Kate blames her bad behavior on her "Type A" personality (there's always someone else or something else to blame, anyone but Kate), says that she wants to act, and says TLC crucifies her but "So what do I care?"
Also, she thinks she's a rare woman who can provide for her children on her own, according to Kate. What now? Kate, wake up, it's not 1929 anymore. Also you don't provide for your kids, they provide for you.

We also love how Kate acts like her family members all disappeared of their own choosing not that Kate estranged them, outright says Jon doesn't want to support them (your kids support you both, Kate, get it through your thick head), and thinks she has found true friends in the people she pays. She also thinks she will keep in touch with the revolving crew "always." Ha. Haha. Hahaha.
153 sediments (sic) from readers:
This was basically Kate's F-U to everyone. In a nutshell, she said, I know I'm a total bitch and I know TLC edits me that way, but I don't give a fuck.
When you don't give a fuck I guess there's not much more that we can say.
But thank God a career, if you want to call it that, appeared out of nowhere and afforded me the ability to guilt-free financially provide for eight kids. So when Jon wanted to be gone and not provide or be married or be in our house or whatever, I'm a rare woman that can provide for her kids, let alone eight.
I listened to the audio. Without seeing her mug, her voice is eerily similar to Casey Anthony's. She tried to cover all her lies in one fell swoop.
It doesn't wash anymore but keep talking Kate. You're standing on the scaffold and the bottom is going to drop out any minute. And there will be cheers like you've never heard before.
BTW Admin, you couldn't have chosen a better visual for this thread...I'm sure that's precisely how Kate believes she portrays herself. The pitiful sheeple buy right into it.
How dare she claim Jon wanted out of the marriage and not to provide. It was all her.
I wouldn't know where to begin to comment on this obviously set-up telephone interview.
So this is what Hate's P.R. slaves came up with in less than 48hrs as an answer to her disastrous LIVE! interview?
It reminds me of the little sign my hairdresser has on his mirror: I'm a Beautician, not a Magician!
Anyway, this "interview" is the biggest bunch of bullshit I've ever read. Hate sounds like she's definitely crossed over from the fast lane to Flip City, by way of a psychotic break.
My gosh, that article needs a warning: MAKE SURE YOU ARE WEARING YOUR HIP WADERS BEFORE READING!!
"family and friends decide to stand with you or stand not with you" Great stilted language. Can't say that I have ever heard of anyone making a decision to "stand not with you."
And "destiny" mentioned in one paragraph, God in the next.
Jon is under the bus yet again. Kate, he didn't want to be gone, you threw him out. He wanted to provide, and you and TLC wouldn't let him.
If the scenes you allowed in with kids puking andbeing upset got your approval, what was in the ones you didn't allow to be shown?
I agree that this is her FU. Well, Kate. back atya. We're voting with our remotes.
Whoa...Admin...I LOVE YOUR LANGUAGE!! Hahahaha! You stole the words outta my head...NO, better yet...Great minds think alike. She must be the MORE heinous, f-uped, B*tch, FameHo realest reality star EVER! Her 1 & ONLY talent is to be the BIGGEST B*TCH posing as a pretend mom. Honestly, every time she opens her mouth, I wish I could throw something at her or SMACK her with her stupid wooden spoon!
Ok, I'm ok...venting feels just about right...for now. Thanx for the updates!
Yes, she made it clear that the "friends" who just appeared in her life alongside the filming (like Steve and crew who are paid to be there) are her true friends and all those pesky other friends and family members, see ya! She takes a lot of credit that isn't due, doesn't she? Society has to stop rewarding bad behavior, period.
She just cannot stop lying.
"So when Jon wanted to be gone and not provide or be married or be in our house or whatever, I'm a rare woman that can provide for her kids, let alone eight."
Pass the barf bucket. She threw him under the bus...again. OMG. So tired of her.
Hey, Administrator! Philly Daily News says that there are work permit violations, article lists a hearing date of 9/23.
(I can hear John Mellancamp singing about walls tumblin' down in my head...)
OMG I can't believe she said some of the things she did. She doesn't like her kids being shown in a bad light and will have things edited out about them if she doesn't like it? So I guess having them puke on national tv was totally acceptable. I laughed also about her being able to support her family and what a heroic act it is in this day and age. I've supported 4 kids on a nurses' salary(and not working 100 a week like Kate said she would have to) and part time EMT with 1k a month child support for the last several years. I know plenty of other women also doing the same thing. Most just do and don't bitch and moan about how hard their live is and how their kids basically suck. I love spending time with my kids and thoroughly enjoy them. I had them so it's my responsibility to give them a good life and opportunity's so they can succeed in life and that takes hard work but so what. Bottom line is Kate chose to have 8 kids so shut the hell up and just do it. No one cares. She's not the only person to have 8 kids although you would sure think it. Furthermore they support her not the other way around so she's really not even working at all unless you can bitching and whining and dressing like a slut working. She is a totally lazy ass and by no means a Type A and if she was would that be an excuse to treat everyone around you like shit?
"We were real and believable and honest. I think myself, more so than Jon, was always myself."
She just can't stop, can she.
Here's a thought. TLC couldn't "crucify" her if she quit behaving like such a low-class bitch. TLC could follow my family around for years and they wouldn't be able to "crucify" me. And guess what else? My husband is an engineer, a field which attracts TYPE A personalities because of the demands of the job, ie, perfection is expected or serious thing could go wrong. He doesn't treat me or our kids like crap. Know why? He's a decent and kind person. Go to hell, you sniveling beast!
Why does she say her family members have all disappeared? Isn't her mom on some kind of blog raving about how great her daughter is and how Jon is such an ass? Hmmmmm Who believes this woman anyways? I like how she said she supports her kids, me thinks they support her. What a dope!
F-U right back at ya, Kate. You lying sack of ....
They'll always stay in touch with the crew.
Mommy and Daddy will always be together, and we'll have the dogs for years and years.
Those children will never trust anyone.
But...I thought Kate said she had control about what is shown? I thought it was *her* show? She has said this many times before in interviews.
And nice comment about her 'sacrifice' but yet she only shows good things about the kids? LOL yea right. She obviously has a different standard than I would.
My 'world's smallest violine' is playing for you Kate. So sad, so taken advantage of...so...exploitive.
No K8, you are not type A, you are type C.
More BS - K8 is sick.
I see she also took another opportunity to slam Jon by making a comment about "So when Jon wanted to be gone and not provide....". Wow she is really beating a dead horse with those comments about Jon not "providing".
She's a sad bitter woman who really needs to get over it all. Or she needs to stop stirring the pot just because TLC told her to. It's making her look bad (but I know, she doesn't care how she comes across. She thinks she's great and I guess that's all she cares about.).
I find it disgusting that she said that she doesn't want the kids shown in a bad light and yet she allows their tantrums and embarrassing moments to be shown all the time.
What a piece of work she is!
No matter how much she tries to twist this, everybody is still very familiar with her stinky attitude.
You have no one to blame, but yourself chickie....
Admin.--I think you're right. As long as the money comes in, Kate could not care less about what the public thinks of her.
