Friday, March 16, 2012

No more Bööby-guard

A parody by Fifteen Minutes, Gosselin Style of Lessons Learned from the Gosselin Globe

985 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Hoosier Girl said...

200 "She'll be a bag lady pushing a shopping kart on a sidewalk by the time she is 50."

Anyone else visualizing this? Stiletto heels and a short mini-dress. Teetering (in that awkward, lumbering Kate walk way) behind her pilfered Target shopping cart. LOL

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate the bag lady dance to this song Kate.

Westcoaster said...

Well, I think we all have figured out that Kate is making absolutely no plans for either short term or long term future, scarier to us here, for her, than she,with her head up her ass, seems to care. Very sad.

She certainly should be using this time to eiher get more or different education but no, she really seems to think her break out career in the media is just around her corner. Pushing 37 is the real reality.

I am pushing the 6-0, got my two degrees in my 20's, then became a SAHM (wildly busy with a slew of school, synagogue and community activities), when we had our 3rd child. My husband's income allowed this but when we had 2 in college, and 1 heading there, I went back to work fulltime to ease our increased expenses. Even my education field salary helped. I would probably still be working if the severe school budget cuts had not eliminated my position for this school year. Ageism will probably make my retirement permanent. BUT, we can do this because: a) our children are educated, no loans, 2 weddings paid for, b) our house is paid off, c) we have retirement funds and c) my husband has a good job. If he were forced to retire early, we could make adjustments.

In other words we worked hard and planned for these years. And yes, we are lucky, I totally get how the downturn economy did very bad things to very good people. We like to travel, do things with friends and most important to me, our children like and respect us. Kate, right now, thanks to selling her children to TLC, has resources to plan for a more uncertain future. Apparently she is not going to do that. And unfortunately she has 0 positive attributes to offer a potenial 'sugar daddy' either, should a rich man materialize in her lfe. ~ Administrator said...

Kate doesn't get it...people tolerated her, they liked the kids and Jon. TLC sided with her because she was the only parent willing to continue filming the kids, not because they liked her.


Yes! We even tried to explain this to Kate and her fans when this happened, TLC is USING her TLC does not care about her. They are following the $$$.

There is no one shred of doubt in my mind had it been Kate who wanted to stop filming and Jon who wanted to continue, TLC would have backed Jon.

gone, gone and gone said...

Yeah, no way that sugar daddy back up plan is gonna work for Kate. Her personality is too toxic.

If she couldn't keep up a front long enough enough to land Twist of Kate, she'll never be able to keep it up long enough to land a man.

Love the stolen Target cart image!

Oops, I said she'd be 50 in 13 years. Make that 12 years. Just a dozen years, that's all. The blink of an eye.

Gift of grab said...

With Rosie O'Donnell's talk show on OWN cancelled after 5 months, and with many more new talk shows (e.g., Kathy Griffin, Bethenny Frankel) about to air, I think we can safely rule out a talk show for Kate. I even read recently that the ratings for Anderson Cooper's daytime program (which I haven't seen) are dangerously low. I don't think anyone would put Kate in the same "talent" bracket as any of these names.

So if it's not a talk show . . . what? Does she really have a hope of getting someone interested in her from the SuperFitMom angle? I cannot see a cooking show for her, what she cooks is completely unoriginal and has no unifying "theme" (like Ray's 30-Minute Meals, or Sandra Lee). I have a feeling she might be narrowing her sights to something like Webcasts (about which I know almost nothing), but I cannot imagine these are huge moneymakers.

I was also noticing she has not bothered to do ANY cruise advertising on her Twitter for 4+ days now, so I truly wonder what's up with that. Maybe it's already, if you'll forgive the pun, dead in the water.

As far as we know, she's signed up for some running events and has one speaking gig in Missouri in May. It doesn't sound like these are paid events (though her expenses for some/all may be comped). And then the August cruise. I don't really think she's at risk for running out of money any time soon, but I also don't think she'll be able to tool along at the same level much past the end of summer without gainful employment (something more than CC).

Can anyone come up with other possible career choices are there for Kate? Come on, let's get creative!

LoveMyGrandsons said...


I completely agree with your post. My husband and I are in our mid fifties and began planning for our future decades ago. Although we are both still employed, the company I work for has done some major layoffs in the past few years and worry about my continued employment. Although I have been getting things together in case I'm forced to look for employment elsewhere, with adjustments, we could survive.

It doesn't seem to me that Kate has ever planned for the future of her family. She was counting on being on TV forever. If I recall correctly, didn't she say at one time that people wanted to watch her kids grow up to adults? I could be mistaken. Anyhow, I think she planned on that and felt the show and money would continue on until her children were in their teens. Because of her assinine thinking, she didn't plan for their future. And now the money that the children earned will be long gone by the time they are ready for college.

Instead of getting a job and trying to plan for their future, she does nothing productive with her life and hopes for a TV offer to bail her out of the mess that she created. She has a long wait because it isn't going to happen. That's what she needs to accept.

Custody Questions said...

I have mixed feelings about Jon getting extra custody time with the boys. Why base this on gender? Two children were removed from Kindergarten and appear to have serious problems. (One male, one female.) How is it decided that only the males need more time with Dad?

How do the girls feel if Dad is only taking extra time with the boys? What message is this sending?

gone, gone and gone said...

Gift of grab said...6

Career choices for Kate?

Dominatrix? She could do that wearing her preferred wardrobe. No extra expense there, which could be huge plus as the money runs out.

I hope like hell she doesn't go back to nursing. Can you imagine the nightmare of being vulnerable and discovering she was your nurse? However, it is the only thing she is remotely qualified to do, and she's sure not taking any steps to learn how to do anything else.

Kate is a twit said...

One thing I still don't understand about some of Kate's tweeties is why they feel it necessary to tweet pictures of their kids to Kate. Do they feel that since Kate doesn't give her kids any privacy, that that's okay for them as well?

And even worse, some of her tweeties tweet pictures of kids they are babysitting or that they nanny for. I guess nothing is sacred to them-they have learned well from their queen.

fidosmommy said...

Does anyone think some of Kate's "paperwork" is
online classes she's keeping silent about?

Anonymous said...

@fidosmommy, ha. Haha. Hahahaha! Good one!

She wouldn't keep silent about something like that. No she'd be, "Look! See, I'm going to school AND raising 8, count 'em 8 kids alone!"

She'd be so happy her sheeple are giddy for her, "You're doing a good job Kate!"

I don't believe it. She want someone to know if she was going back to school.

No, I absolutely don't think for even a split second Kate's given any real thought to what will happen to her AFTER her kids are grown. Yeah sure a lot of people live in the moment of raising a family and that's a good thing but every once in a would be nice to step outside that small box and think, "My kids are getting older, I might want to think about what I'm going to do after."

I guess I was prepared at my age now because that's all my parents talked about, "When you guys turn 18, when you are on your own...this item we buy now should last until you guys leave. You were raised to be self-sufficient I'm not going to be there to help you out, I did my job for 18 years."

Yes, life can be harsh but you learn to live and figure crap out not sit there and have some talk show host hold your hand while you sniffle Jon's trying to be a good dad, the kids wonder when we get to go on an airplane next. They miss the crew.

Yeah, uh, Kate? That "crew" you talk about now will be long gone by then honey. Don't kid yourself thinking a big career is going to land in your lap. Just keep digging that hole and see where it leads you. And, no, that hole doesn't lead to China on the other end either, Kate. I know you probably missed that lesson since your globe was defaced.

wayward said... (Administrator) said... 186
The earning potential rule is a public policy to prevent a parent who has a finance degree and could easily make 120,000 a year from quitting his job and working at a grocery store in order to reduce their child support payments.

If Jon has legitimate reasons for not working in the entertainment world--exposing the kids to scrutiny, it's only something he did for a few years, the income only spiked because of the attention from the divorce and fluctuates too much, I doubt a judge is going to make him be a reality tv star. He is not avoiding reality t.v. to avoid child support. Plus, he did exactly what he should and went out there and got an IT job, exactly what he did before.


Oh no! I don't think Jon should ever go back to reality TV!

I was only referring to Kate and how instead of going back to nursing, she is holding on to some pipe dream that ET is going to ring her up and offer her a job. If no one has called her by now, how long will the judge stand for this? Except for CC she appears to have no other employment. Just like a parent cannot be under employed to evade child support, can a parent keep saying "no, I don't want to go back to nursing because I'm waiting to get a talk show?" Yes, I know it's been 7 months but I'll wait for as long as it takes."

I have a relative divorcing a Grade A- level 3 narcissist who like most narcs, avoids work like the plague. The judge finally ordered her to get a full time job in a certain time frame. This has pushed her off the deep end and she's all but stalking my relative. We're worried for his safety.

This is why I said I felt scared for Jon & the kids in my above post. When a narcissist's feet are held to the fire, their first reaction is to destroy the person holding their feet down. Compliance and change are SO NOT in their vernacular. They want what they want when they want it and only on their terms. Anything different is not acceptable.

Westcoaster said...

It's sad too that we can spend time here not snarking or harping, but honestly examing real adult future possibilities for this dweeb, and then go read her mindless, middle school twats above. It's dinner time on HER weekend, and she's tweeting nonsense - oh happy birthday, oh welcome if you're positive, what's up with @jayleno. Hi Kate, no pics of leprechaun treats or are you behind the door again? Think you forgot you promised fun today. It's gotten to the point that the wine box jokes aren't even funny.

Well, I actually have St. P dinner plans with my sister, cousins and their kids tonights. Ciao.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Gift of grab said... 6

Can anyone come up with other possible career choices are there for Kate? Come on, let's get creative!

Selling tanning beds or working at a tanning salon.

franky said...

resonse to a couple of posts from previous thread...

Ingrid and others..about baby not thriving..digestif in Montreal went through all tests at hospital,etc..called my previous family doctor who looked tbrough my file, figuted out maybe food of no cow now chiken..etc..8 years later dd allergy free..after breadt feeding her symtoms sbowed up..would have eatlier had I not

also had h. pyrori (sp?)...6 mpnths of hell.feel great now..dame ns doctor researched hits certaon tegions harder than most..30% of my family had it.

sorry for off topic..but admin? I cant play vid on my there a youtube link?(

Kate is a twit said...

"what will happen to her AFTER her kids are grown"?

Kate will expect the kids to provide for her. She'll remind them of all her sacrifices because of them and how everything she did was for them.

They've been providing for her all along-and she knows it. Why would she expect anything to change.

Anonymous said...

I got it!

When's she's old she can sign up for prevention talks to young girls about the dangers of tannin beds and over-processing their hair. I mean by then she ought to make a great exhibit! Wrinkled skin and thinning bleached hair. Her teeth probably won't be as white because whitening teeth professionally is about $200-400 I think about the addiction to coffee and how it isn't good. Her voice will probably be almost gone from all the yelling she will have done over the years at her kids.

