Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Jon endorses Rabbi Shmuley for Congress

Jon's long-time friend is running for Congress in New Jersey. Jon will join him for a press conference Wednesday to discuss "his life, the disintegration of his marriage on national television and how tax deductible marriage counseling could have saved it, and the help he has received from Rabbi Shmuley."


386 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

This made me laugh. As if tax deductible marriage counseling would have been good enough for Kate (though, interesting idea). A tax deductible freebie is not a freebie, puh-shaw that's for amateurs!

LOL said...

OMG, this is getting crazier and crazier.

Time for popcorn...

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Typing GN on my iPad (rarely used)


If you rarely use your 600 dollar ipad maybe it would make more sense not to spend your children's money on such a thing in the first place, or donate the gadget to someone who could really use it like to an underprivileged school.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Admin said: If you rarely use your 600 dollar ipad maybe it would make more sense not to spend your children's money on such a thing in the first place, or donate the gadget to someone who could really use it like to an underprivileged school.


Wasn't that the gift from Mrs. Miami Heat or the "far away friend?"

LOL said...

Jon was at his best when he was with Ellen.

He hasn't grown up. He is still being led around by the woman he's with.

What next? I predict he and Kate will remarry and pimp the kids together.

WHAAAT happened to Jon?

Ava said...

But admin, then she couldn't SAY that she has an ipad. It doesn't matter if she doesn't use it. Just like the 3D tv she has. Why have a 3D tv if you're not going to buy the glasses needed to use the tv for what it was designed for? So she could SAY that she has such a tv of course. That's what really matters.

P.S. The ipad rarely gets used but wasn't she grifting earlier this year for computers for her kids? Huh?

Kelly said...

Now THAT'S an endorsement that is credible. Shmuley will surely be the next President with this one. I'd rather have a root canal. If that's all the powder Shmuley has in his keg, he'll be lucky to get elected to the student council. Go for it Shmuley. You got a real barn burner there.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

Just saw the new thread.
I don't understand the " tax deductible marriage counseling" and what's the
point of him bringing that up???
I'm confused didn't Kate say their marriage was doomed, whether there was a T.V. Show or not!
Jon I recommend you stay out of politics!

Sleepless In Seattle said...

So is the premise here that the two of them couldn't afford marriage counseling, which is why they didn't get it, and if counseling would have been tax deductible, the two of them would still be married? On what planet?

Connie said...

Jon endorsing the Rabbi. Well, by gum, that's good enough fer me!!

Anonymous said...

Had the tv on in the other room and my aussie started howling. It was a show with the McCoy (spelled as it sounds) septuplets on. Decided to sit down and watch for a while with howling dog. Mom went to grocery store with COUPONS and spends $300 a month on groceries. Now less than 10 years later let's say that's $600-700 month. It showed all 8 kids (7 plus 1 a couple of yrs older) having a Normal Lunch with FOOD, recognizable sandwiches and MILK and sides and macaroni and cheese. Hey, how about that???? I actually recognized it and it looked good and I would have eaten it. Now why can't that ditsy broad Kate do that?

Starz22 said...

OMG, kate you have an ipad.You sure are normal,have everything,and yet you BEG for freebies.You have a huge pool with all the bells and whistles.You have all the best clothes...you eat at the most expensive places...you have nannys ( cause you'r a working mom) You get driven in Limo's...you have a booby-guard...you have a lawn and pool boy...the list goes on.
What you don't have is the love and respect from the kids. You are going to find yourself sad and alone very soon.
Who cares who Jon backs? I live in the USA and have the right to back anyone I want to.I have never backed anyone cause someone told me .too.

wayward said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 3
Typing GN on my iPad (rarely used)


If you rarely use your 600 dollar ipad maybe it would make more sense not to spend your children's money on such a thing in the first place, or donate the gadget to someone who could really use it like to an underprivileged school.
Lol Admin! Give back Kate Gosselin can't even bring herself to donate used clothing, let alone a pricy item like a rarely used ipad!

A couple years ago, maybe over at GWOP, someone posted a link to a story about how Kate glommed onto a new mom blog and began crying about how it was her only dream in life to take all her babies out for walks and fresh air (they were about one at the time) as well as exercize for herself. If only she could afford a 6 seater stroller......(insert sniff and tissue dab here) The moms banded together and raised $1500.00 in four days to have this dream stroller made for Kate. click here There is a little paragraph on the bottom left of the page where someone from another parenting blog mentions it. The blog Kate was posting on, The Daily Stroll, appears to be defunct now.

Anyhoo, the way the post that I saw (and can no longer find) went, these nice ladies raised the money for this stroller, ordered it and had it shipped to Kate. Kate did thank them when it arrived but then never posted again. Walt, the E-Town neighbor who wrote that long open letter to them when things started getting really crazy with the show, mentioned that he NEVER saw Kate push the tups in the dream stroller, only Jon.

It's a game to her, almost like an addiction. Getting free things handed to her is like a drug. She may never use them, like her dream stroller and rarely used ipad, she seems to need the rush of superiority and whatever else she feels when she gets for free what other people have to work hard and save to get. This is the same game that allowed her to take love offerings from little old ladies on S.S. while having a 1.2 mil house in escrow. It's what allows her to take gifts and grift cards from fans who don't have the money to give it. It's pathetic and pitiful.


NJGal51 said...

Her farmer neighbor is coming over to fix her tractor tomorrow (or so she tweets). She should probably invest in a new tractor because she's got to have friends and/or neighbors come over and fix the one she's got a hell of a lot! Here's a novel idea Kate, if it really does break down as much as you say it may be time to pay a professional to fix it so that it's done right.

TLC stinks said...

Geez, Jon. Who the F cares that YOU endorse this guy. He still thinks, as Kate, that he is important. Too bad. I thought there was hope for him. I am so sick and tired of these nobodies thinking they are worth ANY press coverage.

Anonymous said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 111 Kate is at least the third narcissist I'm aware of who loves babies but fast loses interest when they start talking and become their own people--which is funny because that's the moment when I think babies are the most interesting and exciting, getting to see the people they are becoming.


You can make that 4 people. My mother-in-law is also a narcissist who ditched her babies once they were no longer babies, with the exception of her 'golden child' daughter who she groomed to be her only advocate. Her 3 sons no longer existed when her last child, a daughter, was born. Also a pattern....narcissist mothers seem to favor girls over boys.


TLC stinks said...

I wonder why she even mentions twatting on her ipad and has to say rarely used? Does she think her sheeple will be impressed she has an ipad? So what. ipads and tablets are so common now.

koopdedoo said...

Of all the problems available in today's world to use as the platform of a political campaign, you pick tax deductible marriage counseling?

I do understand the divorce rate in the US is 50%, but tax deductible marriage counseling?

And does anybody in NJ care if a washed up reality personality backs your platform?

I'm not sure if this pairing makes Jon look worse or the Rabbi look worse...

mamasan said...

Jon's plus side, he has been in counseling for quite some time, not only w/ Rabbi Shumley. One up on Kate.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Sounds more like an appearance on a talk show than a press conference. Crappy reporting?

Boston Bonnie said...

She just doesn't get it. Typing that you have an iPad while grifting for things or complaining that you can't afford things for your children is just plain stupid.

Further saying that you rarely use it just twists the knife.

I have an iPad that I use for travel but while my sister is recovering from major knee surgery I've loaned it to her.

See Kate that is what nice people do - think of others besides their selves.

As for Jon endorsing this candidate - who cares?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Maybe Bubbles the Chimp was busy...

Mandy said...

This definitely explains the "Kate is a good mom" and "I'm sorry, Kate" comments. They were spoken to lend credibility to this endorsement.

Sigh.... I had my hopes up for those kids.

Despite this, the words WERE spoken. Too bad Kate couldn't have tapped out a lone tweet thanking Jon or wishing him a Happy Father's Day. If she wants a public career, acting like a human being would have been a feather in her cap. (Hint, hint, Kate.)

And speaking of Kate, I thought her lack of an eight hour break was keeping her from tweeting up a storm this summer. Now all of a sudden she's tweeting like crazy again. I'm pretty sure she was just so spooked about the gosselinbook coming out that she pulled into her little shell.

She's had a temporary reprieve so she's back in denial mode again, tweeting up a storm while her kids take care of themselves.

She is a Cow said...

And how will Jon's discussion of his 3 year old divorce help get the Rabbi into congress? Just wondering.

TJ said...

just watched a youtube video of jon asking the rabbi advice on how to raise his children....if he follows his advice it will help those kids in the long run..hope jon follows through

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

NJGal51 said... 14

Her farmer neighbor is coming over to fix her tractor tomorrow (or so she tweets). She should probably invest in a new tractor because she's got to have friends and/or neighbors come over and fix the one she's got a hell of a lot! Here's a novel idea Kate, if it really does break down as much as you say it may be time to pay a professional to fix it so that it's done right.


NJGal51, why give money to a professional, when you can pay an amateur with baked bread.

Dmasy said...

Permanent Name and Just Cruising...how are your spider bites this morning?

TLC stinks said...

Isn't this the second time the tractor has been mentioned as being broken? Didn't some "friends" she had over to the house do some work, like fix the tractor? She is making a big deal out of letting people know she has a tractor, which SHE has never personally used(only Jon did as a toy). Here's the deal, since I used to live on acreage and we had a tractor which was my husband's toy. You can use it to mow with the proper attachment, but I can guarantee you that whomever she uses for her lawn mowing has their own tractor. Most guys don't want to use the homeowner's equipment. I found out that this was the case when I called around to have my property mowed when my husband was too busy to do the job any longer. She ought to just sell it, broken or not. What a dunce.

Exterior Designer Extraordinaire said...

Bringing over from other thread for Permanent Name and Crusin'

Would a brown recluse spider be wandering around the house in the middle of the family room? I don't know where they hang out, although I've heard of them.

Could also be a wolf spider, and they are not as "reclusive" as a Brown Recluse. My house/yard/garden is loaded with them. They get pretty big too. They also, to me, look like a brown recluse. According to my HS friend (now an exterminator in NC) we do not have brown recluses in the Northeast. Not sure were you guys are.

aggiemom09121416 said...

