Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hodge Podge Dinner Recap 6/27/11: Even Shoka thanked Kate!

Coming up on Kate Plus 8! On the one hand, we’re going to deliver baked goods to the Kidney Dialysis Center where Kate used to work. On the other, we’re going grocery shopping for “gross” foods like canned sardines for dinner. I don’t get how the two are related, other than, um, food?

As a side note, I think if you’re going to introduce a new food to a kid, the last thing you should do is give them the canned version. For instance, canned watery, salty peas with an expiration date five years from now are infinitely more gag-inducing than buying some plump sweet peas in season from the local farmer’s market, shelling them yourself and cooking them with a little butter. Yum. The same with sardines. Fresh sardines are actually pretty delicious, especially in Asian dishes. Canned sardines taste like, well, bomb shelter food. Give a kid processed food like that and they will swear off peas and sardines forever, unaware that a much better, healthier version exists out there they might actually like.

This episode is called “Hodge Podge Dinner” but notably, Kate went around for several weeks beforehand on Twitter laughingly calling it “Gross Dinner.” I guess since the kids were helping to make dinner some wise soul at TLC decided calling it “gross” was too mean?

Kate has the kids lined up at the kitchen counter and a giant black garbage bag taped to it. Several people have pointed out that it’s not safe to use a garbage bag like this because of the chemicals in the plastic. Sure enough, even the USDA has advised about the dangers of chemicals seeping from the bag into the food. Besides, isn’t that the point of that beautiful marble counter? You can easily wipe it down when you spill, good as new. I love how in her quest to save herself 30 seconds of clean up, Kate compromised the safety of the food.

“If it turns into a mess, you’re instantly done!” Master Chief Kate shouts. I half expect her to whip out a bullhorn. You know, a lot of  people cook because it’s therapy, it‘s calming. Because messes can be cleaned up and mistakes fixed. But like most everything else, Kate treats it like it’s the Navy Seals and either you suck it up and hold that boat above your head in the pouring rain for hours upon hours, or ring the bell and get out.

By the way? Chefs don’t care about making messes, they have aprons for that. Jamie Oliver actually wants you to make bread directly on your counter, by building a well with flour and pouring the water and yeast inside. I’ve done this a few times and while it’s hard work, it’s fun. And it was easy to wipe up the stray flour when I was done, no garbage bags necessary.

The kids and Kate make muffins, cookies and brownies for the patients of the local dialysis center where she used to work. She specifically says it’s for the patients, and I don’t know, with so many diabetics and people with other health problems who have to go on dialysis, baked goods seems a rather insensitive choice.

Master Chief Kate shouts: “If your sugar spills you will get down and pick up every granule, and you know that I mean that!” My good God, Mommie Dearest is not in the best mood. I hope there aren‘t any wire hangers in the kids‘ closets today.

“Yes, Drill Sergeant!” the kids shout back. Ha, I wish.

Kate is sitting on the couch with an expression rather like she’s getting a colonoscopy. For someone who claims to love their job, she sure looks terrible. She hates messes, blah blah.

Kate hand feeds the kids raw cookie dough. For a nurse and for someone so obsessive, I find this a bit baffling. Raw cookie dough has raw eggs. Increases your risk of getting salmonella. I know about salmonella. I came down with it once when I was abroad, and it was two weeks of hellish diarrhea that (brace yourselves) looked like black tar and smelled like death. There is no medicine for it. You drink Gatorade and rest. I made it through it okay because I was a healthy young adult, but it can be very dangerous for children. By the way, did you know when you get salmonella your doctor reports it to the Health Department and then the Health Department calls you and interviews you? Probably to pinpoint outbreaks. That was kind of interesting, they were really nice and genuinely concerned for me.

On the couch, Kate is griping that the kids always abandon her and she is left to finish things up, but the footage clearly shows Kate yelling at the kids to go down to the basement. So how is that abandonment when you’ve been ordered to leave the room? She is nothing if not inconsistent, and confusing. I have read that narcissists get off on this, keeping people, invariably their children, in a constant state of confusion.

Aw, sweet and helpful Collin offers to feed the chickens. He and Aaden go out there and give the chickens some scraps and play with Shoka a bit. Poor, poor Shoka, out there in the cold, wanting to be inside with the family watching them bake.

Kate talks, quite sincerely actually, about how when she worked at the dialysis center, how inspiring it was to watch what the patients went through, and how happy she was when someone got a kidney transplant. You know what? I think she had a bit of a sincere passion for nursing at some point. I think she could go back, and take her kids out of the public eye, and work a quiet job like this and give her kids their lives back. She might even find herself, I don’t know, happy. She just doesn’t want to believe that kind of life could ever make the family happy, that’s all.

As I ‘ve mentioned before, my dad once told me about a Twilight Zone episode in which a man dies and thinks he is in “heaven“. He has all the money in the world, all the girls in the world, and always wins every gambling hand. He loves it at first, but after a short time, always having everything he could ever want starts to drive him absolutely crazy. Some kind reader here alerted me about when this episode was going to be on TV, and I got to see it. Thank you! Here’s a clip, when the mans finds out that this place where you have everything just handed to you, is actually hell, not heaven:

So anyway, when Kate always says her kids deserve everything, the obvious lesson is that no, having everything does not make you happy. I can’t help but think how immature her understanding of what kids really need and deserve is. And it’s not, everything just handed to them, that’s for sure.

Next, they wrap up the treats and head out to a rental van because the big blue bus is in the shop. Screaming and yelling, squabbling, Kate yanking Collin back by his jacket (I hate when adults pull kids around like plow horses, is that how you would treat an adult?), everything that makes charity work seem so appealing. The reason Kate quit her job at the dialysis center, she explains, is she couldn’t do the 16 hour Saturday shifts anymore. I like how she and her fans always make it seem like any “real job” she could ever go back to would require 16 hour shifts on Saturdays. I know half a dozen people in the medical field who don’t work hours like that, not all jobs are like that. And there are many other careers you could take up where you’d never have to work a weekend or holiday, ever. Though come to think of it, if Jon has the kids every other weekend, wouldn’t that be a perfect time for her to pick up a weekend shift? The bottom line is of course she can go back to a private career, just like Jon did. She just won’t.

Kate hugs some former co-workers, and even sees some former patients, everyone is very polite to her and act excited to see her. Oh, Kate really is such a tool. “My dialysis patients were my first audience,” she says. “Cause, they were strapped down, they couldn’t get away from me!”

So in other words, she always wanted a captive audience. It was never about the kids or college funds or just getting by. It was about Kate getting her audience. I’m not surprised, of course it always was. I’m just surprised that Kate let that one slip. This picture I have of Kate putting on some kind of bad vaudeville act with a top hat and cane in front of some poor sick patient is laughable, but sad.

You know what? Kate’s co-workers make her seem like she was really good at this. She made the patients happy, by whistling, remembers one. Kate whistling. Well, at least if she’s whistling she can’t be lying, right?  In all honesty, as Kate would say, it sounds like this was a really good career for her. Why not go back?

Kate fumbles around with a dialysis machine trying to show it to the kids. And after a few missteps, remarkably, she gets it. On the couch, Leah explains how the machine works, and she is adorable. I think it’s good for kids to see things like this, and it sounds like they learned something.

Back at home, I can’t really tell if this is the same day, a second later I realize I don’t care what day it is, but Kate says they are going to do a “Hodge Podge Dinner” and they will each get to pick pieces of paper out of a hat listing one thing to buy at the grocery store. This dinner was all her idea, Kate makes certain to add. Ha. If this is such an unscripted reality show, why wouldn’t it be her idea? This is mildly fun, I suppose. But invariably there is a lot of bickering.

They arrive at the grocery store, and oh, I have so grown to love these hypocritical Kate moments. “First of all, we’re not making a scene,” Kate snaps at the kids, “so be quiet and move quietly!”

Kate? By virtue of the fact that you are carting in a production crew and filming this entire trek through the store while everyone else is just trying to do their weekly shopping and mind their own business and look after their children in private, you are making a scene. It is Kate causing the scene here with her crew, not the kids.

The kids basically pick out whatever they want, and they seem to be enjoying themselves. Ew, Kate is one of those people who gets a bagel with her bare hands without using the little pieces of tissue paper or tongs they always provide you. I know most people think that she is not actually a germaphobe at all. I agree, she just wants attention is all it is.

Kate demands that the grocery cashier, a woman she apparently recognizes from past shopping trips, look at all the food they bought. Kate? I don’t think she cares. She’s just trying to scan your items and get to the next customer and take care of her family like every other working woman. Kate keeps making a big deal about how hard it is to take all the kids grocery shopping and this is why she never does it. I don’t know, the kids seem behaved enough to me. They’re standing beside the carts, helping to push carts and helping to load bags. I don’t get why she acts like taking the kids here is like moving a piano down a maze. I think she never does this because she’s lazy. She’ll only do it if they’re filming. How Kate perceives what’s happening in any given situation is often vastly different than what an objective person sees.

Commercials. Uh oh, new show called I Kid With Brad Garrett. Seems kind of like a rip off of Kids Say the Darndest Things. Looks like some awfully cute kids there. Wonder if Kate feels threatened by all these new shows on TLC’s lineup. Some new show about a medium with a bunch of kids sounds like typical TLC fare that will of course do well for some odd reason. Next thing we know Kate will claim she can communicate with the dead too, she just never mentioned it before. Another season of Extreme Couponing, sweet, what will happen next, will another register crash from the 1500 coupons scanned into it? A hundreds bucks Kate’ll be back to talking about cutting coupons before the year is up.

Back at the house, they start cooking up the dinner. Kate keeps saying how gross it is, but I really don’t see what’s so gross about foods like bagels, burritos, carrots and pizza. Most kids like all those things. Surprisingly, the kids picked out mostly normal kid foods. But I guess since gross is the theme, Kate feels she must really sell it.

A lot of the kids are open to trying sardines. I don’t find this surprising, I’m not sure why. Maybe because they’re just, overall, pretty agreeable kids, from everything I’ve seen. Joel is so cute, laughing as he says he doesn’t like them. Collin loves them. Naturally Kate is one of the few who refuses to try them. I love when adults try to lecture kids about things like trying new foods, but then they won’t even try themselves. Whatever.

Shoka loved the sardines, says Kate, although I don‘t see Shoka anywhere around. :-( Maybe Kate carried a plate of them out to him in his outdoor doghouse in the cold after all the fun was over? “He said thank you for my hodge podge dinner,” Kate says. Ha, just like the kids always thank her, right?

The kids like this fun dinner, but as far as show ideas go, I see why TLC won’t make Kate a producer. The entire second half of the episode, the part that was all her idea, was excruciatingly mundane.

As the episode comes to a close, Kate gripes, “If you throw up tonight, you’re on your own!” I don’t get it, why would this be any different than before?

451 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Kate is a twit said...

I was about to post this on the last thread, when I noticed there was a new one.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... Someone tweeted this afternoon that K+8 is only on the TLC schedule for ONE week during the period 8/8 - 8/17. Remember the press release said it was returning on Monday, August 8th through September 12th? We all assumed that meant six weeks straight, but it is NOT on the schedule for August 15th

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately it is scheduled for Aug. 15. Don't know why it isn't listed on the Kateplus8 schedule, but it is listed on the daily network schedule for Aug 15.

Maybe if they don't list it on the show's site, everyone will think it's not scheduled and no one will watch

Kate is a twit said...

Admin-I just saw where Nobody Loves a Narcissist posted a correction about the schedule on the last thread. It is not necessary to publish my post.


Just curious said...

Each kid picked one item out of a hat? On a piece of paper, I assume. Who put them in the hat?

PJ's momma said...

Hahahaha.......I for one happen to love sardines in a can - the mustard kind accompanied by a whole scallion on crackers. Everyone stays away from me after a dinner like that! You poor thing. I caught some on rerun and also was struck by how she was going on about how gross it was and the previews made it seem like a whole of work and cooking by the kids, but the truth is she heated up some tater tots and burritos in the oven and then dished them up all up in their cafeteria trays like normal. Two raspberries for you, two for you......three carrots for you, three for you...... There was nothing gross about it at all. Sad that the kids do not dish themselves up yet so they learn portion control and how not to overserve themselves with something they won't eat. Oh well.

Just curious said...

I think we need a SHOKA ALERT. Reading about him wanting to be inside really bothered me. I can't bear to hear how he's treated.

Dallas Lady said...

Ha, I forgot that there wasn't a recap for that episode.

Did she tell the kids if they throw up they're on their own? If so, that makes sense, since she left one boy on a laundry room floor with a bucket because he was vomiting and feverish and didn't want him making a mess in the bathroom.

Cold ass bitch. Not a warm, loving bone in her entire unintelligent leathery body.

Dulcina said...

Wow, one of my favorite childhood memories, cooking for my family (mac and cheese from scratch) and my Mom going on about how gross it was.
Nope, never happened. Everyone said they loved it. (I don't even care if it was true). ~ Administrator said...

Yup, Kate told them they were on their own if the vomited. So let's get this straight, Kate's idea to make a gross dinner, Kate took them shopping, Kate cooked the food and served it, but if what she did makes the kids sick, they're on their own.

I suppose her two defenders will say she was joking (some joke), but how are the kids supposed to know that? Given the history especially. They HAVE been left alone when vomiting.

