Thursday, June 21, 2012

Jon in People

Jon gave an interview in People in which he talked about Kate, his kids, and his new job. In newsstands this week.,,20605781,00.html

In other reality t.v. news, the latest reality show to exploit young children, Lifetime's Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp, which features Bristol's three-year-old son predominantly, was a ratings flop. It barely broke 720,000 for the night. Bristol had no trouble helping the ratings when she was on Dancing With the Stars without her kid. Were there other factors involved, or are viewers finally sick of watching fame-whore mommies exploit their kids?

Why does no one want to watch Mommy exploit me?

1127 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Ex Nurse said...

Here's a picture of Kate in her pink 'gardening' dress in 2010. She was swinging pretty low, even back then.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Anonymous said...

[excerpt from the Dana Hoffman article]

The Gosselins used fertility drugs to have their twin daughters, now 4. They again used the drugs to conceive the sextuplets. They had a choice. This wasn’t a natural act, something they could not have controlled.
By saying they didn’t want to reduce the number of children, saying it goes against their beliefs, how do they justify using fertility drugs to achieve such a number in the first place? How is using fertility drugs considered God's will?
And yet the donations kept pouring in. They received a mind-numbing amount of support yet she says she is "praying for just one more year" of help.
I have three children, by choice. To support those three children and have a lifestyle we can be happy about, my husband and I work full-time and he has freelancing on the side which equates to more than a part-time job.


And Kate can't figure out why she is hated by so many people?

Shame on her. Shame on her enablers.

Kate's nothing but a conniver.

Kate is a twit said...

Localyocul said... 189

She not only had them pegged early, she had them pegged before they were ever on TV. The first special didn't air until May 14, 2006.

Luke's Mom said...

Something is up because I just checked Kate's twitter and it showed up as "@Kateplusmy8's account is protected". I have never seen this message for her twitter account before. Did she finally make her account private? If so, it was about time!

Once a Viewer said...

Ex Nurse said... 194

Here's a picture of Kate in her pink 'gardening' dress in 2010. She was swinging pretty low, even back then

Thanks Ex-Nurse- I remember that dress now- it looked like she didn't have underwear on with it or even a thong, ugh. For gardening AND pumping gas, how versatile!

Localyocul said...

Luke's Mom said... 197
Something is up because I just checked Kate's twitter and it showed up as "@Kateplusmy8's account is protected". I have never seen this message for her twitter account before. Did she finally make her account private? If so, it was about time!


No, I think that means you've been blocked. I've been blocked by her from one tweet where I said she had nannies. That's what comes up if I tried to click on her name.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Luke's Mom said... 197
Something is up because I just checked Kate's twitter and it showed up as "@Kateplusmy8's account is protected". I have never seen this message for her twitter account before. Did she finally make her account private? If so, it was about time!

No sadly, just another Twitter glitch. :( Or maybe Deanna was showing her how to do it???

Anonymous said...

(This is Remona)
Since it's obvious that Kate is worried about the book, like others, I wonder what has her so worried.
Is ''I know what you did''
1. physical abuse of the children
2. details of the amount of money earned, and how Kate kept it all
away from Jon
3. details of her affair w/Steve BEFORE Jon even left the house
4. details (or actual copy) of that arrangement that Kate supposedly
tried to have Jon sign

5. All of the above?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I'm blocked (for correcting her grammar) and I get a message that says "It seems to be taking a while for messages to load."

Localyocul said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 2
I'm blocked (for correcting her grammar) and I get a message that says "It seems to be taking a while for messages to load."


LOL! That's what it says for me on my phone but on the computer it says she is protected. (Steve?). Or vice versa I forget.

Anonymous said...

PT III (last part)

August 29, 2005 by Dana Hoffman (10 comments)
No news is ... good news?
As far as I recall, the allotted time has passed and if there was a ruling on the Gosselin case, we don't know about it. I wonder if someone were to ask them (hmmmm maybe in church), if they would be as forthcoming as they were when they were going to court about it, or if they will plead the Fifth and stay mum.
I would imagine if they are keeping tight-lipped about it, they got the money. Otherwise wouldn't they be out begging for help?
Funny how they invited the media into their hearing for publicity but we haven't heard a word since.
Could the Gosselins have used someone ELSE for their personal gain?! Shame on me for even considering it.

October 04, 2005 by Dana Hoffman (8 comments)
Gosselin update
Since I still get questions and comments regarding our favorite super-sized family, I thought I would pass along a tidbit given to me by a faithful blog reader.
The Gosselins were on Martha Stewart's show today.
According to my 'source,' good ole Martha gave them a year's supply of baby products from Johnson & Johnson.

JoyinVirginia said...

I subscribe to people, the new issue came yesterday. Jon is nice, average, good he has a job.
Ms Kreider is boring. I agree with other posters that the gosselinbook will probably be stuff we are already familiar with, from former coworkers, neighbors, etc.
If you are looking for something not boring, I recommend Moonrise Kingdom, new movie I saw today. Fun, quirky story with lots of great performances by lots of famous actors in quirky character roles. Bill Murray, Ed Norton, Tilda Swinton, Frances McDormand, Bruce Willis. Lots of child actors and I bet everyone had a blast making the movie. ~ Administrator said...

Since we're talking about all the things that went down with Kate, one of the players awhile ago forwarded me an email from Kate that was sent I think around 2008 or so right before their appearance i believe on Oprah. In it Kate basically said hey just to let you know we're going to be on OPRAH yeea! But please don't email us about how cute we are, etc. etc we just get so much email!

It gave the recipient a bad taste in their mouth--it struck her as, give us tons of freebies not to mention emotional support (which this person had), but please don't bother to contact us. Just insert check here or better yet cash and go on your way.

It's the little things like that that all added up. ~ Administrator said...

Sorry I think 2007 is way off...I'm thinking it must have been more around 2006 or 2005.

Mary in California said...

Anyone else getting "site blocked" messages coming here? I get a message that says this is a "known fraudulent website" and it recommended that I do not use it. Admin, know anything about this? Even though I rarely post, I've been coming here every day and this is the first time I've seen this message. :-(

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

But please don't email us about how cute we are, etc. etc we just get so much email!

And now with Twitter she can't get enough praise and tweetie followers. ~ Administrator said...

But please don't email us about how cute we are, etc. etc we just get so much email!

And now with Twitter she can't get enough praise and tweetie followers.


Yeah really. It's just another example of Kate's poor social skills and ungratefulness.

You know what, I can understand how having an inbox flooded with emails is overwhelming. Kind of like how when I'm behind on the blog and there's a ton of comments. It can get overwhelming. The thing is though, when all the people contacting you have done so much FOR you, even if you don't feel like weeding through all the emails, do it anyway. Or, if you truly can't do it, certainly don't tell them not to contact you. Instead if you have to hint the email is getting to be too much, maybe set up a few summer picnics or winter get togethers every so often to thank everyone for their support and freebies. The problem is Kate telling people DON'T CONTACT US, even if it's just because they simply don't have the time to deal with all the contact, leaves people feeling tremendously unappreciated.

And you know what's funny is I don't think Kate really intended anyone to feel that way. I think she really thought, I just can't deal with all these emails anymore. But in typical fashion she didn't stop for a second and think, how will it make someone feel to tell them to stop emailing me?

Anonymous said...

Did Kate (and Jon?) truly, really, honestly believe that they would receive the donations and the volunteer hours from helpers and all the goodies and never be expected to say a few kind words in return? Make an appearance at church that graciously collected and donated to their family? Say hi and thank you to community members at holiday picnics? Nothing? They thought they could take, take, take and be left alone? How very rude. When you get gifts, you say thank you, even send a thank you note. When you have a baby shower, you give party favors/gifts as well as receive them. Then you send out thank you cards. It's proper manners. Are the other HOM families like this? So selfish and rude?

JudyK said...

butterfly said... 187
(from the bella bar web site)
The raw lifestyle has CAME back into style due to a long list of possible health benefits.

I Googled the site earlier and tried to post this, but it wouldn't post. "...has CAME..."...WHOA (or WOAH as Kate would say)...high-class website with no knowledge of basic grammar. Pathetic. But right up Kate's alley, bad grammar and all. Perfect endorsement for someone of Kate's caliber.

OrangeCrush said...

It's just the pathology, the inability to read people, the laziness, and the not caring about anyone other than herself. Add to that the horrible grammar, syntax and misuse of language, and it's a wonder she can communicate at all. Oh wait forgot the tweenie texting lingo.

Molly12 said...

Mary in California said... 8
Anyone else getting "site blocked" messages coming here? I get a message that says this is a "known fraudulent website" and it recommended that I do not use it. Admin, know anything about this? Even though I rarely post, I've been coming here every day and this is the first time I've seen this message. :-(

I was getting the same message this afternoon. It seems to have stopped or at least I hope I don’t get it again.

OrangeCrush said...

Oh I just looked at her tweets, hopefully the special guests are gone since she's twatting like mad again. Made her oh so special chicken and homemade bread (anyone here think she actually kneads and bakes bread?). And does she really think @kathygriffin is reading her tweets. My night is complete with that one.
And having her children 24/7, she's soo tired. 24/7 my sweet a@s. Real life, sweetie, real life.

Kristine said...

I was on the @KatePlusMy8 Twitter feed- for a good number of weeks. (RIP @WhysMommyOrange)

My sole purpose? To piss Kate off, with a silver tongue... using zero swear words. Backpack Boy nearly made sure I was promptly Suspended, when it came down to spelling and grammar challenges.

Talking to Milo... and ruining her precious Cruise w/Purse Boy were the nail in my coffin. @Gypsi001 was BLOCKED, because I told her I'd buy Jon's *signed* book for her-- and mail it free of charge. She forgave, and later offered me up 20 lbs. of Organic Pears.

readerlady said...

Mary In California -- I'm getting the same message as well. Have to bypass my anti-virus protection to get her. It must be a Blogger problem, though, because I have the same issue with 2 book blogs on Blogger that I participate in. It just started for me this afternoon. In fact, I was on one of the book blogs when it started.

butterfly -- As I understand it, from friends who used to live in the area, Jon was always very gracious and polite to people, and always expressed his gratitude. KK -- not so much (a real understatement).

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

Since it's obvious that Kate is worried about the book, like others, I wonder what has her so worried.
Is ''I know what you did''
1. physical abuse of the children
2. details of the amount of money earned, and how Kate kept it all
away from Jon
3. details of her affair w/Steve BEFORE Jon even left the house
4. details (or actual copy) of that arrangement that Kate supposedly
tried to have Jon sign

5. All of the above?

IRS audit?

Something has her spooked. As far as we know, she didn't call out her legal forces when Al or Polly published their books. It seems like this one has her worried...something she can't shrug off as your garden-variety internet rumors.

ElisabethK said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 146
@xxxxxxxx tis our lovely @deannatweeting and her man! Always have so much fun! :) 23 minutes ago
June 23, 2012 2:27 PM

I wonder why Kate feels a strong need to point out that Deanna is coming with "her man?" She made several references to the fact that Deanna is coming with "her man." Is she trying to convince us of something?

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

I'm glad to see others commenting about her tweet trying to grift from Bellabar. A normal person tweeting would just mention that she enjoys them. Why would you have to include the company's twitter name unless you were hoping the company would show their gratitude by sending you free boxes. I wish companies would stop falling for her ridiculously transparent grifting.


Except that @bellabar isn't the company. It
is a person and Kate's grifting tweet fell on deaf ears. It's @bellabars, but she didn't bother to check it out.

AuntieAnn said...

