Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Oops, that's not a turkey! We're always searching for reality worth watching to tell you about, and here's another. If you're looking for something light after a heavy Thanksgiving meal, try some sushi. Jiro Dreams of Sushi, that is. Jiro Dreams is a 2011 Japanese documentary (it has subtitles) about Michelin three-star sushi chef Jiro Ono, whose small, simple restaurant makes the best sushi in the world.

Ono has been working nearly his whole life. At age seven, his alcoholic father abandoned him, and at age nine, he started working in a sushi shop. He never stopped.

Ono's hard work and dedication is admirable, but his perfectionism is controversial among some. Once, one of his employees had to make 200 batches of egg sushi before Ono was satisfied. His sons, who are in their 50's, are still waiting to take over the restaurant. Ono admits he treats them harder than anyone else who worked for him. How far do you have to go to make a perfect plate, and can you go too far?

Discuss Thanksgiving, recipes, Black Friday, whatever suits your fancy, and Jiro, which is available for streaming or rent on Netflix, as well as Enjoy your holiday!

1379 sediments (sic) from readers:

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wild rose said...

just thought i would chime in on the table setting... remember when she posted a pic of fish in paper recently? the table is set with linens and china etc... so clearly it was a low key just her and the kids holiday so her 'help' didn't set the table for her. and the kids had to have been there at least from the afternoon all 'cuz she tweeted all afternoon. it seems like she has 'just her big girls' a lot, the 'littles' must them be with Jon

aggiemom09121416 said...

Reading Dwindle's post about her son-in-law warmed my heart. I have a profound respect for our military and their families. It really puts into perspective how easy we non-military citizens have it...we may have to work on Thanksgiving, or stand at the stove or the sink all day,but we have so many military that are half-way across the globe...and they aren't whining or complaining about being away from their family.they're just doing their job. If it's possible, my respect for our military just went up a notch.

Then, read the next post from Anon...
Is that really necessary?

rainbowsandunicorns said...

He could be in a dead sleep snoring away like he's hibernating but if I get up to get a cookie for 30 seconds he awakes instantly and follows me with this look like so what you up to what we doing now, what-we cooking up there, girlfriend? And why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near????

Hey, he is the Milo version of a dog!


Does Milo snore and snort, too?

Dwindle said...

rainbowsandunicorns said...
He could be in a dead sleep snoring away like he's hibernating but if I get up to get a cookie for 30 seconds he awakes instantly and follows me with this look like so what you up to what we doing now, what-we cooking up there, girlfriend? And why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near????

Hey, he is the Milo version of a dog!


Does Milo snore and snort, too?


SNAP! Milo is a talking pug! Mystery solved! Poor thing, Lights Out Man is the night shift attendant at the pound! For the love of all that is holy, wont someone PLEASE give Milo a home and save her from this degrading groveling and submissive peeing she does every time the staff shows her a pic of Kate!

Dwindle said...

OK, show of hands; how many Americans here had pie for breakfast?

I am simmering the turkey carcass right now, the first step dontchaknow in making turkey caracas, and the house smells wonderful all over again!

aggiemom09121416 said...

Thinking about a repeat for lunch.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I had pie for breakfast, nice slice of Dutch apple with a dollop of whipped cream!

Dmasy said...

Pie for breakfast --Sweet potato pecan! Dwindle, you are making us accountable.

Dwindle said...

Dmasy said...
Pie for breakfast --Sweet potato pecan! Dwindle, you are making us accountable.


Guilt loves company.

AuntieAnn said...

"The pleasure centers in their brains appear to be overloaded by getting all of this stuff, and now, like the longtime addict who needs epic amounts of opiates to feel the slightest high, they’re hardly swayed by routine offerings."

hmmm Golden Platter Burnout Syndrome? The kids will be thanking you for that one too Kate. Geez you're a #lousymother.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

I am simmering the turkey carcass right now,


That sounds DELISH! Can I have the recipe? What spices do I need? Will all of my kids X4 tell me that this is the best carcass ever?

PatK said...

I just had turkey and trimmings leftovers for lunch, and skipped breakfast pie. lol

Dwindle said...

rainbowsandunicorns said...
I am simmering the turkey carcass right now,


That sounds DELISH! Can I have the recipe? What spices do I need? Will all of my kids X4 tell me that this is the best carcass ever?


Cram dead carcass in kettle

Add water about 1/2 full

Turn burner on low, use candle lighter clicky thingy if you must

Put cover on kettle

Dont forget to inhale to actually enjoy aromas

Save all for self, fling 1/2 sandwich slobbed with peanut butter and ONLY GRAPE jelly at kids

Sit on flat ass, hold court while children line up to kiss your spackled cheek and shriek with delight in your face for the best Caracas ever.

Dwindle said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 7
I had pie for breakfast, nice slice of Dutch apple with a dollop of whipped cream!


I had a healthy serving of vegetables for breakfast.

Pumpkin is a vegetable, isnt it? And it had eggs and milk... and what's a pinch of sugar among friends... more dairy in the whipped cream... and flour in the pie crust. yep, I had a healthy breakfast.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

"Cram dead carcass in kettle"


Do you ever cook a live carcass? If it doesn't fit into the kettle, can I cut it in half and use two kettles?

Thanks, Dwindle! What do you do with the carcass when you're finished cooking it? Throw it out for the Bumpass's dogs?

Bearswife said...

Sorry Duchess, I had stuffing for breakfast! It is so damn good I couldn't resist. Grandpa's recipe with sweet italian sausage, raisins and pine nuts.

I'm going to boil my carcass (boneless of course) later. *wink*

Buttercup said...

Hello everyone! I hope you all had wonderful day's yesterday whether it was a holiday or "simply Thursday".

I just saw Dwindle's recipie for Turkey Caracas but I'm stuck on step one? Where is the part where I lie and tweet? I can't do this unless my 6 sheeple know my every fake move. What a world, what a world.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Dwindle said... 5

OK, show of hands; how many Americans here had pie for breakfast?

I am simmering the turkey carcass right now, the first step dontchaknow in making turkey caracas, and the house smells wonderful all over again!


Nope. I had my fun with food & dessert yesterday...

I'm a Weight Watchers lifetimer.

My weigh-in is next Tuesday, so I have to be good until then.

I hope you enjoyed your breakfast/pie, though :o)

Today, I am slothing around- nothing to do but watch a "Taxi" marathon on t.v. #Goodforthesoul

I hope everyone is enjoying their day!

aggiemom09121416 said...

Buttercup said... 17

Hello everyone! I hope you all had wonderful day's yesterday whether it was a holiday or "simply Thursday".

I just saw Dwindle's recipie for Turkey Caracas but I'm stuck on step one? Where is the part where I lie and tweet? I can't do this unless my 6 sheeple know my every fake move. What a world, what a world.
LOL x8!

carolina peach said...

Wonder if she has told the children that tweeting is her job so she HAS to do it ALL the time. They don't complain because she has threatened them with penalty of severe-nus (sp). How the hell do you even spell that? You know, any routine no matter how bizarre if done often enough is 'normal'. Her behavior is the only Mom behavior they know.

Then while they're not there it's Box Wine-Down Time for Kate. And hell with Milo and her minions.

Anonymous said...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 18
hey Pink, I'm an Atkins for Lifer- right now I am working up motivation to either run 5k, or go to gym, one or the other- has to get done!!

JudyK said...

I sent the original post about the "snow" outside Kate's window in yesterday's pic. Enlarged it and there is clearly snow on the branches of the tree outside the one window and on the ground outside the other window. Checked the temps for her town yesterday and it was 57 degrees (or close to that).

And can't remember who questioned the pic of Shoka, but I did, as well, thinking it looked nothing like him.

Would appear she has not only reincarnated an old pic of her Thanksgiving table (pathetic as it was) but has also reincarnated Shoka. Poor Shoka.

Bearswife said...

Concerning paper plates and cups being used:
As a child I loved going to grandma's house and seeing the fancy table she had set with all of her 'special' plates and glasses. All of us kids were allowed to drink our milk out of wineglasses. We felt so grown up! It was a big deal to us! As always, JMO and a special memory for me.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Maybe the child thought it was the best Thanksgiving ever because children don't care whether the table is set with linen, whether the good china was used or what kind of cups they drank from. Those priorities belong to superficial adults with a misguided sense of priorities.
Then how come in Kate's fish in paper pic, she had a lovely tablecloth, a nice centerpiece, a cloth napkin, nice silver, and a wine goblet?

Why can't Kate eat off of a paper plate and drink wine from a paper cup?
Because Kate is all about Kate's needs, and the kids get CRAP, that's why.

So, Kate recycled an old pic, did she? Looks like snow in the pic to me, too.

Dmasy said...

Who Cares if it's Linen -- they aren't "misguided priorities". Special is special. Kids need to learn and feel traditions. I remember the festive part of holidays when seldom used dishes and tablecloths were unpacked. Ladies here have been laughing for days about the "special" platter for the canned cranberry sauce. Why did so many of us remember that?

It doesn't have to be expensive -- just different and, dare I use the same word again, SPECIAL.

It is a feeling. Something she should do for her children.

Anonymous said...

I will agree w/anon this time that kids dont care about linen and fine china, and the G8 might even prefer not to have to worry about soiling linen settings- given Kate's temper. They might be thrilled to have a care-free dinner of paper pates and cups, and be able to enjoy their dinner in a more relaxed atmosphere.

Formerly Duped said...

Who Cares if it's Linen : Not worth a reply. I agree with most of the other posters though.


