Friday, August 26, 2011

Recap: Kate's Toughest Questions (part 1) 8/15/11: Kate and only Kate's propaganda film, 'Free Range'

Coming up, Kate’s Toughest Questions. Hm, wonder what those could be? Maybe, if you were stranded on a desert island and could only pick one Nobu sushi roll to eat, which would it be? Or, what do you hate the most about Jon? Name any current event at all either domestic or international, or maybe, without relying on your pink iphone calculator, what is nine plus twelve? Apparently on this episode, Kate gets her own open forum, once again, to trash talk. And trash talk. And trash talk. And no one she throws under the bus will get a chance to respond. Hm, one person telling us how it’s going to be and everyone else silenced--sounds rather like a propaganda film to me. I half expect Kate to tell us what we can read (my books!) and what we must burn (anything else I didn‘t “write”!), and declare who is of pure blood and free to reproduce (tanners and grifters and dummies) and who is not and must be sterilized (everyone else!). Wait for it.

We’re at the house, and Mady is bellyaching, like a normal child would, about why she has to help tidy up the house. “I provide a roof over your head,” Kate actually tells her with a straight face, without the slightest hint of irony either. We are so, so close to Mady being old enough to realize what is going on here and snap back, “No, I do, fool!” Maybe a few more months and we‘re there.

Oh, there’s Kate’s makeup artist powdering Kate’s nose in the kitchen. If I were a tweetie, my first question to Kate would be, Huh, if this is the realest reality show, who is that person in the kitchen? Here comes the plumber, or an underpaid extra, to try to balance that out and make this seem like a normal family. They pretend there’s some leak in the basement and it’s all very stiff and awkward, not exactly a Shakespearean performance from either Kate or this guy.

Kate says her tweetie friends really want her to answer some questions because they’re interested in her and so on. I call this obsessed creepy stalking, she calls it tweetie friends interested in her life. Po-tate-o, po-tot-o.

Exactly as suspected, there’s a shot of Kate glued to her phone like it’s a pacemaker for her eyes while Hannah is pleading with her to please fix her shoe. She ignores the kids to be on twitter all day, it’s obvious. Poor Hannah, she has to give Kate a generous deadline of tomorrow to fix her shoe. She may have to limp around another day shoeless while Kate posts some grammatically incorrect streaming consciousness about stewing tomatoes. It probably does take Kate a good twenty-four hours to wean herself away from Twitter to attend to her young children, Hannah is bearing this in mind. Hannah probably should get two Advil ready to go for the withdrawal headaches Kate is sure to experience when she finally puts down the pinkiphone.

You know, if there were a Nobel Peace prize for inventions for shallow, image-obsessed narcissistic women, it would go to Apple for inventing the key pad. Because that key pad doesn’t hate on your nails like Blackberry and most other phones. On the contrary, it welcomes them. Now narcissists like Kate can communicate with their fans like they never could before. An entire class of people cut off from the technological masterpiece that is Twitter are now brought into the fold, like inventing a cheap water purification system and saving a nation. Just think, without Apple? We'd never know about Kate's sediments. I’m tearful.

Why are the kids on the couch? I thought these were questions for Kate.

Pattiepie wants to know if Kate is dating anyone. Many of these names are going to sound familiar, as many of them have harassed us like crazy psychos on Twitter. Twitter is the playground for adults bullied as children who never got the proper therapy and support from friends and family and security in their own accomplishments to rebuild their self-esteem and properly process their childhoods. It fulfills every unhealthy desire they’ve ever had to pass it right on to the next person even worse without any consequences. It’s pathetic, really.

I’ll answer this question for you, Pat. No, of course Kate is not dating anyone. She will play this off because she has eight kids. But really it’s because she’s a narcissistic, pessimistic, selfish, self-obsessed, self-absorbed, money-hungry, man-eating, gluten-hating, child-exploiting bitch that no man wants to be around. Next?

Why in the entire world are the kids being asked by producers whether they want Kate to date and marry? That’s so inappropriate! There isn’t a child psychologist in the entire state of Pennsylvania who would condone this as healthy. It’s so disgusting I‘m not even going to go into detail what they‘re saying, other than to say a lot of it has nothing to do with what Kate always tells us they feel, as several of them say very firmly, “NO” and they “DON‘T WANT A DIFFERENT DAD.” Whatever, Kate the lying liar about the kids begging for a new daddy.

So, is Kate jealous of Jon dating?

Puh-shaw! says Kate. No! Whatever! OMG yada yada. It kills Kate to admit the kids come home happy from their visits with him. Also, it kills me to have to look at that right mound of tanned boob pouring out of her matching blinding pink iphone top. What the heck? Is it looking for a baby or something? Or just trying to escape I guess.

Life landed her single, bemoans Kate. Wow, she’s even blaming life itself now? Even Life is now the narcissist‘s victim. Don‘t take it personally, Life.

Next question, how do you get eight kids out the door for school? How stupid are these people? Nannies, nannies, nannies, of course.

But Kate’s PC answer? “Schedule, schedule, schedule.” As in, making sure the nannies know the schedule.

Another twitter-twatter asks, do you ever miss marriage?

Well, as expected, Kate doesn’t miss Jon. But she does miss having a parent to do shit for her. That wasn’t the question. What does her stupid answer have to do with the daily ups and downs and joys and fulfillment of the unique and profound relationship with a man or woman we call marriage? Because all I’m hearing is an evil stepsister wants her servant back. Waa-waa-waa, Jon changed. No, Kate, you changed, which is why Jon wanted to go back to how things were before except you wouldn‘t let him! But people who change into something horrible always think everyone else changed except them, don’t they? The best part is this all occurs while old clips show Jon practically rescuing some kittens from a tree with one hand and saving a baby seal with the other. Tons of footage of him hugging and kissing the kids, helping them get ready for school, the kids all over him adoring him. Ha, slick one, TLC.

Next, why has your style changed so much?

Kate: Uh, um, you know I wore a tshirt because I had little kids, something about tie-dye (what?), I have eight kids. I.e., I wasn’t famous enough and getting enough stylish free crap just yet, but just wait, I will! What do clips of Alexis’s poop and Joel’s vomit have to do with anything, other than to humiliate them once again?

Why do you always wear high heels? Oh sheeple, why is the earth round?

I don’t understand Kate’s answer. They don’t stop me? Huh? Well, TLC stopped you. Last week. They canceled your show. Bam! Kate says heels make her feel good about herself. It’s typical that someone like her would use inanimate, expensive objects like heels to feel good about herself, and not feel good about herself because maybe she has a lovely family and supportive husband and good job and is a good person.

Next question. Give me something deep, tweeple, I know you have it in you: “If you didn’t know how old you were how old would you be?” Like, uh, wow, um! Ooo, philosophy. I dig it.

Hmm, how old does Kate feel? I’m guessing at least twelve but no older than fifteen. No, surprisingly, Kate is 30, she says. She started to know what she wanted then. Eh, I think most of us have come to the conclusion she knew exactly what she wanted before the sextuplets were conceived, which was way before she turned 30.

Fired Up (for Kate, not Jesus. No, really) says, what dress size do you wear? Good grief, who cares? Two-fourish, lies Kate. Baw-hahahha.

Does Kate use tanning beds, we already know the answer to this. Yes. At least Kate admits she’s not an advocate of it. So, do what I say not as I do. I freaking hate adults like that. As a kid, and now just as much as an adult.

Is her tummy tuck the only plastic surgery Kate has ever had? Watch how diabolical Kate is here. “Plastic? Yes, my stomach is all plastic!” she says sarcastically. You see, by telling herself in her mind no surgery is “plastic” she can answer the question “truthfully.” Yes, it‘s the only surgery she‘s had. Baw-hahahaha. Her boob is halfway down the Nile and she’s actually trying to tell us those girls are all hers. She also says some nonsense that “will it be forever in a day, probably not?” What in the world is she blathering about? She is so batshit! And TLC doesn’t care, they’re just throwing all her ramblings in without a care whether they make any sense whatsoever or not. Also, she says if any other surgeries are necessary she’s not against it. Hm, does this mean she’d consider a lobotomy?

How do you deal with negativity? I ignore it, Kate says. Oh, I didn’t realize calling a non-fan “rude” for questioning her ridiculous greed to take dozens and dozens of free cupcakes from DC Cupcakes was “ignoring it.” She gets testy every few days or so and responds nastily to a non-fan on twitter (and sometimes even a fan that pushes the wrong button), that’s hardly ignoring her criticism. When you’re in public people think it’s “free range” to put their opinions out there.

First, Kate, the expression is not “free range.” You are confusing this with how those organic chickens you love so much are fed. The expression you’re looking for is free reign (or less commonly but still correct, free rein). And the fact that people feel they have “free range” to criticize you has a heck of a lot more to do with the fact that you have exploited these kids for six years, and little to do with your very firm status as a public figure, otherwise we‘d be going around ripping on every single person all day long who‘s ever had their face on T.V.

Kate babbles some nonsense about how if she were a nurse or teacher, people would still criticize, but no one would really care, so she doesn’t pay attention. Wait, if she had a real job like a nurse or teacher, she wouldn’t be exploiting the kids, so why would people criticize her in the first place? That’s what started this all, being on T.V. and exploiting the kids. What is she even trying to say here? A jar of fluffernutter probably has more logic than Kate.

Kate says at the end of this all the only opinions that are really going to count are the kids’. I couldn’t agree more. And she seems blissfully unaware of what lies ahead. Let her enjoy the honeymoon period I guess.

Oh, God, this is rich. Let’s ask Kate how the kids feel about being on TV, how are they handling TV life? Kate’s absolutely ridiculous answer? They don’t know any different.

Kate, let me introduce you to something called logic. A child who is beaten up every day by his mother also doesn’t know anything different. That doesn’t mean beating a child up is good for him. Nor do many of us believe filming a childhood for six years is good for them whether that‘s all they know, and you know full well the vast majority of rational people feel the same and have said so. Your justification for this exploitation is about the most illogical answer I’ve ever heard in my life.

A few of the kids say being on TV is fun and they like it. How come the rest of the kids don’t get to answer this question? Also, if Kate claims they don’t know anything different, then how can they be in a position to say they like it as opposed to having a camera free life if they‘ve never experienced anything else? She boxes herself into a corner every single time with these answers. Well, at least the show is canceled now and hopefully they will never have to go through this again. Poor Mady says there are some people at school mean to them about being on T.V. Aw. But most are true friends. Good, though I fear that might not last.

Aaden’s favorite episode is when he went to Australia. His favorite episode? His life is in episodes now? Truman Show anyone? All of the kids’ favorite “episodes” of their lives are pretty recent episodes. Duh, because they can’t remember so much of what was filmed before. Ha, all those trips and they don’t have any memory of it.

