Saturday, February 8, 2014

Recap: Couples Therapy episode 6, The snake oil secret no one will buy

Last time on Couples Therapy, when the lesbians aren't fake fighting they enjoy toying with Teen Duck Lips to pass the time, and call her out on making a porno. Wu-Tang gets his just dues when Kelsey, his lovely girlfriend he doesn't deserve, douses him in apple juice.

Coming up, Dr. Jenn is so concerned about Teen Duck Lips she wants to shut the cameras off so she can really work her therapeutic magic. Cameras off? What the...! No! No fair! WTF! I'm instantly in a bad mood. How am I supposed to make fun of Teen Duck Lips with the cameras off? I demand a recount!

Dr. Jenn falls for whatever Teen Duck Lips said to her off camera (how convenient) and thinks she's had a horrific past. Naw, with this fine woman as her mother? Can't be.

Teen Duck Lips has certainly told horrific lies, I'll give her that. Wu-Tang lines up his wallpaper swatches so he can choose which one to spend his life with. Ha, look at Latrice, all decked out in a red cocktail dress and hair extensions like she's going to a slightly shady New Year's Eve party in the slightly shady part of downtown. It's just VH1, Latrice.

The music sounds like Super Mario Brothers 3 only played at half the speed. It's just minutes after Kelsey threw the apple juice in Wu-Tang's face. Wu-Tang goes after Kelsey and demands that she hug him. She keeps telling him to stop and to leave. This is so incredibly uncomfortable because it's edging toward domestic violence, which is not always about the bumps and bruises of Lifetime movies or your Duck Lips's lies, but about exerting your power over the other person and not listening when they say no back off. Kelsey is so upset she's considering leaving the show.

Oh thank God, Sada comes out to console Kelsey. I like her. Kelsey tells her the whole long sordid tale which starts and ends with Wu-Tang being a douchebag and includes him wanting to bring in the other woman he is seeing, Latrice, to see her and Kelsey in the same room so he can decide which girl he wants like you might look over the ice cream flavors at Baskin Robbins before committing.

Sada's reaction is like everyone else's: "What the f*&k???" That's correct, what the f*&k.

This is why Sada is such an awesome and intelligent person. Because she says great stuff like this: "I know you don't want to lose him, but you don't have him anyway."

Ex-aaaaactly! So lose him, because he's already lost. You can't lose someone you already lost, Kelsey. Or, never had to begin with, given he was with Latrice first.

Kelsey sits down with Dr. Mike.

No, not that Dr. Mike, although I bet she'd have good advice for her too, like tear up your contract and leave him for heaven sake, we'll help. Couples Therapy's Dr. Mike is some other doc they've never really explained much about, but I've gathered he is some sort of assistant to Dr. Jenn who maybe goes on duty when Dr. Jenn is getting her collagen injections? He's sort of cute in a John Leguizamo kind of way.

Kelsey is just realizing that the life she thought she was living with Wu-Tang was a lie, and that must be an awful feeling. She admits that deep down she kind of knew Wu-Tang was living a rapper lifestyle where this could happen. She's still really in love with him though. Dr. Mike gives good advice in that either Wu-Tang is going to have to commit to her or Kelsey is going to have to leave him, there's no in between.

Dr. Mike seems to be choking up a tiny bit. I think these people truly like Kelsey and care deeply that she is being so hurt by this.

Wu-Tang is such an ass. The situation is "bugged out" he remarks profoundly. He says it in the passive tense like that, not that he made a bugged out situation but rather the situation itself just showed up kind of buggy, unannounced. Gah, pass the apple juice he obviously is not wet enough in my estimation.

Coming up, Duck Lips's fiancé says when Teen Duck Lips opens her mouth it's like puke just comes out. Ha, never heard it put quite like that, but totally. And cue the voiceless crying. Looks so freaking good, can't wait!

Day 10, and Kelsey is feeling like crap about the situation but doesn't know how she can just erase the love she has for Wu-Tang. But Kelsey, you were loving something that was just proven to you doesn't exist. Erase it Kelsey, here's a pencil.

Teen Duck Lips confronts Whitney in the kitchen, demanding to know what everyone was up to last night. Whitney's like uhh, we were playing checkers and reading? Checkers and reading, how sophisticated, Teen Duck Lips says snottily. Is she being sarcastic? It's actually hard to tell. Well, what are your hobbies, Teen Duck Lips? So far I can only come up with three: lying, whining, and eating chopped salads. It's not like Teen Duck Lips prefers to spend her leisure time playing chess and trading polo horses. The truth is it couldn't be more obvious she's jealous she wasn't included. 

Teen Duck Lips, if you want to be included, you're going to have to ask. Swallow your pride and say, hey, next time you guys are staying up late playing checkers or whatever I'd love to join you, sounds fun. Chances are a nice girl like Whitney would be happy to include you. But making fun of what they chose to do with their leisure time is not going to get you any independent invites. I'd love to see TFW in a similar kind of reality show "house" situation. She'd be eaten alive, much like how Teen Duck Lips is being eaten alive, slowly, methodically, bite by bite. 

Teen Duck Lips whines to Sarah, one of the resident counselors, that no one in the house likes her. Didn't we just have this conversation the other week? As I recall it was so boring Dr. Jenn near fell asleep listening to it all before she moved on to more interesting (and amusing) issues like Teen Duck Lips's mother. No wonder Dr. Jenn passed this stupid problem off on the staff this time around.

Here, I'll cut to the chase, Teen Duck Lips. No one in the house likes you because you're not likable. See how everyone instantly liked Jon and always wants to hang around him? That's because he's nice, make everyone laugh, and throws around the football out back. Be more likable like him, and they will start liking you, too.

Sarah asks Teen Duck Lips exactly what has she done to help fix this [boring and stupid] situation? Teen Duck Lips thinks for a moment as she picks at her chopped salad and then says, uh, not talk so much? Ha, you know in this case that might actually help. Shut up shut up shut uuuuppp!

Jon, Duck Lips and her fiancé, and the lesbians are out back smoking.  Baw-hahhhaha. Jon says, could we just grab that whiteboard in the therapy room and draw out in a flow chart Teen Duck Lips's so-called "story?" Then he hums the Smurf's theme for a little bit as he pantomimes drawing. Heh. "Now, does this make sense?!"

Baw-hahahhaah. Funny. Everyone's cracking up. No, of course none of this makes sense. No one can even figure out what she's even doing in couple's therapy, not being in a couple in the first place. And she dresses like a nun too and wears ballet flats, Duck Lips adds.

Ballet flats, people. Unbelievable.

Personally I quite like ballet flats myself, but that does not detract from how hysterical this conversation is. Even Duck Lips's fiancé, who hasn't said two words since he mentioned he was too hot a couple weeks ago, is just going off now, saying Teen Duck Lips has no business being here, her words are like puke to him, he's had it with her.

Jesus, they really hate her. Not that I'm surprised, since almost everyone does. Duck Lips says Teen Duck Lips needs therapy the most because she needs someone to tell her she's f--ed up. I believe that's been mentioned to her. If she didn't hear it the first thousand times why would she listen now? Duck Lips smells a rat! La--la--la-la-la-la, Smurf along with me.

Teen Duck Lips has retreated to her room and seems to have taken up the sophisticated pastime of reading. Liz joins Jon outside and he puts his arm around her sweetly and tells her he loves her. It's a real love fest out there, with everyone kissing everyone. Some folks are even kissing Duck Lips. If you ever watched Real Housewives of Beverly Hills you would know how bizarre it is to see Duck Lips part of the group and more or less liked by the other housemates. She must be so pleased. They've all really bonded, except for Teen Duck Lips.

Dr. Jenn laments that no one in the house has much empathy for Teen Duck Lips. See, I don't blame people who have no empathy for someone who has never had empathy for anyone else. Plus they have to live with her and her snide passive aggressive behavior and Dr. Jenn doesn't, so easy for her to say.

Dr. Jenn pulls Teen Duck Lips into a one-on-one session, which as history tells us are always snark-a-lishous. Dr. Jenn thinks the root of a lot of Teen Duck Lips's issues is that sex tape everyone is talking about. Teen Duck Lips is a little annoyed by that, she's like look the tape was me having sex there's really not that much more to say about it. I almost sort of agree with her, but at the same time it's a sex tape, Teen Duck Lips, and sex tapes or even talking about sex tapes just makes for good guilty pleasure T.V., okay? Dr. Jenn says Teen Duck Lips has come far since she's been in the house (she has?) but there is something still holding her back.

Teen Duck Lips burst into tears and says what she's really upset about is that she signed a contract and signed some rights away but she is not permitted to talk about it. Ooooo. Is she talking about her daughter Sophia? Did she sign her over to


That's my guess since I remember on Teen Mom Debra really wanting to raise Sophia and how Teen Duck Lips pretty much let her. I did a quick search around the web and other speculation is that she's being threatened with a defamation suit since she's basically been telling the world that the sex tape was just an unplanned accident leaked by her evil boyfriend, when the truth is she orchestrated the whole thing herself.

Dr. Jenn says they have to talk about it, so she makes all the cameras go away. Oh, phooey, I wanna watch.

Commercials. I don't have much to say about them since I've been mostly flipping to the Olympics during the commercials. Had Bob Costas not mentioned that he has to wear glasses because he woke up with his eye so rancid and infected it was swollen shut, I never would have noticed. Now I can't stop staring at it. It's shriveled and inflamed. It's so gross, like undead gross. Geez, is that thing contagious? I just want to put eye drops in it.

Zombie Costas
Group sessions. Dr. Jenn says she wants the group to understand there are serious things going on with Teen Duck Lips, she needs the therapy, and it's important for the group too she be a part of this project. I say it's important for our own entertainment, but as far as Teen Duck Lips providing therapeutic value for everyone else, I think mostly they are just amused by her. Then again, they say laughter is the best medicine, so.

Oh, Dr. Jenn, you disappoint. She's choking up saying the things Teen Duck Lips told her are some of the most horrific things she's ever heard, and she just doesn't know how Teen Duck Lips has the strength to face each day. Well, she's gotta get out of bed at some point, those chopped salads are not going to eat themselves. Of course they're the most horrific things you've ever heard because Teen Duck Lips made them all up. I'm sure she weaved a remarkable story, made it as outrageous as possible for maximum sympathy, and like an idiot Dr. Jenn fell for it. This is what she's been doing since her Teen Mom days. Dr. Jenn, wake up! And really, start marathon watching Teen Mom. You have all week to catch up.