TLC stinks said... 17

I wonder why she even mentions twatting on her ipad and has to say rarely used? Does she think her sheeple will be impressed she has an ipad? So what. ipads and tablets are so common now.
Yea, but this is Kate, the queen of the grifters. She also likes to brag about her sitting on her leather couch...and how common are those? lol
Kate's mentality is that the planet owes her a living, whether it's cereal, socks, coffee makers, trips, tummy tucks, furniture, appliances......etc...etc...she has no shame. She 'deserves' all her stuff.

Dmasy, vinegar pic?lol, that's my laugh of the day. I need to get mine out and start using it around the house, my grandmother used it for all sorts of household tasks.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

So is the premise here that the two of them couldn't afford marriage counseling, which is why they didn't get it, and if counseling would have been tax deductible, the two of them would still be married? On what planet?


I guess. LaFair did seem to want her money for services rendered, even suing Kate. Maybe Kate wouldn't have fought her so hard if it had been tax deductible. On second thought, it's Kate and it's just about winning so, probably wouldn't have made a difference.

aggiemom09121416 said...

@JeanneKaye my farmer neighbor is coming over2fix my tractor tomorrow...Think I'll bake him a 'thanku' loaf! ;) maybe I'll whip u up 1 too! about 11 hours ago
This tractor must be ready for the heap pile (what the heck does she do with a tractor anyway?)
She's constantly having friends and neighbors fix it for her.
Fixing a tractor is a messy,sweaty, greasy job...and don't forget to factor in the heat outside (whether in the shade or in the barn, it's still freakin' HOT).
And she is so proud of her generosity! She wants to pay this poor guy a LOAF OF BREAD. (It'd cost 100's to fix it in the shop).

As much stuff as Kate's grifted (and it does drive us all nuts), she is never going to be happy. She'll never figure out stuff doesn't make a person happy. Let her wallow in misery all her days.

TJ said...

Has anyone ever heard Kate sincerely apologize to Jon?

Once a Viewer said...

How does Jon's personal business affect Shmuley's political aspirations?

What does Kate even DO with her broken-down tractor? I thought it was Jon's toy? The farmers must be sick of her calls for help.

Who is the Chablis character on her Twitter- what did I miss- I see the sarcastic tweets but never thought about who it was?

SG said...

Kate has never publicly apologized to Jon. She sort of did a half-ass acknowledgment on the show but then gave excuses as to why it was his fault. In my opinion, if you publicly embarrass or humiliate someone then you should also publicly apologize to them.

mama mia said...

So lets review. Jon is the ripe old age of 22 years and Kate is the ripe old age of 24 years and they have been married all of one month when Kate gets her period and rushes to the doctor with "please help us, we are desperate to have a baby". Does that make sense to anyone? The doctor then ignores these are young newly weds and immediately starts testing, and then treating for infertility. All within a few short months. 5 months after their wedding day, Kate is finally pregnant, and with twins. That is how she fooled the world. Nobody has ever confronted them on air about this narrow window of time to be having fertility treatments.
Then she gets pregnant with sextuplets when the twins are only 3 years old. The story is they wanted 'just one more' when the facts, as Kate states them herself is "anyone who does fertility knows it is usually 2 or 3 more so we had to open to this when we went back". There is also the issue of changing doctors, not really explained. What was Jon doing for employment all this time? Nothing. What was she doing? She had a diploma program under her belt with the word 'nursing' in it, likely a bedpan pusher, and she didn't want to work. She was pulling 1 or 2 shifts a week in, and Jon's Dad was paying their bills. Why did she need her teeth straightened? She was setting up her tv appearance, right from her wedding day.
When the sextuplets were just 3 months in her womb, and after she had miscarried the 7th, the fulltime grifting began. Jon set up a website for donations, she called the Reading Eagle up and gave out the unborn babies names along with her wish list. For the first year, the State provided a nurse AND a job for Jon with the ubiquitous title "IT analyst" which means he had no marketable skills, this was just a gift.
Volunteers cared for these babies round the clock, her parents were minding the twins, the church had given them a tv make over and addition on their house, and folks were just plain tired of this lazy grifting couple who wanted tv fame and didn't want any of the hard work.
The Discovery gave them a film crew for a year and out went the friends, family and volunteers. In came Jon and Kate plus 8, but some of the old elements were carried forward, like pretending Jon worked as an IT analyst. In reality, and unsure of how long the tv gig would last, he got a job at a furniture maker business, and they fired him for using company time to grift for stuff. Kate invented a story of how he was fired so the company could avoid paying him full benefits, and used that tired line in church speaking engagements.
So fast forward to today, Jon is now tagging along another tv personality to pretend his marriage based on grifting and living a life without steady regular employment could have been saved if only the State made marriage counselling deductable on your income taxes.

PatK said...

Kate mentioned the iPad/s a couple of other times after she was gifted it/them. She kept mentioning the twins were playing some word game or something on it/them.

And Kate? Blow the dust of off some of your money and buy a new damn tractor. Call Chris to take a picture of you sitting on it for INF and then write it off as a business expense. Stop using your neighbors and friends whom you probably ignore the rest of the year.

And just how desperate is this Rabbi that he needs Jon for his campaign?

Kate is a twit said...

The only apology I ever recall Kate making, was when she admitted she has a "sharp tongue". This is an article ROL did about an her appearance on the Today show in April 2010. Included in the article is a video.


In that interview, Meredith V. quotes from "I Just Want You to Know":

"Much of what I said to Jon was unwarranted. I could have watched what I said better, I could have guarded my tongue better. I wanted to communicate better, but I often failed."

Is that considered an apology?

During the interview she said:

“I learned that in the heat of the moment, I have a sharp tongue, and looking back there are probably a lot of people that I love that I probably spoke to inappropriately," Kate said. “And those are the people that are beside you to support you and love you -- I’ve really learned to watch what I say."

She said this just before the blowout with Tony on DWTS, and a full year before the RV trip.

I guess Kate didn't retain much of what she's "learned".

Once a Viewer said...

Um, not to open an old can of worms, but-

mama mia said @36:
She had a diploma program under her belt with the word 'nursing' in it, likely a bedpan pusher, and she didn't want to work.

As a nurse, albeit with a degree, diploma nurses work just as hard and perform the same skills and duties. Maybe Kate as not up to par at least in the bedside manner area, but I really don't like to hear any nurse spoken of as a' bedpan pusher'. That is one task no one enjoys but it must be done. Sorry mama mia, but this is a sensitive issue and there are a number of nurses on this board. Ok, case closed!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I actually think Rabbi Schmuely genuinely wants to help Jon. I think he feels for him. He could have his pick of dozens of other celebrities he could bring on as his sidekick. I don't really think he needs Jon at all, he easily won the primary without Jon's help.

JudyK said...

Starz22 said... 12
OMG, kate you have an ipad.You sure are normal,have everything,and yet you BEG for freebies.

There was an article yesterday about Kate Middleton REFUSING to accept free clothing, stating she expected to pay for what she has, just like everyone else has to, and therein lies a huge difference between the two Kates:

One has class, and the other wouldn't recognize class if it hit her squarely in the face.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Judy, that's awesome.

Kate Middleton also shows up in the same clothes over and over at public events knowing she'll be photographed and knowing the press will say OMG there's that dress from last month again. Does she care? Nope. Good on her.

KAT said...

Why is this news?????????????

Kate is a twit said...

What I don't get is how the Rabbi thinks Jon will help his campaign. Jon has publicly stated that he wanted counseling but Kate refused. Sylvia LaFair was involved with counseling Jon and even said Kate cancelled getting counseling.

How does this add up to saying that if this counseling had been tax deductible the marriage could have been saved? Is Rabbi Shmuley hoping the residents in the Congressional District he's running for don't know much about J & K or that they have forgotten all this?

I agree that the Rabbi wants to help Jon-but having Jon change his story doesn't seem like help to me.

Of course, we actually don't know what Jon will say. We can only go by the Rabbi's press release for now.

Minka's Tail said...

Rabbi Schmuley has fallen quite a bit. IIRC, he used to be best friends with Michael Jackson and Boy George. Now he's stuck with Jon Gosselin?

There's no way marriage counseling would have helped this couple at that time. When one partner decides she's a star and beautiful and too good for her average spouse--and that's basically what I think happened here--there's no saving that marriage.

I do think there's a chance they will get back together, though, if only for money reasons. I could see them trying to get on some marriage counseling show on OWN or being a featured couple on Dr. Phil one season. Karte would have to hit rock bottom first, and I don't think she's quite there yet.

TJ said...

anyone think Kate is grifting for a new tractor???????

TLC stinks said...

TJ, she may be grifting for one, but that will never, ever happen. Too expensive. I can't figure out why she just doesn't have it repaired properly? Oh yeah, I forgot. It will cost money and it's not really something she uses, and better to tweet about how she feeds her "friends" that come over to help her. Sheesh. If one of "her" vehicles needed to be repaired well, by golly, she would be at the dealer in no time flat.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Carrying this over from the other thread but one of my guesses about the book when it first came out was a biographer who knew Jon well who then had a falling out and defected but published it anyway. I named Princess Diana and Jackie Kennedy as people this has happened to. I think sillimom said the same thing too. Amazing how spot on this group can be sometimes.

Carezee said...

I was really hoping that Jon would just do his job and take care of his kids like the rest of the mediocre people. Is it because of child support he is trying to get back into the limelight? Now that neither of them are on a show shouldn't the judge change the amount of child support? I know it was based on the life style they were accustomed to but things change. Jon may have a new job but it isn't going to pay what he was making on the show. Her coupon job is not bringing in what she made on the show. Life is tough for everyone and if we can no longer afford the lifestyle we were living we have to make changes. We mediocre people have to downsize and do with out. Why don't these people have to do the same?

Jon has been in the news way more than Kate. So why since his Twitter went public has he only picked up about 3,000 new followers and Kate picks up at least 100 a day? It doesn't make sense to me. But then nothing about this family seems to make sense.

wayward said...

Dmasy said... 27
Permanent Name and Just Cruising...how are your spider bites this morning?
I've also been wondering about you both, I was bitten by one about two years ago.