What Next? said...

Bringing this over from the previous thread because I think it's important.

Regarding eating disorders in 5 and 10 year old children::

What Next? said...

PJ's momma - I happen to love pickled herring; since childhood.

Kate is a twit said...

Kate as usual, never shows any encouragement or praise to her children. She may sometimes twitter how wonderful they are(when they help her of course), but she never shows it on the show. She always acts like it's such a chore to bake cookies with them, or grocery shop with them.

I have 2 grandchildren(one is 7 and the other is 4)that love to help out in the kitchen. In fact, when my grandson was 3 he was helping to make pancake batter. We may have had to sweep up some mix off the floor,pick out some egg shells out of the batter, or mop some milk off the floor, but the fact that he was so proud that he was helping make a meal for us made it all worthwhile. My granddaughter is the same way. When I go visit, the first thing they ask is if we can bake some cookies, or can we help cook dinner.

It breaks my heart to see how Kate cares more about her keeping her kitchen clean than she does about her children's enjoyment in learning about cooking and baking. ~ Administrator said...

And is it any surprise to Kate the kids wandered off during the middle of baking and wanted to go play instead? If they were having fun and wanted to be with her the thought never would have crossed their minds to leave the kitchen and go play something else.

Kate? It's not FUN the way you were running things.

Really tired of this woman said...

Some of my happiest memories of childhood are spending time cooking with my grandma. She was kind, caring, and guided me in a way to make me feel proud of my efforts. When she passed away, I "inherited" her big mixing bowl, and it's one of my most treasured things.

Not only do Kate's kids not get to see their grandma, cooking is an activity where they are stressed about spilling and making mistakes. I was appalled at how Kate spoke to Leah when she innocently tried to scoop up her damned sugar granules!

Maybe the kids get to see Aunt Jodi when they are with Jon. Jodi enjoyed baking with the kids, and I hope she still does.

Flight of the Kiwi said...

Great recap and sad too. My 10 year grandson adores anchovies and sardines! I must admit though admin - did the dreaded autocorrect bite you? Kate isn't a "gramophone"?? I must admit, I'm one of those who never thought she was one THOSE either...

Please don't be cross with me ;)

Dallas Lady said...

Well, let's see, Kate:

seems constitutionally incapable of having fun

is a complete control freak

only likes discussing and focusing on herself

is bitchy and rude

often screeches

is moody


is a total hypocrite

seems to have very few social skills

loves and lives for undeserved sympathy

brags about herself endlessly

is boring.

I could go on, but gosh, I'm just wondering why she doesn't have any friends. It's a mystery!

Gimme Gimme said...

If on the off chance that they got put on a deep sea boat by their supervisor (mom) and the beloved film crew and had to go way far out to fish and got sick they would be on their own. But wait mightn't the head of security find a soft place in his heart for the kids and hold the bucket? You betcha. Maybe the "producer" of that segment was subliminally suggesting a little throw up would be a nice finale for the gross dinner episode. Pros and cons of having a reality show, it's all out there for anyone who cares to watch. Pros--I'm thinking, thinking, thinking....

E-town Neighbor said...

Kate isn't a "gramophone"?? I must admit, I'm one of those who never thought she was one THOSE either...


LOL, Flight! I laughed when I saw it, knowing she meant germaphobe, but then I thought that maybe Kate had something in common with a gramophone, such as playing the same thing over and over again, and so many times sounding like a broken record! ~ Administrator said...

Gimme Gimme, the pros to a reality show? Why, stuff of course! STUFF, STUFF, STUFF! ~ Administrator said...

LOL the gramophone must have been an autocorrect, I fixed it. Autocorrect sure does some weird things.

PJ's momma said...

Gramophone made me laugh too, but the one that really made me howl was the 'pushing a piano through a maze' reference. I had never heard that and it is laugh-out-loud funny. If you made that one up, good on you!

Jenna Does said...

I am SO sorry you had to sit through that Admin. Great job though. And I'm so sorry you had to suffer through salmonella. That sounds awful. Again, I'm so sorry! When I was younger & my mom left hamburger in the fridge to thaw, I always made hamburgers for the family so she didn't have to cook when she got home from work. She NEVER said they were gross, in fact she appreciated the fact that she didn't have to cook! And I know they weren't great burgers!

So, this was a show? This? Seriously. No, really? Her being so burdened & rude & mean to her kids. And this whole thing with the dog Shoka is VERY bothersome. I'm completely bugged that this dog is outside ALL the time. You want an outside animal, fine, great! Get an effing cow & let it roam somewhere. You buy a freaken dog & they are supposed to be INDOOR animals that hang out with your family so you can love them & be with them & play with them. They are NOT OUTDOOR animals. Give that dog to a good home with people who will take care of her (?) him (?) & love her & spend time with her. Unbelievable. It is true what they say about people who treat pets badly...they will treat humans badly as well. She got that dog back STRICTLY for ratings only. Heartless (insert bad word here).
~Hippie Chick~ ~ Administrator said...

Pushing a piano through a maze is the only analogy I could think of to describe how this trip looked. Here's Kate huffing and puffing and bitching and moaning, oh it's so hard, hard hard. Meanwhile the kids are just politely trotting along beside her being as good as gold. Yes I made it up.

You know what I think? She doesn't want to admit these kids have many moments where they are actually EASY kids to look after. That doesn't fit into the whole "hook" of the show, watch a mom struggle to raise multiples, what a difficult and unique situation. The reality is, it's often not difficult or unique at all. If it's not a struggle, if the kids are easy going and up for anything and not exhausting at all, I think Kate is petrified people won't be interested. So she has to sell, sell, sell the hard-working mom difficult kids thing. Also, for sympathy.

Anonymous said...

I saw someplace this week that she would like to do a radio show. For crying out loud. She's stepped down from movies and tv now to radio shows but can't handle even a few minutes interview. It's her own fault. These radio hosts, unless of the political stripe, get paid the big bucks to go after the goofy questions so if you put yourself out there, watch out. Then I watched the Dugger kids and was struck by the difference in how gracious they are and how they respect their children. Maybe Kate can watch and, I take that back. She can't.

What Next? said...

"Also, for sympathy."

Yep, Pity Party 101. NOT interested.

Kate is a twit said...

I think Kate is very insecure. I think she purposely makes everything sound so difficult, especially on twitter, so that her fans can praise her and give her validation that she is a wonderful mother.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Another great job, Admin. I forgot this hadn't even been recapped yet! I know we discussed that clip already with the plastic garbage bag covered counters, and Khate barking orders. But, wow, this show sounds SO boring. What a lousy idea for an episode.

As others have said, Khate RUINS everything and has no idea how to get the stick out ever and just have fun with her kids! The fact that she acted the way she did with them baking and also the "cooking", where she just popped stuff in the oven, show us how she's full of it and she never bakes or cooks with the kids. A much better idea would have been to make a real meal, something they usually have for dinner and ask everyone to help out with certain things. Ask them which two or three want to make the chicken, who will prepare the veggies, who's covering dessert, etc. Maybe help them out learning how to read and follow a recipe, work on measurements, portion sizes, etc. You know, like normal moms often do.

As far as the grocery shopping trip, I agree that the worst part had to have been having a film crew in tow, not eight kids. I think Khate LOVES doing that, though. Didn't she complain about all the attention in Philly, but, duh, what do you expect when there's a camera crew there? You're not going to go unnoticed when there's a camera crew following you around. Then again, Khate NEVER wants to go unnoticed, so it works well for her. The film crew draws attention to her, and then she gets to complain about people looking at them!

I do have to admit that I wouldn't want to go food shopping with all eight kids every week, BUT Khate always has help at the house, so there's no reason why she couldn't take turns and take two or three kids with her on shopping trips sometimes. Call me crazy, but I think it's good for kids to go food shopping and I have had so many good experiences with my kids shopping. At different ages and different stages, we've used some things as a learning opportunity in so many great ways (from basic counting for the youngest, practicing Spanish with the colors of the fruit and veggies, to weights and measurements, rounding, multiplication, etc. - so many things they're working on in school at different ages can be applied there). By 8 - 10 years old, most kids are a great help in the grocery store (reaching for things on lower shelves, grabbing items and putting them in the cart for you, helping load the cart, or pushing a second cart when needed, loading the car, unloading the car and bringing it all into the house, etc.). My kids have always loved food shopping and love helping. To be honest (lol, as Khate would say), I kind of hate going food shopping alone. I find it kind of boring, but when my kids are with me we actually entertain each other and have some fun.

Oh, wait a second, what am I saying? I actually like my kids and enjoy being around them. As someone said above, Khate sees everything concerning her kids to be a CHORE, even just being with them at all.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Administrator said...

You know what I think? She doesn't want to admit these kids have many moments where they are actually EASY kids to look after. That doesn't fit into the whole "hook" of the show, watch a mom struggle to raise multiples, what a difficult and unique situation. The reality is, it's often not difficult or unique at all. If it's not a struggle, if the kids are easy going and up for anything and not exhausting at all, I think Kate is petrified people won't be interested. So she has to sell, sell, sell the hard-working mom difficult kids thing. Also, for sympathy.


Admin, I think you are 100% right about that! But, you forgot one thing - it's not "watch a mom...", "it's watch a SINGLE mom...." That's what Khate and TLC have been playing up the last two years.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Admin I have to ask you about Shoka, since you're the one that watches these episodes. Is Shoka only seen outside, or is he in the house ever? And, if he is in the house is he hanging around upstairs with the family, in the kitchen, or family room? Or, is he mostly kept outside, despite the lying, bullcrap stuff Khate tweets about her "beloved" dog? ~ Administrator said...

Much like Kate knows next to nothing about child psychology, she sure doesn't know anything about a dog's.

As most dog people with half a brain know, dogs are pack animals. When they are not running together, the humans become their pack. When you don't include the dog in the pack, you are asking the dog to go against their very instincts. Much like caging a lion, you are doing something very unnatural to it. A dog doesn't have to be inside with the family every single second (although that is how I prefer to raise my dog), but never including your dog in your family pack ever I think is cruel, period.

Dallas Lady said...

The only time she praises the kids (and it's very rare) is when whatever they did DIRECTLY benefits HER. Other times, she gives backhanded passive-aggressive "praise" that isn't really praise at all.

It's really sad. ~ Administrator said...

Kate is a twit said...

I think Kate is very insecure. I think she purposely makes everything sound so difficult, especially on twitter, so that her fans can praise her and give her validation that she is a wonderful mother.


Exactly. If she admits that she actually has it pretty easy sometimes--not just the helpers, but the fact that these kids are shaping out to be easy-going, polite, helpful, mellow kids--then she's petrified that the adoration and fawning all over her will stop.

She is afraid if she says, the shopping trip went so easy all the kids were great, that her tweeple will have nothing to pin a rose on. ~ Administrator said...

I haven't seen Shoka in the house, Nobody. Not since Jon was around. The one adult who knew a dog should be with the pack.

As a dog lover it really makes me sick. Kate isn't the only one. There is a little chihuahua who lives near me who is an outside dog, never once walked by and the little thing wasn't outside, and doggie and I can't even go near that house without my heart breaking. The little guy wants to be with his Mommy and Daddy, his pack! Not outside in a dog house by himself. I can maybe, maybe see some breeds of dogs people think are suited for the outdoors, but a chihuahua???

Kate is a twit said...

Nobody Likes a Narcissist--Doncha know that good cooks don't use recipes!!

I thoroughly agree with your post. My grandkids love grocery shopping. At their ages(7 and 4) they know practically every fruit and vegetable in the produce department and how to tell if they're ripe or fresh. In fact, they pick out most of the produce my daughter purchases. But that is because they were taught and were eager to learn. The most mundane things in the world can be the greatest learning experiences.

Unfortunately for the kids, Kate can't comprehend that.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Thank you for taking the time & effort to witness that crapfest, and to write about it.

Nothing has changed, Katie is still a cretin, and her t.v. show still sucks.

Same, same, same.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

That's what I figured, Admin, Khate has lied (AGAIN) and tweeted several times about how much she loves Shoka. I had a feeling he's not hanging around in the house with them. I totally agree with you about the pack mentality of dogs. We have always had dogs (usually two at a time), and they are always with us in the house. They follow us around and hang out where we are. The funny thing is the younger dog that seems to think she's my baby, but loves the kids so much too, has a real dilemma - if the kids are on one level of the house and I'm on another, she often sits on the stairs between the two levels, because she wants to be with all of us, and doesn't want to miss a thing, lol. Of course, both dogs are most content when we're all in one room and they're with us.

That's horrible about that poor little chihuahua, Admin. I have never heard of a dog that small being an outside dog. Although, I don't like any dog being kept outside. I once lived in a condo (pre-marriage and kids), and after my neighbors got a puppy, I used to babysit for her when they went away (which was often). After discovering that they kept this poor, small, sweet little dog in a cage (a very large one) in the garage all day, every day and even when they were home at night, I went nuts. I told them they should have gotten a bird, or a hamster! I couldn't believe it when their grown daughter told me the dog was never allowed in their house. After I babysat that dog and kept her in my home for a couple of weeks and house trained her, I begged them to let her in their house now. I really went to bat for that poor little dog, but ended up offering a blank check for her if they refused to let her in their house. After saying no, I think there was some arguing in their household, and a couple of weeks later, one of them called me and offered the dog to me (for nothing). Well, let me tell you, that dog hit the jackpot (and so did I). The sweetest, best dog in the world! She went from living all day and night in a cage in the garage, only let out two or three times a day for walks, to complete freedom in my home, and sleeping in our bed (with the other dog). I gave her a great life and she was just the best, best dog. It was quite a blow to lose her three years ago right before she turned 15. She was my baby, with me before I was married and had kids. She was sick for a few weeks, and we did everything we could to help her, (she was in the animal hospital, thousands of dollars). I'm just so glad I rescued her from that cage in the garage and gave her the best life a dog could ever have.