I like that Duck Lips's fiancé jumps right in and says wait just a cotton pickin' minute here, can I just interject and say that's all well and good but that none of this has anything to do with me not liking her. I don't like her because I just think she lives in a bubble and doesn't listen to anyone, it has nothing to do with this stupid sex tape or any other nonsense. Exactly. 

"I'm not living in a bubble!" is Teen Duck Lips's brilliant rebuttal. "This is "bull *bleep*!"

Oh, I so love that no one is falling for Dr. Jenn's crap. Whitney's like okay, whatever about this elephant in the room I don't know what the big gosh darn secret is but you're still an annoying tool and liar. How convenient that you can't talk about this because of legal issues, how convenient, but "now it's just like you're a chick in a room!"

No, not a chick in a room! A narcissist cannot just be another chick in a room, they will explode, it's a scientific fact.

Commercials, back to Bob Costas's eye for me.

We're back, and no amount of commercials can change that no one is buying what Teen Duck Lips is selling. Or Dr. Jenn. Hehe, poor things. 

I love Whitney. She says that all this crap from Teen Duck Lips is holding back the rest of the group from being productive in therapy. Yes, agree. It's unnecessary drama that is taking time away from real problems the adults need to work on. Dr. Jenn blabs some nonsense about how Whitney is wrong. Whatever, Dr. Quack-quack. There is a definite duck theme here.

LOL, Duck Lips thinks she can "mentor" Teen Duck Lips. Duck Lips has no business mentoring an armadillo let alone the monstrosity that is Teen Duck Lips. Sada admits she did judge Teen Duck Lips. I don't know, is "snarking" judgment? I don't think so, I think that's just a good time. 

On to Wu-Tang and Kelsey. Dr. Jenn wants them to talk about the secrets that have come between them. So, Teen Duck Lips doesn't have to talk about her secrets, but they do? That's fair. Not!

Wu-Tang says well, Latrice wasn't exactly a secret per se. Oh, well neither was Deep Throat then. Ha, the camera pans the room and everyone is making duck faces of WTF horror! Oh no, Kelsey seems to blame herself when she says she should have been more forceful in demanding he tell her what was going on with other women. Duck Lips actually has a good point in that noggin of hers in that Kelsey heard what she wanted to hear from Wu-Tang. You know, when Duck Lips is relaxed and other people are being patient and nice to her, she's not half bad. She even has a few salvageable neurons in there to say a few good things now and again. Just make sure the temperature always stays below 70 degrees and she's fine. Dr. Jenn explains that Kelsey maybe resisted hearing the truth because it might mean she would have to do something she didn't want to do.

God, Wu-Tang's an idiot. "What's that?" he blurts.

Um, leave the relationship? Dr. Jenn says in a way that says she thinks he's an idiot too. Kelsey wishes she could go back to how things used to be.

Sada jumps in with what she said before, this is B.S. because you never had him in the first place so why are we talking about how things used to be? What used to be never was, get it? I get Sada. It is so infuriating to watch a woman be in a relationship like this, especially a woman you're quite fond of and know deserves better. Wu-Tang jumps all over Sada's correct analysis of the situation and says look men are pigs and I'm a man so therefore I'm a pig so just accept it.

Whatever. Kelsey, you deserve better, Sada says, shaking her head. 

Jon and Liz didn't utter an entire peep this session. In fact they look a little overwhelmed with all this psuedo-celebrity drama, as well they should be.

After therapy, Teen Duck Lips is suddenly in an incredibly giddy mood. That's probably because she succeeded, once again, in pulling the wool over someone's eyes. A professional licensed therapist no less. She even dresses up in a slate gray business suit like she's about to interview at Goldman Sachs, minus the shimmering earrings the size of small infants.

Now she wants to do therapy, she's all about it. That Teen Duck Lips is a strange one. And a sociopath, no doubt about it. Of course Wu-Tang of all people is starting to understand her. He would. He actually shares some similarities to her in that he doesn't seem to realize that other human beings have this thing called feelings.

As an aside, Jon can be seen walking in the background in a very nice black suit and belt and blue Steve-ish pressed dress shirt. What's the occasion for all this pomp? Maybe this is Teen Duck Lips's 150th lie she got away with scot-free on national television, definitely worthy of celebration.

Day 12, and Dr. Jenn sits down with Kelsey and Wu-Tang to talk about Latrice, who is on her way to the house as we speak. Kelsey hopes that this will help her make a decision what she is going to do. Hey, that's exactly what Wu-Tang wants. I don't understand these two. Wu-Tang feels caught in the middle. Oh, that must be so terrible for him.

"This is not like an audition," Dr. Jenn says in disbelief. She says Wu-Tang is like "a bomb that keeps detonating in women's faces." Yeah, a big stink bomb.

The lesbians tell Duck Lips that Latrice is coming to the house.

"What?!" Duck Lips blurts, leaning forward so far she could practically kiss the floor. Ha, I don't know why her "what?!" is so funny, but it is. It's just such a simple yet correct reaction to such an over the top shit storm. Duck Lips says this is painful to watch. Yeah.

Latrice comes into the room, wearing a fire engine red cocktail dress, stilettos and blond wavy hair extensions. I guess she got the memo this is an audition. She's pretty like Kelsey is, but more feminine and conservative. She seems quite a bit older than Kelsey, maybe even eight years older.

She comes in and hugs Wu-Tang, Kelsey sitting right there. "Hey, baby," she whispers. Blech, who are these people?

Latrice, meet Kelsey. Kelsey, meet Latrice.



Well, this isn't awkward at all.

Latrice says she had thought she was in a monogamous relationship. Of course she did, because that's how Wu-Tang rolls. Wu-Tang says he loves Kelsey but is not in love with her, and he knows Latrice more. Wu-Tang wants to know what Kelsey would have done had he told her sooner about Latrice. What kind of question is that? Kelsey is pissed now. She's like, well obviously I wouldn't have gotten involved in the first place! Duh.

Wu-Tang claps his hands aggressively, babbling some nonsense about how Kelsey knew what he does and what he was. What does that mean? Obviously she didn't know any of that or we wouldn't be here in the first place.

Dr. Jenn has to break up the fight like you would with six-year-olds, cupping her hands around her mouth and screaming at them to stop.

"How can you treat her like this?!" Dr. Jenn demands. "Talk about disrespect! What the f&^^ is that?!"

I love when Dr. Jenn says f&%. She really means it when she throws that out. She owns it.

Kelsey screams some stuff about what a pig he is and then storms out, which she's done about three times now since I started watching this show. "Stay here," Dr. Jenn orders Wu-Tang, as she goes after her. Well, this was a no good very bad idea just like you predicted last episode, Dr. Jenn. Jesus, nothing went smoothly about this, what did you expect?

Next time on Couples Therapy, I just noticed that Kelsey's earrings are giant safety pins. Open one up and prick Wu-Tang in his big butt and be done with it. Oh, cool, Duck Lips and the lesbians are telling Jon that they don't like how Liz treats him. They're saying the same things the folks here said on the blog, about how she's dominating and running the show and belittles him. I think it's good for Jon to hear this from women who really seem to care about him and whose opinions he seems to value. Sada says, "That's when you say, 'listen, bitch!'" Ha, that's not quite how we said it but close enough.

You know Liz didn't say a thing this entire episode, and Jon's only contribution was that hysterical whiteboard flow chart "does this make sense?" thing, while humming the Smurf's theme. But it was a good one; that was so funny. La-La-la-la-la-la.

347 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Sadie said...

I know this for a fact and Admin can back me up on this. It wasn't Paul Peterson who hooked up Jon and Shawn Tuma, it was one of those 'jellus haterz' from Twitter and her hubby and we are proud of them!

JoyinVirginia said...

OT the Lego Movie is great fun, adorable, infectious, silly, surprising, inspiring, hilarious, imaginative, positive, and just plain AWESOME! The theme song is ” Everything is AWESOME!”
Go see it, with or without children. The dh took me, we saw it in 2d.. 3D makes me dizzy. But I brrr this movie would look AWESOME in 3 d!

JoyinVirginia said...

I BET this movie would look AWESOME in 3D,, NOT brrrr. Darn darn darney darn auto correct!

Lynne In RI said...

Em Tanner can do what she wants to do on her site, and she can snark as much as she wants. The "spit it out" was Kate's own words, but I think that what people find objectionable is the use of the word "brats." It's been misunderstood and some find it not acceptable. I believe that she should have thought that through a bit more. Snark or not, referring to the kids as brats, regardless if it's implied that Kate thinks that, there are other choices that could have been made to snark Kate's book.

Formerly Duped said...

Surely TFW must know her crookbook bombed. Why is she giving it out for her prize for the non-contest? Because she's cheap? Oblivious? A normal person would be embarrassed and put the book quietly away. I wonder if she will announce who 'won' since she is 'mostly' finished her reviews and verifying ( as per Milo's remark) She may have just stuck paper in those boos she had on Twitter and there is no contest or winners at all.

Tucker's Mom said...

Oh, btw, this is Random Acts Of Kindness Week.

Lynne In RI said...

She may have just stuck paper in those boos she had on Twitter and there is no contest or winners at all.


In her boos? Yes, she's scary. Or "paper in those boobs?" I guess it's better than getting them re-inflated!

Tucker's Mom said...

JoyinVirginia said... 1
OT the Lego Movie is great fun, adorable, infectious, silly, surprising, inspiring, hilarious, imaginative, positive, and just plain AWESOME! The theme song is ” Everything is AWESOME!”
This movie is getting great ratings. We hardly ever go to the movies anymore, but when this comes out, I'll definitely rent!

Tucker's Mom said...

I officially am giving up on trying to avoid Olympic results!
Every show, every home page, every everything. Ugh!

JMO said...

Tucker's Mom said... 199
Meagler said... 174
People on twitter need to start asking who the winners were and what their stories were...
February 9, 2014 at 6:57 PM
I, and I'm sure most, assumed that these "acts of kindness" would be shared as an inspirational story for the "masses".
If Kate just says that she's signed books and sent them out without any disclosure about who won and why they won, that's boloney!
Hey, lady, I rescued 6 kittens, paid off a family's Walmart Christmas layaway, helped 23 old ladies cross the road, gave lollipops to 14 crying kids and solved world hunger!
Where's my book?

Tucker's Mom- I hear you! Kate advertises getting a signed book based on "good deeds," does not post contest rules Six weeks later, still has not mailed all books to the winners.

Honestly, I think she was probably checking with her limited supporters (Milo, etc..) to see if they knew if the person submitting a story was, in fact, a non-fan. She sent out "most" of the books, really? After six weeks with a ridiculous deadline for submissions, she
still hasn't completed this task with the help of her 9 year old children? Who uses their 9 year old children to determine "kindness" when they have never been treated with same by TFW. Ridiculous, as usual.

