Friday, February 9, 2018

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "Cleaning House": In Memory of Golly Gee

I'm so close to finishing all the still outstanding recaps I can taste it! Your next offering is Cleaning House, 42 minutes of the typical yelling and screaming and watching such an incredible amount of excess "stuff" I have a burning desire to just go live in a tiny house and get away from this despicable consumerism.

In all my years following this show, this is one of the few times Kate looks genuinely pretty to me. Her hair is a toned down blond, straight but with some body, her makeup muted, and she's dressed in a cozy grey sweater, albeit it cut a little tight. She looks her age, but not in a bad way. She is capable of looking very classy, pleasant and approachable, but she usually misses the mark by a mile.

Seemingly out of the blue, at least the way the kids seem to paint it, Kate wants them to clean out the entire house and sort out what can go to a yard sale. Only a few kids are around, and most are complaining about this task. Did they get a warning? Were there parameters set up? Because an open-ended project like this would naturally set even the most obedient of children off.

Oh my god the crap these children have! Plastic, plastic, plastic everywhere, four or five of everything. Doll houses, toy guns, books galore. Enough toys to cover a basement floor. It's insanity. I bet none of these toys got played with more than 20 minutes in their lifetime.

Kylie Jenner, I mean Mady, says something somewhat profound for a teenager, in that when you get rid of your old stuff, all you do is just replace it with new stuff. Now your new stuff is your old stuff, and you'll be getting rid of that too soon, so you might as well just hang onto your old stuff. I think she should expand on this idea and write it in an essay. It would make a good senior thesis. I'm serious. Consumerism and excess are one of the biggest black holes of modern life, and it's getting worse by the year. I'm somewhat proud of Mady for noticing at her young age.

Hannah, Alexis and Mady are being the biggest babies of all the kids about this. Whining and whining about how today was supposed to be Shoka's birthday cake, not cleaning the basement, and Kate promised this would be fun and it's not. While it's annoying Kate seems to have sprung this project on them without warning, their unchecked snotty attitudes about it are completely unacceptable, but instead of just laying down the law, Kate in typical fashion engages with them, which just makes the whining worse. They have eight capable people here, if they would all just shush and get down to business even with all the crap everywhere, I bet they could finish up this clean-out in under 60 minutes, maybe less. A project like this would take all day with only two or three kids handling it, so there are some great advantages of having a whole lot of kids in your family when projects like this come along. In many instances, you should be doing way less work than an average sized family, which is a nice perk.

Joel put a bunch of books I guess they're holding onto on a bookshelf, only he stacks them facing out, one on top of the other, instead of vertically so you can see their titles.

This incident is a glimpse at the very mean streak Kate has, and the potential long-term damage it could do to kids. Instead of just asking him nicely to restack the books correctly, she pulls them all out dramatically in a big messy pile, and then condescendingly asks Joel how he sees books stacked in a library and does the way he stacked them look like the library? I'm sure Joel knew exactly what he was doing and was just doing something dumb like kids tend to do, there is no reason to make him feel badly about it. Why not laugh about it, share a giggle between mother and son over a funny brain fart, instead of making him feel badly about himself? Joel's chagrined quiet little, 'I guess you're right,' says everything about how Kate spoke to him made him feel.

There's an incredibly long segment about baking a birthday cake and wrapping presents for Shoka. I don't know why these dogs are so boring to me. I think because we've never seen or heard about them doing anything but standing there being a dog. Also, they make Kate's Instagram even more boring than it already is.

The screaming and arguing these kids are doing, almost always from the girls, is utterly unacceptable and near constant, and Kate does nothing at all to try to stop it. Eventually after what feels like hours Kate intervenes and requires complete silence. Well, sheesh the solution to kids bickering and hollering is not total silence. Good grief. How about, speak to each other with respect and with our inside voices?

Kate tries to show off for the cameras and goes to spontaneously hug Cara as they're just hanging out in the kitchen. Cara, as expected, blows Kate off. Kate, you're not that family.
By the way, everyone should see Lady Bird. I saw it opening weekend and was riveted by the real and raw dialogue. An imperfect daughter and a really imperfect mother navigate the daughter's senior year of high school into going away to college. It's like Boyhood only with girls and mostly unlikable characters. You have to be okay with watching a movie where you really don't much like anyone, but if you can get past that, you will be rewarded.


I've seen all the contenders for best picture this year, and that film deserves its spot in the crowd, though it won't win. Three Billboards should win, but The Shape of Water will win.

In a surprisingly revealing conversation, the children say on the couch that they really don't hug Kate much, maybe just at bedtime. Only Aaden admits perhaps he might hug her if she's going away, or if he's on his way to school. Right, because, no surprise Kate likely doesn't derive much from that kind of tactile and loving touch so she doesn't bother to give it to her children even if they would benefit. It'd be interesting to hear what a child psychologist would say about this, but it seems to me only one hug a day is very much on the low side for the kind of physical touch a child needs, though probably matters more when they're younger. Which begs the question how far back does this one-hug-a-day rationing go? Because if you've got a four-year-old whose only touch from a parent all day is one hug at night, that is very, very concerning. There's been a lot of interesting studies on this, with hugging and positive touching directly linked to a child's normal development. Researchers have found a huge boost to a child's normal development once they get a good 20 minutes a day of hugs, and loving, appropriate touching (like cuddling up together and sharing a book or talking). One hug at bed time is likely not going to cut it.

The kids want to try the dog cake because that's just how kids are. Hehe, the boys love it, and Kate jokes they'll eat anything. It looks like the girls are spitting it out though. Blech.

I'm just about the biggest dog lover on the planet, but this segment is mind-numbing. And what's pretty funny about the whole thing is Shoka is barely in it! He only appears at the end, outside of course, to collect his cake. Where was he this whole time, chained up to the barn? Sadly that's not a joke. I will never understand people who keep "outdoor" dogs. It makes no sense to me. I'd sooner understand an "outdoor" child you never let inside except maybe on special occasions, and even then only in the laundry room or basement. Huh?

Kate spins a tall tale about how she's always loved and looked after animals. Even once nursing baby squirrels back to health with a bottle. Heh, and I got a bridge to sell ya! A true animal or dog lover is unlikely to go dog-less for the years and years she did. I think she got the dogs because it was a good episode idea, TLC was paying, and it helps pad her instagram. More than likely, she screamed her head off and ran away when she saw a nest of baby squirrels. She then says and she's always looking after babies. What does babies have to do with being an animal lover? Sometimes her throw away comments are so telling, in that she's actually equating a human being to something like a squirrel. Point being, babies, even children, I think she processes more like cute objects, or a lesser species, not human beings. This would be typical narcissistic behavior, there is no normal bond with offspring. Oh, they can put on a hell of a good show engaging with their little successors, but there is no "there" there.

Very tellingly, the long segment ends when it's dark out, Kate goes back inside, shuts the front door, and Shoka remains outside to wander around in the dark all by himself on his birthday. I hate her. That is all.

Why does she do this? The same weekend they're sorting out the entire house, Kate planned Many and Cara's birthday party. There is something wrong with her. I think she purposely over schedules herself to cause stress and get attention and sympathy and perhaps even to watch the kids fall into a tailspin. There's no other reason to do something so ridiculous.

The family arrives at Skyzone for the party, which is basically a big indoor trampoline gym. We have these here and I've been there though haven't really participated. These sort of indoor fun zones were just becoming popular when I was a kid, popping up on every corner, and there was an amazing one called Adventure Quest near where I lived that was just awesome. It had everything from cargo nets and tunnels to a zip line. I tried to find it online to see if it's still around, but no such luck. They can be on the expensive side, but they often run deal days or have coupons, and they are simply a blast and also a good safe workout for kids. I think this was a good choice that pleases both ages of the kids.

I find it so interesting to watch these episodes through the lens of Collin is "dead." Here he rolls up to Skyzone separate from the family, Kate explaining he was with a friend that weekend. I find that odd since it seems the kids so rarely go off on their own like that. Weekends are for crowding on the floor in her bedroom I gather. But sure enough there he is with two apparently younger friends, both girls incidentally. The thought crossed my mind ten is probably pushing it to be interested in having sleepovers with girls or for most parents to find it appropriate, so that's interesting. He has a huge smile on his face and immediately runs to Mady and gives her a big bear hug. Nothing about this interaction seems strange or off, he just seems like such a normal kid with normal bonds with a favorite sibling. As I've said a hundred times, the idea he is so disturbed he needs to be banished from the family home for years now is simply impossible to believe. It's getting to the point where I refuse to believe it, and rather firmly believe it's Kate who can't or won't handle him, not Collin himself who can't be handled by the average decent parent. In other words, it's Kate, not him.

Mady and Collin have been favorites of each other since his toddlerhood, and we don't talk enough about how removal of one sibling from the home damages the other siblings left behind. Mady puts on a tough exterior and would likely never admit this, but she is being robbed of her relationship with Collin, the shared experiences and growing-up memories are being actively stolen from her. The damage to her as well could be irreparable.

On a side note, I think it's very interesting, and wonderful, that in California, they have such respect for the nature of sibling relationships that they have even carved out a rare exception to adoption based on sibling bonds. In other words, if one sibling is about to be adopted by a family and another sibling they are bonded with isn't (that second sibling might be living with another family, or perhaps a parent, or is too old to want to be adopted, etc.), the siblings can assert a "sibling exception" and get a judge to deny the adoption on the grounds that it is not in the best interest of the siblings and their close ties. Granted, it is a hard burden to prove, but at least a statement in the law has been made about sibling relationships.

Kate says doing a birthday party at a place like this is not her thing but this is what the twins wanted, and that's why she did it, because she no longer has control over how things will be. They are fourteen years old! It seems to me any kid old enough to speak is old enough to have some say in his birthday party, within reason. It's their party. It's supposed to be about their birthday, not the parents' ego or desires. Yeesh!

Why are Kate and her girls, left boobie and rightie, front and center bouncing away? Go away, it's not your party. Go stand with the other uncool parents and butt out.

Mady says Kate sometimes writes them off as "teenagers" to which Mady explains she's often acting like she is not because she's being a teenager but because Kate is being unfair. I buy that. We've seen Kate do many things to the kids that are fundamentally unfair, and being a teen has nothing to do with the greater point. So, rock on, Mady.

It's annoying the way Kate exaggerates. They had just done the "world's most stressfulist" (the f?) construction on the house. She's clearly never done some real work to a house. All they did was move around some bedrooms, painted some walls and barely did any decorating at all to make a bedroom a bedroom. What a martyr.

This episode is really another disorganized hodgepodge of random stuff. None of these little stories have anything to do with the other, which is lazy writing. The quality of post-production on this series took a massive dive once it became just Kate Plus 8. It really is like they didn't care anymore, and were just making filler to kill time and collect a pay check. Now the family is at a studio, doing a photoshoot. Kate says most families do periodic photoshoots like them. Um, I would venture to say that's not true at all. Many families can't afford periodic photoshoots, at least not real ones. Most photoshoots in a studio as they have done are very expensive. Even doing them at JCPenney isn't the cheapest thing to blow your money on. I would venture to say many families just take photos of the family with their phone and be done with it, which again puts her very out of touch with the real world.

They have an entire rack of clothes set up for different outfit changes, which is a dead giveaway this is a production photoshoot of some kind. Could Kate just be honest and say this is an official TLC (or some other official) photoshoot that's wrapped up in production's overhead, and not something she arranged and paid for? What nerve she has talking about the expensive things she thinks many families do when she likely isn't paying a dime out of pocket for this.