Gift of grab said...

Marie, LOL. Completely agree, she would NEVER shut up about it, but I also can't see her spending the money for it, because after all, is there anyone ALIVE who can teach something to Kate the Great?

Gone, gone, I agree, but how would she deal with the mess?

Chefsummer, I believe you've got your thinking cap on--Teresa Giudice did this one, and we see how well that turned out.

I am wondering about things like . . . school-crossing guard? Meter maid? I can sort of see Kate in a gov't job (not high-level, obviously), one where she would be in a position to exert some "authority" over someone else every day.

Others? I laugh about the "crafting" activity advertised for the cruise, for when have we ever seen Kate doing anything like this on her own or with her kids? At least, based on her last blog post, we know that she can use superglue. But I wonder how messy she was. . . .

franky said...

Please read through my typos..danged Android phone

Kate is a twit said...

Well, if she's so good at organizing cases of juice and organic soup, she could always be a stockperson at her discount supermarket. She loves her label maker so much, just think how ecstatic she would be using a price tag labeler.

hey jude said...

I just don't understand why Kate had to make a big deal out of the globe, if she fixed it so it was good as new? Why the Spanish Inquisition about who did it and why was it so important? They could have had some good family time instead, no one was killed in the incident or even maimed.

Kate has to make up stuff that she thinks make her look like supermom, but instead makes her look like a crazy -ass nutcase.Good grief, life is too short for these kinds of dramatics,take a chill pill Kate.Wait until your kid is picked up for joy-riding, doing drugs or taking a gun to school, before you lose your mind over trivial things.

You know the kids will be too afraid to come to you if they get in trouble when they're older.If you want to have a good ,honest relationship with your kids when they have questions, now is the time to set this up for the future.

If they feel they can come to you with small issues without censure, then they will do it when the big things come along. Oh, snap, who am I kidding, this is Kate we're discussing.That whole thing was a wicked waste of time and she shouldn't be telling everyone about it, none of our business.

Sorry for the long post, but she just gets on my last nerve some days.I would rather have her brag about what a good globe fixer she was.

ElisabethK said...

Custody Questions said... 8
I have mixed feelings about Jon getting extra custody time with the boys. Why base this on gender? Two children were removed from Kindergarten and appear to have serious problems. (One male, one female.) How is it decided that only the males need more time with Dad? How do the girls feel if Dad is only taking extra time with the boys? What message is this sending?
Sorry if I missed something, but is it really true that Jon is only getting extra custody time of the boys? My immediate thought is that that just reinforces what we already know - that Kate HATES her sons.

Anonymous said...

Since she loves money so much, she can be a cashier. You know, count all the money she used to have so to speak.

She could get a job as a maid, since she's the one who cleans so regularly and checks those odd places. (The episode where she hired a maid).

She could get a job as a local fair announcer in the warmer months, "Come get yer popcorn! Now open in stall 3."

In winter she could get a job as a library (most places I've seen these days have self-scan outs for books and self-drop offs) which would allow Kate to sit and read travel magazines about places she didn't get to go on TLC's dime.

She can work at a quick market to put someone else's gas so she can walk barefoot on the ground (since you know, that's less dirty than a hotel floor) Yeah, how I still don't know how that works out...

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate the hooker shoes sales woman with Steve as her assistant/boobguard.

Ex Nurse said...

Fidosmommy said... 11
Does anyone think some of Kate's "paperwork" is
online classes she's keeping silent about?
March 17, 2012 3:06 PM
Funny, I was just wondering why she bothered to keep her license current .-I think it is possible, and, may even have been required by the judge to contribute to kids' expenses by seeking employment in a field that she is certified to work.

She did renew her nursing license, which required current hours of continuing education--We never heard about that. I think that she thinks that returning to nursing would be an indication of failure, and, she seems to be able to keep things to herself when she wants to.

I suppose we will have to wait for a grainy cel phone picture of her working as a nurse, or an excited tweet--"Kate Gosselin gave my dad an enema!".She did use the term "Pre-occupied"--could be she has actually been engaged in some meaningful activity.

Winsomeone said...

How about being an interrogator for the FBI?

koopdedoo said...

fidosmommy #11, Marie #12 - "paperwork" to several of the men in my life is taking the sports section to the lavatory. I have an image of Khate & a box of ex-lax, rereading one of her own books!

aggiemom09121416 said...

Kate is a twit said... 21

Well, if she's so good at organizing cases of juice and organic soup, she could always be a stockperson at her discount supermarket. She loves her label maker so much, just think how ecstatic she would be using a price tag labeler.

Hey Jude #22..
Kate has to make up stuff that she thinks make her look like supermom, but instead makes her look like a crazy -ass nutcase.

You guys are so funny, just crack me up.lolololol

SeeSaw said...

Miss organization tweeted that she might get some St. Patrick's Day ideas together next week. Corned beef will be on sale!!

Kirkland said...

I noticed Alice Travel has the 2013 Paul Deen cruise info posted on their website. Kate's cheapest cabin is $1900 double-occupancy for oceanview vs. Paula's oceanview for $1647.

Gift of grab said...

Okay, LOVE the FBI interrogator. Except I don't think they get to say "I, Me, Mine" enough, Winsomeone.

Hooker shoes, chef? Maybe spokeswoman for DWI Warehouse shoes? Good one. Except for the small problem that she never really looks comfortable in any of her shoes. And that tattoo would have to go.

I personally love cashier, Marie, but can you actually see her dealing face-to-face with people every minute of every day? You don't just get close to the money, unfortunately.

BESIDES being the "star" of whatever show, can anyone think of good options out there for a proven narcissist? Okay, outside out circus ringmaster . . . although now that I think about it, the wardrobe would be about right, the whip, the microphone, the lighting. . . . Except she's got that public-speaking problem, so maybe not.

Auntie Ann, Auntie Ann? Please report in.

franky said...

In a Goselin 8 semi-perfect world...cue rainbow
K: how was you day tofay? (answers stereo)
one tup: and u mommy?
K: wonderfluven..I spent all day waitimg by the phone for u to call me
.reminicising with my finger on our special educational vacation globe
not u my sweet child of mine..another one..amy guessrs?
rememeber how WE love sand and beach? I loving and longingly drew my new nails over that equalitaterish started to peel. Imagine the horror..WHO to blame?.. the one who lraves a sprout is it...wjat???..'s an icky boy...snark but NpD mother did a number on me..may these kids find a haven to speak..sooner than later

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate can be a car model for Audi just stand and smile how hard could that be.

Plus she like have her pic taken so it's a win-win for her.

aggiemom09121416 said...

How about working at a coupon clearinghouse?

A cart retriever for Target?

A miracle bra consultant?

I would say tour guide, but she would like that one.

After all, she is 'Can Do Kate'

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate can be a pizza delivery girl.

aggiemom09121416 said...

She could be Mike Rowe's co-hort on Dirty Jobs..

I'd like to see her compete on Wipe-Out, that would be freakin' hilarious!I don't know if that is a regular show, my kids and I happened to catch a few of those on tv and laughed till we cried. so funny!

I'd like to lock her in a room with Amarosa, Bethenny, Teresa Guidice, Danielle Strub, and the two sisters from RHOBH...throw in Nene, too.

Foxy said...

If Kate lets her nursing license expire she would have to retake the State Boards. She has been away from the profession so long she probably would fail the exams.

aggiemom09121416 said...

@SandieBellz ahh, 2b at ur house!;) lovely leftovers. I didn't get a st patty idea together in time.. Maybe for next week, a little late! 39 minutes ago
It appears that TLC didn't give her a March calendar...she missed Spring Break AND St. Patricks Day! Thank goodness she knows when her birthday is..whew!

Teresa said...

Kart doesn't need employment advice, cockroaches will survive anything. On the other hand, calling her a cockroach is insulting to insects because they are usually very social and family oriented.

Gift of grab said...

Kirkland, that's a pretty interesting report. The only other thing on Cindy's horizon (I don't know if she does Paula or not) is the Deena from Jersey Shore cruise, scheduled for September 2012. Cindy slipped up once, a few weeks ago, and mistakenly tweeted about Deena's cruise on the "kategosselincruise" Twitter account she set up for herself (ruh-roh--will this be the reason the cruise doesn't sell out??? Oh no!). Other than that, last time I looked I didn't spot any other "celebrity" cruises on this site.

Others jobs for Kate? Hmm, unfortunately, nothing we think up for her can have TOO much work attached, since we know that's not how she rolls. Toll collector?

Hey: If she was, effectively, a "producer" at the end of K+8, then why isn't she a PRODUCER? Why wouldn't she take some of that nest egg and invest in trying to produce a show? Too risky? Not enough good ideas? What say you all? Kate as "producer"?

Personally, I think the one HUGE problem with this idea is that a producer has to be very attuned to what things cost. So, does Kate's CC experience show a sensitivity to "costs," or does her profligate excess on her show negate any ability to stick to a budget?

Ingrid said...

Thanks Franky. Will mention it to son.

Michelle said...

Based on how easily she can lie about the most blatant things (i.e. good bra), how about a career in politics for Kate?

anger issues kate said...

I see Kate admitted, she did nothing for St Patrick day. Cause kate was too busy, getting ready for Red Cross Ball, and was too angry with Pap to do anything for St Patrick Day. Now she she says they will have it next week. Forget it Kate, the charm of the celebration is lost, you either have it the weekend before or day before or on the day, not a week later. Translation, Kate is not doing St Patrick Day, cause she was just too busy & too tired to bother.

Kat said...

I didn't know madys been taking singing lessons for a couple of years ? What's that about? Is she depending on Mady to save her sorry ass. Does she ever stop?

TLC ship is sinking said...

Kate Gosselin:
@SandieBellz ahh, 2b at ur house!;) lovely leftovers. I didn't get a st patty idea together in time.. Maybe for next week, a little late!
4:06 PM - 17 Mar 12 via Twitterrific

This coming from the same "mother" who obsessed over frogs for a Leap Day dessert.

Kate Gosselin:
I obsessed all day trying to find frogs for 'Leap Year dessert'! And @acmoores came thru!
5:54 PM - 29 Feb 12 via Twitterrific

Guess mommy wasn't in the [right] mood to do something special with her kids for St. Patrick's Day...just like she had nothing planned on Halloween for the sextuplets.

Yet, Kate tweeted this last night:
I'm going to bed. It's been quite a day.. Chat tomorrow. Fun times planned... GN!
6:46 PM - 16 Mar 12 via Twitterrific

What were those "fun times planned"?

If St. Patrick's day isn't a big deal for your family, that's okay and just admit it. Instead, Kate gave us this lame excuse that she didn't plan something in time for a simple celebration, but not to worry, they'll celebrate it belatedly just like they did with Halloween 2011.