Another ploy, another day.

JMO said...

She's consistently duplicitous and infallibly lazy.
To a tee!

Jumping In said...

Tucker's Mom said.....198

Those kids are refusing to perform, which we've predicted would happen, so yeah, I imagine there are many things like brats/ingrates/subversives! in the subtext.

You have given me pause for thought regarding the twins and their appearances on the TODAY show and The View. I think Cara was there under complete protest, and decided early-on to not buy in to her mother's demands and simply shut down. I think Kate knew she could brush off Cara's demeanour as shyness and stage fright, her bigger concern and focus was/is Mady. Mady is her wild-card twin who is willing to perform, but strictly on her own terms. When her mother snapped her fingers that was the end of Mady's willingness to tow the company line. Who knows what the bribe was between studios, but TFW did manage to get a little more out of them, but still very stunted and cringe-worthy.

We certainly won't see Kate pulling this stunt with them again, there will not be will a second performance, no do-over. TFW thought she had the twins on-side, and clearly that was not the case. In their own different ways, the twins did stay true to themselves that day, something their mother didn't see coming from them....integrity.

JMO said...

Tucker's Mom said... 5
Oh, btw, this is Random Acts Of Kindness Week.

Does Kate even know what that means? I mean for her to do something for others, without cameras. Consignment vs. DONATION.

Tucker's Mom- Enjoy your posts very much. Down to earth, very on point, and great perspective. ~ Administrator said...

I officially am giving up on trying to avoid Olympic results!
Every show, every home page, every everything. Ugh!


Annoying. I don't remember it being like this in other years. I'm a big no spoilers person. 90% of the enjoyment goes out of it for me when it's spoiled.

Tucker's Mom said...

Annoying. I don't remember it being like this in other years. I'm a big no spoilers person. 90% of the enjoyment goes out of it for me when it's spoiled.
It's as though with the time zone difference, that the news outlets just said, "f*ck it".
To an extent, I can understand this. Just look at the advances in social networking and personal devices since the last far away Olympics.
It's a shame to spoil the results- like waiting for your favorite figure skater to fall on their ass when your watching their program.

I throw in the towel! It is what it is.
Ba Humbug ;-( ~ Administrator said...

Yes I really feel like the journalists spoiling it are thinking well we are struggling as it is to keep up with social media and instant gratification, we have to be in there first with the results!

However a simple warning that the article, text alert, or news report will be announcing Olympic results which haven't aired yet in the U.S., would promote a lot of good will.

Formerly Duped said...

Lynne In RI said... 6

LOL, I realized my typo but figured people would fill in ( pun!) as they wished, Boo! Books, boobs, boots, bootleg....:)

JoyinVirginia said...

Re Olympics, on Sunday morning we watched the skating competition live on the NBC sports network. Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinsky were doing the live commentary and did a great job.
Watched some of the same footage Sunday evening, and commentary was different, things had been edited differently, there are the profile pieces with sappy music, just an entirely different experience.
I much prefer the live presentations. The NBC evening edition had been sanitized and edited to be more appealing, but I thought it was less appealing.
Anyone else who has compared the two, what do you think? ~ Administrator said...

This is hysterical. Can we sue???

Call Me Crazy said...

Tucker's Mom said... 199

Hey, lady, I rescued 6 kittens, paid off a family's Walmart Christmas layaway, helped 23 old ladies cross the road, gave lollipops to 14 crying kids and solved world hunger!
Where's my book?

Sorry, TM. You clearly missed the point of this acts of kindness not-a-contest. Who cares about kittens and old ladies and crying kids and a hungry world?!? Had you paid off TFW's Target layaway, shoveled her driveway and sent her a bunch of gift cards, then THOSE things would have qualified as worthy acts of kindness. So hate to tell you this, but No book for you!!

The only people who even care about her stupid Not-a-contest are those who entered it and then complained to others that they had entered it and heard nothing. So all 6 numbskulls who entered will be winners, and TFW will not have to announce the winners because those 6 numbskulls will be over-the-moon happy when they get their super-amazing book prize. And the other numbskulls who gave a crap about it will be happy for the winning numbskulls, who will then crow to everyone they complained to on Twitter that they WON!! YAY! And isn't TFW awesome? Her tardiness will be immediately forgiven and excused because, after all, she is so very busy what with 8, count 'em, 8 kids and all, and doing everything by herself and all, and all will be right in the pasture once more.

Mel said...

I was thinking about how chatty Mady/Cara seemed with Savannah prior to the show. Chatty, smiling, comfortable. Open expressions. Which immediately went away with Savannah’s first question.

Savannah’s question was open ended.
They could have answered that any way they wanted to. Whatever stuff a normal 13 year old talks about.
But they weren’t there to chat about their personal lives. They were there for the sole purpose of bashing their dad. And they knew it.

TFW made it clear that they were to say ‘what they said in the magazine’, (notice how she couldn’t even remember which magazine it was, it was just ‘the’ magazine), which was code for bash Jon. You’re here to bash your dad, spit it out.

FYI said...

Maybe, if and when, Kate announces the winners of her contest, not-a-contest, now-a-contest-again, she can post them on the Inspiration page of her website. At least it will get rid of the "coming soon" that has been there since day one.

I wonder if she opened a new can of worms when she posted about the "mostly signed" books. I noticed that several people are asking her how they can get one. Of course, Kate is not responding.

Remember Kate's last contest to promote the show and how she told Baby Mama that it was only open to her "tweeties"? I wonder if that was a unwritten rule for this contest also. But then again there were no rules, so I guess every thing and any thing to do with this contest, not-a-contest, now-a-contest-gain, is strictly up to Kate's discretion.

"I'm in charge, and that's never going to change!"

I guess that's the only rule that applies.

gabby2 said...

I agree with all of you. An employee should never get involved online defending her employer. Bad for business....forever.

Who wants to hire someone that does not hesitate to open their month about personal issues online. One day they can be defending you, and the next criticizing you. imo

Changing subject, has anyone seen Despicable Me 2? I just love the songs on the CD:

JoyinVirginia said...

All the olympic coverage is being broadcast live on NBC sports network. You just have to get up at 3 am eastern time when they stat the days broadcast. You West coasters can just stay up all night, right? I'm sure there are some olympic fanatics doing that.

Tucker's Mom said...

Tucker's Mom- Enjoy your posts very much. Down to earth, very on point, and great perspective.
Thanks, JMO.
This is such a great group of folks here. I enjoy our conversations and have learned so much!

gabby2 said...

.....on the contest, I am sure Kate is wondering what to do with all those crates of her books in her basement!!

Boy I love this song, and now they have a hour of different people dancing to it:

Kate, if you post anything, post your kids REALLY having fun, being HAPPY.....and lay off their father!! He tried to love you....but enough was NEVER enough! Take responsibility for ONCE!

And if you really love your kids, give them their privacy.

Tucker's Mom said...

But, wait! Kate thought this Kathy Griffin spoof, "Kate Is Enough The Kate Gosselin Story", was hysterical!

Same thing Em did; spoof Kate.

Tucker's Mom said...

JoyinVirginia said... 17
Re Olympics, on Sunday morning we watched the skating competition live on the NBC sports network. Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinsky were doing the live commentary and did a great job.

Thanks! I found the channel on my cable and will be able to watch live now. Very cool.

Tucker's Mom said...

However a simple warning that the article, text alert, or news report will be announcing Olympic results which haven't aired yet in the U.S., would promote a lot of good will.
I check my local news websites several times a day and boom! Front and center are results. Really?
The Today show OPENED with skiing results this morning. Are you kidding me?

TLC stinks said...

I wonder if a Kate will be grifting for Lego movie tickets because that's what she always buys the boys.

I took no offense to emtanner's book cover parody.

Anonymous said...

Great recaps Admin! I enjoy reading them especially since I am one that watches the show. You really have a knack for this kind of thing. I find myself laughing out loud at some of the thing you write. Thanks for keeping a great blog going.

Carole said...

I too caught parts of both the morning live skating performances and also the evening edited version. I enjoyed the evening, edited and with profiles version much better simply because I didn't like Tara Lipinsky at. all. and Johnny Wier, although he is better than Tara, is still no Scott Hamilton with his experience and smooth delivery.

Mary P said...

Remember, this is when Kate was relatively unknown, so don't tell me it was a tacit quid pro quo.
Em wanted to help a mom with twins and 6 HOM's, period.


That's your opinion, not fact. Kate was already on television so I think it was Marketing 101, not altruism.

Anonymous said...

Lukebandit, I am sorry to hear about all your health problems. And to top it off you have to deal with idiots who don't even have common sense not to discuss your personal issues in front of others. You have every right to be upset and please follow through on reporting it.

I had a situation that really upset me. Unfortunately I have a lot of chronic pain for the past many years and need to take triplicate narcotics to dull it. I always filled my prescriptions at Walgreens with no problem. The prescriptions have always been from the same pain management doctor at the premier health clinic in the very large city I live in. But this one time I decided to stop at a different Walgreens (just a mile or so from the other one) to have the prescriptions filled. I went through the drive-through and put the triplicates in the drawer and the pharmacist took them. I immediately asked him and asked if he could please have these meds in stock every month because I always have trouble finding them at the other Walgreens. He said over the loudspeaker to me, "How do I know you are not selling these pills in the school yards". Mind you he is literally a foot from the front counter in the pharmacy. So therefore the crowd of folks at the counter no doubt heard him. I was floored and stunned. He could have easily looked at my record and had seen that I always filled these prescriptions at another Walgreens and was an excellent customer. But he didn't. I was so upset that I drove my car around and went inside and asked the clerk at the register if I could please speak to the store manager. I was then in tears and my voice was shaking. The manager came out and greeted me and took me in her office. I told her and she looked stunned too. I told her I had never been so insulted that a professional who knew nothing about me would immediately question if I was going to sell drugs to kids at school. She said she would report it to the district pharmacy manager. She said that he was the pharmacy MANAGER no less who treated me like that.

Well, several months later I dropped by that Walgreens to stock up on some vitamins on sale. As I was waiting in line at the pharmacy counter I noticed the large photo of the pharmacy manager who was now a different person. So when a different pharmacist rang me up, I asked what happened to the other manager who was a male. She said that he longer was a manager but worked at another Walgreens. But he worked in the back doing paper work and not with customers. I told her what happened to me and she said that that was the type of stuff he did all the time and that was why they transferred him and demoted him to just a pharmacist instead of pharmacy manager. I told her it sounded like he should have been fired.and she agreed.