Also, I found it interesting that she did not correct the interviewer about Jon wanting out of the marriage--wasn't it she who told Jon it was over? I thought she said in another interview that she was on a plane and realized the marriage was over, etc.
Kate merely said that she was shocked she'd become a household name (toot your own horn, much, Kate?).
Oh, the irony in play here. I guess because of confidentiality agreements or fear of the wrath of TLC/Discovery's legal department, NO ONE....EVER, even Jon, comes out publicly and exposes Kate for the horrible mother and person she is.
Jon tweeted last week "my kids know the truth." The source who spilled some dirt on Kate for Al Walentis's book backed out at the 11th hour, causing him to do a last miniute rewrite. Rene Syler said she worked with Kate last summer but that was all she was going to say about it. Aunt Jodi has implied she has stories. And numerous other individuals who have had contact with Kate implied they had info but could not reveal it.
It is so frustrating that so many people have damaging/possibly incriminating info on Kate yet remain silent, but she is free to lie all she wants and no one holds her accountable. Because of this, she does it more and becomes more outrageous with her lies and rewriting history to absolve herself of her narcissistic behavior. For instance, she didn't kick both she and Jon's families out of their lives, according to her in this article they "disapeared." The crew is "their family" yet she didn't elaborate on why most of the original crew ran, not walked to Arkansas to film the Duggars instead. And the people interviewing her never ask the tough questions or hold her feet to the fire. Was it 'The View' Denise Richards, actress for 20+ years, was on where the ladies were almost downright nasty with her, demanding to know why she was including her children in her reality show? But they're absolutely hunky dory with Kate earning a living *solely* off her 8 kid's backs AND they keep inviting her back on to guest host!!! WTF!
Preesi said she heard Kate may be going on Larry King Live, tonight possibly? For the love of God, I hope not. An entire hour of Larry kissing Kate's ass while she spews more hate and venom for Jon. Why? Why is she allowed to slander while others are prohibited from telling THE TRUTH about her?
The hearing this week in PA (thurs)over child working permits and the Gosselins is going to be pivotal. You can bet your monkey munch that TLC and its legal team will be out in full force. We can expect Paul Peterson and maybe Kevin, Jodi and Gloria (I forget her last name) attorney there again.
Link to the details:http://www.philly.com/dailynews/local/20100913__Kate_Plus_Eight__kids_could_be_in_violation_of_work-permit_rules__raising_concerns.html
As a side note, for the first time ever I am feeling hopeful that those children may be rescued. Maybe Kate's long rope was long enough to do her in.
I don't think she will ever realize that when she is "working" her kids are working too. She does not financially support her kids, they financially support her. I am so tired of hearing that. She better start kissing those kids' butts because when the show is over, so is she. The money will be gone too.
'Mad Men' Star Jon Hamm: Reality Shows Just Want Oversized Personalities, Zero Dignity
Best B.S. line I've heard from her yet (I can't . "But thank God a career, if you want to call it that, appeared out of nowhere and afforded me the ability to guilt-free financially provide for eight kids"
*insert angry face here*.
GUILT FREE! ? ! ? Must be nice to not have a conscience.
She really is having an affair with herself isn't she? ?
"In every situation and every decision people make, family and friends decide to stand with you or stand not with you"
I take this to mean that if you dared not to support Kate while she exploited her kids anymore (Jodi, Kevin, Beth, grandparents, and so on) then you are not standing with her. Whatever.
Unbelievable.....just like Kate.
"Um, well, I can see where they are going with a story line...."
(The realest of reality shows???)
Other gems:
"We were real and believable and honest."
(note the past tense)
"Where the kids are concerned, I don't like them to be shed in an ugly light."
(She says she watches the shows before they air!)
This is such sad situation for those children.
John Hamm compared reality stars to porn stars. I love that guy more now than ever!!
The end is near. I feel it in my bones!
The two lines that really grabbed me were "afforded me the ability to guilt-free financially provide for eight kids". As we suspected, no guilt at all. Jon is at least starting to worry about the long term ramifications on the kids. Not old moneybags. It's all about providing for the kids (and of course her $500 shoes, $700 purses, $300 sunglasses, boobies, hair, nails, etc.)
And "I'm a rare woman that can provide for her kids". I hope all true single mothers doing it on their own (no money from dads or earning it off the backs of their kids) speak loudly and clearly with their remote controls tonight.
She truly believes she's earning the $250,000 per episode and the kids deserve no credit for supporting themselves.
And Kate, ask the Duggars how many family and friends they lost due to being on TV.
Type D lady as for D-listed and nothing more...why is she out on tv and radio discussing the same bull...why? She isn't promoting a darn thing except throwing Jon under the bus...again. Who keeps putting this twit out there?
Kate's guilt-free comment is typical of a narcissist, but also very insulting to working mothers.
So a mother who works the night shift or weekend shift or double shift at a hospital to provide should feel guilty? It would be better if she got a gig 3,000 miles away on DWTS and left her kids for days and weeks at a time over and over? That would be better?
When Kate was doing those shifts the kids were with Jon. Now she leaves the kids with nannies. She should feel a lot more guilty now.
My God, she's getting worse!
I don't think anything was scripted here. This is simply just a dad and his girlfriend spending quality time with their children.
Eat your heart out Bitch !
My apologizes Admin and fellow bloggers:
The child/gosselin labor law hearing is the 23rd of Sept. which is next week not this week as I incorrectly stated. I should not blog before I have had my coffee and put in my contacts.
Wow, she is Cuckoo for Cocoa Cocoa Puffs. She said in ANY situation, family will decide whether to stand by you. I have a VERY dysfunctional family, and we chose not to abide by their DECISIONS and BEHAVIOR and pulled back, we are not rejecting them as people. Give me a break.
Love how she throws how she talks to other famous people - actors and reality people alike - about how everything changes. Yeah, I'm sure they're all lining up to talk to her.
And yet again, she speaks only of what others can do for HER; it is never reciprocal. "I can call my friends 24/7......" If I made a statement like that, and I certainly could, I would follow up with, 'and they know they can do the same.'
Did she say it was an 'insipidous' shock becoming famous? Hilarious! Another new word!
Boy, she sure does love to talk about herself. She's in her element right there. She has ignored all the criticism from the Friday show and threw Jon under the bus yet again. But this time, she is also biting the hand that feeds her. I don't know how you can pound nails into your own coffin, but she sure is doing it. I guess it's because she is just so amazing in every way.
I feel so bad for those kids. All of this crap they've been put through and for what? They are still a lot of years away from going to college and something tells me that their money will be spent by then. I don't think Kate likes spending "her" money on the kids, hence all of the complaining. I'm sure that's why she wants money from Jon. She would like him to pay for ALL of the children's expenses so more of the money can go to her needs. I'm sure most of the kids clothes and toys have been provided to her through the show. She probably doesn't even like having to pay to feed her kids. I'm sure she's tried to get food donated to her. I just can't believe that despite everything that she has, she is still complaining.
Hahaha- I forgot to add;
the photo of Kate with the gigantic fork... priceless!!
I love this website for so many reasons :o)
"Where the kids are concerned, I don't like them to be shed in an ugly light."
Ummmmmmmm....a little too late for THAT, Kate!
