It's been an interesting week for Team Kate in their last-ditch effort to pull the ratings out of the deep end of the ocean. To recap, first Kate went on Regis and Kelly and told so many lies about Jon that her nose is starting to grow branches and leaves. See, Kate thought we would all be sympathetic to poor Kate and be so angry at mean awful Daddy for being so mean and awful. Except, she forgot we have eyes. And ears. And we hear her children screaming for Daddy, not her. And we see the children in photo after photo having a ball with Daddy and his surprisingly down-to-Earth girlfriend. The stunt completely backfired when long-standing sheeple like media exec Bonnie Fuller, editor of, turned on her big time for making derogatory comments about her children's father on national TV. Not okay, Kate. Ever. Jon for his part basically said that his kids know the truth, and that Kate needs help. She does need help, and if someone needs help, you should be able to say so. Otherwise, he's kept his nose to the grindstone and has been quietly spending time with his children. Kate's interview a few days later to try to save the ship only made things worse. She insulted every mother who has ever provided for her children by basically saying that she, Kate, was a rare woman who was stepping up for her kids. Basically implying she should get a medal for doing what any good mom would do. Barf. And a shout-out to all the moms out there who step up and do this on your own every day of the week without the benefit of a TV show. You are thankfully, not rare, but you are special, there's a difference.
Then Kate went for a true Doug Flutie and threw the Haily Mary pass when photos leaked of her and Steve at a romantic resort over the weekend in Cabo on the Emmys' dime. Girl hasn't been back two weeks from the Emmys and she's already trading in her taxable freebies like it's the Second Coming and she actually thinks she's not gonna be left behind.
So here we are back on another trip, with Steve, on TLC's dime this time. I’d already seen enough of this trip in Bald Head last week but TLC sure doesn’t think we have. They’ve got a whole other episode to squeeze out of it. The family, and Steve, is still at their ridiculously awesome beach house that as we learned last time, neither Kate nor her twins appreciate. The twins because they don’t want to share a bed, and Kate because the windows don’t have shades. The little kids are staying with Ashley to play at the beach while Kate takes Cara and Mady to a surfing lesson. Wonder which party Steve went with.
I really don’t think that one 21-something nanny is enough people to watch eight children play in the ocean. I am sure Ashley is perfectly capable of watching children, but there simply isn’t enough of her. I find this dangerous. Of course you can say well that’s what the lifeguard is for, but the lifeguard isn’t going to do anything if someone doesn’t let him know that someone is missing. I would be constantly counting heads. That said, the kids appear to have a great time with Ashley.
At the surf lesson the twins are complaining. I hate to say it, the older these kids get the more they sound like Kate. I don’t like the sand, I don’t wanna do this, I don’t wanna do that. Mady even stomps away at one point. Hey, just like how Kate stomped off on Tony first on Dancing With the Stars. I was briefly obsessed with surfing until I had a big wipe out and a nice stream of saltwater up the nose. Also I was so irrationally scared of sharks I couldn’t really enjoy myself. I decided it wasn’t for me. But I had looked into surf lessons and, yowser, they are expensive. Yet another thing served to the twins on a silver platter, private lessons. They don’t even say hi to the two guys who act mildly psyched to teach them (every surfer I‘ve ever met acts exactly the same, mildly psyched about everything). But the twins just sort of stand there shoulders slumped staring at the nice teachers. It’s rude.
Children learn how to be appreciative, polite and kind, largely from their parents. Let me make this clear, I don’t blame the twins for their attitudes. Look who they are parroting. Also, they could be tired of being dragged to various activities for the cameras. And maybe they know they don’t get to do cool stuff like this with Mommy unless the camera crew is there, so they know this is total bs just like everything else. I’d stomp off, too.
Cara, the sporty twin, takes to surfing right off. Kate talks about how Cara was really great at skiing, too. Hey, I was just thinking about that. I love how practically every milestone in Cara’s life has been filmed. Seems we all know just as much about her as her own mother, which I find creepy. I shouldn’t know this much about some random nine-year-old little girl. Also as I recall, Jon took Cara to her skiing lessons while Kate hung back at the lodge faking sick and getting spa treatments. So Kate has only heard tell that Cara is good at skiing, not actually witnessed it.
Haha, this is great. The surfer dudes get Mady to go out into the water and try it with the promise that they will make Kate go too so everyone can make fun of her. Mady even points at Kate and laughs when they tell her the plan. Ha. Child, you‘re awesome as usual.
Kate is predictably not very good at this. Most people aren’t because surfing is very hard, I certainly wasn‘t expecting stumpy here to be some strange exception. But does she have to shriek about it all morning? Kate says she’s not very “waterish.” Hm, she’s not very Mommyish either. But she is quite bodyguardish.
The teacher even tells Kate to concentrate on not screaming. About time someone told her to please knock it off with that nonsense. The teacher gives her a B. Not for her surfing, but for her effort. Ouch. Even if you stink, aren’t you supposed to at least get an A for effort? But I suppose it’s better than the D plus I gave her for effort on DWTS. Kate is so respectful of her teacher. She calls him her “little instructor man.” I wonder what she calls Steve. Little doodle bug man maybe.
Of course Kate missed the one time Mady got up. Figures. Kate makes sure to explain she is equally proud of her twins. Why wouldn’t you be? Why would you play favorites with your own children?
Back at the beach house, Kate says they’re going to pirate school. If that’s anything like her chicken school no thanks. None of the kids want to go. None. “I don’t want to go to pirate school!“ Hannah shouts. “I’m out!“ Mady adds. They really are starting to rebel at all these canned filming excursions. They are only six so you can still physically drag them places, but won’t be long before that’s just not going to be possible. Last week they nearly unanimously refused to go fly the kites. The wench pulls out a bunch of 99 cent pirate junk like skull caps and a scope the nanny probably picked up for them and tries to get them into it.
Every time the kids don’t want to do something, they immediately cut to the next scene where the kids are actually doing what they had just firmly said they didn‘t want to do. You have to wonder how they got from A to Z and why they don’t want us to see it. Bribes? Threats they’ll have to walk the plank if they don‘t cooperate? Be good or Kate’ll take your Daddy away?
