Monday, May 13, 2013

Baby Jessica's dad: 'I’m very glad that I don’t have to look at my daughter and say “Sorry, your money is gone!”'

In an exclusive interview with, Chip McClure talks about fame, the tragic suicide of one of the rescuers, his unquenchable faith, and how he made sure his daughter, and her money, were protected.

Chip says he was a teenager "shy to the point of being incapacitated"
when he had to give a national press conference during Jessica's ordeal.
Last week we were pleasantly surprised to find an e-mail from Chip McClure in our inbox. Chip is the father of the famous baby who fell down a Midland, Texas well in 1987 and was miraculously pulled out alive three days later. He was only 18 years old when the accident happened. Today he continues to live in Texas and sells airplanes. Chip reached out to us to thank us for an article we wrote a few years ago talking about what a good job he and Jessica's mom, 17-year-old Cissy, did protecting Jessica from fame and safeguarding her money. On a whim, we asked if Chip would be willing to be interviewed about his experience in the spotlight and raising a famous child, especially now that he has the benefit of 25 years of hindsight. Much to our delight, he agreed. Thank you, Chip, and thank you for being a shining example of what a good parent really is under incredible circumstances.

Everybody's Baby: The Rescue of Jessica McClure can be found on Netflix streaming, Amazon and Youtube. The coverage of baby Jessica was one of America's first pseudo "reality" shows. At what point did you become aware of how big the story was and how famous your daughter was, and what was that realization like? 
Chip: I was standing in Jessica’s hospital room the night we got her out. It was a surreal moment, it had been so intense. We were so focused on getting her back alive that we didn’t really give any thought to what it would be like when it was over. So, here the three of us are, Jessica is lying in her bed, Cissy lying beside her. I’m standing there with my hands in my pocket. Relief setting in and the adrenaline wearing off. I did what anyone would do, I turned on the T.V. There just happened to be a story about Jessica. Well, that’s cool, I remember thinking. This is on T.V! So, I changed the channel. Much to my surprise she was on that channel too. Fifty-seven channels and there’s nothing on except Jessica’s rescue. That’s when I first knew how big the story was.

It's well known that donations poured in for Jessica, some reports estimating about a million dollars all together. What did you do with the money?
The money was set up in a trust fund for Jessica, it provided for her necessities and education as she grew up. When she turned 25 years old the money was released to her control. We did use a portion of the funds to buy a modest home in the Midland, but these were funds that were either cash or sent directly to Cissy and I. For example, there would be numerous checks that were made out to us and the memo line would be “Dinner on us!” Because these funds were not sent to Jessica directly, they could not be deposited into the trust. It was a typical trust that was managed by a bank in Midland. We received monthly documentation of how it was managed and invested but the bank handled the details.

Did you ever feel temptations to dip into Jessica's money?
There really weren’t temptations, the intent from the beginning was that it be for Jessica. There were times when it would have been tempting to use the money to fund a project or a business venture, but a trust does not have provisions for that. The best thing you can do with money in a situation is to leave it alone, let it grow to a substantial amount so that it can truly provide for the beneficiary.

You only allowed the media to update the public on Jessica two times as she grew up. Why did you decide to limit her access to the public so severely? 
We kept her out of the spotlight so that she would have the opportunity for a normal life. Once she was old enough to decide what she wanted to do she decided to keep it to a minimum. She really likes just being a normal girl. She likes knowing that people like her as a person and not just because she is a notable figure.

You and Jessica's mom were just 18 and 17 years old when this happened. Do you think being so young helped you or hurt you in being able to handle your lives becoming such an enormous public spectacle?
The truth is that it was an extreme disadvantage. Not only were we so very young, but I was shy to the point of being incapacitated. I had just accepted a job with a retail sporting goods store and the owner wasn’t sure it was going to work out because I was too shy to deal with the public. What did help, what saved us from certain embarrassment, was the fact that we were surrounded by very good people that protected us and helped us handle the situation and publicity. It still amazes me the people that God had placed in my life, in advance, who would be there for us at a time when we needed them most. The most notable is a man that is a life-long friend, in fact he has known me my whole life. He was involved in politics with my father. My family doesn’t have “god parents” but if they did Darrell Smith would be my godfather. Darrell came in and handled everything, he became our attorney and mentor. He called in a favor from Texas State Senator Pete Snelson, to handle public relations for us. Darrell assisted with the trust that was set up and the subsequent movie deal. I truly do not know what we would have done without him.

When did you explain to Jessica what happened to her and the large amount of money waiting in trust for her? One report says she actually found out not through you but by watching Rescue 911.

That report is actually false. Jessica grew up knowing about her trust and being invol
Jessica and her family in 2012.

ved in the media decisions. Statements like that make good T.V. and help to promote other shows. I’m sure it originated with a comment, but was taken out of context. It’s like saying when did you set the kids down and tell them daddy is the president. The kids don’t have to be told, they just grow up with it. It’s all about how it is lived, the attitude of the parents. With Jessica we never made it a big deal, so it wasn’t a big deal. This allowed her to have a good attitude about life and her position in it.

All reports suggest Jessica and your family has dealt with what happened to her very well. Why in your opinion has your family not become another casualty of fame? 
The short answer is the grace of God. Any time you are thrust into the spotlight things can go very poorly. It really depends on your heart and your attitude. If you feel thankful for the love and attention, people will see that. If you thrive on the fame and attention, they’ll see that too. I am very thankful that all went well, the glory goes to God though. We were too young and naïve to make it through this good.

Fireman Robert O'Donell helped pull Jessica
from the well. He later committed suicide.
For Robert, fame was "like a drug," Chip says.
Unfortunately, one of Jessica's rescuers was not able to handle the publicity very well and in 1995, just days after the Oklahoma City bombing, he committed suicide. What are your thoughts on that? 
Robert was a friend, and I was deeply disturbed by how the media spotlight affected him. One night we were at a party and he told a young lady that he was "the guy who rescued Baby Jessica.” Her response was; “Yeah, you and 400 other people!” Let’s just say that Robert didn’t shy from the attention, he lived for it. It was like a drug that he would have been better off not being introduced to. A few years after the incident, the media attention abruptly stopped. I was relieved; Robert was despondent. He had many other issues that are private matters that I won’t go into. These things were a more relevant and current concern at his time of death, and in my opinion were much greater factors in his fatal decisions that day. Though, we will never really know what was going through his mind at the time.

Do you regret any decisions you made in regards to all of this? Is there anything you would have done differently or better? 
I’m sure we would all do things different giving the opportunity and retaining our current knowledge and maturity, but again considering our age and circumstances I think we were very blessed to have everything go the way that it did.

You and Jessica's mom eventually divorced. Did anything about being in the public eye contribute to that break-up?
It didn’t contribute to the break-up, it probably extended the marriage. The fact is we were both children when we met. We were not in love. I wish this had been a storybook in that sense, but it wasn’t. The good news is God’s grace is sufficient, and as bad as we mess things up He has a way of making the best out of it. As far as co-parenting, you have to place the child(ren) above your own feelings. You have to make them the priority and not pawns in a war between ex-spouses.

What are your thoughts on parents who put their children in the public eye? What is your advice to them? 
It’s a scary way to make a life for yourself and your children. I do believe that if your intentions are good and you keep God at the center of everything that you do it can be great. If you are selfish, greedy and looking for fame, it’s going to be a tough life. For you and your children.

Do you have any words of caution to parents who are choosing to spend their children's money now instead of protecting it? 
Resentment from your children is a painful thing. I’m very glad that I don’t have to look at my daughter and say; “Sorry, your money is gone!”

Reality shows weren't very popular in 1987, but had you been offered a reality show would you have signed on? 
No. The idea has been bantered around over the last few years, it’s not something Jessica wants to do.

What was the worst part about the family being famous, and conversely, what did you like about it?
The worst part is that you do attract some unhealthy attention. For every thousand people that truly love and care about your family, there’ll be one who is a little off. This can be scary and dangerous. Any famous family has the opportunity to do wonderful things and touch people’s lives, they just have to want to do that.

Have you ever seen "Jon and Kate Plus 8" and what are you thoughts about the pervasive invasion of the children's privacy on such an on-going basis? 
I haven’t watched the show more than a few minutes, so I probably don’t have enough information to comment. It’s probably not healthy and the sad part is the kids didn’t get to choose.

Any thoughts on parents who "over share" about their children on sites like Facebook and Twitter?
I have both a Twitter account and a Facebook page, I started both fairly recently as I begin to consider writing a book. The Facebook page has really been a source for excellent feedback and encouragement. I do say very little about Jessica or her family on Facebook. The page is

Amy and Chip today.

Could you give us an update on how the family is doing now?
Our entire family is blessed. Jessica, Danny and the kids are doing great. I am now finally married to the love of my life. My wife Amy is an amazing woman. We have six kids between us, a regular Brady Bunch. I sell airplanes for a living at and as I mentioned before have been kicking around the idea of writing a book about the inspiring story of Jessica’s rescue.

My main purpose is to encourage people to pray and get involved. Jessica was rescued because 400 people showed up and worked with all of their ability. Her rescue was successful because the whole nation prayed together for her. Imagine what we could accomplish today if we all prayed, and became involved. Thanks for the opportunity to share.

874 sediments (sic) from readers:

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chefsummer #Leh said... (Administrator) said... 180
Hahaha, if/when the book bombs, it may be time for another Hitler video.

Or an anniversary video of KK in the closet when "I want U 2 know" didn't sell.

Since her book is now due Sep 24th and she was cancelled Sep 12th.

It'll be 2yr since she was cancelled when her book comes out.

Layla said...

Judging by the novelrank numbers, I would bet that her book has no more than 200-250 pre-orders. And it s been available for almost 2 months! I recall when I Just Want You To Know hit the market and sold only a few thousand copies in the first month, it was declared a major failure. The cookbook isn't even selling 10% of that number, in the first 2 months. That is just mind-boggling. I wonder if the publisher set a minimum number of pre-sales (say, 1,000--and that's a verrrryyy low number) just to cover costs of producing it. They pushed back the publication date because it doesn't look like it will sell enough copies by the original date.
I have to admit, I expected this cookbook to be a major failure. I just didn't realize how huge a failure it would end up being. The fans rationalized the failure of the cruise by blaming the cost and the economy. But a cookbook? They can afford a cookbook.Its not the cost or the economy this time, it's Kate's complete lack of fans.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Layla said... 3

It's called karma and it looks like KK is getting slowly bite by it.

Formerly Duped said...

I think it's also Kate's cooking! If people are looking at her photos of food or her ingredients, the cookbook would not appeal to very many. If they saw what she served on the show, ditto. I remember Kate made meatloaf on a TV talk show once, and said cook it till center no longer pink?? Also the 'cut on the diagonal' sandwiches may be ringing in peoples ears, lol.You don't need a book for these gems. ~ Administrator said...

The problem I see is she has not established herself as an authority on cooking. Or, anything, but we're talking about her cooking.

Now and again a celebrity will pop up who actually can cook. People will see them do a demo somewhere on T.V. and they've proven that they are interesting. They write a book, and people will buy it. Kate has not been able to prove this. If anything her web site and any demos she's ever done suggest the opposite. People simply won't buy something from someone they feel they can cook just as good or better than.

There is no reason for anyone to buy this book unless you are a fan just trying to support her endeavors. Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't want people buying my book for those reasons. It feels like pity. But, Kate may not care why people buy the book as long as they do. And I find that sad.

If Kate can prove that some non-fan just passing through the internet happened to see her book, didn't really know much about her, looked through it and loved the recipes and bought it, I will pass out some hats to eat.

Luke's Mom said...

Layla said... 3
Judging by the novelrank numbers, I would bet that her book has no more than 200-250 pre-orders. And it s been available for almost 2 months!
I think Kate's frenzy tweets about her website is about her book sales too. She is desperate to get her fans to buy her cookbook because it is NOT selling.

I looked up the Pioneer Woman - Ree Drummond's cookbooks- and her sales are in the thousands each month on The one she released over a year ago in March 2012 sold over 1,080 this May 2013 so far! And one of her books that was released in May 2010 - two years ago - sold 280 books this May 2013!

It is so funny that Kate's total pre-order sales for her book for 3 months can not even come close to the sales for one month of the Pioneer Woman's book that is already 2 years old.

And to think that Kate's book pre-order numbers are inflated because Milo and a few of her other crazy fans are buying multiple books just to get Kate's attention. Ha Ha.

I get the same feeling that Kate's cookbook is going down the drain just like her failed cruise.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

How embarrassing - this much ado about nothing cookbook may not even get published. Setting back the date of publication is not a good sign.

Almost Memorial Day. Anyone think Kate is busy making summer plans for her kids? It's probably already too late for most activities, i.e. day camp, lessons, god forbid sleep away camp, even church camp. Doubt she has even grifted a summer vacation site yet. Long summer ahead on the Kompound.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Also the 'cut on the diagonal' sandwiches may be ringing in peoples ears, lol.You don't need a book for these gems.


Some of the sheeple might, such as the poor souls who think her bread machine bakes sliced bread, or the one who wants to know how to freeze cookies, or needs her salad recipe, asks her long to boil potatoes, or the one who wants to know if sandwiches get soggy in the freezer. But they're not going to make her book a bestseller.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

I can't stand how all these people get a spot on TV to tell their sordid stories, like the freak going on the Dr. Phil show. It's all about the money. Makes me sick. That is why I would not watch it. Egomaniacs wanting their 15 minutes to make some quick cash. And even if Dr. Phil doesn't pay, someone else will...

