Saturday, January 24, 2015

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "New England Adventures": Maine-ly, Kate is a #dolt

Coming up on Kate Plus 8, screaming, crying, screeching, whining. Which is usually what's coming up on this god-damned show. There's normal familial disagreements, and then there's an unhappy family. There's a difference.

Cool drone shot of the kompound. You can tell it's probably GoPro because of the fisheye. Not that their property isn't already out there, but it seems to me this is kind of reckless. It would make it really easy for anyone to find it on Google maps who maybe already doesn't know. They used to only film little snippets of the property, such that it would be very difficult to pin down its location based on the footage. I don't get the sense anyone cares about common sense anymore, least of all Schmoopy here.

Kate has discovered, Chris Columbus style, that they have never been to New England before, so that would be a great place to get TLC to pay for a trip to.

Hm. But they all went to Connecticut in 2012 to run a race together. Maybe she thinks New England is its own state.

Kate tells Zorro she's going to miss him while they're away. He bites her. Heh, I imagine he's a fan of Vivica Fox this season on CA. A long, boring explanation about how they will all get packed. Schmoopy's in her element when she incessantly drones on about pointless things about herself and the things she does nobody else cares about. She treats her show sort of like a video version of Facebook. Next she'll be showing us the green smoothie she is about to drink and the cute little booger in one of the kid's noses when he woke up this morning.

More long, boring shots of the kids packing. Much to the dismay of Doofus, who rolls her eyes like a child, the kids, who are getting older and wiser by the day, actually want to pack their own things and choose their own clothes, which makes packing a nightmare for a control freak.

I love this part! Hannah says Mom used to try to make them wear all matching clothes, and quote, "that is so annoying." I remember many a debate back in the good ole days between the haters and the sheeple, with the sheeple saying just let them wear matchy-match clothes they probably like it! And us mean haters saying matching clothes are silly they are not toddlers, they should be allowed to be their own people and express themselves and choose their own damn shirt to wear.

Now, the golden child herself tells us that it turns out the kids hated doing the matchy-matchy thing! I feel validated, and I have a funny feeling we're going to continue to be validated as the kids get older and find their voices and confirm many of our wise speculations.

As so many have pointed out, the boys have shaped out to be so awesome. They just sort of go with the flow of packing as Kate barks orders, is over-the-top unreasonable, and tries to get a rise out of them. They're just like sure whatever you want Mom, I'm sure you know best. If you just don't engage with Kate, it's the same as cutting off her arms and legs. A histrionic narcissist craves somebody to engage with, and they won't do it.

As per her usual, Kate won't tell them where they are going. Then she teases them by using the words "main" or "mainly" in every sentence. Hannah's like no we didn't pick up on that because she always says that. Lol. And you mainly ignore her usually anyway, right kids? Actual research shows you get the biggest boost of happiness from planning and anticipating your vacation, not from actually being on it. This boost can last almost eight weeks! There is virtually no boost in happiness either on the trip or after you get home from the vacation. It's always grated on me she takes away the fun of anticipation from them. Instead they're always packing in the dark and headed down the road to nowhere, completely clueless. Poor kids.

Packing was such a struggle for this trip, and was half a day of their lives they won't get back, says the problems of the 1%. This is like Facebook, or Pinterest! Now Kate is shredding zucchini! Kate has confiscated Mady's phone again, but neither Kate nor Mady can remember why. Well, that's an effective punishment.

Mady describes the phone thing as Kate thinking, "I'm so cool, I have all the power." I think that child is pretty darn insightful.

The next morning, it's so early it's dark. Mady is still begging Kate for the phone back. I get that, it sucks not to have your phone on a long traveling day and vacation shouldn't start out on the wrong foot like this with you still being punished (for a reason no one can remember, apparently). Kate kind of gives her a "maybe, we'll see," type thing, then turns around and tells the cameras she's not getting it back. Mady's right, it's a power thing.

Mady and Cara are bringing a friend with them, Marley. Cara asked if she could bring a friend. I.e. Cara refused to film unless she gets her way, eh, Kate? Heh, I quite like these kids.

They arrive in Philadelphia airport and head to the plane. They don't want to road trip this one? It's not that bad of a drive. Ha-ha, schmoopy's slumming it in coach with the kids. Poor thing has to use her own hand as a headrest to doze. All the kids are glued to their iPads and iPhones the whole flight, quiet as mice. I think on the one hand it's nice you can just stick an iPad in front of a kid and they shut up the whole trip. On the other hand, what has happened to us?

There's a lot of filler in this episode, and I don't mean the kind you get in Beverly Hills. It's a lot of little unnecessary flashbacks to other trips, other flights, other griping. I could do without the history lesson.

Do you guys like flying? the producer asks the boys. Does anyone care? But incidentally, yes they like flying.

Kate rents a sprinter identical to the one they have at home. "Same seats!" she orders. For pity sake they are ten and fourteen years old, they still have a seating chart?

They head right to Plimoth. Did you know your very own Admin is a direct descendant of Pricilla and John Alden, two of the original pilgrims to settle here? I think I have my great-grandmother's nose.

They get dressed up as pilgrims, which strikes me as rather babyish, but the kids really seem to be enjoying this, so fine. At least a few people have mentioned that the kids may be more willing to participate in whatever, even babyish things, just because at least they are getting a chance to socialize and get out of the house. I think that's a fair point. Collin especially is so cute all head to toe in stockings, wool and brass buttons. It's nice to see the boys so much more relaxed and happy than in previous updates where they seemed frighteningly checked out. Kate too gets dressed, complete with a corset. The woman assisting her is too nice. Too bad Frances Fisher couldn't help her lace that one up.

He-he, Kate looks more like The Flying Nun than she does my great-grandmother. She's upset the stiff pilgrim shoes don't have Nike technology. She says they were so stiff a dog's teeth could have been broken on them. Tee-hee, that's what she said.

They meet up with one of the Pilgrim reenactors. I was last here when I was a teenager and being the history nerd that I was, I loved it. These people never step out of character. If your cell phone rings they act frightened and want to know what that is, that's how much they are into it. Viewing it now from an adult's eyes, it's sort of cheesy to have a bunch of actors everywhere pretending they are in a time warp. But on the other hand, it's obviously a great way to get kids interested and excited about history, and that I love.

Kate takes hobbling harridan to a whole new level as she stumbles after the kids who are gathering hay, carrying water, and other chores. Post trip, mostly all the kids can talk about was how hot it was. They need air conditioning, Collin says. I'm sure William Brewster will get right on that. Did they clear the entire Plimoth Planation in the middle of high tourist season for this family? It's utterly empty. A pilgrim ghost town.

Kate's really taken aback by the sheep and how vocal they are. You would think she would be quite comfortable amid dumb sheep by now, even vocal ones.

The kids help one of the pilgrims making some food, like eggs and mussels. In keeping with how she usually checks out an hour or so into the task on Celebrity Apprentice, Kate goes off to take a nap. Somewhere up there in heaven my grandma is snickering at this doofus. I come from a long line of both patriots and humorists.

The next day they make the long drive up to Maine, stopping at a little town called Bath for lunch. For some reason this name seems to really entertain Kate. She knows it was likely just named after the famous spa town in England, right? Lots of Northeast states have a Bath, including PA and NY. For only being on the road one morning Kate sure has a laundry list of complaints about the drive, including the Dolt giveth and the Dolt taketh away iPads. Aw, this restaurant looks like just about every little family restaurant you can find in any little Northeast seaside town. The kids seem too old for those plastic cartoony kid drinks. Maybe I'm getting out of touch with ten-year-olds.

Mm, fried pickles and calamari. And lots of other deep fried goodness. I love summer and small little coastal towns. Hehe, Mady orders lobster. The kids, being ten, are kind of forgetting their manners, playing with the food a bit, but since it's all about the details for Kate, nothing is allowed to just be let go on vacation. They even have to use a knife and fork to eat calamari. Stupid.

Mady ordered the lobster both because she was interested in trying it and because she knew it would piss Kate off because Kate finds lobsters gross. I find myself thinking Mady is my new favorite character on this show, then catch myself because that's just weird to think. She's a young woman for pity sake. A real person, not an actor or character. And yet the poor child is being discussed on the inter webs as if she were a "character", and I see how it happened. I fell into it too.

Predictably, Kate has to get in a slam about her upbringing saying she never got this sort of opportunity to try lobster so have at it, Mady. I daresay many of our parents could not afford this sort of nonsense and would not allow us to order it even if they could afford it. Especially when we're far too young to appreciate the delicacy and would, nine times out of ten, leave 90% of it on our plates to waste. I think we turned out all right despite being deprived of such a fine crustacean. Why is everything about her kids directly related to her own perceived bad childhood? Maybe a therapist could tell her. Hehe, now Lexi wants a lobster too. Well, that's what happens when you allow your children to go down this rabbit hole.