Cara’s favorite episode is one with a scene of Jon and Aaden where he lost his glasses. I love that her favorite episode is something with Jon, that must kill Kate.

Harry’s Princess asks, What is the “funnest” part of having eight kids? Can’t Kate just sort of correct her grammar so as not to embarrass her? Instead she calls attention to it and claims she, Kate, made funnest a word. Her narcissism knows no bounds. Oh, Harry‘s princess, you’re royalty, you should know what‘s so great about having eight kids! The money, Princess, of course! But Kate makes up something about family and teams.

It’s pick on Alexis day, they all complain that Alexis screams. Oh, time to pick on Collin, who eats like a pig. This is basically what many large families do, tease and pick on each other. Only something seems very despicable about all this, by virtue of the fact that it’s being filmed so publicly.

Oh, this is revealing. They ask the kids, “If you could be any other brother or sister who would you be?” Guess who they pick? Hannah! The golden child!

If you don’t know about narcissism and golden children and scapegoats, here’s a quick 101. Psychologists have noticed a common trend among families with a narcissistic parent--often the mother. Moms will have one or more golden children she treats lovingly and fairly and often lavishes special treatment on, while other children are scapegoats and treated cruelly. This fascinating dynamic was observed in Joan Crawford’s family. Christopher and Christina reported incident after incident of abuse toward them and were backed up by several witnesses, while Crawford’s younger children, Cathy and Cindy, disputed their accounts. Why? Likely they were Crawford’s golden children, and therefore, might not realize abuse was going on toward the older scapegoat children. Scapegoat children lie awake nights just praying and wishing they had been born the golden child. In a way it’s kind of sad to hear the kids say they want to be Hannah. It just fits too perfectly with everything that’s been said about this family and Kate’s severe narcissism. Wouldn’t you know it in Kate’s own book, she sets Hannah apart from the others, admitting she has a special relationship with her.

Joel says he would just be himself. Good for him. This started out as rather a silly question, but turned out to be very revealing.

Cara and Mady slap each other then hug it out on the couch for about five minutes. They're just putting filler in now, they really don't care. I think they know full well at this point this show is done, and frankly, Kate is lucky to get any kind of send off at all, let alone an entire hour to just speak her mind without anyone questioning her.

Coming up in Part Two, Kate is pissed off at Kevin for helping a baby chick across a puddle. To be continued...

372 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Slip Slidin' Away said...

This blog now accepts tabloid crap as truth?

You people should be smarter than that.


Kimmie, is that you?
Troll from the other blog, is that you?

Slippery little suckers, aren't you...managing to slide that one in! :)

Anonymous said...

I plan to do something in the media for a good long time... If that plan doesn't work, nursing is plan b :)1 hour agovia

Bahahahahhahahhaaaaa!! Keep on dreaming you idiot!

Friend In Pennsylvania said...

Someone on Twitter posted that Kate is far enough inland to escape the hurricane and that she will probably milk the drama, nevertheless.

While we may not get 100 mph winds, the concern here is for flooding. We could get up to a foot of water from this, with power outages inevitable. I'm afraid that it's going to be nasty.

KyPastor said...

All in the path of the storm are in our good thoughts and our prayers. "Be of good courage"

Beth said...

PJ's momma said...
OK, totally off topic, but hopefully this will give someone a chuckle. My cute little dog started jumping around as I was reading these posts. I thought she was chasing a fly again.....until a friggin' bat buzzed my head. GAH! This has happened once before. I've learned we probably have a colony in our attic and it was a pup learning to fly and got confused as it headed out to feed for the night. We'll have a pest control specialist do an 'exclusion' this week, excluding them from the house (watching where they come out, making sure they ARE out, and sealing the holes. I posted on facebook that we had another bat and it creeped me the hell out and my friend asks, "Is it is a fruit bat?" I said, "Sheila, I have no idea - I didn't ask it as I ran shrieking from the room!" (Maybe I acted like Kate and shrieked and flapped my hands, but I had every reason and forgot the dog, who was cowering under the desk at my reaction when I came back in to get the bat out.) That just struck me as soooooooo funny. Is it a fruit bat? As opposed to a vampire bat, or a carnivorous bat, or what? my friend Sheila! Hope you all have Sheilas in your lives too!


I had a bat in my house once. I don't know why they have to announce their presence by flapping in your ear. I didn't sleep a wink until we were able to get it out of the house. Lol

Canadian Mom said...

KyPastor said... All in the path of the storm are in our good thoughts and our prayers. "Be of good courage"


Sweet and to the point Ky Pastor! I, too, am sending thoughts of safety to those affected (effected?) by this hurricane called Irene.

This website is much different than GWOP. Unmoderated? Bats?

No offense to anyone, especially to the extremely level-headed owner of this website, but I'm not sure I'm a good fit here.

We'll see how it goes. I very much miss alot of my 'old' friends!! :)

Permanent Name said...

If she's talking, she's lying. Broken record here....

I have no faith that her twit about making up with Jamie and Ashley is what really happened. She had to say that so we'd all know what a good friend she was to "forgive them".

If kart said it, I doubt it.

Remember how she says she keeps in touch with all her 'friends' from DWTS, the View, etc?

Tony was quoted as saying he didn't keep in touch with her, yet she said over and over again on talk shows that they are 'good friends'. I think he should have dropped her on her head on the dance floor when he had a chance..... (sorry, that was mean).

Of course kart will say Jamie and Ashly are still "good friends". They just won't be talking to her or seeing her or the kids anymore....

I'm convinced kart has lots of imaginary friends.

kart's definitions are usually 'spot off' to riff on the phrase.........

Permanent Name said...

Serious question here:

Is it possible for someone to damage their skin like she has and get it back to some approximation of youthful complexion with care?

Laying off the tanning, facials, exfoliations, peels? Or is the damage permanent?

Permanent Name said...

Canadian Mom,

Bats fit in here! As in batshit crazy..........

{smile and a wink}

fidosmommy said...

Sure bats fit right into the conversaation. They squeal, flap their wings at you, get in your face, and when provoked have a very nasty attitude. Sound familiar?

Good thing about bats is they only have one pup at a time. They are extremely good mothers, but they would not know how to properly care for a lot of babies at once. They are aware of that going in. Smart, those bats.

Starz22 said...

So I have just seen the opening for the show...the kids are saying thier names...I'm Mady and Cara ect the tups comes next. Really I havent seen this.I'm true when I have said I havent watched since the divorce was anounced.kate makes my skin crawl.Just to hear her voice makes me ill. I havent watched them on youtube or any repeats. I JUST cant stomach the wench.
I know tlc is hoping to draw people in for the final episodes.Please dont watch.They will be repeated time and time again.You can watch it a day or 2 later with out adding to the ratings.
Give the kids the break they so cameras or video crew in thier homes.
Some like to compair the Duggars to kate.Well sorry...they already had 14 kids without a tv contract.The Duggars have been able to raise the kids with out any in side help....they didnt need a show...or nannys...or drama to get money for the kids. I may not agree with everything Duggar...BUT they have NEVER needed any outside help like kate BEGS for.
Maybe the Duggars can led kate to the God she SO claimed she followed. OR even the Roloffs....they say god has shown them the way...they knew when to end the show...AND here we have kate....she KNOWS nothing other than collecting money...Pay for a picture of me and the kids...CASH ONLY....a book signing? That will cost you 30 thousand....Talking at a church you gave us nothing but love....that will cost 20 bucks a picture and about 30 thousand to hear me speak for 15 minutes...
Kate has lost any respect she ever had.kate has made MJILLLIONS from the kids working.Now kate says she's poor...what did she do the the MILLIONS she got just from being a super bitch mom??

hey jude said...

PJ's Momma said......'My friend asked if the bat was carrying a purse.'

OMG! The 1st part about the bat landing in the sugar made me laugh.I had to chase bats at work all the time,hate them but had to get them out!The purse part gave me the biggest belly laugh I've had in a while! Thanks, gay bats! ha ha ha.

hey jude said...

Canadian Mom,
You don't have to be batshit crazy to fit in here, but it sure does help....Hey, they let me on here and I'm from Saskatchewan- you'll be fine, trust me!

hey jude said...

Admin. Love your picture of the kitten giving the one- legged chick a ride! So cute!

hey jude said...

Why am I awake and on here at this time of day?It's our 35th wedding anniversary to-day!And I can't sleep either......

NT said...

I think one of the open spots on The talk has been temp filled by Kris Jenner. aka MOMMA Kardashian. She will fill in for Sharon Osborne in Sept. so she might get the perm position. Wonder if Kate's agent asked about kate getting one of the positions? Another thougt,maybe now Jon can write his tell all book??!!!

overthehill said...

im sure the exaggerated screams etc from kate gosselin are because she fancied herself as a voice over in disney films.she is so false.
the alaska episode is on in the uk right now.she is sitting on that couch with her girls poking out.
tlc set her up for this all along.when will the sheeple realise what a selfish nasty woman she is.

Falling like a brick said...

Looks like Kate doesn't have the kids this weekend (Jon's custody weekend). No need to tweet in order to avoid them. She's gone nearly 15 hours w/o a tweet.

No Regrets said...

"NT said...Another thougt,maybe now Jon can write his tell all book??!!!"

I doubt Jon would do that. That would hurt his kids. Maybe when they grown and know what is going on, but until then, I seriously doubt he will do that.

No Regrets said...

"Falling like a brick said...Looks like Kate doesn't have the kids this weekend (Jon's custody weekend). No need to tweet in order to avoid them. She's gone nearly 15 hours w/o a tweet."

I have noticed both. She either tweets like mad, about how much she has to do, how exhausted she is. (LOL) Or she is practically silent. But you are right, she does seem to tweet a lot more when those kiddos are home. Too bad I don't have 8 kids, so I can spend all day online. Yesterday, I did sneak more time online, since no one was home. I cannot imagine having any kids at home, let alone 8 and spend all that time tweeting. PLUS do umpteen loads of laundry, clean the house, can tomatoes, blah blah blah

Falling like a brick said...

No Regrets:
It's her M/O. She is so transparent. When she wants to avoid her kids she tweets. Look back at her 'schedule'. You can totally tell when her kids are home and when they aren't just by watching her tweeting habits.
Most moms would tweet more when the kids aren't home, Kate is the complete opposite.

No Regrets said...

I bet the first tweet is going to be "I just ran 102 miles in 2 minutes flat, best time ever!" What a dweeb.

No Regrets said...

Falling like a brick... I agree. She does tweet a lot more when those kids are home. Don't these fans with kids even wonder how she does this, PLUS do laundry, PLUS clean and all the other chores on her longggg list? Geez

No Regrets said...

@Kateplusmy8 Has gained approx. another 1,000 PLUS followers in less than two day! Yippee y Yay!!!!”