Yikes, sorry to go so off topic, but I really am an animal over and I just don't believe in getting a pet unless you're going to treat them wonderfully, and as part of the family.

Anonymous said...

Admin, thanks for suffering through that episode. It sounds ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! To me, the only thing that sounds "gross" about it are the sardines, and those were Kate's suggestion, apparently. I really feel sorry for those kids. Some of my favorite moments growing up were working in the kitchen with my Mom or my Dad (he liked to cook and sometimes took over kitchen duties on the w/e). I learned about food prep, how to weigh and measure things, how to cook certain things. By the time I was the twins' age, I was fixing simple meals for the family. Now, when I make vegetable soup the way my Mom did, I remember her and all the fun we had and the interesting chats we had while cooking. Kate's kids will never have those kinds of memories. All they will remember is Mom freaking out because a few granules of sugar got on the floor. What a pity!

ITA about Shoka. A pet needs to be with their family most of the time. Especially a dog like a GSD. I wish someone would call animal control on her. Sadly, she'd be more likely to get into trouble over the way she treats her dog than the way she treats her kids.


Kate's Cart said...

Kate sucks the life out of everything. She never actually plays with the kids. I'd be amazed if she ever gets wet in the pool with the kids, or played any games in the pool.

Kate could hold a pretty well paying job in nursing, but she won't because she is lazy. She could work full time during the school year, the kids are gone from 6:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. She could have a little help with the bus pick up in the afternoon. She could work per diem on the week ends when the kids are with Jon. But, holding a job would take organizational skills and require motivation. She doesn't have any.
She wants to be a radio host or host of any kind. That's impossible. She is basically illiterate of anything in current events besides herself. Has she ever mentioned reading a book, or a newspaper, or viewing news sites on line. She is in her own little world of Kate. It doesn't sound like she even checks the weather daily. Look at the few people she follows on twitter - people she thinks are her "friends". She has no friends or social life that isn't paid for and/or arranged by TLC. Why doesn't she take the kids to visit Jamie and her family - cus TLC isn't paying or filming. She still continues to nothing with the kids if it isn't for filming purposes. She could easily do a weekend trip to the NJ shore, but again, she won't.

a coincidence is not the same thing as an accident said...

Admin, I let you know that the Twilight Zone would be on; glad you finally got to see it, and liked it. It's one of my favorites.

Sadly, I thought you were joking when I read, "even Shoka thanked kate!"
What a self-centered bitch; EVERYTHING is all about HER. Nauseating.
May she get what she deserves: eternity with Pip in "the other place."

Teresa said... just made me cry... thank you for giving that little pooch the best years of his life...thank you so much xoxoxox

And Admin... l think l would be sneeking around that little one in the dead of night and take him/her. Stealing, l know, but l'd risk it. Find him/her a better home out of the neighborhood somewhere.

Also, maybe Wernygal could check on Shoka?

Hot Fun In The Summertime said...

Well, she took a few minutes our of her BUSY BUSY days to throw her sheeple a few bones:

Hey friends! Another crazy busy day here! I can't get caught up! Interviews for my show, cooking and housework! It neva r u


Interviews for MY show. Not OUR (ARE!) show, but MY show. I'm just waiting for that ego to burst. Who is going to clean up the mess after it explodes?

I don't think so said...

Also, maybe Wernygal could check on Shoka?

Seriously? She's already accused of being a stalker by the crazed sheeple. ~ Administrator said...

If interviews are "crazy" and "busy" barely giving her a spare moment to tweet, which she claims only takes a few seconds, how does she think the kids feel???

She's saying nice things about the kids again. You guessed it, because they HELPED HER with meals. The kids only get attention if they are doing something to make her hard life easier. ~ Administrator said...

Completely off topic, but this is an interesting story. A murderer confessed to killing his co-worker. But they can't do anything, because he already had his trial several years ago and was acquitted. Explains why double jeopardy will forever protect him, and people like Casey Anthony. You only get one shot to put these killers behind bars, and if you don't play the cards right, you could lose that chance forever. I think if anything this might make prosecutors much more careful about having all their ducks in a row and strategy there to make it happen, instead of assuming it's open and shut or nearly so, like I think may have happened in the Caylee case.

Ellie said...

Just Curious said.... I think we need a SHOKA ALERT. Reading about him wanting to be inside really bothered me. I can't bear to hear how he's treated.

That alone is enough of a reason to hate her. I was so happy when the dogs left because I knew they'd somehow be better off than with Khate.

When just Shoka came back and Khate was thrilled with herself for doing so, I felt sick knowing that bitch took him away from Nala.

Dallas Lady said...

She says the big girls make lunch for the 8. Doesn't surprise me one bit. I suspected they had been roped into most of the little kid care.

Notice when she has the kids at home and isn't doing couch things for HER SHOW, she has alllllll the time in the world to twitter? And ironically tweets all day about how busy and tired she is and how much there is to do and how little help she has? (Then get off twitter, twit.) But as soon as a camera is pointed at her, then she has a new source of ego stroking. She turns to whatever is available to lasso the spotlight on herself. Kids aren't really good for ego stroking, they kind of force you to think about someone else. Which she hates and finds very difficult.

Teresa said...

Seriously? She's already accused of being a stalker by the crazed sheeple
I had NO idea about that Admin. This is the only blog l come to. My apologies.

Mary said...

"I wish someone would call animal control on her"
This was already done when the dogs were there the first time. People were concerned they were not being treated properly and the local Humane Society was notified.

They didn't even bother to go to the home to investigate. They just made a phone call and whoever they talked to told them it wasn't true.
That was all they needed to hear and that was the end of it. Do they honestly think that whoever they talked to was going to say yes the dogs are being abused ???

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Dallas Lady - your posts are terrific!

Twittering and a Twattering said...

It looks like she's dispelled the rumor that the show will be over in September, but doesn't explain why it's not on TLC's fall schedule:

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @gardencharmer @Kateplusmy8 perez is saying kate+8 cancelled??NOoOOO!! Is it true? Zero Truth! Not going anywhere!!!Tons of fun2 be had! ~ Administrator said...

How does Kate know her show isn't going anywhere? She's not even a producer, let alone involved in any of those decisions. This is the same woman who thought episodes about her trip were going to air Aug. 8. She never knows what's going on with her show, they are telling her the bare minimum or she's just not listening.

Also might I remind Kate, my narcissist wasn't told her show was canceled. She heard it on the news. In fact, she was told to get ready for another season.

Kate of all people should know by now Hollywood is a cruel world. All shows are capable of being canceled at any time. I don't like how comfy she is getting. When that axe falls there will be hell to pay.

Who's watching the kids? said...

Administrator said...

If interviews are "crazy" and "busy" barely giving her a spare moment to tweet, which she claims only takes a few seconds, how does she think the kids feel???


If interviews are crazy and busy, barely giving her a spare moment to tweet, who is watching the kids?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Some of her tweets from tonight (I left out a few that didn't matter):

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Hey friends! Another crazy busy day here! I can't get caught up! Interviews for my show, cooking and housework! It neva r u?
1 hour ago

Deelaney Deelaney
@Kateplusmy8 I don't know how you keep up, esp with the cooking & housework! Do your kids do any cooking of meals yet to help u out?
1 hour ago

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Deelaney YES! C&M make lunch4all 8,&Cara helped make dinner last few days also.I'm SO proud of them& thankful 4 their help, esp this wk!
1 hour ago

gardencharmer Jenny R
@Kateplusmy8 perez is saying kate+8 cancelled???? NOoOOOO!! Is it true?
1 hour ago

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @gardencharmer @Kateplusmy8 perez is saying kate+8 cancelled??NOoOOO!! Is it true? Zero Truth! Not going anywhere!!!Tons of fun2 be had!
1 hour ago

KarissaTy Karissa Ty
@Kateplusmy8 guess whats on tv on Monday!?!? Kate plus 8 :D finally! Only waited forever for it(:
41 minutes ago

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @KarissaTy @Kateplusmy8 guess whats on tv on Monday!?!? Kate plus 8 :D finally! Only waited forever for it(: Yep, us too! :)
38 minutes ago

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
GN all.Flat, here I come!Anthr long day of juggling tom!tired just looking at the list! I better get2sleep so I can run 1st thing 2 b rdy!
37 minutes ago

SisiHoliday Sierra
@kateplusmy8 I thought the show cancelled! are you quitting reality tv!
1 hour ago

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@SisiHoliday NO WAY!
37 minutes ago

phenomaj84 Andrae Jones
@Kateplusmy8 Think Perez Hilton is just trying to get all your fans to go to his site?
1 hour ago

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@phenomaj84 most likely... Anything to piggyback onto anything that makes a story- true or not. Sad. Pathetic.
36 minutes ago

CounselorJack Jackie LPC
@Kateplusmy8 New episodes this week, right?
40 minutes ago

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@CounselorJack YES! Monday TLC 9pm EST. Tweet party if I'm home... All good!
36 minutes ago

LEIGHSHAHAN1 leigh shahan
Good Night you fine folks...Sandman is here...I think ill talk to him awhile! @Kateplusmy8
47 minutes ago

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 Whats he saying? ZZzzzzzzz?
36 minutes ago

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 oh and is he wise, good looking, hardworking, patient, single and mid 40's by chance? Lol!
35 minutes ago


Notice how she didn't just reply to the sheeple about the show being canceled and the Perez story. She had to re-tweet it first (her reply is in bold), so everyone could see what she was replying to. Also, I love her tweet implying that Perez Hilton needs HER for hits on his site. I'm no fan of his and I never go to his site, but I highly doubt he needs to post something about Khate for hits! ~ Administrator said...

LEIGHSHAHAN1 oh and is he wise, good looking, hardworking, patient, single and mid 40's by chance? Lol! 37 minutes ago

Will Kate just admit already the man she wants is STEVE? ~ Administrator said...

Perez Hilton was doing just fine pre-Kate, and I'm sure he will do just fine post-Kate. He rarely does a story on her as it is, even during the nasty divorce. ~ Administrator said...

You know in thinking about Kate's statements that the kids always abandon her in the middle of projects, she acts like that's all the kids' fault. She will never consider that maybe 1. she's not engaging the kids 2. she's not keeping it fun 3. she sucks and no one wants to be around her.

It's never her.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Kate still has quite a bit of "couch interviews" to do for the episodes that will be airing over the next six weeks. There is no way in hell that TLC would have informed her that this is the end of filming! Can you even imagine her then cooperating for the couch interviews after that? Can you just imagine how bitchy (bitchier) she would be? They still need her right now to complete the episodes and go on The Today Show to sell them. Plus, there is NO way TLC wants to be around to deal with the wrath of Khate once she knows the show is finally dead.

I don't think TLC will even bother telling Khate the show is cancelled. They're going to run the already filmed episodes from next week until September 12th, and then she'll be waiting to hear from them. She'll be home alone all day, bored as hell and tweeting for "support" and "encouragement", waiting and waiting for TLC to let her know when they will be there to film more episodes. Eventually, they will tell her something like the filming schedule is "up in the air" at the moment. They'll string her along as long as possible. Then, they'll finally admit that it has not been renewed and there's no more filming. I can't wait to see how Khate spins that on Twitter.

Dallas Lady said...

Kate doesn't need to worry her bleached little head about Perez Hilton "using her" to create hits or drama for his site. Why? The little blurb about her show not being on the fall TLC lineup is already on page THREE and got all of nineteen comments. Every single one of them negative, except the few who were baffled she's still on the air or wanted to know who she was, LOL.

So rest easy, Kate. You aren't interesting enough or popular enough for anyone to get site hits off of you. Ha!

silimom said...

Administrator said...
LEIGHSHAHAN1 oh and is he wise, good looking, hardworking, patient, single and mid 40's by chance? Lol! 37 minutes ago

Will Kate just admit already the man she wants is STEVE?
ROFL!!! I have been saying this since the Emmy's when she spoke about needing a cop to help her whip her kids into shape.

Kate, could you be any more obvious? Whether or not there is an actual affair happening, we all know that you pine for Steve Neild. And frankly why on earth would he, or for that matter, any other man want you? They've seen you in action (Steve more than anyone) and how you treat(ed) Jon. Why on earth would they want to marry into THAT?

Besides, as someone pointed out earlier, you never once talk about wanting someone to grow old with, to love, to honor, to, you only talk about wanting someone to help you with your kids.

Yup. That's SO attractive to the opposite sex, Kate.

So even if Steve Neild is sleeping with you, I promise you this: When your show ends, which it will eventually, Steve will leave because without the paycheck he receives from TLC to babysit you there is nothing else you have to offer him but a whining narcissist who likes to play the victim card every chance she gets and eight children he'd need to support in addition to his two sons and (ex)wife.

