Monday, January 30, 2017

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "Puppies & Poconos": 'Now on TLCgo i.e. TLCno!'

Coming up on Kate Plus 8! They're taking a family vacation to Kellerman's! Oh wait, darn, it's just the Poconos.  Also, they get some puppies. What does this have to do with the Poconos, you ask? Well, they both begin with "P", so some producer somewhere thought it would be cute to lump the two story lines together.

Sometimes it's interesting to pause and read what you can find on the screen that isn't shown long enough to read at normal speeds. For the heck of it I pause on the clapperboard, which reveals that the Tup girls' couch interviews were filmed on 9-18-2016, which was a Sunday. Kate really is getting to the end of the line here when kids are going to cooperate with giving up even a portion of their weekend to doing work like this. I predict a lot of bribes will be necessary in her future.

Why is Kate yelling and clapping at her kids? Apparently she wants them to put their bags out by the van. Well, then ask them to do that in a normal tone like a normal person, what's with all the hollering? It's never more prevalent how much snipping and sniping she does to her kids. I've commented about it several times, and it just never lets up. The kids are going to resent it, and resent it very deeply, if they don't already. How awful to constantly have someone speaking to you in such a high-stress, negative tone. I couldn't stand it.

Mak and Nanuq are the puppies, and Kate's cradling one like a newborn. Ha, and he loves being babied as puppies, and even grown-up dogs often do. Aww, doggie babying. It's just so fun.

They just got the puppies so they decide to take them along on the trip. More yelling about diaper bags and getting in the car. They pile into the car and are ready to go when they suddenly realize they forgot to load the puppies. Ha, my parents did that to me once, when I was maybe two months old. They piled themselves and all my crap and all their crap in the car and nearly got a block down the road before realizing they didn't have me. They burned rubber getting back home to the baby. Apparently when they found me I was just quietly sitting in my carseat on the kitchen table contemplating what I would do with myself now that I was all alone in the world. I was fine. They laughed it off and still tell the story today. Instead of taking it in stride, Kate freaks out, doesn't see the humor in any of this, and yells and screams at the kids to go get the dogs. Good grief, it was just an honest mistake. Something got lost in the communication of who would load what into the car. With nine people it's bound to happen. At least you didn't arrive in the Poconos without the puppies you intended to take with you, now that's a problem! Interestingly enough, the boys are the only ones to explain how this happened. Hannah was supposed to be watching them and I guess she flaked. It's just one of dozens of examples of both the girls likely covering for each other, as well as Kate not pinning the blame on who was the real offender as long as she is one of the girls or has some kind of favored status.

They arrive at their spacious lake house rental. The puppies got car sick and have diarrhea, which Kate claims makes her feel bad. That's fine to have a little empathy, but at the same time, I really support bringing puppies along wherever you go if at all possible, even if they are young and getting sick (as long as it's safe to do so, like they have their shots). Not only is it an excellent opportunity for socialization to get them out of their comfort zone, but you can begin to get the pups used to traveling, which in my opinion is one of the most enjoyable things about having a dog, taking him along on your adventures large and small. The diarrhea and car sickness will mostly likely go away once the pups realize that traveling is the time of your life and nothing to fear.

Ha, does this count as a humble brag? The vast house, which has stone fireplaces and gorgeous hardwood flooring, has a difficult layout for Kate. I'm so sorry your vacation is hard.

Oh my god, the kids need to grow the F up already, especially the girls. They're immediately bickering over Kate's selection of bathrooms for them. For all the nagging Kate does, she so rarely corrects them over the major stuff, like frankly, being spoiled about the stupid bathrooms. It's like she can't issue spot when it comes to her kids. Do the girls have any idea that when most normal families take vacations you are very, very lucky to even have more than one bathroom to fight over? Try getting a family of four or five showered and ready for a busy day on vacation with just one Red Roof Inn shower and sink and the T.V. only gets four channels and the ice machine is out of order. It's no picnic. Another failing on Kate's part, not impressing upon them that nothing about most of their vacations is average or normal.

Once unloaded, they head to the lake, which looks just like pretty much every lake I ever camped at as a child. Classic East Coast summers. The kids play on rafts, paddle boards and with squirt guns. Shockingly, Kate remarks that she can't swim. But she has a pool at the house, and frequently takes the children on vacations that involve lakes, oceans and pools. Irresponsible and reckless, pure and simple.

Next up, some fishing from one of the docks. There's a brief shot of some guy in a red shirt and shorts who appears to be helping them fish, but they never explain who he is.

The next day, we begin with a sweeping shot of the house rental, and it's gigantic. It doesn't even fit in the frame. What an amazing vacation, and one that not a single one of these people seem to really appreciate.

Kate screaming and hollering at the kids, from inside, asking whether the puppies peed and pooped, really interferes with enjoying how absolutely adorable the pups are. Shut up, Doofus. If she really must know right then, why can't she walk outside and ask the children in a calm, normal volume tone whether the pups went potty? I don't understand it.

Next they head to Triple W Stable, where we will get to watch other people's kids ride horses. Lol, Kate, who clearly has no idea how to ride, is giving instructions to the kids about riding, like don't let go of the horn. That's what she said.

Great edit by TLC, where they cut to the riding instructor who tells them never hold the horn. This is a place where they hold the reins together with both hands. Heh, Leah and Hannah roll their eyes at each other. Kate, because she is an asshat and a terrible example to the children, proceeds to tell the instructor she will hold the horn. I'm at best an amateur horsewoman, I ride a handful of times a year and have ridden with my friend's cattle in Wyoming.  I have ridden at places where they want you to hold the reins together and move them left and right to steer the horse like how Triple W wants it, versus how I prefer to ride where you hold each rein separately (what the instructor calls "split reins") and sort of pull one side or the other back to steer. I do know because I tried it, if you try to steer split reins when the horse is used to the reins being together, or vice versa, the horse doesn't understand and won't respond correctly, can even get agitated. I can see the instructor getting a little more adamant as he firmly tells Kate you cannot hold the horn as that sends a message to the horse you're incapacitated. (And that, use your common sense, could be very bad.) Kate is probably too dumb and uninformed to realize this, but horses are extremely sensitive to a rider. How they sit, how they hold the reins, their level of confidence. Something as simple as threading the reins through your fingers correctly can make all the difference in the world to your control of the horse. So, when a riding instructor tells you to do something a certain specific way, and you think it's dumb or wonder how something so seemingly minor would make a difference, just f-ing do it the way he tells you. It's for your own damn safety, actually.

There's a lot of liability when you run a horseback riding place, and the last thing you need is a defiant customer. This guy is well within his rights to kick Kate off this ride right here and now and be done with her. The hilarity in all this is that Kate, in an attempt to try to help herself feel safer by holding onto something, is actually going to make her ride more dangerous. She's an idiot.

By the way, this is my first time trying out TLCgo, their streaming service. This episode mysteriously disappeared from my DVR so I found it on go. TLCgo is just like HBOgo, only HBOgo was here first. Hey, can they sue?

I have a major complaint I'd like to put in the comment box though, in that when you watch episodes on TLCgo and pause them, as I have to do a lot to write the recap, the video starts over when you press play again. You have to then manually pull the slider back over to where you last left off, if you can remember. What the hell, TLC! Less Duggars, more fix your streaming.

Nothing happens on the horseback ride, and pretty soon some of the kids are complaining and wanting to go back. The instructor just sort of sits there, listening to the whining. Kate soon allows half the group to go back, where apparently lunches are packed for them. I can't be the only one who finds this very rude. If you're going to quit halfway through the horseback ride, don't go in the first place. But I get Kate not wanting to pick her battles with this one. It's just not worth it. But I would have said from the beginning unless you're sticking out the whole ride don't go, we're not stopping in the middle for someone to take you back absent an emergency, as this is very rude to our instructors and the rest of the group.

Well, the children who left missed out on a beautiful view of a vast green meadow and spotting a baby deer. Their loss. Kate makes a comment similar to what she said last episode in that it's nice the kids are old enough at last to do these sort of things. Huh? The kids were old enough to ride horses at least six years ago, what in the world is she talking about? She really works hard to try to age them as slow as humanely possible. You would think they just got out of their pull-ups so now they can really take on the world without being bogged down having to carry around baby wipes.

Back at the house that doesn't even fit into the camera frame, they're not taking the puppies out enough, because one just peed in his pen. Kate passes him off on Aaden to walk. Well, it's too late to walk him now, isn't it? Kate complains they're like infants. Sort of. You do have to usually attend to them every hour with something, usually taking him out, much like it feels like you're constantly nursing a baby every hour those first couple months. I would say puppies are more like 2-year-olds, if I had to put a human age on them. In any case, doofus here is going to piss TLC's security deposit away at this rate, pun intended.

Kate has her typical freak out walking out onto the dock. It's one of those docks that is small and moves. I think they're floating docks, which explains the movement. Movement is thus normal, though unsettling if you're not expecting it. The kids think she's dramatic. Yes. One really has to wonder whether a lot of her water-related freak outs would improve if she just got herself some swimming lessons. Then at least you know you probably won't die if you slip off the dock. I don't know what kind of lessons could improve all her other freak outs, though.

Cara really is picking lint, I'm not making this up. A big piece of lint there!

Some of the kids, especially Alexis, are reluctant to get into the boats. When asked on the couch why they don't like boats, the girls say, not at all surprisingly, they don't like boats because they get sick and their mother forces them to get on anyway.

Their mother is cruel and hateful, period. Obviously their repeated nausea wasn't an anomaly or something they have outgrown now that they're older. The Tups are chronically seasick when they get on boats. With the dozens of other fun activities you could do at this place why force them? It's mean. Scientists think that seasickness and nausea actually stem from the brain, ears and eyes, not the stomach. I'm kind of curious if anyone has looked into whether preemies, who are often born with underdevelopment in those areas, are more likely to develop sea sickness as they grow older. It would be interesting to know, since all the Tups have it, yet the twins don't seem to at all.

Wow, Alexis is really refusing to go! She's sat down and crossed her legs on the dock like a regular sit in. Go Lex! This is really B.S. It's not like Alexis is refusing to go because she's a brat. She doesn't want to go because she pukes. I mean, anyone should understand that. Geez, can Kate cut her a break here? Have the nanny stay with her, or somebody? Finally Mady somehow persuades her to get in. The kids don't have much of a chance with both Kate and Mady bullying them into doing things like this. Hey, how come Kate is permitted to freak out and make a scene over anything under the sun that upsets her, but sweet Lexi here can't do the same when she actually has really good reason to? Surely the kids have noticed the hypocrisy.

Mr. Captain Man?? Can we punch this woman in the face now? Golly!

It's pouring rain and Mady says it's cold rain. How miserable, but production has a schedule to keep and tubing is today, so. The boys love tubing and make sure they get to go first. One of the boats has a fun slide that dumps you into the lake. They love it. Thankfully, Alexis is enjoying herself and not sick. I hope someone explained to the poor child that it's really unlikely she's going to get seasick the same way she does when they deep sea fish because this is an extremely calm, flat lake. That might have helped reassure her. Rather, they seemed to just be trying to bully her in it with threats that she was going to ruin everyone else's fun if she didn't get in and get in now. Poor little beaten down thing.

Another complaint about TLCgo, the commercials every ten minutes or so are at times absurdly long and they push their fat shows on you, and peddle the Duggars. I don't know how many times I've seen that Whitney chick panic over her not-a-pregnancy now, I can't get away from it even trying to avoid her at this point, too.

Cara picks more lint from her pant leg as Mady explains that Kate was dramatic when she went tubing with Joel. Joel is a good sport, just focusing on working his goPro and enjoying the ride despite his mother. And when I say tubing, it's not even really tubing. It looks way safer and more stable. It kind of reminds me of one of those circular life rafts for commercial fishing boats, with tall sides, only built for just two people. There's no chance you'll fall out unless you're an idiot who doesn't listen to instructors with vast expertise when they tell you to hold things a certain way and not the way you stubbornly would like to do it. Kate is grateful for parentified Joel, who comforted her on the ride.

The kids aren't the most articulate folks in the bunch, are they? "Fun" is about the extent of their description of that activity.

The next day, archery tag at Skytop Resort. A friend told her about it i.e. the producers set it up. This has to be hundreds of dollars to play, especially the way they've reserved the whole field just for them. This sounds like basically paint ball only with foam-tipped arrows. Looks deliciously fun. I'm sure Kate will spoil it somehow. "It's like Hunger Games!" Kate jokes to the teens, because she thinks she is also a teen and their BFF. Cara basically looks away at that, sort of like the looks the Obama girls had on their faces when their dad was making dumb turkey jokes at the turkey pardon, hehe, because what else can you do when your mother won't act her age.

The kids are five years old and can't figure out what the teams will be. Mercifully the instructor says either figure this out or he'll just do a count-off and pick them himself. I think I'm in love. So much whining and drama over something so simple, it's nice to see someone shut it down right away because Kate sure won't.

At the end of the day these teams end up being ridiculously unfair, with the twins and their friend Marley with Joel and Leah, who they observed doing some practice archery and determined are the best at it. We can bet Kate will suck, and that's only one older person with the rest of the tups who aren't as good at archery. What the heck! If I didn't mention it Collin is nowhere to be found and not even mentioned. It's truly like he never even existed. So, wouldn't it be much more fair to split up Joel and Leah if they were the best, or better yet, make them captains for a school yard pick? Instead, Mady gets to hand pick her entire team and Kate gets the leftovers. That is not fair. It's really a shame for everyone, because games are almost always more fun when teams are even. Why doesn't Mady have any empathy for how unfair this is to the other team? It's bizarre.

