Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Farmer's Wife: A rare case of when not paying a family for their work is a good thing

This week: Part Two will be organizing an official summer "book club" screening of The Farmer's Wife. Watch Part 2 the week of August 12, and Part 3 (link to come) the week of August 19 and discuss it as you go with all the interesting folks here. If you missed Part 1 it can be found here .

Juanita faithfully cleaned houses to make ends meet during filming.
The public was outraged when TLC disclosed in 2010 that the first time they ever set up a trust fund for a portion of the Gosselin children's earnings wasn't until November 2009, some four years after they first put the children on T.V. in May 2006. Up until then, the children had never been directly paid (Jon and Kate however have always been paid.)

Many advocacy groups for entertainers believe that reality stars, adults and children alike, should be treated as SAG members and paid fairly for their work (SAG regulations require that actors make a minimum of $4,800 per week). However some reality show productions do not pay, often because they cannot afford to.

Such was the case for filmmaker David Sutherland, the creator of The Farmer's Wife. His tight budget simply didn't allow him to give the Buschkoetters any payment for their three years of work. He even dipped into his retirement savings to fund the $1.3 million project. (Many donations from around the country however came in once the show aired.)

The result was a virtually untouched, brutally honest story of one family's struggle to make ends meet and save a marriage. The filmmaking was so intimate, the crew even once followed Juanita to a meeting with a particularly stubborn creditor as she negotiated their debt with him, successfully.

There were no "make-over" episodes or luxurious trips or other nonsense. Instead we watched a family fall down, hard, then pick themselves up, brush themselves off and figure out a way to make it on their own. If Sutherland had paid the family, it certainly would have helped them put food on the table. But would the story be as "pure"? Would we still be talking about this film fifteen years later? Probably not.

"It's tough watching it," Juanita was once quoted, "Only because it's really what life was like the last three years, really real."

Indeed, the "realest reality show" ever was not Jon and Kate. It was The Farmer's Wife.

1016 sediments (sic) from readers:

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AuntieAnn said...

Alabama is one long, long drive from PA. Good heavens. Is this the only grift she could come up with on short notice?

This is the beginning of the end of the 'free world' as Kate knows it. Hard times are ahead. Grifting is going to seem more like work as time goes on so she'd better get used to it.

Anonymous said...

BitterAnnK said... 133

Then I'd have to reveal MY source.
Anybody who "knew" them was aware of all this. Common knowledge for the locals. Only the tabloids and 'blogs' went crazy over her. Not even Kate seemed to care.


The fact that you put "knew" in quotes says that your source(s) don't actually know these folks. In other words, you are repeating local gossip. Might be true, might not, but gossip is gossip. ~ Administrator said...

I don't think they make invisalign for kids that young. I've heard they only make them for teens and adults. They are so much more work than braces, risk of cavities is high if a kid doesn't brush, way too much potential for a child to forget to put them back in, and way more expensive.

TLC stinks said...

Midnight, right, she said she would try. I never heard of any follow up as to whether she informed them she would definitely not be doing the lunch, but I'm sure she did. She probably had no intention of ever doing lunch; just trying to work out the bad publicity by offering up something. She is not a class act.

Pulling The Wool said...

So let's quit blowing smokescreens and pretending we just can't know anything unless all the court documents are unsealed. We can, Jon is a liar, Kate is no better, but in this case we know he lied.


That's exactly what I am going to do. I'm going to believe ROL, the Star, and all of the other internet rag sites rather than what is documented through the courts. Makes sense to me, knowing how accurate these online tabs are, and they never ever pull misleading quotes or downright untruths from anywhere. Radar has, historically, been proven to be one hundred percent legitimate in everything they publish. Baloney. ~ Administrator said...

Sometimes there are concrete reasons why someone could not have been in a relationship with someone else, but to reveal them would be hurtful to those people and frankly is none of the public's business. People here who know those reasons have shown a lot of restraint and respect. ~ Administrator said...

Even the last several Radar Online stories about Kate have been flat out wrong. I'm sure she doesn't appreciate it anymore than Jon but you can't spend your life trying to sue them, especially when you're a public figure and have to prove malice. Kate doesn't bother to sue and neither does Jon, and I wouldn't expect them to. I never use Radar as a link to a post here anymore. They are done.

Once a Viewer said...

I think one of the 'littles' has the braces and not invisalign.(sp?) I think she said my 'lil' one or something. And yes, the story of the carpet, wire and wire cutters etc!! I think they just didn't show up in her picture or it's an older pic.The Easter photos showed that most of the younger kids don't have many second teeth yet- my bet is still Alexis.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... (Administrator) said... 1
Like most of Kate's crappy pictures, that farm pic is so ridiculously grainy I don't know how anyone can say for sure the kids in the back don't have braces. Also any braces wearer knows there is a way to keep your upper lip over the top of your braces when you smile to more or less hide them for pictures.

I can't see Aaden's teeth and whichever girl tup is in the back, I can't see her teeth either. I also couldn't see Aaden's teeth in the recent Lorax watching photo.

Dwindle said...

AuntieAnn said... 191
Dwindle said... 186
She never had blog fodder to begin with. Hence multiple posts about how she doesnt know how to do laundry, multiple posts about her pool that she doesnt comprehend etc. She has nothing to say because she doesnt HAVE anything in her life.

That's exactly what I said. Her blog entries are about as useful as fish scales. She is completely out of her realm in the world of blogging. It's just one more thing she's lousy at doing. Check!

I'm Sorry Auntie. This is why I should read from the bottom up, so I dont repeat others.

AuntieAnn said...

Seems kind of funny that for the millions the G8 earned to support their parents, their parents now appear to be whining about supporting their kids. They make it sound like they're both poor as church mice. Can't wait to see what happens when the kids are old enough to look into where exactly the money went. Every cent of what was earned by them, including what Jon and Kate got should be sitting in trust waiting for them alone. Jon and Kate should both be out there working regular jobs for the basic necessities.

Once a Viewer said...

At Easter Aaden had no front teeth grown in, just gaps. They do look like at least 5 of them will require braces. Leah has the most second teeth- maybe her? Anyway, I'm sure a pic will come to light.

AuntieAnn said...

I'm Sorry Auntie. This is why I should read from the bottom up, so I dont repeat others.
NO NO NO Dwindle! I was agreeing with you and admin! No apology necessary. Yikes, I should apologize for not wording that better.

mamaK said...

There are a couple posts here about seeing Kate in Gulf Shores, AL. Shopping in town I guess.

What a long way to drive when there are so many great beaches along the east coast!

Kate is a twit said...

Another article about Kate at Blogher. Writer didn't seem to impressed with Kate.


"Kate Gosselin was headlining the Coupon Cabin booth at BlogHer 12. For a moment, I hesitated to wait to have my photograph taken with her since the last time having my photograph taken her at a book signing she was hardly pleasant."

"P.S. her “bodyguard” who it was/is rumored to be her boyfriend (whatever he is/ was) was also at the event watching over us bloggers in case we were going to attack."

Guess she's "just jealous"of Kate, too.

Dwindle said...

AuntieAnn said... 188
I finally got around to reading Kate's pathetic blog at CC this morning. What a joke. She tries so hard to pretend she knows something about raising kids. She's never done it.

"... my kids have grown up doing skits, performing plays and playing school..."
Kate Kate Kate. Your kids grew up on tv. They were working all day. They were performing for the camera you insisted on having in their faces. They were too tired to play.

"... this type of play is good for my bank account!."
Excuse me? That bank account is in the millions. THEY put it there, you thief.

"I urge parents to encourage imaginative play at home so that the modern miracle of electronic gaming can save you when you travel"
HAHAHAHA!!! You URGE parents? Who the hell would want to emulate your parenting?

"It works, trust me!"
Trust YOU?? Not in a million years.

Exactly one year ago this week, they were 'preschoolers'. Now they are 'grown up.'
By this time NEXT year she will be posting how all 8 have applied for social security and medicare because it's SAVING HER $$!!!!!!!
She has the maturity of a 13 year old, I swear to heaven. Where is this woman's mother? I also have a daughter who is 37 years old and I would be humilated beyond words if my daughter acted like such a childish ass even HALF the time that Kate does. 37 or not, I would be hauling her home by her ear for a serious talking to.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Dwindle said... 186 (Administrator) said... 101
I think the problem Kate is running into is she is running out of blog fodder.

She never had blog fodder to begin with. Hence multiple posts about how she doesnt know how to do laundry, multiple posts about her pool that she doesnt comprehend etc. She has nothing to say because she doesnt HAVE anything in her life. I honestly dont know what she does all day, especially when the kids are in school. Other than 50 Shades, she doesnt read, doesnt work, doesnt do handicrafts, doesnt clean, she doesnt appear to think, she just has nothing to talk about. It is so odd. Hence her grasping at these stupid straws for topics, making shit up about the topics, and then acting so damn proud of herself thinking she really pulled a rabbit out of ass once again.

I volunteer to bring rainbows, farting unicorns and shrieks of constant joy. Or is farts of joy and shrieking rainbows and unicorns in salt water...?


It's so true.

And she'll continue living in episode mode just as long as her twisted audience demands more episodes, and/or specials.

Bubbles said...

But if Jon is paying arrears, that means he lied about not being behind.

Sunrise, Sunset said...

I've stopped believing in much that is put out by these internet sites and some blogs as the truth. So much of it is unverified. I just read a comment on a blog in which a Kate fan was "outed" as having a criminal record. Upon looking up the actual story in a newspaper about the arrest, it was not that person at all, but someone with the same last name in another state.

Does there come a point when these people (both haters and sheeple) say "enough" and have the resources to sue for defamation? I'm not talking about Jon and Kate, but rather the mediocre people who have been targeted?

Does it ever end?

Dwindle said...

