Saturday, May 27, 2017

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "Game Night": Mind-mouth! Mind-mouth!

Coming up on Kate Plus 8, in quite possibly one of the dumbest, and incredibly low-budget episode ideas ever, the family gathers around the mismatched cluttered living room for a game night. Only this Trivial Pursuit is all about their own family trivia, which is stupid and narcissistic. This is what the industry calls a bottle episode, an episode that takes place in just one or two locations (the store, and the living room) and usually only involves the main characters (Kate and the kids), usually to save money when the season has gone over-budget. In many cases, though, a bottle episode can be one of the best of the series (see Breaking Bad's "Fly," Dr. Quinn's "To Have and to Hold", which literally is set in a shack the whole time somewhere outside Colorado Springs, and Seinfeld's "The Chinese Restaurant," which takes place not even in the main dining room but entirely in the waiting area, LOL). That's usually because it gives a chance for characters to really develop and actors to play off each other and for writers to stretch themselves without the distraction of car chases, snazzy locations and other special effects in the plot. But here, as expected, it's just dumb.

Best portrayal of game night on film? The Break-up! Mind-mouth, mind-mouth, mind-mouth!

These days everything Kate does seems to warrant a fresh shopping spree at Michael's on the company card. Doesn't she have a closet or at least a bin full of art supplies they could raid for these very sort of events like normal mothers?

After all this time TLC still hasn't fixed their TLCgo player, such that every time you pause it, it starts over. Gaa! It's going to be another long night.

Kate had the idea to do family trivia and puts Mady in charge. Sure, Kate, you had the idea. Mady is always in charge, and it's not fair to the other kids. Mady is sipping a crafted iced drink from Starbucks. Those really add up, Kate. Last episode you were just complaining about not having hired help. One can easily spend a couple hundred dollars a month at Starbucks on drinks for them and their kids. That money might be just enough for a monthly housekeeper. It's the little things you spend your money on that make all the difference.

Mady has morphed into a poor man's Kardashian with that thick layer of doll-like makeup and wavy black hair. As per the usual, the kids are annoyed that Kate is trying to micromanage everything.

This is unnecessarily elaborate to the point where you're in danger of this not being fun, which I thought was the whole point. Now Kate and the twins have to go shopping to get team t-shirts? Cara wants grey t-shirts, which Kate vetoes. Why? There's nothing wrong with grey t-shirts. Talk about not picking your battles.

Kate goes on an equally elaborate explanation as to why the twins talk back to her all the time and are so gosh darn disrespectful. You see that's because Kate has made them feel "safe" to say whatever is on their minds. Haha, that's some fine spin there. I've never seen anything like this. My kids are brats because I have made a safe zone for them to be brats? Heh! What idiot parenting.

Hey, Kate, your kids are disrespectful because they are so disrespected by you, and also, because you don't dare ever put your foot down that the way they speak to you is not appropriate. Honest is not the same thing as being mean. It's not cute, it's not free-thinking, it's certainly not funny in the slightest, and you are setting them up for absolute failure in so many aspects of adulthood I don't know where to begin.

Next they head to what is obviously Target to buy sheets and curtains to make the living room look like a game show set. Huh? Why can't they use what they already have around the house? There's nine people in the house, they should have bedsheets galore. What a waste of money.

After a whole lot of bickering back and forth they finally check out with their cart absolutely brimming with sheets and other junk, to which Kate mutters, "That's an expensive game show," as she swipes the company card. Still way cheaper than another dumb vacation, says the bottom line for this episode. I think it's funny that they won't tell you this is Target, because Target's clunky shopping carts and red decor everywhere are so distinctive you'd have to be really dense not to know where they are.

Just in the episode before this Mady was lamenting how mean the younger kids are, but in this episode, Mady is snapping at everyone and overall being a very unpleasant pill. Kate remarks that she sees a lot of herself in her. I agree, especially the way Mady favors the girls. They at least got to cut some colorful paper, while Aaden was ordered to sit still as a soldier in his chair and don't touch anything. Poor guy, he just takes it. I doubt Kate knew what clip they were going to use when Kate said she sees a lot of herself in Mady, which is funny, because they picked the meanest, bossiest clip ever to match up with Kate's statement. Heh.

Collin makes a sudden appearance. I think we had all speculated this was filmed out of order based on the snow on the ground and no puppies, but deceptively, they don't explain that, leading the dumber fans to believe he's back. As usual, Colin looks fine to me. If anything, he's one of the best behaved of the bunch. He obediently helps decorate his team t-shirt, is quiet and well behaved, and with a huge smile on his face, helps to hit the marker and announces the next segment. It's just so incredibly hard to picture a child with this much ability and self-control, having to be institutionalized.

For some reason TLCgo is pushing endless ads for Oregon tourism, which is odd for a show that takes place in Pennsylvania. Why not put these ads on Little People? They live outside Portland. In any case, Oregon really is an awesome place. I recommend Yachats, if you ever get out there.

The game finally starts. It's sort of a cross between Family Feud and Trivial Pursuit. Hey, did anyone see Saturday Night Live's recent Family Feud skit starring Liza Minelli? "You know, it always feels like someone just freed you from a bubble!" Inspired. Also, I love that they're not afraid to take risks, like going full on Liza Minelli skit with the full knowledge that the bulk of their millennial audience might not even know who she is. I could watch SNL game show parodies all day as opposed to this drivel.

The constant power struggle between Kate and Mady gets exhausting at least for this viewer, and you can tell it wears on all the kids. Kate said Mady could be in charge of Game Night, so let her be. Stop trying to micromanage her! It's a stupid game night, what does it matter? Save it for the important things. "Strike one!" Mady snaps, when Kate tries to name the game. Hm, what happens on strike three? Does Kate leave the show? Pretty please! I guess this is the kind of rude talking back that Kate calls Mady feeling "safe." Heh. Hey, does it feel like Kate's explanation of why the twins talk back, because they feel "safe", could easily be something said in an SNL parody of helicopter 2017 mothers? Lol!

The intern kind of ripped off the Price is Right theme song to compose his own little ditty for the game show. Good one.

Already the rules of this game are annoying and being made up as Mady goes along. Who gets to spin the wheel? And what happens if they both ring in at the same time? And once they're allowed to go consult with their team about the answer, then who gets to go first? Mady wings all of this, and already she's changing up the rules. Aaden is not allowed to answer first because he knocked his bell off (Why not tape the bells down with some gaffer tape? Production is sure to have some.). But Joel knocked his bell off on the first go around, as one of the girls pointed out, so how come he got to answer first last round? Stupid. You're better off getting out Pictionary, reading the rules until you understand them, and going for it. You'll have a great time, I promise.

Great, is every question going to prompt an old boring clip of something? I can't even!

At the end of the day these kids genuinely don't like playing with Kate, I believe them when they say that. Her extreme competitiveness is obnoxious, they explain. Of course it is.

Just as we all said years ago, Alexis reveals that the vast majority of these questions she has no clue about because she doesn't remember the vast majority of the things they have filmed. Mind-mouth it, Alexis! Of course she doesn't remember this shit, she was four.

Mady is favoring Cara's team, laments Kate. Shut up, Kate. Shut up, shut up, shut uppppp!

Speaking of four years old, Alexis sulks like a four-year-old after she forgets to ring the bell when she knew the answer, and Leah wins that question because she remembered to ring. Instead of Kate pulling Alexis aside and telling her to grow up, Kate assures her they are still going to win so don't worry about it.

But, what if they don't win? (Spoiler alert: they don't win) And even if they do win, that doesn't mean you shouldn't sulk because you are going to win anyway. You shouldn't sulk because it's childish and stupid. Good grief.

There's still a good 20 minutes left in this episode not even including ads, are they going to do this boring trivia the whole time? (Spoiler alert: yes) On a positive note, Collin looks happy. He's paying attention, participating, and giggling. It's kind of heartbreaking to think he's about to be sent off to an institution.

Kate's philosophy on parenting which she has said before is that she wants kids to know not everyone wins. That's all well and good, but how about teaching kids that not everything is a competition and that some things you should just let go and not worry about, one of them being a family game. Equally valuable to teach children, I propose, is, it's not worth it. Also, you don't need to "teach" kids note everyone wins. Even if you did everything you could to let them win everything, they would still encounter many times where they would lose at school or at a friend's house. They'll learn. Not everything a child learns about life needs to be micromanaged with such purpose by their parents. Let it be once in awhile.

I swear these kids have been programmed to react "it's not fair!" to everything. Alexis goes into a long explanation about how this is not fair because she can't remember any of these past events. Well, number one, her mother says they all watch the episodes all the time, so if Alexis would watch the episodes, she would know as much as anyone who was actually old enough to remember. And number two, the teams actually are fair, Alexis. Each team has three younger children on them, and one older person. Kate on Alexis's team and Cara on the other. Therefore, each team has one person who can remember that far back. Since everyone else has access to the library of episodes and could have watched them, it actually is fair. Arguably, Alexis's team has a slight advantage, because they have Kate, and these episodes go so far back even Cara is a little young to remember them all. The thing with saying something is not fair is that sometimes, it's totally warranted. But you better make sure it actually is unfair before you pull that card. Otherwise, you're just whining.

Alexis is getting herself so worked up she looks a thread away from bursting into tears. Just mind-mouth it, Alexis! Kate again reassures her they're going to win. Oh for Pete sake! At this point even that comment is trite. Even if they do, Alexis is going to feel like yeah they won but it's no thanks to me. Sheesh. That being said, some people just aren't good at trivia, at remembering random useless facts. I'm not the biggest trivia person myself. I remember big picture things more than nuances, and I forget dates and names easily even if I could tell you everything else about what happened. Eventually I'm usually able to recall most things, but I'm not able to do so under the pressure of two or three seconds to draw the information up. So, for someone that just doesn't have a knack for trivia, playing trivia games just isn't fun, I can attest. Still, in life you will now and again end up playing games you don't like. You just have to deal with it and get through it, it'll be over soon. Why doesn't Kate reassure Alexis that not everyone is good at trivia and it's okay, that there are many other things Lex excels at?

Cupcake gate was okay because the kids now laugh about it, explains Kate. Nope, the fact that you laugh later at something does not make it okay in that moment, Kate. For example, Life is Beautiful is a film about an Italian-Jewish prisoner who makes other concentration camp prisoners smile despite their absurd situation. It doesn't make the gas chambers, or shall I say holocaust centers, okay. It's just a way to cope. Does it occur to her the only way the kids can compartmentalize a very upsetting moment in their childhood is to just laugh? Strike two, say I! The kids laugh about cupcake-gate daily, claims Kate. Well, that sounds healthy.

Not the Hannah pooped thing again, let this poor child be!

Because Kate is nuts, she then proceeds to go on some random spiel about how this wasn't about winning. But she just spent the first half of this episode reassuring Lex that they would win, and, she wrote on her team shirt "Who's your winner!" so WTF! She's certifiable.

Clearly the producers put together all these questions, they are starting to get really specific and elaborate, one even has a photo they are to identify (of the turtle hatching).

Mady snaps at Kate that Kate doesn't get to call it when they can go back to their team and discuss the answer. Only Mady can call discussions. I think that's strike three!

Who said, This is awkward? Mady asks. I'm surprised I didn't remember who said that until they show the clip of Kate's staged date with Vann where as soon as she meets the poor guy, she blurts out what she is thinking, "this is awkward." Ohhh, yeah! Lol! Dating tip number one, it will be awkward on the first date, but for God sake, don't say it's awkward! 

A very bizarre fight erupts, spearheaded by Leah, who says it's unfair to ask about that episode, which aired in January 2016, because they haven't seen it. I thought they all gather around the boob tube together, holding hands and singing about harmony, to watch these episodes as they air, as Kate paints the picture. Then, even more oddly, Leah blurts out several times that Kate won't let them watch. I'm confused, won't let them watch any episodes, or just the date episode? Kate denies this, saying it's on the TV, go watch it. But why would Leah say that if it had no basis in fact? Really weird exchange there with little explanation of the backstory, leaving my rather curious what that's all about. Did Kate at some point not want them to watch the dating episode, and if so, why not? Was it because the kids know how fake it was? This almost deserves a Reddit conspiracy thread.

I'm struck by the sharp contrast between Kate's contrived relationship with Vann, and Little People, Big World, where both Amy and Matt are in real relationships with new people now. I'm not sure I know how to feel about Amy's boyfriend Chris. Something about me thinks something is off there. And the kids seem a little wary too, which is important to note since they would know. He claims he's happy to be with her, but when after six months she very gently tries to press him on demonstrating a little commitment, he won't agree to anything. Does he even call her his girlfriend, because I haven't heard him say so. He's in his 50's, what is he waiting for at this point? But, I am genuinely convinced it's a real relationship, organic, would happen cameras or not. I just think Amy is going to end up terribly hurt by that guy when he decides on a whim, eh, I'm gonna move on now. In any case, because it's so real, it makes for much better T.V. than Kate's stupid blind date.

Cara's team starts to pull away, and Kate's team starts to get bored because it actually is all about winning for everyone in this room.