I am now convinced that someone is buying twitter accounts for her. 1000 in 2 days?? WHY aren't they all signing those petitions? She got all those followers in two days, but only 16 more signed the petitions in that same time period? LOL DOES NOT COMPUTE

No Regrets said...

@Kateplusmy8 K8, i wanna send a gift to all ur kids... How can i do that?"


Jenna Does said...

A Pink Straight Jacket said...
Well, she can always do a public access t.v. show out of her basement, ala "Wayne's World".
LOVE it!!

"Kate's World Kate's World...Twitter Time...Excellent!! Ok, everyone, it's me Kate! For the next half hour, all you are gonna see me do is tweet. Cool huh?" Then silence, except the sound of typing, & maybe a laugh, or an 'aww' or maybe a "No I didn't". Sounds like a...great show!

Great one Pink!!
~Hippie Chick~

Jenna Does said...

Call Me Crazy...
I am so sorry to hear about your brother. I don't know what I would do without mine, but we've had our ups & downs. I'm happy you have your happy memories to draw upon.

Are you in the path of the Hurricane as well? Today we're preparing. Taking in the patio furniture, stuff like that. Yesterday, I went to buy cream & milk at Walmart & there was ONE case of water, & about 12 people fighting over it. I walked past them & said non-nonchalantly, "Water comes out the tap, right? Maybe we all should have prepared sooner..." & just kept walking. People KNEW the Hurricane is coming. We have had ample warning. When a tornado hits, there is no warning. It's just crazy, people arguing about a case of water. Be NICE!! Please, be nice! And please be SAFE!!!
~Hippie Chick~

PJ's momma said...

hey jude, glad I could give you a smile with that bat story. Apparently I offended some by going off topic and bringing up bats, for which I humbly apologize.

Happy Anniversary! 35 years - wowee! You have 9 years on us and it just gets better, doesn't it? Hope you and your love enjoy a wonderful day/evening together!

No Regrets said...

"PJ's momma said... Apparently I offended some by going off topic and bringing up bats, for which I humbly apologize."

You have NOTHING to apologize for. ADMIN doesn't care if we go OT at times. Why should anyone else? If someone is that sensitive, plenty of blogs out there. I loved your bat story.

No Regrets said...

WTH is with all the sensitivity here lately?
LOLOL < -- why would this bother anyone?
Why would bats bother anyone? Geeez louise.

Relax, don't ruin this blog it is too good. Please. ~ Administrator said...

You're always welcome to go off topic as long as you follow the rules. If you're not interested in a discussion, don't take it personally, just scroll down.

No Regrets said...

ADMIN Exactly right. You have always been cool about that. I feel relaxed on this site. And I do appreciate being able to post without a million rules.


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I imagine Kate sees herself as another Barbara Walters or Diane Sawyer, hard-hitting broadcast journalists or just maybe...Christiane Amanpour, international news correspondent Yeah, that's it!

I can see her in a snit because there are no 5-star hotels in Chad or asking where the nearest Nobu is in Yemen or wondering out loud if Hamas is organic.

Grammy of nine said...

Just wondering who is leading Kate to believe she will be involved in media for a long time to come? Is she hearing voices, or does she have a long term contract in front of her? It doesn't matter to me what she might appear on, I've lost interest. She alienates everyone who can so clearly see through her motives. Jon had a good job with benefits (that he left at her urging), and she is a nurse. They could have made it like hundreds of other large families. No, there wouldn't have been the fancy clothes, trips, large property, autos, etc., but they could have had a nice, peaceful life. I believe this all happened because her ego took over. Jon fell for it too, for a time. He saw the "light". Kate is still enveloped in their excessive lifestyle. Sad, really. ~ Administrator said...

Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@MackenzieBabb I plan to do something in the media for a good long time... If that plan doesn't work, nursing is plan b :)

What, exactly? She's failed at everything! She can "plan" all she wants but if no one wants her and she isn't any good, it's not going to happen. Why isn't she out there busting her butt getting things lined up and get off twitter if she's serious about a career. The one thing you cannot be in this business is LAZY, because there are 100 other people just like her who have way more drive and who will pass her on by.

Sure I plan to be a doctor....but I stink at it.

No Regrets said...

Someone told Kate she has the "gift of gab". What she falls to realize, while she does blab a lot, she says a whole lot of NOTHING. Kate does not have the "it" factor. No matter how much she thinks she can host, interview or anything else, she is just not talented in those areas.

I look for her manager to land her something, but I really don't think she has the talent or appeal to keep a good job in the media. As AJ Hammer guest said, she is not interesting, nor entertaining. That is is the simple truth.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Why isn't she out there busting her butt getting things lined up and get off twitter if she's serious about a career. The one thing you cannot be in this business is LAZY, because there are 100 other people just like her who have way more drive and who will pass her on by.

And at 36 she's no spring chicken in the world of media. There are tons of 20somethings out of college who will be filling the jobs she thinks she can do.

Cindy said...

So the freaky fans think Kate is marketable? Admin, you seem to know people in the "industry". Can you find out her Q rating? I would love to know it. I don't post here much but I so love this site. Thanks Admin. ~ Administrator said...

It's not even personal, there are tons of people out there not suited to host talk shows. Kate is just one of the millions. It takes so many different elements to pull it off, not the least of which is an incredible interest in other people and awareness of others and what is going on in the world, and the ability to ask the kind of questions other people with similiar curiosity about the world would want to know. This is a skill I certainly don't have and most women wouldn't or we'd all be on T.V.

Anyway, she was given more chances to be that talk show host than anyone who wanted to be in this business could dare dream of, and the reality is, she isn't good at it. She lost her chance and she likely won't be getting another.

Permanent Name said...

Permanent Name said... Canadian Mom,

Bats fit in here! As in batshit crazy..........

Holy crap Batman! <------ LOL

Canada, I didn't mean YOU were crazy!!!!!!! I meant our favorite little kart!!!!!!!!!!

Not you or anyone on here is crazy(except for the occasional troll)!

The term batshit crazy was meant for her...

I'm sorry if anyone thought I was talking about the posters on here or Canadian Mom.

In my mind "batshit crazy" = kart.

Apologies for not being more clear.

And apologies to the bats for lumping them with kart {wink}

Dallas Lady said...

I was scratching my head at all the recent scolding around here. I thought stuff about Kate was definitely on topic, then there was all that "don't talk about the ipads" stuff. I realize that person saying she's sending ipads probably isn't for real, but we've talked about Kate's lies, which aren't real, either. If we're going to ignore stuff that brings attention to Kate, we need to stop talking about Kate, period. ~ Administrator said...

I think the reason people didn't want to discuss the ipad issue was because it was starting to become clear most of those people were likely trolls trying to stir up things. Trolls are the one topic we really shouldn't discuss much because it feeds them and trolls need food to live.

To me it's not really the point whether it's a joke or not. I'm sure some people are joking and some aren't. Also, I'm not sure why the sheeple would assume someone joking is a hater, when I might just well assume it's a sheeple trying to get the "haters" talking. It's just as likely to be a fan as it is a non-fan. Perhaps if they are saying without a doubt it's a hater, that may be an indication they know the truth--perhaps it's really them....

The point for me is whether Kate responds, and she HAS responded to some people claiming to try to give her free stuff. It's nothing we didn't know already. If it's free and something she wants, Kate will not just take one, but five dozen. This is not breaking news.

To me it's nothing we don't already know.

silimom said...

As Admin said, Kate was given many chances to brand herself - books, talk shows, DWTS, clothing lines, etc. In some ways I feel sorry for Julie Carson May and her team - she has done her job in trying to secure Kate deals that would have continued to bring in income and lead to other types of jobs. Kate is her own worst enemy and now has a rep in the field of being difficult to work with.

I am sure Julie Carson May is probably tearing her hair out right now fielding calls from Kate and trying to get her a dating show, which is what Kate seems to want to do. Good luck Julie. You're going to need it, I fear.

Molly12 said...

OT: On her tweets, Kate seems to go in spurts. Awhile ago, she seemed to focus on dating and finding a new daddy because her kids demanded it. This past week, she has been focused on running. I think she might be trying to throw out either a dating or exercise show and will take whatever is offered. What I do find unusual are the amount of her fans asking her how she stays in such great shape yet when she responds, she never mentions that overly priced ab machine she is supposed to endorse. That's why she could never be a spokesperson.

Watching the news on the hurricane. May all your families and pets be safe. ~ Administrator said...

I don't know why I didn't think of this before but speaking of Kate's manager Julie, I wonder if Julie will drop her soon?

I mean if Kate stops getting projects what benefit is she to Julie anymore? It would be time better spent for Julie to work on getting Bill Nye his next speaking engagement.

fidosmommy said...

I have a feeling Kate never even tried to learn how to interview somebody, or have a chat with someone on camera. She's used to having the camera on herself and herself alone, she gets the questions and she gives the answers. Once that is what you're used to, it must be hard to
suddenly allow someone else share the space and the conversation.

She no doubt believes she is so interesting, so funny, so cool, so mesmerizing that she does not need anyone giving her pointers on how to
conduct interviews or be part of a panel. She figures that will make up for no real experience. She would not listen to anyone telling her she doesn't need to mention her 8 kids in every single interview. While celebrities mention their children and share cute stories about them on TV, they have something else to talk about too - a bat falling into powdered sugar, a book they just read, taking a best friend to lunch in an interesting new place, running out the door in mismatched shoes by mistake..... something, anything. Their lives are full and enriching and interesting.

Having something interesting to talk about is one of the requirements of being on a panel show. Drawing interesting stories out of others is one of the requirements of being an interviewer. The ability to listen is mandatory.

I'm not a fan of Regis and Kelly. However, they have lasted this long because they tell stories people are interested in hearing, they can make guests feel comfortable enough to open up, and they seem to care, if only for those few minutes. They are all about talking about themselves and injecting themselves into all of it, but somehow they do it with charm and with
good hearts. Like I said, I'm not a fan, but Kate could learn much from watching Regis and Kelly at work on their show. ~ Administrator said...

Just briefly, I know probably only a few of you saw our troll yesterday throwing a personal attack at me.

Just wanted to say, thanks for sticking up for me, and also....isn't that just a perfect example of how they have absolutely nothing at this point? They can't refute our points. They have no counter arguments. There was nothing in that post explaining why what we've said is wrong or inaccurate or why they disagree. Just a straight up below the belt personal attack at me with an insult thrown in at Jon for good measure. This cancellation must be very, very hard on them. ~ Administrator said...

Fido, I completely agree. It kind of makes my skin crawl when I think about all the opportunities she has been given that someone trying to make it in the entertainment business would just die for. If someone were really serious about it they would have taken this six years and learned everything they possibly could about this business. They would have been taking acting classes and had public speaking coaches and would have made best friends with producers and directors and learned all about their jobs too. It could have been six years of the best education in the business one could hope for.

