Friday, February 9, 2018

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "Cleaning House": In Memory of Golly Gee

I'm so close to finishing all the still outstanding recaps I can taste it! Your next offering is Cleaning House, 42 minutes of the typical yelling and screaming and watching such an incredible amount of excess "stuff" I have a burning desire to just go live in a tiny house and get away from this despicable consumerism.

In all my years following this show, this is one of the few times Kate looks genuinely pretty to me. Her hair is a toned down blond, straight but with some body, her makeup muted, and she's dressed in a cozy grey sweater, albeit it cut a little tight. She looks her age, but not in a bad way. She is capable of looking very classy, pleasant and approachable, but she usually misses the mark by a mile.

Seemingly out of the blue, at least the way the kids seem to paint it, Kate wants them to clean out the entire house and sort out what can go to a yard sale. Only a few kids are around, and most are complaining about this task. Did they get a warning? Were there parameters set up? Because an open-ended project like this would naturally set even the most obedient of children off.

Oh my god the crap these children have! Plastic, plastic, plastic everywhere, four or five of everything. Doll houses, toy guns, books galore. Enough toys to cover a basement floor. It's insanity. I bet none of these toys got played with more than 20 minutes in their lifetime.

Kylie Jenner, I mean Mady, says something somewhat profound for a teenager, in that when you get rid of your old stuff, all you do is just replace it with new stuff. Now your new stuff is your old stuff, and you'll be getting rid of that too soon, so you might as well just hang onto your old stuff. I think she should expand on this idea and write it in an essay. It would make a good senior thesis. I'm serious. Consumerism and excess are one of the biggest black holes of modern life, and it's getting worse by the year. I'm somewhat proud of Mady for noticing at her young age.

Hannah, Alexis and Mady are being the biggest babies of all the kids about this. Whining and whining about how today was supposed to be Shoka's birthday cake, not cleaning the basement, and Kate promised this would be fun and it's not. While it's annoying Kate seems to have sprung this project on them without warning, their unchecked snotty attitudes about it are completely unacceptable, but instead of just laying down the law, Kate in typical fashion engages with them, which just makes the whining worse. They have eight capable people here, if they would all just shush and get down to business even with all the crap everywhere, I bet they could finish up this clean-out in under 60 minutes, maybe less. A project like this would take all day with only two or three kids handling it, so there are some great advantages of having a whole lot of kids in your family when projects like this come along. In many instances, you should be doing way less work than an average sized family, which is a nice perk.

Joel put a bunch of books I guess they're holding onto on a bookshelf, only he stacks them facing out, one on top of the other, instead of vertically so you can see their titles.

This incident is a glimpse at the very mean streak Kate has, and the potential long-term damage it could do to kids. Instead of just asking him nicely to restack the books correctly, she pulls them all out dramatically in a big messy pile, and then condescendingly asks Joel how he sees books stacked in a library and does the way he stacked them look like the library? I'm sure Joel knew exactly what he was doing and was just doing something dumb like kids tend to do, there is no reason to make him feel badly about it. Why not laugh about it, share a giggle between mother and son over a funny brain fart, instead of making him feel badly about himself? Joel's chagrined quiet little, 'I guess you're right,' says everything about how Kate spoke to him made him feel.

There's an incredibly long segment about baking a birthday cake and wrapping presents for Shoka. I don't know why these dogs are so boring to me. I think because we've never seen or heard about them doing anything but standing there being a dog. Also, they make Kate's Instagram even more boring than it already is.

The screaming and arguing these kids are doing, almost always from the girls, is utterly unacceptable and near constant, and Kate does nothing at all to try to stop it. Eventually after what feels like hours Kate intervenes and requires complete silence. Well, sheesh the solution to kids bickering and hollering is not total silence. Good grief. How about, speak to each other with respect and with our inside voices?

Kate tries to show off for the cameras and goes to spontaneously hug Cara as they're just hanging out in the kitchen. Cara, as expected, blows Kate off. Kate, you're not that family.
By the way, everyone should see Lady Bird. I saw it opening weekend and was riveted by the real and raw dialogue. An imperfect daughter and a really imperfect mother navigate the daughter's senior year of high school into going away to college. It's like Boyhood only with girls and mostly unlikable characters. You have to be okay with watching a movie where you really don't much like anyone, but if you can get past that, you will be rewarded.


I've seen all the contenders for best picture this year, and that film deserves its spot in the crowd, though it won't win. Three Billboards should win, but The Shape of Water will win.

In a surprisingly revealing conversation, the children say on the couch that they really don't hug Kate much, maybe just at bedtime. Only Aaden admits perhaps he might hug her if she's going away, or if he's on his way to school. Right, because, no surprise Kate likely doesn't derive much from that kind of tactile and loving touch so she doesn't bother to give it to her children even if they would benefit. It'd be interesting to hear what a child psychologist would say about this, but it seems to me only one hug a day is very much on the low side for the kind of physical touch a child needs, though probably matters more when they're younger. Which begs the question how far back does this one-hug-a-day rationing go? Because if you've got a four-year-old whose only touch from a parent all day is one hug at night, that is very, very concerning. There's been a lot of interesting studies on this, with hugging and positive touching directly linked to a child's normal development. Researchers have found a huge boost to a child's normal development once they get a good 20 minutes a day of hugs, and loving, appropriate touching (like cuddling up together and sharing a book or talking). One hug at bed time is likely not going to cut it.

The kids want to try the dog cake because that's just how kids are. Hehe, the boys love it, and Kate jokes they'll eat anything. It looks like the girls are spitting it out though. Blech.

I'm just about the biggest dog lover on the planet, but this segment is mind-numbing. And what's pretty funny about the whole thing is Shoka is barely in it! He only appears at the end, outside of course, to collect his cake. Where was he this whole time, chained up to the barn? Sadly that's not a joke. I will never understand people who keep "outdoor" dogs. It makes no sense to me. I'd sooner understand an "outdoor" child you never let inside except maybe on special occasions, and even then only in the laundry room or basement. Huh?

Kate spins a tall tale about how she's always loved and looked after animals. Even once nursing baby squirrels back to health with a bottle. Heh, and I got a bridge to sell ya! A true animal or dog lover is unlikely to go dog-less for the years and years she did. I think she got the dogs because it was a good episode idea, TLC was paying, and it helps pad her instagram. More than likely, she screamed her head off and ran away when she saw a nest of baby squirrels. She then says and she's always looking after babies. What does babies have to do with being an animal lover? Sometimes her throw away comments are so telling, in that she's actually equating a human being to something like a squirrel. Point being, babies, even children, I think she processes more like cute objects, or a lesser species, not human beings. This would be typical narcissistic behavior, there is no normal bond with offspring. Oh, they can put on a hell of a good show engaging with their little successors, but there is no "there" there.

Very tellingly, the long segment ends when it's dark out, Kate goes back inside, shuts the front door, and Shoka remains outside to wander around in the dark all by himself on his birthday. I hate her. That is all.

Why does she do this? The same weekend they're sorting out the entire house, Kate planned Many and Cara's birthday party. There is something wrong with her. I think she purposely over schedules herself to cause stress and get attention and sympathy and perhaps even to watch the kids fall into a tailspin. There's no other reason to do something so ridiculous.

The family arrives at Skyzone for the party, which is basically a big indoor trampoline gym. We have these here and I've been there though haven't really participated. These sort of indoor fun zones were just becoming popular when I was a kid, popping up on every corner, and there was an amazing one called Adventure Quest near where I lived that was just awesome. It had everything from cargo nets and tunnels to a zip line. I tried to find it online to see if it's still around, but no such luck. They can be on the expensive side, but they often run deal days or have coupons, and they are simply a blast and also a good safe workout for kids. I think this was a good choice that pleases both ages of the kids.

I find it so interesting to watch these episodes through the lens of Collin is "dead." Here he rolls up to Skyzone separate from the family, Kate explaining he was with a friend that weekend. I find that odd since it seems the kids so rarely go off on their own like that. Weekends are for crowding on the floor in her bedroom I gather. But sure enough there he is with two apparently younger friends, both girls incidentally. The thought crossed my mind ten is probably pushing it to be interested in having sleepovers with girls or for most parents to find it appropriate, so that's interesting. He has a huge smile on his face and immediately runs to Mady and gives her a big bear hug. Nothing about this interaction seems strange or off, he just seems like such a normal kid with normal bonds with a favorite sibling. As I've said a hundred times, the idea he is so disturbed he needs to be banished from the family home for years now is simply impossible to believe. It's getting to the point where I refuse to believe it, and rather firmly believe it's Kate who can't or won't handle him, not Collin himself who can't be handled by the average decent parent. In other words, it's Kate, not him.

Mady and Collin have been favorites of each other since his toddlerhood, and we don't talk enough about how removal of one sibling from the home damages the other siblings left behind. Mady puts on a tough exterior and would likely never admit this, but she is being robbed of her relationship with Collin, the shared experiences and growing-up memories are being actively stolen from her. The damage to her as well could be irreparable.

On a side note, I think it's very interesting, and wonderful, that in California, they have such respect for the nature of sibling relationships that they have even carved out a rare exception to adoption based on sibling bonds. In other words, if one sibling is about to be adopted by a family and another sibling they are bonded with isn't (that second sibling might be living with another family, or perhaps a parent, or is too old to want to be adopted, etc.), the siblings can assert a "sibling exception" and get a judge to deny the adoption on the grounds that it is not in the best interest of the siblings and their close ties. Granted, it is a hard burden to prove, but at least a statement in the law has been made about sibling relationships.

Kate says doing a birthday party at a place like this is not her thing but this is what the twins wanted, and that's why she did it, because she no longer has control over how things will be. They are fourteen years old! It seems to me any kid old enough to speak is old enough to have some say in his birthday party, within reason. It's their party. It's supposed to be about their birthday, not the parents' ego or desires. Yeesh!

Why are Kate and her girls, left boobie and rightie, front and center bouncing away? Go away, it's not your party. Go stand with the other uncool parents and butt out.

Mady says Kate sometimes writes them off as "teenagers" to which Mady explains she's often acting like she is not because she's being a teenager but because Kate is being unfair. I buy that. We've seen Kate do many things to the kids that are fundamentally unfair, and being a teen has nothing to do with the greater point. So, rock on, Mady.

It's annoying the way Kate exaggerates. They had just done the "world's most stressfulist" (the f?) construction on the house. She's clearly never done some real work to a house. All they did was move around some bedrooms, painted some walls and barely did any decorating at all to make a bedroom a bedroom. What a martyr.

This episode is really another disorganized hodgepodge of random stuff. None of these little stories have anything to do with the other, which is lazy writing. The quality of post-production on this series took a massive dive once it became just Kate Plus 8. It really is like they didn't care anymore, and were just making filler to kill time and collect a pay check. Now the family is at a studio, doing a photoshoot. Kate says most families do periodic photoshoots like them. Um, I would venture to say that's not true at all. Many families can't afford periodic photoshoots, at least not real ones. Most photoshoots in a studio as they have done are very expensive. Even doing them at JCPenney isn't the cheapest thing to blow your money on. I would venture to say many families just take photos of the family with their phone and be done with it, which again puts her very out of touch with the real world.

They have an entire rack of clothes set up for different outfit changes, which is a dead giveaway this is a production photoshoot of some kind. Could Kate just be honest and say this is an official TLC (or some other official) photoshoot that's wrapped up in production's overhead, and not something she arranged and paid for? What nerve she has talking about the expensive things she thinks many families do when she likely isn't paying a dime out of pocket for this.

The little Dionnes are pros at this, especially the boys, who just get on with it and get this over with. Why is Kate the only one I can hear directing this whole thing? She has no idea what she's talking about. She's posing them awkwardly and most of the photos are terrible and unoriginal.

Predictably, Kate is starting to lose it and is yelling and snapping at the kids over stupid things. The only thing worse than a boring photoshoot is your mom nagging you on a boring photoshoot. Why is everyone else in the room hidden from camera? We never see even a glimpse of the photographer, and the part where Kate looks at the photos on a computer make it look like she's talking to a ghost when clearly she's talking either to a photographer or editor. The only person on camera has their face blurred. That is so odd, why would the photographers not want to be part of this? I can't even speculate the reasons for this strange situation!

There's some interesting little details to notice in the extraneous filler shots they show while Kate is blah blahing on the couch. In one, one of the boys has what appears to be a gift bag and is holding a large box, which from a distance looks like maybe a Lego set. What was that, the bribe for all this? Also in the background is some chick packing up craft services. Lots of waters and some foil dishes. So, this was clearly not a one- or two-hour event but rather warranted a full meal or at least a big snack. Sigh.

Kate heads to a local radio station to promote the yard sale. Oh that's totally a normal thing to do, go on the radio as a guest to peddle your old crappy junk. Heh. Kate knows the station from when she was on it to promote a 5k she ran in some years back, back when running was still shiny and interested her. Now Running's gone off to the black hole, taken off its tennis shoes and found a seat right between Aunt Jodie and Beth. Get comfortable, Running.

Kate laments that her biggest 1 percent problem is she has so much stuff it's filled her mansion to the brim and now she must get rid of it. Poor thing!

The yard sale money will go to the Animal Rescue League. Kate tells a story that is alarmingly short on details, that Shoka jumped the fence and so ARL found him and kept him overnight, and she didn't worry about him because they were looking after him.

So....many...questions! How did Shoka jump the fence and why? Was he bored, restless? Where was the rest of the family when this happened? Did this happen at night, or why else would they keep him overnight? Do you not bring your damn dog inside at night even, you shrew? And if she didn't worry about him, is she implying she knew ARL had him but she waited until the next day to get him? Next time he's going to get hit by a car before he's "rescued." What is her plan to ensure this never happens again? This story is such insanity for anyone who has even a shred of compassion toward animals.

Nothing happens over the next five minutes except Kate complaining how much she has to do to get ready for this yard sale, which will be an outdoor sale at what looks like a park. Why aren't they doing this at the family home like normal people? They have plenty of space for it. Having it off site just makes everything so much harder. Oh, lord, please do not ever buy or sell old car seats. It's incredibly dangerous and in some circumstances illegal, such if they've ever been in a crash no matter how small. Throw them out. 