Some people have book smarts to become pharmacists, doctors, nurses, but they sure as heck have no common sense or common decency. And we must report them to get better treatment.

Anonymous said...

I meant the pharmacist talked over the microphone not loudspeaker at the drive-through. And after I talked to the store manager I went over to the pharmacy and the manager who insulted me waited on me. I told him to give me back my prescriptions and how dare he question if I was a drug dealer to children. And proceeded to inform him that I just talked to the store manager and she was going to report him to the district pharmacy manager. And I told him that he would regret treating me this way and walked off.

JoyinVirginia said...

Carole, your opinion is like my neighbor, she much prefers the evening edition. I think the sappy music with the profiles just for some reason. Scott Hamilton is very good commentator, and I like him. I do like Johnny Weir and think he is very good at commentary during the live performances. Tara is doing ok for a newcomer to the commentator booth, you know without an olympic medal she would not have gotten the job.

Berks Neighbor said...

If this has been discussed already, please forgive me. I've been scrolling through a lot of the minutia complaining.
I'm not sure how many of you have read the book "Some Thing Real" that we had talked about here.

There is a scene in it where two of the older siblings decide to protest their mom putting them on TV, so, during a live interview they come out with DUCT TAPE on their mouths and sit there and don't say a thing!

When I read that, I laughed outloud. The mom flips out, tries 'damage control' etc.
This book was written WELL-BEFORE the Today show fiasco with the twins.

There is so much to grasp from such a well written (despite the few curse words) YA book. I'm surprised it wasn't written by one of us.

I don't like how they treated the dad who left the family, but it was written before Jon could actually get his side of the story out.

Gerismum said...

you know, its not surprising it took kate so long to get out these know it takes time to add a self addressed envelope inside the package requesting "donations" for her favorite charity.....herself.

Tucker's Mom said...

Mary P said... 32
Remember, this is when Kate was relatively unknown, so don't tell me it was a tacit quid pro quo.
Em wanted to help a mom with twins and 6 HOM's, period.


That's your opinion, not fact. Kate was already on television so I think it was Marketing 101, not altruism.
Maybe I've got cobwebs in my brain, but I'm pretty sure Em has said as much.

I, and many others here, have been following this for a long time, so perhaps someone else can confirm that.

Also, if I think I'm writing conjecture here, or something that's just my opinion, I'll say as much.

I'm pretty sure Admin was in contact with Em and that's how we know what her sediments were at the time.

Tucker's Mom said...

Anonymous said... 33
Lukebandit, I am sorry to hear about all your health problems. And to top it off you have to deal with idiots who don't even have common sense not to discuss your personal issues in front of others
This reminds me of an embarrassing moment I had some years ago, way before HIPPA.
I was in a neighborhood pharmacy, back when CVS and the like became the monoliths that they are today, putting independents out of business.
Well, I went up to the counter with a prescription and while it was being filled, I wandered around and browsed.
About 10 minutes later, this older gentleman goes up to the counter, looks around the store, and calls my name out loud:

AuntieAnn said...

Call Me Crazy said... 19

The only people who even care about her stupid Not-a-contest are those who entered it and then complained to others that they had entered it and heard nothing. So all 6 numbskulls who entered will be winners, and TFW will not have to announce the winners because those 6 numbskulls will be over-the-moon happy when they get their super-amazing book prize.


Poor sheeple. Poor, misled sheeple.

Maybe it's just me, but I always think a random act kindness is more like some good deed done in a situation where you behave on impulse. Not that there's anything wrong with making warm quilts for homeless shelters or donating clothes to charity, but those are hardly random acts. And further it seems to take away the sentiment of kindness if you have to tell others about it, take a picture of it and hope you win a prize for doing it. Good grief.

Only Kate in all her vainglorious splendor would hold a contest for the best RAK with the prizes being HER cookbook. It's always Look at ME! Look at ME!

TLC stinks said...

I counted 9 books in that Twitter photo.

Tucker's Mom said...

Leslie, how awful!
Our pharmacist (Rite Aid) is such a sweetheart!
She bugs us every fall to get our flu shots, helps us keep our prescriptions in order and is always pleasant.
We're really lucky.

longtime lurker said...

I don't think this has been mentioned, but at the very beginning of the Today interview (the very first question mind you,lol)...Savannah asks a question, Mady sits mute, then looks at her mother...Kate says 'this is your chance, used your words, and claps her hands....Mady mouths something to Kate, Savannah says something off camera and Kate looks at Savannah and says 'oh', and makes a face...
I think at that moment Savannah knew Kate's true motive of having her twins on the show...I wish I knew what Mady mouthed to her mother...

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 41
I counted 9 books in that Twitter photo.
February 10, 2014 at 10:07 AM
Is Kate making the kids sign the books?

AuntieAnn said...

laura ‏@adidasqt6 47m
@Kateplusmy8 if u make another cookbook make the binding different! Please and thank u! doesnt stay open!!


Consider yourself lucky.

Mary P said...

Tucker's Mom said... 38
Mary P said... 32
Remember, this is when Kate was relatively unknown, so don't tell me it was a tacit quid pro quo.
Em wanted to help a mom with twins and 6 HOM's, period.


That's your opinion, not fact. Kate was already on television so I think it was Marketing 101, not altruism.
Maybe I've got cobwebs in my brain, but I'm pretty sure Em has said as much.

I, and many others here, have been following this for a long time, so perhaps someone else can confirm that.

Also, if I think I'm writing conjecture here, or something that's just my opinion, I'll say as much.
I have been following this saga for a long time as well. I'm not sure why you felt the need to imply that you are more knowledgeable. I stand behind my opinion (as I recognize it is just that) that she was marketing her product, not doing a kindness. I do not recall EM Tanner saying she did it purely to be kind, but even if she had said that it wouldn't change my opinion that it was a marketing strategy. There's nothing wrong with savvy marketing, but savvy marketing and altruism are not one and the same.

Tucker's Mom said...

Savannah says something off camera and Kate looks at Savannah and says 'oh', and makes a face...
I think at that moment Savannah knew Kate's true motive of having her twins on the show...I wish I knew what Mady mouthed to her mother...
Savannah said something like "well, it's a hard question", which took a pregnant second to sink into Kate's head, which pulled her death stare off of Mady for a moment, and Kate seemed very caught off guard when she quipped "oh!", in a Mary Poppinsesque sort of way.
It was probably weirder than the twins going mute.

Ex Nurse said...

Excellent point. Those who entered now have to wait and wait...when will they figure they didn't win and how long does one wait for their winnings? Kate is such a freaking idiot and thoughtless beyond words.
So, Kate can actually never send out any books, because how would anyone know? And, if unknown twenties start popping up to thank her, that will be meaningless. And, if one of the 6 regulars do, also meaningless. She will probably send one to the top ewe and maybe one other Tweetie, just to make it look legit.

As far as Em's photoshop, I also think it is unprofessional. A business that I just sold had well-known clients, and we worked in their homes. I wouldn't dream of ever disclosing anything seen in the course of business, even though I am completely out of that business now and doing something entirely different. I really admire Beth for just bowing out and keeping her mouth shut. It is the classy thing to do. I doubt that she saw anything that family members haven't seen, and, if she did, I trust that she would report to the proper authorities or agency. We will probably never know, which is kind of a shame, because she would probably give a true, more balanced view, without all of the assumptions and exaggerations that so commonly occur. Beth, if you read here, I think your restraint is admirable. Personally, I don't like snitches, with no objective in mind except for character assassination and gossip. Including anyone in the gosselin family who has benefitted financially by leaking information to the media at the expense of young children's childhood. That includes their parents!

Ex Nurse said...

I just want to add to my last post that if, when the kids are adults, they are entitled to reveal whatever they would like. Unfortunately, I doubt that there will be consensus, because, different siblings seem to live very different lives, with the favored ones getting special attention.

Tucker's Mom said...

AuntieAnn said... 45
laura ‏@adidasqt6 47m
@Kateplusmy8 if u make another cookbook make the binding different! Please and thank u! doesnt stay open!!


Consider yourself lucky.
You've GOT to put a warning before you post something like this! I almost got ham and cheese up my nose!

Tucker's Mom said...

I have been following this saga for a long time as well. I'm not sure why you felt the need to imply that you are more knowledgeable.
It wasn't my intent to imply I'm more in the know about this saga, not in the least. What I'm saying, directly, not implying, is that I'm confident in what I wrote.
That is all.
It is not my opinion, rather, my recollection of what Em related at one point, and it was discussed on this board.

Ex Nurse said...

Long time lurker said...
I think at that moment Savannah knew Kate's true motive of having her twins on the show...I wish I knew what Mady mouthed to her mother...
Savannah said something like, "It's a hard question". I couldn't tell whether Mady spoke, but, it looked like TFW and she locked eyes at that moment, and Mady gave her an imploring "don't make me do this, I beg of you", or, possibly, "I am not going to be your puppet" look. Personally, I hope it was the latter.

Tucker's Mom said...

There's nothing wrong with savvy marketing, but savvy marketing and altruism are not one and the same.
Agree, moreover, they can coexist with dual intent.

Zoe said...

longtime lurker said... 43
I don't think this has been mentioned, but at the very beginning of the Today interview (the very first question mind you,lol)...Savannah asks a question, Mady sits mute, then looks at her mother...Kate says 'this is your chance, used your words, and claps her hands....Mady mouths something to Kate, Savannah says something off camera and Kate looks at Savannah and says 'oh', and makes a face...
I think at that moment Savannah knew Kate's true motive of having her twins on the show...I wish I knew what Mady mouthed to her mother...

I like to think that M just gave TFW the evil eye and that's what caused TFW to exclaim "Oh". I bet M has seen that "eye" enough to have learned it well. Maybe it was even the first time M used it on TFW.

Tucker's Mom said...

I have been following this saga for a long time as well. I'm not sure why you felt the need to imply that you are more knowledgeable. I stand behind my opinion (as I recognize it is just that) that she was marketing her product, not doing a kindness.
OK, the cobwebs are clearing a bit:

"Em Tanner responded that she gave lots of things to Kate for free, she doesn't want Kate's name on a thing and she gets lots of hate mail about her and therefore would not use Kate as a marketing tool."

When Em gave Kate a shitload of free swag, J+K+8 was a dinky cable show on a dinky network. That would all change, of course, but Em went above and beyond, bending to Kate's demands, many last minute.
I give Em a lot of credit for trying to please Kate as much as she did.
Em did not deserve the absolute war Kate started with her.
Even Jon was so embarrassed he had to call her to apologize.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Only Kate in all her vainglorious splendor would hold a contest for the best RAK with the prizes being HER cookbook. It's always Look at ME! Look at ME!