Instead, Kate was content to just be herself and stomp around and let the camera be on her and I never saw one bit of effort from her to learn anything beyond that. DWTS is a perfect example. She didn't want to do any work above and beyond her usual. She just wanted it to HAPPEN without actually doing anything.

Anonymous said...

Admin said
I don't know why I didn't think of this before but speaking of Kate's manager Julie, I wonder if Julie will drop her soon?

I've always wondered if JCM was one of the perks TLC provided for her. No matter how much Kate wants to have a career in entertainment, the fact of the matter is just about everyone wants to see her disappear. That doesn't bode well for staying on tv.

fidosmommy said...

Admin, I partly blame TLC for that. They most likely told her she and Jon would just be themselves and people would watch. People did watch. No need to practice being yourself.

But shortsighted is a fair word for Kate. She
clearly never considered the possibility that she could fall in love with the limelight and be left with no show. If she had, she would have done what you suggest. But she refused or neglected to see reality as it really is.

TLC will not be there to pick up the pieces.

No Regrets said...

"Dallas Lady said...I was scratching my head at all the recent scolding around here. I thought stuff about Kate was definitely on topic, then there was all that "don't talk about the ipads" stuff. I realize that person saying she's sending ipads probably isn't for real, but we've talked about Kate's lies, which aren't real, either. If we're going to ignore stuff that brings attention to Kate, we need to stop talking about Kate, period."

You are right. No one can tell anyone who or what to talk about. Whoever was tweeting about that backpacks and IPads did it for a reaction and boy did they get it. LOL I thought the post was a suggestion that we ignore the tweets, to not give them any more attention. Maybe I misunderstood, but I did take it as suggestion to ignore and not flat out 'don't talk about', which no one should do. In fact several did mention the packs and ipads after that post.

Jenna Does said...

Did you guys hear what Jimmy Kimmel said about Kate being canceled?

"It's the end of an era in reality TV: TLC has announced that this will be the final season of Kate + 8. So finally some good unemployment news."

~Hippie Chick~

No Regrets said...

"Administrator said...I think the reason people didn't want to discuss the ipad issue was because it was starting to become clear most of those people were likely trolls trying to stir up things. Trolls are the one topic we really shouldn't discuss much because it feeds them and trolls need food to live."

That is what I was TRYING to say. You can phrase it much better than I can. LOL

No Regrets said...

TLC no longer has an interest in getting Kate "out there" to promote the show. So they will most likely not be helping in any way to use their influence to get her jobs. She is nothing now, her show is no more, frankly, she is nothing but a "use to be reality queen". MOST people in the business look down on reality 'stars'. I don't look for much for Kate unless she still has a friend/contact who might help her.

Sooverit said...

I tend to think that Kate did work through her difficulties with Jamie and Ashley because who else is there in her life? She needs these two friends, and she knows it. I wonder if her talk about re-uniting with the grandparents came around the time of her fight with these last two friends. I think being on her own with her 8 scares her. She will keep or mend connections with people because she has to have someone to manipulate and use.

Troy Chula Vista said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...
I imagine Kate sees herself as another Barbara Walters
Thats the problem Tweet-le, she said she DIDN'T want to be a Barbara Walters or Larry King doing interviews when she was old. She ACTUALLY said that in an interview. I don't think she was on the View anymore after that comment.

No Regrets said...

"Troy Chula Vista said...Thats the problem Tweet-le, she said she DIDN'T want to be a Barbara Walters or Larry King doing interviews when she was old. She ACTUALLY said that in an interview. I don't think she was on the View anymore after that comment."

LOL! I remember her saying that. What an idiot. Barbara even included her in the "Most interesting people" that year too. Insert foot. Good ole Kate.

Jenna Does said...

PJ's Momma...
I am TERRIFIED of bats!! During the 4th of July fireworks, they were swooping down at our heads (I know, they were eating mosquitoes) & I screamed & literally fell out of my chair. I became known as the "crazy bat lady" to everyone in town. My niece was telling everyone not to "yell at my Auntie Jenna!". My husband & bestie were laughing at me so hard they were crying. It stems from when I was 3 or 4 & a bat flew in my window & started hovering around my head. Ever since then, it's been a huge fear.

UGH! I feel for you!! Good luck with the removal. There are places that will safely remove the bats & set them free.

And a little known factoid: Fruit bats are the only other animal that ahem...does the oral thing. I can't & refuse to picture this, considering bats are nasty little buggers!!
~Hippie Chick~

No Regrets said...

I think she said she didn't want to be like them and do what they do as "old as they are", or something like that. Instead of saying what a long distinguished career they had or SOMETHING, rather than being "old"

fidosmommy said...

Sooverit said.....
it. I wonder if her talk about re-uniting with the grandparents came around the time of her fight with these last two friends.


Makes perfect sense to me. One babysitter goes,
get two free ones to replace her. One friend goes, go find family. Dispensible, replaceable. If new babysitter/family won't play the role of understudy, go find old babysitter and old friend and patch things up.

It's been wondered where Ashley is now. Some say she went back to school. She did graduate from college, so maybe she has a definite career
goal in mind that requires another degree. If so, good for her!

dee3 said...

If Kate is actually much nicer in person, where are all the people who can attest to this? So far, almost all the people who have met her in person have had almost nothing complimentary to say about her (or nothing at all, as if they're holding their tongues).....and how she treats people.

I can see Kate doing infomercials....because hamming it up would be a plus....and she would be great at that.
In terms of a possible talk shows not only is she totally not interested in anyone but herself, not to mention uninformed about anything else going on in the world....but the way she talks and acts on camera seems forced and faked....the type of thing that makes people cringe and look away. The shrieking and eye-rolling is embarrassing to it seems like she's trying too hard to be cool and fascinating.....and really believes that she is. She would be one of the worst choices for any sort of talk show.
And in terms of working behind the camera.....I would tend to think that she is so arrogant and abusive to others that nobody would want to work with her or to hire her for this either.

Your recap was another work of art....and from the sounds of it, TLC seemed to be going out of their way to make her look bad (which they've been doing, seemingly, since the whole Alaska/Palin debacle). I also think that the make-up artists and costume people on DWTS made her look bad on purpose.....and my guess would be that these things were done get back at her for how she treated them.

I agree with those here that believe that all sorts of negative stories about her are going to be coming out more and more now. What fascinates me is that she seems to have no concern for that...and seems to have no concern for being caught red-handed in her lies. She just continues blithely, with no apparent if to her, only what she does at that very moment is important....and that anything negative that might result, any proof of what she said being a total lie...doesn't even faze her or occur to her.

I've said this before and will say it again....she has to be one of the most interesting people I've ever been able to observe, in terms of getting a great view of true malignant narcissism. You don't often get to see one of her level.

Lee said...

dee3 said

she has to be one of the most interesting people I've ever been able to observe, in terms of getting a great view of true malignant narcissism. You don't often get to see one of her level.


Yeah, it's not even Narcissism 101. It's more like PhD level. Usually you only get to see this one-on-one, if you know a narcissist.

Think of the thousands of people who now know what they're up against when they meet one in real life. Maybe ol' Katie Irene has performed an important public service here.

Dallas Lady said...

As for Kate's future career choices, well, everyone here already said it. Her only "talent" is in being a shrieking b*tch to everyone around her, and that got old fast (see: cancellation of show).

Don't get me wrong: bitchy people make it in media. But they are ALSO either funny or smart or interesting or have other softer sides to them or all of the above.

Kate's just....flat. She's horrible at anything other than being bitchy.

And really, I think she should count her lucky stars if she even makes it in her plan B: nursing. A helping profession just seems to go against her grain.

Good luck, Kate! You're going to need it, girlfriend.

Troy Chula Vista said...

Hey Hippie Chick, I bet you are sad that Leah is leaving the View ;)

Troy Chula Vista said...

duh, that should have said The Talk. She and Holly have not been asked back. Kate.. hello?

Tucker's Mom said...

And a little known factoid: Fruit bats are the only other animal that ahem...does the oral thing. I can't & refuse to picture this, considering bats are nasty little buggers!!
~Hippie Chick~
Oh dear God, pretzels up the nose.... it burns! it burns!
Hippie, you need to warn people before posting something that will cause chunks to blow out the nose ;-)
ps... in the DC region, it's been raining since mid morning but no winds yet. DH and I are hunkered down with the dogs and I'm going to enjoy cooking up a wonderful dinner for today because most likely the power will be out when we wake up tommorow, and we're going to be on leftovers and anything quick and easy for a day or worse.

dee3 said...

"Kate just can't seem to hold back anything. She doesn't know how to fake it."
This is so true. Even the worst of the narcissists on the Real Housewives shows seem to have at least some concept that they are being criticized and do make at least some effort to try and alter their behavior, even if totally faked, to refute what they are being criticized for.
They at least seem conscious of the fact that they are being criticized.....but Kate seems oblivious.

To continue to lie so blatantly despite being called out on your previous lies....with such a straight face...floors me.
Take, for instance, the whole claim that her children have been demanding that she get a new man, someone who could be their new daddy. Just for starters, anyone with any sort of sense and experience in the real world knows very well that it is the very opposite that happens. That children get very upset if you bring a new man into their lives and have great fear about their fathers being replaced. That second marriages with kids involved can be quite difficult, mainly due to the children not wanting a new step-parent being brought into the mix. That most children of divorce secretly hope that their parents will get back together....that the LAST thing they would do would be to pound on a table with their fists, demanding a new step-father be brought into the family. an almost embarrassing level....she tells this lie with if she totally not only believes it but that everyone else will buy it hands a young child telling grandiose lies that their father is Superman or is a secret millionaire. I can't stand to watch her because I cringe and have to look away.

She has not really changed one iota, personality-wise, since she first showed up on TV. Has made no attempts whatsoever to try and refute criticism or to show that it's untrue. She feels so confident that she is always right and that what she says and does is always right, completely oblivious of reality. Reality cannot make a dent in that level of narcissism, it appears.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Dallas Lady said... As for Kate's future career choices, well, everyone here already said it. Her only "talent" is in being a shrieking b*tch to everyone around her, and that got old fast (see: cancellation of show).

Don't get me wrong: bitchy people make it in media. But they are ALSO either funny or smart or interesting or have other softer sides to them or all of the above.

Kate's just....flat. She's horrible at anything other than being bitchy.

And really, I think she should count her lucky stars if she even makes it in her plan B: nursing. A helping profession just seems to go against her grain.

Good luck, Kate! You're going to need it, girlfriend.

Dallas Lady- I totally agree. Kate will never get it. She is in for a rude awakening! And I expect to see her disintegrate further in the weeks to come, once reality hits! ~ Administrator said...

The problem with Kate's lies is they are so unbelievable they never pass muster.

Had she simply said, well some of the kids are ready for me to date and maybe even get married, I might believe it.

Problem was, she painted a picture that all eight kids are banging their hands on the table demanding a new daddy. The way she framed it was so outrageous no one believed it for a second.