AuntieAnn said... 15
I'm Sorry Auntie. This is why I should read from the bottom up, so I dont repeat others.
NO NO NO Dwindle! I was agreeing with you and admin! No apology necessary. Yikes, I should apologize for not wording that better.


We are so silly! LOL! Let's agree that we never mean any disrespect to each other and if it happens, it is just a brain fart?

Admin must be rolling her eyes, watching us (and others here) fall all over themselves trying not to offend! But what a problem to have, eh?


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Sunrise, Sunset said... 21

I've stopped believing in much that is put out by these internet sites and some blogs as the truth. So much of it is unverified. I just read a comment on a blog in which a Kate fan was "outed" as having a criminal record. Upon looking up the actual story in a newspaper about the arrest, it was not that person at all, but someone with the same last name in another state.

Does there come a point when these people (both haters and sheeple) say "enough" and have the resources to sue for defamation? I'm not talking about Jon and Kate, but rather the mediocre people who have been targeted?

Does it ever end?


I'm getting there myself. Things said used to be verified with a link. Now pure hatred reigns and the truth no longer matters.

Kate is Krazy said...

can't be Leah- no braces in the guac. pic

AuntieAnn said...

We are so silly! LOL! Let's agree that we never mean any disrespect to each other and if it happens, it is just a brain fart?

Admin must be rolling her eyes, watching us (and others here) fall all over themselves trying not to offend! But what a problem to have, eh?

Oh agreed for sure Dwindle. I've yet not to be in "agreeance" with what you say. Trouble with writing and reading is that inflection and emphasis on words can't be determined. Ah you get what I mean. Let's have a Rumspringa. Hugs back atcha.

JoyinVirginia said...

Just realized, August 15 is India independence day! India gained its independence from great Britain on August 15, 1947!
Another reason to celebrate! August 15 is independence day for an entire nation! ~ Administrator said...

If you think something shouldn't be discussed say so respectfully. I've about had it with a few of you being so rude.

Jane said...

I respectfully ask that we drop the 'which kid has braces' discussion. It smells like obsession : ) (not the perfume!)

secret2 said...

I can't see Aaden's teeth and whichever girl tup is in the back, I can't see her teeth either. I also couldn't see Aaden's teeth in the recent Lorax watching photo.
Did A have to give up his glasses in exchange for braces? Cause he isn't wearing them in the lorax photo

Anonymous said...

Dwindle.....I have the same problem. I came from a family of 13 children. We always made more than enough food. When I got married I always made too much. My husband said I made enough to feed and army. Two daughters later and I still do it. My daughter's fiance's parents were visiting from California. He told them don't worry their will be plenty of leftovers for us to take home with us. I am still known for making too much. But I feel better too much than not enough. It will always get eaten.


tate said...

What is up with Kate's "Oh my!" in so many of her tweets now? Is she trying to sound all coy or like a little southern belle or what?

tate said...

Oh my! Admin, you are going to have to work fulltime just cleaning up the blog posts!!!

Sunrise, Sunset said...

If Kate wasn't so lazy and actually used her camera instead of her phone, we might be able to tell who is wearing braces. Now what are we supposed to do? How will we find out who is wearing braces?

OrangeCrush said...

JoyinVirginia, did you know the lines on red solo cups are measurements? The bottom one is 1 oz for hard liquor, the next is 5 oz for wine and the next is 12 oz for beer. I have grown up using solo cups and have just recently learned this. I guess I should pay more attention when I'm pouring my rumspringa.


I am embarrassed to say I learned this only recently myself, after many decades of using Solo cups. It was a lightbulb moment for sure.

Also voting to respectfully end a few obsessive topics: braces, Jon's putative child support payments, Jon's former girlfriends, to name a few.

Dmasy said...

I had to grab a solo cup and look...really! I didn't know. One more thing I have learned here.

Orange Crush -- I agree with your topic list and I would like to add weight/appearance/personalities of the children.

Once a Viewer said...

tate said... 31

What is up with Kate's "Oh my!" in so many of her tweets now?

I noticed that too, and it is annoying! I don't know if it's supposed to show people the magnitude of her chores or as you say, she thinks it's cute in some way... it's NOT!

Ex Nurse said...

OrangeCush said...
Also voting to respectfully end a few obsessive topics: braces, Jon's putative child support payments, Jon's former girlfriends, to name a few.
I think that any comments on specific, in the present time, should be off limits--it just encourages Kate to use them for attention. Admin has already said this many times and now blurs the kids faces for the pictures that she posts.

As fo the other topics, I think anyone who wants to should feel free to weigh in on anything about Jon and Kate. It isn't fair to close the door on other people just because one of us is tired of the subject. It will eventually die down on its own.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Kate and Jon both benefitted from putting their family on TLC. I'm not convinced they are through with trying to find the easy money. I do wonder sometimes how they will both explain away how they squandered tons of money that the children helped provide. Those 8 kids will have questions they will want answered someday. Would love to be a "fly on the wall" when that starts happening! Maybe some of the truth about the Gosselins will come out then. Who knows? I often think that Jodi and Beth were smart to break away. They don't need the aggravation of Kate. I'm sure of that. I hear a "mediocre" job calling Kate sooner rather than later. She'll need to replenish her bank account at some point. Interest rates just aren't that high. Her accounts have to be shrinking. It must cost a lot of money to be her.

Sport said...

Oh My!
I'm exhausted. I just mowed/trimmed my lawn, like I do every week!!! My daughter actually got braces yesterday afternoon. Like millions of kids. Nothing special except obviously to us. OH MY! She was a trooper as usual.

I also just did a good scrubbing on the pool. OH MY! I do it every week but just found out I should applaud myself for it.

My son just texted me from school where he is getting his Sophomore HS classes today. Oh My was he excited!! (About the classes and seeing friends again, no idea who is in what class with him.)

I also semi-organized a Whiffle Ball game in our Cul De Sac tonight. Isn't that the most incredible thing ever!! I'm probably the only dad in the planet who does this. Hell I INVENTED Whiffle Ball!! And the internet! And sunny days, too.

Most of the kids are years younger than mine so i end of playing with them sometimes more than mine who seem to be outgrowing me :( OH MY!

(Dont worry i block the hater kids from playing and dont let them join our FUN!!)

Crap I forgot my paperwork! Better wrap it up and race of in my DDD (DivorcedDadsDrivingvehicle) to get the kids. That means errands!! OH MY!!

CS said...

Is anyone interested in discussing this!

I can't help but wonder, does Kate really think, in her demented mind, that by her doing this interview, Hollywood is going to be banging down her door with all kind of offers?

She sounds LIKE a Valley Girl tween, ten years ago!

God help these children!

Secret2 said...

Sport, I hope you don't mind, could you please post a picture of your daughter's braces so we can just confirm that it is actually your daughter and that she actually has braces?

Thanks in advance :)

Dwindle said...

Sport said... 39
Oh My!
I'm exhausted.
Oh My! You are such an inspiration to me!!!!! How do you do it??????????? I WUBS YOUUUU!!!!!!!! You are the coolest ever!!!!!!!!! Can you post the waffle recipe you use for Waffle Ball? Can you post your recipe for Sunny Day???????????? Do you drink Juicy Juice with that? What's a Cul De Sac and where can I get one? Did you get it at the same place as the toothbrush sink??? Yer mah heeeeerrrroooo!!!!!

CS said...

Sport, Secret2 and Dwindle,
Thanks! I just dribbled in my Capri's

Tucker's Mom said...

Sport said... 39
Oh My!! Good laugh there, thanks.
CS said... 40
Is anyone interested in discussing this!
It's just that it's the same old sh*t, different day and I think many here don't even want to give it credence because it's once again Kate grifting for another show, using her kids either to film, or to use as fodder.
I have to say this, at least Kate didn't use the "I've got to support my kids to put me on TV" drivel.
I've just never acclimated to the fact that there are people out there that think it's ok to use little kids like that, but hey, they'll fall for it every time.
This, despite Kate looking and sounding nothing like she did just a few shorts years ago. How can one not see the boob job, the botox, the tanning, the very high-maintenance hair etc, etc?
Finally, ugh, the Valley Girl speak? Where Kate up-talks at the end of each sentence? Like, there was this one time? in Band Camp?.....

Dwindle said...

Anonymous said... 30
Dwindle.....I have the same problem. I came from a family of 13 children. We always made more than enough food. When I got married I always made too much. My husband said I made enough to feed and army. Two daughters later and I still do it. My daughter's fiance's parents were visiting from California. He told them don't worry their will be plenty of leftovers for us to take home with us. I am still known for making too much. But I feel better too much than not enough. It will always get eaten.


My first married Thanksgiving, we were living far from any family and it would be just the two of us. Honest to heaven, ladies, I bought a 22lb turkey. What did *I* know!??? I was cooking a Thanksgiving dinner just like my mother always did - but her's was for 9 kids plus extended family!!!!

Learning my lesson for Christmas, I just got a tiny ham. My now-ex was in the Navy at that time, and I sure didnt anticipate the steady stream of lonely sailors dropping by all day. (They knew my hub was married, living in a real apartment off base etc) That was my first year as a service wife and I sure messed it up. Now my daughter is an Army wife and is a star at making sure no one is alone on a holiday. She has a large and lovely open house every year and seeks out those that might be homesick.

Dwindle said...

CS said... 43
Sport, Secret2 and Dwindle,
Thanks! I just dribbled in my Capri's

Well; then my work here is done for today. Another item to check off my list = help CS pee her pants.

Seriously, CS, I have laughter tears in my eyes from your post! Oh My!

Anonymous said...

Oh My!!! Dwindle. Thank goodness that you could take care of all those lonely sailors. :)

Dwindle said...

CS said... 40
Is anyone interested in discussing this!

I cant find my earbuds, and if HunnyBunny hears that woman's voice coming out of my laptop, it wont be pretty around here. Will get to as soon as I have some MEEEEEEEEE time!

Sunrise, Sunset said...