DH and I were doing yard work and he asked me to plug in the hedge trimmer. I opened the outside outlet cover and there was a med. size yellowish spider in there. I used the end of the plug to shoosh him out and plugged the trimmer in. Never gave it another thought. The next day when I was blow drying my hair, I saw in the mirror that there was a black dime sized spot on the underneath of my upper arm! When I evited the spider from his home, he crawled up my arm and bit me. How rude! I could have just squished him when I plugged the trimmer in but instead I tried to save his life. I went to the Dr. and we figured out that he must have been a yellow sac spider. Their bites are known for causing necrotizing at the bite location, but really no other symptoms. I had to take a course of antibiotics, though. It left a scar that looks just like the old round scar the smallbox vaccine from back in the day used to leave.

Take care and keep a eye on those bites!

She's such a c word said...

When will the day come that a judge tells Kate to get off her butt and seek gainful employment? Why should Jon's support keep going up when she's physically capable of working outside the home.

Mel said...

Jon Gosselin???? That's the best you can do?

The Gosselin name is the kiss of death. What were you thinking?

Permanent Name said...

My spider bite is fading fast! The red circle is gone, the lima bean sized bump under the skin is now the size of a dried pea and the itch/burn is gone.

The little bite hole in the center is still there but it looks lonely. LOL

So I guess it was just an everyday spider and not a Brown Recluse. Thank goodness!!!

I'm so loved - both folks on here AND DH asked me this morning how my spider bite was doing....

Thank you, I'm feeling all aglow - no kidding, no snark, it's very nice to feel like someone cares enough to ask.

Even DH - ha ha ha. He made me tea this morning. I'm guessing Ms. Manners visited him in a dream last night and told him to get it together buster! Oh wait, maybe that was me whispering to him as he slept.....

Off to do my daily chores. Ho Hum.

Summerwind said...

I fed a whole tribe of waffle monsters this am! Put on a loaf of bread, cleaning up waffle iron,then headed 4farm supply store! Who am I? :)



The sheeple, of course, respond with the usual gushing over her Super Mom status. I've never seen anything like it. Doesn't she realize that she's doing this? Are narcissists unaware of this, or if they are, isn't there anything they can do to stop? Underneath it all, is there such much insecurity that the only way to compensate is to beg for attention and praise?

Mel said...

Does Jon really think that people don't remember that he said that Kate wanted NO part of counseling?

And she made if quite clear that she was too much of a stah to married to a man like dumpy old Jon Gosselin.

I so want Jon to do the right thing, whatever that is. I want him to stop being a publicity hound, to get a job and stick with it for a while (like years).

And maybe just go solo for a few years in the woman department, while he makes a sincere effort to grow up. While he was with Ellen a reasonable amount of time, and she appeared to be good for him, he is too easily influenced by others.

He needs some time to get steady on his own feet, to be comfortable in his own skin. It takes years to recover from being with a narcissist. And he hasn't given himself that time. He jumped right into other relationships.

I want him to be the man I think he can be, but he disappoints every time. I want him to stop being a loser, but he doesn't seem to be able to stop himself.

And I just want Kate to go away.

Winsomeone said...

"Does Jon really think that people don't remember that he said that Kate wanted NO part of counseling? "

Plus, they were millionaires by that time,and surely could have afforded counseling if it were what they really wanted, tax credit or not.

wayward said...

TJ said... 46
anyone think Kate is grifting for a new tractor???????
First of all, didn't she move onto 24 acres "SO SHE WOULDN'T HAVE ANY NEIGHBORS?" I guess Kate decided she'll only consider the people who live in her close proximity who can do stuff for free "a neighbor."

We'll have to wait & see later on today if the neighbor can successfully get it fixed. If he can't, we should be seeing a twat from Kate that goes something like this

Looks like my tractor is going to the big junk pile in the sky :( @JohnDeere @International Harvester @MTD @MasseyFerguson @NewHolland #I'mtoofamoustospendmyownmoney

Silimom said...

One word of advice - please bear in mind that this was a press release from Rabbi Schmuley's (sorry for any misspelling of his name) people, not Jon himself. So really all we know is Jon is going to speak. He may say that while marriage counseling didn't necessarily save his marriage it helped him (and the kids? Can't remember if they finally had some counseling too) to move on and heal. Making it tax deductible at least allows those who don't qualify for other forms of public incentive to have some incentive to give it a try.

I think it sounds like the Rabbi is shying away from the gay marriage debate to focus on decreasing the divorce rate. Frankly, I think it's a great thing to do and long overdue. The pervasive attitude in our society is that marriage is something you can just ditch if you aren't happy or if something better comes along, and being straight or gay has no bearing on that attitude. I applaud him for addressing the impact divorce has on children and society in general and trying to find some way to address that.

Hoosier Girl said...

I'm sure the Rabbi is running on the 'tax deductable' counseling platform, but having Jon Gosselin tout it for him is absolutely ludicrous!

Summerwind said...

@Kateplusmy8 All I can say is "huh...and really?" I thought he got $20.000 worth of counseling fr his life coach?

I'm confused. Did Jon and Kate (together) ever get marriage counseling from Lafair? I thought that a year after the divorce he completed some kind of four-step program of life awareness/parenting from her.

Carezee said...

wayward said... 56 If only Kate would have read your comment first.

Kate probably went to the farm supply store to get names of tractors she could grift from. All she really had to do was come here and check out the list that wayward was so kind to list for her.

readerlady said...

Her tire tractor is broken? What the H#** is a tire tractor? Does the idiot by any chance mean her TRACTOR TIRE is broken?

Bringing over from the earlier thread. IIRC, JON is the one who returned the dogs, because KATE wasn't caring for them properly and he couldn't take them.

Permanent Name -- So glad that your spider bite is better. Keep an eye on it, though, and if you start to feel punk (nausea, vomiting, fever), see a doctor. Someone upthread said Wolf Spiders look like Brown Recluse. Wolf Spiders are large and black, a bit hairy, and they JUMP! I don't know if they bite. I HATE them. I've had a plague of them this year so far, and, thankfully, my kitty is a star spider catcher. They scare the beejeebers out of me. Shudder!

Mel said...

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best, Kate as a parent is a negative 1,000.

Jon is a 2. Maybe a 1.5.

I'm giving him points for being a caring, nurturing presence for the kids. But there's more to being a good dad than being nice to the kids.

Not doing stupid things in public should be high on his priority list. (And Kate's, too.)

I feel so bad for those kids. A mother who's a complete idiot, and a dad who appears to be not that far behind.

And it all gets played out publicly, on national tv, for all to see. How humiliating for the kids.

I so badly want Jon to step up and be a good parent, since Kate is completely incapable of being a good parent, or even a decent human being.

Jon has the potential to be a truly good parent, but he just doesn't seem able to consistently do it. He seems to get led astray by whomever, gets back on track, gets led astray again. Repeat. That can't be healthy for the kids either.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Kate didn't think beyond her dreams before buying that house and acerage to go with it. It is not cheap to live in the country, but she is cheap and doesn't have any trouble grifting for anything she needs. It's like begging for your needs and spending on your wants. Doesn't make sense to most of us, but it's a lifestyle to Kate. Maybe that is why the friends and family have faded away. They might just not "get it" when they are working hard for the money. I doubt that a tax deduction for marriage counseling would ever happen. The Gosselins needed more than marriage counseling anyway. Closed door individual sessions would have been the most beneficial, if they were both willing to "look at themselves in the mirror." Doubtful.

Kate is a twit said...

Silimom-I agree we don't know what Jon is going to say. He may just state that he feels that marriage counseling may have helped his marriage and thereby stressing the importance of counseling before considering divorce. The Rabbi could then state that being tax deductible would make counseling more affordable to those that need it.

What bothers me is the way the press release implies that if there was a tax deduction that Jon and Kate would have gotten counseling and their marriage would have been saved.

I just feel the press release puts Jon in a bad light, knowing what we know.

AuntieAnn said...

mama mia said... 36
Great summation mama mia. You made me stop and think. These past five years since I first watched Jon and Katie Gosselin and their passel of kids living their "crazy life but it's R life" show sure went by fast. Who'd have ever guessed that Kate was actually a professional grifter? Sheesh. She looked so average. So mediocre, so like a busy, caring mom. And who'd have thought they would divorce within a couple of years and that three years after that Jon would still be talking about his divorce and somehow make his divorce relevant to a rabbi running for congress? As William Shatner says is that weird or what?
** Warning** The following paragraph contains language which some may find offensive. reader discretion is advised.
I had no idea they'd still be around or that I'd even give a shit about what they were doing in 2012. I didn't know they were going to turn out to be such fuckups. Too bad that in another five years we're going to be sitting here discussing how well the Gkids' therapy is coming along because their parents were a couple of lazy assholes who had no idea how to be parents.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

Thanks to those who asked about the spider bite! I had coffee this morning with a friend who has an entire cache of home remedies for everything -- herbs, oils, and she gave me coconut oil to put on it. She said that it takes the sting and itch away and helps with the inflammation. I figured it couldn't hurt. The itching was gone immediately and I smell like the tropics. Who would have thought it?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Carezee said...Jon has been in the news way more than Kate. So why since his Twitter went public has he only picked up about 3,000 new followers and Kate picks up at least 100 a day? It doesn't make sense to me. But then nothing about this family seems to make sense.

Kate buys followers. Jon's number is much more realistic. Also K+8 is showing in other countries, just started in So. Africa, so Kate picks up followers as people see her show for first time. Interestingly most new followers from So. Africa are teeny boppers.

wayward said...

Carezee said... 61
wayward said... 56 If only Kate would have read your comment first.

Kate probably went to the farm supply store to get names of tractors she could grift from. All she really had to do was come here and check out the list that wayward was so kind to list for her.
Lolz! I live in farm country and my daily travels almost always include stopping for cow crossings and getting behind a farmer driving his combine to the farm next to his. After 20 years of livin' in the sticks, I knows me some tractor brands!

aggiemom09121416 said...

wayward said... 57

TJ said... 46
anyone think Kate is grifting for a new tractor???????

Looks like my tractor is going to the big junk pile in the sky :( @JohnDeere @International Harvester @MTD @MasseyFerguson @NewHolland #I'mtoofamoustospendmyownmoney

hahahhahahha. that's hilarious...yep, your grift tweet has a strong likelihood of happening (unless of course, her tweeties do it for her).
WHY does she NEED a tractor, and why constantly work on it? really weird!
(Maybe she thinks she is Eva Gabor, who played Lisa Douglass on Green Acres! Steve can play the part of Oliver!!)...green acres, is the place to be...