The more I think about it the more I think the crew might very well have been making a point with the kids. Sure enough, eight kids, eight personalities, at eight different stages of processing something as horrible as the breakdown of their parents' marriage, are also at different stages of acceptance of it.

Sure enough, some kids did seem ready for it. While others look sad and confused, and still others sang out a resounding NO WE DON'T WANT A NEW DADDY.

That's the thing, Kate. Eight kids. Eight people. Eight different takes on things.

So she can stop with her crap about this. And even though it was awful to interview them publicly about their take on this, I'm glad somebody finally put Kate in her place.

Figures it was her own crew.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

No Regrets said...

@Kateplusmy8 K8, i wanna send a gift to all ur kids... How can i do that?"



The gifters are coming out of the woodwork. Let's see, BigFan. You buy the gift. You pack it. You tape up the package. You Google Kate's address on the internet. You decide if you want to send it UPS or USPS. Both have shipping locations in Hershey. You go to the post office. You mail the package and get a receipt.

On second thought, I'm not sure this one could handle that. This is the one whose roommate was using the bathroom and BigFan had to pee and groom. She asked Kate what to do.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Dee said-"I've said this before and will say it again....she has to be one of the most interesting people I've ever been able to observe, in terms of getting a great view of true malignant narcissism. You don't often get to see one of her level."_______

You hit the nail on the head. Did you not know they named a Hurricane after Katie Irene, because she is so important?

I was supposed head down to South Jersey shore today for vacation, but area evacuated because of Katie "Irene" : ) and will probably not get down there until Monday. Oh well... Guess the Queen is pissed off her show was cancelled. Total snark.

Hope all in the line of Hurricane Irene stay safe and weather the storm well. After the recent earthquake in Jersey- (what a fluke) and now the Hurricane, I was reminded that we really have no control over so many things and it is best to thank God for what you DO have every single day. Health, family, friends are what makes your life mean something. Sorry for the sap.

Laurie said...

I think Julie will drop Kate when Kate fails to pay her bill....after all in Kate's mind if Julie isn't finding her the work she wants then she (Kate) doesn't have to pay her.

A quick "bat" story if I may. I was out in my font yard one day on a stepstool adjusting a windsock when I was buzzed by a bat. I started flailing my arms around and shreiking like a crazy lady. I fell off the stepstool and started to run away (still flailing and shreiking) when I realized I'd been buzzed by a humming bird because I was by the humming bird feeder. Nothing hurt by my dignity. When my family see a humming bird they still yell "watch out for the bat"!

Michelle said...

And really, I think she should count her lucky stars if she even makes it in her plan B: nursing.
ITA! With the economy, even nursing jobs have been hard to find in our area. She may not find the demand for her skills as high as they were 7 years ago when she left that job market.

Anonymous said...

". . .wondering out loud if Hamas is organic."

Oh Lordie Bee - iced tea all over the computer monitor! I'm glad I drink it barefoot. I'd hate to have to clean up sticky iced tea LOL.

Hippie Chick and all others in the path of Irene - Please stay safe and let us know as soon as you can that all is well. It's unreal sitting here enjoying the soft breeze, blue skies, and warm sunshine and knowing that just a few hours away people are being assaulted by winds and rain and tidal surges. I pray that everyone comes through with minimal damage.

Re bats - PJs momma - I don't know where you live, but please, if there's any chance in the world that your dog or any of you were scratched or bitten by that bat, talk to a vet or a doctor. I live in Central Ohio, and there've been several cases in the past year of people being bitten by bats that got into their homes or other buildings, and the bats turned out to be rabid. Rabies is 100% fatal in mammals, so be very careful.

Anyone want to take bets as to whether Kate's even at home this w/e? We all know she uses the kids w/e's with Jon to engage in more self-promotion or pampering. She can't be in NYC, but there are other places she could have gone for a w/e and still be home when the kids get back tomorrow evening.

Prayers for the safety of all in the path of Irene.


Tucker's Mom said...

Anyone want to take bets as to whether Kate's even at home this w/e? We all know she uses the kids w/e's with Jon to engage in more self-promotion or pampering. She can't be in NYC, but there are other places she could have gone for a w/e and still be home when the kids get back tomorrow evening.

Prayers for the safety of all in the path of Irene.
I think she's away for the weekend and I wouldn't be surprised if she up and went to NYC, but who knows. I think she's away, which hey, is fine. Just don't tell me that what you do is wait at home for the phone to ring and I hope you battened down your home and Shoka is safe because even in PA where she is, there's going to be heavy rains, some wind and lots of power outages.
I'd be a bit nervous to leave the house not knowing what's there when I come back. Then again, someone has to be there for the animals when she's gone. All alone my ass.

another saskatchewan,canada mom said...

Whe we were living in an old 2-story house, I fell asleep on the couch one night, and I woke up to something on my head-it was a bat stuck in my fresh perm!!

Rhymes with Witch said...

I can see her in a snit because there are no 5-star hotels in Chad or asking where the nearest Nobu is in Yemen or wondering out loud if Hamas is organic
I admit to wishing that in her ignorance she would tweet how Somalia or Libya was on her bucket list.

silimom said...

Laurie - I believe that most agents don't collect their fees if their client isn't working but Admin would probably know better. I just thought that your agent gets a percentage of what you make per gig.

Dulcina said...

Is she's in NYC she's in for a shock. Mayor Bloomberg is essentially shutting down the City this evening.

Anonymous said...

That's the thing, Kate. Eight kids. Eight people. Eight different takes on things.
THIS! Out of all the horrible (non)parenting we've witnessed from this woman, this is the one thing that I find the most hurtful for those children. Kate refuses to see this, she proves it by dressing them alike, proclaiming they all feel the same way on any given subject, her inability to identify who is right/left-handed, the list goes on. I cannot imagine how growing up without an individual identity must stunt one's emotional growth. It has made me ache for those children from the very beginning of the Gosselin saga.


dee3 said...

"The way she framed it was so outrageous no one believed it for a second."

Yeah, now that you wrote that...that IS exactly what makes them such blatantly ridiculous lies....that makes them not just lies but really egregious lies. It's the histrionics she embellishes them with....almost braggadocio in some little kid lying up a storm to impress some other kids on the playground.

ALL of the eight clamoring for a new the point of pounding on the table. Dabbing her eyes with kleenex as she reports that she is broke except for a tiny amount, not even enough to pay the bills she has in her purse.

I could add..."WHO in the world does she think she's kidding?"......but sadly, there are sheeple out there who apparently do. Who swallow lies that fly in the face of reality and of anything believable.

It is a bit of a consolation, though....that a good bit of them are tweens. Most of the rest seem to be anchored in religion (that they feel they share with Kate) but it seems like they'll buy anything, no matter whether it's believable or not. Which is, in itself, very interesting. All Kate had to do was to tape some biblical passages on the wall and they were totally sold on anything coming out of her mouth. Complete lack of critical thinking skills...which makes them very gullible. ~ Administrator said...

Even Nobu's closing?? No!!!

dee3 said...

"You hit the nail on the head. Did you not know they named a Hurricane after Katie Irene, because she is so important?"
Yeah....I see she tweeted today that she plans to work in the media for a long time to come. Not very humble, to say the least. Quite presumptuous, actually. Doesn't matter if nobody's banging down your door to offer you a new gig on TV...or if your show got cancelled....if she says this is what will be, then this is what it will be. End of story.

And is she worried that she could look like a bit of a fool later? If she doesn't get any offers and is unable to continue in the entertainment/media industry? Heck, no. She is positive this will come about...and reality doesn't have her remotely worried.

However, if she's referring to a future in infomercials, I think she could be completely right. She has almost the perfect personality for it....loves to mug it up for the cameras, be overly histrionic, etc. She could find her niche there......although not sure if you can get the same income as you were used to in that particular venue.

Oh, and treating all the tups alike....this shows how much she sees them as props instead of as individuals. If it's any consolation to them....their mother sees ALL people that tools to use to get to the top and to USE for her own benefit.

I honestly think that the main reason she has no problem spewing all the blatant that she really doesn't care what others think. Only what SHE thinks. That is her only reality. To her, who cares what her children think?

N.E. Psychologist said...

OT - so nice to "see" so many old friends. Like Posh I've pretty much gone into lurking mode but do keep up.
Canadian Mom I hope you are doing well. The humor here is funny and the OT comments give us breathing room.
Kate's karma is on it's way, but I remain very concerned for those children.

Grammy of nine said...

You know, I remember the time Kate was on the Today Show with that purse full of bills and I just couldn't believe she did it and TLC let her do it. I mean to come on the show with the purse, who would do that? She is still so full of herself, just like that day! Remember, the higher you go, the further you fall. This will not end in a pretty way. Those poor children. To have her for a mother must be difficult.

Dulcina said...

Admin, not sure about Nobu but they are very worried about significant flooding in NYC.

Dulcina said...

Good storm coverage on CNN.

Tucker's Mom said...

The hurricane bands are becoming strong, but we still have power in DC (region). Despite the bands of rain, the birds are still feeding, even the hummingbirds. I refuse to take the feeders down til the last minute! They'll all need it.
Keep safe everyone!

Ride The Wild Surf said...

Speaking of Kate and her media gig. Have any of you ever watched Martha McCallum, a host on Fox News? She drives me crazy with all of the ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. Sometimes it gets so bad that I have to turn it off. It really grates on the nerves. It's not the um spacers between thoughts, and it's not stammering. Whatever it is, it's annoying. What she does have going for her is that she's smart, personable, attractive, and can discuss many subjects, as well as interview current newsmakers...if you can stand the ah ah ah!

Kate not only cannot communicate effectively, but she doesn't have the intelligence to have a career in the media. She just lacks the smarts. She has no idea what's going on in the world. I'm not sure how anyone could work with her.

Hippie Chick said...

Troy Chula Vista said...
Hey Hippie Chick, I bet you are sad that Leah is leaving the View ;)
Oh...b-o-o-h-o-o. Was she too abrasive? How shocking.

TLC stinks said...

Maybe she's away this weekend with Steve?

Master manipulator said...

Administrator said...

Hasn't Kate ever heard of a spoiler alert? Kate spoils her own show, that is hysterical!

Knowing that Kate and Jamie and Ashley all made up a short time later and everything's fine completely deflates the balloon of that story arch.


Unless I've missed something, I'm not so sure that Kate, Jamie, and Ashley made up (if there really was a serious break in their friendship). The way Kate manipulates words to suit her purpose and doesn't tell the whole story when she says things like 'all is well', 'we'll be friends forever', 'I'll always love her', etc she doesn't say they made up and all is forgiven; she's saying the same as she says about her family, that 'we love each other' and nothing more. You can love someone and not be on speaking terms.

TLC stinks said...