I think my other post did not make it through..was driving my DD to work this AM & there was an accident on the Mall Road- many turns to various areas, car blocking all five roads. A cop was yelling at the woman hit to move her car or would get ticketed and then to deal with the accident ( small one) Felt nervous as one truck, impatient, drove over the meridian just an inch from my car. No way would I go there to shop parking and irrational drivers AND cops. I hope it's better when I pick DD up. Aargh!! On-line for me until this madness clears.Much honking and insults and obscenities.Some holiday spirit.

carezee said...

It doesn't matter what kind of plates they have I will agree. But... if she is all about making memories then why wouldn't she like the table to be set with nice plates and glassware? They can have paper any day. More importantly though is the question of why you would take a picture of a Thanksgiving table without food on it?

Unknown said...

carezee said... 29
''.......More importantly though is the question of why you would take a picture of a Thanksgiving table without food on it?''
I think we all know the answer to your question. There was no food on the Thanksgiving table because KK didn't have the children on Thanksgiving!! Considering the 'pride' KK has when she takes photos of plates of slop she does cook, there is no way on God's green earth she would not photograph a Thanksgiving meal she actually cooked!!

Now that I'm thinking about it, if KK had the children, she would have a Thanksgiving meal that Katherine cooked. No photo = no children!!

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Ladies here have been laughing for days about the "special" platter for the canned cranberry sauce. Why did so many of us remember that?


Exactly. Why DO we remember those things? Because it was different; it was special. It was tradition. My grandmother always used a clear glass oval plate that was divided in the middle. The celery stalks went on one half, and the green olives on the other. It would have been strange to have a holiday without it. It wasn't an expensive can find them at flea markets. That dish is in my China cabinet, and it makes me smile (and tear up a bit at the same time) whenever I walk past it and remember...

Parent In Lancaster County said...

I think we all know the answer to your question. There was no food on the Thanksgiving table because KK didn't have the children on


Doesn't she always serve from the stove? Nothing is ever family style. She doles out the portions. That's probably why there weren't any plates on the table. Why would Thanksgiving be any different?

Anonymous said...

Formerly Duped,
That accident and the madness sounds dreadful!! Why on earth wouldn't that lady just move? I cant people like that, they hold up every else around them- UGH! Just pull over already and let traffic continue to flow, and the police will handle the accident- they are trained in these matters, really, they are :)
I hope your journey to pick up DD is uneventful.

Anonymous said...

So now we have one Anonymous posting to another Anonymous?


See, I did.

Signed, Tweet-le
We are all anonymous.

Dmasy said...

Who Cares if it's Linen -- I don't want to offend you.

Special might just mean different. Picnics are mostly paper and disposable -- something not every day and therefore, special.

If you eat off paper plates every day, then something made of china is different.

A bit of "finery" (which does not have to be expensive) makes adults and children sit a bit straighter at the table. The best manners are on display with the holiday decorations.

Kate understands special when it comes to herself. I am just suggesting that she offers her children some of the same consideration.

carezee said...

Parent in Lancaster County said...
Doesn't she always serve from the stove? Nothing is ever family style. She doles out the portions. That's probably why there weren't any plates on the table. Why would Thanksgiving be any different?

What you say is true. But we have seen her take pictures of their plates on the counter before. Why not this time? Or why not show all the food on the counter before it goes on the plates? Yeah we know. There wasn't any. I don't know why she has such a hard time being the bigger person and admitting that the kids are with their dad. What's the big deal? She originally made reference to having Thanksgiving later in the week. I personally took that to mean that she wouldn't have the kids until the weekend and would celebrate then. It's too bad that we always have to try to figure out Kate speak.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Anonymous said... 35
So now we have one Anonymous posting to another Anonymous?


See, I did.

Signed, Tweet-le
We are all anonymous.

But we are not all obtuse.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

What other Thanksgiving photo could she have recycled? It hasn't snowed over Thanksgiving since she's lived there. The only other time it snowed on a fall holiday was last Halloween (2011). If that were the case, I'd think she would have some kind of Halloween decorations on the table rather than fall leaves and pumpkins.

Anonymous said...

Dmasy said... 36
Who Cares if it's Linen -- I don't want to offend you.

Special might just mean different. Picnics are mostly paper and disposable -- something not every day and therefore, special.

If you eat off paper plates every day, then something made of china is different.

A bit of "finery" (which does not have to be expensive) makes adults and children sit a bit straighter at the table. The best manners are on display with the holiday decorations.

Kate understands special when it comes to herself. I am just suggesting that she offers her children some of the same consideration.
That is a very good point, but can you imagine if you had a Mommy Dearest type mother? Wouldn't you prefer the stress-free/care-free table setting to the nice one, the one where if you spilled a little gravy on the linen place mat who knows what punishment you might incur? That was my line of thinking for "best Thanksgiving ever" OR they weren't at Kate's, they were at their dad's so OF COURSE it was the best Thanksgiving ever- LOL!!!
Well anyway, I was just thinking maybe the kids like it when they dont have to worry about their mom freaking out them and they can relax and enjoy themselves.

IDModo said...

Dwindle! I grew up in Windsor, used to shop in Detroit. My friend and I would take the tunnel bus over. My American family lived in and around Detroit: Livonia, Walled Lake. Northville and on Blaine Avenue in Detroit.
My Grandmother at age 15 was secretary to Mr. Pokk at the Polk Building, one of the few Canadian girls that graduated High School in 1907.

Are we relatives? LOL....

Dwindle said...

I dont care if it is a 'real' pic or not. Clearly she didnt have the kids for the better part of the day and was pretending she did. And the above poster is correct: for her fish in paper dinner with friends, it was linen, china, silver platters. For Thanksgiving for her family, it is paper cups and bare table. Typical Kate. Like I said the other day, if she tweeted a pic of the kids rolling in the food with yesterday's newpaper in their hands, I still wouldnt believe a work she says. She even lies about lying about the lies. And she gets indignant about it all because she feels entitled to lie coz she is soooo much more special than other humans on earth.


But hey! Fun news here! HunnyBunny just called and their service manager gave the 2 mechanics a thank you gift for all their hard work in getting the new shop in the new dealership laid out and set up: A Darden Resturant Gift Card! I went online and found a Red Lobster BOGO coupon, that expires tonight, so we are going out to eat tonight! I might get fish in paper, they have it on their Econo Menu, I kid you not.

Sheri said...

Hi all, hope all the Americans here had a wonderful Thanksgiving with lots of family, friends and food. :D


I have to chime in, in agreement with the other Canadians about the Black Friday flyers in my mailbox this week. I definitely did an eye roll and wondered, "Why on earth?" Oh well, I guess that's what happens when most of our retailers are now owned by American companies.


Oh, and this tweet had me go, huh?

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
Mady just saw my last tweet and said 'omg Kate Gosselin said HI to me!!!' she's such a smart alec, isn't she???? :)

Didn't she say her kids don't have access to social media like Facebook and Twitter. Is she that oblivious to her own lies?

Bearswife said...

I might get fish in paper, they have it on their Econo Menu, I kid you not.

Double SNORT!

How very mediocre... ;)

NJGal51 said...

Re Kate's "yuck pie", I don't think that there's an old family recipe for this. In our house a "yuck pie" is any pie that you make that doesn't come out looking like it should but tastes fine. Your first reaction is "yuck" but when you dig in it's more of a "yum". One year while stationed overseas the OWC had a contest to see who could make the best tasting/worst looking pie and we also had a "try your luck with a yuck" bake sale.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

butterfly said... 21

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 18
hey Pink, I'm an Atkins for Lifer- right now I am working up motivation to either run 5k, or go to gym, one or the other- has to get done!!


Good for you, butterfly!
And you're a runner too?
So am I :o)

Whatever you decide to do today (5k or gym), I hope you have a good one.

Stay well,

Bluebird said...

NJGal, thanks for clearing up the yuck pie dilemma. That's exactly what I thought, the kids probably said 'Yuck' and that's why Kate poohed poohed it away to the tweeter with the old family recipe lie, IF they spent TG with Kate.

She's not on twitter today, so I imagine the children are at Jon's.

Meagler said...

I think Kate sees her kids as kindergartner's still who spill and are messy. Her fancy dining room has linen not only on the table, but the chairs are cloth also. Although I think it would be nicer and special to celebrate the Thanksgiving in the family dining room, err, special guests only, dining room, but it might be more relaxed and kid friendly to go in the kitchen with wooden chairs and paper plates.

More time to spend with the kids after wards.. opps, lost my mind for a moment there..sorry... Kate pretends to spend time with her kids..well I guess they are in the same house...

meagler said...

Mady's photoshopped picture of Shoka:

My question is... why would there be 2 dog beds? The one Shoka is on and the one behind it? How old were Shoka and nala when they were returned to the groomers? Could this picture be from then?

Kate did not say it was a recent pic, just mady's recent creation..even then she didnt say recent. I also think that Shoka was really wearing those glasses. Only the hat is photoshopped.

lukebandit said...

Dear readers,
I owe you all a huge apology! My parents go to Cracker Barrel a lot. They were very crowded yesterday and it was going to be a 30 minute wait. So then they decided to go to Ruby Tuesdays near by. THERE IS WHERE EVERYTHING HAPPENED! It was Ruby Tuesdays, not Cracker Barrel. I just don't like Cracker Barrel, except their breakfast. It is really good. My parents could of bought a 50 dollar RT card and got a free 15 dollar card. I was suppose to eat off the salad bar for free, I think because of the entree. The paragraph after what I posted here is what happened on TGving Day is what I actually sent TO CRACKER BARREL. So now I have to send them an apology and then email RT and let them know what happened. Guys, I am so sorry.