They meet these two kinda scruffy middle-aged guys dressed as either pirates or Revolutionary War soldiers, I can’t really tell. Poor Alexis is afraid of them.
One of the pirates says that he is looking for a cook and would the kids being willing to sell him Kate? Yes!!! I cry, leaping to my feet. Make Kate actually work for a living for a change!
“No, she’s my mommy!” Hannah cries, running to Kate. But the rest of the kids kind of stand there looking like they’re actually pondering how much money they might be able to get for her.
Finally though, the kids all gang up on Collin and decide he is the sacrificial lamb and that he should be sold. Kate supports this, probably wanting to get rid of the kid who is rebelling against the fame the most, makes sense. Collin seems to understand it’s all a game and is more interested in admiring the pirate coins. The pirates leave seemingly almost as quickly as they came. Why are they not taking the wench back with them and how much did this little shtick cost?
Well, that was completely boring. I want to see something interesting like vomit. They saved the “bestest” for last says Kate. Vomiting or deep sea fishing? What’s more sick than vomiting is that there is this weird sense I get about Kate that although she was sorry the kids got sick, she was also kind of glad, because she knows it makes good TV. She is one twisted lady. If she were truly sorry they were sick, she would sit with them in the hull and also she would make the boat turn around. We'll get to that.
The boat has a life ring but just like we already saw, none of the kids are in life vests. They are just sitting there on the open deck. Cara doesn’t look all that thrilled, she is crossing her arms and scowling. The kids will like it, Kate says. I guess the bribes, threats, etc., didn’t work, because Kate says that Mady refused to come. Good for her. She should not have to go on a set-up like this if she doesn’t want to. This is one of the only times I can remember that a child is not along on a filmed trip. And Kate even admits it’s because she didn’t want to come. I wonder what she expects to do when all eight refuse to come. Just film herself? Probably.
Almost all of the kids are starting to look quite green. Cara is crying. Collin starts crying, too. And the vomiting starts. First Leah. Then Cara. Four of them are vomiting at the same time. They show it. All of it. It’s everywher

By the way, a little note about vomiting. Have you ever noticed when one person vomits everyone else does, too? Supposedly that’s an evolutionary thing. When we hear someone or see someone get sick we are programmed to get sick too because in the cave man days, everyone was sitting around the camp fire eating the same mammoth meat or whatever, and so if one person got food poisoning chances are you got it too and it’s in your best interest to vomit, too.
They describe the horrible vomiting episode some more, I won’t get into it. Nothing is private about these kids. Poor kids are inside just wiped out collapsed across some chairs in vomit-stained clothes. Poor, poor babies. And there is absolutely no reason any of this needs to be filmed.
“It was vomit-fest, Gosselin style,” Kate says. Hey, was that a shout-out to this blog? Haha, hi Kate! How was Cabo? For that one sheeple who called me a narcissist, apparently I have to make it clear that of course I don't really think that's a shout-out to us. But it's still funny.
Someone pointed out that Zack Roloff was shown vomiting in the episode of Little People that aired before this one. I saw that and I think that’s gross, too. Totally unnecessary. Why not just say Zack vomited? Why show it? But Zack is 19 and an adult. He is old enough to decide whether he wants to be shown vomiting on national TV. These children are six and cannot give informed consent to such a thing, period. If you can’t do long division yet you can’t consent to filming.
Kate said she was in a dilemma, “It wasn’t like I could say stop this, stop the world we’re getting off.” Well, no, but you can turn the damn boat around, Kate. Geez. But then they wouldn’t get all the fishing they need to film. I don’t think this was a dilemma for her at all, she knew she had to film vomiting or not. So while her babies are inside trying to recover from that horrible vomiting episode, Kate screams, “Captain, I wanna fish!”
And fish she does. Or catch some bait anyway. The kids trickle out to try fishing, looking really tired. They are very close to the edge without life vests. This is so dangerous and stupid. As I’ve mentioned before, I had an amazing boyfriend in high school who had a tragic accident happen to his family. Before he was born, his father had a boat and he, his wife and two children got into a bad accident on one of the Great lakes. His father lost his whole family. He was lucky enough to eventually meet someone else and to have my boyfriend and his sister and start a new family. But gosh, what a horrible, horrible tragedy. And no life vests, by the way. Jamie and I have remained friends all these years later, even though we’ve both moved on to other people, because I don’t believe a bad breakup means you have to lose a great friend. And also I find his family’s story nothing short of inspiring and I like having amazing people in my life. The Great Lakes, by the way, are nothing to mess around with. I had another close call with my uncle and cousins where we got caught in a horrible lightning storm out there fishing. I was crouching down on the floor (in my life vest) praying we wouldn’t get struck. I kind of don’t like going out on those lakes even though my whole family is into it just because there are just so many dangers to reckon with. I do like fishing, but you can get some great fish right off the dock.
“My favoritest fish on the planet” is Chilean sea bass, Kate says. Miss Organic should know that Chilean sea bass has some of the highest levels of mercury of all fish, and according to the Monterey Aquarium, "most Chilean seabass in the U.S. market come from boats that are fishing illegally and using unmodified bottom longlines. This unmodified fishing gear hooks and drowns thousands of seabirds each year, most notably endangered albatross." I don't expect Kate to know everything there is to know about food, but it's annoying when someone who claims to be a health nut is actually very ignorant about it. If you are going to go around saying you are a health nut you should know what you are talking about, otherwise, shut up.
The kids are eventually coming around and really seem to be enjoying this, which is nice. I am biting my nails watching Joel lean over the edge watching Kate catch something, neither of them in a life vest.
Haha, they didn’t catch enough to eat so Kate has to go out and buy some fish for dinner. Back at the house, Mady says she is so glad she didn’t go since everyone was puking. Good for her.
The kids instantly look way more relaxed and happy now that they’re back at the house. Kate simply does not get that children don’t need expensive excursions and other similar crap to have fun on vacation.
The kids are all around the table eating the fish, but Ashley is kind of standing there in the background watching looking hungry. I guess the servants have to eat at the servant table? They show us the family praying over dinner. Good thinking, just in case they need to go for the religious angle again. After that stunt Kate pulled in Cabo this weekend, I’d be appealing to a higher power for help, too. Dear God, please save our ratings. Amen.