(anyone here think she actually kneads and bakes bread?)
Nope. I'm pretty sure someone grifted her three or four bread machines. Kneading takes time and patience, neither of which Kate has. Oh and work. So that's three strikes against the truth AGAIN Kate.

Since we're bringing up old articles, here's a snippet from an interview with Kate by Gwynne Watkins on December 30th, 2008

You have faced some criticism for having your kids on camera 24 hours a day. What’s your take on that?
I feel like it’s normal and healthy for our family. I feel like we’re inspiring and helping a lot of people. I feel like as long as it’s safe and healthy and normal for our kids, it’s fine. The added benefit of the show that we never forget is, again, we work from home. We work many nights until midnight, finishing up e-mails and things that are due for tomorrow. The kids are playing and living life. It’s the hardest job we’ve ever had, but we’re very thankful for it because we can work from home and our kids are with us 95% of the time. Never in a million years did I think that would happen, so I’m really grateful for it. It’s working for us and I think that our kids – with the traveling experiences, with the different life experiences that they get – they’re all the better for it. I don’t expect other people to understand it because they don’t live our lives so they really almost can’t say without being in our situation. It’s a weird situation, so, that’s what I have to say about that. [my bold]

Do your kids have sense that other kids don’t get followed around by cameras?

No. Little kids at this age, their normal is normal. I’m sure they assume that ever child at school has cameras following them. They’ll figure it out later and be like “Oh, alright. Cool.”
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
The article is nothing but a joke. It's supposed to be Parenting Advice from Kate, but then she basically tells people to keep their mouths shut and don't criticize her because they can't relate to her situation. She claimed she had minimal help and that their financial situation hadn't changed much. WTF?
Yeah she really thought she had the world by the tail. I hope all these stories keep resurfacing if only to remind Kate that we're still keeping tabs on her lies - old and new.

Tamara said...

The 'her man' comment may have been in hope to easily explain away the next time there are pics of strange men photographing the kids (see Easter). ~ Administrator said...

You have faced some criticism for having your kids on camera 24 hours a day. What’s your take on that?


The first thing I notice in that response is that she doesn't deny the cameras are there 24 hours a day. Wouldn't the first thing you say be, now wait a minute that's an exaggeration the cameras are not there THAT much!

I also noticed that she imposes her own thoughts and ideas on her children. I.e. she is convinced the children will say "cool!" when they discover that other kids don't have cameras following them. She refuses to consider that they might think anything other than what she wants them to think, essentially that they love being filmed. The reality was when they realized they were different, they hid their faces in horror and it's all on camera.

Kristine said...

Kate chooses her words carefully. She says one thing, then says she meant something entirely different later.

Truest 'Manipulation of the English Language'.

canadianmom said...

Lovemygrandsons, bluebird, onceaviewer, dwindle, capecodmama, and all the other awesome posters here!

Thanks so much for your kind words, I always kind of hate it when people congratulate ME on how great my son is doing, its all him, he works really hard. When I stop by his school and I see him playing tag or some other game with his classmates it just means so much to me. For the other parents its just a fum game but to me I know exactly how much work went into him being able to play a game with peers. Honestly, years of work and therapy and social stories and teaching him every tiny step (turn taking took over a year to learn) that goes into a simple little game. He's amazing and awesome and he inspires me every day! :)

BTW, everyone on this blog ROCKS! Thanks Admin for this wonderful place to lurk and laugh and share! :)

AuntieAnn said...

Oh for sure she'd want her kids to think it was cool. She wouldn't hear it any differently. The witch was brainwashing them while they were still in diapers so they would fit into her plan to keep those gifts and trips and money rolling in. That's some kind of cruel mind control. And yet we've all seen how unhappy some of them were at times. ie Mady's 'cameras keep out' notice.
Kate might think she's convinced Mady that being filmed was good, but strangely enough she seems happier now in photos than we ever saw her when the cameras were rolling. ~ Administrator said...

The kids rarely look miserable in photos these days. I remember the first photo of Collin since the show was canceled, he flashed the biggest smile at the paparazzi. It was so cute and carefree, it looked like a little boy who had the weight of the world lifted. No idea what is responsible for more of the carefree photos but there's no denying they started happening as soon as the show was over. That coupled with everyone admitting the kids are just thriving in school now and doing great just compared to a short time ago during filming when they were getting expelled for heaven sake.

I think there's a strong possibility these kids hated some aspects of filming far more than anyone ever let on. It explains why Kate is constantly overcompensating claiming how much they love it and miss it. She's petrified it might get out there's a lot of it they hated. I can definitely see the kids saying well I loved the trips, but I hated being recognized, having to stick to the filming plan, having a camera in my face all the time, having to do all the couch interviews, etc. ~ Administrator said...

Seems the summer with 8 kids home 24/7 is wearing me out! :)


Poor thing. Can you imagine how exhausted she would be if she actually had to work 9 to 5 somewhere in there too?

Sleepless In Seattle said...

The 'her man' comment may have been in hope to easily explain away the next time there are pics of strange men photographing the kids (see Easter).


I thought it was a preemptive strike in anticipation of possible rumors concerning her girl-and-girl relationship with Deanna!

GosselinBook author is creepy said...

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 18

"Since it's obvious that Kate is worried about the book, like others, I wonder what has her so worried."

While others here may disagree, I think Kate is just primarily frightened by the creepy, stalking tone of this guy's blog. I am, by no stretch, a Kate fan. In fact, I would love to know if this guy has some facts about her that should be revealed. There are so many mysteries that have been hidden, and people really want to know.

But I find his blog menacing. Why would an ethical journalist present himself this way?

canadianmom said...

OK, just checked out the pics and I totally agree with everyone here who mentioned the "girls" heading south... HOLY COW are they ever! Good grief woman put on a damn bra, going bra-less is sooooo tacky and redneck. She's going to end up on that "people of walmart" website.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Seems the summer with 8 kids home 24/7 is wearing me out! :)

Um, Kate babe...there is always summer camp for two or four weeks. The kids would love it and you could sleep in until noon and not have to pay Steve, a nanny, a cook or laundry girl. Are your attorney's fees taking a big chunk out of the summer vacation/camp budget?

Silimom said...

Canadian Mom - As one ASD mom to another I want to tell you how blessed your son is to have you for a mom. Our kids work their tails off to master things that just come naturally to others and I totally get that feeling of pride and sheer and utter joy in watching them grow and accomplish so much. And you're right, those milestones and achievements are 110% theirs.

But never be dismissive of the part you have played in helping your child become all that they can become. You have walked alongside your child. You have carried them when they couldn't or wouldn't walk any further, all the while encouraging to try more time with a smile and a reassuring touch (and probably some well deserved reward) despite your own weariness and frustration. You have never allowed others to see your child as anything less than the human being they are, deserving of the right to become who they were meant to be just like any other child. You have met your child where they are while always keeping an eye to where they are going.

Parenting is never a walk in the park but for those with children with needs it can be even more so. One of my favorite songs is from "Into The Woods". It is called "Children Will Listen". Our children, no matter what their abilities or challenges, learn by our example and our own attitudes shape them in ways we could never even dream of. Your child is a fighter because he has learned that from you. He has learned perseverance from you. He has learned to have hope because of the unconditional love you give him.

Yes, your son has strived and worked hard to get where he is and that is, again, 110% him. But it is also 110% you and those that love him. And sister, you can stand up and say with pride "We did it together."

You, unlike Kate and hundreds or even thousand other women like her, are a mother to your core.

I applaud you for that. Good job.. :-)

meagler said...

So, was bored, an decided to see if there was any updates at the website. I have not read the posts from here today, so if this has already been said, I apologize. But on the blog from, the author reveals himself. He says his name is Robert Hoffman, and the first chapter of his book, explains his relationship to the gosselins.

He says the book is not about him, but bout the gosselin story, and the tweets are cryptic. I should have copied the link, but did not. Anyways, interesting, and he obviously does read here. I am very curious to read his book!

Her Lying Got So Out of Control said...

Kate is shaking in her size 10 1/2 shoes, no bout about it. I want to know how has the money to insolate her from everyone and keep those "who know the secret" from talking about it?

If she did as one poster said, use someone else' fertilized eggs as an experiment, without Jon knowing, but it got her life long protection from anyone finding it, it might be very interesting to the families of those eggs who still did not give permission to plant them in Kate.

That is what I think too. It is a big story. Robert Hoffmann hasbeen on her back and Jon' for a long time.

Something stinks so much that Kate might end up in Jail, is that why Jon is now saying Kate is a good mother?

I do not believe Jon or Kate. They used those kids and if they were biological kids, then there is some big problems to be worked out. And Kate thinks she can get away with everything, everything

Why doesn't she want family around her kids? Maybe some of the cousins of Aunt Jody know or Aunt Jody's kids know. Someone knows and Beth may be in the circle of those who know too. Nothing else would prevent that book.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

I would also like to comment on Kate's boobs. She use to have small sagging boobs and instead of lifting them /putting in the implants she just put in huge implants ! So now she has huge sagging boobs! With the recent weight loss and the running and let's not forget her pushing almost forty they have really headed south! I think she didn't do the lift because it's a more painful recovery and more scarring!

Kate just doesn't have any taste at all!! She doesn't know how to dress and doesn't dress the kids cute at all! Mady's dress is so unapproiate for her! To be frank that dress is ugly ! There's such cute clothes for kids her age and they don't have to be expensive! They are going to grow up with no fashion sense!!

Oh and I don't like Deanna ! According to her twitter she likes fur and if you don't tough ! I'm an animal lover and I'm not going to skin it alive so I can look good! I guess I'm just in a bad mood cause my furry baby got ill today and needed surgery! He will need to wear a cone for 4 to 5 weeks! Poor baby!!

mama mia said...

Kate has more haters than fans for exactly what Deana Hoffman wrote, you don't make friends getting paid tens of thousands of dollars to be on tv and then turn around and tell your audience you struggle to put food on the table using coupons.
I don't think Kate is a millionaire, she'd need $10 million in the bank to live like one. Nor do I see her investing her money in tax shelters. Tori Spelling best explained her poverty when explaining why she was selling her clothes no Ebay to buy food -'my co-workers bought properties and I bought hundreds of sweaters at Barneys'. That is how you stay rich, you invest those big cheques into tax shelters. Kate seems to be blowing hers on an expensive depreciated house she has to maintain, too many vehicles that lost their values once off the lot, too many shoes out of style, and too many press junkets for appearances that don't bring in jobs. If she doesn't get DWTS I don't see how she keeps the house and private schooling much longer.

barbee said...

WHY would Deanna and her man coming over be a source of such excitement for the kids? When my kids were younger and we had a couple over the kids wanted no part of it. They amused themselves in the pool while the adults socialized out there. It would be a huge thing if she could get it through her head that not every adult finds it the highlight of the day to have her attention starved kids clammoring all over them. But, what the hey, it gets them off her.

Anonymous said...

So is Kate going to claim everything in the book are lies? Because in Kateland, only what she says is the truth :)

Admin said Kate refuses to refuses to consider to think anything other than what she wants them (the kids) to think- so right on!! She will not let those kids think- or speak on their own. Can you imagine what they have to hear from her before they are allowed that rare treat of visiting a friend's house? She must grill it into their heads' not to speak about anything that goes on the house.
Kate- let go!!! God gave us free will- let your children develop into what they were meant to be.

Pity Party said...