About Shoka. Do you think that the plastic Easter eggs did him in? Why would kate say she is cooking a carcass of the turkey and mix in Cara? If Shoka is no longer with us, and she's saying this, she needs to be taken away with the 2 men in white jackets and taken to the nearest mental institute. Free vacation for kate, no kids in her face. Doctors, possible dates for kate. Meds that she desperately needs.

Oh, another thing kate can't do:

Get Steve to put a ring on it.
Fix her stupidity.
Go through an airport BY HERSELF.
Stop belitting and pimping out her kids.
Swap Moms with Roma Downy or even Jody her SIL!

readerlady said...

I decided to be brave and go shopping this morning at our local Meijers store (Meijers is a big box store in the midwest, similar to but a bit more upscale than, Wal-Mart). They had a sweater I've been keeping my eye on for half price and Barbie stuff for one of my Angel Tree kids on sale. Very little traffic, the store wasn't busy at all and most of the shoppers there seemed to be buying groceries. I asked the cashier when I checked out, and she said they'd been a bit busier earlier in the morning (I got there around 10:30 AM) but not much more than most Friday mornings. I drove past Wal-Mart and they didn't seem to be all that busy either (no picketers, either).

Pugs are great. One of my neighbors has a little Pug who slips his collar every once in a while and comes to visit my cat. They get along great. I've offered to Pug-sit any time they want me to, but he usually goes along with, whenever they're gone for more than a couple of hours. I foresee a Pug in Admin's future, LOL.

Lukebandit -- I'd bring you a home-made cheeseburger if you weren't a couple of thousand miles away from me. I'm sorry you weren't able to enjoy yours as much as you'd anticipated. Your folks sound great. I, too, can just see your little boy, face intent, concentrating on getting that second pie to the table without mishap. He'll always remember that incident and his GMa's love and nurturing.

When Katrina happened, it wasn't just Mexico and Canada who provided assistance, although they were both there quickly and willingly (and THANKS to both countries). Nations from all around the world provided or offered equipment, personnel and cash. After the last big quake hit in San Francisco, Japan sent many experienced workers and equipment to help in clearing rubble/rescuing trapped people. Countries may have a lot of differences, but when life is on the line, most will step up and help. Shame that spirit of caring and cooperation can't be carried over into every day life.

Hope everyone had a wonderful day yesterday and didn't overdo the turkey . . . or the rumpspringa.

Dwindle said...

Remona Blue said... 31
carezee said... 29
''.......More importantly though is the question of why you would take a picture of a Thanksgiving table without food on it?''
I think we all know the answer to your question. There was no food on the Thanksgiving table because KK didn't have the children on Thanksgiving!! Considering the 'pride' KK has when she takes photos of plates of slop she does cook, there is no way on God's green earth she would not photograph a Thanksgiving meal she actually cooked!!

Now that I'm thinking about it, if KK had the children, she would have a Thanksgiving meal that Katherine cooked. No photo = no children!!


Exactly. And she is #muchtoobusyandexhausted to be bothered. It's likely she even set the table this much so she could light the candles so the kid would ooh and ahh when they got home from their dads. Maybe she served them up some Katherine pie before bed.

At Easter she tweeted pics of herself with these beautiful looking pie shells. NOW, 7 months later, she suddenly cant recall how to make them and is tweeting that she doesnt know how to make pie crusts, hers always look horrible but the kids say they taste ok anyway. How does one forget they made professional pie crusts just 7 months ago, and even THANKED tweeters for compliments? All together now, kids: KATHERINE!

Formerly Duped said...

I thought the roadkill Shoka ate may have killed him as Kate did not seem to have sought a vet's help for a while. Who knows.Poor dog. I think she made up the chicken 'caracas' story to try to prove Shoka is ok & well-treated- why have an entire chicken when turkey likely would be consumed within a day or two of that tweet?

readerlady: I envy you your shopping trip. The mall we have is one that people in three states drive to as well as from the city- very large and many major dept stores- there is a 'normal' end and a 'ritzy' valet parking end and condos too.Traffic horrific any weekend.

carolina peach said...

Parent In Lancaster County said... 39
What other Thanksgiving photo could she have recycled? It hasn't snowed over Thanksgiving since she's lived there. The only other time it snowed on a fall holiday was last Halloween (2011). If that were the case, I'd think she would have some kind of Halloween decorations on the table rather than fall leaves and pumpkins.

I may be mistaken, but looks like the silouette of a black cat head on the right side of the runner. Timeline for last Halloween is right since it snowed last Oct. I use the same seasonal decorations every year and she may, too since see them on the 'map picture' taken a few days ago.

Butterfly, good point. They would rather have paper, than deal with her temper if they spilled something. Oh and to think of the mudpies, playing in the woods, the creek, the pond. How dirty we must have been and never were we afraid to go home because some dirt or mud or sweat or skinned knees.

Meagler said...

..oops, I meant returned to the breeders, not the groomers... ha ha

AuntieAnn said...

He could be in a dead sleep snoring away like he's hibernating but if I get up to get a cookie for 30 seconds he awakes instantly and follows me with this look like so what you up to what we doing now, what-we cooking up there, girlfriend? And why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near????

Hey, he is the Milo version of a dog!

Coincidentally, the dog in the movie "Milo and Otis" is a pug.

Dwindle said...

THEN -Easter:


Kate Gosselin
If there's 1 thing in life, I CAN'T do,it's making pie crust..oh I can do it, but my kids tell ppl 'it looks bad but it tastes really good!'
5:10pm Wed Nov 21


I cant find the tweets from April 7, 2012 where she took credit for those pie shells. Anyone?

readerlady said...

Teach me to post before I read everything, LOL. Dwindle, no pie, but I did have pumpkin bread (with a bit of whipped cream, YUM) for breakfast. Tasted very good with my calorie free, nearly taste free hot chocolate.

lukebandit said...

Here is the apology I just emailed to Cracker Barrel. What do ya'll think?

Dear Cracker Barrel,
I owe you a huge apology!!! The complaint that I sent in last night about Thanksgiving yesterday food was NOT CRACKER BARREL!!! My parents actually went to the Cracker Barrel, but didn't want to wait 30 minutes for a table because they are in their early 70's. So they decided to unbenounced to me that they went to RUBY TUESDAYS, near by. So Cracker Barrel had NOTHING TO DO with my complaint. Please forgive me. I didn't realize that they had went to RT's till later on. My parents LOVE Cracker Barrel and my dad goes several times a week, because my parents are divorced and he doesn't have anyone to cook for him. His favorites are the beef stew and the fried apples. Again, I am truly sorry for the confusion that I caused. It was completely unintentional. Thank you, ____________

Dwindle said...

Bearswife said... 44
I might get fish in paper, they have it on their Econo Menu, I kid you not.

Double SNORT!

How very mediocre... ;)


Who you callin' mediocre, woman? Dontchaknow I will pump my leg during dinner? And jest fer you, I will say Ummmm alot!

(Bearswife,you know I am kidding, right?)

Silimom said...

LukeBandit -
Great apology letter. :-)

I wanted to tell you that I am so impressed that your parents still have dinner together into their 70's despite being divorced. They sound like good people and I can think of two PA residents who could learn a lesson from their example.

Feel better and I'm sending positive cheeseburger thoughts your way. :-)

carezee said...

Admin I am sorry if I was out of line with my response to that poster. It will not happen again.

Formerly Duped said...

re: black cat decoration. Remember Kate said in CC why decorate for Halloween- just a fall theme is a money saver? Looks like this is the kitchen fall theme.We saw the dining rm one when she had the fish on paper guests and last year. Nothing wrong with using the same decorations each year..but why not let the 'littles' and 'big girls' experience the lovely dining room they 'needed' in 'their' house? You can't 'make memories' on the kitchen table out of paper cups when that is standard at their house. ~ Administrator said...

No pumpkin pie for breakfast here but I did go to a great breakfast place called Coogies with some girlfriends. While we were waiting in line an adorable little blond cherub about 14 months old crashed into my legs. Her mom came running over, scooping her up, telling me oh so sorry about that! Me: No big deal! She gave her a big kiss and put her in her stroller and left. I felt like I had seen this woman's face before but couldn't place it.

I realized about 30 seconds later, oh hey that was Pink! Ha-ha!

No nannies, no bodyguard, no paps, no purseboy. Just her and another girlfriend with their kids and a nice breakfast out. This woman is a million times more famous than Kate but manages to have a normal life and give her kid the same.

Dwindle said...

IDModo said... 41
Dwindle! I grew up in Windsor, used to shop in Detroit. My friend and I would take the tunnel bus over. My American family lived in and around Detroit: Livonia, Walled Lake. Northville and on Blaine Avenue in Detroit.
My Grandmother at age 15 was secretary to Mr. Pokk at the Polk Building, one of the few Canadian girls that graduated High School in 1907.

Are we relatives? LOL....


I was beginning to think we were twins seperated at birth somewhere in the tunnel, but then you failed to mention JL Hudson's, so now I know we are just good huggin' cousins! (I was going to say kissin' cousins, but I didnt want you to think I had gone Milo on ya!)

Silimom said...

LukeBandit -
Great apology letter. :-)

I wanted to tell you that I am so impressed that your parents still have dinner together into their 70's despite being divorced. They sound like good people and I can think of two PA residents who could learn a lesson from their example.

