Sunday, February 26, 2017

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "Beach Time!": Shoulda let her strings go, Ike

Coming up on Kate Plus 8, another baller vacation, this time in Alabama, where they pretty must do every expensive excursion you could possibly do at the ocean.  This is their "yearly" trip to the ocean, says Kate, and by yearly she means if they are filming she will finagle a trip to the ocean. They also finally train their almost six-month-old puppies, who should have been trained four months ago. Don't try to figure it out, one has absolutely nothing to do with the other. You know, why does one get puppies over the summer anyway if you know you're going to be out of town so much? Part of the reason they're so poorly behaved is because their owners are not providing them any consistency.

Kate again emphasizes they came in late last night. We were all shaking our heads to realize they filmed the space camp footage and traveled a six hour drive to the beach house all in the same day. What reason would she have to lie about that? Wouldn't she lie and say the opposite, that they filmed it over several days, so as not to give the appearance of over-working the kids? We had a discussion on the blog about this show's budget, and all signs are suggesting it's been slashed dramatically. From having to film everything in just a day or two, to hauling in their own food from grocery stores instead of eating out, to now, vacationing in the deep South in the dead of summer, when prices tend to hit rock bottom because it's so hot and muggy. God bless Alabama, but it's not so comfortable in August.

There's an aerial shot of the beach house, and it's huge. It's a mansion, with a big dock right along a beautiful inlet. In the background, you can see the city just a hop, skip and a jump away. And this after Kate claimed the house was in the middle of nowhere so they had to bring all their own food in. No they're not.

They're about to go parasailing, and Kate demands they all finish up lunch quickly or she "might ask the man to let the strings go." I'm all for having a sense of humor with your kids, but why is Kate constantly teasing about things that could either kill or cause great bodily harm to her children? It's truly creepy, no joke.

Those "girls" of Kate's, oy! Put them away, especially in the kitchen. Is this a brothel or summer vacation?

The parasailing instructor Ike introduces his crew but gets bored when Kate tries to introduce herself and instead he just keeps giving directions, cutting her off. Heh, I have a funny feeling he really doesn't care who she is or what this filming is all about, this is just another customer to keep safe and provide a good experience to and on to the next one. He will soon go the way to the river raft man, I feel this one coming.

Oddly, there is no discussion of seasickness this time. We have to have the conversation on every other boat ride, what gives? The three youngest girls whoosh up first, and love it. Everyone is shocked how high they go up when parasailing, including me. 450 feet?! Yowser. Okay, I'll give Kate a pass here on not liking this. This is way too much like skydiving, only even worse, there's no instructor with you and the harnesses look really flimsy. The boys and the twins take a crack at it, too. You guessed it, this was fun.

A long discussion from Kate about how she didn't want to be pressured into doing this. What dramatics. I didn't see anyone pressuring her. It's no skin off Ike's back whether she goes or not and the kids don't care. In fact most kids wouldn't care what mom does or doesn't do. It's all about them at this age. The kids were enjoying their own fun on this ride, and telling her all about it, and if she wants to do it fine, if she doesn't, it's not their problem. This actually is part of her narcissism, that she thinks anyone gives a damn what she wants to do with herself. Nobody does. Heh, I like the flashback to the New Zealand bungie jumping, where Brad pushes her off the ledge. One of the few flashbacks they should just keep playing over and over. Ike is finally like well are you going or not, decide now. That's right, it's really freaking annoying when someone is holding up the group with their indecisiveness. Oh good Lord, she's crying now. Ike is like, okay, nope abort. Seriously! I love that he's not putting up with her shenanigans. Either jump in the deep end or not, but if not, get off the damn diving board so everyone else can carry on with their fun.

Of course Kate refuses to abort because at the end of the day she knows good and damn well she will do this, that this is all for maximum show and attention and making sure this is all about her. She demands Ike only send her up a few feet.  Once again in an effort to make herself feel better, she's made the ride more precarious. Common sense suggests that's terribly unsafe. You wouldn't get as much wind in the sail that way, and if anything goes wrong, there's absolutely no room to correct it before you slam face first into the back of the boat. Idiot. Nope, that's not how it works, is essentially Ike's response.

Kate eventually gets on the ride, with the obligatory screaming and screeching and parentified Aaden and Cara going up with her to comfort her. Kate remarks once again that it was not being able to swim that was one of the things bothering her. Good God, then get some swimming lessons for the love of holy heck and then that fear will be solved. Holy moly. And by the way, from that height, not being able to swim is not going to be the problem if anything does malfunction. I mean, you're dead from 450 feet if it failed. Is she dumb, or just stupid? By the way, in some brief googling about parasailing accidents, I found that the Federal Aviation Administration has regulated parasailing to 400 feet maximum. So, was Ike exaggerating when he said they would go up 450, or breaking the law? Hm.

Let me be clear here, there's nothing wrong with not liking parasailing. I'll admit it, I would never do this and do not feel unfulfilled for not doing so. About on average one death every 1-2 years doing this is enough for me to say no thanks. But to cause all this drama is uncalled for.

You know, the kids were having fun. A blast. They loved seeing the sites from up high and no one was fighting or bickering, or feeling sick to their stomach, or upset. Doofus ruined a rare pleasant outing. And I think a huge part of her disturbing psychology is that she can't help but ruin it. One, because she's petrified it won't be good footage because calmness in her mind is boring to viewers. And two, she can't help but want the attention all on her. Quite the opposite, I enjoyed seeing the kids relaxed like this, it was good to see them have a moment where everything was working out. It only got obnoxious when the plot turned to her freak out.

Kate does a weird nervous slithering snake thing with her tongue on the ride. The twins make fun of it. It's almost like a tick, which may be just a tiny clue into the chemistry of her brain. That's something a six-year-old would do when they are stressed, not a mature adult woman who has control of herself. If you don't believe something is very wrong with her upstairs, I don't know what to tell you.

Heh, they do a private interview with Ike once back on shore, who calls Kate a basket case. He should have let her strings go, eh?! I expect about five years from now Kate will be trashing him just like she did the rafting instructor from five years ago, because that's how this woman rolls.

The next "day" (I'm keeping track of the days now, it's got my attention), they go on a segway tour.  Joel's segway won't go fast, to which Cara calls him "stupid." Um, no, he's not stupid. His segway wouldn't go fast because it was on "beginner" mode. It had nothing to do with Joel. These kids always jump to the most cutting, nasty remarks about each other, and often it's completely unjustified. One of the instructors fixes it for him and he starts going at normal speeds, no big deal and no cause for cutting him down, Cara.

They were "naturing along" on the segways and it started to rain. Naturing??

It's a little hard to tell what's going on next amid all the whining, but it certainly appears that Mady and Kate are ready to make the whole group call it quits because of the sprinkle that's messing up their hair. Many of the other kids are very distraught at the idea of cutting this short, as they should be. What the hell? It's not pouring nor do I see any lightning which would make this unsafe, and once again, it's hella rude to quit a group activity when so many other people would like to continue, not to mention the instructors who made great efforts to set this up nice for you. And probably, are doing so with the understanding built into this that filming will include some free promotion. Therefore, quitting early is even more not cool in this scenario. Same as what they did on the horseback ride in the Poconos! Just quit!

I'm well aware Mady is just a child, but she is extremely selfish and spoiled, and I have never once heard Kate tell her she is being selfish and spoiled, to knock it off, get back on her segway, and suck it the F up, as she should as the parent. In fact in this case, Kate backed her up! What?! The instructor wants to know if these kids always complain this much. I'll answer: yes. Kate doesn't seem at all embarrassed a perfect stranger has within minutes pegged her kids as massive bellyachers. She should be mortified they are behaving this way in public, or at all.

Kate gets mad when Lex stops in the middle of the path, and blames Lex for almost making her crash. No, Doofus, you need to pay attention to what's in front of you and be ready to stop if you need to. I wonder how many cars she's rear-ended in her lifetime. I'm guessing a lot. And it was their fault too they stopped you told the cops, right?

Kate refuses to turn the speed up on her machine, yet is complaining (after that guy just told them they complain too much) that kids are darting in front of her on the road. Cara explains that the reason everyone is darting in front of her is indeed because she's going too darn slow. Well, that makes sense.

"I'm so tired of getting picked on about everything I do, just leave me be!" says 12-year-old doofus here.

Sigh. You weren't being "picked on," Kate. You were being called out, correctly so, for being obnoxious on a fun activity. Same with the parasailing; if you can't keep up, sit it out. But don't insist on doing something you really aren't mentally prepared for, and then spoil everyone else's fun. It's refreshing to see the kids call her out now that they're older, yet at the same time, I'm really sorry that their lives have to involve calling out their raging lunatic of a mother so much. It looks stressful.

It's their last day. So, I clocked the beach portion of the trip at three full days, plus their one full day at space camp, for a grand total of four full days on the trip to make two episodes, not counting flying days. Wow. What is the point to travel this far for less than a week?! These kids must be absolutely beat.

Kate makes half full coffee cups of oatmeal with a few drops of liquid brown sugar, and a third of a small cup of orange juice, which is not nearly enough food for kids this age, period, especially those about to do a very physical activity. We watch her pour the oatmeal into the pot and can see how little she puts in for eight people. Thankfully there are a few big croissants floating around, but it's unclear how much they each got to eat of each of them. An airy croissant is not going to fill a kid up either unless they eat a lot of them. I never hear the kids complain they're hungry, I wonder if they've just accepted the dainty portion sizes. So many of them seem irritable all the time, one really has to wonder if it's because they're getting hungry within a few hours of eating. Once conditioned to under eat for so long, they might not recognize and connect their irritability to their hunger. I think I was one of the bloggers here in the past to ere on the side of concerns about their food intake are probably overblown, but I've been rethinking it lately. The undersized portions are much more noticeable now and much more concerning now that they are older and need to eat more. Almost all the kids are thin, and I daresay a lot of them have a dull look to their skin (or bad skin in general) and hair which can be a strong indication they're not filling up on all those yummy calories a 12-year-old craves or drinking enough. Another thing to note is that everyone got the same exact portions. With eight kids, there's going to be some kids who are eating more than others. It's unlikely they all need exactly the same amount. For instance, at this age the boys and the twins should be starting to have appetites that pull away from the younger sisters. In some cases, a 12-year-old boy will want to eat nearly double what the girls are eating. In any case, nothing starts a day off terribly than not getting enough to eat and drink.

The kids take over this big floating trampoline thing in the middle of the water. Huh, is that theirs to use? And who is lifeguarding this when Kate can't swim? Incredibly dangerous. Oh, and by the way, once again she won't let them dish up the amount of oatmeal and brown sugar they would like. She has to portion it out for them like they're in a nursing home. It would have been nice to just stay at a hotel with a breakfast buffet and let them fill up their own trays, full of as much waffles, yogurt, eggs and biscuits 'n' sausage gravy they want. And a tall glass of juice.

This is getting tedious. Next they go kayaking, where this instructor has to tell the group to relax and calm down, and that they're here to have fun. Again, isn't it embarrassing that a perfect stranger has to tell your family to relax and calm down? Is anyone in this family feeling chagrinned at all, or are they so used to making a scene it doesn't phase them anymore? Ha, I'm liking Alabamians. This instructor, Chris, flat out tells them, eh, I'm not gonna remember any of your names but whatever, sure, you're Kate. Lol. She must just hate this blasé attitude by the locals. No one seems at all impressed by them or seems to know who they even are.

At some point Mady loses phone privileges because she pushed Kate's kayak away. Huh, what? Kate has an absolute meltdown over who even knows what. Kate is convinced this was an intermediate kayaking trip. Not in the slightest! It was a flat little inlet. Baby to beginner at best. What is she even talking about? Not really relaxing though, right under a freeway overpass. Heh, drowns Kate out though.

The instructor finally gives up and tethers his kayak to Kate, towing her back. What a dolt.

Heh, the instructor jokes that they have four miles left. Well, he'll go the way of Brad and river man in short order.

