Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Farmer's Wife: When a reality show tells a truly important story

This week: Part One will be organizing an official summer "book club" screening of The Farmer's Wife. Watch Part 1 this week, Part 2 the week of August 12, and Part 3 (link to come) the week of August 19 and discuss it as you go with all the interesting folks here.

The Farmer's Wife first aired on PBS in 1998, a three part documentary, which was in essence a reality show, following three years in the life of Nebraska farmer Darrel Buschkoetter, and his strong but tender-hearted wife Juanita, along with their three sweet young girls.

The Farmer's Wife is one of the few great reality shows to ever grace our small screens. The Farmer's Wife had it all: tough, sincere characters, and a compelling story of hard work and perseverance in small-town America. Heartbreak, struggle, a marriage on the rocks, and the hope to keep a vanishing tradition alive drives this story.

Filmaker David Sutherland originally intended to profile several farming families in Nebraska. However as the project progressed, he became captivated with Juanita's story, and revamped the entire project to focus on her. Said Sutherland"She spoke from her heart, and her love for her husband Darrel's dream touched me deeply."

In the first episode, Juanita reflects on the plans they used to have to have six children. However it turned out three were all they could afford. Although Darrel never said so, Juanita worried he longed for a boy. And yet, said Juanita, "Sometimes I'm almost relieved we don't have a boy ... I'd be scared if we had a boy, he'd be the same way, and I don't know what the future for farming is."

Juanita's soft-spoken candor, and love and dedication to her family and to the farm, was a beautiful character study.

Most reality television out there has been better suited for the dust bin. Most stories need not and often should not be shared. Reality T.V. should just go away, especially shows that feature unprotected children. But once in a great while, a story comes along that should be told. Juanita's story does just that, capturing a moment in time in the late 1990's where a way of life in middle America was fading away, never to be the same again. Sutherland's series is both heartbreakingly tragic and inexplicably beautiful. Enjoy.

1731 sediments (sic) from readers:

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fidosmommy said...

Stephanie is mine! How did you get her? How far away is she from you? If she's two miles from you and two miles from me, then we are neighbors!


You might be more than neighbors. Go look in the closet... LOL

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Maybe there is a difference in monitors, I don't know, but the girl in the yellow swimsuit definitely has dark hair. I copied it into Word and enlarged it 100% and even manipulated it and that kid has dark hair.

NJGal51 said...

Over In Berks said... 152
I wouldn't take eight kids to the beach by myself. Too much can happen. To the movies, yes, to play miniature golf, sure...but not on a beach vacation.
Eight kids isn't that hard at the beach. There were 7 of us and my mom never had a problem. There are life guards and other bathers. The kids look like they've got boogie boards, not tubes. I can't tell if there are flooties or inflatable vests, but so what if there are? If it makes the kid feel better wearing it more power to them.

Until I see that she's doing something other than just giving her kids a beach vacation, I'm cutting Kate a break on this one.

NJGal51 said...

Forgot to mention that if she's at the Jersey shore she'd better be swimming in protected (lifeguarded) areas becasue the rip tides have been brutal this year.

anger issues kate said...

Tweele de: Ok, What about the others, are the rest the G8, or it the one in the middle, the one with the kid on the floating board in grey shirt a helper or is that Jamie. This pic is not taken today. This was taken when Jamie was around. And it looks to be taken early in the day, before the beaches get really crowded.

njay said...

Since when did we ever hear of Kate loading up on shopping for the kids and be happy about it. She couldn't even give them "before Halloween" candy. She gripes about having to spend for school uniforms and supplies. She can't even enjoy Christmas decorating because she needs more lights. (grifted) And all this in August? Her busiest month of the year!

No way. She wasn't even this happy when she went on the RV trip and had all that help from the crew. Heck, she didn't even ride for the first part of it. She flew and met up with the RV's after the crew drove to the first destination. She even had Jaime and Ashley to order around her barking commands.

With all that help she STILL complained. She now wants us to believe she is enjoying a trip on the beach with only a few friends to help? I'm just not buying it. She has called the crew "a few friends" when she had visitors for the holidays and also had them repair things.

Kate is NEVER happy when she has to handle the kids, especially if there is danger around. Remember all the screaming at Jon when the kids went too close to the water? Granted they were young. Remember her yelling for Steve when Jaime's son ran down the snow bank during the RV stop and Steved grabbed his arm? It all makes me go HUMMMM!!!

Hummm, it's been 1 year since the show canceled. Humm, they said she would be back for a few follow up shows. Humm, she isn't crying poor for this trip, only budgeting. Humm, I don't recall her saying they are making fun memories unless it's being in front of a camera. I could be wrong though on that one. (disclaimer, hehe)

If I didn't know better I would say I am at the beach with her. It's really smelling fishy to me. It's just not her M.O. She's just too happy and it's on her dime. Nope, nope, nope. Watch for the TLC teaser, it's a coming.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Anger, not going to make an issue of it. Part of my reasoning is that someone tweeted yesterday that they were sure Kate got good service on her car--tweeter is in Alabama. Could be a mistake, but IF there were also 8 kids in the car, there's less chance of mistake. There are 8 in the water, all have dark hair. Jamie doesn't.

I'm done. I'm making memories today! I must get ready!!

SaraMRN2010 said...

Kate is a twit said... 159

Sorry, I posted the wrong link in comment 156. This is the correct one:

Wow look at the height of her shoes. Now I understand upthread when someone posted about how tall she looked compared to the other people she was near. They look to be atleast 5" heels........

Buddy said...

Readerlady . . . 181 . . .
Amazing. Thanks for the info.

Buddy said...

Okay guys . . . you were complaining because Kate didn't take the kids to the beach and now you are complaining that she did and that she had help? Who cares? If she has helps, more power to her and the kids. At least they got to go to the beach.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Buddy 10, "you were complaining because Kate didn't take the kids to the beach and now you are complaining that she did and that she had help?"


I'm not complaining. I couldn't imagine taking eight kids to the beach by myself. I wouldn't feel safe. Watching all of them in the water by myself would be a huge responsibility. I'd never do it.

OrangeCrush said...

No complaints here either, could care less if it's today or two weeks ago, tho the Target shopping, shopping, shopping is key. Amusing part is how Kate keeps farting memories and unicorns but HER memories can only be made real if she twitters about it. How can you watch kids in the water if you are constantly uploading and texting? Would love to see her roaming charges.

Frustrated said...

I've lurked on this blog for awhile now.
Admin says its confirmed Jon won 50/50 custody.
I was so happy, it made my day but now call me frustrated because I'm not seeing it.
When is the 50/50 going to start?

Please, please, please, don't let it be a lie.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

Why would Kate be in Alabama? Even if she were going to Florida to meet up with her cruising sheeple, it's the wrong coast! She wouldn't go to the Gulf Coast of Florida for a vacation, and she certainly wouldn't go through Alabama to get there when she has every beach in Florida from Jax to Lauderdale!

fidosmommy said...

Yep, count me glad the kids are having a beach party. Great way to close down the summer. I don't care who's with them, who paid, where they are. I'm glad they're there. The kids deserve it.

Lets throw tomatoes said...

Maybe they are complaining because they know about it! WHY does she have to AVERTISE everything those kids do!!

If she is making memories for her and the kids WHY did she include us!
None of you know where I'm going on vacation with my family! And that's the way it should be!
When she becomes a normal mom then she will not be critiqued!

Warmth Of The Sun said...

"Eight kids isn't that hard at the beach. There were 7 of us and my mom never had a problem. There are life guards and other bathers."


Not if it's an unprotected beach in NC. I guess I'm too much of an old mother hen. I have to know where mine are at all times. I can't imagine enjoying a beach day if I am constantly counting eight heads. Then, too, these are the Gosselins. I'd be concerned about their security, especially if I were the only one responsible for their safety on the beach.

Work is Hard,Reality TV is easy said...

My parents worked a farm for a doctor when I was a year old. They did this until the doctor passed away. I was then 9. My mother cooked 3 solid meals a day for the farm hands before we ate. The farm hands were the back bone of the farm.I learned to chop veggies for her, peel potatoes at a very young age and to wash dishes (no paper plates)and my brother dried the dishes, he was a year and half older. We helped my mother anyway we could. It was not work, it was our way of life. I still have the Bell that was rung for meals. My mother kept that. She said that was all she asked the doctor's wife for when the farm was sold. Mom said "I never want to work that hard again and that Bell reminds me never to complain"....I still think that when I look at it. How hard my parents worked together with their hands for those years and the years after. No Kate & Jon do not know hard work. Jon's "story" he is too famous to keep a job? That is funny. How famous is he? Put a ball cap on, don't let the media know where you are working and work. Sales people often use a false last name when selling over the phone. Hard to believe no one else resembles Jon G there in Berks Cty. Guess he should stop telling the media where he works. Kate G? Lazy. Too occupied with her looks, keeping thin and keeping the kids thin in case another TV show comes along. Is it sad? No it is their way of life. Jon has his story and Kate has her story and someday the kids will have their stories only some will have sadder stories than the others. I hope it does not tear those children apart from the closeness they have now.

Dwindle said...

anger issues kate said... 195
Once a viewer: It's the girl in the yellow swim suite, on the right, that looks like one of Jamies kids. Like I said the key word in Kates tweet is did. Kate put the pick up there, cause, our blog as well as her twits, were giving her hell about not taking the kids, to the beach. This was: she put the pick up to shut us up.

Anger, how are you feeling? Any better?

I think she did this vacay to get the bikini shots taken and sold to the paps to promote her tatas for her Kate Dates Kate show.

And she ALWAYS takes a last minute vacay RIGHT before school starts so she can complain until her lips fall off about hurried and exhausted she is getting ready for back to school with so little time to 'organize and mastermind'.

Fannie said...

Only eat quac when I cut up the avacado. Who buys it and eats it out of a plastic bag? It costs more to do that. Idiot people feeding their kids out of a plastic bag, shoes on the grass, carpet on the ground, tiny bag of chips. Kate gets dumber and dumber with each "professional spluge on her hair" must be the dye or Keratin straightener? No one wants you Kate, their product would not sell. I am not a sheeple.

Once a Viewer said...

I lost Stephanie! I am to hire movers in NY, though.. I could get my hair done by Jason! Go clubbing in open-toed sandals! Dine at F & O! make memories! Any 'friends' want to help me?


I think the girl in the yellow suit is Leah. The two reluctant boys in front must be Aaden and Joely. But I wouldn't be surprised if Jamie & kids were with them. Or maybe I'm wrong. I just used a magnifying glass, lol, pretty weird, I know. I'm also glad the kids have a beach trip- just quit yer complaining, Kate! I hope it's not filmed, though.


On another note, I think the Buschkoetter kids looked better dressed and groomed than Kate's eight usually do. Did you see how carefully J cut Abby's hair? (I think that's pat Part 2 though, sorry)

Dwindle said...

Karen said... 164
I just listened to that interview she did regarding the final show. I don't post much here, but REALLY? When asked what life would be like if she didn't have the show she said she'd be scraping by trying to support 8 kids she couldn't afford. Wow. Is she THAT out of touch with reality?? I'd venture to guess that a good 65% or more of the population is indeed scraping by and does indeed rely on a paycheck in order to make ends meet.