And, I have always believed one of the reasons Kate appears to avoid driving the kids around to activities etc. after school is because it cuts in to her drinking time in the evenings. When you are a drinker, your drinking ALWAYS comes first.......

Blowing In The Wind said...

They can afford a cookbook.Its not the cost or the economy this time, it's Kate's complete lack of fans.


But she has 150,000 followers, and the fans would lead us to believe that they are all legit, not paid-for tweeters. Where are they? Why aren't they buying the book? I guess Twitterbots don't cook.

I wonder how many Milo and the Atlanta clone have ordered.

chefsummer #Leh said...

So if Kate's cookbook doesn't do good by Sep will she still be able to attend the book fair?

Luke's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 6
The problem I see is she has not established herself as an authority on cooking. Or, anything, but we're talking about her cooking.


I know it was already mentioned before but even back when Kate still was on TV she was not successful with a cookbook. Everyone could see from her show that she did NOT cook. She did NOT create any of her own recipes. She had no credibility as a cook or someone who could create original recipes.

Even the STIR (which I still can not understand why they hired her) had this post about her FAILED attempt at a cookbook back in May 2009 - over 4 years ago:

And the comments on the 2009 post still sound like the same we hear today... Kate is a fake... recipes stolen ... babysitters took care of her kids...grapes on a plate... attention wh**e...

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Oh god, the Book Fair. I would think if your book is either postponed or cancelled, you might just not be attending the book fair. You know the picture: Kate, Steve, empty table, no published books, nothing to autograph.

Formerly Duped said...

Curious- well, sorta- what family traditions will be in the cookbook. Paper plates every meal? Festive paper plates on holidays? Sippy cups till age 8? High chairs till age 7? No bagels for Alexis? Portion control? Kate having salad every night? Rating system of her meals? Fish bowls on the table? Sitting on the table for photos and pedicures? Quiet meals ( no talking)? "Feeding' the kids outside on a blanket so no crumbs, shoes off? Picnics in cold weather? what else, such#FUN #YUMMY! ~ Administrator said...

I was going to suggest that cookbook sales are down in general and she's kind of a fool for getting into a slumping area in the first place but to my surprise apparently they are going pretty strong.

That I don't understand when not only can you get fantastic recipes on the internet but unlike a cookbook you can have a real interaction with other people who made it by leaving a comment. You can ask a question or see what they changed about it.

It does kind of make sense, as people go out to eat less they want to create better more gourmet recipes at home. But Kate's book is not going to fit into that. People are in general, in my opinion, better in their kitchen than ever before because of all the educational resources out there. It's not 1993 anymore and no one really needs a recipe for a wrap anymore. That's kindergarten, we're college now.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Kate told her sycophants to make signs to promote K+8 in a last ditch effort to keep it running.


It was a contest, a last ditch effort. She was grasping at straws thinking that TLC would even care about one person running around like a fool at a Walmart.. Does anyone remember what the prize was? I forget... ~ Administrator said...

I just checked to see if there are any updates on Amy's Baking Company. They posted their press released Wednesday about their reopening and haven't said a peep since that I can find. The comments have died down significantly and I can't even find any new articles of any significance. Someone is talking about whether Yelp is too powerful (good article) which is an interesting discussion to have, but other than that, it's back to business as usual.

I point this out because this is a perfect example of how quick the internet moves. If you just shut up and go away, people will leave you alone and move on and fast. It's as simple as that. Somebody told them to shut up, and they listened, and imagine that, it's working. What can you say if someone is quiet? (Unless you're that MsGoody person of course). If you want the bullying to stop, just shut up. ~ Administrator said...

Blowing, no, twitterbots do cook!!

So now what's the excuse?

chefsummer #Leh said...

What will amazon do next to sell KK cookbook buy 1 get 1 free? ~ Administrator said...

Luke, that's pretty impressive a two year old cookbook is still selling that many copies.

PW's entrepreneurial spirit fascinates me. She has her hand in so many pots. She's got a T.V. show, a blog, cookbooks, the farm, photography, getting paid to keep wild horses, some building they are fixing up I bet for a business. This family is the ultimate in diversification. If any one or more thing fails they will be absolutely fine. I see Kate TRYING to do that but the thing she doesn't understand is that if you're going to do that you have to be really good at all of what you do. It does no good to diversify if your efforts are nothing but mediocre.

Children First said...

Does anyone know if GWOP has closed up shop? I went over there to see if anyone new was happening, but the last post was on 5/7, and before that, on 4/29.

Luke's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 21
Luke, that's pretty impressive a two year old cookbook is still selling that many copies
Actually, I wrote that in error... the Pioneer Woman's cookbook was THREE years old (tracked since May 2010) and still sold more copies this May 2013 alone than Kate's cookbook sold since March.

What I find interesting is that all that Kate has written and posted (in my opinion) about her cooking appears less than mediocre. I consider myself, my family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc as just normal mediocre people and we show more creativity and style than Kate when we cook for our families, entertain, etc..

I use the internet alot to look up recipes and love the interaction and feedback I get with other cooks like myself when tweaking what I cook. I haven't felt the need to buy a cookbook in years but if I did I would buy one from a cook who has something to offer. Kate does not.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... (Administrator) said... 16
I was going to suggest that cookbook sales are down in general and she's kind of a fool for getting into a slumping area in the first place but to my surprise apparently they are going pretty strong.

That I don't understand when not only can you get fantastic recipes on the internet but unlike a cookbook you can have a real interaction with other people who made it by leaving a comment. You can ask a question or see what they changed about it.

It does kind of make sense, as people go out to eat less they want to create better more gourmet recipes at home. But Kate's book is not going to fit into that. People are in general, in my opinion, better in their kitchen than ever before because of all the educational resources out there. It's not 1993 anymore and no one really needs a recipe for a wrap anymore. That's kindergarten, we're college now.



I think her fanatics are playing a losing battle, though.

They cannot carry the burden of repeatedly purchasing Kate's "cookbook" to up her sales.
It silly- not to mention expensive, supporting an already rich person.

If that "cookbook" ends up being just a small book with a few photos, and "regular" recipes-
then Kate is really hurting her fans with a sub par product. Kinda insulting, really.

Kinda like her crazy cruise to nowhere debacle.

Melissa NV said...

What will amazon do next to sell KK cookbook buy 1 get 1 free?


Seems nobody wants even one. What would they do with two? :)

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 199
Yes, 15% is the start and 20% is standard here. There's even a push to up that, which is ridiculous to me. What's turning me off more is that it's now really not uncommon for entrees to to above $30.
I really don't know how people do it, not on an expense account. Fortunately, I like to cook and love my farmers markets and can make good food for a fraction of the restaurant cost.
It is really out of hand, I have to say.
I like leaving a big tip at my local diners for breakfast. I don't have the heart to leave $2, even if that's correct.
BTW, no disrespect to lower tippers if that's the norm where you live! It's all relative, especially to cost of living.

foxy said...

Speaking of Pioneer Woman....she never uses paper plates. Even when the farm hands come in from working to get lunch, they are always served with regular dishes and flatware. Can you imagine Kate screeching when people enter her house with cowboy boots on not knowing where the boots have been? I like PW because she does not put on airs and the meals she makes are something we all can do. She does not exploit her family either as she is her own brand.

Melissa NV said...

Oh god, the Book Fair. I would think if your book is either postponed or cancelled, you might just not be attending the book fair. You know the picture: Kate, Steve, empty table, no published books, nothing to autograph.


And a big closet in which both of them can hide. ~ Administrator said...

Why don't people just give a reasonable amount?? That would stop any "trend".

Luke's Mom said...

foxy said... 27
Speaking of Pioneer Woman....she never uses paper plates. ...I like PW because she does not put on airs and the meals she makes are something we all can do.

I have watched the PW show a few times and like her. She is someone I would want to have as a friend. She is very likable and genuine. Something Kate is not. Even Coupon Cabin was very clear about Kate not being genuine when they fired her.

Yeah, I'm one said...

Admin, re tipping: In New York City the sales tax rate is 8.875%. If you double that you get 17.75%. Doubling anything is FAST and simple. And New Yorkers are nothing if not always looking for the fastest way to do anything. Almost everyone calculates their tip either doubling the tax -- and giving the 17.75% or they double the before tax total, thereby giving 20%. It is more for ease of calculation and SPEED than anything else. All New Yorkers are always in a hurry. ~ Administrator said...

I think after a long hard day's work it's nice for a man to eat his meat off a real plate. :)

Tucker's Mom said...

It does no good to diversify if your efforts are nothing but mediocre.
I see Kate as a chameleon; whatever works in the moment is the color she'll be.
I think her cookbook will see poor sales due to multiple factors.
First, the iron is not hot anymore. The time to get this book out there was during J+K+8, when she had the power to shape the episodes to highlight her cooking skills. Grandma soup? That's all 'ya got?
There's nothing that Kate created that wasn't already in most Mom's apron pocket already. Nothing.
If she did crack open a cookbook, she could have improved her skills to "Put on the dog" for an episode or two and make viewers absolutely salivate.
The fact is, the best food on that show, including K+8, was made by Jon. And then Kate said she wouldn't share the recipe. Not a good move.
Next, I don't think it's an industry secret that Kate had chefs cook for her family whenever they filmed, which, ask any neighbor, happened all the time.
Food cooked, flowers on the table and a nice bottle or two of wine laid on her table. Yeah, most moms can not relate.
Also, they say never trust a skinny cook. I don't really believe that, but when you reveal that you eat like a rabbit and don't even eat the food you cook for your family, how am I to trust you even know what your own food tastes like? Even Giada, aka, "Little Big Head" looks like she really enjoys food with a passion, and she is TINY!!
Kate's eating disorder has become more and more apparent, so the hypocrisy of pushing food that you hardly let pass your lips is beyond disingenuous.
Finally, for now, because I could go on, it that Kate has shot herself in the foot by posting absolute crap photos, with poor lighting, composition and plating.
Hey, I'm sure some people will buy/pre-order the book and if this goes forward, Kate will get to hang out with her BFF, Steve, and do the media circuit, but it's a blip.
Apropos of nothing, it won't bring back Kate's "Salad Days".

(please excuse typos, I'm cooking up a storm in my kitchen and surfing all at once)

Luke's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 32
I think after a long hard day's work it's nice for a man to eat his meat off a real plate. :)
I agree. And I think after a long hard day's work at the Gosselin compound, it would be nice if the Gkids could eat their food off a real plate too. Especially on their birthday.

I will never understand the paper plate obsession with Kate. She has two dishwashers - what is the problem.

I have 7 kids, one dishwasher, work full time, and most days my kids have friends over who also use dishes, and I never use paper plates. Most days we may hand wash some dishes while waiting for the dishwasher but no big deal.

I don't want to eat off of paper and my family doesn't either.

I hope when the babysitter cooks for the Gkids, they get to eat off of real plates. Maybe only paper plates when Kate pretends to cook for them.

Blowing In The Wind said...

So now what's the excuse?


lol!! Are those eggs from Kate's chickens, and ham sliced in Kate's meat slicer? By darn, that is a Kate Twitterbot!

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 32
I think after a long hard day's work it's nice for a man to eat his meat off a real plate. :)
My close cousins growing up had 6 kids (one at a time) in their family, and their dishwasher was the hardest working appliance in the family. I never had a DW growing up, so I'd be amazed how that thing was constantly in use and everyone chipped in to keep the cycle of clean/dirty/clean dishes going. No regular meals were served on paper.
Big parties and picnics? Sure. But eating meals at the table was done with proper dinner plates, glasses and flatware.

Millicent said...

Being a wait person is a tough job - on your feet all shift, dealing with all sorts of people. Most are average (nice or at least not rude to you), but some seem to take all their day's frustrations out on their server, who has to respond politely no matter what.

If I've had good service, I tip between 15 to 20%. To me, that's part of the cost of eating out. If I can't afford that, then I shouldn't be eating out, or I should pick a less expensive restaurant at which to eat.

I used to dread getting a table of senior citizen ladies. They were notoriously the cheapest tippers, if they even left you a tip. Normally I love little old ladies, but not when I had to wait on their table. They all want individual tickets, then they keep you running back and forth on a variety of requests. After all that, you're lucky to find a quarter tucked under a plate. Oh well, what can you do?

The best tippers in the little family style restaurant I worked at were the working guys who came for breakfast early in the morning. They'd get a cup of coffee, maybe some eggs and toast and leave a $5 tip on a $5 ticket.

But at least I made minimum wage. I understand in some parts of the country, restaurant owners are allowed to pay less than minimum wage to wait staff, because they are supposed to make up the difference in tips. Talk about mean and cheap and shameful.

Silimom said...

Kate is doing the cookbook because she wants to get money from her fans and she likes the cachet that she thinks writing a cookbook gives her.

She really is very backwards and out of touch. She should be putting more focus and energy into developing and marketing her own website. Then, if she gets the numbers up, she could have "free" areas and then "paid subscription content" areas - like her recipe area, etc.

Silimom said...

Interesting article that's not an Examiner rehash of her blog:

Just Down The Road said...