Notably, Hannah seems genuinely annoyed that she has to be on Kate's team, and snaps at Kate that no one wants to be on Kate's team. And you know what, that's normal at that age. You don't want to play this cool game with your mother. Sheesh. Why can't Kate be like every other mother and just watch?? And, if Kate watched, the numbers would be even. The way it is now, one team gets someone extra, which also isn't fair.

Not shockingly at all, Mady's team wins, to which even the usually affable Aaden bursts out how unfair the teams are.

Kate, who ultimately is bullied by and afraid of her own children, finds herself shut down by Mady when Kate suggests they mix the teams up for the next game. Kate, you are the parent, she is the child. You've become aware how unfair, and thus un-fun, these teams are. Mady's team is taking disturbing glee in absolutely killing Kate's team, and Kate's team is not having fun because they don't even have a chance. Be the adult and tell Mady, don't ask her, that the teams are going to be shuffled up for the next game. Pathetic.

In round two, Mady's team creams them again. Hannah actually seems close to tears. She's had it and walks off. I remember that feeling as a kid her age when some kind of competition or game was so unbelievably mis-matched and you were getting humiliated so unbelievably badly you just wanted to cry.  Like a shut out of your Middle School basketball team. It's just terrible. Unlike normal people who can remember stuff like that from their childhood, I don't think Kate can remember how she felt when that happened to her, or remember how much more deeply a twelve year old kid feels "unfair" and "losing." It's much easier for a mature adult to just shrug something like this off. To a kid, it's like the end of the world, and yet it's so simple to fix this problem by just mixing up the teams.

It's unclear whose idea this is, but mercifully they finally decide to mix up the teams for round three and draw names out of the hat. I still think schoolyard pick would be most fair, with the two best players as captains. Drawing from a hat has a good chance of creating unfair teams again by pure chance. But at least it's doing something to address the current cluster-F.

The new teams are Kate, Leah, Marley and Aaden, versus Mady, Cara, Alexis and Joel. That's better.

Kate's team finally wins! Sweet Aaden says I just wanted to win once. Aw. Wouldn't you know it, now that the teams are more fair the kids seem to be getting along better. The losing team is even high-fiving the winners. That's what a little help from reasonable adults will do in resolving stupid conflicts kids find themselves in and don't know how to get out of. Otherwise, Kate, it's Lord of the Flies, it really is. If kids didn't still need adults at this age, we'd set them free at 13 and be done with them.

Kate pats herself on the back for how much she loves teamwork and seeing them get along. No she doesn't. She loves conflict and divisiveness.

Rock climbing is up next, and paintball? And this is all on the same day! This is starting to get a little tiring just watching it, and feels intentional from production.  The more they cram into the day, the more stressed everyone will be, the more conflicts that will occur (see Hannah) the better footage they will get. See the glaring conflict of interest there? Production can't possibly be in charge of protecting children if their number one goal is good T.V.

Watch other people's kids rock climb. Then watch other people's kids play paintball.

There's some competition in the lint picking department. Alexis is slumped on the couch, getting bored talking about all this, picking lint off her pants. Heh.

Leah gloats, to Alexis of course, that she did not have nearly as much trouble rock climbing as Lex does. Kate remarks about how it's all about encouraging, not tearing people down, to which Leah gives her a gigantic eye roll. It's astounding how little respect the children have for her, and it's equally astounding how little control she has over how they treat their siblings. Frankly, as much as poor Lexi is picked on, I'm not sure Kate is capable of stopping it even if she wanted to. What a shocker, the authoritarian parenting style doesn't work after all in the end.

I feel like I've been binge watching Big Fat Fabulous Life just by watching the commercials on TLCgo. I know Whitney is I guess a lesbian now, and pregnant, but most likely not really, and also overall still a hot mess.

This episode is disintegrating into more like a really well-produced home video, with the cheap canned music in the background and no real plot, just some paintball and rock climbing. Almost like something you pay 80 bucks to the paintball place to produce for you and they send it to you a week later watch it once then throw it on the DVD shelves never to take out again.

You know what's kind of a head scratcher is they haven't done much activities that are at all suited for including your dog. No long hikes, no picnics, no relaxing by the lake and throwing a frisbee at the shore for the dogs. The pups don't even seem to be around most of the time. Who's watching the little puppies during all this people fun?

Ha, they flash back to the last time they went white water rafting on their trip out West and the instructor was "taunting" Kate. I vaguely remember that, and had to check my old recap to recall exactly what happened. A quick break to look at my recap from that episode, which reveals that Kate started it by disrespectfully talking back to their instructor, undermining him when he told the kids what they could do, ordering him not to get her wet, and shouting at him about how he should angle the boat straight (Actually, you don't necessarily always want to go down the river straight, certain positions of the rapids and other anomalies in the river mean sometimes you will steer the boat in other ways.) I think the one thing most glaring about this is that contrary to what Kate often says in that she's grown as a person over the years, she's actually the same exact nasty person she ever was. This time around, it was their riding instructor she was terribly rude to, outright defiant to the point of jeopardizing her and everyone else's safety, and tried to tell him about both his job and himself. Same shit, different year with this piece of work.

So, the truth is, the rafting instructor from the RV trip was pushing back a bit on Kate because she started it all, and was being a very rude and disrespectful customer, and was spoiling everyone else's fun. But yes, Kate, he taunted you just out of the blue, just to be cruel and make your experience terrible. Kind of like what you do to people so no surprise you see it in others. I leave you with his final line of the night: "We're gonna give out an Academy Award at the end of the day and I'm nominating you." Ha!

And, speaking of those awards, let me steer you in the direction of one of the probably unlikely winners, a dark horse. Hell or High Water. See it, cherish it, and understand why Manchester by the Sea is actually just manipulative Lifetime drivel and overrated as hell. I think Hell is going to gain some momentum this month.

Also, did I say Kate went white water rafting but insisted she not get wet.

The "Jesus rock" is cool, looks like you're walking on water because it's buried so close to the surface. But wait, what does Kate need a rock for?

I've noticed most of what Kate talks about when she blah-blahs about the activities is her. How she felt to do the activity, the stupid thoughts that went through her mind, her opinions and observations. Very little has anything to do with the children and perceiving and enjoying these activities through their lens like a normal mother would. There's something terribly wrong with her.

I will say this, what a beautiful glimpse of the wonders of Pennsylvania. The gorgeous, peaceful river, the bright green foliage, the vast forests, the good and patient people. What an opportunity this show has missed out on over the last decade to really embrace Pennsylvania and show why I fell in love with the state when I lived there for four years. They spend so much of their time elsewhere. A shame.

Kate can't resist making sure that everyone knows the other tour guide from freaking over five years ago was not fun and that she enjoyed rafting this time because this guide was fun. And by fun she means, puts up with her. Oh, I don't know, I thought her previous tour guide was a real riot. What did we tell you? Narcissists never move on, never let things go, remember the minute details of minor transgressions forever as if it were yesterday. I can't remember a darn thing about the handful of rafting trips I've been on other than they were great fun, but Kate recalls exactly how he crossed her by getting her wet and steering the boat a certain way and what's more wants to make sure she sticks it to him. Lol, as if he's watching this or cares. Might I say this again, five years later, folks.

Well this is telling, Mady remarks that dinner is usually chaotic and she prefers to go up to her room for that. Is she talking about on vacation, or generally? What the hell? That's not healthy at all. The puppies are attacking and biting the children to the point of tearing Joel's shirt, which is not funny or cute and sure as hell won't be funny or cute when they are adult dogs. They're eating absolute garbage for dinner, hot dogs, mac and cheese from the blue box, canned beans. The salt level must be heart attack levels here. Of course, that's fine on vacation especially, but why does Kate think she's so health conscious when they eat all this crap?

God, I leave this recap hating TLCgo. The commercials are five minutes long and pop up the second you even so much as think about touching that little slider. Curses. All in all, too much Poconos, not enough puppies. This was one of the worst episodes this season if not the worst one so far. Kate and the kids were as ungrateful as ever for the experience and somebody was always upset, hollering or complaining. There was just no plot at all, nothing developed no matter how hard they tried to stress out the kids, it was all about being tortured with another family's boring vacation which is the whole reason Betty White has stayed off Facebook in the first place.

I think this was one of the lowest rated ones too, if I remember right. Until next time when they take another once-in-a-lifetime vacation to Space Camp.

877 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tucker's Mom said...

Kelsey O. said... 198
Wow, just saw her IG photo. She really is a narcissist!
February 7, 2017 at 1:27 PM
I know! Who would post such a pic for the purposes of complaining about how hard her life is?
Kate is so tone deaf and the thing is, it's just getting worse and worse.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

I hope actually that some of this is in Jamie Spears' future because it means her child is alive and has a chance. Kate would have only to have hired daily help for Colin and LOVED HIM! She is an ass and I don't give a shit if she has too much laundry for her paid helpers to do.


Oh, my gosh, Jeanne. I am so sorry to hear what your family has gone through. I can't even imagine.

As for Kate and Collin, though. We don't know what his issues are...anger, behavioral, violence, a danger to himself or others, so keeping him home and loving him may not have been an option. It's a dysfunctional family. Kate has not been kind to him in the past, and I doubt that a leopard can change its spots. It could be that being away from her has been a good decision, and keeping him home was not what the doctors and therapists would advise, even with daily help. He's not physically disabled, and wouldn't need help with that. It sounds like his troubles are psychological, and in that case, Kate certainly isn't trained to help him. She can't help herself.

Tucker's Mom said...

carijo42Literally, you have had hundreds of people in the last 16 years helping you with the twins when they were born, the tups when they were born. Jon did more with all of the children in the morning and even got himself ready for an hour drive to work than you did all that week. What mother sleeps till 8 am with 6 infants and 2 pre-k? A elderly lady that came just to fold the laundry and you pay her back by making a rude comment and just laughed about it? Remember the PA state nurse that you had for a year, tax free and tried to get her again by saying that the 10 month olds were disabled because they couldn't go and get theirselves a glass of water. All the volunteers that have rocked, fed, bathed, diapered and loved those children. You used them, your friends, your family members until they wouldn't tow the line that you drew in the sand and then like magic, poof! they were out of the kids lives, unceremoniously. You still have help today, you just won't own it.
spalmer0829@carijo42 WOW.. there are people who get it👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
VERY few people don't get it at this point ;-)

Tucker's Mom said...

. It could be that being away from her has been a good decision, and keeping him home was not what the doctors and therapists would advise, even with daily help. He's not physically disabled, and wouldn't need help with that. It sounds like his troubles are psychological, and in that case, Kate certainly isn't trained to help him. She can't help herself.
I think Kate has not the will, desire, patience or education to help Collin, but my biggest question is why she wouldn't involve Jon, even just to see if it was possible to help him without sending him away.
It seems drastic, especially in light of how longs it's been by now.
I think Kate's always known that this wouldn't be a short-term stint for Collin, and that she's been hiding the plans for his future so that she can continue to film.

TLC stinks said...

I didn't see it at first that a child had to be erased to make the images total 8. Isn't that ironic?

Kate is not proficient with computers so I do believe Mady did that photo but it was done in haste and sloppily. Mady is the only one I am aware of that likes to play around with photo programs. There is no way Mady would come up with such an idea unless prompted.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Jeanne, you've mentioned your niece before, and it sounds like such a harrowing situation you all lived through. I wonder how your sister, or any other parent who has survived true life-and-death challenges with their child, feel to see TFW dare to claim that #ParentingIsOverwhelming?

GollyGee said...

Tucker's Mom said... 200
I hope actually that some of this is in Jamie Spears' future because it means her child is alive and has a chance. Kate would have only to have hired daily help for Colin and LOVED HIM! She is an ass and I don't give a shit if she has too much laundry for her paid helpers to do.
Wow, Jeanne, that brought tears to my eyes. That's what you do for family.
Yes, it affects everyone and you have to have super-human powers to sustain yourself. You truly are giving your all.
Kate complaining constantly about how hard her life is is sickening.
I can't imagine being a child with a mother like that, who complains constantly about her burdens stemming from me and my siblings.


And she managed to get a book published and told each one how she really felt about each and every one of them.

She is nothing but a Super *****.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Radar is reporting that Jamie Spears' daughter is now awake and talking. Thank the lord. I don't know her prognosis, but I hope she can recover.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 5
I didn't see it at first that a child had to be erased to make the images total 8. Isn't that ironic?
SO ironic. I mean tone deaf doesn't even come close to the callousness of this meme.

GollyGee said...

Jeanne, your post brought tears to my eyes, too.

I agree that the way she complains as much as she does every time she opens her mouth must be very draining to the kids every day.

You couldn't really tell that much when they were little, but now in the last couple of years, you can really tell it.

Abby said...

Kate not only is a narcissist, but she probably also has Borderline Personality.

Sad but true said...

I wonder what's stopping Milo from trotting on over to IG and complimenting K8 on her rockin' bod. Times 8, for the love of God! (See how I rhymed that there? Yeah. Bite me, Doofus.)

Anonymous said...

