Sunday, May 4, 2014

What's worse than filming the demise of your marriage?

Faking the demise of your marriage. 

Tori Spelling's new reality show True Tori has all the makings of a great episode of her father's legacy Dynasty. Now the internet is abuzz with evidence that, shocker, it could all be fake.

Old Instagram photos posted by Tori and Dean don't add up to the narrative they are telling now. And various sources say the woman Dean claims to have cheated with in Canada doesn't exist. 

And check out this prophetic quote from Tori, "I’m Aaron Spelling’s daughter. I knew how to write the story. I knew what would tug on heartstrings." Not to mention, what ever would possess someone to make a television show out of something so terrible, especially when all they do is complain about the paparazzi? This would be funny if there weren't four little kids involved.

1268 sediments (sic) from readers:

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FlimsyFlamsy said...

Oh AuntieAnn (#192), your theory about TFW's random Sprout tweet
is not as far-fetched as you think. Because in November of 2013,
NBC/Universal acquired Sprout! I hereby order you to the craft table
to make yourself a cardboard tiara. Glitter optional.

Dwindle, always happy to see you commenting!

TLC stinks said...

LOL. That HAS got to be her shopping cart in the background filled to the brim with paper products. Looks like that's all she ever buys at Target.

And that thin hair! Why does she pull her hair back with that jagged hairline?

TLC stinks said...

ITA People will not ignore Kate. I bet there's no birthday mention now because TLC filmed it during spring break and so there will be teasers and an article in People just prior to the airing. So transparent.

prairiemary said...

So glad no one saw me misspell Nev's name, by using an x instead of v, which made his name as NEX! Yep, none noticed.

sparkle said...

Marie said... 149
@Kateplusmy8: Mady&I have recently started 2 watch Sprout Network at night together.. Reliving her youth&the lil shows we used 2 watch together:) #Love❤️

Ah, yes, reliving the youth of a 12 year old. My word.

Going out on a limb... let's just say this is true and Kate and Mady watch lil shows on Sprout together. In what realm does Kate think Mady wants this broadcasted? I can't imagine living a life where I never know if my mom is going to put my business on public display. Does Mady wonder if her mom really wants to watch lil Sprout shows with her, or just create some twittersode fodder?

In reality, I tend to believe she was lying as usual. I think having gotten a taste of the joy of raising teenagers, Kate is unable to accept what is coming. She wants to relieve the days when the kids were little, easy to order around, weren't allowed to have an opinion, easily snookered and were too scared to defy her.

Yes sheeple, this is nitpicking. If Kate didn't offer this information on a silver platter, there would be nothing to nitpick. If you put it out there, it will be picked. If it's not put out there, it will not. Easy peasey.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 24m
Hannah and Leah are currently in my closet, trying on my shoes! Hearing 'Ohhhs & ahhhs &I love when mommy wears these' Visionsofthings2come


It's always about HER, isn't it? Love when Mommy wears them.
Gag me with a dirty sock.

lukebandit said...

I zoomed the cart to 1000%. Looks like the bulk box of M & M's peanuts.

The hair. Just think THOUSANDS of dollars have been spent on her hair and this is all she's got? It looks like it hasn't been washed 3 or 4 days.

Anonymous said...

Lukebandit, I may be biased

But I believe our support for the girls will bear fruition
All girls should live free, and we are always up to a challenge. Even with outdated equipment

proud mama of a Canadian free girl


Anonymous said...


I hear you, thank you


High Sodium Content said...

Sherri is/had ruined The View. The only view that can ever be heard is hers. She is so ignorant, a racist, big loud mouth, that think she's funny. Everything is about a person being black or not black. She isn't funny. She rubs herself against every male and touches them all. She eats like a pig. A few weeks ago they had The Chew on and she was beyond a disgrace. She acted like she was drunk, dancing around, grinding on herself, eating out of bowls and dishes that other people were expected to eat out of. Take a look at the View's FB page. But if anything is posted against Sherri, it's taken down. Even a simple comment about Sherri can get you banned from FB for a day. It happened to me, and others have said they been banned from FB for 3 days. Most are hopping she's gone with Barbara next week. I think once Barbara is gone, the show is finished. Whoopi can't keep a show going all on her own. Some don't like Jenny, but she isn't 10% as bad as Sherri. She is unwatchable. She is the most classless "woman" on TV. She's done a few acting gigs and she was pretty good, but her behavior on the View is destroying any furthering of her career.

High Sodium Content said...

Here's a link to a clip from The View when Sherri acted like a drunken pig.

High Sodium Content said...

Lukebandit, I agree, don't see any goodnites in the cart. That would be a terrible rumor to be started for any of the kids. They do not deserve it. Now if it was a Poise that would be different. LOL

NJGal51 said...

@Kateplusmy8: Hannah and Leah are currently in my closet, trying on my shoes! Hearing 'Ohhhs & ahhhs &I love when mommy wears these' Visionsofthings2come
I call bullshit on this. Kids that age just don't say things like that. And as the sheeple would say if there is no picture it did not happen especially since we all know that if there was a picture she would tweet it. Milo must be beside herself waiting for the picture.

PatK said...

At least she had the good taste this time NOT to tweet a picture of 10-year-olds wearing her hooker shoes.

High Sodium Content said...

Maybe her hair is so fragile it can only be washed once a week. Yucky but possible. From her own mouth, she has very poor eating habits and no knowledge of nutrition, healthy fats, etc. Low fat everything is not necessarily a good thing. Remember her "carb loading" for her 26 mile marathon consisted of sweet buns and donuts. They've been talking about the circus performs that hang from their hair, they have regulations about never using a blow dryers, flat irons, take vitamins etc. I've noticed on myself not using mascara everyday if I'm not going out, my eyelashes have grown quit a bit. If only the eyebrows would come back LOL.

JMO said...

Yes, indeed, it is. I wonder how much communication she had with the kids while on CA, other than the video that was posted of the tups in NY. She has to start drumming up business for the update show of her kids, and of course, herself.

Me, me, me, I, I , I... never ends.

Not sure what is going on with Jon and the kids, but if she is alienating the kids from him, he needs to get on this. We've seen her tactics, and it is sad if he doesn't even know who is watching them while TFW was away. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't she seen shoe shopping on one of the only/few visits back home. Very sad.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 24m
Hannah and Leah are currently in my closet, trying on my shoes! Hearing 'Ohhhs & ahhhs &I love when mommy wears these' Visionsofthings2come

I call bullshit on this one too. She doesn't go out anywhere fancy when she is in PA (or we'd see the photos), just NY so why would they ever see her in these shoes all dressed up? Lying skank. Unless they are talking about seeing her on all the magazine covers or on all her TV appearances. If that's the case, I guess she can't wait to show them her photos from the rag mags or the taped shows that she is on wearing her awesome-ish shoes that they paid for. They would not have access to that without her help. Again, skank. ~ Administrator said...

While Kate's watching Sprout and tweeting nonsense about kids tying shoes, Tony was tweeting about being at Children's Hospital today with some other DWTS folks, doing dance therapy with the patients. There's a lot of good you can do with your celebrity that she's let sail on by. If she were actually on good terms with him, he might have invited her to join him. ~ Administrator said...

I call bullshit on this. Kids that age just don't say things like that.


And like has been said so many times kids that age aren't preoccupied with their mother like this. She acts like their lives revolve around her and that's just typically not the case for normal kids their ages.

JMO said...

JR said... 190
I wonder if TLC will send her out on a "I want a show", "the kids miss filming" promotion tour? Can't wait for the begging to start!

Who knows? Since TFW started trying to find a show before the tups were even born. I honestly don't care what she does, but anyone who is trying to sell their kids, before they are even born, and continues on this path, many years later, is only thinking of how SHE can stay relevant.

If the kids are going to do a Special, with HER permission,I wish they would not let her say one word the whole time, just because it is always about Kate. Don't want kids filmed, but looks like a done deal. I would like to hear not a single word out of her mouth on the special, as I have no interest in anything she has to say, and no respect for her choices putting the kids back on tv so she can talk non-stop, as if anyone gives a crap about her narcissistic self anymore. Tired of her using her kids for "accessories" for her own self gratification. BLAH!

TLC stinks said...

The girls seem a little old to be trying on mommy 's shoes. This is something every little girl does but not at 10. What's up with the nostalgia tweeting lately? Prepping people for the upcoming TLC show? Part of the deal? I don't believe anything she tweets. I would be surprised kids are allowed in her bedroom, let alone her closet.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

The girls seem a little old to be trying on mommy 's shoes. This is something every little girl does but not at 10.


Not mine! She's almost 10, and when I picked her up from a sleepover, I asked her what she did that was fun. The best part about it was going through the shoe closet of her friend's mother, who is known to have the most extensive collection in the neighborhood. No hooker heels, least none that I heard about!

I remember when I was a kid, about eight or nine, my best friend's mom was a model. I have fond memories of the two of us pulling out all the shoes in her closet and we tried them on. My favorite was a pair of turquoise jeweled thongs. Funny how things like that stay with us.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

I call bullshit on this one too. She doesn't go out anywhere fancy when she is in PA (or we'd see the photos), just NY so why would they ever see her in these shoes all dressed up?


If they were talking about the hooker heels, gladiators and Come To Jesus shoes she wore around town, to Target, to the UPS store, then yes, they would have seen her wearing them. She may have kept those shoes, although lord knows why...

FlimsyFlamsy said...

So let's see who's exempt from the "penalty of severness" after entering TFW's bedroom: M & C, and H & L. Why do I get the feeling that the
other 4 are at the bottom of the food chain?

Kirkland said...

I got to thinking about how Jon stopped the filming of the show because he didn't want the divorce to be filmed.

And I agree with him, that would have been awful for the kids.

But, and I say this just in a speculative way, what IF he hadn't stopped the filming? I wonder if maybe he would have been shown in a better light. After all, if filming had continued, the producers would not have wanted to rock the boat and would have wanted to keep Jon (and Kate) happy. So it really wouldn't have made sense to show Jon in a bad light.

In other words, I wonder if Jon would have benefited from more air time on the show.

I also wonder if TLC would have provided both Jon and Kate lawyers for their divorce, maybe there would have been a totally different outcome.