Interesting article that's not an Examiner rehash of her blog:


Someone posted that earlier, and when I read it I thought the writer was pretty much dead-on. I just wish the author would have checked facts,'s stated that a lawsuit was filed in April against Jon and Robert. That's never been confirmed, and these writers throw around this thing about Kate growing up in "a trailer park."

Why wouldn't you do some research before you write, and if in doubt, leave it out?

Tucker's Mom said...

I used to dread getting a table of senior citizen ladies. They were notoriously the cheapest tippers, if they even left you a tip. Normally I love little old ladies, but not when I had to wait on their table. They all want individual tickets, then they keep you running back and forth on a variety of requests. After all that, you're lucky to find a quarter tucked under a plate. Oh well, what can you do?
They think they're leaving a coin or two at the 5 & 10 back in the day! Under the plate: remember when my mom used to leave the change under the plate (many moons ago).
Probably the most thankless server job has to be in the seniors complex my mom lived in for a few years. It was a great place for her, living independently in her own apartment and have activities and dinner each night in the dining room.
Except that her mind wasn't as feeble as her body, or a curmudgeon-like as her living mates. The old geezers would nit and pick about their food and they'd all take Tupperware to pack up that last uneaten roll, condiments and leftovers to eat later. It was hilarious to watch them stash their goodies after a meal.
Those poor servers didn't get tipped and I thought they were amazing to have such great attitudes!

Just Down The Road said...

Speaking of tipping...

"CeCe Bruce said she's known for years that it pays to be nice. But she never realized just how much it could pay off until this week, when one of her regular customers rewarded her with a huge tip.

A part-time student at Martin University in Indianapolis, Ind., Bruce has worked as a waitress at a local Steak 'n Shake restaurant for two years, according to NBC affiliate WTHR. Though she had received a few generous tips during that time, nothing had prepared her for the generosity of Miss Jo, a frequent patron of the restaurant.

When Bruce first picked up Miss Jo's credit card receipt Wednesday morning, she said she thought the tip was $46, which she told WTHR would have been surprising enough, given that the bill was just $5.97. But the tip was actually a jaw-dropping $446.

"When I looked again, I said 'Oh my gosh, Miss Jo, I'm not taking that!' And she said, 'Yes, you're taking it,' Bruce told WTHR.

Bruce's general manager Greer Gooley said the waitress is worth every penny of the massive tip.

“She stays late, comes in early. Whenever we need her, she's here. So she deserves it more than anyone,” Gooley told local station WISH. “It just lets servers know that you work hard and it does pay off. There are people out there that [if] you do your job people reward you for it.”

Bruce told WISH the money will go toward paying bills."

Amy2 said...

I must share this with you all. Last night a group of us ladies got together to enjoy Cosmos, thus we are called the Cosmos Ladies. The subject came up of name the worst dancers on DWTS. We all threw some names out. Then one lady said the absolute worst was that mother who has 8 kids. Then the other ladies played the game...what was her name, the Mom the kids who couldn't dance and made Tony miserable. They then launched into who awful she was to everyone, couldn't dance, wouldn't listen, etc. And, get this, none of the ladies had seen a single episode of K/J+8 or K+8. Kate made the impression all on her own, without kids. Throughout the discussion, I sat quietly and smiled to myself. Even those who don't follow Kate know how bad a person she is.

Tucker's Mom said...

Amy2 said... 43
That is a great story. Kate sure is a legend in her own mind and to think, she was given the opportunity to show millions and millions that the J+K editing fairies painted her in the "villain" role, and she's really a kind, sweet, loving person.
But, as they say, TV magnifies the personality traits already there and she blew it, big time.
Again, I'm eating crow because I said some not so nice things about Andy Dick being on DWTS, and I was wrong. Happy to say so, because his was a DWTS season full of redemption. I saw a promo for "Two Broke Girls" that had him as a guest for at least on episode, so the work is coming back for him. He's got a lot of mileage in Hollywood if he stays sober.
Courtney Cox's ex-husband impressed me similarly in his season (David Arquette). Between his hard work on DWTS and Courtney's almost weekly appearance with their daughter, despite the fact that their marriage was over, was very impressive.
For all 3 people mentioned above, tremendous good will was built and that, Kate, you can take to the bank.

Just Down The Road said...

They think they're leaving a coin or two at the 5 & 10 back in the day! Under the plate: remember when my mom used to leave the change under the plate (many moons ago).


I still do that -- the dollars folded and slipped under the plate! Generations of old habits die hard!

Ally said...

Tucker's Mom 33...
Ditto...could not have said it any better. I can only imagine that the cookbook was pushed back by 3 weeks because the numbers have not been good and they are hoping more time will bring in more numbers. Not gonna happen.
Now this is not an excuse for Kate, but I must say, especially with this type of book, I would want reviews of the book before I bought it. Putting up a hummus recipe, the most basic thing to possibly make, doesn't give reassurance that the other recipes are not just as bad and just as simple. How do you know there isn't a revipe for a ham and cheese sandwich in there? That was a recipe that she supplied to a blog back in 2008/2009. Seriously?? Her traditions are going to be, I believe, everything that we saw TLC create for the show. We know she has no ideas that are her own. She doesn't even do these "traditions" without camera men and TLC money. So these traditions are things we have already seen and if we really liked an idea TLC had, pull up the episode for free on you tube. I have a nagging feeling this book will end the way it did in 2009 or last years cruise...disappear...with no explanation from Kate.

By the way, when Kate plus 8 was cancelled, in August 2011, a week before TLC gave the official announcement, Kate was quoted as saying there was no truth behind the rumors that her show was cancelled. Then when TLC confirmed the rumors, Kate stated that she was not surprised and that she had predicted that the show was ending. She and TLC had been discussing the numbers and mutually agreed that it was best to end it. Kate would never have ended it, if it was her choice...we know that. That allusion of control. Remember, "I don't like when things beat me. I like to beat things!". She will always have the last say. She'd rather never stop and continue to disgrace herself rather than step down and maintain dignity.

Luke's Mom said...

Mom said... 44
Amy2 said... 43
That is a great story. Kate sure is a legend in her own mind and to think, she was given the opportunity to show millions and millions that the J+K editing fairies painted her in the "villain" role, and she's really a kind, sweet, loving person.
But, as they say, TV magnifies the personality traits already there and she blew it, big time.
Again, I'm eating crow because I said some not so nice things about Andy Dick being on DWTS, and I was wrong. Happy to say so, because his was a DWTS season full of redemption. I saw a promo for "Two Broke Girls" that had him as a guest for at least on episode, so the work is coming back for him. He's got a lot of mileage in Hollywood if he stays sober.

Oh, so well said. Kate has failed time and time again when given so many opportunities. DWTS confirmed to even those who did not know her from J&K8 that she was not a nice person and that she was hard to deal with, and does not like to put in the effort or work.

I thoroughly enjoyed watching Andy Dick this season on DWTS. He was likable, worked hard, was self-reflective, humble, kind, and showed such love for his daughter in the audience. He improved so much as a dancer by listening to his partner and practicing and practicing. I felt good about cheering for him because he was geniune and fun to watch each week.

I wish Adny Dick good luck in his future and I too hope he stays sober. But after seeing his hard work on DWTS, I think he has the drive and discipline to do it.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Melissa NV said... 28
Oh god, the Book Fair. I would think if your book is either postponed or cancelled, you might just not be attending the book fair. You know the picture: Kate, Steve, empty table, no published books, nothing to autograph.


And a big closet in which both of them can hide.

Plus Milo will be their to tweet her support and to blame the haters in some way.

Ally said...

Luke's Mom 34...
You know what's even more disgusting...trying to eat your pancakes smothered in syrup on a soggy plate. She doesn't even use the heavy duty plates. She has the cheapest most flimsy plates. A bounty paper towel would probably work just as well :)

Ally said...

If my memory serves me, Kate's twitter picture of her thanksgiving table, which I determined at the time was impossible to have been taken on that day, nevertheless used paper cups for her children. Even on a holiday, they drank out of paper? Just wow.

Meagler said...

Hey, Thanks Dmasy, food to know I didnt bore you with my rants! lol..

Auntie Ann: Wasnt sure if Splenda was one of those sugars that was derived from some naturally occuring sweetner falling into the same category as aspestos.( ha ha) Yes Kate sure is organic...

Tuckers Mom: I remember " leigh" doing that nasty in the parking lot, but couldnt remember if it was the contest or not! I wonder what her next contest will be!

I also agree with you that most of her recipes are childs play, that most of us have moved beyond those recipes onto more mature palates.

I have always thought the fans asking her about how do you freeze cookies? and the other silly questions were from her tweenie fans who had never cooked before.

Luke's mom: you have 7 kids!!! and only 1 dishwasher??? and you dont use paper plates??? You must be exhaustedish!!! All in fun! What is the range in their ages? You probably have a lot of things you could teach miss kate!

I have a friend who has 4 kids, and she is very organized and does a lot of really fun and creative things with her kids. I always say that martha Stewart copies her!

Meagler said...

As for cook books, they take up space, and I prefer to cruise the internet looking for different an d new ideas. yesterday I found this site. She is a blogger who uses convenient items to make some pretty spectacular desserts and other sides etc.

On one of her recipes ( I think its the one where she mixes a chocolate cake mix and a brownie mix together) a person commented that the blogger should make her recipes from scratch and use organic flour etc. The blogger saiys something like : " If that is what you are looking for then this is not the site for you! But feel free to modify my recipes any way you like!" sparked a huge debate about organic...

Here's the link:

The last recipe is for tamale stuffing but scroll down and you will get to all of her other recipes. They are sugariffic

Meagler said...

Wow, I should read my posts before I hit publish..I made a lotta mistakes :)

lukebandit said...

Maybe Milo can tweet LIVE from the closet where Steve and kate are hiding in at the book fair!

Tucker's Mom, the Shoka recipes! OMGoodness! I was still laughing a couple of posts down from it!

kate is sooooo stupid! When Jon cooked the Korean casserole, and she did everything she could to help him fail at it so it would make her cooking look scrumptious, was a big PR FAIL!

It could of been a Korean cookbook written by Jon! And they could of had a picture of Jon holding the casserole with mits on showing the kids at the table with their heads facing Jon so you couldn't see their faces.

And, the table would have small flowers, Real Plates, glasses and silverware! But, kate would want her name beside his to get double money like she did Beth, actually Beth got less from 50 percent to 33 percent.

And her picture! UGH!

He could still do it now. She couldn't stop him from doing it. He couldn't stop her from taking the kids to AU and NZ. He couldn't stop her from doing CWS. I believe she snuck that in on him and they were already filming it or almost finished by the time he found out.

He could do Joint Custody Father making meals with his kids. I have never seen a book like that.

lukebandit said...

Have been Skyping with my grandson and he was finally wide awake the other night. I would say, hey Owen, hey buddy, whatcha doing and he would look at the camera. Any other time he was so sleepy. Someone gave him a onesie that said,"I drink till I pass out". hahaha

Millicent said...

I used to buy cookbooks on a regular basis, years ago. Then all the cooking shows started on TV, and every Saturday morning I would tune in to Food Network and watch Paula Deen, and Giada and so many others that have since gone by the wayside (not flashy enough I guess). Then I got online and found so many wonderful recipe sites and recipe blogs.

So I don't buy cookbooks anymore, but I am glad to hear that it's still a thriving industry.

The only people who will buy Kate's cookbook will be diehard fans. There are too many other truly good cookbooks out there for non-fans to buy; ones that aren't filled with pictures of Kate and her children.

My latest find is a blog by a lady named Lynne - she provides a lot of inexpensive cassarole-type recipes. Some weeks, my grocery budget is slim and her recipes have saved me on more than one occasion. Kate's organic hummus can't do that.

lukebandit said...

I wonder if kate will buy some lottery tickets for tonights drawing. It is at least 600 million, but if she won, she would still GRIFT! Remember when J and k and kids were on Oprah and kate said about money, it is NEVER ENOUGH! Jon actually gasped. I think he realized it was getting out of control then. But kate is so over the top to deal with, you can't reason with her.

I talked to my brother this afternoon and I mentioned that the lottery was 600M and he said that he was happy with his life, and wouldn't want the lottery curse that comes with winning it.

He said his family's privacy is precious and he didn't want all the chaos.

I said, yes, me too. My family is precious and PRICELESS. I hope that a lot of people split that money. Can you imagine if that person who won it all lives in a state that doesn't have the anonymous clause!

The freaks come out then. You can be easily found on the social media if your name is released. We would have to all be in the Federal Protection Program!

Children First said...

By the way, when Kate plus 8 was cancelled, in August 2011, a week before TLC gave the official announcement, Kate was quoted as saying there was no truth behind the rumors that her show was cancelled.


Where did she say that? An online interview, television, or Twitter?

Ally said...

Here's a comment made by Kate from 2005, that I came across. This is regarding the community volunteers, that helped with the babies.

"Volunteers have helped, some, but nowhere near enough."

Doesn't this sound familiar. RV episode 2011.

lukebandit said...

Admin, can the authorities, Labor Wage and Hour Division still bring charges against the ABC owners for stealing the server tips in the past and now just in the last couple of days are now letting them keep them?

OT I wanted to get my DIL something special when she came home from the hospital a few days after for her and my son. A guy that I know from the clinic, who is a FA facility administrator, and he is only maybe 26 and he got that at 25! He and his wife have a bakery and it is a huge hit!

I wanted to buy some cake pops and have them delivered. It was going to cost 20 dollars for 8 and delivered only a few miles.