Twittering and Twattering said...

@Kateplusmy8 U are a gr8 writer Kate. U have a natural, down-2-earth style...easy 2read, interesting! Keep writing girl! Ur gift!

Whenever I need a good laugh, Milo never fails to deliver. I guess she doesn't read much...

Ex Nurse said...

Winsomeone said... 27
How about being an interrogator for the FBI?
Yup, she would be great! Two minutes in a room with her and I would do anything she wanted--if she would just go away!

Foxy--I meant, why did she bother keeping her license current, since she was so set on a media career. She is so arrogant --renewing the license shows that she actually used a bit of common sense and that maybe she even suspected that she might be finished in the entertainment world.

Gift of grab said...

O.M.G. Kate is accusing someone else of being derivative? Of HER?

Jess duncan ‏ @Jessandken04 · Open
@Kateplusmy8 @Jessandken04 i found that exact one on em tanners website. Its called Kate's calendar :)

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8 Close
@Jessandken04 yeah, think she marketed my calendar w/o my consent. Sad when ppl use your name for gain without permission! :( ~ Administrator said...

Whhhoooooa, Kate just threw Em Tanner under the bus????

One of the first to bestow who knows how many freebies on this family?

How DARE someone make money off Kate by calling something "Kate's calendar." Kate and only Kate makes money off Kate!

Twittering and Twattering said...

Seriously- does anyone think that she served Brussel sprouts or that the kids ate them?


Yes. If that's what you are served, and you're hungry enough, you'll eat anything, including Brussels sprouts. She puts them on a plate in front of the kids and says, "This is dinner. You get what you get..." If there's no other selection, I believe that they eat them.

My kids actually like Brussels Sprouts, but I don't cook them to death. I flavor them with brown butter and bacon bits, and don't cook them until they are mushy. They'll take them over broccoli any day.

anger issues kate said...

Cusody questions: Perhaps why Jon is spending more time with the boys, cause maybe they are asking questions and Kate won't tell them anything, and/or Kate is not treating the boys good. Ignoring them. Remember Kate refers to the boys as icky.

PJ's momma said...

Just for fun, sometimes I go to milo's twitiq. Holy cow, she'll tweet Kate 6 times in a couple hours. And instead of doing what I want to do - show the back of my hand to the front of her face - Kate responds! Worst thing she can do, encourage that cretin. ~ Administrator said...

Brussels sprouts are very finicky. Don't cook them enough and they are hard, cook them too much and it brings the bitterness out. Just right and they are delicious. Also, they are best in winter. I'm convinced that people who don't like Brussels sprouts feel that way because they ate overcooked ones that were bitter.

I like to pan fry them in garlic, red pepper flakes, salt and butter.

But sprouts and spaghetti??? Ugh, no. I prefer maybe a nice cut of salmon, or pan roasted chicken.

Still can't believe Kate threw Em Tanner under the bus....I just checked EM's web site and wow has her business grown since mediocre Kate Gosselin. Even Halle Berry's kid is wearing her things. She doesn't need you Kate, gimme a break. She is doing nothing wrong calling it "Kate's calendar." You let it on your show, and a lot of people associate that calendar with you. It's sort of an "as seen on tv" thing. So, Em Tanner has to give YOU a cut? Huh? You should have negotiated a cut upfront before you put it on your show if that's how you roll. You are pathetic. No one can ever have any money except you. And if that's how you feel why don't you be a grown adult and give her a call and let her know that doesn't work for you instead of whining on twitter? Good grief.

I've said this before but Kate obviously does not believe in the correct theory of the expanding pie. If three jewelry stores all set up shop on the same street, some owners might be mad they are not the only one there. But a smart owner will be happy. They just got on board a jewelry district. People will come to that area of town for jewelry. If they don't buy it at A, they go to B and C. Everyone makes way more money than what they would make just going out on their own. This same concept is with Em Tanner. And, same concept with paying Aunt Jodi or anyone else on the show. Pay Aunt Jodi, show gets more ratings because she's popular, KATE makes more money. What a stupid idiot she is who can't think more than one step ahead.

Kate wants the pie all to herself. Not realizing that when you let OTHERS have a little piece of the pie, your pie gets bigger. Kate, there are some great business books about this you might want to read if you want to make a serious living on your own.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 39
@SandieBellz ahh, 2b at ur house!;) lovely leftovers. I didn't get a st patty idea together in time.. Maybe for next week, a little late! 39 minutes ago
It appears that TLC didn't give her a March calendar...she missed Spring Break AND St. Patricks Day! Thank goodness she knows when her birthday is..whew!

She also elected to forego Halloween arrrangements with/for the tups with discount candy a day later, could not get lights on the Christmas tree without the help of her hairdresser buying them. Really?

This is the Mastermind who can't seem to get a single thing done for her kids, in spite of the fact that she is not working! Without TLC doing everything for her Supermom image, she seems to accomplish very little for her kids on holidays. Quite the facade TLC provided for her. She is sinking.

Barb Gilman said...

About Mady taking singing lessons, I bet her music teacher, at school, works with her. Doesn't she sometimes take the late bus home? Looking that the school website, they do offer private voice lessons.

It's over Kate said...

I wouldn't buy it because it's got HER name on it and because it's friggen expensive.'s-Calendar-by-Em-Tanner;jsessionid=EE0E2B05475C0ABBC080C4C7A1551F0A?skuId=42554

Dallas Lady said...

Kate could go in a Big Brother house, if they still do that. If she wasin there with people who didn't put up with her shit, I'd watch it.

She can't be on a bachelor show because those women are younger. I guess they could do an older version, but she couldn't carry the show as the bachelorette with guys vying for her. There's just nothing compelling about her. She could maybe be one of many women vying for an o,der man, but yeah, like she'd do that. LOL.

Other than that, I can't think of a single idea for her in the media. She can't interview and she's a horrible interviewee. She doesn't work well with others. In a more formal setting, she's boring as HELL. She never improved her speaking and presentation skills. She can't dance, sing, cook, write music, play music, ice skate, you name it.

She just gestated eight kids and was an asshole on TV. That doesn't translate into anything.

Gift of grab said...

I must admit, when I posted that tweet exchange, I had NO idea that EM Tanner was someone who was "known." Is Kate really trying to take ownership of something someone else actually invented?? I guess it wouldn't be the first time.

Twittering and Twattering said...

But sprouts and spaghetti??? Ugh, no. I prefer maybe a nice cut of salmon, or pan roasted chicken.


I guess she figures that since salad and spaghetti go together, then Brussels spouts should work with it because it's a leafy green veggie, member of the cabbage family.

hey jude said...

Thanks, glad to be of service! I know, Kate could be at the till on that show where the big couponers go on tv and try to get there stuff for nothing.She gets the spotlight, plays with the food, and can take credit with the couponer after, if they succeed! Perfect fit.

Dallas Lady said...

Checked out that calendar link. I fail to see why Kate has her panties in a bunch. This woman apparently designed this calendar for use on their show and now calls it Kate's Calendar. So what? Did Kate design it? No. Did she make it? No.

Besides, Kate should take heart: with her name on it, people are probably less likely to buy it anyway! ~ Administrator said...

You know what......even though this is really shitty of Kate, come ON Kate,
I'm just thinking that Kate might be right legally, and it kills me to say it. You can't just take a celebrity's name and imply they are endorsing the product. It's called misappropriation of image/name/likeness without their permission. She could say "As seen on Kate Plus 8" but to actually call it Kate's calendar like Kate endorsed it might land her in hot water.

But really Kate, does this really matter? This woman gave you so much free shit. Get over it.

EM said...

@Jessandken04 yeah, think she marketed my calendar w/o my consent. Sad when ppl use your name for gain without permission!

Ok FU kate. Did the kids give consent at 4 and 2 to have u and TLC make MILLIONS you stupip hypocrit

Kat said...

Who's em tanner? Sorry.....I'm not up on this.....what is this about a calendar? Can someone fill me in..... ~ Administrator said...

Yeah no kidding it's hypocritical.

No kidding it's SAD when people use your name for gain, the kids have to go through this every day with their private stories splashed all over the blog. Especially poor Joel.

I can't believe a 36 year old woman can't be an adult and CONTACT Em directly if there is a freaking problem. Grow up, Kate.

aggiemom09121416 said...

I gasped when I saw the price of that little erase board.
my goodness!

Gee, I thought Kate was a 'master organizer..that she has lots of lists...and lists of lists...

She really has no marketable talent, does she? I think that makes her less than mediocre.

HollyMo said...

aggiemom09121416 has left a new comment on the post "No more Bööby-guard":

I gasped when I saw the price of that little erase board.
my goodness!
Holy crap! Who spends that on a memo board?!

EM said...

kate screwed up. Had she left the show after the divorce when people were actually interested in her she would have probably been offered a job by now. Also her twitter/blog episodes aren't helping. She needs to actually go away to have a comeback.
I hope 2012 is the year kate gets shunned by the media and it holds forever after. She has nothing to offer. ~ Administrator said...

Em Tanner is a designer from Tennessee who has a little playful font she makes and heard about Kate early in the story and was quite enamored with her and used to send the kids shiploads of free shit including numbered t-shirts with the font. I stopped seeing the Em Tanner stuff maybe by the time the little kids were four or so. Just about when I became a "hater" along with most of America. Em probably did too after she actually watched the show.

Her stuff including a calendar was on the show a lot in the beginning, the kids wore a lot of it and Kate even explained once that a woman named Em Tanner was giving it to them and plugged her.

Here we are five years later and I guess Em Tanner turned into a hater and ain't sending no more free shit. So predictably, Kate tweets her under the bus.

PJ's momma said...

Is that calendar really named after Kate Gosselin? I'm not getting how it was designed for use on their show, but I didn't look that closely.

Sherry Baby said...

Em Tanner lists it as a Kate calendar; nothing about a Kate Gosselin calendar, or the same one that Kate Plus Eight uses. It's just plain Kate. Kate could be anyone! In fact, at the top of the pink calendar sample, it says Kessler family calendar...nothing about the Gosselins.

Is there something advertised that I'm not seeing?

It's over Kate said...

Kate should be FLATTERED that her "name" was used. (Her legal name is Katie) No one is going to look at that and know who "Kate" is. She's a moron.

hoosiergirl said...

Does she have legal standing just because the woman used the name Kate? It doesn't say anything about Gosselin or as seen on TLC or J&K+8. ~ Administrator said...

Sherry, yes the something advertised that you're not seeing is all in Kate's head.

Actually, I take it back, since she just used the name KATE I don't see how she is using Kate at all. Kate Gosselin's calendar would be different. Lots of people name their products after someone, for all we know it's her best friend Kate. There are all kinds of products with names like Katie's gloves or George's hat and it's just a generic name.