I think her latest IG post reeks of desperation. I think she realizes how many people can't get over the Collins situation and if TLC hasn't given her any renewal info, she is trying to play up the sympathy card to those who will still buy it. I really think she's shaking in her hooker heels about the future with no income and 7 teenagers who can decide to move out at any point without her say so.


Sad but true said...

And here comes Big Bad Nick, loaded for bear.

nick_moy@danielleemink_ @kateplusmy8 I so agree with you and I laugh everytime I read such ignorant comments as the saying "stumping on the ashes" comes to mind... how many years since these accusation is supposed to have happened.. nothing new to talk about?. Some people quote viewership, but if you Google it the last time there is any mention of viewership was in 2015.. There are even discussion about the viewership numbers could be a mute point as people are busy and have many other ways of watching the show... Seems like getting into a discussion is a waste of time as PEOPLE have already moved on.. and if we can't move on, we will still be rubbing two pieces of sticks to make a fire...

"Some people quote viewership, but if you Google it the last time there is any mention of viewership was in 2015.. There are even discussion about the viewership numbers could be a mute point as people are busy and have many other ways of watching the show..." Uh, whut? There is mention of viewership any time anything airs, so WTF you talkin' 'bout, Willis? Viewership drives advertisers drives programming. Even KATE knows that.

As for a "mute" point, I wish you would be, but the word you're looking for is moot. Finally, it is my understanding that the "new" Nielsen format is taking ALL forms of "viewership" (not that that's relevant, of course) into account, including what is being recorded on DVRs. So, as usual, you are a day late and about 88,888 dollars short.

C'mon, Milo, show up and save us with some K8 luv!

jamesvader1194 said...

Fleecing The Sheeple (193) How many times have Kate's fans tried and tried again to silence anyone who criticizes Kate?We have the BV outings which the fans thought would be an end to the haters,NOTHING.Then they claim to have tried to report the accounts on twitter NOTHING.Now they cry to twitter support for 2 years now and still nothing has happen.I guess in their heads the 1st Amendment doesn't exist.I also do not believe Kate left twitter do to haters.

Sad but true said...

"Counting On" is still idling in the doldrums---1.165mm for last night's show. That's pretty mediocre for a Duggar episode (even though that would be considered gr8 for K8). I wonder if the bloom is finally off the rose for this extremely dull family. Watching the same scenarios cycle past time after time after time has got to pall at some point.

jamesvader1194 said...

This guy is beyond delusional and im convince he is a lonely man trying to get Kate's attention "nick_moy @danielleemink_ @kateplusmy8 I so agree with you and I laugh everytime I read such ignorant comments as the saying "stumping on the ashes" comes to mind... how many years since these accusation is supposed to have happened.. nothing new to talk about?. Some people quote viewership, but if you Google it the last time there is any mention of viewership was in 2015.. There are even discussion about the viewership numbers could be a mute point as people are busy and have many other ways of watching the show... Seems like getting into a discussion is a waste of time as PEOPLE have already moved on.. and if we can't move on, we will still be rubbing two pieces of sticks to make a fire"...

Tucker's Mom said...

danielleemink_@kateplusmy8 you always express your appreciation for everyone who helps you with your kids. None of us could ever imagine how you could do it, but here you are rocking it! I hope you aren't brought down by a few ignorant comments. You're truly a superhero and inspiration to so many around the world and your children.
Huh? When has Kate given credit to the hordes of people who have helped her?
There are many to even begin to mention, but let's just ask when Kate has ever mentioned how much Aunt Jodi and Beth helped her?
Kate is a thankless, ungrateful user.
You are living in an alternate universe if you think Kate gives credit to the litany of help she's had since before the tups were born.
Not only does Kate not recognize them in thanks and praise, but she denies their very existence.

Sherry Baby said...

I think Kate has not the will, desire, patience or education to help Collin, but my biggest question is why she wouldn't involve Jon, even just to see if it was possible to help him without sending him away.
It seems drastic, especially in light of how longs it's been by now.

Over her dead body! Admit that she needs help, and from Jon, of all people? Hell would freeze over first.

Sherry Baby said...

I know! Who would post such a pic for the purposes of complaining about how hard her life is?
Kate is so tone deaf and the thing is, it's just getting worse and worse.

She's nuts, and I hope that Jon is keeping track of the insane things she posts, just in case proof is needed if a psych evaluation is ordered.

Tucker's Mom said...

Abby said... 11
Kate not only is a narcissist, but she probably also has Borderline Personality.
It's amazing that so many people don't pick up on how "off" she is.

Kelsey O. said...

Yes! She probably does have Borderline Personality! She erased the mean comment on Instagram! Lmao!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sherry Baby (#20), can you believe TFW hashtagged #ParentingIsOverwhelming?
Ain't that lovely? Maybe she should get one of her not-a-helpers stitch that on a pillow for her leather couch. It seems being a parent is just a colossal drag to her. Something to be tolerated between vacations. She is a horrible mother.

BPD said...

Abby said... 11
Kate not only is a narcissist, but she probably also has Borderline Personality.


Do you mean Borderline Personality Disorder? What is that, exactly? My daughter has been diagnosed with it, and as far as I can tell in my research, it's a catch-all term that cannot be truly defined.

Please enlighten me.

Sad but true said...

Anonymous said... 13
I think her latest IG post reeks of desperation.

If that's the case, she can't be too happy with the numbers. The post has been up 12+ hours and her 117K followers have only delivered 2,725 hearts. One of the lowest of any of her posts to date. If I were a thinking person, when my dogs are routinely getting way more likes than I am, I'd maybe wonder if I shouldn't take a step back and reassess. But this is K8, so . . . that probably won't happen. (Psst, Mady: Cue the cute puppy videos from 8 months ago. Forget the homework, I said NOW.)

NJGal51 said...

TLC stinks said... 5
I didn't see it at first that a child had to be erased to make the images total 8. Isn't that ironic?
I guess subconsciously TFW has now erased Collin from everything. It's as if he never existed. Are her fans really that stupid that they don't see this or do they just turn a blind eye to her every faux pas. #unf^ckingbelievable

Midnight Madness said...

Huh? When has Kate given credit to the hordes of people who have helped her?
There are many to even begin to mention, but let's just ask when Kate has ever mentioned how much Aunt Jodi and Beth helped her?
Kate is a thankless, ungrateful user.
You are living in an alternate universe if you think Kate gives credit to the litany of help she's had since before the tups were born.
Not only does Kate not recognize them in thanks and praise, but she denies their very existence.


You just have to wonder about their little fantasy world and the delusion of these sheeple, or if Kate herself has someone post these comments and perhaps pays them to do so. Nothing would surprise me when it comes to this narcissist,

Sad but true said...

Oh Barb. I think you just put your foot in your mouth.

barbgilmer1 People people people, we can do what Kate does, it just takes time and planning, no matter if you have 1 or 20 kids! All moms are wonder Woman not just one!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#28), whoa, did Barb put down the Kool Aid? Atta girl, Barb!

Tucker's Mom said...

Kelsey O. said... 22
Yes! She probably does have Borderline Personality! She erased the mean comment on Instagram! Lmao!
February 7, 2017 at 4:42 PM
Was that Kate #9, who was perhaps out of the frame from the other 8 Kates?
One of those Kates has to have the time in her busy day to stay on top of her social media accounts and swiffer!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Hey, how come it's okay for TFW to be 7 or 8 different women, but it's bad that Jon is both Old Daddy and New Daddy? ~ Administrator said...

Kate can be an enigma sometimes. With respect to the hired help, it's baffling the way she so blatantly lies when the evidence is all there she has tons of help.

It feels like every couple months or so she points out how either she doesn't have help, didn't have help in the past, and/or just lost some important hired help.

Then we see the episodes, and see she always has plenty of help.


Kelsey O. said...

Tucker's mom-

Haha! Good one!

Abby said...

Borderline Personality Disorder - may experience social isolation, extreme mood swings, narcissism.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#31), and even if TFW did not have a living soul helping her, SHE HAS NO JOB! Her kids are gone about 8 hours a day, and they admittedly help with chores. So what's the big flipping deal if she actually was a stay-at-home mom who took care of her house by herself? She's not changing diapers, or washing 3 outfits a day for babies or toddlers who make a giant mess. She's estranged from her parents, so she's not spending any time helping them out, like many other 40-something moms are. So why are we expected to throw her a freaking parade for raising her family?

Sad but true said...

mmarchand11@kateplusmy8 can you PLEASE share your salmon burger recipe??? Haven't been able to find a good one!!!!

OMG, puh-leeze, K8, PLEEEEASE! Would you please post Blue Apron's salmon burger recipe so people will stop asking about it already, and start focusing on YOU!!! The NERVE of these fickle fans, to completely miss the point of your every posturing post and just keep harping on the f-ing salmon burger last seen 4 (or was it 5?) weeks ago!

Put an end to the endless requests, and put that salmon burger in your rearview mirror, K8. Gee, here's an idea: Post it on your website, tell everyone on Twitter, and voila! At least 300,000 more website views, just like that! And that's where your next publisher will pick up their "insider" info, and next thing you know, there'll be a bidding war for "I Just Want You to Know (the Parts I Left Out)"!*

* Boring doesn't begin to describe what happens on K8's IG day to day.

Abby said...

People with Borderline also can experience unstable relationships.

Sad but true said...

With all those little legs and sandals left visible in the photo, it sorta looks like King Kong K8 has obliterated (smilingly, of course) all in her path. Hmm, kind of like real life. I'm really beginning to question Mady's intentions here.

Ella said...

There have been so many people on Instagram that have asked Kate when her show is coming back on, yet she refuses to answer!

ncgirl said...

"It seems being a parent is just a colossal drag to her. Something to be tolerated between vacations."

TLC-paid vacations. Parenthood has also gotten her millions of dollars and tons of freebies. Let's play the world's smallest violin for her.

GollyGee said...

Abby said... 37
People with Borderline also can experience unstable relationships.


TFW and Milo.

Why do birds...suddenly appear?

NJGal51 said...

The fans clamoring for "her" salmon recipe should learn that google is their friend. Your welcome.

GollyGee said...

lilardito_I got really pissed at my sister the other day. Because she deleted my Kate Plus 8 episodes from the DVR.


Now, do what TFW would do, kick your sister to the curb and out of your life forever.

These fans are insane! ~ Administrator said...

TLC-paid vacations. Parenthood has also gotten her millions of dollars and tons of freebies. Let's play the world's smallest violin for her.


Good heavens, parenthood is not a tumor that you oh so bravely struggle to defeat. You're SUPPOSED to find it rewarding and most of the time, enjoy it.

Don't like parenthood DON'T HAVE KIDS. Same with dogs, same with taking on a big house, same with higher education. It's all the same. These are all choices. You choose to undertake the responsibility, you were perfectly able to choose something else---so stop complaining. She is the biggest whiner. She's also tone deaf. I hope she doesn't make these endless comments like this around people who are infertile, or recently endured a loss, or are in line behind hundreds of other families to adopt. If it's so hard for her, there are plenty of people who will take her kids off her hands. She doesn't get it and never will. ~ Administrator said...

In all seriousness, she SHOULD post the salmon burger recipe. Only, it should have been posted the night of the episode, on social media and her web site, tying it in with promoting the episode. Social media linkage. You create a virtual web connecting all your platforms on TV and the internet to each other in multiple ways. The idea is you capture people like a fishing net from all parts of the pond, and wherever you end up catching them they all end up watching the episode you're tying in the social media to, because of the linkage and promotion.

Not a difficult concept, except for Kate. She's utterly clueless about basic promotion, about basic social media presence. She is the neighbor on Main proudly posting photos of her mediocre apple pie and a gap-toothed kid's 3rd grade school picture. She's no Brooke Burke.

As far as Collin being erased, YUP. But I'm afraid he falls into the same category as Jon. You can't erase him. We will ALWAYS ask about him, and even the sheeple won't stop asking about him because they are either too dense to get on board with her bizarre way of handling this, or actually intentionally resist it because at the end of the day dumb as they are I do believe some of them care about the boy. She won't get away with this, but she actually thinks she will.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

This is priceless. Kate, with her fame and celebrity status, will end world suffering, find a cure for cancer, or at least make people aware of it, and alleviate the plight of all poor souls out there!

MsGoody2Shoes21_ ‏@MsGoody2Shoes33 1h1 hour ago
@ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 Well duh!! That's the point. Kate's celebrity/fame would help bring awareness to diseases, human plight, etc.

If nothing, these idiots are entertaining. ~ Administrator said...

TLC-paid vacations. Parenthood has also gotten her millions of dollars and tons of freebies. Let's play the world's smallest violin for her.


It's its own thing, but then there are other disorders that are considered personality disorders but get more specific, like histrionic (I believe there's a good chance Kate is histrionic). A good place to start is the DSM-5, which the doctor should be using to diagnose. It goes through all the various personality disorders. Not all disorders make it to the DSM-5.

Can you speak with your daughter's doctor with her permission? Many people are reluctant to ask but find out that the patient is fine with it and actually would really like the family support, and that starts with becoming more familiar with what is going on. You must speak with her doctor if she will allow you to understand this better, and ask how you might help.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

The idea is you capture people like a fishing net from all parts of the pond, and wherever you end up catching them they all end up watching the episode you're tying in the social media to, because of the linkage and promotion.


Milo's pond? Why do birds suddenly appear there? ~ Administrator said...