I wonder if KT had her man there too. I am sure she did because that is the only time she is truly happy. She must be about to buckle under the weight of the kids being there 24/7. What mother doesn't have her kids 24/7? Even when they are in school, their presence is still about. You are still doing for them, taking care of the laundry, their rooms (if she ever even goes in there). Hint to Jon from KT, ask for the kids more often please. To think the kids are 8 and this will be her first summer stuck at home with them staring at the walls. I must admit and I am sure it is the same with her, the noise factor must be tremendous. I think that is why she will go down kicking and screaming before she lets go of that big house that they can get lost in and where she can just shut herself off from them in her "room." Not to mention the built in baby sitter, "R" pool. I have noticed that she has substituted the word R for my these days. It has suddenly become R pool, R tractor, R BBB, where previously it was my, my, my. I wonder if she is referring to the kids as R or is it PB. The way her mind works the kids don't own anything, because they don't have a job. I can't see her standing at the kitchen window and says R's all R's as far as the eye can see (sigh). She also adopted the word family, when referring to them - family, a word she had never used until recently. Family and friends - when they are the family. It is like she is referring to herself and her kids in the third person. One who didn't know better might assume there was other family there as well. Sounds strange (to me)in that context as though they traveled from afar for a visit. It will take a college course to figure this woman out, and I guess that is why she is still relevant. Cher, KT, and cockroaches...they will survive.

TLC stinks said...

Everything she cooks is "Yum!" Do ya think with those big boobs she's able to reach around and pat herself on the back every time she cooks a meal?

Disgusting she hired a pap for those pictures. Doesn't this guy realize he's sitting on a gold mine if he got some incriminating shots? Yes he does except I bet he signed C/A too!

NT said...

Anyone without anti virus protection,don't go to the people at walmart site. My Norton blocked a virus so I just got out of the site. Just a heads up.

Once a Viewer said...

I don't know why she's tired either.She spent yesterday by the pool, grilling (ahem) and relaxing with special friends. Maybe D's 'man' did some honey-do chores. Mady and Cara help her cook, she has mentioned. They also help entertain the 'littles.' The kids have the pool and lots to play with outside as well as in. What does she have to do except maybe make a list of meals and Target necessities and plan her runs. I always wonder why she has energy to run- granted, she complains about it sometimes- when minimal supervision of the kids , who aren't up at 5:30in summer, wears her out.

I agree with letting the kids join a camp or summer group. For their sake, not her exhaustion, lol. Or let Jon take them more- maybe a camping trip?

Once a Viewer said...

meagler: what is the link, please/ I can't seem to access it from their twitter?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

People who are depressed are always tired. Being unhappy in a situation can be tiring, pretending to be having fun fun fun, yay, whoopie can be tiring, worrying about a book coming out on your past can be tiring.

Gabby2 said...

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 19

said: IRS.

I wonder how much of her cash she paid taxes on???

Once a Viewer said...

meagler: to clarify, I could not find the first chapter you said you read? I did read the blog, some of which was re-posted here yesterday. Thanks!

Kitty Litter said...

canadianmon said...
OK, just checked out the pics and I totally agree with everyone here who mentioned the "girls" heading south... HOLY COW are they ever


Look again at the ROL pic(if you dare).
I think her tummy tucked reconstructed naval courtesy of Dr. Glassman is peeking out from atop her south of the border teats.
Also, shouldn't it be a crime when those with perpetually sunless dispositions wear sundresses, sagging tatas notwithstanding?
Looong time lurker here. Shoutout of gratitude to all the entertaining posters here.

Dmasy said...

Happy Sunday to everyone.

Sorry. I will be spending time with friends and I don't think I will include my laptop. I will miss you....

Kate is Krazy said...

I don't understand why Hoffman didn't just quietly submit his book for publication like Al and Polly did? Why all the biblical quotes and countdown? Not sure he's not just jerking people around.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Anita 46 said
WOW! Just read the lastest post by author Robert Hoffman; Gosselin Book - CJwhodunit and K2mom are a couple of angry beavers LOL!!!!

Dang, you weren't kidding. Kate needs to read what her most ardent fans are spewing over there...doesn't speak well of her and her followers.

I guess those poor G kids won't get a vacation this summer, or even a camp experience. They get play dates with mommy's friends. That's classy, Kate.
Kate's really going to have her hands full when the kids are old enough to rip the muzzles off, have cars of their own, and tell her 'you can't tell me what to do'...karma is coming..there will be an outright revolution. Some may simply pack up and move in with Jon.

Anonymous said...

Small Town Gosselins has posted "Who is Robert Hoffman: About the Author of a New Book About Kate Gosselin".


Luke's Mom said...

There is an update on Gosselin Book Blog this morning. You must read it.

All I can say is BRAVO to this father!

And Kate since we all know you read this blog too. Take note... Robert Hoffman detailed the SAME type of parenting that we have been describing here day after day. The type of parenting that you do NOT do!

All of us here have described how, as parents, our days are FULL of activities for our KIDS not us. We have days and nights that are focused on our KIDS not us. And like Robert Hoffman, we have JOBS too! Wow what a concept. Jobs and days full of activities for our kids.

When I read the Gosselin Book post today, I actually felt sad again for the Gkids. My kids, too, enjoy lives full of sports, scouting, community and church clubs, academic achievements, and a rich life of friends THEIR AGE. And from reading here, I know that all the other posters too can say the same about their children and grandchildren.

And then there is Kate... who is ALL about HERSELF - ME ME I MY ME. Kate is All about HER success. HER friends (Sorry, PAID help). HER running, HER travels, HER so very tired exhausted life... Blah blah blah.

I can not wait to read more about this Gosselin Book tell all. And as we all know now, it will just confirm what we have been saying for years about how Kate used her $kid$ for her own need for fame and fortune.

Once a Viewer said...

Small Town Gosselins has posted "Who is Robert Hoffman: About the Author of a New Book About Kate Gosselin".


Hmm, another side of Robert. I just don't know what to think!

Btw, what is the 'chicken coop story' mentioned?

Luke's Mom said...

I also just read some of the comments on the Gosselin Book Blog and there is that CRAZY fan of Kate's who posted this...

CJWhodunitJune 23, 2012 10:44 AM
Agreed, Kmom2. The children are the ones who will be paying the BILL for this nonsensical farce someday. Hope it's worth it to "Rob" and friends to get it's 'revenge' against Kate Gosselin this way (and uncounted others, some illegal)!

Off to buy more popcorn as the truth is finally exposed not about Kate, but about those *obsessed* with her who think criminal actions are something they can get away with!


What is so funny about CJ's comment is that she described herself and what she does in her crazy OBSESSED love of Kate: "those *obsessed* with her who think criminal actions are something they can get away with".

Wasn't this the same CRAZY fan who sunk the KATE CRUISE by vetting all the potential cruisers? She sounds scary and psycho.

Jane said...

From Werny Gal.

Personally, I've always trusted what she says, especially after the cornfield maze debacle. But she's also friends with Al Walentis, who has little credibility (in my mind). With Mr. Hoffman's outing his kids on his blog today and now this, I'm thinking less and less about this new book - if it's ever published.

Improbable Dreams said...

Once a Viewer said... 51
Small Town Gosselins has posted "Who is Robert Hoffman: About the Author of a New Book About Kate Gosselin".
Hmm, another side of Robert. I just don't know what to think!


I get that he's trying to establish his credibilty, and to also fend off attacks. But you know what? This strikes me as all kinds of wrong. Look how much detail he provides about his children--and they're not old enough to voice any objections they might have. He's USING HIS KIDS AS A SHIELD.

Pot, meet kettle. That's what I think.

silimom said...

Once a Viewer - if memory serves, the chicken coop incident was a rumor that went around a few years ago. Kate apparently called the police because Jon had trespassed on the property and it was either let the chickens out of their coop or killed some of them (Sorry for the confusion - Nala's also been accused by her of killing chickens, so I may be confusing the two stories). He was allegedly drunk at the time.

It rang hollow back then and apparently, according to Polly, was a lie made up by Bob Hoffman.

She also confirms that Bob is indeed married to Dana Hoffman.

Summerwind said...

WOW! Just read the lastest post by author Robert Hoffman; Gosselin Book - CJwhodunit and K2mom are a couple of angry beavers LOL!!!!


Has Cruising Cindy joined battle forces with the sweet little old harmless lady in her mission to rid the world of anyone who would dare speak out against Kate? I think perhaps the Angry Beaver or Beavers should be aware that the author has an attorney. One of these days they are going to harass or libel the wrong person and it's going to come back to bite them where the sun don't shine.

Luke's Mom said...

Once a Viewer said... 51
Small Town Gosselins has posted "Who is Robert Hoffman: About the Author of a New Book About Kate Gosselin".


Hmm, another side of Robert. I just don't know what to think!


Interesting. Not sure what to think either. Though Small Town sounds like she also is speculating and assuming on many of her statements. And she has some of her facts wrong. The GBook is NOT 297,000 pages long BUT was 297,000 words. Small Town didn't even read the Gosselin Book blog correctly so I am having a hard time believing the other things she wrote.

I just wish the TRUTH would be told (I don't care by who) so the Public/Media/Fans/Sponsors/Kind Donators/IRS can learn that what was SOLD as "Reality" was NOT.

Kate is Krazy said...

I'm on a breadmaking mission...just started my 7th loaf in 48hrs in my new @cuisinart breadmaker...trying 2 save/keep up w/ my family of 9!

what, save her family from starvation or save money? I guess she read here that people wonder if she actually makes homemade bread as claimed. So thus she tweets, meaning' Hear that, people & CUISINART? I do!'

Luke's Mom said...

Another thought on this Gosselin Book and Small town's blog comment about the author.

Al Walentis tweeted this:
Kate Gosselin lawyering up to thwart publication of book on how "she fooled the world."

But Small Town's blog makes you believe that Al Walentis would not be a fan of Robert Hoffman now or support his book. So why would Al be tweeting support on it?

It makes me think that Small Town is not being objective and has some personal feelings directly against the GB author.

Wouldn't it be great if the 3 of them (Small Town, Al W., and Gbook author) could just join forces and get the TRUTH out once and for all!

Michelle said...

Luke's Mom said... 50
When I read the Gosselin Book post today, I actually felt sad again for the Gkids. My kids, too, enjoy lives full of sports, scouting, community and church clubs, academic achievements, and a rich life of friends THEIR AGE. ...

And then there is Kate... who is ALL about HERSELF - ME ME I MY ME. Kate is All about HER success. HER friends (Sorry, PAID help). HER running, HER travels, HER so very tired exhausted life... Blah blah blah.

I just picked up my oldest from a week long Scout camp yesterday and completely agree about how sad it is that the Gosselin kids don't get to have these experiences.

However, along with Kate, Jon is also at fault. Why he doesn't get those boys involved in Scouting or sports is baffling to me. He's a self professed jock, but his boys have never had a sports team experience. I'm sure they'd love Scouting too.

He couldn't even take a six month break from dating after two years with Ellen and just focus 100% on his kids. Yes, Jon is the lesser of two evils, but also certainly is pretty self-focused himself.

Summerwind said...

"Btw, what is the 'chicken coop story' mentioned?"


The story was reported on Small Town blog. Jon, having imbibed in the spirits far too much, got into the chicken coop and went on a drunken spree, allegedly causing damage and a commotion.

When asked for proof, wasn't the response given that although true and the police were called, there was no police report?

Moose Mania said...

@31 But I find his blog menacing. Why would an ethical journalist present himself this way?