Kate dresses up as a clown with a pink wig and passes out popcorn like she did for one of their early birthdays. The kids find her mortifying. Kate thinks she's hilarious.

Once in awhile they show a clip that's not mind-numbingly boring, but rather interesting, this one because of its foreshadowing. In this one they show Kate engaging in a battle of wills with 5-year-old Mady, insisting that Kate must hold her hand on a decidedly not busy New York City sidewalk. Mady is not two, she is five, and perfectly capable of walking alongside her parents without having to hold their hand like a baby. But Kate insists. And what's worse, argues the point with the poor kid, giving her false hope this is a negotiation. It's that kind of repeated, tenacious refusal to give up any control over your child, that breeds a teen like Mady ten years later. Mady woke up one day, probably at age about 13 or 14, and realized she could actually be in control from now on, and it's been misery ever since.

Kate, who says she doesn't care if they win, is sulking and going on about how some question and answer was unfair. I'm too bored to try to figure out why she said that. "That's wrong!" Kate, who doesn't care about winning, gleefully shouts out when the other team misses a question. "I really wanted to win," says Kate. But she just said she didn't care! Brother, she is such a nut job.

Kate announces the prizes toward the end of the game. The winning team picks the takeout and the losers clean up. Sounds like she made that up on the fly. I know that's not that big of a deal as prizes go, but something about that feels very dysfunctional, and I think it breeds unhealthy competition, and bitterness. Why can't they just finish the game and that's it, without this unhealthy focus on winners and losers? How about decide take-out on a majority vote, or rotate who chooses the takeout fairly each time?

More dumb questions and bickering. The only thing interesting that happens is somebody says Kate thinks she's funny, but she's not. Pretty much!

Collin, who apparently has such special needs that he needs to be institutionalized, is the only one to correctly identify and name the liberty bell, in Philadelphia. He gets both the landmark and the city. Whatever, Kate. Where is he?

Cara's team wins, and Cara calls the other team "losers." Sigh.

Of note, this recap took me several weeks to finish because I broke up the chore as I had time to do it. At the beginning of the writing, the TLCgo app was doing its usual crap. But I think the interns may have tweaked the code, because today, it's running much better. It doesn't restart all over when I pause it, and the commercials don't pop up every time I try to move the slider. Thank you, interns! Finally!

It was so much more fun than she thought it could be, remarks Kate. She's said something like that before, and I find that kind of comment odd and kind of mean. Why wouldn't being with your family and talking about the fun things you've done together be just great? Why would it surprise you to have such fun with your family? Weird!

Kate, you're the only loser here.

969 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 195
I still can't get over the colossal chutzpah of Josh Duggar. So a few days after the Ashley Madison scandal broke, he high-tailed it to some religious camp to get "cured," and he came back bitter and victim-ish and p*ssed off and looking for cash. Sounds like they did a bang-up job.
Yeah! Sounds like Josh really was helped, through therapy, to take responsibility for his actions and truly express remorse for molesting (at least) 5 young girls.
Truly a Maslow moment.

Tucker's Mom said...

Excuse my vulgarity, but...he diddled his FIVE-YEAR-OLD sister and he's upset that HE'S being punished?
That's the thing that to me, makes Josh not just some sexually- curious teenage scoundrel, but a PREDATOR and pedophile.

Tucker's Mom said...

"Uncle" Ronnie is the new Deanna.
Man, I have to give it to Kate. She can pull people into her gravitational force at will.
When one wakes up and smells the coffee, another one is waiting in the wings to be a paid family member.

Tucker's Mom said...

Solving for "x" hurts Kate's brain. Uncle Ronnie should pull back on the peroxide.

Sad but true said...

Heh heh. "Uncle" Ronnie. Good one.

johnpaulbachmann Time to pretty up and get ready to work - filming begins - no rest for the G7. #UncleRonnieHairdresserPaidByTLC #NoRealUnclesAllowed

maryannie884Um he isn't the one being tutored. Duh

maryannie884 This is so Kate...making another paid for by TLC service person into a relative. Poor kids

Sad but true said...

Re Josh and his lawyer, Travis Story, Story is the same guy whose LLC "purchased" Josh's house right after the Ashley Madison news broke. It was speculated at the time that he did so in order that Josh had nothing of value in his name, in case Anna did decide to sue for divorce or other lawsuits came along. Sounds like he's on the Duggar clean-up team.

Susan1956 said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 192
I still can't get over the colossal chutzpah of Josh Duggar. So a few days after the Ashley Madison scandal broke, he high-tailed it to some religious camp to get "cured," and he came back bitter and victim-ish and p*ssed off and looking for cash. Sounds like they did a bang-up job. I guess Josh was off getting a churro when they lectured about contrition and humility.

Excuse my vulgarity, but...he diddled his FIVE-YEAR-OLD sister and he's upset that HE'S being punished?
Has he ever considered that maybe this is God's will, and that feeling demeaned may be part of his journey towards redemption? That this kind of profound suffering might inspire him to become the man his wife and children deserve?
I'm waiting for him to sue TLC because he and Anna had to make do with a stateside honeymoon (Myrtle Beach?) while his sisters, with the exception of Jill, have gone on European honeymoons. Not sure where Joy-Anna went with her new hubby.

Sad but true said...

Tucker's Mom said... 4
"Uncle" Ronnie is the new Deanna.
Man, I have to give it to Kate. She can pull people into her gravitational force at will.

I'm sure the TLC paycheck is the operative inducement here, Kate's more of a repellent, LOL. They must be filming. And just a day or two after school ends. Happy vacation, kids!

Sad but true said...

Yes, I'm sure many would like the answer to this question.

jpjt94 Sorry but where are the kids REAL biological family?Not someone who's paid for by TLC like Deanna and Ronnie.

Sad but true said...

jamiepumpkin3 What's the weight limit? Do I get a ride?

monkfish18@jamiepumkin3 If you think that you can fit that pumpkin bottom in that kid sized go cart, go for it! #OneLessRideForCollin

Former Lurker said...

Another one:

jpjt94Sorry but where are the kids REAL biological family?Not someone who's paid for by TLC like Deanna and Ronnie.

Former Lurker said...

Tucker's Mom said... 4
"Uncle" Ronnie is the new Deanna.
Man, I have to give it to Kate. She can pull people into her gravitational force at will.
When one wakes up and smells the coffee, another one is waiting in the wings to be a paid family member.


It's so disgusting, isn't it? She won't run out of people to use until the TLC show is finally dead and over forever.

Between the new go-kart and now the hair stylist being there, plus Jamie hinting she'll be there soon, we all know they're filming.

How sad and pathetic is it that the very minute the kids are done with school, they're put to WORK?! They don't even get a week off.

She's horrible. I continue to be amazed that she has fans who refuse to see that she is fully supported by her kids and has been for almost their entire lives!

Former Lurker said...

jpjt94Sorry but where are the kids REAL biological family?Not someone who's paid for by TLC like Deanna and Ronnie.

k8i31@jpjt94 Family is more than biology.

k8i31��that Cara and Mady are tutoring him������

k8i31@johnpaulbachmann Sometimes people you choose to be in your life and consider family are better for your family than biological. Don't judge.

k8i31@jpjt94 Family is more than biology. #dont ��‍⚖️ judge.

k8i31@maryannie884 Family is more than biology. #DontJudge#��‍⚖️

Sad but true said...

So People mag's all over Jill's name for her unborn baby (along with about 15 stories on the Clooneys' new babies), but nary a mention of Josh's move to join the lawsuit. Pretty clear they are now hand-in-glove with TLC.

Sad but true said...

Something has always confused me about the Duggar story, and if anyone knows the answer, please enlighten me.

According to this lawsuit (and earlier coverage of this story), the molestation incidents took place in 2002-3 or thereabouts. But the Duggars only went to the police in December 2006, after Josh was 18, to tell this story. WHY? If you've "solved" the problem and brought about the cessation of the activity, why do you go to the police at all, some four years after the fact, to tell them about it? And suffer the whole trauma of having the (extremely unworldly) victims themselves interviewed by the police?

I remember when this story broke two years ago, there was something about the information being "out there" and that the Oprah show had been alerted to it. Okay. Did the police report happen before or after that? And if it is connected to the Duggars' fear that the story was going to go public, what would filing a police report achieve for them? How was that supposed to help them? We know the SOL window had closed, so there was no way Josh was going to be prosecuted. So what was the point? Why would you NOT let the sleeping dogs lie?

There is so much about the way they handled this situation that is confusing to me. I never watched the Kelly interview so I have no idea if they addressed it. Anyone know?

Tucker's Mom said...

Sad but true said... 11
jamiepumpkin3 What's the weight limit? Do I get a ride?

monkfish18@jamiepumkin3 If you think that you can fit that pumpkin bottom in that kid sized go cart, go for it! #OneLessRideForCollin
June 6, 2017 at 2:08 PM
Former Lurker said... 12
Another one:

jpjt94Sorry but where are the kids REAL biological family?Not someone who's paid for by TLC like Deanna and Ronnie.
Darn tooting! Sorry, but faux relatives are not even a close call when it comes to having their actual family who would love to see them and have a relationship.
I'm glad people are calling out how dysfunctional and dystopic the G kids lives have been because of Kate.

Tucker's Mom said...

Of course family is more than biology, but when you have bio family that you've cut out of your life entirely, and your children are ROBBED of the opportunity to know them, you are a sick, abusive, twisted parent.

Tucker's Mom said...

How sad and pathetic is it that the very minute the kids are done with school, they're put to WORK?! They don't even get a week off.
Of course. That's why Kate's been so chirpy.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Former Lurker (#14), that sheeple is looking at TFW through wool-covered glasses. Yes, friends can be like family, and that's a wonderful thing. But TFW seems to form these intimate connections with outsiders because she has actively ended the significant family relationships of her life, and consequently her children's lives. They have local grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins from whom they've been deprived. And TFW has tried her damndest to sabotage her kids' relationship with their father, and has successfully alienated 50% of them.

Sad but true said...

Who IS this k8ti31? And why is she so #hashtag-crazed?

johnpaulbachmannk8131 Artificial family is no substitute for real family - can both sides of a family be totally wrong for children? Should filming be more important than grandparents? Should children be denied access to aunts, uncles, cousins? #Sad #ParentalAlienation Not so much angry as concerned when children are used by parents as money-making tools.

k8i31@jeska5589 Thank you!# I said the truth. #sodidyou #sadthathatersaresohatefultheyjavenothinggoodtosay#theycanstop!

jpjt94@Johnpaulbachmann Amen to that,its not hateful pointing out what Kate has done.Secondly the"don't judge"cop out is just an excuse for those who have no argument.I have a feeling Collin could be gone for years and these same fans will continue on with the "don't judge" cop out.

k8i31@johnpaulbachmann #feelsorryforyou#nosuchthingasartificalfamily#biologicalfamily#heartfamily#loveisnodifferent#differenttypesoffamily#differenttypesoflove. It doesn't matter what type as long as the children are loved - they are! I'm not going to speculate on why the grandparents are not involved here- neither should you- none of our business but my guess is that it has nothing to do with filming. They had #NanaJanet#MissBeverly#NannyJoan# As to aunts and uncles, I don't know about all the aunts and uncles, but #UncleKevinandAuntJodi#behindKate'sbackonnationalTV. I certainly hope the kids get to see their family, but I will let their mother decide what is best. # don't judge #notparentalalienation

Sad but true said...

Ah, now I see. Nut-job.

k8i31@jpjt94 not hateful. But IMO 💯 wrong and judgemental. You can have an impression of Kate that's fine I can have mine- they can 💯 differ which they do- and neither of us can be 💯 right or wrong - Kate's not perfect. But do you have to be so judgmental? What else can you call it? You don't even know the lady. Nor do I.How can we judge her parenting? I get concern- if I ever saw something to be concerned with but how can we judge. I get that she is going to be judged because she's in the public eye, but she never asked to be judged on that specifically. And why mention Collin unless in a positive manner? #don't judge 👩‍⚖️

"She never asked to be judged on that specifically"?! It doesn't take long for the crazy to rise to the surface with some of K8's more avid fans.

FYI said...

Sad but true said... 16
Something has always confused me about the Duggar story, and if anyone knows the answer, please enlighten me.

According to this lawsuit (and earlier coverage of this story), the molestation incidents took place in 2002-3 or thereabouts. But the Duggars only went to the police in December 2006, after Josh was 18, to tell this story. WHY?

Here's a timeline of events in the Duggar case.

From the article, this is how the police got involved:

"Dec. 7, 2006: The Arkansas Child Abuse Hotline receives an anonymous tip about sexual abuse occurring in the Duggar household. In the 2006 police report, Springdale Police Department reach out to the family to schedule interviews.

The family is in Chicago for a scheduled interview with Oprah Winfrey and cannot speak to police until they return on Dec. 11, according to the report.

The Oprah Winfrey Show receives an email on Dec. 7, 2006, from an unnamed female that reports abuse. Harpo Studios faxes the letter to the Department of Human Services Hot Line. Oprah cancels the appearance."

Sad but true said...

Kate is a twit said... 23

Thanks! I could not recall how the Oprah thing worked into everything else. So the Duggars didn't voluntarily file this report, they were forced to by the police who were investigating this anonymous claim. That makes a lot more sense.

jamesvader1194 said...