How about leaving the diagnosing to those who a) who have actually assessed the child; and b) are qualified to make such a diagnosis. Neither you nor some random moms fit those criteria.


Number one, no one was making a diagnosis.

Number two, people who are around autistic children or even one autistic child can grow to become perfectly capable of identifying POTENTIAL autism, or NOT, in other children. In many children it is extremely obvious.

I have referred many children to regional center for autism assessments based on my observations, and a great many of them indeed were autistic. Thank god I didn't sit there like a troll and poo-poo this layman's attempt to "diagnose" autism. Those children are getting services now thanks to a layman speaking up and saying, something is not right here.

Autism is not like some deep in the body hidden disease. It is obvious, it is out there, it manifests in how a child acts, speaks, behaves; behaviors follow similar patterns child to child. It CAN be recognized and red flagged. Of course, I cannot diagnose a child as I am not a doctor, but I sure as hell can spot it and send him or her to someone who can. When a mother says something is not right with my child, do you tell her you're not a doctor, go home? Interesting approach there. ~ Administrator said...

Oh, and I adamantly do NOT believe Collin is autistic. Would you like to hear the 12 reasons why? Happy to go through them.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

mmarchand11@kateplusmy8 can you PLEASE share your salmon burger recipe??? Haven't been able to find a good one!!!!

...and she knows that Kate's recipe is good -- how?

Whatever happened to that Single White Female sheep who wanted to know where Kate got the purple top she wore in the grilling episode? Did her life go on without it?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

One of those Kates has to have the time in her busy day to stay on top of her social media accounts and swiffer!


lol!! You'd think that she could pluck one of them and direct her to the "Coming Soon" tab on her website, and remove the pre-order cookbook alert! ~ Administrator said...

MsGoody2Shoes21_ ‏@MsGoody2Shoes33 1h1 hour ago
@ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 Well duh!! That's the point. Kate's celebrity/fame would help bring awareness to diseases, human plight, etc.


She can bring awareness! Maybe through her efforts, Narcissistic Personality Disorder Awareness Day will finally be recognized by the feds. ~ Administrator said...

Maybe I'm in the minority but I find that photo of Kate and the mini-Kates rather funny commentary, though I doubt Mady saw the symbolism when she drew that up....or maybe she did and she's making fun of her mother and Kate doesn't realize it. That would be great.

She does so much projection on the kids, so much morphing them into what she wants and imposing her thoughts and opinions on them and rejecting their own ideas and thoughts (and if need be, the child entirely if they don't toe the line), at the end of the day it seems like she really wishes they were just little mini-Kates who always did whatever she wants and always had the same thoughts as her. I think that's pretty spot on.

Sad but true said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 29
Sad but true (#28), whoa, did Barb put down the Kool Aid? Atta girl, Barb!

LOL, I am sure it was only a momentary lapse, she'll be looking to redeem herself in the next couple of IG posts. If not sooner. A memo has no doubt already gone out from K8 HQ. ~ Administrator said...

The little Spears girl talking just two days after the accident is a miracle and a wonderful sign she's going to make it and might even be okay. Now let's hope her parents have learned a hard lesson their tiny daughter should NOT be driving anything until she is much, much older.

I was in the grocery store line tonight behind a girl and her mother buying a bunch of fruit, yogurt, granola, etc. The mom was chit chatting with the clerk saying they were buying it for a healthy birthday snack for her class tomorrow, as it was the child's birthday.

The clerk tried to ask the little girl how old she was tomorrow. At first she didn't answer. Upon prompting from Mom, she rubbed her nose and quietly said seven. She shyly looked at her shoes.

This is seven folks. They're babies who can barely know how to have social skills over a simple question from an adult. She can't say "I'm seven tomorrow, ma'am, thank you for asking," without extreme prompting from the adults because she's only seven and can barely figure out something appropriate to wear each morning let alone speak to grocery store clerks. They can't drive ATV's for god sake!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

She does so much projection on the kids, so much morphing them into what she wants and imposing her thoughts and opinions on them and rejecting their own ideas and thoughts (and if need be, the child entirely if they don't toe the line), at the end of the day it seems like she really wishes they were just little mini-Kates who always did whatever she wants and always had the same thoughts as her. I think that's pretty spot on.


Kind of like Mini Stepford Gosselins? ~ Administrator said...

Even if one does approve of letting a little kid drive an ATV, why in the world would you let her anywhere near a lake with it?


Well right. If you're going to be utterly stupid with your 7 year old's life, at least section off a closed course. Looks like they have plenty of land, they could set up a course in the back yard that wouldn't have anything particularly dangerous in it and let her go to town back there.

BPD said... ~ Administrator said

You must speak with her doctor if she will allow you to understand this better, and ask how you might help


Is this comment directed to me? There's no way of knowing except I mentioned my daughter.

Why would you assume I don't speak with my daughter's doctors? My daughter has always has included all aspects of her path down mental illness rabbit hole including conversations with her various doctors over the years. I'm her greatest advocate. She calls me her hero. She and I have dealt with it all since she was 15. She's 43 now. If you're assuming I have no idea what going on with her illness you'd be greatly mistaken. IF you think I don't understand her illness I can assure you I know much more than you do. ~ Administrator said...

Is this comment directed to me? There's no way of knowing except I mentioned my daughter.

Why would you assume I don't speak with my daughter's doctors? My daughter has always has included all aspects of her path down mental illness rabbit hole including conversations with her various doctors over the years. I'm her greatest advocate. She calls me her hero. She and I have dealt with it all since she was 15. She's 43 now. If you're assuming I have no idea what going on with her illness you'd be greatly mistaken. IF you think I don't understand her illness I can assure you I know much more than you do.


Wow, that's GREAT. Nevermind then. You just asked what is that exactly, so I took it to mean you hadn't done much looking into it. Maybe I misunderstood that comment.

Your daughter sounds lucky, in all sincerity. I see so many mentally ill who have NOBODY, or, the people who are in their life are all mentally ill. It's heartbreaking.

BPD said...

Wow, that's GREAT. Nevermind then. You just asked what is that exactly, so I took it to mean you hadn't done much looking into it. Maybe I misunderstood that comment.


I made that comment because I wanted to see what the poster thought BPD is.

I see you didn't post my reply to her explaining that BPD is the most mischaracterized and misdiagnosed mental illness. Why didn't you post that? ~ Administrator said...

I made that comment because I wanted to see what the poster thought BPD is.

I see you didn't post my reply to her explaining that BPD is the most mischaracterized and misdiagnosed mental illness. Why didn't you post that?


Ah I understand now.

I didn't see your other comment. Can you post it again? I don't think we've rejected comments today other than a couple anonymous ones. Only a small fraction of comments are rejected these days since people generally are playing very well (we appreciate it, all), so if you don't see a comment I would more likely assume it didn't go through rather than it was rejected.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Number one, no one was making a diagnosis.


Of course not. In fact, the opposite is true. Many here have said that we DON'T know what problems Collin may have and it's something that his doctor, therapists, psychologists most likely have diagnosed by now to assure that he is in the best program to help him through this.

Our visiting troll is really grasping here for insults. Must be getting very boring on his or her own playground. Need more sand in that sandbox? Buckets are the featured item of the week at the dollar store.

BPD said...

I didn't see your other comment. Can you post it again? I don't think we've rejected comments today other than a couple anonymous ones. Only a small fraction of comments are rejected these days since people generally are playing very well (we appreciate it, all), so if you don't see a comment I would more likely assume it didn't go through rather than it was rejected.

Basically I commented to her that the description she offered was vague, nothing definitive. Then informed her, as I stated above, that BPD is the most mischaracterized and misdiagnosed mental illness.

I asked her if she was in the mental health field, and asked her why she would diagnosis Kate with this illness. ~ Administrator said...

Of course not. In fact, the opposite is true. Many here have said that we DON'T know what problems Collin may have and it's something that his doctor, therapists, psychologists most likely have diagnosed by now to assure that he is in the best program to help him through this.

Our visiting troll is really grasping here for insults.


It's getting desperate. Posters will remark, gosh gee wilikers, I've been around a dozen autistic children and wouldn't you know it I've never seen Collin display a single similar behavior to them. He's not autistic!

All of a sudden a troll is crying over people making a diagnosis. Don't be silly. Also, let people talk about their opinions based on where they're coming from without being scolded. It's interesting, and people bring a lot of interesting backgrounds to the table that are relevant. I care what a mom thinks who has an autistic child, because I think her opinion and experiences are valuable to the discussion. I DON'T care that some troll thinks she shouldn't speak.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Condition update...

"The daughter of actress and singer Jamie Lynn Spears is awake and recovering after an all-terrain vehicle accident Sunday, according to a statement obtained by People magazine.

“With her father, mother and stepfather by her side, Maddie regained consciousness mid-day Tuesday, Feb. 7,” the hospital said in a statement from a Spears family representative. “She is aware of her surroundings and recognizes those family members who have kept a round-the-clock vigil since the accident.”

A spokesperson for the Spears family also said that 8-year-old Maddie was taken off of her ventilator and was receiving oxygen. Doctors believe she has not suffered any brain damage, but she continues to be closely monitored."

CC said...

Admin, I agree with him. Mady made that photoshopped pic to make fun of Kate.

My feeling the moment I saw it was it represents how all Kate cares about is Kate. It's "Kate Plus Kate."

Remember when the children said "the show should be called Kate Plus Kate because it's always about her"? That's what that photo represents. I think Kate just put her own spin on it.

And what a terrible photoshop job.

CC said...

BPD said...
Do you mean Borderline Personality Disorder? What is that, exactly? My daughter has been diagnosed with it, and as far as I can tell in my research, it's a catch-all term that cannot be truly defined.

I also took this comment to mean "BPD" did not understand what Borderline Personality Disorder is. When someone literally asks "What is that?" you think they are literally asking.

The "as far as I can tell in my research..." comment leads the reader to believe that after you researched it you still don't understand it very well.

Tucker's Mom said...

Need more sand in that sandbox? Buckets are the featured item of the week at the dollar store.
Forget the buckets. The trolls need pooper scoopers.

BTW, which one of the 8 Kate's takes the time to visit her son Collin? Funny how he's not even mentioned in passing as part of her things to do.

Tucker's Mom said...

Put an end to the endless requests, and put that salmon burger in your rearview mirror, K8
FFS, all she needs to do is give the link to Blue Apron's recipe, which would be nice reciprocity for the meals from them.

Tucker's Mom said...

. She's estranged from her parents, so she's not spending any time helping them out, like many other 40-something moms are. So why are we expected to throw her a freaking parade for raising her family?
At this point in Kate's life, usually parents need some help, a least a little here and there. They are getting up there in age and can't do what they used to do, so children usually see an uptick in the need to check in and visit, maybe do some chores or repairs etc.

Not to even mention taking the time to be involved and offering your support, love, friendship and help to other family members and friends.
Does Kate ever help anyone else? Does she only expect other people to drop things for her, and never the other way around?

DH and I are planning to take a week or so to fly down to FL when his mother gets a knee replacement. She'll need help and support, in addition to his father, while she's in the hospital and rehab, then recuperating when home.
That's what family does.
I wonder if and when Kate's parents really need help from their kids, if Kate will ever bring herself to be selfless and give them support. Or, will she tell them she's just too busy with filming and phone calls?

Tucker's Mom said...

I guess subconsciously TFW has now erased Collin from everything. It's as if he never existed.
How can you film a "reality" show about your life and totally omit your 12-year old son? How can viewers get the impression that life just goes on without him, if that's not really the case?
By all evidence, Collin is out of picture, and it is CHILLING.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#71), yeah, where was Addicted To Giving TFW? Pay It Forward TFW? I guess her philanthropy is limited to when the cameras roll, and her annual holiday baking-for-the-mediocre session. Which she revealed included 2 long-distance helpers this year.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#72), I think you answered your own question. TFW's reality is that C is gone, and is someone else's problem now, so life goes on. Look at how easily Jon was obliterated from her life, and, to the best of her ability, her children's lives. You might think, well, it'd be different with a CHILD of her own, wouldn't it? But you'd be wrong.

TLC stinks said...

Kate is way down on the promotion list on TLC's web site. She's still there, though, so until they erase her like she erased Collin, I'll believe she's cancelled.

Tucker's Mom said...

You might think, well, it'd be different with a CHILD of her own, wouldn't it? But you'd be wrong.
I would like to think that Collin is in some great boarding school, getting education, discipline and leadership and will come out of it eclipsing his siblings because he got superlative intervention.
I just don't think that's the case.
As time goes by without any word that Collin is connecting to his family on a regular basis, and that they are working towards affecting his return, I think the prospects of a happy ending involving making this family whole and united are pretty dim.

I believe Kate's fans assumed-read between the lines-that Kate worked diligently on a solution to keep him home and that she reached out to find the best of the best care for him when she exhausted every possible resource she had.
Who wouldn't assume that given her wealth and fame?
I think Kate let those assumptions take hold while she continued to film without him, knowing she can eke out more money from filming her broken family before the full extent of the gravity of Collin's situation is too much to just brush off and ignore anymore.

Can she expect another season to be filmed without him?
I don't know. This is TLC we're talking about and the carnival barkers like Kate Coyne. ~ Administrator said...

A groundbreaking study found that HARSH parenting, including YELLING, verbal and physical threats toward your children, leads directly to poor academics, promiscuous behavior, aggression, depression, and anxiety for teens and young adults. Kate? Please wake up and get help.