I can't pay that so I went online to find out how they are made. WOW! It is soooo easy. The tutorial that I found, I want to make them in my room for my friends here.

Pioneer Woman is a class act! Her pictures of the food she makes is beautiful. I noticed when the ranch hands came in for lunch, she served them with regular plates and silverware and didn't gripe about their boots.

Her website, blogs, recipes, shows, tv appearances, multiple (blessings haha) recipe books and her just being a humble great person is the reason why she is loaded, kate!

kate's cookbook is history!

Ally said...

Here is an older journal entry of Kate's that I came across.
At what point did this show become "the hardest job ever", according to Kate?

November 6, 2006
"Beth told me that sometimes God provides and it is right in front of us and we don't see it! She went on to say that she feels that God provided this series and this amount of money possibly so that I can be home with the kids til they are in Kindergarten!!!!!

The thought excites me so much! Just thinking that I won't have to go to work is soooo amazing!"

handinhand said...

One of the standouts for me on DWT(T)S was Carson Kressley. I loved all the hard work he put in. He never got very good (although he did improve a bit) but he had such a great attitude, a good sense of humor and just an amazing work ethic. One of the judges told him that he'd heard he was the last one in the building practicing most nights. I've always admired a good hard worker.
By contrast, Kate was a lazy, entitled, humorless termagant. Too tired and stressed to show up for practice, making excuses that she spent time with her kids rather than practice, asked Tony to make the re-do of the horrid Paparazzi dance harder yet didn't want to attempt the harder steps and had Tony making remarks like 'Kate has no energy, I have to push her each week' and 'Well why don't you pay attention to my teaching' and 'Wow, that's more energy?' That line she uses that she doesn't like anything to beat her is just that, a line. That lady is all lip service. Her mouth is always writing checks that her efforts never cash.

Children First said...

@Kateplusmy8 every time I use a pizza cutter in pancakes for my little one... I always think of you! Thanks for the tip!

These are the ones who will buy the cookbook!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 Gosselin 8 are always eager 2run 2their dinner plate? Find out WHY? :) Pre-order #LoveIsInTheMix at

and Kate retweets:

RT @MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Gosselin 8 are always eager 2run 2their dinner plate? Find out WHY? :) Pre-order #LoveIsInTheMix at

Is this her marketing plan? Milo and a retweet?

"Haters" have once again started up with the abortion thing. This is so wrong.

Tucker's Mom said...

Ally said... 54
Here's a comment made by Kate from 2005, that I came across. This is regarding the community volunteers, that helped with the babies.

"Volunteers have helped, some, but nowhere near enough."

Doesn't this sound familiar. RV episode 2011.
I'm going to throw this out there and research in a bit, but I know I have the gist correct. I'm pretty sure you can find the interview of just Kate on Dr. Phil on YouTube.
When Kate was on Dr. Phil, she mentioned a very LARGE number of people that would volunteer each week, when the kids were babies. I want to say 100 people. Dr. Phil was flabbergasted and Kate took all the glory for being the mastermind of such a coordinated effort. Dr. Phil seemed duly impressed.
That slant was what worked for Kate at that moment.
Crying that they didn't have enough help evidently was better used in another.

Tucker's Mom said...

@Kateplusmy8 every time I use a pizza cutter in pancakes for my little one... I always think of you! Thanks for the tip!
Is your little one almost 9?
Kate pushes off teaching them motor skills because there are 6 of them. It's terrible that at almost 9, her kids don't cut something as easy as pancakes.
If it's quicker and less involved for Kate, she defaults instead of putting in the effort to teach skills that would actually have made them NOT dependent on her sooner.
Like tying shoes. She downright admitted to just not wanting to deal with it, so let's do another year's worth of school shoes with velcro.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1h
Working on my laptop and watching The Preakness on tv... I SO wish I were there! These horses are so beautiful and jockeys are inspiring! 🐎
You and Steve couldn't drive an hour from his house to do this, but you could fly to KY for the Derby?
Also, not for nothing, talk to me after you see a horse or two put down on the track and a jockey's neck broken in a horrific accident.
It may be the Sport of Kings, but it's not all fancy hats, mint juleps and swag bags. It's stratified by a thin layer of rich, rich cream that floats to the top and shits all over the hard working, mostly poor below them.
Kate really should have hooked up with Tareq Salahi ;-) and his goat rodeo. ~ Administrator said...

She's just saying that to feign an interest in horse racing, something she has never once mentioned before her entire 21,000 tweets and 150 episodes. That's because we were saying she just went to this event for the celebrity aspect of it (and was badly burned) and could care less about horses.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

@Kateplusmy8 BUSTED!! What am I gonna do w/this lil girl? Drinking already?? :)


A dog picture worked before, so she's trying it again. Anything to get a response from her true love. ~ Administrator said...

Seems nobody wants even one. What would they do with two? :)


If you buy two cookbooks you can make two wraps.

Tucker's Mom said...

If you buy two cookbooks you can make two wraps.
For........ your hamster.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

If you buy two cookbooks you can make two wraps.
For........ your hamster.


You mean like shawls?

Sleepless In Seattle said...

@Kateplusmy8 BUSTED!! What am I gonna do w/this lil girl? Drinking already?? :)


A dog picture worked before, so she's trying it again. Anything to get a response from her true love.


Well, that didn't work, so let's try something else. Keep plugging away, Milo.

@Kateplusmy8 Let's try this...sendin our love/best wishes 2the most inspirin woman north of way down south N cotton patch! :)

Sleepless In Seattle said...

@Kateplusmy8 Well..we see U are working..watching would it be too much 2ask 4some sweet tweets! #MissMultitasker We miss our chats!


Good lord, Gladys! Aren't you the least bit humiliated when you embarrass yourself this way? You two talk in other ways. "Chat" with her that way. Why this persistence to receive a tweet?

I'd tell her exactly where to go, and not with any graciousness.

Meagler said...

Milicent: Would you mind posting the link to the blogger you spoke of who has the inexpensive casseroles etc. I would really like to check her out!


Melissa NV said...

admin, any bets if they will fix that cover if it goes to publication? Bottom cropping, removing the cabbage that's growing out of Leah's head?

Jumping In said...

I am not great a cook, but I do like to entertain. Last Christmas, we had friends for dinner and I "googled" many of the side dishes and then printed out the recipes. One of our guests asked what I was reading as I was cooking. I told her my recipes all came from the Internet, and said "I googled Christmas dinner!" By the way, it was the best dinner I have ever made. Cookbooks are great, but so many good recipes can be found online these days. Technology is changing the way we do things, and unless you are exceptional at something, truly unique, it is a harder sell in an ever-changing market. I don't think Kate is offering anything other than her brand, which is old, tired and being served up on paper plates.

fidosmommy said...

What Kate needs is some good old fashioned career counseling. It helps you focus on your actual strengths as well as your desires for a career. You can't just say, "Yeah, that looks like a winner. I'll do that. It worked well for Paula Deen. When do I start?"

She needs to sit down with an unbiased career counselor and get a handle on what exactly she is suited for in the work world. And then pay that person for services rendered. ~ Administrator said...

I remember assuming the photographer maybe wasn't that good until Kate said that she, Kate, was running the show or something to that effect. Then I was like....well that explains a lot. So I'm going to take a bet that none of the glaring errors in this photograph are going to be fixed as long as Kate is on patrol. What everyone else sees is a green blob sprouting from a child's head, she sees as art.

Tucker's Mom said...

Technology is changing the way we do things, and unless you are exceptional at something, truly unique, it is a harder sell in an ever-changing market. I don't think Kate is offering anything other than her brand, which is old, tired and being served up on paper plates.
This is the crux of the matter; technology is changing so quickly now that you have to be on trend, moreover, a visionary and inventor, looking to the future, because it'll be here before you know it.
Look at what's happened to computers. My gosh, a computer on every desk (Bill Gates) in every home was visionary, ballsy and ambitious at the time, but that turned into a laptop, a notebook, a smart phone and now pads. This in completely changing how we interact with technology.
Information is so plentiful and visual now. Kate's blog is practically for Luddites. It is a DYI, low-tech, unengaging dinosaur that is difficult to navigate, unappealing in its sporadically (if ever) updated content and is visually unappealing, not to mention that it is intellectually geared for a sixth grader.
Really, I'm not sure Kate should put any significant amount of capital in further developing her website, because it's just not the future, it's not her forte (technology in general, the writing, cooking, photography) and it's not any sort of business venture where its content will generate income.
Blogs are either a little fun hobby that you do to enrich yourself, or vehicles to launches businesses and brands. Either way, you have to do it right.

Tucker's Mom said...

Just wanted to add that out of all the conferences Kate has attended over the years, what she's emerged with of note, is grifted toilet paper.
What. A. Waste.
The consortiums she could have joined, the technology she could have learned and the networking she could have done with I'm sure, pretty brilliant women is a testament to her genuine lack of a work ethic.

Millicent said...

Meagler - I am glad to share, here is the url ;

She offers a lot of frugal recipes - they may not be fancy, but they are homemade and usually quite inexpensive. Here's one I'm going to make next week:

Taco Pasta
1 pound ground beef
1 package (1-1/4 ounces) taco seasoning
1 can (15 ounces) tomato sauce
1 package (8 ounce) shell macaroni, cooked and drained ( I used a gf brown rice pasta) (gf = gluten free)
1 can (4 ounces) chopped green chilies
1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese

In a skillet, brown ground beef over medium heat. Drain and add taco seasoning, tomato sauce, and green chilies. Stir in cooked macaroni. Place in a 9×13 pan. Top with cheese. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes or until heated through.

I have everything but the ground beef. I'm going to substitute part pepper jack cheese and part regular jack cheese for the cheddar, because that's what I have on hand. I'm also going to add a small can of chopped Mexican-style tomatoes.

I made Lynne's homemade Tuna Helper recipe a couple weeks ago. I calculated the cost to make the dish was $6.52. Because it was just me eating this dish, it lasted for two dinners, and three lunches. So that's how I stretched my food budget that week :)

Melissa NV said...

What everyone else sees is a green blob sprouting from a child's head, she sees as art.


A Cabbage Patch Kid!

Melissa NV said...

@Kateplusmy8 I want to know if you would want Kate plus ei8ht to come back???please RT this

shannon24890 that would be so much fun, wouldn't it? Maybe... At some point?!

Notice the tweetie says "if you would WANT." She didn't ask if the show is coming back. Kate says, " some point." Does this mean maybe Kate WANTS the show to come back, or is she saying MAYBE the show will come back?

Melissa NV said...

@Kateplusmy8 what is Preakness??

Oh come on...Sheeple is just yanking Kate's chain, isn't she?

Tucker's Mom said...

btw, kudos to Samy and Amy's new PR for getting their article top Radar all day long. I can't wait until Wed. morning to get the 411 on this train wreck's "grand reopening", sold out PR stunt.
and, btw... I haven't seen a BV+Kate post on Radar in a looooong time.

Meagler said...

Hmmm she goes to the kentucky Derby, now tweets about another race, with horses and jockey's.

She is trying to get her hand in some type of event...

fidosmommy said...

I know one of Kate's sisters makes jewelry, but does she also do some photography? There is one sister she is not estranged from, iirc.

fidosmommy said...

I know one of Kate's sisters makes jewelry, but does she also do some photography? There is one sister she is not estranged from, iirc.

Luke's Mom said...

fidosmommy said... 74
What Kate needs is some good old fashioned career counseling. It helps you focus on your actual strengths as well as your desires for a career. You can't just say, "Yeah, that looks like a winner. I'll do that. It worked well for Paula Deen. When do I start?"

She needs to sit down with an unbiased career counselor and get a handle on what exactly she is suited for in the work world. And then pay that person for services rendered.

I know it was not your intention but thanks for a great laugh before I head off to bed.

JoyinVirginia said...

OT: Admin and other fans of a certain blue eyed newsman, be sure to check out the weekend update segment on Saturday Night Live tonight s season finale. Bill Heder who plays Stefon is leaving the show, and the final Stefon segment is the best ever! If you miss the show, the segment will most likely be on the SNL website to view.

Loves to Read said...

Alex Guarnaschelli's new book went on sale on April 10th. Not counting pre-orders, she's sold 3,001 books on Amazon alone since the first day it was on sale:

That's only Amazon sales, and just the first 39 days, (21 days in April and 18 days so far in May).

That number doesn't include pre-orders, if there were any, Barnes & Noble, and other bookstores. She's been doing book signings at stores, so she must have sold at least several hundred more at signings. She could easily be over 4,000 books, or even over 5,000 right now - in less than five and a half weeks.

Kate's book was available for pre-order on March 27th. The tracker wasn't set up until March 29th. In the 51 days since then, she's sold a total of just 134 books - 12 in March, 84 in April, and 38 so far in May.

Tucker's Mom said...

Loves to Read said... 80
Alex Guarnaschelli's new book went on sale on April 10th. Not counting pre-orders, she's sold 3,001 books on Amazon alone since the first day it was on sale:
Thanks. I appreciate the novelrank updated. Not looking good for LIITM.