Mady loves that she's found something Kate hates. She wants to put lobsters under Kate's pillow. Hehe, the next four years are going to be long, very long, for poor Doofus.

They hit the road again and end up in Lincolnville where their beach house is. This is more than just a shanty. It's a beach-mansion. It also doesn't really appear to be on or near the beach. Maybe it's off camera somewhere.

Mady, being a teen, is mad there is no cell or wifi service. It's gonna be a long two weeks for a teenager.

Dramatic ensue because Lexi doesn't want to sleep on the couch. Well, I get that. It's kind of unfair the other two girls get nice lush bunk beds and she's stuck on the couch. Not sure how that happened, but poor Lexi is promising, tears welling in her eyes, that she'll be quiet if she can just have a bed. Aw, that's so sad. Maybe they need to at least take turns. Remarkably even Hannah suggests that if Leah and Lexi both really want that top bunk maybe they could just trade off each night. That's reasonable. Kate is dismayed the children have minds of their own. Heh. Kate shuts the three younger girls in a room and tells them to figure it out. Eh, I know this is Kate just being lazy, but at this age, they need to figure out such trivial things among themselves and stop running to Kate to solve it and betting she'll do something unfair that will end up in their favor. Interspersed with all this, the girls are giving each other random little pushes and shoves. That is so bizarre to watch. I've never seen such a thing except among preschoolers. It's like a second form of communication for them other than their words. They are ten for gosh sakes. And Kate just stands there, doing nothing about all this physical violence.

Hannah, bless her heart, volunteers to sleep on an air mattress so that Leah and Lexi can both get what they want. Well, that was nice of her, and mature. Good for her.

Commercials, and what a coincidence they are showing the trailer for Paddington, which Kate just happened to tweet about. Another grift?

The next day it's pouring rain as it tends to do in the Northeast during summer exactly when you're planning to go to the beach. I think it's nice that they put rain gear on and head to the beach anyway. The beach can still be fun even in the rain. They tackle the rocky shore and explore, finding some little crabs. I hate screamers. I think her screaming is getting worse as the years go by. More shrill.

After the beach, they hazmat the house to do some painting like they are two. If you really watch closely, the kids are constantly smacking each other. I mean it is non-stop. In one little clip, I spotted Alexis smacking Aaden and then whipping her easel toward him like a bayonet. This sort of thing goes on all episode long. Geez.

When all is finally set up the kids finally calm down and concentrate on their paintings. None of these are very good even the twins', except maybe Collin's, of a whale. Somebody should have told them to paint a base color on their canvas first. It would look so much better.

The next day they head to a ropes course. That's really cool, and Kate is right about it being difficult to find activities the two different age groups both like. I give the producers credit for really trying to find activities that appeal to the whole crew. I like ten-year-olds because they look at a sheer vertical wall with like two dozen teeny tiny little plastic peg things to hold onto, and they're all about it, can't wait to tackle it. They don't have the stupid fears and reservations and logic us silly adults have.

Doofus can't figure out something as simple as how to clip on and off. She even admits she felt sort of stupid. However I think she thinks being a #dolt is cute, which it's not. Alexis and the boys especially loved this activity, aw! Kate is being one of us adults with stupid fears and reservations and won't do most of these. That's fine, but don't teach your children your fears.

Nice, the only good flashback clip they've shown so far, to when our favorite Kiwi and honorary blog husband, pushed her off a tower and laughed at her. Hehe, nice one!

On a side note, splicing in a bunch of flashbacks into the episode makes these episodes so much more low-budget. All these flashbacks add up, which means you don't need nearly as many days of footage to make one episode. Money saved. I think that's just an interesting thing to ponder about TLC's game plan here. Showing incredibly long, drawn out clips of the kids swinging across ropes also saves money. A couple of the kids have GoPros on their helmets. Fun.

Collin and Aaden are so cool. They encourage each other and Collin tells him it's nice spending time with him, "we're the boys!" he proclaims. Aw. I'm so happy they've found their voices. They close the place out like you might a bar, lol.

After just having watched the RV episode it's nice to see a relatively less stressful vacation, at least so far. I suspect a big factor in that is that Kate hasn't brought along any hired help who is over her and primed to call her out.

Next up, my DVR has also decided to record the oh so educational My Big Fat Fabulous Life. Whitney's fat girl dancing Youtube video got 5 million hits. And, I'll skip recapping that.

372 sediments (sic) from readers:

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FYI said...

I think that Sig gets fired in the boat cruise task, because Johnny tweeted back in April thanking a band for helping his team win.

Then I think Kenya gets switched over to Team Vortex with Kate, Geraldo and Vivica, since a golf pro who is on tonight tweeted a picture of his "team" and Kenya was not in that picture.

Geraldo, Vivica and Kenya were shown to be in a later task, so I'm betting Kate is the one to go tonight after the golf task.

NYC is preparing for a blizzard. I wonder if Kate's already on her way to the city to do her post-show interviews tomorrow.

I think it would totally funny if she finally gets a chance to do media interviews, and the blizzard caused her to not make it.

TLC stinks said...

local, absolutely! She pranced around in that flesh colored bikini not only in front of Steve but in front of his sons, and Gina was not there. That was eye opening for me.

TLC stinks said...

Kate has a limited vocabulary and that's why she goes ummm and makes up words by adding "ish". It's hard for me to believe this woman managed to get through a nursing curriculum.

Speaking of language difficulties, have you all seen the Sarah Palin clips from that speech she gave in Iowa?

TLC stinks said...

I think she's in NYC. How cozy to be trapped there for days.

Call Me Crazy said...

Leslie said ... 195

And will she be the winner in all of CA for being brought into the boardroom the most?

I posted the breakdown in another thread (can't remember which one). Right now, Kate has been brought to the BR 3 times. If she is brought in when Sig is fired, that will be her 4th BR. If she is fired in the next BR right after Sig is fired, that will be her 5th BR. That will put her second in the tally of all-time BR appearances, behind Dayana Mendoza from CA season 5, who had a total of 7 BR appearances. If Kate is not brought in with Sig, she will have a total of 4 BR appearances, tying her with 6 other previous contestants.

regular said...

IMO, the issue with the wifi connection was real. Camden/Rockland are more reliable, but much of Maine has very spotty connections.

Blowing In The Wind said...

It's hard for me to believe this woman managed to get through a nursing curriculum.


She didn't have to make public speeches or give interviews going through a nursing curriculum! She could slide right through there by keeping her mouth shut.

Blowing In The Wind said...

I think she's in NYC. How cozy to be trapped there for days.


Has it been confirmed that she gets fired tonight?

Formerly Duped said...

Probably a boy tup had an air mattress which later Hannah said she used in the girls' room. but I agree, manufactured drama, although Alexis being upset seemed real. Maybe they were fooled into thinking she would sleep on a couch while really there were plenty of beds in a 6 bedroom house?

Blizzard watch here in MA too. I am just worried my recovering ( not much change) dog will need a vet and no way could we get to one. I am having trouble with the bladder expression- she tenses up her muscles and won't let go. Big flood this AM though!)

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 4
I think she's in NYC. How cozy to be trapped there for days.
January 26, 2015 at 6:22 AM
You can count on it.
I'm seeing Katie and Stevie in Central Park, snuggled under a fur blanket, riding in a troika, sharing a half-caff decaf skinny Starbucks latte.
Kids? Snowed in, power out?
Who cares!
I'll get there when I get there!

Mel said...

bookworm said... 175

Hi everyone, longtime reader here. One thing I noticed and haven't seen mentioned - at the restaurant in Bath when Kate was rattling on about all the stops they had made (bathroom stops, entertainment stops, etc), Hannah chimed in with "and happiness stops." I thought it was interesting in light of the kids having previously been "happied up" with the wooden spoon in the BBB.

Yeah, I had noticed that, too. Although I hadn't put that interpretation on it. But now that you bring it makes more sense with the look that was on H's face.

There was something about that look that wasn't jiving with a stop just to let everyone stretch their legs. But if it was a stop to beat somebody, or at least yell at somebody, punish somebody somehow....the look on her face makes sense.

Also notice that TFW just blew by that comment. Didn't say, "Yes, those, too." Or say yeah, a lot of those. She completely ignored it. Which would also make sense with it was a stop to punish somebody. More than once, apparently.

So...if they had bathroom stops, entertainment stops, happiness stops, lunch stops. Just how often were they stopping, anyway? Every 1/2 hour?

Tucker's Mom said...

Blizzard watch here in MA too. I am just worried my recovering ( not much change) dog will need a vet and no way could we get to one. I am having trouble with the bladder expression- she tenses up her muscles and won't let go. Big flood this AM though!)
I hope you don't get too snowed in!
Sending you lots of hugs for being such an amazing fur mommy!

We're just going to get a dusting, and I'm a bit bummed about it.

