Monday, May 13, 2013

Baby Jessica's dad: 'I’m very glad that I don’t have to look at my daughter and say “Sorry, your money is gone!”'

In an exclusive interview with, Chip McClure talks about fame, the tragic suicide of one of the rescuers, his unquenchable faith, and how he made sure his daughter, and her money, were protected.

Chip says he was a teenager "shy to the point of being incapacitated"
when he had to give a national press conference during Jessica's ordeal.
Last week we were pleasantly surprised to find an e-mail from Chip McClure in our inbox. Chip is the father of the famous baby who fell down a Midland, Texas well in 1987 and was miraculously pulled out alive three days later. He was only 18 years old when the accident happened. Today he continues to live in Texas and sells airplanes. Chip reached out to us to thank us for an article we wrote a few years ago talking about what a good job he and Jessica's mom, 17-year-old Cissy, did protecting Jessica from fame and safeguarding her money. On a whim, we asked if Chip would be willing to be interviewed about his experience in the spotlight and raising a famous child, especially now that he has the benefit of 25 years of hindsight. Much to our delight, he agreed. Thank you, Chip, and thank you for being a shining example of what a good parent really is under incredible circumstances.

Everybody's Baby: The Rescue of Jessica McClure can be found on Netflix streaming, Amazon and Youtube. The coverage of baby Jessica was one of America's first pseudo "reality" shows. At what point did you become aware of how big the story was and how famous your daughter was, and what was that realization like? 
Chip: I was standing in Jessica’s hospital room the night we got her out. It was a surreal moment, it had been so intense. We were so focused on getting her back alive that we didn’t really give any thought to what it would be like when it was over. So, here the three of us are, Jessica is lying in her bed, Cissy lying beside her. I’m standing there with my hands in my pocket. Relief setting in and the adrenaline wearing off. I did what anyone would do, I turned on the T.V. There just happened to be a story about Jessica. Well, that’s cool, I remember thinking. This is on T.V! So, I changed the channel. Much to my surprise she was on that channel too. Fifty-seven channels and there’s nothing on except Jessica’s rescue. That’s when I first knew how big the story was.

It's well known that donations poured in for Jessica, some reports estimating about a million dollars all together. What did you do with the money?
The money was set up in a trust fund for Jessica, it provided for her necessities and education as she grew up. When she turned 25 years old the money was released to her control. We did use a portion of the funds to buy a modest home in the Midland, but these were funds that were either cash or sent directly to Cissy and I. For example, there would be numerous checks that were made out to us and the memo line would be “Dinner on us!” Because these funds were not sent to Jessica directly, they could not be deposited into the trust. It was a typical trust that was managed by a bank in Midland. We received monthly documentation of how it was managed and invested but the bank handled the details.

Did you ever feel temptations to dip into Jessica's money?
There really weren’t temptations, the intent from the beginning was that it be for Jessica. There were times when it would have been tempting to use the money to fund a project or a business venture, but a trust does not have provisions for that. The best thing you can do with money in a situation is to leave it alone, let it grow to a substantial amount so that it can truly provide for the beneficiary.

You only allowed the media to update the public on Jessica two times as she grew up. Why did you decide to limit her access to the public so severely? 
We kept her out of the spotlight so that she would have the opportunity for a normal life. Once she was old enough to decide what she wanted to do she decided to keep it to a minimum. She really likes just being a normal girl. She likes knowing that people like her as a person and not just because she is a notable figure.

You and Jessica's mom were just 18 and 17 years old when this happened. Do you think being so young helped you or hurt you in being able to handle your lives becoming such an enormous public spectacle?
The truth is that it was an extreme disadvantage. Not only were we so very young, but I was shy to the point of being incapacitated. I had just accepted a job with a retail sporting goods store and the owner wasn’t sure it was going to work out because I was too shy to deal with the public. What did help, what saved us from certain embarrassment, was the fact that we were surrounded by very good people that protected us and helped us handle the situation and publicity. It still amazes me the people that God had placed in my life, in advance, who would be there for us at a time when we needed them most. The most notable is a man that is a life-long friend, in fact he has known me my whole life. He was involved in politics with my father. My family doesn’t have “god parents” but if they did Darrell Smith would be my godfather. Darrell came in and handled everything, he became our attorney and mentor. He called in a favor from Texas State Senator Pete Snelson, to handle public relations for us. Darrell assisted with the trust that was set up and the subsequent movie deal. I truly do not know what we would have done without him.

When did you explain to Jessica what happened to her and the large amount of money waiting in trust for her? One report says she actually found out not through you but by watching Rescue 911.

That report is actually false. Jessica grew up knowing about her trust and being invol
Jessica and her family in 2012.

ved in the media decisions. Statements like that make good T.V. and help to promote other shows. I’m sure it originated with a comment, but was taken out of context. It’s like saying when did you set the kids down and tell them daddy is the president. The kids don’t have to be told, they just grow up with it. It’s all about how it is lived, the attitude of the parents. With Jessica we never made it a big deal, so it wasn’t a big deal. This allowed her to have a good attitude about life and her position in it.

All reports suggest Jessica and your family has dealt with what happened to her very well. Why in your opinion has your family not become another casualty of fame? 
The short answer is the grace of God. Any time you are thrust into the spotlight things can go very poorly. It really depends on your heart and your attitude. If you feel thankful for the love and attention, people will see that. If you thrive on the fame and attention, they’ll see that too. I am very thankful that all went well, the glory goes to God though. We were too young and naïve to make it through this good.

Fireman Robert O'Donell helped pull Jessica
from the well. He later committed suicide.
For Robert, fame was "like a drug," Chip says.
Unfortunately, one of Jessica's rescuers was not able to handle the publicity very well and in 1995, just days after the Oklahoma City bombing, he committed suicide. What are your thoughts on that? 
Robert was a friend, and I was deeply disturbed by how the media spotlight affected him. One night we were at a party and he told a young lady that he was "the guy who rescued Baby Jessica.” Her response was; “Yeah, you and 400 other people!” Let’s just say that Robert didn’t shy from the attention, he lived for it. It was like a drug that he would have been better off not being introduced to. A few years after the incident, the media attention abruptly stopped. I was relieved; Robert was despondent. He had many other issues that are private matters that I won’t go into. These things were a more relevant and current concern at his time of death, and in my opinion were much greater factors in his fatal decisions that day. Though, we will never really know what was going through his mind at the time.

Do you regret any decisions you made in regards to all of this? Is there anything you would have done differently or better? 
I’m sure we would all do things different giving the opportunity and retaining our current knowledge and maturity, but again considering our age and circumstances I think we were very blessed to have everything go the way that it did.

You and Jessica's mom eventually divorced. Did anything about being in the public eye contribute to that break-up?
It didn’t contribute to the break-up, it probably extended the marriage. The fact is we were both children when we met. We were not in love. I wish this had been a storybook in that sense, but it wasn’t. The good news is God’s grace is sufficient, and as bad as we mess things up He has a way of making the best out of it. As far as co-parenting, you have to place the child(ren) above your own feelings. You have to make them the priority and not pawns in a war between ex-spouses.

What are your thoughts on parents who put their children in the public eye? What is your advice to them? 
It’s a scary way to make a life for yourself and your children. I do believe that if your intentions are good and you keep God at the center of everything that you do it can be great. If you are selfish, greedy and looking for fame, it’s going to be a tough life. For you and your children.

Do you have any words of caution to parents who are choosing to spend their children's money now instead of protecting it? 
Resentment from your children is a painful thing. I’m very glad that I don’t have to look at my daughter and say; “Sorry, your money is gone!”

Reality shows weren't very popular in 1987, but had you been offered a reality show would you have signed on? 
No. The idea has been bantered around over the last few years, it’s not something Jessica wants to do.

What was the worst part about the family being famous, and conversely, what did you like about it?
The worst part is that you do attract some unhealthy attention. For every thousand people that truly love and care about your family, there’ll be one who is a little off. This can be scary and dangerous. Any famous family has the opportunity to do wonderful things and touch people’s lives, they just have to want to do that.

Have you ever seen "Jon and Kate Plus 8" and what are you thoughts about the pervasive invasion of the children's privacy on such an on-going basis? 
I haven’t watched the show more than a few minutes, so I probably don’t have enough information to comment. It’s probably not healthy and the sad part is the kids didn’t get to choose.

Any thoughts on parents who "over share" about their children on sites like Facebook and Twitter?
I have both a Twitter account and a Facebook page, I started both fairly recently as I begin to consider writing a book. The Facebook page has really been a source for excellent feedback and encouragement. I do say very little about Jessica or her family on Facebook. The page is

Amy and Chip today.

Could you give us an update on how the family is doing now?
Our entire family is blessed. Jessica, Danny and the kids are doing great. I am now finally married to the love of my life. My wife Amy is an amazing woman. We have six kids between us, a regular Brady Bunch. I sell airplanes for a living at and as I mentioned before have been kicking around the idea of writing a book about the inspiring story of Jessica’s rescue.

My main purpose is to encourage people to pray and get involved. Jessica was rescued because 400 people showed up and worked with all of their ability. Her rescue was successful because the whole nation prayed together for her. Imagine what we could accomplish today if we all prayed, and became involved. Thanks for the opportunity to share.

874 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Somewhere In Time said...

Question for the grandparents here, because I'm curious:

Would you still attend your grandchildren's activities (sports, plays, concerts) if you knew that you weren't invited, welcomed, and would be shunned by your grandchildren's parent?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

@Kateplusmy8 Well dear Kate.."soon...very soon" did not come soon enough! I so wanted to know..did U answer my ??...but alas I have 2go! :(


Oh, Milo, for Pete's sake. You two are so close, communicate in so many ways, just DM her or call her if you have a question. I can't imagine though, that she would have any questions since she knows everything anyone ever wanted to know about Kate!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

But they live in the same state so I don't see the issue.


The issue may NOT be with their grandparents, whether they are physically fit or able or whether they traveled to Ethiopia, or where they live. The issue may very well be the children's mother not wanting them anywhere around the grandchildren.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Layla (175) nailed it. It's Kate, according to Milo. Since Milo reads here, I hope she enjoyed this narration as much as we did!

I opened my Chinese fortune cookie a little while ago and by darn, I had to think of Milo. It was something that she would have tweeted to Kate -- ""One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar." There you go, Milo, feel free to use it!

Speaking of creep, I wonder what question the Irish Creeper sent to Kate!

chefsummer #Leh said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 4

But they live in the same state so I don't see the issue.


The issue may NOT be with their grandparents, whether they are physically fit or able or whether they traveled to Ethiopia, or where they live. The issue may very well be the children's mother not wanting them anywhere around the grandchildren.

I'm with you and I was point this out to. Over In Kate's County said.

Melissa NV said...

You're right, I forgot her famous bread! And Shoka, too. Well, add the hours spent measuring out ingredients and turning on the bread maker to her already hectic day of hard labor, prepping for the kids' arrival home.


lol, Layla! What about the yogurt maker with the French receptacles, and the super-dooper meat slicer?

Ally said...

I was wondering if anyone picked up something Kate wrote in that blog. She made a point of saying how school, social and sports activities were "unscheculable" events. She has to be ready on the fly for these events that come up and how that is so difficult because she is so organized. ???...

I don't get that, AT ALL. All those things ARE scheduled, usually well in advance. Now if kate reads here, this is for her. Create a master calendar called, "Kids Activities". A large monthly calendar where each event can be penciled in. Different colors for different kids activities. Every kid activity for an entire month at a glance. Everything well planned, scheduled.

Also, your children are no longer preschoolers. Realize life is a "flexible" schedule is how you need to do things. A big problem is the distance from home to school. That is going to make logistics much more difficult. I personally would never expect my children to waste an hour and a half of their life each day to commute to school. Too far for you to want to drive there, so why should they?