Hey for those in Irene's path (not Katie) hope all is well. I'm in Alexandria, VA, in a high rise, and not looking forward to the windows rattling tonight. Good luck, friends.


I have not been here in a veeeeery long time, lurking or posting, because I just couldn't read about Kate's lies and the children's misery any more.

We here in DC are hunkering down for Irene to pass, I thought I'd come here to see the latest. I am both saddened and not surprised in the least that nothing has changed. Kate has got to be one of the most vile, narcissistic, disturbed, selfish, delusional people I have ever "known".

I did read a few days ago that the show was cxld, and for that, I am glad. I, do, however, really wonder just what Katie "Hurricane Irene" will do as her trips and royal treatment come to a screeching halt. She is terrible now, I worry she will be even worse when the show is off the air. I actually think that if she ran off with Purse Boy it would be a blessing for the kids.

Anyway, hi to all posters, new and old. To all those in Irene's path, stay safe.

BTW, Admin, your writing is as sharp as ever. Loved the "free range" bit.

Laurie said...

If an agent, lawyer, etc. are on retainer they get paid a certain amount of money regardless of whether or not you use their services. I just made the comment about Julie not being paid as a joke since Kate didn't pay the Dr. because she didn't "help" her. I guess it kind of fell flat. Sorry.

Kit said...

I think all of K8's constant emphasis on dating; a 'friend' to travel the country seeking dates for her (LOL on this one); and the NYC bar-hopping, birthday-bashing outing with Jaime, is ALL a put-on to deflect away from Steve's presence in her life. I'm not saying they are a couple, but he is certainly not shown on camera as much as he used to be shown and it seems that his presence in her life has been scaled WAY back (for whatever reason).

Either Mrs Steve has her hubby back, or the deflection is working very, very well. ~ Administrator said...

I do sort of have to wonder how a warm-blooded female like herself goes for two years without, um, well.....

She hasn't had a single date that we know of in all that time. It makes me think she may be getting some kind of fulfillment elsewhere, whether it's Steve or someone, or something else.

Otherwise, how hard is it to get a date?? It shouldn't take two years, eight kids or not! ~ Administrator said...

Not sure what's bringing out the lurkers all at once but welcome back to everyone, we're glad to have you!

Kit said...

Otherwise, how hard is it to get a date?? It shouldn't take two years, eight kids or not
Unless you are Kate!

K8SUCKS said...

I would love to see K8 on "Millionaire Matchmaker". Patti would rip K8 a new one.

I hope that she or Jon is with the kids. Storms like this are dangerous and scary.

Also, I realized my original handle was K8SUCKS, not KATESUCKS. Just goes to show how long it's been since I've been here!

Anonymous said...

This is way OT and I apologize, but it's an emergency situation. Anyone who can help - please do so.

The Freeport Animal Shelter in Ny is evacuating. They are in desperate need of crates and carriers for 180 cats and 40 dogs. Also needed are blankets, flashlights and batteries and dog and cat food. If any of you are near there, or know anyone near there who can help - please do so. Many blessings.


Just Dwindle Away said...

OT - a bit. I wanted to hop on here and tell y'all something.

I have an internet friend that I 'met' about 8 months ago. He was faced with putting his mom in a nursing home, I answered anonymously his Q on a Yahoo site, (I am a geriatric social worker) and one thing led to another and we became very friendly online and in private emails. During his mother's health crises, we chatted on the phone quite a bit. He said I was someone who had no agenda and could advise him with no bias.

He lives in NJ and decided to head to Pittsburg for the duration of the hurricane. Since I am in NE Ohio, he decided to come a bit further so we could meet.

And meet we did today. His wife is charming, and he and I agreed today that it is as if we have known each other for... oh, about 8 months!! I was apprehensive and took great steps re: my safety, but the meeting was smooth and easy and never awkward at all. We met in a resturant and as we parted we agreed that this meeting was a blessing and the internet is a wonderful thing sometimes.

There is much more detail to this story but I will spare you. All in all, this e-friendship just developed into a nice REAL friendship between 2 couples. So when some of you talk about the nice folks you have met on this blog (or another one), I just want you to know - I get it.

Peace and safety to all those in the path of this hurricane.

Jane said...

Anonymous said...
This is way OT and I apologize, but it's an emergency situation. Anyone who can help - please do so.

The Freeport Animal Shelter in Ny is evacuating. They are in desperate need of crates and carriers for 180 cats and 40 dogs. Also needed are blankets, flashlights and batteries and dog and cat food. If any of you are near there, or know anyone near there who can help - please do so. Many blessings.



I've passed this on to friends and family on Long Island. The weather is going downhill rapidly there, but if they can help, I know they will.

Susantoyota said...

Administrator said
I do sort of have to wonder how a warm-blooded female like herself goes for two years without, um, well.....

Oo, Oo!! I think I have the answer to that. First of all, we're talking about Katie Irene Kreider, who is a very cold-hearted person, exhibits little warmth towards other human beings and only gets excited about the freebies she grifts or the trips she got thru the filming of the kid's show. Seriously, I've always thought she was asexual as I can't remember her ever showing physical affection towards Jon in the episodes I saw--I quit watching long ago like others on this board. Then there was the phone interview that took place after the vow renewal? in which she admonished the interviewer to move on as she and Jon were not a physically demonstrative couple. I also remember a scene/still picture in the old house, with Jon embracing Katie Irene from the back as she is working on something/has her hands in the sink. Most warm-blooded females would at least turn their head in order to smooch their husband, but she had her head down and appeared to be trying to distance herself. With Katie Irene, I think the s-e-x thing is all smoke and mirrors, a means to an end in order to get what she wants. No way would she continue to put up with the m-e-s-s and the loss of control which is part of a good heterosexual relationship on a regular basis.

Just my two cents.

Kate is a Twit said...

readerlady--are you on Long Island? I am and I wish I could help, but I live too far away from Freeport. Somebody should contact Newsday so it can be posted on their website.

Jenna Does said...

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...
I was reminded that we really have no control over so many things and it is best to thank God for what you DO have every single day. Health, family, friends are what makes your life mean something. Sorry for the sap.
I Love the 'sap'! It's SO true & I believe the same thing as you! I thank God everyday for all of the blessings I have. Life may be difficult at times, but positive thinking goes a long way.

I love your way of thinking! :) May Peace follow you wherever you go. Happy thoughts to you & yours! :) ~& everyone else who reads here~
~Hippie Chick~

Lee said...

Admin said

I do sort of have to wonder how a warm-blooded female like herself goes for two years without, um, well.....


All a warm-blooded narcissist like this one needs is a whole lot of attention, minions, and every material thing she can think of.

She needs "um, well . . ."? Not so much. What's it going to get her? Not money. Not fame. Not anything that matters to her.

Jenna Does said...

Hmm, why hasn't Kate gotten "any" in 2 years. Well, presumably. Maybe she has, but assuming she hasn't, I think I know why:

Kate comes off as...a very non-sexual woman. Emasculating. She has said quite a few times she has NO time for men. It has been on film the times she has slapped Jon is the face, yelled at him & basically had his balls in a sling. She is abrasive, lazy, rude & not very nice to look at. Her attitude makes her an ugly person. She has fake boobies & wears WAY too much makeup. She lies. She has A LOT of baggage. She is certainly not very well-liked. Many people know her from "that show where she has all those kids", if they know her at all. She contradicts herself every time she opens her mouth. AFTER her divorce, she KEPT emasculating Jon & bashing him.

So what guy would want to get involved with Kate? Um...I would say someone with ZERO self-esteem, someone who has no respect for themselves, someone who likes fake people & who likes to be lied to on a daily basis. Someone who wants to be treated like a slave or a maid. And someone who wants to be discussed over & over on twitter & IF, God forbid, they do anything wrong, or break up w/ Kate, they would be fed to the wolves by Kate's 7 fans.

What man would want that??
~Hippie Chick~

Lee said...

Anonymous said...

So what guy would want to get involved with Kate? Um...I would say someone with ZERO self-esteem, someone who has no respect for themselves, someone who likes fake people & who likes to be lied to on a daily basis. Someone who wants to be treated like a slave or a maid.


Yeah. He was young and dumb and pretty credulous. But I think he gets a pass now.

He figured it out, and even more importantly, he got off the train and is providing a very different parental role model for his kids.

Nobody's perfect, but waking up and fixing things that go wrong isn't easy to do. A strong finish is a lot more important than a bad start.

hey jude said...

To :Just Dwindle,
Thanks for sharing your story.You helped someone with a difficult decision and made a friend- doubly blessed and rare in this hi -tech world we're in.

I have also worked with geriatric clients in Nursing homes and hospitals and their families.Families don't get the answers they want or don't know what to ask sometimes even. As an RPN, we get asked a lot of questions and when can you help them, they are so appreciative.

I found out how much a kind word means when my Mom was diagnosed with Alzheimers and I was in another province.I am so glad you went and met your friend, even tho I am sure you were apprehensive about it.Thanks for sharing, made me think of all the great health care workers there are out there!

Kit said...

Well, UNmoderated was nice while it lasted......

Hey, Troll, understand this: the 'pity' is, you apparently will do anything for attention. The 'pity' is, you apparently enjoy watching children on television and are acting out now that you won't be getting your fix for much longer.

There are SOOOOOO many things wrong about that - it's a pity you're a part of it all.

Lee said...

Whoops, I left Jon's name off my quote from Anonymous about "someone with ZERO self-esteem." Sorry! ~ Administrator said...

Maybe we should take pity on those who are so upset they have to come here and make vulgar statements about us. All because they are losing access to SOME OTHER STRANGER'S KIDS.

Sick and sad and if you are devastated to lose access to a reality show about a stranger's kids you need serious help.

And once again, no counter arguments why what we're saying was wrong or what was inaccurate or what was twisted. Just broad statements we're wrong and twisting things. No specific examples. Is the art of an argument a lost form?

JudyK said...

Posts are getting deleted left and right from trolls, as they should be. I will say one thing to Anonymous, even though your post has already been deleted, your "tis a pity" is a calling card that has KATE written all over it. Too much time on your hands w/o the kiddos this weekend? Gawd, you are a despicable waste of space.

Call Me Crazy said...

Administrator said...

I do sort of have to wonder how a warm-blooded female like herself goes for two years without, um, well.....

Well, um, she did say something like she was a "self-occupier" didn't she? :)

To Anonymous - It is just that vile nonsense you are spewing that makes it very easy to see what kind of people celebrate and admire Kate. Pitiful.

Bah Bah Black Sheep said...

All because they are losing access to SOME OTHER STRANGER'S KIDS.


I'm not so sure it's because they are losing access to the kids. They don't care one iota about the kids. It's Kate they don't want to "lose." The heck with the kids.