The way Kate angrily grits her teeth and says "Hannah, stop paddling!" was flipping scary. It's the tone of voice nasty parents use right before they yank their child's ear two feet up. In all seriousness, there are a lot of red flags present that this woman still harbors a very, very serious anger management problem. If she can't even keep it together while on camera, it is frightening to imagine what her limits are off camera. (Here are some of the tell-tale signs of an anger issue and Kate pretty much displays all of them just in this one episode: Criticizing, belittling, putting down, lack of patience, irritability and short temper, blaming everyone and everything else, people avoid you, people feel like they're walking on eggshells around you, and so on.)

Well this is sad. The instructor in his private interview said he had intended to take the group out to collect some trash and do a mini environmental clean-up, but he had to scratch that plan. Good job ruining everything, Kate. Again.

The vacation comes to an abrupt end and now we start the completely unrelated storyline of training the puppies. Naturally they get private one-on-one training with professional dog trainers, which is exorbitantly expensive. Kate spends a long time explaining how much of a crazy dog lady Kate is, with little to no clips to really back that up. I mostly get the impression the dogs to her are, depending on the day, a mild inconvenience to up to a total nuisance. Meanwhile when the dog trainer lady comes in, I know instantly she's a sincere dog lover without her just talking about it, as she greets the dogs down at their level in that baby voice true dog lovers use to speak to their dogs: "Who's a booo-tiful girl, yes yoo are!"

Kate? That's a crazy dog lady. Not you.

The dog lady is using clicker training? That's going to be way too complicated for this family. You guessed it, right out of the gate Kate is arguing with the trainers. What a pest she is.

Cara's picking lint again as Mady is explaining what is at the end of the day pretty boring.

I do like the trainer's firm emphasis on positive training. She believes in never punishing the dog at all, which is what I believe, too, mostly because I believe it is the most humane, but also because it just works better. Kate desperately needs this kind of training in parenting teens, I'm serious. She would really benefit from some one-on-one parenting training, I really think it would make everyone all around happier if she used some other technique, any other technique, other than being such an obnoxious nag yelling at them all the time. Click, Kate. Click click!

Kate says she has to say "come" 500 times. That's what she said.

The kids are having fun during all this, wrestling a bit, and there's Kate yelling and hollering at them again and making snide, unfunny remarks. She doesn't see the irony in all this emphasis on positive reinforcement, as she's being nothing but negative to the kids.

She thinks her joke about how the kids need children training is so funny she says it twice to the trainer and yet another time on the couch. I get a kick out of it when she gets so proud of herself for coming up with the most minimally clever dumb lines. Heh. In any case, no, Kate. The children are fine. They are children. You are the one who needs intensive, one-on-one parenting instruction. It's you. 

Oh stop the presses, at age six months, someone is actually teaching these dogs how to walk on a leash. My God. Hint, put your dog on a leash and get them used to it the moment you bring them home and you won't have such an issue with a dog who looks nearly full grown looking at a leash like a confused child stumped by a math problem. That's pretty damning evidence these dogs have never been walked before in their lives. Another huge reason they are poorly behaved. It is not enough to just let a dog run around a big yard, they must be actually walked by an owner, on a leash. There are numerous articles all over the internet explaining why if you're interested in knowing more about that.

Next up, Sweet 16 for the twins. I kind of question whether a kid who picks lint on the couch the whole time during these episodes really wants her birthday party filmed. Sixteen, whew. Digest that for a second, the twins are sixteen and still being filmed. For the record, we first met them when they looked like this. That's them in between their parents:

Sixteen candles, Kate remarks. Heh, a poor man's Molly Ringwald.

See you next time.

1789 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tucker's Mom said...

That driveway would take a long time to get done just walking behind a snow blower. I have my doubts Kate clears the entire driveway, garage and front of the house.
That would take hours and that's without any breakdowns or clogging.

Sad but true said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 198
Kelsey O. (#197), my theory is that she just shows herself using the snow blower to get attention and sympathy from the fans -- poor single mom! -- and then puts it away and calls a professional to finish the job. Just speculation on my part!

Exactly. Her ability to drive her car(s) to the road is in no way dependent on her time or effort with the snowblower. It's ALL about the single-struggling-mom-of-8 image. An expensive prop, but hey, if she posts photos of herself with it, it's probably a business write-off.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#3), yeah, I just don't see Miss Lazypants, who despises the cold, completing such an arduous task on her own. And then you have good ol' buttinsky Gladys, suggesting the boys help the poor exhausted woman.

Kylie said...

You are so right Admin, there is nothing free. If you are getting something for free then someone else is unfairly paying for it.

Nicky said... ~ Administrator said... 2
The average Canadian family spends over 11,000 on health care yearly. And it doesn't cover very important things like prescriptions and home care unless your province makes up for the gap.

Probably true - through taxes. Prescriptions are not covered, unless you have an employer plan. Wait times are subjective - and I'm sure there are horror stories. Our system is not perfect by any means. In my personal experience, I've consistently had great response time if something was urgent. But there are private clinics available, and if you have the money, you can speed up your own wait time. Canadians are on the fence about this, and if it meant life or death to my family, and I could get faster treatment by going private and could afford it, I might make that choice.

I guess its just comforting to know, that whether I make $10,000 or $100,000, I can access the exact same doctor and treatment. As for quality of doctors - I really don't have anything to compare it to. Oh, and RN's here make good money (I think without OT, they can make at least $75K), but we are losing them to the US, where they can make even more. Kate did miss an opportunity there, for sure.

Kelsey O. said...

We got around 2 feet of snow in VT. Our driveway is about 25 feet long and 12 feet across, and it took well over an hour to snowblow it, so I bet she does have help. That would take way too long to snowblow her whole driveway!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Kelsey O. (#8), yowza, you really got hit! I hope things weren't too challenging, and that you had enough notice to prepare.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kelsey O. said... 8
We got around 2 feet of snow in VT. Our driveway is about 25 feet long and 12 feet across, and it took well over an hour to snowblow it, so I bet she does have help. That would take way too long to snowblow her whole driveway!
Kate's driveway looks to be at least a football field long, which has always made me skeptical about her claims to do that and the compound all alone.
2 feet- yikes!

When it snows this late in winter, we're used to it melting almost immediately, but it's well below freezing and really windy today. The sun just isn't able to get out either.

The poor Cherry Blossoms! This is kind of a worst-case scenario for them, after we've had temps in the 70's-80.

Kelsey O. said...

Thanks, FlimsyFlamsy! Wasn't too bad but it's still snowing!

Kelsey O. said...

Thanks, FlimsyFlamsy! Wasn't too bad but it's still snowing! ~ Administrator said...

Probably true - through taxes. Prescriptions are not covered, unless you have an employer plan. Wait times are subjective - and I'm sure there are horror stories. Our system is not perfect by any means. I


Yep, through taxes. I guess I don't understand how people think this is "free" when they dish out over11k for it a year. My health care is about 10k a year, direct payments. Neither the US or Canadian plan is free. One is paid through taxes, the other directly. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Anonymous said...

Nicky @7 makes a very good point. Here in Canada low income people (even those on welfare) have access to the same Doctors and Specialists which millionaires have access to. There have been instances where people have complained about wait times but not as a rule in urgent situations.


Nicky said...

Yep, through taxes. I guess I don't understand how people think this is "free" when they dish out over11k for it a year. My health care is about 10k a year, direct payments. Neither the US or Canadian plan is free. One is paid through taxes, the other directly. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

But I will say, if my income drops, I will still get the same care. Not based on my age, pre-existing condition, etc. I guess that's where the difference is. And yes, someone else will have to pay for it (the higher earners). But most of us seem to be fine with that. ~ Administrator said...

"Unfairly" in *your* opinion. I don't find it unfair at all for my tax dollars to help provide safety net services for those who need them.


I also don't find it unfair at all that my tax dollars are used to provide a safety net for those who need it. I do find it unfair, though, when tax dollars are spent on someone who also has an iphone in their pocket and doesn't really need the help. Folks like Kate who take handouts when they are perfectly capable of looking after themselves and their family without assistance if they would make better choices. She sat there and begged the good people of Pennsylvania to pay for her nurse. I was one of those people at the time. I don't want to pay for that woman's nurse when she was perfectly capable of both looking after the children herself and getting help from friends and family. Yeah, she's gonna be tired. Yeah, she's gonna have a bunch of people in and out of her house. Boo freaking hoo.

PA Dutch Mom said...

When it snows this late in winter, we're used to it melting almost immediately, but it's well below freezing and really windy today. The sun just isn't able to get out either.


It's still snowing here. It's never gonna stop!

Real feel is 0. Kids had another snow day today. It started out as a two-hour delay, and then closed. I wonder if Kate is tired being around those kids for such a long time.

Beth said...

If someone is unemployed they cannot get a job without a phone.
If you have chilren you need a phone so the school can contact you in emergencies.

Not all phones are iphones. Are poor people allowed androids? What if the phone is a gift? Or borrowed?

Antbody seeking employment needs a phone.

Midnight Madness said...

If someone is unemployed they cannot get a job without a phone.
If you have chilren you need a phone so the school can contact you in emergencies.


Are you talking about cell phones or landline phones?

Anonymous said...

The one thing that doesn't seem to come up when discussing U.S. health care premiums is how well($) the insurance companies are doing.

Years ago, before world wide lotteries became so popular, Ireland subsidized their hospitals through the Irish sweepstakes. Here in Canada, our health care system is paid for by personal and corporate income taxes as well as proceeds raised through our national and provincial lotteries.

bm ~ Administrator said...

Not all phones are iphones. Are poor people allowed androids? What if the phone is a gift? Or borrowed?


No one said people should not have phones. An iPhone is an iPhone not just a "phone". What was said is that iPhones are 700 freaking bucks and if one is buying a 700 bucks on that but then complaining about health care premiums there's something wrong there. If one on a budget receives an iphone as a gift or gets a reasonably priced flip phone of course that is not what is being discussed. Those who are responsible and budget accordingly are not being looked down upon. If anything it's unfair to them who make the sacrifices by not buying things they can't afford that people who buy things they cannot afford get to benefit from the same services they do.

Tucker's Mom said...

Confession- I just got an Iphone 7S and I LOVE it!
We took our Costco rebate and my 6-year old Samsung Galaxy and finally got one for me, on our AT&T plan.
So, no, this isn't my flippitybillionth Pink Iphone!!!! I wait a LONG time to pull the trigger on another phone. My Samsung wasn't holding its charge, even with a new ($12) battery. I had to have a backup battery charger on me at all time.
I was done with that.
As someone who's middle class and comfortable, I can tell you I don't buy the latest IPhone and will never be an early adopter, or a new-car buyer, because I live within my means.
This was a really big purchase for ME.
BTW, I laughed at the Apple store when updating the OS on my MacBook Pro, when they called my laptop "vintage"!

Tucker's Mom said...

No one said people should not have phones. An iPhone is an iPhone not just a "phone".
I noticed the phone programs varied in price quite a bit. The IPhones are the most expensive, hands down, for the phones and the plans.
You can get an Acer laptop for $200, or you can get a MacBook Air for $2500.
You should get what you can afford.

Tucker's Mom said...

Years ago, before world wide lotteries became so popular, Ireland subsidized their hospitals through the Irish sweepstakes. Here in Canada, our health care system is paid for by personal and corporate income taxes as well as proceeds raised through our national and provincial lotteries.

Very interesting, thanks! ~ Administrator said...

FYI...there are these wacky things called upgrades and all kinds of deals on phones. You should not assume that Poor Person paid $700 FREAKING DOLLARS for their phone.)


For other phones. For iphones, actually, the way to pay for them is very limited. Most providers only offer TWO plans, pay for the phone upfront (700 bucks), or pay for the phone in installments (still 700 bucks, but spread out over time) Like another poster pointed out, those on an iphone plan will have the most expensive monthly connection plans. There aren't incentives, bonuses, etc., for new iphones, believe me I've looked into it.