Feel better and I'm sending positive cheeseburger thoughts your way. :-)

Unknown said... (Administrator) said... 64
''.......This woman is a million times more famous than Kate but manages to have a normal life and give her kid the same.''
Not only does Pink have a normal life and give her child the same, but JON manages to have a normal life with the very same children that KK has!! ~ Administrator said...

Chiming in I am also a border baby! Spent quite a bit of time in Canada and some family lives up there. My dad's cousin married a Canadian.

My best friend's grandmother was born in the same town as the Dionnes.

There is a great movie about smuggling between the New York-Canadian border but the name escapes me now.

She's come undone said...

I did indulge in a delicious slice of lemon pie, I'm so, so bad. Kate is such a twisted liar at this point. Calling it yuck pie that is a family recipe when everyone on the planet knows what she thinks of family.

Dmasy said...

lukebandit, that was a lovely apology letter. I am glad to hear the burnt cheeseburger didn't come from Cracker Barrel. I hope you still have some crispy onion rings in your future.

Formerly Duped said...

Admin: lol, I thought you meant OUR own Pink for a minute!

readerlady said...

Admin 68 -- "Frozen River"? The one Melissa Leo was nominated for an Oscar for?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

"(I was going to say kissin' cousins, but I didnt want you to think I had gone Milo on ya!)"


I would think that having anyone go Milo on us would be a fate worth than death! :) I'd rather have Gladys Kravitz hovering over me than Milo breathing down my neck, singing "Close To You". ~ Administrator said...

Readerlady yes that's it thanks!

Great film, recommend it. I think it's on streaming Netflix. ~ Administrator said...

I think it's good for kids to see the table set for a nice occasion once in awhile. It sets the tone for the day, let's us know this is not just another day, this is special. Just like you put out birthday plates and hats and balloons for a birthday. It sets the tone. I don't think that's being materialistic. I think that is creating visual cues for kids that help them learn. There is something to be said for keeping a nice home. Not perfect, not over the top, just nice. Even the Dust Bowl mothers tried to keep nice homes. We heard lots of stories of cleaning out the curtains, sweeping, and sewing pretty outfits for their kids.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Party City makes holiday themed paper plates and cups, even for Thanksgiving- just saying, Kate!!

meagler said...

That picture of Shoka "might" be from about the same time as this picture. Shoka is wearing an orange collar that sticks out in the same place in both pictures.

How do you tell the time stamp on a photo? I cant figure out if this pic is from before they went to the breeders or around the day kate brought Shoka back.

All pictures that kate posts after his return, he is always wearing a bandana...

I found it interesting when I went back to the TLC site of Kate Plus 8, that video about Shoka says " Shoka VISITS!"

Also, those fall pictures of kate on ehr website are from the time period of when they were at that Pumpkin patch, as the boys are wearing the same vests. This was all in the Ghosts, Goblins episode, which was filmed in 2010. I am certain kate put those pics up last fall, 2011. Maybe the boys dont grow very fast...

its all so interesting...

Meagler said...

oops, forgot to post the link

readerlady said...

Setting a nice table for special occasions isn't about "material things". It's about teaching children proper etiquette and an appreciation for things. If they only know paper plates/cups/slop/eating with elbows on table and using utensils to shovel in food, how are they going to present themselves if invited to have a meal at a friend's house, or have an overnight with dinner or breakfast with a classmate? What about when they get to college? I know that most of the time college meals are refectory table/trays/etc., but there are occasional formal/semi-formal dining experiences. Setting a nice table is also about memories. I was only 6 when my maternal GMa died, but I still remember a few Thanksgiving/Christmas dinners that she prepared. Some of the details are hazy now, nearly 60 years later, but the "good" china, the silverware, real napkins, the decorations --that I remember. I also remember how proud my cousin, who is exactly 2 months older than I, and I felt when we were deemed old enough and responsible enough to set the china as well as the silver and napkins that we'd been allowed to do before. That was the last holiday dinner my GMa made. She would be dead 6 months later. The G8 miss out on so much, from extended family to being treated like living, breathing, HUMAN children instead of a pack of wild animals.

Anonymous said...

Table settings are nice, but I can attest that I have never been in a situation that I needed to know which fork to use first- sad, I know. That's just life for many of us blue collar folks :( ~ Administrator said...

If anything a nice home teaches kids even if we don't have money we can still look our best and present ourselves with clean hands and faces, heads held high and a nice table on a special day. A nice table need not cost very much.

Anonymous said...

I would like to add that I did teach myself table settings- from a Miss Manners book from the Library cuz I am nerdy like that.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I may be mistaken, but looks like the silouette of a black cat head on the right side of the runner. Timeline for last Halloween is right since it snowed last Oct. I use the same seasonal decorations every year and she may, too since see them on the 'map picture' taken a few days ago.


I see that. I thought it was a water pitcher, but now that you mention it. But who makes a special Halloween dinner with candles? However, they were out of power last year when it snowed over Halloween, so it's quite possible that it was taken then, and thus, the candles. Wouldn't you look at the photo before you tweeted it as this year's Thanksgiving picture and see that there is snow outside? Furthermore, why even post a photo like that which is, essentially, nothing more than some paper cups and candles on a table?

Paula said...

Are any of you old enough to remember when the large boxes of laundry detergent held dishes? My grandparents were very poor and could not afford nice place settings, but the ones that came with the laundry determine were not all that terrible. My grandmother only used those at special times. You don't have to have money or spend a lot of money to have a nice atmosphere for a special holiday. ~ Administrator said...

A nice home doesn't mean you are afraid to mess it up. No one cares in our family if you spill the gravy. That can be wiped up, table clothes can be laundered.

That's two different things. We had a nice home but I was never once yelled at for spilling or messing things up. I also learned accidents happened and can be fixed and that spills aren't a big deal.

People can yell at kids for creating messes in dirty homes too.

Formerly Duped said...

readerlady said... 79

I agree with you and that is what I would have replied to "Linen" if she was worth the effort to reply to!I guess rudeness is ok by her, as well. I guess Kate never learned to set a table- her silverware is placed incorrectly and so was that wine glass in the fish dinner scene . I recall no knife was given to the kids (M and C were old enough as earlier they were slicing vegetables up) and they used their fingers on the chicken cacciatore -Farm to Table, I think.Kate is just not making an effort as it's either 'just' the kids or no kids.


butterfly: I think what people mean is you can make special efforts for holidays with whatever you have- we know Kate can do better than her usual paper cups as she has before. Manners and etiquette are for everyone, not just rich folks. ~ Administrator said...

Some of the rudest people I know are rich.

AuntieAnn said...

From the way Kate bellyached about what would happen if sugar got spilled on the floor when they were making cookies, I imagine those kids are scared to eat around her for fear they might knock something over. Not good for digestion at all. She may have a clean house but her parenting is a real mess.

Anonymous said...

We didnt change the table setting in my house for the holidays, yet I still have memories of those being special days. I dont think the table setting makes that much of a difference. I think this is getting blown out of proportion, but that's only my opinion. Family traditions are just that- family traditions- each family makes their own- they aren't cookie cutter to the masses- that would be boring. I didnt grow up w/special dishes, a change of table settings, inviting family over, eating a formal dining table, even eating all together- but I still have good memories of my family at Thanksgiving the way we had it- our usual dishes, our usual table, the kids eating together, as usual or all of us in the living room (cuz thats how we eat), and eating at noon, cuz we always ate at noon. No additional family cuz we were extended family living together. And that's our Thanksgiving, and we liked it. And we were happy. Nothing fancy, ever. Not once- my mom is not the type for fancy. She snubs her nose at fancy, actually- she revels in her blue-collarness (much to my distaste- oh well), but that is the way was. I can understand if Kate wants to use paper plates, cuz her help probably has the day off and we know she isnt going to do any cleaning!! So who cares? So the kids get one holiday picnic style. If that is their family tradition, then that is all that matters, that it is their tradition. Now if it changes every year, and there is no consistency, well, then those poor kids will have some very inconsistent memories of holidays. But if every year they can say "oh we always ate off paper plates- it was so much fun!!" then that is lovely for them. I just hope they are making life long memories, and traditions to pass down of holidays.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Paula said... 84
Are any of you old enough to remember when the large boxes of laundry detergent held dishes? My grandparents were very poor and could not afford nice place settings, but the ones that came with the laundry determine were not all that terrible. My grandmother only used those at special times. You don't have to have money or spend a lot of money to have a nice atmosphere for a special holiday.

That was before my time. It's very collectible now. It's called Depression Glass

AuntieAnn said...

Forget Thanksgiving decorations, now she's decking the halls for Christmas.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8

Sneak peak of 2days agenda..Decorating for Christmas! Cara and Mady were home to help! It was actually fun! Done now! ~ Administrator said...

Butterfly if Kate never put out the nice thing for anyone including herself that would be one thing. No you do not need that to have a good life. The problem is the kids certainly see and are aware of all the finer things that KATE gets but that they never get. That has to be extremely confusing.

You don't have to set a fine table. But don't you dare just set a fine table for yourself and never for you kids. That's Kate to a T.

readerlady said...

Formerly, I agree. Manners and etiquette are for everyone. My maternal GMa was raised Mennonite (she was unchurched for marrying out of session) and my maternal GPa was raised in the backwoods of Ky and could barely read or write. My mother grew up dirt poor, but she was a stickler for cleanliness, manners, setting an appropriate table. We nearly always had cloth table cloths (AND placemats, LOL), full silverware settings (not a formal setting, but knife, fork, spoon) even if we were just having burgers and fries, proper placement of drinking glasses. She learned all this from her parents. She always made me move my drinking glass back, because I'm left-handed and I'd move mine to the other side of my plate to make it easier to reach. I don't ever remember being scolded for making a mess, except when it was because I was horsing around and had been told not to do something and still did it. We've seen on the shows that KK has terrible table manners and the kids did, too. I know they were little when I was watching the show, but it's never too young to teach kids to use appropriate utensils and hold a cup properly, etc.