The little Dionnes are pros at this, especially the boys, who just get on with it and get this over with. Why is Kate the only one I can hear directing this whole thing? She has no idea what she's talking about. She's posing them awkwardly and most of the photos are terrible and unoriginal.

Predictably, Kate is starting to lose it and is yelling and snapping at the kids over stupid things. The only thing worse than a boring photoshoot is your mom nagging you on a boring photoshoot. Why is everyone else in the room hidden from camera? We never see even a glimpse of the photographer, and the part where Kate looks at the photos on a computer make it look like she's talking to a ghost when clearly she's talking either to a photographer or editor. The only person on camera has their face blurred. That is so odd, why would the photographers not want to be part of this? I can't even speculate the reasons for this strange situation!

There's some interesting little details to notice in the extraneous filler shots they show while Kate is blah blahing on the couch. In one, one of the boys has what appears to be a gift bag and is holding a large box, which from a distance looks like maybe a Lego set. What was that, the bribe for all this? Also in the background is some chick packing up craft services. Lots of waters and some foil dishes. So, this was clearly not a one- or two-hour event but rather warranted a full meal or at least a big snack. Sigh.

Kate heads to a local radio station to promote the yard sale. Oh that's totally a normal thing to do, go on the radio as a guest to peddle your old crappy junk. Heh. Kate knows the station from when she was on it to promote a 5k she ran in some years back, back when running was still shiny and interested her. Now Running's gone off to the black hole, taken off its tennis shoes and found a seat right between Aunt Jodie and Beth. Get comfortable, Running.

Kate laments that her biggest 1 percent problem is she has so much stuff it's filled her mansion to the brim and now she must get rid of it. Poor thing!

The yard sale money will go to the Animal Rescue League. Kate tells a story that is alarmingly short on details, that Shoka jumped the fence and so ARL found him and kept him overnight, and she didn't worry about him because they were looking after him.

So....many...questions! How did Shoka jump the fence and why? Was he bored, restless? Where was the rest of the family when this happened? Did this happen at night, or why else would they keep him overnight? Do you not bring your damn dog inside at night even, you shrew? And if she didn't worry about him, is she implying she knew ARL had him but she waited until the next day to get him? Next time he's going to get hit by a car before he's "rescued." What is her plan to ensure this never happens again? This story is such insanity for anyone who has even a shred of compassion toward animals.

Nothing happens over the next five minutes except Kate complaining how much she has to do to get ready for this yard sale, which will be an outdoor sale at what looks like a park. Why aren't they doing this at the family home like normal people? They have plenty of space for it. Having it off site just makes everything so much harder. Oh, lord, please do not ever buy or sell old car seats. It's incredibly dangerous and in some circumstances illegal, such if they've ever been in a crash no matter how small. Throw them out. 

Collin, who has proven to be an absolute sweetheart and one of the most likable of all these children, happily stacks books, remarking that he's excited as he's never done a yard sale before. He has a perpetual good sense of humor and positive attitude, in the face of an incredible amount of negativity around him. He is a good kid, and this long absence that is still not over will forever be disturbing to many viewers.

The editors kill some time by showing clips of old Halloween episodes, which they loosely tie into some Halloween decorations they are dumping. Heh, that was a stretch. I often picture these poor editors in their dark editing bays, putting these episodes together and coming up with a run time of maybe 35, 38 minutes .... and saying to themselves, all righty, we've got 6-8 more minutes we've got to come up with somehow, now what?

You can just guess the kind of sound bytes Kate offers about this thing. She felt prepared but unprepared, exhausted but knew she had to go through with it. She should just tape these little soliloquies and play them over and over for anything she is asked to talk about, it's always the same generic drivel.

Kate goes over to the garage sale site so early it's still dark out. Given this is summer in the northeast, that must have been very early. Mercifully, she let the kids stay home and sleep longer with "someone" staying home with them. Someone? I.e. the nanny? Why not just say the nanny? Good grief.

Kate's pissed Cara is selling some sort of magazine or poster Kate got for her last year from England. Imported from England? Geez, that's not spoiled at all. That's such a great example, ask the kids to give up things they still may have some attachment to and do it with a great attitude but when Kate doesn't want to let something go, she is permitted to stomp and hold her breath. Silly double standard. After all this getting up early, there is little organization or order to the tables, it's all just piles of junk. Wonder if any of Jon's old stuff made the cut.

There are a lot of people lined up to buy their piles of junk. The whole family, especially Kate, seems so very impressed and flattered by this turnout, but garage sale people are pretty intense that I've seen, you might find a line like this at any sale of this size, doesn't matter if the family is famous. Tip: call your garage sale an "estate sale" and your turnout will double. Semantics. I've stopped by garage sales if there's one within walking distance in the neighborhood and if I'm not there as soon as it opens, there's likely nothing good left. (That's why I prefer the app OfferUp for second hand stuff I'm interested in. If I want something and the seller commits to selling it to me, we can work out me picking it up any time. I don't have to be there at 7 a.m.)

Just to make things really hard, they also are selling baked goods and other foods too. It's highly unlikely such a thing like this is permitted on this scale without a permit, but Kate is not one to think of anything like that because she's stupid. They also have a grab bag stand, for 2 bucks you get a brown paper bag of most likely crap. Permits and other regulations aside to sell things like this, I do like the way this involves the kids and gets them engaged and excited about this event. It is probably boring for a kid to stand around watching the adults sell off old blenders and party decorations. The kids love it.

"How much for everything?" a young woman asks, who dolled herself up early and big time for her on camera debut. Hair curled and the whole nine yards. She had a line, so I say give that gal a SAG card. Garage sale people. How much for it all is not an uncommon question with that strange lot.

What's the point of post-production blurring some of the info on the yard sale sign? The sale is already over with. Not like you need to protect the location or something. Weird.

I think Kate is right, and I hate saying that, that it's just easier not to price anything. If people want something, have them suggest a fair price and be done with it. Makes it faster and easier. Plus it's for charity, so it's kind of like, whatever you want to give, 20 bucks or whatever, and take a few items you think are fair to take for that. Kate tends to make things overly complicated, so this no-price hassle free sale is out of character.

Twenty-five bucks plus a selfie with Kate, one gentleman offers for the crap he has collected. Mister, that is quite a bargain. Back in the day at speaking engagements those photos were a pretty penny plus you were expected to contribute to the "donation basket" being passed around so the family could keep their electricity on, and you didn't get any garage sale items with it.

You know how when you become a teenager suddenly your parents' jokes sound really stupid and Mom and Dad become just overall embarrassing? That's Kate, only you don't have to be a teenager to find her jokes so dumb and the woman embarrassing. I just want to cover my eyes when I watch her interact with the general public. But, I give her a tiny bit of credit for being upbeat throughout this sale and engaging with each and every buyer as they approach her, trying to have a bit of a conversation with them, at least from what we can tell. She must have been mentally exhausted but she did it.

Kate pats herself on the back again for donating to this dog shelter, plus, helping the needy, she practically says. She is so perched atop her throne, heh. You don't have to be poor to go to a garage sale! Is that what she thinks this demographic is? Some people just like a good bargain. Some people believe in reusing as much as possible before ever buying new. Some people think it's just fun to look through other people's stuff for treasure. I'm all of that and that's why I often buy used things (though as I said, usually through other venues like OfferUp). Some of these people are also here to get on camera, like 5 a.m. hair-curl chick, and quite frankly there's probably a few lookie loos who just want to see Kate and the whole TLC spectacle. Fair enough. There's nothing wrong with shopping at garage sales because you can't afford things otherwise of course and many people do, but for Kate to think that her garage sale is such a wonderful gift she bestowed on the poor and needy of Wernersville is just hilarious, since there is no evidence that's who attended.

I think it's funny that Kate has no idea how she sounds. She was shocked to meet so many good wonderful people at the sale. Who does Kate think usually attends yard sales for pity sake, murderers and rapists? Somebody's gonna turn up missing after this and be found in a shallow grave six weeks later? Sheesh! I'm glad to hear the commoners so impressed her with their decorum and generally clean criminal backgrounds.

"Do you remember me?" a woman says in a kind of creepy way, real quiet-like. "Your girls are beautiful," she goes on to say breathily. I think this woman just has a naturally breathy voice, but it sounds like the beginning of a bad horror movie. It's Kelly, an old coworker. Despite the breathy voice, she seems really sweet. Kelly seems to have a kid there exactly the younger kids' age--huh. And Kate says she lives nearby. Why not get together with this woman? Make friends with her, and the girls can make friends with her daughter. This was a golden opportunity to exchange numbers and rekindle something that would benefit everyone, but Kate being Kate not only doesn't think of it but I don't think even wants to. Kind of sad.

Kate is so unbelievably shocked to run into people she knows at this sale. If she got out more, she would realize that most people run into people they know all the time, especially in smaller towns but even in big ones. In the town I grew up in it would be rare not to see someone you know when you leave the house. In Los Angeles, I see someone I know out and about probably every other week. Even in a city that size.

I'm not sure who Kate is trying to convince here emphasizing how supportive everyone is and how kind to them and how much they love them. Like, I don't expect people to come to your garage sale and be rude and start engaging you in a moral debate over exploiting your children on television. That would just be odd and inappropriate in front of the children. This was a yard sale, not a meet and greet, and I would expect most people to come and buy something and leave like normal polite people. This sampling in no way represents the general public opinion about how these children have grown up, nor does it prove all her neighbors love her and have no issue with her (contrary to various reports especially from back at the house before this one) so I don't know who Kate is trying to fool.

They made just over $1100 for the animal rescue charity. I think that's pretty good for one morning, and it will certainly be a help to a fine charity. Well done, Wernersville.

In memory of Golly Gee, whose thoughtful perspective and steadfast optimism has been a treasured part of this blog. We toast you, Golly. 

1105 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Former Lurker said...

It looks like this fan is rubbing it in that TFW never has a boyfriend:

sandiebellzSome day we’ll see a love whispering in your ear. 😊

NJGal51 said...

Old news but interesting to see it laid out like this.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

In less than 2 months, the tups will have another birthday. Will this be the 3rd one without C?

Lanc Native said...

16" here with no signs of it slowing down.It was supposed to be 5-8" tops. Oops. Good thing we have an ample supply of the rumspringa!

Milo is so immature. No wonder she identifies with Kate's middle school mentality. Birds of a feather.

capecodmama said...

Lance Native....That's a big oops. Huge difference between 8" and 16". Stay safe.

NJGal51 said...

I wonder why TFW hasn’t posted a picture of her clearing all the county roads BY HERSELF with her snow blower yet. She is such a selfless creature.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

NJGal51 (#8), and no pictures of outdoor frolicking with the kids. We all knew that igloo activity was written into the script by TLC.

Formerly Duped said...

Our snow has not even started...will it?

Sad but true said...

What a nothing video. #Gnugnu sees self in mirror; barks. The end.

kateplusmy8When this little girl catches herself in the mirror in Mady's room😍! #Nanuq #Shoka'sDaughter #Mak'sSister #AlmostTwoYearsOldAlready #VideoCreditToMady

ashleigh.druck WHEN DOES SHOW COME BACK??

kateplusmy8@ashleigh.druck Stay Tuned!😉😉😉


nicolehoch0715 Please tell me Mady decorated that room 😍 I'm obsessed with that pillow and throw in a basket!

kateplusmy8@nicolehoch0715 She sure did! It's a weekly event for her! She's SO talented in that department! I'm so proud!:)

miloandjack2016 LOL. That last grunt! Who knows the #MindOfNanuq? Did she get that routine from watching you primping in the mirror?? 😋 @kateplusmy8

miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 That is some unique decorating there. Mady should give a panoramic view & commentary? A teen girl's room usually displays personality & character...plenty of which we know Mady has.

miloandjack2016 So please translate for us @kateplusmy8 ....just WHAT is Nanuq trying to say?