Kate needs to get over herself. She isn't using Kate GOSSELIN to do anything much less make money off her, sounds to me like it was just an appropriate name for it. ~ Administrator said...

Most people would sooner assume it was named after Prince William's wife who must be organized or something. You are allowed to do that, name products like that, as long as you're not treading into misappropriation territory.

What an ego Kate has, like she owns the name Kate! Go cry to a judge Kate and see what happens. Them judges down there in Tennessee don't take no crap I heard.

Kat said...

Thanks admin.....I got it now.....all I can say is "karma".....It's a beautiful thing...

gotyournumberKate said...

There are actually a bunch of sites using Kate G. to advertise this calendar. Here's one of them.

Sherry Baby said...

@Jessandken04 yeah, think she marketed my calendar w/o my consent. Sad when ppl use your name for gain without permission!

MY calendar? She makes it sound like she designed it. Did she? If it's been an item on the ET website, and it was sent to Kate FREE (I doubt that Kate pays for the calendar), then how does Kate claim that it is MY calender? It may be one that she uses, but it is not HER calendar!

She thinks that people are using her name for gain? What a hoot? Like having her name attached to it is actually going to make everyone flock to the site to buy it! ~ Administrator said...

AH, this brings us to another missed opportunity.

What about hooking up with Em Tanner with a contract to dress the kids in her clothes for a set period? With stipulations on how they need to appear on her blog, etc. Or Kate could advertise on her blog in exchange for clothes. Kate makes money, Em Tanner makes money, everyone wins.

Oh but no Kate just wants free stuff no strings attached.

Anonymous said...

It's like Lindsay Lohan, when she cried foul because some commercial with the talking baby...oh, someone help me out, used the name "Lindsay" in the commercial. I don't even know if Lindsay won that stupid court case, I think she did. What a joke.

Sounds to me like Kate thinks she's just known as "Kate" even without the Gosselin name attached.

Speaking of which, didn't a reporter say she's so famous all one needs to do is say the name Kate and everyone would know with or without using her last name? What a laugh.

franky said...

off topic..Ingrid..start with goat's milk =z:)

Kate is a twit said...

When a fan first said that she was looking for the calendar, Kate replied to her

@Jessandken04 online. It was fantastic!Good luck finding one!:)

So Kate didn't even remember where it came from or who sold it. Once she was told it was called "Kate's Calendar", she then said

@Jessandken04 yeah, think she marketed my calendar w/o my consent. Sad when ppl use your name for gain without permission! :(

All of a sudden it became HER calendar? Why-because she had one.

Well, MY car is a Honda Civic-is Honda marketing it without my consent?

aggiemom09121416 said...

That's just STUPID to spend that much on a memo board.
Sometimes people have more money than brains...(sounds like Kate!)

Kalendar said...

Actually, the item description does mention her last name and the show title.

This eye-catching calendar will grab your attention and help remind you of your activities. The funky design includes personalized names, which encourages more organization and better communication within the group. It also includes a “To Do” and “Don't Forget” area to keep you organized. This calendar was originally designed for the one and only Kate Gosselin and has been seen on Jon and Kate plus Eight! These calendars have heavy-duty super strong magnetic backing and will cling to a refrigerator or other magnetic surface. Measures 20” W x 14.5” H. ~ Administrator said...

Marie, I looked it up. Lindsay settled, she didn't win. A settlement is NOT a win.

This is what companies like ETrade do when they don't want to bother with nonsense. She probably wouldn't have won that but it's not worth a 5 year legal battle. Just like what LaFair did, get RID of these people. In that case, there was a talking baby named just Lindsay who was called a "milkaholic."

I suppose if Em Tanner makes a baby named Kate holding a box of wine that says "oh!" when Steve pokes her in the belly, Kate may have something there. ~ Administrator said...

Ohh, Kalender, the plot thickens!

I think you can say "as seen on Kate Plus 8" no problem but associating it with Kate Plus 8 then naming it Kate's calendar....not so sure.

Let's see Kate sue, I'm up for some fun.

PJ's momma said...

Based on that covey link, it IS a calendar that EM Tanner designed for Kate. DESIGNED FOR Kate, not designed BY Kate, so why should she get a cut? She got a free calendar and a bigger person would be flattered to be considered oh so organized and worthy of having a calendar named after them. It was shown on the show - so how many sheeple will buy it? 10 at most?
Good Lord.

Gift of grab said...

Admin, with respect to the calendar, don't you think that Kate must have assumed that her "people" would have flagged this "infringement." If indeed it were? TLC, agent, manager: This would be THEIR responsibility, no?


Lauren said...

I don't see how Em Tanner is implying that Kate is endorsing her product. This is the description of the product from the website:

This eye-catching calendar will grab your attention and help remind you of your activities. The funky design includes personalized names, which encourages more organization and better communication within the group. It also includes a “To Do” and “Don't Forget” area to keep you organized. THIS CALENDAR WAS ORIGINALLY DESIGNED FOR THE ONE AND ONLY KATE GOSSELIN AND HAS BEEN SEEN ON JON AND KATE PLUS 8! These calendars have heavy-duty super strong magnetic backing and will cling to a refrigerator or other magnetic surface. Measures 20” W x 14.5” H.
I capitalized the sentence about Kate. I take it to mean that she (Em Tanner) designed the calendar for Kate, hence the name "Kate's Calendar", and also gives a little plug to the show. No snark or disrespect intended Admin, but I don't think Kate would have a chance in hell in a lawsuit.

It's over Kate said...

Kate shouldn't be upset about the calendar because with that price it's not going to sell.

In other words, "Don't worry, that shit ain't gonna happen" ~ Administrator said...

I just looked, $50!!!!!!!!!


For the love of God sheeple please go to Office Depot instead.

TLC ship is sinking said... (Administrator) said... 80
What about hooking up with Em Tanner with a contract to dress the kids in her clothes for a set period? With stipulations on how they need to appear on her blog, etc. Or Kate could advertise on her blog in exchange for clothes. Kate makes money, Em Tanner makes money, everyone wins.


Looks like Em Tanner has moved onto another TLC HOM family, the Joneses from Quints by Surprise. She has photos of the kids wearing her designs on her home page.

After Kate's latest tweet in regards to Em Tanner, she just burned that bridge.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Didn't this company also send her free shirts, and plates, etc for the kids?

Surely she has TLC's permission to use the description on her website. If she didn't, you would think TLC would have taken care of this issue.

Pity Party said...

I would imagine that back in the glory days KT told TLC she wanted a pink dry erase calendar for the fridge and they bought one of those at $104, and had her name put on it as can anyone, and used it on the show. No wonder she is in such a funk, ask for a calendar and get a $100 one, Ka-ching. Poor KT thought she was the only one who had one because it had her name on it, and in her mind she invented it. She lives in a cocoon. Good luck on getting those royalties - kinda like the KT wig. She sounds really depressed.

And then she has P. the teenager (well she is 18 now I think) asking her what she puts in her tea, and KT demurely says honey. You just can't make this stuff up. ~ Administrator said...

From the Tennessee code:

47-25-1103. Property right in use of name, photograph, likeness.
(a) Every individual has a property right in the use of that person's name, photograph, or likeness in any medium in any manner.

(a) Any person who knowingly uses or infringes upon the use of another individual's name, photograph, or likeness in any medium, in any manner directed to any person other than such individual, as an item of commerce for purposes of advertising products, merchandise, goods, or services, or for purposes of fund raising, solicitation of donations, purchases of products, merchandise, goods, or services, without such individual's prior consent, or, in the case of a minor, the prior consent of such minor's parent or legal guardian, or in the case of a deceased individual, the consent of the executor or administrator, heirs, or devisees of such deceased individual, shall be liable to a civil action.

Kate may have something here. Tennessee code is pretty strict, you can't use someone's name. She identified the Kate she is talking about in the description. It's confusing whether Kate is endorsing this product. Call your lawyer, Kate. Or you know, let it go since Em Tanner was so generous to you for so many years.

gotyournumberKate said...

Speaking of money hungry Kate is I can't imagine with all these "lies" the tabloids write about her why she hasn't sued any of them. Celebrities have sued tabs and won. This tells me one thing, they are not lying. ~ Administrator said...

After Kate's latest tweet in regards to Em Tanner, she just burned that bridge.


And another bridge bites the dust.

Kate reminds me of that scene in Forrest Gump where he runs through the jungle and everything explodes behind him.

Everywhere she goes things explode behind her. ~ Administrator said...

Speaking of money hungry Kate is I can't imagine with all these "lies" the tabloids write about her why she hasn't sued any of them. Celebrities have sued tabs and won. This tells me one thing, they are not lying.


Yes indeed. It tells me they are not lying too. She's ticked because an attorney told her it takes more than just being MAD at a tabloid to sue.

It's not like Kate is afraid to sue. She was part and parcel of suing her own children's father.

PJ's momma said...

But EM Tanner doesn't say Kate's name at all on her website - Franklin Covey does. Granted, someone gave them that info, but she doesn't mention Kate's name at all, except in the name of the product. She also didn't use the Gosselin name in the picture - it's Kessler.

It's over Kate said...

Don't you think it was all cleared with TLC prior to the appearance? I am positive TLC covered the bases and Kate probably signed off it and has no memory. This designer is still doing business with TLC. ~ Administrator said...

Yeah it could have very likely been part of her contract with TLC that she could slap Kate's name on this.

Em Tanner is no fool she runs a huge business, I doubt she would do something liked that without asking.

Stupid Kate, don't you know you should always ask to see your contract? I don't care how big you are, you never let other people make decisions for you. Five years later you look like a fool wondering why your name is on something without you getting a piece of the pie.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

We don't know if all the free t shirts Kate got from Em Tanner was a Quid Pro Quo, and NOW Kate is bitching about it. Sour grapes? Kate forgot to mention all of the free t shirts she got for free for her kids from this company, and thank this company. Typical Kate. Always about what she did NOT get.

Aside from that, a "Kate" calendar hardly belongs to Kate Gosselin.

gotyournumberKate said...

I agree that the use of Kates name has nothing to do with the endorsement. It's Jon and Kate Plus 8 through TLC. This video is linked on the EM Tanner website. ~ Administrator said...

PJ you're right! Em doesn't say Gosselin ANYWHERE. Lol.

She can't control if someone on Amazon wants to list it and ties it in with Kate Gosselin. Kate should sue them, but not EM.

Ha-ha Em's covered. Hi Kate!

kimmie said...

no it's $104.95 not $50.

Sherry Baby said...

Maybe I had too much good Irish stout, but this is from Em's website:

NOTE: Calendars will either have grommets for hanging with a super sturdy backing OR you can choose our heavy duty super strong magnetic backing for the fridge!...BUT magnetic backing is only available on the Small and Medium sizes.