I'm sorry but at 12 1/2 years old my best friend and I celebrated our 13th birthday together as a pool party. It was at her house and we did it all. Her mother obviously helped with food and supervision. We did all invites, spoke to our friends and essentially did this on our own. I really have a hard time with Kate discussing the twins' social plans on their behalf. Geez.. These girls should be babysitting at this age. If in fact Kate is the "social secretary", it's by her choice, for control purposes, not because the girls want their mom to do it for them.

My 10th birthday was my first big sleepover birthday party. I called all my friends to get the RSVPs. Not my mom. And not their's. Kate can't see how transparent her stories are because she literally has NO experience ever doing these things. Everyone else does for her and she "oversees" it all. ~ Administrator said...

Ally, I'm with you. The twins are plenty old enough to not have Kate breathing down their necks about all the details. 30 minutes of texting on the bus ride is ridiculous. The problem is people get so petrified to let a kid make a mistake (for instance, forgetting an RSVP) that a kid may never learn how to handle their responsibilities without a personal assistant. It's good for kids to end up in a pickle now and again and face the consequences without bailing them out. It's how they learn. The sad thing is Kate thinks the 30 minutes of texting makes her look so involved and like she caring. I just think it makes her look nuts. They are 12 1/2 for gosh sakes.

Melissa NV said...

Kate answered the questions. This sounds like a Milo question...she's always talking about Kate's "prospective" suitor! Or, it could be Irishfan!

5. Q:
So as a single divorced parent. Sometimes the dating world seems very overwhelming. What are the top 3 qualities you look for in a prospective date?
-Mark ~ Administrator said...

The kids watch their show almost DAILY???

That's insane. How many times have they seen it now? Maybe this is why they are all running around so busy--way too much T.V. If they even have time for T.V. during the week how about some age appropriate programming.

This hasn't been said much, but she really is breeding narcissism in these kids. The way she encourages them to watch their own show over and over??

I don't believe for one second half these questions aren't from Milo.

And there are two questions in CAPs. Probably from the same person. One is from "Alicia" and one is from "A." LOL, creative. ~ Administrator said...

This is a hoot.

A: I’m sure we will “come back to tv” at some point when we can fit it into our schedule, lol! :)

Yeah, Kate, the problem with you not being back on T.V. has everything to do with your busy schedule and nothing to do with the fact that no one is interested.

Her level of delusion is pretty funny.

Melissa NV said...

I don't get that, AT ALL. All those things ARE scheduled, usually well in advance.


Not always. Birthday parties, sleepovers, pool parties, a class picnic, can often be spur-of-the-moment social events not scheduled well in advance. But you've got to be ready for whatever comes up that is not announced far ahead of time.

chefsummer #Leh said...

A: Hi! Just know that I’m always working on fun stuff behind the scenes… You’ll just have to wait and see! Very exciting…
11. Q: Hi Kate my question is:
I would love to see you do a cooking show. With your new (preordered for Mothers day) cookbook coming out in September, have you thought about doing a cooking show? Or even just making and selling a DVD ? You are amazing and have changed my life. Thank you!
A: Hmmm.. A cooking show? Like a real one, not just me cooking dinner and my kids calling it a cooking show? I’ll never rule out anything and maybe at some point…. I love to cook and cameras clearly don’t bother me (lol) so I can see why you’d wonder about that :)! Sounds fun!
12. Q: Can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell us if we have something to look forward to….like seeing you all back on TV SOON??????!!!!!!!!!! We MISS y’all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ; )
A: Hi Jaymee – seems like I answer this question a lot. Stay tuned. I’ll tell you what’s coming as soon as I can….. :) Thanks for watching and following and caring! XO

A cooking show?
- Yeah right.

Getting a new show?
-Yeah right no one in their right mind what's that.

Coming back to TV?
- Once again no one in their right mind wants that. ~ Administrator said...

Milo said she asked a question and yet none of the questions are from Milo.

So either Milo is using a fake name like "Andrea" or "Brooke" or "Rebecca from Sweden" (LOL!!!!) or Kate blew off her question.

I'm not sure which one is funnier. Hmm. ~ Administrator said...

Notice how in one breath when someone asks about T.V. she says stay tuned I'll tell you when I can, and then in the next breath which a pretty much identical question about T.V. (hint, when doing a Q and A, try to combine similar or identical questions, it's tedious otherwise) she suddenly says well our schedule is too busy for that!

Which is it, it's about to come around the bend? Or they're too busy? LOL she can't even answer 14 questions without being inconsistent.

Melissa NV said...

Milo said she asked a question and yet none of the questions are from Milo.


I know, admin. I saw that. She did answer Gypsi's question though. Dead give-away was "cheer" in her question and her real name, Sarah. If she didn't answer Milo's question, Milo is really going to be miffed! ~ Administrator said...

Oh the drama. This is almost as good as Amy's facebook war.

I'm on pins and needles waiting to see if Kate blew her off.

Milo so owns her Milo name, I'd be a little surprised if she suddenly picked up "Andrea" as her name for this or something. What a world!

Sleepless In Seattle said...

admin said,

So either Milo is using a fake name like "Andrea" or "Brooke" or "Rebecca from Sweden" (LOL!!!!) or Kate blew off her question.


I think "Mark" is either Milo or one of the annoying men who wants a date!

chefsummer #Leh said...


1. The Kate Gosselin Show.
2. The Kate Gosselin & Her 8.
3. Kate Gosselin Hates Jon.
4. See Kate Gosselin Date.
5. Kate Gosselin Does 8 things X8.
6. Kate Gosselin & The Bodyguard version 2.
7. Kate & Steve.
8. The New Miss Neild X8. ~ Administrator said...

Would you still attend your grandchildren's activities (sports, plays, concerts) if you knew that you weren't invited, welcomed, and would be shunned by your grandchildren's parent?


I'm not a grandparent but I don't know that I would and I wouldn't blame a grandparent for not going if they were not welcomed.

Ultimately, they are not your children, they are your children's children, and what they say for who will be in their lives goes as painful as that may be. It's just sad for all parties if it's not justified. And since Kate herself has admitted she's considering letting them back in her life, I can only assume whatever it was it wasn't justified if she is willing to consider letting them back. If it were something serious like abuse, then you would think letting them back would never be on the table. Her hedging around gives her away.

Speaking of grandparents, a tragic but wonderful documentary about two grandparents who tried so very hard to protect their grandson from his mother is called Dear Zachary. Zachary's father was murdered by his mother who fled to Canada. Zachary's grandparents, knowing Zachary was all they had left, fought the system tooth and nail to try to get custody of him. They are two quite amazing people and so brave for sharing their story. They went above and beyond the call of duty. ~ Administrator said...

If Milo is using a male name, that's creepy. I can see just using a normal name instead of your screen name, but choosing to use a MALE name when you are female is WEIRD.

Someone ask her what's up! I wanna hear this.

Melissa NV said...

Milo so owns her Milo name, I'd be a little surprised if she suddenly picked up "Andrea" as her name for this or something.


Or "Brooke." Can you see Milo's real name being "Brooke" -- too funny! She is so not a "Brooke" (or an Andrea either)! She's more of a Bertha, Alma, Mabel or Elvira! ~ Administrator said...

Oh by the way Zachary's parents are from PA and the murder happened in PA. So there's a local connection.


KittyCat said...

Should the locals post a map showing us all where Kate lives, where the rest of the students live and where the school is, and include mileage? That way maybe the comments about carpooling will finally stop?

They don't live near anyone who goes to their school! Dumb as that may be, it's fact. We have been told this over and over.

Melissa NV said...

A: I’m sure we will “come back to tv” at some point when we can fit it into our schedule, lol! :)


What nonsense. If she were offered a television show, that schedule would go out the window faster than Kate can say Purse Boy. ~ Administrator said...

I also can't picture Milo being an Alicia, a Jess, a Kaitlyn or a Jaymee.

These all sound like top 10 baby names from 1996. I think these are kids. Either that or Kate pulled the name from her baby names book she found in the basement somewhere. ~ Administrator said...

Should the locals post a map showing us all where Kate lives, where the rest of the students live and where the school is, and include mileage? That way maybe the comments about carpooling will finally stop?


Well, when you are going to someone from school carpooling is an option. It's also an option to go from a sports activity to an outing afterward.
But I agree with you the carpooling comments are getting a little silly. It is what it is. Kate picked a school far from home, and did not take advantage of the many good opportunities to transition them to a good school closer to them, such as between elementary and middle school when tons of kids switch schools. Now the kids will suffer and forever have to deal with being left out of normal things, and that's how it goes with Kate. The school was for her appearances, no matter how much of their childhoods they will spend in the car or bus, she doesn't care as long as she can say they go to that school. It's so easy to send them off there when she doesn't have to do that commute every day. If SHE had to do it, I bet she'd be singing a different tune. The negative effects of a long commute have been well documented.

Mel said...

Kate does Steve x8
Kate at home...never gonna happen
Kate time 5am...yeah, right
Kate plus mommy juice x8
Kids on the run x8
Home alone x8

Meagler said...

Her bog...

Kate your overly active imagination has also created a mastermind of busyness that only exists in your head!

You do nothing different then most of us do, and you just admitted that currently you are only schheduling extra events for the twins.

You have almost 13 yr olds, and 9yr old and

" but this is a relatively new phase for me and one that I have a feeling is only going to get worse."

Did you just admit that for the past 9 years you have had HELP with the cooking and getting kids to and from school and other events? I thought you didnt have help?

Kate you are NOT a planner and a are a a micromanager. And that is NOT a compliment! The more you try to control, the less organized a person becomes.

Kate, your bog could have been so much better had you dropped the flowery adjectives ( they do not mask your mediocre writing skills anyways) and just told people some of your ideas about how you organize your families routine.

I know it can get busy during certain sporting seasons. I have 2 kids who play hockey. One kid we have to drive for 6 hours for a 2 hour game. Crazy, I know it, but she loves the sport, so we do it. And dont complain. The odd times it hasnt worked as well, like the year hubby had a broken foot and the year he had shoulder surgery, we had to reach out and ask friends for help which they gladly gave.

Kate tell people about the calendar you may use, the color coding you may do, how you plan your meals one month in advance and shop for those specific meals in order you have the right ingredients available. How the crock pot is your friend...oops, I just gave away all of my tricks...

Maybe I should write a bog!

Meagler said...

Admin 15... did I post this already??? Cant rmemeber...

but i noticed the flip flop in her answer about being on tv too!

Over In Kate's County said...

The school was for her appearances, no matter how much of their childhoods they will spend in the car or bus, she doesn't care as long as she can say they go to that school.


I'm not so sure it was all for appearance. She wanted a private school and that was a good choice when the twins were ready for first grade. It was within a reasonable distance to their Elizabethtown home.There were other private schools she could have selected, such as YCDS, or LCCS. Then they moved, and rather than take the twins out of school, she enrolled all of them there. If it's prestige she wants, The Hill School would be an option for the twins in a few years.

Didn't Milo post as "Heidi" on ROL some time ago?

Ally said...

Hey Admin,
Remember science night at the school and Cara made a pasta bridge? Kate couldn't even be bothered to drive her to school then. She sent her on the bus and was "sure" she would get a call of Cara in tears from a broken bridge. What mom wouldn't drive their child to school under those circumstances? I felt so bad for Cara when Kate said that. If 45 minutes is too far to drive, they should live closer or go to a different school. JMHO. ~ Administrator said...

Their school boasts sending students to U Penn, Yale and Cornell. They no longer post their tuition rates online and make you inquire for it (hmmm) but on yelp they say it's 20,000 a year. Where I'm from I'd say they're a pretty darn prestigious prep school. Maybe not the BEST school, but up there.

JoyinVirginia said...

OT:: tonight is the end of an era. American Idol finale and Dave the funny stone is shutting down the Vote for the Worst site. After ten years, he has other interests in his life than that pitiful excuse for a show that was damaged by endless meddling and making it the Nicki and Mariah show. Goodbye VFTW, no site was better at snark!

Tired of KK said...