Exactly. My thoughts from the get-go. It's unprofessional, harassing and taunting. No ethical journalist would resort to those kinds of tactics -- at least none that would want to be taken seriously. What the writer has done is to cast doubt on credibility and motive. Bad move. Very bad move.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I see Kate's brain dead fans are up this morning; one who can't figure out what "mac salad" is and another who seems overly challenged with slicing and finding "bags" to keep homemade bread in.

AuntieAnn said...

Schmoopy is exhausted all the time because she has an eating disorder. She eats rabbit food for crying out loud. Look at her's starving. If she didn't have those implants she wouldn't even have boobs anymore, they'd be shrivelled up to raisins.

She needs intensive therapy.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Btw, what is the 'chicken coop story' mentioned?

It was some bogus story about Jon sneaking onto the property and letting out the chickens if I recall correctly.

Localyocul said...

Anonymous said... 49
Small Town Gosselins has posted "Who is Robert Hoffman: About the Author of a New Book About Kate Gosselin".


After reading that, I think he is who K8 was referring to with her cryptic "true friends" tweets, referring to his "friendship" with Jon. Oh, and she's tweeting about saving mony with her $100 bread maker, how it's cured her kids' dislike of sandwiches, and posted a pic of a half "BLT" (one slice of each) sandwich

Once a Viewer said...


Thanks. That sounds very strange! I hope the chickens were not harmed. I hadn't heard of it before. I only read that blog now and then as the posts aren't regular ( but interesting when they do appear) I enjoyed Polly's book.I think she definitely has the kids' best interests at heart , such as not telling about the expulsion of two tups when she found out.

JudyK said...

Kate, I think one of the reasons your kids haven't liked sandwiches is because they are ALL bread and no filler...that pic is pathetic. Slice the bread thinner and load it with lettuce, tomatoes, and a few slices of bacon.

Kate is Krazy said...

measly meal..again ( although it looks 'yummy' )

I thought they had bacon only once a year as a 'rare treat?' Is this THE day?

Once a Viewer said...


Thanks to you too. I had never heard of this, but it does seem out of character for Jon- not the drinking,but bothering the animals.

Summerwind said...

That sounds very strange! I hope the chickens were not harmed. I hadn't heard of it before.


It was a bogus story. No drunken Jon, no harmed chickens.

Kristine said...

Good Morning! Here you go 15'ers...

Octomom just landed a job as the Spokesperson for (drum roll please...) a COUPON BLOG! If Nadya Suleman didn't have a 'feature film' recently released, we could fairly compare her to Kate Gosselin. However, she has become national news lately. If I'm not mistaken, Octo didn't want her kids on a Reality Show- she said it was "Child Exploitation".

Sweet... Now those two nut jobs can sit down for Tea, clip coupons, and trade weekly savings secrets! I think we're on minute 14 & counting.

AuntieAnn said...

JudyK said... 63

Kate, I think one of the reasons your kids haven't liked sandwiches is because they are ALL bread and no filler...that pic is pathetic. Slice the bread thinner and load it with lettuce, tomatoes, and a few slices of bacon.
Judy - I was just about to write the same thing. Kate is a scrooge with everything to do with those kids. A single THIN slice of tomato, a half a slice of bacon and a leaf of lettuce on two thick slices of unbuttered bread...and she's so proud of it she takes a picture. Oy. I wonder if that's going into her cookbook. ~ Administrator said...

I don't understand the hysteria about the book. If it's not true she's lawyered up and can handle it. Her fans really think Kate can't take care of herself. Same with the cruise they really felt Kate needed then to interfere.

Anonymous said...

Lukes Mom said...58
It makes me think that Small Town is not being objective and has some personal feelings directly against the GB author.
yeah, me too.

So he was the source giving stories to the rags? Oh how the sheeple must hate themselves for blaming poor, innocent Ellen. I think they offer her an apology ;)

Ex Nurse said...

Auntie Ann said...
And yet we've all seen how unhappy some of them were at times. ie Mady's 'cameras keep out' notice.
When Mady starts therapy as an adult, this is all the therapist will need to know about Jon and Kate (and Jon was also actively involved in the exploitation, too). Unlike Kate, who still insists that filming the crap out of her kids was sunshine and rainbows, Jon earns some redemption points with his own mea culpa and stopping J&K+8. The filming and showing of that sign showed how little regard there was for the basic need of trust and privacy there was. They were truly just $$$$$$$$.

Amy2 said...

I read the post at Small Town by Werny Girl about Robert Hoffman. I'm concerned about the credibility of Hoffman and the way the book is being marketed. My gut says..wait what's really going on here. I see red flags. But then I go back to the central theme...why is Kate running scared. Why did she lawyer up?

As others have said, there is something in the book that Kate doesn't want to come out. IMO that's why the book is so concerning. Author's credibilty suspect...I don't know for sure. But I do know that I want to read the book. I hope that it is published in some form (pdf, or book).

tate said...

If Kate is into "healthy foods", she should be baking whole wheat or multi-grain bread. That white bread has no nutritional benefits. Really bad for you, in fact. Guess she doesn't care, since she doesn't eat it herself.

Anonymous said... (Administrator) said... 75
I don't understand the hysteria about the book.
It's the only interesting thing to happen in Kateland in a long, long time- and the funny part is Kate didn't even do anything, LOL. This must irritate her to no end.
I read here now because the posters are funny and there are many posts about gardening and pets- I love it.

AuntieAnn said...

heehee. Kate's in a bit of a pickle. If she acknowledges her fans and thanks them for defending her on that blog, it also means she's acknowledging the blog. ~ Administrator said...

They make wheat bread now that tastes like white. Great for kids. Im also surprised someone as health conscious as Kate claims to be wouldn't do something basic like use wheat bread.

Luke's Mom said...

The author of the Gosselin Book has now posted a response to Small Town's blog and addressed it to Polly.

Polly responded and told him she removed the words "another creep" from her blog.

Sue Buddy also chimed in with a quick comment.

PatK said...

Trying to follow all of the uproar over this Robert Hoffman (Gosselinbook) thing is headache-inducing. Now that Wernygal has spoken out, even some non-fans are jumping on the anti-Robert bandwagon. Why? Should he be denied telling his story? Al and Werny sure weren't. And for profit. Who cares!

I, for one, want to read whatever he has to say.

In the meantime, the sheeple must be wearing their Depends, because I don't think they've even taken time away from their computers over this to go to the bathroom. Or tend to their families.


Tamara said...

Auntie Ann said.... And yet we've all seen how unhappy some of them were at times. ie Mady's 'cameras keep out' notice.
At times? Try every... freakin... day. That's why there had to be multiple takes, reshoots, and 72 hours straight of filming to get enough footage for a 25 minute episode.

Jane said...

Had the all news station on the car radio while coming home from the farm stand and a Coupon Cabin ad came on. This is the first time I've ever heard one of their ads - maybe they air in other parts of the country (I'm near NYC). Anywhoo, the spokeswoman was discussing the benefits of buying organic items, eating healthy, the importance of giving nutritious food to kids and the use of coupons to do so. It was a long ad, over a minute, and the spokeswoman gave her name and it sure wasn't Kate!

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Methinks "Robert" is protesting a bit too much. Why a dissertation on ballet, acting, sports and horses? Do we really need that much information?

"Again this is mentioned in detail in the book, but I'm as far from being a journalist as there is, ethical or unethical."


Forget journalist. What about an ethical or unethical reporter...what about an ethical or unethical human being? If one is not a "true" journalist, is he exempt as a mediocre writer from being ethical?

Luke's said, "And Kate since we all know you read this blog too. Take note... Robert Hoffman detailed the SAME type of parenting that we have been describing here day after day. The type of parenting that you do NOT do!"

Does a good parent teach his or her kids to use Twitter to harass others with the "I know what you did and the world will too" while throwing about Biblical passages? This is bullying. Is this what we teach our children? Do as I say, not as I do?

It sounds like whole thing has taken on a life of its own. Someone writes what she knows about him; he responds...has to tell his side of the story. It's spinning out of control, a saga of "he said, she said" until in the end nobody is going to take anything seriously that any parties put out there.

Speaking of taking things seriously, I bet the Master Detective is going nuts right now. Wasn't she accusing someone named "Jen" of being "Robert?" She needs to go back to Sleuthing School!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

72 hours straight of filming? Sounds rather Kate-ish. LOL

meagler said...

Once a Viewer: I didnt read the first chapter anywhere, I was jut quoting that Robert Hoffman stated he explains his relationship with the gosselins in his first chapter. He has another post on his blog, that kind of explains how he knows them. Sorry for the confusion.

Admin: I thot the same thing as you.. health conscious and white bread??? That tells me, she has none of the healthy ingredients in her home like flax seed, or whole wheat flour.

I just laugh, because altho I want to read this new book coming out, I already know, that Kate thinks that we all believe what she tells us, even when her actions yell so loudly in the exact opposite ways...

Luke's Mom said...

I agree with what Michelle said... 62 about Jon taking an active role in ensuring all of his kids participate in sports, scouting, etc...

Though, I wonder if Kate's control over the kids, custody issues, etc... made it difficult for Jon to get them involved in activities. But I agree that Jon should be demanding that they sign up for these activities and make it part of their schedules both during school and summer.

I do put the majority of the blame on Kate though as she is the one who has primary physical custody, the free time, the money, and has always had the big bus to take them back and forth to sports, scouts, etc..

We see how Kate can not even commit to taking them to Church every Sunday. Those kids will look back on their childhood and wonder why they didn't do what all the other kids did. Though, they may already be questioning this now when they hear about what their classmates do during the summer, after school, on weekends.

Mady and Cara will talk about "sleepovers" in their Mom's bedroom when the other girls talk about sleepovers with friends. M&C will talk about taking care of their siblings and massaging their mother's back while their classmates talk about swim team, scout camps, sport camps, art classes, skating, mini golf, bonfires, family reunions, etc...

The tups will talk about playing school in the basement with each other, hunting for empty easter eggs, cleaning chicken poop, lining up on the rug to watch a DVD movie while their classmates ... well you get the idea.

Very sad for the Gkids. All that money they EARNED for Kate and then they live a life that is so much less than their classmates and our Mediocre kids lives.

Kate as a mother=PATHETIC.

Tamara said...

I thought Bob-O made a big announcement that his whole book wasn't about him? Now a whole post about.... HIM. I can see why he, Khate and Jon could end up together.

OrangeCrush said...

Oh sweetums, new bread machine - gifted, grifted or did you use a coupon?
Someone needs to a) teach you how to slice so sandwiches are not 60% bread, and b) teach you how to make a less stingy looking sandwich filler.

I am conflicted about Hoffman and his book, his taunting scripture quotes are icky, but so is her lawyering up. In the past I have trusted Werny Gal, but Al Walentis and his expose book was also icky. Guess we have to wait and see.

Maybe Kate can grift some Depends for those wacked out sheeple, real nut jobs over this.

TLC stinks said...

Grifting for a 2nd bread asker, Kate? Geez.

Read Werny Gal's post about Robert Hoffman. Sounds like sour grapes to me. She has no contact with the Gosselins yet wrote a book the bombed. Wonder why? I personally hope Hoffman clarifies some mysteries. If it's just another rehash, oh well. Kate wins again. Maybe some others will finally crawl out from under Kate's thumb and speak out.

AuntieAnn said...

Ex Nurse said... 80
Unlike Kate, who still insists that filming the crap out of her kids was sunshine and rainbows, Jon earns some redemption points with his own mea culpa and stopping J&K+8. The filming and showing of that sign showed how little regard there was for the basic need of trust and privacy there was. They were truly just $$$$$$$$.
They were bred so that Kate could garner the fame she seemed to seeking even before the twins were conceived. Where did I just read she had hoped for more when she got fertility treatments to get pregnant the first time? She's been at this for a long time, that is what's so scary about her.