Alex G. is a bonafide chef who has been cooking and in the biz for years. There are a handful of non chefs who can write cookbooks and be successful on TV, like Barefoot Contessa and Rachael Ray. Alton Brown also comes to mind.
Kate's calibre of cooking is church cookbook, which is more meme than a Thomas Keller tome.
No offense to church cookbooks! In this day and age, you certainly don't need to spend extra $$ for something that is at your fingertips on the intrawebs. I'd certainly buy such a cookbook to show support to a good and worthy cause, which rules out grifting multi-millionaires who have been showered with enough blessings for multiple lifetimes. ~ Administrator said...

Information is so plentiful and visual now. Kate's blog is practically for Luddites. It is a DYI, low-tech, unengaging dinosaur that is difficult to navigate, unappealing in its sporadically (if ever) updated content and is visually unappealing, not to mention that it is intellectually geared for a sixth grader.


This is the best explanation of why Kate's web site is so mediocre I've ever seen.

Pioneer Woman's site is Harvard, she's still in preschool.

JudyK said...

Have to admit I've totally lost interest in Kate, but I love Adm and the people on this blog, and that will never change.

I remember this story like it was yesterday. I lived in Midland, TX, for a number of ex is a banker and still lives there. So proud of Jessica's dad for having a moral compass.

Kate could learn so much from reading this blog, but I don't think she's capable. ~ Administrator said...

The sheeple do understand that the "talent" and I use that word loosely, is not in charge of whether a show is coming back? They're just the talent. They go out there, hit their mark, and collect their paychecks. They may be the face of the program but they are by no means running the program (unless of course they are also taking on producing or other duties).

There have been plenty of stories of talent not even hearing that their show was cancelled until they turned on the news, and plenty of stories of celebs who really don't know much about what is going on with a project but rather are just waiting for a phone call. The only difference between their knowledge and the knowledge of a grip or production designer or script supervisor is that they are getting paid more to be in the dark.

I don't understand why they keep asking Kate if the show is coming back. Heck if she knows. They need to be asking TLC. You know the network that promised them follow up specials (which hasn't happened, now why would that be?).

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Tucker's Mom said... 79

Technology is changing the way we do things, and unless you are exceptional at something, truly unique, it is a harder sell in an ever-changing market. I don't think Kate is offering anything other than her brand, which is old, tired and being served up on paper plates.
This is the crux of the matter; technology is changing so quickly now that you have to be on trend, moreover, a visionary and inventor, looking to the future, because it'll be here before you know it.
Look at what's happened to computers. My gosh, a computer on every desk (Bill Gates) in every home was visionary, ballsy and ambitious at the time, but that turned into a laptop, a notebook, a smart phone and now pads. This in completely changing how we interact with technology.
Information is so plentiful and visual now. Kate's blog is practically for Luddites. It is a DYI, low-tech, unengaging dinosaur that is difficult to navigate, unappealing in its sporadically (if ever) updated content and is visually unappealing, not to mention that it is intellectually geared for a sixth grader.
Really, I'm not sure Kate should put any significant amount of capital in further developing her website, because it's just not the future, it's not her forte (technology in general, the writing, cooking, photography) and it's not any sort of business venture where its content will generate income.
Blogs are either a little fun hobby that you do to enrich yourself, or vehicles to launches businesses and brands. Either way, you have to do it right.



Kate offers nothing new, important, or interesting.

It's very difficult to sell nothing. ~ Administrator said...

@Kateplusmy8 Let's try this...sendin our love/best wishes 2the most inspirin woman north of way down south N cotton patch! :)


She actually said "let's try this"! I find myself both laughing and feeling sorry for her. Kate burned her on a question now won't even talk to her.

Tucker's Mom said...

JudyK said... 94
Have to admit I've totally lost interest in Kate, but I love Adm and the people on this blog, and that will never change.
I still think Kate's the gift that keeps on giving, but I am more interested in our conversations here.
Hey, remember when we used to share a lot of money saving tips (that blew Kate's CC blogs away)? I wanted to share that I've been buying lots of annual flowers to refurbish our pots, planters, boxes and beds. The cost can run into the hundreds, but I've been keeping an eye out wherever I go for those poor plants that either aren't quite thriving, up to snuff or ignored for too long, and they are reduced to pennies on the dollar.
I call them "death row plants". Usually, they are tucked in the back of your Lowe's, Home Depot, nurseries etc.
I've found a couple dozen annuals that looked like they need just a little tlc (ha) to come back to life, and we've saved about $200 this Spring.
I just love colorful flowers after a long winter. They "happy me up".

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Shannon ‏@shannon24890
@Kateplusmy8 I want to know if you would want Kate plus ei8ht to come back???please RT this

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@shannon24890 that would be so much fun, wouldn't it? Maybe... At some point?!

Her answer this time is a far cry from her usual keep-'em-hanging replies.

Tucker's Mom said...

Here's a thought: I think Amy B. should call Kate and ask for her recipe for Monkey Munch, and re-rebrand it as Meow Mix.

AuntieAnn said...

She actually said "let's try this"! I find myself both laughing and feeling sorry for her. Kate burned her on a question now won't even talk to her.


Aww. Kate pulled down the blinds and it's driving Gladys nuts. "Abner, what do you think they're doin in there?"

For someone who knows Kate so well, you would think she'd also know that when she is finished with you, you go directly to the curb. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.

AuntieAnn said...

Hi JudyK! Long time since we've seen your name. I hope you are well.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

@Kateplusmy8 Let's try this...sendin our love/best wishes 2the most inspirin woman north of way down south N cotton patch! :)


She actually said "let's try this"! I find myself both laughing and feeling sorry for her. Kate burned her on a question now won't even talk to her.

The picture of Katie Irene the Coors drinkin dog didn't get a tweet back and now sendin her undyin love and support to the most fab, awe-inspirin woman north of Dixie didn't work.
Poor old Milo. She must be thinking, now that Kate's twitter is so dead she'd have a better chance of having a twitter chat with her BFF.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Loves to Read said... 91

I'm sorry but it looks like Kate only sold 39 books for May.

And I don't think she done any notable book signings except for the church charity signing.

PatK said...

JoyinVirginia said... 90
OT: Admin and other fans of a certain blue eyed newsman, be sure to check out the weekend update segment on Saturday Night Live tonight s season finale.


Joy, it was great, wasn't it? LOL

chefsummer #Leh said... (Administrator) said... 95

I don't understand why they keep asking Kate if the show is coming back.

1. Most are haters and their are messing with her.
2. She got new fans that don't know or have seen the real Kate.
3. She has old fans that are just kissing her butt.
4. Dumb fans.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... (Administrator) said... 97

@Kateplusmy8 Let's try this...sendin our love/best wishes 2the most inspirin woman north of way down south N cotton patch! :)


She actually said "let's try this"! I find myself both laughing and feeling sorry for her. Kate burned her on a question now won't even talk to her.


Well, the bootlick knows that Kate responds when you "butter her up".

It must be hard work being someone's dishrag.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

This is the best explanation of why Kate's web site is so mediocre I've ever seen.


I don't go there, but just out of curiosity, because some were saying how difficult it is to order her book from the site, I clicked on it and landed on K8's Kids. RECENT ARTWORK, May 24, 2012.
Perhaps there was nothing more recent than that to post? Sheesh! I think that she gets bored with something very fast and loses interest, but for the sake of appearance has to keep it up to prove something to herself. What that is, I'm not sure, but nevertheless, she can't stay focused. I'm surprised she's remained on Twitter this long.

Amy2 said...

I wonder if Kate is jealous of her children.

The drawing card is the sextuplets, not Kate and unfortunately not the twins. Its clear (to me at least) people aren't interested in Kate as shown by her failed enterprises; Bella Bars, Kentucky Derby, running, cookbook, need I go on? But the public will always wonder how the children are doing. As the children get older, and Kate gets older also, she moves into the realm of just another TV reality Mom who faded and becomes just another Whatever Happened to person. The kids on the other hand are just moving into their teens and then young adulthood. This is an exciting time as they start to figure out who they are as individuals. Kate will be longing for the past, while the children will be moving toward their future.

Could Kate be jealous on the wonderful times her children have ahead of them. While for Kate her glory days are long gone. Just a thought.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

She actually said "let's try this"! I find myself both laughing and feeling sorry for her. Kate burned her on a question now won't even talk to her.


She actually said that. First she tried posting the picture of the new puppy. No response. Then she asked if it would be too much for Kate to send some tweets. No response. Then the "let's try this." The thing is, Kate is tweeting others, just not Milo. I guess in Milo's mind, that doesn't count. She has to respond to Milo's tweets in order for Milo to be able to sleep at night!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

@Kateplusmy8 where can I buy all the seasons of ur show from season 1 til the end? :-):-):-)


Have these people never used the internet to search for what they want? Have they not heard of Amazon? It's amazing that they always want to be led by the hand...they can't find anything on their own.

Kelly said...

Millicent: thank you so much for sharing that link. Meagler beat me to asking for it ;) I'm on a crock pot kick because I'm not home much and also need to shrink the grocery budget. I found a crock pot conversion for a classic Julia Child recipe and it's so so good. My cornfed, semi redneck (joking..sort of LOL) husband LOVED it, despite giving me the stink eye while buying the (Aldi)Merlot used in it.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

It must be hard work being someone's dishrag.


But I think that Milo enjoys it. It's the whole martyr-for-a-saint act. She's often said that she endures so much nasty teasing and horrible remarks and accusations but it doesn't matter because she's showing her support for Kate, her best friend forever.

Question is, though, how long will Kate keep feeding Milo and giving her the attention she thinks that she deserves? Milo always seems to make an excuse when Kate ignores her -- Kate's such a multitasker, exhaustingly busy with the kids and with work (?) and she just knows that there aren't enough hours in the day for Kate. If she really believes this, then why pester her for a few bones to be thrown her way? Just let her alone and stop peering through those windows!

chefsummer #Leh said...

Tucker's Mom said... 100
Here's a thought: I think Amy B. should call Kate and ask for her recipe for Monkey Munch, and re-rebrand it as Meow Mix

LOL KK can be a spokes person for the new meow mix commercial.

I could see her now singing the theme song.

Ummm meow meow I like chicken ummm I like liver umm meow mix please ummm delivery.

fidosmommy said...

.......and stop peering through those windows!


You KNOW what I thought that said.

fidosmommy said...

Do you suppose Kate has taken all our warnings to heart and has re-thought her friendship with Milo? Maybe Kate finally sees her as someone who should not be encouraged.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

You KNOW what I thought that said.


Would it be peeing?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Do you suppose Kate has taken all our warnings to heart and has re-thought her friendship with Milo? Maybe Kate finally sees her as someone who should not be encouraged.


I don't know if Kate would take any advice. I think she's probably just sick of her. I can't believe she let it go on this long. Can you imagine living under the same roof with a "Gladys Kravitz?" Wouldn't you be pulling your hair out trying to get away?

JoyinVirginia said...

PatK, we recorded SNL and have watched the Weekend Update special skit about for times already. It's so funny. especially when you recall all the attractions of the various clubs Stefon has reported on over the years. I will miss Stefon!!

Susie Cincinnati said...

Trying to be on TV is not the same as being on TV. Why don't you haters get a life? @Kateplusmy8

@stashcache @Kateplusmy8 Haters are abusive in so many ways.

This comes from a person who goes off on hate rants on Jon every chance she gets.

I've never seen so many cases of the pot calling the kettle black as I do with these sheeple. The sad thing is that they are incapable of seeing themselves as others see them...the hypocrisy is pathetic. ~ Administrator said...

Trying to be on TV is not the same as being on TV.


I don't understand the point of that statement. Although I do like the reminder that all Kate can do is TRY to get on T.V. and has little success actually getting on T.V. haha.

Tucker's Mom said...

Trying to be on TV is not the same as being on TV.
There are many factors why I doubt K+8 will get resurrected or reinvented, but I have to think that Kate would rather pull her lower lip over her head than have a set teacher present and in charge. A "NO" person, who means, NO! Even to Kate. ~ Administrator said...

Tucker, that is a great tip!

I came across one myself a couple months back in the depths of the cooking blogs. Put cilantro in a small vase like flowers and cover it with a plastic bag and stick in the fridge. It stays fresh for weeks and weeks. Since I only use it maybe a few times a week, I could never use it up before it goes bad before. This new way works great. In entertainment news, sign up for Redbox's text club and you get a free rental once a month and 50 cents off once a week. You could pretty much rent movies for free every single time with that as long as you're not a huge movie person. ~ Administrator said...

It's a little scary to know that Kate appears to be scaling back on Milo, because this is exactly the pattern that happened when we look at some famous cases of fans going off on their celeb.

Off the top of my head, Jodie Foster and Gwenyth Paltrow both interacted with their fan assuming they were just a normal fan, before realizing that something was off and then limiting or cutting off contact. It was THEN that the fan snapped, when they were sort of "found out" and contacted was restricted.

SaraMRN2010 said...

Fidosmommy @88
I Don't know about photography but I have ordered from her sister and she does great work.

fidosmommy said...

Milo's tweets have been so over the top in praise to Kate that I started believing she was a non-fan jerking Kate's chain. I know that's not the case, but really, when flattery gets too much it starts to sound like snark.

Formerly Duped said...


How about a post on Amy's Bakery after her re-launch, I think May 21? ~ Administrator said...

Formely I was planning on it!

I think that relaunch will be a crossroads for them. Whether they are going to swallow their pride to be able to move forward with this, or self destruct.

lukebandit said...

Tucker's Mom, you are on a Tuck and Roll with the funny stuff! Keep up the good work! lol

I thought the same thing about Milo when kate finally weans her off the bottle. The hardly no contact then no contact can make a fan easily snap if they are that obsessed.