No one said someone shouldn't have internet access, so I have no idea where that rant is coming from. Internet access is also decidedly more economical, sometimes only 20 bucks or so a month, and can be found for free in many places in the community you visit daily.

Chances are, if someone who cannot afford health care thinks an iphone is a sound financial decision, they are making many other unsound financial decisions.

Guess what, I WANT a SUV I'm not f-ing getting it, because I'm a responsible person with money. Somewhere along the way we decided it's not okay to call people out for spending money unwisely, and I don't understand it. People here call Kate out for her unwise spending, why is she some special case? Living beyond one's means is one of the biggest problems with the mess we are in in this country right now. We got into the housing crisis we were in because we were too afraid to tell people YOU CAN'T AFFORD THAT. To ignore the problem or self-righteously suggest they are untouchable to criticism, is very precarious. Ryan was called out for bipartisan reasons instead of putting politics aside for one second and realizing the guy has a point. Even a child understands if you only have 100 bucks in your pocket it's best not to blow it all on a silly gadget.

CC said...

I agree you should not get an iPhone if you can't afford it. My problem is I feel the average American SHOULD be able to afford $20 a month for the payment plan. They should also be able to afford health coverage. That's the issue.

I also don't think it's fair to count a one-time $700 purchase (even paid out over two years time) in comparison to affording health coverage. You can't get health coverage for $700 over a two year period.

Someone not buying a $700 phone is not going to be able to put their money toward a full health coverage plan. An iPhone is about $30 a month for two years and about $40 a month for the service. $60 a month? Why can't an average American afford that? They should be able to.

Mentioning purchases of cars worth tens of thousands of dollars doesn't compare either. Not every American should be able to spend $700 a month on a luxury vehicle. It would be nice, but that's beyond reasonable for what an average American should be able to spend on a car. But I do feel an average American should be able to spend $300-400 a month on a car. I don't think an average American can afford that without sacrificing something else.

No, I don't feel someone getting welfare should purchase an iPhone. I don't even think someone should buy them one, plus you still have the monthly fee to use it. And if they are that much in need of money then any extra money they get as a gift etc should be put toward necessities. An iPhone is not a necessity. But I also don't think it's that much of a luxury in dollar value. They are quite handy and can replace a computer and phone and internet and cable, gps, etc. I find the gps a necessity for sure.

A small Louis Vuitton bag can cost $700, that's a complete luxury. I can see someone arguing using that example.

If people are paying for their own needs and struggling to get buy but not needing help financially from others just to live, then sure, a phone or bag etc is a nice gift and I'm sure, much appreciated.

I typed this on my iPhone so it may be somewhat out of order. Lol.

CC said...

Kate is being called out for using her children to afford her luxuries.

I agree in calling out someone for having luxury items off the expense of others.

My issue is the hard working Americans that can't afford health coverage.

Tucker's Mom said...

There aren't incentives, bonuses, etc., for new iphones, believe me I've looked into it.

I got a $25 Costco gift card, and that's about as good as the incentives get!
Apple also doesn't sell refurbished iphones, which I asked when I took my "vintage" laptop to get updated.
Basically, the iphone monthly plans were 3x the cost of the lowest plans for what were actually really nice phones, which sold for around $100.
A new (or even 1-generation behind) iphone is a luxury, plain and simple, and I really feel tickled and spoiled to have one.
Seriously, this isn't a humble brag. It's just that it's made me sick to see Kate go through iphones like underwear, then turn around and grift for food from Australia, when I appreciate how much the phone costs to buy and pay for on a plan.

Sherry Baby said...

For other phones. For iphones, actually, the way to pay for them is very limited.


If you are under contract with a provider, and due for an upgrade, you can actually get a phone that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Of course, the monthly fees, data, surcharges, taxes, can be the real killer for someone on a budget.

We got into the housing crisis because of unscrupulous predatory lenders who wrote mortgages for people who couldn't afford them and knew nothing about sky-high interest rates. They just went along with the lenders, thinking that hey, at least I got a mortgage. Also, lenders robo-signed such mortgages and got into trouble because of it.

Sherry Baby said...

BTW, I laughed at the Apple store when updating the OS on my MacBook Pro, when they called my laptop "vintage"!


I don't have an iPhone, even though I could afford one. I don't need one. My cell phone is vintage, a dinosaur, and sometimes when I pull it out to use it in public, I'm embarrassed. But, hey, it works. It has a camera, can make and receive calls, I can text. That's all I need. It's not broke, so it's good for now. ~ Administrator said...

If you are under contract with a provider, and due for an upgrade, you can actually get a phone that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Of course, the monthly fees, data, surcharges, taxes, can be the real killer for someone on a budget.


Yes. It used to be that way. The 700 phone was 200 bucks. Almost all providers have phased out subsidies however. There was very little grandfathering in. Now you either pay the full price upfront or pay installments. You're forced to do one or the other by almost all the major providers. Either way you end up paying full price.

Tucker's Mom said...

CC said... 26
I agree you should not get an iPhone if you can't afford it. My problem is I feel the average American SHOULD be able to afford $20 a month for the payment plan. They should also be able to afford health coverage. That's the issue.
I pray we can get affordable care for everyone, and soon. ~ Administrator said...

Our priority should be affordable healthcare not iPhones. Obama already gave away 20 million free phones to people who need it. No, they werent iPhones.

capecodmama said...

Yes, Kate could have done very well as a nurse if she really wanted to. And no, she would not have had to work full time. My oldest daughter has been a nurse at a hospital in Boston for almost 13 years. She makes damn good money. She opted to cut her hours to 24 ( two 12 hour shifts) per week after my 21 month old grandson was born. She still makes close to $60,000 per year on her base pay. If she's asked to work overtime, she not only gets time-and-a half, she gets a $125 bonus on top of it. I realize in Boston she most likely makes more than Kate would because of the area but Kate is so full of sh*t that it can't be done. She just wouldn't do it. Too much work and we all know Kate is lazy. My daughter is six months pregnant with baby #2 and is already thinking about eventually transitioning into school nursing when the youngest gets into school so she can have the same time off as her kids and husband (my son-in-law is in school now getting his Masters in Special Education). Again, Kate would never do that because it's too much work. And we all know, Kate is deathly allergic to real wok.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Welp, as the Church Ladies say, Kate gets an extra two hours of sleep tomorrow. School delay as of right now. Many of our roads are closed due to drifting. Such fun for everyone. ~ Administrator said...

The issues raised with Kate and money here have been twofold that I have seen. One, yes, that she lives off her children's money. That's a problem and has been discussed at length.

The other though, is somewhat distinct from that though related. And that is that she spends money unwisely (the house, the cars, the pampering) the turns around and wants freebies because she can't afford her children. The direct parallels to those who take advantage of the system and want their iPhones and their government benefits are absolutely there. The latter in my opinion has nothing to do with exploiting her kids and would hold true as an issue even if she never put the kids on tv.

Jeanne said...

There were a lot of accidents this morning near the Berkshire Mall. If the G kids were delayed or closed that's good. The highway was a wreck. Parts of Van Reed Rd and Papermill Rd were closed. She uses other roads but it made the whole area a mess. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Jeanne said...

We are so intent on punishing people that it is interfering with our society. I think it is a residue of our Puritan roots which have influenced large parts of our culture. It makes me sad knowing that I am now going to be punished for my sins. We punish those on food stamps. All those laws about what kind of food you can buy and can't. We know better than they do what's good for them apparently. We punish those who need welfare. You have to work, even if you can't afford child care and your young children will be home alone. You can only get welfare for a few years, even if your children will starve and be homeless. Oh but you shouldn't have had kids. But Planned Parenthood and cheap birth control are immoral. Now it is healthcare. If you use your money in a way we don't approve, like iphones or sneakers, you don't deserve healthcare. You don't deserve it until you have given up everything pleasurable and conform to our moral standards. Even if a tiny percentage are spending their money in "unapproved" ways, we will punish all of you until you all behave (an old schoolyard technique). I am next on the chopping block because I had the stupidity to be born with a difficult illness. Oh, you say, you're different, not like those diabetics who keep eating sugar. But I have heard it all and in the end all sick people are the same. I will be punished for having this illness. My costs will rise until my only option is to die. You say sick people should pay more because they use more. Should sick people go broke or should we be able to afford treatment? We are struggling with this issue. I am tired of hearing most of us need to be punished because you "know" some poor person taking advantage.

I went to college and grad school. I worked, while sick, for 15 years. I had a decent salary, saved a little, bought a townhouse. Now I cannot work. I am using my 401K to stay in my house (it is comparable in price to renting). My premiums are 1/4 of my income. My prescription costs are another 1/8 of my income. My family helps me; I am lucky that way. But as I went from working to broke, I did not lose my brain. I am still capable of deciding what to eat. I am still deserving of a few luxuries in my life, like a pizza or a trip to the movies. I buy crossword puzzle books. They are both entertaining and calming. Are they strictly necessary? Probably not but it's no one else's business.

I know that this speech will probably not make a difference to anyone here. But I really don't care if everyone who is "undeserving" goes out and buys an iphone. I believe we are horrible people for the way we want our fellow citizens to lose their healthcare or never get any. Every time I turn on the news I know I am despised. It's a lot of fun.

PA Dutch Mom said...

I think quite a few people in this area are of the old school philosophy that if you don't have the cash for something, you don't buy it or you wait until you can afford it. Coming from a Mennonite background, that's the way I was raised. My grandparents were hard-working German folks who saved their money, had no credit cards and bought their house and everything else with cash. I don't ever remember my parents using credit cards. When they built my childhood home, they did so with cash, and stuck to the budget, even though there were quite a few things they really wanted in that home but did without.

My mom always said, "Do you NEED it or do you WANT it?" That's something that always is in the back of my mind when it comes to purchases. ~ Administrator said...

Here's an article about when iPhone subsidies went away. They got axed in September in favor of full price plans. There's a bunch of commentary around the net about this issue if you're interested in more info:

I don't think making sure government assistance goes to those who use it fairly is a "punishment." I also don't think requiring people to work if they are able to is a punishment either. Everyone makes sacrifices to work, and sometimes those sacrifices are big ones. Better oversight of those who use it unfairly is not only good sense but helps everyone--both the tax payers who pay for it to ensure the system is not bloated, and to those who use it justly. Asking people to take a second look at their budgets first before turning to the government is sound policy and frankly, I'm shocked there was any backlash at all about his reasonable comment (though, it was short lived and came mostly from people who hate him anyway). If a budget is way out of wack, it only hurts the person to continue to encourage them. Some people can't budget. Perhaps they are not educated, or were never taught anything about money, maybe they need a social worker to help or family support, who knows. I've always been a big advocate of integrating more money management and life skill classes into mandatory high school courses. People end up helpless once given a credit card otherwise. Everyone should be able to run an accurate "can I afford" it analysis on non-needy purposes. There has also been recent research that suggests that low fee subscription plans are cause people to become less and less able to assess affordability of things. They have a harder time conceptualizing that the $30 a month subscription adds up year to year.

I don't think ANYONE is advocating no fun at all for those on public assistance. No one said that. Living within one's means should always include some percentage for leisure and fun, even if it's small. Asking someone to forgo getting an iPhone is not the same thing as asking people to never have any leisure at all. That's not what was said. I don't begrudge Kate leisure and fun. The family should take vacation if they can. It's good for both her and the kids. It only becomes a problem when either you are working the kids to pay for it or living beyond your means. She does both, IMO. ~ Administrator said...

I think quite a few people in this area are of the old school philosophy that if you don't have the cash for something, you don't buy it or you wait until you can afford it. Coming from a Mennonite background, that's the way I was raised.


I was raised that way too. We call it cash on the barrel, like Pa Ingalls. It may be the region, as my area, which is not too far from your area, is made up of a lot of puritan roots as well, and some Amish. We are direct descendants of the pilgrims, as are many folks in our area.