It leads me to wonder if this [gosselinbook] is about what leaked out when they were divorcing. Did Kate and Jon have a big blow out fight and unintentionally spill it all in front of someone who was taking notes?

Luke's Mom said...

I think it is quite funny too how Kate posts a picture of White bread considering she is all show on her healthy eating farce.

My kids are so active in sports that I have always fed them (since they were toddlers) WHOLE grain pasta, bread, sandwich rounds, pita bread, bagels, etc.. They need the healthy carbs to sustain them during practice, games, and, like yesterday morning, at swim meets.

By the way, Olympic swim team trials are this week and will be broadcast on NBC. My kids and I know some swimmers who will be competing and we will be cheering for all these young athletes! GO TEAM USA!

Jane said...

OrangeCrush said... 94

Maybe Kate can grift some Depends for those wacked out sheeple, real nut jobs over this.


Hahahaha! Took a look at Twitter for last night and today and yeah, they really are beside themselves. So funny and yet, scary, too. Several have caused terrible harm.

Mum's The Word said...

In the open letter to Kate, the author wrote:

"I challenge you Kate to let me to tell my story.

Be a role model for your children and accept this challenge.

Don’t cower and hide behind your lawyers.

I'll look for your response on Twitter, blog post or email."

I really had to giggle over that. Does he really expect Kate to respond, either on Twitter, blog or e-mail, or is this just a joke? Why in the world would she open the door, let alone put her foot in there? That is why she hired attorneys, who must have advised her not to get involved, no communication, complete silence. If she responds to him she's even dumber than any of us thought. I know she can't seem to keep her lips zipped on anything, but I hope that this time she takes her legal counsel's advice.

Rhymes with Witch said...

I was looking around for some info on Dana Hoffman, and I found this posted on an old Gosselin blog. I know that folks have compiled lists of freebies provided by TLC. Here's a (possibly partial) list of donations that predates the show, and was posted at the website that Jon and Kate had set up.
Prayer List

6 Infant Cars Seats and 2 Toddler Car Seats - Thank you Graco

1 Year supply of diapers, $5K in groceries, Parking space - Thank you
Giant Foods

6 High Chairs, 6 Bouncers, 2 Prototype triplet strollers - Thank you Chicco

6 Cribs that turn into beds and layette clothing - Thank you Delta Manufacturing

1 Year supply of baby food, custom engraved spoons, bibs, onesies and
$5K Gerber certificates to be used at Giant Foods - Thank you Gerber

Clothing - Thank you Carter's

6 month supply of Huggies diapers for each baby - Thank you Kimberly Clark

Dinners for a week - Thank you Borelli's Resturant

Free photo's and detergent - Thank you Sam's Club

Hershey's Chocolate Baby Announments - Thank you Carson Industries

Desitin - Thank you Pfizer

Clothing - Thank you Ann Gettes Clothing

Clothing and toys - Thank you Boscov's

We would like to sincerely thank all of you for your prayers, support
and donations made through Calvary Bible Fellowship Church.

For 4 more years the Gosselins continued to ask for monatery donations
and (and this is the kicker) walmart or target cards "to meet our
basic needs"

The last paragraph was written by the poster who made the blog entry.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Everyone is entitled to their opinion of Mr. Hoffman and his tactics.

However, so many have been asking for years that someone who knows the G.'s come forward and say what they know.

Robert's wife, Dana Hoffman caught onto the grifting early. Her husband, who claims to be a friend of Jon's (which Jon can easily
dispute) has come forward with what he claims to be untold information.

If I were a taxpayer in PA, I know I would be annoyed (at the very least) at the largesse the Gosselins, and Kate in particular, received.

"Rags to riches" on the backs of 8 children, generous Christians and PA taxpayers. (and tlc).
I've never gotten over the CASH ONLY "love offerings."

Having followed this saga for years, I for one, look forward to reading this book..

Bubbles said...

Wanted to throw it out there for comparison : Gosselin Book says the word count is just under 298,000. Hunger Games is 99,750. Stephen King's Under the Dome is reportedly 336,114.

There is a lot of info in this book, or he used a lot of adjectives Lol.

The author posted about himself to compare and refute. Not the same as posting for attention, in my opinion. How can he establish credibility if nothing is known about him?

AuntieAnn said...

I am conflicted about Hoffman and his book, his taunting scripture quotes are icky, but so is her lawyering up.
Meanwhile back at the Gosselin household in Elizabethtown, Kate's cupboards were plastered with scripture quotes as if God himself had mailed them to her personally. She is a hypocrite to the nth degree and I agree with IS high time for "a little Gosselin give-back".

Once a Viewer said...

AuntieAnn said... 77

JudyK said... 63


Re: sandwiches. maybe the g kids don't like them also because their mother made them eat stale ones left over from school lunches.


Luke's Mom said... 92

I agree with what Michelle said... 62 about Jon taking an active role in ensuring all of his kids participate in sports, scouting, etc...

Re: sports. Jon did try to interest the boys in ports in the yard with soccer balls, wiffle balls, hiking,camping, swimming ( OBX), golf course, his gym, going to games and running bases etc but they were all so scared of getting dirty, ruining clothes or crying over a minor cut that he was stymied-then. Hope now the kids are more willing to try sport at age 8!
wearing crocs didn't help either! lol

OrangeCrush said...

Read her tweets, she so reads here - talking about her belief in small portions, and her 2nds & 3rds as they wish. Defensive much?

And now we know the reason for her 50 lbs of flour, took her long enough, maybe that was one of the broken items she had to return.

I like my bread machine, and use it from time to time - only 2 of us here, so try not to have too many tempting carbs. I like that the house stays cool. But now she's the queen of baking, and while it is exact, what with measuring yeast and flour, it is not rocket science. And it takes several hours to make 1 loaf; she has a lot of mouths to feed. She'll be bored soon.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Someone needs to tell Kate that organic doesn't always mean low-fat, low-carb, low-calorie. What an idiot.
That sandwich she made, too much bread! Load the kids up with veggies inside the sandwich.
lol, yep, today must be the one-day-a-year bacon serving. Have they had their one day a year ice cream as dinner yet?

Seven loaves, 48 hours? She sure is manic, isn't she!

As far as the new tell-all coming out, I do not agree with the use of bible scripture for intimidation...God shall not be mocked.
I won't be buying it, didn't buy the other two, don't see a need to buy the third.

We would all like to see Kate get her comeuppance one of these days, but the kids' childhoods are GONE. Perhaps these poor kids being used by their parents, advertisers, tv, media, public appearances, etc, this won't happen again.

I understand the viewership numbers for Bristol's new show were poor..let's hope that show doesn't last much longer.
I believe Tori Spelling puts her kids on tv and people enjoy watching it because she is 'likable' ect? That still doesn't excuse using your kids for financial gain. (for the record,I don't watch Tori or Bristol's shows..don't watch a lot of tv except for Restaurant Impossible, Top Chef or Chopped).

All this talk of kids on reality tv made me realize that kids on dramas, movies, etc, are working as well....yes, they have rights, nannies,permits, blah blah, did their parents KNOW their infant wanted to be on a tv show as some actress's new infant? Gee, what smart parents! (Looks like stage parents are either 1) looking for a way to make money without working, and/or 2) looking for a way for the kid to be self-supporting because the parents can't.)
Am I right? Next show you watch on tv, when you see a young infant or child, ask yourself..."how did its parent's know it wanted to act?"

Anonymous said...

Rhymes with Witch said... 95
That list is unbelievable. So, have your babies one at a time, and pay for your kids yourselves. Have them all once and have all expenses paid for!! Why didnt I think of this?? Could have saved me thousands of dollars!!!
Well, I only have 1 child, but I did want more, this could be the answer to my 'prayers', as Kate would say.
Great plan, Kate! You poor, struggling, mother you.

Kate is Krazy said...

Kate explains small portions and says her bread IS wholewheat m just LOOKS like white, -

" I believe in small portions with seconds, thirds etc til full!:)"

Don't believe that one! Plus you can't do that with school lunches, can you, Kate?

Anna said...

Does anyone know how I would go about posting a comment at the Gosselin Book site? I don't have any of the accounts ask for to post.
Thank you

anger issues kate said...

Oragngecrush: The bread machine, was probably in one of those big boxes, Kate picked up at Fed-ex or was it UPS, the other day, when she got the ice cream. There is a pic of the guy, with a lifter thing, wheeling acouple of hugh boesx, to Kate BBB, with Kate pulling. Kate on a shopping spree! Who died, and left her money?

And tell me,, who slices bread that thick, for a sandwhich, that has , piece of lettuce, one tomato slice, and 2 littles pieces of bacon. Is that to fill the kids up quicker?

And all these articles saying Kate is fit, toned, tanned and even healthy, cause she eats organic. In my book a totally healthy person, does not even , lay in the sun or use a tanning bed, and or does not over bleach, ones hair, the chemicals alone are bad for your head. Highlighting, or streaking is one thing, doing it about every 4 weeks is overkill, and damaging, including that hair treatment she does. Kate does not look healthy.

Michelle said...

I don't know what to think about Werny Gal or Robert Hoffman at this point. I do know I'll read Robert's book and I know I LOVE the Kate photo Werny Gal has with her post today. Talk about a "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane" photo!

Let's throw tomatoes said...

Rhymes With Witch 95 That list doesn't surprise me at the least! She has spent
all day tweeting for freebies! That's why I dislike that woman. There are so many families struggling to put food on their tables and this money hungry, horrible
absentee mom has no fill to her needs(wants)! I so desperately want her
exposed , not to us because we already know her, but all who know who she is
but not what she is!!!

She's writing another cookbook. Is that why she's asking her fans for their recipes? I think she is desperate to make as much money as fast as she can
before something hits the fan!

BTW, Admin. the last of my few posts have not been posted! If I have been blocked I won't waste my time anymore so will you please let me know. Thanks!

anger issues kate said...

Orangecrush: Don't forget, Kate always has to dramatize everything. You know, she worked her fingers to the bone, for hours making bread, in a hot kitchen. One loaf at a time,a real time waster. Sorry, my mother use to make 4-5 loaves at a time. Of the 5 loaves, 2 she would bake, and freeze the other 3. And my mother did it by hand, no Crusinart, we had no such thing.

Checkmate said...

Robert, in his blog explanation of not being a journalist, stated that he had to laugh about someone not liking where his commas were placed. If I recall, this was on this blog when speculation was that Julie wrote the blog. Someone commented that the writing style was different. Julie used a style of comma placement, but in his letter to Kate, the writer had a different way of using punctuation. Just a comparison of style. I don't think anyone was bashing his writing style.

Anonymous said...

(This is Remona)
I also am very interested in what the book has to say. I found Polly's comments disingenuous. There was just something 'off' about her comments, in my opinion.

I think the ''hysteria'' over the book by Kate's fans is due to the fact that Kate hired a high-priced law firm in an attempt to block the book. I believe they think that if Kate is freaked out about what the book might say, that the book must be disclosing something really bad about Kate!! !!!!!!

Lynn W. said...

Jane - 89 - Had that spokesperson been KT the commercial would have run 3 minutes with all the ummms, ahhhs me, my, I and mispronounced words.

fidosmommy said...