And the part about how she won't be able to take the kids on trips and how they'll miss that...that she'll only be able to maybe take them to the beach. Again I say REALLY??? I have been saving for 6 months now to take my 2 girls to DisneyWorld (oh and yes...I'm separated from my husband so I am my own sole provider though we share kid expenses) and that's the only big trip we'll do this year. OMG!!! Stop the presses!!!! I can do only ONE big vacay! Wow. Who does she think she is? Obviously she has a huge senses of entitlement in thinking that HER kids deserve more than any other kid out there because HERS are special.

Give me a break.
Hi Karen. I completely agree. It is amusing to watch that interview and know that now a year has gone by. How much has just plain old stayed the same. Her arrogance about getting a teevee gig never came to pass and the world didnt beat a path to her door to support her children for her.

And her looks have done nothing but go downhill.

Ya know, I think if she didnt keep calling attention to herself, she would probably be just as happy to keep those kids locked in their rooms. Not sure she really cares whether or not the kids get another 'trip'.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

I have the Bible degree now, but nothing about God loving me. Sigh. Stephanie is also 2.8 miles from me. I guess we are all neighbors.

Dwindle said...

Dmasy said... 111
Does anyone else get the pop-up ads with a stunning young lady inviting you to call her? Melody tells me that she is just 1.6 miles away. Care to join her?

In my life, that would mean that sweet Melody is standing somewhere in a corn field waiting for my call!

I wanna know why you gals are gettin' the Come Hithers from girl hookers and all I get is the Lorax. Who do I see about this? I want my money back!

PatK said...

I wouldn't be surprised if a fan provided a beach house for Kate & the kids (and Steve, of course!)

I hope whomever it was at least isn't paying Steve's outrageous "protective services" fee...that should be on Kate.

Hope the kids are having a blast. It's a long time until next summer.

Dwindle said...

fidosmommy said... 106
Oh festive day! Oh rapturous delight!
We shall brand the sweet, tender frolicking of the earliest morn and duskiest eve'n onto the
deepest recesses of our souls. No moment shall be forgot, no word shall fade from our thoughts
as we gather up the remnants of the hours we spent in such glorious camaraderie!

May I have a job at CC now?

Best snark of the day! ~ Administrator said...

Once Viewer I did notice at church they were so clean and well groomed. I like the message that teaches kids, no matter how hard life is that doesn't mean we can't clean up well and hold out heads high when we go out. Nothing is so bad that you can't comb your hair and wash your face. I really adore Juanita's parenting style.

readerlady said...

Gee. I'm feeling left out here. I only have Walden Univ. and Red Roof Inn! Where's my Stephanie and Melanie? Only -- make mine Stephen, green eyes, blonde hair, 6 feet tall, and muscular, LOL!

@Over In Berks -- If you want a Scottish Fold, go to and get in touch with them. They can refer you to reputable SF breeders in your area or, if there is an SF rescue, to them for information on adopting a rescue kitty. I don't know about PA, but there are a couple of good, reputable SF breeders in Ohio and Michigan. SFs are first cousins to my ASH. In fact, because SFs need outcross breeds in their breeding programs, ASH are an approved outcross. I have had a couple of cats of my breeding in SF programs. They are sweet, lovable kitties. Border Collie -- it is entirely possible that your SF kitty lived to be 22 or 23. SFs can have a long life if well cared for.

Lancaster County Parent said...

Dwindle (19) said..."And she ALWAYS takes a last minute vacay RIGHT before school starts so she can complain until her lips fall off about hurried and exhausted she is getting ready for back to school with so little time to 'organize and mastermind'.


School doesn't start for another two weeks. With someone as organized as she is, that should be plenty of time to mastermind.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

"I wanna know why you gals are gettin' the Come Hithers from girl hookers and all I get is the Lorax. Who do I see about this? I want my money back!"


I don't know, Dwindle. I'm also getting the religious ones interspersed with Stephanie, Carla and now Kelly, all within five miles of me. I haven't had Melody yet. Is she as cute as Stephanie? I guess she is busy with Dmasy.

I am so tempted to click on the link!

anger issues kate said...

Tweele de: Let's not argue. :) Kate has been seen in places she has not been. Kate looks like a lot of women : you know dime a dozen. I've seen ones around here who look a lot like Kate, same hair, tan , body type, I know it's not her. Kate has been known to post pics, that are not recent. Kate lies so much, it is getting a little harder to know what is truth with her anymore. But glad the kids did get to go somewhere.
Why I think it was when Jamie was visiting, cause the G8 listen to her, not Kate, and Jamie can talk Kate into doing things. We all know Kate would not take those kids anywhere, by herself.

Dmasy said...

Warmth of the Sun...Carla? That's a new one. Aren't we all so lucky to live with such beauties near us?

fidosmommy said...

I thought it was a little strange that these 8 people are the only ones on this beach. Not one stray person in the water, anywhere. I guess I've never been to a deserted beach before, just ones where other people were swimming, running, sunning.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

Dmasy said... 32

Warmth of the Sun...Carla? That's a new one. Aren't we all so lucky to live with such beauties near us?


Yes, Carla. She's still there. This one is persistent. She looks kind of like Taylor Swift, only she has dark auburn hair. She's actually not bad looking.

I'm waiting for the guy pictures. Aren't there any around us who want to just "chat"? I wouldn't mind a George Clooney look-alike.

Once a Viewer said...

Ahh! I just got' Pink Wink, Where Lesbians Find Love' and two, count 'em, two, girls!! One is winking...;)

capecodmama said...

Sorry guys. Stephanie's now in my neck of the woods. 2.8 miles away. Guess she wanted to go swimming. Watch out for the great white sharks Steph!

The Bitter End said...

fidosmommy said... 33
I thought it was a little strange that these 8 people are the only ones on this beach. Not one stray person in the water, anywhere. I guess I've never been to a deserted beach before, just ones where other people were swimming, running, sunning.
Also notice there are only three body-boards. Oh for the days when the TLC production prop manager would run down to the surf shop and purchase the $80 designer boards (times 8). Now they have to do with the $10 styrofoam boards (times 3).

In those days Katie would just throw out the props when filming stopped. Now she's got to pay for fun and making memories. What an injustice.

Once a Viewer said...

New doc "Kind-Hearted Woman" by David Sutherland coming out in 2013. Very intense. I will look out for it. Also this links to other docs- one caught my eye , entitled"Middle School Moment" about one girl, her struggles, and her success with intervention, and the association of drop- out rate and poverty. Trailer looks great, really sad but encouraging, one child at a time. We take so much for granted, but in this country there are so many at-risk children headed for a life of crime, disease and poverty. This girl's twin is one of them.

Kate is Krazy said...

dmasy- here you go. Single farmer dating! "Meet Country Singles" This is from the top of this page though.

fidosmommy said...

TheBitterEnd, you are so WRONG! Mady would have a body board, Cara would have one, the 3
"littles" would each have one. The boys could share the broken one. So it would only be 6.
Let's not give TLC any more credit than they deserve! :-)

Ex Nurse said...

This has been on my mind for a while. I co-own a service business with my husband, and, we are always mindful of the fact that people are using their hard-earned money to hire us. As an employer, I can see that my own spending helps other businesses keep going and provides enough revenue to keep their employees in their job. Those employees then have the ability to hire our business...and on and on. There is an interrelationship between people--money is just one of the vehicles. I'm not saying that it is wrong to try to save money--in this economy, it is a necessity. I am talking about a multi-millionaire that I suspect clears the shelves of sale items--ala Extreme Couponing--leaving nothing for the people following her. 

Kate is this really obnoxious combination of wealth, grandiosity, stinginess and greediness that is particularly ugly. When it comes to freebies, Kate has proven over and over that she is like a pig at the trough. Her disregard for other people's job or livelihood never matters because Kate is the sun and everyone else just revolves around her. Think of all the unfortunates that have publicly  passed through her orbit and felt her supreme indifference--from water softener man,  Em Tanner,  Tony and little Piper Palin and everyone in between. 

What she fails to see is how she shoots herself in the foot, professionally speaking. Why would any company hire a celeb spokesperson if, in addition to being unlikeable and arrogant, Kate advocates getting everything at a steep discount or  free. She does absolutely nothing for the companies that send her free products because she doesn't bother to educate herself about their benefits. It's just "yum..." or "cheers times 8".

 Kate is just so muddled as to who she wants to be, that she comes off as nothing.  

Dmasy said...

Kate is Krazy -- Really? Well ladies, let me tell ya'... ain't nothing wrong with a handsome corn-fed guy! (I will watch for the agricultural cupid ad.)

Wowser said...

Of course there were "sounds of giggling and pure joy and glee" or whatever the stupid tweet said. HER KIDS GOT OFF THE KOMPOUND FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A YEAR!!!! I would be shouting with glee too. Maybe that's Kate's new mantra..." ok kids....12 vacations for mommy and one 1for you....happy 2013. 12 vacations for mommy and 1 for you". Etc.

Dwindle said...

Sand,sun,family fun! We budgeted&did a beach vacay this yr..I surprised the kids&swept them away,w help of friends!


Pretty sure this is Kate-speak for "I didnt let the kids know, I never have and I never will, so they cant let it slip to their dad. Coz *I'm* in charge and that's nevah gonna change."

the twit's tweets said...

Sand,sun,family fun! We budgeted&did a beach vacay this yr..I surprised the kids&swept them away,w help of friends!


Well, well, well, ...the first family trip since TLC stopped footing the bill them. Of course friends had to help (any guesses who those 'friends' are?) and I'll bet that housing was a major 'help'. And, why does she have to surprise the kids about everything? She did it for many, many trips when they were filming.

Sweet Tart said...

Just skimming trying to catch up - and I see that Kate apparently took all 8 kids to the beach (with helpers in tow?). I just hope the children were allowed to have a good time, and that she wasn't constantly nagging them about getting wet or dirty. Kate is the biggest spoil sport I've ever seen, and she seems to purposely go out of her way to ruin her kids' good time. If I were taking 8 kids to the beach, I would definitely want to bring along help, so I hope she did have helpers along.

Dwindle said...

Well, apparently Carla and Melodie and Diamond and Blaze and Destiny, Candy, Angel, Cherry, Raven, Porsche and Crystal arent interested in my computer and I cant say I blame em. But now God is and if I just click here and submit my creditcard number, I'll get prayers! And then maybe the hookers will notice me! Katie Irene will be first in line to belly up to an anonomous credit card number!

Sweet Tart said...

BTW, I don't know if anyone figured out which beach Kate took the kids to. What would be the closest beach area for them? For me, (lucky us!), going to the beach is one of the cheapest forms of fun because it's only a 25 minute drive, costs $5 for the day plus gas and food/beverages. But if they have to drive farther and stay overnight, then I could see her talk of "budgeting" might apply.

Tucker's Mom said...

And, why does she have to surprise the kids about everything? She did it for many, many trips when they were filming.
I think that Kate "surprised" the kids often with TLC trips because she did not want the kids to blab about where they were going (which is to say, give away to filming season) to their friends at school. When you think about the constant vacations sneaking up on kids, I find it very odd. Perhaps not so much when you consider that TLC wanted to catch their reactions and I suppose it made for more cute, exuberant kid moments.
I'd think telling kids about the trip and letting them get excited and learn about it would be better.
I guess I just don't understand keeping the kids in the dark so what? you can swoop in and be the hero? and the best mommy of the year in the world of the universe?