Are you flucking nuts? Do you even watch how Mady and ( sometimes ) Cara behave on camera? Good lord have mercy! If that's not them being shed in a bad light, I'd sure hate to see how they behave off camera.
Now y'all, you know she will stay in touch with the camera crew forever...
just like she stays in touch with the cast of DWTS. Uh, I mean...
just like she stays in touch with Tony. Well, uhh, maybe...
just like she stays in touch with...uhhhh...uhhhhh...hang on a minute, I'll think of somebody......
Beth!!! uhhh, no not Beth...
Damn. Well maybe the crew will be a first that they stay in touch with.
Or not.
Talk about beating a dead horse! How many times do we have to her this blah, blah, single mother,blah blah, doing it all on my own blah, blah. No one cares and we are sick of listening to it. She just oozes bitterness and it so full of herself and what a remarkable thing she thinks she's doing. My parents had 9 kids and raised us without the benefit of a reality show. She had 8 kids that she made a very conscious decision to have, no sympathy from me. Your right Administrator,she is an insult to real divorced mother's like make self who have worked hard to take good care of their kids without complaining about how hard it is. Let her walk in a real single\divorced mother's shoes who has to worry about bills and their money, taking kids back and forth to activities and see what it's really like. She has no clue. It's amazes me though why she keeps getting air time to spew all this crap.
Kate's line, "I'm a rare woman that can provide for her kids", made me furious. Listen, you delusional freak . . . come to my house some time and I'll introduce you to my 83 year-old saint of a Mother who raised my brother and me without any help, financial or otherwise. It has been done and continues to be done by many women . . . you did'nt invent it, Kate!
In Khate speak Jon not wanting to provide means that he wanted to stop filming the show because it was destroying their family, with the supposed mom being out on the road with her supposed bodyguard 9/10's of the time while he was home taking care of the kids alone and when not doing that they were filming 24/7.
It took 4 not a nannies to take his place some of them teenagers.
Why doesn't someone ask her --now was it Jon or you that filed for the divorce? Can we just clarify if he is paying child support and how much because you seem to be implying that he is not. -- It is a relevant because she is lying about it.
And I being a single working mom find it offensive that she would call herself a rare breed that can provide intimating that others cannot. She bred multiples to provide for her, not the other way around.
Nobody's buying her BS anymore. Nobody. Nobody is watching her stupid show either.
And why would she say to a crab - you suck - in front of her kids. What is it about a crab that sucks any way.
I don't have the time to do it but I think it would be great to make a list of Kate's contradictions including exact quotes and dates. There's a million right in this interview. She has stated before that she's not mean (the View with Bill Getty) yet in this article she admits she's "mean".
If she does go on LKL, it will be to spin her R&K interview. She will throw a bone to some fence sitters and half acidly (as my mom used to say) apologize....all the while adding to the tire marks on Jon.
Her carefully crafted super-mom image is crumbling and what we see behind the mask is an angry, ITLESS, unforgiving shrew.
I think Kate is out of control. She is angry and over-exposed which makes me wonder whether or not she has a PR team anymore.
We've heard it all before - Jon left, my family left, I'm a victim - these are the only things she can talk about because she is completely ITLESS.
I can't help but wonder if something is going on with Jon behind the scenes which has thoroughly PISSED Kate off.
Some THING has rocked Kate's perfect little Mani/Pedi/Botoxed World and she is taking it out on Jon publicly.
Or is Kate just getting back at him for the video and the custody issue during her time on DWTS.
Stick a fork in her…
OK, There are pics of Ellen and Jon with the six having a picnic. Great pics and they all seem to be having fun, not one with a cell phone in hand crying to go home cause they miss their beds. Who would ave thought =) Mommy is lying again. BTW, love picnics, great idea Jon
Nice pics up on ROL of Jon and Ellen and the kids having a picnic. Everyone is smiling and the kids seem very happy. Of course the sheeple are saying how did he have time to buy food and Tweet if the kids are with him? Hmm I guess he can't do both as far as there concerned, anything to bash him no matter how out there it is.
Kate better watch it. She may not care much now, but someday she'll be sitting around an empty house wondering how things got so bad, why no one wants to be in her life, and why she's not allowed to see her grandkids.
Mark my words. People get sick of the nastiness, self-centeredness, and all-around bad behavior.
Kids' feet grow, they get big, and attached to big adult legs and if you haven't developed and nurtured a loving respectful relationship with them, they walk off for good.
Well, I have never said F@@K You in my life, thought it but not said it. Tonight I think durning the showing of Kate + 8 I will run through the streets yelling "Kate Gosselin, F@@K You!!!!!"
I think she is trying to goad Jon into responding and he is not...thank you JON. Without him responding she looks like a fool and more.
TLC probably said get out there, get the ratings up or you are out.
Why is everyone afraid of her? What power does she hold over everyone, including TLC? Is this typical of narcissists -- that people back away from them because they don't want a confrontation? This so very much reminds me of Joan Crawford...
This article is trying to do damage-control for the negative backlash she got on the Regis and Kelly interview last week. She is so transparent. You know, the papparazzi that she claims to hate really only help us and hurt her. If they weren't around to photograph her every nail salon/tanning/fake grocery store/errand trip, more people might stil believe she's home all the time with the kids. But thanks to the p-people, she's shown doing everything but being at home. They also show so many pics of her filming the show that no one needs to watch anymore as it's all documented weeks before-hand. All of this undermines the image she tries to portray in her interviews. When she does damage control like this, she opens her mouth and out come the blatant lies and hypocrisy. People are sick of it. I'm telling you, she will sink her own ship.
I don't see how it can be guilt-free, unless she has no conscience. She's away from those kids FAR more than would ever make me comfortable as a mom. I only had one kid and I hated that I had to work when she was a toddler and preschooler. And she was fine, happy. But I wanted to be with her more during those precious young years that you never get back. Sometimes I see her jetting off to LA, New York, all over the place leaving the kids again with nannies and think "I bet she doesn't even know them very well." It would be hard enough to get one-on-one time with eight, but it's got to be nearly impossible to be close to them when you're running off all the time.
I'd hate it. And besides that, when she was on DWTS, she did some fake-teary interview in which she said she HATED being away from them, that all she wanted was to be in the kitchen making cookies with them.
So now it's guilt-free, huh? Well, maybe she's just being more honest, LOL.
"I'm a rare woman that can provide for her kids" This comment is a real doozy. The millions of real single moms who provide for thier kids, with no help from ex, not even visitation, no nannies, no cleaning crew. Gosh this woman is just so perfect, so unique, so special, such a martyr and So freaking STUPID and self centered. My Gawd.
Oh, here's my favorite comment of all from back in the day when they were a family and no split was on the horizon: speaking of when the kids were all born and how 'I' was going to provide for them. Even back then she considered herself the sole provider. Even in the very beginning of the show "I" was the sole provider. She is no type A personality, I have no idea what she really is but what I do know is she is a sick individual and she is Very, very angry. She is about to go postal. And I so totally agree with wayward and the others who make the comment that Kate gets to go on all these programs and spout her BS and Jon is hog tied into silence. That's why she is so out there right now. Because for some unknown reason, someone, somewhere is protecting her and allowing her to spout her crap with no repurcussions or presenting of the other side. BUT, and to me this is a real big BUT, she is crucifying herself every time she opens her mouth now. That's really the beauty of watching her downfall, she is doing it to herself. She will never admit that, but it is so true. Burn, witch, burn. She so deserves it!