I don't see Kate's name in the description. The other link, from

(Frankin Covey) does use the Kate Gosselin description, but I don't see it on Em website. Where is it? ~ Administrator said...

I agree that the use of Kates name has nothing to do with the endorsement. It's Jon and Kate Plus 8 through TLC. This video is linked on the EM Tanner website.


That you can do. That's just showing that our products were seen on this or that T.V. show. You're always allowed to say things like, as seen on 20/20, or as seen on Castle! ~ Administrator said...

Maybe Kate's mad because if Em would keep giving her free calendars she never would have forgotten St. Patties day. And Spring break. ~ Administrator said...

She just did her daily bedtime announcement.

gotyournumberKate said...

If anyone watches the video take note of the irony at the 2:33 mark. Is she really that stupid?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Gift of grab said... 6

Can anyone come up with other possible career choices are there for Kate? Come on, let's get creative!


Sorry, late to the game.

How about a Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament wench?

Pity Party said...

She must then have TLC's permission to do that. Surely she wouldn't do it otherwise. Oh my, or TLC gets a cut. They own the name Jon and Kate Plus 8, as well as Kate Plus 8. May be why she put the Kate Plus My 8 on the web site. No wonder she sounds so depressed. The show is being seen internationally, DVDs are selling, and she is not making a dime. Shouldn't have been so quick to sign on the dotted line.

The one I looked at was $104.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

How about a Pimp?

TLC ship is sinking said...

aggiemom09121416 said... 94
Didn't this company also send her free shirts, and plates, etc for the kids?

Surely she has TLC's permission to use the description on her website. If she didn't, you would think TLC would have taken care of this issue.


I always thought Em Tanner was just a big fan of their show; I never for once thought this person was giving the Gosselins freebies in exchange for subtle advertising/tv promotions. Wasn't that how Jon and Kate originally explained it? Of course, I see it differently now.

Yes, Jon and Kate showed different products from Em Tanner. TLC even uploaded a clip of her personalized plates on their YouTube channel as a Jon&Kate Plus 8 webisode.

I'll never forget that one time Kate was pressuring Jon to wearing a numbered shirt; I completely agreed with him on how embarrassing it would be for him, not how cute for the whole family to be matchy-matchy.

Kate is a twit said...

gotyournumberKate--OMG, I watched that video.

First the part about where one of the tups looked like he was going to puke,and all the other kids are hanging around looking at him-and then Kate actually tells them "he doesn't need an audience".

Then at 2:07. Kate's trying to fix the blind that was pulled down all the way and ends up breaking it. Then at 4:06, Jon asks "who ripped the blind"? Wonder if Kate fessed up right away, or did she quietly tell him later.

Kate does seem to have a memory problem, doesn't she?

Pity Party said...

Well there is nothing on TV so I watched that clip. I am reminded how very, very often those kids are sick - throwing up. And what does not having time to run all through house have to do with turning the air on - probably wanted to make it look like she was working so hard she was sweating.

PJ's momma said...

What I noticed watching that clip (tired of nonstop basketball here) is that the kids whack each other in the head. A lot. And nobody corrects them. As the oldest, I went through a whacking phase and my mom whacked me back. It was not worth it to me! But these kids are whaling away on each other with a camera documenting it!

Katie Cry-duh said...

Regarding the clip: Kate was much prettier before all the plastic surgery on her face. She looks grotesque now. Good lord, those kids were violent as hell. Does anyone else think that the second Jon gets home at 6 that Kate is outta there? Yet for all the criticism, Kate still seemed to
have some sort of affection for the kids. Where did that all go?

TLC ship is sinking said...

Kate is a twit said... 116
Then at 2:07. Kate's trying to fix the blind that was pulled down all the way and ends up breaking it. Then at 4:06, Jon asks "who ripped the blind"? Wonder if Kate fessed up right away, or did she quietly tell him later.


I remember that incident. Didn't watch the posted video but wasn't Kate in a foul mood when it happened?

We've seen or heard Kate mistreat/abuse items or belongings such as twins' bedroom items, RV vacuum, millionth pink iphone, the bedroom blind.

Maybe Kate's the one who ripped the equator off the globe, as she was attempting to "fix" it.

How can Kate instill such values as respecting yours and other belongings, in addition to "always tell the truth", if she doesn't do it herself.

The Fun Never Ends said...

Just a reminder people. Kate invented, owns and holds the trademark for the number 8. You may spell it, as in e-i-g-h-t, but you may not use K-eight's number w/o her express permission & a whole lotta dollars in K-eight's pocket.

Dee said...

That video must have been about the last hour when Kate expressed anything but exasperation over her kids. Narcissists are often fine with babies and/or little children (to a point), but won't engage with older kids who express themselves more effectively.

What's really striking about the video, though, is the sheer amount of violence those kids direct toward each other, and expect. It's just part of their daily life.

Kate pays absolutely no attention to it, period. She's not leading, guiding, or parenting those kids in any positive way.

That family was already dysfunctional way back then. So sad.

chefsummer #Leh said...

What happen to all the chicken she brought.?

Didn't she get like 10-20lbs of chicken I wonder what did she do with all of it.?

Sherry Baby said...

The price on EM website is $50.00:

Example: The Girls of Suite 1010...Em, Jenn, Laura & Tiffany....perfect for the new "DORM RESIDENT"!


Jennifer said...

I just found out that Maggie Sottero has a bridal gown with MY NAME ON IT!! I am so PISSED. She's using my name for GAIN...

gotyournumberKate said...

I noticed all of the violence too. I started to think back trying to remember if my kids hit that much (the oldest is 35 so it was quite a trip down memory lane). I know they had a few battles but I never condoned hitting and if they did I corrected them right away. Kate admits right in this video that Mady is rough with the others like it is okay. It's no wonder a couple of them were expelled from school for hitting. Oh, but I forgot, Kate is the perfect mother and her sheeple beg for her child rearing advice.

Kate tells the other children Aiden doesn't need an audience when he's vomiting. It's okay though that there's 3 million others watching. What a shrew.

It's over Kate said...

My kids were not allowed to hit each other and it was a serious offense in our house. I taught my kids that their relationships with each was more important than anything. They were not allowed to fight over a toy or I'd take it away. They are now in their 20's and still very close to each other.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Tea is putting Kate to sleep hmm...what's in the tea Kate.?

a coincidence is not the same as an accident said...

Wow, that video is disturbing! The little ones hitting each other, kate saying how M likes to control her younger siblings (gee, where did she learn such behavior?), "He doesn't need an audience!" - well, then, why is a sick child BEING FILMED for "the world" to see???

GREAT video, Admin!!!!

Anonymous said...

Her biggest problem is since she has failed or seems to have failed correcting the hitting or no hitting issue in a manner that would actually fix it, this could in later years create massive issues. I mean if her boys ever become big enough they could actually perhaps one day go off and hit her in anger without thinking about it because to them it would be normal. In that sense, you hit me growing up, so now that I'm big enough I get to hit you.

Great parenting idea! Not!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone catch when Mady asked how you spell maybe, you can hear Kate say MAI...LOL

PJ's momma said...

Anonymous, I did hear her say MAI, but I thought she was spelling Maisy or something as I was not paying much attention to what she asked. That is too funny! And then she made sure to tell Mady to write neatly so the librarian could read it. Oh my gosh.

canadianmom said...

I just watched the youtube video (half of it anyway), and the first thing that struck me was how completely different Kate looks! This video is only a few years old yet she doesn't resemble herself at all. She's definitely had a lot of work done.

Also, like others have mentioned, the kids were soooo violent! Why on earth would she allow them to beat on each other like that? Those kids were left unsupervised WAY to often.

Downeaster Alexa said...

Admin said, She just did her daily bedtime announcement.


I guess it's preferable to her tweeting...

Pit stop!!! A little constipated!! Sore hiney!! Maybe cu later, maybe not!!! GROAN!!!

Button Button said...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 112

Gift of grab said... 6

Can anyone come up with other possible career choices are there for Kate? Come on, let's get creative!

Well, TLC could let her clean up the Hoarders homes. All by herself. The really, really, nasty ones.

Downeaster Alexa said...

Well, TLC could let her clean up the Hoarders homes. All by herself. The really, really, nasty ones.


...and hide the plastic gloves. She gets to do it with her bare hands!!

Teresa said...

Credits to Preesi blog. VERY interesting early grifters, oopsss prayer list including 10 passenger van. Plus sponser freebies...

Hmmm, honestly said...

I haven't read all the posts, so someone else might have suggested this as an idea for a vocation for Kate. I can see her as a prison guard or a nurse in a prison infirmary. Seems like a perfect job match to me. Just send the prisoner who is vomiting back to their cell, take the bedding out and make them lay on the floor. Oh, wait, that wouldn't be allowed in prison,now would it?

Berks Neighbor said...

Speaking of trademarks. Has anyone wondered why Kate couldn't have a "Kateplus8" twitter account or website and it had to be "Kateplusmy8"?
It's because TLC OWNS the Kate plus 8 brand. She can't even lay claim to her brand name and trademark because it's owned by a large corporation - that made money off her name. (still do, and she won't see anymore of it).
That TLC contract must have been incredibly binding.
She had to rebrand herself with the small 'my' in there, which makes her sound like the kids are all hers and have nothing to do with Jon. It also makes her look selfish and extremely possessive. "Mine all Mine" ring a bell?

Too bad she didn't figure the name thing out when she was renegotiating her contract sans Jon.

Anonymous said...

So Kate can't get a job, but she expects her kids at 16 if they want cars to get mediocre jobs? Oh yeah, that'll go over real well.

Actually, would it be terrible of me if I was hoping that nobody "gifts" the twins, especially the sextuplets cars? I mean I know it's a few years off but, if you want your kids to grow up thinking that nobody owes them anything that would help.

Most of all, I am beginning to wonder how long Kate can actually down until she either has to get a job or downsize. There is just no way for the next decade or so she can go without either one. It's been 6 or 7 months now. Unless she's got a pot of gold at the end of her rainbow...somethings got to give eventually.

No matter how many crappy CC blogs she writes for part-time or how many organic eggs her chickens lay. Reality has got to trip her up one day.

mim said...

The "Kate" calendar was featured in a getting organized episode of J&K8. It central to the "who can help mommy" chore chart, calendar, etc. Em Tanner supplied a lot of products that were featured and mentioned on the show.
Unless Em Tanner worked from an idea supplied by Kate to create the calendar, Kate's SOL.
And, the calendar is available in several sizes, that's why there are various prices seen on the sites.

Katie Cry-duh said...

Sad when ppl use your name for gain without permission! You mean, like you do with the name Gosselin?

boyson said...