97 sediments (sic) from readers:
You left out Kate's cigarette break before the surfing. Very evident when she comes out of the tent. What a phony.
Anyone whom still watches this garbage must really have no life. Of course much is still to be said of those who actually film this crap.
I so wanted to have ratings go way down, I guess this circus tent will come crashing down eventually, just not fast enough, huh?
You know for those of you who seemed unable to resist the urge even for just "those two minutes" why not come here and re-read of the caps as a way to sustain yourself from adding to the unnecessary raitings?! Its what I do. Or schedule a family moment or class around the time the show airs to deny yourself this awful intrigue.
You must have had a strong stomach to have watched this for a recap Admit...
I'm getting tired of doing the recaps but I think the show is on its way out. The kids haven't filmed since the start of school. The ratings are in the toilet. Anything Kate says and does is backfiring like crazy. I think it finally is on its way out.
As many others have said, it wouldn't be anyone here who stops this madness. It would be Kate herself.
I really enjoyed your recap, Admin. Well done.
As for the smoke billowing out of Kate's mouth? Guaranteed those three seconds of "oops" will be cut out at some future point. Although it's been broadcast several times now, I'm sure they'll catch wind of the uproar shortly and get the scissors out.
And Steve slightly gagging while holding the puke bucket for whichever girl it was....priceless. Well not really. I guess he earned his $1600 hazard pay that day.
Admin, I know you are tired of posting recaps, but you write SO well.
Thank you for helping keep the ratings down. I'm sure many of us rely on your recaps and I appreciate it.
tiggerfan1965 said...
Ya know what? Who cares if Kate and Steve are in a relationship? It's very possible that Steve and his wife are in an open relationship, where she doesn't mind him having other women. Maybe she has other men? Who the F*** cares?
And if Kate wants to deny it, or Steve? Who the F*** cares? (all based on if they are having relations)
To each his own. It's their business.
Same goes for Jon. If he goes from girl to girl, that's his issue. And as long as they are good to the kids is all that matters.
Same goes for any celebrity out there!!!
And, there are many open relationships right in your own neighborhoods people. Close your eyes to it if you want, it's up to you. While I would never, I KNOW it's out there and more prevalent than you may think.
September 14, 2010 9:33 PM
WHAT? Now the sheeple are saying it's alright for Kate to be sleeping with her handler,
Sheeple people scare me!
*from BM's site*
Thank you for the recap..greatly appreciated. I said it once that I will not watch..what is this ciggarete I keep hearing about?
I was on a supposed gambling cruise (more like a garbage scow)a couple of years ago off the coast of St Pete's in Fla. I got so seasick and was just praying for it to be over. I still remember how awful it felt and I'm a grown woman who can rationalize all of that.
Those poor children have a 'mother' who wouldn't even demand the boat be turned around. Wow! Who does that? Oh that's right-that piece of sh-t, bottom-dwelling scum bag.
Thanks for the recap. I actually felt like I was there!
So they're admitting it now instead of trying to pretend it's not happening. That's a change.
The old lots of people do it in your own that makes it okay? Where to begin with trying to explain to these sheeple that what these two are doing is NOT okay? Don't let the sheeple convince you that something we all know is morally objectionable is okay. An affair with a married man is not okay. It's not right to his wife, his children, and it's not right to your children to see that and learn about relationships from that example.
And think of it this way. If your partner is willing to have a relationship while married to someone else, what makes you think your same partner won't do the same thing to you in a few years when he meets someone better? After all it was ok when you two did it.
Personally, I don't want to be with someone who would cheat on their wife and their boys.
Thank you for the recap.
You're the best!!!
I am so upset. I just watched a documentary called Redlight, about child sexploitation in Cambodia (although it happens everywhere) and a politician's efforts to stop it. They profiled 3 young girls who had been either kidnapped or sold as sex slaves (between the ages of 6-8), and their journeys after escaping. I was in awe of the people who want to help them. I want to help them too. These victims will never receive justice in their corrupt system, but they can be rescued. The humanitarian who has centers to help them is named Somaley Mam. She was nominated for the Nobel Prize in 2006. Look her up.
Then I turn the channel and there is Kate, with her tits hanging out, complaining about her puke-covered kids (and others were looking after them while she encourages the camera person to get the money shot). And I thought, "She's selling her own kids, over and over, and bitching about it/them the whole time. And she keeps getting rewarded for it (financially) like the brothel owners because of those kids who have no voice." I don't know; the parallels really struck me. I pray that the Gosselin kids will have justice and be rescued soon. I really do.
PS: You still made me smile, Admin. You are so witty and insightful. Thank you.
I know Kate will be a trivia question that no one can answer in five years. She'll fade away, and her kids will never have a chance to lead normal lives.
Let's work together to save these reality tv families from the exploitation of their children.
So the sheeple say 'Who the f-- cares?' about Kate and Steve. I'm sure the Neild boys are tired of being asked if their dad is doing the nastiest bitch on the planet. Gina must be tired of the pitying looks. The G8 must love that their mom looks and acts like a whore. And Kate must be loving the fact that someone, anyone, would believe that there is actually a man out there who might not want to castrate himself rather than be with her. If it's true, advice to Steve: paper bag for her head, altoid for her halitosis, and clothespin for his nose. Who knows? Maybe he likes cellulite and stretchmarks on a dude-woman
Or perhaps Steve's boys would like their father around for the summer. You know to do baseball with them, fish with them, go on trips with them. Instead of off with his new family.
For all Kate has missed of the children's lives because she was doing her career thing in LA, what has Steve missed of his boys' lives?
Oh this is funny! Now the sheeple are saying that Kate is in a Mexican soap opera and she's in Cabo to film it!!! Well, it IS her own personal soap opera - that part is true.
Admin -
Did Kate smoke a cigarette?
Did Kate smoke a cigarette?
There's no image of Kate with an actual cigarette. However, in the background shot, you will see Kate turn her head up to the side and exhale a large puff of smoke (like any smoker you might see).