Sunrise, Sunset said... 33

If Kate wasn't so lazy and actually used her camera instead of her phone, we might be able to tell who is wearing braces. Now what are we supposed to do? How will we find out who is wearing braces?


I didn't say this. My last post was 21.

Sport said...

I cant stand praise dependent people.
The worst are the ones who want praise for every day tasks. That everyone does. Every day.

Facebook/Twitter has brought these people out of the woodwork and given them a daily platform. Also the ones who insist on imposing their lifestyles and beliefs upon you, each and every day.

"I ran XX miles today while eating an organic tofu-substitute, hormone-free, NotDog. With a free-trade dipping sauce of Fish Oil and Mustard alternative."

Why must people applaud themselves for merely doing what they are supposed to do? It's called LIFE. And it's pretty cool.

I've got buddies that tell me sometimes when we all try and get together, "Cant, sorry. I'm babysitting the kids solo tonight."

I hate that the most.
When they are YOUR kids it's not babysitting, it's hanging out with your kids! Grrr. I correct the same 2 dad's every time they use that phrase.


AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 44
Finally, ugh, the Valley Girl speak? Where Kate up-talks at the end of each sentence? Like, there was this one time? in Band Camp?.....

Really, after six years of sitting on that couch talking to the camera, you would have thought she'd have honed her performance. Nope. She's still awful. And that Valley-Girl-speak is worsening. She only talked that way occasionally in the beginning.

Sweet Tart said...

I read this blog daily, but only post here and there because often I'm accessing it from my phone. I like this blog for many reasons, but a big reason is because the Administrator allows differing points of view to be expressed, as long as it is done respectfully. I have a couple of opinions of my own to share in response to what I've read recently here :)

Re Jon. He is far from perfect. However, of the two parents, he is the one who has offered the children unconditional love, who has been truly hands-on (bathing the children every night and tucking them into bed, playing with them, riding bikes and skateboards, going out on the ice rink, skiing with them, etc.) For all 8 children, I think Jon bonded strongly with each of them, in part because Kate made him be the workhorse when he got home every night. In turn, the children show him spontaneous displays of affection, feel free to run and hug him, cling to him, whatever.

For those reasons, I find him to be the better of the two parents.

As to his behavior during the time frame when he and Kate were first splitting up (at her request, remember - he wanted to try marriage counseling but she just wanted him out of her life). Yes, he ran a little wild, drank a little more than good for him, maybe even toked a bit of the herb and partied with young 20-somethings. This is actually rather standard behavior for many people when dealing with a divorce, especially one they didn't initiate nor want.

If he was still behaving this way, I'd be disapproving. However, he has long since settled down. He was in a longterm relationship with Ellen, and now he seems to be in a monogamous relationship with a nice woman who has children of her own. He clearly is a man who prefers to be in a stable relationship with a woman. What's the matter with that? I wish him nothing but good luck in finding a longterm healthy relationship.

I also don't agree with calling other women whores - unless they are actually women who make a living by having sex with strangers for money. Whatever I think of Hailey Glassman, or even Kate Major, they clearly do not meet that criteria. They may be foolish women, self-centered, have low self esteem, be shallow and vapid, may even go from boyfriend to boyfriend, but that does not make them whores. It makes them women who make different choices than I would make, that's all. Words like "whore" and "sl**" and other derogatory terms have been used as bludgeons against women for centuries, to keep them "in their place." As a woman, I find this objectionable.

Finally, we have all made mistakes in our lives. For us, they remain private from the public. However, how would you like to be judged solely and forever on a bad choice you made years ago? How would you like to try to do better, make better choices, yet people will continue to throw your years-old mistake in your face, as if you did it yesterday? Do you think that's fair or right? If you are a religious person, you know that Jesus forgave the sinners that repented and wanted to do better. If he can do so, who are we to continue to hold a grudge against a person who we only know through tv?

Okay - stepping off my soapbox now.

Sweet Tart said...

Dwindle said: What's a Cul De Sac and where can I get one?
*rofl* Too funny Dwindle! I enjoy your posts very much. Good on you and now your daughter for having an open heart (and kitchen) for service men and women who happen to celebrate a holiday far from home and family. I spent one Christmas away from family years ago (I was a new employee/waitress for a restaurant, far from home and low on the totem pole). A fellow waitress, who I barely knew, learned I would spend the day alone and said, "oh no you're not! You're coming to our house!" She made me feel so welcome and I've never forgotten her kindness, especially since she was barely scraping by herself! These acts of kindness are long-remembered by the recipients.

Dwindle said...

Sweet Tart said... 52
I read this blog daily, but only post here and there because often I'm accessing it from my phone. I like this blog for many reasons, but a big reason is because the Administrator allows differing points of view to be expressed, as long as it is done respectfully. I have a couple of opinions of my own to share in response to what I've read recently here :)

I completely agree with every word you wrote. Thank you for posting it. Especially the part about Jon. He had a little breakdown and went a little wild. So did Kate, just in a different way.

If you are on FB, there is a page called Rock The Slut Vote in response to a radio personality who used that word regarding a law student who made a presentation before a congressional committee. The name of the page is an armour of sorts against the 'bludgeons against women' language, as you so wonderfully phrased it. Thought you might find the page interesting is all. If it offends you, I meant no disrespect to you.

Dwindle said...

Sport, it's official; I love you.

""I ran XX miles today while eating an organic tofu-substitute, hormone-free, NotDog. With a free-trade dipping sauce of Fish Oil and Mustard alternative." AND THEN I DID 89 MILES ON THE LIFE CYCLE AND NOW IT'S OFF TO YOGA CLASS! AND BY THE WAY, I MISS MY MOM. (what the hell is a Life Cycle anyway? is that like a stationary bike?)

"When they are YOUR kids it's not babysitting, it's hanging out with your kids! Grrr. I correct the same 2 dad's every time they use that phrase." - One night, my hub (now ex) and I were supposed to go to a party, but one sitter after another cancelled on us. Sad. As we were settling in for an evening at home with our 3 little kids, he says "i'm gonna run out and get some chips and snacks and stuff". You guessed it - he didnt come home till after 1AM. He had gone to the party. His excuse? "Well why should *I* miss it, coz YOU couldnt have a sitter?" I said "but YOU DID?????"

We are divorced now, needless to say.

So I love you, sport. Are you coming to our party? I'll be the one with her toes hanging over the edges of her one-size-too-small bondage stripper acrylic shoes. Oh My!

Anonymous said...

(This is Remona)
Sweet Tart said... 52
I'm not going to c/p it all, but I agree with every word Sweet Tart said in your 852 post!!

Dwindle said...

Sunrise, Sunset said... 49
Sunrise, Sunset said... 33

If Kate wasn't so lazy and actually used her camera instead of her phone, we might be able to tell who is wearing braces. Now what are we supposed to do? How will we find out who is wearing braces?


I didn't say this. My last post was 21

Drive by troll alert.

Over In Kate's County said...

So I love you, sport. Are you coming to our party? I'll be the one with her toes hanging over the edges of her one-size-too-small bondage stripper acrylic shoes. Oh My!


I'll be the one wearing white tube socks with the multi-colored striped tops, and generic brand crocs.

Over In Kate's County said...

Drive by troll alert.


If they want to drive by, would you think they would at least stop by the Sonic drive-thru and bring us some foot-long hot dogs with chili?

Let's throw tomatoes said...

I am in agreement with Sweet Tart and Dwindle about people being able to express their opinion, but there is no reason to call Jon's ex-girlfriends names. We don't know them.

Now Kate is a different story, I think I know her pretty well. Maybe not 100% but pretty close. Sometime's I even feel bad for her, when I think that so many people hate her! I would feel bad if people hated me, and that I might get bad Karma!
But then she opens her mouth, tweets, justifies her bad behavior, not grateful for all she has or the help she has gotten, Etc.

And I'm back to oh, she disgusts me!!!

AuntieAnn said...

How many are coming anyway? I need to know cuz I'm making Rum springa rolls. I don't want to be short.

Over In Kate's County said...

Really, after six years of sitting on that couch talking to the camera, you would have thought she'd have honed her performance. Nope. She's still awful. And that Valley-Girl-speak is worsening. She only talked that way occasionally in the beginning.


It is still totally baffling to me why no public relations person, manager, personality handler, or whatever, wouldn't have grabbed her and insisted she take some kind of communications course or Speech 101 at a local community college. I can understand that in the beginning her skills might have been sub-par, but she still cannot communicate effectively without the use of ummmms. There is no direct eye contact and when in an interview chair, that darn foot still keeps pumping away. It's actually embarrassing to watch her and to listen to her drone on and on.

Over In Kate's County said...

I don't want to be short.


Speaking of being short, make sure you don't invite any trolls!

Resident said...

But if Jon is paying arrears, that means he lied about not being behind.
Not necessarily. Here in PA, once the determination is given,the payor is already in arrears, as they make the support retroactive to the "file date" rather than the determination date. So even if he paid every month as necessary, he could still be in arrears because of the retroactive amount.

Also it is PA law that if you are determined to be the payor, your paycheck is automatically garnished with the amount determined, plus a portion of the arrears. This is how it was in my situation although the youngest of my children came of age five years ago.

readerlady said...

Sweet Tart 52 -- AMEN!!

Sport -- I think Dwindle and I are going to have to rumble to see which one of us gets you! Seriously, your kids are lucky to have you for a dad.

I'll be the one with the canvas sneakers worn over white crew sox. No hooker heels for me. I'm clumsy enough as it is!

Sport said...

Hahah Dwindle.
Thanks for the invite. MON and TUE are the days I dont have kids, which means every Weds morning I get them from their mom. My daughter is in this Horror Movie phase right now so we kill all the lights, make popcorn and smoothies and lounge on the couch having a good time. Weds nights they are almost always around the house so I milk it and if not a movie then cards and board games. Anything but their damn cell phones.