Call Me Crazy said...

bookworm said... 175

Hi everyone, longtime reader here. One thing I noticed and haven't seen mentioned - at the restaurant in Bath when Kate was rattling on about all the stops they had made (bathroom stops, entertainment stops, etc), Hannah chimed in with "and happiness stops." I thought it was interesting in light of the kids having previously been "happied up" with the wooden spoon in the BBB.

Hi bookworm. Welcome to the veranda! I didn't watch the episode, but based on how everyone described the kids as acting up, it wouldn't surprise me if TFW felt compelled to "happy them up" along the way.

chefsummer #Leh said...

New drinking game.

Every time Kate say um or rolls her eyes on CA on during an interview you drink.

angie said...

So, how much did this getaway set the Gosselins back? Well, nothing since TLC paid for it, but we calculated all the activities, food, airfare and lodging for 9 over a week long trip to New England to be somewhere around $12,000. No wonder Kate keeps churning out those shows!
Uncle Sam is going to want his cut of her freebies, cuz nothing in life is free. I bet she has has to pay taxes on this, surely. (I can't see TLC claiming it was a 'gift').

It may not be $$, but it's 'income' all the same.

localyocul said...

If someone could find the clip where H says that about Happiness stops, that would be awesome!

Blowing In The Wind said...

OT...another one:

FYI said...

The Kate plus 8 FB posted a video of Kate talking about the "new season". She says how she's "very outnumbered" and then she flaps her hands, makes another one of her stupid faces and makes her crazy noises.

Perhaps, they should rename the show "Kate against the 8", because that's for sure how they are playing it.

Jumping In said...

The minute Kate heard about the blizzard, I bet she flew out her front door, sick kids be damned, nothing gets in the way of getting her mug on camera!

I am a bit confused on the Emily thing. She puts out a tweet saying she was happy to be taking care of the kids so Kate and Steve could have some "alone time". Mady and Cara have to know their mother is in a relationship with him, especially if some wannabe reality star picks up on this.

Mady strikes me as the one who holds the "currency" (as Kate put it) not her mother. Here are a few examples:

"If I can't drive at sixteen, I am going to tell everyone about you and Steve"

"If I can't have my own car, I'm going to tell daddy how long you and Steve have been together, and Cara says she'll tell too!"

How then does this dynamic work exactly? Does Kate have her own children under a gag order? Kate has to know one of these she is going to piss Mady (or Cara) off just enough that the truth will come out.

Tucker's Mom said...

Hi bookworm. Welcome to the veranda! I didn't watch the episode, but based on how everyone described the kids as acting up, it wouldn't surprise me if TFW felt compelled to "happy them up" along the way.

Hi bookworm and welcome to the veranda-seems like we're getting more new commenters!
I can't picture spanking or hitting an 11-year old child. Could Kate actually still be doing this?
I'm in disbelief-but I know what "happy up" means in that household.
Just blows my mind.
One day, one of those kids is going to yank that spoon out of Kate's hand and whack her with it!
I might have to watch the episode on my dvr to see this...if I can stomach it. ~ Administrator said...

Was it Ann Landers who said that nobody can take advantage of you without your permission?


That's true, but what if your ability to give that permission were severely compromised by severe stress, food and sleep deprivation, dehydration, or a head injury? I definitely feel I cannot simply brush off these stories as oh well, they are adults they can consent if they want to. Clearly their ability to consent was compromised, which was what I think the point of the article was in the first place.

angie said...

Ok, you financial wizards out there.
So how much $$ does this shrew have and how long will it last? I can see where she says 'single mom doing it alone'--I think she's referring to not receiving child support. So yes, technically she is doing it all alone-it appears that Jon doesn't have the kids 50% of the time (although he does have them more than what she lets on).

(She's got enough that she doesn't seem to sweat writing a check for a $9,000 frig). Which is incredibly stupid, btw. I think it's a damn shame the way she blows through money. It's a REFRIGERATOR. get a $1000 one from Lowe's and save the money for the future.
#dolt, what does she have banked and how long will it last?

FYI said...

chefsummer #Leh said... 14
New drinking game.

Every time Kate say um or rolls her eyes on CA on during an interview you drink.

Add to that anytime she says the word "crap". ~ Administrator said...

Pioneer woman had two girls who are almost adults, and then two boys who are much younger. Her two boys are ALL boy, with the sports and the cowboy stuff and getting muddy and dirty and loving junk food and having guy friends over all the time to get into mischief.

Pioneer Woman not only respects the boy in her boys, but she encourages it and even seems to ENJOY watching her boys be boys. Those boys clearly adore her as a result.

She has two fun girly girls who love the shopping and the cooking and the fashion. She could just devote 99% of her parenting toward them, surely that would be more fun to just hang with them as a mom and woman. She has actively not gone down that road, instead taking interest in ALL of the children equally. She is not a good actress, so I tend to think what we see of her parenting style is genuine.

Sue_Buddy said...

Totally. And why, why ask a girl when one of the boys would have been game to sleep on the couch?
Frankly, that house would have been unacceptable to me if someone, anyone, had to sleep on a couch.
But...was the couch a pull out?

I think what you're asking is, was the couch "rest-upon-able."

Tess said...

Great recap, Admin. I think it is cool that you are a direct descendent!

Bookworm - I caught that, too. I thought it was odd, but that the girl might be trying to insert some "positivity" in to her mother's never-ending whining. Wow. I sure hope those kids are not still being hit. I wish they had never been hit. Do you think she would do that in front of C's friend or Em?

I saw the ep on YT. Hadn't watched since they were babies and in the basement alone in the pen, though I've seen some clips here and there. I don't think I can stomach any more. Those poor kids.

Tucker's Mom said...

Wow. I don't know how anyone can have doubt that Cosby is a serial predator.
Being a serial philanderer makes him a shit. Being a rapist makes him a criminal.
These people who pay money to see him are either in denial or very, very cruel and soulless. ~ Administrator said...

Bookworm - I caught that, too. I thought it was odd, but that the girl might be trying to insert some "positivity" in to her mother's never-ending whining. Wow. I sure hope those kids are not still being hit. I wish they had never been hit. Do you think she would do that in front of C's friend or Em?


Great catch about the happiness stops. I hope that does not mean what it has meant before.

What I hope is that it means they got to stop and get some cheetos and those little packaged donuts at a rest stop. Thus, "happiness stop."

Double shot if she says HOLY crap!

Tucker's Mom said...
Kate seems to take pride in utterly failing to teach her kids how to cope and navigate through life without screeching and hitting.
The kids act like animals because they've had a revolving door of nannies raising them.
Tune in to see if Kate lives? Honey, if a plague of locusts descended upon the earth, a meteor the size of Cleveland landed in the Atlantic ocean, and every single volcano on the planet erupted at the exact same time, Kate, the cockroaches and every single shitty, non-biodegradable diaper her kids went through would still be here.

Tucker's Mom said...

Mady strikes me as the one who holds the "currency" (as Kate put it) not her mother. Here are a few examples:

"If I can't drive at sixteen, I am going to tell everyone about you and Steve"

"If I can't have my own car, I'm going to tell daddy how long you and Steve have been together, and Cara says she'll tell too!"

How then does this dynamic work exactly? Does Kate have her own children under a gag order? Kate has to know one of these she is going to piss Mady (or Cara) off just enough that the truth will come out.


I think by now, all the kids know that Kate and Steve are together. At their age, the twins should be able to have a social media account, but Kate won't let them.
I think it's because Kate needs to control the narrative to keep the charade going.

Sue_Buddy said...

Kate is a twit said... 18
The Kate plus 8 FB posted a video of Kate talking about the "new season". She says how she's "very outnumbered" and then she flaps her hands, makes another one of her stupid faces and makes her crazy noises.

Kate says. about watching the season's videos:

I noticed that I am very outnumbered." (Stressing "I" as if no one would notice the 8 to 1 ratio)

You noticed that, Kate? One adult and 8 kids and you are very outnumbered. Wow. brilliantly perceptive of you.

Mel said...

I don't know that I think the happiness stops were to actually beat the kids, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were to 'happy them up' somehow.

I suppose she can't yank their electronics away from the passenger front seat all that easily....

Formerly Duped said...

Thanks Tucker. You made me tear up. I'm doing my best with the dog but I feel like a failure re: her bladder. I pray she doesn't get bladder damage. We're expecting 2-3 feet of snow and WE don't have a snow blower- old one broke and no funds now or even any left in stores.

As for the Happy Stops, I never thought of that, other than thinking it was odd to say.How did Hannah look when she said it? I doubt she needed to get happy.What would Marley think! I watched On Demand- since I am isolated with the dog, I hope I am forgiven!

Tucker's Mom said...

Pioneer Woman not only respects the boy in her boys, but she encourages it and even seems to ENJOY watching her boys be boys. Those boys clearly adore her as a result.

You have to watch the "Brycie" episode. That young man adores his momma, and you can just see how she kvells over him!
PW definitely connects to each of her children, and those kids are so much more "real" to me at least.
The G girls...I don't know...something is off/lacking. There's no...depth or development of their spirits.
I don't mean to pile on, but, I don't see light shining out of their eyes, like, ever.
Sure, they're happy when they're getting something or being entertained, but there's nothing emanating from them spontaneously.
I don't know if I'm explaining it right.