Was this a random act of kindness contest, or just a "be kijnd" contest (which could have involved planning). Did she ever make that clear? There were no rules, other than to submit personal information and photos, so I don't know exactly if this could be either a pre-planned act or something just done out of the blue. If it were random, how many people snapped photos of that kindness BEFORE they knew they would enter a contest? Probably nobody. If a picture was taken as a RAK, then it more than likely would have been done after the contest was announced, doing it specifically for the purpose of winning a cookbook. In that case, it's not kindness done for kindness sake, but performed for a self-serving motive (to win a cookbook).

Bitchy Pants said...

Question. If TFMJG "almost" made cheesy tuna pockets with chicken, how does she know they are "Yum"? Did the kids give 10 stars and 16 thumbs up to their non-existent dinner?

AuntieAnn said...

EMTanner posted this on facebook 19 Mar 2012:

EMTanner Designs.

UNREAL..LOL. geesh..ok so i really didnt even know "kate" had a show still and find out she is bashing ME on twitter saying I USED HER...LOL. have never even offered my thoughts when people would ask me about the "experience" of working w/them on some stuff (out of respect bc i so appreciated the opportunity..honestly i truly did)...unreal i am a hardworking mom of 4 that went to her BEFORE fame offering products...she in exchange offered to post a link to our site...then the show blows up...i get a monthly bill for $25 to keep the link up...i paid even though i saw what was unfolding...we offered OUR CALENDAR DESIGN to her in whatever color she'd like and bc we called it the "kate" calendar (we knew we couldnt call it her full name but we just used kate bc the design was easy to recall on orders)...NOW ON TWITTER I AM USING HER FOR PROFIT. OMG...lolol...i was kind and generous and laid low when i got some of THE most DOWNRIGHT RUDE emails at the same time requests for certain products to be designed and sent ASAP for certain episodes(also for FREE which was the agreement from day one..products for recognition..). i never once voiced my opinion or how it all changed instantly when the show got big. YET 3-4 years later i get emails that SHE is bashing ME on twitter. Really?? WOW. frankly i began to be concerned as the amount of "hate mail" we received grew as the show did...really sorry my name was ever associated at this point. i WORK not not famous so why bother...that's just SAD. true colors. end of story. NOTE: our calendar name is now THE PINK CALENDAR (may change but not sure what word i use at the moment..LOL..xo Favorite

Layla said...

longtime lurker (43)
When Kate is whipping her head back and forth, giving the twins "the look", Savannah jumps in and says, "It's okay, it's a hard question". Then Kate says, "Oh!". That was the moment that Savannah realized that this was not an interview, this was two kids being manipulated to further their evil mother's agenda. The sheeple claim that Savannah isn't a good interviewer, she should have been prepared, but how do you prepare for something like that? I've never seen or even heard of an interview where a parent is on TV manipulating her children to bash their dad. There's no way Savannah could have seen that coming. It's just too evil.
And when Kate said, "Oh!"--that was the moment she realized that the twins wee not going to toe the line. They were not going to bash Jon, and she started butting in and babbling for the rest of the interview, trying to fill air time because her real message wasn't going to get out there. The twins weren't putting up with her manipulation . She panicked.
I wonder how many books she has stacked in her basement? She hasn't sold very many--according to NovelRank, the number sold at the end of January (after 10 months) was 1,528. That's in the US, Canada, the UK, and Germany, plus Kindle. Her total number sold can't be more than 3,000 through all sources. She's been giving them out to TV audiences, plus her giveaway. I wonder if she handed them out this year as Christmas gifts. I'm sure the trash men appreciated that. But there must be piles of them she's trying to unload. ~ Administrator said...

As Em explained it was before they were famous and just for a token prize of a link on their web site. Her money could have been better spent buying links on relevant web sites if she were really just concerned about her bottom line. She describes what she did for them as generous and mostly for free. I think she heard their story was moved by it and thought her products could help out. Not every business woman is out for blood. Some just do want to help out nothing more nothing less. I emailed her a few times to get more info when Kate was attacking her and she struck me as a very open hearted woman who felt absolutely shocked to be slapped in the face by that and rightly upset about it. I think she felt she had done Kate a big favor biting her tongue for so long about all the crap she saw and this was the thanks she gets.

JMO said...

AuntieAnn said... 45
laura ‏@adidasqt6 47m
@Kateplusmy8 if u make another cookbook make the binding different! Please and thank u! doesnt stay open!!


Consider yourself lucky.

Simply hilarious...

Tucker's Mom said...

I like to think that M just gave TFW the evil eye and that's what caused TFW to exclaim "Oh".
No, it was Savannah sort of calling Kate out, like 'hey, it's a hard question, stop snapping your fingers!"
Savannah knew Kate was just making it worse, going into panic mode!

Marie said...

I like to think that M just gave TFW the evil eye and that's what caused TFW to exclaim "Oh". I bet M has seen that "eye" enough to have learned it well. Maybe it was even the first time M used it on TFW.
Yes, that would be a little bewildering for your child to give you the "eye" all of a sudden on live TV. "Oh," that's MY line so to speak. Like looking in the mirror. I wonder if she realized how ugly she was at that exact second.


Millicent said...

AuntieAnn said... 45
laura ‏@adidasqt6 47m
@Kateplusmy8 if u make another cookbook make the binding different! Please and thank u! doesnt stay open!!

Consider yourself lucky.
LOL! Even the cookbook is ashamed of the recipes.

Math Girl said...

Carole said... 31
I too caught parts of both the morning live skating performances and also the evening edited version. I enjoyed the evening, edited and with profiles version much better simply because I didn't like Tara Lipinsky at. all. and Johnny Wier, although he is better than Tara, is still no Scott Hamilton with his experience and smooth delivery.
Surely you jest. Scott Hamilton, the commentator who shrieks (yes, shrieks) each time a US skater lands a jump? I much prefer Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinski. CBC also has a new commentator, Carol Lane, who is a coach rather than skater. I thin they need to change commentators frequently because after a few seasons they become very repetitive and almost caricatures. After years of watching figure skating I've actually learned new things from Carol Lane and Johnny Weir.

Millicent said...

Ex Nurse said... 50

I just want to add to my last post that if, when the kids are adults, they are entitled to reveal whatever they would like. Unfortunately, I doubt that there will be consensus, because, different siblings seem to live very different lives, with the favored ones getting special attention.
I agree that if all or most of the Gosselin children decide to share recollections of their youth, there's likely to be variance. We have seen some who get preferential treatment; while others are treated like dirt. Their childhood memories will reflect this.

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's, that it won't stay open is probably the best feature of the book. I wonder if her publisher did it deliberately (heehe).

Millicent said...

Auntie Ann said:
I always think a random act kindness is more like some good deed done in a situation where you behave on impulse. Not that there's anything wrong with making warm quilts for homeless shelters or donating clothes to charity, but those are hardly random acts. And further it seems to take away the sentiment of kindness if you have to tell others about it, take a picture of it and hope you win a prize for doing it. Good grief.
Me too, and I often think of them as something you do many times anonymously and keep it to yourself. You are out and about on your usual routine, see a person in need, feel a need to reach out and help them in whatever fashion you can, and then you proceed on with your day and don't need to take a picture of it, post it to FB, or otherwise publicize it. It was done from the goodness of your heart, and not for praise or other reward.

AuntieAnn said...

Then she had the nerve to bill EM $25/mo for putting her link on the griftsite.

How very *kind* of Kate. She should send herself a cookbook.

FYI said...

rainbowsandunicorns said... 57

Was this a random act of kindness contest, or just a "be kijnd" contest (which could have involved planning). Did she ever make that clear? There were no rules, other than to submit personal information and photos, so I don't know exactly if this could be either a pre-planned act or something just done out of the blue. If it were random, how many people snapped photos of that kindness BEFORE they knew they would enter a contest? Probably nobody. If a picture was taken as a RAK, then it more than likely would have been done after the contest was announced, doing it specifically for the purpose of winning a cookbook. In that case, it's not kindness done for kindness sake, but performed for a self-serving motive (to win a cookbook)

Yes, that's exactly what it is. Not doing it out of the kindness of your heart, but doing it (and having to prove it) in order to win something.

This is exactly what Kate posted on twitter:

"Spread The Cheer! Make someone smile this holiday season! Lend a hand, bake some cookies, donate to someone in need, go out of your way to help...You get the picture! Get creative...And I want to hear about it!!

Send me your STORY explaining your random acts of holiday kindness.

**You must include your NAME, ADDRESS, and a PHOTO showing your kindness to be considered.**

This whole not-a-contest was about not-random acts of kindness.

Kate basically told her tweeties, "Go do something kind for someone, and make sure you take a picture so that you can prove it to ME! And if I like it, you could get a cookbook. Now, do it, do it do it!!"

Kate has never done an act of kindness or giving back, unless there is something in it for her. Apparently, she thinks her tweeties are just like her and need an incentive to do something nice.

JoyinVirginia said...

OT because I just saw this update of real life story I am fascinated by. So scroll on by, no TFMJG here.
The Bounty, a replica tall ship built for the movie, sank during hurricane sandy on October 29, 2012. The captain was never found, one crew member died, the other crew survived thanks to survival suits and the truly heroic efforts of the Coast Guard flying out of Elizabeth City NC.
The Coast Guard had hearings on the sinking, with some especially damning testimony from a ship Wright who had worked on repairs to Bounty short before the sinking. the National Transportation Safety Board released their ruling today. No surprise for those of us who followed the hearings, but the ” reckless decision to sail .. Into the well forecast path of Hurricane Sandy” was because of the captain s decision. ” the Bounty s ( inexperienced) crew was put into an extraordinarily hazardous situation thru decisions that by any measure did not prioritize safety.” The man sailed a movie prop that was leading like a sieve into the Atlantic Ocean toward a massive hurricane and finally made the decision to abandon shop when they were off the North Carolina coast in the area called the Graveyard of the Atlantic! I hope the family of the woman who died gets some closure from this. it is a miracle the entire crew didn't drown.

JMO said...

AuntieAnn said... 59
I think we can clearly offer suggestions to rename the calendar in order that it is not in Kate's name.

"Not a TFW calendar"

"Not a KK or KG Calendar"

Gratitude is not Kate's strong suit at best...................

Mary P said... (Administrator) said... 61
As Em explained it was before they were famous and just for a token prize of a link on their web site.
Well they obviously had some level of "fame" or she wouldn't have known about them. And a link on their web site is marketing. Again, nothing wrong with that, but if you are doing something for 100% altruistic reasons you say "no, thanks" to any publicity. In hindsight it may not have been good for business nor worth the aggravation, but that doesn't mean that there was no marketing intent.