"When you have this type of parenting, from a very early age you are basically kind of getting this message that you are not loved, and you're getting this rejection message, so it would make sense to try and find that acceptance elsewhere," she said. "So that's kind of why you go toward these peers and you're trying to get validation from them, and if that means that you're going to engage in behaviors that maybe you wouldn't do normally just to get that validation, then you're going to do that."

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 77
A groundbreaking study found that HARSH parenting, including YELLING, verbal and physical threats toward your children, leads directly to poor academics, promiscuous behavior, aggression, depression, and anxiety for teens and young adults. Kate? Please wake up and get help.

"When you have this type of parenting, from a very early age you are basically kind of getting this message that you are not loved
The problem is, Kate equates her harsh parenting with love, thinking that's what love looks like.
She believes this is an infallible truth. Not only that, she's proud of it.
See how much I love my kids? If I didn't love them, I wouldn't yell, scream, hit, berate etc.
If she does it out of love, how can she be wrong?

She'll never change.

I believe Kate could have been raised harshly at times, but she's continuing the cycle, while hating her parents for being that way to her.
But, since she gives her kids the golden platter she never got, that makes her the best Mommy in the entire world.

Tucker's Mom said...

She believes this is an infallible truth. Not only that, she's proud of it.
See how much I love my kids? If I didn't love them, I wouldn't yell, scream, hit, berate etc.
Forgot to add- strangle the joy and fun out of everything with her silly rules and parental overreach.

Formerly Duped said...

"The daughter of actress and singer Jamie Lynn Spears is awake and recovering after an all-terrain vehicle accident Sunday, according to a statement obtained by People magazine.


If this is true and I very much hope it is, Maddie is an extremely lucky girl. She must have been underwater for several minutes and imagine the panic of being unable to get out of her seatbelt. I hope she forgets the incident.She may have sustained other injuries as well.

I hope this is a lesson for this family as well as many others.ATVs are not for kids especially near a body of water, or drop-off of land, traffic etc.

Deliverance said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 66
Condition update...

That's great news especially it was predicted here a couple of nights ago that:

"Jamie Lynn Spear's daughter will likely die or be brain dead. Tragic."

The pseudo doctors and psychologists around here get it more wrong than right.

CC said...

Does anyone have any idea why Kate used a trolley and a tree emoji to symbolize "kid pick ups"?

I guess the field hockey emoji was for sports (lacrosse). Was she just throwing in random emojis to make it look like someone other than Cara has activities? ~ Administrator said...

"Jamie Lynn Spear's daughter will likely die or be brain dead. Tragic."

The pseudo doctors and psychologists around here get it more wrong than right.


It's a miracle she is alive and we still don't know her full condition. We do not know if she's OK. Would she had to of died for you to pause and think about the dangers of putting a child on something like this? Or is it OK now that she is alive?

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Tucker's Mom Honestly now that some of you here mention it,i now have this gut feeling that Kate won't say anything about Collin until the next PEOPLE cover which will most likely be around their birthday.For all we know Kate is playing games with people and Collin is home but wants them to believe he's still away and won't say a thing until she does the PEOPLE cover.My only hope is that Kate doesn't pull like she did last year with the twins and try to get Alexis and Collin to explain why they don't visit Jon.

BPD said...

CC said... 68

The "as far as I can tell in my research..." comment leads the reader to believe that after you researched it you still don't understand it very well.
February 8, 2017 at 3:01 AM

As I posted in my comment #61 last night I wanted to see what the other poster thought BPD was. Apparently some didn't understand that, but my comment got the desired reply. The poster does not know what BPD really is...and as I also commented, health care professionals misdiagnose it frequently. I rather figured someone who was not a professional would definitely misunderstand BPD since many health care professionals can't diagnosis it correctly either. That's the problem with people coming on a blog and throwing out terms them know nothing about other than what Google tells them.

Deliverance said...

It's a miracle she is alive and we still don't know her full condition. We do not know if she's OK. Would she had to of died for you to pause and think about the dangers of putting a child on something like this? Or is it OK now that she is alive?

Under the proper conditions, safe, wide-open space with experienced multi-adult supervision, hard and fast rules to follow or no riding allowed, as was our situation, I would put my grandkids on ATVs and teach them to ride.

I'd be more concerned with the adults who put a young child on a motorized vehicle with no supervision, rules and let that child ride off alone.

From the sounds of it, you would be surprised at how much children can learn and how much responsibility they can handle if taught correctly by adults who are firm with the rules. They often carry the benefits of learning how to do things responsibly throughout their adult lives.

Can accidents happen? Yes. People die doing the most mundane things sometimes.

Tucker's Mom said...

It's a miracle she is alive and we still don't know her full condition.
It's not unreasonable speculation. Head injury, oxygen deprivation and loss of consciousness are VERY serious.
They won't know the long-term, full impact of the insult to her brain for a long, long time to come.
Just because she's awake and can speak does not put her in the clear for TBI, which has life-long consequences.
If reports are correct, and the girl was deprived of oxygen for minutes, it is truly a miracle she's awake, which btw, does NOT mean fully conscious.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Uh, oh. Milo needs to put on her meteorologist's cap and get the alert out to Kate. Winter Storm Warning for tonight through tomorrow. I hope she doesn't lose all of her trees. It's supposed to be a heavy, wet snow. Get that generator going.

This is crazy. At midnight the temperature was 64; it's 63 now, with the storm warning tonight going into effect at 10 p.m., then back in the 50s this weekend. Mother Nature has a sense of humor.

Jeanne said...

I truly hope the Spears girl is ok. So much is not known about TBI (traumatic brain injury). It will take a while yet before they know the full extent of her injury. Being off her ventilator already is amazing. A very good sign.

Those shoes Kate is wearing in the picture are fugly. Really fugly. Am I getting that some here think when Kate complains about doing it alone it prob means her help quit? I like this theory. For her cleaning help, she prob uses an agency. They send out a minimum wage worker who gets to spend her day trying to follow Kate's weird post-its and probably being told all day she's doing it wrong. Eventually the woman says screw it and quits (or at least tells the agency she's not going back). Then Kate is stuck until the agency finds another sucker. Millions of women in this country manage to take care of the cleaning and laundry without paid help. I still can't figure out what Kate does all day.

Yes it can be hard to get all your kids to activities (if we actually believed the G kids have activities). This is why you don't alienate all your friends and family!

Sad but true said...

CC said... 81
Was she just throwing in random emojis to make it look like someone other than Cara has activities?
I think this is most likely. You can't over-think what K8 says or does; as is clear from almost everything she posts, she doesn't. BBB = trolley, passing by tree(s), to get to field hockey = lacrosse? Eh.

K8 x 8 picture still under 3K hearts---how disheartening. And thank you, carijo42, for putting an end to so many fans' salmon-burger heartache!

carijo42 Your son is gone, your other kids are in school all day, you have hired help, you have no job and you can't take the time to post a recipe? Here, let me give you the day off.

Tucker's Mom said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 86
Uh, oh. Milo needs to put on her meteorologist's cap and get the alert out to Kate. Winter Storm Warning for tonight through tomorrow. I hope she doesn't lose all of her trees. It's supposed to be a heavy, wet snow. Get that generator going.
OMG, call the crew Daddies! Snow's acomin'!!!
Wait for Kate's post bitching about snow which will disappear in a matter of hours.

Tucker's Mom said...

carijo42 Your son is gone, your other kids are in school all day, you have hired help, you have no job and you can't take the time to post a recipe? Here, let me give you the day off.
Ah ha! I hope Kate doesn't swiffer this before the helpless fanz see the recipe is from BA, and anyone can make it.
Seriously, how hard is it to link the BA recipe?
Does Kate need people to think that it's her original salmon burger recipe?

TLC stinks said...

Snow at the Konpound? Stand by for pictures.

Tucker's Mom said...

lindseyzinevelasco@jongosselin1 any tv shows coming up for you?
jongosselin1Yes but I can't say anything yet, it will be announced shortly
Kate's head just exploded!

Sad but true said...

YES, let K8 know how you feel. Not that she'll care, but . . .

cohen9223 I use to be a big fan of Kates but after years of people saying she is not a nice person and then this situation with Colin...I have no respect for her. I could never send my child away. I would be more afraid of how he is being treated. I do not know how you sleep at night Kate.

GollyGee said...

PA Dutch mom,

Oh, the humanity!!!

What will TFW do tonight? Losing the trees AGAIN AND exploding over Jon's new tv gig!

There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth!

Poor Veneers!

Over In TFW's County said...

OMG, call the crew Daddies! Snow's acomin'!!!
Wait for Kate's post bitching about snow which will disappear in a matter of hours.


Ha! Call Mr. Deckster Man to make sure that preacher-lesbian deck is stabilized and can withstand the weight of the heavy snow that will melt by the weekend.

Is that generator inside or outside? :)

Over In TFW's County said...

Those shoes Kate is wearing in the picture are fugly. Really fugly.


I think those shoes are from her hooker heels days, probably donated by now to the Salvation Army thrift store.

Sad but true said...

This won't be there long. And she just passed 3K hearts! Yay, K8.

carijo42@cohen9223 Read the book, Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World by Robert Hoffman. She later got a copyright on the book. This book is hard to read because of the verbal and physical abuse she put on the babies, children, pets and she still continues to this day abuses them in every way. She never said they were lies. She then copyrighted the book. Why would you copyright abuse of your children? If they were lies and copyright it, then it is the truth.

Formerly Duped said...

Yeah, we are also getting a 12+ inch snowstorm in the Boston area, the first and only major storm of the winter. How odd we have just had flurries and one fall of about 4 inches. First snow day for kids!Maybe there will be some igloo building!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Uh mean TFW might be stuck with her little albatrosses -- er, I mean, precious children -- if they have a snow day? I'm sure the poor things are well aware there'll be no outdoor frolicking with Mommy unless there's a director there yelling "Action!"

The classic Danny Thomas sitcom, "Make Room For Daddy," got its name from his real family situation. He's be on the road for long periods of time with his nightclub act, and when he came home, they'd all (including daughter Marlo Thomas) have to kind of "recalibrate" their family life to make room for him. I wonder if the G kids feel like this when TFW is suddenly doing activities with them? Like archery, or gaga ball, or riding horses, or making igloos. She's usually holed up in her bedroom, but once the TLC cameras are there, the kids have to make room for Schmoopy.

TLC stinks said...

She'll be calling Mr. Farmer Neighbor Man to plow her driveway.

GollyGee said...

Over In TFW's County said... 98
Those shoes Kate is wearing in the picture are fugly. Really fugly.


I think those shoes are from her hooker heels days, probably donated by now to the Salvation Army thrift store.


There is no way she would donate anything and not get anything in return! She either has them still or she has sold them on ebay with a unidentifiable name.

Remember when she appeared on Jimmy Fallon after getting swiffered off DWTS and the tradition there is to BURN the dancers shoes! She was HORRIFIED! She DID NOT LIKE THAT!

She had to have planned to sell them as THE ORIGINAL KATE GOSSELIN DWTS DANCE SHOES, signed them and sold them to make money because she didn't pay for them.

Just like the organic cow.

That tightwad cow should of GAVE half that organic cow to
Aunt Jodi because of all the love, babysitting, care giving when they were sick or not that she gave to the kids!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

TLC stinks (#102), surely you're mistaken! TFW does it all alone! She DREAMS about getting help, it's such a wild fantasy! It takes 8 of her just to get through the day! And that's with being short one kid! If someone does help her -- as insane a concept as that might be -- it's only a rare treat!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Hope all our east coast posters are doing okay in the storm.

localyocul said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 105
Hope all our east coast posters are doing okay in the storm.


WHEW Barely survived! Well, actually woke up to about 2 inches of snow, none of it stuck on the driveway, and a day off. WIN

Formerly Duped said...

Our snow is really coming down and apparently we have gale force winds. Temps dropping. So odd after a mild day yesterday, despite icy conditions left over from the previous day. New England weather!

Tucker's Mom said...

housenazi4Will you be on tlc or bravo ?@jongosselin1

jongosselin1@housenazi4 screw TLC and I never said I was doing another reality show, hint hint? But I'll be back on TV
Screw TLC, indeed!
I'm intrigued, and don't get the hint. I get it's not a reality tv show a la J+K+8, but have no clue what he'd appear or star in.

Tucker's Mom said...

WHEW Barely survived! Well, actually woke up to about 2 inches of snow, none of it stuck on the driveway, and a day off. WIN
February 9, 2017 at 7:31 AM
Formerly Duped said... 107
Our snow is really coming down and apparently we have gale force winds. Temps dropping. So odd after a mild day yesterday, despite icy conditions left over from the previous day. New England weather!
February 9, 2017 at 10:05 AM
We're just below the storm's precip line, but dang, it's windy and cooooooold!!!!!!

Jeanne said...

Definitely survived the storm. But I agreed with canceling school. A heavy, icy rain woke me around 4am. Eventually a wet snow began. It was still quite icy when the buses would start running. Now it is sunny, the kids outside are having fun. I do pay someone to shovel my (small) driveway. I am unable physically. Plus I am staying with my niece while my sister travels for business. Her driveway is bigger. So I had my guy come here too. We pay him. I wonder if Kate tries to give her guy cinnamon rolls instead of money.

TLC stinks said...