Formerly Duped said...

butterfly: I'm glad you have good memories and you're right- it's just that Kate is so pretentious and DOES have a lovely dining table decorated for fall. She said the kids ooh-ed and ah-ed over it so, yes, I think they would be disappointed if they did not get to eat dinner there.( but I really think they were not there for TG- Kate can't have all the holiday custody)

Speaking of manners, you know what's bothering me today? I posted before about my trip to drop off my DD at the mall. The police were very rude to the drivers all round. These were regular cops, not only the mall cops. Why treat people with disrespect- those who ARE following the traffic laws.I have utmost respect for police officers and these were just a few, but really, I don't appreciate being shouted at and
treated like a herd of well, sheep!

Ugh, I have to go back later to collect my daughter- wonder what stories she will have of disgruntled customers! ~ Administrator said...

This was the agenda for today..Cara and Mady were home to help! It was actually fun!


It was "actually" fun? Like it's normally not fun?? It's not normally fun to decorate for a great holiday with the children you love? That is one of my favorite memories as a kid. She really is disconnected. Something is wrong with her.

Formerly Duped said...

No!! No Xmas decorating before 1st Dec in my book!

AuntieAnn said...

Yeah, did they have to talk her into it or what? Tell her to cheer up? Soothe mommie dearest?

Guess the other kids lost out on the actual fun since they were AT THEIR DAD'S house having their own fun with the pups. ~ Administrator said...

That was before my time. It's very collectible now. It's called Depression Glass


Wow I love those!

AuntieAnn said...

I remember mom buying detergent that had striped towels in it. ~ Administrator said...

We are all anonymous.


Let me get it through your head. Yes we are all anonymous. However, it is much easier to follow the conversation if you pick a name and stick to a name. This is the ONLY reason for this rule. Please respect it and stop going on and on about how we are all anonymous because that is not what this rule is about. Respect the rules here or leave. There are only four. ~ Administrator said...

Maybe the child thought it was the best Thanksgiving ever


Or, maybe they thought that because they were with Jon and still are.

PatK said...

She probably did it while the little kids were with Jon so they could squeal with delight when they get home and thank her x6.

Paula said...

My other grandmother had a few depression glass items. I'm not sure what happened to those. But, this is what I was referring to - Golden Wheat dishes from Luz detergent.

Blowing In The Wind said...

"We've seen on the shows that KK has terrible table manners and the kids did, too. I know they were little when I was watching the show, but it's never too young to teach kids to use appropriate utensils and hold a cup properly, etc."


This has always surprised me. She must have had dinners with other celebrities along the way, formal events and meals at upscale restaurants. Yet she still eats with her arms on the table, shoveling the food into her mouth, and chewing like a cow. If the kids set that table in her photo, wouldn't they know by now which side of the plate you place the utensils? If not, why wouldn't she correct them? They are most certainly not too young to know these things. She wants to be "all this and more" and yet when it comes to manners and etiquette, she fails miserably. ~ Administrator said...

My other grandmother had a few depression glass items. I'm not sure what happened to those. But, this is what I was referring to - Golden Wheat dishes from Luz detergent.


Those are awesome too. I love vintage.

Bearswife said...

Meagler, I wondered about the dog beds too. Something doesn't add up.

PatK said...

I also wanted to say it's nice to see Kate is putting to good use those strings of white lights she grifted from Jason last year!

Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said...

lukebandit, that was a lovely apology letter. I am glad to hear the burnt cheeseburger didn't come from Cracker Barrel. I hope you still have some crispy onion rings in your future.


The best onion rings ever were served at the old Howard Johnsons. I've never found any that even come close. Red Robin has an onion ring stacker, though, that is pretty darn good.

Now I'm hungry for a California burger, onion rings and a chocolate shake!

IDModo said...

Dwindle- We used to shop at Hudson's. We would wear our oldest clothes over the river, and buy new ones from the ground up, and change into them before we went home to avoid paying duty. Everybody did this, or at least it seemed like everybody.

My friend managed to get so many clothes on under her coat one time that the Customs guy helped her on the tunnel bus, thinking she was pregnant. we were teens; I was 14, she was 16.

I knew it was wrong at the time, but it was certainly a Windsor tradition.

Do you remember Mickey Shore, the DJ that had the R&Bshow on I think it was WXYZ? Maybe not, I think I'm older than you.

Hugs back, Cuz!

OrangeCusher1 said...

If her 2 day decorating agenda ( why is everything in her life a to- do list?) is now done, looks like she spent Thanksgiving day alone stringing lights. Oh and tweeting nonsense about cooking and and baking. And if C&M 'were home' to help, guess this means they are not always at home these days.

I dislike Black Friday and I dislike holiday decorating before the turkey holiday has a chance to gracefully end. And this year, with Thanksgiving at its earliest, the Santa decorations already out on lawns is particularly annoying. Just an old curmudgeon I guess.

AuntieAnn said...

OrangeCusher1 said... 108

I dislike Black Friday and I dislike holiday decorating before the turkey holiday has a chance to gracefully end. And this year, with Thanksgiving at its earliest, the Santa decorations already out on lawns is particularly annoying. Just an old curmudgeon I guess.

Some people in our neighborhood took down their inflatable Halloween decorations and put out their inflatable Christmas decorations the same day. I hope they don't leave them out there till Valentine's Day. ~ Administrator said...

Admin, I cracked up when you posted that line "Why do birds suddenly appear, everytime you are near?"

The G kids ask "Why does your twitter phone suddenly appear, everytime we are near?" to their mom.


Funny but sad too.

Anonymous said...

yep, it was the best Thanksgiving ever cuz they were their Dad!! LOL

AuntieAnn said...

Bet Milo's tail is waggin' like crazy right about now.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack

@Kateplusmy8 U & ur "big girls" R an amazin team! I sense that they wrk/play so well2gether & have become ur #ASSISTANTS N so many ways! :)

Anonymous said...

Another tradition in my family- xmas decorations go up the day after Turkey day and come down Jan 2nd. Period. I am a little more flexible- they go up when and if I feel like it, and come down when I get around to it :) Such is the life of a butterfly, flittering here and there, hither and yonder.

I hope Kate's tree has lights on the upper and lower half this year.

Deck The Halls said...

@Kateplusmy8 im mommy of 10yr old, 3yr old twins and 18 mnth old. So overwhelmed at times and feel like bad mommy. Any words of advice??

Best words of advice: read Kate's journals and DO NOT do what she did when you're stressed out.

Formerly Duped said...

Kate sure cleared away the TG decor fast!

I totally agree it's too early to have Xmas decorations up. I see some lights from my window here. It was still fall-like today!

Anyhow, Kate's bannister is probably all she 'masterminded' today. What would she do tomorrow if she had the whole place already lit up? What would she tweet about? No longer CC to do....another Mom swap episode, maybe with Octomom? Or is it time to bake her two million cookies and 'breads' for teacher and sanitation workers' gifts?

Moose Mania said...

Bet Milo's tail is waggin' like crazy right about now.


It's time to get Milo neutered. It's way overdue. Those raging hormones are out of control.

Bearswife said...

Paula said... 84

Are any of you old enough to remember when the large boxes of laundry detergent held dishes? My grandparents were very poor and could not afford nice place settings, but the ones that came with the laundry determine were not all that terrible. My grandmother only used those at special times. You don't have to have money or spend a lot of money to have a nice atmosphere for a special holiday.
My grandma's "good" dishes she got at the movies, every week they offered a different piece (bowl, plate, etc.). I inherited those dishes when she passed and they are my everyday dishes. Some are chipped and some pieces are missing, but I love seeing them and remembering her!

You know what bothers me most about the photo she just tweeted? The words over the door: Live, Laugh, Love.
Three things that aren't welcomed in her house.

Twittering And Twattering said...

It's time to get Milo neutered. It's way overdue. Those raging hormones are out of control.


What's really surprising is how many of the old guard sheeple have been outed by the non-fans, with names, addresses, phone numbers, places of employment, pictures of houses, marriage stats, family trees, etc. Yet nobody seems to really know who or what Milo is.

"Anyhow, Kate's bannister is probably all she 'masterminded' today."


That railing would look gorgeous done in swags, with large clusters of ribbons, fruits, some bling, ornaments. I wonder if she thought about doing it that way.

chefsummer #Leh said...

@Kateplusmy8 im mommy of 10yr old, 3yr old twins and 18 mnth old. So overwhelmed at times and feel like bad mommy. Any words of advice??

1. Get you husband to do everything while you bark orders.
2. Get a nanny.

You know do it the Kate way.

Formerly Duped said...

Twittering And Twattering said... 118

I agree...but I doubt Kate knows what a swag is...other than a swag bag! She is not a good decorator as we have seen, many times.

AuntieAnn said...

Moose Mania said... 116

Bet Milo's tail is waggin' like crazy right about now.


It's time to get Milo neutered. It's way overdue. Those raging hormones are out of control.

hehe! Poor Milo, poor mysterious Milo.

Twittering & Twattering is right, why hasn't she/he been outed by the supersleuths?