@Sad but true I checked k8i31 account and she has to be a bot or a sock.The account is set to private,has no profile picture on it and only 12 posts.That screams bot account.

Tucker's Mom said...

The Oprah Winfrey Show receives an email on Dec. 7, 2006, from an unnamed female that reports abuse. Harpo Studios faxes the letter to the Department of Human Services Hot Line. Oprah cancels the appearance."
So Boob knows that their protecting their child molester son was going to be reported and made known to authorities.
The conspiracy to cover up starts.
No one ever speaks of Josh molesting 4 of his sisters as filming goes full steam ahead.
Josh takes a position with the Family Research Council waggling his finger at homosexuals, calling them a threat to marriage.
Josh steals someone's identity and signs up for Ashley Madison where he has affairs.

ncgirl said...

"I think that's a given, especially when I looked up that Go Kart and saw it was Coleman, whom she's grifted TONS of stuff from before."

It's probably a TLC sponsor.

Remember Kate's old hairstyle salon, Ted Gibson. I think Jason was her stylist, and he tweeted Kate. I googled and TG's salon in NYC closed.

Where did Ronnie come from? My mother watched the show and said Cara, who had been glum, just lit up when he came in. It's sad you have to get joy from the paid help.

One paid helper doesn't work out? Replace them with another. I bet Skeeve is still around.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#26), and how wildly hypocritical of Ma Duggar to make robocalls about the evil LGBTQ community threatening our children's safety in bathrooms -- all the while protecting her sexual molester son.

I wish this stunt would backfire, and TLC would finally take this family off the air. But I know TLC cares about the almighty dollar first, and will only drop the Duggars if they become a financial liability.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Jamesvader1194 (#24), maybe it's Uncle Ronnie making himself useful between blowouts? Or Deanna decided to start defending her BFF again, but under a different name?

Tucker's Mom said...

I wish this stunt would backfire, and TLC would finally take this family off the air. But I know TLC cares about the almighty dollar first, and will only drop the Duggars if they become a financial liability.
Josh Duggar is seeking to cash in on molesting his sisters.
He's a victim.
You can't make this sh*t up.

ncgirl said...

"I checked k8i31 account and she has to be a bot or a sock.The account is set to private,has no profile picture on it and only 12 posts.That screams bot account."

They need to learn how to hashtag and use words other than "don't judge". #toomanywords

I've read celebrity gossip for years, and there were always rumors about Josh molesing, not just specific details. If it weren't for InTouch, they would still be getting away with it.

ncgirl said...

"Josh Duggar is seeking to cash in on molesting his sisters."

That's what the guy who wrote this article said. It's a good article, but there is strong language and snark.

Former Lurker said...

It seems insane to me for the Duggars to file this lawsuit just when the new version of their show seemed to be doing well, (unfortunately), and they seem to have a (stupid) fan base that's moved on and forgotten about it. And it's even more insane for Josh to get involved in the suit just as he's trying to get back on the show.

Not to sound like TFW, but I just don't get it. I've never seen the show, but I've read a lot about it both here and in many articles over the years. Could this be a case of any publicity is good publicity? Could they really think that all of this being dredged back up and in the news would actually be good for ratings? That just seems crazy to me.

Formerly Duped said...

Woah, who is this Ronnie, a hair stylist? And what's this about the girls needing a tutor, since they are top of their class? I missed what's happening, albeit seems not that interesting

NJGal51 said...

Hmmmmmmmmm, knowing how TFW loves her #tags this just might be an account she created.

k8i31 = Katie (the 3 being a backward e and she's the original 1 so that's where the 31 comes in). LOL! Now I'll go remove my tinfoil hat.

Former Lurker said...

From the Ronnie IG post:

jeska5589"What Kate has done" is provide for her family. Raise her kids, feed, clothe and shelter them. Judge away.


Allow me to correct that:

"What Kate has done" is forced her children to provide a very comfortable lifestyle for her and themselves. Sold her kids' childhoods and privacy, forced them to feed, clothe and shelter her and themselves. Judge away. ~ Administrator said...

Admin (#170), and another big reason to not send the kids to camp is lack of availability for filming. TFW is well aware of her side-piece status at TLC, and I think she lives her life in a tentative way, knowing one phone call could mean another round of episodes.


I totally agree that this is about living life in a tentative way, making sure the family is always able to drop everything suddenly.

When you throw down several thousands of dollars for summer camp for three weeks for the kids, suddenly they're not available if TLC decides now's a good time to pay for another cheap vacation in the off season. One of her recent TLC funded trips ran right smack dab through August, a common time for kids to be committed elsewhere.

What a crying shame anyhow. One day the kids will resent it. I don't think they're old enough to grasp that she holds them back because she puts filming first, but you bet they will eventually.

Former Lurker said...

Another show I don't watch, just read about here, LOL:

EXCLUSIVE: Little People Big World's Jeremy and Audrey Roloff become first-time homeowners after plunking down $465k on two-story, four-bedroom home - ahead of the birth of their baby girl

• Jeremy, 27, and Audrey Roloff, 25, revealed they are settling down in the first home in the 'family friendly' area of Portland called Rock Creek

• has learned the couple has plunked down $465,000 for a 2,700 square foot two-story home with four bedrooms and 2.5 baths

• Fans of the TLC hit can watch the Roloffs in the intense bidding war over the home in the episode that airs Tuesday

• In April, the pair announced they're expecting a baby girl on September 1

• Jeremy and Audrey have revealed their daughter will not be a little person as the gene is recessive and the gene does not run in Audrey's family ~ Administrator said...

jeska5589"What Kate has done" is provide for her family. Raise her kids, feed, clothe and shelter them. Judge away.


Allow me to correct that:

"What Kate has done" is forced her children to provide a very comfortable lifestyle for her and themselves. Sold her kids' childhoods and privacy, forced them to feed, clothe and shelter her and themselves. Judge away.


And there's the values argument thing again. By jeska's argument, anything is okay as long as it supports your family.

I don't think any of us here believe that. For instance I don't think it's okay to pay for your family's expenses by being in the mafia, engaging in prostitution, or exploiting your kids. Kate has funded her family in a very morally corrupt way that puts her children's mental health at grave, grave risk (see Jacob Roloff. see, Collin). So yeah, folks are gonna say it's not okay and very dangerous.

There are dozens of other ways to pay for several kids without putting their mental health and privacy in such danger. Pick any one of those. ~ Administrator said...

jeska5589"What Kate has done" is provide for her family. Raise her kids, feed, clothe and shelter them. Judge away.


Allow me to correct that:

"What Kate has done" is forced her children to provide a very comfortable lifestyle for her and themselves. Sold her kids' childhoods and privacy, forced them to feed, clothe and shelter her and themselves. Judge away.


And there's the values argument thing again. By jeska's argument, anything is okay as long as it supports your family.

I don't think any of us here believe that. For instance I don't think it's okay to pay for your family's expenses by being in the mafia, engaging in prostitution, or exploiting your kids. Kate has funded her family in a very morally corrupt way that puts her children's mental health at grave, grave risk (see Jacob Roloff. see, Collin). So yeah, folks are gonna say it's not okay and very dangerous.

There are dozens of other ways to pay for several kids without putting their mental health and privacy in such danger. Pick any one of those. ~ Administrator said...

It seems insane to me for the Duggars to file this lawsuit just when the new version of their show seemed to be doing well, (unfortunately), and they seem to have a (stupid) fan base that's moved on and forgotten about it. And it's even more insane for Josh to get involved in the suit just as he's trying to get back on the show.


Like I said, the Duggars don't know when to hold and when to fold.

And they need to get everyone telling the same story. If this abuse caused them such minimal blip on the radar when it happened, then I wouldn't expect a little media attention over it to disturb them to the core such that they want millions of dollars in a payout. In fact they spent their entire time on Meghan Kelly explaining how they're doing great, always have been always will be. Rather ill advised.

The best thing that happened out of this is when the police department released their press release telling them to go tell it to a fencepost. I love when people won't be bullied.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Former Lurker (#36), and that defender neglected to mention that for more than a year, TFW has only been taking care of 7 of her 8 children. And, since TFW stated very clearly that she made her life our business, I will continue to "judge away."

capecodmama said...

Even my almost four year old grandaughter is signed up to take a ballet/tap class over the summer. And my nine year old grandson is going to lacrosse camp. And my daughter works and she still manages to get them from point A to point B without complaining and being exhaustedish.

Sad but true said...

Former Lurker said... 33
. . .
Could this be a case of any publicity is good publicity?

But WHY? They just had another wedding, which is the headliner for the season starting in 6 days, a new courtship was announced (so another wedding soon to follow), two more Duggar progeny expected this summer (Jill and Anna): WHAT MORE publicity could possibly be needed?

I, too, hope this backfires in a big way. It looks like a blatant money grab by the head Duggar money-grubber more than anything else. The ratings for the last couple of "seasons" have not exactly been barn-burners, the ad boycott has certainly taken a toll. And this action by Josh is undoubtedly going to gin that up all over again.

Has TLC maybe told JimBoob that he's now on month-to-month status? Because I can't think of any other logical reason he'd be trying to push this. Did he think no one would pay attention? Granted, the story hasn't made People Duggar-story-of-the-day---yet---but I daresay they can't ignore it forever.

There's a story in yesterday's Washington Post that suggests that none of the Duggars, including the girls, are likely to prevail in this case:

Sad but true said...

Well, despite his good looks, "Uncle" Ronnie's only picked up 2,500 in 6 hours. None of K8's IG posts after the 13th b'day have received many likes, all under 5K. Once again raising the question, where ARE all those 148K followers?

I read K8's comment as the girls tutoring the hairdresser, not the other way around. Why he'd need algebra at this point, I couldn't begin to guess. ~ Administrator said...

On a positive note, I loved reading again how swiftly and correctly Oprah's staff reacted to the allegations of abuse. They informed child services and cancelled the appearance. That's exactly right. And this was years before some of the major sex abuse scandals broke and the subsequent training and reform that occurred to help people better understand what to do when confronted with such allegations. This could have been a scandal for Oprah's people too, but it wasn't, because they acted exactly right by making sure exactly the right agency was notified. I have to wonder if that was in their manual or was just good common sense. Either way, it makes me think highly of Oprah and her people. It's not about the bottom line for them, they're not afraid to look bad and pull the rug out in the name of protecting children. Sadly, I don't think in 2006 most shows would have done the same.

Former Lurker said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 42
Former Lurker (#36), and that defender neglected to mention that for more than a year, TFW has only been taking care of 7 of her 8 children. And, since TFW stated very clearly that she made her life our business, I will continue to "judge away."


That made me think of the expense of whatever facilty C has been in all this time. My first thought was good, I hope it's costing TFW a fortune. Then, I figured, duh, she's using HIS money to pay for it.

So, that's another difference C will have in the future compared to his siblings. They might have some money left in their trust accounts while C will have NOTHING. Absolutely nothing to show for having his childhood and privacy stolen from him by a greedy, selfish, fame-hungry mother.

Upon turning 18, C needs a good lawyer to sue TLC, and his mother, for forcing him to work and putting him on TV when they all knew he had some medical and/or emotional issues. They put filming their damn show above his physical and mental wellbeing and very likely made the situation worse.

Former Lurker said...

Wow, she's really getting a lot of negative comments on this one:

carolbrown8589Kids must be out of school and Kate is making them earn a living as usual. Kate needs to find a job and stop living off the kids backs. Don't watch the show & the kids don't have to work. Pretty simple.

capecodmama said...

Could I ask a favor of the lovely posters who live in warmer climes? Could you please send some warm air in my direction. It may say June 6 on the calendar but it's 50 degrees outside and 64 degrees in my home and it's rained for days. I'm so over this. ~ Administrator said...

It seems insane to me for the Duggars to file this lawsuit just when the new version of their show seemed to be doing well, (unfortunately), and they seem to have a (stupid) fan base that's moved on and forgotten about it. And it's even more insane for Josh to get involved in the suit just as he's trying to get back on the show.


You know what I find kind of insane Josh SURE that all the statute of limitations have expired on his cases? SOLs are getting more and more lenient on sex abuse cases in many states. It's not very smart to run your mouth about what did or didn't happen when you can't be sure the cops have officially cleared you. Best to stay on the down low.

Because the police aren't going to care if the girls are downplaying it, they can go after him if they like.

Plus, child services. You might not want to gab so much when they're sniffing around too. They can detain your kids at ANY time, they don't care if the abuse happened 30 years ago. There is a recent case right out of L.A. county that is published and public record in which a gentleman lost custody of his toddler because he molested his cousin in approx. 1985. DCFS v. LA Superior Court. That's 30 years ago, Josh. ~ Administrator said...

It may say June 6 on the calendar but it's 50 degrees outside and 64 degrees in my home and it's rained for days. I'm so over this.


Can't help you there. We're in the middle of a pretty strong June gloom event that's been persisting for weeks. Routinely 50's and 60's every day with massive cloud cover, many days it lasts all day into the night, like today. Not so sunny CA.