Be careful going to Radaronline. I went there earlier and all of a sudden my computer was going haywire, threatening to install a virus.
Someone does not want you to see Jon, Ellen & the kids having a good time without St. Katie.
"I never knew I would be a household name"
I LOVE this one. Sorry, Kate, you are not a household name. I know lots of people who don't even know who you are. Her narcissism knows no bounds.
Even in almost the same sentence she is lying. First she says this is all real, this is really me, it's not scripted. In the next breath she is saying that TLC has a storyline she sees where they are going.
Is it real or is it a story? Pick one!
Kate's one and only motto in life is
"Stand with me, or stand against me!"
If you disagree with her about anything in the world, you are therefore "against her" and banished from the Queendom ( unless you are a celebrity, and therefore you get a free pass because she needs your coattails to ride on ).
This is precisely why Jamie and Steve kiss her ass and lick her feet.
Kate think this motto is endearing and makes her appear to be a strong woman. It only serves to make her look like a spoiled self-centered twat.
Not getting ET for DWTS hit her very hard. No offers coming in as she thought after being at the Emmys. The word is out about her behavior and don't think any production would want to deal with her every day, week after week. The one area I can see her doing is short term reality crap like Flav of Love. She must know those are not shows but shows to laugh at the not talent want-a-be.
Love the article with Jon Hamm from Mad Men....It couldn't be said any better.
"Mad Men" star Jon Hamm is convinced it doesn't take much to make it to the small screen, revealing what he really thinks of reality show stars.
"It doesn't take much for them to put you on TV," the Emmy-nominated actor told Details magazine. "...if that's all you want, you can be on 'The Bachelor' or 'The Real Housewives' or whatever show [that] just wants oversized personalities, ridiculous behavior, and zero dignity."
Hamm believes there's a big difference between working to be an actor and working to be famous. "If you just want to be famous ... that's not that much different than porn. 'I'm a movie star!' Well, no, you're not. You're a porn star, and that's completely different. And you know, hey, mazel tov -- porn probably built half the houses out here, but you're selling your dignity in a way that I feel I'm not. And once you sell it, it's gone. You ain't getting it back."
And this is the show, Mad Men, Kate put in a request to be on.
Linda said...
Kate better watch it. She may not care much now, but someday she'll be sitting around an empty house wondering how things got so bad, why no one wants to be in her life, and why she's not allowed to see her grandkids.
Kate will never wonder how things got so bad, because she'll be blaming EVERYONE else. Kate can do no wrong (in her eyes). If the children walk out on her, it will be because they are ungrateful. If her show is canceled due to bad ratings, she'll blame the press for crucifying her, blah, blah, blah. Narcissists are never to blame and they never seek help. The rest of the world should seek help because they don't understand her!
I hope the ratings fall again tonight. In the interview she says "....contrary to the very popular belief of the world..." The WORLD??? 99% of the people in the WORLD don't even know who she is. Her slow death needs to be sped up. She reminds me of a caught fish, flopping around gasping for it's last few breaths. End it.
I raised my kids alone all their lives. My ex-husband was worthless while we were married and even more worthless after we split. I did what I had to do. Went back to school, worked two jobs, and provided them a comfortable home, most of what they need, some of what they want, and LOVED THEM. I didn't bad mouth their dad, my daughter learned on her own in time, and my son just loves his dad, and he should. I am not rare, I am not a hero, I'm not even special. I'm a mom. And I love my kids. That's all there is to it.
Why does she contradict herself at every turn? Now it was JON's idea to leave??? He "wanted to be gone" and he doesn't "want to provide"??? Glad she's still taking that high road! Shoot, if I was Jon, I'd have been gone LONG BEFORE!!! What a hateful bitch.
I think TLC is throwing Kate under the bus by unleashing her to do these interviews. The viewers have much better memories than she gives us credit for and, in addition,all of her contradictions are documented on the web.
I love this website. Nobody bashing other people's comments and everyone calling Kate for what she is. Also, people caring for those poor kids who are nothing but pawns for her. Thank you Admin for a wonderful site!
"But thank God a career, if you want to call it that, appeared out of nowhere and afforded me the ability to guilt-free financially provide for eight kids."
No, many of us do not call it a career. Because it is not. And it did not appear of nowhere, YOU shopped around for networks to film you. This stupid, lying female. Can't even call her a "woman", that implies an adult and mature, neither applies to Kate.
"She has written three books with a fourth due out next year."
I forgot about how the View ladies treated Denise Richards! Was her show called Denise and her kids? NOooooo but E! isn't owned by Disney so it was okay to trash Denise and her show, I guess.
Administrator said...
Even in almost the same sentence she is lying. First she says this is all real, this is really me, it's not scripted. In the next breath she is saying that TLC has a storyline she sees where they are going.
Is it real or is it a story? Pick one!
Kate without an earphone! She cannot speak coherently without someone telling her what to say. Her brain is a jumble, random thoughts banging into each other in there like a pong game gone berserk. Yeah, she's come undone.
Ha ha ha, type "C" -- okay, I'm slow ...
"She has written three books with a fourth due out next year."
Hopefully Zondervan has a clause in their contract that says, "If you write a book that does not sell enough to pay for the paper it was printed on, the contract is canceled."
Did someone say Kate might be on Larry King tonight? Wouldn't that conflict with tonight's K+8 episode?
For once I'd love to hear or read that she feels she and her kids are TRULY blessed, that they all live a very priveledged life. I want to hear that she knows there are others who are REALLY suffering, who are REALLY struggling. I want her to say, you know I'm thankful for all I have, that this could disappear ANY minute, because golly, I'm a "reality" star and we know how REAL that industry is. All she EVER does is COMPLAIN COMPLAIN COMPLAIN! I was thinking back to when she used to go on and on about the loads and loads of laundry she "used" to do. How hard is is to throw a load or two in a day, but only "unload" them into a hamper and have them sit for A WEEK until her "volunteer" came and folded it all! Then her "laundry put awayer" would come and PUT IT ALL AWAY! All I remeber is her pushing 3 to 4 "mountainous" filled hampers over to the living room and then went back to the cameras to chit chat about how hard laundry was!!
I'm here to 2nd NOT going to ROL today. I clicked on a Twitter link and my system locked up and crashed. This is a system that NEVER crashes.
F** You, ROL.
Of all nights, tonight is the night to "vote with your remote." After the lies Kate spewed on R&K, she deserves a huge drop in ratings tonight.
She calls herself a rare woman to raise her kids or whatever? Um what? How insulting to the REAL women out there doing it everyday. I hope some media outlets get a hold of this doozy of an interview & continue to skewer her some more. She deserves her comeupence times 2. Wow. Just wow. I just can't believe she said that!! She has no filter whatsoever. I think she is mentally deranged. I'm sorry. I know that it not politically correct, but seriously. She has lied and lied and lied. That is a mental problem. The worst part is, she believes them. She thinks her lies are truths. Classic derangement issues.