Formerly Duped said... 120

Twittering And Twattering said... 118

I agree...but I doubt Kate knows what a swag is...other than a swag bag! She is not a good decorator as we have seen, many times.

She should have also taken that pic more from the side instead of head on so all you can see is a string of lights going straight up the staircase.
Sigh. The woman needs so much help in so many ways. ~ Administrator said...

If that were the case, I'd think she would have some kind of Halloween decorations on the table rather than fall leaves and pumpkins.


She said in her own blog post you can save money by combining Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations into one with just general fall decorations.

Of course coupon cabin took down the posts so I can't show you! :) Haha.

Buttercup said...

Anyone else see the pattern of the twins not going to Jon's with the tups? I know there was someone posting here who had insinuated that they don't like Liz which is why they don't go over there. The whole thing stinks of parental alienation. Kate makes a point of saying that only Mady and Cara are with her.

IDModo said...

When I got diagnosed with cancer I put Live, Laugh, Love on my bedroom wall. They were meaningful to me at the time and still are.

Knowing Kate has them on her wall too, almost makes me want to take them down. I hope they are meaningful words to her children, as they are the opposite of how she lives her life.I hate the idea that she and I have ANYTHING in common!

carolina peach said...

Paula said... 82
Are any of you old enough to remember when the large boxes of laundry detergent held dishes? My grandparents were very poor and could not afford nice place settings, but the ones that came with the laundry determine were not all that terrible. My grandmother only used those at special times. You don't have to have money or spend a lot of money to have a nice atmosphere for a special holiday.

Yes! 'Golden Wheat' was the pattern in the Duz detergent boxes.
My first 'good' china came free from the bank. Several of us at work were lucky that our employer let us each get a set of 4 place settings beause of the company account. That was so nice of them to do that for us. They came in boxes shaped like pyramids. Thanks for the memories!

NJGal51 said...

I have to disagree with those of you that say it's too early to have Christman decorations up. In our family Santa's arrival at the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade marks the start of the Christmas season. I spent today getting out my decorations and am putting them all up. We also leave everything up through the Epiphany.

I guess that's two strikes against me now. I served buffet style for Thanksgiving so no china, table linens or cloth napkins used and I'm decorating for Christmas now.

Blowing In The Wind said...

I guess that's two strikes against me now. I served buffet style for Thanksgiving so no china, table linens or cloth napkins used and I'm decorating for Christmas now.


At the risk of sounding like a total idiot, even if you serve buffet style, why can't you set the table with linens and cloth napkins and use China? Guests will have to sit at the table, don't they, and they still need plates!

Still suffering from rumspringa overload here...

Blowing In The Wind said...

Yes! 'Golden Wheat' was the pattern in the Duz detergent boxes.
My first 'good' china came free from the bank. Several of us at work were lucky that our employer let us each get a set of 4 place settings beause of the company account. That was so nice of them to do that for us. They came in boxes shaped like pyramids. Thanks for the memories!


My mother said that they got their dishes at the Acme stores, a different serving piece offered each week. If they weren't giving out plates, it would be encyclopedias. You had to go every week to get the complete set.

Buttercup said...

NJGal it was the same in my house growing up in Long Island NY. We would often put up the Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving. This year the only reason we aren't putting them up is that we are so busy with family events we will have to put them up next weekend. ~ Administrator said...

Another thing that it could be that is very unhealthy, is the twins, being older, feel they need to comfort and appease Kate by staying behind with her and not leaving her alone and abandoned while they all go off together.

If what I suspect could be happening is, it's quite a lot to put on a 12 year olds shoulders.

Or it could just be that they're trying to give the girls significant breaks from the Tups, which would be good I think.

Bearswife said...

Paula, your dishes are similar to mine.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you and I are in the same club again, girlfriend- we might as well just set up a password and build our tree house as often as we keep ending up in this club together :)
My xmas decorations are up, except for the lights which are a tangled a mess and the tree, cuz we are debating if we are doing the large tree or just going for the small one this year (we have two- one for upstairs and one for downstairs- but I am feeling lazy this year), so those will be for later this weekend. And of course T-day dinner was buffet style, but I did serve it out of the nice serving dishes and not the pots and pans- does that count?

IDModo said...

Gram had a whole set of Fiesta Ware which I think came in detergent, or was given away at movies. It was later found that they had too much lead in the glaze to be safe for everyday use, but we used them daily.

They are now hugely collectible because of their beautiful bright colours and simple design.

We also had tea towels that came in detergent boxes. Does anyone else remember the beautiful little china animals that came in Red Rose Tea?

AuntieAnn said...

IDModo said... 133

We also had tea towels that came in detergent boxes. Does anyone else remember the beautiful little china animals that came in Red Rose Tea?

I do IDModo, and they're a collector's item now, too.

Formerly Duped said...

NJGal51 said... 126

Butterfly re: pots and pans!

Whatever your tradition is, I hope you enjoy the season leading up to Xmas...just so fall-like here plus...well, I haven't done much shopping or my cards or...I feel stressed! I do love Christmas though!<3 I'm sure I'll be less testy after the hoopla of Black

Bearswife said...

Auntie Ann and IDModo,
I have a few of those figurines! My gram gave them to me! And you used Mike's General Store as a reference, he is right in my neighbourhood.

NJGal51 said...

Butterfly - we must keep meeting up because we're both a part of the Intel community.

Formerly Duped - unfortunately I'm now in the Southwest (San Francisco before this) and we haven't had "real" Christmas weather in a very long time. However, when I see some of the snow pictures that my brothers and sisters post I'm glad to be where I can go out in just a sweater! ~ Administrator said...

I did a photo shoot with the pug. He felt glamorous.

If you want to see I uploaded the pics. He's too cute not to exploit:

Layla said...

Last year Kate made such a big deal about how she spent days making her sides, but this year al she even mentioned is her dessert plate. Why list each thing on her dessert plate, but nothing at all about the dinner itself? Since the younger kids are at Jon's I think maybe he had all the kids for dinner, and perhaps dropped off the twins afterward, and Kate had dessert with them. And the pumpkin roll she mentioned is a Amish specialty in the area. No way did she make it herself. All the Amish markets have them in abundance this time of year.
Kate is pulling out all the stops to get attention now that the "haters" are boycotting her Twitter. Her tweets per hour are in the single digits, and she is suddenly talking about Shoka and posting lots of pictures. An obvious ploy to lure the "haters" back and increase her numbers. There are also no news stories. There's normally some lame story out there about her, but now there's nothing. Coupon Cabin isn't sending her out to appear on talk shows, they're not publishing anything she wrote, she skipped out on the last Rock and Roll Marathon run, and there's no Kate news for anyone to read. Is this really the end for her? It would be ironic if Coupon Cabin firing her, after she was so dismissive of them, is the final nail in her coffin. What would it take for her to get some attention now? She's a non-story. I can't imagine what she could do now to put herself back "out there".

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

AuntieAnn said... 112
Bet Milo's tail is waggin' like crazy right about now.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack

@Kateplusmy8 U & ur "big girls" R an amazin team! I sense that they wrk/play so well2gether & have become ur #ASSISTANTS N so many ways! :)


This has gone past being supportive.
That cornflake is slimey & intrusive.

Mel said...

I thought Shoka was fairly dark colored fur..that photo the dog looked really light. Anyone remember what Nala looked like?

AuntieAnn said...

Bearswife said.1.. 136

Auntie Ann and IDModo,
I have a few of those figurines! My gram gave them to me! And you used Mike's General Store as a reference, he is right in my neighbourhood.

That is so cool!


Be very happy you can't hear my singing voice :0)


Awww Admin - that little guy is absolutely adorable. And he looks so worried, lol!

AuntieAnn said...

And nice photography too! ~ Administrator said...

And he looks so worried, lol!


Probably because he always has so many questions he wants answered: What you up to? Where ya going? What we cooking for dinner tonight? Now what ya doing?

Jumping In said...


You are bring back such memories. I used to live near the U.S. border in Ontario. My mother was a first-rate smuggler, we too would come back layered in clothing, praying we wouldn't get pulled over coming back in to Canada. I still have a fear of border crossings even though I never bring ANYTHING back without declaring it!

Speaking of manners, my parents were big believers in table manners, we sat at the dining room table every night. On Sundays, the better tablecloth was brought out. If we misbehaved at dinner, my father would dismiss the offender to the small kitchen table to finish eating apart and think about the civility that was expected. To be banished to the kitchen was the worst thing, so we stuck to the manners we were expected to show, regardless of the night of the week. My father was a proper English gentleman, my mother was less strict, but back then (50's) it was like living in the Beav's house on "Leave It to Beaver"

By the way, I just had a cup of Red Rose tea, and yes I remember the little china animals that came in the box way back when.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... (Administrator) said... 138
I did a photo shoot with the pug. He felt glamorous.

If you want to see I uploaded the pics. He's too cute not to exploit:


Thank you for sharing your beautiful pug photos.

He's adorable!

Dmasy said...

Admin -- What a worried little face. The cares of the world are upon him. Sweetness with fur.

AuntieAnn said...

Admin - have you resisted the temptation to name him ... um, Milo?

Darn he's cute. It has to be hard to let go even after a few days.

Jumping In - boy does that sound familiar. We ate at the only table we had which was a dinette off the kitchen, said grace before every meal, ate three squares a day, the tv was turned off while we ate and definitely no phone calls. We were also never allowed to be at anyone's home while they ate, even if we were invited to stay. ~ Administrator said...