Instead of everyone here hitting her website so may times, why doesn't someone just post all of it here? Or, split it up between a couple of people. Sorry, but I think this blog gives her more hits than all her sheeple do.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

They no longer post their tuition rates online and make you inquire for it (hmmm) but on yelp they say it's 20,000 a year. Where I'm from I'd say they're a pretty darn prestigious prep school


Yelp is wrong. There are different tuition rates for various grade levels. Obviously, 12th grade is going to be more expensive than pre-K or K.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Remember science night at the school and Cara made a pasta bridge? Kate couldn't even be bothered to drive her to school then. She sent her on the bus and was "sure" she would get a call of Cara in tears from a broken bridge. What mom wouldn't drive their child to school under those circumstances? I felt so bad for Cara when Kate said that. If 45 minutes is too far to drive, they should live closer or go to a different school. JMHO.


Kate went to Science Night. The question was why she didn't just take the bridge along with her when she went to school that night...why send it with Cara on the bus? Why would she drive Cara to school and back home in the morning, and then drive to school again in the evening? It would have made more sense if she had just taken the bridge along with her when she went that night.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

I can see just using a normal name instead of your screen name, but choosing to use a MALE name when you are female is WEIRD.

Someone ask her what's up! I wanna hear this.


LOL!! But then again, maybe Milo really IS a man named Mark! ~ Administrator said...

The yelper GOES to that school LOL I think he knows what his tuition is! They did make it clear it ranges as you get older. They never said every grade pays that.

The point being it's an expensive, prestigious school. It's quite a stretch to to suggest otherwise that's pretty hard to buy. ~ Administrator said...

Tired, no. It's may be her drivel but it's her copyrighted drivel hehe. Only small sections should be posted to critique and make a point, to be safe, not the whole thing.

Your options are to go to her web site, or not go. But I'm not going to repost it all here. This has been the rule for a very long time. You know what though, I really don't think going to her site is going to do anything other than feed her ego. Anyone who wants to hire her isn't going to care unless she's getting millions of hits. If anything it will just make her site more expensive for her, she'll have to pay for more bandwith.

Over In Kate's County said...

Speaking of tuition, The Hill School is all but $50,000 per year for boarding students, and $34,000 for day students. If Kate wants prestige, that's the place to go...and it's right down the road in Pottstown. ~ Administrator said...

Here's an update on the Amy's bakery saga, you'll love this. They issued a pretentious press release, the restaurant is opening this Tuesday and they're going to donate a portion of the proceeds to anti-cyber bullying hahahaha. Because saying you don't like a restaurant's crappy food and service is "bullying."

I love the comments on this:

Customers will be able to decide who is correct: a chef with 13 Michelin stars & restaurants all over the globe, or two psychos who can't even cook a fucking pizza.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Tired, no. It's may be her drivel but it's her copyrighted drivel hehe. Only small sections should be posted to critique and make a point, to be safe, not the whole thing.



Kate: "Can we sue?" ~ Administrator said...

Well, there's prestige and then there's Eton. I mean sheesh. I don't understand the resistance to the fact that this is indeed quite an upper-crust school. It's not an insult, I'm sure they worked hard to boast the numbers and facts that they do. The fact that you could get a $150,000 sports car, doesn't mean the $60,000 BMW you do have isn't also a luxury car.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Instead of everyone here hitting her website so may times, why doesn't someone just post all of it here? Or, split it up between a couple of people. Sorry, but I think this blog gives her more hits than all her sheeple do.


Her website counter is so screwed up I really don't think it matters if she gets the hits or not. She's directing people there to see her cookbook advertisement, and if nobody's ordering, what does it matter how much traffic her website is getting? Her main objective for all this recent flurry of blog activity is to get that cookbook sold so Milo doesn't have to order another hundred or so.

I did venture over to her Stir bog and noticed that comments are way down from what they were on her previous bogs. Perhaps it will pick up tomorrow, but could it be that people are just sick of her drivel about herself?

PA Dutch Mom said...

admin said..."Oh by the way Zachary's parents are from PA and the murder happened in PA. So there's a local connection."



I think we're just cursed. At least we have hog maw, which I'm making for supper tomorrow night.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Customers will be able to decide who is correct: a chef with 13 Michelin stars & restaurants all over the globe,


I saw that and I think it's hysterical. Amy said that they are a multi-million dollar business. Then why did they call Chef Ramsay?

Organic, yeah right said...

Plugging Chipotle, yet again:

13. Q: I try so hard to eat healthy and feed the kids healthy also. We’re out on the road a lot between dance, cheer, church, etc.. And have to go thru drive thru often. There never seems to be healthy options. When u are out and about, and have to grab a bite, what type of drive thru do you go in and what options do u choose?
A: Hi Sarah – We don’t do fast food. I pack fresh home made snacks and meals if I have to. We DO do Chipotle (if that is considered fast food) because its all local organic and fresh ingredients and is pretty healthy. Otherwise, I pack ahead for all of us. With a little practice, I am betting you’d find packing even faster than fast food! A challenge for you!:) Good luck!

Carrin said...

Well, would Milo post using the name Milo? One of her pets is named Jack (dog or cat?) and the other is Milo (dog or cat?) She used to post on Baby Mama as Fired Up For Kate. That was where someone wrote that Fired Up was very sick, maybe hospitalized or something, but her husband wasn't going to tell her something terrible about Kate because he didn't want to traumatize her further. It was when Kate got divorced or her show got cancelled or some really important and terrible something about Kate. Such drama.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

OT for NJ, sitting on the grassy knoll.

"Legacy of Secrecy" (JFK assassination) film planned for release in November of this year, starring Di Caprio and DeNiro.

Millicent said...

If I were paying $20,000/year tuition - I'd better believe that particular school is prestigious. But then again, I'm not in the strata of society that would pooh pooh $20K per year in tuition as "not really prestigious."

I wonder if Kate is still getting some discount (multi-kid?) from the school. Still, with 8 children attending, that has to set her back a pretty penny. I don't see how Jon could foot half that bill. I wonder if it comes out of the kids' trust funds?

Millicent said...

That couple (Amy and Samy) of Amy's Baking Company - I think the husband is up to no good, with his refusal to let anyone else near that cash register. Someone said a restaurant is a good place to launder money. Where did the husband come up with a million dollars to open this restaurant anyway? What is his background - I just get the vibe from him that he's made his way with ill gotten gains.

Amy - wow, that is a whole level of crazy that you don't usually see on tv. I really and truly hope this couple does not reproduce.

Vanessa said...

Hi Sarah – We don’t do fast food. I pack fresh home made snacks and meals if I have to. We DO do Chipotle (if that is considered fast food) because its all local organic and fresh ingredients and is pretty healthy. Otherwise, I pack ahead for all of us. With a little practice, I am betting you’d find packing even faster than food! A challenge for you!:) Good luck!

This is not a problem for our highness...she doesn't do any running around between dance, cheer, church etc etc etc etc...

Vanessa said...

Or "Brooke." Can you see Milo's real name being "Brooke" -- too funny! She is so not a "Brooke" (or an Andrea either)! She's more of a Bertha, Alma, Mabel or Elvira!

HEY! ELVIRA'S MY MIDDLE NAME!! Just joking lol :)

Vanessa said...


Vanessa said...

I think the tups should be in after school activities then.
They do have after school activities...CHORES CHORES CHORES

Improbable Dreams said... (Administrator) said... 15
Notice how in one breath when someone asks about T.V. she says stay tuned I'll tell you when I can, and then in the next breath which a pretty much identical question about T.V. (hint, when doing a Q and A, try to combine similar or identical questions, it's tedious otherwise) she suddenly says well our schedule is too busy for that!

LOL, maybe she answered the first question before taking a time-out to write this week's entry for The Stir. The second answer (responding to a very similar question, hmmm) seems retrofitted to mesh with her latest blog. Cue the Sesame Street song: "Two of these things belong together...?

Vanessa said...

Re: the kids apparently not being involved in activities. I'm wondering if Kate is afraid one of them might start blabbing about all the screaming and control etc. that they experience at home. She could be worried that some parents might ask them questions. Even if they didn't which is what a good parent would do, Kate trusts NO ONE and has admitted that herself.
Trust me, those kids KNOW what not to say to others. We as children KNEW it was not a normal household. We didn't share any of the dysfunction with anyone, friends, neighbors, teachers....looking at it through adult eyes now, we KNOW how effed up it really was. Just like the G-8 will one day figure it allll out.

lukebandit said...

Chores, Chores, Chores
How do you like it, How do you like it
Mommy, More, More, More
How can we help with the chores

Chores, Chores, Chores
How do you like it, How do you like it
Mommy, More, More, More
Then you can have your SMORES!

kate loves cheap labor!

Anonymous said...

I know Cara has been doing sports for a while; Mady possibly singing/acting lessons (remember Kate tried to sign them up with a talent agency early on and that was a bust), but my honest concern is that the tups get a chance at a normal life and activities as well.

True, we don't know what any of them are doing, but after all of the time they have spent filming, and the $$$ they earned for Kate, it would be nice if the tups got to experience some activities singularly ( or together) if they so choose. Let the Mastermind figure out how to make this work for them. There is a short window here and Mastermind needs to work with Jon to see if she can make this happen. JMO.

Anonymous said...

By now, a lot of kids have already experienced Scouts, clubs, pee wee leagues.... but not the tups. I think by viewing Kate's blog it is somewhat clear that most activities revolve around Mady and Cara. She needs to figure something out soon, because as the tups emerge into tweens, they are going to question her on some of her choices.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

I'm sorry but at 12 1/2 years old my best friend and I celebrated our 13th birthday together as a pool party. It was at her house and we did it all. Her mother obviously helped with food and supervision. We did all invites, spoke to our friends and essentially did this on our own. I really have a hard time with Kate discussing the twins' social plans on their behalf. Geez.. These girls should be babysitting at this age. If in fact Kate is the "social secretary", it's by her choice, for control purposes, not because the girls want their mom to do it for them.


Good point, Ally!

When my daughter was 11 1/2, my son was about to turn six. Our sweet uncle had suddenly grown very ill and was then near death in hospice. I wondered how to plan a festive event when I felt so unfestive and was tied up with the family emergency.

That's when my daughter offered to help. She planned a birthday party puppet show, including making curtains for the homemade puppet stage, making the backdrops, and writing the script. She enlisted her 8-year-old sister to help behind the stage.

I was there, of course, but my daughters literally ran the show. My son and his friends had a great time. It was so memorable.

The thing is that if you allow kids to step in, they often will. It allows them to grow as well. Kate's schtick of "my kids need me ALL time!" is wearing thin and is probably much less than true.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Improbable Dreams said... 58 (Administrator) said... 15
Notice how in one breath when someone asks about T.V. she says stay tuned I'll tell you when I can, and then in the next breath which a pretty much identical question about T.V. (hint, when doing a Q and A, try to combine similar or identical questions, it's tedious otherwise) she suddenly says well our schedule is too busy for that!

LOL, maybe she answered the first question before taking a time-out to write this week's entry for The Stir. The second answer (responding to a very similar question, hmmm) seems retrofitted to mesh with her latest blog. Cue the Sesame Street song: "Two of these things belong together...?


Too bad Kate did not post a third very similar question ;o)

Formerly Duped said...

Pet Peeve: I hate people who say they 'Do lunch" or "do' Chipotle etc. But then,Kate annoys me with much of what she says. ~ Administrator said...

I think if there is any doubt about the Tups refresh your memory by reading Kate's manuel for celebrity wife swap and looking at the schedule that was posted on the fridge. It corroborates the notion that they don't have activities of their own of any significance. According to the manuel and schedule, it's school and choring. Only Mady and Cara had other activities listed.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... (Administrator) said... 43
Here's an update on the Amy's bakery saga, you'll love this. They issued a pretentious press release, the restaurant is opening this Tuesday and they're going to donate a portion of the proceeds to anti-cyber bullying hahahaha. Because saying you don't like a restaurant's crappy food and service is "bullying."