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

Jon has the potential to be a truly good parent, but he just doesn't seem able to consistently do it.

But how do you know this since none of us are around him on a regular basis when he has the children? What is he doing wrong now, other than offering support to a friend who helped him in the past? I would think that this is a good lesson for his children. We don't know what he will speak about or if he is going to get into details about his divorce. I kind of doubt it. He has a good job, got more custody time with his children, apologized to Kate and doesn't throw her under the bus. What more is he supposed to do?

SoCal local said...

"Too bad that in another five years we're going to be sitting here discussing how well the Gkids' therapy is coming along because their parents were a couple of lazy assholes..."


I totally agree. Although I believe Jon is the better parent(not hard to do compared to Kate), he's just as lazy and entitled and she is. Just look at the guy's job history: He can't hold one! Yes, jobs are hard and stressful, Jon.

I believe he grew up privileged and spoiled and never learned persistence. He loves the limelight, too, and he lies just like she does.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I think it's gimmicky for sure, but I'm not seeing the bad parent thing. Celebs endorse politician candidates every day. I'm sure we'll see a host of celebs come out in support of Obama or Romney this election year. Although he's since soured on I'm Matt Damon did a ton for Obama his first run and no one said he's a bad parent. File this under "gimmicky things celebs do" in my opinion.

Sheri said...

Anonymous said... 16

"Also a pattern....narcissist mothers seem to favor girls over boys.


Actually Heather, in my case, my mother favours her son over her daughters. Well, actually one daughter at first, not me, until said daughter "turned on her too".

My mother actually said to me once, "I wish all my kids had been boys. They don't stab you in the back like girls."

As for Jon endorsing anyone, as long as the kids aren't involved, I say more power to him. Can't say I understand exactly why he's getting involved in politics but meh, whatever.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

We discussed this a lot a few weeks ago. I may be in the minority but I don't fault Jon OR Kate or anyone else who has been through a few jobs. It's the only way you can advance yourself now. Many workplaces are on hiring freezes, salary freezes, and promotion freezes. You can either stick it out and never go anywhere, or you can do what the vast majority of people who want to take your own promotion into your own hands and get a new and better job. A good boss in my opinion will shake your hand and say good for you, sorry we couldn't do more since you did deserve it but my hands were tied, but I wish you the best of luck and not look down on it as anything more than the only way to promote yourself.

It's not the good ole days where you could get a job at whatever your city's biggest industry was, expect to stay there 35 years and be in management by then with a nice gold watch and pension to your name. This Gameface or whatever it is sounds like a great fit for Jon, a promotion and stepping stone, but if he sat on his hands at the job he had in his 20's he would probably be going nowhere.

Literally in the past five years, what I used to see as people being "unstable if they go from job to job, I now first assume their current job probably had some kind of freeze.

For me it's personal too....my dad WAS that guy at the same job since he was 22, worked his butt off, but the company, a major industry in the Northeast, outsourced and then filed for bankruptcy and all those working for them were tossed to the curb.

Now my dad has a skill set on an outdated technology, never learned anything else in the name of company loyalty, and has been two years without one bite from anyone else. This is the story of all his coworkers. This is what happened to those who are "loyal" and "stable." Awful but true.

Anonymous said...

If Rabbi Shmuley hopes to be elected to Congress, I hope he has someone more relevant willing to endorse him. I am all in favour of marriage counseling before divorce proceedings (and the Gosselins at that stage should have been able to pay for it, tax deductible or not) but since one partner was not willing to participate, I don't see how counseling the other partner would have saved this particular marriage.

In fairness, I agree this was just a press release. We will have to wait to hear exactly what Jon has to say.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I think the narcissist just tends to play favorites, be it boys or girls or older or younger or blonde or brunette, pretty or fugly. Or for no discernible reason at all. For Joan Crawford she favored her two youngest, they were her goldens and they hadn't the first clue what Chris and Christina went through even though there were multiple witnesses.

My experience with narcissists is they do favor girls, but I don't think that's always the case as you said Sheri.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

We discussed this a lot a few weeks ago. I may be in the minority but I don't fault Jon OR Kate or anyone else who has been through a few jobs. It's the only way you can advance yourself now. Many workplaces are on hiring freezes, salary freezes, and promotion freezes.


This is so true. This is not as it was years ago. It's a whole new employment environment right now where even businesses aren't financially secure and employees gotta do what they gotta do to stay ahead of the game. If this means changing jobs until the right one is secured, then so be it. Lazy would mean sitting at home making no effort to find employment...kind of what Kate is doing now. Jon at least has been employed and continues to be employed.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

(Maybe she thinks she is Eva Gabor, who played Lisa Douglass on Green Acres! Steve can play the part of Oliver!!)...green acres, is the place to be...


And who is Arnold the Pig?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Cruising, exactly. Over the years (I've worked pretty much forever!) I used to hear a lot of grumbling from management when people would leave the job about loyalty and instability. But now I hear all POSITIVE things when people leave. "Good for them. That's a great. That's a real step up for them we just couldn't do here. What a resume booster. They deserved that" is the theme. Amazing shift that has taken place.

Once a Viewer said...

Isn't Jon's book written with Sylvia LaFair, the counselor Kate didn't want top pay? I'm sure I read that somewhere?

I guess the vomitous child recovered enough to eat waffles??

TLC stinks said...

Admin, the reason I have a problem with Jon endorsing the Rabbi is if he brings up the divorce again. It's a farce, even if it was a press release, to imply that counseling would have saved that marriage. I would rather Jon come out as an advocate against children in reality TV, but from what he has been saying lately, I don't see that happening. Yes, plenty of celebs endorse candidates, but I cannot imagine what influence Jon's endorsement would have on any voter in NJ. It's all about face time, I'm sorry to say.

Kate is a twit said...

Milo made a few tweets about Jon and Rabbi Shmuley, she also made a few tweets about junk drawers. Kate did not reply directly to any of these tweets, but after Milo tweeted:

Fired Up 4 Kate‏@MiloandJack
Well....my timing on catching Kate or Jules is gettin pretty lousy! :(

Kate did tweet:

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack I have no comment re the earlier topic so that is why I spoke not..:)

Did she actually say "no comment" about Jon? Also, sounds like she was telling Milo not to mention Jon.

SoCal local said...


I based my comments about Jon's not holding a job on his significant periods of unemployment, both during the marriage(when Kate was pregnant) and after. I agree that it is necessary to leave certain jobs in order to find better ones (I've been there myself), but I have never quit a job without having another one lined up.

Jon is also a college dropout. This, to me, shows a lack of perseverance.

Bubbles said...

I thought Jon had met the Rabbi after he and Kate split, which would have been in 2009 or after. Which is 3 years ago. Which doesn't make Jon and the rabbi "long-time friends" in my opinion.

My apology to Admin if this is your description rather than Jon's. I don't mean to be nit-picky towards you. But if Jon describes himself and the rabbi as "long-time friends" that's a stretch for credibility!

PatK said...

I hope Kate's farmer neighbor didn't exert a lot of energy helping her with the tractor because all he's getting is a lousy loaf of bread.

Cheap bitch.

fidosmommy said...

I haven't read all the posts yet, but wanted to get my thoughts in.

Rabbi Schmuley had a TLC show at one time. He might have some real opinions for Jon of what a show can do to family life.

The "dream stroller". I don't remember the one that was given by the website folks, but I do recall the 2 matching triple strollers that Kate oohed and aahed about, saying they were custom made for them, so lightweight, so easy to maneuver.

iPad. If I were the person who had given Kate that iPad and then read "rarely used", I would be quite upset. It's like Kate has absolutely no concept of gratitude or social graces. None.
BTW, I wonder if the other iPads ever showed up.
I don't remember how that story turned out. Was it verse 2 of the new backpacks at Sears story? I don't recall.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Sheri said... 74

Anonymous said... 16

"Also a pattern....narcissist mothers seem to favor girls over boys.


Actually Heather, in my case, my mother favours her son over her daughters. Well, actually one daughter at first, not me, until said daughter "turned on her too".

My mother actually said to me once, "I wish all my kids had been boys. They don't stab you in the back like girls."
If the stabbing in the back comment is attributed to Sheri, then I am very sorry you had to hear that sort of comment. Children of narcissistic parents have a difficult upbringing, and learn very early self preservation. They have to.
I am surprised to hear that narcissist moms favor girls over boys, because that certainly wasn't my experience. I was the the only girl in between two boys, and everything they did was great, they both had the golden touch in everything they did. They were allowed to do years of little league and boy scouts, yet I did absolutely nothing.
I can remember a holiday, I guess I was about 13?, we were at an extended family members house, all seated at the table, and the conversation turned to raising kids, my mother says for all to hear ' I just don't know what to do with a girl, I prefer boys." I could have crawled under a rock. The relationship deteriorated to the point where I couldn't live with her anymore (it's amazing how self preservation kicks in).
Yrs later, she loses her spouse. I am the one that spends time with her, does all the paperwork, etc, she tells me 'I don't know what I would have done if it had been one of my sons." I just sit there..what do you say to that? She also tells me if my second husband ever leaves me, I will have to go back to my first, because I am 'too stupid to do anything". (granted, I have a college education, whereas she was a high school drop out).
Words sometimes leave wounds that never heal.
This is a lengthy post,but I could fill 1000 posts of other things that occurred.

Anonymous said...

@MiloandJack I have no comment re the earlier topic so that is why I spoke not..:) about an hour ago

Hey High Road Taker -- How about this - Jon is the father of my children and I wish him all of the best.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Bubble I said long-time friends. Three years in Hollywood is ancient lol. I just mean long-term in that it's not like this Rabbi all of a sudden plucked him off the street yesterday. They have a friendship history.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

SoCal local said...Jon is also a college dropout. This, to me, shows a lack of perseverance.

I'm not going to bore anyone with a list of successful people who dropped out of college. LOL

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

SoCal correct me if I'm wrong but Jon's been steadily employed for about two and a half years now and since being an independent contractor this is his first major gig.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

It depends on why you dropped out! If you dropped out because it's not for you and you don't want to waste any more of your parents' money until you do know what's for you, all the power to you. I haven't the first idea what Jon's circumstances were, I don't think he's ever spoken about that. I have a bigger problem with people who screw around in college for six years not knowing what they want to do. I would rather see you drop out and work or travel or something until you do know.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

No comment is an improvement. Kate's getting there, slowly. No comment is your friend Kate. No comment no comment.