Collin, who has proven to be an absolute sweetheart and one of the most likable of all these children, happily stacks books, remarking that he's excited as he's never done a yard sale before. He has a perpetual good sense of humor and positive attitude, in the face of an incredible amount of negativity around him. He is a good kid, and this long absence that is still not over will forever be disturbing to many viewers.

The editors kill some time by showing clips of old Halloween episodes, which they loosely tie into some Halloween decorations they are dumping. Heh, that was a stretch. I often picture these poor editors in their dark editing bays, putting these episodes together and coming up with a run time of maybe 35, 38 minutes .... and saying to themselves, all righty, we've got 6-8 more minutes we've got to come up with somehow, now what?

You can just guess the kind of sound bytes Kate offers about this thing. She felt prepared but unprepared, exhausted but knew she had to go through with it. She should just tape these little soliloquies and play them over and over for anything she is asked to talk about, it's always the same generic drivel.

Kate goes over to the garage sale site so early it's still dark out. Given this is summer in the northeast, that must have been very early. Mercifully, she let the kids stay home and sleep longer with "someone" staying home with them. Someone? I.e. the nanny? Why not just say the nanny? Good grief.

Kate's pissed Cara is selling some sort of magazine or poster Kate got for her last year from England. Imported from England? Geez, that's not spoiled at all. That's such a great example, ask the kids to give up things they still may have some attachment to and do it with a great attitude but when Kate doesn't want to let something go, she is permitted to stomp and hold her breath. Silly double standard. After all this getting up early, there is little organization or order to the tables, it's all just piles of junk. Wonder if any of Jon's old stuff made the cut.

There are a lot of people lined up to buy their piles of junk. The whole family, especially Kate, seems so very impressed and flattered by this turnout, but garage sale people are pretty intense that I've seen, you might find a line like this at any sale of this size, doesn't matter if the family is famous. Tip: call your garage sale an "estate sale" and your turnout will double. Semantics. I've stopped by garage sales if there's one within walking distance in the neighborhood and if I'm not there as soon as it opens, there's likely nothing good left. (That's why I prefer the app OfferUp for second hand stuff I'm interested in. If I want something and the seller commits to selling it to me, we can work out me picking it up any time. I don't have to be there at 7 a.m.)

Just to make things really hard, they also are selling baked goods and other foods too. It's highly unlikely such a thing like this is permitted on this scale without a permit, but Kate is not one to think of anything like that because she's stupid. They also have a grab bag stand, for 2 bucks you get a brown paper bag of most likely crap. Permits and other regulations aside to sell things like this, I do like the way this involves the kids and gets them engaged and excited about this event. It is probably boring for a kid to stand around watching the adults sell off old blenders and party decorations. The kids love it.

"How much for everything?" a young woman asks, who dolled herself up early and big time for her on camera debut. Hair curled and the whole nine yards. She had a line, so I say give that gal a SAG card. Garage sale people. How much for it all is not an uncommon question with that strange lot.

What's the point of post-production blurring some of the info on the yard sale sign? The sale is already over with. Not like you need to protect the location or something. Weird.

I think Kate is right, and I hate saying that, that it's just easier not to price anything. If people want something, have them suggest a fair price and be done with it. Makes it faster and easier. Plus it's for charity, so it's kind of like, whatever you want to give, 20 bucks or whatever, and take a few items you think are fair to take for that. Kate tends to make things overly complicated, so this no-price hassle free sale is out of character.

Twenty-five bucks plus a selfie with Kate, one gentleman offers for the crap he has collected. Mister, that is quite a bargain. Back in the day at speaking engagements those photos were a pretty penny plus you were expected to contribute to the "donation basket" being passed around so the family could keep their electricity on, and you didn't get any garage sale items with it.

You know how when you become a teenager suddenly your parents' jokes sound really stupid and Mom and Dad become just overall embarrassing? That's Kate, only you don't have to be a teenager to find her jokes so dumb and the woman embarrassing. I just want to cover my eyes when I watch her interact with the general public. But, I give her a tiny bit of credit for being upbeat throughout this sale and engaging with each and every buyer as they approach her, trying to have a bit of a conversation with them, at least from what we can tell. She must have been mentally exhausted but she did it.

Kate pats herself on the back again for donating to this dog shelter, plus, helping the needy, she practically says. She is so perched atop her throne, heh. You don't have to be poor to go to a garage sale! Is that what she thinks this demographic is? Some people just like a good bargain. Some people believe in reusing as much as possible before ever buying new. Some people think it's just fun to look through other people's stuff for treasure. I'm all of that and that's why I often buy used things (though as I said, usually through other venues like OfferUp). Some of these people are also here to get on camera, like 5 a.m. hair-curl chick, and quite frankly there's probably a few lookie loos who just want to see Kate and the whole TLC spectacle. Fair enough. There's nothing wrong with shopping at garage sales because you can't afford things otherwise of course and many people do, but for Kate to think that her garage sale is such a wonderful gift she bestowed on the poor and needy of Wernersville is just hilarious, since there is no evidence that's who attended.

I think it's funny that Kate has no idea how she sounds. She was shocked to meet so many good wonderful people at the sale. Who does Kate think usually attends yard sales for pity sake, murderers and rapists? Somebody's gonna turn up missing after this and be found in a shallow grave six weeks later? Sheesh! I'm glad to hear the commoners so impressed her with their decorum and generally clean criminal backgrounds.

"Do you remember me?" a woman says in a kind of creepy way, real quiet-like. "Your girls are beautiful," she goes on to say breathily. I think this woman just has a naturally breathy voice, but it sounds like the beginning of a bad horror movie. It's Kelly, an old coworker. Despite the breathy voice, she seems really sweet. Kelly seems to have a kid there exactly the younger kids' age--huh. And Kate says she lives nearby. Why not get together with this woman? Make friends with her, and the girls can make friends with her daughter. This was a golden opportunity to exchange numbers and rekindle something that would benefit everyone, but Kate being Kate not only doesn't think of it but I don't think even wants to. Kind of sad.

Kate is so unbelievably shocked to run into people she knows at this sale. If she got out more, she would realize that most people run into people they know all the time, especially in smaller towns but even in big ones. In the town I grew up in it would be rare not to see someone you know when you leave the house. In Los Angeles, I see someone I know out and about probably every other week. Even in a city that size.

I'm not sure who Kate is trying to convince here emphasizing how supportive everyone is and how kind to them and how much they love them. Like, I don't expect people to come to your garage sale and be rude and start engaging you in a moral debate over exploiting your children on television. That would just be odd and inappropriate in front of the children. This was a yard sale, not a meet and greet, and I would expect most people to come and buy something and leave like normal polite people. This sampling in no way represents the general public opinion about how these children have grown up, nor does it prove all her neighbors love her and have no issue with her (contrary to various reports especially from back at the house before this one) so I don't know who Kate is trying to fool.

They made just over $1100 for the animal rescue charity. I think that's pretty good for one morning, and it will certainly be a help to a fine charity. Well done, Wernersville.

In memory of Golly Gee, whose thoughtful perspective and steadfast optimism has been a treasured part of this blog. We toast you, Golly. 

1105 sediments (sic) from readers:

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SaraMRN2010 said...

Perhaps she is still trying to keep up with the Carsons. Their daughter Taliah signed to play Lacrosse with Muhlenberg college which is a highly selective, private, four-year liberal arts school. I actually feel sorry for Cara and Mady. Hopefully they can go far away from their mom and have a normal life.

Sad but true said...

Kind of odd to post this on K8's TLC FB page:

We bet Kate and the kids could take an incredible vacation here! #DiscoveryDestinations

Are they alluding to things to come? Watch the Gosselins take another free, extravagant vacay? Yawn.

NJGal51 said...

The school they were visiting is on the list and is a Division II school. ~ Administrator said...

The school they were visiting is on the list and is a Division II school.


Bingo. Unless she's an incredible, incredible lacrosse player (I don't know) she's probably not going to get a scholarship at division 1. So as an alternative, be the best of the best at division 2 and collect your scholarship and possibly transfer to division 1 after a year or two. ~ Administrator said...

Kind of odd to post this on K8's TLC FB page:

We bet Kate and the kids could take an incredible vacation here! #DiscoveryDestinations

Are they alluding to things to come? Watch the Gosselins take another free, extravagant vacay? Yawn.


What in the? Weird! ~ Administrator said...

Perhaps she is still trying to keep up with the Carsons. Their daughter Taliah signed to play Lacrosse with Muhlenberg college which is a highly selective, private, four-year liberal arts school. I actually feel sorry for Cara and Mady. Hopefully they can go far away from their mom and have a normal life.


Well, the good thing about N.C. is Kate can't just whiz down there just like that. And that's a good thing.

Sad but true said... ~ Administrator said... 200

I checked out the link. Who knew Discovery is also in the Hotel & Resort business? With many properties in the Middle East. Maybe they're going to use their TV "properties" to help advertise these places?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

If this trip is being filmed, you can bet your bottom dollar TFW will make the while thing ALL ABOUT HER. MY girls are going to college! I raised them all alone! I made so many sacrificies! Me, me, me! Poke, dab, repeat!

Can you imagine TFW listening to an adult on a college tour? Like she admitted about the dog breeder, she'd only hear "blah blah blah." ~ Administrator said... ~ Administrator said... 200

I checked out the link. Who knew Discovery is also in the Hotel & Resort business? With many properties in the Middle East. Maybe they're going to use their TV "properties" to help advertise these places?


Is this just some kind of ad they got paid 100 bucks for? Really strange. And like their average viewer would ever go to a resort in New Mexico. They do know who their average viewer is, right?

NJGal51 said...

Kind of odd to post this on K8's TLC FB page:

We bet Kate and the kids could take an incredible vacation here! #DiscoveryDestinations
Are they alluding to things to come? Watch the Gosselins take another free, extravagant vacay? Yawn.
High school graduation present for the twins?

I love New Mexico and we go there at least twice a year. My husband went to NMSU (Las Cruces) and we still have very close friends there. You can also get a product called Mimosa from one of the local wineries. It’s a mimosa in a bottle and it is delicious - just open and enjoy!

Layla said...

I'm sure Mady and Cara toured other colleges besides the one we're hearing about. Interesting that it's in North Carolina. That's where Kate and Jon looked at properties before they bought their current house. They vacationed there many times, including last summer. I would not be surprised if Kate decided to move there at some point. She always said she wanted to live in a warmer climate, and we know she loves the beach and deep sea fishing. NC is on the ocean, PA is not. And yes, Figure 8 Films is there. Maybe she thinks that, if she lives closer, it will cut down on production costs and she can film more. Or even take a permanent job as a producer for them.

Sad but true said...

Layla said... 13

I confess I am LOL-ing at the thought of K8 working as a producer for Figure 8. That might involve work---horrors!

Layla said...

Sad but true (14)

You're right about Kate doing actual work. They might want her to work more than a few days a year! Oh, horrors! But she's also looking at the reality of only having 5 kids in the near future. Who wants to watch Kate Plus 5? Anyone? Anyone?

I'm wondering whether Cara is going for a Lacrosse scholarship. Didn't someone say that she's a straight-A student and wants to be a doctor? She might be able to get an academic scholarship. I have raised a gang of Lacrosse fiends, and I can tell you that they have to live and breathe the sport in order to make the cut in college. If Cara still wants to be a doctor, she is probably better off skipping sports and focusing on her studies. ~ Administrator said...

The company does not offer an HMO. In fact, in this area HMOs are not offered very often any more. Years ago, we did have one with his company, but the company stopped offering the HMO. The other plans are cheaper for the company and really, they only care about their bottom line, not the employees.


Has he considered trying to work for a company that cares as much about their employees as their bottom line? There are many out there. I work for one of them.

Former Lurker said...

I have a feeling this little college tour is being filmed. The girls might not even be interested in that school, but are there because someone at Figure 8 has connections there and was able to get filming approved and coordinated. They really have no other ideas for episodes at this point, so I can see them making a whole episode out of a college tour.

Where are the other kids? TFW wouldn't be able to drag along five other kids on a college tour. But, I could see TLC making an episode out of this and planning and filming some activity for the younger kids while M & C are doing the college tour.

Also, TFW rarely does anything without TLC planning it and making all the arrangements for her. I don't think she flew down there alone with the girls and left the other kids home with a "sitter". I just have a feeling this is all an episode. It also fits in with her recent comments about the girls going off to college soon. It's really not soon, more like a year and a half away. But, she was probably saying that because this episode was in the works.

I hope I'm wrong.

Tucker's Mom said...

I wonder how all those PA folks feel, who contributed to their PA State college fund started by the governor.

I also think there's a good chance TLC is filming the college visit. The NC connection and a little-well-known schools is just to much of a coinkydink.

Sad but true said...

Former Lurker said... 17

I agree, it seems like it would be logical to film this (after all, what's left?), but the girl who was stalking them didn't mention a crew, which you'd think she would have. It's not like you'd be able to miss them. I do wonder if Mr. Blue Shirt is there guarding bodies, with or without a film crew.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I'd predicted TFW would try to pitch a west coast trip for college tours to TLC, just to score herself some time in California. Who knows -- that could be happening next. You can't expect an exausted, overworked single mom to entertain her own 7 kids during spring break, can you? ~ Administrator said...

I have a feeling this little college tour is being filmed. The girls might not even be interested in that school, but are there because someone at Figure 8 has connections there and was able to get filming approved and coordinated. They really have no other ideas for episodes at this point, so I can see them making a whole episode out of a college tour.


I hope they're not filming it. I can't imagine the embarrassment and distraction of filming my college tours. Good god. You need all your wits about you, and need time and space to do some thinking and ask the right questions. This isn't a game. This is one of the biggest decisions a kid will make in their life.

Anonymous said...