Sad but true said...

Shoka hasn't posted a diary entry in nearly 5 years, Milo.

gardner.k9s Have any of your dogs had hip problems? My German Shepherd, Luna (Nanuq’s twin) now has hip dysplasia. @kateplusmy8

kateplusmy8@gardner.k9s No. But Shoka (he's 9.5) is now on meds daily for middle back problems. Breaks my heart. How old is Luna? I looked at her in your IG- she's PRECIOUS and she's Nuq's 3rd or 4th twin at least😉 (Nuq actually has an actual twin sister, too!)

miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 So sorry to hear this about Shoka! You know we love Shoka...I cherish all the fun memories and escapades of his diary you shared on your website. What a of a kind big boy he is! Please let me know if those meds do work? Jack is having similar issues...Jack and Shoka are about the same age. We don't talk and share our doggie we used to! #MissThoseDays #CrazyDogMoms. 😋

Formerly Duped said...

Well,our storm was totally misforecast. Just this a.m it started snowing but only about an inch or so of snow expected.OK with me since I have a medical appt to get to!

Who is TFW so busy emailing and phoning? Phony life.And now she has to take pictures of the kids' bedrooms instead of the children themselves who are probably refusing for the most part.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#11), so Gladys is now requesting a video tour of a teenage girls' bedroom. Only slightly less creepy than asking which child wears out his/her underwear the fastest.

NJGal51 said...

Well isn’t that boring video the most amazing thing...TFW has had over 41K views overnight! I guess people just couldn’t get enough of it. With that many views you’d think that more than 5K people would “like”it and more than 86 people would comment on it. I guess she just spent her money on “views” this time.

Wowser said...

And she’s teasing at more episodes with her wink wink emoji (eye roll)

Anonymous said...

Has Kate ever answered any of Milo's ass-kissing comments to her? Ever? Her sychophantic bullshit knows no bounds and I literally gag when I read them. Milo should be embarrassed that she talks to anyone like that. It's just not normal. And never mind Milo, but seriously, someone is obsessed with Mady's pillow and throw? What the eff is wrong with people???? I am truly losing faith in the world and what kind of people are walking on it.

NJGal51 said...

Wowser said... 16
And she’s teasing at more episodes with her wink wink emoji (eye roll)
Maybe she’s getting another 3 “episode” season.

AuntieAnn said...

NJGal51 said...

Maybe she’s getting another 3 “episode” season.


Oh great. "Mediocrity" Part I, II & III.


Former Lurker said...

Well, if they were away filming during the kids' spring break, it doesn't look like "Uncle Ronnie" was with them to do their hair. He posted a Happy 34th Birthday selfie (to himself) on his Instagram on March 10th and TFW left a comment (he didn't reply to her):

kateplusmy8Wait. Aren't you still 29? #ImDeadSerious How did you just turn 34? #Help 😘😘😘

Tucker's Mom said...

"Stay tuned, wink wink"= she's been filming.

It boggles my mind why TLC is still hanging onto her.

Layla said...

Let's see how low the ratings go this time. TLC just keeps hanging on now matter how bad they get. It boggles my mind. ~ Administrator said...

kateplusmy8Wait. Aren't you still 29? #ImDeadSerious How did you just turn 34? #Help 😘😘😘


I can't believe he doesn't find a comment like this nothing short of stupid and annoying.

Former Lurker said...

AuntieAnn said... 19
NJGal51 said...

Maybe she’s getting another 3 “episode” season.


Oh great. "Mediocrity" Part I, II & III.



Another spring break trip (NC?), yet another birthday party for the, five, and what else? Another boring episode with some manufactured project around the house?

Former Lurker said... ~ Administrator said... 23

kateplusmy8Wait. Aren't you still 29? #ImDeadSerious How did you just turn 34? #Help 😘😘😘


I can't believe he doesn't find a comment like this nothing short of stupid and annoying.


TFW has always been and will always be predictably unimaginative, unoriginal, and completely devoid of any creativity. Whether it's her own posts on Instagram, or comments she posts, or just about anything else she does, it's always the same old, same old. She is the epitome of being "stuck in a rut".

jamesvader1194 said...

I think i agree with NJGal,its probably just 3 episodes again.There's no way TLC would do a full season after none of the 3 episodes got anywhere near a million.The only thing i'm curious about is if Collin is there.If not then prepare to see alot of fans asking her about his whereabouts.If she doesn't answer or give updates then she's hiding something.The last we saw him was in 2015.Maybe i'm just ignorant when it comes to children's behavior problems but would it really take almost 3 years for a child to recover from whatever is bothering Collin?

Sad but true said...

She's making a bit of an effort tonight, Milo should be jumping back in any time.

sueswaldron I’m surprised you let the dogs into the house?!!!!!

riva_gina My friends dog is on tramadol for lower back problems it’s helped a lot ❤️

kateplusmy8@riva_gina yep. Same with Shoka... and carprofen too... its made him act young and frisky again... :)

kateplusmy8@sueswaldron In the house? They're in our beds and all over the house. Sigh... they rule the house now. And we love it;) 😍

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Good grief, TFW is still carrying on with that coy winking nonsense. What kind of pathetic promotion is that? Someone asked her a direct question. If she doesn't know when the episodes will air, can't she just say that, instead of acting like a 12-year-old girl? How about responding like a fortysomething woman with a decade of TV experience with something like, "Thanks so much for your interest! We've actually been filming, and are waiting to hear from TLC when those episodes will air. I'll be sure to let you all know!" ~ Administrator said...

Farrah is cruel and rude and beyond full of herself. I do believe she has some mental health issues. No one can be that entitled and not understand the impact on others. I am glad that she is no longer being served up as some kind of role model. I have read that she is suing TLC and the production company for being fired. She says that she feared for her life when they confronted her.

Apparently, she forgot that the conversation was filmed.


Heh, I also refused to let myself get sucked into any other seasons. Only this one!

I thought for the longest time she is a sociopath and I still believe that, but there's other issues going on as well. Of late she seems to be exhibiting a whole lot of delusional, paranoid behavior. So I now think there's possible personality disorder or schizophrenia, rather serious conditions if left untreated.

She thinks everyone is against her even though production and her parents and boyfriend bend over backwards to please her. Her reaction to the set teacher's transgression was unreasonable and irrational. Shutting down production knowing how much money it would cost everyone over an inconsequential difference of opinion is not rational. And frankly, I don't even think her quitting the show is rational when it's been her backbone forever. She quit out of spite, and isn't thinking about the long term implications to her finances and career. I hope MTV never takes her crawling back, because crawl back she will. This time, her decision needs to have a consequence of forever. ~ Administrator said...

Good grief, TFW is still carrying on with that coy winking nonsense. What kind of pathetic promotion is that? Someone asked her a direct question. If she doesn't know when the episodes will air, can't she just say that, instead of acting like a 12-year-old girl? How about responding like a fortysomething woman with a decade of TV experience with something like, "Thanks so much for your interest! We've actually been filming, and are waiting to hear from TLC when those episodes will air. I'll be sure to let you all know!"


She's such an immature idiot and has never come across as professional and put together. You're right, she's a 12 year old girl, and even the best of us get sick of that age eventually. I really don't know why TLC didn't stick in the contract that they'll run her social media, because clearly she's terrible at it. ~ Administrator said...

TFW has always been and will always be predictably unimaginative, unoriginal, and completely devoid of any creativity. Whether it's her own posts on Instagram, or comments she posts, or just about anything else she does, it's always the same old, same old. She is the epitome of being "stuck in a rut".


Is this a narcissist thing? My narcissist rotates the same maybe 6 stories/talking points and 2 jokes. Not just on camera, I'm talking real life goes like this too! Does this in private and in public. There is truly nothing else going on, it's like a robot. I have never really pinpointed the cause for why they can't try some other track on the record, but seeing how Kate really is stuck on a similar LOOP over all these years has me thinking about it again. What IS this about anyway?

I mean, is it because the handful of talking points are always all about themselves, and themselves don't ever get boring to themselves?

NJGal51 said...

I really don't know why TLC didn't stick in the contract that they'll run her social media, because clearly she's terrible at it.
They run and use her TLC Facebook page. They use it to advertise things and have brief comments that look like they’re coming from TFW. I wonder if they have to pay her for that. However, they do own the Kate Plus 8” brand so maybe not.

AuntieAnn said...

Former Lurker said...

Another spring break trip (NC?), yet another birthday party for the, five, and what else? Another boring episode with some manufactured project around the house?


Kate would probably insist on filming something to do with her canine babies seeing as though she is now the world's greatest lover of dogs. Who knows what TLC has up their sleeve. If they're bringing back that hideous "mother of all design shows" Trading Spaces, they're capable of insulting their viewers with just about any old thing they can dig up. And that would include "the mother of all screechers".

Sad but true said...

So I see Kailyn from Teen Mom 2 is working on baby #4 (is baby #3 even a year old?) WTF is wrong with this girl? Now it just looks like MTV is paying her to have kids. D

NJGal51 said...

Filming doesn’t always equal airing. All it means is TLC is getting stuff in the can for when they need filler. Who knows, if they actually did any filming it might only be for an hour long “catch up” special which is all they seemed to have promised her. She’s only giving a wink and a nod at this point because she doesn’t know and that’s all she can give at this point.

AuntieAnn said...

6NJGal51 said... 35

Filming doesn’t always equal airing. All it means is TLC is getting stuff in the can for when they need filler.


That was my thought too. Her viewer drawing power is headed the way of the dodo. She probably doesn't know any more than her fans do when or if the show will air. She'd better have a Plan B for income or she'll be holding another garage sale to make the mortgage payment.

Former Lurker said...

miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 So nice to see how you have evolved...LOL. Shoes, furniture, and carpets can be replaced. No amount of $$ can buy the laughter, joy and love our dogs give back to us! Great to see you have #FreeRangingDogs in the family abode now! 😋


"No amount of $$ can buy the laughter, joy and love our dogs give back to us!"

No amount of $$ can buy the laughter, joy and love our CHILDREN give back to us!

And, no amount of money can replace a childhood that was sold to TLC.

"Great to see you have #FreeRangingDogs in the family abode now!"

And...a #LockedUpSon.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Former Lurker (#37), and notice Gladys included her typical passive-aggressive "LOL" to try to soften the tremendous insult hidden within her post. She, too, clearly realizes TFW had that metaphorical stick up her butt, but now seems to have surrendered to letting her dogs take over the house. I still don't buy it, though.

Formerly Duped said...

Sad but true said... 34


A number of the Teen Mom moms, lol, have more than the one original child. But not many have full-fledged careers.A few have started clothing businesses for some reason, I guess living off their "fame." This is not a bad idea; beats the porn industry or other sleazy shows.A few have written autobiographies at their tender age of 20-something.

NJGal51 said...

Yesterday was National Puppy Day and no doggie pictures from TFW.

Former Lurker said...

FlimsyFlamsy (#38), I'm not buying her act either.

Former Lurker said...

As far as if and when TLC will be airing a "new season", or any new episodes, I wonder if any of her fans ever ask TLC about it either on Twitter or on the Facebook page for the show. If I weren't so lazy, I might even email TLC posing as a fan inquiring if there will be new episodes and when.

Kylie said...