Rainbirdie said... (Administrator) said... 21
Was it Ann Landers who said that nobody can take advantage of you without your permission?

That's true, but what if your ability to give that permission were severely compromised by severe stress, food and sleep deprivation, dehydration, or a head injury? I definitely feel I cannot simply brush off these stories as oh well, they are adults they can consent if they want to. Clearly their ability to consent was compromised, which was what I think the point of the article was in the first place.
And don't forget the all encompassing contract where they basically signed all of their rights away. I'm sure the very real threat of a lawsuit is why so few reality contestants have spoken out.

FYI said...

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · Jan 24
Don't be quick to believe everything you see on twitter because malicious lies spread quickly w/just one tweet! #Troublemakers #JustDontCare

Hmm, like the time you stated that Kate had a restraining order against Jon? Guess that would make Milo a troublemaker, too.

Anonymous said...

Tucker's Mom @ 192 - Or, as Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."


Rainbirdie said...

I watched the K+8 episode & yes, admin's recap was way more interesting. Two things about the show totally bugged me - #1) The cameraman's voice was heard more than once asking "Lex" a question. Why was "Lex" singled out & why did the cameraman use the nickname "Lex"? It seemed very ....familiar....must have been one of the crew daddies. #2) There was a scene in the beach mansion where the kids had long poles of some kind. One of the girls hit one of the boys with her pole. Boy said nothing. Boy in return barely touched the girl with his pole & the girl screamed bloody murder. Obviously the girls control the dynamics and those boys have learned they don't stand a chance against the drama.

MikeB said...

Uncle Sam is going to want his cut of her freebies, cuz nothing in life is free. I bet she has has to pay taxes on this, surely. (I can't see TLC claiming it was a 'gift').

It may not be $$, but it's 'income' all the same.
I doubt the trip will be counted as income. The production company gets to write off the cost of the travel as a business expense. Even though we know TFW is doing the filming for the benefits, as far as the IRS is concerned I think it is just part of the cost of doing business. I don't think the CA or DWTS participants are taxed on the travel and lodging either, only their winnings.

If she was receiving the trip with no obligation as a prize it would be taxable. However, in this case it is part of her work (LOL) as a reality TV personality and she will be taxed on the rumored $40,000 per episode that she is being paid.

Put another way, if TLC gave TFW and additional $10,000 and made her pay her own way then she could deduct the cost of the travel as a business expense herself. It wouldn't be taxable either way.

It would be significantly different for tangible items she gets to keep. The "donated" furniture and appliances she has gotten would definitely be income.

Tucker's Mom said..., what does she have banked and how long will it last?
Millions and millions. How long will it last? Depends on how long the freebies keep rolling in, and how many more times she'll sue someone. ~ Administrator said...

I agree Tucker. I think the difference with the PW kids is that they have this huge elaborate life outside the hover craft of their parents. They are allowed to live a rich and fulfilling life.

We have seen proof they have a ton of friends their age, are actively involved in church, homeschooling events, sports, love helping out around the ranch, have a host of other relatives and parents' friends of all ages.

Mom is what a mom should be, just sort of a constant whom they love. And yes, they adore her, especially the little one. That sort of thing doesn't happen by accident. She has fostered an environment that facilitates that bond. I simply don't feel that sort of well-rounded richness with the Gosselins, and I think that is a fair statement given all the footage we've seen.

And don't forget the all encompassing contract where they basically signed all of their rights away. I'm sure the very real threat of a lawsuit is why so few reality contestants have spoken out.

Even the law recognizes that not all contracts are valid just because you signed it. The law recognizes undue influence can occur. What I might consider doing if I were one of these contestants is talk to a lawyer and have them explore whether that might be an avenue to craft a lawsuit. Other than that though there are pretty few options to sue I think.

Tucker's Mom said...

Double shot if she says HOLY crap!
January 26, 2015 at 7:37 AM
Holy Crap! is the new Lordie Be!
She sounds like such a dolt when she says it- it's like she's completely unable to express herself with sentences, so she just keeps blurting out, "holy crap!".
Change it up once in a while, will ya?

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 30
I agree Tucker. I think the difference with the PW kids is that they have this huge elaborate life outside the hover craft of their parents. They are allowed to live a rich and fulfilling life.
What I thought was really, really neat is that her boys are boys and the girls are girls, but there isn't any gender-pegging going on.
The girls handle horses and cattle and her boy, Bryce, helped mom in the kitchen and enjoyed grocery shopping with her.
PW kids are really, really neat.
The G kids? Other than the accidental anomaly of their HOM birth, meh. ~ Administrator said...

Apparently they were only in the car one morning to get to Bath for lunch.

I found it ridiculous that 10 and 14 year olds, especially with all their iPads and electronics to play on, couldn't keep it together for one morning and behave. They didn't even have to do a long road trip to get to Boston, they had an hour and a half flight and they were there.

They are old enough to be able to behave in the car ride. If they can't even keep it together for a short car ride I question if they are able to hold it together with friends, other families, and school. Or maybe this is just behavior they pull out for Kate knowing they can get away with it, which is very possible. ~ Administrator said...

"Holy crap" makes her sound 17 years old to me. Grow up and stop trying to be one of the teens.

Tucker's Mom said...

For all of you historians on the veranda- didn't Murt's bill/the amended law include barring cameras from bedrooms and bathrooms?
Filming the kids in their jammies and in their bedrooms is just too invasive and personal.
Now, there's an episode revolving around the kids' bedrooms!

I just can't believe that with a house that size, that they have to resort to constructing bedrooms in the basement, although I'm sure the boys are loving it.
They need all the testosterone bonding they can get.

Tucker's Mom said...

Tucker's Mom @ 192 - Or, as Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

She was a real broad, that one ;-)

Tucker's Mom said...

So, they stopped 3-4 times for a 4-hour trip. OMG, I'd lost my mind.
And they got presents or goodies on the way?

Call Me Crazy said...

Every time Kate say um or rolls her eyes on CA on during an interview you drink.

Add to that anytime she says the word "crap".

Double shot if she says HOLY crap!

Holy Crap!! I predict there are going to be a lot of drunken bodies sprawled all over the porch in short order! Whoever is in charge of bringing the rumspringa better be prepared!

TLC stinks said...

regular said... 6
IMO, the issue with the wifi connection was real. Camden/Rockland are more reliable, but much of Maine has very spotty connections.


Hi Regular. I've run across that problem traveling and the solution is to make your phone a hot spot. Voila! Wi-Fi.

TLC stinks said...

I hope the boys sneak in Shoka at night.

Tucker's Mom said...

Hi Regular. I've run across that problem traveling and the solution is to make your phone a hot spot. Voila! Wi-Fi.

Hmm... who thinks Kate actually went a week without wifi? I bet her phone is a hot spot.
Wifi is a must for any vacation home for me.

TLC stinks said...

I wonder where she picked up "Holy Crap"? Someone around her must use that expression. Does she think adding the Holy in front of Crap makes it a nice thing to say around her children?

FYI said...

TLC stinks said... 53
I wonder where she picked up "Holy Crap"? Someone around her must use that expression. Does she think adding the Holy in front of Crap makes it a nice thing to say around her children?

I've seen Jamie Anderson and Shawn Johnson both use that phrase in their tweets. Also, didn't Shawn also say it on CA?

Wouldn't be surprised if Kate picked it up from them and used it so she would appear young and hip.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 53
I wonder where she picked up "Holy Crap"? Someone around her must use that expression. Does she think adding the Holy in front of Crap makes it a nice thing to say around her children?
Same place she picked up the uptalk? You know? Like, how you always sound like you're asking someone something? Instead of telling someone something?

jbranck1980 said...

So, they stopped 3-4 times for a 4-hour trip. OMG, I'd lost my mind.
And they got presents or goodies on the way?


I agree. I have 4 kids ranging from 5 years to 4 months and we stopped ONCE during a 7 hour car ride to eat lunch and let them run around a play area for a bit.

Romi said...

angie said... 22
Ok, you financial wizards out there.
So how much $$ does this shrew have and how long will it last? I can see where she says 'single mom doing it alone'--I think she's referring to not receiving child support. So yes, technically she is doing it all alone-it appears that Jon doesn't have the kids 50% of the time (although he does have them more than what she lets on).


How would a "financial wizard" know how much $ Kate has? Nobody here knows her income. Nobody here knows how she has invested her $. Anybody can speculate, but it won't have any basis in reality, regardless of "financial wizard" qualifications.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 53
I wonder where she picked up "Holy Crap"? Someone around her must use that expression. Does she think adding the Holy in front of Crap makes it a nice thing to say around her children?
January 26, 2015 at 8:24 AM
Actually, I bet Kate says "holy crap" and a whole lot worse, and has all along.
Her public image is carefully crafted, so we don't see her curse, or drink, or take meds or drugs.
If you would have told me years ago that Jon drank like a fish and smoked like a chimney, you could have knocked me over with a feather.
He was made out to be a total goober.

justme said...