Millicent, I hate to be a sheeple (lol) but may I ask which recipe that you used of Julia Child's in the crockpot? I was a heavy crockpot user in my day.

You would think kate would use one once in a while. She could make the Grandma Soup the night before, refrigerate it and transfer it into the crockpot and cook it on low all day.

It only takes 45 minutes to cook hot dogs on high, but you could put it on low if you were going to get the kids from the bus stop and they would be done when you got back. But she would never give them that much of a snack after school.

I wonder if they eat ANYTHING when they get back before the forced manual labor starts. It makes me sick knowing how hard those little boys work taking care of those chickens, hauling the heavy bags of chicken feed, cleaning, possibly on a few calories that she gave them! I can still see Kendra upset and crying when she read how hard their work schedule was!

Watched PW this morning! Wow! Ree is so awesome. She made 3 breakfast menus, one for her, one for her FATHER-IN-LAW, the kids GRANDFATHER and GRANDMOTHER, and then one for Marlboro Man, the kids and ranch hands.

She loves Iced Coffee. She showed how to make it at home for pennies on the dollar! Then she made Eggs Benedict with Hash Browns, loaded, and made the Hollandaise sauce in the blender. SO EASY! MM, kids & RH's were working, so Ree, FIL and MIL sat down and ate his Birthday breakfast, while MM and kids went and bought him some Bday gifts.

So refreshing! MM was pushing the cart, NOT FILLING IT UP SO FOOD NETWORK WOULD PAY FOR IT ALL, like someone we all know. They bought a few items that the Grandfather loved and wanted. Then they went back to the ranch and gave him the gifts. They were all so happy and Ree didn't gripe about their BOOTS!

Then Ree made Breakfast Burritos, a TON OF THEM! That tray was stacked sky high! They were all foil wrapped and they looked delicious! She took them out to where they were working and they loved them.

Not only is PW and MM blessed financially, but Abundantly Blessed with family, friends and trusted ranch hands.


SCgal said...

Kelly said... 112
I found a crock pot conversion for a classic Julia Child recipe and it's so so good. My cornfed, semi redneck (joking..sort of LOL) husband LOVED it, despite giving me the stink eye while buying the (Aldi)Merlot used in it.
Kelly, would you mind sharing the recipe? That sounds so good.

SCgal said...

Millicent - that website is great. Thanks for sharing.

Tucker's Mom said...

lukebandit said... 129
PW's show is a delight to watch on many levels, and one of them is definitely the friends and family that are always around. Ree has more fame and fortune for as long or longer than Kate has or will ever know, but has anyone ONCE seen any scenario that even resembles Ree with a bodyguard? Or, read about her success ripping apart her family? Or seen her film her kids hither, tither and yon? I've only seen the kids around home, never during an appearance, although part of her brand is a loving mom.
She travels a lot for her books, various promotions, appearances on many TV shows, and I don't recall her EVER being splashed on the front of a ragmag or Radar.
Maybe I'm wrong?

Tucker's Mom said...

How about a post on Amy's Bakery after her re-launch, I think May 21?
This is going to be more delicious than a soggy pizza AND a burnt pizza put together! ~ Administrator said...

The Pioneer family seem like long-standing respected members of their area. I remember once she was talking about friends of theirs and how both their parents and grandparents were all friends. Where I'm from where everyone knows everyone and people have been there for generations, you see a lot of that. These are real friendships, not for appearances. She has pictures to prove it.

They are always sharing meals with families and friends. What is the point of life if you are not sharing it, if you aren't a participant in what is going on around you? I don't understand the point of being so isolated. ~ Administrator said...

I hope on Tuesday that no one gets so passionate that they misbehave, either lashing out verbally or even physically. That will just justify Amy. See? We have haters for no good reason! All it will take for someone like her is ONE person of the tens of thousands who don't like them to prove her point.

Hey where is Bullyville and why aren't they helping Amy? What gives?

JoyinVirginia said...
This is link to SNL recap and there is a link to the video of Stefons farewell with a cameo by admin s boyfriend.

JudyK said...

Waving to Auntie Ann and Tucker's Mom. Just have no time right now, but hope to again soon because I want to rejoin the conversations here. :)

Melissa NV said...

Off the top of my head, Jodie Foster and Gwenyth Paltrow both interacted with their fan assuming they were just a normal fan, before realizing that something was off and then limiting or cutting off contact. It was THEN that the fan snapped, when they were sort of "found out" and contacted was restricted.


If Kate is weaning Milo, it will be interesting to watch how Milo handles it...if she turns on her, or just continues to make excuses. Hopefully it doesn't go the route of Jodie and Gwyneth. For now, though, Milo is lamenting over the postponement of the cookbook, and has pulled out a scripture verse to appease the fans, making sure they know that it's worth waiting for the release.

@Kateplusmy8 Prov.13:12 says "expectation postponed makes the heart sick..but its life & joy when thing desired arrives!" #LoveIsInTheMix :)

Has the delay in the cookbook really made anyone's heart "sick?" Oh, the agony...the anticipation of it all! I'm surprised she hasn't suggested hibernation until September -- anything to make the months go faster.

Silimom said...

Here's an interesting blog post written about Ree Drummond, aka Pioneer Woman. (For the record, I like her show).

Silimom said...

Here's a New Yorker article about her as well: ~ Administrator said...

PW obviously has some hate out there but that's to be expected with anyone who puts themselves out there. Since she never claimed NOT to have help, in fact seems to have quite a full circle of people around her, I'm not sure I understand that particular hate. She also never claimed not to take shortcuts in the kitchen--she freely does it all the time happily! She hasn't done a homeschooling post in a millionaire years. She has other bloggers writing her homeschooling section.

And the difference with her is she just ignores her hate. It's really a fine example of how you can be a respected presence on the internet, take your criticism in stride, and do what you do best.

She stopped calling her brother retarded because fans didn't like it. There was a funny parody site about her awhile back but I don't think she's keeping it up. It was all in good fun and did call her out now and again when she would make a misstep. ~ Administrator said...

BY the way for the record I don't think I've ever cooked anything she's suggested lol! That's not typically how I eat. But like you might enjoy watching the art of someone grilling up a great steak even if you don't eat red meat, I don't mind peeking at what she does.

A year later she is hitting her stride on her show and getting much better and more camera ready. Even many of her fans admitted that her first season was rocky and stiff. Having never been on TV before it's not too bad at all. I'd be terrible.

Tucker's Mom said...

Giada's first season was pretty bad. She was very stiff, rarely smiled and frankly looked like she was constipated most of the time. She just looked uncomfortable and she was. She admitted it.
But, she improved a great deal and her production values did too. Her image was yet unknown and needed to be crafted; more sex kitten cooks in the kitchen, less school marm bun, classically trained chef in an amorphous white coat and souffle toque.
Ree had a well-known brand that was mostly seen in surreal, Redfordesque still photos. The larger than life, galloping out of the gate blog of hers already had a rhythm and flow that Ree could not duplicate in her first season, and she was rightly criticized for leaving her fans feeling that this newly-minted TV personality did not align with the PW of their imagination. The Ree that clearly came across on the page, but failed like a pale, doughy, sweating Nixon on television.
Both Ree and Giada were known, bankable talents with little to no TV experience that had to learn in front of an audience. ~ Administrator said...

I give both Giada and her credit for sticking out the rocky times and working hard at it to get better. Most people are not born to be on T.V., it takes some work. They have both improved. And if they gave it the ole college try and they were just not getting it, then I wouldn't begrudge either of them for making a graceful exit and saying hey I tried but it just didn't work out.

Giada had NO T.V. experience except I think she did some producing, and anyone who has ever known a producer knows that are not necessarily camera ready, that's why they go the producing path!

Her photography actually was terrible too when she first started. She admits it! But she worked at it, she studied, she practiced, she tried to learn why photos worked and why they didn't, and now her photography is excellent.

That's the key if you want lasting power, there's got to be some kind of progression. It doesn't work if you're plateauing. People get bored.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Silimom said... 139
Here's an interesting blog post written about Ree Drummond, aka Pioneer Woman. (For the record, I like her show).
I was reading about her chickens. She has 8 and they each lay between 4-6 eggs a week. That's an average of 40 total eggs per week. Kate, with her 50 chickens would come out to 250 eggs per week!! I'm surprised anyone in that family can bear to even look at an egg let alone eat one.

Melissa NV said...

BIG NEWS! Kate retweeted Milo! Now Milo knows what make Kate responds -- it's the pleas to buy the cookbook! Nothing else seemed to work.

Kate's tired (again) but did find the time to retweet two plugs for her book. Hallelujah and pass some burned pizza!

Why do I have the feeling that this thing is going to go the same route as the cruise? Admin, you need to get started on that Hitler video.

lukebandit said...

They have hired a PR firm and someone posted that they think they booked the entire restaurant to be filled with what you would call packing the gallery.

It is all for show to look good, IMO.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

BIG NEWS! Kate retweeted Milo! Now Milo knows what make Kate responds -- it's the pleas to buy the cookbook! Nothing else seemed to work.


Forty minutes ago she announced she's tired and going to bed, yet she's still lurking for any enthusiasm over her cookbook. Still retweeting...

RT @Maria_Luiza95: Looking forward to purchasing @Kateplusmy8 cook book! Love her and her wonderful children! ☺

And of course "Gladys" is right there...

@Kateplusmy8 U've been so very busy...& knowing U...its fun/work/play & crazy life all rolled N one! Can't wait 2hear all about it!! :)

@Kateplusmy8 Aw...caught U busy Momma...ur still here tweeting a few! Dying 2know what N the world U have been up to? #GoodNewsOnHorizon ?

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Wouldn't you like to hear her answer this one?

@Kateplusmy8 nurses don't choose the career for money its because of passion will you do it again 1 day when the kiddies are older

Kelly -- I'd like that Julia Child recipe, too, if you care to share, or if it's on the internet, point us in that direction! Thanks.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

They have hired a PR firm and someone posted that they think they booked the entire restaurant to be filled with what you would call packing the gallery.


I hope they also hired a crack security team as well. \

A comment on ROL

xxxxxxxx• 4 hours ago
I would go just because I think Amy is really Kate Gosselin.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

@Kateplusmy8 Glad to hear you are coming out with a new book! That means we will get to see you on tv again for interviews.

Kate's "a wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'
Plannin' and dreamin' each night..." (apologies to Dusty Springfield).

Somewhere In Time said...

Do you think that Milo is annoying only on Twitter with her burning desire for Kate, or is she like that in everyday life with her family? If so, what would it be like living with someone like that? Would you ever really get used to it, or do you eventually reach a breaking point where you just scream "enough" and run with the wind?

Virginia Pen Mom said...

BIG NEWS! Kate retweeted Milo! Now Milo knows what make Kate responds -- it's the pleas to buy the cookbook! Nothing else seemed to work.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 148

Forty minutes ago she announced she's tired and going to bed, yet she's still lurking for any enthusiasm over her cookbook. Still retweeting...


I'm starting to think you all are right that there's something "cooking" with the cookbook. The publication date was moved out--why? And as someone here has pointed out, Kate's pushing her website suddenly and relentlessly. And all those retweets about the cookbook sound desperate.

I'm wondering if four months out is when the publshing/printing company needed to determine the print run quantity to begin production. Early May came, the pre-orders were slim, and the company told Kate, "Listen, we'll push the release date out three weeks, but you better drum up some interest!" So let's watch and see if Kate appears increasingly desperate as we get closer to May 24.

The deal with a small print run is the cost to print each book will be higher and Kate's profit per book, if there even is any, will be lower. Let me tell you, she is looking at a really small print run right now! Of course, they'll print some extras. But if she had sold 20,000, they might print 35,000 total (just ball parking here). With the few hundred sold, it would be a foolish risk to print too many thousands. Because we know where they'll end up... the bins at the Dollar Tree.

Really, I think it's time for the fans to make some homemade signs and stand in front of the Walmart again!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

With the few hundred sold, it would be a foolish risk to print too many thousands. Because we know where they'll end up... the bins at the Dollar Tree.


If there are only a few hundred pre-orders, and that's any indication of the interest (or non-interest) in this book, is the printing company still required to publish it?

NJGal51 said...

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends.
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV ?
Dialing For Dollars is trying to find me.
I wait for delivery each day until three,
So oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV ?

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a night on the town ?
I'm counting on you, Lord, please don't let me down.
Prove that you love me and buy the next round,
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a night on the town ?

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends,
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?

That's it!
Can anyone guess why I thought of Kate when this came on the radio?

localyocul said...

Interesting that Milo noticed the book date was postponed:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 7h
@Kateplusmy8 Well, doggies..we R gonna have a slight delay N the release of #LoveIsInTheMix..I'm feeling like a kid waiting 4my new bike! :)

Bet Kate loves her pointing that out!

Then there is this:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Aw...caught U busy Momma...ur still here tweeting a few! Dying 2know what N the world U have been up to? #GoodNewsOnHorizon

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h
@Kateplusmy8 U've been so very busy...& knowing U...its fun/work/play & crazy life all rolled N one! Can't wait 2hear all about it!! :)

Sleepless In Seattle said...

I have always thought the fans asking her about how do you freeze cookies? and the other silly questions were from her tweenie fans who had never cooked before.