Kate is Krazy said...

Levi Johnston is going to sue for full custody of Tripp after watching Bristol's show.
Sometimes Kate's tweeties offer housing & hospitality if she is out their way. Maybe that's what happened.

Wowser said...

There's a reason why she is NOT hired as a spokesperson for ANY company. Go to YouTube and look at that AB exercise infomercial she was awful and filled with umms and typical non-English Kate speak. I laughed out loud when she said "when the kids hug me they say 'you are so hard mommy'' and that has nothing to do with a tummy Tuck"... Uggghh. The only thing hard about that woman is her heart!

Warmth Of The Sun said...

"I thought it was a little strange that these 8 people are the only ones on this beach. Not one stray person in the water, anywhere. I guess I've never been to a deserted beach before, just ones where other people were swimming, running, sunning."


When we go to the beach at BHI we are often the only ones on the beach and in the water. It's really quite nice not having to worry that a wave is going to knock you into another person in the water. There have been many times, too, when we're on the beach near our home in a beach town that we're the only ones on the entire stretch of beach. Then wouldn't you know it, someone comes along, plunks their towel down within two feet of us when they have an entire empty beach to do so. It reminds me of sitting in an empty movie theater and sure enough, someone comes along and sits in the seat right next to you (or directly in front of you). Why is that?

Why doesn't one of Kate's bestest tweeties just ask her if she's at the beach now or if the photo was taken a few weeks ago? She loves them, and as close as they are, I'm sure she'd answer!

EM said...

Juanita's interactions with her girls are beautiful. It's amazing we never once saw kate hug her children with pure love. Or listen to them and wait for them to finish a sentence. kate herded her children like cattle it seems. You never saw any truly heartwarming interactions. 150+ episodes and never one single heartwarming scene with kate and her kids. And when kate did interact with her kids. The closest we got to one was Alexis and her HI MOMMY. But even that moment was all about kate. IS MOMMY PRETTY. PRETTY??

Have you ever noticed she ends up looking at the cameras if the kids say something cute instead of the child. She looks at the camera as if to say. LOOK GOOD RATINGS MOmENT. DID YOU GET IT ON FILM? Then she gives her cackly laugh of approval. She is such a phony but it's the saddest when you see her view her kids as rating grabbers instead of as children.

From last thread topic..The more I think about how vile kate really is by scamming people into thinking she was struggling when she was filming the madder it makes me. How could she mislead people like that? How can people look up to her and call her a strong Christian woman? She is the least giving and most greedy. It sickens me to see her rewarded for her bad behavior. I hope this woman never graces another tv screen. That is the perfect punishment for her disgusting behavior. Media blackout would hurt kate more than anything. I can wish that and not feel bad. Im not wishing her poor or hurt or bullied. Just to be paid back in a way that does not reward her lying, but does not HURT her or her family. Media blackout would be supreme. ~ Administrator said...

I always thought it was sweet when Juanita brought Whitney out to the fields and let her eat lunch with her dad in the pickup. Whitney obviously loved it. She encouraged their relationship with their dad even though she may not have been getting along with him. ~ Administrator said...

Sorry guys I was trying to order you some handsome grey haired boobyguards to ease the summer doldrums but all they had were Carla and Melodie.

fidosmommy said...

Kate has been invited to sit for an interview
with YoungFaceSmiling, some kind of e-education for kids in Harlem, I think. She has asked them to e-mail her because it sounds like fun.
Does she know that YFS has made the same request to just about everyone on the planet who has ever cut a record, been on TV or has
breathed in the last 20 minutes.

YFS does not even personalize the request. Everyone gets a form invitation on their twitter account. Yippee.

I'm sure YFS is a fine organization with a lofty purpose. I'm not questioning them. I just think it's funny that Kate is one of about
"92 mllion" people. (Well, if she can exaggerate, so can I.)

anger issues kate said...

Warmth of the sun: you know why, when you are the only other person in a big empty theater that, someone comes in and sits, either next to you or in front, is for security. They feel by sitting near, you they are not alone in an empty theater. I always hate when they always park right next to your car and leave, just enough room to open your car door, when there is plenty of empty spaces. It's either the above or these people are just ass-holes, some are looking for trouble.

Silimom said...

Okay, long time poster here so no sheeple accusations please:

Does it really matter if she went to the beach with her kids and has friends along to help? Does it really matter if she's staying at a friend's house?

I have read comment after comment from posters here this summer complaining she never takes the kids anywhere, she'd only do it on TLC's dime or if someone else was paying. Then, when she does do it it's comparisons and complaints again - I'd never take 8 kids to the beach (implication - she's not looking out for their safety) or she brought people along to help (implication: she's a crappy mom because she's not doing it herself), etc. etc. etc. It kind of comes across as people who just want to complain.

Kate is a narcissist and a phony but even they do things right sometimes. Until I see a television special announced that includes footage from this trip I'm going to give her a thumbs up on this one.

anger issues kate said...

Tucker's mom: Kate does that so the kids, will say thankyou mommie dearest. Kate loves hearing the praises, of being such a wonderful mommie dearest! Kate gets off on it! ~ Administrator said...

Like Sillimom I really don't take issue with taking them to the beach. I only question why she has to twitter such private things. She never knows when to leave well enough alone. She is absolutely obsessed with proving something.

Dwindle said... (Administrator) said... 55
Sorry guys I was trying to order you some handsome grey haired boobyguards to ease the summer doldrums but all they had were Carla and Melodie

Sigh. You dont know how to help me.

the twit's tweets said...

Tucker's Mom said.... I guess I just don't understand keeping the kids in the dark so what? you can swoop in and be the hero? and the best mommy of the year in the world of the universe?


I think you're right about Kate's need to be the hero and best ever mom for giving the kids a trip, party, gift, or whatever. I'm reminded about the secrecy of each stop on their RV trip and her ridiculous build-up for each stop. It's all about Kate and what makes her the center of attention and appreciation rather than what is overall the best for her children. At least the kids are finally away from the kompound and are hopefully enjoying a stress-free vacation & can be free from cameras & all media (possible if their mom stops tweeting and taking pics of them, that is!).

Dwindle said...

Silimom said... 58


Sillimom, nicely said in my opinion and I sure cant argue with a word of it. I for one am not bashing her for taking the trip with the kids. At all.

I WILL slam her the next time she posts that her children cannot have milk or clean clothes or shoes that fit, because she cant afford it without a reality show.

I am betting a shiny nickel this is part and parcel of a gossip rag bikini shot campaign to stir interest in her A Tramp Needs a Date show.

And now she will complain about how traumatizing it is for HER getting her children off to school because she was just SO BUSY during the month of August.

I am just tired of her making a CAREER out of being a poor struggling divorcee who cant manage basics for her kids when she clearly doesnt comprehend her rhetoric.

The kids going to the beach for a few days is great. Great for any kid. And if 'friends' are around 'helping' maybe they are actually getting fed and the mental abuse is minimized.

Frustrated said...

I don't like Kate at all but I remember her keeping trips secret from the kids when they were filming because the kids would tell Jon and he would alert the tabloids or the paps their plans.

Dwindle said...

Sillimom, I apologize. I am pretty sure you and I agree, and I didnt mean to sound argumentative. I am cranky and not in a good place and didnt mean to sound catty with YOU! Please forgive?

Over In Berks said... (Administrator) said... 55
Sorry guys I was trying to order you some handsome grey haired boobyguards to ease the summer doldrums but all they had were Carla and Melodie


And I'm still stuck with Stephanie. Where are the men?

Readerlady -- I have been checking with breeders. We got two of our Folds in New York, and one was bought on the spur of the moment at a cat show. Couldn't resist him! I'm looking for a folded ear, orange and white, and pickings are slim right now, but I'll find one! Thanks for your suggestions!

anger issues kate said...

I think what gets us the most is her bragging, rubbing it into everyone, by look I can take my kids to the beach,(Kate throws in budgeted, so people won't say rich bitch) then dramatize it. Make it like it was a chore to take to kids anywhere, with out help. I can see that if the kids were little, but 8 & almost 12? If her kids don't listen to her, yeah, then she would need help. I got that, from when, she was talking about the type of guy she would want in her kids lives, cop-type, who can handle her kids. That says a lot.

I live near an area, in which there are large families, and funny, the mother takes them to the store and the oldest is around 12-14, and there are 8-12 kids, and just mom, and those kids are so well behaved. I've never heard any of those moms raise their voices either.

What Kate should have said was: We had a fun day at the beach, it was beautiful. and said no no more, no I had to take friends with, or we had to budget. Or say nothing at all.

I'm sure the idiots at Gather will do a whole story on Kate going to the beach, from 2 lines of tweet. On stuff they should report on and get it correct, they don't.

Over In Berks said...

I'd never take 8 kids to the beach (implication - she's not looking out for their safety) or she brought people along to help (implication: she's a crappy mom because she's not doing it herself), etc. etc. etc. It kind of comes across as people who just want to complain.


When I said I'd never take eight kids to the beach by myself, I was actually defending Kate when she said she has help, not complaining about it. I don't blame her one bit if she took along someone to help. There was no implication that she's a crappy mom for not doing it herself.

Layla said...

I think it's great that Kate took the kids to the beach. They have worked hard their entire childhoods, so they earned it. My guess is that she is on her way to Florida to have her meal with the cruise people, and decided to take the kids along and make a vacation out of it. I'm sure she brought help--possibly Deanna, since she just tweeted something to her about an adventure. I think a vacation with a masterminding control freak and 8 kids would qualify as an adventure. And even Kate is not dumb enough to try to manage 8 kids in the ocean. i don't agree with much of Kate's behavior, but if this is indeed a nice family vacation for the kids, then I am more than willing to give her credit. I just hope we don't see any tabloid pictures of them.

amyf said...

Dwindle #61 - good one! Now get back to your "good place" and feel better.

Dwindle said...

amyf said... 70
Dwindle #61 - good one! Now get back to your "good place" and feel better

I hear you. :))

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Include me with the folks that don't give a rat's a*s that Kate finally took her kids to the shore. There's not unusual or special in doing that.

P.S. she's probably at the Hamptons (Long Island, N.Y.) with the kids. A while back, she was invited to stay with a friend (or friends) there.

mama mia said...

I will give Kate credit for being a good mother when I see those children eating on china plates, wearing what they want, expressing their individuality through their hobbies and interests and generally being kids of their age instead of micromanaged sets of multiples who have to eat plated food on paper, dress alike, and go through a fixed daily schedule designed not to piss off mommy.

Ex Nurse said...

Tucker's Mom said.... I guess I just don't understand keeping the kids in the dark so what? you can swoop in and be the hero? and the best mommy of the year in the world of the universe?
Also, when they were filming, they didn't want the future 'plots' to be leaked ahead of time. remember the passport when Kate berated Jon about going to Korea? I wonder how the kids feel when they here their friends talk about their upcoming vacation plans. what do they say? "My mom is probably going to get a reality show and we'll go on the best vavactons".

readerlady said...