With both kids in their teens now I try and spend as much time as I can with them as I can see it sadly ending soon.

I might stop in for a beer and a shot, real fast ... maybe a Jägerbomb or two?

LancasterCountyMom said...

Dwindle said: "One night, my hub (now ex) and I were supposed to go to a party, but one sitter after another cancelled on us. Sad. As we were settling in for an evening at home with our 3 little kids, he says "i'm gonna run out and get some chips and snacks and stuff". You guessed it - he didnt come home till after 1AM. He had gone to the party. His excuse? "Well why should *I* miss it, coz YOU couldnt have a sitter?" I said "but YOU DID?????""

What a selfish pig.
And glad he is your EX. You're too good for him!!

Sport said...

I have to say, a party with so many women and very few guys sounds pretty awesome. haha

But I might be uninvited when you find out I wash swimsuits only about every 3 days. OH MY! Yep - they are board shorts, and after we get out of the pool I do hose them off and hang them to dry. Sorry, call CPS on me if you must.

I also take cell phone pictures of my kids. WHAT!? It's 8 megapixels with dual LED flash so its not like its some crappy flip phone. Plus I cant sneak cameras into the concerts the kids and I attend and the cell phone kicks ass at The Fillmore and Warfield in SF! We have some AMAZING photos at shows together.

And I wanted to thank, I think Admin?
Last week one of you, I think Admin, used the term "SCOREKEEPER". It is my oldest brother. The narcissist. Scorekeeper is PERFECT and I meant to thank you. Just brilliant actually and so, so accurate.

Back to my mediocre job, have a great afternoon/evening.

Done and done said...

Sport - You are my neighbor! I live in SF. Are you in The City or bay area? Oh and watch out at the Fillmore - their security is SERIOUS about taking photos. I've seen people get kicked out of there more times than I can count!

AuntieAnn said...

Speaking of being short, make sure you don't invite any trolls!

Oh I know. They come uninvited. We'll have to set up springa-loaded troll traps.

(oooo wince, that was bad)

Anonymous said...

Sport . . . cell phones pictures are for lazy women but seeing as you are a man, I think, you get a pass.

Twittering And Twattering said...

So what's ur biggest dream? I want to know. MY biggest dream is to meet/see @Kateplusmy8 in real person, and take a picture with her(+her8)

What kind of lives do these people have if their biggest dream is to meet Kate? It's so sad. If they weren't so clueless, I'd almost feel sorry for them.

Meeting her in "real person" may not be the best idea!

Kate's Twitter people are still talking about Kate's promise to meet the cruisers and treat them to lunch. While we didn't see the original e-mail, this blog had this to say about it:

"In the e-mail, Kate tells the cruise go-er that she is sorry for you and for me, and that she sent everyone who signed up an e-mail to tell them the same. Although Kate won't be going on the cruise, Kate says she would like to try to meet up in Ft. Lauderdale just before the cruise embarks and treat everyone to a meal. If Ft. Lauderdale doesn't work out, she wants to figure out another way to meet with all the cruise people."

According to this, Kate did not PROMISE to meet the cruisers, nor did she PROMISE to have lunch with them. There was a reason she didn't make that promise -- she knew it would never happen. Kate is what she is, but to say that she reneged on a promise just isn't true. She knew exactly what she was doing and this was her way out of a situation that she never wanted to be in.

Do we know that she "didn't find another way?" Did she meet up with anyone in Alabama or on her travels down south? If she had, we probably would have heard about it by now. Speaking of which, where is Milo? She tweeted that "they" (her kids?) were heading for Universal, but I think that's the last we heard.

AuntieAnn said...

You guessed it - he didnt come home till after 1AM. He had gone to the party. His excuse? "Well why should *I* miss it, coz YOU couldnt have a sitter?" I said "but YOU DID?????""

Ouch Dwindle. That had to have hurt you. Sounds like you found happiness now :o) Yay!!

While this thread is still up I wanted to make another comment about the Farmer's Wife.

Another blow Juanita had to endure was when Darrel said it was harder on him to be put down by her mother than it was on her (Juanita). Earlier she had sat at the kitchen table defending her husband, asking her mother not to compare their lifestyle with her other siblings. It was hard for her to say that to her mom. You could see her mother was a tough nut to crack. Yet when it came time for Darrel to defend Juanita when his family was gathered to discuss inheritance issues, he wouldn't speak up. She had done everything she could to try to keep that farm from going into foreclosure and his family wouldn't acknowledge her. I hope he realized later, when they watched the film, the hoops she had to jump through.

To be fair to Darrel, it was good that he was willing to get help after Juanita left him for a week. She had such an endurance factor but there was a limit, even for her.

I have to say it again, it was a great documentary.

JoyinVirginia said...

Sweet tart, dwindle, just want to say I agree with the comments about language. I do think that taking the power of those derogatory words back is a good strategy.
I will check out the Rock the Slut Vote Facebook.
Fyi, I will be the Chief Bitch at the Outer Banks Julia Child and Virginia Dare Birthday Bash and India Independence Day Celebration! Don't nobody call me the b word, I am the Chief B and please do not forget it. Anyone who comes off the beach without rinsing off will have to sweep up every grain of sand they track in!
I expect the first rumspringa in my Red Solo Cup!

ncgirl said...

With the twitter "oh my", I think Kate is trying to imitate Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. It's usually three things then "oh my". Kate is just SO funny, don't you know. She's playing the wrong role though. You know the role in the Wizard of Oz she's qualified for.

With the latest CC blog, are we allowed to bring electronics to the party? Will cell phone photos be allowed?

Twittering And Twattering said...

Auntie Ann said...Oh I know. They come uninvited. We'll have to set up springa-loaded troll traps.


And use what as bait?

Springa rolls -- what kind of dipping sauce are you bringing?

Call Me Crazy said...

Sweet Tart said ... 52

I also don't agree with calling other women whores - unless they are actually women who make a living by having sex with strangers for money. Whatever I think of Hailey Glassman, or even Kate Major, they clearly do not meet that criteria. They may be foolish women, self-centered, have low self esteem, be shallow and vapid, may even go from boyfriend to boyfriend, but that does not make them whores. It makes them women who make different choices than I would make, that's all. Words like "whore" and "sl**" and other derogatory terms have been used as bludgeons against women for centuries, to keep them "in their place." As a woman, I find this objectionable.

Sweet Tart, thank you so much for saying this so eloquently. I feel exactly the same way.

I do not have the same terrible reaction when I hear the words "fame-whore". I suppose this is because it means something entirely different, and it can apply to both men and women equally.

Dmasy said...

Sport...hello. It is really great to have a guy hanging out here. All our Estrogen needs a shot of Testosterone. Thanks for your humor.

I will be the one at the party with my new Medicare card taped to my muumuu and a red licorice stick dangling from my mouth. Looking forward to meeting you.

Improbable Dreams said...

Call Me Crazy said... 77
Sweet Tart said ... 52

I'm with you! I think some words are poisonous beyond redemption. It's like defanging a cobra...even when you know it's "harmless," you'll always flinch at the memory of its venom.

And by you, I mean me. I know some people feel differently.

(Then again, I'm the one who thinks "nazi" and "drink the Kool-aid" have no place in the vernacular.)

AuntieAnn said...

Twittering - I'll throw together a Rumpa sauce. Let's see...a little rum, a little soya, a little sesame oil and a little brown sugar?

Oh and for a non-alcoholic beverage how about a Rumspringawater with a twist of lemon?

(I can't help it, I love that word!)

Dwindle said...

Over In Kate's County said... 62
Really, after six years of sitting on that couch talking to the camera, you would have thought she'd have honed her performance. Nope. She's still awful. And that Valley-Girl-speak is worsening. She only talked that way occasionally in the beginning.


It is still totally baffling to me why no public relations person, manager, personality handler, or whatever, wouldn't have grabbed her and insisted she take some kind of communications course or Speech 101 at a local community college. I can understand that in the beginning her skills might have been sub-par, but she still cannot communicate effectively without the use of ummmms. There is no direct eye contact and when in an interview chair, that darn foot still keeps pumping away. It's actually embarrassing to watch her and to listen to her drone on and on


Does anyone else recall reading that TLC or advertisers or somebody, early on, wanted her to work with an expert on smoothing out her regional accent? The article said she adamantly refused and that her speech patterns were going to limit her commercial work. ~ Administrator said...

Cell phOne pics are allowed but if you have a real camera too bring it. We might want to blow up some of the photos and I don't want a grainy pixilated mess.

AuntieAnn said...

Call Me Crazy said... 77
I do not have the same terrible reaction when I hear the words "fame-whore". I suppose this is because it means something entirely different, and it can apply to both men and women equally.

Whenever anyone here calls Kate a tool I always think of her as being fame-hoe.

Anonymous said...

Dwindle....I am so glad that he is your ex. He sounds like my brother who would go out for a quart of milk and come back the next day. So happy you have your Hunny Bunny:)


capecodmama said...

Sport, you sound like a great dad. Surprised some lady hasn't snapped you up.

Call Me Crazy said...

Whenever anyone here calls Kate a tool I always think of her as being fame-hoe.

Ha, Ha, AuntieAnn! Perfect

Oh and for a non-alcoholic beverage how about a Rumspringawater with a twist of lemon?

(I can't help it, I love that word!)

AuntieAnn - Are we going to have to stage a Rumspringervention for this addiction of yours?? ☺

Anonymous said...

Doesn't doing paperwork sound so important? Has it dawned on anyone else that she is merely opening her mail. WB

Amanda, Iowa said...

Oh my, a real Rum springa!!! Can I come too? Ill have to see if my good! bra fits in my swimsuit and Ill bring real-home-made bread as soon as somebody sends me a free breadmaker so I can bake some! Ill leave my 5!, yes count them 5!, kids home-alone, Ill just make them sit on the rug in front of the tv and tell them not to move till Mamma is back, they are NOT allowed on my leather sofa. If somebody would send me a 3D tv they would have so much more fun though, and I, oops I mean, my children really need one :-)
Ill bring some boxes of whine for the party too, oh my, we are gonna have soo much fun!!