Actually you don't even need to say no comment. Just, don't comment! If Jon's going to extend the olive branch she needs to do her part too.

Dmasy said...

I am doing the laundry using a vinegar rinse for the first time. I will let all of you know if hubby suddenly starts craving a big salad!

I sprayed the cracks of the brick patio with vinegar yesterday.


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

At one point it was stated by either Jon or Kate that Jon left his last job (when he and Kate were still married) because Kate was on book tours and he needed to stay home with the kids. Kate even said during a couch interview that Jon was complaining that he wanted something more to do than than caring for the kids and Kate had suggested volunteer work and part-time school. Kate thought she'd be on the road continually and that the perfect setup was for Jon to quit job (which he did), care for kids and she would be the breadwinner. HA! Ooops.

aggiemom09121416 said...

@MiloandJack I have no comment re the earlier topic so that is why I spoke not..:) about an hour ago
lol, by commenting on not commenting, therefore, she commented and got her message across. what a tool.
Still haven't figured out why Kate needs a tractor (unless her 'mower man' uses her equipment).
Can-Do Kate ought to learn how to mow her own grass. It's not hard. dang.

AuntieAnn said...

I think it's gimmicky for sure, but I'm not seeing the bad parent thing.
Okay maybe calling it bad parenting is overstating it, but I think he's setting a bad example for his kids by showing them that's it's always okay to go back on your word. It's deceptive and those kids have had enough deception in their lives already. Why did he say he was going to avoid media attention and then does the opposite? First he goes on a tabloid show to introduce his new girlfriend, then he says he won't discuss his kids but turns around and does a People interview where his discusses his kids, now he's got this rabbi thing going on in the press. All that sure seems like media attention to me so for a guy that says he doesn't want it, he must enjoy it or he wouldn't be doing it. Those kids need at least one honest parent in their lives.

All that said I really hope I'm totally off base about him for the sake of his kids. As usual this is another 'wait and see' thing with Jon and Kate.

wayward said...

Admin said:..."It's not the good ole days where you could get a job at whatever your city's biggest industry was, expect to stay there 35 years and be in management by then with a nice gold watch and pension to your name. This Gameface or whatever it is sounds like a great fit for Jon, a promotion and stepping stone, but if he sat on his hands at the job he had in his 20's he would probably be going nowhere."
ITA. My father in law worked for a company right out of high school for 30 years. Retired with a great pension and fully paid health benefits for life for he & the MIL. To him, the ONLY way to a good life was to toil away at a job for years and then get these guaranteed benefits upon retirement. It became almost unbearable to be around him, as anytime anyone changed jobs or was thinking of it, you had to listen to his long winded lectures about staying at one place. About 15 yrs. after he retired, the company he worked for filed for bankruptcy. His pension went to the government and he lost 10% of it. The fully paid health insurance for life was gone, he and my MIL had to find and pay for their their own. Then and only then, did he realize nothing is guaranteed anymore and loyalty often gets you squat.

AuntieAnn said...

Her farmer neighbor is coming over to fix her tractor tomorrow (or so she tweets).

I suppose Steve won't fix the tractor because he wants more than a loaf of bread for his servicing I mean services.

readerlady said...

Admin -- My father was an example in the other direction. He was in his late 30's when he found his career, or rather, his career found him. He'd bounced around from job to job -- partly due to the depression and partly due to being in the service during WWII (He was 40 when I was born). After he got out of the Navy, he was taking a night school class in Accounting at a local business college when the English teacher died unexpectedly. Dad had a degree in languages, so they asked him if he would fill in until they could hire someone else. He turned out to be a born teacher. At various points, he taught Accounting, English, Spelling (my first "job" was grading his class spelling tests -- I was 8, and earned $.50 an hour), Business Law, Business Psychology, and Bookkeeping. The school grew from a for profit business oriented 9 - 12 month diploma school to an acredited Junior College, in large part due to him. He retired at 73, as Dean of the faculty, and when he died a year later, my mother received hundreds of letters from his former students, all with stories of how he helped change their lives for the better. I don't fault anyone for bouncing around from job to job, as long as they are actually working. Who knows when they'll "fall into" something that is tailor made for them.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

AuntieAnn agree with you there. Wayward that is so sad and the story I keep hearing and seeing again and again. :( Very few employers these days are going to be able to offer the rewards for loyalty, and should they if it jeopardizes the company? Pensions are expensive and running companies, and government, into the ground. Loyalty and stability is still a good thing when it comes to your family and friends. But your job?

A friend of mine thought she found a firm that would be a place where she could stay until she retire and eventually make partner and saw her whole career laid out for her. She just told me the firm went bankrupt and she's out of work. She's panicking. Give a company your loyalty and you could get bitten.

I think people are realizing too that there's problems with loyalty. You get into a rut with people where they get too comfortable and then you feel like well you can't fire them since they've worked there 25 years. This is not necessarily a good thing. Look what it's done for our kids and their teachers we can't fire.

Anonymous said...

So, I am watching Rielle on the Talk. She sounds JUST LIKE KHATIE irene.

GOD I am sick of these stupid women making money for being idiots


Don't know how to make profile

Dwindle said...

Same here, Dmasy! Thought I would try it on this dark load I dont want to put any bleach into to freshen it... Let me know about the salad cravings, but I am warning you that I am having visions of my gramma washing windows...

Gramma? Are you here? Can you knock twice?

Sheri said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 88

"If the stabbing in the back comment is attributed to Sheri, then I am very sorry you had to hear that sort of comment. Children of narcissistic parents have a difficult upbringing, and learn very early self preservation."

Thanks aggiemom, it was me. To this day, I think it's one of the worst things she's ever said to me. Like you, I could list a thousand others though.

Yes, I learned self-preservation very young and had to cut my mother out of my life completely in my late twenties. No matter how often I told my mother the things she said and did were hurtful she never failed to turn it back on me. I was too sensitive, I misinterpreted or she'd flat out deny ever saying or doing it.

Honestly, I commend you for having the courage and the gumption to spend time with your mom if she still treats you that way. I couldn't do it and my family knows as much. I'll write a check to a nursing home if need be but I will never step foot in the same room as that woman again.

I don't know if that's right or wrong but I figure if it saves my sanity so I can a be a good mother and wife then that's what I'm going to do.

Thank you for relating with your experiences. It's very therapeutic and healing. :D

TLC stinks said...

I think that tractor has been parked in the barn since Jon left. Like I said, it's been my experience that guys who mow acreage use their own equipment. I bet you she is fixing the tractor to sell it.

c said...

Dmasy did you use the vinegar full strength or diluted when you sprayed the patio cracks? I would like to try it also. Thanks.

Once a Viewer said...

Dmasy: I did my brick paths last evening...wonder how long it takes to work? It smells very salad-y out there too! I also did laundry with some..and stuffed dryer sheets in areas where 'critters' might think of coming in!

(Still love that profile pic:)- I only have a half of my big bottle left! )

The Bitter End said...

AuntieAnn said... 100

I suppose Steve won't fix the tractor because he wants more than a loaf of bread for his servicing I mean services.
It's obvious the next Katie Irene version will be Kountry Katie up there on the tractor working the land.

Katie says she first had to go the the tractor store and purchase a new rim. This story doesn't make much sense. (I'm guessing the local Amish farmer doesn't spend much time fixing tractors, so he is discounted as the loaf eater.)

If Katie went to town (riding on a pony), to pick up a rim, then something is wrong with the tire. Changing a tire requires a tool. From what I've observed having my own tires changed, it's a large tool that spins the tire around with a lever that forces the rubber rim of the tire inside of the metal on the tire rim. Just picking up a rim is worthless without actually putting a new tire on it.

So I guess what happened is that Katie bopped down to the dealer in the Audi with the tire assembly squished in the back seat and purchased the new tire and rim and schlepped it back to the homestead. Then she employed a local loaf eater to jack up the tractor and change the wheel.

Seems to me that the loaf eater originally jacked up the tractor, took off the wheel, threw it in the back of his truck, drove to the tractor dealer, determined the rim was unusable, and then had Katie purchase a new tire and rim. Then Mr. Loaf Eater put the new assembly back in his truck and the last step is to put the new tire and rim on the tractor.

That's a lot of work for a loaf.

Tamara said...

This blog officially gave me a nightmare last night! And it had nothing to do with any Gosselin but with spiders. HUGE arachnophobe here. Made the mistake of seeing the film Arachnophobia as a kid and it's been straight down hill from there. It's so bad that I couldn't even watch a cousin play football for Richmond University because they have quite lifelike looking spiders on their helmets.

cathy518 said...

Tax deductible marriage counseling is all the Gosselins needed to save their marriage? As if this millionaire family couldn't afford it otherwise. Who believes this, I can't believe Jon does.
The bottom line here is that Kate did not want to save her marriage or keep her family intact. She wanted to save her TV show.

Anonymous said...

(This is Remona)
Silimom said... 58
''One word of advice - please bear in mind that this was a press release from Rabbi Schmuley's (sorry for any misspelling of his name) people, not Jon himself. So really all we know is Jon is going to speak. He may say that while marriage counseling didn't necessarily save his marriage it helped him (and the kids? Can't remember if they finally had some counseling too) to move on and heal. Making it tax deductible at least allows those who don't qualify for other forms of public incentive to have some incentive to give it a try.''
I've read that just about everyone who know Jon that he is ''good natured''. I wonder if he is appearing with Rabbi Shumley simply because the Rabbi asked him to, and Jon considers the Rabbi a friend. Jon wouldn't be responsible for what the Rabbi's announcement said...or how the public would interpret his appearance w/the Rabbi.

The first thought the snarky side of me had was that at least Jon knows there is an election...something that I'd bet Kate has no idea is happening!!

Dmasy said...

c said -- I used the vinegar full strength outside. I pulled and swept before hand. Hope the vinegar will kill roots left behind and prevent new growth. I was cleaning up the patio for this upcoming weekend.

I mixed up the vinegar/baking soda/hydrogen peroxide mixture and will keep it on hand for musty odors on the basement level. So far, I have only done a test spot on the carpeted area. I sprayed the walls and concrete floor in the furnace room.

How have I lived so long without knowing all these vinegar tips? Ladies here are the best.