I love the comments on this:

Customers will be able to decide who is correct: a chef with 13 Michelin stars & restaurants all over the globe, or two psychos who can't even cook a fucking pizza.



After all their crap, they STILL EXPECT customers...

BTW- who the hell are they to callout any bullying? They bully customers constantly.

Screw them. I hope no one shows up.

lukebandit said...

Found this about the Bakery Couple:

A petition has been started to get the Dept. of Labor and the Wage and Hour Divison to investigate Amy's Baking Company.

The man steals their tips. And when they open on this Tuesday, they said part of the proceeds would go to a charity that is anti-bullying.

Has McNibbles been nibbling for cash? I don't think so. I believe they are going to keep the money. IMO

If she would do identity and credit card fraud, they would do anything. They are looking for 25K signatures. When I was there they liked about 4K.

Here is the tiny URL:

LB said...

Since you are all discussing the topic of private school; there is something that has always bothered me about it. Does anyone remember in one of the earlier espiode of J+K, I think this was the first year they were filiming, and Kate said someone was sponsoring the older girls with their schooling. She said it was an annoymous donation. I was wondering why they would send the girls to private school when they didn't even have the money to support themselves. This had to be before TLC picked them up because the girls were about 6 years old. No other school names were mentioned so I was under the impression that they have been attending the same school since pre-K or K. How did she pick that school, by the way, when they were claiming to be broke? Who paid for their schooling before the tups were born? Or were they already grifting for things using the twins? ~ Administrator said...

BTW- who the hell are they to callout any bullying? They bully customers constantly.


Why is it people crying the most about bullying are often the biggest jerks themselves?

They got a scathing review in 2010. Okay, fine. But that review was about their food and service. It wasn't personal. If anything was bullying, it was their response to that review. Where they implied the guy was alone because he couldn't get a date (small-time food critics who are working often go alone, they don't know this?) and they said he was ugly and didn't know good food. If you believe that adults can be bullied in the first place (I don't, except when their is an imbalance of power such as an disabled adult), then I don't know what you call that response but bullying.

I can't wait to see what happens Tuesday! :) ~ Administrator said...

Beth's kids go to that school, I see evidence of that on the internet as recent as 2012. She wanted to be just like her. Appearances. Same house, same school, same sports car, same spas, same Real Housewives lifestyle. I wonder if this got embarrassing for Beth. ~ Administrator said...

Question for anyone who knows. Is it legal to take your wait staff's tips without telling your customers? In other words do you have to disclose they are hourly wage only? I wonder if that might arguably be fraud, since if a customer is leaving a big tip for superb service, he might not do so if he knew it was just going to line the pockets of the manager who yelled and cursed at him.

I have heard of pooling all the tips in a jar and splitting them at the end of the night, but not this. ~ Administrator said...

. We DO do Chipotle (if that is considered fast food) because its all local organic and fresh ingredients and is pretty healthy. Otherwise, I pack ahead for all of us. With a little practice, I am betting you’d find packing even faster than food!


This answer really sums up Kate. She implied she is better than parents who do fast food. (By the way, she's been caught at McDonalds before, we did a post on it.) Then she implies that the lesser mothers need only "practice" to be as good as her. However she of course did not need to practice, she was born this superior way naturally.

It's all well and good to pack food, but it's just not always possible. There's either no time, or you don't want all your food sitting in your hot, or cold, car while you're at WORK or driving around (once you have to add coolers or warmers to it it's suddenly not so fast anymore), or you were busy planning the dozens of other things that needed to be planned each day and just had to cut something. Or maybe you want your child to have a hot meal, not some cold soggy sandwich. I don't like this air of looking down on families that sometimes fall back on fast food.

May said...

Should the locals post a map showing us all where Kate lives, where the rest of the students live and where the school is, and include mileage? That way maybe the comments about carpooling will finally stop?

They don't live near anyone who goes to their school! Dumb as that may be, it's fact. We have been told this over and over.
I don't believe this is true. My former boss's kids used to go to that same school and I had to do the pick up at least twice a week. At that time the bus stop was at a different location but nevertheless, there were many children boarding at that local stop. There are lots of physicians' children and other professional locals who choose to send their children to that same school. So therefore, I believe there are other locals who attend, but perhaps due to their station in life, they do not need to carpool.

Additionally, I never had to be my kids' social secretary. They would come to me and ask if they could go to so-and-so's house. I'd either say "who is taking you and who is picking you up?" Oft times they would say "You are Mom!". And I would say well OK then, get in the car.

NJGal51 said...

Kate said "...We DO do Chipotle (if that is considered fast food) because its all local organic and fresh ingredients and is pretty healthy."

While the food at Chipotle is probably more healthy than some of the food at other fast food places, it is loaded with salt and the portions are huge. I'm sure that Kate splits one burrito between at least 3 kids. They have two kinds of beand (black and pinto) and we all know how Kate feels about beans. For some reason, in Kate's world, "mo beans means mo betta food"!

I went to the chipotle site and plugged in the carnitas salad which is what I get when we eat there. With lettuce, carnitas, brown rice, pinto beans and salsa it comes in at 495 calories with 1255 mg of sodium. That's a lot of sodium for one meal. So yes, they do use organic ingredients and are a better choice than some places. ~ Administrator said...

Yuck that's enough salt to make me second guess my occasional trips there. We just got one 5 minutes from me. I forgot who said they made homemade chipotle but I gave that a try this week and it turned out great for me too. The key is the white rice with lime and cilantro to give it that Chipotle style, as well as some high quality tortilla chips on the side, I buy ones my grocery store makes and they're way better than the name brands. And I know exactly how much salt is in it, just a pinch. On the weekends I often make a bunch of burritos or "pockets" and freeze them with various fillings (I write what's in them on the foil with a sharpie) so whoever is looking for something quick for lunch can just reach in there and microwave them. Now there are some chipotle style ones in there! :) I'm glad I can get that delicious lime white rice fix for about 1/4 of the price now. The internet is such a beautiful thing, there's hardly a restaurant out there someone hasn't tried to replicate the recipe. Some work, some don't, but when they work it's great and saves you big bucks.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

chefsummer said... 14
A: Hi! Just know that I’m always working on fun stuff behind the scenes… You’ll just have to wait and see! Very exciting…
11. Q: Hi Kate my question is:
I would love to see you do a cooking show. With your new (preordered for Mothers day) cookbook coming out in September, have you thought about doing a cooking show? Or even just making and selling a DVD ? You are amazing and have changed my life. Thank you!
A: Hmmm.. A cooking show? Like a real one, not just me cooking dinner and my kids calling it a cooking show? I’ll never rule out anything and maybe at some point…. I love to cook and cameras clearly don’t bother me (lol) so I can see why you’d wonder about that :)! Sounds fun!
12. Q: Can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell us if we have something to look forward to….like seeing you all back on TV SOON??????!!!!!!!!!! We MISS y’all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ; )
A: Hi Jaymee – seems like I answer this question a lot. Stay tuned. I’ll tell you what’s coming as soon as I can….. :) Thanks for watching and following and caring! XO

A cooking show?
- Yeah right.

Getting a new show?
-Yeah right no one in their right mind what's that.

Coming back to TV?
- Once again no one in their right mind wants that.


Sadly, her "new" viewers don't realize
that Kate's days of relevancy are over.

Kate must be loving every, little, delusional minute of it. ~ Administrator said...

Haha. I count four questions that asked her in some form will she be back on T.V. again. She just loves talking about herself going back on T.V. Why didn't she just take one of those questions? Haha. She took so many that her answers started to become inconsistent.

chefsummer #Leh said... (Administrator) said... 72

I guess she forgot that she took them to a fast food place on J&K in season 5.

And during many other episodes she & Jon and the kids had fast food.

chefsummer #Leh said...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 77

In her mind she not delusional cause she think she a super star x8.

It's only a matter of tv before she gets her big TV gig don't ya know.

chefsummer #Leh said... (Administrator) said... 78
Haha. I count four questions that asked her in some form will she be back on T.V. again. She just loves talking about herself going back on T.V. Why didn't she just take one of those questions? Haha. She took so many that her answers started to become inconsistent.

Someone needs/should ask her "Kate why did TLC cancel you. ~ Administrator said...

Someone needs/should ask her "Kate why did TLC cancel you.


I forgot exactly what she said but I remember her at one point on Twitter trying to imply that the cancellation was a mutual decision. That was so funny. Like she's Seinfeld and they all sat around the table and agreed that this would be their farewell season because they want to go out on top.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

lukebandit said... 67
Found this about the Bakery Couple:

A petition has been started to get the Dept. of Labor and the Wage and Hour Divison to investigate Amy's Baking Company.

The man steals their tips. And when they open on this Tuesday, they said part of the proceeds would go to a charity that is anti-bullying.

Has McNibbles been nibbling for cash? I don't think so. I believe they are going to keep the money. IMO

If she would do identity and credit card fraud, they would do anything. They are looking for 25K signatures. When I was there they liked about 4K.

Here is the tiny URL:



Shame on Amy & Samy for stealing hardearned tip money from their waitstaff.

Amy can't blame THAT on "her haterz". ~ Administrator said...

There's a lot of things that can't be blamed on haters.

Like the uncooked pizza dough. Oh I'm sorry did a hater cook the pizza? Because I thought that was Amy! :)

Ally said...

According to Roberts book, Kate's journal discussed the private school funding for the twins. Now this is only for 2007, 1st grade. They qualified for a scholarship, each one. It was about 13,000$ per year per kid, back then. They got a scholarship that covered all but about $1,500 per kid per year. I am assuming scholarships get decided per year and that they wouldn't qualify now. At least I hope. It wouldn't be fair if they still had scholarships based on their financial situation in 2007. Although, based on tax returns for 2007, they made over $100,000. Maybe it was based on money made from 2006? I don't know how they qualified for so much scholarship money in September 2007, when they made that much that year. They went to a different kindergarten, not at a private school. The second hour special showed the girls going to school, no uniforms.

Harrisburg Native said...

Question for anyone who knows. Is it legal to take your wait staff's tips without telling your customers? In other words do you have to disclose they are hourly wage only? I wonder if that might arguably be fraud, since if a customer is leaving a big tip for superb service, he might not do so if he knew it was just going to line the pockets of the manager who yelled and cursed at him.
Admin, I used to work in a COUNTRY CLUB for 1 summer during my years in college. I was flabbergasted when I found out that the 18% automatic gratuity went straight back to the country club. Even worse, if a customer left a bit more than 18%, it didn't go to the server unless they handed over additional money directly into our hands. I was hired as a food runner but occasionally served tables which was NO easy task considering some of the clientele and the level of fanciness in the dining room.

As a young kid, I was too naive to ask anyone or do anything about it and I was just there for the summer. But it was WRONG. And those poor servers at Amy' would make me sick watching my hard earned tips going into the hands of the owners.

Ally said...

My own personal opinion as to the real issue for Kate behind her blog. I think it is all about geography. The few activities she was complaining about for her twins are in no way a big deal. But since their entire social existence is related to their school, every party, activity, sports event is going to be a long way from home. The real issue is she does not want to do all the long drives. That is nobody's fault but her own. I also have a hard time believing that the twins haven't had social activities with friends prior to 12 1/2. They usually start when school starts, at age 5.

This was nothing but an excuse to try to show the world why she is so worn out and exhausted every minute of every day. Her woe is me act is really pitiful and pathetic. And if she mentions her kids happily MUNCHING away on her healthy, homemade organic food, one more time....

Marie said...

A: Hi Sarah – We don’t do fast food. I pack fresh home made snacks and meals if I have to. We DO do Chipotle (if that is considered fast food) because its all local organic and fresh ingredients and is pretty healthy. Otherwise, I pack ahead for all of us. With a little practice, I am betting you’d find packing even faster than fast food! A challenge for you!:) Good luck!