This scene happened during the twin's surfing lesson, where the film crew was focusing on the twins while Kate was walking out from a tent/cabana type structure.
It wasn't cold outside on the beach, so the sheeple cannot excuse it as her breath in cold air.
Jon needs to write a tell all book.I know some say he shouldnt for the kids sake...BUT..The kids have lived in this hell.One day each and everyone one of them will go to Jon,asking him WHY? Why didnt you help us...why didnt you stop this?
Jon needs to get his side of the story out there.Kate and TLC need to be called out for thier bullshit.Jon has the facts and I'm sure he has the proof to back up his claims.
Jon could make alot of money by releasing a book.A book that can bust kate in all her lies would be a best seller! He could use that money to live on and raise his kids.That money could help him get a REAL attorney.
He could start by telling how it was when they first got having the twins...the real story about having the kates when TLC came in...about the churchs they scammed...Why they have zero family in thier him trying to stop the show...and what happened when he him making mistakes in his life and trying to change them ect...It would be a blockbuster.
The kids will ask Jon all of this one day.All the kids know,is that mommy is in charge!Mommy gets what she wants!If you make mommy angry you will pay dearly and you might even disappear.They need to know that someone was trying to fight for them...that someone gave a shit.Who better than thier Daddy?
I do agree that Jon is doing the right thing atm by remaining silent.Dont take the bait Jon.
Get some good council and weigh your options.The kids need you more than ever now.
This week I revisited an old Kate thread on a board I haven't read in a long time. I was shocked to find the biggest Kate supporter had posted negative things about the Regis interview and Cabo trip. Seriously, I think the worst this person had posted before was that Kate can't dance! If she can be turned against Kate, Kate must be digging herself a giant hole. This was the first time I believed Kate's time was actually running out. (Admin- I couldn't postas name/url. It kept giving error message.)
Thanks Admin. You pointed out and snarked at nearly everything that irked me about this episode. Only one tiny thing was left out -- After poor Aaden soaked himself in vomit and Kate had that revelation that most mothers have within their child's first month or so (always have extra clothing on hand) why was it a change of clothing was found just for Alexis? We saw Aaden covered head-to-toe is he not worthy of puke free clothing?
And the prayer at the end... for a Christian family who prays at every meal they needed Ashley to give them the words to a very popular prayer that even I, a non-Christian, could recite?
Marie said... "You know for those of you who seemed unable to resist the urge even for just "those two minutes" why not come here and re-read of the caps as a way to sustain yourself from adding to the unnecessary raitings?!"
While we're at it why don't we also wait for the recaps of family dinner, or that new movie, our child's recital or even that good watercooler gossip session. Why bother experiencing something ourselves when the recap will do? /end of sarcasm. In all seriousness I don't see how anyone can truly comment on something with authority without having seen or heard it first hand. Even Admin's recaps, while excellent, don't catch some of irritants others may pick up on, and like recaps done everywhere they are colored with her opinion. Which may not mesh with mine, or yours, or that guy over there and definitely not the sheeple.
Basing an opinion on a recap is akin to playing telephone. By the time the last person gets the message it's rarely the same as what was first said. The recapper says A, the reader says B, another reader believes B and says C, and so on. It's hard enough to see the 'truth' even when we all watch the exact same thing (haterz vs sheeple anyone?) it's even harder when most are basing their opinions on someone else's.
I for one am sick & tired of being preached at to stop watching the show. My viewing it does NOT contribute to ratings (I'm not in the US) but even if it did as long as TLC feels they can squeeze any kind of publicity out of Kate (cuz really the show itself isn't what draws people in anymore) they'll continue to exploit the family whether or not I watch.
And even if the show is finally cancelled Kate herself will suck every possible bit of fame she can out of her situation. If not with TLC it'll be a different network or a different publisher or different paps or pretty much anyone/thing she can come up with to ride the gravy train.
That too will happen whether or not I watch. It's not the ratings, it's Kate.
Admin., great recap. Was thoroughly enjoying your recap until I remember that these were real children throwing up, not actors pretending to throw up.
Glad Jon seems to have gotten his act together as far as spending quality time with the kids without cameras. The pictures of the kids with Jon show them relaxed and happy.
nanb (have to find my google acct password)
Kate says she’s not very “waterish.” Hm, she’s not very Mommyish either. But she is quite bodyguardish.
This made me laugh out loud! Great recap. Glad I didn't witness the seasickness, because I've been through it. My now ex-husband and I were in San Diego for a banker's convention and went out on a large boat with many people for an excursion, complete with cocktails. I got sick before the cocktails were even served, have never felt so sick in my life, and stayed sick and in bed for the rest of the day after we returned to shore. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, especially little kids.
I posted several times that Kate is also a smoker.
I read that in the comments long before Jon was "blasted" for being one. I read they both smoke. Why no pictures? TLC must have someone working 24/7 to do damage control re: Kate.
So gross!,
I am glad you mentioned the gagging reflex admin. I have had a hard time even reading the comments about this episode, it makes me gag too. I was wondering how anyone could watch this without feeling sick, although everyone may be used to Kate making them sick.
So what is Kate's next move? She has obviously "stepped in it" and ratings are not good. I agree that we can expect them to continue to fall, especially with football on!
Admin, thank you again for taking one for the team. I love the snark but the reality of what happened in this episode ( Lordy Bee can you imagine the scenes that were edited out ?) is beyond disgusting and heartbreaking. Those kids are being abused on national television, and NOBODY gives a shit. There are no words.
At least Joel got to lie on a CLEAN laundry room floor instead of in his own vomit .
Anonymous said... Did Kate smoke a cigarette?
There's no image of Kate with an actual cigarette. However, in the background shot, you will see Kate turn her head up to the side and exhale a large puff of smoke (like any smoker you might see).
That large puff of smoke is from the fire & brimstone....
Thank you brave Administrator for the recap.
As sickening as it was to readit, I'm sure that it must have been EXTRA sickening for you to watch it.