PA Dutch Mom said...

I wonder how many books she has stacked in her basement? She hasn't sold very many--according to NovelRank, the number sold at the end of January (after 10 months) was 1,528. That's in the US, Canada, the UK, and Germany, plus Kindle. Her total number sold can't be more than 3,000 through all sources. She's been giving them out to TV audiences, plus her giveaway. I wonder if she handed them out this year as Christmas gifts. I'm sure the trash men appreciated that. But there must be piles of them she's trying to unload.


Remember when Gladys reported, with glee, that the books went for the 50,000 printing? I just about choked on my burger. If true, then Kate has 47,000 of them boxed up in the basement.

Tucker's Mom said...

"Oh!"--that was the moment she realized that the twins wee not going to toe the line. They were not going to bash Jon, and she started butting in and babbling for the rest of the interview, trying to fill air time because her real message wasn't going to get out there
Kate actually did manage to throw Jon under the bus. She mentioned "their father" specifically.
"They're more aware of what's out there, the, you know, inaccuracies, things that are said by the general public, their father, whoever in general..."
(way to sandwich Jon into the middle of that statement)
"...because their friends talk about it at school, I'm forced to kind of inform them..."

That what, Kate? That their dad is a liar?
If the twins want to "set the record straight" with their friends at school, let them. Why plaster their faces on a gossip rag and drag them onto national tv?

The sheep try to rip Savannah apart because she held Kate's feet to the fire for putting her twin girls on the spot, and thrust them back into the media spotlight.
About time someone did, frankly.

Call Me Crazy said...

AuntieAnn said... 46

laura ‏@adidasqt6 47m
@Kateplusmy8 if u make another cookbook make the binding different! Please and thank u! doesnt stay open!!


Consider yourself lucky.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're killing me!! And if that wasn't funny enough, I then read this:

AuntieAnn said... 70

Then she had the nerve to bill EM $25/mo for putting her link on the griftsite.

How very *kind* of Kate. She should send herself a cookbook.

Just hilarious! Auntie, I love your humor and wit! Thanks for the laughs!

Sherry Baby said...

In that case, it's not kindness done for kindness sake, but performed for a self-serving motive (to win a cookbook)

Yes, that's exactly what it is. Not doing it out of the kindness of your heart, but doing it (and having to prove it) in order to win something.

This is one of the things I don't understand about her. Any intelligent person with critical thinking ability, logical reasoning would be able to see this right away. But not Kate or the sheeple. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you do what is supposed to be a RAK after a contest is announced that requires a photo of you doing it, then it's not a RANDOM act of kindness. It is a PLANNED act of kindness.

The fact that she couldn't see this makes me shake my head. It's not nitpicking on Kate just because it's Kate. It's questioning why she didn't think this through.

Gabby2 said...

PA mom said:
Remember when Gladys reported, with glee, that the books went for the 50,000 printing? I just about choked on my burger. If true, then Kate has 47,000 of them boxed up in the basement.


LOLOL....say it ain't so....ROFL.

Thanks Tucker's Mom for digging out exact quote, YES, KK specifically mentioned Jon. She just can't let go of him.

Tucker's Mom said...

Mary P said... 74
You're right, Mary P, let's move on, shall we!

sparkle said...

Here is a link to an article in The Reading Eagle written the day after the tups birth. It lists all the grifts the Gosselins had received thus far, including confirmation of the "Gosselin Goslings" parking spot and $5,000 in grift card from Giant Foods. Jon looks like he's about 16, lol.,8014356

FlimsyFlamsy said...

My guess is, part of the reason TFW had to follow up chop-chop on the not-a-contest is because it's almost time for her 39th birthday. No
self-respecting grifter could troll for gift cards when their fans have
ruffled feathers...

handinhand said...

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you do what is supposed to be a RAK after a contest is announced that requires a photo of you doing it, then it's not a RANDOM act of kindness. It is a PLANNED act of kindness.

That contest is about as random as her acheiving HOM (per Robert's book) and landing a Discovery Health Channel special.

Mel said...

At first I thought when Savannah said, "It's a hard question" that she was trying to give Mady some breathing room, deflect TFW from glaring at Mady, but now I think she was calling out TFW.

The way TFW said, "Oh!" doesn't make sense in any other context than Savannah calling her out. As in, hey lady! back off your kid!

Unknown said...

Ex Nurse said... 49
''Beth, if you read here, I think your restraint is admirable. Personally, I don't like snitches, with no objective in mind except for character assassination and gossip.''
When Robert read the journal, he reported TCFW to CPS and it had happened years before. Beth read it in real time and didn't report it. In MY opinion, Robert acted responsibility, Beth did not. NOT reporting the abuse makes Beth someone that looks the other way when seeing child abuse, and that is a jillion times worse than being a ''snitch''.

Beth wrote the book w/WOS using TFW's journal as a base. In the journal, WOS wrote about abusing her toddlers. Are you actually saying that you would consider Beth a snitch for reporting TCFW beating her toddlers for potty training accidents? ~ Administrator said...

I really don't think character assassination and gossip were the motives behind most insiders coming forward and putting a name and face on their allegations. After all most insiders who speak out about Kate are crucified. Rather what's come through loud and clear from these folks is one resounding theme: concern for the kids. You may not like how or what they say but it doesn't change the fact that these people were concerned about the kids.

Dmasy said...

Ladies, your comments make my day.

Auntie, your comments make my sides hurt! ~ Administrator said...

A snitch is someone who catches you smoking in the restroom one time and runs and tells the teacher. A snitch reports relatively benign and harmless behavior because they like tattling and seeing others cut down. Someone who reports harmful, illegal, immoral or abusive behavior is not a snitch. They're a whistleblower. Huge difference.

Tucker's Mom said...

Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Kristine ‏@KmPensinger 4h
My question for trivial pursuit last night was to name 4 of @Kateplusmy8 kids. Cara Mady Alexis Joel. GOT IT. Thanks @TLC
Congratulations, Kate. I see this makes you very proud.
Your children are part of a board game quiz because you sold their privacy.
Makes me sick.
You know what really made them a household name? Filming their family fall apart, for all the world to see. Followed up the the media circus that continues to today.
I'd hang my head in shame if my children's names were a punch line, or an answer to a trivia question. They are, or were, private citizens who unfortunately had/have a parent who was and still is eager to sell their lives for money and fame.
This just really irks me.
Those kids never asked for this, nor could they possibly consent to it.

Susie Cincinnati said...

In MY opinion, Robert acted responsibility, Beth did not. NOT reporting the abuse makes Beth someone that looks the other way when seeing child abuse, and that is a jillion times worse than being a ''snitch''.


How does anyone know what Beth reported to CPS if those reports are sealed? Did Robert say that Beth knew about possible abuse and didn't report it?

prairiemary said...

Remona, you said exactly what I wanted to say. Even if for some reason Beth did not read the journal, or part of it, she was still close enough to the family that she would have seen patterns of abuse from tfw to those 8 children. She should have said something. It was wrong that she didn't. And if Beth did say something to social workers, then it was not about the worst abuse, or we would have heard about it. To me, Beth failed those kids.

Anonymous said...

IMO, when Kreider said "Oh!" it was because of the look Mady gave her. That look said, "Are you effing kidding me?" I have a feeling Kreider will be getting that look AND those words before too much longer.


handinhand said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 81
My guess is, part of the reason TFW had to follow up chop-chop on the not-a-contest is because it's almost time for her 39th birthday. No
self-respecting grifter could troll for gift cards when their fans have
ruffled feathers...

You know, you're probably spot on.

longtime lurker said...

Tucker's Mom said... 88

Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Kristine ‏@KmPensinger 4h
My question for trivial pursuit last night was to name 4 of @Kateplusmy8 kids. Cara Mady Alexis Joel. GOT IT. Thanks @TLC
Congratulations, Kate. I see this makes you very proud.
Your children are part of a board game quiz because you sold their privacy.
Makes me sick.
You know what really made them a household name? Filming their family fall apart, for all the world to see. Followed up the the media circus that continues to today.
If I had done to my family what Kate has done, I'd crawl in a hole and never come know that your home state enacted legislature because of you making your kids work the way you did would be enough for me to beg my kids' forgiveness till my last dying breath.

Susie Cincinnati said...

This is one of the funniest things ever to come out of Milo's mouth...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4m
Regardless of how I feel inside, I always try 2speak & act like a winner! It gives me a mental edge N life! @Kateplusmy8 Mind over matter!

She has a mental something, but I'm not sure I'd all it an "edge."

Exterior Designer said...

PA mom said:
Remember when Gladys reported, with glee, that the books went for the 50,000 printing? I just about choked on my burger. If true, then Kate has 47,000 of them boxed up in the basement.

Isn't that a fire hazard?

Unknown said...

Susie Cincinnati said... 89
''How does anyone know what Beth reported to CPS if those reports are sealed? Did Robert say that Beth knew about possible abuse and didn't report it?''
WOS and Beth holed up in a hotel writing the book, using TCFW's journal. Do you believe that Beth reported the abuse detailed in the journal to CPS and continued writing and getting the book published? OR did she edit the abuse out of the journal and not report the abuse to CPS?

FYI said...

Milo's rambling to herself again:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 15m
So...make sure I understand this...according 2critics of Kate...if U are a public figure U don a special kind of clothing 2wear every day.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 4m
I tried2find the pic..has a target/bullseye on the back that says "Hey, take a shot at me!" Even public figures appreciate kindness/respect!

She also tweeted this, but then deleted it:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 11s
Because someone may be a public figure is no reason 2allow my language & view 2become vulgar & hateful.

I guess that rule only applies to Kate. She's been hateful to Jon, Liz, Wendy Williams, Dr. Jenn Berman, and anyone else who happens to get along with or says something nice about Jon.

Milo, do you know what the word "hypocrite" means. Find a dictionary and look it up.

AuntieAnn said...

Call Me Crazy said... 77

Thanks for the laughs!


You're welcome Crazy, but you know if the sheeple wouldn't ask TFW such ridiculous questions we wouldn't have to be so snarky. They have the IQ of salad bowls.

Tucker's Mom said...

Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Kristine ‏@KmPensinger 4h
My question for trivial pursuit last night was to name 4 of @Kateplusmy8 kids. Cara Mady Alexis Joel. GOT IT. Thanks @TLC
Congratulations, Kate. I see this makes you very proud.
Your children are part of a board game quiz because you sold their privacy.
Makes me sick.


She does make a person sick. Kate isn't about making memories, she about making memorabilia.