Just something to think about.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Why is Kate such a wasteful beeotch? I have never seen anyone use paper towels so obsessively as her. She uses them to dry her hands in the kitchen. Can you imagine how many she would use in a day when she is preparing meals? I use a tea towel to dry my hands and change it every other day for a clean one. This woman has no respect for the environment and for the future generations. Where I live, you can put 2 garbage cans out for pickup once a week. If you use a 3rd can, you have to pay $2. What are the laws in PA? It really pisses me off how lazy she is. Between her paper plates and paper cups she uses daily, the waste this creep must generate is astronomical.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 24m
Hannah and Leah are currently in my closet, trying on my shoes! Hearing 'Ohhhs & ahhhs &I love when mommy wears these' Visionsofthings2come

Lets hope she doesn't take photos this time like she did with Maddy.

NJGal51 said...

Sigh...I'm a paper towel user so I can't fault TFW for that. We use them to dry our hands and then lay them flat on the counter so it dries and I use it again. We use them instead of tissues. We use them to wipe up dribbles and spills and bulldog drool. Yup, I'm a paper towel user (and I don't have to wash them).

lukebandit said...

I had no idea about the goodnights. I just zoomed the cart because someone posted about all her paper products. That would be a terrible rumor. IF she had to get them at all, when they were a couple of years younger, she should of ordered them online and had them shipped to her instead of putting them in the cart to give them privacy.

Mel said...

I also wonder if TLC would have provided both Jon and Kate lawyers for their divorce, maybe there would have been a totally different outcome.
Well there's an interesting thought. TLC could have had a ratings bonanza out of the competing lawyers, that they paid for. Tee hee.
And they could have left the kids out of it for the most part, even.

Lanc Native said...

Where I live, you can put 2 garbage cans out for pickup once a week. If you use a 3rd can, you have to pay $2.


It depends on your trash service. We are allowed three large cans, and I mean industrial size cans that are provided by the service, not just your standard garbage can or 30-gallon bag. These things are huge, and you can overload them if you have to. As long as two guys can lift them, they are allowed.

I am also a paper towel addict. When I ran out the other day, I had to laugh because I didn't realize how much I depend on them for everything.

Vanessa said...

Why do I get the feeling that the
other 4 are at the bottom of the food chain?
Because we saw it and she proved it in her diary

Vanessa said...

I call bullshit on this one too. She doesn't go out anywhere fancy when she is in PA (or we'd see the photos), just NY so why would they ever see her in these shoes all dressed up?

This is but just one of the times she was out and about town with her CFM shoes.

Formerly Duped said...

Yes, TFW always lumps Alexis with the boys...

Vanessa said...

The hair. Just think THOUSANDS of dollars have been spent on her hair and this is all she's got? It looks like it hasn't been washed 3 or 4 days.
So true.Proof that money cannot buy you everything. The local hairstylist she used to use did a much better job. Pixie cuts are so trendy right now, bet it would take YEARS off her face

NJGal51 said...

I think part of the reason for the shoe tweet is to show everyone that she's a fashionista with great shoes. I repeat, no kids that age talk among themselves saying how much the love when their mom wears a particular item of clothing. If TFW is going to lie she needs to stop the lie while it's still believable rather than expanding it to make it all about her.

Vanessa said...

ITA People will not ignore Kate. I bet there's no birthday mention now because TLC filmed it during spring break and so there will be teasers and an article in People just prior to the airing. So transparent.
I wonder if they're just holding off on until there's a real slow week?
Clooney was the big one last week, maybe she gets bumped down the list as more exciting news stories happen?

Vanessa said...

Why in the world doesn't she wash that greasy hair? She's really not a good walking advertisement for her pricey New York City stylists. Get that blond mess cut short, pixie, styled, and colored with low lights,. She would look so much better.

Was reading from bottom up and posted the same thing

Vanessa said...

That is not out of the realm of possiblities. It could be the Donald had a project on CA involving some promotion of kiddie shows on SN cuz, you know, NBC looks out for NBC. So then Kate has to tweet how she's taken to watching Sprout with her daughter. It never hurts to do a little extra boot-licking if there's something in it for HER.

Yeah, I know it's a stretch but I put nothing, NOTHING past her.
I wouldn't put it past her either, but as usual she misses the mark. Shouldn't she be at least "pretending" to watch with the younger kids?
Not sure what demographic the show is aiming for though? Anyways, she was doing this loooong before she this present day. Like another poster said, she was selling those kids for money/products before they were even born.

Jumping In said...

Vancouver, BC is a place where waste has become a major issue, especially with our current mayor, Gregor Robertson. Although garbage pick up is included in out provincial taxes, re-cycling is huge here.

The city has just implemented a "food scraps" program where our kitchen food waste is now collected along with our re-cycling, (paper, glass, cans etc) so our old, traditional garbage bins are essentially empty. The city has provided us with vented, food scrap containers which we now use automatically. It's amazing how quickly we have adapted to a move toward zero waste.

Mel said...

I think part of the reason for the shoe tweet is to show everyone that she's a fashionista with great shoes.

Maybe it's to show that she's better with shoes than the Trump daughter's shoes she was forced to sell on CA? I bet that's the task where she got fired.

I repeat, no kids that age talk among themselves saying how much the love when their mom wears a particular item of clothing.

Nope. They might say, "I love these." But not, "I love mommy in these".

handinhand said...

Maybe the girls' shoe conversation went something like this:

"Oh, these are the shoes Mom wore on the Today show when she implied that Dad's a theif and complained about a purse full of bills. And these are the ones she wore talking to Kelly Ripa when she said she waits by the phone for us to leave early form Dad's visitation. And look, here are the ones she wore to Dr. Drew when she told him that Dad lives his life and Mom lives hers and that things are more peaceful because he's working a job now. Come on, let's look for the Bethenny and Ellen DeGeneres shoes. They've got to be in here somewhere."

Over And Out said...

Is someone saying that there were diapers in Kate's cart?

TLC stinks said...

Did I miss something? Did someone think there were Goodnites for bed wetting in the Target cart?

Millicent said...

Jumping In said... 42

Vancouver, BC is a place where waste has become a major issue, especially with our current mayor, Gregor Robertson. Although garbage pick up is included in out provincial taxes, re-cycling is huge here.
First - I have been fortunate enough to visit Vancouver twice and I love your city. It's absolutely lovely. And that's great that the civic leaders and the citizens are working together to achieve zero waste.

Millicent said...

I do still use paper towels but I have made a conscious effort to reduce my usage. For wiping the counter tops, stove top, and spills, I use sponges instead. However, I do use paper towels to wash mirrors and windows, or to cover food when reheating in the microwave.

I pay a little over $30 per month for garbage and recycling pick up. With the recycleables, many times my garbage can is not even full by the end of the week. Of course, there are only two of us living in the house, so I'm sure that contributes as well.

AuntieAnn said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 3

Oh AuntieAnn (#192), your theory about TFW's random Sprout twee is not as far-fetched as you think. Because in November of 2013, NBC/Universal acquired Sprout! I hereby order you to the craft table to make yourself a cardboard tiara. Glitter optional.


ha! I think I'll just go with a plain old recycled cardboard glitterless tiara. Kate makes it way too easy to connect the dots these days. Why mention Sprout Network? Why not simply say we watch tv together? There is always an ulterior motive with her.

Millicent said...

librarylady said... 2
I noticed that TLC has the Little Couple now into the renewing of vows on their show. It amuses me that they think they must promote this same activity on they produce. Although in this case, at least it seems it will actually mean something...
The producers of these shows have zero imagination. I'm not interested in seeing yet another vow renewal, even though I like this couple and they do seem happily married. I think vow renewal has turned into a fad and is overdone. Are they going to do another tie-in with Say Yes to the Dress?

After the vow renewal, I fully expect to see the Little Couple and their cute kids sent on some exotic vacation "trip of a lifetime." That would stay true to the cookie cutter reality tv show format. I hope Jen and Bill proceed with caution, because another unfortunate aspect of being part of a reality tv show as a married couple is that the couple often ends up in divorce.

AuntieAnn said...

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 28

Why is Kate such a wasteful beeotch? I have never seen anyone use paper towels so obsessively as her. She uses them to dry her hands in the kitchen.


Now, now. She's allowed to buy eleventy billion (teehee thanks Mel!) rolls of paper towels because she has eight kids. That's her excuse for everything.

I am also willing to bet if she didn't have eight trained slaves and a nanny/housekeeper cleaning up behind her, her house would be a pigsty.

AuntieAnn said...

Millicent said... 50

I hope Jen and Bill proceed with caution, because another unfortunate aspect of being part of a reality tv show as a married couple is that the couple often ends up in divorce.


That seems to be the pattern, doesn't it. I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't written into the contract. "...if or when ratings drop, Mr. and Mrs. So&So agree to file for divorce to restore said ratings ".

lukebandit said...

I didn't know about the Goodnites when I zoomed in on kate's Target cart. I did because someone posted about all the paper products and I thought I saw a box with a design and I zoomed in and I am pretty sure it is M & M's peanuts in bulk. Then when I came back to the board, someone said something about Goodnites. I said in my post that IF she did buy them when they were a couple of years younger, she should of ordered them online and had them shipped to her.

Divorce Rates said...

I hope Jen and Bill proceed with caution, because another unfortunate aspect of being part of a reality tv show as a married couple is that the couple often ends up in divorce.
50% of marriages in this country end in divorce. I think you are making a false correlation.

lukebandit said...

Caught kate cursing on video! Some of the kids were right there under foot. She was so mad at Jon for rollerblading down the street and got ahead of Mady or Cara? She was on the driveway right in front of the garage hollering where everyone could hear her.

She was standing there with her arms crossed, furious, ready to pummel to him when he got back. Ready to fight.

The gum-gate part in the video where kate was screaming, jumping up and down is not there. I wonder if it is on the original DVD before they took her bad behavior out. I am telling you, the original DVD's that are not touched will be collectors items one day.

On the driveway, she also says, I am the only... I think she was going to say, parent. And was griping that Jon left his children. What on earth? You can't talk, honey. You have left your kids for how many days since they have been born? Hundreds. Please. Shut. UP!

Then she says what she says. BLANK, he makes me mad! I can't imagine what went on the cutting room floor.

NJGal51 said...

I have to laugh at the sheeple. Gypsi throws this out as an insult to non-fans but sounds like she's talking about sheeple because, well, they are the "Kate Followers". Is calling non-fans "Kate Followers" a new thing with the fans or just this particular one?