There's plusses and minuses to raising children this way. On the one hand, we made a lot of sacrifices and didn't get a lot of things, and that's hard on some kids. You can feel like all the other kids have more than you (even if it's not true.) On the other, we learned to have fun without spending a lot of money, to turn off the TV and hang out with family and friends, and we also learned about delayed gratification, sometimes very delayed, and how rewarding that can be. And, we learned that in the long run saving up and buying things saves you money rather than putting it on a credit card.

None of us live as strictly as we were raised but most of us have adopted bits and pieces of it as it has suited the situation, and it works for us.

I have a funny feeling Kate was raised the same way. It seems to me her parents didn't splurge that much. She complained about never going on vacations. This attitude seems to have almost damaged her in some ways in that instead of dealing with her disappointment in a healthy manner she has reacted by resenting her parents and splurging all the time on things that are probably unwise. I can almost picture her buying that stupid Audi of hers with a "screw you mom and dad" smirk on her face. Most kids though I think are glad to have been raised this way eventually. Her other siblings seem well adjusted, my family is, too, never heard anyone say if only mom and pop had a bunch of credit card debt to pay off so we could have gone to Disneyland when we were 12. What she sees as something to be bitter about, I see as good parenting, and life, choices that just didn't pan out for one particular strange child.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Jeanne (#38), your comment gave me a lot
to think about. I know it's easy to feel disenfranchised in this world. And I am sincerely sorry for your ongoing struggles.

Formerly Duped said...

Me too. Credit cards were not routinely used- people carried the cash they needed, for groceries or other purchases.I owned maybe 4 or 5 Barbie dolls , for example, while my daughter probably had a dozen or more. TV time was allotted- no electronic games for us. Honestly, we were happy and spent leisure time playing outside with friends, reading or making our own fun.We joined Brownies and had piano lessons We did have vacations and they were a treat, fondly remembered. I think our generation had less but perhaps grew up as happier people.While I own more 'things' now and use credit cards ,and standards have changed, I think I appreciate both large and small comforts.

Formerly Duped said...

Jeanne, very thought-provoking post. I also am sorry for your illness and the repercussions. Our society is so mixed up.

Paper Plates and Paper Towels Forever-really pisses me off said...

Here is a blast from the past: An interview with that dummy Barbara Walters and Bill O'Reilly about Kate, one of the most fascinating people from 2009. I have always shook my head at Walters for saying this and being so completely wrong. It just ruins her credibility.


O'REILLY: No, you don't do that. You pick them. All right. Now, let's take this lady, Kate Gosselin.


O'REILLY: Now, I've never watched this dopey show. I mean, I just don't have time to watch dumb stuff like this. But you find her fascinating. Why?

WALTERS: What I like about you is you never give your opinions.

O'REILLY: Yes. I mean, I'm a purely objective guy.

WALTERS: This is what — you know, but you know who she is?

O'REILLY: I do know who she is.

WALTERS: And first of all, the fact that you've got eight children makes you a little interesting. This is a very smart woman. She's going to have a big career.

O'REILLY: Doing what? What is she going to do?

WALTERS: She's going to do a talk show. She's very good on the talk show.

O'REILLY: So you think she's going to be a media star.

WALTERS: I think she's going to be a media star. I think she already is. I think Jon, forget Jon.

O'REILLY: Forget him. That's the husband, the ex-husband. We don't like him.

WALTERS: Soon-to-be ex-husband.

O'REILLY: All right. But this one you like, and you think she's got talent.

WALTERS: Yes. And I think people — I mean, the ratings, you may not watch what you call "this dopey show"...

O'REILLY: Yes, I'm not...

WALTERS: ...but the ratings were huge.

O'REILLY: OK, all right. So she's fascinating because you feel that she's going to be a media titan.

WALTERS: No. I think she's fascinating because of what she's gone through, because she's raising eight kids, because there's lots of reasons. Because her hair looks good.

I have always shook my head at Walters for saying this and being so completely wrong. It just ruins her credibility in my opinion. LOL.

Paper Plates Forever! Really Pisses Me Off.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Terry Willis, the dad from TLC's "The Willis Family," was just arraigned on 4 counts of child rape.

TLC was quick to say the Willis show hadn't been renewed, and that they were "shocked" to hear the news. After TFW's journals detailing the beating of her children, and Josh Duggar molesting his sisters, and his subsequent Ashley Madison entanglement, and Mama June dating the man who molested her daughter, how can TLC used the word "shocked" about their, pardon the expression, "talent" any more with a straight face?

Anonymous said...

I think TLC are in for a huge "shock" when the Gosselin children are free to tell their stories of their employment during their lost childhoods.


Tucker's Mom said...

Paper Plates and Paper Towels Forever-really pisses me off said... 46
Here is a blast from the past:
Babs was really slipping in her dotage! She was gaga over Kate, inviting her on the show as much as she did and inexplicably, making Kate Gosselin a "fascinating person".
Kate is fascinating in the way that kids used to play with a ball of mercury.
Kate brought the drama. Every time Kate sat in a chair at The View, they new they'd get ratings because Kate would deliver a "set the record straight" tabloid-worthy report.
But, that Babs saw talent, charisma or any star power whatsoever in Kate is a mystery to me.
Even when Kate was the Queen of the Tabloids, there was no there there.
That said, Kate had a titaness of media backing her, the tabloids and paps devouring everything Gosselin, and a scathing, acrimonious divorce all tee-d up for the exploiting, and she completely failed to convert that massive amount of potential into anything other than the same old stale show, which continues to suck its principals into some ravenous black hole.

Tucker's Mom said...

fter TFW's journals detailing the beating of her children, and Josh Duggar molesting his sisters, and his subsequent Ashley Madison entanglement, and Mama June dating the man who molested her daughter, how can TLC used the word "shocked" about their, pardon the expression, "talent" any more with a straight face?
No word more empty than TPTB at TLC announcing that their shocked.
I really think it goes to show that there's a common thread to the people who are drawn to the exploitative, exhibitionist and narcissistic nature of being a reality tv "stah".

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Paper Plates (#46), what a hilarious blast from the past! Poor Baba Wawa predicted such great things. I wonder if TFW's high school yearbook labeled her Girl Most Likely To Make A Fortune Off Her Children's Backs.

Tucker's Mom said...

Formerly Duped said... 44
Great post! Ditto for me.
I think my childhood was far, far richer than any of Kate's kids.
We vacationed occasionally, lived modestly, were never first to get any luxury or technology, but we had deep roots in our family, friends and community.

Tucker's Mom said...

And now it seems like all they do is go on vacation after vacation.
Not seems, Tizzie, they do! The show has morphed into "Kate Plus 8 Travel on TLC's Dime and Otherwise Get Free Sh*t"

fade2black said...

Tucker's Mom...49...making Kate Gosselin a "fascinating person"
Hitler and Stalin were both named Times' people of the year, so I guess there are many reasons to find someone fascinating.

Tucker's Mom said...

fade2black said... 54
Tucker's Mom...49...making Kate Gosselin a "fascinating person"
Hitler and Stalin were both named Times' people of the year, so I guess there are many reasons to find someone fascinating.
March 16, 2017 at 12:11 PM
Baba Wawa conflated being well-known with being talented. To your point, lots of horrible people are well known.

jamesvader1194 said...

@FlimsyFlamsy You know,now that you brought up the Willis family.I have to wonder something,(Note,i never saw the show so i have no idea what it was like.)when it came to the duggars and Kate,they decided to get rid of the "problems"(Josh and Jon)on the show but continue doing the show without them.How come they aren't doing the same with the Willis family?I herd the show ranked in a million viewers(way more then Kate's show.)and they seemed like the duggars with the whole fake Christian family thing.From what i read it was just the father,so couldn't they do like what they did with Kate and paint the mother as a victim and have her as the poor single mom,taking care of all her kids by herself?What gives TLC,you continue to film both the duggars and Kate and paint them as victims but when it comes to the Willis mom you don't?

Layla said...

Barbara Wlaters saying Kate was going to have a big career is just too funny! That never happened and it's all Kate's fault. There is so much she could have done to improve herself, but in the end it was easier for her to put her kids to work, and she has always done what is easiest for her. She is lazy. That is why she doesn't have the big career that BW predicted. Pure laziness.

To our Canadian friends here, you are so busted! You've been holding out on all of us here in the US. You know what I'm talking about...Coffee Crisp bars. A Canadian friend just sent me some. I unwrapped one, took a bite, and melted into a puddle on my kitchen floor. Why don't we have these here in the US? I'm going to have to move north.
There's really no other option. Yummy!

Tucker's Mom said...

Layla, take you your Twitter and IG accounts and tell everyone how great the bars are. They will appear at your door!

Just follow this link, take a screen shot, and post it on social media!


fade2black said...

Tucker's Mom...55...Baba Wawa conflated being well-known with being talented...
I was never a Baba Wawa fan but in her defense, I think her cognitive abilities had already begun to slip at the time she dubbed Kate the next big thing. I have no other explanation. No rational person could have watched one of Kate's interviews and seen a smart woman who was going to be a media star.

Sad but true said...

jamesvader1194 said... 56
@FlimsyFlamsy You know,now that you brought up the Willis family.I have to wonder something,(Note,i never saw the show so i have no idea what it was like.)when it came to the duggars and Kate,they decided to get rid of the "problems"(Josh and Jon)on the show but continue doing the show without them.How come they aren't doing the same with the Willis family?I herd the show ranked in a million viewers(way more then Kate's show.)

TLC cancelled the Willis show 3 or 4 months before anything came out about the dad, after doing two seasons. The family was on the road and performing at the time. No idea if TLC had a heads-up that there was trouble ahead or if they had some other reason for cancelling. They in no way had the sort of investment in this family as they do in the Duggars or Gosselins.

If any of the G kids actually speak to family counselors and/or social workers, how K8 has treated Collin could not possibly be kept hidden. I hope this would be reason enough for TLC to terminate their relationship with her, but you never know. Again, I don't think it necessarily follows that just because they went to VT for spring break (presumably with a film crew) that any new episodes will end up premiering on TLC at some point. There's still a lot of months to go before they'd be ready with even a handful of new episodes. And that's a lot of time to pass with no new revelations about the custody case and a missing tup.

Sad but true said...

BTW, Toby Willis is scheduled to go to trial in July.

Blowing In The Wind said...

so couldn't they do like what they did with Kate and paint the mother as a victim and have her as the poor single mom,taking care of all her kids by herself?What gives TLC,you continue to film both the duggars and Kate and paint them as victims but when it comes to the Willis mom you don't?


TLC could probably do whatever they want, but they'd have to have the cooperation of the family. I doubt that the clan wants to have its face put out there on television and be subject to criticism, and instead they choose to stay out of the spotlight and remain private.

JoyinVirginia said...

OT: basketball tonight! VCU vs. St. Mary's at 7. Virginia Tech plays Wisconsin at 9:40.
Another OT re health care. I work in health care. Many cuts will affect the most vulnerable and the most destitute. People who don't have any phone, who can barely afford a generic blood pressure medicine for $4 from Walmart. (Thank goodness for the Walmart $4 formulary, it is saving lives)

Anonymous said...

Kind of off topic, but

I've always thought TLC played a huge role in not only financing Kate's divorce, but also creating publicity to completely destroy Jon's life.

Now, for anyone who has followed it, look at the Sister Wives catfish. Well known and documented who this person is, and she has been blogging, selling "books", etc. denigrating the sister wives, yet TLC has done ZERO to stop her. It really makes me wonder if maybe they are paying that catfish woman to keep things up. Keep bloggin, keep selling. Because that keeps people interested.

I'm just so over TLC. I think they are horrible, unethical, gross, despicable, (pulling out my thesaurus).
That channel truly makes my skin crawl. They should call themselves TRLC - The Ruining Lives Channel.

Hoosier Girl

Layla said...

Thanks Tucker's Mom (58)! I know I'll be ordering a lot of those. But posting on social media...nope! This girl doesn't grift. I'll buy my own, thank you very much! Besides, I don't have Twitter or IG. Facebook is more than enough for me. Meanwhile, I'm struggling to keep from eating a second one today. I could really lose control with them!