Don't let her kid you Sarah. It will be a challenge for YOU but it isn't for Kate, because I'm betting she leaves the "littles" home with the nanny when she goes to games, activities, etc. There is no "packing" for her so it's easy. She's so full of B.S. Don't let her make you feel like a loser because everything is so "easy" for her and so "challenging" for you. SHE HAS A NANNY WHO DOES THE REAL WORK

Marie ~ Administrator said...

She also admitted to a homework helper lately. It's a lot easier to focus on figuring out dinner when you didn't just spend the entire afternoon scratching your head over algebra.

All she seems to do is worry about meals. The other worries everyone else living a normal life would have don't seem to be on her plate.

Vanessa said...

All she seems to do is worry about meals. The other worries everyone else living a normal life would have don't seem to be on her plate.
Quote 'Narcissists work for a goal, too, but it's a different goal: they want power, authority, adulation. Lacking empathy, and lacking also context and affect, narcissists don't understand how people achieve glory and high standing; they think it's all arbitrary, it's all appearances, it's all who you know. So they try to attach themselves to people who already have what they want, meanwhile making a great show of working hard. Narcissists can put in a shocking amount of time to very little effect. This is partly because they have so little empathy that they don't know why some work is valued more highly than other work, why some people's opinions carry more weight than others'. They do know that you're supposed to work and not be lazy, so they keep themselves occupied.'

Her *ahem* friendship with Beth?
Always going on and on about how TIRED and BUSY she is?
Keeps herself "busy" by cooking(eye roll)or baking (bread MACHINE.

Vanessa said...

'Narcissists measure the worth of their work only by how much time they spend on it, not by what they produce. They want to get an A for Effort. Narcissists lack empathy, so they don't know what others value or why. Narcissists tend to value things in quantitative ways and in odd quantities at that -- they'll tell you how many inches of letters they received, but not how many letters or from how many correspondents; they know the price of everything and the value of nothing.'
It's like she wrote the book on narcissism!! lol

Vanessa said...

For those interested, here's a link to the site I've been quoting. Verrrry interesting :)

Vanessa said...

For those of you interested in more info, here's the site I was quoting from. Verrrry interesting :) ~ Administrator said...

Grandiosity can take various forms -- a narcissistic woman may believe herself to be the very model of perfect womanhood, the standard by which all others are measured, and she will try to force her daughters to be just like her....Narcissists I've known also have odd religious ideas, in particular believing that they are God's special favorites somehow; God loves them, so they are exempted from ordinary rules and obligations: God loves them and wants them to be the way they are, so they can do anything they feel like -- though, note, the narcissist's God has much harsher rules for everyone else, including you.

Amy and Kate!

Ally said...

Anyone want some interesting history to look up?
Back on Kate plus 8, on one of her FAQ episodes, she sat and answered questions that came from either email and/or twitter. Guess who some of the people were? "Fired up for Kate", "MsGoody2Shoes", "LeighShanian". Aren't these part of her inner twitter circle. Actually, on the show she referred to milo as fired up. She left off the for Kate part. That probably would not have sounded too good on air. I wonder what the connection is. Were these people literally her first twitter followers. Interesting the only people's questions that she would answer were from these people. Reveals the level of scripting for her questions episodes. I just thought it was pretty interesting and very telling.

Midnight Madness said...

I pack fresh home made snacks and meals if I have to. We DO do Chipotle (if that is considered fast food) because its all local organic and fresh ingredients and is pretty healthy.


But she uses spray on butter chemicals on her toast?

Ellasmum said...

Kate's level of delusion is quite frightening.

Midnight Madness said...

I am assuming scholarships get decided per year and that they wouldn't qualify now. At least I hope. It wouldn't be fair if they still had scholarships based on their financial situation in 2007.


If you check that list she made to be copied when the divorce was taking place (2009) when she was standing at the copying machine, the amount of tuition times 8 was scribbled there, The amount was the total amount needed to be paid to the school, which was about on target for reported tuition, not just a few thousand dollars.

Midnight Madness said...

She wanted to be just like her. Appearances. Same house, same school, same sports car, same spas, same Real Housewives lifestyle. I wonder if this got embarrassing for Beth.


Beth is the one who started that when she took Kate to the spa because time away (and a happy, relaxed mom) would make her a better Mommy. Unknowingly and unintentionally, Beth created a monster. Kate got it into her head that she, too, could have that lifestyle, maybe even better than Beth.

Layla said...

Melissa NV said... 7
You're right, I forgot her famous bread! And Shoka, too. Well, add the hours spent measuring out ingredients and turning on the bread maker to her already hectic day of hard labor, prepping for the kids' arrival home.


lol, Layla! What about the yogurt maker with the French receptacles, and the super-dooper meat slicer?

Ooh, you got me again! Well, of course Kate milks the cows herself for her homemade yogurt. And when the cows are too old to milk, she neatly dissects them into perfect cuts of beef for her super-dooper meat slicer. Then, during Jon's 20 minutes per month of visitation, she tans the cowhide and uses it to make new leather couches! Oh, yes, our Kate is a multi-talented dynamo. All other women pale in comparison.

foxy said...

Why does Kate always say "behind the scenes"? Isn't that language for different types of entertainment, i.e. TV, movie, concerts, etc.? I have never heard anyone else use that terminology. It could be me, but I just find it very odd.

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 94
From reading Kate's diary, apparently, God spends most of his days answering Kate's prayers. No line at the grocery store? God just knew Kate was busy and had to do other things!
She truly has this "I'll do whatever tickles my fancy and let God deal the details" approach to life.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate's Q+A is a joke. Do these people just block out the fact that Kate admits to having help on pretty much a daily basis? She's not superwoman! She's loaded with money and hires help, folks.
Also, Kate acts like she's swatting away TV offers like flies. Dummies, if Kate were offered work on TV, filming her kids, she'd jump at it. I really have a feeling that Murt's law put a huge monkey wrench into her plans.

Tucker's Mom said...

Reveals the level of scripting for her questions episodes. I just thought it was pretty interesting and very telling.
Kate was SO arrogant on her show's Q+A. She was glib, throwing the questions on the floor.

Ally said...

Midnight Madness 98...
I am not sure if you were agreeing with me or pointing out that I am wrong. I can't speak for 2009, when all 8 started at that school for the first time, but in 2007, when M&C started there, Kate wrote that the twins qualified for scholarships which paid for all but a few thousand of that school year's tuition. I am assuming they need to reapply for scholarships based on financial need each year. In 2009, they had millions and could easily pay the entire tuition, x8. Although, Kate would have you believe differently ( ie: today show meltdown about having no money in the bank to pay or the bills in her purse, October, 2009). Just wanted to clarify.

LB said...

Ally said... 85
According to Roberts book, Kate's journal discussed the private school funding for the twins. Now this is only for 2007, 1st grade. They qualified for a scholarship, each one. It was about 13,000$ per year per kid, back then. They got a scholarship that covered all but about $1,500 per kid per year. I am assuming scholarships get decided per year and that they wouldn't qualify now. At least I hope. It wouldn't be fair if they still had scholarships based on their financial situation in 2007. Although, based on tax returns for 2007, they made over $100,000. Maybe it was based on money made from 2006? I don't know how they qualified for so much scholarship money in September 2007, when they made that much that year. They went to a different kindergarten, not at a private school. The second hour special showed the girls going to school, no uniforms.

I must have missed that part when the girls were attending a public school and getting scholorships. All I remember is her saying someone was paying their tution & I think she said they were not giving out the donor's name to keep that person out of the spotlight. If that is true, then why would they switch schools in the first place? If they wanted to send them to a private school, then wouldn't they have had to come up with the deposit first? They didn't just decide one day to apply for scholorships without making sure they had the money to pay for whatever wasn't covered?

I was thinking it could have happened two ways: someone offered to send the girls to private school after they found out about them, either through the TLC specials or word of mouth and told Jon and Kate they will refer them for scholorship assistance and cover the desposit and the reminder of balance. Hence, the wording of Kate's statement, 'someone is paying for them'. But she left out the part about the scholorships because I don't remember her mentioning it. Or Jon and Kate put the girls in school, hoping someone would cover their outstanding bill and seeked donations. They knew how much assistance they were getting with the tups, so I wouldn't be surprised if they did the same with the twins, therefore sending them to private school with the 'assistance of the public'. I am assuming if they had scholorships, then it would have covered the deposit, school supplies (books and uniforms), and meals. Why wouldn't they have recieved 100% scholorship if they were that broke as they claimed they were?

Tucker's Mom said...

foxy said... 101
Why does Kate always say "behind the scenes"?
Kate's been teasing another show forever and her dumbshit sycophants eat it up. Oooh!!!! Can't wait!!! Yay!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeese come back on TV!!

Kate would fire up selling her kids' privacy in a heartbeat if she had an offer.

LB said...

By the way, Layla, I LOVED your short story yesterday! It's hiliarious!

Ally said...

Tucker's Mom...
I like how Kate uses that, "you'll just have to wait and see...surprises coming...things in the works behind the scenes..." anytime someone asks about a return to tv. She will never admit she's hearing crickets regarding tv opportunities. After all, she wants them salivating and chomping at the bit. Does she think that keeps people interested in her and coming back for more? That shtick she does would drive me crazy. And given that every time she's said it, nothing remotely interesting ever happens, I don't think her fans even buy that line anymore.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

I am assuming if they had scholorships, then it would have covered the deposit, school supplies (books and uniforms), and meals. Why wouldn't they have recieved 100% scholorship if they were that broke as they claimed they were?


Financial aid covers tuition only. Anything beyond that is a separate issue. The need for financial aid is determined on a annual basis. If they were receiving financial aid when they were "broke," it doesn't mean that they would receive it if there is currently a million dollars in the bank.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Midnight Madness said... 96

I pack fresh home made snacks and meals if I have to. We DO do Chipotle (if that is considered fast food) because its all local organic and fresh ingredients and is pretty healthy.


But she uses spray on butter chemicals on her toast?


Amazing, isn't it?

Doesn't she use coffee creamers as well?

Ally said...

Kate never said any of this on the show. All that information was what Kate wrote in her journal, in Roberts book. She wrote how she desperately wanted them to go to that school but could not afford to pay to send them. By, September 2007, they had the show for a year. They were bringing in enough to justify private school. All I know is that she was ecstatic about almost all of the tuition was covered for them. It was based on financial necessity. I don't know how that is determined. Do they have to have income verification? All I know is that for the 2007-2008 school year her out of pocket tuition was only about $1,500 per child. That's just tuition. I don't know what tuition covers. But if it's like college, nothing. Books, supplies, uniforms would all cost more. There was another entry in her journal where she got a call from the school stating that the lunch accounts for the twins were overdrawn by about $400. Apparently, when Kate was consumed with her book tour and speaking engagements, lunch was not being made at home. The kids bought at school. So much for they only eat homemade, organic lunches.

Midnight Madness said...

@Kateplusmy8 I checked...well, no answer 4me! So I remembered..."we get what we get...and we don't get upset!" :)

Poor Milo, and she was so excited about having her question answered. Guess she will have to go the other route -- a DM, since they are in regular "communication" with each other in various ways.

When was Kate's cookbook originally set for release? Was a definite September date given? Amazon now has it listed for September 24.

chefsummer #Leh said...

foxy said... 101
Why does Kate always say "behind the scenes"? Isn't that language for different types of entertainment, i.e. TV, movie, concerts, etc.? I have never heard anyone else use that terminology. It could be me, but I just find it very odd.

I wonder the same thing.-lol

Midnight Madness said...

Ally, 109...

Which reminds me -- wasn't there a big surprise coming? When did she tease her sheeple about it? Wasn't that a few weeks ago?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Tucker's Mom said... 103
Kate's Q+A is a joke. Do these people just block out the fact that Kate admits to having help on pretty much a daily basis? She's not superwoman! She's loaded with money and hires help, folks.
Also, Kate acts like she's swatting away TV offers like flies. Dummies, if Kate were offered work on TV, filming her kids, she'd jump at it. I really have a feeling that Murt's law put a huge monkey wrench into her plans.

Thank you Kate is no super woman or mom.