@gypsi001: @bitemeaholesFU @ReneeAudric @Kateplusmy8 Freak!! Kate follower!!! 😂😂😂😂😂

@gypsi001: @bitemeaholesFU @Kateplusmy8 u messaged me 1st. WEIRDO KATE FOLLOWER!! Have a great day! 🌻

PJ's momma said...

Millicent, the little couple is already having grand travel experiences. I watched the episodes where they went to get both kids and they are staying in VERY expensive hotels and flying business class (so they can, as Milo says, get flat). My hubby flies business or first as part of his contract, and a ticket from west coast to Singapore recently was over $12,000. I tag along sometimes (back in coach!) and the hotels are similar to that show's episodes, upward of $800 per night, especially for the suites they have. REALLY expensive. I do like them though. But yes, the renewal thing is sort of silly to me. We're married 29 years and we renewed at 25 and it was great. But they are renewing at odd numbers, like 6 or 8 or whatever. Seems like Mariah Carey renews her annually or something. So did Heidi Klum - until she got divorced!

Over In TFW's County said...

I have to laugh at the sheeple. Gypsi throws this out as an insult to non-fans but sounds like she's talking about sheeple because, well, they are the "Kate Followers". Is calling non-fans "Kate Followers" a new thing with the fans or just this particular one?


She's a little bit scatterbrained at times, but the mild-mannered, all's-right-with-the-world 60s flower child really got her panties in a bunch over something. She sees absolutely nothing wrong with the continued filming of the kids for the amusement of the sheeple.

AuntieAnn said...

lukebandit said... 55

The she says what she says. BLANK, he makes me mad! I can't imagine what went on the cutting room floor.


Luke, I think she said "man you make me mad", but I can't watch it again to verify. Too painful.

When she yelled at him "it's not all about you all the time", I thought you got that right bitch. It's all about YOU 24/7/52. Stinkin' narcissist.

Jeremy said...

Regarding the Goodnights: "owner" is a nasty witch on twitter who has consistently tweeted disgusting things about the children. The original tweet about the gn's was hers. Thank goodness no one engages with her on twitter, even the more aggressive Kh8ers don't respond to her.

Over And Out said...

Luke, I think she said "man you make me mad", but I can't watch it again to verify. Too painful.

When she yelled at him "it's not all about you all the time", I thought you got that right bitch. It's all about YOU 24/7/52. Stinkin' narcissist.


Kate didn't curse. She said, "Man he makes me mad." It's not difficult to least I didn't think so. What WAS difficult was watching it. I'm not doing that again.

Mary Ann said...

Luke, that is my favorite scene of all of the Jonandkateplus 8 shows. Jon looks like he wants to just keep on skating and never look back, while poor Kate bitched and yelled for him to stop...LMAO

Unknown said...

lukebandit said... 55
''Some of the kids were right there under foot. She was so mad at Jon for rollerblading down the street and got ahead of Mady or Cara? She was on the driveway right in front of the garage hollering where everyone could hear her.....''
I remember that incident very well because it exposed (once again) what a real nut case TFW really is. All her hysterical screeching about Jon ''leaving his children'' was way past stupid, since Jon was simply skating down the street, never out of the sight of his children.

That incident and the incident where she became insane over the mess pumpkin carving made and stopped the carving caused me to be SHOCKED when I realized I really wanted him to just pop her in the mouth! I even called my oldest, I was so upset with the feeling the pumpkin cleaning caused me to think about her. From that moment on I was totally on Jon's side. Period.

GKD said...

it always annoys me that Kate makes her kids bdays about her & what she did for them. She has never once let them be the focus or the special ones. It's ALWAYS about her & her bed rest, not about the kids. It's ALWAYS about how hard she has it trying to plan their party, not about THEIR party for THEM. It's ALWAYS about her struggles and/or grand sacrifices, not about the kids being healthy, happy and having fun. It's ALWAYS about HER. She acts like her family is a show & she's the star. They are just minor co-stars and not important enough to be in the spotlight like her special snowflake ass.

Kate is a twit said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 51m
Finished bday prep 2day&kept flashing back 2 this day 10 YEARS ago. Last day of miracle pregnancy marathon! #ImSoBlessed #10Tomorrow #WOW❤️

Miracle pregnancy marathon? Is that a new term for her million days of bed rest?

Karen said...

I see BV'S twitter account has be suspended.

PatK said...

It wasn't a miracle. It was science.

Sandi said...

Lamar Sally has filed for divorce from

Sherri Shepherd.

Karen said...

I wonder if Kate is going to make another extra small birthday cake for the kids again this year? she could buy a nice sheet cake from a bakery so the kids can at least have a couple of big pieces of cake each.

AuntieAnn said...

Karen said... 69

I wonder if Kate is going to make another extra small birthday cake for the kids again this year? she could buy a nice sheet cake from a bakery so the kids can at least have a couple of big pieces of cake each.


I'm sure those kids, the boys anyway, have been traumatized by birthday cakes. Cupcake-gate was cruel and unnecessary. I remember being so angry at Jon and Kate for saying they forgot all about it the next day. Bullshit. Stuff like that sticks out in a child's mind. Besides, haven't they seen that episode over and over on video thanks to mommie dearest? I would imagine it was one of Kate's proudest moments of parenting. "Lessons learned" and all that crap she spews.

Rhymes with Witch said...

she could buy a nice sheet cake from a bakery so the kids can at least have a couple of big pieces of cake each. 69

Fat chance. She's all about control, especially portion control.
I stopped watching long before the seasick episode but saw a pic of one of the boys lying on the floor of the boat. He was positively skeletal. Sick bitch.

Virginia said...

Remona Blue....I think that is about the time Joel McHale had a segment on The Soup: Jon Minus Nine (and Jon was sailing or something fun).

FlimsyFlamsy said...

What struck me about TFW's freakouts during the rollerblading, and also the Toys R Us incident, was that both times Jon was being a fun dad. Skating with his daughter, and was being silly with one of his kids in the shopping cart at the store. He was present and engaged -- something alien to her.

While TFW engages in her eye-poking - er,-dabbing weekend of sappy sentiment about her miracle babies, it might be nice if she remembers that she didn't do it alone.

Lanc Native said...

I remember that incident very well because it exposed (once again) what a real nut case TFW really is. All her hysterical screeching about Jon ''leaving his children'' was way past stupid, since Jon was simply skating down the street, never out of the sight of his children.

This is one time when I am actually going to defend her. Geeze...did I just say that? Not for the screaming, but for her being concerned about the kids. Even though it's a cul-de-sac, there are often people backing out of their driveways. That would have scared me to death, with him ahead of them, and him not looking back. Kids that age aren't watching out for cars coming out of driveways or going down the road; they are concerned with keeping up with their dads.

Lanc Native said...

Karen said... 66
I see BV'S twitter account has be suspended.


I saw that. Finally -- it's about time. I'm sure, though, he'll be back on soon. He'll do some fancy talking and bingo, there he blows.

AuntieAnn said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 51m
Finished bday prep 2day&kept flashing back 2 this day 10 YEARS ago. Last day of miracle pregnancy marathon! #ImSoBlessed #10Tomorrow #WOW❤️


What she meant to say was:

Finished bday prep 2day&kept flashing back 2 this day 10 YEARS ago. Last day of miracle pregnancy marathon! #ImSoBlessed #10Tomorrow. Not to late to mail in those cheques payable to me and giftcards. Better late than never. Thnx in advance!!!❤️

Over And Out said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 51m
@Kateplusmy8 The roller coaster ride is picking up the pace! All 8 now N double digits...lil minds growing up wanting 2have their say! :)

You got that one right, Gladys, and when they have their say, all hell is going to break loose. Those books will out-sell Kate's cookbook many times over...

High Sodium Content said...

Gypsi's not too bright. She's the one that posted a picture of her 4 year olds in diapers and her daughter or foster daughter spread eagle on a bed in her underwear. She thought nothing wrong with it, thinking it was cute.

lukebandit said...

The saving grace on the portion control by kate for the boys getting a couple of slices of cake is Jon. Jon very well may have a big ole sheet cake and let them eat what they want!

I agree, that video was hard to watch. Wasn't she loaded for bear? Ready to punch his lights out. After he came back, she sat and barked order after order for Jon to move this, move that, watch the kids while she sat in that white throne with her own personal water bottle and the cordless phone. 2 of the girls I wanted to make very sure of what I was hearing. Even though my earphones are awful, I thought for sure she said, blank. I will go back and check.

I have a cheap set of headphones that are barely together. But, I have a nice pair of Skullcandy headphones and haven't been able to use them because the detachable cord went out and it has been backordered for months. I haven't been able to use it in a couple of months. I just happened to call today to check on it because they have not sent me an email telling me that they had them in. They have been in for 2 weeks! So, I will get it in 7 to 10 business days.

AuntieAnn said...

Lanc Native said... 74

This is one time when I am actually going to defend her. Geeze...did I just say that? Not for the screaming, but for her being concerned about the kids. Even though it's a cul-de-sac, there are often people backing out of their driveways. That would have scared me to death, with him ahead of them, and him not looking back. Kids that age aren't watching out for cars coming out of driveways or going down the road; they are concerned with keeping up with their dads.


That thought crossed my mind, too, but then I reasoned there was a camera crew right there filming it all. They had to have had warned everyone in the cul-de-sac that the famous Gosselins were filming outside that day. I'm convinced she did it for dramatic reasons (and to bring the attention back to her of course), hysterical witch that she is. ~ Administrator said...

Karen said... 66
I see BV'S twitter account has be suspended.


I saw that. Finally -- it's about time


Good grief, now he gets suspended?

I reported him to twitter for harassing and threatening to out me unless I did what he wanted. I did what he wanted and he sought to out me ANYWAY! He did the same to many other people and I'm sure they reported it. Those complaints of course was ignored. Twitter should not be abused as a tool to harass someone. Twitter should also be more responsive to complaints. We're not talking about someone who makes you mad. We're talking about someone who is seeking to ruin lives. Reminds me of Kassandra from the season premiere of Catfish this week, which was as engaging as ever. She used the internet to screw with people and ruin lives. It's NOT okay.

NJGal51 said...

@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 U have EVERY RIGHT 2 #TootYourHorn & be proud of how those 6 made it here! I'll blow my horn here w/U! #WellDoneMomKate

@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 To give birth 2 one healthy child is a blessing! U sacrificed, gave ur best & God did the rest! #SixBeautifulHealthyBabies :)

Milo is nuts.