Tucker's Mom said...
Great article. Shows how time and time again, the Duggars trying to circumvent the legal system and manipulate the public is coming back to bite them in the ass. ~ Administrator said...

k8i31@jpjt94 Family is more than biology.


I'm sorry did Kate adopt that dude? Family is not all biological but family is also not your hairdresser.

He is not in it for the long haul. He is going to be successful, and he'll be gone like a fart in the wind, just like Deanna, also successful. This is the first celeb he befriended, so it's a novelty. When someone a little more interesting, nicer, and more famous comes along, he'll be their new best friend and she's gone. She doesn't LIVE anywhere near him, which is a huge problem for keeping up ties.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Maybe Josh is bringing this out in the open again so that when he's caught cheating again, he'll have someone to blame. The first time it was because the devil built a fortress in his heart. Next time it'll be because he was so deeply hurt and humiliated by this horrible (and 100% true) story, and sought comfort in the arms of a stranger.
And, heck, his wife took him back the first time, so dude has no reason in the world to think she won't do it a second time. And a third.

Former Lurker said...

I will never in a million years believe that this Ronnie guy went all the way out to TFW's house for anything but filming. In other words, a paycheck.

And Jamie will be there soon. TFW calls her a friend, but why is it she only visits when they're filming and taking free trips? It's all about a paycheck.

I almost feel sorry for TFW because I think she knows the sad and pathetic truth. She has nothing and no one without TLC and the show. That is, without the kids being filmed. When that's finally over and in the past, she will truly have nothing and no one. ~ Administrator said...


Sweet, that tracked down some legal eagles who confirm this lawsuit is dumb and going nowhere. BAW! Better call Saul!

They point out that there was nothing TO expunge so what are they even talking about! Indeed the Duggars keep saying the records should have been expunged. But that's not how it works. These were just police reports and other notes. You expunge a minor's record, if the law in your jurisdiction allows for it, related to CONVICTIONS and possibly maybe even arrests, not simply police reports. If you were never convicted or even charged, our justice system presumes you are not guilty until proven otherwise and there is nothing to "expunge." Usually too you have to ask for it to be sealed or expunged, it's not like on your 18th birthday suddenly your file goes poof just like that. Clerks don't have time for that nonsense.

They fail to understand the primary purpose behind expungements is so that something dumb you did as a kid doesn't haunt you on every job application the rest of your life such that you can't even get a job and it's 40 years later. By law you usually don't have to disclose things that were expunged.

My understanding is Josh was never even arrested, so he is under no obligation to disclose anything to anyone. The harm expungements sought to protect was already mitigated. What a doofus carrying on about expungements.

The Duggars picked a terrible climate to try to peddle this. Tides are shifting, and we understand better than ever now that more disclosure, not less, is usually best. When it comes to ANYTHING suspect, but especially sex abuse. Can you imagine being the judge who says yes this should be covered up? I doubt that's going to fly with most voters, especially those among them who have been molested. Uh-huh, the judge isn't going to mess with those constituents.

capecodmama said...

Well that sucks Admin. Hopefully your drought is over. ~ Administrator said...

n Touch has yet to respond to the lawsuit, but it’s important to recognize that Josh’s name was, in fact, redacted from the police report ― as required by law. In Touch even noted in the story:

“(Note: Josh’s name is redacted from the police report but In Touch has confirmed the passages that refer to him.)”


It was hard to tell from the redacted reports who was who. You would have to have had a very in depth knowledge of the family, such as from watching their show religiously, to be able to make an educated guess. That was the Duggars choice to expose so much of their family on TV such that one could piece it all together with all the clues.

In Touch went on a super sleuth mission to figure out it was him, and it wouldn't have been that hard since lots of people in the community seemed to know about it. It's not the city's fault that somebody took a clue here and a clue there and figured out it was Josh after the fact. Nobody needed the police reports to figure this out anyway, they were on the hunt about this before they ever asked for release of the reports. Seems to me their beef is with InTouch for revealing Josh's name, which is an even more dead end than the city, since InTouch really isn't under any legal obligation, like child services is, to keep people's names private.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Uncle Ronnie sounds like just another crew daddy. If he's there when they're filming, he's there to work, not play with the kids. But maybe they are so starved for adult attention and connection -- eapecially the ones who have been alienated from their dad -- that they are truly excited when he is around.

So will Ronnie travel with TFW and Jamie and the kids this summer? Will he be like Uncle Steve with a hot comb?

ncgirl said...

"There are dozens of other ways to pay for several kids without putting their mental health and privacy in such danger. Pick any one of those."

There are other families with multiples who got by without being on TV.

I think the twins tutoring Ronnie was just a joke. Kate thinks she's funny when she's not. Jim Boob is the same way. ~ Administrator said...

If her sleeping in comment doesn't make her "fans" think twice, then they really have their heads in the sand. Biologically, I can't sleep in anymore because my body won't let me. Years of getting up early for work, and then getting up earlier once the kids were school aged (so I could be ready before they woke up), has conditioned me, and I'm sure most people, to a certain number of hours of sleep per night.


I'm the same way, my eyes pop open early every day and I get a hankering to start doing stuff. Amazing how things change from when I was a teen and all I wanted to do was sleep in on the weekends (as my brain was biologically programmed to do). Most adults are wired to wake earlier and earlier as they age, so it is a red flag if an adult finds themselves constantly sleeping in. They are likely not going to bed early enough, sick, on drugs, or perhaps pregnant. Since I don't think it's three and four for Kate, she should examine whether she is getting to bed at a decent hour and whether she is giving her body what it needs when she eats and drinks--protein, veggies, meats, limited carbs, no or limited caffeine. She'll see a huge difference.

The few times I've slept the morning away, usually because I'm jetlagged from overseas, I feel like the day got away from me. Which, it pretty much did. ~ Administrator said...

According to this lawsuit (and earlier coverage of this story), the molestation incidents took place in 2002-3 or thereabouts. But the Duggars only went to the police in December 2006, after Josh was 18, to tell this story. WHY?


Others answered this very well about the Oprah connection, but can we call out the elephant in the room. They were never GONNA go to the police. They wanted it all hushed up and quiet from the get-go.

This article describes what I recall vividly, that the Oprah show stumbled upon the allegations nearly by accident when some older woman emailed them an anonymous tip about it, apparently after she discovered or at least knew about a letter from one of the victims. A letter that perhaps was never even meant to be found. They almost got away with it.

While I understand, sort of, not wanting to involve law enforcement, you better be darn sure the perp child is getting the treatment he needs and that the younger ones are protected. I do not believe they did either of those. ~ Administrator said...

On another note, the same gawker article, which by the way is an excellent rendition of the timeline as we know it, describes how message boards were ablaze with comments about this a decade ago. People knew and were talking a decade ago.

Fans had put two and two together about Oprah, and some community members were posting online what they knew. I'm guessing that's how InTouch got tipped off in the first place, somebody at InTouch browsing forums endlessly for rumors they could try to track down and found the jackpot.

So that really begs the question is the city really at fault for releasing something that was already out there from multiple other sources? Yes the police report gives it a little bit more credibility, but there was plenty of chatter about it before anything was released.

Former Lurker said...

Since TFW tagged Ronnie in her IG post, I clicked on his name and took a quick look at his IG. Not only does TFW sometimes post comments there, so does brownie ("mkbrownlowauthor").

On March 10th, he posted a few birthday selfies. Brownie wished him a happy birthday, but I didn't see any comments from TFW. He's 33, btw.

His post using Face App which creates a pic of him younger, older, and as a woman (TFW calls him "Ken" and thinks she's Barbie):

kateplusmy8No Ken! Don't be OLD! Noooooo lol!!! (That means I'm that much older ... you know, me Barbie lol)


His Mothers Day post with old photos of him and his mother:

kateplusmy8Omg Ronnie! I'm also thankful to your mom for bringing us you! AND I have to say, you were THE CUTEST little guy ever! How did she ever say no to YOU??! �� I know I couldn't lol!


Aw, how nice. Did C have such a nice, sweet exchange with Mommy Dearest on Mothers Day? Did she tell C how grateful she is for him? Did she ever tell C that he was the cutest little guy ever and she just couldn't say no to him?

Tucker's Mom said...

His post using Face App which creates a pic of him younger, older, and as a woman (TFW calls him "Ken" and thinks she's Barbie):

kateplusmy8No Ken! Don't be OLD! Noooooo lol!!! (That means I'm that much older ... you know, me Barbie lol)


His Mothers Day post with old photos of him and his mother:

kateplusmy8Omg Ronnie! I'm also thankful to your mom for bringing us you! AND I have to say, you were THE CUTEST little guy ever! How did she ever say no to YOU??! �� I know I couldn't lol!


Whatever "this" is, it's creepy.

Kate is such an adolescent. I'm convinced her maturing was stunted as a teen. Something happened and she's stuck there, never maturing.

Tucker's Mom said...

Others answered this very well about the Oprah connection, but can we call out the elephant in the room. They were never GONNA go to the police. They wanted it all hushed up and quiet from the get-go.
From what I gather, the Duggars would have more recourse now IF they had the legal system involved in a timely fashion.
Back then, they wanted to keep it a secret and even cover it up, now, that's coming back to bite them.

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm the same way, my eyes pop open early every day and I get a hankering to start doing stuff. Amazing how things change from when I was a teen and all I wanted to do was sleep in on the weekends (as my brain was biologically programmed to do). Most adults are wired to wake earlier and earlier as they age, so it is a red flag if an adult finds themselves constantly sleeping in.
Another piece of Kate's interrupted maturity. I really think there's something to it.
On many levels, Kate acts like a teenager, and this is yet another behavior that shows how her mind never developed past a 16-year old.
She acts like a teen, thinks like a teen, sleeps like a teen and has the attentions span of a teen.

Tucker's Mom said...

The few times I've slept the morning away, usually because I'm jetlagged from overseas, I feel like the day got away from me. Which, it pretty much did.
I've been crushed with an awful summer cold/bronchitis/sinus/bacterial infection. Seriously, lather, rinse, repeat with another cold on the heels of the first one.
Being tired and idle is seriously getting on my nerves!

I'm still not sleeping in, but going to bed early.

I swear, Kate's like a kid with mono.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 59
Uncle Ronnie sounds like just another crew daddy.
Cara and Mady should be hanging around kids their own age, maybe going on dates and wading into relationships that are age-appropriate.
Staying at home and hanging out with a 33-year old man just doesn't sit right with me.
I'm not implying anything nefarious on this Ronnie's part, but just on its face, it's not healthy.
The girls are not developing relationships or learning about building relationships with their peers, with romantic interests and with their father.
These missing pieces will destabilize them later in life.

Tucker's Mom said...

But maybe they are so starved for adult attention and connection -- eapecially the ones who have been alienated from their dad -- that they are truly excited when he is around.
Bingo. Ronnie is a male surrogate that they probably don't even realize they are searching for and in need of because they've been emotionally divorced and estranged from their own father.
Kate loves to have Ronnie around since he's good looking, strokes her ego, and is safe (being gay).

Tucker's Mom said...

So will Ronnie travel with TFW and Jamie and the kids this summer? Will he be like Uncle Steve with a hot comb?
Yup. Kate is one of those new-money, middle-aged women who think it's cool to have "a gay husband" as an accessory.

Tucker's Mom said...

kateplusmy8Omg Ronnie! I'm also thankful to your mom for bringing us you! AND I have to say, you were THE CUTEST little guy ever! How did she ever say no to YOU??! �� I know I couldn't lol!
WTH is Kate thinking? She's got 3 boys who should be the cutest guys ever in her eyes.
This fawning and blathering over Ronnie because he's got better-than-average looks is so superficial.

That's what matters to Kate.

Her boys with their father's genes?
Not so much.

foxy said...

I think it is Auntie Ronnie and not Uncle Ronnie.

Tucker's Mom said...

kateplusmy8Omg Ronnie! I'm also thankful to your mom for bringing us you! AND I have to say, you were THE CUTEST little guy ever! How did she ever say no to YOU??! �� I know I couldn't lol!
Awww, maybe if your own boys were as cute as Ronnie you wouldn't have struck them with a wooden spoon, hit them for having bodily functions, picked them up by their hair and flung them into their crib so hard you thought you seriously injured them?

I wonder if Ronnie has any clue about how physically abusive she was (is?) to her sons, or maybe he just chooses to ignore what she wrote in her diary. ~ Administrator said...

This fawning and blathering over Ronnie because he's got better-than-average looks is so superficial.


I truly think that part of her mental illness involves an element of sticking it to her kids. Being passive aggressive and mean to them. One way to do that is to fawn all over how cute and handsome somebody else is but never do so to your own children. She still resents these kids, though I'm not exactly sure why at this point. They've been her meal ticket for a decade you would think she would be kissing their feet. I guess she finds them a nuisance, and perhaps resents that she couldn't get rich on her own. ~ Administrator said...

Yes Cape, the drought is long over all the experts agree even though our idiot governor keeps insisting it's not. Sometimes I think climate changers WANT weather to be poor, I guess to prove their theory. Kind of twisted and sick, since droughts can be both dangerous and financially disastrous. That said June gloom happens every single year without fail, it's just the weather pattern.