I went to LKL blog website and Kate is not scheduled for tonight. Tonight is Donald Trump and tomorrow is Bill Maher. Here is the link:
I think someone sarcastically said something about Kate going on LKL and it was taken to be serious. Not that she won't be on.
Administrator said...
Even in almost the same sentence she is lying. First she says this is all real, this is really me, it's not scripted. In the next breath she is saying that TLC has a storyline she sees where they are going.
There's nothing contradictory whatsoever in those two statements. If someone put a camera on you 24/7 for a month and then edited that footage into a 2-hour documentary, the person editing the film is creating the story they want to tell.
Meant to say - not that she won't be on someday if something big goes down.
Trump said on R/K this am that Celebrity Apprentice will start filming next week to be aired next spring.Please tell me that is not the reason why she is not doing DWTS,starting her new show and trying to "stir the pot" right before the contract is up in OCT.
Well her sheeple devotee's have a real connumdrum now! How do they continue to justify that phony facebook page of Kate's mom & sister??? This article makes it crystal clear that they did not stand with her! That's so funny!!!
In the audio interview, somewhere around 5:13 Kate says they rehearse the show. Say what?? I thought the kids were playing?!
Keep talking Kate, you lying sack.
This whole thing just STINKS of DESPERATION. Worse with each passing day. She's certifiable. A nut. No credibility left. No nothing. Simply a nut. Ignore her.
cathy518 said...
F-U right back at ya, Kate. You lying sack of ....
Allow me...
monkey dung
Anonymous said... Administrator said...
Even in almost the same sentence she is lying. First she says this is all real, this is really me, it's not scripted. In the next breath she is saying that TLC has a storyline she sees where they are going.
There's nothing contradictory whatsoever in those two statements. If someone put a camera on you 24/7 for a month and then edited that footage into a 2-hour documentary, the person editing the film is creating the story they want to tell.
September 13, 2010 10:24 AM
They do not stand there and direct Kate to yell at her children, throw tantrums, ignore her kids, and act like a smartass. She does that all on her own. The problem Figue 8 has with editing is that she gives them TOO MUCH chitty footage that they have to cut out a lot of it to tone her down. They don't need to scrape together her bad moments in order to make her look bad. She already IS bad. Their delemmma is toning her sorry ass down with editing.
Infrequent poster said...
In the audio interview, somewhere around 5:13 Kate says they rehearse the show. Say what?? I thought the kids were playing?!
That's not what she said. She said they rehearse telling the camera people that they don't want something filmed.
Anonymous said... OH NO!
"She has written three books with a fourth due out next year."
September 13, 2010 9:45 AM
It's just that stupid cookbook, no biggie. They were forced to put it on hold and revamp it because of all the plagiarised recipes. And the original had all the made-up "memories" and "traditions" that were a load of crap since the divorce uncovered a lot of phoniness. I'm sure it will sell no more than ( how many sheeple are there again? Ten??? ) copies. And that's if BM buys 9 of them.
She is downright delusional, stating that SHE is providing for those children. She "provided" TLC with some children to exploit, is what she did!
"I am not really a self-centered whiney bitch of a non-mother; TLC just makes me play one on TV."
Well, she finally got it. No matter where she goes her true colors show through and NO ONE likes her. 'Oh, dear I am in trouble now, who to blame, who to blame? GOT IT!' = So, now it is TLCs fault the viewing PAYING public has had it with her lies, her tantrums, her self-pity and her emotional abuse of her children. Because Kate can no longer pretend that she isnt really like this, but it is TLCs fault that we all KNOW she is like this.
How long have these good bloggers been saying (myself included) that any minute now she will try to hit the circut again "TLC lied and led us down a wicked path of greed. TLC ruined my perfect family. Your $20 cash-only donation will help lead me and um, my kids I guess, back to God. My newest book is available in the back. Oh and by the way, I cant afford milk again."
I read that comment on Kate's blog, I would not be surprise if this was true.
I know for a true given fact that Kate did not impress anyone, they all laugh at her and that is the reason that she was asked to appear. She didn't want to do that she wanted to present. And they laughed at that too. NO ONE wants her here.. NO ONE.. WE all laugh at her as she thinks she is able to " ACT" here's a thought try to ACT like a mother.. She has her agent desperately looking for voice over rolls for pixar movies. NO ONE wants to touch this broad. NO ONE...
Posted by: Iknowforafact | 09/11/2010 at 04:02 PM
She forgets to mention....her only friends are paid employees. LOL.
Moose Mania said...Why is everyone afraid of her? What power does she hold over everyone, including TLC? Is this typical of narcissists -- that people back away from them because they don't want a confrontation?
Yep. Dealing with Kate would be about the same as getting sprayed by a skunk or bit by a rattlesnake or cornered by a wolverine - things you just don't want to have happen twice - so you avoid them at all costs.
Wow, there is a storyline in real life? Playing? Who knew?
Kate is in Mexico with STEVE!! On ROL right now....WTF?
"So when Jon wanted to be gone and not provide..."
I think what she means by this is that he refused to do the show, while they were still living together. Dont underestimate the way Kate plays with and twists semantics. By refusing to happily comply with her orders to continue the happy-show as was, she took it to mean that he 'wanted to be gone'(since Kate and the show are one and the same in her mind) and refusing to do his part in 'providing'.
I really dont think she is trying to infer that she Jon left the marriage BECAUSE he didnt want to be a provider to his children.
"A rare woman"????? really Kate? I did it, Kate, with 4 kids, worked full time while getting a Bachelors degree at full time credit hours every semester along with 20 hours a week unpaid internship for my degree.
My mother did it with 9 kids, working in an office 40 hours and ringing register in a grocery story 3 nights a week. What we remember is home cooked meals, cook outs, lists of chores, and a loving mom.
My greatgrandmother did it ALL ALL ALONE, with 7 kids including triplets, during the Great Depression, by working as kitchen help for Mrs. Henry Ford, all the while paying for special care for one of her children who was profoundly disabled by spina-biffida.
How can the sheeple even sit still for this 'rare woman' crap? This has got to be offensive to them! She really is incredibly ill, isnt she? She really does believe it doesnt she?
JON - she is not competent to be alone with the children unsupervised. She is escalating, losing all sense of self control.
Kate said..."I'm a rare woman that can provide for her kids". Well move over Kate because I must be rare too....that and thousands if not millions of other women!!!
I thought that Jon was working a job in IT and it was Kate who chose that he get out of it and stay home so she could go sell books. Jon did try to support the family; Kate put a stop to that a long time ago.