Lynne In RI said...

Milo tweeted:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1m
@Kateplusmy8 Like I said earlier...U have EVERY RIGHT 2b so proud of how U fought & worked every day 2bring these 6 safely into this world!


Who did she fight, and how/where did she work?

PatK said...

I wonder if McNuggets will sue Twitter now? ~ Administrator said...

I've never heard someone who talked about their pregnancy so much, much less bring it up like this on their child's birthday when the day is supposed to be about them.

I feel sorry the kids have to listen to that endlessly and I also am sorry their birthday is so close to Mother's Day. She will never let them forget that, she sees it as some divine coincidence. Ugh. My birthday also frequently falls very close to Mother's Day but my mother never brings that up or ever tried to imply birthdays were about anything but a holiday for that particular birthday girl or boy. If you want a life that's all about you don't have children. ~ Administrator said...

Who did she fight, and how/where did she work?


And how is this different from the millions of other mothers who have faced complications during pregnancy and trucked on through? I mean what are you supposed to do but just deal with it? We are such a trophy generation, it's gross! They want to give her a trophy just for doing what she is SUPPOSED to do, listen to her doctor. Good grief, I would hope all good mothers would listen and follow their doctor's instructions. What was her alternative, walk right out of the hospital and go climb Mt. Everest? Heavens to Betsy.

Are you more of a mother because you had more than one baby in the womb? Or do all mothers go through a lot to have their kids in the name of love, whether it's one or two in there or even six? I say the latter.

localyocul said...

OK, this is the third time I've tried to post this so if it's a triple please forgive me. When I try to post from my ipad the post just disappears but I always could from my iphone, and now the same thing happens.

Some awesome tweets from some random people without an agenda:

Kristin ‏@KrissyBalls 16m
.@Kateplusmy8 you look 28 years older. Thank GOD for @TLC otherwise your stomach would be dragging on the floor. #phew 😞

Pearl Morgan-Boswell ‏@1pearl1 36m
Celebrity Wife Swap Ok so Kate says "SHE" wants to be "mom, housekeeper & nanny" but why do I feel like the kids cover a great deal of that?

Pearl Morgan-Boswell ‏@1pearl1 30m
Celebrity Wife Swap The one thing I would like to see is Kate Gosselin giving her kids love over chores ♥♡♥

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1m
@Kateplusmy8 Like I said earlier...U have EVERY RIGHT 2b so proud of how U fought & worked every day 2bring these 6 safely into this world!

Yes, Milo, you said it before, and both times she ignored you. Want to go for a third try before LOM comes a-callin?

Sleepless In Seattle said...

This seems to be the general consensus on Twitter tonight. The sheep don't know how the "littles" got to be 10.

Not surprising...for a sheeple.

Hannah Dean ‏@hannah__marie10 10m
I don't know how the Gosselin sextuplets are turning 10 tomorrow! I grew up watching them! Happy birthday to the "little kids" @Kateplusmy8

localyocul said... (Administrator) said... 83
I've never heard someone who talked about their pregnancy so much, much less bring it up like this on their child's birthday when the day is supposed to be about them.


My dd is 17. I don't think I've ever told her they thought she had Down's Syndrome, then they thought she had a kidney problem, then she was too small for date and I had to rest and have frequent ultrasounds. None of it happened and all was well. Well, until she was 2 months old and they found out she had a bad hip, not caught on the numerous ultrasounds LOL. I mean I have at least a dozen ultrasound pictures I don't think I've ever shown her. Good grief.

localyocul said...

Lynne In RI said... 81
Milo tweeted:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1m
@Kateplusmy8 Like I said earlier...U have EVERY RIGHT 2b so proud of how U fought & worked every day 2bring these 6 safely into this world!


Who did she fight, and how/where did she work?


How is lying in bed eating bacon "working"? It seems like Jon and whoever else cared for the twins did the work while she lie in bed.

lukebandit said...

Your right. I had to watch it about 5 times but she said, Man he makes me mad. One of the girls is crying for daddy, because she knew kate was being bad. Heartbreaking. But I honestly thought she said, blank. But as bad as she acted out in the driveway was bad enough, she sit there and barked order after order and looked at the camera and said, I swear, bouncing that leg griping about Jon.

The driveway was bad enough, but really got me was the pumpkin carving. I went ballistic. I could not believe her! Jon had those kids, sat down, calm and they were patiently waiting for their daddy to carve their pumpkin. She couldn't stand it. I have posted about this before and I still feel the same way. Jon should of gotten up when she started and either made her go with him into the kitchen and told her if she came back in their and interrupted again that he was going to make her leave or got a producer there to tell her she has got to get out of here for a couple of hours or I was going to make them leave.

I would of walked to the door into the garage and told her if you come back in here, your gone.

I watched when Jon gave her the engagement ring. You could tell how relieved she was when she was all over him. Right at the end, did you see the black cat jump up on the couch arm? Bad Omen.

Also, when she met Jon at the party, she said she was in nursing school, where was she living right then? In an apt. with gf's, or with her boyfriend at the time, at home, relatives, renting out a room, or in a dorm near the hospital?

Rainbirdie said...

Ugh...Kate is leader of the 'fun police'. No one is allowed to enjoy anything on her watch. What a miserable way to live.

AuntieAnn said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1m
@Kateplusmy8 Like I said earlier...U have EVERY RIGHT 2b so proud of how U fought & worked every day 2bring these 6 safely into this world!


Oh for gawdsake. Give it up Gladys. She laid there like swelling alien pod while her husband, mother, father-in-law, nurses, doctors, housekeeping staff, brother, sister-in-law, dietary staff, and probably even the cable guy waited on her hand, foot and belly. "I fought hard to have those babies" is her go-to whenever she's called out on anything but then she's always used her kids as her shield against the world.

Millicent said...

Lanc Native said... 74

I remember that incident very well because it exposed (once again) what a real nut case TFW really is. All her hysterical screeching about Jon ''leaving his children'' was way past stupid, since Jon was simply skating down the street, never out of the sight of his children.

This is one time when I am actually going to defend her. Geeze...did I just say that? Not for the screaming, but for her being concerned about the kids. Even though it's a cul-de-sac, there are often people backing out of their driveways. That would have scared me to death, with him ahead of them, and him not looking back
LancNative - it's nice of you to attribute motherly concern to Kate in this instance. I don't think she's ever had one moment of motherly concern for any of her kids, so I attribute her screeching to making sure the camera was focused back on her.

AuntieAnn said... (Administrator) said... 86

And how is this different from the millions of other mothers who have faced complications during pregnancy and trucked on through? I mean what are you supposed to do but just deal with it? We are such a trophy generation, it's gross!


I get that prenatal care is important with all pregnancies but extra precautions are necessary in most HOM pregnancies and I think Kate, because she worked in that area, birthed the plan with a mindset to be THEE mother who'd get ALL the attention. She wasn't about to be outdone by anyone. Becoming a multiple birth mom was right up her narcissist alley.

Give birth to one baby? pffft. That would have been far too mediocre for TFW.

Millicent said...

Divorce Rates said... 54

I hope Jen and Bill proceed with caution, because another unfortunate aspect of being part of a reality tv show as a married couple is that the couple often ends up in divorce.
50% of marriages in this country end in divorce. I think you are making a false correlation.
Perhaps - and the numbers are too small to generate a statistically valid sample. However, I think my comment still bears some merit, considering that being part of a reality tv show can put an unnatural strain on any marriage. By unnatural, I mean a strain that most married people do not plan for nor have to deal with - cameras following them around, being given scripted scenarios to play out, sudden fame and often rapid increase in income, and the accompanying sense that this ride won't come to an end.

I don't have the time to do so, but it might be interesting to actually break down some numbers regarding married couples who have been on reality tv shows, and see if the percentage who end up divorced is more, less or about the same as the general population.

AuntieAnn said...

I feel sorry the kids have to listen to that endlessly and I also am sorry their birthday is so close to Mother's Day.


Don't forget about schmoopy, now. She has to share Mother's Day with millions of us. That's gotta be tough on the poor thing.

localyocul said...

Lots of random tweets about TFW last night because Lifetime reran CWS. Here are two more:

chuηκγ ьrεωstεя ‏@purelygenius 4h
Lol @ Kate Gosselin tryna steal Hank from Kendra on this episode of Celebrity Wife Swap.

Prof. X ‏@0_ok 3h
Kate Gosselin IS a hot mess and a dictator... I understand you have 8 kids but loosen up lady!

Then there's this conversation started by Patti Stanger, who has Millionaire Matchmaker (wouldn't it be typical of TFW's good luck to get on that show next):

Patti Stanger ‏@pattistanger 9h
Working on my celeb wish list for #matchmaker who do you want to see me fix up?

Jamie ‏@cml_survivor 8h
@pattistanger Kate Gosselin

Katie Thompson ‏@KatieKatiebilly 7h
@pattistanger @cml_survivor Jesus, you better think long and hard on that one. I don't think there is one. He better be submissive. Lol

Peter Cetera Rocks!! ‏@satinnickel 7h
@pattistanger @cml_survivor She's too annoying.

Katie Thompson ‏@KatieKatiebilly 7h
@satinnickel @pattistanger @cml_survivor is that the word we are using. How about controlling bitch..

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Kate's pregnancy had an article published in a medical journal? Well guess what Kate I did because of a rare pregnancy (at the time) I had with my son. We had a viable twin with a molar pregnancy. When found, I was 20 weeks into my pregnancy and the only option I was given was to have an elected abortion. I choose to proceed. But unlike Kate I worked and still functioned as a mom because I had a small child to care for. Although I cut back I still did as much as I was able to do. And every January I thank God and the doctors for my healthy son and mourn the one lost. Do I remind my son of all of the troubles I had? Heck no this is his day to celebrate. My celebration is watching him having another birthday.
The Gosselin 's children's birthday will never be about them. It will always be about her and how she laid on bed rest millions of weeks just to bring them into the world. I am not sure if anyone remembers the first special they had. In it she talks about being on bed rest and how the pregnancy wreaked her bladder. It has and will always be about her since that first special.

Anonymous said...

Hannah and Leah are currently in my closet, trying on my shoes! "

I thought the kids weren't allowed in her room?

Gigi Be

lukebandit said...

SaraMBSN2013 said... 100


God bless you, Sarah! I am so sorry for your loss. Wonderful post.

jennine s said...