PS: Tomorrow the Bosch dishwasher gets repaired -- warranty and service have been so efficient. I am impressed.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

The Bitter End, couldn't the farmer have told Kate to get a rim for a (name of tractor tire and number) because it was damaged/split etc. then farmer could put it on the tire and put tire back on tractor?

SwingsandRoundabouts said...

To heather:

I have read many of your posts on narcissism both here and at Small Town Gs and I am truly thankful for your contributions. It is no exaggeration to say that it changed my life because I was able to analyse what happened to me, to gain some perspective and to change my own attitude to bring some peace into my life. So I thank you.

Summerwind said...

I don't know how to put this delicately, so I'll just come out and ask it...does Milo have the hots for Kate?

@Kateplusmy8 LOL Kate....no matter...U look good whatever U wear! Remember 2 SMILE....work it girl! :)

Kate Doesn't Rate said...

Kate tweeted that she's the only female customer in the tractor store and she's glad she didn't wear makeup and heels. Not even sure what one has to do with the other, but obviously she was doing her usual fishing for compliments. She only got 20 or so gushing "you're the greatest, prettiest,..blah, blah, blah comments 40 minutes after that tweet. People are losing interest. Although it will never happen, I wish the non fan tweeters would not tweet her for a few days as an experiment to see just how dead her twitter would be.

Summerwind said...

"Hey High Road Taker -- How about this - Jon is the father of my children and I wish him all of the best."


She can't do that. For some reason, her brain isn't wired to think of that. She has never tweeted anything remotely like that, nor will she.

Kate is a twit said...

On the latest twittersode "Kate and the tractor", Kate has tweeted:

Whew!Glad I didn't wears heels or makeup here!:) At the tractor repair store&I'm positively the ONLY woman customer on the entire property!
2:58 PM - 27 Jun 12

But first she said:

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@xxxxxx @xxxxx yes but I had to go to the tractor store to get a new rim for tire first. His bread is baking as we speak, btw
12:00 PM - 27 Jun 12

So did she go to the store earlier, and then have to go back? As usual she makes no sense.

If she's going to produce "twittersodes" she should at least get her timeline right.

Will the next tweet be that her neighbor wasn't able to come over and that she did it all by herself? Stayed tuned.....

Summerwind said...

I'm not going to bore anyone with a list of successful people who dropped out of college. LOL


There's a website called The College Dropouts Hall of Fame. Long, long list. Very. Long.

Summerwind said...

"I don't remember how that story turned out. Was it verse 2 of the new backpacks at Sears story? I don't recall."


I think that it was Kohl's, and Kate didn't pick up the backpacks, so the benefactor sent Kate gift cards instead.

So many stories. So many stupid sheeple.

Dwindle said...

Tamara said... 110
This blog officially gave me a nightmare last night! And it had nothing to do with any Gosselin but with spiders. HUGE arachnophobe here. Made the mistake of seeing the film Arachnophobia as a kid and it's been straight down hill from there.

I was going to post about whatever the HECK it was that took a chunk out of my big toe last week, but I will spare you, Tamara. Except to say nothing has ever itched so much or looked so awful in my life and I wouldnt be surprised if it scars.

When my 4 kids were younger and at home, we rented "Arachnaphobia", on VHS no less. My kids were 16-6 at the time. I played it on a Saturday afternoon, we closed the drapes, we had chips and popcorn, and we ALL sat on the floor in front of the TV. I made it a silly time, with over the top screeching, hiding our faces in pillows, clutching and grasping at each other. Mom leading the silliness. When it was over, we went on an over the top silly stalking expedition around the house searching for spiders. In a few hours, even the littlest kids had forgotten all about it, but now over 20 years later they remember the silly fun we had that afternoon.

Sorry, but 'silly' was the best word I could come up with.

TLC stinks said...

Oh brother. The only female in the tractor store. So what? I bet all of us have at one time or another had to do business in a male dominated store. But, if she wore her "daisy dukes", then I'm positive she got super duper service :) And don't forget about showing off the "girls".

Kate is a twit said...

A couple of articles about the news conference with Jon and Rabbi Smuley:

From NJ.com bergen:

"Marriage counseling, it didn't work for me." said Gosselin, who added that his ex-wife did not attend the sessions with him. "But I still have a bill."


From the teaneck patch:

Although counseling could not save Gosselin’s marriage, he said lessening the financial burden could help others.

“Even though it didn’t work for me, I believe in it and I believe in marriage,” Gosselin said. “The fact financially is it is expensive.”


So it seems Jon was basically saying that if marriage counseling was more affordable or given a tax deduction, more couples would embrace it.

Captain of the Titanic said...

Bitter End wrote: If Katie went to town (riding on a pony), to pick up a rim, then something is wrong with the tire. Changing a tire requires a tool. From what I've observed having my own tires changed, it's a large tool that spins the tire around with a lever that forces the rubber rim of the tire inside of the metal on the tire rim. Just picking up a rim is worthless without actually putting a new tire on it.

This is not necessarily true. Some tires mount onto split rims (picture two halves that fit together) I suppose because the tires are so stiff that they can't be stretched around the rim edge the way a car tire can. If one of the rim halves gets rusty or damaged, it may interfere with mounting the tire.

Someone else questioned why she needs a tractor at all. I know Jon was shown taking the garbage out to the front fence using the tractor, also dragging downed trees somewhere out back. While Kate may not do these things herself, she may have someone else willing to perform similar tasks for her.

wayward said...

Pam said: "So, I am watching Rielle on the Talk. She sounds JUST LIKE KHATIE irene.

GOD I am sick of these stupid women making money for being idiots"
I read the article about her in the new People mag. My narcissist alarm went off also. She is a stay-at-home mom (?) and she says "she's struggled to make ends meet the last few years. I'm not living the high life." The excerpt of her new book People printed was mostly about how Elizabeth Edwards had some freakin' nerve to be so enraged about his affair with Rielle, when after all the man had been having affairs for 20 years. She goes on to describe in detail all of Elizabeth's angry outbursts.

The woman is dead. She was a class act. She did not deserve to have what she surely considered private family matters outlined in a book to earn this idiot a buck and her reactions used to justify being cheated on.

Rielle speaks in almost in a smug way about how she and "Johnny" are soul mates and are very much together, despite having the wrath of America upon them. Today, she said they were no longer a couple. And lol.... she was born Lisa Jo Druck, she changed her name to Rielle Hunter.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Sheri said... 105
ahh...someone who understands...I'd say it's nice to know there are others out there who understand and can relate to my experiences, yet I'd rather be able to say it only happened to me...I'd never wish my childhood on anyone.

People like us have to be careful in spending too much time reflecting on what we experienced, or discontentment takes over. I've decided that all things happen for a reason, and if A hadn't happened, then B wouldn't have either,so, it's better to believe that we made the best decisions we could at that moment in time and move forward. A parent's decision to target a particular child, means later on that child might have to move, which in turn puts that child on a different trajectory..such as colleges, then marriage, etc...that wouldn't have happened if treated the same as the other siblings).
I wouldn't trade my kids for all the riches of the world. One of my older kids was talking about her childhood not too long ago, and she said she had a happy childhood...I almost burst into tears, 1) because I did something right to make her think that, and 2) I don't know what that feels like.
My greatest hope in life is that I get it right with my kids.

I also credit my beliefs in getting me through it as a child/teen, and still going through it as an adult. (I look at it now as ' a cross that I have to bear', if that makes sense.) It's also been a great teaching experience for my kids, because they see and hear first hand what I experience...it teaches them compassion, forgiveness and tolerance.
In a weird way I am also thankful for what I went through.But I sometimes wonder who I would have been if things had been 'normal' (but then again, can't dwell too much in the past, or discontentment creeps in!)

We all process our experiences differently, and yours requires that you keep distance..and that works for you, so that is the correct choice. I just stepped right back into it (thought it would be different now that I was an adult), but it went back to the same ol' thing, so I've learned how to deal with it. I've tried to use it as a teaching tool for my kids, so something positive has come of it.
Thanks for your post as well.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

@124 Twit: So it seems Jon was basically saying that if marriage counseling was more affordable or given a tax deduction, more couples would embrace it.


That, of course, makes total sense. Who is going to argue with that rationale? Seems pretty benign to me...

The Bitter End said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 114
The Bitter End, couldn't the farmer have told Kate to get a rim for a (name of tractor tire and number) because it was damaged/split etc. then farmer could put it on the tire and put tire back on tractor?
I've replaced many bicycle tires in my time, so I know a bit about the job on a much smaller scale. With our Katie, anything is possible, but without the tool - I don't know what it's called; maybe a tire rim seating tool - it's likely a difficult job for one person; even if that person is a loaf of bread eater. Since there is no mention of a new tire, the efficient way to the job is to take off the tire, with the rim, and take it to a shop to have the rim replaced and the tire re-installed. It's possible that the rim was purchased and then the actual work was done separately at a tire shop.

If it's just you (the general you) and you want to save a buck and you have the tools and knowledge at hand then I would believe it. I'm just not buying this story. Mr. Loaf Eater would have to throw a bunch of tools in his truck and cart them over to Kart's acreage and do the job there.

It just doesn't make sense. Why would Mr. Loaf Eater want to waste all that time replacing the rim, and I'm thinking hours, just to save Katie Irene $100 bucks or so?

The story just didn't go down as Katie says.
Who knows why she lies/embellishes? She may have actually been to the tractor shop when the rim was purchased, but she wasn't alone. Mr. Loaf Eater did a lot of work for his slice of bread.

I hope Katie didn't get too dirty on this job as the laundry girl has strict rules as to when clothes are washed.

Once a Viewer said...

I think she just tweets things so people know she is a) Kan-do Kate b) super mom c) has friends who love her & the kids and know how to help d) is HOT- remember when she tweeted that someone's husband in a store said so? e) fit f) HAPPY!!! g)LOVES life h) can't think of what else but had to make '8'


Let's throw tomatoes said...

The reason I picked the name"let's throw tomatoes" was not because of the Gosselins but because of the entertainment media! Why are they giving Rielle Hunter any air time! That woman is a wacko! How dare her disrespect this poor woman who had to leave her very young children behind! Elizabeth does not know what is being said about her but those kids will!!

I HATE , HATE the entertainment media!!!! Oh and spiders and snakes!!!

JudyK said...

