no cameras, paparazzi or filming was ever allowed. But Jon has no problem tweeting about a school trip that should be kept private. I am not a "sheeple" or a supporter of either parent. I don't think the children should be filming and should not be financially supporting or responsible for either parent's lifestyle.
Jon tweeted about his kids and himself having a great time on a field trip and some people think that its an invasion of privacy, WTF. He is not throwing his kids vomiting on camera, sweating bullets in New York City. He tweeted after the fact about one simple thing. Give the guy a break and leave him alone people. As for his dating young girls, LMAO, they are all in their twenties and not young girls. They are grown women who wanted to get fame through him. They used Jon for publicity. Shame on them!
Circle Jerk: We're all waiting for that big picture bill to pass. In the meantime, the breast implant scars and the hooker heals are just a few more pixels in the filthy photograph that is Kate Gosselin.
Imagine if Jon and Kate put out a statement saying they have decided to put their children first and will no longer be public figures.
Good morning. Hmm, what should I have for breakfast today?. I know, gummy bears!
Think they could possibly be gummy worms in the picture........lolol
Denise, Jon makes his Tweets private for a reason. Should we be posting them in public?
@ Anon, Jon disclosed a tweet about a field trip he had attended with his kids, not one he was going to attend to. Big difference there. BTW, kids have been attending that school for years, sure someone can just google it and find out where it is. Plus the mother gets her weekly photo op at the bus stop with her buddy Chris, someone could find out very easily where that takes place too. Keep up the good work Jon!!
There's a big difference in talking about something after the fact. Jon didn't announce he was going on the field trip, she talked (briefly) about it later.
Poor guy just can't win with the sheeple.
Awwww Jon went on a field trip with his kids, how great is that!!!! He is and always has been the attentive parent. I remember when they lived in the old house, he would walk to the corner and wait for the twins bus to arrive and the girls were so happy to see him. Kartzilla was never around, probably in the house on the phone complaining to someone on how hard her life is.
Hi Kimmie, first, thanks for posting.
My opinion is that if someone sees that something is not right (especially where children are involved), it is your responsibilty to report it & protest where applicable.
In this case, the Gosselin 8 deserve a voice to protect their rights. If we don't speak up, who will? History continues to repeat itself with these childhood actor cases, and they almost always end up badly.
If you wish to walk away and say nothing, that is your right, but surely you do understand that there are people that disagree with the Gosselin 8 situation, and must speak their minds.
Nothing changes, if nothing changes...
I never thought I'd see the day when the sheeple were holding Hailey (Hailey???) up as some sort of paragon of virtue.
They want to punish Jon, however they can. Had he and Hailey stayed together she would still be evil.
Now Ellen is taking the heat and will only redeem herself (in their eyes) if she breaks up with Jon and makes crude comments about him.
Jon said: "Went on an awesome field trip today with my kids to Gnome Countryside in Lancaster. It was actually very educational. Teaches kids about wildlife conservation."
Jon is the one who is hands-on with his kids at all school activities. Always has been. Gnome Countryside is wonderful for Kindergarten kids. I'm laughing here as I try to picture Kate negotiating the hilly terrain in spike heels. It just wouldn't be her thing to do. I can't imagine her at the end-of-Kindergarten activity at Kelly's Run Pinnacle Trail nature hike. It would be too much like doing the Alaska camp-out thing! Jon will love it, though!
Kimmie said..."i think it's this: just because you can do something doesn't mean you should."
...and if we CAN put an end to child exploitation (either by not watching the show, or increasing public awareness by bringing this to the attention of our legislators), then we shouldn't do it?
Jon apparently chaperoned on a school field trip today:
Jon Gosselin
On Wednesday 20th October 2010, @jongosselin1 said:
Went on an awesome field trip today with my kids to Gnome Countryside in Lancaster. It was actually very educational. Teaches kids about wildlife conservation.
Don't pay attention to Hailey.
It's no accident she released that
right after Jon's twitter statement.
She could have released it at any other
time. You can be certain that this was
orchestrated to divert attention away
from Jon blowing the whistle.
Do not watch Kate + 8
Do not tape Kate + 8
Do not YouTube Kate + 8
Free the Gosselin 8!!!
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain"
- from The Wizard of Oz
If it's been posted, I'm sorry. Haley Glassman spouts off on Jon. What a famewhoring HO. Get a clue Haley!!! She is so dumb. She's as bad a Kate.
Does anyone here know what Glassman does for a living? Where would she get 200K to loan to Jon?
There is a video of Kate (I think it's with Billy Bush) in which he asks about the seventh baby, and Kate said that she sat down with the kids, and "we" (meaning all of them, I guess) "decided" that the baby was a girl and that her name was Emily. If you find the interview, it's near the end. I don't have a link. If she said in the book that "she" decided, it's not what she said on the video.