I wonder why Kate never gives Jon credit for inseminating those babies. It is as though he never had a part.

lukebandit said...

I was flipping channels last night and came across CWS. I was what, again? Then I really had a chance to see and hear how many lies I missed before. That crazy Deanna, standing there with a straight face to Kendra, while playing with one of the girls hair, creepy, told Kendra that kate does Everything herself. Lie from the pits of hell. Then they showed Mady at the chore chart talking about it and then the pack mules started. There is no way in heaven kate would do all that work.

As they worked, Kendra was truly shocked and saddened by their robotic work. She was upset and tearing up and so was I. It just made me mad. Then they go back to her lounging talking about Hank, do you have a twin brother, can we clone? She did NOT look like a loving, caring mother at all out on a rare break. Then the gall to say that she might of went out once!

I have a hard time believing that kate gets up and fixes the kids eggs for breakfast. It has to be the nanny. Poor Cara, she was sooooo zoned out and could barely speak when her and Mady were in the kitchen with Kendra. The stress was written all over Cara's face. Mady did almost all the talking. And it was obvious Mady knew who Kendra was.

I just can't believe kate was allowed to keep lil Hank home from school and try to show Hank Sr. this is the way is much better and for Kendra to do everything, when she does the opposite. She is so jealous because Kendra has it made. kate got rid of lil Hanks nanny, Rosa? You could tell lil Hank loved her.

So happy when lil Hank told kate, oh no, your not taking care of me and the daggers she gave. Demonic. Those kids have put up with that for years!

Wow. She just kept shoving her broken foot further down her throat, bypassing the lies that were coming up for everyone to hear.

Vanessa said...

She's a raging narcissist. She cannot help but make her children's only real special day (really?If nothing else, give a kid their birthday, right?) revolve around her. Whether going all out, or keeping it low key, they will let it be known to everyone (especially their offspring)that it's all due to them, right down to be grateful you're even ALIVE! The skating episode? Well Jon was outshining her. He was being a good/fun dad. She is in competition with everyone don't forget. She had to flip the perception right then and there. See? Irresponsible Jon. And see, I am the better parent.

Jane said...

Admin ... 81

I reported him to twitter for harassing and threatening to out me unless I did what he wanted. I did what he wanted and he sought to out me ANYWAY! He did the same to many other people and I'm sure they reported it. Those complaints of course was ignored. Twitter should not be abused as a tool to harass someone. Twitter should also be more responsive to complaints.


Many of us have reported him, and his cohorts, many times. Maybe it was the accumulation of complaints that finally did it. There's also word that there are legit legal proceedings against him. It's interesting that a few others have recently been suspended or deleted their Twitter accounts. Sadly, Twitter isn't know for permanent suspensions.

librarylady said...

I don't recall the mothers of the McCaughey septuplets or the Dilley sextuplets ever going on and on about how hard they "fought" and declaring how awesome they are for doing so, or expecting others to do the same. I admire them. They could have chosen to stay in the spotlight but instead put family first and stepped away.

NJGal51 said...

Lukebandit...I watched when Jon gave her the engagement ring. You could tell how relieved she was when she was all over him. Right at the end, did you see the black cat jump up on the couch arm? Bad Omen.
Black cats ARE NOT a bad omen. I had two jet black cats jet black cats growing up and they were great boys. Their mom was Siamese and they had all the Siamese traits.

localyocul said...


Searched Gosselin in Twitter and this one came up

DREAM CRUISER 420 ‏@PTCruiserUSA 18m
today is Kate Gosselin's kids' birthday so please be aware for her mommy bragging in the media mentioning the lack of support from her ex ~ Administrator said...

You know what the Dilleys and McCauley's talk about when they talk about struggle? They talk about what their KIDS have been through.

For instance one of the Dilley kids had some kind of infection that he needed a feeding tube for and they talked about how sensitive he was to his dad's layoff and 9-11 and what a brave kid he was. And the McCaughley's talk about their kids who have special needs and how hard they work in therapy and how much they want to keep up with their other brothers and sisters.

As for their pregnancies I need remember a peep about those. It's not about that, that's over.

sparkle said...

Jane said... 106

Many of us have reported him, and his cohorts, many times. Maybe it was the accumulation of complaints that finally did it. There's also word that there are legit legal proceedings against him. It's interesting that a few others have recently been suspended or deleted their Twitter accounts. Sadly, Twitter isn't know for permanent suspensions.

It looks like he just plain went too far. He severely underestimated his victims tolerance level and ability to fight back, this will be his downfall. The more people fought back, the more vicious and twisted he behaved. For a long time he got away with lots because of the lawyer who pulled strings for him and gave the appearance of legitimacy. I just read on the bvfiles blog that because of the legal matter you mentioned, Bullyville's server (Amazon) has been requested to take the site down.

Because he is the original cockroach who scampers among the ruins of the atomic bomb, nothing's over though.. until a judge and jury says it's over :( ~ Administrator said...

Sparkle, with the caveat I only very loosely, loosely have followed this BV situation since he moved on from Kate, I agree with you.

He even made 20/20 with his whole thing of blackmailing people into paying to take their information down on that Cheaterville site. You can go around harassing people here and there and most people are just going to think you're not worth their time and energy and just look the other way. But eventually that kind of bombing behavior will catch up. Eventually you'll poke somebody who has the time, energy and desire to lawyer up and fight back and even galvanize others to fight back. Good for them, and I thank them. No private person should have to go on the internet in fear of being bombed.

I'm still waiting for Kate to apologize for ever aligning herself with him in the first place. Woman up. I'd respect her more for it than this little let's play pretend that never even happened.

Formerly Duped said...

I think Kate feels Mother's Day is more important than the tups' birthday. She gets breakfast from her self-designed menu in bed and cards, gifts from the kids who think she's the best Mommy ever, especially in her hooker shoes,.The special will take care of the birthday since it might focus on HER fight to have them- while I don't condone her posting the kids' photos on twitter, it's interesting she put that infamous pregnant profile pic up today on the kids' birthday.

Sue said...

Of course CJ, Ziggy and Border Collie are 100% behind BV, their knight in shining armor. They're all on the I unsuspend bandwagon. Judging by some of their twitter conversations they think the suspension is due to the RWA haters. I do love this tweet though.

@RealZiggyFlo: @CJWhodunit @MY_2BCOLLIES @Captien0 @ObviousPotomos They can't even grasp the distinction between opinion & libel.

Kate is a twit said...

Emily Creighton ‏@EmCr68 · 11h
@Kateplusmy8 our kiddies are 10 already?!? I must have blinked! Happy two digits to the greatest kids I know! 💗them!

"OUR kiddies?" Really?

Milo also called one of the girls OUR, don't remember which one since she deleted the tweet.

Milo and Emily--these children do not belong to you-they are Kate's AND JON's children. I wish you'd get that through your head!

Kate is a twit said...

I'd like to see if Kate responds to this request:

BriBe ‏@Br1B3 · 1m
Hi @Kateplusmy8 In the quest of bringing bullies to justice @Bullyville was suspended. Please urge @dickc @Support to reinstate him

AuntieAnn said...

Emily Creighton ‏@EmCr68 · 11h
@Kateplusmy8 our kiddies are 10 already?!? I must have blinked! Happy two digits to the greatest kids I know! them!


Emily's twitter TL: The background pic of her idol is one I've never seen before. What's with the line coming down from the right side of her lip? Is it drool or is it not-a-plastic-surgery procedure scar?

Over And Out said...

Twit (15)...I was just going to post the same thing. I saw Emily's tweet. There is something seriously wrong with that girl and the other sheeple who think that these kids somehow belong to them. It was Gladys who recently tweeted about "our" Hannah. This is very creepy and it's getting worse.

Sue (114)...The sheeple who align themselves with him are some of the dumbest out there. I wish I could figure out the psychology behind this. Do they think it's "cool" to be associated with these people? Is it a "bad guy" thing, parents and grandparents wanting to feel that they are part of the "in" internet group of tough bullies? Do they think that because Kate called him a "hero" that he is their hero, too? I was thinking about this. Why would any parent or grandparent want to be on his team, knowing full well what he is and the stuff that he pulls? I wonder if they ever heard the saying, "you are known by the company you keep." How can you have done any research on this person, know what's he done and what he is capable of doing and still believe that this is okay -- that he is a hero and a knight in shining armor? I mean, come on, his vindictiveness and penchant for cruelty, name-calling, outing, is a psychological study that would keep any mental health professional on their toes.

I just don't get it. How can you be "behind" someone like that? Whether or not you like Kate and support her, defend her (or whatever else they think they are doing), there's a place where you draw the line. Are they all like this, or only a select few of them who really don't have both oars in the water?

AuntieAnn said...

BriBe ‏@Br1B3 · 1m
Hi @Kateplusmy8 In the quest of bringing bullies to justice @Bullyville was suspended. Please urge @dickc @Support to reinstate him


Oh those poor sheep. They just don't see the irony of it all do they?

Over And Out said...

He even made 20/20 with his whole thing of blackmailing people into paying to take their information down on that Cheaterville site. You can go around harassing people here and there and most people are just going to think you're not worth their time and energy and just look the other way. But eventually that kind of bombing behavior will catch up.


Yes. exactly, and this is what I don't understand. These people, the ones with the enormous heads/egos, think that they can get away with it forever. Life doesn't always work that way. Sooner or later, those scurrying cockroaches find themselves at the mercy of the exterminator. You just can't keep doing this and expect that you are beyond reproach. Enough is enough. When you make it your life's business to harass people, hurting people in the process, there's something very wrong with YOU. It's some kind of sick addiction.

I do wonder, though, if these are the kind of people that the sheeple hang out with in "real" life. If they consider them their friends, then there really is something terribly wrong with them that they would defend them and call them their heroes. Then again, maybe they aren't smart enough, or capable enough, to sit down and really assess the situation, saying, wait a minute, do I really want to align myself with that type of person?

As far as Kate's never going to happen. She'd have to admit the error of her ways. It would be interesting, though, to see what would happen within the flock if she were to do this. Would they turn from BV and his minions? Would be fun to see what kind of excuse they would come up with if this were to happen. What to do, what to do...

sparkle said...

Sue said... 114
Of course CJ, Ziggy and Border Collie are 100% behind BV, their knight in shining armor. They're all on the I unsuspend bandwagon. Judging by some of their twitter conversations they think the suspension is due to the RWA haters. I do love this tweet though.