The Fun Never Ends said... 121

Just a reminder people. Kate invented, owns and holds the trademark for the number 8. You may spell it, as in e-i-g-h-t, but you may not use K-eight's number w/o her express permission & a whole lotta dollars in K-eight's pocket.


YIKES! Sesame Street is screwed! ~ Administrator said...

Unless Em Tanner worked from an idea supplied by Kate to create the calendar, Kate's SOL.


Yes. The crucial thing here is it's not the Kate GOSSELIN calendar. Just the Kate calendar. And Em was careful not to mention the Gosselins at all in her description, which I think is very telling. It's not her fault some wholesalers talk about Kate. Kate has a much better chance going after that wholesale guy who IS making it seem like it's endorsed by her.

And really, Kate got a ton of free clothes and calendars and other junk, and all she had to do is say one little line about how Em Tanner gives them free crap. That's all she had to do! I think she should relax and let Em name the calendar Kate if she wants. It's not like this calendar is the only thing her business sells. And if (greedy) Kate is supposed to get a cut, how is Em Tanner supposed to tell what business came in because of Kate and what business just came in because?

Have you noticed Kate is never happy when other people are making money? Wtf. Why can't you be happy when people are successful? She makes fun of Jon's mediocre job (hey, it's more paychecks than you see lately, Kate), she didn't want Aunt Jodi to get paid, she attacks the working Dance Moms, now she goes after Em Tanner? What a bitter woman who can't allow other people to be successful. She's probably that person where when they are out of work and their best friend is out of work and best friend finally gets a job, Kate will say, well how very good for you but what am *I* supposed to do??? Kate, you're a sad woman. Get help.

By the way, isn't it pathetic that Kate doesn't own her own "plus 8" thing to use as she pleases? She's their mother! Oh well, that's what you get for selling your soul. ~ Administrator said...

Oh, on another obvious note. I guess we have another person to add to the list of people estranged by Kate. Em Tanner!

I have never in all my years seen someone alienate people as much as this. It's just one right after the other!

This is another huge reason Kate will never get a date. If it doesn't work out, no one wants to be blacklisted in the public eye. Kate will never, ever date again. I'm calling it.

Also, stupid, Kate? Think about what you say about people who give you freebies. Because if I had a clothing store or whatever junk you want, I'm not about to bother giving someone like you freebies if I see how you talk about people who give you freebies if you feel even remotely crossed. No thanks, I'll still with the more mature celebs.

Anonymous said...

Makes me fearful that one day when her kids might cross her or question her as they get older, would she cut her precious 8 kids out of her life like she has pretty much everyone else?

Also--if nobody minds, could someone explain to me what "golden child," means? I know it means the kid is special but I guess I've never really noticed if she treats one different then the other. Guess I'm not that observant. But I hardly watched the show, just once in a while. ~ Administrator said...

Marie, I don't put it past her for one second she'll estrange one of her own children if they cross her.

Selecting a golden child is a common occurrence for a narcissist. A favorite child. That child is often ignorant of it. This explains why Joan Crawford's youngest kids thought she was loving and wonderful and said Chris and Christina were lying. They were golden children. Meanwhile Chris and Christina were describing horrific abuse backed up by witnesses. They were the scapegoats.

Hannah is the obvious golden and Joel and the boys the scapegoats.

Here is more about it:

In a narcissist’s family, dysfunctional roles are the norm, and narcissistic mothers are always the producers, directors, and casting agents for the entire production. Children are assigned roles to play long before they are old enough to resist them, and grow up within the confines of these limitations, knowing nothing different exists anywhere. It is typical of parents with personality disorders to select at least one “Golden Child”, who can do no wrong, and at least one Scapegoat, who can do no right.

When deciding (unconsciously) what child will play each role, the narcissistic mother weighs her options on a deep, intuitive level. Which child is the most sensitive? Which child reminds her of a hated parent, or the ex-spouse who stood up to her, or something within herself she cannot accept? Which one asks more of her, either intentionally, or by way of circumstance? Which child expresses unhappiness more often about the unbearable situations the narcissistic mother creates? Which one is more vulnerable, or more outspoken? In short, which child bothers her the most?

This child will be made her Scapegoat.

This Scapegoat will ultimately be made to carry the lion’s share of the family’s blame, shame, anger, and rejection so the rest can more easily retain their patterns of dysfunction. This child will always and forever be the one who is not good enough, even when she excels at something – indeed, especially when she excels. This child will endure more put-downs, sideways remarks and behind-the-back betrayals than the rest of the family put together. This child will endure the wear and tear of the family’s dysfunction in a way that will enable the others to continue looking good despite the family’s toxicity.

Because the narcissist cannot accept her faults, she spends her days trying to convince herself that everything she does is perfect. When her personality disorder causes distress within her family, and her children’s issues begin to reflect this, the narcissistic mother is forced to make a choice. She must either acknowledge that she is making mistakes that are affecting her children negatively, or she must try to convince herself and others that the problems are coming not from her, but another source. And the latter is the option the narcissist always and unfailingly selects. In her mind, by blaming another, she absolves herself of any wrongdoing, and she can continue to believe - and strive to convince others - that she is in fact, perfect. But she must first have someone to blame.

Enter the Scapegoat.

Anonymous said...

I don't put it past her either but then she'd have to admit she was a "perfect mother," No...wait. That's backwards. All it'll mean is that JON screwed them up--not her. It will never be her in her mind. Sad an pathetic. Sure hope all 8 aren't estranged when she comes begging for money.

I admit she tends to treat her boys, well, almost like second class citizens. I don't think she ever wanted any sons. They are always last even on their own show when all said their names--the boys came last. If she's going to estrange anybody it'll probably be them.

Is there a name for women who have a tendency to hate their male children? It's just incredibly weird that's all. Even before her split from Jon. She either doesn't appear to like them or turns around and says they'll take care of her in old age. Yeah, fat freaking chance!

Katie Cry-duh said...

Wowser, amazing how someone innocently comments about some calendar on twitter and it uncorks a very telling bottle of bile from Kate. She is such a victim, isn't she? Gosh if isomeone named a cute calendar that I used after me, I'd be flattered! Wouldn't cross my mind for a second that the person somehow screwed me or owed me. Especially if I had nothing to do with its conception. Her soul is a dark, col, lonely placr

SaraMRN2010 said...
This is old (2008) but very telling.

Once a Viewer said...

I remember Kate was rude about the shirts EM Tanner sent the twins for their 7th birthday- they had their names on the sleeve and Kate wanted a photo- the girls were tired and were sulky about it. Kate said the shirts were cute but too big, and it was 9000 degrees out, and the shirts had long sleeves. Well, she could save them for the next year if they were too big, and how is EM Tanner to predict October weather? i thought that was quite rude.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Kate's rudeness knows no bounds, does it? People like her are to be pitied.
Guess her theme song is "You're So Vain".

mim said...

I remember that episode, Once a Viewer. It was one of those WTF moments. Kate could be so rude on camera towards someone who sent a gift just jumped off the screen.

Consistent behavior like that caught on film was one of the reasons it was so funny last week when she told that PhillyChitChat buffoon "that's called graciousness." Hilarious! Kate wouldn't know graceful or gracious behavior if it bit her in the ass.

Permanent Name said...

Has anyone else seen this new cookbook from Ree Drummond? She's my new hero! LOL

The pioneer woman cooks : food from my frontier / Ree Drummond.

It's really good. It's what kart can only dream of.

Although I love Ree and her books, shows, personality, family, my mind is drawn to comparison with kart because I know this fame is what kart wants and will never have.

It is doubly sad because kart "could have" had all this - she was given chance after chance. But I believe she was doomed from the start by her personality, dishonesty and greed.

I would say that TLC should have know not to film a mentally off person, but then hey - TLC made money so what did they care?

Eat your pitiful heart out, kart! YOu'll never have this...

I feel so, so sorry for you - but I feel more sorry for your kids - you have cheated them out of money, love and honest supportive childhoods.

Go get some therapy and some meds! Better yet, give the kids to Jon.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Since Kate doesn't have a calendar, you think she knows it's the day to go to church? (sorry for the snippy-ness, her lying and deceit drives me nuts).

a few random thoughts...

A twitter fan of hers wanted a pic of her tidied up garage..the pic never materialized, I bet she never had the kids clean it.
I think the only thing she did on her stay-cation was take them to the park for a photo-op.

This time last year she was purchasing her third vehicle..what a difference a year makes!

Knows Quality said...

Hey - it's March 18th!

Do you know what that means?

Today, Kate & the kids are celebrating St. Patrick's Day!

I'm SURE she has hit the grocery stores for half-off merchandise and candy - along with shamrock cupcake toppers...

But don't worry...the Gosselin kids have NEVER celebrated a holiday on the REAL holiday...they film Christmas weeks before - they eat Halloween candy days what's the difference?!

Once a Viewer said...

It's not even necessary to celebrate St P day if you're not Irish or not into it.I think she wanted to celebrate "St Patty's" just to prove what a good mom she is (not)

...and EM Tanner sent her SO much stuff- the tups 3rd b-day Whee, we're 3, Big/Little Sis/Brother, girls' shirts with a flounce on the bottom and their names, possibly the 'Oprah here we come' ones, the family number ones, the plates, calendar, mission statement board...why should Kate diss her now? She just 'disposes' of people no matter how kind they have been when they outrun their usefulness. I'm glad EM Tanner is doing well!

White organza said...

Instead on harping on other people "using her name" to make money, Kate could start using her own website to attract endorsements. She has a "lovable products" section that for the longest time just had a picture a very generic wooden cloth dryer. (Yeah... Good choice, Kate, if you were trolling for profitable endorsements...) She could start by her beloved Keurig coffe machine, her flavored Coffee mate, Starbuck's blond whatever blend, Mad Lib game, etc., etc.
But maybe I'm too harsh on her. Maybe she has too much paperwork to get at it.

mim said...

There is a huge disconnect between Kate's ambitions and her reality (no pun intended).
As we've all witnessed, she Tweets about hard work and determination. But the reality is that she misses opportunities and alienates those she needs the most to help create her "brand."

If you wants to be the organized organic mom, then start talking about that in the few appearances you get. Stop talking about or allowing the conversation to center on your looks. It's all you seem to enjoy talking about.

Start focusing on CC and the cruise, and tips about health and cooking, etc. Stop saying you want to do that on some hoped-for TV show in the future and build the program now. No one believes you really have something to offer, so you need to promote what you have and more sponsors or companies might see you as viable. Get it?

Otherwise, these few opportunities will be squandered just like all the others; sacrificed on the altar of your ego.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Ha love them this is how she should be interviwed

wayward said...