Think about it, Kate.

Tamara said...

Sadly, she'd be more likely to get into trouble over the way she treats her dog than the way she treats her kids.

I so agree RL. My family has only had working dogs, whom we love but aren't really pets. I've never understood how people can treat their animals better than their children. Or how people can be more up in arms over puppy mills than sexual slavery and child abuse.

Tamara said...

Admin, thank you for pointing out how well behaved and, for the most part, easy going the kids are. From the first episode it's seemed like every other comment about them was what brats they are, how badly behaved they are, how spoiled they are, that they're bullies, etc etc. Especially against Mady and Collin. These kids have been made out, mostly by their mother, to be horrid kids who constantly throw temper tantrums and melt down over the littlest thing. When, in fact, they seem to be much bettered behaved and more mature then one might expect, considering their main roll model and environment.

I hope Jon, Ellen and their teachers are making a concerted effort to tell them they are good kids and to build up their self-esteem, and confidence. I wonder how Collin and Alexis are doing, and if they will be back in school come September?

hey jude said...

kate took the baked goods to the patients at the place she used to work at? I assumed it was for the staff- dialysis patients can't eat that stuff?? Did they all go to deliver this-that surprises me...

The patients' health is already compromised and then they allow the crew ,and all of them ,Kate and 8 in? Wow,I find that hard to believe!

Seriously, tell me Kate did not give raw cookie dough to the kids to eat? I guess when they got sick, she has 'her helpers' to deal with that. Salmonella is horrible! How could she put her own kids at risk? That is just sick, omg...what an ignoramous twat.

Kate could easily go back to work as a nurse, with a referesher class or 8, but she has been bitten by the fame bug- she's a star in her own mind! Do nurses there routinely work 16 hr. shifts?- I never had to unless if it was overtime and I agreed to it. We belong to a union, so is it different in the U.S.?

I'm not getting why Kate thought the gross dinner was so bad, a lot of people would think it was a feast.I like sardines on toast! The other packaged items were not healthy, but not gross...Shoka shouldn't be eating it for sure, poor dog, why is he still there?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @gardencharmer @Kateplusmy8 perez is saying kate+8 cancelled??NOoOOO!! Is it true? Zero Truth! Not going anywhere!!!Tons of fun2 be had!
1 hour ago


Tons of fun2 be had!???

By whom?

Since when is mediocrity entertainment?

Kate is determined to make her 8 little money makers work until they're 18.

TLC is probably egging Kate on, and counting on her implosion when they announce her cancellation- just so they can film her reaction.

TLC & Kate are a bunch of Ghouls and fools.

No Regrets said...

"Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...The funny thing is the younger dog that seems to think she's my baby, but loves the kids so much too, has a real dilemma - if the kids are on one level of the house and I'm on another, she often sits on the stairs between the two levels, because she wants to be with all of us, and doesn't want to miss a thing, lol. "

Aww this is so cute! We have a little Chi and she does almost the same thing. Except she RUNS between me and my grandsons. LOL If she hears noise from one of us, here she comes...RUNNING like a crazed nut! Sometimes we make noise on purpose to see the reaction. LOL Don't you just LOVE these little souls?

ADMIN that breaks my heart about the little Chi being kept outside. My God, a large bird can swoop down and pick it up. It is not safe for any small animal to be kept outside. :(

No Regrets said...

"Mary said...
"I wish someone would call animal control on her"
This was already done when the dogs were there the first time. People were concerned they were not being treated properly and the local Humane Society was notified.

They didn't even bother to go to the home to investigate. They just made a phone call and whoever they talked to told them it wasn't true.
That was all they needed to hear and that was the end of it. Do they honestly think that whoever they talked to was going to say yes the dogs are being abused ???"

And you know this HOW?

No Regrets said...

"Kate's Cart said...Kate sucks the life out of everything"

This is EXACTLY what I was going to post. She DOES suck the fun out of every damn thing. Imagine the kids getting excited about helping to bake, because as it is described, it is NOT often they get to do this.. then to be told all the freakin "rules". By now the kids KNOW all her stupid rules. WHY put that pressure on them before they even begin? I wouldn't want to do a thing after the way she barked out all her orders.

Also, how does she expect the kids to LEARN how to act in a grocery store or any place for that matter if she never takes them? Oh, right, it is just too hard for HER to take them. TAKE THEM SO THEY WILL LEARN, you idiot. I read a review not long ago on her show, the article said she treated the kids like babies. Which is VERY true. "Say goodbye to Mr. Kiwi Man" "Hello Mr Giraffe or whatever" groannnn They are 7, no wonder the poor babies act so much younger.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

From INF:

Kate Gosselin Can't Pull In Ratings Or Fans On Twitter! Pic!

Tucker's Mom said...

For anyone who believe Kate "LOVES!!" Shoka, I've got a bridge to sell you. I remember watching one show when Kate fed the puppies in the basement... wtf? Why can't they eat in the gigantic kitchen?
I don't think that Shoka is allowed to be outside of the basement, which is sick. My dogs don't run the house, but they're welcome almost anywhere. There's nothing that I can't cover or sweep up. And they love to be in the kitchen when I cook. Of course they get scraps and goodies ;-)
Spoiled rotten, my pups are! ~ Administrator said...

I should have described the kids faces when Kate lined them up at the garbage bag-covered counter and was yelling at them about not making a mess. They didn't look excited or happy to bake with Mommy. They looked tired and defeated. They all sort of sat there shoulders hunched staring at her, wondering what arbitrary rule the narcissists was going to impose next. You know the look on a kid's face when he's zoned out in front of a TV? That's the look many of them had. The whole thing is bizarre and not a normal reaction when a kid is about to bake something fun with Mommy.

Moose Mania said...

Kate tweets: GM friends! I'm awake but didn't drag myself out to run...Yet...Will do as soon as breakfast is over! Lots2do 2day as usual! Whatcha doing?


She says she has no help this week, but she tweets that she's going out running. Is she leaving these kids alone in the house? Why would you announce this to the entire Twitter world?

No Regrets said...

"Administrator said...Perez Hilton was doing just fine pre-Kate, and I'm sure he will do just fine post-Kate. He rarely does a story on her as it is, even during the nasty divorce."

Hilton's site is worth millions. This stupid remark about him wanting hits off Kate is on the same level as one fan said that "Kate is the face of TLC" the same fan said "Kate MADE TLC". LOL I swear these people live a vacuum.

No Regrets said...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...Hahaha from the article on INF I love some of the writers on there. You KNOW they will attacked BIG time by the defenders of all things Kate. LOL

"Kate Gosselin’s show Kate Plus 8 has not exactly been a ratings juggernaut. Even with the trip to Australia and New Zealand, Gosselin hasn’t managed to get much interest. Now, with a new episode coming out on Monday, everyone at TLC will be curious to learn (again) just how bad the show actually is. It’s bad people. <<LOVE THIS ONE

Kate can’t even get a lot of twitter fans. She tweeted about being excited for 23,006 followers. Woo! And just to be clear, they’re followers, not fans. Kate has a few people that trash and diss her constantly. And personally I’m happy for it because otherwise Kate’s twitter feed reads like a fourth graders with a limited grasp of the English language. “Good morning all. How are you? Whatcha doing today?” (Like Kate cares!) Or “Good night all. I’m so tired.” Seriously, can it get any more boring!!!"

Did they HIT this right or not LOLOL

NoLoveInPhilly said...

Well I guess INF summons it up perfectly...

Kate Krawford is nolonger relevant. She will finally have to be a commoner like the rest of us. When I think of the opportunities she was given and took for granted it pisses me off. But it's her loss and you get what you put in. ~ Administrator said...

Excellent point. Because Kate is too darn lazy to take them to the grocery store, she is denying them learning opportunities and socialization opportunities. Not only is it good for kids to learn how to behave in a store, but it's also good for kids to understand food doesn't just magically appear on the table, you have to plan it all out and go to the store. You have to teach a kid how to shop for food. Little things like picking out apples that aren't bruised and how to find ripe avocados and checking the eggs to be sure none are cracked may be simple things, but they are LIFE SKILLS. One day the kids will have to grocery shop, as soon as college. Will they be that kid that brings him cracked eggs and bruised apples, because they had a lazy mother not interested in teaching them?

As someone suggested, she could take some of the kids each time instead of all eight. But even seeing this episode, there is no reason she can't take all eight. They were behaved enough, and especially if you take a few seconds out of your precious time to engage them and give them tasks to do (i.e. Collin you pick out some good eggs, Alexis you find the salad dressing we like, everyone pick one cereal), it would be fine.

It's recently just been blatantly obvious that the propaganda (such a perfect word for this) Kate has been spinning for us about these kids for the past several years is simply not true. They are, overall, easy kids, sweet kids, behaved kids, helpful kids, and not a nightmare in any way shape or form to drag along to the grocery store. ~ Administrator said...

Wow does it sound like Kate pissed off somebody at INF??? The entire point of that article was to tell Kate off. I wonder if maybe she didn't call Chris today to tell her she's going running?

That's because she's still in bed, Chris, hasn't dragged herself out yet or even made breakfast!

TLC stinks said...

I was considered "well behaved" because by age 5 I fully understood the consequences of disobedience. Better to do what I was told than get the belt to the back of my legs. Sorry, Admin, but it I seriously doubt Kate has little patience as evidenced by her on- screen threats to the kids. There, of course, has been no evidence of physical abuse, but verbal abuse would not surprise me. Thank goodness there's Jon, Ellen, and hopefully a nanny that those kids can turn to. Like I said, I was a little angel growing up but it was an act to avoid the wrath of my mother who similarly was a cold person with a sharp tongue.

No Regrets said...

I still remember when they took the kids to that department store for the VERY FIRST TIME, to shop for the kids in the hospital. Those babies were looking in complete amazement at all the goodies displayed. That was SO sad to me. They were 5 or 6, it has been a few years.

Dork Queen said...

Re:Shoka and others:
"The local Humane Society was notified.
They didn't even bother to go to the home to investigate. They just made a phone call and whoever they talked to told them it wasn't true.
That was all they needed to hear and that was the end of it. Do they honestly think that whoever they talked to was going to say yes the dogs are being abused ???"

At the Murt hearings the PA Dept. of Labour Representatives stated that they did not make a site visit at any time, to ascertain whether the children were being properly treated. Gloria Allred commented angrily about this.

I wonder what the protocol was when CPS was called, as I am sure it must have been at some point. Another phone call?

Who gave Kate and TLC the power that they seem to have over the authorities in Pennsylvania? ~ Administrator said...

TLC Stinks, the kids might very well be so well-behaved out of fear. The point is though, they ARE well-behaved and not such a big trial and difficulty to cart everywhere as Kate would like to spin it.

Jenna Does said...

We have a German Shepherd who loves being with us. When we take her for our hikes, she "herds" us. She LOVES walks & playing with her ball. She loves being groomed by us & going for rides in the car. She has all these little idiosyncrasies that make her special. Does Kate have any idea what make her dog special? Dogs LOVE to be with their family. A GS will get bored & start pacing the fence line of their property if the have nothing to do. They CRAVE activity. We need to take our dog for walks or small hikes or swimming all the time. I hope to God Shoka isn't chained up constantly...that is NO life for any animal.
~Hippie Chick~

Westcoaster said...

Again, if I were the children's father, I would be cutting and pasting any numbers of these tweets; She twits she's all alone with no help again, she twits she's going running (or not) - so who is watching the kids? The 10 year olds who by her other tweets are now making breakfast and lunch for the tups? Nice summer job, too bad mommy is so busy. So yes, if she is running, she is leaving them alone for the world to know. That, my friend, is what treadmills are for. Scary, narcissistic twat.

Ingrid said...

Very disturbing tweet on Kate's twitter this morning. I hope someone helps her. (Kate sure won't!!)

@Kateplusmy8 - Hi Kate........I'm trying to decide whether to live or die today....

kat said...

She says her show will not be cancelled? She is such a liar. Kate knows that her show is on the fence with TLC. She just doesn't want to let on. It could all come tumbling down around her. so she keeps sounding real positive on her twat page. I never thought I would see the day when INF would throw her under the bus. This is a good day! ~ Administrator said...

Kate just sounds delusional when she blabs on about how the show is not going anywhere no worries!

She would be so much more credible if she would just say, we have several episodes yet to air I think you will enjoy, and my hope is that the show will continue for a long time but that will depend on whether people still want to watch and I'm hopeful they will!

Show a bit of humility for once.

Jenna Does said...

I LOVE taking my kid to the grocery store! I'm teaching him about money & budgeting now that he gets an allowance. I'll give him $10 & a little basket & tell him to shop for some snacks that he likes for himself. (Obviously, I still buy healthy snacks for the house, I make him do the same) & we go up & down the aisles). Say he loves Ritz crackers, but the store brand is a dollar cheaper, I'll show him that & he'll get that one instead. He can do the math in his head or we'll use my phone calculator. It's a good math lesson. Sometimes he doesn't spend all of the money & it goes back in his wallet for the next time for something special, like a candy bar or something. It's a good learning tool & Kate should use that to her advantage. Not with ALL 8 kids, take 2 at a time.
~Hippie Chick~ ~ Administrator said...