Over In Berks -- There's a big cat show coming up in Philadelphia (at the Expo Center) 8/25 - 26. There is another one coming up Oct. 20 - 21 in Hatfield. Maybe you can find something there. The description of the kitty you would like sounds like the one I have now, except for the folded ear part. She's a cream silver and white.

Once a Viewer said...

TLC is airing a new special on conjoined twins Abby and Brittany Hensel, who have graduated from college! They chose to do the show- they usually do not like the media but say they do a special every few years to cut down on speculation and rumors etc. They seem like terrific sensible young ladies- I have watched their story since age 5 on Oprah minus any audience. I think their parents guarded their privacy very well but knew the specials would satisfy the expected curiosity.

( I am interested as I cared for conjoined twins from Burma as a nurse. They 'made' one a girl as they only had one set of male genitals, but I hear he is now living as a male. Is it better not to separate? Abby and Brittany think so)

Let's throw tomatoes said...

Pink I agree with you! That's not a vacation , that's a foto-op( is that how you say it?)
No thumbs up for me!! She cries poor, poor,poor and then goes on a vacation! If her kids are back to that private school, and no for sale sign in front of her house then she is rich, rich, rich!!
I don't care if she goes or doesn't go on vacation, but quit using your kids for your own self promotion!

Kate quit trying to sucker people into your lies! I'm sick of it!!
This vacation is only for storylines and to continue her quest to get freebies from stupid companies, all the while families across the country continue to struggle just to put food on the table!
No, I don't give her any credit!

AuntieAnn said... (Administrator) said... 27

Once Viewer I did notice at church they were so clean and well groomed. I like the message that teaches kids, no matter how hard life is that doesn't mean we can't clean up well and hold out heads high when we go out. Nothing is so bad that you can't comb your hair and wash your face. I really adore Juanita's parenting style.

One thing that stands out for me about the Farmer's Wife is that Juanita's house was a home. Unlike Kate's cold, uber modern kitchen with a hundred cupboards and 2800 square feet of empty counter space, it was a welcoming kitchen where family gathered. Sure there were a few dishes in the sink and stuff gathered on the countertops. Big hairy deal. I don't think she even had a dishwasher but I noticed she was always at the sink late at night washing them and putting them away without complaining.

She took time to listen to her husband and kids and her kids made her feel special by making her supper on her birthday and cleaning the house when she was absent. And even though she said they didn't have the money, she made a Halloween party by 'getting creative' as she said, making homemade decorations and planning simple games. Those girls had a blast.

I admire Juanita. I don't know how the rest of the film will turn out, but so far I am captivated by it and very glad I was introduced to it.

Tucker's Mom said...

Juanita and Darrel's girls always looked good. Juanita was the family barber/hair stylist. She did such a great job with the girls' hair. You'd never know they were poor.
I also noted that the older girls would cook and bake. I didn't know my way around a stove until much, much later and I thought they were such great helpers.
Not one counter covered in plastic! ~ Administrator said...

I've changed my mind about Kate's finances lately due to things we've all seen and some private information. For her not to contest the 50-50 and no child support speaks volumes. I now believe that she actually did save a lot of her money. She lived mostly off freebies and grifting and now has more money than Davey Crocket socked away and always has.

She's living way too lavishly for far too long not to have a hearty stash in the bank. That house alone should have bankrupted her within 6 months if she had as little money saved as I used to think.

Tucker's Mom said...

That house alone should have bankrupted her within 6 months if she had as little money saved as I used to think.
Kate seems to have no impetus to change her lifestyle. The "sponsors" here and there, the CC blip once a week and grifting freebies would in no way come close to supporting the expenses of the house and education.
Her lifestyle and Jon's are so vastly different, it makes you go hmmm...

AuntieAnn said...

Damn right she socked away millions Admin. Consider the income from her books, her speaking engagements, her appearances on DWTS,on top of the income from both J&K+8 and Kate Pus 8...she's got to be worth at least $3.5 - 4 million after taxes. No one can tell me she's hard up.

Over In Berks said...

Over In Berks -- There's a big cat show coming up in Philadelphia (at the Expo Center) 8/25 - 26. There is another one coming up Oct. 20 - 21 in Hatfield. Maybe you can find something there.


Thanks, readerlady. There's also one in Maryland this weekend, and since we are going to be visiting relatives only about a half hour from there, I just might swing by. We really lucked out when we found our little one at the show. I took one look, and I knew
that was the one!

Watch me come home with a Maine Coon or a Himmie! Do you know any reputable breeders of Selkirk Rex?

Mrs. Malaprop -- how is Moses? Start any bush fires yet? Is he getting along with Dr. Malaprop? ~ Administrator said...

She does listen to her children and it's a beautiful thing to watch. Also back to the praying thing I noticed she would ask the girls what are YOU praying for? Then would say things like good, that's a good thing to pray for, now what about for the bad weather to go away and the people of Oklahoma City? Instead of you must pray for this this and THIS.

She lets her kids make their own decisions while giving them just enough age-appropriate gentle guidance. For someone who started motherhood when she was just a teenager, she's quite remarkable.

I also noticed that in the beginning Whitney was pretty clingy, not surprising given she was only about four. So Juanita would study her college books with Whitney in her lap. It was her way to still give Whitney the holding and cuddling she needed while still getting her own things done, instead of saying go away Whitney Mommy's busy!

Jeanne said...

Sorry if I missed someone else saying this. There was an earlier tweet saying Kate was being considered for Sexy Singles on They showed the second group today and Kate is not one of the group.

Tucker's Mom said...

Mrs. Malaprop -- how is Moses? Start any bush fires yet? Is he getting along with Dr. Malaprop?
Any spontaneous combustion or parting of the water bowl?

Over In Berks said...

I've changed my mind about Kate's finances lately due to things we've all seen and some private information. For her not to contest the 50-50 and no child support speaks volumes.


She whined that his child support only paid for the kids lunches, so I imagine that giving up that meager amount isn't going to put a dent in her spendings.
Either that, or they are giving up lunches. ~ Administrator said...

AuntieAnne exactly, plus when I hear things about their 60,000 some odd contract with Lane. I can only assume that must be representative of many contracts they've had. If they had only eight or nine of those similar contracts that's approaching beyond half a million dollars right there, and they wrote in tax free provisions! Not to mention all their income from other sources and all the freebies, money they need not have spent so that's more money to save.

The Lane contract was one of our biggest clues how hard up Kate certainly is NOT.

And also? Shame, shame, SHAME on you Kate for ever crying poor to get more freebies. I no longer believe you have ever been anywhere close to dire straights for YEARS. ~ Administrator said...

Those must have been some damn fine lunches. ~ Administrator said...

Didn't TVGuide say she was worth 4 million? I can't remember now.

Well I believe every last word of that now. She certainly is worth 4 million, you betchya.

anger issues kate said...

Once a viewer: In those kids case, separation is not possible. I believe, if separation is possible, it should be done, finish what nature or God, (if you like) did not. let them have as normal as a life as possible. We all know how people get treated for being different. They are still individuals. Unfortunately, people will treat them as one person. Like so many do when they have twins, and multies. Like Kate likes to do with the tups, dress them alike, they do everything together. When the twins were 8, they were already not dressing alike. Kate treats the tups as a set. These girls are going to have a very, interesting life. How they handle things and how people see them, as either one, or two people. I see them as 2 people, sharing one body or correct: 2 bodys that did not form properly. It's amazing how they can cordinate, to walk and drive a car.

Over In Berks said...

P.S. she's probably at the Hamptons (Long Island, N.Y.) with the kids. A while back, she was invited to stay with a friend (or friends) there.


If she is, I hope someone else did the driving. I can't imagine Kate negotiating the Long Island Expressway. She couldn't do it. No way. If she misses one of the exits coming home, she'll end up in Brooklyn.

AuntieAnn said...

Oh yes. I forgot about the Lane thing. Can you imagine if they got that kind of deal for everything they endorsed? Wow.

I was reading about Mike Heller, the guy that Jon worked with, who lines up celebrity endorsements. That's what Kate is trying to get back into I think. There's big bucks in it.

It is very clear the only thing Kate worships is money.

FriendOfTwin said...

My best friend is an identical twin.
Here are some of the riduclous questions they've gotten all their lives.

"are you you or your sister?"
"do you have the same thoughts?"
"If I punch you will your sister feel it?"

The best though is when somebody asks a boy and girl twin if they are identical. ~ Administrator said...

I always thought Abby and Britney were really sweet girls and their parents are so strong. When is the TLC special? I'm glad they are adults now and able to choose for themselves what they disclose about their lives. Is it true one of them got engaged???

Over In Berks said...

admin said,

"Those must have been some damn fine lunches."


They could have bought lunch at school for a total of $640.00 for the month. They would have had milk every day, with money left over.

Anger said, "I live near an area, in which there are large families, and funny, the mother takes them to the store and the oldest is around 12-14, and there are 8-12 kids, and just mom, and those kids are so well behaved. I've never heard any of those moms raise their voices either."


There's a big difference between taking them to the store and to the beach. The undertow isn't going to suck them out of the store. At an unprotected beach you definitely need more than one set of eyes to watch eight kids.

Once a Viewer said...


I remember on the last special they said separation was now possible but the girls would be in wheelchairs and have lengthy hospital stays considering they would each need half an artificial body.They said they would not choose to be separated as they knew no other life. Now they can play sports, drive, do anything, and to earn college degrees is something.

I saw another doc on a pair of similarly conjoined twins, and they did separate them. One twin died and the other was in shock. She eventually could walk with crutches. They met the Hensel girls ( the family was from Ireland in the US to see a specialist) and when the Hensels' mother was asked if she would choose separation for Abby and Brittany after seeing the single twin, the mom said no way.

In another case I recall, one girl ended up paralyzed due to a stroke during surgery. Still others have brain damage. But I agree if it's a simple separation then it's the best option for a normal life. At least normal to the rest of us.

Bad news though- this is not one special- it's to be a series :( At least the girls are of age now to decide..

EM said...

The Farmers Wife is interesting.
Thoughts. I tried to post some earlier but I didnt see it go thru. If it did amd I am repeating sediments I apologize.

I hate how Juanita's mom bribed her with getting her teeth fixed. Why didnt they try to help their daughter regardless? It;s a shame they left her teeth that way. I feel it contributed to Juanita's low self esteem.
I also hate how Darrly promised to fix her teeth if she did marry him. Obviously he had no intention of doing that wheter he had money or not. With his jealously issues no way was he going to do things to help build Juanita's self esteem.

Darrly comes across as very emotionally abusive. In the scene where Juanita walks off when he is trying to get her to smile..he keeps digging at her and trying to get her to answer questions the way he wants them answered. He constatnly refers to not wanting his wife "out in the world" seeing how other people live. These are big red flags to me.

It;s hard to imagine this marriage surviving. You can tell by watching this that the couple would divorce once she reached her 30's and started becoming her own woman. Ther ewas no way she was able to make a decision as big as marriage at age 16. You change so much in your late 20's. Its hard to imagine choosing a partner and lifestyle that you will remain compatable with as you grow and change when you are only a teen.
This documentary makes me sad. I see Juanita is able to deal with the work and just seems she wants to be able to unwind and have something in her life to destress other than farming and bill talk 24/7. She pleads with her husband to talk about something else occassionaly but he just doesnt get it.