If I'm not mistaken it looks like she's on the cover of this weeks People with her "new bikini body" Unbelievable
More vomit.,,20425904,00.html
Great recap Admin. I don't blame you if you want to stop. It must be hard to sit there & look at Kate. Anyways, it just boggles my mind that a mother would care more about catching a fish than her own children all feeling miserable, puking in buckets, but then again, we are talking about Kate here. She has done some pretty questionable things in the past. Are we really that surprised? And the smoking thing doesn't surprise me at all, she looks like a smoker. (Hell, I'm a smoker, but I never do it in front my kid) I remember reading on another blog once that all she needed to round out one of her hooker outfits was a bottle of Jack and a Butt. Smoking doesn't make her a bad mom however, all the other deplorable things she does to those kids do, like leaving her son lying in his own vomit while she fishes off the bow of a boat.
Thanks Admin. I have come to learn that you re-cap with humor, insight, and not bias. So, I trust you. Good thing -- otherwise I would not believe the vomit descriptions. I saw the promo with her counting out 4 throwing up at the same time. She speaks in all caps! Some explosiveness behind the words. She almost spits the word microwave out of her mouth. I get the impression that she believes her life is just so important that none of us could possibly understand. Tho' she is trying hard to educate us!
Well, someone called it...we were all wondering what Kate would do next to keep the publicity chatter high - and now we find out she's on the cover of People magazine this Friday, flaunting the bikini body with the abnormally high belly button.
She says of the rumor of the affair between her and Steve, "It's absurd." I love the fact that she can't deny it - she deflects it.
Argh. The only worse it could get is if she ends up naked in Playboy.
She's on the heavily photoshopped cover of Sheeple Mag this week, minus the magical airbrushed abs.,,20425904,00.html
Let me guess, this cover was shot after her trashing of Jon last Fri. on Regis & Kelly. TLC is really is spin/crisis mode.
I am in Canada and I do watch the show. I DVR it and scan through. I had to stop watching the minute we got to the vomitting. Not because it was gross, but because I was in tears watching those poor kids, whose mother would not turn the boat around.
She had no excuse. She didn't pay the thousands it would cost to charter that boat. She didn't have to share it with others...she was in control. My mom or dad would have put us in a row boat and paddled us back...not that we could have ever afforded a trip like that OR to be on a boat like that, but you get the point.
I hope she is with Steve. I hope she goes off and leaves the kids with Jon and moves to Mexico. I have literally lost faith in humanity when there are STILL people that will defend her disgusting actions.
Admin, I can respect that you are very tired of watching and posting these recaps. I imagine you have a lot going on personally and professionally, and this blog certainly has taken off and must take up much of your free time.
But it is very much appreciated. You do a great job of laying out the facts, and your opinions are well stated. And you are very funny. If this is the last time you do it, that's fine by me. I'm sure the next episode will be less then enthralling considering it's hair cut and shoe shopping time.
It's interesting how her fans can justify her "relationship" with Steve when there really is NO justification for it.
Also, they say that Jon is a bad father for smoking around the kids at the pool. I wonder how they'd feel if Kate is a closet smoker. Maybe it wasn't even cigarette smoke she's exhaling there, maybe it's something else she's hiding. It could explain her "duh" moments and that vacant look in her eyes. Hypocrits are my top pet peeve.
If anyone dvr'd the show and can put a screen shot of the cigarette smoke up, I'd love to see it.
ADMIN said...An affair with a married man is not okay. It's not right to his wife, his children, and it's not right to your children to see that and learn about relationships from that example.
It's also not right to God, that you claim to be so devoted to. Sometimes something is just plain wrong no matter how others try to justify it.
with that said, I still am not sure they are sleeping together. I cant picture The Kate allowing any icky boy to touch her, on a regular basis. I think his job is to keep The Kate from hurting other people and herself and I mean that literally. She does indeed think he is a bodyguard and devoted friend ("he just looooooves me") but she is a whack job.
TLC thought her tics and outbursts came across as charming and so did other folks at first. The real draw was the darling babies, or else TLC would have had The Kate in her own show long ago. They fed her mental illness to keep her in check in exchange for permission to film the babies. But they are no longer special and The Kate's tics and outbursts are no longer quaint and amusing.
I wonder if she is going to cop to the implants in this article, but possibly try to say she 'just recently got them'. After jiggling and bouncing her way from one end of the country to the other this past summer, visible implant outlines on full display- I don't see how she can continue with bold-faced lying about it anymore.
Administrator, put a photo or video up of the wench Kate smoking, PLEASE.
I'd like to see the alleged smoke too. If she is smoking, my guess is she's doing it as a way to stay thin. But as habits go, her gum chawing on camera has been waaay OTT lately...It's vulgar to watch on film and seems to have escalated since it's been just Kate and the 8.
In addition, I couldn't help but think that had the deep sea fishing boat trip been suggested by Jon back in the day, and the kids would have gotten that sick-there would have been HUGE hell to pay on Jon's part. His balls would have been tossed overboard as chum.
JurseyChic24 said... "Also, they say that Jon is a bad father for smoking around the kids at the pool. I wonder how they'd feel if Kate is a closet smoker. Maybe it wasn't even cigarette smoke she's exhaling there, maybe it's something else she's hiding. It could explain her "duh" moments and that vacant look in her eyes. Hypocrits are my top pet peeve."
Yes Jurseychic, if they weren't called "sheeple" they would be "hypocrites R us." When it was discovered that Jon smoked they said it was "horrible" "disgusting" "a dirty habit" "a terrible example for the kids" blah, blah, blah.
If it is established that Kate smokes, they will surely have no problem with it whatsoever. They will feel that if it helps her relieve the stress of yelling at maids and barking orders from her home office at the nannies who care for her eight- count 'em 8 kids, then it will be perfectly acceptable to them.
Thanks for the very discerning recap. It sounds like this episode could be in the running with the other top three disgustingly abusive episodes - the laundry room floor, the constipation and the one where they dumped all their sick kids on Jodi and Kevin and flew off to get freebie hairplugs. Kate is demented. God help those children.
So these specials, which supposedly show kids having a good time on a family vacation, instead show kids being forced to do what they don't want to do and lying in their own vomit. Great entertainment, TLC!
Sorry admin: I couldn't seem to post outside anything but Anonymous.