Heh heh, that's what they think, eh!!?

Twitter (apparently, suposedly) has a policy about targeted harrassment. Strangely, for over a year BV has been allowed to do and say what he wanted and viciously target as many folks as he chose, without nary a consequence from Twitter. Why would Twitter just now randomly suspend him? Why not back when the worst of the stuff was happening? It's happening now because big dogs have stepped in to put an end to this farce. The sheep don't want to smell what the dogs are bringing, so they are playing pretend. So cute!

Blowing In The Wind said...

BriBe ‏@Br1B3 · 1m
Hi @Kateplusmy8 In the quest of bringing bullies to justice @Bullyville was suspended. Please urge @dickc @Support to reinstate him


Oh those poor sheep. They just don't see the irony of it all do they?


They do have a warped conception of justice, don't they? No, they can't figure out that he's the biggest bully of them all. I am tired of banging my head on the wall trying to figure out their pattern of thinking, if that's what it is. They really are a baffling, disconcerted group. Jim Jones comes to mind...he leads, tells them what they want to hear, and they follow. We all know how that ended.

Scary thought.

Rhymes with Witch said...

it's interesting she put that infamous pregnant profile pic up today on the kids' birthday. 113

She really is a sick puppy.
Apologies to puppies.

JR said...

"Shoving her broken foot down her throat".....OMG...Too funny!!!

lukebandit said...

NJGal51. I apologize if I upset you and to the others who have cats, I meant it as a joke. When I saw it, I thought of the old saying, when your driving at night and a black cat crosses your path, it is a bad omen, even worse on Halloween night. I know that falls under the superstitious category and I shouldn't of even posted it. I'm sorry.

PatK said...

Does anyone else think we're gonna hear about squeals of delight and that it was the best birthday ever--you're the best mommy ever?

Yeah, me too.

Mel said...

Shrieks of delight....

Dmasy said...

That picture of her -- HER, in full pregnancy to commemorate their 10th birthday say it all.

10 years ago she gave birth. Birth day has nothing to do with the six who were born.

Rhymes with Witch said...

They do have a warped conception of justice, don't they? 122

Imo, they're not interested in justice. It's all about "getting" people who don't agree with them. That's why BV is their hero.
It's about power and being right and righteous. Remember Katie is their original hero.

getofftwitter said...

Well, I don't have any pity for Tori spelling, except those kids of hers. I just saw a commercial for Mystery Girls, that will be on ABC Family soon. Starring Tori spelling & Jennie Garth. This whole divorce thing with dean and that terrible reality show True Tori, is nothing but a publicity stunt, to draw interest in another fame whore Tori Spelling. JMO

NJGal51 said...

TFW is strangely silent today. Her usual MO is to post pictures and talk about the squeals of delight while telling her that this is the best birthday ever. Could it be that she's not even home? After all, they probably filmed the birthday episode early for the TLC special. I'll be charitable and say that maybe she took them on a weekend gat-a-way for their birthday. She'd better throw a tweet bone soon because her timeline is pretty much dead. Not many of her 195K+ followers are wishing the tups a happy birthday.

Rhymes with Witch said...

That picture of her -- HER, in full pregnancy to commemorate their 10th birthday says it all. 128

It certainly does. Let the sheeple accolades begin.

I have a friend with 6 week old twins. Her pregnancy is OVER. It's all about her girls.
Ten YEARS later? Bwahahahaha.
Time to see a shrink.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Jim Jones comes to mind...he leads, tells them what they want to hear, and they follow. We all know how that ended. 122

The sheeple have certainly drunk Katie's kool aid. Hopefully with a better outcome for them. The 8 are another story.

Lanc Native said...

If the kids had their traditional pool party, I hope it's over and done. We're having a storm here, and it's headed in Kate's direction. I hope Steve (or a nanny, or manager, or weather adviser) is there to tell her to get the kids out of the pool! When you need her, where's Gladys with her weather report?

Formerly Duped said...

Is it warm enough there fro a pool party? Not that weather would stop must be today if there is one...can't ruin HER Mother's Day

Lanc Native said...

Is it warm enough there fro a pool party? Not that weather would stop must be today if there is one...can't ruin HER Mother's Day


Well, sort of. If the pool is heated, then probably for kids it's warm enough, although right now, with the rain, it's in the very low 60s. It's been in the mid-70s the past few days.. I wouldn't want to go swimming right now, but her kids are used to swimming in cool weather. If they are in a nice warm pool it would be comfortable. It's the getting out constantly to dive or whatever, that might be a bit on the chilly side.

The sheeple and their campaign to reinstate BV. I was wondering about what makes them tick. All I can think of is that their alliance with him as their hero fulfills a sense of importance, of belonging, of camaraderie that might be missing from their lives. If this is the path they've chosen, if this gives them a platform, so to speak, a unity to band together and fight for justice, then so be it. I do kind of feel sorry for them, though, that they choose to follow someone whose life is hell bent on the psychological bombing of internet strangers. Of course, a few of them have been doing this for some time, so it's really nothing new for them, just a continuance of whatever agenda they started years ago.

By the way, there was a fan/non-fan who flip-flopped back and forth and then took up with the minions, cursing up a storm on her TL, sort of setting herself up as a real bully who was "in" with that thug crowd. I can't remember her name. Is she still around? I don't see her tweeting anymore.

JoyinVirginia said...

Just stopping by to wish everyone a nice Mothers Day. That applies if you are mother or mother figure to humans or to furbabies.
After this past busy busy week, my only desire.for mothers day is to beer left alone at home for an afternoon so I can read a book, drink some wine, and eat Bon bons!

Lanc Native said...

After this past busy busy week, my only desire.for mothers day is to beer left alone at home for an afternoon so I can read a book, drink some wine, and eat Bon bons!


BEER left alone, Joy? Are you sure you're not having some pre-Mother's Day imbibing going on there today? :)

NJGal51 said...

@Kateplusmy8: My 10 yr olds, playing b4 birthday dinner, cake& icecream! #ImABigKidNow #MorePresentsAfterThat
Right on queue. Celebrating like crazy? Looks more like they're sitting around having a nice quiet afternoon. I guess they'll begin to screech and/or squeal with delight when it's time for cake and more presents.

Anonymous said...

While speaking of unusual births....

First off Happy 10th Birthday to the 6 miracles born today as opposed to "the day your amazing, wonderful and incredible mother gave you life." Which is all you have ever been told.

But it reminds me a bit of my mom who is a really great person but does have a number of narcissistic traits which can make being her daughter very difficult. Very often, on this blog when people speculate on the issues Kate's kids will face in the future I agree completely and I had a fairly normal home life unlike the poor Gosselin 8.

One story my mom tells over and over is how she delivered my older sister in a VW Beetle on the way to the hospital in 1968. Every holiday, without fail, she tells the story. My sister who was born is merely a "prop" and my mom the star. She can barely recall any details of my birth or my 2 other siblings. When I was younger it made me mad, now it just seems pathetic. But I assure you, Kate has my mother beat in all areas re: narcissism and all the negative effects on your life. I hope these kids do finally get their hands on some money because they will need it for serious therapy. (Not meant as snark)

Carrie K.

Over And Out said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 18m
My 10 yr olds, playing b4 birthday dinner, cake& icecream! #ImABigKidNow #MorePresentsAfterThat

Yep. There she is with pictures to amuse the masses and BOTS.

foxy said...

Well, Kate did not disappoint. She has a picture of the kids opening a present. No squeals of anything. No older girls pictures. Maybe they are on strike.
Lukebandit......I have always had black cats. I presently have 2 of them. When one of my neighbors walks by my house and sees them in the window she crosses the street. They are never let outside. She is from Portugal and very superstitious. . Also, near Halloween the shelter where I live will not release black cats at Halloween. You can adopt them, but you need to come back after the holiday to bring them home. I did not take offense and know exactly what you are talking about. That old black cat that rides on a broom with the witch, etc.

Formerly Duped said...

Eeek, those are not very festive photos on TFW's twitter. Just looks like a regular day. No presents, cake, good clothes, friends, even the pool...which makes me think it's an older picture and TFW is not home. Idk. The hash-tag #I'mabigkidnow- isn't that the jingle from a diaper commercial? Wonder if they'll still be the 'littles' though.

Thanks Lanc Native for the weather report!

lukebandit said...

In all of the tribute pictures on FB for Mothers Day weekend that I have seen, have not seen one picture of a pregnant mom. Only pictures of them holding their babies or a posed studio picture or a mom picture by themselves posted by her offspring.

She has the nerve to put that picture up, because it focuses on her. She just should of posted a picture of the kids birthday party, with her out of it. Wait for it, the kids will post a picture of her today or tomorrow and tell what a wonderful mom she is, shrieking with joy! Again.

Here is a true hero mom. A mother threw herself under a rolling SUV to try to stop it from going off a cliff, because her 3 small kids were in it. The family went camping and was renting a log cabin and they pulled up to the cabin and had to get out to sign the papers. The kids were all in the back, but somehow the SUV knocked out of gear. It slowed down just enough for the grandfather run along the side to get the emergency brake on. The mother broke her back and is paralyzed from the waist down and is in a wheelchair. Her daughters made a video about it and are very grateful that she survived and how after the accident, she was still there for them! She went to every dance, piano recital, everything.

TCFW won't even enroll the kids in gymnastics because she doesn't even want to pay for it. She doesn't want the kids to be shining in activities, just like Jon was when he was rollerblading, pumpkin carving, ice skating with the kids.

It's all about her.

Anonymous said...

JoyinVirginia said... 137
Just stopping by to wish everyone a nice Mothers Day. That applies if you are mother or mother figure to humans or to furbabies.
After this past busy busy week, my only desire.for mothers day is to beer left alone at home for an afternoon so I can read a book, drink some wine, and eat Bon bons!


"Beer left alone..." Freudian slip? LOL


Anonymous said...

Looks like the boys are watching. I don't see them playing.


P.S. Black cats are slimming.

Formerly Duped said...

oh- I couldn't tell those were gifts- what child neatly folds the bag under the present? Why do the boys not have anything? Just all three girls? I didn't even realize those were gifts, looks staged, but who knows? I was looking for the good ole' striped plate and crooked cake!

PatK said...

Well, golly gee! I see Kate made sure everyone knew there would be MORE presents!