I would be shocked if this college tour was not filmed. As some have said, Kate does nothing without TLC paying her, providing transportation, lodging, meals etc. I'm sure she thinks TLC will continue to film her when she visits her twins when they are in college. She has made it clear she expects this money train to just keep going. So hard to believe that anyone wants to see this on TLC.


NJGal51 said...

If it’s being filmed let’s put college tour in quotes. If the “college tour” is being filmed they will be treated like royalty and in no way, shape or form will it be anything that mere mortals experience. Remember space camp and the fucketybillion other things that were shut down so the TFW could film. She does not mingle with the unwashed masses.

AuntieAnn said...

Sad but true said... 14

I confess I am LOL-ing at the thought of K8 working as a producer for Figure 8. That might involve work---horrors!


I kind of doubt she'll put Coupon Cabin down as a reference on her resume, either, if she's job hunting. It's a given she won't get a ringing endorsement from Scott. I mean it's one thing to get a pink slip but when a employer fires you and puts a note on the internet giving the reason(s) why you got canned....ouch.

She's not really employee material. She'd find it awfully difficult to work under someone after having been a 'celebrity' with so many people busting their hineys working for her. Poor Schmoops painted herself into a corner.

ncgirl said...

I'm from NC and have never heard of this college. It must be private and exclusive, jut up Kate's alley. I agree there must be a Figure 8 connection. Duke and NC are probably the most well-known colleges here, and the basketball rivalry is big. The college is near Charlotte, which is a couple of hours from the mountains. It takes longer to get to the ocean. Charlotte is one of NC's largest cities. ~ Administrator said...

I'm from NC and have never heard of this college. It must be private and exclusive, jut up Kate's alley


So many of such places are just glorified match making services for trust fund babies whose parents couldn’t manage to buy their kid a spot at Harvard. A place like this is unlikely to do them any favors.

Former Lurker said...

AuntieAnn said... 24

I kind of doubt she'll put Coupon Cabin down as a reference on her resume, either, if she's job hunting. It's a given she won't get a ringing endorsement from Scott. I mean it's one thing to get a pink slip but when a employer fires you and puts a note on the internet giving the reason(s) why you got canned....ouch.


It's still on their website:

Posted Oct. 19, 2012

Kate Gosselin and CouponCabin

To all our Kate blog readers:

Some nine-plus years ago, I started CouponCabin with the thought of creating a single website that had all the best coupons… no gimmicks, no fluff, just a site that was easy to use and that had great deals. Along the way, we’ve helped our users collectively save hundreds of millions of dollars.

A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago, and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin.

It’s with this that I am writing to inform you of our decision to discontinue Ms. Gosselin’s feature blog on Ms. Gosselin’s contributions garnered both positive attention and criticism, but as always, I respect and appreciate your candid opinions, which often encourage us not to lose sight of our mission — to help YOU save money.

We wish Kate, her family and her support staff all the best.

Scott Kluth

Founder and CEO of ~ Administrator said...

It's still on their website


Lol they’re not letting this go this time.

Sad but true said...

"her support staff" = Skeve! There was no one else around (besides the not-a-nanny) by that point. That was one well-aimed shot, LOL.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#29), I think the "support staff" comment was also a zinger to bust her phony persona of struggling single mom who needs to coupon. Heifer, please.

Layla said...

I am still doubtful about this being filmed. Nobody has reported seeing a film crew, and that would be hard to miss on a college campus. They must have gone to more than one school, yet there's no mention of them anywhere. Of course, there could be minimum filming and this could be yet another "looking back" episode. But you'd think someone would have noticed the film crew and mentioned it on social media. Plus, having a film crew on campus could be disruptive. I don't know if any college would approve it. A Julia Roberts movie (Sleeping With the Enemy)was partially filmed at my college, and they had to film during the summer so it wouldn't disrupt campus life.

The twins are juniors now. They are going to go on college tours and start narrowing down their choices. Kate has always been adamant that the kids will go to college, so she has to go along with it. The family has vacationed in NC many ties, so maybe the girls decided they liked it there. Cara has said she wants to go to college far from home. Kate would like the warmer climate and proximity to the ocean and to Figure 8. Mady has said she's not much into school, and this place has a 97% acceptance rate. It's a win-win.

The twins

NJGal51 said...

97% acceptance rate? Wow! I guess if you can pay the private college rates you can get in. ~ Administrator said...

97% acceptance rate? Wow! I guess if you can pay the private college rates you can get in.


Ouuuuch, that is not a number to brag about. Like you said, if mommy and daddy can pay, you're getting in.

Girls, don't go to this school.....

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I can't help but wonder if M and C even know what they truly want in a school, or for their futures in general. They, like their 6 siblings, have just existed as satellites revolving around Planet Schmoopy. Narcissists generally don't leave much oxygen in the room for other people.

Between more than a decade of filming, and filling in as Mommy's support system since their father was kicked to the curb, when have M and C had the opportunity to get their bearings with their hearts' true desires? When M described her father as "toxic," that was all the proof I needed that she and her sister have been good and well brainwashed. ~ Administrator said...

I can't help but wonder if M and C even know what they truly want in a school, or for their futures in general. They, like their 6 siblings, have just existed as satellites revolving around Planet Schmoopy. Narcissists generally don't leave much oxygen in the room for other people.


I think you're spot on, given their upbringing and bubble, it's unlikely the girls really have any sense of what they want or need out of a school, and Kate being Kate is not going to be any good at figuring that out.

It is concerning to see them showing interest in a school that is going to continue to surround them with rich kids in isolation from the real world. Ideally for kids who have had an isolated childhood for whatever reason, be it fame or money or whatever, a school that is going to expose them to a wide variety of kids, ideas, professors, incomes, etc., is usually the best thing they could ever do for themselves.

You're just not going to get that at this "tack-on" to their upper-crust high school.

Layla said...

I have to say, I think this college would be better for M&C than going to Penn State Berks, which is right by their house. You know that if Kate could convince them to go there (and therefore be available for filming), she would be all about that. Going away for college anywhere is better than being at home and under Kate's thumb. ~ Administrator said...

I have to say, I think this college would be better for M&C than going to Penn State Berks


Goodness no, they shouldn’t even consider the satellite campuses. Many don’t even have dorms. The only academically competitive campus is university park. It’s far enough away Kate won’t bother.

Tucker's Mom said...

I really hope for the twins' sakes that TLC isn't filming. First, we all know how Kate ramps up the drama for the camera and sucks the oxygen out of the room.
Second, the girls don't need to be seen as some douchy D-list celebrities with inflated egos. It wouldn't give them the fresh start they need.

Tucker's Mom said...

97% acceptance rate= we welcome you if you have an IQ above room temperature and your Mommy and Daddy are rich. ~ Administrator said...

97% acceptance rate= we welcome you if you have an IQ above room temperature and your Mommy and Daddy are rich.


I feel bad for the 3 percent who aren't accepted! LOL.

I've never heard of a school with that kind of acceptance rate. That means they are only getting as much applications as they have spots, lol. They probably slightly overbook it by putting some on the waitlist and then those are the ones who ultimately don't get accepted if they end up overbooked that year.

Is it invite only or something?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#38), something you said about the twins jumped out at me -- that they wouldn't be able to get a "fresh start." It makes my blood boil that these young women even have that battle to fight. That their mother not only didn't try to protect them from that issue, but outright contributed to it. The first time TFW knew there were people calling her daughter -- who was a CHILD, for heaven's sake, -- a "b****," she should've sent those cameras packing, and figured out another way to pay her bills. ~ Administrator said...

Second, the girls don't need to be seen as some douchy D-list celebrities with inflated egos. It wouldn't give them the fresh start they need.


They do need that fresh start and if possible, to be around people who have no idea who they are. I'm pretty confident many kids won't.

Sad but true said... ~ Administrator said... 42

They do need that fresh start and if possible, to be around people who have no idea who they are. I'm pretty confident many kids won't.

Eh, I dunno. I can totally see Mady trying to trade on her D-listedness. Cara, not so much. That's why I'm hoping they choose different schools. ~ Administrator said...

Eh, I dunno. I can totally see Mady trying to trade on her D-listedness


Oh yeah. Well I wanna see what happens with social media when they're 18. I think at least Mady will open it up. She won't be able to resist getting all those followers.

But, that's exactly why Mady needs to be around people who don't know, and/or don't care, who she is.

foxy said...

Off topic....we in the New England area are looking for the 3rd nor'easter in just 2 weeks starting tomorrow night and all day Tuesday. We are looking at 6" to 18" depending on where in a 20 miles radius you are located. A lot of us were without power from 4 tom 6 days. That darned rodent in PA.

Former Lurker said...

Sad but true said... 43

Eh, I dunno. I can totally see Mady trying to trade on her D-listedness. Cara, not so much. That's why I'm hoping they choose different schools.


I was going to make a similar comment about Mady. From what I've seen and read, she likes the attention. That's why I can see her loving a small school like this one in NC. I think she would very much rather be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond.

It's sad that not only did decisions by TFW, (and Jon in the earlier years), steal their childhood, these kids are never even going to be able to have a normal college experience. Reality TV sucks.

Former Lurker said... ~ Administrator said... 44

But, that's exactly why Mady needs to be around people who don't know, and/or don't care, who she is.


Unfortunately, I think Mady would never want that. Like her mother, she enjoys being a little "star". She'll probably try to milk it for all it's worth once she's off on her own.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I think it's inevitable that some kids will gravitate towards M and C because they were on a TV show, and some kids will ignore them for the same reason. I sincerely hope they will each find friends who respect and value them just for themselves.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

foxy (#45), yikes, that sounds grim. I hope this 3rd one isn't as bad.

About the "rodent" in first I thought you were talking about that shrew TFW, but then I realized you meant the groundhog! Of course you wouldn't blame the storms on TFW. They're actually Jon's fault.

foxy said...

Flimsy 49...Yes, it is Jon's fault that we are getting all these storms. I forgot there are two resident rodents in PA. One is cute, the other not so much.

capecodmama said...

foxy....We haven't had much snow this winter but we're in the possibly 18" range for this one with with high wind gusts again. I'm so over these nor'easters. March definitely came in like a lion but I hope it hurries up and goes out like a lamb. Hope you and Formerly Duped stay safe.

Formerly Duped said...

Same to you capecodmama and foxy and any others...we too are in the 18 inch zone. The last storm was bad as far as tree damage- many trees lost in our neighborhood plus dangerously large limbs down in our yards, fences broken. But some unfortunate people are STILL without power from Storm Quinn. We haven't even cleared all the cement-like snow out of the sides of the driveway. Kids here are getting many snow days!
Spring clean-up is going to be a huge undertaking. #morefun

Konspiracytheory said...

Fact check on statements made in this thread:

Belmont Abbey College tuition alone = $18,500 (very reasonable, by today's standard), not $37,000

Belmont Abbey College is Benedictine, not Jesuit (not all Catholic schools are Jesuit)

Acceptance rate = 69%, not 97% (lol)

Sad but true said...

Konspiracytheory said... 53

It's $18,500 per semester, so $37K per year.

Sad but true said...

Apologies, the $18.5K IS for a full year. My mistake.

Layla said...

Konspiracytheory (53)
Belmont Abbey College's Bing search page says:
#8 Regional College South (2018)
Acceptance Rate 97% (2016-2017)
Tuition $18,500 (2017)
Enrollment 1,523 (2017)
Undergraduates 1,523 (2017)
Founded 1876

So, yeah-- it does say 97% acceptance.

Layla said...

Konspiracytheory (53)
Who said Belmont is Jesuit? The comment here was that it is a private Catholic school, and it is. Remember, both Jesuit and Benedictine schools are Catholic. Want to have some fun? Tyoe Belmont Abbey College acceptance rate into your favorite search engine, and see what pops up. 97%! Isn't that fun? LOL!

Konspiracytheory said...

@Layla: Princeton Review states 69%, as do other sites. Who said it was a Jesuit school? Admin did:

"I doubt such a school is suited for what those girls really need. They need to go to a substantial school with name recognition with normal middle class kids where they can get lost in the crowd and nobody cares who they are (enter PSU again). And they should probably give serious consideration to going to different schools. They will just be around other snooty rich kids at some jesuit liberal arts school and learn nothing of how the real world works, but then, I'm guessing that's exactly what Kate wants. She's thinking about that future trust fund baby son-in-law."

ncgirl said...

I just hope Kate and the twins don't think it's warm in NC all year. We have a dusting in Eastern NC with 34 degree temps. This is very rare. We did get a blizzard in March 1980.

Layla said...


Here is a fun quote from a site that tracks selectivity of schools: "Generally, Belmont Abbey College is known for being a non selective school. " Ouch!

Funny, but I researched the college one of my sons attends on Princeton Review. and they reported the tuition as almost 3 times what it really is! And according to them, the average HS GPA for students accepted to his college(4.26) is higher than those of students accepted at Harvard (4.18), Princeton (3.89), or Stanford (3.95) (others like Yale, Georgetown, etc. didn't have HS GPS listed). I think they may make a few mistakes.

Layla said...

OT, but I just saw that Lynda Carter (the original Wonder Woman) is speaking up about her #metoo experiences. She's a local lady now (yes, she lives in Maryland!), and she is very well-respected and admired in DC circles. Some of the #metoo accusations were getting out of hand and maybe detracting from the purpose of the movement. Lynda has largely moved on from her Hollywood past and doesn't have anything to gain by speaking up now. She also said she believes all of Bill Cosby's accusers. Good for her. ~ Administrator said...

Splitting hairs. Jesuit is used colloquially all the time to mean catholic. Ok fine it’s just ”catholic” not Jesuit, I committed the cardinal sin of mislabeling the jesuits. Who cares? If you’re going to scold over something so petty make sure you use conditioner first. ~ Administrator said...

Numbers can be fudged in various ways. It wouldn’t surprise me if some of the low ranked schools do so, to try to make their stats seem better than what Princeton review compiles.