And there she is with photo!

kateplusmy8Me and my machine lol! #SnowBlowing and spreading one hundred and eleven pounds of salt/snow melt #Yikes #Expensive #PetSafeSalt

TLC stinks said...

kateplusmy8Snow Day! Our first day off! The kids made snow angels while I 'snow blowed' (is that a word?) #SnowDay #TimeToStartTheSnowBlower ❄️🌨💨❄️

Not a blizzard but pretty. She makes such a big deal with that snow blower. Where's she gonna go with the messy roads? Locals, how much was it? 3 inches?

Tucker's Mom said...

It's always funny when locals call out Kate's lies and exaggerations!

krsp2The snow is NOT dry snow where the wind is blowing it back onto driveway! OMG is she a lier! I LIVE HERE and it is NOT true! Yes we have a wind, but NO blowing snow like she is claiming.... She just didn't clear that snow on the driveway!!!!!!! PLEASE BELIEVE me, I have NO reason to lie like she is doing.... She just had someone calling her out on her BS she's giving her tweety birds having them think she did all this work with 'heavy machinery' when she DIDNT!!!!! It's SO sad she feels the need to lie to make herself look good 🙄

krsp2WHY would u have THE NERVE to # expensive? Ur pitiful! PLUS ur acting like we had a major storm here, and we didn't. I live about 20 min from you, and at best we got maybe 4 inches. Please STOP lying/exaggerating to ur tweety birds ❄️

Kate, you're getting called out for your constant bitching and complaining about how $$$ things are when you're a multi-millionaire. We know that you know how this works. You mention things on your social media and viola!! you get them free.
Don't act all coy now.

jamesvader1194 said...

@TLC stinks In one picture i see 4 kids.I wonder where the other tup is since it still seems Collin is not home.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#108), I bet Jon feels tremendous relief being able to say "screw TLC" out loud. They were accomplices to the destruction of his family. Contrast that with TFW's lovey-dovey "thanks for 10 years" tweet. So, she lost a kid in the process -- she's got 7 more.

Ella said...

She will be so jealous when Jon's on TV again and she's not!

Sad but true said...

I don't actually think the kids are making snow angels, they've probably collapsed from exhaustion. And meanwhile, Miss Thing has heated hand grips. Whoop-de-doo.

lisalu78 Actually it's called a "snow thrower" dad works for the company that made yours 😉 Looks like a great day!!! ❄️❄️❄️

kateplusmy8 Tell your dad I owe him my life lol! I am SO thankful for that machine and secretly enjoy using it 😉😉😉! Oh and I chose that one bc it's super 'girl user friendly' -- heated hand grips and electric start! #MustHaves @lisalu78

mzz_coleman Can we switch places @kateplusmy8 it's going to be in the low 80's here in sunny San Diego. 😔🙃 I would love winter weather!

kateplusmy8 You have yourself a PERMANENT deal! I hate snow and LOOOOOOVVVE San Diego obsessively! 🌳🌞🌴 @mzz_coleman

Oh Nick. Shut up and go to bed.

nick_moy That's quite a bit of snow moving. And before any ding bats start making stupid accusations I must mention Kate NEVER said she cleared everything herself and she did acknowledge that there was TEAMWORK. But it's nice to know that there are some people out there that have a talent in COUNTING each snowflake that falls and determining who did what in somebody else's house... I would suggest looking under your bed to see there are NO RATS are hiding there... spying on you..

Formerly Duped said...

Remember the recent episode where Kate said to the camera 'I have no nanny , no cleaning help. I have NOTHING!!!!" Geez, if she has nothing, it's material. There are other "nothings' she has like no honesty, love, compassion, humor...

Sad but true said...


krsp2WHY would u have THE NERVE to # expensive? Ur pitiful! PLUS ur acting like we had a major storm here, and we didn't. I live about 20 min from you, and at best we got maybe 4 inches. Please STOP lying/exaggerating to ur tweety birds ❄️

kateplusmy8 I'm not sure how to respond to you... petsafe salt, 111 pounds of it IS EXPENSIVE. Why am I 'not allowed' to use the word expensive?! And where did I mention a 'major storm'? I'm unsure of the source of your anger but I hope you find something to smile about today.. life is TOO short to have such pent up anger! #SmilingIsntExpensive 😁😉 @krsp2

That little lecture coming from the Queen of Angry Grudges is the height of hypocrisy. The challenger explains herself:

krsp2 Ha, but I DO know her! Nursing... R.N. ...St. Joes Hospital... Dialysis. Yep, it goes back that far! As u can clearly see, I have a VERY GOOD occupation, can yours top mine? I'm not freaking out, lol, funny u see telling the truth as freaking out. Ain't nothing wrong with telling the truth. The snow we got is a 'snow shovel' snow, doesn't require a snow blower, BUT would require an add on to a lawnmower to plow a driveway such as hers.... A lawn mower isn't 'heavy equipment' And since I have her attention, how many times have I asked you to use this opportunity with Collin to take a platform for public awareness for our mentally challenged children? I live in Berks County and know how the 'tier' of treatment works as I went thru it with my daughter. We never called it 'special needs' so I don't know where u got that from. I would LOVE to see u take a stand to educate the public.... My daughters story was in the Reading Eagle.... If u Google Katrina Pugh..... Her story didn't end well as she is not with me anymore. I have an invitation from NAMI, if u would consider joining me in that request down the road, DM me anytime. Lol, sorry for getting everyone worked up, I just believe in honesty...anyway, Kate, please consider taking a stand for our parents/children here in Berks for awareness regarding mental problems with our children so they don't end up like my Katrina.

krsp2@elaine_deems honey, I've know her since her nursing days.... I ain't a troll, I can follow who I please... But thank you

krsp2 LISTEN..... I apologize everyone. Please calm down! I was just stating the obvious and the truth. I'm NOT a hater on Kate!!! I can clearly see she has VERY protective followers. I meant NO harm.... No need to fight this out to the end, Lol.

Sounds like she has a sad story.

Sad but true said...

Getting very worried about Milo. She hasn't commented on the last FOUR pictures. What could be going on in her life that is more important than K8?

Tucker's Mom said...

Sounds like she has a sad story.
I found it and read it. It is very sad, and I can see how someone like Kate bitching day in and day out makes her disgusted.
It's no surprise Kate doesn't see how it sickens people with so much less, to see and hear her complain about how hard her life is.

This woman is barking up the wrong tree if she expects Kate to advocate for those less fortunate, and help others who don't have the money and privilege that she has.

Whatever the deal is with Collin, Kate is not going to bring attention to it unless it benefits her. Right now, it would appear to benefit Kate to keep it under wraps and act like he doesn't exist.

Sad but true said...

Here is that poster's daughter's story:

Based on this, and the fact that she lives very close to K8, it sounds like she may know some facts about what's going on with Collin. And it doesn't sound like "special needs."

jamesvader1194 said...

For ever post Nick is doing.Im becoming more convince he's a lonely man trying to get Kate's attention nick_moy @kateplusmy8 @krsp2 living 20 minutes from someone does not mean you will have the same temperature, precipitation, or wind condition... My bothers lives about 25 minutes from me and many many times they will get -30 Temps and I will have maybe -14.. They may get 6 or 8 inches of snow and this winter I got about 2 inches all winter.. So unless you can show some evidence that the weather is the same in a 50 mile radius.. and the amount of snow fall, wind gust etc.. are consistent in that area it's hard to be convinced by your comments... Now using words like EXPENSIVE, as far as I know is still part of the ENGLISH language. And if ANYONE who wishes other people to respect what they have to say.. you MUST respect other people.. and NOT disrespect other people by making unsubstantiated accusations... Just remember if you slap somebody in the face.. DON'T expect a kiss to your cheeks in return.. but prepare for a slap on the side of the head..

Jeanne said...

My mom said the snow in Berks was too wet to use the snowblower. Wet snow just clogs it up. (I'm next door in Montgomery County.) It needed to be shoveled however the top layer was blowing around in the strong wind here in Montgomery. I have no idea why she would need 111lb of salt. How does she spread that? You would need a truck with a spreader for all that, wouldn't you? The worst for me is the "girl friendly" snow blower. I am a grown woman not a girl. Any snow blower can be woman friendly if it is used by a woman. Electric start is nice but I have no idea why you need heated handles. Wear good gloves.

There are lots of people out there who have worked with Kate. I'm sure there are stories. As for Jon, what if he's producing or advising or choosing music for the tv projects? He doesn't have to be on screen. I would think he could be a music producer.

TLC stinks said...

The poster called out Kate for saying Collin has "special needs" (special needs implies mild learning disability, cognitive impairment) instead of saying "mentally challenged". Geez, the kid is in a residential psychological treatment center probably since May. This more than special needs! I don't know whether Kate is embarrassed, as some are about mental illness, or she needs to sugarcoat everything so TLC is comfortable filming. She is not protecting Collin's privacy because if that was the case, she would not have done the People spread. She did not have to say anything to the public.

Here's the article. The daughter was 21 and committed suicide. She started seeing a psychiatrist at age 8.

Jeanne said...

Oh dear. The boys eyes light up and they really want to use her snow blower. (From one of Kate's later comments.) Sure they do Kate. Those boys are dying for another chore. Of course we all helped clear snow as kids but none of us lit up at the chance.

NJGal51 said...

A very sad story indeed.

TLC stinks said...

Yeah, I lived up north and it's kind of dumb to use a snow blower on that amount of snow. We shoveled and salted the sidewalk and that's all she needed to do. Wonder if the kids were passed out from spreading all that salt, LOL?

I'm Confused said...

Sad but true said... 122
Here is that poster's daughter's story:

Based on this, and the fact that she lives very close to K8, it sounds like she may know some facts about what's going on with Collin. And it doesn't sound like "special needs."
Why would you think that being a local who lost her daughter to mental illness would have some special knowledge of the facts surrounding another family's child?

Sue said...

Looks like she's paying for comments now to attack that woman. Most of them are private accounts and all are saying pretty much the same thing.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Yeah, I lived up north and it's kind of dumb to use a snow blower on that amount of snow. We shoveled and salted the sidewalk and that's all she needed to do. Wonder if the kids were passed out from spreading all that salt, LOL?


I didn't even need a broom! There was absolutely nothing on the driveway or walks. Nothing. It did stick to the grass somewhat (less than an inch).

The squall that just went through put down a light dusting, more than we got last night! Windchills tonight in the teens, and back up into the 50s this weekend. Fickle February!

PA Dutch Mom said...

Getting very worried about Milo. She hasn't commented on the last FOUR pictures. What could be going on in her life that is more important than K8?


Maybe LOM is getting frisky and the lights go out much earlier than 11 p.m.?

High Sodium Content said...

Jeanne said... 124
My mom said the snow in Berks was too wet to use the snowblower. Wet snow just clogs it up.

New Englander here. Actually wet snow is the perfect time for a snow blower. Wet heavy snow is known as the widow maker. My husband has used a snow blower in all kinds of snow. His best trick is to spray a silicone spray around all the blades and inside the shoot. Prevents clogs. Runs the machine on high rpms and move slowly to shoot the snow as far out as possible. Especially in a normal winter where you have storm after storm, you want to blow the snow so you don't have huge snow banks.

ncgirl said...

Since Jon said it's not a reality show, I guess it's not Dancing with the Stars. I'd love to see him on there.

ncgirl said...

"kateplusmy8 You have yourself a PERMANENT deal! I hate snow and LOOOOOOVVVE San Diego obsessively! 🌳🌞🌴 @mzz_coleman"

She did a show going to San Diego with Mady and Steve. No wonder she loves it obsessively.

jamesvader1194 said...

WTF is he talking about?No one on twitter is making death threats towards Kate and the kids.Now he's straight up lying. nick_moy @kateplusmy8 just a note.. as you know. On Twitter there's is a bunch of troublemakers as well and I sometimes monitor and report abuse to Twitter and have about 4 accounts already deleted. One especially offensive and promoting violence and death treats to you and your family. Hopefully there will be a criminal investigation.. the others I manage to convince Twitter these people are stalking you as they don't follow anyone else.. or all their comments are promoting hate against you and your kids.. I have mention before I do not tolerate any bullying.. verbally, physically or mentally... as a final note people who tends to cririze a lot do not get far in life, but need to find a mentor or mentors to guide them to be a more productive, positive and successful person. If not a mentor, a life skills coach to guide them. But it must start with maturity and being honest with oneself.

Sad but true said...

kateplusmy8 Announcement: I just learned how to block people on Instagram and immediately proceeded to block the above trouble causing person! I will now take a bow! 👏🏼👏🏼[taking a bow emoji needed stat] @lazygirleatsandlifts @spammie91 @martina_louise @lenmaresh @kristen_babcock @nick_moy @jeska5589

nick_moy@kateplusmy8 Oh.. thank God.. Bless you.. I feel my blood pressure going down... now.. maybe we can appreciate your posts in peace

She's been on IG for 8 months and she's only just NOW learning how to block? She learned how to delete fast enough, lol. Why didn't she just ask Cara or Mady for help? What a dimwit she is. And she's the one trying to stay alive in the media.