AuntieAnn said...

Gee, if I didn't know any better I'd say the look on the kids faces is almost ...bored? Maybe not bored, but the novelty of being the famous sextuplets, who will be forever known as the reason their mother is 'famous', has worn off. Mommy always making sure their faces are out there, even if they don't want them to be. Always exposing their private moments. It must bother them, at least a little.

Anyone remember the Peggy Lee song "Is That All There Is?"? That's playing in my head as I look at those kids.

Nonetheless, Happy Birthday to them. I wish them peace.

Greedy Gosselins said...

Happy Mom's Day.

AuntieAnn said...

After this past busy busy week, my only desire.for mothers day is to beer left alone at home for an afternoon so I can read a book, drink some wine, and eat Bon bons!


I hear ya Joy. I like my beer left alone too. It's mine. All mine.

Happy Mother's Day to you, too.

NJGal51 said...

Formerly Duped - That's not a bag folded under a gift it's an iPad cover. I've got a similar cover for mine.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

P.S. Black cats are slimming.


Yes, but orange is the new black (from someone with an orange cat!).

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Lukebandit, there was another incident earlier this spring:

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

...and, as expected. here's Milo with adulation for her Kate, the martyr, the love of her life:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1m
@Kateplusmy8 How far U have come now...guiding them thru those difficulties and providing the nurturing/love so needed 2make them feel safe!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2m
@Kateplusmy8 I remember watching U 5yrs ago during difficult Xs. U had a brave face 4ur kids...making the best of a sad time 4them! :)

prairiemary said...

Maybe sheeple are calling the 8 `theirs`because TFW sold shares of them to whomever wanted to be part of their lives. Like buying shares in a Company, stock holders.

NJGal51 said...

@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Happy Day 2U Kate and these six miracles of yours! So much indeed 2b thankful for. We rejoice w/U in ur blessings! :)
I guess for Milo it really is all about TFW. This is their happy birthday wish. Milo doesn't give a tinker's damn about those kids.

Lalalalala said...

Happy Mother's Day to all the caring, loving, giving mom's out there who understand what being a real mother is all about.

Unknown said...

I see that I'm not the only one that noticed that the girls have presents while the boys are watching empty handed! TCFW is so horrid about the boys that she doesn't seem to see what is so obvious to the rest of us. Empty handed boys is so normal to her that she has zero problem sending the proof in photos to the twitter-verse! My heart aches for those boys. I'm positive that Jon is aware, and gives his boys loving attention. Thank goodness they have their loving father.

Kate is a twit said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 How far U have come now...guiding them thru those difficulties and providing the nurturing/love so needed 2make them feel safe!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 I remember watching U 5yrs ago during difficult Xs. U had a brave face 4ur kids...making the best of a sad time 4them! :)

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 Happy Day 2U Kate and these six miracles of yours! So much indeed 2b thankful for. We rejoice w/U in ur blessings! :)

Milo sounds like she's preaching from the Gospel according to Kate and is leading a prayer service to honor her Queen. I'm surprised she didn't include #Hallelujah as a hashtag.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Milo sounds like she's preaching from the Gospel according to Kate and is leading a prayer service to honor her Queen. I'm surprised she didn't include #Hallelujah as a hashtag.


I was laughing when I read that. She's really lost it. The service will close with "All Hail The Power Of Katie's Name," "Just A Closer Walk With Kate," and "Love Lifted Me."

prairiemary said...

If the kids get everything that they want,then how could they get excited about even more material possessions, you would think that any gift is not a big deal, even if they are birthday gifts. I think they have tons of expensive items, and would not get as excited if they were like us mediocre people.

AuntieAnn said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2m
@Kateplusmy8 I remember watching U 5yrs ago during difficult Xs. U had a brave face 4ur kids...making the best of a sad time 4them! :)


Brave face? She made a slobbering fool of herself on prime time television for crying out loud. She whined. She whimpered. She cried poor. She played the victim card and still does. That's what her kids saw as did everyone who didn't have wool over their eyes.

Milo. Please. We're beggin ya here. Get help.

Kate is a twit said...

I was laughing when I read that. She's really lost it. The service will close with "All Hail The Power Of Katie's Name," "Just A Closer Walk With Kate," and "Love Lifted Me."

Ha ha ha!

But you know the final song will be "Nearer, My Kate, to Thee". ~ Administrator said...

I was laughing when I read that. She's really lost it. The service will close with "All Hail The Power Of Katie's Name," "Just A Closer Walk With Kate," and "Love Lifted Me."


All rise. The Fonz be with you.

If you've seen that brilliant episode of Family Guy you'll know what I'm talking about. Basically it was making fun of both celebrity worship and religion in general.

Kate is a twit said...

Milo tweeted on Thursday that she almost had a car accident, and that she was lucky to be alive, and then she tweeted yesterday that she'd have to tell the story about what happened.

Although nobody asked her what happened, she tweeted a long story that took up 9 tweets. She didn't direct any of the tweets to anybody, but she knew Kate would see them since Kate follows her. So Kate apparently read her tweets, and rather than just say "I'm glad you're safe" or something to that effect, Kate makes it all about her, as usual

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 4m
@MiloandJack W.O.W. Makes me relive my TT highway event a year ago...lucky to be alive. And so are you! #Blessed #besafe ~ Administrator said...

! Happy two digits to the greatest kids I know!


Wtf? She met them like once. Allegedly, she MAY have nannied for them for a bit this summer, we certainly don't know for sure. Surely she has met many other fine children through her church, or family, or something. Gimme a break. She's as nuts as Milo.

Look, I got attached to the kids I nannied too. I was too green to realize I shouldn't have let that happen because invariably nanny jobs come to an end especially when it's understood you're just doing it part time when you're not in class. But when I left, a dear friend said to me I know this is rough but frankly, they're just kids.

She didn't mean I should discount my feelings or be cold about it. But they were just kids. No more special than any other kids just because they were a celebrity's children. There will be many other special children who would come into my life as the decades go by. I will always love them, care about them, and be in their lives, but they were just some kids and I didn't have to be heartbroken over leaving. Emily would do well to remember these are just some kids. ~ Administrator said...

I find Kate, Milo and Emily, really the lot of them, quite trite and clueless right now. I've been a bit quiet the past few days part of that is being very busy part of that is that a friend of mine from high school was in a terrible head on collision early yesterday and died at the scene. We were in the same group of friends and some of my dearest friends were extremely close to her, so I've been focused on supporting them and just being there. As well as making some calls to people who didn't know including my parents, which was rough. My mom saw the news story but didn't realize who it was because she did not know her married name.

It is Mother's Day weekend, and her daughter was in the back seat. She is a bit scratched up, but she's fine. Other than losing her mother.

I'm not asking for a bunch of "i'm so sorry" posts. But I am asking to send some prayers, thoughts her daughter's way. I would give you her name, but it can easily be googled as it's all over the news. And it's just a sad reminder that we just never know. Some people don't have a mother at all, like this precious girl this Mother's Day. Do a little extra for Mom this Mother's Day if you can. This little sweetheart just lost hers.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

If you've seen that brilliant episode of Family Guy you'll know what I'm talking about.


I know what you are talking about. I still can't watch reruns and see Herbert singing to Chris Griffin and not think about Milo and Kate:

"Now I've had the time of my life
No I never felt like this before
Yes I swear it's the truth
and I owe it all to you

Cause I've had the time of my life
and I owe it all to you

I've been waiting for so long
Now I've finally found someone
To stand by me

We saw the writing on the wall
As we felt this magical fantasy

Now with passion in our eyes
There's no way we could disguise it secretly
So we take each other's hand
'Cause we seem to understand the urgency..."

Anonymous said...

If Kate did not have any type of party for the tups with their friends for her SIX children then shame on her. What will be even worse, is if she celebrates their birthday for her TLC special.

It would be O.K. if TLC filmed a birthday party as long as the party was this weekend. But I think it would be terrible for her to basically not have any kind of celebration on their actual birthday weekend (except for a few lame gifts) but have a huge blow-out party for the TLC cameras weeks before or weeks after their actual birthday.

If she does that, it would send a terrible message to her kids. That will piss me off.

localyocul said...

We never had blow out birthdays but the fact is she has. And she has let the twins have birthday sleepovers for a few years now. If not at 10, at least at 11. Why is this year different? It's very odd. At least take the kids OUT to dinner. They probably had pizza

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Admin, I'm humbled and sending my prayers. Feel grateful to be alive today. And hopefully tomorrow, creator willing.....

Sleepless In Seattle said...

The BV/sheeple connection, "you are known by the company you keep." My father gave me some advice many years ago. If you would be reluctant to use a person as a reference on your job resume, maybe you want to think twice about hanging out with that person.

Makes sense to me.

AuntieAnn said...

I'm not asking for a bunch of "i'm so sorry" posts. But I am asking to send some prayers, thoughts her daughter's way.


Very sad post Admin. Prayers and thoughts are sent to her, with great love.

localyocul said...

As has been mentioned her, the divorce rate is 50%. Why aren't those of us who have "guided" our kids through the troubled waters of divorce as worthy in Milo's eyes? Because Kate has 8 kids? And brave face? I'm in Alaska, or at the sky jump or as she went on air and bashed their father? Milo is in love. Plain and simple.

localyocul said...

Formerly Duped said... 147
oh- I couldn't tell those were gifts- what child neatly folds the bag under the present? Why do the boys not have anything? Just all three girls? I didn't even realize those were gifts, looks staged, but who knows? I was looking for the good ole' striped plate and crooked cake!


I still don't see any presents...the one is playing with an ipad with a holder ( we have the same bends ).

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Milo is in love. Plain and simple.

Yes, and it's as plain as the nose on her face, and the lust in her heart. I wonder if LOM knows about this bizarre obsession. If so, does he really care, or is he just glad that she has someone to pester other than her own family?

AuntieAnn said...

Kate is a twit said... 160

Milo sounds like she's preaching from the Gospel according to Kate and is leading a prayer service to honor her Queen. I'm surprised she didn't include #Hallelujah as a hashtag.


Do Milo's children not love her very much? Is that what's missing in her life? It makes you wonder if she isn't living vicariously through Kate, fantasizing that her children worshiped her as much as she thinks Kate's kids worship their mother.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Surely she has met many other fine children through her church, or family, or something. Gimme a break. She's as nuts as Milo.