She has poolboys lawnboys, laundry girls homework helpers and Jon.

Her fans are just dumb butt kissers.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Oh I forgot nannies and a bodyguard.

If Kate was a penny pinchin mom with a supposed deadbeat ex-husband while being unemployed.

How can she afford all of this?

Ally said...

Here are quotes from Kate in Robert's book:

"We feel that we need to look into the whole LCDS situation for the girls. I am praying that God works out a scholarship for them to attend. We are praying that they get in and that mainly we can afford the part we need to pay! Keep praying...if its God's will, they will get in!!!!!!"

April, 2007
"I don't know if I mentioned the AWESOME news: a few days after we got back from LA, the call came in about Cara and Mady's financial aid/scholarship money. They are going to provide $12,000 each of the $13,500 that 1st grade costs!!!!"

Midnight Madness said...

I can't speak for 2009, when all 8 started at that school for the first time, but in 2007, when M&C started there...


I don't know exactly what you are saying. That's a contradiction! The twins started first grade in 2007. The younger ones started Junior Kindergarten there in 2009. They didn't all start there at the same time in 2009.

"I am not sure if you were agreeing with me or pointing out that I am wrong."


Neither...because I don't know. When she was copying what looked like her expenses and the amount of money she needed for the year (mortgage, utilities, tuition) the total amount of the tuition was listed times eight on what she was copying. It appeared to be what she owed for tuition (which was right on target for tuition that year) and did not include a reduced amount which would have allowed for any aid they would have received. Check that photo and you'll see the amount of tuition times eight. It was in 2009. ~ Administrator said...

Poor Milo. That was cold. Now I want to know what her question was. Maybe something about her rockin' legs?

It bothers me even as a Christian the way some people attribute everything to God. Likely you qualified for scholarships mostly because they punched your information into a spreadsheet and that's the number that came out. God had nothing to do with it.

mamaK said...

Just a guess, but I bet Beth and Bob paid for the rest of the school tuition.

I love Kate's slip in her questions. She says that they can't fit in a tv show. Really? I thought all your show was was you living your life while cameras followed you around. I really wish she would remember her lies!

Tucker's Mom said...

See. God is very busy answering Kate's every wish. That whole "God will take care of everything" drives me nuts. Kate things it's God's will that she's rich and famous and oh so NOT mediocre. She's chosen, dontcha know? Soooooo special.

Millicent said...

Kate writes: A: Hmmm.. A cooking show? Like a real one, not just me cooking dinner and my kids calling it a cooking show?

My question to moms - has this ever happened to you? At any time while your kids were growing up, did they see you cooking dinner and refer to it as you doing a cooking show?

Because you see, my kid never has done any such thing. He says "I'm hungry! When's dinner?" and with some prompting says "thank you" when he's loaded his plate with food.

Kate lives in a fantasy world, just like Amy of Amy's Baking Company. The only difference is that Amy has a sugar daddy who is footing the bills for her delusions.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate's cooking is a huge production, so maybe there's the confusion. She won't get a cooking show just because she's so comfy with cameras. She acts like she's a natural on TV because she had a RTV show, but she's anything but polished during her tv appearances.

LB said...

Ally said... 112
Yes, Kate did talk about the cost of the girls' education. She did say it was being covered by someone but didn't say who. Only if I can remember which espiode it was mentioned. It was definitely one of the earlier J+K shows. It was covered very briefly.

Now, what was said in Robert's books sounds very much like they were shopping to get the girls into private school. 'the whole LCDS situation'. What situation? I don't think they would have tried to change schools and not tell everyone about it. I think she mentioned it to everyone she knew to see what would happen.

Formerly Duped said...

Tucker, I agree. In her books, Kate said God did every last thing she asked for,including that silly anecdote about a gift-card equaling the amount of a donation she begrudgingly made to a family in need ( or something like that)I think it was her cop-out on things, God will provide,I don't have to do anything but grift.

fidosmommy said...

Re: taking waitstaffs' tips. If I remember correctly, the IRS assumes people in the restaurant waitservice career receive tips and expect tips to be reported on the 1040. In fact, I think there is even a table that calculates the presumed amount waitstaff receive in tips. The government calculates a certain percentage of their income comes from tips and not from their hourly wage. Audits have happened when tips are not reported or the IRS determines they have been underreported.

Maybe I'll look it up one of these days.

Millicent said...

I waitressed some years ago in California. At that time (and I think probably this is still true), your employer would provide the IRS with the total of your gross "sales". The IRS would then assess a percentage of that as tips and you (the wait staff) had to pay taxes on that amount. It was added to the wages paid by the employer when figuring your gross income.

This was the Federal government, so this has to be the case for Arizona too, right?

fidosmommy said...

From the IRS page on tips:

The upshot is that employers are required to
1)withhold a certain amount of tips for taxes due on them. It works KIND of like the FICA withholding system. Alternately, the server can hand over money or a check from another source to equal the amount of the tax due.

2) the owner is required to fill in a DAILY log of tips received at the restaurant. The IRS assumes an 8% tip for each customer sale. Anything over that amount belongs to the wait staff. How much of that 8% is returned to the employee is determined when his/her taxes are filed in April.

The reason so many restaurants now pool the tips in a jar is to make this process easier. The owner counts out the tip money, records it,
withholds the correct amount and divides the rest between everyone evenly. This is part of their "closing" procedure every night.

So, the question becomes if Sami has filed anything with the IRS for their taxes, or if he is using their tips to pay for more than their
IRS money due. No telling what kind of hairbrained idea he and Amy have come up with. Sami said quite plainly that he does NOT let them keep their tips because they are paid an hourly wage. But does ANYONE pay taxes on them?
Who knows?

Ally said...

Midnight Madness...
My bad. My grammar was not good in that sentence. All I meant was that in 2009, that was the first year all 8 were at the same school together. I know M&C had been there already. I don't know what picture you were referring to but I am sure she had to pay the entire tuition at that point. She wouldn't be able to hide her income from the school.

I'm not sure when she had the desire for private school. I don't know if she always wanted private and could never afford it, then along comes the show and now she can? Maybe, she decided private because of the show? My opinion is that she likes to brag about how smart her children are, putting them in an expensive private school gives the allusion of wealth. JMHO.

Susie Cincinnati said...

That whole "God will take care of everything" drives me nuts. Kate things it's God's will that she's rich and famous and oh so NOT mediocre. She's chosen, dontcha know? Soooooo special.


Then how does she explain that God isn't giving her a television show? :)

Susie Cincinnati said...

Likely you qualified for scholarships mostly because they punched your information into a spreadsheet and that's the number that came out. God had nothing to do with it.


Oh, admin, don't you know anything? God's entered the electronic age. It took Him awhile to get the hang of it, but he did. He's in charge of the spreadsheet and HE is the one who punched in the numbers so the kids could get scholarships. Geez.

Ally said...

One other thing. The episode of J&K +8 where they show the kids the house for the first time, Kate made specific mention to the camera that she was allowing Cara to pick out her new bedroom colors because she was so resistant to the move. Now I ask myself why an 8 year old would be so resistant to moving into a new house, bigger, with a pool. My thought is it had something to do with friends and location. This new house was a lot farther away. I think she wanted to stay where she was to be close to her friends. And I don't blame her.
I wonder if there was talk about switching to a closer school in 2008? Maybe the twins were very much against it? Who knows. Strange.

Susie Cincinnati said...

@MandyMatzke @FireyTopaz1 @Kateplusmy8 I guessdriver wouldn't want to cross K8 since she had previous driver fired for correcting her kids.

Was it confirmed that the bus driver was fired? It is possible that the driver was just reassigned?

@Kateplusmy8 I'm of surfing tomorrow for the first time can i have a retweet and some tips ? x


Now Kate is a Surfer Girl? Since when? Gosh, I'm going to play racketball tomorrow for the first time. I need a retweet and some tips!!
Anything for a retweet, huh?

gabby2 said...

Ally said... 95

Anyone want some interesting history to look up?
Back on Kate plus 8, on one of her FAQ episodes, she sat and answered questions that came from either email and/or twitter. Guess who some of the people were? "Fired up for Kate", "MsGoody2Shoes", "LeighShanian". Aren't these part of her inner twitter circle. Actually, on the show she referred to milo as fired up. She left off the for Kate part. That probably would not have sounded too good on air. I wonder what the connection is. Were these people literally her first twitter followers. Interesting the only people's questions that she would answer were from these people. Reveals the level of scripting for her questions episodes. I just thought it was pretty interesting and very telling.

Ya...telling. It's only a matter of time before it all comes out.

fidosmommy said...

Kate went to a private school which might be the reason she wanted her kids to go. Parents who went often want their children to go. In some families it's an actual tradition to have the generations grace the hallowed halls of the "family school". One family that lived on my street had an actual family trust that paid for all school expenses at the prestigious private school for generations to come. And then they all go to Princeton after that. Every last one of them. That is some trust because there are a bunch of grandchildren and great grandchildren in that family with more to come.

Kate went to a private Christian school, and her children's school is not affiliated with any branch of religion.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

conan merritt ‏@twittyboy2 1h
@Kateplusmy8 being so close Kate, there's a likely hood "we" could run into each other like @ the sheetz or the target!!

I love this -- a "likley hood" LOL!!

Susie Cincinnati said...

What brought about the discussion about the tuition/scholarships? I don't read Kate's blogs. Did she mention how expensive it is, or that she's having problems paying tuition? She's not grifting again, is she?

Susie Cincinnati said...

Guess who some of the people were? "Fired up for Kate", "MsGoody2Shoes", "LeighShanian".


It's actually LEIGHSHAHAN1. Fired Up (Milo) has been around a long time, and called in to Nina Frye's radio show in 2010 as Fired Up For Kate. She used to comment on Radar and BM's blog.

I have no idea when Goody appeared on the scene.

Luke's Mom said...

Millicent said... 123
Kate writes: A: Hmmm.. A cooking show? Like a real one, not just me cooking dinner and my kids calling it a cooking show?

My question to moms - has this ever happened to you? At any time while your kids were growing up, did they see you cooking dinner and refer to it as you doing a cooking show?

So funny! I need to have a talk with my kids ... they need to realize that every day I am producing cooking shows, laundry shows, cleaning shows, shopping shows, parenting shows, volunteer coordinator shows, executive career woman shows, financial planner shows...

Anyway I kinda believe Kate ... because when Kate cooks, the kids would call it a "cooking show" because they know she ONLY cooks so she can take a picture to post on twitter. They see how her cooking is just a "show" not real. They know the nanny does the real cooking. Or they just reheat the pre-made meals from the local chef in town. They have Kate correct - what does in the house is just for "show". They looked behind the curtain and they see that Kate is a fake.

Thanks for the laugh!

Susantoyota said...

Susie Cincinnati said... 138
What brought about the discussion about the tuition/scholarships? I don't read Kate's blogs. Did she mention how expensive it is, or that she's having problems paying tuition? She's not grifting again, is she?

Does she ever stop? The object of the grift may change from day to day, but I don't think she ever stops grifting.

NJGal51 said...

@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Remember 2take time 2take care of U!! Otherwise plans of 8 will have 2wait! :) No burnout allowed!
This in response to Kate's latest bog. Really Milo? Didn't Kate just get back from a weekend away for the Derby? I guess making a couple of phone calls to RSVP for the twins can lead to some major league burnout.

Kristine said...

Admin... I've been meaning to tell you all week, what a fantastic interview (and great read) you had with Chip.

I read this thread aloud to my hubby in bed, as we both remember baby Jessica- quite vividly. Their story captivated the nation. As for Chip, I see no ulterior motives in him accepting the interview request. I'll probably buy his book too. I don't however, see this Blog as a blip on the internet radar. (Pun totally intended, this site is no Radar Online.) I believe you once stated there have been nearly 10 million hits on this site-- correct? I'd say you're reaching quite a few, at that rate.

Haa... anyway, STELLAR JOB ADMIN!

Susie Cincinnati said...