Also shopping teaches you about portions and estimations. How much milk do we need for our family for the next week? We're going to grill some chicken tonight, there are six pieces to a package, how many should we get?

Also, how to make a list and use it to help you. If you don't, you end up spending way more than you expected, and invariably forget something. But I can't remember how many times I watched college roommate go shopping without a list. You have to teach kids these things, it doesn't come naturally.

There's obviously so many things grocery shopping can teach kids.

What's Next? said...

The intersection of life and art may be strange indeed. Please take a few minutes and read this book review.

so sick of her said...

Well, I'll tell ya, TLC has done little to no promo for K8. I've watched a little TLC on monday, watch tuesday(Duggars), wed, and I have not seen one commercial for K8. I've seen commercials for the Royals, cake boss, Toddlers & tiaras, and other shows. Good for me. And boy is Kate defensive about the article, saying the show is/might be canceled. I'm sure(LOLOLOL) her fans/sheeple have got their panties in a bunch, about that and not tweeting enough.

NoLoveInPhilly said...

INF and Perez reported basically the same about her ratings. And neither ever reports anything nasty or negative. So somethings up. Could this be TLC's way of letting her sink her own ship?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

No Regrets said... A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...Hahaha from the article on INF I love some of the writers on there. You KNOW they will attacked BIG time by the defenders of all things Kate. LOL

"Kate Gosselin’s show Kate Plus 8 has not exactly been a ratings juggernaut. Even with the trip to Australia and New Zealand, Gosselin hasn’t managed to get much interest. Now, with a new episode coming out on Monday, everyone at TLC will be curious to learn (again) just how bad the show actually is. It’s bad people. <<LOVE THIS ONE

Kate can’t even get a lot of twitter fans. She tweeted about being excited for 23,006 followers. Woo! And just to be clear, they’re followers, not fans. Kate has a few people that trash and diss her constantly. And personally I’m happy for it because otherwise Kate’s twitter feed reads like a fourth graders with a limited grasp of the English language. “Good morning all. How are you? Whatcha doing today?” (Like Kate cares!) Or “Good night all. I’m so tired.” Seriously, can it get any more boring!!!"

Did they HIT this right or not LOLOL



Which makes it rather sad that Kate still does not get it.

Time's up, Kate. Step aside, and allow your children to live their lives peacefully.

Kate, pick a dialysis center, and apply for a job there. That's your real vocation- siphoning blood...

Beth said...

For Kate to teach the children anything about shopping would require that she gave a damn. She just doesn't and she never will. This is the woman who said that they will have to buy their own car, so I am sure that she isn't the least bit worried as to how they will make it in the world. ~ Administrator said...

Good friend was in town the other day and we were watching the Nick Lachey wedding show thing on TLC. Guilty pleasure, shush.

Anyway, all they were advertising at the breaks was something called Crazy About Pipa!!! LOL.

Yolanda said...

I just read an article about JP from the Bachelorette (and Ashley's fiance). He just joined Twitter yesterday. As of this moment, he's got 23,836 followers.

Is Kate up to that number yet?

Anyway, there's no comparison between JP and Kate, of course. But it just struck me as funny given how Kate is constantly cheering every time her Twitter follower numbers go up.

Aeris said...

A lack of promotion on TLC's behalf could just mean they realize Khate's show doesn't need it. TLC may assume they're guaranteed that "safety net" of 1M viewers, which may be enough to sustain the show. They'd be wiser to spend their promo dollars on new shows instead. The folks that want to watch K&8 will find out when it's on, whether they're haters/sheeple/casual fans.

The situation with Shoka pains me so much, to see a capable woman so dismissive of her animal. As a severe dander allergy sufferer, I will probably never get to experience the joy of having a dog in my family. If only Shoka knew how to please Khate, she might just pay attention to him. You get what you give with a pet, Khate - try giving sometime.

Tucker's Mom said...

Administrator said...
Much like Kate knows next to nothing about child psychology, she sure doesn't know anything about a dog's.

As most dog people with half a brain know, dogs are pack animals. When they are not running together, the humans become their pack******
Right on! We have 3 dogs and when we got our second, as a puppy, we let him on the bed with our first (Bichon Frise). That was it. That is where they both sleep. Period. Unless they jump off, it's the bed for them!
Then we got a third, a black Lab mix, and we had her sleep on a dog bed by our side. It was just a matter of real estate. But if she ever wants to come on the bed, she's welcome.
She (Daisy Mae) has been fine with this. In fact, I just got done hugging and kissing her on my deck.
We, as a whole, are a pack. The dogs are never without us, unless they are out in the back yard playing and you know, doing their "thayng".
We love to take them for rides in the car, into "town", or to dine, or to get a spot of custard. If it's not chocolate, the can have a lick or two ;-)

Laura D. said...

Thanks for the re-cap, Admin. It blows my mind what passes for television entertainment. I took my 2 youngest boys grocery shopping last weekend (a long weekend here in Canada) and allowed them to pick out some fun treats. We went home and lunched on corndogs, Nesquick cereal and Orange Crush ice cream floats. We had a blast and the kids were so proud to have planned and helped prepare this lunch. But would this have made good TV for you all? God, I hope not. I know you would much rather be enjoying your own families instead of watching mine. What is missing in the Sheeples’ lives???

Oh, and I’d also like to voice my disgust of Kate’s treatment of their dog. Our beloved beagle is a true member of our family and we wouldn't have it any other way.

hey jude said...

Karma is a bitch and her name is puberty!

Kate, you have no idea what is coming in the near future. You are missing out on all the fleeting ,sweet joys of being a mother, as you bark out orders and demand perfection.

I miss the fun of baking with my girls,taking walks, sharing stories about when I was little, reading to them ,and cuddling before bed.I loved that sweet baby smell of them, and how their eyes lit up when they smiled and kissed me good-night.

I miss them running into my arms after school,giving me a big hug,just bursting to tell me what they had done that day! I loved the idea that my girls thought their Dad and I got up early to hang the sun up!

You have missed out on so much, Kate and you can't ever get these days back!I don't think I have ever seen any of your kids smile and run up to you for a kiss or hug- that is so sad...for all of you.I have seen them run up to Jon and hug him.

Sorry for being so sappy here- I'll just run and get my meds. -ha ha,just kidding! I keep thinking Kate is one of us real mothers and I have been trying to figure her out forever.

The end of her show is near and she is trying not to panic.I hate her behavior towards her kids, Jon ,family, etc.,but I also pity her.This is not going to end well, and I hope she is not locked up in her room , with the kids having no supervision.

I wonder who would actually go in her room, if she was not seen for awhile? What if she passed out or got sick or anything, those kids and everyone have been programmed to not enter under penalty of severeness. She appears to be eating salad and looks like hell on wheels...hmm

I guess we will soon see how this all plays out, but I really don't have a good feeling about all of this.Kate's world is too depressing, going back to my happy world now!Have a great day everyone, eh? ~ Administrator said...

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know a dog wants to be with people. If you leave the doggy door open, it will choose to be wherever the people are. To shut it out is cruel. Cats are happy to go off and hide by themselves, or go off on their own and hunt. Dogs aren't.

I know the tweeple will say people had outdoor dogs for centuries and it was fine, so Kate is no different than people who have farm dogs. First of all, we know far more about dog psychology today than we ever did before. We now know a lot more about their needs to be with a pack and how they make humans their pack. It's called progress. Secondly, for centuries the bulk of the work was often done OUTSIDE. Dogs gravitated to the outside for the simple fact that that's where the humans often were, doing chores, tending to stock, etc. Exactly why a farm dog can often be found outside where his master is. Today, since we're mostly inside, that's where the dogs want to be.

Also, in centuries past, it was more dangerous to keep a dog inside with children and so on. Dogs had a lot more fleas and ticks and disease. We've essentially prevented all that now.

Kate is not a farmer. She's not outside plowing the fields. I've never even seen her take the garbage out. This is not the 19th century and this is not a farm. She spends the bulk of her time inside, which is where her dog should be. ~ Administrator said...

Readerlady, I noticed yesterday I am able to use internet explorer to post comments again. That only took them a month to fix that problem.

Try it see if it's working for you too. ~ Administrator said...

By the way if I didn't mention it, I've been home all week with strep and contagious. The good news is (other than you can't catch my strep through the internet) I feel okay, just have a sore throat, and I might even be able to finish the last recap today. Will give me something to do.

silimom said...

Dork Queen - you wondered who gave Kate and TLC such power over the local govt. agencies (sorry, I would have quoted you but for some reason this new format won't allow my iPhone to paste things into my comment box).

I think 1) they put the complaint calls down to disgruntled "haters" who are just complaining for complaining's sake. I think it is different when they receive a call from a local - whatever you think of her, I know Wernygal called in concerns about the dogs during the Australia trip and the police did do a drive by and check in.

2) People at these agencies have probably watched the show or seen the tabloids and this is what they see: 8 children who are clean, clothed, fed, who are attending school and who have appropriate shelter. In other words the kids physical needs are being met and in this age of shrinking budgets, outdated abuse guidelines and overworked social workers the Gosselin children do not rank high enough to merit investigation. It bites, but it's

For the record, I thought I remember reading somewhere that Child Services did look into the spanking photos (I could be wrong).

Also the goal of child services is to keep the family unit
intact as much as possible.

Again it bites. The thing to do is try and change the laws and regulations. Write or visit your lawmakers with your concerns. I advocate for special needs and have visited our state lawmakers many times. They do listen and they will respond.

wayward said...

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @gardencharmer @Kateplusmy8 perez is saying kate+8 cancelled??NOoOOO!! Is it true? Zero Truth! Not going anywhere!!!Tons of fun2 be had!
1 hour ago
Sigh. "Fun" is the last word anyone would use to decribe that hot mess Admin just re-capped (thank you Admin- you have a stomach of steel!) The show doesn't sound like it's been fun since Jon was there and the tups were toddlers. Kate thinks her schtick is her acidic personality and forked tongue. I guess people found it amusing when she inflicted the brunt of it on Jon, another adult. But watching little defenseless kids have orders barked at them and threatened with "penalties of severeness" must be hard to watch because it's a reality show. It makes people think "if this is how she treats them on the show, what goes on there in private?" People have been tuning out in droves for the vacation episodes, but they did tune in to watch Kate make an ass of herself in NYC. The viewers are making it crystal clear: it's time for these kids to get off TV. I think the expulsion matter last year was what finally forced alot of the fans to accept that these are real kids, not actors playing a part. And maybe this "career" that has been imposed on them is having some detrimental effects.

Kate has dug in her hooker heels and refuses/refused to partcipate in the past long term solo projects presented to her. I suspect they were too much like actual, hard work to her. Not to mention the fact that since 2007, Kate has managed to not only get paid doing her show, but time & time again she has grifted thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of vacations/services/freebies from TLC just by having it incorporated into the show. I don't think she wanted the responsibility of working everyday when it's much more lucrative to work sporadically, especially when the bulk of her work is going on vacation.

So here we are, at a place all of the pro-kids folks feared and predicted Kate would be: the show being the only source of income to support her rock star lifestyle and it's seems to be coming to an end. If I had to guess, TLC will never say that it is canceled, instead they will say they are only going to do specials.

HollyMo said...

I'm loving everyone's dog stories today (except Shoka and the chihuahua locked outside).

Right now we only have one dog, but I'd love to have more. She is our constant shadow (a 55 pound one!) and she hates to be apart from us. She has been really spoiled lately, as I have been unemployed the past 3 months, so lots of walks and cuddles. She follows SO close behind me that when I am wearing flip flops she will step on the back of them!
Dogs are amazing creatures and have so much to teach us! Of all the animals ever known ONLY the dog has decided to align itself with us.

Dogs have an infinite capacity for forgiveness, Shoka would love Kate - if Kate was human!

Mary said...

No Regrets said: And you know this HOW?

In response to your sarcastic question.,,20283868,00.html

There was another article I read somewhere where the HS specifically said a phone call was made but I am not going to waste my time trying to find it to prove myself.
There was a funny comment made in another article about this:

The Humane Society said they didn't visit the Gosselin house, because there is "no credible reason to believe in any way that there is cruelty going on."

What they really meant to say is that they just don't have the time to look into the complaints right now. All of their staff members are busy investigating the possible abuse of the maimed possum on top of Kate's head. That tortured creature on her head has definitely been dragged, stabbed, bleached, electrocuted, burned, bit and beat.

HollyMo said...

Admin, sorry you are sick - but glad your only symptom is a sore throat!

Free Shoka said...

Some people really should not be allowed to have pets. Kate is one of those people. You know who is a good pet owner? Jon's girlfriend. Kate could learn a thing or two from her.

Twittering and a Twattering said...

Right on! We have 3 dogs and when we got our second, as a puppy, we let him on the bed with our first (Bichon Frise). That was it. That is where they both sleep. Period. Unless they jump off, it's the bed for them!
Then we got a third, a black Lab mix, and we had her sleep on a dog bed by our side. It was just a matter of real estate. But if she ever wants to come on the bed, she's welcome.


Sounds like our house! We have a full bed here. One large dog, one medium-sized dog, and an assortment of cats. They have their choice of sofas, kids' beds, their own beds, but their real estate preference is our bed. When we turn over, we have to do so in unison, making sure we're not rolling over on an animal.