Sad but true said... ~ Administrator said... 60

Bottom line, after all the evangelical emphasis early on in this show, it's quite odd to see a such a small, private Catholic school in the potential college line-up. Among the comments I have read is that a substantial portion of the very small student body is coming from private schools, and maybe that's what's got K8's attention. I don't for an instant believe that the twins (or any of the kids) are going to have much say in where they actually end up. I don't really believe they will have enough trust money to pick and choose. ~ Administrator said...

Bottom line, after all the evangelical emphasis early on in this show, it's quite odd to see a such a small, private Catholic school in the potential college line-up.


Agree, that's the point. The evangelical sect that she claimed to be apart of would never dare DREAM of sending their kid to a school like this one. You just don't do this. Which just proves the greater point that she has no idea what her religion is even about nor cares. At least she's dropped the act, in that she doesn't really mention church or God hardly ever anymore. If she's atheist or agnostic now, it's fine, lots of people feel different about religion as life goes on, but just admit it. ~ Administrator said...


This is laughable. Anyone who knows anything about Catholicism knows that Catholic and Jesuit are far from interchangeable. There is a long history of Jesuits being the liberal 'bad boys' of Catholicism - many Catholics have no use for them, and frankly would be offended by your glibly equating the two words. It's interesting stuff, for anyone who cares to go into it without preconceived notions and biases.


It’s a blog not a theology course. Will you chill out? I interchanged Catholics and Jesuits, I meant to say Catholics. All jesuits are Catholics, all Catholics are not jesuits. Human error. Nothing about Catholicism interests me to research further.

Former Lurker said...

A comment posted today on TFW's last IG pic (the Mak photo):

cathy_yazHope you are voting for Connor Lamb tomorrow!!!


That's a fan hoping TFW votes for the Democrat in tomorrow's special election in PA Congressional District 18. I'm not in PA, but I have been following that special election a bit. It's in western PA, the Pittsburgh area. TFW is nowhere near that area. Isn't she all the way across the state, over to the east? ~ Administrator said... ~ Administrator said... 61
Numbers can be fudged in various ways. It wouldn’t surprise me if some of the low ranked schools do so, to try to make their stats seem better than what Princeton review compiles.
Princeton Review says 69% acceptance rate. Why are you so hell bent on ripping this college apart?


Hell bent on ripping what apart? I call it as I see it, a stupid, ignorant and selfish decision on Kate's part to even consider such a school. Even 69 percent by the way is a very, very generous acceptance rate and doesn't say much for the school. Any halfway decent school should be hovering a minimum of 50%, which is where PSU is, and edging down further the better the school.

Why are you so hell bent on this school being even remotely close to what these kids need? Literally their only hope is college. It's a big deal. ~ Administrator said...

Here's another stat from US News and World report:

38% four year graduation rate. That is TERRIBLE. Come on, would you send your kid there? This literally sounds like a stop over for a rich Catholic kid to check the box he did the college thing to make the parents happy he at least tried, then drop out and live off the trust fund.

They also take very LOW SAT scores, with the average hovering just around the 50 percentile or around 1000.....we are back to the traditional 1600 SAT score btw, when did that happen? In contrast, PSU requires you to be at least around 1280 and that's just an average joe state school.

I can't find the stats from the college directly, but some outlets ARE reporting their acceptance rate is 97 percent including US News and World report. Depends on what source you believe. Interestingly enough it's hard to find any stats directly from the source. What's your employment rate, Belmont? How any kids are getting JOBS?

Tucker's Mom said...

Why are you so hell bent on this school being even remotely close to what these kids need? Literally their only hope is college. It's a big deal.

March 12, 2018 at 10:29 PM
It's a huge deal and if this college is any indication, the twins/Kate have the bar set very low, as in, I hope this is their "fall back" choice.

But, I don't think it is. I've never sensed Kate being the type of parent who pushes her kids (in the best way possible-many parents manage to do this) to excel in school and set their sights high when it comes to school choices which lead to successful careers and job opportunities.

You know Kate would get her kids into a pedestrian college and brag 'til the cows come home and SHE successfully survived getting her kids into college and wow, what a big accomplishment of HERS.

Tucker's Mom said...

That's a fan hoping TFW votes for the Democrat in tomorrow's special election in PA Congressional District 18. I'm not in PA, but I have been following that special election a bit. It's in western PA, the Pittsburgh area. TFW is nowhere near that area. Isn't she all the way across the state, over to the east?
She's east of, not all the way east. Even if Kate lived smack dab in the middle of where the special election is taking place, she'd be clueless.
I highly doubt she's ever voted, from dog catcher to President.

Tucker's Mom said...

It’s a blog not a theology course. Will you chill out? I interchanged Catholics and Jesuits, I meant to say Catholics. All jesuits are Catholics, all Catholics are not jesuits. Human error. Nothing about Catholicism interests me to research further.

You know a lot more than most!
Jesuits are near and dear to the hearts of many Catholics.

Tucker's Mom said...

ncgirl said... 59
I just hope Kate and the twins don't think it's warm in NC all year. We have a dusting in Eastern NC with 34 degree temps. This is very rare. We did get a blizzard in March 1980.

March 12, 2018 at 4:26 PM
N.C. probably got more snow than we have farther north this winter!
I'm betting that at least Mady will mimic Kate's propensity to whine about climate.

Tucker's Mom said...

How much more snow did our Northern friends get yesterday?
We have more wind today and the usual cold snap which delays peak bloom of the Cherry Blossoms.

Formerly Duped said...

Eeeek, we are getting about 18+ inches.Blizzard Skylar. We had to buy a new pump since one burnt out overnight- more flooding. It's snowing and blowing but really kind of pretty although inconvenient. I say this since we have not lost tune mat change! Hope everyone is doing ok!

Tucker's Mom said...

Formerly Duped said... 75
Eeeek, we are getting about 18+ inches.Blizzard Skylar. We had to buy a new pump since one burnt out overnight- more flooding. It's snowing and blowing but really kind of pretty although inconvenient. I say this since we have not lost tune mat change! Hope everyone is doing ok!

March 13, 2018 at 9:00 AM
Wow, stay safe and I hope the lights stay on!

Layla said...

Admin (69)
Belmont proudly declares that almost 60% of recent graduates are already employed/newly employed/deciding on offers/heading to graduate school. NEARLY 60%? That's not a statistic I would brag about. Look, we all know that some high schoolers are just not very competitive, and can't be very selective when it comes to college. But this place sounds like a complete waste of money and time. They're better off going to community college and learning a trade--at least they'd have a skill. But I agree that getting away from their mother is the best thing for them, so if this school does the trick, then maybe it's worth it.

Kate has to be freaked out at this reminder of how little time she has left with the twins. in 18 months they will already be gone. In 7 months they will be legal adults. I wonder if she thinks they'll be home filming every summer once they leave for college. She might have a big wake-up call there. I know once my kids were off to college, they wanted to go places, travel, visit their school friends, maybe stay at school and take some summer classes. Hanging out at home with Mom and the siblings just doesn't have the same appeal to them once they have flown the nest. One of my sons' (the ones who are in college right now) friends has a summer house (his parents do, that is) right on the ocean, and they spend a lot of time there. Sun, sand, girls, parties--we're lucky to get a few visits during the summer. We want our kids to enjoy themselves, but I don't think that will be Kate's priority.

Dmasy said...

All of you in the path of fierce weather -- please stay safe. I hope you keep electricity, have plenty of bread and milk and don't have any emergency reason to leave your home.

I am sitting in Texas sunshine and only have the memories of ice and snow and bitter cold wind.

Keep chanting -- Spring will come soon.

AuntieAnn said...

Kate has to be freaked out at this reminder of how little time she has left with the twins. in 18 months they will already be gone. In 7 months they will be legal adults.


That means she'll be down to five, count em five, money bags left to support her and her furry kids. Will that be enough? I doubt it. She'd better come up with a new plan. Kicking God to the curb was probably not a good idea.

Former Lurker said...

We all know that TFW is probably clueless and not much help to M & C as far as the college application process. But, at least their high school provides guidance:

College Counseling

Lancaster Country Day School’s college advisors work to help students identify colleges and universities that are best suited for their talents, interests, aspirations, and needs. The advisors are actively involved in many facets of the application process and provide support for both students and parents.

The college advising process actually begins well before the application process does. The college counselors meet with parents of Middle School students in informal sessions, book review discussions, and course selection programs. Students become involved as they choose courses and encounter other topics of interest such as specific schools, college visits, or testing. Freshmen use Naviance and other tools as they proceed through a process of self-discovery and study skill development; sophomores use similar resources to explore careers and participate in Intern Day.

The college counseling process naturally becomes more focused in the junior year. Student surveys, information from parents, and family conferences identify goals, interests, and strengths. Students are encouraged to visit colleges during the spring and summer months. Most students register to take SAT and ACT tests in the junior year as well. During the summer these rising seniors complete the Common Application as practice for filling out actual applications in the fall of their senior year.

In the senior year the process continues with frequent meetings between students and college advisors. Advisors and Upper School teachers write letters of recommendation and offer suggestions for revision of application essays. Guidance is extensive and thorough. With such concerted efforts, it is no wonder that one hundred percent of Lancaster Country Day School graduates go on to four-year colleges and universities, including some of the most selective ones in the country.


They also have a whole section under the College Counseling part of the website with a "Planning Timeline" for juniors and seniors. It's a month by month schedule from August through June listing all the steps juniors and seniors should be taking in the college preparation and application process.

Former Lurker said...

This is interesting. In the "College Counseling" section, they have a page on College Rep Visits:

College Rep Visits

Every fall many college representatives visit LCDS. Interested juniors and seniors should visit with the reps to learn more about their colleges.


There's a calendar with the dates that all the different schools will be visiting their school. The dates run from September 6, 2017 through March 28, 2018. There are 71 colleges and universities listed and Belmont Abbey College is not one of them, so how in the world did they find this tiny Catholic college in NC?

Here's the list:

Ursinus College
Drexel University
Florida Southern College
Elmira College
High Point University
Roanoke College
Elizabethtown College
Widener University
Washington College
Muhlenberg College
The New School
PA College of Health Sciences
Middlebury College
Albright College
Northeastern University
University of Richmond
Monmouth University
Lebanon Valley College
Alvernia University
Skidmore College
Washington and Lee University
Lafayette College
University of Dayton
Hamilton College
Vanderbilt University
Eckerd College
Cabrini University
Drew University
Goucher College
The George Washington University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Duquesne University
Duke University
Eastern Mennonite University
Elon University
Messiah College
Bucknell University
Boston University
Gettysburg College
Moravian College
Wilkes University
Juniata College
Randolph-Macon College
Colby College
Sewanee: The University of the South
Allegheny College
University of Delaware
Dickinson College
Susquehanna University
Barnard College
Wagner College
Georgetown University
Princeton University
Penn State University
Franklin & Marshall College
Union College
Ithaca College
American University
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Lehigh University
Stevenson University
University of New Haven
Mount St. Mary's University
University of Pittsburgh
University of New Hampshire
Swarthmore College
Tyler School of Art, Temple University
West Chester University
Pennsylvania College of Art & Design
Ohio Wesleyan University

Layla said...

I wonder how Kate thinks the show will go down if M&C go away for college. Cara is not a major character, but Mady is. She has a lot more personality than any of the tups, and you have to admit, sometimes she's hilarious. Maybe Kate thinks Mady's absence will put more focus on her--right where she likes it--but she may not realize that she is just not a likeable character. She's not funny or witty or even particularly interesting. Her meltdowns get old, and all her whining about having to do it all herself will sound even more ridiculous when there's only 5 kids and they are getting to be more and more self-sufficient.

This could be why TLC is talking about only doing limited runs. The ratings are already low, and without 3 of the kids, there's even less to hold the viewer's interest. If they start to phase it out now, they can get away with maybe doing occasional catch-ups. In fact, I think they started phasing it out a couple years ago, but didn't mention it at the time.

Former Lurker said...

They also have a link to a list of all the colleges and universities that members of the 2017 graduating class enrolled in, along with a list of the schools that accepted them. Again, Belmont Abbey College is not on the list.

Class of 2017 Enrollments and Acceptances:

Former Lurker said...

There's even a list of all the colleges and universities that accepted their graduates in the last five years (2013 - 2017).

5 Year List of Colleges That Accepted LCDS Students:


Again, no Belmont Abbey College. There's a Belmont University, but that's a small Christian liberal arts college in Nashville, TN.

So, if not one student was accepted by Belmont Abbey College in the last five years, it's safe to assume that none even applied there in the last five years. It's very curious how M & C even heard of this school. I hope I'm wrong, but it's looking more and more like Figure 8 found this school for TFW and made an episode out of it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Jon is included in the support application process for parents.

bm ~ Administrator said...

I wonder if Jon is included in the support application process for parents.



Not on the federal FAFSA, but private colleges can require Kate to report every penny Jon makes and factor in that he would pay a portion of her college. That's where I got dinged, because FAFSA spit out a number my parents "should" pay that was not something they were going to pay for various reasons (couldn't pay it and believed kids should pay for their own tuition), But, that means you get less aid, so that sucks.

Another reason to avoid the private schools, because Jon's income could hamper their aid. They're going to be dinged enough for Kate's income. At public school it's like Jon doesn't exist, which is exactly what Kate has ever hoped for.

NJGal51 said...

Anonymous said... 85
I wonder if Jon is included in the support application process for parents.
I would say he’s not included in the process because if you play all the Kate Plus 8 episodes backward you will hear “Jon is dead”... ~ Administrator said...

5 Year List of Colleges That Accepted LCDS Students:


There are some impressive names on the list, like Columbia, Cornell, and Brown. I don't see the point in shelling out tens of thousands if you're just going to go to a non-competitive college you could get into blindfolded. If you're going to end up at Belmont, just go to public school. But in any case, you can get into Columbia, Cornell and Brown directly from public school anyway, kids in my class got into all three of those. ~ Administrator said...

So, if not one student was accepted by Belmont Abbey College in the last five years, it's safe to assume that none even applied there in the last five years. It's very curious how M & C even heard of this school.


Another HUGE clue this idea came from production. Nine times out of ten kids are applying to colleges at least one or two friends are also applying to. Kids like to have a buddy in this process and even better to know a few people when you arrive.