And how many of the non-disposables on that list went to another struggling family after the Gosselins didn't need them any longer? There are families who would LOVE to have one bed for each of their children, or strollers, highchairs, etc. and can't afford them. Were they sold on consignment or handed off to another family in need? Or worse, stored away in a large box labeled "Baby Furniture" and stuffed into the garage to be forgotten?

anger issues kate said...

Perhaps why Jon does not have the boys in scouting, is cause Kate won't let Jon have the kids, separately. In kate twisted mind, they are a 6 pac, group, team, they are never individuals, there for, they have to do everything together.(born together, die together thinking) Boy Scouts is for boys, not girls, Kate would not have it. Cause it means, separating the tups. The tups are not babies anymore Kate. When Kate goes shopping, you never see her with just one or the boys or just the girl tups, or just all the girls, or maybe 2-3 of boy & girl tups, it's all 6 go or nobody goes. So they all are in an event or sport or nobody is. And that my friends is WRONG!

readerlady said...

This whole gosselinbook thing just gets curiouser and curiouser. I agree that the tweets were creepy, taunting, and unprofessional. I'm afraid they've damaged any credibility Mr. Hoffman might have with me. Also WG's outing of him as the author of the bogus story about Jon and the chicken coop. I'll still read the book, if it comes out, because I do think that there will be a lot of truth in it. He's in a position to have seen the saga from the beginning, and, given his wife's known outing of a lot of early KK behavior, and KK's reaction to it, I doubt that he has any love lost for KK. It's a shame he had to throw in the creep factor, though.

I agree that Jon should have enrolled the boys, especially, in soccer or T-ball/Little League, Cub Scouts, etc. -- wherever their interests lie. However, I can understand why he hasn't. As someone upthread pointed out, KK has primary physical custody of the kids, and unless she was also prepared to follow through with the commitment, and we all know she'd be too busy and exhausted and exhausted and busy to do it, it wouldn't be fair to either the kids or their teammates. Given KK's known refusal to allow Jon access to the kids when it isn't his "custody time", he wouldn't be able to see to it that they got to practices and games. Maybe now, with his new job and their "new-found accord", he'll have more leverage. Of course, I can just hear KK now, complaining about how expensive bats and helmets and pads and shoes and uniforms are, and begging for donations of same so her poor impoverished, deprived little ones can be on a team like their peers. Snark! ~ Administrator said...

Now the Gosselin book thing has turned into a blog wars thing and I find that so unoriginal and boring. I've lost interest. I appreciate the shout out and wish him luck, but I'm glad i never did a post on this. ~ Administrator said...

Well this is why she is exhausted. She can't be content to make one or two loaves, she has to go so overboard and do seven. Not to mention doing all that on so few calories and it's no wonder.

Bluebird said...

Love My Grandsons, Enjoy your time with them, it can never be replaced. By reading this blog and everything you said, I can hear their giggles and feel their happiness just by being with you!

Franky, Bonne fête de St-Jean, je suis québécoise aussi and to all québecois(e) who read this blog, Enjoy your heritage.

Canadianmom, I wish you and your son strength and courage and many new accomplishments in the future.

And for you Kate, I wish and hope that your children will find happiness, be it with or without you. I still can't help but think that the Gosselin book will reveal child abuse (hope for the children's sake that I'm wrong), or Kate's sex orientation,sometimes I believe that she had a relationship with Jamie at one time and regarding her relationship with Steve needs some explication.

wayward said...

Luke's Mom said... 63
Another thought on this Gosselin Book and Small town's blog comment about the author.

Al Walentis tweeted this:
Kate Gosselin lawyering up to thwart publication of book on how "she fooled the world."

But Small Town's blog makes you believe that Al Walentis would not be a fan of Robert Hoffman now or support his book. So why would Al be tweeting support on it?

It makes me think that Small Town is not being objective and has some personal feelings directly against the GB author.

Luke's Mom, I agree with what you said. As I read the Werny post, all I kept thinking was sour. grapes.

Then, she brushes Robert off as just another creep (although I guess she later removed that word.) trying to profit off the Gosselin children. Pot meet kettle. I believe she self published, so I doubt she made a windfall from the book. However, actions spoke louder than words when visits to her blog dropped off to almost none after the book came out. No one ever spoke of it, but it seems that many felt she was just one more person lining up to seek recognition and financial gain from the G kids.

I also agree with those who say Robert shouldn't have gone about trying to build attention to the book by taunting Kate and Deanna. It was the wrong way to go about it. Kate is a bully, two wrongs don't make a right. The bible verses... ehh... since Kate pretended to be a devout Christian until she reached her goal of living on an estate, I think that's fair.

At the end of the day, something is not Kosher at the Konpound. Numerous, numerous people, from the first camera crew who left, to "insiders" who post here, to anonymous former employees, to what was seen on the show, to photos the paparazzi captured, to the heartwrenching video of the kids screaming in terror upon being brought back to their mother... shows that the children are being raised by a selfish, angry and money obessesed mother. Employees are made to sign confidentiality agreements to never speak of what they witness, maybe not understanding that those agreements do not mean they cannot report a crime. Kate has created a bulletproof and Teflon aura around herself that allows her to do whatever the hell she wants, yet she is not held to the same standards or limits of the law like the rest of us are, due to her wealth, measure of fame and pack of lawyers. PA just wrapped up a trial where the convicted criminal had a blind eye turned to his crimes for years and years, due to his fame. No one wanted to look bad or taint their careers by bringing the case forward, allowing many more children to be victimized.

I don't know what is in the Gosselinbook, but it looks like he's the only one who has even attempted to stand up to Kate and her lawyers thus far. Because no one else has dared, any alleged behaviors that are allegedly occuring- allegedly keep on occuring. We all want the kind of childhoods for the G kids that they deserve and that the many, many of us here who are parents have strived to provide for our own children.

Al's book mainly dealt with Jon's conquests. He actually seemed to have a grudging respect for Kate's discipline and evasiveness from the paps. Not alot of help for the kids. Although I didn't read Werny's book, it seemed to be a bunch of interviews with people saying how bad reality TV is, especially for children. I already knew that, I didn't need to spend $20 for other people to tel me. The GB might actually result in some change in the homelife of the Gosselin children. It might not. But at least there seems to be some hope.

fade2black said...

Remona, I agree completely. While the gosselin book guy lost credibility for me with the whole countdown thing, I also found it disingenuous of Werny Gal to snark about someone making a buck off of the Gosselin children when she tried to do the same thing.

Kate is a twit said...

Anna said... 110

Anna, in order to post there you have to have one of the types of accounts listed. You can create a Google account by going to the top right side of this page and clicking on "Create Blog". Fill in your information. When you get to step 2, just exit. Google will then send you a confirmation email that your account was opened.

Then you can sign in there using your Google account and make comments.

wayward said...

fidosmommy said... 118
And how many of the non-disposables on that list went to another struggling family after the Gosselins didn't need them any longer? There are families who would LOVE to have one bed for each of their children, or strollers, highchairs, etc. and can't afford them. Were they sold on consignment or handed off to another family in need? Or worse, stored away in a large box labeled "Baby Furniture" and stuffed into the garage to be forgotten?
Despite vowing to pay their donations forward, it was all sold. I genuinely believe Jon when he said he wanted to give the equipment to other familes of multiples, but I believe it was Kate who put her foot down. After all, this is the woman who was making $250,000 an epi for K+8 and had made $500,000 for DWTS, yet was photographed taking kids clothes to the consignment shop.

The used baby equipment was listed for sale on their old website and Jon used to list things for sale on the TripletConection site when he posted there.

capecodmama said...

butterfly... 188

The first line you wrote from the bellabar website was interesting. It said the "possible" health benefits. Meaning not everyone who goes on a raw diet will get all the benefits they say. Also it said many celebrities are on this diet as it helps them maintain their youthful appearance. Yeah and how much of their youthful appearance is maintained by the good ole plastic surgeon! I'll stick to my "lifestyle" (I can't stand the word diet) of eating healthy from all of the food groups and exercise. Has worked for me so far.

Tangled Webs said...

The other two books on this family were crap.
For the author of one of them to attack Robert is questionable, at best.
With a failed book and a dead blog it's prett obvious that she is going to have a bias.

Mr. Hoffman needs to have Jon step forward and acknowledge their friendship. But Jon can't very well do this without Kate blowing a gasket.

Tangled Webs said...

Remona, I totally agree.

But there's always something a "little off" with that one.

Anna said...

Kate is a twit said... 126
Thanks Kate is isnt a big deal, I just wanted to comment that I too would read the book.

Great site Admin

Tamara said...

It says a lot about Yon that he let Khate take such extreme control over the money, kids and life in general. And did he seriously complain that the paparazzi attention kept him from getting a job? Really? I think it would be more that people heard the lies he told about a former employer (for which he's lucky he wasn't sued for libel). And if his life was made oh so hard by the paps how does he think his kid's lives were effected?

TLC stinks said...

Perhaps all this back and forth and attacks on Mr. Hoffman's site is just what he wants to put pressure on Kate and her attorneys. Seems to me the tabs will pick this up and Mr. Hoffman will be able to get his book publicized. Fine with me.

Glad others feel the same about Werney Gal's post regarding Mr. Hoffman. She is not taking the high road in this. Besides, she has accomplished NOTHING to stop the kids' exploitation. His book may well be the true opening salvo on Kate Gosselin. All I can say, ABOUT TIME.

Anonymous said...

As I understand it, two books have already been printed about the Gosselins (Polly Kahl's and Al Walentis'). Neither was challenged by TLC or the Gosselins.

This third book by Robert Hoffman has Kate so worried she has hired counsel to prevent it from seeing the light of day.

At this point I don't know what to think - are we looking at a giant hoax to drum up interest? Whatever, the important thing to me is that the children are going to continue to be hurt by the actions of adults.


Jane said...

Lynn W. said... 117
Jane - 89 - Had that spokesperson been KT the commercial would have run 3 minutes with all the ummms, ahhhs me, my, I and mispronounced words.



Anonymous said...

(This is Remona)
fade to black...unlike you, I got a kick out of the Gosselin book site jabbing Kate w/his countdown. I thought (and still think) that it was an ingenious marketing ploy...especially since he used Bible verses. Kate's Bible verse post it notes habit used against her seemed to me to be another well-earned jab to the hypocritical Kate! I don't care (and actually enjoyed) watching Kate have to deal with the prospect of someone throwing HER under the bus after all these years of her doing the same thing to Jon! Those kids AND Jon have suffered because of Kate for years, and I'm hoping that it's now Kate's turn!!

AuntieAnn said...

I wandered over to ROL to see these pics of Kate that everyone is talking about and got sidetracked reading Whitney Houston's autopsy report and then stumbled into another something or another that looked like a photo of Kate but it wasn't. (did that make sense? no? ...oh well)

The photo was of Kendra Wilkinson and it occurred to me that she is who Kate wants to emulate. She just needs to turn the clock back about 10 years and get out the tire pump to re-inflate her boobies.

Kendra's dress looks like the one Kate was wearing a while back at some function:

Pity Party said...

So now the kids don't like sandwiches when she has been filmed throwing half sandwiches on white bread literally the length of the counter onto the paper plates so hard it would send them sliding (and never missed) for years. Maybe just maybe they are tired of sandwiches. Big difference.

Once a Viewer said...

AuntieAnn said... 137

I know, I have always thought Kate looks like an older version of Kendra! Neither have much class or taste. LOL at the similar dresses ( I still maintain they are beach cover-ups!)

I also am like you- I go to read one article and get sidetracked by another...and another...and....!

njay said...

I know this may have covered on the last thread but I just found this in my tomato's today.