Too bad she decided to pick a fight with Em. She could have had her put the kids faces on calendars like the poor Dionne quints.

Amanda, Iowa said...

Gabby2 said... 79
PA mom said:
Remember when Gladys reported, with glee, that the books went for the 50,000 printing? I just about choked on my burger. If true, then Kate has 47,000 of them boxed up in the basement.


LOLOL....say it ain't so....ROFL.

Amanda, Iowa says........

....or Gladys does :-) ~ Administrator said...

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 15m
So...make sure I understand this...according 2critics of Kate...if U are a public figure U don a special kind of clothing 2wear every day.


That's correct Milo. The Supreme Court indeed says public figures wear different clothing every day. There are different rules, laws and standards for them as opposed to us mediocre who have chosen privacy. You might start with NYT v. Sullivan to get familiar with the concept.

Susie Cincinnati said...

You're welcome Crazy, but you know if the sheeple wouldn't ask TFW such ridiculous questions we wouldn't have to be so snarky. They have the IQ of salad bowls.


lol, Auntie! You know, though, you're right. Many of them are such a hoot. I really enjoy reading there just to see what they come up with. There are times my jaw drops, thinking, these people can't really be serious or this stupid, can they? I wonder if they are yanking some chains. Then I sometimes read a few of the tweets on their timelines and I realize that yes, they indeed are missing the burgers in the Happy Meal. Then again, sometimes ignorance is bliss.

Meagler said...

Kind of like fishing for compliments and catching nothing but pirhana's! ( or however you spell that word...)

Susie Cincinnati said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 11s
Because someone may be a public figure is no reason 2allow my language & view 2become vulgar & hateful.

I don't understand this one. Is she talking about herself? Jon's a public figure, and her tweets about him have been hateful. She says, "my" language. Is she reprimanding herself?

Among other things, Milo is a conundrum.

Susie Cincinnati said...

Do you believe that Beth reported the abuse detailed in the journal to CPS and continued writing and getting the book published? OR did she edit the abuse out of the journal and not report the abuse to CPS?


I don't know what I believe. I wasn't there. Whatever I may or may not believe is not going to make it so. I don't know what Beth knew, when she knew it, what she saw, or if she reported anything to the authorities. There was a reason she left so suddenly, and although many have speculated what that reason may have been, she's kept quiet about it. That much we do know.

It's just that it's so easy to place the blame for not reporting abuse. It's Jon's fault, it's the nannies' fault, it's Beth's fault, it's the crew's fault, it's the school's fault. Bottom line is that we can surmise what was seen and by whom, and when, but whether it was reported to CPS is something that may never be known.

Pants on Fire said...

AuntieAnn said... 46

laura ‏@adidasqt6 47m
@Kateplusmy8 if u make another cookbook make the binding different! Please and thank u! doesnt stay open!!


Consider yourself lucky.
LMAO!! hahahaha!!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4m
Regardless of how I feel inside, I always try 2speak & act like a winner! It gives me a mental edge N life! @Kateplusmy8 Mind over matter!

Milo, you thinkin' y'all has sum kinda "mental edge" by the way you speakin???


Sleepless In Seattle said...

@ConcernedChick @adonesvelez @Kateplusmy8 not even the minuet blogs r writing about kg anymore -


I didn't know that there were any minuet blogs, Is that dance still well and alive? I guess we should be glad that it wasn't on Kate's DWTS required dance list! Her jive was scary enough. Can you imagine her doing the minuet? It would have been interesting, though, to see what costume they would have come up with for her.

AuntieAnn said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 107

Can you imagine her doing the minuet? It would have been interesting, though, to see what costume they would have come up with for her.


lol! How about Carol Burnett's costume on her Gone With the Wind Parody. "I saw it in the window and I just had to have it". The first time I saw that I laughed so hard I almost peed my bloomers.


AuntieAnn said...

Hi Pants on Fire! So nice to see your name again.

Starz22 said...

WTF??? off topic

A Denmark zoo killed a giraffe all of 18 months old to stop "inbreeding"
Not only did they kill this poor animal by shooting him in the head...they hacked him up with children watching and fed the remains to other zoo animals.
Seriously, was there no other way? They couldn't have did a swap with another zoo? Sterilized him?
Petitions were signed...people offered him a new home. How the hell did this happen?
The zookeeper who killed him made it seem like it was nothing...He loves rye bread...I told him...come get the bread....when he did...I shot him in the brain....he didn't know what coming. Really? OMFG!
I'm sorry but this really has gotten to me.

Meagler said...

Kate's book must be arriving in Australia. All 3 of her fans got them now.... ~ Administrator said...

Minuet, lol. I just pictured us all struggling to hold our heads up in 18th century wigs.

localyocul said...

Starz22 said... 110
WTF??? off topic

A Denmark zoo killed a giraffe all of 18 months old to stop "inbreeding"
Not only did they kill this poor animal by shooting him in the head...they hacked him up with children watching and fed the remains to other zoo animals.


This has bothered me so much. I can't even look at tweets about it it's so upsetting. They killed him, skinned him, and fed him to lions in front of school children!! Why not neuter him or send him to another zoo??!! There were offers to take him! It's like the Mengele zoo or something.

localyocul said...

The zookeeper who killed him made it seem like it was nothing...He loves rye bread...I told him...come get the bread....when he did...I shot him in the brain....he didn't know what coming. Really? OMFG!
I'm sorry but this really has gotten to me.


This upsets me so much. I can't imagine telling my dog "whaz I got for you?" like I do when I have a treat...she comes running..then killing her. Who does that?????

localyocul said...

Anonymous said... 91
IMO, when Kreider said "Oh!" it was because of the look Mady gave her. That look said, "Are you effing kidding me?" I have a feeling Kreider will be getting that look AND those words before too much longer.



ITA. That was excactly the look M gave her and that was when she said "Oh!" as in "Oh, she's not going to cooperate"

Susan1956 said...

Anonymous said... 91
IMO, when Kreider said "Oh!" it was because of the look Mady gave her. That look said, "Are you effing kidding me?" I have a feeling Kreider will be getting that look AND those words before too much longer.


I agree. Mady had locked eyes with TFMJG and was giving her the death stare when Savannah made her remark. Mady's look was scathing and steady and threw TFMJG for a loop, hence the "oh" followed by babbling as a way to deflect what just happened. I'm not even sure TFMJG heard Savannah's remark.

Whatever happened between the Today Show and View tapings was not enough to stop Mady from doing it again--the look of death plus a verbal calling out--"you ruined my dramatic silence" when TFMJG tried to prod her on the View. TFMJG also seemed to think that her "oh" and the little grimace she made after saying that made her look cute.

Over And Out said...

Nicole Gould ‏@nicolergould 1h
@Kateplusmy8 have you been able to start reading yet? :)

Sigh. She just doesn't get it. Kate most likely doesn't even have the book.

This fan has a huge girl crush on Sarah McLachlan, and has been pestering her to read the book, too, so Kate's probably small potatoes compared to Sarah.

Starz22 said...

# 114 Localyocul
Right....I could never shoot an animal I cared for...let alone chop him into pieces and feed him to other animals. What went wrong here? Why did the petitions go un answered? Why were the claims to give him a new home ignored? This is so wrong it makes me sick.
Like I could ever say to one of my cats...come for nummers...when they start eating I blow them away...OMG...

Millicent said...

@ConcernedChick @adonesvelez @Kateplusmy8 not even the minuet blogs r writing about kg anymore -
LOL - what word do you think she meant to write? Minute? That doesn't make sense to me either. I'm scratching my head wondering what type of blogs this lady really means lol. But it is funny to think of a small group of bloggers who love the minuet discussing WOS and wishing she'd gotten "the minuet" while on DWTS. ~ Administrator said...

Ha. And not to rub it in but the reason we may not be discussing Kate as much is because we're discussing Jon.

You know the guy who actually has a T.V. show Kate wants so much. Poor sheeple.

Millicent said...

Susie Cincinnati said... 94

This is one of the funniest things ever to come out of Milo's mouth...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4m
Regardless of how I feel inside, I always try 2speak & act like a winner! It gives me a mental edge N life! @Kateplusmy8 Mind over matter!

She has a mental something, but I'm not sure I'd all it an "edge."
I know her tweets can set my teeth on edge. Does that count? LOL

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Minuet, lol. I just pictured us all struggling to hold our heads up in 18th century wigs.


lol, yes! An assemblage of 18th century society bobbleheads in corsets, trying to look elegant and sophisticated while we're in laborious agony!

JoyinVirginia said...

Auntie Ann, yes, the Carol Burnett Gone With The Wind dress, with the curtain rod still in it! One of the funniest things ever on TV!
TFMJG is more boring than ever. What is interesting? Olympics! College basketball! The Oscars! movies! Esp The Lego Movie, ” Everything is AWESOME!” Real children in real life that I am really related to who do cute and adorable things, and who I get to see on a regular basis when the extended family gets together for dinner every month. Music! Face off makeup competition. The neighborhood Bunco games. Planning for spring planting, what bulbs and seeds to get. So many more things.
Most interesting thing of all: the hubby! He DOS not fly to mars on a regular basis, but he does let me use the massage chair once in a while. He takes me to the Lego Movie, even if we can't find any little kids to bring along!

Alberta Girl said...

Just catching up on posts at the end of the day.

Berks Neighbour - I gasped as well at the "silent treatment" news conference in the book Something Real. I really do recommend the book - well written, and relevant to most here that follow this blog.

Back to the Today Show fiasco - you definetly saw TFW's anger shine through. Especially when Savannah asked about the injury to the kids, and TFW states, well, you asked us here. Of course, no accountability on her part.

Olympics - LOVE watching all the events live when we can. I've allowed my boys to eat their breakfast in the TV room before school so they can experience it as it happens. The Men's Moguls today was awesome to watch and very suspenseful.

Vanessa said...

Anonymous said... 91
IMO, when Kreider said "Oh!" it was because of the look Mady gave her. That look said, "Are you effing kidding me?" I have a feeling Kreider will be getting that look AND those words before too much longer.



ITA. That was excactly the look M gave her and that was when she said "Oh!" as in "Oh, she's not going to cooperate"

"oh!" absolutely! Had that occurred behind closed doors? It wouldn't have been just "oh"

Wowser said...

I believe the word she was using was in TINY or small...."even the minute or tiny rag magazines have no interest in TFW anymore"

Although dancing to the minuet would be funny with those Flintstone feet lol

Vanessa said...