And Nick, I don't know where you learned to be an ass-kisser, but you've mastered it. Oh and you've clearly been in the K8 game for quite a while if you're identifying K8 "abusers" and reporting them to Twitter HQ. I have never seen a death threat, so I don't know WTF you're talking about. You appear delusional on so many levels, it's hard to stay focused when reading your posts.

nick_moy@kateplusmy8 just a note.. as you know. On Twitter there's is a bunch of troublemakers as well and I sometimes monitor and report abuse to Twitter and have about 4 accounts already deleted. One especially offensive and promoting violence and death treats to you and your family. Hopefully there will be a criminal investigation.. the others I manage to convince Twitter these people are stalking you as they don't follow anyone else.. or all their comments are promoting hate against you and your kids.. I have mention before I do not tolerate any bullying.. verbally, physically or mentally... as a final note people who tends to cririze a lot do not get far in life, but need to find a mentor or mentors to guide them to be a more productive, positive and successful person. If not a mentor, a life skills coach to guide them. But it must start with maturity and being honest with oneself.

And PumpkinButt even put in an appearance:

jamiepumpkin3 You are amazing.. so glad that I get to talk to you almost every day. You are one of thee "bestest" friends "evah".. smart, beautiful(even without makeup) and so good with $! You share so much knowledge with me. Even as far back as telling me to get my twins in a schedule when they were newborns! You saved my life with that info!! Xoxo

kateplusmy8 Right back atcha ... I feel the same way about you! :) @jamiepumpkin3 Love you!

And Kate wasn't quite through with the negative poster:

kateplusmy8 For the record, I do NOT know you... and have never met you. Please don't announce that you know me and then go on to act like an expert on my life. Thanks. @krsp2

I totally believe this lady knows K8, and, needless to say, I don't believe K8. We all know how much she lies over even the littlest things.

Tucker's Mom said...

kateplusmy8 For the record, I do NOT know you... and have never met you. Please don't announce that you know me and then go on to act like an expert on my life. Thanks. @krsp2
Oh, bravo. Slow clap. Way to go, Kate.
Instead of just blocking @krsp2, which you easily could have done, you made it a point to rebuke her, admonish her and reject her message on your social media.
This is a mother who lost her child to suicide, btw.

Really, really classy, Kate.

I think krsp2 hit a nerve...

Layla said...

No snow here in the DC 'burbs. Just some rain. The boys were a little cranky when they woke up and realized they wouldn't be getting the day off school.

Poor nick_moy is getting desperate for some praise and recognition from Kate. I had to giggle a bit when I read his comment above. He hopes there will be a criminal investigation? Maybe he needs to check with Bullyville before he gets his hopes too high.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

. I would suggest looking under your bed to see there are NO RATS are hiding there... spying on you.


Is this where Gladys is right now? ~ Administrator said...

Really, really classy, Kate.

I think krsp2 hit a nerve...


PIckin' a fight with a mother who lost her son to suicide. Yep, all class, that's Kate. She forgot to add "Sad!" to the end of her post. ;-) I believe that mother does know Kate. She gave out her real name, she gave out specifically where she worked and how she came across Kate years ago. It could easily be verified. I don't think Kate clicked on the article so I think Kate is honestly mistaken that she doesn't know her just from her instagram name, or kate is flat out lying about not knowing her. I think Krs's bone to pick with Kate is silly--over the weather, lol, and about whether to use the term special needs. By the same token, it's hilarious that THAT's what Kate chooses to respond to and rebuke the naysayer, lol. Over snow, folks. Hilarious.

And Jamie falling all over herself to thank Kate for her advice to get the twins on a schedule? Wth? Jamie needed someone to explain that to her to realize it? Wouldn't your mother or mother in law or doctor help you with that information if you really are so dense as to not realize that it's helpful to get babies on a schedule? One would think she would pick something like this up merely by being around parents once in awhile. Bless her heart, but I don't think Jamie is the brightest bulb.

And, they talk every day? Is that supposed to prove how close they are? That sounds absurd to me. You have kids to raise, you should have busy schedules, Jamie supposedly has a man in her life. It's okay not to talk EVERY day. You're not lesser BFFs for it. And, your kids are better off if you're not wrapped up in your bestie every single day and instead, focused on priorities. You're 40 with a husband and kids an adult responsibilities, not 12.

localyocul said...

TLC stinks said... 112
kateplusmy8Snow Day! Our first day off! The kids made snow angels while I 'snow blowed' (is that a word?) #SnowDay #TimeToStartTheSnowBlower ❄️🌨💨❄️

Not a blizzard but pretty. She makes such a big deal with that snow blower. Where's she gonna go with the messy roads? Locals, how much was it? 3 inches?


Chester Co had 2-3 inches. It didn't even stick to my driveway due to the 60 degree weather yesterday

All This Is That said...

That "twins on a schedule" comment has to be one of the dumbest things she's ever said. What in heaven's name is wrong with her? No wonder Collin had to go somewhere for treatment. She couldn't figure out that babies need a schedule. How would she ever be able to deal with a pre-teen who needs to be in a treatment program?

She really has a few screws loose and needs to shut up, ignore the poster and not be confrontational...or take the high road, acknowledge that she read the story, and tell her that she's sorry for the family's loss.

Sad but true said...

localyocul said... 142

Chester Co had 2-3 inches. It didn't even stick to my driveway due to the 60 degree weather yesterday
It's too funny, in the first photo where she has the kids pose with the shovels, you can SEE the pavement through their footprints. It was perfectly obvious she set this whole thing up as a photo op. I wonder how long it took her to get posed for her Little Miss Snow Blower photo. Even more strange: Where were the dogs? This is exactly the kind of weather that shepherds LOVE, and especially if their people are outside. I think the kids were outdoors for all of 30 minutes and only cuz Mommy made them.

Lanc Native said...

Chester Co had 2-3 inches. It didn't even stick to my driveway due to the 60 degree weather yesterday


About an inch or so here. Stuck to my Deckster, but not to the driveway or sidewalk. Nothing to blow, shovel or sweep.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

She did a show going to San Diego with Mady and Steve. No wonder she loves it obsessively.


I think that she was there twice, once with all of the kids during a lay-over on a long flight, and then again with Mady. Kate said that Mady requested a trip to San Diego and Kate replied with "SOLD!" Isn't every parent able to take off whenever he or she feels like it and to wherever the child wants to go? ~ Administrator said...

That "twins on a schedule" comment has to be one of the dumbest things she's ever said. What in heaven's name is wrong with her? No wonder Collin had to go somewhere for treatment. She couldn't figure out that babies need a schedule. How would she ever be able to deal with a pre-teen who needs to be in a treatment program?


I understood the comment that KATE told Jamie to put Jamie's twins on a schedule and Jamie was oh so ever grateful to Captain Obvious for saving her. I think Jamie's twins are younger, were born after Kate's twins, and as I recall posters saying, they met in a multiples support group.

Kate's dumb, but in this scenario, Jamie is apparently the dumb one. But, it actually makes sense that Kate would pick out the dumbest mother there, one that couldn't even figure out things might be a little easier for yourself if the babies get on a schedule. That way she's no threat to Kate.

I wonder what other fine tips Kate bestowed on her. See that round hole in their face? Insert milk there.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sheepless (#146), even more ridiculously,
what parent can relate to a vacation on a TV network's dime, plus a paycheck at the end?

Sad but true said...

Sheepless In Seattle said... 146

She was there at least one more time, with Steve only, in June 2012, when she ran a half-marathon. She gave a 5-minute audience to HspncElvis on that trip (at the finish line), after much prodding by fans on Twitter.

swimgirl said...

jamiepumpkin3 You are amazing.. so glad that I get to talk to you almost every day. You are one of thee "bestest" friends "evah".. smart, beautiful(even without makeup) and so good with $!
This is a strange comment. So good with $? Who says that? And TFW really does need a lot of praise for doing the simplest of things. Blocking someone on instagram is not something to be proud of, it's really very simple. Her days must be sooooooo empty.

TLC stinks said...

Didn't Jon, Kate and kids visit San Diego on way for fake vow renewal? It was more than a layover...days long and it was filmed. Mady was young so I doubt she remembers much from that trip except from the episode, therefore her request for a girl's trip to San Diego was not an impulsive request but planned.

I am glad Kate got called out by that nurse. I suspect Collin's problems were ignored for years because of the heavy filming schedule. It's all about early intervention and, unfortunately, the heavy filming schedule deterred her from focusing on her troubled son. You know, often learning disabilities or cognitive impairment spawn psychological issues such as anxiety and depression and worse. Because of her resolve to have a public image of a healthy, happy family (for filming), I don't think she saw her kids as individuals with different needs. The show must go on at all costs. She really does not deserve praise from her fans. She failed her kids. And I don't believe Collin will be returned back to that home to that environment.

Tucker's Mom said...

PIckin' a fight with a mother who lost her son to suicide. Yep, all class, that's Kate. She forgot to add "Sad!" to the end of her post. ;-)
This woman's post had all the info needed to Google and EASILY find out her story, which is a tragic story. I can understand how she is sickened by Kate with all her wealth and privilege, acting like she sent Collin off to college then acting manically happy, with puppies and vacations.
Anyone who's been through such a life-altering experience in their family would look at kate and be stunned at how she can appear to not be affected in the least. Not only not affected, but happy, like life is actually better without Collin.
Collin who?
That must disgust people who have struggled with kids who have psycho-emotional and behavioral problems that are so profound that they need to be institutionalized.
It's not something that most normal people can just put behind them and act like throwing a kid in a program means they've wiped their hands all together.
Obviously, Kate read the posts and should have had the self control to realize that this woman is in a great deal of pain, and just said, 'I'm sorry for your loss" and quietly blocked her.
Instead, she singled her out to admonish her.
She has no clue how she comes across is is tone deaf beyond words.
Kate comes across as cold and cruel because it appears to all the wold that she has a son who she has forgotten, and is feeling better, not worse, with him gone.
That would be very hard to witness for any woman who lost a child like this poster has.
Yeah, Kate, bitching about the cost of salt that you're spreading on your football-field length driveway, which leads to your 23-acre estate on your gated property is pathetic.

Tucker's Mom said...

I am glad Kate got called out by that nurse. I suspect Collin's problems were ignored for years because of the heavy filming schedule. It's all about early intervention and, unfortunately, the heavy filming schedule deterred her from focusing on her troubled son. You know, often learning disabilities or cognitive impairment spawn psychological issues such as anxiety and depression and worse. Because of her resolve to have a public image of a healthy, happy family (for filming), I don't think she saw her kids as individuals with different needs. The show must go on at all costs. She really does not deserve praise from her fans. She failed her kids. And I don't believe Collin will be returned back to that home to that environment.
Yes, this^^
I don't think Kate's ever going to sit back and wonder what she could have done differently.
In Kate's mind, she is the best mother in the world because of her golden platter.
The problem is that platter is a "thing". The real stuff in life that matter, such as friends and family, don't even register with Kate.
Divorce, complete failure to co-parent, alienation of Jon and most of their extended family isn't going to be made up for by a mansion and trips.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

TLC stinks (#151), great post. Having her kids "disperse" (as she was delighted they could do in a larger house), and leaving them with helpers for long periods of time, surely impacted TFW's ability to monitor their behavior effectively. Parenting isn't just making sure your kids aren't playing with matches, or running with scissors. And viewing them as a pack sure didn't help.

Interesting that TFW got into it with that woman, but from what's been posted about her tweets, she didn't mention C directly. If he was doing well, or at least improving, I'd think she would say that, even in the vaguest of terms (again, I am NOT asking what his specific challenges are). I wonder
if he'll ever come back.

CC said...

Parenting isn't just making sure your kids aren't playing with matches, or running with scissors.
I'm not sure Kate even did that. How many times did those kids get into things they weren't supposed to because Kate left them all unattended for hours in their room thinking they were playing nicely in their cribs, etc.

Collin got into stuff in the kitchen, and even pulled down highchairs while Kate left them unattended.

One of the girls, Alexis I think, broke a mirror in her room while Kate locked her in there.

Kate's lucky those kids weren't seriously injured during her neglect.

Tucker's Mom said...

I wonder
if he'll ever come back.

I'm thinking no. We know nothing sets Kate's teeth on edge more than people questioning her parenting.
I think she's made her decision, accepted it, convinced herself she's right about the choice and will bite anyone's head off who challenges her on it.
Those kids are her possessions and since she owns them, she gets to decide. Not us, and not even Jon.
I think Kate showed her hand with that IG outburst (even though Kate thinks she came across as measured and controlled). That poster hit a nerve.

TLC stinks said...

I am really concerned about Alexis and the picking on and/or ostracization by her sisters in that house. Totally stressful and not good psychologically. How do I know? By the body language and comments by her female siblings. Is Kate dealing with this? Highly doubtful. Bullying and being ganged up on in your own home will not end well for that child. Who's their role model? Their mother. So sad. At least her brothers are accepting. Joel and Aaden are like their dad and that must drive Kate crazy.

TLC stinks said...

Jamie has remained in Kate's circle because she enables, praises and does as she is told.

kris said...

Maybe Kate taught Jamie how to beat the crap out of her kids like she does? After all there is pictures of Jamie smacking Kate's kids. She probably introduced Jamie to the 'happy-up' spoon. Oh and her $ saving trick? If they don't eat their lunch, feed it to them again & again until it's all gone!

Formerly Duped said...

..and Collin crawled under the BBB for a sister's water bottle while the vehicle was on...

We got 12 inches of snow here, not really thick wet snow so we used the blower and shovels. More snow next week!

Jillygee said...