Try substituting "ends" in H's "happiness stops" and see what you make of it.

Sara said...

I personally don't have a big problem with hold off on letting kids drive until they are mature and responsible. 16 is very young. We let our daughter get her learner's permit, driver's ed and license, but she didn't start driving alone until almost 17. And then, according to insurance discounts, no passengers except family members, could only drive a certain amount of miles etc...

Maybe at age 18 the kids can acess some of their trust money for a car and that is what she is holding off for.

As far as social media, should they or shouldn't they. That is a parent's prerogative. I see 10 year olds on FB taking seductive selfies and their parent's aren't their friends to over see.

I don't think Mady or Cara seem very mature, and especially Mady being so unpredictable in her behavior, I don't think she should have a FB either.

Granted her behavior is a product of poor parenting, but it is what it is.

If Kate is really concerned about their social media/web acess, she should have got them basic phones with text and calling only.

However, I don't think for a minute that kids don't show Mady all the stuff online about her and her mother. They know. And I think they hold it over her head as much as she holds over their heads we will lose our home and private school if we don't film.

Mady doesn't seem to really care about anything deeply and I think she will have no problem revealing what Growing up Gosselin was really like.

NJGal51 said...

Chug-a-lug if she says holy crap with an eye roll and/or a hand flap!

Tucker's Mom said...

How would a "financial wizard" know how much $ Kate has? Nobody here knows her income. Nobody here knows how she has invested her $. Anybody can speculate, but it won't have any basis in reality, regardless of "financial wizard" qualifications.
Actually, we know that her tax return (2008?) revealed she made almost 2 million dollars, whist spouting her sob story to good church-going folks and collecting "love offerings".

FYI said...

Robert has been manic tweeting links to his book to celebrities, magazines and news outlets. He's easily tweeted it at least 25 times if not more.

So Milo tweets(but doesn't include Kate):

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 35m35 minutes ago I'm beginning to think a certain stalker/obsessed man w/delusions about chlld abuse has lost it!! Over the edge 2day?

Then she tweets and includes Kate:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 15m15 minutes ago
@CandyDishes Yep...@Kateplusmy8 continues 2b successful despite
all his efforts 2discredit her. Thinking folks don't #BuyTheHate

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 2m2 minutes ago
@CandyDishes @Kateplusmy8 Indeed how strange 4 a grown married man w/kids 2spend hrs #spamming Kate's timeline peddling hate book?

But I have to ask, why did Milo start following him today? Isn't she afraid that Kate might not like that? And Milo, just keep on reminding Kate about Robert's book. I'm sure she appreciates it.

She's a strange one, that's for sure.

AuntieAnn said...

That squawking chicken/screeching alien sound coming out of her piehole is a perfect example of her articulation skills. What amazes me is she actually had speaking engagements at one time.

I've never seen anyone skate by as much or as long as this woman has with zero talent for anything. She can't speak, she can't cook, she can't write, she can't act, she can't dance, she certainly can't parent and yet here she is on CA and TLC.


Suze said...

I just had a thought about CA -- would Kate take the chicken way out when she knew she was going to get the ax and ask if she could go home, because as you may have heard, she has 8 kids who need her? She'd avoid the embarrassment of being fired and she could try for sympathy points for having to shoulder the whole responsibility for 8 kids on her own. I guess we'll find out tonight. I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Thanks "Call Me Crazy" for the breakdown. I found it very interesting. I so hope Kate gets called in when Sig is fired. Wow, it would be great if she is the second in line for being called in the boardroom.

kris said...

Since we're comparing PW family to the G8 - PW obviously LOVES her husband to death. She's not smacking him, telling him he's breathing too loud or yelling that he's tracking in dirt. She shows kindness to him and her kids. She brings them food on early mornings when they are out doing their things on the farm. She doesn't complain about it. She pitches in and helps and while she may laugh because she can't do it, she's not shrieking so all the attention is on her. She just has a warmth to her that is sorely lacking in Kate.

getofftwitter said...

Well, I think TLC paid for her new frig. That is probably why Kate was in MD, a couple days before she got a new frig. As I had posted, I read the complaints of Dacor, and some of those people re-did their kitchens the same time Kate re-did hers. And most(there was only one who actually got a new replacement appliance) of these people did not get, a new replacement appliance, they were offered, very expensive parts, and told to find a repairman. Kate did get special treatment. I think she got special treatment & new frig, cause TLC stepped in, and made an agreement for product placement, & advertizing, by Kate(for all that's worth). Cause Kate did mention about the warranty, and since TLC was part of the original Dacor/construction of the new kitchen, she mostly thinks it's TLC's business to fix this or get her a new frig. That is just what TLC did.

NJGal51 said...

would Kate take the chicken way out when she knew she was going to get the ax and ask if she could go home, because as you may have heard, she has 8 kids who need her
In the past when people "quit" the Donald is not that easy on them. He hates a quitter. Unless someone is dead and/or dying you'd better not try to leave the show....unless you're Joan Rivers and then you can walk out and come back to win the whole thing.

FYI said...

Aw, Milo's worried about Kate. Doesn't she realize that Kate's probably already in NYC with Steve?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 4m4 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Hey #SnowBird....I know you have some horrible dangerous weather there. And you R sick as well...😟 Please just chk in?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Hey Gladys...indeed how strange 4 a grown married woman w/kids 2spend hrs tweeting a total stranger?#PotMeetKettle ~ Administrator said...

She's not smacking him, telling him he's breathing too loud or yelling that he's tracking in dirt. She shows kindness to him and her kids.


She lets him be a man and watch football all darn day if he darn well wants to. And she even brings him snacks while he does so!

There is a running theme I've noticed with PW over the many years, and that is that she allows her family and friends, young and old, to be who they are. She doesn't try to impose her agenda, thoughts, wishes, desires or feelings on them. It's a wonderfully peaceful feeling to have a mother, friend, or wife, who loves you for you and supports you for who YOU want to be. I am not at all surprised she is adored by her family.

Sue_Buddy said...

Suze said... 65
I just had a thought about CA -- would Kate take the chicken way out when she knew she was going to get the ax and ask if she could go home, because as you may have heard, she has 8 kids who need her? She'd avoid the embarrassment of being fired and she could try for sympathy points for having to shoulder the whole responsibility for 8 kids on her own. I guess we'll find out tonight. I can't wait!

I'm confused, again!! The appearances in the board room aren't live. How could they be? Again, I'll ask, what am I missing?

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 62

Actually, we know that her tax return (2008?) revealed she made almost 2 million dollars, whist spouting her sob story to good church-going folks and collecting "love offerings".


Yeah. How is it that Teresa Giudice is in the slammer and Kate Gosselin is still on the loose? That one's got me.

NJGal51 said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 4m4 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Hey #SnowBird....I know you have some horrible dangerous weather there. And you R sick as well...😟 Please just chk in?
If TFW is fired tonight Milo can watch the Today Show and WW tomorrow for an update on how everyone is doing.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sara said... 60
I personally don't have a big problem with hold off on letting kids drive until they are mature and responsible. 16 is very young. We let our daughter get her learner's permit, driver's ed and license, but she didn't start driving alone until almost 17. And then, according to insurance discounts, no passengers except family members, could only drive a certain amount of miles etc...
That's very reasonable.
I also think it would help to have the twins drive for safety reasons. If Kate's out of the house and something happens, someone can drive.
Well, Cara.
Not Mady.

Tucker's Mom said...

NJGal51 said... 61
Chug-a-lug if she says holy crap with an eye roll and/or a hand flap!
omg, no! We'll all die!
You'd think after having those fake Frenchies for years now, Kate wouldn't be so enamored with them.

NJGal51 said...

You're not missing anything Sue Buddy. One or two contestants have quite iin the past rather than be fired. Dennis Rodman and NeNe Leaks both quit (forget the excuses) and I think there was maybe one more.

Tess said...

hehe... Oh CRAP! And may the longest liver win. #DoIt

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate did get special treatment. I think she got special treatment & new frig, cause TLC stepped in, and made an agreement for product placement, & advertizing, by Kate(for all that's worth). Cause Kate did mention about the warranty, and since TLC was part of the original Dacor/construction of the new kitchen, she mostly thinks it's TLC's business to fix this or get her a new frig. That is just what TLC did.
Which makes me pretty sure TLC has more filming planned.

Tucker's Mom said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 4m4 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Hey #SnowBird....I know you have some horrible dangerous weather there. And you R sick as well...�� Please just chk in?
Why don't you worry about Kate checking in with her sick kids, at home, with who knows who, in a snow storm?

FYI said...