Dwindle said...

(Blatantly plagarized from Sport, with apologies)

Busy and happy and tired, OH MY!!
Did not go to the office today, OH MY!
Used vac hose extension to vac ceiling corners and ceiling fans in 3 rooms OH MY!
Clipped doggy nails x3, that's lots of nails, OH MY!
Vacuumed the living room OH MY!!
Scrubbed some spots on the carpet with a brush and my 10 talented tiny little fingers OH MY!
Cleaned the kitchen up with amonia OH MY!!
Ran the dishwasher OH MY!!
Put a load of laundry in OH MY!
Played fetch with my doggies in the yard OH MY!!!
Hung laundry all up, one piece at a time all all alone OH MY! (after the rain stopped that is)
Dust mopped kitchen floor OH MY!!!
Made an incredible zucc and egg casserole using my home grown zucc and my homegrown herbs and local eggs OH MY!!

And in between I plunked my behind down at the kitchen table multiple times and posted on here, OH MY!!!

Oh and I brewed tea bags to make my own lemon tea OH MY!!!

So exhaustedish!!!! Busy busy busy OH MY!!!

secret2 said...

Grifters and fame whores and abusers oh my!

Flight fo the Kiwi said...

Auntie Ann - I don't want to be short either but 5'4" is as tall as I'm gonna get :) Hooker heels are not my cuppa.

Regretfully, I and D 'Rocketman' H will not be able to attend. It's a long story, but here's the gist...

DH: Why again is there a beer party on a work night?

Me: It's not a beer party, it is Julia Child's Birthday and the one year anniversary of Kate Gosselin's show cancellation.

DH:(deciding to be purposefully obtuse) a baby duck had a show?

Me: No. Kate Gosselin had a show. Gosselin not gosling. A baby goose is a gosling, a baby duck is a duckling.

DH: So a baby goose had a show? Canadian?

Me: No. There is no goose involved.

DH: So a duck show WAS canceled.

Me: Oh, stop. Kate Gosselin. KATE's show was canceled, her last name is Gosselin.

DH: The goose's name was Kate? Must have been a pet goose if they named it. Did Julia Child cook it? I really don't think people should name animals they are going to cook. I like ducck.

Me: Again, no goose and no duck, no fowl at all and Julia Child hasn't cooked anything for, oh, 8 years.

DH: Too bad. I like roast duck. But there will be beer.

Me: Why does this feel like a "Whose on First" skit - and a bad one at that. Virtual beer, sweetie. Being served at a virtual party.

DH: Like non-alcoholic "beer" is virtually beer? Ugh.

Me: Let's just stop this, you are beyond annoying...

DH: Hey! I'm the one being super patient here. Patience is a virtue, ya know. I am virtual.

Me: Virtuous.

DH: THANK realize what a saint I am. I'm going to Mars.

So he's going to Mars in his 19080's era heirloom faux ultra suede brown Lazy-Boy recliner and I have been blinded temporarily by his halo.

Have fun all! I'll be thinking of ya!

Call Me Crazy said...

Amanda, Iowa - Nice to meet you. We can probably get you that 3D TV. The glasses, however, are another story.

Dwindle said...

Flight fo the Kiwi said... 90
Just when I am certain this blog cant get any funnier, you post THIS!!

ROFLMAO!!!!! Brilliant, friend, brilliant. OH MY!!!!

AuntieAnn said...

Call Me Crazy said... 86
AuntieAnn - Are we going to have to stage a Rumspringervention for this addiction of yours?? ☺
Oh dear, you may be right. I'll try to stop...Music always helps to distract me from my vices. Maybe I'll download some Bruce Springasteen.


Call Me Crazy said...

Flight of the Kiwi said ... 91

DH: Hey! I'm the one being super patient here. Patience is a virtue, ya know. I am virtual.

That is just too funny!

As for Kate goes, her goose is cooked.

Call Me Crazy said...

AuntieAnn said ...94

Oh dear, you may be right. I'll try to stop...Music always helps to distract me from my vices. Maybe I'll download some Bruce Springasteen.


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You are killing me here!

Over In Kate's County said...

Doesn't doing paperwork sound so important? Has it dawned on anyone else that she is merely opening her mail. WB


I believe that she tweeted that around the same time that the kids were cheering about their class assignments. If she was filling out eight student forms that came with those assignments, then yes, she did have paperwork. Doing eight of those things isn't fun.

LancasterCountyMom said...

Kiwi said: "Me: Let's just stop this, you are beyond annoying...

DH: Hey! I'm the one being super patient here. Patience is a virtue, ya know. I am virtual."

I LOVE IT!! You and Rockman are great together. (He'd probably drive me crazy, but I do so love "listening" to your conversations!!

Lynn W. said...

Auntie Ann, I'll be there and ready to sample the Rumspringa and Rum Spring Rolls. Just need to confirm the time. Oh -- no crocs for me. Just got a pedi yesterday for the occasion with pretty flowers on the toes. Gotta show those babies off.

anger issues kate said...

I see Kate is on twitter silence again. I suppose when she gets her act together, she will go on about, running after the bargins, for school supplies, getting her paperwork done, and oh how tired she is and that she had no time to run.

Kate's Cart said...

If and a BIG IF, Kate was as smart and organized as she claims, she would fill out one school form with all the standard info, drs, dentists, insurance policy numbers, emergency contacts, etc. on one form them copy 8 times and fill in the personalized info for each child. But Kate doesn't think like that, everything has to be harder than necessary.

readerlady said...

Kiwi -- I declare you . . . Hilarious!! Also tall (I'm only 5'1" without the hooker heels).

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Reporting back on my REAL Rumspringa experience! I did it! No virtual Rumspringa. I actually tasted the good stuff, and boy, was it good. I tried the gold Rumspringa ale, light, mellow, but with a nice zip. I took a sip of my friend's darker brew, but it was just a bit too overpowering for me. There is also a cheese and meat plate available that is very good. I'm going back.

They tell me that if I return next week, I can get a FREE (hear that, Kate) FREE Rumspringa souvenir glass. Would it be too obvious if I grabbed a glass for everyone here? I wouldn't want to appear too Kate-like! By the way, this is at the Rumspringa Brewery in Bird-in-Hand, PA.

Lynn W. said...

Oh Auntie - #80 -- how about a "Twist of Kate" to the Rumspringa Roll sauce?

anger issues kate said...

Kate kart: Kate has to do everything according to the book, no short cuts, so she can bitch, whine & complain about it.

Oh, I also forgot the unpacking of the dirty laundry, that will take half a day. Cause, poor Kate has to wait till the not hire help, under paid laundry girl gets there.

Did anyone notice how Kate makes routine school stuff into a chore. She make one think her kids are a chore, not a joy, that only happens once.

AuntieAnn said...

Lynn W - I hope you like them. They're German-Asian fusion. Don't worry about the crocs. Barefoot is good, especially if it's 105 degrees on the pavement. Twist of Kate is an EXCELLENT idea!

Kiwi- You are too funny. I hope you'll be there even if Rocketman is er...out-of-town.

Call me Crazy - Ha! Don't worry. After the party is over I'll take a springa break.

(that was the last one, I promise)

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Cart, 101

If and a BIG IF, Kate was as smart and organized as she claims, she would fill out one school form with all the standard info, drs, dentists, insurance policy numbers, emergency contacts, etc. on one form them copy 8 times and fill in the personalized info for each child. But Kate doesn't think like that, everything has to be harder than necessary.


True, except that the immunizations, medical info, allergies, etc., medical history and other pertinent information wouldn't be the same for each child. She would still have to do this individually, and for her, that would be exhausting.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Like everyone else, I am boggled by Kate's reference to doing "paperwork". She is probably just doing what all of us do everyday: paying bills, balancing the checkbook, going through the junk mail. However, she calls it paperwork to make it sound like she is doing something more important than she actually is. Maybe trying to fool her fans, and herself, into thinking she's reading through job prospects for all of the TV shows that are dying to have her.

Amanda, Iowa said...

Round "homecoming" week, we have a lot of paperwork happening in our neighbourhood -> We call that TP-ing :-)

mama mia said...

Yes, Jon lied about every facet of child support, from denying he was in arrears, to pretending those arrears were current and ongoing payments he couldn't continue to afford. He has not grown up one bit, he still expects someone other than him to provide for his children.

Last year Jon claimed he was a solar construction contractor in a steady relationship with Ellen. What happened to the job and the girl? He is not saying. But he sold another tabloid story on how he is now with Liz Janetta working at his brother's company, Gameface.

But in reality, and per the courts, that job announcement was bogus, he had no income, he petitioned the courts to reduce his CS payments to $1 per kid, the least they can legally request.

So to catch up to Jon today, he is still unemployed, still not providing for his children, still freaking out at the State for making his life uncomfortable, still blaming everyone and the economy for being unable to support himself and who cares who he is dating, because he has no loyalty. Remember his story of meeting Kate, "I had a girlfriend, but the next day, she was gone". Classy.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Amanda,Iowa. Ha! TP-ing! We get that alot around here during homecoming as well.

By the way, I LOVE the state of Iowa - that's where my darling grandsons live!

I truly amaze myself at how I can manage to mention them in most of my comments. Lol!!

fidosmommy said...

A girl at my church has pink braces. They look like little squares on her teeth. There are wires and bands. Her mother wanted her to go with clear, but she wanted pink, so pink it is.
Could be Kate wanted clear on her "lil", so clear it is so it would be hard to see unless
you're up close. Just an idea.

Dmasy said...

Parent in Lancaster -- you have all our admiration and envy! We appreciate the Rumspringa report. If/when I am ever in the area, I will be certain to visit Bird-In-Hand for my own taste.

secret2 said...