I wouldn't have it any other way, but it does get a little bit warm in the summer with all that fur in bed!

JudyK said...

Huh, Kate, you did NOT do DWTS during the winter. What a dimwit.

HollyMo said...

Excellent point JudyK! Now excuse me while I go MIST my plants!

Twittering and a Twattering said...

And boy is Kate defensive about the article, saying the show is/might be canceled.


Kate is saying that the show is/might be canceled?

silimom said...

Wasn't there speculation in the online rags last year around this time that the show was cancelled as it wasn't on the fall lineup and then they went to Australia? I can't remember but I have this strange sense if deja vu.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Administrator said...

By the way if I didn't mention it, I've been home all week with strep and contagious. The good news is (other than you can't catch my strep through the internet) I feel okay, just have a sore throat, and I might even be able to finish the last recap today. Will give me something to do.


Yuck! Strep throat is not fun ;o(

Neither is watching Kate + 8 Phooey! :oP

Are you sure you want to finish the last recap while you're still ill ;o)

Be well-
Pink :o)

Laurie said...

Kate is saying that the show is not cancelled and that she is not leaving reality tv. Ever since that article came out she's been twittering up a storm. Don't forget to watch ME, ME, ME on Monday night!

Admin - Sorry to hear you're sick. Did you miss your trip to Las Vegas?

Flight of the Kiwi said...

Oh Admin - Strep is nothing to fool around with! It can be very, very serious. Hope you're on an antibiotic. Gargle with salt water. Glad you don't feel that poorly but here's to you getting back to full health pronto!

Perhaps the strep gotcha when writing that recap? (j/k)

Back to Kate and grocery shopping - again with her total lack of technology knowledge. She's got this i-Phone - a "smartphone", Kate's there's a reason for that term - and it seems all she knows how to use it for is as a phone and tweeting. Oh, and writing books (ha!) which should lead her to realize she can type a list, heck she can RECORD a list or wonder of wonders there are a scazillion apps for grocery lists, apps for recipes that create the grocery lists, coupons, using the phone camera to scan codes for coupons. If the woman would give up 1/3 of her twitting time and learn the things that phone can do for her she might be less exhausted and less overwhelmed.

Nah - exhaustion is her shtick. Everyone else must adapt their lives to her schedule and woe to those who don't. Her "happiness" is being unhappy. Her refusal to learn is "funny", or so she thinks. Her twins, if allowed, may be able to teach her all sorts of good, productive things about that pink thing grafted to her palm, but sadly Kate won't listen to anyone about anything :(

Kate ever hear of RTFM? Well RTFM!

Laurie said...

NoLoveInPhilly said... INF and Perez reported basically the same about her ratings. And neither ever reports anything nasty or negative. So somethings up. Could this be TLC's way of letting her sink her own ship?
I think that the stories of the show being cancelled may be plants. Some PR person somewhere may figure that if sheeple think the show is in danger of being cancelled they may get more people to watch so that it stays on the air.

Just curious said...

Laurie said...

I think that the stories of the show being cancelled may be plants. Some PR person somewhere may figure that if sheeple think the show is in danger of being cancelled they may get more people to watch so that it stays on the air.


The information comes from TLC's press release dated 7/29.

Kate's Fate said...

I think that the stories of the show being cancelled may be plants. Some PR person somewhere may figure that if sheeple think the show is in danger of being cancelled they may get more people to watch so that it stays on the air.


TLC released the shows on the fall line-up. No Kate. How could that be a plant?

Jenna Does said...

Admin said...
Show a bit of humility for once.
Kate show humility? I doubt she even knows what that word means. It would be nice though. She is so stuck on being in her own world, not thinking about others & having everything go her way. What will happen WHEN her show IS canceled? She will blame everyone, not herself. She will stop twittering, leaving her followers in the dust & then maybe, just maybe they will see how selfish she really is. She will probably place some blame on them as well because "they made her say things she should not have said". There will be no one else to blame but Kate, but she will never, ever see it that way, & even when she is old & alone, she will never, ever admit it.
~Hippie Chick~
(taking a quick break: just went to the mall w/ my kid & had a blast!! (yummy pretzel & 1$ massages in the mall chairs! Off on a leisurely stroll w/ our pooch down to the pond then some math lessons! Have a beautiful day all! :)) ~ Administrator said...

I want the show to end so the kids won't have to work anymore, but I'm kind of looking forward to the end just to see how Kate will react. We KNOW she will go batshit, it's just a question of what will she do.

Mom In Lancaster County said...

JudyK said...

Huh, Kate, you did NOT do DWTS during the winter. What a dimwit.


Wasn't she out in LA in late February/early March to get ready for the show...flying back and forth? We did have some bad weather during that time, with snow (which is what she tweeted).

Dallas Lady said...

Ha! In those pics on INF, she's wearing those horrible black SATIN shorts again.

I look at INF Daily every day. About a year ago, they'd post a lot more Kate threads and they were neutral if not a mix of positive and negative.

Then for a long time, they said nothing about Kate Gosselin. Nothing. Scroll through the archives and see for yourself.

Now, on the rare occasion that they mention her, it's ALL very negative.

Radar is literally the only internet outlet that isn't harshly negative about her AND that even posts about her much anymore (besides the weird column on HuffPo).

As for the number of her Twitter followers, my daughter showed me this girl on Twitter, about 16 years old, she has over a million followers. She's never been on TV, radio or in film. She isn't a known public figure. What she is is funny as HELL. So word spread and she gained all those followers in about a year.

22,000 followers isn't crap and it's REALLY sad for someone currently on TV! ~ Administrator said...

Yeah I'll give Kate this one having lived in sort of consider everything winter until about May, since that's what the weather is usually like up until then, cold and miserable.

barbee said...

re the twits on twitter - so heartwarming 2 c,huh?Just as m/c r abt 2 hit 11,r turning in2 really amazing(more than norm)big sis's - I'd be embarrassed to admit that my 10 yr olds have to be "more than norm big sis's". If the tups had a 'norm' mom, the big sis's could be just that - sis's, NOT moms.

Mom In Lancaster County said...

want the show to end so the kids won't have to work anymore, but I'm kind of looking forward to the end just to see how Kate will react. We KNOW she will go batshit, it's just a question of what will she do.


What does one do when one goes batshit? I had never heard this term until I started reading blogs and tweets! Is this synonymous with having freaking out, or is it REALLY going off the deep end (close to being committed)?

JudyK said...

Mom In Lancaster County said... JudyK said...

Huh, Kate, you did NOT do DWTS during the winter. What a dimwit.


Wasn't she out in LA in late February/early March to get ready for the show...flying back and forth? We did have some bad weather during that time, with snow (which is what she tweeted).
Maybe I'm wrong...I remember seeing pics of Steve walking outsaide w/ her from her trailer and several other DWTS people and they all looked hot.

Anonymous said...

okay, Admin, I tried. Still no joy. It throws me to the Blogger page, makes me sign in, then when I click "post comment" it sends me back to Blogger to sign in again. Eventually, it just swallows my comment. I've tried Firefox and Google Chrome too, with the same results. It's only on this blog, though. Wonder why?

Sorry to hear you have strep throat. Take care of yourself. That's nothing to fool around with. Lots of chicken soup LOL.


Teresa said...


Just Dwindle Away said...

E-town Neighbor said... Kate isn't a "gramophone"?? I must admit, I'm one of those who never thought she was one THOSE either...
LOL, Flight! I laughed when I saw it, knowing she meant germaphobe, but then I thought that maybe Kate had something in common with a gramophone, such as playing the same thing over and over again, and so many times sounding like a broken record!


THAT'S IT!!! The needle scratching across the record - SCCCCRRRREEEECCCHHH! Add that to Kate's wide open horse teeth mouth, and you've got a GRAMOPHONE! NOW - Everyone recite in order!

Yep, a scratched broken record ("poor me, all alone, I need a man, not enough money, I am so wonderful, give me more money, insert lie about Jon here, pay attention to me, give me more money, all alone, oh yeah I have a bunch of kids, sniff, hand me more money, me me me...").

Donna said...

Free Shoka, Kate should not be allowed to have pets OR children.
Kate's denying with all her might that the show IS NOT cancelled. I can't believe that TLC is going to continue the great big yawn that is Gosselin/Duggar. Don't they know when enough is enough?
Admin, I hope you're feeling better soon.

Westcoaster said...

I swear if I even try to decipher another one of her pathetic tweets above, I may go batshit crazy. NOBODY k8, NOBODY texts or twits like that. Guess she's not so busy on the couch today.

Jenna Does said...

Bearswife said...
She follows SO close behind me that when I am wearing flip flops she will step on the back of them!
Both my dog & cats do that to me!! So cute!!
~Hippie Chick~

so sick of her said...

Well, Kate is gonna be on the Today show and Joy Behar. So when Kate tweeted that she may or might not be home on monday, I guess she will be not.
As for what I said in an earlier post, I did not say that Kate said her show was canceled, I said, that everytime it is mentioned(by fans/sheeple or in the media), or rumored that it is/might be canceled, Kate gets very defensive, she use to just bush it off.

NoLoveInPhilly said...

Whats the deal with ROL.

Sporting black Bermuda shorts, patterned t-shirt and shades, the mom-of-eight was all smiles when she bumped into a paparrazzo while running some errands near her home in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania on Wednesday

Are they friggin serious...Kate bump into Paps while running errands in Wyomissing pa. Ummm Yea, the paparazzi hang out in NYC, LA, and rural amish county? I guess ROL is on payroll for someone or TLC.

Super Mommy? Really? The article reads like propaganda from the cold war.

INF ran the same pictures this morning only they weren't so nice. Funny, same picture is used to call her out on her shit, and stroke her ego?

Perhaps one of the outlets should have use a phote from another outlet since paps always hang out in wyomissing

Just Dwindle Away said...

Re the kids and grocery shopping:

I forget and dont really care how old the twins are, but when I was in 7th grade, my mother broke her foot. I did the family shopping on a Saturday from a list she made, complete with clipped coupons attached. I did it alone, and there were 9 kids (from 9 pregnancies, not 2). My dad was working 2nd shift, he dropped me at the store, ran and did all the other errands, picked me and the shopping back up, then went to work for his 12 hour shift.

I remember when I got it all home I realized I messed up on a few things. I also remember the tears in my mother's eyes about how she didnt care about mistakes, it was fine, how nice it was to know I was so capable, etc. I knew how to read a meat label (weight and price per ounce etc) and other things.

It doesnt occur on it's own and it doesnt happen overnight, Kate. Children must be nurtured, educated, praised, nudged along gently. Every. Single. Day. Children must be RAISED to be people, not just your automaton workers.

ADMIN - Please be careful with your strep. It can be dangerous to the heart. Feel better, friend.

Teresa said...

Would it do any good to email Joy Bahar and ask that she cancels Khate? Or is Joy another one of HLN's puppets who does what she is told?

Gosselin Gossip said...

As for the TLC announcement for their fall 2010 schedule, TLC also excluded Kate Plus 8 in the media release annoucement for their 2010 TLC Summer schedule. I recall comments mentioning no Gosselins in the TLC Summer promos yet look what happened. Kate Plus 8 aired weekly for June and will now return in August for weekly episodes until September 12th (someone posted this information on a previous thread, cannot locate original link).

I also want to mention that TVByTheNumbers purposely used their own headline "TLC Unveils Kate-Less Fall Schedule" because they know it would attract many 'haters' to their site. They have previously boasted multiple times that Kate news receives the most hits on their site, especially when ratings come out. They even mentioned the 'haters' in one of their recent ratings releases that included Kate Plus 8.

No Regrets said...

Teresa said... WARREN JEFFS GUILTY! YESSSSSSSS! August 4, 2011 2:33 PM

I am SO happy, too. Every single adult in that compound needs to face charges. HJN did say there might be "hundreds" more cases. This vile pos has 25 CHILD brides. 25!

No Regrets said...

Gosselin Gossip said...That is the very reason I don't even to to TVmytheNumbers anymore. The one guy was giddy like a kid about the "haters" bringing hits. LOL

Carezee said...

All this talk about Kate on Dancing with the Stars. She wasn't on it this past season, that was in 2010. So is she referring to this past winter or the winter before? Was she in California this winter too? I'm a bit confused.

Teresa said...

@ No Regrets....I hope ALL the adults will be charged with child rape too! Their own mother and other women sometimes would hold the child down while the pos raped them, and the one's who watched this abomination! Apparentely this has only scratched the surface at what is happening and has been going on for decades! This abuse of children is breaking my heart. It just takes my breath away.
Khate has to be stopped has to!! Enough!

Teresa said...

On another note. I have just sent an email to Joy Behar begging her NOT to have Khate on her show. They'll probably just ignore my email, but l'll rest easy knowing l tried.

Laurie said...

Kate's Fate - I wasn't talking about the release of the fall schedule being a plant. What I was talking about was the fact that since Kate is on the end of summer schedule it stands to reason that she wouldn't be on the fall schedule. No brainer. However to stir up interest and get the sheeple in an uproar they plant stories and start rumors about the show being cancelled because it's not listed on the fall schedule. This gets everyone talking and keeps her somewhat relevent.

Hair today said...