It doesn't look that way. This one is from a parent:

@Kateplusmy8 I'm excited about your new cookbook! Do you share your freezer recipes in it?

silimom said...

So my question is if Kate only gets a few hundred, say under a thousand book orders, will they still print? Or will they just cancel the book at some point and refund the money people have paid?

That would certainly be egg on her face.

Regarding Ree Drummond, the reason I posted the links was simply someone had mentioned they hadn't seen any real negative articles about her and I had remembered reading what ended up being the New Yorker article and I found the other one while I was looking for it. I think it's always good to remember that there are two sides to every story and I thought it was relevant to the conversation. I personally don't have an issue with Ree Drummond. I think she's human and fallible like the rest of us. I think she is a smart businesswoman who turned what was probably a creative outlet for her into a business that has made her 8 million dollars (or at least that's what her net worth is estimated as. My first thought was "That's it?" I thought she was worth more.). She also owns "".

But one of the things I like about this blog is that people don't just jump on the bandwagon for the most part, they sit back and look at the whole picture. I just tried to provide a different perspective on her and I hope people found that interesting.

Gotta go nurse my cold so I'm gonna try and go to bed early tonight. ~ Administrator said...

I can't find anywhere where anyone said there was nothing negative ever said about PW. ??? I thought it was pretty well known she's not everyone's cup of tea. Anytime you get a Martha Stewart type character up there, that's par for the course. That really goes to an important point which is that if you put yourself out there, some people might give you a bad review (poor thing, bring on the bully brigade!!!), and that can you just ignore it and be confident in what you're doing and the people who do find you helpful, or you can engage, like Amy and Kate do. Which one really works? Which one has lead to the real lasting millions?

Tipped off! said... (Administrator) said... 196
Right, the 8% is just what the IRS taxes you on, correct? Actually, I think that's more than fair of the IRS, since one would hope that usually people tip more than that.
No. Employees are required  by law to report all of the tips they receive (every single dime) and pay taxes accordingly. The 8% figure that is being talked about is the minimum percentage of gross sales the IRS tells businesses should be reported by their employees. Reports of less than that would be very suspicious and begging for an audit. 

Also keep in mind that the minimum wage for tipped employees is far lower than the standard minimum wage. The Federal minimum is $2.13 per hour. Different states have their own minimum wage laws that could bring that number higher. In PA the tipped employee minimum wage is $2.83. I believe other states may have substantially higher wages. 

Every restaurant is different in regard to how much you spilt tips with other employees (bussers, food runners, bartenders). It would be erroneous to consider something "standard." As to the posters who commented about servers having to split tips with the kitchen staff, that is terrible and wrong. That is a sign of a crappy owner/manager deciding not to pay their cooks well enough and robbing the servers to make up for it. I spent most of my life working in food and beverage service and I would never consider working somewhere that required me to tip out the kitchen.

It was definitely unlawful for that Samy guy to take the servers tips. Especially if he was still reporting that money as HER income. As others have said, there is something very shady about that whole ABC operation and I would be surprised if nothing comes to light.

Kirkland said...

I just saw some of the recipes the cookbook will include.

"Kate's Famous K8 Salad" Famous? How does she define famous?

"School Morning Brown Sugar Oatmeal Cereal".....Brown sugar in oatmeal? How original?

There's nothing about the cookbook that would make me want to buy it. And I love cookbooks!

Here's the article where I saw the list of recipes:

After Much Anticipation, Kate Gosselin Announces her New Cookbook, “Love Is In The Mix,” Just in Time for her Birthday; It’s Kate Plus 8 Clean Plates ~ Administrator said...

Tipped off, great information, thank you.

Regarding it being illegal to take tips, I'm still up in the air on this. Can anyone point to an actual LAW that says you can't? Is it really the law or are tips just so industry standard we assume it's the law? If you were only paying two bucks an hour taking tips would be illegal because then that would put them under minimum wage. But what if you were paying at least minimum wage like what I made as a dishwasher, what law says you still can't take their tips?

Law or not, I think arguably it's fraudulent, since it's so standard for a customer to assume their tip is going to the staff, doing anything other than seems like false pretenses.

Millicent said...

Kelly said... 112

Millicent: thank you so much for sharing that link. Meagler beat me to asking for it ;) I'm on a crock pot kick because I'm not home much and also need to shrink the grocery budget. I found a crock pot conversion for a classic Julia Child recipe and it's so so good. My cornfed, semi redneck (joking..sort of LOL) husband LOVED it, despite giving me the stink eye while buying the (Aldi)Merlot used in it.

You are very welcome! Have you stumbled across the blog where a woman made something in the crockpot every single day for a year? That is a good one too.

Someone thought I had the Julia Child-remake for a crockpot, but hopefully Kelly will see that post and share the link. I believe Lynne's recipe website had a recipe for crock pot coque au vin that I plan to try.

BTW, I sure appreciated the tip on how to look for a good deal on plants.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

With the few hundred sold, it would be a foolish risk to print too many thousands. Because we know where they'll end up... the bins at the Dollar Tree.


Fleecing The Sheeple said... 154

If there are only a few hundred pre-orders, and that's any indication of the interest (or non-interest) in this book, is the printing company still required to publish it?


silimom said... 157
So my question is if Kate only gets a few hundred, say under a thousand book orders, will they still print? Or will they just cancel the book at some point and refund the money people have paid?


It would depend on what kind of agreement HCI and Kate have. The cost to print those color books is expensive. They NEED a decent sized run to not take a loss per book.

If Kate is paying to have this printed, she could just take the loss to save face. She could risk a bigger run and keep pushing the book for the next few years. Maybe something would garner new interest, like (ack!) another reality show. But realistically that ship has sailed. Kate's timing was just too late.

She could also cancel. Someone pointed out that at least for Amazon, people haven't yet had the money taken out of their accounts--not until the book ships. But, wow, that would be embarrassing!

If HCI has really absorbed the risk and traditionally published her, it would depend even more on the contract. Surely HCI has something in there to protect themselves from a situation like this? But then there's egg on their face, too, so maybe they just take a loss. But they'll never deal with her again.

I'd say this is the end of Kate's "writing" (using the term loosely!) career. With a track record that keeps diminishing, who would take her on?

This is going to be interesting. I agree, it's Cruise 2, the sequel!

Dmasy said...

Tipped Off and Virginia Pen Mom -- thanks, ladies.

I love reading here just because there are so many women with such great information.

Thanks for taking the time to share what you know with the rest of us.

Dmasy said...

The Donald announced on FOX this morning that they are casting right now for the next season of Celebrity Apprentice. (There was a finale and winner last night.)

He commented that they have some "great people" coming on board.

I wonder if Kate found time in her busy schedule this time?

Improbable Dreams said...

By way of (quasi) direct comparison, here's another cookbook published by HCI last year.

Note the quality of the photographs and text, the clearly identified audience and matched branding, etc. Is it perfect? I wouldn't say so, but it's far better than what we've seen of LITM, thus far.

I'm not someone who typically buys cookbooks, but this one's infinitely more appealing, cover and inside pages, at least to me. Am I off base in thinking that?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 154
Virginia Pen Mom said... 153

What if Kate doesn't even sell enough books for dollar tree-lol

Tucker's Mom said...

Regarding Ree Drummond, the reason I posted the links was simply someone had mentioned they hadn't seen any real negative articles about her and I had remembered reading what ended up being the New Yorker article and I found the other one while I was looking for it. I think it's always good to remember that there are two sides to every story and I thought it was relevant to the conversation
silimom, you might be referring to me when I mentioned not recalling Ree ever being splashed in the tabloids, or having an omnipresent bodyguard, citing personal danger, and making her kids travel all over for a grueling filming schedule.
That said, Ree has polarized the masses and there are ardent fans and let's just say, not fans. What I've gleaned from reading dissenting opinions about Ree is that many women became disillusioned with her perfection. They drank the Kool Aid and compared their lives, their blogs, their photos, their mothering, their success, to Ree's, and they came up short. Who wouldn't?
Ree is rich and we know, rich people have help. Lots of it. If she tried to hide that and act like Super Woman, then bad on her. I don't know.
I don't have a dog in this fight, mostly because I don't think Ree built her fame and fortune off of her children, making them work for what they have and for what she has. So I'll leave her critics to their opinions, considering them far, far better informed on PW than I.
I do know that we tend to built people up in our minds and put them on a pedestal to emulate, only to become disenchanted. Anger is then born from the resulting anger we feel at being duped, teased and essentially insulting for our perceived shortcomings.
We have to disabuse ourselves of this whole notion of glossy perfection.
No one is Martha Stewart. Martha Stewart isn't even Martha Stewart. Just ask her daughter.

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm starting to think you all are right that there's something "cooking" with the cookbook. The publication date was moved out--why? And as someone here has pointed out, Kate's pushing her website suddenly and relentlessly. And all those retweets about the cookbook sound desperate.
Virginia Pen Mom, I was trying not to jump to conclusions about the sudden uptick in Kate's RT'ing anything related to her book (and maybe buying bots?), but the addition of the delayed release date has me wondering.
Right now might be the time the publisher is looking to forecast numbers and fish or cut bait.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 151
@Kateplusmy8 Glad to hear you are coming out with a new book! That means we will get to see you on tv again for interviews.
This goes back to our talking about Kate's poorly run blog.
It takes very little money and tech skills to post video on your blog. There are many easy to learn platforms. Kate could give fans what they want-- to see her once in a while.
It shouldn't take a book release to get some footage out to feed her fans curiosity.
Another opportunity missed.

Tucker's Mom said...

Dmasy said... 166
The Donald announced on FOX this morning that they are casting right now for the next season of Celebrity Apprentice. (There was a finale and winner last night.)
I'm on the fence as to whether The Donald would cast Kate on his show. I don't think Kate has connections to fame and money in Hollywood or the music industry. Isn't that a big part of what they do, raise money for charity?
There is the possibility of casting Kate for the buzz factor, but she'd be making a deal with the devil in a way, because she'd be cast as a villain, because that's what people want to see.
Or, she could be cast as the misunderstood monolith of tabloid fodder who redeems herself through hard work and a great attitude.
The latter is a tough one to pull off and I think Kate would be as successful at that as a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest.

Tucker's Mom said...

Anger is then born from the resulting anger we feel at being duped, teased and essentially insulting for our perceived shortcomings.
Anger is then born for the resulting hurt we feel...

I need coffee @Starbucks, @CoffeMate, @Keurig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ Administrator said...

I do know that we tend to built people up in our minds and put them on a pedestal to emulate, only to become disenchanted. Anger is then born from the resulting anger we feel at being duped, teased and essentially insulting for our perceived shortcomings.
We have to disabuse ourselves of this whole notion of glossy perfection.


I think that has a lot to do with the hate. And the thing I like about Ree is her self-deprication. She'll say things like goodness gracious I am so embarrassed about how bad my photography was when I first started, and things like that. Reasonable mines may disagree but that's exactly why I like her, I think she is open about her shortcomings. I don't think she is trying to paint perfection at all. I'd also add that although there is definitely legitimate hate out there for her, I can't lump a bad review by a professional critic as "hate," since you could pretty much find a bad review of anything that has ever been on television. She also got plenty of great reviews.

Tipped off said... (Administrator) said... 162
Tipped off, great information, thank you. 

Regarding it being illegal to take tips, I'm still up in the air on this. Can anyone point to an actual LAW that says you can't? Is it really the law or are tips just so industry standard we assume it's the law? ..., what law says you still can't take their tips? 
I can't imagine there are any Federal laws that cover this but the states certainly have laws concerning this. I don't know about AZ, but this article explains the laws in CA and owners are only allowed to "take" employees tips for the purposes of pooling in that they would then redistribute them back to the employees. An owner taking the money for himself is definitely illegal in CA. And as I said before, if the tips are being allocated to the employee (reported to the IRS as the employee's  income), that's tax fraud.–-can-my-employer-take-my-tips-and-how-2/

(Sorry blogger will not accept my html to make that a hyperlink.)

Quite frankly, anytime management/owners are sticking their hands in employee tips it's suspicious. "Tipping out" the other employees that support a server is a transaction between the employees and none of management's business. They can make guidelines as to what percentage to give, they can mediate disputes if someone feels they are being slighted, but for management to physically handle the money to split it up is unnecessary and shady. ~ Administrator said...

I'm not someone who typically buys cookbooks, but this one's infinitely more appealing, cover and inside pages, at least to me. Am I off base in thinking that?


Ehh.....I think the cover is way too busy. And the bokeh (blur) in the photography is overdone. But I think it looks professional.

Tucker's Mom said...

Here's an interview with Amy and Samy on a local TV station last night:

More playing the victim. Amy still insists they were hacked. Yes, every single account was and still is hacked. She further states she's filled out all the paperwork with authorities, and my guess is that it went into the round file.
Of course they were so misrepresented, so hurt and feel threatened by people who want to kill them.
Amy needs a Purse Boy.
Amy has to step away from the face painting!

From a behavioral standpoint, I find it fascinating that apparently, people were knocking down their doors to get a job there. WTF?

TLC stinks said...

Actually, the book publishing delay is most likely due to editing, not because they are attempting to get a publishing number. Kate is just pushing the cookbook so she will recoup some of the money she's already paid out to HCI. She has a contract, I believe, with them to publish x number of books, no matter what, and she is in panic mode. You pay upfront and 4-color printing is expensive. HCI has made their money off her. They don't care whether she sells 10 or 100 books.