True, except that the immunizations, medical info, allergies, etc., medical history and other pertinent information wouldn't be the same for each child. She would still have to do this individually, and for her, that would be exhausting.
She doesn't fill them out because she doesn't know that kind of stuff about her own children. She couldn't tell if A was near or farsighted.

Summerwind said...

But in reality, and per the courts, that job announcement was bogus, he had no income, he petitioned the courts to reduce his CS payments to $1 per kid, the least they can legally request.


You accessed the court records? Isn't that a bit stalkerish? According to Kate's attorney, he is relieved of child support. Now it's one dollar per kids. Did she lie?

You know, I, for one, am sick and tired of this garbage being reported as fact. You have no idea what he is doing to support his kids, especially if the split custody is true.

Summerwind said...

She doesn't fill them out because she doesn't know that kind of stuff about her own children. She couldn't tell if A was near or farsighted.


You're right. Not only didn't she know if he was near or farsighted, she didn't know which was which -- the medical definition! ~ Administrator said...

Mama Mia do much of what you're saying is so innacurate and even not permitted in PA by LAW yet you just keep on saying it. Don't get me started on why when it's 50-50 NO ONE should owe the other support. General expenses can and will be divided up by the court so it's fair. Unless there's new news on this can you move on please?

Summerwind said...

The party - I'm bringing the Rum Spring-a-coil mattresses, in case we need a place to crash!

Dwindle said...

Parent In Lancaster County said... 103
Reporting back on my REAL Rumspringa experience! I did it! No virtual Rumspringa. I actually tasted the good stuff, and boy, was it good. I tried the gold Rumspringa ale, light, mellow, but with a nice zip. I took a sip of my friend's darker brew, but it was just a bit too overpowering for me. There is also a cheese and meat plate available that is very good. I'm going back.

They tell me that if I return next week, I can get a FREE (hear that, Kate) FREE Rumspringa souvenir glass. Would it be too obvious if I grabbed a glass for everyone here? I wouldn't want to appear too Kate-like! By the way, this is at the Rumspringa Brewery in Bird-in-Hand, PA.

I am Mapquesting...

Call Me Crazy said...

Good news. I have procured the services of Officer Jim to escort guests to the party tomorrow evening.

All those who believe they are in danger of being followed by paparazzi, or are worried about being swarmed by overzealous fans, or are just completely full of themselves, are welcome to take advantage of this offer.

I must request a modest $20 love offering for this service, but that will include a photo of Flight of the Kiwi's DH sitting in his reclining spaceship.

Twittering And Twattering said...

@Kateplusmy8 I never knew sibs were allowed 2 b in same class together,that is cool!

Are there any intelligent sheeple, or is that an oxymoron? Should the school arrange for SIX second grade classes so each child has no sibling in his/her class?

Dmasy said...

My Glycine sticks arrived this afternoon. I will be trying the first one tonight. Thanks, everyone here with reports and info on sleeping better. I appreciate you.

Twittering And Twattering said...

My Glycine sticks arrived this afternoon. I will be trying the first one tonight. Thanks, everyone here with reports and info on sleeping better. I appreciate you.


Will you be mixing them with the Rumspringa?

"I must request a modest $20 love offering for this service..."


In lieu of a love offering, will Office Jim take other forms of payment, or "love" of any kind?

Dmasy said...

Kiwi -- don't stop sharing stores of your space traveling man. He is lovable!

Tucker's Mom said...

Call Me Crazy said... 120
Good news. I have procured the services of Officer Jim to escort guests to the party tomorrow evening.
I hope we get a big RV and a driver too, as well as a chase vehicle should we break down on our journey. I can bring a grill and order someone to put it together so we can have organic chicken, which is to say, we'll order in some pizza and salad.
Should anyone touch my leftover 'za with their bare hands, be forewarned that you will pull back a bloody stump.
Kisses! Mwah!

Dmasy said...

Kiwi - stories of your husband. But, you probably knew that.

Anonymous said...

(This is Remona)
Summerwind said... 115
''You know, I, for one, am sick and tired of this garbage being reported as fact. You have no idea what he is doing to support his kids, especially if the split custody is true.''
Summerwind, I agree with you. Garbage being reported as fact...even garbage from years ago that has been proven wrong, is still repeated as though the truth has never been proven. It goes on and on and on...anything awful said about Jon is considered 'fact'. Meanwhile, the truth about Kate that we all saw over and over happen before our eyes is either ignored, or called a lie. At this point, I just roll my eyes, and wonder if it will ever stop!!

angie said...

Well, if Jon is not working, then Blackenship and TLC have provided Jon & Kate with more money to spend. Think it might have happened and why else would Jon not be working and why wouldn't Kate be getting serious about blogging? Why wouldn't she go out for commercials, even though she can't speak?

It is so amazing how these 2 manage to get thru every day without having to get up early and go to work. Real work with a supervisor or manager or company owner? They do not know what it is like.

And not being on Twitter, is this due to that lovely lady in Ala posting a photo on FB and publishing every detail in one of the media outlets? Or did she get the C.A. letter from the atty in Beverly Hills and a threat of a lawsuit?

Let's throw tomatoes said...

To bad it's an adult party, because the Gosselin 8 should attend!! It's their first year of FREEDOM!!! They can finally be semi-normal even with their wacko mother! I also think they are use to heavy drinking , after all their mother is Kate!!!

Even if you don't attend Gosselin 8
HAPPY FIIRST ANNIVERSARY!!!! And many more!!!!!!!!!

Call Me Crazy said...

Twittering and Twattering said... 123

In lieu of a love offering, will Officer Jim take other forms of payment, or "love" of any kind?

Ha! I will run that by him and let you know! ~ Administrator said...

Does Officer Jim have a keychain chapstick in case our lips get dry?

Also did anyone think to invite the Smiths? We're so close I'd hate for them to feel left out.

AuntieAnn said...

angie said ...

Why wouldn't she go out for commercials, even though she can't speak?

I'm sure she's demanded that her agent find her something along those lines. She is bound and determined she has the voice for it and belongs in the media.
Gulp. Poor agent.

Kelly/ underwalt said...

Mama Mia I love your no take no prisoners messages. You are SPOT on with your thoughts. Happy Anniversary everyone

Maggie said...

Mama Mia wrote: Most of your posts are so inaccurate. This isn't the first one. So you think Gameface is Jon's brother's company? Really? You are wrong again.

Jillybean said...

However, how would you like to be judged solely and forever on a bad choice you made years ago? How would you like to try to do better, make better choices, yet people will continue to throw your years-old mistake in your face, as if you did it yesterday?


Maybe some of us are. I know I am judged by my family members for past decisions.

However, I didn't sign onto a reality show to make my own life's issues public fodder.

That's the difference between Jon and I. ~ Administrator said...

I think if we start telling outright lies about either Kate or Jon to prove a point, we are no better than the sheeple. It's one thing to speculate and wonder, quite another to go off on rants based on things I know to be lies. ~ Administrator said...

Maybe some of us are. I know I am judged by my family members for past decisions.

However, I didn't sign onto a reality show to make my own life's issues public fodder.

That's the difference between Jon and I.


I don't think signing up for a reality show gives the public license to judge you for those actions you did on that reality show five years ago especially when you haven't been on TV for two years ago. If you've made efforts to get out of that lifestyle I'm not going to hold it against you forever.

I can think of many examples of bad behavior on reality shows that I'm sure those people don't want to be remembered for forever. And why should they if they haven't continued to do reality shows and behave the same way?

Julianna said...

Maggie said...Mama Mia wrote: Most of your posts are so inaccurate. This isn't the first one. So you think Gameface is Jon's brother's company? Really? You are wrong again.


Where does this stuff come from? Off the top of someone's head? Has fact-checking been tossed out the window?

White Organza said...

I have the worst memory ever, but can someone here be kind enough to direct Mama Mia to the radio interview Jon gave sometimes in late spring, I think. As a free-lance worker, I kind of get offended when Mama Mia keeps repeating that Jon doesn't have a job just because she can't grasp the concept that one can earn a very decent living without having to leave the house every morning and go work for a boss. Jon explains everything very well in that interview and even fess up to the fact that, yes, he was in arrears for a while because he had a few "slow" months at the beginnig of this year. Again, when you're free-lancing, it happens. Doesn't mean you're lazy, doesn't mean you're lying when you say you do have a job.

Ex Nurse said...

Dwindle said...
I cant find my earbuds, and if HunnyBunny hears that woman's voice coming out of my laptop, it wont be pretty around here. Will get to as soon as I have some MEEEEEEEEE time!
Dwindle, honey, why don't you just step into that nice roomy closet? ~ Administrator said...

It is the goal of many people to be self employed ESPECIALLY in this economy. I can tell you right now the attorneys I went to school with who decided to go the self employed route in this tough economy are WORKING, and the ones who chose to work for the big firms and make a lot more money are LAID OFF. There is not a single damn thing wrong with being self employed and if anything, it has given Jon more flexibility to be there for his children more often. Go self employed or get a 9-5 job, both of them are jobs both of them should be something to hold your head high. And frankly, I think the self employed can hold their heads higher because they don't have to answer to a boss.

I'm almost positive Kate really is self employed too. I don't really think she's considered a Coupon Cabin employee, I guarantee it's just a contract job. So freaking what, a job is a job. You do realize most people in the entertainment business are self employed. You do realize more and more people are going the self-employed route because this economy sucks balls.

I am so sick and tired of the judgment (from a few) when someone is at least trying hard to have a legitimate job out of the public eye. When you judge Jon you judge every single person I know or know of who has done the same thing and I don't appreciate it. They take care of their families, they work darn HARD, they DO work real jobs, they sweat, cry, and sweat some more.

At the end of the day I admire the self employed because when the shit hits the fan, they will be the ones working and us 9-5'ers will be the ones laid off. You can't get laid off if you're your own boss.