Kate must be loving her timeline right now. Due to Milo tweeting one tweet to Kate that referenced Robert's book, Kate's whole timeline is now a debate between the "haters" and the sheeple about the book.

Perhaps, Milo should learn to keep her mouth shut. I'm sure Kate is not too happy that that is the major discussion on her timeline.

Tucker's Mom said...

I think the bottom line with Kate not allowing the kids to drive until 18 is that she just doesn't want to be bothered teaching them. Period.
Look at how long she put off tying shoes in lieu of velcro!
If those kids have been allowed to drive vehicles since they were knee-high to a grasshopper, even drive the Gator, for gosh sakes, they can drive.
She just wants to hold them back.
Some of them will be ready and some won't. But, Kate's too lazy and disconnected to treat the kids as individuals.

Sue_Buddy said...

NJGal51 said... 78
You're not missing anything Sue Buddy. One or two contestants have quite iin the past rather than be fired. Dennis Rodman and NeNe Leaks both quit (forget the excuses) and I think there was maybe one more.

What's confusing me is, Kate can't quit when she's in the board room tonight because she needs to go take care of her sick kids, because the board room scene was filmed previously, right??

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sue Buddy (#84), I think the theory is TFW may have used her
excuse about the kids in March, simply because she could.
Nothing to do with them being sick this weekend. She may
have finally seen which way the wind was blowing, and that
she wasn't going to be able to use smoke and mirrors anymore
to advance, and just said, "I got 8 kids who need me -- poke,
poke, dab, dab -- peace out!" Rather than suffer the indignity
of being fired.

Glad you've been coming to the veranda -- I always enjoy
your comments!

FYI said...

The two-hour live finale of CA is going to be on Feb. 16. @ApprenticeNbc just tweeted this:

FYI said...

Article about the live finale and other CA news.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate is a twit said... 86
The two-hour live finale of CA is going to be on Feb. 16. @ApprenticeNbc just tweeted this:
Oh, how sweet. Katie and Stevie can spend Valentine's Day in NYC.

Tucker's Mom said...

“This season of ‘The Celebrity Apprentice’ is one of the best ever,” said Mr. Trump. “We have 16 amazing celebrities that have worked so hard and there has been more drama in the board room than ever before. Such great TV."
Really? I think besides Kenya's rude remark to Brandi, it's been very tame and not a lot of drama all around.

Susan1956 said...

Tucker's Mom said... 89

"This season of ‘The Celebrity Apprentice’ is one of the best ever,” said Mr. Trump. “We have 16 amazing celebrities that have worked so hard and there has been more drama in the board room than ever before. Such great TV."
Really? I think besides Kenya's rude remark to Brandi, it's been very tame and not a lot of drama all around.
ITA. I can remember bits and pieces from the very first couple seasons of the non-celebrity Apprentice and they seemed much more cut-throat.

Having said that, I'd pay to see Omarosa and TFW square off. Ooo!! Is Celebrity Boxing still on?

Math Girl said...

Kate is a twit said... 86
The two-hour live finale of CA is going to be on Feb. 16.
The math almost, but not quite, works out. There are 9 contestants now. There are 3 weeks before the finale (J 26, F 2, and F 9). With 2 firings a night, that would leave 3 contestants for the Feb 16 finale. So there will be:
- a double firing some time in the next 3 weeks
- a firing on Feb 16 prior to the final task (another "double episode") or
- 3 teams in the final task

I'm betting on the first one, with a small possibility of the second. Has Trump ever had 3 contestants in the finale of CA?

NJGal51 said...

You're right Sue Buddy she wouldn't have known that they'd be sick however she could say she has 8 (count 'me) kids at home who need and miss their mommy....sniff, sniff....dab, dab....dry eye cry.

Math Girl said...

NJGal51 said... 69

In the past when people "quit" the Donald is not that easy on them. He hates a quitter. Unless someone is dead and/or dying you'd better not try to leave the show....unless you're Joan Rivers and then you can walk out and come back to win the whole thing.
In a sense Lorenzo quit. I could see the Donald wasn't happy about it, but I think he'll accept it and not dis Lorenzo too much, because L was so classy about it, and because the Donald was able to say his "magic words" and he preserve the illusion that he had a choice. Actually, he did. It would have been so cool if he had fired Kate instead, right there with the whole team in the boardroom.

Tucker's Mom said...

Radar is reporting that (not shockingly), June Shannon cut her Uncle Poodle out of their lives, so HBB no longer has her uncle.
June never fooled me- all the talk about the money going to college funds etc. just rang hollow.
She's no different than Kate and most rtv moms.
First the marriage or relationship fails, then upgrade the house and cut anyone and everyone out of your life that could stop you from using your kids for fame and fortune.

Tucker's Mom said...

If I see Kate on my t.v. tomorrow, she's utterly crazy.
NYC is going to get slammed and nobody will be able to get in or out, probably for days.

Sue said...

There could be three in the fanile but one would be fired before the final two begin the final task.

CJ is ranting a bit about S_B on her timeline.

FYI said...

Math Girl---I, too, think there will be a double firing, possibly on the 2nd, with 3 fired that night, leaving the final four. In the past, the final four have interviews with previous winners, giving reasons and pleading their case why they should be in the final 2. After those interviews, 2 more are fired. I'm assuming they will still go with that format.

There's a special hour from 8-9pm on the 9th which seems to be recaps of past seasons, and then they'll start the final task which probably will be concluded on the live finale. From the press release:

"Leading up to the live finale, NBC will present “The Celebrity Apprentice: Top Feuds, Firings and Fails” on Monday, Feb. 9 (8-9 p.m. ET/PT). This special episode will feature some of the best moments in “The Apprentice” history, including the best hirings and firings, top feuds and biggest mistakes. Following the special, this season’s finalists will embark on their final task in a brand new episode (9-10p.m. ET/PT).

I still have to love how Donald Trump says that NBC loves CA so much this season that they "added two more hours live", when the show has always had a live finale. It was probably planned all along, but DT loves to toot his own horn, just as much as Kate. #beepbeep

Sue_Buddy said...

NJGal51 said... 92
FlimsyFlamsy said... 85

Thanks for clearing that up! :) Guess I'm too literal at times.

And Flimsy, I enjoy your comments, as well. You crack me up sometimes.

FYI said...

This one's funny. Milo is always good for a laugh!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 15m15 minutes ago
Hey @CocoCola Yes, internet been overrun w/cyberbullies & hurtful talk. Let's teach the world 2sing again! #MarketHappiness @Kateplusmy8

Sandie ‏@SandieBellz · 13m13 minutes ago
@MiloandJack You tweeted a cat? CocoCola

After Sandie tweeted her, Milo tweeted it again with the correct spelling--CocACola

It'll be interesting to see Milo's tweets if Kate gets fired tonight. She's probably already stocking up on platitudes to tweet to Kate.

FYI said...

Can you just imagine Kate being scheduled to be on the Today Show and Wendy Williams, and her appearance gets cancelled due to extended coverage of the blizzard? Wouldn't that be a kicker!!

Here on Long Island, we've got about 3-5 inches already, and they're saying we could possibly get 3 ft. more. Yes, there will be a lot of coverage of this storm tomorrow.

Suze said...

The two-hour live finale of CA is going to be on Feb. 16. @ApprenticeNbc just tweeted this:


What a bunch of BS. All they've done is push the scheduled finale to a different date - from Feb 9, where it was scheduled to run, to Feb 16. They've just created an episode full of old footage to air Feb 9 so they can try to generate some excitement for the 'special' finale on Feb 16. There's nothing special about this at all. It's just being aired on a different date. UGH

"Leading up to the live finale, NBC will present “The Celebrity Apprentice: Top Feuds, Firings and Fails” on Monday, Feb. 9 (8-9 p.m. ET/PT). This special episode will feature some of the best moments in “The Apprentice” history, including the best hirings and firings, top feuds and biggest mistakes. Following the special, this season’s finalists will embark on their final task in a brand new episode (9-10p.m. ET/PT)."

Suze said...

I wonder where she picked up "Holy Crap"? Someone around her must use that expression. Does she think adding the Holy in front of Crap makes it a nice thing to say around her children?


I'm sure the kids have heard her say much worse than 'holy crap', but I think she does it on CA for her almighty image to try to appear 'innocent' cough, cough, to set herself apart from the other contestants who actually swear. I think it's all about trying to appear "better than" the mediocre.

Suze said...

Has it been confirmed that she gets fired tonight?


The confirmation will come when we see it on tv. Until then, it's all based on speculation and leaks of pics and tweets during taping - all of which have, so far, been true. I'm definitely expecting it tonight.

Suze said...

Why did they go on a lobster trapping expedition if Kate is not lobster-ish ? Waste of people's time and lobster souls!


Because a producer thought it sounded like a good idea when they were masterminding episode ideas?

I noticed TFW called the boat owner Lobster Man.


Yep, another sign of disrespect for those she feels are lower on the totem pole than her - basically everyone who provides any kind of a service to her. She thinks it's cute. I think it's shameful, rude, and disrespectful.