I have one of those hanging plant units and it is growing about 10 tomato's from each plant. Today I found tiny mushroom growing out some of the holes that is for growing herbs. Is this a bad thing to just ignore or is there a solution.

Thanks ahead of time.

meagler said...

bread is she fill them up on that, rather then the healthier fillings such as even eggs, or turkey meat ( cook a whole turkey Kate), slice of roast beef ( has she ever cooked a roast) or even home made hummus ( hmmm, hw long before we hear her talk about hummus) or advocado...add some cheese, lettuce tomatoes, cucumber, etc. Heck even tuna or salmon out of a can!

Nope, her motto.. " al ot of filler (bread) and very little nutritional stuff"

mama mia said...

Not sure if anyone has seen this video of one of the babysitter's Jon slept with, her big reveal is about how Jon is fame and cash obsessed whereas Kate is the good mother. Only problem is she admits she has never had a face to face meeting, interaction or conversation with the mother of children she was hire to babysit. She is consoling these poor children about this divorce situation, answering their questions, but she has no interaction whatsoever with Kate. Where was Kate? Perhaps this is the big story, the staff are brought in during filming and Kate only interacts with her kids on camera, then disappears and lets the help take over.
If it is also true that this author was friends with Jon and witness to that day Jon dropped the kids at the home,they wailing and sobbing, he can easily tell what he witnessed, heard, observed and felt about that day, and do so without breaking any contractual laws.
I am thinking this is just the PR team winding up the internet buzz on Kate so the producers of DWTS will give her a spot on the next show.

AuntieAnn said...

Once @ 139 - I rarely go to ROL because everything takes so long to load and the articles are pure cheapo tabloid. I must be out of the loop because I've never heard of this Kendra before.

Now I just went to the gosselinbook blog and read some more over there. Whoever the "Konky" commenter is, they're hilarious!

"the Sheeple Apocalypse"


Dwindle said...

Hi everyone, busy weekend here, had bro and sis-in-law over yesterday for an adult evening by the fire.

I agree with the poster who said Kate emphasised Deanna and HER MAN to address possible rumors of her relationship with Deanna. Then again on the other hand, she is such a 13-year old that she is simply giddy at having 2 people over at the same time, only one of whom she had to pay to be there!

Looks like my first tomato is ready to picked from my patio plants! I may get out the good dishes tomorrow night and serve said tomato on a golden platter. OK silver platter. OK silver-PLATED platter. But for sure I will put Fanfare For The Common Man on the stereo as I serve it! (look it up Kate, try YouTube.)

My daughter and her soldier hubby participated in a Muddy Buddy event yesterday in Nashville. It was a marathon of running, climbing, cycling (I think), crawling thru a mud pit, etc. They got the TShirts and medals, went home and showered and napped for an hour and then attended a dinner at his Commanding Officer's home.She says she cant remember the last time she had skinned knees!

Today is my daughter's 37th birthday, so I had to give her the usual 1 minute rapid,hysterical speech about how HOT it was 37 years ago today, no air conditioning in the hospital in those days, a storm rolled in and the power went out in the delivery room. She was reciting it all WITH me and ended up saying "MOM! You forgot the part about how you had back labor!"

No, it wasnt about me, it's about the incredible woman she is, so smart and caring. So very kind and hard working.

I'm sorry; I'm blathering.

fidosmommy said...

I just read about Kate's sandwich and saw the photo. What is that white liquid sitting on the lettuce? Yogurt, no doubt. Fat free, most likely.

So, OK. She gives them a small, unfilling 1/2 sandwich. Child F wants another one. So, Kate has to go back to the bread board, cut off another slice, break (or cut!) off more lettuce leaves, slice off another single slice of tomato, and cook more bacon. OK, then Child B, a slower eater, wants another sandwich a few minutes later and Kate's back at the counter doing it all over again? Somehow I don't picture this happening.

Nor do I picture Kate cooking enough bacon for more than those 1/2 sandwiches "just in case" a child or 8 children want more.

Dwindle said...

Tomorrow (Monday) is the last day I am going to use any brain cells or cranial megabytes on the Gosselinbook. Suck it up, Robert, put on your big boy pants and put it out there; or dont. You likely dont have anything that we havent speculated on here anyway, so confirm it and let the public and authorities assist the kids, or leave it alone, like everyone does. Let her win; show her that Kate will "always be in charge" and that "no never means no" for her. Sometimes evil wins and innocents suffer. Katie Irene bullies you and she wins; OJ plays a race card and wins. We cant write the stuff for you, so either release it and stand up for what's right, or back away gracefully and accept that evil has won and taken those 8 kids down the drain with her.

And NO, SHEEPLE, I am not saying Kate killed anyone like OJ did. Jeez, I can hear you all pooping your pants from over here. I am saying sometimes bad people, like Kate, get away with horrible lies and deeds.

We have already speculated with some certainty that she lied about a medical condition; lied to get infertility treatments; planned it all some years ahead of time for the money and media; never had any intention of parenting her children; hits, pinches and locks her children away; drinks; fakes her Christianity; is rude and self involved; was likely somehow abused as a child, perhaps at about 13 years old and snapped; cheated on her husband, either with a man, or a woman or 2; mismanages the childrens' money; lies to the media; still cant stand parenting her children;has had an entitled attitude about her list of hired help from the very beginning.

Not much else you could tell us. She had an abortion at some point? Meh, she is so sorry and now she has found religion. She lied to Jon about being pregnant so he would marry her? Meh, see above re religion. She stole from her parents? Snuck out of the house as a teen? Ditto.

The kids need someone to speak up for them. So either do it, or dont. But stop playing with it.

Dwindle said...

AuntieAnn said... 137
I wandered over to ROL to see these pics of Kate that everyone is talking about

I think the tube dresses are just her 'this summers' thang'. One year it was all baby doll dresses all the time with platform Nike flip flops and her B cups sagging and flopping, mysterious coffee cup in hand. Then it was skimpy halter tops everywhere, to show off her implants, with bondage strap stiletto hooker heels, self botox gone bad and peekaboo extensions. Now it's going to be the summer of tube tops with her ginormous implants at her elbows; possibly with platform dress shoes that actually are quite out of style now as is the bleached flat ironed hair. Since it's maxi-dresses that are in style this summer, she will compromise by keeping her upper thighs covered some of the time.

She is so predictable, just like a child.

Dwindle said...

njay said... 140
I know this may have covered on the last thread but I just found this in my tomato's today.

I have one of those hanging plant units and it is growing about 10 tomato's from each plant. Today I found tiny mushroom growing out some of the holes that is for growing herbs. Is this a bad thing to just ignore or is there a solution.

Thanks ahead of time.

I dont know, nj. I think that mushrooms are usually from decaying matter, such as tree roots. Something is in your soil that doesnt belong there. Whether it is harming your tomatos, I dont know. When ever we have had mushrooms in the yard, we have layers lime on the soil/grass, and that seems to help for the season. I would really call or go to your nearest nursery and ask.

Maggie said...

thought Bob-O made a big announcement that his whole book wasn't about him? Now a whole post about.... HIM. I can see why he, Khate and Jon could
On Bob's blog--but under a different section-- some people left comments about him spending all his time writing this book for the past 2 years instead of being a parent to his kids. So,I think that is why he felt compelled to write this Parenting section on his blog. It explains how much time he spends with his 3 kids and how he writes at night when they are in bed. Plus he wrote that because he wrote about Kate's bad parenting (my words) then he needs to explain his own parenting. Yes, I am paraphrasing.

I am glad he wrote about his parenting. It lets us know more about him and his family life.

AuntieAnn said...

"Happy by my grill making yummy dinner"

??? New language, Kate?

Okay, here goes:

Hoping wings not burned outside raw by inside bone.

Exterior Designer Extraordinaire said...

njay, just pluck it out. No harm, throw it away and it can be very dangerous to eat an unknown mushroom even if it looks like one you know. Just something that germinated in your soil. This happens in my yard all the time with all sorts of things. Just this year I had some Roma tomatoes sprout up in a spot they were planted in 7 years ago. One of my grandmothers irises fell out of the box I was transporting them in and it grew in the middle of my yard one year.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Since we're on the topic of Kate making bread in her bread machine- the last time I used our bread machine, was over 19 years ago. Once a week, I made all types of breads, rolls, meat-filled calzones, hippie rolls, pin wheels, pizza dough, etc... It was so good & filling.

Unfortunately, we packed on excess poundage from all the doughy goodness.

So that bread machine was moved to the appliance graveyard in our basement, and was replaced with a juicer.

The house did smell heavenly though.

Exterior Designer Extraordinaire said...

njay, PS I am also from Jersey. i grew up in East Brunswick.

Hot Fun In The Summertime said...

fade to black...unlike you, I got a kick out of the Gosselin book site jabbing Kate w/his countdown. I thought (and still think) that it was an ingenious marketing ploy...especially since he used Bible verses.


Mature adults don't engage in games of tit for tat. Taking the high road is preferable. There is nothing ingenious about using Bible verses as a marketing plot, especially when they are used for purposes of intimitation or taunting. It's childish. ~ Administrator said...

The fact that anyone would assume someone who is writing a book doesn't have any time for their kids shows they know nothing about writing. If anything it gives you more time for your kids because you can write at any time and can structure writing times when the kids are at school, napping or out. Plus when it's not your full time job you can set up blocks to write in the morning or late evening when kids are in bed. It doesn't have to interfere with home life at all. You're far more likely to neglect your kids watching American Idol and The Voice for gosh sakes.

I hate when things get personal. Take issue with the book fine, but there's no reason to bring someone's personal life into it. They always have to go there. Always. ~ Administrator said...

Speaking of tomatoes, I've got two red ones now and two more about to turn red. Yeah! Grown all natural and organic.

Hot Fun In The Summertime said...

Mr. Hoffman needs to have Jon step forward and acknowledge their friendship. But Jon can't very well do this without Kate blowing a gasket.


I think that's the last thing Jon needs to do right now. He could open a whole other can of worms there. Not a wise move on his part. The best thing he can do is to have no comment on any of this.

OrangeCrush said...

Typical, typical Kate this evening - grilling chicken wings ( Yummy!), telling new poster to block the bullies and join the fun, new one is baking 8 loaves of bread to "catch up". Umm, anyone see this lasting past this coming week? Hope ahe gets some in the freezer before her Chicago run.

Kate is a twit said...

It think today's twittersode should be called "Kooking with Kate". So far we have had bread making and now grilling, complete with pictures. Will we be lucky enough to see dessert? Stay tuned....

Tamara said...

Maggie, if you get down with the dogs don't be surprised if you get fleas. In other words, Bob's gonna be scratching for a while. Hope he doesn't spread it to his kids. Too many kid's are already paying a heavy price in this situation.

Michelle said...

I'm so "jellus" of those of you with ripe tomatoes!! Here in Minnesota, I don't even have blossoms yet. :(

Once a Viewer said...


LOL, I have seen the commercials for Kendra's shows, one where she was a playmate of Hugh Hefner & lived at the Playboy Mansion, then one just called Kendra and now Kendra On Top?? I don't watch, but I know who she is...ironic that she was Heff's gf & looks like her, but he rejected Kate!

Reality shows abound!

Checkmate said...

admin said,

"Now the Gosselin book thing has turned into a blog wars thing and I find that so unoriginal and boring. I've lost interest. I appreciate the shout out and wish him luck, but I'm glad i never did a post on this"


Exactly. Too many hands stirring the pot. It's getting old, boring, and one doesn't know who or what to believe. It could drag on for a very long time, and in the end, nothing would have come of it.