Sad but true said...

She doesn't seem to be deleting much, must be very distracted with Ronnie and filming.

johnpaulbachmannjeska5589 "What Kate has done" is use her children since infancy via social media and @TLC RTV to feed, clothe, and shelter themselves and her. When close friends and relatives expressed concern, she banished them from her life and the lives of the children. #GodBlessTheChildren

FlimsyFlamsy said...

No more garden posts? I guess something shiny (Uncle Ronnie) came along to distract TFW from her crop.

Who will take care of the garden, the feather kid, and the 3 fur kids when the family skips town? I'm sure TFW bills TLC for those expenses, which could be hundreds of dollars. While some parents don't even have that kind of money for the trip itself. #PiecingAndPatching

GollyGee said...

On a positive note, I loved reading again how swiftly and correctly Oprah's staff reacted to the allegations of abuse.


So grateful to the intern or staff member who got the email outing the Duggars on Josh's abuse.

Then even more proud that Oprah didn't pull a Joe Paterno and still let them be on her show. She took action and reported it to the right authorities. Just think if the lady who sent the email didn't send it, it would of been years before this horrible mess would of came to light.

Tucker's Mom said...

I truly think that part of her mental illness involves an element of sticking it to her kids. Being passive aggressive and mean to them. One way to do that is to fawn all over how cute and handsome somebody else is but never do so to your own children. She still resents these kids, though I'm not exactly sure why at this point. They've been her meal ticket for a decade you would think she would be kissing their feet. I guess she finds them a nuisance, and perhaps resents that she couldn't get rich on her own.
Every obsequious tweet about how good looking another woman's son is-"the cutest"- is a slap in the face to her own sons!
Posting constantly on social media about her love for her dog(s) and how she couldn't imagine life without her is beyond insensitive!
Broadcasting the lavish birthday party sans Collin and declaring it the best ever is nothing short of emotional abuse.

She's a piece of work.

Tucker's Mom said...

Then even more proud that Oprah didn't pull a Joe Paterno and still let them be on her show
I'll give Oprah this; she's consistent and dead serious about child abuse.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#75), didn't TFW roll around on the ground with Jamie's son once? I'd already stopped watching, but it was mentioned here. People were surprised to see her being playful and affectionate, since that side of her is rarely shown to her own kids. ~ Administrator said...

If Joe Paterno would have called CPS directly himself everything would have been fine for him. Silly him, he went to his boss when there was a problem at work. He just didn't factor in his boss, and his boss's boss, were idiots.

Kylie said...

k8i31 is nick moy, I am sure. Have you noticed there are no comments from Nick for a long time now? I wondered when he/she would return with her defense of Kate, no matter what. This one reeks of nick my.

Kylie said...

I'm just reading this morning so I missed out on a lot of comments and after going back and reading, JamesVader, I saw your comment about who is this person? The reason I feel strongly it is nick moy is because he/she was called out on Milo's instagram and suddenly his comments were gone. Also, he/she made these long, dramatic statements about how over the top wonderful Kate is and she/he needed to defend every single comment made against Kate. She/he admitted she had not been around for the long haul with Kate, so why these people feel the need to defend her without even knowing her true behavior is beyond me. And she loves to attack anyones character while defending Kate. That is SO nick moy.

GollyGee said...

Did anyone catch Pioneer Woman on the TODAY Show this morning? Wow! She did GREAT!

She cooked BBQ Hamburger Sliders with Coleslaw and they were all raving how good everything was! Ree was so relaxed and making everything, talking to Matt, making jokes and it was a pleasure to watch!

Matt asked her what she was going to make. She said, I am making BBQ Hamburger Sliders. I make these for my BOYS out on the ranch. Dear Heaven, she loves all her BOYS!

Ree was sweet daylight compared to TFW's dreary, gloomy darkness trying to do a cooking segment.

The Baltimore book fair? when she was taking questions from the audience. Remember she had the broken foot, I mean, broken toe?

The Home show on Hallmark with the meatloaf recipe that she made. She was AWFUL, so freaking awful! She said that she had so much left over from that small meatloaf for a couple of days!

WHAT? 9 people had to eat from that meatloaf. This was pre-Collin leaving.

Anonymous said...

When the Ashley Madison story about Josh Duggar broke, I seem to remember he labelled himself 'biggest hypocrite ever'. He's confirmed that by seeking damages for the hurt he claims to be re-living for molesting his sisters.


Former Lurker said...

Sad but true said... 77
She doesn't seem to be deleting much, must be very distracted with Ronnie and filming.

johnpaulbachmannjeska5589 "What Kate has done" is use her children since infancy via social media and @TLC RTV to feed, clothe, and shelter themselves and her. When close friends and relatives expressed concern, she banished them from her life and the lives of the children. #GodBlessTheChildren


I think this person reads here because that comment is very similar to a comment I posted here yesterday:

Former Lurker said... 36
From the Ronnie IG post:

jeska5589"What Kate has done" is provide for her family. Raise her kids, feed, clothe and shelter them. Judge away.


Allow me to correct that:

"What Kate has done" is forced her children to provide a very comfortable lifestyle for her and themselves. Sold her kids' childhoods and privacy, forced them to feed, clothe and shelter her and themselves. Judge away.

Former Lurker said...

TFW is deleting some comments. She deleted this one:

Former Lurker said... 48
Wow, she's really getting a lot of negative comments on this one:

carolbrown8589Kids must be out of school and Kate is making them earn a living as usual. Kate needs to find a job and stop living off the kids backs. Don't watch the show & the kids don't have to work. Pretty simple.
June 6, 2017 at 7:19 PM

Former Lurker said...

Tucker's Mom, sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. Hope you get better soon!

Layla said...

I'm going to call it--the birthday "super fun" episode this year will be go-karts. They will go to a local go-kart tack and the kids will race around while Kate talks about herself and how she survived for 13 years and how she has 8 (cough, cough) teenagers now and how will she ever manage???? Then she will take the kids home and pull out yet another of her super-duper surprises--a go-kart for the kids. Of course, there will be no safe track for them to use, just a few flimsy helmets to keep them safe. And then she'll talk about all the work SHE put into finding one of these for her kids, having it delivered without them knowing, keeping it a secret from them, and how much work it will be for HER to have to monitor their use of it. In other words, yet another birthday that will all be about her.

Tucker's Mom said...

Matt asked her what she was going to make. She said, I am making BBQ Hamburger Sliders. I make these for my BOYS out on the ranch. Dear Heaven, she loves all her BOYS!

She adores her children, male AND female. ADORES.
Ree also values their father and his role in their lives.
Those children, especially those girls, have grown up knowing the unwavering love of their father, which provides them with confidence and self worth.
Also, if you ever watch any competitions they have on the show, Ree never tries to one-up anybody and is truly a good sport and thrilled when her children succeed.

I believe she just launched a magazine.

GollyGee said...

Colleen is graduating! Congratulations Colleen!

I know that Colleen is a RN and I believe she went and got her PA. (Physicians Assistant).

jongosselin1Berks County friends come join me and Colleen for her graduation party at Beverly Hills Tavern Thursday Happy Hour, 4:30-8:30pm!!! DJ Brian Scott on the wheels of steel mixing up the 80's and 90's!!!

Tucker's Mom said...

Former Lurker said... 90
Tucker's Mom, sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. Hope you get better soon!
Summer colds etc. are brutal.
I think I first was taken down by some nasty bug I picked up on a plane.
Germ tubes!!!!!

Tucker's Mom said...

carolbrown8589Kids must be out of school and Kate is making them earn a living as usual. Kate needs to find a job and stop living off the kids backs. Don't watch the show & the kids don't have to work. Pretty simple.
June 6, 2017 at 7:19 PM
forget the kernel of truth. That's an entire COB!

GollyGee said...

TFW truly is a lazy sloth and only comes alive when TLC waves money at her.

GollyGee said...

johnpaulbachmann Congrats, Colleen! Well done!!

Tucker's Mom said...

Layla said... 91
I'm going to call it--the birthday "super fun" episode this year will be go-karts
Or, maybe they all went to the Indy 500 because it's been a "lifelong" dream, blah blah blah...

Former Lurker said...

Layla said... 91
I'm going to call it--the birthday "super fun" episode this year will be go-karts...


Layla, I think you nailed it exactly. The second episode will probably be a trip somewhere with Jamie. Same old crap over and over again for years and years.

Former Lurker said...

GollyGee said... 96
TFW truly is a lazy sloth and only comes alive when TLC waves money at her.


True. Plus, she does absolutely nothing with the kids and takes them nowhere unless TLC arranges it, pays for it, and pays her to do it.

GollyGee said...

Ree puts lightning in a bottle again today. This time on Food Network.

Just caught a preview of her cooking for her Middles. She has 4 children and she is making a whole day of food for her 2 middle children, Paige and Bryce. She has an older daughter and a younger son.

She made bow-tie alfredo pasta with spinach. This is a favorite dish of my middles and mine. It is my responsibility to taste the food to see if it is ok, she said.

Paige and Bryson pulled up to the house in a vehicle that looks like a cross between a go cart and a dune buggy with a roof. Much safer looking than the go cart that TFW grifted.

She loves her kids more than TFW hates Jon.

kylie said...

capecodmama - I'll be glad to send you some heat if you'll send me some cool. We live in the Houston area and it is in the 90s now. Lots of sunshine and blue skies, but way too hot!

GollyGee said...

I'm feeling kinda generous today, capecodmama! lol

Here it is sunny, blue skys, puffy white clouds, 77, winds 15 mph with 53% humidity. Very rare!

Tucker's, so sorry about your colds! Hope you feel better soon!

Tucker's Mom said...

She loves her kids more than TFW hates Jon.
She also hasn't let success change who she is.
Ree looks like Ree and doesn't bee bop around the country with a married man who poses as her 'security and rode manager'.
I also don't see any other man usurping the place of her husband and father of her children.
Ree doesn't appear to have purchased chesticles, botox, injectables, face lifts, body tucks and fat sucks.

Jamesvader1194 said...

Tucker's Mom (74) Ronnie is pretty much going to be the new Deanna.i wouldn't be shocked whenever the new episodes come out,he'll play a big part and Kate will be tweeting to his twitter account.(and of course the fans will be all over him)I have the feeling the critics will be tweeting him and much like Deanna he'll claim to talk to the kids daily and claim to know everything thats going on.(even though he doesn't live anywhere near them)Maybe he'll also bash Jon just to get praised by the fans and TFW

Layla said...

Tucker's Mom (98)
I doubt that TLC is going to foot the bill for travel, hotels, and admission to the Indy 500. And Kate would want some kind of private box with a catered spread, too. Not gonna happen! She and the kids just don't warrant that kind of expense these days. I think a party in a local place with kart racing and a cake from that bakery she always uses is all they will get. But--even with a slashed budget and (probably) lower pay, it still pays more than nursing and gets Kate's face on TV, so she'll do it.

Interesting how the Duggars and the Roloffs are able to keep doing things that keep their viewers interested. Kate's isolation of her family for filming purposes may come back to bite her in the butt. Neither she nor the kids have enough outside people around to make things interesting. Boyfriends, girlfriends, extended family, close friends--they don't have that (except Jamie). When the kids go to college, will TLC still be filming the same old formula of birthdays-summer vacations-looking back year after year? How long will that keep viewers' interest?

NJGal51 said...

You know that "Uncle Ronnie" is only there for the paycheck and the fact that he can put the TV show info on his resume. If you look at his IG account he seems to have a very full life with friends and being "Uncle Ronnie" and spending his off time with TFW & Company doesn't really seem to be a part of it.

Sad but true said...

This K8ti31 is either getting paid for this nonsense or she's really, really ill-informed/stupid.

taranowskierickson I dont understand if you hate the woman so much why you are looking at her instagram. GET A LIFE PEOPLE!

k8i31@kateplusmy8 - Thanks for the likes!

johnpaulbachmann If you are speaking to me, tara, I have never said I hate the woman. I am concerned for the fate of children who spend their lives on RTV as are many others, including Kate and Jon Gosselin's former friends and relatives.

k8i31@jeska5589 agreed!

k8i31@johnpaulbachmann because the "facts" are untrue- I have seen parents who use their children on TLC - and whose children are spoiled brats Kate not one-or are true, but you judge Kate on the true facts that she's had to make some hard decisions in life. Should there be no child actors? These children are real- they are not acting, but you get my point- what is the difference? They are not exploited. How is Kate supposed to support 8 children otherwise? She is not on welfare. Ask the kids what life they want.She is a single parent- I have never seen a army of nannies. You haters say she has an easy life. 8 children is not easy- but worth it. Kate has always done the right thing- not the easy or ideal thing. Not that she's perfect. But I suppose some people would say ( myself not being one) easier would have been selective reduction. Easier would have been adoption. Kate didn't. Maybe some would say stay married just so children have a father in their lives. But if it's detrimental to the kids why? Maybe some would say don't send Collin away. She has a piece of her heart there. Away from her. That must be so hard. But it's the right thing for Collin. She loves Collin. She has mommy guilt.You know how I know? She could have kept him home and emotionally suffering, but she didn't even though she knew the haters would judge her. Now I know Collin must get homesick, but just guessing here that he's happier where he is with trained professionals. I bet if there were trained professionals closer to home- Kate would send him there in a heartbeat. Those children are her heartbeat. And what amazing children too! Wise and grounded beyond their years.You want Kate's children to live in an ideal environment. Guess what - there isn't one! Mothers have to play the cards they are dealt. And Kate has enough cards without having your judgement. Stop judging!

k8i31 And you're going to mention people like #nannyjoan and nanny Janet? Those weren't nannies. They were family. And Kate's meltdowns? Who could raise 8 kids and not have a meltdown...

johnpaulbachmann When you speak about Collin and "trained professionals" you are completely out of your league - don't go there. Thanks ..