@Kateplusmy8 Oldest turns 18 next wk...graduates...gets drivers license...I walked into back yard...saw this & tears flowed! #LilBoyNoMore

@Kateplusmy8 His old toys still decorate the yard...where did the years go? :(

Unless an 18-year-old still plays with dump trucks, I guess she doesn't clean up her yard very often! She's too busy hanging out on her computer, tweeting her lust for Kate!

localyocul said...

That is so weird!! Why would they have their grown son's dump truck in the back yard? And he's just getting his license? No wonder she's crying..she's tweeted, emailed and posted his childhood away just like Kate is doing.

Formerly Duped said...

Just watched the Amy's Bakery Kitchen Nightmare as I was intrigued by the discussion.Wow, Amy sure was Kate's clone in appearance, manner, voice and psyche. Those 'bitter' eyes, Gordon nailed it with that description. I agree Samy is likely up to no good, Imagine treating their staff like that. and the cyber-bullying tie-in, how coincidental. Even Kate's cookery is even on par with the mess served there. I wonder if Kate would 'see herself' if she watched the show? Mirror, mirror. ~ Administrator said...

Tell me if I'm understanding right. If you are a waitress you have to report your salary, plus you report a sort of "estimated" amount of tips, 8%. Therefore, if your manager is taking (stealing) your tips, you are reporting and being taxed on an additional 8% of income you never even received?

That has to be fraudulent.

Susie Cincinnati said...

That is so weird!! Why would they have their grown son's dump truck in the back yard? And he's just getting his license? No wonder she's crying..she's tweeted, emailed and posted his childhood away just like Kate is doing.


lol!! Not only that, but she watches Kate on YouTube to cheer her up:

@Kateplusmy8 When I want a pick me up video 2watch...I go to old YouTube videos of ur family! Watched a favorite recently...:)

Maybe instead of watching a video to pick her up, she should play pick-me-up with the toy dump trucks in her yard!

Sherry Baby said...

No wonder she's crying..she's tweeted, emailed and posted his childhood away just like Kate is doing.

She really is a strange old goose, isn't she? ;)

@Kateplusmy8 Moses is coming in 2014- after watching the Bible your kids would love that one 👍😄 did you go this year?

She's talking about the Sight and Sound Theater. Sweetheart, if TLC didn't pay for it, Kate didn't go!

Sherry Baby said...

I have no idea when Goody appeared on the scene.

Probably since the beginning of time. She's on her usual hate Jon rant. At least she's consistent and doesn't waver!

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 147
Apparently Amy and Samy are lowering the servers wages and allowing them to keep the tips. I hope the IRS investigates them. ~ Administrator said...

There was a troll here earlier this week saying what we do isn't any different than Goody. (Maybe that was Goody herself?) Not really. There's a huge, important difference. Her hate is unprompted, lashing out at someone who is being completely silent for a long time. It's not just the level of her hate that is concerning but even moreso, the fact that it's so just out of the blue, so unprompted, directed at a private person.

All around the internet snark is occurring, sometimes quite vicious snark (just look at what people are saying about Amy! This is child's play here) but it's usually about people who are still putting themselves out there. It's almost always current. I can't think of any celebrity snark hang outs talking about someone who has been silent and not in the public eye and irrelevant for so long. It just doesn't happen.

If Kate were being completely silent and living a private life, this blog wouldn't suddenly be quite a creepy place if we kept going on and on about her. That's just not the case at the moment. ~ Administrator said...

We know what happens when you underpay your taxes, but what happens if you over report income?

I would assume the IRS maybe cuts you a check but if this has been going on so long I wonder how far back they would go to pay you back.

There's no way this place has stayed afloat on its own merits, I'm guessing they are keeping it afloat themselves as others have speculated with his cash flow. That's the other thing, I'm pretty sure there are huge tax breaks for businesses that lose money. Who knows, maybe they are even trying to declare a loss to catch the tax break each year if they have enough money to keep it going anyway. The whole thing smells like rotten fish. And it really speaks to their disturbing arrogance, because even despite things they are doing that might be illegal and at minimum unethical, they still proudly went on the show. They really think they won't get caught or they think they are so right they are happy to flaunt their bad practices. ~ Administrator said...

Does anyone think she might just be making this up that she has kids?

An 18 year old likely has friends over in the back yard all the time, I'm sure he would have tossed that truck by now. His buddies would have seen it and teased him for it. She could have easily seen that truck on a walk through the neighborhood and taken a pic.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Admin, according to our local news station, Brenda Heist will be interviewed by Dr. Phil on Monday. Should be interesting.

Ex Nurse said...

My daughter has worked at a variety of restaurants and they all handle tips differently. The IRS requires that all income, including tips, be reported, and, if the tips reported are less than their estimate, the server is tipped on that percentage. Some places share tips with the manager, kitchen and bus staff--that would be one reason that a server may not get all of the tips. If a charge card is use for the tip, the manager may deduct the service fees which average 2-3%. The safest way to make sure a server gets the tip is to leave cash, even if a credit card is used. My daughter always tipped out the hostess, the bus staff and the kitchen staff. That's why she always got the best tables, well-timed courses and attentive bus service. ~ Administrator said...

PA Dutch oh I saw a clip of it already! I think on Huffington. I thought it had already aired because of that.

She looks like a WRECK. She has missing teeth, terrible skin, too thin, she aged 30 years in 10. She does not seem well. They interviewed her kids too who said they were done. I don't blame them. After all this time they have probably put her to rest. It would be very painful to try to welcome her back if it didn't work out again. They'd have to put her to rest twice.

PA Dutch Mom said...

PA Dutch oh I saw a clip of it already! I think on Huffington. I thought it had already aired because of that.


We're really behind here. You know...PA doesn't move fast on anything!

PA Dutch Mom said...

My daughter always tipped out the hostess, the bus staff and the kitchen staff. That's why she always got the best tables, well-timed courses and attentive bus service


It's not only common to do that here, but it's expected. Tipping out the busing staff, kitchen staff and hostess is always done at the end of the shift. It's part of the job.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Does anyone think she might just be making this up that she has kids?


But why would she make up something like that? They're really giving her "the business" about it on Twitter. Would she deliberately humiliate herself?

I take that back. It's Milo. She embarrasses herself every day with her love for Kate. ~ Administrator said...

Because she's using "my baby is growing up" to try to relate to Kate. She's tweeting this all to Kate to try to get a response. Maybe she thinks if she doesn't portray herself as a mother too, Kate won't care as much. Just speculation, she may very well have kids!

Irony is though Kate not only is not tweeting her back about any of this nonsense but apparently even blew off her question. When will Milo learn?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Does anyone think she might just be making this up that she has kids


I just think it's so strange that the non-fans know so much about the sheeple - their names, addresses, phone numbers, ages, place of employment, dress sizes, kids' names, what they eat for breakfast, where they go on weekends, the medications they take, etc. etc., but none of them has ever identified Milo, the chief executive ewe. Why is that?

Meagler said...

Kate's questions answered nothing new . Not one thing. And some questions, she didnt even answer them.

When asked about her running schedule, she couldnt even say " I have no set schedule or time of day. I fit it in when it works. " She says" my workout schedule looks like it always has." Uhh kate, if the person knew what it looked like, they wouldnt have asked you. Well unless they are a fan.

She couldnt answer the top 3 qualities she looks for in a man? What happened to her previous answer of grey haired and mature? Sounds too much like Steve?

Sometimes?? they watched there show, and then she say Daily. uhm which is it Kate?

They will come back to tv when we can fit it into our schedule. Translation: as soon as I find a tv company to film an episode. My schedule is very full trying to get this done.

Oh my goodness, that is her definition of empathy... I have to make anouther comment for this one....

Meagler said...

Kate's definition of Empathy:

Empathy: Figuring yourself out and how you fit in with others is very difficult (I remember being young and how hard it was). I try to remember how I felt and give good solid advice on how to handle a peer situation.

Her ddefinition is all about her! My goodness she even turns empathy into all about her!!!!

The dictionary's definition of Empathy:

Empathy is the capacity to recognize emotions that are being experienced by another person. One may need to have a certain amount of empathy before being able to experience accurate sympathy or compassion.

I can see why kate had a hard time when she was young. rather then understadning a persons emotions and what they were feeling, kate was too busy trying to figure herself out ( I am very important) and how she fit in with others ( how do I make these other kids realize I am the most important!?!?)

Meagler said...

Kate, I have a question, hope you will asnwer it...

Question: Do you believe you have been a good model to your children over the years? If there was one situation you could change which would you do over?

Meagler said...

Is Splenda organic?

Meagler said...

Yes kate, you answer that question alot about going back on tv, because its the only question you will answer or re tweet. ~ Administrator said...

Meagler, I was considering asking her if she feels it's emotionally healthy for her children for her to trash their father so much but then I was like....whatever.

Meagler said...

We feed our chickens strictly " organically"


Kate, its organic. I know how you love the " ally" but really?

...and they must not get much for table scraps, because we know that most of your meals contain items that do not meet the organic requirement.

If the only issue she has with them chickens is hauling the feed, then we know she isnt the one cleaning out the cages!

Meagler said...

As for her bog.... Stop micro managing Kate. It doesnt make you look like superwoman it makes you look...pretentious!

My kids paly dates involved

Hey Mom can i stay over nigth at friends?

is it okay with her parents?


Are her parents going to be at home all night?


Okay. and then I drive her over here. To the other side of the city. It takes me 30 minutes. No masterminding. No superduper list making. No logistics to figure out ( Throw in your jammies, and your toothbrush)

I might make a quick callto the other parent because I have something planned for the next day, so might have to be late getting there. I might even end up having a quick visit and some laughs with the other parent when I drop off.

Kate freaks because kate sees it as an imposition on her, rather then a great ooportunity for her kids. This is the stage of life where it is about them ( adults need breaks too, dont get me wrong). Kate needs to enjoy the car rides, thats when the best conversations happen.

Kate figure it out now, before its too late. Your talk/tales are getting a bit better, I really hope you are starting to walk the talk.

And maybe spend less time on twitter.

Meagler said...

Shoot, did my comment about her empathy definition get eaten? If it did, I will have to re do it...

I know, I am being a bit of a pest tonight :)

Sleepless In Seattle said...

...and they must not get much for table scraps, because we know that most of your meals contain items that do not meet the organic requirement.


I wonder how those chickens enjoy the 50-bean casserole with 25 pounds of cheese. That must be some load of poop to clean up!

Meagler said...

Kate's definition of Empathy;

Empathy: Figuring yourself out and how you fit in with others is very difficult (I remember being young and how hard it was). I try to remember how I felt and give good solid advice on how to handle a peer situation.

The dictionary's definition of Empathy:

Empathy is the capacity to recognize emotions that are being experienced by another person. One may need to have a certain amount of empathy before being able to experience accurate sympathy or compassion.

Kate thought it was about who she was ( I am the best right?) and trying to figure out how to fit in ( How do I make them put me at the top of the social ladder?)

I am not saying that figuring out who a person is and where they fit into the social circle isnt sometime teens and children face, but that is not what empathy is about.

On a side note: Kate is not a very good blogger. her articles are hard to read, her questions could have been grouped together.

There were no new questions... Kate has compartmentalized herself into the following:
TV ( done)
Running ( hmmmm)
healthy snacks and organic (hmmmm)
dating ( nope not gonna do it, unless its for tv)
how to be confident ( kind of a new topic)
coffee ( yes, we know starbucks, pls send gift cards)
chickens ( head shake)

FYI said...

I've been away visiting relatives, and am just catching up. There is one thing I haven't seen mentioned.

If I remember correctly, the original release date of Kate's cookbook was Sept. 3rd. I just saw on Amazon that the release date has been postponed to Sept. 24th.

Any opinions on why it's been delayed? Could it be that they're hoping that adding 3 more weeks to the pre-order period will account for more sales? Or is it possible that they wanted to wait to release the book the week just before that book festival in Baltimore?

Sleepless In Seattle said...