Okay, need to read backwards to catch up, but I have to respond to Katemaniac's latest tweet:

Why in the heck would you go to a tractor-repair shop (is there such a thing) rather than simply making a phone call.

I call TOTAL B.S. on this. You idiot.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Kate definitely seems like she exaggerates, embellishes or outright lies about things just to make for exciting twitter-sodes or blog fodder.

It's sad that your life is not exciting enough to tell the truth and have that be plenty of material for your blog.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Wayward, I watched Rielle's interview on 20/20 and I was shocked she showed her daughter first of all. Second of all I found it disgusting for her to speak about a dead woman and the mother of her child's siblings. There was absolutely no reason to say one word about Elizabeth Edwards, none, other than may she rest in peace. If she were alive that's another matter since she could respond, but going after a dead woman? Low.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Whose bread is baking as we speak? The tire shop guy?

Did she not see the sign that says it's 2012 now, lady, no bartering--cash or credit ONLY.

pamelajo said...

shame shame shame on Rielle, the media and her "soul mate". I saw her on TV the other night and cleaning my toilet was more entertaining.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Oh! Also Rielle really has no good explanation for how she ended up pregnant. Yes she was a little older but come on ladies, if you're getting your period, assume you could get pregnant and for God sake be a grown up and take your birth control pills! Sounds like a little pregnancy trickery involved, hmmm just like some other narcissist we know. If you wanted to get pregnant with your home-wrecking partner fine but at least admit you were trying to do it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

What does wearing makeup and hooker heels have to do with getting served in a store? Does she think they won't serve her if she's too feminine or that they even give a crap other than getting her to swipe her credit card so they can make a living? She says the most bizarre things sometimes, she thinks she's very finny, but they are not funny in the way she thinks--they are funny in a "What the H?" way, and they are deliciously entertaining lol.

Dmasy said...

"The tractor store" is just as dismissive a phrase as "mower boys". She might have gone to the implement dealership. She is just using her cute-little-girl voice and word choice again.

A bevy of farmer's wives visit these dealerships during planting and harvest season -- all of them there to pick up a part while their husbands stay in the field.

I doubt that many of those wives take the time to evaluate makeup and clothing choices.

I don't know what Kate purchased, but a rim for her tractor would not fit in a regular van easily. Maybe the BBB. Perhaps the neighbor loaned her his truck.

Tamara said...

Dwindle, I appreciate the discretion, it is the better part of valor after all :) For anyone fond, or at least indifferent, to spiders Arachnaphobia is a pretty great film to laugh at with the occasional cringe. I love B horror flicks. Like that one about the giant worms that always seem to be attacking Detroit or New York.

I'm fine with snakes though, if anyone's being bit or invaded ;)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I have read many of your posts on narcissism both here and at Small Town Gs and I am truly thankful for your contributions. It is no exaggeration to say that it changed my life because I was able to analyse what happened to me, to gain some perspective and to change my own attitude to bring some peace into my life. So I thank you.


Wow, aww. This is one of the few good things that have come out of this mess, so many wonderful people being able to better deal with their hand in life and be happier and move on because they finally recognized their narcissist for what they are.

Tamara said...

Actually you don't even need to say no comment. Just, don't comment! If Jon's going to extend the olive branch she needs to do her part too.
Jon's not 'extending an olive branch', he's following PR advice to make money and gain fame. And he's lying and hurting his kids. Both of them need to embrace No Comment.

Tamara said...

Doesn't marriage counseling only have any chance of working if BOTH people go? Otherwise it's just plain old counseling or therapy. And are we supposed to feel sympathy for a millionaire when he complains about the price of counseling?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I don't really care if it's motivated by PR, calling someone a good mom and apologizing and saying nice things about them, especially when that is Kate and her full time job is to publicly trash you, is a HUGE olive branch. Even if a PR team cut it, it's an olive branch. It really did back Kate into a corner. If she said anything but NO comment or nothing at all, she would look like a total jerk. Nice move. In fact, isn't this the first time Kate said no comment about Jon and then actually left it at that? Usually she says something like, well I'm not going to say anything BUT he's a real poo isn't he?

TJ said...

I"m sure kate felt like she was the centre of attention at the store and that's why she tweeted about it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I'm betting not one person noticed or thought anything of it that Kate was the only women in there. Except Kate who is an attention whore. They probably get women all the time just didn't have any at that moment. It's not the 19th century, women help out with things like this all the time.

Grandmamma didn't like the boys said...

My mother had nine-count-'em-NINE kids. She was a "Nine Month Mother," nurturing her children until they were born. My dad didn't like us 'til we could walk and talk - more interesting and fun, he said.

My mother favored only the one Golden Child girl who wouldn't put up with her shit; she had excellent crap detectors.

When the grandchildren came, she favored the girls and made no secret out of almost hating the boys; sad but true, they knew it, too, from an early age.

Michelle said...

RT @kib90 @Kateplusmy8 I'll giv u a hint who u r..lasso of truth,invis plane, bulletdeflecting bracelets..no boots just runningshoes OMG!THX

For a woman with the clear mental health issues Kate has, the fawning Sheeple are doing her no favors. They just encourage and feed her illness, almost like giving an alcoholic a bottle or a druggie some heroin. Sad.

Kate is a twit said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 143
Yes, I do have to give her credit for that-no Jon bashing, and basically telling the tweeter she would not respond to her comment about Jon.

Kate Doesn't Rate said...

Some wonder what she or someone uses a tractor for:


Her "mowing boys" use it.

Amy2 said...

Having worked on a farm for many years fixing a tractor tire is no easy feat. Need an industrial strength cable strung over a solid beam to hoist the tractor up. Remove the old tire, again no easy feat. Put on the new tire, do the reverse action until tractor is operational. And what happens to the old tire?

For me, who cares. I don't. Its all for show anyway. "Look at me, I'm actually doing something. I'm a busy, busy mother of 8."

I'm feeling very grumpy right now with this woman. My life as exploded with terrible medical issues regarding my boss, my mother, and a dear friend all within the past two weeks. Two of which I'm arranging end-of-life care. Now that's life! Not a stupid tractor tire. I live the the real world and sometimes its not pretty. Kate lives in her own world and its just awful how much she has to put up with (big snark!).

I'm reading the blog today for my own mental health. Knowing that there are smart people in the world who too live in the real world and see through Kate's ridiculousness (sp). Sorry, I don't have time to spell check right now.

tate said...

Kate might not have worn makeup or her hooker heels to the tractor store, but I bet she showed up in her daisy dukes and her tube top or some kind of halter top with the girls popping out. She probably had to fight all of the men off (in her mind)---they would have out right attacked her if she had worn makeup and heels!! This is when she really needs Stevie by her side. LOL.

TLC stinks said...

IF her "mowing boys" use it, then why did they not fix it? I've owned a couple of John Deere equipment and a John Deere dealer will come, at no charge, and pick up the tractor, repair it, and return it at no charge. She is just making a big deal out of something she could have handled with a phone call. Idiot!

Kate is a twit said...

Amy2 said... 151

I am sorry for all that you are going through. You represent the people who live in the "real world". It's one thing after another with our loved ones. And it's hard to deal with.

Kate doesn't know what "hard" is.

TLC stinks said...

Rielle Hunter is a lazy gold digger. Saw the interview on 20/20 too. She and John Edwards deserve each other. I could not believe she bad mouthed Elizabeth Edwards. And since she I'd not ever use birth control, it was a trick.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Rielle Hunter must be pissed that she will forever known as John Edwards' goomar.

She really needs to stop talking so disrespectfully of John's dead wife.
It destroys the possibility of ANYONE
ON EARTH feeling sympathy for her.

May Elizabeth Edwards R.I.P.

Moose Mania said...

Yes, I do have to give her credit for that-no Jon bashing, and basically telling the tweeter she would not respond to her comment about Jon.


So did Milo go slinking away with her tail between her legs? His legs?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

RT XXXXX @Kateplusmy8 I'll giv u a hint who u r..lasso of truth,invis plane, bulletdeflecting bracelets..no boots just runningshoes OMG!THX 43 minutes ago


Good God. Who/What are these people?

Dwindle said...

Amy2 said... 151

My heart is with you Amy2. May I suggest hospice care for your loved ones? Let hospice see to all the nuts and bolts of the day to day managing and they will treat YOU as the special loving person you are. Please let us know how you are, when you feel up to it.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Whew!Glad I didn't wears heels or makeup here!:) At the tractor
repair store&I'm positively the ONLY woman customer on the entire

Is Kate implying that she's so knock out gorgeous and sexy in heels and makeup that she would have been in danger of being overtaken and ravaged by all the uncontrollable men in the tractor store?

Tamara said...

I don't really care if it's motivated by PR
His kids will definietly care. So, is he telling them "Oh, don't worry, I still know Mommy is hurting you, but because I want more money and fame I'm going to lie and say she's a great mom. But don't worry, it's just for PR." Nice.

JudyK said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 135
Whose bread is baking as we speak? The tire shop guy?

Did she not see the sign that says it's 2012 now, lady, no bartering--cash or credit ONLY.

Yeah, Kate, if you want to "barter" as in the olden days, you NEED that makeup and hooker heels to seal the deal. Your machine-made bread ain't gonna cut it.

See you are once again RETWEETING to pat yourself on the back...guess it comes down to having to compliment yourself over and over when almost everyone finally has your number and basically ignores you.

Sherry Baby said...

Tamara said, "And are we supposed to feel sympathy for a millionaire when he complains about the price of counseling?"

He's not asking for sympathy. So he can't be an advocate for those who can't afford counseling? That's kind of like the President being criticized for being sympathetic toward those who lost their jobs, or a wealthy singer/celebrity being denied access to an area in a poverty-stricken country because he wants to do charity work for starving children.

Just because those people are on a higher socio-economic level doesn't mean that they can't speak out in support of their plights.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Yeah, I'm not sure what the point is in going to marriage counseling alone. Unless you're in a marriage that's not breaking up, but you want to work on improving your marriage by learning and growing as a person. If I ever need any sort of counseling I will be VERY careful about choosing a counselor. There's a person in my family who is a counselor, but we all just shake our heads as we watch her try to manage her own life. Her latest dilemma is over getting her four year old to poop in the potty, and how to get her 2 boys who share a room to go to sleep at night. Really? Um . . . stop their naps, get them up earlier so they're tired at bedtime, put them in separate bedrooms, and sometimes good old fashioned discipline is required. As in "If you get out of bed there will be no tv/treats/park (whatever works!) tomorrow." She can't figure this out, yet she guides others through major life issues. Scary I tell ya!