There is no counter-argument because these are sheeple. There aren't enough brain cells there to formulate or initiate any kind of discussion. It's as simple as that. That's why they are what they are, and where they are. Their idol is a woman of no substance, not much intelligence, brash personality, with no parenting skills. Kind of like them...

Moose Mania said...

Admin said..."I do sort of have to wonder how a warm-blooded female like herself goes for two years without, um, well....."


How do you know it's not been more than two years? I bet Jon could shed some light on the subject! :)

...and who says she's warm-blooded?

Just Dwindle Away said...

Anonymous said... ugh ugh ugh, twist the truth much? You must really hate Kate to make up this drivel. so sad to expend so much effort on someone on tv. tis a pity


Anonymous said... Admin must be extra horny, she can't understand anyone doing without sex. Admin can only wait a day or two before she's desperate enough to jump her dog.

I think this is hysterical! Nothing seems to get the sheeple-knickers twisted faster than folks talking about loving healthy sex lives! And Kate's total lack of! Part of the reason they worship her, I guess. Awww....

Heading out now to a back yard fire with friends, with music, pizza, wine, and laughs. Hope all our east-coasters are safe and dry. Good night, all. ~ Administrator said...

Moose you're right, I'm assuming facts not in evidence!

Just Dwindle Away said...

I WAS logging off.

Hey Jude - thank you and bless you too for what you do. It is a complicated system we work in and these poor families dont even speak the language, let alone know how to navigate. Like you, it is my JOY to ease the road a bit. {{hug}}

JudyK said...

Jane said... Anonymous said...
This is way OT and I apologize, but it's an emergency situation. Anyone who can help - please do so.

The Freeport Animal Shelter in Ny is evacuating. They are in desperate need of crates and carriers for 180 cats and 40 dogs. Also needed are blankets, flashlights and batteries and dog and cat food. If any of you are near there, or know anyone near there who can help - please do so. Many blessings.



I've passed this on to friends and family on Long Island. The weather is going downhill rapidly there, but if they can help, I know they will.


Reading this just broke my heart, and I applaud you for making people aware. I pray that all the good people on this blog who are in harm's way will be safe, as well as their precious pets, who, to decent people, are considered family members. ~ Administrator said...

I think this is hysterical! Nothing seems to get the sheeple-knickers twisted faster than folks talking about loving healthy sex lives! And Kate's total lack of! Part of the reason they worship her, I guess. Awww....
Exactly.....absent a good reason, are there certainly are good reasons out there, it's not normal and healthy to go so long without being in a loving relationship, tweeple. Kate doesn't have a good reason, sorry, she doesn't.

And if she were intentionally staying single, such as what some parents do unselfishly, for instance until the kids are out to the house, etc., why is she constantly talking about dating? She's not intentionally staying single at all.

She talks all the time about wanting to date, she just hasn't yet.

JudyK said...

The talk about dating, on Kate's part, is to garner interest in a show to keep her relevant. She's so obviously doing Steve and has been forever. I'm sure he's part of the "thinking money machine" in this regard...she'll never act on it. There is NOTHING authentic about this woman...nothing.

hey jude said...

I don't understand how these sheeple think they can help Kate out, by buying things for her/kids. How can they not know she is a multi- millionaire with no need of their help?

It would be like asking Donald Trump if he wanted to use your spare room while he was in town! But then, I don't know how anyone could listen to Kate and still admire her either.Sheeple, it's time to find a new leader,yours is leaving tv and all of you!

I don't think Kate and Jamie and Ashley made up.I think Kate just pushed them to the side, just like the rest of the family and friends who don't agree with everything she does.She will never see them again, but she still loves them.....Whatever, Kate.

fidosmommy said...

Does anybody know which was filmed first - the
RV trip or the chicken coop episode? Ashley is in the chicken coop story. So, if it was filmed after the RV trip, the Ashley didn't leave. Yet.

I'm not sure TLC is showing the episodes in the order in which they were filmed.

hey jude said...

I'm sure Kate has a very close and loving relationship with her 69th pink vibrator! Sorry, the devil made me do it!

Kelly said...

@judyK, is there a website people can go to to donate? Very heartbreaking indeed.

Red Sky At Night said...

She's so obviously doing Steve and has been forever.


I don't agree. I think maybe she wanted to, and he wouldn't accommodate. It's clear in some of the episodes that he just tolerates her and has no affection for her whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Kate is a Twit - No, I live in Ohio. The message was posted on a Cat Fancier list I am on. Rescues and Fanciers in the area are trying to help, but more is needed. I posted it here because I know we have people on here from all over the US and Canada. I figured if there were any lurkers or posters here who lived on LI or had friends on LI, it might help. Thanks to all who passed it on. Many blessings.


Timeline said...

fidosmommy said...

Does anybody know which was filmed first - the
RV trip or the chicken coop episode? Ashley is in the chicken coop story. So, if it was filmed after the RV trip, the Ashley didn't leave. Yet.

IIRC, they got the new chicks and filmed that episode before they left for their RV trip in July.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

fidosmommy said...

Does anybody know which was filmed first - the
RV trip or the chicken coop episode? Ashley is in the chicken coop story. So, if it was filmed after the RV trip, the Ashley didn't leave. Yet.

I'm not sure TLC is showing the episodes in the order in which they were filmed.


The chicken coop episode was filmed when she was complaining about her sore arms. I'm pretty sure that happened before they went on the RV trip.

Anonymous said...

Kelly - Right now the shelter's overwhelming need is to get the animals evacuated. I'm sure they can use financial assistance, too, though. I don't have a webpage for them, but the shelter's phone number is 718-326-6070. Thanks for caring.


Kelly said...

@readerlady, Thanks for sharing that. I'll see what I can find out and post it here. The storm isn't as bad as has been published but we're still not out of it here. 30 mph winds, heavy rain but in MD, it is supposed to be out of here after 2am. Nothing more than a tropical rain storm inland but on the coast which is 140 miles away, I'm sure they're taking a hit. Will advise on the shelter.

Kelly said...

Just got off the phone with the shelter in NY. They have evacuated the animals to the Atlas Mall in Glendale. Their website is The poor woman who answered the phone started to cry when I inquired about the welfare of the animals and any help needed. If anyone can assist, God bless. Thanks Readerlady for the heads up.

Jenna Does said...

When I said Kate has fake boobs, THAT is not a biggie, it's the fact that she lies about it...sorry if that was misconstrued.
~Hippie Chick~

Anonymous said...

Susantoyota - I think you are spot on in your assessment of Kate's physicality, to put a "delicate" word on it. She impresses me as someone who uses her sexuality, or lack thereof, as a means to an end. If she thinks it will get her something, or will help her get her way, she uses it. Otherwise - no interest. She may not be "physically demonstrative" but Jon showed in many ways that he is. Just watching his interactions with the children shows that he is "hands on" in more ways than one. I suspect that is one reason the marriage would never have worked out.

On the subject of Jon - many people forget that he was barely out of his teens when Kate got her claws into him. Most of us are still naive and rather unformed at 20. I don't think he is, nor has he ever been, dumb. He's laid back, easy going, and rather passive. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but in his relationship with Kate, it was. Being with her prevented him from fully growing up, until now. I think that at age 34, he is now a full-grown adult who is trying to do the right thing, right the wrongs that he helped perpetrate, and make a good life for his kids. It doesn't accomplish anything to keep ragging on him for mistakes he made LUI (living under the influence). The important thing is he now "gets it". That should be applauded and supported.


Jenna Does said...

I actually made that comment about someone getting involved with Kate with zero self-esteem, etc. I wasn't referring to Jon at all. I was referring to someone who would potentially get involved with her NOW.

I know Jon is doing well by his kids now. :)
~Hippie Chick~

Sigmund said...

Tweeter twitted:

@JenessaKehl @EmeraldCityJazz @hgraymommy @kateplusmy8 I don't "follow" her and this is a pubic twitter.We are allowed here. LOL


Freudian slip?

Kelly said...

Correction on my last post. the Correct website for the animals is Called the woman back and she has 415 cats and dogs that are safe right now but she needs help. Again, ~ Administrator said...

I'm not trying to criticize, just trying to get more info: Why are they evacuating these sweet pups now when it's almost too late to get things in order? Is it that it's worse than what they thought or unexpected flooding or something?

I adore animals like so many of you all I worry about people going out into this to help save them this late in the game too.

PJ's momma said...

Kelly! Nice to see you and thanks for following up and providing info for that organization. I'm 3000 miles away, feeling sort of helpless - and blessed. Maybe we can help her get reestablished after things calm down again.

Kelly said...

The storm hasn't hit NY yet and evidently she is in a direct path. At least she's gotten the animals to a safe location at the mall in Glendale, wherever that is. I too love animals and reading that pulls at my heart. I adopted a German Shepherd last week and now have the smallest dog, a 3.5 pound Yorkie and a 110 pound Shepherd and they love unconditionally. Anything to protect these guys that give back so much more than we could, I'm all for.

Anonymous said...

Admin -- I don't know why the delay. Or if there was a delay. The delay may have been getting it posted to the Fanciers lists. At any rate, the animals are safe, as are, I hope, the people.

Kelly, thanks for following up. I posted your additional information to the Fanciers lists. We Fanciers tend to rally 'round when animals are in need.


Kelly said...

@readerlady, They are safe. Glad you mentioned it. I'm sure the shelter will need help after the storm subsides. In any event, thanks. 415 strays is one hell of alot of animals to take care of. Most shelters in MD keep them for 72 hours and then euthanize them. So sad. If I could take them, I would. At least this woman is protecting them as they would fiercly protect us.

JudyK said...

Kelly said... @judyK, is there a website people can go to to donate? Very heartbreaking indeed.

Kelly, I was just responding to a post by two other people who were involved...I'm in Oklahoma and not involved...wish I were closer and I would be.

Teresa said...

On this petition the sheeple have put up, they are also asking for donations from $2.00 to $500:00 dollars - now, why would they need this money? If the majority are 10 - 13 year olds, they only get an allowance from their parents. It's so sad this scam will hurt the most vunerable of the sheeple. They have Paypal for donations....crazy1

Anonymous said...

Otherwise, how hard is it to get a date?? It shouldn't take two years, eight kids or not!


Unless you have Kate's mean personality. If I was a guy and saw Kate behaving like her usual self in public, there's no way, no how I'd ever want to date her.

She talks all the time about wanting to date, she just hasn't yet.


Again, Kate's personality. I'm old-fashioned and prefer it if guys ask out girls, and guys don't want to ask out Kate because they see right through her nastiness. Even if Kate would ask out a guy, within two minutes of their first date he'd be ready to bolt! I truly don't ever see her getting married again.

Lee said...

Jenna Does said...

I actually made that comment about someone getting involved with Kate with zero self-esteem, etc. I wasn't referring to Jon at all. I was referring to someone who would potentially get involved with her NOW


I know, Jenna. It was someone else(an "Anonymous") who nominated Jon as that person. I think you're right, but also that your description is pretty close to who Jon was when he and Kate first met.