If I remember correctly, the original release date of Kate's cookbook was Sept. 3rd. I just saw on Amazon that the release date has been postponed to Sept. 24th.


Someone asked about that yesterday, but I didn't see any response. Interesting, isn't it?

I wonder what their reasoning is. Are sales that dismal that they are postponing the release? Milo did her Friday promotional spiel today.
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 6h

@Kateplusmy8 Let's not 4get burning question..Why do the 8 run 2 their dinner plate? Pre-order #LoveIsInTheMix at :) ~ Administrator said...

I really can't make heads nor tails of the "marketing plan" for this book. ~ Administrator said...

thanks Kristine!

Sleepless In Seattle said... (Administrator) said... 176

I really can't make heads nor tails of the "marketing plan" for this book.


That makes two of us. She certainly has been trying everything in her power to direct people to her site to see her book. Something's up.

Is there a quota they have to reach before it's the cruise? I can just hear Hitler's secretaries saying, "That book ain't happening!" I still have to smile at that one.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

@Ashgiugs18 we've seen Noah 2! You're in for a real treat!!We need to see the most recent ones... I miss it #SightandSound #amazing

Uh oh...paging Sight and Sound. Ten comps (one for Purse Boy) needed ASAP in Wernersville! ~ Administrator said...

Hahaha, if/when the book bombs, it may be time for another Hitler video.

I can see Hitler ranting and raving to his team of publishers that he did everything they asked, he even had to pretend to be his German shepherd writing a diary (WHAT DOG KEEPS A DIARY YOU IMBECILES???!!!), and all they can show him for this are 32 sales??

FYI said...

Kate tells everyone to go to her website to order her book, but as others have pointed out, you actually have to find the post that contains the links to Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

She is doing a very poor job of promotion for the book. "Go to my website to pre-order" just doesn't cut it, when you have to search for the links. She'd be better off giving the direct links to Amazon and B&N.

I agree that Kate's website is a mess. She tells people to go there to see pictures of the kids, to order her book, to get her email address, etc., BUT you have to search for all those things. Even the search box doesn't appear until you open up one of the posts. The whole website is not user friendly at all.

You'd think one of Kate's "friends", like Milo or Deanna would check it out and let Kate know all the pitfalls her site suffers from.

Another thing I wanted to mention. Did anyone read a few days ago where Kate's "good friend" Mark Burnett was offering Sarah Palin a talk show? Hmm--how come he didn't offer one to Kate? Guess they're not such friends after all, except in Kate's mind.

I like the way she answered the questions about if she'll ever have another TV show. She said that she'd let her fans know "when she can", thus leading them to believe she's got something in the works.

What she really should have said is "I'll let you know if it ever happens, because I don't have anything going on right now, and I'm not sure if there will ever be anything in the future". She just loves to use "katespeak" to lead her fans on.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

I can see Hitler ranting and raving to his team of publishers that he did everything they asked, he even had to pretend to be his German shepherd writing a diary (WHAT DOG KEEPS A DIARY YOU IMBECILES???!!!), and all they can show him for this are 32 sales??


You have to do that even if it doesn't bomb. I'm laughing now just thinking about what you could do with it. It's tailor-made for a cookbook spoof. A GERMAN shepherd, no less!

Meagler said...

She has promoted her website more in the last 7 days then the whole time she has had it up and running.

I think there must be a deadline date for presales before they will commit to publishing this book.

Did Kate not run a contest with her fans about advertising her show in unique ways to keep her show on the air when she knew it was coming to an end? This may be another attempt to keep the cook book a reality.

How many books have been pre-ordered to date? I dont know how people find that information?

Meagler said...

The Duggar Girls have a book that is being released on March 4, 2014!

Why do they do this? It seems to be a lazy publishing scheme. Put the idea out there, if enough people pre-order the book by a certain date, then you get busy and write the book? If nt enough pre-orders, well move onto the next project?

I couldnt be bothered to buy a book I wont get for 6 months, let alone a year. I might not be interested in that story anymore by then :(

fidosmommy said...

I just spent a few minutes at the HCI Publishing website. Interesting that it seems the company expects the author do propose how the book will be promoted if it is accepted for publication. In one part of the directions for submission it says that most of their authors are old pros at the media rounds. In another part it flat out asks "how will you promote your work?" How's that workin' for ya, Kate?

"My plan was to tell Milo to get busy."

Sleepless In Seattle said...

@Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir wow Kate I read the replies on that link...there are some serious haters,hard to fathom why they follow you....

Way to go. She told Kate she read her blog and then threw it in her face that the comments there are from haters. Why not rub it in just a little more?

Of course, this person also tweeted to the Long Island Medium, Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. Typical sheeple. I love their sense of humor, even though they don't know what they are doing is so funny.

"Do you get contacted by spirits linked to living people based in other countries?"

Well, uh, probably not. Spirits are homebodies and afraid of flying. They haunt only Long Island.

Head slap here... ~ Administrator said...

@Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir wow Kate I read the replies on that link...there are some serious haters,hard to fathom why they follow you....


I don't find it hard to fathom at all. This is what the internet is. I think there is a lot to take from this whole saga with Amy. One is that, a huge number, if not the majority of people use the internet as a sort of gathering place of critical thinking and critique.

From book, restaurant, recipe and business reviews to debates about politics to news to the entire sphere of celebrity/TV/movie sites, much of the internet is based on one giant public gathering to express your displeasure. Some may be sillier critical thinking subjects than others, but it's all in the same vein.

If you're just on the internet to say I love, love, love, love this, you're probably going to be pretty lonely. Even sites for a show you love almost everyone will have something critical to say now and again. When it comes to Amy, the public banded together on the internet to sort of take out every bad meal or rude manager they've ever encountered on her. The point is, no one was interested in interacting with that saga just to say they love her, or for that matter hate her. People were interested in it because they wanted to provide a real critique, find out if others saw what they saw, some more sophisticated than others, but all critiques. And so it goes with Kate and any other controversial person or issue. Most people want to really delve in and critique, and would find a love fest boring. The things you really truly love, what can you really say about it before it gets boring? I love it? I really love it? I'm over the moon? :) I'm kind of tired of the notion that poor little Kate is being attacked like no one else is. That's not true at all. This is the internet, it's the wild West out here, and if you ever post anything at all controversial, you're going to encounter some rough seas because that's what this place has become. If this is not for you, you can always turn it off.

Winsomeone said...

Tell me if I'm understanding right. If you are a waitress you have to report your salary, plus you report a sort of "estimated" amount of tips, 8%. Therefore, if your manager is taking (stealing) your tips, you are reporting and being taxed on an additional 8% of income you never even received?"

It is this way in Ohio. My niece is a waitress..she has to pay taxes, assuming she gets 8% tips, and sometimes doesn't make that much, as some people are stingy.

Upstater said...

" (Administrator) said... 154
Does anyone think she might just be making this up that she has kids?"
Umm, yeah! I've always thought that. I think she's a lonely senior lady. When she first posted thaose pictures of her new puppy, I thought it strange no kids were holding the dog. Puppies are magnets to kids......
"Fleecing The Sheeple said... 162
I just think it's so strange that the non-fans know so much about the sheeple - their names, addresses, phone numbers, ages, place of employment, dress sizes, kids' names, what they eat for breakfast, where they go on weekends, the medications they take, etc. etc., but none of them has ever identified Milo, the chief executive ewe. Why is that?"
My thoughts exactly! She's a creepy one.....

Dmasy said...

Kate works really hard to make something big out of something very little.

She embellishes her super-busy days.

She enhances her future prospects.

She exaggerates her running schedule.

She taunts and teases her BIG announcements.

I think she believes the extremes of her "special" life. She is the only one ever to experience whatever she happens to be doing -- including cooking large meals.

And, predictably, her larger than life itself experiences reduce her to fatigue greater than anyone else has ever felt.

Tucker's Mom said...

It is this way in Ohio. My niece is a waitress..she has to pay taxes, assuming she gets 8% tips, and sometimes doesn't make that much, as some people are stingy.
An 8% tip isn't stingy, it's a big FU to the server! That's half the average of 15%, which where I am (E coast), is a starting point, meaning, thanks for showing up and doing your job. The trend is to tip 20%.
I've never been a server, but I tip generously out of respect for a tough job to do, and knowing that in America, tips make up the vast majority of their income.

Dmasy said...

Meagler, I enjoyed all your posts yesterday. Thanks.

Tucker's Mom said...

Even sites for a show you love almost everyone will have something critical to say now and again
I don't know why Kate's supporters try to tell haters not to read or reply on The Stir. Don't they know it makes Kate stronger, she's kept relevant because of it and her show's ratings improved. Kate has said every single one of these things, so if they lurv her so much, why don't they just let the hate flow?

Tucker's Mom said...

Did Kate not run a contest with her fans about advertising her show in unique ways to keep her show on the air when she knew it was coming to an end? This may be another attempt to keep the cook book a reality.
Kate told her sycophants to make signs to promote K+8 in a last ditch effort to keep it running. Not post it on your Facebook, but make a physical sign and post it in public. Weirdos were putting signs up in their front windows and a 50- year old "leigh" make a poster board sign and paraded around a Walmart parking lot, being filmed.
Yes, she was very proud to make an ass out of herself for Kate. It was cringe-worthy to see a grown woman lower herself to groveling.
It was humiliation at its finest.
Any person their right mind would say "hey, we're equals, I'm no better than you, so don't embarrass yourself for me".

Winsomeone said...

"An 8% tip isn't stingy, it's a big FU to the server! That's half the average of 15%, which where I am (E coast), is a starting point, meaning, thanks for showing up and doing your job. The trend is to tip 20%.
I've never been a server, but I tip generously out of respect for a tough job to do, and knowing that in America, tips make up the vast majority of their income."

I am talking about small town America here, and people tip, but not always generously, and not because of anything the server did wrong. Just lots of seniors and low income people in our town. I am sure my niece averages more than 8% in tips..that is just what she has to claim on her tax forms. If she makes more, it is tax free of course, but if less, than she would be paying tax on money she never saw. ~ Administrator said...

Right, the 8% is just what the IRS taxes you on, correct? Actually, I think that's more than fair of the IRS, since one would hope that usually people tip more than that.

Tucker's Mom said...

You have to do that even if it doesn't bomb. I'm laughing now just thinking about what you could do with it. It's tailor-made for a cookbook spoof. A GERMAN shepherd, no less!
Shoka's AMAZING "Pawsta" with Organic Marinara Sauce
Shoka's Favorite "Ruff"les with Lemony Hummus Dip
Shoka's "Toothsome" Pot Roast
Shoka's Butt-Sniff Worthy Chocolate "Bark"
Shoka's "Dump' and Stir Cacciatore with Vermin Du Jour
Shoka's Favorite!!!!!!: Spaghetti with "Lick Your Own Meat-Balls"

Winsomeone said...

Right, the 8% is just what the IRS taxes you on, correct? Actually, I think that's more than fair of the IRS, since one would hope that usually people tip more than that."

Yes, it seems more than fair to me too. She claims the 8%, avoids any trouble with the IRS, and usually makes out okay on the deal. ~ Administrator said...

20%??? Wow I hope that doesn't become the trend. That's pretty ridiculous. I like some wiggle room to tip more than is required if they do a superior job. If the standard was 20% few people could afford that wiggle room.

Once in awhile though especially if I'm out of town in some small town at some small restaurant, I like leaving a huge tip. Sibling and I left a 100% tip at a Waffle House down south somewhere. We ran out like criminals lol! That felt awesome.

AuntieAnn said...

Meagler said... 166

Is Splenda organic?


Splenda is about as organic as I Can't Believe It's Not Butter and Coffeemate. Nothing like a cuppa chemicals to start your day. She may as well just light up a cigar and drink whiskey first thing in the morning.

Splenda is a chlororcarbon that can eventually destroy the liver. I don't know how these companies get their products past the FDA.

NJGal51 said...

Tucker's Mom - Thanks for my coffee snort of the day!

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