Former Lurker -- you hit the nail right smack dab on the head. She is such a loser and Milo is demented!

Sad but true said...

#NookiePookie rides again. This dog is nearly as dull as K8.

kateplusmy8 Such a ruff life! #Nanuq #SableKingShepherd #AlmostTwoAlready

miloandjack2016 Haha...#Nanuq has a "thing" for those stairs doesn't she? Seems to be her favorite perch.... You should do a #CaptionThis on her expression here! @kateplusmy8 I already have one in mind!

Layla said...

Interesting night last night...I was shown some video of a men's fashion show in DC, and one of the male models bears a very striking resemblance to the "random" guy from the DC Cupcakes episode. A very, very striking resemblance. And that episode was filmed in DC. I can't be 100% sure, of course, but that scene was such a set-up. She "spotted" some guy across the street, out the window of a busy business establishment, and the cameras just happened to figure out who she was talking about and zoom in on the guy...all before he crossed the street. I'm told the same guy also made an appearance in an episode of The Real Housewives of DC. Which was also filmed in DC. Total set-up! Realest reality show my foot!

Layla said...

The guy is apparently represented by The Artist Agency in DC. ~ Administrator said...

"No amount of $$ can buy the laughter, joy and love our dogs give back to us!"


This comment confuses me. Dogs don't laugh. And I find it interesting that she immediately thinks of money. Was anyone talking about money?? She sounds preoccupied with it.

NJGal51 said...

Admin - I agree with you about Milo’s comment, but studies show that dogs do laugh not a human type laugh but a dog laugh. My vet talked about it in a seminar that she gave.

Sad but true said...

"Not trying to interfere"? LOL, good one! So little impulse control with this one, what a nightmare she must be in real life.

gayletwomey Kate can you just answer the question...are there going to be anymore shows?

miloandjack2016@gayletwomey Not trying to interfere...but I think it was on @kateplusmy8 's last post that she answered re: the show..."Stay tuned..." :)

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#49), that's like when someone says "nothing personal, but--" and what follows is TOTALLY personal.

Blowing In The Wind said...

miloandjack2016@gayletwomey Not trying to interfere...but I think it was on @kateplusmy8 's last post that she answered re: the show..."Stay tuned..." :)

LOL!! Kate'e self-proclaimed mouthpiece just can't help herself!

Former Lurker said...

On her Nanuq IG post, someone asked about C yesterday and a fan posted a long answer today (as if they know all this personal information). Then, the first person had a good reply:

rpass88Riveting. Where’s Collin?

kimmy_courageandhope@rpass88 Collin has special needs. To be exact he has social and educational challenges, anger issues and sometimes he is unable to cope with certain situations. He is at a facility to help him and he will be home when he learns to cope with the certain situations and don't have serious anger issues- two of those reasons are why Kate placed him in a facility. Maybe with his anger issues he hurt one of his brothers or sisters or a danger to Kate or maybe he's home but not being photo graphed as part of being home if he is. If you payed attention to the show in the 11th birthday episode Kate says that he is unable to cope with certain things as well as the educational and social challenges.

rpass88@kimmy_courageandhope You wasted a lot of typing on me. I don’t buy her BS. I’ll just wait for one of the children to write their book. Suggested title: Now We Just Want You To Know.

Sad but true said...

The lengths that sheeple will go to to explain something they know NOTHING factual about always astound me. But I am liking the proposed book title, LOL.

kimmy_courageandhope@rpass88 Collin has special needs. To be exact he has social and educational challenges, anger issues and sometimes he is unable to cope with certain situations. He is at a facility to help him and he will be home when he learns to cope with the certain situations and don't have serious anger issues- two of those reasons are why Kate placed him in a facility. Maybe with his anger issues he hurt one of his brothers or sisters or a danger to Kate or maybe he's home but not being photo graphed as part of being home if he is. If you payed attention to the show in the 11th birthday episode Kate says that he is unable to cope with certain things as well as the educational and social challenges.

rpass88@kimmy_courageandhope You wasted a lot of typing on me. I don’t buy her BS. I’ll just wait for one of the children to write their book. Suggested title: Now We Just Want You To Know.

AuntieAnn said...

To be exact he has social and educational challenges, anger issues and sometimes he is unable to cope with certain situations. He is at a facility to help him and he will be home when he learns to cope with the certain situations and don't have serious anger issues- two of those reasons are why Kate placed him in a facility.


Wow. The inside scoop!!

Kate's fans are frickin' idiots (to be exact).

Former Lurker said...

Sad but true, ha ha. I like that proposed book title too.

Sue said...

kimmy_courageandhope went private but her profile used to be public. I think that she is some sort of special needs herself and she has written this same exact thing many, many times. She found and copied it somewhere.

Former Lurker said...

Remember recently how TFW flew off the handle and snapped back at people leaving comments on her IG that the show was over? You know, she just had to correct the record as she loves to do. Well, you would think she would take offense at some fan spewing all this information about her son and make some comment in reply. Something like, "I appreciate the concern about my son, and all of my children, but please don't speculate about private family matters. Thank you."

NJGal51 said...

Well maybe now that you’ve put the words in her mouth Former Lurker she’ll say just that! Using your words she’d at least sound like she cared about Colin.

Layla said...

Former Lurker (57)
Kate couldn't care less about what people say about her kids. It's filming and being on TV that are important to her. That's why she went nutty when someone dared to suggest that the show was over. You can malign the kids all you want, call them names, whatever, and she doesn't care. Question the longevity of her precious TV career and she'll go after you.

AuntieAnn said...

Well, you would think she would take offense at some fan spewing all this information about her son and make some comment in reply.


You'd think so, but kimmy made it sound as if Kate was in no way responsible for Collins absence, which suits her just fine. Schmoopy enjoys her martyrdom.

Sad but true said...

Gee, I wonder if Milo put Barb up to this comment:

barbgilmer1@kimmy_courageandhope IMO that’s TMI, way more info then kate would ever divulge on a public forum. You do know that @kateplusmy8 never speaks about this, like this. I think if she wanted to let ppl know everything then she would say it! Like I said it’s just my opinion. I mean no harm! ~ Administrator said...

You'd think so, but kimmy made it sound as if Kate was in no way responsible for Collins absence, which suits her just fine. Schmoopy enjoys her martyrdom.


Exactly, all neatly worried to put all the blame on Collin. HE can't handle situations, HE has issues. Nothing about Kate's failure to parent a child with special needs.

And I'm sorry, but I work with very disturbed children every day. You don't INSTITUTIONALIZE them like this. Institutions are almost always very temporary, and the number one goal is to get them in a home environment. It would be extremely rare to find a child in such a high level of care for longer than 6 months. It's bullshit he needs to be in an institution until he can function in the home. The only way he will learn to be in the home is to be IN THE HOME. ~ Administrator said...

miloandjack2016@gayletwomey Not trying to interfere...but I think it was on @kateplusmy8 's last post that she answered re: the show..."Stay tuned..." :)


Has anyone seen Unsane? It's a pretty good psychological horror film. Claire Foy stars in it from The Crown so I definitely wanted to see her work in this, and she's very good, although her American accent needs a bit of work! (credit for trying!).

Anyway, it's about a woman trying to get cleared to leave a mental institution, and the annoying doctor won't commit to anything for anybody, always ending every go-nowhere conversation with an obnoxious smile and a "to be continued!"

Reminds me of Kate's stupid little "stay tuned" crap, hehe!

Jamesvader1194 said...

Someone can correct me if i'm wrong,but i'm pretty sure Kate never once said what Collin's issues were,which is why some of us here were making speculations on what they could be.So that sheeple clearly has no idea what Collin's issues are.Whatever it may be,like i said in an old comment,its been almost 3 years since collin has been gone and no evidence he's home.Does it really take that long,if it wasn't that serious?

Formerly Duped said...

Jamesvader1194 said... 64

She did say that crap about a fluid diagnosis and emotional and social needs plus educational ones.Also mentioned was his need to step back from a social situation and then process it and rejoin the group. She also wrote in her book IJWYTK that he challenged her authority. Also by watching the show you could see some indication of how Collin was treated- separation from the others ( partnered with TFW and Alexis), appearing drugged, absent in some scenes, and taken to task for minor indiscretions like insulting a sister's hairstyle.He also appeared to be a willing helper, a good artist and great at organizing and doing heavy chores, a sweet boy who picked a gift for his mother who made fun of it.We could see signs of issues in the older shows but nothing that would warrant years of institutionalization, if that's what's going on. We just don't know more than this.Rumors flew, especially due to the fact of his being expelled from Kindergarten along with Alexis but we don't know the whole truth and apparently either does Jon.

NJGal51 said...

It is TFW’s birthday. I wonder if she’ll do an IG post of herself so her bots can tell her “Happy birthday - how can you be 43 - you look so young” or some variation thereof.

Former Lurker said...

A few fans have posted Happy Birthday messages on her last IG post (the pic of Nanuq on the stairs).

Paige was the first one to wish her a Happy Birthday. I find it so odd that her fans are always talking about what the kids can do for TFW and it's never the other way around:

pc08Happy Birthday Kate!!! I hope your kids spoil you!


Is it just me, or is that weird? Never once in my life has anyone ever included in a Happy Birthday greeting to me that they hoped my kids spoiled me.

Sad but true said...

NJGal51 said... 66

It is TFW’s birthday.

Let us not forget, it is also National Something-on-a-Stick Day. So let's hear it for the kebab, corn dog, and lollipop! Hope K8 will be preparing something appropriately "stick"-y for dinner. :)

NJGal51 said...

et us not forget, it is also National Something-on-a-Stick Day.
LOL! Very appropriate remembering Jon's comment about removing the stick!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

NJGal51 (#69), I had the same thought -- tee hee!

Do the people who are amazed by TFW's youthful appearance not realize she's been surgically enhanced?

Former Lurker said...

235,000 followers....and birthday messages from just ten of them on her IG.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Former Lurker (#71), pretty mediocre, huh? Did she a greeting from Gladys? Poem? Sonnet? Haiku?
Unless there's a gift card attached, Schmoopy ain't interested.

Sad but true said...

Golly, only one hour 'til LOM comes around, and NO b'day wishes from Milo to her fave rave? What IS this world coming to? Then again, they've probably been a-communicatin' in their "other" ways. ESP, anyone?

Between Twitter and her IG, I think she's gotten something less than 30 happy b'days from her "legions" of fans today. Bearing out the old adage: Out of sight, out of mind. Good riddance to stale rubbish.

Former Lurker said...

She just posted three extremely similar photos:

kateplusmy8So, here's what 43 looks like.... sigh. My kids (and our friends) took me out to dinner AND ordered me a surprise dessert... and sang loudly to me! 😂It was super fun! #BestBirthdayPresentEver 🎁🎈#LoveMyFamilyAndFriends ❤️


Like I said on that other pic she posted of herself recently, she looks so washed out and tired. This pic is even worse than the other one. She actually looks ill in my opinion. And, the roots, oh my. ~ Administrator said...

She just posted three extremely similar photos:


What a doofus. Unless the photos show something different, don't post three of the same almost identical photo! LOL.

How come there isn't a pic of the rest of the group there? I've never seen such secrecy about all these so called friends from a celeb account.

Former Lurker said...

How come there isn't a pic of the rest of the group there? I've never seen such secrecy about all these so called friends from a celeb account.


Three pics and it's basically the same shot of her sitting there all alone with a lonely little cupcake. No kids, no friends. Weird.

No sign of Milo yet. A few people have commented asking TFW about the rings she has on each ring finger. ~ Administrator said...