She lied about "just" learning how to block on IG. she blocked me months ago lol. Why lie about something so stupid. Ugh she's the worst.

swimgirl said...

I don't live too far from TFW and I can't see how she possibly needed over 100 pounds of salt. Between the sun and the wind, my driveway completely dried without salt even the part that does not get any sun. She really likes to make things much harder than necessary.

Sad but true said...

TLC stinks said... 158
Jamie has remained in Kate's circle because she enables, praises and does as she is told.

Well, all except for that one time when she actually said what she felt about Kate's behavior. Though I don't think Angelina Jolie deserved to be denigrated by comparison to the dreadful K8.

Layla said...

I think that comment about Kate being good with $ is weird, too. Kate spends on herself with wild abandon--hair, nails, shoes, monthly spa visits. She pinches pennies when it comes to her kids. Sending moldy food to school with them day after day, denying Mady and Cara a car for their 16th birthday (when she has 3 just for herself), making Aaden wear glasses repaired with duct tape until she can get TLC to pay for a new pair for him. Apparently, being good with money means denying the kids so she has more for herself.

Sad but true said...

nick_moy@jamiepumpkin3 @kateplusmy8 HI Jamie, you and Kate have something very rare in a friendship that not many people have... So when are you going to get together with Kate again, that picture of you playing lolz is seared in my brain and I don't think I will ever get it😂😂😂 I bet Kate's kids loves seeing you there too...

I guess Nick is going to become besties with PumpkinHead too.

jess_lynn_007 Can I just say what an amazing inspiration you are @kateplusmy8 ?! Is there anything you can't do?! I mean, 8 children in your house to take care of and yet, you carry all the duties of 2 parents--like a boss! Then here you are socializing with your fans like its no biggie. I am so proud to be a fan of your family! Thank you for being such a powerful motivator for so many parents! You rock 💪

"Socializing with fans like it's no biggie"? According to K8, this is actually her JOB. It frightens me that so many people are deceived by Mendacious Mommy.

TLC stinks said...

LOL, even Jamie can be catty but she is loyal. I really have to wonder if that outburst was sincere because on other reality shows they orchestrate stuff like that between the women. Even though she acted like she was fed up with Kate, it hasn't ended the friendship, so I think it was maybe a part of the act.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jillygee said... 161
She lied about "just" learning how to block on IG. she blocked me months ago lol. Why lie about something so stupid. Ugh she's the worst.
February 10, 2017 at 7:33 AM
Another easily-provable lie. It's pathological.

Layla said...

OT here--
For all fans of Grey Gardens (raising my hand here!), the house is for sale. It's been fully restored and is just gorgeous. The address is 3 West End Rd, East Hampton, NY. Zillow has lots of pictures and you won't believe it's the same house. I'm swooning!

PA Dutch Mom said...

I haven't read her posts or comments. Did Deanna come to her defense?


Why would you salt a driveway, or even use a snow blower when it's all going to melt this weekend? What is wrong with her? Can she check weather reports, or does she depend on her fans to do that for her?

GollyGee said...

From A Minor Consideration's Facebook page.

A Minor Consideration.

Isn't it amazing that the story never changes?

GollyGee said...

She can lie like nobody can.

If each one of us had a penny for every lie she has told, we would be rich.

Of course, she is lying about knowing how to block on IG.

I have thought for a long time that she leaves the bad comments on her IG for SYMPATHY and for the fans to retaliate. Her narc-ness requires a shovel to lap up that attention!

But, now, the lady that she picked on, that touched a very sensitive nerve and she knew she would have to shut her down quickly. I think the reasons why she shut her down was because of the issue with Collin and she was talking about her days at the dialysis clinic at the hospital.

But for her to say that she just learned how to block is just nuts. As Jillygee said, she had blocked her already.

Lies, Lies, Liar!

Layla said...

Jillygee (161)
If Kate admits that she has known all along how to block people on IG, then how can she make a dramatic announcement about it? That poster sure got to her. Maybe she hit too close to the truth?

Nick_moy is getting really involved, very fast. Now asking when Jamie is going to be visiting Kate again? Yikes. I don't believe this is a new poster. It's a new identity for a long-time poster. Nobody just jumps in and gets that involved that fast.

PA Dutch Mom said...

She lied about "just" learning how to block on IG. she blocked me months ago lol. Why lie about something so stupid. Ugh she's the worst.
February 10, 2017 at 7:33 AM
Another easily-provable lie. It's pathological.
February 10, 2017 at 8:36 AM


Is it possible that she doesn't know that she's lying? I remember the Halloween snowstorm that she claimed wiped out all her trees and she was snowed in. Doesn't she realize that there are locals, such as Robert, who know the truth, or doesn't she care, knowing that she can fool the gullible sheeple and to heck with those who actually have proof that she's lying?

Why risk getting caught in a blatant lie?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#165), poor jess_lynn thinks TFW is taking care of 8 kids. It's SEVEN.
For about 9 months now. The fans need
to get that number right.

And if "socializing" means accepting constant praise for strangers, and offering nothing in return, what narcissist wouldn't jump at that opportunity?

Susie Cincinnati said...

Someone commented about the SWF who kept pestering Kate about the brand of a shirt Kate wore when she was grilling.
She's back!

Michele Giarratano

@Kateplusmy8 please retweet vote Georgetown Sc we have been hit hard vote Small Business Revolution for our town!

I remember that she bought the same dress Kate wore at the TLC block party thing, and then posted a picture of her wearing it. I wonder if she ever got the shirt.

Jeanne said...

First of all, if Nick wants to be with Kate he should just ask her out. This is pathetic behavior for a grown man, hoping his IG defences will win her love. Second of all, unfortunately you can't always leave the snow to melt. Unlike Kate, my dad has a real problem and is incapable of leaving the driveway unshoveled. He will obsess about it until it is done. I worry though because he's getting older. When he has to hire someone for snow (and lawn) he will be very unhappy with how it's not perfect. I've started working on it now, trying to convince him that it will be ok. I've managed to teach him about sleeping in and now he often sleeps until 7am. (My idea is 12pm.)

I believe that woman Kristine Pugh knows something about Kate. Kristine is obviously in a lot of pain but she will never get Kate to acknowledge her. Maybe her daughter had a doctor appt at the same time as Colin? Colin's meds had to come from somewhere. Maybe Kate had to take Colin to St Joe's (the one Reading hospital) and Kristine was either working or heard about it? Whatever happened, Kate is appearing as a totally cold mother who does not care about her child.

P.S. Jamie is an annoying sycophant. Get some self respect Jamie.

GollyGee said...

Agree with you, Jeanne, 176, 100 percent!

She STOMPED on a nerve!

TFW really showed her a responding to that poor lady!

She. Does. Not. Have. Class.

NJGal51 said...

Is it just me or does anyone else think nick is Marie-border-collie-hole-in-the-heart? Nick seemed to appear in full force right before she disappeared for some catastrophic medical reason or another.

CC said...

I believe Nick Moy is Border Collie aka B Lyin and B Dyin.

She's definitely a Kate fan that's been on Twitter for ages defending Kate. She just moved to Instagram because that's where Kate posts now. I don't blame that look for using a different name.

I don't believe "Nick Moy" is male.

Jane said...

NJGal51 said... 178
Is it just me or does anyone else think nick is Marie-border-collie-hole-in-the-heart? Nick seemed to appear in full force right before she disappeared for some catastrophic medical reason or another.


Yes, I think it's border collie, who was one live laugh life or something similar. She's had lots of names over the years. I remember when she was one of the super fans along with ziggy and goody and cj and others - very, very active on Kate's Twitter feed. She had a doll business, selling them I think. Nick on IG sounds remarkably like her.

TLC stinks said...

PA Dutch Mom said...
Why risk getting caught in a blatant lie?


Because she is a pathological or a compulsive liar. She simply does not care. It's her reality and she's sick. Do those kids even understand the difference between truth and lying?

TLC stinks said...

I strongly suspect a male who speaks as "nic" is a woman who is attracted to Kate. Same goes for Milo.

CC said...

"I don't blame that look for using a different name."
"Look" should be loon.

jamesvader1194 said...

I at first thought Nick could be another lonely male who craves attention from women,which is why he seems to try to get both Kate and Jamie's attention.Also the weird buddy buddy relationship it has with Mlo.However since the person straight up admitted to being on twitter reporting haters and straight up lying about there being death threats to Kate,im honestly unsure.He sounds like one of the crazy Kate fans who kept claiming death threats but they'd show no proof of it.

jamesvader1194 said...

Border Collie is honestly one of the strangest Kate fans i've ever seen.I know some here would say milo but i've never saw a tweet of milo claiming that certain celebrities lived in her basement or that Kate went to her husband's funeral and signed something saying sorry for her lost(or it was something like that).Also herd of that blonde woman who she claimed was her but it turn out it wasn't her.

Sherri said...

Is it possible that she doesn't know that she's lying? I remember the Halloween snowstorm that she claimed wiped out all her trees and she was snowed in. Doesn't she realize that there are locals, such as Robert, who know the truth, or doesn't she care, knowing that she can fool the gullible sheeple and to heck with those who actually have proof that she's lying?


I think TFW's exaggerations are a part of her mental illness. I don't think she is able to feel or be anything other than extremely put-upon, overworked, over-burdened, or exhausted.

I don't think she sees anything that has to do with herself in moderation - it's always exaggerated and extreme. I think it's related to histrionic disorder, which I agree with an above post and think TFW does have.
My pal google describes the disorder as: a long-standing pattern of attention seeking behavior and extreme emotionality. Someone with histrionic personality disorder wants to be the center of attention in any group of people, and feel uncomfortable when they are not. They seek attention, talk dramatically with strong opinions, are easily influenced, have rapidly changing emotions, and think relationships are closer than they are.

Sherri said...

I think Kate has not the will, desire, patience or education to help Collin, but my biggest question is why she wouldn't involve Jon, even just to see if it was possible to help him without sending him away.


Because she hates Jon more than she loves her children. And, she's sure proven it, repeatedly over time, with her actions, hasn't she?

Gigi Be said...

Not only did TFW go to San Diego twice while filming the show, she also ran the marathon in 2012.

And oh what do you know, the silver fox accompanied twf and Maddie on their little mother daughter trip. No wonder Jon looked so defeated on the couch interview.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

..." that Kate went to her husband's funeral and signed something saying sorry for her lost(or it was something like that).Also herd of that blonde woman who she claimed was her but it turn out it wasn't her."

She said that? I vaguely recall something about Kate posting a condolence on the funeral/memorial page, but I don't remember her claiming that Kate actually went to the funeral.

"My pal google describes the disorder as: a long-standing pattern of attention seeking behavior and extreme emotionality. Someone with histrionic personality disorder wants to be the center of attention in any group of people, and feel uncomfortable when they are not. They seek attention, talk dramatically with strong opinions, are easily influenced, have rapidly changing emotions, and think relationships are closer than they are."

Doesn't that also describe Milo?

jamesvader1194 said...

@Fleecing the Sheeple Thats what it was!I could of sworn someone said that she said Kate went to the funeral.But i knew it had something to do with the husband dying and Kate did something for her.My bad

All This Is That said...

Isn't Border Collie away for some serious risky surgery? Has another personality taken over while she is gone? Is this surgery being done to repair the hole in her heart, when her blood pressure was 888/888?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

First of all, if Nick wants to be with Kate he should just ask her out.


Even if it's a woman? :)

Iwana tried the potential suitor thing, and that didn't work out!

IF it's a guy, is this her new knight in shining armor, like that Mad British Guy? I hope Kate's rode manager has vetted this guy or gal or whatever it is.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I guess Nick is going to become besties with PumpkinHead too.


Where is BobbleHead in all of this?

Sandi said...

Border Collie has many names she goes by. Many illnesses. I can remember when she had a hole in her leg and was squirting blood everywhere before the paramedics arrived. She wrote that Kate had signed her husbands condolence book. As I recall the signature had ~ after the Kate or K. Sorry I do not remember what the site name was.

GollyGee said...

That 888/888 blood pressure sounds like what it will be like while TFW is grinding and gnashing her teeth on Judgment Day.

Wowser said...

Holy crap does this describe TFW...especially the part about demanding gratitude

Sad but true said...

Ah, carijo, now that K8 has discovered the block feature, I fear you're not long for her IG. But it was nice to know you.

carijo42 For the record, she does not take care of 8 kids. One child has not been there for almost a year straight. It takes a very evil parent to be happy and all warm and fuzzy inside while filming the 12th birthday party without him and then say, It was the bestest birthday ever!

Sad but true said...

I think after her sore-loser outburst on Twitter last weekend, Milo's put herself in social media time-out. Hasn't posted anything in days. Either that or she's had a falling-out with her celeb crush.

NJGal51 said...

BobbleHead hasn't been around since she spouted off about Jon and his gift giving/relationship with the kids. Many suspect she was hit with a gag order. TFW now has Ms Ruthie for makeup and Ronnie for hair. BobbleHead went private and doesn't comment anymore. Milo has stopped trying to draw her out.

TLC stinks said...

Maybe Bobble Head realized that defending Kate is bad for her business. Celebs want people who work for them to butt out of their private lives. I doubt there is a gag order. And perhaps since the dating with Van episode was such a flop, Kate is finished with Aunt Deanna. What else is new? Really, except for Jamie and Steve, everyone else has moved on.

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