It's a lot easier for someone like your description if you're looking at people in their 20s. Once most people get into their 30s and beyond, they're a little wiser, and a little harder to manipulate.

reader lady, posting at 6:13 PM (as Anonymous) said it better than I did. I think we three, and a lot of others, agree that Jon has truly grown up. He was always the caring one in that family, even when his judgment in other areas wasn't so hot. ~ Administrator said...

Donations for WHAT? Where is it going? Who's Paypal account? Who is going to oversee this? Are they asking MINORS to donate to KATE???? This is wrong, wrong, wrong. Let those children keep their allowance for normal things like movies and clothes and college. Let the mothers keep their money to take care of their own kids not some millionaire's kids! This isn't just wrong it's sick. What's wrong with them???

And they have the gall to accuse me of asking for donations??? Hypocrites!

Jenna Does said...

I am glad to hear the animals are all safe. I was thinking about them all night....I'm so far away, there was nothing I could do.

The sheeple are asking for donations? I really hope they are not doing this for Kate. Do they not understand that she has money? She was on freaking TV! This has really gone too damn far. All I can say that these people are Gullible, with a capital GULLIBLE. Kate crying poor, please, & these airheads falling for it. I'm sorry, but I cannot believe the stupidity of some of the people we have to share the country with. It literally frightens me. Some of these people may be running the country someday. Does this scare the hell out of you? These teens that are just obsessed with a failed reality has-been, may possibly be...running a large company or doing something important in the Gov't.

Great for them! Reach for your dream & all that. But Holy Hell, this is effing scary. They are just so...blind. IT'S KATE GOSSELIN! Not Mahatma Gandhi!!
~Hippie Chick~

fidosmommy said...

These donations are for Kate, or they are for
rescuing animals? Link, please.

Kelly said...

Please don't donate any money to anyone. I simply posted a blog for an animal rescue shelter after reading about the dire needs of the shelter and the animals. Don't donate to anyone or any organization unless you vet them and feel comfortable about them and at that point, either provide a gift card, a cashiers check and nothing short of that.

Anyone asking for donations either here or on the internet is suspect. I simply responded to a post on here about animals in NYC that were in a shelter that needed assistance. I didn't challenge anyone to donate and only published information about a shelter that needs help. Do what you can, if you can and if you can't there's no shame. There are plenty of worthwhile causes to back and donate. I'm passionate about animals and their welfare and children and their welfare. Otherwise, I wouldn't be on here.

Please don't donate to anyone who twitters causes and needs funds. I spoke with the woman involved in the animal rescue, saw her website and more importantly, the woman broke down crying when I called and offered assistance. If anyone can find a fraudulent intent by this website or these women who rescue animals, please post it.

My gut feeling was they are sincere, protect the most vulnerable who spend their waking and sleeping hours wanting to protect us. Simple as that. Pick your cause, your charity but don't feel guilty because you want to and can't. There are many things, decent people want to do to help but can't find the resources or the time. Knowing your heart is in the right place is as important as giving. Stay safe.

fidosmommy said...

Thanks, Kelly, but I wasn't asking to send $$$.

I was asking what the petition was asking for donations for. Kate? Rescuing animals?

The post about it was not clear to me. It said:
"On this petition the sheeple have put up, they are also asking for donations from $2.00 to $500:00 dollars ..... They have Paypal for donations."

I'm only asking WHAT petition. I have not seen it.

But anyway, thanks for the always-wise reminder to NEVER send money unless you know where it's going and you choose to give it. We really cannot hear that enough in these times of new
scams every 22.5 minutes.

Lake Up North said...

I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner, but I feel it's very pathetic existence for Kate to be 36 and at home, unemployeed, hoping to stay in the media field for YEARS, when all day all she appears to do is sit and tweet. I mean yes, young generations are on social media sites pretty much all day it appears but what kind of an example is she setting for her kids?

I am almost too ill to imagine that her Plan B is nursing if Plan A doesn't pan out. Really? What has she done since Kate plus 8 was cancelled to promote herself in the field of other media interests? Nothing it appears except twitter about how Irene is her middle her name too, about mundane things. Don't most celebrities use twitter for official engagements, charities or rare look at their personal lives with pictures? I mean Kate really treats twitter like it's her own private email yet it's for the world to see! That's just creepy.

Kate is a twit said...

Admin--regarding the animal shelter, I live on Long Island and maybe can answer your question. The shelter is located on the borderline of the evacuation zone. I am sure they have spent most of the day trying to find a place to move the animals to. As it is, the Atlas Mall is 20 miles northwest of where the shelter is in Freeport.

They probably did not post their request for help until they found a location where people could bring things to. Unfortunately, I live over 30 miles away otherwise I would have been glad to help.

Teresa said...

Admin and others: The petition l wrote about has NOTHING to do with helping animals! Its a petition a sheeple has come up with. I went over to and saw the link. I followed the link and saw how to pay thru Paypal. Just go over there to tweeple land and see the link. I'm not computer savvy to carry the link over here to this blog.

Kelly said...

@fidosmommy, I know you weren't asking for money and any petition for people to donate to Kate is probably coming from someone like Bernie Madoff. There is no reason, cause or relief to donate to Kate.

I'm so done with this witch that as much as I've vented, it does nothing but allow me to vent. Nothing changes with this woman. Now that her show has been canceled, she's out there, trying to be more relevant because the media isn't focusing on her anymore. She's going to be more loud, more in your face and attempt any scheme to stay in the public eye.

Two weeks more of Kate will be two weeks of total media saturation and Kate plugging herself. Desperation. Let her go. She's sinking faster than the Titanic and the 40,000 so called purchased followers on facebook didn't sign a petition to keep her on tv.

The real story is those people, pets and places caught up tonight in the path of a storm that really hasn't had the impact but it's still a concern. Kate's not the focus right now so she's probably home, alone again, figuring out a way to stay relevant in the face of headlines not focusing on her. Typical of her personality.

Kate's relevance is dropping faster than a cheap prom dress and her star faded long ago. I am glad that I logged on here tonight to see a post from someone who was concerned about the welfare of animals and asked for others to assist. Otherwise, I would have never posted. Kate means nothing to me and probably to many like me. Animals who "give back" unconditionally grab my heart and my attention. Kate grabs my ire and nothing more. Given a choice of saving an animal or donating to a starving Kate, Animals win hands down.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kelly. Be very careful to whom, and where, you donate money. If anyone wishes to donate to the shelter, they're most likely a 501(c) and donations would be tax deductible. They're being assisted by one of the national purebreed rescues, and they usually vet (no pun intended) these shelters pretty thoroughly, so most likely they're okay, but don't take my word for it. CHECK IT OUT. BTW - their website doesn't say specifically, but my gut feeling is that they are a no kill shelter, which would explain the number of animals involved. It's also possible they're assisting people who have to evacuate and can't, for one reason or another, take their pets along with.

Anonymous said...

OOOPS!! Forgot to sign my post. Anyway - I'm the anonymous at 7:50 PM.


Kate is a twit said...

By the way, this is a legitimate shelter and they are a 501(c) organization. Most, if not all shelters on the Island are no-kill shelters. One of the most well known shelter is the North Shore Animal League.

Also, just so you know, I am in no way recommending anyone donate. I just wanted to provide you with more information.

There are also a lot a hurricane shelters that have been allowing pets, as long as you bring supplies for them and prove their vaccinations are up-to-date. I was very happy to hear that because a lot of people didn't want to evacuate if it meant leaving their pets at home.

Kelly said...

Update on Hurricane Irene. Winds are picking up. I'm 140 miles from Ocean City MD, which is probably getting the brunt right now. 90 miles from Wernersville PA. Kate's west of the storm so she's getting rain and mild winds. If she tweets that the hurricane is horrible and she's going it all alone, don't believe it. Tomorrow at 3pm we're going to have sunshine and for the next 5 days mild temperatures. Worst of the storm is starting right now. My poor boat.

Kelly said...

Power is now out. 2 hours of battery life left. See ya later.

Pixie said...

Kelly, isn't it amazing how animals are so KIND to people? Even ones they don't know? It's an admirable trait for sure. ~ Administrator said...

Part two of the recap is up.....everyone in the hurricane path stay safe. Stay where you are at this point and don't move, now is the time to HOLD!

Kelly said...

@Pixie Kelly, isn't it amazing how animals are so KIND to people? Even ones they don't know? It's an admirable trait for sure.

I cant believe how devoted my Yorkie is. Then, adopting a German Shepherd, the devotion from this new addition was awesome. These dogs just love unconditionally. What a life lesson. Two animals that give really heart felt love and are so glad to see me when I go outside for 20 minutes and they act like I've been gone for a month.

The yorkie doesn't shed but the German Shepherd is shedding like crazy but the Shepherd is so intuitive and protective in just a weeks time, these dogs are awesome. Family members, YES, Animals, NO. These dogs are awesome.

hey jude said...

Thanks, PJ's Momma for your good wishes.Having a great day and yes, they do get better and better.The years really pass quickly, tho!

Hope everyone and their pets are safe from the storm. Take care!

Just Dwindle Away- bless you and hugs to you, too!

Friend In Pennsylvania said...

Kelly said...

Power is now out. 2 hours of battery life left. See ya later.


Ditto. Flickered for some time before it finally died. It's raining harder than I've ever heard it rain - and blowing like a very angry dragon. We are being pounded here. I would expect a tornado warning is imminent.

IRS is always watching said...

Kelly - Good to hear from you again.

Kate needs to put a stop to this donations business. She can get in trouble if she accepts money especially if it's from minors. If she lets it go on it may look as if she's condoning it. She would have to declair it even if it's a small amount. Her twitter is getting way out of hand. A petition is one thing but when money is involved she'd better watch out.

Out And About In Berks County PA said...

Kelly said - "90 miles from Wernersville PA. Kate's west of the storm so she's getting rain and mild winds."


Kate may be west of the storm, but if you consider 50 mph gusts as "mild," then I guess we're having mild winds. It's nasty out there.

Mom In Lancaster County said...

We're having heavy rain and sustained winds of 40 mph, with gusts in excess of 50 mph. I would imagine that Kate is getting much of the same. I just heard a report that another tornado touched down - this one in Maryland.

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm alive! I'm alive! Good bye Irene!
Our power lasted until 9pm last nite, which was pleasantly shocking. We slept in our downstairs guest room just in case a tree fell on the house ;-0
Woke up in the middle of the night to go take a pee, turned on the bathroom light, and 30 seconds later it dawned on me...hey...the electricity is on!
I'm stunned to be writing this just hours after Irene left. Even now, the sun is trying to peak out.
Thanks for all of your prayers!

Anonymous said...

Kate Haters riiiiiiiight no like no fan of Kate
People who see Kate for who she really is


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