Also I find it funny they have been in Cabo all weekend but the pictures come out today - Again, to drum up interest in her show tonight. She is a disgusting human being and I am sorry but they are definitely having an affair. No doubt in my mind at all
It's obvious that she is just so bitter for whatever reason and I don't think she'd ever be happy unless she could cut loose from her kids completely and become the Hollywood star that she feels she deserves to be. Hopefully with rating continuing to fall her contract won't be renewed which I have heard will be up in Oct. Prepare yourselves people for the ultimate drama when TLC does kick her to the curb which is only a matter of time. You know she'll be sobbing hysterically on every news outlet about how she doesn't know how she will support her 8, yes 8 children, no way to pay the mortgage,buy food(remember 25 bags of groceries)a purse full of bills with no income, the kids are devastated since they love filming blah, blah. And of course Jon doing nothing to help. Lets see how long purse boy hangs around when the pay check stops. Should be very interesting
PHOTOS: Kate Gosselin Spotted In Mexico With Bodyguard
As far as staying in touch with the crew is concerned; I'm sure she said the same thing about all the "friends" she made on DWTS. When was the last time she heard from any of them?
Wut?? Kate was "working" at the hotel??(sarcastic remark withheld) Filming of Twisted Kate? Or is it now official with Steve and her? I see no camera crews on this leisurely walk. He certainly does not appear to be bodyguarding. Inquiring minds want to know.
No Shame in her Game - a fine post. I had not read it yet, when i posted saying nearly the same thing. I apologize. Your thoughts on Jon refusing to do the show are the same as mine, but you posted first.
Admin: sorry for so many posts from me. You run a fine site. I run my own active site (with different subject matter; but only about 100-200 post per day) and I know the work you have put in already, and how much work this is day-to-day. Thank you so much.
When I think of the things that single moms around the world have to do to provide for their kids: for instance, moms in Sudan whose husbands have been killed in ethnic violence,and whose children are starving, it makes me furious.
Even prostitutes provide for their children on their own backs,not on the backs of their kids.
The woman is a stupid, vindictive, insensitive liar.
I sent an email to Ms. Sheridan, asking if she researced material, and read blogs before she interviewed kate, she said she did, and all she can do is ask the questions, and has no control over what she answers, said alot of people feel like "we" do,her interview was not meant to interogate, even though that is what people are asking reporters to do. I think she may be sorry for not asking harder questions, and will have very many emails to reply to over this.
That type A personality needs to be "taken down a peg or 6". What a piece of lying work. She must think she is untouchable. "Liar, liar, pants on fire." Who do you know that takes "only" their bodyguard on vacation? It's becoming way too obvious what is going on, or is Kate G just trying to stay in the spotlight to stay relevant?
Sorry I'm so dense, but what's Type C?
"C" refers to the not-so-nice word that rhymes with punt, runt and hunt =)
I was feeling extra snarky today!
In my Entertainment Weekly, they are reviewing Fall shows. Nothing about Kate's show (not surprised) but they talk about Sarah Palin's and in that little blurb, they talk about a cross promotion from Kate's new show "Twist of Kate". So, is it happening? If EW heard about it, is it a go? I would think that a magazine that knows its entertainment (though Kate is NOT on THAT list) would know the deal. Things that make you go hmmmm...
Went on the INF site and saw these two comments from a so-called neighbor. Of course there's no way to tell if any of this is true, but just thought I'd share.
September 13, 2010, 12:38 pm
i actually live very close to them, the girls were at a friends house, and the pap knows where they are because he sits out in our complex parking lot on the days when kate appears to be out of town and he waits for jon and kids to leave. i see him wait all the time, and i watch jon sneak the kids out to the pool a different way to try to avoid the pap seeing. stop being so judgemental!
September 13, 2010, 1:09 pm
lol good point! i was walking my dog when i saw Ellen come outside. she actually was startled because I guess she didnt expect a pap to be there? All of the kids yelled GO AWAY! STOP IT! And i saw one of the young boys run up to Ellen and try to put his head up her shirt to hide his face! The pap was a jerk, and blocked off an entire parking lane so no one in the complex could get through.
Who remembers Jimmy Swaggart's "I have sinned against you" speech after he got busted with a hooker?
I can only imagine what Kate's speech will be like. It's coming, and by that point no one will care.
"Who remembers Jimmy Swaggart's "I have sinned against you" speech after he got busted with a hooker?"
Yes, but a tearful Jimmy went on television admitting his sin, and he was back on the network in no time. His flock forgave him, and his ministries now have a viewing audience, nationally and internationally, of about 75 million.
I think that it would only be Kate's 10 sheeple, who never left her side, who would continue to support her.
I don't know how this woman managed to have breakfast with Kate. Just reading the interview made me throw up in my mouth, can't imagine trying to eat at the same time.
"Is life much different for you and the children when the cameras aren't rolling?
Nope, just less bodies"
So she takes the kids on vacations without cameras??!
"Where the kids are concerned, I don't like them to be shed in an ugly light."
Edited out: Unless it's stuff I say about them. Like Collin's big head or Mady's teeth or Alexis's personality. Only I can say things ugly about my children.
No Shame in Her Game:
Why doesn't someone ask her --now was it Jon or you that filed for the divorce? Can we just clarify if he is paying child support and how much because you seem to be implying that he is not. -- It is a relevant because she is lying about it.
No, the question has to be "The judge ordered Jon to pay a certain amount in support to you each month, true or false?" then "Do you receive a monthly check in that amount each month that is issued to you for the express purpose of covering that payment?"
The reason it needs to be phrased that way is that Jon himself may not be actually writing her a check. It may be automatically deducted from an escrow account he had to establish when he received his share of the marital assets as required by the family court to ensure that he would have the money each month to pay and so the bank cuts the check, it may be that TLC sends her a check out of portions of his earning, it may be he pays the family court and they issue her a check.
Kate is very good a implying that things are one way when the truth is something else. And in her mind she may see it as "I'm filming the show. People wouldn't tune into the show if it weren't for the fact they love to hate me so I, in fact, am truly why the show is successful. Jon gets a paycheck because he agreed to let the kids film. If I weren't doing the show, he wouldn't have a paycheck. Ergo, I work so Jon can pay his child support. That means I can say that Jon doesn't contribute, that I am their sole provide. In essence, I pay Jon."
Here's the rub - she doesn't have sole legal custody of the kids. She probably has joint custody. That means that she cannot enter into contractual obligations for the children with TLC unless Jon signs off on it too. So if she wants to do her show, Jon will get paid. And that's a bonus for him - Kate needs him to film the kids. I'm sure she LOATHES that.
Jon's not stupid. If TLC is willing to pay him to sit around and do nothing, he's going to do it. He'd make probably $25-50K a year working IT in Reading right now IF he could get a job (I lowballed it because I'm not sure how great an IT person he was and I don't think he has a college degree). TLC pays him $60,000 a year before taxes. I'm not saying that taking TLC's offer is right. I understand why he did it.
Hippie Chick said..."they talk about a cross promotion from Kate's new show "Twist of Kate"."
What is a cross promotion?
Hi JurseyChic24,
I respectfully disagree with you. You are special and you are a hero, because you love your kids. Little did I know that that isn't a universal trait among mothers. I could cry for those poor little rich kids :(
K8SUCKS said...
"C" refers to the not-so-nice word that rhymes with punt, runt and hunt =)
I was feeling extra snarky today!
Lol, oh my! I love the Gosselin kids, but Kate not so much. I am on Facebook and there wasn't a fan site for the Gossselin kids, but a fan site for Kate + 8. I admit I became a fan, but only b/c I love the kids. Surprisingly, there are some ppl who hate Kate as well and comment on that site all the time. Perhaps I should start a fan site on FB for the Gosselin kids only?