I just saw Kate is on the cover of People magazie this week in a bikini!!!! I guaranty she will continue to tell lies about how it's all the hard work and no plastic surgery. She is incapable of telling the truth. I have already sent my email detailing my disgust to the editor of People magazine.
People's cover they turned her to the side so not look so thick and a look that suggests a waist. They shaved down her heavy legs and gave her a butt which is usually flat.
MY GAWD! We know she had to have quit to have such healthy babies, but I have.never.understood. people who start up again. I quit when I first discovered I was pg and would NEVER have started again. Glad to have that monkey off my back.
You are SO weak Kate. I personally think if you are a Mother and smoke, even if outside in the freezing cold, you still stink like smoke and your kids KNOW you do. Very irresponsible and wreckless IMO....poor Gosselin kids.
If she was smoking "special" cigarettes, that would have helped prevent sea-sickness.
There has been and continues to be a ton of speculation surrounding the G's but when a recap does accurately encompass the details that many others have written separately, that is enough for me to know, and I don't necessarily want or need to know more.
If you do not think your watching matters, I will not preach to you but will instead respectfully disagree with you.
Thank you Administrator for the re-cap. Children barfing should not be considered spectator entertainment. She knew they were going deep sea fishing and, by definition, that means w-a-y out there not at the shore line. She should have anticipated rough water and given them motion sickness pills before boarding. The children should have been wearing life jackets - I find it hard to believe this woman is supposed to be a nurse!!. What was Steve doing there? Why was a "bodyguard" needed? Was she afraid of an attack by the professional boat crew? I guess he was the designated helper. In any event, I think the children will soon be rescued and allowed some normal privacy - I just hope they have not been severely damaged by all the priveliges they have worked for.
My husband and I took our kids deep sea fishing off the North Carolina coast three years ago. We could have shared a boat like the one the Gosselins were on with another (unknown) family, but paid almost double to have our own boat. The reason? We wanted to be able to turn back if the kids got seasick. They were 6, 10 and 12 at the time. No brainer -- worth every penny to know that we were in control and could high-tail it back to shore if need be. She's a selfish bitch and the crew ought to be ashamed of themselves for putting those kids through that.
wayward said...
She's on the heavily photoshopped cover of Sheeple Mag this week, minus the magical airbrushed abs.
Before I read this, I had just posted on the new thread Admin put out. Isn't it amazing how they can re-make an entire body? Remember the Rihanna photo on Elle magazine, and the recent Ann Taylor photoshop stink?
Who believes this photos?
I think they actually lowered the belly button on the photo. I thought it was much closer to the not-an-implant.
How long before Stevie gets tired of taking care of someone elses kids. And taking orders from KKate is eventually going to get OLD.
Not too glamorous.
Can't wait till the honeymoon is OVER.
Admin did you notice that at one point towards the end Alexis says "I'm weird"? Poor kid I wonder where she got that idea from...hmm could it be..from her crazy mother who labeled her ever since she was 18 months old? Aaden is so sweet he tells her "you're not weird you're cute" ....Speaking of Aaden you forgot to mention how Kate INSISTED that the camera films his full of vomit back..She says "Look at him! Look at him" I feel so sorry for these kids..Did you notice these two things too?
A chartered 'tour boat'? pleaseeee What a grand memory those kids have: yet again, isolated from others, seasick and puking, 20 miles out in choppy ocean waters, with their mom shrieking and then giggling into the cameras. No thank you. I can't imagine having memories like the Gosselin's will have of their deep sea fishing trip. What a joke.
And, don't forget the prayer led by Ashley. Can you say contrived and scripted for the cameras, TLC? Children who regularly pray at mealtimes do NOT need to be led thru them, 3 words at a time! Don't insult the viewers, TLC! Those kids acted like praying was a foreign concept to them and after seeing that segment, nothing will ever convince me the Gosselin family prays regularly before meals.
The big question is why did TLC think it necessary to include that awkward segment? It's a bit too late to try to reign in their Christian viewers -- they left shortly after Kate started dressing like a tramp.
I'm reminded of the story, "Stand By Me" and the Pie eating contest. Anybody know what I'm talking about?
Lalaland: If anyone dvr'd the show and can put a screen shot of the cigarette smoke up, I'd love to see it.
Your not serious....right?
Admin, you really do a great job on the recaps. I get some of my best chuckles of the day when I read them.
K8SUCKS said... Admin, thank you again for taking one for the team
I have a feeling you, me and maybe one other person on this board, actually relies on Admin's recap to "see" the show. I believe most folks are "closet" watchers. Admin, I don't think you need to do the recaps, everyone for the most part, has already seen the show. But I do love your humorous recaps!!
Anonymous said...
Oh this is funny! Now the sheeple are saying that Kate is in a Mexican soap opera and she's in Cabo to film it!!! Well, it IS her own personal soap opera - that part is true.
September 14, 2010 11:18 PM
Maybe she'll have better luck mastering Spanish. I wonder if she'll add "ish" to the ends of all the Spanish words?
"Yo quiero"ish" Taco Bell."
"I have a feeling you, me and maybe one other person on this board, actually relies on Admin's recap to "see" the show. I believe most folks are "closet" watchers. Admin, I don't think you need to do the recaps, everyone for the most part, has already seen the show. But I do love your humorous recaps!! "
I'm that one other person. Have not watched that show since the separation and I finally deleted our DVR timer as well. So I really enjoy the recaps, as much as I wish there was nothing to recap.
Probably going to send my People cover back to them this week.
Who cares if Kate smokes? It's her own problem. She still sucks as a mom, friend, daughter, wife, TV personality, and everything else she touches. Millions of people smoke, it's a horrible vice (I speak from experience) and it's super hard to quit once you start. Look, I'm the last person who will defend Kate, but there are other things we can harp on Kate about, this is small potatoes IMO. I think sometimes we go a tad overboard looking at ways to take her down. If she smokes, oh well, let's move on...
LOL, Dani, yes...the Barfarama!
Hippie Chick,
I think it's the "health" thing about smoking. Kate talks about being healthy etc. Smoking is not healthy. I don't know... Do they make organic cigarettes?
I have not watched the show on tv for quite some time now.