In fact, I found my college because my best friend was applying there and obsessed with it! Couldn't stop talking about it, I looked at it and liked it, so there I was as a tag along applying too. She got in, but ultimately decided not to go, lol! She played rugby and was able to get on the team at RPI and off she went elsewhere. ~ Administrator said...

I wonder how Kate thinks the show will go down if M&C go away for college. Cara is not a major character, but Mady is. She has a lot more personality than any of the tups, and you have to admit, sometimes she's hilarious. Maybe Kate thinks Mady's absence will put more focus on her--right where she likes it--but she may not realize that she is just not a likeable character. She's not funny or witty or even particularly interesting.


I'm just curious as a raccoon what will happen to Mady's social media at age 18. And also, I wonder if she will try to push for some kind of spinoff about her. ~ Administrator said...

There are 71 colleges and universities listed and Belmont Abbey College is not one of them, so how in the world did they find this tiny Catholic college in NC?


We all know what's going on here. You don't find this school. This school finds you, or, you're a local, like production would be. Someone in production knows of it, likely because of a child or close friend going there, and either on camera or off, fed it to the girls. ~ Administrator said...

Where was this "proudly declared?" I looked at their web site, and the statistics they provide show that 75% are employed or in graduate school, 4% are looking for jobs and 21% fall under "other." I have no idea how this compares to other schools, but judgments should be made based on accurate information.


Different sites are pumping out different numbers so please don't scold people. They are not necessarily "wrong" numbers, each organization has a different way of calculating their stats. There is more than one way to skin a cat.

As for the 21% other, why don't they just call it what it is, kids living off trust funds who just did the whole college thing for fun and something to do? ~ Administrator said...

It's a huge deal and if this college is any indication, the twins/Kate have the bar set very low, as in, I hope this is their "fall back" choice.

But, I don't think it is. I've never sensed Kate being the type of parent who pushes her kids (in the best way possible-many parents manage to do this) to excel in school and set their sights high when it comes to school choices which lead to successful careers and job opportunities.

You know Kate would get her kids into a pedestrian college and brag 'til the cows come home and SHE successfully survived getting her kids into college and wow, what a big accomplishment of HERS.


You said what I've been struggling to explain. Their college choice does matter, these choices are a big deal, and few kids at age 16-17 are old enough to figure this out on their own. I remember this all the time as a kid, some dumb high school kid would get stuck on a certain school that was all wrong for them or unrealistic--the test scores too high to get in or too low for you to waste your time there, the tuition too outrageous, the location too far to ever go home. But you're young, stupid, and want what you want. And that's when a good adult steps in to guide. It's gotten increasingly more complicated over the years, which is why most good high schools public or private devote huge resources to guiding kids through this, and most good parents spend countless hours researching and assisting. Ultimately the college decision is usually theirs, barring any caveats from your parents (for instance my parents said I was welcome to go to any school of my choosing even go to Siberia, but they would only help with gas or plane tickets if I stayed within 500 miles), but it's crucial they get good advice and guidance from adults.

And no, I don't believe Kate knows what to look for or how to help them make a solid decision. There are only so many days in the year and free time from school, it is crucial to be visiting the right schools and not waste time on nonsense schools.

I do think, based on her history, she is more concerned about the right status of school (she's not looking for a Harvard, I'm talking post-prep school type schools for rich folks), and the right people around her children, so they can continue to move in circles they never would have been a part of but for the show. I bet she dreams of tagging along on spring and summer breaks with their rich friends with beach houses in N.C., continuing to collect her freebies. If I'm wrong I'm wrong, that's just the feeling I get.

Layla said...

I got the 60% number for employed/looking at offers/going to grad school/etc from Belmont Abbey's website., right there on the home page, a few inches down from the top, with the 60% in big, bold numbers. So sorry, little troll, you did not see it on their website. If you have to make stuff up just to have something to b$tch about, then maybe it's past your bedtime. ~ Administrator said...

And look at how they fudge the numbers. No it's not 60 percent employed, a terrible statistic in and of itself. That includes kids who just go on to grad school, which guess what, is something a TON of students do when THEY CAN'T GET A JOB. Kids heading to grad school especially in a tough economy can be as high as 10-20 percent, which means you could very easily be down to HALF YOUR KIDS aren't getting jobs. Lol, why why why.

Why in the world would you fudge the two numbers together? You need to do employment separate from those who go on to higher ed, don't LIE.

Watch how PSU does their stats. They specify what sub-school/major they are even talking about, WHEN the employment occurred (an offer on the table at graduation) and they separate it out from any other things you are doing that are perfectly legit at graduation, like going into the military or grad school. 73% employed UPON graduation there, suck it. And of those who did an internship first, 92 percent are employed. Here's their business school stats:

So if a kid goes there, gets one internship in 4 years, they have a 92 percent chance of having a job by the time they put on a cap and gown. And this is where a parents' guidance is crucial, a 17 year old is unlikely to crunch numbers like this. ~ Administrator said...

Thank you for letting me know where you found your statistic. Good to know that you failed to mention the statistic they cited showing the national average for employment post-graduation being 41%. With graduates that far above the national average, they should be proudly declaring their rate.


You're not thinking this through. Did you ever take stats out of curiosity? The national average includes every Tom Dick and Harry school, which of course is going to pull the numbers down dramatically and is not going to be reflective of "good" schools and THEIR averages. I bet it includes all the four profit junk schools and just general junk schools which probably all have pretty low rates.

It's sort of like the bar exam. The CA average is just 50% passage with some years being as low as the low 40's. Sounds scary right? You have to think harder than that. That's because every crap law school pulls the numbers down. But when you look at the passage rates for ACCREDITED SCHOOLS (I.e. halfway decent schools the bar is willing to stamp their approval on, which is dozens upon dozens of schools most decent students could find a spot at) suddenly that stat jumps to a soaring 70 percent! So if you are an accredited school, but pulling 60 percent passage rates, no you do not brag about how you're doing just so much better than the national average. You're doing terribly compared to other schools just like you. The only fair comparison is OTHER SCHOOLS LIKE YOURS, not ALL schools.

So no, 60 percent is nothing to be proud of when you're comparing them to GOOD schools. I gave you an example of a perfectly run of the mill program, PSU's business school, which is not ivy league, and most good students could get into, and is boasting mid 70s job rates.

For a crap school, 60 percent is good. But I can't believe they accept they're a crap school. ~ Administrator said...

Uh, no. 73% of BUSINESS SCHOOL graduates employed. Not 73% of PSU undergraduates overall.


That's exactly what I said, can't you read? I specifically said they were breaking it down BY MAJOR/SCHOOL which gives you an even more accurate picture of what you're stepping into. If you go to a school that "boasts" a 60 percent job rate but the liberal arts degree you decided to get only has 20 percent employment, that 60 means nothing.

Incidentally, the overall employment rate for all of PSU is much higher than the business school, 83 percent overall. I was using a business school to point out how their stats are much more meaningful and not fudging, because of all the details and breakdowns they put out there. ( PSU is NOT all that hard to get into if you are an A and B student, which most college bound kids are. And now that 60 percent is looking even more ridiculous to brag about, isn't it? ~ Administrator said...

No, that's not exactly what you said. You didn't mention the business school at all when bragging about the great 73% figure, but followed with the "here's their business school stats" line. The insinuation was that the 73% represented PSU overall.


That's exactly what I said, in the very first sentence, I explained that their stats were parsed out by major, then provided the link to the business major stats as an example.

I also offered you the overall stats, which are even higher.

I proved you wrong, that a "meh" school's stats are soaring far above this crap school. That's what you don't like.

Layla said...

Oh, I failed to cite the national average? I thought we were talking about this particular college. I'm still not impressed. Like admin said, it's easy to boast about your mediocre (at best) stats when you're comparing yourself with all the crap schools out there. Most parents want their kids to get into good, competitive schools and find employment afterward. DH and I are very involved in our kids' college choices. So far, 100% of my kids who have finished college immediately found employment in fields related to their majors. Of the two who are currently in college, one is already working in his major field and the other is going off for an internship this summer. So don't expect me to be impressed by their "nearly" 60% claims. or by 41% of anyone else. My kids aren't all brilliant or exceptionally gifted, but they know how to work hard and plan ahead, and that has paid off. So don't even try to convince me that "nearly 60%" is something to be proud of.

MikeB said...

I sincerely hope whoever is going to college in NC is intending to devote their attention to learning. Getting away from Kate and that oppressive household would be a good thing, but I'm concerned with Figure 8 being so close they are hoping for an opportunity to film.

Community college for the first two years while the twins get a feel for various disciplines before committing to a major would be a better choice. It could easily turn out that a different college is much better for their eventually chosen field than a liberal arts institution like Belmont Abbey. For example, Belmont is severely lacking in the STEM related fields and only offers major degrees in Biology and Mathematics.

My opinion is the twins are far too immature and inexperienced to be committing to a small, limited college at this point.

Layla said...

Little troll, when you have to resort to lying to try to prove your point, then maybe it's time to move on. Exactly what point are you trying to make? Do you even know? Why bother lying about what admin said when anyone can go back and read her comments and know for a fact that you are lying? Why lie about what's on the Belmont Abbey webpage when anyone can look and see for themselves? You're never going to prove your point (whatever that is) by lying, especially when you're so blatant about it.

Lanc Native said...

There are 71 colleges and universities listed and Belmont Abbey College is not one of them, so how in the world did they find this tiny Catholic college in NC?


Their current school has an amazingly excellent college guidance program. If you tell them what you want, they will find it for you.

Layla said...

It could be that this is just an add-on to some other colleges. When my kids have done college tours, we look at their first choices, and travel to each city/area to see the ones there, plus check out any other ones that might be close.. If Kate was already taking them all the way to NC, and they stopped at some other colleges, they might have added this one on to see as long as they were there anyway. There are colleges in Charlotte, and this one is only a few miles away, so why not stop as long as they are already there?

Former Lurker said...

I realize this might sound a bit snooty, but there's no way I'd be paying the tuition at a school like their current school only to have them go to some small, unknown little college. It just seems like a waste of tens of thousands of dollars in high school tuition. It's been my experience both as a student and now as a parent that most of the kids in expensive private schools aim for and end up at much better colleges and universities.

Just think what the total amount of tuition is that they've paid just for their high school years at their current school. And, for what? To end up at a small school like this one in NC that isn't going to look great on a resume? What was the point of spending all that money on their private high school (and elementary school)? Oh, that's right. For TFW it wasn't at all about a good education and advancing their opportunities for college. It was simply about having a school that would put up with her and where she could pull them out of school so often for filming. That and the status. Yet again, her screwed up priorities are not helping her kids.

Blowing In The Wind said...

If they select that school, and we really don't know if this just was a stop along the way and they are looking at many colleges, if this is a school that they like, then they should go for it. I don't see any point in criticizing a school they have visited, or that it wouldn't look good on their resume when they look for a job. Let them decide!

Over And Out said...

Just a comment, from personal experience.

My nephew graduated from an exclusive private, expensive school, very well known in this area and has a high number of graduates attending Ivy League schools. He chose a small, private, not well known college (for personal reasons). When he was seeking employment in his chosen field, the company, of course, looked at the college where he graduated, but they were most impressed with the private high school from where he graduated. The college didn't seem to matter and he landed the job.

Former Lurker said...

Of course the girls should decide where they want to go to college. I don't think anyone is criticizing them or their choice of college, or anyone's choice to go to a smaller school for whatever reasons.

What's of concern is that given TFW's track record, plus the fact that this school is in NC, together with the fact that their high school has a ton of schools (over seventy) visiting campus all school year and this school isn't one of them, and the fact that the extremely long list of colleges and universities that graduates of their school have been accepted to and enrolled in doesn't include this school... it's looking like this school isn't something the girls found on their own and that TFW might have ulterior motives. Her history shows us that her number one priority has always been to keep the filming going.

Again, I hope I'm wrong. And, I sincerely wish the best for M & C at whatever school they wind up at. I just hope it's their choice and that they get to have a normal college experience, because they certainly haven't had a normal childhood.

Anonymous said...

Be careful of small private colleges. I toured a few small private schools in 2002. I asked them if the chemistry department had the American Chemical Society accreditation. The ones that did not have this accreditation told me that Harvard's program was not accredited either so it did not actually matter.

I stuck to my guns and went to a school had the ACS accreditation. It made getting a job so much easier. Companies do not know about all of the colleges in the country. They do know what the ACS accreditation stands for. It was one of the first questions asked in interviews after college.

Small private colleges in my eyes are predatory. They will say anything to make it seem like their programs are on the same level as other colleges even when they are not.


Tucker's Mom said...

Sorry if this is a 2nd post. I hit the wrong button when I submitted before.
"Clock boy's" case was dismissed and his father who filed suit has to pay for all the court costs! ~ Administrator said...

Sorry if this is a 2nd post. I hit the wrong button when I submitted before.
"Clock boy's" case was dismissed and his father who filed suit has to pay for all the court costs!


Awesome! A win for school safety! I can't believe the former White House praised that boy. He scared a lot of people.

Tucker's Mom said...

Awesome! A win for school safety! I can't believe the former White House praised that boy. He scared a lot of people.
omg, I forgot Obama wanted to give the kids some type of medal but his America-hating father took him to the heart of ISIS-stan instead.

Layla said...

Andrea (108)
You're absolutely right about being wary of schools that might not meet students' needs. High school kids don't necessarily understand what is important for their futures, and they need guidance. Everyone involved has to do their homework and look out for what is best for the student. DH and I have had to do that with our kids--guide them in the right direction, make sure they know what questions to ask, explain the importance of accreditations. Guidance counselors are a student's best ally.

I hope our suspicions here are wrong and the twins are getting the guidance they need, but given their mother's track record of guiding them to what is best for her--not them--we are all skeptical. ~ Administrator said...

Be careful of small private colleges. I toured a few small private schools in 2002. I asked them if the chemistry department had the American Chemical Society accreditation. The ones that did not have this accreditation told me that Harvard's program was not accredited either so it did not actually matter.