@Jessandken04 yeah, think she marketed my calendar w/o my consent. Sad when ppl use your name for gain without permission! :(

This is the second time in 7 days she's accused someone of using her name for gain. Bitch please. If your name was that valuable you would be writing a new book, commuting to NYC to work on your talk show and developing your own line of cougar wear and straw extensions.
But alas, you are not. You are sitting in Wernersville with your boxed wine.. err.. tea begging people to go on an overpriced cruise and twatting with your handful of faithful twatters. Be assured that not only is EM not making any money off your calendar, having your name associated with it probably makes it a very light seller.

The above tweet is not an example of how you are choosing positivity, in fact it is quite frowny. That designer was very good to you and your family, is that any way to speak of her? In your mind it is, a person is only valued to you when they are providing you with gifts and services at that moment. As soon as they are not, they become persona non grata. No gratitude for what they've done in past, if they are not benefitting you in the present they cease to exsist to you.

It's been said many times, but for really real, you might want to get off twitter. Every day your unbalanced delusions become more and more evident.

Katie Cry-duh said...

And let's not forget that Kate copied the McCaughey's book for 8 Little Faces. Sad she did that for her own personal gain without permission. She could have been sued for copyright infringement but the McCaugheys are good people with more important things to worry about....their kids.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Once a Viewer said... 157

Kate really is an ungrateful witch, isn't she? After everything EM Tanner did for her and her family, she disses them on twitter?
She really is going to be her own undoing.

wayward said...

mim said... 159
There is a huge disconnect between Kate's ambitions and her reality (no pun intended).
As we've all witnessed, she Tweets about hard work and determination. But the reality is that she misses opportunities and alienates those she needs the most to help create her "brand."
So well said, Mim. This is key- "There is a huge disconnect between Kate's ambitions and her reality (no pun intended).
As we've all witnessed, she Tweets about hard work and determination."

Kate's determination was to get as much as she could by doing very little to earn it. She thinks she is damn clever for getting TLC to pay her $250,000 an episode TO GO ON VACATION! She thinks she is superior to everyone else because instead of earning money the hard way, by working two jobs or starting a business or investing in real estate, etc. she simply allowed TV cameras in her home to film every aspect of her 8 children's lives. She has said many times, "you would all do it too, you know you would" Our answer is "uh, noooo, no way in freakin' hell would we do this to our kids." She just doesn't believe it. She can't believe people let themselves be guided by their moral compass and live mediocre lives in order to provide their children a traditional childhood. Kate threw her moral compass out years ago, along with those Christmas ornaments Jon's Dad gave the twins.
Her "determination" is to live a very wealthy lifestyle and doing pretty much nothing to earn it. That is what she is "determined" to do. The "hard work" is deflecting the overwhelming critcisim of this choice and having to say over and over to herself and out loud "I have 8 kids, I have 8 kids, I have 8 kids." As long as she keeps saying it, she can legitimize how low she has stooped and continues to stoop to earn her wealth and maintain it on their 8 little backs.

HollyMo said...

Just testing, my computer is being screwy!
Sorry guys :)

Jumping In said...

I find Kate to be both arrogant and flippant at the same time. Combine those two traits with her lack of social skills, together with her sense of entitlement, and you have one very unlikeable person.

What continues to astound me is her laziness. She had a HUGE opportunity, even after her show was canceled, to continue to ride a wave of possibilities. Her website could have been her marketing tool for all things "Kate + 8" I can almost hear her saying "I don't like computer stuff, I am better in front of a camera than typing on this thing". I believe once she burned her bridges with TLC, she should have immediately kept her brand going on the Internet until something developed. Instead, she let her website remain stagnant and uninteresting, without any commercial value to her whatsoever.

She has squandered her chance to stay in the public eye because she is too stubborn to listen to advise, too lazy to make something happen, with way too much money in the bank to bother. It is easier to sit on Twitter all day and listen to her handful of sheeple praise her for existing.

She is disingenuous, and no-one wants a phony-baloney mother of 8 anymore. The gig is up.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I don't think Kate will be leaving Twitter any time soon. Although her US tweeties seem to be losing interest (catching on?) she's got a new crop of adoring fans in the UK to bolster her ego.

Dwindle said...

Hoosier Girl said... 199
Great post Marie.
Kate can't see beyond the end of her nose. As much as she harps that she's organized and a planner, she didn't do much planning for the future.
She thought those kids were her Golden Geese who would just keep laying forever.


I have to come to the conclusion that Kate is NOT any great organizer and planner. She merely tromps around THINKING about how she will get other people to do things for her. She is still tweeting about the RV episode and how busy she was 'organizing' all the time, and yet we all saw how DISorganized everything was (which was fine, so what?) but she couldnt bother with a single reality because she was so busy 'organizing'. Which to me means that her racing thoughts were uncontrollable again, she knew she needed to be more mentally present, so she forced her thoughts on the RV trip - she calls that 'organizing and planning' because she THINKS about the matter at hand.

When I was newly divorced 27 years ago, I had some car trouble, so my ex offered to try to fix the car. He would come over at 8AM, sit at my table, drink all my coffee and eat all my food. After lunch he would wander out to the garage, drinking more coffee and chatting with the neighbors, then tell me he couldnt do anything with the car because it was time for him to go to his 2nd shift job. Then he would complain to others that he was spending all his time working on my car. He rarely even got his hands dirty.

After about 2 weeks of this, I took the car to a real mechanic (who um is sitting next to me right now reading hehe!) but even back then I told my ex that just because you sit or stand around TALKING about working on the car, doesnt mean you actually DID! Kate reminds me of this. She does very little, and then pats herself on the back all the time for 'planning and organizing'.

And Hoosier I agree with you about the Golden Geese! Somewhere early on, someone told Kate there was an 18 year package ahead of her of selling the childrens' lives for media entertainment. She completely fell for and mentally BANKED on it, and I think it accounts for for some of her constant anger now. Angry at Jon and angry at her family for not supporting the plan and messing up her 'oranization' of her life. After all, SHE was the one who was pregnant twice, she should be able to peddle those 8 little annoyances anyway she chooses.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kate Gosselin Cruise ‏@CindyCardella
@Kateplusmy8 Happy St. Patty's Day

Cindy's been popping in just to say "hi" quite often lately without even pushing the cruise. I wonder what that's all about? If the cruise were full, she'd be crowing about it.

aggiemom09121416 said...

When do you think the financial vise will get too tight and it's time to seek some relief?

What goes first...something of the kid's (private school, voice lessons, instrument lessons,etc) or something of Kate', tanning,pricey hair maintenance, mani'pedis',one of her cars, her out of state marathons?
What goes first?
And it is possible Kate uses the money set aside for the kids future is instead paying their school costs now?

It's over Kate said...

Twitter allows people to see the "real" person behind the celebrity. Sometimes, it helps make the person more likable. Other times, it's their undoing. Kate's a perfect example. If she has been polite and pleasant on Twitter, I think we'd applaud that. However, she is showing herself to be a bitter and nasty woman. (just as we suspected she was)

A couple celebs I used I love that have lost me due to Twitter:

Rosanne Barr. I loved her show and watched reruns nearly every day. After watching her on Twitter I developed an intense dislike for her. She rude, crude, nasty, and overall, she's just a jerk. I saw her call one girl a 'whore' because she disagreed with her. She is not a nice person at all.

Ellen Barkin- I have been a fan for years and considered her to be a classy star. She joined twitter and nearly every tweet contained the F word, sometimes more than once. A few people complained, she didn't care. I stopped following her because I don't need my feed full of foul language for no apparent reason. My opinion of her has lowered. Sorry Ellen, I'm not a prude, but I don't hang out with people who can't control their potty mouths.

Celebs need to work with their PR people to determine if Twitter is going to hurt or help their careers.

Dallas Lady said...

Dwindle, yeah I long suspected on the old episodes she just stood around flapping dish towels or waving childrens' clothing in Jon's face to look busy. She sometimes frantically wiped down counters when the cameras were on her. Threw paper plates on the table sometimes. But I didn't see any hardcore work.

NOR did you ever see her get down on the floor and play with the kids. Even though there were eight of them, nursery school teachers do it all the time: organized play. Instead, they just ran around hitting each other and screaming until Kate the Banshee showed up to scream louder.

And on the RV trip, I REALLY saw it: what she calls organizing and masterminding is just bossing people around. That's it. If I were Jamie, I would have pointed out she really did next to nothing, and talking about how much she does doesn't make it true.

tate said...

Regarding the cruise---I wonder if they only sold a small number and could see the writing on the wall---that they wouldn't be selling anymore, and then they had to "release" the remaining cabins they had hoped to sell. Then the cruise line could sell those to people who want to take the cruise without the privilege of being around Kate Gosselin. This could be another reason for Kate's "depression" the last few days. Kate is realizing she is not going to make a bundle cruising with her legions of fans.

It's over Kate said...

I was baffled at her approach to the RV trip.

Why didn't she have a menu planned before they left?

Why did she run out of underwear for the kids?

Why doesn't each child have a bag with their clothes?

Wouldn't she want her 'best friend' Jamie to ride with her for portions of the trip?

Why didn't she take a few moments to research and tell the kids about the sites they were going to see?

Why couldn't she just ENJOY any of it?

Katie Cry-duh said...

I also believe that Kate is pissed off that her plan isn't working any longer. But here's the crazy: WHO DOES THIS? Who makes grifting for 8 kids a way of life without a back up plan, like a job? Who manipulates in order to have more kids than one can support financially and especially emotionally? Who signs up for all those kids if they can't handle the stress and chaos of lots of young kids? It's so sad for that entire family; one woman's crazy knocking down 9 other Gosselins like dominoes.

Best stuff in life said...

She is once again complaining about the clothing switch. I dont get it. You pull the boxes labeled spring/summer and fall/winter from the closet. You have the kids help you inspect and fold all of the fall/winter clothing and put it in the boxes. Throw items with holes in the mending basket. Then, you have them help you put away the spring/summer clothing. Quickly, inspect under clothing for holes. Throw away under clothing with holes. Its not rocket science! Her children are old enough to help out so why make a big freaking deal about it.

Lauren said...

It's over Kate said... 171

I completely agree with you about twitter sometimes being a star's undoing. I LOVE Blake Shelton's music and thought that he was such a normal, relatable guy. I got tickets to his concert and was giddy as a teenager (I'm 45) in the days leading up to the show. Then I went, and I couldn't put my finger on the reason why, but I was disappointed. The next day at work a girl told me she stopped following him on Twitter but stopped because all he does is tweet about drinking, getting drunk, or being hungover. She said almost the same thing you did "I'm no prude, but I don't want to associate with a grown, married man who mentally hasn't advanced past his early 20's". I checked out his Twitter and had to agree. Still love his music, but boy am I disenchanted with him as a person!