I think Kate said the vanishing twin was to be named Emily Rose (wonder who figured it was a girl?).
First, isn't that the name of a horror film (The Exorcism of Emily Rose)?
Second, I remember thinking that didn't "fit" with the other girl tups' names. Jon and Kate mentioned specifically in one episode that they named the kids alphabetically. Furthermore, all the girl tups' middle names are related to the Fruits of the Spirit. Seemed to me that Kate made up a name on the spot when asked about the 7th baby. IMO, she likely didn't/doesn't think much about him/her, but came up with something (like naming the baby) to garner yet more sympathy.
Having a narcissist for a mother is a lot like living under the supervision of a six-year-old.
What do you expect from the narcissistic Kate with her own emotional six year old self?
This did come up when "I Just Want To Lecture You About How Difficult You Made My Life" dropped back in...when was it? Anyway, the media spun it to the point that the seventh Gosselin baby was a stillborn girl and NOT a clump of cells that failed to develop. No one from the family came forward to correct this, if I recall rightly.
Here's an interesting thing I found:
They began thinking of having more children and, according to Kate, a biracial infant of a teenage girl named Jamie became available to adopt while Kate was an obstetrics nurse. They decided not to adopt baby Jeremiah, as he was later named, but instead returned to fertility treatment.[13] In October 2003, Kate became pregnant again. Five weeks later, (after being hospitalized for over-stimulated ovaries) at the initial ultrasound, the doctor announced that there were six sacs with seven yolks (embryos). According to Kate, this was emotional news for them. The doctor suggested selective reduction, but the couple was strongly against it.
1.The child they were supposed to adopt was A BOY. I wonder who was against adopting him...
2.They began thinking of having MORE CHILDREN
Kate's statement:"Than,when we decided to try for just one more..."
3.Kate says she's happy that all six were bor and were healty,rarely/never mentions THEY WHERE SEPTUPLETS.Aaden,Collin Alexis,Hannah,Joel and Leah are NOT the Gosselin Sextuplets, they are the surviving 6 of the Gosselins septuplets..
Just echo-ing what Irene recommended. A Minor Consideration has a cautionary story of the actress Jena Malone. Worth the read- especially for people that think the Gosselin 8 should continue filming...
As for Hailey Glassman, her timing is always suspect, and I think it's going to backfire on her. Unfortunately her rants are of no interest to the public. It's a case for small claims court.
I may be wrong, but I would not be surprised if Hailey is being paid off by TLC to smear Jon.
Go figure....
Admin... seems to me in one of the early seasons it came up, if they didn't film then Mommy and Daddy would have to get "normal" jobs and that the kids would never see Mommy or Daddy again and that is how she explained it to the kids, and she worded it that way. my thought at the time was why would you tell a child that? Now I understand it. of course the kids would want to keep filming or "never see Mommy or Daddy again" does anybody else remember this episode?
Good Morning all...
If anyone gets a chance please read this from AMC's site...it is the story of Child actor Jenna Malone
I hope it helps raise awareness for what is at stake here.
You could insert Hayley's name where Jon's is in that "exclusive" interview. Her whole rant could and should be directed at HER.
Kate G. loves the perks of filming. We all know what that includes. She considers this a "chance they couldn't afford" without the show. Very greedy, cheap, ungrateful, pseudo-celebrity in my view. She probably has enough money, but to her she will never have enough. Probably can't continue to be a grifter to sweet innocent people, so filming is the next best thing. No respect for her what so ever coming from this home. Still on the fence about Jon.
Apropos of this thread, I'd like to add to the idiocy of having children make life decisions.
From INF Daily:
The National Enquirer reports that the real reason Katie and husband Tom Cruise haven’t had another child is that 4-year-old Suri has nixed the idea, preferring to remain an only child.
I'm guessing the e-meter sussed this out for Suri during her daily auditing session.
Good point, Admin. Because of their young age and desire to please their parents, the kids may very well be telling Mommy that they like filming and Daddy that they don't, especially the tups. And they may like some aspects of filming and dislike others. But Jon is right. As the parents, he and Kate need to make the best decisions for their children. Unfortunately, I honestly do not think that Kate is capable of making selfless decisions; she is THAT narcissistic and IMO THAT evil. Those kids must be so torn, as you point out. Jon probably cannot work in sync with Kate because it's her way or the highway. Her hostility, stubbornness, vindictiveness, and obsession with fame/ money probably makes it impossible for the two of them to present a united front to the kids, even though this is in the kids' best interest.
And in fairness, the kids might pick up on the fact that Jon doesn't want to film, and tell him what he wants to hear. It goes both way.
As I said, they have no credibility either way on this issue. Moreover, how conflicted does a poor child feel when one parent is making it her life's work to continue the show even fighting it in court, and the other is desperately trying to stop it?
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