Pity Party said...

How would a neighbor who is not within shouting distance even know her tractor needed fixing, if she didn't go to him lamenting her tractor woes.

JudyK said...

Amy2, sorry to hear of what you are having to deal with. Wonder where Kate would be if her own mother were dealing with end-of-life care.

I'm proud to be part of a caring group of women on this blog.

Dwindle said...

ya know, my first reaction when I read her twod about not wearing makeup and stillettos to the tractor store was that she was glad she didnt bother because she only tramps up to impress other women.

But now I guess she likely meant that all those mediocre working men would have just ravished her beautyishness if only she had slutted up a bit.

Whew! Close call there Kate.


She must have really piled on the screeching and cackeling and booby swinging to get her quota of attention.

Once a Viewer said...

Kate Doesn't Rate said... 150

Some wonder what she or someone uses a tractor for:


Her "mowing boys" use it.

Thanks, Rate. But isn't Jon just 'joy-riding?" What would the 'lawn boys do' She does have crops planted, does she? Why is it essential she have it now? And why the heck does it keep breaking- almost as much as her kids vomit?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Tamara, you're completely missing the point and confusing the issue, though I don't think deliberately. My point has nothing to do with whether you agree or disagree with Jon doing interviews. That's another discussion we've pretty much talked about to death! It's about Jon playing nice, REGARDLESS his motives, and backing Kate in a corner where she pretty much has to say no comment. His plan, if that is what he was doing, certainly worked.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Tweet, God knows what she is implying. I really don't understand what she means or is implying most of the time. She is an odd one that's for sure.

Permanent Name said...


I'm so sorry to hear of the health problems your family and loved ones are suffering! Am sending cyber wishes for peace and strength to you during this stressful time.

Once a Viewer said...

That last RT tweet makes NO sense at all to me either.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

About time Kate but these nosey parental alienating tweeties in their place and let them know certain things are not up for discussion.

She has such a handle on them if she asked them to stop asking about Jon I'm willing to bet they would stop cold turkey just to please her. That's all it takes and she won't do it.

Over In Berks said...

@132, Judy --

Why in the heck would you go to a tractor-repair shop (is there such a thing) rather than simply making a phone call.


Yes, there are. They are called Farm and Home Centers. They are a mecca for those living in rural areas.

fidosmommy said...

Kate Doesn't Rate said... 150
Some wonder what she or someone uses a tractor for:


Her "mowing boys" use it.


I don't quite get this. You do know those are pictures of Jon on the tractor, right? Those photos are from 2009. Maybe you knew that and you are making a point I'm missing...?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Hmm. Maybe she means she really wouldn't have fit in if she went full on with her hooker uniform? Thank goodness she looked more like one of the guys?

Kate, you don't fit in ANYWAY. And also, this may come as a surprise to you but I bet no one noticed you didn't fit in because they're just trying to get their stuff done and make an honest living and don't care about YOU.

Kate Doesn't Rate said...

Once a Viewer...That tractor is a tractor/mower. The "mowing boys" use it to mow that huge lawn. Jon may have just been posing for the paps in those pictures or maybe he mowed the property when they first moved in.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

By the way I'm in NY and I just saw my first Play it Again sports. What a great idea to help out families and help all kids participate, way better than grifting for stuff then hoarding it away. File that one away.

JudyK said...

Once a Viewer said... 172
That last RT tweet makes NO sense at all to me either.

It's a Wonder Woman analogy...you know Super Mom, Wonder Woman...all the same thing, except that Wonder Woman brings in the sex appeal aspect, as well. It's just Kate patting herself on the back saying she's "all that."

Problem is that Linda Carter, at Age 60, has class, is accomplished in so many areas, is a lady, and is far sexier now that you will ever be. There is NO comparison.

Kate Doesn't Rate said...

Ok, ok, one more time. Some of the tweeting non fans and I thought some people here were asking what does Kate need with a tractor.

I was trying to point out that the tractor is a "tractor/mower" most likely a John Deere tractor/mower and I showed pictures of Jon on the tractor/mower and said the people who mow her property use the tractor/mower for that purpose.

I didn't mean to cause a ruckus. Was just trying to point out why the hell Kate has a tractor.

Once a Viewer said...

Oh, Thanks again Rate. I just mowed my lawn with a regular mower and I could use one of those on my ONE acre lol. Kate really must learn to use it- she'd look so HOT (gag)

Funny the 'lawn boys' don't have their own equipment for liability?

Amy2 said...

Thank you everyone for your positive and loving thoughts. Putting one foot in front of the other each day.Isn't that what life is all about anyway. Being there for our loved ones no matter what stage of life they are in.

Thanks again, I appreciate it.

readerlady said...

I read Jon's comments. I thought they were appropriate, low key, factual, and a heck of a lot more classy than some of the campaign rhetoric we're seeing out there right now, from both sides of the fence.

Amy2 -- sorry for the trouble you are going through. I second Dwindle's suggestion that you use hospice to assist you in the decisions you need to make and in arranging the care needed. They are so wonderful and supportive and they allow you to do the loving and the grieving you need to do without getting bogged down in the day-to-day details. God Bless all Hospice workers.

JudyK said...

Over In Berks said... 174
@132, Judy --

Why in the heck would you go to a tractor-repair shop (is there such a thing) rather than simply making a phone call.


Yes, there are. They are called Farm and Home Centers. They are a mecca for those living in rural areas.

Okay, well thanks for that info. My "mowing boys" (it makes me cringe to even type that tongue-in-cheek) bring their own equipment.

Strange that Entitled Kate has to provide the equipment for her yard/landscaping needs.

Kate Doesn't Rate said...

Once a Viewer, btw my last comment wasn't directed at you.

I don't know about liability problems. Lordy! I guess there's no end to what we could discuss about Kate. I just assumed whoever was mowing her property was using the tractor/mower because she HAS one. And figured since she called them "boys" they wouldn't have their own $4-5000 tractor/mower. And since she's cheap she'd use someone other than a professional.

JudyK said...

Once a Viewer said... 181

Funny the 'lawn boys' don't have their own equipment for liability?

We must have posted at almost exactly the same time, because I just said exactly the same thing.

Bluebird said...

I know this is off topic but as I said before my daughter was expecting her baby girl on June 24. Well last night she went into labor but when the hospital broke her water they noticed right away that the amniotic fluid had feces in it, the baby's heartrate was dropping and the umbilical cord was around the throat. They just told her to push and push and finally she was born. Right away they took the baby away, my SIL followed them and daughter was left with her phone beside her. She called me crying and could just say I don't know what's wrong but they took her. My heart broke. They worked on her and were able to stabilize her in the neonatal unit. They've done tests and now she has a tube down her nose to her stomach, she can't drink on her own and her heart will not slow down. My daughter can't hold her because of the heart rate. We will get the test results tomorrow. Just wanted to share because my heart is still broken and I need everyone's encouragement and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Did she actually say "no comment" about Jon? Also, sounds like she was telling Milo not to mention Jon.


I would guess this has to do with the fact that she and her lawyers may have access to some content of Hoffman's book. I'm sure there is an "I Hate My Ex/jon Under the BBB" section, where all of her comments/interviews/insults are recorded, along with her, "I'm always the high road taker" facade.

Her lawyers may have finally told her to STFU.

Just my thoughts.


Tamara said...

But Jon is only "playing" nice for nefarious purposes, along the way hurting his kids with totally unncesesscary lies. Beyond that, just by opening that box back up he is inviting more public interest and he's saying it's okay to talk about his marriage and his children in incredibly personal ways. Just because the lies might be in the form of nice words doesn't mean they aren't still lies. He's trying to play a PR game that always ends up hurting the innocents: his own children.

Sheri said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 127

I wouldn't trade my kids for all the riches of the world. One of my older kids was talking about her childhood not too long ago, and she said she had a happy childhood...I almost burst into tears, 1) because I did something right to make her think that, and 2) I don't know what that feels like.
My greatest hope in life is that I get it right with my kids."

Exactly! I know I did good when my Son, now 24, said, "You are a great Mom."

It struck me because I don't know what it's like to feel that way about my own mother and I was only 16 when I had him. We had some tough times but it was still better than what I experienced growing up.

My greatest hope was always that I would do better for my kids than was done by me. And therein lies my contentment, my peace.

Thanks aggiemom, for being so candid and for sharing such intimate details of your story. You are a hero in my book.


JudyK said...

Bluebird #187...My heart is breaking for your daughter, you, and your family. Will say a prayer.

Please keep us informed.

Sheri said...


Sending prayers and best wishes for your Daughter and new Grandbaby. Hugs.


Anonymous said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 178
By the way I'm in NY and I just saw my first Play it Again sports. What a great idea to help out families and help all kids participate, way better than grifting for stuff then hoarding it away. File that one away.
I haven't seen a Play It Again Sports since I left OC. I miss that store!

Improbable Dreams said...

Bluebird said... 187
I know this is off topic but as I said before my daughter was expecting her baby girl on June 24...

Holding you, your daughter, and the wee baby girl in my thoughts and prayers. xoxo

Dmasy said...

amy2 and Bluebird, please feel our concern, love and prayers coming your way. Keep us updated. May God give you both strength and wisdom.

Summerwind said...

admin said...REGARDLESS his motives, and backing Kate in a corner where she pretty much has to say no comment. His plan, if that is what he was doing, certainly worked.


Right. And if she's been muzzled because of it, then it's actually helping the kids because she's backed off throwing him under the bus and poisoning the kids' minds against him. She's not jabbing him every chance she gets. If there is a truce now because of it, then everyone is so much better off.

franky said...


prayers for you and your family


Betsy said...


My thoughts are with you at this stressful time. Please have faith that the neonatal medical team has great skill with babies born in difficult deliveries. Having gone through one myself, I know how hard it is.

Sending loving, positive thoughts to your precious granddaughter, daughter, you, and your whole family.

Once a Viewer said...

bluebird and amyf: best wishes to you both. These situations are so difficult. Your friends here are thinking of you .

Once a Viewer said...

sorry amy2- I put amyf by mistake,

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