Three pics and it's basically the same shot of her sitting there all alone with a lonely little cupcake. No kids, no friends. Weird.


She makes a point to say "friends" were there. All these friends she insists on having, and not a single one is willing to go on instagram?? She either is lying about her friends, or she is so notorious that her friends are petrified to go on social media. Both are equally sad. Look at other celeb accounts. Friends pop up on them all.the.time. If I'm going to be friends with someone I am not going to ask them to hide it.

Sad but true said...

Bwahaha! 250 comments in 45 minutes on the latest IG? Bought and paid for, they're almost all the same! Hard to believe she thinks this is working.

Her message sounded rather disappointed. Not like having a TV network treat you to Mexico all expenses paid, is it? Get used to it, honey, in a few years this will seem like the big time.

NJGal51 said...

Admin is right, three almost identical pictures of her are lame. The pictures would have been more engaging if one had been of her surrounded by the kids, one of her surrounded by the friends and one of her alone blowing out the candle. She looks ver washed out. You can tell that she didn’t have her makeup “done” by a professional for this birthday

Milo did an IG post from her dog (Miss K) dedicated to TFW because her birthday and Miss K’s forever Home day are the same day. Unfortunately I can’t cut and paste when I’m using my iPad. ~ Administrator said...

Admin is right, three almost identical pictures of her are lame. The pictures would have been more engaging if one had been of her surrounded by the kids, one of her surrounded by the friends and one of her alone blowing out the candle.


Exactly. This isn't rocket science. There's those and a dozen other options of pics to post. Her opening a card or present, birthday kisses or hugs from the kids or friends, playful shots of her holding a balloon or blowing a noisemaker. Come on!

If she would just follow a few random celebs with a lot of followers, she could learn a lot.

Sad but true said... ~ Administrator said... 77

And if you look at the reflection in the windows behind her, it doesn't appear there is anyone standing there "celebrating" her. Although in the first photo, there seems to be a Steve-silhouette just to the right of her; it becomes less visible in the next two photos. The photo kind of looks like it's taken outdoors? I wouldn't be surprised if this was totally staged on a different day in some place other than rural PA.

As for the rings, the one she wears on her left hand has been around forever, although today it's on the ring finger instead of the middle one (maybe she's gained some weight). I've always seen that one as a prop, strictly to incite speculation. ~ Administrator said...

And if you look at the reflection in the windows behind her, it doesn't appear there is anyone standing there "celebrating" her.


I did notice that. No reflections of the crowd of kids and friends.

I wouldn't be surprised if the kids aren't there at all. It still gets dark pretty early. By the time they get home from school and head out to eat, it would be getting dark. I'm betting this was lunch with like one or two girlfriends, and the kids weren't there at all.

Gigi Be said...

How mediocre is that. No best wishes from other celebrities, no happy birthday mention/spread in People magazine. No it’s just Kate sitting at some random place with a dinky cupcake in front of her. I bet the friend she’s refering to is Mr Blue shirt himself. Her outgrowth is at least an inch long, so Ronnie boy wasn’t there. Kate isn’t wearing one speck of makeup, so Deanna is out. And why hide the kids?

Gigi Be said...

How mediocre is that. No best wishes from other celebrities, no happy birthday mention/spread in People magazine. No it’s just Kate sitting at some random place with a dinky cupcake in front of her. I bet the friend she’s refering to is Mr Blue shirt himself. Her outgrowth is at least an inch long, so Ronnie boy wasn’t there. Kate isn’t wearing one speck of makeup, so Deanna is out. And why hide the kids?

Anonymous said...

How mediocre is that. No best wishes from other celebrities, no happy birthday mention/spread in People magazine. No it’s just Kate sitting at some random place with a dinky cupcake in front of her. I bet the friend she’s refering to is Mr Blue shirt himself. Her outgrowth is at least an inch long, so Ronnie boy wasn’t there. Kate isn’t wearing one speck of makeup, so Deanna is out. And why hide the kids?

Former Lurker said...

I looked at the reflection also and saw nothing but a guy in a baseball cap at another table.

Her table looks very, very clean having just hosted a dinner for maybe eight to ten people. And the birthday cake is just one little cupcake for her?

Former Lurker said...

Ha, as if she would answer:

nelly0928Do u have friends @kateplusmy8 happy birthday 🎊

marisajester@kateplusmy8 is there a reason why you never went back to working as a nurse. Or maybe you do work as a nurse and the cameras don’t show it. I’m just curious. I’m a fan and not judgmental.

Former Lurker said...

Another good question:

jess_galletly88Did u celebrate with all your kids except one?

Former Lurker said...

Ha, answer this one TFW:

ndel81Has she had any plastic surgery or Botox? If not 43 looks damn good!

Sad but true said...

NJGal51 said... 79

Here it is. Embarrassing is about the kindest term I could attach to it. What a weirdo.

miloandjack2016 Woof Woof!!
May I do some #FaceTime
with @kateplusmy8 ...
Oh friend of mine?? You see this day March 28 is a day you and I share in common... You get to be honored by the crazy human BD culture of being another year older. Number 43 means nothing to me.

I treasure this day...because it was the day I found my forever home!

Adopted and saved from a cold cage and certain death to be w/Jack and my human family! My #IndependanceDay

You have family, friends, a pretty face and a happy heart in the right place. #WhatMatters

Live #InTheMoment like me Kate! Enjoy your day...treasure your your kids...snuggle your furbabies... And enjoy the daily kibble, Jerky snacks and all your toys!
You and I Kate...let's celebrate this day together! 😋 ❤ from MissK (and her human Mom...😋) #LiveInTheMoment

Sad but true said...

Oh don't worry Milo, she'll see it here.

nick_moy A very wonderful way to pay tribute to a special mom, lady, person and a friend. :-) ☺

miloandjack2016@nick_moy Thanks...hope she even sees it! #BusyWoman #HardToTrackHerDown 😋 #MuchRespect for @kateplusmy8

Former Lurker said...

NJGal51 said... 79

Milo did an IG post from her dog (Miss K) dedicated to TFW because her birthday and Miss K’s forever Home day are the same day. Unfortunately I can’t cut and paste when I’m using my iPad.


Here it is:

miloandjack2016Woof Woof!!
May I do some #FaceTime
with @kateplusmy8 ...
Oh friend of mine?? You see this day March 28 is a day you and I share in common... You get to be honored by the crazy human BD culture of being another year older. Number 43 means nothing to me.

I treasure this day...because it was the day I found my forever home!

Adopted and saved from a cold cage and certain death to be w/Jack and my human family! My #IndependanceDay

You have family, friends, a pretty face and a happy heart in the right place. #WhatMatters

Live #InTheMoment like me Kate! Enjoy your day...treasure your your kids...snuggle your furbabies... And enjoy the daily kibble, Jerky snacks and all your toys!
You and I Kate...let's celebrate this day together! 😋 ❤ from MissK (and her human Mom...😋) #LiveInTheMoment

carleneigras1Can't add a thing to what you said! 😊❤

nick_moyA very wonderful way to pay tribute to a special mom, lady, person and a friend. :-) ☺

miloandjack2016@nick_moy Thanks...hope she even sees it! #BusyWoman #HardToTrackHerDown 😋 #MuchRespect for @kateplusmy8

ljs035Omg what a cute dog! Happy Gotcha Day to Miss K! What you wrote to Kate was lovely! Hope she sees and responds!ovely! Hope she sees and responds!

Sad but true said...

At least one "friend" wasn't present:

jamiepumpkin3 Hope it was a wonderful Birthday! Maybe someday we will celebrate together! In a state that is warm when we retire!😃

Tucker's Mom said...

I think Kate looks nice on her IG birthday photo, but really? This is what 43 looks like...sigh?
Why is it always about her looks? And the thinly-veiled humble brag or plea for compliments is really sad.
She looks good for 43. My God, if she didn't have all that work done to her face, then she could "sigh", but she's been pulled, tucked and injected for YEARS now!
Her jawline is more defined than when she was 33, fgs! The "11"s between her eyes are kept at bay and she's got zero facial sagging, thanks to procedures.
So, spare me the "poor me" about aging.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Instead of a sad little cupcake, you'd think TFW's "best birthday present ever" would be having her son back home, healthy and happy.

C left before his 12th birthday, and now he's about to turn 14. Boys become totally different life forms in that amount of time. And, once again, I wonder how that child will feel if and when he ever stumbles upon his mother's social media accounts and sees the painful truth about his absence: his mother couldn't care less.

capecodmama said...

Oh, come on guys, the pictures are different. In the first one she's looking to the right. In the second one she's looking to the left and in the third one she's looking straight at the camera. In her mind, those are different. She has no idea how to promote anything. What a dope.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I haven't looked at the pictures -- I can't bear to give her a click.

I hope Jon has a wonderful birthday on Sunday. It's Easter, so I suppose it may not be his year on the custody calendar and he may not have any of the kids with him. But maybe they can see him Saturday. The ones who think he is "toxic" can stay home with Mommie Dearest.

AuntieAnn said...

What's with that grin? Did she just swallow a canary or something?

And she needs to let go of that long hair of the 90's look she had 20 years ago. It's dragging her whole face down.

Layla said...

She looks like she's gained some weight. And those roots! If they just filmed, you'd think TLC would pay for Ronnie to dye her hair. Maybe they've cut her budget even more. Last year for spring break they went skiing in Vermont, complete with huge rental house, private lessons and new snow gear. This year they wandered around college campuses. Very low-budget. There probably wasn't even a shopping trip for new clothes or luggage before they left.

Last year she posted a picture of her with a big sparkler thing in her dessert, and said the kids made sure she had the sparkler for her special day. What a load of crap! That dinner was at Austin's restaurant in Sinking Spring, and they put those big sparklers in all the birthday desserts. All anyone had to do was mention that it was her birthday. She made it sound like someone made some special effort just for her. Not true.

Layla said...

I also looked at the video of Nookie barking in Mady's room. I have to say, Mady's room is cute. I remember seeing it in a clip that was aired a long time ago, too, and she seems to keep it immaculate, and decorated nicely. She appears to have good taste--I wonder where she got that. Kate's taste in clothes (all those busy prints, high heels with shorts, huge tacky purses) and in decorating (sponge-painted walls, ruffly outdated curtains, mismatched wood flooring) is atrocious. Kate could take some pointers from Mady, although I suspect she's just waiting/hoping for another home remodeling episode so TLC will pay to redo everything.

Layla said...

Adnan Syed (from the "Serial" podcast) has been granted a new trial!

Blowing In The Wind said...

Kate's birthday thing, and Milo's bizarre tweeting that time was one of the creepiest things that Milo ever did. I'm surprised she brought it up. As I recall, Kate was not impressed, although Milo was over-the-moon giddy.

Sad but true said...

K8 appears to have stopped the tanning. I don't think I've ever seen her sporting such a normal shade.

Sandi said...

Kate's "surprise dessert" is not a cupcake. look closely and you will see a glass container. Gotta give credit to friends that threw in a candle to make it look festive!

jamesvader1194 said...

nick_moy "A very wonderful way to pay tribute to a special mom, lady, person and a friend". :-) ☺
And a friend?Does Nick seriously believe Milo and Kate are friends,even though milo has never met Kate in person?Good grief these fans are delusional.

Former Lurker said...

Tucker's Mom said... 94

I think Kate looks nice on her IG birthday photo, but really? This is what 43 looks like...sigh?
Why is it always about her looks? And the thinly-veiled humble brag or plea for compliments is really sad.