I admire Juanita for trying her best to make this work. The contrast between and and kate is astounding. It just makes it glaringly obvious that kate is not the person the sheep claim she is. Kate does not work, she talk constantly about how hard she works and how determined she is..yet I see nothing but a woman DETERMINED to be paid for nothing. She does not support her children. She sits on money that came in from selling her kids provacy. Plain and simple. That is not a "hard workin momma" no matter what Milo says.

It makes me sad that America rewards piggish behavior by giving low lifes reality shows..yet hard working Americans cannot even pay their child's $40 medical bill. Hey kate, have you ever thought of donating items and money to a hard working farmer? hAve you ever offered the kids beautiful outgrown clothes, toys and sports equipemt that you hoard to people in need?

Its disgusting that kate has millions from doing nothing and still hold her hand out for more. THe worst is that she dares offer herself up as a struggling mom who cannot afford to support her children. That she lies. Outright lies about her financial situation. She doesnt lie by omission. She OUTRIGHT LIES. She moans about how she cannot afford things like milk. She really needs to watch this documentary and see what real struggling and hard work is all about. Sheeple should watch this too. Let them see what a real Christain Woman to respect is all about. How kate pulls the wool over these sheeps eyes is amazing. Its stunning people buy into the nonesense that kate "wroks hard to support her kids" THe media falls for it too. No one seems willing to ask..HOW ARE YOU WORKING HARD. Begging for a camera to follow you around and get paid for it is not "looking hard for work" Its so ridiculous it;s baffling. Wake up America. Look for real hometown heros and stop offering undeserved praise. Expect more from ypeople you offer accolades too. ~ Administrator said...

Bad news though- this is not one special- it's to be a series :( At least the girls are of age now to decide..


See I think this is fine. They're consenting adults, they're both really bright and aware of the world. They may be doing it to help people understand abnormalities like this and educate the that they're just normal girls.

My thing with reality TV has always been with the exploitation of either children or people who were not able to understand the implications of it. Maybe I'm in the minority but I don't see their own show as exploitation but rather their choice to tell their story.

Once a Viewer said...

Admin: It premieres on 28th Aug . I'm a little upset it is a series though. Maybe a post then?

The engagement rumor I believe is one they want to dispel by telling some of their story. I recall some really nasty speculation about the girls & relationships on comments attached to articles. They did say they would like to marry & have kids, but who knows. It''s a very unusual case and I agree their parents did a fabulous job.

FW- I thought it was sweet how Juanita stenciled the entire house by hand and just little things like taking the time to have them brush their teeth using the hourglass thing dentists give kids. I had those and admit we used them rarely. I also agree the prayer sessions were cute- not rushed, just quiet time and praying for others, friends and strangers in need.

readerlady said...

Over In Berks -- The only Selkirk breeders I know of off-hand are on the W. Coast. It's a fairly new breed, so there aren't many around yet. Again, CFA can probably put you in touch with breeders if you are interested.

SeeSaw said...

Clap! Clap! Clap!
Em - Standing ovation for you. Great post.

Down The Shore said...

I was reading at Twitter and was blown away by the stupidity of the fans. Is it all an act just to get the non-fans up in arms and in attack mode? Are the non-fans really that ignorant (on all subjects)? Are there any tweeters who have just a bit of intelligence or common sense? Why does Kate attract a group like this?

Some of the tweets they put out there just leave me shaking my head. That's why I'm thinking that maybe a lot of the stupidity is just "put on." If it's not, what a sad group of collective humanity!

anger issues kate said...

Once a viewer: I do agree with the mom and the girls, To have to go through all that, not worth it, they are doing just fine. Our techology is not that advance to make them like the Bionic Man(woman), we are getting there. Arms and legs are one thing, half a body, we are just not there yet! If they were my daughters, I would say no, people need to adjust.

Once a Viewer said...

EM: Great post. Plenty of farmers near Kate- Henry has 7 kids I believe? They could likely use some hand-me-downs.

Admin: The reason I don't like the series idea is that the girls hate being the center of attention and I think TLC might come up with some weird plots and open them up to more lewd speculation . They are still young & could be manipulated. I would also hate to see them be hurt by gold diggers if the show is a success. But yes, it's their choice and I will definitely watch the premiere.

All my old favorites are being revisited ! ~ Administrator said...

I believe this is one of the few situations where their brief spaced out documentaries actually helped these girls. They were able to tell their story in their own words and answer curiosity so people could move on. They appear to be very well liked and have a ton of friends and participate in many things.

The legal issues of the situation fascinate me. How do they get married? They have one set of reproductive organs. If they have a child, who is the mother? With just one set, would they not both be giving birth and both the rightful mother? ~ Administrator said...

I believe this is one of the few situations where their brief spaced out documentaries actually helped these girls. They were able to tell their story in their own words and answer curiosity so people could move on. They appear to be very well liked and have a ton of friends and participate in many things.

The legal issues of the situation fascinate me. How do they get married? They have one set of reproductive organs. If they have a child, who is the mother? With just one set, would they not both be giving birth and both the rightful mother?

Kate is Krazy said...

Fancy dinner Kate made ! To me it shows 1. They are at a rental home 2. They are with friends- she wouldn't make all that for the kids and herself. ~ Administrator said...

Once A Viewer I do agree with you on one point--I do not trust TLC whatsoever. I hope the girls used the bright brains I know they have to come up with an iron clad contract. I hope they get every penny they deserve and have control over editing and can stop the cameras when they want. I think it actually has the potential to help a lot of kids who don't feel like everybody else to see them so successful. Kind of like the "it gets better" youtube videos did. ~ Administrator said...

Once A Viewer I do agree with you on one point--I do not trust TLC whatsoever. I hope the girls used the bright brains I know they have to come up with an iron clad contract. I hope they get every penny they deserve and have control over editing and can stop the cameras when they want. I think it actually has the potential to help a lot of kids who don't feel like everybody else to see them so successful. Kind of like the "it gets better" youtube videos did.

Wowser said...

I am just tired of her making a CAREER out of being a poor struggling divorcee who cant manage basics for her kids when she clearly doesnt comprehend her rhetoric.

Why would you expect her to act any differently? She made a CAREER out of portraying a poor struggling mother of multiples who couldn't manage basics for her kids....she is doing the same thing as a divorced mother saying she is single and can't afford milk. TO KATE DOING NOTHING BUT BEGGING, WHINING AND LYING IS A CAREER! ~ Administrator said...

@andrew14ad lol. I don't eat ice cream.. For the kids I meant. Thanks for caring about my health tho, lol! Made me laugh.. 6 minutes ago


For God sake Kate live a little.


Tucker's Mom said...

EM, I found myself getting mad at Darrel too. He worked so darn hard that I was at once exhausted, bone-weary and enormously hungry just from watching that man!
Sh*t rolls downhill and for the Darrels of the world, that's got to get old and hence, his constant victimization and taking out his anger at others on Juanita. If I had to listen to him blather on about how he's tell so and so this and that, or do this to so and so if he was face to face, I'd tell him to put his money where his mouth is and call his bluff.
Instead, Juanita calmly lets him puff his chest out and crow on and on. And oooooooooooooon.
Darrel's not a bad guy, he just couldn't hold on to someone with such potential to outgrow him and change her lot in life.
I wish I could find some more information on Juanita. I know she's got her degree and a career in crop insurance.
I hope she's got one of those nice "2-story houses". And a cleaning lady now and then ;-)

anger issues kate said...

Well, hard to believe, if Kate is home or she is some place else. Kate lies so much, it's hard to tell. If she is having a beach dinner(that's an expensive one), how can you have oven fries? and sauteed veg mix?, are they staying somewhere or is Kate back from where ever? or as some of you said, she is on her way to meet with the cruisers, tomorrow? or thursday? or is it that fans who invite Kate for free lodging.

Once a Viewer said...

Maybe you're right, admin. I hope so. That was one legitimate question I read on a comment somewhere- who would be the mother of any child they had? I think it would have to be agreed it was the child of the specific girl & her partner- if one married, one didn't, or they each married- they would have to have DNA tests to see who was the father. Biologically though they both would be the mother. To me, that's just too personal for them to share on TV.But of course it's a thought that crosses everyone's mind. I agree TLC better toe the line and the girls have good legal advice etc.

SeeSaw said...

I agree with everyone who said "yay, Kate" for finally giving the kids a vacation. And if they're with friends or hired help, who cares? Lots of people vacation with friends or take along a baby sitter. And steak!! They're actually eating red meat.
What I can't stand is the freakin' tweeting. Get off the stupid phone for once in your kids' lives Kate and have some real (realist?) family time.

Kate is Krazy said...

I can't get worked up about them having a vacation- they've had so many. It's nice, but not like they never have gone away. I think she's bragging about the fab meal and wonderful time. Thats fine, just keep it private .Does she realize how lucky she is to have all this money?
No one deserves life on a gold platter more than anyone else.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Over in Berks . . .
Moses is doing well. He is terrorizing the dogs! He also goes CRAZY if we're eating. We're ok if we're sitting at the table, but if we sit down in the great room, he is right there pawing at the food and sniffing at our mouths. He just did it to my mom, and she was eating mixed nuts. What is wrong with this cat?!? The other issue we're having is with his personal hygiene. He has a stinky, dirty rear end. Ewwww - sorry, TMI. We washed him twice today. It seems that every time he poos he keeps some in his fur. Any suggestions?

SeeSaw said...

AND if I was running 100 miles a week I'd eat all of the damn ice cream I wanted. Cut the crap, Kate.
Now I'm angry again haha.

Once a Viewer said...

Mrs M: There are pet personal wipes available. Or you could have his fur trimmed in that area by the groomer/ vet. My dog has that issue when her fur is too long. We need a dog/cat bidet! I'm sure Moses' manners will improve.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

I had some chick who was 3.8 miles away. I didn't catch her name. Now I have an ad for GooglePlay. Oh well. She wasn't my type. You know - male! LOL ~ Administrator said...

That's something I didn't think about, if they each marry how will they know who is the father of who until they get a DNA? Maybe if they have a baby they will have to file some kind of parentage thing. In my state we have Mother and Presumed Mother for lesbian couples.

Also say your sister has "her" baby, how would you distance yourself enough to let that baby be hers and you just the aunt, when you also carried and gave birth to him or her? That would be incredibly hard I think. And at the same time it IS your baby too since you have one set of ovaries.

I wonder if I would be okay with sharing my baby with my sister. I think selfishly I would want the baby to be all mine sometimes. The other thing that fascinates me about these girls is they have never, in their entire lives, been alone. That is a scary thought to me for some reason. Sometimes I just need my space and I can't imagine not being able to do that.

Anyway they seem like such a nice family and I have always thought highly of them.

anger issues kate said...

Admin & everyone else: I agree,


Cause then everyone, including myself, would not ask questions. Go, come back, then talk about it. We can have fun speculating where she is. ~ Administrator said...

Anger Issues AMEN.

Okay Kate we get it you went on vacation that's awesome. We BELIEVE YOU. Heck I'll conceded you gave these children the biggest bestest vacation EVER okay? Now for the sake of those poor kids please just go away at least until you get home.

Moose Mania said...

Now I'm angry again haha.


Now I'm hungry again!