White Organza said...

Oh, and Sport?, If you're still here... At the party, I'll be the one without shoes one, panhandling. ;)

SaraMRN2010 said...

Earlier in the blog we suspected Kate grifted the Lorax t-shirts. In this picture to the right there are atleast 3 Lorax bags. Wonder what else she grifted?

Flight of the Kiwi said...

Call Me Crazy - Please watch for the Fed-Ex delivery man. I've overhoured (even faster than overnight) a box of 10,000 signed photos of DH in his 1980's era heirloom faux ultra suede brown Lazy-Boy recliner, um, spaceship. Be warned - his tag line is a bit vulgar. It reads "Suck it NASA" Love Rocky XOXO.

We have boxes and boxes in the basement if you need more. Sylvester Stallone's atty sent a c&d and we can't use 'em. The "Car Talk" guys put us in touch with their attys, the firm of Dewey, Cheatum and Howe. It doesn't look good for us :(

They make excellent fire starters for camping trips. Or toilet paper for primitive campground outhouses. Really, keep one folded up in a purse for any time in facility lacing tp.

Charge what you want - as you aware, we believe everyone makes money off our family but us.

PS - To be honest, I enclosed a dollar bill for Officer Jim at, um, honestly, no lie, the appropriate part of his um, um, dance.

PPS - Dmasy, Dwindle, readerlady, especially admin (who hasn't kicked me off this blog - yet) and everybody else on this amazingly awesome blog. Sharing these things keeps me relatively sane. As does reading this blog. Oh my!

Midnight Madness said...

Organza, 139 -

"I have the worst memory ever, but can someone here be kind enough to direct Mama Mia to the radio interview Jon gave sometimes in late spring, I think. As a free-lance worker, I kind of get offended when Mama Mia keeps repeating that Jon doesn't have a job just because she can't grasp the concept that one can earn a very decent living without having to leave the house every morning and go work for a boss."


Sadly, some are just never going to "get it" no matter what you do or say. It's not worth the time or energy, and as admin said in a post, unless there's something new, then that person needs to move on because so much of that post was inaccurate.

One can have an opinion of him, hate him, whatever, and that's fine. But when you try to justify how horrible you think he is, you get the facts straight. You don't make up your own to show where your opinion is coming from.

Buddy said...

Respectfully, I don't judge Jon or anyone else because they are self employed. As long as they are not cheating anyone else out of their hard earned money or merchandise, Imdont care what they do. That's the problem I have with both Jon and Kate. They both took advantage of hardworking people and ripped them off. No ifs, ands,mor butts about it. And neither one gets a pass. Neither one has apologized for what they did to these people.

Anonymous said...

Fine. Ypu're not a Jon fan. Got it. You're even less of a Kate fan. So are we all, or at least the vast majority. Got it. Written down, highlighted and referenced. Got it.

White Organza said...

Admin (141)... Your post made my evening. (And even made me shed a few tears of retrospective pride... ) Especially the 'head held high" part. I raise my kid in a 50/50 share custody, while free-lancing. It's hard, but it can be done. And I did chose that lifestyle so I could be more at home for my child.

Following Midnight's advice... Moving on, now!

Susantoyota said...

Oh My!!

Wonder if the Queen of HMO's, sorry Grifters, will find a moment to tweet congratulations?
Some of the comments re: the couple, use of fertility injections, are brutal. IMO, a lot of that can be traced back to Katie Irene's actions thru the years.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Kate's green-grinch face with deanna and the twins.......has there EVER been a pic of Kate doing something, ANYTHING, fun with the boys?? EVER?

(and her poor laundry tweet...doesn't the winch have TWO washer/dryer sets? And for that matter, there shouldn't be that much to wash since the kids wear the same outfit for several days).

Buddy said...

Susantoyota . . . Didn't Jon And Kate both have a hand in the birth of the sextuplets nd the decision to keep all six?

Dreamsong said...

"That's the difference between Jon and I. "


Before the grammar police jump all over this, and I bet it's grating on some nerves right now, I'll be brave and correct it to "between Jon and me."

It's much easier than the who/whom/whoever/whomever rule and the lie/lay confusion! :0)

Tucker's Mom said...

(and her poor laundry tweet...doesn't the winch have TWO washer/dryer sets? And for that matter, there shouldn't be that much to wash since the kids wear the same outfit for several days).
Not to mention that beach houses have washers and dryers. It's not a fancy upgrade. They virtually all do. I keep up as the week goes along and wind up with just a little laundry by the time comes to go home. Helps me pack less to begin with (in theory!).
This really isn't a cryable offense, as DH would say. Kate sounds way too woeful and helpless to complain about piles of laundry when she had all week to do it.

Buddy said...

For the record, I don't think mama Mia was denigrating people who are self employed. I just think some people on this board are very sensitive whenever Jon is criticized. ~ Administrator said...

And I think you need to stop insulting the people here Buddy. Any more and you're banned. Follow the rules.

Dmasy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susantoyota said...

Buddy said... 152
Susantoyota . . . Didn't Jon And Kate both have a hand in the birth of the sextuplets nd the decision to keep all six?

Buddy, good point. I should have said Jon and Kate, but like a lot of other people I don't view his role in it all to be as prominent as Katie Irene's was and continues to be (bad grammar alert!). I'll go ahead and throw in Octomom too. My point is that many of the posters on that article seem very cynical re: multiple births, which I think can be traced back to Katie Irene, Octomom, and Jon.

Buddy said...

I'm not trying to insult anyone

AuntieAnn said...

LOL! I saw that Dmasy.

Dmasy said...

Sorry. I just posted a Master Chef comment. I totally and thoughtlessly forgot about all of you who might watch that show on the West Coast.

I hope I erased it in time. Later, I can mention how pleased I am.

AuntieAnn said...

It comes on here in a couple of hours. I'm still going to watch it, even though you absolutely, totally ruined it for me.

Dmasy said...

Oh, Auntie. I grovel at your feet with apology. No suspense will be involved with what I stupidly posted...if that helps restore your viewing pleasure.

AuntieAnn said...

Well. Okaaaay. You're forgiven. lol!

I'm glad about what you wrote, anyway. I love that contestant. That hour flies by doesn't it? ~ Administrator said...

Dismissing people as just "sensitive" is downright utterly insulting Buddy. Not sure why you can't see that.

Jillybean said...

Before the grammar police jump all over this, and I bet it's grating on some nerves right now, I'll be brave and correct it to "between Jon and me."


Them there, is more better. Thank, you: poster.

Bubbles said...

I am not judging Jon only on his past behavior. I am judging him in current issues, specifically:

1. Saying he will no longer do media interviews, then continuing to do media interviews, including one with his girlfriend-of-the-moment

2. Saying Kate is a good mother in a People mag article (and the defense that he was misquoted doesn't work for me, because if he wasn't doing media interviews he wouldn't be misquoted)

3. Most important: saying he doesn't want the kids on tv, and now saying he'd be ok with it. The defense that he's just "playing along" because he knows Kate won't get a show isnt valid. If he was man enough he'd stand up for his belief. So either he's not man enough, or he's backtracking on his words yet again.

If Kate had 6 boyfriends in 3 years people would be furious! Sure, Jon may be one of those people who can't be alone, but he has 8 kids who need his undivided attention. And now they have to share him

Jillybean said...

Question please. Will there be a separate post for this virtual thing you've got going on tomorrow?

Some of this off-topic stuff, I just can't.

Isn't Kate self-employed? Uh oh. ~ Administrator said...

Thanks to forever suggested the Sundance reality show on a job work camp. I watched the first episode of it .... I'm sorry that I actually didn't enjoy it as much as I thought. It wasn't exactly about hard working people who lost their jobs anyway, it was about people who screwed up with drugs and other things. I had a hard time feeling a lot of sympathy for someone who was fired from his last job for "cursing out my boss." Man, there are 1,000 other people in line who could take that job who could restrain themselves enough NOT to curse out their boss.

Bubbles said...

Sorry, the last part of my comment got cut off. Was saying now the kids have to share him with 4 other people and that's not fair to them. ESPECIALLY because they have such a bad mother. ~ Administrator said...

Bubbles how do you figure the kids have to share Jon with three others. Liz is there, cannot Liz handle her own children so the Gosselin kids get tons of time with Jon?

By that logic anyone else in your house is someone you are "sharing" your kids with. Not so. That would mean the kids have to share Kate with Steve, the nannies, the helpers, Deanna, and anyone else in the entourage all around. That logic doesn't work for me for Kate OR Jon.

The house I nannied in had on average, at least 10 people in there at all times coming and going from assistants to nannies to makeup artists to production people to business partners to adult children. But if the parents wanted to spend quality time with their children they did. And if they didn't, they didn't. It had nothing to do with who else was in the house.

Bubbles said...

I don't see it as insulting that Buddy says some people here are sensitive when it comes to Jon. It's true. He is defended by a surprising (to me anyway) amount of people here. ~ Administrator said...

Jilly Kate certainly is self employed but doesn't seem to work much.

It's kind of funny to me people list off various gigs as proof someone self employed is, no, that's the point, you're supposed to amass a ton of gigs. Kate's gigs are cabin....a few marathons.....and.....that's it. The more gigs you have the better you are at being self employed, why is this so hard for people to understand? Has everyone else just been around 9 to 5-ers their whole lives and don't understand this? Is it a city thing less common elsewhere? I'm just so baffled by this. Totally baffled.

There will be a separate post for the party and raffle. Don't like it, guess you won't be enjoying a chance at the raffle. But if you don't like it, I don't want to hear any whining! :) Come back later when it's over. ~ Administrator said...

I don't see it as insulting that Buddy says some people here are sensitive when it comes to Jon. It's true. He is defended by a surprising (to me anyway) amount of people here.