Auntie Ann we did all that and my mom also wouldn't let me call my friends over the dinner hour, like between 5 and 7 or so. I would say but why we're done eating? She would say so what they might not be done yet You can wait. She considered it rude to phone during dinner.

They tried to make family dinners sacred and I try to do the same.

Pity Party said...

Gag - In other words yes we know the big girls work their butts off for you and take care of you and the little kids, and, hey, we are okay with that because you gave birth to them. They owe it to you!

Over In Kate's County said...

And the pumpkin roll she mentioned is a Amish specialty in the area. No way did she make it herself. All the Amish markets have them in abundance this time of year.


Not only do the country markets have them, but Giant also had pumpkin rolls this year.

AuntieAnn said...

Admin - exactly. Good manners, respect and appreciation for the food on our table was very important to my parents. After watching the Dust Bowl and knowing how scarce food was during those dry years makes those teachings even more meaningful.

Twittering And Twattering said...

@Kateplusmy8 Your daily 24/7 haters seem to think you're going to answer their questions about your children. Now I'm really ROFLOL!

This is hysterically funny considering that Milo, the chief sheeple, is the nosiest, most intrusive one on Twitter who wants to know everything about everyone and what "we" are doing every minute and what "we" are eating, and if everyone is tucked into bed and what Kate has planned second by second, minute by minute!

Kate posts photos of her kids, tells her tweetie friends which kids are at home helping to decorate, but then heaven forbid anyone asks any questions about the children.

Sheeple are nuts, every single one of them.

AuntieAnn said...

Forgot to mention earlier, PBS has some tasty looking recipes for leftover turkey:

Dwindle said...

IDModo said...
Dwindle- We used to shop at Hudson's. We would wear our oldest clothes over the river, and buy new ones from the ground up, and change into them before we went home to avoid paying duty. Everybody did this, or at least it seemed like everybody.

My friend managed to get so many clothes on under her coat one time that the Customs guy helped her on the tunnel bus, thinking she was pregnant. we were teens; I was 14, she was 16.

I knew it was wrong at the time, but it was certainly a Windsor tradition.

Do you remember Mickey Shore, the DJ that had the R&Bshow on I think it was WXYZ? Maybe not, I think I'm older than you.

Hugs back, Cuz!


And Bill Kennedy, the movie show host! What channel was that on? I loved him. His theme song was Just In Time, You Found me, Just In Time...

OK, IDModo, let's sing this next one together... ready? C...K...L...W! I love when people ask me if it was a TV station or a radio station! LOL! And The Friendly Giant! and our own Bozo the clown on Channel 9! And who was the other children's TV show...? Captain something...? My Uncle Frank was on that show for about 30 seconds, Thrill of my life "... And we welcome our good friend, Frank Dwindle."

We used to zip back and forth across the bridge and tunnel like other folks go to Walmart once a week. Canadian pennies had Queen Elizabeth II on them, do they still? I dont know why, but all of a sudden I am having the best memories!

My grandmother worked downtown Hudsons in the fine silver department, which luckily for me was next door to the little girls department. GRIN. And my Uncle Bill worked at Eastland Hudsons in the Men's Fine Suits. My grandfather worked at Stroh's and I was in there several times, winding dark cobblestone paths that went underground, all the red brick, it was dark and wonderful. Even in the 50's it was old!


Jumping In said...

Auntie Annandale IDModo......

OK, now I am tears. My mother died with few possessions, very few.

When I looked at the pictures of the little china animals, I went to my cupboard where I had stashed a little figurine of hers years ago, and sure enough, it is #4 (the beaver) on the Red Rose list. I had no idea she had kept that for so many years. I think that is what touched me, she held on to that little thing through some very tough times. I had it all these years, (she died in 1987), and never knew it came with the Red Rose tea box until today.

I view this blog as a community, and today I learned my mom held on to a tiny little beaver figurine for many years, through many trials. So, with every cup of tea I have I will think of how the littlest things mean the most. Thanks for leading me to the back of my cupboard today!

Jumping In said...

Auntie Ann AND IDModo

Sorry about the twist on your names!

Dwindle said...

butterfly said...
Looks like you and I are in the same club again, girlfriend- we might as well just set up a password and build our tree house as often as we keep ending up in this club together :)


If you two start passing notes during math, i promise to look the other way; no strings attached! 'Cept maybe one of ya could double the spelling on my essay?


readerlady said...

I posted this over on the doggie pix, but I'm going to repeat it here, LOL. Anyone want to take bets on how long it'll be before Admin gets a Pug of her own?

He is a charmer. I just love Pugs. If I ever have another dog, and not just Goddogs, it'll be a Pug, or maybe a Boston Terrier.

LOL on putting up the Christmas decorations. When I was growing up, the Christmas decorations went up on Christmas Eve and came down on New Years Day, unless one or the other of those days fell on a Sunday. If so, then they went up on the day before, or came down on the day after. We had some inside decorations, like the creche and Mom's Christmas candles, that were put out before, but most of the decorating was done on Christmas Eve. I remember helping my Dad put up the Christmas lights around our front door, and the life-size Nativity scene he made for the front yard. When I was really little, the tree didn't go up until after I went to bed, but after I got older, 10 or so, I helped put it up in the afternoon. My favorite thing was hanging the icicles. I always said I wanted to decorate the tree with just lights and icicles, but Mom always overruled me. The first year I was in my own apartment, that's the way I decorated the tree. ~ Administrator said...

I view this blog as a community, and today I learned my mom held on to a tiny little beaver figurine for many years, through many trials. So, with every cup of tea I have I will think of how the littlest things mean the most. Thanks for leading me to the back of my cupboard today!


That's wonderful. That reminds me of the story in the Little House books of the china figurine that Ma carried with them across rivers and through forests and to their many different homesteads, always guarding over them on the mantel.

Material possessions don't matter. Except a few when they do. We're not talking ipads and your blu-ray collection. No, those don't matter.

Dmasy said...

Jumping In, what a sad and lovely story. Thank you for sharing with us. We will sit with you while you remember your mother and miss her.

Mel said...

The person so much like Kate in my life....yesterday had that family over for Thanksgiving dinner. To keep the kids busy during that last 1/2 hour before dinner when I'm crazy in the kitchen, I got out my special pens and all the toy catalogs that have arrived over the past month, and told the kids to circle anything they were interested in for Christmas. They had a lot of fun doing that, and during dinner telling me about what they had circled.

Lots of fun. Can't have that.
After dinner their mom sits down with a black sharpie, makes each kid sit next to her, while she goes through the catalogs and makes a big black X over anything she doesn't approve of (most of it). The little kids didn't get it, but the 8 year old did, as tears quietly streamed down her face. And then she was sent to time out for crying.
Just about broke my heart.

I was just trying to make a nice memory for them. It wasn't like I was going to buy it *all*, or even most of it. It was just to get ideas of what they might like.

How can anyone be so mean? It's not like I can call CPS on her. They're not going to do anything about that kind of stuff. And yet it's downright cruel. It's soooo important to the mom that she negate any fun feelings the kids might have, especially about me.


Jane said...

Looks like another 'Jane' posted on the wonderful doggie thread - I'm the second Jane over there LOL! Hello, to the first Jane. I'll do my best to post with my blogger profile from here on out.

AuntieAnn said...

Jumping In - Aw. How nice to know that tiny ornament was a treasure of your dear mom, and now you have a little mystery solved. Bet she is smiling right now.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Twittering @ 153
@Kateplusmy8 Your daily 24/7 haters seem to think you're going to answer their questions about your children. Now I'm really ROFLOL!

This is hysterically funny considering that Milo, the chief sheeple, is the nosiest, most intrusive one on Twitter who wants to know everything about everyone and what "we" are doing every minute and what "we" are eating, and if everyone is tucked into bed and what Kate has planned second by second, minute by minute!


lol! No sooner does "goody" post that she's laughing about the haters asking questions about Kate's kids, Milo posts this, asking about Alexis!

@Kateplusmy8 Kate..Alexis always seems2b ur lil "cheerleader" giving U the "thumbs up"...Is she blessed w/ur positive attitude/happy spirit?

Anonymous said...

Jane, your dog is beautiful!

Dwindle said...

@ Jumping In... Sending you a gentle hug tonight. It sounds like joy and grief have both raised their heads for you tonight. I hope your memories of your mom's love comforts you now with that little beaver.

Jane said...

Thanks, butterfly!

NJGal51 said...

Blowing @127 said: At the risk of sounding like a total idiot, even if you serve buffet style, why can't you set the table with linens and cloth napkins and use China? Guests will have to sit at the table, don't they, and they still need plates!
Not everyone has a formal dining room. We live in a wonderful house with a SW style open floor plan. We only have a breakfast nook off the kitchen. We had the food on that table and ate on wooden TV trays and the coffee table. Everyone enjoyed the food and the company and I don't think anyone minded that there were no cloth napkins or table cloths. I grew up in a house back east with a formal dining room and we used it. I do love my house and don't mind that we don't have the formal dining's the people and the food that matter, not the settings.

I did spend a couple of hours making a new creamed onion recipe that got rave reviews though so I het props for that.

Anonymous said...

NJGal51 said... 169
Blowing @127 said: At the risk of sounding like a total idiot, even if you serve buffet style, why can't you set the table with linens and cloth napkins and use China? Guests will have to sit at the table, don't they, and they still need plates!
Not everyone has a formal dining room. We live in a wonderful house with a SW style open floor plan. We only have a breakfast nook off the kitchen. We had the food on that table and ate on wooden TV trays and the coffee table. Everyone enjoyed the food and the company and I don't think anyone minded that there were no cloth napkins or table cloths. I grew up in a house back east with a formal dining room and we used it. I do love my house and don't mind that we don't have the formal dining's the people and the food that matter, not the settings.