Wow, talk about making shit up. . . .

Tucker's Mom said...

Jamesvader1194 said... 105
Tucker's Mom (74) Ronnie is pretty much going to be the new Deanna.i wouldn't be shocked whenever the new episodes come out,he'll play a big part and Kate will be tweeting to his twitter account.(and of course the fans will be all over him)I have the feeling the critics will be tweeting him and much like Deanna he'll claim to talk to the kids daily and claim to know everything thats going on.(even though he doesn't live anywhere near them)Maybe he'll also bash Jon just to get praised by the fans and TFW
We can only hope that Kate doesn't manipulate him into being her social media, self-appointed defender, like Deanna.
That was a huge mistake and I can't imagine it helped her professionally when she deals with other celeb who count on discretion and not mixing personal with business.

Enjoy knowing how to help Kate, Ronnie.

It won't last that long...

Tucker's Mom said...

I think a party in a local place with kart racing and a cake from that bakery she always uses is all they will get. But--even with a slashed budget and (probably) lower pay, it still pays more than nursing and gets Kate's face on TV, so she'll do it.
Makes sense.
Racing is really big in the Poconos.

GollyGee said...

Tucker's Mom said... 104
She loves her kids more than TFW hates Jon.
She also hasn't let success change who she is.
Ree looks like Ree and doesn't bee bop around the country with a married man who poses as her 'security and rode manager'.


Oh, if PW on her book tour, the very first one, had a "Steve" to accompany her as her bodyguard and rode manager, I wonder what Marlboro Man would say and do?

Too bad Jon didn't have concrete evidence of their road trips of booking 2 rooms and them staying in one during their divorce. A picture of them holding hands early one morning walking across the hotel lobby.

The DJ that saw them said that he saw them and they looked at him, while holding hands and then the DJ didn't think to take a picture right that second and they stopped holding hands.

They dodged that bullet. Could of been a game changer!

Remember when a tabloid called the hotel and asked for Steve Neild's room and she picked up the phone? LOL

Wasn't this when TFW was on the Apprentice?

May I speak to Steve Neild please?



NJGal51 said...

Well I have to agree with whomever said that k8i31 is nickmoy. It sure sounds like one of her missives.

Serendipity said...

Too bad Jon didn't have concrete evidence of their road trips of booking 2 rooms and them staying in one during their divorce.


Is it known that Jon doesn't have evidence of this, if, in fact, this is what took place?

Former Lurker said...

NJGal51 said... 112
Well I have to agree with whomever said that k8i31 is nickmoy. It sure sounds like one of her missives.


That was Kylie and I was just going to agree with her also:

Kylie said... 84
k8i31 is nick moy, I am sure. Have you noticed there are no comments from Nick for a long time now? I wondered when he/she would return with her defense of Kate, no matter what. This one reeks of nick my.
June 7, 2017 at 8:01 AM

Kylie said... 85
I'm just reading this morning so I missed out on a lot of comments and after going back and reading, JamesVader, I saw your comment about who is this person? The reason I feel strongly it is nick moy is because he/she was called out on Milo's instagram and suddenly his comments were gone. Also, he/she made these long, dramatic statements about how over the top wonderful Kate is and she/he needed to defend every single comment made against Kate. She/he admitted she had not been around for the long haul with Kate, so why these people feel the need to defend her without even knowing her true behavior is beyond me. And she loves to attack anyones character while defending Kate. That is SO nick moy.
June 7, 2017 at 8:07 AM


Kylie, I think you're right about this. It's interesting that nickmoy hasn't been commenting on TFW's IG lately.

It's also interesting that Milo hasn't commented on TFW's last two IG posts, the go-kart video and the Ronnie photo.

Anonymous said...

I think K8i31 is Kate herself.


NJGal51 said...

k8i31 And you're going to mention people like #nannyjoan and nanny Janet? Those weren't nannies. They were family. And Kate's meltdowns? Who could raise 8 kids and not have a meltdown...
Bless your was in fact #NANAjoan and #NANAjanet. It's funny how she switched some letters to fit her tirade.

NJGal51 said...

k8i31 And you're going to mention people like #nannyjoan and nanny Janet? Those weren't nannies. They were family. And Kate's meltdowns? Who could raise 8 kids and not have a meltdown...
Whoops...I hit publish too soon. No, they weren't nannies and they weren't family. They were volunteers who never got the credit they deserved for all they did for TFW because she did it all alone.

ncgirl said...

Outdaughtered will be back July 11.

Ingrid said...

If uncle Ronnie is 33 that isn't too young for Kate to get the hots over. (is he gay or straight?)
Maybe that's why she is bringing him into the family. "Uncle" is a common nickname that some women have their kids call the boyfriend.

Sad but true said...

And the debate rages on. But poor Ronnie only just broke 3K likes? How embarrassing for him! But no matter, K8 + her consider him family! That's gotta count for something.

jeska5589@johnpaulbachmann Your opinion is not a fact, it is merely your opinion. Fact is that Kate is raising her children and has a right to do so as she sees fit. Nothing negative that you say here is going to change that very important fact.

johnpaulbachmann Privacy is very important in the life of a child. To have their intimate moments displayed in public is as horrifying to a child as it is to anyone - can you imagine someone rifling through your dresser drawers on TV, displaying your underwear and scoffing at your treasures? Having the person telling the TV audience that your room stinks?? No child should be demeaned in public by anyone, especially by their mother, whose major role is to protect her young.

GollyGee said...

If Jon had evidence, he should of presented it during the divorce. You can read on the demands of TFW of the hotel accommodations when she and Steve and all the kids had to go to do a show in NY or wherever.

She and Steve got 2 rooms with adjoining doors. All of the kids got rooms down the hall with their nannys.

Even on trips she wanted to be separated from them.

GollyGee said...

Uncle Ronnie is the new Aunt Deanna.

He will get tired of her much quicker than Deanna.

It won't last near as long as Deanna. Just enough to get his paycheck and a reference on his resume.


NJGal51 said...

Ingrid - Ronnie is way gay (not that there's anything wrong with that).

BM - I at first thought K8i31 was TFW and posted something about that upthread somewhere. However, the massive missives read just like nickmoy.

Sad but true said...

Milo's conspicuous by her absence on the last two IG posts. What could possibly be keeping her away? It always has seemed like there's NOTHING more important than being #FiredUpForKate.

I do think it's strange that nick_moy hasn't commented on the last couple of IG posts, but I'm not ready to believe s/he is this k8ti3 person. There were earlier photos where both were commenting. They definitely share the same point of view, but k8ti3 seems just a little more naive and breathless than nick, IMO.

Ingrid said...

NJGal51 said... 123 thanks. No nothing wrong with it. I was just wondering if there could have been a romantic thing going on with Kate and him. (or atleast she could hope)

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#124), perhaps Gladys is off pouting because TFW didn't acknowledge her daughter's graduation. She already complained about people ignoring her "special moments." Otherwise, she surely would've tried to insert herself into the Uncle Ronnie/Jamie convo.
Or commented on the go-kart.

Former Lurker said...

Sad but true said... 124
Milo's conspicuous by her absence on the last two IG posts. What could possibly be keeping her away? It always has seemed like there's NOTHING more important than being #FiredUpForKate.


Even more interesting is the fact that Milo posted another photo of her dogs on her IG this afternoon/evening, but still hasn't commented on TFW's two most recent IG posts. You would think Milo be gushing all over that go-kart photo, asking if it was a birthday gift and exclaiming what fun it will be for the kids (minus one) this summer.

(I tried to come up with a Milo-like rhyming comment with hashtags about the go-kart birthday gift from the best mom ever, but I'm not as clever and witty as some of you)

Tamara said... ~ Administrator said... 40

Allow me to correct that:

"What Kate has done" is forced her children to provide a very comfortable lifestyle for her and themselves. Sold her kids' childhoods and privacy, forced them to feed, clothe and shelter her and themselves. Judge away.


And there's the values argument thing again. By jeska's argument, anything is okay as long as it supports your family.

I don't think any of us here believe that. For instance I don't think it's okay to pay for your family's expenses by being in the mafia, engaging in prostitution, or exploiting your kids. Kate has funded her family in a very morally corrupt way that puts her children's mental health at grave, grave risk (see Jacob Roloff. see, Collin). So yeah, folks are gonna say it's not okay and very dangerous.

There are dozens of other ways to pay for several kids without putting their mental health and privacy in such danger. Pick any one of those.
Not to mention that just giving your children material goods, and raising them around expensive cars and houses, does not make you a great parent.

Plus, last I heard Khate was using the KID'S OWN MONEY to pay for their things.

Tamara said...

Speaking of the mafia has anyone read Mario Puzo's other mafia books? I liked The Godfather and even the prequel that he sorta wrote, but the others just don't sound like they're in the same league.

GollyGee said...

Ingrid said... 125
NJGal51 said... 123 thanks. No nothing wrong with it. I was just wondering if there could have been a romantic thing going on with Kate and him. (or atleast she could hope)


But what about Steve? Her soulmate, Rode manager,
Best Friend with Benefits, confident, lover, her travel buddy, her wrangler, purse carrier, shopping bags carrier, gofer, flying monkey?

Her everything!?!

GollyGee said...

Cosby was leaving the courthouse today and a fan started singing the song, Fat Albert. Cosby heard it, grinned and hollered,
Hey, hey, hey!

Cosby was escorted by a man on one side and an actress that starred in the movie, Superfly.

Camille was no where to be seen.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 126
Sad but true (#124), perhaps Gladys is off pouting because TFW didn't acknowledge her daughter's graduation.
Definitely pouting, but she'll be back.
Milo forgives Kate everything.
Kate is perfect in her eyes.

Maybe even Kate doubts that those kids are really Milo's.

kris said...

GollyGee said... 130
"Rode" manager, snicker-snicker ;-)

FlimsyFlamsy said...

In other Duggar news...cousin Amy and her husband scored an hour-long TLC special, airing June 19th. As TFW waits on the bench for an air date, with puppies, a pepper, and a missing child. So much for the appeal of #ChaoticFun.

Sad but true said...

It strikes me that "Uncle Ronnie" being there is probably a sweetener for teens most likely having to get up quite early right at the start of their summer vacay to prep for long days of filming. Deanna would probably be less of an incentive now, at least for the twins, who are probably craving male attention at this point in their lives. And not the kind they've gotten from "Uncle" Steve as they were growing up. A young handsome guy (gay or not) to grease the wheels and encourage "best behavior," particularly from Mady. My guess is his charms are probably less effective on the tups.

Kylie said...

Sad but true -- I understand what you are saying, but the two facts that nick moy has been missing for a while when she always commented multiple times a day and the bigger fact is the extra long comments she makes. No one else has ever, that I'm aware of, written such long garbled comments that both praise and defend Kate but at the same time jump all over the people who say anything negative about Kate. I did read at one point where she claimed she had not watched since the beginning and I just find that unreal that someone could say they haven't watched the shows that showed the very worst of Kate's behavior and yet she still defends her and calls people liars and bullies. IMO this is nick moy. I often wonder why anyone would change their posting name and then post in the exact same words and the exact same style. I mean, really, change something up if you want to be believed.

Blowing In The Wind said...

I often wonder why anyone would change their posting name and then post in the exact same words and the exact same style. I mean, really, change something up if you want to be believed.


Those people don't know how to change their writing style, grammar and spelling mistakes, etc. They are not that bright or creative. Just as a leopard can't change its spots, a sheeple can't change its fleece. Fleece will always be fleece.

Sherry Baby said...

If Jon had evidence, he should of presented it during the divorce.


Why would he have done this? What difference would it have made in the divorce proceedings? The outcome would have been the same. He wasn't filing for divorce on the grounds of adultery.

Sad but true said...

Kylie said... 136

I was just adding my impressions, I honestly don't know if they're one and the same. It wouldn't surprise me, since Kate's long-time "fans" have routinely employed different personas to prop her up on social media. We'll probably never know for sure.

Unknown said...

If I was the pretty uncle hair fixer from NYC, I would be embarrassed for her to blab to the world he is being tutored by 16 yr olds!!! It should be the other way around and putting my picture up there would not be nice either.. WHO CARES!!!!!!I agree about maybe Nic Moy under another name, and why is Milo so quiet?" No one is even responding on her pictures (like someone whispered...stay away from her...) I have lots of questions today! That will never be answered......

Sad but true said...