Everyone please join me in mourning our beautiful DC cherry blossoms. The weather wiped them out, and I'm going to really miss them! We lived in Japan for a few years, and loved all the cherry blossoms there. We go to the festival every year in DC, but this year we won't have any. Very, very sad.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Hoosier Girl (#64), I agree with your awful feelings about TLC. They are a loathsome lot. If nothing else, they put the G kids in a Petri dish during their parents' contentious divorce, and profited off of their pain by turning it into show fodder. Deplorable.

Formerly Duped said...

Layla said... 57

Yes ! One of the things I missed most food-wise, lol, when I moved to the US from Canada. But we have World Market stores here and they sell them, too. Also they are available in the UK.And I alwsy ask my friends from both places to being me a stash of these chocolate bars as well as the 'real' Smarties when they visit me ;)

Layla said...

Formerly Duped (67)
I know, how is it possible that we don't have them here? They are so expensive to order, but I know that won't stop me now that I've tried them. We also love the real Smarties. We exchange goodie boxes with family in the UK, which is such fun! We videotape ourselves tasting each thing and then share the videos. So far we hate anything Marmite, and Twigs are revolting, but we like everything else--even prawn cocktail and pickled onion "crisps" (better than they sound). Our UK family hates Twizzlers, Tootsie Rolls, Butterfingers, and Hershey chocolate bars. They do like the Hershey's cookies and cream, though, and pop rocks are a huge hit with the little cousins. We all love trying new things.

Sad but true said...

She's never once spoken of any of her children like this. It's really almost nauseating. (It's #NookiePookie, in case you hadn't guessed.)

kateplusmy8 It's SO hard being a dog, playing in snow nearly up to my neck! So doggone tired! #Zzzzzz #Nanuq #AlmostElevenMonthsOld #Adored

Beth said...

If you're poor ... Stay poor. No phone? No job. ~ Administrator said...

If you're poor ... Stay poor. No phone? No job.


Sigh. Why the hyperbole and straw man??? That is NOT what was said by anyone. What was said is an iPhone is a very expensive choice for a phone when one is complaining about affording other things. A very good, economical flip phone that will connect every time can be had for pennies on the dollar or one could have take advantage of the 20 million free flip phones obama handed out. NOBODY said people should forgo phones all together.

That being said, my last job offer came over email and then in person. I never used the phone. A phone is not a requirement to get a job. But for safety reasons alone it's a good idea to have a phone. You never know when you might need to phone for help or even worse call 911.

It's a shame when the only way to defeat good points is for the left to straw man. It's all they do. Why not argue the actual points, and not points that were never even close to being made?? Is it because there really isn't a good counter to the original point? One wonders.

PA Dutch Mom said...

I'm just so over TLC. I think they are horrible, unethical, gross, despicable, (pulling out my thesaurus).


My 600-pound life is very good, quite interesting and informative as viewers watch the plight of these people as they struggle with the challenges of being overweight. Dr. Now is a hoot. On last night's episode, James gained another 100 pounds. Of course, his girlfriend (also obese) was his enabler, serving him eggs, sausage, biscuits and gravy for breakfast and bringing home super size combo meals from fast food places.

That's the only show I watch on TLC. They got that one right. It's a decent documentary.

Nicky said...

Yes, Coffee Crisp and Smarties (better than M&M's!) are awesome, but when I'm in the US, I always grab a large stash of Red Vines!

Tucker's Mom said...

Sad but true said... 69
She's never once spoken of any of her children like this. It's really almost nauseating. (It's #NookiePookie, in case you hadn't guessed.)
It is nauseating. Where was her son on that cold night in which she kvelled over giving her dog warm digs in the inner sanctum?

I have to wonder if Kate even has custody of Collin anymore. Or, where could a mother send a child for an entire year, where he's completely cut off from home and family?
What people or place would agree to this treatment of a child? What people or place would or could take a child from their home indefinitely?

Where are the authorities?

This family is so FUBAR that it boggles my mind TLC still can sell them and people don't get any pings on their human decency radar.
No one else out there, beyond this blog, wonders where the hell a 11, now 12, soon to be 13-year old child is if he's indeed not at home with his mother and siblings?

What is WRONG with people that they just stay silent, are dismissive, or blissfully ignorant of the plight of this child who's been on their tvs for a decade??

This is seriously getting a Jimmy Hoffa vibe.

Tucker's Mom said...

Layla said... 68
That is so much fun!
What is prawn cocktail?
It is like the shrimp cocktail of tiny shrimp in cocktail sauce in a jar?

Just wondering-I used to devour that as a child.

I wish I could get Garibaldis. I think Amazon sells something similar. ~ Administrator said...

People with mental disorders can sometimes relate better to animals especially dogs. The thing is I don't think she really relate to dogs either. She talks a big game but at the end of the day is not a dog lover.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#74), it's maddening, isn't it?
TFW's #AlmostElevenMonthsOld hashtag instantly reminded me that poor, sweet C is #AlmostElevenMonthsGone.

TFW's sticky sweet Norman Rockwell hearth and home fantasy continues, while that dear child seems to have vanished from memory.
She is a horrible mother.

capecodmama said...

We got a World Market recently here on the Cape and their food section is awesome. My husband and I are fans of McVities milk chocolate topped biscuits which we became fans of when we lived in Scotland. I'm definitely going to try the coffee crisp bars.

localyocul said...

PA Dutch Mom said... 72

I'm just so over TLC. I think they are horrible, unethical, gross, despicable, (pulling out my thesaurus).


My 600-pound life is very good, quite interesting and informative as viewers watch the plight of these people as they struggle with the challenges of being overweight. Dr. Now is a hoot. On last night's episode, James gained another 100 pounds. Of course, his girlfriend (also obese) was his enabler, serving him eggs, sausage, biscuits and gravy for breakfast and bringing home super size combo meals from fast food places.

That's the only show I watch on TLC. They got that one right. It's a decent documentary.


I watch that one too, and Who Do You Think You Are?

NJGal51 said...

People with mental disorders can sometimes relate better to animals especially dogs. The thing is I don't think she really relate to dogs either. She talks a big game but at the end of the day is not a dog lover.
She's a dog lover for pictures/TV or until the dog chews up her leather couch, chews on Mr. Deck or chews up anything else that dogs chew on just because it's there. I really don't think the dogs have as much freedom in the house as she'd like us to believe because we've never heard about any typical (naughty) puppy behavior. Her puppies (especially NookiePookie) seem to be the second coming and I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they walk on water. My bulldog is the same age and although he has tons of toys he will chew on something if it happens to catch his eye. I now put my leather purses out of his reach and when he goes into stealth mode he can walk right by you with a shoe in his mouth and you never know until you go to see why he's being so quiet. He also likes to dig outside when given the chance. I'm surprised that those puppies aren't digging up her yard.

Layla said...

Tucker's Mom (75)
Yes, the prawn cocktail are flavored like shrimp cocktail. It tastes more like cocktail sauce, but it's a subtle flavor, not overpowering, so it's not bad. The time we got a big box of crisps we all marveled at the flavors. There was roast chicken (okay) and T-bone steak (they really taste like steak!) flavored, too. I love how adventurous the Brits are when it comes to inventing new flavors.

Nicky (73),
Our UK family is okay with red vines, too. It's Twizzlers they hate--in fact, they spit them out! They called them "strawberry flavored plastic". They aren't big fans of all of our peanut butter things, and none of them can understand Americans' love of peanuts/ peanut butter. Fair enough, since we can't fathom their love of Marmite.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Has MaxieWaxie gotten any camera time this week? Haven't heard TFW mention him.

TLC stinks said...

What is up with her and this particular dog? Playing favorites for who stays in the house, apparently. This dog gets more attention than her babies ever did. Geez, enough of the sleeping dog pictures! Does she ever post one of her playing with the dog??? Nope.

Tucker's Mom said...

I now put my leather purses out of his reach and when he goes into stealth mode he can walk right by you with a shoe in his mouth and you never know until you go to see why he's being so quiet.
Yes, total silence is something that can scare the bejeezus out of me.
"What are they up to?!"

I haven't been in World Market in forever. I know where I'm dragging DH to tomorrow!

Tucker's Mom said...

My concern for Kate's dogs is that she's bitten off more than she can handle wit 3 dogs.
It's A LOT of work much of the time. Then, add aging, large dogs with all the fun that comes with their illnesses and infirmities, and it's expensive as well as very time consuming.
Plus, her dogs' lifespans will surpass when those kids turn 18. No way is Kate going to handle a goldfish without help.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#85), and that's why I predicted that Mak's head will be next on the chopping block. No way she has the love, patience and knowledge to effectively handle 3 full-grown shepherds without a ton of help.

TLC stinks said...

I agree. Three grown German Shepherds are a lot to handle. Right now, she's got the tups managing them, but once those kids are gone, so will be the dogs. She is not a dog person!!! She cannot fake it with real animal lovers.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 86
Tucker's Mom (#85), and that's why I predicted that Mak's head will be next on the chopping block. No way she has the love, patience and knowledge to effectively handle 3 full-grown shepherds without a ton of help.
I think Kate lets the dogs do their own thing and blow off steam with unstructured outdoor time.
It's a bit risky to leave dogs unattended all day, where they're free to roam and tangle with wild life, other dogs and vehicles.

jamesvader1194 said...

@Tucker's mom (74) I don't think Kate lost custody with Collin,personally,there is something thats not adding up with this whole thing if Collin is still at wherever he is,unless like i said,Kate is playing games with Collin and hes home but Kate doesn't want people to know.@TLC stinks Well this is the same woman who said human boys were icky so i guess the same rule applies to male dogs.

capecodmama said...

I'm watching Will & Grace on WeTV and a commercial came on for Marriage Bootcamp - Family Edition and Kate's friend Kendra will be on with her estranged mom. Also, Teen Mom Farrah Abraham and her parents. Yikes!

NJGal51 said...

I think Kate lets the dogs do their own thing and blow off steam with unstructured outdoor time.
It's a bit risky to leave dogs unattended all day, where they're free to roam and tangle with wild life, other dogs and vehicles.
I agree with this Tucker's Mom. I think that there's an electric fence and they wear the collar that shocks them if they try to cross it. I'm glad that she had NookiePookie spayed. I hope that she had Mak neutered because she doesn't need two intact males on the grounds because that can lead to major problems if they fight for the alpha spot. They don't know or care that they are father and son.

Kelsey O. said...

Kate should be on Marriage Boot camp- Family Edition with her parents & siblings, and a long list of others!

Layla said...

capecodmama (78),
Have you tried Cadbury Wispa cookies? Those are delicious too. I think the reason I love sweets from other countries so much is because most of the time their chocolate is so much better than ours. Hersheys just can't compare.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Kelsey O. (#92), I don't think the Marriage Boot Camp facility would have enough room for all the people TFW alienated!

That just reminded me of the classic movie, "Airplane!" A woman is having a panic attack, so one of the passengers shakes her and smacks her, and then the pilot does the same, and then the nun, and we see a long line of people waiting their turn with an assortment of weapons!

capecodmama said...

Layla (93)...No I haven't but I'll try and find them as well. Cadbury Creme Eggs were a favorite in Scotland as well.

ncgirl said...

Josh and Anna Duggar are expecting their fifth child, a boy. This was bound to happen after the molestation news died down. ~ Administrator said...

Josh and Anna Duggar are expecting their fifth child, a boy. This was bound to happen after the molestation news died down.


He has an illness that can't be cured. Her children are at grave risk if left alone with him. If they end up molested, not only will he lose custody but she very well will too. Is that the gamble she wants to take?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

ncgirl (#96), let's see if Josh (read: pimp daddy Jim Bob) is able to score a People magazine cover, with some sort of redemption quote: "I'm A Changed Man,"
"I Prayed For Forgiveness," or "I've
Been Blessed Beyond Measure." And
I won't be a bit surprised if he's back on
the show again. ~ Administrator said...

I want to know if that man ever received therapy from a licensed therapist specializing in treating sexual abuse perpetrators. The courts are going to want to know when deciding whether to take his kids away. Bueller???