FYI said...

If Kate is in NYC, she's going to have some trouble getting around tomorrow:

"Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York says: "This will most likely be one of the largest blizzards in the history of New York City." He has ordered non-essential vehicles off city streets, including cabs and food delivery bicycles, beginning at 11 p.m. ET."

Mel said...

It seems cruel to catch an animal, leave it out of its environment for how long, only to throw it back into the sea. It decreases the chances of survival keeping them out of the sea for any length of time. What a waste of their lives, all for the sake of a stupid tv show.

Especially when she knew ahead of time that she and/or the kids couldn't handle cooking or eating them. ~ Administrator said...

It sounds like this snowstorm is expected to be one of the worst in years, and I don't think the powers that be are exaggerating this time as they are often apt to do.

I don't know if that's karma but I think it's so funny it's hitting just before Doofus's grand media tour. So funny.

Tucker's Mom said...

CJ is ranting a bit about S_B on her timeline.
who is sb?

Martha said...

Tucker's mom, thanks for all the entertainment you've provided're on a roll, and spot on, as usual.
Regarding the sleeping arrangements at the holiday mansion, kids can sleep anywhere! At least I could, and did, back in the day. And, they should have rotated, taken turns for Pete's sake. I also cannot believe they would've stopped that many times during a short drive.
I haven't seen the show, nor CA, but we've all got TFW's number, so when I read here, I can see it all in my mind's eye.
Insofar as her pitiful speech goes, she's plain lazy and dumb! Sly, manipulative, but dumb.
And, Tucker's mom...yes. She will still be around when the world comes to an end.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate is a twit said... 100
Can you just imagine Kate being scheduled to be on the Today Show and Wendy Williams, and her appearance gets cancelled due to extended coverage of the blizzard? Wouldn't that be a kicker!!

Kate will stay in NYC until she gets her mug on tv. She doesn't care if the kids are at home in the storm (even tho it's not going to be as bad there).
Still, the nanny or sitter is going to have those kids all. day.long when school is canceled for days.
I wouldn't risk going to NYC, but I'm not Kate.

Jane said...

I wonder if the shows she's scheduled to be on tomorrow (if she is indeed fired tonight) told her to stay home and they'd Skype with her. If so, she'll be in a rage. If she is in NYC, she's going to have to walk to wherever she's going, unless a crew is sent to her. Already, it's close to impossible to get around. My son, who works very close to Trump Tower and The Essex House (where she likes to stay) says taxis just seem to have disappeared and he's hearing that only emergency and first responder vehicles will be allowed after 11 pm and all day tomorrow. NYC schools are closed, which happens about every 10 years, and the Governor has declared a State of Emergency.

Hope this picture turns out - I saw it on Twitter just a short while ago and we're not even in the heart of the storm!

FYI said...

This is cool. It's a live webcam of the snow in NYC.

Meanwhile, Milo's going frantic that Kate isn't tweeting:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 18m18 minutes ago
Calm our #WorryMeter down a notch > check in @Kateplusmy8 & let us all know U all are R ok! #BadWeather #Blizzard More snow due tonight!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 11m11 minutes ago
When #MotherNature gets cranky...& things happen way beyond what you can puts life N perspective! Value your safety & family!

NJGal51 said...

Of course TFW will try and make her media tour and the kids be damned. After all she is a contract honorer! I hope she's fired tonight and I hope all of her media appearances for tomorrow are cancelled. Karma is a bitch.

chefsummer #Leh said...

It'll be interesting to see Milo's tweets if Kate gets fired tonight. She's probably already stocking up on platitudes to tweet to Kate.

And hate tweets for the Donald.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate is a twit said... 105
If Kate is in NYC, she's going to have some trouble getting around tomorrow:

I'm sure TFM will fly her around.

Mel said...

Milo is so stupid. What's she gonna do if she doesn't hear from TFW shortly? Send out the National Guard?

FYI said...

In other news, Melissa Rivers has filed a lawsuit against the clinic and doctors who treated her mother.

Jane said...

chefsummer #Leh said... 115
Kate is a twit said... 105
If Kate is in NYC, she's going to have some trouble getting around tomorrow:

I'm sure TFM will fly her around.


Hahaha - great visual!!

PA Dutch Mom said...

So Milo knows that Kate is in NYC? To what blizzard is she referring? We're not under anything here, other than a winter weather advisory, so she must be assuming that Kate is in New York. If they do so much communicating privately, then surely Kate would have told Milo where she is and that she's okay.

If Kate were at home, she would have tweeted photos of her snow-covered driveway and tweeting that the kids got to sleep in because of the two-hour delay this morning

FYI said...

So Milo knows that Kate is in NYC? To what blizzard is she referring?

I don't think Milo knows whether Kate is in NYC or not. She just hears about the blizzard "up north" and automatically assumes Kate is in the middle of it, even in PA.

I'm just hoping that NBC NY doesn't cancel the showing of CA in this area due to continuous coverage of the storm.

PatK said...

If her media blitz appearances are cancelled, they'll probably just do it the next day or day after. What a lucky extra vacation for her highness and TFM. (By the way, when I read or type "TFM", the "F" does not stand for "Flying".)

Mel said...

Who's gonna vote that TFW went to NYC on Friday to prepare for her most wonderful celebrity tour? Having the weekend with TFM in NYC being a side benef

Tucker's Mom said...

Meanwhile, Milo's going frantic that Kate isn't tweeting:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 18m18 minutes ago
Calm our #WorryMeter down a notch > check in @Kateplusmy8 & let us all know U all are R ok! #BadWeather #Blizzard More snow due tonight!

The really fun (in a sadistic kind of way) thing is that Kate isn't going to Tweet anyone while she's in NYC with Steve.
Right about now, they're probably holed up in their hotel room, drinking wine and eating kobe beef tips.

Anonymous said...

Forgive me if someone already posted this, but could the "double" firing be Kenya being turfed for the phone incident?


Jumping In said...

So, the woman who has a bodyguard to protect her from harm (as her 8 children would succumb without her) risks her butt to go to NYC in an epic snow storm to be on television! Who thinks she's already there, I do!

If I were interviewing her on TODAY, I would say something like this:

"Kate, you tweeted the flu was running through your house and one of the kids had a 'scary' high fever over the weekend, so surprised to see you here, leaving your sick kids, but also braving a really bad snow storm!"

Of course, you can hear her response, "oh all the kids are fine now, and I left before the storm hit, so here I am, I just may be a little late getting back home" (shrug)

Sue_Buddy said...

ucker's Mom said... 108
CJ is ranting a bit about S_B on her timeline.
who is sb?

CJ's just a little upset that I haven't chosen to venture into that fetid, polluted pond where bullies and hackers and various and sundry slimy mutants go to deposit their continual empty threats and tired intimidations like Nazi Whermacht terrorist wannabes.

Threats aren't my style. I've threated no one...ever.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jumping In said... 126
So, the woman who has a bodyguard to protect her from harm (as her 8 children would succumb without her) risks her butt to go to NYC in an epic snow storm to be on television! Who thinks she's already there, I do!
Robert's accounts of Kate's reckless driving in her own cars, and when she's in limos, are hair-raising.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Boyson said... 124

And take a drink when she mentions she has 8 kids.

TLC stinks said...

Holy Crap! Ms Goody tweets:

@ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 @GosselinBook It happened 9 years ago! It's over. She was stressed. People change. Move on!


@ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 @GosselinBook I don't care about a 9 year old stolen private journal. If true I forgive Kate. #ThatsItThatsAll

PatK said...

Sue_Buddy said... 127


You speak against Kate; therefore, you are being poked at in hopes of being dragged into the cesspool of threatened lawsuits. By golly, they're gonna get their money one way or another!! ;)

TLC stinks said...

Not tweeting; she's with Steve in NYC. Boo hoo. Won't be home for days probably.

PatK said...

Mel said... 122
Who's gonna vote that TFW went to NYC on Friday to prepare for her most wonderful celebrity tour?


Don't think she went Friday, but I'm betting she high-tailed it out of Dodge to NYC either Saturday or yesterday with news of the impending bad weather.

Over And Out said...

Emily Creighton ‏@EmCr68 46m46 minutes ago
A little snow can't keep me from watching @Kateplusmy8 on @ApprenticeNBC tonight! @realDonaldTrump #teamKate ❄️👸❄️

Why would snow, even a little or three feet, keep you from watching? You're not sitting outside with a television! Doofus!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h2 hours ago
Always leaving the light on here for @Kateplusmy8! Happiness can be found N the darkest of times, if one only remembers 2turn on the light.

She is so weird that she (or he) actually makes my skin crawl.

FYI said...

To everyone in the path of the blizzard--I hope that you all stay safe and warm.

Tucker's Mom said...

Barbara Gilmer ‏@BarbGilmer 3m3 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Are you guys getting any snow out there?
Kate's fans are trying so hard to see if she abandoned kids and compound for NYC...