I think in keeping in line with her pushing the cookbook, her bog this week will be about cooking. The Stir should not allow this type of self-promotion. ~ Administrator said... there ANY possibility they WERE hacked? Just playing devil's advocate here. It could have been one of the many odd ex-employees who saw an opportunity to get back at them and knew her writing style.

She is suddenly getting very specific saying that she has filled out paperwork with the police about it. I'm not sure how sociopathic you have to be to take it so far to file a police report. Either they really were hacked, or she is one messed up cookie. It's criminal to file a false police report. However, she is a criminal.

This is the first time I've thought this, especially when she admits hey look I am CAPABLE of making those posts, but I chose not to. I think that is an odd thing to say if you were lying.

Gosh can't believe I'm giving this woman a sliver of the benefit of the doubt....

TLC stinks said...

My feeling is that Kate has taken this cookbook idea as a means to an end...getting some invites to cooking shows such as Rachel Ray, etc., maybe even a spot on The Today Show or The View (these are the only ones who consistently have her on). In her mind, this is money well spent to get her mug back on TV.

NJGal51 said...

Thanks for the link to what's in her cookbook Kirkland. The one thing that I noticed is that if it's an original recipe she names it "Kate's whatever". Everything else just has a normal recipe name.

Kate is a twit said...

Regarding the cookbook--I checked both Barnes & Noble's and BooksaMillion's websites, and they both still have the book's release date as September 3. Seems like there's also a lack of communication about this book.

I remember when LIITM was postponed by Zondervan. The excuse they used then was because of the divorce. What excuse are they going to use this time, if they postpone it again?

Kate has no idea how to promote anything. She puts a post on her website about the book, but you have to search for the link for ordering the book. Why didn't she embed it in the cookbook announcement? Then she writes a bog about it for the Stir.

Since then, all she does is wait for someone to mention it on twitter, and THEN she retweets it. Isn't that how she publicized the cruise? She waited for Cindy Cardella to tweet about it, and then she retweeted it. I guess she figures HER work is done.

In the news release for the book, it says:

"This mom-of-eight also has surprises in store during the months before her book is published. “I plan on making some recipes available that are not in the book and also share some traditions and tips along the way. So watch my Twitter @Kateplusmy8 and my website for these.”

So where are these "surprises"?

Kate, as usual, will do the least amount of work she can, with the least amount of effort, and then will blame everyone else and anything else for her failure to sell this book.

Tucker's Mom said...

Gosh can't believe I'm giving this woman a sliver of the benefit of the doubt....
Hmm.... every account hacked? Every single one? What genius perpetrated this? The Wikileaks guy?
This guy/gal should be working for the Pentagon.

"Obviously our Facebook, YELP, Twitter and Website have been hacked. We are working with the local authorities as well as the FBI computer crimes unit to ensure this does not happen again. We did not post those horrible things. Thank You Amy &Samy"

Color me skeptical. ;-) ~ Administrator said...

If I had to hazard a guess why people were banging down doors, it was probably because they were paying more than the average waiter rate, (but the catch is, they were then taking tips.) I bet people heard the first part of it, and didn't hear the second.

Also, maybe people who aren't good servers liked the idea of not having to worry about trying to kiss up for tips. Everything about taking their tips is a recipe for disaster. I guess Samy didn't think about the fact that for a lot of people he's taking away the motivation to do a good job if you take away the tips. Why would an overworked, tired, busy waiter bust butt to make your dining experience perfection if the big tip you give them as a reward isn't even theirs?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Here are the examples of what we'll find in Kate's cb:

Pork Chops with Sauteed Apples, Mommy-Style Chili, Very Sloppy “Joels”, Summer Stir-Fry, Mom’s Stuffed Cabbage Rolls, Leah’s Favorite Spaghetti Sauce, Swedish Meatballs, Kate’s Sausage Cacciatore, Healthy Eggplant Parmesan, Pizza Meatballs, Collin’s Thomas Hummus, Cara and Mady’s Crock Pot Pulled Pork, Savory Chicken Corn Soup, Kate’s Famous K8 Salad, Gosselin’s Chocolate Birthday Cake, Autumn Apple Pie with Crumb Topping, Aunt Helen’s Lemon Squares, Blueberry Crisp, Holiday Pineapple Casserole, Kate’s Basic Bread (Maker) Recipe, Spicy Sausage Bean Bake, School Morning Brown Sugar Oatmeal Cereal, Buffalo Pretzels, and Edible Dough for Play.

My stomach automatically rebelled when I read "Spicy Sausage Bean Bake."

Loves to Read said...

Most states' websites for their Department of Labor list the info regarding minimum wage, including provisions for tipped employees.

PA, for example:

What are new minimum wage requirements in Pennsylvania, and when do the requirements take effect?

The Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act, Act 112 of 2006 (Act) increases Pennsylvania’s minimum wage to $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009.

How does the new Pennsylvania minimum wage affect tipped employees?

The minimum wage credit for tipped employees will remain at $2.83 per hour. However, an employer will have to make up the difference if the employee’s tips and the $2.83 per hour do not meet the full Pennsylvania minimum wage listed in FAQ 1. The tip credit applies only if an employee received more than $30.00 in tips during a month. If an employee does not receive more than $30.00 per month in tips, the employer must pay the regular minimum wage.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC stinks said... 178
My feeling is that Kate has taken this cookbook idea as a means to an end...getting some invites to cooking shows such as Rachel Ray, etc., maybe even a spot on The Today Show or The View (these are the only ones who consistently have her on). In her mind, this is money well spent to get her mug back on TV.
Strongly agree. Kate's still got some juice left to do this type of thing, and she will definitely make the media rounds.
Bottom line is that it's for attention and relevancy, trying to land another big show.
Reality TV "Star" postmortems all look about the same: Playboy, Autotuned eurotrash song release with lip synched appearances in grubby, sweating clubs that reek of Drakkar Noir and desperation, ghost-written book release on women's topics, etiquette and cooking followed by brief promo tour, and Celebrity Mole.
Oh, and gyrating over an Ab Champ.

Loves to Read said...

In connection with Amy's Baking Company, Arizona's minimum wage laws:

What is Arizona’s minimum wage?

Effective January 1, 2013, Arizona’s minimum wage is $7.80 per hour. Every employer covered under the Act is required to pay each employee wages not less than this amount. Arizona does not provide for a training or sub-minimum wage for different classes of employees (e.g., young workers, students, etc.). The minimum wage shall be paid for all hours worked, regardless of the frequency of payment and regardless of whether the wage is paid on an hourly, salaried, commissioned, piece rate, or any other basis. For a discussion on the treatment of employees who customarily receive tips, please see below.

What is the Arizona minimum wage for employees who receive tips?

For an employee who customarily and regularly receives tips or gratuities, an employer may pay a wage up to $3.00 per hour less than the minimum wage. This means that an employer must pay not less than $4.80 per hour in direct wages for a tipped employee. If, however, an employee’s tips combined with the employer’s direct wages do not equal the Arizona minimum hourly wage, then the employer must make up the difference.

Who is a “tipped” employee?

A tipped employee is an employee who customarily and regularly receives tips, including the occupation of waiter, waitress, bellhop, busboy, car wash attendant, hairdresser, barber, valet, and service bartender. The employee must actually receive the tip free of any control by the employer. The tip must be the property of the employee.

How does an employer establish that direct wages combined with tips equals or exceeds the Arizona minimum wage?

In computing the minimum wage, tips are counted in the workweek in which the tip is earned. For purposes of the Arizona Minimum Wage Act, it is the employer’s responsibility to maintain a record of the tips considered for purposes of asserting a tip credit. The amount per hour that the employer takes as a tip credit must be reported to the employee in writing each workweek.

What if tips are not sufficient to make up the difference between the employer’s direct wage obligation and the minimum wage?

The employer must pay the difference.

What if the employee earns more than the minimum wage after adding the tips received to the base hourly wage?

The employer has fulfilled its obligation under the Arizona Minimum Wage Act. ~ Administrator said...

Oh I'm skeptical, I'm just wondering if it's possible. I think if it's not them, the only plausible explanation is an ex employee. They may have the same username and password for every account, knowing them, so it would be easy for someone who once knew the password (I bet you anything employees helped with their social media) to get into all the accounts. I wouldn't even say hacking is the right word, that's just misusing an account you have access to.

The question is, how long was it between the time these posts appeared and the time they said they were hacked? I thought it was about 24 hours, but I could be wrong. It seems to me if you were hacked and you were getting the massive hits and feedback you were getting, you would have noticed way before then. Like as in two hours, not 24. I thought this all went down Sunday and Monday and they posted the hacked message Tuesday. That's a LONG time.

Here's the thing, let's assume the hacking story is a bunch of B.S., which it probably is. Then Amy, a hardened criminal, has just filed a false police report (assuming she's telling the truth about going to the police.) Once they investigate and eventually discover it was them, with her priors, who knows, she could end up in jail for that. So to believe she wasn't hacked, means to believe that this sociopath has committed a criminal act to try to get out of this mess. It would not be the first time she did that, but she sure is putting a lot on the line given her history, and that's just pathological and frightening. Dare I say it, she's worse than Kate.

Now, assuming the other way, it was an ex employee, I'd love to meet them. The comment about how they are no different than Walmart was hysterical.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I don't know if this is true but if it is I bet this is why KK want people visit her lame site.

Free Site Estimation ‏@FreeSiteReport 6h Estimated Traffic Net Worth $5,090 …

TLC stinks said...

From WSJ article about how books buy their way onto the best seller lists:

"...authors hire a marketing firm that purchases books ahead of publication date, creating a spike in sales that lands titles on the lists. The marketing firm, San Diego-based ResultSource, charges thousands of dollars for its services in addition to the cost of the books...."

Sales data can be manipulated. By using this San Diego company, they purchase a quantity of books in such a way that the book sales are counted toward national best-seller lists. Specifically, the author writes a check out to ResultSource to buy the books. Then the author is reimbursed by the preorders. You need at least 3000 books sold. ResultSource also charges a fee of $20,000 to $30,000. Using ResultSource is considered a marketing tool to get your book on the bestseller list.

Perhaps this is why she is promoting the cookbook preorders? ~ Administrator said...

Chef that site says this site makes more money than Kate's. Moo-ha-ha.

(At least my numbers are, naturally, grossly inaccurate)

Tucker's Mom said...

Now, assuming the other way, it was an ex employee, I'd love to meet them. The comment about how they are no different than Walmart was hysterical.
The interesting thing is, some IS lying. Time will tell and someone WILL be in trouble, big time.
What makes me think more that Amy did write those things about Amy's cakes and Walmart is that Amy hasn't denied it. She's on tv taking credit for the delicious pastries over and over. I'd sure as heck "set the record straight" that I am indeed the one who made the cakes and that I don't import them, repackage them and up the price to sell them as my own.

It's consistent with the other fraudulent practices, like the tips and the pastas.

TLC stinks said...

BTW, for those of you hoping the cookbook never sees the light of day, don't hold your breath. It's a done deal. I am sure she has a contract with HCI. ~ Administrator said...

Maybe because what the "hacker" said, if there was one, Amy knows is true. To me that lends more credence to it being an ex employee because they would KNOW the secret behind the pastries. And perhaps Amy even once said that to them, Walmart does it! So while Amy can say they were hacked, she can't deny that what was said was a lie.

I can totally see an ex employee long being irritated at the facade of this place and seeing a prime opening to just let loose. And since they knew how Amy speaks and writes, they were in a good position to do it. This is what happens when you treat your employees like crap, eventually they snap.

Yes, someone is lying. It's the old, someone is lying because they can't all be telling the truth! This saga isn't over yet. Why didn't they stay quiet, it had almost gone away.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

chefsummer said... 187
I don't know if this is true but if it is I bet this is why KK want people visit her lame site.

Free Site Estimation ‏@FreeSiteReport 6h Estimated Traffic Net Worth $5,090 …
----------------------- has ranked #473,307 in the world according to Alexa website ranking. has Google pagerank #3. The estimated website net worth based on it's traffic value and online website advertisement revenue alone is around $5,090. receives 2,324 pageviews per day and generates nearly $6.97 in daily ad revenue. has recently shown a 7.98% in growthin the traffic rank. The average page load time is 2 seconds, which is faster than 42% of sites around the world.

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 190
Maybe because what the "hacker" said, if there was one, Amy knows is true. To me that lends more credence to it being an ex employee because they would KNOW the secret behind the pastries.
Very interesting! How to refute it if it's true? Deny and get into more trouble, or lie again?
Oh what a tangled web we weave.

btw... if you watched the tv segment from last night, does anyone else think Samy is starting to look a little tired of this shit?

chefsummer #Leh said... (Administrator) said... 189

How dare you make more money than KK lol.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 195

So if you round it off KK makes $8 bucks on her website.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

She's making $6.97 average in daily ad revenue? Oh that just made my morning coffee so much better. Not that I look at her web site but from what I read here, it's just another poorly done K8 production. Yep, Trump must be knocking down her door.

TLC stinks said...

Who would allow this? From Shoka Diaries:

"I think my paws got in the way a couple a times because those moving cars driven by my mini drivers would hurt me and keep on going! Not on purpose, just little human drivers and accidents! Who can blame them? So, ever since then, I NEED to bark my lungs out at ANYTHING that rolls – anywhere!"

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