I stuck to my guns and went to a school had the ACS accreditation. It made getting a job so much easier. Companies do not know about all of the colleges in the country. They do know what the ACS accreditation stands for. It was one of the first questions asked in interviews after college.

Small private colleges in my eyes are predatory. They will say anything to make it seem like their programs are on the same level as other colleges even when they are not.



I went to a public school for undergrad and private for grad. You are absolutely right, you have to be very, very discerning about private. If you don't know what you're doing or how to assess a school, go to public. The problem is public schools are actually accountable to the public's tax dollars and can't easily get away with shenanigans. If they are a garbage school disappointing tax payers they have every motivation to get better. They are not for profit. Private schools are accountable to no one and often are trying to make a hefty profit. If a donor doesn't like what they do, they just move them on. They don't have to prove anything to them. They can fudge numbers as much as they like, exaggerate as much as they like, mislead, overcharge, and run very little risk of a lawsuit. You also have to be very wary of any school with a huge emphasis on what their professors have done instead of the students. That school is simply out to hire anyone who will get their name (and the school) in a magazine for some obscure research project. They are not out to help the students learn. ~ Administrator said...

Andrea (108)
You're absolutely right about being wary of schools that might not meet students' needs. High school kids don't necessarily understand what is important for their futures, and they need guidance. Everyone involved has to do their homework and look out for what is best for the student. DH and I have had to do that with our kids--guide them in the right direction, make sure they know what questions to ask, explain the importance of accreditations. Guidance counselors are a student's best ally.


I completely agree. It's a different world now. There are far more choices, school is a hundred times more expensive than our grandparents or parents ever paid, and school is much more important to one's future career MOST of the time. Testing is also much more complicated, and applications have gone from one page to 10 or 20. I still get comments and questions about my UNDERGRAD at an interview I did last year for the government. I have only ever had a question about my high school once in all the interviews I've ever done, and the question was simply did you play sports (I suspect wanting to see if I have been a team player for awhile). This is why most high schools spend huge amounts of budget on college counseling now, and some parents even pay for a personal consultant, because kids don't know where to start with all this, many don't even have the time to tackle it all, and at this young age, you don't know what to look for in a school when you barely know what you even want.

Of course because they will soon be an adult the final decision IS up to them, but, it should not be made without heavy guidance from adults. A humble kid good kid will recognize that, and lean heavily on those who are older, more experienced, and understand this all better. It's a red flag when a kid gets hellbent on one particular school for one particular reason. Usually it means they are discounting other important factors and not listening to those who know what's best for them. ~ Administrator said...

omg, I forgot Obama wanted to give the kids some type of medal but his America-hating father took him to the heart of ISIS-stan instead.


Yup, it's all coming back now. Divisive behavior. The kid SCARED people.

Here's the thing, I don't think the kid was TRYING to make something that looked like a bomb I will give him the benefit of the doubt on that. But once it became clear it does, the boy and family should have been chagrined, contrite, embarrassed. Instead they played the racist card and behaved in an uncooperative and obstructionist manner toward people just trying to keep us safe. It is because of behavior like this law enforcement gets shy about going after REAL dangerous kids like N.C.. God forbid they have a PR nightmare on their hands they get it wrong that one time. Law enforcement is human, they get it wrong sometimes. A bit of patience and understanding in such situations goes a long way. ~ Administrator said...

Their current school has an amazingly excellent college guidance program. If you tell them what you want, they will find it for you.


So they went in and said they want an overpriced school for trust fund babies, a deplorable unemployment rate upon graduation, that will take anyone in with a pulse--test scores and grades meh who cares, and Lancaster handed them this school? Neat. ~ Administrator said...

I sincerely hope whoever is going to college in NC is intending to devote their attention to learning. Getting away from Kate and that oppressive household would be a good thing, but I'm concerned with Figure 8 being so close they are hoping for an opportunity to film.


People can speculate this is all organic, that they just happened to pick this school and it just happened to be right for them. That's fine, maybe so, and I hope so! But I'm with those speculating something smells funny in dodge, that there is some kind of angling going on here. For filming, for attaching to rich people, who knows, but I believe history and circumstantial evidence show more likely than not there's angling going on. ~ Administrator said...

Community college for the first two years while the twins get a feel for various disciplines before committing to a major would be a better choice. It could easily turn out that a different college is much better for their eventually chosen field than a liberal arts institution like Belmont Abbey. For example, Belmont is severely lacking in the STEM related fields and only offers major degrees in Biology and Mathematics.


Correct, and I got that advice when I was applying to colleges. You can end up in a very, very bad situation if you realize you don't like your major but the college doesn't offer anything else you are interested in. It can leave you with a significant loss in money and time.

And let's be honest, you may think you want to do a certain thing with all your heart, but once you are actually going through college to do this, a lot of kids realize they made a huge mistake. This is especially common among some of the harder bachelor of science degrees. I have no idea if the kids are set on a major, but if they have any doubt whatsoever, they need to be very careful.

Tucker's Mom said...

Awesome! A win for school safety! I can't believe the former White House praised that boy. He scared a lot of people.
If his father would have accepted responsibility and realized how a clock that looks like a bomb brought to school by his son, Muhamed, would scare the living sh*t out of people, his son would not forever be known as "clock boy".

I feel sorry for the kid. He got ripped out of his school, taken out of the country and has this moniker forever. ~ Administrator said...

I feel sorry for the kid. He got ripped out of his school, taken out of the country and has this moniker forever.


What I always found ironic about situations like this one and others is these people want ALLLL the benefit of the doubt to be given to them even in the face of hard evidence otherwise, and are willing to call others racist in order to get that. But, god forbid THEY give any of the benefit of the doubt to law enforcement for maybe misunderstanding the situation or overreacting in light of the current climate.

If BOTH parties gave a little, the situation could have been resolved quickly and quietly. I feel sorry about the terrible life lessons his son learned in diplomacy.

Tucker's Mom said...

People can speculate this is all organic, that they just happened to pick this school and it just happened to be right for them. That's fine, maybe so, and I hope so! But I'm with those speculating something smells funny in dodge, that there is some kind of angling going on here. For filming, for attaching to rich people, who knows, but I believe history and circumstantial evidence show more likely than not there's angling going on.
I'm with you there. Something tells me Kate doesn't want the girls to go to any school with Greek life, lots of exposure to parties and just a wide range of people and opinions.
There's an element of control for Kate. ~ Administrator said...

I'm with you there. Something tells me Kate doesn't want the girls to go to any school with Greek life, lots of exposure to parties and just a wide range of people and opinions.
There's an element of control for Kate.


And THAT'S the point I'm trying to make. That I would bet the farm on any "guidance" Kate is trying to make on colleges will have a hefty benefit to what's best for Kate. For rich friends, for control, for filming, for who knows what else.

It is NEVER purely about what's best for the girls and never will be. And someday soon they will know that if they don't already.

Layla said...

As far as the G kids' current school is concerned, I can't fathom how Kate justifies the expense. By the time the kids have all graduated, she will have spent well over a million dollars--and that's assuming she's getting some kind of financial aid. It just doesn't seem prestigious enough to make it worthwhile. There are a few school in my area that are worthy of that kind of expense--Sidwell Friends, Cathedral, St Albans, Holton-Arms. People compete for the privilege of taking multiple mortgages on their homes to put their kids through those schools, and for good reason. Those are the kinds of schools that will influence your marketability in the future. Kids will make influential contacts that will help pave their futures. The good-old-boy network is alive and well when it comes to those schools. LCDS? Not so much. IF they're not planning to come back and work in the area, nobody is even going to recognize the name of the school.

NJGal51 said...

Maybe they just went to NC for spring break and visited the school because they were there. If TFW claims that they were visiting so that she could “scout” locations for future episodes she may even be able to take it as a tax write off.

Tucker's Mom said...

Layla said... 123
As far as the G kids' current school is concerned, I can't fathom how Kate justifies the expense.
I think Kate justifies it by having what she coveted, which was Beth Carson's life-at least lifestyle.

LCDS doesn't have the nationally-known reputation as the schools you mentioned, but I'd think that parents would set their sights higher than an arcane, private college in N.C.

Again, I think it's about isolation and control for Kate.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

So they went in and said they want an overpriced school for trust fund babies, a deplorable unemployment rate upon graduation, that will take anyone in with a pulse--test scores and grades meh who cares, and Lancaster handed them this school? Neat.


Nobody knows what they went in and told them, what they were looking for, what kind of a good match that college would be for them, whose idea it was for them to visit that school, or if it was just a stop-over visit when checking out other other schools. But, hey, let's just knock their current school without knowing any facts.

Former Lurker said...

I would be very surprised if M & C found out about this NC college from their current high school. They have had over seventy colleges visit their school since last September and this school in NC isn't on the list. Nor has any graduate of LCDS been accepted there in the last five years.

This visit to the NC college school is most likely a sham. Production probably found the school and set up the visit merely as episode fodder as part of a spring break episode in NC.

Sideline Observer said...

If Cara wanted to really spite TFW, she ought to consider applying to University of Alaska. Considering TFW's history with Alaska, she probably won't making many campus visits.

If Alaska's a bit too far away, Cara could always try University of Montana and University of Wyoming. TFW's not going to impress many people out there.

AuntieAnn said...

Production probably found the school and set up the visit merely as episode fodder as part of a spring break episode in NC.


If this college tour is about filming another episode, I'm curious how Kate will make it all about Kate after the initial "My twins are all grown up yada yada" blathering. I'm sure she'll find a way to do it, but could it getting any more boring?

ncgirl said...

"If Cara wanted to really spite TFW, she ought to consider applying to University of Alaska. Considering TFW's history with Alaska, she probably won't making many campus visits."

That's funny. If Cara truly wanted to go there, I can imagine the look on TFW's face. She might agree to it if TLC will film it. ~ Administrator said...

I think Kate justifies it by having what she coveted, which was Beth Carson's life-at least lifestyle.


That school was always about being Beth. Everything has always been about Kate and her ego, always has been probably always will be. If a school happens to be good for the kids, it's pure coincidence. That's not her motivation.

Formerly Duped said...

I forget the original post, but was the girl who spotted the twins touring this college positive it was actually them?

Over In TFW's County said...

That school was always about being Beth. Everything has always been about Kate and her ego, always has been probably always will be. If a school happens to be good for the kids, it's pure coincidence. That's not her motivation.


Most likely true. But after her falling out with Beth, she could have taken the kids out of that school and looked for another one, maybe an even more prestigious school. There are a few in the area. She, and the kids, must have been happy with the school, and the kids probably were doing well there.

Over In TFW's County said...

So, what has The Kravitz been up to lately? I don't check IGs.

Is Abner still posting jokes for the kids?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Isn't Schmoopy 43rd birthday coming up?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

And I just remembered Jon's birthday is April 1st, which is Easter Sunday. I hope some of the kids will get to break away from Mrs. Bunny for a while to see him.

NJGal51 said...

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to one and all! We corned our own brisket and have it roasting low and slow. It will be served with chopped cabbage/onion (fried), roasted rainbow carrots and small potatoes. Black and Tans to drink and Irish coffee to finish it all off AND I’m not even Irish!

Tucker's Mom said...

NJGal51 said... 137
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to one and all! We corned our own brisket and have it roasting low and slow. It will be served with chopped cabbage/onion (fried), roasted rainbow carrots and small potatoes. Black and Tans to drink and Irish coffee to finish it all off AND I’m not even Irish!

Wow, that sounds amazing! I decided to go with a lamb dish for St. Patty's Day, but we won't be eating it until tomorrow.
Today was prep day for braised and pulled lamb shanks with garlic rapini, tossed with cavatelli and topped with big curls of aged manchego cheese.
We've also got a St. Patty's parade tomorrow and the weather should be quite nice.
The bichon will be dressed in his tartan ;-)

FlimsyFlamsy said...

NJGal51 (#137), that sounds scrumptious!

Has TFW disappeared from social media for the time being? That usually means she's getting her narc supply filled elsewhere. And that usually means she's filming.

Former Lurker said...

NJGal51 said... 137

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to one and all! We corned our own brisket and have it roasting low and slow. It will be served with chopped cabbage/onion (fried), roasted rainbow carrots and small potatoes. Black and Tans to drink and Irish coffee to finish it all off AND I’m not even Irish!


NJGal, Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you and everyone! Your dinner sounds similar to mine except I'm doing it tomorrow. The last few years, I've made my three favorite recipes: Baked Honey Mustard Corned Beef, Sauteed Cabbage and Onions, and Roasted Baby Carrots and Red Potatoes. I can't wait for tomorrow, and none of us are Irish either, lol.

Former Lurker said...

Tucker's Mom said... 138

Wow, that sounds amazing! I decided to go with a lamb dish for St. Patty's Day, but we won't be eating it until tomorrow.
Today was prep day for braised and pulled lamb shanks with garlic rapini, tossed with cavatelli and topped with big curls of aged manchego cheese.
We've also got a St. Patty's parade tomorrow and the weather should be quite nice.
The bichon will be dressed in his tartan ;-)


Wow, does that meal sound good! Enjoy it and have fun at the parade!

Former Lurker said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 139

Has TFW disappeared from social media for the time being? That usually means she's getting her narc supply filled elsewhere. And that usually means she's filming.


Her last Instagram post was that pic of Mak on March 1st. Unfortunately, you're probably right and they've been busy filming.

jamesvader1194 said...

If they're filming,i wonder why TLC waited so long?When was the last time TLC filmed her and the kids?I also wonder if Collin will be returning and it'll be a special episode or is she along with TLC going to avoid the elephant in the room about C not being there.

Colleen from Nebraska said...

Hi Tucker's Mom

We are not honoring St. Patricia so it is not St. Patty's day. We are honoring St. Patrick so it is St. Paddy's Day. Greetings from a true Irishman (woman).

NJGal51 said...

According to the school calendar spring break was over on the 12th which means that they’ve been back in school for almost a week so I don’t think they’re filming right now. Of course there’s always the possibility that she’s taken them on an extended “working” vacation. ~ Administrator said...