Over And Out said...

CJ's just a little upset that I haven't chosen to venture into that fetid, polluted pond where bullies and hackers and various and sundry slimy mutants go to deposit their continual empty threats and tired intimidations like Nazi Whermacht terrorist wannabes.

That was one heck of a sentence, Sue Buddy! Good job! Not much else left to be said about that nutjob.

FYI said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h2 hours ago
Always leaving the light on here for @Kateplusmy8! Happiness can be found N the darkest of times, if one only remembers 2turn on the light.

Maybe what she's actually trying to tell Kate is "Baby, Light My Fire".

T said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Over And Out said...

I don't think Milo knows whether Kate is in NYC or not. She just hears about the blizzard "up north" and automatically assumes Kate is in the middle of it, even in PA.

Wouldn't you think she'd have a weather app, or go to Accuweather and know to type in "Wernersville?" She could see that the blizzard warning is not for Kate's area. After all, she's all about accuracy and not making mistakes, weather forecast included. When it includes her beloved, she has to know exactly what's going on.

So she's pestering Kate to find out if she's okay. What must it be like to live in that household? Her poor kids. If they go out with friends, does she have the live tracker app on her phone that allows her to see where they are every minute? If LOM is ten minutes late coming home, does she keep calling him until he finally walks in the door, and then lets loose on him, demanding to know where he was? Oy.

Sue_Buddy said...

PatK said... 131
Sue_Buddy said... 127


You speak against Kate; therefore, you are being poked at in hopes of being dragged into the cesspool of threatened lawsuits. By golly, they're gonna get their money one way or another!! ;)

Why enter into an 8 yr running battle with a boatload of cretins who are trying to stop free speech? Some of these people have footprints all over the internet deeper than those made by the abominable snowman. To say their credibility is non-existent is putting it mildly. Just let them dig themselves deeper and deeper.

Anonymous said...

All of the sheeple are tweeting about sKate and the big blizzard. I know they think the world revolves around her but really? Can't they read a map?


Terri said...

I just find in incomprehensible that Kate wouldn't WANT to be home with her children during this blizzard. If (and that's a big if) her appearances go on as planned tomorrow I think it will show to everyone watching what a complete fame whore she is. If she was already in NY since yesterday there was plenty of time for her to get back home where her butt belongs before the storm hit. She truly is a piece of garbage.

FYI said...

Admin-are we going to have a new thread to discuss CA tonight?

Anonymous said...

Less than an hour to go and she hasn't tweeted about CA show time.

Lazy b......


Tucker's Mom said...

Terri said... 143
I just find in incomprehensible that Kate wouldn't WANT to be home with her children during this blizzard. If (and that's a big if) her appearances go on as planned tomorrow I think it will show to everyone watching what a complete fame whore she is.
Wendy Williams taping is canceled tomorrow.
The Today Show might not happen with all the storm coverage and the fact that non-essential vehicles might be banned.

If Kate went to NYC, she's up there for a while and yes, she's a shit mother for leaving the kids.
Kate's area isn't going to get bombed with snow, but it will be a significant event that will cancel school, and leave them homebound with no parent.

Sue_Buddy said...

Over And Out said... 137
That was one heck of a sentence, Sue Buddy! Good job! Not much else left to be said about that nutjob.

A little long-"ish," ya think? :)

Katykat said...

Ooohhh...Wendy Williams has cancelled taping tomorrow.

Katykat said...

Oh, and I just wanted to add...that I don't post a lot, but really do enjoy reading everyone's comments. :)

FYI said...

I see that people are still tweeting Kate about her saying that animals don't have souls. This is one of the best tweets:

Jessica Mirich ‏@Theysayimgorjes · 59s60 seconds ago
Kate Gosselin told her kids that animals don't have souls.

What she failed to tell them is neither does their mother.

Tucker's Mom said...

I just had to bring this over here ;-)

rich ‏@Theysayimgorjes 3m3 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin told her kids that animals don't have souls.

What she failed to tell them is neither does their mother.

AuntieAnn said...

Boyson said... 124

Triple shot super double bonus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anytime she is actually listening or talking to someone without stuffing her face.

Triple dog dare superish chugger-a-lug super duper bonus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If she says something without stuffing her face, doesn't use any of the above reference "drinking" words, does not say "ummm", nor flaps around her hands, and very very importantly - she talks in complete sentences.


We'll all be in rehab by the time this is over.

JMO said...

Tucker's Mom said... 151
I just had to bring this over here ;-)

rich ‏@Theysayimgorjes 3m3 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin told her kids that animals don't have souls.

What she failed to tell them is neither does their mother.

Now that is funny!

Jane said...

AuntieAnn said... 152
Boyson said... 124

Triple shot super double bonus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anytime she is actually listening or talking to someone without stuffing her face.

Triple dog dare superish chugger-a-lug super duper bonus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If she says something without stuffing her face, doesn't use any of the above reference "drinking" words, does not say "ummm", nor flaps around her hands, and very very importantly - she talks in complete sentences.


We'll all be in rehab by the time this is over.


Then we can get our own reality show!

Tucker's Mom said...

Then we can get our own reality show!
"Interventions On The Veranda"

FlimsyFlamsy said...

If we get our own reality show, please be advised that I am going
to request a producer credit. Because I know best how to portray
our veranda.

JMO said...

Tucker's Mom said... 155
Then we can get our own reality show!
"Interventions On The Veranda"



JMO said...

During CA, TFW talks a lot over people, makes the weirdest faces, talks non-stop when given the chance. It seems like her team members are simply tolerating her at this juncture. Maybe she took some acting/speech lessons, but as usual, she is still horrible.

Look forward to her getting fired tonight!!
Bring back Gilbert. He was hilarious!

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 156
If we get our own reality show, please be advised that I am going
to request a producer credit. Because I know best how to portray
our veranda.
You will get your very own confessional couch, where you can display your cleavage and wave around your French tips, all while spinning your version of reality in a first-grade, jibberish kind of way.

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 155
Then we can get our own reality show!
"Interventions On The Veranda"


Good luck to the rehab staff. They're gonna have their hands full.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate believes that animals don't have souls?

So she believes that Shoka and Zorro and her fishes don't have souls as well or is it just other ppls pets?

Sandylove said...

You guys crack me up! Thanks for the laughs!

JMO said...

Love it, her team is barely tolerating her! Does she get along with anyone?

PA Dutch Mom said...

We'll all be in rehab by the time this is over.


And everything will be my fault since I'm the Rumspringa Pusher! I hope everyone here is of legal drinking age.

Tucker's Mom said...

CA-Geraldo is coming up with the world's dumbest ideas for the Circle Line boat tour.
I think his mustache is Ebola's patient zero.
It's absolutely gross.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

If she says something without stuffing her face, doesn't use any of the above reference "drinking" words, does not say "ummm", nor flaps around her hands, and very very importantly - she talks in complete sentences.


We'll all be in rehab by the time this is over.


Ha! I just saw a commercial for Passages Malibu as I'm reading this! I wonder if they offer coupons, or BOGOs.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

PA Dutch Mom (#164) -- don't worry. Everything is Jon's fault.

JMO said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 164
We'll all be in rehab by the time this is over.


And everything will be my fault since I'm the Rumspringa Pusher! I hope everyone here is of legal drinking age.

Not to worry, Kate could drive any one to drink : )

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate and Vivica are all over calling the cruise "The Sexiest Catch", but don't want Hooters girls.
"What if it's all married couples?"
Uh, Kate, what if a married man spent most of his time with a single woman dressed like a Hooters girl??

JMO said...

Geraldo is an egotistical idiot, who tries to make himself the center piece on every task.

Oh my, TFW doesn't like Hooters. Me thinks she does..... : )

PA Dutch Mom said...

Kate's area isn't going to get bombed with snow, but it will be a significant event that will cancel school, and leave them homebound with no parent.


I just looked at the forecast. It's doubtful that school will be cancelled. Delayed, probably, but the snow is not an all day event here. It's 1-3 inches overnight with only flurries tomorrow. I don't know what's going on in Berks County, but the school is in Lancaster County.

We got lucky with this one.

Sue_Buddy said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 7m7 minutes ago
Was necessary to do a lot of fast talking with our eyes to get us away from the 'Revolutionary War' concept #CelebApprentice #Whew

Guess that was worth a try since your lips, tongue and brain can't work together.

PA Dutch Mom said...

I just find in incomprehensible that Kate wouldn't WANT to be home with her children during this blizzard. If (and that's a big if) her appearances go on as planned tomorrow I think it will show to everyone watching what a complete fame whore she is. If she was already in NY since yesterday there was plenty of time for her to get back home where her butt belongs before the storm hit. She truly is a piece of garbage.


Terri -- there is no blizzard here. It's NYC and New England that are getting the blizzard. I just checked Berks County, where Kate lives, and it's only snow showers tomorrow. Nothing major.

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