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Well, People just printed something about the pregnancy. Testing the waters for yet another
"Baby Joy!" cover, are they?

Layla said...

capecodmama (95)
We have family in Scotland! They live in Greenock. We are going to visit in summer 2018. Can't wait! Make sure you get the Wispa cookies (biscuits). I don't particularly care for the Wispa candy bars but the cookies are delicious.

The news about Josh and Anna expecting makes me ill. I can't imagine how she could let him touch her after what he's done. He's just...slimy. Ugh! She must have very low self-esteem.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

ncgirl said... 96
Josh and Anna Duggar are expecting their fifth child, a boy. This was bound to happen after the molestation news died down.


Ugh. How could she even "do it" with him, knowing where it's been?

To allow him to be around his children is just insane. They both are nuttier than a Christmas fruitcake.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

The news about Josh and Anna expecting makes me ill. I can't imagine how she could let him touch her after what he's done. He's just...slimy. Ugh! She must have very low self-esteem.


I just posted the same thing. She must really be hard up.

Why would he need professional therapy when painting basement walls and doing renovations is a cure for what ails him? ~ Administrator said...

I wonder how his victims feel to watch him continue to have kids. I'm thinking some of them might feel uncomfortable about it and scared for his children. If only subconsciously. Serious question, is there nothing this cult will divorce their husbands over?

Sad but true said... ~ Administrator said... 104

I honestly think that, on Big Daddy's orders, they have suppressed anything and everything they may have felt about the incidents with Josh. The bottom line is, The Money. Without the TLC gravy train, this family would quickly fall into obscurity again, and I doubt JimBoob's financial "acumen" would take them all through the next decade in the style to which they have become accustomed. Without the TLC money, this house of cards will fall. So everyone who might have an objection sucks it up because, ya know, there might not be enough in the bank to take everyone to Chick Fil'a if they don't. So spaketh the Boob.

If TLC keeps filming, their express intent to keep Josh out of it will go by the wayside. I hope their sponsors are keeping a close eye on what's happening.

Formerly Duped said...

The world seems so mixed up right now. I need a Coffee Crisp..or a single Smartie?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Wow, the People announcement is awfully sanitized: "Josh had been accused of inappropriately touching five underage girls as a teen." Neglects the crucial detail that 4 of them were his SISTERS, and one was only FIVE years old. And that this was repeated behavior -- not some on-off curious moment.

But what do facts matter to People, when they are already rubbing your hands together at the prospect of more Duggar covers filling their coffers? That Josh and Anna cover is coming. Wait for it.

Dmasy said...

I ordered Coffee Crisp from Amazon. I had to know what you ladies were talking about! I will much them while reading a book or watching a television program that was also recommended here.

Dmasy said...

Flimsy (107), I find it interesting that People magazine would say "...Josh had been accused of..."

I believe those "accusations" were confirmed and admitted to. They certainly did their best to put the halo back on a Dugger head.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Dmasy (#108), my curiosity is also piqued by all the candy talk! Luckily, I live about 2 miles from a World Market, so hopefully they'll have some of these legendary Coffee Crisps. Anything that combines coffee and chocolate gets my seal of approval!

jolie Jacquelyn said...

You ladies are a bad influence on me. I live in Canada and can buy Coffee Crisp bars anytime I want to - but I don't. Now you've got me adding them to my grocery list!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Dmasy (#109), the article also claimed
Josh went through rehab. But it was an entirely faith-based program, without licensed mental health experts or addiction specialists. Sigh.

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 107
Wow, the People announcement is awfully sanitized: "Josh had been accused of inappropriately touching five underage girls as a teen." Neglects the crucial detail that 4 of them were his SISTERS, and one was only FIVE years old. And that this was repeated behavior -- not some on-off curious moment.
People is beholden to Discovery, and they're all in bed together.
It blows my mind what TLC will cut loose, and what detritus they hold onto.
It goes to show you what a religious patina will allow you to get away with in America.

Tucker's Mom said...

Dmasy said... 108
I ordered Coffee Crisp from Amazon
We were out but turned back home before we got to World Market. I think after I finish prepping dinner, maybe I'll get a second wind and go to WM to check and see if they carry it.
And, maybe pick up some wine ;-)
(that's one thing I don't miss in PA!!!)

Tucker's Mom said...

That Josh and Anna cover is coming. Wait for it.
And it will look something like this:

Ah, there's nothing like a repentant sinner and his 'come to Jesus' theatrics.

Sad but true said...

kateplusmy8 Just a dark lazy Saturday afternoon here.... ❤❤#Hannah #Mak #Family #Love

Actually, we have no idea whether this photo was taken today, but you must have a reason for trying to sell that, K8. She's as mendacious in her social-media posts as she is everyplace else. I wonder if she got H's permission to post this.

Girl From Up North said...

I just want to offer my observations on the health care discussions, although I am a bit late to the party.

I am in Canada - yes I pay for my health care through taxes and it is not cheap or "free". I do however, have the comfort of never having to make a decision about what care I get or can't afford. I can do the preventative things available to avoid chronic illness because the care is covered. I have a good general practitioner whose judgement I trust - I am lucky as there IS a shortage of GPs in some geographic areas. If I need something checked out, it is done.

As for wait times, yup sometimes they are long - I just waited a year and a half for a routine colonoscopy, which is not normal. Did I panic? No - it was routine - if I had said I was having some problems it would have been within a couple of weeks or sooner. That is the good thing - fast care when needed. And yes, if I was super concerned I would likely avail myself of the private clinics or even go to the USA for a test if I could afford it. But that is something that would rarely be necessary. I like the idea that if I need urgent care I get it, so I am willing to wait for non-urgent care in favour of those who are more in need.

I am not super clear on the history but it seems that universal health care really took off here around the 1950s in various forms. There were not health insurance companies to move "away" from. There is the difference - it is one thing to set up some kind of universal system when there is no existing industry but quite another to end an industry in favour of single-payer universal care. I really feel for the people of the USA who are in a very complicated situation.

Sad but true said...

Hashtag-itis has overtaken her again. Wonder who had to take the photo.

kateplusmy8 And then this happens when Mak wants to sit on the chair that I'm sitting on...I don't sit down very often so he sat with me when he got his chance! #Mak #KingShepherd #ElevenMonthsTomorrow #ShokasSon #NanuqsBrother

Wonder what's happened to Doofus. No comments on the last three photos. That's a record.

Tucker's Mom said...

" Shannon and her fellow reality TV diva of "#Kate Plus 8." WEtv promises on "From Not to Hot" that Mama June is now a size 4 after weighing 460 pounds. Her makeover includes breast implant, tummy tuck, and skin removal surgeries, and folks swear she looks just like Gosselin."


You know this has to make Kate's head explode ;-)

Layla said...

Dmasy (108) you will love them! They're kind of like KitKats with better chocolate and with coffee flavor. It's a nice, subtle coffee flavor that hits you so that it's somewhere between a taste and a scent. You'll know what I'm talking about when you try them. So good.

Fleecing (103),
Sorry to repeat what you said but I don't think there's enough words in the English language to express the revulsion I feel toward that creep. They all smile and act like what he did is not a big deal, but it is, especially since he has two small daughters. One of them is about the same age as the youngest girl he molested. Anna is just as bad as he is for the fact that she brought him back into the home with those children. It's not just a matter of forgiving Josh, she also put him before her little girls' well-being. How can she live with herself?

Dmasy said...

I guess it is official. Under the Veranda snacks will have to include Coffee Crisps. We ladies have such refined taste. Especially for women who wear Crocs and pearls simultaneously.

Formerly Duped said...

Dmasy and all others: Try eating Coffee Crisps in layers as you nibble ! "CC makes a nice light snack" was the TV jingle from my younger days. Don't think they are light in calories but they are light in texture, if that makes sense- there is a wafer-type interior. Yum. Definitely I agree they should be partaken of under the veranda ! WM usually has them.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#118), how are her french tips not struck by "lightening" (TFW's spelling) when she types those words: "I don't sit down very often." Wait, maybe it's true -- she's probably usually lying down. Or just plain lying...

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#119), TFW must also be fuming that the article says, "Gosselin underwent a breast implant procedure."
And then goes on to list all the other body work we've always suspected she had. Bwahahaha! Remember, TFW -- you made your life our business.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

So the puppies were born in April? Was C already gone by then?

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 123
Sad but true (#118), how are her french tips not struck by "lightening" (TFW's spelling) when she types those words: "I don't sit down very often." Wait, maybe it's true -- she's probably usually lying down. Or just plain lying...
I don't think she sits down in the family area often. In her room, yes.

Sad but true said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 125
So the puppies were born in April? Was C already gone by then?

Yes, April birth date. And then she had them home at 8 weeks, so mid-June. My guess is Collin was gone by then since the b'day party would have been filmed before that date (were the puppies in the b'day episode?).

And Doofus has resurfaced to pour her special brand of gushing gooey treacle all over her lil K8y-did.

miloandjack2016 And as HE #Mak looked into her eyes....LOL. Your #Furbaby clearly took advantage of your sit down to get some #HumanLovin' from his pack leader! ❤ Surprised #Shoka & especially #Princess Nanuq didn't jump up there as well? I know they want their share of one on one from you. No issues of jealousy there? @kateplusmy8.
cmurray_479Do the dogs fight or do they get along together!❤️❤️

miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 I have had sibling pups.. 2 girls...2 boys...and a boy/girl combo over the yrs. & NEVER had any serious issues! I know dogs are pack animals..they hate being ALONE! Always best 2 get two or MORE...😋...if you can!! @kateplusmy8

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

"Josh had been accused of inappropriately touching five underage girls as a teen."


I need go go to the eye doc for my annual vision exam. I read this as "live" underage girls, and thought, well, it's preferable to dead underage girls. Sheesh.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

I guess it is official. Under the Veranda snacks will have to include Coffee Crisps. We ladies have such refined taste. Especially for women who wear Crocs and pearls simultaneously.


And muumuus!

NJGal51 said...

RIP Chuck Berry. He was a legend.

Layla said...

Oh boy, between all of us we can create a market for CC bars here in the US and they'll have to start selling them here! I find that you get the best hit of coffee flavor with the first bite, so I take a bite, wait for awhile, and then go back and take another. That way each bite is like the first and you get the most out of the flavors. I called Carole (Canadian friend) and told her she started a trend here. She was amused. She came to visit a few weeks ago and was surprised she couldn't find them here when she had a craving. And she was shocked when I told her I had no idea what they were. Now I'm hooked!

TLC stinks said...

Shannon had bariatric surgery in 2015 to jump-start weight loss. Along with a gastric bypass, her makeover included straightened platinum blonde hair, dental work, and extensive plastic surgery. With a thinner face, better teeth, and styled hair, YouTube commenters have noted her resemblance to Kate Gosselin. Lauryn "Pumpkin" Shannon also dished that her mom got a boob job from bra size 36 to 44. Gosselin underwent a breast implant procedure, and both women had a tummy tuck. On the most recent "From Not to Hot" episode, doctors said they would begin with breasts and stomach and move on to skin removal surgery and a face lift. June's likely had liposuction, cool sculpting, and Botox, which Gosselin has undergone as well.


Blasting News gets it right. Mama June and Kate must use the same plastic surgeon, LOL!

Kelsey O. said...

I've seen comments on Facebook that people think Mama June now looks like Kate! She must be thrilled about that! Lol!

GollyGee said...

omg still makes me cry! Her little voice and pronunciation! I still talk like that to her 😥!

Is she talking about Hannah and aldergator? Why would you still talk to your daughter like a baby? She still throws it out there to the sheep masses that the tups "haven't aged progressed" in years!

This was on her twitter. She has not tweeted in over 2 months.

GollyGee said...

Dmasy said... 109
Flimsy (107), I find it interesting that People magazine would say "...Josh had been accused of..."

I believe those "accusations" were confirmed and admitted to. They certainly did their best to put the halo back on a Dugger head.