I have seen some of the online episodes in the past though.
sniffle... hey, gang, When I say I dont watch, I DONT WATCH. or click. or google. I come here and sometimes the other place G**P. I like the recaps.
If you want to see the most recent episode, H84Kate has just uploaded it. Better look fast--the long claws of TLC will likely remove it soon.
Westcoaster said...
"I have a feeling you, me and maybe one other person on this board, actually relies on Admin's recap to "see" the show. I believe most folks are "closet" watchers. Admin, I don't think you need to do the recaps, everyone for the most part, has already seen the show. But I do love your humorous recaps!! "
I have not watched since before they moved the kids into Kate the wretched beasts prison camp...and will not ever watch again. The beast makes make my stomach turn.
I have also stopped watching the other shows on TLC like 19 Kids and counting, because it has all become about exploitation and not about true life.
So maybe there is 3 of us out there that do not watch that wretched beast on their TV! :-)
Doris said,
So maybe there is 3 of us out there that do not watch that wretched beast on their TV! :-)
I'm four! I haven't watched anything on TLC in maybe six months. I even skip the channel when I surf. I do not let it land for even a minute. Gosh knows what counts as ratings these days...
I watched the YouTube post. No doubt about it, they caught her on camera exhaling smoke!! I'm sure they're organic cigarettes, though. I can't believe this didn't get edited out.
Doris, I don't watch!!!
Plenty of us lurkers are here for the recaps so I really truly appreciate you doing them. I won't watch the vile hag but I do want to know what TLC is trying to pull over on the viewers as "reality". Your work is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
As far as the smoking thing, I've looked at it again and by golly ya'll are right.
I didn't notice it the first time so I didn't recap it.
Kate turns her head to the side and blows a puff of smoke out. It's far away and hard to see, I'm trying to make a video of it but I don't know if it will be worth it because it may be too grainy.
I don't care if she smokes. It's her choice. Just don't lie about being a health nut. All the organic food in the world won't stop lung cancer if you smoke. Jon smokes too and that we have photos of.
I don't care if she smokes either, but you'd better believe she cares if her adoring public finds out, and TLC cares, too. Just not good for the "perfect mom" image they've shoved down everyone's throats. The tabloids have written about much more trivial things (her tanning, her hair, her nails . . .) so I sure hope they latch onto this and we can sit back and watch her head spin!
Administrator.. that's my point too! I don't care if she smokes, it is the hypocrisy of the "I'm all organic and into healthy living" crap that I can't stand when she does something that is SO harmful to her health.
We know Jon smokes. I bet they smoked together then she quit for the kids, then she started up again after the divorce because of stress and to keep her weight down.
A lot of celeb women are closet smokers because of the weight thing. Julia Ormond who is so beautiful is ruining herself with her chain smoking.
I just watched the You Tube post. Yep, she's smoking, no doubt about it.Now we know why she's always chewing her gum like a cow. She's trying to cover up the cigarette breath.
Wow. You guys are good. I just watched on YouTube and she was def smoking. Hypocrit.
That said. I do not watch this show on tv. At all.
I'm also one of the readers here that does not watch. I'd admit it if I did, but I would sure feel like a hypocrit coming to a website that discusses the exploitation of children and then choosing to watch it myself.
As far as her smoking, I rewatched it and gasped! It is definitly, CLEARLY, Kate exhaling a large puff of smoke. I don't care that she smokes. It just goes against her arguement that she's healthy and organic, thus better than the average mom.
I went to YouTube Vomitfest 2 and only saw the
pirate invasion and the puking in buckets. No smoking.
If they chose to broadcast 10 or so minutes of kids vomiting, lying in their vomit, walking away from their vomit, production people hanging over the boat to vomit.... that pretty much tells me that was the best footage they had. Unbelievable. I'd rather watch the ocean waves for 10 minutes than bodily fluids erupting from people's mouths. Tacky, tasteless and uncultured.
BoyMom said... "I'm also one of the readers here that does not watch. I'd admit it if I did, but I would sure feel like a hypocrit coming to a website that discusses the exploitation of children and then choosing to watch it myself."
Personally I'd feel like a hypocrite if I participated in a conversation using someone else's opinions as the base of my argument. So I watch, I read (and enjoy) the recaps, and I discuss the opinions I've formed from first-hand viewing. I will not apologize for watching.
Instead of insulting each other let's agree to disagree and instead focus on what we can do together to get this show off the air. I truly do not believe that decision is made based on ratings. It may have at one point but as People magazine and the well-timed pap photos show it's all now based on any kind of publicity Kate can bring to TLC. As long as she stirs up the controversy TLC will keep filming.
The only way to stop the filming is to support people like Rep. Murt and Paul Peterson and get the word out. The more people who remove the blinders and talk about it, the more there are to call and talk to their local politicians to garner support for protection of children in reality tv. And unfortunately one of the ways the blinders come off is by watching the show - how else do you get to see Kate in her icky-ness-ish glory? She's sugar coated in interviews, her own show is her worst enemy.
Also keep in mind that those who choose to watch the show are not the ones exploiting these children. Kate was the one who filmed them as newborns and shopped it around to various production companies. Kate & Jon signed up for a documentary and several punishing seasons of a "reality" show. They allowed studio lighting & hidden cameras to be installed in their home. They chose this lifestyle and Kate is the one who is fighting to continue it. She doesn't care about ratings. She doesn't care if people don't watch. She only cares about the pay check, the perks and the freebies. Even if TLC were to cancel the show tomorrow she will continue exploiting her children any way she can possibly think of. That will happen whether or not I watch.
PS. I happened across a show last night where they were discussing the People cover and Billy Bush was one of the hosts. He stated he knew and liked Kate (ew) and that she did in fact need a bodyguard because of "stalking issues". Then he changed the subject. I'm sorry but as I stated in another post if there is a legit security threat why the heck don't the kids have bodyguards!?!
I'd wait until this issue of Sheeple is in my doctor's office, sneakily rip off the cover and send it with a huge circle with the 'non' diagonal drawn through it and a copy of her jogging at home on the 15th and tell them "I will not be buying OR reading your rag until you a) STOP photo shopping her photos, b) STOP doing articles on her with accompanying pictures and covers and c) STOP giving this hag the time of day in ANY way, shape or form.