Look closely at Kate's hairline in some of those INF pictures.....I think she's still sporting a weave!

Bluenoser said...

Bearswife said...
She follows SO close behind me that when I am wearing flip flops she will step on the back of them

This is what my girl did to me. We had a blizzard and thigh deep know. We went on a snow shoe trek in our yard and I felt one shoe heavier than the other. Quelle surprise when I looked behind me. The 'Bird' was sitting on my snowshoe hiking a ride back 'home'. We still reminicise about that

gotyournumberKate said...

Kate's on The Today Show and Joy Behar before the premier of KP8 again? There's a pattern here now. I have a feeling both shows have some sort of contract with TLC to have Kate appear before certain shows of hers air. They're the only 2 left that have her on and it's always at this time. I doubt the hosts look forward to her appearances. She has nothing interesting to offer anymore. That's why she thinks she needs a boyfriend so badly.

Feel better soon Admin. Strep can be nasty stuff.

so sick of her said...

Ok, I saw all the recent pics of Kate running errands, so who is watching the kids? This is not the weekend, so Jon does not have them. Did Kate not tweet/bitch/whine that she has no help this week? Kate is full of it. Just like the pic of 3 girls in her shoes, one was not her daughter. Which means KATE IS LYING again.

Fly On The Wall said...

As for what I said in an earlier post, I did not say that Kate said her show was canceled, I said, that everytime it is mentioned(by fans/sheeple or in the media), or rumored that it is/might be canceled, Kate gets very defensive, she use to just bush it off.

The way it was worded sounded like Kate said the show is or might be canceled:

"And boy is Kate defensive about the article, saying the show is/might be canceled"

Mom In Lancaster County said...

So sick said,

Kate is full of it. Just like the pic of 3 girls in her shoes, one was not her daughter.


I believe the one on the right was Cara. If you compare her legs to the legs in the photos of her going out for pizza, you'll see that she has very well developed muscular legs. The legs in the shoes photo look very similar. It could easily be Cara.

Judy said,

Maybe I'm wrong...I remember seeing pics of Steve walking outsaide w/ her from her trailer and several other DWTS people and they all looked hot.


The first DWTS show aired on March 22. She was flying back and forth from LA previous to that (late February/early March). In PA, our weather is bad at that time, and we had snow then. I think that's what she was referring to. It most likely was hot in LA then, and she said that there was snow in PA at that time. She's right.

Me, Myself and I said...

Kate's tweet: I'm finishing up watching k+8 w/ kids (it's what they prefer!) and then to bed with us all! I'm beat! Catch ya tomorrow all!


They PREFER watching themselves working, reliving cameras being shoved in their faces? Either she's fibbing or delusional. Is NPD genetic? I hope for heaven's sakes that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and she's not raising eight little me, me, me people.

Mimi to 3 said...

I think Kate will be gone when we no longer see her on TV. All the speculation is just that. Is she cancelled or is she not? Kate, for some reason, just keeps on ticking.

I'm with you Admin, I only hang around the blogs for the eventual fall out when they do cancel her.

so sick of her said...

You know Fly on the Wall that is really nit-picking. That is all I'm replying to that.
I see Kate is making---oops kids choice to watch themselves. Really, I don't know hardly any kids who will watch themselves willingly. Is this camp Kate, make the team--I mean kids watch themselves to see what they have done wrong or is this Kate tryin to remind the kids of where they have been to /what they have done? A mini brainwashing, on who takes them places and gives them things? That is sick!

Me, Myself and I said...

I said: I hope for heaven's sakes that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and she's not raising eight little me, me, me people.


I really messed that one up. Long day! I meant to say that I hope that the apple DOES fall far from the tree...way on the other side of the fence!

Tamara said...

Watching old episodes of the show would be bad enough, but can you imagine adding on Kate's commentary too? I wonder if it is Jon and Kate that she claims they are watching or just Kate Plus 8. If it is an episode with Jon does she diss him live along with her taped self? What about the wedding renewal episodes? Sorry, I wanted us to be together forever but your Daddy didn't... I can't see how any of these kids would want to watch themselves being yelled at, insulted, cruelly mocked and abused. They don't need to pop in a DVD to see that. I hope there isn't any schroudenfraude (sp?) going

Susantoyota said...

Katie Irene has been twittering a lot this week about how she doesn't have any help and the rumor is that TLC is no longer paying for her nannies. So what's a poor, harried, overworked, GRIFTING mother of 8 to do?

@CJWhodunit @poorbabi @Deelaney so heartwarming 2 c,huh?Just as m/c r abt 2 hit 11,r turning in2 really amazing(more than norm)big sis's! about 7 hours ago

Her selfishness knows no bounds. Of course the twins are going to be "more than normal amazing big sisters" and built in nannies when threatened with penalty of severeness by Mommie Dearest. God forbid, they should get to leave the Konpound to see their frieds or participate in activities which interest them. Hey, Katie Irene!! Cara and Mady are still children themselves!! Does anyone else dream of whacking Katie Irene up the side of her head with that damn pink phone?

Ok, rant over. Free the Gosselin 8!! Soon!!

HollyMo said...

Okay, this is a little bit OT.

I just read this article and, since we were telling dog stories earlier, I thought I'd post this for all the doggie lovers (which is most of us, I think!).

Dogs are so more...

Pixie said...

If any one would like to join me in my prayer circle, I'm meditating to the reality tv gods that this show is finally cancelled.

Twittering and a Twattering said...

The tweeter who continues to make remarks about the twins' bodies is still tweeting with her sick comments. If you read her twitter page, you can see that she is very, very scary...obsessed with young girls' bodies (and she says she works with kids). My question - does Twitter ever intervene in such cases, or can the tweeter cry Freedom of Speech?

fidosmommy said...

If what Mady and Cara are doing with their younger siblings isn't "help", then what is it? She's either got them helping or she doesn't have any help. It can't be both. What, they don't count?

I can't figure her out.

Laurie said...

It's spelled schadenfreude - Love the song from Avenue Q - and I agree Kate probably does find happiness in the misery of others.

fidosmommy said...

My great fear about the kids watching episodes of Jon and Kate Plus 8 is that Kate might mutter in the background some very nasty comments about Jon while the kids are within earshot. Worse, they might pick up on some of her attitude about him and start treating him with less respect. It can happen. It does happen. Young kids can jump on the bandwagon of picking on someone if they hear enough negative about that person at home.

It reminds me of the song from South Pacific:
"They've got to be taught before it's too late!
Before they are six, or seven, or eight
To hate all the people their relatives hate.
They've got to be carefully taught!"

But, happily (?) she says they are watching Kate Plus 8. No Jon involved. ~ Administrator said...

It's amazing, she really can't talk about these kids in a positive light unless they are somehow helping her or doing something for her or making her life easier. All we've heard the past several weeks is the kids giving her massages, letting her sleep, making meals, helping watch each other, etc.

She never says something that has nothing to do with her. Like, Mady practiced her violin today and it was beautiful. Collin built this really cool thing out of legos, it was so inventive.

It always has to relate to her if she notices the kids. ~ Administrator said...

She has to put in there it was the kids' choice to watch an episode. She never will consider or admit that maybe they want to watch an episode because they know that's what makes KATE happy, Kate watching Kate be famous.

E-town Neighbor said...

It reminds me of the song from South Pacific:
"They've got to be taught before it's too late!
Before they are six, or seven, or eight
To hate all the people their relatives hate.
They've got to be carefully taught!"


Lt. Joseph Cable to Emile de Becque. It's a song about prejudice and he says, It's not born in you. "It happens AFTER you're born," and sings, "You've go to be taught to hate and fear..."

It very much echoes the brainwashing that must go on in that house. You've got that right, Fidesmommy.

There's no "Happy Talk" in that family.

Anonymous said...

Before appearing on shows, guests are asked what the interviewer should ask about. Kate could change the nature of the questions asked if she would study other people who appear as guests and learn how to change the questions. This woud require a little study so it surely won't happen, but the present course guarantees the quetions about Jon and divorce and new loves and what happens after the show, which is boring as well as self-defeating. Gets the audience looking forward to the end of the show.

Also, one poster talked about working dogs not being pets really. I have working dogs and the general attitude is that they are not treated as pets. But I do and mine trial much better. They work, and sleep with me, and get many hours of play time, plenty of love, and usually get high score. Love them, love the trophey, love the money.

hey jude said...

Kate used to put those J&K&8 tapes in when she put the 'babies' down for a nap, I remember her saying that one time. She said they liked hearing Mommy and Daddy's voices! They couldn't even talk then, so I'm not sure how she knew.

I don't know who would willingly listen to her screeching, negative, nagging crap- listening to themselves cry and fight and her yelling at them? uh, no........I don't think so Kate.

Hope you feel better soon, Admin. Strep throat is very serious. A friends' husband stopped taking his a/b after 3 days,and ended up in the hospital, very ill for 8 days! nasty,nasty bug....

hey jude said...

To bearswife-

Thanks for the link to that story about that cute little dog, Logan. It reminded me of a Heinz 57 dog we had when I was little. She used to run on an angle, too! I could never figure out why she didn't run into things. My Mom told me that dogs are smart& can do lots of things that we can't do!

I remember checking her head out to see if she had eyes on the side of her head!

hey jude said...

Admin. said-
'It's amazing, she really can't talk about these kids in a positive light unless they are somehow helping her....'

You're so right, it's all about her- me, me, me. I think I said something earlier about her never smiling or hugging the kids,or even looking happy to see them. She is always hyper- critical, never compliments them or even says hi, how are you? She acts like she's not human.

I remember her taking artwork out of their backpacks and putting it straight into the garbage! The day that she came back home after her tummy-tuck surgery was very strange.She stood in the nursery and no one said a thing- no 'Mommy' and not one kid put their arms up to get picked up.!

The tups just stood and stared at her like they didn't know her...So odd. Kate had to go over to one of the girls and coax them to say mommy! This was after she had been gone over a week!

I really think she was a mother only when the cameras were on.Jon did the majority of the child-care and she took all the credit! She was the one who got free matching clothes and shoes, slept in and took naps.

Once Kate was sitting on the floor with the tups & she was dressing a barbie, I think.One bopped the other in the head with a toy or block and they just screamed. This was right behind Kate, and she didn't even turn around!

The camera was right on them and they said nothing to her either.I started screaming at my tv for her to turn around, I was so upset with her...Sorry for the rant, she is so damned annoying! Have a great night everyone...I MUST GET SOME SLEEP....

Jenna Does said...

Just for laughs, I searched the netflix eps to see how far away the wedding vows were to the break up episode. I DID NOT WATCH! Oh my Goodness, do you guys want me to throw up? Anyway, a quick search & the wedding vows & the break-up episode were only about 7 or 8 episodes apart maybe? I looked a few days ago so I can't remember the exact numbers. So in "episode time" as Kate so lovingly calls her life is probably only about 6-8 weeks, right?

I don't know. I wasn't around for the whole break-up. I only started coming over here about 1 year & a half years ago maybe. I recall everyone saying that Kate said "Mommy & daddy would be together forever" & it took only a couple of short months for THAT lie to be over. And lemme tell ya, the names of their shows are LAME. L.A.M.E. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Oh & another thing, their show has 1 star on Netflix. ONE STAR!! Hahahaha! (And not by me, that's what it was. I went online & said "not interested", & they erased it from my netflix all together.)
~Hippie Chick~

No Regrets said...

"fidosmommy said... Kate might mutter in the background some very nasty comments about Jon while the kids are within earshot. "

The way Kate has taken pot shots at Jon all this time on national TV, I am convinced now that she says things TO her kids about Jon, in private. This can be so damaging to children. Even the slightest comment, kids will remember it. I have seen this within my own extended family. The kids are in their 30's now, and have no feelings nor respect for their dad, who badmouthed their mom for years. It had a terrible affect with their relationship as children with their mother. They were young and believed the stuff their dad told them. After they matured, they realized the truth about their mother. She never badmouthed their dad to them.

And no matter what we have tried to do to help make peace, it has never worked. It damaged them. I am concerned that the 8 will also be damaged. How could they not? This will come back on her. Yet, her immaturity and ego won't let her see this.

Her need for vindictiveness is much stronger than love and respect for those children.

No Regrets said...

"Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
Gd day!hoping my crew of wee 1's r willing2help w 2days list! Just days til new K+8.. some of most fun/drama filled eps in history coming..."

Poor Admin, get ready for these recaps. LOL The most drama filled episodes in history? More 'drama' than the Sky Jump? Oh God. More screeching and screaming? Or just more than usual nastiness? Gosh this "realest of reality" show of hers is just getting better and better, isn't it? Geez this woman WILL make a fool of herself for the right price. Aren't you all just sitting on the side of your chairs in great anticipation? WOW Gosh I can't wait! <gag LOL

barbee said...

Is even SHE dumb enough to believe this crap she posted?

"@HspncElvis wrk agn here!ur partying starting on friday ams now?Wow. Ur work wk keeps getting shorter&shorter!" (As compared to HER work week which is...WHEN? HOW LONG?)

" Just days til new K+8.. some of most fun/drama filled eps in history coming.." (WTF???)

If I was a Judge in PA and read that, I would have those kids with their father in a heartbeat. She is not only on her own page, she's in her own book. I'd love to see the drummer she's marching to.