Not only were they confirmed, Jim Bob and Michelle allowed Megan Kelly into their home to talk about it. Still upset that MK didn't ask JB a follow up question when he said that they told the girls that many families in this situation have it much worse! As a journalist, WHY would you let that SLIDE BY like a unwanted plate of escargot?

GollyGee said...

Dmasy said... 108
I ordered Coffee Crisp from Amazon. I had to know what you ladies were talking about! I will much them while reading a book or watching a television program that was also recommended here.


Dmasy, I just want to congratulate you purchasing your own Coffee Crisps, on your own and not going on twitter or Instagram and posting the link to the product and proclaiming how good they are, how you and your children, MISS HAVING SUCH A RARE TREAT!


GollyGee said...

Sad but true said... 105 ~ Administrator said... 104

I honestly think that, on Big Daddy's orders, they have suppressed anything and everything they may have felt about the incidents with Josh. The bottom line is, The Money. Without the TLC gravy train, this family would quickly fall into obscurity again, and I doubt JimBoob's financial "acumen" would take them all through the next decade in the style to which they have become accustomed. Without the TLC money, this house of cards will fall.


Jim Bob has turned money and TLC into huge idols, that is getting out of control. Instead of doing the right thing with Josh, his daughters, he chose the idols.

To poo poo the molestion of his daughters and the babysitter as just touching their clothes is heartbreaking. It was more that that!

And for Anna to allow Josh back in the home and now going to have the baby to save our marriage baby, is very sad. That innocent child. Anna could lose all her children over this man if he slips up with the children. And then they will be going into foster care, possibly split up.

They won't be going to Granddaddy and Grandmommys house either because what would stop Anna or Josh if they happened to just stop by? JB would definitely bail him out of jail. ~ Administrator said...

Dmasy said... 109
Flimsy (107), I find it interesting that People magazine would say "...Josh had been accused of..."

I believe those "accusations" were confirmed and admitted to. They certainly did their best to put the halo back on a Dugger head.


The family gave an interview admitting it! I think we're way passed the "accused of" stage. Failing to mention it was his siblings, calling it "inappropriate touching" like it was just a few slaps on the butt, and saying he was merely accused of it. Typical People.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#137), I think the Duggar girls (under Pa Duggar's careful coaching) were downplaying the molestation as much as possible because that dangling carrot of more TV shows was within their grasp. They casually described Josh's actions as "sly" -- like he'd merely snuck some extra cookies away when no one was looking. And some of us marveled at the time that the girls claimed with certainty that the touching was all under the clothes, and yet NO ONE remembered that it had happened. That interview was the family's Hail Mary pass, and, son of a gun, it worked. The gravy train is still on the tracks, and none
of them has been forced to get actual employment to support their ever-expanding broods.

Turn out the lights said...

People magazine is a media rag for TLC. They are hoping the public has a short memory regarding Josh molesting his sisters. Now it's ' he was accused of blah blah with (whoever they said but NOT the sisters).
It's a way to re-write history and get Josh and Jim Bob (and their wives) back in front of the camera.

Anonymous said...

miloandjack2016@kateplusmy8 I have had sibling pups.. 2 girls...2 boys...and a boy/girl combo over the yrs. & NEVER had any serious issues! I know dogs are pack animals..they hate being ALONE! Always best 2 get two or MORE...��...if you can!! @kateplusmy8
Milo is in her 40s-50s and has owned 8 pups/dogs (by way of 3 pairs of siblings and the two she has now)?
A dog's average lifespan is 8-10 years for big dogs, 10-13 years for medium to small dogs.
Is she surrendering them or did they die early and she adopted two more the day after?
Or lying through her teeth to play up to Miss Katie?
That's a lot of dogs unless you are a dog sledder in Alaska or have a hoarding problem.
Reputable breeders and trainers recommend one puppy at a time, so you have the time to properly bond, socialize, and train.
Hoosier Girl

Anonymous said...

I watched the Leah Remini show about Scientology. I'd really never heard of it, and found it so interesting that I started searching for more information.

I happened upon the YouTube channel of Chris Shelton. He's not only done interviews with former Scientologists, he also has an interview with a former Quiverful member, and others.

I was shocked at how alike some of the dogma and principles were across these "religions", and how common abuse (adult and child - physical and sexual) were among these cult "religions".

It did make me think about the commonalities with my mainstream religion though, Catholicism. The abuse scandals, cover ups, and always asking for money.

I guess the difference between what I consider a "cult" and my religion, is that I don't feel trapped. I am allowed to associate with people outside my religion and can leave it at any time. Catholicism isn't promising anything other than hope. I do see where my dollars do a lot of good.

But it's really brought up some very thought provoking things.

Anyway, some very interesting interviews on his YouTube if you find yourself with nothing better to do.

Dmasy said...

My Coffee Crisps arrived. I already eaten one! No one exaggerated. A subtle blend of flavors with a crispy light texture. I know what I will be having for breakfast tomorrow morning!

Tucker's Mom said...

Always best 2 get two or MORE...��...if you can!! @kateplusmy8
Absolute rubbish. In fact often times the last thing you should do is get your dog another dog.
Dogs are pack animals, yes, but unless they're sled dogs or living amongst the charges they protect, they bond with humans.
Humans are their pack, which is why we've always implored Kate to let her dogs live in the house among the kids.
Some dogs do best being an only dog, and that's a fact.
Milo always needs to be so damn obsequious when it comes to Kate and narrate Kate's life to make everything she does seem so brilliant.
I've always thought the only reason Kate took the female pup was because Nanuq is so unique that she said, "MINE"!!!!!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#143), and ol' suck-up Gladys seems to have forgotten that TFW did, indeed, start out with 2 puppies, Shoka and Nala, and then claimed it was too much for her and gave Nala away, never to return.

Speaking of giving living things away...I wonder how C is doing. I hope and pray he is getting whatever help he needs, and that he is being treated with kindness, respect
and compassion. None of which seemed to have been provided by his gestational carrier. ~ Administrator said...

The danger of two or more dogs is that lazy dog owners use that as an excuse not to exercise with them or socialize them. They're playing with each other so, they think, that's enough.

Well no, that's not going to cut it. And you will have poorly behaved dogs for it.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Milo is in her 40s-50s and has owned 8 pups/dogs (by way of 3 pairs of siblings and the two she has now)?


She's in her mid 50s. Maybe she means since she was a child. It's possible.

JM said...

"I've always thought the only reason Kate took the female pup was because Nanuq is so unique that she said, "MINE"!!!!!"

Oh yes, I've always thought this! Either that or she was told/recommended to get her own therapy dog 😀

Tucker's Mom said...

Speaking of giving living things away...I wonder how C is doing. I hope and pray he is getting whatever help he needs, and that he is being treated with kindness, respect
and compassion. None of which seemed to have been provided by his gestational carrier.
I hope Colin is getting along as best he can given his circumstances, but "help", I don't know.
When I think of sending a child somewhere to get help, I sure as hell don't envision the child being removed from the home for an entire year.
Whatever program would that be?
No, I think the very thing that we nervously joked about for years has come to fruition.

Layla said...

Dmasy, glad you liked them! I shared one with my sister-in-law today and she immediately went on Amazon to order some for herself. Hers are on back order! I think we started a trend here. And I see no problem with eating them for breakfast.

JustMissy said...

Okay, all this Coffee Crisp talk made me go to WM today. They are delicious and could be addicting. This blog is going to make me gain weight!

NJGal51 said...

OK everyone, I ordered my coffee crisps today from Amazon and they should be here Tuesday.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

It amuses me to think of the people who call us bitter, black-hearted busybodies, stopping by to read at this cesspool of hate, only to find us talking about candy bars. Yeah, we're bad to the bone.

Dmasy said...

My breakfast plans for a Coffee Crisp changed. Yesterday, hubby hung a very heavy mirror for a neighbor She baked him Lemon Loaf Tea Bread to say thank you.

I think you can understand why I changed the menu.

Now, off to a Monday morning workout!

Layla said...

Understood. I love lemon bread. Have you tried Ina Garten's lemon cake (baked in a loaf pan) recipe? Oh my, it is heavenly. DH bakes it for my birthday each year, plus a chocolate cake because I love both. He's a sweetie. And guess what day it is today??? Thank goodness we have an exercise room in our house or I'd be in trouble. I always remember the first day of spring because it's my birthday. So, happy first day of spring, everyone! My mother likes to remind me that I was born on my due date, and that's the only time I have ever been on time for anything. And she is absolutely right.

Flimsyflamsy (152)
If it's true that "you are what you eat", then I'd say we're a pretty sweet group!

Tucker's Mom said...

Dmasy said... 153
My breakfast plans for a Coffee Crisp changed. Yesterday, hubby hung a very heavy mirror for a neighbor She baked him Lemon Loaf Tea Bread to say thank you.

I think you can understand why I changed the menu.

Now, off to a Monday morning workout!

That sounds delicious!
I have tea biscuits in the freezer- must defrost soon!

Tucker's Mom said...

Dmasy said... 153
My breakfast plans for a Coffee Crisp changed. Yesterday, hubby hung a very heavy mirror for a neighbor She baked him Lemon Loaf Tea Bread to say thank you.

I think you can understand why I changed the menu.

Now, off to a Monday morning workout!

Happy Birthday! How lovely it falls upon such a happy occasion as the vernal equinox.

Sad but true said...

I think that photo of H posted on Saturday was intended to show everyone that (1) kids were with Kate; (2) see, they're not working every weekend that they're home; and (3) look how bored she is, which is why everyone loves filming!

And of course the photo of K8 was put out there to show just how much she loves her dogs---yes, even the male ones; and to garner as many "oh K8 you're so beautiful" remarks as possible. Of course, since none of her photos has ever exceeded 10K likes, one has to assume that the majority of her 123K followers don't feel that way.

In K8's case, constant repetition is the sincerest form of deception.

Dmasy said...

Layla, Happy Birthday to you.
Thanks, Tucker's Mom. I know that you meant that wish to go to Layla. I will collect my birthday wishes in September.

Layla said...

Sadbuttrue (157)
I wish there were a few "Oh, Kate, you're so beautiful--you look just like Mama June" comments. Wouldn't that be fun! And, judging by popular opinion, very true.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sad but true (#157), yep, you've got TFW's number. Nothing is ever innocently sent. She is always steering a narrative.

Layla, happiest of birthdays to you! And I'm pretty sure birthday cake is not meant to be exercised off. Everyone knows it only contains hard-earned and well-deserved calories. And you don't want to hurt hubby's feelings by working them off, do ya?;)

GollyGee said...

Happy Birthday, Layla! Hope you have a great day.

Formerly Duped said...

Happy Birthday, Layla ! I always enjoy your posts and OT's. :)

jolie Jacquelyn said...

Now there is a Macchiato Coffee Crisp bar to be on the lookout for, if you like caramel. I've resisted the temptation so far - but not for much longer....

Kelsey O. said...

Happy Birthday Layla!

Sad but true said...

Happy Birthday, Layla! And who's luckier than you, two cakes! Hope you have a terrific day.

Layla said...

Thank you for the birthday wishes, everyone! DH banned me from the kitchen, but I smell chocolate and lemon, and there's some cussing going on in there (he is incapable of using the oven without burning himself). And I spotted my favorite ice cream (Baskin-Robbins gold medal ribbon) in the freezer, so it's going to be a great one! Exercise can wait until tomorrow.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Speaking of birthdays, I wonder if TFW will post her kids' personal cards to her, so we'll know how much they looooove her. Gotta keep up that Bestest Mommy Ever narrative, especially while one of her kids has been MIA for almost a year.

Layla said...

jolie Jacqueline (163)
Macchiato? I need to try that one, too. So many yummy new things to try out. I'll be spending a lot of time on my elliptical in the near future.

Lanc Native said...

I stopped at Ollies tonight and bought a box of Heavenly Crisp (Nestle) bars. Oh, my, gosh, they are good!

Layla said...