I think we'll have a daily update on her ocean dipping, food, memory making, bonding, and giggles. She can't shut up about it -- it gets the sheeple excited, and gives them more reason to praise her and get down on their knees lauding her for being a perfect mother.

I'm surprised there wasn't a "glorious sunset over the ocean" tweet or a picture. It's coming, I betcha. ~ Administrator said...

Makes you wonder, if she can't put down her twitter for one day just to be on vacation and present in the moment, what else can't she turn away from when the kids need her present?

Does she gab on the phone, watch TV, read a magazine, have a friend over, all while telling her kids, "just one second honey hang on."

I know a lot of those "just one second honey" kids and they aren't close with their mothers.

OrangeCrush said...

Friends = Steve and Deanna, one is paid by the day and the other is compt with a free vacay. My take is that Kate has either sprung for a rental or has negotiated a loan or a deal. Steve probably grilled a second, adult dinner. And for god's sake, Kate, put down your phone and eat some ice cream. I hope the kids have a nice, camera free vacation, truly, and hope we hear nothing more, but that ain't going to happen. ~ Administrator said...

Darrly comes across as very emotionally abusive. In the scene where Juanita walks off when he is trying to get her to smile..he keeps digging at her and trying to get her to answer questions the way he wants them answered. He constatnly refers to not wanting his wife "out in the world" seeing how other people live. These are big red flags to me.


I do see some issues. Mind you, I am NOT saying he is physically abusive, but this is one of the warning signs of DV where you try to control your spouse.

One thing that kind of annoys me is he is always saying something to her about this or that, and then when she doesn't answer saying "Hmm?" As in, you agree with that DON'T you? It's like he can't say anything without making sure she too agrees. And she better. As much as she has low self esteem he does too. I think that's the root of both of their issues.

SeeSaw said...

My family had a mini reunion over the weekend. All of the siblings together in one place ... doesn't happen often. We had a blast. One SIL, though, couldn't stay off of her phone. Obsessively checking facebook and email and heaven knows what else. It was obvious and annoying to all. And we're grownups. Can't imagine how it feels to a kid.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Over in Berks . . .
I forgot to tell you, today Dr. Malaprop had to bring a co-worker to the house to meet Moses. It's pretty safe to say he's quite smitten. (I was half hoping the co-worker would offer to adopt him. Moses, not Dr. Malaprop. hee hee).

Once a Viewer . . .
Thank you for the suggestion. I used baby wipes on him today. They did a decent job. ~ Administrator said...

SeeSaw ISN'T it annoying?

I can tolerate checking a few emails and uploading a pic from time to time but when people are glued to their phone it just sends the message: There's something else out there more important and interesting than you.

Make no mistake Kate, this is exactly the message the children are getting. Doesn't matter if you are on your phone, fax, computer, whatever on vacation, that's the message.

amyf said...

How on earth is her number of alleged followers increasing SO FAST? I just don't know how that stuff works.

For anyone who's in the dumps (Dwindle?) and needs a smile, take a look at this:

khater said...

The overuse of a cell phone is my pet peeve of life. I am 'young' and I get that people are attached to their phone. In fact I answer ALL emails on my phone for work and school. However, I have told people more than once to put it away.
I look at it this way...if I were to have sat in the middle of a group of people talking on my phone, my mom would have had a coniption. If you want to chat, remove yourself from the group. Be respectful. Well guess what? texting, iming, bbming, tweeting etc IS THE SAME THING. You are essentially saying "hey everyone around are not important and I need to occupy myself with another conversation that you cannot partake in"

Kate, and anyone that does this, sends that message to her kids, friends, family etc.


SeeSaw said...

Admin - I'm okay with the phone constantly at hand if someone is waiting for a child to check in or worried about a babysitter (or dogsitter). Yes, and a peep or two during an evening to see if something important happened. It's the constant starting at the screen that drives me nuts.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Tucker's Mom said... 86
Mrs. Malaprop -- how is Moses? Start any bush fires yet? Is he getting along with Dr. Malaprop?
Any spontaneous combustion or parting of the water bowl?
Tucker, nope. No miraculous events so far. LOL! We're just happy he's using the litter box at this point. If he brings any plagues down on us, I'm gonna be ticked! ha ha
Speaking of plagues and ticks . . . I just heard about a family my sis-in-law knows that's having a tick infestation in their yard and in their house. They found 20 in their house in one night! *shudder* Wouldn't that just make you crazy?!?

AuntieAnn said...


Now, now. Her life if twitter and twitter is her life. Besides, she's just sticking to the routine...With the kids means non-stop tweeting. No kids means twitter silence. Being on vacation doesn't mean anything's changed.

AuntieAnn said...

"Is" not "if".

Ramona Padovano said...

Speaking of plagues and ticks . . . I just heard about a family my sis-in-law knows that's having a tick infestation in their yard and in their house. They found 20 in their house in one night! *shudder* Wouldn't that just make you crazy?!?
My Beardie just got diagnosed with Lyme's on a routine blood test. He's on antibiotics and should be fine. But, I wanted to say that we lived in an area with such bad ticks on the dogs, despite monthly treatments. Of course DH got none on him, but I have to have him remove 2 from me. Yuck!!!!! ~ Administrator said...

My mom is militant about the iPhones, she doesn't even want to see them out when we're visiting. But since most of us are visiting for a week or more we've tried to gently convince her it's okay we check our phones every once in awhile. :)

But geez when you are on vacation with eight children who don't get enough time with you anyway, there is just no need to check in with Twitter. None at all. Or if you must, make sure they are all tucked into bed and asleep before spending a little time on the iPhone.

Down The Shore said...

These tweets just make me roll my eyes...

@Kateplusmy8 evening ocean dip? You are either crazy or brave!

THINK! It is still light in the evening...doesn't get dark until 8:30 - 8:45! You can have dinner and take an ocean dip!


Caylee Anthony would be 7 on Thursday. Tweets going around to wear purple...

@ljohnson2006 @Bethenny @Kimzolciak @Kateplusmy8 @GiulianaRancic @RobinMeade Who is Caylee? is purple her fave color?

Why, Caylee is Kate's nanny. Doesn't everyone know she wears only purple?


@Kateplusmy8 what is grouper? A fish? Sounds yummy!!

How does it sound yummy if you don't even know what it is?

This represents Kate's fan base?

AuntieAnn said...

Mrs. Maloprop - I'm no authority on cat health but maybe Moses is suffering from a change of diet? It could be giving him the stinkies. And the poor little guy has been traumatized the last few day so that could affect his bowels.

readerlady said...

Mrs. Malaprop -- Baby wipes on your kitty are just fine. I agree with the poster who suggested trimming the fur on his little bottom. I had a kitty I needed to do that with (He was a long-hair rescue). Moses will develop better habits as he gets older. The food seeking and sniffing could be a sign of starving cat syndrome. Cats who have gone without food, or who have been chronically hungry can develop it. No matter how much food they have available they feel like they are one step from starving again. He could just also be nosy. Don't give him nuts. Some kinds of tree nuts are toxic to cats (peanuts are okay). He's a lucky little guy to have been rescued by you and your son.

I haven't seen any of the specials featuring Abby and Britney, but I remember watching one on the Irish conjoined twins. IIRC they didn't have a choice in separating them because one of the girls was dying and they both would have if they hadn't been separated. Or maybe I'm thinking of another set of conjoined twins. It was some years ago. Has anyone read the biography of the Engs? They were the original "Siamese Twins". They both married and both fathered children. Must have been an interesting household, is all I can think!

Layla said...

Kate won't get off Twitter because she desperately wants someone in the media to come looking for her and take bikini pictures. Then the bikini pics will be all over the internet, and people will contrast her lifestyle--beach vacations with the kids--with Jon, who can't pay child support or make his rent payments. Then they can all write about how hot she is, blah, blah, blah. I bet she bought lots of new bikinis for this trip, so someone had better show up to take her picture!

Moose Mania said...

Well, hard to believe, if Kate is home or she is some place else. Kate lies so much, it's hard to tell. If she is having a beach dinner(that's an expensive one), how can you have oven fries? and sauteed veg mix?


You rent a beach house and you put oven fries in the oven and you saute veggie on top of the stove. She said "made" dinner, but doesn't say if SHE made it or someone else did. I'm not so sure why it's hard to believe she's not at the beach. Yes, she lies, but she tweeted a picture, she and the twins went on a shopping spree (probably needed clothing for the trip), tweeted Deanna about an adventure (is Deannie with her), and then says they had a beach dinner and took an evening dip.

Down The Shore said...

Anger said..."If she is having a beach dinner(that's an expensive one), how can you have oven fries? and sauteed veg mix?"


A "beach dinner" doesn't mean a dinner on the beach. It's the type of dinner -- fish, shellfish, a beach dinner! I recently had a beach dinner at a restaurant. That was the name of the dish on the menu (and it was to die for).

AuntieAnn said...

I made supper tonight. Then I went outside and watered the lawn. After that I came in and put the dishes in the dishwasher. I'm going to take a shower now.

You guys don't mind if I let you know what I'm doing EVERY FREAKING HOUR OF THE DAY do ya?

Down The Shore said...

Swept up the sand,ate ice cream snack, tucked the littles in, now watching Olympics w C&M &friends! Loving r X in peaceful beach house!


Must we have a blow by blow description of her vacation? What in the heck is wrong with this woman? Why is she doing this?

I thought she didn't eat ice cream.

Dmasy said...

Auntie Ann, I would a darn sight rather hear about your day (with your hilarious spin) than hear about hers. Thanks for the offer!

NT said...

Steve is there. That's why she made steak.

AuntieAnn said...

Oh Dmasy I will spare you all the boring details of my humdrum life. However I will tell you what I did this afternoon at the grocery store....My purse fell over at the check out and my change purse fell out of it spilling about a pound of change all over the floor. So there I was on my hands and knees groping around peoples ankles, lifting their feet gathering change off the floor like a common beggar all the while aplogizing to everyone. Yeah, that was fun. They were all mad at me for holding up the line. It was the express aisle on top of it.

Moose Mania said...

Then I went outside and watered the lawn. After that I came in and put the dishes in the dishwasher. I'm going to take a shower now.


I'm right behind you, Auntie. Don's use all of the hot water.

The beach trip...getting inside Kate's mind (it's nasty in here), I can see her and her "friends" driving to NC. Then her friends drive the little kids home. She flies with the twins for their pre-cruise lunch with the sheeple in Florida, and takes the twins on the cruise. It's just so much of a coincidence that this trip is scheduled just prior to the cruise.

Of course when she tweets they are at the Jersey shore, that theory gets shots all to you know where.

OrangeCrush said...

Well let's just see if we keep up the rainbows and unicorns by the end of a week w/out TLC providing the boat trips and other distractions. I honestly hope so for the sake of kids who just need a beach, a tv movie or 2 and a lot of ice cream. Funny tho how just a few short months ago she was quite emphatic about not being able to afford a beach house. And beach houses are usually snapped up months in advance. So what happened here?

Frankly I think this is more about showing up the ex than about 'making memories'. Kate would prefer a vacay in Cabo sans kids anytime.

Moose Mania said...