I wonder why Kate Gosselin has not gone the Youtube route. People are making a lot of money doing it. Families. Get rich. Quit their jobs. Buy or build big houses. Go on trips. Maybe TLC has a clause that she can't do that?


Laziness. Lots of other TLC stars make videos, products, etc., and it doesn't seem like TLC is stopping anything. Jeremy from Little People has a whole big web site about marriage.

The hilarious thing is if Kate were interesting, and even posted 1-2 short videos a week, she could probably end up making nearly as much as the show nets her, what with the built in followers. Assuming the videos are good, and that's a big if.

Time and again one-hit wonders reality or otherwise use it to springboard into the next thing, generally something you could never do without the built in fan base. She blew that opportunity lord knows how many times. No one wants to see the German shepherds.

Tucker's Mom said...

Wow, does that meal sound good! Enjoy it and have fun at the parade!
Former Lurker, the St. Patty's parade was delightful as usual. Gorgeous day.
The bichon looked spiffy in his tartan and got lots of pets, especially from kids.
There were so many dogs. It's a dog-friendly parade in a dog-friendly town. They even have a dog show before the parade, with lots of categories like "best dressed" and "look alike" dog and owner.
Our lamb dish was a winner and the even better news is lots of leftovers.

Now, we might get snow for the first day of Spring. Ugh!

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm doubtful that Kate could have filmed the twins' college visit with a crew in tow without a bunch of posts to social media.
But, ya know...the turd that never flushes...

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#146), it truly boggles the mind how many opportunities TFW squandered over the years. She's so hungry for fame, fortune and attention, yet she seems unable to channel her ambition into actual gigs. And, yes, her laziness -- coupled with her arrogance -- will continue to keep those opportunities out of reach. ~ Administrator said...

Kate is a rare example of someone who has had some arbitrary "success" without being given startup money and while still being a lazy sloth. She was able to finagle this "success" around doing the few things she seems to actually enjoying doing, putzing around the house, going on vacation, spa and nails.

She actually is rather like the portion of trust fund babies who are lazy and have no ambition. They may have all the opportunities in the world staring them in the face, but they'd still rather just order in pizza and beer and watch netflix. They are never going to start a company like their parents did. ~ Administrator said...

I'm doubtful that Kate could have filmed the twins' college visit with a crew in tow without a bunch of posts to social media.
But, ya know...the turd that never flushes...


It's doubtful. The only thing I can think of is that you do tend to see small filming projects on campus a lot. Usually a small local news item about an event on campus, or a student crew working on a project for class. I remember not thinking much of seeing such things and barely looked or asked questions. But then, social media was almost non-existent then (only our "in house" college Facebook that was basically just your picture and bio and a link to message the person!) and when you saw something on campus your first reaction was not, "must take a pic and post on instagram".

Would a kid today see filming and post about it? Probably.

Gigi Be said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 149
I agree with you. But that ship has sailed. She should have struck the iron was still hot. Meaning she should have taken advantage of her enormous fame at the time, and become the talk show host, or put her full effort in being the coupon cabin lady. She could have really nailed it if she wanted too.There a just too many opertunities to list here that she squandered. No body cares for her anymore. At least in 2011, she would had somewhat of a chance. She wasn’t the most talented.She didn’t have the gift of gab as she thought she did. But I think that if she wasn’t so lazy, and if she worked on her skills, she would have done well. I think she enjoyed the fact that TLC was at her beck and call. She had them wrapped around her little finger. Now she’s at the point where she has to beg for three episodes per season. They control her now, and she knows it.

ncgirl said...

I'm not in an area as big as Charlotte, but we have a local university and medical school, and any celebrity siting would probably be noticed. It'd probably make the local paper unless big, bad Skeeve got in the way. lol ~ Administrator said...

I'm not in an area as big as Charlotte, but we have a local university and medical school, and any celebrity siting would probably be noticed. It'd probably make the local paper unless big, bad Skeeve got in the way. lol


Do small towns REALLY report every celeb sighting like it's a big deal? I'm just asking. Celebs show up in small towns across America all the time because of the nature of the way filming works now--projects being filmed around the country due to better tax breaks, etc. I'm kind of wondering if celeb sightings, at least for small time celebs like Kate, really would always be reported. Add into this the element of Kate is probably not working there (unless she was filming), and this is for her minor children, and I can see many moral editors giving any story the axe.

For example, surely many other celeb parents have toured colleges with their kids, this is not something even the most famous of celebs leave to the nanny to handle. It seems to me it would be frowned upon to write about it given that it's such a private family matter.

This all changes of course if they were filming--then I can see the interest in reporting about it. ~ Administrator said...

Here's a coincident for you! My law school just got "unranked" by US News and World report. Due to just inadvertent error they accidentally gave US news and world report the wrong numbers for their average LSAT scores. They didn’t realize it until it was too late and so when they told US news about the wrong number instead of accepting the change US news says we are now “unranked” due to a data reporting error. Funny yet absolutely TERRIBLE for the school.

Wonder if someone will get fired.

Anyway point being there could be lots of reasons for numbers and rankings that have nothing to do with reality. And of note, the data is all self reported by the school. So had they not said anything, that LSAT score would have just been accepted as fact and the ranking stand. They said something to do the right thing, not because they had to. Hard to believe a struggling school might not be tempted to cut corners on data input at some point.

Former Lurker said...

I literally laugh out loud every time I see TFW referred to as a "celebrity". She's never been anything more than a wannabe celeb who manipulated a HOM pregnancy and got herself a reality TV show.

These days, she's nothing more than an unemployed, boring, isolated, friendless, divorced house frau.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Gigi Be (#152), even with TFW's lack of discernable talent, she absolutely had a unique...well... commodity: twins and septuplets in the same family. That in itself was something interesting to follow as the years went on. But her toxic personality seemed to taint anything she was a part of.

If, instead of kicking Jon to the curb after the divorce, she had agreed to co-parent with him, I'd bet the farm that she would still be working steadily. She could have had a talk show, a cooking show, a line of yoga/running clothes, cookware, a book on surviving divorce, a book on co-parenting, a monthly article in women/family magazines -- and awn and awn. But by hating Jon more than she loves her kids, she sabotaged her career chances.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Former Lurker (#156), speaking of misnomers, how about TFW appearing on Celebrity Wife Swap when she was no longer anyone's wife? ~ Administrator said...

Former Lurker (#156), speaking of misnomers, how about TFW appearing on Celebrity Wife Swap when she was no longer anyone's wife?


Heh. Much like Farrah appearing on Couples Counseling when she was no longer anyone's couple ...

Tucker's Mom said...

Gigi Be said... 152
FlimsyFlamsy said... 149
I agree with you. But that ship has sailed. She should have struck the iron was still hot. Meaning she should have taken advantage of her enormous fame at the time, and become the talk show host, or put her full effort in being the coupon cabin lady. She could have really nailed it if she wanted too.There a just too many opertunities to list here that she squandered. No body cares for her anymore. At least in 2011, she would had somewhat of a chance. She wasn’t the most talented.She didn’t have the gift of gab as she thought she did. But I think that if she wasn’t so lazy, and if she worked on her skills, she would have done well

Kate's big mistake was believing that being in love with the sounds of your own voice is a "gift of gab". She confused talking endlessly about herself with communication.
Kate thought that just because people were anxious to have her on talk shows to "set the record straight" was synonymous with being a talk show host, or "good at" tv.
People were using Kate for ratings, and not that I feel sorry for her, but Kate really didn't seem to realize that it was never HER, but her DRAMA that people wanted.

Formerly Duped said...

Well, another Nor'easter forecast for tomorrow! 8-12 inches here. Again, stay safe everyone, foxy, capcodmama and others! Happy Spring!

AuntieAnn said...

FlimsyFlamsy said...

She could have had a talk show, a cooking show, a line of yoga/running clothes, cookware, a book on surviving divorce, a book on co-parenting, a monthly article in women/family magazines -- and awn and awn.


Except that she really can't talk about anyone or anything except herself, she's not an exceptional cook, she only ran until the novelty wore off and her blog is solid evidence that she's no wordsmith. She's not supermom, she's super Mediocre with a capital M.

However, she is very adept at deluding the gullible, I'll give her that much.

Formerly Duped said...

Farrah is off Teen Moms for continuing to make porn web vids....but Maci is appearing in Naked and Afraid...sorry I know this, lol.. there is a difference but still, not the best decision IMO
I think Jenelle's husband is off as well for offensive tweets I believe.

Anonymous said...

She could have had a talk show, a cooking show, a line of yoga/running clothes, cookware, a book on surviving divorce, a book on co-parenting, a monthly article in women/family magazines -- and awn and awn.

I disagree. She never had the smarts in my opinion to pull any of that off. Ever. She is a lazy, egocentric, selfish, anxious, delusional, high strung nut who will never find happiness. Or she would have by now.
Paper Plates Forever (and still going strong in that McMansion of hers)

Former Lurker said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 158
Former Lurker (#156), speaking of misnomers, how about TFW appearing on Celebrity Wife Swap when she was no longer anyone's wife?


Yes, kind of like most of the "Real Housewives of Whatever" are divorced.

Former Lurker said...

AuntieAnn said... 162

However, she is very adept at deluding the gullible, I'll give her that much.


I wouldn't even give her credit for that. It was actually a huge effort by TLC. She just went along for the ride.

Gigi Be said...

FlimsyFlamsy said..

Not only that but she underestimated how powerful the dynamics Jon brought to the show. She got a big head and had her whole future planned out by kicking Jon to the curb, making the public hate and then forget he ever existed, and then make it all about “single little me doing it all by her lonesome”.
The popularity of the show nose-dived . But she was still too stubborn and daft to make amends with Jon. I agree that if they had a somewhat decent friendship for their kids sake, she would have been able to score a book deal or blog. She may have been able to write how she manages a relationship with an ex for the kids sake. And I think people would actually read that. People get tired on all the drama and move on to new things.Kate had once said she came from an old school upbringing and knew all about hard work. Instead her actions show she’s very unwilling to work hard at anything.
Remember when she was the host for “Skating with the stairs” and when she interviewed the celebrities, she made the interview all about herself? Producers must have told her to zip it,. But you could tell she was upset that she couldn’t be the stag. Another opportunity blown

AuntieAnn said...

Former Lurker said...

I wouldn't even give her credit for that. It was actually a huge effort by TLC. She just went along for the ride. 


She managed to dupe Jon's dad into buying a house for them, talk fertility doctors into treatments, twice, and shill her kids off to a production company, so I think she was very capable of conning people before TLC became her enablers.

Gigi Be said...

And ...she’s back on instagram.

Kateplusmy8 Happy for some help answering emails and phone calls today! He even whispered sweet nothings in my ear. Love him!😍

ncgirl said...

"Do small towns REALLY report every celeb sighting like it's a big deal?

Our local paper has reported on Kelly Ripa's mother-in-law living around here. There was a report on a local actress who had a big part on CSI eating at a local seafood restaurant. Author Nicholas Sparks gets talked about because he has a house in the area. People have told stories about Andy Griffith because he was from NC. It's just small town gossip. I just hope wherever the twins end up, they get to have a fresh start.

foxy said...

Formerly stay safe and warm also. Then on Sunday we are getting more snow, but they don't know how much. I hope we don't lose power this time.

Lanc Native said...

She managed to dupe Jon's dad into buying a house for them, talk fertility doctors into treatments, twice, and shill her kids off to a production company, so I think she was very capable of conning people before TLC became her enablers.


True, but it did't work when she tried to con PA into another year of free nursing care for the babies. At least someone saw through that duping.

Former Lurker said...

AuntieAnn said... 168

She managed to dupe Jon's dad into buying a house for them, talk fertility doctors into treatments, twice, and shill her kids off to a production company, so I think she was very capable of conning people before TLC became her enablers.


Good points, Auntie Ann. I was just thinking about the people, (fans and some people in the business who gave her opportunities), whom she fooled and duped after TLC entered the scene and made her "famous".

Yet, for all the people she fooled, in the end the joke is really on her. Look at the state of her life at this point. She's a completely miserable person and always will be.

Layla said...

She's still manipulating TLC. Whenever they pause filming, she sends her source out to plant stories about her going broke. How many times have we heard she's nearly broke or almost bankrupt over the years? She knows it'd be embarrassing for TLC to have people think one of their "stars" (the poor struggling single mom of 8 who does it all on her own, no less) is destitute. Of course, she's nowhere near broke or bankrupt, but she gets what she wants from these stories. TLC sends the cameras over and she's back in business. This cycle will continue for as long as she can manipulate them and get her way.

AuntieAnn said...

Lanc Native said...

True, but it did't work when she tried to con PA into another year of free nursing care for the babies. At least someone saw through that duping.


Oh I agree her tactics didn't work on everybody but she sure thought and probably still thinks she's deserving of all the handouts she can get. Twenty bucks for a photograph of the kids. Good lord the woman had balls back then...the pair she swiped from Jon. And yes, I realize he went along with her plan for awhile, but at the very least he gets some credit for finally dumping the grifter.

Anonymous said...

Re: Kate's recent instagram. I abhor how she makes it seem that she is some incredibly sought after business- woman going through countless emails and phone calls. What an asshole. A lying delusional asshole. And does she not see how pathetic she truly is constantly posting lame photos of her every day, common pets that most of us also have? Look, I get that we all think our pets are the best as well as our children but show some humility FFS.

ncgirl said...

"Kateplusmy8 Happy for some help answering emails and phone calls today! He even whispered sweet nothings in my ear. Love him!"

So the dog's her assistant now? Did the human ones quit?

Sad but true said...

Her latest IG photo: She looks like she has been (is?) ill; or is that what the filter's for? Maybe she's had some more body work done.

Probably 60 out of 100 comments this time (way more than usual) asking when she's coming back "on set" (LOL), thus leaving no question as to what she specified on purchase.

Oh Barb. What will it take to open your eyes?

barbgilmer1@kateplusmy8 Sweet pic! Speaking of emails, did you ever see the ones I sent?