I did spend a couple of hours making a new creamed onion recipe that got rave reviews though so I het props for that.
Sounds wonderful to me, exactly my type holiday gathering :) Your soup sounds delicious- did you serve it with french bread, or sourdough bread? So bad for my diet, but so yummy.

Anonymous said...

Did Kate thank her fans for their tweets for thanksgiving? Amy Roloff did on her FB page - she is very gracious "Thank you All for the warm and wonderful Thanksgiving post to my family. I only hope you also had a lovely great time with your family and Friends on Thanksgiving." Now that is nice.

AuntieAnn said...

Jane - your puppy looks like he might be a Professor of Psychology, lol. Love those whiskers... What a sweetie! ~ Administrator said...

Love em or hate em the Roloffs have a lot better social skills than Kate. Of course a slug has better social skills than Kate.

I actually think there would be more annoyance with the Roloffs about some of the things they've pulled had Kate not overshadowed them like the dark side of the moon. They are like child's play compared to her. ~ Administrator said...

Where's Jane's dog I missed it.

Yes! said...

NJGal51 said... 169
...Everyone enjoyed the food and the company and I don't think anyone minded that there were no cloth napkins or table cloths. I grew up in a house back east with a formal dining room and we used it. I do love my house and don't mind that we don't have the formal dining's the people and the food that matter, not the settings.


Exactly. *Stands up and applauds*

Dwindle said...

Hey! Down in front! The Dog Show is on, on NBC, and the Sporting Group is up. Go Labrador!

The Rott did ok in the working group, but the Great Dane did better.

Hey! Who threw popcorn? SHHH! ~ Administrator said...

Yes, I think what people are saying is being misunderstood. Do you ever take time to make something special? It doesn't have to be a table if that's not your thing. Just, make something special. This is what we're talking about. I can't think of when Kate ever made anything truly special for the kids. She sure talks a lot about memories but I don't really see it. Mooching off TLC for "special" things doesn't count. Also I don't claim to be Suzy Homemaker so I wouldn't want my tables judged--Kate does.

Moose Mania said...

Uh, oh. Did Iwana spot the snow in the Thanksgiving photo?

@Kateplusmy8 That looks very nice, Kate. Do you guys have snow on the ground yet over there?


@Kateplusmy8 Enjoy it now, those pre-teen/early teen haromones could kick in at ANY time! Thats so cute of them!!

You've got to watch out for those haromones, which, I assume is the coupling of hormones and harmonies.


Milo tweeted...
MiloandJack @deannatweeting Okay...GF...we are singin..."You've Been Gone Too Long"....:)

Kate responded...
@MiloandJack @deannatweeting I think deanna is with family for the weekend.. Lots of visiting:)

Milo replied...
@Kateplusmy8 @deannatweeting That's good 2know! Just wanted2b sure she wasn't lost on subway! :)

Milo has her feelers out for Deanna again. Can't find her and asked Kate where she is. Whoever said Milo's obsession is slimy and intrusive certainly hit the nail on the head.

Twitter is amusing to read when there's nothing worthwhile on the tube.

Dwindle said...

OK, intermission. I missed the first group, but that's ok.

OH WAIT! BREAKING NEWS! Dwindle-On-Line is reporting EXCLUSIVLY that Kate Gosselin had a friend once, but it's rope broke and it got away! Film at 11:00!!! ~ Administrator said...

@Kateplusmy8 Enjoy it now, those pre-teen/early teen haromones could kick in at ANY time! Thats so cute of them!!


Spelling mistake aside, I see the sheeple love to set up nice little "outs" for Kate. If the twins ever get sick of hanging out with their bestie and want a real life, which will certainly happen soon, and of course eventually when they estrange her--it can all just be blamed on "hormones."

IDModo said...

Dwindle! Captain Kangaroo. And how about Soupy Sales, with hand puppets White Fang and Blacktooth? Did you watch the teen Dance Party hosted by Bud Davies, or are you too young? Canadian pennies still have the Queen on them, but the feds are doing away with the penny.

My Uncle Charlie went to Woodward Ave.Congregational Church. He owned Wolverine Foundry Supply and every year bought a new black Buick. Every single year.He used to give us on our birthdays an American silver dollar for each year.We didn't have Cheerios in Canada yet and he used to bring a box when he came to visit.

My first encounter with soft ice cream was at the Dairy Queen in Walled Lake. I would walk 2 miles and back from my cousin's house in the summer heat just to get a cone.

triplemama said...

About the Roloffs - was at a the same resort as them recently. Just Matt and Amy. They seemed to be with friends and were not filming. Nobody bothered them at all. Overheard just one person approach them and have a short conversation about their show. Amy asked this person where she was from etc. Was genuinely interested. When they left the area, many guests (whom I assumed they had met in the recent days) shouted goodbye, good luck etc. I got the impression that the Roloffs were really kind people who were gracious and nice to others - especially those that may have seen the show and supported them.
Interesting, as you really can directly compare them with the Gosselins. Regular family (with some unusual circumstances) on tv. I think it matters what kind of person you are before you become 'famous'. Obviously.

AuntieAnn said... (Administrator) said... 174

Where's Jane's dog I missed it.

It took me a while to figure it out but I finally looked at her avatar. I thought it was on the other doggie thread. ~ Administrator said...

The Roloffs are a perfect example of how high my tolerance level is for human mistakes and errors and imperfect people. Oh, they have a laundry list. But deep down I believe them to be good people with good hearts. Just flawed people just like everyone else.

If I hate Kate because I'm just jealous, now why don't I hate the Roloffs too? They made just as much money as her if not moreso, and heck, they still have a show on TLC! It seems to me I should hate them too.

readerlady said...

Oh my. Flashback. It's Howdy Doody Time!! With Howdy, and Princess Winterspring Summerfall, and Clarabelle the Clown, who was played by Bob Keeshan who became Captain Kangaroo. And remember Miss Frances and Ding Dong School?

Dwindle said...

IDModo said... 181


No no it wasnt Capt Kangaroo, although i did want him to adopt me. No, it was someone else... And I DO remember remember Dance Party, I learned to do The Monkey from that show! Wasnt that on Channel 9 too? He was on the radio too, no? Maybe I am thinking of someone else. Ya know, walking around in the summer evenings with your friends and your transistor radio on CKLW kept you math skills sharp, as Detroit was daylight savings time and Canada wasnt and ya didnt want to mess up your curfew time!

Now what was that show my uncle was on... something about a ship...

Anonymous said...

good point about the Roloff's- so why aren't the sheeple claiming we are all jealous haters of them, too? Sheeple?

Dmasy said...

Another Channel 9 kid -- Kukla, Fran and Ollie! TV was so much less complex.

Dwindle, there was a Captain something...he wore a white streamlined space suit. I will keep poking at my memory. ~ Administrator said...

I see him what a peanut, Jane!

Dwindle said...

Dmasy said... 188
Another Channel 9 kid -- Kukla, Fran and Ollie! TV was so much less complex.


awwww, yes!

carezee said...

yeah they do now... We have fun and they like being at home even if I'm doing 'my stuff'...

it also means they love hanging out with each other... And me, doing whatever! I love that they love being home:) r home is fun

Notice how Kate mentions that the twins love being home. She is making sure that we know they would rather be with her instead of Jon. I see parent alienation written all over this. To keep peace they stay with her. Probably trying to make things easier for the younger kids so they don't have to feel the wrath of mom.

Dwindle said...

CAPTAIN JOLLY!!!!!! ~ Administrator said...

I see parent alienation written all over this.


Oh all over this and everything else. She is what some experts call an "obsessed parental alienator." Sometimes I really wish I could hand pick the judge she has to go in front of. I have a few in mind I'd love to stick on her. Ones who have studied this, are scholars of it, believe in it, and recognize it when they see it. Judges Hailey Berry has been in front of. I don't know how many times that parental alienator has tried to cut her child's father off and NO ONE will let her do it. Amen.

NJGal51 said...

Butterfly - it wasn't a soup it was creamed onions side dish (although I guess you could make it into a soup). It was time consuming because you used red onion, sweet yellow onion, leeks, shallots and the frozen little onions. The kicker was that you had to sauté each onion separately so that it could develop it's own unique flavor. You put them together at the end with thickened cream covered them with panko crumbs and baked. it really was worth the effort because it was soooooooo good. I'd better watch out that I don't throw my shoulder out patting myself on the back!

chefsummer #Leh said...

Tia Torres is raising money for her doggies.

The more views she gets on Saturday the more money she raises.

So if you guys are in I saw watch Pitt bulls and Parolees.

Dwindle said...

carezee said...

Admin are there any judges in PA that might fit that bill? I am glad that there are judges out there that will do what is right for the children. I can't imagine the emotional blackmail that goes on in that house. Walking on eggshells all the time. No wonder those kids throw up so often. Their nerves must be shot.

Anonymous said...

Garfield Goose, Hardrock, Coco and Joe and, of course, Suzy Snowflake.

Bearswife said...

Admin, speaking of Halle Berry, did you hear about this,0,3311554.story

NJGal51 said...

Where is the dog thread? I cant find it.

Another channel 9er here but out of NY city. I loved and watched all the kids shows that you're talking about. We also watched Circus Boy on Saturday mornings (with Mickey Dolenz) and Sky King. Does anyone remember Million Dollar Movie?

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