They were all mad at me for holding up the line. It was the express aisle on top of it.


lol, Auntie! Was the clerk's name "Rose" and the guy, whose ankles you were lifting, was "Henry?" "YOU GOT MAIL!" At least you didn't ask them to swipe a credit card in the express aisle!

Moose Mania said...

Since her dad was educated, he should have had enough discretionary income to provide orthodontics for his daughter.


I was thinking the same thing. He was superintendent of schools. If I were the grandparents, I'd make darn sure those children would have enough food. I'd show up every week with bags of groceries even if I had been dead set against their marriage.

Dmasy said...

AuntieAnn, I got the visual...right down to the hand sanitizer you needed after gathering all that change off the tile floor.

I am sure you charmed your fellow shoppers.

AuntieAnn said...

Moose - Gee why not? It was that bad. I was so embarrassed. I would have probably just said forget it, but I had a lot of loonies and toonies ($1 and $2 coins) in that thing and they had rolled all over the place. I don't think my face could have been any redder.

Dmasy - they were not pleased. You would have thought someone would have helped but this is 2012. ~ Administrator said...

Who knows, maybe they did try to help out. Maybe they didn't accept the help. It's different accepting help from family as opposed to some of the other organizations lending them a hand.

Another thing I noticed was how Juanita puts her all into cleaning houses. Darrel worked all day at his job and all night on the farm. Their work ethic is commendable.

You know what's nice for the girls who are adults now, is if and when they choose to watch this, they can see how devoted .

I was able to find out, in the limited updates available on the internet and by sending a few emails, that the girls are incredibly close to their mom. Not surprising. That's what happens when you put in the effort at this age, you end up with three beautiful devoted adult daughters.

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 113

EM, I found myself getting mad at Darrel too. He worked so darn hard that I was at once exhausted, bone-weary and enormously hungry just from watching that man


I get the sense that Darrel was like his dad. Farm first. Family second. I think Juanita felt very much like an outsider. ~ Administrator said...

I think that's exactly it. Farm first. We had a lot of "farm kids" at my school, it was a 50-50 mix of suburb kids and farms. I hardly ever saw their dads at school functions and things. Probably working hard or too tired.

Problem is if you put family first not farm first, you lose the farm.

I'm really not a fan of Darrel's dad. A lot of Darrel's issues seem to stem directly from him. And it wouldn't kill him to thank his daughter in law for hauling out lunch to him in the middle of the field. I could tell how much that hurt Juanita.

capecodmama said...


She doesn't need someone to show up and take her picture. Someone in her entourage will take it and sell it to the tabloids. There is no way the paps are following her around.

I am glad the kids got a trip to the beach though. Even though they have been on several expensive trips with TLC they never asked for that. They deserve a trip without the crew telling them, "you need to run back and do that again because we need a better shot. Now do it again. And again. No really this is the last time we'll ask you to do the same thing again."

Moose Mania said...

Moose - Gee why not? It was that bad. I was so embarrassed.


In "You've Got Mail," nobody was crawling around on the floor, but it looked like Rose ("beautiful name") would have jumped at the chance to leave the express lane to do some groping with Tom Hanks if he had suggested it!

I once dropped the coins in the drive-thru at McDonalds. It was 90 cents or I may not have bothered. I couldn't get the car door open, so I had to pull aside. The guy in back of me couldn't pull up to the window until I finished picking them up. To say he was miffed at me was an understatement. He said some things I had never heard before!

AuntieAnn said...

Yes I noticed that too. She said they were pre-occupied with harvesting and what not.
And he was quite cold to her when she brought him a birthday cake to the house, although he did manage a smile that time. She tried hard to please everyone.

AuntieAnn said...

Moose, I was also wearing white capris. I looked lovely when I finally got out of there. And Dmasy, I took about ten of those sanitizer wipes they have by the carts and cleaned up before I left the store. I guess I can skip the shower? Naa. ~ Administrator said...

I can't stand people who are so resentful they can't even swallow their pride and say thank you. If someone does something nice for you and you can't stand them, as far as I'm concerned you have two choices. The first is to accept it and say thank you. The second is not not accept it and ask them to please stop doing things for you. But in my view, it's not acceptable to accept it but not be appreciative.

AuntieAnn said...

Problem is if you put family first not farm first, you lose the farm.

Darrel did seem concerned about the girls and he was helping out with the solar system they were making for school, but even then he was always talking about the farm. I think Juanita said something about that. He was so focused on their problems he wasn't able to get out of that mindset enough to involve himself with anything else. He worked hard and so did she but I think she carried a bigger emotional load than he did.

It's a compelling story.

anger issues kate said...

Down the shore: you know why, and Kate is so dumb: . Kate is bragging, and showing off, rubbing every ones face in it. See, I do have money, but you stupid fools think I don't, are I not a good actress? Really people, how many of you can afford a beach house? What a few of you maybe? Maybe a hotel by the beach! Then Kate whines, bitches complains and crys no money. And the stupid fools out there believe her. Another blogs: title for their post is something like: See haters Kate is doing very well. You know they are right, Kate made fools of her fans and most of the media, pull the poor mom crying act, they fell for it lock, stock & barrow. Kate has lots of money. Jon said Kate has 11 accounts with her name on them. And to think it took a court order, to get Kate to put 15% of K8 for the kids. Kate was hoarding all the money.

silimom said...

Dwindle - No apologies necessary. I didn't take your comment as argumentative. I believe it's fine to call Kate out on her behavior. That's one of the functions of this blog, imo.

I'm sorry if I sort of pop on, say something and then pop off. Like many of you I'm either parenting, working, volunteering and drop in here when I can to read and comment.

The last few weeks have been crazier than most. We have a new dog in the house (Thank you to everyone for the advice, btw. It was very, very helpful and I needed the perspective! :-)) and so it's been an adjustment for the kids, my husband and myself. We also have a daughter that just moved back home to regroup, pay off debts and head back to school. Wish her and us luck with that! :-)

jl dent said...

Can anyone tell me if she has mentioned anything about shoka since he became sick, last i heard he was on meds and nothing else, hope hes okay

anger issues kate said...

Silimom: GOOD LUCK!

I am feeling much better, and did manage to get the trash out, clean my birds, water my garden(have not water in 2 days) and wash 4 days of dishes(I used all in the cabinet), even made a food run. Next tomorrow laundry, and ink my printer. Getting caught up on house work. No volunteering this week, I still get a little tire. & still not eating much.

I also discovered that I have 10 baby fish(not 11 as I thought), of the ten, 4 are males. Took a real close look(some of the females have fancy tails).

She's come undone said...

I have a very sensitive question for all of you, so please forgive me if it is too personal. How do you possibly have sex with these two girls. I do understand, of course, how it will physically take place, but there will always be three people there and absolutely no privacy. And to think that if one of them meets someone and they can want to date and get to know each other, it will be 3 people. It just seems it would be very embarassing for them to be this intimate.

As for Darryl, his Dad is a class A jerk. I mean did you see his equipment that he wants money for? What happened to helping your kids out. I find it annoying, as someone else said, that he constantly asks Juanita hmmm when she doesn't answer quickly. But by the same token, she seems to just sit there a lot of the time and not answer. I wish I could see a current pic of her with her teeth fixed. I bet she is pretty. ~ Administrator said...

She's come undone, I think they will find relationships very challenging. Though they're used to sharing everything. They go to the bathroom together, etc., all that stuff so shared intimacy might not be as awkward for them as we might think. They are in a very unique position because their private parts belong equally to both of them. But it surely might be harder for respective husbands. I feel for them. ~ Administrator said...

I just had another thought about the twins. Most people want at least two kids and often more. But for them if they want two kids each, that's four pregnancies they'll have to go through. And if they want more than that all of a sudden we're talking about six pregnancies or more. With their health issues that may not be a realistic possibility. And what if they go through one pregnancy and it was really hard and they don't want to do it again? Now the other twin loses out on having a child?

There's just dozens of issues with this now that they are adults.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

"... how it will physically take place, but there will always be three people there and absolutely no privacy."


I imagine they learn to just tune it out. Chang and Eng married sisters, had a total of 21 children and had a bed built for four. I guess they worked it out somehow!

quagmire said...

her kids don't listen to her, yeah, then she would need help. I got that, from when, she was talking about the type of guy she would want in her kids lives, cop-type, who can handle her kids. That says a lot.


Earlier you admitted that Katie lies a lot, so what really makes you think she's telling the truth this time? I'm betting those kids do EXACTLY what their mother tells them to do.

Kate is just pouring on the sympathy by throwing her kids under the bus.

Starz22 said...

to the person with the stinky cat poo....
I got 1 of my many cats as a stray...she was thrown out of a car window,one of my neighbors called me knowing I would care for the cat. She had the worst smelling poo. I took her into the vet and found she had an infection in her intentions due to lack of nourishment . They gave me an antibiotic for her and she cleared right up.She had healthy smelling poo in no time...if poo can smell healthy =)
I give you huge kudos for taking in un-wanted pets.If more people would have their pets spayed or neutered there wouldn't be pets suffering. I hope you have many happy years with your new found family member )

Starz22 said...

Asking about Brittany and Abby....did someone say they were separated?
The last special I saw about them ...was they were 16 and getting their drivers license.Being joined at the head I didnt think they could be separated .When is this special going to be on?

Sleepless In Seattle said...

They have not been separated even though they are not joined at the head. Here's an excellent article explaining the physiology of the girls:

Sleepless In Seattle said...

With their health issues that may not be a realistic possibility. And what if they go through one pregnancy and it was really hard and they don't want to do it again? Now the other twin loses out on having a child?


Here's the thing, admin. They have one body and two heads, one set of reproductive organs. Whose child would it be?

Mrs. Malaprop said...

lock, stock & barrow.


Holy malapropism! LOL Good one! What's a barrow?

Curiosity killed the cat said...

And what if they go through one pregnancy and it was really hard and they don't want to do it again? Now the other twin loses out on having a child?

I think some of these questions, altho titallating, are none of our business. And I hope these lovely young ladies don't get duped into revealing too much about themselves. You'd think their mother was at least a LITTLE bit savvy re: media considering she's been dealing with them since her daughters' birth. Do they not know that TLC is the Freak Show Channel?? Maybe National Geographic or OWN or some network just a TAD more respectable would be the better choice. Come on, if they don't realize their show could premiere directly after the premiere of the ridiculous Honey Boo Boo redneck freak show, then they are NOT ready for their own 'reality' show.

mama mia said...

It is estimated that the family receives $25,000 to $50,000 per episode. The Gosselins also receive residual income from DVD sales. The fun trips the family takes on the show are paid-for-perks and the couple has reportedly received tens of thousands of dollars in free products and goods.

Gosselin also earns hundreds of thousands of dollars each year from speaking engagements, interviews, and from the sales of her two books. But Gosselin reports, “it all goes into the same pot.”

According to an interview in People magazine (May 25, 2009 print edition), Gosselin reports that Jon, who earns less money, has shown signs of resenting her superior income; “I have always made more money than Jon… He hates to speak, he doesn’t write, he doesn’t do public appearances – all those things I love.”

TLC stinks said...