I still think she looks awful. Very washed out and tired looking. And that straight, long hair is doing her no favors at all. It's dragging her down. She would look so much better with a nice shoulder length cut.

I do agree about her ridiculous "This is what 43 looks like...sigh" comment.

Former Lurker said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 95

Instead of a sad little cupcake, you'd think TFW's "best birthday present ever" would be having her son back home, healthy and happy.

C left before his 12th birthday, and now he's about to turn 14. Boys become totally different life forms in that amount of time. And, once again, I wonder how that child will feel if and when he ever stumbles upon his mother's social media accounts and sees the painful truth about his absence: his mother couldn't care less.


All of that is so true. How the heck is dinner with the kids and friends, together with a "surprise dessert" (???), the "#BestBirthdayPresentEver"? She is so weird.

That age sure is transformational for kids. These are years that they will never get back. It's so sad the time and experiences he has missed out on with his family.

Former Lurker said...

capecodmama said... 96

Oh, come on guys, the pictures are different. In the first one she's looking to the right. In the second one she's looking to the left and in the third one she's looking straight at the camera. In her mind, those are different. She has no idea how to promote anything. What a dope.


LOL, it really is bizarre. It's as if the person taking the photos told her, "Okay, look right, now look left, and now look straight ahead." The pics look kind of stilted and posed. Plus, as we said, why post all three when they're basically the same?

Former Lurker said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 97

I haven't looked at the pictures -- I can't bear to give her a click.

I hope Jon has a wonderful birthday on Sunday. It's Easter, so I suppose it may not be his year on the custody calendar and he may not have any of the kids with him. But maybe they can see him Saturday. The ones who think he is "toxic" can stay home with Mommie Dearest.


It doesn't matter what the schedule says. A decent mother would communicate with her children's father and make sure he gets to spend his birthday with them. But, sadly, this is TFW we're talking about.

Former Lurker said...

AuntieAnn said... 98

What's with that grin? Did she just swallow a canary or something?

And she needs to let go of that long hair of the 90's look she had 20 years ago. It's dragging her whole face down.


That grin looks phony to me. She is very sad looking in her eyes. I actually don't think she looks happy at all.

I totally agree with you about the long, straight hair. I think it's only aging her. It's beyond time for a new look.

Former Lurker said...

Layla said... 99

She looks like she's gained some weight. And those roots! If they just filmed, you'd think TLC would pay for Ronnie to dye her hair. Maybe they've cut her budget even more.


She does appear to have gained weight (ugh, the 40's). As far as the roots, I think that might be the best indication that they did not film during spring break this month. They usually have her get her roots done before filming. I've never even seen her roots anywhere near this bad.

She would look so much better if she went back to brown, with some nice highlights maybe, and a shoulder length style.

Former Lurker said...

Sad but true said... 103

K8 appears to have stopped the tanning. I don't think I've ever seen her sporting such a normal shade.


Oh, that's it. I kept thinking she looks so tired and washed out lately. It must be that we're not used to seeing her without her tan. She still looks washed out as far as her makeup, though.

Former Lurker said...

Sandi said... 104

Kate's "surprise dessert" is not a cupcake. look closely and you will see a glass container. Gotta give credit to friends that threw in a candle to make it look festive!


I was trying to figure out what that was. It looks like a small cupcake in a glass jar.

Former Lurker said...

Sorry for all the posts. I was trying to distract myself while my husband and son were taking apart the popes under the kitchen sink and garbage disposal because the disposal backed up in both sinks. I freaking hate garbage disposals. Apparently, someone in this house put plastic wrap down there. The kids are blaming my husband and he's blaming them. Hey, I just know it wasn't me. Never a dull moment around here...

Ingrid said...

Perhaps her roots are her way of looking Kardashian. It has become a hair trend of having roots.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

She looks like she's gained some weight. And those roots! If they just filmed, you'd think TLC would pay for Ronnie to dye her hair. Maybe they've cut her budget even more.


Dark roots are very "in" right now, according to my colorist person! ~ Administrator said...

Sorry for all the posts. I was trying to distract myself while my husband and son were taking apart the popes under the kitchen sink and garbage disposal because the disposal backed up in both sinks.


What were the popes doing under there! :) Maybe hiding? I heard the real pope says there is no hell anymore. That's certainly disappointing if you had a "special place in hell for...." list. ~ Administrator said...

Oh, that's it. I kept thinking she looks so tired and washed out lately. It must be that we're not used to seeing her without her tan. She still looks washed out as far as her makeup, though.


When I've been recapping episodes circa 4 years ago I've really noticed how far she took it with the stupid fake tan that was an old trend even then. ~ Administrator said...

That age sure is transformational for kids. These are years that they will never get back. It's so sad the time and experiences he has missed out on with his family.


I'm beginning to become just as concerned about his separation for his siblings, especially him being a multiple, than I am the separation from parents. It's just so damaging, all around. This kid should have been getting services in the home all this time, services that involve treatment of the whole family. ~ Administrator said...

I do agree about her ridiculous "This is what 43 looks like...sigh" comment.


She seems to be copying a popular phrasing people use on social media, this is whatever. Remember when that stupid Duggar girl posted something like "this is motherhood", and then showed her filthy messy house and everyone went nuts over how she could let her kids live in such squaller? Girlfriend, that's not motherhood. That's hoarding.

Lol, that was a fail, wasn't it?!

AuntieAnn said...

Former Lurker said...

That grin looks phony to me. She is very sad looking in her eyes. I actually don't think she looks happy at all.


The grin looks phony because it is phony. Everything about Kate is fake.

The only thing that would 'happy her up' is a full filming schedule. She'd beam like a lighthouse if she got that back again.

Collin who?

Sandylove said...

I kept getting drawn to her fingers on her right hand. I don't remember them being that chubby/fat. Maybe related to the weight gain? And I agree with everyone else, she looks horrible.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Former Lurker (#114), I, too, had a chuckle about the popes under your sink! Do we need to check the Urban Dictionary to find out what that really means?

As far as the plastic wrap mystery, why not follow TFW's wise parenting example during Globegate, and just blame the child who looks the most guilty? And if all else fails, blame Jon.

Former Lurker said... ~ Administrator said... 117

Sorry for all the posts. I was trying to distract myself while my husband and son were taking apart the popes under the kitchen sink and garbage disposal because the disposal backed up in both sinks.


What were the popes doing under there! :) Maybe hiding? I heard the real pope says there is no hell anymore. That's certainly disappointing if you had a "special place in hell for...." list.


LOL, pipes, pipes! I was so full of anxiety while they were tearing things apart and trying to fix it. They made me leave the kitchen during this whole mess. I'm happy to report that problem is solved and they cleaned up the mess they made. I'm still trying to figure out how water got all over the cabinet under the sink and the kitchen floor when I asked them to get a bucket before they took anything apart. Oh well, as long as they cleaned it up, I'm happy. On to the next problem (It seems like there's a new one every day lately.)

Former Lurker said...

I really, really don't like this new dark roots "style". Blech. ~ Administrator said...

I really, really don't like this new dark roots "style". Blech.


That style seems to come and go every few years or so, as soon as a really popular celeb didn't have time to touch up their hair that month suddenly they're on trend, lol.

Which means I'm on trend every few years or so.... ~ Administrator said...

I kept getting drawn to her fingers on her right hand. I don't remember them being that chubby/fat. Maybe related to the weight gain? And I agree with everyone else, she looks horrible.


You can't lypo hands. Those are the dead giveaway what would really be going on there but for all the work she's done.

Former Lurker said...

What sweet fans she has:

gayletwomeyHappy birthday girlfriend! Fuck Jon!!!


Such a nasty, idiotic birthday message.

Layla said...

Hmmm, if dark roots are on trend right now, then can we include grey roots in that trend? I've decided to quit coloring my hair, and the natural color is about 3-4 inches long. It's a very awkward phase, but my stylist says she can't match the natural color because it's such a mix of brown and grey. So I'm putting it in a bun most of the time and waiting it out. My little niece loves the natural color. She keeps saying, "I love the silvery part because it's so sparkly". So--cool, I sparkle now!

AuntieAnn said...

Sandylove said... 122

I kept getting drawn to her fingers on her right hand. I don't remember them being that chubby/fat.


Kate has always had manhands. Those long french talons don't help much either. She's very stuck in outdated trends. She seems to have stopped de-aging.

AuntieAnn said...

 I heard the real pope says there is no hell anymore. That's certainly disappointing if you had a "special place in hell for...." list.


Wait, what? When? I just read your post, Admin.

I guess that lets all the pedophile priests off the hook?

NJGal51 said...

I wonder if TFW is going to hide fucketybillion plastic eggs this year. I’d be afraid that the dogs would get into them. If they’re anything like mine, everything goes in the mouth.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other posters. She does NOT look happy in those photos. She is miserable inside. No boyfriend, for what, 10 yrs now? That's weird for someone who relished the attention of men. Let's assume Steve is out of the picture which it appears that he is now. Her BS story about putting her kids first is ridiculous. The only thing preventing her from putting herself out there is that she wants to protect her money and assets from potential suitors who may want use her for fame and fortune, sort of like what she created for herself and her kids and is now paying the price for. Now, she is an unhappy, nightly wine drinking 40 something with no future. The only reason I have that opinion about the booze is that I remember seeing a wine rack full of the same bottle of wine, like 20 or so bottles. That my friends, is a committed wine drinker. Not judging, just calling it like it is. Self-medication has a tendency to soothe us during trying times and I believe she is taking her meds daily. Be careful Kate, you may have developed an addiction already. Hope I am wrong.


Former Lurker said...

I know Milo did her own Happy Birthday post on her own Instagram, but it's interesting that she hasn't commented on TFW's birthday IG post.

By the way, TFW didn't comment on Milo's IG. Has she ever commented there?

Former Lurker said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 123
Former Lurker (#114), I, too, had a chuckle about the popes under your sink! Do we need to check the Urban Dictionary to find out what that really means?

As far as the plastic wrap mystery, why not follow TFW's wise parenting example during Globegate, and just blame the child who looks the most guilty? And if all else fails, blame Jon.


Lol, maybe the popes under my sink were looking for hell. If it exists...

As far as the mystery of who put plastic wrap down the garbage disposal, I have a feeling my husband is going to be in trouble once the kids are gone and grown. Who's he going to blame then? The poor dogs? One of our dogs always looks guilty, because he's usually up to some mischief, but he can't reach the kitchen sink, ha ha.

Dmasy said...

Former provided a hearty laugh of the day.

Popes under the sink, Cardinals in the closet, and a priest in the pantry.

Delightful visual.

NJGal51 said...

Popes under the sink, Cardinals in the closet, and a priest in the pantry.
And there’s a dead bishop on the the church police! ~ Administrator said...

Wait, what? When? I just read your post, Admin.

I guess that lets all the pedophile priests off the hook?


Well apparently if you were originally supposed to go to hell, now you just "disappear" upon entry. I guess this is the snowflake generation's kinder gentler hell.

The rest of us our pissed! Many of us had a list of people to "go to hell!" ~ Administrator said...

Kate has always had manhands. Those long french talons don't help much either. She's very stuck in outdated trends. She seems to have stopped de-aging.


She has always looked very stereotypically mid-Atlantic/rural farm country to me, and I'm not making fun of that, that's my stock too.

You don't usually fine petite, skinny or short people among the farming generations, those first and second generations of German, Irish, Russia and eastern Europe who settled in that part of the country. Men have muscles, and women have enough meat on the bones to walk to and from the barn when it's zero degrees out to gather the eggs and not freeze your butt off. Big hands for milking, arm muscles from kneading the dough and lifting heavy buckets of milk or feed.