Those kids don't stand a chance in hell of ending up anywhere near normal because the little time they get away from her isn't enough to compensate for the life sentence they are serving with her!

No Regrets said...

bearswife said...Thank you for that link! What a cute article. I loved this: "his ears point straight up to heaven (which is where all dogs go)" So cute. LOL

No Regrets said...

I still remember that episode where Jon was mad at one of the boys, and was trying to discipline him. Kate told the kids "not to listen to Daddy" My God, one of the BIG no-no's in child rearing. Even the producer questioned Kate about that, of course, she defended her stupid actions. She IS always right, after all. She is just so freakin immature. Hard to believe she has learned nothing in her 36 years of living.

No Regrets said...

hey jude said... The day that she came back home after her tummy-tuck surgery was very strange.She stood in the nursery and no one said a thing- no 'Mommy' and not one kid put their arms up to get picked up.!The tups just stood and stared at her like they didn't know her...So odd."

This really got to me too! That WAS the weirdest thing I ever saw on the show. At that age too, they would not have understood if Jon had told them "mommy can't pick you up yet" due to her surgery. It would be NATURAL for a child to want to be picked up. It was VERY unnatural. And, yes, VERY odd. ~ Administrator said...

Is she saying she has a production crew of just one person today? I can never understand what she means.

Sounds like Kate Plus 8 has been downsized!!

Mel said...

"hoping my crew of wee 1's r willing2help w 2days list!"

Nah, I think she means the sextuplets are her crew. I's hard to tell what she's talking about most of the time.

No Regrets said...

"marilyn said...Before appearing on shows, guests are asked what the interviewer should ask about. Kate could change the nature of the questions asked if she would study other people who appear as guests and learn how to change the questions. This woud require a little study so it surely won't happen, but the present course guarantees the quetions about Jon and divorce and new loves and what happens after the show, which is boring as well as self-defeating. Gets the audience looking forward to the end of the show."

EXACTLY. Both interviews WILL consist of those exact questions. LOL I do not plan to watch, but I am sure we will not be disappointed. LOL If you think about it, what else does this dumb woman have to talk about? She has nothing in the works, (Twisted Kate? haha) No new projects, no future plans? Nothing. Just filming the heck out of the kids for that almighty dollar. ~ Administrator said...

She is not very demonstrative. Most mothers sort of melt into their children, giving hugs and kisses, a gentle stroke of their hair or rubbing their back. You never see Kate grasp a child and snuggle them up close or anything like that. There have been study after study about how important touch is to a child. And Kate doesn't do it.

And notice when she does, the child pulls away. When she tried to hold Collin's arms and talk to him on the haystack about how he was being good today, his body language was pulling away from her. To me that suggests she touches them so little, that when they do it feels unnatural to them. Or perhaps when she does touch them it's often to discipline, so they associate touch with that.

Thankfully, there is one parent interested in providing that to his kids:

Not trying to be a body language expert, but look at one of the few pics out there of Kate kissing the kids (naturally, it's Hannah)

Hannah is pulling away from it, not nestling into it as she was with Jon. ~ Administrator said...

Oh, crew of WEE ONES. I get it now. Good grief I hate reading her tweets.

Oh, so she's saying she hopes they help her out with the chores today. Kate? These kids work for you all....the.....time. Give them a break for once. ~ Administrator said...

You know I think it's so ironic Kate calls the kids "crew."

Of course they are. They are there to serve and help her. Her crew.

Mel said...

I don't understand why there's always so much on her daily to-do list....

They don't appear to clean the house themselves, nor do any yard work. Nothing's ever been said about cleaning the pool, hen-house, or dog cage.
Nothing's ever been said about giving the dog a bath.

So what's left for Kate to do? One meal a day? (The twins apparently do breakfast & lunch.)

She always implies that it's non-stop house/yard work from the instant she gets up until the instant she goes to bed.

I don't get it....what's she doing anyway? ~ Administrator said...

And Lord knows she's not running a carpool.

She has to constantly sell the hard-working busy mom with eight busy kids theme. So part of that is talking about constant housework, chores, and so on. Even though we all see it, she can't admit her life is easy and she sits on her ass and twitters all day, that's not the "theme."

TLC stinks said...

Reading more and more online about the purchase of fake twitter accounts to enhance " brands". Also, TMZ paid for photos of a disguised Casey Anthony in Ohio and questions are being raised as to whether she is getting kickbacks from the photographer and the video taken. Sound familiar? It raised questions because how did a photographer know she'd be shopping at Old Navy.

Also fake blogs exists to promote a celebrity. I guess I've been clueless just how manipulated the public is. Now I am starting to wonder which blogs, pro and con regarding Kate, are the real deal or just are a tool by TLC.

Midnight Madness said...

They don't appear to clean the house themselves, nor do any yard work. Nothing's ever been said about cleaning the pool, hen-house, or dog cage.
Nothing's ever been said about giving the dog a bath.


Kate clean a pool? There's an automatic pool cleaner, plus a pool maintenance service. Can you see Kate testing pool water, adding chemicals or backwashing a filter? There are groundskeepers. She doesn't trim, mow, mulch or weed. It's a big property that requires several yard maintenance people.

She said she is between sitters. Does that also mean that she's between housekeepers? Someone obviously comes in there to clean, vacuum, scrub bathtubs and toilets (and refrigerators!). Does anyone really think that she cleans five bathrooms? Who is she kidding?

Just Dwindle Away said...

Mom In Lancaster County said...
The first DWTS show aired on March 22. She was flying back and forth from LA previous to that (late February/early March). In PA, our weather is bad at that time, and we had snow then. I think that's what she was referring to. It most likely was hot in LA then, and she said that there was snow in PA at that time. She's right.

You are probably right, of course. But I do recall pics of Kart and Tony in a convertable,with the top down,
all smiles as they pulled into her driveway at home for 'rehearsals'. Doesnt matter of course, the point is that if Katie Irene told the truth, it was by accident. ~ Administrator said...

There have been numerous episodes proving that hired help takes care of the bulk of the maintenance on this house.

The sextuplets' recent birthday party episode there was a "crew" there getting the pool ready, opening it up, installing the slide, doing everything most normal people have to figure out how to do on their own.

There have been crews there washing the house, landscaping crews, somebody was over to look at I believe the water system (Jamie), nannies, tutors.

An entire team helps Kate live a comfortable livestyle. Naturally she is one of those celebs who will not only never acknowledge all the help she has, but will outright LIE about it.

Tucker's Mom said...

An entire team helps Kate live a comfortable livestyle. Naturally she is one of those celebs who will not only never acknowledge all the help she has, but will outright LIE about it.
Didn't Kate as much say that a local plumber takes pity on her and helps her?
Here's the thing. Something breaks, you call someone and PAY for them to fix it. Who waits around for someone to pity them and get something for free.
Who thinks like this?
Kate wanted that big ass house. It's a lot of work and I do not believe for a second that she cleans the toilets and mows the lawn.

NoLoveInPhilly said...

When Matt Laurer interviewed Dena Lohan it seemed Dina had no clue what Matt was going to discuss. In fact Dina reported she felt ambushed in the interview.

Why doesn't the Today show handle Kate the same way they did with Dina? When Joy interviewed Kate in april she didn't exactly sugar coat anything but she let Kate off the hook IMO. Kate obviously lied in the interview about several things. Maybe Joy will call her out on that.

No Regrets said...

"Mel said..Nothing's ever been said about giving the dog a bath."

She once said on twitter that she takes Shoka in TWICE A WEEK to get groomed. LOL Anyone else remember that? I am sure this is her exaggerating again, to show how much she 'loves that dog'.

The dog and chickens HAVE to be the on the daily 'list'. Per the chicken episode, the kid/kids who misbehave has to clean the chicken coop. (great way to teach responsibility, eh?) OH and remember folks, she scrubs the floor every single day on her hands and knees! They never showed that not even ONCE on the show did they? LOL ~ Administrator said...

It's so pathetic that Kate will interview with Joy Behar when Joy has called her out on all her B.S.:

So if a normal person calls Kate out they get estranged, but if you're a celeb, she will continue to kiss (lick?) your feet.

And you know what Joy said about Jon trying to get the kids off TV: "FATHER KNOWS BEST"

Tucker's Mom said...

Why doesn't the Today show handle Kate the same way they did with Dina?
I think it's because all of those shows are connected via the networks. It's almost a monopoly and they're all in bed together.
Dina doesn't have a show right now and Kate does. They take care of their own.
Remember all the cross promotion with Emeril and Tuetles? Now Georgetown cupcake. It's all promos.
I want Al Roker to interview Kate and treat her like he treated Speidi. The gloves were off and it was fricking amazing to see Al call them out for the media whores they are.

No Regrets said...

"ADMIN somebody was over to look at I believe the water system (Jamie),"

Remember that man that came in to show her how to operate the water system and she wrote a huge manual how to do stuff around the house? Some of the maintenance had to be done frequently, like once a week, others had to be done once every 6 months or so. He said they could come out and the do the frequent maintenance if needed. AND I bet they do. Strange how she 'had' to learn all this after Jon being gone for well over a YEAR. WHO did it before then? (after she wouldn't let Jon on the property) That episode was SO contrived. LOL

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

"Gd day!hoping my crew of wee 1's r willing2help w 2days list! Just days til new K+8.. some of most fun/drama filled eps in history coming"... about 2 hours ago


Naaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.... I don't think so. Count me out.

It's more like, "some of the most pseudo fabricated fun/drama filled eps in the history of CHILD EXPLOITATION coming"...

TLC, you SUCK!!

Kate, you can bite me. I'll be damned before I contribute any ratings to you.

Midnight Madness said...

Strange how she 'had' to learn all
this after Jon being gone for well over a YEAR. WHO did it before then? (after she wouldn't let Jon on the property) That episode was SO contrived. LOL


It was the water softener. She didn't know that she had to add pellets. I don't think she even knew she had a water softener. Ah, but she did everything around the house, remember? Jon did nothing!

Jenna Does said...

I agree with Admin that when Kate says she has no help it must make the people that help her feel useless & unwanted. I would tell Kate to shove it up her flat butt & do it herself "Hey, you don't acknowledge me, then you must not need me that badly!"

How rude of her! She doesn't acknowledge her nannies, her housekeepers/maids, her landscapers, her pool maintenance people, her chicken coop cleaners, her dog walker (?), & the ONLY time she acknowledges Jon is when she is throwing him under any moving vehicle she can think of. Um, hello? Kate, you DON'T DO IT ON YOUR OWN! Just admit it & maybe people will have more respect for you.

Another thing is this busy busy busy thing she is always crying about. What is she so damn busy doing? Does she have diarrhea & she is in & out of the bathroom all day & this is preventing her from getting anything done? No? It's the damn laziness & procrastination. She spends so much time twittering, she gets nothing done.

SPEND time w/ your kids. They are more important than meetings (HA!), cleaning (it can wait!), chores, dishes, and certainly tweeting your ignorant followers who care about NOTHING except getting some inane 3rd grade tweets from Kate.
~Hippie Chick~

Westcoaster said...

Who in the world does K8 think she's fooling? Another summer vacation day in PA, well in the country, and she tweets that she hopes her "wee 1's" are ready for today's list. WTF? Today's list? I make lists for myself, have one today for grocery shopping, but never, never did I make a daily list for my children, especially on summer vacation. Yes, I know she wants the world to think she's so busy, so hard-working, poor single mother, but cut the crap already. She has plenty of help, most of which she denies, TLC and crew have been at her house babysitting most of the week, she's bragging about how her 10 year olds are taking care of their siblings (so no friends for them, no sleep-overs, etc.), what a lazy cow she is. And her twatting is getting more and more bizarre, as if she spends time thinking about ways to be creative with her words - almost like signing your name with a heart above the i. Well, she does spend time with tweenies so I guess it makes sense. Wonder if she has anything fun, like pizza out, planned for HER weekend at home? Nah. ~ Administrator said...

I'm not sure why this never occurred to be before, but knowing Kate, of course the twins will be expected to look after the little kids as soon as the twins are old enough. Anything so Kate doesn't have to do it. They are now starting to get old enough, and sure enough we're starting to hear about how Kate sleeps and the twins get up with the little kids, the twins making their meals, and so on. They sound like really parentified kids. It's sad. What's really bizarre about it is that Kate seems oddly proud of this arrangement. She doesn't see anything unhealthy about a child giving up their summer to look after their siblings while Mom twats.

Gimme Gimme said...

I am thinking her list would not be nearly so long if she didn't 6 have little ones who don't even have fine motor skills yet doing all the work plus the twins. What a tool. The kids will work their lives away, whether they have a show or not.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

I wonder if Cara & Mady bring her highness coffee in bed like Jon used to?

Gimme Gimme said...

I used to always watch Joy, but can't get it off there fast enough anymore. She just looks very tired and rides off the backs of the previous shows. It is about 4 hours of the same exact thing. Dr. Drew at least brings a different perspective to the same subjects.

Kate's Cart said...

From Kate's own tweets it sounds like all the kids are house/home bound. Not one activity with friends, especially important for Mady and Cari. Not a sleep over, or swimming at a friends house. No summer sports, nothing but working. They get no time to just be young girls having time and girl talk with friends. What is Kate so afraid of? She cannot keep them silenced forever.

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