TFW made it clear that they were to say ‘what they said in the magazine’, (notice how she couldn’t even remember which magazine it was, it was just ‘the’ magazine), which was code for bash Jon. You’re here to bash your dad, spit it out.
Couldn't agree more. With tfw, you are supposed to KNOW exactly what she wants from you at any given moment. She thought she could "look" like she was showcasing the girls, but it was ALL about her. They went off script and the rest is history. You are to "know" exactly what is going on in their heads, what they want from you. Well that's not how the real world works. How many times did she blame Jon for her stress, her anger, her abuse?

Anonymous said...

R.I.P. Shirley Temple. A wise one who got out of the business.


Carole said...

RIP Shirley Temple
She was 85 years old

Vanessa said...

Who knows what the bribe was between studios, but TFW did manage to get a little more out of them, but still very stunted and cringe-worthy.

I also think that the two different atmospheres produced 2 different outcomes. At the Today show, Savannah almost had a "counselor's" demeanor. It was all quiet, it was a very direct question, Savannah was gentle and compassionate. It was all in the way she approached them. She was ready to actually LISTEN to Mady. When you live a life of lies and "acting", and someone is genuinely concerned for you...all I can say is Mady would have probably spilled more of the beans if mommie dearest wasn't there.
Then on the View, a party atmosphere, loud music, clapping whooping it up...they kept it simple, asked how annoying her siblings are (she just repeats/mimics her mother, she's been 'TAUGHT to complain about them) so she was more at ease. She got the vibe that these ladies wanted to hear THE LIES. Savannah just brought truthfulness out of her.

Somewhere In Time said...

Truth Teller ‏@Truth_Teller201 46m
.@Kateplusmy8 Glad u didn't announce names cuz the Bitter Busybody Brigade that stalk ur timeline every day would harass them! @HCI_Books

Looks like the silly sheeple aren't aware of the rules regarding online contests, or if they are, they think that Kate can just ignore them and write her own rules. I wonder if they, too, park in fire lanes and then claim that they just didn't know about the law!

Somewhere In Time said...

RIP Shirley Temple. :(

Tucker's Mom said...

Back to the Today Show fiasco - you definetly saw TFW's anger shine through. Especially when Savannah asked about the injury to the kids, and TFW states, well, you asked us here. Of course, no accountability on her part.

Olympics - LOVE watching all the events live when we can. I've allowed my boys to eat their breakfast in the TV room before school so they can experience it as it happens. The Men's Moguls today was awesome to watch and very suspenseful.
Yes, when Savannah basically asked "why are you doing this to the girls?", Kate spun it to sound like there they all are, existing in their PA compound, minding their own business, when out of the blue, People magazine and the Today show come begging for them to be on their cover/show.
Of course, Kate capitulates (with ALL of the kids consent, of course) to this begging and puts her twins on the cover of a magazine and on national morning tv.
Yeah, right.

I'll be your boys will always remember their special breakfasts watching the Olympics on tv!

FYI said...

I bet Kate is waiting until Valentine's Day to announce the winners of the not-a-contest. Remember, the book is called "LOVE is in the Mix" and she throws that word around a lot on Valentine's Day. A few of her Valentine's tweets from last year.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · Feb 14
Happy Valentines Day! May today especially be a day where only love & kindness are displayed! Imagine the world if there was only ❤! ❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕❌

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · Feb 14
Pondering my love for my 💗💗and my 💙💙💙❤❤❤ especially today! I am loved 8X's over.....and it feels so good!:)

And how could we forget these? Is it really only a year ago that she tweeted the following:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · Feb 14
@MadBritishGuy @Anonym0usNL @MelaniRomero25 @Bullyville you are my heroes!!!! You swooped in to defend ME? I'm in total love!THX&keep it up!

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · Feb 14
It's all about LOVE here today, (&everyday now) thanks to @MadBritishGuy and @Anonym0usNL !! Bring on the love, everyone! I'm feeling it:)

Ah, memories, Kate. How'd that "love" work out for you?

longtime lurker said...

Surely any tv executive seeking new reality tv show ACTORS will shun the idea of Growing up G due to the Today show's interview and Jon going on record stating he'd fight it each and every time.

I think Kate's goose is finally cooked.
And hopefully Jon will be successful in family court concerning custody, be it primary custody or more time with the kids.
Someone a few days ago said WOS was spotted alone in Starbucks, so hopefully Jon was able to enforce a weekend visit with all the kids.

When is she going to realize the kids have two parents?

TLC stinks said...

Kate's "OH!" was the result of her surprise of a look Mady gave her, not from anything Savannah said. Kate, you better get used to those stares from your teen daughters. Typical and probably way worse because you taught them. I am certain after embarrassing the girls following the Today show taping in front of everyone, the girls decided to give in a little. Probably some threat was thrown in for good measure. They are only 13 so can still be intimidated. I wish someone would have tweeted if Uncle Steve was there.

Dreading what she will tweet for valentine's day. Always BS.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

"THX&keep it up!" - that's what TFW tweeted to those who "defended"
her a year ago. That phrase speaks volumes about the mind of a
narcissist. You did something nice for me? Okay, that's what you do from now on. And if you stop, you're gone.

I remember TFW tasting the Korean dinner her ex cooked (as she harangued him throughout). He brought some in for her to try, and she loved it, and said something like, "Once a week, please!"
Um, you're welcome.

Shallow sheep said...

"Truth teller" is one of the biggest s$&@ stirrers among all the sheep. She's only stating what SHE were to do if Robert had a contest and non fans would have won. Transperant sychopath needs to get a real life and stop supporting a child and animal abuser.

lukebandit said...

I had a good day yesterday at the clinic. I had to go yesterday because of the bad ice/snow/sleet being bad so they shut down today. So maybe I can go back on my regular day on Thursday. I was the last patient and we laughed so hard and cut up before and even more when some of my favorite amb. buddies came. One is a lady, single mom of 4, one of the hardest working paramedics I know! Love her! So funny and she fights for her patients. I kinda wanted to stay and order pizza! lol

Alberta Girl, as a mom of 3 ds, thank you for letting your boys eat in the tv room to watch the Olympics. They will never forget it.

There is no way on earth TCFW would allow her 3 sons such privileges. She would rather be beaten to a pulp and then let Steve lick her wounds before she would allow that to happen. That is why the boys didn't get their cupcakes. She treats them worse than dirt.

Ex Nurse said...

Millicent said,
I agree that if all or most of the Gosselin children decide to share recollections of their youth, there's likely to be variance. We have seen some who get preferential treatment; while others are treated like dirt. Their childhood memories will reflect this.
They can do a movie called Goshamon--based on the Classic Japanese movie Rashomon. It is the story of a crime (murder?) that was witnessed by 4 people with very different perspectives on the same event.. It was a powerful demonstration of how people's individual experiences shaped their perspective, and resulted in completely different stories.

NJGal51 said...

RIP Shirley Temple. Some of the things that stood out for me in the article I read about her.

She was known for her dimpled smile and her curls, exactly 56 of them every time, and a work ethic that outpaced most of her adult co-stars -- something she remembered 50 years later when she remarked in 1989, "I started working at 3 and a half, and I learned that time is money, and it's 'work', not 'play."'
Shirley Temple had it all as a child: her own car, an honorary Oscar, but the movie roles started to dry up when the adorable little girl grew into a nice but average-looking teenager.
The money was mostly gone, too, siphoned off by family and advisers. She retired from movie roles at the age of 21.

Work not play. Hmmmmm, I wonder if TFW is still insisting that her kids were only running in and out of the shots "playing".

lukebandit said...

I read the post about the giraffe on FB yesterday. It made me sick. They even said someone offered almost 700,000 dollars to buy the animal and transfer him to another zoo. They refused. Why would you turn down that kind of money? Blood thirsty freaks! And in front of children!!!! GRRRR!

I didn't read the part about how he lured that poor baby to him then how it was described what he did to him. And to do that in front of children???? He seems joyful and honored that he was a part of it. He is beyond mental. A sociopath. Demark is trying to get more and more laws passed to euthanize more and more people with different problems. I found an article. Here is the link:

The Bible warns that it will be worse before it gets better, but how much worse can it get than it is now?

silimom said...

Shirley Temple Black passed away. I loved watching her movies on tv as a child. She was an incredible woman. Prayers for her family.

Mel said...

She got the vibe that these ladies wanted to hear THE LIES. Savannah just brought truthfulness out of her.

Absolutely. The View ladies were all about the lies. Savannah reminded me of Dr. Jen.

Ex Nurse said...

Ramona Blue said...
Beth wrote the book w/WOS using TFW's journal as a base. In the journal, WOS wrote about abusing her toddlers. Are you actually saying that you would consider Beth a snitch for reporting TCFW beating her toddlers for potty training accidents?
We don't know that she read the same version of the journals, and that she didn't report any abuses. We just don't, so I am not going to make that assumption. Selling a story to an entertainment rag, is not reporting abuse. If the Penn State scandal had first been covered by the National Enquirer, before it was reported to the authorities, is that being a whistleblower.

My opinion of Beth is that she is a respectable, ethical person. So my assumption is that she did what she could--ie reported any abuse or neglect that she read (journal), actually witnessed or seen evidence. The fact that she didn't go the entertainment route and give In Touch magazine an exclusive story does not, at least to me, mean that she somehow failed the kids. There were other concerned family members still involved, who went public. There was a greater good in much of what they did. What is the greater good of Us Weekly or In Touch magazine?

You are, of course, entitled to your opinion. I understand that some people really like the snark of what, for example, Em did.

Remona, if you are not going to scroll by my posts, at least please don't use such inflammatory and accusatory language, like "Do you actually think _________, followed by something I didn't say. As a matter of fact, in that same comment, I said that I trusted that she called appropriate authorities to report any abuse. I am a mandatory reporter, and I have called CPS several times to report neglect and abuse. In all instances, I spoke with school administrators, teachers, and on one occasion with the parents. In the latest instance, in which my daughter and a neighborhood verified that a mother had hit her son and caused a bruise on his face, I also told 2 neighbors who were also mandatory reporters. The only reason I told them was because they knew the family well and were in a position to keep an eye on him in case their was another incident. I guess you think that I should have also called the National Enquirer and the Today show?

I never saw one thing that would lead me to believe that Beth would sit silently by and watch abuse. For all we know, she may have been ousted because TFW suspected that she had made a report. ~ Administrator said...

We don't know that she read the same version of the journals, and that she didn't report any abuses. We just don't, so I am not going to make that assumption


But you assumed that Beth was not a snitch and said you admired that. For all we know she is the biggest snitch (IMO, whistleblower) of them all and told everyone what she knew. She might have even told the press for all we know and they just weren't interested. Not everyone who goes to the press gets published.

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