Anyhow, to see someone from the backbone generation of America try to go all Hollywood, has always just looked utterly ridiculous to me. She is who she is, a native Pennsylvania whose lineage like many in PA goes back to European immigrants and most likely farmers and laborers, and it's a shame she's not proud of her "commoner" roots. ~ Administrator said...

Remember the first and only time I saw Kate in person at the Santa Monica book signing? And I remember reporting that I was a bit surprised to see she was quite a sturdy girl. Certainly not short, I would say at least 5'7, and certainly has some firm bones and muscles on the old girl.

She comes from hearty stock.

FLMOM said...

The bday photos looking in three different directions are to make it look like she has a crowd.

Formerly Duped said...

Kate's birthday restaurant doesn't look too fancy... In the reflection you can see a man wearing a cap at another table and there is no place setting.

On another note, someone suggested Collin may be home, but kept out of sight. That may be true...I can't think of how a facility could justify keeping a child this long. Maybe he's like Rochester's first wife in Jane Eyre, hidden in the attic. Or basement. It's a sad sad situation.

NJGal51 said...

Why isn’t there a spoon in the picture so she can eat the dessert, where’s the napkin and why isn’t there a cup of coffee? We all know how she loves her coffee. Little touches like that would make the picture look less sterile and posed.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Wait, what? When? I just read your post, Admin.

I guess that lets all the pedophile priests off the hook?


Does that make purgatory null and void, too?

OT...Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates. The tradition of the Easter Bunny has its roots in PA Dutch tradition. We started it all! Just bit of trivia!

AuntieAnn said...

She is who she is, a native Pennsylvania whose lineage like many in PA goes back to European immigrants and most likely farmers and laborers, and it's a shame she's not proud of her "commoner" roots.


And because of that heritage, if she wasn't so averse to actual labor, she could turn those twenty some acres she's sitting on into some sort of viable income instead of sitting there waiting for TLC to resuscitate that sapless old show of hers just so she can take another vacation.

AuntieAnn said...

On to the next problem (It seems like there's a new one every day lately.)


Speaking of which, I'm battling an ant invasion these past few days. I've googled all sorts of remedies to get rid of them, but they are determined little buggers. Argh! It's frustrating.

Sue said...

.I can't think of how a facility could justify keeping a child this long.

Boarding school, in Montana, for troubled boys and shipped to her “friends” that live there for vacations.

Formerly Duped said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 144

Glad to learn this! I once had to dress up in a full suit with head you couldn't see out of since my friend ran the Easter Bunny ( called Springtime Rabbit) kid photos at the mall and the girl who was the regular bunny was late.NOT fun and lucky I did not drop any child- you-cant see out of those huge headpieces.

jakieK said...

Imagine that poor kid's childhood memories, especially when comparing his memories with those of his siblings if they're ever reconciled in the future.

AuntieAnn said...

PA Dutch Mom said...

OT...Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates. The tradition of the Easter Bunny has its roots in PA Dutch tradition. We started it all! Just bit of trivia!


Happy Easter to you too :) and thank your ancestors for that long-eared, hard working Wabbit. I've been watching a lot of Alton Brown's show Good Eats lately and he's always mentioning how many great pies and cakes and recipes originated from the Pennsylvania Dutch. Angel food cake and chicken pot pie to name a couple and of course the Dutch Baby which I like to make occasionally. So thanks for that too lol!

JR said...

Auntie Ann...windex for ants....I have little sugar ants already...I spray for a day or two and that seems to do it...either that or use “terror”....they eat it and bring it back to the nest and kills them all

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Auntie Ann (#145), c'mon, now, girlfriend DID grow a pepper. She's probably still recovering from the effort.

Happy Easter and Happy Passover to all who celebrate!

AuntieAnn said...

JR - thanks so much for the tip. I read your comment and went to war. I'll report back with the results. It must be the ammonia in the Windex that repels them?

PA Dutch Mom said...

Happy Easter to you too :) and thank your ancestors for that long-eared, hard working Wabbit. I've been watching a lot of Alton Brown's show Good Eats lately and he's always mentioning how many great pies and cakes and recipes originated from the Pennsylvania Dutch. Angel food cake and chicken pot pie to name a couple and of course the Dutch Baby which I like to make occasionally. So thanks for that too lol!


Nobody can say that we don't enjoy food, which is why someone is always asking, " Djeetyet?"

Duped, LOL! Reminds me of David in Roseanne when he took a job as Hans The Hare at Edelweiss Gardens.

Speaking of Roseanne...the recent revival had a rating of 18.2 million and ABC has ordered four more episodes in addition to the nine that were already filmed.

Sad but true said...

kateplusmy8 Wait....So you're saying that I'm NOT the Easter Bunny??! #Nanuq #SheRemindsUsOfAFluffyBunny #WeCallHerRabbit #SableKingShepherd 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I know if our friend GollyGee was still with us, she would take a moment to wish Jon a happy birthday.
She was sincerely concerned about the welfare of the G kids, and wanted nothing more than for Jon to find a way to make things better for them.

NJGal51 said...

Jon has a picture up of a nice Easter basket packed with things that kids would love. Nothing over the top like TFW usually does, just something normal. Here’s hoping that some of the kids are with him to celebrate his birthday and Easter.

Tucker's Mom said...

Anyhow, to see someone from the backbone generation of America try to go all Hollywood, has always just looked utterly ridiculous to me. She is who she is, a native Pennsylvania whose lineage like many in PA goes back to European immigrants and most likely farmers and laborers, and it's a shame she's not proud of her "commoner" roots.
She's a size 4, ya know. 2, even!
Kate's just not a light-framed woman. I'm not either. I got below a size 6 (when I was running heavily) and I did not look well at all. My frame needs more flesh on it!
Kate's the same way, and I do give her credit for taking that tummy tuck and lipo and keeping the weight off. None of that does any good unless you watch your weight afterwards.
Kate has looked very thin in the past, but she ain't Hollywood thin/tiny.
I remember when she was on Celeb Apprentice and they did the after show. When Brandy Glanville was introduced and came out on stage, she walked past Kate and Kate looked that woman UP and DOWN in a way that was pure envy, as Brandy is a twig.
I could just see Kate's gears turning, LOL!
"Skinny bitch!"
"Why can't my legs be so ridiculously slender?"

Tucker's Mom said...

Happy Easter to all who celebrate, and Happy Passover!

I see Kate's got no Easter theme going, and posted another photo of Nookie.
Yes, gorgeous dog, but...this is a woman with 8 kids. I'd expect a house full of activity.
Oh well.

I don't think Collin is home, fwiw.

Tucker's Mom said...

The rest of us our pissed! Many of us had a list of people to "go to hell!"
Pol Pot
Charles Manson
The woman who invented Spanx ;-)

Tucker's Mom said...

Layla said... 129
Hmmm, if dark roots are on trend right now, then can we include grey roots in that trend? I've decided to quit coloring my hair, and the natural color is about 3-4 inches long. It's a very awkward phase, but my stylist says she can't match the natural color because it's such a mix of brown and grey. So I'm putting it in a bun most of the time and waiting it out. My little niece loves the natural color. She keeps saying, "I love the silvery part because it's so sparkly". So--cool, I sparkle now!
I love this! I'm resisting the gray and I see more and more when my roots grow in.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 156
I know if our friend GollyGee was still with us, she would take a moment to wish Jon a happy birthday.^^^^^^^^^

She would, and probably share some stories of Easter.
I do miss her ;-(

Former Lurker said...

Happy Easter and a Happy Passover to all who celebrate.

Jon posted a "Happy Easter" on his Instagram along with a pic of an Easter basket:

Former Lurker said...

Yet another Nanuq pic. Well, that's a good thing because it appears that the kids must be refusing more and more to let her take and post pics of them.

Actually, it would be great if the kids were at Jon's house for his birthday.

Someone posted this on her Nanuq pic:

andrewaloxan89April Fools!! #HappyBirthdayJohnG

Sandylove said...

E!News reported that Hannah was the only one with Jon today for his birthday & Easter. I tend to believe this.

Former Lurker said...

Sandylove (#165), thanks for the info. Here's the E! article (it includes a few Instagram photos, one of TFW's and three of Jon's):

Jon Gosselin to Celebrate 41st Birthday With One of His and Kate's 8 Kids

Jon Gosselin turned 41 on Easter Sunday and plans to celebrate his birthday and the holiday with his family, including one of the eight kids he shares with Kate Gosselin, E! News has learned.

The former star of Jon & Kate Plus 8-turned DJ and his 43-year-old ex share 13-year-old sextuplets Aaden, Collin, Joel, Alexis, Hannah and Leah and 17-year-old twins Cara and Mady and have had custody disputes since their 2009 divorce. In 2015, he filed for full custody of Hannah.

Jon will celebrate his birthday and the holiday with Hannah as well as his mother, his brother and his brother's family—and will also be celebrating his nephew's birthday, E! News has learned. Jon does not have custody of his and Kate's other seven children on Sunday.

Jon also plans to work on his birthday; the former reality star has a DJ gig that night.

"I'm always making money," he said.

In 2016, Jon said his and Kate's custody agreement allows him to see only four of their children at once, during weekly dinners and overnights every other weekend. Twins Cara and Mady told People that they had decided not to spend time with their dad.

For the past couple of years, Jon has posted birthday tributes to the twins, with throwback photos of the two, who are college-bound soon.

Jon had also said in 2016 that he has not seen his and Kate's son Collin in about a year and a half and that she does not answer his texts about him. Collin is enrolled in a program away from home. Jon said the boy "seemed fine" to him the last time he saw him, calling him "really smart" and being "incredibly intuitive."

Kate did not comment. She had said that their son has "special needs" and suffers from "educational and social challenges."

Formerly Duped said...

Well, getting more custody of Hannah is something and may pave the way for more time with others of the children. But is it too late for the twins and Collin? This is way too slow for a custody case as far as I know. ~ Administrator said...

I know I keep belaboring this point, but not only could Collin being gone cause damage to the sibling relationships, but the problem now with some kids being just fine with Jon and other estrange could very well cause problems among the siblings. This is unnecessary conflict. She is doing potentially irreparable damage to them. This is the sort of thing that tends to set up adulthoods where you don't speak to one or more siblings. And all because your mother hates your father and created this issue.

F her, she will be long gone and the kids will have decades of their lives still to live, and she has left them with broken relationships among a very unique set of HOMs. At some point, all they will have is each other, is her vile nature so bad she is just fine with them having conflict even after she's gone? Can I speak to the Pope? I want hell back!

Tucker's Mom said...

I've always seen factions being built in the Gosselin clan. There's bound to be a rift between those who see their father and those who don't. How could there not be?
Collin hasn't seen Jon and is God knows where. That relationship is probably royally screwed, barring some miracle.
The twins have zero relationship with their father.
How do siblings relate to one another then?

This is a HUGE issue which isn't like one prefers mayo and their sandwich and the other prefers mustard. That stuff can be reconciled. But one who can't stand the sight of their father and another who loves him dearly and wants a closes relationship?

That's not going to be navigated easily. ~ Administrator said...

I've always seen factions being built in the Gosselin clan. There's bound to be a rift between those who see their father and those who don't. How could there not be?
Collin hasn't seen Jon and is God knows where. That relationship is probably royally screwed, barring some miracle.
The twins have zero relationship with their father.
How do siblings relate to one another then?


I have to agree, how can there not be rifts??