OH, I won't have to do that, because by the time the rag hits my doctor's office she will be long gone and not even a BAD memory!
I'd wait until this issue of Sheeple is in my doctor's office, sneakily rip off the cover and send it with a huge circle with the 'non' diagonal drawn through it and a copy of her jogging at home on the 15th and tell them "I will not be buying OR reading your rag until you a) STOP photo shopping her photos, b) STOP doing articles on her with accompanying pictures and covers and c) STOP giving this hag the time of day in ANY way, shape or form.
OH, I won't have to do that, because by the time the rag hits my doctor's office she will be long gone and not even a BAD memory!
I went to YouTube Vomitfest 2 and only saw the
pirate invasion and the puking in buckets. No smoking.
If they chose to broadcast 10 or so minutes of kids vomiting, lying in their vomit, walking away from their vomit, production people hanging over the boat to vomit.... that pretty much tells me that was the best footage they had. Unbelievable. I'd rather watch the ocean waves for 10 minutes than bodily fluids erupting from people's mouths. Tacky, tasteless and uncultured.
I don't care if she smokes either, but you'd better believe she cares if her adoring public finds out, and TLC cares, too. Just not good for the "perfect mom" image they've shoved down everyone's throats. The tabloids have written about much more trivial things (her tanning, her hair, her nails . . .) so I sure hope they latch onto this and we can sit back and watch her head spin!
As far as the smoking thing, I've looked at it again and by golly ya'll are right.
I didn't notice it the first time so I didn't recap it.
Kate turns her head to the side and blows a puff of smoke out. It's far away and hard to see, I'm trying to make a video of it but I don't know if it will be worth it because it may be too grainy.
I don't care if she smokes. It's her choice. Just don't lie about being a health nut. All the organic food in the world won't stop lung cancer if you smoke. Jon smokes too and that we have photos of.
Doris, I don't watch!!!
I wonder if she is going to cop to the implants in this article, but possibly try to say she 'just recently got them'. After jiggling and bouncing her way from one end of the country to the other this past summer, visible implant outlines on full display- I don't see how she can continue with bold-faced lying about it anymore.
Admin, I can respect that you are very tired of watching and posting these recaps. I imagine you have a lot going on personally and professionally, and this blog certainly has taken off and must take up much of your free time.
But it is very much appreciated. You do a great job of laying out the facts, and your opinions are well stated. And you are very funny. If this is the last time you do it, that's fine by me. I'm sure the next episode will be less then enthralling considering it's hair cut and shoe shopping time.
It's interesting how her fans can justify her "relationship" with Steve when there really is NO justification for it.
Also, they say that Jon is a bad father for smoking around the kids at the pool. I wonder how they'd feel if Kate is a closet smoker. Maybe it wasn't even cigarette smoke she's exhaling there, maybe it's something else she's hiding. It could explain her "duh" moments and that vacant look in her eyes. Hypocrits are my top pet peeve.
Thanks Admin. I have come to learn that you re-cap with humor, insight, and not bias. So, I trust you. Good thing -- otherwise I would not believe the vomit descriptions. I saw the promo with her counting out 4 throwing up at the same time. She speaks in all caps! Some explosiveness behind the words. She almost spits the word microwave out of her mouth. I get the impression that she believes her life is just so important that none of us could possibly understand. Tho' she is trying hard to educate us!
More vomit.,,20425904,00.html
Anonymous said... Did Kate smoke a cigarette?
There's no image of Kate with an actual cigarette. However, in the background shot, you will see Kate turn her head up to the side and exhale a large puff of smoke (like any smoker you might see).
That large puff of smoke is from the fire & brimstone....
Thank you brave Administrator for the recap.
As sickening as it was to readit, I'm sure that it must have been EXTRA sickening for you to watch it.
Admin, thank you again for taking one for the team. I love the snark but the reality of what happened in this episode ( Lordy Bee can you imagine the scenes that were edited out ?) is beyond disgusting and heartbreaking. Those kids are being abused on national television, and NOBODY gives a shit. There are no words.
At least Joel got to lie on a CLEAN laundry room floor instead of in his own vomit .
Admin., great recap. Was thoroughly enjoying your recap until I remember that these were real children throwing up, not actors pretending to throw up.
Glad Jon seems to have gotten his act together as far as spending quality time with the kids without cameras. The pictures of the kids with Jon show them relaxed and happy.
nanb (have to find my google acct password)
Oh this is funny! Now the sheeple are saying that Kate is in a Mexican soap opera and she's in Cabo to film it!!! Well, it IS her own personal soap opera - that part is true.
So the sheeple say 'Who the f-- cares?' about Kate and Steve. I'm sure the Neild boys are tired of being asked if their dad is doing the nastiest bitch on the planet. Gina must be tired of the pitying looks. The G8 must love that their mom looks and acts like a whore. And Kate must be loving the fact that someone, anyone, would believe that there is actually a man out there who might not want to castrate himself rather than be with her. If it's true, advice to Steve: paper bag for her head, altoid for her halitosis, and clothespin for his nose. Who knows? Maybe he likes cellulite and stretchmarks on a dude-woman
I was on a supposed gambling cruise (more like a garbage scow)a couple of years ago off the coast of St Pete's in Fla. I got so seasick and was just praying for it to be over. I still remember how awful it felt and I'm a grown woman who can rationalize all of that.
Those poor children have a 'mother' who wouldn't even demand the boat be turned around. Wow! Who does that? Oh that's right-that piece of sh-t, bottom-dwelling scum bag.
Thanks for the recap. I actually felt like I was there!
Admin -
Did Kate smoke a cigarette?
Anyone whom still watches this garbage must really have no life. Of course much is still to be said of those who actually film this crap.
I so wanted to have ratings go way down, I guess this circus tent will come crashing down eventually, just not fast enough, huh?
You know for those of you who seemed unable to resist the urge even for just "those two minutes" why not come here and re-read of the caps as a way to sustain yourself from adding to the unnecessary raitings?! Its what I do. Or schedule a family moment or class around the time the show airs to deny yourself this awful intrigue.
You must have had a strong stomach to have watched this for a recap Admit...
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