She's young. She may outgrow this. Clearly she has a celebrity fascination going on and thinks she has to be part of their lives. She certainly tweets them often enough. Hopefully this is just a passing thing. If not, she may well indeed grow up to be another Milo. One just has to wonder where her parents are in all of this. It seems like she comes from a very nice, well-to-do family, but there is something amiss when a college freshman has such girl crushes on older women, such as Cher, Cyndi Lauper, Carnie Wilson. I'd be concerned if my daughter refers to an almost 40 year old divorced woman as "Mamma," and calls her kids "our" children.

Call Me Crazy said...

Admin, I will be thinking of your friend's family this Mother's Day, and sending all good thoughts that they will find the strength to help them through this tragedy.

localyocul said...

AuntieAnn said... 117
Emily Creighton ‏@EmCr68 · 11h
@Kateplusmy8 our kiddies are 10 already?!? I must have blinked! Happy two digits to the greatest kids I know! them!


Emily's twitter TL: The background pic of her idol is one I've never seen before. What's with the line coming down from the right side of her lip? Is it drool or is it not-a-plastic-surgery procedure scar?


Auntie, that's not TFW, that's Em! She has changed from a dirty blonde teen to a TFW bleach blonde look alike ~ Administrator said...

Emily Creighton ‏@EmCr68 6h
@cher on my wayyyyy! Well then you're the hottest old lady I have ever seen!!! Can't wait!


Em's account is interesting. She is not monogamous with Kate. She likes some other celebs. I mean really likes. She seems pretty young to be hanging in the Cher crowd. Heck even people my age if you were a big Cher fan you would be considered weird and way too young for that. She's nice and everything but she's quite dated. I'm sure Cher appreciates her calling her "old."

Em's interests seem more along the lines of a middle aged gay man. I mean Hoda Kotb??? Someone her age shouldn't even be home when Hoda Kotb comes on the telly, they should be in SCHOOL during the FOURTH HOUR of the Today show. Just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Someone so young and pretty and going to school, you would think she wouldn't need any of this anymore. What is someone her age trying to compensate for with all this? We may never know. Sometimes appearances can be deceiving.

I would say she's a catfish but she's proved she is who she is too many times with tons of pics.

NJGal51 said...

Admin - Thoughts and prayers going out to your friend's family. Life is fragile.

lukebandit said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 161

Milo sounds like she's preaching from the Gospel according to Kate and is leading a prayer service to honor her Queen. I'm surprised she didn't include #Hallelujah as a hashtag.


I was laughing when I read that. She's really lost it. The service will close with "All Hail The Power Of Katie's Name," "Just A Closer Walk With Kate," and "Love Lifted Me."


I was laughing too Fleecing!

Amazing Kate, How Sweet the Screech!

Praise Kate, Praise Kate, I am Child of the Kate!

I'm a Friend of Kate, She Calls Me Friend!

When the TCFW is Called Up Yonder!

Leaning on the Everlasting Grifting Arms

lukebandit said...

Cher will turn 68, May 20th.

Admin, I will be praying for your school mate and her family. ~ Administrator said...

. Enough is enough. When you make it your life's business to harass people, hurting people in the process, there's something very wrong with YOU. It's some kind of sick addiction.


And that's the thing, they didn't seem to realize that he wasn't just about saving Kate from us evil "haters." His mission was to harass, shame, wreck havoc, threaten, otherwise disrupt ANYONE. There was no rhyme or reason to it. It just was. On any given day he could have ended up on our side of things. It was the way the cookie crumbled. They didn't realize for whatever reason he liked to harass people ANY people. He did not care about Kate or them, and yet they bought right into it without question.

Were some of his causes more worthy than others, absolutely! I vaguely remember some stuff about some guy who was a child molester or something. By all means, if there is a cause worth fighting for fight for it. However, these things need to be done in a civilized manner, like gentlemen and ladies, in a manner that involves expressing your opinions in an organized fashion and following the rules. And when you're just haphazardly going after whoever, and your only bag of tricks is the constant shaming and "calling out" you lose all credibility.

Harassment and shaming are cheap tricks when you're not creative enough to use your words, thoughts, and ideas to accomplish the same. And besides, what is the point if someone is only doing what you want because they were SHAMED into it? That's like a child who only behaves out of fear he'll be beaten. But then, I'm not surprised someone like Kate liked such tactics.

Millicent said...

Admin - I am truly sorry to hear of the loss of your friend and my heart goes out to her family in this time of great loss and sorrow. Life is precious and often cut too short.

Millicent said...

If Kate did not have a party for the tups 10th birthday, I hope Jon did instead. Every family chooses their own way of celebrating birthdays, but for my child, I had bigger celebrations at various milestones - 1st birthday, 5th, 10th, and 15th. My son didn't want a big celebration on his 16th, but I'm already planning a big trip on his 18th.

Hope the tups had a good birthday no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Let's face it, BV chose Kreider because of the name recognition to further his own business. He should leave the police work to real law enforcement personnel. Who died and left him in charge of the internet? Oh, well, the yellow cow seems well on the road to ruin.

The sheeple are perpetual victims. Of what, I have no idea. The whole thing reeks of high school drama and some of the mean girls never grew up. The hypocrisy is what I find so amusing. Sounds to me like mad cow disease jumped species.

As for Kreider? The Sidam Touch strikes again. She's got quite a streak going.


OrangeCrusher1 said...

My heartfelt sympathies, Admin, on the loss of your friend. The impact on her family, and circles of friends, will be devastating. Reach out and hug your loved ones today. We are flying home today, so while I have been reading on vacation, I have not had much to say. However this sad story does put a certain someone's whiny privileged life into perspective. I wish her children a happy birthday, too bad all they hear is her sacrifices, you know the bazillion weeks of hospitalized bed rest. A pox on her head.

TLC stinks said...

I don't think she was home yesterday or those are old pictures. We'll see when TLC special airs that TLC paid for their pre-birthday celebration.

ITA on her post of that pregnancy picture. All.about.her.

I hope BV never gets to tweet again. No mention of the ban on his web site.

Formerly Duped said...

TLC stinks said... 191

I don't think she was home yesterday or those are old pictures. We'll see when TLC special airs that TLC paid for their pre-birthday celebration.

My sediments exactly. A bogus birthday for the special.


Admin: My condolences on your loss. Very sad and hard to process.

getofftwitter said...

I wonder if TLC, already filmed, during springbreak, they had the 10th birthday party, so the tups don't get another big party, but get a very low key event. Because, the next day IS mothers day, and Kate can not miss a big her praising event. Shame on you Kate, always putting yourself first.

Admin: sorry about your friend.


capecodmama said...

Happy Mother's Day!

Admin....Condolences on the loss of your friend and my thoughts go out to her family.

Kate is a twit said...

Happy Mother's Day!!

Admin-condolences to your friend's family and to you. Sending prayers and thoughts.

Kate is a twit said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 2m
Mother's Day following the bday of over 60% of r family means new toys 2 play w while mom lounges in bed, reading a book. #IMeanWhoAmI? #AHH

Uh oh, Kate, now you've done it. You know that Nicole girl will be back asking if it's her book you're reading. You know it better be, since you told her it was the next one you'd be reading.

And typical Kate--she doesn't wish her fans a Happy Mother's Day, she again makes it all about her.

Winsomeone said...

Kate twitted "Mother's Day following the bday of over 60% of r family means new toys 2 play w while mom lounges in bed, reading a book."

I hope she is finally reading that book she got from what's her name at the book fair. She doesn't work, why would she need to spend a day lounging in bed? Not my idea of a fun day.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Auntie (178) have a point there. I never really thought about it like that, but it's totally plausible. She does tweet about how difficult the teens are, the 19-year-old one still living at home (the one who plays with toy trucks outside) who got in late one night, who recently learned to drive, and the girl (we don't hear too much about her).

Of course since Kate hasn't her about the running challenge, Milo is persistent:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 14m
Headed out 2Sunday services! @Kateplusmy8 Maybe 2day ...later this afternoon or evening we can resume our #Challenge! How far? Add a 1/2mi?

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1m
Mother's Day following the bday of over 60% of r family means new toys 2 play w while mom lounges in bed, reading a book. #IMeanWhoAmI? #AHH

Would that be Nicole's book? :-)

NJGal51 said...

I guess TFW forgot to purchase her Mother's Day twitterbots or maybe they have to wait for her to tweet a key phrase before they kick in. Not a mention of the tups 10th anywhere on the web that I saw and not a peep from People. Hmmmmmm, makes one suspect that they're waiting for the TLC special OR they just don't care any more. I'm hoping it's the latter.

Happy Mother's Day to all! What's your favorite "Momism"? My mom had 7 of us (hell raisers all) and she used to say:

I hope that when you grow up, you have kids JUST LIKE YOU!

I always seemed to be telling my son: Don't do that you'll put your eye out. When he was in 1st or 2nd grade his hand made Mother's Day card had a stick figure with only one eye and it said "Ouch, I put my eye out, next time I'll listen to you". Funny boy. I've still got that card and he's an adult now. Real memories not forced for the camera, I hope TFW will have some when her kids are grown.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Of course since Kate hasn't her about the running challenge, Milo is persistent:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 14m
Headed out 2Sunday services! @Kateplusmy8 Maybe 2day ...later this afternoon or evening we can resume our #Challenge! How far? Add a 1/2mi?


If I were Kate, I would totally ignore her. This is annoying, but Milo is never going to drop it. You'd think if they were communicating in so many other ways, Kate would have answered her by now. Milo will have this in her head for the next few months and will keep pestering Kate on a daily basis. It's got to be torture, living with someone like this, but I don't think that she even realizes that she's doing it.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Math lesson, TFW -- you have 8 children, and they have both a mother and a father. That makes a family of 10. Therefore, if 6 of them just
had a birthday, that makes 60% of the family, exactly. Not "more than" 60% of the family. Just had to get a dig in at their dad, huh? It's like a compulsion for her.

And you gotta love how she makes lounging in bed seem like an amazing luxury, when she's tweeted many times about going back to sleep after dropping her kids off at school. It's the disingenuousness
that gets me. And yet the fans continue to buy into the struggling
single mom "storyline" she won't stop peddling.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Nicole Gould ‏@nicolergould 15m
@Kateplusmy8 hope it's mine! :)

LOLOLOL!! Yep...and there she is, right on cue. That didn't take long. Her Twitter alert is working!

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