Look, Kate only thinks about Kate. This beach vacay is for her, not the kids. I bet you they are in a very, very nice beach house. In fact, it could even be Bald Island. She is not paying those " friends" to help with the kids, cook etc. because she is covering their expenses. Wherever they are, it is private. And Steve is there. Absolutely no doubt. I am glad the kids get to enjoy the beach, but to give a thumbs up to Kate for taking them on a vacay doesn't make sense given her selfishness. She is using Twitter to do a play-by-play of what a wonderful mother she is. She lied about "budgeting" to afford this vacay, she uses her friends/employees as servants and substitute husband, and continues to use those kids as her one and only claim to fame.

Wowser said...

Is she going to be calling them the "littles" when they are in their teens? I am glad she took them somewhere to do something over summer vacation rather than being stuck on the KOMPOUND. I know!! Most kids would be lucky to have a mansion and giant pool but a lot of kids who grow up wealthy will tell you as adults that they wish they had been "mediocre" like most folks. When my kids were teens, my son was friends with a boy whose father was a reknown neurosurgeon and my son was always so impressed with their house and wealth and how on a thurs. they would decide to go to the cayman islands and jump on a plane the next day for the weekend. We were mediocre....but every Friday night from the Fall through the winter months we would have a "carpet picnic" and video night. Some times it was "eat dinner backwards" night or munches/dip night or "make your own sundae" night but we put a big blanket on the floor in front of the fireplace and had a ball. The funny thing son's friend would ask every week if we were having carpet picnic and if he could come. I think it's the same for the gosselin kids. When they are older, Kate will be shouting at them about how ungrateful they are about all the memories she "made for them and the whole world" and they are going to want to be at a "Medicare friend's" house doing normal Joe things.

TLC stinks said...

That is one hell of a calm beach where that picture was taken. Not a single wave.

TLC stinks said...

BTW, I seriously doubt she is at a beach with Deanna Bell. Deanna is a professional with a full career and I cannot imagine this woman babysitting Kate's kids for a week. Jamie, yeah I see her there and she will keep her mouth shut about Steve.

barbee said...

Someone commented that Kate is worth $4Million. She may 'have' $4Million but she sure as hell isn't 'worth' it.

OT, this post has gotten very hard to follow with one storyline following Juanita and Darryl, one bitching on Kate (well deservedly) and some commenting on the conjoined girls. And then when it gets so high up in the volume, sheesh!

Rhymes with Witch said...

At the doctor today, read this article in the current Atlantic. Not endorsing anything, but found it very interesting and apropos.
In the same issue , there was a history of white bread (white to show
it had no contaminants).

The July /Aug 2012 issue of the Atlantic. (aka the Atlantic Monthly).

Winsomeone said...

With the twins, this might be a case where "sister wives" would be the best thing for everyone concerned. I don't believe in that life style, but it seems suitable in this case..they would share a husband and any children that might come.

Wowser said... was suppose to say "mediocre family" and auto correct did Medicare family. Lol. But a Medicare family would beat Friday night at gosselin's house hands down!

mama mia said...

I think it is time Kate embraces her other fan base and does a show just for them (us). The opening would go something like this:
"Jon and I always knew we wanted high order multiples to avoid having to work at regular jobs for regular pay. Even I had no idea how well my mastermind plan would work out!! I took a quick diploma course in nursing so I could go to work in a labour and delivery ward learning infertility information. Jon did his usual bumming around. I have always earned more money than Jon and that sure as heck wasn't going to change. We agreed that since I had to risk my life carrying all these babies in my uterus HE would have to take care of them once born. So that is why you saw me lying in bed while he made MY coffee, and now you know how resentful I am that you all felt he was the better parent.
When we hit the jackpot getting three boys and three girls I knew our bank accounts would be brimming over. I made Jon get a job while I stayed at home filming me and the babies. I took hundreds of hours of video tape and sent these off to every production company Jon could find listed on the internet. Jon also set up a website so we could immediately start asking for sponsors, gifts and money.
I should point out that I masterminded this plan back when I was just 17 years old, the same time my mother had me, and I was her second child. Ugh. My parents had no money and if it wasn't for my grandmother who was more like a mother to me because she had the right age and experience, I mean who wants a teenager for a mother?? Not Me!!
Anyway, the whole time Jon and I were dating I made him film us so that we could use this footage for our reality tv show. Our wedding day was also taped for the show I knew we would one day get, but my stupid family didn't get on board and they were in too many frames so that is why you don't get to see as much of me in my beautiful wedding dress dabbing tears from my eyes as I would like.
When Discovery Channel FINALLY called us I was very upset they only wanted to do one special. They said we likely would not enjoy the intrusiveness of being recognized, and that it was better for our kids to not be on tv that much. Boy, were they wrong!!!! Because of ME pushing for a weekly series show my kids now get to play in a home valued at $1.2 million dollars, with an awesome pool.
And this is our story. Each week you will see me tackling the challenges of Jon trying to shut our income down. You will find out how I got into running - having nothing to do is a good motivator to get fit!!!!!! You will see that my children are loved and fed and well cared for, and of course you will see my vast clothes closet with all my famous outfits ranging from size 6 to minus 2. You will also see how Jon went back to a mediocre life and all the women he has hooked up with. I expect you will see at least six different girlfriends in his life over the course of this series. You will not see me beating our children with wooden spoons so don't bother tuning in if that is what you are here to see. I encourage you all to block the bullies in your household who are rolling their eyes saying my life story is a waste of your time, come and join my fun!!!!!!

Let's throw tomatoes said...

TLC stinks .......said 184

Thank you. I totally agree!

Summerwind said...

Look, Kate only thinks about Kate. This beach vacay is for her, not the kids.


If I took eight kids on vacation, it would be for the kids, not me. When I got home, I'd feel that I would need a vacation from the vacation! If the vacation would be for her, she and Steve would hole up somewhere in Mexico or the Caribbean!

Once a Viewer said...

Re: Conjoined twins. I read the the Eng brothers had separate homes close to one another and they and the specific wife would reside in each home for a week, then switch. They could have been separated if born in modern times.


The Irish twins (Eilish & Katie Holton) I saw the specials on & who met the Hensels, were not in danger of dying & it was a tough decision to separate, but I know there was an English set who were and one did die. The Irish twin died but this was not expected. But maybe you saw another Irish pair.

There are more conjoined twins than one would realize! I do hope Brittany and Abby are not exploited- they've been so careful for so long.
I agree with the poster who said the girls could block out what the other was 'doing' to some extent although they are very close - they said they could 'feel' an itch the other twin was experiencing on her arm! Amazing how they have to have seamlessly managed their lives and activities.

Re: FW. I agree about LeRoy. He did not seem overly grateful for the food or the birthday cherry pie. He and his wife seemed much better off in terms of their house and finances. How could he watch his hard-working son struggle and diss Juanita who was right there helping on the farm plus doing an amazing job raising his granddaughters? The mother-in-law was much kinder and involved.

Juanita said at the 4H show that Darrel better participate or the girls would look elsewhere for fun, meaning would not expect his attention. I think he tried to step up although Hoy was visiting and evaluating the farm so it wasn't always easy for him. he seemed to joke around with the kids and teach them about the farm & animals etc a fair bit.

I read the girls are close to both parents now- I don't know if there was a custody battle as one poster seemed to think, but I guess they worked it out.

Summerwind said...

Holy malapropism! LOL Good one! What's a barrow?


It's a city in Alaska. They did a television documentary on it, the way of life there, and the extreme cold. It's one of the most northern cities in North America. When it's "only" minus 20 degrees in the winter, they consider it a heat wave. It made me cold just watching it.

Anonymous said...

I took a quick diploma course in nursing

I really wish people would stop trashing the nursing profession just because Kate is an RN.

If you have issues with BSN versus getting a diploma through a hospital, take it up with the nursing board. Both are legit and require classes as well as clinical experience.


Hospital-Based RN Programs
"Though it is the smallest of the three educational avenues to becoming a registered nurse, hospital-based RN programs do still exist at nearly 100 hospitals across the country. Most programs take 2-3 years to complete, and they are run on an apprenticeship model. Graduates are awarded a diploma.

Up until 1965, most registered nurses in the United States were trained through hospital-based RN programs. However, after the American Nurses Association recommended that RN training should be shifted to colleges and universities, most RN training now takes place within a campus environment.

At hospitals which still offer RN training, the program is conducted like an apprenticeship, and students take science courses in anatomy, physiology and sociology as well as receive education in real-world nursing skills alongside professionals. Program objectives include training students to view patients holistically, treating sympathetically but according to evidence-based practice. After completing this program, students are awarded diplomas and are eligible to take the national registered nurse examination, the NCLEX-RN."

It is not a "ONE IS EASIER THAN THE OTHER" situation. They are two different ways toward becoming an RN. Simply because someone choose one way over the other has nothing to do with their abilities as an RN.

There are a limited amount of nursing programs in the U.S, mostly because of lack of faculty. Nurses want to be with patients, not in a classroom. In certain areas, the only way to become an RN is through a hospital program. There was one hospital in my area that was so desperate for RNs, that they offered their RN program for FREE to anyone who qualified who would sign a contract and agree to work there for X number of years (can't remember offhand) after program completion and passing the NCLEX.

IF Kate had a BSN, then what? Would you trash the school she went to because it "wasn't good enough"?

Leave the nurses alone. They work damn hard and deserve respect. Every time you slam a "diploma program" you are slamming those nurses that help you and your family members.



LB said...

Sorry to go off topic---Did TLC ever show the orginial auction tape Kate used to shop around or pieces of them on their old show, Jon and Kate plus 8? I've always wondered what happed to that tape. For some reason, we might have seen snippets of it back in the early days of the show when they were talking about how they got pregnant, blah blah blah. I have no clue how one would go around making an 'auction' tape of themself. I would think she used the first wedding and the part where she was being filmed in her hospital room was part of it. Come to think about it, they have video-taped themselves and pretty much everything else BEFORE she got pregnant so that might be why she cannot let go the camera! (snark)

Summerwind said...

They could have been separated if born in modern times.


One of the educational channels did a story on them. They could have been separated when they were born. The medical knowledge was there and since they were only joined by tissue/cartilage, they knew how to separate them back then.

When the one twin woke up to find the other one dead, he called for the doctor to separate them. By the time the doctor arrived, both were dead. At least that's one of the stories, but it was possible to separate them during their lives. However, since they had been born together, they decided to stay together. It was not explained why the one died within hours of the other. One died from pneumonia, but since they didn't share organs, only connective tissue, what caused the death of both of them was unclear. It's an interesting story.

readerlady said...

Heather -- APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE! In addition to what you said -- The primary educational difference between a degree program and a diploma program is that in the degree program, general courses unrelated to nursing are required for graduation -- courses like History, English, Phys. Ed., etc. The core courses are EXACTLY the same. In fact, many diploma graduates have more hours on the floor actually caring for patients than degree graduates!

Summerwind and Mrs. Malaprop -- In addition to being a city in Alaska, a barrow is an ancient burial mound. There are a number of them throughout England and they contain the remains of prehistoric residents of the area. Some people also use barrow as a shortened form of wheelbarrow.

Summerwind said...

I have no clue how one would go around making an 'auction' tape of themself.


Do you mean audition tape?

Once a Viewer said...

oops. it's Chang and Eng Bunker ! I just read the brother who did not die refused separation- maybe toxins spread to him as his brother's systems shut down? Idk. I will read up- it's very interesting.

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