The problem is made even worse by the fact that they had very abnormal childhoods and have experienced exposure to fame. Eventually they will each have to process and deal with their childhoods, and imperative to that is feeling the love and support of the only other 7 people in the world who understand what you've been through. When you whittle that number down to maybe only getting along with 2 or 3 of your siblings or perhaps none at all, you are seriously limiting you support system.

Sad but true said...

Sandylove said... 165
E!News reported that Hannah was the only one with Jon today for his birthday & Easter. I tend to believe this.

I'm asking myself why this is newsworthy, at all. I realize it may be slow over at E! this holiday weekend, but this unfortunately smells like a K8-planted story. She's been out of the news pretty much since last summer, and that must be driving her mad.

Jamesvader1194 said...

@Formerly Duped i at first thought it could be possible that collin could be home but Kate for some reason was told not to post any pictures of him.But i'm starting to doubt that since i don't see why she'd ignore her fans questions of his where abouts.Heck nothing even saying that he at least goes home for the holidays.If its true that jon was able to get more time with Hannah then good.

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm asking myself why this is newsworthy, at all. I realize it may be slow over at E! this holiday weekend, but this unfortunately smells like a K8-planted story. She's been out of the news pretty much since last summer, and that must be driving her mad.
Seconded. ~ Administrator said...

Why isn’t there a spoon in the picture so she can eat the dessert, where’s the napkin and why isn’t there a cup of coffee? We all know how she loves her coffee. Little touches like that would make the picture look less sterile and posed.


After all this time she is incapable of figuring out those little touches that take your social media from meh to wow.

Former Lurker said... ~ Administrator said... 168

...Can I speak to the Pope? I want hell back!


I realize we're discussing a serious subject, but when I got to that line, I burst out laughing. Good one, Admin!

I hope the popes aren't under my sink anymore. I'm afraid to look.

Sad but true said...

Seems like she's taking a page from ol' K8ie's book!

AuntieAnn said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 152

Auntie Ann (#145), c'mon, now, girlfriend DID grow a pepper. She's probably still recovering from the effort.


She did? Just one? Figures.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

AuntieAnn (#177), yes, last Mother's Day she bragged that the kids helped her plant a garden. Then a few weeks later, she posted a picture of a lone pepper. I'm pretty sure those 2 posts were the beginning and the end of her gardening career. If her "helper boy" C had been home, I bet that garden would've flourished.

Gigi Be said...

I have to agree, how can there not be rifts??
It’s a pity that their gestational carrier has never encouraged the kids to get along. She has always pitted them against each other and has always, in her sick way, got off on the chaos she allowed. Whenever my siblings and I fought as children, my parents would always encourage us to always love and respect each other. I don’t think the Gosselin kids have ever heard those words. Kate never bothered to take two minutes out of her day and explain this to them. But she took pleasure in humiliating Collin on camera, when he faught with Hannah. And how are the kids supposed to learn to get along, when Kate can’t even attempt to forgive with her OWN siblings, parents,etc. Anyone who ever got on her bad side, has been kicked to the curb. Sadly, this is the example that the kids have had exposure too. For them, family and friends will always be people who can be disposed.. Aside from the boys, and maybe H and L, I don’t see a lot of close relationships that will last into adulthood. After all, Kate doesn’t give a rats behind about C anymore , so why should they?

capecod said...

I'm going to throw this out there even though it sounds like I'm talking out of my backside. What if Jon got custody of Hannah and they are not allowed to discuss it and the pictures TFW posts of Hannah are on her custody time? If not, then it's nice to see he has more time with her.

Formerly Duped said...

Well, we have 2 inches so far of..snow! It's light and pretty and will melt soon after it stops but one more adieu to winter and launch into spring. The cleanup of yards will be particularly hard this year due to all the broken trees, fences and large branches.

capecodmama said...

Formerly Duped....We have about 2" as well. It looks very pretty. It's not sticking to the roads which is nice.

Former Lurker said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 178

AuntieAnn (#177), yes, last Mother's Day she bragged that the kids helped her plant a garden. Then a few weeks later, she posted a picture of a lone pepper. I'm pretty sure those 2 posts were the beginning and the end of her gardening career. If her "helper boy" C had been home, I bet that garden would've flourished.


Yes, AuntieAnn, in case you missed those fascinating Instagram posts last year, here they are:

May 14, 2017:

kateplusmy8My last Mothers Day request fulfilled! We went down to the barn and planted a vege garden together! It was so much fun digging in chicken poop and getting rained on! If all goes well we will be able to make salsa and eat caprese salad all summer! Yum yum yum 😋 #ThanksBestKidsEver 🌱🌱💦🌿🌿

May 28, 2017:

kateplusmy8The garden is GROWING! 👏🏼This is a hot banana pepper! #OurFirstEverGarden #SoExciting 🥗🥕🍅🌶🥒

AuntieAnn said...

We have about 2" as well. It looks very pretty. It's not sticking to the roads which is nice.


Winter is refusing to say goodbye here, too. We had a white Easter and it was chilly with -8C to -10C temps.

The Weather Network issued a lot of "Severe Weather Alerts" this winter although many didn't materialize. They must be feeling sheepish because now they're issuing "Special Weather Statements" instead. haha

AuntieAnn said...

Former Lurker - I see what you and FF are talking about. A lonely pepper that was probably on the plant when she bought it at the nursery. And that's it? That's all she wrote? Lol. She either has a black thumb or she's just plain lazy. I'll guess it's the latter.

Anonymous said...

Having come from, what appears to be, a wounded family, you'd think she would go all out to make sure she, Jon and the kids have that special bond that, difficult though it might be, even divorce can't break.


Formerly Duped said...

TFW also lied on one episode about having an organic garden already production 'vege.'

willowmom (now Piper's mom) said...

There are two types of people. There are those, who coming from a wounded family, would say, "I never want my children to go through what I did. I want their lives to be so much better than what mine was growing up" and would then proceed to do everything in their power to use their wounds as a "what not to do" in their lives in order to enrich the future of their children.

Then there is the other kind. "My life was unhappy so one else deserves a happy life. That's just the way it is." And they go on repeating history.

Former Lurker said...

Milo's comment on TFW's Nanuq "Easter" pic (nothing about that photo says "Easter"):

miloandjack2016OhMyWord....#ThatTail!! ❤❤ Watch out @kateplusmy8 ...#Jack says..#WoofWoof #Nanuq you sure are lookin' good...May I drop in on your neighborhood? #TheBoyIsInLove. LOL. Can this girl get any more beautiful!! ~ Administrator said...

There are two types of people. There are those, who coming from a wounded family, would say, "I never want my children to go through what I did. I want their lives to be so much better than what mine was growing up" and would then proceed to do everything in their power to use their wounds as a "what not to do" in their lives in order to enrich the future of their children.

Then there is the other kind. "My life was unhappy so one else deserves a happy life. That's just the way it is." And they go on repeating history.


That is hauntingly tragic, and true, and beautiful.

May I add a third category? Those who may have had a good childhood or a bad one, but due to narcissism, don't have any normal desire to put kids first. If the kids happen to come first sometimes it's only because that was what was best for the parent all along. To me, that's Kate.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

TFW's mediocre birthday celebration reminded me of how she insisted "we can never go back." Oh, yes indeed you can, Schmoopy. You can, and you did. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a quiet birthday shared with family and friends. But we know good and well she'd rather be back in the limelight. She chose filming over her son's welfare -- how much more proof do you need?

Just think of her hilarious dramatic dance to "Paparazzi" on DWTS. Oh, woe was she, subject to the glitz and glamour of the celeb lifestyle 24/7!

Tucker's Mom said...

capecod said... 180
I'm going to throw this out there even though it sounds like I'm talking out of my backside. What if Jon got custody of Hannah and they are not allowed to discuss it and the pictures TFW posts of Hannah are on her custody time? If not, then it's nice to see he has more time with her.
April 2, 2018 at 5:53 AM
Very possible that at least Jon's custody of Hannah has increased, maybe 50/50. Would explain why just Hannah for Easter/his birthday.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Gotta love how TFW doesn't even pretend to care about church anymore. Remember the Easter she said they couldn't go because some of the kids were bothered by allergies, so they all had to stay home? Meanwhile, a house full of toddlers with the flu didn't keep her from flying off to L.A. when Jon got offered free hairplugs.

But she sure got her bum in churches alllll across the country when they offered to pass a basket around for her. And to quote TFW herself, "We made our life your business."

Sad but true said...

She's definitely keeping up with comments on her IG; this was posted within the last hour or two:

elizabethstrife Love that fluffy tail!! It’s like your dog is the EXACT opposite of our black Shepherd!! 🐾😍🐾

kateplusmy8@elizabethstrife just looked at your Instagram pics! And you're so right! Same dog, opposite color lol! So cute in either color!!!😍

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#194), has TFW responded to Gladys about her dog Jack? If not, Gladys is gonna be steamed that this woman with the black dog got her attention. A passive-aggressive LOL post is probably on its way:
"Jack sez, what about me? I'm a doggone cute pup 2,as U can see!LOL
#Shokie+Jack#Meant2B#JonIsAWimpyBoy ~ Administrator said...

This is how mature adults/parents who have to split up in the public eye do it.

Former Lurker said...

I wonder how Milo feels about TFW taking the time to look at the IG of someone who commented that she has a black Shepherd who looks like Nanuq, but TFW never commented on the IG post Milo did for her birthday.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

TFW's mediocre birthday celebration reminded me of how she insisted "we can never go back."


But she and the kids sit around watching old episodes, Norma Desmond style. Seems like she really wants to go back to those good old days.

Layla said...

Hannah was the only child with Jon for the Super Bowl, and she was the only one with him for Easter. Sounds to me like he got more custody time with her. As for the others, he may still be on his normal custody, and he didn't have the others those weekends. Either way, they are getting more time together, and that's a good thing. Hopefully the judge actually considered Hannah's wishes this time. As they get older, we may see more of the kids spending increased custody time with Jon. For now, she's the one with a strong enough backbone to fight for what she wanted. Good for her.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Former Lurker (#197), we posted similar comments at the same time!
Gladys never fooled me with her sunny-side-up image. She is plenty nasty when she wants to pull the snotty comments out of the holster. ~ Administrator said...

Hannah was the only child with Jon for the Super Bowl, and she was the only one with him for Easter. Sounds to me like he got more custody time with her.


I think he's clearly spending more time with her, but I wouldn't put it past Kate to never bother to officially change the custody. That's because she would always want the option to snatch her back should that be advantageous to her. And we all called this, the kids are going to get old enough to make their own decisions and some will choose Jon, that's just the reality of it.

Remember Kate's implication there might be something inappropriate about their relationship? I want hell back so bad!!

Former Lurker said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 200
Former Lurker (#197), we posted similar comments at the same time!
Gladys never fooled me with her sunny-side-up image. She is plenty nasty when she wants to pull the snotty comments out of the holster.


FlimsyFlamsy, great minds and all. 😉

I agree with you about Milo. The latest example is how she never left a comment on TFW's Birthday IG post. Milo comments on almost all of TFW's posts. This one was a rather rare post of photos of TFW, (even if all three pics are almost exactly the same). We know how Milo loves to comment on TFW's appearance and she would normally have taken that opportunity to gush about TFW and how great she looks for her age, wish her a Happy Birthday, etc.

But, Milo never commented on the birthday post because she's in a snit that TFW didn't comment on the post Milo did on her own IG for TFW's birthday. She had the pic of her dog "Miss K" and did a little goofy poem devoted to TFW's birthday, even hoped that #BusyWoman #HardToTrackHerDown TFW saw her post. And, yet again, TFW ignored her.

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