Lanc Native,

Are those the Skinny Cow ones? I haven't tried those, but I may need to give them a try! ~ Administrator said...

The Mommy Dearest episode of Bette and Joan was strangely heartbreaking. They tackled the nuisances of narcissistic and cruel mothers. They made the case that on some level both women knew they were pathetic mothers but didn't know how to fix it. Joan attempted to fill what was missing by adopting more kids to disappointing results. Well done.

Dmasy said...

Admin, I have soaked up every episode of "The Feud". Last night, they exposed the sensitive and introspective side of each woman. And, their loneliness. Bette and Joan were capable of tenderness. I think they marketed their image as "bad broads".

I laughed out loud when Joan dropped the body weights on the floor.

Dmasy said...

Mistake alert. "The Feud" was not last night. It airs on Sunday. (FX Channel) I just watched my recording last night. ~ Administrator said...

. Are you upset that poor people have refrigerators, too?


Are you, with a straight face, comparing the necessity of a refrigerator to the purely self serving want of a completely unnecessary iPhone? Wow. Just wow.

Straw man, straw man, straw man. Every darn time.

Layla said...

Admin (174)
Thank you for NOT posting those ridiculous rants. They're trying to get a reaction, of course, and unfortunately you have to be the one to deal with them. To your credit, you post just enough to make us laugh, so thank you for that!

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 171
The Mommy Dearest episode of Bette and Joan was strangely heartbreaking. They tackled the nuisances of narcissistic and cruel mothers. They made the case that on some level both women knew they were pathetic mothers but didn't know how to fix it. Joan attempted to fill what was missing by adopting more kids to disappointing results. Well done.
Excellent synopsis and I'd add that in Joan's case especially, she sought martyrdom, special recognition and a lifetime pass to complain about her life, through single motherhood.
I didn't realize that Joan tried to adopt another child later in life, again, to fill her own void and needs.
Sarandon and Lange need Globe nominations for Feud. They are BRILLIANT.

Tucker's Mom said...

Admin- I'm watacing Gorsuch's hearing and I can imagine that as a lawyer, he might give goosebumps.
Holy moly, I am so impressed and want to audit his classes and being a lawyer never really crossed my mind before!

Tucker's Mom said...

Well, fellow muumuus, I have joined the Coffee Crisps Club! I went to World Market, and btw, than you for getting me in there again!
It's been years, and I shop at the Home Goods and TJ Maxx right next door all the time.
I also got stroopwafels and other imported chocolate bars.
I've already warned the dogs that we're doubling up on the walks! ~ Administrator said...

The part where Bette called her institutionalized young daughter. And when BD overheard her mother insulting her. Wow.

And the bizarre love-hate rivalry between Bette and her own daughter BD. Reminded me a bit of Kate and Mady.

Lanc Native said...

Are those the Skinny Cow ones? I haven't tried those, but I may need to give them a try!


Yes, Layla. 18 bars in a box for $4.49. So good. I just ate one. Only one. So far.

Happy birthday!

I think we all know the identity of our resident troll, and yes, it's good for a laugh. Pathetic and sad, but funny nevertheless!

Tucker's Mom said...

Holy mocha heaven, Batman. Coffee Crisps are goooooood!

Tucker's Mom said...

And the bizarre love-hate rivalry between Bette and her own daughter BD. Reminded me a bit of Kate and Mady.
March 21, 2017 at 11:08 AM
Yes, both vain and competitive with other women, even if it's their own daughter.

JoyinVirginia said...

Layla, happy belated birthday!
Admin, the iPhone comment is to me a good example of tone deaf comments, a quick sound bite that sounds good "appealing to the base" as some PR person probably said, but avoids answering specific questions. And gives critics a sound bite to focus on. Kind of like saying "why should a single mother pay taxes to support programs" that don't affect them, something like that. When actually a single mother might benefit from Sesame Street on PBS, or free lunch at schools, or her grandmother gets meals on wheels, or maybe she got help from Legal Aid for some problem. (All of which are threatened with the current budget that eliminates discretionary funding). A sound bite is easier than explaining that localities will be expected to fill in the gaps left by removal of federal funding. (And of course the discretionary funding will be in the final budget, what representative wants his opponent to be able to say "you voted to take meals on wheels away from old poor people! "
Of course all of this is a distraction from the Russia connection that is deadly serious. Along with ethics concerns about business interests, which are not going to go away. And indebtedness to foreign governments.
Read Trump Revealed, fascinating well researched book.

JoyinVirginia said...

This is a fascinating article that is deserving of its own discussion thread and how it relates to tfmjg.
It's about diet and exercise guru Richard Simmons and trying to find a reason why he disappeared from public life.
Another OT, anyone else watching Dancing with the Stars? Mr T. is on this season! And Chris Kattan too, and last night he did a dance to "What is Love?" Complete with head bop!

JoyinVirginia said...

I've got extra time this afternoon, more OT. my beloved VCU Rams didn't make it past first round of NCAA BB tournament. then last night it was official, two year head coach Will Wade is going to LSU. All the fans were upset, but we got over it in about eighteen hours. As one commentator put it, "After hot stepping through the 5 stages of the grieving process in record time, VCU fans and alumni made it known who they wanted at the helm of VCU basketball" Mike Rhoads, former assistant to Shaka Smart, former coach of Randolph Macon BB, current coach at Rice University in Houston. I love the phrase "hot stepping thru the five stages of grieving in record time"!
NCAA has some fantastic games coming up!

Over And Out said...

Joy, what do you do in the off-season? Do you watch baseball games, or just suffer a really bad case of basketball withdrawal?

Regarding the mindless troll here. I wonder if she realizes that she is very entertaining, the blog jester, so to speak. It's mildly amusing, but does get kind of old after a while. How anyone could come up with such vacuous remarks is beyond me.

Over And Out said...

Admin- I'm watacing Gorsuch's hearing and I can imagine that as a lawyer, he might give goosebumps.


Watacing? Is that something that's done in private, or does one do it in the company of others?

Layla said...

Glad you all like the CC! We all like to share things we enjoy with one another, that's one of the things I really appreciate about the posters here.

Have any of you watched Big Little Lies on HBO? It has some risqué scenes, but very entertaining. The character Madeline is exactly how I imagine Mady being as an adult. Two more episodes, and every character is on the verge of some kind of explosion. Can't wait to see what happens!

Sheepless In Seattle said...

Isn't Gladys a teasin' and a pullin' Kate's leg about her birthday and de-aging and her rockin' bikini bod?

fade2black said...

Layla...188...Have any of you watched Big Little Lies on HBO?...
I have not seen the show yet, but enjoyed the book very much. Liane Moriarty is one of my recently discovered favorite authors. I'm usually disappointed by film versions of books, but I've heard very good things about this one so I've got it on my netflix queue.

JoyinVirginia said...

Over and Out, in the of season weer take in some baseball games, college and minor league. And by then it's warmer and days are longer so we go bicycle riding, go to the beach, and spend time gardening.
The dh and I are both VCU alums, tons of friends and relatives and neighbors are also VCU alum, and we get together to watch games, we talk about games in person and on Facebook, we follow former players who have pro careers, we obsess about strength of schedule and kenpom rankings, we calculate RPI rankings (ok it's just me that calculates RPI rankings, Ratings Percentage Index, based on a teams wins ands losses and who beat the teams that beat you and who lost to the teams you beat, it's complicated and fascinating), we speculate on ncaa seeds in the regions... come to my house during the season, have a seat, have a drink, let's watch this great game! The dd house and I are equally fans, my children tolerate us.

TLC stinks said...

Has anyone noticed that Kate never posts a photo of ALL three dogs together in the house? It's always a photo of ONE dog, never all three together. Kind of confirms in my mind these photos are staged and that Kate definitely favors the female. As a supposed dog lover, I would expect photos of all three dogs interacting and playing. All we ever see is a picture of a dog dozing or chilling with a tup, who are the dogs' caretakers, IMO. Kate occasionally appears with the female (IG photo op) but never playing with her.

GollyGee said...

Roh, roh!

In Touch is exclusively reporting that, on March 13, Josh Duggar was served legal papers in the Ashley Madison lawsuit with Matt McCarthy.

According to the legal documents exclusively obtained by In Touch, Josh, a used-car salesman, was served at his work in Siloam Springs, AR, by lawyers for the LA-based DJ and photographer who claims Josh stole his image and used it as his own on the cheating site.

MORE: Josh and Anna Duggar Expecting Baby No. 5 — See the Announcement

Matt is also arguing that Josh’s actions resulted in loss of work, harassment from the public, and prolonged pain and embarrassment.

Tucker's Mom said...

GollyGee said... 193
Roh, roh!

In Touch is exclusively reporting that, on March 13, Josh Duggar was served legal papers in the Ashley Madison lawsuit with Matt McCarthy.
Ha, good! I hope it puts the kabosh on any plans to get that pedo perv and his wife back on tv, as well as Boob.

Tucker's Mom said...

Have any of you watched Big Little Lies on HBO? It has some risqué scenes, but very entertaining. The character Madeline is exactly how I imagine Mady being as an adult. Two more episodes, and every character is on the verge of some kind of explosion. Can't wait to see what happens!
I am! I am loving it. The story telling is great and I'm enjoying the scenery.
Living along those cliffs, though... I don't know!
It's gorgeous though.
No spoilers, please! I haven't read the book.
DH and I are taking guesses as to what happened to whom.

GollyGee said...

So agree, Tucker's. I thought the same thing when I saw it.

Anna is so brainwashed with the Duggar propaganda that I am afraid that if Josh did something bad with his kids that she would still support and exhalt him. She would welcome him back home after a long prison stretch with open arms.

Layla said...

JoyinVirginia (184)
Chris Kattan dancing to "What is Love"? I have to see that! Night at the Roxbury! It's probably on YouTube.

No spoilers on Big Little Lies! I am dying to find out what happens, but I'm also loving the suspense. DH watched with me, and we are speculating about who might have done what, and why. The child-bullying thing is also a mystery. We don't think it's Ziggy, but then who? Makes for some spirited conversations. I'm surprised DH likes the show--he initially agreed to watch with me because it is set in Monterey, and we lived there for a couple years while he was in language school. Beautiful area.

Sad but true said...

GollyGee said... 193
Roh, roh!

In Touch is exclusively reporting that, on March 13, Josh Duggar was served legal papers in the Ashley Madison lawsuit with Matt McCarthy.

I really wonder about the merits of this case. The photos Josh used were posted online and probably not copyrighted or even watermarked. He wasn't using the guy's name, as far as we've heard. Can't Josh just argue that they were in the public domain, hence anyone could use them? It would be interesting if this went as far as a courtroom, but I doubt old Pa Duggar would take that risk. Nothing can be allowed to jeopardize all the TV courtships and pregnancies he's engineered for TLC, least of all disgraced #1 son. Settlement talks are probably already in progress. But boy would I love to see Josh take a big and highly public hit on this. ~ Administrator said...

I really wonder about the merits of this case. The photos Josh used were posted online and probably not copyrighted or even watermarked. He wasn't using the guy's name, as far as we've heard.


It's absolutely a case with merit. You cannot use someone else's photo and pass it off as your own self. Most states have a tort for this called things like misappropriation of likeness or just violation of privacy. Josh is dead on arrival, this is a suit and you cannot do that, period. And thank god too.

GollyGee said...

You are right, Admin. Josh stole that man's identity and used it fraudulently. I can understand a civil case against him, but why not a criminal case? He stole someone's identity and used it fraudulently.

Tucker's Mom said...

Legally, can *how* you use the misappropriated photo of another individual matter? I mean, Josh used the likeness of another man on a website known for married persons seeking to commit adultery.
That seems to increase the possible damages, yes?
What if someone recognized this guy's photo and thought he was cheating and looking for hookups under an assumed name?

Sad but true said...

Admin, thanks for the reply re Josh being sued for using the guy's photo. If you're sure the plaintiff has a case, then that's good to know. Like I said, though, I don't think the Duggar machine will ever let it get as far as a courtroom.

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