I think that is what's happening with Kate, her fans are seeing the real person, not the person she portrayed on TV. But in her case, people can't say "oh well, I still like her products, books, or whatever--because she has nothing to offer. At least with real celebrities people might not like their true personalities but still go to their movies, watch their shows or listen to their music.

Once a Viewer said...

It's Over Kate:

I agree 100%. She was nasty, miserable and disorganized the whole time and didn't seem to care about the sites. The Grand Canyon she even dismissed!! And when she was explaining about taking 2 days' worth of clothes out when the RVs broke down it made NO sense- very disorganized in speech as well as deed.

Amy2 said...

I have a new name for Kate....The Terminator. You see once people are of no value (use) to her, she terminates them. Think of all the people have been terminated from Kate's life.

Kate Doesn't Rate said...

Kelsi ‏ @MyCrazyLife2
@Kateplusmy8 Where did you get your big stainless steel trash can? Need to find a big one!

Oh brother!

Mel said...

There were subtle camera things even way back then.

Jon said he got up at 6:30. The camera showed him, fully dressed, pouring coffee into Kate's mug, while the microwave click behind him said 6:30. So he must have been up before 6:30 to be dressed and have coffee ready by then.

Then they show Kate sleepily wandering into the kitchen, saying she gets up at 8, while the microwave clock behind her shows 8:15.

Mel said...

On one of the clips she was talking about herself working double shifts every other Saturday.

She then starts to say that she works one regular shift on the in between Saturdays, but then corrects herself and says she's "scheduled" to work them. Like maybe she's scheduled alright, but doesn't really work them.

And then has the gall to roll her eyes as she says that she has to do that in between Saturday for "financial reasons".

How dare someone require her to ?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kelsi ‏ @MyCrazyLife2
@Kateplusmy8 Where did you get your big stainless steel trash can? Need to find a big one!

A store would be the best bet I think but I could be wrong.

Just cruisin along said...

One thing I noticed is that when Cindy tweets Kate, Kate only responds to the cruise tweets by retweeting them. Cindy has tweeted to Kate about other things-like the blog story, wishing her a Happy St. Patrick's Day, and even just to say Hi. Kate never responds to those tweets.

I find that strange, unless Kate only cares about Cindy when she is promoting the cruise, and couldn't care less about her otherwise.

Over Yonder said...

I guess the cruise has been put on the back burner. Cindy seem to be a wannabe, Kate's best friend now, joined at the hip, sharing in the trials and tribulations of motherhood:

@Kateplusmy8 Hi it's Cindy, I am on my husbands computer. I have to switch over clothes too but x3 hate that job!!


I like switching the clothes. I means out with the old and in with the new. Nice change. It's too early, now, though. Yes, we've had really warm days and it seems like it's shorts season already, but it still can get very cool and if you've packed up the long pants, girls leggings and long sleeved shirts, there will still be days when you need them. I usually wait until mid-April to change over.

Anonymous said...

Oh for crying out loud, literally! X8, X8, X8! What Kate? Do you really think not most of all America knows you have 8 kids by now?

I mean it's always the same thing with her. "It's too big of a job! I-I don't know if I'm ready to do it because...I-I have 8, count 'em 8 kids! Oh woe is me! How will I ever manage?! Someone look at how AMAZINGLY AWESOME I am for whining about almost everything! Which in reality is next to nothing but nobody else is dumb enough to figure it out! Oh...poor little single mom me!"

Enough already! I don't care how many kids you've got. Yes I understand that sometimes life can be hard but if life was this hard ALL THE TIME then I don't think people would go on to have more than 1 child.

There are REAL people out there who do this same crap of dealing with clothes X8 and more every day. I don't hear them whining, do you? I don't see them on my TV screen. Well, okay yeah it might help if I actually cared enough to turn my TV on half as much but I don't.

Give it a rest psycho! Yeah, I went there today. Kate is just so dramatic about really simple stuff for God knows what reason.

"Oh, I broke a nail! STEEVE! I don't want my picture taken! The kids are driving me nuts because they actually want something! I hate Jon! I want Nobu, I want a talk show, I want, I want, I want!" Does she not know she sounds like a spoiled child? Wow. I mean it should be embarrassing for her, really it should but it's not which makes it that much more pathetic.

Anybody here, the next time, if you have any friends or know someone who has 8 or *gasp* more kids then the Great Freaking Kate, tell them a Thank You for being a real parent, for not putting themselves on TV to make a buck. That you appreciate real honest human effort without all the (well, peolpe whine a little,) but not near as much as she does?

I mean come on, if Kate were cheese she would have grated on a lot of people's nerves a long time ago!

aggiemom09121416 said...

chefsummer said... 183

Kelsi ‏ @MyCrazyLife2
@Kateplusmy8 Where did you get your big stainless steel trash can? Need to find a big one!

A store would be the best bet I think but I could be wrong.

Thanks for the laugh. I like your wit.lololol

I guess my girls didn't have as many clothes as Kate's..(4 girls all two years apart, then twins 6 yrs later)...but I quit all that 'season changing of clothes' when we hit 4T.

Body shapes are different, styles change..

Once a Viewer said...

I don't think it would be hard at all, with all the matching things. Just have a Tupperware or box with each kid's name and the season and size and they can help as someone suggested. The twins probably have their own ideas of what they want to keep or donate (aka consign) or buy new.

Trip to Old Navy and voila!

With the basement organization that the professional ladies provided ( um, you know what I mean! oops) it should be a breeze. Didn't Hannie help her the day the twins played Mommy for a day?

Knows Quality said...

Since she's come home from "church", she's tweeted the following:

@DavidCardella :) tis the season :) less than a minute ago

@MyCrazyLife2 hmmm... Bed bath and beyond I think! They r expensive.. I bought one with a dent to save $ lol about a minute ago

@momdcj fave? @Starbucks blonde veranda and Wolfgang puck breakfast in bed! Yummy! 2 minutes ago

@laneypooh82 nope! It's all so confusing and I have to think hard to organize it all! 2 minutes ago

@Lshopaholic2013 don't you worry, my kids are gonna be my little clothing delivery people:) 3 minutes ago


For a woman who was going to tackle the clothing switch today, she appears to be accomplishing nothing more than twitting.

Which holds true in everything that she does - all talk and no action.

Winsomeone said...

Am reading a novel by Robyn has a movie star and his dysfunctional family briefly in it. His step sister suggests they do a reality show, and she said they could call it "Big Brother meets Kate Plus 8. Brothers and sisters reuniting. Anyway, shocked me to think Kate is creeping into our novels now, even though the title didn't make much sense to me.

Downeaster Alexa said...

@novasstar lol. I DO have help.. But it's my kids! Does that count as help? Lol
7 min ago f

Yes, it does count as help. They are old enough to help. What are they - chopped liver? Of course they can help! This woman is nuts.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Ask Kate what did she learn in church today.

Pity Party said...

Yes I would say the job is quite daunting indeed with the phone glued to her hand. She is going to sit in a chair and the kids are going to run back and forth with the clothes. She will exhaust herself making labels with the label maker for the bins. Those kids don't get much downtime. Why doesn't she do that a little at a time every day while they are at school, they can relax.

PatK said...

Pity Party, that's exactly how I am picturing this little project going down! lol

Spring Has Sprung said...

It's too bad Kate alienated everyone around her and has no friends. I have a friend over for lunch, and we go through my kids clothing. Because of the age differences in our kids, what doesn't fit mine anymore, will fit hers, and vice-versa. We get mine done, then we go to her house.

We help each other organize, and we each benefit by swapping. It's a fun time. I make out better than she does because she's a kids clothes-aholic, buying way too much and I end up with brand new, tags-still-on items that her kids never got to wear!

Why can't Kate do the organizing when the kids are in school all day? It's not like she has anything else to do. There's no nine-to-five job which means that she comes home too exhausted to do anything else. What is her problem? Don't answer that...

Spring Has Sprung said...

Kelsi ‏ @MyCrazyLife2
@Kateplusmy8 Where did you get your big stainless steel trash can? Need to find a big one!

Lowe's or Home Depot would be a good bet. I don't think you'll find them at Barnes and Noble. Sheesh, these sheeple are needy. It just makes you wonder how they get through life without Kate as an adviser. They really are pathetic.

she's twisted said...

Katie Cry-duh said... 175
WHO DOES THIS? Who makes grifting for 8 kids a way of life without a back up plan, like a job?
This is the part that amazes me. Kate believes she had a job-she believes TLC HIRED her. They never hired her, they COMPENSATED her family monetarily for the intrustion of filming their lives. Somehow, it all got twisted in her mind that she was being paid for being "her", so there was no intrusion-if she wants something, then what she wants is good for everybody. Her ego is out of control. (narcissism, hello? lol) She never puts any effort in to being anything more than exactly what she is and I'm convinced she believes that people ought to pay her just to exist.
The way she spins things is sick. She treats people however she wants to treat them, and seems to think that telling them how to feel about it is good enough. Telling Tony, after she insulted him about the way he was teaching her to dance, that her comments "were not to be taken offensively" was so telling. In her mind she can be a bitch where ever she goes, but if her behavior is not to be taken "bitchily", then she is not a bitch. period. if she says she is organized, then she is. if she says she is a hard worker, then she is. all evidence to the contrary be damned.

TLC stinks said...

Does she really attend church? Just because she says so, doesn't mean it is true. If she is attending, it's because there's something in it for her. I don't think she realizes she can't play the religion card any longer.

AuntieAnn said...

Mel said... 181
There were subtle camera things even way back then.
At first they were subtle and then the longer the show went on the more loose-lipped Kate got. Guess she didn't think anyone would ever compare any of her stories.
I watched a clip of her the other day when she was being interviewed on some religous program where she was talking about how poor they were 'back then', that Jon had to stand in line at the Salvation Army to get help for the utility bill. She said they couldn't afford to pay the bills with only the four of them, how were they going to afford six more? Huh? Wait a minute. At first, all she blabbed about and even had Beth write in her book, was that she only wanted to have one more baby to see what it was like. (?? yeah, I know. Kate it's like having two, only divide that in half and you've got a pretty good idea) Anyway, if you can't afford to keep a roof over your head with a family of four, why the hell have fertility treatments for even ONE more??
If she would have stuck to one lie, she'd have been better off today but she changed her story more often than Jon changed diapers and it's finally catching up. Karma is biting her squarely on the ass now.
Of course by the time this [religous] video was recorded, we were already on to her lies, but this was in the midst of her hayday and they was still a huge flock of sheeple eating it up. She thought she could say anything.

Jane said...

TLC stinks said... 198
Does she really attend church? Just because she says so, doesn't mean it is true. If she is attending, it's because there's something in it for her. I don't think she realizes she can't play the religion card any longer.


You'd think someone would tweet or post here that they'd seen her and the kids in church. And now, having said this, I fully expect sheeple-trolls to show up claiming exactly this!

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