"No, the question has to be "The judge ordered Jon to pay a certain amount in support to you each month, true or false?" then "Do you receive a monthly check in that amount each month that is issued to you for the express purpose of covering that payment?"
Excellent! However, it might not be a check! It could be some other form of payment that is directly deposited into her account, and she'd hear "check" and immediately say that she does not receive a check. And it might not be monthly. It could be every six weeks, and if she said, "no," she wouldn't be lying. The question should be, "Do you receive the required PAYMENT that fulfills the court-ordered ruling?" Keep it simple. No room for interpretation or mis-interpretation.
Why has NOBODY ever asked her this? What are "they" afraid of?
Please don't (set up a FB acct for the kids only). Those poor kids have enough exposure and do not need another place for creepy fans or K8 haters to gather.
If you really are a fan of the kids, it's best to just leave them alone . JMO of course.
@ She Answers To Stumpy... Cross promoting is when one person goes on another person's show, like Kate going on Sarah Palin's show, to try and garner ratings. It this case, I don't think it will work because it's Kate, & she sucks, & she caused major drama, as usual.
"Please don't (set up a FB acct for the kids only). Those poor kids have enough exposure and do not need another place for creepy fans or K8 haters to gather.
If you really are a fan of the kids, it's best to just leave them alone . JMO of course."
Absolutely. After reading that "pledge" (YouTube) to love the children for all eternity, I find any site, page, blog, devoted to the kids to be just plain creepy. They need their privacy.
mommyinca said..
She will throw a bone to some fence sitters and half acidly (as my mom used to say)
mommy, you are TOO cute! Your mom was saying "half ass-edly". My mom used that expression alot too...can hear her now, "don't do a half-ass job on that kitchen". Ahh, good times. LOL
To K8SUCKS & Julianna:
Point taken. :) I hope I didn't sound like a creeper, b/c I really don't mean to be one. I just think that the kids are so adorable and lovable. But I understand about their need for privacy too.
On another note, how exactly does TLC crucify her? I remmeber when they sued Jon (or was it the other way around?) and they gave him heck. How are they doing it w/ Kate?
@Hippie Chick, thanks for the reply. I almost hope Kate does have a show featuring her alone. But only IF they do away with K+8. However, I'd rather she fade into oblivion.
You didn't/don't sound like a creeper, just like someone who thinks the kids are cute and funny, and they are!
And good question about TLC "crucifying" K8. They have bent over backwards for this wench for the last 2 years.
French Canadian copied a post from another blog that was what sounded like an entertainment industry insider. That was really interesting - that she wanted to present at the Emmy's and that her agent is looking for a voiceover role for her and that no one is interested in hiring her. Thanks for posting that.
I cannot connect to the above article this morning. Did TLC blow up their server? LOL
Bodyguard my A$$...thank you. That made me smile and feel wonderful in spite of being sick in bed today. Still, not a hero, just doing what I think most anyone that loves their kids and wants the best for them would do. And the best that I want for my kids is for them to be respectful, appreciative, hard working, wonderful adults.
Love the Depression era photo, admin. You do run a wonderful site here. Thank you.
where is the story about the Gosselin crew fleeing to film the Duggars?
tlc doesn't crucify the bitch, she does a superb job of that all by her lonesome! She is too ignorant to even realize that her continual outright lying is NOT getting past anyone. We all hear it, see it, and unlike her, WE 'get it'! She is so delusional she wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit her in her saggy ass. It is obvious that she KNOWS this upcoming extravaganza is NOT going to be a good thing or she would have been making her rounds of her cronies shows touting it. And speaking of making the rounds with her cronies, where have all her invites been to join them at all the Red Carpet Award Shows? Haven't been seeing you Katie. it is my belief that super tramp is on her way out, she is no longer on anyones list of must include people to any event. When someone has to lie about things like... well, for example, when they were prohibited from filming she said that they kept in touch with the film crew regularly, then said the kids were so surprised to see the crew when they started filming because they hadn't seen them for so long, and to top it off, it wasn't even the same crew. So, let's all say buh bye to the trash as it is dumped tomorrow night!
mommyinca said..
She will throw a bone to some fence sitters and half acidly (as my mom used to say)
mommy, you are TOO cute! Your mom was saying "half ass-edly". My mom used that expression alot too...can hear her now, "don't do a half-ass job on that kitchen". Ahh, good times. LOL
Hi JurseyChic24,
I respectfully disagree with you. You are special and you are a hero, because you love your kids. Little did I know that that isn't a universal trait among mothers. I could cry for those poor little rich kids :(
No Shame in Her Game:
Why doesn't someone ask her --now was it Jon or you that filed for the divorce? Can we just clarify if he is paying child support and how much because you seem to be implying that he is not. -- It is a relevant because she is lying about it.
No, the question has to be "The judge ordered Jon to pay a certain amount in support to you each month, true or false?" then "Do you receive a monthly check in that amount each month that is issued to you for the express purpose of covering that payment?"
The reason it needs to be phrased that way is that Jon himself may not be actually writing her a check. It may be automatically deducted from an escrow account he had to establish when he received his share of the marital assets as required by the family court to ensure that he would have the money each month to pay and so the bank cuts the check, it may be that TLC sends her a check out of portions of his earning, it may be he pays the family court and they issue her a check.
Kate is very good a implying that things are one way when the truth is something else. And in her mind she may see it as "I'm filming the show. People wouldn't tune into the show if it weren't for the fact they love to hate me so I, in fact, am truly why the show is successful. Jon gets a paycheck because he agreed to let the kids film. If I weren't doing the show, he wouldn't have a paycheck. Ergo, I work so Jon can pay his child support. That means I can say that Jon doesn't contribute, that I am their sole provide. In essence, I pay Jon."
Here's the rub - she doesn't have sole legal custody of the kids. She probably has joint custody. That means that she cannot enter into contractual obligations for the children with TLC unless Jon signs off on it too. So if she wants to do her show, Jon will get paid. And that's a bonus for him - Kate needs him to film the kids. I'm sure she LOATHES that.
Jon's not stupid. If TLC is willing to pay him to sit around and do nothing, he's going to do it. He'd make probably $25-50K a year working IT in Reading right now IF he could get a job (I lowballed it because I'm not sure how great an IT person he was and I don't think he has a college degree). TLC pays him $60,000 a year before taxes. I'm not saying that taking TLC's offer is right. I understand why he did it.
Who remembers Jimmy Swaggart's "I have sinned against you" speech after he got busted with a hooker?
I can only imagine what Kate's speech will be like. It's coming, and by that point no one will care.
That type A personality needs to be "taken down a peg or 6". What a piece of lying work. She must think she is untouchable. "Liar, liar, pants on fire." Who do you know that takes "only" their bodyguard on vacation? It's becoming way too obvious what is going on, or is Kate G just trying to stay in the spotlight to stay relevant?
Trump said on R/K this am that Celebrity Apprentice will start filming next week to be aired next spring.Please tell me that is not the reason why she is not doing DWTS,starting her new show and trying to "stir the pot" right before the contract is up in OCT.