Posts about other posters themselves are not allowed. Posts about opinions are allowed.

Calling someone sensitive is an opinion about the poster themselves, not the opinion, and is insulting. This is in fact what people commonly do in domestic violence relationships, dismiss someone's thoughts an opinions as "sensitive." It's not appropriate here or in real life relationships, period.

This is not difficult or too much to ask. Now knock it off.

Sherry Baby said...

If Kate had 6 boyfriends in 3 years people would be furious! Sure, Jon may be one of those people who can't be alone, but he has 8 kids who need his undivided attention. And now they have to share him


Okay, so how long do they need his undivided attention? Five years, ten years until they are 18? Is it acceptable for him to date then, and until that time comes, should he date a woman without children only on his non-custodial days? Or shouldn't he date at all?

Layla said...

Amanda, Iowa and LoveMyGrandsons,
Hello! Iowa native here! Transplanted to the D.C. suburbs long ago, but still "Corn fed, Iowa bred", as they say back home. I miss it sometimes. Some of my sisters (one of them named Amanda!) are still there, and I'm planning on taking my kids home for a visit soon. I want to take them to see a Hawkeyes football game (even though I'm a UNI grad), and to my favorite old drive-in diner for a tenderloin sandwich (people in DC don't even know what those are, sheesh), and to a few of the festivals I used to go to growing up. In Iowa, any excuse is a good excuse for a festival! *Sniff* getting nostalgic here...

Mona said...

why are there Jon bashers popping up from nowhere all of a sudden? Several all at once. I find that very odd.

Sheeple are Delusional said...

I have always supported Jon. I have not seen him brag on twitter or anyplace, I don't see him rt-ing endless praises of himself (like Kate does to herself), I don't see him encouraging people to hate his ex (like Kate does). He actually thanks people for things and know show to promote events he goes to, unlike Kate.

The most important thing? He's repented of his mistakes. Kate has not.

Anonymous said...

(This is Remona)
Mona said... 177
''why are there Jon bashers popping up from nowhere all of a sudden? Several all at once. I find that very odd.''
I noticed the same thing...

Sheeple are Delusional said...

Mona, the Kate fan blogs are dying out, so I suppose they're trying to find new places to visit. ~ Administrator said...

What if he dated a woman with no kids, never allowed him around the kids under the belief that it's best to keep his dating life separate, and then the day he married her discovered she's actually a terrible mother with no patience for 8 kids. I can see how knowing what the right thing to do when it comes to dating has to be incredibly difficult on both Kate and Jon.

Anita said...

Susantoyota said... 149
Oh My!!
Of course this article will connect you directly to their blog where you can donate to the family using Visa, Mastercard, or Discover. They also list gift registries at Babies R Us and Wal-Mart. If that's not enough you can donate to the Jones Ministry. Yes it's the age of gifting for a living. ~ Administrator said...

Speaking of TWOP, is that Jon and Kate thread still there anymore? Remember when they closed it and said not to reopen until 2018 or something? Heh. At this rate it might still reopen strong in that year lol.

The party post.raffle is posting automatically at 12:01 PST, good luck everyone.

Moose Mania said...

Oh, Auntie. I grovel at your feet with apology.


I've had way too much Rumspringa. I read this as, "I growl at your feet with apology." I need glasses, but I can't decide if I'm near-sighted or far-sighted! ~ Administrator said...

Kelly, you are not welcome here anymore, period. You cannot post more than three times before you go off the deep end again. It's very disruptive to my blog. Open your own blog. Until then, my blog my rules and I don't give a darn what you think of them. Too bad.

Jumping In said...

Frankly, my only concern about Jon is his parenting. Whether he has a job, is self-employed is of no concern to me. As long as he is present for his children when he has them is all that should matter. His kids need a parent who engages with them as individuals, spends time with each of them, and does not group them by numbers as their mother seems to do.

That Facebook picture (that has since been removed) sticks in my head. There stood Kate, arms folded, looking out at her kids in the water. She just seems so
disinterested and distant. What Jon shows is joy and genuine caring for his children, and they show the same feelings for him.

The only ones who count in all of this are the 8 children. As they mature, they will realize which parent connected with them as real children and not reality show children who were there strictly for their lucrative novelty factor. ~ Administrator said...

Also bear this in mind, judges all the time make orders to keep certain people away from your visits with your children. Disruptive and toxic boyfriends, girlfriends, grandparents have all been banned from a parent's visitation time all the time. If there were such a big problem with who Jon has around his children, Kate is welcome to march her little butt down to court and get an order Liz, or Ellen, is not to be around the children. But either Kate chose not to do that or if she did, it was denied. A judge can handle who is around these kids just fine.

On the contrary, I'm told the children have such a wonderful time at Jon's they just want to be there more, and now they are.

Permanent Name, 5th Grade version said...


attys, the firm of Dewey, Cheatum and Howe



Thanks for the laugh out loud chuckle!!! Never heard that one before!

Some "books" from my junior high school days:

The Brown Spot on the Wall, by Hoof Lung Dung

The Yellow River, by I. P. Freely

And my favorite expression (from back in the day - 5th grade I think):

You think you are hot snot on a silver platter but you're really only cold boogers on a paper plate!

Yep, those old sayings just keep on giving - LOL.

Permanent Name, back to present time said...

Any word on the gosselinbook release date?

Permanent Name said...

Admin 184,

Thank you! Some pesky folks do tend to come on with a few nice or reasonable posts just to lull us into a sense of well-being.

Then ZING, BAM, POW!!!

"We don't need no stinkin' zingers!" LOL

You're a good mom, admin - we appreciate it! :-)

Permanent Name, 5th grade again... sorry - LOL said...

Oh, another one I forgot:

Under the Bleachers, by Seemore Butts

Tonight I am 12, not 60............

librarylady said...

That Facebook picture (that has since been removed) sticks in my head. There stood Kate, arms folded, looking out at her kids in the water. She just seems so disinterested and distant.
I wonder if the poster got scared off by people on her Facebook or if Kate threatened her with legal action for posting it and forced her to remove it.

Call Me Crazy said... (Administrator) said... 131

Does Officer Jim have a keychain chapstick in case our lips get dry?

That can be arranged, but it will cost you another 5-spot.


Tucker's Mom said... 125

Should anyone touch my leftover 'za with their bare hands, be forewarned that you will pull back a bloody stump.

Duly noted. People, stay clear of Tucker's Mom's pizza whatever you do!


Flight of the Kiwi said... 144

Call Me Crazy - Please watch for the Fed-Ex delivery man. I've overhoured (even faster than overnight) a box of 10,000 signed photos of DH in his 1980's era heirloom faux ultra suede brown Lazy-Boy recliner, um, spaceship. Be warned - his tag line is a bit vulgar. It reads "Suck it NASA" Love Rocky XOXO.

Thanks, Flight! I knew I could count on you! You will be happy to know that a whopping 15% of the profits from the $20 love offerings will be placed in a trust fund for the upkeep and repair of the spaceship and the care and feeding of its commander. (However, I retain the right to tap into that fund for any medical or educational expenses that may arise due to unauthorized space travel.) The rest of the money will be kept in 11 super-secret off-shore bank accounts in my name only for, know, all those bills I have in my purse.

Anita said...

In spite of what I said about gifting in my last post, you really need to have a look at the pictures from the Jones family.
I really wish the family all the best!

Bearswife said...

Kiwi, sign me up for two signed Rocketman photos, one for me and one for the Bear. The Bear loves "Nassau"(as he pronounces it)!

Bubbles said...

I'm not a new Jon basher. I've given negative opinions of him numerous times but met with so much resistance I stopped. I have new courage thanks to others posting similar opinions but I see I'm meeting with the same resistance.

I have been single for 8 years giving my kids as much of my attention as possible and it's working so far. I don't think Jon should stay single if he doesn't want to, but it's reasonable to hold off introducing the kids to her until it's a well established relationship. At least 6 months of dating. If it's "true love" then what's the rush to involve the kids? This is not my opinion just for Jon - this is my opinion for any relationship. I'm apparently very conservative on this issue without having realized it before. I thought putting the kids first over a significant other was the right thing to do.

NJGal51 said...

Just finished watching Master Chef and all I can say is you gotta love Graham Elliot. What a mench!

Dmasy said...

NJGal, really a nice ending with Graham. My head was tilted and I was smiling. Good show.

Call Me Crazy said...

Permanent Name, 5th Grade version -

Ha! You brought back some funny memories. Made me think of:

The Plumber's Crack, by Seymore Hiney.

It's fun being 12 again for just a bit.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

"Admin 184,

Thank you! Some pesky folks do tend to come on with a few nice or reasonable posts just to lull us into a sense of well-being.

Then ZING, BAM, POW!!!"


Ditto Admin @184, And those folks immediately jump back on from whence they came, bitching up a storm about it. It doesn't take long.

It's interesting that some people don't understand that the reason there is a problem with postings is not that they express a difference of opinion, but that they can't do it without making it personal, therefore being disrespectful to other posters.
That really doesn't go over very big here.

fidosmommy said...

Thank you for your opinions on Jon. They have been heard. They have not necessarily been agreed with, but they have been heard. It is my hope that your negative views of Jon are not going to continue until the 15 minute crowd does a 180 and agrees with you. You are not going to convince me Jon does not deserve my respect. You are not going to change my mind by hammering the subject home to me over and over. If your intention is to make us/me see things your way, you will be greatly disappointed. My positive thoughts about Jon are as valid to me as your negative ones seem to be to you. Thank you.

Permanent Name said...

Call me crazy,

LOL - that's another one I'd never heard.....

Oh, we's sooo bad....... ha ha ha

If we have to go to the corner it will be crowded, I bet! :-)

I hope we don't get kicked out of the party!!!

Come on now, let's put on our big girl dresses and act refined............


Well..... nope, nah.......... chortle, snerk, gack

Permanent Name said...


Well said!

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