This one is so misguided.

jeska5589That is your opinion @johnpaulbachmann & it is a very limited view, in my opinion. To believe that every child has the same feelings & would react the same way is a very narrow minded view, and wholly inaccurate. Many children sign up to be on reality type programs on their own knowing full well they will be under pressure to perform, and they still sign up because they want the experience, even knowing some "Judge" will be judging them harshly. You have a right to your opinion, and if that's how you feel then don't put your child on TV.

What in hell makes her think these kids "signed up" for this? It's been quite clear from the beginning that K8 has made this decision FOR them and, after the divorce, against the wishes of their own father. I'm always amazed at how deluded most of the fans are.

Sad but true said...

Milo's posted a picture on IG of a guy she says is her husband. Why does he get a face but her kids don't?

ncgirl said...

"In other Duggar news...cousin Amy and her husband scored an hour-long TLC special, airing June 19th."

What's strange is they'll be married 2 years in September. Why didn't they air it sooner?

GollyGee said...

Just thought of some posters that we haven't heard from in awhile or a long time.

chefsummer, Auntie Ann, PA Dutch mom, NE Psychologist.

If I haven't mentioned a poster, please forgive me.

Hoping ya'll will stop by soon.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#141), that Jeska just made an eloquent case AGAINST TFW.
Yes, it is "wholly inaccurate" to think that every child would have the same feelings and reactions about being on TV. Which is why I've always thought TFW was full of it when she said they took a vote every year, and the kids unanimously decided to continue filming.

FYI said...

Kate plus 8 spotted filming at Target today:

xxxxx@xxxxxx 1h1 hour ago
My target shopping trip got interrupted by filming for Kate plus 8. Look for me in the background of the next episode 👋🏽

xxxxxx@xxxxxxxx 59m59 minutes ago

xxxxx@xxxxxx 44m44 minutes ago
*see's Kate plus 8 filming at target*
@xxxxxxx : *looks straight into camera* "Oh shit" ~ Administrator said...

Would you please post a link to articles on what he did. I never heard of this and am curious.


Sorry I forgot to answer this before. Not surprised you didn't hear of it. The media never reported much on things that they will go absolutely crazy on currently. It's kind of funny to watch the glaring hypocrisy. Although to their credit the la times had a rare good article about how absolutely devastating the comment was to a child with downs and her mother.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Milo's posted a picture on IG of a guy she says is her husband. Why does he get a face but her kids don't?


He actually has a face? I thought she'd photoshop a light switch where his face should be. After all, he's LOM.

Do you have the link, and is he wearing his argyle vest and Cousin Eddie white loafers?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#141), another thought about that Jeska comment...other kids do not sign up to be on reality shows "on their own" either. A parent or guardian has to give a minor permission to participate, and has to sign a contract on their behalf. And a smart, kind, caring, insightful, protective parent will take that contract very seriously.

I don't think TFW and Jon gave that contract a whole lot of thought, and we can see the sad results. But some good will have come of it if they can serve as a cautionary tale. Except to the Busbys, who don't need to worry about anything going wrong. Because they're the Busbys. ~ Administrator said...

Many children sign up to be on reality type programs on their own knowing full well they will be under pressure to perform, and they still sign up because they want the experience, even knowing some "Judge" will be judging them harshly. Yo


Wrong. Most children are biologically unable to reason through something this complicated or able to decide what is in their best interest. That is why the law has decided adults will dictate what is best for a child until they are 18.

Tamara said... ~ Administrator said... 143

Would you please post a link to articles on what he did. I never heard of this and am curious.


Sorry I forgot to answer this before. Not surprised you didn't hear of it. The media never reported much on things that they will go absolutely crazy on currently. It's kind of funny to watch the glaring hypocrisy. Although to their credit the la times had a rare good article about how absolutely devastating the comment was to a child with downs and her mother.
What do you mean the media didn't cover it? That comment made huge news. The reason it went away is because it was a one time comment and he apologised.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

KIAT (#146), thanks for those tweets. We all knew they were filming, didn't we?

What kid doesn't long to spend the beginning of summer vacation shopping for hours at Target with their mom and a film crew? Ooooh, I hope they also get some footage of everyone packing. That'll be new.

Sad but true said...

Kate is a twit said... 146
Kate plus 8 spotted filming at Target today:

Oh good grief, yet another shopping trip to Target? I wonder what Target gets out of this. Do they advertise on her show?

Sad but true said...

Fleecing, here's the link to LOM:

Is he up against "Uncle" Ronnie, LOL?

NJGal51 said...

Kate plus 8 spotted filming at Target today:

xxxxx@xxxxxx 1h1 hour ago
My target shopping trip got interrupted by filming for Kate plus 8. Look for me in the background of the next episode 👋🏽

xxxxxx@xxxxxxxx 59m59 minutes ago

xxxxx@xxxxxx 44m44 minutes ago
*see's Kate plus 8 filming at target*
@xxxxxxx : *looks straight into camera* "Oh shit"
WOW! Another shopping trip at Target. Riveting TV. I can hardly contain my excitement! I hope they get a trip to Party City because that would just make my year! ~ Administrator said...

Making shit up again, I see. Meanwhile, back in the land of non-alternative facts...Gov. Brown officially declared the drought emergency over in April, with the exception of some Central Valley counties.


Yes, the old fool finally got around to declaring it over, months and months after torrential downpour after torrential downpour. Prior to that, he was STILL going on about the drought, declaring that this wasn't going to make a difference (Quite the opposite, the storms flooded watersheds to their max) A Los Angeles child got washed away in a rainstorm and he still wouldn't declare it over. In December he went on some huge rant about climate change (previously known as global warming, until that didn't pan out) talking total nonsense about cavemen and such. It really sounded like an old homeless man wandering the streets rambling about random shit. He has spent god knows how much of my taxpayer dollars taking his trips to China and whatnot to preach his fringe theories. His whole platform hinged on CA being in an unending drought. He only had to concede that was a lie when absolutely forced to.

The man is so far down the climate change rabbit hole he thinks cow farts should be regulated--He's lost his ever loving mind:

The man is senile, and totally stupid. What was CA THINKING? ~ Administrator said...

xxxxxx@xxxxxxxx 59m59 minutes ago


LOL man your battle stations! Red alert, red alert!

Every episode is the same. Shop at Target (but don't ever actually show the name of Target), then do shit with the shit you bought at Target.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Whoever came up with this budget idea for these episodes is a genius. Nearly the same dismal ratings for a third of the price.

GollyGee said...

From Duggars FB page

This video may be the first time we've seen Josh on film since he was spotted in an airport right after the molestation scandal broke. That was over two years ago.
The elusive hypocritical narcissist, Josh Duggar, is seen in a Mother's Day surprise video taken in Florida. Filmed by Josh's mud wrestling brother-in-law, David Keller, Josh is seen sneaking up on an unsuspecting victim, his mother-in-law. In tow with him is his too often pregnant wife, Anna, and their four unfortunate children. Wielding a smart phone (I thought he was banned from those) Josh is seen looking happy as if nothing had ever happened. Those of us with long memories of the Turd spewing lies about the LGBTQ community and proudly thumping his chest in phony "family values" fashion will never forget the harm he has done to so many people. People who deserve a public apology. Josh you've got the phone with video capabilities. Start making your apology videos that I listed you need to make in a previous post. If you make sincere videos maybe your Turd won't smell as bad.
Love, Pickles

Very creepy to see Josh holding one of his little girls.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#157), and can't you just see TFW putting off buying the kids clothes they might need, and waiting to do it on their TLC-funeed shopping spree?
J: Mom, can I please get some new jeans? The ones I'm wearing are 2 sizes too small.
TFW: You know the rules: no clothes shopping until the director yells "action!" Now stop breathing so loud. And take a shower -- you smell like boy.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Yes, the old fool finally got around to declaring it over, months and months after torrential downpour after torrential downpour.


I read this as "the old coot," and thought, gosh, I never knew admin to use that expression before.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Thanks, Sad. That doesn't look like the same guy in the other pictures of LOM that she posted.

"My #LitesOutMan doing what he does best...
This pic is by my bedside."

The picture is by her bedside? Why? Does he turn the lights out on her, sleep in the next room and she needs a reminder of him by her bed, so thus, a photo of him?

I know, I know. That wasn't very nice.

GollyGee said...

Is the trip to Paradise, I mean, Target another shopping trip for the tups 13th birthday?

Will they show the "gently used" go cart as a brand new birthday gift from Uncle Coleman?

D***, it p***** me off to no end that Collin can't be at home enjoying the go cart, the puppies and his brothers and now the birthday PARTIES!

NJGal51 said...

Maybe they're buying more sheets so that they can have another game night. Maybe instead of trivia they'll play Family Feud in the hopes of scoring a shot on Celebrity Family Feud (TFW hasn't been tapped yet). Oh, wait, the $25K you win on that goes to charity. Here's the lineup info on the first 3 seasons.

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Target? Oh happy day! What a brilliant idea. I bet admin is sitting on the edge of her seat, waiting in eager anticipation to recap that one!

What's the theme of this one? Barbecue supplies for a party on Preacher/Lesbian Deckster that was built for the kids' well-being, health and happiness? Back to school shopping in June? Christmas extravaganza? Watch the sheep wait with bated breath for her to announce that a new season is in the works!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sheepless (#164), I wonder if the Target shopping is for some belated 13th birthday party that TFW will try to pass off as having been filmed in May? And with no actual family members still in their lives, I guess Uncle Ronnie will have to suffice.

Or maybe I'm wrong, and someone had the decency to refrain from having another on-camera birthday bash for 6 kids, when only 5 are there.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 159
Admin (#157), and can't you just see TFW putting off buying the kids clothes they might need, and waiting to do it on their TLC-funeed shopping spree?
J: Mom, can I please get some new jeans? The ones I'm wearing are 2 sizes too small.
TFW: You know the rules: no clothes shopping until the director yells "action!" Now stop breathing so loud. And take a shower -- you smell like boy.
I've thought that for years. IIRC, on episode was about getting Aaden new glasses. Kate held up his glass, all mangled and duct taped, and whined about how expensive glasses are.
I thought to myself, "You let your kid walk around like that for HOW LONG?!"
Jeez, lady, get your kid a new pair of glasses!
Kate can afford the 1-Hour glass places, ffs!

But, no. Kate had to wait until TLC was footing the bill.

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 150
Many children sign up to be on reality type programs on their own knowing full well they will be under pressure to perform, and they still sign up because they want the experience, even knowing some "Judge" will be judging them harshly. Yo


"knowing full well".

Nope. No such thing. Not happening.
You can't "know full well" when your brain is not even CLOSE to being fully developed.


Tucker's Mom said...

I wonder if Kate is filming the tups' birthday party with this Target free-shit grab.
It's just beyond my comprehension to think that anyone would waste the time and money filming the same.exact.shit. over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Another season of expensive vacations, a home project or two and birthdays.
Nothing new with the kids. Still just props.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#166), how pathetic that TFW neglected poor A when he needed glasses. That's not a luxury item -- he wears his glasses every waking hour! And yet she readily admitted that she goes to the spa once a month.

Sad but true said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 169
Tucker's Mom (#166), how pathetic that TFW neglected poor A when he needed glasses. That's not a luxury item -- he wears his glasses every waking hour! And yet she readily admitted that she goes to the spa once a month.

Oddly, he didn't appear to have them on when he was driving the go-kart. He has a helmet, but I'm sure that's not prescription. Could he have moved onto contacts?

Jamesvader1194 said...

Im more curious about whether Collin was there or not.If Collin is not in any of the episodes that are coming,i'm fully convince that Collin could be gone for years now and the fans would still be convince that C is still getting help.

Formerly Duped said...

We've seen Ayden a few times without glasses, once on one of their trip activities IIRC and another time reading by the pool back on Twitter days. I think something like driving even a go-kart would require corrective lenses- I doubt a 13 year old boy would have the patience for contacts.Collin was the boy tup who cared b about his appearance, hair, clothes etc- remember he said he had a girlfriend and the other two teased him? Collin was such a sweetie. I say 'was' because who knows how his personality will be changed at this treatment facility. ~ Administrator said...

Target? Oh happy day! What a brilliant idea. I bet admin is sitting on the edge of her seat, waiting in eager anticipation to recap that one!


I wonder if I could get away with copying and pasting.....

Tucker's Mom said...

Jamesvader1194 said... 171
Im more curious about whether Collin was there or not.If Collin is not in any of the episodes that are coming,i'm fully convince that Collin could be gone for years now and the fans would still be convince that C is still getting help.
We used to half-kiddingly joke about Kate not stopping at her family and Jon when it comes to kicking people to the curb.
We joked about Kate getting rid of a kid or three.

I don't think there's any question that Collin has been kicked out.

I call b.s. on Kate being barred from mentioning Collin. Certainly Kate has never considered herself beholden to any court order!

Tucker's Mom said...

I wonder if I could get away with copying and pasting.....
Same Day, Different Basket

...of Target junk!

Tucker's Mom said...

After more than a year, I don't know that Collin is in some wonderful, structured "treatment" facility.
One that won't allow his own father to see or visit him?
One that doesn't allow his siblings to visit?
No home visits for holidays or summer or even his birthday?