Maggie said...

Dwindle said: The kids need someone to speak up for them. So either do it, or dont. But stop playing with it.
It was only on May 21 (one month ago) that he received a 7-page threatening letter from a high-powered attorney. He said he is worried about his family and 3 kids if he is massively sued. He said he is working on resolving this issue. So I disagree that he is "playing with it" or us for that matter.

anger issues kate said...

Admin: I just got a mini cucumber plant. It's for hanging pots, or containers. It only grows about a foot, produces, pickle size cucumbers. I just bought some hairnets to put over my lettuce, something is eatting theM.

I see Kate had to post a pic of her cooking the chicken. So, who took that pic Kate PB? Is Deanna & boytoy still there? did they take the pic? Brag much! And she finished her 8th loaf and will take a break tomorrow, then make more. Why does she not make all her dough, at the same time then, baked them all at the same time? Doing them one at a time is time wasting. Is kate doing that so she does not have to interact with the kids.

fidosmommy said...

Kate must be trying out as the new spokesperson for YUM! Foods, the parent company of KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut (I think.)

Maggie said...

Mama mia this story about Stefanie is very old news. It has been discussed on this blog when it happened years ago. She was in ALL the magazines and even included in specials about the Gosslins on TV.

I very highly doubt "this is just the PR team winding up the internet buzz on Kate so the producers of DWTS will give her a spot on the next show."

Tamara said...

Someone mentioned that the boys weren't wearing tie shoes in the recent pics, when I was a kid I spent a lot of the summer barefoot or in thongs and slip-ons. Only tied shoes for sport or such. I can't believe they don't know how to tie their shoes by now. Either Jon or Mady/Cara, or a teacher must have taught them. And if they STILL don't know how then they should be evaluated for a learning disorder like dyspraxia.

Pardon the constant posts. I'm watching my ill godson, just sick enough to be confined to rest and meds but not bad enough to be miserable, and I don't think I can watch another episode of Dinasour Train, Wild Kratts or Sid the Science Kid.

fidosmommy said...

Have they eaten all that bread? Whole wheat or not, that's hardly a full day's nutritional

Anonymous said...

(This is Remona)
Hot Fun In The Summertime said... 154
Remona said:
''fade to black...unlike you, I got a kick out of the Gosselin book site jabbing Kate w/his countdown. I thought (and still think) that it was an ingenious marketing ploy...especially since he used Bible verses.''
Mature adults don't engage in games of tit for tat. Taking the high road is preferable. There is nothing ingenious about using Bible verses as a marketing plot, especially when they are used for purposes of intimitation or taunting. It's childish.
I believe you mean that in your opinion there is nothing ingenious about Bible verses as a marketing ploy. In my opinion there is. We disagree, and I'm fine with disagreeing. I can't think of another person around that deserves taunting than Kate....again, my opinion. Jon has done a good job controlling his comments, and we do agree that he should continue to do we do agree about that, at least.

AuntieAnn said...

fidosmommy said... 167

Have they eaten all that bread? Whole wheat or not, that's hardly a full day's nutritional

Kind of says they're hungry doesn't it? I remember being STARVED after spending the afternoon swimming in the (public) swimming pool.

The tups have slight builds and I doubt if they'll get "fat" by eating some good fried or roasted chicken with some mashed potatoes and all the trimmings of a good old-fashioned Sunday dinner (I'm pretty sure the McMansion has a/c). But no, they get wings and grilled veggies. Yummy? yes... for a model. I'll bet one of the boys could eat all those wings by himself in one sitting.

Good thing they ate 8 loaves of bread today. ~ Administrator said...

I just saw the new MIchael Phelps subway commercial with his mom. If Kate thinks she can score gigs like that she's living in a fantasy world.

I really like Mommy Phelps by the way.

mamaK said...

Boy! Spend a day away from the computer and look what happens!

I can not believe that Gosselinbook posted so much personal, identifable information about his kids on a blog like that! Even a birthdate!!! For Kate's crazy supporters to exploit. Not cool. He is so worried about his family getting hurt in this whole mess, I would think he would be smarter than that.

You know, legalistically speaking (meaning from a prove what you are saying viewpoint) we have ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF that the things this guy is saying are true. We don't have any proof that Kate sent a letter to him or that he has written a book. None. It will be interesting to see what comes of this. I am interested in reading an insider book, but this author is seriously lacking in integrity.

Honestly, we don't even know for a fact that this person is who he says he is. It could be a 13 yr old in China, or a 23 year old in Canada! (nah, they're too nice!) I think he should post a picture of himself holding the cover of the book on the blog. That would be proof!

I don't think the book will be anything new to us, just the details that we can only speculate on.

Kate's got jewelry and makeup and ho-ware on in the grill picture, that probably means PB took it.

Is it even possible for her to bake that much bread in two days? How long does a cycle take?
And how sad that friends come to visit and she spends the whole time on the pink phone and baking bread! Even the "gardening" photos posted show her with the phone attached to her hand. Who lives like that!?! Put it down Kate! Goodness!

wayward said...

Is it just me? It seems like whenever Kate's parenting comes under a microscope she starts twatting and showing pictures of food and reminding everyone about their organic diet. "See! I make homemade ORGANIC bread in my @Cuisinart bread maker! No mixes, all from SCRATCH!! That means I am a good mother- end of discussion..yaay memories!"

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kate grilled chicken wings and veggies? There's hardly any meat on a chicken wing. What about thighs and drumsticks? They need it after a sandwich with 1/2 strip of bacon and 1/4 head of lettuce. Jeeze.

Michelle said... (Administrator) said... 172
I just saw the new MIchael Phelps subway commercial with his mom. If Kate thinks she can score gigs like that she's living in a fantasy world.

I really like Mommy Phelps by the way.


ITA! An amazing SINGLE mother who always put her kids first, even while working full time outside the home. She's in a different parenting universe than Kate. (And me!)

Amy2 said...

Has the author tried to contact you at all? I ask the question because there was been much speculation on the content of the book. Then the author's credibility has been questioned. And now, people are questioning whether the book actually exists.

If you prefer not to respond to my question, I will understand. Also, if you prefer not to publish my question, I will accept your decision and not ask it again.

capecodmama said...

After all the talk of Kate's dress and boobage when she and Mady went to get ice cream, I bit the bullet and went to ROL to look at the pictures. I have to say I do like the print and colors of the dress and it would look nice if it had a structured top with straps, a scoop neck or a v-neck. Nobody looks good in dresses with tops like that. Especially somebody with boobs. Stacy and Clinton would have a field day with her on What Not to Wear. As they are fond of saying, you can't compete with an 18 year old, as the 18 year old always wins. And Kate looks incredibly desperate when she dresses like this.

Hot Fun In The Summertime said...

I believe you mean that in your opinion there I can't think of another person around that deserves taunting than Kate....again, my opinion.


So because one person bullies and taunts, then it's perfectly fine to set yourself up to bully that person because he/she deserves it, even if that person never did a thing to you? That's not what I teach my children, but hey, whatever floats the boat!

aggiemom09121416 said...

mamaK 173 said..
Kate's got jewelry and makeup and ho-ware on in the grill picture, that probably means PB took it.
I just looked at the grilling pics..Kate is not aging well, she, imo, is extremely unattractive. She is making a lot of chicken wings though..there are more in her tupper ware.

Poor Kate, she's always been someone that needs to be 'led' (her words). Now she is responsible for all the cooking, gassing her fleet of that Jon helped with or did on his own. She really shot herself in the foot throwing him to the curb. He's the only man on the planet that was at her beck and call, and did so willingly.

She really needs to address her good bra issue. How she can tell a bold faced lie like that and expect people to give her any credibility is beyond me. It's not a crime to have a boob job, but it's frowned upon as a professing christian to lie about it. ~ Administrator said...

Michelle yes she's a real single mom, I heard Michael Phelps doesn't even talk to his dad. I also love how she approached handling his ADHD because one of the best things you can do is find something they can hyper focus on. ADHD kids CAN focus if they find something they love.

Maggie said...

mamaK said:You know,legalistically speaking (meaning from a prove what you are saying viewpoint) we have ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF that the things this guy is saying are true. We don't have any proof that Kate sent a letter to him or that he has written a book. None.
Well, I don't think Bob would be foolish enough to print Kate's attorney name and his firm's name if he wasn't who he claimed to be.

Everyone on this blog would love to read "insider info" about Kate. So why not give this guy the benefit of the doubt. Yes, I am not fond of the tweets he sent to Kate. But I think we should give him a break and let him do his thing before we run him away. ~ Administrator said...

A big firm like that would sue the pants off someone like him if he were spreading false information about them like they are involved in something they aren't. I have no doubt Kate has retained this firm and with the way the sheeple love to vet I'm sure they would have jumped all over this if it were a lie.

Maggie said...

I just read at the Gosselinbook blogsite and this is a quote from Bob.

"The book is loaded with information that the public has never seen and it's backed up with facts. I wouldn't dream of releasing a book filled with my personal opinions about Kate Gosselin without having proof. Who would believe it, right?:

I thought that maybe he does have some good info about Kate that we have never heard. Again, why is Kate hiring a high-power attorney to scare him off.

Mandy said...

Is it just me, or does Kate need a good bra?

aggiemom09121416 said...

Just checked out the latest on the book blog...there's so much he-said/she-said it's like trying to watch a tennis match!
The book author really stepped in a big pile of manure by opening up a dialogue.
I wish him well concerning his book, I believe he stated it was a non-profit venture on his part.

It's amazing how Kate is such a polarizing person and brings out such strong emotion on 'both sides'.
(Kate, that's not something to be proud of, so don't get the big head...and while I'm at it, tell your rabid fans to back off, they only make you look like a fool.)

Ex Nurse said... (Administrator) said... 121
Now the Gosselin book thing has turned into a blog wars thing and I find that so unoriginal and boring. I've lost interest. I appreciate the shout out and wish him luck, but I'm glad i never did a post on this.
Comments like this are why I read here!

AuntieAnn said...

Mandy said... 185

Is it just me, or does Kate need a good bra?


Shoot. Now I've Moose's boobsong playing in my head again.

Mandy said...

AuntieAnn said... 188

Shoot. Now I've Moose's boobsong playing in my head again.


Darn, I missed that. How does it go?

wayward said...

Dying of laughter.. Mady is pinning Cara down so she can hug&kiss her! Oh we r laughing so hard!It started as stories of them as toddlers... 20 minutes ago
Oh hahahahahahaha! we r laughing so hard, we just have such a perfect life here! I'm so awesome! Just me and my two besties... so much fun I can't just enjoy the moment with my BFFs I have to twat about it... hahahahahaha

fidosmommy said...

Mandy said... 185

Is it just me, or does Kate need a good bra?


It's recommended that you replace a bra every
year or so. Even really good ones. That's not gonna be cheap, Kate. Hope you saved enough money by baking 8 loaves of bread to pay for your trip to LA to buy it.

fidosmommy said...

If I were being held down by a sibling to be hugged and kissed, I would be humiliated if my mother's friends heard about it. Humiliated.
Mad, too. I personally would not appreciate having my sister do that to me, and we were very close.

PatK said...

I think Mr. Hoffman would have been wise to have not allowed comments on his blog site. He certainly knew what it would turn into. And it has.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Michelle said... 176

ITA! An amazing SINGLE mother who always put her kids first, even while working full time outside the home.
Aw sounds like my mom divorced but manged to raise three kids while working over time to put all three of us through college.

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