Milo has apparently missed the early smoke signal; stand by. ~ Administrator said...

Why has N.C.'s foster mother lawyered up with Gloria Alred? I wonder if there's a whiff they might be considering some kind of charges against the parents. ~ Administrator said...

"Kateplusmy8 Happy for some help answering emails and phone calls today! He even whispered sweet nothings in my ear. Love him!"


She loves to put on a show of being a busy, working mom, but the reality is if she really were busy busy at work on a day to day basis she would have something more to show for her efforts. She has nothing to show for her efforts, nothing at all, but the occasional episode. Production does most of that, so I don't know who she is joking.

The truth is she probably filled out a survey to get 5 bucks off online at Nordstrom's, emailed TLC to beg for another free trip, and called it a day. ~ Administrator said...

This cycle will continue for as long as she can manipulate them and get her way.


I wonder too if TLC execs have sat around and realized even if an episode here and there is just a break even thing or even a losing money thing, it's worth it for the greater good of the company's reputation to stick this out like they promised they would and provide the updates they pretty much promised they would. ~ Administrator said...

True, but it did't work when she tried to con PA into another year of free nursing care for the babies. At least someone saw through that duping.


The nice thing about that is that she tried to squeeze some dollars out of the keepers of tax dollars. Their loyalty is to tax payers, not her, so if there was a way to find she didn't qualify, they would find it. Buzzz, you're out!

Part of my job is to guard tax dollars and I love getting to the bottom of bogus requests like this and imploring the judge to deny it, if it is just to do so. ~ Administrator said...

The popularity of the show nose-dived . But she was still too stubborn and daft to make amends with Jon. I agree that if they had a somewhat decent friendship for their kids sake, she would have been able to score a book deal or blog.


A reconciliation with Jon maybe within a year or two would have been a ratings bonanza. Of course she and her stupid ego blew that one too. ~ Administrator said...

Farrah is off Teen Moms for continuing to make porn web vids....but Maci is appearing in Naked and Afraid...sorry I know this, lol.. there is a difference but still, not the best decision IMO


This show is my guilty pleasure, I've been watching. I think the difference is Maci almost certainly sat down with production, explained the project and explained why she wanted to do it, acknowledged it would be subject to their approval, and got their approval first before signing. (Also, it's blurred, and despite the nudity the show actually has a fair amount of redeeming value in it in that it's about survival). Farrah just went ahead with whatever weird porno thing she wanted to do and didn't give a crap what production thought and they had to find out about it after the fact through the grape vine. A little deference to the man in charge goes a long way and Maci is very, very smart in that respect and Farrah is very, very stupid. It's a win win for Maci, she gets to double dip--a check from Naked and Afraid and a check from Teen Mom. SMMMART.

Also, the dust up over Farrah began when Farrah had an apparently unreasonable confrontation with the set teacher for her daughter and had a meltdown over disliking something she fed her daughter. But instead of just asking the teacher nicely not to feed her that again, she demanded she be fired and shut down production because they couldn't possibly find a new set teacher for the rest of the day in the middle of the day. Not filming when they're supposed to costs them MONEY. Not surprisingly, that ticked production off and all of a sudden they don't like her porn and are giving her ultimatums. If there's anyone dumber than Kate, it's Farrah. ~ Administrator said...

And yet, you had no problem citing data about PSU to make YOUR points. Hypocrite.


No, in fact the data I cited about PSU came from PSU itself, not from a third party who has gotten their data who knows how. That's exactly what happened to my law school. All along they had the correct data, but something got mixed up in passing it on to a third party, someone typed in one number wrong, and the resulting consequence was totally wrong data and worse yet now an unranked school that shouldn't be.

I was addressing why everybody had different statistics for the crap school the twins visited, some not so bad, others terrible. Because there are errors in reporting, and little to no check on it.

In fact without going into the boring details, the numbers my school reported incorrectly to U.S. were a mathematical impossibility, and yet U.S. did not catch it, even went so far as to publish it without catching the obvious error.

Anonymous said...

Why, oh why, hasn't this woman dated anyone since she kicked Jon to the curb? This seems somewhat abnormal to me. Is she worried that some putz is after her money and won't see the true, beautiful Kate Gosselin and all that she has to offer? Well, sorry folks, and I am only speaking for myself and my selfish viewpoint but I hope that she pays her dues somehow, someway. I am not a religious woman so I am not worried about karma and my malevolent thoughts. I was once a very religious person and then stopped believing for personal reasons. With all due respect to God fearing individuals, my life did not change at all since I made that transition so I feel okay to say what I just did. LOL. Anyway, I think that she is living her 'karma' right now. Sitting at home every night drinking in her room with a travel mug filled with wine while Pookie takes over her bed. For someone that considered herself a neat freak, I can't imagine all the dog hair that ends up on that outdated quilt of hers.

capecodmama said...

Formerly Duped and foxy...Hunker down. Here we go again.

Sad but true said... ~ Administrator said... 184

I watched this show in the first couple of years. IMO, Farrah is a deeply troubled person. And it's a shame that she's apparently drawn her daughter into her seriously skewed world. Her parents are nearly as bad---would her dad (whom she's always called Michael on the show) have gotten a trip to Capri, with his much younger fiancee along, without Farrah making a monkey of herself all over web TV and anywhere else that will have her? What about Mom and her new psychologist hubby getting married in Italy as well? The fact that her parents have done so well off her notoriety is beyond sickening. And they're not shy about exposing the malignant family dynamics whenever one of them feels the need for a payday.

In the first couple of seasons, I felt like these were genuinely caring people. More fool me. I guess the relative ease of Farrah's slide into infamy and big bucks convinced them that losing their dignity a few times a year on ROL or MTV is a small price to pay for living large. I imagine they'll all continue to make bank on the very public demise of this very sad young woman---and their even sadder granddaughter---until they are forced to stop.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Is Kate's rode manager collecting unemployment benefits?

Sad but true said...

Anonymous said... 186
Why, oh why, hasn't this woman dated anyone since she kicked Jon to the curb?

Because she is now, and always has been, infatuated with Skeve the bodyguard. Whether or not he feels the same, now that IS the question. I think, like her, he's addicted to money. But unlike her, he's not also addicted to HER.

Sad but true said...

She's in rare form.

miloandjack2016 So @kateplusmy8 your Mak whispers.... "My hooman Mom of 8, don't worry about soon turning 48... And don't fret because I will always be your devoted pet. So let's trot downstairs for a doggy biscuit or two.... And remember WOOF WOOF, Your Max WUVS YOU! ❤" #BDComingSoon. 😃

miloandjack2016 Oops! Silly me...that's a typo and should be #43! 😋 Counting on your #GoodSenseOfHumor. #TeasingTheQueenOfTease. @kateplusmy8

foxy said...

I am all hunkered. Hope everyone in the path of nor'easter #4 will be safe.

Formerly Duped said...

Sad but true said... 188 ~ Administrator said... 184

Agree with you both. I watched along with my daughter when she was much younger to see how the whole teen mom thing was presented. Now we still watch! I almost felt sorry for Farrah's mom back then, but yes, she has become a very strange person enabling her daughter and still victimized by her.Sophia is a pawn but sadly, a mixed-up child, not terribly likeable. The whole dysfunctional family has made money from MTV, yes, but at what cost?

I think Maci is a decent mother although her kids seem disheveled most of the time. Bentley though is a lovely boy, helps with the younger kids, and is good at sports, something age appropriate as opposed to Sophia on the runway in bikinis wearing makeup.Still, IMO Maci should have picked another show to appear on. Just knowing your mom is on a "naked" show has got to open a kid up to ridicule.But yes, there is a big difference.

&&& ccm @187

No snow yet- stay safe and warm, foxy and capecodmama and others during WINTER Storm Toby! ~ Administrator said...

I think Maci is a decent mother although her kids seem disheveled most of the time. Bentley though is a lovely boy, helps with the younger kids, and is good at sports, something age appropriate as opposed to Sophia on the runway in bikinis wearing makeup.Still, IMO Maci should have picked another show to appear on. Just knowing your mom is on a "naked" show has got to open a kid up to ridicule.But yes, there is a big difference.


Maci's issues are more just run of the mill family dysfunction largely the result of her hatred of Ryan and just being immature. Farrah's issues are due to her being a true sociopath and possibly bipolar like her mom.

For instance, I really hate it when Maci asks 8 year old Bentley if he would like to go visit his dad. An 8 year old should never be asked such a question, because in their mind, he is not going to answer how he really feels but will try to figure out how MOM wants him to answer. Not surprisingly he feels mom wants him to say I don't want to go. She also rudely cancels, changes times, or reschedules. It caused unnecessary tension among everyone. Bently's father is sort of in the same boat as Jon, unless and until he puts his foot down she will continue to toy with him. It is RIDICULOUS he apparently has no written schedule by the courts and is at her mercy. She stomps around saying I'm "letting him" have visits on the weekends. No, that's not how it works. He's ENTITLED to visits, there is no "letting." In the last few episodes he was finally calling a lawyer about this crap but it's unclear what the end result will be.

Maci's request that Ryan do a hair follicle test for drugs or he can't visit was also totally unreasonable. Even in our courts with very serious drug users we don't require to go back 6 months in time through your hair, we only require 1-2 time a month RANDOM testing. If you're a drug user you'll flunk the test sooner rather than later. Obviously Ryan is going to flunk the hair follicle since he was using pills during that time so I totally understand why he's like NO I'm not doing that!

She claims B's bored at his dad's and cries, yet any time we've seen him there it appears they have a wide variety of things for him to do and always appears to be enjoying himself. He grandparents seem like really, really loving people. Totally enabling of their son and grandpa has a temper, but they really love B and seem to always put him first.

Still after all this drama at a family event grandma and Maci talked and hugged each other and said they still love each other despite their drama. Unlike Kate, Maci seems to understand how lucky her kid is to have grandparents around and the importance they help raise him. ~ Administrator said...

It's totally uncalled for the way Farrah talks to her mom but she's a total hot mess. She's manipulative, constantly weepy, constantly putting Sophia on the spot, she's threatened suicide on camera at least a few times--geez. She does weird things like invited a bunch of fans to her wedding. She has some asshole finance now husband who while correct about how nasty Farrah is, it doesn't help the situation to constantly get into fights with her or to make no effort to help out around the place. He sits in front of the TV all day and watches golf. When you're trying to impress your daughter in law that's not going to cut it. So then the question is why does Deborah insist on being with someone causing even worse problems for the family?

Deborah is apparently diagnosed bipolar, and Farrah could not have been less understanding about it. It's to the point where it gets very sad to watch this. Very depressing. ~ Administrator said...

One last thing about Bentley is Maci shares way too much with him and lays adult topics on him--Maci apparently talked to Bentley about doing the naked show and so forth. He's 8 for pity sake. He can't understand this or know how to process this.

Quite frankly, she should have told Bentley I'm doing a survival show for grown ups and you can see it when you're older and left it at that. By the time he's older he will have forgotten about it. How embarrassing for a boy growing up to deal with "Mom's doing a naked show."

I do wish she had made a better choice. If she wants to do survival she could apply for Survivor. They may very well have taken her for her fame. Her husband is the most agreeable guy I've ever seen, he doesn't seem to have an opinion on anything and he's so supportive to the point where it's not believable he could possibly agree with every single thing out of her mouth. Does NOTHING about this or what she does and says bother him?

Formerly Duped said...

Maci's husband does seem to express that he wants more kids! I agree with your analysis, Admin. I don't really care for Ryan's new wife and to me, Ryan still seems a little 'out of it' I think he does love Bentley and his parents have always been super supportive.

The way Farrah talks to people! She is incredibly rude and full of herself.

Now as for Amber and Plenty of drama. I don't know why we still watch this, but it is addictive.

Dmasy said...

Waving. I am another long time watcher of Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2. I used discipline and prevented myself from getting attached to any of the later generations of the show!

I agree -- guilty pleasure. I am teased by hubby when he sees that title in our recorded history.

Farrah is cruel and rude and beyond full of herself. I do believe she has some mental health issues. No one can be that entitled and not understand the impact on others. I am glad that she is no longer being served up as some kind of role model. I have read that she is suing TLC and the production company for being fired. She says that she feared for her life when they confronted her.

Apparently, she forgot that the conversation was filmed.

PA Dutch Mom said...

No snow yet- stay safe and warm, foxy and capecodmama and others during WINTER Storm Toby!


Twelve inches here and counting. Everything is shut down. It's supposed to snow at a rate of two or more inches an hour, with another eight or nine hours to go.

This is a very heavy, wet snow, and I'm expecting a power outage. Rumspringa for everyone.

Formerly Duped said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 199

Oh no! At least you sound prepared with the libations! Our snow will not be until evening commute- if at all. I hate forecasts of 0-12 inches.

Sad but true said...

Hmmm. Posted on her IG selfie:

cathsink@kateplusmy8 @tlc played a promo during counting on that claimed you were starting a new season but it was old!

I wonder if they're going to reruns. I don't think this has been on in a while.

Former Lurker said...

Sad but true said... 191
She's in rare form.

miloandjack2016 So @kateplusmy8 your Mak whispers.... "My hooman Mom of 8, don't worry about soon turning 48... And don't fret because I will always be your devoted pet. So let's trot downstairs for a doggy biscuit or two.... And remember WOOF WOOF, Your Max WUVS YOU! ❤" #BDComingSoon. ��

miloandjack2016 Oops! Silly me...that's a typo and should be #43! �� Counting on your #GoodSenseOfHumor. #TeasingTheQueenOfTease. @kateplusmy8


Milo is so full of it. That was not a typo at all. Just look at her little poem. She was rhyming everything. She clearly spaced out and thought TFW was turning 48.

As far as TFW's pic, I think she looks awful. It might be the filter she's using, but she looks so washed out and tired. And, I know it sounds mean, but that angle just makes her offcenter front teeth look worse than ever.

Sadly, TFW has never posted "I love him!" about her kids like she's always gushing about the dogs.

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