I know we might not necessarily have heard about it, but I'm sticking to my theory that Collin has been placed somewhere until he ages out.

Tucker's Mom said...

I also wonder if TLC will continue to produce episodes not only without Collin, but without delving into the serious impact that this must have been felt, and continues to ripple through all of their lives.
It's ODD to see all the kids carry on like Collin doesn't even exist.
Sorry, but that's pathological if your kids can just forget their brother even exists and carry on having the times of their lives.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

I wonder if I could get away with copying and pasting.....


Yep. Just go back into the archives!

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

i'm fully convince that Collin could be gone for years now and the fans would still be convince that C is still getting help.


Although he's been absent for some time, I doubt that he's been gone for years.

Rainbowsandunicorns said...

Very creepy to see Josh holding one of his little girls.


Josh is just plain creepy, whether he's holding anyone or not. He makes my skin crawl.

GollyGee said... ~ Administrator said... 173

Target? Oh happy day! What a brilliant idea. I bet admin is sitting on the edge of her seat, waiting in eager anticipation to recap that one!


I wonder if I could get away with copying and pasting.....


Rinse. Lather. Repeat. lol

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Ooh, I just read something that might get Gladys out of hiding!
Kelly Ripa and Ryan Seacrest announced something called the #SquatYourDog challenge. It encourages dog owners to pick up their pups and do a squat.

C'mon, Gladys, you know your Twitter fingers are itchin' to tell TFW about this. Do it do it do it!

NJGal51 said...

I call b.s. on Kate being barred from mentioning Collin.
TFW will mention Collin when she's paid to mention Collin. No paycheck equals no update.

Tucker's Mom said...

TFW will mention Collin when she's paid to mention Collin. No paycheck equals no update.
And even then it will be gobbledegook.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

NJGal51 (#183), I bet if TLC said there'll be no more show until C comes home, she'd pull him out of wherever he is in a heartbeat, get him 24-hour care at home, and get him back to filming. And if 100 experts told her it would be bad for him, what would she care? No never means no to her.

Heck, even if TLC suggested filming family counseling sessions as a new angle (which, obviously, no accredited therapist would be a part of), TFW would sign them all up. How she would relish the opportunity to poke and dab and cry about how hard this has been for HER. Nothing is beneath TLC, and nothing is beneath TFW. Nothing.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 185
NJGal51 (#183), I bet if TLC said there'll be no more show until C comes home, she'd pull him out of wherever he is in a heartbeat, get him 24-hour care at home, and get him back to filming. And if 100 experts told her it would be bad for him, what would she care? No never means no to her.
My guess is that TLC is happy that Collin isn't dragging production down with his meds, schedule and 'special needs'.
They are as unencumbered as Kate.

Sad but true said...

And the convo continues over there next to Ronnie learning math. . . .

kgalsnoopy@johnpaulbachmann ... If you're referring to Kate's brother & his wife (Uncle Kevin & Aunt Jodi), they apparently had no objections to being on the show. But when it was decided not to use them anymore, they started giving interviews about how bad it was for the kids to be on TV. Love that selective memory of theirs! And I agree ... if you aren't a fan of Kate's, why are you even on her Instagram page?! Go follow someone you do like and let the rest of us enjoy Kate's page & posting.

johnpaulbachmann Kate has a large family and so does Jon. Kevin & his wife were very good to the children but the whole family is concerned for their welfare. Kevin and Jody were instrumental in having PA enact laws that would ensure children exploited by their parents on RTV would have trust funds providing for their financial welfare, but their psychological welfare is woefully inadequate. Many follow RTV families out of concern, not because they enjoy watching children being on display, performing for the public much like people also enjoy the antics of animals in a zoo or circus. Of course this is another story ..

jeska5589yes, @johnpaulbachmann children do sign up for these reality type program/competition programs. Of course they need parental consent and they BEG their parents to sign the consent, they are not forced, they want to do it. Plenty of kids want to do these reality type shows. but I thought that was just too obvious to have to type about parental consent but I guess you need every detail spoon fed to you. Good to know for future reference

jeska5589oh, @johnpaulbachmann you don't know who Kate sees in her family and who she doesn't see. You don't know their motivations and you don't know their intentions. You're just full of speculation that is all pro anyone but Kate Gosselin. That's very clear to anyone reading your little biased rants. :)))

Does jeska not understand that the Gosselin children have NEVER had a choice? Were they begging to be in a TV show at 2 and 3 years old? How many times did they beg to be OFF the TV show? That's the more interesting question. ~ Administrator said...

I looked up his attorneys to see what kinds of folks would take on a case like this. One of their specialities is "church law" - in my 12 years of practicing law, I have never heard of a fellow attorney advertising themselves as specializing in "church law". Seems that it is aimed at helping people start their own churches...


Setting up a church, figuring out tax exempt status and all that can be complicated so I can see how there's a small niche market for that.

There's also a niche market for church defense work, every time they get themselves in yet another scandal. ~ Administrator said...

I read this as "the old coot," and thought, gosh, I never knew admin to use that expression before.


Ha, nope, but the old coot is a better term for him anyway!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#187), I wonder how Jeska would explain that misspelled "No Cameras Allowed" sign the twins put on their door as very little girls. They sure weren't BEGGING to be on TV that day, were they? And yet their sainted mother ignored their wishes.

Hey, how about a new countdown?
Only 16 months until the twins turn 18. Tick, tock, TFW...

ncgirl said...

Why don't they go wild and go to Walmart? Or is that below TFW's standards?

Jamesvader1194 said...

Sadly i will have to say,that whenever the new episodes come out and the ratings are still terrible(under 1 million)none of us can brag about it anymore.Unfortunately even terrible ratings wouldn't make TLC decide enough is enough.Although what the heck did i expect from the same T.V company that is trying to bring Josh Duggar back. ~ Administrator said...

Sadly i will have to say,that whenever the new episodes come out and the ratings are still terrible(under 1 million)none of us can brag about it anymore.


Pretty much. As far as I see it less than a million viewers about encompasses everybody who just leaves their TV on while doing other stuff, which I have a huge habit of doing. The viewership seems likely to be far more passive when the numbers are that low but don't seem to move all that significantly. Kate benefited greatly from the overall dramatic decline in cable viewership over the past 5 years. What were once dismal ratings even just a few years ago now are acceptable, not just for her show but for others.

I'm not really sure how cable is even making much money these days, I'd have to research it, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it's about more of the block of channels and a couple of their money makers, than any one individual channel. For instance if a wildly popular show gets really strong ratings and is in their "family" of channels, they benefit equally. Therefore they have plenty of wiggle room and budget to fill up airtime until the popular show comes back around again next week and makes up the shortfalls. That's when a "filler" show like Kate Plus 8 could truly go on forever. It's not losing them money, not really gaining them, it's a place holder while the money is made elsewhere. Like the busywork the teacher assigns, it doesn't really help much or hurt either, but she can check off the box that a certain amount of homework was handed out and the standards were met.

Sad but true said... ~ Administrator said... 193

I'm not really sure how cable is even making much money these days, I'd have to research it, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it's about more of the block of channels and a couple of their money makers, than any one individual channel.

I think we're going to see a shift to more choice for the consumer, a format where you pick and choose, one by one, exactly which channels you want, as opposed to having them sold in blocks where you get one or two stations you want to watch and 20 you never look at. I don't see how the cable companies can avoid that when trying to compete with the ever-expanding roster of streaming choices. With the option of buying individual programs--heck, purchasing individual EPISODES of programs--increasing all the time, I don't see how they can stick with the block model and make it profitable. This may ultimately result in fewer choices, since a lot of networks/ programming may just prove unviable in a real supply/demand scenario. But the current model of having to pay for stations I never watch has always rubbed me the wrong way.

Formerly Duped said...

GollyGee said... 144

...and readerlady, library lady, localyokel, Over in Kate's County, Lancaster County Mom, Pink, ex-nurse...many others. I haven't got some names quite right, but I miss all these posters. Perhaps some have changed their names or just decided to move one. :( ~ Administrator said...

I'm not really sure how cable is even making much money these days, I'd have to research it, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it's about more of the block of channels and a couple of their money makers, than any one individual channel.

I think we're going to see a shift to more choice for the consumer, a format where you pick and choose, one by one, exactly which channels you want, as opposed to having them sold in blocks where you get one or two stations you want to watch and 20 you never look at


I hope that's going to happen, but it's been decades the public has asked for that and they still won't do it. And I'm not sure that really makes them more money, because it could leave smaller channels like TLC in the dust if they have to stand on their own. If I could pay al la carte I would probably pick all of 15 channels and I'm guessing most other people would too. ESPN/sports, news channels and powerhouse niche channels like MTV and AMC would lead the pack, but others would likely fall away.

What they are shifting to is providing the channel streaming online to watch al la carte anywhere. It's usually free if it's already part of your cable package, or a small fee if it's not. That may be the new way they make money by online ads and subscription fees. They also make money selling programs for viewing on iTunes, Hulu, Amazon, and Netflix. If they can make up any losses that way I don't see the incentive to break out of the "package" you are part of that probably makes you more money than if you were out on your own.

Sad but true said... ~ Administrator said... 196

And I'm not sure that really makes them more money, because it could leave smaller channels like TLC in the dust if they have to stand on their own.

But don't channels like TLC deserve to be left in the dust? Again, I see it as a supply/demand problem. Would I hate to lose PBS because it couldn't get enough viewers? Absolutely. But would I mourn the loss of TLC, MTV, VH1, and a plethora of others? Not in the least.

You may be right, though, the profit model may come down to delivery options as opposed to content. Not being one of those people who needs to watch TV in any location besides my living room, it's hard for me to relate to those who need it "anywhere, any time." ~ Administrator said...

But don't channels like TLC deserve to be left in the dust? Again, I see it as a supply/demand problem. Would I hate to lose PBS because it couldn't get enough viewers? Absolutely. But would I mourn the loss of TLC, MTV, VH1, and a plethora of others? Not in the least.


This stuff is interesting. Motley Fool has an article about why if you unbundled then everybody would have to pay more even for the money makers.

I do think you're right that this is artificially structured to disregard the traditional model of supply and demand, which as a capitalist, I naturally don't like. Smaller channels like TLC get just as much fanfare as powerhouses like ESPN when their viewership is a drop in the bucket in comparison. On the flip side, Motley Fool makes the argument that most everyone has a few niche channels they like to watch with low viewership, and so the bundling makes it possible for all of us to enjoy our niche channels that don't make much money without losing them to supply and demand. If you had a cable plan based just on supply and demand if you watch anything at all that is unpopular, you will likely not be able to pick it at all because it would go bankrupt. Cable is basically structured like socialism, with everybody supporting everybody else regardless if one is far more successful and deserving, he still has to support the little guy who makes crap programming, like TLC. (And now we see why Kate is actually still around because of socialism, lol!)

In any case, if you are a regular cable subscriber, I urge you to consider cutting your cord or check out the emerging cable streaming options out there that provide almost the same variety for half the cost. I have said several times I'm a recent subscriber of Playstation Vue for a third of the price of Direct TV, and I'm *nearly* as happy. It's basically cable streaming through the internet, just not through a traditional provider. The few annoyances are not worth paying a hundred bucks more to fix. You do NOT need a Playstation to have it. If the public thinks the way cable is doing thing is wrong, we must cut it, and the market will respond. Already has.

Sad but true said... ~ Administrator said... 198

In any case, if you are a regular cable subscriber, I urge you to consider cutting your cord or check out the emerging cable streaming options out there that provide almost the same variety for half the cost.

My current cable plan is absolute bare bones. I don't even get the 24-hours news stations because adding those would increase my bill (already in excess of $120/mth for TV, phone, and Internet) by another $30 or so, and that's where they would add in channels like TLC which, on principle, I simply will not pay for.

I am happy with my Roku. I have been an Amazon Prime subscriber since that program started, and I pay for Netflix and Acorn, which together run about $15/mth. I do on occasion miss the 24-hour news stations, but I can just go online and follow breaking news that way, without the annoyance of anchors constantly repeating themselves, speculating wildly, and making it up as they go along.

In any case, these days cable is making far less profit on TV than they are Internet access, which now accounts for something like 65 percent of my monthly bill. That's the one thing you just can't do without.

Tucker's Mom said...

I think Kate as filler is right. She could limp along for years like this and Kate will be happy to do it.
I wonder if we'll see some more Kate Plus 8 sightings as they film this weekend.
Heaven forbid the kids get to enjoy their vacation without cameras. ~ Administrator said...

My current cable plan is absolute bare bones. I don't even get the 24-hours news stations because adding those would increase my bill (already in excess of $120/mth for TV, phone, and Internet) by another $30 or so, and that's where they would add in channels like TLC which, on principle, I simply will not pay for.


If you have Roku, you can get Playstation Vue. Playstation Vue bare bones, 45 channels WHICH INCLUDES LOCAL CHANNELS, is only 39.99, no equipment to rent or anything else, and they can connect you instantly. (If you bought everything Vue had to offer, the delux with 90 channels and all the fixings like HBO and showtime, you're still only paying 74 bucks. A bargain)

How does your cable compare?

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