For once I'd love to hear or read that she feels she and her kids are TRULY blessed, that they all live a very priveledged life. I want to hear that she knows there are others who are REALLY suffering, who are REALLY struggling. I want her to say, you know I'm thankful for all I have, that this could disappear ANY minute, because golly, I'm a "reality" star and we know how REAL that industry is. All she EVER does is COMPLAIN COMPLAIN COMPLAIN! I was thinking back to when she used to go on and on about the loads and loads of laundry she "used" to do. How hard is is to throw a load or two in a day, but only "unload" them into a hamper and have them sit for A WEEK until her "volunteer" came and folded it all! Then her "laundry put awayer" would come and PUT IT ALL AWAY! All I remeber is her pushing 3 to 4 "mountainous" filled hampers over to the living room and then went back to the cameras to chit chat about how hard laundry was!!
Did someone say Kate might be on Larry King tonight? Wouldn't that conflict with tonight's K+8 episode?
I forgot about how the View ladies treated Denise Richards! Was her show called Denise and her kids? NOooooo but E! isn't owned by Disney so it was okay to trash Denise and her show, I guess.
"But thank God a career, if you want to call it that, appeared out of nowhere and afforded me the ability to guilt-free financially provide for eight kids."
No, many of us do not call it a career. Because it is not. And it did not appear of nowhere, YOU shopped around for networks to film you. This stupid, lying female. Can't even call her a "woman", that implies an adult and mature, neither applies to Kate.
Linda said...
Kate better watch it. She may not care much now, but someday she'll be sitting around an empty house wondering how things got so bad, why no one wants to be in her life, and why she's not allowed to see her grandkids.
Kate will never wonder how things got so bad, because she'll be blaming EVERYONE else. Kate can do no wrong (in her eyes). If the children walk out on her, it will be because they are ungrateful. If her show is canceled due to bad ratings, she'll blame the press for crucifying her, blah, blah, blah. Narcissists are never to blame and they never seek help. The rest of the world should seek help because they don't understand her!
I hope the ratings fall again tonight. In the interview she says "....contrary to the very popular belief of the world..." The WORLD??? 99% of the people in the WORLD don't even know who she is. Her slow death needs to be sped up. She reminds me of a caught fish, flopping around gasping for it's last few breaths. End it.
Be careful going to Radaronline. I went there earlier and all of a sudden my computer was going haywire, threatening to install a virus.
Someone does not want you to see Jon, Ellen & the kids having a good time without St. Katie.
Oh, here's my favorite comment of all from back in the day when they were a family and no split was on the horizon: speaking of when the kids were all born and how 'I' was going to provide for them. Even back then she considered herself the sole provider. Even in the very beginning of the show "I" was the sole provider. She is no type A personality, I have no idea what she really is but what I do know is she is a sick individual and she is Very, very angry. She is about to go postal. And I so totally agree with wayward and the others who make the comment that Kate gets to go on all these programs and spout her BS and Jon is hog tied into silence. That's why she is so out there right now. Because for some unknown reason, someone, somewhere is protecting her and allowing her to spout her crap with no repurcussions or presenting of the other side. BUT, and to me this is a real big BUT, she is crucifying herself every time she opens her mouth now. That's really the beauty of watching her downfall, she is doing it to herself. She will never admit that, but it is so true. Burn, witch, burn. She so deserves it!
I don't see how it can be guilt-free, unless she has no conscience. She's away from those kids FAR more than would ever make me comfortable as a mom. I only had one kid and I hated that I had to work when she was a toddler and preschooler. And she was fine, happy. But I wanted to be with her more during those precious young years that you never get back. Sometimes I see her jetting off to LA, New York, all over the place leaving the kids again with nannies and think "I bet she doesn't even know them very well." It would be hard enough to get one-on-one time with eight, but it's got to be nearly impossible to be close to them when you're running off all the time.
I'd hate it. And besides that, when she was on DWTS, she did some fake-teary interview in which she said she HATED being away from them, that all she wanted was to be in the kitchen making cookies with them.
So now it's guilt-free, huh? Well, maybe she's just being more honest, LOL.
Well, I have never said F@@K You in my life, thought it but not said it. Tonight I think durning the showing of Kate + 8 I will run through the streets yelling "Kate Gosselin, F@@K You!!!!!"
I think she is trying to goad Jon into responding and he is not...thank you JON. Without him responding she looks like a fool and more.
TLC probably said get out there, get the ratings up or you are out.
Nice pics up on ROL of Jon and Ellen and the kids having a picnic. Everyone is smiling and the kids seem very happy. Of course the sheeple are saying how did he have time to buy food and Tweet if the kids are with him? Hmm I guess he can't do both as far as there concerned, anything to bash him no matter how out there it is.
I don't have the time to do it but I think it would be great to make a list of Kate's contradictions including exact quotes and dates. There's a million right in this interview. She has stated before that she's not mean (the View with Bill Getty) yet in this article she admits she's "mean".
If she does go on LKL, it will be to spin her R&K interview. She will throw a bone to some fence sitters and half acidly (as my mom used to say) apologize....all the while adding to the tire marks on Jon.
Talk about beating a dead horse! How many times do we have to her this blah, blah, single mother,blah blah, doing it all on my own blah, blah. No one cares and we are sick of listening to it. She just oozes bitterness and it so full of herself and what a remarkable thing she thinks she's doing. My parents had 9 kids and raised us without the benefit of a reality show. She had 8 kids that she made a very conscious decision to have, no sympathy from me. Your right Administrator,she is an insult to real divorced mother's like make self who have worked hard to take good care of their kids without complaining about how hard it is. Let her walk in a real single\divorced mother's shoes who has to worry about bills and their money, taking kids back and forth to activities and see what it's really like. She has no clue. It's amazes me though why she keeps getting air time to spew all this crap.
"Where the kids are concerned, I don't like them to be shed in an ugly light."
Ummmmmmmm....a little too late for THAT, Kate!
Are you flucking nuts? Do you even watch how Mady and ( sometimes ) Cara behave on camera? Good lord have mercy! If that's not them being shed in a bad light, I'd sure hate to see how they behave off camera.
Wow, she is Cuckoo for Cocoa Cocoa Puffs. She said in ANY situation, family will decide whether to stand by you. I have a VERY dysfunctional family, and we chose not to abide by their DECISIONS and BEHAVIOR and pulled back, we are not rejecting them as people. Give me a break.
Love how she throws how she talks to other famous people - actors and reality people alike - about how everything changes. Yeah, I'm sure they're all lining up to talk to her.
And yet again, she speaks only of what others can do for HER; it is never reciprocal. "I can call my friends 24/7......" If I made a statement like that, and I certainly could, I would follow up with, 'and they know they can do the same.'
Did she say it was an 'insipidous' shock becoming famous? Hilarious! Another new word!
Boy, she sure does love to talk about herself. She's in her element right there. She has ignored all the criticism from the Friday show and threw Jon under the bus yet again. But this time, she is also biting the hand that feeds her. I don't know how you can pound nails into your own coffin, but she sure is doing it. I guess it's because she is just so amazing in every way.
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